#so I decided to make it an accessory for her to put in her hooves
eggwithaneye · 3 months
Been a while since I've posted here
I was lining the redesign of I.M.P and here's some of my thoughts throughout
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First point is that making this biblically and description accurate of Imps. They're small mischievous and ugly soabs so I took that and ran with it. Also the size between the Imps and humans, I headcanoned that they are the size of the puppet used in Brandon Roger video (Blitzø vs Grandpa), it's just funny to imagine those tiny mf running around killing larger size humans lol
Blitzø looks worse than the other two cause y'know he got blown up and I don't think you're gonna look so pretty afterwards. Some of the imp lores I also took inspiration from LovesArt23 and her redesigns. Not much to say about Blitz, cause he's kinda meh to me when it comes to reimagining him.
Moxxie is definitely a hybrid and I've decided to show that more in his anatomy design having much more animal like legs structure than the others. Not much to say either, he's also pretty mussed in my head cause how flesh out but not so flesh out he is? Idk man.
Millie is like a blank slate that I have so much idea for her and things surrounding her.
1. As fucked up as this idea is, the culture surrounding wrath is the wrath game where Imps compete and fight so why not expand on that. Wrath imps ears and tail are cropped...like how they do with fighting dogs.
Fucked up I know, I ain't promoting dog fighting, cropping of their ears and tails, man fuck nah. But from a story writing standpoint, it's hell, if y'all can excuse the large amount of crude language because it is hell and not the reasons why people are damned to hell then idk what you think hell is my guy.
2. Millie, specifically with her family, wears a metal hooves and horns covering during the game. Seeing how there were no prizes given to the winners, I thought why not make the prize of a so called pain game, accessories that assist in causing pains, y'know.
That's it for now ig
I'm trying to put together a bunch of my WIPS to finally get them done with before I let myself go any further
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doeblossom · 2 years
May we see your pony form, Darling? Is it Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, or other?
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click to see their full details! if you can't tell, i've always been unicorn biased. more info about them is below the cut!! but i've really had so many ponysonas, it's bonkers.
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pony prime is called "the original" since she was the first oc i ever made. i couldn't decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus, so i just picked both! i knew that having an alicorn oc was considered "cringey," but i justified it due to being native hawaiian and being related to the former bloodline (but honestly it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was then). i also liked the color turquoise at the time, and couldn't come up with a hair or eye color, so i just picked my own.
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pony number 2 was a modified version of the original. chopped off her wings, changed her hair color and made it more show-style big-poofy-curl, and added accessories. i was leaning more into liking purple along with turquoise, and started going through a FNAF phase, which brought about the bowtie. it phased out in later drawings of sketche, but i figured it deserved a spot here. another important note: i drew all of my ponies with the same body type, and was still having a hard time drawing/accepting my own, so all of the ponies up until the most recent are thin.
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here's a more literal case of FNAF phase. wisp isha was literally a ponified version of my FNAF insert, wisp the wolf. she was also the first ponysona to have a cutie mark, with a red cross symbol and wrench (she performed repairs on the other bots). originally her second name was "urufu," which was the word that google gave me for "wolf" in japanese. it's just "wolf" written out in japanese kanji. i don''t remember where i got isha from, though.
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inky emerald didn't even really have a name! i was experimenting with my ponysona, and tried a ponysona making challenge, which spit this girl out. things like species and hair length were determined by your date of birth, of course. she's called "inky emerald" because she has ink covering her legs and hooves, which you can't really see due to the frame. around this time, i had a few other place holder ponysonas, but they all culminated into inky.
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snow blossom was one of my favorites when i made her, but as her name implies, she is as pale as the snow itself. and as much as i'll joke about being "reflective" online, i'm actually not this pale haha. anyways, this is where i started leavning more towards a flowery theme and using green in my designs. i think i drew her a couple of times, but after that, she faded into the background and i stepped back from drawing ponies for a long while.
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lilac was my return to ponies after about a year and a half of not touching them. it feels like the break was longer, but it wasn't. couldn't get rid of ponies in my brain if i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. lilac willow was a direct redesign of sketche wolf. she was the second pony to have a cutie mark, which was a half-drawn flower. i aws experimenting a lot with how i wanted to draw ponies, so her design was one of the furthest from the MLP style. she looked nothing like me, though; the curls were much more relaxed, she was extremely thin, no glasses... but her design was fun. i may try incorporating her into the main blog at some point, but just in the background.
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hmmmmm, i think i recognize this one.... nope. jk. this design was made when i decided to make a blog about lumerde. i wanted to incorporate my NOW favorite colors, green, pink, and yellow, and almost accidentally made fluttershy... but i think the result was fine. she's also chubby, like i am irl! i know i talk about my weight a lot but i'm trying to be more comfortable and confident about it.
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and then, our current narrator herself! well, myself, i suppose. i really like this redesign and the new hair texture, and i hope this design communicates everything about how i look properly. i originally tried avoiding putting too many fur marks on my characters since the show rarely did that, but heck, it's barely even attached to the show anymore.
this feels like a lineage. but in a fun way!
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Burning Love was never one that had to much in terms of a family. That is to say that she never had one. She was taken to a foster care center when she was just a little foal, around 3-4 years old. She wasn’t picked on by the others or anything (although some were hesitant to talk to her at first when they discovered her sexuality when she and them got older) but it was the fact that she didn’t have parents that got her the idea that every pony deserves a family. So when she grew old enough she decided to immediately apply at the place she grew up at in an effort to help other fillies and colts find families. She also hopes to open her own foster care center sometime in the future. —– Here’s @dailyreshiram as a pony by the name of Burning Love. 2/5 for the Ponymons.
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clan-sayeed-fic · 4 years
Business (Kamilah Sayeed & MC)
Previous chapters: 1, 2
Book: Bloodbound (property of Pixelberry Studios)
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed & MC: Amy (I do not own those characters, they’re the property of Pixelberry Studios as well)
Warnings: angst, smut
Rating: Mature
Author’s note:  I’m not a native English speaker, I’m sorry for any mistakes (feel free to correct me).
Just like I promised, I'm posting the third chapter of the story 😄 I'll do my best to post the rest of the fic in the future. I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't mind that it’s so long 😂💖
~ 2900 words
Chapter 3
"Let me go!"
Despite all the power put into the scream, words had been stolen by the infinity of the forest. The only sounds echoing in the darkness were the drumming of hooves and loud breaths coming out from both: rider and his horse.
Just when the man thought that he managed to escape the jaws of death, some impossibly strong creature knocked him off from the saddle. His body flew in the air before hitting the ground, breaking bones.
The young, chestnut stallion stopped galloping as soon as he sensed the lack of weight of his owner on the saddle. This well-trained creature turned around, ready to stand by the side of the man that groomed him since he was only a foal.
But at the time he got closer to the owner, something emerged from the shadows, sneaking up toward them. The horse's ears went wild, moving in different directions. He lifted his head high, getting a better perception of the surroundings as all of his muscles tensed, ready to react.
That's when a harsh red light flashed in the middle of the road in front of them. Despite all the previous courage, the presence of an unusual for the horse predator awoke his instincts.
Instincts that were saying to run away as fast as possible.
The dust picked up around the wounded man, and all he was able to hear was the neighing of the stallion. The sound was slowly fading away, deeper into the embrace of the forest.
"Seems that not even a horse is willing to help you," a feminine, harsh voice came straight from the direction of the crimson light. "I got the order. You must know how these work."
He was her target, a prey to hunt down for her master, her creator.
She had been said to look for the leader of the village in this part of the land. There was a prophecy saying about the downfall of vampires. It pointed at this specific person becoming the cause of it one day.
Her master wanted to take care of it in advance. To make sure that vampires will remain at the end of the food chain for much longer.
So there she was, just doing her part of the job.
"My wife..." the man managed to speak, being interrupted by his own blood, making him choke. "My wife is pregnant, I need to be there..." another spit of blood, "...for her and my child."
The vampire approached the begging man. Just to kneel down, so she would be able to look directly in his eyes. To see his fear and unsureness about the future of his family.
"Oh..." a seemingly sympathetic tone escaped her mouth.
Just to be followed by the dagger aimed straight in his heart.
"...but you will not."
Hesitation hit Amy along with the cold air of the evening right after she got out of her car.
Words said during the meeting echoed inside her mind, filling the space with doubt. She was well aware that her attitude during the gathering might have caused the end of this collaboration before it even started. That she might have just ruined the deal on which depended a lot.
Only because her pride had to win... once again.
It was the hour of her meeting with Kamilah. To her surprise, the place that she sent her to wasn't the building of Ahmanet Financial by itself. Instead, she got the address to one of the fanciest neighborhoods in New York.
Amy drove there on her own without bodyguards. She didn't let her parents know about any of what happened so far. In that case, she needed to deal with the situation on her own, praying that she would have only good news to share with them later.
Full of hope, she stepped into the elevator typing the guests' code that Ms. Sayeed sent her earlier that day.
"Now, try to fix it, Amy," she mumbled quietly.
The elevator stopped, and doors opened with a loud click sound.
Did she invite me to her penthouse? Amy asked herself in thoughts, stepping inside unsurely, slowly taking in the picture before her eyes.
Her steps were quiet. After walking through a short corridor, she found herself in a spacious living room with a view of the dining table and the open kitchen.
But there was no sign of the apartment owner.
With typical for her curiosity, she looked over the place. The girl was educated in interior design enough to admire a modernly stylized space. The colors around her were outweighed by black, light grey white on the walls and dark, deep browns of the furniture. Here and there, she noticed some accessories in the faint shade of lavender. Everything created a well-balanced contrast, pleasing to the eye.
After a while of waiting, Amy couldn't hold herself any longer, and she slowly approached the dresser that caught her eye from the start. What especially got her attention was an old photograph of the CEO of Ahmanet Financial and some strangers posing in the picture, all smiling. She assumed that the photo showed Kamilah in the company of friends.
But the only person she recognized from it was Adrian. He looked exactly the same as when she met him for the first time. The only difference was visible in his clothes. Everyone in the picture seemed to wear garments that had been taken straight from a different era.
Was it taken during some kind of costume party? Or maybe just a long time ago, but... how long? The girl put her purse aside to place one of her fingers on the picture, tracing over its surface, lost in thoughts.
"I can see you're the nosey one," a deep whisper made her jump in surprise.
Amy turned around quickly, almost knocking the picture by doing so. Just to face a smirking Kamilah Sayeed standing right there with her arms crossed. The girl's heartbeat increased from sudden shock, making her attempt to compose herself fail badly.
"Oh," Amy felt her cheeks reddening without permission, "I thought you were in a bathroom, or..." she was making excuses, but it got her thinking.
Why didn't she notice the woman sooner?
"I was watching you," Kamilah answered like she was reading her mind just by staring intensively at the girl. "Let me invite you to my office."
After a moment of hesitation, Amy decided to leave her concerns for some other time. So she followed this tall, mysterious woman, getting further into the apartment.
She found herself amazed by how different this room was decorated in comparison to the rest of them. It was way more cozy and old fashioned there between these four walls decorated with ancient artifacts.
"I'm surprised to see you alone," Kamilah stood behind the desk, inviting Amy to take a seat in front of her with a hand gesture.
Documents had been already arranged, waiting for her to read them. But suddenly, Amy lost her previous boldness. Out of nowhere, she felt intimidated by the presence of this absolutely beautiful woman.
"I'm not always surrounded by them," the girl tried to focus on the files as the following words slipped out of her mouth without her knowledge, "I'm a grown-up."
Kamilah smirked slightly at this but did not make a comment. Instead, she sat down and let Amy read the new contract that she had prepared for her.
Finally, Amy picked up a pen after she read the whole deal several times to make sure she understood everything clearly. She signed it and put the pen aside, having a hard time looking at Kamilah's face.
"Could you stop?" Amy whispered with unusual shyness in her voice.
"Excuse me?" Kamilah's eyebrows furrowed slightly, but she didn't take her eyes off the girl.
"You were staring this whole time," Amy did her best to not drop her gaze. "And you're still doing this," she blushed uncontrollably, making the woman smirk with satisfaction.
Kamilah's shoulders lifted and fell with a short yet deep breath. She reached for the documents just to put them on her side of the desk, giving the girl a short break from her stare.
Just to intimidate her with it again a second after.
"Dear...Amy," she started with a pause. "Is that how you'd like to be addressed?"
"It's up to you, Miss Sayeed," thoughts screamed inside the girl's head, judging her for the lack of courage.
"Kamilah," the woman corrected her before continuing. "I was wondering... Your family tree is a truly generous one."
The girl stayed silent, waiting for the rest, but Kamilah clearly expected her reaction.
"It... certainly is," unsureness grew in her chest.
"For centuries, every single newborn in Paines family," Kamilah leaned back on the chair. She twirled her hair around one of her slim fingers, "was a boy, am I right?"
Amy's body stiffened slightly, but she forced herself to nod calmly in response. But her mind worked faster from then on. She started paying more attention to the topic of their conversation. Because they were touching some delicate matters.
Dangerous matters.
"You are very well protected by your family," Kamilah was circling around the subject mercilessly. "Your parents trust you with their business," she tilted her head slightly to the side. "That must mean you are fully informed in the type of clients they are working with."
Oh my god, I am so stupid, Amy cursed herself.
At that same time, her right hand slowly traveled up her thigh. Her dress was designed with a little pocket on the side. Big enough to hide there a small object without arousing suspicion.
In this situation, even such a small wooden stake was good enough for self-defense.
"And yet, you're here." Kamilah squinted her eyes, letting the whisper to escape her lips. "All alone."
It was too much.
Amy stood up, ready to run, but she wasn't fast enough.
The girl wasn't a fool. She knew too well that she could never be faster than any of them. But it was the last chance left for her.
And it still failed.
In a split of a second, she was pushed against the wall with her hands firmly held down her sides. Making it unable to escape even if she dared to put up a fight.
Kamilah's shining eyes moved from the girl's eyes to her lips, following the path of the vein pulsing on her neck. Corners of her lips curled up as she looked down at Amy's right hand. Her fingers moved along.
"And what, care to tell," she ripped the stick out of Amy's grip, "were you planning to do with this?" Kamilah threw the weapon away, filling the room with the hollow sound of the wood hitting the floor.
"I..." Amy tried to calm down her breathing. "I know what you are."
It made the woman close the distance between them even more, their bodies almost touching.
"Enlighten me," Kamilah opened her mouth a little, letting her tongue run over her sharp teeth.
Amy swallowed hard at the view, trying to get her body under control, without success.
Finally, she managed to look into the woman's eyes, noticing a spark of crimson in them.
"You're a monster," words escaped her lips without hesitation.
Kamilah's eyes changed to red in a flash as a performance of power.
But to her surprise, the view didn't make an impression on Amy.
Actually, it caused quite the opposite reaction. The closeness of Kamilah's body suddenly changed from threatening to intimate, spreading heat inside the girl.
The woman leaned down since she was a little bit taller, bringing her lips closer to Amy's ear.
Close enough to let her hear the whisper.
"Are you afraid?" her breath teased sensitive skin on Amy's neck.
The girl closed her eyes for a moment, knowing how bad this situation was for her. Knowing that the anticipation created inside her was easily perceptible for the woman standing just an inch away from her.
That she shouldn't even question her own feelings. She wasn't supposed to react this way around the vampire. Any of them, there was no exception.
At least she thought so until that day.
"I'm not," she almost moaned the answer when Kamilah's hands moved to her waist, eagerly pulling her closer.
Their lips met, letting them taste each other's warmth.
Kamilah teased her, fastening and deepening the dance of her tongue, just to slow down soon after. To step back, waiting for Amy to follow.
The girl climbed on her toes, wanting Kamilah's lips closer, wanting to feel the ecstasy of this feeling forever. She attempted to touch the woman's face after freeing one of her hands. Just to find herself being turned around with an impossible power in response. She waited patiently this time, pressed against the wall with hands behind her back.
"I want to hear you moan," Kamilah whispered into her ear, thrusting from behind.
Amy's dress raised up dangerously, showing her legs, giving access to her skin. Kamilah let go of her hands, and instead, wandered her fingertips all over the girl's exposed thighs, making her writhe under this touch. Making her place both hands on the wall in an attempt to steady herself.
She was breathing heavily, indeed. But that was not what Kamilah expected from her.
And she wanted to make it clear only one more time.
"I said something," her voice sounded a little harsher than before.
Kamilah's hand moved on the inside of Amy's thigh, squeezing. While the other one came impossibly close to the girl's underwear, which was already soaked more than she suspected it to be.
At that point, Amy couldn't hold it anymore, didn't really try either. She moaned through her gritted teeth, moving her hips to feel the woman's fingers more.
"That's a good girl," Kamilah smirked, leaning down to move her tongue on Amy's earlobe.
From there, she moved lower, placing kisses on her nape, moving her blonde hair away from her skin. As she made sure to leave hickeys on her neck, her fingers were teasingly playing with the material of the lingerie. Amy's moans became more urging, revealing her growing impatience.
Desire to finally feel it.
Her aching for the touch.
"You have no clue how much it takes from me," Kamilah muttered into her skin, "to not devour you right now."
These last words were like a dash of cold water that Amy needed at that moment.
She tensed immediately, causing Kamilah to stop touching her. The woman didn't assume to misunderstand her signs earlier, but obviously, something made the girl change her mind.
Amy freed herself from Kamilah's grip, pulling the dress down with shaking hands, trying to cover her exposed skin. To cover thighs that she wanted to have touched so badly only a moment ago.
"I should go," she blinked a few times to collect her thoughts.
"Easy, darling," Kamilah was astonished by this unexpected shift. "I assure you, I won't bite," her appearance showed unusual for her concern.
But Amy was already moving back, making her steps to the way out.
She felt so stupid.
So reckless.
"I..." she couldn't find the right words.
So she chose to say nothing, walking out of the room in a hurry. Vanishing like a scared teenager.
Leaving the woman in her office completely alone.
"That was... unexpected," Kamilah said out loud, pouring herself a glass of gin.
A piercing scream signaled her destination.
The well-known scent of blood teased her nostrils, leading toward the source.
After barely a moment, she found herself standing between the buildings of the village, looking at the scene through the window from afar. She heard the faint heartbeat of the woman in labor, growing weaker with every passing second.
"There's no point in saving her, fools," the vampire muttered to herself, ready to turn around.
But something inside her broke.
The feeling remained for barely one short second, obligating her to save this family. Like she owed it to the man that she left behind in the forest.
Without thinking any longer, she used her vampire speed to get inside the building.
To move among people gathered around her target as if she was a ghost. A nothingness that left behind only a gust of wind that was immediately blamed on the open window.
She moved quickly enough to cut her wrist with one of her fangs, letting a few drops of it leak inside a bottle placed on the desk. Poisoning the purity of the water with a deep shade of red.
Just to disappear soon after into the darkness like the shadow that should have never left it.
The vampire ran fast, distancing herself from the place before she could feel the regret inside her chest. Repressing the disappointment in herself because she just broke the most important rule that all of them had sworn to obey.
Humans should never, under any circumstances, feed on vampires' blood.
Maybe if she stayed there a little bit longer, she would know that her efforts were in vain. Despite all the power her blood contained, it was not enough to save the woman. Her heart was too weak to survive the labor.
It stopped beating, just to leave the village and the forest around it with the burden of silence.
But at that moment, the peace of the night was disturbed one last time with a sound of hope.
Weeping of a newborn.
Next chapter: 4
tag list: @evexofxtime  @kamilah-is-queen @ariaminsinclair @helpconfusedpersonhere @ayushixo @nydeiri @vonda-b-real
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tiffyfoundsomething · 5 years
Unexpected Joy
I found a Zuru Unicorn Squad ball at 5-Below today (Amazon link here) and I wish I’d gotten more of them because they’re really cute.
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I’ve never bought their 5 Surprise balls because I had a feeling they wouldn’t be that great, and watching people open them on YouTube, I’m glad I passed on them.
But I sure have bought a lot of the Mini Brands.
Back to Unicorn Squad. I wasn’t sure what was inside. Maybe unicorn themed junk like in the regular 5 Surprise? The ball says 13 magical unicorns to collect, so maybe mini figures?
There was the chance they were similar to LOL Surprise Pets, so I got one.
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Seeing this differently segmented ball was encouraging! There’s plenty of room for a LOL Surprise Pets sized unicorn in the hemisphere, and 3 more segments for accessories.
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The collector’s guide folds up to make a rainbow.
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And there are some really cute looking, accessorized unicorns in there! These were certainly more like LOL Pets than their standard 5 Surprise.
I decided Coral was my favorite.
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How...... Ok, well I got Coral! She comes with her mane separate. I did have some difficulty putting it on, but that was me being tired and I’m easily confused when I’m tired. She has articulation at each hip and shoulder, a glitter encrusted horn, and a brushable tail. And she already has her necklace on.
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And here are the rest of her items. A comb, 2 sheets of glittery seashell stickers, two pearly cuffs, one small stick-on hair piece, her tail/skirt, and a little wedge full of either putty or dough. It looks like a dough. I didn’t open it.
Her mane and tail are pearlescent and sparkle in the sun.
Honestly, I’m tired of unicorn toys always being tied with poop or slime these days, and I really don’t like slime anyway.
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So yeah. A lot like a LOL without the water play. Nice materials, too. She’s not too “cheap” feeling or looking, though she could use some more detailed paint like maybe some muzzle blushing and painted hooves.
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Here’s Coral next to a LOL horse, which let’s be honest, barely looks like a horse.
$5 seems a little high for such a toy, and I have no idea what the standard retail was, but I was pleasantly surprised by Zuru’s 5 Surprise Unicorn Squad.
*This post contains affiliate links!*
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kaluawoo · 5 years
Marauders’ Animagus Forms
Yeah yeah, I know, most people will probably say it’s obvious; James is a stag because of his pride, Sirius is a dog because he’s loyal, and Peter is a rat because he’s a traitor.
Yeah, I’m not buying those, at least not that simply. (This is gonna get long, so let me put it under a cut)
Let’s start with Sirius, because he’s gonna be easiest for me. I’m not disputing that he’s loyal, I know he is, and dogs are known to be very faithful - Other animals are, too, but dogs stand out due to their faithfulness towards humans in particular, and are more well-known for it than other domestic animals.
What, then, am I questioning? Well, why is Sirius a big, black dog? A dachshund is loyal, too. Or a toy poodle, or a Chihuahua. Or a corgi they’re adorable. But no, our dear Padfoot isn’t just a pooch, he’s a big, black, shaggy pup.
Now, let’s start with the breed. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think anyone ever mentioned one, so I’ll assume he’s a mutt. He didn’t have to be; there’s plenty of big dogs with black fur. Irish Wolfhounds come to mind, black labrador, Rottweiler or Dobermann (Though those aren’t fully black), even German Shepherds. He’s from a long line of purebloods obsessed with purity, but he is not a purebred dog.
Because Sirius rejected that idiology. I think an animagus can reflect a LOT about a person’s personality - There are so many different animal species, subspecies and breeds, after all - and refusing to obsess over blood purity like his ancestors was important for him; hence, his animagus form mirrors that.
Now, mutts still come in all shapes and sizes, but Pad is still a big black dog. The size, well, he wanted to keep a darn werewolf company; he must have REALLY wanted to be a big animal. Protecting and helping his friend was so important to him; and a big animal is much more easily able to protect someone than a small one.
That leaves color. A big black dog is also an omen of death; the Grim in Harry Potter specifically, and there are many English folk tales about black dogs like the Barghest. But first, as a nice tidbit: Not all those folk tales say the black dog is evil. Most, yes, but a few have the black dog as a protector; I distinctly remember one where people claim it’s perfectly safe to let children play on the meadows near that village because the dog is watching over them. Now, that sounds like it’s suit Pads.
But it’s more; even though he rejected his Black lineage, it’s still there, looming over him. To non-purebloods, the Black family is probably not the best omen, especially with Voldy on the rise. The first time someone hears Pad’s name, they won’t know that he’s not a blood supremacist; just like someone seeing a huge black mutt won’t know whether that dog is dangerous or not. Sirius may have rejected his family, but in a way, it’s still almost haunting him.
Next up is James. I’ll admit I don’t know as much about deer as I do about dogs (I heard they don’t make too great pets), but regardless, I think just “he’s proud” isn’t enough justification.
Lots of animals are associated with pride. Most prominently lions, but also tigers, and maybe to a lesser extent even domestic cats; also horses, sometimes wolves, and even if you want to stay deer-like, I’d say a moose, elk or reindeer is a tad more impressive than a Stag (I think he’s meant to be a red deer? It’s not explicitly mentioned, but that’s how I’d imagine him). So why did he end up in the shape that he did? If I’d want to keep a werewolf in check, I’d pick a moose. I would NOT mess with them.
First, the carnivores. It’s kind of hard to find the right words, but I’d say in some way, they’re too fierce. Of course, big carnivores don’t just go and kill stuff just because, but most tend to be more aggressive than herbivores; most herbivores as prey animals run away if there’s a danger, while carnivores, being predators, fight. James wouldn’t back down from a fight - And deer can fight, with both antlers and hooves - but once he’s grown out of his teens, he’s more of a carer and nurturer than a fighter, I’d say. And it took me a long-ass time to understand that, while he was a jerk as a teen, he most likely wasn’t one as an adult.
We still have a bunch of herbivores left, though. Well, moose are easy to leave out; they’re solitary, and I, for one, can’t imagine Prongs without his friends. Well, the simplest explanation would probably be that stags are just more well known for trying to impress their does, but I’m not here for analyzing meta reasons, I want to find in-story ones. So, I’ll cheat a little bit and say that the animagus form is mostly based on a person’s core personality, but influenced by lots of things: Not just how the animal actually is, but also how it’s perceived, the wishes of the animagus-to-be, how they think about themselves, all of that. Basically, it’s like the animagus form is trying to communicate as much about the human as it can.
James is, or at least was as a kid, something I’d describe in German as a “Wildfang”; literally it means “wild catch”. I don’t like the English translations I’m finding, so I’ll just describe it as someone - often a child, but sometimes also a young adult - who likes to bend or break rules, and wants to have fun in their own way without caring about society’s expectations of what or how they should be. A little boy preferring to stay out till dark with his friends instead of studying, or a girl playing in the mud without caring about her dress getting dirty. Sound like someone we know?
Now, as a “wild” boy, our little Prongs probably wouldn’t want to be a domesticated animal, or better, wouldn’t see himself as one. Horses can often be described as proud, but the well-trained ones are usually also very obedient.
And elk or reindeer, well... They might be more physically impressive than a red deer, but if people’s expectations about an animal play at least some part, then of course he’d end up the most well-known option, making him a stag. That also opens the interesting thought that it’s more than likely different cultures would cause different animagi, thanks to different ways of looking at animals, but I digress.
Last, but not least, is Peter. Honestly, he’s the main reason for this post, because I adore rats; I never kept any as pets, but I wanted to as a kid. Newsflash: Rats are not traitors. Again for the people in the back:
Rats are not traitors. Rats are incredibly social animals.
Yes, I’ve already assumed human preconceptions have an influence on the animagus form, but I don’t think they could overwrite the animal’s true characteristics. If they could, Padfoot being basically the Grim would mean he’s evil, but he isn’t.
Now that that’s out of the way, what do I mean with “social animals”? Some wild rats teach their young how to open pinecones to get the seeds, which is cute, but there’s something even more amazing: There have been experiments with a trapped rat, and a free rat. The free rat was able to push a button, releasing the trapped one.
It doesn’t stop there; in further experiments, they made it so the rat had to swim to get to the button, which rats normally don’t like. It did so anyway, to help the trapped one. They also put some delicious food out; the free rat often ate some, but not all, before releasing the trapped one, basically sharing the food. Unrelated to that, rats are among the rodents most likely to bond with their owner. Mice, degus (even though they’re adorable), even guinea pigs; some might bond with their owner, but by far not all. And even then, it’s kind of rare they’d want to cuddle - rats do.
And that is supposed to mean “traitor”? Really? Rats get a bad rep, I know, but how can you look at that stuff and decide “Yep, that means someone who can turn into a rat HAS to be evil!”?
So how does it relate to Wormtail? Well, while it’s a movie quote (Sorry - books are longer ago, and I haven’t read them as often as I watched the movies), I distinctly remember someone saying that Peter used to cling to his friends’ coattails, and at least I don’t remember any book quote refuting that. Rats are group animals, they need other rats in order to be happy; suits being a bit clingy with friends, doesn’t it?
Now, of course, rats aren’t the only social animals around. Wolves are probably among the most well-known, but there’s plenty of herd or pack animals. Well, first, I’d throw out the big ones - Wolves, lions, horses, etc. Yes, they’re group animals and need company of their own, too. But can you imagine Wormtail as a lion?
I’m verging into headcanon territory, but I feel like Peter probably lacked self-confidence and self-esteem. James and Sirius were cocky as they could be, and Remus, even though he probably had moments when he doubted himself, still comes across as mostly self-assured. But Peter?
Most big animals aren’t only known for being group animals; they’re also known for things like pride, strength, ferocity. Peter may have wanted to be a big animal to help his friend (yes he was part of the Marauders, another thing I took a long-ass time to accept. He betrayed them later on, but during Hogwarts, they were one group), but his self-doubts might have reflected on his form. What if he messed up? What if he couldn’t keep Moony in check and someone got hurt? As a tiny rat, there would’ve been nothing he could’ve done anyway, right?
Now, even small animals often have groups. Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, degus... So there’s still lots of options. Some other things rats are known for is curiosity, intelligence, and being survivors.
Let’s start with curiosity. Wormtail was a Marauder. Secret passage? Neat! New path in the forbidden forest? Let’s check it out next full moon with Moony! He wasn’t just an accessory, he was part of the group, so I’m willing to bet he was just as adventurous as the other boys. While my degus are excellent at breaking out of their cage, they also get startled easily, not exactly adventurer material.
Now, intelligence. Okay, I’ll admit, I don’t remember if there were any mentions of Wormtail’s grades, but I remember reading a headcanon that he was the one best at coming up with excuses, and I can believe that, even though I’d guess his grades weren’t too great. He might’ve lacked book smarts, but he probably had a good helping of street smarts; bad application of ‘em, but he managed to frame Sirius for the murder of twelve muggles and then live with a family full of wizards - pretty smart ones, at that! - for a pretty long time. Look me in the eye and tell me that doesn’t require any cunning or intelligence. (I do say my degus are smarter than I am, but nobody knows what they are, and I just can’t imagine a new animagus ending up as an animal they don’t even know)
Last is the survival instinct. Look, talking to Voldy wasn’t noble, but it probably helped Peter’s survival. And, honestly? I have no idea what I would do in that kind of situation. Yeah, it looks like it goes against the social part, but - Does it? Voldy definitely threatened Wormtail’s life, but Wormtail was not alone. They sent his finger to his mother, if I recall correctly; what if Voldy threatened her, too? What if Wormtail had to decide between the lives of James, Lily and Harry, and the lives of his mother and himself? I adore my friends, but even though I hope I’d be able to protect them, I’m not sure if I could. And if my brother’s life was in danger, too, or my parents? I genuinely hope I will never, ever have to make a choice like that, because I couldn’t. I don’t love Peter for what he’s done, but I don’t exactly blame him, either. Fear makes you do weird things.
So, to wrap it up, Peter’s not a rat because he’s a traitor. He’s a rat because he’s social and loves his friends; he’s a rat because he’s curious and loves adventure; he’s a rat because he’s smarter than he thinks, and because he’s a survivor. Good people do bad things under the right kind of pressure, and being threatened with death - your own or a loved ones - is one hell of a pressure.
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carmenseeya · 6 years
a short fic for a date between James and Carmen?
Authors notes: “Short” hahahahahahahahahaha
Carmensita was doing work in the kitchen with her headphones in, jamming out to her music while elbow deep in dishwater. She was completely distracted while Jem snuck up behind her. He had arranged for Linh to visit his mother and everyone else was at the the tower so he had Carmen all to himself. She jumped when she felt hands on her hips, and relaxed as Jem wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned down and kissed her neck, "Hey..." he muttered against her skin. Carmensita leaned into him, knocking her headphones down around her neck as she did so, "Hey there." "You free tonight?" She leaned back to look at him, "For what?" Jem smirked, kissing her nose "It's a surprise." Carmen turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, getting soap suds down his back, "Gimme a hint?" He laughed, "Cherry wine..." He kissed her softly, "Dancing with me..." She hummed, "What did you do?" "Used the money my parents gave me." he was smiling softly, looking at her through half lidded eyes, "Come on, it's just downtown." She nodded, "I'll be right back down. I'm all soapy." She ran upstairs and changed into a tasseled dress and sandals. She came down the stairs at a run, and Jem caught her at the bottom, lifting her up and spinning her in a circle. Carmensita laughed in shock as she was set back on the ground. Before she could say anything Jem had taken her hand and said "Come on, the car's waiting outside." She nodded and they walked out to the car. They drove downtown quickly, and Carmen was almost bouncing out of her seat, really hoping she was right but knowing he wouldn't give her anymore hints. They got to the square and there was a giant festival going on with street vendors and games and in the middle of the park there was a stage set up. Carmensita looked at Jem, "Is it who I think it is playing?" Jem smiled, "Maybe...But that's for later. Look around and pick anything you want to do." Carmen looked around, the choices came down to little puppet shows, food, or games that were rigged so they'd probably never win. "Did you have lunch yet?" She asked Jem. He shook his head, "Nope, you?" "No...so hot dogs or nachos?" "Hm...both? They even have a bunch of toppings." Carmen nodded and pulled Jem over to the stand. They got food, sat, ate, put half the toppings on each other in a mini food fight with each other. After food they played games, and lost far more than they won, but two games they did very well on. Jem was very good at darts and after some mutual haggling on both sides Jem eventually talked his way to winning a stuffed unicorn that was almost bigger than Carmensita. It was fluffy and pale pink with a rainbow mane and golden hooves and horn, and Carmen held it to her like it was made of gold. Jem kept looking over at her, a dopey grin painted on his face. He reached out and brushed a lock of hair away from her face, the rest of her hair cascaded down her back. He could see the runes on her skin and her eyes glowing softly gold, "Gods I love you..." he muttered to her, unsure she'd hear. Carmen heard him, and blushed a bit. She looked up at Jem and smiled, "I love you too-" but she cut off when she saw something behind him, "Ring toss!" Jem spun around and smiled, there was a ring toss run by a local pet store, "Every bottle a prize." Jem read off the sign. Carmen looked at the fine print, "Dog treats, bird accessories, small mammal toys, and live animals all available." She looked around, "Live animals...?" On one side of the tent there was a series of cages filled with birds, mice, and rabbits, along with a large tank of guppies that little kids had their faces pressed up against. Carmen turned to Jem again, "Minha pedra de Lua... can you hold my unicorn?" Jem took the unicorn hesitantly, "What are you doing....?" Carmen smiled and got her wallet out of her purse, "I'm going to play a game. And you don't get to pay for this one." Jem rolled his eyes, "Carmensita..." Carmen kissed him quickly "James, wait a moment. You'll see what I'm doing." She turned to the person running the booth and paid for five rings. They had a short conversation about if she was ready in case she won one of the animals (there was one chance for small birds, one for parrots, two for mice, one for rabbits, and five for fish out of fifty bottles) and she assured the person that they'd be able to house the animal properly. She took the rings, made a quick prayer for luck and tossed each one. She won, in order: Table top bird perch, bag of large bird food, millet seed, dried strawberries and bananas for small mammals, and... "One large bird!" the attendant announced. Carmen squealed, turned to Jem, and hugged him, "Early happy birthday!" Jem staggered, flustered, "Wha- How- Carmen!?" Carmensita pulled away, "You've been talking about getting a pet, and I know how much you like birds, so I saw it and thought this would be a great chance to get you one!" Jem shook his head, but his face broke out in a huge smile, and he hugged her, lifting her and spinning her in a circle. He set her down and kissed her softly, "You know..." he said, their lips barely apart, "my parents are likely to kill us for this." She laughed, "You can keep him at my house, or ask Legolas to watch him until you break the news to them. But come on you need to pick it out!" Still smiling, Jem and Carmen went to the cages where another attendant was standing, "One parrot?" they asked. Jem nodded, looking at the birds. There were only three in the cage, a Macaw, a Cockatoo, and an African Grey. Before Jem could decide, the attendant asked "Now, there is a lot that goes into having a parrot for a pet, could one of you fill out these forms? I know this is a carnival attraction but we do care about these creatures and want to make sure they are getting the homes they deserve." Carmensita nodded and stepped to the side to fill out the paperwork. She knew Jems schedule and could answer most of the questions on her own... with a little creativity when explaining the living situation as it applied to the cave and their partners. While Jem was deciding, Carmen got certificates for each of the items she'd won so they could be picked up with the bird in the morning. After everything was handled, she turned back to Jem, "You pick one yet?" He nodded, "Yeah," looking to the attendant, "I'd like the African Grey. Does he have a name already?" The attendant smiled, and got the bird from the cage, "None that he replies to. He's very picky." Jem nodded, and reached out slowly to pet the birds head, "What about molting? Did he already?" The attendant nodded, "He just finished his first full molting cycle. He's about two and a half now." "And I can take him home tomorrow?" They nodded, "We do recommend you get a cage as well as the perch for him tomorrow." they put the bird back, and picked up a couple of pamphlets, "Here's some more reading for you." Jem took the information, and thanked the attendant. Then he and Carmen made their way away from the stage, Jem still grinning like a fool. They walked over to the stage, chatting, and both of them thanking each other over and over. Carmen forgot that there was a stage set up until everything hushed down like there was a show starting. She stopped and looked at Jem, "Who's preforming again?" Jem smirked and said nothing as the music started. He stood up and held his hand out for her. Carmensita recognized the intro to Hozier's "Jackie and Wilson" and stood with Jem, awestruck. She hugged him, and they were both smiling ear to ear. They partied during the set, but then the music slowed, and "Work Song" began playing. Jem turned to her and they slow danced together. Jem sang under his breath so only they could hear. Before the song ended, Carmen leaned away and looked at Jem, her eyes soft and the ghost of a smile on her lips. She leaned forward and kissed him, one hand going to his hair and her fingers tangling in it. Jem kissed her back, pulling her closer, and holding her tightly. He lost himself in the feel of her in his arms, of her lips against his. Time ceased to exist for them, Carmen clung to him, memorizing how he felt just then. They stopped kissing slowly, with many small, lingering kisses before Carmen rester her forehead against his and whispered, "I love you." Jem smiled softly, happily, "I love you too."
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The end?- Prom Pt3
Featuring Aurora from @ask-acepony
In their excitement, the pair of Aurora and Platinum had forgotten to hail a taxi, rather, they simply walked the whole way to his store. It was a peaceful walk through the empty night streets of Canterlot. Nary a thing could bother the two as they bounced ideas off of eachother on what materials would work best for the harness for the wings as well as the types of gems that would be used in the enchanting. All was not well however, as one fact that Platinum had pointed out threw a bit of a monkey wrench into their plans.
The issue was practicality vs fashion appeal. While many gems overlap in possible abilities, not all of them will actually be able to suit their needs, and some of those that can’t would actually look good alongside the current feathers used in the pair of wings. Granted, not all the wings that they could make will have this kind of issue, they had to deal with this now because the wings that Aurora has on her is the only ones that they have to work with. All in all, they had a lot to think about.
Soon, Aurora caught sight of the window display at the front of Tales of Solcia and was pleasantly surprised to see a tasteful display of various jeweled accessories on the mannequins in there. Rather than the mishmash of gems and metals that Platinum wore on his person, these matched, moreover, the gems color and shape complimented the complicated designs etched into the bands. She had considered asking if she could purchase one or two, but decided against it. She probably didn’t have enough money to purchase a set on her anyway.
As the stallion proceeded to unlock the front door, she asked, “Hey Platinum, why is this place named Tales of Solcia?”
The smaller unicorn sighed, eyes closing as she seemed to have struck another nerve, though this time he was a bit more willing to talk about it, “Solcia… Solcia was my home. You see. The Equestria I live in wasn’t the one I was born in.”
Oh boy… Sad backstory incoming. She honestly should have seen this coming after the way he reacted during their date. He held the the door open for her as he continued. Thankfully, he was pretty brief, for both of their sakes, “Where I was from, enchantments were a way of leveling the playing field for the many races of the land and like anypony that is good at anything, there is bound to be fighting over who was the best. Fighting broke out and terrible spells were cast. Those that survived the conflict were forced to become refugees.”
Locking the door behind them, he finished, “I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say, all that you see will see in this store is the last remnants of my home world. I’ve spent years trying to get it all in one place..”
She walked up to the display at the front desk, musing to herself about the various accessories that lay within. Just what sort of thing could drive ponies to destroy their own world like that? Money? Power? Fame? It disgusted her. There was one thing that bother her, something she had to make known.
“Do you sell them, the magical ones?”
Platinum shook his head in the negative, dismissing most of her fears, “While I’ve come to terms with a lot of the things that happened back home, there is one thing that will always worry me. What if the fighting were to happen again? That’s why I’ve locked away most of the combat related rings I have found.”
Okay, so he’s been smart enough to keep the dangerous stuff hidden from the public eye and has only sold non magical items to ponies. That’s fine, but… Taking a step towards him, she asked another probing question, “Okay, so what about us? Surely if you are planning on enchanting my wings, you are also planning on selling them.”
This question brought a smile to his face, finding humor in the absurdity of it, “Well, there is a pretty big difference between combat magic and practical magic you know. Moving a set of wings around is nothing compared to blasting holes in walls.”
Aurora chuckled nervously, feeling a little embarrassed now that he even needed to say that. What he said next however made her blush hotly, “Speaking of wings. If we’re going to doing this, i’m going to need to ask you to strip.”
He had to act fast so he wouldn’t wind up with a hoof shaped mark on the side of his face. Taking a step back, he stammered, “H-hold on. It’s not what you think. If anything goes wrong with the enchantments, we don’t want to have anything on ourselves we aren’t willing to lose. Clothes, jewelry, even our keys, they all have to be left behind so the only thing that can be affected is what we are working on.”
She begrudgingly complied. He was the expert in this specific situation, she she’d have to take his word for it. But that didn’t make her any more comfortable doing this in front of a stallion, “Fine… Just look away, okay?”
He gave her a curt nod before turning away from her and starting to undress himself. He had a lot less to deal with, merely a set of buttons and long sleeves, so getting his outfit off was a minor thing. Aurora however had to take a bit more time, being extra careful not to damage her ensemble as they’d be sure to need it for the dance later. She wasn’t wearing her usual wing harness, so that only added to the length of time it took for her to remove all her clothes.
Once finished, she asked him where she could place her normal belongings and he pulled out a mannequin from the back just for her to use. Once she was able to get it fitted, Platinum lead her with wings and harness in tow into the backroom by his office. He levitated one of the keys off the keyrack and opened up a cellar door leading under the store. Wooden and linoleum floors gave way to smoothly cut stone as he helped her down the ladder.
As they two arrived, torches lining the walls lit up revealing a lone wooden door. The atmosphere down here was surprisingly pleasant as a calming magical sensation washed over her. The stallion stated that the enchanting process is a delicate one, requiring a stable environment for both the materials and the ponies that handled them. He unlocked the wooden door, revealing another chamber that no doubt was larger than the building itself, most likely jutting out into the street.
Inside the chamber was an enchanting table in the center as well as a lexicon that housed the numerous spells that could be applied to objects. Along one wall was a glass case that held numerous bands and horn rings of all shapes, sizes, metals, and gems. It was something that Platinum had only glanced at briefly as they passed by it, instead opting to stop at the opposite wall which likewise had another glass case full of differing gems. By the looks of things, he had quite a collection going on, and she was sure it would only get bigger as time went on.
Sighing, he stated, “Alright, here comes the fun part. Probably the only fun part. Pick a gem, any gem… This will be the focal point for all the action. Seeing as the first enchantment will be made specifically for you, you have to chose.”
That was quite a choice to put on her and with such a large amount of gem sto chose from, it was hard to pick just one. Showing a look of concern, she turned to him and asked, “Any suggestions?”
“Just go with your gut. Whatever strikes your fancy.”
As she pondered her choice, his words continued to echo in her mind, “They say you can tell a lot about a pony by what they chose for their first enchantment. My mother even once compared it to like getting a cutiemark.”
Oh? That statement gave her pause, ears perking up in interest. Smiling slyly, she asked, “Oh? What did your mother chose then?”
He answered quickly, her question bringing fond memories of his mother to his mind as he levitated a crystal over to them, “Black tourmaline. Bronze was the metal and it was a horn ring. The spell was a shield spell, meant to protect those she cared about.”
“And you?”
“Red Fire Quartz. Silver. Ring of fire. Bonuses to fire protection and enhances fire based abilities… I have made others better than it, but it was the one that earned me my mark.”
She snickered, ‘I guess the comparison was both literal and figurative…’
Turning all the way around to face him, she hoped to get an honest answer out of him while he was busy reflecting on the past, “And what would you say would be mine, based on what you know of me so far?”
To her own surprise, he actually answered, giving her a knowing glance as he mused, “You seem to me like you’d be a diamond type of mare.”
A little corny but if he had a good enough explanation, she’d love to hear it. And he did have one, one that made her heart pound in her chest like a drum as he took step after step closer to her, “It starts off as a lump of coal, the black swan of stones. So full of potential, just waiting to be unlocked. Years of intense heat and pressure pounds upon it, breaking it, reforming it, purifying it into the beautiful rock it is today. It’s not perfect, but nothing really is. As an expert in geology, it is still a stunning sight to behold..”
He was right in her face now, close enough for them to feel each other’s breaths on their faces. Their muzzles turned a vibrant red as the two of them looked away from each other. Aurora was the first to speak, “Were you… Um… Flirting, with me?”
His voice matched the bewildered expression on his muzzle, “I don’t know. Was I?”
The mare shuffled her hooves a little, looking at the ground as if unsure how to handle this situation, “Well… If you were… It might have been working.”
He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I see… I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable. It’s unprofessional.”
She shook her head, waving a hoof dismissively, “Nonono… It’s fine, really. It just caught me a little off guard. It hit a little bit too close to home is all.”
Judging by her expression and posture, it must have been difficult to admit this in such an awkward situation, “You see… I’m trans, colt to mare in fact.”
And that was it, the truth came out and she awaited his response. While ponies in Equestria were a bit more accepting to this sort of thing, it was still something that drew up quite a buzz whenever it was brought up. And seeing that she’s pretty famous, it’d be even bigger of a controversy.
She was once again caught off guard when the smaller Unicorn drew her into a hug, squeezing her gently, “Aurora… Do you really think it’d matter if you used to be a guy? Who you used to be is not who you are now.”
Drawing back, he continued his encouraging statements, “When I look at you, I see a strong, confident, and talented pony. Somepony to be admired, regardless of their gender. If you’re heart is in the right place, I’d like you even if you were a colt.”
Touched by the stallions kind words, she leaned forward and kissed him, an act that left him completely bewildered. Stunned, he stood there in silence as she smiled widely at him in gratitude, “Thank you Platinum… I think I will go with a diamond.”
Eventually, he did manage to snap out his daze and help her locate a suitable diamond for the wings. The rest of the needed gems would come after the necessary spells would be selected. As simple as they were, a couple of remote manipulation spells and a variation of telepathy that would link them to the wearer’s mind, this was more complicated than most of the other accessories that he had crafted.
There was also the issue of having little data on actual pegasi anatomy so the process isn’t as fluid or as natural as either of them hoped, but with a little practice and repeated attempts, Platinum was able to get them to work.
By the end of it, the stallion looked worn out. Even with all the abundant magic around him, all of the repeated attempts at getting the wings just right took its toll on him. However, seeing Aurora get to try it on and give the wings a few test flaps, albeit sluggish ones, made it all worth it to him. Sighing, Platinum was finally able to rest his aching head on the table and just watch her as she tried getting the hang of things.
“It feels… Weird.”
He chuckled sluggishly, noting how she nearly slapped herself with a wing, “Well, I don’t expect you to be able to get this within a few minutes. Give it time, you’ll get the hang of it, i’m sure.”
She nodded, taking a step closer to Platinum and taking a seat at the table beside him, “Thanks again for staying up and working on this… I appreciate it. Really, I do.”
“Don’t worry about it. What are partners for? Enchanting is what i’m best at anyway… Once we get more data on all this, i’m sure it won’t take as long.”
Pulling himself off the table, he stretched with a yawn. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but he was certain it was well into the night. Odds are, it’s too late to go back to the prom tonight, so they’ll have to debut her new wings the next. Oh well, at least it’d give the both of them ample time to catch up on some much needed sleep and get Aurora used to her new faux wings. Celestia knows she’d need the practice time.
Shaking the sleep from his eyes just a little longer, he asked, “Hey… You got a place to sleep tonight?”
She nodded, likewise needing to shake herself just to get moving again after getting comfortable, “Yeah, I do… But it’s a little far.”
“Hmmm… Follow me.”
Platinum lead her back out of the enchanting chamber and up a flight of stairs leading up to the bedrooms. Opening one of the doors he motioned for her to step inside. It was a simple room with only a few furnishings like a bed, a wardrobe, and a mirror, but it would do for now, “You can stay here for the night. Just be sure not to leave the place a mess in the morning. It’s Bastion’s week to be the maid and he hates cleaning up messes.”
She smiled, “Thank you Platinum, but don’t you think this is a bit much?”
The stallion rolled his eyes, “What? That’s nonsense. I’m saving you the trouble of walking home in the dark when you can barely keep standing.”
He continued through a yawn, “I’m doing you a favor.”
Platinum motion motioning down the hall as he cracked the door, “The washroom is down the hall on the left, help yourself to as much hot water as you need and my room is the one closest to the stairs if you need anything.”
And with that, there wasn’t much more she could say. He was already more than hospitable to her so far, so to cause any more trouble now would be uncalled for. Rather than say anything more on the matter, she simply laid out on the bed and blew him a kiss, “Get a good night’s rest. You’ll need it.”
That night and the next few to come was probably the best Platinum had ever had. He now has a new business partner, a new venture into the world of enchanting, and said enchantments were something that could actually be sold to the public without worry of ponies fighting over them with as much.
As for Aurora, the exhibition of her new faux wings had done quite well. Her first stunning unfurling of her wings drew enough of a crowd to stroke her own ego for the time being. By the time the compliments and flirtatious comments had died down, she was more than ready to resign herself to nights of dancing and fine dining with her date.
When it was time for the two of them to go their separate ways, they had agreed to meet up every once in a while to chat and maybe go out to eat. As for their business, they also agreed to only sell the enchanted wings every once in awhile due to the time and energy it takes to make them.
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medicatemedrmccoy · 7 years
Beauty and the Beast - Ch. 1
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Requested by: @yourtropegirl (or should I say forced into =P)
Special thanks to: @imoutofmyvulcanmind for being my better half through this story<3
Beauty and the Beast: Star Trek AU. Leonard x Reader. 1556 word(s)
Linking Chapter 6 for easy access to all chapters.
I don’t know who’s interested or wants to be tagged in this? Just let me know if you do. So for now I’ll just tag my usual suspects and people who requested perm tags: @outside-the-government @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @hellhoundsandunicorns @imagineangryspacegrump @arrowsshootyouforwards @captainjimsexypantskirk @kirk-enterprise@fanscribbling
It was a cold, harsh winter evening. The snow was beginning to fall heavier to the ground, swirling around your horse's hooves. The bitter wind bit through your clothes, straight to your core. You pulled your cloak around you tighter as the wind howled through the trees, stinging your face.
“Were lost Quinto” you confess to your horse “How did we get lost? We know these woods like the back of our hands, or hooves in your case” Quinto just sniffed into the air, seemingly unaware of your plight.
You continue to ride a while longer, trying to find your way to something, anything that looked familiar. The sun began to slowly dip into the western horizon, soon it would be too dark to see where you were going.
“We’ve got to find somewhere to stay the night, Quinto. We’ll freeze to death out here” you mused to yourself as you patted Quinto’s thick neck. Quinto snorted softly in reply, as if agreeing with you.
You began to sweep the forest in the fast fading light, looking for something that might pose as a suitable shelter. You were about to give up hope when a small flicker of light danced in the distance, catching your eye.
“Oh thank goodness, come on Quinto, let’s go check it out” you said as you pulled on Quinto’s reigns slightly, altering his course. You ride up to the open front gate and deftly hop off of Quinto and tie him to a stump by the stairs.
“Stay here” you tell Quinto quietly “I’ll be back soon” you pat Quinto softly as if to reassure him and make your way up the steps. You peeked inside a window as you passed on your way to the door, it was dark inside.
The only indication that someone might be there was the shadow of a fire dancing on the walls. “Fire” you think to yourself, realizing now just how cold you were getting. You hoped someone was home.
You approached the door and knocked tentatively. You stand there for a few seconds, listening for some sort of reply, or indication that someone is there. After no reply, you knock a little harder this time, the force of the knock pops the door open slightly.
You stare at the crack in the door hesitantly, knowing you shouldn’t, but your desire to be warm and out of this storm takes precedence over niceties. You push open the door the rest of the way and shut it quietly behind you.
“Hello” you call out quietly “is anyone here? I’m sorry to intrude, but the door was open, and it’s so cold out…” you trail off when you hear no reply. You slowly make your way down the hall to the fire, darting your eyes in every direction trying to see or hear anyone. As you got closer to the fire you began to hear noises. Noises, or voices, you weren’t quite sure.
“Hello” you call out tentatively once more. The noises stopped at the sound of your voice. You rounded the corner and grabbed a lit candlestick on the table to help look around.
“Is anyone there” you repeat.
“Just me” you heard a voice say.
“Who’s there” you said quickly, spinning around in circles. You felt a tap on your shoulder and you gave out a sharp gasp and dropped the candlestick you were holding.
“Well that wasn’t very nice” you heard the voice say.
“Who’s there” you cry out, starting to freak out slightly about not being able to find the source of the voice.
“Down here” the voice said.
“Down where” you reply looking around your feet.
“Here” said the voice as the candlesticks flames came to life once more. You looked down at your feet and saw the candlestick staring back at you. You screeched out in horror and bolted further back into the room towards the fire and hid behind the chair sitting in front of it.
“What the hell was that” you mutter to yourself, out of breath, as a movement catches your eye. The chair’s armrests were moving. You let go of the chair and stumble back towards the fire.
“What is going on here” you breathed to yourself. You had to be imagining things right? Candlesticks don’t talk, chairs don’t move on their own. Right?
“Please calm down miss, everything is ok. We’re not going to hurt you” replied a clock as it shuffled into the light of the fire.
“A clock.. a clock is speaking” you thought to yourself. You really were losing your mind. You would have shuffled back further but you were already pressed so far against the wall that you swear you’d go right through it.
“My name is James, this is my counterpart Spock. What’s your name, miss” James the candlestick asked as he hopped alongside Spock in the flickering light of the fire.
You just stood there staring, not daring to breathe. You closed your eyes as tight as you could and counted to ten, then opened them slowly. The clock and candlestick were still there.
“Madam, are you alright” Spock inquired.
“There's a clock and a candlestick talking to me, I’m pretty sure that qualifies as not alright” you reply as you work to regulate your breathing.
“Don't be frightened” James soothed “let's get you warm by the fire and I’ll have Mrs. Saldana make you a nice spot of tea”.
“Let me guess, she's a teapot” you half joked. When James nor Spock said a word, you just leaned your head back against the wall and groaned. This was going to be a long night.
With no other choice other than fighting the blizzard outside you decide to cast your lot with the talking home accessories.
You cautiously allowed them to shuffle you over to the chair once more and sat heavily in it. The chair shrugged its blanket off its back and you wrapped it around your frame gratefully.
“We’ll get that tea started up” James reassured as he and Spock began to leave the room. You couldn't help but overhear Spock whisper something about the master not liking this.
You gulped but it couldn't be any worse than what you’ve already been through already tonight, right? You were finally warming up by the fire and began to doze off waiting on the tea, when you heard shuffling behind you, yet this was louder and heavier than any clock or candlestick.
“What are you doing in my home” a low voice rumbled behind you.
You were so surprised, you leapt out of the chair and turned to face the direction the voice had come from. Seeing nothing but a dark outline, you try squinting to no avail, he was too far away from the fire light.
“I asked you a question, girl” the voiced boomed “what are you doing in my home”
“I uh, I got lost, in the woods. It was snowing so I came seeking refuge from the storm. I’m sorry I came in uninvited. It was just so cold and I..” you reply very quickly, stumbling over your words.
“Get out of my home, before I throw you out” the voice low but full of warning.
“But I.. the snow..” you sputter out, really not wanting to go back out in the blizzard, but not sure if you really wanted to stay here now either.
“I SAID GET OUT” the voice roared as he came closer to you in the firelight.
You made a small gasp and stepped back. You got a better look at his face as the firelight flickered across his features. A long thick scar went from one eyebrow, across his eye and down his cheek, slightly disfiguring one side of his face. It almost looked like he was blind in one eye, but you couldn't quite tell in the dim light. He was tall and built, his hair was thick and stuck up in different directions, his face had quite a bit of stubble.
“What are you looking at” he questioned, voice a low growl once more.
“Nothing, I.. I’m sorry.. I..” you sputter out. You were about to apologize more when you were thankfully saved.
“Sir! I see you’ve found our guest” James announced quickly hoping to defuse the situation as he hopped between you and the man.
“Excuse me? Guest? Who are you to decide who our guests are” the man growled at James.
“Sir, it's cold and storming out. It would be illogical to send her outside to catch her death” Spock added in, coming to stand beside James.
The man stood there and glared at you, he had piercing eyes that danced in the glow of the fire. He fumed and growled but finally relented.
“FINE! Put her in the east wing! She is to go no where else, understood” the man ordered giving you one last glare “no where else” as he turned and stormed back to where ever he came from. All three of you gave quiet sighs of relief as the footsteps faded into the distance.
“Come along now, let's get you that tea” James said, breaking the heavy silence, as he hopped along in front of you.
“Well there's nothing for it now” you think to yourself “what have you gotten yourself into”
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