#snake cuddles
em-doez-stuff · 9 months
Warm cuddles for a cold evening~
One would typically burrow under the warmth of a quilt, or situate themselves near the fireplace equipped with a good book and a nice cup of hot cocoa. Aziraphale had indeed done that, but his slithery husband had other plans, it seemed.
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The cocoa now tepid, his book untouched. Perhaps it wasn't too bad- he thought. Nothing could ever feel more homey than the smell of old books, a large egotistic demon wrapped around you, the soft crackling of the fire that licked at the firewood,
And although faint, that night, a nightingale sang the sweetest of melodies. Good night.
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Who else would commit every sin in the book to get a plushie of Lucifer's snake form?
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I want my own danger noodle Lucifer.
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bluewolfangel01 · 1 month
Levi: "I don't understand why you like someone as pathetic as me, I'm not that good at anything other then being a nasty useless otaku, (insert more self degrading here)."
Mc: *blank faced, moving sneakily close to Levi and picks him up bridal style*
Mc: "Snake <3."
Levi: *Stunned silent, he doesn't move for a few moments, then his tail curls around Mc's leg, and leans into their touch.*
Levi: "Y-yeah...."
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 4 months
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why I like shapeshifting monsters:
you can hold them
they can hold you
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benevolenterrancy · 6 months
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@hereticcryptid i'm late responding to this prompt, but have a continuation on baxia and hensheng wanting more cuddles than one would normally expect from a spiritual sword!
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hyenafu · 3 months
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I think we all know someone who could use a big hug from a big friend 💕🐍
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urfavedumbcunt · 1 month
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Kimchi’s clown antics for today include:
-not letting me put him back after picking him up to spray under his favorite hide+also spray him even though he’s in blue and he can’t see anything and literally every snake resource ever is like “don’t handle your snake during the shed process”, he said “handle me :)))))”
-resting into my arm and flicking his tongue in a content way against the same spot until i called him out for being weird, at which point he stopped like a dog who’s owner told it to stop licking
-hanging off of my arm like he thinks he’s a tree snake while he still can’t see !!!!!! Not trying to go anywhere, just hanging until my arm burned from holding in place for him !!!!!
I love that Kimchi feels so safe and comfortable and knows I won’t let him get hurt but like,, unhand me sir i just wanted u to be sufficiently wet i didn’t want to hang out 😭
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thief-of-eggs · 7 months
I need someone to draw Cursed Cat Alastor cuddling with Snake Lucifer
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
Home Invasion (Centipede!Sans)
So, I’ve missed writing about centipede!sans, he needs some love… so he’s here to pursue it himself by coming straight to you >:) huehuehue
TW: Bugs, beginning includes a nightmare where reader is covered in bugs (the first italics section), and centipede!sans being creepy and grabby with you
Legs, crawling all over you.
You couldn’t move.
A myriad of insects were wandering over your body, tickling you with their antennae.
There were too many of them. The sound was deafening. You could feel one start to crawl over your neck. You’re going to be buried in the mountain of them.
Your eyes widen as they approach your face. Your chest tightens, your mouth opens-
You sit up, gasping for air, sweat soaking your pajamas, heart beating a mile a minute. You swallow your spit, eyes darting everywhere, looking for those phantom bugs. You’re in your bed, and it’s still dark out. You let yourself smile in relief, laughing nervously. It was just a nightmare.
You throw the blanket to the side and lay back down, the sweat evaporating along with the fear on your forehead.
Just a horrible nightmare. You tell yourself, shivering. I hated that.
You sighed, and closed your eyes. Just go back to sleep now, (Y/n).
… You think you were in the middle of drifting off, when you heard the distinct sound of scuttling.
You blinked your eyes open, scanning the room, though it sounded like it came from outside. You were confused- maybe you were having a half dream and the nightmare was just going to continue? That was a terrible thought, but you had a creeping feeling that it might’ve been real.
Just to be safe, you kept your eyes open and quietened your breathing as you listened.
There it was again. The scuttling. And it sounded like it was shuffling over the floor, before it went quiet again.
You could feel a weight settling in your stomach. It sounded like it was out in the living room.
You stood up from the bed and tip-toed over to your door. You turn the key slowly so it wouldn’t click too loudly and… open the door.
Of course there’s not a lot of windows in the living room. The door is only open a crack, and you could barely make out your kitchen and table. You hold your breath, expecting something to move in the dark, but… nothing.
You don’t think you’ll be able to sleep once you find out what it is- maybe a cat broke in somehow or something? So, taking a deep breath, you turn on the torch of your phone and step into the living room.
Everything looks way more horrifying in the darkness. Why? The lighting from your phone is certainly giving your room a haunted house feel to it, which was doing wonders for your nerves. everything you shone your light on looked too bright and shiny while everything else looked too dark and shadowy. At least… so far the kitchen was alright. One knocked over can of tuna isn’t something to lose sleep over.
You find your way to the lightswitch and flick it on. Maybe it’s because it’s night and you’ve still got nerves from the nightmare, but it looked like a shadow moved- however there was nothing there when you looked. Instead, you find what looked like a dust explosion, trailing from a corner of the room, and you pause when you see where it comes from.
You feel dread forming in your stomach as you approach your cracked floor boards, snapped in half and splinters around a hole where a floorboard was popped off completely. There were suspicious scratches on the floor that… don’t look entirely unfamiliar. You’ve been finding random scratches on the walls and floor recently, and you just chalked it up as accidents you hadn’t noticed. Now though… there was a lot of them congregated around the hole and, hesitantly, you took a peek down.
And your blood. Ran. Cold.
Down under your floorboards- where you didn’t expect to have so much empty space in the first place- was a piece of centipede molt.
But it wasn’t really a ‘piece’ of centipede molt, was it?
No. It was a boulder-sized centipede molt. White, and crumpled, and- you don’t even know how long it’s been sitting there, but there was dirt and a bit of dust on it so it must’ve been sitting there for a while. And that was just its molt, how big was the beast that left it there?
Monsters from the wild almost never break into homes- they could be aggressive and terrifying but most were ‘shy’ of humans. But then again, news of monster and human scuffles weren’t unheard of.
I need to call monster services. You thought.
You thought hear a scuttle from behind you, but no giant centipede to be seen.
I need to call them RIGHT NOW.
How long has it been down there? Is it there right now? Please be under the floorboards.
As you sprint your way back towards the bedroom, you thought of the nights before. This wasn’t the first time you heard sounds in your house. They started about a week or more ago, and yeah, sounds in the dark weren’t comforting, they hadn’t seemed substantial enough to be anything. You’re not the girl that needed to sprint to get to her parents room when she heard a scary sound anymore. You chose to ignore it and went to sleep.
But now, with the molt… you remembered a lot of the sounds did resemble scuttling. You thought it was something creaking. Something flying into the windows.
… Or maybe it had been  exploring under your floorboards for god knows how long…
Oh fuck, you thought. Please go back down there.
You slip into your room…
And freeze.
There was no point in you trying to sneak back into your room, because as you stand there uselessly, a mountain of carapace, legs and bones was circling your bed, making his mark on the sheets, clicking his mandibles as he rose into the moonlight.
You inhaled so sharply it felt like you swallowed a thorn. You could feel your legs tense when the monster turned to look at you, and you rushed back out the door-
You fall to the floor and your phone tumbles out of your hand. You could feel something sharp wrapped around your ankle, just shy of impaling your skin. Your nails drag over the floor as you’re pulled into the room effortlessly. You scream and yelp as a storm of carapace and legs flood your vision. You feel the clawed ends grip and drag over your skin all over where you were exposed, leaving little welts all over your body. You gain your sight again when you’re lifted right into the middle of his twisting, endless body; his coils shifting and scuttling around as you’re settled into him.
He wasn’t squeezing- not too hard, at least. But you could feel your chest tighten and you struggled to breathe- you were panting and groaning like you couldn’t catch your breath.
You tried to wriggle but that only made him tighten around you more- you couldn’t move. His long centipede body had you circled up to your shoulders, the only part you could move was just your head. You could feel more of those centipede legs shift and move all the way down, tickling your feet and making goosebumps form all over you. When you look around you couldn’t even… see where he ended. His entire body had completely filled your room, spilling over the bed and stacking against the walls.
Your heart was beating in your ears as you looked up at the monster watching from above. He wasn’t entirely centipede, it appears: his upper half was skeletal from the waist up, and even then he was still bigger than you were. He had thick bones, resembling muscle, and his hands were clawed. Despite that, that wasn’t what struck the most fear into your heart- it was seeing his face.
His skeletal face was fearsome, large mandibles on the side of a wide smile full of razor sharp teeth accompanied by two abyss-dark eyesockets. One single glowing orb sat in his left socket, glowing with the intensity of a red star. Up from that socket was a skull fracture that left a hole in his head- just looking at it made you hurt to think about. He must’ve been through a lot of fearsome battles. In addition to his skull crack, one tooth was missing from his arsenal, and when you look everywhere on him there were minute scratches, indents, and cracks on his bone.
You see the end of his mighty body shift to the side, leaning against the door, shutting it close. Your phone lay uselessly on the floor, the screen turning off just as a leg crawls over it.
You feel a hot breath brush your face.
You turn your gaze back to your captor and feel your heart jump at how close he’s gotten. In the time it took for your frantic brain to take in the monster who has your life in his grasps, he’s leant in- possibly doing the same to you. Sweat beads on your forehead as he turns and leans around you, staying silent the whole time. His wide smile was eerie. It felt like he was a predator playing with his food with his sockets crinkling like that, and his legs digging into your flesh like it was aching to rip you apart.
You lean as far as you could as he approached. Goosebumps formed over your neck when he pushes his face into it. … You could feel him taking a deep sniff, followed by a deep, rumbly purr. You let out a surprised yelp when you feel claws trace over your scalp, leaving tingles where they went. The monster pulled back a little and turned to look at your hair, caught in his fingers, letting it slip between. His red orb dilated and refocused like a camera lens, picking the locks apart, looking at every individual hair strand like it was a mystery to him.
You couldn’t help but cough. His presence was overwhelming already. Everywhere you looked was his sprawling, crawling centipede body. The sound of his multitudinous legs filled the air with clicks, so much so that you couldn’t hear your own racing thoughts. Carapace rubbing and gripping onto you was distracting. And now, this close to his bony body, he smelled like iron, and musk, the air thick with his magic.
It sounded almost like he was laughing, and you noticed he was looking at you this time. Perhaps… sadistically enjoying how you couldn’t escape him, that his mere presence was crushing you (or perhaps it was his body tightening around you again.) He leant back.
It was odd. He tilts his head to the side and starts clicking his mandibles at you. You aren’t sure why, but the way he clicked them at you didn’t seem aggressive. You flinch as he twists around you, a couple of legs menacingly tapping over your clavicle, nearing your neck.
The imagery of being impaled by one of them enters your mind. You shudder.
It looked like he was waiting. Like… he was expecting you to say something.
“U-uhm,” You stutter. You inadvertently whimper as his claws trace down from your ear down to your jaw, tickling under your chin in a distinctly gentle… almost wanting way.
“H… hello?”
He clicks again in response, flexing his legs. You could feel your eyes getting heavy as you withheld frightened tears while he brushes your hair with his other hand.
“W-w… what do you want?” You squeak, a giant thumb brushing your cheek. “Do you…” gulp, “do you want to eat me..?”
He twitched, eyesockets widening, all movement halting. Was he… did he understand what you were saying?
All of a sudden, his great ribcage started to shudder, the quaking spreading to the rest of his long body.
“m… mheheheh…”
You grit your teeth as you’re shaken with his mighty, convulsing body, staring up helplessly at the monster. Was… was he… laughing…?
His sockets were crinkled, and he had one fist to his teeth, like he was trying to get ahold of himself. He shook his head, then extended a claw at you.
“... like…” He growled, the power of his voice rumbling in your chest. “like you…”
“L-like…? What do you-?”
You squealed as the entirety of his body starts moving again and those ticklish, frightening legs started crawling around you as the skeleton circles around you more tightly, nuzzling your face and trilling. He pauses on your left side and you freeze as his fingers crawl over from the back of your head to grip your right cheek. It felt like he was looking into your soul, his face mere inches from you. You freeze, breath hitched as a long, red, glowing tongue trails from your jaw up to your cheek.
He licked you. You could smell his breath- that blood scent, of prey having fallen to the beast’s teeth.
You couldn’t stop the frightened mewls as he fusses your face, sniffing you and shifting your body here and there, until you end up with your back against his ribcage and your head under his skull. His hands seal around your chest and stomach, and though in his turning and twisting you ended up moving out of his encircling coils, his lower half had its legs clamped around your legs, keeping you squished. against him.
You stiffened as he convulsed and squirmed, settling over the bed, having you placed on top of the rest of his carapace. Claws started tangling in your hair, as he seemed to obsess with it, feeling how silky it feels against his phalanges.
You quieted your breaths, rapid and shallow like a mouse, freezing when the monster purrs, rumbling against you. You huffed, pressing your lips together.
So. It looks like he isn’t going to eat you. But as the monster relaxes, a hand slipping under your shirt, mindlessly caressing it like… like a lover would, you think you have a very different problem at hand.
He lets out a satisfied sigh, the steam of air brushing your face, and you shake your head.
I guess I won’t be sleeping tonight…
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helphowdoiusethis · 1 year
The urge to just:
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And then:
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Just snake cuddles with mutuals who are also snakes.
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scoriarose · 19 days
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lettucefather · 7 months
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O, Gabriel. Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man.
is this anything...
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Don't leave your demon uncuddled
A/N: Crowley wants cuddles, but Aziraphale never stops reading. This calls for drastic measures.
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When Crowley had introduced Aziraphale to the marvels of staying in bed all day – all week, all month, not yet all year – long, he’d had a very specific picture in mind: the two of them wrapped around each other, respective noses buried in shades of cream-colored and auburn-tinted hair, eyes merely opening to exchange glances of fond admiration, warmth encompassing them both in a timeless embrace, a fest of never seizing cuddles.
In Crowley’s opinion, this plan should have worked out fine. Not a single obstacle had presented itself to him when he’d set out to tempt the angel into the gentle embrace of warm blankets and soft pillows. What the demon had underestimated at the time, was the power of Aziraphale’s books.  
If the angel were asked to list his favourite things since… well always, he’d most certainly list Crowley first and foremost. The mention of his books were, nevertheless, only one breath away.
So, quite unexpectedly, since Aziraphale’s introduction to spending quality time in bed, Crowley had not been succumbed to countless hours of cuddling, but to a quite unsatisfyingly absent angel whose face tended to disappear behind the pages of a leather bound classic. Moving between the covers and pillows ended up being rather unpleasant, since numerous pointy hardbacks stuck out on either side of the mattress. And if he got really unlucky, Aziraphale even left their pillow fort for a while, putting many cold miles between their vessels, only to return with more books.
To be fair, the giddy face of the angel who seemed to experience a whole new level of dedication to his favourite hobby was rather endearing and Crowley could not seriously bring himself to complain to Aziraphale about the lack of physical attention to himself. Besides, the angel was a rather entertaining reader, exclaiming and gasping and giggling all the while which did give Crowley some fun hours, as he simply watched him, curled up by his side, shaking his demonic head with a soft smile.
Sometimes Aziraphale had found good compromises: petting Crowley’s back while reading out loud to him or drawing the lines on the pages out with a single finger between Crowley’s shoulder blades. He was also really unbothered about Crowley’s choosing of which way to position himself around or on top of the angel, across his belly, next to his side, underneath his arm – nothing disturbed Aziraphale when he was reading.
Crowley had therefore enjoyed some of the time they’d passed in bed together.
But after two weeks of frequent reading and of books piling up around them like a flooding tide, Crowley did start to feel like he was drowning in old ink and crinkly pages. And it had to come to an end.
“Angel,” he moaned, when hours had passed with only the sound of pages turning, the repetition transforming it into a form of torture to his ears. He was curled up by Aziraphale’s side, the blanket allowing for nothing but his hair and his yellow eyes to stick out – his expression was all but pleased. “Aziraphale!!” He repeated, slipping his head out from underneath the blanket entirely, intensifying the glare he directed up at the angel’s face.
“Hmmm?” He asked, not even looking at the demon, his blue eyes glued on the pages that shielded him from the warm and welcome temptation of snuggling in peace.
Crowley groaned and had to summon all his lazy powers to slip out one arm from underneath the comfort of the blanket. He moved it up to put his hand between the stupid book and the angelic face. “Haven’t you done enough reading for now?”
Aziraphale swatted Crowley’s hand away like a pestering fly and didn’t pay much attention to his responding hiss. “Crowley, why don’t you just go back to sleep, that’s a dear.”
Surprisingly, the displeased look in Crowley’s eyes grew even less pleased than prior and the demon struggled to pull out arm number two from within the sweet – and currently only – embrace of his blanket to cross both of them over his chest meaningfully. “Can’t you just put your book down for a few months and… just…” cuddle meee?, he continued in his head, but a sudden twang of insecurity avoided the words from leaving his tongue.
His lips turned into a thin line, when Aziraphale’s sole reaction consisted of a quickly uttered: “What? Yes, jolly good, indeed.”
Fiddling with his hands, he sighed and glared at the ceiling for a while.
“You’re not going to pay attention to me then?” He asked eventually, moving his head to look at the angel’s face. And just then did a small smile and a very smugly raised eyebrow grace that oh so innocent face.
“I guess not.”
Ohh, thought Crowley. Ohhhh. That was how he wanted to play? Foolish, foolish angel. No one could beat Crowley at a game of ‘You can’t get a reaction out of me anyway’. That was a challenge, the demon was more than apt to live up to.
A smile took over his brooding features as he nodded to himself, feigning peacefulness, his eyebrows rising just as smugly as the angels’ had. “Huh.”
Another page was turned – extremely slowly and extremely loudly. Crowley narrowed his eyes. The angel was still smirking ever so slightly, thinking himself clever. The smile on Crowley’s features grew.
“I see. Don’t let me disturb you then, I’ll just get a little more comfortable.” Lifting his upper-body, Crowley crawled on top of his angel, placing a hand on either side of his body, before lowering himself down. His head came to a rest on Aziraphale’s belly, the soft cotton of his pyjama smelling of fresh waterlilies. With a loud sigh, Crowley cuddled himself as close to the angel’s body as possible, his arms finding the space between the small of his back and the mattress to cross underneath and wrap him up in his embrace.
Aziraphale didn’t allow any of that to disturb him in the least. Behind his book, hidden from view, he bit his bottom-lip, concealing a little smirk. Mischief was in the air and he was quite prepared to see whatever Crowley would come up with to gain his attention. The letters on the pages turned into senseless repetitions of the same line, his attention not really remaining with his lecture.
Crowley was feeling particularly mischievous in that very moment and he was in a rather perfect position to act out his mean little plan. Moving his chin over Aziraphale’s tummy, he tightened his grip around him ever so slightly. Suddenly he buried his nose in the soft, angelic belly and inhaled deeply. “Ahh, you smell so good, angel.”
Aziraphale’s grip on his book grew a little stronger. Oh dear, maybe he was in more trouble than he’d expected. “Crowley,” he warned meaningfully, conveying unmistakeably with his tone of voice that the demon better not do what he appeared very much about to do.
“Yes?” The demon answered innocently, a playful grin settling on his face, as he started circling Aziraphale’s belly with the tip of his nose.
“I’m warning you.” The angel stated, shifting a little on the covers and lifting one hand from his book to hold up a reprimanding finger. His face stayed hidden behind the hardback copy which merely propelled Crowley’s grin to new dimensions of evil.
“I’m not doing anything.” He lied, placing a kiss in the middle of Aziraphale’s belly, before more kisses followed - to his sides, to his ribs, to his hips, all soft spaces that got Aziraphale to hold his breath and press his lips together tightly.
He tried not to react too strongly to the sensations spreading on his midriff, but truly, Crowley started to tickle him more and more and soon enough, Aziraphale was sure of it, it would become unbearable. He cleared his throat and shifted around some more, trying to distract himself with the sentences under his nose, but it was to no avail. He was about to lose their little game, but he tried to stay afloat for as long as he possibly could. Little titters of laughter tinted his voice when next he spoke. “You- you will regret this.”
“I sure hope I will.” Crowley answered, his smirk audible in every syllable and all hell broke loose when next he dipped his head to Aziraphale’s tummy and started growling into it. A loud screech left the angel’s lungs as he slipped out of his comfortable sitting position, starting to hit Crowley’s head with the next best weapon – which turned out to be the very enemy, the book itself.
“NOO!!” The sweetest squeals emerged from the bibliophile angel as Crowley continued to snarl, growl, gnaw and nibble all over the cotton covered ticklish belly at his mercy, paying no heed to the painful attempts at self-defence directed at his poor head. “DON’T DO THAT!!! OH CROWLEY YOU’LL-“ A peal of high-pitched laughter cut off Aziraphale’s line of thought as wily fingers started prodding his sides, adding to the unbearable sensations that overpowered his vessel.
“I’ll what? Tickle you until you pop? Maybe sooo.” Crowley snickered when Aziraphale finally tossed the dangerous book aside and started pushing and hitting at him with his hands instead, his scrunched up face decorated with the sweetest smile and his cheeks painted a very rosy colour.
Crowley merely smirked lazily, rubbing his face against Aziraphale’s ticklish sides and wiggling his fingers into easily accessible ribs on either side of his favourite body, never wishing for one second to stop.
“Can’t ignore me now, can you?”
Aziraphale arched his back as best he could and pushed his head into a bunch of pillows violently. They went flying, coming in handy and appearing a new wonderful weapon against Crowley’s ticklish attack. The demon started laughing when one of them came down next on his tousled hair, softer than the previous weapons, but nevertheless dangerous in the hands of the angel.
“Hey, stop hitting me!” He chuckled, removing one arm from underneath Aziraphale’s back to protect himself, trying to pull the pillow from the other’s grasp.
“NEVER YOU FOUL DEMONIC-“ Aziraphale choked on a new wave of laughter when Crowley’s hand disappeared underneath his arm, fingers hitting the centre of his armpit and making it impossible for him to keep from squeaking with laughter. The pillow was left harmless on the mattress next to the pair, as Aziraphale tried to curl up into a little ball.
Crowley followed his every move, expertly attacking whichever weak spot revealed itself next, until Aziraphale’s position on the bed had changed from upright to sideways.
“TRUTH, TRUTH!!” The angel squeaked when Crowley’s fingers were gently scribbling up his sides, kisses tickling him underneath his chin. “YOU GOT ME! I GIVE UP! I DO! CROWELY!!”
Chuckling softly, Crowley stilled his skilful fingers and removed his mouth from Aziraphale’s sensitive neck. The angel was panting, a big smile on his face and small titters still spilling from his lips.
Crowley had missed their tickle fights especially during these last two weeks of the angel’s insatiable hunger for books. Nothing was as sweet as his angel’s reaction to having Crowley kiss and tickle all over his middle. Though Aziraphale would probably not agree with him on this – he kept teasing that nothing could be sweeter than his demon flailing like a bug in  the water whenever Aziraphale’s fingers came near his hips or the backside of his ribs.
“You,” Aziraphale exclaimed when his breathing allowed it, “are in for quite the ordeal!”
“Oh, am I?” Crowley chuckled, pushing their noses together and planting a quick kiss on the angel’s lips. “Do you really think you’d have the singlest tidbit of a chance against me right now?”
Aziraphale threw his head back with another peal of laughter when Crowley’s fingers continued their ticklish way up his sides. “NO NO!! NOT A ONE!! CROWLEY PLEASE!!”
“Not a one.” Crowley repeated meaningfully and grabbed Aziraphale’s shoulder to roll them over, grinning happily up at his angel’s bright face. “I won. Now I demand-“ He stopped himself, too embarrassed to say it out loud.
“Cuddles?” Aziraphale offered, smirking knowingly.
Crowley growled  and hissed in response, but his blushed cheeks made it lack any vigour. “Yes, that!!” He spat out, before burying his face in Aziraphale’s neck and turning them over again.
Aziraphale smirked at the demon’s antics, wrapping his arms around him to pull him as close to his body as possible and allowing him to keep his face hidden at his neck. “You shall have your cuddles then, you wily snake.”
Crowley grabbed the blanket and pulled it around them, before letting out the loudest sigh of relief, happily enveloped in the hug he had wished for. Occasionally he allowed his snake tongue to slip out between his lips to tickle Aziraphale’s neck. But apart from that, their cuddle session was not interrupted for an impressive amount of time. And Crowley couldn’t have been happier.
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pelcrow · 6 months
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Reverend Silas Theodora and his python, Princess :)
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 8 months
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(the superior answer is hands first)
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benevolenterrancy · 23 days
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@hereticcryptid I appear to be slowly but surely developing an entire series about how Hensheng and Baxia apparently get fed up with their owners' inability to express their feelings and take matters into their own hands...
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