#so I figured that transcribing it would be the best way to guarantee I was paying attention
What would happen if Joey Drew and 035 met each other?
I decided to make a short fic of this. I hope you enjoy.
Under the cover of night, the possessive mask dragged itself through the dark alley, bits of blackened and ichor-soaked flesh leaving a trail behind him. He'd stayed with this host for far, far too long, and if he didn't find a place to hide or a new body to possess within the next few hours, he would be left out in the open, helpless to the SCP foundation or whomever else might disturb him. But not all hope was lost. He had found a perfect building to hide in, and if he could find a brick or a similar item, breaking into it would be relatively easy even with the decaying state of his body.
The mask was not naive enough to choose just any building. Hiding while without a host was very dangerous. The mask's ability to make anyone yearn to wear it gave him almost guaranteed success with unaccompanied people, but witnesses were a problem. The act of taking a person over was unmistakably supernatural, and a call to the police or worse would ensue. He couldn't wait indefinitely for an isolated host to wander along, either. If he stayed in place a mere day, people would notice his black ichor melting the surrounding area, and he would be just as caught and even more helpless.
There would be no risk of that in Joey Drew Studios. The mask had heard of its cult activity and strange goings-on from an ink-stained man who was desperate to tell anyone who'd listen. If it was anything like the man had said, then the mask could settle down there and no one would question it if the walls oozed a bit more black fluid than usual, if there was one more cultish item to be found, or if yet another worker disappeared.
Finally, the mask found what he was looking for- not a brick, but a wooden beam small enough to wield but large enough to break glass. With one swing, the small side window gave way, and the mask could wriggle in. Wandering the corridors, it found its way to a room containing six pedestals and a giant machine. The mask dragged itself to the corner of the room and spent the rest of the night focused on producing enough ichor to finish dissolving the body.
Tomorrow, the real work would begin. With his psychic powers, he'd figure out the best host in the building and exactly how to draw them in.
It was an average day at Joey Drew Studios, and Joey was just seeing Jack and Sammy out after their daily morning meeting. He had just closed his office door behind them when the voices began.
Joey... Come to the ink machine room.
It was a smooth voice, comforting and persuasive.
The Gods seek to give you knowledge that you'll wish you'd never been without. Follow your heart. It will tell you where to find it.
Joey wasn't sure what to think. But he did know that some of the Gods could communicate through a person's thoughts. And he did feel drawn to the ink machine room. He got up immediately and made his way there at a brisk pace, feeling more and more eager the closer he got. It was as though he were a child being drawn to his presents on Christmas day, or an addict being drawn to their drug of choice.
When Joey opened the door to the ink machine room, he couldn't believe his eyes. The walls, floor, ceiling, and even the ink machine were covered in text written in ink- not a few sloppily-drawn words like he'd seen written by the occasional ink-infected employee, but small, dainty text written in numerous languages. Joey could pick up that some of it was in Latin and some in French, but there were so many others he'd never even seen before, along with diagrams of pentagrams and sacrifices. Joey's heart could have beat out of his chest. He didn't know where to start reading. Transcribing it all would surely take months if not years, but it would be welcome work.
Put me on, and you'll understand all of it as though it were written in your mother tongue, a voice said. It sounded nearer than before.
Joey felt himself drawn to a corner of the room, where he found a porcelain comedy mask. With the care of a priest handling a holy object, Joey picked up the mask and slipped it over his face. Instantly, Joey's mind was no more.
That afternoon, all Joey Drew Studios workers were gathered in the break room for a special announcement.
"With this mask, I've been granted special knowledge from the Gods," Joey announced to the crowd. For every worker who was eating up his lies, there were six who were clearly uncomfortable with the notion. That was fine. A seventh of them would still be enough hosts to last him a year. "Unfortunately it's very hard on my body. In a few weeks, I will need someone else to act as the holder of their knowledge as well as my own, and to inherit my position as the head of the studio. Submit your applications by envelope to my office."
In the coming months, dozens of people quit. The mask couldn't blame them. Though he'd tried to learn, he simply didn't know how to run an animation studio, nor did he know enough about Joey's spiritual beliefs to convincingly interact with members of the studio who shared them. And even if he'd been the perfect image of Joey Drew, the mask imagined that many would have quit simply because they did not want to watch their coworkers rot right before them, one at a time.
The mask did not care. He did not care about the success of Joey Drew Studios or whatever Joey Drew had been planning with the ink machine. He was going to get as many hosts out of this as he could, and then he would move on, just as he always had.
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tea-at-221 · 4 years
So, let's delve a bit into the Spanish dub of Supernatural.
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I'm going to go through a lot of terms here, and a lot of basics, in order to increase people's level of understanding as to how the dub may possibly have come about the way it did.
This post will provide information and, I hope, allow some members of the fandom to move forward with their own theories with more reassurance. Information is power. I will define and clarify industry terms to the best of my novice ability to make it easier for others who wish to do their own research.
This post was inspired by the fact that I've been part of multiple fandoms in which queerbaiting has played an enormous part: I am tired of seeing fandom friends left devastated and without answers, no emotional resolution in sight. So this post is, in spirit if not content, largely dedicated to my fellow Johnlockers and Queliot shippers. And most of all, for Quentin Coldwater, who deserved not just better but the very best.
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Disclaimer: This is my own research and there is a bit of speculation involved; I can't guarantee 100% that I will get everything right (I hit some very frustrating walls looking up what should be easy-to-find facts), but I did a *lot* of work for this. Other people will doubtless be able to clarify points/give better specifics/correct what I've gotten wrong. I am not promising a concrete answer to “SPN gate” here, as without more information than we currently have that is impossible to declare with certainty.
More under the cut.
All that having been said, onwards (see end for sources):
First, who airs the Spanish dub of Supernatural?
Answer: the Warner Channel.
Why? It goes back to who owns The CW.
From Wikipedia (2): "The CW Network, LLC, a limited liability joint venture between the CBS Entertainment Group unit of ViacomCBS; and the Studios and Networks division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, the parent company of Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB. The network's name is an abbreviation derived from the first letters of the names of its two parent corporations (CBS and Warner Media)."
Warner Bros apparently is the side that handles the delegation of dubbing to outside studios. So, who does Warner use for their dubbing? Perhaps multiple studios, but the two I found in the course of my research were SPGStudios(5) (who specifically handle localization for Latin American Spanish productions) and Iyuno Media Group (formerly BTI Studios)(3).
What is localization?
Simply put, it refers to the translation of the home language of the show in question to the language of the new market it's entering. So, Supernatural 15x18 is translated from its native English to Spanish for Latin American viewers.
And what exactly *is* dubbing (actually called revoicing within the industry; dubbing is a widely-recognized term, however, and it's pretty well understood what is meant by it)?
Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
"1 : to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production —usually used with "in"
They dubbed in the music.
2 : to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new soundtrack and especially dialogue in a different language
The film was dubbed in French and Spanish.
3 : to make a new recording of (sound or videotape already recorded) also : to mix (recorded sound or videotape from different sources) into a single recording"
There is a slang term, "dubby," which refers to any overdub that is comically jarring and obviously a dub. The history of dubbing has been such that this has become a way to think of and recognize it: by how awful and ineffective it used to be when it came to foreign films sloppily overlaid with English dubbing.
However, we are in the midst of an age of networks and companies scrambling to play catch-up, eager to use modern technology to create more effective, convincing dubs. In short, they see the moneymaking potential of presenting finished works that viewers may not even realize *are* dubbed without careful inspection. It's true that a good dub is about 10x more costly than subtitling, but it's hard to satisfy the viewer's desire for escapism if they can't suspend disbelief because they're busy reading.
The truth of that is reflected in internal statistics Netflix (for instance, but not just them) parses to gauge viewer interaction and retention with their various shows: when comparing subtitled vs. dubbed shows, it's easy to see which is the winner.(1)
So to be sure there is no nefarious intent here, we would need to be able to identify the following:
A.) What exactly was the process for this dub?
B.) Who decides what changes to make during a dubbing process?
C.) Who approves those changes?
*Can* there be such a thing as a "rogue translator," as Misha Collins put it? (I am going to clarify here that I think Misha is an upstanding person who believed the best of the show he was involved in and all the people who made it, so his assumption of a rogue translator makes sense in the context of that emotion-based reasoning).
I'm not sure which studio did the dub for the Latin American Spanish version of Supernatural; if I had access to that episode perhaps it's mentioned in the credits. You'd think that would be simple enough to figure out anyway, but I was unable. So maybe someone can take a look and let me know. But, as an example, here is how SPGStudios outlines their localization (dubbing) process:
1.) They make a digital or analog transcription of a show/movie.
2.) The translation, or localization, is done by their staff (in any of 40 available languages their staff can speak). When translating, they translate for meaning and then adapt for time, tempo, and style. They say that "extensive experience is required to capture the essence of the language dialog while accounting for variances in speaking time between the source and destination languages." i.e.,  wording/word choice will be kept as true as possible to the original intention of the native language, but at the same time the translation will need to use its chosen wording in a way that fits what is being shown on-screen. To produce a convincing/pleasing dub, they won't replace a word like "looked" with a longer phrase like "scanned the horizon" because it's not going to match what's onscreen. That would be venturing into "dubby" territory.
3.) They perform the ADR process: the voice actors (in this case it would normally be Guillermo Rojas performing for Dean Winchester, though it appears things may have been different in 15x18, possibly due to covid) record the new dialogue to replace the original actor's performance.
4.) The newly recorded dialogue goes to the sound editorial department "to ensure that lip-synch is optimized and technical aspects of the vocal performance match the original."
5.) All of the new audio--including dialogue, music, and sound effects--is mixed together to emulate the quality of the original production as closely as possible despite the changes in rhythm that resulted from the dialog having been translated.
6.) Designers, animators, and VFX editors assist with the localization or enhancement of graphics, if needed.
7.) Localized Master: SPG has a 'traffic team' who 'ensures that all client delivery and storage specifications are met, including file formatting, labeling, and uploading." So in other words, the files are heavily encrypted (or that's how I read this).
Presumably, after all steps are performed, SPGStudios transfers the show back to Warner, who then distributes it. The other studio, Iyuno, makes it very clear that *they* can coordinate and handle all distribution themselves to a vast number of networks. That means that if the client desires, Iyuno can send the finished product directly out into the world.
There seem to be two types of scripts that can be given to the dubbing company:
1.) "In-Production Dubbing indicates that dubbing production is active in tandem with post production. In-Production Dubbing fulfillment partners should expect potential changes to source materials."(4)
2.) "Final Asset Dubbing indicates that dubbing production takes place after final delivery of the show. All source assets will be in a final state. The dubbing fulfillment partner should not expect any changes to the source materials."(4)
Without knowing which of these was agreed upon for SPN 15x18, it is very hard to say exactly where or if additional edits may have been performed on the original material that weren't performed on the translated material (in other words, earlier draft).
If the studio was given the episode as an In-Production Dubbing project, this could explain why the title of the Spanish translation reflected the original script title, "The Truth," rather than the final title in English, "Despair".
Assuming this difference was unintentional, rather than a calculated marketing ploy re: audience enticement (which seems admittedly unlikely), then yes, it could indicate a screw-up on someone's part. The question is, was the dub company given the task of generating the title card, or did some other graphics department handle that before the project made it to them? If the latter is the case, the choice to add "Me too" instead of "Don't do this, Cas" could be either a conscious choice on the dub studio's part as sort of a nod to what they thought "the truth" was, or could just be them going with what they were given and making their translation choices based on something else, such as rhythm/timing.
SO, could there have been an original script that had Dean say "me too" in response to Cas, which then went through translation and made it out into the world? Teeechnically yes, but one would assume that the original script and original *footage* would have to have arrived at the dub studio together if the script is being transcribed in-house as SPGSTudios outlines in their process. I'm going to reason that the odds of them using a later edit of the visual--one that contained what in this instance we would be assuming was Warner's preferred dialogue ("Don't do this, Cas") yet choosing to stick with their own audio revoicing of the (supposed) original script/visual's "Me too, Cas" with its now subsequently poor timing, seems unlikely.
So either they would likely have to redo the exact same "Me too" audio again (having made the choice to keep the original dialogue, while also having to work under pandemic restrictions re: travel and talent availability) to make everything match the visual footage time-wise, OR, it was simply a matter that the English scene always was just as we saw it, but that the studio chose to interpret the script the way they did and were able to do their timing the first time around to match accordingly.
This still leaves a question in the air regarding the origin and fate of certain clips of Dean's more visually emotive reaction to Castiel's confession that have been floating around the internet. I've only seen very very brief glimpses of them, myself, and I'm not certain that they're really evidence of anything other than more than one take having been done of that scene, which wouldn't be uncommon and doesn't necessarily point to a conspiracy.
I also want to state that in the wake of 15x18, I opted to protect my mental health rather than follow every development/rumor/speculation that cropped up in the aftermath, so there’s probably a lot that I’m leaving out of this post that may be pertinent. Do me a favor and do assume that I know nothing of it. lol
I will also add this about the other studio, Iyuno: they are very careful to state on their site, repeatedly and with great pride, that they are committed to presenting the world with the smoothest, most true-to-the-original localized version of a film or show possible. Quote: "...our entire team of staff wants nothing more than to make every single one of our partner's content feel as if it were never translated." They are not fucking around. They want to please the client. Would they have done something like the translation in question without any direct go-ahead from Warner? It seems unlikely, though they don't outline their process on their site the way SPG does.
Notice that in the SPGStudios process outlined above, there is no mention made of a review step in which the studio presents the translated dialogue to the client for approval re: the new wording. That doesn't mean there isn't a review step; however, without seeing the contractual agreement that was made between Warner and whatever dub studio they used, or knowing Warner's preferred process by some other means, it's difficult to be certain whether or not there was a review process for the translated script. I did find evidence that Netflix reserves the right to review such translated scripts before air.
Speaking of Netflix, I will include here what their translation requirements are, as I did find those. They, like Warner, also use Iyuno Media Group much of the time for dubbing (voiceover style dubbing in which they apparently like to leave the original language audible underneath, so that's slightly different from revoicing, but I'm working on an assumption that the general expectations are the same for both):(4)
"1. Translation Requirements
1.1 Main Dialogue
   All main dialogue in the source (original) language should be translated unless specifically noted.
   Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot.
   Please refrain from dubbing redundant words such as character names and repetitions.
       Additionally, do not recreate laughs, hesitations, reaction noises, etc."
I'm looking at that bit: "Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot."
So let's say just for argument's sake that this is pretty standard language provided to the dubbing studios. Netflix is a giant, so I'll proceed with that assumption given the lack of more concrete information:
Does it really change essential elements of the remaining plot to have Dean return Castiel's declaration of love? Forgetting about the outside, emotional ripple effect such a declaration was bound to set off in the viewing audience, no. The two characters have no further scenes together, nor does Dean go on in the next episode to immediately embark on a new relationship, or tell anyone that Cas said he was in love with him but he couldn't return it because he didn't feel the same. So technically, no rule was broken. And that is what it comes down to, if you're thinking like a lawyer reading a contract: specifics, not theoretical implications or consequences.
So, possibly what we have is something that was simple to add and easy to get away with/argue for: translated dialog that fit a dub better due to its length, and didn't actually change anything plot-wise (or at least, the argument for that could easily be made). This points to the painful crux of the matter: why would the Spanish version of Supernatural which aired in Latin America allow Dean Winchester to return Castiel's declaration of love with a "Me too, Cas"? Could it *really* be as insulting as the fact that "Yo a ti, Cas" would be a quicker, smoother dub than "No hagas esto, Cas"? ("Don't do this, Cas" in English.) Or did they see something they could get away with, and a reasonable argument to provide for it, so they went ahead and claimed a small LGBT+ victory?
Is someone, somewhere, getting in trouble for all this? Maybe. But could action be taken against them? That would look pretty bad, public-relations-wise, for the party expressing condemnation if that got out. Could Iyuno, or whatever other studio (again, I don't actually know which one handled the dub) theoretically feel a ripple effect from the fallout of this? Could they quietly suffer a drop in acquisitions/revenue for "reasons unclear"? Sure. That sort of thing happens all the time, so theoretically yeah.
Whatever the reasoning behind the decision to have Dean return Cas' declaration of love, surely they didn't have to do it. Surely they could have chosen some other phrase that fit. But they chose to do exactly what they did. I don't know what went down, in the end, or whether censorship was indeed involved, but I will certainly say that I think it was a brave and admirable choice that was made with the Spanish dub. It doesn't undo the "bury your gays" trope of course, but for some LGBT+ audience members it surely provides a sense of validation and maybe even lends a little hope for better representation--which is long, long overdue.
Thanks if you read this far. I hope that even though it’s not perfect it will be helpful in some way.
(1) https://www.indiewire.com/2020/02/subtitles-vs-dubbing-what-you-need-to-know-1202212800/amp
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_CW
(3) https://www.iyunomg.com/
(4) https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/115016062708-Dubbed-Audio-Style-Guide-VO-Style-Dubbing
(5) https://www.spgstudios.com/localization
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superlinguo · 4 years
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with a Transcriptionist
When we started Lingthusiasm, I knew that transcripts had to be an essential part of the show. They’re so useful for people who can’t listen, people who would refer to read, and for when I want a quick reminder of what we covered in an interview (they’re also very handy for training a bot to take over the show). A few of us wrangled transcripts for a while, but it’s been an absolute delight having Sarah Dopierala on the team, turning our spoken words into written words.
Sarah and I were at SOAS at the same time, and Sarah was in the same MA program as last month’s interviewee, Exhibition Content Manager Emily Gref. In fact, it was Emily who put us back in touch when we were on the look out for a new transcriptionist. I guess then there’s an extra lesson from this month’s interview; the longer you’re around as a linguist, and the more connections you make, the more interesting pathways your career can take you on (The Helsinki Bus Station Theory for linguists)
You can find out more about Sarah’s research and her transcription work on her website, or follow her on Twitter (@SDopierala).
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What did you study at university?
I went to the University of Pittsburgh for undergrad and studied linguistics as my major, with a minor in Japanese. It was a very well-rounded education. I studied many of the “core” topics such as phonetics (where I learned the International Phonetic Alphabet, or IPA), phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. I also got to study applied linguistics (which as I remember was an interesting class that overviewed many areas of linguistic application including forensic linguistics and even language documentation, among many others) and had a semester on historical linguistics. One of the most unique classes I took though -- which I don’t remember the name of now -- had to do with conlanging and natural language processing. Super cool. Besides linguistics I, of course, had my Japanese language courses and, since it was a liberal arts education, classes on a variety of other subjects including acting classes, art classes, and a physics class. It was good times.
For my master’s degree, I went to SOAS, University of London for an MA in Language Documentation and Description. This was a more specialized degree and a shorter program (1 calendar year) so my subjects were all linguistics related. For instance, I had classes on syntax (specifically looking at Lexical Functional Grammar), field methods, descriptive linguistics, and applied documentation (I think it was called) where we spent a lot of time discussing practical matters of doing research with people -- ethics, research methods, etc. I did get to do a lot of neat curriculum-adjacent things as well. I was a member of the Sylheti Language Project. We hosted a Sylheti language conference as well as published a Sylheti storybook. I got to attend other conferences as well to practice explaining my eventual dissertation topic -- converbs in Sylheti.
As of now, I’ve been accepted to the University of Frankfurt to do a PhD in comparative linguistics, still focusing on converbs only this time in Northwest Caucasian languages. Funding has been something of an adventure, but I remain hopeful! Besides, linguistics is never too far away. What is your job?
My current job is as a transcriptionist. I freelance making transcripts from audio recordings as my day-to-day, money-making job. Sometimes, I freelance through contracting companies. However, I prefer to work for myself and transcribe podcasts -- especially about linguistics! You may have seen my work via the Vocal Fries Podcast, Conlangery, and Lingthusiasm.
To build my transcription skills I took an online transcription course through Transcribe Anywhere. It took a certain investment of time and money, but you come out of there knowing your stuff and with a network of other transcriptionists to help you. I’m still learning a lot about running my own business (since I suppose that’s what freelancing ultimately is), but I feel confident, and it helps that I’m not completely alone.
As a freelancer, my daily schedule is hardly ever the same and I do tend to break it up even more with travel. That’s what I like about it though. I can do the job no matter where I go. As long as I get the job done well and in a timely manner, I can set my own schedule. It definitely takes a certain level of self-discipline to keep a freelancing schedule, that’s for sure.
How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
There are a couple of ways linguistics training helps me with transcription work -- or perhaps even transcription helps me with my linguistics work. My first introduction to transcription was during my master’s degree. As a documentary linguist in training, I made audio recordings with a Sylheti speaker and, in order to further analyze and archive my findings, I had to transcribe them. The difference of course was the goal. For transcribing podcasts and other material in English, the goal is generally to create a well-formatted document following written English conventions. However, transcribing an audio file for linguistic analysis, in general, focuses more on accurately representing the sounds of the language in IPA without reference to prescriptive ideas of what sort of written representation is “well-formatted.” For now, I’m focusing on readable English language documents but, in the future, I will return to transcription for linguistic analysis. I think my approach to that type of transcription will be enriched by this work.
The two types of transcription complement each other. When transcribing linguistics podcasts, I often use IPA to distinguish between different English pronunciations or even to represent non-English words. Just like I use knowledge of linguistic concepts to analyze linguistic data, I call upon quite a bit of that knowledge when I transcribe podcasts as well to not only identify certain terms but to follow the conversation. Understanding the content of the conversation reduces the amount of times I mishear, stop, rewind, listen again, and certainly reduces the time I spend researching unfamiliar topics. When I don’t understand the content of an audio file, I have a hard time predicting what people will say or what they might say. Being able to predict, to a certain extent, what someone might say plays a huge part in transcription and in general language processing as well. Transcribing these podcasts has also been a great way for me to keep up thinking about linguistics, keep up with what’s happening in the field, and keep feeling like I’m part of the community even if I’m not currently “doing linguistics” as my everyday job. 😊
Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
I think I’ve been quite lucky in the advice I’ve received over the years, here are two things that have really stuck with me:
 “If you can, study in a different department than your undergrad or masters.”
I have found that working in several different departments has not only helped me grow as a researcher, but it has made me more appreciative of the things I learned in previous departments. There are ideas I may not have been introduced to if I had stayed in one place and many people I would not have met as well. My pool of friends and colleagues has definitely been enriched by getting out of my comfort zone.
“What job do you want to get?”
My undergraduate supervisor asked me this question when I told her about my topic for a PhD thesis. She was of course very supportive of my academic pursuits, but I think this is the first time someone asked me this question in a way that was practical rather than condescending (since not everyone instantly appreciates the worth of linguistic knowledge). I’m so grateful that she did because, up until that point, I pretty much took for granted that I would get a tenure-track job at a great university and do descriptive and documentary research for the rest of forever. Don’t get me wrong, that would be amazing. However, this question made me think. It opened me up to the precarity of academia, the non-guarantee of a well-paying university job, the non-guarantee of any university job for that matter. While I will still reach for that dream researcher position, I am now much more open to other opportunities and other ways of doing what I love.
Any other thoughts or comments?
I’m not (yet) able to completely support myself financially just from transcribing. Like many other freelancing careers, it’s taken quite a bit of time to get myself out there. I do receive help and support from other places. Because of this, I have had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time learning the trade, reaching out to potential clients, figuring out best practices, etc., while also pursuing my academic dreams, which take their share of time and effort. Perhaps not everybody has this luxury, and I want to acknowledge that as a factor for anyone inspired to consider transcription as a potential career path. However, with some patience, I know that it is very possible to make a comfortable living as a freelance transcriptionist. In fact, I hope that someday transcription can be a main source of income for me as well. In fact, it’s one of my potential “non-tenure” jobs -- especially if it means I can still be close to linguistics! 😉
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Interview with a Community Outreach Coordinator
Interview with a Marketing Content Specialist
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mctreeleth · 7 years
I had a theory and I really needed to play close attention to what was said so I could work out whether or not I was on the right track, so here’s my transcription of the scene with just Vax and the Raven Queen in episode 103 of Critical Role (plus a little bit of theoretical commentary)
(From 51.33 on the Alpha stream.)
Vax’ildan, as your eyes dart back and forth, glancing upward at the sky above, snow hitting and stinging your paralysed eyes, you see the terrible lich above you. A flash of green, then darkness. Floating, without weight, without temperature, you glance around in the surrounding shadow and you cannot see anything, your hands before you, nothing, it is just void, darkness. You will yourself to see something, anything, and in an instant, you begin to glow. Your form becomes visible around you, you can now see your body, nude and held aloft in this dark space just emanating this soft, vibrant, orangish white light. As the light begins to emanate, and cast away the nearby darkness, you also see what appears to be a tangling of some sort of web, strands of silk, that also begin to glow a similar light as to your form, that holds you tightly in your position. You struggle, but you’re held firm. You think you yell out, but as you glance upwards to shout for help, you see the shadows now curl back to reveal the familiar sight of a massive, white, porcelain, woman’s face, eyeless yet staring straight at, if not through you. Her presence, imposing as it may be, soothes you, as her giant hand, larger than a house, at palace it seems almost, emerges from below and gives you a ground to step on, your feet finding purchase in the centre of her dark palm. As your feet touch her palm, the silk web seems to loosen, you cast off the threads and fall to your hands and knees. You take a moment, and you hear that soft voice once more.
“My champion, you return to me, and tear a swath through the tapestry. Please, be calm. My sight can pierce many veils, but you’ve been hidden from my sight in recent days and I am worried what foulness has turned its intent upon us. Now here you come, to me, your very thread frayed, and soul transitioning, an unexpected destiny for my beautiful fate touched.” And one of her fingers kinda curls through your hair at the back of your head. “Tell me what you have seen.”
“Your enemy.”
“I have many enemies.”
“What does this Vecna intend?”
“He has come… he’s come back to our world… my home… and my family is in danger, the world… is in danger.”
“How so? How could one man be as dangerous… what does he intend? What have you learned?”
“I-I-I… I don’t know.”
(There is a pause as she considers him.)
“I wonder why he would guard my sight… well…hmm.” And she goes into quiet contemplation for a moment, you see the strands of hair that emanate from the sides of the mask just kind of slowly shifting like waves on an ocean. “This Vecna comes to your world... to be a king?”
“…That… or grind us all into dust.”
“This is historical. Mortals continuously intend to find others to grind into dust. If this being has the power to block my sight, he has power beyond a mortal realm. Did you see anything else?”
“We travelled to the Shadowfell… there was, a tower, and he had servants, he had… powerful servants, a woman, that we have fought before, and another, a-a-a man, a-a… creature – I don’t know – with a blade, a dark blade, and he… was too powerful for us, he crushed us…”
“And in your short spark with him you learned nothing more of his plan? No hint of what he’s plotting?”
“He threw me to the ground the first second he laid his eye on me, he murdered my sister, I thought we had come to an arrangement…”
“We have?”
“Where is my sister?”
“She lives still, she is beyond my influences”
(he lets out a sobbing breath of relief)
“However, your body is ash, and your soul is steeped in the divine energies that uphold the paths between life and death. Hmm. You’ve yearned* your eternal rest.” And her mass begins to recede into the darkness.
(* I first wrote that down as ‘earned’ but I’ve checked multiple times and I’m pretty damn sure it’s ‘yearned’. It’s at 59.21 on the alpha video.)
“No… no, no, come back, no. I will not leave them behind. I want to help them. Still.”
The faint grey of the mask that had begin to fade into the shadow, stops, and comes back even brighter, vibrant almost. You sense the mystery of the Raven Queen, shift from this entity that dodges and weaves to instead, a pillar of power of life and death that is both awe striking, and awe fearing, and for a moment you realise how small you are in her presence. “You truly see to seek this? To bring it to its end?”
“Whatever it takes.”
“Your resolve is admirable, your love of your chosen family is vibrant. What I offer you is the power to see this conflict through till its end. You will be briefly beyond the very grasp of death and I will hold back any attempt for you to transition. You will be a bulwark of my power in cold flesh, walking between heartbeats, unstoppable. You will have the power to walk once more with Vox Machina, with your sister, with your Keyleth, and should you use this power wisely, perhaps save Exandria, save them, save her. But when it’s done, and this foul, undying king lies dead or sealed, you will return to me, my champion, evermore.”
The imposing image now shifts and changes in an instant, the giant being is now this simple woman, the mask you once saw removed now missing, and there, the somewhat… sad, beautiful, pale face of the Raven Queen as she steps forward, the silence is broken by the sounds of her footsteps across nothing… tkh, tkh, tkh, her hand comes up – warm, you weren’t expecting – as it races across your brow, and curves across to your chin, and pulls it up a bit; “Do you accept my gift?”
“You have such loneliness in your eyes.”
“Perhaps you will keep me company when you come back to me. Do. You. Accept?”
(There is a long pause.) “I do.”
“Then so be it. You, whose nature bucks destiny, my beautiful thing. Go, share what you have shared with me, with others like me. Take what you can learn, of this Vecna’s plans, for if he can block his intent from one, who knows what he plots against the other powers beyond the gate. Learn from them, ask them. You have my blessing, they have theirs to give as well. And they may be all that stands between the ruin of this world, and you. Let their blessings turn the tides, Vax’ildan, but choose your time wisely, for corruption like this waits for no-one. Now…” she pulls your head down and kisses you on the forehead, and brings your head close to hers, and you hear a voice whisper right into your ear, ever so faintly, “…wake up.”
(Ends 1.04.35 on the Alpha stream.)
(Basically, I typed this whole thing up because I’m not 100% on the idea that the Raven Queen ever even meant that Vax would die after Vecna – I get the feeling that she was going to give Vax the death she thought he wanted, freeing him from his role as her champion (the death that he “yearned” for) - “Return to me, as my champion, evermore” isn’t that different than his current deal, and the come back to me, keep me company is something that friends actually should be doing once they realise how lonely their friend is. Matt never actually said at any point during this particular scene that Vax was gunna end up dead – the players just all drew that conclusion and we all just went along with it.)
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Life under Fire: The Wages of Apostasy
(Presented at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992.)
Thank you, United States, for letting me come and speak. I mean that seriously because the fight is now getting quite creepy. For two years now, in country after country, I have been conducting this international Campaign for Real History. During this period, in country after country, I’ve come up against an international campaign against real history — an international campaign full of lies, an international campaign to suppress the truth. The truth of this campaign is quite clearly something that I had previously not wanted to believe: there is, in fact, an international force out there with an influence that transcs frontiers. Day after day, country after country, month after month, I come up against this international force.
 In my apartment in London, I’ve accordingly opened a file titled “Jewish Harassment.” This should not be taken to mean, in the slightest, that I am anti-Jewish, because I’m not. The fact that many Jews are anti-Irving does not mean to say that I am anti-Jewish. There’s no paradox in that statement. Week after week, month after month, they are causing me immense harassment, embarrassment and distress. But journalists come to me, again and again, and ask me: “Mr. Irving, are you anti-Semitic?” And I reply, “Not yet.”
 For two years now, I have been the target of this worldwide campaign — in Germany, France, Spain, South Africa, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and England. Let me tell you a little about what has been happening in some of these countries.
 In Germany, I’m now technically a prohibited person. I can’t go there because the German authorities have ordained that David Irving shall no longer cross their frontier. A free democracy, and yet that’s the only way they can fight against me: by forbidding me to come in. That edict was issued in March 1990. But since then, I’ve been in and out of Germany 60 times. I’m not going to tell you how I’ve done it — but there are ways of doing it.
 In Austria, there’s an arrest warrant out against me, but no entry prohibition (whereas in Germany there’s the entry prohibition but no arrest warrant). So between the two of them you can find a way of getting in. As I said to the Germans the last time I spoke to a mass meeting of 7,000 people in Passau: there are enough people here in plain clothes taking notes for the Ministry of the Interior, and tonight they’ll be asked: how did he get in again? To this I can only say: “Go ask your colleagues in Austria how David Irving got in this time.”
 Banned in South Africa
 Besides Germany and Austria, officially I am not permitted to get into Italy or South Africa. Last January and February, I spoke for two months in South Africa, this time visiting 15 towns and cities. Two weeks after I returned to England, a letter arrived from the South African government in Pretoria. It told me: “Mr. Irving, as an Englishman you normally do not require a visa to enter South African territories. For you we are going to make an exception.” I reported this ban to the South African newspapers, which discovered in a matter of days that this unique embargo was being placed on me by the South African government at the request of South African Jewish organizations. This was followed by an outcry by other South Africans who wanted to hear me on radio and television, and in person. It was another encroachment on freedom of speech.
 Of course, I am able to come and speak here in the United States because you have something very important, your First Ammendment guaranteeing freedom of speech. It is very unlikely, I think, that the United States government would actually stoop to trying to prevent me from coming here to speak. It would be a very, very serious day indeed if that should happen.
 In Canada, I have a big speaking tour lined up that is due to start on October the 26th. Yesterday, here in this very hotel [in Irvine, Califronia], I was handed an express letter from the Canadian government informing me that I would not be allowed to enter Canada. Once again, pressure has been exerted by these international groups to keep me from speaking. In this case it was the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, but the reason given me was this: “Mr. Irving, under the immigration act, a person is not permitted to enter if he has committed a criminal offense in another country, or if he is likely to commit a criminal offense in Canada. We may consider you likely to commit a criminal offense.”
 After receiving this, I straight away instructed my attorney in Canada to point out that I’ve been to Canada some 30 times since 1965, and not once have I committed a criminal offense. So, prima facie, I am unlikely to commit a criminal offense on the 31st occasion. [On October 26, Irving legally entered Canada. He was illegally arrested — after lecturing on freedom of speech — at Victoria, B.C., and deported on November 13 after a three week court battle. He is appealing.]
 Detention in Rome
 In June of this year, I went to Italy. I arrived in Rome, after a stop in Munich, from Moscow, where I had been working for two weeks in the former Soviet government’s secret state archives. As I got off the plane in Rome, six Carabinieri police cars were waiting for me at the airfield, and as I got into the airport bus, the police stormed the bus, rifles drawn, and called out my name, “Mr. Irving.” Ladies and gentlemen, now that’s embarrassing! Under the circumstances, I tried to make it look as if this was my VIP escort!
 They held me there in the police station at Rome’s airport for four hours until the plane turned round and flew back to Munich. And half way through, they let in the Italian student who had arrived to meet me there. (I had been invited by a university professor.)
 During the police interrogation, I “hadn’t understood” a word of Italian, and I made them speak English to me. But when the students came in, I spoke with them in Italian, explaining how sorry I was. Seeing this, the police colonel became very indignant and said: “Silenzio, Don’t Speak.” So I said, “Where does it say that I can’t speak?” He repeated, “Silenzio, Don’t-a speaka.” And I repeated: “Excuse me, but nowhere do I see a sign that says Silenzio.” At that, he seized a thick felt- tip pen, and in a blind, Italian temper he went to the magnificently painted wall inside this beautiful, brand new police station, saying “You can’t-a see-a? Here!,” and wrote the letters S I L E N Z I O on the wall, and then shouted: “Silenzio!”
 Last October [1991], I spoke in Argentina. On the morning of the first day, I took part in a two-hour television program. (I also speak Spanish.) I was on with a man named Maurizio Maro, but whose real name turned out to be Goldfarb. If only they had told me beforehand! But too late.
 Goldfarb asked me questions like: “But Adolf Hitler, he was crazy wasn’t he?” And I said: “No, he wasn’t.” “But of course he was crazy,” he retorted. I responded by saying:
     There’s no evidence for that at all. The evidence is that we — the British and Americans — captured seven of Hitler’s doctors. We interrogated all seven of them on that specific point: Hitler’s own physicians were asked if they considered him clinically sane or out of his mind. All of them came to the conclusion that, even until the very last moments of his life, he was totally sane. And not only that, I have personally found Hitler’s medical diaries — the diaries kept by his doctor, Theodor Morrell, which I found in the archives in Washington, DC. After transcribing them, I published them. These diaries also confirm, without a doubt at all, that Hitler was perfectly sane and physically normal.
 Now considerably agitated, Goldfarb responded: “But the man must be totally crazy because he killed forty million human beings.” The first time he threw out this figure, I let it pass, but the second time round, I stopped him, saying: “Forty million? Excuse me, where does this figure come from then?” Goldfarb then said: “A person who kills even one man is a criminal.” In this case, then, I said, President Bush is a major criminal because of the damage he did in the Gulf War this very February.
 At this point, the interview was dramatically cut short. And the very next day, all the other interviews that had been lined up by my publisher in Argentina were cancelled. Newspaper and television interviews, and a Belgrano University appearance — all were cancelled. It was an object lesson on the influence that certain people have. The day after that (October 18, 1991), a major daily newspaper, La Nación, published a communique issued by Argentina’s Jewish governing agency, with a headline calling me an “International Agitator.” Well, I’m sorry that the Jews get so easily agitated. But it’s not my fault. My job is to go there and lecture on the historical truth as I see it.
 The Right to be Wrong
 I admit that we may be wrong. Each of us in this room may be wrong on this or that matter. But I demand the Right to be Wrong! That is the essence of freedom of speech in any country.
 No one is going to define for us what the received version of history is or should be. But that is what they are trying to do now in Germany, and all around the world.
 Every other aspect of world history is open to debate and dispute — except one. Anyone who challenges this one aspect of history is automatically, ipso facto, described as an anti-Semite. Jewish leaders are now saying that anyone who questions any aspect of the Holocaust is an anti-Semite. Of course, that’s not true. We are just lovers of the truth, and determined to get to the bottom of what actually did and did not happen.
 I do not insist that what I tell you here today is necessarily the only version of the truth, and that thou shalt have no other truth than this. I’m not as arrogant as that. I do say that this is the best that I can do, given limited resources, and against the harassment that I’ve come up against in the last few years.
 That harassment has gotten worse and worse, particularly with the recent Focal Point publication of the new edition of Hitler’s War. This new edition contains material never seen before. If you want to see a photograph showing what it looks like when 17,500 people are killed in 30 minutes, here it is. Everyone’s heard about Hiroshima and Dresden, but no one knows about what happened in Pforzheim, a small German town in Baden-Württemberg, where one person in four was killed in the most horrible manner in mid-February 1945. We have photos of that crime. I’ve shown this photograph to audience after audience.
 On the previous page of Hitler’s War are the well-known photographs of Dresden, where a hundred thousand people were killed in a period of twelve hours by the British and Americans. So many were killed so quickly that there weren’t enough living left to bury the dead. So the corpses had to be burned on these huge funeral pyres in the Dresden Altmarkt. I published the photographs in 1963 in my first book, The Destruction of Dresden and, now, in Hitler’s War, I publish them for the first time in color.
 Window Smashing
 There are 60 color photographs in this book, a work that no other publisher could have published so lavishly. Of course, our traditional enemies are absolutely livid because of this book, which is very sought-after in Britain. We published it ourselves, and personally delivered 5,000 copies to 800 book shops up and down the country and around the world.
 Our traditional enemies have been fighting back. Their local cells, branches and agents have been visiting — patiently and methodically, one by one — every book shop that stocked this book, demanding that it be “un-stocked.” Because most book shop managers are not open to intimidation in the way newspapers are, they get their windows smashed. As result, there’s been a campaign of window smashing throughout Britain during the last three or four months.
 During the night, the big plate-glass windows of the book stores are smashed, and the next morning the stores receive a letter on letterhead of the local synagogue, or the local Jewish Board of Deputies. The letters say “we are very sorry that your windows were smashed, but what can you expect? We promise that if you stop stocking David Irving’s books, you will find that this kind of problem ceases.”
 This campaign — smashing the windows of book stores, big and small, including chain book stores in Britain such as Waterstone’s and Dillon’s — has been reported in all the local newspapers. I subscribe to a press clipping service, so I get all these clippings. But there’s been nothing in the British national newspapers.
 And why not? Well, the answer is that these wondered where these journalists come from, these spineless, nasty little creeps such as Bernard Levin of The Times of London.
 I am philosophical about newspapers. I remember one Monday morning ten years ago when my secretary came to me, saying: “David, how can you stand for it? Have you read what they’ve written about you yesterday in the Sunday Times? It’s only a short thing, but you now might as well pack up. You’re finished.” He read from the article: “David Irving, who appears substantially to have over-estimated his mental stability this time …” “They’re calling you mad!”
 Recycled Lies
 I responded by saying, “Okay, so what? Are they going to assign me to some kind of psychiatric gulag archipelago? That’s from the Sunday Times, and this is Monday.” That’s the difference between being an author and being a journalist. When I write a book it goes into a library and stays there — especially if it’s on acid-free paper. What a journalist writes for the Sunday Times appears on Sunday, but by Monday it’s wrapping fish ‘n chips! So who cares? Or if it’s not wrapping fish ‘n chips, the paper’s being recycled to be made into new newsprint for new lies.
 One South African journalist wrote to me during the height of my South African tour in March 1992. I was speaking at meeting after meeting, addressing packed halls. In Pretoria, as usual, 2,000 people came to hear me. In Cape Town, another huge audience turned out to hear me at the Goodwood Civic Centre. The next day, I received a fax letter from a Cape Times journalist named Claire Bisseker who earlier had bombarded me with questions about what I thought about President de Klerk, the prospects for South Africa, the ANC, and all the rest of it. This time her letter was quite brief:
     Mr. Irving, the Cape Times would like to have your response to the following allegations made by a Capetonian who atted your meeting at Goodwood [Centre] on March 8. The source said that the meeting was of a neo-Nazi nature. Complete with Nazi banners and Nazi salutes. We would appreciate it very much if you could fax back to us your response as soon as you are able.
 So I turned this matter over in my mind. “Remember,” I told myself, “you’re dealing with a journalist — a journalist who will twist whatever you say. If I say that I have no comment, they will print the lies and say that Mr. Irving had no comment. If I deny it, they will print the lies and say that Irving denied it. They will print lies whatever you do.” So after some thought, I sent this brief letter to Claire Bisseker:
     Dear Clair,
     Thank you for your fax, and I appreciate your inquiry. Yes, you do have excellent sources. Neo-Nazi nature, Nazi banners, and Nazi salutes — the lot. As I marched in, an orchestra struck up the Slaves’ Chorus from Verdi’s opera, “Aida.” Later, the orchestra played the first bars of Franz Liszt’s “Les Préludes,” and it concluded with Liszt’s Opus 63 String Quartet. Meanwhile, searchlight batteries stationed around the Goodwood Civic Centre lit up, their crystal beams joining in a cathedral of ice ten thousand feet above the site; a thousand hands were once more flung aloft in the holy salute, and a thousand throats roared the Horst Wessel anthem. A video is available, directed by Leni Riefenstahl.
     I hope the above material suffices for what you have in mind.
 That’s the way to deal with journalists! I have developed my own techniques in dealing with them.
  David Irving
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yogpetshame · 5 years
In the latest Triforce podcast, they complain about politically correctness, about the left-wing, and Lewis defends *notorious transphobe who spends all his time harassing trans people* Graham Linehan. It's fucking awful.
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You know, I got kind of a different impression and I figured I might as well labor through explaining why, since we’re dealing with a really long piece of media that’s hard to “digest” the way you would normally be inclined to. 
The part where it starts, where they’re talking about Curb Your Enthusiasm, is so-so. It feels like listening to a guy talk just a little too passionately about how they relate to Rick Sanchez, or Bojack Horseman, or Walter White. The core of Curb is not, as Sips says, to “comment on cancel culture.”
Anyway, the salient bit comes way later in the podcast. I flick through the YouTube auto-generated transcript in moments like this and think, goddammit, this technology needs to hurry up. So before you go “Holy shit, YPS transcribed all that?!” …No I didn’t, which is why it’s going to read like fucking shit. I’m just going to correct it when the words are wrong but I’m not doing any not-strictly-necessary punctuation. Nooo thank you.
Lewis: Something like I think that okay a good example is like JK Rowling and you know actually for example someone tweeted me this week saying you should unfollow Graham Linehan who wrote like father Ted I think when I signed up to Twitter about 10 years ago I automatically followed a lot of people who I was a fan of 
Sips: or thought you were because you don’t know these people 
Lewis: Bill Bailey-
Sips: writes a funny show that you like 
Lewis: cuz I want to see funny tweets on Twitter from them you know I like father Ted I want to see his funny tweets you know and someone tweeted me and said you should unfollow him because he’s done a load of anti-trans stuff and commentary and I I was like you know what I don’t think I’ve- I will. I think I’m just gonna unfollow him. I don’t think it’s worth trouble wise I don’t I don’t think that this guy particularly is obviously like I but it’s a little bit in my head though I’m a little bit like Oh father Ted’s now a bit tainted like Harry Potter’s a little bit tainted by 
Sips: the thing is okay fine you’ve unfollowed him you’ve unfollowed him after suggestion of somebody but you haven’t you haven’t unfollowed him for like the pure reason right you’ve just done followed him because it’s like off 
Lewis: in my head 
Sips: he’s pressuring me and I don’t want to be seen as somebody who agrees with what this guy might have said 
Pyrion: so that’s what cancel cultures is about
Sips: exactly 
Pyrion: I still think the main thing the  main thing to do is if I mean first of all I don’t want to know Graham linehan I don’t care what his opinions are, I want to see Father Ted
Sips: no i want to see the funny stuff  is it something on Twitter that’s even remotely funny and related to father Ted great that’s why I followed him in the first place because the father Ted you know what I mean like 
Lewis: yeah 
Pyrion: well so Twitter is real easy to be as puritanical as you like about whatever it is you believe in but I guarantee you even people you know really well there’ll be something of opinion that they hold that you think what that’s fucking bizarre like I can’t get my head around this weird that you you what are you gonna stop seeing that person because there’s something you disagree with them about I don’t know I mean I know lots of people whose politics are wildly different from mine or their opinions about all kinds of stuff are wildly different from mine it doesn’t change the fact that they’re they’re essentially a decent enough person that I could be friends with them 
Lewis: no absolutely
Pyrion: I just think it’s it’s not worth analyzing with a micro microscope every single aspect of a person’s personality because no one is clean no one is gonna come out of it and you’re gonna be okay with everything they said 
Lewis: I don’t think they’re evil if they have flaws like that or beliefs necessarily either I think it’s that they’re a product of their their cultural like like teachings been informed of over the years via media and Hollywood and books and people and friends of family and surroundings and locales…
So at worst, to me, this reads like Lewis is willing to concede that some people do not deserve your attention because of their words and deeds. Mostly, it’s like not wanting to be bothered about it and cause an argument outweighs his attachment to old media by a good deal. And he even will admit that separating the art from the artist is futile. I don’t really have an issue with it.
Pyrion comes in with the dog-tired “I don’t care who made it, I live in a Solipsistic world where the only things that matter are the things I observe.” Stupid, but inoffensive.
But you can see Sips starting some shit which he follows through on almost as soon as he gets a chance to.
Lewis: so what I’m saying is don’t be too hard on yourselves if you find that your your beliefs are challenged you know 
Sips: I don’t hold a strong belief on that though like you know like like I if if if that offends somebody to laugh at that and they’re around me or whatever I  would apologize I would say oh sorry 
Pyrion: you know like it’s not worth clinging to that kind of 
Sips: I’m a reasonable person I’m not I’m not gonna fight for my right to laugh at prison rape jokes I just don’t care enough but I could but equally 
I’m not I’m not going to to to falsely support like like trans rights and stuff as well by unfollowing somebody on Twitter because as much as I support somebody’s right to be who they are or who they want to be and and freedom and stuff like that these are things that don’t really affect me 
I’m not gonna be as passionate about them as somebody who is who is affected by it you know or or living that life or whatever you know what I mean I think there’s I think there’s a lot of like almost like false support for movements nowadays just to appear sort of like politically correct or popular or something like that and I don’t agree with that either I you know I think people that are coming out and and being like overly  sort of supportive about something that they have nothing to do with or whatever is is is it’s not it’s not a genuine thing it’s it’s it’s a lie
Pyrion: you see that in Hollywood a lot 
Sips: of course you do 
Pyrion: cos they cast something and it’s like the cast is like you can tell they’ve they’ve fucking they brainstormed the shit out of how to get the perfect cast for essentially for to avoid bad reviews on on Twitter and in the media 
Sips: sure 
Pyrion: it feels disingenuous 
Sips: yeah no 
Pyrion: it’s not from the heart no they haven’t changed they just going with the trends 
Sips: it is it’s it’s it’s some sort of formula for like popularity or for money or sales or something like that and it doesn’t feel nice it doesn’t feel good like like 
Lewis: yeah we should be on top of that stuff 
Sips: I think you need somebody to support me with with with just about anything really but like you know what I mean like it’s I don’t know like III think I think just I think it’s important to just be yourself and not get caught up in that in the hype of everything you know what I mean like just yeah like and don’t be an asshole yeah
It’s like Sips thinks that by burying it 55 minutes into an hour long podcast he’s going to get away with saying he doesn’t have sympathy for anyone who isn’t straight and white. Like I understand the way he’s trying to couch it, by saying that it’s slacktivism or it’s not a genuine demonstration of support, or that he’s not required to demonstrate his support in any way. But when you find yourself following someone who actually represents something you really believe is hateful, how can you not care, just because well, he’s funny, and he doesn’t happen to hate you? I don’t think it’s fair to make a snap judgement about a person based on who they choose to follow on Twitter… rather, I think it’s very fair to make a judgement about how they rationalize continuing to follow that person. “He doesn’t hate me so it’s not my problem” is bullshit.
Sips pauses for a minute and comes back in a few minutes later, as though he realizes what he just blurted out:
Sips: I feel like this podcast would be way better if I could actually articulate my thoughts like in an intelligent manner or not just like being a dope
Lewis: this is what this is though I said at the very start the podcast it’s that words are not enough like we we I think we need speeches
Pyrion: ‘More than words,’ that’s this week’s theme is the song ‘More than Words’ by Extreme.
Lewis: prepared speeches that are finely honed and crafted to not-not-not cuz but a lot of time people to get the wrong end of the stick from this podcast they’re gonna think Lewis said this sentence and people are gonna take out of context and it’ll and it’ll mean so which is the opposite of what I meant
Interlude… that’s why I bothered to pull the transcripts out in the first place. Hard to argue I was fucking around with context when I’m cutting out fat chunks like this.
Sips: I meant yeah yeah I know 
Lewis: it’s a very complex topic
Sips: alright I do my best I think I’m a reasonable person I don’t think I’m overly offensive to any one person or a group of people III don’t have hate in my heart for anything other than people who are sweaty at overwatch oh you know what I mean like I know I’m not going out of my way to like spread hate or to spread misery or whatever I think I’m like a pretty easygoing you know happy-go-lucky sort of sort of person.
Unfortunately nobody is handing out medals for bullshit, so your rambling appeal for sympathy was for naught, Sips.
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termlifeguy · 3 years
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If you need help, we're here to help.
Okay? And there you have it.
Banner is coming up first? You can apply for that.
It's coming in about $98. 25 cents a month.
Average approval time for banners. About 19 days.
Now. You can see here is well, we have some companies that are no exam. John Hancock and S B L. I. Now personally, for a couple of dollars. I don't like exams for a few dollars.
More month. You could book at SPLI or John Hancock.
Both are good companies. John Hancock is a great company on def.
You ever had an issue health-wise and you needed to convert.
John Hancocks probably got one of the best permanent universal life policies in the country.
Okay, now it says no exam. It's based upon your health questions.
Okay, So don't think that they, you know, exam.
If you answer health questions a certain way, they may order an exam, so just be aware of that.
It's not a guaranteed issue .
It is a, uh it's a no exam depending is really what it is.
But this is a policy I would go with right here.
And you can simply click that apply.
And though you can just move right through this and you were literally applying for this policy online, you will sign it.
Electronically, It will come to me. I'll review it.
Sign it electronically and we will be in the under a Well, There you have it.
Please call the office any questions and we look forward to working with you.
Thank you.
Tumblr media
Please call us with any questions!
Originally published here: http://www.goidahoinsurance.com/online-quotes
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vacationcalendar · 3 years
Hi boyfriend~
Just took a weed gummie in honor of Bonnie’s birthday weekend. My present for my friend is that I’ll suck it up and be an active participant in their life for a change. I’ll be game for a whole weekend. I got up early today and tagged along to volunteer at a charity 5k. We grabbed some coffee and wandered to the halfway point of the course (thus walking an entire 5k in the process! Not too shabby ;D), and then camped out a water station that I’d say should be very grateful I actually showed up to work its sorry ass. Bonnie didn’t have to do any managing/delegating, they just got to post up and chatter at the runners-by. I’m pretty sure if I didn’t go, and I promise I am not tooting my own horn, that water stand would not have been the fun water stand that it was. They would have had 2 dunces making it go worse, and only 3 people managing 4 tables of water cups. Volunteers man, what are you gonna do? I’m sure that’s why they were looking for 8 people per water stand, just to statistically ensure that SOMEONE with half a brain would be around to help out.
Great morning though. JUST a little too hot, but that’s how you know you were doing solid work out there. The proof is in the pits, baby!
Ok, 40 minute bathroom break is over. Man, nothing like starting the blog to make me SO productive in the mornings! It’s such a cheat code. I did laundry, dishes, pooped; my whole day is bright and available now! But now I’m tired and I don’t want to write anymore. I had about a 6 minute where I wanted to do this today and I actually hit it for a second before I had to stop and do ANYTHING ELSE I guess. So, fuck. What do we write now?
I had to get up suuuuper early for this 5k thing, and I only got like 4 hours of sleep because I did not factor in the early wake up until like 6pm yesterday, and I had already slept like 14 hours that day :I That’s right, I woke up, immediately crushed the blog, went back to laying down, played League, and watched tv and shit until I felt tired enough to sleep and get ready for the 5k, which was 2am. So now I have a weed gummie digesting in me and I have a nap climbing up my priority list and this is why I don’t like weed. I feel like I have to plan my fucking shit around it, and I’m not good at that. Part of me thinks I can crash right now and wake up before the drugs make me sleep for 2 hours longer than I want, and give me weird, unpleasant dreams. I can’t possibly pull that off, I’m not sleepy, I’m just like sluggish. So basically what I have to do now is power through into the “trip” (maybe I’ll luck out and miss it and I can just pretend I’m high, which I won’t do, but hey we’re brainstorming here), and let that smoothly transition me into a nap. And THAT would mean that I have to entertain myself for the time being to get me into a good place to start being high...? And then I can like power up my activities WHILE high, and that would be fun. Playing video games, great. Playing video game high? That’s the whole point of it. I mean like, that’s the whole point of life, right? And then I can be like NAPTIME BITCH, and that would be fun also, in theory. And then I can go put a podcast on and go to the movies? Ugh, I don’t want to go the movies anymore. I’m to tired :( This sucks.
I’m trying to go see Green Knight. I’m sure that sentence won’t matter at all in even like 4 months from now, but I think it should be a fun time. So much more productive than anything I can do from the desk. And it’s not summertime like this forever. You gotta get that shit in so you don’t think you miss it when the weather turns. You want to be sitting inside on a cold autumn day thinking “good riddance, being outside is entirely overrated.” And I’m not there yet. Man I don’t know. Well how bout this? Let’s do a little more brainstorming while I’m trapped here writing to your dumb ass. If you ever read these again this part will be like a little prank on you lol. Ok: 1: Stay here, no movie. Let’s lock that in. that should make having to navigate being high so much easier. Let’s let the pipe dream of doing everyone’s favorite thing of being at a theater high wait just a little longer. Today can be a trial run. We’ll walk around today and think about what it would be like if I had biked 20 minutes to a movie theater and watched a 2 hour movie and biked home. And when we suss out that it would have been unenjoyable, we’ll feel like geniuses for making this call. So that’s out of the way. LOCK IT IN
2. I don’t know yet. Let’s just start simple. Food. What’s up? We have almost no groceries. We have no bread for a tuna salad sandwich, but let’s put that in the to-do list. We need more english muffins too. That was an A+ 10/10 move last month. Just muffins w/ strawberry jam, and egg McMuffins whenever the fuck I wanted, which was always. Frozen Veggies like Corn or Beans would be good. Bag Chop Salad kits. They weren’t on sale last week, and it’s goddamn highway robbery when they’re at full price. So this week would be the perfect time to check in on ‘em. And I’ll commit more to an equivalent substitute this time if I can’t find a good deal. Let’s see, what else? Oof my wpm and accuracy is starting to take a hit. The first and only symptom! Nice! Miku. Meat. Spaghetti and meat sauce? Gotta check out what ragu shit you have in the house before you do that. Consider this your reminder! I know you’ve never successfully pulled that off, but I have full confidence in you. Oh fuck, now I’m starting to worry a little bit the coherent quality of this is about to start dropping. Well, another fun little prank for ya bitch! Fruit leathers? I just have no fucking idea. Ok, so shopping can 100% wait for another day. This isn’t anywhere close to a cohesive trip. So we can eat out somewhere! Great, lock it bitch. I’m starting to swear more; it’s because I can’t find the right words anymore. Oh boy, the weed smelling burps are happening. This really is so gross and difficult. Beer is just a more bitter version of soda. It’s actively refreshing. Damn, if only I’d been a little more exposed to peer pressure at an earlier age. I’d have been past this awkward uncomfortable phase of weed, like how I (and basically everyone) was with alcohol. You slam Natty Lites with your nose closed until you start to realize life is little more pleasurable than the absolute Kelvin zero you had come to be familiar with. Uh, ok, I’m starting to let my mind wander. He’s daydreaming, chief! I suppose I could just transcribe the dialogue of the daydreams, but I can’t keep up. This is just break o’clock.
3. What do I fucking eat!? I had to make a whole nother numbered point, and I still don’t have the plan. Jesus H,. Ok here’s what AROUND. Chex Mix, unopened. 1 Grape Soda. Cookie Dough Ice Cream (w choc sauce). Raisins, PB, Ramen, meh. Reese Cups! I just looked behind and was like, “oh yeah! Nice”. If that’s not everything, that’s REALLY close. So what’s calling my name? Pizza? Chinese? Damn, I might just have to play this by ear. Nothing at all sounds interesting, and I’m not the slightest bit hungry (we got free Dim Sum after the 5k. It was called the Dim Sum and Then Some 5k). Ok, so other options to keep on the back burner for later would be: Kebab, Chicken Sandwich, go get Pizza Rolls and Chippies at the store. Ok that’s enough options, that fuckin really took it outta me, I can’t believe it. My hands are kinda feeling heavier now too. I better think of a #4 thing to write about quick or I may lose all my inertia.
4. UMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Movie time? I watch arrival and turn off all the lights and pop popcorn and have my soda? Where sunglasses and pretend they’re 3-D glasses? Maybe. Ugh, I can tell right now my eyes are gonna get bloodshot, or dry out or whatever. They already kinda hurt :(. It’s fine. I feel more good than not. Like I’m wrapped up in a blanket, even though I’m not. Maybe OH- Maybe I lay out on the beach chair and read in the sun with an ice coffee? Oh fuck that might actually be perfect. Then I can go no shirt and just feel nature, and maybe bugs are less troublesome when you’re high. And then I can pop Doughboys on and shower! Shower high, seems like a guaranteed home-run. Ok, I like it a lot. I have to do SOMETHING away from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum or I’ll go crazy this weekend, especially if I have to tag in on occasion and “participate” for Bonnie’s Birthday. Which, let’s be clear, is the least I can do. It’s a gimme. I owe Bonnie AT LEAST this much, even just as like backpay for holidays or yore. Like if I have the zhuzh to punch in for birthday shtuff, I better do it, right? I just looked it up, it might officially be zhoosh, not zhuzh, but zhuzh appears to me to be the best way to do it. And there’s like 5 accepted spellings of it. Stupid, not helpful. Just because it employs a sound that has no [conformed] applications in the english language? Poor excuse! Oh man, it’s so early I can’t believe it! That 5k feels like a day ago, wild. Well, hey! Point 4 is finished. Moving on!
5. What to do tonight? Who gives a fuck. Figure that part out when you get there, it does not matter at all. There, numbered list over.
Ok so, let’s just wrap this up I guess. I’m cracking an hour here, that’s plenty. Maybe tonight you do a little PRE-WRITING before bed, so this isn’t so “chore-y”. Let’s just remember you seriously considered letting yourself down completely and bailing on the blog earlier this morning. So we need to keep our expectations at appropriate levels still. It’s this NEXT week that should be very interesting. Just in terms of output. A little more practice, and little more muscle-memory. A little less crap to distract me (I have been burning through non-stop crap youtube/tv this last week since coming home, it’s fantastic. I was gonna say it was sucky, or disgusting or something, but that’s a lie I tell to myself to pretend I’m more diligent than I actually am. ACCEPT who you are and love yourself for it)
I accept you and love you Max. Ok, I have to go, I feel like I’m gonna puke... awesome 
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kithuulu · 7 years
I found the cult ending thing in the game files but it was all jubled and in the wrong order so i did my best to transcribe it (also i accidentally deleted half of this post the first time I wrote this and i am  d y i n g)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn. What time is it? Must have been asleep for ages. I wonder what will happen now that Mary is gone? What about Josephs kids? And how will Amanda feel about all this? ...Well, we all have each other. That's what matters. I guess time will tell, right? Better get up and greet the day. Wait. I...am I tied up?! What the hell?! How did I get here? What's going on?! Joseph? Anybody? Don't panic. You're probably just dreaming. Why would there be a... ...a dungeon. An evil dungeon. Why would there be an evil dungeon here? This can't be real. Maybe I had too much Twilight Rouge. I'm...dreaming, or something.
‘’Oh I can guarantee this is real’’
I can see someone at the end of the hall. It's just a shape, I can barely make out any features. ‘’Who's there? Can you untie me?’’
It's a personal guarantee. A verbal handshake. Trust, if that's what you get off on. (no idea what this is referring to, sorry)
‘’Please, I-I don't know how I got here. I think there's been a mistake. You trust me right? I mean, why wouldn't you?’’ Joseph? Jesus, what is this? Are you into this kind of thing? I wish you would've warned me.’’ ‘’Into this kind of-? Hah! Ha ha! I always liked you, (first name). Goal oriented, anchored by family. The rock in a shallow sea. And down to pound, if you catch my meaning. I had a whale of a time last night. Get it? Whale? We talked extensively about whales last night? You don't really like them? ... You're not in a joking mood. I get that.’’ His voice is different. This whole situation is different. The way he's talking-it's- Dastardly? Sadistic? It can't be both. Throw another one in there. Wrathful. That one's good. Wait-How did he-? ‘’I'm very perceptive. A good listener. I heard all those impure thoughts, (first name), and about a married man, no less. I'm pretty sure that's a sin. ‘’Who are you?’’ ‘’I told you, I'm a cool youth minister. Have you seen my tattoos? Were you even watching me tear it up on the dance floor? You used to be a lot more fun. Well, hi. My name is Joseph. I have an alcoholic whore wife, whose life I destroyed.’’ Poor mary-And their kids- Joseph laughs. ‘’My kids? Those aren't my kids. Well they are my kids. In a way. Cosmically. I guess you could call them my vessels. And in that case I guess that technically makes me not a Dad. Woops. Sorry to kill that little fantasy for you.’’ ‘’Joseph, this is insane. So the whole minister thing...that's just a front for this weird sex dun-’’ Joseph starts laughing hysterically. He wipes a tear from his eye. ‘’Oh, that's so cute. You think this is a sex thing. I mean, it's kind of a sex thing. The safe word is Jimmy Buffet. (first name), there are powers at work so far beyond your understanding that the very idea that I would sink to some half-baked sex game is a little insulting. All that religion mumbo-jumbo wasn't entirely false. I am a man of the cloth, just not the cloth you're thinking of. I am the conduit for something beautiful (first name). Something pure. And you have the honor of being part of it. I know that sounds kinda hokey but stick with me, I promise I'll get back to being relatably cool in a second. Where you really are is under the house. Or I guess, under the houses.’’ ‘’The houses? Are we-under the cul-de-sac?’’ ‘’Hey, deductive reasoning! Points for (first name)!’’ ‘’How did nobody notice a dungeon underneath the town? Sombody would have had to.’’ ‘’All dead. Everyone who figured it out, that is. And it's not a dungeon. Dungeons are for old castles and twelve year olds. This place is-how would I describe it? Inhabiting many spaces. The betweens of the world. The gaps in mathematics. It's quite simply beyond you, I'm afraid. Just think of it as the real Margarita Zone.’’ This is too much-my head hurts. ‘’(first name), ever wonder where all the wives and husbands in town went? Why everyones an eligible single father?’’ ‘’...I thought it was a coincidence.’’ ‘’Nothings a coincidence, idiot. No town in America has such a concentration of eligible, willing Dads. And do you want to know why.’’ ‘’I don't know if I do, Joseph.’’ ‘’Because of me. Because of my work. Because of my loyalty.’’ ‘’Loyalty? You're insane.’’ ‘’Profoundly.’’ ‘’How many couples have I pushed to divorce? How many wives and husbands have I hunted in the dark?’’ ‘’Wait-Amandas mom/dad-Cora/Alex-it can't be!’’ ‘’I unfortunately can't take credit for that one. It seems entropy beat me to the punch.’’ I don't know if that's a relief or not. ‘’But man, what if I had? The look on your face would've been priceless. Maple Bay is a psychic beacon of unfathomable power, but it requires sacrifice. It needs to feed on those deep, unquenchable pangs of anguish. And all to get these very good friends of ours here, in my town, and my father's town, and his father before him. Hurting for human touch. Praying for the salvation of kindness.’’ ‘’I don't understand.’’ ‘’Of course you don't. You were out there gallivanting about, seducing all the hottest single Dads. Messling in something you have no understanding of. A greatness you could not concieve. Out there, in the dark of the sea, lies something that has been waiting to return for a hundred milion years. It showed the path to Jonah, my ancient ancestor, as it has shown the path to me. And I will fuck each Dad whose life I destroy until the shame and stink of their failures has returned our eternal king to life. The fuel of a hundred thousand rank darknesses of the soul.’’ Wow. ‘’Do you have anything you'd like to say?’’
‘’I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do.’’ ‘’What about Amanda?’’ (I think you can choose between those two?)
‘’Just kidding! You don't get to choose. I know you're used to being in control here. But now it's my turn. and don't worry yourself about Amanda.’’ ‘’If you touch her-’’ ‘’Please, (first name), give me some credit. Look at my pedigree. If I do my job, I won't even have to. Now you'll excuse me, there's some other buisness I need to attend to. Your dear friend Robert has been awfully worried about you. I think it's about time that miserable drunk gets one last visit from the Dover Ghost.’’ This is a nightmare. ‘’A beautiful nightmare, wouldn't you agree? All along you've been living a dream, Daddy. Now it's time to wake up.’’ Oh man. This is bad. This is very bad. How long was I out? When is he coming back? How do I get out of here? A hand slips over my mouth. ‘’Don't say anything. Hell, don't even think anything. It's okay, (first name). It's me. Mary I'm gonna get you out of here.’’ She kneels down and starts working on the ropes around my ankles. ‘’I gotta be honest, I didn't like you at first.’’ ‘’I guess I did try to break up your marr-’’ ‘’Shh! Shut up for once. Look, truth is I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the both of us. I don't think you're a bad person, despite what you might think of me. I don't want it to end like this. Not again.’’ I raise my eyebrows at her. ‘’Come on. Who do you think lived in that house before you?’’ I- ‘’Don't think about it. Not right now. He's coming. Run kid.’’ Mary finishes untying me and disappears. I have to get out of here. I get out of the chair and run as fast as I can down the hallway outside of my holding cell. Eventually I run out of breath. I can't keep sprinting. Not with these Dad knees. I check myself. All I have are the clothes on my back and-this thing in my pocket. The pocket knife that Robert gave me. If I have to defend myself, this is all I have. Looking ahead of me, I can't see the end of the hallway. It bends further up there. I look back and can't even see where I started. I guess the only thing I can do is keep going and hope there's a way out on the other end. If there is an other end. The hallway bends and twists. Sometimes it gets smaller, to the point where I have to crawl on my hands and knees to get through. sometimes it expands into a great cavern where I can't even see the ceiling. I see no way out other that to keep moving forward. I don't know how long I've been walking, but my body aches with soreness. I'm long past dehydration. My head is pounding. My vision is blurred. I lean up against the walls of the hallway for support. I'm not sure how I'm still going. And yet still here I am. I've been walking for what I think must be days. It could be weeks-months. The exhaustion has sunk into my bones. I drift in and out of consciousness. I think I've slept, if you can call it sleep. My dreams are plagues with nightmares of being chased down this hallway. I see Josephs kids. They hide in the shadows. They're coming to drag me back to Joseph. Oh god, Joseph. I can see his face so clearly in those dreams. I don't know why I keep moving, why I keep placing foot in front of the other. My clothes are tattered and my shoes have worn through. My hell is inescapable. Until... It's-a door. A door at the end of the hallway. I place my hand on the know, seeing for the first time my gnarled fingernails and stretched, papery skin. I open the door and walk through. ...I'm in my house?! How did that-? Amanda rushes into the room, wrapping her arms around me in a ferocious bear hug. ‘’Where have you been!? Are you okay? I tried calling you like thirty times!’’ ‘’A...Amanda?’’ ‘’What happened? Did the boat break down or something?’’ ‘’Oh-I-um-’’ ‘’You know what? I'm just glad you're home.’’ I look down at myself and my clothes. They're-there. My shoes are on. My fingernails aren't gnarled. I feel fine. I hug Amanda again. Nothing has ever felt as good in my entire life. I have to choke back tears of relief. ‘’Amanda-I'm-so glad to see you. You have no idea.’’ ‘’Wow, one night at sea.’’ ‘’You didn't see a whale, did you? You poor thing.’’ No whale could keep me from my daughter. ‘’You're damn right. ‘’You know what? You need breakfast. A very greasy breakfast.’’ ‘’That sounds amazing.’’ Amanda skips out of the room. This is all so confusing-was it a dream? ‘’By the way, is it okay if Emma P. comes over tonight?’’ ‘’Emma P.?’’ ‘’You know, my best friend?’’ ‘’Oh, sure. Wait-I thought-isn't Emma R. your best friend? She has red hair? You do art together? You pooped in her bed doring that sleepover one time?’’ ‘’Oh right, my mistake. Teenager brain, you know?’’ I sit down on the couch, suddenly very exhausted. All I want is to have a big plate of hashbrowns with my daughter by my side while I quietly work on my word jumbles. I reach over to the coffee table and grab my trusty book of jumbles. This is-this is a crossword puzzle. I stare at it for too long. ‘’Hey Amanda?’’ Amanda pops her head in from the kitchen. ‘’Working hard on these eggs, Dadtron. If you want the perfect over-medium I gotta be in the zone.’’ ‘’When's your birthday?’’ ‘’Why, did you get me something?’’ ‘’No, seriously. When's your birthday.’’ ‘’My birthday? Dad, really? Do I have to answer this?’’ ‘’I have seen a lot of weird stuff today, Amanda. Humor me.’’ ‘’My birthday is- It's- Nothing get's past you, huh? You know, I almost had you going there for a sec. Was it the crossword puzzle that gave it away? You know, I try so hard to nail the details. Like, cooking you breakfast? Over-medium eggs with hash browns? Come on. That's so you.’’ ‘’....’’ ‘’And my Amanda impression? I really think I stuck the landing on her irreverent yet wholesome tone. The whole ''manic pixie dream daughter'' thing? I should've been on Broadway with these chops. I feel like you're not appreciating how much work I've put in here.’’ Amanda turns ash black, her clothes, har and bracelets collapsing into concentric rings of pitch-dark smoke. Cracks begin to form along the walls around me. I look down and see the floor collapsing in tiles. As the walls crumble, I see where I truly am. ‘’Almost got away, huh?’’ ‘’Dunno how you got out of those ropes. You're a crafty one, aren't you?’’ ‘’Mary.’’ ‘’Oh right! Mary! She's rocking the tag team with you, isn't she? Funny, here I was thinking marriage was about trust. You know I thought I was gonna take care of Robert, and then here you were trying to make your escape and honestly (first name) you're just killing my whole timeline here.’’ Wait-Robert. As quickly as I can, I pull his folding knife out of my pocket, and lunge for Joseph, throwing all my force into him. Joseph knocks the knife out of my hand. It skitters across the room. Aw, man. ‘’(first name), I thought we were cool. I thought we had a thing here. What happened to Margarita Zone? Welp, sorry bud, but I guess I'm gonna have to do ya dirty. Doing dirty means I have to kill you.’’ Joseph wraps his hands around my neck, smiling as he tightens his grip. ‘’What's wrong? You were to into this last night.’’ I have no strength left to fight him. This is it. Isn't it? The world goes quiet around me. All I can think about is Amanda. I miss her so much. I'm sorry Amanda. I love you more than anything. Please be good.
Josephs eyes go wide. He releases his grip on me and I gasp in air. He turns around. It's over, Joseph. ‘’Honey, sweetie, you-you stabbed me.’’ ‘’You stole so much of my life from me.’’ Joseph backs away from Mary, clutching the wound on his shoulder. ‘’Sweetheart-we can work this out.’’ ‘’I'm done with you.’’ ‘’Father?’’ Chris peeks into the doorway behind Mary. He looks different. Behind him are Christian, Christie, and Crish, who all creep into the room. ‘’Father-we're so hungry. Won't you feed us father?’’ Mary turns to me and holds out a hand. ‘’Hey, sailor. It's time to go.’’ The children corner Joseph as I crawl to Mary, who pulls me into the hallway. I look back into the room at the horror I had escaped. I-it's- The more I look at it, the more it seems to break my mind. I turn away, my head pounding. ‘’This body is but a conduit, Mary! I'll see you in your nightmares!’’ What the hell? My eyes open and I shoot up in bed, gasping for air. ‘’Dad!’’ Amanda leaps off of the chair in my room and attacks me with a hug. ‘’Amanda!’’ This is the best hug of my life. ‘’I was so worried about you!’’ ‘’I'm so happy to see her again!’’ Wait. ‘’Amanda-whens your birthday?’’ ‘’Dad, did you forget again? It's March 22nd. You got me a record player and we ate ice cream cale at the beach? But then I dropped the ice cream cake and got sand all over it?Remember?’’
I-I remember that. ‘’Panda I missed you so much. What-what happened?’’ ‘’You don't remember? The yacht sank. The rescue crews had to pull you out of the water. That was a few days ago.’’ ‘’Where's Joseph?’’ ‘’They found something in the Yacht wreckage. Some documents that showed he was embezzling funds from the church. Nobody's seen him since. There's a detective here who's been waiting to talk to you. He's nice but he's drinking all of our coffee. Lemme go grab him.’’ ‘’Wait-’’ ‘’Yeah?’’ ‘’Amanda, I love you so much.’’ ‘’I love you too, Dad.’’ Amanda skips out of the room, and in a moment Mary enters with- ...the guy I saw in the hallway. ‘’Rise and shine, bucko.’’ ‘’Mary-are you okay?’’ ‘’You know it was a real shame what happened to Joseph. I had no idea he was doing what he was doing to the church. And I can't believe he ran once the feds showed up, leaving me to take care of our four beautiful children on my own. But don't worry, they're staying with my parents out in the midwest til this all blows over.’’ Mary stares at me, waiting for me to say something. ‘’Good answer.’’ ‘’Glad to see you've both got your story straight.’’ ‘’I'm happy you're okay. I was worried about you.’’ ‘’Thanks, Mary.’’ Mary cracks a smile before turning and leaving my room. ‘’Take it sleazy, fellas.’’ ‘’Once the door closes, the man pulls up a chair and sits next to my bed. You don't know me, but I know a lot about you, (first name). Been keeping tabs on you for a while.’’ ‘’Who are you?’’ ‘’Graves. Detective Saul Graves. There's strange and mysterious forces at work here in Maple Bay. What you saw down there-what we both saw down there-I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget it. And I get the feeling that you wont be able to, either. But it's my job to get to the bottom of this.’’ ‘’So what does that mean for me?’’ ‘’It means to live your life like none of this ever happened. Go be happy. Go raise your daughter. Go fall in love. Be well, (first name).’’ Saul walks to the door of my bedroom, but stops. He turns to me. ‘’And- I know it's hard to raise a kid as a single parent. Even I lost my wife under mysterious circumstances. Little Barry and I have been on our own for a while now, and if there's one thing I've learned through all of this, it's that us Dads have to help each other out. Get some rest. But if you're not doing anything later-maybe you give me a call.’’
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genesisarclite · 7 years
Constants and Variables, Pt. 10
And here we go, the chapter where things finally start falling apart. Sorry this took so long. Enjoy, and feedback is always a wonderful thing!
For nearly three hours, Aislinn just sat in her pod, book in hand, but the words kept swimming before her eyes and danced off the page into the empty space around her hands. The time now nearing eighteen hundred, other employees were either going to their pods or wandering off to the cafeteria or other amenities offered by the facility. The book, despite being one of her favorites, provided no distraction at all, as she wished instead to not be sitting alone, but feeling as though she would burst into senseless babbling should she speak to anyone, so she just scrunched up tighter and focused her mind on the words once more, but this only ever lasted a few minutes at most.
Kelstrup’s words swirled inside her head, over and over. She felt as though, somehow, Morgan would figure out she had been at his terminal. The screen hadn’t been as he had left it, after all. Maybe, with some strange new power, he would be able to sense that she had been there.
Any minute now, he would call her back to the office. Any minute now, they would strip out her neuromod and throw her in the brig for breaching protocol. Any minute now. Any minute now.
Her body still trembled. The longer she sat here, transcribe sitting beside her in plain sight, the worse she felt.
Any minute now, Morgan would call her up.
Snapping the book shut, she buried her face in her hands. That only made the thoughts more vivid.
If the Elizabeth Paige she was supposed to hunt for had never left the station, but had definitely been here at one time, that, combined with the unwanted knowledge she now possessed, made her think that the worst had come to pass for her. That Matt would never see her again. But then, maybe she had just vanished – lost in the GUTS, maybe, or drifting in space, in eternal orbit around the station–
But no. Everyone wore tracking bracelets. They would have found her.
Her transcribe beeped and began to vibrate, startling her out of her thoughts. She bumped her head on the roof of the pod, let loose a few choice words in response, and picked up the device.
The name on the screen almost made her heart stop.
She clicked it on and held it to her ear. “Y– ye–” Swallowing and licking her lips, she fought for what little control and courage she could dredge up from deep within. “Yes, sir?”
“Please come up to my office. We need to talk.”
Her teeth clamped together. “Yes, sir.” She waited until he disconnected before she switched hers off and dropped it with a thud back to the sheets, pulling her knees close to her chest, trying to stay in control of her breathing, even as her heart pounded away beneath her ribs. Unless she removed her tracking bracelet – virtually impossible without cutting tools that were more likely to injure her before they actually sliced apart the band – there was nowhere she could go. She could EVA, but she had never actually been in space, and dying by asphyxiation would take a long time. Radiation poisoning? No, even worse than the few alternatives she already had.
No. It was better to just face him and accept whatever fate he had in mind.
Her legs almost didn’t hold her up when she slid out of her pod and dropped to the ground after making the careful climb down. Her knees shook with every step, unwarranted noises of anxiety choking her like a noose as she walked, held back only by sheer force of will. She wanted to scream, to cry, to run, to throw things, the terror of the unknown punishment he had in store for her turning her into an incoherent mess.
Maybe it wasn’t about that, she tried to tell herself. Maybe it was something good.
Other employees gave her sidelong looks as she walked, though she squared her shoulders and kept her chin up. She took the elevator back down to the lobby and somehow made it back up the stairs to his office level. Jason was gone now, his terminal powered off, so she entered the keycode and stepped inside.
It was still dark. Morgan stood in front of his desk, leaning back onto it, with his arms folded across his chest. Despite her nerves, she still took him in, noticing the stance emphasized his broad shoulders and chest – a stance meant to intimidate, then, perhaps, or maybe he hadn’t thought of that at all.
He raised a hand, palm out toward her. “Please come here.”
She did as he asked, flexing her fingers at her sides, but forcing herself to meet his eyes. A few feet away, she stopped and rolled her shoulders. Despite his cold, predatory gaze, she could still see the man she had fallen for, features that had drawn her in, and even now, his eyes were just so beautiful.
The silence drew out a long time. “Do you know why you’re here, Aislinn?” He maintained a tone of perfect calm.
“I... think I might, sir.” His name didn’t feel appropriate right now.
“Yes, I think you do.” His tone never changed.
As she waited, she shifted her weight and did her best to keep her eyes on his.
The silence stretched out far too long. When he spoke again, it was with the same unblinking stare he had given her before. “I returned to my terminal to find the screen on my emails and the draft I had been creating minimized,” he said. “I know which screen I left it on, Aislinn. Care to explain your actions?”
She knew she couldn’t mention Mikhaila or Matt. Saying she searched for the sake of other people, even without saying who they were, would only prompt more questions. Claiming she searched for her own sake wasn’t entirely inaccurate, even if she would have to wrap it in lies if he pushed further. As it stood, she was probably in enough trouble.
“Been wonderin’ what’s going on in Psychotronics,” she said, again flexing her fingers. “Saw an opportunity and took it, sir. Won’t deny I did it.” The trembling came back.
Morgan’s gaze never wavered. “You know what happens to people who go looking in places they shouldn’t.”
She swallowed. “Yes, sir,” she said, voice small.
“Yes, of course.” Fabric rustled as he straightened, taking a step closer. She clamped down on the instinct to bolt, knowing it would just make things far worse. “Psychotronics is a secret place for a reason, Aislinn. We keep its secrets locked down to protect the people on this station. It’s called ‘departmentalization’. Only a select few know what’s going on down there, and if we don’t keep it that way...” He smiled. “...unfortunate things happen.”
Her tongue flopped around in her mouth. “Yes, sir.”
“You can always ask, though, Aislinn. I can’t guarantee a response, but there’s no harm in asking.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you nervous, Aislinn? Afraid, even?”
“...yes, sir.”
“Afraid we’ll send you back Earthside? Remove your neuromod? Or perhaps... throw you in the brig? Subject you to the experiments in Psychotronics?” Another step. Aislinn refused to run, refused to give in to her cowardice, keeping her eyes fixed on his. She felt like prey being played with by a cat, finding it more annoying than frightening. Morgan in and of himself didn’t frighten her, though he unnerved her. It was the power he and Alex wielded that frightened her. “That would be a terrible thing. The more secrets you know, the worse the punishment.”
“Out with it already,” she finally snapped. “No offense, sir, but if you’re gonna EVA me into space to die or whatever, I just wanna get it over with.”
A few moments of silence passed. His eyes closed, the smile widening, and a chuckle came from deep in his chest. She gaped at him, not sure whether to be irritated or terrified. “Aislinn, you needn’t worry. It’s true, if my brother or HR knew about this, you’d be in trouble.” His eyes opened again, flicking back to hers. “According to policy, I’m supposed to notify Alex, security, and HR immediately upon discovering an information breach.”
Her mouth worked a bit, then, “But you’re not.”
“No, of course not. I merely want you to understand what can happen. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no need to do anything further, not at this time. You can relax.”
“Mor– Morgan, what– that’s–”
“Not within acceptable policy or procedure? No, but I know you.”
A chill passed through her. She still couldn’t relax. “Morgan... that’s favoritism, you know.”
He rested both hands on his hips and took another small step forward. Now he stood a breath away from her, so close that she could see all the tiny details in his face – a pair of tiny pale scars, a lighter ring of amber around each pupil, the way some of the hair grew out at a strange angle – and made her shiver again, for a different reason.
He lifted an eyebrow. “So?”
The huskiness to his voice in that single word made her skin prickle. Like before, her eyes found his lips, lingering a beat too long, causing heat to creep over the tips of both ears. He wasn’t denying it. He wasn’t denying it.
“Uh... right.” His beautiful, dark eyes completely eliminated her ability to think coherently. “So, ah... can I go, then?”
“Do you want to?”
She blinked, once, twice, three times. “N– not the– I need to g– just need to–” Gritting her teeth to stop the idiocy falling out of her mouth, she turned on her heel and left the office. Rude, maybe, but the alternative involved maybe saying things she didn’t mean to, no matter how much she wanted to. She’d survived this time. She wasn’t sure she’d be so lucky if she did something stupid a second time.
She growled softly in her throat and ran a hand over her face before pinching the bridge of her nose.
If. More like when.
After the day shifts had all ended and the few night workers had gone about their tasks, Aislinn woke to the buzzing of her transcribe. She smoothed down her hair, switched the device completely off, and tucked it in her pocket before climbing past sleeping crew to land with a gentle touch on the floor. Her tracking bracelet would instantly betray her if she caused too much commotion or went anywhere she didn’t need to, so went at a casual pace out of the habitation pods and down the hall. As before, the lights were turned low, the shadows thick in the corners, masking her movements somewhat as she passed by the many closed doors of the higher-ranked employees.
Toward the end was Mikhaila’s room. The plaque beside the door, made of smooth gray metal and ringed with strips of real silver, illuminated the words “M. Ilyushin” in brilliant white. For a moment, she just stood there, wondering if this was such a good idea. Being attracted to the same man this woman had once – or perhaps still – loved ran the risk of making things awkward, no matter how good her intentions. Now, showing up unannounced, might just make things worse.
She took a deep breath and knocked.
The rooms were pretty well soundproofed; the only warning she got of the occupant unlocking the door was a click from within the mechanism before it hissed open. Mikhaila, out of her suit and dressed in an undershirt and simple pants, blinked at her before frowning. “Aislinn? What’re you doing here?”
“Can... I come in?” Aislinn looked all around, as though something would leap at her from the darkness.
“Depends on why,” the other woman said firmly.
Aislinn sighed, more to ease her nerves than anything, and said, “I found information.”
Instantly, the woman’s eyes narrowed, and she took a step back. “Come on,” she said, giving Aislinn’s arm a gentle tug with her fingertips. When the door closed, she faced Aislinn totally. “Alright, I’m listening.”
“Morgan left his terminal unlocked, and I got a look at an email from, ah... Kel...” She squinted, trying to recall the name.
“Kelstrup.” Mikhaila breathed in through her nose. “Director of Psychotronics.”
“Yeah. Wait, you know who he is, then?”
“Of course. Been trying to get info on what he’s doing for months. What did you find?”
She shook her head, then squeezed her temples with both hands. “Ah... something about running out of Volunteers and needing to pick up some more. Something about... using them to extract materials for neuromods, I don’t know. I have a lot of theories, but no solid evidence yet, y’know?”
Mikhaila folded her arms. “The same position I was in not long ago,” she said. “Morgan was supposed to help me. He said he would help me. That– in fact, that was the initial reason I approached him.” She looked at the floor. “He seemed a little out there, but nice enough to get friendly with, much nicer than his brother. I figured I could use him to get information, but I didn’t expect him to like me back.”
“You were–” Aislinn stared at her a long moment. “You used him?”
Mikhaila looked back at her. “Yes, and now I'm asking you do the same. I know you’re attracted to him, and I heard he seems to like you. You can use that, you know.”
Aislinn didn’t speak for nearly half a minute, getting her temper under control. It was none of this woman’s business what she and Morgan did or didn’t get up to. It was no one’s business. “Anyway,” she said at last, “I’ll see what else I can find, but... I don’t know if I can.”
“I tried to get some sensors installed on the doors near that place. I tried breaking into the volunteer database, or getting other employees to get information for me. I’m looking for one Volunteer in particular, and so far, I’ve had no luck. You, on the other hand, since you are part of the maintenance crew, might have better luck.”
Aislinn breathed in deep. “I’m not pullin’ strings for you. Especially not by usin’ Morgan to–”
“This is bigger than you or Morgan now,” Mikhaila interrupted sharply. “You’ve got to understand what’s at stake. This isn’t about one man, or even a dozen. This is about all of TranStar, and, if the rumors are true, Earth. Aislinn, I wouldn’t ask, I swear to you I wouldn’t ask, if it wasn’t so important, okay?”
“Then tell me why it’s gotta be me, and what’s at stake, and I might start carin’ a little more.”
“Is it because of Morgan, or something else?”
“It’s–” Again regaining control of her temper, she wrung her hands, scowling. “I never shoulda mentioned him to you. I just needed to confide in someone, and obviously I chose the wrong–”
“I loved Morgan.” Mikhaila’s eyes seemed to blaze, even as the corners of her mouth turned down. “I loved him, so much, more than you could ever know. I had to share him with every wandering eye he passed, okay? It’s not like you are the first to mention it to me, but the others had the excuse of not knowing I loved him.” Her hands balled into fists. “Asking you to use him, knowing you care about him? It kills me. But I want my second chance with him, but he doesn’t even know me. He doesn’t know me, he doesn’t love me. He threw me out of his office, shouting at me about my condition and– and what he’d found out about me. I couldn’t... I can’t...”
Aislinn stared at her, anger fizzing out, as the other woman buried her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook, but no sound came out of her. When she raised her head again, her eyes were red.
“I hate the fact that some other woman got close, but I’m not going to let it affect my relationship to you, okay? He doesn’t love me anymore. I don’t know he ever really loved me, seeing how fast he kicked me out when things got bad between us. If you want him, and he wants you back, fine. Have at him. Not that you need permission from me to do so, of course, but, it doesn’t matter. This is still more important than him.”
Aislinn suddenly felt like she really didn’t belong here. She couldn’t tell her the real reason Morgan cut the relationship off, and telling her about the guilt building up inside would not only be impossible to put into words, but make things worse.
“Okay, Mika, I get it,” she said. “I’ll... let you know if I find out more.”
Mikhaila stepped away from the door and gestured at it with one hand. “Thank you, Aislinn. You don’t... you can’t know how much this means to me. Just do what you can.”
She stepped out of the room, gritting her teeth once she was alone again.
Stuck between what Mikhaila wanted and what she wanted felt like being pulled apart until her entrails would just explode into dust. The guilt, compounded by the knowledge that they were too far apart on the ladder for it to end any way but badly, now wrapped itself around an image of Mikhaila’s pained eyes and dug its claws into her heart.
The wound opened by the breakup was just still too fresh.
Aislinn went to the Fitness Center, keying in the code she’d received months ago, went straight past the lockers, up the stairs, over to one of the punching bags, and threw her fist directly at it.
The impact jolted her entire arm up to the shoulder and rattled her joints, the strike making a very loud sound. The bag swung backward in a neat arc and returned; she punched it again, and again, and again, ignoring the slowly increasing pain in both fists with each strike, leaving dents in the leather that cleared and reformed with each one. Soon, she matched each hit with a cry of frustration, over and over, echoing in the chamber of glass and metal.
The last strike made her knuckles pop. The pain made her head spin.
Aislinn fell to her knees, pulling off her gloves and looking down at her fists. They were bluish in color, the skin skimmed off from striking the inner padding, and one welled up fresh red blood when she flexed it. Pain prickled across her joints; tears blurred her vision as she walked over to the only cabinet in the room and pulled out some gauze, quickly wrapping her hands in it until it was pulled tight and taped shut.
She wasn’t sure relieving her anger had been worth injuring herself over.
She sat down on the floor, back against the wall, bowed her head, and let herself cry in misery for a while, hating herself for it, but needing to get it out all the same. The only way she would escape this was getting sent back Earthside, her neuromod removed. It was pure, selfish self-pity, but she didn’t fight it. Didn’t want to.
Even though Morgan’s behavior this trial had been the strangest yet, she couldn’t deny what she wanted. Right now, in her misery and anxiety, what she wanted was his presence, to hear his voice, and she still wanted him to kiss her, forgetting rules and regulations and policies and procedures. Her two boyfriends had been wonderful when she had managed to be with them, and now she missed them, too. She wanted someone to wrap his arms around her and just hold her, and instead, she was left cold, empty, alone, on the floor.
After a while, hollow, she stared at the wall, then hauled herself to her feet, pulling her gloves back on. Squaring her shoulders, she left the fitness center, finding it still empty, and walked out into the main lobby with all its shadows. They still felt as though they would leap at her and consume her if she lingered too long, so she stayed in the pools of light and paced instead, too awake now to go back to her pod.
The security station was locked when she looked at it, and a camera stared right at it, so she steered clear of it after a brief glance and kept searching. She would never get into the executive suites, and going anywhere near them might disturb the brothers – it was after ten and dead quiet, but the chance of them being asleep versus awake was split fifty-fifty. Going up to see Morgan not only would be absurd and idiotic, but also risked getting the attention of Alex.
She shivered at the thought of drawing the CEO’s critical eye.
Going down to the lower decks also wouldn’t get her anywhere. All security stations – the only place she could think there might be a chance of finding more information – would be locked down or under guard. Places like the Volunteer Quarters would be under equal amounts of scrutiny. With her tracking bracelet on and active, there was no way she could ever go anywhere except where she absolutely needed to be.
Resorting to underhanded tactics to get information was not only something she preferred not to resort to, but also ran the risk of getting her caught and thrown in the brig.
But Matt needed to know about the woman, Elizabeth Paige. Mikhaila wanted to know what was causing the problems with her staff. She herself wanted to know what was going on in Psychotronics. The implication of this being somehow “bigger” than all of them was enough to keep her interest, but her self-preservation instinct gave her pause.
If she kept pushing, something awful could happen. And that was still putting aside what she could end up doing to Morgan.
She returned to her pod, clamped down on her thoughts, and forced herself to sleep.
Nearly a month passed, more or less in a blur, as Aislinn snapped back to reality. In an effort to keep her mind off her ever-increasing number of questions, she threw herself into her work, pulling longer shifts and falling into bed, and asleep, almost immediately upon returning to her pod. She went to the Fitness Center from time to time, mostly just to punch the bag again, though with her knuckles taped and her suit stuffed in a locker, leaving her in just light pants and an undershirt. She avoided the cafeteria and did her best to avoid Morgan, not even seeing him once during the entire month. How such fortune had befallen her, she didn’t know, but it was not something she was about to question.
On a Friday afternoon, she went to the Fitness Center again, this time idly tapping the bag with her fists, occasionally letting loose harder strikes, but mostly just nudging it around. There were a few other employees in the atrium, but most were down in the pool, the one place she didn’t go, even though all Fitness Center members had swimsuits issued to them. Right now, all she cared about was making her thoughts stay away by punching something.
During that month, in her bid to avoid Morgan and anything resembling work beyond what she was being paid for, she began inquiries – small ones, mostly, some involving a bit of pocket bribery. At first, people she asked ignored her or sent her on her way with stern words. Ask about the state of the crew? Nothing was wrong. Ask about missing persons? There were none. Weird material from the recyclers? Rubbish.
Then, when asked how she was feeling, she used the magic words: I keep having weird dreams.
With that, it was like cracking open a dam. Me too was a common response. I know some people having recurring dreams was another. A pattern emerged – the inky blackness between the stars, staring back without being seen – and more and more people opened up to her. She never again made direct inquiries, but learned to ask without asking, looking for tiny hints and indications of things that were just... wrong.
And another pattern, broken up like shattered glass, also emerged.
The dreams had started with the Psychotronics staff. In recent months, they had begun to spread to the rest of the station, as far away as Crew Quarters or the Power Plant. Every single dream described shared the common element of the darkness looking back at the person. The locations were all different, but that one element united them.
Three people mentioned recycling something and purple material coming out the other end.
One person said a gardener had gone missing overnight.
Aislinn struck the bag with a particularly hard hit, making it creak as it swung away from her a bit, feeling a frown – a seemingly permanent one, lately – hardening her features.
“You finally showed up, huh?” Matt’s familiar voice drew her attention, finding him smiling at her. It had been so long since he’d genuinely smiled that it startled her and wiped the frown off her face. “Good. Wow, look at you, all that muscle. Bet you could pick me up with one hand, couldn’t you?”
She managed to give him a small smile. “Maybe. Not sure how much I can lift right now.”
“Should we find out?” He pointed at the racks of dumbbells.
Finding it a welcome distraction, she decided to humor him and followed him over. She started small – twenty, thirty, fifty – and found each lifting easily. It startled her, and also worried her, despite the potential power now available to her. What had the neuromod done to her brain to enable such rapid muscle growth?
When she picked up one hundred with only a little strain, Matt raised both eyebrows. “I’m, uh... wow.”
Aislinn examined her arms, flexing her fingers and watching the tendons twitch in her forearm. She lacked the veiny look of bodybuilders, but there were more blue veins visible now under the skin. The neuromod had done all the work of months of weightlifting and conditioning in a few days.
She lowered her arms. A shortcut to greatness, in the form of materials of questionable origin and a simple needle through the eye. “I don’t like it,” she muttered. “Feels like cheating.”
“It is,” he said. “But people pay through the nose for these things. Live a little longer, speak a new language, run faster... and no work put into any of it. Six million a pop as a baseline price, and some people down ‘em like happy pills. Nobody knows what it does to the brain, if you pile up enough of them.”
She had to bite her tongue to keep from mentioning Morgan’s trials. “I didn’t have a choice.”
“Neither did I. Nobody does, when you work on Talos.”
“What’d you get?”
“Nothing half as exciting as lifting heavy stuff, just some memory enhancement. I went boring.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “Whatever. It fulfilled the requirements and made them shut up about it.”
“Yeah,” she said, just as a hush fell over the room.
She and Matt both turned at the same time, looking toward the top of the stairwell. Emma Beatty, the station’s personal trainer and lead fitness instructor, appeared out of the shadows first. She was a slim, muscular woman, in workout clothes stamped with the TranStar logo, her hair pulled back tight behind her head. She could put almost any of them to shame, or so Aislinn had heard, able to run further and lift longer than many of those who joined her. Now she walked with a spring in her step, though a serious expression masked her features.
But that hadn’t been what had so hushed the small group in the atrium. A few steps behind followed Morgan, lacking the uniform, instead dressed in a skintight black tank and loose-fitting red pants, too focused on the back of Emma’s head to pay anyone else any mind, his expression focused and serious.
Aislinn bit the inside of her lip. In her few fleeting touches on his shoulder and chest, she had gotten some idea of the body below the fabric, but here it was on full display, broad-shouldered and narrow through the waist and hips, muscle twitching along each arm and down his back with even the smallest movement. This was a man who paid attention to how he looked and felt, she knew instantly, the picture of perfect health.
“Aislinn.” Matt prodded her very hard in the ribs, snapping her out of her staring. “It’s rude to gawk, you know.”
“I was– what? I wasn’t...” One look at his skeptical eyes shut her up.
Most of the others filed out by the time she finished a weightlifting routine with Matt as her spotter. Lacking previous knowledge of the activity meant a few dropped weights, nearly hitting herself in the face, and pulling a muscle in her back, after which Matt chastised her, called for a halt, and went to retrieve the Crew Quarters Medical Operator, which happened to be downstairs near the entrance to the area.
In the meantime, she sat down, gritting her teeth from the pain, found an awkward position that didn’t put more pressure on her back, and decided to just wait it out.
Which eventually drew her to Morgan, his back to her while he and Emma made use of the pull-up bar.
Aislinn tried not to stare, but it quickly became impossible. She couldn’t act on her feelings, couldn’t let anyone know besides those who had already guessed at them, couldn’t even talk them over with anyone, and the resulting chaos inside her felt as though it would drive her completely mad.
The Operator arrived a few minutes later, right behind Matt, and tended to her injury in just a few minutes, saying to rest, stop lifting with her back, and once more reminding her to fill out a “patient experience survey” as it petered off. She rolled her eyes at Matt, who grinned and patted her shoulder. Since she couldn’t work out further beyond some cardio, she decided it would be best to go back to her pod and rest, and stood to do so.
Halfway to the stairs, though, she heard her name, stopped, and looked in the direction of the voice.
Morgan dropped back to the floor, looking directly at her. He had likely been through multiple trials since last speaking to her, yet recognition burned in his eyes, his expression tight. Feeling her stomach knot up and her heart clench in her chest, she dared face him fully, holding out a hand at Matt when he started to speak.
“I need to speak to you,” Morgan told her, the skin around his eyes growing taut. “Can you wait a few minutes?”
She licked her lips without thinking. “Of course, sir.”
Matt made a sound of disapproval. “Ask about that woman,” he murmured close to her ear, before pivoting on his heel and practically stomping down the stairs. Aislinn scowled. Whatever Matt’s feelings on all this, it didn’t matter – what she and Morgan got up to, or rather, didn’t get up to, was their own business.
“That should be enough for now.” Emma flexed her fingers and nodded. “Not breathing hard, and no evidence of sweat. I can see I need to push you even harder next time.”
“Of course,” he said, a half-smile flitting across his lips. “Excuse me, Emma.” Before Aislinn had a chance to figure out what to do next, he came up to her, laid a hand on her shoulder, and said, “Come with me upstairs. That’s the only place we can really talk right now. It’s important and it can’t wait.”
She couldn’t have been more startled. “Upstairs” could really only mean one thing, and the idea of returning to that place of such absolute privacy, alone with him, made her pulse quicken until it almost hurt. “Ah... uh, Morgan–” She licked her lips again, taking a quick, shaky breath. “Should I get back in uniform?”
“That can wait. This needs to happen now.”
Without another attempt at stalling, she followed him out of the Fitness Center, back up the executive gravshaft, and back to his suite. It happened so fast that it seemed as though, one moment, she blinked, and when she opened her eyes, she had crossed the threshold, the lights turned low, the stars spinning slowly outside the massive windows.
“Why couldn’t this wait?” she finally managed to get out.
When the door snapped shut and locked, he pivoted to face her. “I keep having this dream. I had it once, then again, every two or three days. It’s... it’s a nightmare, Aislinn. I’m staring out between the stars from my suite, and something is looking back at me. I can’t see it, but... it can... it can see me, I know it can. It hates me.” He ran both hands over his face. “I know who you are. The instant I saw your picture, I knew you. Your name was on the tip of my tongue, and I just couldn’t say it, but when I said I knew you, Alex... he didn’t like that, he didn’t like that I knew things... and then he– and then– and then I saw the– I saw the–”
“Morgan, wait, slow down,” she said, taking a few steps closer, reaching out without thinking. Her hand landed on his shoulder, and for the first time, she felt his skin on hers, hot from the exercise, but lacking significant perspiration. The sensation immediately silenced her rambling thoughts.
His skin. His skin, smooth and warm, real human skin, and oh, how she had missed that...
Then his eyes found hers, brimming with intelligence and too much knowledge, hitting her over the skull with the sheer weight of everything he bore within his mind. Piercing, dark and infinite as the universe outside the station windows, so full of so much emotion she couldn’t parse, because her mind pitched and rolled. Too close too close too close.
“I probably told you that what happens in Psychotronics doesn’t affect you, right? I probably... I probably said it more than once.” His voice came out breathless and huskier than normal. “I lied. I lied, and I didn’t– no, I knew it then. People are dying, and I was so arrogant! We thought we could control it!”
He tore out of her grip, whirled on his workbench, and brought both fists down, rattling everything sitting atop it. It didn’t startle her, but she still flinched, confusion filling her mind.
“They got out, Aislinn. The– the things we found, they got out, and Alex says it’s fine, but people are dead because of it, and we don’t know where they... we don’t know if more than one got out–”
“Morgan,” she said, “you’re scarin’ me here.”
“Jason doesn’t know. Alex won’t listen to me. But you, you’re always there, a stone that doesn’t change as... as the rivers bend around it. My notes aren’t as detailed as I would like, but I know you. We were friends, colleagues, and–”
“No,” she snapped. “We’re just friends, Morgan, we’re nothing–”
“But you’re here, you’re always here.”
“You’re scaring me,” she told him in the sternest voice she could muster. “What’s gotten into you? The last time I saw you, it was like lookin’ at a stranger, and now you’re goin’ on about people dying and things gettin’ out and– Morgan, really, what is going on? What got out? Who died?”
“I have to get off this station.” His voice trembled. “I have to. I have to warn Earth–”
“Stop this.” She seized his forearm with one hand. Again, his warmth bled into her, reminding her of their closeness. “Look, this isn’t right. This trial, you don’t know me, okay? It would be wrong to do anythin’ here. And look, you’re goin’ on about things that don’t make sense! Warning Earth? People dying? Things gettin’ out? What happened?”
Again, his hands ran over his face. “Psychotronics. Exotic materials. What we found out in space, decades ago, that lets us make neurmods and advance the human race.”
She tightened her grip.
His eyes came back to hers as he took a few deep breaths. Some of the fire died away, and she felt his pulse begin to slow against her fingertips. “I’m sorry,” he said at last, his voice nearly a murmur. “I’m... panicking right now. It’s not like me, Alex said, but I don’t feel like anything’s changed. He tries to insist that I never panic, but this is me. I feel more like myself than ever. Maybe I just was... never under enough stress before.”
“But you haven’t told me–”
His other hand, his right, came up then, fingertips brushing her cheek, instantly silencing her. It wasn’t going to do any good to try and divert his attention. Somehow, he did know her, somehow did have echoes of memory from their interactions in previous trials, and hiding it from him would be completely pointless.
“When I see you, there’s a knot in my mind. I can’t untangle it, but I know who you are.” His voice just a murmur, he kept gazing into her eyes. “We’ve talked a lot before, spent time together. You’ve been in here before. When I look at you, I feel like I’m being pulled apart, like my...  my heart clings to you, my head pulls me away, but I just... I just need you, Aislinn, and I don’t know why. I don’t know why you’re important to me. I don’t know who you are, but I know you.”
She stared at him, feeling the desire to move closer as a physical pain. “Morgan... please.”
“Have we ever been this close? Just tell me the truth.”
“It’s... it’s not like–” When she yanked away, a small cry tore itself from her throat, and she forced herself not to look at him, hugging her arms against her torso. “You’re the vice president, and I’m just a stocker. Doesn’t matter how many times we talk, nothin’ changes that. I’d rather be friends, you know? Stop danglin’ yourself in front of me and let it go. I can’t keep tellin’ you no, and maybe– no, I will change my schedule.” Feeling the muscles along her jaw trembling, she dropped her arms and looked at him in defiance. “No more stockin’ your office, no more chitchats, no more sittin’ together’. Your memories of me will fade, and you need to forget me.”
He stared at her a few beats too long, causing her composure to slip a tiny bit. “You’re a constant, the only one that’s been there whenever I needed you. I need you now. You don’t have to stay. You don’t.”
“Stop it,” she growled at him. “Just stop it. Enough.”
“Aislinn, stop pushing me away! You think that just because I’m the VP, I’m untouchable?”
“What do you think, you stupid idiot? You think I’m gonna be like Mikhaila, gettin’ in trouble because you wanna have a fling with someone? You think I’m gonna wanna be like her, forgotten the instant you go into a new trial? You think I wanna risk my livelihood, my job, and all my memories to one-night the vice president?”
“It doesn’t have to be like that! I’m not asking you to stay the night!”
“You’re askin’ me to stay and take advantage of your memories so you can feel better!” Something burned behind her eyes; she clamped down on her resolve, but felt it cracking fast beneath his beautiful brown eyes, boring into her as though he could find all the secrets of her heart just by looking long enough. She needed to leave, now. “No matter how much I want to stay, I just can’t, Morgan! Sort it out with your brother! Find somebody else!”
“You think that’s what this is about? You think I want to take advantage of you?” The muscles in both arms clenched as his hands became fists. “You can walk out any time you want! I can’t and won’t make you stay! You want to go and never look back? Fine! Go! Or stay, your choice, but it’s yours!”
“Morgan–” The sudden urge to punch him in the teeth made her hands form their own fists, her sense of self-control quickly slipping through her clenched fingers. “Stop it.”
“All I want is someone I know to be here for a few minutes. You don’t have to do anything but sit there! I don’t care if you talk or stand on the other side of the room or– or– or just sit there! I just need something familiar, something constant, a thing that makes sense right now! I don’t care–”
Aislinn crossed the distance between them, seized him by the front of his shirt, craned her neck the inch or two needed to make up the difference, and planted her mouth on his, nearly crushing his lips beneath hers, shutting up his rambling and sending her own mind reeling. His words dissolved into a soft sound in his throat, arms immediately rising to embrace her, pulling her body tight against his, forcing her to release his shoulders to encircle his neck instead.
The VP of TranStar was kissing her back. The VP of TranStar was kissing her back.
The heat welling up behind her eyes found its way past her tight-shut eyelids, streaming down her cheeks, as she chose to lose herself in the sensation of his body pressed up against her, the rough feeling of his beard against her skin, the whisking of his breath over her cheek, the taste of his lips on hers. Strong, hard muscle welcomed her embrace, giving her space to dig in with her fingertips, imprinting everything he was on her.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, her brain screamed, demanding she get away, demanding she let go, because if anyone saw this, they would be in so much trouble, and–
Now her grip on his shoulders held her up, his own cradling her body to keep her from landing in a heap of selfish stupidity at his feet, at his mercy, knowing from the skill of his lips and how perfectly he found purchase around her body that she wasn’t the first one to kiss him, but not caring, because it didn’t matter, all that mattered was Morgan Yu was kissing her, willingly, and it was like ripping open a wound through which all her insanity poured.
There would never be another moment like this. The ominous feeling in her gut had grown, amplified by his kiss and dancing on the knife’s edge of his fingertips digging into her ribs. This was the stupidest thing she could have done, pure selfish insanity, foolishness beyond measure, a thousand horrible mistakes made in a few seconds...
But she found it very, very difficult to care.
His lips were as full and soft as they looked, the taste of them oddly sweet, despite her not being able to identify all the traces in it. She felt his tongue move, against and across her lower lip, and let it happen, even met it, wanting to drink in all the sensations of this one-time dalliance, wanting to absorb it all into her memory, because it would never repeat, and she would go mad if she never knew what he felt like.
But when his hand moved to a very different place, sliding down her side and coming to rest below the top of her hip, it instantly snapped her out of this insanity, making her push him back enough to break the kiss. And yet, she didn’t want to let go, but took care to quickly block any further attempts to resume the moment by ducking her head, making him grunt softly when her forehead bumped his chin.
“Another life,” she muttered through tingling lips. “No more. No more, Morgan.”
She expected him to argue, but he stood in silence as he regained control of his quickened breathing. She gripped his shirt with both hands, forcing herself to breathe slower, not wanting to let go, feeling that doing so would destroy the precious moment they had managed to create, even though she knew it was wrong, but she didn’t care, but she did care...
Then he exhaled across her hair before removing his arms, leaving her cold in his sudden absence. “Not sure why I let you do that, but... fine. I understand. Thank you anyway.”
She gritted her teeth. Thank you? That was all he had to say about any of this?
“Shouldn’t have done that,” she said through those gritted teeth, shoving herself away from him, making him stumble a little as she did so. “This was stupid, Morgan. Why did– why did I even–”
“Does it matter?” he said firmly. “It’s done. You... neither of us can take what happened back now. Might as well live with it.” Despite the strength in his tone, she could still hear his voice quaver just enough to betray how he really felt. If not for this trial’s personality changes, he might not have allowed her so close, nor allowed so much of his true feelings to seep through. “I’m not... saying you’re wrong, of course. That was stupid.”
She chewed the inside of her lip, the surface of which still tingled, still burned with the feeling of him. “Ah... Morgan...”
“But I did it, too. It wasn’t all you.” Pause. “Another life, then.”
Relief flooded her. “Look, I... need to go, okay? Don’t write down what happened. Don’t.”
His eyes searched hers. “You don’t want me to ever remember it happened.”
Her fingers flexed. “No. Just pretend it didn’t.”
Another pause. “As you wish.”
“Good.” She shook her head, then rubbed her fingers through her sweat-drenched hair. “How long until your next trial?”
He looked away from her. “Just a few days now.”
A few days. “Guess I’ll make do.”
“Please don’t change shifts, or change rotations. I know it’s going to be... awkward–”
“Understatement of the year.” She looked at the floor. “I’ll think about it.”
This time, he said nothing at all.
Aislinn turned on her heel, wiping some of the cold sweat off her brow, stepped through the door without looking, walked on with her eyes closed, and crashed into someone, sending them both stumbling. Adrenaline raced through her, high-strung as she was from her encounter with Morgan, and she looked up–
“I thought so.” Alex blocked her when she tried to dart past him, that hand gripping a familiar folder. “This doesn’t look very professional, now, does it? Out of uniform, sweating, and coming out of the VP’s quarters so late in the day.”
All the color drained from her face. “Sir, it’s not– it’s not–”
“Oh, of course it’s not. But you and I will be having a talk later, anyway. Oliver Benoit, my assistant, will contact you when it’s time. Please don’t make me have to involve Chief Elazar and her people, Miss Kelly.”
Aislinn’s knees went soft as she watched him enter Morgan’s suite.
Then, eyes burning and stomach aching, she left as fast as her feet could carry her, head down, shame filling her from head to toe, as the parasite in her mind laughed at her and called her names she could never repeat.
12 notes · View notes
jerometbean · 4 years
Doodle Maker Review: Read This Before You Buy!
Doodle Maker Review – 
A Word Class Doodle Maker For A Onetime Payment With Mind Blowing Features And Benefits Powered By Artificial Intelligence.
With the online education industry booming, and people now realizing that they can no longer rely on a single income source and another lockdown possibility.
We saw doodle whiteboard videos as the perfect way to teach, sell, engage and encourage audiences around the world
But now is more than ever the right time to bring doodle makers to the customers during this current climate.
But if you’re a personal trainer, educator, teacher, consultant or coach etc., your students or customers understand nothing beats whiteboard videos in ensuring your instruction, concepts and ideas.
You don’t even need to be in front of a camera or even use your own voice because you can now connect easily to customers globally in their native tongue with the AI video translation engine.
If you are a marketer or advertising agency, or as an independent freelancer you want a way to make some money right now, then nothing beats how easily you can create conversion-getting videos.
Doodle Maker Review – The Product Overview
Product NameDoodle MakerProduct CreatorPaul PonnaLaunch Date & Time[2020-Sep-01] @ 11:00 EDTPrice$67 One-timeBonusYes, Good Bonuses AvailableRefund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://doodlemaker.com/Product TypeDoodle Video SoftwareSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Is Called “Doodle Maker”?
“Doodle Maker” is the world’s first doodle video creation program to allow anyone, irrespective of technical skills, age or design skills, to create amazing, realistic and professional doodle videos in over 60 + languages in minutes. A groundbreaking artificial intelligence driven doodle video maker app comes in, making amazing videos in any language in minutes, for the first time ever after many years. No other business app leverages artificial intelligence and fun, full-length animated doodle video creation explainer like doodle maker. Innovation is a quantum leap.
Blackboard, Whiteboard, Glassboard switcher-in seconds. Convert every single video to 3 different formats. To fit the video style usitng artificial intelligence, choose the type of video and the software will automatically convert your images & text into different colours.
The Features
[+] Text-to-Speech [+] AI Translation Engine [+] 100+ male & female voices. [+] Record your own voice [+] Icon Finder and Pixabay API [+] Built-in library of Images [+] Colour Image to Sketch Converter [+] Board Switcher [+] Add Your Own Watermark [+] Built-in Transitions [+] Element Speed Changer [+] Colour Changer [+] Export in 720p or 1080p HD quality [+] Youtube and Vimeo Publisher [+] Create UNLIMITED Videos [+] Freehand Editor [+] 300+ Ready Made templates [+] Intuitive text to image finder
9.8 Total Score
Fantastic Doodle Software With A Small Onetime Price!
Doodle Maker is a new artificial intelligent video software that creates Whiteboard, Blackboard & Glassboard videos in minutes. Doodle Maker platform packs in unprecedented value with several fully-integrated ground-breaking technologies packed into one dashboard. Unlike other obsolete pre-dated doodle makers that only include one feature, doodle maker software comes loaded with several never-seen-before ground breaking technologies packed into one. The best part? The jaw dropping low price will ensure you get blockbuster conversions on launch day. Using the commercial license included, customer can sell the videos they create to clients for $300 to $500 each or offer doodle creation services to their clients for top dollar. The possibilities to profit with doodle maker software are totally endless.
100% Online based software
No download and installation setup is involved
Beginner friendly & clean interface
Advanced AI powered doodle software
30-day no questions asked money back guarantee
The launch price is $47, then it will be increased to $67 at mid night
There is no effective bonuses from the vendor
User Rating: Be the first one!
Who Is Paul Ponna?
Paul Ponna (right), and Sid Diwar (left) are the men behind Doodle Maker ‘s formation.
Paul Ponna is a top 1 per cent distributor and top 1 per cent partner with several 11-year releases of seven-figure apps on different platforms. He is the founder of several JVZoo and ClickBank record-breaking million dollar releases.
This talented and hard-working man once shared that he’s all learned by himself and, besides, he’s always eager to share his experience with the world, helping young entrepreneurs expand their company and also boosting sales.
He teamed up with Sid Diwar this time — another major software developer with Canada’s strong experience. Looking through the history of the vendor and their previous achievements, I think even their Doodle Maker would be a major blockbuster.
Is There Any Reason To Have Doodle Maker?
Not a single reason. There are multiple reasons why doodle maker is a must have tool for anyone.
[+] The world’s fastest animated doodle video maker app, using artificial intelligence technology
[+] Build Whiteboard, Blackboard, and Glassboard doodle videos within a single app in minutes. Do not need multiple applications.
[+] Using our next version, easily turn all your current videos into doodle animation images. (With YouTube built in to doodle maker
[+] Absolutely the best voice engine text in the world for making studio quality videos in any language without ever having to record your own voice, be in front of the camera or employ expensive voice over artists.
[+] Look like a professional video animator with no need to learn complex animation skills (let the AI system do all the thinking for you!) and choose over 300 + beautiful models.
[+] You can start with a simple post, text script or content piece and in seconds our app will create a professional doodle whiteboard video without having to do any further work.
[+] Access millions of high-quality icons, images, and content libraries that you can easily import into the app to make even more HD quality videos.
[+] Access to the soundtrack library to make a truly original video doodle with all the bells and whistles.
[+] Build studio quality whiteboard and doodle videos without costly computer hardware or having years of animation experience. The app is on the cloud which means all the video production happens on our enterprise grade google and amazon servers.
Watch The Doodle Maker Demo
Do I Recommend Doodle Maker?
If i decide to purchase a software, I will analyse it upto 100 times before buying. Doodle Maker is a true worlds first intuitive artificial intelligence doodle video creator create videos from scratch using our powerful freehand doodle editor.
Just enter any text, whether it is a simple post, an e-book or a text document, basically any piece of content that you want. Then the AI goes to work and scans your content intuitively, then instantly paires the text keywords to the respective doodle image.
In addition, by accessing a library of thousands of high-quality doodle images, icon finder and Pixabay API integration, you have the complete freedom to modify and customize the images, ensuring you have unlimited choices at your finger tips.
This means that when it comes to making your doodles you have infinite options, and most importantly, that no doodles are ever the same.
This is truly a fantastic feature and advantage as not only can the customers save time and money, but they will have the ability to use it for their own business or massively profit from using it as a service as business rights are included!
So Doodle Maker is highly recommended to all regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced.
What I Like Most From The Doodle Maker?
I like the artificial intelligence video translation engine. You can now easily cover any video with voice with this, and the built-in AI translation engine will automatically generate an attention-grabbing video in more than 30 languages on demand.
Just upload your video or paste a YouTube URL and the artificial intelligence of the app will work in minutes, magically. You’ll be left with a beautiful, high-quality doodle video that was all done with minimal effort for you.
This artificial intelligence technology will also allow you to use our pre-populated male or female voice over, or you can use your own, our ai will go one step further and turn your audio into more than 100 voices in 30 + languages on demand.
This is a game changer, now your doodled video will hit global clients which in turn means huge reach which huge benefit. Only this feature is special, and the worlds first.
Transcribe the audio and produce text from the original video.
Using text-to-speech to create a beautiful human-like voiceover in your language of choice.
Translate the original text into a desired language.
Produce a beautiful doodle video in minutes with doodle / images & icons done for you
Who Is “Doodle Maker” For?
Doodle Maker is very good piece of software that makes your video creation work simpler. However, i would like to suggest this tool for
    [+]    Online Businesses     [+]    Teachers     [+]    Students     [+]    Digital Marketers     [+]    Coaches     [+]    Parents     [+]    YouTubers     [+]    Freelancers     [+]    Authors     [+]    Newbies     [+]    Entrepreneurs
and lot more. Even you can buy and give it access to your Kids. Who knows? They may become a Whiteboard animation video making experts in future.
Pricing and Evaluation
Doodle Maker costs $47 one-time payment. During this launch special you can avail doodle maker for a low one-time payment of $47. It is launching on 1st-Sep-2020. On that day you can get it for $47. On the next day onward, the price will be increased to $67 one-time.
I don’t know. May be they change to yearly or monthly fee without announcing. So, it’s better to come in 1st SEP and avail the $47 one-time price.
I have seen that most of the Doodle softwares are costly and the will charge you monthly fee. There are some tools for the one-time price but i don’t like them all.
I like Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker so much than other once because the features they have offered is mind blowing and it is very simple to use for both beginners and experienced people.
Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker is gonna be one the best alternative for Doodly, Videoscribe, Powtoon, Animaker, Vyond, Toonly, Explaindio, Easy Sketch PRO 3.0 and what else.
Any Upsells?
There are four Doodle Maker upsells.
Upsell #1: DoodleMaker Whitelabel Upgrade ($97 to $497 One-Time)
Offer this DoodleMaker software as your own best-selling and retain 100 per cent of profits.
[+] Rebrand the product with your own logo and branding. (Once a Lifetime Chance) [+] Sub-accounts unlimited, sell as many copies as you want. [+] Find your own price. [+] Done-for-you VSL to sell your own game. [+] Done-for-you Sales Page-graphics and copywriting to transform sales prospects. [+] App hosting and software upgrades are managed: Sale without any problems [+] No taxes, monthly or annual,
You have two payment options.
DoodleMaker Whitelabel Unlimited ($497 One-Time)
Whitelabel Agency – 50 Accounts ($97 One-Time)
Upsell #2: DoodleMaker Deluxe Upgrade ($49 One-Time)
Get access to miles worth of enhanced modules. 10X The results, revenue and income and get ahead of other customers at DoodleMaker.
[+] New 1 year monthly templates (one-time price): brand fresh, customizable whiteboard, glassboard, and blackboard templates added to your account for 1 year per month (no monthly fees). [+] Ready-made human voice over for all new (male and female) templates-save money, no need to employ costly voice artists. [+] Ready-made video scripts for all new templates written by a copywriter (modify as you like) built to turn your prospects into sales. [+] 56 additional text-to – speech voices, available in 29 languages. [+] Audio files free of paid royalties (for your doodle videos) [+] Video streaming priority-google cloud server (streaming your videos quicker than other customers without waiting in line) [+] Priority access to all app updates: Deluxe members can receive all future feature updates first before all users, so that they can remain on the cutting edge without saturation or competition.
Upsell #3: Toon Video Maker Video Maker App Upgrade ($39 One-Time)
Go beyond doodle videos, expand your marketing toolbox with new Toon videos. Toon videos are known ways of maximizing output. Biggest fortune 500 corporations market their services using Toon images.
Toon videos following doodle videos are the hottest video formats. Every video you make can be sold for $300 to $500 every.
[+] Text to Speech Unrestricted [+] Make Limitless Videos [+] Unrestricted Length of Videos [+] Blank Canvas To Customize Videos [+] 100 + Animated Figures [+] Animations of Eye Popping Character [+] HD Animated Backgrounds [+] 200 + Music Tracks [+] Sales License, and more! [+] Make ANY Language Videos [+] The Windows & mac desktop app works on both! [+] Run on 10 PCs
Upsell #4: ClientEngine App Upgrade ($29 One-Time)
Client engine software lets users find top paid clients to sell images, or any other service. This is great for those looking for high dollar sales of their doodle videos made with doodle maker. The app lets users search from inside one platform on the top 5 work sites. No need to visit several places to find work and video production services for people looking for them.
Note: the key reason for this is “to find high paying buyers from the top 5 work sites on the web, to sell your videos and every other top dollar service.”
For more profits use the perspective of a “client finder app.”
[+] Search Unlimited [+] No Monthly Fees / Unlimited Use Caps [+] Seeking Unlimited Paying Customers-Selling videos or something else [+] Top 5 Job Sites PeoplePerHour, Craigslist, Freelancer, Project4Hire and Guru [+] Keep the profit at 100 per cent. [+] No subscription payments, once-pay, unlimited use. [+] Stop chasing customers, and find them in minutes! [+] No frostbite, no face-to – face encounter. [+] Close online BIG-TICKET offer
Doodle Maker Review – Final Verdict
I saw many other doodle software tools outside. With all those tools out there, you need to create videos from scratch. Meaning, you are required to have creativity.
You should come up with a clear idea before start using those tools.
But with Doodle Maker, you don’t need to be a creative person. Most of the work has been simplified. It has done for you pre-made templates.
With these pre-made templates, you can save a lot of time. Simply upload your company or may be your client company logo and generate videos in seconds.
Also, if you have your existing videos, you can transcribe automatically and make whiteboard animation videos in minutes. Is that cool?
Actually there are lot more features and benefits i can talk about it. I highly recommend this tool.
Special Doodle Maker Bonus
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Doodle Maker” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3: Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
source https://spsreviews.com/doodle-maker-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doodle-maker-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/08/doodle-maker-review-read-this-before.html
0 notes
gertrudejnieves · 4 years
Doodle Maker Review: Read This Before You Buy!
Doodle Maker Review – 
A Word Class Doodle Maker For A Onetime Payment With Mind Blowing Features And Benefits Powered By Artificial Intelligence.
With the online education industry booming, and people now realizing that they can no longer rely on a single income source and another lockdown possibility.
We saw doodle whiteboard videos as the perfect way to teach, sell, engage and encourage audiences around the world
But now is more than ever the right time to bring doodle makers to the customers during this current climate.
But if you’re a personal trainer, educator, teacher, consultant or coach etc., your students or customers understand nothing beats whiteboard videos in ensuring your instruction, concepts and ideas.
You don’t even need to be in front of a camera or even use your own voice because you can now connect easily to customers globally in their native tongue with the AI video translation engine.
If you are a marketer or advertising agency, or as an independent freelancer you want a way to make some money right now, then nothing beats how easily you can create conversion-getting videos.
Doodle Maker Review – The Product Overview
Product Name Doodle Maker Product Creator Paul Ponna Launch Date & Time [2020-Sep-01] @ 11:00 EDT Price $67 One-time Bonus Yes, Good Bonuses Available Refund Period 30-Days Official Site https://doodlemaker.com/ Product Type Doodle Video Software Skill All Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
What Is Called “Doodle Maker”?
“Doodle Maker” is the world’s first doodle video creation program to allow anyone, irrespective of technical skills, age or design skills, to create amazing, realistic and professional doodle videos in over 60 + languages in minutes. A groundbreaking artificial intelligence driven doodle video maker app comes in, making amazing videos in any language in minutes, for the first time ever after many years. No other business app leverages artificial intelligence and fun, full-length animated doodle video creation explainer like doodle maker. Innovation is a quantum leap.
Blackboard, Whiteboard, Glassboard switcher-in seconds. Convert every single video to 3 different formats. To fit the video style usitng artificial intelligence, choose the type of video and the software will automatically convert your images & text into different colours.
The Features
[+] Text-to-Speech [+] AI Translation Engine [+] 100+ male & female voices. [+] Record your own voice [+] Icon Finder and Pixabay API [+] Built-in library of Images [+] Colour Image to Sketch Converter [+] Board Switcher [+] Add Your Own Watermark [+] Built-in Transitions [+] Element Speed Changer [+] Colour Changer [+] Export in 720p or 1080p HD quality [+] Youtube and Vimeo Publisher [+] Create UNLIMITED Videos [+] Freehand Editor [+] 300+ Ready Made templates [+] Intuitive text to image finder
9.8 Total Score
Fantastic Doodle Software With A Small Onetime Price!
Doodle Maker is a new artificial intelligent video software that creates Whiteboard, Blackboard & Glassboard videos in minutes. Doodle Maker platform packs in unprecedented value with several fully-integrated ground-breaking technologies packed into one dashboard. Unlike other obsolete pre-dated doodle makers that only include one feature, doodle maker software comes loaded with several never-seen-before ground breaking technologies packed into one. The best part? The jaw dropping low price will ensure you get blockbuster conversions on launch day. Using the commercial license included, customer can sell the videos they create to clients for $300 to $500 each or offer doodle creation services to their clients for top dollar. The possibilities to profit with doodle maker software are totally endless.
100% Online based software
No download and installation setup is involved
Beginner friendly & clean interface
Advanced AI powered doodle software
30-day no questions asked money back guarantee
The launch price is $47, then it will be increased to $67 at mid night
There is no effective bonuses from the vendor
User Rating: Be the first one!
Who Is Paul Ponna?
Paul Ponna (right), and Sid Diwar (left) are the men behind Doodle Maker ‘s formation.
Paul Ponna is a top 1 per cent distributor and top 1 per cent partner with several 11-year releases of seven-figure apps on different platforms. He is the founder of several JVZoo and ClickBank record-breaking million dollar releases.
This talented and hard-working man once shared that he’s all learned by himself and, besides, he’s always eager to share his experience with the world, helping young entrepreneurs expand their company and also boosting sales.
He teamed up with Sid Diwar this time — another major software developer with Canada’s strong experience. Looking through the history of the vendor and their previous achievements, I think even their Doodle Maker would be a major blockbuster.
Is There Any Reason To Have Doodle Maker?
Not a single reason. There are multiple reasons why doodle maker is a must have tool for anyone.
[+] The world’s fastest animated doodle video maker app, using artificial intelligence technology
[+] Build Whiteboard, Blackboard, and Glassboard doodle videos within a single app in minutes. Do not need multiple applications.
[+] Using our next version, easily turn all your current videos into doodle animation images. (With YouTube built in to doodle maker
[+] Absolutely the best voice engine text in the world for making studio quality videos in any language without ever having to record your own voice, be in front of the camera or employ expensive voice over artists.
[+] Look like a professional video animator with no need to learn complex animation skills (let the AI system do all the thinking for you!) and choose over 300 + beautiful models.
[+] You can start with a simple post, text script or content piece and in seconds our app will create a professional doodle whiteboard video without having to do any further work.
[+] Access millions of high-quality icons, images, and content libraries that you can easily import into the app to make even more HD quality videos.
[+] Access to the soundtrack library to make a truly original video doodle with all the bells and whistles.
[+] Build studio quality whiteboard and doodle videos without costly computer hardware or having years of animation experience. The app is on the cloud which means all the video production happens on our enterprise grade google and amazon servers.
Watch The Doodle Maker Demo
Do I Recommend Doodle Maker?
If i decide to purchase a software, I will analyse it upto 100 times before buying. Doodle Maker is a true worlds first intuitive artificial intelligence doodle video creator create videos from scratch using our powerful freehand doodle editor.
Just enter any text, whether it is a simple post, an e-book or a text document, basically any piece of content that you want. Then the AI goes to work and scans your content intuitively, then instantly paires the text keywords to the respective doodle image.
In addition, by accessing a library of thousands of high-quality doodle images, icon finder and Pixabay API integration, you have the complete freedom to modify and customize the images, ensuring you have unlimited choices at your finger tips.
This means that when it comes to making your doodles you have infinite options, and most importantly, that no doodles are ever the same.
This is truly a fantastic feature and advantage as not only can the customers save time and money, but they will have the ability to use it for their own business or massively profit from using it as a service as business rights are included!
So Doodle Maker is highly recommended to all regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced.
What I Like Most From The Doodle Maker?
I like the artificial intelligence video translation engine. You can now easily cover any video with voice with this, and the built-in AI translation engine will automatically generate an attention-grabbing video in more than 30 languages on demand.
Just upload your video or paste a YouTube URL and the artificial intelligence of the app will work in minutes, magically. You’ll be left with a beautiful, high-quality doodle video that was all done with minimal effort for you.
This artificial intelligence technology will also allow you to use our pre-populated male or female voice over, or you can use your own, our ai will go one step further and turn your audio into more than 100 voices in 30 + languages on demand.
This is a game changer, now your doodled video will hit global clients which in turn means huge reach which huge benefit. Only this feature is special, and the worlds first.
Transcribe the audio and produce text from the original video.
Using text-to-speech to create a beautiful human-like voiceover in your language of choice.
Translate the original text into a desired language.
Produce a beautiful doodle video in minutes with doodle / images & icons done for you
Who Is “Doodle Maker” For?
Doodle Maker is very good piece of software that makes your video creation work simpler. However, i would like to suggest this tool for
    [+]    Online Businesses     [+]    Teachers     [+]    Students     [+]    Digital Marketers     [+]    Coaches     [+]    Parents     [+]    YouTubers     [+]    Freelancers     [+]    Authors     [+]    Newbies     [+]    Entrepreneurs
and lot more. Even you can buy and give it access to your Kids. Who knows? They may become a Whiteboard animation video making experts in future.
Pricing and Evaluation
Doodle Maker costs $47 one-time payment. During this launch special you can avail doodle maker for a low one-time payment of $47. It is launching on 1st-Sep-2020. On that day you can get it for $47. On the next day onward, the price will be increased to $67 one-time.
I don’t know. May be they change to yearly or monthly fee without announcing. So, it’s better to come in 1st SEP and avail the $47 one-time price.
I have seen that most of the Doodle softwares are costly and the will charge you monthly fee. There are some tools for the one-time price but i don’t like them all.
I like Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker so much than other once because the features they have offered is mind blowing and it is very simple to use for both beginners and experienced people.
Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker is gonna be one the best alternative for Doodly, Videoscribe, Powtoon, Animaker, Vyond, Toonly, Explaindio, Easy Sketch PRO 3.0 and what else.
Any Upsells?
There are four Doodle Maker upsells.
Upsell #1: DoodleMaker Whitelabel Upgrade ($97 to $497 One-Time)
Offer this DoodleMaker software as your own best-selling and retain 100 per cent of profits.
[+] Rebrand the product with your own logo and branding. (Once a Lifetime Chance) [+] Sub-accounts unlimited, sell as many copies as you want. [+] Find your own price. [+] Done-for-you VSL to sell your own game. [+] Done-for-you Sales Page-graphics and copywriting to transform sales prospects. [+] App hosting and software upgrades are managed: Sale without any problems [+] No taxes, monthly or annual,
You have two payment options.
DoodleMaker Whitelabel Unlimited ($497 One-Time)
Whitelabel Agency – 50 Accounts ($97 One-Time)
Upsell #2: DoodleMaker Deluxe Upgrade ($49 One-Time)
Get access to miles worth of enhanced modules. 10X The results, revenue and income and get ahead of other customers at DoodleMaker.
[+] New 1 year monthly templates (one-time price): brand fresh, customizable whiteboard, glassboard, and blackboard templates added to your account for 1 year per month (no monthly fees). [+] Ready-made human voice over for all new (male and female) templates-save money, no need to employ costly voice artists. [+] Ready-made video scripts for all new templates written by a copywriter (modify as you like) built to turn your prospects into sales. [+] 56 additional text-to – speech voices, available in 29 languages. [+] Audio files free of paid royalties (for your doodle videos) [+] Video streaming priority-google cloud server (streaming your videos quicker than other customers without waiting in line) [+] Priority access to all app updates: Deluxe members can receive all future feature updates first before all users, so that they can remain on the cutting edge without saturation or competition.
Upsell #3: Toon Video Maker Video Maker App Upgrade ($39 One-Time)
Go beyond doodle videos, expand your marketing toolbox with new Toon videos. Toon videos are known ways of maximizing output. Biggest fortune 500 corporations market their services using Toon images.
Toon videos following doodle videos are the hottest video formats. Every video you make can be sold for $300 to $500 every.
[+] Text to Speech Unrestricted [+] Make Limitless Videos [+] Unrestricted Length of Videos [+] Blank Canvas To Customize Videos [+] 100 + Animated Figures [+] Animations of Eye Popping Character [+] HD Animated Backgrounds [+] 200 + Music Tracks [+] Sales License, and more! [+] Make ANY Language Videos [+] The Windows & mac desktop app works on both! [+] Run on 10 PCs
Upsell #4: ClientEngine App Upgrade ($29 One-Time)
Client engine software lets users find top paid clients to sell images, or any other service. This is great for those looking for high dollar sales of their doodle videos made with doodle maker. The app lets users search from inside one platform on the top 5 work sites. No need to visit several places to find work and video production services for people looking for them.
Note: the key reason for this is “to find high paying buyers from the top 5 work sites on the web, to sell your videos and every other top dollar service.”
For more profits use the perspective of a “client finder app.”
[+] Search Unlimited [+] No Monthly Fees / Unlimited Use Caps [+] Seeking Unlimited Paying Customers-Selling videos or something else [+] Top 5 Job Sites PeoplePerHour, Craigslist, Freelancer, Project4Hire and Guru [+] Keep the profit at 100 per cent. [+] No subscription payments, once-pay, unlimited use. [+] Stop chasing customers, and find them in minutes! [+] No frostbite, no face-to – face encounter. [+] Close online BIG-TICKET offer
Doodle Maker Review – Final Verdict
I saw many other doodle software tools outside. With all those tools out there, you need to create videos from scratch. Meaning, you are required to have creativity.
You should come up with a clear idea before start using those tools.
But with Doodle Maker, you don’t need to be a creative person. Most of the work has been simplified. It has done for you pre-made templates.
With these pre-made templates, you can save a lot of time. Simply upload your company or may be your client company logo and generate videos in seconds.
Also, if you have your existing videos, you can transcribe automatically and make whiteboard animation videos in minutes. Is that cool?
Actually there are lot more features and benefits i can talk about it. I highly recommend this tool.
Special Doodle Maker Bonus
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Doodle Maker” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3: Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/doodle-maker-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doodle-maker-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/627877971868483584
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 iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud | Overcast | Spotify | TuneIn | Castbox
Today’s talking point:
I want to explore new strategies that can help me with lead generation through social media. So I am excited to hear your success strategy and make necessary improvements. 
I've got three questions to ask you. 
Can you really create more by doing less? 
How do you reach more people without being glued to your phone or your computer? 
How can one piece of content turn into 30?
We are getting into all of that today with the best content creation strategy for 2020 and beyond. 
Here's the deal. I have been creating content for a very long time and I feel like at this point, I've mastered the art of creating more content by doing a lot less work.
When I first started creating blog posts, I instinctively knew that I needed to be sharing them on all the platforms. In the beginning I would create mini graphics and quotes to drive traffic back to my blog posts and share them out on Facebook and Twitter. All of a sudden there were all of these other platforms I had to think about and I found myself asking:
Do I need to create more content for each platform? 
Do I need to create unique individual pieces of content for each platform? 
How are you supposed to keep up with this?
So I brought it back to basics. I figured out where I really thrived and how I could use that to my advantage. You can do less while creating more, reach more people and have an even bigger impact. So you're going to walk away with three things today. 
A way to identify where you thrive and what platform makes the most sense for your online presence.
The step by step process I use to take one podcast episode or youtube video and turn it into multiple pieces of content. 
Special hacks to really make the most of this process and make sure you're working as efficiently as possible. 
Where do you thrive the most? For me it was always written word; blog posts always came easy to me at first so it was a natural fit to go in that direction. In general, you have four options when you're looking at what kind of content you want to create and how you can use that pillar content to create more content from it. 
Figure out which of those platforms plays to your strengths and use that as your pillar piece of content to create content on every other platform without having to reinvent the wheel. You don’t need unique content for every single platform. It’s not humanly possible, unless you have a massive team behind you. 
So what is the best content creation strategy for the rest of 2019 2020 and beyond? Drum roll, please…repurposing and repackaging.
I'm going to break down exactly how I do it in my business to turn one piece of content into loads of other pieces of content for other platforms.
#1| Repurpose & Repackage
 Here is how I can turn one podcast episode into multiple posts. First, I create teasers for my pillar content on other social platforms:
Instagram Posts
Create a mini teaser to go on Instagram with the purpose to drive traffic to the latest episode. I share audio clips from the latest episode on Instagram stories and through the feed.
I film a short video to promote the podcast episode and post that on the same day the podcast episode goes live, because I want all the traffic going to that podcast episode. 
Twitter Graphics
This can be anywhere from a title graphic to quotes from the podcast episode
What makes this so powerful is: I do it all in advance.
Now, you’ve heard me talk about batching content plenty of times (EP 37: 3 Month Content Calendar, EP 24: Batch Working 101). When you batch you work and create complementary pieces of content, you can fill up a content calendar fast without stressing about what you need to post next.
You can use this step for any content. If you want to promote a Youtube video, I would repackage the full video or 10 minutes of it for IGTV a week after it’s launch. Repurpose and repost the same content on different platforms to reach a larger audience.
By creating content from main “pillar content,” you will get more results long term from all the views of traffic that are directed to your main post in the first 24 hours, or first couple of weeks. 
#2| Niching Down Your Content
The most important part of round two is focusing on the comments that come up when you post pieces of content to your pillar content. Whatever it might be, pay attention to the comments and feedback because they will tell you exactly what resonated and hit home the most. Then, use the feedback to create even more micro content from that one piece of pillar content. Once you create that main pillar piece, have the content there at your fingertips.
When I create a video piece of content, an audio piece of content, or a live stream of any kind, I get it transcribed for a blog, then take little pieces to turn into quotables and graphics for Instagram or Twitter that are based off of a piece of content that I know hit home. (Which is guaranteed engagement!)
For example, I posted a picture to Instagram based on a mini training series I did, and I could tell that one of the lines in my long form caption really resonated with people. So I took that line, re-posted it, and repackaged it & it ended up getting more engagement than the original post. 
For speaker series, or panels, you can listen to what your audience responds to the most and create micro videos. That becomes a native piece of content and it's not a new piece of content. It's what you did in your speaking engagement, but repurposed and repackaged so you can get even more reach and impact with your content. 
If I showed you my content calendar, you can see that one piece of content can turn into so many other little pieces of content and last for months. One blog post, podcast episode or one youtube video becomes all of these pieces of content for different platforms. So I'm not creating new content, I'm just re-purposing and repackaging onto these different platforms. 
As someone who has been active on social media for over six years, believe me, I've tried everything. I've tested everything, every app, platform, gadget, tool and technique, and this is the best content creation strategy out there. It just works and it makes your life a whole lot easier. So your action step is to give this a go. Go back to and listen to this episode, make some notes and try implementing a repurposing content plan and see what happens. 
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Want access to a library full of online marketing resources plus weekly bitesized breakthroughs to help you boss your online presence? Find it here.
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mlmcompanies · 5 years
Consulting Accelerator is a course that teaches how to build a profitable 6-figure consulting business.
In our review, you’ll find out if Consulting Accelerator delivers on this promise.
It’s quite possible to get paid the big bucks for giving advice.
No, I’m not talking about therapists. I’m talking about consultants.
See, companies are always looking for ways to improve their business’s strengths or reduce their weaknesses. While they can sometimes figure it out themselves, they’ll usually hire a consultant specializing in the problem they’re having.
For example, a company may want expert advice on a new product launch. They’d hire a marketing consultant to advise them as they’re creating their campaign.
Or perhaps the company’s experiencing internal structural problems or inefficiencies. To solve these problems, they might bring in management consultants.
No matter the type, one thing remains the same across consulting: the earning potential.
This is due to their intense focus on one area of business. Companies see this as an investment, so they’re willing to shell out a lot of money if it means they’re increasing profits or maximizing their efficiency.
In the past, the word “consulting” conjured up images of big boardrooms full of corporate big wigs in fancy suits.
That is the traditional form of consulting, and it’s still prevalent today.
However, you no longer have to land a job at a prestigious consulting firm like McKinsey or Bain. The definition’s expanded, so almost anyone can start and grow a successful consulting business in almost any field.
For example, you could go with a classic marketing consultancy.
Or maybe you’re great at giving dating advice. Call yourself a dating consultant and you’ll have clients flock to you if you build a successful practice.
But the road to consulting success is a perilous one, no matter what you consult on.
  Sam Ovens, a young entrepreneur from New Zealand who’s ads have recently been all over the internet, found massive success with his own marketing consultancy a few years ago. So many people were asking how he did it, so he decided to make a business out of teaching how to consult.
And so, he created Consulting.com and his main course, Consulting Accelerator.
Like other internet marketers that seem to come out of nowhere, a lot of people think this random New Zealander is scamming people out of their money with “make money online” courses. Just this time, it’s under the guise of consulting.
With that in mind, here’s our full Consulting Accelerator review.
1.) What is Consulting.com? Sam’s business that teaches people how to start and grow consulting businesses. They are headquartered in both Manhattan, New York and Dublin, Ireland.
2.) What is Consulting Accelerator? A 6-week course that teaches you how to start a profitable 6-figure consulting business. Sam promises you’ll land your first client within 42 days if you follow Consulting Accelerator’s teachings.
3.) Who is Sam Ovens? Sam Ovens is an entrepreneur known best for Consulting.com. Originally from Auckland, New Zealand, Sam held a corporate job while attending college. During this time, he was exposed to the lifestyle of an entrepreneur worth half a billion dollars, so he quit his job to pursue entrepreneurship. Sam built and sold websites to businesses to fund his ventures. He failed several times before succeeding with a software business. His website side hustle turned into a successful digital marketing consultancy. People wanted to know how his digital marketing consultancy did so well, so he launched Consulting.com to teach others.
4.) What are the names of his successful business? SnapInspect was his first successful business. SnapInspect sold a property inspection app to property management businesses. At the same time, he launched his digital marketing agency using skills he picked up selling websites and running his various businesses. And then, of course, there’s Consulting.com.
5.) What are the names of his failed businesses? PromoteYourself, a New Zealand-focused job board, was his first business. He didn’t earn a penny. The same thing happened with his second business, a meal-delivery service called ToTheDesk that targeted office workers. He picked up website building during this time, a side business he would use to fund his main ventures.
6.) What is OVENS Enterprises Group? This is the official legal name of Sam Oven’s business.
7.) What exactly is consulting? Consulting is a business model where you give objective, expert advice to other businesses. Typical consulting tasks are dependent on the industry the consultant works in. A marketing consultant’s work looks a lot different than a financial consultant.
8.) What’s included in Consulting Accelerator? The main content is 52 modules split up among 6 weeks, with a 7th digital marketing bonus week if you submit a video referral. The modules cover niche selection, mindset, sales, marketing, Facebook ads, service delivery, and the digital marketing bonus in that order. Sam sends you physical workbooks and various other course materials to complete along with the lessons. Other features include twice-weekly Q&A with Sam’s team and access to a private Facebook group. You have lifetime access to all of this.
9.) What format is the course delivered in? Video and mp3. All video content is also transcribed into text form.
10.) How much time is required per week? There are about 105 hours of content, so you’ll need about 21 hours per week complete it in 6 weeks. However, you can take as much time as you need due to your lifetime access.
11.) How much does Consulting Accelerator cost? $1,997 up front, or 5 payments of $597. The sales page has “$5991 every day” with a red line through it, but that’s probably just a marketing tactic.
12.) Is there a free trial? Yes, but you have to go here and give him your email. He also gives you a $500 discount if you buy the course this way.
13.) What’s Consulting Accelerator’s refund policy? They offer a 14-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
14.) Are there any upsells? Yes, his course called Uplevel Consulting. However, you have to apply for it due to its target market and price.
15.) Is there an affiliate program? Yes, although details are elusive. They have a “refer a friend” program that gives your referrals a $500 discount, but I don’t know of the commission structure.
16.) What is OVENS Enterprise Group’s BBB Rating? A
17.) Is Consulting Accelerator a scam? No. The course has a ton of valuable information, but you have to do the work to build a successful consulting business.
18.) Comparable Products: Idea Validation: From Idea to Paying Customer In One Day,  Tai Lopez’s Accelerator, Zero To Launch
  Consulting Accelerator Review – Overview
Consulting Accelerator teaches you how to start and grow a profitable consultancy from scratch.
It’s the entry-level course of Sam Oven’s Consulting.com business.
Speaking of Sam Ovens, a short background.
Born in New Zealand, Sam was raised by blue-collar parents that taught him the only route to success was putting his nose to the grindstone in college and then the corporate world.
He did that for a while, working at Vodafone while finishing up at college.
But one weekend would change everything for him.
His girlfriend at the time invited him to her friend’s “beach house”, but it turned out it was an entire island owned by a guy worth around half a billion dollars. He inquired about the price of a statue on this guy’s island, just to find he’d have to work another two decades to save that kind of money.
After that, there was no going back to the 9-5, $50k per year life.
With barely any work experience and not a lick entrepreneurship experience, he built his first business, a job board/network calledPromoteYourself.
It failed.
He then tried again with a meal-delivery service targeting office workers called ToTheDesk.
It failed.
After his 2nd failure, he began a side hustle building and selling websites to fund more venture.
Finally, he would apply lessons from his failures to build his 3rd business, a property management app called SnapInspect.
It was a success! He presold it to ensure there was demand before further work, and he managed to presell $5,000 worth of software licenses to before a single line of code was written.
While running SnapInspect, he expanded his website business into a full-time digital marketing consultancy using marketing skills he learned with his other businesses. This business helped fund the more expensive SnapInspect.
But by the time SnapInspect was profitable, his marketing agency was pulling in way more money with much lower expenses.
So he sold SnapInspect and scaled his agency.
People came to him in droves asking how he did so well with consulting. This led to the birth of Consulting.com, and with it, Consulting Accelerator.
Sam took everything he learned along his journey to consulting success and crammed it into this course. He didn’t hold back, as you’ll see in the rest of our Consulting Accelerator review.
Consulting Accelerator has 52 modules split up among 6 weeks. In order, the weeks are called Fundamentals and Foundations, New Paradigm and Worldview, Alchemy of Client Conversion, Alchemy of Client Attraction, Fractal Facebook Evolution, and Minimum Viable Service Delivery. You get 2 live video chat Q&A calls with Sam’s team for each week of the course.
Each week starts with a short overview module outlining that week’s content.
Every week except for weeks 3 and 5 have 8 modules each, including each overview module. Weeks 3 and 5 have 6 and 14 modules respectively, also including overview modules.
There are around 105 hours of video and mp3 content altogether, and all the video content is transcribed into text form.
In addition to the course content, Sam mails you a nice little black folder full of physical workbooks. These workbooks contain homework assignments to help you absorb the material, but they also have some useful cheat sheets and other reference materials.
Finally, there’s a private Facebook group for Consulting Accelerator students to network, discuss their challenges in business, and give each other advice.
Once you buy the course, you get lifetime access to all of this.
But let’s get to the course content.
Week 1 lays the foundation.
After some general housekeeping information in Module 1, you learn about “Natural Law” and its importance to your success as a consultant in Modules 2 and 3.
Modules 4 and 5 cover various aspects of markets and niche selection, while Modules 6 and 7 conclude the week by showing you how to craft your business’s minimum viable offer and message.
Before you get to the hard business lessons, you spend Week 2 learning about the mindset behind success.
This whole week is essentially a journey where Sam smashes your limiting beliefs and shifts your mindset permanently so you can be ready to build a successful consulting business.
In Module 1, Sam reveals to you a “dark force” that holds entrepreneurs back from success and keeps them in a negative mindset.
Once he’s identified the problem, he teaches you in Module 2 how to “face off with the devil” and win, or in other words, face down and destroy your “dark side” full of anxiety, procrastination, and self-sabotage. Sam even shares his personal struggles with anxiety and doubt.
Module 3 dives deeper into philosophical territory with its discussion about the “duality of man” and conflict.
In Module 4, Sam shows you how society’ current paradigm is flawed and he eventually introduces the new paradigm vital to your success.
Module 5 is all about you: who you are now, what you want to be, and how to bridge that gap.
Finally, Module 6 fully explains the new paradigm by bringing this week’s content together. You learn some abstract stuff, like how to separate your character from your thoughts.
The week concludes with Module 7’s lessons about “hacking” your mind so it’s “programmed” for success.
Overall, this week gets more philosophical than you’d expect a business course to be, but it’s an interesting section nevertheless.
By the end of this week, you should be ready to go to work.
Now, you just need to learn the business stuff, which starts in Week 3.
Time to learn all about converting customers. After Sam provides an overview of the week and debunks some sales myths in Module 1, the 2 hour-long Module 2 teaches you everything you need to know about sales, including his sales script.
He then shows you how to turn his script into your own in Module 3, as well as how to improve on your script when you need to.
Module 4 teaches you how to conquer doubt so you can bust any sales “slumps” you might hit.
Module 5 puts an end to the abstraction, but only after bringing all the pieces together and “igniting your flame”, which is Sam’s version of the term “proof of concept”.
In Week 3, you learned about going to clients and converting them. Now, it’s time to learn how to bring them to you in Week 4.
Sam teaches you the “big trap” most aspiring entrepreneurs fall into early in the game in Module 1.
Module 2 teaches the art and science of attracting clients. It also introduces both organic and paid traffic, covered by Modules 3 and 4 respectively.
In Module 5, it’s time to assemble the war machine. Technical details like business registration, your website, and payment processing are covered here.
Module 6 then brings it all together into a 30-day plan of attack, while Module 7 shows you how to conquer paralysis due to fear or indecision.
Week 5 is a long one at over 24 hours, and it’s all about Facebook. 
I won’t list all the modules, but Week 5 takes you through the entire process of running a Facebook ad campaign.
You start out by learning everything about Facebook ads, including their rules and algorithms. Sam eventually introduces you to the process of ad campaign creation, starting with showing you his Facebook strategy.
Towards the end of this week, he shows you how to set a daily routine for managing your Facebook campaign, and then eventually how to scale it to the moon.
Finally, it’s time to learn how to structure the operational side of your business for high profits and maximum efficiency without sacrificing work quality in Week 6.
Up until now, you’ve probably been winging it a bit. Week 6 is all about formalizing your operations so you can scale.
Module 1 shows you how to streamline your offer so you can continue to wow your clients in far less time.
Module 2 shifts the focus to the client. Sam tells you all about how to set client expectations and structure client relationships for maximum professionalism and of course, maximum efficiency.
In Module 3, it’s time to bring others aboard and begin your scaling efforts. You’ll learn how to hire the best contractors to deliver the results you’re known for, as well as how to actually work alongside them.
With your business growing in complexity, you’ll need some project and workflow management skills if you don’t want to be putting out fires all the time. Module 4 teaches you these skills. In addition, Sam shares some software tools and productivity hacks that help him run his million-dollar businesses.
Once you can manage projects, you’ll learn some basic financial principles that’ll help you run your company and manage cash flows in Module 5. Again, Sam shares some financial software/tools that make everything easier.
Modules 6 and 7 is where you’ll really learn how to scale.
Module 6 is about growing your platform and using referral strategies. You then implement these into a 30-day plan, a 60-day plan, and a 90-day plan.
And finally, Module 7 is about marketing automation. This is the last module of the regular course material and the key ingredient to lowering your time investment in your business while skyrocketing your profits.
There is a bonus week that isn’t normally advertised with Consulting Accelerator. 
To get it, I believe you have to submit a video review for Sam to use on his site.
At only 3 modules, it’s much shorter than the other weeks. However, it covers some scaling stuff.
You’ll notice Sam is a big fan of metaphors and imagery. For example, he references the Garden of Eden a lot for the Facebook stuff. Some might think it’s corny, but I think he’s just doing the best he can to not make his course boring.
Also, I don’t think I’ve seen another course that covers so much of the emotional and mindset sides of business. Sam did a good job with Module 2.
Consulting Accelerator has one direct upsell called Uplevel Consulting. However, you aren’t upsold on it until the end of the bonus week in Consulting Accelerator.
In fact, you can’t buy it without applying first.
Uplevel Consulting is built for those who already have a profitable business but are looking to systemize and automate everything for scaling purposes. It’s the “sequel” to Consulting Accelerator.
Even the format is the same, aside from the extra 3 weeks of course material.
In addition to Uplevel Consulting, Consulting.com offers one other course called Quantum Mastermind. Based on its description, Quantum Mastermind is the end of his “trilogy” of consulting courses. It’s meant only for the hungriest of entrepreneurs who want their businesses to reach 8 or even 9 figures.
You aren’t upsold Quantum Mastermind in Consulting Accelerator, though.
Consulting Accelerator costs $1,997 up front. You can also opt for 5 monthly payments of $597.
Typical of high-ticket online courses, Consulting Accelerator lists an “everyday price” of $5,991 that they crossed out. I suspected that’s the same marketing tactics other online courses use, and a few Google searches confirmed my belief.
However, if you head over to this page or if you’re referred by an affiliate, you get a $500 discount AND a 7-day free trial.
Uplevel Consulting costs $6,000, but it probably has a monthly payment option too. Before you turn your nose up at that price tag, remember that it’s built for those who have a profitable business. $6,000 shouldn’t be a lot of money for the type of student Sam wants in Uplevel Consulting.
The point, after all, is to earn back that $6,000 using the course content.
Pricing is elusive on Quantum Mastermind, but it’s safe to assume that a course that teaches how to scale to 9 figures is worth a lot more than $6,000.
Affiliate Program
Consulting Accelerator has an affiliate program. However, there isn’t information anywhere about signing up or commissions structure.
The only way I know there’s an affiliate program is because other reviewers have affiliate links in their Consulting Accelerator reviews. Of course, they don’t mention anything in their reviews about the affiliate program.
I even dug through Facebook and found a 2016 post on Sam’s verified Facebook page asking if Consulting Accelerator had an affiliate program.
He didn’t answer.
What I do know is they have a “refer a friend” program. Referrals get a $500 discount on their course purchase.
I’m not sure if this referral program has commissions because again, there’s no info anywhere.
Your best bet is to contact Sam directly if you’re a student.
Overall, Sam really delivers in Consulting Accelerator.
This course has so much content compared to a lot of other courses I’ve seen. Rightfully so, given it’s $2,000 price tag.
When it comes down to it, almost anything could be turned into a consultancy. Old examples like marketing or financial consulting are tried and true options, but you could consult on anything as long as there’s a market with a specific problem.
And thanks to Sam, you now have all the tools and knowledge to do so.
There’s never been a better time to start an online business if you’re willing to put in the work.
0 notes
antionetterparker · 5 years
Sam Ovens’s Consulting Accelerator review – does it work?
Consulting Accelerator is a course that teaches how to build a profitable 6-figure consulting business.
In our review, you’ll find out if Consulting Accelerator delivers on this promise.
It’s quite possible to get paid the big bucks for giving advice.
No, I’m not talking about therapists. I’m talking about consultants.
See, companies are always looking for ways to improve their business’s strengths or reduce their weaknesses. While they can sometimes figure it out themselves, they’ll usually hire a consultant specializing in the problem they’re having.
For example, a company may want expert advice on a new product launch. They’d hire a marketing consultant to advise them as they’re creating their campaign.
Or perhaps the company’s experiencing internal structural problems or inefficiencies. To solve these problems, they might bring in management consultants.
No matter the type, one thing remains the same across consulting: the earning potential.
This is due to their intense focus on one area of business. Companies see this as an investment, so they’re willing to shell out a lot of money if it means they’re increasing profits or maximizing their efficiency.
In the past, the word “consulting” conjured up images of big boardrooms full of corporate big wigs in fancy suits.
That is the traditional form of consulting, and it’s still prevalent today.
However, you no longer have to land a job at a prestigious consulting firm like McKinsey or Bain. The definition’s expanded, so almost anyone can start and grow a successful consulting business in almost any field.
For example, you could go with a classic marketing consultancy.
Or maybe you’re great at giving dating advice. Call yourself a dating consultant and you’ll have clients flock to you if you build a successful practice.
But the road to consulting success is a perilous one, no matter what you consult on.
  Sam Ovens, a young entrepreneur from New Zealand who’s ads have recently been all over the internet, found massive success with his own marketing consultancy a few years ago. So many people were asking how he did it, so he decided to make a business out of teaching how to consult.
And so, he created Consulting.com and his main course, Consulting Accelerator.
Like other internet marketers that seem to come out of nowhere, a lot of people think this random New Zealander is scamming people out of their money with “make money online” courses. Just this time, it’s under the guise of consulting.
With that in mind, here’s our full Consulting Accelerator review.
1.) What is Consulting.com? Sam’s business that teaches people how to start and grow consulting businesses. They are headquartered in both Manhattan, New York and Dublin, Ireland.
2.) What is Consulting Accelerator? A 6-week course that teaches you how to start a profitable 6-figure consulting business. Sam promises you’ll land your first client within 42 days if you follow Consulting Accelerator’s teachings.
3.) Who is Sam Ovens? Sam Ovens is an entrepreneur known best for Consulting.com. Originally from Auckland, New Zealand, Sam held a corporate job while attending college. During this time, he was exposed to the lifestyle of an entrepreneur worth half a billion dollars, so he quit his job to pursue entrepreneurship. Sam built and sold websites to businesses to fund his ventures. He failed several times before succeeding with a software business. His website side hustle turned into a successful digital marketing consultancy. People wanted to know how his digital marketing consultancy did so well, so he launched Consulting.com to teach others.
4.) What are the names of his successful business? SnapInspect was his first successful business. SnapInspect sold a property inspection app to property management businesses. At the same time, he launched his digital marketing agency using skills he picked up selling websites and running his various businesses. And then, of course, there’s Consulting.com.
5.) What are the names of his failed businesses? PromoteYourself, a New Zealand-focused job board, was his first business. He didn’t earn a penny. The same thing happened with his second business, a meal-delivery service called ToTheDesk that targeted office workers. He picked up website building during this time, a side business he would use to fund his main ventures.
6.) What is OVENS Enterprises Group? This is the official legal name of Sam Oven’s business.
7.) What exactly is consulting? Consulting is a business model where you give objective, expert advice to other businesses. Typical consulting tasks are dependent on the industry the consultant works in. A marketing consultant’s work looks a lot different than a financial consultant.
8.) What’s included in Consulting Accelerator? The main content is 52 modules split up among 6 weeks, with a 7th digital marketing bonus week if you submit a video referral. The modules cover niche selection, mindset, sales, marketing, Facebook ads, service delivery, and the digital marketing bonus in that order. Sam sends you physical workbooks and various other course materials to complete along with the lessons. Other features include twice-weekly Q&A with Sam’s team and access to a private Facebook group. You have lifetime access to all of this.
9.) What format is the course delivered in? Video and mp3. All video content is also transcribed into text form.
10.) How much time is required per week? There are about 105 hours of content, so you’ll need about 21 hours per week complete it in 6 weeks. However, you can take as much time as you need due to your lifetime access.
11.) How much does Consulting Accelerator cost? $1,997 up front, or 5 payments of $597. The sales page has “$5991 every day” with a red line through it, but that’s probably just a marketing tactic.
12.) Is there a free trial? Yes, but you have to go here and give him your email. He also gives you a $500 discount if you buy the course this way.
13.) What’s Consulting Accelerator’s refund policy? They offer a 14-day, 100% money-back guarantee.
14.) Are there any upsells? Yes, his course called Uplevel Consulting. However, you have to apply for it due to its target market and price.
15.) Is there an affiliate program? Yes, although details are elusive. They have a “refer a friend” program that gives your referrals a $500 discount, but I don’t know of the commission structure.
16.) What is OVENS Enterprise Group’s BBB Rating? A
17.) Is Consulting Accelerator a scam? No. The course has a ton of valuable information, but you have to do the work to build a successful consulting business.
18.) Comparable Products: Idea Validation: From Idea to Paying Customer In One Day,  Tai Lopez’s Accelerator, Zero To Launch
  Consulting Accelerator Review – Overview
Consulting Accelerator teaches you how to start and grow a profitable consultancy from scratch.
It’s the entry-level course of Sam Oven’s Consulting.com business.
Speaking of Sam Ovens, a short background.
Born in New Zealand, Sam was raised by blue-collar parents that taught him the only route to success was putting his nose to the grindstone in college and then the corporate world.
He did that for a while, working at Vodafone while finishing up at college.
But one weekend would change everything for him.
His girlfriend at the time invited him to her friend’s “beach house”, but it turned out it was an entire island owned by a guy worth around half a billion dollars. He inquired about the price of a statue on this guy’s island, just to find he’d have to work another two decades to save that kind of money.
After that, there was no going back to the 9-5, $50k per year life.
With barely any work experience and not a lick entrepreneurship experience, he built his first business, a job board/network calledPromoteYourself.
It failed.
He then tried again with a meal-delivery service targeting office workers called ToTheDesk.
It failed.
After his 2nd failure, he began a side hustle building and selling websites to fund more venture.
Finally, he would apply lessons from his failures to build his 3rd business, a property management app called SnapInspect.
It was a success! He presold it to ensure there was demand before further work, and he managed to presell $5,000 worth of software licenses to before a single line of code was written.
While running SnapInspect, he expanded his website business into a full-time digital marketing consultancy using marketing skills he learned with his other businesses. This business helped fund the more expensive SnapInspect.
But by the time SnapInspect was profitable, his marketing agency was pulling in way more money with much lower expenses.
So he sold SnapInspect and scaled his agency.
People came to him in droves asking how he did so well with consulting. This led to the birth of Consulting.com, and with it, Consulting Accelerator.
Sam took everything he learned along his journey to consulting success and crammed it into this course. He didn’t hold back, as you’ll see in the rest of our Consulting Accelerator review.
Consulting Accelerator has 52 modules split up among 6 weeks. In order, the weeks are called Fundamentals and Foundations, New Paradigm and Worldview, Alchemy of Client Conversion, Alchemy of Client Attraction, Fractal Facebook Evolution, and Minimum Viable Service Delivery. You get 2 live video chat Q&A calls with Sam’s team for each week of the course.
Each week starts with a short overview module outlining that week’s content.
Every week except for weeks 3 and 5 have 8 modules each, including each overview module. Weeks 3 and 5 have 6 and 14 modules respectively, also including overview modules.
There are around 105 hours of video and mp3 content altogether, and all the video content is transcribed into text form.
In addition to the course content, Sam mails you a nice little black folder full of physical workbooks. These workbooks contain homework assignments to help you absorb the material, but they also have some useful cheat sheets and other reference materials.
Finally, there’s a private Facebook group for Consulting Accelerator students to network, discuss their challenges in business, and give each other advice.
Once you buy the course, you get lifetime access to all of this.
But let’s get to the course content.
Week 1 lays the foundation.
After some general housekeeping information in Module 1, you learn about “Natural Law” and its importance to your success as a consultant in Modules 2 and 3.
Modules 4 and 5 cover various aspects of markets and niche selection, while Modules 6 and 7 conclude the week by showing you how to craft your business’s minimum viable offer and message.
Before you get to the hard business lessons, you spend Week 2 learning about the mindset behind success.
This whole week is essentially a journey where Sam smashes your limiting beliefs and shifts your mindset permanently so you can be ready to build a successful consulting business.
In Module 1, Sam reveals to you a “dark force” that holds entrepreneurs back from success and keeps them in a negative mindset.
Once he’s identified the problem, he teaches you in Module 2 how to “face off with the devil” and win, or in other words, face down and destroy your “dark side” full of anxiety, procrastination, and self-sabotage. Sam even shares his personal struggles with anxiety and doubt.
Module 3 dives deeper into philosophical territory with its discussion about the “duality of man” and conflict.
In Module 4, Sam shows you how society’ current paradigm is flawed and he eventually introduces the new paradigm vital to your success.
Module 5 is all about you: who you are now, what you want to be, and how to bridge that gap.
Finally, Module 6 fully explains the new paradigm by bringing this week’s content together. You learn some abstract stuff, like how to separate your character from your thoughts.
The week concludes with Module 7’s lessons about “hacking” your mind so it’s “programmed” for success.
Overall, this week gets more philosophical than you’d expect a business course to be, but it’s an interesting section nevertheless.
By the end of this week, you should be ready to go to work.
Now, you just need to learn the business stuff, which starts in Week 3.
Time to learn all about converting customers. After Sam provides an overview of the week and debunks some sales myths in Module 1, the 2 hour-long Module 2 teaches you everything you need to know about sales, including his sales script.
He then shows you how to turn his script into your own in Module 3, as well as how to improve on your script when you need to.
Module 4 teaches you how to conquer doubt so you can bust any sales “slumps” you might hit.
Module 5 puts an end to the abstraction, but only after bringing all the pieces together and “igniting your flame”, which is Sam’s version of the term “proof of concept”.
In Week 3, you learned about going to clients and converting them. Now, it’s time to learn how to bring them to you in Week 4.
Sam teaches you the “big trap” most aspiring entrepreneurs fall into early in the game in Module 1.
Module 2 teaches the art and science of attracting clients. It also introduces both organic and paid traffic, covered by Modules 3 and 4 respectively.
In Module 5, it’s time to assemble the war machine. Technical details like business registration, your website, and payment processing are covered here.
Module 6 then brings it all together into a 30-day plan of attack, while Module 7 shows you how to conquer paralysis due to fear or indecision.
Week 5 is a long one at over 24 hours, and it’s all about Facebook. 
I won’t list all the modules, but Week 5 takes you through the entire process of running a Facebook ad campaign.
You start out by learning everything about Facebook ads, including their rules and algorithms. Sam eventually introduces you to the process of ad campaign creation, starting with showing you his Facebook strategy.
Towards the end of this week, he shows you how to set a daily routine for managing your Facebook campaign, and then eventually how to scale it to the moon.
Finally, it’s time to learn how to structure the operational side of your business for high profits and maximum efficiency without sacrificing work quality in Week 6.
Up until now, you’ve probably been winging it a bit. Week 6 is all about formalizing your operations so you can scale.
Module 1 shows you how to streamline your offer so you can continue to wow your clients in far less time.
Module 2 shifts the focus to the client. Sam tells you all about how to set client expectations and structure client relationships for maximum professionalism and of course, maximum efficiency.
In Module 3, it’s time to bring others aboard and begin your scaling efforts. You’ll learn how to hire the best contractors to deliver the results you’re known for, as well as how to actually work alongside them.
With your business growing in complexity, you’ll need some project and workflow management skills if you don’t want to be putting out fires all the time. Module 4 teaches you these skills. In addition, Sam shares some software tools and productivity hacks that help him run his million-dollar businesses.
Once you can manage projects, you’ll learn some basic financial principles that’ll help you run your company and manage cash flows in Module 5. Again, Sam shares some financial software/tools that make everything easier.
Modules 6 and 7 is where you’ll really learn how to scale.
Module 6 is about growing your platform and using referral strategies. You then implement these into a 30-day plan, a 60-day plan, and a 90-day plan.
And finally, Module 7 is about marketing automation. This is the last module of the regular course material and the key ingredient to lowering your time investment in your business while skyrocketing your profits.
There is a bonus week that isn’t normally advertised with Consulting Accelerator. 
To get it, I believe you have to submit a video review for Sam to use on his site.
At only 3 modules, it’s much shorter than the other weeks. However, it covers some scaling stuff.
You’ll notice Sam is a big fan of metaphors and imagery. For example, he references the Garden of Eden a lot for the Facebook stuff. Some might think it’s corny, but I think he’s just doing the best he can to not make his course boring.
Also, I don’t think I’ve seen another course that covers so much of the emotional and mindset sides of business. Sam did a good job with Module 2.
Consulting Accelerator has one direct upsell called Uplevel Consulting. However, you aren’t upsold on it until the end of the bonus week in Consulting Accelerator.
In fact, you can’t buy it without applying first.
Uplevel Consulting is built for those who already have a profitable business but are looking to systemize and automate everything for scaling purposes. It’s the “sequel” to Consulting Accelerator.
Even the format is the same, aside from the extra 3 weeks of course material.
In addition to Uplevel Consulting, Consulting.com offers one other course called Quantum Mastermind. Based on its description, Quantum Mastermind is the end of his “trilogy” of consulting courses. It’s meant only for the hungriest of entrepreneurs who want their businesses to reach 8 or even 9 figures.
You aren’t upsold Quantum Mastermind in Consulting Accelerator, though.
Consulting Accelerator costs $1,997 up front. You can also opt for 5 monthly payments of $597.
Typical of high-ticket online courses, Consulting Accelerator lists an “everyday price” of $5,991 that they crossed out. I suspected that’s the same marketing tactics other online courses use, and a few Google searches confirmed my belief.
However, if you head over to this page or if you’re referred by an affiliate, you get a $500 discount AND a 7-day free trial.
Uplevel Consulting costs $6,000, but it probably has a monthly payment option too. Before you turn your nose up at that price tag, remember that it’s built for those who have a profitable business. $6,000 shouldn’t be a lot of money for the type of student Sam wants in Uplevel Consulting.
The point, after all, is to earn back that $6,000 using the course content.
Pricing is elusive on Quantum Mastermind, but it’s safe to assume that a course that teaches how to scale to 9 figures is worth a lot more than $6,000.
Affiliate Program
Consulting Accelerator has an affiliate program. However, there isn’t information anywhere about signing up or commissions structure.
The only way I know there’s an affiliate program is because other reviewers have affiliate links in their Consulting Accelerator reviews. Of course, they don’t mention anything in their reviews about the affiliate program.
I even dug through Facebook and found a 2016 post on Sam’s verified Facebook page asking if Consulting Accelerator had an affiliate program.
He didn’t answer.
What I do know is they have a “refer a friend” program. Referrals get a $500 discount on their course purchase.
I’m not sure if this referral program has commissions because again, there’s no info anywhere.
Your best bet is to contact Sam directly if you’re a student.
Overall, Sam really delivers in Consulting Accelerator.
This course has so much content compared to a lot of other courses I’ve seen. Rightfully so, given it’s $2,000 price tag.
When it comes down to it, almost anything could be turned into a consultancy. Old examples like marketing or financial consulting are tried and true options, but you could consult on anything as long as there’s a market with a specific problem.
And thanks to Sam, you now have all the tools and knowledge to do so.
There’s never been a better time to start an online business if you’re willing to put in the work.
via https://mlmcompanies.org/consulting-accelerator/
0 notes
112 Legitimate Ways To Make Money Fast - Get Out of Debt, Save More Money, and Retire Early
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Some will make you a few dollars, while others can be very lucrative and even turn into careers.This article is super long, so please bookmark it so you can come back to it later. You won’t be able to do all of these tips to make money fast in one sitting. I’ve broken the list up into 11 sections to help you find just what you need.Find free moneyWe’ve shown thousands of people how to make money from home with many articles on this site. But by far the quickest way for you to make extra money is to get free money without having to do any work. How I Saved Over $1,000 On Everyday ExpensesTake this FREE 7-day challenge to learn how you can do the same 1. Make money while you’re watching TVNo, you can’t retire on the extra money you can make while filling out surveys, but why not make a few bucks while you watch your favorite shows (Walking Dead anyone?)Signing up is easy and only takes a few minutes.Survey Junkie and InboxDollars are two of the best survey sites. 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Teach locally at a community centerEvery community – large or small – has some community center that offers adult education classes.Example topics:How to use a smartphone efficientlyHow to organizeSelf defenseDriver safetyCPRSewing + crochetHome brewingYou get the idea. If you have a skill or hobby, you can make money by teaching others during a one-time 2-hour course.After listening to your show, I found a lead to my first side hustle. For my wife’s program and mine, we are required to have CPR. We took our class to meet these requirements, and I talked with our instructor who passed my name to the owner letting him know I was curious about becoming an instructor. I was contacted about certifying myself to teach classes! – John S.How much can you make?If you get 20 students paying $20 each for a two-hour course, figure you can earn half and half goes to the community center.14. Give referrals to sales peopleWhen my brother moved from Ohio to Texas, we referred him to a home builder in our neighborhood. Once my brother closed on his house we got $500 from the builder!There are all kinds of programs and people that will pay you for referrals.car salespeopleinsurance sales peoplerealtorstravel agentsCheck with the people you know and ask if they have a referral program for their business. By handing out someone else’s contact information to the people you know you can be compensated for 2-minutes of conversation.15. Work as a transcriptionist or translatorIf you’re good at listening and typing, you can make $15 to $25 an hour transcribing audio.I’ve paid out thousands of dollars to transcriptionists over the years for taking my classroom recordings and my shows and typing them up into a word doc. – ScottYou can bid on jobs on Upwork or apply to be a freelancer on RevRev pays $0.40 – $0.65 per audio minute. Keep in mind if it takes you five minutes to transcribe one minute of audio, you’ll get paid for the one minute. Attention to detail and a good ear are a must to maximize your earnings.Transcribing is perfect for people who want a flexible schedule.16. Earn up to $60/Hour working from home as a part-time bookkeeperThe average bookkeeper earns $40,000/year, or around $60 an hour. And they can work from home (or Starbucks) or wherever else they want. Sound interesting?No, you don’t have to be a CPA to be a bookkeeper. In fact, I hired my dad (who was a former pastor) for over six years to run my business books using QuickBooks.Check out the free training series by Bookkeeper Business Academy showing you how to prosper in this proven profession-even if you have no experience.Interested in becoming a bookkeeper? Find out more at Learn To Be A Bookkeeper17. Easily create and sell online coursesDo you have skills but can’t figure out how to package and sell them? Teachable is service that lets you easily build online courses.Over 7,500 instructors have used Teachable to earn over $36M in sales. Where teaching locally, you might get 10-20 students in class; teaching online exposes you to thousands of potential students from all over the world.How it worksCreate a courseUpload the contentMake it prettyPromote your courseGet paid monthly for every student enrolledTeachable costs $39/month to host your courses.If you want a completely free option where you can earn an average of $3,000/year, take a look at SkillshareSkillshare is similar in that you upload videos of yourself teaching, and promote your content. Students pay a subscription fee for access to the Skillshare course library. You get paid based on how many people watch your course.18. Fix grammer and splling errors for $17/hourHaha did you spot the errors in the title? Are you cringing right now at a misspelled word? Freelance proofreading might be for you.In 2014, Caitlin made $43,000 as a freelance proofreader, while also going on several fun vacations. Caitlin teaches other people who want to correct bad grammar to build a lifestyle business where they can earn money and have freedom in their life.Freelance proofreaders earn an average of $17 an hour.Check out the FREE 7 day course on how to become a proofreader. And learn more at Make Money Proofreading By Becoming A Freelance Proofreader.19. Become a freelance writerAs a freelance writer, you can work as much or as little as you want (which means you can make as much or as little as you want).To showcase the portfolio of your work, you can start a blog to show off your writing skills. Prospective employers will want to check out your writing style to make sure it’s a good fit.Some sites will pay three cents a word. As you grow your business, top freelancers can command $500+ per article.To get started as a freelance writer learn from one of the best. Holly Johnson has a course called Earn More Writing where she teaches how she went from earning $0 to $225,000 a year as a writer.Here’s a list of websites that pay writers $50+ per article20. Dress others for successDo you have a passion for fashion? Consider being a virtual stylist and help people look and feel their best.Stitch Fix Stylists work part-time from home (or the coffee shop) helping clients hand pick clothing that meet their style, size, and price preference. If you’ve ever thought about being a fashion consultant, now you can do it from anywhere!On a personal note my cousin works for Stitch Fix and loves it.Learn more about Stitch Fix21. Organize closets and homesSome services are needed, but people don’t even think about having them done. Cleaning out attics, garages, and closets are one of those tasks people will put off until they move.Entire industries (Container Store, Self-Storage) have popped up to accommodate all the stuff we own. An industry of professional organizers and de-clutterers exist to help us get rid of our stuff.If you’re good at cleaning and re-organizing things why not get paid for it? Post an ad on Facebook or Craigslist to get started.Things you’ll needCardboard boxes – You’ll get more organized if you have storage containers to pack stuff inMarker and tape to label containersTrash bagsThe bonus to organizing closets is someone doesn’t want the stuff you clean out, you can sell it on eBay for extra money.22. Develop websites or appsCan you build a web page? Code an app? Fix a broken responsive design?I have a computer science degree. If you love to code, you can make extra income doing part-time or occasional contract work. It pays well, and you can work from anywhere. – ScottTop programmers can earn $75 to $150 per hour depending on your skill set. Linux gurus and Oracle database administrators can make big bucks. HTML and web page coders earn less because as far as programming goes, it’s a much easier skill to learn.There are tens-of-thousands of freelance development jobs on sites like Upwork. Some jobs might only take 5 minutes while others require long-term contracts of weeks or months.23. Graphic design servicesHow many millions of websites are out there? And they all need a good logo – the perfect job for a graphic designer.There are many places for freelancing as a graphic designer.How much you can earn varies by the size of the job. For example, on Fiverr, you might earn $5 for a quick, simple logo. For a custom logo with multiple revisions and multiple concepts, you might charge $300. Some jobs are quick cash and others might take a couple of weeks.Read how much you should charge for design work for an idea of setting prices.The best way to showcase your work is to have a personalized website with your portfolio. Include your availability, skill set, and examples. Your website should be a visual resume of your work.24. Address envelopes (no, not that scammy business)Getting paid to stuff envelopes is one of the oldest scams around. But addressing envelopes with calligraphy – the art of creating beautiful lettering – can turn your writing skills into cold hard cash.If you’ve mastered the art of fine writing, you could make a lucrative side hustle out of addressing envelopes.How much can you make?Hand-lettered envelopes run $2 to $5 each on sites like Etsy. During wedding season that could earn a fair amount of income.How to get startedTo start practicing head to your local library and check out books on how to learn calligraphy. While you can also find books on Amazon, you can’t beat free resources at the library.Once you’ve learned the basics, you can continue to learn through free online courses like Skillshare or by watching YouTube videos.You might also consider a local course to get training from an expert. Here in the Dallas area, Lyndsay Wright offers workshops on calligraphy.To figure out how much to charge for your work see what other people are charging25. Write or improve resumesWith all of the resources available to write such a simple document, it’s shocking to me how many people have bad resumes.Which is good news for you if you want to help people land their next job. People change jobs ten times in their lifetime, on average. Having a great resume is one of the tools you need to get your foot in the door.Sites like Freelancer and Upwork will let you bid on jobs. While you’re helping people create the high-quality resumes they need for their career, you’ll be making some side money for yours. Win-win!26. Write and sell ebooksWhat’s nice about an ebook is you can write it once and earn money on it with every sale. Writing a book is something 95% of people say they want to do but never do. It’s too bad because it’s pretty easy to self-publish a book.An ebook doesn’t have to be that long. You could probably write a rough draft in a week during the evenings. Bestselling author Jeff Goins has a list of simple steps for writing a bookWhat’s the easiest way to create a book? If you’ve already started a blog you can package up some of your posts and sell them as a collection.How much can you make?I’ve made thousands of dollars selling my book on the Amazon Kindle platform. Kindle Direct Publishing is free to use and gets your book on Amazon. Amazon takes a percent of the sales, but you can’t beat being in front of all those potential customers. – ScottAmazon will pay you 70% royalty on books priced between $2.99 and $9.99, and 30% for books priced $0.99 to $2.99.Learn how to write and launch a profitable eBook in 90 days or less with Abby Lawson. Abby makes over six-figures a year with the sales of her digital products. Wow!27. Create and sell info productsEbooks are pretty easy to create. Information products require more time and include more resources. You might include videos, audio, checklists, templates, worksheets, and other resources. Think of them like mini-courses on a specific subject.For example check out Unconventional Guides, founded by bestselling author Chris Guillebeau. The guides are on topics ranging from saving money traveling to building a more profitable business. Some of the topics include:Make money working as an artistGet paid to writeEmpire buildingPublish your bookGet rich slowlyHow much can you make?Chris’s Upgrade Unlocked is a $39 program that shows how to travel hack and see the things on your bucket list, all while saving you money. The product contains a field manual, spreadsheets, cheat sheets, checklists, and videos.I earned 800,000 miles and took my wife to Hawaii- and then I took my mom to the Bahamas for $6 plus tax. – Austin YoderDesigned to Sell shows artists, designers, and crafty people how to turn their creativity into a career. The product is priced at $147 and includes a book, audio interviews, pricing toolkits, and templates.Our infamous cat training DVD made me $5,000 profit in the first year.For a more serious business, my business where we created classes for architects and general contractors about green building technologies was built into a seven figure per year business with products that averaged $50 in price.The first step towards success is to get started and try something. – Scott28. Become a virtual assistant to help others create a profitable businessA virtual assistant helps a business or person run more efficiently. Businesses require a lot of skills to run and grow. As a virtual assistant, you allow people to focus on what they do best.While the following list isn’t extensive, here are some things you might do as a virtual assistant:Schedule travelManage emailResearchManage appointmentsSocial media updatesEditing and writingHow much money do virtual assistants makeFor someone based in North America, you might make $15 to $50+ per hour. The pay range varies widely based on location, your skills, and what tasks you’re responsible for. For example, a virtual assistant who is an expert in search engine optimization would earn much more.How to get started as a virtual assistantCheck out the course 30 Days or Less to Virtual Assistant Success by Gina Horkey. Gina started a freelancing career and within six months was earning $4,000 per month on the side.29. Use your voice to make moneyCan you speak? This next one might be for you – recording voice overs.If you’re concerned you don’t have ‘the right‘ voice, you’ll never know what people are looking for unless you try. We’ve hired:A 60-year-old man with a raspy voiceAn Irish person to sound like a hobbit from Lord of the RingsA Darth Vader impersonatorA woman to do an English accent for the end of Scott’s showAnd many other ‘normal‘ voicesHow much can you make?In our previous company, we hired dozens of people over the years to do voice-overs for our online courses. For one hour of voice over we paid a contractor $350-$750 per project.Note – as a voice over artist you might spend 4-8 hours to record and edit one hour of audio. You’ve got to take out all those pauses, umms, ahhs, coughs, sneezes, dog barks, screaming kids, etc.How to find work:You can post your voice samples on places like Upwork, Voices, Freelancer and Fiverr to find voice over work.Related: Read Carrie’s story about how she was able to quit her job, be a stay-at-home mom, and make more money doing voice over work than what she used to make at her corporate job.Sell your stuff30. Sell your used cell phones and iPads for cashGazelle is a site where you can buy or sell used smartphones and other devices. The service has done over 2 million trade-ins and paid out over $200 million.How it works:Fill out your device information and get a free offerShip your device to GazelleGet paid! You can pick from a check, gift card, PayPal or Amazon.comHow easy is that? Now go check out your junk drawer for that old phone.31. Sell your booksDo you have old college textbooks? There are several places you could unload them (Craigslist, Amazon, Half-priced books).One of the easiest ways to get cash for your books is using Bookscouter.How it works:Find the ISBN of the book (that long number on the back)Type the ISBN into BookscouterBookscouter will search over 25 companies to find you the best price for your bookOnce you’ve found the best price, fill out some additional information about how you want to get paidShip off the book and you’re done!Most of the companies buying used books offer prepaid shipping labels. All you’ll need is a box or padded envelope and some tape to package things up.32. Sell your used clothes the easy wayLong gone are the days of dragging a trash bag full of clothes to the consignment shop. Sites like Poshmark and thredUp make it easy.threadUpWith thredUp you order a Clean Out Kit to pack all your clothes in, then ship it. That’s it! You send in your clothes, and they handle the rest.For clothes that are in style or trendy, you’ll get paid as soon as the items process. For unique items, you’ll get paid when they sell.PoshmarkPoshmark is similar in that you can sell your used clothes, but you list them through the Poshmark app. Buyers browse by brand or categories. When you make a sale, you print a pre-paid, pre-addressed label and drop off your package for shipping.33. Sell your CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, video games and electronicsDo you still have these lying around? Me too. But for every DVD I own, I can watch it for free on Netflix or Amazon Prime.With Decluttr you can get cash for your stuff using the FREE, easy to use iPhone and Android apps.How it works:Download and install the Decluttr appScan the barcode from your stuff. You’ll get an instant price.Pack up your stuff and ship it for free.Get paid by check, PayPal, or direct deposit the day after your package arrives.Maybe I need to get off my butt and use this service.34. Sell your handbag for instant cashI’ve sold a Kate Spade purse on eBay for quick cash, and Scott even sold on eBay a Coach man-purse (don’t ask) he used for an overseas trip one time.With Cash In My Bag you can turn your designer luxury handbags, jewelry, and accessories into cash. Cash In My Bag immediately pays top market prices. Selling your unwanted designer items is no longer a hassle. They pay you upfront, so you don’t have to wait for consignment.How it worksGet a quote by submitting your item along with picturesShip your itemsReview the final offerCash inCheck out Cash in My Bag35. Sell your unused gift cards for cashWho doesn’t have unused gift cards in their wallet or junk drawer? Now you can sell your unused gift cards for cash.CardPool and Raise are two sites that you can sell your unused cards. You won’t get the full value, but you will get money which you can spend on anything.Dig through that kitchen drawer and see if you can find any old cards to sell!Related: Best places to sell your gift cards36. Sell your junkWhen all else fails, and you can’t find a specialty site to sell your things, use the old stand by’s:EbayCraiglistHave a garage saleFacebook groupsAnd be sure to check out letgo where you can buy and sell secondhand products in the United States quickly, safely and locally on the free letgo app.The free app let’s you post your stuff for sale using your smartphone quickly and easily.37. Sell other people’s junkNo, this isn’t buying and reselling. It’s offering to list other people’s stuff on eBay for them and taking a cut of the sale.Some people are either too busy or not technical enough to use a computer and sell stuff. Ask your friends and neighbors if they want help unloading their junk.38. Sell on AmazonYes, the Amazon marketplace is a thriving place to sell your used stuff. Right along with new items you can have your used book, electronic device, or just about anything else for sale.If you have a lot to sell, it can take quite a bit of time to get everything listed. You might be better off with a garage sale if you want to sell things quickly. But if you don’t mind shipping every item and going to the post office to drop off packages, you’ll likely make more money.Check out Amazon Seller Central if you’re an individual selling a few items.39. Gold, jewelry, and silverwareCash for gold! You’ve probably seen the signs before.If you have jewelry or valuable silverware visit a jeweler or reputable gold dealer for the best price. The storefronts found in strip malls will give you pennies on the dollar.40. Visit a pawn shopIn college I had a couple of gold necklaces that I sold to a pawn shop. I think I got about 1/10th of what they cost me. But I wanted the cash more than I wanted the jewelry. – ScottPawn shops are still a way to get quick money. And if you need the money now, there might not be a better option.41. Where to sell music instruments and gearScott’s take: I’m an avid musician and have bought and sold all kinds of music stuff over the years. From pawn shops, eBay, Craigslist, Amazon Marketplace, and probably other online sites I don’t even recall.By far the best way to make the most money on your instruments is on eBay. The bidding process results in people getting emotional and paying too much for stuff. Which is good for you!Craigslist is hit or miss (mostly miss). People want to hardcore negotiate, or offer trades. Neither is a good way for you to get the most money.42. Sell crafts and other things you can makeEtsy is a great place to sell things you make. Hold on – it’s not just for knitted scarfs and scrapbooks!Scott bought me wine glasses and a couple of t-shirts for Christmas off Etsy. Take advantage of current trends, hot topics, and seasonal items to create things to sell.43. Return stuffDid you buy something and never use it? Returning it for a refund is a quick way to make back your money.Check your garage, junk drawer, closets, the attic – anywhere where something might be that still has the price tag on it. Even if you don’t have a receipt, bring it back to the store and see if you can at least get store credit.44. Flip electronics, lawn equipment, cars, appliancesMy brother found a $4,000 riding lawnmower at a garage sale being offered for $800 because it didn’t run. He replaced the battery, spark plugs, and put in some engine starter and vrooom! A perfectly working lawnmower. – ScottMost people will replace a faulty appliance or piece of lawn equipment before spending $80 on a repair person to show up and diagnose the problem.Fixing and flipping broken things you can buy on Craigslist or at garage sales for pennies on the dollar can turn into a nice little side business.I knew a person in my small hometown that fixed and flipped kids bicycles!Make money fast by doing quick projectsQuick projects you can do in person or online can make a few extra bucks for each project. You make money fast by doing a lot of small projects in a short period.45. Sell your smartphone photosGot pictures on your smartphone? With the Foap app you can upload pictures to the Foap community and sell your pictures.Companies buy photos on Foap for $10 each, and you make $5 for every one of your pictures that sell. It’s that easy! You can turn your photos into cash.How it worksDownload the free Foap appSign up for an accountTake new pictures or upload existing photos to the Foap marketplaceWhen someone licenses your photo for $10, you make $5.If you sell 20 photos, you’ll make an easy $100 for just a few minutes of your time. And who doesn’t have photos to sell on their phone?46. Use your intelligence with AmazonAmazon has 700,000+ micro tasks that require human intelligence to complete. You might get paid $1-$2 per task. You can work from home, choose your own hours, and get paid quickly.How it works1. Visit Amazon Mechanical Turk2. Browse through the Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs)2. Accept the HIT to get started3. Submit your work4. Get paid by AmazonI’ve hired workers to do HITs and love the quality of work I get. It’s a great low-cost way for me to have small tasks completed quickly. – Scott47. Start GiggingGigwalk is a mobile app for Android and iOS that allows you to find quick jobs (Gigs) in your area. A Gig is represented by a pin on the map in the app and can take anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours to complete. Each Gig pays anywhere from $3 to $100.Work when and where you want to – you can even start making money today.How it worksBecome a Gigwalker by downloading the appPick Gigs to work.Link your PayPal account to get paidApply for Gigs to start working48. Inspect things for othersHow would you like to join one of 30,000 field agents responsible for inspecting things like autos, homes, vacation rentals, or auction items for purchase?Sometimes a picture just isn’t enough. People will hire you to be their eyes to inspect things they can’t visit themselves if they don’t have the time or are too far away to travel.You can turn your time into income with the WeGoLook app. For example, you might get offered $15.00 to inspect a vehicle and take pictures of it.How it worksInstall the WeGoLook app and sign-up for freeYou get notified when Looks are available near youAccept the Looks you wantSchedule to view the item or propertyComplete the questions, take photos, and submit your report to get paid49. Become a PostMate and earn up to $25/hour plus tipsInstead of just delivering food, how about delivering anything? Post Mates is a service that connects customers with local couriers that deliver anything from a store or restaurant quickly.You might be asked to pick up a food delivery, packages, groceries, or whatever the customer wants delivering.You can deliver items with your car, bicycle, a skateboard, or on foot – whatever way you like to get around.Learn more about becoming a Post Mate50. Sell your skills on Fiverr for $5 and upFiverr is an online marketplace where you can sell your services for a $5 minimum.While $5 may not sound like much, you can add on additional services for another $10, $15, $20 or more.I’ve used Fiverr before and bought:voice overscustom logosbook promotioncopywritingInstagram quotesAnd you can sell just about anything (which doesn’t mean people will buy it):Making prank callsDrawing your face on a pizza with sauce and cheeseDoing pushups on camera (???)Shooting things with a gun51. Get paid $10 to test websites (only takes 15-20 minutes!)Have you ever gone to a website and asked yourself ‘what are they thinking?’ Well now is your chance to get paid for your thoughts and help companies improve their websites and apps.Companies like Home Depot, Walmart, Apple, Facebook and more contract with testing services to get feedback. I’ve done a few myself, and you can earn $10 per test in about 15 minutes. Plus the money hits your PayPal account within seven days (that really is making money fast). There are several companies that will hire you to test websites.How it worksSign up at User TestingVisit a website or appFollow the instructions to provide feedback by speaking your thoughts out loud into a microphoneGet paid $10 via PayPalEarn extra money by freelancing on the sideIt’s easier than you think to get started with a side hustle or freelancing and make money fast. You don’t need a business card (though they can help) or to start a blogYou can take the skills you already have and make money off them.52. Sell your photosDo you have photos on your smartphone? Of course you do! Turn your photos into cash is easy.I’ve bought somewhere around $2,000-$4,000 of stock photography over the years. You never know what photo someone might want to buy. – ScottShutterstock has paid over $350 million to photo contributors in over 150+ countries. People (like us) are always searching for images that include cityscapes, people, objects, landmarks and more.That dinner out you ate last week and put up on Instagram? It could be worth cash. How I Saved Over $1,000 On Everyday ExpensesTake this FREE 7-day challenge to learn how you can do the same 99 Minute Millionaire. A MUST LISTEN:My best-selling book is available as a FREE audiobook for a limited time. 200+ 5-Star reviews on Amazon. Available right now on the podcast.Check out Shutterstock to sell your photos.53. Become a driver for Uber or LyftUber and Lyft let you drive people around when you want and earn the money you need. The more you drive, the more you’ll make.On the weekend you can easily pick up 10+ hours of work, and you get to set your own schedule.Uber was recently sued for over-inflating the amount of money drivers can make. It’s reasonable to expect to earn on average $10/hour driving people around, not the $20/hour claimed.Click here to join Uber and start making money ASAP.54. Sell on AmazonAmazon – the world’s biggest online store – has millions of products for sale. And there are hundreds of thousands of people just like you that are making money selling products that they don’t even make or keep inventory on!Jessica and her husband started selling on Amazon in 2012 and made over six figures profit working 20 hours a week.It’s called FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) where Amazon stores your products in Amazon’s warehouses, processes all your orders and takes care of shipping and customer service too.My friend Jeff is living the RV lifestyle now. He sells on Amazon in his free time as he travels the country. – ScottCheck out these courses on Amazon FBA:55. BuskingBusking – or street performing – is a way for you to make money from your musical skills. Or maybe you could take your balloon making, magic, or dancing skills to the street.There are even training courses on how to become better at busking, showing people how to make up to $50,000 a year working 10-15 hours a week.56. Baby sitBabysitters can earn $10-$14 an hour according to the Boston Globe. If you work a couple of nights this week and weekend, you’ll have an extra $100.From age 14 on up, you can always babysit for extra money. Even if you live in a tiny town of 526 people, someone always needs a babysitter.Where can you find good babysitting gigs?Care.com is one of the top sites to consider putting a profile. From once-in-a-while opportunities to full-time au pairs and nanny positions Care.com is where many people look for trustworthy sitters. We used Care.com to find a nanny for when our twins were born and to find many babysitters over the years.SeekingSitters is a babysitting service parents pay a monthly fee to belong. If someone needs a sitter in a hurry SeekingSitters will start calling their pool of applicants to find someone that’s available. We’ve used SeekingSitters many times and have always been pleased with the quality of the workers.Schools – From high schools to local colleges you can try to find connections or job boards where you can advertise as a babysitter. Word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to advertise yourself.57. Night nannyMany people have not even heard of the night nanny. They are angels from heaven who provide parents of newborns a good nights sleep!Night nannies are basically night time babysitters that show up late at night and watch your kids until the morning.Husbands – do you want to give your wife a wonderful gift? Hire a night nanny once in a while so she can get a full night’s sleep.We hired Rosio from Peru (whom we found on Care.com to look after our newborn twins and paid her $10 an hour to work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. She sang to our babies, fed them, and changed diapers. It’s worth it if both parents have to go in to work the next day!How to get startedStart with people you know – friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. Parents are more likely to trust someone they know to take care of their new baby.Post a profile on Care.com. Make sure you have referrals.58. Pet sittingEvery time we leave town for the weekend, we have to hire someone to stop by and pet the cats. While the cats can make do on their own for two days, the chickens can’t. Someone has to collect those eggs!If you love animals, then look into how to make extra money by pet sitting. Get paid to pet a dog or cat? Yes! Pet sitting as a side hustle means going over to someone’s house at least once or twice a day to check on the pet. Sometimes it might involve giving some medication. At the least, you have to refill the food and water bowls.There are also cases where you might stay at the person’s home, or take the pet to your home for a weekend or week. Check out the following companies where you can pet sit for extra money:Rover – Become a dog sitter in 10,000+ cities. Rover is specific to dogs only.Care.com – Care.com lets you create a profile for dog walking and pet sitting.59. Dog walkingRover is the biggest website to sign up to become a dog walker. If you love dogs and walking, why not get paid for it?Rover allows you to use book dog sitting for your fur kid. You can also become a dog walker yourself.Click here to check out RoverFun fact: Several listeners of the Scott Alan Turner Show are professional dog walkers who have emailed in with questions. It shows you can walk dogs full time and work towards financial freedom.60. Poop scooperOn the tail end of dog sitting is collecting animal waste (bad pun?). In our neighborhood, there are professional pooper scoopers with company trucks.DoodyCalls pet waste management charges $12 per visit. I’ve watched them clean up the neighbor’s yard. It takes about 15 minutes to earn that $12. Wow!When I was in elementary school I scooped the poop for my neighbor’s dog when they went out of town. Even an eight-year-old can make extra money with side hustles! – ScottConsider listing your poop cleaning services on a site like Angie’s List61. House sittingHouse sitting is a pretty easy gig if you can land this job. When we travel for vacation each year, we hire a friend to stay at our place and watch the pets. Depending on how long we’re gone we might pay $50-$100.You might not always get paid, but you’ll get a free place to stay. You might even take the opportunity to house sit in another state to get a free place to stay during a vacation.While housesitting, you can expect to:Take care of petsWater plantsBring in the mailYou can find opportunities to house sit here:Trusted HousesittersCraigslistLocal Facebook groups62. Temp jobsSeasonal part-time jobs are available during the summer, before the Christmas holidays, back-to-school, and before other major holidays too. Working a couple of weeks of part-time work at a retail store can easily get you $100 or more.In our state of Texas you can buy fireworks during the two weeks before July 4th, and the two weeks before New Years Day. For those four weeks during the year firework stands need workers.What about online seasonal work to earn extra money? Companies like Amazon hire many temporary workers to help with customer support during the last two months of the year. Many of their support positions can be done online and work from home.63. Gym instructorDo you know yoga, Zumba, spin cycling, body pump, or insanity? If you’ve been doing any of those things for a while, the answer is yes. Gyms are always changing out schedules and classes and need people to teach (not just personal trainers!).My friend Jeffrey is a pastor. He taught Les Mills Bodypump to supplement his income. If a pastor can instruct a gym class, so can you. – ScottSteps to get started:Google the local gyms in your areaCall and ask what type of classes they currently offerSee if they are looking for instructorsThe best part of gym instruction is you make extra money while getting a workout. Plus classes are in the early morning or late evening, allowing you to work a regular job.64. Take photographsMaybe you’ve got the nice fancy camera. And maybe you even paid for a two-hour class at the local camera store to figure out the most important of the thousand different camera settings.If you want to start a side business taking student or family portraits, capturing someone’s special wedding day, or sell your pictures through a stock photography website, photography is a popular and flexible way to make extra money.My friend Shara has been hired by countless friends for weddings and family photos. I’ve paid her $100 before to take pictures at my band gigs. Compared to the thousands of dollars a full-time professional would charge, she’s a steal. – ScottTo break into the photography business:Offer to take pictures of friends and family for free.Build up your portfolio.Get referrals and build a good reputation.Start charging for your services.Sign up for this free 6-day intro course to getting started as a photographer.65. Join a focus groupHave you ever wondered how the latest flavor of Doritos or apple-cinnamon Coke ended up on the store shelves? Chances are, someone got paid to give their opinion as part of a focus group.Companies with products and services pay people to join focus groups to help with improving the development and marketing. You could earn cash on the spot, checks, gift cards, or free stuff for participating.How much can you make?Some focus groups pay $250 or even $300, but those are on the high end and hard to find. It’s more realistic to earn $50-$75 for your time. Focus groups can be a fun and easy way to earn extra cash.Here are a few to check out:66. Mow lawnsYes, unless you live in the city one of the easiest part-time side hustles is mowing lawns. You can make $20-$50 depending on the size of the lawn. Plus it’s a great job for teenagers.All you need is:a used $100 lawnmoweredgerbrooma gallon of gasand you’re in business.Don’t want to mow lawns? Try filling out online surveys for an extra $250 / month.67. Aerate lawnsThe soil under lawns becomes compacted over time. Aerating lawns – the process of poking holes in the lawn – provides air to roots which prevent disease and results in a healthier looking lawn.Aerating a lawn every 1-2 years is a good idea to maintain a healthy lawn. Taking on this project is very seasonal and can earn some quick cash. It’s hard work because the machinery is very heavy.How to do it:Scatter your neighborhood with flyers offering to aerate lawns. Make sure your ad explains the benefits of aeration!Quote a price based on the size of the lawn.Schedule the work with your customers. Tell them they don’t have to be home and to leave payment in a mailbox. Make sure they leave back gates are unlocked.Rent an aerator from a local home improvement store – you will need a truck with ramps or a trailer with ramps to load the aerator. They are extremely heavy, and you cannot lift one alone. You can usually rent one for $100/day. By your second or third job, you should break even on the rental.Do the work!68. PaintAnyone can paint, especially outdoor projects where you can be a little messier. Post an ad in Craigslist or a sign on the street offering painting services. There are lots of things around the house people need to be painted:fencesentire homestrimwindowsroomsbenches and chairsIn my neighborhood where everyone has a fenced in backyard, professionally re-staining a fence costs $1,000 and up! My husband does the work himself, and it takes about 8-hours, saving us at least $700.69. Handyman servicesNot everyone wants to wire a new ceiling fan or replace their old thermostat with a new smart thermostat you can set with your phone.And sometimes it makes more sense to hire a person for a special project then spending 6 hours assembling a piece of IKEA furniture that has 1,000 nuts and bolts.Post an add on Craigslist or in a local community Facebook group offering your services.Tip: Maybe you have a honey-do list that’s collecting dust and has become a honey-won’t. I give my husband a deadline. I pick a date for him to do the project. He has until that date, or I’m going to pay someone else to do it. Works almost every time.70. Shoveling snowScott used to make $15-$20 a snowstorm shoveling snow for his elderly neighbor. You can make even more depending on the size of the area to shovel. In colder climates with moderate snowfall, you can quickly earn $100 over a weekend with just a few customers.71. Clean homesWhen my friend Ania arrived in the United States from Poland with nothing to her name, she started cleaning homes. She grew her business to where she was hiring other people to clean the houses of her clients. She has an amazing story of having no money and achieving the American dream.Everyone needs to have their house cleaned at some point.Seniors get to the point where they can’t physically clean their homes.When someone sells a home, it can be quicker and cheaper to pay someone $100 (or more) to come in and make it look nice for prospective buyers.Other people are just too busy to do it themselves or rather pay someone to do it.How to get started:put flyers on cars and in mailboxespost an ad to a Facebook grouppost an ad on CraiglistAfter you get a few clients and do a good job, you’ll start to get referrals.72. Wash, wax, and detail carsProfessional auto detailing can cost $40 and up. It’s another service people who own cars will want at some point, especially when it’s time to trade-in for a new vehicle. Wash and detail a few cars in a weekend, and you can easily pick up an extra $100.73. Set up holiday decorationsYes, there are people who will pay you to fluff their artificial Christmas tree. I should know – I’ve done it! Fluffing fake trees is both time consuming, boring, and painful, so some years I hire a neighbor to do it.You can pick up a quick $10$-20 per tree and listen to the Scott Alan Turner Show while you work.Plus, plenty of people need their holiday lights staged and taken down.74. Paint street numbersHead to your local home improvement store and buy a can of reflective spray paint and some number templates and you’ve got yourself a business!Our neighborhood has thousands of homes. Every couple years we’ll get a flier from someone offering to paint our house number on the curb. Having the house number on the curb can help visitors, police, and the fire department find your house more easily.How to get started:Print 1/2 page fliers offering to paint numbers.Include a bright yellow envelope (or any bright color).Tell the home owner to leave $10 attached to their mailbox / front door as payment on a designated day.Show up and whoever leaves you an envelope with money is a paying customer.75. Take surveysThere are plenty of companies that will pay you for your opinion.Check out Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, InboxDollars, OneOpinion, and MyPoints.Related: How you can easily make extra money by filling out surveys.Make more cash at your jobIt’s still the best way to earn more money fast – make more at a job you already have.76. Work overtimeA little extra work never hurt anyone, especially when you can get paid a little extra. If you need money, let your boss or supervisor know you’re available for overtime or extra projects.My sister is a paramedic and works all the overtime she can get. On weekends and holidays, she can earn even more. Her overtime supports her lifestyle of taking lots of vacations and running marathons (she’s completed all 50 states) and on several continents (including Africa, South America, and Antartica). – Scott77. Refer employees or internsCompanies with 100+ employees may have an employee referral program where you get paid if you refer someone that gets hired and they survive the first 90 days.Networking is one of the best ways to learn about new jobs, and it’s much cheaper for an employer to pay you $1,000 for a referral than a headhunter $10,000 to fill a position.How to do it:Check with your HR department if there is a referral programFind out about open positions in your companyReach out to your contacts on LinkedIn or Facebook and let them know your employer is hiring.78. Give customer referralsSimilar to employee referrals, customer referrals can earn you a reward or finder’s fee. When it comes down to it, every employee is a representative of the company. Figure out the basics of explaining the company’s products or services and get people interested in them.You never know – you might end up on the sales team.79. Sign up for the wellness programHealth is more important than ever these days for companies given the high cost of health insurance. Some employers will pay you to exercise, eat healthily, and maintain a healthy weight.Check with the HR department and see if a wellness program exists. If you’re already healthy, it can be an easy win. If not, you get the double bonus of feeling better and getting rewarded for it.80. Participate in your 401(k)If your employer offers any retirement matching program – that’s free money! Start small by contributing just $1 out of every $100 you earn – 1% of your paycheck. The amount is so small you’ll never miss it. But over your working lifetime, the amount can compound into $1M.Read about this everyday family that became 401(k) millionaires81. Save the company some moneyMy friend back in Atlanta started a new job in the accounting department at a small company. In his first two weeks, he pointed out how the company could save $50,000/year.Guess who got a giant raise and promotion almost immediately after starting his new job?You don’t have to be an accountant to save your company money. All you have to do is look around. Make a list of 20-30 ideas of ways to save and how much the savings total. Look beyond the big changes such as changing vendors. It could be something that saves $10/month to $100/month. Those savings add up!Replacing light bulbs with energy saving LEDs.Switching from store brand to generic for stuff in the break room.Inventions for the manufacturing floor.Ways to increase efficiency or decrease absenteeism.If your boss is smart, you’ll get some reward or acknowledgment for helping out.Part-time jobsIf you’re trying to get out of debt fast, there is still no better way than a part-time job while you pay down your debts. These jobs are flexible enough to your schedule while still earning you enough to make it worth your while.82. Deliver foodYou may have heard you can earn an extra $1,000 a month delivering pizza. The reality is with tips you can average about $10 an hour. So you would have to work 25 hours a week to make $1,000, and that’s before taxes. Still, it’s an easy job to find.DoorDash is the Uber of food. You sign up to become a Dasher, and instead of driving people around you pick up to-go orders at restaurants and deliver food.DoorDash is currently in big cities only but if you need a flexible schedule and quick cash this week, delivering food is pretty easy.83. Help out at dinner partiesI love to host dinner parties and have friends over! The more people we have, the more there is to clean up after everyone has gone home. And there is nothing I like better than spending two hours cleaning up after a party (not really).Recently I found I can hire a couple lady’s at $20 each per hour to help out at the party and clean up afterward. I love it! Now I’m free to spend more time with my guests instead of refilling glasses and taking out the trash every 30 minutes.I value the time with my friends more than the cost of the help on a Saturday night.Most people that host parties have never even heard or considered hiring a little help (ok, maybe the swank socialites in Manhatten or Beverly Hills, but that’s not me).How to do itCreate an ad on Craigslist or a local Facebook groupDress comfortably and professionally for the party (khaki’s and a polo shirt should do)Set the expectations with your host of what you will do – show up early to help set up, refill drinks, clean up dishes, take out the trash, pass out food, take coats, keep the soap dispenser full in the bathroom, clean up afterward.84. BartendingScott’s take:Yes, I went to bartending school after I graduated from college. When I didn’t get any job interviews, and my meager savings were drying up I needed a quick solution to make money for the rent. Five days later and $495 lighter, I graduated bartending school. I never poured a drink – I found a programming job the same week I was supposed to start bartending at a golf club.I would have made more money bartending than my first year’s salary in the corporate world.You may or may not need a Ph.D. in Mixology to pour a beer depending on your location. But if you’re looking for an evening job during the week and can pour a beer, bartending may be an option. The weekend hours are generally reserved for the pros.85. LifeguardLifeguarding at a pool is the perfect summer job for teachers. Sit in the sun, yell at children (just like during the school year!) and get paid for it.Consider working at:Community poolsClubsWater parks86. Substitute teachSubstitute teaching is a bit like being a stand-up comic with a new audience every day.Depending on the location substitute teaching can earn you $100 a day depending on the position, and if you’re a professional teacher or a classroom assistant.Substituting requires great flexibility because you’ll often be called the morning of the day your services will be required.Search your local school district’s website for information on becoming a substitute teacher.87. Be a boot camp instructorWould you like to yell at people to drop and give you twenty (pushups)?If you’re into fitness and have attended fitness boot camps, you can probably put together your own and earn $100 in an hour or two on weekend or weekday mornings.How much can you make?It’s reasonable to make $10 per person for a 60-minute session. If you can get ten people to sign up – you’ve just made $100 an hour!How to get startedDesign a simple program. You don’t need fancy equipment, just a kick-butt program. Watch videos like Insanity or P90X for ideas.Pick your location (such as a community park)Advertise to your friends/family/co-workers on social media. You could fill your class without spending any moneyHold your class and have fun.88. Run errands for other peopleYou can help people with their chores and small projects by becoming a Tasker on TaskRabbitIn fact, some people make up to $2,000 a week on TaskRabbit according to Time. And some TaskRabbit handymen can make $78,000 a yearI got paid $70 an hour to fold t-shirts for a start-up company. They were supposed to come folded, and the company was desperate to get them folded before an event. It taught me that if someone is desperate enough, they’ll pay what they need to pay to get people to help. – Brian, age 45, San FranciscoAre you good at assembling furniture?Do you have a van or truck for moving stuff?Can you install a ceiling fan and do handyman stuff?Can you shop?Make a delivery?There are all kinds of tasks you can make money at with TaskRabbit. Check out the website and see if you can find something that fits your skills.Rent your stuff89. Rent your clothingI’ve used Rent the Runway several times to rent very expensive dresses for not much. It’s such a great service to save money (consider it for prom!)You probably don’t have $1,000 Vera Wang dresses lying around to rent and make money.StyleLend lets you earn extra cash without having to sell your clothes. If you have designer clothes ($200+ retail) in great condition, you can rent them out.How it worksFill out your item detailsWait for approvalShip your items to StyleLendPeople shop your digital closet and rent your items.After your item is rented, it’s dry cleaned.You get back your items at your requestDon’t want to pay $4,126 for an Oscar De La Renta dress? No problem. You can rent it for $125 at StyleLend.90. Rent your spare rooms (or your couch)Maybe you’ve heard of Airbnb. I’ve booked rooms when I traveled to Tokyo, Japan and Scott’s used it to book a mountain chalet in the Swiss Alps.We made over $5,000 in the fall/winter renting our ‘lakeside villa retreat‘ for $250/night.So yes, you can make money renting out your place. Sometimes you might get $30/night for your couch, or $300/night and up if you own a condo downtown in a big city.If you’re looking for a roommate that’s another great way to save money on rent or a mortgage.Even if you don’t plan on renting your space, consider Airbnb the next time you travel because it’s much, much cheaper than the dry, old, name-brand hotels. There’s no Hilton or Marriot in the Swiss Alps anyway.91. Rent your extra garage or shed for cashStow is a peer-to-peer storage app connecting renters and people with extra space.Available currently in Colorado only.92. Rent your sports equipmentWith Spinlister you make money by renting out your bike, surfboard, or snowboard. I was quite surprised when I pulled up Spinlister to see dozens of bikes for rent in our area.If you’re visiting a city and want to rent a bike or snow gear for the day, it’s the perfect option.How it works:List your gear for – it’s free!Spinlister takes a cut of any rental fees (17.5%)You can request to have the equipment picked up, or you can deliver it.Get paid when the item is returned.The service provides damage and theft protection as well.93. Baby gearIf you’ve ever traveled with kids, you know packing takes an extra 1/2 day. And the amount of baby gear you have to haul to the airport can make it seem like you need a second vehicle just for luggage.And I have to do that with twins.Now you can use the goBaby app to hook you up with parents at your destination who will be glad to rent you just what you need.Advertised as the Airbnb for Baby Gear on the Go, you can search for and rent strollers, car seats, pack-n-plays and all that heavy equipment. No more dragging it through the airport and paying $25 for every piece of luggage!How it works:Download the goBaby app for freeTake a photo of the item you want to rent.Add a description, and set your price.Select if you’ll deliver the item or have it picked up.Schedule the transaction and rental datesYou get paid when the item is returned.Where was this app when I was traveling with my newborn twins?94. Rent everything elseWhat’s the biggest advertising space on the web with over 30 million visitors a month?It’s Craigslist.If you have anything to rent post a free ad. A quick search of ‘for rent’ in my area pulled up:Tent, tables, and chairsTrailerPA systemPhoto studioMotorhomeDr. Who Tardis – Scott would like this.Ok if someone can rent a Tardis, you can find something to rent and make money too.Sell your soulOk, there is no devil in a storefront that will write you a check for your soul. But medical facilities provide opportunities to buy non-critical stuff your body creates naturally.95. Sell plasmaIn our area, you can get paid up to $400 each month by donating life-saving plasma. The compensation is applicable for eligible, qualified new donors.If you have a flexible schedule where you can go into a plasma donation center, you can make money fast by visiting 2-3 times a week.Google your city and ‘sell plasma’ to find the centers near you. Call around because fees vary by location.96. Sell breast milkSome new moms can’t produce enough (or any) breast milk for their newborns. Instead of buying formula they prefer to purchase breast milk from other new mom’s. Many doctors recommend breastfeeding as the preferred way to give nutrients to a baby over formula. It’s natural, easier to digest, and unprocessed.Breastmilk can be bought and sold online through Only The Breast. It’s referred to as liquid gold and can fetch anywhere from $1.00 to $2.50 an ounce.If a baby consumes 20 ounces of breast milk a day for six months, you can make a lot of money.20 ounces X $2.00/ounce X 180 days = $7,200.There is also the Mothers Milk Coop that pays you $1 / ounce to be a milk donor.97. Egg donationEgg donation can pay big bucks, but the time and mental cost can be quite high. Donors can earn between $3,000 and $5,000.Check out We Are Egg Donors for more information.Do you know someone that went through IVF? The National Registry for Adoption (NRFA) is a service for embryo donation and adoption. NRFA lets people donate extra frozen embryos to families that want to give birth but are medically unable to create an embryo.98. Participate in medical studiesIf you have a condition, would making money to help find a cure or feel better be worth it?If you have a college or university close by, give the medical department a call to see if they are looking for participants in medical studies. You might also contact local research centers if your hospital has them to look for opportunities.Pain sucks, and you might just get better while getting paid. Check out these sites that maintain lists of where you can find clinical trial opportunities:Optimize your spending habitsWhile lifestyle changes don’t exactly make money fast, they can save you a lot of money fast.Read how this couple saved $1,200 a month by changing six small habitsHave you signed up for Save $,1000 In One Week?99. Save money on eating this weekFood is one of the big four in everyone’s budget (the others are housing, transportation, and healthcare). The cost of eating is one area in your finances where you can cut back a little (if you haven’t already).If you spend $200 a week on groceries, try eating some cheap meals and cut your grocery budget in half for the week. You’ll save $100 in as little as seven days.Related: 12 ways to save money on groceries100. Cut the cableThe average cable bill is $100/month, or $1,200/year. Keep multiplying – that’s $12,000 over ten years. Is watching T.V. worth that much?Ditch cable and you’ll not only have an extra $100 this month, but every month.Related: 10 best ways to save money on your cable bill101. Figure out your latte factorYes, the $5 daily latte’s can add up quick. For many people, it’s the $5 coffee, the $12 lunch, the $2 afternoon snack, the $1 soda. Add up everything, and you’re talking $20 a day.Hey, I’m all for life’s little pleasures, but taken in moderation, you can save a lot of money and still occasionally enjoy the things you love.Related: Use the Latte Factor Calculator to see if you’ve had a $20,000 cup of coffee.102. Give up your ‘sins’ for a monthEnergy drinks? Cigarettes? Beer? Wine? Yes, habits are hard to break. But if you don’t have to pay the sin tax to the government for your vices, you’ll not only end up healthier you can save $100 or more each month.Related: Use the Latte Factor Calculator to see what a weekly bottle of wine is worth.103. Get paid to have your energy use tweakedWhen temperatures get hot air conditioners create huge peak demands for power. If you have a smart thermostat (like the Nest) check with your utility provider to see if they have a demand response program.In our area, our utility company gave us a $200 account credit for signing up and participating in the program. During the summer our thermostat temperature will be adjusted up a couple of degrees during the evening for a maximum of two hours if the power company is trying to reduce demand.If we’re home and it becomes uncomfortable, we can override the thermostat settings.Check with your utility provider if you there is an energy saving program you can participate.104. Get $75 (California residents) to curb your energy useDepending on your total energy use, you could earn up to $300 per year by signing up for OhmConnect and reduce your energy use.How it worksOhmConnect is completely free to use.Your utility service remains the same.If you have a smart thermostat adjustments are made automatically when the power company needs to reduce demand.You can also manually adjust your energy use for about 30 minutes to participate.OhmConnect also has a referral program where you can get paid up to $75 to help your friends save money and energy.105. Save money on alcoholOk, we did just say give up the ‘sins’ for a month. But I’m pretty excited Costco is opening up a liquor store soon.Here are some ways to save money on alcoholInteresting ways to make money fast in 2017106. Sell your unused airline milesDo you travel occasionally but never earn enough points to do anything?Points lets you transfer miles between frequent flyer programs. You can also redeem miles for shopping, dining, or gift cards.If you want cash instead of gift cards, get the gift cards first and then sell them.107. CuddleYes, you can cozy up to a stranger and get paid for it. Cuddling – defined as nonsexual touching – is big business. Brianna Quijada – a 30-year old in Queens, NY – charges $80/hour for her cuddling services.Sites like Snuggle Buddies and Cuddlist list cuddle services with certified professional cuddlers.108. Human walkersYou probably know about people who are professional dog walkers. But now there is a new twist – people walkers. Chuck McCarthy created a service to stroll with strangers.For $7 per mile, he walks with people around his neighborhood. As a side benefit, he’s lost a lot of weight!109. Movie extrasYou never know where Hollywood might set up shop to do some shooting. Movie extras can earn $50 a day. You’ll be standing around a lot waiting for the shoot, but who doesn’t want to meet a star?Websites like Central Casting or Googling ‘movie extras’ in your city can bring up info on how to find opportunities.In my tiny hometown of 2,000 people, Robert Duvall and Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) spent several weeks filming The Judge in 2014. – Scott110. Invent a productScott’s take:My robot lawnmower will never become a reality for me because I’ve got other priorities. I still keep a little notebook to jot down all my million dollar ideas. Katie has been waiting nine months for this collapsible cup to show up. Do you have a brilliant idea but not the time or money to get it off the ground?If you have a great idea start by creating a low-cost prototype. You can raise funds on your own, or turn to Kickstarter or Indiegogo for crowdfunding.If I ever decide to pursue one of my amazing inventions, I’d give some serious thought to Quirky.Quirky is an invention platform where you can crowdfund your ideas. Quirky has paid out over $10M to i’s members.Talented renderers, sketch artists, and toy enthusiasts in the community help strengthen idea submissions. In turn, inventors share a cut of the product revenue with members who assist in turning ideas into reality.111. Cash in on your credit card rewardsHave you redeemed any of those rewards on the credit cards you own? Even if you’re trying to get out of debt, you may still have unredeemed cash back rewards on your credit cards.Log in to each credit card you ownCheck for any cash back rewards you might haveRedeem any outstanding rewards112. Get paid to get fitIf you need some extra motivation to get in shape, now you can earn money from your daily workouts.If you’ve got a Fitbit, MyFitnessPall, RunKeeper, or use one of the dozens of other workout apps, check out how you can get paid to get fit.There you go! So many ways to make money fast. If you’re looking to pay off your debt faster or save more money, making extra money can help.Your Turn: Which of these things do you think you’ll try to make money fast? How I Saved Over $1,000 On Everyday ExpensesTake this FREE 7-day challenge to learn how you can do the same Related Articles 120profit.com - https://120profit.com/?p=2286&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr
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