#snippet: misc
bardic-tales · 1 year
RP Snippet
This is from the RP between my husband and I. I've always loved how he RP Jadus / Darth Noktis. This is where she starts a romantic affair with Jadus.
"One day, this shall all be mine," Darth Jadus mused, still looking out at the galaxy. "I shall rule over the galaxy. My loyal agents will reap rewards beyond their wildest imaginings." "I believe you," Cynthia responded. "I know you do." He turned, facing her now. "Your feelings betray you, agent. You cannot hide them from me."
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FanFiction Friends List:
@serenofroses @megandaisy9 @asirensrage @starryeyes2000 @arrthurpendragon @perasperaadastrawriting
If you would like to be on my fan fiction friends list, just let me know.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
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First of all, Asmo with love handles sounds adorable. I want him to keep them.
Second of all, what do you think Barbatos considers to be “too much of a couch potato?”
I think it’d go like this:
Barbatos is sitting on a sofa with perfect posture, hands folded in his lap, thinking about tea. He’s been there for five minutes.
He sighs. “I fear I have become too much of a couch potato.”
Meanwhile, MC is having visions of him slouched on a couch while watching TV and wearing sweatpants. He sneezes delicately before getting up to clean something.
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tallymarkbrothers · 11 months
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[Inktober Day 23 - Celestial]
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
Trick or Treat
THANK YOU here's a snippet from the gilmore girls au i am probably not finishing but is still VERY fun
Lando swings open the door the dinner, practically tripping over his own feet as he makes his way inside, delighted to be out of the crisp fall morning air. He takes off his scarf as he makes his way over to the bar, and gives his biggest, most beaming smile to Oscar, who has been watching Lando’s entry with a wary yet fond look on his face from his place behind the counter. “Oscar, you look beautiful today. Practically glowing. New skin care routine?” 
Oscar rolls his eyes. “Five minutes,” he says, turning his back to Lando. “Coffee’s not done brewing yet. Are you having breakfast?”
“Five minutes,” Lando laments dramatically, flopping his head down on the bar. “Might as well be five years. Why do you hate me.”
Oscar turns back to him, looking entirely unimpressed. “The machine was broken. You’ll live. Just be glad I managed to fix it.”
Lando, who had been making garbling dying noises into the warm wood of the bar, perks up. “Oscar, you are a savior to mankind and I don’t know what I would do without you. You impeccable handyman, you. You shining example of everything that’s good in the world. They should reward you citizen of the month. Nay, citizen of the-“
“Lando,” Oscar interrupts him, raising an eyebrow. “Do you want breakfast or not?”
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tragedykery · 1 year
rating: G
relationships: Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar)
additional tags: Pre-Canon, Running Away, Late Night Conversations
word count: 2980
Ty Lee stays quiet, which is unusual. Normally she’s pointing out how pretty the moon looks by now, or gossiping about their classmates, or suggesting they stargaze. But instead, she has fixed her gaze to the horizon, brow furrowed. Mai wants to smooth it out.
After what feels like an eternity, Ty Lee speaks, keeping her eyes on the mountains that fade into nothingness far, far away. Her voice is a birdsong above the rustling of leaves below.
“I’m leaving.”
[Mai and Ty Lee’s last night together at the Academy.]
written for @maileeweek day 6: running away
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saunne · 6 months
“What are you going to do now ?” Jing Yuan finally asked, while Jiyi had gone to curl up in his armchair, absent-mindedly playing with his elaborate hairpin.
“Retire and devote myself to writing, I think,” mused the poet with a distant look. "And... I'm thinking of returning to the Fanghu."
This news, more than that of his retirement, made Jing Yuan's heart sink. "You're going to leave ?"
Jiyi turned towards him, eyes weary and lips in a tight smile but unable to hide their quivering. “I can't... I can't stay, Jing Yuan. Not after all of that,” he confessed under his breath, his gaze falling on the pin in his hands. “Not after him.”
“You loved him too, didn’t you ?” he muttered in realization, late, too late. 
Jiyi laughed in response, a soft and lovely sound like bells or wind chimes, joyful despite his sadness, affectionate despite his sorrow. “Yes Yuan-er, I loved him. Not like you or Yinyue loved him, but A-Xing was….”
He left the sentence hanging, his gaze lost in the distance as the hairpin dug into the fat of his palm, his grip suddenly tightening before he released it with a small breath of laughter that sounded hollow.
“We, Vidyadhara, are tragic creatures for whom love is both the greatest strength and the greatest sin. There's a reason our greatest songs are elegies, Yuan-er.”
The Vidyadhara looked at him with a half-lidded gaze, the pale green of his eyes almost emerald in the semi-darkness of the dying day. Jing Yuan felt himself shuddering with unease at the intensity of his gaze, having always felt deeply uncomfortable when Jiyi dropped his cheerful persona to reveal the hidden and severe depths of his psyche, the exact thing that had made him one of the finest poets of their generation.
“Take care of Dan Feng, Jing Yuan. Because if I can only offer immortality to Yingxing through my works, our dear High Elder and all his following incarnations will never escape the memory of this love bigger than themselves.”
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infintasmal · 17 hours
fun potential verse ideas for JL (bc the cool kids r doing stuff)
imprisoned - rather than slipping away after her battle with JY, she is found unconscious in the rubble. she is imprisoned in the shackling prison as just another marastruck. and while the higher ups believed she would not last much longer given her sharp decline, she was persisted for centuries, unable to die, floating between prophetic delusions and startling coherency. her physical transformation is stunted and there have been debates among the judges about whether they should continue to find a means of execution or study her condition.
imprisoned v 2 - rather than keeping her locked up, she is given the xueyi treatment (forcibly or in lieu of execution). Not because she is remorseful or deserving of mercy but because she can still be useful. they're able to suppress some of her memories and transfer her conscious into an ingenium body while her physical form remains sealed within the shackling prison, bound in such a way to prevent her consciousness from returning. hundreds of years have passed and she remains the lord's favorite hunting dog.
abomination - it's one thing to know the ambrosial dragon's weak points, it's another to strike it without incidence. the fight is messy and mb she's devoured, only to absorb part of the dragon into her already weakened body. she emerges torn between the hunt and the abundance, an undying abomination that seems singularly focused on hunting down others of THEIR kind.
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cyberllfe · 2 years
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(E, Sixty/Fem!Reader, long as fuck dude, hurt/comfort) — work in progress
When you hear the doors click, the small warning that tells you they’re opening, you pull off him in a rush and race out of the taxi as fast as you’re physically able.
You expect to feel his hands on your arm, your shoulder, your waist, but you don’t. Knowing he’s far faster, you don’t look back, even when he calls your name with a growl of irritation, telling you to wait.
Not a chance. He’s shown you his speed before; there’s no way you’re passing up the slight, inevitably temporary advantage you have, so you run.
The glass doors to the building beep open at the touch of your electronic key. It’s open in a flash and you dash inside; you hear the telltale swish of the taxi doors moving as you wrench it shut again, making sure it closes all the way.
Sixty’s running a hand through his hair as he follows, his pace almost lazy, his expression resigned, but the sharpness around his eye is aimed at you. The button of his pants is still undone, but the smirk on his face fades deliciously as the door lock clicks into place.
You know he can hack the door: the show-off flaunted that skill about five minutes after he met you, with a thinly veiled allusion to his other skills. You also know it’ll take him at least thirty seconds to break through and he hasn’t even tried yet.
The elevator is already on the ground floor, doors open, by some miracle of luck. You blow Sixty a haphazard kiss through the door and run, slamming the button for your floor with far more force than necessary.
[read on ao3]
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nursemimosa · 2 months
a preview of the first chapter of my fic series; Cadence Melody- which intends to be a retelling of the Scarlet/Violet story through the eyes of two librarians of Naranja-Uva Academy...
A sway of teal colored hair stirred on the pillow until the head it belonged to rose, groggily sitting upright. A croaky yawn and stretch, and the girl got out of bed, hoping her heavy eyelids wouldn't give in to the temptation of just a little more sleep. It was another day at her internship, and she couldn't afford to skip a day, or even arrive late. As she rubbed her eyes and headed to the restroom of her small apartment, she sighed. "I had that dream about the dress again…"
A moderate breakfast consisting of a sweet round concha bun and mocha coffee, sweetened slightly to her tastes was prepared by the young woman. She was rummaging through her workbag, a woven handbag in a splash of multicolored stripes gifted to her by her grandmother; her abuela when she noticed something was off. Just then, through the doorway, a Raichu waddled over carrying in its rounded paws, an inhaler. There it was! It must have been in her room before her orange-furred companion found it.
The woman took the inhaler from the mouse Pokemon and put it in her bag. She pat the Raichu on the head and it began to rub its face into the palm of her hand, nuzzling. She took great care to avoid its electric cheek sacs. "Thank you Maribelle, I would have forgotten this if you hadn't found it."
A Rotom phone began to ring with dulcet chirping tones. The woman answered the phone and it floated its way up to face her, the screen widening, signaling to her that this was about to be a video call. Good thing she had already made herself tidy and presentable. The screen blipped until the face of an older man appeared on the screen. "Raine. Am I coming through the screen okay?" the man's voice beamed through the screen with echo-y sound quality. She nodded and the man took a sigh of relief. "Raine, have you been staying up late again?" Upon being asked that question, the woman faltered a bit, then chuckled accusingly. "A little bit.. I have been having the weirdest dreams lately and when I wake up from them I find that I can't sleep. So to answer your question-yes and no. I go to bed early but can't seem to fall asleep.."
Their conversation continued, and Raine Cadencia; the newest intern of Naranja-Uva Academy's library made her way to work. The trek through the city of Mesagoza was brisk, with the morning air lingering on, even as the thick fog began to evaporate away. It would usually take Raine a half hour to get to the center of the city when it was as empty and quiet as it was now. The long, arduous (to her) trek up the giant stairway to the school took the wind out of her, and she found herself wishing there could be an alternate way to get up there. She contemplated on using her inhaler, but after giving herself a rest on a bench on the school's front yard, she got back up and went inside.
Raine was to meet up with her supervisor. During the first week of her internship, she was paired up to work with an older woman, and while she was assured that her new supervisor was friendly, she still didn't know what to think of her. As she was told by some of her other supervisors; the librarian known as Fabiana Melodía was a peculiarity. They had spoken several times, and Raine was sometimes rendered bashful by the woman's sunshiny, outgoing disposition. From what she had discussed with Fabiana so far, Raine had learned that she was a huge fan of comics and animated media. She was somewhere in her forties. She wore her make-up in a particular way, and always seemed to have her nails done. She also loved history books and Paldea's weekly Occulture magazine.
Funny that Raine should remember Occulture…
The older woman and her wavy pink hair, stray hairs by the plenty were bouncing along with her as she was situated in front of the Occulture collection with clown-like poise. She had been poring down the pages of one of the volumes with rapt attention, a serious expression on her face. She often muttered utterances of "Hmm"s and "I see.."s. Her cartoonish seriousness was so outlandish to other outsiders, with students and staff passing by her exchanging giggles and Raine couldn't help but give up holding in her own. Was she trying to bemuse the people around her? Nobody could really tell. In truth, this was the kind of person Fabiana carried herself out to be, on the regular.
"Rainey!" the older woman beamed upon noticing the younger woman's prescence. "You found me. I 'spose it wasn't that hard; these magazines attract me to them like flies to a Vileplume." She posed, turning around briskly, hands on her hips and looked towards Raine, who was now in front of her. She asked, "What's got ya gigglin' this early?"
Raine blinked, her face mottled with a faint pink. "N-nothing really. You must really like this magazine huh?" She could hear her voice crack when she asked.
"I love me some Occulture!" Fabiana responded. "And some manga. But that's only when I can go on break during my second gig." That's right, Raine recalled. Fabiana worked two jobs. When she wasn't carrying out her duties at the library, Fabiana was at her post at the cafeteria's register. It was curious to Raine that her supervisor took two jobs, but she wasn't one to pry. A brief silent spell followed, which was soon broken by her supervisor.
Fabiana blinked, then smiled, her face inching closer to Raine's and curioisty followed her. "Oh?" Her signature red heart earrings spun as she moved. It was hard to believe they were as light and hollow as Raine was told, they sure looked heavy.
Raine blinked even more then blushed. "W-what!? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"
Fabiana giggled. "Pardon me for starin'. It's just. You're really pretty."
Raine couldn't bring herself to words. Were they going to get to even doing their job at this point or what? "Excuse me? Miss Fabiana… um…" she asked in her characteristically soft voice.
"It kinda just occurred to me all of a sudden." Fabiana remarked. "Your skin's really clear and it looks like you take care of yourself. That's important." She said this very matter of factly. It was very apparent that Fabiana seemed to run to the beat of her own drum, bouncing off one topic to the next.
Raine was taken aback somewhat. She had always considered herself very plain, somewhat average, always blending in. Fabiana did not seem the type to take notice of girls like her. Women like her, worldly, pretty, likely to have lots of lived experience; seemed like people from another planet. Her smile beamed with bright intensity, and it took all it could for Raine not to fold by how small and meek it made her feel. "Um.."
Fabiana chuckled."It's no worries! Sorry, I tend to get distracted a lot. Ol' Feef runs to the rhythm of her own drum. The archives room needs some help since they've been re organizin' it. Why don't we pay 'em a visit?" and the two of them went off, downstairs into a concealed entranceway where students and guests wouldn't be able to see. They hauled boxes upon boxes of manila folders and old artifacts that no doubt had some significance to the academy's long storied history.
The two of them were only asked to take care of the transportation of boxes from the archives to a storage room, so when that was said and done, Fabiana gave her goodbyes to her co-workers and Raine. No doubt, she was likely heading off to "organize" the Occulture section again, or so Raine assumed.
Raine was completely unaware of how many hours had passed since the morning began. It was now well past noon and the sun was beginning to show signs of cooling down. Her shifts were considerably shorter than that of her supervisors, so she wondered if she should spend the rest of it putting back check ins, as she had grown accustomed to, or seeing if the reference desk needed anyone to cover for them while they could use a well needed break.
Just as she was about to take a step forward out to the main library corridor, a voice from below where she had stood stopped her. "You're the intern right? Could you come here for a bit?"
Evening and a golden sunset now blanketed the city of Mesagoza with its gilded shimmer. Fabiana took a yawn, stretched her arms, and rubbed her hands and forearms, they were sore from the repeated motions of shelving ad nauseum. Her curiosity got the better of a greedy her, and she wanted to know if anything of interest was unearthed in the archive room. She went down the secret stairway to the concealed hall and found that Raine was on her knees, scrubbing the floors with a wet washcloth.
"Where is everyone else?" Fabiana asked. Her entrance was so sudden to Raine, that the teal haired woman nearly stumbled backwards into the bucket of soapy water she used to dip the wash cloth in. "Miss Fabiana! I didn't hear you come in!"
"Why are you still here?" Fabiana asked. "It's past 6:30. Doesn't your day end at 4:30?" She noted the bucket, washcloth, and a mop situated in the corner of the room.
"They're having me wax the floors, but its taking me longer than I expected to clean them up to prep them." Raine took a break from scrubbing and wiped her wrist against her forehead. Fabiana crouched down to meet her; both women heard an audible crack come from the pink haired woman's lower back as she took the washcloth and scrubbed in Raine's stead.
"You're fine with this?" Fabiana asked of her younger contemporary. "It seems like they're making you do extra work you didn't ask to do."
"It's fine…" Raine said with her soft voice. "I figured that picking up some extra grunt work would do me good… I want to make a good impression." Then, with uncertainty in her stomach, "I want to make it clear to everyone that I want this job.. that I want to be a full timer when I graduate." Her mouth trembled as she stood to stretch and Fabiana stopped scrubbing.
"I don't think this- this making you wax the floor of the room has much to do with that." Her tone was unusually serious. "I know the ladies who asked you to do this, because I've seen them ask you to take out the trash and file things past your work hours. Those aren't your duties when you clock out. They're just using you."
Raine blinked, unsure of what to say next. Something about her co-worker seemed off, like she dropped a facade. Fabiana continued, "At the end of the day, a job is a job. You should be able to go home when you clock out. You owe it to yourself to voice your feelings and concerns. It's okay to say 'no' to things."
"You're being picked on for being the new kid."
Was she really? Raine had gained a new perspective she wasn't conscious of. Fabiana had her put away the cleaning supplies, and reassured her that the archival team that was originally meant to clean the room would do it.
At home, Raine went to bed, the usually cheerful woman's stern words re-playing in her mind like a tape recording. It was true. Raine had spent most of her life as a doormat. It took the realization of the quirky beauty of the library to snap Raine to reality.
But what did it matter? Her own Pokemon didn't seem to mind, but they also didn't really see her when she was at work. Unsure of what to do the next day now that Fabiana unofficially relinquished her from floor waxing duty, she grabbed hold of her Raichu Maribelle, who was already dozing off, and joined her in deep slumber…
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nukaposting · 1 year
pov you’re trying to track down accurate information on the phantom of the opera silent film
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bardic-tales · 1 year
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Good afternoon, everyone. Despite several personal things that are happening, I feel very motivated to write today.
I hope everyone else has been productive. If you have, what are you working on? If you haven't, that is okay, too!
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Author’s commentary:
I still feel the imposter syndrome, but I think I am doing better than I was previously. I forgot to mention that the last two days were my days off from working on anything officially.
Today's writing session was brought to you by a wordcrawl. I decided to clean my house and found a wordcrawl provided by one of the Discords I am a member of.
As I was writing this, I couldn't get John Wick out of my head. I don't know if that is either a good or bad thing, but it did lead to an interesting dynamic between the protagonist and the antagonist.
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Snippet: (tw: violence. implied child death.)
Good, she thought, I have the element of surprise on my side. She didn’t think anyone could have tracked her as quickly as Ellen did. That was what happened when a Garda member treated the improvished with empathy and kindness. She also had favors she called in.
For a brief moment, the other woman said nothing. She simply held Ellen’s gaze with her wide-eyed stare.
There would be no drag out fight this time. Ellen wouldn’t allow this woman to have the upper hand, and she would find out where her son was and why she had targeted Deidre in the first place.
Ellen stepped forward, gripped the other woman’s shoulder, and forced her to sit down in the patio chair. Although she was average size, she towered over the seated Maeve. She called through gritted teeth, “Where is my son?”
The words tumbled out calm but firm like a serene frozen lake hiding turbulent current in the middle of winter. There was no emotion behind them, but Maeve didn’t know what Ellen was capable of. Hell, Ellen didn’t even know what she was capable of.
“I don’t kn — ”
Ellen jabbed the end of the baton forward into Maeve’s face. The crunching sound of nose bones giving way against the metal of the baton was the only thing that she and Maeve heard. Blood poored down the philtrum, coating the other woman’s lips, and dripped off her chin, plopping down the table.
Once more, she asked the question. “Where is my son?”
Again, the words were not forced nor had a harsh bite to them. Ellen was simply a woman who had lost it all to this woman: her lover, her family, and her child. She held no sympathy or pity for her.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
I’m really having fun writing Arsenios’s story. I always worry that nobody wants to read a long fic about an OC, but I’m so deep in it now there’s no turning back. It’s like I’ve descended into OC madness because there are more of them now & I can’t stop thinking about all of them. Ridiculous.
Of course I’m still in the canon character brain rot, too. I like that I can do some of both. It’s a nice way to expand my creativity. Anyway, I’ll end up posting all of it soon enough and then everyone will know how insane I’ve become.
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erinsworld · 2 years
Saturday Snippets
What Happens In Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas - tag to 3x11, because you don't just walk away from what our boys went through
"He's in the shower."
Mac immediately stills his movements and snaps his head to look at his boss. "Who?"
"Jack," Matty says simply, looking directly at him from where she stands across his kitchen.
"I know," Mac answers. Too quickly and he knows it. He answers again, but even as he’s saying
the words Mac knows that he’s only making it worse. "Yeah? Oh, okay. Good. That's-that’s good."
"Matty, I know what you're going to say, and I'm fine."
"You keep saying that. You both keep saying that. But it's been weeks now," Matty says gently.
“Jack is back on his feet, the fractures to his sternum and his broken ribs are completely healed and he’s been cleared by medical to be back in the field. Yet he still continues to live at your house."
"Jack usually always drives in the mornings," Mac excuses with a shrug of one shoulder. It’s a quick, twitch of movement, barely a motion at all; a physical outlet for the anxious energy thrumming throughout his body that he’s trying to contain and suppress.
He can feel her gaze on him, accessing, examining and Mac straightens up his body and slips his trembling hands into the pockets of the baggie hoodie that he's wearing, aware that the Longhorns logo emblazoned on the front is doing nothing to sell the words that he is saying. "So, we decided it’s just easier if he’s already here. He—"
"And how twitchy you get if he's out of your sight for even a moment?" Matty interrupts. A knowing look crosses her features, the question is not a question in the least. "Agitated. On edge. Your breathing getting quicker... Your eyes always on him even when he's in the same room or standing right beside you?"
"The way Jack is even gentler with you than he usually is? The haunted, guilty look in his eyes that Jack, with his years of covert experience can't mask?"
Untitled - Some teen Riley and young Jack. This was for Cairo Week, this year? The year before? Prompt was "Tell me where it hurts "
Riley has seen enough. She and her mom’s new boyfriend may have an antagonistic relationship—okay, if she’s being honest with herself, she’s the one being antagonistic.
Jack is…
Riley sighs as she looks across the hallway and into the dim room at the man in question. Jack is sweet and caring, thoughtful, and patient, amusing and fun. Though, those last two she will never admit out loud.
Every single thing that her dad isn’t.
Riley just doesn’t know what to do with that.
And if she’s going to be totally honest with herself, she isn’t ready, or willing, to let down the walls that she’s so carefully constructed and fortified and let him in.
Yet, a distant part of her mind whispers.
That doesn’t mean though, that she wants to see him struggling and in pain.
She pushes herself away from the corner she had tucked herself into, her bare feet padding silently on the cool wooden floors as she crosses the hallway. He looks up as she slips around the half-opened bathroom door and into the small room, and if she surprised him, he doesn’t show it.
Then again, he never startles no matter the circumstances, always calm and controlled. Seemingly aware of his surroundings even when she doesn’t think he’s paying any attention. He’s a conundrum that she can’t figure out.
“Riley… Ri, hey…." Jack's soft drawl is apologetic and full of concern as he drops his right arm to his side and twists his body to face her. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. It’s late, you should be sleeping.”
“It’s barely midnight, Jack, that’s hardly late,” Riley scoffs. There’s remorse, and something else she can’t name shining in his brown eyes and Riley feels the need to ease that guilt somehow.
“And you didn’t wake me,” she adds. The words are quick and awkward, but she hopes they carry the reassurance and sincerity she’s trying for. “I was still awake just doing some... reading."
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thewrongshop · 2 years
Last Line Meme
tagged by @bluejayblueskies! :)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the line.
I'm gonna go with the last tma line i wrote, not the real Last Line, bc the real last line I wrote was for a critical role thing i'm secretly writing for my friend that's never gonna get published anywhere and I think only like two people who follow me are into that anyway ksjghdfkj. So this is from my latest post-mag200 idea, in which some things accidentally get tangled in the cutting of the tether and our intrepid heroes are left with some odd side effects :)
Looking down at Jon is a man he’s certain he’s never seen before in his life. 
I cannot tag 16 people i'm sorry it's just impossible. here are 4 <3
@asexualzoro @princess-of-purple-prose @cobalt-knave @judesstfrancis
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saunne · 7 months
Kafka wasn't even sure what had left her lips, mind filled with static and Spirit Whisper singing under her breath as she reached out, grabbed and seized, deaf to the prayer-like moan that escaped from Jing Yuan’s tempting mouth. She barely felt how the ridges of Jing Yuan's armor dug into the relief of her spine as the woman collapsed, whole body seized with a tremolo-like tremor. 
With quivering eyes hidden behind closed eyelids, Kafka let herself be carried away by Jing Yuan’s melody, losing herself in the most delicate nuances of the tonal color, in the cadence of the notes, in the phrases and motifs and bridges, tasting the notes on her tongue and feeling the emotion rise, ascend, climax.
She opened her eyes with a trembling breath, her mind saturated with something incredible, inconceivable, exhilarating. It was a matter of an instant for Kafka to reverse their positions, pressing a limp-bodied Jing Yuan against the wall, pulling that marvelous thick hair with a firm hand to reveal the curve of a pale neck. The marks left by her rouge almost looked like wounds in the semi-darkness, as she worshiped that swan-like throat with feathery kisses, feeling the slightest quiver of suppressed moans beneath her mouth.
Elio was a composer, Kafka his conductor and Ren would be one of their joint masterpieces. 
But Jing Yuan ? 
Jing Yuan was a magnum opus.
Jing Yuan's spirit sang an angel's choir in the embrace of her Spirit Whisper, soft and malleable and delicate in all its strength. Not the slightest trace of resistance, not the slightest surrender either. 
An offering, on a platter, all for her to grasp, all for her to devour.
All for her to ruin, all for her to destroy.
All for her to sublimate, to rebuild, to elevate.
Jing Yuan was a magnum opus and Kafka wanted to make her sing.
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Gift to @aratribo and @hunterfromtheabyss ! 💜
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we all know abt the quadruplet womb war, but consider: fantasy au
[referencing past post: Lmao it'd b so funny if someone wrote a fantasy au of the quadruplet womb war complete with alliances betrayals and the fate of multiple kingdoms on the line? The killing of each sibling represented by an eye turning gold, whereupon the one to kill all 3 (kills transfer) is granted all seeing prophetic vision or something? But after the cruel deaths of their other siblings (mika mercy killing one, and suzu killing one willingly to avenge the first one's death) they decide to truce instead so no one gets prophetic vision but also neither of them die?] ive been thinking about the womb war fantasy au for the past few minutes ive fleshed it out a bit more but only really really random bits
i dont read enough fantasy stuff to contribute in a meaningful way but go bonkers pensive lay it out
so they all lived in the same kingdom right in the same castle bc its their kingdom and their castle and they bein the heirs but then their parents die and demon/god/diety/eldritch horror(my fave option now tbh) appears and lays out the rules of the curse that determines the rightful heir (bc they were quadruplets ofc they dont know who takes the throne) (btw its there bc either their parents summoned it for some pre-birth deal that impacted their birth or one specific quadruplet summoned it u'll know when i explain them) so the curse says that the rightful heir would have a pair of golden eyes that will see into the future, but in order to unlock the power the others must die. one death for each eye, and a third (done in a ritual) to unlock the ability to use the power. as it stands the siblings are mika (blue), suzu (pink/red), eldest (working name, first born, green) and guy (3rd born, after mika, orange). mika suzu and eldest r like hell naw bc they fam and love each other but orange is not goin for that route bc he really really wants to become more powerful (overshadowed by suzu's magic, eldest's sword, mika's charm) and longs for the throne, and destest the way everyone else has decided that gentile, weak willed eldest should take the throne.
so yea aft some shenangians guy takes control of the castle by force and tries to kill his siblings but with the help of the servants they manage to escape, although spread out in different directions with varying degrees of help. eldest makes it out with a band of 3-5 trusted aids and heads out to the kingdom of one of his friends (my heart telling me either izumi or eichi for some reason), mika is rescued by 2 kind servants (they run into the woods, no real idea where they are but heading in a direction they hope leads to civilization), and suzu escapes alone (making it to the slums of a busy city in their neighboring kingdom the morning after, as dawn breaks over the horizon. hazy mist covers the streets, not blinding but obscuring, the biting cold stings her cheeks, and in that moment she wants nothing but to lay down and sleep in the wake of civilization. but the stabbing pain of light hitting her eyes shakes a molecule of sense back into her, terrifyingly alone, she has no choice to keep moving. as the morning markets begin to set up, she disappears into the crowd of the bustling trade city)
so anyways mika and pals do eventually reach civilization of their own, deciding the best way to keep themselves hidden + ensure their survival is to get work, they do exactly that. managing to get work at the local lord's house, which they realize too late to be the archduke lord itsuki (ik, hold ur shock).
eldest pleads his case to the kingdom he sought refuge in, gaining their support to in creating a rebellion against his brother's rule bc at that point it'd taken weeks for him to get an audience w people high enough to make the decision on what to do with him (a foreign fuckin prince) and in that time he had seen how his brother treated his people, how their suffering didn't even make it into his eyes. his simple plead for sanctuary suddenly turning into an indignant cry for justice. their prince, enamored wiht the fury of a man known for his placidity, agrees after much deliberation with the council. the kingdom casts a discreet call for war, asking for soldiers from only their most trusted nobles, the cards become set.
meanwhile suzu becomes a mercenary and catches the eye of queen anzu (yaasssssssss girl slaaaaaay), who had inherited the throne after her parents died in an epidemic a few years prior, only winning the title from her brother due to her immense prowess in all fields of study. uhhhhhh shenaniganry happens and turns out mika and eldest were actually in the same kingdom! huzzah they have a tearful reunion and shu offers his soldiers to the war efforts. but when mika asks to join shu refuses bc he doesnt want him hurt & he has minimal combat abilities
[1]mika sneaks in anyways lololol and oopsie doopsie turns out the whole thing was a trap bc guy(orange) had started dabbling in Forbidden Magic Of Mass Destruction (tm) which required snackrafices for use and had destructive tolls on the user's magic poewr, mainly that the source of their power slowly becomes corrupted and eventually leaves them unable to use any other power besides FMOMD (tm) which also gives them Big Pain. so yea he fatally wounds eldest and is about to torture him to death when shu fuckin itsuki (:shushock:) storms in and overwhelms him enough to force him into retreat but at that point eldest is still like, y'know dying and shu is very very conflicted on if he has to right to put him out of his misery bc he knows how much he means to mika and even tho eldest is like "milord, it is alright- we both know how this ends" shu is takin no bitches today and yeets him to the infirmary tent where doctors decend upon him like rabid bagers but they're all like "yea, no way. hes dyin" and he's liek "yep im dyin." and says "i am nothing but a fool, a weak hearted coward like guy said. i didn't have the strength to harm him, and this is the result. how dare i, who hath broken my treasured oath, dare to face you all?(a lot of the ppl there r runaways from the quadruplet's kingdom)" and then he tells them to gtfo so he can die in shame and alone and they're like "NAUUUUURRRR" but get dragged away anyways by the neighboring kingdom's knights who had less stake but was touched by the scene and relented to his wishes. but then ya boy, mika kagehara, who had snuck into battle as a supply runner, and was too busy getting bandages in the storage shed to hear abt thsi piping hot tea, accidently runs through the wall of the tent eldest was in and sees him there. thye have a heart to heart, mika cries, eldest's body is slowly shutting down so he can't bring tears but he still looks like hes holding it back and then mika mercy kills him
[2]and then mika gets the first gold eye wooooooooooo so yea the rebellion keeps fighting but mika (who had been found clutching his dearest brother's hand, a vile of their most quick, efficient, painless poison laying on the cot. a tender smile watching over him from beyond the grave) and is Extremely Distraught so shu takes him to a safehouse nearby (either one of his houses or a friend's) for him to recover where he hears news about ongoing news in the west. ok so lets talk abt the west. i just arbitrarily decided that anzu's kingdom is actually a large empire in the west (making her the empress woooooooo!!) and thye have some Really Big problems with monsters and pirates. you see all along the sides of their empire are massive magical forests, dense in monsters and resources. this has allowed their trade to boom as thye became better hunters and gatherers, but their booming trade all stirred up all kinds of trouble from envious kingdoms/groups/whomevers so they have rampant problems with all kinds of bandits and outlaws. so much that it overwhems the amount of knights they have available, so the kingdom created a really strict but highly compent hiring system for mercs, who get paid well for their loyalty assistance. so then suzu, a hyper-competent-only-seen-in-a-thousand-years-wizard rises to great acclaim very fast and word of her exploits + the empress's favor quickly reaches the kingdom valk is in. so shu, who knows everything abt the sitch by now, sends her news of the ongoings of the rebellion and how eldest is dead and mika is dealing Poorly. suzu likewise reacts Poorly and becomes filled with Vengeful Rage and runs over immediately to go kill guy(orange) anzu finds out shes gone by the note she left behind and makes Plans so suzu gets the drop on guy and kills guy boo de hoo and w/o him there to control the puppet soldier/golem things that had been defending the castle the rebellion succeeds Very Quickly
[1]i oculd cry [2]GIRLSLAY SUZU
shu itsuki bursts into the throne room (where guy died) shortly after and meets suzu who he Knows is suzu bc of her eyes and tells her the castle has been captured the the rebellion has won, suzu is relieved and collapses bc Epic Battle Tiring so shu takes her to the safe house mika is staying in for her to rest and get treatment. so the (now) twins are reunited :DD so suzu now has a gold eye, mika has a gold eye, and whoever kills the other inherits their gold eye from the brother they killed + unlocks the power of prophecy … "yea but htey obvs dont want to kill each other" u say, and ur absolutely right except god/demon/elderitch horror really really wants them too and plagues them with horrible night mares and sleep walking spells and after a few small nightime scares and one Very Big nightime Incident where mika had sleepwalked over to suzu with either a pillow or blanket in hand to smother her (which was seen and stopped before anything could happen by a patroling maid) they beomce Very Concered over it and try figuring out what to do when BA BAB BABAAAAAAAAAA ANZU AND ENJI (<-engirls mc, yes this is his name now im taking this name its my ver of cannon now) appear and reveal that while enji is Magicless (tm) he is suprisingly incredibly efficient at the hwole Hypothetical Magic field of study (the same field utilized/abused into the summoning of the thing) and with the power of Deus Ex Machina he and anzu manage to seal away the demon in a ritual that probs involved the twins's blood ngl and so yea woooooooooo after that thye take some days to calm down from the Everythings and eventaully talk about the . the waht happens next. mika admits he isn't a good fit for the throne due to his airheadedness and tendency to misunderstand the machinations of hihg society (& jus doesn't feel like he deserves it), and while suzu has similar inhibitions she knows one of them has to step up bc no one else will and so despite her fears she takes to plunge and accepts the crown
the kingdoms that helped during the war (anzu's empire+eldest's friend's kingdom) all form alliances as the suzu's kingdom undergoes intense reconstruction, developing a strong focus into research for many fields (mostly medicine, magic, and hypotheticals-a broad term used to emcompass many areas of study people would deem to be fiction, everything from what we[<-fourth wall break lol] consider modern science to the god/demon/elderitch magic that started and ended it all) enji moves there and takes up shop in the kingdom's grand university, becoming one of it's first researchers and lecturers. mika also attends one for a time, learning and researching the medicine that could have saved his brother's life + (accidently) finding a passion for artistic textiles and sewing. anzu and suzu eventually get engaged and circumvent the whole Heir Production thing by using a new hypothetical magic they+enji created that allows the user(s) to insert the blessings of one's bloodline onto anyone they want and proceed to bless two capable and loyal advisers. and while the decision was at first met with harsh criticism, they were eventually proven to have chosen well as the merrits of their successors build and build. oh yea and shu+mika are probs engaged bc why not other notes im toying w the idea of ra*bits also being from suzu's kingdom, but only nazuna managed to escape (by mika's side) while the rest were trapped in the palace with guy. they probs did espionage and helped the rebellion start tho, and defected as soon as they could. arashi's probs the other servant, bc she's mika's bestie. im thinking of making the safe house belong to wataru, bc lmao shu havin to ask a man he's friends w by circumstance for help bc he was the closest n most viable option n must throw away his pride for the one he loves. also bc of that thinkin of the 5 eccentrics all bein in that kingdom and at that point it'd probs make the most sense if it's king was rei huh. meh ill figure it out
mika also attends one for a time, learning and researching the medicine that fould have saved his brother’s life
i could die
[anon4] holy shit i love this
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