noneun · 8 months
Questo articolo spiega un po' la situazione "alieni messicani". Aggiungo anche un riassunto dei dettagli anatomici e genetici trovato su redddit:
In base a ciò che sappiamo su chi ha presentato questi oggetti, la somiglianza di collo e cranio all'E.T. di Carlo Rambaldi, le radiografie del cranio che assomigliano molto al retro del cranio di un alpaca, la confusione fra mummificazione e fossilizzazione, la fantasiosa inferenza logica secondo la quale "siccome non sembrano umani e non assomigliano a nessuna specie terrestre allora sono extraterrestri", la presenza in questi organismi non terrestri di qualcosa di estremamente terrestre come un cervello posto nella testa, una testa, un aspetto umanoide, quattro zampe (però tre dita, omg!) e –sorpresa sorpresa– uova (come il 99,9% degli animali sulla Terra), l'affermazione totalmente campata in aria che il DNA umano differisca da quello batterico del 15% e che invece il 30% di DNA alieno "sconosciuto" sia tantissimo (già il fatto che ci sia un DNA è incredibilmente improbabile per una specie aliena, figurarsi il fatto che 70% sia "conosciuto"), e molte altre cose dello stesso tenore... beh, sarei propenso a classificare la questione come una sesquipedale cazzata.
Prontissimo però a ricredermi totalmente qualora tutte queste informazioni fossero in futuro disponibili in uno studio pubblicato con peer review e qualora laboratori accreditati indipendenti dovessero confermare con altrettanto attendibili studi le conclusioni di qualcuno che è già stato beccato in passato a presentare come extraterrestri artefatti ricavati da parti animali (anche umani) molto terrestri.
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qupritsuvwix · 11 months
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heckyeahponyscans · 2 months
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Snopes.com was THE fact-checking / lie-debunking website in the 2000s, covering everything from lighthearted fare like "is this a picture of Bigfoot?" to rumors about Iraq War, which at the time often spread via chain emails or Dick Cheney.
Well, Snopes still exists and I encourage you to check it out. They will investigate until they find the primary source of a photo, a quote, an article. This is especially important in a world where AI is increasingly able to fool the human eye and human ear.
In case you were wondering, the status of the photos / articles I clipped for this post are:
Israel making a deal with BetterHelp - Real, and the company was founded by an IDF soldier who proudly brags about this fact in his online profile. Also they have previously been caught selling private medical information.
IDF soldier threatening a woman with children - Real picture but not from current conflict
Are Palestinians forbidden from collecting rainwater? Yes, and the situation is even more dire than the headline makes it sound. Really recommend this article for a deeper understanding of the discrimination the Palestinians suffered even prior to the current conflict.
Did Israel use white phosphorus on Gaza? The evidence strongly points to yes. This article is VERY good, very well-researched.
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buttchug-bongwater · 2 years
On March 14th, 2022, the Evil Penis Wizard was spotted entering the whitehouse, with seemingly no intervention from security, the police, the military, or patriotic space aliens.
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Why would this be allowed to happen? One can only assume that Joe Biden wishes to enter peace talks with the Evil Penis Wizard, and yet BILLIONS of us are still having penis spells cast on us, three months later.
So what happened?
I believe that Joe Biden and the Evil Penis Wizard are teaming up to bring about Penis Totality. Basically, they're planning to
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But why would he do this? And what proof do I have? You may be tempted to call me a liar and a fraud.
When asked about his penis on the campaign trail in 2020, Joe Biden had this to say:
"Listen, Buster, where I come from, we don't brag about our dicks. We just quietly go about our business, getting the job done, day in and day out. That's how we do things in Scranton, Pennsylvania. And I'm proud of my small penis. It's never gotten in the way of me doing my job, and it's never stopped me from getting the job done. So, when you see me out there on the campaign trail, shaking hands and kissing babies, know that I'm doing it with a small penis. And I'm proud of that."
WOW. Those sound like the words of a man who would bring about PENIS TOTALITY to me.
Still don't believe me? Think my photos are hoaxes? Just ask snopes.com
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I think I'll let the evidence speak for itself.
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atiglain · 1 year
tumblr in the TI universe
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🏛  togasupreme Follow
please stop judging masons based on suit cut, especially if you’re not a mason. Some of us can’t afford to change out our suits every year, some of us like to express ourselves, and also it's genuinely rude!
🧶🔁 humanistacrochet  Follow
yeah i agree with this. if im going to judge a mason it'll be for shitty political opinions lol
🏺🔁 catullusmasonicus  Follow
op looks like this btw
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🧶🔁 humanistacrochet  
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🌿  cousininthesheets Follow
okay how do you pronounce VADL (Vivien Ancelet Don’t Look) -> 
Vee-Ae-Dee-Elle (wrong)     ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 1%
Vaddle (correct) 🟦⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ 2.3%
other? (tags)          🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦⬜️ 96.7%
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🧗‍♂️   greythelaws Follow
okay the problem with cookie is that theyre like a terrible person, but also really funny. like so so so so so funny i cant look away. i think they should probably get their head blown off (simulated, not real, VADL) but also i kind of want them to stay in politics forever
💜🔁  masonidloveto  Follow
hey op
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💫cleopatrautopian  Follow
i wish people had better slurs for us tbh “astroturd” is so lame are you in middle school? lol. moonman is okay but lacks punch. 
👩‍💻🔁upunk  Follow
Ive heard “mooncel” before but i have no idea where the suffix originated from. 
💫🔁 cleopatrautopian 
I like mooncel... maybe moonfucker would work as well? we should workshop this. 
🌏🔁 postsfromuranus Follow
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🪓  hobbesian   Follow
people love to say apollo mojave was so cool and awesome but we hooked up at campus and the dick was mediocre tbh..
🌟🔁 protectthegreat  Follow
me when i spread misinformation on the internet
????? lmao I’m sorry did you take their dick?? you want to submit a competing complaint? write a counterclaim on Snopes.com? want to sit in their room on alexandria campus (not air conditioned) listen to them drone on (spit flying from mouth on several occasions) (beer breath) and take some dick that is, at best, a 6/10? be my fucking guest. 
🏺🔁catullusmasonicus  Follow
this is like poetry to me
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Anonymous asked:
I'm against OS on ideological grounds but i kind of wish they would take you out tbh...
🌕  lalunadeutopia Follow
this website’s hate mail game is insane.
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Anonymous asked:
its so funny that you’re getting hate for that apollo mojave post when all that you spread was the truth
🪓  hobbesian Follow
nah it wasnt even i lied i didnt fuck them💀 
#misinformation indeed
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sunset-bridge · 7 months
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this is verified on snopes.com !
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
there needs to be a mxtx fandom equivalent of snopes.com for investigating and then debunking common crap interpretations of the source material. it wouldn't solve all the shitty discourse problems, of course, but i do think there are some subjects that would benefit from this type of resource library
good candidates:
CLAIM: "jiang cheng clearly hunted down and tortured scores of demonic cultivators after wei wuxian's death"
RATING: false/mixed/whatever
CLAIM: "jin guangyao definitely killed qin su"
RATING: false/mixed, varies depending on the adaptation
and then in snopes style, the origins of the initial claim will be presented, followed by evidence from the source material contradicting the claim.
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yesterdays-xkcd · 4 months
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The MythBusters are even more sinister.
Snopes [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Two Cueballs sit at a table across from each other, typing on their laptops.] Cueball: Another urban legend? You should check out Snopes before sending me this stuff. Friend: Oops; yeah. Cueball: Man, Snopes is really great--independent fact-checkers trawling our collective discourse, filtering out misinformation.
[The Cueballs are still sitting at the table across from each other, looking at each other.] Friend: Yeah, but they have their dark side. The couple that runs snopes.com also runs a network of spam servers that start many of those forwarded stories in the first place, ensuring they'll always have business.
[Cueball on the left is typing on his laptop, while the second Cueball is sitting, stunned.] Cueball: That's absurd. Plus, it's definitely not true--it was debunked by... Friend: Yes? Cueball: ...Oh my God.
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21stcenturyschizoidfag · 11 months
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collapsedsquid · 7 months
Bot always seems like it's trying to sound like scolding Snopes.com factchecking but if you ask snopes.com something like "did mcafee fuck a whale" it would lead with "John McAffee said he fucked a whale ..... However we doubt that because...." The bot totally fails the first part, the first part is the essential part of the fact-check. If you don't include it it destroys what credibility you might have.
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ohfugecannada · 2 years
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A few good sites/pages for learning some media literacy and spotting online misinformation:
Snopes.com - a site that’s been around for twenty years (long before Google search engine was a thing) debunking urban legands and, more recently, fake news and misinformation.
Checkyourfact.com - a site similar to snopes that debunks fake news and viral “facts”. It’s the place I found out that post about Kraft releasing a rainbow coloured mayo called “Real Gaydo” for pride month was a satirical photoshop piece that was stolen from its original artist’s Instagram and shared around as a real product on Facebook and other sites.
School Library Journal - has a page of resources for teaching students and teachers how to spot misinformation and fake news and improve media literacy.
NAMLE.net - aka the National Association for Media Literacy Education, the leading nonprofit membership organization dedicated to advancing media literacy education in the United States.
Newslit.org - an educational nonprofit that provides programs and resources for learning media literacy. What’s cool about this site is they have an extensive number of quizzes designed to help you test your media literacy skills, which give you tips along with the question answers about how to spot and avoid misinformation and fake news. All of which you can try out for yourself here.
If anyone has more good online literacy resources like this, please feel free to add more!
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qupritsuvwix · 2 years
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epprbcu · 11 days
you know what? screw you get fact-checked. thans to snopes.com
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- 🧱
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z-h-i-e · 6 months
There’s a lot going on in the world right now (and even that phrase seems like an understatement). Just as I did my friendly neighborhood librarian PSA for Snopes when the pandemic began, once again, Snopes, my friends.
Before you got reblog on that news story you’re not sure of, Snopes. Before you make a passionate post about something you overheard, Snopes. Freaking out about a piece of news you saw written or flashed across your screen, Snopes.
As a librarian, I have many encounters with people asking for fact checking of a current event, and while no one is perfect, Snopes has been around for a while, does the digging for answers, and shares with honesty what they have gathered. They may not always be able to definitely label something as true or false, but you will usually get far more information from this source than many others, which is good to have before sharing something you’re not entirely sure of. And you can contact them to send them posts if you would like them to investigate (though they can’t get back personally to people, it does help them track down what’s out on the internet and research it.)
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ralfmaximus · 3 months
Another thing ChatGPT sucks at: misidentifying urban legend as fact.
It has basically consumed all of snopes.com but discarded the true/false aspect of it, so it regurgitates everything as true.
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cmesinic · 10 days
Now everyone is crying. This is a story that follows Donnie around.
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