#so I had to throw a bunch of stuff out and clean out my fridge.
davepetea · 4 months
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captainzigo · 21 days
so unfortunately very few entries here are going to properly be vintage. also what i consider vintage might not line up with what you do. i am not old.
also i am not wealthy. and my family isn’t wealthy. this is an expensive hobby to have. i get most of my stuff from loving it and refusing to throw it away… and digging through the trash at university. you would be surprised with the stuff people throw away. planned obsolescence has nothing on the fact that people can’t be bothered to fix a sour harddrive.
i actually fix computers as a sort of second job. it’s nice to work on computers i can’t afford and that aren’t from the trash. but i love old tech. i love breathing life in to things long dead. i’m a technonecromancer. i am not including pictures of things i haven’t finished yet for the most part. and i simply am not including most things. this is but a fraction of my power
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ok so these are all my computers that work. i didn’t include ones that im still working on. they all worked but needed repairs variously. mostly they just needed new hard drives.
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my game consoles. again not including ones that don’t work. i actually bought that 3ds, but the rest my parents gave me after they got them used. that gameboy has needed a screen replacement that required soldering. the ds is my little trooper and has needed nothing ever. the wii needed a new disc drive. and the 3ds came in japanese and i hacked it to english.
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there’s a back view of my stickers
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these are some of my various devices. again not including ones that don’t work. that nano needed a new battery which was actual hell and i’m surprised it survived. that ipad is the first ipad and she works beautifully and one time i fastened it to my tummy for a tellytubby costume. i was slutty lala and i played the old spiderman movie trilogy in glorious VHS quality. i couldn’t find my iphone 3gs for this picture :( but it will turn up. i’ll include an old picture instead of cleaning my room to find it lol
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here are some novelties i just like. thats an old radio i swiped from my great grandfather. i got it working but it broke again. i dont know whats wrong with it and its so old that the parts are impossible to find. on the right is the browser for DS which is just so quaint. i love it. it barely works at all but i loaded a wikipedia page one time so xP
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this is my terrible stupid tiny phone i got from aliexpress that barely works BUT IT DOES WORK and is technically loaded with all modern smartphone features. i attached a video of it barely playing roblox
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this is my og imac. with the og keyboard. i didn’t include it with the working computers because it doesn’t. the harddrive died and im trying to fix it but its really hard. i’ve already sought out two different adapters that haven’t worked
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and this is a commodore 64 that i also got out of the trash. it does not work but im hoping to make it work. someone clearly loved it. enough to paint it crazy colors and enough to
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write some weird scifi quote on the inside of the case under the RF shield. but maybe they died, or it just became too much of an undertaking.
not included here is:
• several more apple products that i just don’t think look good. all the iphones between 6 and 11 are just so ugly. and i don’t actually like the way apple watches look
• the phone, tablet, and smart watch i actively use
• various bits and bobs like the official speakers for a imac 4, an electronic pocket dictionary, various wii peripherals and so on
• all of my audio equipment
• my iphone 3gs. i just never found it or any pictures of it. i love it tho. it was my first phone (hand me down. i’m not that old) and i have had to repair it so many times and i love taking bad photos with it
• all of my monitors
• my many videogames
• my old fridge that i love and cherish and use
• anything i have fixed and then given to someone else
• a bunch of other stuff
so if you are a beautiful trans woman, are you in love with me yet? or do i need to make a part two
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copperbadge · 2 years
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Double-sided tape and sticky no-skid tape that doesn’t prevent skids: gone! It took more time than I anticipated and there’s still a bit of residue, but it’s under the carpet so that’s for Moving Out Sam to worry about someday (or my heirs, depending). 
[ID: Three photos; the first two show vinyl wood-grain flooring with gross grey tape stuck to it, and the edge of a pulled-back carpet. In the third photo, the full hallway is shown clean and shining, still damp at one end.] 
I’ve spoken a little about how I can feel Adderall hit my system half an hour after taking one, but every so often -- not regularly, just once in a while, generally when I’m in the middle of a multi-step process -- I can also feel it wearing off. 
I took a dose at 8 and it usually lasts five hours, but it’s more effective for the first three and usually begins fading after four and a half. So I started on this project at noon and I knew exactly what I needed to do and how to do it, but by the time the floor was drying after a final rinse around 1pm I was at a loss. It wasn’t that I had lost motivation, there just wasn’t much left to do, but I’d stopped being able to closely track what I needed to do -- unplug and drain pressure the steamer, gather the chemicals and put them away, rinse out the bucket and sponge, throw out the pulled-up tape and gloves, put the rug back...I got through it, but I was trying to figure out why finishing was SO much harder given the physically difficult part was done, and then I looked at the clock. 
It pings something specific for me because I don’t know what the word for this is, but there’s a form of Body Horror for the mind, which involves cognitive decline, that affects me very strongly. I don’t know how to give examples without getting super gross, but if you’ve read Hannibal by Thomas Harris, Krendler at the end is a good example. Loss of mental faculty without being aware of it terrifies me. I’m okay with feeling myself lose edge with the Adderall because a) it’s not THAT significant and b) I’m not losing something vital, I’m still me and still quite intelligent, I’m just fucking scattered. But it’s still very unease-making to be conscious of it.  
In any case, I got through it, just in time to open the fridge and discover that it needs a new bulb, so I think tomorrow’s work might entirely consist of going to the hardware store for a bunch of stuff I need, new fridge bulb included. And I got to listen to the recent Colin Hanks episode of Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend, which was entertaining as usual.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Cal is quiet after Zeffo. Or, more accurately, he's quiet after the abandoned Venator. Greez wishes more than anything that Cal and Cere weren't still at odds. They're talking, sure, but not as easily as before. Venator is Jedi stuff. It's Cere-and-Cal stuff, not Greez-and-Cal stuff.
Except Cal isn't talking to her the way he needs to and Greez doesn't need psychic abilities to know the kid's hurting. They're enroute to Dathomir, and Cal isn't eating or sleeping the way he needs to.
Greez cannot let it stand.
He takes a plate of cookies and a cup of blue milk to the engine room where Cal is at the workbench, headphones on, lightsaber currently undergoing one of its many tune-ups. The droid is watching with interest... At least Greez figured BD-1's interested. What does he know about droids? Whatever. He gets BD-1's attention, who in turn he pokes Cal. Cal turns, sliding his headphones down and leaving them around his neck. He blinks at Greez, eyes glazed and shadowed, looking for all the worlds like an overtired child.
Crushing an urge to order Cal to bed, Greez holds out the plate. "Cookie?"
Cal looks, shakes his head. "No, thanks."
Gonna be like that, is it? "You gotta eat, so it's cookies and milk, or that weird slimy stuff at the back of the fridge I keep meaning to clean out."
Cal appears to actually consider it. Greez throws a cookie at him. He catches it without blinking, takes a bite. "Thanks," he says listlessly. "It's really good."
"Jeez, kid, really feeling the love."
"Sorry. I like it, promise."
Greez decides to go for the kill. "Didn't find anything good on that wreck, huh?"
Cal slumps. "No."
Greez sits himself on Cal's bed, patting the space next to him. BD-1 gets the message quicker, hopping off the bench and racing over. He starts scanning the plate, announcing his findings in such bright whistle even Greez can't help smiling at the little droid's joy. Cal joins them and takes another cookie and the milk. He dunks the cookie and sips the milk. He's still not talking. 
Silence is not Greez’s gift. "I'm sorry," he says. "I saw a crashed ship and got stupid ideas about treasure in my head. I didn't even think what a Venator meant to you. That was selfish."
Cal doesn't talk until he's finished the milk. "It's okay." He wipes his mouth with a sleeve. "Neither did I." He straightened his back. "I'm okay." He puts on a crooked smile. "It's not the first wrecked Venator I've been aboard." Greez barely represses a shudder. It doesn't matter anyway. Cal looks at him, takes another cookie. "It's alright, really. It happened a long time ago, and it didn't happen to me." And then he laughs. “Not exactly like that, anyway.”
If he wants to convince Greez everything’s fine, Cal’s doing a terrible job. "Anyone ever tell you it’s normal to have a bad day?" Greez asks. “That you don’t have to pretend it’s okay when you feel like someone’s kicked you in the gut?”
"Sure, usually after a bunch of scrappers died, and I had to work triple shifts."
It's all Greez can do not to slap the kid upside the head. "Look, Cal, you don't need to tell me details. You don't have to pretend this isn't getting to you. There's no shame in saying it was really shit, and you wish you hadn't gone aboard."
Cal laughs for real at that. "It was shit, but I needed to go aboard. Had to work through a few things in my head."
"And I'll get back to you," he says, grabbing another cookie. He stands, thumping Greez in the shoulder. "Thanks, Greez." He moves back to the workbench, reaching for his headphones. "I appreciate it."
It isn't the outright win Greez had been looking for, but he'll take it. "I'll make soup for dinner." Something light. Something easily reheated if Cal initially refuses. "Two hours. And wash up before you come to the table. I don't want lightsaber grease on my table."
"You got it." And with that, Cal's headphones are back in place and he's back to work.
BD-1 bumps his head against Greez's leg, whistles cheerily, and hurries after Cal. Leaving the cookies on Cal's bed, Greez heads out.
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bollface · 3 days
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(📼) ᰔᩚ 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ・.。゚
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prompt — found love tapes
pairing — jimmy x johnny
season — season five
warnings — not proof read, rushed, sleep deprived writer, random bullshit I popped up with, slight angst
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Robby grunted as he placed another heavy carton box on the floor, sneezing when dust brushed his nose, he was in his dad's apartment, helping do some spring cleaning, so from the morning to four in the afternoon, Johnny and Robby have been throwing away some of Johnny's old 80s stuff.
"you know, from how much trash you have, you look like a hoarder" he commented yelling to his dad who was out in the kitchen taking the bad meat out of the freezer.
"the fuck is a hoarder? Just move boxes! If their tapes leave those alone" yelled back at Robby, mumbling about 'kids these days making up shit'
Robby rolled his eyes at his dad and peaked into the box, it had old looking posters, baby shoes, DVDs of old movies, and VHS tapes.
The tape peaked his interest, he picked one up and looked at it, blowing air on it to get rid of the dust, 'Anyone else but you— if you feel lonely watch this' read the tape with the white sticker in the middle.
"what the-" Robby whispered before looking for a VHS player, and luck was on his side cause he found one, her placed the items on the side and moved the rest of the box to a pile.
"what is this? Why does Dad have it" he whispered, was it like something his dad did for some girl? Write a love song and record himself but never gave it to her because he was a wuss? Probably.
Maybe the guys would like to see it, have something to tease his sd with, Robby reached for his phone in his back pocket, going to his contacts and called Sam.
"Hey, Robby what's up?"
"Sam! Hey so uh where are you right now and who is with you" Robby started as he stood up and went to his closet grabbing his backpack and placing the vhs player and tape inside.
"Uhm just me Tory, Miguel—you know the usual friend group? Why? Is everything fine with you and your dad?" Sam asked with a concern tone.
"yeah everything's fine, just Uhm doing spring cleaning in the apartment, hey so imma pass by I found something" Robby said as he placed the phone between his shoulder and ear as he grabbed his beaten up converse.
"what'd you fine?" Asked Sam intrigued.
"tapes, but this one seems interesting it was like hidden under bunch of random stuff and it looks really like well played, anyways imma pass by soon, meet you ina bit!"
"okay bye-"
Robby hunged up and finished tiring his shoe before grabbing his skateboard, "hey so I'm going to hang out with the group for a bit, I'll be back soon" he said walking into the living room, seeing his dad placing the new groceries into the fridge.
"eh alright, be careful, you need a ride?" Johnny asked looking at his son, but Robby shook his head holding up his skateboard, "nah got this, bye be back in a bit!" He said and walked out the apartment.
It took him some time to reach the larusso houses but when he made it, before he could even knock on the door Anthony opened the door, "she's in the living room with the others" he informed before disappearing somewhere.
"Robby!Sam said you found something about sensei" Miguel said waving at Robby from the couch, "yeah I found like this tape, look" the blonde digged in his school bag and took the tape out, tossing it to Miguel.
The boy caught it and stared at it, turning it around and thumb grazing the fading tape, "super old" chuckled Eli, "you got a VHS player?" Demetri asked looking at Sam, "done worry brought that too" Robby said as he placed his backpack down and slowly took the dusty player out.
"dude isn't that shit heavy?" Questioned Eli.
"yeah it was but hey, I'm really interested what that tape has, like it's a love song! It has to be because 'if you feel lonely watch this?' come on my dad must of wrote it! Aren't your curious too? We now her little of my dad's life other than the fact he was a bully" Robby explained, he felt like a kid in Christmas.
"I'm curious, sensei Lawrence doesn't seem a romantic" Tory smirked as she grabbed the tape from Miguel's hand, "kinda cute and dorky, for Sensei Lawrence" Devon said looking at the tape.
"alright, intrest is peaked, let me help" Demetri got off the couch and helped Robby set up the vhs player into the flat screen tv, "what if it's someone singing to sensei Lawrence?" She asked tilting her head.
"like anyone would serneat my dad, I don't think he would like it...okay! We got it!" Robby high fives Demetri and they quickly went to the couch, watching as the tape rolled and popped a boy with fluffy brown hair, holding a guitar on his lap.
"Uhm hey Johnny or future Johnny, uh, it's Jimmy, of course, I Uhm wanted to make this tape because maybe one day, when we grow, up our life's will be different, and we will separate, so I'm making this as a way you can remember me if that ever happens or if you just miss me that much."
The boy, or Jimmy's chuckled softly, their voice was sweet with care and honey, eyes looked into the camera with love and adoration, even if that specific Johnny wasn't there.
"who's he?" Whispered Tory towards Robby, the blonde boy squinted, inspecting the other boys on screen who tuned the guitar a bit, "uh seems like a friend of my dads" Robby whispered back.
"right, so I hope you listen to this it's our song" Jimmy quirked a smile before his hands started to strum on the guitar, humming into the melody.
"You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on your back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy sang softly looking into the camera before back down, fingers making the soft melody on the guitar.
"I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Robby and his friends stared in awe, so Tory was right, His dad was getting serenaded to, and from a boy who looked really enamored with Johnny, the same the boys lips would quirk into a grin when he sang the lyrics, and the soft pink flush appeared in the boys cheek.
"this is...really sweet" Robby whispered staring at the video in awe, his chest felt warmth with the love that radiated from the screen.
"Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy smiled shoulders chuckled for him, pearl white showed, he sang with love, with feeling, even if it was to a hot headed stubborn blonde boy.
"The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
"I will find my niche in your car
With my MP3, DVD, rumple-packed guitar
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
He hummed the rhythm, nodding his head with it, Robby stared, lips quivered, this touched his heart, it somehow did, and he was glad, he liked knowing someone loved his dad, from what he's heard and seen, not many liked his dad, it's nice seeing someone that looked like he adored his dad.
"Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B A start
Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
"the guys sings pretty" Miguel whispered smiling at the tape, everyone nodded with a hum, they watched how the boy felt more comfortable with the song, full on smile appeared into his face and the soft pink flush went to his whole face.
"You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy looked into the camera, brown eyes stared at it with love and adortion, as if Johnny was sitting there reacting to the song.
"Don Quixote was a steel driving man
My name is Jimmy, I'm your biggest fan
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you"
Jimmy paused a bitz stopped his strumming before he smiled, a full loving smile and started to strum again, honey voice sang with love.
"Squinched up your face and did a dance
You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants
I don't see what anyone can see
In anyone else but you
But you"
Jimmy ended the song with a sigh and soft tap on the guitar, "I love you Johnny Lawrence... remember that" he said softly before he looked up with a smile, in view came in Johnny cupping Jimmy's face.
"I like that song... especially when you sing it" Johnny said with a giggle and lead down to press a kiss into Jimmy's lips.
"well now you got this tape for you and forever, say bye" Jimmy chuckled moving his guitar to the side of the bed, and pulled Johnny by his waist and looked up at him like a puppy looking up at his owner, blue eyes looked at the camera, and a smile spread across the flushed pink face.
"bye future me! Hopefully I'm married to this hunk of a man!" Laughed Johnny before Jimmy stood up, and shuffled to the camera, and Johnny stopped the recording and the tape turned off with a faded laugh and squeak.
Robby stared at the black screen, tears softly rolled down his cheek, why happened, why didn't his dad stay with Jimmy? Why did his dad have to suffer? This was new to him.
"that was very sweet" sniffed Eli, Robby turned seeing how everyone was sniffing or looking away with a bit of disappoinment.
"yeah..." Robby whispered, still staring at the black screen, hoping for something else to pop up.
Maybe in a other universe, his dad was happy with Jimmy, had a family, had a happy life, a perfect one, with Robby in it.
Maybe in another universe.
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A/N— this is not proofread, this was rush, it currently 3am and I'm tired and JUNK MENTION
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zephiesjournal · 2 years
monday, october 24th, 2022
ugh. alright let me talk about the first parts first. i cleaned a bit because the dirtvibes were making it hard to think straight, and i was getting worried the shower caulking would get permamould again. i don’t know why i couldn’t just quickly wipe that down and it instead had to be part of a full cleaning deal, i mean i do know why i always know why whenever i say that it’s because of my brain i just don’t know why my brain is like that i mean. was it all the video games i played and false sense of accomplishment i chased throughout the years. i wonder how neurotypical i’d be if i never touched runescape in my life i would probably have million dollar by now and be god of a land.
i resubbed to ffxiv so now i am paying monthly for three different mmos like a cool person genius with lots going on in life. sorry warcraft shoulda told your game’s story in the game itself now i want to see those scions again. i started leveling a rogue and going through new game+, i’ve forgotten how many times i’ve started that now and replayed the first couple hours of the story. i do wonder how fast i can go through it if i just chill and focus on the msq, i’ve still never been caught up and now that i feel a need to go through everything again i doubt i ever will. maybe i should go through another big depression period and play it for months on end so i can get that done, we’ll see.
i finished off the cider in my fridge while playing and for some reason took a caffeine pill at 11pm and that’s when things became hell. i started thinking again about when i used to do matched betting and lamenting getting sucked into the casino stuff, which makes it all the more surprising that i just went and fully did that again and worse than it ever was before, because i was drunk this time. i looked for a casino site that wasn’t on gamstop and just, starting gambling again. i think i blew like £200! oh how did this happen again oh me oh my. i remembered how i briefly thought, i hope i don’t intentionally empty my bank account before the end of the year to really emphasize the “fresh start” of it all, and started feeling okay with doing that. it all just came back dude all that brain poisoning watching those slots spin.
i want to believe this only happened because i was drunk but i didn’t stop after i’d sobered up. i’d deposit £25-30 at a time, quickly lose it all, and deposit again. i really did briefly feel okay with the idea of losing it all and starting my bank account from scratch, at which point i realized how desperately i need therapy. i can’t believe how much worse my ocd has gotten the past couple years what in the absolute hell is “throwing away all my money and starting fresh” what in god’s name is wrong with me. tomorrow i’m probably going to sign up for as many casino sites as possible just to self-exclude from them individually to make sure this physically cosmically cannot happen again. i started picking out pc parts planning to pull the trigger as soon as possible so i don’t have all this money to blow anymore, i got a ~£1k build i think i can still somehow afford after i get paid in a couple days. i was up until about 6 looking into that because of the caffeine.
i want to believe there’s a silver lining after going to bed with a newfound motivation to get my life together now that i’ve done this. like yeah i blew £200 in one night for no reason but if i hadn’t then i probably would have sat playing video games doing nothing and spending too much on food for another two months until new year’s came around. this was the first time in a while i felt like immediately getting things together instead of waiting for a perfect moment to do it because i just really feel i need to make up for things. still a bunch of stupid gamblethoughts roam my mind like, it didn’t have to be £200 to get me motivated it could’ve been less, may as well continue to dwell on that which has already happened and i can no longer control. also the newfound knowledge that i can in fact very easily continue to gamble despite being on gamstop. i really thought every website would either be a scam because it’s not regulated or whatever or you’d have to jump through insane crypto hoops to play anything. but no there’s just more casinos out there ready to wrap their slimy hands around me and the most i can do is try to nip each individual one in the bud while resisting every part of their website that isn’t the self-exclusion section that i don’t know if will even work. if it’s not regulated and they are purposely not on gamstop who’s to say they won’t just let me sign up again, quite frankly i am terrified to find out.
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so-called-good-food · 2 years
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Task Failed Successfully: local dude finds acorn squash at the farmer's market and goes crazy.
This is less a recipe post (I'm going to tweak it and post the actual recipe tomorrow) and more a story of perseverance in the face of adversary (mental illness).
What I had planned to make: acorn squash tacos
What went wrong: SO much <3
I have adhd. How in the world did I think this was going to be successful without making a list. Also, this will be the last thing I cook in my current nightmare of a kitchen until I move. There's no A/C in this kitchen, or countertops. The only option for my cutting board was my stove:
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(damn bitch you live like this?)
...or a little storage table I use that is perfect for kneading bread, but awful for cutting things up. The top of this table is about knee height for me. I am six feet tall and suffering every day.
What I used:
-1 full acorn squash, sliced up about this thin:
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For the record, if you have mobility issues or are just generally feeling low spoons, I really don't recommend using an acorn squash. This thing was a real pain in the ass to cut. I'll get to this more on my actual recipe post tomorrow, but most stores carry pre-cubed butternut squash. I then battered this in...
-Tempura batter. I used flour (i suggest either regular white flour or rice flour), water, and garlic powder until it's about the consistency of pancake batter. Pro tip: either use a reusable bowl or throw the excess out and rinse out your bowl immediately when you're done with it. This stuff turns to glue if you let it sit and it's difficult to clean out of your bowl.
-Avocado (diced). Life pro tip, if your avocado is ripe and you have Issues™ with the feeling of scraping a spoon against the skin, you can just squeeze the good stuff out like this:
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Ain't pretty but it's honest work. You'll be either dicing it up or, for a low spoons option, just mashing it up with a fork anyway.
-Cilantro. I am a slut for cilantro. I diced up the whole bunch to save me some grief tomorrow.
-Aioli. This is a word white people use to pretend they didn't have to use mayonnaise. I really would have preferred sour cream, but ngl this turned out pretty good. Recipe: roughly 2tbsp mayo, 1 tsp of both smoked paprika (or in my case, whatever was left in the jar. RIP to my fallen soldier) and garlic powder, and the juice of a lime wedge.
-Cotija cheese, or anything similar.
-Lime wedge as garnish.
This came out very tastey, but I know i can make it better and much, much easier. I ended up slicing the whole acorn squash bc I knew I wouldn't want to do it tomorrow, but then realized I wouldn't want to fry another round so I roughly chopped them for tomorrow.
What I wanted to add: radishes and pickled onions, both of which I thought i had in my fridge. Think again, past me 😔 Also maybe some arugula or romaine.
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pippytmi · 3 years
Roommates au, enemies to lovers, “you confuse me.” Supercorp obvs
“You’re a fucking liar.”
This is—objectively speaking—not the worst greeting Kara has ever received from her roommate, and so she takes it in stride. “Uh, hello to you…too,” Kara says slowly, silently running through a list of everything she could have done wrong to warrant such strong words.
But Lena does not offer any explanation; in fact, when she spots Kara in the doorway, she sends her a nasty glare as if Kara has said something wrong. “Don’t pretend you’re a saint in this matter, Lex,” Lena hisses, and only then does Kara notice the cell phone in Lena’s hands. “If I have to go and clean up your mess again…”
So it’s one of those days. Kara wisely shuts the door quietly behind her, and sneaks into the kitchen as Lena takes her argument into her room.
There is a list of chores pinned to the fridge—four black X’s cross out Lena’s, and Kara’s are underlined twice. They have a code, so as to avoid speaking to each other; X’s mean done, underlined means Kara you're a slob and a pain in the ass to live with. (All verbatim, by the way.)
The dishes, however, are not on Kara’s agenda at the moment. She instead takes the expensive whiskey hidden under the sink (that belongs to Alex, not that she has noticed it’s missing), and pours it into a glass with some ice. Then she whips out the ingredients for a stir fry, complete with every vegetable she had been saving for the potluck at work this weekend.
It is an unspoken rule that Lena will shut herself off into her room after this phone call is over. She does that every time her brother calls (and on occasion her mother), and Kara has picked up enough information about her roommate to know Lena will appreciate a hard drink and some food. She hasn’t said so or anything, but every time Kara knocks three times on the door and leaves a plate outside, it will re-emerge an hour later completely empty.
Lena’s voice grows louder despite the distance, and Kara turns on the stereo out of respect for her roommate's privacy. Lena hates the stereo and all it stands for; she argues it is outdated, and they have numerous pieces of technology that are less bulky and fully able to connect to radio stations. But Kara keeps it around anyway, because she still likes buying CD’s (and maybe to bother Lena, which is a bonus).
Blink-182 is playing on that alternative station Alex likes. Kara cranks it up as she cooks, singing under her breath as she sautes bell peppers and onions, ignoring the rumble of her stomach and the tight belt of her work pants still digging into her hips. “Say it ain’t so, I will not go,” she practically yells, poking her head into the fridge for the tofu that Lena always keeps. Kara personally won’t touch the stuff, but Lena is trying to eat less meat. It cuts up easily enough, even though Kara isn’t sure what the proper technique is.
She leaves the finished plate and drink outside after it’s done, rapping on Lena’s door in tune with The White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army,” and then finally has some dinner herself. Since the tofu is unappetizing, Kara stores the rest of the stir fry in a container for Lena to take for lunch, and opts for a sandwich. She eats while scrolling through her notifications (she owes Nia twenty bucks, and so far Nia has been clogging up her phone with Venmo requests all well over $500), and keeps the radio on just for background noise.
That’s probably why she doesn’t even notice when Lena approaches; Kara has barely begun to type a text to Nia swearing to bring some cash next time she visits when a sharp voice declares,
“You confuse me.”
Which. Is not at all what Kara expected from her usually empty kitchen. And, caught exceptionally off guard, she nearly falls off her chair. “What the—Lena,” she sputters, righting herself. Unfortunately, the crust of her sandwich is a casualty of the surprise, and she watches as it crumples devastatingly on the floor.
Lena is not half as concerned about the fate of her dinner, and she stalks forward to jab a finger at Kara’s chest. “You confuse me,” she repeats.
Kara blinks. Then blinks again. “Um, okay,” she says. “…why?”
A strange, strangled noise rises from Lena’s mouth, and she appears angrier than Kara has ever seen. (Well, except for that one time that Kara did laundry and flooded the apartment laundromat, which had other pissed off tenants leaving mean messages for two weeks straight). “Because,” angrier-than-usual Lena says, “you do shit like cook food for me and don’t even say anything.”
“What do you want me to say?” Kara frowns, not sure where this conversation is going. “If you want I can start saying ‘Hey Lena, I made dinner’ every time.”
“You and I don’t do dinner,” Lena says, and it sounds like an accusation. “Every time I get off the phone, you decide to leave food outside my door. Why? What on Earth compels you to do that?”
“Because you’re always upset afterwards,” Kara says slowly. “And I thought you could use some cheering up, or at least a drink.”
“Whiskey,” Lena notes. “It’s always whiskey. And it’s never a cheap brand.”
“Well, yeah,” Kara says, gesturing pointedly to Lena’s designer work clothes (that she never seems to be without; Kara’s not sure Lena even owns pajamas). “You would probably accuse me of poisoning you if I gave you anything less.”
Lena narrows her eyes. “You don’t owe me anything,” she says. “So whatever this is, you can stop it.”
“What do you mean, ‘whatever this is’?” Kara repeats incredulously. “I’m just being nice!”
“I never asked you to be ‘nice’!”
Kara exhales, and reminds herself that it is illegal to strangle people. Especially since she is Lena’s roommate, and will therefore be suspect #1. Kara has never been a violent person, but her roommate just manages to test her limits.
“Look,” Kara says patiently, “I give you my sister’s whiskey, and she doesn’t care because she is trying to give up drinking. And I’m not a frequent cook or anything, but I can still throw together a plate because I know you don’t cook at all. That’s it! I don’t have a hidden agenda, or some secret plot here. I’m just being friendly.”
“We are not friends, Kara Danvers,” Lena says. “And I know exactly what this is, even if you refuse to acknowledge it.”
God, what an insufferable—“Okay, know-it-all,” Kara says, instead of the ruder words echoing through her head. “What am I doing?”
Lena’s jaw clenches noticeably. “You pity me,” she accuses. “You look down at my relationship with my family, and—and I don’t want your sympathy, or your stupid food, anymore.”
“If you wanted me to back off, that’s fine,” Kara says, holding her hands up in mock surrender. “But I don’t pity you, or feel sorry for you. Heck, with your track record, I’d feel more sympathy for your family. They seem to be on the other end of some nasty phone calls.”
Lena’s expression darkens. “You don’t know my family.”
“I don’t know you very well, either,” Kara retorts, and she turns back to her phone where three new Venmo requests are waiting (two of them well in the thousands range; Nia must think she’s hilarious). “Message received, okay? I’ll leave you alone.”
At first, Kara assumes that's the end of it—assumes that Lena is going to stalk off, and leave a strongly worded post-it on the fridge later that night for Kara to wake up to. That has always been how their relationship works; they fight, reiterate how much they hate living together, and go right back to ignoring each other.
But Lena doesn't walk away. Instead she sighs, and at that unexpected sound Kara looks up just in time to catch Lena frowning. “I—” Lena begins, and then she pauses uncomfortably before getting the words out. “I'm...sorry. I have been having the worst day, and it’s—it’s rude of me to take it out on you.”
“Okay,” says Kara dumbly, because she’s not sure what to respond. Lena never apologizes. Ever. It’s about as rare as, well, Kara actually doing her chores on time. “Thanks?”
Lena bites her lip, glances away. “You’re welcome,” she says stiffly. And this time she leaves—leaves, and abandons the plate of food Kara left her on the edge of the table.
Kara looks down at her phone. There are ten texts waiting from Nia, and about double that of Venmo requests. But she can’t shake the feeling that she is forgetting something, and it’s more than a twenty dollar bill. “Wait,” she blurts out, “Lena. What—what does that mean? You were an asshole to me, and I was an asshole right back, so why are you apologizing?”
“Well, you are more than welcome to apologize too,” Lena says, pausing in the kitchen doorway. She has a quizzical expression on her face, a kind of raw confusion that Kara has never seen before. Without the sharp clenched jaw and the angry eyes, she’s…just a girl. A girl, with a nervous tic of wringing her fingers together. A girl, despite her guarded nature, who is gazing right back at Kara as if she has no right to.
“Do you want me to apologize to you?”
A beat. “Not really,” Lena says. “I don’t—want that. You’re right, you don’t know me. Or my family. We’re nothing to each other, and I can’t expect you to know how complicated my relationship with them is.”
“Still,” Kara says, and she scratches the back of her neck absentmindedly at the sudden flush of guilt that overtakes her. “I am sorry. It was rude of me to, um, say that. Like if your family is a bunch of serial killers, who am I to say you’re worse than that?”
Lena scrunches her nose in a manner that is sort of cute. “Serial killers? Really?”
Kara shrugs—aiming for casual—and really that just looks like attempting nonchalance when suddenly she’s consumed with thoughts about how pretty her roommate is. “Like you said,” she says, “I don’t know your family.”
And, surprisingly, all Lena does is smile. A real smile, the kind that Kara has never witnessed, barely soft and just kind enough. “They’re not,” she says, and unnecessarily clarifies, “serial killers.”
“That you know of,” Kara points out, and Lena’s cautious smile becomes something fuller. That is the only thing that gives Kara the courage to add, “So, now that we have covered the whole you’re not your family thing, are you really not going to have dinner? I cooked tofu for you and everything!”
“You didn’t have to,” Lena argues, because she is defensive to a fault. But she falters immediately after, and sighs again, albeit in a more mellowed tone. “What I meant to say is, I really don’t need you to keep cooking for me. I’m fine.”
“Well what if I want to cook for you?” Kara says, and that is her own fault: she is ready to argue to protect her (noble) intentions. “We don’t have to be friends, if it terrifies you that much—”
“It does not terrify me—”
“—but we can be friendly,” Kara offers, and it’s a testament to her newfound appreciation for her roommate that she manages to even make a sentence. “If you want.”
Lena tilts her head, considering, and this time when she smiles it is curious. “If you knew what I wanted, Kara Danvers,” she says, “your delicate sensibilities would blush to their roots.” And with that odd goodbye, she eventually takes her leave; however, she does take the plate of stir fry with her, so Kara guesses that means they’re on their way to being friendly, if anything.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
I was wondering if anyone else thought the Angel event kinda unsettling. At first I was like "There outfits are so cool!" "Haha Mammon has to behave", but as it when on I just wanted my boys back because these good boi versions are creeping me out. How would the brothers react to an MC with the same reaction. Like they avoid them while in angel forms and when they finally revert back to normal they hug them and wont let go. "Don't ever change! I love you the way you are!"
Awww this is so cute. Personally I didn't mind them being all nice and stuff because I knew that the bracelets were causing it and it gave me some insight into what they might have been like as angels.
But yes after a while, you start to miss them and all their antics haha. Sorry this took so long. I had so many asks piled up and I am the biggest procastinator I know. Hope I could do it justice?
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Lucifer: MC where are you going again? You barely finished your tea.
MC: I just need to get some fresh air that's all.
Lucifer: Is something wrong MC? Have I done something to upset you? I'm sorry..
MC: No this... This just isn't...you.
Lucifer: But aren't you always asking to be kinder? Nicer? I am now, believe me.
MC: Yes but....it's not you. *leaves*
After the bracelet snaps.
Lucifer: MC, may I come in now?
MC: Lucifer? Are you back to being-
Lucifer: Yes I am. Apologies about the ridiculous thing making me act differently, simply baffling how chaos is a continuos thing in this household- MC?
MC: *runs and hugs him* You're back. Stay this way. Never change.
Lucifer: *laughs* Of course not MC. Wouldn't want you running off from me again now, would we?
Mammon: Look MC I have another gift for you!
MC: Mammon I said I don't want it!
Mammon: Really is there nothing I can give you?
MC: Mammon you've given away half your stuff to me, including Goldie.
Mammon: Yes because I don't need it! If rather you have it and- MC don't go away!
MC: I'll come back when you're you again.
After the bracelet snaps,
MC: *returning his things* Here! You gave it all away to me and your brothers.
Mammon: I DID WHAT?! I really lost my mind! If only my brothers were as cooperating as you ugh!
MC: Haha yeah but now you're back! Always stay this way Mammon. *Hugs him tight*
Mammon: *blushes* O-oi! What are ya doing? *softens down and hugs you back anyway* Also you can keep some of my stuff, if ya want...
Levi: Ah MC, sorry for calling you so suddenly. I just wanted to give you this.
MC: *gasps* Your Ruri figurines?! Levi no!
Levi: Oh yes! I don't need them anymore. Oh here are some more of new games.
MC: But Levi all this is precious to you-
Levi: Nah not anymore. No more staying in my room and gaming either. I'm planning to go out a lot! Will come with me MC?
MC: No. Not like this. *Runs away*
After bracelet snaps,
MC: Yes yes right here. *Hands him a box of his stuff*
Levi: Oh thank Diavolo! Also my room is so clean I can't seem to find anything!?! Ah I will be in my room for the next few hours trying to find stuff,okay?!
MC: *giggles* Oh jeez you did clean it pretty good! *hugs him* Welcome back Levi.
Levi: *blushes furiously* H-huh? MC what's gotten into you!!? W-would you like..like...to come along??
Satan: MC did something happen? You seem upset.
MC: Satan, someone stole your books! I tried to stop them they were too fast!
Satan: Ah it's books MC. They probably wanted to learn.
MC: No! It was those book-burning hooligans remember? The ones that almost burnt down the RAD library!
Satan: Ah that's sad. But anger wont do us any good, we must learn to forgive and forget. MC..wait ... you're leaving?
MC: Yes. I can't be with you when you're like this.
After the bracelet snaps,
Satan: I can't believe I let my damn books be stolen like this! Dont tell me they took yours too!?
MC: ...A few of them.
Satan: How many MC? How many did they take from you?
MC: Around 12...
Satan: Well they are about to have 12 of their joints broken each and... MC? *Blushes* I can't go anywhere if you hold me like this.
MC: Sorry. I'm just too happy you're back. Let me hold you some more first!
Asmo: Look MC, you really don't have to worry so much about it!
MC: You're all changing, Asmo!
Asmo: Isn't that wonderful? Now we're all beautiful inside and out! Especially inside!
MC: I know that but- Asmo what are you doing?! Why are you throwing all your serums and creams away?
Asmo: Ah MC, all this isn't needed for internal beauty!
MC: Ugh I can't take this anymore!
After the bracelet snaps,
Asmo: MC you're a true angel! I can't believe you saved all my stuff! Thank you! *Hugs them tight*
MC: I knew you would need all of this when you came around!
Asmo: Ah! Look at that! I completely missed my morning routine! Come we'll have an extensive relaxing spa day today!
MC: Yes we are definitely in need of relaxing.
Asmo: *continues to list of a bunch of various skin treatments*
MC: *kisses his cheek* Never change, Asmo.
Asmo: *blushes* Never ever MC.
Beel: It's okay MC, I really want you to have it.
MC: Beel you've emptied out the fridge and not even for yourself. Are you really not hungry?
Beel: Well my stomach aches occasionally but one must not eat so much!
MC: Oh Beel this isn't good...
Beel: It's really okay MC! My hunger is the least of all worries. Come help me feed the hunger demons.
MC: *leaving* This isn't going to end well. I can't stand by and watch.
After bracelet breaks,
Beel: *rolling in the his bed, almost breaking it in pain* MC...my stomach is killing me... do you have anything to-
MC: ITS OKAY I SAVED UP ALL THE FOOD I COULD! Come here I'll feed you!
Beel: *resting his head on your shoulder with soft eyes* Thank you MC...thank you...food is more delicious when you feed me!
MC: And that's my Beel. *Kisses the top of his head*
Beel: *blushes* Are you really never annoyed by my constant hunger?
MC: Nah uh. It's who you are and you're lovely the way you are.
MC: Belphie? I was supposed to wash the dishes. Why are you doing it?
Belphie: I'm doing everyone's chores today, MC. Please take rest.
MC: But that's a lot of chores... Are you sure you're not tired?!
Belphie: I barely ever did my chores that was so wrong of me. I'm just trying to make up for it. Why do you look upset?
MC: Ugh you've been working all day. You'll wear yourself out like this.
After the bracelet breaks,
Belphie: WHY. AM. I. SO. TIRED.
MC: I knew it.
Belphie: How much work did I do MC?? I'm so tired I can't even fall asleep...
MC: Come here. You need a lot of rest. You were almost working like Barbatos today.
Belphie: *putting his head in MC's lap* And you weren't happy about that?
MC: Nah I like my lazy little Belphie better. Atleast when he wants to do stuff I know he means it.
Belphie: *blushes* I don't mind doing chores if it's you...
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weaselle · 4 years
cooking for people who have no idea what they are doing (or are just, like, real depressed)
Okay, I’m a professional cook, but also, I get depressed. This is the cooking I do when I’m depressed, because I need the simplest path to a whole meal.
This is not for vegetarians, because, while I wholeheartedly support people choosing vegetarianism, and also enjoy cooking for vegetarians, for me, the simplest path to a meal includes meat. Perhaps when I am less depressed I will work on options.
A lot of recipes focus on achieving food that is in some way special, using special techniques, or using a precise list of carefully measured high-end ingredients... and that’s not this, this is all the parts of cooking that are not those things.
First, shopping
Meats Starches Veggies Sauces Breakfast/Snack
For a whole week you’re going to want
3 kinds of meat, with five portions each. So, for example, five chicken breasts, 10 sausage links, and 2-3 pounds of ground beef. Other possibilities include pork chops, salmon, some kind of steak, whatever. 
You’re going to want up to 3 starches. Honestly I usually stick to just rice, but you can go with rice, potatoes, and pasta. If you want to use quinoa or polenta or something, thats on you.
And, you’re going to want about 3 types of vegetables, again, about 5 portions each -- and try to stay green. So personally, I usually get 5 medium zucchini, 2 medium heads of broccoli, and then either yellow squash or mushrooms. A bag of salad greens is also a good option, and I have an easy way to make a good salad, which I will do as a separate post.
Next pick something easy that works as either breakfast or a snack. For me this is a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a bunch of bananas. Sometimes it’s nice to have an additional option here, like cereal or yogurt. 
Last, you’ll want 2-5 sauces in bottles. I would definitely recommend a low sodium soy sauce be one of them, and maybe a BBQ sauce for the other. I usually also include worcestershire and sriracha but go with whatever you want, teriyaki sauce, A1, whatever you know you’ll eat. Hell, you can use Italian style salad dressing as a cookable sauce if you really want.
Oh, and If you don’t already have some at the house, you’ll need pan lube: butter and/or some kind of cooking oil. 
Okay! we’re done shopping! Affordability isn’t the main focus here, but is undeniably important -- I live in a very expensive area, this shopping trip is going to feed me well for a week and costs me about $100 bucks. When I was living in Alabama, it probably would have cost me more like $70. You won’t need to get stuff like the sauce and rice and peanut butter every week, so you’re definitely looking at a monthly grocery bill of something like $300 depending on where you live, and that’s not too bad. 
hell no, I’m depressed, the only prep I’m doing is putting two packages of meat in the freezer and the rest of this stuff in the fridge. You CAN box or bag each portion of meat separately so you can really alternate what you eat -- me, I’m gonna eat chicken for two or three days, then beef for two or three days, etc.
and listen, don’t fuck around with microwave settings or running water on things to defrost them. If you package the meat all up separately, just move a portion from the freezer to the fridge each time you cook dinner. Or, if you do like me, move the whole package when you go to cook your last portion of the previous stuff, and just deal with the fact that it will probably still be a tiny bit frozen when you go to cook next.
Tip: When you cook dinner, you’re going to make enough for lunch. That just leaves you one small meal - I often smear peanut butter on a peice of bread and wrap it around a banana like a taco - fast, easy, practically no dishes, relatively healthy
Cooking (this is going to take about 25 minutes)
You’re going to need
ONE frying pan, medium size w/ lid ONE boil pot, medium size w/ lid knife, a spatula and a cutting board.
If you want to be fancy, you can include a big spoon. Looks like this
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No matter what the specific ingredients you’ve chosen, the basic format is going to be:
Start your starch heat pan, put meat in the pan flip meat and add veggies, cover with lid remove meat and add sauce finish starch put everything on a plate while it is still too hot to eat and you are standing in the kitchen anyway, wash the like, 4 dishes you’ve gotten dirty. eat.
Okay, before you even get everything else out, start your starch. For rice this means rinse the rice and put it in the cold water and set it on high heat, for pasta this means put your salted water on the stove on high heat. For potatoes, you can use my perfect mashed potatoes recipe (I’ll do that as a separate post) or, honestly, you can wait until you’re halfway done with the rest of everything and microwave the sucker for like 8 minutes. I would never do that in a restaurant, but trying to feed my lethargic depressed ass? Absolutely.
easy rice: Fill your smallest coffee cup with rice, put it in the pot. Rinse. Fill the same cup twice with water, add to rice. Bring to a boil, give a good stir, turn heat all the way down, put a lid on it for something like 15 more minutes.
Okay, now lube your pan. Butter, olive oil, whatever. You’re probably looking at an amount more than a teaspoon and less than a table spoon of whichever you use. Personally I try to use as little olive oil as possible, so I pour a large coin sized amount (a quarter in the U.S.) into the pan, ear off a piece of the paper towel I’m going to use as my napkin for the evening, fold it up tight, and sort of paint the oil around so a little goes a longer way.
Pan lubed? Great, turn your burner on. highest heat will work but is not ideal, medium heat will work better but is still not ideal. Halfway between the two is perfect for chicken, a little hotter for beef, a little lower for fish.
Now remove two portions of your chosen protein (that way you’ll have tomorrow’s lunch too). By the time you get the packaging open and stuff, your pan is probably hot. If it’s not, let it get hot. You don’t want the oil to start smoking (warning, butter will burn faster than oil) but if you shake a single drop of water off your finger into the pan, you want it to sizzle.
If your pan is hot, put your meat in. The more you do this, the more you’ll perfect the timing, but you’re going to cook it for ~about~ 7 minutes before you flip it, maybe a couple minutes longer if it’s chicken or pork, maybe a couple minutes less if it’s beef.
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Now that your meat is in, prepare your veggie. Rinse it off, cut off any part of it you don’t want to eat, and then cut what’s left into pieces the size of a large bite. Don’t worry, it’s going to get a little smaller when you cook it. Take your time, you’ll probably finish in less time than the meat needs.
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Time to flip your meat? Great. Do that, and then dump your chopped up veggie in the pan. It does not matter at all if the pieces are not touching the bottom of the pan -probably most of them will not be, a bunch will be on top of the meat, that’s fine.
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Put a lid on it. Now add your pasta to the water, or put your potato in the microwave, or check your rice. If following my perfect mashed potato recipe, mash now.
Rice tip, checking: eat a grain, you want zero crunch. If it’s not done and there’s no liquid, add a splash of water and stir. It it’s done or close to done, but it is still very wet, give it a big stir and leave on the stove with the lid off for a couple minutes.
Your meat still has like, at least 4 minutes, so rinse off your cutting board and chef knife, get out a plate, table knife and fork.
 Meat done? Great. Take the meat out of the pan, leaving the veggies in. Add sauce to the pan. I like to also use a little wine, because it’s usually already in the house, if you have some and want to, pour a large swallow of wine in the pan with the sauce. I’ll often mix a couple sauces, like worcestershire and soy (makes something similar to teriyaki) or hot sauce and BBQ
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Stir the sauce around with the veggies. This, called deglazing, is an important step for two reasons, 1: it will get up a lot of the flavorful stuff that has stuck to the pan and make your sauce better, and 2: it will make washing the pan much easier. Okay, put the lid back on for one to two minutes, maybe stir a couple times. Basically you want the sauce to stain the veggies.
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Your starch should be done, turn off the burner, put a portion on your plate, and stick the rest in a ziplock or tupperware or something. Go ahead and throw the second portion of meat right in there with it. 
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Turn off the stove and scoop the veggies onto the plate, and pour the sauce from the pan over everything.
Now, while it’s too hot to eat, and you’re standing in the kitchen anyway, wash the pot, pan, and spatula. It should be very easy because of the way you used the sauce and because nothing has had a chance to harden. This usually takes me about 2 full minutes.
OKAY! it’s been 20-25 minutes, you’ve got dinner and tomorrow’s lunch (just add another cut up veggie, pour a different sauce on, and put it in the microwave for two or three minutes) AND there’s no danger of dishes piling up on you :) You can even add “washing last night’s plate and fork for use tonight” to where you rinse the cutting board to really keep it full circle.
It’s not gormet. It IS accessibly healthy, affordable, and easy.
If you are extra depressed, forget the starch and use more veggies; this cuts what little work there is by up to half
Using this format, you can have three good meals per day and only spend 30 total minutes a day in the kitchen — including clean up! (dishes piling up tends to exacerbate my depression and makes cooking your next meal harder)
And it’s easy to give yourself a wide variety, from soy glazed chicken, zucchini and rice one night; to steak, mushrooms and pasta the next; followed by BBQ pork chops, brocoli and potatoes... I suck at math but there’s probably a hundred options
Just to recap, because I know I was very detailed and this might seem overwhelming, once you read through the above to answer any questions you might have, simply
-Start your starch -lube & heat pan, put meat in the pan, about 7 minutes -flip meat, add veggies, lid, about 7 minutes -wash knife and cutting board -remove meat and add sauce to veggies, re-lid, 1-2 minutes -finish starch, refrigerate extra meat and starch  -put everything left on a plate -wash pot and pan -eat.
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chipper-smol · 3 years
Hollow Knight Telephone Round Two: Babysitter SL
Prompt: Shade (lord) is in the midst of final exams and they’re more stressed and tired than usual while babysitting. They accidentally fall asleep in the middle of a calm spell and the god babies become worried. The next time Shade comes over, all of the god babies present a gift they all made together!
By @minnesotamidian-blog​
Shade barely noticed their surroundings as they entered the nursery playroom. Plastic clattered and they sighed as Radiance yelled at the top of her lungs. At least she wasn't screaming. Yet. The scene was set: Unn was still in a crib and chewing on a bar, Root was climbing slowly onto a chair. Radiance was knocking over plastic blocks as Grimm cackled away. For once, Wyrm was playing peacefully with a kick toy, batting at it with his tail. Root got onto the chair and squealed, raising her arms. "Big Root now!" The little blue-eyed godling squeaked out.
Shade picked her up, hugged her to their chest before holding her out. "Now you're a flying Root."
She screamed laughter as Shade tiredly walked her around the room before setting her down near some of her favorite toys. They made sure nobody else had claimed the chair and took a seat, bending over to pick up the fussy moth. "Ancient enemy!" Of course she bit their hand.
Shade winced and just ran a hand over her fluff. "Are you hungry for something that isn't void?" They spoke tiredly.
"Oranges!" She yelled out.
The teen sighed as he went to the mini-fridge with snacks and found some miracle of miracles! pre-peeled oranges. Shade pulled them out and put her in a high chair with one at a time so she wouldn't be tempted to throw the extras at them.
Finals were here and they were really taking it out of the gangly god. Why did they have to know stuff about inorganic chemistry? Why did they have to know about history nobody cared about? There were some fun subjects, but the finals seemed to even suck the fun out of those classes, going over notes and studying everything just in case. They'd been pulling long nights and the night before had been an all-night cram session-and they still had to come to work, they couldn't afford not to. They'd underlined all the stuff the teacher had said was important to remember and had written down stuff from the last finals about each teacher's usual tests.
It made narrowing down what to study from impossible to I'm totally toast. They groaned as they set down a calmer Radiance the opposite side of the room from Wyrm. She found toys that interested her, at least. Root wandered over to Wyrm, who was really into knocking at the kick toy and purring. Root settled nearby and burbled as she hugged and gnawed a plushie.
The teen couldn't help it. The kids were calm for once; their head started to tilt forward, eyes heavy. They were exhausted. Shade's eyes closed and their breathing deepened. At first, their toys were too interesting to notice their babysitter's state; but it didn't take long for Grimm to get bored enough to fly over and notice. "...Shade? Shade's eyes are closed." They landed and the four children not in a crib headed for the batlike godling.
"Is Shade dead?" Wyrm sounded worried.
"Don't be stupid, they're having a nap!" Radiance huffed.
Root looked up and swayed before patting Shade's leg. "Grown-ups don't have nap times." She was tearing up.
"Nuh-uh, they're having bad dreams and it's tasty!" Grimm clamored onto their lap.
The others joined, Radiance grabbing Unn to join them on the sleeping teen. Grimm rested between Shade's horns, Unn was on one shoulder, Radiance on the other, with Root and Wyrm curled up together on Shade's lap, Wyrm purring for once.
When Shade woke up, they were surprised by the weight on their body and forced themself to look down and around before moving. "Uh oh, I fell asleep… sheesh, I'm glad this place isn't a fiery disaster." They picked the godlings up. "You're not dead!" Wyrm exclaimed.
Root burst into tears and even Grimm joined in on the crying spat. Shade sighed and spent the rest of the time comforting them until meal time and settled them down. Time to go home for them all!
But the worry didn't leave the heads of the little godlings. "We should make something for Shade. If they're having nightmares, they might be sad." Radiance sighed. "But that doesn't mean I feel bad for my ancient enemy!" "What do we make?" Root twirled around, slowly turning in place until she fell onto pillows in her dizziness.
"Something of clay! I can burn it dry!" Grimm hopped around.
"But there's no clay." Unn spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "But there's crayons and paper."
"Oooh. We can make a pretty picture for Shade!" Wyrm waved his head happily. The group went for papers and each started to draw on the paper. "You're taking up too much paper!" Wyrm whined.
Radiance complained in turn, pointing at the color he was using. "I want that color!"
Wyrm growled and argued back. "I had it first!"
They started rolling around over their drawings, biting and clawing. Grimm gave a solid scream that startled the two. "You ruined Shade's pretty pictures!" He yelled.
The two looked at each other and hung their heads. "...sorry." Radiance muttered.
"-'m sorry." Wyrm looked away from the moth, skulking. "Start again? You can have the crayon, Radiance…"
Radiance took the crayon and they all picked up the last piece of paper. "I think this is better." Root spoke cheerfully.
It was three days later, once Shade had a solid night's sleep and finals completed that they'd returned to work. A large construction sheet of paper in grey covered in scribbles and rough names and messages was waiting for them.
Feel better soon Shade
Love you
Best babysitter
Tastiest nightmare!
Not the worst anciant ancient enemy.Shade could only feel warmth and laugh, hugging the drawing to themself. There were some days the job felt like the best thing in the world.  ------------------------------- By @tomatotimes
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By @loud-whistling-yes
The kids protested louder. Shade lifted the TV remote higher up, now above their head.
"Screentime's over, I said no."
Wyrm attempted to crawl up their leg in what was a rather pathetic attempt at stealing the remote, but was promptly shaken off. Grimm tried next, flying overhead to snatch the controller. Shade ducked and grabbed him by the tail before he could send himself flying straight towards the ceiling fan for the third time that day.
"Find something else to do," Shade said as they stuffed the remote deep into their pocket, much to everyone else's dismay. "Look, as much as I'd love to shut you guys up for the whole day, you've all been staring at the TV for hours now and I don't want to get in trouble with your parents."
Louder complaints.
"No, no, no. I am not cracking this time." Shade announced as they pulled Radi, who was hissing like an angry cat, off their jeans and pulled their phone out. "You guys got me last week, never again. No more TV for you, we're doing something else before I lose my money for tonight. Google almighty, what is your suggestion."
activities to do with children
fun activities to do with children
activities to do with toddlers
what can I do with kids that isn't a major headache to deal with goddamnit
Go to the park? Shade took about half a second to consider the thought before wondering why they even thought it was possible anyways. Five kids from the deepest depths of hell, outdoors? No. No park.
Finger painting? A pain to clean up, but better than outdoors. Then they looked up from their phone and considered the idea with greater thought. Grimm's wings, Radi's legs, Unn and Wyrm's… er…. Body?.... Nevermind.
Play pretend? …. If they hear the name Hallownest one more time they might just go insane.
Hide and seek? No. No no no no no. No more hide and seek. Shade was utterly sick of hide and seek. If they had to spend another second stuffed inside the closet or trying to get Radi off the roof they'll probably quit the job right there and then.
… That might work. Sure, cleaning up is gonna be absolute hell but it's the only thing Google suggested that they haven't tried yet without horrible results.
Shade stuffed their phone back into their pocket and made a getaway to the kitchen, everyone else following, probably still trying to get the remote back. Butter, eggs, flour, sugar, oh, even some chocolate chips…
"Well then," They declared, pulling every ingredient out of the cabinet and fridge. "We're making cookies! And no, no one is allowed to touch the oven when it's hot. If you guys behave we'll have cookies in like, an hour or something like that."
The kids watched in confusion as Shade ran around the kitchen, pulling out bowls and spoons and a bunch of other utensils while typing furiously on their phone.
Cookies recipe
Cookies recipe easy
Cookies recipe for beginners
Cookies recipe for kids
"What do you guys think about chocolate chip cookies?"
Multiple chitters of approval. "Chocolate chip cookies it is then."
Step one: sieve the flour. Oh wyrm, first step and it's already gonna go to shit.
"Okay, you guys can watch this but for the love of the holy wyrm, do not touch it." Shade measured the correct amount of flour before scooping Wrym and Unn off the floor onto the table so they could see while Radi pulled herself onto the chair. The Lady had already clinged herself onto their sweater and Grimm was doing just fine flying nearby.
“You guys get one chocolate chip each if you guys behave and don’t get flour everywhere.” Shade added. “Now, Lady, hold still and don’t move, I gotta keep my hands steady for this…”
"Okay, chocolate chip time." Shade popped open the jar of chocolate as the kids cheered. "Actually, we’re not supposed to be eating this plain, cause it's going into the cookies. But no one actually does that so you guys get five chips each for not setting the kitchen on fire so far."
"The recipe says a cup of chocolate chips but we all know that's a lie." They added while shoving their phone back in their pocket and grabbing a handful of chips before mixing the batter together. "I'm probably not someone you should take life lessons from, but here's one thing I can guarantee you should take to heart: never follow the recipe when it comes to chocolate chips, you count that with your soul."
Final step: oven time. The oven was preheated earlier, and the only thing left was to get the cookies into the tray and into the oven. "Now, who wants to make heart-shaped cookies?"
Three deformed stars, five mutated trees, two malformed cats, several irregular hearts, a couple handfuls of chocolate eaten straight from the jar, and one (1) perfectly round cookie later, the cookies were on the tray, in the oven, and in a surprising turn of events, no one burned themselves… yet. Shade grabbed everyone and made sure no one was in a five-meter radius within the oven before picking up all the dirty bowls and utensils. “Cookies will have to sit in there for about 15 minutes, we’ll be cleaning up in the meantime.”
“Don’t look at me like that, and no whining, if you want cookies you gotta deal with the mess afterwards. That's the payoff, unless you're a wizard who has a passion for baking. Then that's fair, I guess." They dumped all the used utensils they could find and turned on the sink. The sief, three bowls, tablespoons and teaspoons.. Oh wait.
"Radi, the big wooden spoon, please?" Shade called, sponge in their hand and bowls being thoroughly rinsed.
Radi, of course, was not willing to help, because she's basically a feral house cat that just so happened to grow more legs than the average feline. Shade sighed and moved on to finding the next helper they could find.
"Grimm, I know you're touching the oven, stop it. I'm pretty sure you're immune to fire but not everyone else and you're setting a bad example for them. Get me the spoon please."
“Lady, here’s a cloth, help me dry the bowls up. Wyrm, … i have no idea how you can help, no limbs and all but uh, could you go get Unn? I have no idea where she went. Thanks.” The last sentence was to Grimm, who flew over with the mixing spoon and dropped it into the sink while Wyrm scurried away to find Unn, wherever she’s napping at.
"Radi? Radi, I know you're right behind me, stop pretending that you can't hear me. Lady has an extra cloth with her, you're on table wiping duty."
“See? That wasn't so bad,” Shade sent the last of the bowls back into the cupboards and closed it shut. “And the cookies are pretty much done.”
“Also, no. You may not eat the cookies the moment I pull them out of the oven. These rules also apply to Grimm because it's unfair to everyone else.. Don’t look at me like that Grimm, I know you’ll eat them all before they cool and leave us nothing.”
The cookies smelt delicious, and were left on the dining table to cool. “Now that it's cooling down, it's naptime.”
A chorus of groans and wailing.
“It’ll be ready when you guys get up. Up up up, sleep time.”
If you’ve been anywhere near toddlers before, you’d know that getting them to nap in their bedrooms is a near-impossible situation. And Shade was not a person who deals with near-impossible situations well. So following the months old custom, Shade turned on the tv, remote miraculously not pickpocketed, collapsed onto the couch, and waited for everyone piling on them to fall asleep before moving them into their bedroom and pretending they managed to wrangle them all into bed.
And it all goes to plan, the Lady and Wyrm were sound asleep on their lap, Radi and Unn were dozing off on their shoulders, and they're pretty sure the snoring from the top of their head was coming from Grmm. Now, step 2: get everyone off them and onto the beds.
… Or maybe later. It's been a long day, and the couch is pretty comfy. Yeah, just five more minutes, nothing wrong with that…
And if the parents came home to see a cleaner-than-expected kitchen, a tray of chocolate chip cookies, and five kids snoring on top of their babysitter, also sound asleep, then that’s nobody’s business.
And if the originally completely full jar of chocolate chips was pretty much empty, then that’s no one’s business as well.
By @astronomicartz​
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By @hollow-kin​
Shade lord wanted to take a nap. They are sooo tired, but they are babysitting 5 baby gods for 5$/H. Grimm is a brat, Radiance his sister is also a brat. Unn was ether eating or seeping, same with grub1. Lady was, well sweet and cuddly. they needed to find a distraction for the kids, what would work?
Would tv work, would cartoons work? They had dinner already. Tv had to work or grub and radiance would destroy the house. They needed to take a nap. Now what to watch was a different question, they would have to ask the kids. “so, what do guys want to watch? “Movie!” well they were all in agreement, what was good. “What kind of movie do you guys want to watch?” “Fire!” “dath” “animal” “tree” “ok. No, we are NOT watching fire.” “awww” “i do not know what dath means so no. So nature show it is then.” they go over to the tv and turn it on, then select the world around us. Lady was quick to fall asleep, on their lap. Shade lord slowly fell asleep, and grub nested between grub and shade lord. Grimm climed up to shade lord's head. 
By @hawaiianbabidoll
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By @neoliberalsatan
A gentle darkness surrounded the shade lord. He finally felt at ease. "finally", he thought, "rest." it didn't take long after that before the darkness started to take shape and a whole new world created out of shadows sheathed him.
But the happiness of the shadows didn't last long. A new and a new sound drowned out their world and all the animals and plants took to hiding back in his head. The shade lord felt the distressed creations stir inside his mind and woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He rubbed his lowest eyes and accepted the call
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh sorry dear, i know it's terribly late but we got an unexpected call and need to leave. Since you've babysat Unn multiple times we assumed she would like to stay with you. Is it okay for you? Can we bring her to your place?" The shade lord thought for a moment and decided he could use the money. "Yea it's fine, she's always such a pleasure to babysit." The voice on the other side sounded relieved. "Thank you. You're a life saver. We will make sure you're compensated accordingly."
Feeling a bit more awake after the phone call he started to prepare for having baby Unn over. After a while her parents arrived and after some greetings he was home alone with the baby. He walked with her in his arms towards the living room and placed her gently inside the crib. She opened her eyes for a moment after losing the feeling of someone holding her, but then closed them again and fell back asleep.
The shade lord decided he couldn't sleep anymore and made some popcorn and decided to put on a movie. It didn't even take 20 minutes before he got called again.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Oh yes finally someone who answers. Sorry but you're our last hope. We were going somewhere tonight but our babysitter called off. Do you think you could babysit our lovely Radiance? She's very good behaved and won't cause you trouble." "yea, no problem. You'll just need to bring her to my place if it's no trouble"
Not even 5 minutes later the parents showed up and dropped of their larva. Shade lord looked at it a bit confused but didn't get the time to say anything because the parents left as soon as they handed her over. He closed his front door and gave the larva a good look. She was white and had a fluffy appearance. She had 5 pairs of legs and yellow-orange eyes. She started to writhe a little bit and shade lord made sure to hurry to the living room. He took a pillow and placed it on the couch and softly laid her on it. She seemed at ease and rested on the pillow all stretched out
Shade lord continued his movie, which was finally starting to get interesting, but as usual the commercial break hit. He was in the kitchen making more popcorn when he got another call.
"Hello, with shade lord. How can i help you?" "Hello, is this the babysitter?" "Yes, that's the one you're speaking with." "Great, a family member had an accident and i need to be there for them so do you think you could babysit for me?" "Yep, totally." "Thank you, can we bring him to you?" "Oh yea, no problem."
A few minutes later his doorbell rang and he hurried towards it. The father carried his toddler in what could only be described as wing-esque appendages. The shade lord extended his arms for the man to put his toddler in and felt a gentle brush of the leathery membrane. He shivered lightly before feeling a sudden warmth light up in his face, like someone has started a fire. When he looked back up the man was gone and he closed the door. The creature he was holding in his arms was unlike anything he had ever seen. 2 horns sprouted from its black head. The face was as bleak as white linen on a summer day. It seems she likes make-up because she had already 2 black lines running from her cheeks towards her eyes, eventually fading into the darkness of her head. She had the same membranes as her father and no limbs besides it.
He wasn’t even in the living room before he heard his front door being was under siege. He put the weird creature down and opened the front door. Immediately he was assaulted by Hollow, a very energetic child. He was wearing a green cloak today and it finally seemed he was starting to grow bigger than a hand. His horns has also branched into the inside. Immediately after Hollow jumped on his he could hear Pale complain about his unprofessional work attitude. Although he was bigger than most it seems he wouldn’t grow much anymore. His tiny stature didn’t discourage him from being bossy. Finally White entered. By far the biggest of the bunch, she was also the most introverted. Her roots slid elegantly over towards him and even managed to stop Pale from talking for a moment.
He took them inside the living room only to find that somehow the larva and the winged creature had somehow gotten into a fight and now both were in hiding in opposite sides of the room. Normally he wouldn’t make such a big deal out of this if somehow his couch wasn’t full of tiny needles and a chair was on fire. He rushed to the tap to fill a bowl of water to extinguish the little fire. With the attention being diverted Hollow managed to slip from the watch of Pale and could now be found in the corner Radiance was hiding. The larva figured out quickly he liked to play games and had soon enough set up a plan to make him betray Pale.
In the meantime White had climbed the couch and started pulling out the needles while Shade lord had figured out what the membrane between the appendages from the weird creature were for. Namely, for flight. And now she was attacking his horns and he couldn’t reach her. As if her flying was not good enough alone, whenever he raised his arms she would back off and launch a little fireball  All this commotion woke up baby Unn who slowly started to slither away from her crib to find food.
The shade lord finally had enough of the little fire hazard and rushed towards the pantry to get a kettle. Once he had found it he peeked around the corner only to find that fire hazard eating his popcorn! All caution was thrown aside and he grabbed her by the guts and put her inside the kettle. She tried to heat it but he added some water to it. While it evaporated quickly it was apparently enough to bring over the message. Now he could focus his attention back on the larva again, only she could’ve produced those needles, which White was making great progress with removing them as a quick glance told him.
Now back to Pale and Radiance who were apparently having a fight (Darkness, that larva really has a talent to provoke others). They were arguing near the coffee table, because apparently they wanted a fight so bad they just ran to each other and met in the middle. Hollow was climbing one of the legs of the table, but wasn’t noticed by the shade lord because he was too occupied with the other 2. He tried to separate the arguing pair but they were at each other’s throats. They even had summoned a needle and a tiny dagger to fight each other. The shade lord obviously didn’t count on this tiny factor and had soon enough one in each hand. He screamed, trying not to curse, barely not failing miserably, and Pale managed to escape. In any other situation this wouldn’t pose a problem, but Hollow, after eating some popcorn, found himself at the right edge of the coffee table and pulled out his tiny wooden sword he got from Pale. The larva, Darkness curse her, used this to her advantage and made the sign to Hollow to betray Pale. The act of betraying Pale involved jumping off of the coffee table and hitting Pale as hard on the head as possible. Naturally, all of this went according to plan and even brought some extra spectacle. After Hollow had hit Pale on the head he wasn’t prepared for the recoil of the wood and ended up hitting himself in the face.
All of this lead to 3 crying children (1 of them from laughing, the others from pain) and 1 very angry young adult. He put the larva on the couch and took care of the others while White held a close eye on the damned 10 legged thing. After Pale and Hollow weren’t crying anymore he took the little fire hazard out of the kettle and continued his movie, which was getting to an end.
After the film ended a documentary started and had all the kids hooked. He went to check on Unn only to find an empty crib. He could however see a slimy trail lead up his wall and onto the ceiling. It went through the door into the pantry where he kept his food and toys for the toddlers. He looked up on the ceiling only to find a sleepy Unn with a letter block in her mouth. Suddenly Unn started to make a very weird noise and fell from the ceiling onto his face. He swiped her off of his face onto his shoulder and then washed it.
He returned back to the tv to watch the documentary that was still playing and plopped down on the couch. Not long after he was asleep with White on his left shoulder, Unn on his right shoulder, the little fire hazard on the same arm and Pale curled up in his lap. Radiance and hollow were still awake but occupied with the documentary instead of causing trouble. After the documentary ended they crawled up against his sides and fell asleep.
By @constantlost 
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By @bugbeee
Exhaustion seeped into Shadelord’s body, limbs weighed down by a heaviness they hadn’t experienced in a while. The smatter of godlings that lay around them on the couch, or on them in Radi’s case, was enough to convince them that they had died and that this was the Eternal Void that was created to punish them for cheating on that test in the 8th grade. In their defence, it had been on rock sedimentation.
Wyrm continued his grumbling from the corner of the couch, still infuriated by the attack on his person only moments before. Root, the aggressor, looked remarkably pleased with herself. Shade knew they should probably punish her further in some way but... well, to be perfectly honest, they simply were not paid enough to do so.
They really should have charged more. Fifteen dollars at least per tiny demon they had to look after rather than the whole bunch. Fifteen dollars was not enough to encourage discipline. It was enough for them to make sure none of the godlings killed the other. And they had thought they had come up with an ingenious plan to secure some peace and quiet.
After much wrangling, they had finally managed to set up two separate playpens, each far enough away that the godlings wouldn’t start screaming if one of them saw their rival. Wyrm and Root in one pen, Grimm, Radi and Unn in another. It was a gamble, but one that thankfully seemed to have paid off. Radi was still exhausted from the tussle she had just had with Wyrm, and Grimm seemed content to chew off the heads of the plastic Garbies they had found. Unn continued to watch, and occasionally helped Grimm execute a Garbie in a spectacular manner. It was both reassuring, and beyond disturbing. Root and Wyrm meanwhile were cheerfully ignoring each other as they both played with their own toys.
It should have been foolproof.
Unfortunately for Shade however, they were dealing with infants instead of fools.
For some damned reason, Root had decided that now was the perfect time to act up, instead of being the sweet little darling she had been so far. Her target, much to their dismay, had been Wyrm. In all fairness, the godling had probably deserved it in some way; most likely he had tried to worm too close in order to steal some of the grubpaste and mushroom sticks Shade had left out as a snack. Root had seen this theft as a cardinal sin, and had subsequently decided that Wyrm deserved nothing less than absolute annihilation.
The momentary doze Shade had managed to fall into was abruptly interrupted by loud shrieking and wailing, resulting in them vaulting over the couch to hurriedly find out which one of the godlings was being tortured.
The scene that greeted them was... well, it wasn’t any less ridiculous than some of the other stuff the little goblins had pulled before.
Using her flexible tendrils, Root had seen fit to wrap them around Wyrm, and aggressively dunk him into the bowl of grubpaste he had attempted to steal from. His shrieks and hisses had woken up Radi and drawn the attention of the other children, who were now cheering on Root’s attack on Wyrm’s person.
“Enough,” Shade declared, shooting a glare behind them, “Root, let him go.” Root looked up innocently.
No, she seemed to say with her eyes, justice must prevail.
“Justice won’t get me my fifteen dollars,” they hissed out in return, and they could have sworn that Root shrugged, turning away from them to dunk Wyrm into the bowl yet again.
“No!” they cried out, quickly whipping down to grab the poor child before he could be further humiliated. After finally being saved from his vicious tormentor, Wyrm decided it was time to go into hysterics, lashing out with a sharp tail to fully show his displeasure. Root simply watched impassively as the rest of the children cheered.
Shade wondered if fifteen dollars was even worth it at this point.
“Alright, alright, enough! Root, you go in time out. We do not waterboard our fellow godlings in grubpaste. Wyrm, calm down, it’s just grubpaste- Settle down!” they yelped out, flinching as something heavy settled onto their head. The soft fluff revealed that Radi had decided to fly out of her pen and taunt Wyrm in person. Shade wanted to sob with frustration.
The door cracked open, and Ghost peered in, head tilted curiously.
Need help? they signed, and Shade wanted to collapse in relief.
“Please,” they begged, and their sibling nodded grimly, even as amusement danced in their eyes. Shucking off their school backpack, they quickly headed over to the other pen and signed to them, bobbing their head up and down in a soothing motion. Grimm and Unn were entranced. Radi less so. She remained seated on their head, but at least seemed to have finally stopped provoking Wyrm.
“I’m just going to clean him up,” Shade explained uselessly, watching as Ghost simply nodded and waved them off. 
With a tired gait, Shade wandered into the kitchen and turned on the tap, listening as Wyrm’s panicked yelps grew louder at the realisation of what was going to happen next. Radi snickered softly, before leaping off and gliding back into the living room.
Bath time, according to the godlings, was a fate worse than death, and something to be avoided at all cost.
Unfortunately for both Wyrm and Shade, it was a necessary evil. Wyrm disagreed. Loudly. And with claws.
He howled furiously as Shade slowly lowered him into the warm water, softly scrubbing at the now-dried grubpaste sticking to his skin. Despite his attempts, Wyrm failed to prevent them from continuing his bath. He turned to pathetic pleading instead, making soft mewling sounds as though he was nothing more than a poor innocent child who had done nothing wrong, ever.
Shade, who remembered the little bastard knocking a glass ornament onto their head, was not convinced. Ultimately there was no escape, and Wyrm reluctantly gave in to the soft scrubbing, though he made sure his rumbling complaints were known.
“Yes, yes,” Shade said quietly, “I truly am the worst. Close your eyes so I can rinse you.”
Wyrm, in a dumb act of defiance, did not close his eyes. The hysterics started again, and Shade contemplated drowning themself in the half-filled sink. Fifteen dollars, they repeated. Fifteen dollars.
Grabbing a tea towel, they quickly dried the godling off, carefully teasing out water droplets from soft scales. He child gnawed on their fingers in revenge. “I’m done,” they announced, wandering back into the living room with a now clean, and furious, Wyrm.
Ghost looked up from their position on the floor, back leaning against the couch as they played with Grimm. Radi immediately perked up at the sound of Shade’s voice, and quickly flew over, making herself at home on top of their head. Unn seemed to have decided to undertake the momentous task of scaling up the back of the couch, leaving a thick trail of slime behind. Root, still stuck in her pen as punishment, let out a wail, demanding to be let out.
Shade was all out of energy to fight back or deal with a tantrum.
“Alright, alright, out you go,” they muttered, depositing Wyrm on the couch before reaching down to lift out the petulant child from her terrible prison. She clung to them desperately until they finally collapsed on the sofa. She quickly wriggled out of their hold and instead plonked down beside them. Wyrm had hissed at the sight of her, and slunk to the other side of the couch to sulk.
Grimm let out a raspy cackle at the sight, before diving down to nip at Ghost’s fingers.
Unn finally made her way to the top of the couch and waved her eyestalks victoriously. All Shade could do was give her a tired pat.
They sank into the couch, the exhaustion creeping back in. It should have been foolproof.
Fifteen dollars.
By @arandoskeleartist​
158 notes · View notes
latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏 (𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒏) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐧 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)/ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐍𝐨𝐧-𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥! 𝐀𝐔
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞/ 𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩, 𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧)
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟓.𝟓𝐊
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬.
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬
Taking the milkshake glasses off the counter and making sure the space was throughly wiped down and sanitized, San's eyes looked up when the familiar midnight blue Nissan sedan, whose model he'd never given a damn to memorize, parked in front of the restaurant, signaling the arrival of the person working the closing shift that day. His heart practically somersaulted when he caught glimpse of the soft, silky [insert color] hair stepping out of the vehicle, the owner such pretty hair owning an equally beautiful face. While his heart pounded, his stomach turned sick when he saw the driver come out as well, going over to where she was, whispering a goodbye in her ear. To anyone passing by, it'd look like a normal couple, a boyfriend bringing his girlfriend to work and giving her a kiss, no doubt promising to pick her up later.
But San knew better.
His eyes always caught on to the way she stepped back slightly, her arm folding across her body when his hand reached out to caress it, his fingers no doubt gripping down harshly on her skin. She didn't kiss him back, she just allowed him to place his lips momentarily on hers before patting her cheek lightly with his palm and soon going back to his vehicle and driving away. He watched her take a deep breath before she felt ready to go inside and start her shift.
"Hey Y/N!" He did his usual friendly and warm way of greeting her, his smiling eyes and dimples putting a genuine smile on her own somber countenance.
"Hi San. How's it been?" She inquired as she punched her number in.
Shrugging his shoulders, he sighed.
"Same as almost every Wednesday. Dead, boring and mostly the regulars or just travelers."
She shook her head, already mentalizing herself that it'd be another day spent cleaning what's already clean and over stocking the merchant just to pass time. She went inside the office to put on her uniform shirt and apron. San in no way ever peeked in to see her cause he was a pervert, he respected her and would never allow himself to think of any inappropriate scenarios involving her. However, he would always sneak a tiny glance every now and then for one particular reason. Tilting his head slightly so he could see through the tiny cracked door, he watched her take off her denim jacket and felt his grip tighten on the glass cup he was currently drying when he spotted some purple blotches on her bicep. He immediately looked away as he did not want to get angry in front of her. He hastily put the cup back in the shelf under the counter, throwing the rag onto the marble counter in a rather aggressive manner.
"Ok San, tell me what needs to be finished."
Coming out in full uniform and hair held up with her usual choice of a colored scrunchie, this day choosing yellow, Y/N looked at her coworker and waited for him to give her a task.
"Nothing really except wait on customers. I already stocked the fridge and pulled out the stuff needed from the freezer."
He was always doing that, doing not only his side workload but also hers, which more often than not had her pouting at him.
"So I'll just be bored to death?" She huffed.
Chuckling, San stepped closer to her, making sure to keep an elbow distance from her, knowing she tended to get apprehensive when someone came to close to her than she was comfortable with.
"Not really. There's plenty of things to amuse yourself with. Besides.......maybe now you won't hurt yourself so much from lifting heavy objects..."
His tone lowered involuntarily at that last part. He knew very well the bruises weren't cause she'd accidentally hit herself on the railings in the back because she lost her balance carrying stuff in and out of the freezer. She herself tensed up a little at his words.
"Oh right......heh.....clumsy me right?" She tried to plaster an unfazed smile on her face, only succeeding about halfway.
Unable to control his movements, San's hand reached out to tuck some of the hair slipping out of her ponytail behind her ear. It hurt him to no end when she flinched slightly at his movement, he could feel her tensing up when his fingers made contact with her temple. As he squinted his eyes, he could make out the uneven patch of concealer and powder on the area close to her hairline, a tiny hue of reddish purple peeking slightly through. She relaxed when he finally retreated his hand.
"Just try to be careful and take care of yourself. I don't like seeing you get hurt."
She probably didn't know, or maybe she did, he was painfully obvious when it came to her, that he meant what he said in more ways than one.
"You too....see you San."
Once more, he held himself back from blurting out everything that was kept in his chest, instead opting for giving her a farewell and going out to the parking lot to get inside his red 1989 Ford f150 and drive over to his friend's house, the bunch of them waiting for him to complete his shift and come over to their place.
"Aish seriously San, just forget about her. Plenty of fish in the sea." One of the pair of giants told him as he chugged back the remnants in his bottle.
"And you have a lot of fish waiting for you to reel in your rod so they can bite right in." His friend sitting next to him wiggled his eyebrows at him.
"Stop you guys." San pushed the blonde away.
"Mingi and Wooyoung are right though San. You have girls and guys lined up all willing to drop their pants for you at anytime. Lucky bastard." Yunho, the other half of the giant squad chuckled lowly.
"I don't want any of them though... you guys don't understand." San looked down at the floor.
The other blonde haired male in the room, Yeosang, rolled his eyes at him, unable to understand his infatuation for the girl.
"You've been pining for her since high school. When are you going to let her go? She chose and still chooses to this day Lee Taeyong."
Slamming his fist on the table, San angrily looked at him.
"Don't fucking mention that asshole's name near me!"
Everyone grew quiet, the members who were bordering on getting tipsy suddenly sobering completely up as if there was absolutely no drop of alcohol in their system. San was usually a very friendly and sweet person, but he was also sensitive and emotional, and lately he'd manifest it through anger and rage, and it was truly terrifying to them. But they knew he had reasons for lashing out like that. They knew his hatred for Taeyong, not just for being able to score the girl he'd been in love with for ages, San would have stayed content and wholeheartedly happy had she'd been loved and cared for like she deserved to be. But instead, he had to watch as she was constantly belittled and sometimes shoved hardly into the ground, landing her scraped knees or bruised palms. He could only imagine what went on behind closed doors.
"San......you have to accept reality, all of us do whether we like it or not. Her friends aren't blind to what's happening to her. Teacher's at university aren't either, they've all tried approaching her about it.....she won't listen to anyone." Yunho decided to finally say what everyone was thinking.
"She doesn't deserve it! It's toxic and sick!" He cried out in desperation.
"But ultimately it's her choice........ you can't force her to get help or leave if she doesn't want to. She's been with him for years."
Unwilling to hear anymore, San quickly picked up his leather jacket and stormed out the house. He drove the streets like a mad man, his fist hitting the steering wheel every time he stopped at a red light. He would have continued his angry drive back to his place had he not spotted an all too familiar denim jacket walking on the road. Slowing down the truck, he pulled closer to the right side and stopped right in front of the figure trembling in the cold night air.
"Y/N?" He rolled down his window so she wouldn't be startled by some stranger suddenly pulling up next to her.
"Oh! Hey San!" She said through chattering teeth.
"You're walking home all alone?" He could not believe this.
"Uh....yeah! My boyfriend got caught up at work....didn't want to bother him so I'm walking home...it's not that far!" She tried to sound reassuring, but he could see right through her.
"You want a ride?" He offered.
She hesitated for a moment, wondering if it'd be a good idea or not.
"Hey it's ok. I'm not going to kidnap you or anything. I'll just drive you straight home. We don't even have to talk if you don't want. Just you, me and some old jams playing on the radio all right?"
Unable to resist that dimple smile that always made her feel fuzzy inside, she allowed him to open the door for her from the inside. After giving him her address, she found he stayed true to his word and just drove in silence the entire time. She was kinda thankful for it. She was tired after her shift, exhausted from walking and from how late it was, and more than anything, she felt like she was going to spill tears any minute if she even got out a single word. She felt worn out, her head resting on the window, eyes opening and closing as tiredness began to overtake her. She only awoke when she felt a light hand caress her cheek. In other circumstances, she would have immediately swatted the hand away and pushed the face near her own as far away as possible. But she didn't do that, she felt strangely safe and protected by the male next to her as he brushed some hair off her face.
"We're here. Safe and sound just like I promised."
For some reason she felt anything but safe as she looked at the house in front of her.
"Thanks San." She smiled weakly at him as she began taking off her seat belt.
"Call me if you ever need a ride. I mean it. I don't want you catching a cold...or-or worse..." He admitted.
"Thank you, really. Good night. I'll see you tomorrow."
She took slow steps to the front door, San didn't drive away until he confirmed she was inside. With a heavy heart, he drove away back to his place, unaware that the girl he dropped off was watching through the peephole his departure, still staying there moments after he had disappeared from sight. She sighed despondently as she dropped her bag onto the floor, slumping her body onto the couch as it was useless to try to go sleep in the bedroom given the pornographic moans and thumping noises coming from inside it. Wouldn't be the first or last time she came home to such sounds. She simply curled up into a fetus position, falling asleep in the usual way:
Tears falling out of the corners of her eyes.
"What do you mean she's not coming?"
San nervously gulped as his boss told him Y/N's boyfriend called to say she had a little accident and couldn't go in that day. He knew it was bullshit and he was going to find out what really happened. After going to classes the next day, he actively searched around campus for any signs of her or Taeyong. After asking around, a girl motioned to the football field, saying that's where they'd often go to at times. San squinted his eyes as he looked all over for them, finally spotting them near the bleachers. His fist tightened as he watched Taeyong once again put his filthy hands on Y/N, shoving her to the ground, making her land face first, her palms outstretched and scraping against the grass under her. He watched as Taeyong simply walked away, leaving her there, not caring about if she was seriously injured or not. Unable to hide any longer, San sauntered over to her, his arms picking her up from the ground.
"Y/N it's me!"
He didn't mean to shout at her, but having her scream and cover her head protectively gave him no other option. He nearly began crying himself when she lifted her head, her eyes full of fear and panic.
"Oh! It's you San! Sorry for that!"
As she stood up, she began dusting the dirt off, ignoring the throbbing pain in her ankle. Faking a smile, she giggled nervously.
"Clumsy me again, tripping on some-"
"Y/N stop lying to yourself. I saw everything."
Her face darkened at his words, her eyes becoming glued to the floor as she avoided his gaze like she did the others. She hated seeing their pitiful stares and shameful eyes, she believed San probably had the same look as well. She couldn't be more wrong as his eyes just looked at her in despair and agony.
"Why? Why do you put up with it? Why do you stay with him? Why do you torture yourself like this?.....
Why do you love him?"
He asked that last question more to himself than her. Y/N crossed her right arm over her chest, her hand clutching her left bicep as she gently massaged the muscle there. San knew it was the same bruised arm he had seen a few days ago, it was probably even more battered up than the last time he saw it.
"I can't......I don't know....."
Seeing her struggling to form words, San opted for gently hovering his hands around her, maneuvering and ushering her to sit on the bleachers without ever laying a single finger on her. Opening his backpack, he took out the mini first aid kit his older friend, Seonghwa, had given him, actually deciding to put it to use for once.
"I'm going to clean these scrapes ok?"
He looked at her and waited til she gave him permission to touch her. She did not flinch away at all when he began wiping off the dirt and blood accumulated on her knee or hands, only momentarily when he applied the disinfectant spray on her wounds.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine.......I'm used to hurting...." She finally admitted.
He wanted to speak up again, but found it hard to find the right words. He focused on applying ointment on her wounds and bandaging them up nicely.
"How long has he pushed you around?" He needed to know.
"Started 3 months after we became official.....but even before that, he'd often tease me and what not........ it doesn't hurt ....." She lied once more.
"The Y/N I knew never lied even to save her life. Sad how someone like him managed to change that." He finished wrapping the gauze around her knee.
"I haven't changed at-"
"Yes you have." He interrupted once again.
"The Y/N from then was a cheerful, happy ray of sunshine known for her bubbly personality and kindness to others. She loved going out with friends and hated staying indoors for too long. She was always honest and ready to help anyone in need, especially cute abandoned animals, she was a real softie for them."
She chuckled softly at his words, not denying any of it.
"I still am soft for them." She corrected him.
"But you're no longer happy. You're sad, somber and being in pain all because of an asshole who doesn't deserve you.......he doesn't deserve your love."
Although she heard him and wanted to believe his words, her mind blocked out such reasoning.
"But he does love me.......he swears it....every time it happens, he apologizes and promises-"
"It's all lies Y/N! He doesn't love you! If he loved you he wouldn't hurt you physically and emotionally. He wouldn't be the reason why you're only a shell of the person you used to be. He doesn't love you and he'll never love you..."
She let his words sink, trying to digest what he was saying.
"I know because I've loved you for so long and I'd never even think about putting you through half of what he has."
She whipped her head up at his words, seeing the earnest and emotion in his eyes as he finally confessed what was in his heart.
"San......" She was left speechless.
He teared up, scoffing at himself as a dry smile formed on his face.
"You have no idea how much it hurts seeing you be in pain and not able to do anything about it. Having you flinch at my touch when all I want is to comfort and hold you."
Without thinking, he cupped her cheeks, thumbs wiping away the tears that began falling down her eyes.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself Y/N. You can't spend the rest of your life living in fear and chained to someone who just wants to make you suffer. You can't allow someone to take away your joy and peace of mind. You shouldn't be afraid to be free and enjoy life. You deserve to be happy and loved."
He used his last bit of self control he had and stopped himself when he leaned his face too close to hers, his nose brushing against hers, expecting her to shiver away from his touch, but instead she seemed to wait for his next move. Knowing he'd never forgive himself for it, he pulled back, leaving her disappointed and himself in agony.
"Please take care..."
Taking off his leather jacket, he placed it on her back, fanning out the sleeves so it'd cover her shoulders. Then he turned around and began walking away from her, shoulders slumped down and heart aching to go back and just take her away for good. But he resolved himself not to. Not until she specifically asked him to.
When Y/N finally got back to her place, Taeyong wasn't there. He was probably spending the night at one of his side chick's place, no doubt getting buzzed and high out of his mind. Her soft bed no longer comforted her, so instead she slid down and sat on the floor, hugging her knees and occasionally running a finger through the fabric of San's jacket. His scent was still on it and every time she inhaled it, it had a soothing and calming effect on her mind and heart that soon helped her tense body relax until she felt sleepy. It took a lot of effort, but she climbed into her bed, not bothering to cover herself with the blanket or change into more comfortable and less confining clothes.
San's jacket was the only comforting thing at that moment......
Nudging him with his elbow, Yeosang whispered to the male next to him the presence of the girl that was slowly approaching them. Always reacting to anything related to her, San turned his head and smiled softly when he saw Y/N walking up to him.
"Hey." He greeted her.
"Hi.....I came to return this. Thanks for letting me borrow it." She held out his leather jacket, neatly folded and visible clean.
"Oh Y/N, you really didn't need to go that far." San became shy at her gesture, and worried about if she washed it cause he had forgotten to and it disgusted her.
"Don't say that. It's the least I can do for all you've done..."
She looked up at his eyes as she said that, her heart fluttering when he rested his hand on top of hers when he tried to take back his treasured article of clothing, letting it stay there for a moment, his fingers giving her hand a light squeeze. His friend behind him looked back and forth between the both of them, confused by what was going on and internally gagging at their mushy scene.
"I wanted to say thank-"
The voice calling out for her roared in her ears, sending her into a panic mode as she pulled away immediately from his physical contact. San noticed the way her body tensed up and her eyes became afraid. His own eyes narrowed at the icy blue haired man strutting up to them, a chilling smile on his manga like visuals.
"Hey baby, I've been looking all over for you. What were you doing?" He asked in a concerning tone, face bearing down on hers rather uncomfortably.
"I- I was j-just giving San back this.." She stammered as she gestured to the jacket in her hand.
Letting out a barely audible scoff, Taeyong gripped the jacket, prying it off her delicate fingers before tossing it back to San.
"Thanks bud."
San glared at him, resisting the urge to throw a punch to his face. Seeing him unresponsive, Taeyong just shrugged and suspiciously wrapped an arm around Y/N.
"Come on babe. Let's go back home."
His fingers dug into her skin, applying very painful pressure to her bruise, an occasional whimper coming out of her mouth as they walked across the football field. San's jaw tightened as he watched Taeyong lean in and whispered something in her ear, no doubt some degrading words judging by the way she cowered beneath him.
"San just let it go." Yeosang's voice said.
"I can't Yeosang. Every time I see him even breathe near her.......I feel like combusting." He grunted in frustration as his friend tried to calm him down.
"Taeyong, please stop. It really hurts." Y/N cried out, her fingers prying his hand off her aching arm.
"Shut up you little bitch. How dare you go talk to that punk? Making me look bad and having me talk to that low life." He cringed in disgust.
"I was only thanking him for lending me-"
"So what? Were you going to lend yourself to him too? Is that what you were going over to him for?"
She instantly shook her head.
"What?! No!"
"Yeah right. I bet you already whored yourself out to him...didn't you?!"
Not caring that there was still people nearby, Taeyong harshly yanked her by her hair before tossing her onto the ground, catching the attention of everyone around, including San and Yeosang.
"Fucking whore." He spat at her.
"Don't." Yeosang held his hand out when he saw San taking a step forward.
"But I can't-"
Yeosang kept an arm around him to keep him in place.
"Don't get involved. You'll only make things worse."
San looked back at the scene, his heart breaking seeing Y/N once again on the floor, trembling like a frightened kitten who had no protection. When she looked up, he saw tears already brimming down her face.
"Get up. We're going home." Taeyong sternly commanded, turning to walk away as usual.
He stopped dead in his tracks at her refusal.
"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
Not knowing how or where she got the strength from, Y/N got up and faced him with determination.
"I've finally had enough."
Both San and Yeosang were shocked at hearing her words, one of them more incredulous than anything and the other proud of her for finally standing up for herself. Taeyong too was put out of sorts seeing her be so bold.
"Haha, real funny baby. Now let's go home." He walked closer to her, reaching out to yank her arm, but she slapped it away.
"No! I told you! I've had it! It's over!" She declared.
Sensing he was really losing his power and control over her, Taeyong lunged at her, fist held up in the air.
"Listen here you-"
Y/N covered her face, stepping back when he came close to her. She opened her eyes and uncovered herself when she felt someone suddenly step in front of her, their hand blocking Taeyong's fist from even approaching her.
"Stay out of this Choi." Taeyong grunted.
"She told you it's over Taeyong."
San easily pushed him away single handedly, making him stumble backwards.
"Now leave and never bother her again."
Not giving up yet, Taeyong looked back at Y/N menacingly.
"And do tell me Y/N? If it's over, where are you going to live now?" He taunted her.
Realizing he was right, she almost felt defeated until San spoke up again.
"She's going to live with me." He firmly answered.
"I fucking knew it. You were being a whore with him."
Unable to hold himself back anymore, San swung hard, fist colliding with Taeyong's face, sending him falling down against the floor. Y/N covered her mouth as she gasped sharply when San picked Taeyong back up from his collar, shaking him fiercely.
"Call her that one more time! I dare you to!" He warned him as he got ready to take another swing.
"San stop!" He felt Yeosang intervene once again, holding his elbow with his hands.
"Yeosang! Just let me-"
"Stop for Y/N's sake, she's already seen and lived enough violence, I really don't think she needs to see any more." Yeosang tilted his head to the Y/N who had already began backing as far away as possible.
Realizing his friend was right, San begrudgingly let go of his most hated rival.
"Try to come near her again and I will end you."
With those final words, he went over to where Y/N was, his face softening up when he looked at her. He held out his hand to her and waited for her response. He felt happy when she finally reached out and allowed him to guide her out to the parking lot, and thankful that he decided to park somewhere where there weren't a lot of people.
"You all right?" He finally spoke up when they were finally inside his truck
"Uh...yeah...actually...I'm fine.... can you believe I actually did it?"
Although she sounded enthusiastic, he heard the crack in her voice and her nervous laughter wasn't helping her case. Instead of turning the car on, he shifted to his right to look at her. He watched as the smile left her face, her fidgeting hands suddenly shake uncontrollably and her laughter suddenly turned to her hyperventilating. Knowing what was happening, San immediately pulled her into an embrace for the very first time in his life, holding her tightly, hands running through her hair as she began breaking down, sobbing violently, finally releasing all the pent up pain and suffering she had been bottling up for years.
San himself wanted to cry, but he didn't for her sake. He just let her cry her eyes out. It took a little over 10 minutes, but finally she started to calm down.
"Thank you....for everything."
Kissing her forehead, he poked her nose and smiled at her.
"Don't mention it. Let's get you somewhere warm now."
He made sure to play soothing music for her on the ride to his house. He noticed how once again she was drifting off to sleep and simply allowed her rest, knowing she was probably exhausted not only from crying so much but also from standing up to her abusive ex boyfriend moments ago. That certainly took a lot of energy and strength from her part and he was proud of her.
It was already dark when they got home, the brooding and cloudy day shortening the daylight and making it night at such an early hour. San gently picked up Y/N and got her out of the car, carrying her sleeping figure bridal style inside his house. It was small, but at least it was cozy and would be safe for her. Peeling back the covers from his bed, he carefully laid her down on it before tucking her in. When he made sure she'd be comfortable, he turned to leave the room, deciding it'd be better for him to sleep on the couch, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or have her freak out. He barely got to the door when he heard a tiny and hushed whisper of his name.
He immediately looked over to see what she needed.
"Could.....could you please sleep by my side?.... I'd feel more safe that way..."
She didn't want to admit it right then, but it had been so long since she'd slept in someone's arms and she really craved physical affection from him. Happy to oblige, San went over and got into bed with her.
"Are you going to be ok if I wrap my arm around you?" He asked for permission first.
"Please just hold me." She begged as she cuddled up next to him, her face burying inside his chest.
He wasted no time in throwing his arm around her, his delicate fingers drawing soothing circles on her arm.
"Don't be afraid. You're safe now and you're going to be all right. I'm here and I'll protect you."
More than a year passed. It was a long and arduous process. At first Y/N didn't want to go through it, but San kept insisting she get therapy. After promising to accompany her and staying by her, she finally gave up and started seeing a psychologist. It wasn't easy, for neither of them. It was painful for her to finally speak up about all the abuse she endured for years and it was equally torturous for San to hear the rest of the untold story. It truly sickened him that one day he nearly busted Taeyong's face when he met him outside the school, but was ultimately held back once more by one of his friends. Besides his main priority was helping Y/N, helping her to properly function again and to bring a little more joy into her life, even going out to adopt a cat for her, naming her Byeol. She became their cute little baby, even if she was a total, well, cat at times and didn't want to cuddle.
"That's ok. I know a cat willing to cuddle me." Y/N chuckled.
San looked around confused.
"Wait! You got another cat? Where is- Oh! You meant me." He blushed hard when she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body next to his as she snuggled next to him on the couch.
San did not hope for and did not expect Y/N to ever return his feelings, he was satisfied with her just being out of that horrible situation and being able to help her. Never did he dream she'd ever accept to be his and especially not ever cross his mind that he'd ever be able to actually claim her as his own.
But here she was, looking so beautiful underneath his body, wearing nothing but his leather jacket as he rolled his hips against hers. His fingers were laced with hers as his lips pulled apart from hers so he could look at her.
"Fuck...you're so damn pretty."
He leaned back in to place open mouth kisses on her jaw that traveled down to her neck. Although he nibbled occasionally, he made sure not to leave any marks on her soft and delicate skin.
"San...." She breathed out heavily, her hands breaking from his grasp to run through his black hair, paying close attention to the faded green streaks near his bangs.
"Oh god- please repeat that a little more." He groaned, loving the way she called out his name with such lust.
One of his hands traveled down her sides to cup one of her thighs, lifting her leg so he could hit deeper inside her. Feeling him at a whole new angle had Y/N gripping his muscly arms, her panting now becoming more erratic as she began clenching around him.
"San-" She called out again.
He chuckled slightly, hips snapping up to thrust just a little harder in her.
"Go ahead beautiful. Cum all over me, I want to feel you."
Hearing his low and suddenly husky voice urging her on, she let out a tiny whimper, her legs wrapping around his waist, using it as leverage to ride out her high. Her nails raked themselves into his back, her body pressed as close as it could be against his.
"Oh my god!" He gasped out as he twitched inside of her, his cum coating her walls, leaving her feeling full and complete.
He collapsed on top of her, his labored breathing occasionally resulting in a little choke as he tried to compose himself. When he finally came to, he brushed his lips against her temple.
"I love you so much."
She smiled at him as he adjusted the jacket that enveloped her, a real genuine smile.
"I love you too Sannie."
Giving her a tiny peck, he began sliding the jacket off.
"Let's get you out of this. It's probably too hot to be wearing it anymore."
She huffed and pouted.
"Baby no. I love wearing it. It feels like it's hugging me." She grabbed it and wrapped it around her more tightly.
"You know what else wants to hug you? My arms. So take off the jacket and let me snuggle you love."
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withcolebrock · 4 years
Full of Surprises
Corpse Husband x Fem!Reader
Requested: yes!
Summary: Corpse finds out that Y/N secretly knows who he is and his music
Warnings: Swearing, lmk if anything else :)
Word Count: 1,624
Author’s Note: Hello! First corpse piece! I’m trying something new with this piece, just posting it at a different time tehe. I hope you guys like it, I think this is a pretty cute little platonic/flirty friendship corpse and reader tehehehe
It was a small temporary thing; only for a couple months. She needed a place to stay during pilot season and her friend Dave knew exactly where she could go. He knew his friend Corpse lived near the area and he was needing help on the rent. Dave had been good friends with Y/N and Corpse seperately for a long time. Of course when he heard Y/N needed a place to stay and Corpse needed help on rent, he offered the idea to the both of them. Since they were both desperate  They’ve met a few times prior at Dave’s house but the whole thing felt awkward.
She walked up to the door and hesitantly raised her hand up and knocked. It took a few long uncomfortable seconds before the door was pulled open. She smiled up towards him, as she met his eye. Her heart began to beat faster. He smiled nervously as he showed her into the house. “Hey,” he mumbled.
He shut the door behind her as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. “Hi,” she smiled as she looked over the small apartment. It was small and well put together.
“So-uh, this is my place,” he said nervously, he let out a laugh. She laughed along with him, the awkward tension began to dispait.
“It’s nice, I like it,” she smiled towards him as she continued to shift her gaze around the apartment.
He started to show her around the apartment. The main living area was open concept, so he just walked aimlessly in a circle through the kitchen, dining area, and the living room. He opened the fridge to show that there wasn’t much food in it, “I don’t cook, I’m really bad at it, so sorry about that,” he giggled as he pushed it slightly watching it shut on it’s own. She laughed along.
“Don’t worry, I can cook for you,” she let out, her face smiling widely. He continued the tour, showing her his room. His room was extremely clean, besides the few empty water bottles. They didn’t stay long in his room, instead he walked passed a closed door heading towards the guest room; where she would be staying.
He pushed open the door, “This is your room, and you can do whatever you want in there, like, I don’t know, throw a rug in there,” he sighed as they both walked into the room. She giggled slightly. She was glad that the apartment was simple. She rested the suitcase in front of the bed.
“Thank you for the little tour,” she smiled as she looked up to him. He smirked as he nodded slightly. His eyes widened as he quickly stepped out of the room.
“Just real fast, I would really appreciate it if you didn’t go in this room. It’s just-I-uh yeah,” he stuttered as he rested his pointed finger on the door. He forced a smile, but she can tell that he was worried. It didn’t bother her, this whole idea of the secret room. It was his apartment and of course she was going to respect that.
“No problem, I completely understand,” she smiled widely as she shoved her hands in her hoodie pocket. He slowly leaned his body away from the door as he rubbed his hands together nervously.
“Do you want me to help you unpack?” he asked, his heart beating fast. Nodding her head, she walked backwards back into the room she would be staying in. She knealed down and began to unzip the small suitcase filled with enough close for the next few months. He stood beside her, waiting for her to hand him the clothes. “Wait, I never asked you what pilot season meant,” he laughed, “I just was like ‘I don’t know what that is but sure,’” he explained. She giggled while handing him a few of her t-shirts. He walked over to the closet and began to hang them up.
“It’s basically where a bunch of networks are trying out new shows, it’s exciting especially for new actors and stuff,” she explained excitedly. Every so often he would shift his gaze towards her, noticing how much her face lit up when she spoke. “Except half the shit doesn’t get picked up by the networks,” she mumbled afterwards as she laid out a hoodie and shorts she was going to wear later. Chuckling, he reached for another piece of clothing from her.
After they unpacked all of her stuff, they ordered pizza and they sat down to watch TV together. They talked for hours, simply getting to know each other. She would go in grave detail about what she was hoping to get out of the next few months, he would sit and listen to every detail. He loved that she was easy to talk to; he was grateful because the next few months would have been extremely awkward.
She didn’t ask too many questions about his personal life, yet something was starting to click. She recognized him, she never noticed it before but as she sat down next to him she realized how she knew him. She should’ve realized it sooner, from him being friends with Dave but she didn’t. She recognized his voice through his music.
After spending hours of them sitting together and learning about each other, the fact didn’t really matter to her. He didn’t want her to know about it and she didn’t bring it up.
The past couple of weeks had been great, herself and Corpse were getting along great. Their energies and jokes were always bouncing back and forth between each other. They spend hours at night together watching TV, mostly reality TV because they find it hilarious. She really enjoyed her time with him and she believed he was feeling the same way.
Corpse was up late working, she heard him around one in the morning leaving the room he told her not to go into. After everything he’s done for her, she thought she would do something nice for him.
After waking up early she left the apartment and headed to the store. It wasn’t much, but she thought he would appreciate it. She spent a few hours filling her cart with different types of food, to stock the house. Mostly so she can spend time with Corpse to teach him how to cook. Especially after a brief instant where he burnt toast, she couldn’t comprehend how. She teased him about it for hours.
It was a short drive home as she listened to her playlist on shuffle. She shoved her phone in her back pocket as she kept her music playing. She grabbed as many grocery bags as she made her walk into the apartment. It was nine, early for Corpse, she hoped all the groceries and her other plans would be done by the time he woke up.
After a few minutes, she had put all of the groceries away and she began to start cleaning the kitchen. It wasn’t messy, it just needed a few dishes cleaned and other simple stuff. Her phone began to play one of Corpse’s songs, she almost turned it off but she realized that he was asleep and wouldn’t know.
She placed the clean plates in the cabinet as she sang along to his song, Miss You!. She shut the cabinet as she turned around to walk towards the fridge to see Corpse standing behind her. Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped. He stared at her with his eyebrows knitted together harshly with his arms crossed over his chest. She rushed to her phone to shut it off.
“You know who I am?” he asked, he sounded hurt. He didn’t know how she found out, but it was starting to make him upset. He loved when people in his real life didn’t know what he did, he felt safe and comfortable with the idea. A billion ideas started flooding his head, what if she releases what he looks like? There goes every ounce of privacy he had.
“I’ve listened to your music way before I even thought about living here, I promise. I mean I didn’t even make the connection until the night I moved in,” she explained quickly. He stayed silent as he took a small step towards her, “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Her voice started to get quieter. She avoided his gaze as she kept her gaze to the floor.
He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “You haven’t told anyone how I look right? It’s just really important to me to keep all that private I guess,” he let out a dry laugh to cover his nerves.
“Of course not, I would never hurt you like that,” she said. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, she watched as his features softened. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you-”
“No I understand why you didn’t, and I respect it,” he took another step closer to her, she felt her cheeks flush slightly. After a few long seconds of silence of soft eye contact, he lets out a small giggle. He shifted his gaze to the floor, “So, which song is your favorite?” she chuckled while rolling her eyes playfully.
“Miss You!, I really like the beginning,” she explained, he smirked as he shook his head.
“You don’t seem like the type of girl to listen to my music,” he let out as he walked over to the fridge. He pulled it open seeing the variety of food in there, his mouth dropped. He pointed to her and then back to the fridge several times, she giggled.
“I’m full of surprises,”
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supercorpkid · 3 years
A weekend without Kara.
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader.
Word count: 3300.
“AHHH!” You yell standing up in one movement, looking at the portal opening in front of you, right in the middle of your living room. “Holy shit.” You put your hand on your chest and watch the Flash coming out of the portal.
“Oh, hi Superkid!” He smiles at you and you give him a thumbs up, after the first scare. “Is Supergirl home?”
“MOMMA! Uncle Barry is here to drag you to another reality so you two can fight some…” You look at him raising an eyebrow.
“World-consuming alien.” He answers and you agree with your head.
“Some nonsense alien.” You yell again and you hear Kara agreeing from her bedroom, saying she’ll be right down.
“How did you know?” Barry asks, looking at you throwing yourself back on the couch.
“Please. Like you would just show up here to say she looks pretty on her dress or something.” He agrees with his head. You’re right.
“Hey, wanna race while she doesn’t come?” Barry smiles and you stand up again.
“Yeah, I’ve been training a lot. I think I can beat you now.” You walk to the front door and open it.
“One time around the block and here is the finish line?” He asks and you shake your head agreeing. You both get in position for the run. “Ready? Go!” Barry becomes a flash in your eyes, and stops next to you a second later. He looks at you standing by the door, furrowing his brows. “Wait! How are you here already? I’m pretty sure I just broke the sound barrier.”
“Well, I told you I could beat you.” You walk back into the house, and Kara appears all dressed as Supergirl.
“Kid, I’ll be gone for a while. Please text your mom to come stay with you.” Kara asks and you agree with your head, but you don’t move. She points at your phone in your pocket. “Now, come on. I want to see you typing.”
“Fine.” You grab the phone and pretend to send an audio message. “Hey guys, I’ll be alone for the weekend! Party at my house! Bring a beer keg!”
“Ha-ha. Very funny.” Kara is unamused while Barry laughs extremely loud next to her. She shoots him a disapproving look.
“Sorry. She’s hilarious.” Barry shrugs defensively and you smile.
You: Momma is going to another reality. World-consuming alien. The Flash. Probably another bunch of weird stuff.
Mom: OK! Do you want to meet me at the hotel, or should I go home?
You: Home, please.
Mom: Ok baby, see you there after work.
You show your texts to Kara, who shakes her head agreeing. Then looks at Barry next to her, giving him a nod.
“Ok.” He fumbles with the portal control, almost dropping it, then presses the button to open it. “Good to see you Superkid! Next time don’t let me race alone!” He winks at you and you smile.
“Guess you are smart.” You do finger guns at him and he goes into the portal. Kara walks towards you and kisses your forehead.
“Please, be good. If you need anything at all, call your aunt Alex. Be nice to your mom. If there’s an emergency and you need to save National City, please be careful.” She adds another kiss to your forehead. “I love you, little one.”
“I love you, mommy. Be careful out there.” You smile and she agrees, before walking into the portal and disappearing right after.
You look around the empty house and the clock on the kitchen wall. You’re not throwing a party, obviously, but what’s stopping you from having your girlfriend over? You text her, and it doesn’t take long until she’s at your door.
You have everything prepared when she arrives, and you both settle in the living room to watch a movie. She has her arms wrapped around you the entire time and you feel happy and bubbly about the whole situation.
“Hey.” She whispers on your jaw, and gives you a sweet kiss there. “I don’t want to ruin the moment, but can we talk about what happened today at school?”
You forage your brain trying to remember what happened, but nothing comes. You look at her with furrowed brows to show your confusion.
“What that girl said to you?” Maya adds when she realizes you have no idea what she is talking about. “Babe, you can’t possibly have forgotten about it.” She opens a little more distance between you two, shaking her head in denial. “She told you to kill yourself.”
“Oh! Ah! Yes!” You stand up, a little uncomfortable, collecting the empty popcorn containers, and soda cans. “That’s just, you know-”
“That’s just heinous it’s what that is.” She stands up again. “How can you not have told her to go fuck herself or something?”
“Oh no, babe. That’s not-” You turn your back to her, so she won’t see your face completely red. “Why would I do that? I can’t drop to her level.”
“Oh my God, are you serious?” Maya’s voice comes a little louder. You know she’s not fighting you, and that she’s not upset with you, but with the situation. Your heart still starts pounding in your chest, either way. “She told you that you should die because you have Luthor in your name. How can you put up with that and not say a word?”
She walks towards you, taking everything you’re holding out of your hands and putting in the nearest surface. She cups your face and smiles at you.
“I get that you’re the nicest person in the universe, but I can’t stomach the way they treat you in that school. And I don’t like that you put your head down for them.” She kisses your cheek lightly. “If you’re not going to fight them, I will.”
“I just don’t think it’s worth it. It’s not like they’ll ever stop.” You shrug, looking into her eyes. She sighs. “Besides, I’m used to it.”
“Babe, that’s even more upsetting.” Maya puts her head on your collarbone. “What do your moms say about it?”
“Oh no. No.” You step a little further away from her, shaking your head. “They can’t know about the things they say. It would be very distressing.”
You hear a noise in the kitchen and you don’t even have to use your x-ray vision to know that Lena is home, making noises so you notice her there.
“Lena is here.” You say, and Maya holds your hand, when you two walk to the kitchen. “Hey mom.”
“Oh hey-” Lena raises her head from the grocery bags. “Girls.”
“Hello, Mrs. Luthor.” Maya answers and turns her face to you. “Walk me out?”
“Yeah.” Lena waves a quick goodbye at Maya, and you take her outside, closing the door for a little goodbye kiss without Lena being able to see it. “I’ll see you Monday.”
“Ok. Please, text goodnight.” Maya adds before turning on her heels and leaving your house.
You go back inside, and look at Lena putting the food she bought on the fridge. You help her, without saying a word.
“Please tell me you’re eating healthy.” Lena asks, knowing the answer by the things on the fridge. You shrug.
“Maybe you should come back home and make me.” You open a smile and she chuckles, holding your chin and looking at you lovingly.
“Funny.” Lena kisses your cheek and you hug her, laying your head on her shoulder. She strokes your back gently, and you sigh.
“I miss you here.”
Lena doesn’t answer. You know she misses you too by the way she’s holding you tight, and by the way her heart is beating. You know she’s hurt with Kara, and you wish there was something you could do about it.
“So.” Lena lets go of you, cleans one tear on her face, and looks at the things she didn’t put away. “You start on the salad, and I’ll start on the chicken.”
“Sounds good.” You two fall into a natural and comfortable silence while cooking together. It’s twice as fast without Kara around, but half as fun.
After you two finish cooking, she puts the food on the table, while you finish setting it up.
“You know I don’t have super hearing.” Lena says, while filling her glass with wine. You sit and wait for her to come closer. “But, when I got home, I heard you and Maya talking, and it sounded like you two were fighting.”
“Oh, no, we weren’t.” You deny with your head, and serve yourself. Lena finally comes back with her wine. She sits, crossing her legs, reclining on the chair and looking at you from the other side of the table.
“I know. I’ve heard.” She says and you look up to her, realizing what that means. “Baby-”
“Mom, I got it, ok? You don’t have to worry about it.” You sigh, putting food on your mouth, and giving her a thumbs up, because it’s delicious. “Let’s not ruin this perfect dinner with this conversation.”
“I’m sorry, babygirl. I think we should ruin dinner.” Lena says and you sigh. “What they do to you it’s not right. No one is supposed to hear the things you do, because of your stupid name. God, sometimes I regret giving it to you in the first place.”
“No, I-I do. I should’ve known better. It’s too big of a burden to carry, and you are the opposite of what this name stands for.” Lena’s eyes are filled with tears and you bite your lip. “I actually thought people would forget about Lex. But he keeps coming back and dragging our names through the mud, all the time.”
You know she’s mad at Lex for mind controlling you still, so you let her vent. She’s been keeping this feeling bottle up for more than a week now, not having Kara to talk about it.
“And you, the sweetest, nicest person on the planet, keep paying for it.” Her tears fall, and your heart squeezes in your chest. You hate seeing her like that. “I wish you had nothing to do with this sick, rotten family.”
“But then I would have nothing to do with you.” You get up from your chair, rounding the table and going to her. “And you are the best thing in my life.” You smile. “And momma, of course.”
“Baby.” She cups your face with one hand, and smiles through the tears. “You are the best thing in my life. I love you so much.”
“Listen. You are right. I shouldn’t have to endure all the hate speeches, and all the teasing, but kids are stupid. I don’t think that half of them actually hate me because of my name, I think they hate me because it’s fun.” Lena raises her eyebrow at that. “It’s fun to laugh at the school genius, at least that’s what I see in every teen movie.”
Lena gives a little laugh and kisses your cheek.
“You’re amazing. Are you sure you’re just sixteen?” She asks and you shrug.
“You tell me.” You round the table again, going to your place. “You’re the one who made me in a lab.”
The dinner goes smoothly after that. The food is incredible and you know it’s only been a little more than a week, but you missed her food anyway. Lena’s presence feels right, like it always did. And you just wish she could stay more than just the weekend.
You two hang out a lot. It feels stupid when you think it hasn’t been that long since she left home, why were you missing her so much? Why were you missing her telling you to clean up your room, and help her with dinner?
After the conversation she overheard between you and Maya, she became Maya’s number one fan. It’s hilarious, and you didn’t see it coming. But every time you say Maya’s name, she just opens the biggest smile and it’s awesome.
You don’t want this weekend to end.
But it’s Sunday night, and your heart feels heavy even though Lena is still right next to you on the couch, talking about some experience that went wrong in the lab, and that one of the interns got so scared he’ll be blamed for it, he almost puked.
“Poor kid.” Lena adds, in the end, and you agree with your head.
“But you forgave him, right?” You ask and she agrees. “Then why can’t you forgive momma?”
“Baby, that’s not-”
“Mom, I don’t know what happened but, well, you once told me that we’re Luthor-Danvers, and that means that we might get upset, but we know how to recognize our mistakes and apologize.” You raise an eyebrow at her.
“I wish it was that simple.” Lena sighs, and you hug her.
“It could, if you two just stopped overcomplicating stuff and just talked.” Lena doesn’t answer. She kisses your forehead, and falls silent for the rest of the night, looking too lost in her thoughts.
When Kara comes back from another reality is really late at night. You and Lena are comfortable on the couch watching a cooking show, when the portal opens again in the middle of the living room.
“Lena!” Kara looks so surprised as if she didn’t make you text your mom in front of her to make sure Lena would come to keep you company.
“Oh, hi.” Lena stands up, fidgeting her fingers, nervously. You roll your eyes thinking this is very pathetic. Just make-up already! “Well, great! You’re home. I suppose other realities are saved?” Kara shakes her head, agreeing. Eyes looking at Lena’s hands, then focusing back at her eyes. “Then I should get going.”
“NO!” Kara says a little louder than she planned to, reaching out to Lena, but not really touching her arm. Damn, it was so close. “It’s late.” She guesses by looking at the sky. “You should stay. It’s-It’s your house.”
Lena raises an eyebrow, and they stare at each other for a few seconds. Do they even know you’re there or have them forgotten completely about your existence?
“You take the bedroom and I’ll sleep on the couch.” Kara points at it, and sees you sitting there. “Or with the kid.” Oh, so they know you’re there.
“I don’t know…” Lena bites her lips, and you open your eyes at Kara, encouraging her.
“Please. It makes no sense for you to leave. It’s late, and even if it wasn’t-just-yeah-please.” Kara is always so articulate. But still, somehow, that makes Lena agree with her head and she decides to stay. You smile to yourself, and whisper a ‘thank you’ when she sits back on the couch, and Kara goes to take a shower.
When you hear that Kara has finished getting ready, you go to your room, so you can leave them alone to see if they finally talk. They don’t. Seriously, what are you going to do about this?
“Hey.” Kara knocks on your door then puts her head inside. “Will you absolutely hate it if I sleep here tonight?”
“C’mere.” You open your arms, and Kara smiles, walking into your arms, and laying in bed with you. “How were things in the other dimension?”
“Hard. Maybe I’m getting too old for this.” Kara says making you laugh in response, and soon she adds. “Don’t you dare saying I’m 70.”
“But you are.” You say and she sticks her tongue out at you, and flop back on her belly next to you.
“How were things here?”
“Great. It’s really good having mom home.” You watch her expression when you say that. She hums in agreement, but doesn’t say anything. “So, are you going to apologize or what?”
“Why do you assume it was my fault?” Kara furrows her brows, and you ease her crinkle with your thumb.
“I don’t. I have no idea whose fault it is. Or even if it’s a matter of culpability, at all. All I know is that, it doesn’t matter.” You stroke her back gently. “You love her, she loves you. You guys have been through so much, and you have never ever given up on her.”
“I’m not giving up now, either.”
“Well, then do something about it.” You say and Kara breathes deep. You raise your eyebrow at her. “Now! Do something now!”
“Ok, yeah.” She stands up and goes to the door. Before she leaves, she comes back and kisses your forehead. “You’re the best kid in the entire universe. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. Now, go.”
It would be a lot easier if your power had just gotten out of control again, and you could blame your eavesdropping on this, but that's not the case. What is happening is that your heart is so heavy on your chest. You know they keep saying it was not your fault, but if this is true why is your guilt practically consuming you? So, you need to know.
“Hey.” You hear a knock on the door, and Kara’s voice right after.
“Oh, Kara. Do you need to grab something?” Lena’s voice comes a little surprised.
“No, I-Lena, I’m really sorry.” Kara breathes out, like she was holding the apology for days, which is probably true. “Of course, I believe you, and I don’t think there’s a world you would ever hurt her, but I got really scared. I saw the look on her face, and she kept calling me mommy, and I caved.”
So, it was your fault! Holy shit you knew it! Lena’s voice comes an entire minute later, which almost makes you faint in anticipation. Come on Lena, come on. You can do it.
“I’m sorry too.” OH, THANK RAO. “You were right, there were other ways, and she was in pain. But don’t think for a second I wasn’t scared too.”
“I know. I know you were. I know you ARE.” Kara says, and you lower your glasses to see if they’re hugging, and they’re still not. Goddammit Kara, do something! “It doesn’t matter how many times the world gets in danger and our existence is threatened. Every time she is the one in danger, I-It’s-”
“Yeah.” Lena’s face drops and you watch Kara coming closer. Reaching out with one hand. Fingers ghosting over Lena’s arm. Your heart is stuck on your throat the entire time, and it feels like it’s going to explode in anticipation. Go, momma, please.
But Kara doesn’t go to Lena.
It’s Lena who goes to her.
Lena hugs Kara’s waist tight and sobs on her t-shirt. You hear Kara’s heart skipping a beat, and a breath of relief leaving her mouth.
“We’re ok.” Kara kisses the top of Lena’s head, wrapping her arms around her head, pressing her further into her chest. “She’s ok. We-We’ll figure this out, love.”
Lena’s heart beats a lot faster and she looks up, gazing into Kara’s eyes. They don’t have to say the words, so you know what they’re thinking. But they do it anyway.
“I love you, Lena.” Kara smiles, kissing Lena’s head again, and it’s time for Lena’s heart to skip a beat. “Always have, always will. In a hundred lifetimes, in any alternative reality, in every world. I love you.”
“I love you, honey.”
You stop listening, because now it’s way too private and it seems like things are better. And since Kara doesn’t come back to your bedroom, you’re right to assume things are better than they were before. But your heart only truly eases, when Monday comes and Lena comes back home after work. That’s when you can finally breathe.
@itzyourgirlnat prompted a week without Kara and I LOVED IT!
Also Kara and Lena are back together, so the angst is over, ooof! What a long ride!
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Hey! Can you do headcannons for Cyborg and Aquagirl!reader (platonically) spending a day making food together and just hanging out and at the end of the day all the titans eat together and keep complimenting them for their awesome food! Please and thank you so much, but also no pressure if you decide you don’t like it much. Have a good day 💚🖤
Hey!!! I love this idea I hope you're having a lovely day as well!!! Here's a small blurb sorry it took so long haha
You and Cyborg have this tradition. Every Sunday you team together and make a load of food for the rest of the week. It’s really relaxing, you listen to music, try new recipes, and just talk about life like teens do.
You woke up and quickly got ready. Skipping over to the kitchen, you saw that Cyborg was already there, apron on and everything. You always laugh at the sight of him in an apron: he’s a 6’2 guys made of metal that could crush you if he wanted to, but he also had a little cartoon robot on his apron.
“Morning Cy!” you cheerfully, putting on your own apron. It was white with a little fish on it that you painted yourself. “Where are the others?”
“Morning A.G.!” Cyborg yawns, getting out pots and pans. Today you were going to attempt to make a giant lasagna, with homemade pasta.
“Beast Boy’s playing video games, Raven’s doing some spell stuff in her room, Star’s probably still asleep, and Robin is patrolling the city.” he says, taking his collection of spices out from a cabinet.
“So that means a whole day of you and me making pasta!” you concluded.
“You know it!”
You spent the rest of the morning making pasta dough, putting it through those flattener things, until you had nice sheets of pasta ready for cooking. You Cyborg started to make tomato sauce while you got sandwiches ready for the other Titans. They were lined up neatly on a cutting board for each of the Titans to grab.
Robin rushed into the room, grabbing a sandwich and stuffing it in his mouth. He mumbles something through his vigorous eating then leaves, continuing his patrol.
Starfire flies in, holding something behind her back.
“Glorious day, friends! May I suggest a Tamaranean ingredient for your cooking endeavors?”
“I dont-”
“Here! It is a fruit from the scaly growths in Tamaran! This is much of a delicacy in my home, as long as you don’t breathe in the fumes for too long!” She plopped an oozing piece of fruit into your hand, grabbed a sandwich, and flew away. Your hand tensed as the fruit continued to ooze, your other hand over your nose. Cyborg also held his nose and took out a pair of tongs. He proceeded to grab the fruit and dump in it the trash, tongs and all. He turned to you, your hand covered in suspicious smelling fruit juice.
“You might wanna wash that,” he said.
Beast Boy walked in after the fiasco died down. He recoiled at the smell.
“Dude, did something throw up and die in here??” he squeaked, covering his nose.
“You don’t even wanna know,” you groaned. He shrugged and took his sandwich, plopping down on the couch to eat it.
Raven materialized out of nowhere, causing the three of you to jump. Beast Boy turned into a mouse and scampered away, sandwich in his mouth. Raven silently tooked the sandwich and left, a small portal created by her magic taking her to her room.
It was later in the day, and the lasagna was baking in the oven. You and Cyborg were sitting at tables near the kitchen, talking about the other titans.
“Did you see the way Robin looks at Starfire?” Cyborg says, you giggling.
“You should see how Starfire talks about Robin on our girls nights!” you laugh. You heard a ding indicating that the lasagna was done. He takes the bubbling dish out of the oven and a warm smell overtakes the tower (you have thrown out the whole trash can containing the fruit in a dumpster on the other side of town). You two high five in satisfaction. The delicious smell drew out the other titans, and soon the other four titans came trickling out of their rooms. You all sat together to enjoy the delicious food you and Cyborg made.
“This is great you guys!” Robin says, looking at the two of you. You smile at his compliment.
“Yeah, and thanks for making mine vegetarian!” Beast Boy says through his stuffed mouth.
“I still don’t-” Cyborg mumbled, but you cut him off.
"Of course B.B.! Extra tofu, just like you like it!” You say with a wink.
“Thank you for this delicious meal, I assume that the fruit I have given you is in this layered dish?” Starfire asked, her eyes sparkling like a puppy dog.
“Um, we’re actually uhhhh… saving it for another dish!” you stutter, thinking of the trashcan you left it in on the other side of the city. “Yeah… it’s in the fridge… but behind a bunch of vegetables so there’s no point in looking for it haha.”
Before Starfire could respond, you Cyborg changed the subject. “Man, I am stuffed!”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself!” Robin said. “Well I better get go-”
“Ahp. Stop right there,” you smirk. Cyborg also smiles. “You know the rules.”
“The people who cook don’t have to clean!” Cyborg says. The other titans look at the giant pile of dishes you used in your cooking. It's going to be a long night for the rest of them.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 2)
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Summary: Dean lets Sam in on a secret of his as to why he’s previously sworn off all dating before he and the reader go on their first one together. But it’s not just a simple first date when they realize they have more in common than they originally thought...
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,200ish
Warnings: language, mentioned past sexual assault (not graphic)/child abuse, talk about sex toys, self-worth issues
A/N: Enjoy!
Dean’s POV
“Hey,” said Sam a little over an hour later as he walked in the front door. Dean nodded and put the pie he’d brought into the fridge, walking back over to take a seat on the other side of the wrap around couch. “Your eyes are red.”
“That’s what happens when you cry, genius,” said Dean. He sighed and pulled his blanket over himself, rolling his eyes when Sam got up and sat closer. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing was me being really sick when I was sixteen and shitting my pants and you didn’t say a damn thing about it other than you got me cleaned up. Dean nothing you can say will make me laugh. Fuck, I’m scared somebody…” said Sam.
“You’re gonna find out stuff about my sex life,” he said.
“You taught me about sex. Dean, I’m not gonna judge you.”
“I hooked up with a chick after work once. I had some meetings so I wore a dress shirt and tie that day. We got a room, it got heated, and my first mistake was letting her tie my hands to the headboard with that stupid tie. I shouldn’t have asked but I did. I must have been in a mood cause...I asked her to stick a finger up there cause it feels good with a blowjob. I told her the tip of a finger and she didn’t really seem to care when I told her to stop pushing inside with a dry fucking finger. She didn’t care when she shoved practically her whole hand up there no matter how much I told her to stop. Eventually once she realized my boner wasn’t coming back she washed up, untied me and left. I’ve always been leery of relationships but after that I said fuck no. Until I met this girl today. She seems sweet.”
Sam didn’t move and Dean threw his head back. 
“Say something.” 
“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” said Sam quietly. Dean risked a glance over at him and was surprised to see Sam’s scrunched up face. “Did you ever say anything?”
“No and I don’t want to. It was over two years ago. I honestly forgot about it until today and I met that girl,” said Dean.
“I hope she’s a good fit,” said Sam.
“Me too.”
“Just um, for the record, doing that stuff isn’t weird. I’ve had my share of experiences,” said Sam. 
“Thanks,” said Dean. “Don’t go on treating me any kind of way or anything, got it? This was a one time thing.”
“That’s what you said the last time,” said Sam before he gave Dean a hug. 
“Loser,” said Dean as he returned it. “You staying the night? It’s pretty late.”
“Yeah if you don’t mind,” said Sam as he sat back. He stretched and Dean looked him over. “What?”
“You were at the office, weren’t you.”
“So,” he said with a shrug. 
“Sammy you’re twenty seven. Friday nights are for fun or hanging out at home, not work. I told you I didn’t like that firm you work for.”
“It’s not a very kind place to work,” said Sam. “I’ve been thinking of leaving honestly, coming closer to home again.”
“I miss my friends, our friends. You’re alright too,” he said, Dean resisting the urge to tease him for it.
“Move in here. If you want your own place, you can find one with no rush. I wouldn’t mind company,” said Dean. “There’s plenty of law firms downtown. You’d have no problem getting a job.”
“I gotta stay another two months for them to finish paying off my loan,” said Sam. “But after that, yeah I think I’ll come back home. I just had to go out on my own without you watching my back, you know?”
“Yeah. I was still always watching your back though,” said Dean. “Don’t be trying to get me to eat all that healthy crap or I’ll kick your ass to the curb.”
“You are literally a doctor.”
“And doctors are literally the worst patients. Trust me,” said Dean with a smirk. “What kinda pie you bring me?”
“Blueberry,” said Sam.
“I gonna ruin whatever cleanse you’re on if you have a slice?” 
“You got ice cream?”
“Always were a sucker for ice cream,” said Dean. He hopped up from the couch and hummed as he went over to the kitchen, Sam watching and following after a moment. Sam took a seat at the counter while Dean put a plate in front of him, putting the ice cream on top of the pie how he liked it. “There you go.”
“Thanks,” he said before he dug in. Dean took his time with his own piece, leaning back against the counter. 
“Thanks for coming over tonight. Never told anyone before.”
“I’ll never say a word,” said Sam.
“I know you won’t, Sammy,” said Dean. He got out a pair of beers from the fridge and handed one to Sam with a smile. “You doing okay? Been awhile since we talked.”
“Mhm,” said Sam quickly.
“Want to tell me what it is? Whatever you’re not telling me? I think we established that-”
“Mom contacted me this week. At work. My number and picture was on the company website so she called there,” said Sam.
“What exactly did Mary have to say?” said Dean, setting down his plate and nursing his beer instead.
“She said she and dad have been together again for a few years. They went to couples counseling and dad stopped drinking and a whole bunch of other bullshit.”
“Wouldn’t happen to be the fact I’m a doctor and you’re a lawyer and her stay at home ass wants a nicer lifestyle, hm?” said Dean. “Tell her to shove it up her ass and to get a job if she wants money.”
“She sounded different, Dean. Like maybe she’s in trouble or something,” said Sam.
“That’s the same crap she pulled on you when you were eighteen and twenty one and twenty four and guess what, it’s three years later again. Time for her to lie to you, right on schedule.”
“She’s not the devil, Dean.”
“She slapped you in the face.”
“I was backtalking her. I deserved it.”
“You were an upset kid-”
“I was 14.”
“You were an upset kid and she hit you. That was the final straw for me and it should have been for you too,” said Dean. “You should stay away from her, Sam.”
“I’m not going to suddenly start hanging out with her. She just wanted to know if I’d consider meeting her and dad again and I told her I didn’t know and if I wanted to talk to them, I’d reach out, otherwise they could leave me alone. Happy?” Sam pushed his plate away and crossed his arms, pursing his lips while he stared at the counter.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt, Sammy. I wish our parents were normal. I’d kill to have had them. But they weren’t and they sucked and they’ve tried to manipulate us our entire lives. Just keep no contact and you’re better off.”
“Why don’t they ever contact you?” Sam looked up and Dean turned his head.
“They hate me. I hate them so that’s fine,” said Dean. 
“But why-”
“I got custody of you. I took you from them in their eyes, ergo they hate me.”
“I mean, do you ever think about-”
“No. I don’t plan on speaking to either one of them for the rest of my life,” said Dean. He finished his beer and picked up his pie plate again. “I know you want-”
“I used to want a lot of things. It wasn’t what was best for me though and I shouldn’t have given you so much shit for taking me away as a teenager.”
“Well alright then,” said Dean, picking at his pie again. 
“You ever gonna tell me how exactly you pulled that off? It was handled outside of court and I know you gotta have some shit or something on them,” said Sam.
“Maybe I’ll share someday but not tonight,” said Dean, his voice firm. “Why don’t you grab another couple beers and we’ll throw on a movie, alright? Polish off this pie.”
“Alright. I’m stealing some of your clothes though. I want to get out of this office crap,” said Sam. He stood up and headed for the stairs when Dean grunted. Sam looked back over his shoulder and Dean nodded.
“I’m glad you came over tonight,” said Dean.
“Me too. This girl must have made a hell of an impression.”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
Reader’s POV
“Tessa. Oh my God, it was fine the first time,” you said as she worked on your side braid again. “Dean’ll be here any minute.”
“Relax. Make him squirm,” she said. “How are you so shit at braiding hair anyways?”
“Cause mom never taught me, that’s why,” you said.
“I think it’s cause you’re just shit at it,” she said.
“You shouldn’t say shit all the time you know.”
“Just don’t do drugs and don’t get pregnant and I’m happy.”
“Well for the record, I’m a virgin,” she said.
“I actually do have a question.”
“You waited until I literally can’t move away, didn’t you,” you said as she moved your hair together.
“Yes, I did,” she smiled. “Um it’s kinda…”
“Go ahead and ask. I guarantee I had the same questions.”
“What’s a vibrator? One of the girls was talking about it in gym class and I didn’t...get it,” she said.
“Do you understand how girls masturbate?” you asked. She nodded and you bit your lip. “So you know how when you rub your...when you rub your clit it feels good, right? Some people like to use a vibrator which is normally a stick type thing that has different settings with a head end that’s rounded. If you put that against your clit, it can feel really, really good...and get you to orgasm pretty hard.”
“Oh. Okay,” she said as she finished with the braid. “So what’s a dildo?”
“Similar but basically a fake dick,” you said. 
“Uh, what?” she said as the doorbell rang.
“How about we talk about all this stuff tomorrow, okay?” you said.
“Okay. I’m still hung up on the fake dick thing.”
“Block it out of your head for now,” you said, shaking your head. “If I’m not back by the time you head to Hailey’s lock up and remember to bring Toast’s bed with you this time, okay? He likes it better than the hard floor.”
“I know, I know,” she said. You jogged downstairs and opened the door, Dean in a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. 
“Howdy,” he said with a big smile.
“Hi Dean,” said Tessa out her window. 
“Hello Tessa,” he chuckled. “Torturing your sister today?”
“Always,” she said. “You two kids have fun now!”
“Oh you don’t even know what a fake dick is,” you said. “Do not go looking that up on the internet either.”
She groaned as you grabbed your purse and locked up, Dean laughing to himself.
“Sorry. She decided to literally start asking about sex toys right before you got here.”
“Sounds fun,” he said. You hopped down your steps and saw a very nice muscle car parked out front. “Hungry?”
“I know the perfect place.”
“Okay, Winchester. I will respect your food truck game,” you said, munching on your taco. “Normally I’m leery but this is good.”
“Told you so,” he said. He took a big bite of his across from you, slurping down some lemonade. He burped and blushed, covering his mouth. “Excuse me.”
“You’re almost cute with that pink on your cheeks,” you said.
“I liked this better when you were the shy one,” he said. You smiled and ate quietly for a few minutes, Dean nodding when you were both finished. He took your hand and you started to walk around the big park in town, finding a walking trail after a few moments. “I like your hair. It’s cute.”
“My sister did it. I’m not you know, good at that stuff,” you said.
“I liked your hair yesterday too,” he said. “So how does one name a dog Toast?”
“I thought it’d be funny,” you said. “Tessa was on a limited diet at first at the hospital. Toast was the one thing she liked. When they talked to me about a service dog, I got in touch with some people and they were training a new litter so we got to name the dog and I picked Toast. It was just a goofy thing I suppose.”
“Is he always on duty?” he asked.
“No. His vest comes off at home and he’s a normal one mostly. Tessa’s staying with a friend tonight so he’ll go with her. He’s very protective of her. It’s why he ran home and got me yesterday.”
“Smart dog,” he said. “My brother always wanted a dog. It never quite fit with our life though.”
“How old is he?”
“A year younger than you. He might get one soon I think.”
“What about you?”
“I don’t think I’d be very good at it. My yard is big enough though,” he said. “I’m over on Fern Lane. The blue house.”
“You got that big cool balcony over the garage right?” you said.
“That’s the one,” he said. “I haven’t been there too long. It’s a nice neighborhood.”
“It is. We grew up here. I was out of the house but I moved back for Tessa. You from Lawrence?”
“Yeah. East side of town though. Always wanted to live over here,” he said. “Everything seemed so perfect over in the nice part.”
“Mostly,” you said. 
“It does get easier. Trust me.”
“I hope so,” you said. He bumped your shoulder and you smiled. “So what kind of doctor are you?”
“Obviously I’m a brain surgeon,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he laughed. “General family practice. I’m boring, I know.”
“That is still way too hard for me,” you said.
“I bet you could do it if you really wanted to. So what do you do? I overheard you say to Tessa you got a new job.”
“I was a paralegal at a law firm. On Monday I start as a junior investor at Sandover, the big marketing firm.”
“My friend Charlie is head of IT there,” he said. “She says it’s a pretty decent place to work.”
“Oh. That’s good. I hope it works out,” you said. 
“I bet it will. Just don’t let ‘em work you to death,” he said.
“I’m gonna try. I’m excited. This could be really good for us. Tessa doesn’t know how...tight things have been.”
“Leeman’s over on the east side, it’s a pretty cheap grocery store. It’s not fancy but we used to go all the time as a kid. Way cheaper than the box store over here,” he said.
“I’ll have to check it out,” you said. You looked him up and down, Dean smiling to himself. “You grew up kinda…”
“Poor? Yeah. It’s okay. It’s not a bad word,” he said. He ran his thumb over your hand and you smiled back at him. “You learn to get by. My brother’s a lawyer now so we don’t have to worry about that too much now.”
“Maybe Tessa’ll be a doctor,” you said. “That’d definitely help us.”
“I’m sure she’ll do something good. You can just tell she looks up to you. She won’t let you down.”
“Fingers crossed,” you said. “So why choose general medicine?”
“Thanks,” you said, sticking your arms through Dean’s flannel later that evening.You took his hand again, walking through downtown back towards his car.
“I don’t remember the last time I spent a Saturday like this, hanging out with someone,” he said.
“Been a while for me too,” you said.
“Is this still considered the first date?” he asked.
“Probably. Why?”
“You want to come over my place...for coffee?” he asked. 
“No, no. I mean like, literal coffee. I have pie at home and...if I was talking sex I’d be a big boy and just ask,” he said.
“Oh. Well in that case, sure,” you said. “Guys that want sex on the first date normally don’t end up getting a second one in my experience.”
“Well I definitely want a second one,” he smirked. “Also I really want some pie and I need to know your pie stance because this could impact the future of this relationship greatly.”
“I see,” you laughed. “I like a man who knows where his priorities lie.”
“Damn straight I do,” he said. He threw his arm over your shoulders and chuckled. “It’ll knock your socks off, I guarantee it.”
“Alright, this is pretty good,” you said twenty minutes later as you sat at Dean’s kitchen counter, munching on a piece of blueberry pie. 
“Told you so,” he said. He ate another forkful, getting some whipped cream stuck on the tip of his nose. He didn’t notice and started to giggle as you stared at him. “What’s that face for goofy?”
“You got a little…” you said, reaching over and wiping it off with your thumb. You licked if off and he blushed for probably the tenth time that day. “You don’t strike me as shy around women, Dean.”
“Normally I’m not. You make me nervous. Good nervous but still nervous.”
“What about me is so intimidating?” you asked, stealing a tiny piece of his pie. 
“You remind me of me. I’ve been in similar shoes to yours. I know how easy it is to get set off and how people don’t realize you don’t mean what you’re saying.”
“Pushing people away you mean.”
“I don’t want to get pushed away or cross a line.”
“Tell me a secret and I’ll tell you one of mine,” you said.
“I took custody of my brother when I turned eighteen,” he said. You stared at him, Dean nodding. “My mom walked out when I was a kid more than once and my dad was...unkind at times. I protected my brother from it as much as I could. When I was able to, I left and I was given guardianship of my brother. I’ve not seen either of my parents since. I understand raising your younger sibling when you are scared shitless. Most people don’t. They don’t get that I’m still fucked up from the stuff that happened as a kid and when I took in my brother. People don’t get that, not all the way. Not even my best friends or my brother. But you have this look and I know you understand the same way I do so I’ll be nervous because I like you more than just because you’re pretty and helpful and a good sister. You get some part of me that I don’t talk about and it’s the part of you that you don’t talk about and maybe we can make that work.”
You leaned forward and kissed him, Dean sliding a hand to your cheek, a soft but comforting weight to it.
“What’s your secret,” he said quietly, your forehead resting against his.
“I lost my job,” you said. “I lied to Tessa. She worries so much already and I can’t let her know the truth. I’ve been working as a cashier the past month.”
“Y/N, you gotta tell her the truth.”
“She already feels guilty because our parents were picking her up from basketball practice when the accident happened. She goes to therapy, Dean. I can’t tell her. Not now.”
“Can you afford to stay in the house?”
“It’s almost paid off. She can afford four years at the university with my share of the inheritance.”
“Y/N. You can’t go bankrupt just to send her to a university.”
“Lots of people do.”
“Y/N. I practice general medicine because the state pays off my student loan debt if I do. You have to tell Tessa the truth about what’s realistic.”
“My seventeen year old sister currently makes more money than I do. I can’t take anything else from her. She deserves to go to the school she always wanted to.”
“Well...we need a new lab tech at work. Do you want it?” he asked.
“Dean, I’m not asking for a job.”
“I’m not giving charity either. You have a degree, you’re smart and I know you could do it. I don’t know the pay but it’s got to be better than minimum wage.”
“Someone helped me. I was an eighteen year old kid with a part time job and I had no idea what I was doing. Someone helped me and it gave me a chance to live, to have all this. It’s not charity. It’s decency and everyone deserves that.”
“Never tell my sister,” you said.
“If you take the job I won’t.”
“Okay,” you said with a nod. “This was a more fun date a few minutes ago you know.”
“But now we’re really starting to know one another,” he said. You were quiet, playing with your fork for a beat.
“Can I stay over? I don’t like sleeping in the house alone.”
“Of course,” he said. You flicked your eyes up, Dean offering you a smile. 
“How do you get happy again?”
“Having a stranger run by shouting about toast helps,” he said. You rolled your eyes and he shrugged. “I’m not joking.”
“Why are you single?”
“I’m more complicated than I look at first glance. I’ve been told it’s not an attractive quality.”
“Well fuck whatever bitch said that.”
“I really like you,” he chuckled.
“I have my moments,” you said. You sat back, Dean pushing the bit of pie left on his plate around. “Was that too much...me sharing that.”
“No. I’m glad you did,” he said. “You want to watch something?”
“Whatever you want is fine.”
“Come on,” he said. He showed you upstairs and gave you some clothes to sleep in before he showed you outside to the balcony over the garage. “I sit out here at night sometimes.”
“It’s gorgeous,” you said. You settled down into an oversized chair with him, looking up at the dark sky.
“Yes, it is,” he said as he looked in your direction. 
“So what’s your favorite kind of pie?”
“Oh well if you want to go down that road I can chat your ear off all night.”
“Good morning,” said Dean as you made your way downstairs. You yawned and gave him a smile, Dean handing you a cup of coffee.
“Much appreciated.” You took a long gulp, stretching out and taking a deep breath. “What time is it?”
“After ten. We stayed up pretty late talking,” he said.
“I guess we did,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck. “Can I have your phone for a sec?”
“Sure,” he said. You put in your number and handed it back.
“Text me sometime,” you said.
“I think I’ll take you up on that,” he said. “I gotta run and do a few chores this morning but I’m having a few friends over later to watch football if you and Tessa would like to join.”
“You really want my sister hanging out with us?”
“Yeah. As long as she’s like, not a devil worshipper or doesn’t like pie she’s always welcome.”
“Only you would categorize those two things together,” you laughed.
“I am quite serious about my pies.”
“Oh I learned that last night,” you said. “I’ll invite her. She’s seventeen though so not sure how much fun she’ll have.”
“There’ll be a couple guys her age if-”
“She’ll definitely be there then,” you said.
“Great. Let’s have some breakfast quick before I drop you off at home.”
A/N: Read Part 3 here!
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