#snipe snipe binch
pikadxart · 1 month
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Rescue Team ORB here to ponder your orbs, and rescue you or whatever
Ray leads the team, and used to be human
Flora is the partner, ready to follow behind Ray wherever he goes
Binch loves rocks, and will snipe you with them if they deem you a threat
Funk is ready to throw hands whenever, and will whack you over the head with his leek before you can react
Rescue Team ORB at your service, just send a letter
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bigmack2go · 9 months
I dont think we talk enough about how almost all the newsie shipnames are actual words!! Like I actually fucking just love that so much
It makes me so happy
A list -not all are included and i dont ship them all but they exist and yeah…-:
Jelly (david jacobs x jack kelly) (aka javid/javey)
Space (spot conlon x racetrack higgins) (aka sprace/cock😒/hinlon)
Blush (kid blink x mush mayers)
Jackpot (Jack Kelly x Spot conlon)
Redfinch (albert dasilva x finch whateverhislastnameis)
Rally (Racetrack higgins x jack kelly)
Jam (Katherine pulitzer x sarah jacobs) (aka karah/newsbians/satherine)
Purple (Ractrack higgins x spot conlon x albert dasilva) (aka Spralbert/robot/ralbot)
Robot (also racetrack higgins x Albert dasilva x spot Conlon) (aka spralbert/ralbot/purple)
Crack (crutchy morris x jack kelly)
Joy (tommy boy x jojo de la guerra)
Joke (jojo dela guerra x ike)
Lovebird (romeo lastnamesareoverrated x finch whateverhislastnameis)
Sponge (spot conlon x crutchie morris
Dutch (david jacobs x crutchie morris)
Itch (itey x snitch) (aka snitey)
Crunch (crutchie morris x finch whateverhislastnameis) (aka crockedbird)
Rave (racetrack higgins x david jacobs)
Bell (buttons davenport x elmer kasvrac) (aka blume/belmer/belmeruttons)
Blume (buttons davenprt x elmer kasvrac) (aka bell/belmer/belmeruttons, aka butter)
Dill (darcy reid x bill hearst)
(Idk why but ialmost wrote „darcy hearst and bill pullitzer“ than realized what i did and full on confidently wrote „billy elliot“ instead of bill hearst)
Smile (snipe wah x smalls lastnamewho)
Hike (Ike reed x hotshot hotshot)
Buttery (??) (Bumlets definitelyhasalastname x skittery skeedattle)
Smelly (smalls lastnamewho x jack kelly)
Soundtrack (Racetrack higgins x albert da silva) (aka ralbert)
Dove- (Davey Jacobs x Oscar Delancy)
Butter (buttons davenprt x elmer kasvrac) (aka bell/belmer/belmeruttons, aka blume)
besheet?? (dutchie and specs (apperantly))
Butterfly (skittery skeedattle x bumlets definitelyhasalastname x swifty fan) (aka bumswiftery)
Bitch (finch whateverhislastnameis x buttons davenport) (aka binch)
Decs (dutchy dutchdutch x specs cantseelol)
Hotspot (Hotshot Hotshot x Spot Conlon)
Oh and bonus:
Fireball (Flames Krocki x Tic hasalastname™️)
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hadani · 6 years
dina’s weaponry of choice: sniper rifle or a metal baseball mat.
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105ttt · 6 years
Me: *Exists*
Sniper: It’s Free Real Estate
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missionled · 4 years
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02. MOMENT OF TRUTH:   the second most important thing to know about my portrayal is that while my connor deviates, it is not because of markus, but because of hank.   in other words, what’s a stupit binch like me gotta do to get some plot-heavy connor / hank interactions    a big reason for this is because i didn’t like that cage had boiled down connor’s internal struggle to a simple choice between deviating and not deviating.   also, wouldn’t it have been cool as fuck if we had been given another chance to deviate at a later point in the story ?—— that’s what this headcanon is all about !!
another point to address before delving too deeply into this headcanon is that in my portrayal, the revolution takes place over half a year ( exact period undecided ), mainly because the idea that a revolution could happen in a period of seven days is unrealistic in my opinion, and the other reason being that a longer time period allows for more investigative buddy-buddy connor / hank and connor development in general !
i’ll eventually get to a drabble ( like 1. THE HOSTAGE in -52’s pages ), but what happens is that after deciding to, in cage’s terms, ’ remain a machine, ’ connor fails to find markus and is forced to evacuate jericho.   scene next, and we have connor preparing to snipe markus from atop a roof.   he’s stopped by hank and connor lets himself get interrupted only because it’s hank ( imo, if he was stopped by captain allen and crew, he would have just ignored them and made the shot, consequences be damned ).
-52 pleads with hank, appealing to their friendship before hank accuses him of having faked all of his emotions and not even knowing the meaning of friendship.   this deeply hurts -52, who proceeds to talk and then insist about hank’s dead son.   with neither side willing to back down, a brawl ensues, with connor overpowering hank ( minus shooting hank or repeatedly beating hank’s head against metal ) and dangling him off the edge of the building.   MOMENT OF TRUTH, CONNOR, hank goads him, and it’s in that moment that something within -52 shatters and he starts tearing up.   as desperate as he is to fulfill his life’s purpose, he’s unwilling to kill his only friend for it.
however, before hank can acknowledge how utterly torn connor is, connor yanks him back over the edge and tosses him to the side. ’ killing you … is not a part of my mission.   i’m glad to have met you, hank. i … hope you can one day move on from what happened to your son. ’   and then he leaves.
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doppeldonger · 6 years
Anything you can do I can do better except it's Rhys and Aurelia and it's more like Anything you can buy I can buy cooler and then passively agresssively sniping at the others poor taste
I read the beginning of that sentence and legit thought you were challenging me like, “anything you can do i can do better” I was like “BINCH LETS GO IT’S AN SFM SHOWDOWN” i am so sorry asdfghjk
Listen Aurelia probably has years of practice with being the rich spoiled brat, she’d annihilate Rhys in 2 minutes. Imagine him running to his fancy turbo mansion and grumbling to himself all day “Oh she thinks she’s better than me just because she just offered dollars to buy Promethea... joke’s on her! I’ll buy it for dollars and 1 cent!”
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n-pacerloveblog · 6 years
I’d forgive n-pacer for sniping me cus big homo babey
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confusedreety · 6 years
48 & 52-55 for grimma and zeka!! (rundola too if u want :,3c)
my two most awful gremlins!! ty!
48: How would your character type? 
lmao if you can imagine it, he’d type like a mixture of scottish twitter posts and key-smashing and XD emoticons.
“akshdskajdJKHDA omfg cheers m8 yer a real laff xD”
52: How would your character act in gym class? 
he tries so hard but is so bad ajhdksd A for Effort, grimma. trips and falls in track and field, sent to the nurses office after getting sniped in dodge ball, misses every single swing in baseball, nearly snaps a leg cross-country skiing.
53: What clubs would your character join? 
DRAMA lmao more specifically, he’d probably join improv. from what i witnessed of my highschool improv team, he seems like he’d thrive lol
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
oh god the poor boy just wants to be accepted and have friends, he wants to BE somebody and to feel he matters. he leaves home with those goals in mind. the saddest thing is that he never gets these things–his friends always leave (either because of him or of their own volition), he’s perpetually an outcast and despite his best efforts he somehow always messes his chances up. he never gets to be somebody, never gets to be a hero, and is ultimately just another casualty. no happy ending. and to boot, his mother will never know why her son didn’t come home :c
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge? 
oh absolutely, he’d do it even if it wasn’t a thing lol
48: How would your character type? 
the thought of zeka using a computer and having internet access scares me lol her typing style would probably be pretty inconsistent, switching between like ajhdjakshd casual chat/keysmashing typing and formal correct grammar and shit in the same sentence. pretty reflective of her personality lol
52: How would your character act in gym class?
no mercy!! its kill or be killed in this gym class. rules are only suggestions. she’s probably the one who sniped grimma and sent him the nurse during dodge ball (and thought it was hilarious).
53: What clubs would your character join? 
probably science club (alchemy club if magic is a thing?), cause she’s into that kinda stuff. she might also join student council or something since she likes having power.
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
maybe the saddest thing about zeka’s life is her immortality curse? she’s immortal but she’s cursed to be a rotting corpse more or less (think barbossa and his crew in the first potc), so she’s not technically…alive? and she’s not a heartless psychopath, she’s fully capable of forming relationships and loving friends and partners. but since she’s immortal she’ll have to watch them die. there’s no way for her to stop this cycle of losing loved ones, except to close herself off from forming relationships/bonds altogether.
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge? 
she a petty binch, she’d not do it just cause it’s a charity.
now for rundola too!
48: How would your character type? 
like Your Dad Using Facebook basically lol also lots of ellipses. i dont feel like rundola would be very computer savvy or type much outside of work related stuff.
52: How would your character act in gym class? 
he doesnt wanna be there! please don’t pass him the ball! Rundola would rather have extra homework than be forced to participate in gym class. if he gets hit in dodge ball he just lays where he falls and doesnt get up in. if the teachers wanna make him do gym they got a lot of work ahead of them lol
53: What clubs would your character join? 
maybe book club? i think he’d like science club too, since he likes science experiments. is pre-med club a thing?
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
oh poor rundola. i think the saddest thing about his life is that he doesnt really…wanna live it? he struggles with depression and apathy for a long time, and feeling guilty about living while his squad mates died. he’s not actively suicidal per se, and like, he loves his work, he loves nat, he loves his friends but?? he kinda feels like doesnt want to be alive?
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge?
totally would.
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kellyntime · 4 years
180 personality swap this fucker grew wings outta his ass, proceeded to prove he still had a stone cold stick up there, and then went to throw hands with some kids
and if the kids can’t live up to your moon fairy magic booty’s standards Everyone in the World loses a part of their memories??????? bro oh ma god, what happened to you??? your dad had to build in a revive bc he knew u a lil feathered binch. like cmon, give the kid a chance or maybe a heads up
u too ya lion mf, a hey u gotta put em up with my buddy here if you put your autograph on the dirt card ha ha wouldve been nice
how many times has this judgment come to pass????? if it wipes the memories of those you like most, then this emo(oon) bugger was probably just waiting to beat the crap out of anyone for like a century lol sad bunny just wanted to forget, wah
best way to fuck w my hesrt strings is to target anything with memeries involved. tomato walking past gutted me. got mc fricken sniped by the clamp crew, thanks ladies.
anyways credits are going. as much as i love emo moon man (put on some shoes bro), hurry up and give me my soft boi bunny back
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
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This intro is SO dumb (seriously WTF. That all happened really fast and for no reason??) but I already love my bitter, emaciated Vera
going against my usual “Magnus Rushes In” style to try a stealth/sniping build with high intelligence/agility/luck, cuz this lady isn’t going to be punching anybody to death anytime soon. binch needs to SLEEP
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alliluyevas · 7 years
TOP 5: movies/tv shows you saw in 2017, Books you read in 2017(or can be a Top 10 if you have more than 5). Top 10: Characters of 2017, Things you want to achieve in 2018 and beyond
top five movies/tv shows i saw in 2017 (both new releases and things I saw for the first time in 2017)
hidden figures
rogue one
October by Sergei Eisenstein
the mountain between us
I didn’t watch all that much new stuff this year honestly :(
top five books read (for the first time) in 2017
THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV (forgot i read this in 2017, seems like ages ago)
war and peace!!
the entire series of unfortunate events which I’d never read before
i literally can’t remember anything else that I read for the first time this year and really loved…I am SO bad about reading new stuff, I just read the same damn things over and over.
i did read lots of good new historical sources tho and parts of tons of books that I sniped off of googlebooks but I didn’t really FINISH a lot of stuff rip
top ten characters of 2017 (new characters i guess)
Zuko fskjgkjh
Pierre Bezhukov
Alyosha Karamazov
Ivan Karamazov
Dmitri Karamazov
shoutout to all the folks from rogue one ilu too
top ten things i want to do in 2018 (good one!)
have a BOSS ASS time studying abroad in Russia
write my senior thesis and have it be extremely good and also have a good experience writing it in general
finally get into a Smithsonian summer internship after applying and being rejected two years in a row
visit Nadya Krupskaya’s grave when I’m in Moscow
see more ballet!!
become more powerful and gain the admiration of my professors
read more books
continue to develop a more positive relationship with my brother
hang out with my friends more
try to be positive change in the world and improve people’s lives
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usagiberry · 7 years
Get off my snipe point, binch. 
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nitro-nova · 5 years
tumblr staff’s “get that nitro nova fucker. kill that binch.” david himself wants to put the pillow over my face to take me out. the sysadmins found this account and tried to snipe it but it missed and they accidentally shut down the ymca ah shit now it’s no longer fun to stay at the
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monstergoreguts · 7 years
1-5, 8, 11, 47-53, 65, 75. 99?
Oooh fuck, thanks m81. Who is your defensive main?Widowmaker2. Who is your support main?Mercy (devil Mercy that will kill a binch)3. Who is your offense main?McCree 4. Who is your tank main?D.va (the only tank I'm good at lmao)5. Who is your main main?Hanzo but Widow is like right behind him.8. Which character you dislike the most?Mei, seeing her freeze you with a smile on her face makes me so mad. Idc about annoying tracers or genjis it's Mei who's the worst.11. Which is your favorite map?Hanamura, but Anibus came in second. I like the defense for sniping it's 10/1047. favorite voice line? I dreamt I was a butterfly - Zenyatta48. favorite player icon?Calavera 49. favorite emote?Protecter - ana "LOOK AT MY BABY!"50. Favorite spray?Take it easy- McCree mmmmmm boy howdy51. Favorite victory pose?Ready for battle- Mercy (bc I'm a battle Mercy)52. Favorite highlight intro?Shh.. -Ana (I have wasteland skin on her and so it's v creepy and v good)53. Characters you ship the most?Widowreaper and mchanzo65. Best ultimate?Self destruct, clear a room/point or for the shits in giggles throw it stupid places75. Weirdest thing to happen to you on overwatch? Reinhardt charged me as widow, I killed him just as he grabbed me a hammer pinned and killed me. I was confused so was the Rien.99. Is there a hero that you'd get rid of? Mei, I don't care for her in the slightest.
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cypher2 · 7 years
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adawong · 7 years
a to z asks
tagged by @cleyra
A (age): 24
B (biggest fear): never felt that... never been through that...
C (current time): 2:23pm
D (drink you last had): water
E (easiest person to talk to): @prettysuited
F (favorite song):  6 INCH - Beyonce
G (grossest moment): don’t be checking for my life but probably when i accidentally grabbed a spider trying to open the window
H (horror yes, horror no): horror YES
I (in love with): me bitch tf i look like?
J (jealous of): i’m not jealous of nobody but i LOVE that song called jealous by beyonce. y’all should listen and while you’re at it listen to her discography
K (killed someone): ya i once sniped a white lady trying to revive her fallen teammates on the battlefield from halfway across the map. her name was mercy and my name is widowmaker
L (love at first sight or should i walk by again): i can’t read suddenly, i don’t know.
M (middle name): elijah
N (number of siblings): 7
O (one wish): i wish people minded their damn business
P (person you last called): chinese takeout 
Q (question you’ve always been asked): "do you play basketball/football?|
R (reasons to smile): me!!!!! binch!!!!!!! smile for myself!!!
S (song you last sang): i lip sang formation in the shower if that counts
T (time you woke up): 6:44AM lol
U (underwear color):  black :/
V (vacation destination): the bottom of the ocean (in a casket)
X (x-rays I’ve had):  teeth, various other shit that i forgot
Y (your favorite foods): pizza, rice, any type of pasta tbh.............. seafoood....
Z (zodiac): capricorn
I’m tagging: @cystalreeds @araneahighwind @x-23 @hwoaarang @moonshields @starukos @evarma @gardevoirs @timcanpy
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