#skz platonic
leeyanyanyaaan · 2 years
stray kids as brothers
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skz as brothers
21 / 05 / 2022
bang chan (older brother)
- no matter how hard i try, i can only see him as an older brother (foive year old hyung oppa ahehe)
- the super caring older brother
- worrywart type older bro tho, checking on you every five seconds, which might mean he's strict at times
- SUPER RELIABLE older bro, whenever you need him he gotchu ☆
- ngl he might spoil you if you ask for something.... or just get you something without even telling you just because he thought of you 🥺💖 also he wont take no for an answer
- super affectionate bro <3 never goes without showing his love for you that sometimes he just smothers you with it ajsbskns
- he's a bit cheeky tho so expect teasing and typical sibling banter lol XD
- sometimes he acts all baby all of a sudden though AHAHA AND SUDDENLY YOU HAVE A DONGSAENG TO TAKE CARE OF 
lee minho (older brother)
- no but you guys get what i mean right?
- lots of playful bantering and ratting on each other
- if you did get a s/o however get ready for him to start interrogating the heck out of them, making sure they're ✨qualified✨ enough to be with his younger sibling 
- protective, in the "only i can bully them" way, but at the same time because he loves you of course <3
- sometimes mom-type naggy bc he cares y'know
- at the end of the day loves you very much, even if he doesnt show it as obviously. tsundere older sibling 😩😩
- and at the end of the day, you both just laugh off all your bantering. you love your older bro just as much, just the way he is <3
- honestly when i found out he was an only child i found that so hard to believe bc he radiates THIS kind of sibling energy fr 
seo changbin (younger brother)
- the younger brother that comes up to you often because he wants affection and/or your attention
- whines if you dont get him that, or if you tease him (make it up to him with hugs pls)
- noisy sibling definitely though, especially if you keep messing around with him he'll start complaining loudly
- "what are you doingggg 👀👀"
- don't steal his food. he (probably) won't steal yours
- ACTS CUTE AJSBAKNSKS AND MOST OF THE TIME IT WORKS for what idak but it just works hes cute uwu
- tbh after the recent 2kidsroom changbin definitely started radiating more older brother energy fr, but ultimately i decided that he felt more like a younger brother to me, especially as an oldest sister, i can really see my younger sibling in him XD
- so have an alt! where changbin is the older bro instead
- a bit similar where he's still a loud and affection seeking bro, but as an older bro he wouldn't act as childishly as he would as a younger bro 
- tries to keep the cool mature older bro vibes all the time ✨✨
- issoki binnie youre always cool <3 is okay to act cute still
- which he does, he'll still pull aegyo (is this how it's spelled?) on you
- omg but in general/overall, a SUPER understanding brother that just knows you so well like the good sibling he is
- a great listener when you need it
- and he gives you very thoughtful gifts he carefully chose out <3 
hwang hyunjin (twin brother)
- hyunjin, as your older twin bro! 
- typical sibling banters and teasing LOL especially w how dramatic he is, you'd definitely play along with it
- if no one else gotchu ur twin gotchu (esp if y'all make lame jokes)
- you guys care for each other so much 🥺 he'd probably try to get you to laugh or take you out to take your mind off of things if youre upset and you do the same and/or teasingly show how much you love him uwu
han jisung (twin brother)
- omg i literally want him as my brother HE WOULD BE SUCH A FUN BRO 😩💖
- it's just pure chaos whenever the two of you are together (as if it isn't chaos when it's only one of you already 💀)
- if mom leaves him in charge when she's gone? he's the type who would be like "hey let's go do [something you're probably not supposed to do] >:D"
- 1v1 him at a video game = a fight till the death, probably. expect lots of noise and salt
- steal each others food 
- "hey can i have some? thanks :D" "I DIDN'T SAY YES YOU LITTLE-"
- despite being the chaos bringers you guys are, you guys also enjoy each others presence in comfortable silence, just doing your own things
- sometimes you guys break the silence by saying something random or stupid LOL
- "gay"
- yeah sometimes he might feel the need to be loud as well LOL
- also he's older than you. sorry you just need to be reminded every time someone asks
- "**I** am the older one!" "yeah by one minute 🙄" "THOSE 60 SECONDS MEAN EVERYTHING"
- sometimes he acts five years younger than you tho smh
- your best friend bro fr and partners in crime!!! 
a/n: i'll be honest, i actually put hyunjin and han as your twin siblings because they also radiate single child energy (EVEN IF IT TURNS OUT HAN ISN'T ONE BUT OH WELL AKDNSKXNS) 
lee felix (middle brother)
- the brother in the middle who's the good child and the favorite child of the family but honestly you don't mind that at all
- sends you memes and random stuff and just texts you a lot hehe
- y'all do tiktoks together, if not willingly he drags you AJSJJANSKS
- if you're reading or watching or obsessing over something he'd get curious and listen to your rambling about whatever it is regardless if he knows it or not, he'd probably join you too :D
- you guys just have fun together and tease each other playfully sometimes but i think he'd have a more soft affectionate sibling relationship w you <3
- he'd also definitely be that reliable bro who you can lean on and talk to when you need him, giving you gentle advice
- if you're the youngest also expect him to be a lil overprotective over you ahe
kim seungmin (younger brother)
- the good younger brother! 
- he's always there for you and supporting you all the way, he's also always thinking about you too! reminds you to take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself <3 you got this!! with that in mind he'd always have something for you like food and water, a sticky note with a motivational message, or maybe even a new pencil if yours is getting short/broken
- sometimes nags you to clean your room
- "hey i just have my own system here y'know?" "no, clean your room >:("
- oh but he's definitely also your goofy sibling. and he roasts you a lot too.
- but that's probably revenge for all the times you tease him for being your adorable little bro <3 
yang jeongin (middle brother)
- 100% the sibling who bullies and teases you playfully AHAHA he's one of the members that radiates the most sibling energy fr but i see him more as a middle child than a youngest 
- the type who acts like being your bro is so ew in a /lighthearted way
- roasts you but roasts himself too
- nah scratch that y'all roast each other 
- scrunches his nose and pulls away in joking disgust whenever you guys try to be cheesy or affectionate
- so maybe he doesn't show affection much, but in reality he loves you so much, there are things he just admires about you. he will show his love through little subtle things like getting food for you <3 
a/n: these guys just radiate too much sibling energy it hurts my heart with wholesomeness AJSNAMNSMANS i just can't unsee all of this especially as the oldest of two siblings and too many baby cousins AHAHA what about you guys? do you have siblings too? 
also please note that this is old like earlier in the year so it hasn't been updated with any additional possible sibling interactions i may have not seen 😔 do feel free to comment and add on though!
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strxnged · 2 years
SKZ: # love letter
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word count. 5.5k genre. comedy, platonic with a touch of f2l
overview. you find a love letter addressed to you sitting outside your dorm. by the time you realize it's not a prank, you're too caught up in finding your secret admirer to let it go. of the two plausible suspects, there's one person you'd really like it to be — and one you wouldn't. (uni!au)
warnings. 1: i thought it was hilarious. funny, even. so please read it and tell me if you laughed. and if it’s awfully unfunny, let me know that too. i guess it's bangchan x reader x changbin, but you'll have to tell me if that's an exaggeration. 2, i lost all my italics pasting this from google docs so some sentences may read not quite as intended if i missed them! 3, bangchan is addressed as chris for fun
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You found the silence of the library stifling, almost exposing, and so instead it was your habit to sit on the wide front steps outside the entrance, as people occasionally walked past and supplied you with enough noise to keep you focused. You were so accustomed to the setting for studying, in fact, that you could notice from the temperature of the concrete what the weather would be like. They always had a sweaty, dewy feel on days that would be hot, and days it would rain they were cold enough to make your legs go numb.
Today, they were freezing. But you would not risk going inside. Your statistics homework would have to wait for you to read the letter you’d found outside your dorm’s door in the hall, presented carefully and clearly enough to be assumed intentional. The envelope was admirably calligraphed with no addressee but a “from your admirer” in the center that you could have sworn would have made it into a Victorian romance. You weren’t sure, at first, whether to open it. 
You were suspicious of things like this, especially at a university such as yours. Romance wasn’t discreet and suitors had no style. A love letter — if indeed the envelope contained what the embellishments suggested — was rarer than a party without alcohol or an RA on floor three without a stick up their ass.
Anticipation coursed through you as your finger ran under the fold, peeling the sealing off neatly. This in itself was a unique experience for you. Sealed envelopes were never quite… the same, after they passed through your hands. Perhaps the author was experienced at this. Perhaps they wrote them as an elaborate prank.
You took the tri-folded letter into your hands. It was typed — of course it was — in a small font with little spacing. Your eyes were dazzled by the number of words, and you were at once convinced that it was either not any kind of a love letter, or was meant for another’s eyes. Nobody could have this much to write about you in the context of romance. 
The letter addressed you inconveniently by your room number. All this could clarify for you was that it wasn’t accidentally placed at the wrong door, though there was still potential for a misinformed author on the resident of that dorm.
“Dear 310,
“I hope you were expecting this. I don’t mean to shock you.
“It will rain today, so I hope you remember to bring an umbrella. You’re the forgetful type. I would like to be the person to remind you of things, you know?
“I’m getting ahead of myself. I wanted you to know, in the case you hadn’t figured this out by this point, that I like you. I fancy you. I am very, very interested in you. But you aren’t in me, are you? I hope this can change. I hope you will keep your eyes off the floor and see me, someday soon. …”
A raindrop landed on the page, leaving a grey spot to distract your eyes. It would rain, and you would have forgotten your umbrella, of course. That was not indicative of the letter really being meant for you, but it did still unsettle you sufficiently.
You didn’t have a chance to resume reading. Your nerves got the best of you at the sound of a pair of heavy footsteps up the stairs, and you wasted no time restoring the letter to the envelope and shoving it between random pages of the textbook resting closed on your lap. The rain was beginning to pick up, now. You normally didn’t mind the weather unless it was wreaking havoc on your work, but the letter had made it a bit eerie.
The rain seemed to stop for a moment, and you looked up to realize a clear umbrella was being held over your head. For a whole three seconds, you froze, wondering if this was the admirer revealing theirself.
“Hey, idiot. Try looking at the forecast before you station yourself out here next time. You and Chris both, I swear.”
“Good morning to you, too, Changbin,” you said, standing up. You allowed the umbrella to cover you. You felt a sense of relief that you didn’t have to deal with awkward romanticisms of meeting the author.  “How was the gym this morning?” You considered telling him about the letter. You would have to finish reading it, first. Usually you told your best friend everything, but this felt a little fresh to be chattered about.
He flashed a dimple and clicked his tongue. “Worried Chris is gonna injure himself. My man is working the deadlift like mad, trying to catch up to my level.”
You giggled, looking Changbin in the eye as he winked at you. “Impossible. He should give up while you’re ahead.”
You processed the wink and froze, again. 
Oh, please, no. 
As Changbin rambled — bragged? — about their push-day routine and the two of you set your course to the closest campus cafe, your head was working a mile a minute trying to make up proof that he wasn’t the author. It couldn’t be him. You had had enough bad luck with guy best friends going wrong, either from your end of theirs. It was always unreciprocated, enough times that it couldn’t possibly occur again. Changbin was the friend you told everything and complained about everything and spent your time off with. His dorm kitchen was basically yours, since neither him or Chris minded you bringing in your own ingredients and restoring their faith in oatmeal cookies.
Oatmeal truthing Computer Science Major and hip-hop truthing Sports Psyc Major, dating? You couldn’t lie. You hated the sound of that. Maybe you were both fairly introverted, and had similar senses of humour and all that. But that was perfect for you being friends. Just friends.
You realized you were clenching your teeth. You directed your attention to Changbin, trying to mentally drop the subject.
“I still don’t get why you don't study in the cafe,” Changbin was saying. “It’s never silent in there.”
The friendly door chime announced your arrival to the Java Day, and the bustle of students in and out proved his point well. But the reason you liked noise wasn’t necessarily for the noise itself, and besides, you had personal reasons for avoiding it. Ones that you would have to ignore for the eight-hundredth time, especially now.
Christopher Bang had no reason to be that adorable in an apron. Brown hair tossed over his left eyebrow, a smile glowing warmer than any drink in the venue. It nauseated you. You swore it was the adrenaline rush of him taking your order that woke you up for the day, not the coffee.
You hated that you even knew his schedule by heart, too. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. All morning shifts. He’d work out with Changbin, go shower, and then by the time you got there, he’d be there, smiling behind the counter. It’s not like you knew all this because you were a stalker. It was because you had a crush on your best friend’s roommate, and the information was freely made available to you especially when you didn’t want it to be.
You couldn’t stand going to the Java Day by yourself on those days. When Changbin and Chris broke into “bro” talk, which was really no different than watching two girls giggle and talk about their weekend plans, you could safely order and sneak a few gazes without suffering from acquainted small talk. 
“Because,” you said, facing Changbin. “Every time I come in here, I buy something. I don’t have the money to buy coffee here more than three times a week, and I cannot study when we stop here together.”
“Then come without me. No, wait, I’d miss you…” He thought for a second. “Just… come in and don’t buy anything, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind…” He frowned. “Okay, maybe don’t do that.”
You were thinking the same thing. Bad courtesy. Could get you on the bad side of the baristas, and it would be fatal to get on the bad side of the employees of the best cafe on campus.
“Befriend Chris, and blackmail him into giving you energy bean juice for free.”
“In what world is that a better idea?”
“Come on. Is that not easier than sitting on the freezing stairs in November, accepting rain as your fate when it falls? He’s nice enough.”
“I can’t stop the rain from falling.”
“Oh yeah. And you certainly can’t change how you respond to it, can you?”
“What can I say? I’m stubborn.”
The two of you had reached the front of the line. “Why’s Bin calling you stubborn?” Chan asked with a smirk.
Changbin punched your arm. “Idiot doesn’t know what roofs are.”
“Hmm… Sounds like ignorance, not obstinance.”
“It’s a combination of both,” you defended. “Um, I’d like—”
“Coffee two cream?”
Frick him for knowing your order. You nodded, feeling a bit shy. “Yes, please.”
“And an iced mocha.” Changbin added.
You gave him a look of contempt.
“No, no, I’m paying,” he clarified.
“Yeah, I got that. But you’re getting an iced coffee in November.”
Chris was shaking his head behind the counter. “I think you’re both crazy. That’s eight fifty-five.”
As Changbin paid, Chris offered you a friendly smile, as if to say, Lucky!
You gave him a blank smile and averted your eyes. The way your ears flamed was irrelevant, now. Because why was Changbin paying for your drink today, right after that letter?
You still had to finish reading it. You would be able to figure it out, you were sure, once you finished reading it. You would have enough information to go off of, then.
As you took a seat with your friend at a table, you could hear the titters of girls who had been standing behind you in line. You couldn't quite make out what was being said but it shoved your head back into reality once again. Chris was a flirt on the job, whether it was intentional or not. A great business strategy. You had heard him a few weeks ago talking humbly about his earnings to Changbin in an attempt to convince him to apply to the Java Day.
“All you gotta do is make coffee the best part of their day, man. And you’re handsome, you’d win all their hearts in no time.”
“No way. Shut up.”
“Think about it.”
He hadn’t been successful, but it had made you imagine for about a week what it would be like to work alongside Chris. You might not have the charm capabilities to earn tips, but you could definitely make a cup of coffee. Reality hit you with your course load; your class schedule clashed with Chris’s work schedule, and there was no room for side jobs on top of what you already did. And with that, you also came to realize there was no room to chase someone way out of your league, too.
You were a realist. Romance was hopeless, if not impossible, for you. And that was why, no matter who it was from, you would read the letter and then forget about it.
The rest of the letter was, unfortunately for you, a great deal of meaningless romantic statements — about your eyes, your smile, your devotion to studying. Things that could really apply to anyone who studied in public. Some general statements about being too shy to ask you out in person — as any person writing a love letter might say. And a strange reiteration of something you must have said to this person, something that was vague enough that you had no way to believe it wasn’t you. The part that got you worried, though, was when suddenly went down a more uncomfortable route.
“I know you don’t have any roommates. That must be terribly lonely and quiet. I want to change that for you.”
The level of overall detail in the letter was both confusing and uncomfortable for you. It was more stalkerish than flattering. How did they know about your aversions to silence? And why did that remark have to come across so suggestively? You were also disturbed by the closing request to meet in person.
“I would like to talk to you in person, to apologize for this method of getting in contact with you and answer your questions. And then maybe you can answer mine. Would you fall in love with me too?
“If you’ll meet me, put this letter outside your door where you found it. Let’s meet tomorrow (Saturday) evening at eight, at your favourite place — the Java Day. It’s usually quiet by then, isn’t it?”
You hated it.
However, contrary to your conviction to simply forget about it, you did just as the instructions were asking. You knew curiosity would get the best of you. And, honestly, you were a bit invested in whatever was going on.
You had to have backup, though. You called Changbin, asked him if he was busy Saturday night.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Your voice sounds weird. And you’re calling me almost midnight.”
“I’m fine. Just gotta talk to you about something.”
“I’m coming over if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”
You considered this. “I’ll come to you and explain.” It would be easier if you both knew what was up.
“A what?”
“Changbin, please,” you said, trying not to laugh. “You heard me. So, will you do it?”
“You got a what?” he asked again, eyes wide and jaw dropped comically.
“Come on, Changbin, you gotta do this for me. Otherwise I’ll think it was you who sent it.”
“Ain’t no way…” he said. He was sitting backwards in a chair from the communal area’s table, and he leaned away from the chair back while holding onto it. “No way.”
“I’m hurt. You don’t think anyone’s capable of falling for me?”
He crooked his eyebrows at you. “No, I don’t think anyone on the entire campus is capable of that kind of class.”
He had a point. Still. “I wouldn’t call it class. It was kind of creepy.”
“It could be worse. You wouldn’t believe what happens to Chris when we go to floor four.”
You didn’t want to know what happened to Chris when they went to floor four. “I still don’t get why they put the partiers on the floor above the quiet floor.”
“I think it’s a scheme to make the students feel helpless. And set them against each other.”
“You know, you could be right. Back to the letter…”
Changbin smiled and looked you straight in the eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
“Here, I’ll show you. I will literally go get it, I just had it outside my dorm.”
You went into the hallway and scanned the carpet in front of your door. To make proving any point to Changbin harder, it was gone. It was very much gone. The carpet was devoid of any calligraphed envelopes and romantic notes. Damn, you should have at least taken a picture. You pursed your lips, looking the other way down the hall.
“Hey, Oatmeal.”
Chris. He was approaching his and Changbin’s door with a weird expression on his face.
“Hi,” you said.
“It’s pretty late. Why are you wandering the halls?”
“I… can’t explain.”
“You’re mysterious. Studying on the library steps, majoring in computer science, wandering up and down the hall late at night….”
“What’s the matter with computer science?”
“Mental torture?”
“Fair point. Listen, just get inside the dorm and I’ll explain. I was just… well…”
He unlocked the door, raising an eyebrow at you. “You were just…?”
“You found your love letter?” Changbin asked from inside.
Chris opened the door the rest of the way. “My what?”
“Oh, Chris! You won’t believe this.”
“My what, Bin?”
You followed him inside, made eye contact with Changbin who was on the verge of bursting into laughter, and looked sulkily at the floor as he started to chuckle.
“The hell’s goin’ on?”
“I can explain,” you said. “Just give me a chance.”
Changbin recovered and invited Chris to come and sit. “Where’ve you been, Chris?”
He sucked in his teeth, dragging over a chair to imitate his roommate’s position. “I was in the library studying for a Bio quiz on monday. They had to come over and tell me they were closing up.”
“Yeah, whatever. At least I’m doing my homework.”
Changbin pressed his lips together, unable to respond.
“So,” you said. “This morning, I was about to leave my dorm and head to the library—”
“Library steps, you mean,” Chris said.
“Oh, don’t start,” you said with an annoyed smile. “I was leaving my dorm when I found something on the ground. An envelope. So I went and I read it, and it was a love letter. And boy it was long—”
“Are you bragging?” Changbin asked.
“No! I just—”
“It sort of sounds like you’re bragging.” Chris said.
Your ears went red and you put the heel of your hands on your forehead to combat the response. “You guys are useless. Let me finish.”
“Fine. Sorry.”
“I’d love to hear more, but I had actually better get to bed,” Chris said. “Keep me updated.”
“Goodnight, Chris.”
“‘Night, pal.”
He bid you both goodnight and disappeared into his dorm. You took the chair he’d pulled out and sat on it like a normal person. “I was going to ask if you sent it. But you’ve made it abundantly clear that it wasn’t you.”
“No. I’d never ask you out like that.”
“Would you ever ask me out?”
You paused. “Would Chris?”
Changbin’s face turned serious. “Well, I’m not quite sure. I don’t think that’s his style.”
You eyed his door. “Seemed a bit weird how he just left once he realized what this was about.”
He thought about it, matching your gaze. “Mmm. I think he’s just tired.”
You didn’t know whether you wanted it to be Chris. On one hand, it would make a little sense. He knew you well enough in comparison to most of your classmates, and if it wasn’t Changbin… But, no, it would be horrendous to find out it was him. That letter was hardly as glamorous as it aspired to be. You liked to think that Chris was incapable of writing such a monstrosity.
He’d had such a weird expression in the hallway. Did you dare suspect him of being the author, of being the one to take it?
“Either way. I guess I’m going on a date tomorrow.”
“I thought you said it was a—”
“That’s why I want you to come. Just show up, after, like, half an hour. If I’m being stood up, we can have coffee together and laugh at the person who wrote it for being a coward.”
He thought about this. “Fine. 8:30?”
You got up, flashing him a thumbs-up. “Just know that if nobody shows up I’m going to keep suspecting you and Chris.”
“Chill. I really, really don’t think that’s the case.”
He sounded almost too certain. As you approached the door, you looked back at him. “Chris doesn’t have a — a love interest of his own, does he?”
“Nah. He’s the king letting people down gently.”
“That’s a wonderful trait. We should all be more like Chris.”
“Are you excited?” Changbin asked you.
“Why would I be excited?”
“First date in, like, a year.”
You sighed. “Oh, shut up. No.”
“I’m curious, though.”
You turned the doorknob. “Yeah. Me too.”
You had somehow managed to forget about it by the next morning, so the little paper reading “See you tonight!” with a smiley face drawn at the end was a very effective jumpscare. You knew in that moment, peering into the eyes of the crude expression, that you were doomed to have concentration issues for the rest of the day.
Minutes crawled past, probably due to both anticipation and dread. You were useless; you were cursed. What was the purpose of love letters, anyways? Why couldn’t people just say how they felt to each other’s faces? But then… you were hardly one to talk.
You couldn’t get Chris’s face out of your head all day. Either he knew something, he was the something, or your imagination was far too active. One thing you were sure of, though, was that you really didn’t have the time to think about it. Piles of assignments were due Monday, and a group project Wednesday.
Oh, you hadn’t thought of that. What if it was someone from your group?
But after quick deliberation, you were pretty sure the guy in your group, Minho, was dating someone. You even asked him to make sure, and he confirmed a steady five-week relationship. The girls in the group didn’t swing the right way. Besides, it was unlikely that a Computer Science Major would have anything to do with this.
What if it was Chris?
The question kept coming back. You finally came to a conclusion that such images that were floating into your head at the prospect needed to be shut down properly, so in any case, you would have to give him an opportunity to “let you down gently” to save yourself to heartache later on. This could not continue. And you needed to be able to go to the coffee shop without sweating out your very being. 
You traveled to the coffee shop at 7:45. It wasn’t that you were afraid of being late. You were afraid of being alone with your own thoughts for those last fifteen minutes.
When you got the Java Day, you did the biggest double take of your life.
No, this wasn’t right. He only worked three days a week!
Did you know this for sure? It’s not like you’d ever gone here at eight o’clock on a Saturday, so…
Whatever the case was, there was no doubt that Chris was standing behind the counter in a fairly empty coffee shop and he was waving at you as you stepped through the door. This did not make sense, and you could feel yourself malfunctioning and forgetting how to walk.
“Yes?” he said. 
You made your way to the counter, unable to form any sentences. 
“You know, you shouldn’t drink caffeine late at night.” He looked at you earnestly. “Cramming for something?”
“No, I’m…” You paused, squinting at him. “Yeah. Got a lot of work to do.”
“Gotcha. What’ll it be, then?”
“Espresso, please.”
“You're crazy. Two ninety.”
He didn't know. Thank the heavens, he had no clue what was going on. He thought you were cramming.
Honestly, you should be cramming. A different kind of horror set in, though, realizing that Christopher Bang was going to have a front row seat to whatever would be going down.
You embraced it, taking the window seat closest to the counter. On one hand, yeah, he might witness some things you wished he wouldn't. But on the other, the whole situation was making you nervous and rather alright with sitting closer to someone who wasn't writing you creepy letters.
Chris set your espresso in front of you. “You alright? You look kinda spaced out.”
You nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. Just dreading the work I’ve gotta do tonight.”
Chris leaned on the counter, tilting his head. “Do you study with anyone?”
“Nope. In case you haven’t figured it out, Changbin’s study habits aren’t exactly…”
“Consistent. Yeah.”
“So I just do it by myself.”
“I hope you don’t plan to go and sit on the steps in the dark.”
You sipped the espresso, making a bit of a scowl at the potency. “No. It’s not busy enough at night.”
“Oh, I see. You like blending in.”
He got it. “Yeah. For some reason, actually being inside the library sure doesn’t do that for me.”
“Almost too quiet, eh?”
“Almost?” you said. “It’s deafening.”
“Well, um…” Chris glanced at the door for a second. He seemed almost… shy. What the hell? “If you need someone to, you know. Help you feel less alone while you’re studying. I can help you out. I’ve got stacks of notes to write up, I wouldn’t be distracting…” He held his palms up and his fingers danced, almost like a tiny jazz hands gesture. “I mean, only if you want.”
You were absolutely sure now that this could not be the same person who wrote the sentence “I am very, very interested in you” and certainly not the kind to make a suggestive comment about the silence in your dorm. All the same, he was inviting you, rather shyly, to hang out. To study together. Did he ask just anyone to study with him? And this was all three— no, two minutes from when you were supposed to meet someone confessing their love for you.
The answer you would give him was obvious.
But before you had the chance, you heard the Java Day’s entrance bell. Was this it? You wouldn’t dare look away from Chris, you could feel panic rising in your chest. It would be half an hour still before Changbin showed up. You should have told him to just come with you in the first place, really.
Chris looked away from you at the new customer.
You felt your panic sink back to where it came from, replaced by a sort of uncomfortable disgust.
Either this girl was drunk or very, very air-headed. The cafe had been moderately quiet before her grand entrance.
“Do we know each other!”
“Of course we do! It’s me.”
You watched this interaction with interest.
“Who’s ‘me’?” He seemed to be attempting to hold a smile on his face and be friendly, but he was clearly confused.
“You know.”
“I don’t.”
Even you were confused at this point.
“C’monnnn… three-ten!”
You almost shot out of your chair, asserting yourself into the conversation. “Three-ten?!”
The girl eyed you for a moment. Half of her bubbliness dissolved. “Stay out of it, sweetheart.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head.
“I’m sorry, do you want something?”
“Yes, please, Chris.”
No way.
Your attention from the conversation next to you was stolen by the chime ringing again. Changbin spotted you and took the chair across from you. “Where’s the person? It’s 8:10.”
“You’re early. Um…”  You didn’t know what to say.
You looked between him and the conversation happening a few feet away, not sure whether to laugh or cry. You settled on drinking your espresso with a distressed expression. Changbin was watching Chris and the girl.
She was the author. You figured that much out, now. And he was the — he was the intended recipient.
You set down the espresso shot glass, aware your hands were shaking. You covered your mouth with one hand. It was all too much.
You got even the attention of the girl. Really, you hated being the center of attention and so it was hardly on purpose to laugh as loudly as you were. It was ridiculous. You made eye contact with Changbin and he suddenly understood, somehow. He began to chuckle, too, shaking his head.
Chris was watching you two, and then studied the girl carefully. “You were at that party last weekend…” he said. “Right?” Both you and Changbin shut up, shamelessly eavesdropping.
“Yes! And then I asked you for your number, ‘n’ you wouldn’t give it to me, so I… Chris, I didn’t know you worked here. But you’re here. So, do you have an answer?”
You were so tempted to say something. But you were also incredibly interested in how he might respond.
“Remind me your name again?”
“Adilene! I was in your Biology class.”
You and Changbin made eye contact and he mouthed “was.” You made a face of despairing efforts not to laugh. You failed.
“Listen, Chris,” she said, “I’m sorry about the letter. It was a bit of a dare, but I also had no other way to contact you. But do you think…” Adilene looked very obviously at you and Changbin, and you both stared right back at her. “... We could go to your dorm to continue discussing this after your shift? I thought it would be emptier here.”
“This— this late on a Saturday night? I don’t think my roommate would appreciate that,” he said.
“You said you didn’t have any roommates.”
“Did I?” He frowned, and then gasped in realization. “I did. Oh, well, I’m sorry. That wasn’t true. I, um…”
“He says that to reel you in,” Changbin volunteered. “It’s a fun game of his. He likes to pretend I don’t exist.”
“That’s… that’s my roommate,” Chris admitted. He looked like he was done with the conversation. While Adilene’s attention was in your direction, you took the opportunity to introduce yourself. You stood up and offered her your hand. 
“Hi,” you said. “I’m their neighbour. One and only resident of three-ten. I got your letter. I really didn’t like the part where you said you had the hots for me.”
Really, it was a fairly innocent letter, although wrong. You felt a bit of sympathy for her. Except, no, you didn’t. You could feel sympathy for her later, right now you were in stitches over her terrified expression.
Chris’s expression was one very large “oh.”
“Your dorm… isn’t three-ten?” Adilene turned to him. She seemed to be receding into herself, somehow. Her overarching “charms” were retracting.
“Nope. Three-twelve.”
The three of you watched her take a whole step back, look at the door, and make a dash for it as if one of you were planning on chasing her. The cafe sat in silence for a few seconds before you and Changbin exploded into laughter. Chris leaned over the counter, head in hands.
“Chris,” Changbin said, catching his breath, “do you want to come over here and explain yourself?”
He made eye contact with you, a bewildered smile on his face, and ran his hand through his hair. “Not sure how much of what just happened I understood, unfortunately.”
“Really?” you interjected. “Not even the part where she said…” You pitched your voice up, “‘Chrisssss’?”
“Is this what goes on at parties when I don’t show? You tell girls I don’t exist and give them the wrong room number?”
“Bin.” He was physically cringing, utter distress on his face. He looked at you and the looked away. You had never seen Chris blush. He looked humiliated.
“I feel like I’m watching you go through the five stages of grief. I think Kubler Ross got ‘em right. Look, here comes anger.”
“Bin, shut up!” he wailed. “I… I just…”
You spoke up. “Why my room number? I’ve been so confused…”
“I didn’t tell anyone my room number!” He pulled his phone out of his apron’s pocket. “Look! She must have seen this… It’s my birthday…” Sure enough, the back of his phone said 0-3-1-0.
You squinted at it. “You sociopath. Why on earth do you use day before month?”
“Because it matches my room number. You know. Three-ten, three eleven… Why does it matter, anyways…”
“Why are you so embarrassed?” Changbin asked Chris.
“Because that was uncomfortable! You’d feel the same.”
“However many girls throw themselves at you, and you get embarrassed…” Changbin tsked and shook his head. “Is it because you feel competition with me that you don’t tell girls I’m your roommate?”
He sighed. “You would think that. No, it’s because it usually makes girls wonder what I must have done so wrong that my roommate moved out.”
“What are you implying about living alone?” you asked.
He threw his hands up. “Look, it works.”
“Yeah, on the smart ones,” Changbin pointed out.
The three of you gave Adilene a moment of silence for implicitly not being one of that demographic.
“I have so many questions left,” you said. “Most of them would be directed at her. And most of them, I wouldn’t like to know the answer to.”
“What was in that letter?” Chris asked.
You looked him dead in the eye. “I think it’s better you didn’t know.” You recalled how he acted about it last night, and you had to ask: “How come you didn’t want to know last night?”
He glanced at Changbin and then at the table. “I was just tired.”
“He was jealous, man.”
“I wasn’t!”
“You were.”
“Don’t be weird.”
Chris finally looked you in the eye and you knew Changbin was telling the truth. 
“I saw her last night, I think,” he finally said. “I saw her rounding the corner, and then I saw you in the hall. I could have sworn she giggled at me.”
“That’s why you were…”
But you didn’t have a chance to dwell on it, as someone walked into the cafe. It was Minho, from your group that met earlier over the project.
“Hey, guys. Chris, have you seen my girlfriend? She said she was meeting someone in here — we just had a fight…”
“Who’s your girlfriend?”
“Adilene Kauffer.”
At this, you picked up your espresso and downed the rest of it in one shot.
Chris cleared his throat. “Minho, my friend. I think… I think you should sit down.”
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note. ok so that happened. i ummmm. i lost my mind writing this. i was cackling. so i hope you laughed too lmao. lowkey thinking of writing more for this, these four could be pretty chaotic........... anyways. weird writing fanfics for real people. or at all. it’s been like 8 months since i did that. also there are so many loose ends i still haven’t gotten a chance to tie together and realized i cannot do that in a short fic lmao. tagging @aunty-tiger-potato​ for the barista!chan (not that there’s much of that actually happening here).
reblogs are highly appreciated! thank you for reading!
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jiniret-writings · 1 year
Warm Blankets Pt. 1
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: platonic!skz x 9th member!reader
Warnings: Chan is really mean in the beginning
The actions of the members in this story do not represent how they are in real life. This is all fictional and should not be taken seriously.
Pt.1 || Pt.2 || Pt.3
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If I knew you'd act like this, I wouldn't have fought for you to be in the group!
Chan's words still rung in your head as you walked with Hyunjin, looking down to hold back another wave of tears.
You didn't know how the fight even started. One minute you were walking into his studio and the next, you were being pulled out by Hyunjin. His soft reassurances clashed with the cold look in his eyes as he looked at their leader.
Hyung! That was low. Calm down and then talk. We're done for today.
The minute the words left his mouth you were stunned. All fight and fire had left your body, leaving you cold. It wasn't easy for Chan to fight for you. The company had too many factors to consider. You were considered a "risky choice", but day in and day out, Chan fought. He practiced with you, recorded with you, and helped you prepare to be your very best. Even if you were good, you stayed up with him to strive to be better.
And in the end, it all came together. Your fate was left in the hands of public opinion and it seemed you were more liked than you thought. With 97% of the audience voting to keep you in the group, you were officially a part of Stray Kids.
You were always pushing yourself, staying late nights and having early mornings to squeeze in as much practice time as possible. You wanted to prove that you had a spot in the group. Impressing fans was important, but more than anything, you wanted to make the members proud. You wanted to make Chan proud.
You didn't remember how the fight started, but you knew he didn't mean it. Still, the words stung more than any critique or hate comment you've ever gotten. Unable to hold back the next wave of tears, you pulled Hyunjin to the side of the road and turned towards a wall to wipe the tears away. As soon as you turned away though, you felt a presence behind you and a hand on your back.
"It's okay to cry, you know. You don't have to hide it", he reassured, running his hand up and down your back. "What he said was mean, but it was wrong. You have a big part in out group. Without you, we wouldn't be Stray Kids, only Stray."
You couldn't hold back any more and hugged the older boy. He was only a few months older but it was like he took it upon himself to be the 00's eldest; he always took care of his younger members, and never left them alone when they were down.
Hugging you tightly to his chest, Hyunjin gently ran his fingers down your back, occasionally running them through your hair. He made calm shushing sounds as you let go of every tear you'd been holding back since you left the company building. You didn't know how to describe the pain you felt, but being around Hyunjin was making it better. I'm not alone. I'm wanted, you thought as your breathing finally slowed.
"Is there anything you want to do? We basically have the day off," Hyunjin whispered, still holding you to him. It was a gentler hold so you could let go if you wanted to.
You didn't want to.
Thinking it over, you were just tired. You didn't know what to do so you just shook your head. Hyunjin hummed at that, thinking. A few seconds later he said, "how about we go back to the dorms and just eat and watch movies?"
The thought of seeing the other members made your heart lighter so you looked up and nodded before stepping away from him. "Yeah, that'd be nice," you said.
"Cool! Let's get some snacks before heading back?" he asked, pointing to the convenience store not too far from where you were.
"Sure! And some drinks?"
"You got it," he responded before grabbing your hand and walking to the store.
Unknown to you, Hyunjin had sent a quick text to the dorm:
SOS, y/n had a really bad day, extra tlc needed
You lived in a dorm with Felix, Seungmin, Leeknow, and Jeongin since that dorm had five rooms and the other had four. Your dorm was immediately dubbed the "cuties dorm" because it was the maknae line + Minho.
Today wasn’t really a day off but most of your schedules were in the morning so most, if not all, if your dorm mates were home. The moment they got the text, it was like a spell was cast over them. Felix was the first to react, running to all of their rooms and grabbing every pillow and blanket he could get his hands on.
Seungmin and Minho were watching a scary movie together and got up as well. Minho went into the kitchen to start cooking your favorite meal and Seungmin looked for their matching pajama sets. You had bought it on the fay you all moved, but hadn’t had a chance to wear it. Jeongin was out for a walk when he got the text and started running home. On the way though, he spotted a cute bear and bought it quickly before heading back.
At the same time, Hyunjin sent another text to 2/3RACHA:
Leader-hyung is pissed. Casualty=1 Tread carefully
He knew today was a track-day for 3RACHA so he left them to it, but decided they deserved a warning. Chan never hurt them intentionally, but when he was mad, words could be said that he didn’t mean. Hyunjin already had one hurt kid, he didn’t want to add more to the mix. Placing his arms around your shoulders, Hyunjin walked towards the convenience store and hoped the members all pulled through.
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Here's Part One of my first mini-series here! I was originally going to make it one long post, but then it got really long so for my first one, I figured it'd be best to have this broken up into three parts.
The next two parts are being written and will be up in the upcoming days! If all goes well, the next part will be up in two days, and then part three will be up two days after the second part!
I want to reiterate the note I put in the beginning, I do not, in any way, think those words would come out of Chan's mouth. This is all purely fiction and in no way represents how I feel about the members. I love them all, but for the fic I needed an angst anchor.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! And as always, have a great morning, afternoon, evening, and night!
Divider made by: @cafekitsune
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jeongtothein · 7 months
bsf! gen! reader x hyung line !! (platonically)
Got this idea from someone else but i don’t know their @ 😞😞
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fushizhuo · 3 days
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Synopsis: You're the youngest member of SKZ and the younger brother of Bang Chan. However, you're sick. And your parents sent you to the US to get treatment. But, they couldn't treat your disease. No matter how hard they tried. So as a final goodbye, you sang a song for your hyungs and your fans.
Genre — Angst.
Warnings — Death
Pairing — M! Reader x SKZ (platonic)
AN note — Transferring my wattpad works over to Tumblr, I made this when I was 12 don't judge 🤞🏻
WC — 4.8k
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The arena hums with quiet anticipation, the energy heavy with sadness. Stray Kids are on stage, but the usual vibrant atmosphere is missing. Eight members stand in a row, their faces somber. The space next to them is empty—the place where you always stood.
Chan steps forward, his hands gripping the microphone tightly, his voice trembling as he addresses the crowd. “STAYs, tonight is… different,” he starts, his eyes flicking back to the members, all barely holding back their emotions. “Our member, y/n, couldn’t be with us tonight. But he left us something. A message for all of you.”
The crowd stirs, sensing the gravity of the moment. Then, the massive screen behind the group flickers on, and there you are, sitting in a chair, pale but smiling gently at the camera. You look weaker than ever, but you’re trying to be strong, for them, for the fans.
“Hello, STAYs,” you begin, your voice soft, yet steady. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there tonight with my brothers. The truth is… I’m sick. Really sick.”
The arena falls into a deafening silence. Even though rumors had been swirling for weeks, hearing you confirm it feels like a punch to the gut for everyone present.
“I’ve been fighting this for a while,” you continue, a sad smile tugging at your lips, “but it’s gotten worse. And… I don’t think I’m going to survive this.”
The weight of your words sinks deep into the hearts of the fans, many of whom have already started to cry. The members on stage are barely holding it together. Felix wipes at his eyes, his face twisted in sorrow, tears falling down uncontrollably with I.N comforting him, while Hyunjin clenches his fists, his shoulders trembling.
You pause for a moment, as if gathering the strength to go on. “I’m sorry I couldn’t sing live with you tonight. But I wanted to say goodbye properly, the only way I know how—through a song. This is my final song, and I want to dedicate it to all of you.”
The camera zooms in slightly as you take a deep breath. “STAYs, thank you. You made me braver than I’ve ever been. Every moment on stage, every song, every smile—I did it because of you.”
You look down for a second, composing yourself, before looking back up at the camera, your eyes brimming with tears. “To my hyungs, thank you for taking care of me. You’re my family, and you’ll always be my home.”
With that, you reach for your guitar and start strumming the familiar opening chords of Castle on the Hill. The stadium quiets, listening intently, as your voice fills the arena.
"When I was six years old, I broke my leg,
I was running from my brother and his friends."
The soft, nostalgic melody washes over the crowd, each note filled with bittersweet memories. The camera flashes between you, playing your final song, and old clips of Stray Kids—the early days when you were all just starting out, moments in the dorms, behind-the-scenes laughter.
"And I miss the way
You make me feel,
And it’s real."
Your voice trembles slightly, but you keep going, pouring everything you have left into this performance. The members on stage are frozen in place, their eyes locked on the screen as you sing about the good times, about the innocence of youth, and about home.
"When we watched the sunset
Over the castle on the hill…"
The song continues, each lyric hitting harder than the last, and the fans can barely contain their sobs. You sing not just for them, but for your hyungs too, for the family you’re leaving behind.
"One friend left to sell clothes,
One works down by the coast,
One had two kids but lives alone,
One’s brother overdosed,
One’s already on his second wife,
One’s just barely getting by."
As you sing these lines, the camera flashes again to moments from the members’ lives—Chan struggling as a leader, Lee Know dancing through exhaustion, Han and Changbin composing until the early morning, Seungmin’s late-night vocal practices, Hyunjin’s quiet moments of self-reflection, Felix’s smile breaking even through the toughest days.
"But these people raised me,
And I can't wait to go home."
Your voice catches on the word home, and it’s clear that you’re thinking of the members—your brothers who stood by you through it all. The camera shows clips of all eight of you together, laughing, crying, working, living.
"And I'm on my way,
I still remember these old country lanes,
When we did not know the answers."
The music swells, and the arena is filled with your voice, with memories, with everything you’ve been through together. The fans, the members, everyone is united in the sadness of your goodbye.
"And I miss the way
You make me feel,
And it’s real,
When we watched the sunset over the castle on the hill,
Over the castle on the hill,
Over the castle on the hill."
As the final chorus fades, the screen cuts back to you. Your guitar falls silent, and you look into the camera one last time, tears filling your eyes but a soft smile still on your lips.
“Thank you, STAYs. You made me feel alive. You made me brave. I love you all so much.”
Your final words are barely above a whisper. “I’ll be home soon.”
The screen goes dark. For a few moments, the arena is completely still. No one moves. No one speaks. It’s as though the world itself is holding its breath, not wanting to acknowledge what just happened.
Then, the sobs start—quiet at first, then louder, until the entire stadium is filled with the sound of heartbreak. The members on stage are in tears, clutching onto each other for support. Chan tries to speak, but no words come out. He steps forward, wiping his face, and finally manages to say, “Thank you, y/n. We love you.”
The concert ends not with an encore, not with cheers, but with the weight of your goodbye hanging in the air. STAYs leave the arena with heavy hearts, each one carrying a piece of you with them, your voice still echoing in their minds, the final notes of Castle on the Hill playing over and over.
You never made it back. But in that final moment, you felt at home.
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skzdust · 3 months
Happy Father's Day, or:
7 times Chan took care of SKZ and 1 time they took care of him
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This fic was a request from @bangchans-peach! I wrote it super fast but I loved the idea and I thought it would be a perfect little fic since it's Father's Day! I hope you enjoy it and I hope you all have had lovely Father's Days, whatever that looks like for you <3
Summary: Pretty much exactly the title :)
Pairing: None, platonic skz
Includes: Fatherly(ish) Chan and tooth-rotting fluff!
Word Count: 900
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!! Thank you!!!
Jisung lays in bed, messing with his hands and trying to keep his mind on anything but the performance they have coming up. His phone dings with Chan’s tone.
Hey, everything alright? If you need to talk I’m here!
He hums in confusion.
Chan responds in matter of seconds.
Was just listening through a couple of your demos and some of the lyrics were kinda intense, thought I’d check in
Yeah, if you have a minute, I would actually really like to talk
He smiles softly as a notification for Chan’s incoming call pops up on screen. The other members are there for him, too, but Chan can always tell when something’s up.
“No.” Hyunjin groans, resting his head on the table. “It’s bad.”
“It is not bad, Hyunjin.” Chan pauses the track. “I do think it needs some work, but I don’t think it’s bad.”
“There’s a reason I’m not a part of 3Racha, I’m not good at writing.” Hyunjin forces a laugh for his non-joke.
“That’s not true. Look at me.”
Hyunjin tilts his head sideways. Chan’s horizontal face looks reassuring.
“We’re gonna get this song, alright? We’ll kill it. We always do.”
Chan can tell it’s not helping. “Wanna take a break? I’ll get us ice cream.”
Hyunjin perks up. “Ice cream?”
“Go away.” Minho mumbles into his pillow.
The knock at his door gets louder.
“Go away!”
“I’m coming in.” He can hear the door opening, and feels the mattress dip under the weight of someone sitting by his feet.
He peeks out to see who it is.
Chan is looking at him.
“Was it something with that girl?”
Minho buries his face. “No.”
Chan sighs. “For some strange reason, I don’t believe you.”
“Believe me.”
“C’mon, Minho. Don’t be obstinate.”
Minho loosens his grip on his pillow. “You won’t make fun of me, will you?”
“Only if you deserve it.” He teases.
Minho groans, pushing his head down.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding. What’s wrong?”
Seungmin places his chin on Bang Chan’s shoulder. “Channie, can we do something interesting?”
“We’re learning choreography.” Chan shrugs him off. “That’s interesting!”
“No, it’s not.”
“Shh, Minho might kill you.” He looks at Minho, who’s fixing Jisung’s pose for what might be the thousandth time, judging from the slightly murderous look on his face.
“I wanna do something else.”
Chan somehow always knows just what he means. “You want to play baseball.”
Seungmin nods. “I want to play baseball.”
Chan looks across the room to where Jeongin and Changbin are against the wall, looking entirely too bored, and Seungmin can see the cogs turning in his head. “I think we can recruit a team.”
“Old man?” Chan raises an eyebrow. “Oh, yes, of course, old man Bang Chan, on his deathbed.”
“Yeah.” Changbin laughs. “Ancient, decrepit Chan.”
“I may be an old man, but I’m your old man.” Chan points to each of them in turn. “And I say video game rights revoked.”
Everyone groans, and Jisung dissolves into giggles.
“But tonight is Mario Kart night!” Changbin whines.
“Nope, you’re the reason I’ve made this rule in the first place, my son.” Chan claps him on the shoulder. “Your brothers only have you to thank.”
“Uh oh, I’d better find a police station, I think I have six assassins on my tail now.”
“Chaaaaan!” Jeongin slides into the kitchen in sock feet, where Chan is cutting vegetables.
“What?” Chan glances over his shoulder.
“Felix beat me at Mario Kart and now he says he gets to sing my solo at the awards show next week.”
Felix runs into the room, skidding to a stop beside Jeongin. “I won! I do!”
“And you’re coming to me with this… why?” Chan finishes chopping a carrot, scraping it off the cutting board into a pot.
“Because you’re good at talking Felix into sense!”
“Felix… you know you can’t sing the solo.”
“I can!” Felix clears his throat, getting out only the first note of the part before Jeongin elbows him in the stomach and he doubles over with an “oof!”
Chan ignores this. “Besides, you know the publicists would get mad.”
“They would.” Felix grumbles as Jeongin cackles.
Felix turns around, pulling out an earbud. “Hm?”
Chan holds up his phone. “Here, I have a song I need you to listen to. It’s by this American group, The Flaming Lips.”
Felix queues it up. “Okay, this is cool.”
“I thought you might like it. It seemed like a sound you’d like.” Chan returns his phone to his pocket. “And they have more music too, but that one stuck out to me.”
Felix smiles. “I’ll check ‘em out!”
Plus one time they took care of him:
“Can I open my eyes?” Chan asks, holding his arms in front of him like Frankenstein’s creature, feeling around for anything in front of him.
Felix removes the blindfold. “Now.”
Chan opens his eyes as everyone shouts, “Happy Father’s Day!” The dining room has been transformed with streamers, balloons, and a handmade banner, and a cake on the table reads “For Our Old Man Chan!” in messy icing.
It’s all Chan can do to keep from tearing up. “You guys shouldn’t’ve!”
“It’s really the least we can do!” Jeongin smiles from behind the cake. “You’re so good to us, Chan, we’re very lucky to have you!”
Chan smiles, a big, real smile. “I’m the lucky one.”
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dwaekkiforpresident · 9 months
“what’s wrong u/dwaekkiforpresident?”
oh nothing just thinking about how felix would love going through your playlists and liked songs with you to learn more about you.
he’s got such an open mind that you could start playing a german death metal band for him and he’d wholeheartedly give it a chance.
even if felix didn’t like the song, he’d be so so sweet about it.
“that’s such an interesting song! i’ve never heard anything like that before… wow. what else do you like?” he’d tell you with those big brown eyes of his. his eyes are just so beautiful.
felix’s all for music in different languages too. you’re showing him a portuguese song? he’s got both headphones over his ears and he’s bopping his head to the beat. french? he knows what they’re saying (to some extent, he’s so smart)!
if he comes across songs from one of your past “cringe” eras, (felix has had plenty, go through his playlists next) he’d laugh about it with you and look at you with starry eyes, wishing he could have met you sooner to see just how you were in that time of your life.
fast forward to a few days or weeks later and he as the aux? you’ll definitely hear your influence on his music taste. his favorite songs blended with a splash of you; just how felix likes it.
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rummels · 7 months
weight on my shoulders
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relationships: platonic Reader & Chan & Changbin word count: ~2300 warnings: none tags: fluff, platonic intimacy, gender neutral reader summary: You're in a weird and uncomfortable headspace, your friends and flatmates Chan and Changbin help you with lots of soft affection and understanding.
read on ao3
You quietly plod into the living room, your feet hidden in thick fluffy socks causing you to sneak up to the couch unnoticed. Your frame is completely concealed by an oversized hoodie that reaches down to the middle of your thighs, tickling the back of your bare legs a bit when you stop a short distance away. You’re not sure if you like the feeling, it feels a bit like tiny zips of static prickle against your skin where the fabric brushes against you just the tiniest bit. It causes you to frown, huffing a tiny breath out of your nose. Everything feels a bit…off. The figure sitting on the couch hadn’t noticed you until now, engrossed in some TV show or movie, but the quiet noise makes the man look over to you.
“Hey,” Chan says softly, a warm smile tugging on his lips.
“I didn’t even notice you coming in. You wanna join me?”
He pats the space next to him in invitation, raising his eyebrows slightly in question and rearranging his position a bit so his legs are not stretched out across the couch. You tilt your head in a curious gesture and nod slightly, shuffling over and plomping yourself into the newly vacated spot, immediately leaning into Chan’s side. It’s not uncommon for you to seek out physical contact with your best friend and flatmate, the both of you sharing and enjoying skinship in a very loving yet platonic way.
It’s quiet for several minutes, Chan again taken in by whatever is shown on TV. You couldn’t care less, your brain going both zero and a thousand miles per minute, leaving you feeling a little overwhelmed and disoriented, not really knowing what to do with yourself while thoughts zip around in your head without you really being able to grab onto a single one of them. Chan’s hand unconsciously wanders across the back of the couch to you, his fingertips starting to slowly comb through the hair at your neck. You let out a low hum and close your eyes. This is nice. Somehow grounding. Just the tiniest bit, you push your head against the touch to encourage it and let Chan know to not stop his ministrations. He looks over to you again.
“Are you okay?” He looks a bit concerned. Usually you’re much more talkative, especially after a long day at work, wanting to share whatever annoyed or excited you that day or simply let out your annoyance about some frustrating project or other. Your brain rambles at you from the moment you wake up and simply letting your thoughts out and sharing them is often very relaxing to you, especially when you don’t have to be worried about being written off as an annoying chatterbox. Which you never have to worry about with Chan. Never had to, actually. So your continued silence is definitely raising some worries in your attentive friend.
You look at him, obviously giving the answer some thought before you scrunch your nose up and nod-shake your head in a definitely a little weird display of uncertainty. Immediately, Chan tunes in on you more, his whole body angling towards you a bit more while he studies your face.
“Did something happen?”
You shake your head no.
“Are you having a bad day?”
You shake your head again.
“Hm…are you getting sick?”
Again, a definite no, you shake your head.
“So simply a bad day maybe?”
You begin to negate that too when he hastily adds “You know that would be okay too, yeah? You can have a bad day without any reason and it’s still okay and valid. Some days are just fucked.”
A small grin sneaks onto your face, knowing he is about to quote one of those silly motivational Tiktoks you both send each other sometimes. He grins back, relieved at seeing your reaction.
“And there’s no way to unfuck them. Try again tomorrow,” he says and can’t stop himself from giggling a bit before ruffling your hair affectionately. You clear your throat, it feeling a bit scratchy after actually being silent for quite some time – you hadn’t even consciously realized that until now.
“Don’t worry, I’m not feeling bad, I’m just –“ You try to find the right words, frowning a bit, “-off? I don’t know,” you trail off, hoping he might understand. You yourself are not even able to understand it but Chan is smart, he gets people. And maybe he understands. Even if not, you know you don’t have to worry, he will simply accept it and will not try to force something out of you just for the sake of his own peace of mind.
You are proven right when he softly nods his head, his eyes deep in thought until he snaps back to you and gifts you one of his blinding smiles. “Come here, babygirl,” he says while pulling you over and manhandling you into a cuddling position against his side, halfway in his lap, his hands again finding themselves in your hair again. You make a little squawking noise at the pet name but your weird aversion to speaking right now is definitely not helping your protest. Factor in that Chan knows how much you actually secretly like the term of endearment? You’ve got no ground to stand on. The voices in your head have just started to discuss if this is something to be happy or disgruntled about when you feel his fingernails scratch against your scalp and you think you could start purring like a fucking cat any second now. Fuck this. There’s no snark left in you right now to defend yourself and you actually start to feel a tiny bit more like yourself so why bother?
Chan goes back to watching his show while holding you against himself, switching between softly combing through your hair with his fingers and giving you head scritches. You feel weirdly small, which seems a bit ridiculous to you considering you’re actually exactly the same height as him and also not exactly small in any other way. But it’s so nice, you melt more and more into him, your eyes drifting shut every now and then until your weird brain swirls manage to drag you up again.
By the time the front door opens and closes again, it has turned dark outside and Chan perks up, looking over the back of the couch towards the hallway.
“YA!” A shout echoes through the apartment, announcing the arrival of Changbin as he throws his backpack somewhere into the hallway.
You flinch at the sudden noise, also moving your head a bit but Chan suddenly has a rather firm grip in your hair and keeps you in place. Eyes widening, you feel like your pulse is suddenly going down in a very relaxing way. What the hell? The effect is too nice to fight against though, so you decide to go with it and stay where you are. Maybe Chan really does know best. Your own brain definitely doesn’t feel like it’s able to deal with any responsibilities and decisions right now.
“Tone it down, Binnie.” Chan’s voice vibrates against the side of your face. Huh, when did you slide all the way over to rest your face against his chest? You instinctively try to perk up again in surprise, you’ve also started to develop a bit of crick in the upper part of your back from the position you were in. This time Chan lets you but keeps his hand at the back of your neck which you are weirdly thankful for. Changbin chooses that moment to stick his head into the room and, seeing the two of you cuddled up on the couch, wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive manner while smirking like the little gremlin he sometimes tends to be.
“You’re trying to win them over while I’m not home? Unfair business, Christopher,” he playfully scolds Chan and again you manage to smile. Yay, an emotion!
The two of them like to put up a whole charade of pretending to heroically and dramatically trying to win your heart over, each trying to ‘win’ against the other. All three of you are very much aware of the fact that this is all a game. You love them both to bits, would probably gladly cut off your own hand for them if the situation demanded it. But you’re also all very safe in the knowledge that nothing sexual would ever come into your relationship. Between you preaching about open and honest communication, Chan’s will to provide and care and give love and Changbin’s absolute lack of any kind of shame or reservations when it comes to feelings and affection, the three of you have created a very nurturing and loving environment in your shared apartment.
Chan’s chuckle is audible next to you before he speaks. “No wooing today, I’m just trying to cuddle y/n’s brain into submission because we’re feeling a bit weird today,” he explains, his thumb rubbing small circles into the soft skin under your ear while his hand lays on your neck.
“Oh no, do we have a scrambled brain today?” Changbin sits down next to you on the couch and leans closer, peering into your face like it may just give him all the answers on its own. You nod and pull a frowny face.
“They don’t like to talk right now.” Chan lets you out of his arms as you reach over for Changbin, going to lean your forehead against his big shoulder. But he reaches down and cups your face in his hands, holding it and looking at you while obviously thinking something over.
“Can I try something?” he ends up asking. “It might help but you need to tell me if you feel uncomfortable with it today, you know I will not be mad if you do, right?”
Having no clue which brilliant idea he has cooked up underneath those fluffy curls, you nod your head in agreement. You don’t need to worry, that much you definitely know.
Changbin hurries to shoo Chan off the couch and pushes you down with sure hands until you’re fully laying down. You only manage to look up at him for a couple of seconds before he is once again pulling and pushing at you until you end up on your stomach. He also tugs at your hoodie a bit until it doesn’t form any big creases against your body anymore and then you feel a warm hand at the small of your back.
“I will lay down on top of you now, is that okay?”, he asks softly and you feel a flutter of excitement in your chest. Yes. That would be perfect actually. Suddenly the fact that he’s not already settled on top of you seems almost cruel to you and you wiggle around a bit, nodding your head in clear agreement and permission.
He can’t help but poke your butt – of course he can’t – before crawling over you and then slowly letting all of his weight push down against you. You let out a small grunt of contentment, the air getting pushed out of your lungs and you feel like your bones turn into liquid. Perfect. This is exactly what you needed. Like putting on 3D glasses in the cinema, two separate yet connected, overlayered parts of yourself seem to finally slot together and begin to form a coherent version of yourself again. Changbin moves around a tiny bit still, finding the perfect spot and position to rest in while you turn your head to the side, peering into the dimly lit living room, your eyelids fluttering a bit.
Chan moves into your field of vision and crouches down to be at eye level with you. He’s got his signature ‘proud loving parent’ smile on and usually you would tease him for it – to hide how much you absolutely love get looked at like that – but right now it’s perfect for your mushy brain. He reaches out and tugs a bit on your hood.
“Would you like to put that on?”
You feel even less like talking right now, your body and mind almost like molasses. It’s a sweet, heady feeling and you smile, blinking slowly once and hoping he understands. He cocks his head to the side and raises an amused eyebrow.
“Is that a yes?”
You give a slow long blink again, probably smiling like an idiot. He chuckles and reaches over, slipping your hood over your head and arranging it in a way that makes you peek out of it like a little ferret out of its den. The fact that they know you so well, aware that you like to have your hearing muffled sometimes, feeling safe inside your hoodie, makes you so happy that you give another slow blink while contently scrunching up your nose with a smile. Chan boops it with his finger and stands up.
“You okay down there?”, you hear Changbin checking in from somewhere on top of you and you give a tiny wiggle so as to not accidentally throw him off of you but still answer his question ….somehow.
“Perfect. Just let me know when I should get up again, please don’t just yeet me off when it gets to be too much, alright?”
You wiggle again, completely settling in now and closing your eyes. Your head is not quiet, it never is when you’re awake. But right now there’s only a soft song buzzing in the back of your mind – you probably heard it somewhere on your way home – while you think about the new movie that’s running in the cinemas and you wanted to go to with both Chan and Changbin, your mind switching over to remember the time you all went to Changbin’s problematic cousin’s birthday party last month to crash it as a fake throuple, nearly sending the whole conservative side of his family into a collapse. Also there’s this brownie recipe Felix shared with you, maybe you’re gonna try that out tomorrow…
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eldrichpear · 4 months
Big brother lee know: realizing you're drifting apart
It's been a while since you saw your brother. He came home yesterday and after a day spent with your parents the two of you now sit on the couch in the living room making small talk.
"How's ballet?" Minho asked without much thought.
"I stopped doing ballet." You answer casually.
"What? Since when? You love ballet." The question's accompanied with a confused look.
"Oh, since the pandemic. I didn't enjoy it anymore, haven't for a while and so when all of that happened I took it as a sign to finally quit."
Silence lingered between the two siblings. You didn't think too much about it but as for Minho, he felt like he was out of breath.
He doesn't remember a time when you didn't do the activity, you just always did. It's what kept you close, both of you supporting eachother in your respective choices of dance and always being there for big achievements.
And now that's gone, it's been gone for 4 years and Minho didn't know. This scared him, what else did he miss?
He still viewed you as his baby sibling. The one afraid of the dark, the one tugging at his shirt with a grubby hand and snotty face asking to help push them on the swing.
It's as if Minho blinked and now before him was a whole grown person. Completely different from the one cheering him on during school talent shows, looking at the elder boy with hidden admiration that due to the pact of siblinghood you couldn't let out freely.
A sudden weight on his shoulder snaps him out of the sad thoughts swirling in his head. Looking down he is met with the sight of his sibling drooling onto the expensive sweater he's wearing.
And suddenly none of those worries matter anymore. You're still his sibling, one that was born into this world to be bothered by their brother untill his dying breath. Now with a content look on his face Minho chooses the following movements wisely.
"Eww! You're slobbering all over me like a dog! Get off!" The caring brother yelps out while pushing his victims face away from his own.
It will all be fine, you'll just keep growing together like you always have been.
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skz-saja · 2 years
“stray kids loving saja”
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( stray kids 9th member au )
bold sentences are spoken in english
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clip 1 ↯ hey, sweetheart
Chan was doing a live for a Chan’s Room episode, when there was the sound of a door opening and closing and Saja suddenly walked into frame. Chan looked up, smiling fondly at his tired looking maknae, his dimples showing. “Hey, sweetheart.” He said in English. The endearing nickname coined by both Chan and Felix always warmed the hearts of Stays whenever it was said publicly, as it always showed how much they cared for each other.
“Hi, oppa.”
Saja tiredly rubbed her eyes as she sat down, and Chan had to hold in a coo. Saja was just too adorable when she was tired. “I was about to go to bed,” Saja began, looking into the camera, “but I decided to say goodnight to Stay.” Saja smiled widely, reading comments and giggling lightly. She only stayed for a minute or two, answering a few questions as she rested her head against Chan’s shoulder. When she left, she waved goodbye, giving another warm smile towards the camera. “Goodnight everybody!”
She said goodnight to Chan as well, and Chan couldn’t help but to grin, eyes glittering with warmth as he said goodnight back. This was a Chan and Saja moment—a Sajan moment, if you will—that was talked about a lot. Everyone loved it when Chan gave the members heart eyes—especially Saja.
clip 2 ↯ minho goes soft
In this clip, it was a video taken from the perspective of an audience, and Stray Kids were on stage interacting with Stay. Saja could be seen walking around, a slight smile on her face, before she froze in space, jaw dropping in shock. Tears gathered in her eyes by the time Minho came in front of her, resting a hand on her shoulder, brows furrowing in concern.
Minho was asking if she was alright, and Saja nodded before breaking out into a teary grin. She said something into Minho's ear, pointing up into the audience. Minho followed her line of sight, before smiling softly, and bowing. He then wrapped an arm around Saja, pulling her into his side as he kept talking, all with the same smile.
It was later revealed that Saja's mom was in the audience as a surprise, and it had been so long since Saja had seen her that she couldn’t help but to get so emotional. They later reunited backstage after the show.
clip 3 ↯ “I CANNOT MOVE. I CAN’T.”
The clip starts with Saja sleeping peacefully on someone’s lap, her cheek slightly squished against their leg, making her pout the tiniest bit. The person Saja is sleeping on is running their fingers through her hair softly, and delicately.
The camera moves up and shows that it’s Changbin, who has the softest smile on his face as he looks down at her.
clip 4 ↯ cuddlebug #1 & cuddlebug #2
On the set for the ‘Case 143’ music video, Felix was talking to a camera when Saja jumped into view. “Lixie!”
Felix laughs lightly. “Sara!”
“How are we doing today?” Saja grinned, wrapping her arms around Felix. Felix smiled fondly, hugging her and pulling her close. “I am doing wonderful.”
clip 5 ↯ jaws are ON THE FLOOR
They were on set for the ‘거미줄 (VENOM)’ music video, and Saja was the only one left in the makeup chair, meaning everyone was waiting on her. Not that she was late or taking an insane amount of time—she just ended up being last to finish.
She was wearing her black leather outfit, and her eye makeup was dark. She had to admit—she looked good.
When she was finally done and back on her way to the others—a camera following behind her—Jisung, Hyunjin, and Jeongin were the first to see her. Their jaws dropped, and you already know that Jisung started hyping her up.
He was jumping around her, telling her how good she looked while Jeongin insisted on doing a round of applause—as in, going around her in circles and clapping.
"Flawless." Hyunjin stated, nodding in certainty.
Saja laughed, but couldn't help but to get all shy from all the complements. The dust of red on her cheeks was a total contrast from her form fitted black faux leather top, baggy black pants, and black boots.
"Aww," Jisung cooed, "is someone getting shy?" He squeezed her shoulders with a playful glint in his eye.
"Cute." Hyunjin grinned, pinching her cheek.
Later on, while reviewing some recordings on the monitor, Saja was on the screen, and Jisung began aggressively shaking her shoulders while Jeongin cheered. She looked completely different onscreen rather than her actually naturally shy self, you’d almost get whiplash from how fast she can change when the cameras start rolling.
clip 6 ↯ bickering one moment, cuddling the next
It wasn’t uncommon to see Seungmin and Saja bickering—nothing serious, of course. But it also wasn’t uncommon to see how much Seungmin cared for Saja.
Saja was a very huggy person, so he always made sure she got her hugs. He checked to make sure she was taking care of herself often, including this moment during their maniac tour, when it was clear that Saja was pushing herself too hard. Fans assume that Saja may be sleep deprived, and overworking herself, and on this night of the tour, she was looking quite exhausted. Seungmin, as well as the others, were seen constantly checking that she was all right through glances from the corners of their eyes or pats on her shoulder. At a moment when they were talking with the audience, Seungmin pulled Saja into his side, saying something into her ear with worried eyes. It was a very endearing moment between the two, though upsetting to see Saja in that state.
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##note: yes, the changbin one was inspired by that one clip of him when hyunjin was sleeping on his lap. i couldn’t help myself 🤭
##taglist: @g4m3girl
( everyone is accepted to this taglist! if you want to be added, just let me know and you’re set <3 )
© skz-saja
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jungkookslipring · 10 months
Heyy can I request a lee seungmin ler skz fic plsss. I'm a huge fan of your works!! They always manage to draw me in and I feel like I'm right there with the characters!! Love you!!!💖💖💖
Seungmin is our favorite Comedian
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AHHHHH you're so sweet thank you!! plz enjoy!
Lee! Seungmin
Ler! SKZ
Seungmin woke up and chose ✨violence✨. The boys were in another interview where they were filming a Besties on Besties video for Seventeen. Seungmin came for everyone and their mamas in this interview, leaving everyone laughing.
“Bang Chan is so old”
“Changbin is so good at nothing”
“Hyunjin loves Felix”
Respectfully everyone started coming at each other’s throats and continued making everyone belly laugh, but Seungmin seemed to have the most comebacks.
‘this kids gonna get it,’ thought Bang Chan. And get it he did.
They all decided to hang out in the vocal/dance racha dorm after a long day of interviews, revenge on Bang Chan and Changbin’s mind once everyone’s shoes were off.
“Yah! Kim Seungmin!” shouted Changbin as Seungmin made a b-line towards the hallway. Changbin caught up to him and threw the vocalist over his shoulder, already giggling at what was to come.
“Leave me hehe alone!” Seungmin giggled nervously as Changbin threw him on the couch.
“This is for saying I’m good at nothing!” Changbin squawked but with a huge smirk as he dug his fingers into Seungmin’s sides, already making the younger one cackle.
“I was kiddihehehehehehehe!” He batted off Changbin’s hands as much as he could before the leader had an idea.
“Changbin-ah, hold him down for me, the old man wants to get in on this,” he joked as Changbin immediately did what he was told and grabbed a hold of Seungmin, pulling him onto his lap and pulling his arms behind his back.
“This isn’t fairhahahahaha!”
“Life’s not fair bubs!” Bang Chan said as he poked and prodded Seungmin’s tummy, the younger one kicking out his feet. He felt so weak and so exposed not being able to fight back as Bang Chan went to work on his tummy. He was so adorable so it was impossible to stop.
“Me next!” Hyunjin jumped towards them with Felix right on his side.
“me too!” Said the younger Aussie.
“go right ahead!” Bang Chan laughed as the two dug their fingers into his sides and knees. This made Seungmin go nuts as two ticklish spots on his body were attacked.
“NAHAHAHAHAAHA WHYYYYHAHAHAHAHA!” He screeched as Hyunjin massaged his legs and Felix rapidly squeezed his sides. Seungmin was such a ticklish boy and everyone was cooing at his reaction. After a while they made space for Han to shove his hands right under his underarms. Seungmin’s laugh almost went silent.
“NAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA HANAAAHHHAHAHAHA!” He screamed. He knew it would’ve tickled a lot worse if his arms were stretched out but this position was no better considering Han’s fingers were pretty much stuck in his hollows.
“this is for the reading comment!” He joked as he continued wiggling his fingers.
“I know but you still laughed Minnie!!” Han laughed along with him as Seungmin’s head fell forward resting on Han’s shoulder as squeaky laughter filled the room.
“Awwww so cute!” Han sang out. Not too long after while Han kept up with his attack, IN had joined and started tickling his neck. Seungmin tried scrunching up his shoulders but Changbin had a death grip on his arms so he was hardly able to move, only able to laugh at the sensations on his neck and pits. Changbin on occasion would hold onto Seungmin with one hand and sneak in a few wiggles to his sides or scratch at his ribs, causing Seungmin to jolt every few minutes while Han kept his attack consistent. Last but certainly not least, Lee Know. It didn’t take long for Seungmin to realize everyone was tickling him simply because Chan and Changbin were, but Lee Know was extremely skilled and he knew he wasn’t going to last long.
“My turn!” Lee Know sang happily as he switched places with Han. Seungmin shook his head with the biggest smile on his face. Poor thing couldn’t stop giggling.
“Nononohohoho you’re bahahahad,” Seungmin giggled when Lee Know kneeled before him.
“You ready, Minnie?” Lee Know asked with the sweetest but most devious smile. Seungmin kept giggling out of nervousness.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Lee Know said right before quickly sticking his hands up Seungmin’s shirt and latching onto his top ribs, eliciting a scream from Seungmin.
“LEE KNOW HYUNHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” the poor boy screeched and bucked as much as he could but Changbin held him down. Lee Know was laughing along with him as his fingers drilled in between his top rib and armpit, easily tiring out Seungmin.
“YOURE SO BAHAHAHAHAHAD *hic* HYUNHIEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE *hic* IT TICKLES TO MUHUHUHUHCH *hic* I CAHAHAHAHANT *hic* OKAYAHAHAHAHAHA OKAY OKAY UNCLE UNCLE UNCLE” screeched Seungmin before he completely stopped fighting it, letting his body go limp and laughing his ass off. Lee Know was no monster so he slowed down his tickles and rubbed his hand over Seungmin’s bare tummy, attempting to rid the ghost tickles that were probably lingering. Changbin let go of his arms that fell to his sides, sleepy giggles leaving his lips.
“that was the cutest shit ever,” Lee Know said patting Seungmin’s hair. Seungmin fell forward and wrapped his arms around Lee Know who was still sitting on his legs.
“tired..” Seungmin mumbled. Lee Know chuckled and wrapped his arms around his sleepy dongsaeng.
“yeah I think that’s our cue to hit the hay, we’ve had a long day, yeah?” Bang Chan said as he went to grab his shoes. Seungmin made a noise of protest and quietly asked everyone to stay. this kid was too fucking cute.
“okay Minnie we’ll go change first then we’ll come back okay?” Bang Chan said walking up to the three on the couch, planting a kiss on Minnie’s head.
“Bin, do you want me to grab you clothes?” Bang Chan asked as Han and Hyunjin went to put their shoes on. The rapper seemed to be preoccupied with a sleepy pup on his lap.
“yes please, thanks Hyung,” he said scratching his fingers up and down Seungmin’s back in a soothing manner. It didn’t take long for the guys to grab their clothes, because less than an hour later everyone was in an old fashioned SKZ pile in the middle of the living room, basking in the warmth of each other.
Let me know if you like it! my DMs are always open if you have requests!
taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do
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I'm not a real people shipper, nor am I a conspiracy theorist, but minsung make it so fucking hard to be neither of those things
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minminyoonjii · 6 months
#1 S-Class
[Stray Heart Untold Series]
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
💙Series Masterlist
Who knew rambling about a book you felt so passionate about could lead to an interaction like this.
Passionate Rambling|Honest Bickering|Wholesome|Dubious Ending
🍄Wordcount: 1K
"I like that one," a voice said behind you. Shivers ran down your back, "Ah, it's one of my favourites too," you said, confused on why you couldn't sense him. He chuckled, "It's unfortunate how it ends," he said, skimming through the array of books. You nodded in agreement, "Yeah," you sighed, rethinking the familiar ending. He grabs a book next to you, "What about it is unfortunate to you?" he asks, reading the book's back cover. 
"It's just upsetting that she threw all that unconditional affection for something comfortable," you huffed, facing the voice. He nodded, "But the book didn't even portray his reaction to the betrayal," he added, subtly trying to arrogate your expression. You furrowed your eyebrows, "I know but think about realistically, would you like getting tossed away in a blink as such?" you asked, holding back a glare. He laughed, "Touche," he said, picking up another book. 
You should've held back then but your thoughts split, "And besides, imagine giving up your all to someone and they just pull away because they were afraid," you grumbled before realising what you'd done. "Sorry," you blurted, covering your mouth. He shook his head, smiling, "There's nothing to apologise for, I admire that," he said, placing back the book he held. You raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue his train of thought. 
He stifled a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck, "I admire that you're passionate about what you believe in," he said, averting your gaze. Your cheeks burned, "Thanks, um," you said, hesitantly reaching out your hand. "Chan," he said, shaking your hand in response. You took a moment to eye his features, embarrassment running through you when you realised he was your exact type. He gulped, pointing at another book, "This one is less bittersweet," he said, breaking his hold on your hand. 
You giggled, noticing his burning ears, "Well, thank you once again, kind sir," you said, bowing slightly. He chuckled, "The pleasure was all mine, my lady," he said, playing along. Your giggles echoed between the bookshelves, creating an atmospheric moment. "Are you here often?" he asks, curious as to when he could see you again. You nod, "Every alternate day from Monday," you say, holding the book you chose. 
He beamed, "Great, till then, my lady. It looks like I'm needed elsewhere," he said eloquently. You giggled, "I had fun conversing with you, Sir Chan," you said, waving as he stepped back. "As did I, my lady," he said, waving back. "Holy shit," you whispered, feeling your heart pound from your chest. Jisung leaned against the shelves, "Who the hell was that?" he teased, a smirk etched on his lips. You flinched, "A stranger that liked the book," you huffed, walking past him. 
Jisung's smirk grew wider, "Wait, the book? The one you couldn't stop rambling on about?" he laughed. You rolled your eyes playfully, "The exact one," you said, feeling a twinge of pride. "I mean as long as you didn't scare the poor man away, you might still have a chance before Valentine," Jisung said, ruffling your hair. You glared at him, "It's not like that, he's just interesting," you mumbled, tightening your hold around the book.
Jisung sighed, "For a hero, you really do wear your heart on your sleeve," he said, shaking his head. "What's wrong with that?" you mumbled, crossing your arms. Jisung laughed, "Everything, imagine a hero forgetting their responsibilities after getting stood up at a blind date," he pointed out. You scoffed, "That was one time and it was only a D-class heist, I wasn't even needed on scene," you sulked, defending yourself. "Yeah, yeah," Jisung chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully.
A sigh escaped your lips, "I just want to fall in love, is that too much to ask," you said, setting the book down on the counter. Jisung pursed his lips, "I mean in this economy, you're better off getting into a contract relationship with Cheon-sa," he teased, opening the sign-out book for you to record. "Oh, and let me guess. We own three locations, one each and a shared one for family," you said, smiling at the ridiculousness of it all. 
Jisung snapped his fingers, "Exactly, and no offence darling but his type has cock," he said, tucking his hair back with both his hands. You busted out into giggles, "Yeah, and the type that is slightly above average with a slight curve at the tip and is girthy enough that your hands can't wrap around it," you teased, laughing harder at his appalled expression. "Well, fuck you for listing my best friend's type like a diner order," Jisung said, faking a scoff. 
You jutted your bottom lip, going behind the counter to hug him, "Aww, come on," you whined. He chuckled, biting his bottom lip, "Fine, I'll keep it a secret. But if you piss me off again, I’m using this as blackmail material," he grinned, petting your head. You giggled, "Deal," you cheered, squishing his cheeks. He whined, "Now the get fuck off me," he cursed, glaring at you. You smiled, grabbing a truffle from his chocolate stash, "Thank you, thank you," you sang, running out of the store. Jisung gasped, "I spent money on those!" he exclaimed, standing up. 
He sighed, pushing back his hair, "She's lucky I care about her well-being," he mumbled, walking towards the book cart. "Hello, love," someone said, wrapping their arms around Jisung's waist. "This is getting bad," Jisung chuckled, leaning back into the person's chest while rearranging the books. The person chuckled, "Oh? What do you mean by that?" they asked, nuzzling their face against Jisung's neck. 
"I no longer flinch when you hold me by surprise," Jisung said, squirming from how ticklish it felt. "Isn't that a good thing?" the person asks, kissing Jisung's temple. Jisung sighed, "It's bad when your bookstore is the safety hub for Seoul's SS-class hero," he explained, turning to face Minho's cheek grin. Minho cooed, "You and I both know, this bookstore is off-limits for hero/villain rivalry," he said, stroking Jisung's cheek. 
"I know but it's in my nature to worry, I practically raised her," Jisung groaned, burying his face into Minho's chest. "She'll be fine, love," Minho reassured, patting Jisung's hair. "But what if," Jisung mumbled, peeking up. Minho cooed, "She has more villains taking care of her than you think," he whispered, placing a kiss on Jisung's forehead. 
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my-ot8-is-fate · 1 year
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In a world of chance encounters, I found my missing piece – the soul meant to intertwine with mine.
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i think i have one request, what about a sick jisung with the flu who has to miss the new year's eve party almost everyone is attending except for minho who chose to stay and welcome the new year with him even if it's just in his bed with tissues and maybe a bucket by his side, watching some kind of romcom until the fireworks light up the sky
(Set in the old dorms)
“You guys can go without me. Really, I’ll be okay here. It’s just a little cold anyway. I’ll probably just sleep the night away, you don’t have to waste your new year on me.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. But make sure you take you take you medicine and drink lots of water. The flu is no joke.” Chan said. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Jisung nodded.
“I promise.” he said, hooking pinkies with Chan, before ducking into his elbow to let out a harsh cough. 
“You guys have fun without me, alright?” Jisung said, parting ways with Chan. 
Jisung flopped onto his bed. He stayed there peacefully, but that peace didn’t last long, as he felt bile rising in his throat. Since the rest of his members were distracted getting ready to go, he slipped off to the bathroom, hoping to be able to be sick alone. He fell in front of the toilet, barely having time to open the lid before letting out a wet belch, a fountain of the little he’s eaten today spewing out painfully. The acidity burned his already sore throat. Tears spilled down his face, mixing with the remnants of vomit splashed on his face.
When he finally got a break, he leaned back against the wall, hearing a knock on the door.
Shit, he’s been caught.  He really didn’t want any of his members with him right now. He can handle his own.
“Hannie, can I come in?” Minho. Jisung has a soft spot for Minho. Maybe he can let him in. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have Minho take care of him.
He scooted himself to the door, quickly reaching up to unlock it. He scurried back to the toilet, feeling the second wave of vomit on its way up. Minho opened the door just as Jisung lost whatever was left in his stomach.
He cringed in sympathy, dropping to his knees and rubbing jisung’s sweaty back who instantly leaned into his touch. 
It didn’t take long before he had run out of stomach contents to bring up and was left dry heaving over the tainted water, occasionally coughing.
“Hannie I think you’re empty.” Minho stood, grabbing one of the little paper cups by the sink usually used to wash their mouths with water after brushing their teeth and filling it with water. He handed it to jisung who swirled the water around in his mouth before spitting it out, hoping to get rid of the foul taste left in his mouth. Minho took the cup and refilled it, passing it back to Jisung. 
“Drink it this time.”
Jisung complied of course.
“I’m going to stay back with you.”
“Nooo.” Jisung whined, laying his face on the toilet seat, almost blending in with the porcelain with how white his face was. In truth, Jisung wanted Minho to stay back. But he would never admit that.
“Okay Ji. Couch or bed?”
He helped Jisung to get comfy on the couch, setting him up with a bucket and a box of tissues. Once he was all situated, Minho went to inform Chan that he was going to stay back, who was relieved that Jisung wouldn’t be alone all night while sick. He waved the rest of the group goodbye before voyaging back to the living room, the quiet hun of hans snores, who had fallen asleep sitting up. Minho sat down carefully onto the couch as to not wake the sleepy quokka. Jisung leaned into Minho’s warmth, feeling chilly from his fever. Minho cozied up under the blanket with him, placing his hand on Han’s forehead lightly, unsurprised at how warm he felt. Jisung rested his head against Minho’s shoulder. 
The next time the pair woke up was just about midnight, just in time to see the fire works. The colors bursted in the sky beautifully. Luckily, they’re dorms are far away that it’s not crazy loud and the just get to enjoy the colorful show. 
Although it was pretty, Han felt his stomach stirring. He urgently grabbed the bucket off the floor and put it between his legs, quickly drawing Minho’s attention from the fireworks display. He felt his hands combing through his hair, the sensation immediately relaxing him. The gagging was painful, his stomach had nothing left to give, it was turning inside out to try and find something to send up. Somehow, this was ten times worse than really throwing up. When his stomach did manage to bring something, it burned through his whole body, mostly containing bile and the little water he had drunk earlier. 
When he was finished, he practically collapsed back into the couch, strings of saliva still hanging from his chin. Almost immediately breaking out in a coughing fit. Minho grabbed a tissue and started to clean him up.
“‘Went out my nose. :(“
“Here, blow.” Minho held the tissue to Han’s nose, who (all though he found it kinda awkward and gross to do so) did as commanded and blew. Minho didn’t seem to find it awkward at all. 
Once they had settled back down, Minho carried Jisung (who was only about half asleep and probably could have walked himself, but wanted to be carried, like a child.) bridal style back to bed. He went to exit the room to his own bed for the night but was stopped by a shrill sickly voice.
“Can you stay?”
Minho smirked, “Oh so you’re awake now.”
“Shhh, just come cuddle with me.”
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sangoqueenkoko · 7 months
aight so
(also i didn’t expect the previous one to pop off… thanks)
back on the topic of raging about fanfic tropes,
and todays rant is
drum roll, please!
smaus! ✨
or also known as a Social Media Alternate Universe! quite popular in the fanfic community of course.
but i have an ick.
an ick that has stayed with me ever since i discovered and got into the genre.
and that ick is what people use for them, as in face claims.
before i say anything else, i have no problem with face claims, but what annoys me is what the person in said images seems to wear or look like.
not every female on the planet wears short tank tops with small-ass tiddies! heck, there's a big chunk of women/girls who don't like showing skin, even me, because it could be a part of insecurity or something else i won't mention.
not in a mean way, so please don't come at me, but not everyone's body can fit into every clothing type, or they don't like it, but even if the smau mentioned is interesting, readers are put off because of what the face claim is wearing or what they look like.
to me, the stereotypical smau face claim is a white woman, perfect skin, blonde hair and wearing short tank tops (which I hate at this point).
and as a white, blonde, nearly 20-year-old woman with moderate skin, i hate it. i loathe being blonde, and i don't like blonde being a stereotype for this stuff. use brown hair, or even black hair, black hair is rare in our days in my eyes
faceless smaus are nice because they're just Twitter threads with made-up usernames and comments that use reaction memes, and they're funny as fuck. but only some writers do that, specifically certain fandoms
*this links to my previous rant on 'x readers and how the aforementioned body details defeat the purpose
there's probably more i could write about this but i can't think at the moment, may do another, idk
Tl;dr: i dont like smaus that use stereotypes and the same clothing types every time as it is unrealistic to what the reader may look like!
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