#slight tw food
Happy birthday Gavin! stimboard
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fogmoo · 9 months
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Kabru 🗡️
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farming-for-affection · 6 months
Cooking Headcanons: Alex
Single: He has been preparing his own meals since high school, as Granny Evelyn doesn't really understand what "macros" are. He cooks for his grandparents as well, usually a hearty protein with vegetables for sides. As he monitors his protein intake carefully, his meals are typically very healthy, if rather straight-forward, but that suits his grandparents just fine.
After marriage: He builds on the knowledge he already has, tracking your macros along with his own, but now has a wider variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to work with. He feels more pressure to make food that tastes good, and always looks for your input. He enjoys planning meals, and perfects quick breakfasts so you can get to your fields faster. After having Alex prepare your meals for a few seasons, you feel full of energy and much stronger; Alex notices and is quite proud of himself.
Breakfast: A quick protein smoothie, or eggs with toast and peanut butter.
Lunch: A hearty sandwich with lots of lettuce, sides of fresh vegetables
Snacks: Dried meats and fruits, sometimes homemade protein bars
Dinner: A pork roast or steak, with two sides of roasted vegetables. (He’ll add baked potatoes or rice to load up on carbs if you’ll need energy the next day)
Desert: Evelyn’s cookies, she makes a fresh batch every time he comes to visit.
Specialty: On Sundays, Alex will make a large breakfast of eggs, hash browns and pancakes.
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shiningstarr15 · 5 months
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Vanweek Day 4- Food
Vanny.. we both know that’s not just pizza sauce..
A bit silly for today’s prompt but I couldn’t stop thinking about the over abundance of pizza boxes just scattered all over Vanny’s hideout. The woman is such a fucking slob (and yet I still love her ;-;)
Featuring my unmasked Vanny design that is nothing more than Vanessa with purple glowing eyes and slightly messier hair. ( aka pretty much everyone’s design of her to a degree lol)
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fandomsoda · 3 months
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My identities as stimboards 6 Catgender - a label that uses cats as a metaphor for how one’s gender feels
X X X X 🐈‍⬛ X X X X
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st4rb04rd · 2 months
tw: me talking about my food problems
hahaghaha its my first mwal of the day and im lowkey scared because i got a grilled cheese and a milkshake and i geel like thats too many calories wven tho i literally havent eatwn a thing today
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earako · 1 year
Ballister: I don't!
Ambrosius: Bal, I love you, but you totally do
Nimona: yeah I, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I agree with nemesis
Ballister: Maybe when I was younger but I got over it!
Val: What is with the yelling?
Ambrosius: Bal has food trauma and won't admit it
Ballister: I don't!
Nimona: Then take the last cookie, boss
Ballister: ...
Val: Ballister?
Ballister: ....can't
Nimona: Because someone might want it later?
Ballister: I-
Val: Oh honey thats a cultural thing, never take the last piece
Ballister: See?! Auntie Val gets it
Val: But you do show signs of food trauma, focus on feeding yourself for once!
Nimona/Ambrosius: HA!
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datchscursedblog · 7 months
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"Is suppertime and Scott has forgot to feed me...."
-Nightmare Balloon Boy, 2018
(This is a redraw of a scene from "Evil food eater Conchita" by mothy/Akuno-P)
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luc1ferian · 23 days
What if we both went on a date to my kitchen and killed all of the fruit flies that have infested. What if we laughed as we clapped over the bodies of small, helpless yet mindless creatures that have invaded my home in a desperate attempt to survive and reproduce. What if you find and scratch a fly right again the refrigerator and I get two at once. What if we find a motherload of bug surrounding the fruit bowl and collect so many bodies. What if we set up bowls of apple cider vinegar traps together. What if we danced to music as we twirl and clap around the room. What if we held our hands between a bug and crush it swiftly and almost mercifully to death, then carefully rub its innards off of each others palms. What then.
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fogmoo · 9 months
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Various dungeon meshi sketches bc i love this series
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very-uncorrect · 11 months
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Poppy seed cake
Inside kinda reminds me of a dragon fruit
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You’d think that with all this bike riding and lifting children off the floor that I’d be even more hungry, but no; I have the appetite of a little tiny bird???? The fuck
I don’t like it
#Maybe the bike riding is jostling my stomach too much… if my stomach is jostled I don’t want to eat#Or it could be the ADHD meds#idfk at this point#like yeah technically I’m hungry and know I need food but I don’t feel like eating. I’d just rather not. It’s weird#because I used to be the opposite: I wasn’t really hungry but I’d just keep eating until I got sick#eating mention#appetite mention#Maybe I’ve just been eating too much all my life.#Because the only two times I’ve had serious nausea or gas pains was after I ate the amount of food I used to eat#And it’s not like I’ve lost any energy; if anything I’ve gained some energy#(not right now because I stayed up until 12:30 AM after riding and walking 9.3 miles total— on my feet all day long)#I used to eat a LOT; like a 6’5” 400 pound lumberjack or something#uh Paul Bunyan type portions… like a big BIG man#of course I’m 5’4” with kind of a slight build so that was always very weird to me that I was able to do that#How I am now makes more sense; but at the same time I don’t like being like this at all#Because I’ll inevitably go from “slight” to “sickly” and I would really like to continue fitting into my pants#because pants are expensive and it’s extremely hard to find ones that are of good quality and feel comfortable#food discussion#food tw#weight mention#Here I am telling the kids “You need to eat! Take a bite!” and then I get home and act like a total fucking hypocrite#Maybe it’s burnout
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Twins? You're lying, where has he been all my life then?
Summary: For ten entire years Camilo Madrigal was virtually the only guy in the family, he just simply doesn't know it could've been someone else in his shoes until Casita falls; enter Carlos Madrigal, the forgotten, giftless heir to Pepas side of the family.
Warnings: Minute gore, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: I figured out what the absolute mad lads of the Encanto fandom did with the concept arts for characters and decided to write a fic about it, and @sobredunia you're being subjected to Camilo propoganda, reblogs are appreciated.
Carlos Madrigal has been living in Casitas walls since before he could walk, Bruno popping in when he turned five was a neat surprise for him. He has his half of the Casitas walls, Bruno has his portion, at least, that was the idea until the both of them realized it'd be wiser to share the kitchen place. He's sure his simple personality makes Bruno want to strangle him, but at the same time, it brings him a little bit of joy to watch his face light up in agitation as he teases relentlessly.
It was a quaint ten years, passed by faster than he could keep track of, but eventually, Bruno refused to let Carlos enter his parts of Casitas walls; he agreed to bring him food after he had moved to a different spot. And he did move, completely out of spite though, taking his worn and restitched red ruana with him, he never talked to Bruno much after that, he was nine when that happened. So, doing a brief count, he's spent most of his life alone, afraid and stuck in the darkness of Casitas walls without knowing anyway out.
He doesn't even know if he really is a Madrigal, or if he's just some eldritch spawn living in the walls birthed of dust and magic residue alike, he just knows that he is Carlos, and he lives 'with' Bruno. He knows he has no gift and that all Madrigals do, but Bruno refuses to tell him much more about the rest of his family in general, nothing that goes much further into detail. And it's driving Carlos up the walls because he's trapped between the outside world and the family Madrigal and he doesn't know where he belongs.
That all changed when Casitas walls came crumbling down around him and he was caught in the blast, the families discord finally taking its toll. He was distantly awake for most of that, distantly aware no one heard him scream for help, nor the sickening crunch of bones, vaguely knowing no one would hear him whine in agony with the magic gone. That didn't stop him from sobbing as he tried to stay awake, as he tried to call out for anybody in hopes that he could garner attention before the blood oozing from his shoulder caused him to faint.
Carlos didn't seen manage though, with one final plead of 'help,' he passed out, slumped between chunks of Casitas walls. He didn't know that Camilo was the first to start traversing the further edges of the damage, the first to find Carlos and be smothered in shock. The freeze response was short lived when he saw the blood, rushing over to start heaving up slabs of his home to try and unearth the unrecognizable boy. Although, Camilo wasn't sure that he liked what he saw when he picked up the boy who grimaced in his sleep, it was like looking in a mirror.
Camilo simply cradled the boy in his arms as he walked back through the rummage, finding everyone mourning in their own way, some falling for Mirabel. He tried to stay out of view, he really did, placing down the still breathing and oozing body against a chunk of land before calling for Pepa and Julieta; they both came running. He simply stood and stared when they arrived, Pepa gasping in shock and Julieta in horror at the injury, she was quick to pull out a vial, Pepa held out a hand to stop her which confused Camilo deeply.
"Pepa, let me help him," Julieta said sternly, Pepa begrudgingly lowered her hand to let Julieta through.
"Mamà, do you know that guy?" Camilo asked, gesturing vaguely to a still passed out Carlos who was being force-fed a vial of juice in his sleep, no response as his wound mended itself.
"I'll explain when he wakes up," Pepa said quietly, stroking her braid out of reflex even though her powers had been disabled with the fall of Casita.
Soon enough Julieta was standing with a hand on her sisters shoulder, watching and hoping that Carlos would come through, Camilo stuck in shock. Who was this guy? A replacement? Shared hallucination? Culmination of the families turmoil? He didn't know and it was driving him mad, this kid could hold all the secrets even Dolores is unaware and he's laying limp on the ground in a pool of his own blood. He starts to come too soon enough and Camilo practically bounds over to help him up, only to get shrugged off with a sharp 'Get off!' he reluctantly pilled away afterwards.
"Carlos…" Pepa murmured softly, Camilo almost didn't catch it, but perked up before throwing an accusation.
"You do know him! Explain!" Camilo practically demanded of his mother, now with nothing to immediately fear.
"Easy now, don't blow a gasket faker," Carlos said, tone only semi-sarcastic, he got a glare from Camilo, he smirked in response.
"Carlos, this is Camilo, Camilo, this is Carlos," Pepa said, getting introductions done with swiftly, she took a shaming breath, "he is your twin brother."
"Twin? You're lying, if he's my twin then wheres he been all my life?" Camilo demanded, his confusion inly rising and it showed very clearly, Carlos experiencing something familiar but doing a much better job of hiding it.
"Living in the walls," Carlos said matter-of-factly, Pepa nodded when her first son turned with a questioning glance.
"How could you do that?! I went alone for ten whole years as the only guy in family Madrigal because you put Carlos in the walls?" Camilo asked, his rage only simmering after the initial spill over, Pepa struggled for words.
"In the last fifteen years a lot has changed, when you were born this village had a superstitious belief that if you had twins the second one was an unholy spirit, not wanting to truly get rid of Carlos, Pepa simply trusted that he would last, she spent her time in the walls with him until he was four, always sliding food through the cracks for him but never mentioning him," Julieta explained, Pepa nodded along confirming every word said, "it was pure chance that Camilo was born mere minutes sooner than Carlos."
"What you're saying is that I could've been in the walls, that I got lucky and Carlos took the hit for me without even knowing he had a brother?" Camilo asked, two nods from his mamà and his tìa, before he could continue Carlos spoke up.
"So, does this mean I'm not some eldritch horror terror spawned in from all the families residual magic and arguments alike?" Carlos asked, he got a no from Pepa.
"More importantly, is he going to get to live with us now that the superstitions are gone? Now that I know he exists?" Camilo asked as Carlos got up too his feet, a mere inch taller than Camilo.
"We'll have to talk it over with the rest of the adults, Camilo," Julieta said before leading Pepa away, leaving just Camilo and Carlos to their own devices.
They simply stood and stared at each for a few solid minutes of silence, unable to speak, both admittedly uncomfortable being alone, knowing the roles could've been swapped. Camilo was visibly uncomfortable, fidgeting a little bit and the such while Carlos held it purely inside, refusing to give any show of emotional existence. But that didn't stop Camilo from speaking up first despite how tense it was the rubble of Casitas once stable walls.
"So, did you ever get your gift?" Camilo asked, Carlos raised a brow.
"No, I couldn't've, I was living in the walls, everyone knows you only get a gift with a door, idiot," Carlos said, dropping back down on the ground, gripping the hem of his ruana, Camilo sat opposite to him, orange and red parallels.
"Right, what did you even eat in there, Carlos?" Camilo asked, giving a crooked smile, trying so desperately to keep a loose string of conversation in the air so it wouldn't fall back into that awkward silence again.
"Arepa crumbs, and whatever my housemate surrendered, Pepa stopped sneaking me food after I turned five, which is around when Bruno came to live in the walls with me," Carlos explained as though it was common knowledge that Bruno was living in the walls despite the fact Bruno not being dead was still unknown, Camilos eyes widened.
"Bruno lives in the walls?!" Camilo practically exclaimed, getting shot with a glare that had him covering his mouth for being loud.
"Lived in the walls, yes, but given Casitas state, I don't think he'll be living in the walls anymore, idiot," Carlos stated, his unrelenting glare easing just a little bit, this was the first person he's met outside of Casitas literal walls, he needs to stay chill if he wants to be accepted, does he want to be accepted if everyone is like this? He's not sure.
"On another note, I have a name Carlos," Camilo said, Carlos gave a false face of shock.
"Really? I had no clue, what is it, mouse," Carlos said in a weak attempt to insult Camilo, unaware that 'mouse' doesn't have negative connotations he grew up thinking it did due to rat influence.
"It's Camilo, goat," Camilo muttered, already feeling a little bit discouraged, over half of his life he's wanted a brother and now that he has one, other than Antonio, he's really wishing he didn't; he hoped his insult came across clear, instead he was greeted with a pause.
"Whats a goat?" Carlos asked quietly, living in a wall and refusing to interact with your one housemate stifled his knowledge, and his speech ability as well, it sounded a bit disjointed, Camilo had to refrain from laughing at the response.
"You don't know what a goat is?" Camilo asked, fragments of snickers slipped into his voice here and there, he saw the red rise on his twins face.
"Shut up! I've been living in the walls for my entire life!" Carlos exclaimed, leaping from his spot to try and tackle Camilo who effortlessly rolled out of the way, a growl erupted from Carlos chest.
"Use my name and I'll tell you," Camilo said, leaning over Carlos face with a smirk, he got pushed away.
"Fine, Camilo, whats a goat?" Carlos said, spitting Camilos name with venom, Camilo grinned, progress, maybe a friendship or a brotherhood of any form could be forged with this previously unknown Madrigal.
"A goat is like a donkey, except it eats garbage and screams at you sometimes, they're fun," Camilo said, Carlos gave a look of agitation at the previous comparison, "and a mouse is like a rat but a lot cuter and cuddlier, its a compliment."
"And that's what living in a wall does to you, fuck," Carlos said, another thing years of living a wall does to you, prevents you from building a filter because you've only ever heard muffled conversations through walls full of cracks.
"Preach, never lived in a wall, but trust me, living with six girls will change you on a metaphysical level," Camilo said, Carlos raised a brow, Camilo gestured vaguely to the eye shadow, if he could he would gesture to how he speaks and acts in general.
"Glad I didn't have to endure that," Carlos said with a chortle, his grin undeniable.
"Glad I didn't have to live off arepa crumbs, man, you're going to love living in the Casita, my, our Tía Julieta makes the best food," Camilo said, pausing to correct himself halfway through, remembering that this was his twin, his missing half in a sense, the balance he never had in a house of six girls.
"I'll take your word for it, do you think Bruno died in the collapse?" Carlos asked as he sat up a bit, propping himself on his elbows, Camilo shrugged.
"If he could live in the walls for ten years, he'll be fine, probably," Camilo said, he laid down on the ground, hands behind his head, eyes closed, "I don't mind just talking for a little bit."
"That would be... Fine, hope you're up to teaching me about life outside the walls though," Carlos said, Camilo grinned, propping himself up on his shoulders.
"Okay, we have a lot to talk about bro," Camilo started with, letting himself ramble to his twin, Carlos nodded along intently, absorbing the information with ease.
Maybe he could do fine if everyone outside the walls was like Camilo.
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fandomsoda · 3 months
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My identities as stimboards 5 Xenogender - an umbrella term for labels that utilize objects, animals, concepts, places, or ideas as metaphors to describe how one’s gender feels. This term can also apply to any other gender labels that otherwise do not use preexisting gender frameworks.
X X X X 🌈 X X X X
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kollector-of-stims · 1 year
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A Spongebob Squarepants moodboard I made for myself some time ago with images from google!
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