#snape critical
I do feel a lot of snape fans underestimate his cruelty, which I kinda get because its his most gross aspect, specially towards harry, for me it reaches its peak in hbp when snape makes harry go through sirius and james's school records, no matter how rightious his hatred of both is, snape is pupously triggering harry, the wounds of sirius's death still fresh, and this is all after snape knows~ that harry has to die within a year or so.
Thats brutal, I also do think he was making fun of harry's abuse during the occlumency lessons, he is capable of it. All of this is why I feel very uncomfortable when parts of the snapedom try to rationalizr snape's treatment of harry or say that somehow harry participated to create the animosity ("snape is angry because harry puts his life in danger") there is nothing rational about it and thats...fine, snape is a character that is cruel to children, gotta deal w it.
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timdrakemybeloved · 6 months
Okay, I’ve figured out how I decide I like characters or not and even what decides the kind of fanfiction I can read about different characters.
You know that Oscar Wilde quote about people not being good or evil but charming or tedious? That’s part of how I decide it but other stuff comes into it too.
When I’m reading a book or watching a show there’s always a character who I relate to or just find more charming than all the others. With books it’s usually the main character, with shows it differs more.
So then all my opinions on other characters form in relation to my favourite. Take Harry Potter. Snape hurt him for years, therefore I don’t like Snape. Based on James Potter’s character, I think he would have been a good dad to Harry and I like him. Sirius Black was a good godfather and helped Harry’s mental state a lot, so I like him. But when it comes to Sirius, the only character I like more is Harry and that’s because Sirius is charming. He’s a complex character with lots of layers and he’s interesting. James and Sirius were both more developed than Lily so I find them more charming. I get irritated by Remus both because I find him tedious and because of the way he treated Harry so I don’t like him.
Take Stiles Stilinski, from Teen Wolf, on the other hand. Peter hurt him, but I find Peter charming and similar to Stiles so I still like him. But the way Scott treats Stiles rubs me the wrong way so I don’t like him.
As for the fanfiction, I can read bashing or critical works for the characters I find tedious, or even characters who I don’t find as charming as my main favourite. But I will never ever be able to read bashing of the one to which I’ve formed that attachment.
And all this applies to every other character I like: Percy Jackson, Tim Drake, Katniss Everdeen, Peter Parker, etc.
I’m not sure if this is how everyone decides how they like characters but I just thought I’d verbalize it.
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
Honestly I think there's an essay that could be written about how Snape is generally more comfortable around Harry than the Marauders.
In general, Snape tends to be wary around Remus Lupin, watchful, and quiet. And around Sirius he automatically gets ready for a fight, getting his hand around his wand and the like. (it's an interesting difference there)
But in general Snape usually isn't described as defensive around Harry. Hateful, yes. Looking like he wants to kill Harry, also yes. But not in the way that's like he's preparing to defend himself from a threat.
I do think Snape fears Harry, because Harry looks like James, but I don't think it's the same way he fears the Marauders. And that's because Harry hasn't actually done anything to Snape, unlike James and the other Marauders, and Snape knows this on some level.
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hprewetts · 10 months
I'm sorry but no amount of autistic coding or jewish coding or bullying will ever excuse the fact that Snape was an active death eater.
He was violently bigoted during his school years and hung around people who were very much fucking terrorists. I dont care if he got bullied, i dont care if he was autistic coded, he held these very harmful ideals and acted on them and it was ONLY until they targetted lily that he "changed" his mind, he never sees the deatheater rethoric for what it is or ever expresses that they are harmful, ONLY when his PERSONAL interests are threatened does he "get redeemed" and seeks dumbledore, again, JUST TO SAVE LILY.
He didn't care abt other muggleborns or halfbloods, else he would have had this change of mind THROUGHOUT the war. Any sort of attempt at painting him as a misled lonely boy that didn't know where he was getting into is factually WRONG. To me this is why he is unredeemable and why I completely despise his character, he has no good in him and never has, no matter the amount of essays you provide saying otherwise
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marsconer · 2 years
let’s talk about neville’s boggart bc i think this fandom gets it wrong. first of all, let’s stablish our base. i’m working canon here, for a moment let’s work with what the terf wrote because hating her or not, she still wrote it.death to the author not the book. neville’s fear of snape is grouped with the ron’s fear of spiders and other “silly” fears. it’s not supposed to be seen as a terrible thing and a marker of how awful snape is, which do not mistake me bc awful he is, it’s suppose to highlight the difference between an immature fear of a teacher who is cruel and stern but won’t be any more harm than some emotional scars and harry’s more existencial fear of fear itself. harry grew up too fast and i think those scenes show that.
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fidelio-black · 21 days
Severus Snape's favourite composer is Carlo Gesualdo
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hogwartscastle · 5 months
Snape after Harry Potter injured a classmate with one of his own created spells:
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dinxieyinxie · 3 months
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heyaa sorry for disappearing i went on a trip for a few days ehe
anw have a little treat, a friendly rivalry if you will ;)
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yeehawpim · 10 months
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10 years ago
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fanfic-lover-girl · 2 months
Snape being gaslit
“He must have Disapparated, Severus. We should have left somebody in the room with him. When this gets out —” “HE DIDN’T DISAPPARATE!” Snape roared, now very close at hand. “YOU CAN’T APPARATE OR DISAPPARATE IN- SIDE THIS CASTLE! THIS — HAS — SOMETHING — TO — DO — WITH — POTTER!” “Severus — be reasonable — Harry has been locked up —” BAM. The door of the hospital wing burst open. Fudge, Snape, and Dumbledore came striding into the ward. Dumbledore alone looked calm. Indeed, he looked as though he was quite enjoying himself. Fudge appeared angry. But Snape was beside himself. “OUT WITH IT, POTTER!” he bellowed. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” “Professor Snape!” shrieked Madam Pomfrey. “Control yourself!” “See here, Snape, be reasonable,” said Fudge. “This door’s been locked, we just saw —” “THEY HELPED HIM ESCAPE, I KNOW IT!” Snape howled, pointing at Harry and Hermione. His face was twisted; spit was flying from his mouth. “Calm down, man!” Fudge barked. “You’re talking nonsense!” “YOU DON’T KNOW POTTER!” shrieked Snape. “HE DID IT, I KNOW HE DID IT —” “That will do, Severus,” said Dumbledore quietly. “Think about what you are saying. This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Madam Pomfrey, have these students left their beds?” “Of course not!” said Madam Pomfrey, bristling. “I would have heard them!” “Well, there you have it, Severus,” said Dumbledore calmly. “Unless you are suggesting that Harry and Hermione are able to be in two places at once, I’m afraid I don’t see any point in troubling them further.” Snape stood there, seething, staring from Fudge, who looked thoroughly shocked at his behavior, to Dumbledore, whose eyes were twinkling behind his glasses. Snape whirled about, robes swishing behind him, and stormed out of the ward. “Fellow seems quite unbalanced,” said Fudge, staring after him. “I’d watch out for him if I were you, Dumbledore.” “Oh, he’s not unbalanced,” said Dumbledore quietly. “He’s just suffered a severe disappointment.”
Poor Snape. Book 3 was really bad for him. Dealing with Remus' passive aggression. Having to brew wolfsbane potion for the guy who nearly killed him years ago and said guy not seeming to care too much about said detail. Dealing with Sirius again and having him escape. Then having Dumbles gaslight him - sometimes I just have to shake my head at his old man. What a shady character. Can't believe people call these men friends. Dumbles is not Snape's friend. A friend doesn't get amusement from their friend's uncontrollable rage. Not to mention I don't know how Snape can truly be friends with the man who was his headmaster in school - the age difference is too great for a close friendship IMO. Plus Dumbles contributed to making Snape's school life hell. I literally don't understand how Snape could be friends with him OR Minerva.
If I were a better writer, I would write a fic where Snape tells both Voldy and Dumbles to screw themselves, throws Lily's memory in the trash where it belongs, moves far away from Hogwarts, opens up a successful apothecary and marries and has a small family with a lovely woman who adores him. I just want this poor man to have all the good things in the world and leave Harry's dim witted butt to someone else. There are fics where this happens...but they tend to make Snape gay for some reason :'(. Why is it so hard to have Snape marry a woman??
PS: I kind of like seeing Snape and Draco lose their absolute marbles over Harry. I feel bad for them but it is still amusing to see :')
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sn4pe · 9 months
Imma be real and idc if I get backlash. I didn’t like Alan Rickman as Snape. If the goal was to remake Snape, he did a great job- but if he wanted to portray book snape, he completely butchered it and missed the mark.
People saying he was ‘perfect for snape’ what are you smoking?? He was like 50-something and didn’t match the vibe in the slightest. He just wasn’t a good as snape.
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theflikchic · 1 month
I was chatting with my mom about doing my super-close reading of HP for my big retrospective and we got on the topic of Snape. And I described how I noticed that Snape, of ALL characters, represented just about everything JK R*wling now despises as a character who defies labels even in the first book where you know NOTHING about him except that he's an asshole. And I was like "He feels like an accident." And my mom goes-
"He created himself,"
So I sat with that bombshell for a moment and then I mentioned he was based on a real person with autism and insomnia, so all of the "nastiness" R*wling put in (always being up at night to catch the kids, lack of hygiene, harsh sarcasm) was actually accidentally reflective of that. And my mom (also autistic and a teacher) flipped out with surprise and said-
"He's a person?! So she created a person. Who created himself."
And if that's not the most accurate description of that character, I dunno what is. Hot damn, I want it on a t-shirt.
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yumnasfunblog · 2 years
(Trigger warning-I don't think I've listed all the warnings needed-I may have forgotten or missed some-so be careful)
This isn't Snape hate. Just some thoughts.
To be honest, I doubt that canonically Snape would ever realize the way he treats Harry is wrong nor would he have reason to doubt, because abuse is simply so tolerated at Hogwarts that it's a wonder someone called him out on it in the first place.
Like this is a school which sends eleven year olds to look for unicorn murderers in the middle of a forest full of dangerous creatures with a man who does not understand that children are vulnerable. As a punishment. In addition to taking points.
This is a school where dangerous hate mail isn't taken care of but treated as normal.
This is a school where humiliating your kid and yelling at them in front of the whole school is totally normal.
This is a school where no one does anything about bullying, where prejudice runs free.
This is a school where invasions of privacy happen on the regular. Rita Skeeter. The Daily Prophet. The invisibility cloak. The Marauders Map.
This is a school were favoritism runs free. Like letting an eleven year old get a fancy expensive broom and play a game while one year under the requirement despite the kid having being threatened with expulsion if he misbehaved? Very much favoritism.
This is a school where illegal unknown dangerous species (blast ended skrewts) are shown to fourteen year olds.
This is a school where children's worst fears are shown in front of a whole class.
This is a school where a teacher can literally turn a kid into an animal and basically drop him on the ground from up high like he's a ball (which can cause serious injury) without being sacked.
This is a school where dangerous species (dementors) are guardians.
This is a school where the underperforming kids, the ones who have difficulties, are repeatedly demeaned in a way that strongly resembles ableism.
This is a school where kids are punished by being put in danger.
This is a school where people get send random anonymous stuff and it's treated as reasonably safe.
This is a school where a grown, old man who is also a respected politician sees the school as a grooming ground for child soldiers.
And I don't think I've said all the stuff that went down in Hogwarts no issue.
But honestly, with all that normalized abuse and toxicity, it's very unlikely that Snape is ever going to be called out on it or anything of the like. This is normal in Hogwarts. If we're going to have Snape be better, we'd have to overthrow the whole toxic cycles that they have there. But that's not happening, because even Harry doesn't realize that a good chunk of the stuff that happened was wrong/abusive.
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zot3-flopped · 3 months
Two months prior to its release, would-be doyens of Swift’s Tortured Poets Department have taken its barbed track listing very literally, leading to intense, often nefarious speculation regarding Swift’s six-year relationship with the British actor Joe Alwyn, which seemingly ended in early 2023.
The album’s title, revealed onstage at the Grammy awards, was quickly linked to a December, 2022 interview with Alwyn and Paul Mescal in which they revealed that Andrew Scott started their group chat, the Tortured Man Club. (“It hasn’t had much use recently,” Alwyn said: you wonder if it’s undergone a recent revival.) Swift revealed the leading track list a day later: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys, So Long, London, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived, to name a few, sending fans wild with speculation.
Swift, obviously, has every right to sing about her relationships however she wants to (no apologies to Eamonn Holmes). But in the absence of any music, some fans have spread baseless, dangerous and even libellous allegations about Alwyn’s conduct (which, for obvious reasons, I can’t repeat).
Last month, a brief fan-shot video of them dining in a New Orleans restaurant in December, 2022 was recirculated online with AI-doctored audio that made it sound as though Alwyn is saying “you don’t get to tell me about sad,” a line printed on the back of one of the new album’s four physical editions.
When Swift recently told a crowd that she was “lonely” when writing her 2020 album Folklore – some of which was co-written with Alwyn during the pandemic, a lonely time for most – fans took that as further confirmation of their theories. A live medley of three songs that all appear to reference cheating threw petrol on the fire.
Swift could make this stop. She is no stranger to airing her displeasure with the likes of Ticketmaster, Scooter Braun, Spotify and Apple Music, and, occasionally, politicians. Before she released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) last year, she gave a veiled speech at one Eras tour date effectively asking fans not to go after John Mayer, whom she dated when she was 19 and he was 32 and is understood to be the subject of that album’s Dear John.
“I am not putting this album out so you should feel the need to defend me on the internet against someone you think I wrote a song about 14m years ago when I was 19,” she said in Minneapolis.
But for whatever reason – and obviously, no member of the public has any idea what transpired between her and Alwyn so far – this time she has opted to stay quiet.
Establishing a baseline for conduct is neither commercially risky nor unprecedented: just last week, Ariana Grande said, after the release of her post-divorce album Eternal Sunshine: “Anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage”.
It feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far. Swift’s gestures towards meaning have led every single thing she does to be considered a kind of marketing, a clue to be solved. It leaves a superstar who’s usually hot on her messaging open to misinterpretation: hints about her personal life are turned by some fans into witch-hunts for anyone perceived to have wronged her; her current silence on politics allows politicians to invoke her name, from the New South Wales police commissioner quoting Swift’s anti-haters lines while defending police to Joe Biden joking that the matter of her apparently much sought-after endorsement is “classified” on Late Night With Seth Meyers.
When Swift made a blandly neutral handwritten post encouraging US citizens to register to vote on Super Tuesday, some fans speculated that her unusual left-leaning handwriting was the real indication of her loyalties – suggesting they’re so starved of substance that they’re reading into empty messages because of this dynamic she has established. (The more likely explanation is the insane way she holds a pen.)
For Swift to only direct fans as to her wishes when it suits her, it weakens her status as a truth-teller. If the comparisons with Dickinson mean anything, she might remember that nothing in the world has as much power as a word feels like the endgame of a cat-and-mouse act that’s gone too far.
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henriettadreaming · 2 months
I haven't really been in the HP fandom for a long time because the author sucked so much of the joy out of it, and the older I got, the more flaws I saw within the work.
But something I thought of recently was the similarities between Aemond and Snape in regards to bullying and violence.
In HOTD, Aemond is bullied by his brother and the Strong boys, is attacked four against one, and subsequently loses his eye because of Lucerys.
In HP, Snape is bullied by The Marauders, Sirius lures him to The Shack on a full moon, and he is close to being killed or turned into a Werewolf by Remus.
In both cases, Aemond and Snape never receive any kind of justice for what was done to them. Aemond is actually further threatened with harm, and Snape is supposed to carry on as normal afterwards and keep quiet about Remus being a Werewolf.
In both cases, the characters don't really appear to learn from their actions. Remus, who is presented as the least arrogant and least involved in the bullying, tells Neville to imagine Snape in his grandmother's clothes when dealing with the Bogot. This is something the whole class finds hysterical and quickly spreads around the school.
Lucerys doesn't appear to care about permanently maiming his uncle, and laughs at the pig presented at dinner clearly remembering the Pink Dread they gave Aemond to their amusement.
And in both cases, we're not supposed to care about Aemond or Snape because their bully's are shown as the good guys.
The Strong boys are Rhaenyra's perfect sons. They have to deal with awful rumours about their illegitimacy. They were protecting Rhaena and Baela, defending themselves. I've even seen some say they were defending Vaghar, the largest dragon alive.
The Marauders are Harry's father, God father, and the only connection to his deceased parents. They fought in The Order and are good people. Snape is an awful person and horrible to Harry, so everything that is done to him is justified.
I find it interesting how we're supposed to view bullying, violence, or assault as okay as long as the victim apparently deserves it.
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batwingsrosa · 2 months
Was outing Remus Lupin as a werewolf a dick move?
Was ist also completely justified?
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