#slenderman forrest
overseastraveler · 2 years
"Never turn around"
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How You Fell Into Their Trap
TW/CW: Self- Destructive Behavior, Hollywood-ized Disorders, Yandere/Dark Behavior, Violence, Dubious Consent, Drugging, Slight Divergence from Source, Canon-Typical Violence
A/N: Pacing could be weird in both stories. In both, the reader is pondering the past before it jumps to the present to help with any confusion before reading!!
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You want to tear your eyes out, pull at your skin, and scream until nothing left can be heard. It would be better than the constant paranoia eating at you. The splitting headaches and the dazed look on your face as you slowly forget what day it is.
No medicine, no drug can even make you lose an ounce of these random episodes. What's worse, it that they seem to drag on longer and occur more. You wipe the bile off the corner of your mouth as you lean next to the wall in front of the toilet.
The doctors even are puzzled. They best the can sum it up to is you’re faking it. Your body is faking it. Then why can't you stop any of it? In fact, you beg your body to stop.
You can't ignore the fact that you were a sickly child. Constantly falling under nearly the same symptoms but after your parents moved, it stopped. Occasional bouts here and there, but maybe the cleaner air farther from the city helped. Your parents agreed that you eventually just grew out of your sickness, hoping to move on and forget.
But you could never forget the same figure that haunted you since a child. The same tall, white figure, faceless, in a suit. He was everywhere. As soon as you looked, he was there for a split second. And you could feel his hostile aura waiting to strike and kill you. Even as an adult, that face haunted you.
You tried to pin point what triggered your episodes. Maybe after you went to the forrest with your friend, maybe a weird bug bit you? Or you contracted an infection somehow? The forest was beautiful. Tall trees, lush grasses, variety of flaura, and the mountains raised in the backdrop. All was suppose to go well, but going there was the worst mistake of your life. The previous delusions you seemed to have increased tenfolds and it seemed you threw you friend in the same fate as you.
The two of you wandered the forest after the wind rushed and seemed to grip the map from his hands. And even better? Not a lick of signal. When night time hit, you entered a real life nightmare. The figure that haunted you as a child came back. And scarier than ever. But this time, he also saw it.
Your friend gripped your hand as the two of you narrowly escaped the almost glitching creature. Appearing behind, then in front, and then in a damn tree. When you lost track of the figure, your friend was also losing track of himself. He heaved as he gripped at his hair before pulling at it. Above your own urge to do the same, you tried to grab his hands and stop him. Your friend looked at you as he began to claw at his eyes.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME." He roared as blood began to seep down him. "He told me, he told me that if I touch you, my death will be put in his hands." He sobbed out scooting away from you.
"He? Who's he?" You cried out, confused as you saw your friend trying to hurt himself.
"Him. The man. The one in the shadows. He told me that if I even look at you anymore, he'll rip my eyes out himself." He banged his head on the ground, still clawing at his eyes. "But he granted me the mercy to at least do it myself." Your friend reached for a jagged rock and brought it to his face.
Your head was filled with static to the point you passed out, and awake in your living room. You wanted it to be a dream, but it was farther from the truth. Your coworker and close friend, hung himself in the same place you two hiked at two days prior.
It was your fault, and you couldn't bring yourself to let it happen again as you hauled yourself in your apartment. Refusing contact with anyone. You were just meant to be a disease.
The apartment went on fire, and you never felt more estatic. Finally, you would greet death with open arms, and your family wouldn't live with the regret if you took your own life. Shit, maybe they could even sue to gain some money off your death. Maybe you'd actually bring fortune to someone.
You laid pliant on your bed, smoke filtering inside your room as the fire danced and spread around the room. A smile on your face before you felt its presence again.
The tall figure hovering over you this time, but no sickness accompanied with it. Faceless, except spots that were slightly sunken in that could be mistaken for one, put a finger up to his face presumably to its mouth. He then disappeared and you fell into unconsciousness with it as well.
And appeared back in the same fucking forrest. This time, surrounded by three human(ish) men.
A crazed man with goggles and a mask, wielding a bloodied axe. Next to him, was a seemingly timid one, dressed in an orange hoodie and when you tried to focus closer, all that greeted you was red, sullen eyes. A feminine mask graced the other one as he donned an orange bomber jacket.
Your mouth felt dry and when you tried to scream, it came out a pathetic groan for help. They clearly had no interest in doing so, more concerned on talking to one another in poorly hushed voices.
"You handled them too rough! If they get a bruise, he won't like it." One choked out in a worried tone.
"They're not a doll, they're fine. And besides, it's not like he told us to deliver them to him in 5-star hotel. He wanted them to be brought to the forest and we did. I'm sure he wouldn't be fond if we held on them too long, so to the floor they go." The one behind the mask spoke, steady voiced.
And another air of static rose around you, stiffening your surroundings. You fell in and out of consciousness and could barely even tell if time was moving, or not.
The men had left sometime ago, 3 hours or minutes? You didn't know. All you could feel was the mossy earth and crushed leaves beneath your slightly aching body.
Vision blurred as the man in the black and white dotted across behind your eye lids in mind as you slipped unconscious into a fever like dream. But this time, it didn't make you sick. It was replaced by a sense of, longing? What was once your nightmare incarnated, seemed softer (even for lack of facial features).
You felt as if watching yourself in third person, your figure collapsed on the floor of a velvety chapel, a heavy white [dress/tuxedo] weighing you down to the ground as you could hear a low melody playing in the background, a church hymn low in the distance as the pianist follows suit.
Pushing yourself up with your two arms, your mind follows the red path trailing to the center. You hear murmuring in the distance but as you scanned your surroundings, no one was there. Just the tall white figure dressed in the clean tuxedo.
You felt yourself gliding towards him, despite not even getting up on your feet. But when you looked down, you saw the inky black tendrils span out like tiny veins combining to makin thick ropey tentacles. They slowly brought you towards him as your hands slowly held onto the decaying flower bouquet.
You opened your mouth only to find no words were coming out. You gripped at your lips, trying to force something out to protest against whatever this was but the sweet piano was only heard echoing throughout.
Finally, you were brought to the empty pillar, but the entity's limbs never left your body. Instead, it seemed to latch onto your harder, as it expanded over your body. You gazed over the empty chapel, but the long and slender hands of the monster in front of you made you look at him.
Blank, faceless, pale, but you could feel the tension in the air as he stared at you in his own way. His stark white body contrasting deeply with his black tuxedo. You felt tears rush down your face but the monster seemed to enjoy that sight. As your face came close to his, the static in your head grew. The only word you could make out amiss all the noise was mine.
As your lips finally made contact with the blank slate of a man, you woke up in a large bed. As you glanced around, you found dust on the bed, but everything else looking surprisingly in pristine condition.
Just as you were about to scream, a large hand grasped your shoulder. The entity, that monster. But, instead of the normal vomit inducing headache and static you would feel when you confronted him was gone.
Yet, that [dress/tuxedo] from the dream still remained. As you looked down at your outfit in confusion, the monster slipped his hands under your chin to meet his gaze. The static-like voice replaced with a deep soothing, voice finally talked as his other hand made it up your back.
"Now that your officially mine, I can't find myself being able to hold back much longer."
Jeff The Killer:
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Jeffery always seemed on the brink of becoming unhinged. Ever since building up to the, incident. His family moved to the neighborhood, normal enough. His parents, his brother, all seemed well. Even at first meetings Jeffery looked sane enough at first glance. Nothing stood about him. Like every other teenage boy. His light brown hair framed his face in the typical unkempt way with his blue eyes shining against his complexion. His clothes were obviously picked out by his mother since he never cared to actually shop for his wardrobe.
He was not your first choice to be friends with. But as your parents grew cozy with his, they near forced you to befriend the quiet boy.
It was awkward. Standing next to him at the bus stop with small talk eventually landed to you two sitting on the bus together. It grew to where he would spare you an earbud to play music on his music player. Then, it turned to you actually seeking him out during class projects, not because you had no one else to, but you began to somewhat enjoy his company.
You began to come to his house, and him to your house without the prompting of your parents. Maybe you were just as strange as him which explained the quicker connection between the two of you. It ranged from drawing, reading horror stories to eachother on the ever growing "internet", running to the near gas station for a snack stop only to get brain freezes from racing eachother who could drink their slushie faster.
His interests slowly grew darker. Darker videos, interests in the occult and local murders and death, and even visiting previous crime scenes. You didn't notice at first, you enjoyed the more taboo subjects, but he seemed to take it on a different level. But like you, he was just a young adult trying to figure out the big world, right...?
As his interests grew more morbid, a group of boys began to pick on him. His brother did what he could do to halt them as you tried to center Jeffery's attention elsewhere, but you knew it was beginning to wear him down.
He fought them. Not only did he fight one by himself, but three. He was scuffed up, but the other boys more so. You felt in a daze. Although it was self defense, he would be put in the blame. He came to your house soon after, but he wasn't in a panic. He was happy. Estatic. You fussed over his bruises and small cuts as you dabbed on first aid supplies. He couldn't stop talking for the death of him. You ignored most of it as he tended to talk lots of nonsense most the time, but a sentence stood out you couldn't ignore.
"I never felt more alive."
He looked at you. His blue eyes shining threw his choppy, layered hair. He gently held your wrist in the middle of applying an antibiotic cream.
"S/o, I want you to know, if anything happens, you're coming with me. I promise that." His once happy persona faded as he stared at you solemnly. You nodded slowly and continued patching him up.
When the police came, his brother Liu took his spot and told them it was him. You've never seen Jeffery so desperate to admit his own crimes but the police left, leaving the younger brother. It changed something in him. He only trusted Liu and you. But with him gone, he was clingy and.. handsy. Always trying to have you physically touching him in some way. Either him pressed up against your side or his hand wrapped around yours. His twisted mind finally grasping the concept of how easily people can be taken from him.
To no one's surprise, he did get in trouble more at school. His parents blaming him for getting into so much trouble in his senior year. To your surprise, not too long after that fight, his parents forced him to go to a party with them as a way to "clean" up their image. Like the loyal friend you were, you went with him.
It all happened too fast. His bullies were back as ready for vengeance all the same as if they didn't cause enough damage. One grabbed at you taunting him, "No big brother now, and no [girlfriend/boyfriend] to help you either!" One cackled as they drew a knife near your throat. He never had lost his composure so fast as he saw you. In his mind, you were his and that disgusting shit touched you.
Pure chaos erupted as two boys dropped dead. Blood on both men. Police were called but none came fast enough. Tears went down your face as you tried to grab one of them to stop but your parents held you back in horror watching them fight. Eventually Jeffery got the advantage and took time to prepare his next move in state of manic happiness. He didn't mind the bleach dripping down his frame. He had murder on his mind.
"Remember my promise. I will come to get you soon!" He looked back at you before he grabbed onto the knife and lodged it into the attackers chest. You felt dizzy with the scene in front of you, finally hearing sirens from the cops.
The final movement from the attacker lifted up a match and sent Jeffery on fucking fire. A blood curling scream from the crowd erupted before you felt sick to your stomach and passed out.
He was sent to the hospital, and as much as you were trying to visit him, only family was allowed. Countless nights you worried over the health of a boy you didn't even want to be friends with in the beginning. Too weak to talk to him one on one. All information you got on his wellbeing was from his parents who were already stressed enough.
When he was finally released from hospital and was being sent home, your parents allowed you to visit him the following morning.
As the sun rose and birds chirped, you sprinted to his house with the latest music DVDs and horror movies that he missed out on. You knocked on the door as you barely contained your glee for seeing him.
The door opened. It was unlocked. And the smell of metal wafted to your nostrils. You peaked your head and opened the already ajar door.
And you screamed as blood was splattered in every corner.
But, that was years ago. No longer the dumb teenager you were, but yet it was still stained on your mind. The countless headliners for the news, the police interviews, the therapy sessions. You moved far away from that neighborhood but no matter where you go, the memories would still follow.
Although a murderer now, still on the loose which scared you to your core, you yearned for the nostalgic Jeffery. The one before the murders.
You placed the book of photos down, gingerly touching the photo where you and Jeffery clicked slushies together. It was over now though, that was the past.
That night as you laid to rest, you felt the cold breeze of the nightly wind under your sheets.
You also felt cold wet drops on your face as a hand slapped against your mouth before you could fully register what was happening.
A manic grin spread from ear to ear, scared red against deathly pale skin. Eyes a dull blue with dark eyebags. The hair was jet black and frayed in a shaggy like mullet.
His other hand held your arms in one grip as he started laughing.
"Oh, s/o, I finally found you." He cried out in-between bursts of laughter.
"But where the fuck were you when I needed you. Where were you when I told you I'd come to get you."
And your heart dropped as you mumbled through his fingers. "Jeffery, is that you...?"
"The one and only and STOP AVOIDING THE QUESTION. WHERE WERE YOU?" He begged out, his happiness dropped. "It was suppose to be just me and you. Just us against the world. I needed you to wait for me. But when I finally got my own footing, you left!"
"I fucking missed you. But now, " He shifted eagerly as he straddled your hips. "I'm myself. This is what I was meant to be, and can you even accept that?"
You look at him in shock, your whole body feels like it was dropped in freezing water. Your heart was in the dilemma of whether it's about to stop or keep beating as wildly as possible.
"I don't expect you to respond now. But you will answer me later, you whore." He leaned down and took his hand off your mouth. "I hate that I still like you even after you abondoned me."
His lips hovered over yours teasingly. "I fucking hate the fact you're still as beautiful as the day you left me. But now, you're staying with me." Despite his taunting demeanor, there is an act of urgency, desperation, in his next moves.
His lips connected to yours within seconds as you tried to squirm away. His hands still holding yours away from pushing him. His hand gripped your cheek as he pushed the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
And then you felt a foreign pill slip into your mouth as Jeff still kept the kiss connected, forcing you to swallow.
"Go to sleep." He breathes out, finally pulling away from your lips. You are hit with an unfamiliar urge to go unconscious. Your limbs feel unbearably heavy as your eyelids begin to close again. The last thing you see before your eyes shut is his insanely stretched out smile and his lovesick eyes glaring at you.
[Heyyy I’m alive guys. Work and school kicked my ass but I’m still here. Also, part two down here lol.]
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hi hi could you write a Slenderman x little reader who wants to be carried all the time
like won't throw a tantrum but will be pouty until picked up again
Cg!Slender x Little!Reader
Contains: established relationship, fluff, slender is so caring, honorifics (Papa) used
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Bold of you to assume Slender wouldn’t want to spend most of his time carrying you
Slender is always holding onto you in some way, often times having a tendril firmly wrapped around your wrist so you never wander to far while you play in the woods
Having an Eldritch horror as a caregiver is sometimes not the safest dynamic in the world and slender has every right to feel a bit paranoid in his opinion
Your clinginess just further justifies his reasoning with this
If you’re not being tethered to him by one of his tendrils you’re probably being held in his arms
The amount of top secret missions and information you know about the operator and creepy pastas all because Slender isn’t capable of letting you out of his lap while giving the proxies instructions is hilarious
He would slaughter countless innocents for the same thing, but not you
Slender is actively putting a hit on someone and you’re sitting in his lap coloring away
“They are to be terminated. Do you understand Masky?” “Yes, Sir.” “I want his head as proof….Oh, baby, amazing job! We’ll have to hang this on the fridge….Masky, before you leave make sure this gets on the fridge.” - Actual conversation between Masky and Slender over your latest coloring page
Slender also loves going on walks through the woods while letting you pick your favorite flowers or leaves from around the Forrest, you never have to worry about something ever being out of reach
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
hi you guys made me think and now we're participating with a single semi-jokey fankid.
rin forrest-tracy (run for the trees) -
kid who wants to get kidnapped by slenderman in the literal sense. they're convinced that jack is a real man they can meet & that they just have to try hard enough aka be kidnapped by slenderman. or like. sl ender thry slenderthry??? whatever the fuck his sparklecare name would be Idgaf. rin absolutely hates cuddles and wants to be a cool creepypasta killer like jack 🤍🤍i m so tired and honestly i jsut thought it would be funny.
This is genius. You are so genius holy moly.
My gosh this is such a throwback to the 2010s /pos
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slorty · 8 months
how do you feel about getting slent
In an act of foolish hubris I incured the name of the great and terrible rulers of the forrest and pages (slenderman gimick blogs) and a divine punishment was wrought upon me (200+ note post)
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endiiglow · 1 year
Who is R?
This book is about an original character of mine that I wanted to bring to life.
This book might be a little crappy and sorta cringe but I'm here for it.
I do not own any of the characters mentioned in the book except the main character.
I do own this storyline as it is an original.
If you find interest in my character, feel free to do what ever fan shiz you would like.
Just please don't "ship" my character.
I'm not the best writer so I apologize.
(R) is a being created by the Slenderman/operator
And this book will explain their story/origins.
This character will go through the struggles of finding themselves in the twisted and dark world they live in.
(I know it’s cringe, just go with it)
-An introduction-
A/N: This book contains an original character and is about an original character.
I'm not the best writer but I wanted to bring life to this idea of mine.
This life is all I've ever known. No, I don't have some tragic back story that ruined me and turned me into who i am. I am a being created evil, and that's all.
I lived amongst the Forrest that surrounded a small town. Things were peaceful for a while. But the town grew more populated as time went on and more suspicions grew about the darkness that lurked around it.
He didn't like that very much.
He grew angry.
I didn't have the chance at a normal life since the moment I took my first breath. My soul purpose now was to destroy and obey.
Everything changed so quickly.
Everyday is pretty much the same as it's always been since I can even remember; follow orders and stay hidden from the world. Its nothing to complain about though.
I'm not human but I have some human qualities, sorta. I look human but the bird like wings sticking out of my back is what really separates me from them. Sleeping was one of the qualities that was questionable. I noticed that humans sleep every night, I slept once every few weeks. What I would give to sleep every time the sun fell.
Childhood is something I've never experienced. I was born into this world full grown and ready to fight. I will remain that way for all of eternity.
I've spent all my years watching and gathering information of the towns people.
I've killed more of them than I can even count.
If you left, we knew about it and if you entered, we were watching you.
After a few years and as the town grew more in size, he decided to recruit followers for the plans he had. I've never met any of them but I knew of them, mainly just from watching them from afar as they raise hell in the town.
He has quite a few puppets so it's hard to keep count, they all eventually die.
He stationed most of them the manor he gained from one of his first followers.
He gave them basic human necessities in exchange to keep their lives and do his dirty work.
I've never been to the manor as he strictly forbade me from going near it. I'm not exactly sure why.
Instead, I stayed in an abandoned and empty water tower just at the entrance of the town. That's how it's been for years.
The town was a magnet for the damned and supernatural. Only bad things happened in the town, and it was all his doing. He had control over everything.
He wanted the humanity of the town to go out slow and he wanted humans to do it all for him.
just recently I've received new orders.
He wanted me to go to the manor to speak with him.
"kill anyone and anything that betrays me and opposes me", a sentence that has been burned into my mind from the very start.
(To be continued)
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arry-katt310 · 4 months
Next is Harmony Meyer.
She's one of my favorite OCs. She's the daughter of Jason the toymaker and an OC named Shelia.
She's the quiet type, but can fck you up. Only if she has a reason. Which she finds it very hard to find reasons to hurt ppl.
She was raised in complete isolation bc her mother was kidnapped like right after she gave birth, so Jason became the world's most overprotective father of all history. She was raised by Jason's wax doll, Miranda, who had 5 younger siblings when she was alive, most of her life. Years have gone by and the only way she could entertain herself was reading. Jason had a large selection of books, so Harmony read them all the time. Miranda taught her the basics of math, reading, etc, but Harmony taught herself everything else. She's probably my most intelligent OC I created. There's never a book that doesn't spark her interest. That actually leads to how good she is at thinking on the spot. She's incredibly dangerous if she wants to be (that's never, so yall are safe)
Most of her life, she was forced indoors and never thought of going outside.
Since her mother was very close to Killian and Julius @sanityshorror, Killian felt as if he was entitled to knowing Harmony and being there for some of her life, something Jason never allowed. Jason didn't let Killian see Harmony bc he was so scared that she'd get hurt in his care, so Killian wasn't allowed to see her.
Even after Shelia was found and brought home, Jason was still the world's most overprotective father. Especially after he found put about the twins.
After a while, Jason let her see the slender mansion, after which, she meets Benni, the son of Slenderman and now he's Harmonys only friend.
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Name: Harmony Annalise Meyer
Birthday: April 1st 2010
Blood ties:
Jason Meyer - father
Shelia Meyer - mother
River and Forrest - younger half brothers; her mother was r@ped to cause her to have a set of twins
The "Slenderverse"
Hellcrew @sanityshorror @scarfaxia @gracilissart
Her animals: Chaz- her cat, Pebbles- her pet hermit; Jason realized that she was very lonely growing up so he gave her Chaz and she just found Pebbles on the boardwalk of the theme park her father's toyshop is located in
Fluffy items
READING; always has her nose in a book.
Drawing from time to time
Japanese culture; Benni introduced her to Anime, and she's obsessed
Reading Killian's books
Listening to music; if someone she doesn't like is in the room, she tunes them out with music
Spending time with her parents
Toymaking; Jason has taught her and enjoys to see her enjoy it as much as him
Thunderstorms; finds them relaxing
Cold weather
Juliette forcing her to try on dresses
Juliette in general 🤣; Juliette's very chaotic and hard to communicate with
Loud noises; she jumps if there's a loud noise but somehow pouring rain and cracking thunder is okay
Spicy foods
Oversexualized items
People being affectionate around her
Being away from her dad; severe social anxiety due to being isolated her whole life
Knowing what happened to her mom
Rock music; finds it hard to listen to
Her father gaslighting her to make her believe everything is OK and that she shouldn't worry about anything
Noticeable features:
Large scar going from her shoulder to her wrist on her left arm; Jason doesn't know about this
The same markings on Jason's face are on hers as well
Looks mostly like her dad
Her hair turns white when angry, black when she's anxious, if you ever see both colors in her hair at once, run as far as you possibly can in the opposite direction
Bites on her hands when she's anxious
Incredibly intelligent
Quick thinker
It's very hard to determine what exactly she can do, but what we know is telekinesis, and witchcraft capabilities. She also seems to have her own way with animals.
Her bipolar
Her powers are too much for her to handle
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lyman-garfiel · 6 months
i'm tired of my art not getting enough attention, i'm going to print my shitty selfship drawings out and nail them to the trees of a local forrest to become the next slenderman.
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Personal creepypasta headcannons part 2 because I have more
★The mansion has no set location once you leave the surrounding forest, everything else stays the same but it moves from one area of forrest to another, Slenderman has some control over it but not much. That can be confusing, but the manner itself is always located in the underworld.
★Laughing jack will make his friends (or anyone really) stuffed animals as gifts. He also makes them for fun or whenever he's upset at something, it's like a coping skill for him. Also he just does animals, he refuses to do people or objects for whatever reason?
★Toby has around a dozen different med-kits hidden inside the manner. Places include but aren't limited to; underneath a bathroom sink, taped to the celling and inside of a liquor cabinet. He does this so that if he gets hurt he won't need to look far for a bandaid.
★Slenderman has a soft spot for children. if one wanders near the manner he simply watches from afar until they leave or until a parent finds them. One of the very few times people are allowed near the manners forest is if a child is with them.
★The title "Operator" is a common term in the underworld, it can be defined by a powerful being who was a following of humans working for it (willingly or unwillingly)
★Quite a few normal humans live in the underworld, ushly it's the child of a proxy or just a crazed murder who had gained the respect of creatures who live in the underworld.
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overseastraveler · 2 years
Creepypasta, Kate proxy. (My desire to draw Kate grows.)
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c0tt0n-candy-em0 · 2 years
Imma talk about my headcannon lore for creepypasta cuz i REALLY wanna tell someone about it. so buckle up friendos!
So first things first, the world lore:
In my mind all different forms of the underworld/hell co-exist (christian hell, hades, egyptian  underworld, etc.). In between the mortal realm (earth) and all of the underworlds is where Slender Forrest resides. Slender Forest is basically a safe haven for criptids, monsters, Slender’s highest ranking proxies, and Slender themself. Back to the underworlds though, all of them and Slender Forest are connected via the Shadow-realm. The Shadow-realm is basically this dimension that Demons, Monsters, and Slenderman’s henchmen use to travel between the mortal realm, the different underworlds, and Slender Forest (though most can only do so with permission). It’s basically a reflection of the other realms. Anyone can come and go from the slender manor, the only ones who are allowed to live there 24/7/365 are the main 9 
Now we move onto the lore behind the proxies: 
There are Proxies and Half-ways. Both are Slenderman’s henchmen and work as monster hunters/assassins. Their main jobs revolve around keeping monsters and demons from traveling and wreaking havoc in the mortal realm without permission. Killing people is only a small percentage of their job, and is only something that occurs when a mortal becomes to close to discovering Slender Forest and the Shadow-realm. They’re essentially the same and have the same jobs except proxies are completely under the control of Slenderman and can’t disobey their orders, though some still maintain part some of their identities and Half-Ways are henchmen of Slenderman that are only partially under their control. Many Half-Ways spend a lot of free time in the mortal realm, which is why many of them are well known legends and serial killers. Creepypastas are killers that mainly reside in the mortal realm that sometimes side with Slenderman and Zalgo if/when needed. All tittles are based of how much control slender and zalgo have over a person and how strong their will is to resist them, so they change a lot. Slender is only really concerned about having as many proxies doing his bidding as possible, and that everyone is getting their missions done in a timely manner without issue. 
Slender Forrest: 
Slender’s Half-Ways and Proxies that they holds in high regards and favor live in Slender Mannor (Slender themself do not live there, they mainly use the mannor as a war room and office). The known Proxies/Half-Ways that live in the mannor as of right now are:
-Toby(half-way, current status) (later succumbs to proxy status) -Brian/Hoodie(proxy) -Tim/Masky(proxy) -Jay/Skully(proxy) -X-virus(proxy) -BEN(half-way) -Liu(half-way) -Jeff(half-way) -Eyeless Jack(proxy)
The manor: 
The manor is three stories with the top floor being dedicated to Slenderman’s office and the rooms of all of the top four proxies and Sally (as far as im concerned shes practically slender’s kid at this point and gets top tier treatment). The second floor is dedicated for the rest of the higher ranking proxies and half-ways. the main floor is home to the living room,  kitchen, weapons locker, med-bay,  etc. On the grounds of the manor there’s also a training area and cabins for for when other creepypastas, proxies, and half-ways come to visit the manor for one reason or another. Liu and Ej are the only of the proxies/halfways that reside on the manor grounds 24/7/365 that don’t live in the manor and have their own cabins per their request to slenderman and slenderman not caring as long as they can keep an eye on the two of them. 
Jeff -16 -human -high ranking assassin -well known serial killer in mortal realm
Toby -17 -human -assassin/caretaker for the newer/younger recruits
BEN -15 -demon(lake demon, also maintains several glitch demon capabilities) -spy/intel officer -well known in mortal realm via messing around on clever bot
Cody -15 -human -assassin/scientist
Liu -19 -human -assassin -known vigilante in mortal realm
Jay/skully -21 -human -spy/trainer of the younger and newer proxies/half-ways
Tim/masky -23 -human -assassin/trainer
Brian/hoodie -22 -human -medic/intel officer
Ej -apears to be in their 20s and has the mentality of a 50 year old, died roughly 50-60 years ago -demon(subspecies unknown) -medic
Gender + orientation hcs:
Jeff-he/him - bisexual  Toby- he/him(AMAB) - panromantic-asexual BEN- he/they/it(demiboy, also likes neopronouns)- demi aroace Cody- he/him - homosexual  Liu- he/him - bisexual  Jay- he/him(but he really doesn’t mind tho) - homosexual  Tim- he/him(AMAB) - gay Brian- he/him - gay Ej- doesn’t care(agender) - pansexual 
Jeff- 5’6 Toby- 5’9 BEN-4’11 Cody-5’1 Liu-5’9 Jay-5’7 Tim-5’5 Brian-5’8 Ej-6’4
Weapons of choice (all except BEN  know how to use firearms for when necessary, all are also trained in hand to hand combat):
Jeff- dual blades he keeps strapped to his person at all times Toby- dual wields axes, also keeps a switchblade on his person at all times for emergencies  BEN- tech, robots, water (uses to lure and drown his victims when needed) Cody- his poisons and viruses he creates in his lab Liu- firearms and long distance weapons, also likes using the occasional explosives (he finds them fun)  Jay- firearms, also skilled with crossbow and bow and arrow Tim- blades of any kind (mainly switchblades), or any weapon like thing that he can get his hands on Brian- firearms, bludgeoning objects of any kind that he can get his hands on Ej- poisons and long distance weapons, has also been known to use medical grade saws and scalpels from time to time
Fave aesthetics :
Jeff- metal head and alternative  Toby- grunge and kid core  BEN- likes techy aesthetics and cyberpunk (tho they just live in the same Zelda  hoodie and jeans usually) (lol nerd) Cody- cyberpunk and apocalyptic aesthetics (lol double nerd) Liu- basically just dresses how you’d expect an assassin to plus a lot of sweaters/sweater vests (loves light/dark academia aesthetics) Jay- likes all aesthetics and just wears whatever is clean  Tim- grunge (wears a LOT of worn metal band t-shirts and 80’s metal Brian- usually likes to keep updated on latest trends, aesthetic changes a lot but rn he is obsessed with indie and grunge  Ej- just a lot of black hoodies and vans he doesn’t care, admires the dark academia and criptidcore aesthetics tho 
This is the basics of it all, and im happy to talk about it more if anyone is interested!
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kincarecenter · 3 years
Tumblr media
Selfcare for Vinny from Everymanhybrid requested by Anon
🡩 Call the corners Hexbomb (x)
🡩Lavender Soap (x) 
🡩Frosted Forrest Candle (x)
🡨 Slenderman Keychain charme (x)
🡨 Save Haven Art print (x)
🡨 Cryptozoologist patch (x)
🡪 EverymanHybrid logo patch (x)
🡪 Slenderman engraved journal (x)
🡪 The rake 3d printed skeleton (x) 
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childoftermina · 4 years
Slender Man headcanons?
General Slenderman headcannons
-Believe it or not but Slendermans actual name is Grossman (= Tallman)
-he is actually German
-there are historical records going far back stating that a unnaturally tall man with a white and hand long tentacles takes children who go into the Schwarzwald (Black Forrest)
-Slenderman doesn't only 'hunt' in his forrest, but he also stalks his victims until days later and then kills them in their home
-He can speak and understand every single Language there is
-tolerates Zalgo but doesn't like him
-would never judge anyone off their appearance
-100% chance he can predict every single one move/thought/word/intention of everyone he knows
-very honest; if he doesn't like someone he'll let them know, but will still treat them politely
-chooses his Proxies himself
-does not intend to be a father-figure to any of the Creeps; he just shows basic kindness as far in letting them live with him and feeding them as long as they obey every and each one of his orders
-doesn't care about their health unless it's starting to affect their work
-always polite as he sees rudeness as being childish and not well-behaved
-very clean, will make everyone shower at least every second day
-not a spontaneous man, has to plan everything
-definetely Asexual
-and yes, I really like to headcannon that all creeps live together idk why
-doesn't really need to eat or drink
-everything he eats or drinks just disappears in front of his face; he brings a fork with some food on it where his lips would be and the food just disappears, or brings a glass which is full to his lips and the liquid starts to disappear
-has a calm but really deep voice
-can talk telepathically but that'll sound more like an echo
-also actually has a mom
-someone came up with his first name being Richard and I think it's ridiculous
-also Richard is pronounced the german way in his case (most people won't like this XD)
{That is all I specifically have for him at the time, thanks for submitting something :)}
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bowtied-pasta · 3 years
My name is Cody, ftm and achillean/mlm, I have chronic anxiety and a whole slew of other mental disorders that make me anxious like all the time lmao, I am absolutely in love with nature and love being in it even though I can't be outside for long cause I can't stand the heat but I'm able to last longest on hiking trails in mountain forrests cause it's cooler, my favorite movies are Howl's Moving Castle, Coraline, and Death proof, I love reading and embroidery, I play d&d on the weekends, and I like to cook sometimes! Am an all animal person but prefer pets like cats and snakes!
I match you with Slenderman
Believe it or not, such a dapper, refined and eloquent man such as himself was once an awkward and anxious little bean of an entity that could tell you nothing more than facts about bugs and plant life. So he can relate to the anxiety part, even if he has overcome that part of his life.
You love nature but don’t like the heat? Perfect. He has a small effect on the weather around his area, this is mostly due to some magic he dabbles in, not that he’ll tell you how he does it. Cool, Autumn like weather on all of your little forest walk together. He’ll even get some fog involved if it means setting a mood. 👻
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I think that John actually has a lot of potential as a character in "after the fact" stories! There are a few little specific details that hint at him being with Slender, most of which are in Doby's nightmares. I mean, John is the one leading Doby to Slenderman, and Doby specifically tells John (or at least his voicemail) that he's going "home" & he'll see him soon. I think those are some pretty strong hints that John could be a creepypasta in "canon" or at least supported headcanon! -TB
TW: Mention of Suicide
Ive thought about that too actually! I think there’s a lot that can de done with John just from the fact that the story is all from Doby’s POV and he’s not exactly an unreliable narrator but an uninformed narrator. His POV is very limited. I’m working on a John lives au fic right now actually. It’s definitely possible in canon though as well. 
The reason I tend to treat the canon as if John’s just dead is because his death is such a blow for Doby. Him being alive feels like it cheapens some of the emotional weight of the story. But given slenderverse it’s reasonable to assume he was just taken by slender. Actually I hadn’t connected it but yeah the dreams definitely hint in that direction. Cool! 
Also interesting side note on the ending. I hadn’t thought of Doby’s going home message meaning joining him with slender. Interesting take! I took it as him going off to the forrest to commit suicide and join John in death.
Nice food for thought TB very nice.
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spoopynoodlehcs · 7 years
Creepypasta HC #1
Their reaction to memes:
Jeff: Depending on the meme, he will either laugh or use whoever used said meme as a punching bag until he calms down. 
BEN: BEN lives and breathes memes. His response will usually be “Lol, good one.” And then he will respond with another meme. 
EJ: Jack will chuckle if it’s dark enough. If it’s annoying, then he will fix his mask on his face, slowly turn to whoever said it and slowly stand up and follow them around all day, uncomfortably close and staring at them the whole time. 
LJ: He laughs at ANYTHING! He gets arrested? Laughs his ass off the whole ride to the police station. An orphanage burns down? He is laughing so hard he’s either wheezing or rolling on the floor, maybe both. But memes are special. He will slowly turn around, stare at whoever memed and then just burst out laughing. More so at their reaction to him being serious-looking for a few seconds, but maybe at the meme. 
Slenderman: He doesn’t get the concept of memes. He will not be amused. Especially if pepe is involved. Toby has run around the entire forrest, putting up pictures of pepe and screaming out the “Pink Fluffy Unicorns” song.
Tim/Masky: He might just chuckle. Most of the time he will sigh and give the person who showed him the meme a “Really?” look, maybe even punch them in the face. He’s just too busy or too stressed to really enjoy the memes.
Brian/Hoody: He’ll chuckle, maybe respond with another meme, but if he’s in a bad mood, he wants NOTHING to do with memes. He will pull a gun on the person. They then have three seconds to evacuate the premises and find reliable shelter. 
Toby: Toby, like BEN, lives and breathes memes. He’s once run around the forest putting up pictures of pepe and shouting out the “Pink Fluffy Unicorns” song. He was later punnished, but he and BEN had a meme competition after. He will laugh his ass off and high-five whoever showed him the meme.
Clockwork: She doesn’t care. Maybe she’ll laugh, maybe she’ll string up their corpse by their intestines, who knows. She prefers the less common memes or funny short stories. 
Jane: Jane might chuckle. Most of the time she’ll brutally murder anyone who says things like “Becky lemme smash.” or “That’s what she sad!” And will often give them 0.5 seconds to react. 
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