#skip missed a couple episodes it’s ok
ask-a-skipbadger · 11 months
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“Uh yeah hi I know that I said that I should be enemies with you and your boyfriend husband. But also Blubberspine is also the only cat I know who’s got things growing out of him so do you know if I could have not water without my flowers wilting. Or me wilting. Because I really don’t want to wilt.”
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Soup’s a drink, right?
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie was M.I.A. and Buck was too.
The video above includes the scenes from S6 where Buck and Eddie were either missing or weren't mentioned even though they should have been.
During Season 6, Eddie was M.I.A. (missing in action) from several scenes even though he should have been present and Buck was either not mentioned or he was missing too even though he should have been present.
While I was watching 6x4 when it originally aired, I noticed Buck wasn’t on a call while the rest of the team was at work and as 6A progressed, it became a pattern.  For the duration of 6A and well into 6B, Buck’s or Eddie’s absences became even more noticeable and they were so prevalent that they were JARRING AND GLARINGLY OBVIOUS.  By the end of 6A, viewers were wondering what happened.  The showrunner (KR) said in an interview that they were trying new pairings which was fine but hindsight is usually 20/20 and when I started analyzing the scenes that didn’t include one of them, it kind of seemed like she may have been telling a half truth.  I mentioned how storylines and pairings were affected in a post I did in November 2022 but now I believe their absences or the lack of mentioning the other one was INTENTIONAL.
Buck and/or Eddie not being present bothered me and I wanted to know why but I didn’t research it until recently because of the way season 6 ended.  With the way TM (the OG showrunner) has been releasing and rereleasing photos of Buddie and Bathena for the last few weeks, I believed their absences in season 6 became too glaring for me to continue ignoring them.  For Buck and Eddie to be drastically removed from each other’s lives had to be on purpose and IMO, it was done so the audience would realize how them not being with each other didn’t make sense.  Let’s be real, regardless as to whether a viewer ships Buck and Eddie as a romantic couple, their presence in each other’s lives and the Buckley-Diaz family’s dynamic has become a staple on the show and when they’re not included, people notice.  Everyone knows how close they are so for them to be separated and viewers along with journalists writing about it was perplexing to say the least.
Before I delve into this, please understand these are MY OBSERVATIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS of the things I noticed during season 6, therefore, it’s ok if someone doesn’t agree.  Everyone interprets media differently so it’s ok for two differences of an opinion to coexist without someone trying to force their thoughts onto the other person.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I believe it all started with the scene below when Eddie asked, “Buck!  Where the hell you going?” because their absences started right after it and they continued through the early part of 6B.
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In 6x4, Buck was off work while Bobby, Chimney and Eddie were all at work but there was no explanation given as to why Buck was off.  Everyone knows Buck loves being at the firehouse especially since he filed a lawsuit to get back to the team after the ladder truck explosion (whether he was right or wrong in filing the lawsuit will not be discussed here.  It happened more than four years ago and I’ve moved on from it).  He wasn’t sick so it’s not like he used a sick day but maybe he used a personal day or he used some PTO time but either way, the audience wasn’t told why he wasn’t with the 118.
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He went to Hen’s house to discuss Connor's request for him to be his sperm donor but since she was on leave, no explanation was needed for why she wasn’t at work.  Reminder, Buck wasn’t on leave so he could have gone to her house to talk to her after their shift ended but he didn’t.  His absence was noticeable especially since at the beginning of the episode, he was sitting at the other end of the table alone and away from the group while Eddie, Chimney and Hen talked about Eddie disciplining Chris for skipping his science club meetings.
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In 6x5, Eddie took Hoover the dog to Buck’s loft but the audience didn't see it.  It was the only handoff that wasn't shown in CANON but the question is, why?  What was the issue with the audience seeing Eddie give Buck the dog ?  The only thing that makes narrative sense is they wanted viewers to not see it so they would notice.  Interesting!
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In 6x7, Eddie didn't mention Buck at all when he told Felisa about Chris being lost in the Tsunami but once again the question is why?  Everyone who watched 3x1-3x3 knows Eddie took Chris to visit "His Buck" that day and Eddie showed Hen and Chimney a selfie of Buck and Chris while they were on a call. In the photo, Buck and Chris were at breakfast earlier eating pancakes.  Also, after the first wave hit, we know Buck saved Chris and they got separated so Eddie’s scene with Felisa was another glaringly obvious one where Buck wasn’t mentioned and it had to have been done for a reason.  Reminder, Eddie told Felisa “My wife died… and six months later my son was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.”  Well, Chris wasn’t there alone so 👀.
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In 6x8, Buck was missing when Eddie and Chris were getting ready for Chris' first school dance. Carla was there but it was kind of off putting and it seemed like she shouldn’t have been the one Eddie was talking to the same way she shouldn’t have been talking to him in 5x10 when he was preparing to leave the 118.  If they didn’t want Buck there, then it could have easily been a father and son moment between Eddie and Chris especially since she didn't do anything but say she thought it was Chris' first crush after they went into the kitchen.  It was only one of the two episodes she was in for the entire season, so what gives?
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Later in the episode, Eddie ended up telling Buck and the 118 about it anyway and based on Buck’s reaction, it's likely Chris had already told Buck about his crush (post linked here).
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In 6x10, Eddie was present and at the firehouse while Buck and Chimney cleaned the fire engine and the ladder truck.  He was on the floor throwing a baseball with Hen.
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But Eddie was missing from the call when a lightning strike hit the car and the woman gave birth but reminder, the scene happened after he was AT THE FIREHOUSE with everyone else.   It's possible he could have been man behind but the point is he was missing.  Also, why was he missing?  Buck helped Bobby with the baby and Bobby had to call Hen and Chimney over for assistance which means Eddie’s help as a medic was needed for all three victims but it was kind of like the show wanted him to be absent so the viewers would notice and we did.
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In 6x11, Eddie was only in Buck’s coma dream at the beginning when Daniel told him the next time he goes up a ladder, he should have someone to have his back and Buck said he did.  Other than that initial interaction, Eddie WASN'T there and his absence was glaringly obvious.
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In 6x13, Eddie was M.I.A. twice. The first time was after a call that he went to with Buck and Hen.  It was the one where the couple misplaced a "toy".
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Chimney wasn't on the call with them but when they were leaving work and Buck was calling all the women he slept with to see if he satisfied them (which was 🙄 I don’t even have words), Eddie wasn't there but Chimney was.  But the question once again is why? Could it be the show was making a point since Buck had just had a conversation with a victim’s husband about an article he read that stated 80% of women aren’t satisfied by their partners (related post about Buck’s woodworking skills linked here)?
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In 6x13, Eddie wasn’t at the loft while Buck and Chris were baking cookies and it appears to be a call back to 5x3 when AF was caring for Chris during the blackout (related post linked here).  Reminder, AF left a mess in Eddie’s kitchen but Buck’s kitchen was clean and organized while him and Chris were baking cookies for Chris’ whole class.  They even talked about cooking the steaks Buck and Eddie won while they played poker for dinner.
What was the reason for all of this?
Initially I, like many others was pissed at the lack of Buck and Eddie, Buck, Eddie and Chris and Buckley-Diaz Family scenes in 6A.  I’m still annoyed by it but like I mentioned above, hindsight is 20/20 so it’s possible the show was trying to get the audience to realize how important they are in each other’s lives by omitting them from specific and important scenes.
Did they do a good job of illustrating it?  NO!
They could have done it differently like a lot of other things but the season ended messily and by then it was too late to change it.
The point of this post is whenever Buck and Eddie are absent, it's noticeable and it can't be denied.  KR said they were mixing up the dynamics (related post linked here) but that can't be it because in 6x9 Hen ended up talking to her best friend Chimney about the way she was feeling about Denny wanting to meet Nathaniel after Eddie and Buck dropped off their four-way call, so she wasn't telling the whole truth.
Could their absences be a coincidence? No. Why?
Because in 6x7 Athena said she didn't believe in them and in 5x17 Karen said once is a mistake, two times is a coincidence and three times is a pattern.  Well, their absences happened more than three times so Buck and Eddie missing in action from each other's lives was a pattern in season 6 and it seems to have been done on purpose.
It appears the omittances of Buck and Eddie from specific scenes in season 6 was in preparation for season 7 but the question is, will anything come of them?  Who knows except for the showrunner (TM), the writers, producers and the actors and actresses so we shall see.
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bluektw · 2 months
CK S6 Part 1 Spoilers
ok, Keenry is still the best couple? Yes
But it was so out of character for him not go console her, like I'm sorry I would care more about my girlfriend than getting a headband. Other than that, he and Tory have probably the best set ups in this part.
I'm really pissed at Robby, but I do think that in part 2 maybe their promise will come back up, and they might support each other even in different dojos (Hard to believe, but it would be the best outcome) I also hope we finally see him going after Tory this time, S5 was only her pining, now is his turn
Tory Nichols they could never make hate you. You wanna fight in CK? go queen. I get why she's doing it, it's not healthy, will probably end bad for her again, but I do hope her going back has SOME payoff, please don't let her go back just to lose to Sam again. I'm thinking either her or Robby will be injured in the tournament, and I have seen theories she will jump back to MF but I don't know (and now I'm pretty sure Sam will win, and honestly I'll just have to make my peace with that).
Btw that flashback she had? ALL PAIN. I was crying. Also really sad no Brandon and that the first time we saw her mom she was dead. Can't she get a break? Like we know she's not the writers favorite, but come on?? You really gave her ALL a teenager shouldn't have to deal with in one episode.
Now hm... Why is Kwon so interesting? Can I have more of him? Why is he so angry with the world? is his family shitty? What happened for him to become like this? I need answers. (Manifesting him and Tory developing an ACTUAL friendship, I don't usually win but I hope I get this) (Also, three fucking revolutions in that move. THREE. How exactly is he going to lose? I don't know, but if the world didn't revolve around Miyagi Fang, my bets were on him to win)
Kreese... Holy fuck you know? Like wow, hallucination 10/10 loved that scene. And sure, it is for selfish reasons, but I still love that he felt something was missing without Tory. (Love this fucked up dynamic so fucking much)
How could they possibly make Chozen boring after episode 1? Why didn't we have more of him training students? One on one? I FUCKING WANTED HIM AND TORY TO HAVE A BOND.
Honestly Daniel, Johnny they could never make me like you, but not at least I'm more indifferent than disliking altogether. (I like Johnny a bit more than Daniel, not sure why)
Devon... Devon... I get why she did it, but come on? I really wanted Kenny to go. Also, the less Anthony in my screen the better, just let Kenny and Devon being friends and I'm good.
Sam and Miguel I have NEVER been more indifferent to your characters, arcs and whatever. How could they make them SO boring? I was almost skipping their scenes.
edit: Forgot to mention I did enjoy Sam and Tory dynamic an how they got over their shit, but now all is back to hell thank you Kreese.
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silviakundera · 1 month
with the conclusion of Snowfall...
why do i enjoy Republican Era chinese dramas so much?
aesthetics! there is this blend of 1920-30s western fashion influences and traditional chinese garb & architecture that just pleases my eyes.
everyone looks very depressed & dangerous & sexy
chaotic period of transition - no matter if you're in the 1910's, 20's, 30's some absolutely wild historical shit was going down
cars and guns and gloves and swords. rotary phones!
dancing & drinking in night clubs, in glamorous pockets amid the violence & instability outside; a lil touch of mask of the red death vibes
end of empire themes, as a country tries to find its way after the end of the last imperial dynasty
there's those gangster, mob boss vibes from american and british dramas set in the 1920s, except everything is cranked up x100 because of general lawlessness; central government and law & order was a paper thin veneer over warlords
the start of WW2 from an entirely different perspective than the common narratives that I was exposed to growing up in the US (which is 99% stories about the european stage)
sino-japanese war / war of resistance material like Hidden Blade is fucking badass ok 🤷
in a time of resistance to occupation, colonizers encroaching, warlords fighting over cities, brewing civil war.... there are many different options of protagonists and unlikely "heroes" who are picking their battles and discovering what they are willing to fight for
Beautiful 👏 women 👏 in heels 👏and 👏 slinky 👏dresses 👏
Lots of revenge narratives. I love an over-the-top, bloodthirsty & destructive revenge narrative
Depending on the genre, there might be little or heavy politcal /patriotic discourse. But tbh none of the rah rah patriotism stuff distracts me much, because all the american and british produced stuff set around WW2 has rah rah patriotism & propaganda in it, so I just consider that part of the essential genre vibes. It's just another country's version. (Of course, others will have less patience when it becomes heavy-handed. YMMV.)
Dark & Gritty
Hidden Blade (film) - a masterpiece, if you enjoy dark WW2 spy films that play with narrative style and challenge the viewer to follow the story as it's woven. Had to review detailed historical context for the years in question, to be ready to consume. But worth it. I've watched it 3 times. 💀
Heroes (2024) - the very beginning era of this genre/the transition into repulican period. rocks fall, everyone dies. Primarily a tragic wuxia & pre-republican fusion. Excellent enough that I didn't mind the bleak storyline. 💀
Miss S - adaption of 1920s Australian mystery procedural Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, staring Vengo! ML actor of Snowfall
Checkmate - Agatha Christie stories adapted to the setting & time period, plus bromance. I watched half the episodes w my brother, as we are both huge agatha christie fans. It was fun if you can be chill about adaption changes.
My Roommate is A Detective - for mystery & bromance lovers. Same actor duo as Checkmate.
Detective L - don't know much about this one tbh
Romance arc, with a somewhat happy ending for the 2 leads
Provoke - Gorgeous, glamorous, vibes vibes vibes all day long. Revenge and romance. ❤
Fall in Love - sons & daughters of warlords and their supporters get sexy and dangerous and decide even joining the civil war is better than the prior generation's bullshit. This is an objectively bad drama that I really enjoyed anyway (it helps that I skipped every scene for the 2nd and 3rd couples). This one turns v propaganda heavy at the end, if that bothers you. ❤
Arsenal Military Academy - military training hijinks w a side of cross dressing romance. Xu Kai and Bai Lu! It's soliders and japanese invasion et al, so be prepared for the standard patriotism. Comedy & drama. HE for the FL/ML but expect character death in this subject matter. ❤
Rookie Agent Rogue - Late 1930s spy drama with small romance side-plot. Expect the standard wartime patriotism, like with Arsenal Military Academy. The draw is the lead actress, the FL from Princess Agents, Minglan, Legend of Shen Li. HE for the FL/ML but expect character death in this subject matter. ❤
City of Streamer - Older woman seduces younger man who is the son of her revenge target. Melodrama with people serving looks. ❤
War of Faith* - Young man just wants to join the banking industry and have a subtextually gay relationship with his mentor in peace, but there's a civil war going on. Protagonist would like to be excluded from this political narrative, but ultimately is forced to pick a side. ❤🌈 *(Is it censored gay romance? No, not based on a gay novel. So not officially! But some viewers felt there was a subtextual romance storyline #shenlai ; YMMV. The happy ending is Untamed-esque; implied only)
many, many pulpy mini-dramas about revenge! warlords! ladies with pistols! (Miss Mystery, First Marriage, Maid's Revenge, etc)
Also... (happy ending not guaranteed)
Siege in Fog
Love in Flames of War
Couple of Mirrors - censored F/F 🌈
Stand by Me - censored m/m 🌈
Killer and Healer - censored m/m 🌈
Winter Begonia - censored m/m 🌈
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2 - 4 A Locked-Room Mystery
You telling me I have to WAIT for new designs you kidding???
I have some 'neat plans' for MOTLE, idk might include New Fucked-Up Lore because what else is the cartoon for?? But I'll have to see
Little Logico wanders outside, and is immediately grabbed!!
As charming as that is, that’s not why the people picked him up. He’s under arrest! He’s thrown in a little jail cell - this is NOT the luxury prison Gico is used to. 
Yep, she’s here, alongside Champagne and Bluski. 
BLUSKI: Hey. CHAMPAGNE: Hi. LOGICO: Of course, of COURSE the usual suspects are following me. WHY AM I HERE?? PERSON: A prisoner has been murdered and you’re the murder person. LOGICO: Good to know. I blame Officer Copper. COPPER: Chillax, my brother. I’m not a psycho cop anymore. Heh, around here, if they thought I looked at a guy wrong they’d put me down as a ‘bad dog’. LOGICO: Right.
In what appears to be a miniature theater for watching interrogations, Logico digs a scrap of paper from under a beautiful couch.
“In a street fight, ten people always beat one.”
Champ checks the passage.
CHAMPAGNE: This is from the Big Red Book. Major Red wrote this. LOGICO: Do you know who that is? CHAMPAGNE: Heh. Yeah. Don’t wanna get yourself in with him. [walks away] LOGICO: ...Care to share ANYTHING else??
Logi explores a phrase Irratino always whispered to him - the tallest suspect has the cheapest pen. Now just by looking at them, Champagne is the tallest guy in the room, but by legal standards, Bluski is supposed to be taller, so his pen is very cheap.
LOGICO: It- It makes sense if you look it up.
Seeing that Logico ‘caught’ his pen trick, Bluski heads to the elevator and travels way up.
LOGICO: How big is this station? CHAMPAGNE: 25 stories. Final floor, they’ve been known to throw people out the window.  LOGICO: This is horrific. I’m starting to miss the luxury prison. CHAMPAGNE: We all do mate.
Irratino is back home, asleep. He is dreaming of a human police woman wearing boots. I guess something different happens in the dream, and he shifts and giggles. But don’t worry, Logico got the clue somehow. This obviously means Copper kicked the prisoner to death! She shakes her head madly and spits all over the place.
A couple humans walk over and start creepily petting and patting Copper.
PERSON: There is no need for a consequence - it was only a prisoner. COPPER: Huh. Kinda like these guys~ LOGICO: I hATE this so much. Can I leave now?!?! COPPER: Whatever, man.
Logico tears away. He needs to get to the violet isles as soon as possible… for some reason.
The end!
Let's try to ignore Copper flirting with some background humans
(ok slight rant but I've saved it for the end so as to not ward people off, you can skip it)
I know it sounds petty but like I swear to god if anyone posts a murdle artwork, the entire tumblr fandom will notice (which is great btw!), but then if I post an artwork it's only the same three or so people who might look at it and it's just...
is it really THAT bad?? like... what am I doing wrong... ngl it's starting to feel less like the art quality and more personal...
but um... yea. i'm trying my best i guess
Uh chonkers jumpscare
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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malatruse · 2 months
TSV finale thoughts
uh spoilers ovbiously
initial thoughts
Ok first of all WOW i am dehydrated from crying jfc. like I listened to Eskew, I knew what to expect, but DAMN.
Really lovely work all around. They did a really nice job with representation and making it feel natural and a part of the characters.
No skip kd song to close out the show, which is a little disappointing.
ok so down to the actual events
when faulkner's being all sarcastic about what will happen if he goes with carpenter i was just sitting there thinking 'well damn you can just say you dont wanna go'
they did a really good job of portraying faulkner as someone who's clearly sympathetic but also completely fucked up. who was he following in the water though? i guess it's implied to be an angel but idk. the callback to episode 1 was heartwrenching.
the fakeout at the end with carpenter felt so cruel, they let it go on for so long, she forgot the rest of the lyrics even! speaking of, why didn't that guy's truth come true? i guess it kinda did, but why didn't it happen right away during active wartime?
i love val so much.
it's so upsetting that everyone has to die alone. they couldn't even get back to each other before biting it like cmon.
couple of loose ends
the girl from the birch cult. i thought since they brought her back she would be relevant. maybe she was and i missed it?
the god or spirit or whatever that haunted carpenter when she fell asleep at its altar. she told it she was talking it with her. i hoped to see that manifest somehow
carpenter and paige never talking about how they both knew vaughn!!! cmon!!!
acantha....i guess we're meant to assume she died but :(
strong vibes of 'if the system is this fucked up the only thing to do is abandon it' which is fitting considering the everything happening right now
no one's truly good or bad they just do things and they think they're doing them for a reason but it's not always the reason they think it is
the victors writing the history books. reminds me of in nona the ninth (spoilers for nona the ninth) when pyrrha tells john they can write the history books to say he was a good wizard, as a justification for doing questionable shit to get taken seriously. and we all know how that turned out
closing thoughts
we all need to be nicer to each other because we're all we've got
i love val ;;;;_;;;;
not forgiving yall for that hotel that feeds on hope. you can suck my nuts that kind of infohazard shit fucks people up for real
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ughmyreality · 4 months
Thoughts on S3 E4
(SPOILERS ahead)
There might be positives, there will be negatives, so please be forewarned that I am not going to solely praise the show. Also, it needs not be mentioned, I am but a single negative person on the internet talking about a fictional story. We are all not going to agree.
On another note, this episode in particular left me with a lot of feelings so I might make another post talking about the dynamic of Polin entirely. Anyway... With that said, let’s move on.
Episode 4-
I’m all for Lord Debling. He’s shown to have not only more personality than Colin but also have a genuine interest in Penelope. I like that they’ve tried their hand at showing an unconventional man.
I miss Brimsley and Reynolds together. They could be a cutesy old couple together. Sigh… but at least Brimsley hasn’t lost his wit.
Oh my gosh, the introduction of John! I’m all for it. Finally Francesca looks genuinely happy. I like the fact that neither of them quite know what to say. This is how you do “awkward wallflower”.
Who cares about the “give up the club” storyline? Honestly, I’m just going to start skipping it and if I miss something important I’ll just read some spoilers. 
I particularly like the hairstyle of Penelope in the scene with Lord Debling. Although I have been enjoying their outfits, I feel like a lot of them look way too modern. I understand that Bridgerton is not an accurate historical show, but I feel like the issue is more glaring this season.
I’m glad someone else said it. Colin was not the only one holding that balloon down but everyone swoons for him. 
Staring like a creep doesn’t convey romance, at least not to me. I’m sure if anyone were dedicated enough to count the line between Penelope vs Colin, you’d find that Colin has barely said anything in comparison. Out of the 4 episodes so far, I’ve taken from them that Colin is popular with the ladies, likes to travel, and doesn’t care for LW. Ok? Where is the suave main male lead? He has not an ounce of charm. I can’t see how even Polin fans can be satisfied with the way things are going. Colin is barely in it, Penelope plays the victim and finds herself in more trouble, and the rest is watered down filler. 
Honestly, I’m keeping my hopes up for the future. I surprisingly enjoyed Anthony’s season, even though he previously got on my nerves, so I thought maybe they’d surprise me again. I don’t know why they would go out of the book order. They could have had a more subtle opportunity to establish Polin, for better or worse, while also moving on to the fan favorite, Benedict.
Here we go again. At this point these bland sex scenes are nothing more than a hindrance to the show. They’re lifeless and add nothing to the plot.
Girl, “and I should like to call on Miss Cowper a moment”! My head is already filled with ships with no hope of being cannon and it appears I have found another one. 
I’m not understanding why Cressida’s father doesn’t want her to be around Eloise. Because of the scandal? Like it or not the Bridgerton name has shown to still hold quite significant power. If anything he should be happy they’re friends.
How in any way has Colin been aware of others' needs? All they do is tell us about Colin’s character rather than show us. I have seen not one instance of Colin caring for someone else. If we’re talking about caring for other people, we should be talking about Anthony. The one who cared and helped all his younger siblings after the death of their father. The person who despite his sometimes harsh ways, wants the best for them all. Colin is hardly ever home so when would he have the opportunity to be caring. He can waste money freely on his travels without thinking of anyone else. He can see the clear feud between Eloise and Penelope but still somehow make it about himself. It’s pretty obvious that Eloise has a closer relationship to Benedict and if Colin was so concerned he would have asked him what’s wrong. He seemingly doesn’t care that Penelope might have found a genuine man but is thinking instead of how seeing them together makes him feel. He has no consideration for his friends if you can even call them that. They inlist in idol chatter about women. He comes to a sudden realization and tries to confide in his friends only to find that they don’t care and why should they. It seems as though they have never had a decent conversation beyond their own sexual adventures so why should they suddenly care about how he’s feeling. He doesn’t spend enough time with the people he supposedly cares so much about, barely interacting with the rest of his siblings. So tell me again Violet how Colin is so caring and sensitive.
Colin has in no way been living to please others. He just returned after months away. I would think that Violet wouldn’t want him traveling for so long, she surely wasn’t pleased. He didn’t put his feelings aside and court Penelope to please her. He didn’t drop the subject or try to offer advice to Eloise about her friendship downfall which didn’t please her. Nothing he has done has been out of unselfishness. Unless you consider that poor attempt to help Penelope, which steamed out of pity rather than him truly wanting to help her.
Yes! Cressida is showing where her loyalties lie. Sticking by Eloise’s side, much more than someone can say.
Colin has no right to try and tell Penelope what to do. He had his chance more times than I can count. It’s too little too late.
I’m actually kind of sad for Lord Debling. He seems like an actual nice person and he thought he had a chance with Penelope. At least he ended the conversation nicely because I would have been more angry. 
Why is Colin’s main point against Lord Debling that he will leave. It’s almost like he’s talking about himself, he is notorious for his travels.
Penelope should have slapped Colin. Have some confidence girl! This guy literally was on the brink of marrying your cousin, publicly stated he’d never court you, and dispises your alter ego. Now for what appears to be nothing but physical lust, he barges in your carriage claiming to be entranced with you. Level up! Stop this same song and dance.
Sigh, I hate to say it, but I don’t think Luke’s acting is very good in comparison to everyone else. He hardly moves his face. It’s like those clichés of people with Botox not being able to make facial expressions. Note, how I feel they intentionally barely showed his face in this part because of this. This is supposed to be the start of a steamy interaction but Colin looks as though he couldn’t care less.
Wow… another useless sex scene. This came from nowhere. Penelope are we supposed to ignore the fact that this man rejected you multiple times but now only wants you for sex? Also, Penelope never seemed too enthralled with the idea of anything sexual but she’ll become some sexual fiend with Colin at the drop of a hat.
Where is the SLOW BURN FRIENDS TO LOVERS! I’m on the verge of madness! Tell me how Colin can profess his supposed feeling for Penelope, nearly take her virginity, and propose all in one night? This is repulsive. If Penelope had any sense of respect she’d turn down his proposal seeing as she’s Lady Whistledown, but of course that would be expecting her to take accountability so she more than likely will not. Colin has some nerve proposing too. What does he even know about her? He doesn’t like her personality but rather her new physical appearance. I feel like one of the appeals of Penelope is the fact that she’s a plus sized woman, which is great. However, what message is this sending to people? That ‘Oh well, you know that plus sized girl that has a crush on you? Maybe if you ignore all the things you don’t like about her you’ll realize she’s just another woman after all. Just another person to have sex with.’ I wanted this to be a situation where Colin ends up liking Penelope for her, albeit awful, personality. Because any random guy can like you for your looks but not anyone will love you for your flaws and all.
This carriage scene doesn’t hold a candle to even the scene between Daphne and Simon in the FIRST season. This was nothing special and honestly I could have done without.
I’ve said it in the last part, but this only further solidified my beliefs. There is absolutely no reason this needed to drop in two parts. There is no surprise, we all know that Colin x Penelope will be endgame so what’s the point? We know that Penelope will more than likely say yes to the proposal and even if she says no, she’ll say yes eventually. There’s no suspense.
I guess for my ending thoughts I will say, I’m just glad this is over with and we can move on to some other characters in the later seasons. It will be a breath of fresh air. My only hope is that they don’t rush them like they did Polin.
Now, word on the street is that Colin is going to end up going to a brothel after he finds out Penelope is lady whistledown. I haven't dug too deep into this so take it with a grain of salt. However, if true, I have so many problems with this. 
Why does he think mindless sex is going to solve his problems? That’s just a red flag that anytime the going gets tough he might resort to cheating.
If Penelope had true intentions of marrying Colin she should have told him the truth and been ready for a negative reaction.
I thought Colin was supposed to always think of others. How is fucking anything that moves while he’s engaged “thinking of other’s needs”?
Penelope still stays with him. Why are we feeding into the narrative that it’s perfectly ok for your partner to cheat on you? They haven’t even been together that long and he’s already cheating. It’s already a stereotype of plus sized women having “low self confidence” and they are doing nothing to stop that. 
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Ok so the first episode of Only friends was... Something. I think I've missed a lot because I skipped most of the sex scenes, especially that one👀. (Boston really is That Little Bitch, uh?)
Anyway, for now it kinda feels like every character/couple is in a different genere, like:
SAND is living in his own Richboy/Poorboy Power imbalance drama, with Sand who is just SO DONE with everything (I expect nothing more than a trgic backstory, my man. I want to see this man drowning in a pool of his own TEARS). And now he has to take care of this random ass richboy and he is just so DONE
RAY is just a little sad boi. Really, he is like the ultimate friendzoned friend (I think he likes Mew), who has self esteem issues but is a little bitch nonetheless.
TOPMEW fells like those High school dramas where the popular guy is just a dick who wants to screw the little nerdy sunshine, so he gets closer to him just to break his heart afterwards. I'm pretty sure that's his plan, I'm not buying the "I want to date him, He's interesting" even for a second. Altough I have this feeling that in the end Mew will take revenge on him, maybe after Top broke his heart(?) That or Mew is the Evil mastermind who is manipulating Top Rich Fuckboy into becoming a Malewife. I would like either way.
BOSTON is just THAT BITCH. My guy is Shameless. He is like one of those edgy "fuck them all" guys who are like "I dom't belive in love and sex is all I care about, look at me I'm so sexy and so full of trauma bruh" (I'm just convinced that Boston has something more to show than just his dick, I know it) and his little patetic thing with Top is just so Simp, it smells toxic, it's going to be interesting.
NICK is Guy from Fanfiction who falls for Edgy "Fuck them all" guy who is living the dream and then will be burned because "Fuck them all guy" is just a bastard. Sorry Nick you seemed sweet.
CHEUM was... Just there actually.
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xplrvibes · 11 months
Opinion on the latest episode?
So, I watched it last night before I went to bed, woke up this morning and went through a whole busy day of work and literally just had a few minutes to sit down and think about it.
And you know what I came up with?
It was kind of weird, lol.
Not bad weird, not good weird...just weird.
I don't even quite know why I found it so weird, really. I thought the guest stars - Niki and George - were probably the best guests they've had on so far. They were both humorous without being rude/annoying/too much, they took it seriously and George, while somewhat skeptical, was very respectful in his skepticism and didn't belittle anything that was going on, they were both mostly calm and down to participate...I mean, who could ask for more?
I answered an ask about this earlier, but Niki and Colby's vibes really mesh up well, from a pseudo-psychic perspective (and before anyone has kittens - I am not even remotely hinting at some kind of weird shipping thing here. That is not the school I go to). I don't know why they had to be tied up in order to do what they do - methinks that was just Sam living out some kind of weird Sam fantasy that only Sam could explain to people (I'm kidding...maybe), but I think the energy they can create just works really well together.
I also found the whole thing at the end with the priestess and the Tarot reading very interesting, because of course I did. I find that stuff fascinating, lol.
But seriously? It is all well documented how Ashley (Pythian Priestess) gave them a ready back in January that was a) not good and b) came freakishly true, so when she sat down and gave them another reading for their next 6 months (which, this was filmed around Aug 6thish, meaning they are now almost halfway through their 6 month period here), I had good feelings that their reading was about as accurate as it could get.
And, are we allowed to point out that Sam got the fuck boy card? Or no?
I think what I found weird was just how many...rituals they jammed into this thing. "Hey, lets go sit in a Reynolds Wrap tent for no reason!" "Hey, now lets tie Niki and Colby up back to back like a couple of hostages!" "Ok, now we're gonna go downstairs and play the mirror picture game!" "Alright, now we're going to do a homemade Ouija Board followed by a homemade quasi-exorcism!"
Like, why?
Also, for their challenges...I have opinions on those (and I have asks about them, so I will get more in depth in the asks), but I guess my two main questions are:
Why was Sam so pressed about going in the basement, when he was quite content to run skipping down there by himself at 3am a few days prior?
Why did Colby decide to blindfold himself while he was alone in the woods by a bridge that he absolutely could've fallen off of? Sam never asked him to do that (unless I totally missed that part). Is he...you know...ok?
Overall, the challenges were fine. Sam's went on a little too long and included way too much of him spending the whole time thinking Colby was fucking with him while Colby was upstairs fully anticipating a cancelation and pre-apologizing to the fans for leaving Sam's ass in the basement in the first place. Colby's was just...weird. I just do not understand the point of the blindfold, or of Sam being on the Estes Method via phone. If Colby's blindfolded ass fell in the water and drowned, Sam wouldn't have known or have been able to help anyway, so what purpose did that serve, truly?
I know, they got to face their fears and do something spooky and that's fine and all...it was just weird.
At the end of the day, I found some parts of it really fun, some parts interesting, and some parts fucking weird. Overall, I'd give it a 6/10.
It's been an adventurous ride, for sure!
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ljsd · 1 year
10 TV shows to get to know me better!
1. Doctor Who
I used to be a massive fan of this show - and do still like it, I just haven’t watched it much recently. I once made a video which went semi-viral of all the times the title of the episode was said in the episode. My favourite Doctor used to be Jon Pertwee - it probably still is. I need to watch more of the Classic stuff again, and I need to catch up on some of Capaldi and Whittaker’s eras! 
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2. Community 
Probably my favourite comedy, especially seasons 1-3. It's just extraordinary. I love the characters and the concept episodes are always really interesting while not being pretentious. I love it. Watch it. You'll love it too.
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3. The Office (US)
I'll be honest, I tried watching the original UK Office years ago and never quite 'got' it. I should also admit that I've not seen all of the US Office - I stopped watching a few episodes after Michael left and skipped ahead to the finale - I will watch the rest at some point, promise! Definitely a big 'comfort show' for me.
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4. Peep Show
OK, if you're not into British comedy, this is a weird one. Especially the first couple of seasons. But it's so worth it. You'll grow to love (& pity) Mark and Jez, as you see just how comically tragic their lives can get. It peaks in season 4 for me, but it's all great. And this one links to the next one, which is...
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5. Succession
I put off watching this one for ages, because I was so attached to Peep Show, and this was created by one of Peep Show's co-creators. It felt almost wrong, for some reason. Anyway, I gave in and binged the whole thing immediately after the final episode came out, because I knew that at some point I'd come across spoilers, so I may as well watch it. Obviously, it's really really good. You should watch it if you haven't already. Very intense and emotional, and occasionally a bit bonkers.
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6. Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul
Yeah, I'm including these as one. I think if you watch 1 of them, you pretty much have to watch the other. Again, no spoilers. It's one heck. of a ride, though. (Also, El Camino, the sequel movie.)
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7. Red Dwarf
A British sitcom set in space. It's wonderful. Well, most of it. Particularly the first 5 seasons. But it's all at least pretty good, I think.
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8. Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister
A British political sitcom which changes its name halfway through, because - well, because the minister becomes Prime Minister. The word which comes to mind is 'quaint', in the best possible way. It's like Dad's Army meets The Thick Of It (2 other shows which I don't have space for here but I also love!)
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9. Bojack Horseman
This will make you cry with laughter and cry with sadness. It's a beautiful show about celebrity culture and mental health, through the eyes of a troubled and flawed celebrity horse. It's bizarre. And brilliant.
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10. The Boys
Left this one till last because while there are some others above which are not exactly family friendly, this one really isn't. It's not for everyone. If you're particularly squeamish, maybe give it a miss. But if you're up for the gore and adult content, this show is insanely brilliant. Very much looking forward to season 4 and the upcoming spin-off.
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fluffykitteninabox · 2 years
Helluva Boss season 2 episode 2 thoughts
This post is a bit of a mess and i might sound disappointed and angry. I'm not trying to hate on the episode or the series. I love Helluva Boss. These are just my thoughts on the new episode.
Spoilers obviously
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First of all, animation was amazing as always. We got to see Stolas' human form, which was cool
There was not really a song in this episode, which made me a bit sad but that's ok. I guess you could count the little bit Moxxie and Millie sung to get money but it was so short and mostly part of a joke. I guess Moxxie has a shopping addiction now??
Anyway they weren't really the main focus of this episode so i don't count it.
Octavia and Loona have a great dynamic, as the entire fandom had already predicted. We get an entire episode where Octavia is missing, everyone is looking for her and her and Loona have a talk about their complicated relationships with their dads at the end. Exactly what the fandom wanted.
We also got to see a flashback of when Blitzo adopted Loona, which was very intresting and I would love to see that in more detail later on.
So all that sounds fun and cool right? We get Stolas and Blitzo being disaster dads, their daughters bonding about them being disaster dads, and Moxxie and Millie are being a cute power couple in the background as always. This episode must be great.. right?? It's exactly what the fans have been craving!
Unfortunately, this episode was a lot less enjoyable than the previous ones, even though the concept itself sounds amazing. I think they tried to do too much for just one episode.
The first problem is that they haven't really resolved the issue of Stolas and Blitzo's relationship, so them immediately acting like everything's normal and going back to flirting is a bit weird.
The previous episode ended with Stolas declaring to his wife that he wants a divorce. And this episode opens with a moving van taking her stuff out of the castle. So these episodes are clearly in chronological order.
Why then did we entirely skip the much needed talk that Stolas and Blitzo need to have about what exactly their relationship is. Clearly they both still have feelings for each other, but Blitzo still believes that this is purely a business/sexual transaction because he has a line in this episode saying:
"My dick is good, but it is not that good Moxxie"
when he and Moxxie are trying to figure out how to tell Stolas that his daughter went missing.
And even if they did talk about it off screen, then that's exactly the problem! You can't resolve your character arcs off screen! That's what Star vs the forces of evil did in its later seasons and it got so frustrating.
You know what would have been more interesting? If Stolas and Blitzo had to communicate for once and solve their issues like adults in order to escape from the whole "accidentally getting casted into a sitcom" situation. We could have seen them go from not talking to each other-to fighting-to reluctant alliance in order to find Octavia-to actually working together. But no, instead we get to see Blitzo performing in a random sitcom and Stolas siting down and enjoying the show!!
Why isn't Stolas losing his mind about his missing daughter right now??
Also, Blitzo had a panic attack about performing due to his past experience in the circus and instead of getting a heartfelt moment between him and Stolas where he encourages him, that would help develop their relationship a bit, we get a joke about how good Blitzo is in bed.
I get that this is an adult cartoon that is inevitably going to contain sex jokes, and I get that their relationship has a big sexual aspect, and I don't mind that.. But we can't just ignore what happened in Ozzie's and The Circus and have them just start making jokes about sex.
That's... I'm sorry but that's bad writing!
I'm really sorry, I honestly really wanted to love this episode as much as I love all the ones that came before it.
But it just didn't feel the same.
The pacing is off and characters say and do stuff with no real rhyme or reason.
Like Moxxies shopping addiction side plot (barley an actual side plot imo) is only there so he and Millie can be written out of the main plot so that Loona is the only one that finds Octavia. Now that normally wouldn't bother me too much because Moxxie and Millie aren't necessary for the themes this episode is trying to explore. I probably wouldn't have noticed that, if Stolas and Blitzo weren't basically written out as well by their own barely a side plot. Because that's what the sitcom thing was basically. An excuse to have Loona be the only one actually searching for Octavia so they can meet and have their little talk.
They had the perfect opportunity to finally force Stolas and Blitzo to be emotionally vulnerable with each other and talk about their problems, and bond about how much they both love their daughters, and they didn't take it!!
This could have been so great!
But ok, maybe they didn't want to resolve the problem this episode. Maybe they have plans for a future episode when these issues will be addressed that will be so emotionally gut-wrenching that it will make me eat my words!
Good that's what I want!
I want to cry so much that I'll use up an entire tissue box!
But until we get to that point, it's still a bad idea to have them go back to acting like nothing ever happened. Just have them fight! Have them be mad and not talk to each other until you have to force them to talk it out. That's good for the story. It creates conflict and conflict is what we want. That's what makes it intresting!
Unless they're planning to address this as the characters "avoiding the topic and pretending everything is fine", then I can't see it working. It feels like a retcon. And if I sound angry in this post it's because of that. I've been traumatized by Miraculous Ladybug, which retcons basically every single one of its episodes at this point! The story never moves forward.
I don't want that to happen to one of my favorite ongoing animated series.
This post may seem like I'm overreacting a bit...
and it's because I am!
The series is not ruined just because I thought an episode was bad.
That's still just an 1 out of 10. It's honestly amazing how they manage to come up with hit after hit after hit. Missing the mark once is completely normal.
Nothing is perfect after all.
So here's two things I really enjoyed from this episode (excluding the animation, because the animation is always gorgeous)
Number one was the flashback about Loona getting adopted. That was very sweet and emotional and I loved it. I just wish we got to see more. In my opinion, it should have probably been explored in a different episode dedicated to just Blitzo's relationship with Loona.
This was more of an Octavia and Stolas episode, but because they tried to parallel the relationship both Blitzo and Stolas have with their daughters, they didn't have enough time to explore either side well enough.
I believe the episodes Loo Loo Land and Spring Broken handle these aspects better.
I hope we get at least one episode for Blitzo and Loona specifically because I feel like their family dynamic needs to be explored more in general. Stolas has already gotten a full episode about him and Octavia and this was basically the second one. Spring Broken does touch a little bit on Blitzo and Loona but it's not an episode dedicated to them.
The second thing I loved about this episode was Octavia and Loona's talk at the end.
It's nice to finally see them interacting, since they're kind of like step sisters in a way. Their dads are "dating" and that affects both of their lives in big ways. Especially Octavia's now that her parents are getting a divorce.
Their talk was a nice heartfelt moment and I hope we see them get closer in future episodes. They're both angsty teens that seriously need a friend.
ok I lied, here's a third thing:
This episode was hilarious. Helluva boss knows how to do comedy well. Even if I felt like some of the jokes took away from the genuine moments we could have had, they were still very funny.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, November 22
Spike : Help me. (Buffy shoves him back and he goes tumbling.) Ohh! What part of help me do you not understand? Buffy : The part where I help you. Spike : Come on, I'm parboiling out here. Buffy : Want me to help make it quicker? Spike : Invite me in. Giles : No. It's fairly unlikely. Spike : Oh, damn it! Look, I'm safe. I can't bite anyone. Willow, tell' em what I did. Willow : You said you were gonna kill me, then Buffy. Spike : Yes, bad, but let's skip that part and get to the part where I couldn't bite you.
~~Buffy Episode #64: "Pangs"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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All I See is the Slayer (Buffy/Spike, M) by thedreadslayer
Once and Never Again (Buffy/Angel, T) by angelus2hot
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Deliverance (Buffy/Spike, ) by VeroNyxK84
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Bound Chapter 32 Coming Clean? (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by spnae
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Absolute Destiny Ch. 7 (Buffy/Faith, T) by Forgotten Conscience
Shadow Over Hellmouth Ch. 23 (Buffy/Tara, M) by Tuxedo Mark
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Reunion (Book One of the Reunion Trilogy) Ch. 30 (Ensemble, M) by MCorey1317
Dies Irae Ch. 4 (Ensemble, T) by michael t
All That Is And All That Seems Ch. 40 (Buffy/Faith, M) by Malk McJorma
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Waiting On My Spaceship, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Chelle
The Road to Hell...., Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, E) by All4Spike
Baby Love, Chapter 25-26 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Niamh
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Things Changed Ch. 2 - Belonging (Cordelia, T, Harry Potter xover) by Buffyworldbuilder
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Kiss the librarian () by lonelyhedgehoh
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Artwork:BtVS Cartoon () by heroofthreefaces
Icons:Lesbian demigirl Tara pride icons () by pridebicons
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Video: Buffy & Faith | Can you feel my heart? () by Liam
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22 6.2 Bargaining Part 2 by handsofabitterman
I Was Made To Love You & The Body by therobinbear
Buffy Rewatch 2k22 6.1 Bargaining Part 1 by handsofabitterman
Angel Season 3 by wikiangela
[Fandom Discussions]
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it’s like you have to stop yourself from tearing your hair out by badrecognition
Thinking more about the Tento di Cruciamentum by petpluto
i think about holden telling buffy she might think she’s better than the men she dates by badrecognition
“then i have to get close to spike,” you literally do not. by badrecognition
the First was so fucking funny. by badrecognition
i know s4 of angel got a lot of bad rep bc of the incest angle by badrecognition
Giles’ whole, “which shouldn’t prevent you from eventually procuring some more gainful form of employment, such as I did” line is such utter crap by petpluto
the Unseen trilogy by oveliagirlhaditright
the “first date” script by silvermars
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I really wish they would have leaned more to the Xander from the end of The Zeppo by Ok-Carpenter-9778
It is absolutely mad that the show tries to make Buffy look bad for working in fast food by Brilliant-Problem605
Just started season 3 on my rewatch again and miss Joyce… by cutestcatlady
Cordy was my first mean girl Crush by The810kid
Faith’s first appearance possibly foreshadowed a couple episodes earlier. by icrystalizedx
'Think before you speak' - These characters often did the opposite of that. by Opening_Knowledge868
After the events of Chosen by GreyStagg
Thought I got rid of these by eVoesque
You’re organising a “Buffy special” at the cinema by Weezlecheesle
Is the Boom comic series over? by Dapper3031
I love the friendship Angel & Faith have by Almighty_Push91
Spike and Joyce by PopularScarcity2243
angel in what’s my line by all-seeing-ifer
for anyone who has read the “Unseen Trilogy” by oveliagirlhaditright
Some of the ways people talk about Drusilla is a bit odd? by gh-0-stcup
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy's Forgotten Replacement Has an Incredibly Cool Backstory by Screen Rant
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I had a dream last night. That. Me and some other people were maybe ghost hunters ? I dont fully remember. And there was a big mansion house that we had to investigate bc the previous ghost hunters whod went inside hadnt been seen in weeks, and nobody even saw them leave. So like, me and my team of Vague Dream People That Were An Amalgamation Of People From Irl And People From Fiction went in and yknow it was a normal fuckin ghost house thing there were some spooks n scares but all in all just normal rlly. And then we found the group from before us and were like what the hell man how r u guys alive and they were like dudr tf wdym and we were like dudes its been weeks u dont have that kinda food ans they were like errr ur like mixing us up w someone else weve only been here an hour or 2 so then we were like. Ok what. And then left the house w that group who fucked off to go do their own thing bc my brain couldnt handle keeping track of a group over 4 people. But like when we left some ppl were like holy fuck ur alive. And we were like. Yea. Its only been like. 20 or 30 minutes. And they were like nah man its been days. And then i was like. Man r u serious that sucks ive wasted days of july what the fuck i love summer i dont wanna waste it man what the hell and like yeah i kinda ignored how. This house was like Magic Ooooo Time Moves Differently Inside bc i was too upset id gone from the 17th to the 20th. And then i was like suddenly in my grandmas attic and lookin out the window and it was like. It was like the attic wad attached to the rest of the scenes like a sorta. Set almost yknow. So like i chilled in my grandmas attic and then i knew i had to go to school? So i just left her attic through the fourth wall and went to the set of the big mansion and went in there for like 5 minutes and came out and id skipped school but accidentallt skipped too far and it was like late night. But ye i figured this house could b used 2 my advantage but probably also could fuck some things up. Bc i hadnt figured out the exact like time exchange that it was. Bc my brain hadnt come up w it solidly yet so like a couple hours meant a couple weeks and half an hour meant a couple days and 5 minutes meant like 12 hours but also sometimes a full day but also sometimes less. But yea idk i played around w that thing until is skipped like a week and then realised id missed my friends birthday which was apparently the day before the one i was at. So i Left the Set and walked home and went to my primary school bc apparently all my friends were there even tho we all went 2 different primary schools and i found my friend id missed the birthday of and i gave her a cat that materialized out of thin air and then turns out all my friends had their cats with them so we like. Pet a lot of cats outside this primary school. And then it was like. I was on the fuckin set of jrweek yknow the second one they had w the like boat thing. And i wasnjust fucking lookin at them but apparently they were recorsing like a 3 hour long episodr and it was episode like 140 or smth. But they were just recreating what id done the rest of the dream and i tried to ask them what the fuck was going on n why was i there but it was like i eas fuckin invisible or some shit n they just ignored me. And then they kept mentioning genloss like ober and iver and over and insinuating that charlie was the only one of them that WASNT in genloss and i was like. Erm. Okay. What. And they only THEN seemed to notice me and were like dude what the fuck ur being so cringe right now like literally stop it go watch our patreon nerd snd i was like. Dudes i already am subbed 2 ur patreon. And they were like. But u havent finished pd yet u fucking pussy and i was like ok this is just uncalled 4 and then i woke up to big bin truck outside bc id left my windoe open and it was loud as FUCK anyways ir was a weird dream and one of the only times over the past few days ive felt neutral abt my dream in comparison to irl. Anyways. Goodbye
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mikuni14 · 1 year
La Pluie Ep 12 - was it really a series about soul mates?
Since I have very little time to watch series lately, I'm trying to be more careful about what I watch and what I spend on my limited time. (besides, the quality of recent series coming out is so poor that there is literally only ONE drama that I am waiting for every week and actively looking for time to watch it) That's why I decided to read the reviews of the La Pluie finale first before watching it, because this series simply doesn't spark much joy in me and I decided to watch the episode only if the reviews are sensational 😉
The series actually ended for me at episode 11, where the parents finally addressed the hearing loss and connection phenomenon in a meaningful way, it was also abvious that everything would end well for the two main couples, so I didn't feel any special need to watch the finale.
The absolute majority of the reviews come down to the excitement because of LomfonTien and the GL couple, and some vague mention that, oh yes! right, there was also a main couple, but whatever, did you see Lomfon and Tien kiss? 😀 So I decided to skip the ep.
That’s why correct me if I'm wrong, beacuse I have some final thoughts and since I skipped the finale, I may have missed something: - after all, it has not been explained what this whole phenomenon of hearing loss that happens in the rain is all about, right? - what surprises me is that this phenomenon is not studied in any way, it just exists, it has a whole romantic sugarcoating and some random dude in Thailand one day just cancels it, his soul mates parents are getting divorced and no one studies it, no one checks it....?????? plus soul mates connection that include that random dude consists of 3 people and yet it does not end with poly??? - since the parents are divorced and everyone is chill about it, since there was a couple at the beginning of the series who were not soul mates, although the guy had a hearing loss, since Tai rejected Lomfon, then from a scientific point of view, this rain connection is NOT a soul mate type because if only in this one Tai’s "social bubble" we see THREE couples who are NOT TOGETHER despite hearing loss, in a short period of time, then this phenomenon must be more common and therefore "connection in the rain means being soul mates" should already be overthrown  - unless this couple from the cafe and Tai's parents are a phenomenon on a global scale but apparently no one cares 😀 - Tai breaking the connection simply because he doesn’t want it literally undermined the whole idea of soul mate. as far as I can see, no one cares about it, he doesn't devote a single moment to this shocking?, groundbreaking? event (which personally doesn't surprise me, Tai is an extremely self-centered person) - basically, the hearing loss, the rain connection, is just a means to tell a romantic story and has nothing to do with soul mate trope. I feel cheated 😁 I was waiting for some revelation, but I got the ordinary, simple love story and relationship, which I don't foretell happiness remembering Patts' burst of aggression and Tai’s tendency to avoid problems and his selfishness  - the series supposedly punched the viewers at the very end for the ‘wow’ effect?, giving Tien a hearing loss?, ok, coolcoolcool...... but why?
I liked the scene with Tai's parents in ep 11, but I still have one question: if Tai's mom and her new husband want to have a romantic evening, or go to bed and it starts raining, isn't that awkward? How do they feel about it, after all, her ex-husband HAS TO FEEL IT, Tai felt Patts kissing his ex. The series showed parents as "just parents, asexual beings who only talk to each other about kids" lol. But they’re not just that! How does a wife's connection with her ex-husband, independent of their will, affect a new marriage? They will never be completely alone! Wife and her ex will have a whole ass converstaion, or at least be aware of each other and the new husband will be just... out. 🤔
Ultimately, I didn't like La Pluie, or to be more specific - I didn’t like the main couple and the fake soul mate element. At the beginning, the concept of soul mate in this series seemed to me to determine people's choices, but in the end it turned out to be completely irrelevant since it can be canceled at any time and people can choose who they want. That’s just love, it has nothing to do with soul mate trope. So what was it for? The idea of soul mates is that two people have no other choice and their story is either about their "journey" while being soul mates chosen by destiny, or about their "journey" where they become soul mates (which is basically the same thing lol depending on the amount of supernatural in it). And they can't just cancel it, control it, choose someone else, because it's something often beyond understanding, it's something spiritual, bordering on supernatural! It is a heavenly union of two souls that often transcends time and space! None of this was in La Pluie, I really feel cheated 😀 I think it's time to take a time off from work and watch The Untamed, see the real soul mates 😎
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dadswithipads · 2 years
Live reacting to Static Shock episodes
"Ep 4 S3"
Lil Romeo. Forever gonna sing lmao.
Okay music. Dam fr. I have no clue what static just said the episode skipping. Aw Virgil smiling at Richie after thier interaction before they see the balloon. Too cute it just shows how much Virgil likes that he has his best friend to be their with him.
They always gotta outdo each other huh.
Virgils face Kdksks
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Just omg. Aw Richie getting upset. Aw and then he laughed. Richie better catch him one of these days.
Ooh Virgil jealous. 1. Before gear came around he would always get upset if someone else took credit for saving the day. But specifically because it's Richie he's okay with Richie taking credit as well anyone else it's a no. Just something to think about. "We hardly got a mention".
Gay wrist! Gay wrist!
Cause she a bang baby. Do they hate bowling or something. He shook his head. Like what.
Two thumbs up.
Yo virgil getting so jealous that richie is okay with shebang.
"Miss thang"
My god that elvis impression. Such class clown energy. My son richard.
The message of pretending to be someone your not is inherently queer.
This couple reminds me of facade. The game.
Run away damit.
Richies mom having a mini van. Lmao. So true.
Ok electric guitar. Where is Richie? C'mon now
Now Virgil is all annoyed at the jokes lmao. Just like Richie was at the begging.
Ugh. Not the kissing. It was sweet but screw heteronormativity. Like y'all can't kiss each other.
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lebrainwashed · 2 years
Eyes Wide Shut: Look Anywhere Except at LeBron James
Eyes wide shut - That's Laker Nation and much of the brainwashed fanbase of the NBA. As we all knew, with Russell Westbrook out, it just meant someone else was on the chopping block. Following last night's incredibly bad performance by LeBron James the new move is to say "the goat" can't be expected to play well without the right parts.  OK, let's examine that. 1.  Is the Laker team actually a bad team? And don’t they always say LeBron has a bad team?  Have you looked around the league before deciding that the Lakers roster is that bad?  Have you looked at the shooting percentages of the teammates compared to LeBron? Have you looked at their defense before saying the suck? 2. Right out of the gates all analysts were saying that the Lakers couldn't shoot and couldn't defend.  Well, the Lakers are ranked number two in defense and lead the league in steals. How is that possible on a bad team? I thought championships were won with D. Well, you can no longer claim that they can’t defend so this episode we will look at whether or not they can shoot. 3. LeBron is suffering because of his effort to include the team.  Hmmmm.  Along the same topic of whether or not the rest of the team can shoot we have to look at whether or not LeBron is truly getting his team involved. Eventually passing to someone once you have run the shot clock out is not my idea of positively involving teammates. Occasionally LeBron will deliver a good pass, but he is the recipient of great dimes more often than he is the deliverer. That’s a pretty crazy thing to say considering that his best attribute is supposedly being a facilitator.  It seems to me that he has become a bottom feeder gobbling up the easy shots while his team is left with the tough shots. Shouldn't the opposite be true? 4. Part of helping your team means drawing the defense away from them.  Does LeBron even draw double teams anymore?  The entire season I think I’ve only seen it happen a couple of times.  And we know for damn sure that he isn’t getting guarded on the perimeter. Come to think of it that’s probably why it is so easy for him to cut to the basket for those easy layups that help out his shooting percentage. 5. Back to shooting, the main focus of this video. Most of the rest of the team has a higher shooting percentage than LeBron James but they get far fewer shot attempts. By design of the media, we viewers are meant to remember the team's misses and forget all of LeBron's. 6. LeBron‘s shot selection does not make any sense - this is a guy just trying to pad his stats at the expense of his team. He is shooting 25.7% from the three-point line and yet 41% of his shots are being taken from beyond the three-point line. We’ve always known that LeBron‘s main arsenal is to finish an alley oop or run over somebody on his way to the rim - he has never been known for his shooting so why in year 20 is he insisting on continuing with something that is not working? And it’s not just that he can’t make outside shots. He can’t make wide-open outside shots. Skip and Shannon had the nerve to make fun of Westbrook getting open shots, but their eyes don’t seem to be able to go further than Westbrook because I don’t think anyone in the history of the entire NBA has been left more open than LeBron James. Last... Can AOH outshoot LeBron? I found my comfort on the court by developing an inside game because my personality type is not to be the primary shooter or ball handler. I cleaned up the boards and ended up getting good underneath, including backing people down. But to me this is a trick for surviving on the court if you don’t have the other basketball skills, thus I criticize someone who is supposed to be the goat when he plays down to that level. No one seems to expect the midrange so I developed that too. My 3 point shooting is terrible. Even when I’m open. In other words I can shoot as well as LeBron. #scapegoats #choppingblock #lebronjames #nba #angryoldhoops #basketballtruth
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