#platonic snake cuddles
helphowdoiusethis · 9 months
The urge to just:
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And then:
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Just snake cuddles with mutuals who are also snakes.
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pop-roxs · 1 year
ohh my god i want someone to hold me so bad wtffff
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Cuddling w/ Various Creepypastas 1/2
Notes: some characters have shorter sections but that's mostly due to me already writing cuddling hcs for said character! Reader is GN, this entire post can be read as either platonic or romantic! Save for the usual characters I dont write romantic for. Depending on the reception of this post I might do a part two with other characters.. do feel free to ask for anyone specific who wasn't in this post!
Characters: Slenderman, Splendorman, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Masky, Hoodie, Jeff the Killer
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Physical affection with slenderman is fairly rare. Sure, he gives you the mock kiss every now and then and might even snake a tendril around you to pull you close to him if you start straying in the woods... but to actually cuddle? Good luck with that! Though.. I feel it would be likely in a moment of much needed comfort- perhaps you're sick or you just point blank ask him to hold you.. hes cold, and you can feel bones but you dont care all that much. Hes stiff as a board, though. By default hes the big spoon, will likely never be the little spoon ever. Sometimes wraps his tentacles around you if you need to get even closer 4/10 because I love him but cuddling with him would be so so rare
Runs more on the warmer side! Loves being the big spoon, and of course hes very tall! Sometimes hums when you two lean into one another. Rocks you too as well, if you ask him to. Very touch starved so he attempts to seek you out every now and then.. not very soft though thanks to being very thin. He likes carrying you around! Hope you're not afraid of heights! 8/10
I've mentioned a few times that hes very cold to the touch.. like ice cold. So unless you're into that, cuddling him might be a little.. hmm.. not that some blankets cant fix though! My headcanon is that hes on the shorter side, but kind of chubby buff. Soft! Switches between being little and big spoon. Hes not too keen in physical touch so you're going to have to wait for him to initiate.. I'm biased but I give him a solid 7/10
In contrast to the other Jack, Laughing Jack is actually pretty warm! It's like snuggling up into a heated blanket! His torso isnt very soft, but the puffs on his shoulders are nice and soft- as are his arms! And he purrs so that just makes it more relaxing! Switches between being big and little spoon, he doesnt seem to show much of a preference! Hes a total cuddle bug, if he could he would be snuggled up against you all day every day! 9/10, and hes very large! 8 feet tall is his default! Loves snaking his arms around you
Adverse to touch, mostly in the beginning of your relationship (whether platonic or romantic, it doesnt matter), so its best to leave the initiation to him. Even then he rarely seeks you out. Unlike some of the other characters, outright asking him to cuddle you for comfort wont.. work.. the most you'll get is him rubbing circles into your back while he sits next to you. On the rare occasion that he does pull you against him, hes pretty warm. More so than Hoodie but not as hot as LJ. Firm grip but you can tell he doesn't know where to put his hands. Incredibly stiff against you, 5/10 hes doing his best :(
Tall and strong, and his hoodie is very soft when you convince him to let you wash it. If he takes his mask off his facial hair can get a little itchy, but it's rare that the mask is off. Loves being big spoon but sometimes craves being little spoon sometimes. Smells like... leaves and campfire smoke. Not bad, actually. Loves drumming his fingers on you 8/10
Very lanky and tall, string bean build basically. Average body temperature. Does not like cuddling; probably sees most acts of physical affection as "yucky" regardless of if they're romantic or not. The closest you're going to get is the two of you huddling together for warmth or something within that ballpark. His skins a little rough, but that's too be expected. Very tense throughout the entire interaction, 2/10 he does not make a good cuddle buddy
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dizzy-n-busy · 7 months
[can (and most likely will) contain SOME poly hcs!]
« Shaw Pack headcanons »
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Younger David and Darlin' had a 'platonic confession' - as Milo and Asher put it - with each other (they confessed that they were besties for the first time)
Younger Darlin' was hella touch starved and tried avoiding it at all costs bc it made them feel weird; Darlin' now is constantly being touched and completely immune to it
Angel and Asher are VERY touchy feely, love language of physical touch havin asses
David and Baaabe are the cooks of the pack - Baaabe also makes snacks for pack meetings bc David's too preoccupied (Milo and Sam are good sous-chefs !!)
Sweetheart loves buying things and going to expensive ass restaurants with the pack (they're restricted for special occasions bc the pack doesn't want them going broke)
Angel and Baaabe met each other in college but never found out each other's names till later
Everyone is immensely protective over Sam (esp during pack meetings)
Sam and Darlin' stay getting cuddled and clinged onto bc they think that they're outcasts
Milo learned how to stitch at a young age so he could personally tailor some of his clothes shorter; he was embarrassed to get them done professionally
Angel likes wearing short clothes/bottoms so when their shoes untie, the pack's literally dolphin diving tying it for them so they don't have to bend down
David gets called 'mama duck' and he literally hates it
Someone always records whenever they all hangout for memories (I'd say Baaabe, David or Sweetheart)
Darlin' and Sweetheart are menaces when it comes to pissy chrissy, they love intimidating him (Darlin' looms over him and Sweetheart jumpscares him with cloaking)
Milo has a daily skin care/shower routine which is oddly complex
Angel spams the gc with David smiling when they catch him in a photo or to lighten the mood - everyone loves it
Angel got Asher hooked on cheek kisses (or vice versa)
Movie nights or sleepovers/camping go crazy
The pack has, at some point in time, all fallen asleep on or next to Sam (he's too comforting for his own good)
It's always Milo vs Asher till you bring Darlin' into the picture (2 against 1 and they still lose lmao)
Baaabe literally obliterates everyone at arcade games
David has his last name tattooed on the back of his neck; he says how they'll be his demise /j
Sweetheart stress cleans (twinninem)
Baaabe gives fantastic pep talks
Darlin' takes Angel out whenever they struggle with sleeping and don't wanna bother David (Asher sometimes goes too)
Sweetheart is the go to for missing stuff, they always manage to find it somehow
Sam lets the pack play with his hair
Angel got David to match fits ONCE and they were literally vibrating in excitement
The amount of 'embarrassing' old pack photos and videos that David hides is FEDERAL
Darlin' gives really nice hugs
The werewolves all shift and form a cuddle party, it's very cute (many photos for evidence)
Angel likes riling Darlin' up when their shifted and gets chased like a bat outta hell - they have literally mounted the rest of the pack tryna get away
Sweetheart always gives the pack's shifted forms head kisses before and after rubbing their heads
David won't admit it but he loves hanging out with Sam on the sidelines while everyone else is playing around (shifted)
Darlin' got assorted matching piercing with the listener mates (angel bites for Angel, gages for Baaabe and either a tongue piercing or snake bites for Sweetheart)
Milo gets picked up a lot for some reason - it only slightly pisses him off
They were all matching for the Summit, I might draw it to show what I mean
Sweetheart and Milo LOVE making and holding eye contact, they like how it flusters ppl (they always win staring contests/j)
Angel's super into interior designing, they interpret it thru minecraft bc I said so
Group therapy goes crazy/lh
I have so many thoughts abt them, I might have ta make a pt2 💪💪
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miffysrambles · 8 months
Can I have wukong, macaque and nezha with a s/o who borrows their stuff (cloak, jacket, etc.)?
Wukong And Macaque WIth An S/O Who Borrows Their Stuff
(Sorry, unfortunately, I am not comfortable doing romantic scenarios with Nezha but I can do platonic!)
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Wukong walked into the bedroom you two shared to see you sleeping in his hoodie he used to visit in the city.
His heart practically exploded seeing the bulky fabric drape over your body as you hugged his pillow in your deep slumber.
This wasn’t the first time you had stolen his hoodie, although he didn’t really mind cause he didn’t wear it often. 
He walked over to the nest of the bed as he laid down with you, pressing gentle kisses on your forehead as he pulled you close to him. 
You slowly stirred awake as you were met with your boyfriend’s smug face grinning down at you.
“What’cha got there peaches, that hoodie looks mighty familiar!” He laughed softly at his own words, his tail thumping against the mattress. 
You smiled up at him as you countered his words, “Yeah, because it’s mine.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
He let out a pretend scoff as he dramatically looked off to the side while crossing his arms, “Well I never! First, you steal my heart, and now you steal my precious hoodie?”
You laughed at his antics as he pressed loving kisses all over your face, burying you both into the mess of the bedsheets as he kept his arms wrapped around you. 
“Well, I guess you can wear it IF you let me cuddle with you while you do.” He winked down at you as his tail snaked around your leg to show how close he wanted to be with you at that moment.
You nodded with vigor, of course you wanted that!
You both settled back down as he wrapped the blankets around the both of you, kissing your forehead as you lay on his chest and went back into a deep sleep.
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You like to steal his scarf when it gets really cold outside, but you’ll even wear it inside just to tease him.
Like one time Macaque was looking around the dojo before he was about to leave, “Hey sweet cheeks have you seen my–”
He was cut off by walking into the small kitchen to see you cooking lunch for the both of you, nuzzling your face into the worn-down red piece of fabric. 
He grinned fondly at you as he walked up to you from behind, surprising you as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, “Is that my scarf you’re wearing dove?”
You smiled as you nodded, hearing his tail thump against the wood flooring showing how flustered he actually was, “Yeah, sorry it’s comfy.”
He chuckled as he kissed your cheek, “Don’t be, you look cute wearing it. Although, I kinda need it back.”
You smirked as you turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter, putting down the knife you were using to cut some fruit as you gripped the scarf.
“I’m not letting go anytime soon, it’s my scarf now.”
Oh, you were going to play this game?
Alright, he could go along with this.
He grinned as he used a shadow portal, chuckling through the shadows as you protested.
“Hey, that’s cheating!”
“I wasn’t told any rules sweetheart!” His voice echoed through the kitchen, making your head turn around to follow it.
He used your shadow as he pulled the scarf off your neck, laughing as you pouted.
He kissed your cheek as he jumped out of the portal while putting his scarf back on, “Don’t worry sugarplum, I’ll be back before you know it, and the scarf is all yours again. Promise.”
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popcat69 · 10 months
Hey (hope your requests are open) I had a cute idea for a little fluff, Rottmnt boys x reader who gets very sleepy/relaxed from having their hair played with. Just thought this would be very cute, can be platonic or romantic ^^
Rottmnt boys x gn!reader
Notes: i wrote this as romantic because i need that in my life rn also i tried my best but there are some mentions of reader having hair that's longer then lets say a pixie cut
Warnings: none, this is pure fluff
Raph wouldn’t play with your hair unless you asked him
He would be way too scared to accidentally hurt you because of his hands
This mans huge and i think we all know that
When you asked him for the first time to play with your hair he was a bit hesitant but as soon he started running his fingers through your hair you were nuzzled up against him with your eyes closed and a soft smile on your face.
Now, if he's sitting down on the couch or on his bed you would just flop down next to him placing you head on his lap and we would basically understand what your asking for
He gets butterflies in his stomach everytime. He feels so happy that you trust him and it makes his whole world
He started watching youtube videos on how to style hair
Though its difficult for him to recreate it and usually ends in a bit of a tangled disaster you appreciate the thought
Leo found out you love when your hair is played with by cuddling together in his bed and you were having some trouble sleeping
You kept on squirming around in bed trying to force yourself to get even a few minutes of rest
That is until you felt an arm snake around you and a hand coming up to caress your hair.
You relaxed almost immediately and you heard a small chuckle from next to you
You open your eyes to be faced with a smiling turtle
“Feels nice?”
You let out a tired laugh before bringing leo closer to you wrapping him a warm hug before you fell asleep
He loves to play with your hair it brings him some comfort as well seeing you so relaxed
Loves to spend time with you when your heads on his plastron with him playing with your hair.
Adores it
If you’d want donnie to run his fingers through your hair you have better brushed before hand
I don't think he would really like the feeling of his fingers being tangled in your hair
Doesnt care at all what type of hair you have.
straight , wavey, curly
He will gladly scratch/ massage your scalp 
He just doesn't really like the feeling of running his hands through your hair and feeling small tangles
Would 100% make you one of those scalp massages to use when he's too deep into a project or on a mission
Can you tell his love language is gift giving?
Honestly i think he enjoys playing with your hair despite everything
Love to see you melt under his touch 
Will play with your hair as you listen to his little rambles
 Mikey adores playing with your hair
Loves to brush it for you if you let him
And if you let him style it this boy’s eyes with have hearts in them
Loves the feeling of his fingers running through your hair
I think that its canon that mikey grows hair but finds it too difficult to take care of it so he shaves it off
If you convince him to grow it out you guys will 100% have a hair day
Where you teach him how to properly take care of it
You guys will be doing hair masks and hair treatments 
Loves doing this with you
If you had a stressful day and you came to him for comfort he will cuddle you in bed with his hands playing with your hair and massaging your scalp
He gets so happy seeing calm down and relax in his arms
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owlcomics101 · 2 months
Task force 141 x pet Snake!Reader (Platonic obviously) head cannons
Warnings: Snake? SFW (I am a minor), wholesome snake shenanigans!
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Context: Soap found you, a snake out side of base wedged in between some Rocks, he found you and took you in. He kept you as a secret until the others found out. Good luck snakey Reader! 🐍
Soap: Soap is obsessed with you! He holds you whenever he can and strokes your lovely scales which is surprisingly soft for a snake. Your tail coils around his fingers as he pets you and gives you kisses on the head and randomly vents to you while feeding you a mouse and all you can think is “Just drop the Damm mouse!” As your mouth waters watching it squirm and dangle out of Soap’s hands. You always gets lost around base because Soap keeps letting you out of your cage and losing you. Running around like an idiot calling you by your nickname he gave you “Teet.” which is the Scottish word for snake. And yes, he cuddles you when he sleeps, only to find you trying to eat his finger again in the morning.
Ghost: Ghost wanted to hate you. He really did, but couldn’t. When no one was looking he would pick you up out of your cage and give you some affection. “People both see us as monsters huh?” He would whisper to you. “They just don’t know us yet. But we’ll show them. Won’t we?” You always gave him kisses on his nose and he loved it. He would take off his mask when it was just him and you and let you slither around the holes the mask and even sleep in it. He finds your yawn to be the cutest Damm thing in the world. Whenever he’s out on a mission his brings you back a rock or some decoration for your cage as a gift for you. Ghost likes to call you ‘fang’.
Gaz: Gaz was….freaked out by you to say the least at first but he was quick to grow a soft spot to you too. Gaz lets you hang out on his head or in his hat as he works. Keeping a careful watch on you and making sure your not getting into any mischief, because Soap and ghost would kill him and anything happens to precious you. Unlike the others, Gaz actually takes the time to research on how to take better care about because since your gonna live with them rent free, mind as well live comfortably.
Price: Was against you as first…butttttttt he couldn’t escape your charm! Price was the one mostly taking care of you, feeding you, giving you clean water, and cleaning your cage. He didn’t let anyone clean your cage but him. He says it must be ‘perfect’ or done his way. Whatever that means. But you didn’t care, you were busy trying to eat Price’s fingers. Price likes it have you in his office while he works. Chucking to himself as he watches you slither around on his desk and laptop. You were the only thing making work at least tolerable for him. And yes… he likes to put a bow on your head and give you sweaters during the cold months because he doesn’t want you to freeze.
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Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your writing, you do such an amazing job!! I was wondering, if you have the time and are taking requests, could you do how each character cuddles with MC? Can be platonic or romantic, and I was wondering if you could also add professors. Thank you so much, I hope it's not to much to ask!! Have a great day/night!!❤️
A/N: romantic cuddling for the friends, platonic cuddle/hugs for the professors :3
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: This boy is a snake. Full body wrapped around MC like a python. He won't let go easily, either. But he's warm and gives many kisses, so the entrapment is worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: Physical touch has rarely led to good things in his life so MC will need to be patient with him. Once their relationship is to the point that he feels safe with them, he cuddles with his hands constantly mapping their body. He will have every part of them committed to memory.
ANNE SALLOW: She likes laying on top of them with her face on their chest. She finds their heartbeat soothing. She also likes hearing it speed up when she's feeling cheeky.
IMELDA REYES: Physical touch isn't one of her love languages, so she doesn't go out of her way to cuddle them. She doesn't reject it, She finds MC's affection cute, but she'll be reading or messing with her wand while she lays there with MC attached.
NATSAI ONAI: She is the big spoon. She must protecc. She whispers all sorts of sweet nothing's while she's holding them and gives little neck kisses.
GARRETH WEASLEY: Cuddling him is dangerous because MC never knows what he'll do. This goof can't help but make MC laugh. He loves hearing it. He'll boop their nose, lick their face, even tickle them for a reaction.
LEANDER PREWETT: Long boi with long limbs. MC is tangled in him with little hope of getting away. He has quite the wingspan, so even if MC is on the other side of the bed, he can just casually reach over and yoink them to his side.
AMIT THAKKAR: Hope MC likes his voice, cause he's a talker. MC is his captive audience and he will go on and on and ON about just about anything. Mostly astronomical topics, but he goes off on tangents.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's the little spoon. Doesn't matter how tall MC is compared to him. They could be the longest mfer or just a little backpack, he loves them either way. He feels held.
POPPY SWEETING: Smol. Turns into a ball like a little hedgehog. Might get lost in the cushions or blankets, so hold tight. Also a bit of a squirmer, sometimes struggles to get comfortable. She'll settle down eventually.
ELEAZAR FIG: Dad. Hugs. Like, sit on the couch under his arm, dad hugs. Warm and comforting and loving. MC will likely fall asleep.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She's not too much of a hugger, but she won't deny one if MC asks. They'll be short but comforting.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's not much of a hugger but if MC really needs one, she'll oblige. Might be a bit awkward, but she means well.
AESOP SHARP: MC will have to be strategic. First, gain his trust. That's the hard part. Second, catch him in a good mood. Third, MC must ask ONLY when no one else is around. His affection is very private. Fourth, (optional step) liquid luck.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Favorite Uncle vibes. Playful bear hugs that crush ribs and pick MC up off their feet. Best hugs for when MC needs a laugh.
MIRABEL GARLICK: Very much a hugger. MC can hold her as long as they need to. Let all their worries and stress melt away in her genuine embrace.
MUDIWA ONAI: She gives the best Mom hugs MC could ever experience. She'll go so far as to hug MC in her lap and rock them like a child, even if MC is tall.
BAI HOWIN: If MC needs affection, she suggests they seek out mooncalves or puffskiens.
DINAH HECAT: She is more affectionate than she lets on. If MC is stressed and needs a hug, she offers one without prompting.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He's a ghost. Move along.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She's not an affectionate person. MC will get more warmth from a glacier.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: If MC knows what's good for them, they won't touch him. Ever.
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dancingdonatello · 2 months
can you do 2012 Donnie comforting gn! Reader when they’re crying? This could be platonic or romantic :)
2012 donnie x gn reader
You swear Donnie has the worst timing possible. Every time he comes to your house it’s at an awkward time.
Once, you were in the middle of changing and half naked. He had fallen off your balcony.
Another time, you were breaking up with your boyfriend over the phone.
And yet another time… well, you’d rather not talk about that one.
Now, here he was, staring at you through the glass as you cried.
You groaned and wiped the tears off your face the best you could before standing up to let him in. You couldn’t just shoo him away after he came all the way to your room.
You opened the sliding door and smiled awkwardly at him.
“What’s wrong?” he immediately asked, walking in and grabbing your face. He flushed as soon as he realized how he’d grabbed you and let you go.
“Nothing. I just feel shitty.” You walked over to your bed and collapsed into it. You put on some random show and patted the bed next to you, forcing Donnie over from where he had been awkwardly hovering.
“You’re sure it’s nothing?” he asked, sitting closer than he usually did.
“Yes.” But still your eyes watered. He shifted next to you before his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you into his side.
You appreciated his silence as you cried like a baby, even when he nuzzled into your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you further.
His hand squeezed your hip and you finally melted into him.
Somehow, someway, he fell asleep first. You knew his brothers probably wanted him home soon but you felt selfish today so you put his phone on silent. He probably needed the sleep...
You curled up further into his embrace, feeling lighter and better.
…And he was pretty comfortable to cuddle with. His brothers didn’t know his true potential like you did.
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Platonic Yandere Naga LOV vs Harpy Hawks is my new brain worm.
So, little Reader Chan was unfortunately born with a crippled wing and was therefore abandoned because of it.
Hawks decided to take you in because one, you were utterly adorable and two, fatherhood was all the rage in the harpy world.
Hawks positively ADORED you! With your little wings and chirps whenever he comes back. Although he’s a bit possessive over who comes near the nest, especially any other harpies.
Everything is all fine and dandy till one day, Hawks left to go find food and you accidentally fell out of the nest.
The LOV were out hunting until someone caught your scent, at first they thought you were Hawks since you were drenched in his scent until they realized it was just little old you, helplessly chirping for your dad.
Now, the LOV have beef with Hawks, mostly for attempting to murder Twice, stealing their food resources and intruding on their territory.
Shigaraki: GTFO
Hawks: No :) *Makes a nest out of pure spite*
Everyone was honestly confused about what to do with you until Toga is like: Let’s adopt them and make them one of us.
You were obviously miffed and honestly terrified that these snake people had taken you from your home! Your little chirps for Hawks were so heartbreaking.
Safe to say, Hawks is now searching for you and many snuggle sessions are to be had.
Toga is absolutely coddling you, kissing your face and is trying to preen your wings, albeit she sucks at it. Twice is also overbearing with the affection, him and Toga tend to ambush you with cuddles and kisses.
Mr Compress handles your nutrition and is really gentle with you. He’s wary of your wing and will wait for you to give affection. You bet he’ll start bragging if you come to him for affection.
Toga: So I saw this really cute harpy today-
Compress: Yeah that’s nice Toga but Y/N came to me asking for AFFECTION!
Dabi and Shigaraki terrify you, especially since Hawks warned you about them.
The way Shigaraki looms over you and how Dabi prods at your wing just scares you.
Shiggy isn’t as overbearing with his affection but will make you smell like him, it’s a way of saying that he’s your father.
Dabi will take you out of your sleeping spot to cuddle you, giving contented nuzzles while soothingly purring.
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https-immotmari · 6 months
❝ But I can't help myself when you get close to me ❞ ─── pjsk boys!
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first request, yahey!(❁´◡`❁) and I should probably put request open for anyone getting confused if I'm open for requests or not. Also, I don't know if you want romantic or platonic so I'm doing romantic if you don't mind ^^* cute username and pfp btw!
fandom! .project sekai character(s) used! .akito shinonome, toya aoyagi, tsukasa tenma and rui kamishiro gender of reader! .gn!reader head start! .mention of toya's dad🤢
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. . .akito shinonome!
dude is perplexed the moment you snake your arms around him. It's like he hasn't been given affection (he's touch-starved)
he should have known the first time he met you, you were as bubbly as bubbles from the powerpuff girls, or even more, and just like that, you've been a daydream and nightmare to him.
back when you two were friends, you kept it minimal such as asking for his permission whenever you want to hug him and even then, akito was, and still is, a flustered mess that it gets to the point that his brain is filled with you and you alone.... okay, maybe a bit of toya but, that's a bit, kay?
now that you two are a thing thanks to an, kohane and toya, you "innocently" used the knowledge you have to make this man a mess. as you should tbh
like, run your fingers through his hair while you're cuddling him, and HE'LL MELT FASTER THAN HE CAN RAP
only in private though, when you two are out in public and you feel the urge of cuddling him there and then, he can shyly give you a side hug for now.
like, poor baby is getting multiple heart attacks whenever you just pop out and immediately attacking him with your cuddly self.
when in private though, you won't waste time in cuddling this man to death, in which he secretly appreciates it, however, can't admit out loud due to his pride and ego.
to be honest, I headcannon him being a human heater when flustered like, you two are just cuddling, you are being your beautiful self and cuddling this man to death while he's just flustered as a boiling kettle. You can even see smoke coming out of his ears.
thanks to being his human heater self, his warmth is only making you want to cuddle him more!
also, thanks to ena and mizuki teasing little bro, he prefers you two cuddling in your house since no so-called annoying older sister and her friend teasing the living daylight out of him.
SMALL SPOON! HE'S FR A SMALL SPOON! he's so touch-starved for your affection, like, after finishing band practice, he rushed to your side and waits for you to have your urge in cuddling him, in which you immediately do it.
though, he still denies being the small spoon since quote-on-quote he's the man of this relationship.
just shut him up by pecking him on the lips and he'll immediately shuts down, use this to your advantage and cuddle him.
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. . .toya aoyagi! (my fave<;3)
another touch-starved baby since his father didn't give him enough love till now. L in the comments for toya's dad.
now, unlike your human heater, this guy is your human cooler.
so, whenever the summer hits and you feel like you're getting cooked to a T, just cuddle this guy and you'll feel like you're in the north pole. (merry christmas btw)
baby over here is melting from your cuddles and his gleeful smile and fond chuckles explains it.
I feel like he'll read you a story whenever you two are cuddling on his bed, since this is the only room he can have privacy besides the bathroom, he'll just one hand on the book and the other hand is wrapped around your waist or on your hair, twirling a strand or two.
even though he's fine with public pda, he's still cautious about his actions, his what ifs are like "what if somebody insults them whenever we do this" since toya cares about your feelings very much and he doesn't want your day and your feelings to be ruin by somebody who pokes their noses in other people's business. #stantoyaaoyagi
still, he'll keep an arm around you because toya wouldn't want to make your pretty head thinks he's tired of your cuddles,
it's actually the opposite, he's can never get tired of your affection and you.
though when in private, you can bet this man shows you his touch-starved self.
your cuddles are the medicine to every bad thing happening to him like, that one time where he and his dad got into a serious argument, he would go to your house and cuddle you there. once you open the door and see his rather saddened looked, your arms are already around him, whispering sweet words to him till he feels better.
no words can describe how much he places you above everything, even himself sometimes, baby just grateful to the gods above that he gets another person he can cherished besides his friends.
he was quite shy when you two were new but as time passed, you influenced him with your affection and cuddles, and now look at him, the same cuddly person as you are, maybe even more.
you guys having an unspoken rule on who's giving more cuddles and you damn well when it comes to game, toya aoyagi isn't losing but, he'll make an exception just for you<3
him being small or big spoon depends on his mood that day, like when he's feeling lovely as ever and wants to return every affection you've given him, he'll be the big spoon, especially if you had a bad day. this guy is a good listener and he'll be understanding of the situation. of course, you as well return his affection ^^.
and him being small spoon when him feeling tired after band practice, having a bad day, or whenever he feels like it.
you sometimes tease him about him being your baby and he just blushes, he doesn't deny it since he sometimes admits that he can be quite clingy and cuddly as an infant.
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. . .tsukasa tenma!
this dude is ecstatic to have a partner like you (≧∀≦)ゞ
just two sunshines cuddling each other, nothing to see here~
to be honest, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private spaces, just cuddle the man right there and then.
though, if you're shy in public, he'll be understanding after teasing you a bit.
whenever some nosy people give their comments about give singles respect and blah blah blah and if it makes you feel bad about your cuddles, he'll declare war on them. he's a theater blonde, of course he's gonna do that.
it's rare seeing you two separated tbh. like, in school, every student can see you two having your arms around each other, in phoenix wonderland, his band mates, the guests, mascot, AND EVEN MIKU can see you two cuddling each other, even at his or your home!
you two just can't get enough of each other (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
though, whenever he's needed somewhere while he was cuddling with you, he'll whine before carrying you. he'll bring you everywhere since he needs his darling co-star to refill his energy whenever he feels tired.
his band mates just shake their heads and let their leader do whatever he wants.
tsukasa has the tendencies to squeeze you, he sometimes thinks you can squeak whenever he does that like a stuff toy he had when he was younger that he used to cuddle in his sleep.
though, speaking of family, his family especially saki adores you!
for saki, she's happy that her older brother has a partner like you since he always tires himself out just for her so it's wonderful seeing his brother having someone cuddly as you.
he flexes you to others. like, "look at my beloved starling! aren't they the cutest thing your eyes have ever seen?" and it's a picture of you sleeping while cuddling him and the person is just "huh?"
he flexes you as if you're a trophy or a great achievement in which you are.
it honestly relaxes him whenever you cuddle him, especially when it's such a peaceful day and without rui's inventions blowing him up. just you and him, in his bed, cuddling each other in peace while you two tell each other about your days and how it's been doing.
he cherished those moments with you, and nothing can replace those moments even when it's something expensive as gold.
like toya, him being small or big soon depends on his mood. if he wants to be pampered by you and your affection then he'll be the small spoon but, if he wants to return those pampering from you then he'll be the big spoon and pamper you! it's a win-win situation.
you make his heart go crazy, as well as his mind, that he made a play dedicated to you and you only.
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. . .rui kamishiro!
aye! you like cuddles, he likes them as well! after some reassurance from you that is
from the start of your guys' relationship, he was not sure about being touchy with you but once you accepted him in those warm arms of yours, he's in.
like tsukasa, he doesn't care if you two are in public or private but, if you're too shy in public, he'll just give you a teasing cat smile and just gives wraps an arm around you all the while teasing you.
it ain't rui kamishiro without him teasing you at least 10 times a day.
you know those two faces/personality octopus plushies? the ones where each side has a different expression of the octopus plushie, you two have those but quite different from the normal ones, thanks to mizuki's help, he made two plushies for the two of you. one of the sides of the octopus plushie has a '^^' expression while the other side said, 'I'm having the urge to cuddle you rn'.
so, whenever you want to cuddle this man and you're too shy to say it, just flip the octopus plushie and he'll understand. I can imagine him being the big spoon cuddling you while both of your octopus plushies are on top of your guys' head, having the "^^" expression on them.
it's so cute that it'll give other cavities q(≧▽≦q)
just like his leader, direct over here will carry you everywhere just for the dose of his daily cuddles. he can either carry you bridal style, on his back, or maybe on his shoulders if he's feeling very teasing at that moment.
surprised attack cuddles!
you'll have to make a perfect plan to catch him off guard since he's always on guard due to you doing your surprised attack cuddles very often.
but, once you did catch him off guard with your surprised attack cuddles, he'll simply chuckles and say "such a sly partner I have~" but if you squint, you can see his cheeks being painted with the beautiful colour of red.
yes, rui kamishiro can be flustered, you just have to work hard on it.
sometimes nene just third wheel you two while you two cuddle and she's just playing her game, she doesn't feel bothered by it since she's grown used to the two of you being like this, i mean, she was the one who helped along in setting you two up.
if he was a cat, he would purr in your embrace. little kamishiro just can't get enough of you and it shows.
you're as cuddly as a teddy bear if he were to describe you. whatever occasion the world has, you two simply cuddle each other like every other day yet rui feels like he's on cloud nine.
he's mostly the big spoon when it comes to cuddles since he wants to just have you laying on his chest while he ruffles your hair, something peaceful he needed in his rather chaotic life.
however, if you want to be the big spoon this time, he'll reluctantly agree, after teasing you of course, and be the one being pampered by you.
every picture of you in his phone is you cuddling on him, and he cherishes those pictures, two of the pictures are set as his wallpaper in home and lock screen.
he just can't wait to get home after practice so you can attack him with those cuddles of yours (/≧▽≦)/
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my goodness I feel like some sort of creature possessed me and gave me motivation for this! Hope this tale satisfied you, @hearts4saki! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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rules! + masterlist!
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
hiii could i request how you think the characters with reptile like demon forms would react to an mc that's really scared of snakes? (we get a lot of wild venomous ones where i live and I've been terrified of them since i was little)
like for example if either levi or barbatos tails suddenly touched my leg without warning id probably jump out of my skin thinking it was a snake crawling up my leg and then id have to apologise profusely because i wouldn't want to hurt their feelings 😭
pet snakes are fine as long as like. they're in their enclosure or im not touching them, id probably think henry 1.0 was cool to watch in his enclosure but would be too scared to hold him so i feel like levi would not like me for a bit </3 barbatos might be understanding since he's scared of rats
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A/N: I've always pictured Mephisto with a tail seeing how the RAD sports event played out in Lesson 68, so I'm including him in this.
0.6k words | SFW | gn!Reader
Warnings: anxiety, insecurities, developing relationships (romantic or platonic in nature, your choice).
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You inform them right from the start, "I have a fear/phobia of snakes," but some of the demons hear, "I don't like snakes." They might not understand what the big deal is or take it seriously. Okay, sure, the Devildom serpents might be a bit bigger or deadlier than their human world counterparts, but it's not like they'll let you get eaten or anything!
When you first arrive, the ones with reptilian tails sort of glance at their tails and back to you and shrug. What are the chances you'll see their real forms very often, let alone be in a position where you might actually touch them?
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Levi is the first one to scoff and act like you and his tail have zero business being near each other. Fast forward to a few weeks later when you're both asleep in his tub after watching a streamer marathon on DevilTube. He's not sure how it happened but he shifted into his demon form during the night—at least partially—and woke up to you screaming and scrambling from the tub. It's not his fault his tail ended up curled around your leg! (Wait, why did it do that?) That's not important! He tries to blame you at first for being scared to begin with, then he blames himself for being even more disgusting and off-putting to you. He's going to feel embarrassed and a bit guilty about it, but it's going to take a while to get him calm enough to have an actual discussion about what happened. He'll be nervous sharing a tub with you after that because he can't promise it won't happen again, but he really likes cuddling with you...maybe he can put a body pillow between you? He'll brainstorm ideas to try and keep the accidental tail-wrapping to a minimum, and if he does go into his demon form on purpose, he's careful to keep it away from you.
Barbatos has even less reason to believe that you'll have any reason to come into contact with his tail. He doesn't like it when others touch his tail on the best days, and he trusts that you can keep your hands to yourself. He's very conscious about what his winged horns and tail are up to when he's carrying out duties in his true form. You've walked together before without any issues, and he makes sure that his tail flicks away from you to avoid any mishaps. He can't explain what happened the day you were walking through the Demon Lord's castle together. You yelled suddenly and he thought you saw a rat with how upset you sounded. He's not sure why one of the forks of his tail tried to slither around your wrist. (Later on he'll ruminate about how that was even possible—he should've caught himself before that even happened.) He apologizes profusely and masks his own embarrassment over the incident. He might avoid using his true form around you for a while after that to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Mephisto sees your issues with reptiles as something you need to deal with, and it doesn't concern him at all. It's not like he plans on spending more time around you than necessary, and certainly not in his true form. If that means seeing even less of you so you can avoid him, even better. Later, after he's eaten his words and you're almost friendly, you finally see his tail. It's not as long or scaly as Levi's, and it's not...wet...like Barbatos', but it's still snake-ish enough to give you goosebumps the first time you see it. He stands a few paces away from you, his true form on full display, but there's something vulnerable in his eyes even though he keeps his head tipped up defiantly. He braces himself for disgust or fear and he's not sure why anxiety gnaws in his gut when he waits for your approval. It's a positive sign that you don't run from the Newspaper Club office in terror. You offer him a smile to let him know you're fine if he wants to stay that way since you trust him to keep his parts away from you. (He lets out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding when you turn away to continue sorting documents, and he remains in his true form—to help you get used to it, obviously.)
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lavouredior · 25 days
Hello! I was wondering if you wanted Bunny requests! I saw your story about an upset bunny stomping at Vox, and was wondering how Alastor would act with a thumping bunny? 🐰
P.s I love all your stories and am super interested to see more! ❤️ I think theyre all great!
i LOVE writing angry thumping bunny yall
warnings: angry reader, reader is childlike in a sense
alastor owned your soul, he only did it due to you agreeing for him to own your soul then in return him protect you and you needed protection . . . often
“where’s bunny?” alastor asked the group of hotel staff noticing them all shrug. “oh how great! nobody even thinks to watch over the little bunny like i do!” he sighs before walking to your room noticing it locked but then hearing your giggle come from another room.
he walked over noticing you were in sir pentious’ room. he walked in curiously to see you cuddling up to sir pentious. something that utterly pissed alastor off. “bunny.” he said lowly but loud enough that you heard it.
he shook his head when all you did was look over at him but not detach yourself from the snake. “bunny. here. now.” his response caused you to shake your head in return.
alastor hated being mean to you. i mean you were his little bunny who loved stuffed animals and obsessed anytime light pink bows were near you. it was hard for him to try to be mean. hard but not impossible.
suddenly a green chain wrapped around your neck causing you to start moving towards alastor. “bunny.” he said sternly trying to get you to realize he wasn’t happy despite his smile.
he let the chain dissolve as he had noticed you get up, expecting you to run into his arms and place a kiss onto his cheek like you usually did, instead he was met with a thump.
“the little bunny is upset with you!” pentious hissed, although wishing he stayed out of it when he saw alastor glare at him. you didn’t pay any attention simply just thumping again at alastor.
causing him to grab you by your waist and bring you to your room via the shadows. “you never do that to me again.” you just shook your head before thumping again causing him to sigh.
“like snake!” you frowned. you cuddled up with practically everyone at the hotel you didn’t understand why he was being so mean about you cuddling with pentious.
husk had heard the commotion and the little bunnies thumping and had immediately came to make sure you were okay. “alastor don’t yell at her, you know it upsets her.” he sat next to you on your bed letting you cuddle up with him, something that happened more often than not that alastor was completely okay with
“snake silly!” he heard the happiness in your voice and immediately softened. sometimes alastor had a problem with forgetting that you were more sensitive and that you need that extra attention. that your relationships with the other hotel staff was strictly platonic except for with him.
“i’m not yelling at her i just don’t like when she’s cuddling up on people who have tried to kill her before. i think she forgets how many times pentious had tried to kill her!” he looked over to see your small figure in a much better mood after husk had given u one of ur stuffed animals
he sighed before picking you up, which made husk get up to leave. “bye bye kitty!” husk gave u a wave before leaving the room, the loss of his presence making you put your full attention on alastor. “you’re so lucky i can’t stay mad at you bunny. but for future reference, no thumping at me.” you just nodded before shaking your finger at him. “bunny no thump, no more!”
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere Tendencies, Inappropriate Language, Snake creatures (nagas), punishments, and Mentions of Gore
CHARACTERS: Bakugo Katsuki & kirishima eijirou
A/N- it's random, short oneshots with headcannons. In my opinion, uhm, it helps get more written and more for you all to read. So, enojoy and posses my inbox with your ghostly desires!
Ps. @officialabortive asked for pt. 2! Letting you all know Tumblr is not allowing me to reply or comment on any post, I'm not ignoring yall! If you have question or anything, the best way to get ahold of me is through my messages or inbox!
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The two serpents cradled you, brushing past the leafy undergrowth as both approached their nest. Your lip quivered, crying, and squirming in their grasp. You needed to get home, even if your parents were no longer with you, it was better than being with them.
"So restless," Kirishima cooed, "we're close to the den."
"I don't want to be at your stupid den!" You grunted, your fist pummeling against his chest. "I want to go to my home!"
"That's not nice," He glowered.
"You're not nice," you sneered, "you took me away from home and killed my parents!"
Bakugo whirled around and snarled, "You're acting like a fucking brat, brats get punishments and apparently that's what you need!"
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU disciplining you by lashing you with their tail or leaving you out of the nest to suffer from the chilled air that nipped at your skin, teaching you that you need them—who's going to keep you warm if they're not there?
*•.¸✧PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO tends to chasten you the most, you reckoned, but both equally discipline you. Kirishima is just the more lenient one.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU pampering you after each punishment; cuddling, assuring each other that you won't do what you did again, tickling your face with kisses, and et cetera.
Their soft snores and murmurs were still perceivable, thankfully, since you had managed to detach yourself from the grasp of their twitchy tails. You smiled, short of breath, and tread towards the entrance of the hollow tree—this was your opportunity.
You peered your shoulder, their snoozing silhouettes had stayed motionless.
"It'll be okay," you whispered.
You stepped out into the night and made a run for it, haven't a clue which direction your massacred village was. You couldn't be bothered by that because you were going to be elsewhere, gone from their suffocating presence. You tore through the foliage, your bare feet becoming tender and your breathing becoming ragged, eager to escape. A heartening feeling fluttering within your chest, but then only to be vanquished when hearing the low hissing and crunching of leaves from behind. You yelped, bawling, being plucked from the ground.
"Where the hell did you think you were going, huh!?" Bakugo hollered, furiously.
"Let me go, Let me go, Let me go!" You screamed, repeating as you clawed at his hands.
"You'll learn to accept and love us as your parents, give it time." Kirishima assured, coming from behind Bakugo.
"No, the both of you are delusional. I'm not your son/daughter and you'll never be my parents, I hate you!"
Bakugo's chest rumbled angrily and Kirishima whined dismally. You knew after those words, you were in trouble.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO hauling you back to their den, scolding you the whole way, and tossing you roughly into their nest.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU punishing you by scourging you with the small of their tail, three lashes for each of them, and a scolding from Bakugo immediately followed after.
*•.¸✧. PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU never trusting you by yourself again, one is always with you or a person they trust is with you.
A month, a month of feeding the two nagas delusions of being your parents. Your spirit and resistance had been demolished. To them you were progressing, recuperating various of their affections. You haven't even tempted to make an escape again, being able to trust you to take you outside.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU sunbathing on a sizable rock, you snuggling between them. Even if you were drenched in sweat and complaining that you were hot, but that's if they did not feel like moving.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU floating in the river having you rest on one of their chest when the summer days were sweltering.
You and Kirishima splashing each other while Bakugo is preparing lunch for all of you.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU trying to teach you how to hunt, but your standing dumbfounded or crying because bakugo killed a rabbit.
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You turned away, pushing Bakugo's hand away, refusing to eat the raw meat.
"You need to eat," Bakugo urged.
Three days, three days since you've been taken and three days since you haven't eaten. The two captures were worried, they could only get you to eat the fruit they've forage for.
"Why not!?" Kirishima asked, panicking.
"It's uncooked."
"Stop being picky and eat it!" Bakugo frowned, shoving the bloody meat towards you.
You turned a deaf ear and scooted away from him.
Bakugo huffed, "Fine, you can starve!"
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO learning human recipes to be able to get your 'picky' self to eat.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO loving the pleased hums and praises you give him after eating his food.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE BAKUGO making sure his ingredient are the best and freshest for his little snakling. Kirishima will start their own little garden of vegetables and herbs, getting you to partake in it for some quality time.
You look between the two, watching as Bakugo and Kirishima bicker over a name for you.
You loured before suggesting your name, "what about Y/n?"
The two halted and pondered on the name before nodding their heads.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU agreeing on your name because that's what you wanted.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU before deciding on your was going to name you [favorite other name]
*•.¸✧ CHILD READER conflicted with themselves, despising the uneasiness of being alone. Though calling out for Kirishima and Bakugo, but silence greeting them.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU coming back from hunting to find you distressed, triggering their primal instincts to protect and them hastily asking questions.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU baffled when you leaped into their arms, finally addressing them as your papas.
*•.¸✧ PLATONIC YANDERE KIRIBAKU feeling euphoric when hearing those words from your mouth and praising you there and then.
"Such a good little snakling you are, our baby."
"We're so proud of you!"
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nyashykyunnie · 10 months
AU where Sung Jinwoo is a snek Brainrot!!!
[tw: snek imagery pls do not read if u have extreme phobia of snakes tyvm
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I recently finished a manhwa titled 'Cold-Blooded beast' and I immediately thought of Jinwoo as a lil black snakey. ik the fandom eatablished him as a black kitty but **slaps u** i make the rules here hMPH/jk
He's this gentle lil critter you came across in the petshop and bought him home cuz ynot livelaughlove
and then suprise he turns into human, very hawt daddy human beeg daddy abs and battle scars hahahahahahahahah.
Jinwoo is embarrassed of himself and therefore yeets back into lil smol snakey
He likes crawling around you and doing snakey things His usual size is a normal hand held snek but he's actually way bigger than what he is. He beeg boi
Ofc, as a snek he is quite the princess attitude if hes not always snobbing u. He will physically recoil if u dare feed him actual snek food(new trauma unlocked for the shadow monarch: bugs)
hes also more touchier as a snek. Like cuddles and all and using his lil tongue to kith ur lips and u shrug it off as platonic chuchus.
But slowly the relationship became more and more romantic because wooohooo ynot
Little did u know, the shadow monarch Jinwoo has travelled through many universes just to find you, his beloved that he had lost.
but anyway livelaughlove lil snek woowoo now
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eddiesguitarpic · 2 years
sweet and sour
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summary: remus knows just how to get under your skin
warnings: teasing, remus being a little shit, kissing
word count: 1,018
requested by the (platonic) loml, @unlust-fvck <33
"Why're you being so squirmy?"
You're both offended and annoyed by the question, because of the stupid smirk on his face and the fact that he knew exactly why you were being so damn squirmy.
The two of you were in the library, where you were supposed to be studying for your exams.
But things got sidetracked.
It truly wasn't your fault this time. Remus got bored easily, and you being the only other person in his vicinity, were the victim of his bored prodding.
First it was innocent, holding your hand, playing with your fingers, twirling your hair, stuff you could easily accept while studying. Then, as his boredom increased, it got harder to ignore. Kissing at your neck, fiddling with the buttons of your shirt, squeezing at your hips, all the things he knew you loved.
So, yes, you were squirmy, and he knew damn well why.
"You know why." You grumble, hating how coy he was being even though his hand was still under your shirt, warming your cool skin with his large fingers.
"Mhm, don't think I do."
He's got a grin on his face when you look at him, ear-to-ear with a certain smugness about it. You hated how you still found him cute, even when he was trying his hardest to get you to fold.
"You're being mean." You huff in exasperation, biting back the smile that threatened to curve at your lips.
"You love it." He winks.
You can't argue that, because as mean as he could be, there was always a layer of sweetness that coated it, reminding you that it was all coming from a place of love. You suppose it's the specific nature of his sourness that you enjoy, that you crave.
You only huff again, attempting to scoot further away from him so you could get some work done, but Remus wasn't having it.
Snaking a large hand around the leg of your chair, he tugs it forward so hard you nearly topple over. Letting out a startled gasp, you fall into his chest from the rough force of his pull.
"Rem!" You squeal.
"Jus' give me a cuddle, pretty baby." He pleads.
"We gotta-"
"You're so pretty, you know that?" He cuts you off, holding your head to his chest, stroking your hair sweetly. "Prettiest baby I know."
"Stop." Your cheeks are warm, trying to pull away from him to avoid his compliments, knowing that even though they were how he truly felt, they were mostly being said to pull your attention to him instead of your work.
"Got me head over heals f'you, darling. Jus' wanna hold you and never let you go." He whispers so sweetly you nearly cave.
You feel like you're on fire, squirming uncontrollably in his tight hold. He's managed to reduce you to a puddle of mush with only a few sentences, a power he'd learned from Sirius, you assume.
"We have to study, Remus." You scold lightly, wiggling out of his grip with surprisingly little resistance.
With a sigh, he nods. "Fine."
You only made it twenty-minutes before there was another boredom-fueled interruption.
He had placed his hand on your thigh only a few moments ago, innocent and undetected by your conscious mind. It was second nature for Remus to have a protective hand covering the expanse of your upper-leg, so you didn't think anything of it.
Until he started sliding it upward.
He'd successfully managed to reach the edge of your shorts before you noticed, halting casually when your eyes darted down to inspect the offending touch.
At first you tried to remain stoic, not wanting to let him know how much the simple brush of his hand on your thigh could affect you, but your thighs were sensitive, and he was dancing dangerously close to your ticklish spot.
"Remus." You suddenly grit, shooting him a sharp glare out of the corner of your eye.
"Yes, my darling?" He cocks his head innocently, a soft smile stretched across his pink lips, like a puppy who'd wrecked his owners couch and still expected to be called a good boy.
You hate him, you really hate him.
Seething now, you're beyond flustered as he continues his petting of your thigh. It's incredibly hard to focus on the important material in front of you when he's going out of his way to be distracting, but you try your best, mostly because you wanted to get work done and partially because of your pride.
It's only five minutes later when you inevitably throw in the towel, raising your white flag with a slam of your book, a resounding thunk echoing through the room when the two halves collide. It startles the boy beside you, not allowing him to register the fact that you've crawled out of your chair in favor of climbing into his own. Sat on his lap with your arms locked around his neck, your lips meet his.
"You're s'mean to me sometimes." You hiss against him, nipping at his bottom lip as punishment, drawing a grunt from low in his chest.
"You love me, though." He kisses your cheek when you pull back, cupping the back of your head with one hand while the other cradles your back to keep you to him. "Love me s'much you put your studying aside jus' to kiss me."
"You love me." He suckles at your bottom lip. "Tell me."
"You're a meanie."
He grins, sitting back in the uncomfortable wooden chair to scan your face. Detecting no signs of true hatred, he threads his fingers through your hair, pulling you back before you could lean in for another kiss.
"Nuh uh, not until you say it." He pouts mockingly at your frown, shaking his head teasingly.
"You know I love you, Rem." You sigh, his grip loosening in your hair. "Even If you're an asshole sometimes."
He smirks. "I'll take it."
"Will you let me kiss you now?"
"Alright, c'mere, baby."
And you're kissing him, because despite what you'd said earlier, hate was something you could never feel toward Remus Lupin.
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