#sleepy bench boys
dcjokerhs · 2 years
I'm in a fuzzle-brain-mode, so here! Floof!
(me, banging pots and pans: Come get y'all's floof!)
Phil, Wil and Tech all live together in the tundra with snow and cold winds and what have you, so Phil has a nest in his living room that all three like to snuggle in when not looking after the farm or galavanting off somewhere.
Thing is, Elytrans? A nest is up high in the hills, in the cold. A nest is just the warmest place in the house, so you can do whatever you want in there. Both Wil and Phil are cool with it, and Techno's kind, the pigmen, treated their Dens similarly, so it's no skin off their backs, either.
Now, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy all know about this kinda stuff from Wilbur and Technoblade (for the Bench Duo it's Wil, for Ranboo it's Techno) BUT THEIR OWN INSTINCTS ARE LIKE "Hm?? Nest???? Bunk??? FAMILY!!" because for Endfolk and Avians, a Nest is basically like a bed, and goats (from what little I've read, so don't take it as gospel) like having bedding at least a little higher than ground level in the form of a bunk, which is where they feel safest, so having someone else there? It's Family.
So the SBI trio are oblivious to the BanchTrio being like "Do we want them as family? They invited us to their nest as Friends, why's we feeling like calling them family?" "Technically we are family, because Phil adopted Tubbo, who's married to Ranboo, and Wilbur basically adopted Tommy as his brother?" "But ARE THEY??"
What result do we have?
Oblivious SBI with Protective Bench Trio.
Ranboo is bringing them Gifts like "I found this and it reminds me of you guys."
Tubbo's always asking them if he can help out, if they ask about paying him, he'll say "gimme a hug and I'll call it even" and HE DID NOT MEAN TO FIND OUT THAT TECHNOHUGS ARE GOOD HUGS, BUT THEY ARE!!
Like, Wilbur's hugs feel kinda firm, kinda soft, and Wilbur likes hugging around your shoulders so he can sometimes put a hand in your hair in that way that's semi-protective but not.
And Phil's hugs Just Surround You, like, he uses his Arms AND Wings so it's like Full Dad Vibes that make you feel safe and warm
It's like you're both a child and an adult, with thick arms gently hugging under your arms, lifting you up slightly, not enough to be on tippy-toes, but enough to make you feel like you're something precious and worthy in the arms of someone old and worn and HHHH (/pos)
Then there's Tommy.
And Tommy? He likes acting all independent and stuff, but he'll quietly see one of the SBI guys heading off by themselves, and he'll slip over to their side like "We're having an adventure together now".
This means, for when Phil and Wil go into town? Into the SMP to talk to people and trade?
"It don't bite."
And Tommy is "totally just watching, Phil. Idky they're getting upset, it's just little old me!"
And Wilbur finds it adorable, and Phil finds it kinda amusing and a little flattering that this zygote thinks he needs to protect him, the Angel of Death.
And the one time Tommy accompanies Techno?
"Tech, why are you and Tommy covered in mud?"
"It was a small skirmish."
"Uh-huh? And how many bones were broken in that skirmish?"
"Uhhh... None of mine, nor Tommy's."
"Cool... Did you at least buy more cocoa?"
"Oh, yeah, sure, here ya go!"
This ends in Adoption! Obviously, but which way it happens?
Well, depends how dark you want it, LOL.
Cause I have two ideas:
One? Phil Finally has enough, sits everyone at the kitchen table and asks about it. The Trio reluctantly own up, and by this point it's just adorable to the SBI, so they're like "you're already family, you don't need to do anything for it" and then they end up adding a little extension on so the boys don't end up sitting in Ranboo's with puppy eyes over the SBI Nest, LOL.
Well, Snowcester is still a thing, and they could always pay Foolish for an extension...
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [⭐️] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]
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aspelbees · 2 years
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Dadza needs a break
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4thebedrockbros · 4 months
The obligatory SBI Hogwarts AU ( fuck jk Rowling tho)
With Phil, a war veteran as a defense against the art teacher, Tommy as a too powerful Gryffondor/Hufflepuff ( not sure ABT that one ) and Technoblade as a cursed Slytherin.
Technoblade is a pureblood with a family into some cult shit ( blood god ect ) that was supposed to be sorted into Ravenclaw but practically begged the hat to put him into Slytherin because he did nit want to deal with his family bullshit. With than the curse of voices, he gets into fight fairly often which causes him to almost always be in detention. ( That's how he meets Tommy and Phil )
Tommy Innit is a muggleborn just a wee bit too powerful and uncontrollable magic, that gets him into trouble at school but also in his everyday life in the Muggle world where he's a foster kid. ( Try to be a witch and a foster kid it's a pain in the ass ).
Philza Craft is a veteran, and also a crow animagus that's been requested to become a teacher at hogwart because the Minister of magic are a bunch of pussies scared of some prophecy. He's a defense against the dark arts teacher and also is responsible for the detention classes. Tommy and Techno basically becomes his responsibilities and if something happens with them he's called immediately ( before their families yes ).
As for other characters:
Tubbo is a pureblood Ravenclaw, and he's terrifying. The guy likes to create spells and testing things he probably shouldn't test with magic. He's also Tommy's best friend and would do anything for him. They meet while shopping for school necessities their first year and become unseperable.
Ranboo is a half blood Hufflepuff/Gryffondor ( again unsure ) with a powerful magic, to cope with it his body just erase memories of times he couldn't control themself. They meet Tommy Purpled and Tubbo in the train during their first year.
Purpled is a muggleborn Slytherin, he wasn't too shocked to develop magic because of all the weird shit around him during his childhood. While people think Ranboo is the most responsible out of them, he takes care of his friend in his own way and is the most responsible one.
Nikki is a pure blood Hufflepuff with a knack for healing magic. She's one of Techno's closest friend and will defend him against rumours spreading assholes.
Slimecicle is a ghost of a Ravenclaw student, thought he tends to hang out in the Slytherin dorms the most to hang out with Quality. When he's not there he tends to spy on students or spook them for fun.
Quackity is a pureblood Slytherin that used to be a dick to Techno but calmed down after getting his ass kicked. He gets along well with Tommy when the blonde didn't know what happened between them but once he learned Toms kinda kicked his ass verbally so they're not as close.
Sam is Charms/Potions teacher that took Tubbo under his wings to avoid mass destruction. He the second teacher to go to if the quatuor of chaos gets in trouble.
Ponk is our resident nurse of course.
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nastiiuu · 2 years
Witch Circle 
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Here is some Bonus Lore:
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
just read house of kent arc and. hmmm. many thoughts mixed feelings. its like... it was an overall pretty nice superfam story and the clois+jon parts in particular were solid and good, and i care them, but man. everything abt kon's storyline in there and them trying to figure out his whole deal just really got used as a framing device and not an actual plotline... which i mean i kind of expected bc hes not the main character but at the same time the way its just entirely sorta handwaved as "oh well no answers but its cool!" is kinda frustrating. but of course that does come with the caveat that i generally just do not like rebirth kon's setup and storyline.
i just cant fucking get over this sentiment kon expresses outright here... clark is trying but jesus the situation is so existentially fucked up. hey man your grandparents remember you but no one else you knew including the rest of the supers does bc you never existed here. also we randomly threw in some stuff about how you might lose all your powers for some reason? but anyway at least youve got the farm buddy :)
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(it's also frustrating re: kon's arc and general situation bc bendis is just not very consistent w explaining it. cassie remembers yj existing somehow, ma and pa remember kon when they see him, but clark never does. this is explained as him having memory issues bc of having universe-jumped so much, but if that was actually the case then youd think the random people in yj19 who kon meets, like the security worker who asks if he's jon, would also recognize him like ma and pa did. and then there's the way tim and steph supposedly have magically repressed memories, only steph's never return the way tim's do, but it's never brought up again? and tim only recovers these memories when zatanna gets around the block in his head but we just never find out what put that there to begin with, nor do we ever discuss any narrative impact of it so its kind of like well what was the point ...? why establish tim having this when cassie doesn't??? is it just to explain the previous tim line about conner's name "tugging on his heart" without having to bother saying anything similar about cassie and simply brushing her aside there to focus on tim's memories??? idk. there is just so little consistency around any of this. which i knew going in but also GOD. comics im on my knees im begging)
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helen-renee · 7 months
New to the blog and loving all of your art!! I’ve been on a comic/superhero kick lately and saw your amazing neopoltian trio hybrid super Au art from way back— do you still have your notes on it?? I would love to know more!
Oh wow, I haven't thought about that AU in a While! I definitely still have some of my notes, but most of them are in my head so all the physical notes are backstory and the first few planned chapters of the fic I was writing 😅
I put so much thought into the worldbuilding and plot of that au, maybe I should revisit it at some point...
Anyways, I'll just copy-paste all my notes below the line for you for now! If you have questions I'll happily answer, whether it's about the characters or the plot or the worldbuilding, I have it all in my head!
Basic world lore is that the nether and end realms merged with the overworld(less the end, more the nether) and people started being born with ‘mob’ attributes. It’s semi post apocalyptic, the cities are surrounded by walls attack on titan style and outside the walls are the mobs. The further out you get the more dangerous they are. There are multiple cities and they’re all fairly modern. There are heroes and villains, don’t know how they started yet.
Prologue: Memories of a lost homeland, hope of a promised land.
When the Nether and End spilled into the overworld, so did many other things. Mobs, magic, wildlife, plants. And among those beings was a Virus. Created by the magic of the End and the Nether colliding was a Virus to the world. It started as a sprout in the center of the wastelands, but it grew, attaching itself to travelers and animals, looking for the best host.  
ACT 1: The pact of our Youth
Tommy was kidnapped by an illegal organization when he was three, he’s (thought to be)an avian hybrid. He’s roomed with Dream(063.D), who’s around ten at that point, and after Dream gets attached he’s used as collateral so Dream cooperates with the organization’s plans.
Dream is given the resources to teach Tommy as rewards for achievements in training, and since Dream wasn’t always in the organization’s ‘care’ he taught Tommy about the outside world. Dream learned not to go against the organization years before Tommy showed up, so he taught Tommy to be neutral to the scientists. 
Dream and Tommy didn’t use names when others could hear, at first it was a way for Dream to try to keep himself distant from Tommy but later it became a habit. Tommy often just called him ‘Green’ around the scientists because he’d compared his eyes to the color when Tommy had been learning, while Tommy was just ‘Star’ because he’d loved stories of the stars. They only called each other by name when they knew they were alone.
Dream is basically Tommy’s only positive attachment until he’s eight, when Dream is sent to work his way up the ranks of the heroes. (Dream is 15 at this point).
Dream leaves willingly, only because the organization promised he and Tommy would be free the moment they get what they want.
Tommy is then roomed with Wilbur and Technoblade, twelve year old Piglin hybrid twins who were recently brought in. Techno has the more obvious Piglin traits, he’s physically stronger, has tusks, and has bright pink hair, while Wilbur is only slightly above average strength wise, has burgundy hair, and is more aggressive to ‘outsiders’. 
Tommy is initially wary of the twins, especially since his first interaction with them was Wilbur and Techno trying to attack the scientists as they were brought back to their room, but he slowly becomes curious about why they kept fighting. Eventually, after Wilbur is taken for testing, Tommy asks why they keep fighting. Techno tells him that they don’t belong there. When Tommy asks where they do belong, Techno says ‘Anywhere, as long as we’re together and free.’
There are a few time skips with flashes of Tommy, Techno and Wilbur bonding, Tommy never tells them his real names so Techno names him Theseus, Wilbur and Tommy coming up with stories about creating a nation(called ‘Vienna’, since Wilbur vaguely remembers the name from records of the world before.), Wilbur and Techno noticing that Tommy’s wings are growing gold feathers.
When Tommy is ten and Wilbur and Techno are fourteen, they make plans to escape and, eventually, they do. 
ACT 2: hurt and grieve (but don’t suffer alone)
They’re on the streets for two weeks before Wilbur is injured and uses himself as a distraction for Tommy and Techno to escape. A few weeks after that Techno does the same, leaving Tommy alone.
Tommy is by himself for the next few months, until he meets Tubbo, a normal, if neglected, Ram hybrid kid his age. Tubbo hides Tommy in his room during the nights and they play at the park during the days until Tubbo’s parents find Tommy in Tubbos room. They decide to call the police the next day. However Tubbo decides that he’d rather be on the streets with Tommy then at home, alone without him and they run away together that night. 
They’re both twelve by the time they’re able to afford a tiny, very much illegal, apartment. Tubbo had made some (somewhat accidental) connections with a trio of Vigilantes during their time on the streets (It’s Aimsey, Billzo, and Freddie because I couldn’t help it) by helping an injured Aimsey. Once Tommy realizes Vigilantes actually exist he starts planning to become one and take down the organization. 
While all of this has been happening:
Wilbur and Techno were back with the organization, separated and under higher security. They knew the other was there but not how they were. After months of this there was a Hero Raid.
Techno was found by Philza, the no.1 hero, and he refused to go with them, fighting to find Wilbur. Philza went after him and eventually found Techno hugging Wilbur in a training room. Wilbur refused to let Philza near them until Techno convinced him to relax. 
Techno and Wilbur didn’t trust anyone except Philza, and tried to run away from police custody multiple times to find Tommy. It wasn’t until Philza visited again and promised to look for Tommy that they calmed down. Philza got custody of them and they insisted on joining the Hero training program. 
When Philza goes to tell the other heroes to keep an eye out for Tommy he’s pulled aside by Dream, a up-and-coming Hero who’s rising through the ranks rapidly. Dream tells him that the Hero commission is corrupt and that telling them would put Tommy in danger, insisting that he knows Tommy’s safe. 
Back with Tommy:
They end up hacking into police records and find notes of a hero raid on an unknown illegal experimentation operation. They obviously decide to join in. In the chaos Tommy finds Ranboo hiding in a room deep in the building, away from the Heros and Scientists. Ranboo insists that he can’t be found by the Heros and, after Tubbo meets up with them, Tommy agrees to bring him with them and they escape the (now burning) building. 
Wilbur was one of the heroes helping evacuate the area and he sees Tommy leaving with Ranboo and Tubbo, he recognises Tommy���s hair and Tommy’s wings look gold because of the fire. He calls for Theseus and Tommy turns back to look at him before disappearing in the crowds.
ACT 3: 
Years later, Tommy and Tubbo are 16, Ranboo is 17, they’re all vigilantes.
(That's all the notes I have specifically written out for plot for now, but I wrote a few chapters of a fic for this AU before I got too busy to write. I linked it there.)
Ages throughout the story:
Tommy: 3-8 when he’s with Dream, 8-10 with Wil and Techno, 10-12 on the streets and with Tubbo, 12-16 with Ranboo and Tubbo 
Dream: 10-15 when he’s taking care of Tommy and being trained, 15-19 training as a hero to talking to Philza, 19-23 fully fledged hero
Wilbur and Techno: 12-14 with Tommy, 14-16 being saved to starting basic hero training, 16-20 looking for Tommy and becoming fully fledged heroes. 
Philza: Old (/j, probably around 28 when he meets Wil and Techno
Powers/Hybrid traits:
Thought to be an Avian (a hybrid with permanent bird-like traits) but later realizes that he can hide his Hybrid attributes, making him Elytrian. 
I haven’t actually decided his power yet haha
A Piglin Hybrid, has enhanced physical strength, tusks, and pink hair. 
His power is to manipulate Gold, shaping it into whatever he needs. He discovered it when he was on the run with Tommy, stealing a gold ring as a last-minute weapon. Once he becomes a hero he wears multiple pieces of gold jewelry and his trident is made of solid gold.
A Piglin Hybrid, has slightly enhanced strength, burgundy hair, and is more aggressive and possessive than the average person.
His power is sound manipulation, using high frequencies to disorientate people and corrupt enemy frequencies. (I was thinking of giving it a physical effect as well but idk what)
An Elytrian Hybrid, has the typical Avian attributes but is able to ‘de-summon’ them at will.
I had way more stuff for worldbuilding but I got a new phone and the transfer deleted the app it was written in 😔
I do, however, have playlists for all the characters where the songs follow their full personal plot in the story. Granted, y'all wouldn't understand most of it, since you don't know the plot, but still, they exist😅
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apollo-spen · 2 years
Sbi Fanfic Recommendations
Here are some SBI fics i’ve read on AO3 I thought I would share :). Some are one-shots, series, longer fics a mix of the sort. As well as a mix of different tropes. SOME ARE DARK SBI FICS SO PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND TW’s. As well as some might be crime boys, bedrock duo, etc. This is just all the fics i’ve read throughout 2022 so I’d thought i’d give recs for anyone who needs them! Anyways enjoy :). I will add more as the days go on but here are some from my list! :)
You Can’t Spell Student Government Without Three Letters From Stupid by leafcabbage: This is a Ranboo-Centric fic that features bench trio. I believe there are different POV’s and I know it isn’t just an SBI fic but I thought I would list it. This is the first fic apart of the series it’s in. This was honestly one of the best fics i’ve ever read. It talks a lot about struggling with mental illnesses and the stressors of being an overworked college student and it immediately draws you in. It is a long fic but i highly recommend. (Completed)
Might As Well Be Dead by Timeskip_God: This one is Tommy-Centric and features a lot of dark themes so pay attention to the warnings. Features Eburnean Tommy AU as well as SBI. I believe it takes place in the DSMP universe but i could be wrong. This one might be a tear jerker so watch out. Overall I love this fic and it was definitely a good one. 10/10 (Completed)
A Very Odd Family Indeed by Opheliabloo: This one I believe is multiple perspectives or it may just be Philza-Centric. It talks about how Philza finds children and says you’re mine now :). Has angst with happy ending so very good. (completed)
Little Flower by Peb_ble_sto_ne: Okay you better strap in because this one hurt. This is a one shot but it includes HEAVY angst. Switches from multiple POV’s. Tommy battles with depression while his brothers try to fix their broken relationship. This one is so sad but is so good. (completed)
That’s My Kid, My Sunrise by Spooky_mateo: Apocalypse AU with kid Shroud the Spider. Tommy-Centric. Tommy tried to keep his kid safe and finds something that was missing found along the way. Very Very good! (completed).
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kawaiikenna · 8 months
Hi! I wrote a thing! I’ve gotten myself sucked into the DSMP fandom cause of my little sister and I decided to write something for it. :3 Here’s the ao3 link for those that want to keep up with this fic because I will not be tagging people if/when I update. Time Lapse on ao3.
Tommy loses his memory and gets taken in by Tubbo and Ranboo. Plot twist, Tommy is actually Prince Theseus of the Antarctic Empire and the imperial family, his family, is looking all over for him. Sadly they don’t think to look in the little village of Snowchester.
Heavily inspired by the 1987 film ‘Overboard’. Just with the romcom bits switched out for friendship and found family. :3
Without further ado here’s the first chapter of the fic!
Ranboo wasn’t entirely certain about what happened or even how it happened. But when Tubbo had come back from his trip into town with a bloody and very much unconscious teen about their age there wasn’t much time to ask questions. Instead they busied themselves with helping Tubbo clean and bandage the mystery teen’s wounds. There weren’t many, thank Prime above, but there was a pretty severe gash that ran across his forehead and ran a bit into the matted and dirty blond curls. Ranboo suspected that that specific wound would be trouble in the future. They would need to take him to the healer in town to make sure nothing was wrong.
For now the teen was sleeping on their ratty couch in their tiny front room. His clothes were pretty much destroyed so Ranboo started to mentally go through some items that might fit the sleeping teen. He would probably want to change when he woke up sooner or later. They might have a set of pajamas floating around that should fit.
“I think he’s some kind of noble.” Tubbo finally said after a long moment of silence. “Because even if his clothes are all dirty and kind of destroyed-“
“Kind of?” Ranboo interjects, sarcasm prominent in their tone.
“-they’re made of ridiculously high quality fabric.” Tubbo finishes with a mildly teasing glare aimed at his platonic husband. “He has to be someone high up because I’m pretty sure that the trim on his shirt is actual gold.”
Ranboo hums. “Did he have any kind of jewelry on him when you found him? Nobles usually carry something with their family crest or a coat of arms on it.”
Tubbo shakes his head. “No. If he did then whoever did this to him probably took it. We’ll have to wait ‘til he wakes up.”
Ranboo sighs softly as they gather up the various items from the open med kit on the floor. “I’ll put this away. Why don’t you go take a shower. You’re covered in blood and dirt.”
Tubbo scrunches his nose in disgust, only just noticing how gross he was from the whole ordeal. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
And with that Tubbo ambles off into the bathroom, leaving Ranboo to finish cleaning up. After everything is picked up and packed away, they decide to start up dinner. It’s a bit early but they might as well get started since there wasn’t much else to do.
By the time they were finishing up Tubbo came out of the bathroom, hair still dripping and towel around his neck. With Tubbo’s normally fluffy hair laying flat against his head you could actually see the little horns that were normally completely covered. His ears flicked about, trying to get the water off of them.
“I made dinner.” Ranboo says as they dish up their own plate before sitting at the tiny table.
“Awww, Boo, you shouldn’t have. And I mean that. It was supposed to be my night to cook.” Tubbo says as he dishes up his own plate.
Ranboo shrugs nonchalantly. “I think you’ve had enough stress for today considering you found and helped someone that was fairly injured.”
“I’ll take dish duty tonight and do dinner tomorrow night. But thank you. I appreciate you.” He says the last bit with more than just a little bit of overdramaticness that made Ranboo roll their eyes with the fond softness in their gaze.
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It took nearly two full days before their guest finally woke up. Ranboo was incredibly anxious with how long it took him to wake up whereas Tubbo was more excited to finally find out what had actually happened. Ranboo had been changing the teen’s bandages when he opened his eyes. It had entirely startled Ranboo to the point that they ended up teleporting outside of not just the room, but the entire house. Putting them squarely in the front yard at the very edge of the property. Tubbo poked his head into the room to see what the commotion was about where he found a dusting of purple particles where Ranboo had been.
“Um, hi?” Tubbo says when he finally notices that their guest had woken up.
The teen just looks at him with a slightly confused expression before squinting. “Hi?” He responds. His voice is rough and croaky sounding. “Where, where am I?”
“You’re in my and Ranboo’s place.” Tubbo answers as he hands the teen a half full bottle of water. The teen accepts and drinks it with little trouble.
“Ran-boo?” The teen questions, his confusion becoming more prominent in his voice and expression. His voice sounds a little better but not much.
“Yeah, Ranboo’s the one that was here when you woke up. I guess you scared them enough to make them teleport out of the house. They’ll come back in when they’ve had a chance to calm down.” Tubbo moves to sit on the chair across from the couch.
“Oh.” The teen says, turning his head to look back up at the ceiling. His brow furrows before he asks another question. “Where exactly, is here?”
“We’re in Essempi, in one of the northern provinces. The closest town to here is called Snowchester. It’s close-ish to the border. I found you in the forest not far from here.” Tubbo tilts his head with a curious gleam in his eyes. “How did you get there anyways? Snowchester is the only town for miles and miles. The only other thing out here is the Antarctic military base about 50 miles from the border. Which is like another 75 miles from Snowchester.”
There’s a long silence. Tubbo almost asks if the teen had heard him when he finally answers.
“I don’t know.” Is all he says.
“Ok. Well, that’s not optimal but we’ll come back to that.” Tubbo says.
Just then the front door opens to reveal Ranboo on the other side. They calmly walk inside and shut the door. They notice just what they had walked into and slumped into themselves out of shyness. Their tail coming to wrap around their left leg as they nervously thread their fingers together.
“Um, hello.” They say quietly, not daring to look up from the ground. “I’m glad you’re awake now. We were getting really worried about you.”
“Nah, I wasn’t worried about you. I knew that you’d wake up at some point.” Tubbo says with nearly imperceptible faux confidence. Ranboo glares at Tubbo. It doesn’t take long for him to crack. “Ok, ok, maybe I was a little worried. But only a little!”
Ranboo nods. Now feeling a bit more comfortable they look at the blond teen. “If I know Tubbo, and I do, he probably forgot to introduce us. So I’m Ranboo.” They put their right hand on their chest. “I’m an Enderman hybrid. And that’s Tubbo.” They gesture to the other. “He’s a goat hybrid. What’s your name?”
The teen hesitates for a moment before saying, “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Tubbo asks sarcastically though his tone sounded a little harsh. “You lose your memory or something?”
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I literally just woke up somewhere I don’t know with people I don’t know. Yeah my head’s a little fucky and I can’t remember a lot at the moment so cut me some fucking slack!” The teen suddenly bursts out. His face pinched into an angry expression.
“I’m just trying to help dude! Calm down!” Tubbo shoots back.
“Ok!” Both Tubbo and the teen startle when Ranboo raises their voice. “Yelling and cursing won’t solve anything.” They glare at Tubbo again then turn to the teen. “If you don’t remember your name we can always come up with something to call you right now until you remember. That way we have something to call you instead of just calling you ‘boy’ or something.”
The teen opened his mouth before closing it then opening it again, almost like a fish. He sat in an almost contemplative silence before giving them some kind of answer.
“I-I think it started with the letter T?” He knits his brows together in a kind of desperate concentration. As if it was on the tip of his tongue but just out of reach.
“T? Alright then I’m just going to start saying names that start with the letter T.” Tubbo replied, an almost evil smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Ranboo thinks about trying to stop him but thinks better. So instead they just sigh heavily and go into the kitchen to hopefully find a snack or something. This was going to be quite a process but hopefully a short one.
“How about, Tim.”
“What the fuck? No.”
“Ha! You hesitated! I’m going to call you Theodore from now on.” Tubbo crows in victory. A smug smirk on his face.
The temporarily named ‘Theodore’ gives the other a death glare. “If you value your life you will not call me that.”
“Okayyyy. Fine, fine, how about Tobias?”
“Isn’t that your name?”
“Eh, legally it is but I don’t use it so you can have it.”
He rolls his eyes. “Gee. Thanks.”
“Uhh, Taylor?”
“Isn’t that a girl's name?”
“It’s actually a unisex name.” Ranboo pipes in when they come back from the kitchen, snack in hand.
“Huh. Anyways, no. Not my name.”
And hoo boy, did that get a reaction. The teen’s face screwed up in an odd kind of anger. The kind that speaks of siblings teasing each other. “I hate that name. You know I hate that name.” The same kind of venom as a hissing wet kitten is put into those words. He crosses his arms and legitimately pouts.
Tubbo and Ranboo glance at each other. So some kind of nickname for Thomas was their best bet.
“Tommy?” Tubbo tries hesitantly.
The teen looks up. Recognition in his eyes. “Yeah?”
“Cool. Looks like we figured out your name boss man.” Tubbo says as he stretches his arms above his head.
“Huh. I guess so.” Tommy answers. His name was Tommy. That sounded familiar but almost not quite right. He elected to ignore the feeling.
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It had been a few weeks since Tubbo had found Tommy in the woods. Since then they had settled into a cozy routine. Some days Tommy would stay at home with Ranboo to help them clean and prepare meals. Other days Tommy would join Tubbo when he would go into town to sell various knickknacks and such as well as buy groceries and supplies for the week. And when Tommy found himself with some free time he would sit out in the chilly autumn air and try to remember things.
The healer in town had told him that he did lose his memory but to not worry. With how Tommy had lost his memory it should come back. Whether slowly as things just popped up as he continued to live life or suddenly all at once from a single trigger.
Tommy had hoped that it would slowly come back to him. Some things did, like how he woke up and knew that he had a family, but most things didn’t. All any of them could do was hope for the best. They had already checked around town to see if anyone recognized who Tommy was but there was no luck.
The only rumors they heard about nowadays were about the youngest prince from the Antarctic Empire. Apparently he had gone missing during a visit to one of the Military bases. None of the villagers knew which base the prince had been visiting so there was no way of knowing if Tommy could possibly be the prince. But with all things considered, it was a fairly low probability. So they didn’t look into much more.
Instead the three of them prepared for winter the best they could. First and foremost they needed to get Tommy outfitted with his own snow gear. Otherwise it would be far too much of a hassle to try and piece together things that they had around the house. It would also make it easier for when they all needed to go somewhere. With that out of the way, and a fairly pretty penny spent, they turned their attention to other things that needed to be done to get ready for winter.
Gathering blankets, storing away extra food, chopping or procuring wood for the cold days and even colder nights that lay ahead, things to keep themselves preoccupied during the expected weeks snowed in. Some things Tommy knew how to do, others not so much. When the winds took a turn for much colder temperatures they stayed inside and canned a good portion of their fresh produce. That way they could enjoy them throughout the winter when access was limited. Tommy had been put on bedroom winterization duty.
It was a strange thing for Tubbo to witness for the first time. After Tommy had been staying with them for at least two weeks, when they finally got around to clearing out their guest room to set it up for Tommy to stay in. In the beginning they all stayed in their separate rooms but after a few nights, Tommy somehow convinced them to all sleep in the master bedroom together. Once they had all moved in, the single full sized mattress was traded in for a king. Soon after Tommy turned it into what could only be described as a nest. Comforters made up the base as smaller, thinner blankets were intricately woven together to build up the sides. Inside were a plethora of pillows and various thickness blankets. There were even a few stuffies hiding amongst the bedding.
At first they thought that Tommy was some kind of avian hybrid but he didn’t have wings. So the only reasonable explanation was that Tommy was raised by an avian hybrid. Meaning that they passed some of those habits and such onto Tommy when raising him. Which was a great thing to learn since that meant they were just that much closer to figuring out who his family was.
They spent many days and nights working themselves nearly ragged to prepare for winter. It was worth it though. So that when the first snowfall came they were able to tuck themselves away in the warmth of their small cabin. All of them with a steaming cup of chocolate or tea in hand as they watched the snow fall outside the window to the soundtrack of the fire snapping and crackling.
During one of those snowed in weeks, Ranboo tried to teach Tommy how to knit. It didn’t end well. Somehow Tommy had gotten himself completely tangled up in the yarn then ended up throwing the knitting needles at Tubbo when he laughed at him. That then turned into a light hearted tussle where Tubbo was ensnared in the yarn still wrapped around Tommy. Tubbo ended up with not quite a black eye but a decent sized bruise on his left cheekbone from the needles thrown at him. Tommy now sported several small cuts and his own bruise that started blooming across the right side of his jaw from where he had tripped and smacked his jaw on the leg of the wobbly coffee table.
Once the two boys had finally calmed down some, Ranboo helped them untangle themselves from the yarn. And even with the two sporting battle wounds there were only smiles to be had. From there Tommy and Tubbo decided to get started on dinner. Talking jovially between the two of them as Ranboo continued to sit quietly on their armchair, knitting away.
Winter was a somewhat lazy season. Most of the time was spent making the various knickknacks and crafts that Tubbo took into town to sell. Although there were a surprising amount of times that the three of them had to get up on the roof to shovel the snow off.
“It’s because the original cabin is so old.” Tubbo answers when Tommy asks why they had to do it. “If there’s too much weight on the roof from all the snow there’s a high chance of parts of the ceiling, if not the whole ceiling, collapsing in.” He continues to keep throwing shovelfuls of snow off the edge of the cabin roof. The snow mound at the bottom is almost as tall as the damn roof at this point. “The expansions and add-ons are less likely to collapse since they’re so new. But since this portion of the roof is not only old but flat as well, we have to be extra careful when the snow starts piling up.”
“We’ve been able to put more supports in so this old gal can hold way more weight than when Tubbo and I first moved in, but it’s still better practice to just shovel the snow when it starts getting too high.” Ranboo adds on, only slightly out of breath and leaning on their snow shovel. “I’d really rather not wake up from the ceiling collapsing on top of me.”
“True, good point.” Tommy says. He shovels with just a bit more vigor now. He’d rather not wake up from the roof collapsing on him either.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time the snow finally started to let up and showed the first signs of possibly melting, Tommy had read just about every book in the house, semi-successfully learned to knit a wonky and fairly misshapen scarf, and could make potato stew without looking at the recipe.
With spring slowly coming upon them it marked nearly six full months since Tommy had come to live with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tommy hadn’t remembered a lot in that time but he had come to accept that he possibly wouldn’t get any more of his memories back at all. So instead he spent his time enjoying what he had.
“Tubbo! Hurry the fuck up! We’re already a half hour late getting to town for the market and we still have to pick up groceries!” Tommy shouts from his place by the door. He’d already packed up what they needed to take into town and was now just waiting on Tubbo so they could leave. “If you don’t get your ass in here in the next thirty seconds I will fucking leave you!!”
There’s a thump from the bedroom that they all share. Sounds like Tubbo was finally finished getting ready. Good, they were wasting daylight here. Tubbo came scrambling out of the bedroom. His hair a fluffy mess and his clothes bunched up in some places like he hadn’t pulled them on fully or properly.
“Fucking finally.” Tommy said in a mocking manner, though the slight smile on his lips spoke of fondness instead. “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” Tubbo responds, his voice a bit muffled from the hoodie he was pulling on.
Once on their way, the two lapse into a comfortable silence. It isn’t warm enough for the animals to have woken up yet so the only sounds they could hear were their own footsteps and breaths. The walk to town doesn’t take too long but it still leaves Tommy slightly out of breath. He still isn’t used to walking this far with so much weight on his back.
Snowchester was fairly large but was still considered a village. It had at least one chain grocery store but the rest of the businesses were all mom and pop shops that had been there for generations. The outdoor market had been moved inside for the time being considering that there was still at least four feet of snow on the ground. Which was better than the twelve feet they’d had for months up until recently but still too much for the outdoor market.
They walked down Main Street, heading towards the market, when they passed a music store. The front window caught Tommy’s attention almost immediately. He stopped and stared through the glass at a beautiful grand piano. It had definitely seen better days but it was perfect. While staring at it, vague memories of laughter and music echoing through impossibly large rooms flitted through his mind.
At this point Tubbo had noticed that Tommy was no longer walking beside him. Looking over his shoulder he spots Tommy staring through a shop window.
“What you looking at?” Tubbo asks as he walks back to where Tommy stands.
Instead of answering, Tommy heads into the shop. He walks up to the counter where a kind looking older man sits. Tommy assumes that he’s the store owner. The man smiles warmly as Tommy approaches.
“What can I do for you young man?” The possible store owner asks.
“That.” Tommy points over his shoulder to where the piano sits silently. “Would you allow me to play it?”
The store owner gives Tommy a pondering look. “Do you know how to play?”
“I-I think so?” Tommy responds, not quite as confidently as before. Could he play?
“Hmm. Sure, I’ll let you play. I don’t get many people to come in and it’s nice to see young folk taking an interest in musical instruments.” The older man smiles widely then gestures towards Tommy then the piano. “Let’s see what you got kiddo.”
Tommy just nods as he heads over towards the piano. He takes off his coat and pack and hands them to Tubbo then sits on the piano bench. Tommy stares at the keys for a bit. He can hear music being played but would he be able to play it? Was that something he could do?
Hesitantly, he presses a key. A clear strong note rings out in the silent store. Tommy presses another key. The two notes don’t sound right together. But then something happens. It’s almost as if something clicks into place, providing Tommy with years of knowledge that he didn’t remember he had. His hands positioned themselves over the keyboard then confidently started to play a song.
It was slow at first. Each note purposefully played in a way that almost sounded like grief. But there was a budding hope that started to grow and bloom as the song progressed. A beautiful melody that echoed in Tommy’s ears. Everything sounded correct but it felt as if something was still missing. As if there were other parts that were needed for the whole and full experience.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tommy could’ve sworn he caught just the barest glimpse of long pink hair woven into a complex braid, the sound of a violin accompanied. Then there was a quick shining flash of gold rimmed glasses and a red beanie as a bow was dragged across the strings of a cello. The two played in tandem to the melody as his fingers deftly pressed the keys, completing the song in a way he couldn’t even begin to imagine. But when the song came to an end and Tommy looked around, he could only see Tubbo and the store owner there with him. Had he imagined them?
The owner clapped enthusiastically as he walked towards Tommy. “I’ll have to say young man, that was some of the best playing I’ve heard in a long while. My name is Jonathan and you’re welcome to come back and play anytime you’d like.”
Tommy thanked him then hurried out of the shop. Tubbo sputtered the entire way to the market.
“Dude! When were you going to tell me that you could play the piano?!” Tubbo shouts after Tommy.
“I didn’t know until today. It kinda just happened. One second I had no idea what I was doing and then bam, I played whatever song that was pretty much perfectly.” Tommy says as he starts to unpack in their booth space. “I’m also pretty sure that song has accompanying cello and violin pieces. At least if my memory is right, which let’s face it, it’s not in the best shape.”
“True, true.” Tubbo starts to help set up their booth alongside Tommy. “Are you going to go back and play again?”
Tommy doesn’t say anything for a long moment, as if carefully considering his words. “Yeah.” He finally answers. “I think I will. If it’s the only thing that I can remember then I want to hold on to it. It’s not like I know when, or even if, my memory will come back.”
Tubbo hums and they finish setting up their booth. It was going to be a long day.
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genevawrenn · 7 months
You Make Sure I Always See the Daylight
✨#mcytficfight, Ranboo & Toby Smith, Ranboo & TommyInnit, Ranboo & SBI Inc [Bee Duo, Allium Duo, SBI Inc & Sleepbees & Friends]
✨42.6k W.C.
✨Alternate Universe & Cafe AU & SBI as Found Family
✨Daylight by Shinedown
If they had a thousand more nights like this, it would never be enough. Months ago if you told them this is how their life went, Ranboo wouldn’t believe it. For the first time they had friends they could call on for any number of favours, happy to help wherever needed.
He moved in with two excitable boys who brightened the rooms they stood in. He worked at a place that truly felt like family to him now.
Ranboo was finally home and loved.
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artemis-moon101 · 2 years
Kinda thinking about writing a fic but I’ve never done writing outside of school so advice???
here’s what I’ve thought of so far
Tommy is an orphan. He’s been passed down from home to home, only staying for a few months before given back to the system. This time was different though, this new family already had too other children, and his friends that he made in the system were living across the street
it would be sbi/Tommy centric, with a lot of benchtrio too
So Tommy would be with Phil, Techno, and Wilbur, and Ran and Tubs would be living in different houses, but they would both be hanging out with Tommy often
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accursed-worm · 2 years
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Parts [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [⭐️] [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [ 7 ] [ 8 ] [ 9 ] [ 10 ]
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kristiliqua · 2 years
ok So . the ipre ! is benchtrio + sbi plus schlatt bc i needed someone to be lich barry :) fuck yea
sooo tommy and wilbur !! are the twins (the brothers) - tommy is taako and wilbur is lup :] - in Their specific dynamic . or smth . as in - no one is like . Fully a character , they have different roles n characteristics (?) from different characters n stuff -- like . tommy isnt Fully like taako , he's just like taako w the twin slash brother stuff - he's kinda more like magnus . Kinda
ranboo ! was the journal keeper :) is a cleric slash wizard (psa - i do Not know Any dnd shit , not rlly . all ik is from taz lmfao -- so if anything is inaccurate to the game , i ,,, dont care) and is a full elf ! theyre shy n nerdy like lucretia n barry , ig
tubbo is a fighter ! the protector of the group (like magnussss) :D !! isss a goat hybrid . idc if its not in dnd shhhush -- beeduo r in a queer platonic relationship :] their relationship's dynamic is similar to barry n lup's - ranboo is like barry and tubbo is like lup !
tommy is a rogueee !!! and is a decent wizard as well ! he's learnin the magics :)) - he excels in transmutation magic , which he learned Purely bc of the prank possibilities . he is Surprisingly good at it (he started learning magic bc of wilbah) -- he is a quarter elf and the rest is human bbyyy (crimeboys r biological brothers)
wilbur is a wizard :) !! (and a lich cough cough) he is learning rogue skills (haha brothers learning each other's skills haha) and is pretty okay at it . doesnt put Too much time into learning it . he is half elf n half human ! he has long pointy ears , while tommy has human sized ears that r a little pointy :)))
phil was the captain of the ipre .! he becomes the director of the bob . he is Maybe tommy n wilbur's bio father - three quarters elf n one quarter human , he is . is a magic man , wizard stuff and cleric . also is good at fighter shit too ! he's the one who erases their memories , like lucretia , w the same motivations n intentions as well :) ! (he asks ran for his journal , and bc he's the captain n ranboo trusts him , ranboo gives him the journal and ,, yea)
techno is phil's assistant in the bob !! lad's a fighter B) uhh . might be part elf or a hybrid or smth , not sure . he's called the wordless one :))) so ig he's Sorta like davenport but also Definitely Not
schlatt is lich barryyy - he's friends with wilbur . is a ram hybrid , and uhhh . is the red robe that appears thruout the arcs n stuff , aka barry . lich barry . yea
now for the more minor ish characters !!!
charlie slimecicle is roswell and instead of clay its slime . i take no arguments fuck u , its perfect
i wanted june to b someone like . correlated to charlie butttt - it ended up being crumb .! ik theyve like . Never interacted , but i feel like the vibes work , so . crumb cuptoast it is
the uhhh prophet lady in refuge is karl . for pretty obvious reasons
errr the main robber guy in refuge (idk) Could be sapnap ? or at least Implied to be sapnap ? bc why not
john slash the hunger isss eret , i think ! n ranboo is the one to talk to xem :))) umm - angus is shroud , bc why not . HURLEY N SLOANE ARE PUFFY N NIKI !!! in that order . its perfect and i take no arguments on that one
karry n killion (btw if i misspell any names then thats my bad But idc . dont point it out bc i literally couldnt give less of a shit lmao) are guqqie n aimsey !!!!! in that order :)))
umm garfield the deals warlock ? i originally made him quackity but for Reasons (that youll know very soon) he is now ted nivision !!!! and leon or whatever (the gachapon guy) is scott smajor . its the vibes , man
i did Not know who to have as johann . so i chose cpk bc he has similar vvvvibes . and uhhh i made sneeg be avi bc i could :)
juaquin is eryn !!!! we love juaquin n eryn in this household
lucas is sam , and moureen (lucas' mom) is ponk !! bc we need sam to want to save someone for crystal kingdom to happen n whatnot
noelle is clementine :) ! n kravitz is quackity . i previously made it clara but ittt just didnt fit well enough for me , so . quackiteeee it was
also the raven queen is ofc , mumza :D
klarg issss ,, henry , i guess .? its kinda eh to me but whatever idk 😭😭 he could just stay as klarg honestly
i made magic brian be billzo bc its funny . magic billzo . (that Does mean he fucking dies but um . L)
btw i had the idea for tommy to have a pet fish , like magnus w steven . and the pet fish would be named clementine and live in a magic sprite bottle (iykyk) But . noelle is clementine and unle -- IN THE MIDDLE OF TYPING I GOT THE IDEA OF NOELLE BEING SHELBY NVM NOELLE IS SHELBY SHUBBLE NOW . so clementine in the sprite bottle is real now ig :]
umm - hodgepodge n upsie are both different versions of sam nook - ig sam nook is sorta just . the general base of any ai sam makes for robots - hodgepodge is sam nook: education edition and upsie is sam nook: elevator edition which is Sorta confusing bc when u shorten them its both EE but like . yea (also i realized i could make one of them fran but . i feel like neither fit so ig not)
JENKINS IS JACK MANIFOLD its perfect fuck you .!!!! benchtrio (mainly tommy ,, n tubbo) just harass him on the rockport limited lmfao
jess the beheader is beau (the beheader) !!! and i had graham the juicy wizard be replaced with scar and grian bc i wanted them somewhere in here :))) theyre the Wacky Wizard Duo (tm)
im prob forgetting some characters but errr ehhhh Whateverrrr . um - istus n pan stay the same ! same with fisher and junior :]
also id like to point out that i kept the sapphic rep as sapphic rep in this au as well . bc i think its neat B))) (didnt want to replace the rep with cishet white men shit lmaoo)
nnnnn thats it .!! uhhh - if u have suggestions feel free to give some :)) Constructive criticism , pls ! kk ty for reading B) !!!!!
also have a little additional taz crimeboys doodle for ur troubles , Smile
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dealtersorcerer · 2 years
I realized I haven’t posted anything about Survivor’s Playground in a hot minute (since chapter 6 holy shit) so here’s chapter 7!! Up to chapter 13 is posted so if you wanted an apocalypse sbi/benchtrio/sweater duo fic to read here you go :)
Start it from the beginning!
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
Trying to clean my blog of all the cc!dr*am....
ugh those were dark times my friends, please excuse my old dumb ass self
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rimunagenius · 5 months
It’s Time You Switch
ʚ pairing: Paige Bueckers x reader
ʚ word count: 4.4k words
ʚ prompt: “Fuck your boyfriend, he a bitch. I think it’s time you switch.”
ʚ warnings: RPF!! , smut!!, voyeurism, dirty talk?, face riding, fingering, oral reader!receiving, basically porn with little plot
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: in which Paige turns straight girls ;) i have not written smut since my wattpad era so im sooo insanely rusty but i also have never felt the touch of a woman romantically sooo idek if this will be any good…suggestions are welcome to make it better!! and for future works!!
| Masterlist | Women’s Basketball Masterlist |
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"I don't know what I did to him, though. That's what I can't let go. He's being so dry and cold." You told the team as you did dynamic warm up before practice started.
Coach G just shook his head, listening to all your guy problems. This was just another boy for him to hate on campus. At this rate, the whole male and female population at UConn was on his shit list.
"I say, you dump him." KK said, patting your back mid walking lunge. "He's been doing this for months now, it's time to drop him, girl boo.” You told KK a lot of things. She was just a freshman but she become a quick and good friend.
You met her in a class you had been taking and started talking, soon finding out you were both on the same team. It shocked her, but after finding out you stayed off social media, the press release of her committing was new news. You were a senior and she was a freshman, but this friendship was like you two knew eachother forever.
"Yeah, I agree with K." Paige said, from the other side of you. A soft, comforting smile on her face.
"You know what could fix this? A girls night." Aaliyah smiled, her eyebrows wiggling suggesting you guys go out.
"I know you're not planning to go out, get drunk on the night before a game." Coach yelled from his seat on the bench.
"But Coach, c'mon! My girls feeling sad." Paige feigned a pout, grabbing your shoulders and pointing your face, you pouting your lips and batting your lashes.
"Nah, it's okay. I don't really want to go out anyways. Staying in is the move." You sighed, the stretching finished.
You talked about it all practice—sad about it all practice. After, Paige suggested you come over to her place, a sleepover. You begrudgingly agreed. Telling her she needed to take you home to get some clothes; Paige shutting it down because you could borrow hers.
That was the first mistake. It didn't feel like a mistake in the end but that was the first step to a very confusing day afterwards. The second, sharing a bed with the blonde.
You both decided to lay in her bed, get fat on snacks, and watch all the movies you could before getting sleepy and tapping out for the night. I guess Paige had another tapping in mind.
"You know he doesn't deserve you so why do you stay with him?" Paige disregarded the movie, turning her head slightly to look at you.
"He does deserve me, he's just struggling, I guess." You shrugged your shoulders, dwelling on the fact that you couldn't figure out what he was actually struggling with.
"Fuck your boyfriend. He's a bitch for the way he's acting with a pretty girl like you." Paige got passionate about defending her friends. Especially when someone in their life wasn't treating them right. She was more of a protector. A fierce one.
"Paige, that's a little mean."
"It's true. It's time you switched. I'm telling you, girls are so much less complicated. They're easier to read and better at communicating." Paige smirked to you, knowing you wouldn't shoot for it.
"Please, if I knew how, I would." You rolled your eyes, looking down, shoving a potato chip in your mouth.
Paige's eyes went wide. There's no way you were actually serious. You looked like the straightest of straight girls, a very attractive one. Which is why she thought it sucked you didn't swing that way. "No way, are you serious?" She laughed.
"Yeah, but I dont even think I like girls like that." You furrowed your brows. You never actually thought about it. You had no idea if the "girl crushes" you had were actually crushes.
"What does that mean?"
"Like, I've seen girls and thought they were super attractive. I'd wonder what it'd be like to kiss them, and I used to say i’d treat them better than their actual boyfriends, but I didn't think that far." That set it off for Paige. That's how it started. First you thought about what it'd be like to kiss a girl, then to date, and then to fuck.
"Have you ever thought about dating them?" Paige already knew where this was going.
"Yeah sort of. But I was always with him that it was whatever." You looked to Paige.
"Well it's time you switch." She smiled smugly at you, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm down to show you how." That was the most forward Paige had ever been with a girl. She knew it was swaying you, the contemplation clouding your vision, deep in thought.
"What do you mean 'show me'? Like how to fuck?" Your brows furrowed as you questioned the blonde beside you.
"That's exactly what I mean..." Paige's eyes watched yours, waiting for the green light.
"Okay." Suddenly the air in your lungs disappeared when Paige grabbed your face and kissed you deeply. She wanted this for so long. You and her had been bestfriends all throughout your childhood. She had even told Geno he couldn't give her an offer without giving you one. Your skills in basketball were exceptional, your work ethic and athleticism and ability to work with people around you. You and Paige made a great team.
She had admired everything about you for as long as she could remember. She was just waiting on you. You moaned into the kiss, opening your legs so she could slot her body between yours, achieving the best angle to kiss you.
Something in you felt like this was all muscle memory. Like you two have done this before. Her hands moved to your hips, her grip firm but so soft. You two kicking the snacks off the bed, not caring about the mess that was to be made.
"Imma take your clothes off...that okay?" Paige's lips trailed down the collumn of your neck, moaning at the sensation your body sparked throughout her body.
"Yeah, okay. Please." Instantaneously Paige's fingers dropped the the waistband of your pajama shorts, and the waistband of your underwear. The feeling of lace pulling a groan from the blondes throat. Ridding you of your pants and underwear, her hand grabbed the hem of your shirt—her shirt, sliding it up.
You sat up, pulling it off, panting softly. You couldn't believe this was happening. The least you expected from this sleepover was hooking up with your bestfriend, in her bed, on a friday night. You then grabbed Paige's face, needing her lips on yours like you were a woman starved.
Paige was a sweetheart; a golden retriever, kind, and good person...but when it came to her game, on and off the court, she was literally a cocky fuck boy who could prove they could get into your pants. She was a respectful woman, one of the best even, but the second mutual interest was involved; game over.
While making out, her hand cupping your breast over the padding of your bra, the only clothing you seemed to have on left, she bit your bottom lip, slightly tugging on it with her teeth. Your back arched, moaning at the sensation she was able to wash your body in, she quickly unclasped your bra, sliding the straps off when you were flat on your back.
Having the soft skin of yours exposed, she slowed her movements, dodging your face when you tried to kiss her again. "Show me how he got you off." The sentence shocked you.
"Huh?" You looked at her, her eyes having the same challenging look. She knew she'd do ten times better than he ever could. Plus, it helped that her anatomy and your anatomy were the same...meaning, she knew where everything was.
"You heard me, show me what he did for you, so I can show you that I can do it better." Her long hair falling on her shoulders, she slid her Huskies t-shirt off, leaving her in a black sports bra.
You shifted on the bed, nervous but willing. She already had you naked, you were already so wet so you knew when you try and fail to get yourself off like how your ex did, she'd make it better. Paige always made it better.
You reached your hand down, sliding your fingers through your soaking wet cunt, gathering as much as your slick as possible, gasping softly. The feeling of your fingers ghosting your clit, you remembered that you were supposed to be doing this how he did, so you disregarded the spot your body ached and pleaded for physical contact, and jumped straight to inserting two fingers.
You looked at Paige, a look in her eyes you've never seen before. "Wait, he didn't even—?" She was confused but really focused nonetheless. You knew she wasn't really paying attention to what you were doing, she was; she was literally getting soaked at watching you play with yourself, but she just couldn't take her eyes off your pretty pussy. She would never be your 'friend' again after tonight.
You shook your head at her question and continued in fingering your self, curling your fingers at the right spots, maintaining the even yet somewhat hasty pace. Your panting started to get louder, your eyes fluttering closed every now and again. Slowly coaxing yourself to your high, you spread your legs wider, reaching your hand out, signaling Paige you wanted her to grab your hand.
She placed her hand in yours and she was immediately pulled on top of you, your mouth finding hers. Your hand never wavered in the work you were doing on yourself, which is why Paige swallowed the loud moan induced by your orgasm, as you slowly started to slow the rhythm of your fingers, riding out the small orgasm.
You don't know why you did it, you only were conscious of it after you had placed the fingers that were previously inside of you, into her mouth. Your jaw slack, jus a tiny bit, watching and feeling her lick your fingers, swallowing any trace of your she can hope to find. You couldn’t believe you were behaving like this. So dirty but so willing.
Paige moaned at the action, not trying to deny that what you had done could've made her come alone. She started to drag her lips from yours, to the corner of your lips, to your cheek, all the way to and down your neck, sloppy and lazy but sensual kisses were left in her wake.
She wouldn't dare leave any marks behind, your guys' team would calculate what went down her tonight. So she settled for non-visible hickeys. When her lips met your breasts, she took her sweet time with both. Her tongue swirling around your taught nipple, her free hand kneeding the other.
Your back was already arching off the bed, hands tugging at the sheets below you. The soft cries leaving your lips egging her on.
She moved across the other breast, a trail of purple and red trailing the way, her hand switched places. You couldn't take this...you needed her somewhere else. You loved this but holy was she dragging it out.
Before you could even ask—beg, her to move where you were so desperately wanting her, her hand was already spreading your leg open, lips following a foreign, yet so familiar path, all the way down to the curve of your thighs.
She started slowly, opting to tease you, but also educate you like she promised. You understood the significance of foreplay, hell you craved it in your evidently clear soon to be previous relationship, but you couldn't take the ache your pussy had for Paige. It's like it knew you needed her all along. It didn't help that you hated the prolonged attention, but also loved it. Watching her worship your body was something so unexplainably attractive.
The way she slowly placed soft kisses from your knees, massaging the soft skin of your calf's along the way, all the way up your thigh. The closer her lips got to your center, the more antsy you became. You needed her mouth to connect already. You couldn't take it anymore.
"Oh, my god. Paige...please." You sighed, your panting growing more and more viscous.
"Please what, gorgeous?" Her lips ghosted over your wet folds as she moved to the other leg, now blatantly teasing the fuck out of you, while she smiled and kissed every expanse she could.
"Please just eat my pussy already. I can't take it." You almost cried begging her to finally do something. She had you masturbate infront of her for christ sake.
"Whatever you want." She looked into your eyes, her pupils blown, a blissed out smile and haze on her face. Almost immediately after, her face disappeared in between your legs. Paige licked a stripe up your soaking cunt, from the entrance all the way to the most sensitive nerve ending.
The sound that escaped your mouth was borderline pornographic as the built up arousal finally was being tended to. The feeling of her slick tongue running one more stripe through your folds before swirling around your clit was something you absolutely could not imagine. Your mind in a foggy mess.
"You taste so sweet, baby." The name leaving her mouth ignited fuzziness that you felt in your toes all the way to your scalp. Her voice hoarse, mouth glistening from you, you could never get this sight out of your head; nor did you want to.
"Ohhhh, my god." It came out like a pure cry. The choked moans mixed with tears and strained sobs, elicited a newfound hunger in Paige.
Her mouth doing double time, her tongue swirling and licking perfectly paced, her lips sucking and kissing all the right places at the right time, started to build up the coil in your belly. The feeling growing more and more intense the more she praised you from between your legs. "You're doing so good for me, baby." You couldn't even breathe.
The coil snapping, the tension in your belly now releasing, a gushing mess now painted Paige's gorgeous face, your mouth agape.
You couldn't help but scream...almost. Your moan so loud, Paige covered your mouth with her hand. "Shh, don't want the neighbors to hear." Paige panted softly in your ear, before cracking the signature smirk.
The smugness she had while she saw the aftermath of what seemed to be the best orgasm you have ever had in your life. Your breathing still shallow, your chest heaving, the pattern of the way it rises and falls mesmerizes Paige. Her ego being fed tremendously watching the way you fell apart just by her going down on you.
She couldn't help but want to brag to your ex that he couldn't even make you feel half of what she just did. The accomplishment of getting you to look like this in her bed, your breath fanning over her face as she hovered over you, the accomplishment in having you like this, with her in her bed, was truly a miracle.
Paige loved it. She could go this whole night just fulfilling your needs, showing you everything you missed out on in your pointless one sided relationship. She intended to.
"Oh, my god. That was—" You stopped, your breath finally returning. "That was fucking amazing." You looked at the blonde who seemed to be content watching you fall apart.
The smugness on her face but the adoration of you being here, pure evidence that she was enjoying every second of it. "It was. Didn't know you were a screamer." The cocky Paige returned, forgetting keeping the moment remotely intimate. You smacked her arm that rested next to your body, and grabbed her face and kissed her.
You caught her off guard, her mouth open due to a small gasp, and took that as your chance to slide your tongue in her mouth. You two made out like horny teenagers. You two weren't that far from being teenagers, that was only a couple years ago, but you two made eachother feel like two young kids, absolutely enamored with the idea of each other that you couldn't get off of eachother.
You two made out, you slowly turning yourself so you could be on top. Paige knew what you were trying to do, allowing you to take control for now. You oulled apart, looking down at her, picturing this, saving it for the foreseeable future. Chasing your lips, Paige grabbed your face, pulling you into a deepening kiss. You two literally couldn't get enough of eachother.
Before you could even get the rest of Paige's clothes off, she grabbed your hips that were resting on hers, and pulled them forcefully over towards her chest. You gasped and yelped, suprised at the sudden force she was using. Hesitant to follow, you saw her hungry gaze go between your eyes and your now—again, soaking cunt.
There was no way. "Paige, no. Don't even think about it." You warned, a small intimidating look. It normally had an affect on Paige on the court, knowing when she saw it, you talked a big game and backed it up. But right now, in the bedroom, you were hers and she had the control.
Tonight was to show you what you were missing out on, and how to get a girl going. There was no way she'd let you have the control, no matter how much she wanted it. She'd save that for another night. Maybe she was getting too ahead of herself, but there was going to be another night with you.
"What are you talking about?" The smugness returned, along with a feigned clueless look. You couldn't take her serious with the fact that your thighs were damn near putting her in a chokehold, her hands inching you closer and closer to where she wanted you...where she wanted you to sit, preferably.
"Paige, i'm not about to sit on your face." You tried scooting back, forgetting that Paige was actually stronger than you. The ferocity in which she pulled your hips, your pussy ghosting her lips at the force and aim in which she yanked you, a small gasp escaped your sealed lips.
You yanked your hips back, giving her a pointed look. "I was trying to literally fuck you, not trying to sit on your face. Let me make you feel good, baby." Paige knew she could get away with calling you baby, you probably weren't thinking much of it when she said it. But Paige said it with conviction, just the way you did right now.
The name only egged her on when you used it in this context. The only context Paige wanted to hear it in. "Your making me feel good by letting me make you feel good. I promise i'm fine, I just want you to sit this pretty pussy on my face. Will you let me?" Her eyes sincere, the smirk playing on her lips slowly convincing you by the second.
"You promise?" You whispered, suddenly conforming to the blonde underneath you. Something about the way she talked easily convinced you.
"Yeah. Promise." You stared down at her, unsure. Not wanting to crush her, your thighs being pretty full, the muscle you've built over the years, and just the general size being something you've been insecure about since you were a little girl.  She knew that.
That's why when she saw the look on your face, she kissed your thighs. In whatever spot she could reach. She gave you a reassuring nod, smile on her face. Albeit you didn't know what kind—cocky or comforting. Either way, when she said what she did, you immediately obeyed.
"Sit on my face." You then moved both knees eye level with Paige, falling back slightly, your pussy ghosting her lips again. The second you put your full weight on her face, her mouth got to work.
The sensation and new angle elicited some explicit sounds. 'Didn't know you were a screamer' kept replaying in your head when you tried to quiet down the moans only Piage seemed to be able to pull from you, escaped your lips.
Her hands cupped your ass, pressing your body down impossibly closer and harder into her face. She seemed to be pushing so hard, you were scared you were going to suffocate her. Her tongue teased your entrance, swiftly ghosting in and out of it, before lapping at your folds and clit perfectly.
She ate you like a woman starved. Like if this was her last meal. You had enjoyed every second of this exchange. You reached your hand down slowly, softly moving your hand in slow circles on your clit, overstimulating yourself.
Paige took notice of your fingers now getting to work, a gravely groan reverberating into your wet pussy as she looked up at you, and quickly closing her eyes in bliss. She decided that since you wanted to touch yourself, she'd slide a finger or two into you. To really get you going. Wasn’t the most ideal positioning but she was going to make it work.
Her head bobbed subtly, effectively getting her tongue into the small space where her fingers were about to make an appearance. Inserting one finger, Paige watched, felt, and listened to the way your body reacted to her movements.
Using each reaction to her advantage. The small gasp you let out when she inserted herself into you, the way your breathing reluctantly changed pace, so she inserted another, noticing how your breath picked up. That's when she curled her fingers methodically to the pace she set for herself, matching the pace you set while you continued rubbing circles in your clit.
It didn't take long for Paige to brung you closer to the edge while her tongue picked up the slack for your fingers. You stopped your movements and let her do the work, she could tell it was good by the volume your pants and moans were sounding. She was working overtime while you ran your hand over her hair, eventually looking for another anchor to grip to while you violently come undone by your best friend. "Oh, my god. Right there. Don't stop." You panted, your jaw dropped.
Your legs started to shake, Paige's pace relentless while she finger fucked you in her bed, while she simultaneously ate you out. This wasn't the way you expected to spend your night, and neither did Paige, but holy fuck was it worth it.
"Don't you dare stop—Oh!" The coil snapped once again, a guttural cry and moan left your lips. You swore that any person who was passing by Paige's apartment would've thought you were filming porn. The moans you moaned were insane and absolutely the biggest turn on for Paige. She wouldn't lie and say she didn't already get off on just hearing you.
Yeah, she worked at you, and saw your oh so pretty parts, but listening to the affect she had on you, the comparison made between her and your ex and the ego boost that came with it, were just the perfect amount to get her off on just pleasuring you for the last two hours.
Your breath uneven, slowly moving your legs away from her face, your chest still heaving. She chuckled softly, before looking over to you, while you laid yourself next to her. "That's how it's done, baby." Paige held her hand up, trying to signal a high five.
You looked at her blankly, her seeing the absolute fucked our face you had, and then pulled you closer to her. Your body resting against hers; the stark contrast of your overheated body, compared to her cold and cool body.
The contrast easing the overwhelmed feeling you harbored just a little easier. "You did so good for me, baby. You looked so hot while I made you come. Couldn't believe it." You smacked her chest, feeling a little cringed that she had to see you and all the faces you could've made while you had the most earth shattering orgasms.
"Paige. Oh my god, stop." You laughed, she did too, You two laid there for a minute before she broke the silence.
"You're not going back to him, right?" Her voice now withdrawn from the cockiness and confident undertones, and just pure nerves and concern. She hoped you'd say no. That you'd choose to stay with her, and tell her he was just there until you realized your feelings for her were the same as the ones she's had for you all these years.
"No, I'm breaking up with him tomorrow. You think i'd go back to him, when he couldn't do half the shit you did with your tongue alone? Yeah, right." You looked up at Paige, your bestfriend. You couldn't believe this is what your relationship evolved to in a matter of two hours.
"Soo, that means..." Paige was hopeful. She just wanted you to say what she's been wanting to say for years.
"Let's date. I love you, you obviously love me," She looked away, embarrassed, and playfully pushed you away. You grabbed her arm, pulling her back so she could look you in the eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Serious."
"Serious. I'll be your girlfriend. Finally." Paige kissed you, slowly. Melting into eachother, the weight of the new relationship status now sinking in. You two were ecstatic.
You decided to clean up, showering, again, her inevitably joining you. When you both settled and were ready for bed. Too tired and fucked out to continue the movie—restart the movie—you two had started a while ago, it was quiet and dark in the room when Paige suddenly whispered, "I knew you weren't straight."
"Paige, got to sleep! Oh my god." You chuckled before smacking her with the pillow under your head.
"Jeez! Sorry! But I called it."
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