#slight bakugo x reader
elssero · 1 month
seven minutes in… heaven?
♰ nsfw/suggestive, third year bakugo x f!reader, dry humping..? both characters are drunk but fully consent!
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evanescence blasts through your phone as you do the final finishing details of your makeup, your cutting the crease of your liner while jirou sat next to you clips some of her hair back with the little music note hair piece you had picked up for her last week. your excited for tonight, it’s been awhile since the whole class of 3A had gotten together like this.
it’s a celebratory party for the end of a month long project you had all been putting all of your time and effort into, so much so to the point that nobody had really spent any time together, so to say that everyone was bubbling with anticipation was an understatement.
well everyone except bakugo of course, according to jirou he had been grumbling all week about this stupid party and how he’s being forced to go by stupid kirishima because of some stupid bet he lost last month. apparently he’d much rather stay in his room all night and pop a couple sleeping pills to ensure he wasn’t involved in the the night at all.
he just hates parties, he doesn’t understand why something so small as finishing a project deserves an entire class get together. he would much rather have a small, controlled hang out with the close group of friends he’d found himself growing fond of over the past few years.
you, of course ignore his complaints because the only word to describe how your feeling right now is ecstatic, it’s no surprise to anyone that you loved a good party and seeing that you had worked extra hard on this particular project you felt as though you owed it to yourself to let a little loose.
after deciding you are completely happy with the way you look and having taken a shot of some pre-drink with jirou, you link the girls arm and leave your dorm, you make your way to the common room arm and arm with the increasingly nervous girl beside you, you whisper a few encouraging words as you continue to lead her to, you can see that people have already started gathering, drinks in hand.
you decide for jirous sake to make a b-line to mina, kaminari and sero who are slumped together on one of the couches around the room.
mina wastes no time pulling you both into a hug “you both look amazing! ah- i can’t im so excited we’re all here tonight!” you can tell she’s already tipsy by the way she slightly stutters and her voice raises at the end of her sentences.
you hug her back just as excitedly, you love mina, she shares your excitement for the little things and you can’t help but feel drawn to her because of that, it’s clear to everyone around you that you two were just made to be friends.
kami gets up next, he throws a lazy arm around jirous shoulder and compliments you both on your outfits of choice, you can’t help but chuckle a little at his behaviour, he’s always been a bit of flirt, especially with jirou, you can’t help but smile at the sight when jirou leans into his hold slightly.
sero, now stood directly in front of you pulls you into tight hug, seros a close friend, if anything probably your closest after mina and jirou and definitely the person your physically closest with. he is your friend and definitely only that, despite the looks that your weirdly physically close relationship gets from your classmates, but the line at least in your head is definitely drawn and you don’t dare cross it.
you mingle for abit, finishing off your first drink and eagerly getting your second, your sat in a circle now with most of your class, some sat on the floor and some sat on furniture, you’ve somehow ended up in a full class discussion despite the buzz that fills the room. your listening to the class debate their most embarrassing moments when a loud but cheery voice drags another loud but not so cheery voice into the room.
“hey everyone! sorry we’re late it seems that bakugo had forgotten about tonight” kirishima grins as bakugo starts mumbling incoherent complaints. “but alas, no worries as i made sure to remind him!” kirishima continues to ignore bakugos clearly sour mood as he pulls the blond to sit across from you and sero, who’s now drunken head is now resting on your shoulder, they would definitely be sat next to you guys but kirishima doesn’t wish to disturb the circle so he takes the only free place.
people exclaim welcomes as you smile at the red head, he sends a smile back and a quick look at sero who seems to be making himself pretty comfortable pressed up against you. bakugo doesn’t even lift his head while he sits down, it’s clear he wishes for this party to be over just as quickly as it can start.
“let’s play a game!” it comes from uraraka in the corner as she leans into the center of the circle to get everyone’s attention. “oh yeah? what do you suppose we play?” midoriya this time, slurring, who’s clearly a little drunker than he should be seeing as your only an hour or so into the get together. denki cheers out in the corner and catches everyone’s attention as he quickly finishes his beer and places it in the middle of the circle. “we’re playing seven minutes in heaven.” a wide smirk on his face as he watches everyone agree, you’d maybe think he’d be suggesting this is a way for him to get some but you disagree, you know kami lives for drama and a game like this is surely to brew some up.
people settle into positions and sero finally raises his head from the crook of your neck, you know he’s a merchant of drama and he seems to agree this some in definitely incoming as he awaits the first spin.
tsu goes first as peer pressured by her friends and lands on uraraka, you see a small blush appear on the brunettes features and you wish them good luck as mina shuts the closet door behind them, your all warily keeping it down a little, making little jabs at one another and chuckle quietly, you hear a giggle from the closest and you all burst into laughter, unable to keep quiet anymore as you let the girls finish their 7 minutes.
your unable to remember who goes next but it was surely insignificant, you can feel the alcohol now at your forgetfulness, you join conversation with your friends and await the next spin as the pair who you now see is momo and shinsou leave the closet calmly, it’s clear to everyone that nothing of interest happened which only proves a suspicion you’ve had about momo for awhile, whatever though it’s not your business.
very suddenly and very much to your surprise mina edges you forward to spin the bottle next, your not really sure why, it’s not like your dying to get some, infact your doing pretty well for yourself so her eagerness for you to spin next is unidentifiable to you but alas you don’t argue and you shift, almost crawling on all floors to reach the bottle and spin it harshly, watching as it continues to go round and round.
when it’s completely slowed down you follow the tip of the bottle and realise it’s pointing directly in front of you, you continue to look up and you lock eyes with a shocked pair of red ones. without thinking you stand up and hold a want out too him to help him up. he looks up at you in only complete shock as he grits out “i’m not fuckin’ doing this shit, didn’t fuckin agree to it” you don’t falter, now used to his attitude “what are you scared bakugo? the great katsuki bakugo scared of seven minutes alone with me?”
he gapes at you, jaw dropped and he falters for a second. maybe he is scared. he contemplates for a second before grabbing your hand and letting you help him up, he follows as you guide him into the closet and shut the door behind you.
he huffs at the proximity between you, he’s always been huge but the past few months you can tell he’s been bulking up even more, if that’s even possible. there’s barely enough space for the two of you, your tits are slightly pushed up against him as your back hugs the wall of the closet.
“we don’t have to do anything” you whisper out, slightly slurred due to your drink intake. “we can just chill in here if you’d rather that.” he doesn’t respond and you take a moment to observe him, his cheeks are flushed, either due to the lack of space between the two of you of the alcohol, it’s probably both.
“well it’s not like you can do anything anyway” he spits out and you give him a puzzled look “what do you mean i can’t do anything? you think m’ allergic to kissing people or something?” he chuckles slightly at that, you feel a little twinge of pride, you’ve always been able to do that, draw small chuckles out of the man in front of you. you’ve been able to lock down on what draws it out of him and being mouthy certainly seems to do the trick.
“na… y’know your with tape arms and stuff dno’ why you even came in here with me, dno’ why you even spinned that bottle” now it’s your turn to chuckle at him, did he seriously believe that you and sero were together? like an actual item? did other people believe that too? you swore up and down you’d made it very clear that was not the case. “me and sero are definitely not together” you giggle slightly as you say it, he doesn’t respond so you continue “he’s a very close friend of mine and i know we’re a little touchy but we’re definitely not seeing each other” his eyes seem to dart up to you as you finish your sentence, the words clearly settling in.
“why do you guys act like that them?” he sounds almost… defected? it’s a tone you can’t quite figure out. “m’ not sure, it just kinda happened one day and became the norm for us i guess” he lets out a slight hum and you settle into silence briefly before he speaks. “so why-” he cuts himself off, cursing quietly before continuing “so why did you come in here with me?” he gets quieter as he continues to speak, he’s nervous. that much is entirely obvious to you even in your drunken state. you look him in the eyes when you answer him this time “well what usually happens when you entire a closet with someone during this game bakugo?” his breath seems to quicken at this and you feel his chest moving faster against your own, quickly reminding you of the contact between you two as you glance down at your tits still pushed against his chest, the sight sets a blush across your cheeks, bakugos eyes seem to follow yours as an even bigger red blush appears across his face.
“i already said before that we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want too, but that doesn’t mean i don’t want too.” you explain it too him calmly, you are not inexperienced, not in the slightest but though his actions it’s telling that bakugo may be- giving you the upper hand.
“no-“ he ushers it out quickly “no- i think- i think i want too” you watch as his blush deepens even more, it’s cute you think, nothing like how he usually is, you quite like him like this.
you take this as an opportunity to lift your hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards you, you stop as his lips are hovering slightly above your own. “you gotta let me know if you want me to stop” he nods quickly and you take that as confirmation, you take a tight grip on his hair and force his lips down to meet your own, he immediately groans at the impact, rushing to place heavy hands on the side of your waist, wasting no time as he pulls you impossibly closer to him.
your forcing your tongue down his throat and he groans again, you immediately feel him already against your thigh and you wonder how long he’s been hard like that. he kisses you like he’s starved, attempting to push himself even closer to you, it appears he’s fighting for dominance until you pull slightly on his hair and he melts into you with another noise bubbling in his throat- a whine almost exhales him and in that moment you decide your pulling a proper whine from him that night, it might be the best thing you’ve ever heard.
far too suddenly for your liking the door swings open, revealing to your entire class the compromising position you and bakugo are in, he nearly screams at the suddenly light shining in his eyes. you make eye connect with mina and her jaw drops. bakugo immediately disconnects with you and you find yourself missing his warmth. your bombarded with questions as bakugo takes your hand in his and rushes you both out the closet, ignoring the pleas from your classmates.
“party’s over for me shitty hair” bakugo shouts at kirishima, not even taking a glance in his direction as he storms you both, still hand in hand past the crowd of your classmates and towards the stairs. “you fuckers have a good time down here or whatever, we’re going up to bed.” he smirks at this, pulling you even faster through the hall.
“have a great night everyone!” you shout as you look back at your friends, they’re mouths gaping in complete shock, you send them a wink as you turn back to bakugo, speeding to catch up with him. happily following him up to his dorm. luckily for you, you’d turned around too quickly to see the defeated look on a certain black haired classmate of yours as he watches you be dragged even further away from him by a boy he knows has shared the same crush he’s had on you since your first year at ua.
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AHHHH BAKUGO FIC!!! i’m considering making this a little series because i can’t get seven minutes in heaven with the mha characters out of my head. not proofread yet so if there’s mistakes then there’s mistakes!
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ashdaidiot · 9 months
Just tried to have a nap but instead thought about werewolf!Katsuki and Bunny!reader and i thought i should share😙
(if somebody already made something similar to this i didn't know this just popped up in my head while trying to have my afternoon nap)
Werewolf!Katsuki who walks through a bright, little forest one hot spring day and comes across little Bunny!reader in her garden collecting her veggies and fruits she had planted
Werewolf!Katsuki who wants a closer look at the little bunny and walks behind a tree to get a good look at the bunny in her short sundress
Werewolf!Katsuki who watches her as she collects up her carrots and moves on to her strawberry bush which is covered in large red strawberries
Werewolf!Katsuki who gets bored now watching the little bunny until she bends down to grab the strawberries that are lower in the bush and catches a glimpse of her bare pussy under the dress and her twitchy cotton ball tail
Werewolf!Katsuki who now has a large tent in his pants as he watches her with desire and lust as she swings her hips left and right as she collects the yummy strawberries
Werewolf!Katsuki who can't get enough of her little cunt on display for him in the warm sunlight
Werewolf!Katsuki who walks away from the tree and quietly climbs over her fence surrounding her garden and is intoxicated by the closer sight of her cunt covered in her slick and who just now needs a taste for himself
Werewolf!Katsuki who kneels down behind the obvious little bunny and sticks his face right in her cunt making her yelp out in surprise and quickly turns her head to glare at him
Werewolf!Katsuki who doesn't even give her a chance to speak before he licked a long strip of her pussy making her moan out
Werewolf!Katsuki whose pupils dilate at the taste of her cunt and starts lapping at her pussy with greed
Bunny!Reader who tries moving away from his tongue making him roughly grab her by waist and flipping her around so her back in on the grass and so there's a less likely chance of her wiggling away from his grip and greedy tongue
Werewolf!Katsuki who holds the bunny down by her thighs as he licks, sucks and sips on her little cunt leaving her a whining and whimpering mess
Werewolf!Katsuki who makes the bunny squirt on his face as she cums
Werewolf!Katsuki who sits up and wipes his chin with the back of his hand from her cum and his sip and she lays on the floor panting and trying to catch her breath
Werewolf!Katsuki who sees her little bucket of carrots and picks a nice thick one before shoving it up her cunt making her moan loudly
Werewolf!Katsuki who picks Bunny!reader up and fixes her little sundress off from grass and dirt while she stands there with wobbly legs and a carrot shoved up her cunt
Werewolf!Katsuki who stands up straight looking down at the bunny before press his lips to hers for a brief moment letting her taste herself before pulling and away and speaking with a lazy smirk on his face "Be a good little bunny and keep that carrot up there for me later, yeah?" he speaks with a soft-ish tone while the little bunny nods her head even though there's nothing really going on in there since it's hazy from her orgasm
"Good bunny" he says before giving her a little pat on the ass and leaving
Uhm so this is like my first writing like post so i know there's probably mistakes somewhere in it but if you could please point it out or just tell me so i could improve that'll be great!
xx, Ashie
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rebee-sweetie · 7 months
*Slight smut and some fluff*
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Bakugo can be such an ass. During the times he does his patrols and hero work he is honest to God, a jackass. Constantly yelling at pedestrians and his friends working along side him. His pride becoming of him. Even though he’s aged and matured in his adult years, not much changed in his mannerisms. Bakugo’s a top Pro Hero but still doesn’t realize kindness isn’t a weakness. But when you are doing hero work with him or doing a patrol he is so much worse. The yelling and degrading is constant. Even though the public knows you’re both in a relationship, it sure as hell doesn’t look like it. In the public eye he’s constantly telling you to,
“Keep up!”
“Ur’ such an damn idiot!”
“Fuck you!”
The list could continue on. But today you had stepped a little too close to Katsuki and it just set him off. It was like you could see a nuclear bomb go off in this man’s eyes. A large, gloved hand palmed your face and pushed you away. His face seething and eyes burning a dark crimson. Bakugo’s eyebrows were knitted together and his glare was sharp as daggers. You felt like you could choke on the tension in the air as people around you watched the sight unfold. His thick fingers gripped at your rosy cheeks as he chewed your ear off about not paying attention to where you were walking. The chewing became a lecture on how letting your focus wander is an opportunity for a villain to take advantage. That was until Kiri stepped in and scolded him on talking that way to his significant other. But all you could do was smile. Because you knew something everyone else didn’t.
Your Suki was rough and angry on the outside, but he had a huge soft spot for you. When it was just the two of you, he was incredibly sweet and gentle. A side no one but you were allowed to. There were constantly flowers in your apartment sent from Bakugo. He always knew when they were starting to wilt because a new bouquet of flowers would be at your doorstep. The card would always read:
“Only the finest for my prettiest and only sweetheart.”
He knew your favorite flowers, foods, colors, and even childhood memories. When he first laid eyes on you, he knew he wanted you, your body, everything. He was going to have you. He was going to make you his and his alone. He made it his mission to know everything about you. He constantly spoiled you and when you’d casually mention something was cute or nice, you’d see it appear in your apartment quickly after. He loved cuddling you every chance he got, pulling you on top of his chest when laying on his couch. Overtime, he would slowly move you into his home, too prideful to come out and ask you to move in.
So even though you got the same treatment as everyone else in public, you were being treated like a Princess in private. You loved it, and even though he was rough with you when others were watching, there was never a bruise or scratch on you contrary to what some of the media might say. He was an asshole but he wasn’t abusive.
The cuddles were sweet but the kisses from him were even sweeter. His lips and skin like honey to you. He worshiped your body away from the prying eyes of the public. He knew each and every curve like the back of his hand. Sex with Katsuki wasn’t just hot but out of this world. He wasn’t lying about being naturally gifted at everything. His body always seemed to move so perfectly in line with yours and he knew your body in ways even you didn’t. When he was finished with you, you’d see stars. Sometimes he’d get you so good you’d wonder if you had seen God. You became a drug to him that he simply couldn’t get enough of. But in public, he didn’t know what to do with himself. He would rather die than show the world he could be soft. His whole personality was jagged like the callouses and scars that littered his body. You thought that maybe the reason he acted this way is because he was terrified of the idea of having vulnerabilities to the creatures that lured in the dark, waiting, praying for his downfall.
All you knew is that you loved the way he was, and you wanted nothing to change. You were extremely content being loved so passionately in the darkness. Because at the end of the day, that was your man and you were his woman. You even had the markings on your body to prove it.
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Clingy -Clingy Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Wife!Reader
I used to write Bakugo all the time (no, he's not a husbando of mine, you don't have to worry about me claiming him) but rarely do it now.
Fluff (slight angst) | 1,020 words
Once again not edited
Warnings!: Mentions of- death, losing a loved one, regret, (👈all from random civilians) and insecurity
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A hum escaped your lips as you wiped down your kitchen counter, basking in your husband's warmth.
"Do we have to do that now." Bakugo grumbled, pecking at your neck semi-aggresively.
"Yes Suki. I do not want to wake up to a messy house. And can you help? I'd get done a whole lot faster~."
"I am helping. I'm your emotional support."
"Katsuki.. will you please just get off me and do the dishes or something?"
"But I want cuddles." Bakugo all but whined, tightening his grip on your waist before nuzzling his face into your neck, ears red at his show of affection.
You just sighed, resting your head against Bakugo's before going back to your cleaning- a smile stuck on your lips.
After another thirty minutes you looked around at your living room, satisfied with your work. You single handedly cleaned the entire downstairs with Bakguo attached to you the entire time. You're not exactly sure why, but ever since Bakugo came home from work he's been clingy onto you, demanding you pay attention to him, and practically whining whenever you got up to do something.
"Are we done now?" Bakugo muttered, voice heavy with sleepiness.
"Yes baby. I'm done now."
Bakugo gave you a peck on the shoulder as a response, lazily picking you up. Wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, you had to admit that this was pretty perfect.
Your usually tsundere husband was giving you the attention that you demanded daily, showing off his clingy side for whatever reason. But for some reason you felt like something was.. off.
Bakugo -though he loves you dearly- rarely showed it via pyshical touch. He would cook and work for you, leave you little notes -which he totally blew off as you being crazy or you having a stalker, or in Bakugo's words: "They're probably from Dunce Face. He's always been jealous of me getting the hottie of the class" -, and grumpily letting you cuddle him and shower him with affection. And of course, he does xnotx like it at all. No no he hates it. But- if you come home you have thirty minutes to give him at the very least five minutes of your time showering him with this "unwanted" affection before he blows up and ignores you for a few hours.
Even though sometimes this was quite frustrating, most of the time you found it endearing, causing you to go soft for your big baby and give him the affection he adores- no matter how many times he denies it.
But this was different.
He's clung onto you for five hours.
The best you've gotten -and this was when he woke up feeling super clingy- was thirty minutes before he got bored of following you around as you did this and that, and so he went and sat on the couch, pouting as he watched you giggle at him.
After Bakugo tucked you in he immedietly climbed in beside you, wrapping you up in his arms as he pressed a few kisses onto your head, causing you to giggle.
"I love you Teddybear."
"And I you, Handsome. But.. is there anything wrong?"
At your silence you took that as a yes.
Leaning away from him, you left just enough space to look him in the eyes, playing with his hair as he looked down at your arm, drawing patterns onto it absent mindedly.
"You know you can tell me." You murmur, lifting Bakugo's chin so he was forced to meet your gaze.
"At work today.. there was this.. couple. The girl got crushed, and she wasn't able to be saved in time. She died-"
You panicked as Bakugo started slightly tearing up. Moving to kiss away the tears gathering in his lashes, you grabbed his hand, rubbing at his knuckles encouragingly.
"The- the man.. he was sobbing into her xdeadx body, apolgizing for not expressing his love enough.. he was so.. broken. And it reminded me of you- me specifically. You give me so much affection, but I- I hardly give you any in return. And I don't want to regret not showing you the love that you need, the love that you deserve."
"Oh baby." You coo, pulling Bakugo into your arms, pressing feather like kisses to any skin you could reach as Bakugo clung to you, letting a few tears fall.
"Listen- you do show me how much you love me. It's just not in the same way. Like when you cook me your special bentos, telling me to eat it or you're gonna track me down and force-feed me, or when you slave away only to come home and take me shopping, and when you leave me all of those sweet notes, telling me how much you love me, and spending a special amount on time on something so random."
"They're never random." Bakugo huffed, nipping a your shoulder lovingly.
"And I quote: 'Y/n, Teddybear, Goregous, Doll, Angel, and Keeper of not only my heart but soul, just so yk- that shirt looks xdazzlingx on you. You are so freaking xgoregousx if you weren't already married I'd ask for your hand.'"
"What!? You. Looked. Amazing."
"Katsuki, hunny.. you made it sound like I was a super model when I was in the same pjs I was wearing for the past three days with stains showing what I had for every meal since I put them on."
"You were goregous. And don't make fun of yourself. Your favoirte character just died."
"See- look. You remembered. That's another thing that makes you such a good husband, Babe."
"Yeah yeah whatever." Bakugo grumbled, wiggling out of your hold to pull you into his.
"I love you, idiot."
"And I you, boom boom boi."
Giggles filled the room as Bakugo pinned you to the bed, mercissly bombarding you with tickles, pinches -calm down they were soft, don't kill your idiot-, and kisses.
And no, he didn't stop until you apologized.
And no, you didn't apologize until your sides were aching and you desperately missed the warmth of your husband's chest.
Comments, Requests, and Reblogs are always appreciated <33
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Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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shutit-haha · 1 year
Rocker Bakugo pt.2
Rocker Bakugo who writes a song about you. He's angsty and pissed, rather than to admit he's in his feels he just composes this whole piece about not needing you. Low-key it's a fuckin banger.
Rocker Bakugo who keeps you as his manager. You're good at your job, he was lying about people being better than you. No one is better than you. You're the best at everything. Your great with contracts, and his temper, great at loving him, and pushing him to do better.
Rocker Bakugo who says it's only until he can find a replacement but he misses having you around. The apartment's so fucking empty and after about a week he gets fed up with only seeing you for work stuff. So he demands for you to stop by the studio, to watch and listen. (Like you used too.) You know he only misses you, but you'd be damned if you let him off easy.
Rocker Bakugo who plays the song in front of you. He's smug about it too, like he didn't practically plead for you to watch him. (Again.) You're pissed, because what an ass! So of course you make him play it again, and again, and again. After about the third time you let the rest of the band leave but not Bakugo, he has to stay.
Rocker Bakugo who's grumbling and playing shitty now because he's pissed. He's growling and playing harder than he need too. If he keeps this up he might just break something or drain himself entirely. You're a jerk though, you keep poking him and poking him.
"Do you know what you're doing?" You're being condescending. You speak to him as of he were some incompetent child, stare doing little to help negate that idea.
Rocker Bakugo who feels like one. He can see his Mother's gaze right after five year old him has thrown a fit. He sees it in you and it irks him. "Of course I know what the hell I'm doing, I made the damn thing!"
"Let me see the sheet," you're in front of him now. You're standing centered in front of his drum set hand out stretched for the sheet music. Now he really does feel like a little boy. And isn't that what he is? A huffy child who misses his mommy.
"I've got it," he snarls at you, snapping slightly.
You snatch the sheet anyways returning to your spot on the wall. "Play."
"Ain't shit to read."
"You don't got it memorized," you cock a brow. "Play."
"I will dammit!"
Rocker Bakugo who fucks it up. "Do it again." You command him knowing that the poor boy is tired.
"I can't," he mumbles.
"I said I can't!" His chest is rising and falling way too quickly, his hair covers his face as to prevent you from seeing his eyes. His arms sag from how sore they are, and there's a slight shake too him. "I'm fuckin' tired, can't keep doing this shit."
"Then I need a new cash cow."
His head snaps forward, eyes meeting yours with a nasty glare. "You know damn well I can't play when you take away the sheet music."
You took a step forward, "you made the damn thing. Figured with how proud and confident you were in it, it'd be hard to forget."
"You're being a b-" He sucks air in through his teeth, slamming down his sticks and tilting his head back so he can breathe.
"Oh but you can turn me into a song? I don't want to be some jingle for a monster energy can Bakugo." You're halfway to him, only a couple steps left. "Do it again."
"I can't."
"Again Bakugo."
"I'm fuckin' tired."
Rocker Bakugo who knows you're still mad at him. He doesn't know how to make it up to you, he doesn't even know how to start.
Rocker Bakugo who tries anyways. He picks up the sticks and starts playing your favorite song. Your gaze softens, it isn't enough but it works for now. The both of you are so tired, you hate sleeping alone and that scene just keeps playing in his head.
His voice is hoarse and dry so when he sings its awful, but it makes you laugh. You're humming with him, just content to be in the same space without all that tension. "I know you're not out to get me, I trust you. Sometimes being at the top-"
"Means you forget to be grounded," the two of you speak in unison.
"Works the other way too," you start. "When you're always looking up, you forget there's trouble even in the stars. Constellations tell stories of heartbreak and death, and all I can think of is-"
"Walking on the clouds," he finishes for you. There's a smug little smirk on his face, pleased that he can still remember that line of yours.
"You gonna behave drummer boy?" Your hand cups his cheek, "gonna keep playing the beat to my heart."
He kisses your palm, and sets the sticks down. "Read over the thingy, was a lot better than I originally thought it was."
"I don't know who told you it wasn't."
"Kaminari had overheard something from the other negotiation team and made a dumbass assumption."
"And you believed it?"
"Was blindsided, sweetheart."
"You owe me."
"I know," he grabs at your waist. "Just come home," his other hand covers the one you have on his cheek.
Rocker Bakugo who has to have make-up sex with you. It's part of your dynamic. When the two of you were in high school you used argue over the smallest of things just so that you could bang afterward. As you guys went to college it became a little more difficult, having to learn that sex didn't make up for communication. Though the two of you struggle with words, you've definitely gotten better. And well any progress is progress.
Rocker Bakugo who some how ends up underneath you. When you said he owed you he didn't expect edging to be the price. Yet here he was in a dopey cow headband, with leather cuffs on each wrist as you edge him till he breaks.
Rocker Bakugo who's too lost in his orgasm to notice you taking a picture. It's deserved though, you'll just count it as part of the punishment.
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bakugosbratx · 1 year
Kayy... reader just havin a hard time with life and gets cuddles from the one and only Bakugou 🥰
Katsuki is such a great cuddler. His muscular, strong, scar covered arms hold you tightly, but in a gentle yet protective way like the world could never touch you as long as he is there.
Your head lays on his chest, his breathing is so soothing and relaxing. Katsuki doesn’t say much, he doesn’t need to. He will just lay with you, protecting you from the cruel world. He can’t fix all of your problems, no matter how hard he tries and dammit, he tries, but he will do his best to comfort you and help you with your day to day struggles.
There may not be much he can do, but right here, right in this moment, you are safe. You’ll always be safe in his presence.
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notsunnyowo · 1 year
Your Name
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader (part 3)
(part 2)
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"(Y/n)? Are you all right? ~ You've been staring at your dinner like it's wronged you?" Mrs. (L/n) commented, looking at her spaced out daughter with a worried look. "Did something happen at school dear?"
The girl glanced up at her mother, her lips pursed into a tight frown. (M/n) knew her daughter well, and seeing her child like that immediately set off her alert. Something was bothering her baby, and she wasn't going to just sit around and do nothing whilst her only child suffered.
"You know you can tell me anything, right dear?" She spoke up, taking the girl's hand in her own and giving it a gentle squeeze.
Letting out a heavy sigh (Y/n) finally spoke up. "I've just been.. thinking.." She began. "About my mark, and about dad.."
Upon the mention of her husband, (M/n) stiffened. Ever since what happened to her father, it had always been a sensitive subject to talk about. And this only made her worry about her child more.
"What made you think of that sweetheart?" The woman asked in a comforting manner, trying her best to remain calm for the sake of her daughter.
"Well.." (Y/n) began with a heavy tone. "I met Bakugou today.."
At the mention of his name, (L/n)'s mother raised a brow. Under normal circumestances she would've been thrilled to find out that her daughter had finally met her potential soulmate. But seeing the girl's distraught state was telling her that perhaps there was something more to it. Something she had a feeling she wouldn't be too happy about.
"He's in my class." Began (Y/n), tossing the piece of sushi from one side of her plate to the other. The girl had a distant look on her face while doing so, as if she was lost in deep thought. "I actually ran into him before class even started, but I didn't yet know it was him."
"Well what are you all-so gloomy about then dear? For all we know there's a good chance that boy's your soulmate? Shouldn't you be a bit happier that you've finally met him?" Her mother asked, pausing for a moment. "That is, if you even want him to be your soulmate?"
"It's not that- It's just.." By now the grip she had on her chopsticks was much tighter than before. If she were to apply even a bit more pressure they could break in half. "I'm affraid.. ~ Because of what happened to dad."
Her eyes were focused on the meal on her plate as she continued. "I mean- I don't even know if he's my soulmate or not?"
She paused before, glancing up at her mother. "When I first talked to him he was so rude.. And, not just with me! ~ He was like that with everyone for the entire school day!"
"He treated everyone like we were all some sort of extras in his twisted film. ~ Hell, even actual extras get better treatment than how he treated us!"
A deafening silence filled the room as the girl quieted down. Both mother and daughter stood there in utter silence. One due to not knowing what to say and the other as a means of calming down.
(Y/n) was the one to cut the silence. "I don't know how to feel.. What if he's not my soulmate? What if he's my enemy? What if-"
"(Y/n)." Her mother interjected, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Even if that boy isn't your soulmate, it doesn't mean that the past will repeat itself."
The girl glanced up at her mother, her eyes meeting the woman's own and almost immediately the girl could feel the calming effects her mother's gentle nature had on her.
"You're strong girl (Y/n), don't you ever forget that. Just because he might not be your soulmate doesn't mean you should be afraid. You're more than capable of taking care of yourself now."
At those words, the girl smiled softly and wrapped her arms around her mother, embracing her in a big hug. With her face buried in the crock of her mother's neck, she said. "Thanks mom.. I don't know what I'd do without you."
(M/n) lightly ruffled her daughter's hair as she sighed softly. "Me too kiddo. Me too."
"Katsuki! I told you to take out the trash, damn it!" A feminine, yet rough voice yelled.
Followed an equally rough, but masculine tone. "And I fuckin' told you I've got shit to do!"
"Well whatever you've "gotta do" can wait a second! Stop being so damn lazy and take out the trash, you brat!"
"Fuckin- Fine! I'll take out your stupid trash!" Bakugou growled as he begrudgingly got up from his desk and headed down towards the kitchen. Entering the room he took the garbage bag out of the trashcan and proceeded to take it outside, before finally throwing it into the much larger garbage can.
Once his chore was done, the blonde returned back to the house and entered the kitchen where his mother was once more. Katsuki was being far more quiet than usual and his mother was quick to notice the sudden change in behaivour her son was showing.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" She asked, turning her attention away from the dirty dishes in the sink to look at her scowling son.
"Is that the best way you could've asked?" He scoffed, before rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
It was painfully obvious that both mother and son shared a handful of similarities. Be it from their appearance to their personalities, it was as if young Bakugou was a copied and pasted version of his mother. With a few minor tweaks and changes of course.
So it should come as no surprise that they conversed with one another in a rather... Unusual manner..
"Will you just spit it out already? I've got work to do, y'know?" Even though Mrs. Bakugou came off as someone who didn't care for her child, that was far off from the truth. In actuality, you could see that she was just like any other mother. That is, if you looked hard enough.
And just like every mother out there she cared and worried about her child's well-being, even if Mitsuki made it almost impossible to notice.
"Met her today." Katsuki stated, his tone was as monotone as it could possibly be, void of any and all emotion and practically impossible to read.
"(L/n)?" His bewildered mother asked, her eyes locked onto her son's unmoving figure.
With a slight smile on her face, Mistuki began. "Well? What's she like?"
At that question, the blonde simply shrugged his shoulders. "Clumsy." He answered. "Damn girl ran into me this morning. ~ But at least she doesn't seem that weak. Could make for a decent enemy."
"Or a good soulmate." She asked added. "Why do you keep going on about this whole enemy thing? You should be hoping that girl's your soulmate otherwise you're as good as single forever."
"Tch. How many times do I have to tell you? I don't fucking need a shitty soulmate! I'm fine on my own and I don't want some stupid-ass soulmate holding me down."
The woman let out a defeated sigh upon hearing his harsh words. "Listen, Katsuki. You can't stick to this whole "I don't need no one" crap. I know it may seem like it but believe me. Having someone by your side is better than being alone. Together you are stronger than when you are apart."
She paused, looking down at her wrist. "I couldn't be luckier to have met your father. I too thought that I would be better off alone but he changed that." She said smiling softly. "Changed me."
"So, I guess what I'm trying to say is.. Give her a chance. ~ And for the love of god don't fuck things up if she does end up being your soulmate."
With yet another eye roll, Bakugou looked away. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
Tch.. As if I'd ever stoop so low.
That's the thing about people. They think they know everything, but the reality is far from it. And this only makes it seem like they barely know anything.
Just when you think you've got someone figured out, you find out things you never knew about that person. Things you would've never believed if you hadn't seen with your own eyes.
And the most important part about it?
That person who you thought you knew could, well in fact, turn out to be you.
Fresh air always helped relax a person, and Bakugou was no exception to that rule. He, for one, relished in the comfort and tranquility the outdoors brought him. If you'd let him walk around nature he wouldn't stop until getting absolutely exhausted.
However that wasn't the only reason he went out on such walks. The ashen blonde often found himself out and about whenever he felt the need to think, or when he simply had a lot on his mind.
Such was the predicament he found himself in today.
After the talk with his mother, the boy felt the need to go and get some fresh air. And so, he did.
He couldn't recall for how long he had been walking, but judging from his surroundings, he'd have to guess that it had been around 10 minutes.
He was no longer near his house and had come across the park he used to play in when he was younger. Just looking around filled him with all the memories he made in there.
Allowing his legs to lead the way, the crimson eyed boy found himself arriving at a far too familiar fence.
A soft smirk tugged his lips as he looked at the barbed wire gate. Taking a look around to see if anyone was watching, he opened the gate and walked beyond the fence, stepping foot deeper into memory lane.
The surrounding nature brought a sense of calmness with it. Leading the boy further in.
It took him another ten minutes till he arrived at a familiar sight. It was the tree bridge from all those years back. But now, almost completely unrecognizable. It was rotting and broken in half. Only to be expected from a tree that old.
As he stared at the damaged log, his mind trailed off to that faithful day.
The first time he saw her name.
Raising his left hand the blonde looked down at it. His ruby eyes focusing on the words neatly written on it.
"(L/n) (Y/n)"
His words were heavy, yet her name rolled off his tongue with such ease.
"Tch.. You better be a worthy opponent." He spoke, his eyes still focused on his hand.
Bakugou would be lying if he said that he didn't feel an odd sensation in his wrist the moment he first heard her name. It was a rather peculiar feeling if you ask him. Something like goosebumps on the skin where the name was written.
It wasn't anything too extraordinary, just a light tingly sensation. Strong enough, however, to get his attention.
The odd thing was that he had never felt such an emotion before. So you could only imagine what it could've made him feel.
Confused, was one way to put it. He didn't know what was happening, nor why it was even happening in the first place. But one thing was for sure. Not knowing the cause was seriously pissing him off.
He wasn't one to particularly 'like' being left in the dark and not understanding things. And this whole feeling was only raising more questions than answering.
"What's so special about you, huh?" He asked, referring to the girl whose name was written on his hand. "I don't fucking need a specific name to know who my enemy is. So why the fuck is this even a thing?"
"How come you're so sure it's your enemy and not your soulmate?"
His mother's words rang in his mind.
"For all we know it could be either."
Kicking a pebble and causing it to fall into the small river below, Katsuki clicked his tongue. "Yeah, right." He shoved his hands into his pockets and began walking once more, although this time, heading back home.
"As if a mere extra like her could be my soulmate."
(part 4)
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans, I present to you, Katsuki x Rejceted!Reader Part II. Just so you know, this continuation was picked by readers like you. Fair warning: This turns into a jumbled love triangle, so I suppose minor angst is to be expected. Even so, I hope you enjoy this piece. In order to keep with the "years later" theme, this jumps ahead in time. But not too far ahead. ]
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[ Chapter Two Summary: After seeing you at the provisional licensing exam, Katsuki begins to struggle with his past and present feelings for you. This leads him to ask your closest friends, Camie and Inasa, to convince you to meet him at a coffee shop for a much-needed talk. Things get more complicated when you misunderstand Katsuki's words and Inasa reveals feelings you never knew he had for you. ]
“Come on! At least tell them, damn it!” He snapped at Camie who crossed her arms and turned her back on him. They had just finished the remedial training course, and although cheerful children echoed in the background, it didn’t calm her anger.
What Katsuki did to you was wrong and failing the provisional licensing exam served him right. “Why would I do that? You’re totes hot, but you’re like one of the meanest dudes ever and you hurt Y/n’s feelings!” she declared, stomping her foot against the ground.
Her eyes focused on the bleachers where you sat. Although she couldn’t see your facial features, she knew you were smiling. Much like Seiji, you were given permission to observe but also support her and Inasa.
She seemed content and over what had happened to her during the provisional licensing exam while you remained paranoid. You passed the first round of the exam only to realize she was missing. When you looked for her, you became the next target of an attack.
You frowned and grazed the scar on your upper arm. Only your closest friends and teachers knew about the incident which you were grateful for considering the media would explode if they found out more than one student was targeted.
Katsuki growled, curling his hands into fists. “I know what I said before, but listen to what I’m saying now, damn it!” he hated that he had to plead with a moron in order to talk to you. “HEY!” A loud booming voice echoed from behind him.
“What’s going on here!?” Inasa shouted with a wide smile. Camie turned around, somewhat relieved to see him. “Bakugou wants to talk to Y/n, but he’s such a meanie. I don’t trust him around them!” she explained, pointing her finger at him.
Inasa tilted his head, placing his hands on his hips. “Y/n!?” he exclaimed before approaching Katsuki who scowled at him. “How do you know Y/n!?” he asked, not quite demanding but not quite willing to have his question disregarded.
Katsuki glared at him and remained silent. “They went to the same middle school, but Bakugou was mean to them when they confessed and at the provisional licensing exam!” Camie explained, again pointing her finger at him although he looked like he was going to bite it off.
“Why don’t you shut the hell up Glamouroki!?” he snapped. She rolled her eyes and pouted in response. “See, totes mean,” she commented crossing her arms. “What did I just say!?” he screamed with his hair standing on end.
“It’s none of your damn business what happened in the past!” Inasa listened to the conversation, scratching his head. “Wait!” he shouted. “Y/n confessed to you!?” he shifted his attention to the bleachers, and his heart accelerated when he saw you.
“Mm…” He pulled his hat down to hide his face. He recalled you had come to him before the provisional licensing exam started and how Camie explained some “rude but hot guy” made you upset and that he needed to cheer you up.
‘Was Bakugou the one she meant?' He thought, feeling jealous. Yes, he was usually a happy-go-lucky individual. But it was different when people hurt those he cared about or his pride. He hadn’t told you yet, but he had feelings for you.
He loved and admired the dedication and work you put into becoming a hero from the start. But do you still love Katsuki? If you did, he had no right to stand in your way. From what he could gather, Katsuki wanted to talk to you and seemed angry that Camie refused to help him.
As much as he hated the thought of you being with someone else, if it made you happy then he needed to help in any way he could. “We’ll help you talk to Y/n!” he declared, daring to pull Katsuki against him in a half-attempted embrace.
“Get the hell off me!” the angry blond was ready to use his quirk if need be. “Huh?” Camie blinked and tilted her head, clearly confused. “What do you mean? He and Y/n are so not meant to be!” she commented, wanting to protect your best interests. “They're totally the beauty, but Bakugou will always be the beast!” she added.
Katsuki stiffened and glared at her. “What the hell did you just say!?” he demanded, breaking free of Inasa's grip. He laughed in return and shrugged. “You never know until you try and if Y/n has feelings for him, we'll help!” he said, slapping the angry boy on the shoulder.
Whether you still had feelings for him or not wasn't known, but since the provisional licensing exam, he couldn’t stop thinking about you or the past the two of you shared together. No, he wasn’t attracted to you, or at least he refused to admit it. But there was clearly something to patch up between the two of you.
Camie crossed her arms. “What do you want to say to them? Like something romantic or cool?” she asked, even if Shiketsu had a strict no-dating policy, she couldn't help but get excited over the idea of romance especially forbidden relationships, they were the cutest! Katsuki clenched his jaw, shifting his gaze to the bleachers.
You were now standing with your hands pressed against your chest, gazing at all three of them. ‘Damn it…’ he thought. ‘I can’t believe I’m gonna say this,’ he turned back to Inasa and Camie. “Just tell them to meet me at Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe in Esuha City tomorrow at noon!” he snapped before walking away.
“Is something wrong?” Shoto asked, noticing Katsuki’s scowl was deeper than normal. “Be quiet icy hot bastard!” he replied, pushing past him without a care. Shoto blinked, clearly confused before looking at Camie and Inasa who shrugged in response.
“I don’t get what his problem is,” she commented, placing a hand on her hip. “He’s obviously frustrated that he hasn’t talked to Y/n until now! Let's tell them the good news!” Inasa replied happily, despite feeling an ache course through his chest.
Camie frowned, others believed she was absent-minded and stupid, but she knew when something wasn’t right, especially when it involved feelings. She didn’t like the idea of Katsuki being close to you much less trying to talk to you.
But Inasa was her friend, and if he thought it was okay, she trusted his judgment. “I bet they’re totes happy we passed this time!” she said, clapping her hands before grabbing the front of Inasa’s costume to pull him along.
“Hm…” Hizashi had been watching the spectacle and couldn’t help but scratch his head. Katsuki seemed to have something important to say, but how did he know you when you attended Shiketsu High School and weren't even a part of the exam?
“Something ain’t adding up here,” he muttered before looking at Katsuki who seemed to be having an argument with Shoto. “Hey!” Camie exclaimed wrapping her arms around you. “Oh, uh hey,” you said, returning her embrace although she sensed something was off.
“Something wrong?” she asked, pulling away. “Well,” you turned to look at Inasa who smiled. Others commented that he looked happier around you, but it was typical to be happy with friends and family. Then again, you noticed a glint in his eyes whenever he gazed at you.
While you couldn’t quite identify what it was yet, you did know it was warm and caring. “Actually um…” you curled your hands into the bottom of your shirt. “Were you guys talking to…Bakugou down there?” you asked with a pointed finger. “Mmhm!” Inasa responded and you frowned, feeling anger wash over you.
“Why would you talk to him!?” You demanded, glaring at both of them. “I said not to!” Camie exclaimed, holding her hands up. “But Inasa like insisted,” she added, casting the blame on him. You turned to Inasa, your anger fading.
“Why did you, w-what did he want?” you asked, knowing you may have jumped to an unfair conclusion. After all, you didn’t have the right to tell your friends who they could and couldn’t talk to. Inasa noticed the saddened, pained look in your eyes and turned to Camie who shrugged.
It was difficult to tell what was on your mind sometimes and your friends knew better than to push you. But that didn’t stop their concerns. Inasa took a deep breath, forcing a smile back onto his face before touching your shoulder.
“He wants to talk to you!” His words made you jump. “W-what?” you responded. “He wants to talk to you!” he repeated, lowering his hand. “He even wants to take you to a coffee shop!” Your eyes shifted back and forth, processing the information.
“Coffee shop?” you asked, looking at Inasa with a confused but still hurt expression. “Yeah!” Camie said, stepping in between you two. “He said something about a coffee shop in Eusha City,” Inasa nodded. “Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe! He wants to meet with you tomorrow at noon!” he announced, grinning like a madman.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you almost hated yourself for feeling hopeful. Katsuki had broken your trust and heart many times, you thought you had overcome your feelings for him by now but deep down you still felt something for him.
Maybe your feelings for him would always be a part of you or they were trying to tell you something or you were just young and naive. Then again, perhaps he just wanted to apologize or talk about something completely unrelated to your feelings.
Either way, you wouldn't get anywhere unless you faced this issue or learned to live in peace with it. You snapped out of your thoughts when Camie laid her hand on your shoulder. You forced a smile when you turned to look at her.
She was a comfort, despite what happened at the provisional licensing exam still haunting you, both she and Inasa were friends you appreciated. “So…are you going? I mean, he's still a total babe even if he’s a meanie, well maybe not as much of a babe as Todoroki. That guy is a total snack!” she commented.
“Um...right,” you replied with a shrug and walked away. “I think it’s time we get back home. I need time to think about this.” Camie and Inasa exchanged looks before following you. “We could totally have a sleepover and help you decide!” she offered, pressing her hands together hopefully.
You gave her a half-smile, and although you wanted to be alone maybe that wasn’t the wisest decision. “Can I come too!?” Inasa exclaimed, making you laugh. Yeah, you were grateful for their friendship. “Are you sure about this?” Camie asked the following afternoon.
You looked at the ground, ignoring the passersby on the sidewalk and the traffic on the street. You were standing in front of the Katz Caffeine Coffee Cafe with your stomach in knots. It was because of that anxious feeling that you skipped breakfast for fear you might throw up or get nauseous.
You nodded. “I…I think I’ll be okay. I mean if something happens, I’ll just go home, that’s all,” you said nervously chuckling and Camie frowned. “You can totally text or call me, kay?” she still wasn’t sure about this, but she’d always have your back.
You nodded again and looked at her with a forced smile. “Thanks,” she returned it and slapped you on the back causing you to stumble forward. “Totally no problem! That’s what friends are for!” she said, giving you two thumbs up.
“Chat it up and have a sick time!” she said, waving you goodbye as she walked away. “Heh,” you returned the wave half-heartedly before turning to the cafe and taking a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing,” you said, your mind racing through different scenarios of what could happen.
You ordered a latte and sat at one of the corner tables, waiting for Katsuki to arrive and trying to calm yourself. ‘Deep breaths, come on! You’re a hero! You shouldn’t be so concerned about romance…he’s just a friend, right?’ Well maybe “friend” was stretching it.
‘Yeah, remember that! Not a friend! Friends want you, he didn’t so that’s his loss, right? Right!’ You frowned and slammed your head against the table. Why were you giving yourself a pep talk? ‘Nevermind that, just focus on breathing’ You couldn't let this anxiety overwhelm you.
After taking a few sips of much-needed caffeine, Katsuki finally arrived and glanced around the establishment before spotting you. He clenched his jaw. What the hell were you doing in the corner? Were you ashamed to be seen with him?
Well, guess he should be grateful you were here. He glanced away, trying to push down the unfamiliar sensation of butterflies in his stomach. He took a deep breath and stomped over. Your throat tightened when you lifted your head and saw him.
That nervous feeling overwhelmed you once more, and you hoped your coffee would stay down. Silence filled the air as he took his seat and folded his arms across the table. He impatiently tapped his foot, and you glanced down, flushing.
‘This is so awkward’ you thought before jumping in your seat when he exclaimed, “You won't say anything, damn it!?” You looked at him wide-eyed, but your shocked expression turned blank a few seconds later. His attitude has been the same since you were young.
Guess some things never change and while there was an odd comfort in that, eventually change had to happen. Something had to give. You wrapped your hands around your latte cup, finding comfort in its warmth.
“I-it’s nice to…see you again?” you said, shifting your gaze to the table. He scowled, “That’s all you have to say!?” he snapped, and you glanced at him with knitted eyebrows. “But you’re…” you paused, and he leaned forward.
“I’m what, eh!?” he shouted, and you swallowed the lump in your throat. “You’re the one that wanted to talk to me,” the words made your tongue feel like lead. You watched as his eyes widened and he leaned back. “Pff,” he clenched his jaw and turned his head, gazing at the wall instead of you.
“Yeah, so what if I said that?” he replied, ignoring his abnormal heart rate. Damn it, he was never good at expressing his emotions, especially to you. He didn’t like you in middle school but since seeing you at the provisional licensing exam, he couldn’t get you out of his head.
At first, he tried to ignore it but that was a useless effort. He needed to face this and figure out what he felt toward you. He also thought about the past you shared together. There had to be a small part of you that still had feelings for him, right?
You sighed and propped your elbow on the table. That nervous feeling slowly depleted. “You didn’t pass the provisional licensing exam, huh?” you commented, and Katsuki’s hair stood on end. “Why are you bringing that up?!” he exclaimed, obviously sore to talk about something that hit his ego.
“No reason!” you said, holding your hands up. “Just…” you latched onto your bottom lip and leaned over the table. “You know what happened to Camie. Do you think anything else suspicious was going on?” you asked. “What are you talking about?” he demanded with a snarl, and you glanced away.
“Camie was attacked and then...” you pressed a hand to your chest. Despite not wanting anyone else to know, something kept nagging you to tell Katsuki. “Well, when I tried to find her…I was attacked too,” his eyes widened and he pressed his hands against the table, leaning over it which made you lean back in return.
“What do you mean you were attacked!?” He was uncertain if he was angry at you or himself for not being there to protect you. “Keep your voice down!” you hissed, annoyed by his behavior. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves.
“We got separated during the exam and after I passed, I tried looking for her. I thought I saw her with Midoriya, but when I approached well…” You frowned and Katsuki narrowed his eyes. “Spit it out already!” he demanded, hitting the table with his fist.
You couldn’t help but think back to the conversations, or lack of, you had with him years ago. Back then you wouldn’t have thought you’d discuss something like this with him. Ironically, you always pictured yourself being with him and becoming successful heroes together.
“They looked like her, but the way they smiled sent a shiver down my spine, and when they-” you wrapped your arms around yourself, tracing the scar on your upper arm with your thumb. Katsuki narrowed his eyes, concerned and impatient to hear the end of your story.
“They attacked me, it was nothing major but…I had a bit of trouble after that. They impersonated my best friend, and now every time I look at her, I think of them.” You frowned and sighed, pressing your hand against your forehead.
“I know that’s terrible, and I know Camie would never hurt me, but it’s still scary to think that someone you care about attacked you,” a chuckle left your mouth, and you leaned back up, allowing your hand to fall by your side.
“Heh, sorry,” you said, scratching your head. “I, uh, d-don’t really know why I told you that but-” Katsuki growled. “What the hell are you apologizing for?” he questioned. “Uh, w-well I…” You became quiet, unsure how to answer his question.
The fact that he glared at you didn’t help. “You need to get stronger if you don’t want something like that to happen again,” he said, pointing his finger at you. “E-excuse me?” you replied without thinking. You pressed your hands against the table and stood up.
“I trained very hard to get to where I am. I trained hard to impress you but you…you weren’t interested in me that way. Then you asked me to come here only to tell me that if I was stronger, I wouldn’t have gotten attacked by someone that looked like my best friend!?” You exclaimed, gaining some attention from the other patrons in the cafe.
“That’s not how I meant that, damn it!” Katsuki shouted in his defense. “And I’m sure ‘that’s not how you meant it’ back in middle school either or at the licensing exam,” you hissed before walking away only to stumble back when he grabbed your arm.
You immediately jerked away, trying to get out of his grip. “Let. Me. Go.” You growled, glaring at him. Anger flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth, but no words came out. Damn it, why are you so hard to talk to? His hand tightened around your arm, making you wince in response.
“Fine!” he said, releasing you. “Go ahead! I’m still gonna be the best damn hero and you’re not going to be a part of my life!” He knew as soon as he said those words, he would regret it. His heart sank when he saw sadness fill your eyes.
“Fine,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper before you turned and walked out the door. Tears rolled down your cheeks by the time you reached the sidewalk. You decided to hide in the alleyway next to the cafe so as to not draw attention to yourself and wiped your eyes.
“I should have known he wouldn’t change…” you said in a broken whisper before pulling out your phone to call Camie. She impatiently tapped her fingers against the table across the street from the cafe. “Camie!” A familiar voice echoed through the air.
“O.M.G. Finally!” she said, motioning Inasa over. He smiled and plopped into the seat opposite her. “So what are we doing again!?” he exclaimed in his usual over-excited manner. “Duh, we’re spying on Y/n!” she said, crossing her arms.
“I so don’t trust Bakugou around them,” she turned her head, narrowing her eyes at the cafe. “Hm?” Inasa tilted his head and rested his elbow on the table, cradling his cheek in his hand. “You don’t trust him?! I didn’t trust Todoroki at first. He's still a rival but I know he’s strong and has a change in his eyes now!”
She leaned across the table. “I create illusions hun, but I can see through them. Y/n tried like super hard to get Bakugou's attention, but he was super mean to them! I’m not sure if that guy has a heart, but they are so not meant to be,” she said, making an “X” shape with her fingers.
“After what he’s done to Y/n, do you trust him to make them happy?” she asked, and Inasa’s smile faded. “Well…no!” he said, and Camie tilted her head. “Then why did you convince them to meet with him? Isn't that like the opposite of what you're supposed to do when you don't trust someone?” His smile returned.
“Maybe! But if Y/n has feelings for him, I want them to be happy!” he shouted, throwing his arms in the air. “Mm…” Camie tapped her cheek. “I don’t think Bakugou can do that. I'm not sure if he's even capable of smiling, his face would so crack if he did,” she commented, expecting a serious reaction.
Instead, Inasa laughed, and his hand slapped the table a few times. “Of course, he can! I know I've liked Y/n since I first saw them. That’s why I'm happy I enrolled at Shiketsu and I know anyone would do whatever they can to make them happy!” His laughter faded and he glanced away.
“Even if that means they're happy with someone else,” Camie glanced back and forth, processing the information she had just been told. “Wait!” she said, standing up. “You like like, Y/n!?” she exclaimed, happily folding her hands together.
Inasa grinned, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah!” he declared, and she squealed before a soft vibrating sound filled the air. “Hm?” She took her phone from her back pocket and looked at the screen, gasping. “It’s Y/n!” she said, immediately sliding to answer.
“Hello!?” she heard gentle sobs before your broken voice came. Her eyes widened and her body stiffened as she clenched the phone against her ear. “What?! I totally knew this would happen! Where are you?” Inasa leaned over the table, his heart racing with anxiety. 
“Uh, huh? We’ll be there, yeah Inasa and I are…uh, nevermind. Like stay put!” she urged before hanging up, lowering her phone, and looking at Inasa with a frown. “Let’s go!” she said, motioning him to follow her across the street.
“Right!” he shouted in response, jumping out of his chair which hit the ground with a loud thud. Normally he would pick it back up, but there was no time. You were in danger! Well…maybe not danger. But you needed help, and he wouldn't waste time.
“What happened?!” he urged, following Camie. “Duh, Bakugou was mean again, he should really try shutting up!” she replied, urgently looking around the perimeter of the cafe and ignoring the passersby on the sidewalk while guilt washed over Inasa.
He thought talking to Katsuki would make you happy, but maybe you didn’t like him so much after all. “Y/n said they were waiting outside the cafe but…” she paused and glanced around again. Inasa followed her motions, looking left and right for you.
“I don’t see them! Did Bakugou do something to them!?” she questioned with an angry pout. Inasa frowned and walked down the sidewalk, catching the sound of soft crying. “Hm?” his eyebrows rose, and he followed the source to the alleyway where you were slumped against the wall.
“Y/n!” he cried, rushing to your side, and wrapping his arms around you. The sudden embrace made you gasp, but as soon as you realized it was Inasa, you sobbed and buried your face in the crook of his neck. “Camie!” he screamed, hearing her frantic footsteps.
“What?!” she screamed back, rounding the alleyway corner. Relief and concern enveloped her features when she saw you safe and sound in Inasa’s arms. Much like him, she rushed to your side and embraced you. Sandwich hugs were the best, and surely, would make you feel better.
You turned, looking at her despite tears obscuring your vision. “What happened? Did he like hurt you?” she asked, reaching over to push your bangs out of your face and feeling her heart sink at the sight of your tears. You shook your head, curling your fingers into Inasa's shirt.
“Mm…” she looked at Inasa who mirrored her frown. “Why don’t we get you back home!?” he suggested, reaching up to cup the side of your face. The palm of his hand felt warm against your wet cheek as did his thumb which collected your tears.
“Then we’ll cheer you up! Promise!” he said with a bright smile. You sobbed when you saw it but nodded in response. “Yeah, we’ll make you forget about that meanie!” Camie added, gently stroking your hair. “Uh, does anyone know what’s up with Bakugou?” Eijirou questioned, leaning over the couch.
Kaminari placed his hands behind his head, leaning back against the couch cushions. “Beats me, he kicked open the front door and rushed to his room,” he responded looking at Eijirou who turned to look down the hallway.
“Maybe we should talk to him,” he knew Katsuki liked his space, but this was different. He wanted to know where the angry blond had been and what had happened to make him stay in his room for hours like this. “That won’t be necessary, yo!” a familiar voice shouted.
Eijirou jumped and turned around. “Mr. Yamada?!” he exclaimed, and the older man smiled. “Don’t you cats worry about a thing. I’ll chit-chat with him,” he said as he walked away. “Someone has to…” he muttered under his breath. Kaminari and Eijirou exchanged glances, both confused.
‘Damn it!’ he clenched his jaw, hating the tears that continued to roll down his cheeks only to be absorbed into his pillow which he was currently burying his face in. ‘That's not how I meant it…dumbass took it the wrong way!’ As his fist contacted the mattress, he trembled violently.
He hated this damned feeling. It made his chest ache and feel heavy. What the hell was this feeling anyway? Did he actually feel hurt by your reaction? He pulled his head up, sniffling before growling and violently rubbing his eyes to stop his tears.
‘Why the hell am I even crying?!’ He hated crying, it was a weakness. His head jerked to look at the door when a series of knocks sounded. “Go away!” he snapped, hating that his voice sounded broken before he buried his face in his pillow again.
Hizashi frowned upon hearing Katsuki’s response and leaned back, taking a deep breath. Yeah, everyone was entitled to privacy, but as a teacher, he was used to breaking the rules when his students clearly needed help. Invading Katsuki’s privacy, in this case, was necessary.
He grabbed the doorknob, walked through, and watched the angry blond sit up on his bed. “Listen you spikey-haired idiot I-” he paused when he saw Hizashi. Silence lingered through the air for a few seconds before he snapped, “What the hell are you doing here!?”
He huffed and placed one hand on his hip, pointing at Katsuki with his other. “I thought something was up at the redmedical training course!” he announced. Katsuki’s eyes widened but as usual, he tried to put up a front and looked away.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he stated, crossing his arms before falling back onto his bed and turning his back on the older male. Hizashi narrowed his eyes. “Something happened, didn’t it?” Katsuki remained silent, refusing to answer but the silence spoke for itself.
“Be honest,” he said in a deep and serious tone as he sat down on the bed. Katsuki turned his head, glaring at him. Hizashi noticed how red and irritated those eyes and cheeks were. He shifted his glance to the pillow, noticing the darkened spots on it which indicated the boy had cried.
This wasn’t normal behavior for any student. Frankly, as hot-headed as Katsuki was, he was still a kid and still susceptible to getting hurt. “Does this have anything to do with Y/n?” Those eyes that once glared at him widened again.
“I thought something funky was going on. How close are you to those Shiketsu kitty cats anyhow?” Not that heroes didn’t form connections. In fact, hero students should make connections with one another, regardless of what hero school they attended.
This is because you never know when you'll need to pair up with another hero out on the field. But the conversation he overheard concerned him. Katsuki had never begged to speak to anyone before and was not interested in friendships. He preferred to do things alone.
Some heroes, like All Might, could handle things on their own. However, even the former number one needed a helping hand when the situation called for it. Katsuki stared at the older male with moist eyes that threatened to spill over. He slowly turned and sat up, placing his hands on his knees.
He refused to look at Hizashi and swallowed the lump in his throat before uttering the words, “I…I like them, damn it…” He hated this. He hated knowing he had a weak spot for you. Hizashi knit his eyebrows. “Huh?” he replied scratching his temple.
You swallowed what remained of your tea, being careful not to let Inasa’s jacket slip off your shoulders. Camie smiled and leaned against you. “Feel better?” she asked, and you nodded before glancing away. You actually felt exhausted, and your chest still ached, but you didn't want to worry her.
“So! What happened between you and Bakugou?” Inasa asked, walking into the room holding a tray with a tea kettle and some snacks. He grinned as he placed it on the table and sat next to you, crossing his legs, and looking at you attentively.
You snickered. The way he acted reminded you of a small kid, but it was endearing. You took a deep breath, and that fresh pain coursed through your chest. It acted as a knife and reopened the wound of your broken heart.
You looked between Inasa and Camie, reminding yourself that they were your closest friends, and you could tell them anything. “I…mentioned what happened at the provisional licensing exam,” you said, tightening your grip around the now-empty cup of tea.
“Huh?” Camie tilted her head. “Wait, do you mean like what happened to me?” You frowned and looked at her before nodding in reply. “I…I also told him how…how I got attacked and he said…” you sighed, feeling a small flame of anger ignite.
“He said if I were stronger that wouldn’t have happened, but I trained so hard over the summer to impress him and now I feel…stupid and-” You clenched your jaw, and your hands trembled, threatening to drop the cup you held.
Camie and Inasa looked at each other before she touched your shoulders, and he grasped your shaky hands in his own. “You’re totes strong enough! And your hot bot was worth all the training!” she said and Inasa nodded.
“That’s right!” he confirmed, gently taking the cup away and placing it on the table before grabbing your hands again. “No matter how strong a hero is, they have their struggles. But if we work in harmony, victory is certain!” You frowned, noticing that same unknown glint was in his eyes.
“I worked with Todoroki during the provisional licensing exam. I still don’t like him, but he is a worthy ally!” he said, smiling a bit, but you glanced down. Silence filled the air and you sighed. “What if he’s right though?” you asked, your voice just above a whisper.
“What if I’m not strong enough, what if something else happens to someone I care about and I c-can’t save them?” you squeaked out, feeling your eyes water over. Again, silence filled the air and Inasa tried to suppress his anger.
To know Katsuki’s words hurt you enough to make you doubt your abilities as a hero was unacceptable. However, he didn’t want to act on his anger. Instead, he wanted to make you smile again and take the hurt away, convince you that you were the strongest hero out there.
He turned to Camie, “I want to be alone with Y/n please!” he announced, and you lifted your head, wiping your eyes before looking at him. She blinked, surprised by the request but smiled and nodded. “Okay!” she replied, giving two thumbs up before walking away but stopped short.
“Oh wait!” she said, turning around to grab Inasa’s shoulder. She leaned down, holding her opposite hand against his ear, and whispered, “Your totes a better match for them!” He smiled, happy to know she supported a possible relationship between you and him.
Inasa turned to you after Camie closed the door. “W-why did you ask to be alone with me?” He smiled and let go of your hands before moving closer to you. Unintentionally, you flushed, and his smile grew. He enjoyed seeing your shy side as it contrasted with the strong heroic side he saw at school.
“I…I’m sorry,” you said, not wanting the awkward silence to take over. “If...I upset either of you, I didn't mean to, and-” You paused and wrapped your arms around yourself, once again making sure not to let his jacket fall off your shoulders.
Your thumb grazed the scar on your upper arm. Inasa reached into the jacket and grabbed your hand, pulling it away from your opposite arm to get a better look at it. You weren’t ashamed of your scars, but his intense stare made you feel subconscious.
Then he traced his thumb along the length of your scar. “Uh, heh...” You nervously laughed out loud, feeling goosebumps at the spot where he touched your skin. “Is something wrong?” When he leaned down and kissed it, your breath caught in your throat.
Your eyes widened, and you noticed a look of loving concern when he lifted his head back up. You never imagined Inasa making a move on you. While he took charge during training exercises because of his strong quirk abilities, his romance handling was completely unknown.
You cried out when his hand tangled itself in the back of your hair, but any further noises were muffled when his lips were pressed against yours. He knew what he was doing was irrational and normally he wouldn’t do this kind of thing with a friend, but that’s just it.
He didn’t want to be your friend. If Katsuki had broken your heart, he wanted to fix it and pour every ounce of love he had into you. Your hands curled into his shirt, and your eyes fluttered. This kiss…it felt warm and needed, but images of Katsuki flashed in your mind causing you to whimper.
“Hm?” He pulled away, panting softly. “Did I hurt you!?” he cried out, grasping your shoulders in panic. Your hand was placed over your mouth. Your eyes were wide with shock but not disgust. Your gaze lingered on him for a few seconds before you shook your head and lowered your hand.
“I…I think I need to lay down,” you said, pushing his hands off your shoulders before standing. Inasa frowned and placed his hands firmly against his sides before bowing. As usual, when he bowed, he went overboard. You flinched when his head hit the table, but he didn’t shout or make any indication he was in pain.
“I apologize if I made anything awkward! I just like you and want to be more than friends!” he announced, never ashamed to express how he felt. Your hand grasped your chest where your heart beat rapidly and yet still felt broken and heavy.
You frowned and glanced away. There were no words. How can he say that he liked you when he knew your past with Katsuki? How could he kiss you after what happened today? “I understand if you need time to think this over!” he said, standing up with a large grin.
“Just know I won’t break your heart if you give me the chance. I’ll make you forget about any heroes that have treated you wrong like Bakugou!” Again, your heart sank at the thought of Katsuki. “T-thanks,” you said before walking toward the door, realizing you were still wearing his jacket.
“Um, d-do you…” you turned. “Do you want your jacket back?” He smiled and shook his head. “You can keep it! I hope it brings you comfort!” he replied. “O-oh, um...” A soft blush dusted your cheeks, his jacket was pretty big on you, but it smelled good. Like musky cedarwood and sea salt air.
“Thanks again?” you said, shrugging before you finally walked out the door. Camie was leaning against the hallway wall and tilted her head when she saw you leaving. “Huh? Hey, what’s up!?” she called after you. “Nothing,” you replied, continuing to walk away.
“I just need to lie down,” she frowned and scratched her head. “Well okay, good night!” she called before Inasa popped his head out the door. “Goodnight!” he called before looking at Camie who was dying to find out what had happened between the two of you.
“So, you got into a heartbreak situation because of a word misunderstanding, yeah!?” Hizashi exclaimed and while Katsuki would normally threaten him to shut the hell up before someone else heard, he glanced down and wiped his eyes before nodding.
“I don’t know what the hell their problem is…” he growled in frustration before the older man laid a hand on his shoulder. “There’s more than one problem in this equation, ya dig?” he said wiggling his finger. “Pff, mm…” Katsuki glanced away.
“First things first, ya gotta settle your differences and apologize,” he said, rapidly poking Katsuki’s forehead. He growled, grabbing Hizashi’s wrist and pulling it away. “Stop that,” he demanded through clenched teeth.
“Why the hell would I apologize? The only thing I did was tell them I didn't feel the same way and to get stronger damn it!” he argued, but Hizashi snickered and crossed his arms in response. “Sounds to me one of those things isn't so true anymore,” Katsuki growled but said nothing.
“As for apologizing, you just need some training!” he said before spreading his arms out with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m all over this! Consider me your new emotion coach! We’ll get you and Y/n back in good standing!” He grinned and placed one hand on his hip before extending his other out to Katsuki.
“Sound like a deal!?” he asked excitedly. Katsuki glanced at that hand with his eyebrows lowered and a scowl across his face. He hated to admit he needed help. Why? Because he didn’t need it! He was going to be the future number-one hero, damn it.
But like that Deku, you had always been a thorn in his side. Maybe a slightly different kind of thorn. He knew he didn’t have any feelings for you in middle school, but when he saw you at the provisional licensing exam things changed.
Of course, being the person he was, he refused to admit it and used anger to hide his feelings. He hated talking about damned feelings, and those dumbass friends of yours, Glamouroki and that other loud-mouthed idiot, proved of no use.
If he really wanted to get your attention or at the very least get back on speaking terms with you, maybe he could accept a different kind of help this time around. “Fine!” he said, grabbing the older man’s hand with a firm shake. “Great!” Hizashi replied.
“We’ll start tomorrow, ya dig?!” he said, making his way to the door. “Now get some rest, a hot head like you is gonna need it!” With that he walked away, hoping the efforts he was about to pour into Katsuki would be worth it. 
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smutvcanime · 1 year
Talk about fuckin kryptonite.
Kirishima was only meant to visit his Bakubro to talk about work. That's all it was meant to be.
That walking firecracker just had to go and make a fucking meal. Not a big deal at first until Kirishima finds himself oggling his best friend from the stool. His arms and back muscles flex, shift, and calmly strain beneath the tight-fitting shirt. The sharp curves between tricep and torso have his head spinning.
It shouldn't be so surprising. They've been in battle against many villains and have even had sparring sessions that exhibit their strength, so why is it so captivating to watch now? It must have something to do with the lack of danger and how he's able to just sit and watch. Right now, he has front-row seats to the gloriously crafted man he's been (not-so) silently admiring for years.
Despite the seemingly calming setting, the rush of adrenaline has Kirishima's cock painfully throbbing against his pants. He only prays that it calms down before he has to stand next but he can't seem to get his head out of the gutter. He can't decide if he wants to watch those arms tense against the grip of bedsheets or if he wants to be held down by them. He can only imagine how those muscles would feel against his big hands. What he wouldn't give just to worship them with his touch.
"What's got you off in la la land?"
"Sorry!" Shit. Has he been caught out? Bakugo didn't even turn around! "Just thinking about the geographical profiling of that villain case, still."
Bakugo isn't stupid. They had already gone over potential hideout locations no more than a half hour ago. Not to mention, we all know how observant this man is. He could practically feel Kirishima's unshameful gaze burning into the back of him. He'd be lying if he said it didn't make his dick twitch, however. It makes him all the more thankful that his front is faced away.
His question is, why would the redhead be so transfixed on him?
Come on, Bakugo. Should you really be that shocked?
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Bet it's not just the liners that are hard, either.
(The dream scenario)
Bakugo: If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Kirishima: How about the bedroom, instead? Bakugo: *silently screams in horny*
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loveriotss · 26 days
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APPLE CIDER ⸻ katsuki bakugo
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INCLUDES — gn! reader, childhood friends to lovers, song lyric fic, fluff, slight angst WARNINGS — swearing, slight angst + implied spoilers, a bit suggestive WORD COUNT — over 3.6k
main masterlist — mha masterlist ༊*·˚
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we both like apple cider
"katsuki, hurry up!" you yell at the 5-year-old blonde who was lazily trailing behind you, holding his basket like it were a piece of rag. "come onn, your mom said if we pick good apples she'll give us extra apple cider!" you whine, running over to him and grabbing his free hand to drag him towards a large tree. katsuki glared at you and your hand as he spoke, "i don't want to do stupid apple picking, it's so annoying!" he yelled, dropping your hand.
you turn back at him, your lips slightly agape as tears prick your eyes. ". . so you don't want to pick apples with me?" you say, lips now trembling as tears now rolled down your cheeks. katsuki's eyes soften slightly, replacing the anger with worry instead as he hurriedly speaks. "alright fine, i'll do it! just . . don't cry okay?"
you erupt in a wide smile as he wipes your tears away. "okay i won't! let's go!" you exclaimed excitedly, grabbing his hand once more and hurrying towards the tree.
you both set your baskets down, your eyes sparkling as you observe the big red apples on the branches of the tree. you rush over to the trunk, giving it a kick with all of your strength, hoping it will drop a few apples down. your plan was a success as you see one of the apples shaking and eventually dropping down! . . on your head.
katsuki burst out laughing, holding his stomach and pointing at you as you held your head, glaring at him. "stop it suki, it wasn't funny. and besides," you pause, placing the apple that just attacked you into your basket carefully, "i'm winning." "winning at what? being a dummy who gets apples dropped on their heads?" he snickers at you. "i have more apples in my basket than you kat-su-ki," you say with an evil grin, making sure to punctuate each part of his name. "i will be the one getting more cider than you."
katsuki's smile dropped at your words as his eyes flashed with a newfound determination. "not for long loser!" he yelled as he jumped up from the ground and marched towards the tree.
it had been half an hour since the two of you had left your parent's little picnic table to pick apples. mitsuki bakugo looked out into the distance to try and spot you and katsuki's little figures and sure enough, she saw you two walking side by side, arguing over something.
"kids! hurry up and come over here!" she called out, which caught both of your attentions. she sighed to herself as she watched you two attempting to race each other and try to get to the table first.
eventually, katsuki reached the table before you. he slammed his basket down and turned around to rub his victory in your face but instead found you on the ground. your basket was laid on its side, apples spilling out as your teary eyes stared at the small blood patch on your knee.
"mama i fell down!" you wailed to your mother as she caressed your hair and cleaned your scratch. "you should be more careful y/n" your mother said with a worried tone. mitsuki handed a bandage to her and looked at you. "it's okay y/n, you're a brave kid, right? i'll make you some extra cider okay?" she says which makes a soft smile appear on your face as you nod.
"is . . is your knee okay?" katsuki mumbles as he takes a sip from his glass of cider. "mhm!" you nod "it only hurt for a bit!" you say as you take a sip from your second cup of cider, to which katsuki only hums. "hey suki," you began, turning your body towards him "let's make a pinky promise!" he stares at you, confused. "about what?" "to get married in the future!" you say as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.
katsuki chokes on his drink, covering his mouth as he stares at you with a slightly flustered face. "w-what!? why would i do that?" he yells. you tilt your head in confusion, "so that we can pick apples together forever and ever?" you pause before continuing. "or . . do you want to pick apples with someone else?" you look down at your lap, your bottom lip quivering again. katsuki huffs and grabs your pinky, interlocking it with his as he looks away and mutters. "okay fine! i pinky promise i'll marry you . . crybaby."
but your hair be smelling like fruit punch
"fruit punch," you say, staring at the side of 6-year-old katsuki's face as he plays with the game he snuck into bed tonight. you and him were having yet another sleepover. it was always the same - eat dinner together, play in his room, take a bath, change into pjs, and then head into bed where he would pull out his hidden game control from under the pillow.
you two were under the blanket after katsuki's demands so that he doesn't get caught. he didn't even spare you a glance when you say that, just letting out a simple "what."
"your hair," you say, "it smells like fruit punch." "weirdo, why are you smelling my hair" he replies, heading onto the next level of the game. "because you smell nice," you reply bluntly, "i like it."
the red 'GAME OVER' screen illuminates katsuki's face as he finally turns his head to look at you. was it the screen making his face red or a blush? even after many years, you're not sure.
you snicker at him. "haha loser, you lost" you say, staring at his screen. "tch..whatever" he mumbles, shoving the game back under his pillow and releasing the two of you from the cage of the blanket, cool air hitting your faces.
"you smell nice too . . i guess" he mumbles under his breath, so quiet that you don't even hear it. "what?" you ask, turning to look at him once again. "NOTHING!" he whisper yells and hurriedly turns his back to you.
and i don't even like you that much
mumbles and whispers floated through the crowd as the provisional hero license exam had come to an end. you along with the other students, who had managed to come out without all three of their targets hit, stood together, anxiously waiting for the results to be revealed.
there was an uncomfortable knot in your stomach as you muttered to yourself, trying to calm yourself down. katsuki stood next to you, obviously confident that he would get his license.
"fuck, will you calm down?" katsuki whisper yelled at you as he tugged on the deathly tight grip you had on his arm unknowingly. "i'm so nervous kats! what if i messed up somewhere what if i forgot to save one of those civilians what if-" "what if you're just overthinking this shit?" he responds bluntly before turning his eyes back to the representative from the hero safety commission.
"okay . . maybe you're right. i should stay positive!" you whisper back before taking a few deep breaths and following his gaze towards the front.
"anyway, the names of those who've passed are listed here in alphabetical order." the voice through the mic spoke.
the screen flickered for a moment before revealing the names, all in perfect order. immediately you started scanning the rows, letting out a small smile as you saw familiar names flash pass before your eyes landed on your name.
wait . . . your name? that means you passed!
you couldn't help but let out an excited squeal, turning to katsuki and slightly jumping up and down as you pointed to where your name was in big bold letters.
"katsuki, look! i did it!" you yell as you wrap your arms around his neck and continue your little jumps.
now, katsuki had already realized that his name wasn't there and oh boy, was he pissed.
he had opened his mouth to tell you off when you kept rapidly pointing at the screen as if he hadn't already seen your name but when you had suddenly thrown your arms around his neck, he froze.
you were yapping in his ear about how happy and relieved you were and all he could focus on was to get you away before you felt his heart practically beating out of his chest.
however before he could pull you off, you beat him to it by pulling your head away yourself. he opened his mouth again but immediately froze when you planted a kiss on him.
okay, it was not a full on kiss on the lips. you meant to kiss his cheek but because of how giddy you were, it landed on the corner of his mouth.
he seemed to be the only one who had noticed this accident since you were now busy with searching for katsuki's name on the screen.
stupid you and your stupid face and your stupid scent that he had caught a whiff of when you viciously mauled him (gave him a hug) and your stupid soft lips and the stupid 'butterflies' you gave him.
katsuki couldn't understand why he felt like this. he didn't even like you . . . that much.
however, he did not have time to give it much thought because it had finally hit you that he had not passed the exam. you turned to him, your mouth agape as you stared at him with wide eyes.
"i know i didn't pass so don't fucking rub it in." he mumbled, turning his head away. "what!? but how?" you yell at him.
"probably because he didn't put any effort into saving people" piped in kirishima who backed away as he was given a glare by katsuki. "you should've been more careful with what you said. words are important you know!" said kaminari as he grinned at him. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I MURDER YOU!" katsuki growled back.
the class was now on the ride home. the whole bus was in a lively chatter except for the two students who had failed. you sat with the others, laughing with them but your eyes lingered towards the back where katsuki sat, earphones plugged in as he stared out the window with a small furrow in his eyebrows.
you excused yourself and made your way to him, plopping down beside katsuki as you nudged him slightly. he pulled out one of his earphones, a sign that he was listening, "hey . . you okay?" you asked softly, trying to scan his face for any emotions but it was hard since he refused to look anywhere but out the window.
"of course i'm okay" he mumbled, pausing for a second before continuing. "m'so ready to fucking crush the extra classes so don't get too cocky just because you got yours first."
a small smile erupted from your lips as you felt a wave of relief wash over you. you were worried he was giving himself a hard time because of this.
"well then dynamight, i'll be waiting for you!" you reply, grinning at him.
he finally turns his head to you, a smirk on his lips as he replies, "get ready to choke in my smoke," you cringe at his words but he ignores it and continues, "and it's great explosion murder god dumba-" "shut up kats" you interrupt, giggling as he gives you a small glare.
stupid you and your ability of always being able to cheer him up.
wait, i do, fuck
you sigh to yourself, scrolling through the endless theories and articles about the man that were spread throughout your entire twitter timeline. it's like wherever you were, the blonde would somehow be there too. ultimately, you toss your phone away, unable to escape all the dating rumor articles surrounding him and the way your heart clenched when you saw pictures of him and some other hero.
it's been 3 years since you graduated high school, you and all of your peers are now amazing pro heroes who have worked hard to be what they are today and climb the hero ranks impressively.
you too ended up ranking among the top five heroes in all of japan.
you were proud of yourself, happy to do the thing you'd been wanting to do since you were a little kid. you can't deny that sometimes, it was too exhausting.
so without any second thoughts, you emailed your manager this morning, requesting a leave for your mental health. being a good hero also means to remain in good shape and have a happy mind!
it was now evening, you had a fairly productive day. running a few errands while being hooded to avoid any media, binging some of your favorite shows while you munched on snacks, and overall just having a self-care day, you know?
you stepped out onto your balcony, leaning against the railings as you gazed at the setting sun which painted the sky into a mix of many beautiful colors, including orange.
you smile softly as it reminds you of a certain red-eyed man as your mind lingers off to thoughts of him. dynamight, the number one hero and also your best friend.
to say he was a workaholic at times was an understatement. he wouldn't clock out until his poor manager begged him to rest.
he was passionate about his job and you admired that about him. from a young age he was always eager to stand at number one and be the best version of himself.
your smile fades as flashbacks of what happened 6 years ago played in your mind. it was the day when that gruesome war had occurred. your eyes sting as you're painfully reminded of everything that had happened. the memories of heroes who had lost their lives fighting for peace clouded your mind. and of course, what had happened to katsuki had been the one thing that had almost completely broken you on the battlefield. you let your tears fall, keeping a straight face as they rolled down your cheeks. there was no point in holding them back, no one would see you. right?
you sniffle softly, taking deep breaths as you clear your head from your thoughts, now realizing the presence beside you.
there he was, the dynamight himself, standing next to you as he too gazed at the sunset. you weren't that surprised, he had done this many times before, simply swooping in and landing on your balcony if he saw you there.
he glanced at you, silently observing your tear-stained face as his fiery red eyes flickered with a hint of sadness. his heart painfully panged against his chest whenever he saw you cry.
you wipe your tears away, giving him a small smile before speaking. "i'm okay kats, don't worry." what a liar you were. his eyes shoot away as he mumbles, "i didn't say anything."
"you didn't have to." you reply, gaping at the sky which was turning dark now. "you clocked out early? that's unusual oh great explosion murder god." you tease. "swept this entire area today, and was gonna go check out shitty hair's district when i saw your ass crying." he said.
"aww, how thoughtful! but be careful, your supposed 'girlfriends' might call me a homewrecker." you jeer as he lets out a groan, resting his forehead on the railings. "fuck . . why do you read that shit? stupid media . . always makin up stuff."
you let out a giggle at his reaction, causing him to slightly lift his head and stare at you. his heart swelling up at the sound of your laughter.
you push your body away from the railings, sliding open the door as you step inside. "so you gonna come in or not?" you say, keeping the door open as katsuki silently accepts the invitation and gets inside, sliding the door shut behind him.
"i'll get your clothes-" "don't" he interrupted as you looked at him surprised. "i know where it is . . you don't have to get it." "okay then! i'll go get us something to drink, take a shower if you wanna." you reply, earning a hum from him as you make your way to the kitchen. katsuki taking a shower or you casually having a pair of his clothes at your home was nothing out of the ordinary, just bestie thingz. right?
katsuki stepped out of your shower, feeling a slight muscle ache from his villain fights today as sank into the couch and stared at the back of your head while you were seated on the carpet. you silently handed him a cold drink as you scrolled through the channels on tv.
he snapped open his drink, taking slow sips from it as he mentally prepared himself to ask you the thing he's been wanting to for the past hour. "so . . " he began, peering at you from the corner of his eyes as you hum. "why were you cryin earlier?"
you put on a weak smile, taking a sip before responding. "was just . . thinking about the war." you say. "i don't know why but i still get chills thinking about it now. it's been 6 years and i still haven't learned to handle my thoughts about it properly. i always feel so guilty, like i wasn't strong enough or i wasn't fast enough. maybe if i was better, i could've stopped what had happened to everyone, what happened to you-"
you were suddenly interrupted by katsuki who pulled himself off the couch and grabbed your face with both his hands firmly as he turned your face towards him.
it was completely silent for a minute, only a soft sizzling heard from your drink that had spilled over on the carpet and was now soaking into it.
"don't." he said, breaking the silence. "don't ever blame yourself for what happened. you were doin your best and i was too, i just had a small hiccup but look at me now, the number one hero" he said, a small smile on his face. "and look at you, an amazing hero who's so damn good at their job. don't be so hard on yourself dumbass, no one could've controlled what happened that day."
you give him a small shaky smile, your eyes slightly welled up with tears. "yeah . . you're right." you say as he softly wipes your tears away with the back of his finger. "crybaby." "shut up."
you both softly laugh, comfortably enjoying each other's presence. as your laughter ceases you realize how close the two of you are. you could see every scar and bump of katsuki's beautiful face and the dimple on his left cheek
katsuki too was silently admiring you. your beautiful eyes, your cheeks, your nose and eventually, your lips. the same soft lips for which he had been longing for ever since you two were just high school kids and you gave him that stupid little kiss on the corner of his mouth.
his actions don't go unnoticed by you as your lips turn into a small smirk. "pro hero dynamight caught shamelessly staring at pro hero H/N (your hero name), find out all the deets in this article" you joke, a blush creeping up from his neck to the tip of his ears.
"shut up . . " he mumbled, looking into your eyes before he spoke again. "pro hero dynamight was caught asking pro hero H/N if he could kiss them. what was H/N's response?" he whispered, now deathly close to your face as he waited for your answer.
your lips parted slightly as your cheeks flushed into a deep red, perhaps even rivaling kirishima's hair. you give him a small nod to which he immediately crashes his lips onto yours. his hand slithered to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss as you tangled your fingers into his blonde hair.  
your heart felt warm and fluttery as your back hits the corner of your L-shaped couch. your lips molded with his perfectly, a slow and intimate rhythm between the two of you before you both pull away because humans need a stupid thing called oxygen.
katsuki rested his forehead against yours, panting slightly as you spoke. "woah there dynamight, we might just be the next big scandal. surely this will put an end to all your previous allegations?" you whisper, a stupidly large smile on your face. "they would never be true anyway. i like havin my pinky finger y'know?" he said which caused your eyebrows to raise. "what does your pinky finger have to do with this?" you asked as he gave you a dumb smirk. "did you forget already? what was it . . you want to pick apples with someone else?" he teases as you groan and cover your face with your palms. "shit . . how do you remember that?" "i'm someone who keeps his promises" he snickers, gently prying your hands away from your face as he puts up his pinky finger in front of your face.
you giggle at his childish antic but he doesn't seem to give a shit. "wanna renew our promise? just to make sure that we're stuck with each other." he says, wiggling his pinky around for yours. you smile, interlocking your pinky with his. "no taking back babygirl" you say, laughing as he gives you a revolted look at the nickname. "is it too late to change my mind?" he says, putting on a fake look of worry to which you grin evilly. "no escaping now my beautiful red-eyed princess" you yell, earning a sigh from him as you viciously maul him (give him a hug) and bury your face into his neck while giggling.
yeah . . he did like you that much.
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NOTE — i dont know if apple cider (ITS NOT ALCOHOLIC RIGHT??IDK) tastes good or if his hair would smell like fruit punch but just pretend it does ok. ANYWAYS this idea had been lingering in my head for so long and i scrapped og ideas probabaly like 8934 times but hope you guys liked this final product!! (also guys did i eat with that line where he asked for consent before he kissed you guys i feel like that was so teehee)
©loveriotss — all rights reserved to me. please don’t try to copy/steal my work. please do not use any of my ideas/translate my work without my permission.
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felinecyan · 2 months
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[Katsuki Bakugo x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When something… intimate happens between you and the explosive boy, you seek out the comfort and advice from your fangirl best friend.
WC: 6832
Category: Fluff, Slight Spice/Lime, Mixed Signals
Might be ooc (I blame Chase Atlantic for this one), but I wanted to post something… interesting since it’s OFFICIALLY my birthday 🗣️🗣️
Here you were, pacing back and forth in your best friend's dorm room. You hadn't said a word, only muttering incoherent thoughts to yourself while your eyes flitted around the room as if you could find the words written on the walls.
Mina watched you from her bed, leaning forward on her hands, which were planted on her mattress. She had her legs crossed beneath her, and she was rocking herself slightly. Her mouth was agape with excitement and confusion, and her eyes were wide as she watched you.
You felt bad for disturbing her sleep, but you were too overwhelmed to wait until morning to talk to her about what had happened. When it happens, you can't even wait an hour to tell someone about it, much less eight hours. So, with your impatient nature, you hunted her down after five minutes of attempting to calm yourself down and failing.
Mina, who had been sleeping soundly at the time, was jolted awake when you burst into her room and slammed the door shut. It wasn't until she heard the lock click that she realized the situation.
You were freaking out, and it had something to do with a boy.
When you first started at UA, the two of you had promised each other that you would never keep a crush a secret from the other so you could gush and squeal over the boys together. Of course, it had always been Mina with a crush, and you were giving advice. She had had her eyes on several guys throughout the year, but you had remained unfazed.
"Okay," Mina began. "I'm not even going to ask why you were walking around the dorms at one in the morning. But, seriously, tell me what happened!"
Your hands, which had been tangled in your hair, fell to your sides as you turned to look at her. Your cheeks were flushed, and your heart was racing. You didn't know how to begin. You wanted to just blurt it all out, but at the same time, you were afraid.
"I... uhm... well..." you stuttered, wringing your hands nervously.
"C'mon, I'm dying here!" Mina whined, bouncing in place. She reached her hands out and grabbed yours, tugging you forward until you were sitting next to her on the bed. "You're acting as if you had your first kiss or something."
You stared at her, blinking slowly as you processed her words. Then, without warning, she froze. You were afraid she had short-circuited. Her mouth hung open, and her eyes were as big as saucers. Her grip on your hands tightened as she gasped loudly.
"No," she whispered. "No way."
"You did!" she exclaimed, her voice rising to a volume that could probably be heard throughout the dorms.
"Keep your voice down!" you hissed, grabbing a pillow from behind her and smacking her across the face. She didn't react, her mouth still open.
"Tell me everything," she demanded, her voice lowered. "How did it happen? When did it happen? Who did it happen with? I want to know all the details, so spill."
It was rough to have her pressuring you. She was always good at doing that. It was part of the reason why you ran straight to her. You knew that she would force you to talk about it, and you needed to talk about it. You didn't want to stop talking about it. You didn't want the night to end, and you didn't want to forget about it.
"I'm listening," Mina told you, squeezing your hands once more. "Don't be afraid to get all the gushy details. You know I love that stuff."
You couldn't stop your eyes from rolling as you took a deep breath. You decided to spill her favorite part first.
"I can't get it out of my head, Mina," you whispered. "I didn't even realize he could do that. I didn't know he was capable of it. I was so dazed by his actions that I didn't know what was going on. It felt like I was dreaming. I don't even know how it escalated so quickly. I just found myself against the wall, and he was looking at me, and his eyes... oh, his eyes, Mina, his eyes."
"Who the hell are you talking about?!" Mina interrupted. She looked like she was going to burst from anticipation, and you were slightly enjoying keeping her in the dark. Especially since she had no idea it was the guy who she least expected it to be.
"Do not yell," you warned her, pointing your finger at her face. "You won't believe me, but I swear it's the truth."
"What?" she asked. "Who was it?"
"Promise me you won't freak out."
"Okay, now I'm nervous," Mina said. She moved backward on the bed so her back was pressed against the wall. You watched as her fingers dug into her blanket, her knuckles turning white. "Now you have to tell me. I'm terrified, so you have to. Who was it?"
You took another deep breath, your heart beating loudly.
Now or never.
You were ready for your ears to bleed. You were expecting her to scream bloody murder, and you were ready to clamp your hand over her mouth to shut her up. But, instead, she broke out into laughter. And it wasn't her usual laugh, either. It was loud and obnoxious, and she threw her head back and cackled.
"Yeah, right," she breathed out, wiping a tear from her eye. "Oh, that was a good one. I almost believed you. Now, really. Who was it?"
Your jaw dropped, and you could feel anger boiling inside of you. She didn't believe you? I mean, yeah, it was completely unbelievable with how he acts with everyone, but you didn't joke around like this. And you were honestly offended that she thought you were.
Mina laughed again and again and again. Every time, it became harder for her to breathe, and her laughs turned into snorts. Her face was bright red, and her shoulders shook violently as she giggled. It wasn't until she finally opened her eyes to see the glare on your face that the laughs eased up.
"I mean, it's a good joke," she chuckled. "But, seriously, tell me who it really was."
You didn't say a word. Instead, you just gave her the most deadpan stare you could muster, which still took her a moment to register. Once she did, however, that smile of hers fell off her face faster than you could blink.
"Wait... you're not joking?"
"Do you really think I'd come here in the middle of the night if I was?"
She stared at you with a shocked expression on her face. She was speechless, and you were waiting for the reaction you expected. You were sure her brain had exploded.
"You mean to tell me," she said, her voice shaking. "That Bakugo... the hot-tempered, vulgar, rude, foul-mouthed, explosive asshole just kissed you? He kissed you?! Are you serious?"
"Mina, please, not so loud!"
"Are you serious?!" she screamed, leaping off her bed. "You have got to be joking. There's no way that happened. No way! It had to be a dream or something. I can't even see him doing something like that. Of all people, it's him? I even see Mineta before him! He's like... not capable of showing any emotion that isn't anger."
"What the hell happened?! I want to know all the dirty little details!" she yelled, rushing forward and grabbing your arms. "How did you get that maniac to do something so... un-Bakugo-like? What did he do? How did he kiss you? Was it nice? I can't believe he kissed you! He's never kissed anyone before!"
"Mina, shut up!" you hissed, covering her mouth with your hand. She kept mumbling against your skin, and you felt her tongue swipe across your palm. You grimaced, pulling your hand away from her and wiping it on your pants.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" she squealed, jumping up and down. "How did you do it? Oh, I'm so happy for you! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"
"Mina, please. It's late," you told her. "Be quiet; he can probably hear you."
"Wait... how long ago was this?"
"Uhm... maybe twenty minutes or so."
She stopped bouncing, and her jaw dropped.
"You kissed Bakugo twenty minutes ago," she said. "And you just came to my room?! Why the hell are you even here? You should be with him! Get your ass back to him and make sure he kisses you again!"
You were taken aback by her sudden outburst, and your cheeks flushed. The thought of going to him now sent a wave of anxiety through you, and you were beginning to regret waking Mina up.
"I can't go back there," you told her. "Not yet. I can't... I can't look him in the eye."
"Why the hell not?" Mina questioned, furrowing her brows. "This is a huge! He still hasn't even called me by my actual name. But, he kissed you? That's insane. He's gotta be a secret softy or something. I need details."
"Mina, you don't understand," you said, sighing. "I- I never felt like this before. I'm... I'm stuck. My mind is blank. I can't get him off my mind. It's driving me crazy. I didn't realize someone could affect me like this."
Mina stared at you for a moment before a smirk appeared on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at you with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "How did he do it?" she asked.
"Mina," you said. "I just told you that—"
"Yeah, yeah, I know, but did he just walk up and kiss you or what? Like, how did it happen? You have to start from the beginning."
You rolled your eyes but obeyed her orders.
And the truth was, you honestly still didn’t know how it happened. You were yelling at each other over something dumb, as usual, but then the conversation took a strange turn. You had no idea where it had come from, and the memory was hazy, but you remembered what he had said.
"You wanna know what I fucking think?" He was seething, his fists clenched at his sides. His jaw was tight, and his eyes were burning holes into your head.
You didn't remember what you had said, but you remembered what he replied and the way he walked towards you.
"I think," he growled, and you were backing away from him. "You're so fucking desperate for attention that you're willing to do anything. Just admit it. You're so lonely that you'll try to make friends with anyone."
The scoff you had given him was followed by a few insults that you didn't remember. In all honesty, the things that were said weren't worth remembering. It was always the same old fight. But, for some reason, it was the actions in between that had caught you off guard this time.
You didn't realize how much you were trying to create space between the two of you, but every time you took a step back, he took one forward. You were trying to keep your voice steady and strong, but your hands were shaking, and your legs were weak.
It was only a matter of time before you were backed against the wall, and you could feel his breath hitting your face. Your eyes were wide, and your breathing was heavy. You couldn't focus on his words because his body was too close.
He noticed, too, because his insults were slowing down, and you could feel his eyes studying your face as it was turned away from him. When your gaze met him, the room became still. You were frozen in place, unable to move. He just... stared at you.
Neither of you said a word, but there was something in his eyes that changed the atmosphere of the room. It was like a flip had been switched. He was no longer angry or irritated. His eyes were gentle, and his gaze was intense. You had seen his gaze before, but you couldn't figure out why it felt so different.
Until you saw the flicker of his eyes. A millisecond change that anyone could've missed, but you didn't. You caught it as you caught the next one. You felt him move forward, and your mind went blank. Your senses were overrun by him. You could feel the heat from his skin.
He could probably hear your heartbeat; it wasn't very subtle. Your mind was racing, and your vision was hazy. All you could see was... him. And maybe you were just imagining it, but there was something in his eyes that showed you he wasn't mad anymore.
He looked different now, and it scared you. It scared you how you started counting his eyelashes. It scared you how much you wanted to reach up and run your hand through his hair. It scared you how badly you wanted to know how soft his lips were.
And he could tell because he leaned closer. Closer than you didn't think possible. Your breaths mingled together, and your noses brushed. He wasn't there yet, though. His mouth was just barely touching yours, and the feeling sent tingles down your spine.
His gaze was intense, and he looked like he was holding back. You could feel his chest pressing against yours, and he was taking shaky breaths. It was so strange, seeing him like this. Your eyes locked onto his, and you were sure he saw the curiosity behind them.
And then... his gaze fell into a look you've never seen before. Something was swimming behind those crimson eyes, and you found yourself drowning in the intensity. He was staring into your soul, and somehow, you could see the meaning in his eyes.
He was giving you a choice. He was asking a silent question. His eyes were pleading. They were begging. His face was so close to yours, and you were frozen. The way he was looking at you, you could see it. You could see what he was thinking.
He was waiting for you to do something. To push him away, to smack him, or to speak out. He was waiting for the rejection, the denial, the refusal. But you did none of those things because, for some reason, you didn't want to. You were enjoying the closeness, the intimacy, the... vulnerability.
Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe you were just insane, but the way he was looking at you made your stomach flip, and a strange warmth filled your chest. It was the way he was holding himself back, the way you could see his fingers trembling, the way his breath was unsteady.
For some reason, seeing him so weak, so open, so defenseless made you feel... something.
He was waiting for a response. It was up to you. You were the one in control, and if you had said the word, he would have walked away. But that's not what you wanted.
You didn't want him to go.
And, so, you had tried to speak out, but the words were caught in your throat. They wouldn't form, and the air was thick. Your tongue was tied, and your fingers were shaking. You were afraid. Afraid of the unknown.
He was patient. His gaze never faltered. His eyes were still looking at you with the same intensity, and you were getting lost in it. He didn't move closer, but his breath fanned across your lips. Your mind was blank, and you had no idea how long the two of you stood like that.
All you knew was that you needed him to do something. You needed him to know he was allowed to, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. You were terrified, and the anticipation was driving you insane.
So, you used another way to answer.
You grabbed him, jerked his body forward, and pulled him as close as you could. He wasn't prepared for your sudden movement, and the air was forced out of his lungs. His hands found the wall, and his arms caged you in. You could feel his muscles flexing against you, and his eyes widened as they looked at you.
He didn't expect it. He wasn't prepared. It was a shock, but he wasn't about to deny himself the opportunity. Not when you were offering it to him. So, his eyes fell back into that look, and his head moved closer. He hesitated, and his lips grazed yours. You could feel the way his heart was beating.
The first kiss was chaste and barely there. You could've missed it, and you might've imagined it. But then he did it again, this time with enough pressure to make you aware. To make your eyes fall shut and a small sigh escapes your lips.
The next one was a little deeper, and he lingered a bit longer. His movements were slow, and he was giving you plenty of time to push him away, but you didn't. You couldn't. Because the moment his lips met yours, you lost all self-control.
Your body melted against his, and you found yourself falling into the kiss. You were sure you'd end up a pile of mush on the ground if his hands hadn't shifted to your hips, holding you up. The grip he had on your sides was gentle but firm, and the tips of his fingers were digging into the flesh of your hip bones.
Your hands had found their way into his hair, and your fingers tangled themselves in the blonde locks. You were always curious about his hair in that regard, and you were pleased to find it softer than you'd expected. With its jagged spikes, you'd expected it to be sharp and stiff, but it was just as smooth as silk. You really needed to get a hold of his hair products.
But you didn't have time to dwell on the subject because his mouth was moving against yours, and your entire being was focused on the feeling of his lips. Damn, he knew exactly how to use them.
You were already lightheaded, and he barely did anything. It was only a matter of time before you couldn't even think anymore. All you knew was his scent, his taste, his touch, and his breath. He was overwhelming all of your senses, and you could feel your mind shutting down.
But, before you could, you gathered enough sense to do something that caught him completely off guard. When he pulled you even deeper, your teeth grazed his bottom lip, and your hands tightened in his hair. He froze for a second, his movements stopping completely, and you were terrified that you'd crossed a line.
However, that fear was quickly erased because he let out the most guttural sound you'd ever heard. It was low and deep and... fuck. It sounded like a growl, but it was filled with need. It was hungry and rough and sent a jolt straight down to your core.
A moment later, he was kissing you harder than before. He was practically attacking you, and you were glad he still had ahold of your hips because those legs of yours would have given out long ago. His mouth was moving so fast that it was hard for you to keep up, and your lungs were burning.
It felt like a dam had been broken.
He devoured you like a starved man. There was no hesitation, no fear, no nervousness. It was pure desperation, and you weren't doing much better. His kisses were hard and bruising, and his grip on your waist was tight.
When he went to your neck, that was it.
Your head fell back against the wall, painful, but you couldn't care. You couldn't focus on anything except the way his mouth was working its magic on your throat. Your nails were digging into his scalp, and you could hear his sharp breaths.
If all kisses were like this, then you have no idea how people survived without them. It was addicting. The feeling of his lips and tongue and teeth against your skin was euphoric. Your mind was swimming, and your heart was pounding.
Mina was squealing in front of you, but you were too lost to care. You were back in the moment, and the memory was flooding through your body. The feeling of his fingers gripping your hips. The warmth of his mouth. The heat of his body. His hair was so soft. The sound of his breath. His lips. His tongue.
"I... don't remember much after that," you told Mina, your eyes unfocused. "The next thing I remember is me leaving the room and going straight to yours."
She was grinning at you. It was a wide, Cheshire-like smile, and her eyes were gleaming. She looked like she was about to explode, and she was holding herself back.
"This is insane," she said, her voice cracking. "Actually, I take back what I said earlier. This is better than the best day of my life. The fact that it was him—I mean, I'd expect this from someone else, but the thought of him being that good is... wow."
You sighed. "Mina, please. What am I going to do? I'm... I'm..."
"Lost in the clouds?" she offered. "A mess? Unable to function like a normal person?"
"All of the above," you said, running your hands over your face. "I just... I don't understand how someone could make me feel like this. He's a dick, Mina. He was literally insulting me just a few minutes ago, and then... this."
She hummed, tilting her head and looking at the ceiling. Her smile never left her face. "So, what now? Are you guys dating, or...?"
"I didn't ask," you told her. "I just ran out."
"Wait, I thought you meant running away, as in after talking it out and stuff?"
"I mean, running away, as in pushing him and sprinting down the hall to your room."
Her eyes widened. "What?!" she exclaimed. "You're telling me that after he gave you the best kiss of your life, you ran away?!"
You nodded.
"Are you insane?!"
"Maybe a little," you said. "But I was so overwhelmed, and it was too much. I couldn't stay there, or I'd have done something embarrassing."
"You mean something more embarrassing than leaving? Girl, you need to get back there and find out what the hell is going on between you two. I can't believe this. I just..." She let out a frustrated groan. "He's probably pissed off. And confused. And, honestly, I can't blame him."
"What? You think he's regretting it?"
"Oh, honey," she said, her expression changing. "You've got it all wrong. How do I know more than you about this situation? That boy doesn't show anyone this kind of side, I mean... shit, and you're telling me he was the one to initiate it?"
You nodded. "Yeah, he was."
"Well, then... damn. You're special. If he didn't want it, he would have punched you or something, but the fact that he went and did that... then there's no way he would ever regret it. Hell, if I were in his position, I'd have taken you right there, too."
"Mina!" you shrieked, smacking her shoulder.
She laughed. "What? I'm your bestie. I gotta have your back. Now, listen, you've done messed up by running away. There's no way he wouldn't take it as an insult; his ego's too big. So, what you need to do is get back there and tell him what's going on. Be honest. Don't lie, and don't sugarcoat. Just tell him the truth."
"No, no buts. No ifs, no ands, or anything. Bakugo is the type to appreciate honesty. You can't be wishy-washy with him. I've learned that after seeing him treat everyone. He doesn't hold back, and neither should you. The good thing is that you know he really likes you; otherwise, none of this would've happened."
You bit your lip.
"Even as sudden as it was, it was a choice," she told you. "He knew exactly what he was doing. That kiss wasn't some spur-of-the-moment thing. He knew what he was doing and what he was feeling, and there's no way he would have done it if he didn't want to."
You thought about her words. "You're right."
"Damn right I am," she said, leaning forward and grabbing your shoulders. "He doesn't regret it. At least, not in the way you're thinking. If he's regretting anything, it's letting you run away without saying anything. So, what you're going to do is march back there and kiss that boy senseless. Got it?"
"But it's almost two in the morning," you said.
"If you think you both are sleeping anytime soon, you're delusional," she stated. "The guy is probably pacing in his own room right now, trying to figure out why the hell you rejected him. He's a wreck, and I'll bet you anything that his thoughts are just as bad as yours."
You frowned. "I guess, but..."
"But what?"
"It's just... he's Bakugo, and I'm... well, me. There's no way this could ever work out. He's too focused on being the best to date anyone, and I'm not the kind of person he'd go for. We're complete opposites. We fight all the time, and he's always yelling at me over something. Even now, I'm still wondering what the hell he was thinking when he kissed me."
"You need to stop doing that," Mina said, her tone firm. "You can't think like that. I told you he wouldn't have done it if he didn't see anything. Sure, you guys don't get along all the time, but that doesn't mean it's a lost cause. The fact that he's showing interest in you is enough to prove that he's attracted to something."
"Okay, fine, but what is it? What does he see in me? Why did he choose me? Why did he—"
"Girl, shut up. I can't handle any more of your doubts. This is a waste of time, and it's just making your brain more and more confused. Stop. Thinking. Go get him and just talk. I swear, you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm if you keep this up."
"Fine," you relented, throwing your hands up. "I'll—"
Then, there was a knock on the door.
You paused, staring at Mina. She stared back, her eyebrows furrowing. The two of you were quiet, not moving, not breathing. Then, another knock came, this time a bit louder.
"Iida?" you asked, your voice quiet. "We were pretty loud, weren't we?"
"Probably," Mina replied. "I hate that guy sometimes. What the hell does he have against us having fun? It's not like we were causing trouble."
"He's just being a good student," you said. "We should probably—"
Another knock and this one was harder. And something in the back of your mind was telling you that it wasn't him. It was different.
You and Mina shared a look before she shrugged and got off the bed. She went to the door, and you stayed seated. You were nervous. The tension in your stomach was building up again.
The thought was already in your mind, but it wasn't until Mina's face fell that you knew for sure.
She turned to look at you, her expression unreadable, but the emotion was clear in her eyes. It was the same look you'd given her before when you talked about the kiss.
And, you knew.
He was here.
"Where is she?" His voice held annoyance, but you could detect the change in tone.
"Bakugo," Mina said, trying to cover for you. "Why are you here? Is everything okay?"
"Cut the crap," he said, his voice a growl. "I know she's in there, Raccoon Eyes. Just... I need to talk to her."
You were frozen.
You were afraid.
You didn't know what to say or do.
Your heart was pounding, and your palms were sweating. You couldn't breathe.
"Send her out here," he said. "...Please."
Mina looked back at you. The pure shock in her eyes told you she'd heard him use the word, and you couldn't help but think the same. Bakugo wasn't a person who asked nicely. Ever. But the way he said it made it sound like it pained him.
You both stood there for a few moments. It was a stalemate, and neither of you could speak. Now that he was here, all the confidence Mina had built up was gone, and you were back to square one. You felt helpless.
Then, there was a sigh, not from him, but from her. It was the sound of defeat and the sound of surrender. She turned back to the door, opening it up to reveal those damn eyes of his.
His expression was hard and unreadable. It was blank, and his eyes were cold. They were the same ones you were used to seeing, the ones that held no emotion, the ones that only held anger. But they weren't as harsh as usual. They were softer.
He looked past Mina and saw you on the bed. The moment his gaze locked on yours, you knew you were going out in that hall whether you wanted to or not. His stare was strong, and it was demanding. It was like the world would crumble if you didn't follow his order.
So, you did.
You got off the bed and made your way to him. Your feet were heavy, and your heart was racing. With every step, the pressure got worse. When you were close enough, Mina shoved you towards him and then closed the door.
It was just you and him now.
You didn't know what to say. He was quiet, and the silence was killing you. It was making your head spin. You felt nauseous, and your stomach was in knots. It was too much.
"You..." He spoke, his voice low. "You're the most annoying person I've ever met."
You didn't respond. You couldn't. Your throat was dry, and your tongue was like sandpaper.
"Do you have any idea how frustrating you are?" he asked, his eyes narrowing. "You're such a fucking mess."
Back to this.
"Yeah, I get it," you told him, finding your voice. "I'm a mess. It's been established. But you know what, Bakugo? So are you. You're an asshole."
"Me?" he laughed. "You think I'm the asshole? You're the one who ran away. I didn't do shit."
"You're the one who cornered me," you shot back. "What the hell was that, anyway? Insulting me into a corner, and then—"
The pause of your sentence spoke louder than any words you could have said. It was a statement, an unspoken accusation, and the meaning was clear. It was obvious.
His jaw clenched, and his eyes darkened. "You know, if I had a dollar for every time you pissed me off, I'd be richer than All Might."
"If I had a dollar for every time I had to hear your rants about being the future number-one hero, I'd be able to retire," you retorted. "You're so fucking arrogant."
"Well, at least I know what I'm good at. You made that much clear, didn't you?"
Offended, you stepped closer to him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
You knew exactly what he meant. It was obvious. He was calling you out, and the fact that he had the nerve to even use those words after the incident in the common room made you see red. So, you might've done something that would get you in house arrest, but it was worth it.
You slapped him. Hard.
He didn't seem fazed, though. In fact, the only thing you did was piss him off even more. His eyes narrowed, and he leaned forward, towering over you. "Are you that much of a dumbass? How the hell did you make it this far in UA with that stupid brain of yours? Do you have any idea how dumb you are?"
"I'm not an idiot," you said through gritted teeth. "I have my strengths, too. I'm not weak."
"Oh, really?" He was mocking you, his voice a challenge. "Then, why did you run away?"
"What? It's not because of weakness? Then, why did you leave?"
You didn't have an answer.
"Exactly," he said. "You're a fucking coward. You ran away from your problems, and that's all you do. That's all you're capable of. You don't know how to deal with situations, and you just run."
"I'm not—"
"You are," he said. "Every damn time. You ran from me. From arguments, from training, from everything. It's all you ever do. And you don't seem to care, do you? You don't care how much it pisses me off. You just do it anyway."
"Tell me, damnit," he interrupted, his eyes flashing. "I... I let you in. I let you see something, and this is what I get? A slap and an escape? How the hell is that fair?"
"I didn't—"
"Yes, you did," he growled. "And it fucking hurt, okay? You don't know how much I..."
The silence was back, and it was more deafening than before. The tension was thick, and the air was heavy. You could feel the heat rising, the pressure building.
You had no idea what to say.
He was right. Mina was right. You had messed up, and you knew it. You knew you had hurt him. The pain was evident in his voice. But it didn't excuse him for being an ass about it.
"Why'd you come here?" you asked. "What did you expect to get out of this? Was it just to yell at me and make me feel bad?"
"No, moron, I came to ask if I fucked up. If I had crossed a line. I know what it looked like, but with your stupid ass, I don't know."
You rolled your eyes, but he made sure to keep them locked on him.
"You pulled me in. You returned it," he said, his voice dropping. "You even deepened the damn thing. What was I supposed to think, huh? You're not telling me anything. You're not giving me anything. If anything, you're taking. So, I'm asking. Stop running away, damnit. Talk to me."
The sincerity of his words struck a chord in your chest. He was right. He was absolutely right. You were running away. You were avoiding him.
You were a coward.
"I'm sorry," you said, your voice soft. "I shouldn't have done that. I... I didn't know what to do, and I was scared."
"What the hell are you scared of?"
"This," you told him. "Of you. Of the kiss. Of... what it meant."
"You're acting like you're the only one involved here," he said, his voice holding an edge. "What about me? Do you have any idea what I'm feeling right now? I'm just as confused and scared as you are, but you know what I'm not doing? Running away."
"I didn't mean to, it's just—"
"You did," he said, interrupting you. "You did, and you knew it. You were running, and you didn't want to deal with the consequences. That's what it was, wasn't it? You didn't want to face the truth. You didn't want to face me. You wanted to run. Like always."
"It's not like that."
"Then, what is it?"
You paused.
"Exactly," he said. "Nothing. You don't have an excuse. You were just being a coward. That's all it is. So, tell me. Tell me why the hell you ran. Tell me what the kiss meant to you. Because if you don't, I'll—"
"It meant everything!" you cried out, only to remember the late hour and quiet down. "It... it meant everything, okay? And I didn't want to lose that. I couldn't. It was... It was everything. It was so much. Too much. I didn't want it to be ruined. I didn't want to ruin what fucked friendship we had."
His expression was unreadable, and it made your stomach sink.
"So, I ran. I didn't know what else to do," you confessed, your voice quiet. "And... I didn't want you to find out the truth. Because if you did, you'd... I'd... Everything would change, and I didn't want that."
"We changed the moment that damn kiss happened," he said, his tone firm. "I'm not blind. You're not subtle, and I can tell that you've had feelings for me. And I think... I've had them for a while now, too. But if you're gonna act like this, if you're just going to run from your problems, then there's no point in doing anything. I can't have a relationship with someone who's just gonna hide and run away. It's not fair to either of us."
"Don't 'Bakugo' me," he growled, his eyes burning. "What are we gonna do about this, huh? Are we gonna keep dancing around each other and pretend it didn't happen? Are we gonna pretend it doesn't exist? Because if we do, I'm not wasting any more time. It's not worth it. I have better things to focus on."
"It's not like that."
"Really? Because it seems like it."
"Tell me, damnit. What the hell are we gonna do? What's it gonna be? I can't wait around forever, and I won't waste my time. I don't have the patience for it. If you're not willing to do anything about it, then there's no point in trying. It's just a waste of time. So, decide. Now."
He didn't ease up, and his gaze didn't falter. He was staring straight at you, waiting just as he had said. But you didn't know what to say or do. He was putting the ball in your court, and he wasn't budging. He wasn't backing down.
"Well?" he asked, his voice harsh. "I'm waiting. Make your choice."
"It's not that hard," he cut in, his eyes narrowing. "Either we try this, or we don't. So, make a damn choice. If not, I'm walking out, and I won't look back."
You knew the decision was easy. It was obvious. It was obvious, but your mind was spinning. It was hard to concentrate when his hands were on your arms, and his eyes were burning holes into your soul. It was impossible to think.
But, you knew. You knew the answer. You knew what you wanted.
"Do it."
The words left your lips without hesitation, and for a moment, he faltered. His expression changed, and his eyes widened. His grip on your arms loosened, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. He was silent, and his eyes were focused on yours.
"You don't want me to run?" You asked, your voice barely a whisper. "So, make me stay."
The words were simple. They were easy. But they were enough to see the twinkle in his eye. It was enough to see the shift in his demeanor and feel his grip tightening. His body was pressed against yours, and his hands were on your arms. He was leaning forward, his face inches from yours. His breath was hot, and his eyes were dark.
In an instant, you were flung back into the same position you had been in hours ago. His lips were on yours, and the intensity was there, stronger than ever. The kiss was rough and passionate. He was pushing against you, his grip firm. He was in control, and he was demanding.
You kissed him back, and the emotions were overwhelming. They were consuming. His hands met the small of your back, pulling you into him. He was firm, his touch strong and his kiss powerful. It was rough, but it was gentle. It was intense, but it was loving.
The kiss was everything.
The moment his lips left yours, you found yourself wanting more. You couldn't help but pull him back in, kissing him deeper and harder. He met your desire, his movements matching yours. You didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but the moment it broke, you knew.
You knew that this was right. You knew that this was what you wanted. You knew that he was the one.
"Katsuki," you whispered, his name leaving your lips in a breathy sigh. "Katsuki, I..."
"I know," he breathed, his voice husky. "Me, too."
Then, he pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you. He held you tight, his warmth enveloping you.
You knew this feeling now; you understood it. This was the love that Mina had been talking about. This was the emotion she had been describing. This was what it was like.
It was the best damn feeling in the world.
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szqnxi · 3 months
Shoto Todoroki x reader
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Tsuyu hosted a sleep over at her room and all of Class 3-A girls are invited.  Obviously, a sleep over won't be complete without fluffy cushions, games, gossips and a special mention of Yaoyorozu's tea.
You guys have been playing truth or dare for a while, it's just you and Uraraka that hasn't got their turns which makes you uneasy. You honestly don't know what Mina would ask you to do and you've already seen the things the girls did. One thing's for sure, this woman is scary.
"So...... Izuku right?" Mina asked as she turned to Uraraka who's face is now turning bright red.
"I don't like where this is going" Uraraka replied, trying to hide her flushed face in the palm of her hands, which activated her quirk, causing her to float around the room.
Mina giggled a little maniacally at Ochaco's words. In her head, she's thinking of all the things she would have her do, but you know she won't torment the poor girl that much. The pink haired removed "truth" as a choice because according to her, that's no fun at all. The girls agreed, including you, which you kind of regret now.
"So the dare is--" she paused, thinking for a second. "You need to send Midoriya a selfie. You can't tell him it's for a dare tho" this made Uraraka groan as she sat back beside Jirou. 
"Oh! You need to ask his opinion about your new necklace as well" Hagakure added and Yaoyorozu agreed. The girls gave each other a high five while Uraraka let out a defeated sigh.
She opened her front camera and positioned the phone above her head, tugging on the chain slightly. She showed us the picture before sending it to Izuku. The picture was rather suggestive in your opinion; the angle made her necklace pop up, but the top part of her bossom is visible in the background, it didn't help that her face is a little red in the photo as well.  
Uraraka:    *Sent a photo* 
                   Deku-kun, what do you think of new my necklace? 
                                                                   message delivered
"Now we wait" Mina cheerfully said and turned to you "You've been awfully quiet y/n" you can't help but to notice that grin plastered on her face and you know damn well she's up to no good.
"Let's get this over with" you told her with a sigh. You just wanted to quickly finish whatever suffering she's going to put you through.
Jirou pulled out her phone, searched for something before handing it to Mina. While they were busy discussing something, you nervously turned to Momo who's currently adjusting the eyeglasses he took from Iida "Can I back out?"  but she just gave you a cheeky smile and a pat on the shoulder. "Goodluck" 
Momo was the first one to be dared; her dare was to walk up to Iida, grab his glasses, wear it in front of him and walk away without saying anything. Tsuyu was dared to sit on Shoji's lap for 20 minutes. Hagakure had to confess on her long time crush, Ojiro, and lastly, Jirou was dared to shower Denki with praises for 10 minutes straight. Mina, on the other hand, was dared to kiss Bakugo on the cheeks, and you can already guess what happened next.                                                         
A phone was shoved into your line of sight. "You need to do this" Mina said while she pointed at the phone with a video playing. You look at her horrified but she just laughed at your face. 
"But with who?" Tsuyu asked.
"Todoroki" Uraraka grinned. 
"Yep. Definitely Todoroki." Jirou crossed her arms and nodded while her eyes are closed. 
You looked at them confused.  Although you do have a  crush on Shoto, you have never told anyone about it nor show even a slight interest at him. You can feel your face heat up at the sudden realization that your friends knows about your little crush on him all along. 
You sighed in defeat and just accepted the dare. What can possibly go wrong, right?
"We'll be watching" Mina winked at you as you guys marched towards the common area where the boys are hanging out. The girls stopped by the stairs, peeking a little. You made your way towards the couch where Kirishima and Shoto are sitting.  
"Yo, y/n" Kiri greeted you and you just replied with a nod.
You sat beside Shoto who was munching on a chocolate chip cookie. He offered you a piece which you happily took and ate beside him. 
"Oh this is good! Who made this?" you asked.
"I made it" Shoto turned to you. "I asked Kirishima and Bakugo to teach me" you nodded and quickly look away. You quietly scanned the whole room; Kiri and Shoto are minding their own business eating the cookies Shoto made, the Baku-squad are playing a video game while Izuku and the others are playing a monopoly game, though Izuku isn't really playing, he's just staring at the screen of his phone, looking very red. 
You can't help but to chuckle to yourself. You quickly glanced towards the girls and Mina mouthed "now". Unbeknownst to you, Kiri was also looking at the girls direction, when your eyes landed on him, he gave you a confused look and you just replied with an apologetic look. His mouth turned into a circle when realization hits him.
'A game huh' he mouthed and you answered with a nod.
"Shoto" you turned to him.
"Can we--" here goes nothing "make...love?" You can see Kirishima choke on his cookie in your peripheral vision.
"Make love?" he asked, confused. 
You nodded. You can feel your face heat up. You looked away, not wanting to see the look on Shoto's face, you mentally wished that the couch would swallow you up because of the embarassment you feel.
You don't know what Shoto's response will be, but knowing him, you're sure he'll be nice at least. You mentally braced yourself for a rejection you're about to face. Or so you thought.
"Sure, but do we even have the ingredients for that?" 
"What?" You and Kirishima said in unison. 
Shoto looked at you two, confusion visible on his face. 
"This is the first time I've heard about that dish" he stated. Kirishima snorted and finally let out the laugh he's been holding for so long, while you bit your inner cheek to hold back yours. Shoto on the other hand, ignored the red head and called Bakugo instead.
"Bakugo, can you send me the ingredients for love?" he asked as he pulled out his phone and started searching for the dish called love. 
"What the fuck, Icy-Hot?!" Bakugo yelled, his eyes landed on Shoto, his face looking like he just heard the stupidest thing in the world. This took the attention of your other classmates as well.
His gaze left his phone, he quickly looked at you then at Bakugo "Y/n said they wanted to make lov-" you hurriedly jumped from your seat to cover Shoto's mouth. 
"Ah! Oh my gosh don't mind him! It's a dare!" You half shouted.  Your classmates just laughed at you, you can feel your face heat up due to embarrassment. 
'Screw you Mina' you thought to yourself.
"Didn't know you're freaky like that y/n" Denki teased you. The others gave you a teasing look as well.
"It's a dare!" You shouted in horror. 
"Sure, if you say so" he and the others laughed and get back to playing again. Kirishima, who's laughing with the others, stood up and bid farewell to the both of you. "I'll leave you guys to your own business" he said with a wink. 
You just sighed. You're pretty sure all of your classmates will be teasing you for the next few days. 
"Y/n" Shoto mumbled under your hand. 
You quickly removed your hand from his mouth and apologized. "Sorry" you said awkwardly as you sat back on your spot again.
He just hummed. Silence took over the both of you. You quietly glanced towards the stairs and the girls are nowhere to be seen. They must've gone back to Tsuyu's room. You contemplated whether to go back to her room or not. 
You let your eyes wander and it stopped at his phone, a search tab was open and it was an article about "make love". You turned to face Shoto, you opened your mouth to explain about the dare, but before you can say something, he pulled you by the collar of your shirt and gave you a peck on the lips. 
You stared at him, wide eyed.
"I can't exactly give you what you want right now but I'm pretty sure a kiss will suffice?" he said.
"Wha-" he kissed you again. This time it was longer, until it was interrupted when a throw pillow hit the back of his head. 
"Get a room you fucking dumbasses!!" it was Bakugo. 
You gave him a middle finger and was about to talk back when Shoto pulled you away from the scene and lead you towards the second floor. 
"Where are we going?" you asked.
"Getting a room" he opened the door to his room and shoved you inside.
"Looks like I'm gonna have to give you what you want after all" he smiled at you and locked the door.
Note: As usual this isn't proofread lol. My request inbox is open!! Pls drop some, I'd appreciate it.
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dumbseee · 6 months
prom queen.
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when bakugo wants to invite you to prom, but doesn’t know how to do it.
bakugo katsuki x fem!reader.
warning: bad english/grammar :p / excuse any typos!
"just go for it! she won’t say no!" mina encouraged her friend, smiling from ear to ear after kaminari let it slipped that bakugo wanted to invite you to prom. the poor boy did his best to not meet the glaring gaze of his friend. "forget about it! i don’t know why dunce face said that, it’s not true!" he yelled, throwing a pillow at mina. "liar! i knew you liked her! do you think you’re slick with the way you look at her during class or training? you even proclaimed yourself her male partner for training, you don’t even let another boy approach her." she crossed her arms on her chest, looking at her friend with a knowing smile. bakugo was burning up and could feel the palm of his hands starting to sparkle from the sweat. as he was about to explode in the dorm’s living room, another voice calmed him instantly.
"we’re here!" you said, arms full of shopping bags and followed by momo and jirou. mina jumped off the couch and ran to them, while bakugo kept his eye on you the whole time. you looked so beautiful, with your hair styled in a high ponytail you even put some light makeup on and damn you looked so good. "oh my god! you went to buy your dresses for prom?" mina asked and you nodded, you seemed to notice the burning gaze of bakugo on you since you turned to look at the three men sitting on the couch. you lifted your hand to wave at them and only bakugo ignored you, turning his gaze away from you and back on the tv. you frowned and bite your lip, you didn’t know why bakugo was this way with you, you were convinced that he hated you. mina brushed it off and dragged you and your friends to her dorm so you could show her the dresses you brought.
prom was tomorrow and you still haven’t got anyone to go with you. of course, you had a lot of people asking you to go with them, and they were cute guys, but you always said no. why? because you were still waiting for someone to ask you for prom. "hey, y/n! can you help me take these boxes back to the storage room?" iida asked you, snatching you out of your reveries. "oh? yes, of course!" you smiled at him, making the class rep blush slightly, you got up and took the boxes on the ground, you started walking towards the exit, thinking that iida was following you. "i think we did a great job with the decorations, don’t you think iida?" when he didn’t answer, you frowned and turned around to look at him, you almost dropped the boxes on the ground when you saw bakugo, instead of iida, holding the boxes and walking behind you. "bakugo?" you asked, slowing down your pace. the blond swallowed before looking away, a slight pink colour colouring his cheekbones. "four eyes had other things to do." he mumbled and you nodded, you didn’t want to ask more questions and make him angry, he seemed pissed off enough to be around you and having to carry those boxes. "are those heavy?" you were surprised that he spoke up again, you turned to look at him, a questioning look on your face. "i’ll carry them for you." he simply said, carrying his boxes on his right hand to scoop yours with his left. "i-it’s too heavy! let me help!" you tried to snatch back your boxes but he dodged you with ease.
"hey y/n!" a new voice stopped you from voicing your concern again, you turned to face the person calling you and it happened to be awase. you couldn’t see it but bakugo’s grip on the boxes had tightened as he glared at the boy who ran to you, he was blushing and seemed extremely uncomfortable. he tried his best to avoid bakugo’s gaze but it was hard and the blond’s aura was suffocating. "u-um, are you b-busy? i wanted to ask you something." he was fidgeting with his hands while looking away. "for now i’m helping my class decorate the ballroom for prom, and i’m going to the storage room with bakugo, is it important?" bakugo knew where this was going, he wasn’t dense and could read the room. if it was anyone else, he’d have left the scene immediately, but it was you. and ain’t no way is he letting you go to prom with this idiot. "kinda, i was wondering if you had someone to go to prom with?" he rubbing the back of his head and finally made eye contact with you.
you smiled at the boy, your heart tugging a little when you thought about the fact that the boy you wanted to go to prom with was standing behind you, probably cursing you out because you were wasting his time. you signed softly before smiling at awase, about to accept his offer, even though you really didn’t want to. when all of a sudden, you felt a strong arm wrapping around your shoulders. you looked up, and blushed furiously when you saw bakugo, looking straight at awase with that hard expression on his face. "she’s going with me, now scram before i make you fucking explode." he spat, not once looking at you. awase left in a hurry, blurting out apologies. "thanks, but you didn’t have to do that." you said, a sad smile on your lips, now you had to go to prom alone while all your friends would go with their crushes. bakugo looked at you, lifting up one of his brow. "you didn’t have to pretend you were going with me, you know." you looked down and the blond lifted up your face with two of his fingers, making you blush again. his face was now inches from yours and you didn’t know where to look, his lips looked soft but his red irises were so beautiful from up close. "you’re going with me to that stupid prom, pretty girl." he whispered, your eyes widened while he grinned at you, taking a step back and walking towards the storage room.
of course, bakugo made sure to walk in front of you so you wouldn’t be able to see his red cheeks and how he was trying to catch his breath.
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makobakuboom · 4 months
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wordcount - 704
Paring - Katsuki Bakugo x reader
Some quick fluff for you to enjoy while I write something big!!
After hanging out with your secret boyfriend Bakugo it's finally time for him to leave but just as he's leaving someone spots him.
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A nest of blankets and pillows had formed around you and your boyfriend Bakugo. The two of you had been lounging in bed together tangled for hours, unfortunately your time together was about to be cut. You glanced at the clock, hazily blinking from the sleepiness your boyfriend’s arms brought you. “Kats look at the time, you gotta go.” You said with a slight frown on your face.
He hummed in acknowledgment and lifted his head from your shoulder to look at you with a sigh. Usually you would let him spend the night and make sure he left early enough to not get caught, but you had early combat training and that left no opportunity for him to leave. You two had been dating for a couple months now and had decided to keep it a secret because, as Katsuki had said it, ‘those dumbasses would be annoying and never shut up about it’.
He stroked your hair as he gave you a kiss on the cheek. He untangled himself from you and got up with a groan. Glancing at the clock he let out another sigh. “Stupid fucking early training..” He said with a slight growl and threw a quick mad expression before giving you a warm smile.You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed tightly while he sat on the edge of your bed as a final goodbye before he left. 
You walked out and opened the door to let him out with a frown once again. Just outside your door frame Bakugo turned around to face you with a smirk, leaning in for a kiss he was interrupted by the neighboring door opening. “Bakubro..? What are you doing here?”  A look of anger spread across your boyfriend’s face as he whipped his head to face the fiery redhead, well his hair wasn’t so red at the moment. Red tips of his hair hung in front of his eyes while his roots were a color more similar to your boyfriend’s. 
Behind him stumbled out Mina who let out a gasp. “What are YOU doing with raccoon eyes??” Bakugo said loud enough for it to be a yell but not loud enough to wake the others. Kirishima scratched the back of his and let out a small chuckle. Mina finally pushed past him as her eyes widened, as pointed at you two looking back and forth. “STOP IT UNLESS YOU WANNA DIE” Little explosions formed from Bakugo’s hands as Mina cowarded back and behind Kiri. 
“Calm down Mina helps me dye my hair the red’s not natural, keep that a secret.” Kirishima let out another chuckle and a smile spread across his face. “Now explain to us what’s going on here!!” Mina yelled, peeking her head out from behind. Bakugo let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. You grabbed onto your boyfriend’s arm to calm him down in any way, doing this makes him soften his expression just a bit.
“You caught us!! We’re dating but please don’t tell anyone.” You said while peeking your head out the door frame with an embarrassed look. Bakugo’s eyes widen while he turns his head to face you. The two others with you let out a gasp. “Oh MY GOSH GIRL WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME??” Mina whisper yelling, running over to you. An arm was quickly put out to keep distance. “Because we knew you would act like this, ya damn weirdo.” Bakugo said with another scoff. Mina rolled his eyes at him.
“Well since we both know each other’s secret so I don’t see why we would tell anyone.” Kirishima interjected trying to keep the peace. He grabbed Mina and pulled her back with a sigh. “We gotta finish my hair..Sorry guys!!” He said while the two walked off in the direction of the elevators. You and Bakugo look at each other with a little confusion while letting out a small laugh. “If he tells anyone I’ll kill him.” You lightly hit his arm for saying that. As he walked away to head to his dorm you let out a small smile. It was good to finally tell someone about your secret relationship, even if you get teased over it.
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uravitypng · 5 months
𝐢'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
pairing: bakusquad x chubby reader (katsuki bakugo + hanta sero + mina ashido + eijiro kirishima + denki kaminari)
word count: 4.4k words
a/n: definitely haven't been working on this for months <33 this turned out more fluffy than intended for a free use fic asdfghj. basically they all need to be dating!!! none of the bakusquad have any contact with each other... yet... idk i might make a part two where they're not just taking turns but all together with the reader
content warnings: free use, unprotected vaginal sex, oral (f!recieving & m!recieving), vaginal fingering, multiple orgasms, cockwarming, groping, biting, dumbification, slight breeding mention, somno, wlw, spanking, petnames - mdni (like my whole tumblr)
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when becoming friends and roommates with the bakusquad you didn't realise what it would exactly entail. becoming friends with five successful pro heroes while you're a civilian is something you would never expect, not in your wildest dreams, so it's not a surprise to you that your feelings for them grew with each day and after a particular turn of events you let them use you however they wanted. if they want to take out their frustrations of a stressful day by roughly fucking you than you're more than willing to oblige to their request or if they want to tenderly make love to you after an emotional and exhausting day you're more than willing to oblige- you're their toy after all.
they'll use you anywhere and anywhen, it doesn't matter if you're in public or if you're sleeping, you've given them your full consent.
the first time it happened was with katsuki. he was angry and annoyed and you didn't know what to do, you've never truly seen him like this before and you haven't been friends with him as long as the others have been friends with him, you didn't want to make it worse. ideally you would ask the others what you should do but they were all busy working.
you later found out a journalist cornered him after a minor rescuing incident and asked him more intrusive questions than normal and that day it got to him more than normal too. for some reason the press always seems to ask him more personal questions than other heroes you know and you can't figure out why but you have a few ideas: to see his reaction, to get more information about his private life from him because he's one of the more secretive heroes, or to see his 'real' personality wondering if everything they see in public is all just an image.
"i'm sorry katsuki. is there anything i can do to make you feel a bit better?" you ask him and in less then ten seconds he's pinned you against the wall and is biting your bottom lip making you moan, giving him the opportunity to move his tongue into your mouth, intertwining your tongues and muffling any surprised noises that threaten to come out of you. you feel his large callus palms run all over your body as he pushes up your shirt and touches every single part of his skin he can get his hands on, leaving bruises and pretty marks to decorate your equally pretty body.
katsuki shoves his hand underneath your underwear, not bothering to take off your clothes and fingers you until you start screaming his name and your vision begins to go blurry.
"holy shit katsuki. feel's so good." he pumps two of his thick fingers inside of you and his ego soars as he not only feels how wet you are but hears it too as your cunt squelches and you clench around his fingers. he smirks as you come undone on his fingers chanting his name over and over again, your fists gripping onto his shirt tightly.
"this'll make me feel better," he grunts and tries to press his body closer to yours than it already was, your tits now completely pressed against him. "god shitty woman how oblivious can ya be? swear you're useless sometimes. a fucking dumbass." if you were someone else you might have taken offence to him calling you shitty woman or useless especially in the position you're currently in but you're use to him calling you names by now knowing he doesn't mean them negatively, if anything they're affectionate, most of the time he'll call people extras and you're glad he doesn't see you as an extra.
katsuki grits his teeth, "shut up," he grunts and you feel his hardened cock against your thigh, he slams his lips against yours again and starts kissing you even more furiously, if you didn't know better you'd say passionately but you don't think he'd ever kiss you passionately.
he sees your eyes glazed over with a daze on your face and smirks. his hand goes behind you to cups the curve of your ass then slaps with the sound echoing against the walls, making you whine. you feel the humidity that's resting on his palms and your whole body tingles imaging him using his quirk (controlled) on you.
"no one else has made ya feel this good have they sweetheart?" he asks gruffly already knowing the answer.
"no, no one else 'suki. no one has ever made me ever feel this good!" you reply honestly, tears starting to fill your waterline.
he knows you're being honest and if anything you're being more forgiving of your previous sexual encounters and talking more favourable about your past sexual partners than they deserve. "fuckin' criminal."
after what happened with katsuki you sat down with your friends and told them that you give them your consent to use you whenever. katsuki looked so much calmer after and his body looked more relaxed, less tension. you couldn't help but think that your other friends would be the same.
you were bashful the whole time while speaking, mumbling and looking away, your whole face felt like it were on fire but you were offering to help them all, you knew how stressful their work is and you wanted to help.
you want them, you wouldn't tell them that part though, neither did you ever have to think hard on your proposal.
all of them loved the idea, why wouldn't they? they're madly in love with you. over time all of them fell in love with you but none of them would ever make a move on you not willing to lose or jeopardise the friendship they have with you nor are they willing to make a move while knowing how the others feel about you either. you're sweet, and kind, and beautiful, and brilliant, and a hundred million more things that make you special in their eyes.
none of them thought they would ever get the chance to be with you in any such way, romantic or sexual, and they were more then content with being your friend, strictly platonic, but now they get to be your friend and they get to sleep with you, they're ecstatic.
hanta likes cockwarming with you, every single chance he gets he pulls you onto his lap and onto his cock without warning and puts on a movie to watch as he watches you squirm and try to keep still but it's so hard keeping still when the longest dick you've ever seen is inside of you and you feel it throbbing.
hanta sees you struggling and grins as you shift around and whimper quietly. you're biting your hand to try to keep silent but it's ineffective. "hush princesa, i'm trying to watch the film." he says teasingly, holding onto your plush waist to keep you from moving and lifts up your top, caressing your soft skin making you get goosebumps from the sensation of his cold rings touching you.
occasionally he'll lazily thrust up into you, making you squeak, he'll chuckle at the noises you make and get off on how needy you are for him. "you look so beautiful sitting on my lap mi amor," your heart flutters and your face heats up whenever he calls you affectionate names in his first language and especially when he calls you my love, "but aren't you suppose to be pleasing me? you seem very needy and demanding for someone who has offered their body to me." you shudder as he speaks, still with his hand caressing your body.
you look at him and pout, causing his grin to widen. "not my fault, you feel really good."
hanta's voice drops lower and becomes husky while he leans closer to you, "yeah?"
you nod your head and try to wrap your arms around him, admittedly unsuccessfully from the position you're currently in as you're facing away from him to 'watch' the movie with him, making hanta chuckle. "yeah," you reply.
hanta smirks as he looks down at you over your shoulder and tenderly strokes your arm, "beg me to move." with no hesitation you beg.
with everyone else they'll take what they want from you and get you to come as many times as they want (if they do want you to cum) without you having to beg but hanta is different, he'll make you cry and beg for him. no matter how horny he is he'll wait for you to become putty in his hands as you cry buried in the crook of his neck, trying to grind against him and wetting his shoulder with your tears, pleading for anything he gives you. he loves seeing you cry for him and plead for his cock.
you're always so pliant for him and he likes to make you even more pliant. as your reward for listening to him he grabs your wide hips and starts to move you up and down, harshly, making the ability to breathe leave your body momentarily at the sudden movement all while cooing at you, albeit condescendingly. "awe does that feel good princesa? you finding it hard to take it all?" he grins as you tip your head back and rests it on his shoulder, your moans getting louder, unable to respond and form a coherent sentence.
you feel like you feel him all the way in throat, a completely impossible thought of course but it's hard to think otherwise with each time he slams you back down and your pelvis meets his it's making you lose every braincell you have with how good you feel and how good he fills you up.
"open up," you compliantly open your mouth still in a daze and hanta spits in your mouth, grinning as he watches you swallow it without any prior audible command to do so already knowing from previous liaisons.
his pace changes, every so often becoming quicker with shallow thrusts than back to a regular pace with deeper thrusts just to tease you and make you light headed, not knowing what to expect next. his groans become more audible and he grips onto you tighter, his blunt nails making a crescent imprint on your hips. "s-shit hanta i can't, too much."
"i thought you were my good girl. you were begging for me only awhile ago." he smirks, starting to get close.
"i am! i am your good girl, promise! just 's a lot."
he chuckles at your obedience, you really are his good girl, made for him- and the others.
but he does wonder if you're that obedient with them as you are with him.
he purposefully slows down his pace and wraps one arm around your supple middle keeping you bouncing and tilts your chin up to look at him with his other hand before placing a gentle chaste kiss on your lips.
mina seizes every opportunity to lay lingering wet kisses down your neck all the way to your chest. you get goosebumps as you feel her breath against your skin and feel the sticky lipgloss left over from her lips.
mina never wears lipstick but she's nearly always seen wearing lipgloss and they're always flavoured ones, enjoying the look of how the sticky remnant remains on your skin after being transferred from her lips and how you seemingly unconsciously swipe your tongue out over your own lips afterwards to taste the flavour that remains.
whenever a man comes onto her apparently not understanding the word 'no' she comes straight to you afterwards so she can feel you up and touch your soft body and curves. you're so much better than anyone else and she's so glad that you let her touch you however and whenever she wants.
beforehand when someone was so persisted that it grossed her out she still would come to see you, you were roommates and very close friends after all. mina would complain about them and you would listen and bash them because how dare they keep being so disrespectful, unable to be take a hint or handle rejection.
the entire time when mina used to talk about them she'd think about how soft your lips looked, how good her hand would look wrapped around your throat and how she wants to go down on you so bad that you pull her hair and more importantly squeeze your thighs together in between her head.
"such a sweet little thing for me," she tells you and kisses your ankle. you whimper and she opens up your thighs wider for now, wanting to get a good look at your pretty pussy. mina flicks her tongue up against your pussy lips making a shiver run down your spine before her tongue enters into your soaking hole, moaning at your taste and your aroma, making her dizzy in the process. you can't help but squeal and shudder at the sensation as her eyes gleam with every new noise you make. she removes her tongue from inside of you, the sweet taste still lingering on her tongue. she flicks her tongue up again, curling two fingers back into you and starts sucking on your clit.
the pleasure builds up inside of you with every curl of her fingers, "that's a good girl, come for me," mina mumbles against your clit and you squeeze your thighs with mina's head between them, not being able to stop yourself as you're about to come again for the third time in an hour.
"oh fuck, min-" the last syllable of mina's name is silenced in an inaudible groan as the coil in your stomach snapped and you unravelled where she helped to ride out your orgasm still between your doughy thighs.
now she gets her wish whenever she wants as she's able to look up to see how your voluptuous body shakes. she gets to feel how soft and warm your thick thighs feel wrapped around her head.
as you calm down from another intense orgasm you move to look at mina, "what about you?" hinting that you desperately want to return the favour.
she can see the neediness in your eyes and giggles. "i can't right now sweet pea, i've got to go to work."
mina giggles again, "i'll be back soon babes then we can carry on from where we left off, okay?" she smiles brightly and takes her leave feeling equalling as needy as you but who can blame her when she spent the last hour pleasuring you and feeling your plump body underneath hers and getting you see your gorgeous face scrunched up in pleasure. mina doesn't mind the needy feeling though as the look on your face is worth it as she leaves because she knows when she comes back home you'll make her feel just as good as she made you feel.
eijiro works nights a lot of the time which means typically you get woken up by him. this means most nights you sleep with only a nightie on or a baggy pyjama shirt foregoing underwear or pyjama bottoms so eijiro doesn't have to worry about fiddling with any layers and pulling them down. the only exemptions about the clothes are when it's particularly cold that night.
after work he'll want to feel your soft body squish in between his fingers as he presses down on your malleable skin, groping you wherever he can get his hands on and pumping his girthy cock in his other hand a couple times, wanting to be buried in that sweet cunt that he loves so much so it's no surprise to you to be woken up to his grunts and gentle thrusts.
whenever you do wake up he feels guilty. he knows you need, and like your sleep and he never intended to wake you up so he strokes the sides of your body and softly tells you to go back to bed while kissing your temple.
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but no matter the outcome of trying to get you to go back to sleep your body always has the same reaction, mewls and moans leaving your body involuntarily and you becoming more and more wet with each thrust that it's dripping down to your thick thighs.
the times when you don't fall back to sleep you don't move much, very much a pillow princess in those moments but that's what eijiro prefers. he likes looking after you and treating you like the princess you are. he enjoys doing all the work so when you do wake up all you can do is rub your eyes sleepily and moan louder while he tries to shush you because no doubt someone has to be up in a few hours for patrol.
"p-please," you whine but you don't know what you're begging for. eijiro knows though as he pushes the remaining inches of his cock inside of you, you both hiss, and he slowly and deeply starts moving in you. you grab hold of his muscular forearms and whine about the pleasurable stretch.
you turn your head to the side so your neck is bare. he knows what you want more than your tired words can mumble out so he turns your neck further to the side than you did to keep you still and bites down, not hard enough to cause serious pain and break your skin but enough to hurt slightly and cause you to gasp, your mind momentarily going blank and your hips to jerk up.
before you started sleeping with eijiro you didn't know you liked the sensation of getting bitten so much until he bit you to keep himself quiet while at a very lively party. normally he wouldn't mind people hearing how good he makes you feel and vise versa but there was a minority of people at that party who were all trying to make a new hero commission and he didn't want to to draw attention to you or him with those people, knowing what the last commission did. even though you are just a civilian he wants to make sure they stay well away from you but still that wasn't enough to drag you into an empty room and fuck you until you couldn't stand after seeing how beautiful you looked that night.
ever since then biting became involved in your sex life. eijiro knew he liked biting people before you, he enjoys the surprised gasps and how bodies move but with you it's completely different, it's on a whole new level with how plump your body is, it's like heaven. no matter where he bites you there's always some part he can sink his teeth into making your body beautifully buck up uncontrollably. the whole experience and sensation making him groan and the noises you always make in bed are like no over- ethereal, just like the rest of you.
when he hears the slapping sound of your two bodies making contact get louder and louder and sees the creamy ring left over from each thrust he has to hold onto you tighter, gripping hold of your love handles, enough to leave bruises, and looking up at the ceiling not wanting to cum yet. he knows as soon as he looks down at your cute face or perfect body he'll immediately orgasm so to try and make himself last longer he'll look up.
that on top of the quicker pace and him touching your clit, just the way you like it, makes you come. you clench around him and moan words incomprehensibly causing him to come too as he feels you get tighter around him.
"gonna clean you up in a second baby just let me stay inside you for awhile." at this point you're both falling asleep, he wraps his muscular arms around you tighter and manhandles your chubby body so you're laying on top of him, your arm on his chest and your face in his neck, the whole time making sure his dick doesn't accidentally slip out of you. even though you're semi conscious you know that you're going to be sleeping like this all night, both of you are too tired to move, with your last moments of consciousness being your slow blinks that you use to gaze up at eijiro admiring how handsome he is, you like when his hair is down after showering because without it being styled to be spiky you can see his roots coming through, red mixing with his natural black, even now when he's half asleep and ready for bed he looks just as handsome as he does at any fancy hero event he attends. "you feel too good to get up and leave and anyway i've got to plug you full, breed you properly to make sure it sticks." he mumbles against your forehead half asleep, drifting off only a minute or so after.
out of everyone denki is the one to touch you the most, if no one else is kissing you he's taking the opportunity to kiss you and hold you all over. he's the most emotional and vulnerable when it comes to sex too. he feels safe around you, to let his carefree persona down and to be sensitive and vulnerable, just staying fully in the moment with you.
the first time you slept together, you kissed his chest all the way to his hips making his hips buck up. he had wanted you so bad for so long and now he finally had you.
originally, you had stroked his cock for the first time and you heard a string of moans and it immediately turned you on more than you already were. as he got closer to his release he said breathy, "please don't stop, this will probably be the only chance i ever get to touch you." it had shocked you not realising that he felt that way but you didn't stop, doing what you were told, and knowing you were going to talk to him after.
not long after, he came and you threw your arms around him, arms wrapped around his neck and clinging onto him. he was still catching his breath, "do you really think this was a one time thing denki? i told you all before that i want to do this." he blushed and squished your cheeks, a habit he had picked up on doing recently at the time, you swat his hands away and giggle, denki smiles.
denki is also the most possessive which surprised you, if you thought anyone would be possessive your guess would be katsuki but it's really denki. he gets jealous when you spend more time with the others than you do with him and will want your attention. it's even more noticeable when it comes to other people who aren't in the bakusquad.
if you ever smile too cheerfully at someone, laugh too loudly at someone's jokes or if someone flirts with you he gets extremely jealous, you never flirt back though, you have everything you need and sometimes you don't even realise they were flirting in the first place.
at times like that denki is the most vulnerable. as soon as you both get home he's kissing you tenderly and holding you like fragile treasured glass in his arms. most of the time he takes you to the bedroom and lays you on the bed but this time he pushes your head down gently and you fall to you knees carefully. "do you need a cushion babe?"
your heart warms at how considerate he is. you look up at him and shake your head, "i'm okay," you smile up at him and you don't miss the way his cheeks are dusted pink. unzipping his jeans and pulling them down, along with his boxers that already are wet with precum leaking from his cock, you kiss his thigh and stare at his .
denki holds onto your head as you part your lips and open your mouth, taking him in your mouth. you hollow your cheeks and grab a hold of his thighs. he keeps his hips still no matter how much he wants to rut inside your wonderful wet and warm mouth. when his hips do occasionally buck it makes you gag before he corrects himself and pushes back against the wall trying to control himself not to pound up into you, he wants you to control the pace. the moans that he makes as you take him further only spur you on as your pace gets quicker and your nose presses against his lean stomach momentarily before having to leave and gasp for air. denki may not be as thick as eijiro or as long as hanta but he's still big, more than people would assume, he's bigger than average (only if slightly.) denki's arm rests of his head while he takes deep breaths.
"fuck babe that was-" you cut him off as you take him in your mouth again and wrap your lips around him and you hollow your cheeks once again. his moans and groans become more frequent and you can tell that he's about to come.
his grip get's tighter while resting on your head and his groans get deeper. "gonna come, you swallow alright babe." you hum in confirmation, "shit, shit, shit," his eyebrows pinch together and his hot cum sprays in ropes at the back of your throat and you mourn not being able to properly fully taste him. denki lifts you up by your elbows and when you come face-to-face you kiss his cheek, he's not satisfied with that though and he passionately makes out with you not caring that he just came in your mouth and is holding onto your plush waist while grinning against your lips. "bedroom." he whispers in your ear making you shudder at the demanding tone he used, not often does he use it but whenever he does... well it makes your whole body tingle.
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jaegerbby · 11 months
➳ persistence
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--͙[katsuki bakugo x female! reader]-͙-
╰┈➤ word count; 8244
╰┈➤ rundown; katsuki sees you through rose coloured glasses, you're his best friend after all. little does he know, you would do anything to have him.
╰┈➤ caution; alcohol consumption (legal drinking age is 18 in my country), bakugo cheats on his gf, possessiveness, jealousy, dry humping, choking, cunninglingus, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, belly bulge, size kink, virginity loss (mentions of blood), slight kaminari x yn, yn has small boobs.
not proof read !
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katsuki has been yours forever.
well, he has been your best friend forever.
although, katsuki is oblivious to how near and dear you hold him to your heart and the things you would do to have him.
you were prone to running girls off even if it meant spewing some preposterous lie.
you would do it all if it meant being able to fawn over katsuki like he was more than your best friend.
you spend every moment that you can with him.
you thought he loved your company the same but katsuki tells you he lost his virginity and you realise he was seeking love elsewhere.
he smashes your heart into a million pieces with just a sentence.
you stick closer to him, you thought he would heal your broken heart although he was the reason for it.
but he does it again, he takes it and rips it apart because two months later, you find out katsuki has a girlfriend.
you try to break them up.
you really do. you make yourself an issue.
what girl is okay with their boyfriend constantly around his girl best friend. what girl would tolerate that?
katsuki's girlfriend.
you find that out the hard way.
you disrupt their plans but somehow she finds herself there.
you delete messages she sends and she blames it on the network. not katsuki! never him!
he misses countless calls when he is with you but she does not mind!
you drive yourself insane trying to get rid of her.
it seems like she is here to stay.
you are eighteen when alcohol is legal and a hot commodity.
when your friend group rents a beach house with the sole purpose of getting wasted.
you see katsuki as soon as you step into the hall. you smile, well almost.
"what the fuck are you wearing?" you furrow your brows at his irritated tone. you swear boys are suppose to like this.
"a bathing suit."
"your entire ass is out." he scowls.
"okay? who cares?"
they do care. they all have their eyes on you.
izuku swallows hard when you smile at him and shouto almost stops breathing when your hip brushes his. katsuki is stalking around the house like he wants to lay claim. like he is seconds away from pissing all over you.
it is on the tip of your tongue to tell him to worry about his girlfriend.
she comes downstairs a second later and is all over him. you are jealous. of course you are! he is letting her do all the things he should have given to you.
the alcohol is all you have to quell you over. when kaminari starts feeling you up, who are you to deny it? he is slurring words with his body flush to yours and katsuki seethes for the world to see.
"you're so pretty and your body." he whistles. you giggle in his face, your arms around his shoulders to press your breasts to his bare abdomen.
he is a good looking guy but he would never compare to katsuki. kaminari's hands trail lower, thumbing the fabric of your bathing suit.
you find katsuki whose jaw locks tighter the longer you are in kaminari's arms. whose knuckles have turned white from being wrapped in fists.
"i've wanted to fuck you for so long." he rasps, you can definitely feel his erection digging into your tummy.
you smile, your lips brushing his "then why haven't you?"
katsuki has had enough.
he yanks kaminari back by his hair and roughly shoves him into the wall. you wince.
"what the fuck, bakugo?" everyone though tipsy is alerted by the scene. katsuki is intimidating and as bad as you feel for kaminari you are stifling a grin behind your palms.
"do you want me to kill you?" katsuki nears him, smoke seems to blow out his nose like a raging bull.
"for what?" katsuki has only gotten bigger over the years, his abs flex as he breathes hard and his bicep swells when he reaches for kaminari.
you step in front of him and katsuki looks murderous as he glares at you.
"yn, move." you are all wide eyed and playing innocent.
"i won't let you hit him."
"you're choosing that dunce over me?" his brows tilt up. you do not say a word. "you let him touch you. you were asking him to fuck you."
it is exactly how you want it to go. his girlfriend furrows her brows. you do not know if it is the alcohol, anger or jealousy but katsuki does not care.
"katsuki." you hate the way his name sounds on her tongue.
"why do you care?" he tenses. she comes up to his side, pulling on his arm.
you want them to fight, you want to draw her to her breaking point and finally push her over the edge.
it should have happened years ago.
it is way into the morning, about 1:43 am. everyone is in the rooms, black out drunk and desperately needing to recuperate.
you are on your phone on the couch, still dressed in your bathing suit.
you sit up when katsuki walks down the stairs in a short sweatpants and a tshirt. his hair pushed back by a bando, one of yours he had taken years ago.
he settles right next to you, your feet pulled to your chest and facing him though he is staring at the blank screen of the tv.
"how'd you get her to quiet down?"
"there are men here and they think like men and you still wore that." really he wants to say, i'm a man. a filthy fucked up one that has longed to wreck the friendship between you.
his eyes meet yours looking at your features with so much softness before they lower to all the skin you have on display, your tits, your stomach, the scars and he knows the story for each one.
there are birthmarks he has never seen before, katsuki wants to know more, about you.
his eyes only grow darker, primal, everything in him wants you. he has for a long time.
you ignore his words "did you fuck her?" he scowls "i wouldn't fuck her and then come to you." you scoff.
katsuki's eyes trail to the curve of your cunt, barely covered by that scrap of fabric, the way you have your legs up only makes it more prominent.
"liar. over the last two years, you fucked her and now you're here." his eyes flicker to yours. you rest your phone on the cushion as you lean over to him, his tongue swiping over his lips when your bare ass comes into his view.
you straddle his lap, his legs spread and his bulge pressing into you immediately. his large hands find your hips, holding you as he thrusts up. his erection has you gasping. your hands find purchase in his fluffy blond hair.
you are still smaller than him, you have always been. your face nears his, you want to break down and cry.
"you're my best friend, suki, aren't you supposed to know my every want?" your hips grind into his, panting and mewling into his face, you have not done this before.
your cunt soaks through the thin fabric, it feels wet and slimy. your hips roll against him, why did his dick feel so good when it was not even inside you?
you do not want to stop, you want to do it all and now.
"i do."
he thrusts up into your weeping slit and you whine as your body grows hotter. your eyes fixate on his, his hands grip your cheeks and they are so big you feel safe.
you feel like nothing can hurt you so long as he is around. you tilt your head to kiss the side of his palm.
"you want me to kiss you, you want me to touch you." he brings you close until your lips brush. he smells so good, he feels so good and right with you.
"you want me to fuck your little baby pussy that's rubbing on my cock so perfectly and make you mine." you nod your head, gripping onto him more. you have never heard him talk like that, never.
your head goes into a daze. "you want me, you've always wanted me."
"i know you." tears leak from your eyes and katsuki's lips part before he kisses you.
he kisses you and it far exceeds the countless times you dreamed about it. it feels more than fireworks and electricity, katsuki feels like love.
he feels like patience and understanding. katsuki kisses like you are all he needs and all he wants. he kisses with as much feeling as you have harboured for him in all your years of existence.
his lips languidly move along yours, thumb stroking your cheeks and keeping you close.
you practically melt into him more, your breasts flush to his chest, kissing him deeper as you hump his erection. he pulls away and you are breathless, his hands cupping the bare flesh of your ass to help you fuck yourself on him.
"tell me you didn't fuck some other guy." he winces, his forehead meeting yours.
hypocrite, selfish, unfair. that is what he is.
"i didn't." you concede, gripping his shoulders tighter.
"are you just... saying that cause i want to hear it?" you press your lips to his again and katsuki cups the back of your head to kiss you as deeply as he can. to sink his tongue in your mouth and claim it for himself.
your hands pull the strings on either side of your suit's bottoms, tugging it off before your cunt meets the fabric of his shorts and strands of slick coat it.
"fuck me. fuck me and you'll know."
he groans, reaching around you to untie your top.
"such a gorgeous girl." the praise is entirely unfamiliar, katsuki has never called you gorgeous.
"your pussy is so wet, baby. i can feel it already." his hands grope your breasts, tweaking at your nipples that sting with sensitivity. his hands trail over your sternum and squeeze the flesh of your hips.
they feel rough and calloused. like they have lived a life, one you have been there for every second of since he called your name.
your cunt soaks his shorts and leaves a wet patch on the grey fabric but you cannot stop humping him. not when it feels so good, not when your cunt is clenching and the friction is stimulating you.
"i can't wait to have this tight little hole stretched around me, can't wait to fuck you open and have you shaped to my cock. mine alone." his fingers thread through your hair.
"do it suki, please, please put it in." your naked body writhes against him, your hips rocking and stuttering,
you cannot help your moans or the way you are constantly biting on your lips. you are depraved and desperate but katsuki has ruined you from the moment you laid eyes on him.
tears trail down your cheeks from the overwhelming feeling between your legs, from the way he looks at and touches you.
"kat it's so big." you mewl, bowing your head and looking at the way your cunt rubs along him.
his rough fingertips find your clit and your jaw hangs as he rubs the bundle of stilted nerves. your face is in the crook of his neck, losing all composure.
"cunt's messy. i want you to cum for me." you whine, your hips grinding harder. hands knotted in his tshirt.
"are you close?" your thighs are locking up and your abdomen feels unbelievably tight, your pussy constantly clenches. "uh huh." his hand grips your throat to make you look at him. "i want to see it, i want to see your eyes roll back, your mouth water and how fucked out your face looks when your pussy is creaming."
your body bounces on his lap, lips parted as he presses your forehead to his. "suki, it feels good, you feel so good." a smile crosses his pretty face.
"yeah? getting yourself off on my cock feels good? nasty girl, you're rubbing your dripping little cunt on me and you're enjoying it." his mouth meets yours in a searing kiss. "i'm enjoying it too, no one compares to you, no one is as pretty or as perfect as you." he whispers, like the only one that matters is you.
your body halts, jerking still on his lap because he is stroking your clit like he has known your body forever. like this is all familiar.
your fingers wrap around his wrist and katsuki grips your throat a bit tighter. just as he expected, just like his daydreams, only ten times better, your eyes roll, drool drips from your pretty mouth and you are the most stunning when your body is overcome by an orgasm.
the first one he has seen from you. "that's it, fuck, baby, doing so well." you whine at the praise, his words itch a part of your brain you never knew about.
your cunt creaming and soaking his pants, there is a wet patch and a sticky mess between your legs. you want to be filled so badly.
you do not think you can function if he does not. you are panting before he releases your throat and you slump into his strong body. he pushes back your hair and holds you close to him, you are all sweaty and his body temperature only makes you hotter.
his hands rub and caress all over you, his chin on your head before he wraps you in a tight hug. "i need to see you like that again, look so fucking pretty." you swallow hard, that sounds so much like a promise for the future. one with you and him.
he kisses your forehead "do you want to have sex?"
you perk up, bobbing your head. "of course i want to."
you are surprised when he brushes your cheek and his expression is saddened.
"this isn't the only time, you know that?" you slowly nod your head. "if you want to wait, i will. we can take things slow."
katsuki, katsuki, katsuki, how could you ever want anyone else.
"i waited long enough. i really want you to fuck me, ki." his eyes grow hooded. he presses a soft peck to your lips before he shifts you off his lap.
he removes his tshirt to reveal full pecs, toned abs, and a deep v line. all things you have seen before. all things you have day dreamed about but you have never seen him right before he would fuck you.
you have never looked at him knowing he would be in your body.
katsuki's skin ripples in defined muscles, any where you look you would see it. his eyes meet yours and your bread hitches. a smile crossing his features softly. his arms rest on either side of your body, gaze flicking to your messy cunt as he leans closer.
his mouth presses to yours in a soft gentle kiss and you find yourself following him when he pulls away. his nose nuzzles yours. "let's go upstairs, i'll get a condom."
you tense. here you are stripped bare, for him to see, for him to touch and have and own the way you have always wanted.
she is upstairs, in his room while you are on the living room couch waiting to be fucked.
you cannot find it in yourself to care.
"what are you thinking about?" his forehead meets yours. his eyes are so red, so red that you want them to draw you in and never let you go. you want them forever, you want him.
"do you use condoms with her?" his brows draw together, he does not want to talk about her but he will answer every question you have.
"always." no hesitation, no dishonesty.
you are immature, especially when it comes to him. "i'm different to you. i'm not like her. right kat?"
katsuki wants to wrap you up in his arms and keep you from the world. he wants to keep you to himself. he should have done it from the start.
kat, ki, suki, they are all his, they are all yours and that is one of the many ways that shows how different you are.
he breathes a heavy breath "you're everything." your hands cup either side of his nape.
"then show me. you shouldn't want something between us." not when it’s me.
katsuki regrets that those words even came out of his mouth. his eyes flick over your features before his large palm is pressing on your chest. you lie back under the weight of his searing touch, under the weight of his heavy gaze.
his lips leave wet kisses to your cheek before he drifts lower. you whine when his tongue laves over your perked nipple. all hot and sticky with saliva. the rough pad of his thumb rolls the darkened flesh before he takes it back into his mouth and circles the bud with his tongue.
your legs jolt, although your bare skin meets katsuki's body. katsuki who is above you completely with his body between your legs. he is so close you cannot think, you can hardly breathe.
"when we were younger." he trails off, leaning closer to press his stiff bulge against your messy cunt. your fingers curl into your palms.
"i used to wonder how big these would get." his hands grope your chest, your breast that have not changed much, have not grown much.
"but i like them this way. so much." his hands are so big, they only make the mounds of flesh look smaller. as he touches and squeezes. as he flusters you.
"why?" your voice seems ten times harder to get out. his mouth covers yours, pressing deep and your eyes tightly close. you whine when he pulls back
"cause it gets me so fucking hard." his voice is rough, you want to hear it that way forever. your hips tilt up to press against him more, where his pants are already soaked with your cum.
katsuki groans before his mouth meets your stomach and he trails kisses down the soft flesh. the closer he gets to the dripping slit between your legs the more you tense.
"kat, wait." your hand reaches for his hair but your fingers keen into themselves when his tongue trails over your stiff clit. your back arches, lips parting.
"why should i? i waited long enough." you said the same and here katsuki is with his mouth over your cunt and amusement all over his face. you cannot look at him.
"it's weird!" his breath hits your soaking mess as he lightly laughs. your legs lift and your toes curl when his heated tongue glides through your opening in a languid stroke.
"tell me how weird it is that my mouth is on your pretty little pussy, that i'm finally getting to taste how sweet you are." your hands rest on your lips and you swallow hard.
katsuki leans in to lap at the cum and the slick that seems never ending. you can hardly keep your eyes open yet you look at him.
with his hooded eyes and you in his mouth. his fingers reach between your legs to pull your lips apart. to spread open your slit and your body jerks when he spits a thick ball of heady saliva into you.
the tip of his tongue glides through the mess before you feel it dipping inside you. your eyes widen and your entire body squirms. your hips rocking, you are not sure if you want to pull away or press more into him.
his strong hands hold your legs open and then he is shoving into you, until your eyes roll and his nose is nuzzled to your clit. your cunt squelches at the intrusion, gummy sticky walls pushed apart.
your fingers dig into the broadness of his shoulders "suki." you cry his name, it is so strange. to have something so foreign inside. to have someone's mouth much less their tongue there.
you are not quite prepared for him to move the wriggling muscle. no nothing could prepare you for the feeling of a tongue squirming inside your cunt and stroking your walls.
katsuki is fucking you with his tongue.
your hips jerk, and tears leak down your face without you realising. your hands tangle in his hair and all he does is press deeper and move faster.
your eyes meet his and you moan so disgustingly loud. his eyes are dark and they look mean. you can feel him everywhere. the muscles in your legs pulsate, he is sucking on you, he is eating you up and you grip his hair so tight because there are no coherent thoughts in your head.
the sounds fuck with you the most, the sounds are sloppy and sticky. the longer you hear it the more your brain turns to mush.
he will not stop, he will not give you a moment to breathe not as you moan and cry, not as you tug his hair or dig your nails into his scalp.
your cunt continuously clenches around the invasive muscle. your stomach feels unbelievably tight, "you're so gross." yet your hips are rocking, yet you are enjoying it. katsuki's tongue moves rougher and your eyes roll back so hard you are disoriented.
"ki, seriously! i'm gonna cum." your voice is watery and jumbled. you think he will stop, isn't he supposed to? but katsuki does not. no, not until you cream in his mouth and all over his face. your body jerks and tenses, you swear you are drooling and there are tears in your eyes.
you are already a mess, when his tongue slips out of your soaked hole you grit your teeth. your entire being is still stuttering with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
katsuki has liquid down his jaw and lips, some is even in his hair. he lies on top of you, his face close and his cock on your sensitive cunt. he is heavy, all you can feel is hard muscle and his skin as bare as yours.
"you taste like heaven, got the sweetest little pussy." he swipes at your tears and your legs fold on either side of him. "you're gross." he cocks his eyebrow "cause i want to eat your dripping cunt forever? or cause i want to drink up all the cum that comes out of it? which one makes me gross?"
you squeeze your eyes, it makes your heart feel all weird and your cunt throb. you wonder if he can feel it. if he can feel how hard you are pulsating all over.
"open those pretty eyes." his fingers grip your jaw and you whine. you are so flustered, you are so disoriented. katsuki spins you tight and messes up your head.
"all of it, katsu." you are a whimpering mess. you cannot think properly. not when you are naked, not when he is plastered to your skin. you want him inside of you. you want to know what it feels like so badly.
"katsu." he rolls the name around his tongue. you have not called him that in years. you have not called him that since you were kids.
he wonders what you then would say if she saw you now, if she knew how you would be. if she would be as angry as you are because he had been with someone else.
"take it off." you mutter, your hand cupping the hardness of his bulge. it is borderline painful. he has been hard since he sat next to you.
he swallows, sitting up to shove the restrictive material down. your body shifts on the couch as you see his length. long thick, the head a mixture of pink and brown. you have never seen one before.
his balls look heavy, you cannot help but wonder what they would feel like. in your hand, in your mouth. his fingers run across the short blonde pubic hair before he grips the base and squeezes, pre cum leaks from the tip.
he is quick to collect it and stroke it over the bluish veins along his shaft. his eyes meet yours, he looks at your expression. why do you look so in awe?
his defined muscles flex as he comes over you again. he crowds you into the corner of the couch, like he wants to keep you only for himself. only for his eyes.
your legs hook on his hips, his cock pressing into the flesh of your abdomen. he is so close, he is so close to being inside.
"how's it going to fit, ki?" you puff and the groan he lets out is bordering a loss of self control. he hesitates, will it fit? will all of this really fit in your tight little hole? where would it end in your body?
"we'll make it fit, right? tell me you'll make it fit, katsu." there it is again and he is losing his mind. what did you get out of calling him that besides ruining his head? he is already obsessed with you, did you want to make him psychotic too?
you are stripped naked with your cunt an inch away from his length practically begging him to stuff you so full you will ache. katsuki has lost it.
he tries to crack a smile but it is shaky, his thick fingers stroke between your slit and you sigh.
"yeah." it is so unsure, his voice cracks "we'll make it fit, i'll get it all in this cunt." his digits press into your walls, pushing passed the swollen flesh that seems to resist.
the gummy blood filled walls that make you so unbelievably tight. you gasp at the intrusion.
"just have to get this tight hole to loosen up." that seems easier said than done. why are you so tight? why do your walls grip him so viciously and hold him so close?
"fuck, baby. how am i supposed to stretch you out when you're so little?" his mouth meets yours, while his fingers slowly slip in and out of you.
he called you baby.
his mouth coaxes over yours, his lips gliding along yours like he was made for you.
your hips rock as he plunges his digits to his knuckles. everything he does feels good. he could look at you and you would still be this much of a mess.
your hand wraps around his length and katsuki's muscles flex. they flex and ripple, you wish you could see the way every single one contorts.
he grits his teeth, forehead rolling over yours, his jaw clenching before it hangs. he is so beautiful. his eyes lock on where you hold him. where the softness is so mind blowing, where your finger tips do not touch. where you are stroking his reddened cock the way he imagined.
it felt better, your slow, inexperienced strokes feel so much fucking better.
his fingers slam into you, palm grinding into your clit as he quickens his pace. your pussy sputters and wetness coats his digits. some splattering under the force of his movements.
your mouth drops in a moan, all breathy and pretty. "fucking pussy is in love with me. dripping all over, for me. such a loud nasty little cunt. who's it for?" your hand tightens around his base and drags along the length, enough to make him pant.
"you, katsu. it's yours, always been yours." your hips grind and fuck against him, legs spreading wider on instinct. you are so inviting. you are so perfect.
your eyes are barely staying open, your hand jerks his length. there is sweat on your skin. your chest heaving. he pulls his hand from your messy cunt, sticky strands connecting him to you before he collects the pre cum from his tip and presses it to your mouth.
your mouth opens to lap and suck and clean the liquid from his digits. your little hand growing more vigorous in your strokes, it only makes katsuki hump into the space between your fingers. "i want to fill you all over, i want to fuck you everywhere. this baby mouth, this vice pussy and this teasing little ass. i want to stuff your belly and holes with my cum. i want to cover you in it."
he is so nasty, he shoves into your mouth until you gag, until spit pools in your mouth and you drink it all down again. he cups your cheek and presses the sweetest kiss to your mouth, a soft wet smack filling the empty room.
katsuki is perfection incarnate.
he sits up on his knees, your hand slipping from his length as he grips your hips and pulls you lower. your legs spread and his cock resting on your abdomen.
his large hand spans out pressing his length against your flesh as he trails to the head. pre cum pools from the slit and katsuki's eyebrows bind together so tight. his jaw locks and his red eyes have gone black.
he is sizing you up. he is trying to figure out where exactly his cock is going to reach in you. you are breathless, you are a mess. katsuki has always been bigger than you.
he is lean muscle but they bulge so wide they make themselves present. he is all hard defined rivets in the planes of his skin.
"are you sure you want to do it?" his eyes lock with yours. why would he ask that like you would not say yes a million times?
"i am. i've never been more sure of something." i've never been more sure it's you. katsuki will always be the one. always.
"i want to have sex with you, i want you inside of me." he swallows hard. then his face relaxes, he looks so soft.
"tell me if it hurts. i'll stop if you want me to." he reaches down, leaning more over you as he strokes his length. his stiff cock bobs before his head is mushed into the sticky flesh of your pussy.
you gasp, looking at him breach your entrance. your slit slowly being pulled apart. katsuki was relaxed, he was but now his heart is beating out of his chest.
he has never had raw sex before. he has never been inside without a condom. you feel better than anything, even with a condom he is sure you would be better. you are better.
your pussy is warm and wet, so unbelievably wet. he does not know if your gummy walls are sucking on him or sucking him in, he thinks it might be both. he pushes in until the swollen flesh of his head is surrounded by your sticky hole.
you both let out laboured breaths. katsuki is inside you, he is inside of you and he cannot think. he wants to burn this moment into his brain and eye lids. he wants to think about this forever.
you feel so tight, warm and wet that katsuki feels like he will cum. he will cum and fill you up and he will want to do it again and again.
"how are you this good?" he grits his teeth. "your pussy keeps holding me, so tightly. how am i supposed to fuck you if you won't let me move?" he covers you, his face in front of yours, one hand cupping your throat and the other stroking your waist.
"rub your little clit for me and loosen up. you want my cock in you, right? you want me to fuck your cunt, don't you?" you whine, your hand reaching between your soft skin and his muscular flesh.
finding the stilted bundle of nerves and roughly rolling it. you cannot think, you cannot think at all. katsuki is inside of you and you are looking into his eyes.
how can you function?
"katsu, i want it so bad. i want you to fuck me so bad." your cunt gushes around him. you soak him again and again.
"yeah, want my cock to spread you open and fill up this pussy." he shoves in an inch more and you swear it sucks the life out of you.
"put it all in, please. i don't care if it hurts." he pants into your face, easing in more and more of his heady length. it feels like it goes on forever.
tears stream down your cheeks and your hand grips the back of his nape.
"such a good girl, pretty girl. you're doing so well." you whine, you want to cry and scream for him.
you are insanely tight and you are insanely hot.
you wrap around him and guzzle, you squeeze and you slurp him up.
katsuki cannot fuck you with a condom. he could never do it after feeling you like this.
"how much more is there, katsu?" your voice is as teary as your eyes. he brings your hand away from your clit to hold his nape. both of your hands intertwining before they lace in the spiky blonde strands near the base of his neck.
"a little more. breathe for me." and you do, you do as he anchors his hands on your hips. he slams into you so hard your cunt squelches, so hard your back arches off the couch and your voice pitches up into a broken cry of his name.
it is more than a little, you feel so stretched out, so pulled wide and filled to the brin. tears leak down your face
"it feels like." you trail off with dazed eyes "you're in my guts. no, my throat." katsuki pants above you
"i am." his voice is warbled. when you stare up at him in confusion, you follow where his gaze is locked. your entire body vibrates, there is a bulge in your stomach, there is a bulge where his cock is seated deep inside you.
your pussy tightens up around him so suddenly that katsuki hisses. "it's so deep, katsu." your head drops back onto the cushion, your legs hooking around his hips. his pelvis is flush to yours, he is buried inside you. he pulled you apart to shove himself inside.
you grip him so perfectly that katsuki feels like he will faint. he feels like he is blacking out.
"can you move?" you whine.
katsuki does not think he can.
he might just cum inside you this very moment.
he nods, leaning back to hold your legs open by the back of your knees. you lift yourself onto your elbows, both of you watching as he pulls out to just beneath his head, sticky strands of your slick covering his length and dripping from it before he slams straight to the base.
the bulge in your stomach appears again. you moan so loud, katsuki wants to hear it again and again.
you both watch him enter and exit you, watch him pound his heady cock into your walls. it feels so good your head is a mess.
he only fucks into you a few times, only makes a good few strokes before he stops.
"fuck you're bleeding. does it hurt?" his eyes are so filled with concern whilst yours only have lust.
you shake your head, "don't stop, katsu, don't stop."
your legs tighten around him, practically urging him to keep slamming the thickness of his cock inside of you.
"baby." he mutters unsurely, his fingers pressing into your skin.
"you got your answer, please keep fucking me. it feels so good." your head drops to the cushion as you grope your breasts. your nipples have never been this sensitive before. you want his mouth on them again. you tweak the buds as the gears turn in katsuki's head.
"you were a virgin." he breathes, you roll your hips. why won't he fuck you?
"fuck me, suki. harder." you whine and you jolt when he covers you. when your legs are pressed tight to your chest and his hand grips your throat. he presses down on the sides and when he really does fuck you, his thrusts are brutal and deep. he puts all of his weight into it as he fucks your pussy.
"does it feel that good, you want me pounding my cock into your freshly opened pussy?" you mewl, nails finding purchase in his back as you leave scratches down the ripples of muscle.
"you let me stretch out and pull apart your virgin cunt. you're bleeding all over my cock. that means you're mine." you nod, you bob your head with no hesitation.
"m'yours, yours." you babble as his cock is thrust into your walls. brushing your cervix and making you see stars. he slams so hard into you that there are wet smacking noises between your sexes. there are hard lashes of skin on skin.
his fingers hold your throat, you are so little under him he feels like he will crush it if he is not careful. your thighs tremble and your body jerks.
he is so heavy and he is so big and the way he feels sends your head into overdrive.
you are a spiralling mess. he huffs in your face, readjusting and you did not think he could go harder but he does.
he does and you shriek.
drool drips down your jaw and your eyes roll. you never thought it would feel that good.
you never really considered that a cock would warm you from the inside out.
katsuki's tongue laves over your tears and the whimper you let out drives him insane.
he is past the point of return.
every vein, ridge and bump on his cock is stroked by you. your cunt tries so hard to clamp down and keep him in until you have memorised them all, until you have taken his shape.
"why'd you keep this from me? all these years we could've been." he groans at the thought "we could've been fucking, i could've had you and this pussy from the start."
your legs tremble, barely perched on either side of his hips. your nails digging further in his skin to find your bearings. katsuki's hands are on you, he is in you. it feels like something out of a dream.
"i didn't keep it from you, i kept it for you." your words are forced out and broken, you can hardly speak with the constant pressure in your body.
"i used to think about you, about what i would do if you ever let me. i used to jerk off to you, all the fucking time." he grits his teeth, strokes growing more forceful, they hit deeper than before. they hit and caress every single spot inside you. "i rubbed my dick raw because i wanted you. why didn't you just tell me, baby? i would've given you it all. i'm giving you it all."
your fingers wrap around his wrist, he is so big. he is so big all over it makes you delirious. you are practically tugging his forearm closer to your chest.
"m'sorry, katsu." your eyes meet and katsuki breathes hard.
you look ditzy, you look downright brainless. he has never seen you like this, spit slicked lips, drooling and crying. getting filled with cock and becoming a fucked out mess.
this is his, this is his because no one else has seen it.
how can katsuki stay mad at you? how can he punish you for the past when you are giving him this?
he throbs inside you, he cannot seem to stop fucking you, he wants to do it forever. he wants to be wrapped up in the oasis between your pretty plush thighs forever.
you reach for his jaw, trembling fingers gracing the sharp perimeter. you want him close. you wonder how much closer you can get him than buried inside your cunt, than him prodding your cervix. than him nestled in your heart for years. you want him closer than that. he draws nearer, his nose nuzzling yours before soft pink lips meet yours.
"you're too good for me." you whine, his brows tilt up and he looks so pained. "but i can't handle seeing you with someone else." you shake your head.
oh never never never.
you have never wanted someone else.
you never will.
no one could ever compare to katsuki.
"i'm yours, only yours." you cry.
"yeah? you're mine, you'll always be mine and i'm yours." there is not an ounce of air in your body because he took it all. the shift of his hips is slow, it is slow and intentional.
he is yours. katsuki is yours. just as he is meant to be.
"promise?" you sound like the most precious thing ever.
you are. that is what you are.
"i swear, baby." your legs are jelly, they have lost all feeling. they shaking every time his thighs hit the back of yours. you cannot even stop them from spasming every once in a while. katsuki fucks hard, he gets deep and messes up everything.
he gets so deep your head is empty but so full. so full of him and the feeling. you feel everything ten times more.
your back arches "katsu, please." he hums, his hand rubs your little throat before he squeezes again. your jaw hangs. he is nasty. so nasty.
"what do you want?" his voice is baritone and love. his voice is what you want to hear the second you wake up and the minute before you fall asleep.
"you, just want you." you should not have said that, that seems to send katsuki far beyond a point he was trying so hard to avoid. the way he slams into you now is brutal, you feel the way your cunt clenches when he pulls out and the way he stretches you open all over again.
the bulge in your stomach is constantly reappearing. liquid drips from your slit down your ass and his balls. it splatters from your nasty union to the couch, to your skin and his. it froths up around his base until the blonde of his pubic hair is soaked. you bind him so tight in slick gummy walls, he does not think he will ever get this out of his head.
no he will remember this when he is at school, when he is supposed to be listening to lectures he will be hearing your messy cunt instead. he will hear the sopping noises your cunt makes when she is getting pounded.
when he is working out he will want you under him. katsuki will not be able to keep his hands off you after this.
he curses, fingers biting into your skin, he is over you completely. his forehead presses down on yours. he is gripping you so hard you swear it will bruise.
his finger marks will be on your skin and every one will know katsuki fucked you.
"ease up before i cum in you." katsuki's abs tense, they tighten up so much they hurt.
you puff into his face "you don't you want to?" cause you want him to. you want his seed spilled deep inside of you. you want your cunt creamed by him. you squeeze him so suddenly katsuki grunts.
"of course i fucking want to." his eyes narrow, sweat drips down his hairline. you did not realise how much he was sweating until his sticky skin glistens.
"i want to cum so deep in your pussy you'll never forget it. i want to fill you up and make you keep it in." his hips stutter and his movements grow sloppy. he is so close.
"then do it katsu, i need it. i need your cum." he whimpers. you have certainly never heard him like that before.
"you need it?" his voice is soft and the second you nod he sees white. his arms wrap around your waist to press you flush to him. his head drops to your chest and your hands stroke his hair as he pumps his hips.
deliberately and forceful.
you feel the weight of it more so. he groans into your chest, eyes tightly shut before his pelvis meets yours with no space between. where he is buried to the hilt.
his muscles spasm and your eyes roll when you feel his cock throb and vapid spurts are shot into you.
you feel like he paints your insides and it is so hot you are shaking. you can see the way his back ripples as he cums, the way he breathes heavy and feel his arms bulge as he holds you close.
you can make out reddened ears and blushing cheeks. your fingers thread through his hair, leaning into to press your nose to the crown of his head where blonde tuffs stick into the air.
his hips shallowly rock, pumping your pussy full of his seed and you tense as it leaks past the perimeter of his cock down your slit.
he shakily breathes before he wetly kisses up your sternum. you think all the air leaves your lungs when he kisses your lips.
"i love you."
you flinch when you hear it. there is absolutely no way he said that.
"you're just saying that cause you fucked me" you avoid him or you try to. it is hard to avoid a man that has his cock inside of you.
"no. i love you, i love you more than you know. and i'm sorry i fucked up. i'm sorry i took so long to say it." he tries to pacify you but you are stubborn.
you think you just might cry.
"can you take it out?" katsuki's face contorts but you have no clue what his expression means. he slowly straightens up, his hands cupping beneath your knees.
when he pulls out, his cum leaks from you. you wince from the feeling but katsuki loves the sight. he thinks filling you with his cum is the greatest thing he has ever done.
he regrets not doing it sooner.
you reach for his shirt once he is off of you. you tug the material over your body, you cannot help but lift it to your nose and inhale his scent. katsuki should have been yours. he was always meant to be yours so why did he find you so late when you were there all along?
katsuki smells like all the years and memories you shared with him. katsuki smells like love and comfort.
he notices you nuzzling his shirt and he swears there is nothing as precious as you. he pulls his shorts up.
you stand slowly, gritting your teeth. "it's dripping." katsuki needs you to be quiet before he gets hard again.
he needs you to be quiet before he makes you spread your legs so he can get his mouth on your cunt again. so he can drink all the cum he filled your pussy with and stuff you full with more.
he reaches for your hand, softly stroking it with his thumb. "c'mon."
"where?" you remain still despite him trying to pull you along with him.
"to my room."
katsuki feels his heart drop when you yank your hand away.
"your stupid girlfriend is up there." you roll of your eyes. katsuki was just inside you, he came inside you. all the remnants are leaking down your thighs and you are acting like that?
his brows knit in frustration and although you like to act as though katsuki can never move you, truth is, he can. he grips your wrist and pulls you up the stairs with no issue.
even as you protest. you try to argue as quietly as possible because the last thing you want is to alert everyone in the house.
"katsuki, are you crazy?" he shoves open the door and once you are inside he locks it.
"katsuki?" he stares at you incredulously, "what happened to katsu? what happened between then and now for you to act like this?"
and you are crying, you look so miserable. he thinks you look too cute for your own good but he wants to curb your tears instantly.
"she's still your girlfriend." you brokenly say.
"i broke up with her. i wouldn't do that to you, i wouldn't sleep with you while i was with someone else. we had sex because i'm yours okay? i always have been."
katsuki aches to pull you close, to wipe your tears.
"she's leaving in the morning. it's just you and me. it should've been like that from the start." he cannot take it anymore, he pulls you into his chest. you who fits into him so perfectly, you were made for him and him for you. he sees that now.
"i know i don't deserve it, i don't deserve you but can you say i love you?"
you brokenly sob, "i love you, i love you. i love you, katsu. love you so much." you cry like those words were waiting for an opportunity to escape. to finally be in the world.
katsuki is yours, just like you wanted.
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can you tell i love him sm sm
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