#slightly different directions
if the mood strikes you, lose it by austra has always given me a dark canon sam/reign/alex vibe!
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Hell yeah! This immediately conjured action sequences running to the beat of the song. Thank you :)
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chrisrin · 8 months
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finally finished my ethubs fusion design!
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The best Sherlock Holmes adaptations are the ones that recognize that Watson needs to be kind of a weird little guy as well
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
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Society if the Collectors had a playground for them to antagonize each other on
Wailing Star (far left) belongs to @wake-up-and-face-the-sun , and Black Hole Prince (far right) belongs to @anglerflsh !
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childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
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I think the black lines over mahiru's eyes were merely a creative choice to underline that mahiru was acting so out of character (from kuro's perspective) that kuro didn't recognize mahiru anymore, but this got me thinking. With the revelation that the count only reflects the beholder's feeling towards him:
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Would you even recognize him if your feelings towards him changed for whatever reason? I know he admitted himself that what he and kuro are to each others is strangers, but it does make me wonder if he did meet adam before, but due to the changed situation kuro didn't recognize him anymore when he awoke as sleepy ash.
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write-it-motherfuckers · 10 months
I almost forgot to update you all, sorry Darlings, it's been a very long day.
Thankfully I do have some good news! Both Bug and Bunny are doing surprisingly well, though they are both noticeably anxious still. They will be on some medication for a few weeks that I have to give them at set intervals, and I will have to take them back in for a check up a couple of times too, but other than that, they are both doing shockingly well all things considered.
The vet staff was even kind enough to give them both a bath and help remove some of the mats I was unable to remove myself, as well as handle the injuries to their paws and mouths from the neglect they dealt with in their former home.
It took a while to get them to come out of their new carrier, but once they did, they pretty much went into hiding immediately. I was eventually able to lure them out with a promise of treats and an old documentary about birds so that I could give them more meds, and thankfully they both stayed in view long enough for me to get a photo of the two of them watching it together to share with you all! (Please forgive the mess, they think they're smaller than they are, so playtime clearly results in a lot more chaos than I was really prepared for.)
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(Bug is the chonkiest boy, holy shit. Him Round.)
Once again, I'm incredibly grateful for the support and understanding from all of you, it really does mean a lot to me. I don't know if I'll be able to jump right back into posting just yet, but I will do my best to get back to it again soon.
Please stay safe Darling ones, and try to be kind to yourselves 🖤
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heyclickadee · 7 months
Anyway, Tech and Phee would (will) be that hyper-competent adventure couple who would also absolutely awaken the ancient horrors on purpose on a bi-monthly basis.
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beanofthequeens · 21 days
Maybe a hot take, but I kind of really hope tmagp is not actually super connected to the tma universe. Like I like the cameos and such, but I'd really love it if somehow they managed to create an even more tragic +terrifying universe for us to enjoy. I'd love if the institute and its mysteries are actually different from the one in tma. I really like the characters and the themes, and sometimes I get a little annoyed at people who just try to connect every small thing to tma.
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kira-light0 · 8 months
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Fifth redraw: Frank and Margaret
Prev. Next.
(Reference under the cut)
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hopscorched · 8 days
taking a composed, cold and misanthropic character and making them fall head over heels for you? priceless. you’re the first thing on their mind every morning, and they’re dreaming about you all through the night. this is a singleminded obsession. they wonder sometimes, what had been occupying their mind before they met you? was it lust for power, influence or money?.. well, that hardly matters now anyway…
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melien · 2 months
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katiek101 · 4 months
Lover? Loverboy? Lovertom?
“Pretty tom” came to mind and we might have a winner on our hands
“Who tf invited pretty tom to the meeting?”
“I invited myself” Hawkfrost says in unison with Brambleclaw’s “Why wouldn’t Stormfur be at the meeting?”
Dead silence.
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
i’m not really someone who understand vocals too well so don’t cook me too hard ahaha but is there a reason why Toya “sounded” the way he did in Dr. Funk beat and basically never again? ik it was an early cover, so how has he never sounded so.. unrestricted after that? i rlly don’t know how to describe how he sings now but i hope you get what im saying, sorry for my lack of knowledge tho
The original song does have some more shouty vocals I guess. Like the tuning doesn’t work with a human voice but what Toya does is like the closest a human can get I guess. Also Itoken can do that so he just did that. As for why it never happened again, they haven’t really done a song that required vocals like that since Dr Funk Beat so that’s probably why.
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universe-of-peoples · 3 months
I have a theory that all the people who complain about tv show/live action adaptations being different from the source material are people who definitely did NOT read fanfiction in middle school. We consumed hundreds of stories with the same tropes/plot points/characters but with different details and we liked it!
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iwanttobepersephone · 2 months
Rant about Harry Potter and JK Rowling, stick with me here
Ok, so, I hate JK Rowling. I feel like that's a given, right? Like, she's a transphobic homophobic bigot who hides behind feminism and routinely denies massive parts of the holocaust, and I despise her in ways that I don't think words can even express. I can't stand her, but y'know what I also can't stand?
When someone implies that my mother, who is one of the most supportive people I know, and a massive part of the founding, organization, and actions of a local group made specifically to fight Moms for Liberty and school boards in our area trying to harm trans and queer people, is transphobic because she likes Harry Potter
Wanna know why my mom likes Harry Potter? Because when she discovered the series at 12 years old, she quite literally lived in a cupboard under the stairs and was in an abusive household. The magic of the wizarding world or whatever was her escape, it's the reason she's still alive, and by extension, the reason I was ever alive.
But, sometimes, not even often, when I try to express even the most minimal amount of appreciation of that, someone says to me "but isn't JK Rowling transphobic? Why would you support someone like that? Are you transphobic?"
Which pisses me off beyond belief, as one might imagine
In this situation, "separate the art from the artist" isn't exactly a good phrase to use, given the fact that the goblins or whatever run the bank are Jewish stereotypes and the house elves generally being happy to work under their masters being a straight rip from the whole happy slave myth, and those are very very important things to recognize and understand, among others
I feel like it's a lot closer to "separate the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's helped from the hundreds if not thousands of lives she's ruined", or even better, understand that the good she's indirectly done for people makes all the bad that much more horrid
My mother is the closest thing to a hero in this entire world and I will not stand to hear one more person accuse her of being transphobic purely because she thinks fondly of a book series that saved her life. I will not stand for people saying she's just as bad as a holocaust denier because she owns every book in the series. I will not stand for anyone going entirely against their point of not judging a group as if it's monolithic by saying all Harry Potter fans are bad people, including my mother. And, once again, it's not often at all that this happens, but it happens and I'm pissed about it and needed to rant
Anyways rant over JK Rowling sucks don't believe a single thing she says and don't support her unless you wanna support someone actively trying to make the existence of queer people illegal
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discalmnected · 2 years
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This will forever be one of my favorite photo shoots purely for how soft they look borderline cuddling on the bed
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