#smile like awwwwww
autistic-britta-perry · 7 months
almost died of cuteness at the acau and tina interaction
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uhm did you know that uhh cross <333
-one and only
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theloveinc · 8 months
deku with a chipped tooth... double it and pass it to the next person... i raise you deku with a chipped tooth that gives him a dino smile 😶‍🌫️
omg!!! a snarl tooth dino smile, that does sound even cuter🥹🥹
I'm thinking it develops over time, too, cuz you know how teeth can shift??? So maybe Deku chips or looses a tooth on a mission somehow, and then a couple months later he develops a little dino smile (and ends up stealing the spotlight from you in every photo)........
like how can such a tough man who probs lost his tooth rocking someone's shit just keep getting even cuter RAWRRRSFSF
(anon says dinos look like this tiktok, aka: @//frensin's pinned video)
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michaeljaystonfan · 1 year
Michael Jayston's smile :)
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gamergirl929 · 3 months
If It Were Up To Me (We'd Be Meant To Be) (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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It was the typical cliche, childhood best friends falling for one another, in this case however, it was only you who fell and judging by the wedding invitation currently resting on your kitchen counter, you'd be the only one to ever fall.
The day was like any typical day, your parents chattering away in the Morgan’s living room as you and Alex played a few feet away, the two of you giggling as you made your two dolls walk towards one another.  
“What do you mean?” You ask in confusion, your head cocked to the side, your tiny brows knitted in confusion.  
“I seen mommy and daddy kissing.” Alex says, the little girl shrugging as she leans her doll towards your own.  
“What’s a kiss?” You ask, turning back to the toys the two of you were playing with.  
“It’s what two people do when they love each other.” She says nonchalantly, playing with the doll in her hands.  
“Can anyone kiss?” You ask and she shrugs.  
“I think so.”  
You hum, turning your attention back to your own doll.  
You remain quiet for a moment, but questions plagued your tiny mind.  
“How do you kiss?” You ask, your best friend turning towards you with a small smile.  
“I think it’s like this.”  
“Awwwwww, look at them...” You hear your mother say as Alex Morgan’s lips meet yours, the two of you giggling as you part, your parents cooing.  
“Before we know it, those two will be married!” Alex’s father says, sharing a round of laughter with your parents.  
Though the kiss you had shared was a meaningless kiss between two children, something neither of you understood, it would lead to something much more complex the older you got, something that would lead to your heart eventually being broken.
You frowned sadly as you stared down at the invitation resting on your kitchen counter, an invitation to your best friend, Alex Morgan’s, wedding.  
You’d been best friends since childhood, and that hadn’t changed throughout your adult life, the two of you growing closer and closer the older you got.  
You wouldn’t lie, you found yourself developing feelings for Alex in middle school, and those feelings only progressed as the two of you got older.  
Those feelings had in no way dissipated, even as you stared at the invitation resting on your marble kitchen counter.  
You flip the invitation over, not wanting to read the name of your best friend and her soon to be husband on its surface.  
You bury your face in your hands, your stomach churning as your eyes again drift to the invitation, one that is now upside down, the names no longer visible.  
You knew you missed your chance; you knew you couldn’t go back and change things, the wedding date was cemented now, and there was no changing it.  
You knew you couldn’t go; you couldn’t watch the woman you loved marry someone else. 
You had to come up with an excuse, and though you knew missing her wedding would break her heart, seeing her get married would shatter yours in such a way that you’d never be able to piece it back together.  
Your hands tremble as you move to your feet, shuffling towards the cabinet near the fridge before you produce a bottle of Vodka, screwing the cap off and taking a swig, the liquid burning your throat, it’s warmth spreading to your chest.  
If you had any say in the matter, you’d drink so much you would forget the name Alex Morgan. 
No matter how much you drank that night, you couldn’t forget Alex, you never could and deep down, you knew that.
Alex Morgan’s brows knitted in confusion, the corners of her mouth drooping downwards.  
“What’s wrong?” Kelley O’Hara says as she flops down onto the bed beside Alex, the woman still staring blankly at her phone’s screen, unable to really comprehend what she’s reading.  
“Y/N just cancelled her RSVP.” She mumbles, Kelley’s eyes widening when she peers over her shoulder.  
“What?!?” She asks, scanning the email, her brows furrowed.  
She’d only met you a few times, but it was obvious to literally anyone with eyes that you were absolutely in love with the woman sitting beside her, a woman whose wedding you cancelled your RSVP for.  
Kelley knew it would be absolute torture to watch the woman you loved get married to someone who wasn’t you, if she was in your shoes, she probably would have cancelled as well.  
“Did she say why?” Kelley asks, earning a shake of the head from Alex.  
“No...” She frowns, dropping her phone onto the hotel room’s bed.  
Kelley slips an arm around her middle, pulling her towards her, Alex’s head resting on her shoulder.  
The two sit in silence, the defender trying to think of a response, but before she can reply, Alex breaks the silence.  
“We’ll be in New York in a couple weeks for our match against you guys, I’ll go see her then.” She mumbles and Kelley nods, her throat bobbing, wondering what the conversation between the two of you would entail, and hoping that for your sake, it didn’t end negatively.
You did your best to avoid Alex’s multiple calls and her text messages, knowing that if you really spoke to the woman, she would see right through you.  
She could always tell when you were lying, commenting on the fact that you’d noticeably fidget, unable to meet her gaze.  
You’d come up with a bullshit excuse for missing her wedding, claiming that your office had denied your request to get the week of her wedding off.  
In reality, you’d had the week off for months, but you needed an excuse not to go, you need an excuse to miss watching her marry someone else.  
Alex’s texts and phone calls had stopped, but you knew that wouldn’t be the end of it, if Alex Morgan was anything, it was stubborn.  
What you didn’t realize was that stubbornness would lead to her knocking on your door a few weeks later, your eyes widening when you peer through the peephole and see Alex Morgan standing at your door.  
You take a deep breath, your heart racing, your chest tightening as you try to calm yourself down, your eyes fluttering shut.  
“Y/N, are you there?” Alex calls out and you clear your throat, pulling your door open with a smile on your face, one Alex notes, doesn’t meet your eyes.  
“Hey.” She says softly, closing the distance between you, throwing her arms around your neck and giving you a squeeze.  
Your arms slide around her middle, your heart racing as you hug her tightly, your eyes fluttering shut.  
Alex’s hugs never ceased to make a warmth spread throughout your chest, and make your heart thump wildly, the close proximity between the two of you making your pulse race.  
Alex buries her face in your neck and your breath catches in your throat, the tip of her nose brushing your jawline.  
“Where have you been?” She asks as she pulls back her blue orbs locking with your Y/E/C’s.  
You glance away, unable to look her in the eyes and blatantly lie to her, it’s not like you could tell her you were avoiding her calls and texts purposely.  
“I’m sorry, things have been REALLY busy at the office, I literally come home and the second my head hits the pillow, I’m out.” You shrug, turning back to Alex who inspects you closely.  
She could read you like an open book, and almost immediately she knew you were lying.  
“Y/N...” She starts and your throat bobs.  
“What?” You say as you turn away, making your way towards the refrigerator.  
“Do you want anything?” You ask, acutely aware of the fact that Alex is moving towards you.  
“Y/N...” She says again, her hand on your back, her touch making you stiffen.  
You sigh, your eyes fluttering shut as the woman caresses your back gently, smiling when you sag slightly.  
“You’ve been my best friend for over 20 years, I know when something’s wrong.” She says softly, subconsciously tracing your spine causing you to shiver.  
Her throat bobbed as she traced your spine, reveling in the way you shuddered. 
In all honesty, the way you reacted to her touch never ceased to make her heart race, in some circumstances, she’d brush her fingertips against you, just to see that reaction.  
“Y/N...” She whispers again, gently taking your shoulder and turning you around slowly, her blue orbs widening when she realizes your Y/E/C orbs are filled with tears.  
Alex cups your cheeks gently, frowning as a tear slides down your cheek, the inner turmoil in your dulled Y/E/C orbs visible.  
Alex pauses mid-sentence, her blue orbs wide and heart racing when your lips press against hers. She remains still, unsure of what to do as your lips move against hers.  
Almost as quickly as they met hers, they’re gone, your eyes wide, your heart slamming violently against the confines created by your ribs.  
Alex remains silent, unable to find her voice, before you turn and sprint out of the apartment, putting as much distance between yourself and her as possible.
Alex wasn’t sure how long she stood in your apartment, unable to tear her gaze away from the place where you’d been originally standing.  
She never expected when she’d come to your apartment that you would kiss her, the thought of your lips meeting hers making her heart race. 
It was only when her phone started to ring that she was pulled from her daze, her head on a swivel as she surveyed your apartment, an apartment you’d bolted from sometime before.  
Alex’s feet guide her towards your apartment door, the woman slipping out of your apartment before clicking the door shut behind her.  
In all honesty, she was numb, her mind racing wildly, she had no idea what to do, but before she realized what was happening, she was sitting in the back of a taxi on her way home.  
Needless to say, when you returned to your apartment hours later and realized it was empty, you broke down, knowing that the relationship between the two of you would never be the same again.  
Alex Morgan hadn’t tried to contact you after that, not a single text, or phone call, the woman doing everything she could to distance herself from you.  
Despite that, you couldn’t help but stare down at the invitation still lying on your kitchen counter with each passing day, the date of the wedding looming.  
You knew you weren’t welcome; you knew Alex wouldn’t want to see you after the unreciprocated kiss, but still you found yourself preparing for the event anyway, dressing in a well-tailored suit despite knowing you’d planned on not being seen.  
Thankfully for you, the venue wasn’t indoors, the massive and extravagant wedding being held outside, the sun high in the sky and the sea’s waves crashing wildly against the rocks nearby.  
It was easy considering you didn’t exactly have to sneak in, but you still chose to keep your distance, so much so that the wedding participants were barely visible.  
You lean against a nearby tree, your throat bobbing when you catch sight of the woman you’d come there to see, a woman who you’d kissed months ago, a woman who didn’t feel the same way as you did, and never would.  
Even at a distance, you knew Alex Morgan looked stunning in her wedding dress, the sight of her taking your breath away.  
Your throat tightened, as did your chest, the knowledge that she was about to marry someone who wasn’t you making your heart tear in two.  
It was only when she reached the altar that you felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes, tears that were now streaming down your cheeks.  
The man officiating the wedding starts to speak, the sound deafening to your ears despite being so far away.  
Your palms begin to sweat as you watch the wedding from afar, the urge to get a closer look, and to move further away from the venue prominent.  
You stand completely still, unable to keep yourself from watching the scene before you, a scene that was shredding your heart into tiny pieces.  
You knew Servando was speaking, you could barely see his lips moving in your peripheral vision considering your gaze was focused entirely on Alex Morgan.  
Your focus thus remained on her when the woman abruptly turned away from the man she was marrying and sprinted down the aisle, the guests gasping as Alex sprinted away from the venue.
Alex Morgan couldn’t keep her mind off you, it was her wedding day, she was about to marry the man she’d been with for years, and she STILL couldn’t get her mind off you.  
She’d replayed the moment in her head over and over again, remembered the way your lips felt against hers, and the look of fear in your eyes when you left the apartment.  
Alex’s eyes widen, her head snapping upwards, catching sight of her mother’s eyes in the mirror, the older woman’s eyes narrowed as she inspects Alex’s face through the reflection. 
“Is something wrong...?” She asks, Alex’s mouth opening and closing rapidly before it snaps shut, the woman shaking her head slowly.  
Her mother shakes her head, moving towards her daughter, her hands resting gently on her shoulders.  
“Honey, you can tell me anything.” She whispers, tucking a wild wisp of hair behind her ear as she stares at her face in the mirror.  
Alex shrugs, her throat bobbing as her mouth opens and closes yet again before she finally finds her voice.  
“What if I’m making a mistake...?” She asks, her mother’s eyes widening.  
“Why would you think that...?” Her mother asks, her thumb running back and forth along Alex’s shoulder.  
She shrugs.  
Pam hums, staring at her daughter before realization dawns on her face.  
“Is this about Y/N?” She asks, Alex’s eyes widening as her eyes meet her mothers in the mirror.  
“Why would it be about Y/N?” She asks, her mother smiling softly.  
“Honey, I know you, and I know something happened between the two of you.” She says, gauging her daughter’s reaction, Alex’s gaze falling to her lap, taking particular interest in her manicured nails.  
“What happened?” Her mother coaxes and Alex sighs deeply.  
“She...” She pauses, inhaling deeply.  
“She kissed me.” She exhales, Pam’s eyes widening, though with Alex’s head down, she misses the twitch at the corner of her mouth, the older Morgan fighting back a smile.  
“When was this?” She asks, Alex playing with her fingers nervously.  
“A few months ago.” She mumbles and Pam nods.  
“Is that why you haven’t been talking?” She asks and Alex nods silently in response.  
Pam studies her face quietly for a moment before she sighs, grabbing a nearby chair and taking a seat beside her daughter.  
“What happened after?” She asks, Alex still staring at her lap.  
“I didn’t kiss back, and she ran away.” She says, vividly remembering the look on your face after you’d kissed her.  
Pam remains silent, pondering on what to say before she speaks.  
“Did you want to kiss back?” She asks and Alex shrugs.  
“I don’t know.”  
Pam and Alex turn back towards the door, smiling when Alex’s father, Michael peeks his head in.  
“It’s time.” He says softly, moving into the room, ducking down to kiss the top of Alex’s head, completely oblivious to the conversation he’d interrupted.  
“Are you ready?” He asks, Alex’s blue orbs darting to her mothers in the mirror, the two sharing a silent conversation before Alex reluctantly nods.  
“I’m ready.”
Alex blindly made her way down the aisle, her father’s arm hooked with her own, the smiling man at the end of the aisle the man she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with.  
Though she should’ve felt excitement, she didn’t, the thought of waking up to him every day in no way feeling as appealing as it would to wake up to you every day.  
Alex plastered on a fake smile as she reaches the altar, Servando taking her hands with a loving smile, his thumbs caressing the back of her hands.  
“I love you.” He whispers, turning away, completely unaware that she hadn’t returned the sentiment.  
The officiant starts speaking, though his words fall on deaf ears, Alex lost in her own thoughts, thoughts of what would happen if she married the man in front of her.  
If she went through with it, she would never be able to explore what she was feeling, she’d never know what it would feel like to feel your lips against hers again, she’d never know what it would feel like to actually kiss you back.  
And as the seconds passed, she realized she wanted to know what it felt like to kiss you back.  
Alex blinks rapidly, picking her head up, realizing the officiant, and Servando were looking at her expectantly, Servando’s brows knitted in confusion. 
“Do you have anything you’d like to say to Servando?” The officiant asks, and Alex swallows hard, her mouth opening and closing rapidly.  
“I can’t do this.”  
Those around her gasp as she turns on her heels and sprints down the aisle, as best as she can in heels.  
Much like you had months ago, she sprints away, unaware that you’re watching her from afar and following after her.
Unfortunately, you weren’t able to catch Alex before she disappeared into a taxi, the taxi carrying her a lengthy distance away before you reach the sidewalk. 
You’re completely unaware that a number of the wedding guests had followed after the wayward bride. 
You can’t help but jump when a hand settles on a shoulder, a hand you realize belongs to nonother than Pamela Morgan.  
The older woman’s eyes lock with your own and you turn away, your throat bobbing.  
“Do you have any idea where she could’ve gone?” You hear one of the wedding guests ask Servando, the man shaking his head rapidly.  
“I don’t know.” He says sadly, pinching the bridge of his nose.  
Pam meanwhile leans towards you, whispering in your ear.  
“But you do.” She says, your eyes widening as you pull back abruptly.  
You had an idea of where she might be going, a place the two of you frequented when you were growing up, a place the two of you would run to when you needed to get away from the world around you.  
Pam nods, giving your shoulder a squeeze.  
You swallow hard, searching her face momentarily before you nod, turning away from the older Morgan before you sprint off, intent on following after your best friend and the woman you were hopelessly in love with.
The clearing in the small woods behind Alex’s childhood home that you’d frequented as kids hadn't changed all that much, the large rock the two of you would lounge on still resting a few feet away from the small stream running by.  
And that’s of course where you find Alex, the woman completely unaware of your presence as you move towards her.  
You frown at the sound of her soft sniffles, transported back to your teenager years when you’d found her in this very same position, crying about a boy who’d cheated on her.  
Even back then, you were in love with her, and you still felt that same love for her to this day. 
“Al...?” You whisper, the woman gasping as she sits up abruptly, her watery blue orbs finding your Y/E/C’s in an instant.  
Her eyes rake down your front, her throat bobbing as she turns away.  
You make your way towards her, taking a seat on the slab of stone beside her.  
The world around you falls silent, the two of you gazing at the small stream in front of you, its water flowing past slowly and softly. 
“How did you know where to find me...?” Alex croaks out and you smile.   
“This was our spot, remember?” You ask and Alex shakes her head wiping her running nose with her forearm.   
 "I know." She sniffs, remembering the times she'd found you there when you were going through something, specifically when you were hit with the realization that you were having feelings for girls, that you were SUPPOSED to be having for boys, of course, according to society’s standards.  
The two of you fall silent again, focusing on the water running by in front of you.  
“Why did you run?" You whisper hoarsely, fearful of what her answer may be.  
 Alex remains silent, the woman gathering her thoughts before she speaks.  
“Because I didn’t want to spend my entire life settling for Servando...” She pauses, slowly turning towards you, the woman delicately cupping your cheeks, your breath catching roughly in your throat.  
“When all of this time, I could’ve had you.” She whispers, caressing your cheek, smiling when you lean into her touch.  
Your eyes instinctively flutter shut as Alex leans in, her lips pressing gently against your own.  
You'd kissed twice before, a meaningless kiss when you were kids, and a kiss that unfortunately, Alex hadn't reciprocated, but now, Alex Morgan had kissed you, and you in no way hesitated to kiss her back.  
Your hands find their way to her waist as you kiss softly, her fingers knitting behind your neck as she pulls you closer.  
The kiss made your heart race, and your body tingle, a feeling you'd been longing for since you were teenagers had now come to fruition, and you never wanted it to end.  
It's only when you feel something wet on your cheek that you pull back, your eyes flashing open to reveal Alex's tear covered cheeks.  
"Hey..." You say as you cup her cheeks, swiping her tears away with the pads of your thumbs.  
"Please don't cry." You whisper as you hold her close, the woman shaking her head as she covers your hands with her own. 
“I almost made the biggest mistake of my life.” She whispers, leaning into your touch as she turns head, kissing your palm.  
“What do you mean?” You ask, unable to put two and two together in your mind at that moment.  
Alex’s watery blue orbs meet yours as she leans back in, pressing another loving kiss to your lips, your bottom lip trapped between hers, as her hands cover your own, her fingers pushing their way in between yours.  
Again, you part with much reluctance, Alex leaning her forehead against yours, the two of you breathing one another's air.  
“I almost married someone who wasn’t you.” She says, your eyes widening as you study her face intently, your heart beating rapidly in your chest.  
Your mouth opens and closes rapidly, your brain unable to respond to what Alex’s had just said, a fantasy you could’ve only ever dreamed up playing out before you.  
Alex’s hands leave yours and she gently cups your cheeks, wiping away tears you hadn’t realized were streaming down your cheeks.  
You squeeze your eyes shut, but you’re unable to keep your tears at bay as Alex scoots closer, resting her forehead back against yours.  
“And I would’ve spent the rest of my life regretting it.” She says, brushing her nose back and forth against your own, your watery Y/E/C’s opening to meet Alex’s watery blues.  
“I love you.” You whisper, your eyes widening when you realize what you’d said.  
“Wh-What I meant was-- 
You’re cut off by the press of Alex’s lips against yours, the woman pulling back with a toothy grin.  
“I love you too Y/N, I always have.” She says, tilting her head back to kiss your forehead.  
“And I always will.”  
You press a kiss to Alex’s lips again before turning back towards the stream, your arm slipping around her middle, her head resting on your shoulder.  
It was in that moment, sitting in the spot that you’d frequented as kids, you in a suit and Alex in her wedding dress that you realized this was always meant to happen, and it all started with a kiss between two clueless kids who had no idea what it meant at the time.  
Now, however, when you kissed, it meant something, it meant so much in fact that you’d eventually kiss in front of a crowd of people, you in a suit, and Alex Morgan in a wedding dress.  
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jyoongim · 7 months
Okay before I put in my request lemme just get this off my chest. I love anything you do with Al (my man my man my man)!!! Like you eat every single time and if anyone says others wise they’re hating idc. Don’t ever don’t your craft I’m so serious! Much love🫶🏾
Now for my request could you do something with Alastor adjusting to his gf who’s from more modern times? I’d like to see that scary scrawny old man with a thick young lit bich. Both of them getting used to each others likes, habits, interests (he reads the paper while she scrolls on her phone, he hums old songs from his time when he’s getting ready for the day while she has or rnb playing on a speaker while she does her makeup, etc). Idk I like seeing opposites come together☺️
my man my man my man my man is right baby! Awwwwww thank you so much. Words cannot describe how this made me feel (giggling and blushing reading this) I LOVE YOU ❤️💕😘
Alastor didn’t know what attracted him to you. The two of you were complete opposites. From completely different eras.
Your attitude, style, language, hobbies all of it was so different from his time.
But he adored you nonetheless.
You used to think he was so old-fashioned. Not liking modern tech, reading the paper, cooking home cooked meals instead of takeout. Often confused when he spoke in riddles than actually being direct.
But the two of you made a cute pair.
For instance:
You were sitting at your vanity, makeup sprawled everywhere as your hiphop playlist played. You were recording a video or ‘going live’ as you put it. Alastor found himself liking the music you played as he got ready.
”who’s the old man?” He heard you say, a laugh bubbling from you as you broke out in giggles. He turned his head to see you give a sly smile in his direction before turning back to your camera.
”oh that fossil?” you chirped, giggling at the comments flooding your feed.
Another comment must have caught your attention because you snorted.
Alastor never understood your need to be on social media. To entertain others that weren’t him, but he let you be.
He was curious. What had you giggling so much?
You smiled as he appeared behind you, large lanky frame entering the camera frame. He wasn’t glitching.
”Dearest what’s got you so ticketed?”he asked, peering over your shoulder to look at the little words appear on your screen.
’why is an old man in the room with you?’
’definitely a sugar daddy’
’why you with that old man?’
He tilted his head, where they referring to him? His lip curled as he read the comments, looking at you for some context.
You giggled,wrapping an arm around his neck to rub his cheek against yours lovingly.
”yes yes this is MY man. Alastor tell everyone ‘hello’ ” he growled instead,giving your glossy lips a peck before walking back to finish getting ready.
You giggled, continuing to put your makeup on as you sang along to your music, eyes reading the comments on Alastor.
”I put this WAP on him y’all hahaha but no You know i looooove the way he treats me. Absolute princess treatment” you laughed. Alastor adjusted his bow tie on final time before turning his attention back to you
You had finished your makeup, standing up you showed your outfit of the day and made silly faces.
You leaned over your chair to read a comment
”He must be dicking you down real goodt” you read out loud and before you could respond your phone glitched out, ending your live.
You pouted, turning to Alastor “Al!”
He wrapped his lanky arms around your plush form, “such lewd comments” he said admiring your makeup.
Sometimes you catch yourself humming the songs he played as he cooked. You were NOT a cooker, so watching Alastor helped you figure out what went with what for when you actually attempted to cook.
”baby what’s that?” You asked as he pulled out multiple seasonings. He explained each seasoning, what the flavor did in different recipes and how to properly blend them so they weren’t so hard but a subtle taste. 
You weren’t too keen on his cannibalistic ways, but you loved to watch his process.
Angel and Husk often made snide comments about how you must be rubbing off on the old demon. 
“He did not use that slang right toots, what are you teaching him?”
You would shrug it off, thinking it was cute Alastor was picking up on your modern language.
Most days when the hotel wasn’t on fire, you and Alastor sat in bliss; him reading the newspaper as you asked him his opinion on random posts you saw as you scrolled on your phone.
Alastor loved to take you to lounges, not disgusting clubs you were so privy to. He thought you need to be exposed to ‘real music and dancing’. He would drag you to the dancefloor, pulling you in for a waltz or whatever old timey dance from his time.
While he didn’t mind the lustful sensation of your body rolling against his, he loved watching you trying to learn steps to old dances.
The way you flushed with embarrassment as you stepped on his toes as you tried to follow always made him laugh.
Alastor was not a fan of your attitude. You were sassy and always spoke your mind, not caring that he often spoke empty threats at you. You never cowered at him and always had to get the last word in. It really ticked him off, but it also made his chest swirl with lust when you never backed down from him.
Your arguments often led to the two of you fucking it out.
Him degrading you as you hiss insults at him, but purring as he pounded your pussy into the mattress.
The two of you were like puzzle pieces. You fit together perfectly, even if the picture looked odd.
The two of you wouldn’t have it any other way
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
I’m imaging the cuddles you were describing and AWWWWWW I can’t stop smiling that’s so sweet 🥹❤️❤️
Mer cuddles mer cuddles mer cuddles (and a potential Nicky, I’m testing designs as both manta ray and like ribbon eel or something)
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kairiscorner · 1 year
no thoughts just miguel turning into a cat. like a literal cat bc of sum villain did sumn to him on a mission and we have to babysit him. him as a cat would be so grumpy and would hiss if anyone touched him but ofc miguel o’purra has a soft spot for us ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ he’d be the purrfect cat me thinks plus bonus points bc him as a cat is 100% extra clingy and demands to be perched on your lap or shoulder at all times <3
AWWWWWW ngl this is reminding me of the tropes in cartoons i used to watch as a kid, where like, the only way for a stubborn character to get with the person they secretly like is through being an animal the character doesn't realize that's actually them (this sounds so fucking confusing i'm sorry) but yeah, I WANNA DO THAT FOR THIS HEUHEUHUEHUE
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 – miguel o'purra and you.
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miguel o'purra is a very angry kitty, one that loves to hiss, scratch, and bite—though, when you're rubbing that sweet spot on his stomach all slowly and gently... he lives up to his name and quits being grumpy for a bit and just purrs as you rub that spot on him.
miguel o'purra is a bratty kitty, he hates not getting what he wants—despite hearing his own, normal voice in his own head, he hates it when lyla nor anyone else at the spider society can understand his angry purrs of frustration when he's asking for updates on anomalies or for a leg (or paw) up to get something because... he's such a small little kitten now.
miguel o'purra refuses help, he kicked ben reilly in the face when the blonde guy picked him up and cooed to him, and he hissed at jess when she baby talked the cute little thing. he definitely scratched peter b multiple times when the stubborn brunette tried getting the cat to warm up to him, but no, he was a very grumpy kitten that didn't want anyone to do things for him.
miguel o'purra hates everyone at HQ, he can finally be vocal about it through his incessant hissing, scratching, biting, kicking, and... littering on others' desks as revenge for taking your attention away from him while he was still human. it's petty, sure, and he did debate with himself whether or not to do this because it is pretty disgusting—but he can't help but want you to tend to him, your touch is the nicest and softest to him, why can't he be in your arms for the whole day while he's like this? without having to worry what you think of him the next day because he's just a cute, helpless, furious little furball that just so happens to prefer you over everyone else.
miguel o'purra is not appeciative of the fact you kindly named him 'mr. furball', he glares at you every time you call for him like that. he finds it a little degrading, too, because he still has his human consciousness intact; he's just in the body of a cat. though, he does like how your eyes light up and how your smile widens whenever he walks over to you and nuzzles up by your legs whenever you call for him, it warms his little heart, though he isn't sure why.
miguel o'purra knows he should be hatching up a plan to break this stupid spell that has technically incapacitated him in this feline form, but... he can finally have a day of rest since you insist on giving this cute kitty you found the most proper grooming and makeover fit for royalty, royal cats, that was.
miguel o'purra doesn't mind how your hands are all over his furry little body as your brush his hair, trim his long claws, how you boop his little paw pads that make him purr lowly whenever you touch the sensitive pads on his paws—and when you rub in between his ears all gently, just stroking his head all hypnotically and repetitively... he smiles a little, and it warms your heart so, so much.
miguel o'purra despises baths, however—he has such killer instincts whenever you're about to put him in the bath full of water, his archnemesis. he literally spreads all his legs out and clings on to the walls of the bathtub to stop you from putting him in the bath, aggressively hissing in resistance.
miguel o'purra loves being rewarded for such good behavior. he loves being stroked on his back and on his head, on those sweet spots he loves being touched on so, so much. he's relaxed like this, being on your lap while you work and try finding miguel, not knowing he was right here on your lap as 'mr. furball', but you didn't need to know that.
miguel o'purra accidentally brushes his little fuzzy paws over your thighs, tickling you. he gets all surprised and arches his back, jolting up, realizing he touched you by accident. you giggle and ask 'mr. furball' why he's so on edge and compliment his fuzzy little paws, with him purring in a questioning tone if you meant what you said. you reassure him and tell him your lap was basically his second home; he feels like he could just live like this forever, but he resists that notion and treads lightly when it came to you and your irresistibly beautiful lap.
miguel o'purra doesn't want to leave your side; he's always perched on your lap and will hiss at and swing his claws at anyone who dares take you away from him. you tell him you aren't going anywhere, but he doesn't buy it—he wants to go with you and protect you, even as a cat; he has claws for a reason, and he's unafraid to use them now, especially as a cute, fuzzy little clingy furball that loves you dearly.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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anime-fan-05 · 4 days
¿Puedes hacer un headcanon con algunos personajes de MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki y Hawks) cuando la persona que les gusta les besa la mejilla como agradecimiento por ayudarla?
Estaba pensando que la lectora es la vecina del personaje; un día él descubre que un malo ha atacado el lugar donde vive y se apresura a salvar a ella y a su familia (los estudiantes tienen la licencia de héroe provisional); después, para agradecerles, le da un beso en la mejilla. Esta era mi idea, pero si tienes otras, no dudes en utilizarlas.
My Hero Academia ~Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks~
Manga/anime: My Hero Academia
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
(S/O): significant other
I really liked your idea, so I decided to use it.
(S/O) is really tired and panting from moving faster than usual to reach his house and from fighting a villain who has taken (Y/N), his neighbor and crush, hostage, but he's also happy to have saved her.
He's in the apartment of the girl, who's looking at him, shaken but also with her eyes full of gratitude, affection and admiration, when they both feel a jolt, which makes her fall to the floor, or rather which would have made her fall if it hadn't been for him, who managed to grab her before she did so. Acting quickly, (S/O) immediately picks (Y/N) up like a bride and throws himself out of the window with her to prevent both of them from being crushed by the probable collapse of the house, landing next to it, among the crowd who has come from the nearby homes, and who are applauding and thanking (S/O).
After a few seconds, the boy realizes he's still holding (Y/N), so, embarrassed and with eyes as big as saucers, he lets her go; the girl, though, doesn't move away from him, as (S/O) thought, but she approaches him, smiling sweetly at him, and, whispering a thank you, she delicately places her lips on his right cheek for a few seconds.
Midoriya I. (Deku)
He'll freeze over: if you tap him, he'll fall over like a statue
It'll take him a while to recover, but he won't be able to say a meaningful sentence or even respond to your thank you ("Y-y-yo-you-you're w-we..."), and he'll be forced to cover his face with his arms or hands because he'll be literally all red
For the rest of the day, he won't be able to speak, so much so his mother will become very worried
"Izuku, are you okay? What's wrong?" "It-it's that... (Y/N)... Isavedherandshegavemeakissonthecheekasthanks! A-and now I-I can't think of anything else! What do I do, mom?" "..." "M-mom..." "Awwwwww, my son is in love!"
His mother will advise him to go to you, so he'll go to the place where you'll be (your house is destroyed) and he'll try to ensure your health, both physical and mental, since he was unable to do so after saving you
Bakugou K.
His first instinct will be to move away, since he'll be really embarrassed, and to yell at you not to do something like that again (not because he doesn't want your affection, but because it embarrasses him too much)
Nevertheless, he'll remain still, with his ears red with embarrassment and, strangely, without screaming
He'll stare at you for a few seconds, almost immersed in a subspecies of fantasy world where there are only you two, until he hears the people who surround you talking and clapping, and his body will move on its own: he'll run away
Before going away, though, if he hears you giggling at his reaction, his heart will skip a few beats, but he'll yell at you to stop teasing him
He'll probably go back to his house still a little flushed, and he'll argue for hours with his mother whether to allow you to stay at their house; in the end... "Oi, come to my house until your house is rebuilt"
Todoroki S.
At first he won't react because he won't totally realize what you did, still focused and exhausted from the fight: he'll act robotically and go back to his home without considering you
However, once he gets home, he'll understand what happened, and he'll blush madly under the incredulous eyes of his father and sister
He'll also slightly lose control of his quirk: a light jet of ice will come out of the right side of his body, covering part of the floor, and light flames will erupt from the left side
He'll think about the kiss all night and won't be able to sleep, so he'll talk about it with his sister the next day; Fuyumi will then decide to intervene personally: she'll invite you to live in their house (since yours is destroyed)
Imagine his embarrassment in living with you (but maybe he'll decide to confess to you)!
Toogata M.
His usual smile will stretch so much almost all of his teeth will be visible, and his cheeks will be dusted with a very light red
If he has to speak, only a stammer will come out of his mouth, and so he'll giggle in embarrassment, putting his hand behind his head
He'll look at you for a while, not knowing what to do and waiting for you to say something; when you don't say anything, he'll walk away in embarrassment
As soon as he's away from you and has recovered (in fact, after your kiss he'll only think about you and the beautiful sensation of your lips on his cheek), he'll give himself a mental slap for not having said anything to you
Thus, to compensate for his imaginary lack of sufficient help towards you, he'll offer to host you for as long as you need and also to protect you from any further attacks from villains
Amajiki T.
You'll kill him: Tamaki.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart
His ears will be red, let's not talk about his face (it could be the perfect cosplay of a tomato); he'll be all shaky, and he'll start playing with his fingers due to embarrassment
After recovering, he could do two actions: the first will be to take the opportunity to bury his red face in your neck due to embarrassment and to hide himself from the crowd, the second to run away and never appear before you again
It's more likely he'll do the first option, but he'll still stay away from you for at least a week to get used to calming his heart, which will be beating wildly
The next time you two meet he'll still blush slightly, remembering your kiss, and he won't be able to look you in the eyes
Takami K. (Hawks)
He's used to people thanking him, even by hugging him, but you aren't just anyone: you're his crush
Indeed, he'll try in every way not to blush, but he'll fail, as a slight blush will be seen on his cheeks; for that reason, he'll wink at you, making you blush: that's his way of shifting the focus of attention from him to you
In addition, his wings will fluff up a little and he'll strut, happy for your special thanks
He'll fly away to the applause of the audience, but he'll keep thinking about you all the time with a dreamy expression for the next days (imagine the happiness of the members of his agency or the other heroes he'll meet, such as Endeavor, in seeing him like that...)
From that day, he'll take advantage of every free moment to come to you to "check", as he'll say, on you, since you may be at risk of attack by villains; actually, he'll do it just to see you
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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clockwayswrites · 7 months
WIP Ask Game: I would very much like anything more you have on Specter of Starlight. It holds a special place in my heart, being the writing through which I discovered your incredible works.
Awwwwww .////. <3
So this scene might change, as I figure out how permanently injured Danny is, as this is VERY late fic, but:
Danny leaned forward, just enough to press his fingertips against the thick acrylic of the window. The cosmos spread out in front of them; millions upon millions of stars stretched out in the swirl of the galaxy. He swallowed thickly, taking in the sight. “Wow.” It took Tim a moment to find his voice. His finger slipped off the handle of the wheelchair to brush over Danny’s shoulder. Just enough touch to ground himself that Danny was there and real and solid. “Whenever you would talk about wanting to see the stars… all I could think about is finding some way to take you up to the Watchtower, to show you this.” “This isn’t your way of telling me I’m dying again, right?” Danny teased. Tim’s fingers twitched reflexively, clenching into the starchy fabric of the medical gown Danny wore for a moment. He made himself relax. Danny had the good grace to look sheepish as he met Tim’s eyes in the reflection of the window with a wry smile. “Too soon?” “Just a little too soon. Give me a few weeks, then you can get back to the death jokes. I’ll even be in on them now.”
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ticklishthoughts1 · 1 year
Hyperfocus: Tummy
I smirk down at the little lee, straddling their waist with my knees, digging them in gently, but firmly, and sitting on my own legs, the weight effectively pinning them there. We lock eyes, and I can't help but let out a little giggle at the flustered whine they let out. God, they're just so CUTE when they're like this! Smiling at them in a silly, playful way, I begin wiggling my fingers, over their stomach, and slooooowly lowering them. They giggle softly, Whimpering out "Nooohohohooo" and sucking in the sensitive spot as much as they can. I let my fingers fall as they suck their tummy in, and juuuuuust when it's about to touch, I pull away, grinning slightly evilly. They pout, extremely giggly already, and whine out "Dohohohon't teeheaseee". Playfully pouting back at them, and mimmicking their expression, I say "Don't tease? I'm not teasing! You said no, and I listened! I love you, and no means no!~" Then, as if I had undergone a transformation, I lean in, grabbing their wrist, my voice becoming deeper, huskier, a bit smoother. "Now, If you ask me for tickles like a good little lee, ask me to provide the torturous, delightful sensation you crave so much, that would be an ENTIRELY different story~" My voice becomes softer still, and I giggle a bit more, before saying "So what'll it be Darling? Should I get off right now, and allow your adorable little lee mood to remain, or will you ask for what you want, so I can fufill that particular daydream?~". I tilt my head at them, watching with a satisfied smile as they squirm under me without me even doing anything....yet. I'm one to pay attention to things I like, and I certainly like their face, along with the rest of them, so much so I'm able to witness the battle between their brat side and their submissive side display across their face in a flurry of emotions, and I can tell what their answer will be before they even give it. Bingo. They Nod softly, and in a soft, vulnerable almost voice, they let out "P-please..." I nod happily, and lower my fingers once more. This time, the little guided missiles reach their target. I start off slow, as I always do, lazily tracing patterns along their belly, as if I was bored, and drawing doodles in math class. This is already enough to send them into light giggling, which is so fucking precious that I need to hear more, I need to hear more. I speed up, my hands becoming like claw machines trying in futility to grab at a prize, closing and opening and closing again. I place one "Claw" on each side of their tummy, steadily increasing speed, and going in the same, smooth voice as earlier "Tickle tickle tic-kle~ Kitchy kitchy coo!~ awwwwww, someone has a ticklish tummyyyyyy~". I add more pressure, digging in a bit with the claw machines now, and I can tell immedeately how much more it TICKLES them. They place their hands on top of mine, pushing down gently, but I ignore the resistance for now, and get an idea. I start to say "Squish!" in a baby voice, squeezing their belly every time I do. This is really fun, and they squeak the first couple times I do it, so I do it again...and again..and again. "Squish! Squish! Squish Squish Squish! Tickle tickle! Squish! Tickle tickle tickle! Squish! Tickletickletickletickletickletickle~ Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish Squish!" Their laughter gets even louder at the combination of the tickles and the silly game, and they push on my hands a little harder. I decide to let them push my hands, stopping the grip, and spidering all over the lower tummy instead, scritch-scratching along the waistline and just under the navel. This Transition is both so flawlessly smooth and so unexpected that their laughter begins anew, as does my relentless teasing " What's wrong?~ Does it Tickle Here? Does it tickle right here? Right here? Riiiiighhhhhhtttt hereeeeee?~" (Cont in comments because it's too long T^T)
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luffysinterlude · 3 months
random thoughts…i’m sick in bed and my imagination gifted me this (im barely getting to dressrosa in the manga like i have no idea how canonically correct this is, forgive me) / (use of yn, fem!reader in mind, but kinda like an oc?,, zoro x reader/oc bc yes i’m biased):
donquixote!yn who escapes the family with her brother Law, only to be split up…couple of years later Law finds himself staring back at your bounty poster. a bold 77,000$ written just below…Trafalgar D. Cupid (takes Law’s name AND an alias because doflamingo is a scary man). he smiles to himself, a feeling of pride filling his chest, knowing you’re somewhere out there. he reads that you’re apart of Straw Hat Luffy’s crew, the captain who took down Crocodile in Alabasta. he makes a mental note to keep an eye on the Straw Hats, knowing how you wouldn’t have joined the guy’s crew if he wasn’t strong. mostly, just to keep an eye on you.
“oh, it’s yn, isn’t it?” Bepo beams, interrupting Law’s thoughts. “lemme see, captain.” Law barely gets to react before a paw reaches over and snatches the paper out of his hands.
“AWWWWWW. IT’S REALLY OUR YN!! Cupid, huh? still an archer….oh wow she looks so cool!! so grown up…!” The rest of the Heart Pirates gather around Bepo, all wanting to see the sister of their Captain. Aww’s and gasps fill the room as Law thinks of you, hoping that wherever you are and wherever you go, you’re safe. If anything were to happen to you, he’ll kill Straw Hat Luffy himself, and gift his heart to Sengoku in person.
somewhere across the grand line, your legs drag you to your shared quarters…throwing your bow and arrows to the side of your bedpost, you soon find yourself face planting into the mattress…muscles aching from the intense training you’ve just finished with Zoro. you feel yourself slipping into a deep slumber, that’s only until Nami barges in with a newspaper in her hand, shoving it in your face.
“YN!! LOOK!!”
on the cover, the name Trafalgar D. Law is written in bold, but it’s the striking 1,000,000$ written beneath it that make your eyes bulge…
“HUUUUUUUUUUUUUH?!?!” Law must be a captain now….the thought makes you worried sick but at the same time curious…where have you been Law?!
“it says here your brother’s the captain of the Heart Pirates!!” a part of you wants to dwell the fact you’re technically your brother’s enemy…wants to dwell on the fact that the Heart Pirates was a dream of yours once, too. but you can’t — the tears of joy overwhelm every negative emotion, and soon your bursting out crying because you’re so proud of big brother Law. “i bet he’s proud of you too, yn.”
“i just hope he’s okay. life hasn’t been the easiest on either of us and….” your thoughts halt for a moment. you think of what Law would say if he were to be sitting in Nami’s seat right now…”c’mon yn, stop being a baby! stop cryin’, you’re stronger than that. i’m okay, we’re okay.”
you blink away those sappy thoughts as you shake your head, slightly smiling at the memory. you take a deep breath before shooting the ginger a small smile, “he’s okay. and i’m so happy.” you stare at her with loving eyes, before throwing yourself into an embrace with her. Nami reminded you of Law somehow, maybe the familial feeling you get from her, but she’s truly the one person who really knows you…aside from…
“though, i wonder how he’d react if he met Zoro.”
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Human!Caine trying to bathe puppy!Bubble! (You can make it showtime, if you wish lol)
WARNING: none! Just slice of life domestic fluff
"Come on, Bubble! Work with me here!" Caine struggled to get his medium sized, mud covered mutt through the bathroom door. "Alright, you've forced my hand. Come here!" He picked up Bubble, smearing mud down the front of his shirt.
Bubble braces his front paws against the doorframe in defiance.
Pomni giggles from behind her phone, recording her husband trying to give their dog a bath. "Why didn't you hose him down out back first?"
"Because he wouldn't stop eating the water." Caine tried maneuvering Bubble through the narrow threshold without getting too many marks on the walls. "Are you going to stand there laughing the whole time or are you going to help?"
"Hmmmmm, I think you've got this."
Caine playfully glared at his wife as he finally got Bubble through the door. Pomni came in behind him and shut the door. The tub was already running with warm water, dog shampoo bottles at the ready.
Caine set Bubble down inside the tub. "Come on, boy. You love water. You'll be fine."
Bubble immediately tried to get out, whining. Caine put an arm around Bubble, preventing escape. Bubble looked to Pomni with sad puppy eyes.
"You're okay, buddy. Daddy's gonna clean you up." Pomni spoke in a soothing voice to calm the pup. "How did he end up like this anyway?"
Caine used the shower extension to start rinsing the mud out of Bubble's fur. "It rained last night and he found every mud puddle at the dog park."
"Aw, buddy. Did you have fun?" Pomni kneeled down to record Bubble's adorable face.
Bubble wagged his tail and tried to lick the phone.
"He had so much fun, he didn't want to leave. If you think getting him into the bathroom was difficult, you should have seen me trying to get him in the car." Caine chuckled, then realized. "Uh... Don't use the car anytime soon."
Pomni laughed. "It's that bad?"
"The backseat...the front..."
"What?" Pomni continued to laugh.
Caine grinned. "The steering wheel....the roof..."
"Oh my god!" Pomni almost dropped her phone in the tub from laughing.
"Yeah, I get to add car detailing to my to-do list." Caine took off Bubble's collar and hung it over the edge of the tub before grabbing a bottle of doggy shampoo.
"I'll help you with that. It's needed in deep cleaning anyway." Pomni kept a hand on Bubble so he wouldn't be tempted to jump out.
Bubble shook, sending muddy water everywhere.
"Ah!" Pomni trying ducking below the tub to get out of the line of fire. It didn't help much. She still got dirty dog water in her hair and on her back.
Caine just sat there on his knees and took it as he poured shampoo in his hand. "And now the bathroom too. Looks like today's going to be a cleaning day." He massaged the shampoo into Bubble's fur, getting him all lathered up.
Pomni grabbed a hand towel and dabbed the water off of Caine's face.
"Thank you, dear." Caine smiled.
Pomni gave Caine a kiss on the cheek. "You're welcome." Bubble whined and tried licking Pomni. Pomni pushed him back. "Nooo, not yet. You're all soapy."
Bubble have a small bark and shook again. Suds covered the couple, as well as the counter and mirror behind them.
Caine spat away suds covering his mouth. "Forget the car, I need a bath now."
"I think Bubble is already obliging." Pomni put her phone away to protect it from further spray and helped keep Bubble still as he was rinsed.
Bubble shook twice more through the rinse cycle, drenching his human caretakers. He jumped out of the tub when they finally let go of him.
Pomni grabbed to towels. One for Caine, and the other she used to dry Bubble. "Who's a good boy? Yeah, you were so good." Pomni praised as she toweled him down.
Bubble excitedly wagged his tail and wiggled under the towel, panting happily.
"Yeah, you're a good boy that deserves a treat for taking a bath." Pomni clicked Bubble's collar back on and opened the bathroom door.
Bubble zoomed out, rubbing himself against the floor and furniture.
Caine stood, drying his hair. "That went surprisingly well. Remember the first bath we ever tried to give him?"
"When we first found him in our garbage bin? Poor thing probably thought it was the end of the world. Now, look at him. Our Bubble-headed boy is just enjoying life." Pomni watched Bubble roll around on the carpet.
Caine put his towel down, his red hair all disheveled. "As all dogs should. Now..." He hugged Pomni from behind. "I don't know about you, but I smell like wet dog. Care to join me for a shower?"
Pomni leaned into him. "I don't know...you always make it so hard to get clean." She smirked.
"What can I say, I'm a happily married man." Caine kissed her cheek.
Bubble bolted out the dog door to the backyard. At first, Caine and Pomni didn't think much of it. "Wait..." Pomni said. "Didn't you say it rained last night?"
"Yeah...oh no!" Caine and Pomni ran to the back door, watching in horror as their best boy dove right into a giant puddle.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
I hope it's alright if I send this too!
Can I request this prompt?
F!reader is falling asleep in Abba's lap. Abba holds her close and doesn't move from his spot from hours. When Mista and Narancia see this they tease Abba like "He's in love; A lovesick fool; Wow, was that a smile? I thought you don't smile! 🤔😏" etc. And Abba, like a tsundere he is tries to deny these statements and begins to blush. Bruno's just looking at him with that know-it-all look on his face.
Sorry if this was a stupid idea you can ignore it! I'm happy that I could participate in this event!
Stay hydrated!
Cuddlebug - Abbacchio
notes - HELLO?! DUDE THIS IS NOT A STUPID IDEA AT ALL THIS IS SO CUTE WTF?!??! I loved writing this and was super delighted to see this in my requests to do! Thanks so much and good job Abbacchio for getting into all star battle lol word count - 335
Tumblr media
"I'm tired." you told Abbacchio when you got home, throwing down your bag.
"Then go to bed." he joked.
He wasn't expecting you to take him seriously and curl up on his lap while he sat on the couch. But he didn't mind one bit. He pet the top of your head, even laying little kisses there. Luckily, no one was home, so he could be soft with you all he wanted.
Spoke too damn soon.
The door flew open and the rest of the gang walked in, loudly joking and laughing. Abbacchio wanted to quiet them down, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He panicked. He was worried that the others would make fun of him. You two never told the gang that you were together and he really didn't want to admit that now, as you were fast asleep.
And damn, you were really out because not once did you bat an eye when everyone walked in.
Abbacchio didn't want to wake you by moving so he froze.
And that's when the two idiots - Narancia and Mista - noticed him.
Narancia snorted under his breath and Mista laughed out loud. Abbacchio, still frozen, didn't know what to do.
"Awwwwww!!!" Mista said dramatically.
"Is Abbacchio cuddling y/n?" Narancia said in a baby voice, batting his eyelashes.
"Shut up." Abbacchio muttered, still not trying to wake you.
"You two are in looooovvvvveeeeee!!" Mista played.
"Seriously, shut up." Abbacchio mumbled.
"Look, Mista, he's blushing!" Narancia went on.
Abbacchio was getting annoyed and didn't even realize that subconsciously, he was rubbing your back, which brought a satisficed hum from you.
Mista and Narancia kept getting on him about, making fun of the two of you and Bruno smiled in the back, watching Abbacchio with sweet eyes.
When Abbacchio noticed Bruno's look, he blushed down and then looked down at you with a smile, not even caring that the two idiots were getting onto him. Because after all, you were very comfortable and Abbacchio liked seeing you smile.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post | ko-fi
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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softhairedhotch · 11 months
this is a bit more of a specific one but hope y'all enjoy <33 comfortember day four: warmth
aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader (reader is the same height/taller than aaron in this!) you and aaron share each other's clothes. word count: 1.1k warnings/content: pet names, fluff, wearing each other's clothes, established relationship, all that cute stuff.
comfortember masterlist here! also on ao3.
stolen clothes
One day, when Aaron is out on a case in a colder state and you're stuck in the office as usual, he sends you a picture that has you grinning like a fool. It's a mirror selfie of him wearing a quarter zip he bought you a few months back, one specifically bought so that you'd stop stealing his ones out of his go-bag when it gets slightly colder. You laugh at the irony and admire the picture–it's a dark grey and fits him perfectly, making him look even more devastatingly handsome, something you didn’t think was possible. You save the photo and message him back, telling him how handsome and pretty he is wearing your clothes and smiling to yourself knowing he’s blushing on the other side of the screen.
If it weren't for him sending you the picture, you'd have found out he was wearing it eventually anyway. An hour or so later as you sit on your lunch break, your phone buzzes with a notification from a group chat you have with Emily, JJ, Penelope, and Derek. 
Hot(ch) Gossip
JJ: Is Hotch wearing a new quarter zip? 
Penny: is he? 
Penny: send pic
Penny: now
Derek: Baby girl, it's just a quarter zip. What's the fuss? 
Em: It's a new one! 
Em: He only has like 3 outfits! 
JJ: She's right.
You: it's mine
Derek: What? How do you know? 
You: he sent me a pic of him wearing it :) 
Derek: Ew! 
You: he had the rest of his clothes on, derek! 
Derek: Oh
Derek: Well that's cute 
Derek: I guess
Penny: awwwwww it is!!!! squeeeeee!!! 
Penny: send a pic!!! 
[Emily attached a photo.] 
You: oh look at him!!
Penny: he's so cute in your clothes!! ahhhhh!!! 
You: send me more pics whenever you can ;)
Derek: Oh, hell nah. 
[Derek left the chat.]
Penny: we've traumatised him 
You: nah, he's just too afraid to admit he finds aaron just as attractive as i do. he's jealousss
read by everyone. 
You laugh at the messages and download the picture of Aaron to keep for later, admiring him for a second before sitting back at your desk with a big smile on your face. 
After that, the team–mainly Emily and Penelope, although Dave gets in on the action occasionally–love to send you candid photos of Aaron wearing your clothes when on a case. It’s their daily entertainment. You’d let him know, of course, if it wasn’t for the fact he looks so cute in all the pictures, completely unaware and looking grumpy in your clothes, and making your entire day.
A few weeks later when you’re in the kitchen making dinner for you and Jack, your phone vibrates with a message. Glancing at it, you find yourself smiling immediately at the sight of Aaron’s name. He’s sent a picture attachment and you already know it’s going to be a picture of his bed as proof that he’s getting some much-needed sleep while out on a case.
However, to your surprise (and pure joy), it’s a picture of him tucked into bed with his pillows propped up behind him and covers bunched up under his chin. He looks adorable. Upon closer inspection, you realise that it looks like he’s wearing one of the old shirts you wear to bed, and you laugh as you realise you didn’t lose it like you thought you did. You send him a message asking if it’s your shirt and he tells you it is, promising to send another picture.
Almost five minutes later, your phone buzzes in your hand and you feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach at the sight of him. He’s smiling awkwardly into the camera, the phone held at an odd angle above his head, but the shirt is more visible and it’s most definitely yours and, of course, he looks as beautiful as ever. You smile and decide to reply with a picture of yourself to show that you’re also wearing one of his shirts.
He types for a few moments before giving up and deciding to call you instead. “Hello.”
“You’re supposed to be going to sleep, Mister.”
“I know,” he replies, a smile obvious in his voice. “But I wanted to hear from you.”
“Good,” you grin, moving the pan off the hob and turning the heat completely off, “because I wanted to hear from you, too.”
“Yeah… So. When did you decide to steal my shirt?”
Aaron laughs over the phone and your chest grows tight. “It wasn’t planned, I promise. But when I was repacking my bag, it was just there on the side and… Yeah. It smelled of you and I couldn’t help myself.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute, sweetheart, because I was going insane trying to find that shirt earlier. It was there on the bed this morning and then when I checked a few hours later, it was gone!”
“Sorry, I felt like being a bit of a thief today. Don’t let my team know, they’ll arrest me.”
You let out a loud laugh at that. “God forbid they find out you stole your partner’s shirt. I better not get a picture of you in a jail cell, Hotchner.”
“What if I was still wearing your shirt in the picture?”
“Hm… maybe I do wanna see it, then.”
He laughs alongside you before asking about your day and how Jack’s been.
A few days later when Aaron is home and the two of you are getting ready for bed, he grabs one of his pyjama shirts from his go-bag. You reach out to stop him, giving him a sweet smile. “What?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow. “You want me to sleep shirtless? I would but it’s pretty cold.”
“No,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Well… yes. But no, I want you to wear this.” You hand him the shirt you wore to bed last night with a smile. “I think you’ll look cute in it.”
He smiles at you and takes it from your hand, giving you his shirt in exchange. “Then you better wear this one. Wanna see you wear it.” 
You take it from his hand and throw it on, feeling giddy as the smell of him washes over you. He looks over you fondly before throwing on your shirt and taking the few steps between you to wrap you up in a hug. You bury your face into his shoulder as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek, holding you for a few moments longer before gently tugging you into bed. He rests his head on your chest and sighs, feeling content. Pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head, you wrap your arms around him and revel in the warmth of his firm body against yours. 
The two of you fall asleep like that, in each other's clothes, feeling safe and warm and loved. 
tag list: @criminalskies @hotchs-big-hands @ssahotchnerr @citrusiove @mrs-ssa-hotch
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rabbit-or-rib · 6 months
hiiiiii!! <3 it's me again, so the habit has pet cats, right? shows this on Tribetwelve, so could you do hcs where your partner actually likes cats and gets acquainted with their habit pet cats, please? Thank you very much in advance 💕🐇
hi 💕!!! i can totally do that for you, that's so cute !!!! i did notice that u were off anon when u sent this in, so i'm answering it like this just incase it was a mistake :) let me know if you want me to post with the original ask though!!
🐇 HABIT x gn!reader that loovveesss the kitties :))
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he likes it when you talk back to them like they're people
or if you just meow back and forth with one of them
thinks it's adorable
he wouldn't say that, but he's definitely leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed and smiling, waiting for you to notice him while you're CLEARLY mid-very-important-conversation with one of them
cats go on the bed
he doesn't need to really sleep too often, but he'll occasionally jump in with you and the cats to hold them like chunky babies
you end up spoiling the cats with treats trying to get them to like and get used to you the first little while
they end up LOVING you
they like to bug you when you're doing things- trying to get in the way of everything, eat whatever you're eating, etc.
if you're the type to yell/scream/do a big dramatic gasp when something happens, you're gonna scare the hell out of him by accident
there's gonna be a day where one of the cats knocks a book off the desk and the noise scares you enough to freak out for a minute
he HATES to say it but he next to sprinted to where you were at
lil mf is keeled over laughing at why you got so freaked out
thinks it's the funniest thing that you're dating him, and you were scared of a lil chunky cat
y'all are the sweetest with these cats though :)
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