#so I may have created an account to rant about a show I have watched one season of
andro-dino · 2 months
Genuine curiosity: what got you here? What decisions in your life lead you ended up having brainworms for this funky spinning top commercial series? /aff /lh
it all started when I was but a wee lad in the second grade and saw Beyblade Metal Fusion on Netflix. The first time I watched it, I actually watched the third episode first because it had wolf in the title and I was a wolf girl growing up. After that I became enamored with the show. Created the first version of Essi on ms paint with a mouse (may god rest her soul (she died with the rest of my old art on my family computer one day 😔)), rewatched it a couple times, at least one of which I imagined essi in like every scene in the show, and was effectively obsessed with it. I didn’t have the abilities to draw ship art at the time but I did become very kyomado pilled during this as well. I actually didn’t know there was more after Fusion because Netflix didn’t have any of it (or I just never bothered to look for it idk).
After that, a couple years went by, and I think around 5th grade I decided to revisit it, had a blast, redrew Essi, and I was happy to leave it at that but then I was talking about it with a guy on my bus and he was like “oh yeah I really liked it have you watched fury?” and I was like “THERES MORE??????” and so I went out in search of More. I watched like half of masters on YouTube, but I didn’t retain like any of it. genuinely the only reason I know I got as far in as I did is because the only parts of it I remember at all were yu being more prominent and hikaru’s ptsd breakdown, but besides that, literally NOTHING stuck with me. I also discovered the existence of shogun steel during this time period from seeing adult gingka on google but knew nothing more about it.
That was the last of beyblade endeavors until summer of 2021. after splatoon 3 had been announced that year it had me very nostalgic for things I was into when I was younger, which started with me ranting about splatoon 1 stages I missed on twitter, which then led to me thinking about sonic underground and trying to find where to watch it bc it wasn’t on Netflix anymore. in doing this, I downloaded Tubi and saw fusion on there and I was like “omg I forgot I was obsessed with that!” I then similarly ranted my fond memories about it on Twitter and i ended up dropping my sonic underground rewatch and watching that instead. That is when the snowball began to form. I looked up the watch order and was telling my friend about it and how I was trying to find something that had all the seasons (bc at the time Tubi had fusion and fury but not masters) and then he sent me a pirating website I could use and I was like HOLY SHIT. And then from there, I watched the whole series, got obsessed with it, starting drawing fanart on my own time and looking up fandom stuff online, and then upon realizing most of the active fandom was on tumblr, dusted off my tumblr account and made my first post, and from there it’s only gotten worse.
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digital-survivor · 2 years
An intro post is overdue, I guess.
You can call me either Seruni or Ai, whichever is fine. I usually go by Ai in most fandom spaces, but I'd like to create(?) another identity to go by in Digimon fandom in particular (though I'd like to remain lowkey here).
Bio in a nutshell: she/her (cis woman), 20+ y/o, GMT+7, working adult with art as a hobby. I may draw for Survive, perhaps, someday.
I speak Indonesian (native), English, and Japanese. I don't consider myself as that fluent in either English or Japanese (doesn't help that I'm mostly self-taught in English and completely self-taught in Japanese), but I can understand and communicate just fine in both languages (admittedly, I'm a lot better in English than Japanese). I also used to learn German, so I knew bits of German.
This is my sub-blog for Digimon Survive mostly (because I already made my main a song translation blog for a different fandom without thinking much back then--if you see that account liking your posts, that's me alright), though I may use it for Digimon stuff in general in the future. We'll see.
My introduction to Digimon was through Digimon Adventure (anime) and the first Digimon World (game). I grew up with the Indonesian dub of the TV shows (which were 100% based on the original Japanese) before rewatching all the shows in Japanese, so I'm more familiar with the Japanese names and terms. That's why I consistently use the Japanese version of the names and terms. I hope you understand.
I really enjoyed the first 4 Digimon anime (Adventure, 02, Tamers, and Frontier). I've watched all seasons up to Hunters, anyway. I'm also up to date with Adventure-verse, having watched all tri movies and Kizuna Last Evo. Looking forward to the new 02 movie.
Survive is what got me back into Digimon games after not touching it for a long while (my last Digimon game before Survive was either Digital Card Arena or the 3rd World game, I forgot which one came last. It's been years ok). The whole human/Digimon partnership in the anime shows (particularly in the earlier ones, Adventure especially) strikes emotional beats that I rarely find elsewhere, and hearing that Survive was going to play around with that more got me hyped for the game. Thankfully the story delivers in that part and I'm really happy with what we get from Survive.
I like all of the characters in Survive (humans and mons alike), they really make for an interesting cast. Although I'd like to specifically point out that I unironically like Shuuji as a character (he's my favorite, and not in a "love to hate" kind of way), and considering how much hate he's been getting from the fandom, I'd appreciate it if you don't bring any Shuuji hate here (otherwise you're getting a block from me). You're free to dislike the character, it's just that the excessive hate has been ruining my enjoyment of Survive.
Aside from Digimon, my two other biggest fandoms are Idolish7 (+ La Danse Macabre event story too, I consider this a whole 'nother sub-fandom of i7) and Tales of series (I've played all mothership Tales games, but my most fav are D/D2). I used to be very into .hack// as well, but my interest in it has waned over time thanks to Bamco practically neglecting it.
Other stuff that I like: Oshi no Ko, FE3H, Scarlet Nexus (honorary Tales title tbh), D.Gray-man, Blue Period, Gundam shows, Zanki Zero, AITSF, Persona (especially 4), Kiseki series (up to Ao only), Mawaru Penguindrum, FMA, Hoshi no Samidare, Gin no Saji, etc.
I'm also very into seiyuu (Japanese voice actors) and voice acting industry. This is very important.
I'm more active on Twitter, you can find my sub-account for Survive here. My main account is here, but if you aren't interested in me screaming about 2D idol boys and occasionally ranting about real life, then just don't follow. ^^;
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oceanoflilies · 2 months
I. Preface
Hello, lovely buddy. Go by the name Amaryllis Shakila, you may address me as Lily or Kila. An ESFJ & Libraian who's already on legal age and using feminine pronouns.
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II. First Chapter
This is an unlabeled account who loves to make new buddies to mingle with and rant about this and that. I'm about to tell you my current fixations. For the group, I do enjoy SEVENTEEN, THE BOYZ & BOYNEXTDOOR. For music genres, I savor any genres but I keen more to K-Pop, Pop & K-Hiphop such as Le Sserafim, NIKI, pH-1, Bewhy, Wonstein and so much more. For watch list, I currently am enjoying dating show such Exchange, a Mobile Legends Professional League such MPL ID S13 and The Summer I Turned Pretty (Waiting for Season 3).
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III. Second Chapter
BYF: This is an unlabeled acc. I talk abt my faves & my daily updates. Use bahasa, broken eng & sometimes harshwords while doing rants. A little bit selective & do sb to break the mutuals since i want to create a safe place to go.
DNF: Minor (the current is fine), won't interact, heavy retweeter, fit in basic dnf criteria, hate my faves, engage themselves in any war.
P.S: I'll appreciate if u guys let me know if I make u uncomfortable or I did any wrongdoings through dm. Thank you.
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IV. Last Chapter
You may hit me up through my tellonym attached below if you have any queries or just want to share your thoughts/stories with me!
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Nobody Left Behind
Prompt: So I don't know if you're taking requests? But I just watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time since I got into TSS and I've adopted the headcanon that it is Remus's *favorite* movie (and he's memorized the script) and I love your writing and I'd love to see something angsty involving Remus feeling lonely/unloved by his brother, and maybe Lilo and Stitch is involved somehow. IDK, go wild. (and feel free to ignore this if you aren't taking requests) <3 - anon
it is Le Fluff™ hours my good bitches
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Remus has some abandonment issues, but it’s not too much
Pairings: it is platonic all the way down, babes
Word Count:  2935
Ohana means family.
 What a weird word.
Sometimes it’s the people you’re born with. Well, not ‘with,’ not necessarily, but the people you are born to. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother. Sometimes two mothers, sometimes two fathers, sometimes a different parent. Sometimes two sisters, sometimes two brothers, sometimes a different sibling. Sometimes a mess of assorted people that all share the same blood. A family.
 Remus wasn’t born.
 He was made though, crafted and shaped and born out of the swirling chaos of a child’s mind that didn’t understand the world well enough without other people to help. He remembers getting cobbled together from scraps of thoughts and feelings and morphing them into limbs, into features, into something that vaguely resembled the body of the child he was made to fit. Not the ‘fitting’ was ever his job.
 Just his brother’s.
 Is his brother his family?
 By all accounts he should be, right? A brother is one of those people that are traditionally part of the ‘family’ group, right, someone to laugh with, cry with, fight with, live with. But is Roman really his…brother?
 That’s what they decided to call themselves because nothing else worked. They weren’t really brothers, they were halves. But they weren’t really halves because there was never a whole to begin with.
 The King wasn’t a ‘whole,’ he was…well, he was the King. Half of a king is not a prince. Half of a king is not a duke.
 Half of a king is a mess of blood and bones and viscera dripping off of the end of a Morningstar in the middle of the night when only a destroyed facsimile makes the insanity bleed away just enough to breathe again.
 The closest thing to twins, is what they decided on eventually. They’re twins. One light, one dark. One that marches boldly into danger to confront the wickedness of the world, one that dwells in the shadows and cackles with the demons nipping at his heels. One that loves, one that isn’t loved.
 Sure, they had some things in common. They both loved to fight, hence the scars and the bruises and the wounds that would never, ever heal, the distrust that would never be fixed ever, because the urge to sink their teeth into each other’s necks and rip never went away. They both loved to make, Roman the peaceful lies he tells himself to make up for the gaping wounds Remus leaves as he carves his perfectly tailored destruction. They both love Disney.
 Roman’s made it part of his whole deal as the Prince, he loves Disney. He bursts into song every chance he gets, drags the others in until the Mindscape rings with joyful song and there’s nowhere left for any sadness or darkness. He takes his lessons from it, models himself using the traits of the characters he admires most. Cultivates his art of storytelling, perfect to a tee.
 Remus loves Disney too. Loves how easy it is to twist the lens to distort the image just enough to let the darker parts of the Imagination run wild. What is the real implication of never growing old, never understanding what it means to die? What kind of person curses a ten-year-old boy for being cautious about who he answers the door to? What could the story have been if the prince never comes to save the day?
 When they were smaller it was fine. When they were still getting used to the fact that they weren’t King anymore, they used to sit and watch so many Disney movies. Roman’s favorite was always changing, one week it was Beauty and the Beast, then it was Mulan, then it was Cinderella, it never stayed the same.
 Remus’s was always Lilo and Stitch.
 Roman never understood it, said it was boring, there wasn’t a prince, there wasn’t anything exciting. Remus said that aliens were plenty exciting, thank you very much.
 But they would always watch it. The King wasn’t there anymore, but the prince and the Duke were.
 …when they were smaller, there was one time where the prince wasn’t there at all.
 Remus remembers waking up one day and feeling like he was being Split all over again. The maggots in his bones reached their awful little mouths into his heart and pulled, yanking him all the way across the bed and to the door, howling and screaming for his twin.
 Only to be met with a blank wall.
 He remembers howling at the top of his lungs until Janus had rushed to his side, kneeling down next to him and telling him shh, be quiet, hush now, you’re alright, you’re not hurt. And when he couldn’t explain that he was hurt, half of him was missing, Remus needed to go find him, Janus’s mouth had hardened into a thin line and told him that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
 He remembers thinking that was a lie.
 But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a lie.
 Roman was fine.
 Roman was more than fine, because Roman had a family.
 Roman had Patton, who is the actual manifestation of sunshine and rainbows and loved so much it almost burns. The darkness that wrapped around Remus’s corner of the Imagination screeched and hissed at the very idea of being loved that much, even as part of him strained with all its might to get to it. But Patton would never set foot near this side of the Mindscape.
 Roman had Logan, who represents everything true about the Mindscape, about Thomas, about the world. The reality of things that would never let anything Remus created make it anywhere close to anything important because it was dangerous, it was hurtful, and it was wrong. Logan wouldn’t want anything to do with something so useless.
 And that was okay. Because Roman may have been gone but Remus wasn’t alone. Remus had Virgil, who lived with fear soaking every fiber of his being. Remus had Janus, who wrapped himself in darkness and obscurity and laughed.
 But then Virgil left. And now Roman had Virgil, who used Thomas’s anxieties to keep him safe, to help Roman and the others figure out what to do, how to take care of everybody, and how to make the darkness go away. And Virgil would never willingly sink himself back into the darkness when he’d spent so long clawing himself out of it.
 But that was okay, because Remus had Janus. Janus, who plotted and schemed and smirked at how easily the others were pulled along by his strings, luring them deeper and deeper as Remus readied his Morningstar for the trap to be sprung.
 But then they sprung the trap and everything went wrong.
 Roman didn’t want to fight. He just…he let Remus knock him out and didn’t show up again except to scoff and say he didn’t like him.
 And that was…wrong.
 Because Roman wasn’t supposed to like him but he was never only supposed to not like him. Roman was supposed to declare that he wasn’t welcome and try and slash him with his sword. Roman was supposed to try and banish him from the Mindscape and spit insults at him until he left, cackling all the while. Roman was supposed to hate him.
 But Roman didn’t hate him, he just…he just said he didn’t like him.
 But that was okay, because Janus could just come up with a better plan with him this time. They could do it properly, and Roman would hate him again and it would be back to normal.
 But then Janus left. And now Roman has Janus, who keeps his eyes where the prince’s aren’t, when he can’t see what’s happening or he can’t bear to look, to help Roman figure out what to do when what seems to be happening isn’t anything that the prince is used to dealing with. And Janus would never willingly step away from a place that finally accepted him.
 Roman has them now. Roman has people that chose him. Roman’s family chose him. He chose them. They chose each other.
 Remus’s grip on his Morningstar slackens and the thing falls to the ground with a heavy clunk. He moves numbly through his room until he can fall to his knees on his bed.
 He just came from the living room. They were all there. Roman was talking with Logan, ranting about some new show they were both watching. Janus was in the kitchen with Patton, making something for dinner that everyone—well, almost everyone—could eat. Virgil was on the back of the couch, reaching out for Roman’s shoulder every once in a while.
Remus had waited behind the couch. For someone to sit down, for someone to see him and shriek, or even maybe—just maybe—for someone to ask where he was.
 But no.
 Patton had come over and gently ruffled Virgil’s hair, saying that dinner was ready. Logan and Roman had moved into the kitchen, demanding Janus’s attention and pulling him into their conversation. Virgil had murmured a quiet thank you and Roman had asked him for what?
 “Y’know,” Virgil had said, “for…this.”
 “Of course,” Roman had laughed, the soft rustle of fabric as he probably pulled the emo in for a hug—what did those feel like?— “I should be thanking you?”
 “What for, kiddo?”
 “I dunno, it just…feels like it’s been forever since we’ve all sat down for dinner together.”
 Remus’s chest had started to hurt.
 “The whole family.”
 The whole family.
 Remus’s eyes well up with stubborn tears and he angrily swipes them away, baring his teeth at the memory and focusing intently on the things on the bed. Each hand-stitched, each carefully kept clean.
 His family.
 He reaches out with a shaking hand and tucks the blue frog plushie into the crook of his arm, crawling into the middle of the bed and balancing the purple spider on his shoulder. His hands keep shaking as he wraps the long yellow snake securely around his neck, clutching the head under his chin and nuzzling it protectively. The dark blue cat he holds in his other hand, careful not to tear its tie as he scrunches in on himself.
 Where is it?
 No, no, no, no—
 Remus growls, placing all of his family gently on the floor before all but tearing at his sheets. Where is it, where is it, where is it—his heartbeat starts to rise as his search grows more frantic, where is it, where is it—
 The slightest little puff of red hair and he howls, lunging for it and sweeping it into his lap. He pauses to make sure the lion’s crown didn’t fall off and sighs when he sees it still in place. He sets the lion between his legs and leans over, adjusting everyone back into place and scrunching himself into a ball again. He rubs his nose against the lion’s fur and nuzzles into the soft fabric.
 He’d never be able to forgive himself if he lost them.
 Because Ohana means family.
 Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
There’s a knock on his door.
 Why is someone knocking on his door?
 They knock again.
 Remus looks up, carefully butting the spider out of the way with his head and sitting up. The snake hangs off his shoulder and he lets it, only missing its warmth once the knock sounds again.
 The frog and the cat watch him warily as he climbs out of bed, the lion clutched in his hand.
 The door squeaks slightly as he opens it.
 “So, I’ve got popcorn, I found the weird gummy snakes, and they had this chocolate-covered bacon which we have to try—Remus?”
 Roman stands there, his arms full of snacks and blankets, his head tilted. He glances behind Remus—probably to check something or other—and then back at him.
 “Remus? Are you okay?”
 “Why are you here?” Roman doesn’t like him.
 “It’s movie night, Re, of course, I’m here.” Roman chuckles nervously before taking in his tear-stained face. “Hey, Re, what’s going on? Are you okay? Can I come in?”
 Why is Roman here? Roman has his family, what is he doing here? With Remus?
 “Remus—“ oh, right, Roman’s talking to him—why is Roman talking to him?—in a soft voice now— “Remus, hey, look at me.”
 Remus blinks. Oh. Roman looks concerned now, he’s reaching for him.
 “Hey,” he murmurs as he ruffles Remus’s hair, “what’s going on? Have you been crying?”
 Remus nods dumbly.
 “I’m sorry, Re, can I help?”
 Help? Why does Roman want to help?
 Oh, he’s waiting for an answer.
 “Thank you,” Roman says softly, “can I come in?”
 Remus steps aside wordlessly and Roman walks in, pausing when he sees the rest of Remus’s family on the bed.
 “Did you make them?”
 Something dark twists in Remus’s chest as he sees Roman reach for the spider.
Roman backs off, stepping back as Remus snatches up his family and cradles them in his lap, glaring at Roman and curling up on the bed.
 “I won’t, Re, I’m sorry,” Roman says, still speaking softly, “can I sit?”
 Roman sits on the floor, setting aside the blankets and snacks, looking up at him. He still looks concerned. Why? Roman doesn’t like him.
 “Why weren’t you at dinner,” he asks gently, “I was worried.”
 Worried? About him? Remus snorts.
 “You had your whole family there,” he spits, “why would you worry?”
 “But you weren’t there,” Roman says like that makes any difference, “so I was worried.”
 Remus shakes his head. Roman doesn’t get it. Roman doesn’t worry about him, he worries about other things. But if Roman wants to know why he wasn’t at dinner, he’ll tell him.
 “I was with my family.”
 Roman’s brow furrows as he glances around again. “…your family?”
 Remus huddles protectively around his family. “Yes. My family.”
 Roman’s eyes widen as he takes in Remus’s posture and how he reacted when Roman asked about them earlier.
 “…are they your family, Remus?”
 “Yes.” He holds them tighter. “I chose them. They won’t leave me. They won’t forget me. That’s what family means.”
 Something crosses Roman’s face and he lets out a wounded noise. Wait. Are they fighting?
 “Wait, Remus,” he murmurs, rising up to his knees, “did you—did you think we forgot you?”
 “You did forget me.”
 “I’m sorry, Remus, I would’ve come to look for you, but I thought—“ Roman shakes his head— “no, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I should’ve come got you, Re, I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean to leave you behind.”
 “…you didn’t?”
 Roman shakes his head furiously. “No, Remus, I promise. I never meant to leave you.”
 “But everybody leaves me.”
 If possible, Roman’s eyes are now wider and he scrambles for the edge of the bed. “What do you mean, Remus, what do you mean everybody leaves you?”
 “You left. Virgil left. Janus left. Everybody left.” The lion’s mane brushes against his lips as he bows his head. “But not them. They won’t leave me.”
 “Oh, Remus—“
 Something big lunges at him and Remus whimpers, he doesn’t have his Morningstar, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t—he doesn’t—
 What’s happening? He feels warm and he’s being squished and Roman is pressing himself against him and what—what—
 “What’re you doing?”
 “It’s a hug, Remus,” comes Roman’s voice, slightly muffled, from over his shoulder, “I’m hugging you.”
 “Yeah, Re, I’m here, I’m right here, I won’t forget you, I won’t leave you behind, you’re my brother, you’re my family, I choose you.” Roman’s grip tightens on him and Remus just about gasps. “I choose you and I want you and I like you.”
 Roman…Roman likes him?
 Roman chooses him?
 Roman won’t…leave?
 “No, Remus,” Roman promises as he cautiously asks, “I won’t leave. Not unless you want me to.”
 “Then I’m not going anywhere.”
 That’s it.
 Remus throws his arms around his twin and sobs, cries an entire ocean of tears into his brother’s shoulder because he’s here and he cares and he chose Remus. The darkness shudders as that small part of him surges forward, into Roman’s chest, finding a home in the prince’s heart and languishing in the warmth there.
 “I’m right here, Re,” Roman murmurs, stroking up and down his back, “right here, I’ve got you.”
 The snake drapes itself cautiously over Roman’s shoulder, the spider taking up watch on his knee. The cat and the frog stare at him, making sure he isn’t lying, that he won’t change his mind. The lion, sandwiched between them, feels the reassuring rumble from Roman’s chest and purrs.
 After a long, long time, Remus pulls back a little and scuffs a hand over his nose.
 “…did you say something about chocolate-covered bacon?”
 Roman’s smile lights up.
 “Let’s put on Lilo and Stitch and we’ll try it.”
 Ohana means family.
 Family means no one gets left behind.
 Or forgotten.
General Taglist:@frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne  @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo @cerulean-watermelon @puffed-up-bees
If you want to be added/taken off the taglist, let me know!
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silkgonerough · 3 years
Astro Observation/Rants #3 (includes moral support for ppl with harsh aspects between their big 3)
🍰UNDERRATED ASPECT COMBO: Mercury sextile venus + mars when I tell you the amount of crazy situations I’ve talked my way out of and the amount of free things I’ve talked my way into is simply ridiculous.. The mixture of both I think gives someone a rlly nice and sweet way of talking but with a certain tact and persuasion with how their saying it if that makes sense? Which equals a real charmer in words but also someone very skilled in how to get what they want through what their saying. If you have this as well start using it to your advantage trust me it works!!!
☹️Does anyone else who has Pluto or Saturn on or aspecting the ascendant in a harsh aspect have an intense self awareness that kind of keeps them from doing certain things bc it gets to much be too much or you get too paranoid over what others will think of you?
😪Being a Sagittarius but with Saturn as my dominant/elevated planet is really not what I signed up for... I thought I was getting my fun carefree casual storyline but Saturn said it’s the struggle for me. RIP to young me who only looked at cookbook astrology and rlly thought I was doing something...
🙃Ppl who have their sun or ascendant squaring your own ascendant usually have habits or just certain things they do that tend to annoy you or make you judgemental in how they present themselves to the world and others around them. My virgo rising squares my moms sagittarius sun and I can’t take her anywhere 😕
🥵Venus square mars is so hot yet such a disaster in synastry😭 like maybe it’s because I attract relationships that tend to be as messy as something out of a Netflix original but I’m always so attracted to guys who’s venus’ square my mars... and then they open their mouths😪
📚If you know someone with mercury in an aspect to saturn compliment their intellect, writting skills or just knowledge in general!! Ppl with this aspect tend to feel insecure with being considered “smart” even if they really are! Most ppl I’ve met are able to articulate their thoughts rlly well and are like walking dictionaries almost? They way they talk when explaining definitions or concepts is also lowkey hot🥵maybe that’s just my Virgo rising talking tho...
💖Sun in any aspect to venus but especially the conjunct/trine as an aspect between two people is the official hype man aspect!! The venus person hypes the hell out of the sun person and vice versa!! Probs the loyal fan who’s always in your comment section😘I love this aspect sm tho you just love the entire being of the other person! one of my fave celebrities has her venus conjunct my sun and I am deeply in love with her🤪
😩WHEN WILL THE UNIVERSE GIVE ME ANYTHING OTHER THEN A DAMN PISCES ARIES OR LIBRA MAN ITS GETTING OLD give me my Scorpio or Capricorn man😭🙏 (except dont bc all of hell will break loose and it’ll be me invigoratingly opening the gates)
🌗If you have your sun in a harsh aspect to your moon (square or opposite) your childhood was probably not the most fun in the home life and you probably understood the harsh reality of marriage or just unhealthy relationships in general from the parents :/ the whole sun/moon inner conflict was also probs pretty prevalent and caused social issues with peers at school.. honestly such a sad aspect to have as a child bc everything’s so hard and you don’t understand why bc you don’t rlly understand yourself yet :( but once you grow into it and figure out how to balance your emotions/moon to your overall personality/sun one can become the strength where the other is weak and it creates a sort of wondrous enigma of a person and ppl can become rlly entranced in your personality! It’s called layers bitch😜
🤫Scorpio/Pluto in the 3rd house (I have both🤗) could be someone who has a lot of secretive hobbies or interests that they don’t share with a lot of ppl but may have a secret social media accounts for them👀 not the type to tell ppl if they like someone but the ppl who are close to them will catch on or honestly figure out just by asking them straight up bc once confronted we get all embarrassed and you can see it on our faces super easily! We love our mysteries, plot twist or literally anything that requires digging deeper or making theories when reading or watching something. No surface level shit here🙅‍♀️
💸Mars in 2nd house may have a shopping addiction or may be bad at saving money. They usually binge shop and are the types that went to a grocery store for more untensils and came back with a waffle maker and a bunch of baking supplies😅 stingy if you eat their food without permission... the type to freak out if they left their fave shirt at their friends house after a sleepover lol, probs has a thing for food and sex together or sex in a really luxurious place with candles and rose petals.. it’s go big or I’m going tf home with them. Have furniture in ur home their not fucking in a god damn roller rink🤣
🌟People with Mercury in Aquarius/aspecting Uranus seem to really like talking about scientific theories or futuristic concepts!! All the ones I’ve known have had really grand ideas and seem to like anything related to the mystical but also seemingly holds a lot of innovative undertones! One of my friends who has Mercury in Aquarius aspecting Neptune/Uranus has a thing for the Disney short films which honestly is like a mix of neptune and uranus in its art forms! I’ve always thought it was cute how eager she is to show me them☺️
🌊From what I’ve observed an aspect that can make someone kind of bad at confrontation or like vocalizing their feelings until it’s too late and their bursting like a freaking geyser is Pisces mars. It doesn’t rlly take a lot to have them feeling some sort of way either with or without a valid reason (this is just an observation from the ones I’ve seen I don’t want to generalize!!) but the way they get angry is like a baby’s tempter tantrum and because I’m a Sagittarius I can always see thru the bullshit and I’m like is anyone else seeing this? I think overall besides Scorpio having a water mars signs is exceptionally hard so I cut them some slack but at what cost😫
🤤Mars conjunct Jupiter people are yummy. The men and women both are so hot and the men are always exuding big dick energy and usually thats what their giving👀
🌎All my big 3 create harsh aspects to one another (sun square moon, moon opposite ascendant, ascendant square sun) I honestly don’t know how I made it this far without literally exploding from tension but to anyone with these I guess my advice would be to refrain from taking things too personally bc it’s usually never that serious we’re just already a bit insecure in ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world! Your perception of how others view you vs how they actually do are usually very different in a good way but we tend to self sabotage ourselves into acting the way we think others want us to! I think having so many conflictive yet different sides of yourself creates a very influential character. It’s kind of like living in many completely different places throughout your life. The change is always hard and you don’t always feel secure but your experience and perception on things are really unique and you can offer other ppl a whole new perspective on who they are bc you yourself are always looking through the world through conflicting yet contrasting lenses.
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reaction2whatever · 2 years
My Agents of shield season 3 mumble jumble
I just finished the season 3 finale and boyyyyy am I emotional right about now. (Possibly because I binged 5 episodes all at once and thoughts are jumbled
Be prepared I'm sensing this is gonna be a long rant
Just like the season 2 rant Imma divide this into two parts and ramble it through each part
(sidenote: this is my first time watching this show so If you want to see my reactions to previous seasons you can find those thoughts here and please no spoilers. I started this account that I don't really use to stop Tumblr spoiling me based on the tags that I used lol)
Welp. Where do I even start
I think it is a pretty good season. Better than season 1, not as strong as season 2.
I also like the latter half of the season where they fight Hive more than the first half.
The reason behind my criticism of the first half of this season is that it is trying to do TOO many things all at the same time while simultaneously moving too slowly too.
Let's see. The first ten episodes of this season had the following main storylines:
-A massive amount of people are turning into Inhumans and they are creating chaos
-ATCU is targeting Inhumans, especially Lincoln
-A new "monster", later revealed as Andrew/Lush, is hunting Inhumans as well
-Fitz saving Simmons from an alien planet/ that FitzSimmons and Will love triangle
-Hunter and May trying to take down Ward for Bobbi
After having finished this season, I can see the way these stories intertwine with each other. It is pretty great. I think the writers did a very good job with how the mysteries thrown at viewers were all resolved.
But when watching it for the first time, I felt like new questions kept coming up and the main characters were all over the place following different plotlines. It was easy to be confused as to what's the point of everything and how does everything connect together?
Especially when it's trying to tell this many stories all at once, somehow this show slowed down the pace so suddenly to give Simmons a whole episode solely to talk about her time on an alien planet pining for one man and falling in love for another.
Like the pace was really fast and suddenly slowed down then picked up the pace again.
When season 2 was finished I was pretty excited about the potential of a lot of new inhuman capabilities in season 3, because fish is a common enough thing that a potentially huge amount of people could get powers overnight.
But I guess in season 3 we only get Andrew(who wasn't turned into an Inhuman because of fish oil), yoyo, joey, and some minor side characters. After Rosalind died and Hive was introduced, this spread of inhuman incidents' influence seemed to have hit the stop button and never surfaced again.
Wasn't this introduced as a massive global outbreak in the first episode? Why is it that the shield team has stopped showing up to newly turned Inhumans like they did for Joey? Why is it that Hive wasn't capable of finding hundreds of Inhumans to work for him under his sway?
At his peak, Hive had like 4 Inhumans under his sway(Daisy, multiplying woman, telekinesis guy, fire-throwing guy), and...honestly, I had to lol at that pathetic low number(I know Andrew killed some but like, they can do better with that number. There is no way anyone can stop the world from eating fish and this is a thing that can't be stopped. Every day there should be new Inhumans lol.
Would have been so cool to see more characters with inhuman powers/see a massive inhuman outbreak more.
The same could be said for Simmons' adventure on another planet and her reaction to it, soooo much potential for a whole other planet. The ATCU's philosophy and the debate of whether Inhumans should be cured could be expanded a lot more to talk about ethics, so a lot of potential there too.
Each thread of plotting could be expanded and explained more because each thread has a lot of potentials, but I guess they needed for the season to move forward quickly and I think it got a bit messy and rushed with the many characters and plotlines introduced.
The latter half of the season focuses a lot more on a singular threat Hive and I feel like I like the latter half more. I'm very sad that Bobbi and Hunter are gone for the latter half but I have to admit after sending these two away, the reduced number of the main cast also helped with the storytelling.
I know I wrote a lot of criticism above but honestly overall I still think this is a strong season and the plot is pretty awesome and I love this show but I've said that amazement enough in my episode to episode reactions lol so I'll shut up and talk about characters instead.
Daisy Johnson
oh boy do I love her. (Chloe Bennet is so good at acting like oh wow
First of all, I know (from the very kind @agents-of-fangirling in the comments) that Daisy Johnson is a comic book character and that's probably why they've changed her name.
But still, I think it's pretty symbolic.
Skye was a person trying to find meaning in her life. She was homeless, an orphan, who had never had stability in her life, who had no idea who she was or what's her heritage. Skye was very much struggling to balance between her birth family and her shield famly and why does she have powers. It's an orphan's name and it hints at her chaotic life.
After an entire journey in the span of two seasons, Skye had found her heritage, her power, and her parents. Now she was agent Daisy Johnson, her full name comes from her birth parents but very much an agent of shield and a superhero (Before sway. I'll talk about that later lol)
She had gotten over that rookie phase and she was more mature now.
I'm very glad that Daisy Johnson doesn't need anybody to baby her to go into the field and be GOOD at it. She wasn't stuck as a rookie and she's just grown to the point where I feel a sense of security when she's in the field.
Compare that to when in season 1 she can't fight at all and in season 2 she was training under May and fumbling over her powers, this season she'd really feel all grew up.
She leads the inhuman task force, she advocates for inhuman rights. She has accepted her Inhuman identity and knows who she is. She uses her power well and she fights well and she gets things done. She had really started to feel confident and capable. She's just an overall very enjoyable superhero and agent in this season.
(Maybe she didn't hack as much as she used to but I accept the trade between hacking scenes and super hot power/fighting scenes any day)
ALSO did I mention just how gorgeous she is?
AND THEN she got swayed
See, the writers of this show never let any character gets too comfortable with life.
I feel like part of the reason why Daisy after sway is pretty heartbreaking to watch is that she finally seemed happy and content with her life for a bit. She was a leader of a good team of Inhumans, she had a boyfriend who's a massive upgrade from Miles and Ward.
AND hive just went ahead and took all of that away from her.
I feel like that's like her worst nightmare coming true. She truly sees the team as her family. Not only did she personally hurt Fitz and Mack but she also had that vision. She knew someone is gonna die. She knew that time can't be changed.
I truly believed that if she killed someone on the team it will break her but...things are not much better.
She was in so much pain and so addicted to the feeling of hive that she begged hive to take her back, which at the moment is understandable, but she's gonna beat herself up for it for sure later on. hive having Ward's face definitely doesn't help one bit.
I feel like she was even relieved when she thought her helping hive will only result in her own death and not somebody else's.
It's easier on her conscious in a way
AND then Lincoln dies. Lincoln who is the only one that knew she begged Hive to take her back. Lincoln who only said he loves her when he was about to die.
My girl ended this season being suicidal, going through withdrawal, having to face the fact that she harmed the team, having to face the fact that May's ex-husband and probably the only therapist who can help her deal right now died for her, having to face the fact that her boyfriend exploded in space for her with hive who possess Ward's face and being hunted by shield.
I fear for her sanity because I would be on the floor bawling right now if I were her. Life is not treating her well.
I don't know why shield is after her when we end this season but for the love of God somebody please wrap her up in a soft blanket and give the girl some soup and also give her a ton of good therapy.
Phil Coulson
Coulson feels more like a person this season because he is selfish and I meant it in a good way
He was just good in season 1 and 2. He was that generic good boss character with some trauma with being brought back to life and...yeah that's about it
This season though, Coulson fell in love with Rosalind resulting in Rosalind bleeding out in his arms
He hunted down and killed Ward for personal reasons and I liked it because he's more like a human being with flaws lol.
There was one bit of wasted potential for Coulson and that's being an amputee.
I know he struggled a bit with ties and he mentioned phantom pain. But later on, he had cool gadgets on his hand and he just got some more capability being an amputee
I would love to see an episode where he lost his hand and show some real struggle with it because I feel like in this season his struggle as a disabled person got glossed over easily. His disability was even seen as cool with all the extra gadgets on his hand. idk I feel like there are a lot of potentials to be explored there
Melinda May
Man, I don't know why they keep on wasting May's potential
May's arc was basically hunting Ward with Hunter and then some emotional scenes/plots with Andrew/Lush
Other than that...May is basically used as a generic plot driver/field agent
I want her to have some solid arc. like Daisy's brainwashing arc or Simmons' alien planet arc
Give her something of substance please and don't let Andrew's wife confine her like it did in this season
Also I was kinda sad that Lash didn't get to say goodbye to her
Grant Ward/Hive
I hate his face so much
Like seriously, he better be gone for good. He's a pretty good villain for a solid three seasons now and it's time for him to be gone
I loved him as good guy Ward and I still think he's a pretty handsome guy
But uggh the way seeing his face makes me want to punch things
FitzSimmons this season got more mature and they finally got together like TOOK THEM LONG ENOUGH(I'm feeling like a proud mother
I am very proud of Fitz that he had gradually overcome his brain damage and he got more daring/courageous this season
I cannot imagine season 1 Fitz facing and successfully tricking a whole mob by himself but he did in this season for Simmons.
He was very much a heroic character in trying to save Simmons through space when he pulled her from the planet
He didn't hold it against Simmons for falling in love with Will and even though he was in love with Simmons he still tried his very best to save Will. That's heroic behavior and just pretty selfless overall. Not a lot of guys will do that.
I'm very glad that he got the girl in the end lol
I feel like Simmons this season had a good arc with the alien planet thing. I was very glad that she got her own episode.
I understand why she would fall for Will and I applaud the writers that they used creativity to introduce a love triangle to FitzSimmons.
I think the reason why FitzSimmons is appealing (at least for me) is that they seem to have this bubble around them, separating them from the outside world. They live in this scientific world where they are the only two who can understand each other and communicate with each other. When they talk to other people, they need to dial their sentences down, use plain language so that others could understand, chose their words carefully to explain. But they don't need to do that with each other
A perfect example comes to mind:
When Fitz was trapped in the hanger with primitive agents
Simmons: "Fitz, Professor idk's compiler theory?"
Fitz:"yes yes do that you saw me do it and you have a good memory"
After Simmons has saved Fitz, Coulson was like "wtf is that"
see, FitzSimmons has this deep understanding of each other and connection that seems so untouchable for anyone else. They don't need to say things carefully so the other will understand and their communication in science is unmatched
I don't think anybody could follow their train of thoughts outside of them, and that's a connection that's unbreakable
I had always thought a third wheeler in FitzSimmons is kinda impossible. The writers managed to use Will to introduce some logical and possible angst to FitzSimmons and I had to applaud them for effort lol
(SEE, it takes separation to an ALIEN planet to introduce plausible angst to FitzSimmons and that's saying something lol)
I hope FitzSimmons have a good vacation in Seychelles and do more than just snorkeling
Oh man I wish he was not dead I'm still emo thinking about it
Last season I said Lincoln felt like a love interest designed for Daisy and somehow that feeling hasn't really gone away this season
He was saved by Daisy, joined shield for Daisy, almost died trying out a vaccine for her, and eventually really died for her.
When his addiction to alcohol was first introduced I thought briefly that the writers wanted to introduce more depth/background to him. But after that sway of Daisy+Hive sway thing I feel like they purposefully introduced it to make Lincoln be the only one who would understand Daisy's addiction to hive
The rest of the team just thought she went to Hive to fight him. Lincoln was the only one who figured out that she was addicted.
I mean it's good that somebody on the team understands Daisy, but I also feel like this shift was a bit contradicting the image when Lincoln was first introduced. He was calm, collected, in control of his power back then. He accepted his inhuman identity perfectly and he was just overall pretty nice and kind. He was also very supportive of Daisy
This season, because the writers are putting this being hunted/addiction arc onto Lincoln, he has gotten more chaotic and his writing got a bit inconsistent
He didn't visit Daisy when she was at her lowest after Hive's sway, but sacrificed and died for Daisy in the end while saying he loves her. If he loves her I guess he'd done for her what Mack has done for her, right?
But all of these things aside, I just wished Lincoln could act more of an Inhuman medical expert for the team. He could have been very valuable but I guess he stayed as a supporting character
I'm gonna miss him. He was pretty handsome. I hope his death doesn't completely break Daisy even though it seems likely
Lance Hunter/Bobbi Morse
They are two of the best characters on this show and I cannot believe they just left like that
But I guess if they had to go, they went out as a couple and as heroes. So I guess spy's goodbye is a good goodbye.
They are like the definition of likable supporting characters who doesn't hog screen time while still being very enjoyable to the show
We never need to have long and deep scenes of them to know their characteristics and that's hard to achieve. I'm gonna miss both of them dearly for sure
Yay he definitely got more likable in this season! His shotgun axe was pretty awesome and mmm I hope his romance with yoyo works out well
Andrew shouldn't have died
I don't really care about Lash had to die somehow but I do think Lash shouldn't have been Andrew
His character has so much potential
He's a therapist that shield could trust. Just how valuable is that??
This show has so many characters with trauma that's layered with shield secret and every single one of Andrew's therapy scenes is gold for characterization
If Andrew didn't die, he could have helped everyone on the team and I just feel like his connections to Daisy and Simmons and May were kinda abandoned and ruined
I will miss Andrew for sure
ANYWAYS, this is definitely too long of a thing and I had a blast today watching many episodes and finishing season 3.
Imma stop now lol.
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littlemisssquiggles · 3 years
Ruby Alone
As you all have seen, since prior to the last episode, I’ve been sharing my thoughts and ideas on the theory of V8 concluding with the “death” of RWBY after they fall “off Remnant and into a mysterious Other World”, as alluded to by Oscar.
While I’m still inclined to believe that theory may become possible given what transpired in this recent episode, in reviewing the RWBY V8 Opening, I noticed something interesting about the visuals again which caught my attention.
During the opening, RWBY falling was hinted much earlier in the theme during these shots right here. It’s these two shots of RWBY’s signature weapons falling through negative space which is later followed up by the opening ending with the weapons landing together on the ground.
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However, here’s the bit that I think is noteworthy that I didn’t take into account before. Although the weapons of all four main girls were shown falling together through space and landing on the ground, not only is Crescent Rose the last one to hit the ground but it is also the ONLY one shown in the final shot of the opening.
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It is also worth noting that the weapons fall in this particular order---first Ember Celica, then Gambal Shroud, then Myrtenaster and final Crescent Rose which ironically spells RWBY backwards.
And going back to my theory about RWBY falling in order....with Yang falling first then this is all starting to make more sense.
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Going back to my point---Crescent Rose---Ruby’s weapon is the only weapon that landed on the ground but didn’t fade to darkness like the others. Instead, Crescent Rose is the only one remaining in the snow on what appears to be Remannt. Keeping that in mind, it’s making me start to ponder an alternative to my V8 finale theory. 
What if…I’m actually mistaken about the whole RWBY team falling prey to the Other World ? 
What if…as an alternative prediction, V8 will end with Ruby as the last man standing and the sole surviving member of her team after the rest “die” to the void?
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Thus; V9 becomes Ruby’s story as she deals with the depression of losing her whole team; all obviously culminating with her eventually reuniting with them in the Other World. But before that, it’s mostly just about Ruby. Not RWBY. But just Ruby since RWBY started with just Ruby on her own in Remnant, trying to become a huntress. She only ends up going to Beacon and meeting and forming her own team due to Ozpin’s influence.
So imagine if...after everything she’s been through these last eight seasons, things just go back to how they were before. Ruby is on her own again. No team to lead. No big sister to guide and protect her (although ALPNE is there of course). No “BFFs” or “future-sister-in-law” on the same team to fuel her spark of hope. She no longer has her main friends by her side.
Ruby will be on her own for the first time in a long time and it becomes just her story for the most part of V9 as she does her best to figure out things all while the rest of the cast who survived the fall---Penny, ALPNE and their allies in Vauco and eventually Vale---try to provide her with the emotional support that she needs in place of the one she lost.
For the first time, the story is not about Ruby having to be the spark of hope to support others but…her friends, at least the ones she still have, coming together to support her for once in a time when she can truly need it.
Like I said. It would be the story of Ruby. Not RWBY. Just Ruby. If you get what I mean.
...And now for a squiggly rant...about Ruby:
One general complaint that I’ve heard from the FNDM about Ruby including Little Red Ruby fans like myself is that Ruby has more or less received the shortest end of the stick in terms of development over the past couple of seasons since V4…despite the fact that she is our central main character who is the leader of our core team with her name literally being in the title. Not to mention that Ruby is also the face of the RWBY franchise. When RT isn’t promoting the whole RWBY team together, it’s mainly Ruby to represent RWBY since of all the girls, she is the main one as the main protagonist of RWBY. At least…she’s supposed to be?
To be blunter, I’m just going to call out the fat Heffalump in the room---Ruby Rose, despite being the leader of RWBY---despite being our title character and face of the franchise---the one characters in the show always turn to since she’s THAT important---despite all of that, Ruby has NOT felt like the actual main protagonist of RWBY for several seasons. Since V4 as some fans like to point out. 
And after closely observing her story over the last few volumes, I can’t help but agree with these critiques and comments of Ruby’s treatment when it comes to her own writing. Even when the CRWBY showrunners DO attempt to do stuff with her---it all falls...flat especially when you compare Ruby to other characters like Jaune Arc, for example, whose stories and overall development were handled much better. At least in my opinion.
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Don’t believe me? Take for example, Ruby’s whole so-called “arc” as a Silver Eyed Warrior. First it was introduced as a new idea for Ruby during the FINALE of V3, then it got abandoned for two whole seasons between V4-V5. Then it got reintroduced back in V6 but was then rushed and dropped yet again for V7 only to be brought up again briefly during V8…kind of?
It’s really telling when you realize that Ruby gained control of her silver eyes despite never truly receiving any actual training from Maria in how to control her powers. Not only that but the showrunners really did Maria Calavera dirty. She was supposed to be the wise old mentor who was a badass in her prime meant to pass down her wisdom to her young eager apprentice who knew nothing of her own unique abilities including its mysterious origins.
Instead Maria didn’t know at all about where her powers originated from until she conveniently met our heroes after the Argus Ltd crash and just happened to be present when they asked Jinn about Oz’s secrets. Instead of being a mentor to Ruby which she was initially propped up to be, Maria ended up being relegated to the Granny Uber Driver of the hero team---no longer the wise experienced ex-huntress whose supposed to be teaching our title character but just a form of transportation who provides the occasional comic relief and support for Pietro Polendina, who she was put to work with…instead of Ruby…her alleged apprentice?
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 Shoot---despite being a Silver Eyed Warrior, Ruby was never even a person of interest for this volume. Despite the main big bad being in Atlas and despite targeting her in the past, Salem…never goes after Ruby again while she’s in Atlas??? Ruby never even meets Salem? Despite…Salem targeting Ruby back in V4? Despite Salem’s history with capturing Silver Eyes? Despite Salem’s connection to Ruby through her mother???
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Ruby is never actively a part of the Salem subplot on Monstra…even though… certain developments left over from previous seasons indicated that she should’ve been?
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Instead…we got to watch Yang accost Salem for Summer Rose’s death after SHE is the one to be on the rescue party to save Oscar from Monstro. Even though…Yang has neither been a person of interest to Salem before NOR has the Xiao Long girl been shown to be a close affiliate of Oscar in the past prior to V8 NOR has the Xiao Long girl actually addressed Summer Rose as her mother since V2???
Up until V8, Ruby has always been the character of focus with all things Summer Rose and Salem and yet…we NEVER saw her meet Salem in the flesh period for this season…at all…???
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Instead; Ruby spends MOST of this season cooped up at Schnee Manor, completely absent from and even oblivious to some of the more dire PLOT stuff that was happening outside of Schnee Manor (such as YJR going into Monstra to save Oscar before the Aces Ops blew up the whale).
Despite her connection to Oscar who became Salem’s prisoner. Despite her connection to Salem through her mother. Despite being a Silver Eye and a former target of Salem. Despite the Hound and what it turned out to be. Despite the showrunners literally teasing Ruby meeting Salem face to face back in V7---WE NEVER GET TO SEE RUBY MEET SALEM IN THE FLESH AT ALL DURING V8 WHILE SALEM IS IN ATLAS???
Salem targets Oscar which makes perfect sense given his connection to Ozma as his current incarnate. But Salem doesn’t target Ruby? DESPITE HER BEING A TARGET OF HERS IN THE PAST? DESPITE HER BEING A SILVER EYED WARRIOR? DESPITE WHAT THE HOUND REVEALED?
Why didn’t Salem send the Hound after Ruby? That would’ve made more sense, again knowing what the Hound actually was? Instead the Hound was sent after Penny which, in my opinion, felt mighty redundant since Salem already had Watts and Cinder Fall dealing with Penny.  
…BUT… with my mini rant aside, those are just a few of the inconsistencies that I’ve noticed in the writing of RWBY in respect to Ruby Rose.
Overall; the point I’m trying to make here is this: for the sake of sounding like a Negative Nancy, I ask this honest question to the CRWBY Writers. How? How can you fumble this much with your own title character? I’m not saying this to come off disrespectful. I’m saying this as someone who has followed the story of RWBY since the get-go and has closely observed the treatment of its characters; particularly the main ones and particularly the ones that I personally love and Ruby is one of them.
Despite being our main girl, Ruby’s writing hasn’t been the squeakiest, admittedly. As a matter of fact, it’s been quite messy since V4 due to the amount of times the showrunners have introduced ideas for her only to abandon them later on thus creating those problems with consistency I mentioned earlier.
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Overall, it’s difficult for me to even say that Ruby is the lead character of RWBY since often times; she doesn’t FEEL like the main protagonist despite the show claiming how important she is meant to be. And this sentiment is due in part to how messy her story is handled compared to other characters of lesser importance.
And it’s a sad thing for me to say as both a viewer and fan of Ruby’s character since Ruby is THE lead main character of RWBY. She’s like the Tony Stark of the RWBY-verse. She’s the one who started it all yet her story is one of the messiest I’ve seen in terms of direction and treatment. At least by my observations since this is just my opinion on the subject matter.
It’s one thing to blunder a bit on your side or even your supporting characters. But to slip up on your lead characters, especially your MAIN one who is the FACE of the show, c’mon CRWBY Writers.
And the events of V8 didn’t help change my opinion. After taking away all the bloat this season had for all the stuff they tried to shove into this one season, I realized that V8 didn’t really do much for Ruby. At least, not as much as I anticipated.
I was hoping that Ruby would’ve been a more focal character for V8 since V7 teased some stuff for her in respect to Salem. Instead, I watched a season where Ruby felt more like a supporting character for Penny Polendina since, in my opinion, Penny received much more focus and better development for V8 while Ruby, our LEAD took backstage to her story.
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Because while Ruby was stuck playing supporting character, she was actively left out of subplots that she should’ve been a major part of. Not just because she’s the “protagonist” but because of elements to her story that were developed seasons prior but seemed to have gotten dropped for V8?
Ruby’s treatment for V8, to me,  is an example of a “build-up with no payoff”. All that stuff between her and Salem and her mother felt like it ultimately didn’t matter in the end because Ruby didn’t even meet Salem. 
Yang, to me, had the development with Salem that Ruby should’ve received.
Shoot---Ruby wasn’t even a thought on Salem’s mind…despite the events V4 and V7???
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I just don’t understand. 
But like always, this is just how I feel about it. I’m disappointed with how Ruby was done for this season. While I liked the moment she shared with Blake in V8CH8 and Yang in V8CH11...that’s pretty much the ONLY thing I liked about Ruby’s story for this season. 
Outside of that, it felt to me like the showrunners didn’t do much with her for V8. In a season of so much happening, the stuff that happened with Ruby on her side of the story didn’t honestly stand out to me compared to what I saw the showrunners do for other characters who aren’t the lead this season.
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It’s not like I’m trying to say she didn’t receive any development at all for V8. It’s more like most of what was done with Ruby didn’t quite stand out to me so it ends up feeling like not much was done for her. 
To me, Ruby falls into the same category as Nora Valkyrie for this season. Despite the PLOT preaching about them getting big developments, if you rock back and actually analyse the narrative, you’d actually see that not much was done for them despite the PLOT “talking the talk but not walking the walk” y’know what I mean?
And going back to Ruby, that’s disappointing since I wanted more for Ruby. I EXPECTED MORE for Ruby as our title lead but it didn’t happened. Instead it felt like some of the major developments that she should’ve received for this season went to other characters while she in turn took a backseat.
Things didn’t really start kicking up for Rubes until halfway through the season when the 100th episode aired and the Hound appeared. And even then the excitement of that reveal was short-lived since...Ruby was NOT the real target of the Hound. PENNY WAS. The Hound wasn’t sent to antagonize RUBY. It was sent for Penny which to me sort of undermines the reveal.
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Some Ruby fans have been wishing for the show to feel more about just Ruby again for quite some time now and it is for this reason why I’m starting to dig this alternative theory of mine with Ruby surviving “The Fall of the Central Zone” alone with the rest of her team lost to the Other World.
While the concept of RWBY being trapped together in another world is still on the table of possibilities, I still wish to toss out this other one too.
I like the idea of a more Ruby-centric season where for the second time in the narrative, she’s separated from her core teammates only this time…it’s in “death” or rather “nonexistence” or “nothingness” since from Ruby’s perspective with her limited knowledge of magic (despite what she does know from Oz and Jinn) and the workings of the world that Ambrosius created, she doesn’t know what truly happened to her team.
The only thing she knows is that she watched her whole team dissipate into nothing before her very eyes and that is the last memory she has of them that haunts her for some time.
Imagine if…V9 will be about Ruby dealing with such a huge loss which could potentially touch more upon how she internalizes death in general tying back into probably flashbacks of her time with her mother before she learnt of her death at a young age.
While I understand we’ve had a storyline with Ruby being separated from her main team before back during V4-V5, however a plot line like this would be different this rounds since unlike before, Ruby at least knew that her team mates were alive. Far away. Separated by distance. But still alive and still a part of Remnant with the hope that she would be reunited with them again.
However this won’t be the case this second time. It would truly be Ruby alone since her team would be gone and no one could provide her with the solace of seeing them again---not even the friends she does still have (although that doesn’t stop some of them from trying to be there for the little red rose who has now lost more than her heart could handle)
I know the off-chance of this theory actually coming to fruition might be scarce. But like many ideas I’ve shared, it’s still worth tossing out since you guys know how this squiggle meister likes to roll.
~ LittleMissSquiggles (2021)
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alaura5675 · 3 years
Warning contains spoilers for The Owl House Season 2 Episode 5: Through the Looking Glass
I literally cannot stop screaming about Luz and Amity. My sweet beans!
Em and Ed being supportive siblings, and Ed going on a date with them, (all those golden guard fics are gonna definitely increase)
Just the twins and Gus being we’ve been knew to Luz
Also Gus just being his awesome self and gaining a frienemy is just my heart. Its so weak to all this fluff Dana has be giving us
Unfortunately we need to discuss the “first” human. While discovering the Echo mouse records everything they’ve eaten. We have seen a glimpse of the first human who had traveled accidentally to the demon world.
Their name Philip Wittlebane apparently in the 1600s donated his diary to the library.
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artfulstar also found this in the teasers
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And in animation we don’t believe in coincidences
So at this point i honestly believe that Emperor Belos is this same human and has found a way to live for 400 years. If time is tracked the same
And here’s the big kicker we’ve already noticed a lot of the christian missionary converting the pagan wild witches in the 1st season
But the fact of the matter is the way Wittlebane is dressed and the diary enters are written remind me of first account documents written by European colonizers. And around the 1600s in US history was when Spanish colonizers had already taken large amounts of land in modern day México. And the beginning of English colonizers here In the Modern day US.
And while im not entirely familiar with the indigineous cultures of the Aztecs, Mayan, and Olmecs. There was a strong sense of spirituality in the cultures and people called “Brujas” by the Spanish colonizers, the spanish word for Witch.
And Highly recommend reading Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya discussing the struggle of catholicsm and the indigenous culture in the early 1900s México.
But my point is the Spanish when they came to the Americas literally destroyed the spiritual and cultural centers of the Aztecs and Mayans and built on top of it catholic churches. And vilified anyone who didn’t practice Catholicism. Queen Isabella and her husband who i can’t remember, married and combined large parts of modern day Spain into one country on the Iberian peninsula . And started the Reconquista, that killed thousands of people who were muslim, as a majority of the peninsula practiced Islam’s beliefs, and Jewish people were killed and was spread to “their” colonies as well. Which gave them big support from the Catholic church at the time.
But where am i going with this, Well a lot of things. One Belos’s castle sorta reminds me of an ornate catholic church, the window glass murals, the gold detailing, and all the robes everyone in the coven wears.
Then there’s the fact that Belos took over the way people practice magic and made it so only he and his followers could do all magic. Which is similar in how the catholic church erased indigenous history, and forced people to speak their own language. And withheld knowledge and created a cast system. And the vilifying of the local religious beliefs and killing witches
And what i want to say is i think Dana Terrace is awesome for creating show discussing the horrible and long last effects colonialism has done to the word and still severely effects the indigenous people around the world.
And the fact of the matter is more shows and stories and actual FUCKING HISTORYbooks need to be showcasing the importance and ongoing consequences effecting people.
I can even give you an example right now, I lived in Hawaii for 10 years. Because my dad wanted to retire here and I was a child so had no choice. And some of you may be going, what living in hawaii must be so fun…
Let me tell you shit, Hawaiians literally need tourism to keep there economy going. Because the US took there means of culture and history to keep cultivating their land and sustain themselves.
The US sends homeless people to Hawaii because the weather conditions are better, however a majority of homeless people here are still native Hawaiians
Their is literal law stating that if you have 25% native blood you are able to gain a home for free. However most people will never see that as Homes are being bought by people like Mark Zuckerberg for millions of dollars. And Retirees who want to live near the beach.
The economy as i said is based in tourism but all the hotel chains are US companies. So none of the money is reinvested in the local population.
As well as that most people here are working at minimum wage will never afford million dollar homes.
And it sucks and i get that people want to come over and visit. But you have to understand not just here but in the mainland US. This land belongs to the indigenous people and that means respecting the land and protecting the culture. And Hawaii is one of the fortunate places where the language is still known. Its in the process of being taught in schools and being revitalized.
But the fact of the matter is today July 10th, 2021. There is a water shortage here in Hawaii due to influx of tourists coming in. It takes a literal month for cargo ships to arrive. And the tourism isn’t gonna stop its the height of the summer.
The Hiltons, Wailea all the hotel groups will be getting the water for there lawns. And everyone here enjoying there trip won’t notice a thing.
The people who live here are gonna suffer…
Anyways sorry for the rant a little upset at the moment. The Owl House is awesome please watch it and yeah…
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 3 years
So, Supergirl is over.
And what a note it went out on.
I still have fics I’m working on that I’ll continue to post, and I may occasionally post a leftover analysis of they show, but the show that spawned the creation of this blog is done, and I will have to move on.
I won’t say I hated the show. I didn’t. It was a very large part of my life, and the reason I got back into writing— that alone is a good enough reason to be deeply grateful for it. The writing was often terrible, even in the first season, and devolved as time went on. The acting could be spectacular or horrific, and the special effects were truly a sight to behold. But it was my show, our show, and I will miss it.
I’m not happy with the ending. I think Kara’s choice alone completely conflicts with the events of the 100th episode, but well, what more fitting way for the show to end than a giant middle to the concept of continuity.
But I’m not here to critique the finale, at least not more than a few jabs here and there. I’m here to say goodbye.
I wish only the best for the cast and crew of Supergirl. I’m excited to see their future projects. Most of writing staff and the editors need to take a brief sabbatical to deeply reflect and perhaps get off whatever strain of LSD they appeared to be taking, but I would be interested in seeing their future work as well. The show had its moments— some really amazingly written moments— and I must give credit where credit is due.
I watched this show through times in my life I truly thought I would not survive, and I watched it through cozy nights snuggled up with a mug of tea and far too many blankets. I chattered incessantly about this show with my sister, who tried admirably, if unconvincingly to pretend she cared about my 20 minute long rant over the canonical implications of a kryptonian sun god. I watched this show live on cable, and cursed its frequent airing time changes. I watched this show on my phone, through clips on YouTube when that was the only way I could access new episodes. I created an AO3 account, so I could write and read new works. I filled hours of my life with this silly little show about an alien flying around in a tiny miniskirt fighting crime. And I will never regret it. I can’t.
So, Supergirl is over, and there are only two things I can say.
Thank you.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
“By contrast, I can think of characters who resemble most other Twilight characters with a relative amount of ease.”
You put this at the end of an ask and was just wondering if you would please elaborate? Have a lovely day
(Anon is referring to this post.) Do you ever look at two characters, realize they have a few things in common, then blink, take a step back, and realize that they really do have an awful lot in common? That they're more or less the same person, only in different circumstances? The same archetype, at the very least.
I'm open to the possibility that you'll say no, @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta and I are strange people who see strange things.
All the same, here are a few examples.
Also, this contains spoilers for the animes Fate/Zero, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Revolutionary Girl Utena, as well as the play Vildanden, the book Candide, and the show I, Claudius.
Aro: Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero.
Kiritsugu is a highly effective assassin whose defining trait, and curse, is his willingness to commit any atrocity in the name of the greater good. His ambition is to save the world. Over the course of the series he sacrifices his father, surrogate mother, best friend, wife, and daughter, and treats everybody else like chess pieces. It will all be worth it when he has saved the world.
He is the opposite of Bella, who would let anything burn for the sake of her loved ones. Kiritsugu loves fiercely, but he will sacrifice that which is most precious to him with a steady hand.
Aro has that same ruthlessness combined with idealism. He sacrifices his sister and is willing to kill his only friend as well, to say nothing of the many other things he has done. He creates child vampires and will kill anyone who stands in his way. This is what he must do to gain and maintain power.
Aro and Kiritsugu will sacrifice anything and anybody if they perceive it to be beneficial to their goal, a goal they happen to share.
Also Aro: Claudius from I, Claudius.
Cladius is the emperor of Rome not because he wishes to be, but because the moment he steps off the throne, Rome will fall to pieces.
Aro did seek out the throne, Claudius very much did not. However, both are in the precarious situation where they can never leave their respective thrones. Rome would fall to pieces without Claudius, and the world would burn without Aro.
Also Aro: Voldemort in an AU where he won.
We're deep in la la AU land now.
But, Aro had to commit atrocities to get to the throne, we only meet him millennia later when his rule is secure. A post-victory Voldemort (and I here mean years and years and years have passed) would be a figure quite similar to Aro. A harsh, uncompromising leader, yet he’s been around for long enough to shape the world into what he wants it to be, people don’t remember that it was once different, and he is regarded as the distant, yet necessary leader.
Bella: Hedda Gabler from Vildanden.
Hedda finds out she's a child born of infidelity, and that her father no longer loves her. Wanting to win back his love she kills herself. Bella, too, has that utter lack of self-love, that willingness to sacrifice herself, and it’s all too easy for her to believe Edward never loved her. Both Hedda and Bella fail to understand there are people who love and would miss them
Also Bella: Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
This is not an obvious one.
But they both have that uncompromising drive to do anything and everything for the one they love, and by love I mean the one they fixate everything they are or have ever been upon. Homura, over the course of P3M, goes from wanting to use time travel to save everybody, to being content with saving only Madoka. She will destroy herself for Madoka in a very literal sense, seeing no worth at all in her own survival.
Give Bella a time machine and a timeloop where Edward always dies at the end, and she will go down Homura’s path.
Caius: Every warrior king ever. Ooh and he and Iskandar (again from Fate/Zero) have very similar vibes, although they're far from the same character.
Iskandar believes that kingship and leadership is not about being noble or virtuous or showing a good example to your people, it's about strength, conquest, and glorious victory.
Caius, I imagine, would heartily agree with that.
Carlisle: I love Carlisle, but there are Carlisles everywhere, especially in anime. Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena comes to mind in particular, though.
Utena begins her story as a righteous and brave girl who wants to be a prince. She wants this without quite understanding what it truly means to be noble, nor does she know what it means to save a person.
Her desire to save Anthy is especially this. Anthy is a traditional damsel in distress at the beginning of the story, and Utena is so eager to save her that she never takes what Anthy herself into account. She judges herself harshly for this failure, but comes to understand what it truly means to save Anthy in the end.
Carlisle has that same nobility and willingness to do good, he is the moral compass of those around him, but all the same he is hoodwinked and does not always know where best to thread. His rescue of Rosalie is a good example of this, he saw a young woman who’d been raped to death, and did the only thing he could to help her, only to learn this wasn’t what she wanted.
Also Carlisle: god, so many characters.
Shirou from Now and Then, Here and There. Suffers a ridiculous amount, but never loses his goodness and insists even in the most extreme circumstances upon the inalienable worth of human life.
Duck from Princess Tutu. Never uses violence or even powers to win against her opponents. She talks to them, finds out why they're unhappy, and wins through healing them. They become friends with her after.
Akane Tsunemori from Psycho-Pass. In a world where people’s souls can be calculated mathematically, Akane Tsunemori is objectively a good person, empirically proven to be incorruptible. That’s her defining trait, no matter what she endures she never loses her upstanding morals. The kind of person who wouldn’t succumb to the lure of human blood.
Just gonna drop the fact that Carlisle’s hair and eyes are the same color, Edward with his vampire sight notes that they’re only one shade apart. The guy is a misplaced anime character.
Oh, and Candide from Voltaire’s Candide. This is just a loose association, but “beautiful blond man travels the world, meets people who are over the top cartoonishly miserable (just... multiply Meyer’s backstories with each other and add 10. Victoria’s life + Rosalie’s life + Esme’s life + their mother is pushed off a cliff by dalmatians) but he carries on with a big smile, and eventually settles down with his found family of hilariously wretched people” gives me Carlisle vibes.
Edward: He's so many people and in so many different ways, oh my god.
He's a mommy's boy who cries because I'M A MONSTER - Buster Bluth. Arrested Development.
He thinks too highly of himself - Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter.
He GOBs - George Oscar "GOB" Bluth. Again Arrested Development.
He appears normal to the outside world, yet there's a complete meltdown with incoherent rants, strong opinions about music, and strong disturbing tendencies towards violence he may or may not act on - Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
He's weird about women, mother figures, himself, and violent. Creepy yet undeniably charming - Norman Bates from Psycho.
The way he regards Bella - strong Humbert Humbert from Lolia vibes. Replace "nymphet" with "singer" and there you go.
Really, though, with Edward, he is like these yet unlike them all. He’s... he’s a lot.
Emmett: Much like how Caius is a warrior king, Emmett is Frat Bro™.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood for reasons outlined in this post.
Marcus: Arwen after Aragorn inevitably dies.
A sad sad elf who's fading away.
Rosalie: Cordelia Chase from Buffy
Speaks her mind, no matter how brutal it is or how little people want to hear it. She does not forgive those who wrong her, she is proud, and most importantly, she is misjudged. Her beautiful appearance and bitchy veneer make her easy to dismiss, but once the going gets tough she is a deeply good person. She’ll make bitchy comments about watching your back, but watch it she does.
I also do this with ships. Aro/Carlisle are a great match for Dorian Gray and Lord Henry, if Lord Henry had failed to corrupt Dorian Gray and been delighted by that fact.
I have other examples, but they go weird places so let’s not.
TL;DR: I'm Miss Marple.
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Oh great, McGonagall’s back to being a bitch again in this new TLSQ 🙄
Is anyone ready for another rant? Because I've got another rant.
My friend messaged me after this quest came out and simply said "Tell me this quest pissed you off too." I hadn't seen it yet, so I went to watch the footage. Having just finished...oh god.
Going into the quest, I wasn't angry. At first, I was mostly bewildered. Unlike the Torvus TLSQ, this one doesn't really beat you over the head with mean-spirited guilt-tripping. But it does follow the interpretation that MC is to blame for the chaos. And that idea is so ludicrous that I was genuinely laughing. To hear McGonagall say "Be that as it may, your actions have caused this." Was unintentionally hilarious. What actions? MC was a bystander. They were just hanging out with their friends. Badeea is the one who painted the Portrait, and it was painted for Jae. MC didn't do anything. But the rest of this quest will send them on a wild goose chase to appease everyone else.
Here's a question. Why does Badeea all but disappear from the plot when she arguably had the most agency in this problem? Why do Jae and MC get threatened with detention...and not Badeea? She literally painted the offending Portrait. That's not even getting into how silly it is to blame the students for this fiasco in the first place, but as long as you're going to...why hold Jae and MC accountable, but not Badeea? Why does MC have to paint the portrait that will be used to distract Sir Cadogan? Badeea says that it's because her paintings are what started this mess, and she's afraid of causing more trouble. Fair enough, but that doesn't really change the fact that she is the only character who knows how to paint enchanted portraits. She is the only one with any skill in this. That said, I wouldn't change this for the world because the fanged puffskein is adorable. Let me hug him. Let me hug him! He reminds me of my kitty.
The Portraits are to blame for this mess. That much is as clear as day. And yet no one is willing to hold them accountable. No one voices the idea that maybe this is their fault, and that maybe we shouldn't be prioritizing their wishes. This is the Peeves Arc of Year 5 all over again, and people didn't just hate that arc for being filler. Why is the Fat Lady not chastised for leaving her post? Why must we cater to her demands? Why must we go on a scavenger hunt that takes all day, why do we have to play by their rules? Pick up the damn portrait and shake it until the Fat Lady and the others take the hint. Hold the damn thing over a fire if you want to really scare them. (Ruthless? Perhaps, but Gail would do that. She wouldn't actually burn the Portrait but the Fat Lady doesn't know that.) Better yet, McGonagall could solve this pretty easily by invoking teacher authority. Even if that failed, at least she couldn't very well expect two students to solve the problem that she couldn't solve...which uh, why were MC and Jae expected to solve this again?
There are countless Portraits in t his castle. Why did the Fat Lady and others decide out of the blue to leave their posts for Badeea's latest painting? This is far from the first time she's made one. This can't be the first time a painting of the Three Broomsticks has crossed Hogwarts' halls. The Three Broomsticks also isn't that exciting considering that you can paint just about anything. Why is Gryffindor Tower sealed like a Cursed Vault without the Fat Lady? Can't Dumbledore open it with magic? Can't they get another Portrait to stand in? Y'know, like they did in POA when the Fat Lady left her post? There are obvious solutions here, and unlike POA, the Fat Lady isn't exactly fearing for her safety. She's just throwing a tantrum. Couldn't McGonagall dismiss her, or at least threaten to, over something like this? The question that burns in my throat again and again is "Why is this our problem?" The quest tries to create a justification, but mostly it doesn't really care to. The reason we have to help isn't because it's our fault, it's because McGonagall will punish us if we don't.
The Portraits are whiny and entitled in this quest, but that's not even the worst part. Holy uncanny valley, Batman, what in god's name was up with that art style? Violet and the Fat Lady look genuinely disturbing, like they came out of a horror game. And you have to spend extended periods of time talking to them. I won't lie, I got uncomfortable. At least it was a distraction from the madness that was this plot. Once it got to the part where MC had to recite a poem to "Percival the Prat" I just kind of put my tea down and had a moment of reflection on how far this quest had taken us, and all of the stupid nonsense that MC was doing to appease these portraits. And all because they were threatened with detention if they didn't sort all this out, even though it wasn't their problem...deep sigh. There's a theme in this quest about listening to your friends and respecting their wishes...but this is not realized well at all. MC tried to do a nice thing for Jae and had no way of knowing it would all collapse. This situation did not arise because they failed to specifically ask Jae if he wanted their help. (He kind of hinted that he did, in the first place.)
Jae. Oh Jae. You were pretty whiny in this quest, yourself. Moping about at the start and then blaming everything on the person who checked in on you. Look, on one hand, I felt genuinely bad for him. McGonagall threatening him with detention on his damn birthday when he's always in detention and specifically opened up about how this was the one day of the year that he didn't want to be stuck there...and what he do, exactly? Not what did he do that was wrong, what did he do, at all? He was given a present. He didn't ask for it. He was simply given a present, that happened to go extremely wrong. McGonagall, what on earth are you playing at? Jae literally did not do anything, and he's a Gryffindor, so he's just as screwed by the Fat Lady's desertion as the others. I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but wouldn't it have made far more sense for the teacher in this quest to be Snape? Might have taken a bit of tweaking, but it would have been worth it. Speaking of, they had the nerve to reference not only the Dragon Club quest, but the Torvus quest. Trying my patience, game...
But even though I felt bad for Jae at first, my sympathy evaporated when he was passive aggressive, and later directly aggressive toward MC. As if any of this was their fault. Okay, so they had the idea to try and help Jae on his birthday. So? What does that have to do with the Fat Lady abandoning her post, or the other Portraits refusing to play ball? What does that have to do with the obscenely unreasonable terms that McGonagall issued? She didn't just stick this task on Jae's shoulders, MC was roped in as well. They're in this boat together and Jae blaming MC, even in the low-energy way he goes about it...just rubbed me the wrong way. I know this day was important to him...and maybe my personal opinions are shining through, but...it's only a birthday. You can celebrate your traditions tomorrow, or the next day, just as easily.
Wasn't a fan of the ending either. I couldn't believe my eyes when McGonagall asked MC to describe "what they had learned" and that she would listen, and then "decide their fate." I beg your pardon but what?! That was not the deal we made. At all. By this point MC has been running about the castle, working their ass off, just to fix this problem that has nothing to do with them. They did everything McGonagall demanded of them. They actually succeeded at this fool's task. After all of that, McGonagall is still considering detention? I could ramble about how unreasonable that is, but I think that's pretty obvious. So instead I'll just ask...aren't Gryffindors supposed to be honorable? Isn't McGonagall the Head of Gryffindor? She's still claiming the moral high-ground as she breaks her word?
Beyond that, I hate this. I hate being told to kneel and kiss the ring. Might be taking this a bit too seriously, but it's the same nonsense as the Torvus TLSQ. The same final insult, where MC is forced to write up an essay about what they learned, about why they were in the wrong, and the asshole who started all this was in the right. Not only did MC have to put up with this endless nonsense, they have to show that they "learned their lesson" and agree that what they went through was right. Or it's off to detention with them. This is why I couldn't enjoy the final party. I wasn't invested in Jae's happiness, or in saving his birthday traditions. I didn't care. I don't even imagine Luca going, I think they'd just wish Jae happy birthday and head back to their dormitory.
Y'know, I'm not sure what they're trying to do with McGonagall. I've always said that Luca's character involves them eventually growing to distrust and dislike the Hogwarts staff, minus Flitwick. And I've always struggled to justify including McGonagall in that group. Because if you've the read the books, you know she's fucking awesome. But as of recent quests...I don't think it's going to be hard for me to justify it anymore. HPHM has given me plenty of ammo, plenty of reason for Luca to dislike her. After this, and the Dragon Club quest...The Teacher Appreciation TLSQ feels pretty sour.
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Hi. The following is my attempt to systematically hash out the “Mr. Infodump” controversy in the TS fandom. It’s primarily for my benefit, but I’m posting it on the off chance it helps someone else who’s just as confused/dismayed as I was. I’m not attempting to argue for blind absolution (”Thomas is an angel who can do no wrong!”) or cancellation (“He’s no better than the likes of J.K. Rowling!”), just to present as intellectually honest an assessment as I can make of what happened and the degree to which the TS team is responsible.
Laconic: Thomas Sanders, a content creator on youtube, posted a skit in which a character calls an aspie-coded character “Mr. Infodump”. Several fans have expressed hurt and anger over the use of a trait associated with neurodivergence as an insult.
My own initial impression: I’m on the autism spectrum myself, and personally, “Mr. Infodump” didn’t register as offensive to me; in fact, as a huge Logan kinnie, I liked that a neurodiverse trait I see in myself was being explicitly linked to my favorite character. That said, there are many in the community who feel deeply hurt and betrayed, and it would be a) irresponsible and b) close-minded to handwave their concerns. Thus:
[Abridged version: Bolded]
Context for use of the word:
Line from Roman: “I was going for regal sophistication [in last commercial pitch], but Mr. Infodump over here [*gestures to Logan*] wasn’t cooperating.” Defensive tone, alluding to the fact that Logan’s commercial pitch included excessive product information that would leave buyers disengaged.
History: Roman regularly invents nicknames for fellow sides and employs them in a manner that can range from fond teasing to a juvenile way of insulting the side he’s presently bickering with.
Names previously directed at Logan include “Calculator watch,” “Egghead,” and “No-Funsen Honeydew… Doo.” They generally play off of Logan’s tendency toward being uptight, stereotypically nerdy, and eager to furnish the group with information in the capacity of a teacher.
In this particular instance, I doubt anyone would say the word’s use was “malicious,” but it wasn’t “affectionate” either. Roman is visibly preoccupied and defensive in the scene, throwing out a nickname offhand.
Power Dynamic: There is no imbalance of power between Logan and Roman that would indicate anything resembling a bully-victim relationship. Logan responds to the word in the same manner he does Roman’s other antics and displays no particularly hurt reaction.
In-Universe Response: No character corrects or condemns Roman’s use of the term. This may, however, be because Logan is the first to respond, armed with his own complaints about the others’ commercials.
Meta-Level Implications: The audience is not encouraged to agree with Roman’s sentiment that infodumping is a negative trait anymore than they are his other commentary on Logan via nicknames like “Egghead,” because Logan’s role in the story consistently proves it wrong; all that infodumping saved an unconscious Roman from his murder-happy brother, for one, and the audience knows it. Given the posturing and defensiveness that accompany Roman’s delivery of the line, it’s clear the creators were communicating that he was in the wrong to say it. That, and Logan will almost certainly reinforce this by verbally decimating someone in the next episode, as per usual.
I think that last point is key. People will accuse others of infodumping in a negative way IRL—I know I’ve been called far worse for failing to mask—and to pretend that such things don’t exist in fiction is misrepresenting reality. Instead, creators can and should include minority characters (race, sexuality, gender, neuroatypicality, etc.) *confronting* discrimination, dealing with it complexly, and showing both the misguided character and the audience how wrong they are. Logan resonates with me—and other aspies, I think—largely because of how he clearly struggles in dealing with the other sides’ occasional criticism of his eccentricities, but he ultimately remains committed to his identity and ideals. If the TS crew continues to write a show that reinforces the fact that his neurodivergent qualities are what make him strong—and god knows there's not much media that does this well—, they’re doing something incredibly important for us.
The issue here, then, wasn’t the show promoting ableism as a message, because its handling of the conversation here doesn’t. Rather, it was the use of a term that many consider inherently ableist as an insult. So:
“Infodump” the word:
I find this fascinating, actually—Science is discovered. Math is discovered**. Language? Language is unequivocally invented. We’ve create these words with combinations of mouth-sounds, and we’ve assigned them meaning.
But the thing is, people have different backgrounds and experiences that define both who they are and the nuances of the meaning they tie to those mouth-sounds
Basic example of varied mental prototypes: I live in the northeast USA, so when I hear the word “bird,” the first thing that pops into my head is a bluejay or robin. If you ask my friend who’s studying in Brazil, though, he’d likely think of a macaw or toucan. 
For me, “spring” = my mom’s pink zinnia garden and “chocolate” = a square of hershey melting against gooey marshmallow. This idea of memories and experience informing word-meaning mapping, of course, extends to a) more nuanced concepts and b) a more subconscious level of understanding. Poetry in particular, I think, tends to play with this to invoke the sensory experiences it does... I could infodump about translated poetry but that’s a whoooollleee other thing and I’m getting off track.
But essentially, an individual’s experience of any given word, to a degree, is subjective. Our dictionary definitions are merely approximations of a collective understanding of that mouthsound-to-meaning mapping, and we have to update those definitions as language evolves (remember when “Google” couldn’t be used as a verb?)
So, what happens if I look up “infodumping”? TVTropes tells me it’s a “type of exposition that’s particularly long and wordy”. UrbanDictionary says its “used to deposit large amounts (usually entire articles) of information in online forums without summarizing or paraphrasing the information.” I reach the resources that explain it in the context of autism and ADHD over halfway down the Google results. The word “infodumping” has quite a few circulating meanings, and the one associated with neurodivergence isn’t as visible as we’d like it to be.
From what I understand, Thomas Sanders and co. merely knew “infodumping” as the practice of talking at length about a subject, like closing a rant with a friendly “aw, sorry for infodumping on ya” and such. This was exactly how Logan opens his commercial, so they stuck it in as a—frankly, kinda feeble—nickname á la the creative genius behind “Mr. Smarty... Pants”. They had no knowledge of the term’s gravity to the autism and ADHD community, because they haven’t been exposed to settings that use that definition.
So, where does that leave us on accountability? If they’re ultimately not producing ableist content, do Thomas Sanders and his team have the responsibility to be aware of how an insult featuring this particular word might be inherently triggering to a community?
Many accounts show that the inclusion of the term caused real emotional harm and as content creators—particularly ones with a relatively young fanbase—the TS team should have taken more precautions. A more diverse staff/writing room may have caught this, given how egregious some fanders found the error. Furthermore, why shouldn’t it fall on neurotypical people in general to “educate themselves” on these issues, as in the cases of other minority groups?
That said, however, can any creative team be reasonably expected to know of any-and-all potentially triggering content? I’ve avoided speaking of Thomas Sanders’ personal character to maintain some impartiality, but a long history of promoting representation and careful content warnings does suggest a genuine commitment to self-correcting. Accepting the well-intentioned criticism of fanders—many of whom are so broken up by this precisely because of the amount of faith they place in the TS team—and taking active steps to change is ultimately the best course of action, and I, for one, will be sticking around to see the results.
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nathsketch · 4 years
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Something Important for the Art Community
So guys, sorry to be keep bugging you all about this, specially on a beautiful Saturday, but it’s an important issue concerning the art community that I feel necessary to stress.
These three screenshots are from artworks of mine that were reposted on a Lucifer fan account on Instagram, and as you can see, there’s no credit whatsoever. Not on tags, not on the caption, not on the hashtags. This is not only upsetting and frustrating, but it verges on illegal behavior.
Every artist, and I’m no different, appreciates more than we can possibly ever say the love received by our audience. Those who have been following me for a while, both here and on my other social media accounts, know that I try to respond to every single comment as much as possible, and I constantly thank you for your support and for the love you show for my work. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am today, literally living the dream. My point is, sharing my art is both humbling and proudful. But not sharing as this account did, completely erasing authorship and posting my art as if it were just another Lucifer-related photo found online (which is also illegal). There are hashtags mentioning “TikTok”, “video”, “fresk” (whatever that means), “Eve” (who’s not even on these photos), but not one single mention of the origin of these artworks: not “nathsketch”, “nathannaerica” or any of it. They tagged the actors, and if Kevin, DB or Rachael ever saw this, it would be more wonderful than anything I could imagine, but guess what? They wouldn’t know who is the real creator.
To be honest, this is the first time I ever encountered a situation as serious as this and I’m sure it won’t be the last, but I just wanted to take the opportunity to point out once more that this is a clear example of what constitutes illegal use of someone else’s intelectual property. My artworks are generating a lot of engagement on this account and they are some of the most liked posts they have (other than pictures of Tom himself, for obvious reasons). People are commenting on my artworks and some of them think the person behind this account created them. This is damaging and it seriously devaluates my work. If it weren’t for some of my followers on Instagram, I’d never even know that this was happening behind my back, and unfortunately it’s been happening for a while now.
I’ve reached out to Instagram and I’m awaiting for their reply, but until then, these screenshots will be a reminder to myself that we need to keep a watchful eye on our works of art. Other people certainly won’t let us forget it. Art is not just a passion, it’s a livelihood. For those who are not in the art business, it may seem something trivial or that it’s much ado about nothing, but it is a business like any other, and it has rules and guidelines to be observed, otherwise it would just be completely chaos.
Again, sorry for the long rant-like post, or for sounding like a victim, but what seems obvious to most of us, may not be so to others, so please, please: if you’re going to share, post, reblog, or by any other means, divulge any content made by another person or entity, ALWAYS CREDIT THEM. Do not remove watermarks, signatures or anything else that helps identify the creator.
Art is beautiful, it’s essencial and it’s food for the soul, so let’s not ruin it.
Thank you guys.
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unholyplumpprincess · 3 years
Don’t Wanna Forget a Thing
For @fyeahnix​ !!!!!! Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you end up loving this as much as I love creating it! Thank you also for always giving me such fun prompts to do for the Goirls!!!!!
Summary: Anita and Wraith get away from the games for their anniversary on a vacation that involves being together, lots of good food, lots of Wraith taking pictures, and more than one sexual romp. Finally having privacy away from the games only making Wraith realize more and more things about how she pictures her life with this beautiful woman. Or! In which Anita and Wraith go on an anniversary trip and kiss and fuck a LOT and also bask in each other's presence.
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Bangalore/Wraith
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Wraith has piercings which is mentioned, public play, scent kink stuff, lots of picture taking + recording that is also explicit bc Wraith wants to remember Everything, Lil bit of bondage, and LOTS of the girls loving each other soooo much
Words: 10.4k
Psamathe was easily one of the most sumptuous, luxurious locations Wraith had ever seen in her life. 
That’s all she could think when Anita brought up taking a trip there for their first-year anniversary. Olympus in its abandoned state as it was, was already terribly expensive looking in appearance. And that’s just for when they were fighting rather than going somewhere just to spend time together. Albeit, holding a knife to your girlfriend’s throat could be considered ‘spending time together’ but not when you were ready to steal Champion right from under their nose. 
At first, Wraith had been a bit nervous. It was a beautiful location, don’t get her wrong, with plentiful shops and beautiful scenery. But any hesitations she may have had disappeared at the sight Anita’s excited face. Wraith was already wrapped around her finger and agreeing that it sounded like a great idea for their time off between seasons.  
Anita had never been on a vacation like this before, she had admitted with a bit of a sad chuckle. Family vacations weren’t really a thing in their family- always on the stiffer end of waiting for more orders from the military. Being able to get away, as she explained it to Wraith, was almost like a dream. 
Most people went home. Wraith and Anita both had their own reasons for not returning. Wraith, because she didn’t even know if she had any family members to begin with. And Anita, her home planet and family being too far- the whole reason she joined the games in the first place. Finding someone willing to take her home. 
But together, they were their own family. 
Together, they were a home. 
~Rest under the cut~
The dropship leading to their hotel is spent with Wraith wide awake and Anita leaning down and to the side to rest her head on her shoulder. Wraith spends that time with her head resting against hers, her hand resting on Anita’s thigh and squeezing soothingly when Anita gets disturbed by a bit of turbulence. Soft murmurs of, “We’re okay, shh, I’m here. Rest up, baby.” To encourage Anita back to rest. Normally followed by Anita’s soft, fond hum and her freckled cheek nuzzling lightly across the top of Wraith’s head. 
Their hotel is even prettier than the pictures. Huge and spacious with a big enough bed for them to share. Not like the size would save Anita’s body from the wrath of Wraith’s cold hands, however. The canopy bed was massive, with beautiful white gauzy fabric tied up around it giving it this romantic feeling with soft twinkling lights entangled in pink flowers. 
To the left of it was a huge balcony overlooking a beautiful lake with big mountains and trees since in the distance across the way, with the city’s lights on the opposite side sparkling enticingly. Benches, tables, and chairs on the balcony for a quiet night or morning overlooking the beauty of the city they were staying at. 
The bathroom was huge on its own with a walk-in shower made from stone and glass, big enough you could probably host at least five people in there comfortably, and a clawfoot tub off to the side. The double vanity with quartz countertops was equally as lovely, including everything they may need for their stay left atop in a basket. 
“I could get used to this.” Anita had murmured low in her chest, arms wrapping around Wraith from behind in the bathroom as they both looked at the massive mirror together. Wraith had hummed her agreement, it definitely being a step up even from their quarters at the compound. Her plump lips quirk up into a half smile, turning her head up to receive a forehead kiss. 
From there, it was planned dates for their two weeks in the city. 
Anita suggests scoping out the city first, reminding Wraith that Natalie had a few places she wanted them to try as well. Wraith remembered, having written them down with Natalie’s insistence and a big smile on her face- anything for her best friend, after all.  
The first day is sightseeing, going and walking around with their hands interlocked. Anita didn’t tend to care for PDA, but after a few hungry looks peering over at her, Wraith had casually slipped their hands together. A low hum nearing a growl in her throat when Anita had laughed. “What? Don’t like people checkin’ out the goods?” 
“Don’t like people checking out what’s mine.” Wraith had coolly replied, looking up at her from under her thick lashes and smirking when she catches Anita’s freckled cheeks flushing and a small lip bite. 
She’s so cute. 
Should let them watch- 
Should let them watch how we tear her apart- 
“They bugging you?” Anita’s voice cuts in, looking pointedly at how milky white Wraith’s eyes turn. Wraith shakes her head softly, offering a little shoulder shrug to show they weren’t saying anything worrying. No danger. However, Wraith wasn’t about to stroke Anita’s ego and tell her the reasons why. 
They stop at locations to eat, a nice outside area in the morning where Anita looks beautiful in the morning light with her hands cupped around a mug and her full lips curling around the lip of it. Wraith must look at her a bit too fondly because Anita smirks, with a cocky sounding remark about if Wraith would rather take a picture to make it last longer. To which Wraith replies sarcastically of how she bets Anita wished she would, only to make Anita laugh, her head thrown back and dimples creasing her cheeks. 
Wraith would end up taking a picture of her, however, for her book to keep for her own memories. Fit with little hearts drawn around it of where the morning light kissed Anita’s warm face and made her face glowy with her little smile left on her lips. 
Parks were Wraith’s personal favorites. The large trees and walking paths brought a warm peace to her as she walked hand in hand with Anita. The crunch of Autumn leaves under her boots’ heels with each step and the crisp breeze blowing a few loose hairs from her messy bun around her. Everyone was quiet for the most part. Only occasionally piping up when Wraith would peek at Anita and everyone would start their rants. Ranging from Wraith’s innermost adoring thoughts to the filthier of them.  
Who would have thought shopping would be Anita’s favorite? She loved clothes shopping, namely, putting Wraith in outfits and having her walk out and twirl for her. Anita’s own wardrobe was kept pretty simple, more masculine or neutral clothing just like she liked it. Though at some point in time, Wraith walks out in a sweet white dress she would have never picked. A thin bow tied at her chest and the sleeves short and puffy resting just on her biceps below her shoulders with the skirt flowy and sweet. It looked very cute- but definitely not her normal style. 
It seems to do it for Anita however, who ends up in the dressing room with her, kissing Wraith until her breath is gone and her legs are hooked around Anita’s waist so she can grind into her and grunt in her ear about how good she looks. 
That picture was taken by Anita, a selfie of the two with Wraith propped up against the wall by Anita’s hips still and Anita raising one side of her lips in an almost snarl and doing a rock sign. Whilst Wraith’s hair was a mess, bite marks on her neck and covering her face with her arm while her top and bra were tugged below her plump breasts. 
That would later start a war between them of many more selfies and pictures in more sexual settings. One always having to prove they were better than the other. 
Not that Wraith didn’t notice, though. How much Anita loved being on camera. Something that would be used to her advantage later as well.  
Another day, they go to a cute café together. Sitting outside of it where the sky is gray and the rain gently patters down without too much concern for it underneath the large, white, lacy parasol over their heads. On the matching glass table is a plate of sampler little cakes, since Wraith was unsure of the flavors she would or wouldn’t like. On the table if her journal detailing the foods she liked and disliked, just so she could keep track for later purposes. 
Anita insists on feeding her the bites, fit with a hand cupped under the spoon and her going, “Say ahh.” A blinding smile always on her face when Wraith rolls her eyes dramatically before going ‘aaah’ to placate her. Sealing her lips around the sweet cakes and having a different opinion each time. 
Each bite is taken into account, with Anita laughing at her when Wraith makes displeasured faces fit with crinkling her nose when it’s a flavor she isn’t fond of. Normally followed by Wraith swallowing said bite and quickly downing it with water and hastily writing in her book with an underlined red pen of ‘No’ in bold. 
If it’s a flavor she enjoys, she notes that Anita goes quiet when Wraith hums in a low moan of pleasure with the taste. Taking her time to flick her tongue over the spoon or linger a bit too long just so she can peek at Anita whose cheeks are red, but a small smile still on her face. 
When Anita goes to take a bite of a cake Wraith really liked right after her, she leans herself across the table to kiss Anita. Swiping her tongue over her lips with another low hum of approval as she situates herself back in place with a look over Anita’s red face at the blatant PDA. “Mmh. I think I like it better when it’s from your mouth instead.” 
“Ghostie, Imma need you to tone it down in public,” Anita whispers breathily at her, her ears burning and her elbow going to rest on the table with a hand over her face so she can hide her embarrassed look from Wraith. 
Which is oh so fondly taken a picture of by Wraith after a quick glance down at the glass table to see how tightly Anita’s got her thighs pressed together and squirming lightly. 
She’s so easy to turn on. 
Look at how cute she is when she turns red for us. 
You know she doesn’t actually want it to be toned down. 
No one is around, what’s she so shy about? 
Maybe she’s hoping you’ll take here right here-- 
In front of you. 
Wraith blinks the visions away just in time to see Anita uncovering her face, reaching across the table to try and smear cake on Wraith’s face. Thankfully with the warning, Wraith jerks back with a short chuckle when Anita narrowly misses, only skimming her bottom lip with icing. The dodge only makes Anita try harder to get her, resulting in laughter from the both of them as Wraith leans back, ending up snatching her wrist and twisting her arm back towards Anita to aim for her face back. 
They don’t notice a couple passing by soon after, holding an umbrella to stay close and looking over at the duo with a fond smile on their own faces as they think of their youth together. 
The day proceeds just as softly with them together, walking the streets and occasionally taking breaks to rest or just to look at the hologram of a map and figure out what their next location should be. Sitting shoulder to shoulder and both feeling freer than ever without the responsibilities of keeping things ‘under wraps’ for the interviews for the Games.  
Even then, they were known across the Outlands. Fans would occasionally stop them even here, smiling and giggling and asking for pictures. Both always declined the pictures, but most were respectful and understood and just told their stories. Some people telling Wraith that she helped them accept themselves with their own disorders- something she never thought she’d even help with. People with DID relating to her or schizoaffective disorders. 
It felt...good for someone else to relate to her. For someone else to see her and think if she could do something like that, they could too. 
When people stop Anita, their own stories are just as warming. Seeing not only a strong woman competing on screen, but a black woman. People explaining how it empowered them to apply for jobs they would have never before, or to be more assertive in saying No to people due to Anita’s most infamous interviews where she’d put her foot down at certain questions and tell them to move on or she would be leaving. 
Not to mention some of the women stopping Anita looking to be of more masculine dress like she was, always seeming to bond to her in a way of seeing representation in a ‘Stud’ on screen. When Wraith had asked about that term after they had left, Anita explained it with a bit of a laugh and a one shouldered shrug. “Just some slang, baby.” 
“An accurate term.” Wraith hums back, her eyes looking Anita over from toe to head in a slow drag and making a clear show of checking her out. That results in a blush on Anita’s cheeks, lightly shoving Wraith’s shoulder and shushing her once more. Again, Anita didn’t like PDA, something Wraith used to her advantage to make her blush even more. 
Later that night, however, it would be Anita’s turn to enact some red cheeked vengeance. 
Under the night sky with beautiful bright stars, there’s a violinist in the streets playing a beautiful love song on the corner of the street. People have gathered around to listen and watch her play, some kind of swaying to the music or holding their loved one with them. 
 Wraith feels a hand grab hers as they get closer, only to be pulled in a twirl back towards Anita and her waist grabbed as she smiles down at Wraith. “May I have this dance?” 
Wraith’s face flushes red with an embarrassed laugh choking from her throat as Anita begins to lead them in a dance on the sidewalk. Twirling her and swaying with her and making Wraith’s nervousness bubble down into just soft laughter as she’s twirled back into Anita’s arms and dipped with one of her legs going up to complete said dip. 
They’re watching. 
“Anita they’re looking-” 
“Let them. What? A girl can’t dance with her favorite ghost?” Anita’s voice is teasing as she pulls Wraith back up, spinning her in a twirl once again and dragging her body close to hers with a tighter grip on her waist and mischief flashing in her dark eyes. “Ya don’t mind the PDA when you’re doin’ it, but when I do it...” 
Wraith is lifted by her waist and spun in the air, making an uncharacteristic and humiliating squeak leave her lips as her hands grip Anita’s broad shoulders. She’s brought back down, their noses nuzzled together and making her face feel all too hot when Anita chuckles low and rumbling in her chest. “See why you like it. Like when you turn all red for me.” 
That night, Wraith makes sure to turn Anita all red for her. Fit with licking into her mouth and tying her down, making her thighs shake and her muffled moans crying out around Wraith’s panties in her mouth. Wraith makes sure to take a picture of her afterwards with flash just to embarrass Anita further, admiring the pictures afterwards and how her nails had scratched ‘Mine’ across Anita’s abdomen in raised dark pink marks. 
These would go right in her personal journal, for her eyes only unless she wished to embarrass Anita by showing and reminding her. 
The present day was a lazy day in the morning. Spent in bed for most of it and resting in each other’s embrace and eating together. Wraith needs the down time, and it looks like Anita does too considering the way she whines whenever Wraith needs to get up to do something as simple as brush her teeth. Needily burying her face into Wraith’s neck or back once she’s finally back in bed and grumbling about her cold skin when Wraith’s nails scratch at Anita’s scalp and running her cool fingers down her neck. 
Of course, that only results in Anita getting said cold hands pressed further across her skin until she has to arch into her girlfriend and away from her freezing hands. Only able to stop her when Anita grabs her wrists and pins them above Wraith’s head with a huff. “Watch it, Blasey.” 
“Or you’ll what, Sergeant?” Wraith quips back with a cock of her head. Her hair loose from its normal up position, dark locks curling around her head and her face in a messy way that makes Anita swallow. Her baby blue eyes look hungry as she peers up at her from under her lashes, her strong thighs spread around Anita’s hips and her soft, plump lips quirking into a smirk when Anita doesn’t reply. “Gonna tie me up so I can’t touch you? I’d like to see you try.” 
Anita opens her mouth to huff back that she’s stronger than her and ropes wouldn’t be necessary to hold Wraith down. Only to yelp when Wraith hooks one leg around her waist, thrusting her hips in time to push Anita backwards and using her weight to push her back. Anita lands with an ‘oof’ on her back, her girlfriend happily perched on her lap with now Anita’s hands above her head, laced in Wraith’s. 
“What? Cat got your tongue?” Wraith teases, leaning down to be close enough their breath mingles. 
“I’d like somethin’ on my tongue, that’s for sure.” Anita breathes back, her eyes flickering down to her plump lips and how Wraith smirks. Wraith makes sure to lick her own lips, the flash of her piercing making Anita’s breath hitch. 
Too easy. 
“Be a good girl and keep your hands up there for me, hm?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
 Wraith moves her head down, ending up kissing along Anita’s neck, leaving small bites and humming when Anita moans. Letting her tongue slide down her neck as Anita tilts her head to the side with a satisfied sigh when lips brush that little spot she liked being kissed the most. 
Only for Wraith to blow a big, wet raspberry in her neck and causing Anita to shout, squirm, and shove at Wraith who goes falling backwards with a laugh. 
Only for a pillow to thump her right in her face in turn. 
That results in laughter bubbling from their room as they fire pillows at each other, ending with Anita running to take shelter in the shower and Wraith cornering her with a pillow until Anita can swing and pin her to the shower wall. Resulting in more laughter and stolen kisses and finally a truce. 
By the time night rolls around, they’ve both have had their very necessary downtime. Tonight, they were going to go to a club, one that Ramya had suggested to Anita. Of course, when Anita had narrowed her eyes and mentioned that Ramya had been 20 when she came on a business trip here and wouldn’t be old enough to enter the club, Ramya had merely given her a look. ‘Been runnin’ this business since I was a kid, but me handlin’ guns is less frightening to you than underage drinking? C’mon, ‘Nita, don’t be such a mom.’ 
Anita dresses up for the occasion. A black, tailor fitted button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her forearms and it unbuttoned tastefully down towards her cleavage but covering entirely. Black form fitting slacks fitting into her combat boots. A leather banded watch rests on one wrist, a gold chain choker and her dog tags rest around her neck, drawing attention to her collar bones and chest, and matching rings decorate her hands. 
This was an outfit Wraith went a bit crazy over. Something simple but a little more dressed up than Anita’s casual outfits. Maybe Anita was looking to tease a little bit, maybe work Wraith up a bit and get her to finish what she started earlier. Anita checks herself over in the mirror, a ringed hand running over the side of her neck where a bruise was made earlier from Wraith’s mouth. 
Before she can linger much longer on it, the bathroom door is heard creaking open and Anita goes to open her mouth to tease Wraith about maybe going in a hoodie or something casual. But her breath is stolen from her the second she sees her girlfriend. 
Wraith normally wore things that were more on the punk side or more covering when in situations like this. But today, Anita guesses, she’s trying to kill her. 
Wraith dresses in a tight black dress with a low plunge neck to get an eyeful of her plentiful cleavage and floral lace full length sleeves. It pools almost to the floor with a long slit up her left leg nearly reaching her hip and exposing her soft skin and her own black boots. Her hair is tied up into a ponytail, her fringe swept to the side and two loose pieces of hair curling onto the sides of her face in their natural waves. Her makeup is done with a pitch-black matte lipstick on her lips and winged out eyeliner. A black velvet choker around her neck is only the icing on the cake for Anita. 
The way the dress clings to her soft, filled out frame makes Anita swallow hard. Wraith can see how she looks at her, her eyes raking over her favorite ghost’s form. Wraith tries not to smirk, cocking her head to the side to show the expanse of her neck and watching Anita’s dark eyes slowly sliding up before she’s licking her full lips and she’s making a low whine in her throat. “When in the hell did you get this?” 
“When Nat and I went out a few weeks ago,” Wraith starts, struggling not to laugh when Anita comes closer until her hands can slide up Wraith’s curves. She looks like a little puppy dog, or like Wraith was a present for her. Wraith can’t say she hates the attention this holds on her. “She said you would like it. Looks like she wasn’t wrong. Never is.” 
“Remind me to thank her.” Anita sighs. 
Wraith’s hands grab Anita’s wrists and slide them back down to the swell of her hips when they start to creep higher, resulting in a low whine from her poor, poor girlfriend who looks like she’s about to ditch the idea of the club all together. Wraith might be thinking the same thing, looking over the outfit Anita had on and picturing popping all those taunting buttons and tying her hands above her head so she’s just in her slacks and accessories. Maybe tie her to a chair... 
They’re practically eye fucking each other. Wraith’s hands still stay around Anita’s wrists, holding them in place on her hips where Anita is squeezing her with flexes of her fingers. It’d be too easy to just back her against a wall, mouth at Anita’s neck until she got weak in the knees and fell to the floor. 
We could taunt her. 
Imagine how she’ll look looking at only us in a sea full of people. 
Make her want us more. 
Make her beg- 
“Good?” Anita murmurs softly, dragging Wraith’s attention back to her face. It’s spoken quietly, a pointed look to Wraith’s once milky white gaze. 
Wraith quirks her lips up, standing on her tiptoes and letting her soft painted lips press a kiss fondly to Anita’s jawline, the start of her marks for the night. “They’re fine. Nothing bad.” 
It’s enough of a pause to let Wraith break away from her, much to Anita’s disappointment who whines and tries to follow after her. But a reminder of their plans is enough to get her to stop, even if it’s just because Wraith knows she’s looking at her ass when she turns around to bend over and make sure her boots are laced up. 
Too easy. 
A private driver picks them up to drop them off at the club. Wraith’s hand rests on Anita’s thigh near the entire drive, subtly squeezing whilst looking out the window and feeling how Anita’s muscles tense beautifully. She can feel her squirm when her hand inches up a bit more towards her inner thigh, squeezing and letting her gaze flicker over to Anita. 
Anita herself looked so cute, her legs spread casually, her elbow resting on the side of the car with her mouth covered by her hand and her own gaze turned outside. Even in the dark, Wraith can see her blush from here and how Anita tries to play it cool. A squirm of her body, a clear of her throat, and trying to adjust her legs occasionally only for them to fall back open and prey to Wraith’s squeezing. 
By the time they make it to ‘The Tipsy Bat’ nightclub, Anita’s already wound up. Something Wraith can tell just by how she exits the car and has to adjust herself before going and opening Wraith’s door. Always a gentleman. 
It starts well enough. The club is huge and spacious, the lights sticking to a more pastel with some illuminating bats on the walls. The bar is off to the side, out of the way to allow easier access with the music sticking to a deeper bass instead of shrill. Natalie had recommended this club, explaining that it was easier on the eyes. She explained that she had her headphones on her just in case and that there were ‘quiet rooms’, making it easier to manage if she got overwhelmed. 
Perfect for Anita. Sometimes too loud of bangs could startle her if she wasn’t ready or in the mindset for fighting. It could send her into overdrive, upsetting her enough that Wraith would need to find her a quiet place to ground her again. Just as too bright of lights could send Wraith into a panic if she wasn’t prepared for them. 
Wraith goes to get them drinks from the bar, just water for herself, something stronger for Anita upon request. At the bar she keeps an eye out, casually leaning back against it and letting her eyes scan the scene. 
Bodies press to each other on the dancefloor, people dancing with their friends or lovers. The music is a deeper, steady bass, perfect for something to grind to and people are abusing that. Her eyes scan farther, looking for Anita and finding her leaning against the wall she’d left her at but now with two girls on either side of her seeming to be talking her up. One twirling her long blonde braids and fluttering her lashes and clearly eyeing Anita up, the other girl leaning closer to her and doing that flirty little gesture of resting her hand on Anita’s bicep. 
Anita clearly is trying to be polite, flashing a smile and clearly liking the attention. Wraith can’t blame the girls, nor Anita. She was beautiful, absolutely stunning. Of course people wanted a piece of what was Wraith’s. Look at her. Such a handsome woman with her curls and her freckled, dimples smile. Her kind gaze and how when she laughed it was deep enough to rattle your chest from her smoky tone. 
But she’s ours. 
She knows she’s ours so what’s the harm? 
Look at them- all over her. We should show them who she belongs to- 
“Your drinks, ma’am.” The voice of the bartender makes Wraith blink a few times, turning her attention back to the bar and thanking them as she takes the two glasses. She feels like a predator as she slinks through the crowd, people parting as if they knew she was a woman on a mission as she approaches their area to set drinks on the table nearby Anita. 
“-h my gosh, running around on that arena must be soooo hot! Do you get like, super sweaty?” Wraith catches one of the girls asking, a giggle in her voice and her teeth biting her bottom lip as she looks Anita up and down at the words ‘super sweaty’. Wraith is closer now, able to see how Anita rubs the back of her neck and offers a low chuckle. 
“Yeah, of course. King’s canyon tends to run a bit hotter. But I’m hot blooded, ya know? Like it hot.” Anita answers, only resulting in both girls looking at each other with a knowing expression and one of them laughing a bit harder than necessary. 
“Hot blooded! Oh my gosh, you are so funny!” 
Wraith feels her own blood boil. 
She creeps closer, silent like a ghost and making the two women jump in surprise when Wraith slides an arm around Anita’s waist and tucks her body against her. Her nails press lightly to Anita’s side, pressing nice and close to her and feeling satisfaction when Anita’s arm rests around her and gives a squeeze in greeting. 
“I suggest you find another ‘funny’ girl. This one’s taken.” Wraith’s tone is icier than she intends. Unfortunately, it’s how most things came out of her mouth, rather flat without much tone indication. Her expression doesn’t help any either, her eyebrows not even so much as twitching. 
When the girls trot off with half assed goodbyes and a nervous glance over Anita’s smaller companion, Wraith can’t help but huff a bit. Turning to bury her face into the side of Anita’s chest and growling a bit low in her throat. “I remember why it took us so long to date in the first place. You’re so oblivious.” 
“Or maybe I just like seein’ ya jealous.” Anita teases back, squeezing her arm around Wraith and letting her hand brush up and down the curve of her side as if soothing an angered lion. “You look like a pissed off kitten. It’s cute.” 
That might just seal Anita’s fate, and Wraith knows that Anita knows how Wraith feels about being treated as small. Her eyes flash dangerously up at her, seeing how Anita’s lips flicker into a little smirk because she knows. She knows what she’s said and done. 
Wraith’s nails press into Anita’s side, curling her body around her until she can press her hand to the wall behind her, her other hand grabbing Anita’s jaw and drawing her attention down to Wraith. 
Her baby blues trace over Anita’s face, down to her lips and then flickering back up to her eyes as she brings her close enough for their breath to mingle. “Watch it, Williams. I’m not against making an example out of you in front of everyone. But you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
Even in the club, Wraith can see how Anita swallows, squirming when Wraith presses closer. Anita’s cocky expression falls quick when Wraith slides a thigh between hers, drawing Anita nice and close until her lips can press at the expanse of her neck. The hiss falling from her fall lips of embarrassment is worth it alone, but it’s even more worth it when Wraith sucks hard on the side of her neck to leave a bruise. 
Anita knows better than to draw attention by yelping, but that doesn’t stop her from hissing Wraith’s name and squeezing her waist until Wraith is satisfied with the bruise. Letting Anita stand up as Wraith quirks one corner of her lips up in a smirk. “Try not to let another girl get all over you.” 
Should find them and ask if they want to watch her- 
Watch her get fucked by us. 
Show them who does it better. 
Bet they were pillow princesses anyway. 
Wouldn’t know how to touch her like we do. 
She wants us. 
She likes when we’re mad. 
“And if I don’t?” Anita breathes, leaning back on the wall as a pastel pink light zooms by her face, highlighting the darkness on her cheeks. Her legs are still lightly spread, still staying right where Wraith put her. A good girl. 
“I’ll do worse than just give you a hickey. Maybe they’d like to receive a video of what a good girl you are for me on your knees.” Wraith’s voice is just as icy as it always is. Quirking a brow at Anita and waiting for a quip back, but all she gets in return is a low whine. 
Once settled down again, Wraith offers Anita her drink to sip on before they go and dance. A precaution to down your drink before ever letting it out of your sight even for a moment. 
Anita doesn’t dance, that’s what she says always to Wraith with a roll of her eyes as she’s bringing her to the dancefloor. They both know it’s a lie. If anything, Wraith didn’t dance. But she’d seen Anita dance plenty. Swaying her hips in the kitchen when cooking, bouncing her body to rhythms that hypnotized Wraith often into coming up behind her to wrap her arms around her while she swayed. 
Wraith knew dances, but whether she knew them from another life or this path knew it, she still wasn’t sure. She knew belly dances, rhythms in which her hips and abdomen were your focal point. Things she taunted Anita with that made her whine and strain against bonds and huffing about how much she wanted to touch Wraith. Always an ego booster. 
Even on the dancefloor now, it takes Wraith more time to unwind as they move together to the deep bass and flashing pastel lights. Anita’s hands keep sliding over Wraith’s body, squeezing over her soft curves and the plumpness of her hips. Wraith can’t even argue that she’s not doing the same thing, feeling over Anita’s strong arms and the much sharper, built waist of hers. 
It gets to the point where Wraith’s breath is catching whenever Anita’s hands slide over her body. Ending up dragging Wraith to her, with her back to her chest where her hands can slide up and over Wraith’s body as she reaches behind to grip at Anita where she can. Wraith’s face is flush, warmed when Anita’s head dips, pressing hungry kisses to her neck and down her shoulder and hearing the quieted moan from her lips when she inhales Wraith’s scent. 
Wraith’s hips grind backwards absentmindedly into Anita’s that are starting to dry hump against her ass. The swell of her ass being a perfect thing for Anita to grind into as her hands fall to her round hips and draw her closer back. One of Wraith’s hands grabs the back of Anita’s neck at her nape, her fingers teasing up the velvety shaved sides as Anita’s teeth press into the side of her neck and make Wraith whine low in her throat. 
They’re practically dry humping on the dancefloor. Not that anyone pays them any mind like anyone else. It takes all of her strength for Wraith to break them apart and not just stake her claim in public. Taking Anita’s hand and rushing them through the crowd and straight for the private bathroom. Wraith is quick to lock it behind them, walking Anita back against the sink and grabbing the front of her button up to tug her down until their lips can hungrily press together. 
The sound Anita makes is worth it alone with the way she moans into Wraith’s mouth, her hands coming to grip Wraith’s hips and draw her close until she can fit her body against hers. Sliding her thigh between Anita’s parted legs where she eagerly starts to grind against it.  
There are hungry hands sliding up each other’s bodies, Anita’s hands grabbing at Wraith’s ass and pressing her closer, sliding up her curves and grabbing at where she can. Wraith is no better, undoing the buttons on Anita’s shirt with hunger and untucking it. Her hands slide up her strong form, over her abs and up to her braless chest where Wraith grabs and squeezes just as her teeth sink into Anita’s bottom lip. 
“Let me taste you,” Wraith breathes against Anita’s lips, drawing her pierced tongue over Anita’s lips in a playful flick that makes her moan. “I’ll make it quick.” It’s spoken in a hushed tone, breathy as their breath mingles and Anita keeps making the prettiest little sounds in her throat. 
A nod is all Wraith needs before her hands are going down to Anita’s belt, quickly working it out of its loops as she starts to kiss down her torso. Leaving heavy black prints from her lips. Wraith makes sure to leave her mark, still not quite satisfied about the girls from earlier. Making sure to bite down and suck on Anita’s skin over her abdomen and hips, paying special attention to the part just above the elastic of her Apex branded briefs. 
Anita’s already wet, shown by the darker gray on her crotch. Wraith can’t help but bury her face there against her as she pulls her pants down to mid-thigh, inhaling her scent and hearing Anita laugh above her in an embarrassed fashion. "O c’mon, Ghostie-” 
“I like the way you smell.” Wraith murmurs honestly, nosing at the wet spot and moaning low in her throat at the deep scent of sex. “You smell so good...” It’s spoken with a sigh as her tongue drags along the fabric. 
But she can’t help herself any longer, hooking her fingers in Anita’s briefs and dragging the elastic down to rest on her pants and exposing her cunt. She takes her time teasing, biting and sucking her way around her inner thighs to leave more and more bruises. 
Always so pretty when she’s covered in marks, Wraith thinks. With her dark curls and her smaller lower lips all exposed and glistening from wetness. It only takes Wraith’s hand pressing on her mound to expose her clit, engorged and shiny. Her plump lips seal around it immediately, suckling and letting her tongue do all the talking for her in broad swipes. Paying special attention to letting her piercing flick off the tip and making Anita’s hips jerk. 
Anita’s hands grip the sink, pressing her body back into it and gripping onto it for dear life as her head falls forward. Wraith looks up under her lashes, spying how her brow furrows, her teeth biting into her bottom lip to stay quiet even as her hips helplessly try to hump against Wraith’s mouth. 
Wraith makes a show of licking up her slickness, from hole to clit and nosing her way against her. She makes sure she moans into her, letting Anita know just how much she loved her taste and scent. It does the job just fine, making Anita’s cheek turn rosy red and her head rolling to the side with a sharp whimper. 
Wraith’s hands slide up the back of Anita’s legs, grabbing handfuls of her muscular ass and forcing her to hold her hips still and tilted forward. It provides a good angle for Wraith to mercilessly trace her tongue against her clit, writing her name around it as her nails press into her flesh. Only one thought on her mind with each trace. 
When Anita cums, it’s with one of her hands clinging to the sink and the other slamming over her mouth as her beautiful cries become muffled. Wraith drinks her down, licking greedily at her slickness and feeling each contract of her cunt with every skim of her tongue. She doesn’t stop licking until Anita’s legs are quaking and she’s murmuring incoherently behind her hand in a frantic way with each strained twitch of her hips. 
When Wraith finally stops, she kisses over Anita’s marked thighs where the bruises from her teeth are and scratches from her nails. Just as greedily, she leaves another one near the delicious V shaped markings from the muscles on Anita’s hips. Making sure the bruise is nice and dark despite the whines of protests above her. 
By the time Wraith finally stops marking her, she’s standing up and seeing how Anita’s legs shake and her head falls back. Can you really blame Wraith for reaching into her bag to snap a photo of her? The flash makes Anita groan, turning her head to the side with a heavy flush on her face and a huff. “D’ya have to take a picture, really?” 
“You always said I should document the things I like.” Wraith practically purrs back, looking down at the developed photo in delight. In it you could see Anita just as beautiful and satisfied as she is now. Covered in lipstick marks and bite marks, her pussy glistening with a thin string of wetness drooling towards her thighs. Her pussy has smears of her lipstick, especially circling her clit. It almost makes Wraith go back on her knees, eager to lick her through another orgasm. 
Thankfully for Anita, all Wraith wants is a picture and checking in on her. Helping her back into her clothes, despite her slightly disheveled appearance now while Wraith pauses to reapply her lipstick in the mirror. She can practically feel the hearts fluttering off Anita with the way she looks at her, especially when Anita comes and hugs her from behind, burying her face against Wraith’s neck for the comfort she always seeks after an orgasm. 
When they finally make it back out into the club to start dancing again, it doesn’t take very long for hands to start wandering again and for Anita to start grinding against her. By then it’s a rush to call their driver outside with Anita squirming next to Wraith and her not doing much better. Hard to be behaved when your handsome girlfriend is covered in your kiss marks and bite marks and her body still has that healthy glow of ‘just had an orgasm’. 
Even the car ride is tense, sexual tension so thick it could be cut with a knife. Wraith’s sure the driver notices, but thankfully they don’t say anything but for them to have a nice night as the two women race into their hotel to get to the elevator. Where once more, they’re handsy and needy, Wraith’s lipstick left lingering on Anita’s lips even as they race down the hall to get to their room. 
By the time they finally get inside, shoes are kicked off, bags thrown to the side, and hands are frantic to get on one another. For once, Anita gets the upper hand, managing to scoop Wraith up to throw her onto the bed like it’s their wedding night and she’s about to get her first taste of her. 
No words are exchanged despite their combined snarky nature normally wanting them to. Anita’s soft, full lips press over Wraith’s, fitting her body until Wraith’s plush thighs are hugged around her waist and her dress is being shimmied up her body to make way for Anita’s wandering hands. Her calloused hands slide up Wraith’s dress, over her soft skin and over a few raised scars. Dragging her nails back down towards her hips to make her squirm underneath her. 
Wraith can hardly breathe between the heavy kisses, the slides of their tongues and the light click of teeth. Her hands frantically work on Anita’s buttons, rolling her hips upwards and managing to get her shirt open and free so she can reach up to cup at her breasts and roll the hardened nipples between kisses. This results in Anita’s hips humping against her in slow grinds, her kisses becoming breathy and more of her lips parted to sigh in pleasure. Plenty of room for Wraith to lick at her tongue. 
It takes just a single adjustment of Wraith’s leg slipping between Anita’s instead for her to crack. Anita’s hips helplessly hump against her thigh, her low moan reverberating in Wraith’s mouth and only reminding her just of how wet she was. And it takes just that moment of weakness for Wraith to roll them over and slam Anita’s hands above her head, fingers intertwined with hers. 
Wraith straddles her lap just like Anita likes. Sitting up and parting their lips and smirking when Anita grunts in annoyance and tightens her grip on Wraith’s hands. “Wraith-” 
Anita’s brow furrows at the simple tone, meanwhile clearly embarrassed at how disheveled she sounds in turn. Wraith liked it that way. Loving seeing her warm freckled cheeks turn dark red and seeing that grumpy little look on her face yet pure desire racing through her eyes when her eyes drag over Wraith’s form. 
Anita squirms underneath her, pushing at Wraith’s arms- something she could easily overpower Wraith in. But when Wraith simply pushes back, quietly telling Anita to stay down without words, her arms stay right where she’s holding them. 
Though Anita was physically stronger, she knew who was really the top dog around here. 
“There’s my pretty girl. You wanna be my good girl tonight, hm?” Wraith’s voice comes out silken and low, just how Anita liked it. It’s without needing to say does she move her hands from Anita’s, moving off her lap briefly to begin stripping her completely. Carefully unbuttoning and working Anita’s pants and briefs off until she’s naked and squirming under Wraith’s gaze. 
Her rings and watch are gingerly taken off with loving hands from Wraith, set to the side and out of the way with all that’s left on her being her chains and dog tags. A look that never fails to make Wraith sigh at her whilst Anita grunts under her now in embarrassment, even with her legs parted with Wraith between them and her body exposed for the umpteenth time with her. 
Wraith sighs at her lovingly once again, running her hands along Anita’s thighs and taking in the sight of the prior bruises and lipstick marks left on her. Including the smear of black across her lips from the make out session just held. All marked and hers. 
“Can I tie you up tonight?” Wraith starts softly, tracing her nails up Anita’s sides to make her squirm as she chirps out a ‘yes’ in return with an enthusiastic head nod. “Can I record us for later?” Another nod the head, a little shier. If shy was even in Anita’s vocabulary. “You remember your safe words and signals, handsome?” 
After a brief clarification and making sure everything was fine, from there it’s tying Anita up. Tying her lying down with her arms above her head tied to the headboard. It’s a minimal tie, not elaborate like Wraith normally liked, but desperate times called for desperate measures. 
A click of Wraith’s camera is heard and a whine from Anita follows as Wraith pulls away the camera to see the photo with a small smile on her face. The calm before the storm- even if Anita was already quite marked up. “I needed a ‘before’ picture.” 
“You’re an ass.” Anita huffs back, squirming against the red rope when Wraith stalks towards her again. A cold hand inching up her thigh and making Anita instinctively spread her strong legs open. It exposes her cunt, her inner lips blossoming open like a flower and showing her already engorged clit still circled with black lipstick from earlier. Beautiful. 
Wraith can’t help the chuckle that leaves her, setting her camera to the side finally and crooning. “Can’t help it that you’re so handsome covered in my mark, sweetheart. Can you really blame me for wanting to capture this moment? Thought you wanted me to take pictures of what I loved.” 
“If you don’t hurry up and get your ass over here, I’m gonna break these bonds and show you what you’re missing from just pictures, ghostie. I ain’t an art exhibit.” Anita huffs, clearly embarrassed as she arches her back in a beautiful arch and pulls on the ropes. Wraith smirks, setting the camera on the nightstand next to the tablet which she opens up and angles at the bed. Doing it quick so Anita wouldn’t get too squirmy. 
It’s Wraith’s turn to strip out of her dress, letting it pull to the ground and hooking her thumbs under her black lace panties and pulling them off nice and slow to make Anita’s mouth salivate at the sight of her. Wraith makes sure to do it with her back facing her, bending over to unhook it from around her ankle just to hear Anita’s whine at the sight of her ass. 
When Wraith turns back around, her breath can’t help but catch at the way Anita hungrily looks at her. Her full lips are already parted and inviting, her eyes moving down Wraith’s body to rest on her cunt where black, soft hair rests and a peek of her large clit from her lower lips, with a thin line of hair up Wraith’s abdomen in a happy trail. Her legs were just as soft with hair, something Anita always made a sight of enjoying by nosing at her thighs and calves. 
From there, Wraith sets up the harness and strap on. A thick cock that was red and ribbed with beautiful texture and a tapered tip. The base was black, marbling into the shaft and all in all looking akin to a dragon. Big enough Wraith couldn’t circle her fingers around it anywhere but the head. Just like she liked to feel. She also makes sure a vibrator presses inside the harness, turning it on low to begin so Anita would only get squirmy and nothing more. 
“You wanna beg for it?” Wraith hums as she approaches the bed, making sure to grab the harness and strap on. The bed creaking under her weight as she pulls herself onto it to first attach the harness to Anita, delighting in her light gasp and roll of her hips at the light vibrations. 
Then Wraith moves to straddle her waist, hovering just above her to ensure that Anita didn’t even get the delight of her wetness. Anita grunts, her lips parting and a furrow to her brow, but Wraith catches her quick before she can quip back at her. Gripping her jaw and guiding her eyes back to Wraith’s with a low growl leaving her. “Wasn’t really asking you, Princess.” 
Anita was a bit of a struggle when getting her into a sub headspace. It took a bit of pushing, coaxing, and equal amounts of praise until she gave Wraith that look. Even now with her arms tied above her head and her eyes half lidded, Wraith can see how she struggles to keep her control. How she steels her jaw and clenches her teeth. 
It takes Wraith leaning in a bit closer, her breath mingling with Anita’s due to their closeness and their noses brushing. “Beg for it.” Growling from Wraith’s lips before Anita finally lets that breath go and her eyes flutter. And Wraith knows she has her then. 
“Please,” Anita breathes, her lips parting and her head tilting to chase after Wraith’s lips when she leans back a bit. “Please let me taste you, please ride my face, please- fuck, baby, you smell so good-” 
Her whining is successful. Just what Wraith wants to hear. 
She pulls herself up, putting one soft thigh on each side of Anita’s head and threading her fingers into the thick curls atop her head to guide her. When Anita’s tongue slides across her and her full lips seal around her clit, it’s Wraith’s turn to whine. Making sure to grip her curls at the root, Wraith holds her head still so she can hump her hips down against her mouth, delighting in how Anita moans and her hands flex above her head, a beautiful expression overtaking her face. 
Her dark eyes look up at Wraith half lidded and clouded with lust, her eyebrows knitted and her lips obediently sealed around her large clit to Wraith could practically fuck her face. Smearing her wetness over her lips, her chin, probably spilling down her chin as well. Wraith couldn’t wait to see her ruined. 
“That’s my good girl,” Wraith shakily exhales, her gaze turned down towards Anita to see just how well she licks her clean when her hips hold still. Wraith’s thighs shake with each lick, each spelling of Anita’s name over her clit with a distinct flick at the ending of each ‘A’ spelled. When Wraith tugs her hair, Anita goes right back obediently to sealing her lips around her clit, taking whatever Wraith gives her no matter how hard her hips hump. 
When Wraith cums, it’s with a breathy, frantic noise falling into a moan. With a tighter grip in Anita’s hair and her back arched, her thighs trembling as Anita licks her through it with her own moans spilling from her lips. Wraith knew she lived for her taste, knowing just how much Anita got off on getting her off. 
When satisfied, Wraith sits up higher to get away from the onslaught, pulling Anita’s hair just like she liked to force her head back and for Wraith to see her. She looked beautiful with slickness smeared across her now glossy lips, dribbling down her chin and how Anita’s half lidded eyes look so hungrily up at her. 
“Look at you. Such a pretty little thing, hm? Obedient.” Wraith croons. Putting emphasis on her last word to test Anita’s restraint right now- how deep she was in sub headspace.  
A fire is lit up in her eyes, but she doesn’t talk back. A good sign, Wraith thinks, as she releases her hair and makes her way down Anita’s body. The vibrator’s controller is carefully turned up to a medium speed, making the soldier underneath her arch off the bed and tug on her rope with a cry and her hips rolling upwards. It makes the thick cock bob with each roll, a sight that makes Wraith drool. 
“C’mon, j-just get on with it. I know you want it.” Anita breathes out, trying her best to sound grounded and not as drooly as she looks. Wraith quirks a brow at her, grabbing the lube from the nightstand to work onto the strap, using her other arm to hold down Anita’s hips. It does the trick in making her let out a frustrated sound, only able to clutch at the ropes and bask in her own labored breathing without a single peep from Wraith. 
Anita still keeps trying to get a rise out of her, even as Wraith takes her time lubing her up. “Ya want my cock, baby? Want to be full?” Her voice is low, her eyes purposeful when Wraith glances up at her. She’s still got glossy lips, still covered in bite marks, and she’s trying to get a rise out of Wraith, hm? 
Gag her. 
Shut her up. 
Better things to do with her mouth. 
Not a bad idea. One that Wraith takes in stride as she plucks her pretty lacy black panties from the bed and sits up, gripping Anita’s jaw and forcing her mouth open with a press of her thumb. She slips the panties in, pressing down on Anita’s tongue and smiling all too sweetly at her. “That’s better. You’re cuter when you’re quiet.” Being spoken with a light, loving pat of her hand on Anita’s flushed, freckled cheek. 
Carefully, Wraith sits back on her hips and guides Anita’s dragon styled cock into herself. There’s always a bit of a sting in the stretch, but she kind of liked the pain of it. Absentmindedly, she reaches up towards her styled hair, pulling it from its ponytail and shaking her ebony locks free as the waves spill down onto her shoulders. 
The look Anita gives her is reward enough, with her eyebrows knitted and her eyes looking up at her pleadingly with her mouth full of Wraith’s panties. Her fingers twitch above her head, her back straining like she wanted to touch her so bad. Wraith only hums, pretending she doesn’t notice Anita’s whining and whimpers as she eases herself down inch by agonizing inch with little shimmies of her hips. 
By the time she’s finally fully seated, sans the more knotted base, she groans like she’s stretching oh so casually forward. Hooking her fingers around Anita’s jaw like she’s about to kiss her when she leans forward, only to forcefully turn her head to remind her of the tablet sitting on the nightstand recording them perfectly all the way down to Anita’s knees. 
“Nnh-” Is the only sound Anita can make, a high-pitched whine as her eyes flicker over the screen with her face burning red. Her dark eyes linger lower on the screen where Wraith grinds and bounces her hips on her cock, moaning directly into Anita’s ear and making her eyes roll back with each bounce. Each bounce forcing the vibrator to press directly to her clit, each grind forcing it against her, each breath from Wraith driving her closer and closer. 
Wraith knew just how to push Anita’s buttons. Her lips mouthing at the lobe of her ear and lightly nipping, glancing to the side to see how Anita still helplessly watches the screen with flutters of her eyes. She knows Anita is close already, her breathing starting to get labored through her nose and her body trying to fuck up into Wraith with each grind downwards of her hips to fill her up. 
“That’s it- good girl, you gonna cum, hm?” Wraith moans in Anita’s ear, ghosting her lips over the shell of her ear and down her lobe. The noise Anita makes is strained and needy, a high pitched ‘mmh!’ and her eyes rolling back into her head as her eyes unfocus from the screen. Her fingers flex on the ropes above her head, her lashes fluttering and her hips jumping as she begins to cum. 
“Keep watching,” Wraith hisses low in Anita’s ear, watching her teary gaze turn back towards the screen to see herself cum. Wraith can only imagine the embarrassment coursing through her having to watch herself helplessly cum and hear herself whimper. Wraith can feel each jump of her hips, forcing the cock deeper into her and making her own breath hitch. 
From there, Wraith bounces her hips with hisses in Anita’s ear of, “Don’t take your eyes off me.” “You wish you could fuck me, hm? Wish you could make me moan like you did?” “Such a good girl. That’s my princess, let me hear you.” 
Anita responds positively to each one, her eyes rolling back into her head upon her second orgasm and Wraith chasing that high with her as she cums again. Making sure to sink her teeth into Anita’s neck to silence her own whimpering and once complete, she pats downwards until she can turn off the vibrator to silence Anita’s over-sensitive sounds. 
The panties are removed from Anita’s mouth, a gentle kiss pressed over her lips and the rope removed from her. Another kiss is shared, then another, then Anita chasing after Wraith’s lips with a soft sound in her throat when she dodges to kiss her cheek instead with a gentle ‘shh’ falling from Wraith’s lips. 
Aftercare is to be had after turning off the tablet and saving the video. Wraith makes sure to clean Anita up, carefully applying salve to any bruises on her wrists and massaging her hands where she’d flexed them too hard. Even softer kisses are pressed to each bite mark, carefully wiping off lingering lipstick anywhere and Wraith’s voice gently asking if Anita wanted a shower. 
Carefully they make their way to the shower with Anita getting in first and Wraith taking the time to wash off her makeup in the mirror. She ties her hair up loosely with a clip to prevent it from getting wet, entering the shower to see how drunken in love Anita’s eyes are when she reaches for her to drag her close to her body. Her taller body preventing the spray from hitting Wraith and instead pounding on her back. 
“Hey,” Anita softly murmurs, her voice hoarse and quiet from earlier. 
“Hey,” Wraith murmurs back just as soft, pressing a kiss to her collarbone fondly. 
They embrace each other in the warm water for a bit, just lightly swaying and spending close intimacy together. Wraith always liked to be close, letting her fingers trace mindless shapes into Anita’s strong back with water dripping down her fingertips. Taking particular interest in a scar on her lower back that makes Anita hum soft and quiet into Wraith’s hair. 
“Dropship picks us up tomorrow,” Anita murmurs with a kiss to Wraith’s head when she hums back in disapproval. “Hey, don’t complain. I’m sure ya miss bein’ able to hunt me down.” 
“Mmmh.” Wraith hums back, nosing her way against the top of Anita’s breast instead and letting her hands slide back down to her ass to grab it. It makes Anita choke on a small chuckle, even as Wraith sighs back. “Don’t get this much privacy in the showers, though.” 
“Thought you liked being a lil’ exhibitionist?” 
Wraith huffs out a laugh, turning her head to press her warming cheeks to Anita’s body at being caught. 
From there it’s quiet care. Cleaning up each other with Anita being mainly focused on, working out her tense muscles and rubbing her down with expensive soap. Wraith takes her time on her, murmuring apologies for covering her in her lipstick and getting murmured replies back that it was fine. Gentle hands ensuring no dirt left, and even afterwards Wraith still urges Anita back into her arms to hold each other under the warm spray again. 
By the time they get out and clothed into pajamas, the hologram clock reads a blaring 4:00 A.M in red lettering. Anita groans, but that’s quickly remedied by them climbing into bed and Wraith drawing Anita’s head to her chest to gently begin stroking along her shaved sides. 
Wraith sighs to herself once Anita is soon fast asleep, her breathing even and calm with her breath fanning across Wraith’s chest. They'd go back to the compound, get settled back in and the new season for the Apex Games would start in a week’s time. 
And one day... 
Wraith turns her gaze down to Anita, smiling softly down at her. 
One day they could forget the games and start a life of their own together. 
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Hacker
"Education has reached a new frontier. Given the pandemic and the need to continue educating the youth, many companies have started developing ways to eliminate distractions in the online classroom. Eduguardian is an MDM solution designed to support our educators and guardians in their mission to create the optimal learning environment for children."
Brookland starts using Mobile Device Management solutions for the student's devices and Alex naively tries to find a way to bypass it. 
Written for the SpyFest fic exchange, Dec 2020
Link to cross-postings: AO3
"Alex is noticed as having a lot of potential (be it while he's on a mission or just going home from school but is paying a lot of attention to his surroundings and gets noticed by some criminals - not the ones he's investigating- or by some other intelligence agency; either way, they don't recognise him as a spy) and someone tries to recruit him. MI6 isn't exactly happy with the whole ordeal, especially when Alex gives the offer some serious consideration (or he doesn't, it's up to you. MI6 is still pissed)."
Notes:  I am so sorry I took way too many liberties with this hahahah. I hope it's still recognizable? An attempt at crack. (Do people actually follow me for Alex Rider content?)
When Brooklands got into the trend of holding both online and in-classroom classes, Alex was out on a mission. 
In fact, he didn’t even notice that most of his classmates were joining him when he was doing modules his teacher so kindly sent him. Probably because his downtime to actually look at those modules consisted of those times in a helicopter minutes before he was to skydive and land onto the roof of another military headquarters.
The change was gradual but it was there. Alex though, having had too many things running through his head never did notice it. That is until he opened one of his devices during class to see the browser Safari was blocked on his iPad.
Your school has not provisioned this as a Class App. Please contact your school administrator if you believe this is a mistake.
“What the hell is this?” Alex whispered, mostly to himself.
“Oh yeah, it’s blocked. You have to use the Eduguardian browser now,” Tom answered from next to him. He reached out over Alex’s shoulder and clicked on something on the lower screen of Alex’s ipad, a green app with a badge on it
“What? Why?”
“Yeah, something about ‘educational technology being the new frontier’ and ‘having to protect children in an online setting’…”
With Tom’s mannerisms, Alex could almost imagine the speech drilled into his classmates heads while he was away. He didn’t have to imagine for too long though. An ad of Eduguardian was one of the few things they were at least allowed to access during class. For some reason, Alex found himself more interested in the ad than in the actual class.
Education has reached a new frontier. Given the pandemic and the need to continue educating the youth, many companies have started developing ways to eliminate distractions in the online classroom.
Eduguardian is an MDM solution to support our educators and guardians form a better environment for your children.
“Eyes up.” And just like that, before Alex could even figure out the implications of an MDM, his screen froze then locked and he was left with nothing better to do than listen to his teacher.
The teacher flashed the questions on the board. “Pop quiz everyone!”
A link was sent to his iPad. It opened up to a google form with one essay question History was generally one of the easiest subjects to google.
How were peasants in western Europe similar to serfs in Russia? How were they different?
It was an essay so at least they were given time and space to research. Or so that was what Alex thought. Having been a student for many years, and for a long one year, having been a student who was constantly behind. Alex had built very efficient methods for research.
As Alex opened up wikipedia, he soon found out what cruel reality.
“They blocked Wikipedia?”
“Apparently, starting with wikipedia is lazy research.” Tom answered softly back, looking not at all convinced with the school’s strategy.
For the first time since his first mission, Alex was not happy to be back at school.
“It doesn’t end there… When you get home, your parents have control of the gadget. They can set curfews, set up restrictions. This invention is fucking crazy,” Tom ranted as they made their way home that afternoon.
For Tom it was. Alex was sure though Jack wouldn’t be too strict about it. She never was. She was more like a sister than a parent to him after all.
All hopes of a normal day though were dashed when he came home to find Jack as confused as he was. “Brooklands never told me about anything like that.”
“You’re kidding...” That was a declarative statement. Alex did not want to even want to plant the possibility that maybe, just maybe she knew nothing about it. “Every student has to have an assigned guardian... “ Alex watched as Jack’s eyes widened in what could have been realization. As she did, Alex was starting to understand what she meant, having stumbled upon the same conclusion.
“Alex, you have to understand, MDM is the new frontier. With the internet, we can’t just have kids running around watching porn or war movies without supervision.”
“This is a bunch of horseshit. You’re infringing on my right to privacy.”
“You’re acting like we have never done this before Alex. Besides, it’s not like we’re watching what you’re doing 24/7. Just enough to keep you safe… and your content age appropriate.”
Mrs. Jones’s justification had Alex rolling his eyes. He had checked his web filtering settings that afternoon to see that all violent Youtube channels and subreddits had been blocked. Keywords like blood, guns and suicide have also been filtered out. But you’re so ready to drop me at the line of fire when convenient. He would have wanted to say. By then though, Mrs. Jones was looking back at her paperwork and Alex knew any argument would have been futile.
Any argument towards Jones at least. Alex still had allies among MI6.
“Smithers, how much do you know about this MDM thing?” Alex asked as soon as he closed the door behind him. He was aware that the walls were soundproof and he made little effort to regulate his voice, having wasted too much of his patience talking to Mrs. Jones. He had twenty other things to say more insulting to ‘horseshit’ after all.
“Well, it’s all the rage now but it’s nothing new. MI6 has been using mobile device management systems since before to watch their employees.”
“Why does MI6 have to be the one assigned to ‘parent’ my school account?”
Smithers shrugged. “They are your legal guardians.” The man had a face about him, as if he didn’t want to be involved. Alex knew Smithers had a soft spot for him and he just had to use it to his advantage.
For a few more moments they were silent. Alex though continued to stare at Smithers, widening his eyes a bit and twisting his mouth into a little pout, or maybe a face of disappointment. All he intended to show though was a little bit of hopelessness and awareness of the unfairness of his situation.
It may have worked. It may have not worked. It was enough for Smithers to let out a big sigh, bring out a USB and connect it into his computer. Within minutes, he placed it on the table, gesturing for Alex to take it. “Don’t you dare tell Mrs. Jones about this.”
It was a quick install virtual desktop interface.
It was a straightforward solution to the MDM that ravaged his iPad and within minutes of installation and booting it up, Alex finally had access to whatever else prepubescent boys usually preferred to search up privately.
Through the VDI at least. Alex noted. That virtual desktop had become Alex’s one stop shop for blocked content for both days at school and nights at home.
When in school, Alex already had a disadvantage when taking pop quizzes and for once he actually felt that MI6, or at least Smithers, was doing their part to undo the damage of missed classes. He had finished one of his quizzes for literature thirty minutes before the class ended because of the quick access he had had to sparknotes using the VDI Smither’s had given him.
“Alex, what the hell---” Tom whispered. Or it was a little too loud to be a whisper for a very paranoid and guilty Alex. He quickly pushed at Tom’s chair so the boy beside him would lose his balance and distract him. That gave Alex enough time to close his VDI and pretend to struggle as he reviewed his already completed worksheet.
Tom didn’t buy it. “Alex, you know something we don’t.” He had whispered to him soon after students started to file out of the classroom.
Tom was his best friend in Brookland. Within a few minutes of listening to Tom’s outrageous theories and rants, Alex finally caved in and requested for Tom’s USB. Within a day, he had copied that file to Tom’s USB and the latter had it installed on his laptop, just in time for their next exam.
Tom looking a little too relaxed for the next exam was what set off alarms for the whole class. Tom had a secret he didn’t want to share and somehow the class knew. No one just became above average overnight. Especially someone like Tom.
Alex was approached a few days after he had given Tom a copy of the file. It was when he had passed by the toilet which was reserved for things other than conventional uses of the toilet, did he run into someone who reeked of whatever they smoked inside.
“I have a business proposition for you,” he said, a whiff of smoke following suit.
A week passed and suddenly everyone was finishing their exams thirty minutes earlier. The teachers had attributed it to the effects of a good MDM. Alex’s wallet was a little heavier so he wasn’t complaining.
That was until he found a black sedan in front of his home with a man in a suit and a quick message from Mrs. Jones.
The ride to Mrs. Jones office was been silent, save for a terse “go in!” as soon as he arrived in front of her office. He heard venom in that voice and was sure she was at least trying to be polite but was probably seething.
Mrs. Jones did not waste any time. “MDMs are an important part of national security Alex.”
“Yes. I’m aware of that.”
“Then what am I hearing about a mass production of VDIs packaged externally.”
Alex shouldn’t have been surprised that she found out about it. He found cold chill brush through him as she pointed it out. “Where did you hear that?”
“We had to investigate the suddenly very impressive results of the students in quizzes over a three week period. And they traced it to one school, Brookland.” Mrs. Jones glared at him accusingly. “You can’t just hack into MDMs!”
Alex brought his hands up defensively. “Why do you suddenly think it’s me?”
“Alex, no boy your age just suddenly stops watching porn for a month."
A week later, all devices were wiped and all USBs ceased. The damage had been done.
At least Alex got to keep the money.
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
I wanna share this thoughts, so last year bts finally appeared at Tokopedia show right? Mostly just interview. But the host didn't share any after pics and off stage story with them on his YT channel, he did that with other artists. And when asked why, he said he had signed agreement to not reveal anything except the official release. So BH is very careful abt everything, even in a harmless and controlled environment like this interview which obviously had scripts and guidelines 1/2
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Kayla: Hi Thanks for bringing up tokopedia. So I will say two things in general 1. I am not entirely sure about all other companies but I imagine most companies are careful or have some form of NDA (may not for everything but some shows) when they go on variety shows or such because it’s better safe than sorry and if someone films something without the permission of BTS or BH then it would require legal action 2. BTS has actually also stopped attending variety shows and such for awhile now because they were not comfortable with how hosts and certain pockets of the public treated BTS (especially in their earlier years, there are a couple videos on YouTube that highlights this mistreatment, it’s really sad though so watch at your own risk). That’s why they created RUN and do things like the NYE shows, or how BTS stopped attending an award show all together because of their treatment.
However, on the topic of documentaries and just BTS content in general I think that this is something important to bring up. As fans, we only get to smidge of their lives. We personally get to see a lot more than a lot of other groups. It’s actually really interesting from an academic perspective, South Korea is considered one of the most technologically connected OECD countries, yet KPOP idols had never fully utilized social media and such to their advantage. And I don’t mean posting some MVs but BH created Bangtan TV, filmed Bangtan Bombs, a twitter account to interact with their fans, and then they had weverse as well. They really [almost established] this new form of interaction between the fans and the idols, because social media makes everyone psychologically feel like they’re more connected because we are—we see them backstage, see them at shoots, they talk to us through the camera, etc.
They are a lot more connected to their fans, however, it’s still important to recognize that we still only see a portion of life on the screen. They have down time, private time, family time, and couple time like any other people. That’s normal. They’re human. So we should think that just because they do something or don’t do something that we’ve seen the full story—there is a lot that goes behind the scenes. There are plenty of moments that we might have seen or not have seen. I think this is something that’s important to recognize. We don’t know everything. Even us, who have made this TL, there are parts where we don’t know everything and we have to say that this is an educated guess/speculation based on their previous actions or what they have said/or didn’t say. But we can’t know for sure.
I will agree though. BTS are super private about their private life. As they should be, the celebrity life can be incredibly invasive, let alone KPOP idol life.
Sara: I’m glad BH is taking those actions to give BTS some sense of privacy and comfort. I guess they are at a stage in their career where they can decline all that extra promo & over-coverage. I wonder if they’d do the same even without taekook in the picture. But yes, it goes to show that they are very careful with what they let the public know about. Everything you see is carefully controlled and fits the plan, their crafted image.
// Sara’s *New* general disclaimer: a lot of my mental energy & free time goes into reviewing, researching, analyzing and theorizing to reach solid conclusions for the actual timeline - which is always susceptible to modifications. I’ll do the bare minimum when it comes to asks and interacting with readers because it’s too much for me, so I’ll let Kayla set the pace of this section & I’ll add quick thoughts. If we didn’t have a timeline to work on I’d love to spend time properly discussing with you all but I’d rather hear you out, select topics of interest and tackle them through periodic videos, posts or timeline additions, making sure to feel confident about my take on things because I’m normally an extreme overthinker and I don’t feel comfortable talking without enough caution. Asks don’t really allow me time to mull so I’ll keep them short - unless I’m inspired to rant. I personally get overwhelmed with interactions and easily shut down. We are all different. Sorry if that disappoints some of you. Hope you remember that - behind the scenes - I’m very much dedicated to the timeline and it occupies a lot of my time + I’m trying to focus on protecting it’s integrity instead of stressing and preoccupying my mind trying to cover more than what I’m personally able to based on MY circumstances and way of functioning. So yes, I’ll prioritize the actual timeline and my mental health but I’ll make an act of presence. //
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