#sniper doesn’t think he deserves scout
scootsroo · 6 months
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I wanna ruin our friendship
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pyro-the-maniac-woooo · 2 months
Sure! I’d love to hear your specific pros and cons for your teammates!! ^^
Scout⚾️- 7/10, Pro: he’s really fast and is good in combat. He’s also good at pep talks Con: He’s kinda mean
Spy🗡️- 7/10, Pro: very stealthy man, very good in missions. Con: I don’t really talk to him that much. I don’t dislike him though. -1 point because I hate enemy spies.
Medic⛑️- 10/10, Pro: Very nice to me, extremely helpful to the team. He definitely deserves more recognition. Con: I guess the whole “mad scientist” thing. Also he doesn’t have a medical license.
Sniper🎯- 8/10, Pro: Nice to me, cool accent. Con: I just don’t really talk to him that much. He also talks to himself sometimes.
Soldier🇺🇸- 8.5/10, Pro: He’s good at keeping the team in check, very passionate. Con: Loud, kinda mean sometimes, doesn’t like anyone that’s not from America.
Heavy🥊- 9/10, Pro: Very good defense, good at baking and cooking, nice to Medic⛑️. Con: He can also be a bit loud, I think he avoids me a lot.
Demoman🧨- 9/10, Pro: Really nice, cool accent, good in battle. Con: He talks nonsense sometimes and walks funny, Medic⛑️ says he’s drunk. Doesn’t eat normal food.
Engineer🧰- 10/10, Pro: Very nice to me, he’s like a father figure. Sentries and other machines help a lot. Con: ummm… I guess he was mean to Soldier🇺🇸 a few times. And his sentry guns keep getting broken by spies :(
That’s everyone!
[Mod: this is completely based off my head canons, apologies if it’s not completely accurate. Also I don’t have the heart to say anything bad about Engie, he’s just a sweet guy.]
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Ello! Can I ask for some hcs-?? Some hcs of the mercs with a friend that likes to just spoil them, maybe with food or drinks, anything- just because they like being generous,
Mercs with a pal that spoils them!!
this was rlly fun tbh... thank u anon :3 we need more like friendship with these guys i think
uh no warnings, just sillies!!
Honestly I don’t think he’s used to getting spoiled, but the gesture is definitely welcome
His first reaction is to try and do or get something in return though you have to remind him that it was simply an act of kindness and he doesn’t owe you anything.
Though when you continue to spoil him by getting small gifts, buying him food, he gets a little embarrassed, but he’s still very grateful.
First reaction is to hug you, though it’s really stiff and bone crushing.
Maybe make him dinner, even feed it to him. He’ll be a bit reticent but trust me, he’s very happy. 
He’s trying to keep up his belligerent and manly front, but fails horribly when you appear with a little gift in hand. He’s probably giggling like a school girl and twirling the straps of his helmet.
Oh get them some treats and they will adore you for it.
It doesn’t have to be big to mean something to them, they appreciate it big time.
Definitely squeezes you in a hug, you had to go to medic afterwards because they broke a rib or two.
They’re very happy… will try ‘n get you a silly gift later as well
A little sheepish while accepting a gift, but still very grateful. He’ll probably try insisting that he doesn’t need it, though once he finally accepts it he’s super happy.
Might tear up a bit but hides it very well. 
He’s so used to constantly giving, so receiving something for once kinda confuses him.
Just pamper him with homemade food and whatever trinkets you find that remind you of him, he’ll get giddy about it.
Silly guy…. Ily demoman *smooch*
He’ll definitely be confused but when you explain it’s just to show appreciation he smiles softly.
Perhaps a pat on the back and a few words of gratitude.
If it’s an object, he’ll put it on a shelf where he can see it frequently. He’s very happy about it…
Maybe go and get him an ice cream after a mission.
Oh he’ll give out a hearty laugh. He doesn’t usually get lots of gifts so he feels very appreciated…
Will ruffle your hair and tell you how much he loves whatever you got for him.
If it’s a treat or food he’ll, he’ll enjoy it just as much and be sure to tell you how he enjoyed it afterwards.
He probably needed it too, he gets quite caught up in his work so it probably helped with his hyperfocus.
Oh he doesn’t deserve this… is what he’ll say,though deep down he knows he deserves everything in the entirety of ever. But… this will suffice.
He’s happy about it, very happy. 
Kinda like Engie in the way of being very grateful, albeit a little grumpy, that he hasn’t been overly consumed by his work and instead surprised with a small thing.
Grumpy yet whimsical old man, he’s very glad and will put it on the windowsill where he can see it.
A gift…? For him? 
So incredibly awkward he does not know what to do. Hug…? No, pat on the head…? Uhh… he’ll settle for an odd side hug. 
He wants to show and say how happy he is about whatever you brought him, but he is terrible with words.
It’s ok though because you can understand and just glad that he’s happy with it.
He’s usually the one to give gifts, so this is a nice change for once.
Whenever you give him something, he always keeps that persona of indifference and aloofness, but you can catch a quick smile if you pay enough attention.
He won’t stay for long or give you a grandiose reaction, but he does make sure you he’s very thankful and appreciative for going out of your way for him.
He’ll probably be up for a while thinking about it, maybe even be a little nicer to you as a treat.
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quotidianish · 2 years
uh uhhhh a the uhh
the tf2s are terrorized by a big scary monster living in the base,, and when they find it it turns out to be like, a possum or something . That might be silly uhhhh
oh oh uh everybody shows their appreciation for miss pauling,, because she’s pretty epic and she deserves some I think
medic and heavy try to have a nice date and everybody keeps on interrupting them and eventually they just give up
engineer and medic invent some stupid shit together honestly just more engineer and medic friendship would be epic
sniper scout and demo all apart are smart in their own rights,, but when together 1 braincell,,,
hmmm uhh. ,, , heavy helps spy learn Russian? Or maybe heavy doesn’t know spy can speak Russian so he insults him one day and spy insults him back
scout and spy do a father-son activity ,, but not because they wanted to do father-son bonding ,it was by accident. Like scout was rambling about baseball and spy said it was stupid so he was like, oh yeah? Bet you’re just jealous, and spy retorts by saying he can throw and scout bets him and they end up playing catch lmao
more trans soldier,,, for the funsies
sniper and demo argue about cryptids and which ones are real or not,, and which animals are real or not because a lot of Australian animals totally sound like cryptids
tired medic,, I know he’s probably on cocaine like twenty four seven or however you say it, but he’s gotta run out at some point
engineer gaming losing his mind !!!! ho boy that’d be scary I think,
pyro’s parents are coming to earth to visit them and they’re like some sort of cosmic-lovecraftian-horrors ,, peeping the horror am I right or am I r anyway scout can handle these man-made horrors just fine maybe you have a skill issue or something
demo listens to breakcore,, I know it’s not like invented for like another million years but idk I think I’d be silly and I think he’d like it
scout learns how to read yayyyyy he reads his first book or something maybe like the ones with the silly golden retriever you know the ones,, like uhh hmm let me search it up OH THE DOG’S NAME IS BISCUIT !!! Yeah the biscuit books,, the I Can Read! ones
movie night !! Its spy’s turn to pick the movie but nobody except heavy and soldier like it and scout starts to argue and eventually they end up with pyro picking the movie like always. (They just put on golden girls episodes’ or something)
Demo is secretly a painter,, more specifically an impasto painter. Pyro finds out and is amazed and asks him to help them learn how to paint. Demo lets them touch the paintings. (impasto paintings are meant to be touched ,,I mean how could you look at all the epic texture and just not. come on now)
I wish I had more but that’s all the thoughts my brain will let me think tonight, hope these help and stuff!! Also I love your art and your memes are so fucking funny,, your headcannons are very epic too,,,, hhhh goodnight I have to sleep now it is 4 am oh nooooo
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Ohhh all of these headcanons are so good…. Especially love the scout + spy father son bonding activity. Aggressively chucks ball at his da’s crotch. Swings bat and accidentally managed to bash his son in the face. At the end they have achieved a new level of understanding with one another. Btw medic’s proposing to heavy on that one where the offense class is stalking out of a bush. And thank you so much man <333 these headcanons are fire too 💥💥🫡
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Tf2 frozen yogurt audacity scale
Spy 1/10
He eats like a gentleman. No toppings, no mixing, no creativity.
He gets a single cup of a single flavor like pomegranate or coffee and eats it. Then he throws his cup and spoon away.
He doesn’t even like frozen yogurt that much.
The only reason he’s not a zero is because he tries several different flavors. Never stuff like birthday cake or cotton candy, though.
Pauling 2/10
Girl just wants some fro yo. She deserves it too.
She’s nice to the workers and polite and happy when eating.
She likes plain vanilla but with lots of fun toppings. She tries out different topping combinations each time. She’s careful to keep it balanced so she can still taste the yogurt, though.
Sometimes, when she’s getting it by herself, she makes faces with the toppings.
Heavy 3/10
Very similarly to Miss Pauling, he’s nice and also happy to be here.
He likes getting flavors with chocolate in them like cookies and cream or just plain chocolate. He doesn’t usually get toppings but prefers the fresh ones over the candies when he does.
He’s got more of a savory tooth than a sweet one.
The uptick in points is because he has and will destroy people in an eating contest if challenged. Scout was dumb enough to do this once. Scout had a stomach ache for a week and a very broken pride.
Scout 5/10
Eats exclusively carnival flavors like birthday cake and cotton candy. Often gets several flavors and stirring them into some marshmallow-y mixture.
He usually just gets plain rainbow sprinkles as a topping. He’s here for the ice cream, not the toppings.
You’d think he’d be higher on the list but honestly most of his audacity comes from his attitude, not his order.
That being said, he is very much his usual self while out eating. Zero manners. He talks with his mouthful and he talks a lot. Pastel spots end up everywhere and his shirt always gets stained, no mater how hard he tries. Even when he’s consciously being careful trying to prove a point to spy, somehow something ends up on him.
He also will get multiple cups.
Demoman 6/10
His usual is pistachio, coconut, or lime.
He douses it with alcohol. You know what “two shots of vodka” vine? That’s him with his fro yo.
He stirs it until it’s a liquid and chugs it rather than eating it with a spoon.
All together, it’s a pretty ordinary and good confection. If he weren’t making it right there in the middle of the restaurant + doing it every single time there’d be nothing audacious about it.
Soldier 6/10
Blueberry, strawberry, and vanilla. Every. Single. Time. He has not eaten any other flavor of frozen yogurt in his life.
Demo tried to get him to try coconut or pomegranate (to keep the red/white/blue) but he absolutely refused.
He gets white sprinkles on top as well.
On occasion, he eats his cup. (This accounts for about 80% of his grade.)
Sniper 7/10
He just likes fruit. He gets every flavor of fruit and eats them all separately as he can, no mixing. He gets fruit toppings on the side.
The reason he’s so high on the list? He takes a spoonful and dips it into coffee before eating it. He doesn’t get coffee flavor; he brings his own cup of actual coffee and dips a single spoonful of a single fruit flavor into it before putting it into his mouth.
Points off because this man eats like a shadow. He is the quietest most inconspicuous eater in the world. Not exactly because he’s polite, just because he’s used to keeping himself unnoticed.
Engineer 9/10
He only gets one or two flavors, usually something along the lines of peanut butter and/or caramel.
His costs over double the amount of everyone else’s once it’s weighed.
He builds a castle of frozen yogurt in his cup. He is putting actual architectural math into his creation. It’s gotten ridiculous. Like, several feet tall ridiculous.
He then stacks hard toppings on top of his mountain to make it even taller. It isn’t even wobbly. It’s a structural masterpiece.
He never finishes. He doesn’t need or want that much, he just thinks it’s fun to see how much he can fit inside one cup.
Pyro 10/10
Contrast to Engie, Pyro’s costs half as much as everyone else’s just from how much of their cup is full of toppings. It’s so light.
They’ve got everything. Every version of sprinkles, chocolate, boba, whipped cream, candy, and marshmallow. Every offered sauce and syrup. It’s not frozen yogurt so much as it is sugary soup with a tiny dollop of yogurt on the bottom.
What flavor they get—if they get any yogurt at all—doesn’t even matter. It’s been drowned beyond recognition.
The kicker? They eat it hot, often times burnt, heating it up themself with their torch. IF they even eat it at all. Sometimes they get carried away and are happy focusing on the fire. The employees are too scared to kick them out despite (and because of) the open flames.
Medic 12/10
This man is a monster.
His cup is filled with flavors that should never go together. His cup is full of flavors they don’t even serve. Nobody knows how he gets them.
His concoction smells like scented hand sanitizer.
He delightfully eats the whole thing pleasant and polite scoop by pleasant and polite scoop as if it were an ordinary cup of frozen yogurt and not something that could be used in chemical warfare.
He likes to sprinkles a bit of peanuts on top. If Archimedes is with him he’ll get a small side of them for him.
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simp999 · 1 year
Philia: Platonic Love. Dexx / Sniper
Wc: 2.5k
Cw: alcohol consumption, drunk characters. (Affectionate)
A/n: Okay so. Dexx is my Tf2 OC(@emotionally-creative-rogue), and the Sniper featured in this fanfic is meant to be @emotionally-alive-sniper - beloved friend Electro's. We chat often and thanks to his silly ideas on what Sniper would be like when tipsy; here we are.
A/n 2: I know what I usually write is x Reader stuff- and that will continue to happen! But I've been wanting to test the waters with OC stuff as well, so I'll leave a section of my masterlist to Dexx for the time being.
[kinda related drawing at the end!!]
Themes: Comfort, fluff
Taglist: @electro-omen
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a slow and quiet night at the base- well, as much as it could be. Light, muffled stomping could be heard through the walls as Scout ran around, and Soldier’s voice projected off the walls as usual. It was all white noise at this point.
Dexx had grown used to the chaos for the most part. It was calmer than usual as this was everyone’s first ceasefire day in a while- a deserved break that everyone seemed to be taking advantage of in their own ways. Dexx had gotten lots of drawing done during the day, along with some target practice. Now he wore some big, baggy pants, and his purple pajama top with moons littering it- not fully buttoned up, of course; as if he’d ever wear an outfit properly.
But now he sat in bed kicking his feet, bored, plushie in hand. They couldn’t quite place their finger on the feeling. Loneliness? No- well, he was used to being alone, and rather enjoyed it. But as out of character as it might sound, he craved interaction. No- that’s still not right. He doesn’t want to play a game of darts or poker with everyone, but he also doesn’t want to stay alone sitting in his bed. Just what is it?
He hopped out of bed, carefully placing the plushie near his main pillow and just barely covering it with his blanket, offering it a small pat. He slowly walked around his room, looking for something to cure his boredom. They didn’t really want to focus on one specific task per se- just something to occupy their mind. At a time like this, usually, something like hand puzzles or difficult riddles would be his go-to, but it wasn’t exactly a brain workout that they were looking for. Just something to occupy his body. Something mindless, even.
As he came across his desk, he saw a drawing that Pyro had come to make earlier of the two of them hugging. He absentmindedly smiled at it. Pyro sometimes swung by simply for some parallel play; it was well-known that the two artists would often hang out. It’s still odd to think how quickly they seemed to attract to each other since their first meeting. But luckily for Dexx, he managed to befriend the Pyromaniac without effort. Not to mention, it was definitely better to have them call you a friend rather than a foe. 
Pyro told them that he could keep the drawing, and he was glad to do so. That’s when he noticed that there was no date attached. So he took the nearest marker and scribbled a very small date in the corner. He then absentmindedly pocketed the marker.
Bored, so bored, but his mind was a tad too tired to want to feel occupied. He wouldn’t’ve been able to put proper effort into a drawing, puzzle, or story if he tried. He heard a constant static ringing in their ears, but that was normal. It was always there, but there were some times when it was more tuned in than others. Luckily, it wasn’t all he could hear today. 
He let out a breath as he debated facing the mercs. Not really interacting with them- just wanting to make it to the fridge, but who knew if he was gonna get stuck in a sudden conversation or ‘side quest’. He was comfortable enough lying down in his bed for the rest of the night; his lights were already off, after all.  Only a small desk lamp that often stayed on was illuminating the room in a warm glow.
He considered his options.
Eh, maybe they’ll find a bag of chips or something. Nothing sounds perfect- no texture sounds necessarily good at the moment, but just anything to keep busy. He wasn’t tired enough to sleep; it was more of a mentally, comfortably drained rather than physically. He’d just like to end the night in a calm way.
Eventually, they looked back to the plushie that was tucked in on their bed and decided to make their way into the hall, with no exact destination set. The plan was the fridge, but the night could guide him anywhere.
Thankfully, nobody forced a conversation. He received a wave from Engineer which he returned and softly smiled at, and Scout had run past him asking for help while being chased by Soldier to which he replied; “Sounds like a personal problem to me,” With a grin. 
Once he found himself a bag of chips to snack on, he once again felt somewhat lost. They surveyed the area, checking in to figure out what each of the other mercs were up to. He leaned against the wall as he grabbed a small handful of chips. Nothing interesting, everyone seemed to be up to their own devices. However, three people were missing. Medic, who was most likely hidden away in his lab, Spy, in his smoking room, and Sniper. In his van. Or maybe out for a walk? Or at one of his sniping spots? Hm. Funny how all the support classes always hide away.
Now that the thought crossed their mind, the night air did sound somewhat refreshing. He’d seen that it was a clear sky too, and he wasn’t one to miss an opportunity to admire the stars. 
With his bag of chips in hand- some stuffed in his cheeks- he chucked on a pair of boots, not bothering to properly tie them up as he was only going to walk to Sniper’s van. Presumably. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Soon, a soft, lazy knock reverberated through Sniper’s van. There appeared to be no lights on, but Dexx knew better. The moonlight was light enough that night as is, and he wasn’t one to oppose living in the dark. He understood. Hell, he rarely had their own lights on- sensitivity and all that. It was better with them off- fewer headaches and whatnot. 
It wasn’t rare for Dexx to pop up unannounced. Still, it wasn’t a nightly occurrence, but Sniper knew to not need to be too cautious anymore. Which is why Dexx silently questioned why it took a little longer for him to come to unlock the van’s door. Did he hear stumbling? Ah well, doesn’t matter.
“Hey, Roo.”
Sniper stood, leaning on the doorway.
Dexx’s voice was muffled as he spoke with his mouth full. A few moments, a swallow, and he spoke up again.
“Ya gonna let me in?” 
They gestured behind Sniper with a nod of their head. Sniper seemed a bit… dazed? Didn’t seem like something to worry about, though. It wasn’t a surprise that he had a shitty sleep schedule too- so the possibility of him being sleep-deprived was there.
“Hm..? Oh! Uh, yeah. C’mon in.” 
Sniper slightly stumbled aside to let Dexx in. His speech was a little slower than usual.
Dexx raised a brow as he hopped into the camper, silently offering Sniper the bag of chips. They kicked their boots off and took the bag back before making their way over to Sniper’s couch/collapsable table. He comfortably lay back, letting his left arm drape over the back of the couch, and was tempted to kick his feet up if the couch weren’t so small. That’s when he noticed the ‘issue’.
“Ohhh, that’s what’s goin’ on.”
It took Sniper an extra few seconds to process what Dexx was talking about, before his gaze landed on the few emptied bottles of beer, one recently opened. 
Well, making the most of their day off, huh? It did no one any harm, after all. And they weren’t one to judge.
Sniper’s gaze lowered, even though he had nothing to be embarrassed about; Maybe it was Dexx’s tone that made him uneasy. But he was quickly reassured when the recently opened bottle was suddenly in Dexx’s right hand, then brought to their lips. Before taking a sip, he caught the way Sniper was looking at him and spoke;
“You don’t mind, do ya?” 
Sniper shook his head, and Dexx took a swig. It wasn’t too late in the night anyway, and Dexx wouldn’t mind the static getting blurred for a small while. He trusted Sniper, after all.
Sniper sat beside Dexx, letting himself relax into the couch. He was aware that the both of them hated small talk with a passion, so he opted to stay quiet. It was more comfortable that way. Until Dexx broke the silence.
“Ya seen the starts tonight?”
He shook his head. He hadn’t left his camper since before sundown.
“Should. Sky’s clear, and they’re pretty as always. Can see a buncha constellations.”
Sniper half nodded. He enjoyed checking out the stars as well, but he honestly felt more comfortable staying right there. Though, he could have probably been sitting more comfortably. As he was considering moving, Dexx gently threw his legs over Sniper’s lap. The pressure was surprisingly nice, and it allowed Sniper to lean back more comfortably. He copied the way Dexx rested their arm over the back of the couch. 
A radio played quiet music in the background, the current song being ‘Cooler than me’. Slowly, the static tuned out. Dexx closed his eyes and lay his head back to appreciate the quietness of his mind. Though he could never hope to imagine it’d be silent, comforting white noise was the best he could get. He could hear the warm buzz of the fridge, the crickets outside, the radio that sometimes cut for a moment. They got to relax and enjoy it. 
Maybe tonight wouldn’t be so bad.
“Yer handsome. An’ a lil’ blurry. But real handsome.” 
Dexx opened an eye to focus on Sniper. Did he really just say that? It wasn’t exactly a big deal but… what could have spurred this on?
Was all that they could manage. Primarily, he was confused. Unused to such random compliments. But he was also glad. Reassured. In some odd way, at least this meant that Sniper was comfortable enough with their presence.
“Jus’- don’ have the guts ta say it. Usually.”
Oh, that’s right. Forgot about that.
Dexx let out a light chuckle at the realization. Sniper’s just a little less reserved, and a little more relaxed right now. 
“‘Preciate it. You’re not too bad yourself.”
Dexx took another swing.
“...I don’t think you get it. You’re..”
He struggled to find the words that were already meshed together.
“I admire the way you… present yourself. Without a care in the world of what others think. You don’t care about your image.”
Sniper spoke slowly and slurred, it still wasn’t the exact phrasing he had hoped for, but he couldn’t muster any better at the moment. Dexx closed his eyes and thought for a second. With a low hum, he spoke;
“Can I let you in on a secret?”Sniper nodded, even though he wasn’t exactly expecting an answer. He was content without one. Dexx twirled the liquid around in the bottle and focused on it.
“I do care. As much as I like to say fuck what others think, I value the opinions of people I care about.”
Another drink, and he set the empty glass down.
“But- usually, the people I end up caring about seem to like me too for some odd reason, so it works out.”
Sniper tilted his head to the side and burrowed a brow, trying to put the words together.
“Don’t take shit from the people that wouldn’t offer you good.” 
A few minutes of comfortable silence pass. Dexx gently moves the small curtain of the window aside to gaze at the stars while Sniper’s still hooked on Dexx’s words,
Has he ever offered Dexx any good, though? Now that he thinks of it, he hasn’t done all that much, right?
“...Does my opinion matter to you?”It doesn’t take any time for Dexx to come up with an answer. 
“‘Course, Dee. I don’t think y'know how much you’ve actually helped me. I’ve learned to trust a lot more reliably now more than ever thanks to you.”
The confusion on his face only showed more. They didn’t give any examples; it just didn’t make sense. Dexx quickly caught onto his expression.
“Do you not remember the times you managed to help me escape the crowd? Don’t think I miss the way you’ve saved my ass with a few lucky shots, too,-”
“-But I think my favorite part is when I get to just… be with you. Hang out in the same room. Doesn’t matter if we talk- or even interact at all. It brings a great deal of comfort to me." He takes a small breath in.
"You make me comfortable.” 
Dexx took a moment to plan out his next sentence; it was beginning to get a little fuzzy, now.
“You just… being there improves my mood.”
Dexx closes the little curtain and allows his newly blurred gaze to focus on Sniper.
“So… thanks. For being around.” 
Sniper couldn’t help the way his gaze softened. 
Maybe professionals don’t have to have standards- just for a night.
Dexx wiggled around a bit, noticing how sore their back was getting. They sat up, stretching out their legs a bit as well as their back before trying a new position. But that still wasn’t comfortable enough. So they tried a new one. One more try, and he gave up. He stood up, wobbled a few feet, and then plopped down on Sniper’s bed. Sniper let out a quiet chuckle at the sound of the bedsheets being disrupted.
“Ya gettin’ tired, Stardust?” 
Dexx replied with a muffled voice, but raised his head to repeat himself.
Once Sniper stood up and stumbled over, Dexx properly sat up and laid his back against a pile of pillows that he had adjusted. Which left no pillows left to lie down on,
“N’ where m’ I s’pose ta lie down?”
Dexx opened his arms to Sniper.
“Said c’mere.” 
Dexx didn’t wanna force Sniper into any physical contact if he didn’t want it, which is why he wasn’t initiating it outright. Sniper followed through though, and sat beside Dexx, taking a moment before properly laying his head on their chest. Dexx could now rest his head atop Sniper’s, and Sniper could hear their heartbeat. They sat like this, enjoying the not-so-silent silence together. This also allowed Dexx to easily clasp his hands together as a light hug.
“‘Preciate you, Dee. So much.”
Dexx mumbled against his hair, struggling more and more to find sincere words, but he did his best. Dexx broke his hold on his own hand, opting to gently cradle Sniper’s instead.
They were both in desperate need of someone to simply be there for the longest time. And here they were, finally finding each other. There was no pressure. Neither of them cared for any stupid romantic relationships, but they both just needed attention. 
Was that so difficult to understand? 
A friend to cuddle and stargaze with? 
Someone to trust? 
That’s all. 
The next lines were hushed, but still comprehensible;
“Luv ya, Stardust.”
“Love you too, Dee.” 
Is platonic love so hard to understand?
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anonymous-astronaut · 2 years
hear me out: the mercs (plus miss Pauling) on a undercover mission on a candy and chocolate store?
Delicious! For creativity reasons I’m saying they all have to pretend like they work there cause I think it’s funny
He is really really bad at acting undercover, and he keeps stuffing every pocket he has with candy when he thinks no one is looking. Scout didn’t get a lot of candy as a kid, at least not any that he didn’t have to share with eight brothers, so it made him kinda protective over his goodies. He’s like a damn chipmunk with his grabby little hands. If someone (probably Heavy) picks him up and shakes him upside down , it would rain like a hilariously disproportionate amount of candy. He is constantly getting off track and is so distracted he might actually forget he’s on a mission and decide he works there instead.
At first he tries to take the mission very seriously, but he attracts chaos like moths to a lamp and is physically incapable of acting like a normal human being for longer than two seconds. No one would believe he works there, but people start to think maybe he’s an inspector making sure they have a license or something. At some point HE starts to believe that as well, and starts investigating if the store is up to code. Things go south really fast, and he probably ends up making weapons out of candy and trying to wage a war on the people who are just shopping for candy with their families.
In spite of the suit, they actually blend in really well! They are jolly and helpful, and seem to love candy even though no one ever actually sees them eat any of it. They get along well with everyone that works there and shops there, and they are great with kids. Pyro is getting everything they need to do done while still being a joy to be around. No one (including the other mercs) has any doubts when they appear to know their way around the entire store. It’s almost like they’ve been here before.
Honestly, he likes pastries and cakes more than he likes candy, and I don’t think his folks took him to a lot of sweet shops as a kid. The store is just not really his jam. He’s had costumer service jobs before, so pretending to work there is no fun and he gets bored pretty fast. If Soldier has any ideas for how to start shenanigans, Demo is all ears and will quickly turn to the side of chaos.
He doesn’t fit in. I mean he tries to, he takes the job seriously and he wants to be good undercover, but he’s just too noticeable/intimidating for a candy store. He is very blunt and his isn’t particularly great with children, and that doesn’t always go over well for customers. He ends up feeling kinda awkward the whole time, and has to baby sit the more wild mercs as always. He is not having fun, but he might sneak out a few of his favorite treats to enjoy later in private if they’re available.
Engie :
A little hospitality goes a long way here. He’s so amicable that he can sweet talk his way into or out of anything, so he’s great at being friendly to costumers. It’s just a job to him, maybe a little bit of a strange one but he likes a good challenge. He has a bit of a sweet tooth that he is super embarrassed about, so it’s not the worst location on the planet. He’ll get himself something nice for the ride home, he deserves it.
According to him, Sniper should be in the building across the street watching through a scope in the second story window, not undercover and interacting with people. He hates it. Children scare him a little, and he is 100% uncomfortable about everything and makes no effort to try to hide it. This genuineness and air of a desire to leave is exactly what makes him the most believable customer service worker of any of the mercs, so people keep thinking he actually works there and talking to him. He ends up spending half the time just working at the candy store instead of doing his undercover mission because he’s so busy and he’s too awkward to say no. The manager says they’ll see him the next day, he leaves very confused and not sure if he accidentally got a second job or not.
At first Medic thinks this whole ordeal is beneath him, and there aren’t even any fun and morally questionable experiments for him to do. But then he kinda starts to get into it, he remembers going to sweet shops in Germany as a kid and he totally leans into his role as an eccentric candy store employee. The kids are a bit scared of him and he can’t figure out why, but he has a lot of fun and treats himself to some of his favorite sweets.
Spy :
He has to take this as seriously as he would any other mission, but he absolutely hates it. This man is seething. Getting into character mean putting on a ridiculous candy-man uniform and smiling at children. I’m just picturing him trying desperately to cling to his mysterious vibes but he’s dressed up in a stupid candy store outfit with a big smiley face hat or something. He can’t pull off the enthusiasm that is expected of someone who works there, and the result is what looks like a wet cat in a Halloween costume depressedly handing out candy. He takes a smoke break and someone who actually works there comforts him and listens to his woes while he gets all dramatic about it.
Miss Pauling:
Miss P is a little stressed having to herd the Mercs like cats, but she can’t help the fact that she thinks this job is a fantastic one. She doesn’t get vacation time so she just tries to have fun on the job when she can, and she views this as one of those opportunities. She loves the store employee outfit, she likes seeing kids and customers happy, and of course she loves the candy. As long as nothing blows up and she doesn’t have too many bodies to chop at the end of the day, she has a great time.
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noisyjoj · 1 year
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A spin-off web novel by Youssef Hegazy
As the sun rose to the top over the desolate wasteland, the outskirts of Washington came into view. Once a thriving capital city, it was in ruins, a mere shadow of its former self. The streets were littered with debris and remnants of buildings that have long since crumbled. A sense of eerie silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant sound of scavenging creatures, bullets echoing, and the occasional gust of wind.
Guard posts surrounded the area standing tall on a hill, every few meters there was one, the dusty skies spoke in moans and groans on what once was the world before, as an old man on his death bed reminiscing about the old days, some would think that this land was forsaken by God a long time ago.
“Bogie, 30” square to the right of that stop sign” “Affirmative, I got’em”
Up one of the guard posts stationed on the top of the hill, two men kept peeled eyes on the landscape before them, broken roads, rusty hunks of steel and engines resting on all sides, and a traveler, with an eyebot keeping them company.
“One female, early 20s, no weapons visible, one eyebot, doesn’t seem hostile.” “Roger, count that in, keep an eye on them.”
Edwin Blutarch was a seasoned sniper hired by Camp Leaf as one of the guards, some patrol on the ground, he and his spotter, Jacob, on the other hand, keep it tight on top of that decrepit wooden tower surrounded by barbed wires.
“Doesn’t seem like a threat to me…I think she’s just passing by..” “What if she’s a spy? maybe a scout for some gunners or something...”
If ordered to fire, it wouldn’t be Edwin’s first time pulling the trigger on an unsuspecting soul, many people died on these roads, some didn’t deserve it, but he wouldn’t know, to him, a good soldier follows orders, and orders are what brought him peace in this world.
Through the scope attached to his semi-automatic combat rifle resting on the wooden floor of their post, Edwin saw a young woman walking cheerfully with a large backpack, a weirdly warm smile on her face beneath the bangs of her short black hair her eyes looked at the sky with the fascination of a child, she was humming to herself something, seems like the eyebot hovering around her was playing her a song she enjoyed, it echoed throughout the dead silence of the area.
Her glimmering smile, her dreaming eyes, and the subtle way she moved and swung in excitement when the song beat rose, the closer she got, the louder the instruments echoed, it seemed like a rhythm and blues kind of song, then Jacob looked at his left leaving his binoculars for a moment to check on their radio if it worked, seems like the festive fever has caught up with the man. “If Commander Sandler hears Three Dog howling from our post again, he’ll make us sleep with the Brahmin..” “Eddy, please…don’t bring his mother into this…”
Jacob turned back to adjust the radio frequency to Galaxy News, random chatter and mostly white noise filled the post, Edwin followed the traveler with his scope step by step, he couldn’t get his eye off of her and the eyebot, his mind was flooded with nostalgia, warmth, soon guilt, grief started stabbing his heart, the shotgun shell he took in the chest in DC didn’t hurt as much as what he felt at that moment, still…he just couldn’t stop himself from looking at her.
“I think the radio’s busted…no good..gotta borrow one from Freddy later…” “I don’t think “borrow” is the right word…” “Your back still sore from that time? I told you old lady Guinness wouldn’t give us that pie.” “yeah, and you stole it, and somehow! I got caught up in your bullshit.” “And I am the bad guy? I am bustin’ my ass up here with you! And I haven’t eaten since breakfast, and I all had was iguana bits!”
“You thank God up in heaven for those bits, I told you Margret was bad news!” “She and her dad can kiss my ass, that guy can’t cook for shit anyway.” “Well here you are hungry for that meat like a cheerleader with her boyfriend’s football team, also I couldn’t help but notice you bringing a lot of behind stuff into your words, I don’t know what you’re into, but keep it away from me, please.” “Well, you learn to share your food!” “Well, you think twice before flirting with the mess guy’s daughter!”
“Oxide 1, Derpy, and Sector 4, action spotted on the eastern front, how copy? over.” A third voice shouted through the intercom strapped on the men’s military rags, a distressed speaker tried his hardest to sound stoic and calm.
“Derpy, action spotted on the eastern front, how copy?! over…”
“Roger that, Covenant, sending in, over.”
With their fiery red exoskeletons and venomous stingers, fire ants crawled from beneath the sand and rocks and struck the traveler and her eyebot companion, their mandibles were sharp as razors, capable of tearing through flesh and bone with ease, and it wasn’t long before the young woman was shooting at them with an automatic laser gun, sparks of bright red flew all over with fire breath from the ants constructed a spectacle in the area, the eyebot flying across shooting the ants with its built-in laser blaster. Jacob looked at the fire erupting from the monstrosities and then looked into his binoculars again. “Wind, left to right.” “Got it, locked on.”
“Send it” A 45 bullet blasted through the muzzle with a large bang hitting a fire ant just above the mandible. “Bullseye!” A hot bullet casing flew from the receiver, as Edwin readjusted from recoil.
“Bogie, the girl’s 3 o'clock!”
“Locked on!”
“Send it!”
Another bullet flew to hit the ant just on the ocelli, then he realized that the snipers from the neighboring towers were finishing off the swarm, one of the ants was speeding to the woman’s back and about to jump on her from behind, but the eyebot was busy finishing off another with her, Edwin fires without preparation and the shot lands right next to the ant’s left leg, causing a gush of dirt to cover it from his sight.
An ominous guitar riff echoed across the field amidst the chaos followed by a .44 magnum bullet flying off taking the attacking ant’s entire head with it, the shot came from nowhere, and the puzzled sniper looked around searching for the gunman but to no avail.
“...Did you hear that??”
Jacob looked momentarily at his fellow guard and then looked back through the binoculars, the ants were almost wiped out, but one last ant was breathing fire relentlessly at the eyebot, as the laser blaster kept firing at it, the young woman shot a plethora of laser shots at the ant before it finally crumbled, the fire was still on the eyebot, turning it insane, it hovered around aimlessly, low and high, hitting the ground beneath it and then rising again producing clouds of sand with how fast it rotated around itself.
“Aww…this ain’t good..” “SHOOT IT DOWN!”
Edwin immediately aims at the flanking robot out of control in hopes of dropping it from the air, one shot, misses, another land on its front speaker, then it turns sideways, the relief the two felt was short-lived as it flew all the way in their direction, it disappeared from their sight for a split second before the entire tower is shock with fire and a blast wave hits them, they both spectated with wide-open eyes as they fell down the hill filed with steel barbed wires and sharp rocks.
“Oh SHI-”
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Here's the web novel cover I made for this!
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 2 years
Liar Liar, Scout's for Hire.
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45342025
by YourFriendlyNeighborhoodJerichoFan
Most everyone likes to think they’re the best Liar they know.
The mercenaries of Teufort have a very good liar in their midst, Spoiler alert, it's not who you think.
Everything's unraveling, the team is in danger of being separated, one of their own doesn't trust any of them and everything is breaking.
And Demo is the one who has to fix it, why? He doesn't fucking know but is willing to pass the bar to anyone else willing to take lead? Please?
Words: 4570, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Lies? In My Scout? More likely then you think.
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Brothers (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Mr. Bidwell (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Demoman & Scout (Team Fortress 2), Scout & Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout & Scout's Brothers (Team Fortress 2), Scout & Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Mother/Spy (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Identity Reveal, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Lies, Fluff, Humor, Panic, Demo is panicking, but doesn't want to be, Scout is lying, Scout is good at lying?, Self loathing Medic, Pryo is experiencing several feelings, most of them are AAAAAAHHHHHHH, Heavy is now 2x more protective, he didn't know he could do that, Sniper is slightly concerned, but mostly amused, this is the funniest shit he's seen in years, Engi is Pissed, Ms. Pauling is scared, Mr. Bidwell is about to clock the administrator in the face, someone stop him, he's gonna break his hand, I WARN YOU NOW, I am going to make Scout's Ma cry, It's gonna happen idk what to tell ya, Scout doesn't deserve this, please let him rest, Spy is Scout's Parent (Team Fortress 2), the accents are written, i like reading Demo's accent fucking Fight ME, I'm the one writing this I can do what I want.
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/45342025
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team-funnymen-2 · 3 years
Habits the mercs have!
(because all of them are Hashtag Neurodivergent. I work at valve trust me) - Scout, when he buys any candy, will eat them in order of colour. He usually starts with red, since he doesn’t really like artificial strawberry and the taste it leaves in his mouth, and will work up to blue because who doesn’t like blue flavoured things? - At each base the mercs travel to, Soldier always leaves some sort of mark. Be it a hole in the wall or an oddly polished tree branch, there’s ‘mark’s at every single location. He does this as his own little calendar in a way, i.e ‘hey, when did Medic fall out of a tree? Oh, it was around the time I painted a patch of the wall green!’ So he’s always quick to remember. - Pyro has a strong hate for drinking lukewarm water. Cold? Fine! Boiling? They’ll need a trip to Medic, but fine! But do NOT offer them lukewarm water. They hate the way it tastes like nothing. All-round picky eater, dislikes oddly specific meals. - Everywhere they go, the team always brings a bottle of Demoman’s favourite cinnamon-scented soap. He will not bathe otherwise. Even though the scent rubs off by the next day’s battle, he absolutely insists on packing it. In dire straits he will settle for other flavours, but by no means will he ever use plain soap.  - Heavy HATES most wool items. They itch and scratch so bad!! How do people live like this!!??! He’s had no choice but to wear them throughout his childhood, so he thinks he deserves to be a little picky. He’ll happily wear merino or non-sheep (i.e angora rabbit) wool however! - If Engineer gets dry dirt on his hands or in his boots in any non-urgent situation, count him out for about five minutes. He has to go thoroughly wash his hands several times over, and clean out his boots if need be. He loathes the stuff.
- Medic has a deep hatred for pot noodles. Usually he loves pasta, but will not touch anything from that cursed polystyrene cauldron. He loves chicken noodle soup, AKA basically the same thing, though. It can be a real trouble when he’s on the move and needs a quick bite to eat, because it’s often all the team has.
- Like Medic and Pyro, Sniper is really picky. One of his main things is he really doesn’t like icing on cakes/cupcakes. Unless it’s chocolate. He’ll eat it nonetheless, but it’s usually too overpowering for him. The team has noticed this and always saves some un-iced cupcakes for him!
- Spy smells every. Single. Piece of paper. He’s a paper-smelling expert. He has several different categories, like the almost sweet smell of older books, and the invitingly artificial scent of glossy paper, often times the way a book smells is a key factor in him buying it.
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scootsroo · 6 months
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I miss my loverman
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taleasnewastime · 3 years
Caught in the crossfire | Chapter 1
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Summary: Taehyung gets paid to kill people, he isn’t ashamed to admit it (though it’s not something he shouts about). To date he has never found a reason that someone didn’t deserve to die. That the person hadn’t committed some hideous act. That the world wouldn’t be a better place without them in it. But that was before he got sent your information.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Genre: assassin au; strangers to lovers; 18+ rating.
Word count: 6.3k
Warnings: Mentions death, Taehyung is an assassin/killer, you’re unaware you’re being watched/monitored, Taehyung has questionable morals
Authors Note: Another day, another series, this time it’s Taehyungs turn. It has a pretty dark theme (I think I’ve just been watching too many police/mystery/thriller shows (Line of Duty!!!!)). I hope you enjoy!!
Series masterlist
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Deep breath in.
Deep breath out.
Follow the movements. Keep the target on shot.
Deep breath in.
Light pressure on the trigger.
Deep breath out.
One last check. Wind Ok. Distance Ok. Target in focus. Everything as planned.
Deep breath in.
Press the trigger. Bullet escapes the chamber, flies through the air, shatters the window, but neither the wind nor the glass stops its trajectory. It meets its intended target, on the intended spot.
Taehyung waits a second to see the body fall to the floor, making sure the job is done. Then he’s deconstructing his gun. He hardly has to think as he pulls the silencer off, his mind going almost numb as his body takes over, a process he has done thousands of times now. It takes him no time for the sniper to be in parts and back in its case. Standing up he picks up the case and casually walks away from the scene of the crime, making sure no evidence is left behind.
This is the most important time to not panic. Most people probably think it’s when you’re pulling the trigger, but it is actually after when you’re at your most vulnerable. If someone were to see him now, they would probably put two and two together and come up with him as the answer. Not something he needed the police, or any other interested parties hearing. If he were to run, he would look suspicious, if he were to act like he isn’t supposed to be there, then it’s as if he’s asking to be caught. No, the secret is to blend in, to look like you haven’t just killed somebody.
He casually walks down the stair well of the building. He passes one other person who he looks dead in the eye and gives them a small smile and nod of the head, a gesture less suspicious than avoiding eye contact and looking awkward. Weirdly the guy is more likely to forget him, Taehyung notices the way the man turns away from his stare, as if he feels awkward being acknowledged by a stranger. He won’t have even gotten a good look at Tae if by some small chance the police come knocking at his door.
Once at street level he steps out onto the pavement, walking the route to his car, a route he had scouted out days earlier and knows will avoid all CCTV cameras. It will be like he was never here.
He places the case with the sniper in in the boot and then gets into the driver's seat. He stays fully concentrated until he pulls into the garage for his building. Any small mistake could catch him out and he knows it. Slipping through a red light, breaking the speed limit, not wearing his seat belt. Small mistakes that would equate to monumental mistakes. He’s been doing this for years and still doesn’t slip, it was always the small things that got you caught in the end, and he was determined to never get caught.
It’s only until the door to his flat is closed behind him that he can fully relax. He dumps the sniper in his safe before collapsing on the sofa. Pulling out his phone he sends a quick message, it’s done, before checking his bank.
He’s always thought it was like some sort of magic trick, online banking, just numbers on a screen, the higher the better, and then the tap of a card and you can have anything you want (within reason). Looking at the screen now he’s satisfied to see the numbers have increased by the agreed amount since this morning. Now the job was truly done.
The tension leaves his body and he can feel his weight sink further into the sofa. The guilt of killing someone never comes. He never thinks there is anything to feel guilty about. He kills people, sure, but they always deserve it, there is always a reason behind it, otherwise he wouldn’t take the shot. Tonight, a member of a gang who had been selling drugs on the side for his own benefit, as well as using his connections to traffic humans. Not cool.
Some might say it’s an extreme sentence. What that unknown man was doing was wrong, 99.9% of the population would agree with him, but did he really deserve to die? Why not call the Police? Because the Police had too much other shit on their hands, that’s why. They never seemed to have time to deal with things like this, had red tape and a list of boxes they needed to tick before anything was actually done. And even then, the guy would be thrown into a prison for a few years just to be released able to do it all again.  
But Taehyung didn’t have any of those rules and regulations he had to follow.
He doesn’t choose the target; he works freelance and gets sent jobs through interested 3rd parties. He’s good at what he does, and his bank balance reflects that. But that doesn’t mean he has no morals. There is always a reason, even if he is never provided with it, he doesn’t just turn up to a spot and pull the trigger, no, there is more work involved than that. He has to scope out the best place to do the deed, and whilst he’s doing that, he finds information, information that usually tells him why the person has been given a death sentence. To date he has never found a reason that someone didn’t deserve to die. That the person hadn’t committed some hideous act. That the world wouldn’t be a better place without them in it.
But that was before he got sent your information.
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Even though he had the destination set on his maps it took him a few wrong turns to find the shop. On the bottom of a high-rise building, next door to a small café and a laundrette, he wonders how any of the places manage to stay open. It wasn’t far out of the city centre, but with no other shops in the area, you would have to be purposefully coming this way to spot it. But maybe that was what you wanted, maybe that was the perfect situation for whatever hidden activities you did behind the doors.
The bell above the door jingles when he walks in. The sort of noise you expect from a small bookshop like yours. There’s a display at the front of the shop with signed editions of books. Another small table next to it with best sellers. A rack of individual sheets of wrapping paper. And then rows and rows of books. It wasn’t a big shop, but you were definitely utilising every space you could, cramming as much in as possible.
His eyes scan the empty shop. It was the sort of place that drew people in with its uniqueness. You came in for that one book you’ve been searching for everywhere and leave with three books you had no prior intension of buying, a novelty pen and a notebook that states you’ve got this on the front. It was cute, and he hated it.
Taehyung steps towards the closest display, his eyes scanning the piles of books that are buy one get one half price, when you finally appear. He recognises you immediately from the picture that sat on his computer. Though your hair is styled differently, your clothes different from the picture, you are exactly as he expected.
Y/N. He even knew your name. Knew you owned this shop and ran it alone. Knew that the flat that stood above the shop was where you lived. Knew you lived there alone, had no partner. He knew your age, your height, could probably find out your dress size if he really cared that much. He knew so much about you, and yet this was his first time ever seeing you in person.
He watches as you carry sheets of wrapping paper over to the stand before looking in his direction, a wide and welcoming smile on your face.
“Hello, is there anything I can help you with?”
Your voice was one of the things he didn’t know before stepping in here and he can’t help but think how much it suits you. It has a singing quality to it. Light and airy and happy just like your appearance.
He returns a boxy smile to you, relaxing his face to look less calculating. Slipping into the role of the curious customer he was supposed to be playing.
“Yes, actually. I’ve been looking for a book for a while now and didn’t want to buy it off Amazon, but seems I’ve been pretty unsuccessful in finding it elsewhere so far.”
His words cause the smile on your face to widen, he was trying to gain your trust, to get on your good side and it looked like his words were working.
“Well I hope I can help. What’s the name of the book?”
“See here’s the thing. You’d think I’d remember that by now, but all I know is it’s the one that the film The Arrival is based on?”
A small chuckle leaves your lips and the sound causes Taehyung's smile to become more genuine. He follows you to the counter as you head behind the till, standing opposite you as you start to type on the screen.
“I know the one, Stories of Your Life and Others. I just need to check the authors name, but I think you may be in luck.”
You knew your stuff about books then, or you had just been lucky to know the book Tae was talking about. But then if this was all a front, a way for you to hide what you were truly doing, it would help if you had some knowledge of the business, so really, it should be no surprise you knew the book. Still, it didn’t help Taehyung work out why your details had been sent to him.
When the information had come through to him, it had made him immediately interested. It wasn’t just the extraordinarily large sum of money that sat next to the word fee, because that had made his eyebrows raise; even the guy who had killed a mafia bosses' kid didn’t fetch what was being asked for you. No, what interested him was that you looked nothing like anyone that was normally sent his way. Not that there was a prerequisite for how all psychotic, murdering, child molesting, drug dealing, human trafficking weirdos that Taehyung was paid to kill should look, but you definitely looked different to all of them.
He couldn’t pin point what it was about you, but there seemed to be an innocence to you. And now he’s met you, even though it’s barely been 5 minutes, that statement seems to ring even more true.
As he follows you through the small shop to where you believe the book is placed, he can’t help but think that you would never be capable of committing any of the crimes that currently run through his head. It might be naïve of him, but he’s been in this game long enough to have good instincts on the matter. But that’s exactly why he’s doing all of this. Scoping out the target to find out why they fell into his lap, as much as to find out the best way to kill them. If there was something you were trying to hide, he would find it, and then he would know whether you deserved to die.
“Here we are,” you say as you come to a stop, hand reaching out to the shelf and pulling out the book he’d mentioned.
“Next time, I’ll know that I should start my search here,” the words evoke another smile from you.
“I try to stock a good range. And if we don’t have it then I can order it in for you.”
You were a good sales woman if nothing else. He’d almost believe this was your only income, that you needed this sale.
“Is there anything else you needed?” You ask.
“I might just have a browse if that’s ok?”
“Of course, take your time. I’ll be back at the front so just give me a shout if you need any help.”
His eyes remain on you as you walk back to re-stocking the wrapping paper. You seem oblivious to the danger you are currently in. Not that he expected you to know that you are currently in the same shop as one of the best assassins in the country, if not the world. But it felt strange that you were alone. No one else in the shop to watch your back or do business with. In his experience, it was rare for people to work alone, it made them vulnerable not having someone on their side, someone to help look out for and cover any mistakes.
But then Taehyung was alone, always had been. And he had done a lot of things to warrant a black line through his name. It makes him wonder what number would be next to fee if someone was to ever send a hit out on him. Almost definitely not as large as the number on yours, though he imagined it would be close if enough people knew what he’d done.
But he had never crossed the line and got caught. He had never been stupid enough for someone to find out who he was and what he had done. A few people knew, a few trusted people, and even they didn’t know all the details. That was your mistake, whatever you had done, or are doing, you’d been caught.
Taehyung goes back to scanning the shelves. Shuffling along the rows of books, eyes dancing across the book spines, hardly taking the words in. His mind was more preoccupied with memorising the layout of the shop, working out places to hide, trying to see if there was anything amiss.
When he gets to the end of the row, he sees the door to the back of the shop. The doors open and from where he is stood, he can see the boxes of presumably extra stock and not much else. Glancing over his shoulder he sees that you’re still busy putting the wrapping paper on the rack with your back to Taehyung. He dips into the room, steps around the corner so that you won’t see him if you turn to look.  
There are more boxes littering the small room. Pulling back the cardboard lid Taehyung sees it’s what he expected, fresh unopened books inside. He has a desire to pull back the covers and sniff the fresh pages, but instead continues to look around. To be honest it looks exactly like any stock room in any small book shop. The only thing of note is the set of stairs that lead to the flat above. A piece of information to store for another day.
With one last glance around the room Taehyung heads back out into the shop, where you’re still oblivious to the customer in your shop who is not shopping. He heads towards the till, picking up another random book on his way.
Placing the books on the counter is enough to get your attention. You almost spring into action, leaving the sheets of wrapping paper on the floor you brush your hands on your trousers before stepping behind the counter.
“Find everything you wanted?” You ask as you pick up the books he’s buying, silently judging his choice.
“It’s a really nice shop you have,” he says instead. “Have you had it long?”
He watches your eyes going from the books to his eyes, eyebrows lifting in surprise.
“Most people assume I’m just an assistant, not the owner.”
“Why?” Taehyung fakes surprise. “It’s not impossible for a young, beautiful woman like you to own a shop.”
He takes a small amount of pleasure watching the way your head ducks when he calls you beautiful. Your fingers fumble while they tap numbers on the screen. Again, it makes him wonder how someone like you could ever be considered dangerous.
“They’re especially surprised when they hear I did it all alone,” he doesn’t miss the cocky smirk that comes to your face, though you remain looking away from him, showing you’re still timid.
“It’s not a family business?” He digs.
“Unfortunately, not. It would have saved me a lot of hassle if it was,” you finally meet his eyes and he can see the truth behind your statement. “No. This was the result of a dream, a lot of hard work, and a couple of loans.”
“It looks like it’s all paid off at least,” he nods his head in the direction of the shop.
“Hopefully,” you give him a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes and he has a desire to ask you about it. But he’s a stranger to you, just a customer that is buying two books, why would you ever tell him what you’re really thinking?  
“So, that’s £17.98,” you say and he holds up his card in answer to how he’s paying.
You tap a few buttons, he taps his card on the card reader, and the transaction is done. You pack up the books into a small paper bag and rip off the recipe, shoving it in the bag with the books.
Then you turn nervous again. You give him a few small glances, and he can see you’re wondering whether to say something. He silently wills you on, puts on his least intimidating smile, as if it will help coax out the words.
“We do events here. I don’t know if you would be interested. There’s book signings with local authors, a few coffee mornings with the café next door, a book club if that’s your sort of thing, we do children's story time if you have any kids?” You can barely look him in the eye as you hold onto a leaflet with dates of upcoming events. The whole thing so endearing that he has to try and supress the smile threatening his lips.
“No kids,” he says and almost laughs when he sees you shoot him a look that looks a lot like relief. “But I’d be very interested in some of the other things. What’s the next one you have coming up?”
You turn shy again, looking down at the leaflet to check the dates that he knows will probably already be in your head.
“We have the author Isabella Tree coming in to talk about her book Wilding,” you shoot him an amused smile. “I know, her name is too perfect. It’s like the olden days when your name was your occupation.”
He lets out an amused chuckle and your face lights up. “And what about you? Are you a Page or a Reade?”
He can almost feel the heat radiating off you at this point and it gives him more confidence. Even he has to admit that was a smooth line.
“No,” you squeak the words out. “I’m Y/N.”
“Taehyung,” he smiles down at you. “Well, I’ll definitely be interested in coming to the event. Do I have to buy a ticket or anything?”
“No tickets, just turn up on the day,” you reply.
He nods, picking up the bag with his new books. “I might see you there then.”
“Yeah, I hope so,” you say as he heads towards the door.
He doesn’t look back, but can feel your eyes on him the whole way. He came here for answers, and not that he expected to have them all by now, but he certainly didn’t expect to be walking away with more questions than he arrived with. At least there would be another opportunity to snoop and hopefully get all his ends tied up.
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The tables that held signed copies of books and best sellers when he was last here are now pushed to the edges of the room, snacks instead of books on them. There are a couple of rows of chairs all facing one direction, where a solitary chair sits.
Taehyung walks straight over to the snacks, shoving a few crisps in his mouth while he looks around the small bookshop.
There were only 4 other people sat waiting for the author to come out, more than he would have guessed, and you were nowhere to be seen. Presumably you were out back with the author, doing whatever people do when waiting to speak about a book they’ve written.
He had little to no interest in Wilding the book Isabella Tree was about to speak about. But it was the first event you had going, and like hell he was going to wait a month for an evening with Sylvia Day, some erotic novelist. Then the only other option was a reading of The Gruffalo, and he wasn’t above kidnapping a child to fit in, plus, he had already told you he had no children. Wilding it was, which in all honesty, could be a lot worse.
He takes a small paper plate and loads it with as many snacks as he can before taking one of the seats at the back.
You walk out minutes later, introducing the woman next to you as Isabella, who launches into a speech about how her and her husband changed their farming techniques to become less intensive, allowing nature to take back areas in a bid to become more ecological as well more sustainable. Honestly, Taehyung found it surprisingly interesting. Isabella managed to make the time fly enough that he wasn’t constantly looking down at his watch, and for that, he was grateful.
There are a few questions at the end, but then the event is over, however, as Taehyung hoped, people lingered. Drawn back to the snack table, he chats with a few people before heading over to you.
“Hey,” he says, and doesn’t miss the way your shoulders tense in surprise.
You turn on the spot to face him. “Hi. I’m so glad you could make it. What did you think?”
“Really interesting, especially the bit about how we are slowly but surely killing our biodiversity,” Taehyung widens his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm. “But no, it was good. Especially the Cheese and Onion crisps.”
You laugh, a full belly laugh, head falling back on your neck, and something swoops inside Taehyung at the sight.
“It’s good you learnt something at least. That’s why I like doing these things so much. Sometimes people come with no idea about the book or author and go away loving it,” you say, face lighting with passion. “And the crisps are Tyrrells. There’s still a half open bag if you want it?”
“Now that I can be on board with,” he shoots you a wide boxy smile. “One last thing though. I don’t suppose you have a toilet I can nip into?”
“Oh. Yeah, of course. Go through the door at the back and on your right there's a bathroom.”
“Thanks,” he shoots you one last smile before you are pulled into another conversation and he starts off to the back of the room.
He’s been through the door before. The stock room looks exactly how it had the other day, boxes piled on the floor, table in the corner. He can see the door for the bathroom, pokes his head around the door just to check, but that’s not really why he’s come back here.
He’s quick to leap up the stairs, trying his best to keep his feet light so no one can hear him. The door at the top of the stairs has a lock but is thankfully open. Pushing it open and stepping inside, he is met with the sight of a small flat that reflects the space of the shop below. Instead of book shelves there's a sofa and a TV. Instead of a counter and till there’s a small kitchen area and breakfast bar. And to the side there’s a door that is pushed open showing a double bed and wardrobe doors. It’s not a big space, but it looks cosy, enough for one person, and Taehyung is pretty thankful it’s not bigger as it will mean his next job is not made harder.
He starts off by looking at the most obvious places, he has limited time, so if he’s going to get caught in the act early, he needs to think strategically. His eyes do a quick sweep of the room and he lands on his first point of interest.
Your laptop is just sat on the sofa, it’s like an invitation to just open it up and have a look. Taehyung doesn’t even sit down as he picks it up, he needs to remain mobile, if you walked into the room now and he was sat lounging on your sofa he wouldn’t be able to worm his way out of the situation as easily. The screen lights up and immediately he’s on the home page; you don’t even have a password? It makes him think there is nothing of note on here, but he still does a few clicks around to check. As expected, nothing.
He places the laptop back in the same spot he found it, before moving on. Surely there is another laptop somewhere. All he’d found on that one was some personal holiday photos and documents to do with the bookshop. There could be some folders in the deepest darkest depths of that laptop that incriminated you somehow, but it just didn’t add up in his mind. His search was quick but thorough and he saw nothing.
But his search didn’t stop there. Maybe you were old school, kept whatever you did on paper. Maybe you did have another laptop that was in a safe, hidden away. Maybe you did business purely on a mobile. There were still options.
Taehyung does as in depth a search as he can under the pretence that he’s in the toilet. He knew if he spent too long up here you would come looking, or he would have some awkward interaction when he comes out of the toilet after 20 minutes.
Like the laptop his search is quick but thorough. And he finds absolutely nothing.
There is no evidence of you being a murderer. Nothing about you owing money to some dodgy dealers who have chosen that you’ve had enough warning and should be killed. No documents of you moving illegal goods across borders. No messages to anyone that could be classed as dangerous, and Taehyung would recognise their names as he has dealt with a lot of dangerous people. No human trafficking. No evidence you’re a gang leader. Nothing to say you were an online hacker. No stolen goods.
He’s stumped. Something no one has ever done, and you’ve done it.
He can’t kill you without knowing that you’re a bad person. He can’t ask you what you’ve done, but he also can’t find anything anywhere about literally anything illegal you’ve done. There wasn’t even any parking or speeding tickets. You were as clean as they come.
There were still possibilities. You could have a warehouse, a separate location where everything is stored and happens. But he doesn’t have time for that. He’s been given a job that has a time-frame, this isn’t some fun activity he’s decided to do.
He heads back down the stairs, back through the stock room, through the door into the shop.
It’s as if he hadn’t left, you were still talking to the same person who caught you after he left. No one had, thankfully, noticed he’d been gone longer than for just a wee.
He comes to stand next to you, mind still whirling with the possibilities of who you are and why people want you dead. He joins the conversation half way through, the confusion obviously evident on his face when you attempt to get him involved in the conversation by explaining.
“Have you heard of the politician Robert Morton who’s been accused of having loads of affairs?”
He didn’t really follow the news, or generally keep up to date with what was happening in the world, but he would have struggled to avoid this story, it was everywhere.
“I don’t really see why it’s become such a massive story, sure having an affair when you’re trying to become Prime Minster must not be a good look, but does it stop him effectively doing his job?” He comes clean on his lack of knowledge on the topic.
The woman you were talking to, who he doesn’t know, speaks up. “It’s more than him just having an affair though. This dates back years. There’s rumours of the terrible things that he did to these women, though no one has actually come forward to say anything against him.”
“White men in power,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
“Innocent until proven guilty,” Tae chips in, which was evidently the wrong thing to say when both women shoot him displeased looks.
“He’s going to have to do a miracle to get this one to blow over. He’s not got long left till the vote and I can say that it makes me not want to vote for him,” the woman continues.
“I guess if no one comes forward to actually say that these allegations are right though, how do we know it’s not just his opposition framing him to make themselves look better?” You say.
“True,” the woman lets out a sigh. “It’s like the whole Harvey Weinstein scandal. How do these men get away with these crimes for years with no consequences?”
Jesus, this was serious for a book event. He would need a strong drink if he was going to continue talking politics.
He nods his head in the direction of the snack table and swiftly departs the conversation.
He would have loved to have told them what he did, loved to have seen the look on their faces when he said that it was his job to kill people who did what those men were doing. And he totally agreed with what they were saying, it was wrong, and they deserved to be punished to hell for it. But it seems to only solidify in his mind that you are not bad. The genuine innocence in your voice at the thought of what those men had done sounded real, but if you knew that there were men, and women, out there, living scout free who have done things one hundred times worse, he wonders how you’d react then.
You were either innocent, or one hell of a good actresses. And Taehyung was unsure which one to believe.
He had devoured most of the snack table before you made your way over to him. Thankfully you were alone this time.
“You’re making it so much easier for me to clear up.”
“I can lick the bowls clean if you want?” He asks and watches the amusement sparkle in your eyes.
“It would make the washing up easier too,” you joke.
“I did genuinely enjoy tonight by the way.”
“I’m glad,” you give him a small but genuine smile. “Believe it or not, this was a pretty good turn out.”
“I can believe it. You should do it more often. I looked at the list and you only have two book events this month, I bet a lot of people would be interested if you did more,” his words weren’t a lie for once.
“Find me the authors and maybe I’ll take you up on the offer.”
You seemed so unlike when he first met you. That day you were all shy and preserved. Sure, you had welcomed him to the shop and engaged in conversation with him, but that seemed like a front that you put on because you had to talk to customers. Today, you seem more confident, more open and easy to talk to. It throws him for six, unsure what to think.
“Looks like people are heading home,” he nods his head in the direction of one of the people leaving the shop. “Want me to help clear up?”
You look up at him, eyes wide with surprise, as if no one has ever offered to help you before.
“Don’t be silly,” you stutter the words out and it only makes the fondness in him grow.
“Silly,” he chuckles like he’s never heard the word before, he’s definitely not been called it before. “It’s the least I can do as I cleared you out of crisps.”
Your eyes search his, but he remains calm under your gaze. He wants to stay, and he realises it’s not only because it would be another good opportunity to find out more information about you.
“You didn’t. Like I said, there’s still a half open bag out back. Which I will get for you before you leave.”
“Ah, so you want me to clean you out?”
He can see you flush under the words, even though you don’t outwardly show it. His smile only broadens at the effect he is having on you.
“They’ll only get chucked if you don’t take them,” you shrug.
“Well, we can’t have that.”
He watches your throat bob at his deepened voice. God, you were too easy. But you were trying hard to not make it obvious and he had to commend that at least.
You don’t say a word as you turn and head to the back of the shop. Taehyung watches as you disappear from site, then surveys the shop. He pretends to be interested in the remaining customers when he senses you coming back. Pretends to be surprised when you appear at his side, as if he had no idea you had even come back.
“Don’t eat them too fast,” you say when you hand over the promised bag.
“I owe you,” he says.
“It’s fine,” you say, wafting a hand in front of you as if dismissing the whole thing.
“Well, Y/N,” he says, standing to his full height. “Thanks for inviting me tonight. It was a lovely evening. I will see you soon.”
“Thanks for coming,” you look up at him, your voice once again weak.
He gives you one last large smile before turning on his heels. He feels your eyes on him the whole way, and when he gets to the door he pauses and looks back, confirming his suspicions when he meets your eyes.
“And thanks for the crisps,” he lifts the bag in the air as evidence for what he means before opening the door and leaving, not waiting to see if you reply.
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He clicks open the secure messaging system. It’s unconventional what he’s about to do, there’s probably some rule somewhere that says he can’t do it. But what are they going to do? He’s freelance so they can’t fire him. They could not hire him again, maybe tell other’s not to too, but he doubts they would do that.
There’s no other way around it. He’s done what he can to find out who you are and has found nothing, so asking the source is his only option.
Taehyung: I have questions about my latest hit and why they have been given to me to deal with.
He doesn’t know who sits on the other end of the computer reading his messages, just like they don’t know who he is. Unknown is the only name he is ever given for any of the people he talks to. It’s safer for everyone that it’s done that way.
Three dots appear showing someone is typing.
Unknown: What’s happened? Has something gone wrong?
Taehyung: Nothings gone wrong. I just fail to see why this person deserves to die.
Unknown: I see you’re playing Judge and Jury now. It’s not really your decision. We pay you to do a job not make decisions.
Taehyung: A job I can decline.
There’s a pause. No dots appear and he wonders if he’s pushed them too far.
He’s made them think. They don’t have to tell him anything besides a name and a price. But equally he doesn’t have to accept that offer. If he declines then they could get someone else, but that someone else would be less clean and everyone knows it. Taehyungs using his celebrity as the best assassin to get what he wants.
Unknown: What do you want to know?
It’s a question even he struggles with. What does he want to know? The list is too long to type out now. Even if he did, he knows they would laugh him out the room and he would be without any answers. No. He needs to think this through, pitch them the perfect question that will give him what he needs.
Taehyung: Why?
He types the single word and presses send, but then continues to clarify.
Taehyung: Why does someone want her dead? What has she done?
He waits. No dots appear and he wonders whether he’ll ever get an answer. But he can see the other person is still online. It’s like a game of chicken, waiting to see who will give in first. Them with their information or Taehyung with the prospect of the money from the job.
Taehyungs will wins as the three dots shows them typing.
And then the message appears. The reason you’re wanted dead. There, in plain black and white. No mistaking the reason.
Taehyung falls back into his chair, his body going limp with shock. But his eyes remain on the screen, reading the words over and over again as if it will help lessen the blow that has just been dealt to him.
Well fuck, is all he can think.
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snakess-17 · 3 years
mercenaries when you call them "friends" in front of other people
hey! before i start, i would like to thank you all for the support, i started a few days ago and you all have been very kind! i would also like to mention that requests/requests about tf2 are open questions also in case you have any doubts! thanks for your attention!
you had planned to play this prank on scout a long time ago so when you were in your room with jeremy just now miss pauling called you to ask you about some work stuff, scout had also stopped what he was doing to quietly listen to your call. "No, it's okay, I'm just hanging out with a friend", the poor guy had a short circuit in his head and became expressionless. when you ended the phone call and continued with what you were doing scout stopped you suddenly "what do you mean friends? friends don't do this" and then kissed you for a second. when you separated from the kiss he looked at you seriously, you couldn't hold your laughter and mentioned that everything was a joke. the boy smiled "so you are very joking lately" while he lifted you up and threw you gently to the bed and then tickled you.
you were smoking a cigarette with spy in the courtyard of the base, while looking at the stars, just a few minutes later engie called you on the small device he had given you to ask if you were free to help him with a new machinery he had invented, "relax, if I can talk I'm just hanging out with a friend", after a while of explanatory talk you hung up the call, put out the cigarette and before you could make any other move spy grabbed your hand and looked you in the eyes "you see me just as a friend? "the next move he made was to bring your faces closer together. "mon amour I have told you that you are more than just a friend" and then he kissed you, in the middle of the kiss you smiled, which he found curious "I know spy, it was just a joke" he blushed slightly and then let you go with a slight smile on his face.
You were in the common room with sniper playing a friendly game of cards, when suddenly miss pauling called you on the phone, sniper was looking at her cards thinking about her next move when she heard you say "relax, she was just playing cards with a friend" he immediately looked at you and stood up taking the phone from you "what do you mean a friend, she's playing cards with her boyfriend! "You kissed his forehead "it was just a joke" he laughed a little bit and then said "I don't like that kind of jokes".
you were in heavy's room while reading a book just when miss pauling called on the phone, heavy told you to answer while he continued with his book, "don't worry pauling, I was just hanging out with a friend" heavy didn't say anything but he had been listening to the conversation for a while, when you ended the call he put down his book "are we ok? you looked at his worried eyes and couldn't continue with the joke" oh no baby it was just a joke forgive me" while you hung on his neck and left little kisses on his cheek, he laughed a little and hugged you, and then continue his reading together.
you were sitting on the couch in the common room together with demoman when miss pauling called you and you decided to make the joke you were thinking about a while ago, you moved a little bit away from demo to answer the call while he was still relaxed on the couch, "relax I was just hanging out with a friend, I can answer the call" while you continued the call demo looked at you with his eyes wide open "WHAT? FRIEND? NONO WE ARE NOVIOUS, NOVIOUS" he said shouting and hugging you, miss pauling laughed on the other side of the line, when you finished the call he filled you with kisses and you told him "relax relax, it was just a joke" while you laughed because of the tickle that the kisses produced.
soldier was training while you watched him and from time to time helped him when he needed it, engie called you about the little device he had given you so you decided it was a good time to apply the joke you had thought of. "I'm just helping a friend" you saw that soldier had stopped hitting the practice dummy, however he hadn't said anything. when you ended the call with engie he shouted to you from across the base gym "DARLIN’, I THINK WE HAVE MAKEN IT CLEAR THAT OUR RELATIONSHIP IS CLOSER THAN JUST FRIENDS, I'LL HAVE TO INFORM THE OTHER SOLDIERS THAT THIS IS SO" you laughed at the emphasis in his voice as you ran up to him and hugged his back "relax, I think everyone here knows we are dating, it was just a little joke" he lifted you up in his arms and kissed you "fair enough darlin’".
engie had asked you if you could help him with some plans in his workshop, obviously you agreed to help your partner, but after a few minutes had passed miss pauling had called you on the phone and you decided it was time to put your prank into action. "relax pauling, i was just helping a friend with a couple of things" you said in a tone loud enough for engie to hear you. when you ended the call engir said calmly "oh relax you can leave now i have other things to do later with someone" you were confused and asked genuinely "who with? "oh relax, she's just a friend" with a quite marked passive aggressive tone and you understood that it was just a kind of revenge, you approached him to give him a kiss on the cheek between laughs "it was just a joke" while he blushed and mentioned that he already knew it.
 you tried to make this joke with pyro as you felt quite curious about how he would react about the situation, when engie called you on the comm you answered "I'll be right there I was just with a friend" to the disgrace of your joke pyro wasn't even listening to the conversation as he doesn't like to be intrusive, you gave him a kiss on the top of his mask, it's too pure.
 you were resting and drinking tea together with medic in the med bay after you helped him with an operation on one of the mercenaries when miss pauling called you and you decided to make the innocent joke "it's ok miss pauling, i was just hanging out with a friend" you immediately noticed medic's strong look, with a complete change of attitude from a few moments ago, at the end of the call he takes your cup of tea and says "you know what, you don't deserve my tea, what's that about a friend? "You saw his serious reaction and you laughed at that, telling him between laughs that it was just a joke so he would answer you "well, you still don't deserve this cup of tea".
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bostonbashers · 4 years
Hear me out.. How do mercs behave around a person they have a huge crush on?! :D
AAAAAA this one is so cute, i’m in love!! 🤩❤️
literally a fucking DORK around you. tries to impress you constantly with anything and everything he has, ranging from his skill set to his appearance to his personal belongings and much more.
always finds excuses to spend time with you and it can be the most asanine ones in existence. oh? you have free time tomorrow? let’s go take a run down the street. you miss your puppy that got lost when you were a kid? let’s go to the ends of the earth to find it.
made you borrow his jacket/shirt once because he accidentally spilled a drink all over your shirt. once he saw you in it, he nearly died and didn’t want it back. takes it back anyway due to his pride and though he seems outwardly okay with it, he secretly doesn’t wash the clothing for a long while.
his flirtatious behavior around other people goes down immensely. scout becomes strictly loyal to you once his crush grows stronger and can’t bear the thought of talking with someone else, even if you don’t like him back. it just doesn’t sit with him right.
soldier is much softer and kinder around you. he restrains himself from using any harsh words that could hurt your feelings and tries to slow down on your training.
shows you his pets!! one of his prized possessions that he won’t allow anyone else to touch, like ever. he trusts you to love and take care of them the same way he does.
everyone has to respect you. if they even give you a slight problem, he’ll get on their case about it and probably give them hell before they could even mutter out an apology. you deserve respect and he’s gonna make sure you get nothing less.
lots of supportive comments from him! even if it’s something small, he’ll grin at you proudly and yell out a, “good job, cupcake! you did great!” while giving you a strong pat in the back or an approving nod.
pyro is usually sweet and kind with a certain crowd and tries to do the best they can for others, but with their crush? it’s a whole different story. they’re absolutely head over heels for them.
like a lovesick puppy; they will follow you wherever they go with a skip in their step. like, i mean they’ll follow you everywhere. “no, pyro you can’t follow me to the bathroom-!” they don’t really listen but patiently wait outside anyway.
one of the many mercs who won’t hesitate to show affection and sees nothing wrong in it. runs up to them and holds their hand firmly with a happy hum, hugs them more than usual, and just straight up gives you all their attention.
oh boy, if tavish has a crush on you, he’ll show it when he’s absolutely wasted. demo will literally smother you with affection regardless of where you both are and literally latch onto you every second he gets a chance to.
lots of drunk ramblings; he’ll lay his head on your shoulder or lap while he mindlessly slurs about how amazing you are, what his favorite thing is about you, and so much more.
it’s pretty obvious at that point demo likes you so you admit your liking to him pretty quick and it’s funny how shocked he gets. “ya knew i liked ya?!” yes, demo, they did.
when he’s sober, he’s much more shy with it and controls his actions a lot more. apologizes for his behavior while drunk. tavish exhibits more gentleman behavior, from opening doors to making you a decent dinner and just basically ensuring your comfortability.
heavy is very mature and will accept his feelings pretty quick compared to the others. it’s a 50/50 chance with him; if they feel the same, that’s great! if they don’t, then.. he’d have no choice but to move on. that’s how life works.
once he does accept it, be expecting a lot of mother hen behavior; he literally watches your every move to make sure you’re safe and healthy. even if you are, he goes out of his way to give you things whenever he knows you’re around; a homemade meal, a blanket, probably some candy. your smile is already more than enough to make up for the little things he does for you. 
no one will ever dare to hurt you around heavy (or just in general, really). he senses danger and issues pretty quickly, so it’s easy for him to detect any bad intentions. he’s like that scary bodyguard who looms behind you, glaring at anyone who radiates rancid vibes to scare them away.
probably takes a while to accept or realize it cause he’s always so preoccupied in his lab, being busy and all. but once he does realize it, it’s sort of foreign to him at first, so of course, he goes to heavy to speak about his emotions. after being told it was a crush, he pays attention to you a lot more than usual, sometimes even without him noticing.
he gets all giddy when you’re around and although it’s not the jumpy, squealing giddy, it’s certainly one shown through happy greetings and continuous conversations that seem to be never ending. (you don’t mind though)
makes up random appointments and checkups for the smallest things just to see you and gets very, very excited whenever you decide to come to visit him without his knowledge. nearly drops everything just to attend to you.
he talks to archimedes so much about you that his precious pet basically knows who you are based off his owners reactions and automatically flies to you whenever you enter his lab. that bird is a lot smarter than you think. they get along with you pretty well and medic melts whenever he sees you talk to his birds like he does and play with them.
bless his heart, the poor man will literally faint around his crush. just the sight of them flusters him to his core, and don’t even get me started on their little habits and that godforsaken smile. [hes literally almost died when they grinned at him]
he’s already so reserved and quiet as he is, but around them, it’s even worse. he’s always so scared he’s gonna scare them away or say something stupid, but he eventually lets go of the fear and tries to muster up the courage to talk to you.
once he does, he spends a lot of his time with you, often inviting you out to drive around with him or just simply sit outside and enjoy the breeze. he talks a lot more than usual and though he doesn’t completely open up about his past just yet, he does indirectly hint that he trusts you more than anyone in his life.
lots of sleepless nights when he realizes he’s in love. he does everything to take you off his mind but all fails in the end and he’s kept wide awake thinking about what you two could be. from then on, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep his cool around you and silently begs you’ll confess one day or he’ll lose it.
sweetheart mode: activated. like it’s not a big switch up, since he’s naturally a gentleman but it’s noticeable enough. you’ll notice that your nicknames will start slowly forming to more romantic ones and how he blushes with a smile everytime it leaves his lips.
the other mercs can tell when dell has a crush; he blushes a lot more than usual and they catch him smiling more than once by himself. they realize it when you approach him and he automatically fixes himself to look presentable without a second breath. his voice also changes to a much happier and giddy tone, it’s so cute!
stares at you from a distance a lot or whenever you’re distracted with something. half of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing so but once he catches himself, he blushes and looks away, silently telling himself to quit it. often you’ll catch him staring at you, but you ignore it for his sake and laugh to yourself when he smiles back and waves shyly.
takes a long while before he actually accepts the crush, seeing that he’s a very secretive and reserved person but once he does, you best believe you’ll be spoiled and loved by this man. lots of gentleman behavior!! opening doors, buying you gifts, giving you his coat, and all that fancy stuff.
teases you a lot more than he should; he enjoys your reactions. he’ll lean in close enough where your fingers brush slightly, tilt your chin up when he talks to you and makes intense eye contact while doing so. whenever he gets too close or the moment gets too tense, he backs away with a smirk and pretends as if nothing happens.
he listens to you and anything you have on your mind. his door is literally open for you 24/7 and even if you come knocking at 3 am, he’ll let you in and listen to what you have to say. you think he’s not listening cause he’s very unresponsive but when you’re finished and about to leave, he gives really good advice and tells you quietly that he’s there for you in an indirect way. depending how close he is to you, he’ll let out an experience or two about him to put you at comfort and as thanks for confiding in him. he then walks you back to your room with a simple nod and goodnight.
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tf2mybeloved · 3 years
Hey could you do the mercs with a chubby s/o who's kinda insecure about their body? 👉👈 (Btw I love your writing!!)
Thank you!
He’s genuinely confused at first, because he thinks his s/o is perfect. What’s got someone who is literally flawless so upset? When his s/o shares their insecurities, he explodes with compliments - and everyone knows how much Scout can talk. He ultimately just wants his s/o to feel comfortable and for them to know how much he loves them.
Also taken aback. Begins to “berate them with sweet nothings” like he did to Zhanna in the comics. Might get mad that he can’t physically punch his s/o’s sadness in the face. He’s trying to help, really. Hopefully his s/o knows that Soldier loves them very much, and their weight is not a factor to stop this love.
Ohh no… their poor s/o. They don’t deserve to feel insecure, but Pyro can understand - they’ve felt insecure about plenty in their life. They don’t really have the words to express to their s/o how lovely they think they are, but they hope that a warm hug (if his s/o wants it) will show how they feel.
Will always be there to listen to his s/o about their insecurities. Sits next to them and wraps his arm around their shoulder and just holds them close. He wants them to know that they mean so much to him and that they shouldn’t feel self-conscious about their weight. It doesn’t mean a thing to him.
Gets it. He understands what it’s like to feel self conscious about one’s weight; he’s often berated for his. He lets his s/o know that no matter what, he’ll always love them; their weight is such a nonissue to him. If anyone ever gives his s/o a hard time about their weight, Heavy will punch them into the sky and into orbit.
Constant reassurances of his love. Just wants his s/o to know that he’ll love them no matter what, and wants to help his s/o with their insecurities. Lots of hugs, if his s/o wants them.
He doesn’t always know what to say, but he hopes that all the hugs and love he pours onto his s/o will let them know that they’re so loved by him. Gladly offers distractions if needed as well.
Like Engineer, he’ll offer a lot of reassurances, and like Heavy, he is extremely protective over his s/o. He doesn’t always know what to do or say, but he always lets his s/o know that he’s there to listen and to offer reassurance.
Like Sniper, he’s a good listener. Spy doesn’t want his s/o to feel self-conscious, of course; he lets them know that there’s nothing to be self-conscious about, and that nothing dissuades him from loving everything about them.
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lostsouldierbye · 2 years
bucky vis-à-vis IMPULSE CONTROL because i’ve been calling him dumb in the tags on main a lot and i’d just like CLARIFY a few things. 
mcu bucky is set up as steve’s impulse control, and then it’s further reiterated in tfatws where he’s set up as sam’s impulse control which tbh is kinda sus like i think that was a cheap shot at sam if anything. in the war, as the team’s sniper, there was no room for error. he either got the job or his team died --- end of story. again, as the winter soldier, his best skill was EFFICIANCY. he carries a part of those traits with him now, and we see that when he breaks zemo out of jail because zemo was their quickest and easiest lead to get to the flag smashers. and they could have all sat around discussing the morals of breaking a terrorist out of prison and the repercussions to international relationships etc etc., but the fact of the matter is it needed to be done and bucky got it done. similarly, i don’t think he went into it just blindly either. he knew the wakandans would be pissed --- he also knew zemo would probably get what he deserves at the hands of the wakandans rather than what that cushy prison was giving him and that knowledge just evened out the calculated risk. there are multiple examples of this in tfatws, the bottom line being bucky just gets shit done. in regards to him being other people’s impulse control --- he doesn’t do shit that doesn’t need to be done. so him telling steve to pick his battles ? yeah, that’s legit. him telling steve to put a parachute on ? also legit. what does not putting a parachute on gain him other than street cred ?   
james is a little different. james is so emotionally driven that it lends to him making rash decisions. he also grew up needing and wanting to prove himself, always feeling like he was dragging the team down and needing to go above and beyond to pull his weight. that’s what happens when you have namor as an uncle figure i guess. i think that period of his time in the invaders is what instilled his tendency to disregard any danger or threat to his own life if it meant his team / friends / rest of the population were protected, because he’s always viewed himself as less important and if he can go out doing something impactful and worthwhile, then maybe he would have earnt his keep on the team. bucky’s best work tends to come AFTER the fact, because he will rush in and get captured or make a situation worse but his greatest skill is thinking on his feet and using what he’s got ( because that’s all he’s ever had --- no special powers, just good ole street smarts ) to a ) not get himself killed or b ) sometimes even save the day. he is HIGHLY resourceful --- a lot of the work he did for the invaders was sneaking around and scouting ahead and you have to have both eyes open for that, not to mention you have to be CLEVER and manipulative to gather intel and ( in his later years ) extract information from people. and add decades worth of experience into the mix and you’ve got a guy who basically knows every trick in the book. he knows how both sides of the world work --- he knows how things SHOULD be done, and he knows how criminals work and operate, and going back to the point about being deadly efficient --- he WILL use whatever method has the highest probability of success. ( depending on who he’s with, though, he CAN be swayed onto a slightly more moral path if those methods aren’t so pure. )  
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