#sleep sound therapy
thefrogdalorian · 3 months
Sometimes I find myself thinking about Din Djarin a little too much that I get concerned and think that I really should go to therapy...
Well, I'm finally doing that (again) tomorrow... :)
Feeling pretty nervous about it but hoping that because I now know I'm autistic it will help me understand/explain things a little better! Hopefully this is the start of a journey to finally become a healthier, happier version of myself :)
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la-lil-alien · 2 years
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necromancy-savant · 6 months
So here's what happened: I went in, panicked for 24 hours straight, cried so much the skin around my eyes is now red and raw, paced back and forth on the verge of screaming for help due to all the noises and all the people with no stop to it, and I dropped out and went home. I still want to stay sober, and I'm considering calling tomorrow to re-enroll in the outpatient so I can just go during the day and go home to my apartment at night
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rastronomicals · 3 months
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7:49 PM EDT March 13, 2024:
Ze Malibu Kids - "Sleep Therapy" From the album Sound It Out (2002)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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very-uncorrect · 19 days
I'm gonna die one day oh my god holy shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck there's no afterlife oh holy shit fuck help oh my god no no no no no
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arctic-hands · 10 months
My last bout of sleep paralysis (which was when I was recently hospitalized for nine days and getting no sleep because literally almost every half hour someone was waking me up for vitals or a blood drawl or to give me medicine or to prod my stomach or the attending bringing in the interns because I'm a great case study or because my infusion pump wanted to make obnoxious noises for no reason) was so horrific that when I told my therapist about it yesterday she visibly paled and freaked out on my behalf. Is that a good sign?
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rfmdotd · 3 months
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Perverse intrusive thoughts manifesting themselves in dreams is the actual worst.
#Especially with the timing of this one#Brain… have some fucking respect for the dead#ugh ugh ugh#[throws up]#The worst thing is I’m so used to them that I barely feel disgusted anymore#I’m not sure if I can properly tag this as OCD anymore because I’ve kind of kicked the worst of it with incidental exposure therapy#and straight up ignoring everything until it went away like a petulant child’s attention-seeking behavior#At one time this would have distressed me about one hundred times more than it is right now#Like if I still do have it: it’s more in the form of “just right” in which I talk to myself in the mirror#and constantly correct my sentence structure and say the same things over and over again so it comes out “normal sounding”#but that could just be scripting too??? so idk#I mean talking to myself in the mirror is pretty disruptive when I need to go to sleep (the mirror is across from my bed)#or generally do things#but it’s kind of a fun activity#The activity itself does not cause me distress and it’s pretty useful sometimes#I use what I’ve said to myself in the mirror in real conversation; my speech is smoother and less choppy as a result#Because if I don’t plan what I want to say; I get so hung up on certain details that I fuck up the chronological order of events#This way I have an outline if anyone mentions certain subjects#Plus I can vent and be ugly (uglier than I am on here) and no one gets hurt#I also vent on here because I don’t have a captive audience; people can choose not to read it#It’s impersonal#It’s my thoughts and feelings with my presence removed from the situation so no one is locked into conversation#vent post
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msommers · 5 months
i know that i created them both and that's why it's like this but it's funny how perfect of a popstar aphrodite is for maeve to obsess over in modern aus
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deadpanwalking · 1 year
Nerve pain is quite literally a nightmare, I hope you got the surgery and that it helped!
It is, I did, and it did! My microdiscectomy was performed laparoscopically and took less than 2 hours; later that same day, I was taking my first pain-free steps in over a year! I still have some nerve damage, but that pain is nothing compared to before.
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senxitive · 1 year
I do not know how to escape the non-verbal feedback loop.
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harmony-lightening · 8 months
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To @alisachik
Hey! Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have dreams, and as long as we keep going, they will accomplished. Don't EVER give up on what you want to succeed! NOTHING is ever a waste of time!!! You don't have to "act your age" everywhere! Just be you and do what makes you happy!!! Heck, I still act like a kid sometimes out in public! You don't have to follow what anyone says. (Unless it's the actual law.) Sometimes, do what your heart tells you. If it tells you to give up on your blog, I got nothing against that. But, sometimes, you just gotta be YOU. If I weren't me and followed my heart, well... I'd literally be dead on the floor right now...... So, follow what dreams you want to fulfill! It never mattered about age! It never mattered about peoples opinions! All that matters is BEING YOU. Life lesson, always have friends and family, but you don't always have to listen to them. (Again.) Just be you. Your blog is amazing! Your animations are amazing! And having people actually be them is amazing! Be yourself, not other people. (I feel like I repeated many things, but hopefully you get what I mean by all this)
From: @lill-cute-fluffy-devil
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babysdrivers · 8 months
resident evil 2 playthroughs are like therapy to ME
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zourried · 2 years
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soundtherapy10 · 1 year
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