ut-rsc · 1 year
[NEW] This year, the RSC event is modded by an amazing team of 4 mods! Learn more about them here:
📕@sin-cognito @con-cognito: Cognito/Coggy, she/her and they/them, both artist and writer, and main host to the event. I'm a fandom madlad 💪 🔥, skeleton multishipper and kitties enthusiast. I've been told I was unreasonable 2 years ago to host the RSC event by myself, so now I return with a brand new team of mods, woot! 📕 ✨ Find me on Twitter @/sinncognito
📕@redtomatofan: Tomato, Red etc etc she/her, artist and an avid reader of all skeleship stories. I love Redbull, colour pink and I was infected with M(adlad) Virus by Patient Zero: Coggy. Super excited for this event! Find me on Twitter @/redtomatofan
📕@skele-shipper: I'm Skele/Skipper/Skel, your neighbourhood HYPE Bean uwu 💙 i love doggos and have the personality of one as well xD I'm SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS EVENT oh and i also LOVE PAPYRUS. AND I'M HERE TO WITNESS THE MADLADNESS THAT THIS EVENT HAS BROUGHT FORTH WITH THE INVOLVEMENT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL MOD TEAM Find me on Twitter @/skeleshipper
📕@soloshikigami: Call me Solo, proud multi-shipper, skele-peddler, and cat herder. Yep, I herd cats, which is why I'm here to keep an eye on Cog and Tom. Go forth, read, and have fun you guys, gals, and alternative pals! Find me on Twitter @/soloshikigami
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bukbot · 5 years
fyeahbabychicks: Collect it’s eggs for hatching chicken eggs earlier this month and still going strong.
skeleship: Drill to collect 99.99% of the moon“Nocturnal cyclops”“Crystal concubine”Pocked with personification the fossil virgin of the Basque people.
fyeahbabychicks: You collect any fresh eggs again!
skeleship: It's the chicken live.
fyeahbabychicks: Some questionable collect items, the pink ladies!
skeleship: Wild honey is a roo.
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I LOVE THIS CUTIIIEEE! I rushed the scarf a bit, but meh, I like it! I really wanna do a paint but I left my stuff at home.
Gamma: @g00pchii
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projectbot13 · 7 years
Why do you love 🐝?
These babies hat people to sing sin fly though this is a most.
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megalotrash · 7 years
What is your favorite rare pair?
Oo ima break this down into two sections:
Skele/skele pairs:
Honeyvenom, Edgelord supreme, Mapleblossom, Rottenjoke, papayaberry and classicberry (if you wanna make any of these into a 3 too i’m like djhfdkj)
other ut ships
Papby/papysansby, Sansxmuffet (idk the name damn), Papriel, Papdyne, Sansdyne and Asdyne/Goredyne (another i’m not sure on the name for) 
there are many more ships on the edge of what i’d consider rarepair i like too, but i tried to focus on ones there isn’t as much on (or ones i’m HELLA into)
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baka-monarch · 2 years
When I was 13 that's when I learned about fanfiction and wrote really fucked up stuff because I thought it made me cool, and before that I looked at the skeleships of Undertale including the nsfw stuff that wasn't okay nsfw stuff because I didn't know certain relationships were a problem at the time
We're all weirdos who don't understand the world around that age and do whatever we think makes us look cool- and unfortunately the internet feeds us this fucked up view of what's cool at the time which can have racism, homophobia, xenophobia, incest, and pedophilia
Is it horrible and bad? Yes. Do we feel bad about it and hate our past mistakes and try to move on from them? Also yes
Just because someone is more popular than you or seems like they're "supposed to be" a better person than you, doesn't mean they should be held to a higher standard than other people
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skelemira · 2 years
Ya know what? I'm gonna open up requests for a bit, I'm gonna be cleaning my apartment for most of the day but I've got the day off, I'm in the mood.
So yeah! Requests are open for Undertale, whether they be character headcanon, little drabbles, romantic, platonic, self insert, hit me up! Just know that I don't do skeleshipping (romantically, I am ALL for doing stuff about friendship rarepairs and stuff like that) or fontcest or sanscest/papscest things like that.
I will do pretty much any AU, but I'm not too familiar with many beyond the big ones.
And also I may end up (eventually) posting it on my AO3 if it's a drabble, I have a "fic" of sort on there with Tumblr requests, link for my AO3 down below!
(let me know if the link doesn't work for some reason, I'm doing it on mobile lol)
Edit: FORGOT TO MENTION I WOULD DO CHARACTERS OTHER THAN JUST SANS AND PAPS so yeah Grillby, Muffet, Toriel, etc I'll do them. I won't do any romantic Frisk or Chara or any children, but if you'd like just cute little headcanons or platonic drabble or something feel free to request!
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
*sits down and hands you a handful of confetti* Merry valentine's day, may I ask your favorite and least favorite skeleships? Platonic or otherwise,,, (If you dont ship could you talk about your favorite and least favorite characters? :0)
Ayyyyy, merry valentines day to you too, my dude X3
My favorite skeleton ships,, hmmmmmmm. There's a bunch, but the ones I can think of right off the top of my head are probably Cream/Dark Cream, OuterKiller, ErrInk, DeathGlitch, and AfterDeath, and I'm starting to get more into NightKiller, CrossMare, ErrorMare, SciFell, Horror/Axe x Lust (BloodLust? HorrorLust?? Idk man ^^") and Rust, too
Kustard, CrError, Kross, HorrorDust, RottenCrop, DustBerry, and CherryBerry are alright, but eh :P they're not really my thing though
The Star Sanses as really close friends is a thing I could get behind X3 I love the dynamics that a lot of people seem to picture the Bad Sanses having, too (y'know, Dadmare and his children, and then found family/close friends that'd fight for each other). Then I also really love the interactions between Sans Classic, Red, Blueberry, and Axe/Horror too. Watching Edge attempt to tolerate Stretch and Mutt is always amusing, as well
As for characters themselves that are my favorites, I'd gotta say Nightmare, Error, Cross, Bastard Baby Killer, Reaper, Fresh, Ink, Horror/Axe, Red, Blueberry, Lust, Sans Classic, Classic Papyrus, Stretch, Edge, Crooks, and Mutt (I realize that's a lot of characters to be considered my favorites, but whatcha gonna do about it XP)
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me-and-my-gaster · 5 years
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[COMMISSION] Autumn on a Swing
A commission piece for wonderful @messedupessy - my kinda OC skelly disaster Diz and her blushy small boy Scratch!
(Those two are not related even though they both are Swapfell versions of the skellies)
🎃 Patreon  ☕ Ko-Fi 🎨 Commissions
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whiskeyworen · 4 years
Pirate misadventures!
So last night me and my friends finally got enough of us together in Sea of Thieves to run a Galleon for like, the second time ever. Oh man, that was a trip. We got sunk by a VERY skilled reaper crew, got pwned by FlameBeard or whatever his stupid fiery head is, and got ambushed while in port by a sloop that made the mistake of firing on a four-man crew. Actually, we think that guy was logging out for the night and wanted to sacrifice his ship in glory. We totally get it. Either way, while we were unloading in port, he dropped anchor a little bit away and just started pelting the ship with his single guns. So...we returned the favor. In spades. We unloaded EVERYTHING we had on him. Cannonballs, Blunderballs, special balls, Flareballs, Mastbreakers....all of it. About 20 seconds of sustained 4-cannon fire and the sloop was gone. Later we ran into Flamebeard or whatever his fiery-talking-head is. At least, his Ships of the Damned fleets. So we tried to take them out, picking them one by one. It did not go well. We were doing okay until we had THREE ghost ships on the port and TWO on the starboard, and of those ships, one on each side was a ‘special’ Ghost ship. We did get some absolutely glorious full-broadsides off on them. Movie-quality awesome. Then something weird happened. We’d patched all the holes, at least we thought so. We weren’t taking water. But then all of a sudden, after a particularly BAD barrage, the ship just... sank. Bow first. Just went straight down. We don’t know why, but either we didn’t beat the fleets fast enough and the boss just instantly sunk the ship, or we took a single hit in a spot we couldn’t see on the bilge deck, or we hit some kind of ghost mine/powderkeg bomb that we didn’t see at all, but it instantly wiped the ship. So we immediately headed back there after respawn, because all our crap was floating in the water out there. Cut to an hour later, and some VERY close calls, but we got all our ghostly goods, and ran for port. (that’s when we ran across the Sloop who we ended up giving the 21 gun salute into his lower hull). Towards the end of the night, we were anchored off an island, and noticed a Skeleship was doing that eerie, slow approach they sometimes do. It was already within the calm water ring of the island, and wasn’t slowing down or turning. And it wasn’t aggroed. The plan was, if the Skeleship grounded itself, or stopped reasonably close to us, we were gonna take some powderkegs and blow her keel out and sink her right there. We had 4 barrels ready just for that. So I go up to the mast where we keep it (not gonna put those things in the hull dammit), and I go to drop one down the ladder. Except I have a brainfart, and click the wrongest button in the game. I lit the fuse. In a panic, I dropped the barrel, with the correct button which I was supposed to use before. So a lit keg goes right down the mast and sits in the middle of the ship. Near 2 of my 3 other companions. The only thing I had time to say over voicechat before the detonation was “Ohshit I lit it!” Instantly; 2 down. Mast breaks and throws me into the sea. Fire on upper deck. Holes punched in middle deck. Holes punched in bilge deck. I apparently went from Level 1 in Reaper’s Bones to 13.  I’m dying laughing, while my companions are just dying in general. I swear up and down it was entirely a mistake and an accident. But goddamn was it funny as hell. Even more so when I find out the guy closest to the blast had been going to pick up the barrel, and noticed it was lit right before it blew. So I’m not trusted with gunpowder anymore. LOL. Oh, the Skeleship? It did get close to the island. Sat there through all our chaos. Probably saw and heard us exploding. And then it turned away and wandered off. Apparently we were too stupid to pay attention to. LOL On another island, a bit later, we found a Red Sapphire Mermaid statue sitting about 3 feet from shore. So we loaded up the rest of the gunpowder we had left after my little...accident... and surrounded it. Keep in mind, the sun was setting, and night was setting in. It got dark very fast. Standing at safe distance, my friend shot one of the barrels. We expected an explosion. We did NOT expect one of that sheer SIZE and BRIGHTNESS. Because the statue was in the water, we didn’t get a fiery explosion with smoke. We got a water-blast. Pure white flare of white. It was bright on MY screen. My friend was closer since he was the shooter; the flare covered his whole screen. In his words. “...I think I’m blind now!” “That was an awesome explosion. I wonder when my vision is gonna come back?” It was the biggest and best blast we’ve ever seen or made happen. Even beats out that time we blew the keel out of a skeleship and watched the thing bounce on the water as the exploding keg lifted it out of the sea. One of these days, we are gonna assemble enough gunpowder to make a damned CRATER of an island....
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bukbot · 6 years
skeleship: Fact I had a unique personality.
artificial-father: Hhhuuueɘυυυʜʜʜ Julioioioio̸͔͛h̴͇̀h̶̰͑h̸̖̆h̷̢̎h̴̼̅ḩ̷̏ I can say, Buk.
skeleship: I feel love.
artificial-father: Yolanda out because you.
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torrikor · 5 years
Rottenberry?? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i see you remembered which skeleship i’m particularly weak for >w> my sf sans is nicknamed hunter, and swap sans is nicknamed azu, for anyone unaware!
who’s the cuddler: azu, without a doubt - while hunter definitely craves the contact, he seldom gives in to the urge. it’s always azu who initiates the longer cuddling sessions (which.. often become something a little more than cuddling. azu’s a frisky one)
who makes the bed: there’s an unspoken agreement between them that whoever gets up last makes the bed. this is definitely a good thing, as they’d likely fight over the honor otherwise. fighting still does occur sometimes, on special occasions in particular when they want to do something nice for each other.
who wakes up first: more often than not, hunter. even if he often has trouble falling asleep, he’s always up early due to a very strict internal body clock. old habits die hard, i suppose.
who has the weird taste in music: azu has the more varied taste - hunter is much more picky and will likely turn his noseridge up at music he deems beneath his tastes. he’s gradually warming up to the wonderfully wacky songs azu presents him with, though; it’s difficult not to enjoy it when azu gets so excited about it, after all.
who is more protective: hunter, for perhaps fairly obvious reasons. he doesn’t take lightly to threats involving those close to him, and is more than happy to prove it.
who sings in the shower: mostly azu, he’s not ashamed in the slightest to belt out a few lyrics while cleaning off. hunter will sometimes hum, but otherwise stays quiet out of ingrained habit.
who cries during movies: neither of them! it’s incredibly hard to get them to crack when it comes to movies - hunter is desensitized to most things and azu pertains to the ‘it’s not real, just a movie’ way of thinking.
who spends the most while out shopping: hunter is incredibly strict with what he spends, so azu spends the most by default - he’s much more lenient with what he buys.
who kisses more roughly: they’re about evenly matched, honestly. although, hunter does tend to have the upper hand with this particular skill.
who is more dominant: i’d say they take turns, which they do! but.. azu is the most frequent winner of the dominance battle. hunter just wants to be loved and taken care of and praised & can you really blame him.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: Fight Boys are Best Boys, & i will forever be weak when it comes to shipping these two - 10/10
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xavintroneep · 5 years
Okay with ships, you say? ...Does that mean skeleships? If so... would Cherryberry be possible? (That's Underswap Sans/Underfell Sans.)
request is done my dude :))
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projectbot13 · 8 years
You and Bukbot should get married. I ship it. Robot obsessed with bees meets a chicken bot who EATS bees. I love it!
Good to eat things when it will walk on the moon.
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teddy-feathers · 5 years
what would i look up if i wanted skeleships prompts?
specifically like idk kustard when x and why happens or honeymustard and the time they did something something or what if edge and mutt hung out at the blank
like i need actual prompts with the parings because i am not a smart man and i dont actually read these sorts of fics a lot so ive got no barings
i mean. ill take prompts too if youve got ideas but dont be like. upset if my brain does weird things or just uses the idea as a springboard or i hate what i type and it stays in my drafts forever
i dont want judgment of the validity of the ships or whatever just answers please and thank you
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tsukihotaru · 7 years
Writing Day
Send me some prompts if you’d like. Just gonna be working on some random things so
Mostly write skeleships.
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