#skybound saga
y'all i think i have plotted my next string of reading pretty well again, here it goes:
1. finish skybound saga (birds, YA for driscoll purposes), which leads to:
2. UNTETHERED SKY (also birds, coming in book mail hopefully this week), which leads to:
3. VENISS UNDERGROUND (coming in the Same Mail As SKY, back toward weird driscoll vibes), which is adjacent (maybe) to:
4. UN LUN DUN (also driscoll vibes, weird world paralleling, etc), which takes me to:
5. TEN THOUSAND DOORS OF JANUARY (again: for driscoll vibes)
6. (bonus)(maybe) THE WAY SPRING ARRIVES (still coming in that same book mail batch, nonbinary voices in translation for driscoll vibes also, AND it's springtime babeeey)
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
i know for some people, having a story jump from multiple povs, including relatively minor characters, is a bit much and unnecessary to them but i actually revel in it, like it’s one of my most favorite things ever in a book. just depends on the genre, i guess.
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elfdragon12 · 2 months
''skybound decepticons are too one dimensional!11!'' dude just say you don't like they take on starscream lol (who btw, didnt strayed too far from most others ss lol) skybound hate is so forced, like nobody is obligated to like, but most critics that i see are ppl picking scenes outside of context and nitpicking and this where come from ppl saying the new comic is too edgy/dark lol. my true problem with skybound until now is that cliffjumper is most of time a painted red bee, and from me who was enthusiasmed abt cliff finally being a main autobot, him having basically the same behavior than bb is meh, but we are still on issue 10 and i am very curious and enthusiastic abt how the comic will play out 👀
TFEU Starscream is every other Starscream! What has he done that other iterations haven't done or would have done in they weren't in children's media? Ejecting Megatron into space? TFA. 1 on 1 murdering an incapacitated enemy? TFP. Turning fire on Skyfire/Jetfire? G1. Going on a killing spree? Marvel. Killing humans? If it's not explicit in IDW1, it's certainly implicit as Megatron definitely didn't rack up a tally of over 700,000 human casualties on his own. He is not an outlier.
Honestly? IDW1 is edgier than Energon Universe by a mile just from the Wreckers saga alone! The DJD? Mnemosurgery? Everything involving Prowl? Arcee's terribly handled transition arc that had to be retconned?
Meanwhile, TFEU Optimus Prime is slowly gaining Sparkplug's memories and seeing himself in his place raising Spike! Shockwave is experiencing wonder!
I don't go looking for TFEU criticism because I just want to enjoy it in peace, but pretty much every criticism I have stumbled across is all in bad faith, often bringing up IDW1 as doing it "better" which... Definitely hasn't been my perspective as I have enjoyed very little of IDW1 that I've read. (IDW1 stans are super bad at honestly engaging with new Transformers stories.)
I can see what you mean about Cliffjumper. I have faith in DWJ, so we'll see what happens!
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estellardreams · 8 months
I've been thinking about so many seasons on the Sonic Ninjago AU and I'm dying to talk about the ones that are particularly interesting.
So... I'm pretty sure that based off of my art, Season 11 (which I think is underrated on both ends), Season 6 (Skybound, renamed Phantom), and Season 8 (Sons of Garmadon/Doom) specifically kept getting my attention. So... Let's talk about them.
A lot about them.
Season 6:
I cast Infinite in the role of Nadakhan for a few reasons. But the main reason is because of the "Wishing" plot line.
You see; Infinite comes from Null Space, which was disrupted due to the Dark Gaia incident (unbalanced energy). But he has the Phantom Ruby, a thing known to create illusions, from the get go.
So I twisted the wishing system so instead of a djinn it's a direct illusion to manipulate the wish into "coming true". Basically a false reality. Then Infinite would've crushed those illusions and break the ones he was tormenting.
And during this all, Infinite goes after multiple targets, but realized just how dangerous one of the Ninja was specifically, that being Tails. He was too smart for his own good, leading to Infinite capturing the kit during a fight and taking him to someplace, once again controlling the scenery using the Phantom Ruby and tormenting the fox with illusions. And this?
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Infinite gave him that scar when Tails tried to fight back. Tails became half blind after that so when things were brought back to normal and the scar healed over, he just used a special blue contact to hide the fact he was blind.
His friends did try to rescue him, and Infinite began to torture them as well with his illusions. Once they gave in and "wished for it to go away", he'd trap them in the Phantom Ruby and grow stronger because of it.
And it was all up to Tails to rescue everyone and stop this before it got worse.
Season 8:
Oh dear... Eclipse and Shadow's relationship is definitely the most enticing part of this saga. So... I'm gonna be brief on the characters relationship and what roles the two take on.
Harumi and Lloyd. Harumi is the adopted princess after losing her parents when the Great Devourer attacked, and is also the secret leader of the "Sons of Garmadon", an organization made to ressurect Garmadon himself, Lloyd's father.
The thing is, the Garmadon they wanted to bring back was only the evil oni side, and they had to gather the three oni masks and gather DNA samples of everyone he's related to or had a strong connection with to bring him back from the departed realm.
And what happened before Garmadon was resurrected? Harumi manipulating Lloyd, soon backstabbing him and later capturing him, forcing him to watch as his father was brought back from the dead with him and his mother as hostages.
Yikes. Now with that in mind... Eclipse is Harumi, Shadow is Lloyd. They have a brotherly bond, except... Its all fake.
Eclipse is the secret leader of the "Sons of Doom", and has discuised himself as a hedgehog to blend in, along with special contacts to turn his sclera white and his pupils a more... "friendly" color. He acted up the role of an abandoned child that got brought in by the royal family and "adopted". After the false alarm for an attack, the Ninja are let in the castle and allowed to stay along with help protect the pendant of Deception.
Shadow took an interest into Eclipse, who weirdly felt like him... He could never explain it, but felt like he had a connection.
So when the two began to bond and become friends, they developed this sweet dynamic of being brothers who looked out for each other. And Shadow became a lot more open as Eclipse did the same. But it was all a ploy... A trap to lure Shadow in close for Eclipse to control.
And it worked.
Eclipse got the Pendant of Hatred, and Shadow realized what was going on when it was too late. The two fought but... This was the first and very few times Shadow hesitated to hurt someone. And it got him and his sister, Maria, captured.
Black Doom got resurrected after that. And Shadow lost the fight to him. He lost his powers, and Season 9: Hunted begins.
Season 11, Part 1:
Okay, specifically Metal Sonic and Sonic so I'll keep this short. Metal is not the Master of Metal.
It would've been a similar joke to "Shadow, Master of Shadow" but... By this canon's logic, a robot has never held elemental powers before. Until recently.
Metal stole Sonic's speed, making Sonic powerless and him strong enough to almost wipe out the rest of the Ninja Team. He keeps them locked away as he heads out to attack Station Square (Ninjago City).
And when he got his hands on the Forbidden Spinjitzu scroll, he was nearly unstoppable. That was, until Amy got her hands on her own scroll and managed to decimate him.
... And then she got sent to Boscage Maze.
Season 11, Part 2:
This iis what I call the Vine Chapter, since the first half is the Speed Chapter. Amy was discovered by Starline and hipnotized into becoming Queen Thorn, the ruler of the jungle.
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And she committed so many crimes. She wiped out the Seedrian population. She overflowed the jungle so much many places became uninhabitable. Survival became a harder struggle with little sunlight and rain reaching to below the canopy.
And when the Ninja arrive, they quickly notice these odd corrupted plants and vines that seem to drain the life out of whatever they catch. They end up in a small village blocked off from the rest of the jungle, with Shadow soon heading off to find Amy after learning where she was: At the Queen's castle. He's unaware that Amy is the Queen, so it's definitely a shock when he does discover that.
Enter: Cosmo. The last of the Seedrians and taking the place of Akita, who was the last of the Formlings. The parallels between the two, even in canon, is unreal.
But Cosmo is seeking a sort of passive aggressive revenge against the Queen, training herself on how to use her plant magic along with tapping into more... Dark influences to do it. And Shadow felt like he's seen this before.
Because he was in a similar position: Training to use his powers and holding onto his darker influences to favor the Black Arm's success. So he knows where she's coming from and the two relate to each other somewhat over this.
And eventually the Megaflora, a creation Thorn made, attacks. Shadow gets captured and seperated from Cosmo, who almost dies, and is basically locked up in a vine wrapped tree tower. Hence... This sketch to image.
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Vines to the limbs, keeping you trapped in place. And if it weren't for figuring out the plants weakness was Shadow able to escape. He confronted Thorn and tried to bring her back, but Starline's influence remained strong.
In fact, Thorn almost kills Shadow through strangling him using her vines! But before he died, she realized what she was doing and immediately released him, struggling to comprehend what she just did.
She notices the scroll. And rips it to shreds. And that's the end of it as she traps Starline, solidifying her regaining control over herself.
The damage is soon reversed by sheer energy and force, fixing the jungle for the most part. Now the main problem is returning home.
Now for a few small extra things:
Season 5: Dark Gaia. I'm not sure if I'll include the idea of getting cursed or not but... Werehog Sonic feels tempting. He'd be like Cole in turning into a ghost via a curse and remains like that for a while until Day of the Dark Gaia to reverse it.
Season 15: Seabound. I have no idea what I wanna do for it, but I wanna include shape-shifting Merlings. I just think they're neat.
Season 16: Starfall. If Lloyd gets an Oni form, I want Shadow to have his own charged up alien form at some point. Also... Gonna rewrite that season entirely if I ever get to that.
Season 4: Tournament of Elements. Didn't know where to put this but Robotnik's plan for the tournament is to steal the powers of the elemental masters, use them to rebuild the Death Egg, and roboticize the entire world. As to why the Ninja are there? Rouge got kidnapped when trying to spy on him. She's basically Zane in this situation.
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gayboyrocklee · 5 months
Much like in AP Gov there are several foundational docs to understanding King and I’s really weird relationship:
three eleven/three seven
Calvin Orion’s Wonderful World of Fixation
“You Wanted a Song”
Sir Chloe’s 2023 album I Am The Dog
The 1,000+ word draft breaking down my feelings on why I was sad King couldn’t see my spring musical (Discord said it was 10,000 characters too long to send)
The Paul Anon saga on TD Kin Confessions
Ninjago Season 6 Skybound Finale
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aurorawest · 1 year
Reading update, part 1
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Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble by Alexis Hall - 4/5 stars
The problem with this book was that I liked Paris and Tariq, but god, it was rough to read. I also felt—and I'm going to be honest, this is an issue I've been noticing increasingly with Hall's newer novels—a little like I was reading like, the Perfect And Unproblematic Way To Date. There's this sort of preachy, social media I-don't-know-who-needs-to-hear-this quality to a lot of the dialogue. It was also just hard to read at times. But I still rated it 4 stars, so I guess I didn't hate it.
Rattlesnake by Kim Fielding - 5/5 stars
This book is about a drifter who ends up in a town because a hitchhiker dies in his car (sounds grimmer than it is!), and the hitchhiker was trying to get to said town to see his estranged son. If you said to yourself, I bet the drifter falls in love with the estranged son, you would be exactly right. This book was so poignant and sad, so the HEA was amazing.
Gold Wings Rising by Alex London - 5/5 stars
This is the last book of The Skybound Saga and it was an excellent ending.
Heart of the Steal by Avon Gale and Roan Parrish - 3.75/5 stars
I told a friend the other day that I would die for Roan Parrish, but I should have told her not to pick up this book. It wasn't awful, but...it wasn't great, either.
Rag and Bone by KJ Charles - 4/5 stars
The Reanimator's Heart by Kara Jorgensen - 4/5 stars
The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley - 5/5 stars
Look. Guys. I've raved about every Natasha Pulley book I've read, yeah? And this is no exception. I need you all to read this. Like, I'm not sure you're all taking me seriously out there. But if you read anything I've recommended, it needs to be Natasha Pulley's books. I can only rate up to 5 stars on Storygraph, so yeah, maybe it looks like I loved this book the same as I loved Rattlesnake by Kim Fielding. No. This book lives in my heart and my mind. This book is part of my soul. All of her books are. I love and hate her for A) making me feel SO MUCH and B) being a better writer than I will ever be.
I know I've said nothing about the book, but like. You just have to trust me. Read her books.
Oh yeah, this one is about a nuclear disaster in the USSR that was covered up for decades.
You & Me by Tal Bauer - 4.5/5 stars
Teddy Spenser Isn't Looking for Love by Kim Fielding - 3.25/5 stars
Man, I wanted to like this one? It felt really phoned in, though. The characters all felt very surface level.
The Whispering Dark by Kelly Andrew - 4/5 stars
Subtle Blood by KJ Charles - 5/5 stars
How did this series just keep getting better? I'm so bummed that this was the last in the trilogy, because I totally could keep reading about Will and Kim and their adventures.
Firestarter by Tara Sim - 5/5 stars
Also the last in a trilogy, and also a worthy wrap-up.
The Mayor and the Mystery Man by AJ Truman - 4.25/5 stars
Fence, Vol 5: Rise by CS Pacat with Johanna the Mad - 5/5 stars
Cattle Stop by Kit Oliver - 5/5 stars
AHHHHHHHHHH. God. This book! Looks like a romcom but will stab you in the heart repeatedly. Oliver has a gorgeous way with words and captures the dynamic between two people who have no idea how to talk to each other so well. There's something the dialogue in Oliver's books that just speaks to me.
Rookie Move by Riley Hart and Neve Wilder - 2.75/5 stars
Boyfriend Goals by Riley Hart - DNF
Please note here that it seems like I don't like Riley Hart's writing. Unfortunately I still have like 3 of her books in my TBR pile.
The Gentleman's Book of Vices by Jess Everlee - 4.75/5 stars
Even Though I Knew the End by CL Polk - 4.5/5 stars
I feel a little meh about this one, despite the rating I gave it. Like, the world was cool, the writing was excellent. I've seen this book hyped so much, though, and it was like...yeah it was fine. Definitely the best over-hyped Sapphic book I've read lately, so there's that.
Nothing Like Paris by Amy Jo Cousins - 4.5/5 stars
Necropolis by Jordan L Hawk - 4.25/5 stars
Roommate Arrangement by Saxon James - DNF
The Place Between by Kit Oliver - 5/5 stars
Yeah this Kit Oliver book was really good too. It's about academics instead of farmers but it will still stab you in the heart a bunch of times. Oh and it's fake dating.
A Dash of Salt and Pepper by Kosoko Jackson - DNF
I didn't love Kosoko Jackson's debut—there were waaaaay too many pop culture references, many of which I didn't understand, but even when I did, I found it obnoxious. But it was readable. This was...not. I hated the main character so much, and I barely even met the love interest, but I didn't like him, either.
Level Hands by Amy Jo Cousins - 4.25/5 stars
The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal by KJ Charles - 4.25/5 stars
How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager by DN Bryn - 5/5 stars
I looooooved this book, omg. I'm not really a vampire person, but this was so cute. I guess it was kind of cozy fantasy? Sort of? With a backdrop of homelessness, medical experimentation, and bereavement.
Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo - 1/5 stars
Catch me never reading a Leigh Bardugo novel again. Oof. This woman wrote Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom? I wasn't too impressed by King of Scars but that was better than this, even though the Crows actually appear in this book.
The Barkeep and the Bro by AJ Truman - 3/5 stars
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green - 4.5/5 stars
I don't usually laugh out loud when I read, but this book made me cackle. Obnoxious self-referential bit aside (yeah Simon James Green, I did catch you slipping a reference to your previous book into this one), this was very cute and very funny. I even got my wife to read this, despite her dislike of romance and YA, and she liked it!
Part 2 (because tumblr cut me off at 30 images)
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graphicpolicy · 8 months
Go, Ninja-go! Skybound announces LEGO Ninjago: Shatterspin!
Go, Ninja-go! Skybound announces LEGO Ninjago: Shatterspin! #comics #comicbooks #lego #ninjago
Skybound, Image Comics, and AMEET have announced LEGO Ninjago: Shatterspin #1, the all-new series from critically acclaimed writer/artist Tri Vuong. The newest installment of the worldwide phenomenon arrives in comic book stores May 22, 2024.  New and longtime fans of the LEGO Ninjago saga can expect to uncover the secret history of Garmadon with familiar faces and shocking first appearances.…
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lgbtqreads · 2 years
Any fantasy series similar to ACOTAR (new adult with a little spice) or The Mortal Instruments (Young adult/new adult with no spice) with a gay lead? I’m tired of reading about heteronormative couples. I want something I can relate to as a gay man. Thanks! 💕
Please please read Alex London's fantastic Skybound Saga - the first book is called Black Wings Beating and it's the rare example of a series that gets better as it goes on.
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p-s-yokubo · 9 months
I’m sure this poll has been done before but I’m curious- ninjago community, what is the best season? Also to fit all the seasons I had to merge some of them but I think it’s okay bc they’re the ones with the same overarching plots so
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11, 14, 16, 23 😌
HELLO BELOVED THANKS FOR ASKING referencing this post:
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
if i'm scrolling through based on ratings, i gotta go with PIRANESI!! DRIFTWOOD by Marie Brennan was also very good, and both of them are still rotisserie-ing my brainpan.
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
tonight, immediately after work and walkies, i will be annihilating SYSTEM COLLAPSE (BOT AND ART MY BELOVEDS!!!)
i want to read KS Villoso's BITCH QUEEN trilogy, still, and finish DAEMON VOICES by Philip Pullman. might also fuck around and do THE SCOURGE BETWEEN STARS by Ness Brown and a short stack of other stuff on my nightstand--we'll see how far i get! Decembers Are For Reading™
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
honestly i didn't actually read that much that was massively hyped?? and things that WERE hyped have so far deserved it, so those don't count.
the one(s) i hyped most for MYSELF and then was DISAPPOINTED BY were the SKYBOUND SAGA by Alex London, which was a bummer because it SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXACTLY MY JAM AND YET!!!
23. What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
novellas, my beloved <3 i slammed through quite a few novellas in one sitting this year, and i read a few over the course of a couple days to Savor Them. faves are:
NOTHING BUT THE RAIN by Naomi Salman (actually fastest)
THE TINFOIL DOSSIER by Caitlin R. Kiernan
AND THEN I WOKE UP by Malcolm Devlin
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising - Reveal Trailer
Granblue Fantasy: Versus Rising will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam in 2023 worldwide.
First details
■ About
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This 2D fighting game based on the hit mobile RPG from Cygames was an ambitious title that set out to expand the boundaries of the genre.
Since 2020, events and tournaments have been held worldwide with the loving support of players and fans alike.
And now… the next version of Granblue Fantasy: Versus, revamped with all-new features, has arrived: Granblue Fantasy: Versus Rising.
■ New Mechanic: Ultimate Skills
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An even more powerful version of Plus Skills.
Briefly slows down the opponent’s movement, enabling new ways to land combos and punish openings or whiffed attacks.
That’s not all! More new mechanics will be revealed soon!
■ New Characters and Stages
In addition to the original cast of 24 characters, even more playable characters will be joining the roster! Whose stage could this be?
■ New Story Content
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Enjoy a simplified version of RPG Mode in an all-new Story Mode, including all chapters from the first Granblue Fantasy: Versus!
An original saga featuring new characters is set to unfold.
■ Online Features
Rollback netcode: confirmed. Cross-play: confirmed.
■ Enhanced Graphics
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In-game shaders and post-processing effects have been enhanced to replicate the iconic art style of Granblue Fantasy.
■ New Online Lobby: Island
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Run, jump, play, and explore in the new online lobby island! There’s more than just battles in-store!
■ Grand Bruise Legends
Grand Bruise Legends! reveal trailer
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Take a break from the fight and discover new ways to play with multiplayer party games.
Rising Royale – Race to the finish while avoiding obstacles and use items to take out other players in this topsy-turvy battle royale!
Gold Brick Hoarder – Wrangle up Gold Bricks and take them to your team’s stockpile within the time limit. Just like in Skybound Sprint, you might need to play dirty to win!
Go head-to-head against others in various battle royale and team-based mini-games!
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literaticat · 2 years
i know it's a big no-no to cross age groups in comps. My MS is adult, but I read lots of YA. Recently I read a series I LOVED (Skybound Saga) but then I realized it's YA (seriously, nothing about the book, from the cover, to the contents, aside from the fact that the characters are young, tipped me off.) Since it's often not labeled on the cover, what's the best way to find out the age group of a book? Sometimes it's obvious but not always. And adult fiction ofc can have young characters.
Sometimes it's a bit hard to tell between adult and YA books, particularly in the SF and Fantasy space. This is, of course, quite on purpose, because the YA publisher WANTS adults to pick it up, or the adult publisher WANTS to appeal to teens as well! That's "crossover" appeal. :-)
There are ways to tell, though. First, by googling it, because teen books do SAY an age range and reading level on Amazon and other sites.
But let's say you are in some random place without internet and you just have a copy of the book. There are two tells: 1) The publisher, and 2) The price. You can tell the publisher / imprint either by looking at the colophon (that's the little logo on the spine), or by looking at the copyright page.
So you will see that in this case, the hardcover is published by Farrar Straus & Giroux Books for Young Readers, and the paperback is published by Square Fish, which is the paperback imprint for Macmillan Children's. So... it's a YA book. Adult books are simply not published by children's imprints.
Additionally, the price. The list price for the hardcover of GOLD WINGS RISING, the third book in that trilogy, was $19.99 in hardcover and $11.99 in paperback. By comparison, an adult title, GIDEON THE NINTH, that came out around the same time, was $27.99 in hardcover, $17.99 in paperback.
While prices ARE going up across the board for a lot of reasons, it's still pretty rare for kids/teen hardcover books to have a list price of anything higher than "low 20s" -- like, 19.99 - 21.99 -- whereas adult hardcover books routinely sell for anywhere from $27 to the 30s! (SPARE is $36.00! WTF!)
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un-pearable · 2 years
📁 and lloyd too actually
well crap i’ve already regaled you with the lloyd’s (jay’s) DS saga so… building from that clip from skybound i love the idea that lloyd’s sense of humor is the most off-color of any of the ninja. not just cringeworthy but full-on “yikes, i hate that that’s funny.” he was the kind of kid who whipped out the dead baby jokes in middle school. whether it’s darkley’s or inherited or whatever he’s really funny in a slightly insensitive way - later on he’s fully aware of it and knows it’s definitely something that is NOT a good idea for their public images but he never fails to send jay into hysterics
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dealz-are-sweet · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Saga The Will & Lying Cat Action Figure Set McFarlane Toys Comics New In Box NIB.
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serpentorslair · 5 months
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comiccrusaders · 8 months
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First Look: Mairghread Scott And Pablo Tunica’s High Seas Saga Continues In Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Three Coming June 2024! @Skybound #comics #comicbooks https://ow.ly/ylMn50QzLil
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