#snatcher x ruby
rubys-forest · 9 months
A lil snatchuby. As a treat
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applinsoda · 10 months
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Fan art for a friends swap AU! I made this a short while ago and am just now posting. It took so long to draw the hair and it’s barely even visible :’( ima see if I can like link them or something. I am still new to tumblr so please give me a break…
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koschei-the-ginger · 3 months
I knew I was gonna regret this but I was curious what was David Duchovny doing between his phd and the x files 😞. He was busy creating the term manwhore
Working Girl (1988) - five second cameo right in the first 10 minuts of the movie, thank you for saving me 2 hours of my life <3
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Ney Year's Day (1989) - first speaking role and he's already playing a guy obsessed with sex and screwing anything that moves, I'm out of words. Miloš Forman is there, somehow.
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Bad Influences (1990) - 3s background character thank you for saving me 2 hours of my life <3
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Denial (1990) - he came, wore a cowboy hat, rolled around in the mud for 10 seconds, and left.
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Julia has Two Lovers (1990) - David Duchovny manwhored long before that term even existed. That's literally the plot.
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Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's dead (1991) - they don't make homophobic gays like this anymore
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The Rapture (1991) - david plays a very excited swinger turned christian turned dead meat. there's not a single actor in the world that's worth watching a christian movie for. Not even if they give him a mullet wig.
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Ruby 1992 - another very important role, a cop receiving lap dance, is this type casting or is he picking these roles intentionally? I have so many questions
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Baby Snatcher (1992) - yes kitten, I will leave my wife and kids to marry you and be with your kids. I'll never do the same to you, I suppose <3
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Chaplin (1992) - literally the first movie where he isn't the sex-obsessed freak, this time it was RDJ's job
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Beethoven (1992) - get tied to a chair by a dog and dragged through the street, idiot
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Red Shoe Diaries (1992) - I'm gonna ignore all the soft porn and just remember this extremely homoerotic basketball sequence
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Kalifornia (1993) - it's not good but it deserves a reboot with the main protagonist being a 2020s true crime podcaster
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Nasty nasty 🥨 Ruby Martinez
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Warnings: smut, filth, fluff, virginity snatcher, flexibility, fingering, protected
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou
Relationship: Ruby Martinez x black plus sized/ requested reader
“So you have to square the x?” Ruby says look down. I watch him through the screen.
“Right” I nod. He looks amazing. He and him have been dating for about a year and some change now and I’ve been thinking for the past 2 months about him taking my virginity. Of course I’m nervous about it but I wouldn’t have it with anyone else.
“Hey” he looks up waiting for what I have to say “are you alone in the house?” I ask
“Yea why?”
“I think I’ll come over for a bit if that’s ok with you”
“Yes of course is everything OK?”
“ yeah I just want to see you face-to-face” he nods and I hang up getting dressed. I shave and take the extra step of adding a small dab of perfume to me.
I walk out of my house and across the street before knocking on Ruby’s door.
“Hey” he smiles. I lean forward and kiss him softly.
“So not to sound like this but was there a specific reason you came over?”
“Well I’m ready” I wait a second for him to catch on and that’s when his eyes go wide
“Wait to have sex?”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive” I nod
“Ok but this is a warning I deem myself to be a freak”
“Good” I smile.
We’re laying in Ruby’s bed as he makes out with me I feel his hand move down past my navel. He pushes last my jeans and underwear moaning into my mouth “you’re so wet” he moves down to my neck and my entire body is on fire.
His fingers twirl around my clit then finally enter me curling forward in a come here motion. My jaw drops and a gasp escapes my lips as he continues plunging into me.
“That feels so good” he moans still kissing and sucking on my neck. My eyes shut and I grind along his hand dropping my head back. My hand travels down pushing his further onto me.
“You’re so beautiful” he plunged faster until I’m shaking
“Ruby” I moan. My juices spill over into his hand and he watches me fuck myself on his hand. After my convulsions ruby removes his hand pulling them into his mouth sucking off all of my coated sugar.
“Are you positive you want to do this” he asks I nod
“Yes” I say. He nods grabbing a condom from his top drawer. I pull off my clothes watching him do the same. I lay back on the bed and Ruby lays on top of me kissing me. I feel the tip start expanding my walls. I gasp at the harsh pain making him halt completely “I’m so sorry do you want me to stop”
“Keep going” I say through gritted teeth. He continues pushing and I feel another searing pain shoot through my body. Once he’s completely inside of me he refrains from moving giving me time to adjust. Ruby kisses my cheeks and nose ending with a kiss to my lips “ok I’m good now” The pain hasn’t completely subsided but it’s just enough that I think he’s fine to move.
As he keeps thrusting I noticed the pain starts to feel better and better. My moans get louder turning into his name on repeat like a broken record. “Just like that”
I close my eyes and my legs stretch out. Ruby grabs them holding his hands under the creases of my knees pushing them back to my shoulders. I bite my lip and he moves down moaning in my ear “lemme hear you baby”
Tears brim my eyes as I cry out because it feels so good. ”don’t cry mama. I got you” he kisses my cheeks.
“It feels so good” I bite my lip allowing more tears to fall as my nails scratch down his back. Ruby kisses me throwing me off with some tongue. His balls slap against my ass as he moves faster. He puts his hand on the headboard whispering in my ear “you’re such a good girl taking me like this mama” he props himself on his knees still thrusting while his other hand moves down to to my clit rubbing it.
More tears fall and a smile creeps on my face “Ruby I’m so close” I whisper
“Me too” he moans. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down as we both moan into each other’s mouths meeting the finish line.
We share the same shaky breath as I feel his body shake on top of me. He stops thrusting and now we’re back to square one just making out.
I hear keys jiggling and my eyes go wide. The front door opens and his mom yells out his name “ruby I’m back”
“Ok ma” he scrambles getting his clothes back on. Ruby move the chair from the door opening it while I’m still getting dressed. I managed to shimmy on my pants and I grabbed his textbook pulling him back down next to me acting like we were studying.
“So the atomic number for oxygen is 1 right?” His mom pops her head in a smile
“Hola Y/N”
“He Mrs. Martinez nice to see you”
“Nice to see you too sweetie”
“I love what you’ve done to your hair”
“Thank you. It takes a woman’s intuition to notice considering the guys haven’t noticed yet” I smile looking down “would you like to come for dinner”
“Yea that’d be great” I nod. She leaves and I smile at Ruby. He leans over and kisses me
“Just a heads up” I hum as he moves to my ear “if you come for dinner and sit next to me I’ll make you cum during dinner” I gasp feeling butterflies in my stomach
“It’s a deal”
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yatorihell · 3 years
In The Darkness Chapter 77 - The Visit
Noragami x Harry Potter AU
Words: 4,582
Summary: The trio visit Godric’s Hollow.
Also available on Yatorihell A03
Winter rolled in and the days blurred into each other.
Yukine’s birthday passed without much celebration – not that they had been keeping tracked of the dates in the first place. During a trip for supplies, they bought a little cake – a decadent rarity in the new travelling life they had – and presented it to Yukine at dinner.
The frustrations had eased lightly, the horcrux now being carried in their pockets rather than around their necks to keep contact to a minimum, but Yato still felt that nag that he wasn’t doing enough. If it wasn’t a glimmer of rubies, a serpent’s eyes, or his own name being whispered like wind in the eaves in his visions, it was Sakura who greeted him. A pallor like death and her face contorted, reaching around his neck before disappearing beyond the veil.
“Can you not see anything?” Yukine prodded.
Yato suppressed a groan. This became the new routine: sleep, see nothing, wake up, get questioned. He could understand the need to pick apart every part of the dreams he had, but there was nothing there.
“No, I can’t see anything,” Yato replied as calmly as he could.
Yukine huffed and fell silent.
The Sorcerer seemed to be stronger at preventing Yato see his memories. If they could work out how to destroy the locket, maybe it would weaken his defences enough to find the other horcruxes.
Yato told himself this daily, a strained belief that the first step was destroying the locket. It would be the second out of Merlin knew how many, but still, how many horcruxes could one person make? How many times could they tear their soul apart and still feel human? He could only hope there was a limit.
“I think I found a lead on how to destroy horcruxes,” Hiyori said later that evening.
Yato looked at her, eyes tired in the dying lamplight. On her lap was that infernal Dark Arts book she read through every evening, seemingly doing more to find horcruxes than he was. In her hands she held the book Professor Tenjin left her, Tales of Beedle the Bard.
Hiyori patted the spot beside her on her bed, and Yato ambled over. Yukine looked on from his spot on the floor where he’d bundled himself in a blanket.
“Look at this,” Hiyori pointed at one of the dozens of marks that had been etched over the book’s pages. A circle within a triangle, crossed through with a vertical line. He blinked at it for a minute, then looked at Hiyori.
“You know I failed Ancient Runes,” Yato said. “’Affinity for failure’, Takemikazuchi said.”
Hiyori shook her head. “It’s not a rune.”
Hiyori put down the book and refocused on the Dark Arts book. She flipped to a page and showed him and Yukine, who had finally risen to see what she was talking about. The same symbol was printed in the top right corner, besides a name in dark lettering. Their mouths fell open.
“Not the Grindelwald? Certified madman purist?” Yukine asked, craning his head to try to read the scribbled writing.
“One of the most dangerous Dark Wizards, Grindelwald believed that wizards were oppressed by Muggles and wanted to return ‘the natural order’,” Hiyori recited.
“Like the Sorcerer,” Yato said.
Hiyori nodded and continued. “He attended Durmstrang, which is famous for its relaxed approach to the Dark Arts, and got expelled for attacking students and… unethical experiments. He became obsessed with the Deathly Hallows, which is what this symbol is.”
Hiyori picked up the Beedle the Bard storybook again and flicked to the front page where they could see the same symbol.
“The Philosophers Stone, the Cloak of Invisibility, and the Elder Wand,” Hiyori pointed at each as she went. “He wanted to retrieve all three and become the Master of Death. He got as far as the Elder Wand before he was captured.”
“Then what?” Yukine asked.
“He disappeared.”
Yukine let out a breath that was nearly a snort. “That’s the Ministry for you, can’t keep hold of the Darkest Wizards.”
“How do the Deathly Hallows help us?” Yato interrupted.
He knew the Philosophers Stone was said to be used to create the Elixir of Life, giving the drinker immortality. Kugaha had revealed his own version which could contain life force derived from a soul vessel, which was the diary Yato had destroyed in the Chamber of Secrets. He doubted he nor the Sorcerer was in possession of it if he had to resort to horcruxes.
The invisibility cloak, well, there were lots of them, even he had one. But the Elder Wand was something obscured in myth, legend, and fairy-tale, like the book in Hiyori’s lap. No one knew who owned the Elder Wand due to the curse of jealousy that came with it; its owners murdered in their beds by others craving its power.
A storybook seemed an unlikely answer to destroying horcruxes, but Hiyori was thinking of the bigger picture.
“It’s not the Hallows we need, it’s the name,” Hiyori put down the book and folded her hand on her lap like she was about to reveal the biggest revelation in the world. “Grindelwald had family in Godric’s Hollow.”
Yato flinched inwardly at the village name, but it went unnoticed. Hiyori looked at them expectantly, but the penny still hung in the air.
“How does that help us?” Yukine prompted.
“Grindelwald’s symbol was in this book. Grindelwald was from Godric’s Hollow,” Hiyori paused for a moment, still seeing their blank faces.
“What if Professor Tenjin knew that he couldn’t give you the sword? What if he hid it somewhere we could find it, using the gifts he gave us?”
“The Sword of Gryffindor is locked up in Hogwarts,” Yato pointed out.
“But is it the real sword?”
Yato and Yukine paused. It was a longshot, but would Professor Tenjin have the foresight to know that the sword would be kept from them?
“Where would we find it?” Yukine asked.
Hiyori’s face fell just a fraction. “I don’t know…”
“It’s a start at least,” Yato encouraged. “You found a clue!”
Hiyori smiled gently. “Thank you.”
Yukine picked his blanket up from the floor and crossed back to his own bed. “Let’s just hope we don’t get snatched before we find it.”
The next time they had stopped for supplies was in the midst of a snowstorm.
They left their camp wrapped in hats and scarves to hide their faces and apparated. When they emerged in a sleepy village that was covered in snow, Yato recognised it instantly. The houses they passed were decked in wreaths, the front room lights glowing warm and making them silently wish that they had the luxury of a home to go back to.
Godric’s Hollow was mainly a wizarding population, and visiting wasn’t a risk they would take if there wasn’t something important hidden within.
The main thoroughfare of the village was quiet aside from the drunken cheers from the pub further down the road, but Yukine pulled his scarf around his mouth and entered the shop alone. Whilst they would apparate together, going in shops alone was one way of making sure Snatchers and snitches wouldn’t recognise three of the wizarding worlds most wanted huddled around cans of soup.
Yato looked wistfully up the road, heart hammering and mouth dry. He hadn’t been here since that day, and the knowledge of that made him feel sick.
“Do you want to visit her?”
Yato snapped his head back. Hiyori had pulled her pink scarf from around her mouth by a finger, looking at him with soft eyes. He looked back, through the snow where he could just make out the church tower standing out against the sky. Maybe the horcrux was playing with his heart, feeling its erratic beat on the underside of the locket, but pulsating need to go was enough to move him.
He nodded.
They walked silently from the shop, not bothering to let Yukine know where they were going. But either way, anyone who knew Yato would know the first place he would go, for this village just so happened to be where Sakura was laid to rest.
The church dominated the sky as they entered through the small metal gate that had become stuck open in a snowdrift. The stain-glassed windows glowed dimly, and a faint noise could be heard from inside, but they turned left and followed the hidden pathway that skirted the edges.
The small churchyard was where they had erected a headstone and said their own private mass for those who knew Sakura. Yato remembered Professor Tenjin, Kofuku, Daikoku, and nameless faces gathered around the plot of earth that held no coffin, laying late-blooming cherry blossoms atop the grass and saying their final goodbyes.
Now Yato could see that those branches were long gone, cleared away by the groundskeeper probably not too long after the funeral. A thick layer of snow capped the black stone, the golden words not quite faded yet like the memory of her voice. The flowerpot was blackened with dirt and the rainwater inside surely frozen, not that there were flowers to begin with.
They looked at the gravestone in silence, allowing the snowflakes to settle on the sleeves of their coats and star their woolly hats in multitude of fading constellations. The ringing of bells sounded behind them, and slowly, a gentle hum of singing reached them across the barrenness of forgotten souls.
“I think it’s Christmas eve,” Hiyori said gently.
Yato said nothing, just stared at the marble that listed Sakura’s name, birth and death. Underneath were the words that named her sister, friend; that was all the monument that her life held.
Hiyori quietly stepped forward and knelt on the frosty ground before the headstone. Wordlessly she waved her wand in a circular motion, a cherry blossom wreath appearing against the grave.
Yato smiled sadly at the small yet great gesture as she stood up and stepped back beside him. His hand caught hers in a silent thank you, which she squeezed in return and leaned her head against his shoulder. Maybe this was the closure he needed to clear his visions.
“Happy Christmas, Hiyori,” Yato murmured.
“Happy Christmas, Yato.”
They stayed like that for a moment longer, lingering in the comfort and warmth they gave each other. Yato’s eyes flickered up to the dark churchyard railings that divided the living from the dead. In the dying snow flurry, he could see a figure stood in the road directly facing them.
At first he thought it was Yukine, allowing them a moment's privacy to remember Sakura, but the figure was too short and had an unnerving aura to it. Yato tightened his grip on his wand but looked away, pretending he hadn’t seen the stocky figure.
“Someone’s watching us,” Yato murmured quietly, looking to the left beyond Hiyori at the rows of wonky headstones.
She looked at him, eyes wide under snowcapped lashes before she subtly looked to the railings. She frowned, her breath fogging in front of her. “Isn’t that Iwami?”
Yato allowed his eyes to slide over again, but the figure was already retreating. From a distance he couldn’t be sure, but the white tufts of hair and the small, hunched build under the coat could’ve been him. He was one of the oldest members of the Order of the Phoenix, serving alongside Tenjin in the First Wizarding War, yet he hadn’t been seen since Kofuku told them about members going missing before Tenjin’s death.
The figure stopped and looked back but continued down centre of the abandoned road.
“I think he wants us to follow,” Yato murmured. Could Hiyori be right? Was the Sword of Gryffindor hidden here all along, in Tenjin’s birthplace and already in the Orders possession? Had Iwami stolen away with it, keeping it safe under Tenjin’s orders?
Hiyori looked back up the road towards the shop. “We should wait for Yukine -.”
“It’s ok, Iwami is in the Order,” Yato cut in. He took Hiyori’s hand and started up the path towards the exit, heart beating harder.
Iwami was nearly a smudge in the snowfall, but their paces quickly caught up to him outside a derelict house on the outskirts of the village. The windows had been shattered and the door hung from its hinges, letting a small snowdrift pile up in the hallway. Bits of debris that seemed to have been thrown from the windows were strewn across the front garden and covered in a thick layer of snow.
Iwami shuffled inside, not looking back as Yato and Hiyori hung around the gate. He disappeared into the shadows of the house, not bothering to turn on any lights. They stood outside for a moment, wondering why he hadn’t greeted them nor invited them in.
“Should we go in?” Hiyori whispered.
A groaning came from inside, and Yato nodded. “He said come in.”
Yato led the way inside the house, stepping over the frozen post that had piled up on the floor and been obscured by snow of the same colour. He could tell that this wasn’t Iwami’s residency due to the smell of something foul and the moulting interior. The furniture was broken and the lightbulbs had been smashed in their holdings, leaving them in pure darkness.
Yato’s eyes adjusted and he saw Iwami’s stout, hunched figure at the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t look quite right; all shadows and lines in his face and a gait that told them he was at the end of his days. He spoke again, and Yato’s ears attuned to his speech.
“Is it here?” Yato asked quietly, matching his tone. “The Sword of Gryffindor? Professor Tenjin -.”
Iwami spoke again, a rasp that barely reached Hiyori’s ears. He turned and started up the stairs, footsteps thumping slowly and methodically with every step.
Yato looked back at Hiyori for a second and followed him.
The stairs were narrow and steep, and Yato feared Iwami may fall back at any moment, but they made it to the top of the stairs. None of the rooms Yato could see had doors, leading to gaping abysses of foreboding darkness that were barely illuminated by the streetlamp outside. He followed Iwami inside the front bedroom, wand pressed to his side.
There was a moment of silence. Yato waited patiently, but still he could feel the steady thrum of his heart against the locket, an unpleasant and agitating feeling.
“You are Yato.”
It was a statement, not a question, but Yato nodded regardless. “Do you have something for me?”
Iwami close his eyes and Yato felt an uncomfortable prickle run over his body. The horcrux jerked against his skin and the world swam in a hazy shadowed blur. Before him, Iwami’s mouth opened and his eyelids fluttered, his eyes rolling back in his head as a long tendril pushed out from his mouth. The sound of scales slithering within skin filled the room, and in the distance, he heard Hiyori scream.
The body collapsed to the floor and a serpent spilled from its mouth, slick with salvia glistening against the black scales. The same snake he saw in his visions; the same one that he saw in his bedroom at Hogwarts.
In the time it took for Yato to raise his wand the snake struck his arm, puncturing the skin through his coat.
Yato gasped, somehow keeping a grip on his wand, as its tail slammed into his stomach, a coil of muscle that sent him staggering back towards the door. He heard footsteps on the stairs, unable to call out to Hiyori and tell her to get out. The tail lashed against his ankle and Yato fell with a pained grunt. He felt the coils of scales encircle him, muscular and heavy as the serpent’s head slithered up his chest. The horcrux thrummed harder against his chest as if beating in time with the flickering forked tongue.
Yato felt his vision darkening, arms held tight against his chest, wand useless.
The snake's head darted up suddenly, fangs bared in a hiss as a spell rippled over its body. Its body convulsed and loosened, and Yato gasped, kicking his legs free and coughing. He saw the snake's body in the darkness strike at Hiyori, heard her shriek as she dodged it and flung another spell at it.
Red light briefly lit up the hallway as the snake was flung backward and narrowly missed Yato as he stood. If there was a door he would’ve slammed it shut, but instead, he watched the snake flip over the suit of skin and come at them again with renewed vigour.
Yato raised his wand, arm aching with what he hoped wasn’t poison, and bellowed, “Confringo!”
Yato threw himself over Hiyori, shielding her against the wall. The bedroom exploded. The shattered glass on the floor bounced around the room, the furniture reverberated and splintered, and in the din, they heard the snake scream.
Yato’s head split open with white noise, an unbearable searing pain against his heart forcing the world to go white as snow and then black as night.
Feet walking barefoot through rivers of blood on white marble. The steady drip of crimson running from a hand, splattering on the floor like blooming roses.
A long, elegant black wand. The word ‘Nagini’ whispered like a prayer in the language of snakes.
The feeling of ripping a soul apart and simultaneously taking one for a perverted act of Dark magic.
A woman with long dark hair crying, a ring on her finger that looked so familiar yet unfamiliar as it still contained her lover’s soul.
The locket. Grindelwald's mark. A two-handled goblet he’d seen in multiple portraits at Hogwarts. 
The serpent’s eyes, yellow and glowing like a Basilisk.
Yato came to with a start. He was in the tent, in his own bed. His coat and jumper had been peeled off and the duvet was tucked around him. From the still air, dim lamplight, and the lack of warmth in the tent, it could have been the middle of the night. A sheen of sweat trickled down his face. His sudden movement brought Hiyori to his side instantly, closely followed by Yukine. His eyes focused in the dim yellow glow as the lamp was brought to his bedside.
“What happened?” Yato croaked.
“You blacked out at the house,” Hiyori answered. She held a sponge in her hand, and Yato noticed the small cuts on her face where he failed to protect her from the glass. “Yukine heard us from the churchyard and came running. We apparated out of there before the snake woke up.”
Yato looked at Yukine, dazed. From the look on his face, Yukine was more worried than he was pissed off, but the fact that fear outweighed anger scared him.
“How long was I out?” Yato asked.
“Hours, it's nearly morning,” Hiyori dropped the sponge into the bowl of water next to the bed.
“We couldn’t get the horcrux off you,” Hiyori continued. “We had to use a Severing Charm to get it off you; it was like touching fire. And the snake bit you, so I put some salve on them.”
Yato gingerly pushed down his duvet just enough to see an angry red burn in the centre of his chest, right above his heart. His knuckles were white and cut, and the punctures in his arm weren’t as deep as they felt. No doubt the rest of his was as battered and bruised as he felt. He remembered the pulsating beat of the horcrux that he mistook for his own heartbeat, the jerking thrum it made when he was in close contact with the snake. It was as natural as it was agitating.
“Where is it?” Yato looked around, less desperately than he might’ve had if it hadn’t maimed him.
“In the bag. We’ll leave it there for a few days.”
Yato flopped back onto the bed and closed his eyes. “That was the same snake that attacked Daikoku in the Department of Mysteries.”
He opened his eyes again and stared at the canvas, feeling Hiyori’s and Yukine’s eyes intently on him. “I think it’s his pet – ‘Nagini’.”
He tasted the name on his lips. It was foreign to him, and although the thought of the most powerful Dark Wizard in the world having a pet was unthinkable, it was less so knowing that this was the kind he had.
“Iwami…” Yato asked questioningly, looking at the pair, but Hiyori shook her head.
“Dead in the cupboard.”
“It must’ve used him as a skin to lure us to the house,” Yato sighed. He dragged a hand over his face.
In his desperation to get the sword, he put Hiyori’s life at risk. He wasn’t even sure it was Iwami until he had them in the house and nearly butchered them. Even then, he hadn’t been seen in nearly a year – he was one of the members who had gone missing, presumed dead or defected. Now they knew what had happened; the Sorcerer was using their own against them.
“What was he saying to you?” Hiyori asked.
Yato pushed himself up and accepted the fresh t-shirt Yukine offered him. “What do you mean? You were there.”
“You weren’t talking English,” Hiyori countered. “It was just…”
“Hisses?” Yukine finished. They both looked at him and he offered a single shrug. “Yato speaks parseltonuge; it’s how he found me in the Chamber of Secrets. He sleeptalks it too.”
Yato rubbed his head again, feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on. He hadn’t spoken parseltongue in years, but he didn’t even realise he was speaking it when he talked to Nagini. It came so easily, like slipping into another skin and talking with an old friend. Once again, the name Yaboku was spoken in a sweetly sinister hiss that was all too familiar.
“Did you have a vision?” Yukine asked, but this time the question didn’t annoy Yato. He paused.
“I saw him.” The footsteps in blood, the wand, the voice – it was all the Sorcerer. And those flashes – Izanami wearing the ring horcrux, a two-handled goblet… “I saw his memories.”
Yato briefly described the vision, along with the new information about the goblet. Yukine frowned. “That sounds like Helga Hufflepuff’s goblet.”
It clicked into place as soon as he said it. He’d seen her portrait at Hogwarts, most recently in the Hufflepuff dormitories when he got love-potioned. A golden goblet encrusted with jewels and etched with a badger was held in her hands as she looked at him disapprovingly.
“How can that be a horcrux? Hufflepuffs cup went missing years ago, along with Ravenclaws Diadem,” Hiyori pondered.
“We know he attended Hogwarts. I wouldn’t be surprised if they went missing around the same time he left, or he was able to get in using a Vanishing Cabinet to steal them,” Yukine pointed out, folding his arms over his chest. “If that’s the case, he had possession of all the founder’s relics.”
They fell silent. Godric Gryffindor’s sword which had been withheld from them and was now lost. Helga Hufflepuff’s cup was now a horcrux. Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem had been also been lost or stolen. The Chamber of Secrets and the Basilisk was Salazar Slytherin’s ‘gift’ to Hogwarts, and was now dead. It seemed to be a personal vendetta if the Sorcerer was using Hogwarts’ own founding relics against them.
“Did you see where it was at least?” Yukine asked, but Yato shook his head in silence.
Hiyori’s thoughts cut the silence again with fresh fear. “How did we get traced again? Just like the café, something happened and they found us. Only this time they were more careful about the execution.”
Or lack of, Yato thought, but he had a point – something happened and they were followed. No one could follow their apparations unless they touched them, and if they had been sighted, Snatchers would’ve got to them before they could escape.
Yato let out a frustrated huff. “I don’t know how we were followed, but we should get going.”
“What about the sword?”
“They probably got to it before us.”
Yato kicked the duvet free, happy to see they’d left his trousers on unlike his shirt, and swung himself out of bed. He winced at the bruises on his side and nearly kicked over the water bowl on the floor before Yukine caught his elbow. Yato let out a wheezed laugh. It had been a while since he’d taken a beating; he was getting soft if a snake could get the best of him.
“Don’t suppose you know a spell to fix broken ribs?” Yato half-heartedly joked, though the thought of protruding ribs was something that could become a possibility. He looked at Hiyori and caught the secret look that passed between her and Yukine.
Yato’s smile slipped. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s another problem,” Yukine said slowly, but the words alone were enough to have a wave of assumptions wash over him in a second.
Yato looked at Hiyori, expecting her to reveal a fatal snake bite she was concealing for his own sake, or that he did indeed have broken ribs. Her eyes snagged on his and she bit her lip.
“My wand broke… when the spell bounced,” Hiyori murmured.
Yato’s heart sank. His spell blew up the room Hiyori’s wand with it – her first and only wand. His mind raced for an answer as he held her gaze, but there was none – a trip down Diagon Alley was out of the question.
Hiyori was unarmed.
They moved camp later that day, setting up somewhere in the south where there was little to no snowfall and remote enough that they would be found.
Yato found himself more alert despite his injuries, hyperaware that Hiyori had no way to defend herself. They listened to Kazuma’s radio show; first the list of the dead and snatched, then the true news updates about the Ministry. Kazuma revealed that the Sword of Gryffindor had been relocated from Hogwarts after a failed robbery, but it only disheartened them more to know it was well and truly out of reach. They pushed their stew around their bowls, lost in thought.
When night fell, Yato realised the world had shifted.
After that night in Godric’s Hollow, a silent agreement was made to share each other's company as the winter nights grew longer and colder, and the nightmares of serpents, rotting corpses and death slithered into their dreams.
Yukine pretended not to notice the first time when Hiyori sniffled and quietly slipped out of bed in the dead of night, thinking that he was still asleep. She tiptoed across the creaking wooden slats to Yato’s bed for solstice, finding the single duvet flipped already open for her to crawl in beside him. Her shivering only stopped when she curled up against him and his arm draped over her side, thumb rubbing small, gentle circles on her back as he coaxed her back to sleep.
Twinned with the warmth radiating from under his t-shirt and the steady beat of his heart, dreamless sleep eventually claimed Hiyori. Her fingers loosely clung to his bed shirt as she nuzzled into the deep smell of the boy that held her even closer than he would if she were awake.
When sleep finally claimed Yato, for the first time in weeks there was no vision.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
In which Braig brings home one egg from his errand run, Papyrus carries a lemon around, Ruby plays a board game, Roman and Snatcher attempt to play the same board game, Giovanni eats a lot of organic fruit, and the final Corona Aurora gem is in the clutches of someone who needs it in order to be shiny.
The ff.net version.
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cherrie511 · 5 years
Malfoy Manor (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Summary: (Y/N) is travelling with Harry, Ron, and Hermione when they’re captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. She hasn’t seen her lover, Draco Malfoy, since before they left Hogwarts, and she isn’t sure whether the Death Eaters have gotten to him completely yet.
Comment if you want a Part 2!
writing this made me realize that I can only write scenes with Draco in them oof 
“Come out of there with your hands up!” a voice rasped from outside the tent. “We know you’re in there! You’ve got half a dozen wands pointing at you and we don’t care who we curse!”
 (Y/N) had given up trying to fight the large wizard restraining her some time ago, and let herself be dragged and tossed carelessly like a rag doll in the Snatcher’s rough grip. Their tent was searched, wands seized, but thanks to Hermione’s rapid thinking, Harry’s face was swollen almost unrecognizably.
Her heart stopped when the Snatchers found the newspaper in their tent and examined the stretched scar on his forehead. Her mind was fogged over with fear and hopelessness, but a sentence uttered by one of the Snatchers broke through the haze: they were to be taken to Malfoy Manor.
She clenched her teeth and thanked the stars for this rare stroke of luck. If by some miracle Draco was alive and in his home, their chances of surviving and escaping increased infinitely. Once they escaped, they could go back to Horcrux hunting, and hopefully, find a way for Harry to do what he was meant to do.
She could hear the struggled sounds of her friends behind her thoughts and a flare of concern went up as Hermione tried to defend Ron from the advancements of Greyback. This didn’t allow her to tamp down the small, selfish part of her deep down was desperate to see her lover after all these months.
Their abrupt stop wrenched her from her thoughts. After the claustrophobic sensation of side-along Disapparition, the group stood at the gates of a large, dark, stately manor.
(Y/N) could feel the bridge of her nose tingling with unshed tears as she stared up at the spires. She’d been through a lot with her friends, but the realization that this would be her first time at her boyfriend’s house and her first time meeting his parents broke a different part of her heart. Here she was, bound with a wand pressed to her back daring her to make a wrong movement; while Draco was not beside her but on the wrong side, the side vouching for the death of her best friend.
She scolded herself for the superficial lamentation and thought about the torture that could result from this visit. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at her friends and prepared herself for the worst.
The gate swung open at Greyback’s declaration of having caught the Boy Who Lived and she winced as the Snatcher’s grip became almost painful walking up the path. Ghostly white shapes floated around the meticulously trimmed topiary on either side of them, but (Y/N) didn’t dare lift her head to use anything but her peripheral vision.
“Peacocks,” one of the men snorted. “Ridiculous.”
The front door opened and the Snatchers dragged the friends over the threshold. The familiar woman who opened the door moved closer to examine the four.
“We think we’ve caught Potter!” Greyback exclaimed triumphantly, eyes sparkling with malice. 
(Y/N) stared at the mother of the boy she loved. Narcissa Malfoy had features that hinted at former beauty: once luminous pale blond hair gone dull, porcelain skin that now seemed to stretch over the sharp lines of her face like the life had been sucked out.
She could see Draco in the way her lips were pursed, and the way she carried herself. Whenever Draco used to speak of his mother, he took on a certain gentleness that indicated the love between them. Narcissa now looked like a woman who feared for the lives of her husband and son daily, a woman full of fear and regret. (Y/N)’s heart suddenly ached for her and her family, caught in the middle of a treacherous spider’s web. Mudbloods weren’t the only victims of this war.
“Follow me,” said Narcissa, leading the way into what (Y/N) assumed was a drawing room. “My son, Draco, is home for the Easter holidays. If that is Harry Potter, he will know.”
(Y/N)’s heart seemed to beat out of her chest at the mere mention of Draco’s name, and she involuntarily lurched against the hold of her captor. He, in turn, dug filthy nails into the skin of her upper arm.
The room they were led into was like Mrs. Malfoy: filled with beauty that had seen better days. A large, ornate crystal chandelier hung overhead, overwrought with cobwebs but still glimmering with reflections of light.
The cold, familiar voice of Lucius Malfoy brought (Y/N) out of her trance and she shuddered at just how many qualities he’d passed to his son. She could see Draco in him as well, but colder. Darker. Less humanity in his icy eyes.
Draco walked into the room and her heart stopped beating altogether. The world ceased to spin when she raised her gaze to meet his. She searched for a sign, gesture, any tiny thing to assure her that things would be okay. It had to come. He had kissed her and told her so when they parted.
It never came.
His gaze was cold and dead, as if he’d been beaten down one too many times. There was no compassion in his eyes as he stared his former lover down.
(Y/N) vaguely thought about whether the pain in her chest was comparable to death by the Killing Curse. She lowered her gaze and let her eyes flutter shut, the last remaining drop of resilience she had in her evaporated.
Draco stared at (Y/N), working to keep his composure in front of his family of Death Eaters.
He drank in her lank and dishevelled hair, spilt and bleeding lips, tear stained cheeks. Her face and body were mottled with lavender and blue bruises, and her eyes had lost their past sparkle, but still,  all he saw was the girl he‘d been in love with for years.
Draco swore to himself that he’d get her out of this hell, no matter what it took. Steeling himself, he tore his eyes from her and focused on the murderous gaze coming from Potter’s swollen face.
 “Well, Draco?” his father asked eagerly. “Is it Harry Potter?”
 Potter’s face was blown up to twice it’s usual size, and his jaw was covered in a dark shadow. He panicked for a moment, not sure how he could go about this for the desired outcome. He pretended to observe the face, even lifting up a chunk of hair to examine the stretched but familiar lightning bolt on his forehead.
 “I… I can’t be sure.” Draco said, staring into his school rival’s green eyes. “What’s happened to his face?”
 “Looks like a Stinging Jinx,” replied Lucius impatiently. “Well? We must be 100% sure it’s him before summoning the Dark Lord. Remember what happened to Dolhov?”
 Suddenly, Greyback turned his attention to the other three teens held captive. They got excited, realizing that they were friends of Harry’s, said to be travelling with him in the paper.
 Bellatrix Lestrange bounded into the room. Her chest heaved with anticipation and she pulled up her sleeve to call the Dark Lord when her eyes fixed on a ruby-hilted sword a Snatcher was holding. She flew into a terrified fury, stunning Snatchers and shrieking for answers.
“Take the prisoners to the cellar, Greyback. Wait… except for the Mudblood,” she drawled, grabbing Hermione’s chin roughly. “We’re going to have a bit of a chat, girl to girl.”
“No- NO! TAKE ME INSTEAD!” cried Ron, trying to fight his way out of the werewolf’s grip unsuccessfully. He dragged them down a steep flight of stairs and opened a grated door with a tap of his wand.
The three struggled against the bindings after being thrown into a cellar. (Y/N) could feel Ron shaking and the panic rose inside her at Bellatrix yelling at Hermione upstairs.
“Harry? Ron? (Y/N)?” came a familiar voice from the semidarkness.
“Luna?” Harry called in disbelief as the girl stepped out of the shadows. Her arms were smeared with dust, her blond curls were limp, but she was overall unharmed.
“Yes, it’s me”
“Luna, can you help us get these ropes off?” (Y/N) asked, blinking as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness.
Luna, with the help of Ollivander, Dean, and Griphook, also prisoners, found a rusty nail and managed to cut the ropes off with the help of Ron’s deluminator.
Sliding down against the dungeon wall besides Luna, (Y/N) hugged her knees to her chest and finally let the tears roll down her cheeks. Quite sobs tore out of her chest and she flinched and gulped at her best friend’s shrill scream of pain as it echoed around the room. Ron, wild-eyed, yelled Hermione’s name, scrabbled against the cold stone wall, but to no avail. They were trapped.
Everyone’s head snapped towards the door as they heard keys jingling. All the breath rushed out of her as Draco’s platinum hair became visible in the torchlight.
Ron and Harry raised their wands, pointing them directly at Draco’s chest. (Y/N) followed suit, though her wand hand was shaking rather badly. Draco was unfazed.
“Did you really think I’d choose them over you?” he murmured, walking directly over to her and gently pushing her raised arm to her side.
(Y/N) bit her lip, hardly daring to hope.
He closed the distance between them with a step, clutching her to him with one hand around her waist and the other buried in her hair.
The kiss was desperate and untamed, making her toes curl inside her worn sneakers as they poured their souls into each other. More tears rolled down (Y/N)’s cheeks as Draco’s mouth moved against hers, trying to convey apologies and make up for lost time.
As much as she wanted to forget the world outside Draco’s familiar embrace, Hermione’s broken screams still cut through the kiss-induced fog in (Y/N)’s brain. She pulled away reluctantly, keeping herself pressed to him.
Draco seemed to read her thoughts as they all winced at another weak cry from upstairs. Fierce determination flooded his features.
“I swear, (Y/N),” he whispered. “I’ll get you out of here.”
He paused and glanced around at Harry, Ron, Luna, and Ollivander.
“All of you.”
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the-bejeesus · 5 years
      You ever thought to yourself “Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and now Persona?? Super Smash Bros. is practically an anime get together, not a video game get together” and then began to wonder just how many Smash Bros. series have an anime or manga? Well I gathered a list right here and put it in order of series, but in no particular chronological order.  This includes series that are represented by fighters, stages, music, items, assist trophies, stickers, trophies, spirits, or anything else. They all have the name they do on MAL, even if there is an English translation.
~Super Mario Bros.
-Super Mario no Shouboutai
-Super Mario Brothers: Peach-hime Kyuushutsu Daisakusen!
-Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land
(Also part of Yoshi series)
-Amada Anime Series: Super Mario Brothers
-Luigi's Toy Adventure
-Super Mario-kun
(Also part of Donkey Kong Series)
-Super Mario Adventures: Mario no Daibouken
-Super Mario 4-koma Manga Gekijou
~The Legend of Zelda
-Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina
-Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen
-Zelda no Densetsu: Fushigi no Kinomi - Daichi no Shou
-Zelda no Densetsu: Fushigo no Kinomi - Jikuu no Shou
-Zelda no Densetsu: Fishigo no Boushi
-Zelda no Densetsu: Yottsu no Tsurugi+
-Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (1992)
-Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (1994)
-Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce (2005)
-Zelda no Densetsu: Yume wo Miru Shima
-Zelda no Densetsu: Kaze no Tact - Link no 4-koma Koukaiki
-Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei
-Zelda no Densetsu
-Zelda no Densetsu: Skyward Sword
-Link no Bouken
-Zelda no Densetsu: Twilight Princess
-Metroid (2002)
-Metroid: Shounen Ou! Shorts
-Metroid Prime: Episode of Aether
-Metroid: Samus & Joey
-Metroid (1986)
-Hoshi no Kirby: Pilot
-Hoshi no Kirby
-Hoshi no Kirby: Taose!! Koukaku Majuu Ebizou
-Hoshi no Kirby
-Hoshi no Kirby: Dedede de Pupupu no Monogatari
~Star Fox
-Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins
-Star Fox: Farewell, Beloved Falco
-Pokémon: The Origin
-Pokémon XY
-Pokémon Best Wishes!
-Pokémon XY&Z
-Pokémon Sun & Moon
-Pokémon Generations
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2
-Pokémon: Kimi ni Kimeta!
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2: Episode N
-Toho Cinemas x Pokémon Go
-Pokémon Movie 21: Minna no Monogatari
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure
-Pokémon Ranger: Hikari no Kiseki
-Pokémon Housoukyoku
-Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Specials
-Pokémon Black and White 2: Introduction Movie
-Torikaekko Please
-Pokémon XY: Sora no Hahen
-Pokémon Introductory Recap
-Pokémon: Celebi Toki wo Koeta Deai
-Pokémon: Kesshoutou no Teiou Entei
-Pokémon Advanced Generation
-Pokémon: Maboroshi no Pokémon Lugia Bakutan
-Pokémon: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu
-Pokémon: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios
-Pokémon Advanced Generation: Pokémon Ranger to Umi no Ouji Manaphy
-Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai
-Pokémon: Pika Pika Hoshizora Camp
-Pokémon Advanced Generation: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario
-Pokémon Advanced Generation: Rekkuu no Houmonsha Deoxys
-Pokémon: Mewtwo! Ware wa Koko ni Ari
-Pokémon: Yadoking no Ichinichi
-Pokémon: Pichu to Pikachu
-Pokémon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokémon
-Pokémon: Odoru Pokémon Himitsu Kichi
-Pokémon the Movie XY: Ring no Choumajin Hoopa
-Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e
-Pokémon Advanced Generation: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi
-Pokémon: Pikachu to Eievui Friends
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Dokidoki Kakurenbo
-Pokémon XY: Odemashi Ko Majin Hoopa
-Pokémon: Bokutachi Pichu Brothers - Party wa Oosawagi! no Maki
-Pokémon 3D Adventure: Mew wo Sagase!
-Pokémon Best Wishes!: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom
-Pokémon Best Wishes!: Victini to Shiroki Eiyuu Reshiram
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2: Kyurem vs. Seikenshi
-Pokémon XY: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie
-Pokémon XY: Mega Evolution
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2: Shinsoku no Genosect - Mewtwo Kakusei
-Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi
-Pokémon XY&Z Specials
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Natsuyasumi
-Pokémon XY SP: Road to Kalos
-Pokémon XY: New Year Special
-Pokémon 3D Adventure 2: Pikachu no Kaitei Daibouken
-Pokémon: Pikachu to Pokémon Ongakutai
-Pokémon: Pikachu Tankentai
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi (2000)
-Pokémon: Meloetta no Kirakira Recital
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi (2001)
-Pokémon: Pikachu Tanken Club
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Natsumatsuri
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Obake Carnival
-Pokémon: Pikachu, Kore Nan no Kagi?
-Pokémon: Fushigi no Dungeon: Shutsudou Pokémon: Kyuujotai Ganbaruzu!
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Fuyuyasumi
-Pokémon: Mewtwo - Kakusei e no Prologue
-Pokémon Crystal: Raikou Ikazuchi no Densetsu
-Pokémon: Fushigi no Dungeon: Toki no Tankentai, Yami no Tankentai
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Fushigi na Fushiga na Daibouken
-Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Clip Show
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Summer Bridge Story
-Pokémon Daisuki Club
-Pokémon the Movie XY&Z: Volcanion to Karakuri no Magearna
-Pokémon Fushigi no Dungeon: Magnagate to Mugendai Meikyu
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Wanpaku Island
-Pokémon XY: Koukoku no Princess Diancie
-Pokémon: Pikachu Koori no Daibouken
-Pokémon: Pikachu no Kirakira Daisousaku!
-Pokémon  Fushigi no Dungeon: Sora no Tankentai - Toki to Yami wo Meguru Saigo no Bouken
-Pokémon XY: Hoopa no Odemashi Daisakusen!!
-Pokémon: Utae Meloetta - Rinka no Mi wo Sagase!
-Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Mega Special Animation
-Pokémon  Movie 22: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu Evolution
-Pokémon XY: New Year's Eve 2014 Super Mega Special
-Pokémon XY&Z: Subete no Nazo wo Tokiakase!
-Pokémon  Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure - Iris vs. Ibuki! Dragon Master e no Michi!!
-Pokémon Best Wishes! Season 2: Decolora Adventure - Dent to Takeshi! Gyarados no Gekirin!!
-Pocket Monsters
-Kaitou! -Pokémon 7
-Pokémon HGSS
-Pokémon Get da ze!
-Pokémon Ranger: The Comic
-Pocket Monsters Kin Gin: Golden Boys
-Kiwamero!! Pokémon BW
-Pokémon Pocket Monsters
-Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai
-Pokémon DP: Pocket Monsters Diamond Pearl Monogatari
-Pokémon Platinum: Aim to Be Battle King!!
-Pokémon Try Adventure
-Pocket Monsters: PiPiPi★Adventure
-Dengeki! Pikachu
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster AG: Mew to Hadou no Yuusha Lucario
-Pokémon the Movie XY: Hakai no Mayu to Diancie
-Pokémon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ginji no Kyuujotai
-Pokémon Ranger Vatonage the Comic
-Pokémon 4Koma Gag Battle
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster Best Wishes: Kyurem vs Seikenshi Keldeo
-Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl: Arceus Choukoku no Jikuu e
-The Best of Pokémon 4-Koma
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster Diamond & Pearl: Genei no Hasha Zoroark
-Pokémon Fushigi no Dungeon: Honoo no Tankentai
-Pokémon Colosseum: Snatcher Leo
-Pokémon: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu
-The Best of Pokémon 4Koma
-Pokémon 4Koma: Diamond and Pearl
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster Best Wishes: Shinsoku no Genesect - Mewtwo Kakusei
-Pokémon Chamo-Chamo☆Pretty♪
-Gekijouban Pocket Monsters Best Wishes: Victini to Kuroki Eiyuu Zekrom
-Pocket Monsters: Ruby-Sapphire-hen
-Pokémon 4Koma: Gold and Silver
-Pokémon the Movie XY: Ring no Choumajin Hoopa
-Pokémon Quiz Puzzle-land: Pikachu wa Meitantei
-Pocket Monsters Zensho
-Pocket Monsters RéBURST
-Pocket Monsters Horizon
-Pocket Monsters DP
-Pocket Monsters XY-hen
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster Advanced Generation: Nanayo no Negaiboshi Jirachi
-Pocket Monsters BW-hen
-Satoshi to Pikachu
-Gekijouban Pocket Monster AG: Rekkuu no Houmonsha Deoxys
-Pocket Monster BW: Enrai no Eiyuu
-Pocket Monsters HG SS: Jou no Daibouken
-Gekijouban Pocket Monsters: Celebi - Toki wo Koeta Deai
F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu
~Mother (Earthbound)
-Mother 2: Ness  no Boukenki
-Mother 2: 4-koma Manga Oukoku
~Fire Emblem
-Fire Emblem
-Fire Emblem: Hasha no Tsurugi
-Fire Emblem Gaiden
-Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
-Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
-Fire Emblem if: Nibelung no Hokan
-Fire Emblem: Ankokuryuu to Hikari no Tsurugi
-Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
-Fire Emblem: Hikari wo Tsugu Mono
-Fire Emblem: Kakusei Comic Anthology
-Fire Emblem: Kakusei Koushiki Comic
-Super Comic Gekijou: Fire Emblem
-Super Comic Gekijou: Fire Emblem - Thracia 776
-Super Comic Gekijou: Fire Emblem II - Monshou no Nazo
-Super Comic Gekijou: Fire Emblem III - Seisen no Keifu
~Kid Icarus
-Shin Hikari Shinwa: Palutena no Kagami
-Hikari no Megami
-Pikmin Short Movies
~Sonic the Hedgehog
-Sonic X
-Sonic: Night of the WereHog
-Sonic X Pilot
-Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls
(Note: Sonic characters are only a supporting role in this)
-Dash & Spin: Chousoku Sonic
-Sonic World Adventure
(Also a part of the Wario-Ware/Wario World series)
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Sonic 4-koma
-Sonic and the Black Knight
-Sonic Colors
-Sonic Generations
~Animal Crossing
-Doubustu no Mori
-Dobutsu no Mori: Hohinda Muradayori
~Street Fighter
-Street Fighter II V
-Street Fighter II Movie
-Street Fighter Alpha: Generations
-Street Fighter Zero The Animation
-Street Fighter IV: Aratanaru Kizuna
-Super Street Fighter IV
-Street Fighter II: Yomigaeru Fujiwara-Kyou - Toki wo Kaketa Fighter-tachi
-Street Fighter Alpha
-Street Fighter II: Ryu
-Street Fighter: Sakura Ganbaru!
-Street Fighter Gaiden
-Street Fighter III RYU FINAL
-Street Fighter II V Retsuden: Shouryuu Souha
~Final Fantasy
-Final Fantasy VII: On the Way to a Smile - Episode: Denzel
-Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete
-Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - Venice Film Festival Footage
-Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
-Final Fantasy
-Final Fantasy: Unlimited
-Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
-Final Fantasy VII: Last Order
-Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
-Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV
-Super Comic Gekijou: Final Fantasy - Crystal Chronicles
-Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Hatenaki Sora no Mukou ni
-Final Fantasy Reishiki Gaiden: Hyouken no Shinigami
-Final Fantasy XII-2: Fragments Before
-Final Fantasy XII-2: Fragments After
-Kyle's Final Fantasy
-Final Fantasy XIII: Episode Zero - Promise
-Final Fantasy X-2.5: Eien no Daishou
-Final Fantasy III - Yuukyuu no Kaze Densetsu
-Final Fantasy XI: The Out of Orders
-Final Fantasy: Lost Stranger
-Final Fantasy Reishiki
-Final Fantasy XII
-Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
-Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
-Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
-Persona: Trinity Soul
-Persona 5 the Animation
-Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down
-Persona 3 the Movie 1: Spring of Birth
-Persona 4 the Animation
-Persona 5 the Animation: The Day Breakers
-Persona 3 the Movie 4: Winter of Rebirth
-Persona 4 the Golden Animation
-Persona 3 the Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream
-Persona 5 the Animation: Dark Sun...
-Persona 3 the Movie Meets "Walkman"
-Persona 4 the Animation: No One is Alone
-Persona 2: Another Self
-Persona 5 the Animation Recap
-Persona 4 the Animation: The Factor of Hope
-Persona 5 the Animation: Stars and Ours
-Persona 4 the Golden Animation: Thank you Mr. Accomplice
-Persona 4 the Animation: Mr. Experiment Shorts
-Persona 4 the Animation: A Brief Lesson on Izanagi & Izanami
-Persona 4
-Persona 3
-Persona 5
-Persona Q: Shadow of the Labrynth - Side:P3
-Magami Ibunroku: Persona
-Persona: Tsumi to Batsu
-Persona Q: Shadow of the Labrynth - Side:P4
-Persona 4 The Magician
-Persona x Tantei Naoto
-Persona x Tantei Naoto
(Light Novel)
-Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena
-Persona 4: Kiri no Amnesia
-Persona 3 Portable Comic Anthology ~Dear Girl's~
-Persona 4 DNA Comic Anthology
-Persona 3: Owari no Kakera
-Persona 3: Shadow Cry
-Persona 3 Comic Anthology: Memento Mori
-Persona 4: Your Affection
-Persona 4: Yasoinaba Case File
-Persona 3 Portable: Velvet Blue
-Persona 4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
-Persona 3 Portable Dengeki Comic Anthology
-Persona: Trinity Soul - Novel
-Persona Q: Shadow of the Labrynth - Roundabout
-Persona 4 Hinotama Game Comic Anthology
-Persona 4 Bros Comics EX Comic Anthology
-Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold
-Persona 2: Innocent Sin Comic Anthology
-Persona 3 FES: Alternative Heart
-Megami Ibunroku Persona: Shadow Maze
-Super Comic Gekijou: Persona 2 - Tsumi
-Super Comic Gekijou: Persona 2 - Batsu
-Super Comic Gekijou: Megami Ibunroku Persona
-Bomberman Jetters
-Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden
-Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden Victory
-Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden
~GoldenEye 007
-007 Series
~Monster Hunter
-Monster Hunter Stories: Ride On
-Monster Hunter Episode
-Monster Hunter Epic
-Monster Hunter Trip Edition
-Monster Hunter: Senkou no Kariudo
-Monster Hunter Orage
~Virtua Fighter
-Virtua Fighter
-Virtua Fighter: Costomize Clip
Note: If you thought something to the extent of “What about the Detective Pikachu Movie” or “I thought Castlevania had a Netflix show” those are all American and/or live-action, and aren’t in this list. I might make a list for those later however.
        Anyways, the total comes out to 315, 154 anime and 161 manga. Now that would be one hell of a binge-watch/read. Imagine how long it’d take to play all the games!
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Noticias de series de la semana
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Netflix ha renovado Love and Anarchy por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Cidade Invisível por una segunda temporada
CBS ha renovado The Equalizer por una segunda temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Central Park por una tercera temporada
Amazon ha rescatado la tercera temporada de Loudermilk que no llegó a emitir Audience Network
La segunda temporada de Special (Netflix) será la última
La quinta temporada de Queen of the South (USA Network) será la última
Claire Foy (The Crown) y Paul Bettany (WandaVision) protagonizarán la segunda temporada de A Very English Scandal. Serán los duques de Argyll, cuyo divorcio fue muy sonado en los años 60.
Josh Holloway (Lost, Colony) protagonizará Duster. Será el valiente conductor de las escapadas de una banda criminal en el suroeste de Estados Unidos en los años 70.
Dakota Fanning (The Alienist, I Am Sam) será Marge Sherwood, americana viviendo en Italia que sospecha de las motivaciones de Ripley (Andrew Scott), en Ripley.
Lucy Hale (Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother) será Lake Edmunds, nueva agente de policía, en Ragdoll.
Chloe Bennet (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nashville), Dove Cameron (Liv and Maddie, Descendants) y Yana Perrault serán The Powerpuff Girls en The CW.
Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin, Kajillionaire), Jake Johnson (New Girl, Stumptown) y Kesler Talbot (50 States of Fright) protagonizarán Lost Ollie, la serie de Netflix híbrido entre acción real y animación. Serán Sharon y  James, los padres de Billy; y Billy, el niño que ha perdido a su conejo Ollie. Jonathan Groff (Mindhunter, Looking) pondrá voz a Ollie, que ha acabado en una tienda de segunda mano sin poder volver a casa. Mary J. Blige (The Umbrella Academy, Power Book II: Ghost) y Tim Blake Nelson (Watchmen, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) pondrán voz a Rosy y Zozo, una osita de peluche y un muñeco payaso que ayudan a Ollie a encontrar a Billy. La serie de cuatro episodios ha sido creada, escrita y producida por Shannon Tindle (Coraline, Kubo and the Two Strings). Será dirigida por Peter Ramsey (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Rise of the Guardians). La animación corre a cargo de Industrial Light + Magic (The Mandalorian).
Famke Janssen (How to Get Away with Murder, X-Men) será recurrente en Long Slow Exhale como la doctora Melinda Barrington, la rectora de la universidad.
Annie Murphy (Schitt's Creek, Kevin Can F*** Himself) y Carolyn Michelle Smith (House of Cards, Colony) se unen a la segunda temporada de Russian Doll. No se conocen detalles.
Connor Swindells (Sex Education, Emma.) protagonizará SAS: Rogue Heroes. Será David Stirling, un excéntrico soldado aburrido. Hospitalizado tras un ejercicio de entrenamiento que sale mal y convencido de que los comandos tradicionales no funcionan, decide crear otra forma de ataque y reclutar a los soldados más duros, valientes e imprudentes para una unidad encubierta. Le acompañarán Jack O'Connell (Skins, Godless), Alfie Allen (Game of Thrones, Jojo Rabbit), Sofia Boutella (Modern Love, Atomic Blonde), Dominic West (The Wire, The Affair), Amir El-Masry (Industry, Jack Ryan), Theo Barklem-Biggs (The First Team, Carnival Row), Corin Silva (The Bay), Jacob Ifan (Bang, Cuffs), Dónal Finn (Cursed, The Witcher), Jacob McCarthy (A.P. Bio), Michael Shaeffer (Bodyguard, The Salisbury Poisonings) y Miles Jupp (The Durrells, Rev.).
Leslie Bibb (Popular, Nobodies) y Kevin Dunn (Veep, Samantha Who?) serán Satán y Gene, el padre de Clark (Ben Falcone), que es el mensajero de Dios, en God's Favorite Idiot.
Tom Mison (Sleepy Hollow, Watchmen) participará en la segunda temporada de See.
Katrina Law (Arrow, Hawaii Five-0) se une como recurrente a la decimoctava temporada de NCIS con posibilidad de convertirse en regular en la decimonovena. Será la agente especial Jessica Knight, experta en negociación en secuestros.
Snoop Dogg (Dolemite Is My Name), La La Anthony (Power, The Chi) y Serayah (Empire) serán recurrentes en Black Mafia Family como el pastor Swift, consejero espiritual de la familia Flenory; Markaisha Taylor, esposa de un traficante de drogas; y Lori Walker, novia de Demetrius Flenory (Lil Meech).
Mark Pellegrino (Supernatural, 13 Reasons Why) se une como regular a American Rust. Será Virgil Poe, marido de Grace (Maura Tierney).
Michelle Gomez (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Flight Attendant) se une como regular a la tercera temporada de Doom Patrol. Será Madame Rouge, excéntrica con una misión muy específica pero que no recuerda.
Lexi Underwood (Little Fires Everywhere) será recurrente como Malia, la hija de Michelle Obama (Viola Davis), en The First Lady. Aya Cash (The Boys, You're the Worst), Jake Picking (Hollywood), Cayden Boyd (Heathers, Awkward), Marc Hills (Snatchers), Ben Cook (Paterno), Leslie Rodriguez Kritzer (Bridge and Tunnel), Thomas E. Sullivan (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; Roswell, New Mexico) y Patrice Johnson Chevannes (Chambers) serán Esther Liebowitz, secretaria de prensa de Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer); la versión joven de Jerry Ford (Aaron Eckhart); Michael, Jack y Steven, los hijos de Betty Ford; Martha Graham, profesora de baile de Betty en 1939; Bill Warren, el primer marido de Betty y Clara Powell, la niñera de los Ford; en The First Lady.
Shar Jackson (Moesha) participará en los episodios finales de Shameless como Constance, una prima de Veronica (Shanola Hampton) que vive en Louisville.
Adelayo Adedayo (Timewasters, Origin), Ian Hart (My Mad Fat Diary, The Last Kingdom), MyAnna Buring (Ripper Street, The Salisbury Poisonings), Kerrie Hayes (The English Game, Tin Star), Warren Brown (Strike Back, Luther), Josh Finan y Emily Fairn protagonizarán The Responder junto a Martin Freeman.
Lizzie Broadway (Here and Now, The Rookie) y Jaz Sinclair (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) se unen al spin-off de The Boys que Amazon estaría a punto de encargar.
Barrett Carnahan (Cobra Kai, Alexa & Katie), Andrea Anders (Joey, Ted Lasso), Benjamin J. Cain Jr. y Nicole Bilderback (Dawson's Creek, Dark Angel) se unen como recurrentes a Cruel Summer.
Ruby Cruz (Castle Rock, Mare of Easttown) sustituye a Cailee Spaeny en el papel de Kit, la hermana melliza del príncipe secuestrado, en Willow.
Midori Francis (The Birch, Dash & Lily), Gavin Leatherwood (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina), Christopher Meyer (Tell Me a Story, The Affair), Ilia Isorelýs Paulino (Queenpins), Lauren "Lolo" Spencer (Give Me Liberty) y Renika Williams (Over-the-Rhine) se unen como regulares a The Sex Lives of College Girls. Serán Alicia, Nico, Canaan, Lila, Jocelyn y Willow, estudiantes de Essex College.
Babs Olusanmokun (The Defenders, The Widow), Christina Chong (Line of Duty, Bulletproof), Celia Rose Gooding (Jagged Little Pill), Jess Bush (Playing for Keeps) y Melissa Navia (Dietland) se unen a Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Uyoata Udi será Inspectah Deck en la segunda temporada de Wu-Tang: An American Saga.
Joshua Caleb Johnson (The Good Lord Bird, Snowfall) se une como recurrente a Women of the Movement. Será Wheeler Parker Jr., el primo y mejor amigo de Emmett Till (Cedric Joe).
Dominique Fishback (The Deuce, Judas and the Black Messiah) será Robyn, amiga de la familia que ayuda a Ptolemy (Samuel L. Jackson), en The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey.
Sarah Catherine Hook (NOS4A2) y Imani Lewis (Star, The Get Down) protagonizarán First Kill. Serán Juliette Fairmont, una tímida y amable vampira adolescente; y Calliope Burns, una adolescente vulnerable y valiente cazadora de monstruos.
       Nuevas series
Natalie Portman (Black Swan, Jackie) y Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave, Us) protagonizarán Lady in the Lake, limited series de Apple TV+ ambientada en Baltimore en los años 60 y adaptación de la novela de Laura Lippman (2019). Serán Maddie Schwartz, un ama de casa y madre que se reinventa como periodista de investigación tras un asesinato sin resolver; y Cleo Sherwood, una mujer muy trabajadora que combina la maternidad con varios trabajos y la meta de ayudar con el progreso de la comunidad negra en Baltimore. Escrita por Dre Ryan (Colony, The Man in the High Castle) y Alma Har'el, dirigida por Har'el (Honey Boy) y producida por Ryan (The Man in the High Castle, The Exorcist), Har'el, Portman y Nyong'o.
Kaley Cuoco (The Big Bang Theory, The Flight Attendant) protagonizará y producirá una limited series sobre Doris Day. Basada en su biografía 'Doris Day: Her Own Story' escrita por A.E. Hotchner (1976). Producida por Warner Bros TV y Greg Berlanti (The Flight Attendant, Brothers & Sisters). Aún no hay cadena asociada.
Will Forte (The Last Man on Earth, Saturday Night Live) protagonizará y producirá Expiration Date, drama de Peacock sobre un hombre roto que considera suicidarse para que su familia pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro y planea qué hacer en el año que todavía debe permanecer con vida. Escrito y producido por Harry y Jack Williams (The Missing, Liar).
Peacock encarga Langdon, serie precuela de The Da Vinci Code y adaptación de la novela de Dan Brown 'The Lost Symbol' (2009) en la que Robert Langdon (Ashley Zukerman; Succession, A Teacher) deberá resolver una serie de rompecabezas mortales para salvar a su mentor y frustrar una escalofriante conspiración global. Completan el reparto Valorie Curry (The Following, The Tick), Rick Gonzalez (Arrow), Eddie Izzard (Hannibal, Powers) y Sumalee Montano (This Is Us, Scandal). Escrita y producida por Dan Dworkin y Jay Beattie, guionistas de Criminal Minds y Revenge y creadores de Scream y Matador. Producida por Dan Brown, Brian Grazer y Ron Howard, que ya produjeron las adaptaciones cinematográficas de The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons e Inferno.
FX ha encargado nueve episodios de Fleishman Is in Trouble, limited series sobre un cuarentañero recién separado y con hijos cuya esposa desaparece sin dejar rastro y deberá afrontar qué pasó con su matrimonio para saber qué le ha ocurrido a ella. Escrita y producida por Taffy Brodesser-Akner y basada en su novela (2019).
ITV encarga tres episodios de The Tower, thriller criminal en el que un policía veterano y una adolescente mueren al caer desde lo alto de un edificio en Londres mientras quedan vivos en la azotea un niño de cinco años y una agente novata que desaparece horas después. Adaptación de 'Post Mortem' (2015), la primera novela de la saga de Kate London, antigua agente de la Policía Metropolitana en la unidad de homicidios y delitos graves. Escrito y producido por Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Person of Interest) y dirigido por Jim Loach (Save Me, Victoria).
Amazon desarrolla Women of the Year, antología adaptación del proyecto 100 Women of the Year de Time. Cada episodio se centrará en una mujer. Creada y producida por Alma Har'el (Honey Boy).
OWN ha encargado The Kings of Napa, drama sobre una familia afroamericana cuyo patriarca abandona la empresa de viñedos dejando a sus tres hijos luchando por el control. Escrita por Janine Sherman Barrois (Claws, Criminal Minds) y producida por Oprah Winfrey. Matthew A. Cherry (Hair Love) dirigirá los dos primeros episodios.
Amazon desarrolla The Wives, thriller sobre una mujer localmente enamorada de su marido, aunque sepa que tiene dos esposas más que ella no conoce, que un día entabla una relación con la más joven y comienza a preguntarse quién es su marido exactamente. Adaptación de la novela de Tarryn Fisher (2019). Escrita y producida por Kayla Alpert (Code Black, Ally McBeal).
Searchlight Television ha adquirido la saga de novelas fantásticas The Inheritance Trilogy, donde los dioses moran entre los mortales y una familia poderosa y corrupta gobierna la Tierra, para su adaptación televisiva. Producida por Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith.
Bradley Walsh (Doctor Who, Coronation Street) y Joanna Scanlan (No Offence, Hold the Sunset) serán Pop y Ma en The Larkins, dramedia adaptación de la novela 'The Darling Buds of May' (1958) de H.E. Bates para ITV. Sabrina Bartlett (Bridgerton, Victoria) será Mariette Larkin, una de los seis hijos de esta familia de clase obrera. Tok Stephen (Grantchester, Holby City) será Cedric 'Charley' Charlton. Escrita por Simon Nye (The Durrells, Finding Alice). Producida por Bradley Walsh. Seis episodios.
Peacock desarrolla Wild Cards, adaptación de las novelas de George R.R. Martin que desarrolló previamente Hulu.
ITV encarga seis episodios de The Ipcress File, adaptación de la primera novela de la saga de Len Deighton (1962) protagonizada por el espía Harry Palmer (Joe Cole; Gangs of London, Peaky Blinders). Completan el reparto Lucy Boynton (The Politician, Sing Street), Tom Hollander (The Night Manager, The Missing), Ashley Thomas (Them, Top Boy), Joshua James (Industry, Life), David Dencik (Top of the Lake, Genius) y Tom Vaughan-Lawlor (Dublin Murders, Love/Hate). Escrita y producida por John Hodge (Trainspotting, The Beach). Dirigida y producida por James Watkins (McMafia, Black Mirror).
HBO Max desarrolla Enjoy Your Meal, comedia que examina satíricamente la cultura tóxica de la industria food media. Inspirada en los escándalos del verano de 2020 en adelante, se centrará en un grupo de jóvenes asistentes negros que se alzaron para destrozar la cultura corporativa. Escrita y producida por Amy Aniobi (Insecure). Ryan Walker-Hartshorn (Bon Appétit) servirá como consultora.
ABC Signature y Searchlight Television han adquirido City of Ghosts, la novela de Victoria Schwab (2018) que sigue a una adolescente que se ve inmersa en una épica batalla entre fantasmas y humanos, para su adaptación. Escrita por David Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon) y Sehaj Sethi (Two Sentence Horror Stories) y dirigida por Lowery (A Ghost Story, Pete's Dragon). Producida por Schwab y Gerard Butler.
ALLBLK ha encargado seis episodios de Lace, que sigue a una prolífica y exitosa abogada de Los Ángeles (Maryam Basir) que no respeta los límites entre el bien y el mal al proteger a su rica y poderosa clientela. Completan el reparto Skyh Black (Sistas), Tanyell Waivers (Queen Sugar), Antoine Harris (Ballers, The Breaks), Terrell Carter (Empire), Leonard Roberts (Heroes, American Crime Story), Kellita Smith (The Bernie Mac Show, Z Nation), Shanti Lowry (Family Time, The Game), Chris Attoh (A House Divided), Nate Walker, Jordan T. Johnson, Taylor Bynoe, Mollie Dolcimascolo y Isaac Stephen Montgomery. Creada, escrita y producida por Katrina Y. Nelson y Michelle Ebony Hardy y dirigida por Jamal Hill (Deuces, Brotherly Love).
Grace se estrena en ITV el 14 de marzo
La tercera temporada de Family Reunion llega a Netflix el 5 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Queen of the South se estrena en USA Network el 7 de abril
Them llega a Amazon el 9 de abril
La quinta y última temporada de Van Helsing se estrena en Syfy el 16 de abril
La segunda temporada de Bigger se estrena en BET+ el 22 de abril
La segunda y última temporada de Special llega a Netflix el 20 de mayo
Tráilers y promos
Line of Duty - Temporada 6
Family Reunion - Temporada 3
Van Helsing - Temporada 5 y última
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rubys-forest · 1 year
Snatchuby doodles!! Yippie!
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Close ups below!!
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33 notes · View notes
rubys-forest · 1 year
smooching time
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37 notes · View notes
rubys-forest · 1 year
they're inlove your honor
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rubys-forest · 1 year
Snake tongue hours
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Ruby.exe has stopped working
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rubys-forest · 1 year
Omg I think she's gotta crush
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rubys-forest · 1 year
🌹 - Ruby jokingly compares Snatcher as a corpseflower but in reality, Ruby compares Snatcher to roses, which is pretty basic. Mainly because of how the thorns in her opinion reminds her of Snatcher's toughness and cruel persona, but if you get past the thorns and to the actual flower, there is a pretty man deep inside💕
👖 - Yes!! Ruby has wore some clothes that Snatcher had that he doesn't normally wear anymore due to his noodle like self. Though, whenever Snatcher goes humanoid she also snatches those clothes. She likes wearing them because they're comfy, also because she likes to comment on how goofy they looked.
💄 - Dates that involve harassing strangers/hj. On a serious note, Ruby loves taking Snatcher out on picnic dates, along with dates that involve light shows(which is more her manipulating fire and changing its color to impress Snatcher). She even sometimes gathers souls she's collected and gift them to Snatcher, other time it's little trinkets she finds. Snatcher enjoys taking Ruby stargazing up on the top of his mushroom home, gazing at the constellations in the sky and watching Ruby get shocked when she finds one. Though, the two's ultimate goto date is just cuddling and maybe watching a movie in the kids' ship.
🔮 - Ahhh!! Ruby has thought her and Snatcher's future multiple times!! Though, she knows that not much will really change, they'd still be in the forest since she and Snatcher ARE dead. But she definitely dreams of having a family with Snatcher, as Ruby is a BIG family gal. The two of them practically already have kids, example being Hat Kid and Bow Kid, but kids of their OWN ghostly blood? She REALLY wants that. Of course, she needs to talk about Snatcher with that...but it's nice to dream, isn't it?
❤ - Ohhh the confession!! I actually posted a story on ao3 about Ruby confessing to Snatcher, though I dunno if I like the original idea lmao. But, Ruby was the one who initiated the confession. She was nervous as all peck, to the point the ground was burning around her. It was in this surprisingly really nice part of the forest with flowers and a few roughpatches. She tried her best to actually state a nice loving statement but got nervous and just blurted out that she really liked him. Snatcher was very- flustered lmfao. He didn't know what to say at first and melted into a puddle(literally), but once he got his composure he explained he did reciprocate her feelings hdhdb
Thank you for the asks anon!! This was fun to do, I miss talking bout these nerds 💕
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rubys-forest · 1 month
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other doodles below!
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