#small-footprint MCU
NXP: MCX A Series Launch Video
https://www.futureelectronics.com/resources/featured-products/nxp-mcx-n-mcx-a-microcontrollers . MCX A Series all-purpose microcontrollers (MCUs) address a wide range of applications with scalable device options, low power and intelligent peripherals. Designed to allow engineers to do more, the new MCX A series is optimized with the essential features, innovative power architecture and software compatibility required by many embedded applications. https://youtu.be/fjNG2t4TBXQ
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 5 months
Blue Eyes and Moth Wings
First posted: April 28, 2019
Focuses on: Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers
Tier: Literally second to last on hits, kudos, and bookmarks (and only second because I just posted a new fic a couple weeks ago); third to last on comments and subscriptions
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
I know, right? Since like 98% of my work is BatFam, I'm not sure how many people know that I dabbled in MCU for a hot second. Specifically, Endgame made me feel many things, many of them not good, and I got the fix-it itch for a minute.
This one addresses that horrible ending to the Steve Rogers storyline. I personally don't ship Steve and Bucky romantically, but I do hold to the objective fact that Bucky is the defining person of Steve's entire life. Every single Captain America movie is about Steve in relation to Bucky. And we finally get to a point where they can rest and be friends without war or disintegration or mind control and Steve bounces????? Into a past where he somehow does NOT make it so Bucky never became a POW??????? Bull.
Also Bucky was so unsurprised and accepting in that final scene, which makes zero sense without an explanation like this one.
He feels like he’s falling. He doesn’t remember, and what he does remember he tries to forget—what he does remember they burn out of him, but they can’t burn out the falling. His is a remorseless plunge, a relentless swoop that turns his stomach and leaves him clawing for leverage. The vertigo leaves him sick and shaking every time, though by now he’s learned to hide it, to shove the emotions and the weakness deep down where only he can feel it.
I had a very clear frozen moment in my head that I wanted to work toward, and the beginning of this fic was just recapping Bucky's headspace in CA:TWS to get to where I needed to be.
He compensates by leaving his mark, by pounding his feet into the earth with each landing, by leaving holes and wreckage and carnage in his wake. He never stops falling, but each impact drives a little feeling into his frozen bones. Each piece of havoc is a memory for someone else, a way for his path to be traced by others, like footprints in mud, after he’s passed through and forgotten again. 
I read a meta post at some point, comparing how the two supersoldiers—Steve and Bucky—move so differently. Steve is remarkably light for such a big guy, landing lightly, moving agilely, while Bucky is all weight and force. He doesn't try to avoid damage to himself or his surroundings, so I played with that a little here.
The search spreads outward like oil on water, seeking the trail of the ghost through airport terminals and train stations, bus stops and traffic cams. Those are the eyes of the ones who call him the ghost, призрак, and their eyes are weak, fractured by the virus that has been multiplying under their skin. The eyes of those who call him soldier, солдат, they are sharper. They think they know him. They think they know his patterns. But they have trained him too well, and he turns that knowledge against them like a stiletto.
Language and the terms we use for ourselves and each other and what that says about relationships and perception are such interesting things, aren't they?
There is no additional surveillance that he can tell, no unfriendly eyes looking back at him. Why would there be? They think he is gone, on a boat to Bogata or a plane to Pakistan.
I chose those two places for geographical distance and alliteration. I don't actually know if they make sense in-story as logical places to run. I don't have experience with evading multiple governmental entities.
The man’s face is everywhere, blue-eyed and tight-jawed. Like he’s ready to punch or be punched. The look’s the same, whether on a small, thin face, or a broad, muscled one.
I have many emotions about Steve Rogers, you guys.
None of the faces look like the one he saw, its eye swelled shut, cheek split and broken, lip swollen, lashes wet. The face that doubled over itself, ghosting image on image. He wants to see that face again, to understand why it sent him tumbling into the dark, why the words it rasped sent him falling.
This is my own private headcanon, that aggressive chihuahua Steve has thrown himself into so many fights over his entire lifetime that it's seeing him like that that finally triggers recognition for Bucky in CA:TWS. There's no recognition at Fury's apartment, only slight recognition on the bridge, but this is how things finally click.
He examines the rest of the exhibit, enhanced memory cataloging every detail. He finds a video of James Buchanan Barnes standing next to Steven Grant Rogers. They are laughing, the familiar eyes creasing at the corners in unfamiliar ways. He forces himself not to rub his own mouth. He has no muscle memory for that expression.
I had to watch that end scene so many times to be able to write it in a halfway interesting way, and I'm not mad about it.
“You look like you’ve had a hell of a day,” the man is saying. 
It was a choice, making Steve swear, but it felt like the right one.
“I got some pastrami on rye in my bag here.” The man’s eyes flick to the brown paper bag sitting on the bench next to him. “Was supposed to be my dinner, but I’m not in the mood. If I leave it, you maybe think about eatin’ it for me? I hate the thought of wastin’ it.”
This was important to me, Steve knowing where to find Bucky, waiting until he comes back to himself to make first contact, and preparing a sandwich in advance, knowing his friend is hungry and alone. Also of course lived-through-the-actual-Depression Steve Rogers doesn't waste food.
He buys his way into a dumpy little motel, the building too ashamed to light up its own sign. 
I'm proud of that little line, ngl.
The operative lies crumpled on the ground. Over her body stands the old man from the bench, wrinkled hands still holding a dented trash can lid aloft. The man is panting heavily, eyes on the operative, but then he lifts his gaze.
“If, uh, you need a place to hunker down, I got one you can use.” The man has straightened again, so he does as well, stepping away and out of reach. “It’s a quiet little place. Spare bedroom, good security, not a lot of visitors since my wife… It’s a good spot for R&R.”
Lonely Steve, his wife in a nursing home 🥺 You KNOW he visits every single day.
The blue eyes crinkle again, though he thinks there is something sad lurking in the corners now. “For now, just call me Carter.”
I had ideas floating around about additional chapters, outlining what else these two might have gotten up to between CA:TWS, Civil War, and Endgame. Never got around to it, though.
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lanshengic · 8 months
Microchip launches MPLAB® Machine Learning Development Kit to help developers easily integrate machine learning into MCUs and MPUs
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【Lansheng Technology News】Microchip Technology Inc. recently launched a new MPLAB® machine learning development toolkit, providing a complete integrated workflow to simplify machine learning model development. Available across Microchip's broad portfolio of microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs), this software toolkit enables developers to quickly and efficiently add machine learning inference.
Rodger Richey, vice president of Microchip's Development Systems Business Unit, said: "Machine learning is the new normal for embedded controllers. Leveraging machine learning at the edge can make products more efficient, more secure, and less power-intensive than systems that rely on cloud communications for processing. Lower. Designed specifically for embedded engineers, Microchip’s unique integrated solutions are the first to support not only 32-bit MCUs and MPUs, but also 8-bit and 16-bit devices, enabling efficient product development.”
Machine learning works by using a set of algorithms to analyze and generate patterns from large data sets to support decision-making. Machine learning is generally faster, easier to update, and more accurate than human processing. Microchip customers can leverage this new set of tools to enable predictive maintenance solutions to accurately predict potential problems with equipment used in a variety of industrial, manufacturing, consumer and automotive applications.
MPLAB Machine Learning Development Kit helps engineers build efficient, small-footprint machine learning models. Powered by AutoML, the toolkit eliminates many repetitive, tedious, and time-consuming model building tasks, including extraction, training, validation, and testing. It also provides model optimization capabilities to meet the memory constraints of MCUs and MPUs.
When used in conjunction with the MPLAB X integrated development environment (IDE), the new toolkit provides a complete solution. It can be easily implemented by people with almost no knowledge of machine learning programming, saving the cost of hiring data scientists. It also has advanced features that meet the needs of experienced machine learning designers.
Microchip also offers the option to extract models from TensorFlow Lite and use them in any MPLAB Harmony v3 project. MPLAB Harmony v3 is a fully integrated embedded software development framework that provides flexible, interoperable software modules to simplify the development of value-added functions and shorten product time to market. Additionally, the VectorBlox™ Accelerator Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the most energy-efficient artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) inference capabilities based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) using PolarFire® FPGAs.
The MPLAB Machine Learning Development Kit provides the necessary tools to design and optimize edge products that run machine learning inference. Visit the Microchip Machine Learning Solutions page to learn more about streamlining your development process, reducing costs and accelerating time to market with Microchip’s intuitive machine learning tools.
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To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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asirensrage · 3 years
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Title: To Comfort a God Pairing: Slight Thor x unnamed female Fandom: MCU Rating: G Takes place after Infinity War. I wanted to write something fluffy and comforting (which is rare for me) and @vixenofcourse suggested Thor. I listened to nature sounds while I wrote this lol. I hope you enjoy it.
It wasn’t hard to find him.
She followed the path carved only by his footprints. This was not a place for strangers and fewer dared look for him in these woods. Those that would didn’t know he came here. She ducked under a tree branch and finally caught sight of him. It was impressive how small he could seem when he was lost in thought.
The short hair suited him but it had come at a cost. His presence here was paid for in blood.
A branch snapped under her foot and his head shot up instantly.
“Sorry,” she said with a wince. She paused for a moment before moving forward again. If he had really wanted her gone, he would have demanded it. Instead, he shifted slightly, allowing her space next to him on the fallen log that he made look like a throne.
She sat down, just close enough that they could almost feel each other. He was staring at the small river in front of them as if expecting it to hold whatever answers he was searching for.
“How did you find me?” he finally asked. His voice was quiet, almost muted compared to what she was used to.
“I thought you could use some company,” she said before offering her hand out towards him, palm facing the sky.
“Aye, I welcome yours.” He placed his on top of hers, lacing their fingers together before pulling it gently towards him. He rested their hands on his knee, staring back into the water.
“It’s beautiful here,” she said softly. She didn’t entirely want to break the tranquillity but some things needed to be said.
“Aye,” he said again. “My mother would have loved it.” The only display of tension in him was the way his grip tightened slightly on her hand.
“Are you okay?” she asked, determined to not look at him. Somehow, it was easier to talk when you didn’t need to face the person.
“I am well.”
“It’s okay if you’re not. You lost your family. You can grieve.”
“My loss is minimal to what the universe has lost,” he said. His chest rumbled with his words as if he was attempting to put power into them and make it true.
“It’s not a competition.” She leaned against him. The top of her head barely reached his shoulder, but it didn’t matter. She just wanted him to know that she was there in this moment. “We don’t compete over what we’ve lost or what we have been through. We grieve, we can get angry but in the end, the best thing to do is survive, survive some more and then we thrive. Together. We help each other.”
He looked down at her. “Where did you gain such wisdom?”
She smiled back at him softly. “The internet….and therapy.” She leaned her head back against him. “It’s okay to grieve your family and your home Thor. It’s okay to be angry about your struggles. Just remember that you’re not alone.”
“And you?” He moved, unlacing their fingers and wrapping an arm around her back. He pulled her closer to him. “What troubles do you face?”
Warmth seeped through her clothes where they touched. Thor burned as though the lightning he controlled was in his very veins. “I’m okay.”
He tilted her face up with his fingers under her chin and met her eyes. “You are not as gifted as my brother. I can tell that is not the truth. Do you not trust me?”
“I do,” she said quickly, avoiding the intensity of his gaze. “It’s just small potatoes in comparison.”
He frowned. “It is about dinner?”
She couldn’t help but laugh lightly. “Not quite. It’s just work-related. A busy day, that’s all.”
“Ah.” He seemed to settle back down and pulled her back into his side. “I cannot battle your work.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I can deal with it on my own.”
“Aye, a fierce warrior you are. You will surely conquer your goals.”
“Thank you,” she said, trying not to let the smile grow too wide. Thankfully, he was unlikely to see her blush. “When they told me you went outside, I knew you were here. I thought I would join you and enjoy the peace.”
“You are most welcome,” Thor said. “I would not turn away your company nor wise words.”
“Will you tell me about them?” she asked quietly. “Your family?”
There was a long moment of silence that half made her regret her choice. He started speaking slowly, almost softly like he was afraid he would lose the memory if he spoke too loud. She leaned against him, listening to the river as he told her about his mother, the most beautiful queen of all the realms.
Now, this was peace.
taglist: @raith-way @chickensarentcheap if you want on or off, lmk.
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cetaceanhandiwork · 4 years
Disneyland Reloaded
So a week ago, give or take, I replied to a post on another website which basically asked “if you were given the job of rebuilding Disneyland, would you change anything?” The question got me thinking a fair bit about the Anaheim Disney resort’s overarching themes, and where they work or don’t work, resulting in a giant three-part comment to fully explain my redesign.
Today, I feel like sharing those ideas with y'all over here, too!
Let's begin with the assumptions that...
we can get permits in Anaheim but no new land...
we have a budget that could theoretically rebuild the whole park if it had to but not too much beyond that, and...
original Walt-era Disneyland stuff may be difficult to move without damaging or destroying, and deliberately destroying and rebuilding it, while allowed, may not be desirable for reasons of preserving park history.
Given that, my high-level approach would be a refocusing of each park's experience on its core concept. I envision three parks:
Disneyland - worlds of "yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy" - embodied by the genres Walt himself grew up with.
A reimagining of California Adventure that synthesizes the original idea of "Califorina, the real place you are visiting right now, presented as a fictional place to explore" with the running Pixar theme of "secret peoples and communities that live alongside humanity, in the here and now, just outside our line of sight".
A new third gate that focuses on stories of larger-than-life heroism and villainy - the native park of Star Wars, MCU, Pirates-the-movie-series, and other similar properties.
This effort, as I see it, would have to start with some Tetris-ing, in an attempt to make the most of the limited Anaheim acreage:
Utilidors. This Disney World system - of putting backstage and CM areas underground - was invented precisely because WED wished they’d done it in Anaheim. If we’re starting from scratch, we can backport this design and immediately unlock a lot of space.
Drop Disneyland Drive north of Cerritos underground as well.
Consolidate remaining parking. At worst, this is a third Mickey & Friends that encompasses all other resort parking. At best, we get permits to put underground levels on parking structures and reduce the footprint further. Put this in the southeast corner of the resort; get rid of the Paradise Pier Hotel for now.
Strip Avengers Campus off of DCA, strip Galaxy's Edge and the Fantasyland Theatre off of Disneyland. This will free up enough space to put DCA and the GCH east of Disneyland, with its gate on the other end of a rerouted Downtown Disney.
That done, we can move on to the main event.
Of these, Disneyland itself would see the fewest changes, both in the interests of preserving the history and because it's already fairly close to what we want. The paradigm is as it always was: each "land" represents a genre in microcosm, matched not against any particular IP, but presented as a... prototypical or archetypical space in which all those stories might occur.
This is a good framing device and a solid core concept, and I'm not gonna mess with it. However, there are still a few things I'd rearrange.
For instance: Critter Country would move to the eastern side of the Rivers of America, placed between the rural American Frontierland, the funny animals of Toontown, and the fable-laden Fantasyland. I imagine it taking up sort of the same space as the old Big Thunder Ranch and Fairgrounds, connected with Frontierland on one side (with Splash Mountain still bordering the Rivers of America) and Toontown (bordering Winnie the Pooh) and Fantasyland (bordering a new indoor/outdoor Robin Hood darkride) on the other.
Toontown would need few changes, other than a careful touching up of the effects to match modern standards. I would like to squeeze in one minor expansion, though, if possible, by moving the Monorail wheelhouse: a small Disney Villains themed area - perhaps a seedy watering hole? - nestled away in Downtown Toontown.
Fantasyland, meanwhile, would reclaim the Theater and some backlot space (thanks Utilidoors!) and use that room for a couple new rides - particularly, a Beauty and the Beast attraction and a Frozen attraction. I resist here the impulse to put Frozen next to the Matterhorn mainly because that Fantasyland real estate has another important purpose: the Fantasia and Tomorrowland lagoons get rejoined, and become the show area for a Little Mermaid ride, boarding near Small World, that actually takes place "unda da sea". (The technology for underwater, low-occupancy-vehicle ride systems does exist in the current state of the art, although it'd need some iteration to theme as properly Fantasyland.) As much as I would personally regret seeing the submarines go, I can't deny that their ride system is claustrophobic, stuffy, and poorly accessible, and that guests deserve something with lower "minimum requirements" to ride.
Compared to those, Tomorrowland would get a more comprehensive refocusing. I've posted before about my take on Tomorrowland's DNA: that isn't just "the future", but "the challenge and promise of the future". People talk a lot about how it's a Land that's perpetually out of date - that our vision of the future changes too fast for the Park to keep up. Aesthetically, that's a fair point. But on an attraction level... we don't have to aim a mere five minutes into the future to talk about its challenge and promise - to talk about the future optimistically, as as better world we can reach towards today and eventually grab onto.
Space is, of course, an easy example; space has been an "unreasonable but longed-for future" since Walt's days. Bring back the mission to Mars. Add a space elevator that you can ride as an observation tower, or take the "express" and make it a droptower that uses its drop to simulate zero gravity. On a more terrestrial side... put in a dinosaur or giant animal dark ride - fantastical experiments in biology, at once excited for the potential there, and cautious about how important it is to get right. Maybe do something with Inside Out as a "fantastic psychology" concept. Give the Land an AI caretaker character, puppeteered by several CMs behind the scenes to create the illusion that it's a single person multiplexing.
You can keep Star Tours - the galaxy of Star Wars may be a gritty and cynical world, but Star Tours is a lighthearted and hopeful take on it. You can keep the monorail, too - it's still futuristic to Americans - and route it through the Land's rides the same way the PeopleMover once did, and the same way the boats and trains do in other Lands. Maybe you can even fit in a Wall-E based attraction - now that's a story that's an emulsion of the future's "challenges" and its "promise" if ever there was one in Disney's catalogue.
As for Adventureland? It's got a different obsolescence problem than Tomorrowland: not that the world has left a particular vision behind, but that the world has left the whole genre it represents behind. Walt grew up with the "Adventure" genre, of pith helmet explorers in the Southeast Asian jungle or the African veldt, but we don't really have that genre anymore. And with Disneyland as a worldwide tourist destination, it becomes... strange to have people coming from the places that genre was based on, only to see this caricature of the places they know reflected back as it was seen by clueless Brits a century ago. I want to believe there's something sensible to do with this Land, something that can preserve its essence and history while still making it meaningful to the stories we tell today and the people who were on the other side of the old stories, but I honestly don't know how to do it, or what it would even look like when we were done. All I know is that if nothing else I need to stick a giant bookmark here, because I'd have to do something.
Main Street, finally, would remain mostly unchanged by the advancing years, except for one upgrade: its illusory second floor would at last become a real one - not as shops, but as Dream Suite-esque prestige accomodations. On any given night, roughly half of these would be booked like on-property hotel suites, at rates befitting the rare magic of spending the night inside the Magic Kingdom's pomerium. The other half would be handed out at random to guests who bought resort/GNH packages, or otherwise booked their trip such that Disney knows they're staying overnight, to put that magic, in theory, within every guest's reach.
So for Disneyland, the changes have been less structural, and more focused on rearranging an existing structure to update and future-proof it.
California Adventure, on the other hand, needs something deeper, because at the moment, its theming is... confused. When it first opened, it was designed single-mindedly as a pastiche of California as a whole: Hollywood, San Francisco, Yosemite, Sonoma, Monterey, the Central Valley, and Santa Monica Pier. Over time, this theming - which proved less compelling than the Imagineers had hoped it would be - has eroded to make room for Intellectual Properties that could find no space on the other side of the Esplanade.
Today it's a hodgepodge of the old California theming, skin-deep Pixar references, and an increasing amount of Marvel stuff. There's no central idea like there is at Disneyland, or at Epcot and Animal Kingdom down in Florida.
Where I see the potential here is in Pixar's long-running theme: "what if [fill in the blank] were people", often imagined as those people secretly existing in our modern everyday world, which just so happens to be paired with a park that's themed to a real place, in the present day.
In other words, what if we made that pairing of themes explicit? What if we lean into the idea that you're "exploring" California, both to discover what's prosaically there, and what's fantastically there? What if we present that sort of Californian adventure?
I'm imagining a park pomerium based on the concept of the "road trip", inasmuch as it is the classical way to explore California. No miniature rail here; you'll pile into a trailer towed by Goofy and Max in their (now window-tinted) car, or by the Onward boys' van, or so forth. (I'd love to get the Cars cars in on towing duty but I don't know if the animatronics are good enough yet.)
You'll still pass through places like Grizzly Peak (where e.g. Bugs might also Live), a Pacific Wharf that's annexed some of Paradise Pier (where we can Find Nemo now that the submarines are closed), and the Hollywood Backlot (where city-dwelling nonhumans - like Monsters and Muppets - might lurk). Radiator Springs would be easily reconciled to this Park concept - melding it with the old Route 66 and I-5 travellers' towns, building it about half for humans and half for cars.
I would need external advice, at this point, to figure out how far this theme can go. I see... some potential in making explicit room to pay homage to Mexican heritage of California (with its hidden world being Coco's fantastical take on the Land of the Dead). But it'd have to be done respectfully, and would be easy to screw up without guidance on what exactly qualifies as respectful or not respectful.
From another angle, I'm also not sure yet quite where Toy Story fits into the picture, but every element of the park's Pixarish theming points to that headline IP needing to fit in somewhere.
And with that taken care of, comes the question of the third gate. We position it across from Disneyland proper, in California Adventure's old real estate. Pragmatically, this mystery Park must support stories like MCU or Star Wars - the new additions to Disney's IP stable, set in soft sci-fi universes chock full of larger-than-life heroism and villainy. It would have more strict, single-setting-per-Land theming, to support Galaxy's Edge, the Avengers Campus, the new Artemis Fowl series, and so forth. Perhaps Tortuga as well - the cinema vision of Pirates is popular enough that it should be able to support a home, and building one for it here will ease pressure off of its Disneyland predecessor to be flagbearer for an IP it was never designed to host.
How does one support this with a gateway/hub Land? How does one define a pomerium around it? Strict set construction as a principle of the park implies that we have to invent a new IP for this purpose, something Kingdom-Hearts-like but less... cartoonish, to match the less cartoonish worlds it lets you visit. A futuristic mode of transportation seems called for to ferry guests from Land to Land. Perhaps this is where the iconic Disneyland Monorail design finally finds its place in Disney fiction and not just history: to be - within this new setting - a vehicle for interdimensional travel. The park's hub would then have platforms for two Monorail lines: one bound for "Earth 1313: Tomorrowland, Hollywood, and the Disneyland Hotel" (for we would expand the resort-wide monorail track to support park hopper travel), and the other bound for this new park's immersive Lands.
The third gate's position across from Disneyland proper, combined with the increased use of underground tunnels and infrastructure, adds another potentially useful gimmick: the ability to link it to Disneyland in a manner similar to Universal Orlando's Hogwarts Express. Imagine park-hopper-only lines where your Star Tour will land on Batuu, or your Pirate cruise will end in Tortuga.
There would, of course, be a new hotel attached to this park, just like the Grand Californian was attached to DCA on its opening. I'll leave the specifics of this up in the air; it could be another Galactic Starcruiser, but it could just as easily be based on some other property.
And what of the rest of the resort?
As mentioned, Downtown Disney shifts north, encroaching slightly into what's currently the backstage area of New Orleans Square, to better link up with the new position of DCA. So as not to "isolate" DCA, the third gate's entrance would be halfway along this new route.
Trams would use underground infrastructure to cross from the southeast unified parking area into the DTD/Esplanade corridor at the appropriate places for different Parks.
The Disneyland Hotel would remain, as a nod to its historical status, but against two park-adjoining hotels, it's clearly the farthest from the action after all this rearranging - hence hooking it up to the Monorail as a way to give it connectivity.
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popwasabi · 5 years
Gamera’s Heisei Trilogy is Peak Kaiju Film-Making
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I wouldn’t blame you if a film series about a giant flying turtle who’s primary tag line in the 60s/70s was “Friend to all Children” was just a little too weird to get into.
While Godzilla’s Showa era definitely leaned into its kid friendly appeal many times, early Gamera movies full on indulged in it with some of the most ridiculous and corny moments in Tokusatsu/Kaiju film-making history ever.
The aforementioned “Friend to all Children” had some of the worst suitmation in the history of the genre while doing battle with giant sharks, literal apomorphic knifes and of course befriended a new pair of whiny, annoying kids in each of his movies. If you found Jake Lloyd’s Anakin annoying and shrill in “The Phantom Menance” get a load of some of these bizarre sequences.
But when it came time for Daiei Studios to once again re-emerge from the depths in Tokusatsu’s Heisei era (the 90s) the giant flying turtle took on the new mantle of “Guardian of the Universe” and thus began a complete reinvention of the kaiju character that arguably dwarfed Godzilla’s considerable footprint during this time.
Beginning with “Guardian of the Universe” Gamera’s Heisei trilogy, which followed up with “Attack of Legion” and “Revenge of Iris” these films could almost be described as the “Dark Knight” of reboots for a giant monster series (but with a considerably better threequel). Gone was much of Gamera’s kid friendly appeal and was replaced with a much more violent streak to the character and a grimmer, darker backstory as he faced off against equally violent rivals in Gyaos, Legion, and Iris across the three films.
(*Daniel Bryan “YES” chants breakout*)
It’s a credit to director Shusuke Kaneko, who directed perhaps the best Godzilla film of the Millennium era too, who treats Gamera with complete sincerity and creates an interesting giant monster mythos that keeps enough of it mysterious that it has audiences glued and interested in the story through all three films. His directing style also runs hugely counter to many of Godzilla’s best films as well. Where often times many of the G-man’s biggest movies focused more on the giant Kaiju level wrestling matches that took place by shooting the suitmation battles from the perspective of say a kung fu fight scene, Kaneko was interested in making the viewers feel small when these titans locked horns often shooting from the human level of these model sets and incorporating less set backgrounds and more real lighting and atmospheric effects.
This is probably best exemplified in “Revenge of Iris” during the battle of Kyoto between Gamera and his dark shadow Iris. The swirling typhoon rain and the real Gothic-like backgrounds of Kyoto around them all add to an effect that makes these literally larger than life monsters feel both real and awe-inspiring in the best way that few Godzilla films have ever come close to capturing.
It also helps that Kow Otani’s original musical score is just perfect for the series as well combining much of the aesthetics you would expect from a giant monster score with themes and beats that invoke the giant turtle’s mythical background. 
Otani’s theme music for Gamera help’s emphasize the character’s heroic visage while also invoking a certain sense of horror at both the rivals he encounters and the monster himself. “Revenge of Iris” especially leans into this creating a haunting score for the human drama of the story that further produces the atmospheric dread of the monsters who do battle in the film.
Kaneko’s treatment of Gamera’s human characters are also a huge plus showing that contrary to popular belief monster films can and should have compelling human characters that at the end of the day will only enhance the story. While most of Godzilla’s films have been content to use their human characters as filler between the juicer giant kaiju fights, Heisei Gamera makes its humans active participants in the story and in the case of “Revenge of Iris” the catalyst of the conflict.
Shinobu Nakayama, who some kung fu fans will recognize as Jet Li’s Japanese girlfriend from “Fist of Legend,” plays an ornithologist named Mayumi Nagamine who discovers Gamera’s primary bird menace of the Gyaos uncovering their behavior, biology and the threat they pose to the human race. Meanwhile Ayako Fujitani plays Asagi Kusanagi who forms a psychic bond to Gamera as the character’s primary human connection to Earth. Together these two characters discover Gamera’s mythical background and ties to the city of Atlantis and its fascinating world building that will leave fans wanting to learn more and to dive in to this character’s complex history. The two actresses play expertly alongside a host of other characters through the three movies and provide an array of complex characteristics ranging from the dramatic, sometimes humorous and often dramatic.
In a blockbuster era that often treats anything that’s even remotely corny with contempt and bathos *cough* The MCU *cough* Gamera leans into its story with complete sincerity creating three films that can absolutely be taken seriously as art. Though there are definitely moments that may constitute as extremely corny, the Gamera trilogy is proof that if you treat your stories with earnestness and belief in what you are doing and saying nothing is too cheesy.
Gamera’s reinvention began with leaning away from its child-friendly origins and made sure to not treat his audience as such.
For much of film history, giant monster pop culture has been dominated by Godzilla and King Kong but for fans of the genre its time to acknowledge that the “Friend to all Children”  “Guardian of the Universe” has more than earned his place with equal footing to the two kaiju kings. 
Gamera’s Heisei era in a word is perfect Kaiju film-making that more fans need to be aware of and again proof that nothing is “too silly” for the big screen if you treat your story sincerely.
Now *coughs* if you’ll excuse me, I have a letter to write to Guillermo Del Toro…#MakeItHappenHollywood
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Also, give me what I want already, Japan!
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marvelvsmarvel · 5 years
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Content Catch-Up:
Black Widow Casting Speculation
If you’re like me and Marvel decided to drop a whole lot of news while you were away on vacation then catch some content to the face!
A recent casting that no one seems to be talking about is that of one of the hottest (fiery) actors in the biz David Harbour making his way from the small town on Hawkins into the MCU!
Coming off his other comic book feature as Hellboy it would be hard to imagine Harbour taking a backseat role. And with that it has unofficially been reported that Taskmaster Tony Masters will be heading up as the big bad of the film. Think Thanos. Not literally but think Josh Brolin who last year toted the line between villain for the MCU and then hero for Fox for Deadpool 2. Even though we’ve been developing our villains besides Loki and Thanos (and Crossbones I guess) there really has not yet been another reoccurring villain in the MCU but the doors have been left open for many. Speculating David has an opportunity to bring this long awaited fan favorite character to life without having to commit to the mega 6-film standard while still being able to comeback for more.
In regards to the casting itself I find it very intriguing. While he’s not my first pick I do love his previous performances both showing potential of how he can pull off this role. But take him as himself he’s a massive guy with a deep broad voice where he would have to portray an intimidating strategist and a prolific combatant. The iconic voice of the equally large Clancy Brown has actually been the most recent voice of Taskmaster for animation and after following the vocal footprints of Ron Pearlman he seems suited here as well. As for the action part I know that Marvel has their ways to bypass the lack of skill but for Widow you typically want the real deal. He could train up for it as he trained like a beast to get into hero shape but the other route is to reimagine him to an extent like they did for Vulture. He could be more weapon or tech based or could simply fight less like Daredevil and more like Kingpin. All in all I for one and super excited for Harbour’s MCU debut and even more so for the Black Widow movie!
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planetarduino · 4 years
Arduino Security Primer
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SSL/TLS stack and HW secure element
At Arduino, we are hard at work to keep improving the security of our hardware and software products, and we would like to run you through how our IoT Cloud service works.
The Arduino IoT Cloud‘s security is based on three key elements:
The open-source library ArduinoBearSSL for implementing TLS protocol on Arduino boards;
A hardware secure element (Microchip ATECCX08A) to guarantee authenticity and confidentiality during communication;
A device certificate provisioning process to allow client authentication during MQTT sessions.
In the past, it has been challenging to create a complete SSL/TLS library implementation on embedded (constrained) devices with very limited resources. 
An Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, for instance, only has 32KB of RAM while the standard SSL/TLS protocol implementations were designed for more powerful devices with ~256MB of RAM.
As of today, a lot of embedded devices still do not properly implement the full SSL/TLS stack and fail to implement good security because they misuse or strip functionalities from the library, e.g. we found out that a lot of off-brand boards use code that does not actually validate the server’s certificate, making them an easy target for server impersonation and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Security is paramount to us, and we do not want to make compromises in this regard when it comes to our offering in both hardware and software. We are therefore always looking at “safe by default” settings and implementations. 
Particularly in the IoT era, operating without specific security measures in place puts customers and their data at risk.
This is why we wanted to make sure the security standards adopted nowadays in high-performance settings are ported to microcontrollers (MCUs) and embedded devices.
Back in 2017, while looking at different SSL/TLS libraries supporting TLS 1.2 and modern cryptography (something that could work with very little RAM/ROM footprint, have no OS dependency, and be compatible with the embedded C world), we decided to give BearSSL a try.
BearSSL: What is it?
BearSSL provides an implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol (RFC 5246) written in C and developed by Thomas Pornin.
Optimized for constrained devices, BearSSL aims at small code footprint and low RAM usage. As per its guiding rules, it tries to find a reasonable trade-off between several partly conflicting goals:
Security: defaults should be robust and using patently insecure algorithms or protocols should be made difficult in the API, or simply not possible;
Interoperability with existing SSL/TLS servers; 
Allowing lightweight algorithms for CPU-challenged platforms; 
Be extensible with strong and efficient implementations on big systems where code footprint is less important.
BearSSL and Arduino
Our development team picked it as an excellent starting point for us to make BearSSL fit in our Arduino boards focusing on both security and performance.
The firmware developers team worked hard on porting BearSSL to Arduino bundling it together as a very nice and open-source library: ArduinoBearSSL.
Because the computational effort of performing a crypto algorithm is high, we decided to offload part of this task to hardware, using a secure element (we often call it a “cypto chip”). Its advantages are:
Making the computation of cryptography operations faster;
You are not forced to use all the available RAM of your device for these demanding tasks;
Allows storing private keys securely (more on this later);
It provides a true random number generator (TRNG).
How does the TLS protocol work?
TLS uses both asymmetric and symmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption is used during the TLS handshake between the client and the server to exchange the shared session key for communication encryption. The algorithms commonly used in this phase are based on Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) or Diffie-Hellman algorithms. 
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TLS 1.2 Handshake flow
After the TLS handshake, the client and the server both have a session key for symmetric encryption (e.g. algorithms AES 128 or AES 256).
The TLS protocol is an important part of our IoT Cloud security model because it guarantees an encrypted communication between the IoT devices and our servers.
The secure element
In order to save memory and improve security, our development team has chosen to introduce a hardware secure element to offload part of the cryptography algorithms computational load, as well as to generate, store, and manage certificates. For this reason, on the Arduino MKR family, Arduino Nano 33 IoT and Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, you will find the secure element ATECC508A or ATECC608A manufactured by Microchip.
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How do we use the secure element?
A secure element is an advanced hardware component able to perform cryptographic functions, we have decided to implement it on our boards to guarantee two fundamental security properties in the IoT communication: 
Authenticity: You can trust who you are communicating with;
Confidentiality: You can be sure the communication is private.
Moreover, the secure element is used during the provisioning process to configure the Arduino board for Arduino IoT Cloud. In order to connect to the Arduino IoT Cloud MQTT broker, our boards don’t use a standard credentials authentication (username/password pair). We rather opted for implementing a higher-level authentication, known as client certificate authentication.
How does the Arduino provisioning work?
The whole process is possible thanks to an API, which exposes an endpoint a client can interact with.
As you can see in the diagram below, first the Client requests to register a new device on Arduino IoT Cloud via the API, to which the server (API) returns a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier). At this point, the user can upload the sketch Provisioning.ino to the target board. This code is responsible for multiple tasks:
Generating a private key using the ATECCX08A, and store it in a secure slot that can be only read by the secure element;
Generating a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using the device UUID as Common Name (CN) and the generated private key to sign it;
Storing the certificate signed by Arduino acting as the authority.
After the CSR generation, the user sends it via the API to the server and the server returns a certificate signed by Arduino. This certificate is stored, in a compressed format, in a slot of the secure element (usually in slot 10) and it is used to authenticate the device to the Arduino IoT Cloud.
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Arduino Security Primer was originally published on PlanetArduino
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Embedded Computing Market to account to US$ 67.29 Bn by 2027
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The global embedded computing market is estimated to account US$ 32.09 Bn in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% during the forecast period 2018 – 2027   The growing adoption of IoT application in diverse industries is one of the crucial factors influencing the embedded computing market. Additionally, the increased need for superior performance, secure connectivity, lower cost, power efficiency, and faster time to market are other significant factors bolstering market growth. Smaller and energy-efficient semiconductors are now available in the market owing to advancements in the design of semiconductor. It has further enabled design engineers to enhance security and system intelligence across a wide range of products. Embedded systems are well-matched to fulfill the demand for such products. In the present market scenario, the industrial market is estimated to dominate the embedded computing market. The high adoption of IIoT in diverse industries is the key factor attributed to the industrial market growth. Further, The robust demand for digital content, security, ubiquitous access, and increased adoption of video communications by enterprises are other factors propelling the embedded computing market growth. The most prominent market players in embedded computing market are Advantech Co., Ltd., ARM Holdings PLC, Fujitsu Limited, International Business Machines Corporation, Intel Corporation, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Qualcomm Incorporated, Renesas Electronics Corporation, STMicroelectronics N.V., and Texas Instruments Incorporated among others for a considerable share of the market owing to their product offerings to the market. Market leaders are involved in taking up a various market initiative such as expanding footprint across the world and meet the growing demand of its customers, focusing towards product enhancements by implementing advance technologies and signing partnership, contracts, joint ventures, funding, and inaugurating new offices across the world to maintain brand name globally. For instance, recently, STMicroelectronics announced the introduction of STM32MP1 Microprocessor Series – “STM32 MCU“. Its power-efficient real-time control as well as high feature integration for facilitating development of high-performance solutions mainly to Industrial, Smart Home, Consumer, Health and Wellness applications. Further, Texas launched its new generation of industrial microprocessor – “Sitara AM6x”, it’s a first multi-protocol gigabit time-sensitive networking (TSN)-enabled processor. It is designed to meet the progressing Industry 4.0 demands. Many well-known, as well as small local companies are present in the market to provide embedded computing solutions to their customers. The larger firms are adopting the strategy of partnership, contractual alliances for the deployment of embedded computing solutions to enhance their customer portfolio and expand footprint in different geographies.  Get Sample Copy @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00006326/ Read the full article
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lanshengic · 9 months
Microchip launches MPLAB machine learning development toolkit to help developers easily integrate machine learning into MCUs and MPUs
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【Lansheng Technology News】September 8, 2023 - Machine learning is becoming a standard requirement for embedded designers to develop or improve various products. To meet this need, Microchip Technology Inc. recently launched the new MPLAB® machine learning development toolkit, which provides a complete integrated workflow to simplify machine learning model development. Available across Microchip’s broad portfolio of microcontrollers and microprocessors, this software toolkit helps developers quickly and efficiently add machine learning inference.
Rodger Richey, vice president of Microchip's Development Systems Business Unit, said: "Machine learning is the new normal for embedded controllers. Leveraging machine learning at the edge can make products more efficient, safer, and more power-efficient than systems that rely on cloud communications for processing. Lower. Microchip’s unique integrated solution is designed for embedded engineers and is the first to support not only 32-bit MCUs and MPUs, but also 8-bit and 16-bit devices, enabling efficient product development.”
Machine learning works by using a set of algorithms to analyze and generate patterns from large data sets to support decision-making. Machine learning is generally faster, easier to update, and more accurate than human processing. Microchip customers can leverage this new set of tools to enable predictive maintenance solutions to accurately predict potential problems with equipment used in a variety of industrial, manufacturing, consumer and automotive applications.
MPLAB Machine Learning Development Kit helps engineers build efficient, small-footprint machine learning models. Powered by AutoML, the toolkit eliminates many repetitive, tedious and time-consuming model building tasks, including extraction, training, validation and testing. It also provides model optimization capabilities to meet the memory constraints of MCUs and MPUs.
When used in conjunction with the MPLAB It also has advanced features that meet the needs of experienced machine learning designers.
Microchip also offers the option to extract models from TensorFlow Lite and use them in any MPLAB Harmony v3 project. MPLAB Harmony v3 is a fully integrated embedded software development framework that provides flexible, interoperable software modules to simplify the development of value-added functions and shorten product time to market. Additionally, the VectorBlox™ Accelerator Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the most energy-efficient artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) inference capabilities based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) using PolarFire® FPGAs.
The MPLAB Machine Learning Development Kit provides the necessary tools to design and optimize edge products that run machine learning inference. Visit the Microchip Machine Learning Solutions page to learn more about simplifying your development process, reducing costs and accelerating time to market with Microchip’s intuitive machine learning tools.
Lansheng Technology Limited, which is a spot stock distributor of many well-known brands, we have price advantage of the first-hand spot channel, and have technical supports. 
Our main brands: STMicroelectronics, Toshiba, Microchip, Vishay, Marvell, ON Semiconductor, AOS, DIODES, Murata, Samsung, Hyundai/Hynix, Xilinx, Micron, Infinone, Texas Instruments, ADI, Maxim Integrated, NXP, etc
To learn more about our products, services, and capabilities, please visit our website at http://www.lanshengic.com
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skrisiloff · 7 years
What CEOs said on this week’s earnings calls
Each week we read dozens of transcripts from earnings calls and presentations as part of our investment process. Below is a weekly post which contains some of the most important quotes about the economy and industry trends from those transcripts. Click here to receive these posts weekly via email.
The first week of earnings season showed a continued abundance of optimism.  Expectations have definitely risen for the economy.  Curiously though, expectations have not risen for interest rates.  Citigroup's CEO mentioned that he only expects one rate hike per year through 2020.  Banks were prominent this week and credit quality remains strong, but CRE is an area where there appears to be a growing mismatch between risk and reward.
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The Macro Outlook:
Optimism abounds
"Main Street continues to rebound. Our confidence is up. I’ve been in 23 of our 26 regions in the last few months...everyone is talking about increased optimism on the part of small- and medium-sized businesses...I’ve had 23 lunches where I’m sitting and talking to six to eight business people over the last few months. I’ve gotten this across our entire footprint...All of that is very, very positive." --BB&T CEO Kelly King (Bank)
CEOs are confident
"I would say the CEOs are confident, the conversations are happening all the time and strategic M&A in the U.S. those discussions are occurring especially in technology and consumer retail and natural resources." --Goldman Sachs CFO Martin Chavez (Investment Bank)
Consumers and investors are bullish on America
"across all the years since the crisis there has been ebbs and flows in customers’ views about where they want to invest and the cash portion of our balances has come up and down. But I think the consumer and the investor are very bullish on America and they continue investing" --Bank of America CFO Paul Donofrio (Bank)
Retail investors are highly engaged with the market
"We are seeing this quarter very broad-based engagement in the market, so everyone from brand-new customers opening their first account to very active traders seem to be engaged in the market. We saw a good activity across pretty much all of our products...So on the other end, the conundrum part is, as we said, we’re at multi-decade lows in the VIX, which tends to drive more trading activity." --TD Ameritrade CEO Tim Hockey (Broker)
Voices of warning are few and far between
"…don’t be mesmerized by the blue skies created by central bank QE and near perpetually low interest rates. All markets are increasingly at risk….Strategies involving risk reduction should ultimately outperform “faux” surefire winners generated by central bank printing of money. It’s the real economy that counts and global real economic growth is and should continue to be below par." --Janus Portfolio Manager Bill Gross (Investment Management)
Yet the expectation of low yields persists
"while markets have started to anticipate a normalization, a policy in the environment of sustained expansion, negative yields remain a reality in some countries and expectations for a continued low yield environment persists." --Blackrock CEO Larry Fink (Investment Management)
Central banks aren't very hawkish
"The incoming information confirms a continued strengthening of the economic expansion in the euro area, which has been broadening across sectors and regions…While the ongoing economic expansion provides confidence that inflation will gradually head to levels in line with our inflation aim, it has yet to translate into stronger inflation dynamics." --ECB President Mario Draghi (Central Bank)
Citigroup is only expecting four more rate hikes through 2020
"we’ve got one more rate hike for the US built in and its December of this year. And quite frankly we’re assuming one more rate hike in ’18, one more rate hike in ’19 and one more rate hike in ’20." --Citigroup CEO Miles Corbat (Bank)
A lot is still riding on a tax cut
"And can I guarantee that all the craziness in Washington will not derail that? No. But I’ll be honest with you as I’ve talked to business people out there, they’re not worried about all this craziness going on in Washington. They’re just focusing on growing their business. Now I will say I think they are expecting a tax reduction deal and, to a lesser degree, they’re counting on infrastructure. But if we get the tax reduction deal, they’ll continue" --BB&T CEO Kelly King (Bank)
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Emerging markets have been weak for a long time
"since the financial crises, interest rates, currencies etcetera, we’ve had a prolonged period of about eight, nine years now where we have seen significant weakening of emerging market currencies...you actually see the volume component of these emerging markets continuing to be very, very low, while historically it was all volume-driven growth. I am convinced that that is coming back now." --Unilever CEO Paul Polman (Packaged Goods)
China may be stabilizing
"China for example is actually much more stable than the last 12 to 18 months. I like what I’m seeing in China right now." --Abbott CEO Miles White (Medical Device)
Chinese are still buying international assets
"we’re still seeing the trend of Chinese buying and international assets. " --Goldman Sachs CFO Martin Chavez (Investment Bank)
The Fed should start shrinking its balance sheet in September
"So on the balance sheet, it is still the case that we expect to start seeing normalization in the balance sheet, in September, if not in September by the end of this year with the actually calling for the next rate hike in December the market is calling for March of next year." --JP Morgan CFO Marianne Lake
No one knows how it will affect banks
"I mean the Fed has never had a balance sheet of this size. We’ve never been through a situation where they’re talking about reducing a balance sheet. We can talk about history all day long, but since we’ve never been through that, nobody knows exactly what’s going to happen." --Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan (Bank)
There will likely be an increase in competition for deposits
"we think as excess liquidity comes out of the market you could expect to see and you will expect to see more competition with respect to deposits, I would also expect that the long end of the curve on a relative basis would be a little bit higher" --US Bancorp CFO Terry Dolan (Bank)
Consumers may not shift deposits until rates are higher
"I think we are a couple of moves away from the Fed before you start really seeing the positive beta shift on the consumer side." --PNC CEO Bill Demchak (Bank)
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CRE lenders see unfavorable risk and return
"there’s a fair amount of competition in stabilized commercial real estate projects, I mean there’s lots of liquidity out there. And so this quarter there just happen to be more transactions that we’ve looked at where we said, gosh, another risk return it just isn’t there" --Wells Fargo CEO Tim Sloan (Bank)
"[we] remain cautious in commercial mortgage markets where the competitive environment has created unfavorable conditions from a risk and return standpoint." --US Bancorp CFO Terry Dolan (Bank)
So far credit quality in CRE has remained pristine
"As far as the credit quality within commercial real estate has been pristine...as far as the strength of our commercial real estate portfolios, it’s performing extremely well." --Comerica CCO Pete Guilfoile (Bank)
AI is becoming ubiquitous
"AI is going into every segment of our growth sectors. AI is getting to mobile. AI is getting to high-performance computing like deep learning. AI will go into automotive...And AI will go to simple IoT, MCU also...it is ubiquitous." --Taiwan Semiconductor Co-CEO Mark Liu (Semiconductors)
Financial service companies are adopting it
"Technology will impact all aspects of our business...Our investment teams are combining big data and machine learning with traditional fundamental human analysis to generate better sustainable alpha for our clients." --Blackrock CEO Larry Fink (Investment Management)
"We are focused on our digital agenda on advancing the way we leverage data on exploring and piloting smart investments and things like AI and robotics on setting the standard in terms of the experience for our customers and distribution partners and as always on being as productive and efficient as possible." --Travelers CEO Alan Schnitzer (Insurance)
"We have a number of expense initiatives. We are using, for example, artificial intelligence, AI, robotics...we will be going enterprise-wide in terms of finding ways to take these repetitious activities and apply good digitization and artificial intelligence to find more efficient and effective ways to reduce our cost." --BB&T CEO Kelly King (Bank)
Robots are not necessarily that much cheaper than people
"If you look at the average basis points paid from the various robo platforms, they range in general like things from something like 20 to 40 basis points. If you look at the average basis points for a full service advisory like us, just divide our revenue into our assets including everything, you get somewhere in the 70s, low 70 basis points. So the value added of the financial advice and the institutions behind it and the research, the product offering, the new issued calendar you could argue is being put out there for 30 to 40 basis points. It’s not clear to me that, that is such an expensive gap that that’s going to lead to the cannibalization issues" --Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman (Investment Bank)
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80% of the world's data isn't public
"80% of the worlds data is owned by enterprises, it’s not searchable on the worldwide web, it’s customer data, and patient data, clinical data, supply chain data, transaction data and companies want to unlock and exploit that data." --IBM CFO Martin Schroeter (Technology)
John Legere had nice things to say about Masayoshi Son. Trying to butter him up?
"let’s remember that [Masa] is one of the richest, biggest dealmakers in the world and his moves are significantly tracked and I dare any of you to dissect when he is working on vision fund and when he is working on, the guy is one of the biggest players in the world. And what he has been doing makes sense. That’s Masa. Sprint is very lucky to have him as an owner." --T-Mobile CEO John Legere (Telecom)
3G/4G market growth is now just 6%
"For calendar 2017 3G, 4G device shipments, we continue to estimate shipment of 1.75 billion to 1.85 billion devices globally, up approximately 6% year-over-year at the midpoint." --Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf (Semiconductors)
Manufacturers are trying to increase prices
"we are increasing our price that we are realizing out there in the marketplace...so we are seeing improved pricing versus where we were last year when we said sort of said hey guys enough is enough, we need to start getting some price back into the market...I think it’s moving in the right direction." --Textron CEO Scott Donnelly (Conglomerate)
Transportation markets seem sluggish
"a few of our markets will experience year-over-year volume declines in the third quarter due to market specific headwinds you’re very familiar with. Auto shipments will be impacted by softening production." --CSX CFO Frank Lonegro (Railroad)
"Truckload volume growth has slowed from the second quarter. The holiday timing makes precise comparisons difficult this early in the month but truckload volume growth has been in the low single digits." --CH Robinson CEO John P. Wiehoff (Trucking Logistics)
Miscellaneous Nuggets of Wisdom:
It's ok to fail. It means you're trying.
"Failure is not such a bad thing and if you’re not failing maybe you’re not trying hard enough...you want to be introspective and look at that and say, are we being adventurous enough?" --Netflix CCO Ted Sarandos
Press your winners
"You ask about how we prioritize? Generally, when we see success, we try to add on to that until we reach a point of diminishing returns. And so, if we’re going to see success in some markets, we may up the content budget in those markets." --Netflix CEO Reed Hastings (SVOD)
Full transcripts can be found at www.seekingalpha.com
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RF mixed signal design | Mixed Signal Design
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The Combination of Art and Science of RF and Mixed-signal Design
"Over the past couple of years, mixed-signal integrated circuit (IC) design has been one of the most technically tough and interesting segments of the semiconductor industry. Regardless of every advancement that has taken place in the semiconductor industry over that time period, the one continuous requirement is still to ensure the analog world we reside in connects effortlessly with the digital world of computing, a requirement particularly driven by the existing prevalent mobile environment and the swiftly emerging Internet of Things (IoT) "re-evolution" of RF and Mixed-signal Design.
Digital and memory ICs comprise about two-thirds of today's approximately $320 billion worldwide semiconductor market. These ICs are driven by Moore's Law and advanced CMOS process technology, which lowers the cost and enhances the integration of semiconductor devices annually. Discrete and analog semiconductors represent about one-fifth of the global semiconductor market and are mostly served by older semiconductor process technologies as core analog parts are costly to manufacture in newer process nodes.
Mixed-signal ICs account for about one-tenth of the global semiconductor market. This approximation relies on how you count a mixed-signal IC, which could be specified as a semiconductor tool that integrates considerable analog and digital functionality to provide an interface to the analog world. The archetype of mixed-signal ICs consist of system-on-chip (SoC) devices; cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth as well as wireless personal area network (WPAN) transceivers; GPS, TV, and AM/FM receivers; audio as well as video converters; advanced clock and oscillator devices; networking interfaces; and recently, low-rate WPAN (LR-WPAN) wireless MCUs. Extremely integrated mixed-signal IC solutions often supersede legacy technologies in well-known semiconductor markets when the required functionality and analog efficiency could be accomplished at a reduced expense compared to other or discrete analog approaches. The more crucial part is, a high level of mixed-signal integration significantly streamlines the engineering required by system manufacturers, allowing them to concentrate on their core applications and reach the market much faster.
Designing Mixed-signal ICS:
Mixed-signal ICs are hard to design and manufacture, specifically if they consist of RF capability. A huge standalone analog and discrete IC market exist since analog integration with digital ICs is not an easy, simple process. Analog and RF design has frequently been referred to as "black art" due to the fact that a lot of it is done usually by experimentation and very often by intuition. The contemporary mixed-signal design must always be considered a lot more science than alchemy. "Brute force" analog integration must constantly be avoided, as experimentation is a really costly process in IC development.
The real "art" in mixed-signal design need to result from a deep understanding of how the underlying physical interaction phenomena manifest in facility systems integrated with a robust and elegant design methodology based on a digital-centric method. The perfect strategy combines mixed-signal design and digital signal processing and allows the integration of complicated, high-performance as well as very delicate analog as well as digital circuits without the anticipated trade-offs. The effective capacities of digital processing in fine-line digital CMOS procedures could be utilized to make up and adjust for analog blemishes and alleviate undesirable interactions, hence boosting the speed, accuracy, power usage, and eventually the cost and usability of the mixed-signal tool.
Moore's Law has been incredibly consistent with digital circuit design, increasing the variety of transistors in a provided area every 2 years, and it is still partly appropriate in the age of deep sub-micron technologies. This regulation does not usually apply as well to analog circuits, resulting in a considerable lag in the fostering of scaled technologies for analog ICs. It is not unusual for analog devices to be still designed as well as manufactured 180 nm technologies and above. The fact is that the scaling of the process technology partly drives the area and power scaling in analog circuits and often comes to be a design barrier. In fact, analog scaling is more frequently driven by the reduction of undesirable effects (such as analytical tool mismatch or noise resulting from flaws at materials interfaces), which is the outcome of quality enhancements of the process itself. Consequently, mixed-signal designers choose to rely upon processes that are a couple of steps behind the cutting edge of process technology, which could still enhance device quality by depending on a few of the most recent technological advancements. To put it simply, the analog facets of Moore's Law fall back to the standard digital approach. The scenario is a lot more dynamic, as well as the digital/analog technology void, could be partly made up if it is still worth the investment of the IC modern technology suppliers.
An ideal manufacturing process node for mixed-signal IC design lags behind the bleeding side of process technology, and the option of nodes is a compromise of a number of factors, which inevitably relies on the quantity of analog and mixed-signal circuitry consisted of in the device. More specifically, a more digital-centric mixed-signal design method allows the designer to utilize advanced process nodes in order to fix one of the toughest commercial issues with analog circuit integration-- the capability to integrate analog to decrease expenses while increasing functionality. Design engineering teams at numerous leading semiconductor firms are proactively pushing the limits of mixed-signal design and attempting to address this challenge with unique solutions where logic gates and switching components are changing amplifying and large passive devices.
The IoT and Mixed-signal Design:
The Internet of Things aggregates networks of IoT nodes, i.e., extremely low-priced, intelligent, and connected sensors and actuators utilized for data collection and tracking in myriad applications that enhance energy efficiency, security, healthcare, environmental monitoring, industrial processes controls, transportation, and livability in generally. IoT nodes are forecasted to reach 50 billion devices by 2020, and perhaps getting to the one trillion thresholds just a couple of years later on. These astronomical market numbers pose significant restrictions in regard to engineering, manufacturability, energy consumption, maintenance, and eventually the health of our environment. Along with being offered in astonishingly high quantities, all these IoT nodes need to be really small, energy-efficient, and secure, and they are normally not easily accessible to customers for maintenance. IoT nodes frequently require to run with extremely small coin cell batteries for years or even more, or perhaps counting on energy scavenging strategies.
These application needs to make the IoT node the utmost prospect for extremely innovative digital-centric mixed-signal design methods. The optimal IoT node will need modern mixed-signal circuits to interface to actuators and sensors. They need to consist of RF connectivity, usage of really power-efficient wireless protocols, and need marginal external elements. They likewise need to consist of power converters to optimize power efficiency and manage various battery chemistries or energy sources, all characteristics generally accessible with mature process nodes. At the same time, these IoT nodes will require reasonably complicated, ultra-low-power computing resources and memories to store and execute applications and network protocol software, which is much better addressed with finer technologies. The present instantiation of such a paradigm is a mixed-signal IC that is commonly known as a wireless MCU: an easy-to-use, small-footprint, energy-efficient, and highly integrated connected computing device with sensing and actuating capabilities.
RF and Mixed-signal Design, the spreading of ultra-low-power wireless MCUs are crucial to the innovation of the IoT. Wireless MCUs supply the minds, sensing, and connectivity for IoT nodes, from wireless security sensors to digital lighting controls. The combination of art as well as science for mixed-signal design is the vital enabler for the growth of next-generation wireless MCUs that link the analog, RF, as well as digital worlds and maximal advantage of the power of Moore's Law, without concessions in efficiency, cost, power consumption, or size.
Faststream helped one of the clients to design a next-generation vending machine solution using IoT and AI that supports functions such as predictive maintenance, customer-centric loyalty programs, and cashless transactions, feel free and contact us for more details: Email: [email protected]
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Avengers Fic: The Man Who Knew Everything
A canon-divergent Endgame fic I wrote before Captain Marvel and Endgame were written that has been totally jossed now.
Fandom: Avengers Characters: Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Carol Danvers, Phil Coulson Relationships: Nick Fury & Tony Stark Description: A man visits Nick Fury in 1990 and tells him about the future. AKA Nick Fury already knew everything that was going to happen in the MCU.
(read on ao3)
“So you planning to stick around for a bit?” Nick asks, after it’s all over. He’s sitting on the edge of a building, Carol beside him. Heat radiates from her even like this, casual and exhausted and eating a sandwich from the bodega below them. It’s like sitting inches from a roaring fire. Nick has to shrug out of his jacket, feeling sweat beading on his forehead despite the heavy chill in the New York fall air.
He’s also tired and hungry, probably looking just as worse for wear as her, and his mind is still reeling. Aliens. Shapeshifting aliens.
It’s strange to realize that the general public will never know. Their entire existence had been threatened and saved in the span of a week by a handful of individuals who will fade into the shadows of history, nameless and unknown.
He remembers his first day at SHIELD. He’d been young and eager, seated amongst a room of equally green recruits, hanging onto Director Carter’s every word as she’d told them, “If you’re looking for fame or recognition, you will not find yourself satisfied here. What we do is very important; we are the last line of defense between the world and the unusual forces that would threaten it. But it must remain unknown.”
It had been the secrecy that had rankled him. When he’d signed on he’d been prepared to give up his name to history; he just hadn’t realized what else he’d been signing away with it. A life. Friends and family.
When it was just stopping a few lingering HYDRA cells or scientists too smart and dangerous for their own good, that hadn’t felt like a worthy sacrifice to him. For months he’d been nibbling on the idea of turning in his badge and walking back into the world an honest and open man, and the more he’d chewed on it, the sweeter it had tasted.
But then an alien crash landed into his life, and he’d helped saved the world.
The thought of leaving tastes just a little less sweet. He's not sure he'd even be able to sleep at night, knowing what he knows now.
“Hmm?” Carol hums, cheeks bulging with ham and salami and whatever the hell else she had stuffed in her overpacked sandwich. There’s mustard on her cheek. Nick grins at the sight of it. The defender of Earth, everyone.
“You gonna stay?” he repeats. “Get to know your home planet again?”
Carol pauses. She swallows, scrubs her hand over her mouth, managing to completely miss the mustard, then grins back at him. “Nah. It doesn’t even really feel like home anymore. And there’s still so much in space I want to see. I always kind of stuck with the Kree, but there’s a whole galaxy out there.” She looks up into the sky. It’s getting late, and the sun is beginning to sink below the line of skyscrapers, giving way to what would be the nighttime stars if they were anywhere but New York. When she speaks again, her voice is soft, almost reverent. “I want to see all of it.”
The disappointment that settles in Nick’s gut is heavier than he expected it to be. He'll miss her. “Well, if you ever come back to visit, feel free to find me. I’ll take you to the best burger joint in the city.”
Carol smiles at him, less the sharp, reckless grin she usually wears, and instead something softer. Sincere. “You have my number, Mr. Agent Man. Give me a call if you ever need me.”
They finish their sandwiches in silence. Afterwards, Carol takes off into the sky, growing smaller and smaller until she looks like nothing but a far-away shooting star half-hidden by the city lights. Nick watches until she disappears completely. And then he heads home.
There’s a footprint, faint but definitely new, on the floor of Nick’s apartment. The entry is too clean to be common thief; there's no sign of force, no broken lock. Nothing but the floor looks touched.
Silently, he draws his gun and creeps further into the house.
“Nick Fury,” a male voice rings out, and he spins, his gun leading the movement towards the corner where the shape of a man sits in the shadows. There’s some kind of light hovering where his chest should be, bathing his face in a dim, blue glow. It’s not much, but with it Nick can make out a goatee and enough of the face to know with certainty he's never before seen this man.
A lamp flicks on. Nick squints into the sudden light. The intruder is older than he is, maybe in his 50s, though it’s hard to say what’s actually age and what’s stress. Cheekbones protrude from a gaunt face drawn with wrinkles and discolored by a Jackson Pollock-like smattering of bruises. The eyes sunken into his tired face are brown and dark and remind Nick of the pictures he's seen of soldiers returning from war, traumatized and broken.
The light in his chest turns out to be just that – something electrical and glowing with no clear purpose, stuck straight in the middle of his sternum. The paranoia that SHIELD helped foster yells weapon, and Nick coils tighter.
“Who the hell are you?” he demands. It’s impossible to determine if the man is Skrull or human without Carol here to tell him, but he knows once he shoots it, the color of the blood will give him his answer.
The man hardly spares the gun a second glance. His sits up, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together, a barely noticeable line of tension running through his body.
“I’m here to talk to you about the Avengers Initiative.” The words are heavy as they settle into the air. Nick can feel their importance.
He digests them, waits for them to make some sort of sense. They don’t. “What they hell is that?”
The man’s grave manner shatters. He bursts into laughter, the deep kind that leaves your stomach aching afterwards, but there’s a sharp edge to it that makes Nick weary.
“Look, I’ve had a bit of a trying week, and all I want to do is go to bed. So if you could explain why the fuck you’re in my apartment, I would really appreciate it.”
“Sorry, sorry,” the man gasps out, struggling to reign in his laughter. “Inside joke. You’ll get it in about 20 years.”
“You have five seconds to tell me who the hell you are,” Nick barks.
“Alright, alright.” The man raises his hands in surrender, smothering the laughter, though his grin remains. “My name is Tony Stark.”
“Howard’s kid?” Nick clarifies, knowing it’s impossible even as he asks. He knows Tony Stark. It’s hard not to, with the way the kid ends up in the tabloids for something or other every week or so. Even if he didn’t pay attention to the self-destructive scandals of a spoiled rich kid, it was hard to work for SHIELD and not know the name Stark. Howard might have passed most of the day-to-day operations off to Carter a couple years ago, but he’s still a big name at SHIELD, and while Nick guesses his family doesn’t know about his secret side project, SHIELD definitely knows about Howard’s family.
Which means it’s impossible for Nick to not know that Tony Stark is currently twenty years old, baby-faced and still clean shaven and certainly not the man sitting before him – even if they do, he’ll admit, share a striking resemblance.
The man’s mouth quirks, sharp against the earlier amusement like a dissonant cord. “Yeah, Howard’s kid. Give or take thirty years.”
Nick’s fingers twitch on the trigger when the man makes a move for his pocket, and its only years and years of discipline and training that keep him from shooting. There’s a look in the man’s eyes like he knows it; he holds his left hand up and open in surrender while his right pulls something free of his pocket, then opens his hand, palm facing upward, to reveal a small, green stone that glows and hovers, suspended in midair, inches above the skin of his palm.
An overwhelming want fills Nick the minute he sees it – a pull deep in his gut that begs him closer, to reach out and take it, whispering promises of fixing every mistake and regret he’s ever had. Wouldn’t you like the chance to do things over? He feels the offer more than he actually hears the words, tickling along his consciousness and settling into his very being.
“This is called an Infinity Stone.” The man’s voice breaks Nick’s trance. He looks down at the stone in his hand as he talks, his expression curdling like milk in the hot sun, festering with hatred. “There’s six of them, all controlling different things, but all very, very powerful. This bad boy’s called the Time Stone. I think you can probably figure out what I used it to do.”
Even as his mind connects the dots, Nick wants to deny it. One earth-shattering revelation in a week is plenty; he’s not quite prepared to tackle the reality of time travel just yet, even as the Stone itself promises him that what Tony says is true. There’s no way to fake that unnatural knowledge that had filled his thoughts – or that overwhelming desire.
He wants a drink.
The gun seems useless now; it hadn’t worked as a threat and he’s starting to think it probably isn’t one, not to a guy holding something as powerful and reality shattering as that stone. Nick pockets it as he heads towards the kitchen and unearths a half-empty bottle of cheap whiskey from one of his cabinets. “You want some?” he asks Tony, gesturing towards him with the bottle.
Tony flinches, though he hides it pretty well. “No thanks,” he says, tone deceptively light. “Had to go cold turkey a couple months ago. Not ready to pick the habit back up.”
Nick takes that as an excuse to forgo a glass. He brings only the bottle back with him as he reenters the living room, sinking into the couch across from Tony and taking a long sip. Tony’s eyes follow the movement like a starving man, before he rubs his free hand roughly over his dirty face and glances away.
“Alright,” Nick says after the whiskey makes its way down. “Explain.”
Tony shakes his head slightly and turns back to face him. For a minute, he doesn’t seem to know where to start, lost for words in a way Nick guesses he rarely is. “The Avengers,” he says finally. “It’s a team you put together – or,” he pauses, eyes widening. His lips twist in a wry grin. “Well, that I put together, I guess. Huh. How about that.”
“Of SHIELD agents?”
“Some. Mostly just really powerful people. I think the new term is metahumans, but I haven’t really been paying attention to the news lately.”
“Like Carol?”
“No, I guess she was in space the first time around. We probably could have used her, though.” Tony moves the Stone back into his pocket; as it disappears, so does the alien throb of desire, and Nick feels his body automatically relax, tension he didn’t realize was even there fading away.
Tony pulls something new from his pocket and tosses it across the room, where Nick catches it easily and turns it in his hands. It’s not much larger than the stone, slim and rectangular and silver. “What’s this?”
“Files. Everything you need to know about all of us – and what’s coming.”
“No, I mean, what the hell is this?” He holds it up for emphasis as he asks.
Tony’s face falls; then he rolls his eyes towards the ceiling and expels a deep, resigned sigh. “Oh fuck, it’s 1990. I forgot. What, you guys still using floppy disks?” He doesn’t give Nick a chance to answer before he’s waving his hand dismissively and saying, “It’s something you plug into a computer and store information on. Hold onto it until the technology catches up. I guess I’ll just give you the run-down.”
And he does. While Nick slowly works his way through the bottle, Tony tells him about two agents he hasn’t heard of but surely will soon enough, of a graduate student who isn’t currently of concern but will be, and of another alien powerhouse like Carol who Nick won’t need to seek out, but will show up just when he’s needed.
“And Captain America,” Tony adds at last, something ugly twisting in his face even as he tries to keep up a calm façade.
“They give the name to someone else?” Nick asks. That shouldn’t be the most shocking thing he’s heard tonight, but somehow it’s the piece he has the hardest time accepting. From what he’s gathered, the Captain was something like a sweetheart for Carter back in the day, and he can’t imagine her letting anyone else run around in the uniform. Maybe that means Carter’s dead by then.
“No. The original model.”
Nick stares at him. “You go back in time and pick him up, too?”
Tony snorts. “No, this one wasn’t magic. Just good old-fashioned science. Well, weird super soldier science, but still science. Which reminds me.” He grabs a discarded phone bill sitting on the coffee table and a pen and jots down a series of numbers before sliding it over towards Nick. They look like coordinates.
“You’re going to want SHIELD to start digging there. Straight down until you find him.”
Nick lets the complete ridiculousness of that go for a minute to focus on something else. “I don’t have that kind of authority.”
Tony quirks an eyebrow, surprised. “Really? Not top dog yet?”
“I was planning to quit, actually.”
Tony scoffs. “Well, new plan then. Get to a position where you do have that authority and then get SHIELD to dig up a sleeping super soldier. Much as I hate to say it, we’re gonna need him.”
“Last week I was thinking my work at SHIELD was pointless. Then an alien invasion happened and changed my mind. Now I got a guy from the future telling me to become director. Kind of feels like the universe is telling me something.”
“Yeah, it’s saying don’t quit,” Tony snarks. Then he tilts his head. “Wait, you dealt with an alien invasion before New York, and I’m just finding out about it now? I know you’re the king of secrets, but that seems important to know.”
“How? What is all this for? What are the Avengers for?”
“For when humanity needed them most to fight the battles that they never could,” Tony quips, the words dull as if he’s repeating something. He’s rolling his eyes even as he says it, and Nick thinks it kind of odd he seems so dismissive of the Avengers team even as he’s going to such great lengths to ensure its creation. “But mostly – there’s something big coming. I don’t know how big this last alien invasion was, but this is bigger. Universe-ending kind of big. The first wave comes in 2012, and we manage to push it back, miraculously. Sort of a dues ex machina situation. I fly a nuke into a wormhole.” And then he shrugs, casually, like that isn’t a big deal, even as his knuckles turn white where they’re gripping the arms of his seat. “Which reminds me – when you hear about the nuke, tell me first.”
“Sure,” Nick agrees, like that means anything to him. “The second wave?” he prompts.
“2018. We – “ Tony’s voice falters. He coughs to clear it. A hand has moved up to the device on his chest, tapping out a nervous rhythm on the casing absentmindedly. He glances away from Nick, into the empty air, where those haunted eyes catch on something miles away. “We don’t manage to push it back.”
“So you’re here to stop it. To change things.”
“Not quite,” Tony admits. “I have it on good authority we only get one shot at this, and something he said makes me think it had to happen this way first. And besides, it’s kind of in the name, isn’t it? We don’t stop things.” His mouth quirks in a humorless grin. “We avenge them.”
“So what’s that mean?” Nick asks, feeling frustration burn in his throat harder than the whiskey. He doesn’t want to be a part of helping the apocalypse happen if there’s a chance to stop it. Was that not what that Stone had promised Tony to bring him here? “You’re playing damage control?”
“It means we need the right players in position to go through the worst possible ending to get to the best,” Tony says, like that makes any more sense of it. “I don’t think we’re supposed to stop Thanos the first time. Hell, I don’t even think we can, even if we start trying to track him down now. We need to get him after he thinks he’s won – when he thinks he’s in the clear. And to do that, we need the Avengers. We need them assembled.” He pauses. His mouth twitches in an almost-grin. “Together.”
The word hangs heavy. There’s a power to it that Nick isn’t privy to – something that hasn’t happened yet.
And then Tony blinks out of his reverie and looks up at him. “And that’s up to you. You’re the one bringing all the pieces together so that years later, we can fix this mess.”
Nick doesn’t believe in fate. He doesn’t believe in omnipotent beings pulling the strings, directing humanity where to go. And yet, here he is, being singled out by fate with the task of carrying out events that need to happen so that one day humanity will be safe. The whiskey churns uneasy in his stomach.
It’s too much. How does he shoulder the responsibility of ensuring the future? What kind of man is the Nick Fury that Tony knows?
“What about you?” he asks, as it dawns on him the other man never said. “How are you involved in all this?”
Tony snorts a sort of bitter laugh. He resumes his tapping on the machinery in his chest. “I’m too involved. I think I probably helped it along in a few ways. Which is why I’m helping put it right again.” He seems to realize that isn’t an answer when he sees Nick’s face and hurries to add, “I’m one of the team. The first one outside of SHIELD that you came to about all this.”
“Definitely not now. I don’t even remember what I was doing in 1990, but I know it involved a lot of booze and a lot of coke, and if you came to me talking about superheroes and aliens, I’d probably just think someone laced my shit with acid. No, in a little over a decade I’m going to go to Afghanistan,” he falters on the word, before pushing forward, “and I’m going to go missing for a while. When I get back – that’s when you come to me. Got it?”
Nick wants to argue. Against all of this – fate and time travel and promises that seem unfounded. Wants to call Tony a madman and force him from his apartment and pretend none of this ever happened. Kind of still wants to shoot him just to make sure he doesn’t bleed green. But he knows he’ll listen. He’s always been an over-prepared paranoid bastard. Somehow, knowing what’s coming, even if it sounds awful, is almost a relief. He can feel the thing Tony gave him burning a hole in his pocket and wonders how many years it will be until he can open it and get the full story.
“Sure, Stark,” he says, saluting him with the whiskey bottle.
Tony grins. A little bit of the haunted look has gone, as if with Nick to help shoulder the knowledge of what’s coming, it’s grown a little lighter for him. “Well, guess that’s goodbye for now. See you in the future, Nick.”
And just like that, he’s gone.
Nick does keep his promise.
All of them. He climbs the ranks at SHILED until he’s director and starts a dig in the Antarctic for a dead man. When the technology catches up, he pulls out the USB drive and devours the information inside of it, reading the profiles of the scientist who has only just recently popped up on SHIELD’s radar, the god that hasn’t seen Earth in hundreds of years, and the two agents he’s been keeping an eye on.
And when Tony Stark comes home from a three-month stint in Afghanistan, he sends one of his most trusted agents to check the situation out. Coulson comes back with a detailed report of a mechanized, flying armor suit, one he’d already known the name of long before the general public settled on Iron Man and Tony himself paraded it on live television, and Nick knows it’s time to pay the man a visit himself.
He feels almost giddy as he breaks into Stark’s place, taking a seat in the dark house after dismantling JARVIS and settling in to wait.
He can’t deny that he’s excited to see Tony face to face again, because despite all the work he’s been doing the past 18 years, meeting Tony for the first time – or second, he supposes, depending on who you ask – feels like the first real step in all of this, this great, grand plan of Cosmic design he’s somehow become a key player in. This is where everything starts.
Tony won’t know him, of course, but seeing Tony and that light in his chest will make all of this truly real in a way it hasn’t been before.
And if Nick’s being truly honest with himself, he’s excited to be the one in on the joke this time.
In fact, he already knows what he's going to say.
Tony could have warned him that his past self would have absolutely zero interest in helping Nick form the Avengers. Somehow he thinks not warning him, and forcing him to keep chasing Tony like an unwanted telemarketer, might have been intentional. Maybe Tony was trying to get him back for hounding him in the first place. Or for sending in Natasha to write a report on him that Nick knows he’ll just ignore anyways. Or even just to mess with him for the hell of it, because that seems like his style.
Whatever the reason, Nick dutifully plays his role, following Tony to the donut shop and trying not to get a kick out of how adamant the man is that he’ll never join Nick’s team. This younger Tony – like the one he met in 2008 right after the Iron Monger mess – is different than the one he met in the past. It’s not just that he’s younger, but even with the fresh trauma of Afghanistan or the pain of literally dying, he seems less burdened than the battle-worn, haunted man that sat across from him and told him about the end of the world.
It’s sickening to know that the man across from him hasn’t even begun to face all the horrors he will in his lifetime, even though he thinks he has. It’s a difficult secret to swallow down, even if he knows he must.
He can’t tell Tony the future. There’s no way that Tony would let things play out the way they do if he knew, and the Tony that had met him in the past had been certain they must. But what he can do is make sure the man stays alive – and not just out of a sense of obligation for the fate of the world. Damn the man, but his terrible sense of humor is growing on him.
It isn’t hard to find Howard’s old research or the boxes he left for Tony to inherit one day. SHIELD never threw them away after his death, and Nick’s been keeping a close eye on them since he became director. So he hands them over to their rightful owner and lets Tony do the rest, just as he knows he will.
Tony never thanks him for the help. Not in words, at least. But a few weeks after the Vanko incident gets cleaned up, Nick finds a box of donuts on his desk.
It’s reassuring to know from the start that the Avengers Initiative does work – eventually. Nick holds onto that reminder as he watches them spend their first few hours together bickering like children, alternating between yelling at each other and yelling at him. And if it takes a bit of manipulation and a pack of bloody cards to help them along, then so be it. He’s never claimed to be above manipulation if it works. And it does work.
He might not be an honest man, but he keeps his promises. When the WSC launches a missile at New York City, Nick tells Stark first.
And even as he knows the man will live, he hangs his head in defeat. Meeting Stark was the beginning. But this moment – as Stark flies a missile straight into Thanos’s neighborhood – this is the beginning of the end.
The Avengers compound feels like a tomb. It has for the past two years, actually, ever since one document drew up sides and shattered the team from within – but the lingering ghosts of the dead feel stronger now, coating everything. The air inside feels thick and full of dust; Tony feels it in his throat when he breathes, though he’s checked the air filtration systems five times already and knows it’s only in his head.
The remaining Avengers – the original six, actually, which feels like a bad joke – keep mostly to themselves in far corners of the place, old wounds still raw and unbearable even in the face of such tragedy. After finding a welcoming team on the lawn when he came back to Earth, Tony has done his best to avoid them, hiding himself mostly in a random room that hadn’t yet been transformed into anything, wasting his days away repeating the battle in his head and trying not to think of Peter.
He can’t stomach his lab, because the pieces of Iron Man littering the place only serve as a reminder that for all the worrying and panicking he’s done for six years, he still didn’t do enough.
But the empty room is a neutral space. There are no items left from missing teammates. No reminders of the way they first broke apart over two years ago. No sign of the symbol that had once meant his redemption and now only means his failure. Just a blank slate, perfect for wasting away in.
He’s in the unused room when he gets a knock on the door, and he’s so surprised that someone is actually seeking him out that he calls for them to enter before he has time to regret it. He’s expecting Rhodey or Bruce.
He isn’t expecting a ghost.
“Long time no see,” Coulson says easily, in that calm manner he’d always had, while Tony tries to process how a man who’s been dead for five years manages to still look so unruffled.
He’s too tired to even register the betrayal. It slides right off of him, as if he’s built up an immunity with enough exposure. “You’re looking good for a dead man,” he says finally.
“I’m sorry,” Coulson says as he walks closer. And damn it all, he actually looks like he means it. “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t.”
“What have you been doing since you’ve died, then? Kicking it on a beach somewhere? Taking up yoga? That suit sure doesn’t scream retirement.”
Coulson smiles. Tony’s surprised to realize just how much he’s missed him. Life has taken so much away; it’s a pleasant change for it to give him something back. “Not quite. I’ve been forming my own team. Well, I had been before Thanos.”
The implication is clear.
“Did they –?” He can’t bring himself to finish the sentence. As if he could just pretend it hadn’t happened if he doesn’t say it. It’s an uncharacteristic form of willing naivety, but one he’s been clinging to lately.
Coulson’s smile doesn’t move, but it doesn’t hide the pain in his eyes. “All but two of us. I’m hoping we can get them back.”
Tony scoffs. When he laughs, it tears at his throat. You had too much faith in us, he wants to say. The Avengers was always a tragedy in the making.
Coulson pulls a letter from his jacket pocket. Tony sees his name written on it, and while the handwriting looks familiar, he can’t quite place it. “It’s a bit funny,” Coulson says, looking down at the letter. “After SHIELD was dismantled and Fury stepped down, he gave me this. Told me to hold onto it and give it to you after the end of the world happened. It’s almost like he knew what would happen.”
Tony scoffs. “Well, he always acted like he was one step ahead of everyone.”
“Maybe he was,” Coulson says. And he holds the letter out for him to take.
Tony doesn’t want to admit that he’s afraid to. What parting words could Nick Fury have for him? Perhaps it’s the same words Tony hears every night in his dreams: why didn't you do more?
He takes the letter. When he opens it, a stone he never thought he’d see again rolls into his lap, and Fury’s words stare back at him.
Things had to happen this way.
When the time comes, use it. 1990. Bring this.
After the end of the End of the World
In the aftermath, a worn and weary soldier in a battered suit of armor sits beside a tired, old man. For a moment, they're both content to sit in silence, watching a hundred tearful reunions play out in front of them.
Finally, the tired, old man speaks. “I ever tell you about the time I helped fight off an alien invasion in 1990?”
The solider laughs. His eyes shine with tears. “No,” he says, shaking his head, eyes locked on the shape of teenage boy in the distance gesturing excitedly to the woman beside him. “I don’t think I’ve heard that one yet.”
Tony: I can’t believe you said I wasn’t recommended for the team I put together.
Fury: You put together? Your adventures in time make your ego bigger, Stark? Just because you told me about it doesn’t mean you put the team together.
Tony: Actually, considering I gave you the idea to even form the team in the first place, I’m pretty sure that means that I created the Avengers. And you made me a consultant. Unbelievable.
Like I said, written before CM and Endgame and then thoroughly jossed. I lost a bit of steam while writing this after Captain Marvel came out and so the ending is a bit rushed. Honestly don't have an explanation for how Fury had the stone at the end to give to Tony. Just roll with it.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Deral Heiland
This blog is the final piece in our four-part series on hardware hacking for the security professional and researcher. Be sure to check out the other blogs in this series:
Part One: Extracting Firmware from Atmel Microcontrollers
Part Two: Extracting Firmware from Nordic RF Microcontrollers
Part Three: Extracting Firmware from Microchip PIC Microcontrollers
In our fourth and final part of this ongoing series, we will conduct further firmware extraction exercises with the Texas Instruments RF microcontroller (CC2640). To be able to gain access to the firmware on CC2640, we will access the controller using compact Join Test Action Group (cJTAG).
cJTAG is a subset of JTAG and utilizes only the following two pins (versus the typical four-pin connection JTAG uses):
TMSC (Test Serial Data)
TCKC (Test Clock)
For this example, we will use the following, tools, applications, and datasheets:
TI Flash Programmer 2
SimpleLink Debugger DevPackCC2640 Datasheet
CC264BPA Datasheet
The SimpleLink Debugger is an inexpensive, small-form-factor XDS110 debugger that supports cJTAG. It is also significantly cheaper than the full-scale XDS110 debugger.
Our target device today is a CC264BPA Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module running the CC2640R2F:
When dealing with small-footprint devices, it is very rare to find headers that allow direct access to the debug services. In those cases, you will typically need to solder directly to the chip or some other area on the circuit board’s surface. To do this, I like to use 30-gauge wire-wrap wire. With this device, we can easily attach our wires’ connections along the edge of the device. These edge connectors are designed to attach this module to the larger circuit board.
Next, we need to identify the edge connector. In the above example on the right side, I show one of the modules with its shielding case removed. If a module’s datasheet cannot be located, you may have to remove the shielding to gain access to the MCU in order to trace out the needed pins. In this case, the manufacturer of the module has made a datasheet available with the needed pinout information.
Image source
Because we are testing against a standalone BLE module, we will also need to supply the needed voltage (3.3v) and add a 10k ohm pull-up resistor to the RESET_N pin 15 and add that to pin 14. We also need to make sure we have a 3.3v power source and connect that to pin 14 and pin 8, as shown below:
Once the pull-up resistor and all the needed connection wires are soldered on, we will connect the following to the XDS110 debugger:
I typically use a home-built screw terminal block with 2.54mm headers to connect the small 30-gauge wire from the device being tested to a debugger:
To read the MCU’s flash, you’ll need to install the SmartFlash Programmer 2 application from TI on a Windows host. Once installed, we can plug the XDS110 debugger into the USB and the application should detect the debugger and the target device’s MCU:
To extract the firmware from the device, we next select the Edit tab. From there, we can read the flash memory and save it to a file by selecting Read or Read Flash to File:
From here, we can utilize other tools and methods for evaluating the firmware extracted from the CC2640R2F MCU.
This blog concludes my mini series on reading flash memory on microcontrollers. In this series I tried to cover:
Different debuggers
Bus Pirate
PICKit 3
Segger J-Link
Different debugger applications
Segger J-Flash
Different debug services
Different issues and challenges
Identifying pinout
Virtual Machine USB issues
Connecting to headers and soldering directly to circuit boards
Converting Intel Hex to Binary
When working with hardware, you can encounter a number of unexpected challenges. For example, while working on this blog, my first XDS110 debugger kept claiming the debug service on the chip was locked, despite detecting the MCU correctly. This prevented me from reading the flash memory. I tested three different devices, all with the same results. After testing the CC264BPA device used in this blog with a Segger J-Link debugger and having it show that it was not locked, I went out and purchased a new XDS110 debugger, which is shown in this blog and worked perfectly. Apparently my first debugger had some issues. In my lab, I always try to have multiple solutions available for debugging and extracting flash so that when things go bad, like in this case, I can test with other options to validate the findings.
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Go to Source Author: Deral Heiland Extracting Firmware from Microcontrollers’ Onboard Flash Memory, Part 4: Texas Instrument RF Microcontrollers Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Deral Heiland This blog is the final piece in our four-part series on hardware hacking for the security professional and researcher.
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lanshengic · 11 months
ON Semiconductor Expands Bluetooth Low Energy Microcontroller (MCU) Family to Automotive Wireless Applications
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【Lansheng Technology Information】ON Semiconductor has launched an ultra-low-power automotive-grade wireless microcontroller that uses Bluetooth low-power connectivity. As the number of sensors and in-vehicle communications increase, automakers are increasingly turning to wireless connectivity to reduce wiring costs and weight, and the NCV-RSL15 is an ideal choice. On the other hand, the increase in the number of sensor deployments may lead to an increase in the number of network attacks, exacerbating security issues. Using this new microcontroller addresses such security concerns.
"The NCV-RSL15 excels in applications such as vehicle access and tire pressure monitoring systems, and its small size makes it ideal for portable remote access devices and other space-constrained tires and vehicles," said Michel De Mey, vice president of ON Semiconductor's Industrial Solutions Division. "Our combination of ultra-low power consumption with an extremely small footprint and the latest embedded security technology in a single device enables customers to address complex sensing-related design challenges for wireless automotive applications."
As the number of access points increases, it is imperative to secure potential attack vectors to prevent wireless access from unauthorized clients to the on-board central computer or central processing unit. Powered by Arm® CryptoCell™, the NCV-RSL15 offers the latest embedded security technology with hardware-based root-of-trust secure boot, multi-user accessible hardware-accelerated cryptographic algorithms, and firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) capabilities to support future firmware updates and security patch deployments.
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