#skydiving christian baby
the-maddened-hatter · 7 months
Part of me still can't believe that "Skydiving with a Christian Baby" and "Little Cancerous WhiteBaby Desperately Wants to say the N Word Before Dying" posts are so recent.
Like that crap belongs in with the "Boy Born Without a Body" and "Baby Born Laughing at Abortion Pills" excavated facebook stories of decades past
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jonayariley · 9 months
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lizardsfromspace · 9 months
You are an atheist skydiving with a Christian baby. The Christian baby says it's better to believe in God because the penalties for not believing are worse than believing and God not existing. But, while he's arguing this, the Christian baby is about to fall on four people. If you push him, the Christian baby will only fall on one person. But that one person is an AI that will destroy anyone who didn't aide in its creation. Do you let the baby crush him or do you realize you are just a shadow on the wall of a cave?
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10yrsy · 2 months
I am curious about somthing. are you familiar with the parachuting baby thing where you're skydiving with a christian baby who suddenly speaks and say "I will not open my parachute unless you renounce atheism and accept jesus". like, I feel like jesus would save you and the baby if you dont renounce atheism cause if he truly loves someone, he would help someone regardless of religion.
this scenario is riding on a whole bunch of false assumptions. for one, babies cannot understand/ choose salvation, so they’re automatically protected under God’s grace and go to Heaven.
second, to make this scenario accurate: Jesus was in the plane explaining to all the passengers that they needed to use His parachutes to jump or they would die. but some people still jump out of the pane without His parachute, expecting to be just fine as they plummet down. Jesus already spent the money and spread the word explaining the danger, so why are the people not accepting His safety gear?
it’s ridiculous to say that if Jesus “truly” loved someone, He’d send them to Heaven even if they believed in a different god. if someone hates you, would it be loving to force them to be with you for eternity? God respects our freewill and choice to accept His forgiveness or not.
lots of people seem to think getting to Heaven is just for people that are “good enough”. so they see people of other religions that are nice and think, “surely these people are good enough.” they don’t understand that Heaven is God’s Presence and only sinless people can be there. we have all sinned and broken the Law. Jesus, the Son of God, never sinned and died in our place. He rose again, and His sacrifice is attributed to us legally in the eyes of God when we accept Him. legally there is not other way but through Him.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me.” (John 14:6)
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iphigeniacomplex · 1 year
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philosophy comp
8 screenshots taken from Quora questions. They read as follows:
1: "Atheists, imagine you're a famous baseball player and are about to hit the winning strike. Accidentally, the thrower tosses a Christian baby at you. Would you still hit the baby out of the stadium and win millions, or sacrifice the Christian baby?"
2: "Atheists, imagine you're in a soccer game. Just before the game starts, you realize that instead of bringing soccer balls you accidentally brought a Christian baby. Would you forfeit the match, or would you kick the Christian baby across the field?"
3: "Atheists, imagine you and a Christian baby are in a room that is full of falling knives and there's only one metal umbrella. Will you use it or give it to the Christian baby?"
4: "Atheists, imagine a Christian baby puts a spell on you which causes you to lose faith in atheism, and the only way to reverse it is by throwing that baby off of a cliff. Would you kill the baby, or accept your new life as a Christian?"
5: "Atheists, imagine you're going skydiving with a Christian baby. Suddenly the baby tells you he won't open his parachute until you renounce atheism. Would you accept Jesus as your lord and saviour, or would you let the baby die?"
6: "Atheists, if you and a Christian baby were teleported into a medieval fighting ring where the winner has to die, would you let the Christian baby beat you up so that it dies, or sacrifice yourself and beat up the Christian baby?"
7: "Atheists, imagine you found a locked up Christian baby at an atheist congregation being used for research purposes. Would you intervene and lose your status as a high-ranking member?"
8: "Atheists, imagine you're pregnant, and you go to the hospital for an ultrasound. Suddenly you find out that your baby has the Christian gene, and that you're pregnant with a Christian baby. Would you have an abortion?"
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iftadwascool · 10 months
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whos letting these talking christian babies go skydiving with strangers?
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whales-are-gay · 9 months
say what you want about doctor who, but thwy DID go skydiving with that christian baby
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hootbon · 10 months
What if a Christian baby went skydiving with Caine and asked him to repent for his sins.
“What sins?”
..then he watches as they splat on hard concrete
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incohorace · 8 months
if you were skydiving and a christian baby was falling next to you and said he won't open his parachute if you don't accept jesus what would you do
what if the world turned to chocolate one day idk man
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bjursta · 5 months
‘black cat energy’ ‘golden retriever friend’ christian baby. skydiving. won’t open parachute.
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baeddoll · 9 months
what if there was a christian baby skydiving with you and he wouldn’t open the parachute until you believed he was punk
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shatar-aethelwynn · 9 months
I love the skydiving baby quora post, because it's so obvious the author has never had to seriously consider implications or logic in general before.
Why is a baby skydiving? How is an infant talking? Can a baby open a parachute under normal conditions anyway? Who the fuck puts a parachute on an unattended baby? If the baby refuses to open the parachute is that an act of suicide? Is conversion under coercion genuine and valid? What if the person lies or recants as soon as they're on the ground? How is a baby going to overpower an adult if the adult opens the parachute for them? Since when do babies have the authority over adults in our society? (Wow that last one certainly reads differently now!) Where are the baby's parents in this? Should we call CPS on them? I'm concerned about where this baby learned this language - do the parents make this threat often as well? Does this family just refuse to do anything if the people they deal with refuse to be Christians first? Sounds exhausting. Bet they don't have a lot of friends. Good luck on the reinstatement of Christiandom I guess, it's had a couple hundred years to break down so I'm sure you'll achieve its renewal in one lifetime, one traumatic skydiving incident at a time.
(we will not be discussing the current attempts to reinstate theocratic Christiandom on this post. Nope, not doing it. I'd like to not be more depressed today, thank you.)
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warcrimesimulator · 10 months
"imagine you're going skydiving with a Christian baby" is how I want to start off every conversation
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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 10 months
"Atheists, imagine you're skydiving with a christian baby" <- you really think the specific subset of atheist that gets a deeply sexual satisfaction from denying anything that even sniffs of a religious or spiritual element could pry themself from the goon cave long enough to imagine partaking in such an incredible and whimsical activity? Are you insane
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Autism be damned that Christian baby sure can skydive without a parachute
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claptondavis · 4 months
Imagine you're going skydiving with a Christian baby. Suddenly the baby tells you he won't open his parachute until you renounce your current faith and accept Jesus as your lord and savior. What would you do?
depends…can the baby even skate tho (o_O) ?!
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