#skunk aroma.
wolfietheangel · 2 months
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geara and his stupid stinky fursona 🦨
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savagechickens · 8 months
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Just Like The Last Bottle.
And more skunks.
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themauvesoul · 2 years
Cas’s type: smelly.
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
Back to Our Roots
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: With the Acheron sisters out of town, you and your family plan for a quiet night in— just like old times.
Warnings: drug use, just fun lil high times tbh. Az being a cute partner, Cassian and Reader being best friend and war strategy planning goals
Word Count: 2.3k
An installment of the Mirthroot Mini-Series
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As if she had sensed their arrival, Mor squeezed through your half-opened door and shut it swiftly behind her, wearing a sly smile that made Rhysand instantly still. 
“Heyy, guys.”
Rhysand and Azriel exchanged a look before bringing their attention to the blonde in front of them once more, her body angled awkwardly to block the entirety of your doorway.
“Mor,” Rhys said, eyeing her with a scrutinizing gaze, “Why do you look so guilty?”
She held his gaze for a moment, her mouth falling open slightly as she blinked. Then, she casted a glance to her side before giving a small sheepish smile “Because I am?”
Rhysand’s eyes narrowed even more. “Is that a question or an admission?”
Mor’s smile widened as she gave a small shrug. 
Her eyes were brought to Azriel as he spoke, an expression on his face that mirrored that of Rhysands. His shadows hadn’t warned him of any imminent danger, hadn’t informed him of any threats. Yet Mor stood in front of him with a sense of suspicion he wasn’t able to read. 
She remained quiet, opting to raise a brow at him instead.
Mor's smile faltered. "I had no part in this. It was their idea, I swear," she admitted.
Rhys dipped his chin slightly. "Whose?" 
"Y/n and Cass.”
Azriel had grown tired of the conversation, of the strange stalling Mor was attempting to do. The mention of your name snapped the last threat of his patience, and with a swift and determined movement, he brushed past Mor, his expression unreadable as he entered your home. Instantly, his shadows slithered along the walls and floors, guiding him unerringly toward you.
Mor trailed after him, her steps quickening. "Truly, I didn't realize how... well, you'll see," she called after Azriel, her voice echoing in the hallway.
It had been a long day. Azriel was looking forward to relaxing tonight, to spending time with his family in a way he hadn’t been able to recently, not when there had been so many concerns, so many threats to worry about.  Driven by his eagerness to see you, and a small growing fear that had nestled into his heart at Mor’s welcome, he paid little attention to the subtle noises drifting around him or the faint aroma that began to fill the air. 
It didn’t properly hit him until he began opening the dainty glass doors to your living room. 
As they swung open, Azriel was instantly hit by a powerful scent, his hand flying to his nose reflexively.  Earthy and woody, with a sharp edge that hinted at… skunk?
Azriel blinked.
He recognized this smell. It was one he knew deeply— one he hadn't encountered in what felt like centuries. Blinking rapidly, Azriel squinted to see through the dense cloud that enveloped the room, the air thick and difficult to breathe. With his vision obscured, he could barely make out the shapes on the ground before him. But quickly, through the haze, he discerned your and Cassian's forms, laying leisurely amidst the swirling smoke.
A smile tugged at his lips. 
From behind him, Azriel heard the shuffling of Mor and Rhysand as they entered the room, a strong cough following their entrance. 
Rhysand let out a whistle, walking to stand next to Azriel. “Damn.”
Despite the three new presences in your living room, neither you nor Cassian seemed to notice. The cloudiness of the room, now seemingly thicker than before, suggested to Azriel that you and Cassian were indeed on a completely different level than him and Rhysand– than Mor, as well, from what he could gather. 
You laid on the ground, your hair messily sprawled over your soft rug, eyes closed in bliss, a gentle laughter escaping your lips. Azriel could make out the movements of Cassian’s frame beside you as he mirrored your laughter.
"It's been like this for hours. I thought it would wear off by now," Mor murmured. 
Azriel turned his head to look at her, watching as she walked over to one of your bookshelves. She picked up a small container before turning around.
"I guess it's just... really strong?" Mor offered, her expression marked by furrowed brows and a hint of uncertainty. She offered the container towards Rhys with an extended hand. 
Rhysand grabbed it gently, examining it before giving it a light squeeze, the top popping off with a small sound. He brought it to his nose. Instantly, he recoiled with yet another small cough. 
“Gods, Mor. That is horribly potent.”
Azriel grabbed the container next, bringing it up to smell in the same manner his brother had. Faintly, he felt the cool slick of his shadows as they snaked up his body, a few around his arms, a few curling around his ears in curiosity, attempting to get a better look. The scent tickled his nostrils and he drew back, his shadows mirroring his movements as if the scent had, somehow, also hit them too. Azriel looked up through his brows, casting a quick glance over to where you laid.
“This has rootdust,” Azriel stated, holding up the container for emphasis. “Mor, this is basically all rootdust.”
Mirthroot was a tricky herb to work around. You and Azriel had your fair share of expertise, spending many of your younger years sneaking out into the mountains to smoke together. All of you dabbled, at some point,  with holidays spent at the cabin covered in smoke. You and Az had a habit of collecting as much rootdust as possible, a tradition of making the last smoke of the holiday the strongest one— a grand finish, you used to say. Azriel always loved it. But it had been years, and from what Az could tell, Mor wasn’t as skilled as she once was in recognizing the quality of what she was taking in.
“Oh,” Mor breathed out. “Well. I guess we got a really good deal then, huh?”
Rhysand let out an amused breath. “Are you telling me that Cassian and Y/n have been smoking the most highly concentrated part of mirthroot casually?”
“For hours?” Azriel added.
Mor sheepishly smiled once more, "Like I said– it was their idea," she responded, her tone laced with a hint of amusement.
With a thoughtful hum, Azriel turned away from Mor, his gaze now fixed on you. He made his way towards you, his shadows leaping forward eagerly, swirling around him like excited children. Within seconds, they reached your form, gently dancing around your body in movements that elicited soft giggles from your lips. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, curiosity flickering within them as you lifted your hands to watch the shadows playfully run along your hands.
Azriel watched as the realization dawned on you. With a sudden burst of energy, you sprang up from the ground, your eyes lighting up with excitement as you looked up at him. Cassian's head snapped back in surprise, his own grin widening as he caught sight of his brother. 
"Az!" you exclaimed with a big grin, a sheer joy evident in your voice that made his heart flutter. 
His gaze swept over the coffee table next to you, noting the scattered papers, remnants of ash, and the loose mirthroot nuggets. He let out a laugh at the array of snacks messily spread amongst the herbs, crumbs from what he could only assume were some sort of baked goods— cookies, his shadows informed him. Chocolate chip. He met your eyes again with a grin. 
"Hi, gorgeous," he greeted warmly. 
With a gentle ease, he made a move to sit down next to you, his movements accompanied by the subtle sound of his knees cracking in response. He lowered himself to your rug, leaning his back against the couch as you scrambled to reposition yourself, your movements slow and uncoordinated. Somehow you managed to settle yourself between his legs, pressing against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You craned your head to look up at him.
Azriel's gaze softened as he looked at your face, illuminated by a wide grin that stretched across your lips. Your eyes were narrowed and slightly puffy, a faint blush painted on your cheeks. Still gorgeous, Az thought, always so gorgeous. A shadow brushed over your cheek, moving to push back a stray strand of your hair. 
Cassian’s voice disrupted the moment in a small whine. "Hey, what about me?" 
In unison, both you and Azriel moved your heads to look at him, watching as Cassian’s eyes floated between you two. Just like you, Cassian’s eyelids were puffy and half-lidded as he held your stares.
Azriel let out a small snicker. "Hey,” he said.
“What?” Cassian's expression shifted into a frown. "Am I not gorgeous?" 
You gasped in mock horror, your body pushing up with the force of the sound. "You are so gorgeous!" you exclaimed earnestly.
Cassian seemed content at the answer, a small smile gracing his face. His gaze then shifted to Azriel, and you followed suit, both of you staring at him with eager eyes. The sight itself was more amusing than anything Az had seen recently, two of the most feared members of the Night Court staring at him like two curious animals.
Azriel flicked his eyes between the two of you, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. With a laugh-sigh, he looked at his brother.  "You're so gorgeous," he affirmed, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Cassian's gaze lingered on Azriel as he continued. "So gorgeous. If I didn't have her," he gestured towards you, then waved his hand casually, "Nesta would have competition, brother. I mean—"
 "Ah, suck a fat one, Az,” Cassian grumbled, pouting to himself as he leaned against the coffee table. “Can't take anything seriously."
Azriel grinned at the response, pulling you closer to his chest as you laughed, the sound caressing him with a familiar warmth. His gaze was pulled up as Mor and Rhysand approached the rug, both wearing amused smiles on their lips.
"We run late and you decide to have all the fun by yourself?" Rhysand teased, raising the container in his hand.
"Actually," Cassian responded, his voice carrying a hint of excitement, "Y/n and I were discussing some strategies."
Rhysand's amusement only seemed to grow at the comment.  "Strategies?"
Azriel felt your nod against him. 
With a grin, Cassian leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "For, you know, Koschei," he added, emphasizing the last word with a mischievous sloppy wink. Mor snorted at the sight, a laugh falling from her lips. 
Rhys glanced between Mor and Azriel.  "And?"
Cassian's grin widened, "And we solved it."
Rhysand's gaze returned to Azriel, whose eyebrows lifted in surprise, the corners of his lips turned upwards. "You did?"
Cassian leaned back, with a confident nod. "Ohhh yeah. Tell 'em, Y/n," he prompted eagerly.
You shifted into a new position, leaning sideways against Azriel, as you moved your gaze between all of them. Even the movement of your head was slow, sluggish, and Azriel wondered just how well you were able to see all of them considering how closed your eyes were. 
"Koschei is confined to the lake, right?" 
The room went quiet as you continued to move your gaze between your family, silence falling upon the group as they waited for you to continue. When a beat passed, Azriel met your gaze, understanding dawning in his eyes as he realized you were seeking confirmation. "Right, yes," he responded with a nod, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as you grinned at him.
"So,” you paused, the grin spreading across your face, "what if," you continued, your voice tinged with excitement, “we just drain the lake?"
You and Cassian exchanged a look.
“What’s he gonna go without a lake?” Cass emphasized, “Nothing.”
“Exactly. And we get free water. We could make a pool.”
Finishing your sentence with a sound of content, you looked between everyone in the room. Cassian nodded enthusiastically, as if your combined strategy was the strongest plan he’d come up with in centuries. And he was really excited about that damn pool.
There was a sleek silence as your words were processed. 
And then Mor’s reaction came first.
"Oh my Gods," she exclaimed, laughter bubbling up as she covered her mouth in amusement. 
Rhysand and Azriel exchanged a knowing glance before Rhysand let out a bellowing laugh, the sound echoing across the room as he ran his hand down his face.
"That is," he managed to say between laughs, “The best thing I’ve ever heard.”
Azriel looked down at you with a smile that threatened to split his cheeks, small chuckles reverberating through his chest. 
You stared up at him, leaning your head closer to his. "Right?" you chimed in eagerly, seeking validation for your idea. “Right?’
He nodded, unable to resist leaning down to kiss your forehead tenderly. "Genius plan, my love," he praised softly. 
"I know," you replied with a satisfied grin.
With another laugh, Mor walked to her cousin and grabbed the small container from his hand, eliciting a small eyebrow raise in response. 
"For old times' sake," she declared with a grin. With a small groan, she settled down next to Cassian, nudging him to make room. She looked over her shoulder, "Maybe we can brainstorm how it was possible for you to accidentally send a love letter meant for Feyre to Cassian.”
Rhysand’s mouth dropped as he let out a small scoff.
"That happened once!" 
“Wait,” Cassian frowned. "That wasn’t for me?" 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
i wrote this while on mirthroot *cough cough* so ignore any typos
p.s i want to make an entire mirthroot series with fun one-shots just cause i luv the idea of the IC just getting time to relax and do silly goofy stuff like recreational drugs (i’m also a stoner so this is my territory 🙏🏻). should i? yes no maybe so (3/9 update: it has been created!! Read the Mirthroot Mini-Series
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vmpiires · 3 months
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ﹆₊ 概要 ‧₊˚ you purposely piss hakari off. wc, 2.65K. dark mode recommended.
␥ note. this is my FIRST time writing for this man so don't beat me if this is inaccurate. ty @5kstxrz for giving me this idea (that’s twin mkay)
␥ tags. drinking, smoking, smut (omg wow), play fighting, female anatomy, etc. lmk if i missed anything
␥ misc. masterlist AO3
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it was evident to everyone around that your relationship with hakari was filled with passive-aggressive behavior. even though it was apparent that you both cared for each other deeply, the continuous exchange of sarcastic remarks and subtle jabs made your friends and even strangers concerned about your well-being.
the constant bickering between you two was so intense that people often wondered if you were caught in a toxic relationship that you couldn't escape from. despite the love you shared, the tension between you two was palpable and gave rise to many uncomfortable situations.
hakari was a complex individual who had a penchant for indulging in vices. he was known to be a habitual gambler, a smoker, and a drinker. within his many addictions, he had a charismatic personality that drew people towards him. one of his peculiar habits was to take bets on trivial things, such as how many times you'd would insult him before expressing affection towards him. squeezing his waist, telling him how much you love him.
"you're just full of surprises, huh?" hakari chuckles at you as he kisses your head, returning the hug you had given him. "you still got a big head, though. nothin' can change that."
"like your head isn't bigger," you sucked your teeth before flashing a smile at your boyfriend. hakari would release you and stick his middle finger up at you before plopping down onto the couch, the piece of furniture grunting as his weight pressed down onto it.
once you walked into the apartment, the sound of glass shattering caught your attention. the pungent smell of a joint filled the air, and you could see hakari holding it loosely between her fingers. as you took a few more steps, you noticed a puddle of saké on the ground, which emanated an earthy aroma. the scene appeared to be somewhat chaotic, with broken glass, the smell of cannabis and spilled alcohol adding to the disarray.
as you noticed his tan face go pale, you instinctually reached out with your hand and gently brushed your palm against his cheek, hoping to rouse him from his slumber. however, the moment your skin came into contact with his, you couldn't help but notice how icy cold he felt. you paused for a moment, your hand still resting on his cheek, as you realized that something was not quite right.
suddenly, his eyes shot open, and he stared back at you with a look of confusion and surprise, as if you had just startled him out of a deep sleep. his blonde hair was tousled and messy, and his eyes were still cloudy with sleep. nevertheless, his gaze seemed to bore into you, and you couldn't help but feel a little unnerved by his sudden awakening.
"what the hell.." hakari let out a deep groan as he pushed himself up from the couch, lightly kicking the shattered glass beneath his feet. "hey, when'd you get here?" the male asked with a hint of slurring in his speech. as he looked up at you with heavy, droopy eyes, it was clear that he had indulged in some heavy drinking. the pungent odor emanating from him was reminiscent of a dead skunk, indicating that he had gone beyond his limits.
"just now," you suddenly blinked at the male. hakari, who was sitting in front of you, noticed your sudden movement and scratched the nape of his neck before tilting his head to crack his joints. the sound of his joints echoed in the quiet room as he stretched his muscles, trying to relieve the tension from his body after sitting for so long. "are you high?"
"high off my fever," the male chuckled as you saw the vibrance come back into his magenta-colored irises before pushing himself up from the couch, running his fingers through his twisted locks. "help me clean this mess up, will ya?"
as you turned around, you caught a glimpse of Hakari shuffling towards the kitchen. he seemed to be in a hurry, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was up to. a few moments later, he emerged from the kitchen with a rag in his hand.
you could see the dampness on the rag and could smell the cleaning spray that he had used to dampen it. it was clear that he was on a mission to clean up yet another one of his spills. you decided to have a little fun with him this time and stepped back, leaving him to his own devices.
"nah, you can handle it, i'm sure," you couldn't help but smirk at the other person present in the room as hakari began to clean up the mess. as he went about the task, he paused right in the middle, his gaze fixing on you, eyebrows raised in surprise. hakari had come to expect your help whenever he made his frequent messes, and he seemed taken aback that you were not offering to help him this time. his slitted eyebrows lowered in mild irritation and let his head fall back down to the puddle of saké, continuing to clean up the mess on his own.
hakari let out a soft sigh and spoke under their breath, "okay then." his voice was barely audible as they uttered the words, almost as if they were lost in thought. it was clear that hakari was contemplating something, perhaps your sudden shift in attitude when you chose not to help him clean the saké that was spilled on the hardwood floor.
this continued for the rest of the day. you and hakari were cuddled up together in bed watching a horror movie that he suggested for the two of you to watch together before heading to sleep that night. as you both watched the film, you felt pretty and wanted to take some photos.
despite your efforts to pose for the camera, it was no secret that you struggled with it. with your phone held out in front of you at an awkward angle, you squinted at the screen and kept adjusting the position, hoping for a better shot. however, all your attempts were in vain as your little device suddenly slipped from your grasp and landed firmly in hakari's hand. with effortless ease, the male took the phone from you and began capturing a few shots, skillfully adjusting the angle and focus to create the perfect photo.
"i had it, y'know?" you furrowed your eyebrows as you snatched your phone back from him. though you were being all fussy with hakari, saying how much you didn't really need his help with posing, he couldn't help but notice how enchanting you looked with your face being illuminated by the tv while the rest of you were consumed by the darkness of the room.
"yeah, sure you did." hakari rasped before suddenly pinning you to the bed and kissing you to silence your fussing. his legs wrapped around your thighs while his hands moved up and down your sides, his grip getting tighter as the kiss grew more passionate.
his mouth traveled from your lips to your neck, and back down again, his hand roaming up your thigh. both of you had been breathing quite heavily as he held you down with his body as your lips remained locked together. hakari moved back to your neck, lightly sucking on your skin, making sure he'd leave a mark on you.
as hakari sucked on your skin, you felt him pulling down your sweatpants. once your pants had gone past your knees and down to your feet, he tossed the item onto the floor, leaving your panties exposed to him. before he could slide them down, he paused, making sure to break his pace.
"just to let you know...before this goes any further..." he began softly, his grip on your hips becoming lighter. "i don't have a condom...is that good with you?"
you nodded, "it's okay." your reply was simple and to the point. hakari seemed a bit surprised by your directness, but he had a faint grin on his lips as well.
once your panties were completely off and out of the way, he would toss them onto the floor with your pants and continue his previous process, now using his fingers to explore your sensitive area. when hakari heard your breathing picking up and your whimpering became more evident, he smirked, and his hands began moving faster.
hakari was pleasantly surprised by your response and he began to move his fingers through your gummy walls faster and more confidently after hearing your vocality. his smirk grew as he continued, his gaze locked on yours. after a few moments, he finally decided to speak to break the silence that was accompanied by the sounds of your wetness.
"you like that, huh?" he mumbled to you, keeping his digits moving at a moderate pace, but the speed at which they moved started to slow down a little. you were honestly starting to think that he would never stop.
"you know....i- can't-" you stammered as you tried to speak while simultaneously fighting off your moans of pleasure that reverberated against the walls of your bedroom. you suddenly stopped trying to talk, as you realized that it was getting harder for you to do.
hakari groaned as your sounds became louder and heavier, a blush starting to form on his cheeks. his grip tightened again, and his fingers sped up once more, as he kept his eyes locked on yours then slowing down again. "you like this...yeah?" he grunted out. "tell me how much you like it..."
his tone was a lot more flirtatious now. his hand moved in a circular motion, now adding another digit into your core.
"i like it, hakari," you said breathily, your eyebrows knitting together while you attempted to keep your composure, but it obviously hadn't been going very well for you at the moment. "i love it, actually."
hakari continued to listen to your responses, and his lips grew into a wider grin as he heard your words. his hands continued their pace as well, and after a moment of thinking, he spoke again. "mhm..." he mumbled back. "you love it, huh? good."
his grip on your waist was quite tight at this point, but he was enjoying it, judging by the wide smile that he had on his face. once again, he started to speak.
"aw, you're just so cute," he crooned, moving his hands back down between your legs. "and you're a vocal one too."
as hakari started to pick up his pace once again, enjoying the loud noises you were making. he was almost sure the neighbors heard you. he had been teasing you to the fullest, you were starting to get impatient with him.
"please, i don't want your fingers," you finally spoke up, your breath hitching as you spoke. "i want you inside." your words caught hakari off guard and he was never really expecting you to want anything more from him. in fact, it only made him grin even more as his eyes locked with yours.
"really...?" he muttered, squeezing your waist a bit with each passing moment. "you sure you don't want my fingers, you want the entire thing, huh?"
when you nodded in response to his question, he let out a grunt as he began to move his hands down to get himself in position. the male would remove his shirt and then his pants and his hands were on your waist while your legs spread far enough to accommodate him. hakari was already breathing heavily at this point, and once he got himself into the proper position, he moved your legs over your head as he prepared to enter you.
once he was inside, his grip on your hips became tight. his movement was a bit slow as well, just to start off. he grunted once again, starting to speed up with each passing moment. his breath getting heavy. your arms were wrapped around his body and when hakari decided to speed up, your grip tightened and your nails proceeded to dig into his back.
hakari groaned, digging his hand deeper into the mattress underneath him as he got into it more at this point. his grip on her hips were as tight as could be, as he looked into her eyes, a grin on his face. the feeling of your nails digging into his back and your moans from them were almost enough to make him lose it. hakari was clearly enjoying this, and so he pressed even deeper, starting to move faster with each passing moment.
“shit...” his pace continued to speed up, as he began to breathe more heavily. “moan for me...” hakari grunted in a somewhat harsh sounding tone, but still somewhat flirtatious. despite the change in his tone, he was enjoying himself as his pace continued to increase.
doing as told, you let out a soft moan as your hips started to react to his movements. hakari seemed delighted by your reaction. his smile grew even stronger. now that you were moaning for him, his fingers gripped onto the sheets of the bed and sweat beads began to form on his forehead.
the male moved closer to your face in order to see you better, his hand still moving. he grunted loudly as he moved even faster, the pace becoming almost relentless. he wanted you to feel amazing, but he also wanted himself to feel just as good, so he moved at a pace where they both felt pleasure. this went on for a while, until he eventually felt himself starting to get close.
once he felt himself get closer, he slowed down a little bit, his grip on her continuing to stay tight and his voice becoming a little raspier from all the movement. “you close?” he grunted out, his breath heavy from all of the movements, just as his voice was heavy due to the sounds you was making.
“yeah,” you breathed out, tears starting to form in your eyes from the pressure.
the movements continued on, picking up speed again, and he stayed as deeply as he could get inside of you. his hand tightened again as well, as he kept his pace the same as before, if not faster.
“fuck, i'm so close...” he murmured, grunting once again. his pace was getting faster, and the movements were becoming more repetitive as he grunted again. his hand kept its grip on your hips.
the sound of your moaning and his grunting became quite loud in the room now, as they just kept going at it. as hakari’s breath became even heavier, his hand moved from her hip up to her neck, starting to grab her a little bit to hold her in place.
“don’t fuckin’ move..." hakari mumbled out, still having his hand on her neck as he moved faster. the sounds of you and his breathing, his grunting, and your moaning were all really loud and heavy. you could barely feel his grip on her stomach anymore, as his hand had moved to her neck now.
“fuck... i'm...” he grunted, his voice becoming hoarse. this continued for a few moments more, but after enough time had passed, he finally stopped. strings of white ropes landed onto you and the bed sheets. hakari released another groan and the grip on your neck loosened finally, leaving purple marks on your skin.
hakari laid down beside you, still breathing heavily. he was dripping with sweat and so were you. both having a panting expression on your faces. although he was exhausted from the whole ordeal, a wide grin was still on his face.
"you know..." he started between breaths, still gripping your waist. his body was leaning against yours, putting pressure on you. "you still got a fat ass head...but i really enjoyed that."
"man, you don't ever let a good moment go by," you playfully roll your eyes as you finally catch your breath. hakari shrugged, giving you a goofy smile before kissing your cheek and resting his head against your chest.
"wanna watch another movie?" he mumbled against your body, lightly kissing you and rubbing your slightly bruised sides with his thumb. you put your hand on his head, running your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp.
"one more and then i'm going to bed." you said as you pulled the blanket over your bodies. hakari sucked his teeth as if he didn't like the idea of watching a final movie then going to sleep.
"i won't be letting you sleep, then," the male smirked as he grabbed the remote from the nightstand and began to search for another movie for the night.
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⠀© vmpiires | like, reblog & follow.
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obxlovers-posts · 3 months
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My girl
Warnings- none
Summary- a party at tannyhill after a long day
Word count -1,852
Requests are open :)
After a long day at work I had to argue with my mom to be out past curfew ending in me crying all the way to tannyhill. I pull in seeing way too many cars for the mood i'm in.
I turn my air up before grabbing a preroll from my center console and a lighter from my cup holder lighting it up. I wipe my dried tear stain cheeks looking in the mirror and take a deep inhale of the smoke
By the time I get done and get out my car is full of smoke and the aroma of weed radiating off of me. Knowing perfume won't do much I don't bother. I get out and head into the house and into the kitchen not seeing rafe inside
I grab a beer from the fridge opening it as I pass through the groups of preppy kooks and head outside and see topper. He spots me tilting his cup in the air
"Hey T"I say when I finally reach him
"Hit a skunk?"he asked holding his nose I glare at him. He starts laughing
"I'm joking"he says holding his cup out to cheers and I tap his going to chug mine
"Where's rafe?"I ask looking around but not seeing him topper lowers his cup shrugging
"Haven't seen him in a bit"he says before drinking the rest of his cup
"Refill?"he asked I nod and he walks towards the house I cross my arms over my chest waiting for him
He hands me a beer and a shot
"Know me well"I say raising my shot to his and clinking it before we toss them back the burn in my throat chokes me up
"I didn't see Rafe in there either"he says I nod
"When are you leaving?"I ask
"Now y/n"he says with a soft chuckle
"Idiot"I say pushing him away
"I'm not driving home I was going to get a ride"I say
I spot rafe walking out with a brunette sending a pit into my stomach. She smiles at him
"Did you hear me?"topper says I look to him
"What?"I ask he looks up noticing rafe
"Oh. I said I can take you home"he says looking back to me but my eyes already fill heavy
I feel an arm snake around my back and I smell his familiar cologne
"My girl made it!"Rafe says i can tell he's already drunk. Rafe was always been very touchy. It's definitely his love language and I don't mind with the elbow grabs, hand on my back, or when he naps sometimes he will play with a strand of my hair twirling it around until it's in a knot then complain about it.
"Thanks for the company topper"he says sliding his hand to my elbow slightly tugging it and we head inside. Rafe grabs a beer and handing it to me
"You okay?"he asked looking at me and the tears start forming
"What did Topper say?"he asked his jaw quickly clenched
"Nothing it's just a long day I just wanna go home I forgot about the party"I say a tear falling down
"I can't drive"he says frowning before wiping the tear from my face
"I can go get a bottle of roses wine from the cellar and we can go to my room"he says his hand resting on my chin I nod my head.
"Go ahead. I'll be right there"rafe says I make my way up the stairs past all the drunk teens. Wards gonna be pissed
I go to his dresser grabbing sweatpants and a tshirt from his closet
The door opens and I relax seeing rafe with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine with a huge smile
He sits on the bed and I go to the bathroom and change going back to his room
Rafe smiles handing me the glass of wine and I sip on it
"Wait"I say he scrunched his eyebrows waiting for my question
"I'm not setting in a bed you just 'got lucky' in right?"I ask thinking of the girl he was walking out with. He laughed
"No that was the hallway"he says dead serious making my heart sink
"I'm joking. That's Macey she just moved to the island but who knows maybe I will get lucky"he says I set down my glass of wine
"Rafe"I say now annoyed. I don't care about him being with other girls but I’ve had a long day and just need my best friend
"You asked"he says shrugging
"Well maybe I'll just go find Lucas and have a better night with him"I say raising an eyebrow
"What?"he asked trying to catch my elbow
"Goodnight rafe"I say getting up leaving my clothes behind but when I get to the door he's already behind me
"I was joking come on"he says tugging my elbow back I roll my eyes giving in
"I had a fight with my mom earlier if I would've known there was a party and my best friend was gonna be an asshole it would've saved a lot of trouble to stay home"I say
"Then let me make your night better"he says pulling my hand to follow him
We walk over to his record player turning it on and opening his vinyl case pulling out one of mine that I've left over here. The show by Niall Horan being on my top listening recently. Also to drown out the awful music going on downstairs
I laugh as rafe stumbles around trying to dance I join him and he spins me around pulling me closer to him making us both laugh
"How much do you listen to this without me?"I slur out with a smile
"Quite a bit but don't tell anyone"he whispers making me smile harder
"Secrets safe with me Cameron"I say as heaven switches to if you leave me and he spins me again dipping me down and we both almost lose our balance. Pulling me up he laughed and my heart flutters at the look in his eyes. I pull away and start jumping around when meltdown comes on. Definitely too tipsy cracking myself up as rafe joins in jumping and screaming
He grabs my chin as he's close to my face quickly pulling me in and it's a very rushed and messy kiss before I pull away trying to gather my thoughts. His eyebrows are scrunched
"You've done a lot while drunk but that was a first"I say with a laugh
"I'm sorry"he says sitting back down on his bed I walk up to him grabbing his hands
"You did nothing wrong my sweet boy"I say he looked at me
"That one's new"he says with a small smile
"Trying it out"I say shrugging he chuckled pulling my face to his and kissing me again different this time. Soft I can feel his smile
"Not sure I like it. Sounds too soft for you"I say as I pull away he tilts his head
"I don't mind it but it sounds great coming from you"he says
"I have to flip the vinyl"I whisper pulling away he taps my leg
"This one is for you"he says as you could start a cult starts playing making me smile harder as I climb back into his bed
"We have to talk tomorrow"I say knowing how drunk he is. I don't wanna be embarrassed and confused
"We can but whatever it is you're still my girl"he says pulling me over to him kissing the side of my head
"Why now?"I ask
"I can't have you runaway with a guy named Lucas what if he's ugly"he says making me laugh
"Besides you're my girl right?"he says his hand on my chin pulling me to his I nod seeing him smirk. His thumb traces my bottom lip before he pushes my lip down sliding his thumb in my mouth . His smirk grows as I slightly suck on his thumb
"Go ahead my girl"he says I feel my core warm as I place a kiss on his neck moving down and accidentally leaving a hickey. He pulls me on top of him so I have a better angle at his neck
"Rafe are you sure"I ask pulling back to look at him. I can feel him growing underneath me and my heart is racing
"Y/n I can promise anything you do to me has 100% of my consent"he says pushing my face back to his neck
“Rafe”I say as much as I want it. We’re both too drunk and I don’t want to ruin our friendship over one night.
“Hmm”he hums before I look him
“Can we wait?”I ask he smiles and pushes a piece of hair behind my hair
“Whatever you want my girl”he says holding my cheek. I nod he pulls my face to his in for another kiss. My heart feels warm. His hands move to my hips pushing me into him and I let out a moan
“If you change your mind”he says grinding my hips so I’m riding him before I pull myself off of him. He wraps me in his arms which I’m used to but it still makes me feel warm after what just happened.
I wake up and the bed feels cold I reach my arm out opening my eyes to find nothing. I hear the shower running in the bathroom. I sit up grabbing my phone seeing my mom had texted me yelling at me. I turn it off laying back down but the sunlight from his windows are no help for the headache
I hear the shower turn off. My heart starts racing remembering what happened last night. The door opens and rafe comes out with a towel around his waist.
“Morning”he says walking to his dresser and grabbing some clothes before going back to the bathroom
He comes back in dressed for golf. Rubbing at his neck where I placed a hickey last night. He turns around looking at me
“You know who did this?”he asked pointing to the hickey. making my heart drop, there’s the embarrassment. he starts smiling walking over to the side of the bed
“I’m messing with you”he says placing a kiss on my temple
“Rafe cameron”I groan pushing him away
“Scream it baby”he teased I rub my face with my hand
There’s a knock on his door before it opens and topper walks in. He stops and smirks looking at rafe and then to me
“What happened here”topper asked point to his neck referring to rafe I just laugh
“My girl marked me”rafe says grabbing his gloves walking over to me leaning over and kissing me
“Tonight?”he asked looking at me I nod with a smile as him and topper leave
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alexcors · 4 months
Donna: Guys, they published comics about me!
Garfield and Jaime: Congratulations! This is great!
Damian: Tt.
Garfield: Never mind, Damian doesn't like comics.
Donna: But... Why?
Damian: Mediocre art with crooked anatomy and even more mediocre text that easily fits on one page, the plots are banal, the dialogue is primitive.
Raven: Damian prefers books.
Garfield, in a whisper: Without pictures.
Damian: Tt. Books train the imagination, comics are forced into boundaries.
Garfield: Come on, this isn't just another workout, this is just fun.
Donna: Maybe Damian is so hostile because there are no comics about him?
Damian: Nothing like that.
Raven: I'd rather there weren't any about me either. People become overly... Annoying when they read things like that.
Jaime: Are you talking about that comic where you were supposed to have an affair with Gar?
Garfield: Or the one where you and Kid Flash?
Donna: With Jericho?
Jaime: With Zatanna?
Raven: What?!
Jaime: Yeah. There is also a comic where Beast Boy and Klerion turned into a two-headed monster and you went on a date with them in this form.
Raven: Azar...
Damian: Don't worry about it.
Raven: It's easy for you to tell, it's not you who is being made out to be a silent, trouble-free slu...
Donna: I found a comic featuring Damian!
Garfield: What's there?! What? Show me!
Damian, grinning: There must be pools of blood.
Donna: Nope, this is a closed tournament on a secret island, which can only be reached by a special ship. And a mysterious sorcerer rules there.
Garfield: Hey! This is the main plot of the Mortal Kombat game! I thought you said you found a comic, not fan fiction.
Donna: Well, that's not all, there's also... Romance.
Damian: Ugh, nonsense.
Donna: No, I'm serious, here you are and a pale girl with a gothic look, wearing fashionable fingerless gloves, with lilac eyes...
Garfield, chuckling: Brunette and daughter of Satan?
Donna: No, blonde.
Damian turns to Raven, introduces her with blonde hair, shrugs and turns to the others: Maybe.
Jaime turned a comic book in his direction with a shaggy blonde in makeup that made her look like she had the last stages of syphilis: Dude, this is definitely not Raven.
Damian grimaced: Absolutely not.
Garfield: Who is she? What do they write about her?
Donna: A fifteen-year-old mercenary who extracts human organs to order.
Damian, gloomily: I would have cut off her hands the first time we met. These scavengers are disgusting. I don’t understand doctors who do this kind of thing.
Donna: They write here that she is a meta, and rips out organs with her hands.
Damian: What?!
Garfield: Not cool, guys.
Damian: But it's stupid! An organ removed in this way will die in a matter of seconds. If this is her trade, then she must be a complete idiot not to know such things.
Raven: Or maybe she just likes to gut people.
Jaime: Just pools of blood, just like you said.
Damian: Blood has almost no smell, unlike human insides, the pieces of which will cover you from head to toe if you try to remove an organ in this way. And even the smallest particles of it will start to rot pretty quickly, creating a smell… To be honest, it's unpleasant.
*The Titans, who were “lucky” to visit the crime scene with the corpses, grimaced, remembering how disgusting it smelled there*
Donna: But it can be washed off. Yes?
Damian: No. The smell is deeply ingrained into the fabric. The aroma will be like a dead cat in a garbage pit.
Jaime: Ew!
Garfield: I wish I hadn't trained my imagination...
Donna: What, there’s no way to get it out at all? Alcohol, for example. This... girl seems to go to bars.
Damian, pinching the bridge of his nose: If this is really a teenager, then she can only go to an illegal bar, where it stinks of sour booze and bitter smoke. The mixture of aromas will reek about two meters away.
Jaime: The stink and the black and white outfit. And her name is Skunk Girl, am I right?
Garfield mentally added new smells to the already established image, causing his stomach to lurch unpleasantly: I propose to end this foul-smelling discussion.
Donna: Well...
Jaime: What?
Donna: No, guys, it's not worth it.
Raven: What is it?
Donna: Oh... There's a kissing scene.
Jaime: Ew!
Damian: I'll sue them.
Garfield: I feel sick... Disgusting.
Donna picks up the comic with two fingers, like a dirty rag, and throws it aside: I agree.
Raven with a slight movement of her palm lifted the comic into the air and burned it, leaving not even ashes
Garfield: Ray, you are our savior!
Damian buries his face into the desonesse’s hair and eagerly inhales its aroma, lavender, slightly sweet and spicy: Thank you.
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feebelle · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
STINKITT (Normal) Stinkitt spreads a nasty smell to ward off scary Pokémon. It often flees after doing so, as even it can't stand the scent.
DOMESCENT (Fairy) Each Domescent has its own unique scent. Contests are held each year to determine the best scent. The fur of these Pokémon spread a pleasant and long-lasting aroma, and are sold in Pokémarts.
CAUTERAGE (Fire) These Pokémon are quick to anger and often burst out in flames to cool down. Some plants rely on the wildfires it starts in order to spread their seeds. It has gland that produces stinking fumes, which it ignites to appear stronger.
Stinkitt will evolve into Cauterage by reaching lvl 21+ in a rural/wild route, or into Domescent if it evolves in an urban/city route.
Stinkitt fills the role of the early game normal type that’s easy to beat, but it changes it up and evolves into completely different types! Stinkitt and Domescent are obviously based on skunks but Cauterage has more porcupine/capybara DNA in it. I’ll try to make the sprite versions of these designs at some point as well, so it has some visual cohesion with the other designs I’ve made for the region.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 9 months
If I may request Vampire Andrew for the start of the day, you will see me send a virtual hug from a distance 👐🤍
WIP Wednesday (9/20) | Vampire Andrew AU
As soon as the car is parked Andrew rips off his seat belt and clambers out, eager for fresh air. What he gets, however, is anything but. In fact, it's so rank that Andrew's eyes start to water. He clamps his hand over the bottom half of his face and blinks back hot… liquid. (Not tears. Andrew Minyard does not cry.)
But if he did, he might. Because, to go from the tantalizing aroma of Kevin Day’s blood to the noxious stench of a skunk’s spray is an act of cruelty from the universe that Andrew could never have fathomed.
“Ugh,” Kevin says as he steps out of the car. Then he gives Andrew a worried look. ‘Oh. I bet that’s awful for you.’
“Yep. Terrible,” Andrew says under his breath. He looks through the car window and Wymack seems to be gathering every item he’s ever owned.
'Keys, wallet, paperwork. Where the hell is my phone?'
When Andrew’s sure he won’t be seen, he grabs Kevin’s hand and brings it up to his face. There are tiny pricks of red by his fingernails that Andrew wants to lick off him. But it’s dry now. It wouldn’t do him much good. So he merely inhales Kevin’s saccharine scent for a couple seconds, then lets him go. Kevin’s hand falls to his side, but his eyes are locked on Andrew’s face.
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unsoundedcomic · 11 months
What does Duane's soul smell like?
It smells like Duane!
Sette gets very frustrated when people ask her to compare what she can smell to things that we lowly unawesome people can smell. Her nose is like a thousand times better, and she knows aromas that we just don't have access to. Duane smells like Duane! It is not a bad smell, it is a Duane smell. At this point it's familiar and comfortable. But he ALSO smells like pymary - just awful, evil pymary. It's not a part of his smell, it's something separate on top of him, like skunk stink.
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themurphyzone · 5 months
BatB AU: Ch 28: Under the Apple Tree
AN: It's been a super long time since I updated this story. But now I think it's time to get the ball rolling on the next story arc!
Ch 28: Under the Apple Tree
AO3 Link
“Over here, Brain!” Pinky shouted from atop the small hill. He swung the picnic basket in a wide arc, one hand on his floppy sunhat. The mint green ribbon tied around the brim swayed gently in the fresh spring breeze, matching perfectly with the cute bow around his waist. Marita had embroidered his sundress with beautiful white daisies and yellow daffodils, and he loved how the fair weather was just perfect for springtime fashion. “Come on! I’ve seen snails move faster than you!” 
Brain promptly dropped the red, apple-decorated blanket in his hands, his cheeks turning as pink as his eyes when he stared up at Pinky. Stunned, he hastily scooped up the blanket and hurried to the hilltop. 
“And how would you know that, Pinky?” Brain asked, breathless from his climb. “You can’t sit still long enough to watch a snail move that far.”
He spread the blanket on the grass, right underneath the blossoming apple tree. This spot had just the perfect mixture of sunlight and shade. The blooming flowers were beautiful shades of pink and white, gently fluttering in the breeze. 
Pinky reached up, catching a falling blossom in the palm of his hand. He inhaled slowly, taking in its sweet aroma. 
“You should smell this, Brain!” Pinky exclaimed, tail wagging in excitement. “It’s like a little whiff of heaven!” 
Brain hesitated for a moment at the flower in Pinky’s hands, but after an encouraging nod, he leaned over and scented the flower for himself. 
“The scent is…familiar,” Brain admitted, placing a hand to his chin in thought. He seemed rather puzzled by it. “I know I’ve smelled it in the castle before, but I can’t pinpoint the source.” 
“Maybe the maids were using it? I’ve been meaning to ask what they’re using to get those really stubborn stains out,” Pinky suggested. 
But Brain shook his head. “No, no, it wasn’t coming from them or their cleaning tools. I’m fairly certain it was in the library.” 
Pinky tucked the blossom behind Brain’s ear, giving his outfit an extra springtime touch. Brain tended to favor muted colors in his casual outfits, and he’d chosen a simple yet elegant white, short-sleeved shirt with black pants for this outing. 
Pinky smiled at his handiwork while Brain reached up and touched the flower, confusion all over his face before securing the flower and giving a small, hesitant smile of his own. 
“Really? I always thought the library had that dusty old book smell,” Pinky admitted. 
With all the time he’d spent in the library, it had become a comforting scent to him. 
“It’s not from the books either. In fact, I smelled it more when…we’re in close proximity to each other.” Brain’s eyes widened in realization. “Wait! Now I’m sure of it! You’re somehow the source of that scent, Pinky!” 
“Am I?” Pinky said, lifting his arm and smelling his fur. A pleasant, floral scent filled his nostrils. “Well I’ve been using this really nice apple blossom bubble bath lately…” 
Then a playful, mischievous idea came to mind, and he coiled his tail around Brain’s waist, pulling him close. Brain tensed up, his fur turning a bright shade of crimson. 
“Are you trying to tell me I smell nice, Brain?” Pinky crooned through half-lidded eyes, his voice low and teasing. 
“N-no! I mean, yes!” Brain stammered, unable to answer Pinky’s question. “Maybe? Y-you don’t smell like a skunk!”
Giggling, Pinky took pity on Brain and released him. Brain’s face was still bright red as he hurried over to the picnic basket and began unpacking items at lightning speed. 
Pinky’s stomach rumbled from hunger as the scent of freshly made cheese intertwined with the apple blossoms, and he couldn’t resist breaking off a piece of a large wheel that Brain had set aside. 
He popped it into his mouth, a sweet, nutty flavor exploding across his tongue. It was absolutely divine, and Pinky couldn’t resist taking a second helping. But before he could break off another piece, Brain reached behind him and moved the plate out of reach. 
“Don’t be greedy, Pinky,” Brain scolded, though his tone was light and lacked any real bite to it. “I’m not finished yet. You need to wait.” 
Pinky pouted. Withholding cheese just wasn’t fair! 
“But I’m hungry, Brain! Narf!” he protested, placing his elbows on the closed lid of the picnic basket and resting his head in his hands. “I haven’t eaten in forever!” 
Brain rolled his eyes. “You inhaled an entire stack of ten pancakes with cream, chocolate, berries, butter, sugar, and syrup this morning.” 
“Yeah, but that was then! This is now!” Pinky insisted. “Pleeeeaaaaaase?” 
He clasped his hands together, his tail hopefully wagging.  
Brain’s stern demeanor melted into uncertainty. “Pinky, don’t you give me that look now…” he stammered, crossing his arms in an attempt to remain in control. “You know I can’t re-I mean, of course I’m completely immune to your simple charms, and I will not surrender the cheese under any circumstances.” 
Pinky’s ears drooped against his neck. 
And with a sigh of resignation, Brain finally broke off a piece of cheese and threw it into Pinky’s open mouth. The cheese melted in Pinky’s mouth, and he licked his lips with a contented narf. 
“...you have got to stop doing that,” Brain groaned, running his hands down his face in frustration. 
Pinky just smiled, because amidst the spread of sourdough bread, cheese, berries, butter, and drinks, there were two very special items left in the basket that Brain hadn’t brought out yet. Brain had entrusted the food preparations to Pinky, while he focused on scouting the perfect spot for their picnic. Brain hadn’t seen all the contents of the basket yet. 
“Brain, allow me to present the creme de la creme of this basket! It’s a super special recipe passed down through the family for generations, and I can’t wait to share it with you!” Pinky opened the other half of the basket to reveal two slices of strawberry cheesecake. “It’s made with crushed crumbs, cream cheese, the first harvest of the ripest and reddest strawberries of the season, and love!” 
“Should we really be eating the dessert course first?” Brain asked, though he swiped a finger through his cheesecake and carefully gave it a test lick. His entire body perked up, a happy gleam in his rose-pink eyes. 
Pinky shrugged. “Who’s gonna stop us? We can eat cake first if we want!” 
“Dr. Scratchinsniff would have something to say if he knew,” Brain said, though he’d eaten half of his cake already, flecks of cream cheese dotting his muzzle. 
“Troz! Well, ‘ol Scratchy’s not here now, is he?” Pinky smirked as he shoveled the cheesecake down his throat. “And it’s not like he can stop us if he wanted to.” 
Brain shrugged. “I suppose not.” 
He finished his cheesecake and grabbed a slice of bread. But before he could bite into it, he suddenly let out a loud burp and quickly covered his mouth, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Pinky gasped, clutching his chest like somebody had just stepped on a puppy. “Now, Brain! Zu should not burp like ze chimney!” he exclaimed in his best imitation of Scratchinsniff. “Eet iz not very prince-y of zu, ja?”
He punctuated his outrage with an exaggerated, nagging wave of his finger. 
“Your imitation is truly impeccable,” Brain said, a short laugh escaping him. “Down to the accent and enunciation.” 
Fur bristling, Pinky quickly leapt behind Brain, glancing up at the apple tree and ready to duck for cover in case there were any birds perching on the branches.   
“I’m peckable?” he yelped, clutching Brain tightly. “Are there any crows up there?” 
Brain sighed, loosening Pinky’s arms so he could slip out. “No, Pinky. Only two songbirds, and they haven’t noticed us.” 
“Oh. Well, that’s a relief,” Pinky said, instantly relaxing. 
One songbird had bright yellow feathers splashed across its chest, while the other was a plain brown. The yellow-feathered bird sang a beautiful melody to its counterpart, fluttering along the flowers and budding leaves to entice her with his song. 
But the female only pecked at the branch, not seeming particularly interested. 
“Narrrf, I think he’s trying to woo her, Brain!” Pinky whispered in excitement. “He’s singing such an adorable song for her! That’s so romantic!” 
What sort of romantic imagery went with birdsong? Maybe a blue sky, or soaring somewhere exciting, or building a nest together? 
“She doesn’t appear to share your opinion, Pinky,” Brain said, crossing his arms with a frown. 
The female bird wasn’t outright rejecting her suitor, but she was flicking her tailfeathers at him, like he needed to work harder to win her over. 
And the male was trying awfully hard, but his song faltered, every beat of his wings becoming more unsure. If he didn’t find his groove, he was gonna lose her for sure! 
“He needs a wingman,” Pinky declared, his mind made up. He hurried over to the shadow of the apple tree’s largest branch, whistling along to the male’s birdsong. He filled in the spaces of the faltering melody with his own, but kept his voice lower so he didn’t completely overtake the song. 
The female stopped pecking at the branch, cocking her head as he listened more intently to the song. Bolstered by her rising interest, the male dared to hop closer to her, puffing out his yellow feathers to make himself appear more attractive. 
That’s it! You’re doing great! 
The male was just inches away from her, stretching out his wing as if inviting her for a flight. 
Suddenly, the female broke away and fluttered down to the roots of the apple tree. She regarded Pinky with interest. 
Pinky rubbed the back of his neck, feeling rather awkward now. 
“Oh…um, hi,” Pinky said, trying to be friendly without being too friendly. “I think he likes you?” 
He pointed up at the male bird, who’d stopped singing, his beak open from shock. 
But the female ignored Pinky’s hand, warbling at him with keen interest. 
“Don’t get me wrong! I’m flattered, truly!” Pinky waved his hands frantically and backed away. “But I don’t think I could eat worms straight out of the ground!” 
Yet the female hopped even closer, her beak pressing against Pinky’s nose. 
Then Pinky felt a hand clamp down on his wrist, yanking him backwards. 
“Stay behind me, Pinky,” Brain ordered with a warning glare directed at the female bird. 
His short white fur bristled, and Pinky giggled quietly to himself. Brain looked like an adorably spiky cloud with his fur puffed out like that. 
The female bird threw her wings open, feet scraping at the ground with indignation. 
“He’s. Not. Interested,” Brain growled, his voice low and dangerous. A deceptively quiet rumble came from his throat, and Pinky realized that Brain truly was growling the way he used to do under the curse.
Pinky rubbed Brain’s spiky fur between his fingers, admiring how soft it still felt. Brain’s growling faltered, then quickly picked back up, like he’d briefly forgotten and remembered why he was growling in the first place. 
Brain kept Pinky behind him while he stared down the female bird. 
Finally, the female bird chirped and lifted her tailfeathers haughtily, flying away until she’d disappeared over the treeline. The male warbled frantically and hurried after her, leaving several feathers behind him. 
Brain continued to glare at the horizon, as if silently daring them to come back. His fur still wouldn’t lie flat, so Pinky gently smoothed it down for him with soothing, broad strokes. 
The tension in Brain’s shoulders slowly disappeared, his growls becoming softer and quieter. He leaned back into Pinky, letting him support his weight as he returned the affection with a brief nuzzle of his own. 
“No more interfering in the love lives of avians, Pinky,” Brain sternly told him, though his exasperated scolding was punctuated with a kiss to Pinky’s nose. 
“Okey-dokey, Brain,” Pinky giggled, returning the nose kiss with one of his own. 
Brain’s face immediately turned as red as the picnic blanket lying on the ground. 
“G-good…” he stammered, quickly rushing back to the picnic blanket and burying his face in the fabric. 
Brain always seemed like he wanted to sink into the nearest fabric whenever Pinky kissed him on the nose. 
Before Pinky could surprise him with another kiss, several loud squawks came from somewhere in the sky.  
“Pesto, just calm down-” 
“N-no, I’m just saying-” 
Two avian bodies plummeted to the ground, tangled in a feathery gray ball. Pesto was completely incoherent now, while Squit ineffectually tried to push him off. But there wasn’t much force in Squit’s kicks. 
Pesto’s shrieks quickly turned into gasps and sobs, his entire body shaking as he collapsed on top of Squit. 
“Cheer up, Pesto. There’s plenty of other birds in the sky,” Squit said, patting Pesto’s back awkwardly. 
“N-not like Ebony! We could’ve made a beautiful nest together!” Pesto wailed. 
Pinky and Brain awkwardly glanced at their romantic picnic setup. 
Bobbi, who’d always been the calmest out of the Goodfeathers, ducked his head in apology. There was a brown satchel on his back, a piece of parchment sticking out from the flap. 
“Sorry to crash your little date,” he said diplomatically, ignoring Squit’s clumsy attempts to comfort Pesto, who was sobbing into his shoulder. “Pesto acts like this every spring. Always wantin’ to chase every pretty tailfeather that flits his way.” 
“Oh no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” Pinky replied. Brain’s eyes were trained carefully on the picnic basket, and he fidgeted awkwardly next to Pinky. “So this Ebony…um, it didn’t work out, huh?” 
Bobbi nodded. “I told him not to chase that crow. Those birds like to be courted with shiny gifts, but they’ll steal ‘em and leave you heartbroken in the end.”
Pinky gasped, hands flying to his mouth. “Poor Pesto! That’s just horrible!” 
He felt a little better when Brain’s hand started patting him on the back.
“A most unfortunate outcome,” Brain added, turning his gaze back onto the picnic blanket with all their food lying haphazardly under the tree. 
Bobbi shrugged. “Eh, he’ll get over it. He’s probably just overwhelmed. Been a long time since any of us have really stretched our wings. The carrier pigeon gig’s doing wonders for us.” 
Ever since the curse had been lifted, the Goodfeathers had been flying in and out of the castle to celebrate their freedom and report on anything interesting that occurred from the surrounding land. Though Bobbi and Squit were willing to carry messages from the castle occupants to the outside world, only Pinky, his father, and Wakko really took them up on their offer, and the only recipients of their letters were Slappy and Skippy Squirrel. 
The entire castle was made up of a hodgepodge of misfits and outcasts with nowhere else to go and nobody to write to, and there was no need to send letters when the person you wanted to talk to the most was living in the same castle anyway. 
“Must be nice to have wings,” Pinky mused. The world must look really nice from a bird’s eye view. “Can you really see everything way up in the wild blue yonder?” 
“Yeah, you can!” Squit exclaimed, hopping over and dragging a despondent Pesto behind him. “Flying is the greatest thing in the world since bread crumbs! Oh, and that old squirrel lady responded to your letter. Here you go!”
He lifted the parchment out of Bobbi’s backpack and gave it to Pinky, an unwavering grin on his beak. 
“Egad, I’ve been waiting for this all day!” Pinky exclaimed, quickly ripping the seal and letting the parchment unfurl. 
“To the Godpigeon, you and your dodo-minded flock have slighted me for the last time. Make good on our deal or else-”
Before Pinky could read any further, Bobbi quickly ripped the letter out of his hands and forcefully stuffed it into Squit’s beak to hide the contents. 
Squit choked on the parchment for a few seconds before finally swallowing it whole, a visible bulge sliding down his throat all the way to his stomach. 
“You. Saw. Nothing,” Bobbi grounded out, and Pinky hugged Brain to his chest nervously. 
Bobbi’s eyes were blown open in warning, a confusing sight for Pinky since he’d never seen Bobbi act like this before. His feathers puffed out so that he appeared even bigger as he loomed over them. 
“Of course we haven’t seen anything! Ow, Pinky, not so tight!” Brain exclaimed to placate Bobbi, with a sharp gasp. Pinky loosened his grip so Brain could breathe a little better. “You accidentally gave us another job advertisement for a shepherd boy! There seems to be a high  demand in the nearby villages! Haha!” 
Brain’s elbow jabbed Pinky. 
Recognizing his cue, Pinky laughed alongside Brain. “Oh yes, somebody’s gotta watch those poor sheep! And I definitely did not accidentally read a vaguely terrifying letter from an unknown sender that wasn’t meant for my innocent eyes! Zort!” 
Bobbi’s eyes narrowed, a move that made Squit dive for cover under Pesto’s wing. Pesto, who finally snapped out of his heartbroken stupor, watched anxiously and didn’t try to shove Squit away for once. 
Suddenly, Bobbi shook Pinky and Brain’s hands with his wings, his feathers lying smooth like he hadn’t been enraged just seconds ago. His eyes were closed once again. 
“Well, it’s a pleasure being on the same page with you fine gentlemice,” Bobbi said affably, his tone calm like he was only talking about the sunny weather. “Here’s your letter, Pinky. The correct one this time.” 
He gave Squit a pointed look. Clearly, they’d be discussing the consequences of revealing such a dangerous message once they were alone. 
Squit only let out a nervous laugh.
“Thanks…” Pinky said, taking the letter from Bobbi’s outstretched wing, which smelled of oak leaves and acorns. He was still unnerved by Bobbi’s threat. 
“No prob,” Bobbi said. “Squit. Pesto. We gotta report to the Godpigeon immediately. Let’s leave these lovebirds to their picnic.” 
Pesto’s eyes lit up as soon as Bobbi said ‘picnic’. “Wait…that’s it! I’ll land a girl with a picnic! Well, maybe if I could find a really pretty birdfeeder with a flower pattern-” 
He continued to ramble about all the ways he could impress larks, nightingales, and doves all the way into the sky. Within minutes, the Goodfeathers’ silhouettes disappeared over the horizon. 
Now that they were alone, Pinky and Brain returned to the blanket under the blossoming apple tree. 
“Brain?” Pinky said as they settled near the trunk together. “Where would you go if you could fly like the Goodfeathers?” 
Brain lifted his head towards the sky, silent as he pondered Pinky’s question. His pink eyes glittered with curiosity, but it didn’t last long before they turned downwards. He heaved a sigh, like flying was completely out of the question for him. 
“Don’t know,” Brain admitted. “What would your answer be?” 
That was an easy choice for Pinky. 
“I think I’d fly to Warnerstock,” Pinky declared. 
“You don’t know anything about Warnerstock, Pinky,” Brain said. 
“Neither do you,” Pinky pointed out. “Or the Warner siblings, or anyone else! I’ll explore the country myself and tell everyone what I saw! That way, it’s not so unknown anymore and the Warners won’t feel disconnected to their homeland!” 
Yakko was the only one who had any solid memories of Warnerstock. Wakko’s were fuzzy at best, and Dot was an infant when they fled. Her brothers and their life in France were all she remembered. 
There was a gleam of admiration in Brain’s pink eyes. “That’s…a surprisingly noble reason, Pinky. And I can’t argue against the pursuit of knowledge either.”
Pinky nudged Brain. “Okay, now it’s your turn. Where would you go if you could fly?” 
He wasn’t going to accept an ‘I don’t know’ for an answer. There were lots of places in the world one could visit if they could fly! Brain had to have one, or two, or even eighty-four places he wanted to travel to at some point in his life!
When was the last time he even got out of the castle anyway? 
“I…well, perhaps my answer might be…somewhat childish,” Brain murmured, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. Pinky didn’t see what the big deal was. “I’d like to visit Sherwood Forest, the home of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. It’s always described with such vibrancy and life. Seeing the real forest where his legend began would be amazing.”
His hands were clasped to his chest with wonder, though he quickly caught himself and lowered them again. 
Pinky nuzzled Brain’s ear. “Then I’ll take you there myself, Brain. You can ride on my back while I’m flying!” 
Brain stared at Pinky in surprise, though he shook his head with a brief chuckle and returned Pinky’s smile. 
“I’ll look forward to it then,” he said. 
Pinky tilted Brain’s head and captured his lips in a kiss. He tasted like strawberries and cheesecake, and Pinky hummed in delight when Brain pressed back too. The letter fluttered in Pinky’s hand, nearly forgotten until Brain pulled back, his chest heaving for breath. 
Pinky could’ve kept going with the kiss forever, and all the way to eternity, but he didn’t mind reading Slappy’s letter while he waited for Brain to catch his breath.  
Gonna keep this letter brief, Pinky. Can’t give away too much in case someone swipes it before this reaches you. 
Skippy and I are packing everything so we can get out of this backwater village. They’ve treated us like dirt and I’ve only put up with it for this long so Skippy could grow up in a stable environment. He’s been maturing a lot though, so it’s finally time to say see ya suckers to those jerkwads. They haven’t learned squat ever since we beat the everloving crap out of them at the castle. 
You weren’t a half-bad neighbor (seriously, why couldn’t you have lived next to me instead of that prissy, pearl-clutching Candi Chipmunk?), and the kid’s gonna miss you too.
We’ll be leaving in three days. If you wanna come see us, that’s your window. 
P.S.. Hi, this is Skippy! Come visit us soon! 
P.P.S. Little scamp added this postscript while I was making dinner. Got some friends housesitting for you since your door isn’t fixed yet. Your rich new boyfriend can pay for any damages that happen when you let Daffy Duck crash at your place, can’t he? 
P.P.P.S. Be careful when you head into town. Trouble’s brewing. 
Pinky reread the letter multiple times, the reality of Slappy and Skippy’s situation sinking in with every passing minute. He couldn’t stop the worried thoughts whirling through his mind. 
Were the villagers giving them trouble after their defeat at the castle? They’d followed Snowball’s cruel orders in separating them on that horrible night. Were they still trying to accomplish that? Trying to take revenge for siding against them in the battle? 
He understood why Slappy wanted to move away from the village, away from all their judgment and stares and whispers. Neither he nor Papa missed the villagers all that much after they’d permanently moved into the castle. 
But Slappy and Skippy were the only ones who’d been nice to him for years. He’d never expected them to move away so quickly. 
While he didn’t expect everything in his life to stay the same, the change was still so unexpected that he didn’t know what to do. 
Brain carefully pried the letter out of Pinky’s hand. He read through it quickly, his fingers intertwining with Pinky’s for support. 
Pinky took a deep breath, taking comfort in Brain’s presence. He wasn’t alone, he wasn’t lost and wandering without a destination in sight. 
“...I want to check on them, Brain,” Pinky said quietly. “And not just through the mirror.” 
Maybe he could’ve used the mirror, but it wasn’t the same. He couldn’t talk to the Squirrels or wish them a safe journey through it. 
But at the same time, he couldn’t just leave Brain behind in the castle either, even if it was only temporary. The first and only night Pinky had spent away from him after an entire winter together had been the loneliest one in Pinky’s life.  
“Will you come with me?” 
Brain was silent, his eyes staring off into the horizon. His fingers twitched in uncertainty, his ears falling against his back. 
He wasn’t going to say no to Pinky visiting his old friends. No, his reaction was something else entirely. While Pinky wasn’t sure why Brain was reacting this way, he was sure Brain would tell him eventually. 
Finally, Brain’s pink eyes met Pinky’s. He swept his arm out to the picnic spread. 
“Let’s pack all of this away, Pinky. We’ll begin preparations immediately.”
And Pinky planted a grateful kiss on Brain’s forehead.
End AN: A nice, fluffy chapter so the mice can chill by themselves for a while. They deserve a break.
Brain being unable to say no to Pinky and being grumpy about it and protective Brain are my favorite things. I will never get tired of those.
Decided to let the Goodfeathers have a chance to shine in this chapter, just cause it's fun to let minor background characters have a little spotlight.
Next chapter, Brain's venturing out of the castle for the first time and we're gonna see how that affects him.
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stellaex-art · 8 months
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I'd like you all to meet Poinsettia! Formerly known as Cynthia Cyanide! Since the release of the voice cast and release date for Hazbin Hotel, I figured it was time to start redesigning my Hazbin Hotel OCs too! So, I decided to start by completely remaking my first Hazbin Hotel OC, Cynthia! I felt like she was kinda unoriginal, as I based her a bit too much on Husk, so I figured I'd give her a whole new identity, making her a skunk sinner, naming her Poinsettia (after the poisonous flower), and basing her around flowers and aromas by making her a perfumer. I'm really proud of how she turned out, and I hope you all love her new look, cuz I poured my heart into her. EDIT: I no longer ship her with Husk (Huskerdust won my heart, and I fell out of love for Charlastor).
Name: Poinsettia
Nicknames: Aroma Queen, Lady of Fragrances, Smelly Skunk Bitch, Settia (by Nimbus), Miss Poinsettia (by Niffty and her employees), Toots (by Angel Dust), Darling (by Rosie)
Gender: Female
Age: Late 30's
Species: Skunk Sinner Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sin: Poisoning her cheating husband and his mistress
Date of Death: 1980s
Cause of Death: Asphyxiation
Current Residence: The Hazbin Hotel, Pentagram City, Pride Ring, Hell
Personality: Sassy, Flirty, Short-tempered, Playful, Polite, Prideful, Vain, Sweet, Organized
Likes: Making perfume, Getting what she wants, Being a success, Singing, Shopping, Fancy clothes, Charlie's cause, Wine, Spending time with Alastor, Helping Rosie, Cooking, Flowers
Dislikes: Being insulted, Being called "smelly", Angel's sexual comments, Being touched without permission, Her ex-husband, Being lied to, Competition, Susan
Family: Unnamed ex-husband
Friends: Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Husk, Niffty, Sir Pentious, Egg Boiz, Nimbus, Anastasia
Enemies: Exorcists, Adam, Lute
Others: Unnamed ex-husband (victim), Unnamed secretary (victim), Hazbin Hotel employees (acquainted), Lucifer Morningstar (acquainted), Staff of The Scent of Sin (employees)
Romantic Interests: Rosie (girlfriend), Unnamed ex-husband (formerly)
Status: Active
Occupation: Perfumer
Abilities and Skillset: Demonic Transformation, Flower Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Typhokinesis, Musical Talent, Dancing, Bilingualism, Cooking
Voice Headcanon: Kazumi Evans (Rouge the Bat from Sonic Prime)
Theme Song: Paint The Town Red (Doja Cat) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 2 years
just spent a solid twenty minutes perusing the prompt list because THATS SO FUN THE COMBINATIONS ARE ENDLESS! could you do 22 and 26 if you please :))
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So you three had very similar ideas! And I loved them so much so I combined them all into one blistering thing on a sofa. Hope you guys like it. The prompt list is HERE for anyone else interested. <3
Title: That Warm and Fuzzy, Tingly Feeling
Words: 3k
Tags: drug use, self-medicating with weed, anxiety, mental health issues, mentions of panic attacks, cock warming, soft cock, vaginal penetration, unsafe sex, creampies, cuddling, fluff, smut, and lovey-dovey shit <3
Summary: 21. cock warming and 22. trying edibles for the first time and 26. soft cocks
It’s been four solid days of panic attacks creeping over your shoulder without warning—four days of bumming around enjoying the aftermath of chaos only to startle at the feeling of a heart stutter, a pulse of panic, or a sudden film of terror sweat. Even Eddie, well-medicated and unflappable Eddie, has been feeling the wear and tear over the past few months, especially this past week of being more on the lookout when it comes to your own shit than usual. You hate that for him, just as much as you hate the anxiety. The shame that follows the relief when the dread waves pass is getting worse, not that Eddie’s been anything but sympathetic. He just shushes you, towing you close with long, charting fingers through your hair, itching at your scalp until it’s all your conscious mind can concentrate on. Still, it doesn’t eliminate the pain or the expanding unease as you try to find patterns to predict each episode before they arise.
Behind you, crunching the pebble driveway to the lake house, you can hear Eddie’s van pull in with a sputter.
Of course, Eddie comes up with an idea for your anxiety. He mentioned shrooms at first, but you balked at the notion, only knowing the cuddle of skunk or that familiar blanket of downers. You couldn’t just keep eating pills, though, so this was the next best step on your journey to wellness and inner peace. 
‘Just a low dose to see how you feel; it won’t be too intense. Much more mellow than chewing up peaches.’
And so you’ve been waiting, knowing Eddie will come through no matter if this works or not. You’re sitting on the dock’s edge overlooking Lover’s Lake, outside Reefer Rick’s, with bare feet skimming the smooth, moonlit surface of freshwater. It’s quiet but for the changeable splash of distant mullet popping in and out of the lake. You lean down, plunk your foot in the chilly water and watch as ripples of indigo starlight glimmer across the mirrored surface. Behind you, the well-worn but sturdy planks creak beneath Eddie’s sneakers, mixing with the din of crickets. 
It’s just the two of you out here tonight, no high school D&D sessions or weekend night gatherings with the Scooby-Doo gang. Just you and Eddie and the lake and whatever he brought back from his dealer out by Brimborn Steel Works.
“Still feeling okay, sweetheart? It’s kinda cold out here…” Eddie pipes up halfway down the dock, then jogs the rest of the way to fold himself beside you, shoes tucked in under his legs with a warm, denim thigh against your blanket-wrapped one.  “Mmhmm,” you nod, giving him a small, nervous smile, “just preferred waiting out here than inside, ya know?”
You haven’t moved since he dipped in the van to pick up the edibles, not that he’s been gone long. There’s something more serene about the lake than the house… fewer memories to get lost in all alone without Eddie to strum you something new on his Warlock or smooch you just beneath the jaw or put on late-night cartoons while snuggling you into his chest—back to front—softly teasing your nipples until you either fall asleep or indulge the erection pressed to your backside. 
Eddie pulls a sandwich bag out of his inner vest pocket, gives your cheek an affectionate peck then snaps the baggy out in his lap. The aroma of buttery weed and molasses whets your appetite, whereas Eddie’s kiss feeds your butterflies. 
“What’d he make this time?” You ask, laying your head against his shoulder to look down into the cellophane hollow where several pale cookies sit, all folded and soft with buttery, sticky goodness. They smell weird but are no less appetizing than average everyday treats. And since Eddie moved in a month ago, it’s not the first time you’ve gotten a look or a smell of his new dealer’s edibles. These, however, were supposedly made just for you.
“Think they’re supposed to be snickerdoodles, but he put nuts in them.” Eddie pulls one out and turns it over under the moonlight. “You’d think that’d be against the laws of the universe or something… Oh-hey… walnuts! Man’s got good taste in nuts at least.”
You snicker beside him, “And how many am I supposed to eat?”
“His wife said one but let’s do half for tonight. Always wanna have too little than too much of this shit,” he says, breaking apart the palm-sized snickerdoodle with his tongue pinched between his lips. He hands you one half and shoves the other in his mouth, swallowing it in a few munches. 
Eddie gives you a cookie-crumb smile that lights up his face—creases deep beneath his warmhearted eyes—and folds the baggy back into his vest.
“Hey,” his palm settles over your back, rubbing soothing circles into the line of tension between your shoulder blades, “Promise you it’ll help, just gotta fine-tune the dose, is all. And, hey, if you don’t like it… not like it’s gonna be that strong.”
“Okay,” you nod, staring apprehensively at the soft cookie half with a protruding walnut covered in sticky sugar. You end up folding it into a tiny, snickerdoodle sammich, popping the whole thing on your tongue where you let it melt into a sugary, oily tang. It’s earthy, sharp… like fresh-cut grass with the perfume of a prehistoric kind of plant mixed with caramel coloring and corn syrup. Not nearly as bad as you thought it’d taste.
“Good girl,” Eddie voices, so gentle and near, nothing sexual in it at all, making you blush… feeling a tingle run down your spine. Suddenly, the sofa inside sounds like the best thing in the world: laying with Eddie, dressed down at your back, movies, and cuddles. You can’t imagine a safer place waiting for the effects to kick in.
“I’m ready to go inside, I think.”
Eddie beams and slaps both hands on his shredded-denim knees, “Awesome! Cause I got Harrington to hide a copy of Big Trouble in Little China for us, and he finally delivered. Got it in the passenger seat… and a six-pack and The Goonies as a backup.”
Forty-five minutes later, with a belly full of leftover Chicken Parmesan from the night before and half a beer, you're spooning on the paisley sofa with Eddie as the first quarter of John Carpenter's latest dances in the television set. The living room is dim, smothered in comfortable shadow for the first time since even before Eddie showed up at your doorstep needing a place to hide.
Usually, every light is on, just to provide a visual reminder that neither of you are locked in the Upside Down anymore, but tonight, you’re feeling… okay… hopeful… besides, the glow from the television is more than enough to blanket the room and a multitude of lights.
Big Trouble in Little China has been a wild ride so far, and you’re not even past the twenty-minute mark.
“Could you imagine if Kurt Russel’s hair was as long as yours?”
“Could you imagine if mine was as silky as Kurt Russel’s??” Eddie counters, tap dancing his fingers over your ribs, having snuck his hand under your shirt ten minutes ago. 
“Eww,” you murmur, “I love your frizzy mop. Never change, Eddie.”
“Deal.” He smiles against your cheek, fingernails gently tracing beneath the bottom curve of your breast. “How you feelin’, by the way? Anything yet?”
“Naw,” you say, though you find the word sticky on your tongue, “Hah-mmm…” not sure when it happened, but suddenly the gentle swipe of Eddie's thumb feels… different.
“Bet he’d get more ladies with hair like yours,” you say, hearing the ditzy slur in your words like the thought and vocalization of every syllable stretches taut.
“Kurt Russel could have Farrah Fawcett’s hair and still struggle pulling a girl half as metal as you.” The words are toasty warm on the top of your head as he presses four fingers into the base of your sternum, not coping a feel yet… but dangerously close. 
“That feels… real good, Eddie,” you moan—the kinda moan you make when he’s got you pinned to the mattress, taking sweet, strong hits of cock to the very bottom of your soul.
“Hmm? What?” His warm hand cups your ribs, holding you close as he perks up. You can feel the edge of his palm rough and hot under your breast, dull contact teasing your nipple into hardness. “The edibles? They kick in already?”
“… dunno; you just feel really nice. Warm… soft, hard, like an Eddie Munson stuffed animal—maybe a dinosaur. You think you’d be a stegosaurus or a triceratops?”
Behind you, Eddie snorts, chuckling, “Jesus Christ, your so fucking cute when you’re high.” His hand slides up beneath your shirt to cup your breast, finally, sending pulses of silky, undulating contentment through your tummy.
You moan and squirm, plastering your back against his chest until your ass finds the familiar divot of his hips, and… hmm, he’s not hard yet beneath his buckled jeans…
Weird. Usually, Eddie's at least at half-mast by now. 
Fuzzy and warm, you roll your hips down and feel an eruption of goosebumps when Eddie clutches your breast, drawing you closer, a ragged exhale warming down your temple. His palm squeezes, molding your tit in his hand, teasing callused fingers up and down the heavy slope several times before pinching your nipple between two knuckles. 
“… cute fucking minx,” Eddie growls playfully in your ear.
Soft notes dance around your mind, just sweet lyrics near impossible to hear but incredible to feel as the edible hits a zenith so peaceful and satisfactory, you sob in relief. 
Eddie’s half-desperate tweak and dry humping freeze at the sound, “Hey, you okay? Are you-you still good?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod and moan, feeling moisture slip into your lashes as a blissful blanket lands over every single last inch of all that is you, bare or clothed or touched or ignored… it’s all so…
“It feels so… so nice,” but nice doesn’t begin to describe it, and you want to share this—anyhow, and anyway, even though, technically, he ate the bigger half of the snickerdoodle—oh… snickerdoodles…
“You wanna snicker my doodle, Eddie?”
Eddie snorts a laugh against your head, squeezes you into a tight, boob-grabbing hug, and chuckles, rocking you with it until you’re giggling and dripping a couple of tears while Kurt Russel has a meltdown about blue lightning magic. What a wimp… if only he’d seen the Upside Down… if only Kurt Russel was as incredible as Eddie Munson… slaying all those bats, breaking necks, and shredding chords.
You’re lost in hazy memories, smiling stupidly and happily as Eddie’s hand slides down your tight nippled breast, over your relaxed stomach to dip into the hem of your dolphin shorts—the ones you put on after showers or before bed or on lazy weekends like these. 
“Mm,” you sigh encouragingly, snuggling deep. 
He gets just close enough to touch the heat of your pussy before ripping his hand out to fumble at your thigh. There’s almost enough time to ask ‘what the hell’ before he’s hauling your leg up over his thigh, spreading you apart only to dive his fingers back down, inside… parting your silky, soaked folds to roll your clit between two eager fingers. 
“Edibles are supposed to make this feel better for chicks,” Eddie says softly in your ear, lips grazing the stiff, hot shell, “… tell me how it feels, sweetheart? Kinda curious cause you’ve been so quiet tonight… usually means you’re all up in your head, but it seems the cookie’s working? Shit, ‘n you’re so wet… wetter than usual…”
You nod, slack-jawed as Eddie asks you one-thousand questions while fine-tuning his touch to your body’s needs, smoothing his thumb through delicate wrinkles, fingers pinching and pulling back protective layers to rub raw then soothe over your hood until everything is vibrating color and sound under your skin. 
“Talk to me,” Eddie begs in your ear, teasing downward, fingertip testing the waters below. You gasp at the sensation, moving like a ripple into his fingers. Eddie kisses you beneath the ear and presses one long, ring-dented middle finger inside your needy pussy. You keen, body going tight, then just… let it all go, relaxing into his arms.
Eddie finger fucks you until it’s all you can hear over the martial arts grunting and Chinatown soundtrack. The damp, squelch and slurp that’d generally be embarrassing only grows louder as you wiggle and moan, thrusting your body over his thick fingers and back into his-
Hang on…
“You’re not-“ you peer over your shoulder, noses meeting with a giggle, “umm, why aren’t you hard?”
“Uh, edibles do that to me… sometimes. Usually, I mean… I’m hard enough if you wanna-well, probably won’t feel great for you, but-“ Eddie's starting to ramble, which is cute and one of the many things about him you found surprisingly wholesome, but he’s still got two fingers stuffed inside you, pressing on that spongy cluster, and you wanna feel higher—higher and hotter with him.
“Hurry up… get inside me. I could literally come any second…”
“Shit… okay.” You whine at the sudden loss of Eddie’s fingers, barely conscious enough to shift your hips forward, giving him room to unbuckle his jeans and shove them down his hips—just enough to release his limp cock. 
“Fuck,” Eddie sighs, giving it a couple of frenzied pumps, his fist bashing against the dimple above your ass several times before he’s yanking your shorts down the swell of your bottom cheeks. 
It’s awkward, but not... a little—it's a little uncomfortable as he helps bend and lift your leg through one opening of your shorts, just enough for him to sling the back of your knee around his thigh, back open and spread and wet it against his soft dick. He nudges the thick, tender head against your opening, makes a funny, indulgent sound in his throat, and rubs his nose in the crook of your neck while feeding his flaccid, barely stiff cock inside you… which shouldn’t feel as lovely as it does—shouldn’t work, but it does…
Eddie exhales once he's snared inside an inch or so, deep enough he won’t droop out… then he pivots, pinching his base and nudging you back with a large palm over your stomach, slowly filling your pussy with heavy, pliable inches that make you smile intoxicatedly. 
“I like it,” you mutter lazed and high, snuggling back as Eddie moans against the wiggling tug of your body. His fingers squeeze securely as you drop your leg and back up into him, taking great joy in the sudden whoosh of hot air down your neck. 
“Y-yeah, totally. Heh, this is like cuddling with a NAT twenty... with advantage. You’re uh, fuck… you’re so warm and snug around it and… and fucking wet.” His forehead drops over your shoulder as he groans loudly, wrapping both arms around your torso while thrusting idly against your ass. “This doing ah-anything for you?”
Was it? A little, yeah. Mostly, it's the overall feeling of blissful relaxation and Eddie's unique brand of devotion.
“Mmm, yess…”
Different… but still good, so much so that you wrap your arms around his own, hugging him, hugging you, and sigh blissfully into the moment while Kurt Russel and Dennis Dun prepare to win back their girlfriends from the evil Lo Pan. 
As Eddie nuzzles you, warming his cock inside your tight, slick pussy, your eyes fall closed to the sounds of his heavy breathing mixed with action sequences over VHS static. With every unhurried, unpredictable move of Eddie’s hips—of his cock barely moving yet stirring all the same—a familiar pool of heat begins to swell in your tummy. That pull, all gentle and cozy, grows and grows…
“Eddie,” you moan, leaning your head back, feeling his lips brush your neck. He kisses the spot that makes you shiver, just under your jaw, which is—somehow—a dozen times more sensitive now than ever before, “… k-keep going—don’t stop.”
A sudden gush fills your pelvis, like hot melted soft-serve, and with it comes a thrumming twitch.
Eddie shudders, teeth hooked on your jaw, and groans so loud it vibrates your eardrums. “Oh, god… fuck… shit, shit! I’m… I just came—I’m sorry-fuck me…” 
Eddie's still apologizing even when he untangles your arms, reaching a shaky palm down to pull all those sticky fluids from around the seal of your pussy and back over your clit, swiping you into a panting mess with his own hot cum.
"Just," he gasps against your cheek, "feel so good and... you're so relaxed now, kinda infectious. Couldn't help myself."
“I-it’s okay… oh, fuck, it’s good!” You shiver, floating upwards with every pulse—every second—swallowing moans until you’re trembling beneath Eddie’s touch… contracting around his soft cock, tightening your walls to keep him from slipping away. Everything gently comes and goes like the lapping of waves on the lake. A disruption to the usual stasis that’s invigorating rather than unwelcome. Your eyes roll back, finding stars in the living room and Eddie’s mouth kissing along your jaw, finally meeting your parted lips as you start to come down.
Two rough fingers press into your clit, mashing over the sweet ache as you lick his tongue into your mouth, twisting enough to cup his cheek and draw Eddie the Hero deep—deeper into your kiss, your body… your throbbing soul…
Eventually, Eddie’s lips slide back with a warm puffy gasp, panting against your chin while the credits roll across the living room, “I… love you… snickerdoodle.”
You bite your lip and laugh, free and clear and anxiety-free and drag him back in for another kiss, wondering how good a whole cookie will feel while you watch The Goonies… well… barely watch The Goonies.
“Love you too, Eddie.”
You can find me on AO3 and you can read my huge Eddie Munson/Reader fic Fortune Teller too. If ya want. <3
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croziers-compass · 6 months
You're always telling me wildlife stories but tell me your top five FAVORITE animals you get to work with. What ones are just a pleasure to be around
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What Beasties are my favourite to just work with or engage with?
Top of the list and this is in order this time.
Virginia Opossum - Incredible creatures. I do love marsupials tenderly. They are wonderful creatures and they are amazing to feed. If you ever get the chance to hand feed one. 10.10 from a professional perspective. They have a strange aroma. But not bad.
White Tailed Deer - These lovely folks you can absolutely find on farms where you can feed them. They are wonderful.
American Bison - This one may be a surprise but they are incredible megafauna. They are the only megafauna I have currently enjoyed. Moose and Elk are not a pleasure. I think that most of the American Bison I have interacted with are often aware of their stature. Most interactions are "okay". I love them not because they are "nice" because they are not. But they are incredible, massive, and I adore their smell (do not question me) as well as how they feel under my hands. They are powerful. I cannot accentuate this enough. This experience is unlike anything I have experienced before.
Skunks - I cannot being to express how soft, cute and wonderful they are. They can be temperamental but they are wonderful creatures. I do enjoy them.
Big Brown Bat -
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Those are my top favourite animals to work with.
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mocha-roses · 1 year
Mist the skunk is my sonic oc she’s the leader of team secret she has a Calm, and caring personality but unlike rouge the bat that she flirting with knuckles but in a teasing way mist shows kindness around espio and doesn’t flirt with him she shows respect. Unlike real skunks and the duo of skunks “rough and Tumble” her scent smells like perfumes but she only used her scent to defend herself and create love aroma to make her Enemies in love or use it to put them to sleep. Espio saw her how graceful her talent and how fearless she is he’s in love
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dareers-horniness · 5 months
Heroic Discharge
"Grrrrr. SNAP OUT OF IT, POWERBARK!" Ursa Major roared at his hypnotized superfriend, the bulky wolf hero having been turned into a much rounder, though still massive, skunk by Mephitizer.
"YOU'RE NO DIM SKUNK! YOU'RE A RIGHTEOUS HERO!" The hulking bear reasoned.
Though, the thoroughly zonked skunk simply let out a giggle and turned tail towards the rest of the hero league.
They all frowned at his self-debasing actions.
"Hehe. Skunks super stinky!" He blabbered unintelligently before letting out a fart that enveloped his former team.
Mephitizer watched the whole scene play out from behind Powerbark, a wide grin on his muzzle as he got a front row seat to watch the former wolf betray the rest of his team.
Sputtering sounded from the flatulence cloud as it dissipated, all of the heroes attempting to clear their lungs of the stink. Though, when the thick, fetid smog finally evaporated, the beloved hero league stood much differently.
Instead of the admirable, heroic forms that they had not even a minute earlier, in each of their places now stood hefty, much more chub-ridden skunks.
Some of the heroes groaned, trying to regain their bearings, especially while now being assaulted by additional mental influences they were much less accustomed to. Influences such as their added heft, an odd affinity for the smell in the air, and… their urge to fart too?
An air-headedness seemed to accompany some of them, just as it had Powerbark, a giggle beginning in their own muzzles as small, odoriferous toots left their idly-raised tails.
Ursa Major brought a paw to his head, now recognizing his own mental changes, only to see his new jet-black paw.
"W-what is this, Mephitizer? Is this your doing?" He groaned again, the stench of his dimming teammates beginning to waft into his and the other still coherent heroes' snouts.
"MINE?! Of course not! This is ALL Powerfart wanting to share his super skunky smell with you!" He beamed.
Powerbark giggled dumbly at the mention of his name
Ursa Major grimaced, his head already feeling lighter.
"S-so big… and round…" He noted, now viewing his new pudgy form, only to lift his arm and give his pit a sniff, suddenly picking up a heavy aroma. "A-and smelly…"
"Well of COURSE!" The skunk villain agreed.
"It's normal for a super ripe skunk to have a bit of heft! A little roundness to their lazy forms. And stink is even MORE normal! It's NATURAL for skunks to just lift their tails and rip a good fart!" He added.
This seemed to send the hero captain's mind into a spiral.
"B-but… we-we're heroes… not skunks…" He reasoned.
Though, many of the heroes behind him failed to maintain that sentiment, their nobility and loyalty to their citizens seemingly lost to their new thoughts of stink and laziness, not even thinking twice as they let loose mind-addling farts.
The sounds alone riled the former bear's mind, but the stenches that quickly entered his snout and traveled all the way down to his lungs were absolutely all-encompassing. The big shot hero leader couldn't think of anything else OTHER than his fellow heroes' musky flatulence!
"G-guys… stop stinkin' up da place…" Ursa Major commanded weakly upon taking a deep snort of the air.
Though, his erratic huffs of the stink-permeating fog showed his true feelings of the thickening, smelly miasma.
It was all too intoxicating. The skunk stink, the heft he now felt.
Despite his stubbornness to try and hold on to his heroic morals and pride, with ALL of the other heroes in the league letting out mind-muddling, through-disrupting farts, it was impossible for him to NOT want to join in! He WAS a super stinky skunk after all!
"Duh-huh-huh-huh…" Ursa Major began in a groan, only for it to quickly mold into a chuckle.
"Skunks stink so smartly!" He blabbered before crouching slightly, flagging his tail, wincing, and ripping a loud, brassy fart that filled the air around his group of dim, giggling former-heroes.
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