#so I would end up mirroring it and he'd be signing with his right hand
peachssodapop · 1 year
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What if the shrine didn't fix Wild's hearing, what if Wild was profoundly Deaf
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uravichii · 1 year
pov: you're drop-dead gorgeous (and they don't know how to deal with it)
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character/s: bakugo katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki, todoroki shouto
genre: fluff, crack (?), them hyping u up like there's no tomorrow, uhh reader wears makeup 🤕
notes: this is for all u pretty mfs aka all of u whether u believe it or not YOU ARE PRETTY AMD HOT AND AMAZING 😡‼️ also disclaimer: the boys love u not just for your face. they think you're so cool for being beautiful inside n out and this is just them appreciating the out 🧎‍♀️
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bakugo katsuki thinks you're so pretty that his only response to it is to be angry. he'd watch intently the way you'd smooth your clothes down and cutely fiddle with your hair in the mirror as if there's even anything to fix. he'll cup your pretty face in his hands and squeeze your cheeks together (cuteness aggression probably), "tell me why you're so fucking pretty all the time? what are you so pretty for, huh?!"
bakugo katsuki would always watch you do your makeup and hair and then slip into the prettiest clothes only you can pull off and he's just mesmerized by the whole thing.
"katsuki, please stop drooling and get dressed. we're gonna be late."
his only response is: "fuck off."
because he can never deny nor hide the fact that he constantly admires you every chance he gets. he storms his way to you and snatches a shimmery eyeshadow from your makeup bag. "tch, you don't even need any of this shit."
"you don't like it, katsuki?" you stare up at him doe-eyed, easily making his heart skip a beat.
"h-hah?! i didn't say that!" he shoves it to your hand, "now do this glittery shit next!"
and you just ditch whatever plans you'd made and spend the rest of the night trying on different makeup looks. he'll insist that you sit on his lap while you doll yourself up just because, and you gladly do so but then you both end up wearing a full face of glam makeup 🧍‍♀️ he doesn't know how he just let it happen but he's like, "whatever makes you fucking happy, y/n."
he then proceeds to tell you that, "every one of those ugly extras should grovel at your feet, worship the ground you walk on, and then beg for your forgiveness."
"forgive them for what?"
he stares blankly at you. "for breathing the same air as you."
bakugo katsuki's not active on social media at all but on his instagram, his first and only post is a photo dump of just youー the selfies you took on his phone, your date outfits, candid photos (by courtesy of bakugo katsuki) of you smiling at a stray cat, the power nap you took on his shoulder, and his favorite one by far: a photo of you wearing his black tank top that completely swallows you up, holding up two little peace signs on your cheeks.
and of course, he captions it, "u and ur ugly ass wish u were y/n."
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shinsou hitoshi is convinced he's dating a model. he doesn't know how it happened, but he is a little proud of whatever the hell was in him that managed to rizz you up.
he thinks you look amazing in absolutely anything. so when you go clothes shopping together, he casually picks up all types of clothes from the racks until there's a whole pile of them in his arms.
when you shoot him a questioning look about it, he only says, "think you'll look amazing in these, babe."
he also picks up some accessories and just wears them on youー hats, sunglasses, hair pins, and you just let him because each time you let him accessorize you, he gives those little comments like, "amazing." "cute" "this one's tacky; i put it on you as a joke but you pull it off for some reason." "yes. slayed." he made you wear cat ears one time and he just melts right there, immediately taking a photo of you for his new lockscreen.
it bothers shinsou hitoshi a lot when people stare at you even when they can clearly see his hand on the small of your back. he'll slide closer to you and kiss the top of your head all the while he gives them a death stare he wishes he could do more.
he squeezes your waist a little to call your attention.
"hm? what's up, hitoshi?"
he looks at you blankly, taking in your features in awe as if for the first time again. then he stuffs your face into his chest, your legs staggering as you grab a hold of his forearms.
"hey, what are you doing?" you giggle in his chest. he's relieved you can't see his flushed cheeks. "hitoshiii"
"you're too good for this world, y/n. i need to start gatekeeping you."
what blows shinsou hitoshi's mind the most is how you're probably unaware of your effect on him, no matter how many times he's called you all synonyms of the word, 'beautiful'
he's sat on the couch, a tiny smile of adoration tugging on his lips when he sees you running up to him. your eyes brim with excitement as you call his name, truly the prettiest ones he's ever seen.
"something happened?ー" he pauses when you lean your face so close to his. he sinks back into the couch as the tips of ears start to turn red.
it takes a moment until he realizes that you're showing off the purple eyeshadow you had done on yourself, batting your eyelashes at him as you wait for his response bc right now he's just staring at you like 😦💘‼️‼️‼️
"it's the one you picked out from the mall yesterday. is it pretty?"
"y/n." his hands slowly find their way to your waist, "i don't believe you're real sometimes. you are possibly the most beautiful person i've ever seen."
"god," he pulls you by the waist until you're sat on his lap, your legs straddling him. "you have no idea."
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remember how bakugo said all those extras should be groveling at your feet and worshipping you? yeah, it's kaminari denki. he worships you.
he thinks you're beautiful and he's LOUD about it.
he's constantly bragging about you to his friends and showing off your photos (if you're comfy w/ that), "oh this? oh yeah, this is is y/n, the coolest, funniest, drop dead gorgeous, most ethereal person on earth and they're dating ME."
and bakugo would just grab his phone and knock it against his head with a thud 🤕, "WE FUCKING GET IT. NOW, SHUT UP, DUMBASS."
he'll rub his head while cackling, "whatever, i'm dating Y/N. who cares about anything if you're dating y/n?"
kaminari denki doesn't love you just for your beauty though. you're not just some eye candy to him. if someone ever called you one though, you bet he's zapping their ass and with the whole bakusquad by his side because somehow they feel obligated to protect you now too. 🧍‍♀️ (denki's effect)
and just as much as he compliments your beauty everyday, he never forgets to let you know how beautiful your heart is too. in fact, he calls you 'angel' because how could someone be this beautiful and be so kind and caring to him at the same time?
"sometimes.." he looks up pensively from his lap where you lay your head, "i feel like i've been blessed by the heavens when i got to date you.
"don't even think i'm exaggerating, y/n!" he pokes your cheek when you turn your head to look at him, "you're amazing. i don't know what i did for you to give me a chance."
there are times though when a part of kaminari denki feels a little insecure because he thinks he looks quite stupid next to you, and it doesn't help either that the bakusquad never lets him hear the end of it 😔
"denki, you don't look stupid because you're next to me. you do that on your own."
"aww, thank yー hol' up." 🤨
he's pouting but you immediately wipe that off by apologizing and peppering his face with kisses, ending it with a loud smooch on his lips with a "mmmwah!"
kaminari denki now can't remember what you're even apologizing for in the first place.
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you and todoroki shouto are so beautiful, the visuals are blinding 😩 you'd walk to your classroom together, him opening the door for you and you smiling at him, lovingly squeezing his arm as a silent 'thank you,' and people just stare with their mouths agape, not knowing who exactly to be jealous of.
shouto definitely stares the most though until it concerns midoriya, "t-todoroki-kun, you haven't moved in three minutes. are you okay?" because he might as well have drawn hearts on his eyes and stab an arrow to his heart with the way he looks at you.
todoroki shouto always kisses your eyes, nose, cheeks, hair, and your lips, of course, just to let you know how beautiful he thinks they are.
he thinks whatever you do or wear is so pretty, hence, the many, many photos of you on his phone. his lockscreen changes every 2 days because everyday he just gets a prettier shot of you, and he always shows them to you and to his friends and siblings ☹️ because everyone, including you, should appreciate what a beauty you are!
"this looks great! you'd make a great photographer, shouto" you lean in to kiss his cheek, immediately sending a flush across his face.
"well..." he looks to the ground, the feeling of your lips still lingering on his right cheek. "that's all you... you're beautiful. i don't know how it has anything to do with me, but thank you."
and then he leans closer, tilting his head to the side to silently ask for another kiss. you laugh softly at this, and when you cup his cheeks in your hands and start planting kisses all over his face the way he does to you, shouto confirms it in his mindー y/n is an angel.
todoroki shouto would get a little overboard with the photos though because he'll spam that button and keep every single one. when you ask why keep the blurry ones, he explains, "that's still a photo of you. why would i delete it?"
he also has a photo of his point of view from when he had his head on your lap. he said he wanted to capture "the happiest moment of his life." you convince yourself it's sweet but it's literally just a photo of your chin in a weird angle.
"shouto, that's just my chin."
he looks at you dead in the eye. "y/n, you have a lovely chin."
you call him a weirdo, which surprises him a little, but then you drape your arms around his neck and pepper kisses all over his face again because who else in the world would say that to you?
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reiderwriter · 6 months
Please Accept My Apology
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: After three days spent trying to convince the BAU that they had made a mistake, Spencer Reid shows up at your door to offer his apology.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, smut 18+ minors dni, slight age gap, penetrative sex, squirting, fingering, dirty talk, name calling, degradation, hints of bdsm, implied creampie etc.
You can find my masterlist here and my 2024 song fic challenge here (don't forget to send song recommendations to my inbox!)
You never thought you'd ever see the inside of an interrogation room before this week. Now you didn't think you'd ever see the outside of it.
“Y/N, you're brother ran from law enforcement multiple times, if you know where he is you need to tell us or you'll be charged with accessory to murder and kidnapping after the fact. Is that what you want?”
“Of course it isn't what I want, but I already told you I can't fucking help you!”
You paced in the boxed room, feeling closed in and hot.
Your brother - your innocent brother - was the key suspect in a series of child abductions and murders, and as he'd ran from law enforcement multiple times, they'd dragged you into the police precinct to try to track him down.
For the last three days, you'd been stuck sitting at that table across from Doctor Spencer Reid, waiting for the worst news of your life, because you knew it was coming.
“He's not a murderer. He's mentally ill, but he wouldn't hurt anyone. I keep telling you that, why won't you believe me?”
“A lot of loved ones protest a suspect's innocence, right down to the last second.” You couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up from the depth of your chest.
“My brother is schizophrenic. He was violent before, sure, he had outbursts. But he has been monitoring his meds for the last three years perfectly. He has a job, he has a son. He would not hurt those kids.”
You had always looked up to your elder brother, even through the tough years.
He'd inherited both your fathers drinking problem and your mother's mental illness, each demon feeding the other until he had a breakdown at age 19.
You were only 17 yourself, but with no one else to hold him accountable, you'd been there. You'd checked him into a facility, you drove him to each of his doctor's appointments when he was clean. You'd been around for each sober anniversary, for each birthday and holiday and celebration that he'd made it one more year without falling into himself.
He'd reciprocated by being the most reliable man you knew. He helped put you through college when he was stable enough, he'd managed to work his way up in the ranks at his construction job. He had a beautiful wife (currently in another interrogation room with another agent) and the cutest little boy.
He'd promised you that your family struggles would end with the two of you. You'd promised each other to take care of each others families if anything happened to them in the future, and while you currently had no family to speak of, you sure as hell were going to make sure that your nephew never wanted for anything in his life.
Your brother wasn't a murderer, and you had proof enough.
“You know, you haven't asked me yet why I think he's innocent.” You took your seat again, and gathered your hands together on the table, leaning in closer to the agent in front of you.
You watched him think for a second, then mirror your pose, leaning in just as close, eyes locked with yours.
You'd talked about a lot of things these past three days, and you got the idea that he was a bit of a jackass. If not a jackass, then at least big-headed; he'd practically shouted his title of Doctor at you as he'd walked in, and made sure to correct you every time you'd called him agent or sir.
You kept doing it just to piss him off eventually.
“It's denial, Miss Y/L/N. You don't want to see the signs you'd ignored for that lingered, so you beg and protest and plead, hoping that eventually you'll turn out to be correct.” His voice was low, but you caught every word.
“While I am sure you know what you're talking about Agent Reid, that is not why I'm here still. I'm not being charged with a crime, and I've been here much longer than 24 hours. I'm free to go at any point, but I'm sticking around here, lawyer free, because I want to watch your face when you realise you'd been wrong this entire time.”
He shifted uncomfortably and you smiled, happy to get under his skin once again.
“Okay, Miss Y/L/N. What makes you so sure your brother is innocent?”
“Your profile.” His eyes slightly widened at that, and you basked in it, leaning back and waiting for him to take the bait as the tide turned in your conversation.
“We profiled that our unsub would be late 20s to early 30s, probably a family man who'd likely been abused as a child. The profile also suggested he may have had a psychotic break recently, likely as a result of coming off his meds. Your brother fits the profile, Y/N.”
He'd dug his own grave, and you were happy to see him getting ready to sleep in it too.
“No, he doesn't, Agent.”
A tense silence passed between you, and you knew his gaze was fixed on you. You let your eyes dart elsewhere, rolling down his body to his hands. They were totally still of course, but you could see how tense he was by the way he pushed them flat against the table, almost as if he were trying to ground himself, finding reassurance in the pressure.
“How does he not fit the profile?” His brows were knitted together, and his expression was one of annoyance now.
No matter how much you had shouted or let out your frustrations these past few days, he'd kept a placid look of sympathy plastered across his features. He hadn't listened, or even suggested he'd wanted to, assuming your brother was guilty.
Now he was annoyed, as if he had the right.
“Despite what your records supposedly tell you, my brother is not off his meds.”
“Miss Y/L/N, we know that your brother did not refill his prescription three months ago, and that he looked into some clinical trials in the metropolitan area and was rejected.”
“Congratulations for having 50% of the facts. My brother wasn't rejected from those trials, he withdrew because they changed the terms. They wanted to study my nephew as well to see if they could predict where hereditary cases of Schizophrenia would manifest.”
You leaned in again now, enjoying watching the thoughts rush through Spencer Reid's head once again.
“His health insurance had some issues after the withdrawal, so his prescription couldn't be filled until next week, but my brother always had six months of pills delivered.”
You watched the realisation come crashing down on the agent in front of you, though he was doing a good job of keeping himself out together.
It was time to end this conversation.
“To take part in the clinical trial, he needed to stop taking his regular medication for two weeks. Meaning he has two more weeks of his regular medication. I watched him take it Monday morning, right about when your second kidnapping occurred. My sister-in-law will confirm.”
He stood from his chair slowly and nodded at you, making his way to the door.
“And Agent Reid?” You said making sure to hold his attention one last time before he could leave. “If anything happens to my brother, I will hold you responsible.”
He slipped from the room without another word, and you relaxed into the chair, letting your eyes fall shut as you waited patiently.
It was another week before your brother was totally cleared. He'd turned himself into law enforcement the same day you'd forced the BAU to reevaluate their profile, and both he and his wife had cracked up your story.
With nothing else to distract them, you'd been happily informed that they'd caught the actual perpetrator, and saved another victim.
You were back at home now, trying to relax, to get back on track.
You knew by the knock on the door that you weren't going to get back to your normal routine just yet.
“Agent Reid, I wasn't expecting you.” He was there at your door, and you had to brush off a wave of annoyance, forcing yourself not to slam the thing in his goddamn face.
“It's Doctor Reid. You know that, though.” He mumbled the words, jaw tense as he heaved out a sigh, trying to get to his point but being distracted by your prickly words.
“I came to talk. May I come inside?”
“We talked for three days straight, Doc. What else could we possibly need to discuss?” You made sure to block the door with your body, one arm resting on the doorframe as you leant across it, the other holding the door tightly next to you.
You thought he'd get the idea, tuck his tail between his legs, and swiftly leave you alone, but you were sadly mistaken.
Instead his eyes raked over your body as you put it on display, curiously exploring every inch you put in his eyeline.
“May I come in?” He repeated, eyes still trailing down your body. If it weren't for the heat building inside of you, you'd have slammed the door in his face. A moment's hesitation was all you got instead, as he locked eyes with you again, and you reluctantly moved an inch to the side.
You stayed there in the doorway even as he entered, his body brushing against yours almost intimately for the second, his hand faintly tracing over your hip as he stepped inside, watching you all the time.
Needing desperately to gain your composure back, you jumped into asking questions. “You're in now. What do you want?”
“I wanted to apologise.” He hadn't moved far into the apartment, and you realised aa soon as you turned away from locking the door, overestimating his distance. You spun right into his arms, one of his palms coming to your waist to steady you as the other steadied the two of you against the wall.
“And whatever would the wonderful Doctor Reid need to apologise for?”
Your words were venomous, but the heat in them rose from somewhere deeper than the acid in your stomach, somewhere more fiery than the burning sensation at the back of your throat.
“I'm trying to do the right thing here, Y/N.”
“After a week of doing the wrong thing, Spencer, I'm not sure you're fully capable of that.”
His brows furrowed as he pouted, and you hated his proximity, both too close and too far at the same time. You wanted to run him apart, and then delicately sew him back together.
“I was doing my job.”
“You almost got my brother killed.”
“I'm sorry.” He heaved out an exasperated breath with the words, body relaxing and pushing your back fully against the wall. His eyes widened, and you could tell that he hadn't meant to move you in that way, but you just stared at him still, eyes flicking down to his lips with every intrusive thought.
This was how close you needed him.
“I don't give a shit if you're sorry.” You meant the words to be harsh a warning, but you hadn't realised your heartbeat bursting from your throat, your breathy gasps for air making it sound more erotic than angry.
He blinked once, then twice, slowly as if he was a scientist observing an experiment, not wanting to take his eyes off of it until he was certain something wouldn't happen.
“You're enjoying this.”
“I'm not.”
“Your heart rate is at 127 bpm, your pupils are dilated, your breathing is shallow. You're enjoying this. Why?”
His hands didn't let up, even as he shot out his words, brows furrowing further as you resisted the urge to push him away.
It was more comfortable keeping him close.
“I told you I am not enjoying this. You're just too close.”
“So, you're having a physical reaction to me?” He asked, almost quizzically. You had expected to hear a triumphant smirk or something in his voice, but he seemed genuinely curious.
“For God's sake, Spencer, yes. Yes, you're close and it's making me uncomfortable. You spent three days making me feel uncomfortable, and now you've come back for round two, are you happy now?”
“You're not uncomfortable,” he shot out again, almost as if he couldn't stop the words from spilling out. “You're aroused.”
“Know it all.” He laughed at that, and you could feel the heat in your cheeks. You weren't sure what the hell was going on with your body, because you'd spent the week despising the man in front of you, but now a simple hand on your wrist and a laugh had you blushing like a schoolgirl.
“So what if I am aroused? You're touching me, you have me pinned against the wall, really this is your fault, Agent.”
“It's Doctor, but you can call me Spencer. Or you can go back to another colourful insult if you'd prefer?”
“You're pretty full of yourself, I thought you came to apologise.”
“I did, it's not exactly me that is acting like they want to be filled right now though.”
“Jackass,” you snapped, as he lowered his hand around to cup your ass, finally allowing himself a tiny hint at the smirk you'd predicted earlier.
You gasped as he took a handful of your ass and pulled you flush against him.
“I want to say sorry, I want to make it up to you. I'm being quite charitable here.”
“Charity, my dear Doctor, is where you give something and expect nothing in return. It seems like you want something in return.” You spat the words again but you let your hands press lightly against his chest, waiting for him to make the next move as you played with the buttons of his shirt.
“I'd be more than happy to do that, too.”
You weren't sure who reached for who, or which one of you made the first push, but you were suddenly joined together by your lips, each of you battling furiously for dominance.
Your hands pushed up desperately, clawing into his long, busy strands and pulling him down further into you as you worked against him.
He was still stronger than you though, so when he forced your head back an inch, you moved out of necessity.
“Is that enough, or should I keep apologising?”
“Nowhere near enough, jacka-” he cut you off by pushing the tip of his thumb into your mouth, using one of his legs to spread yours so he could nuzzle himself between them.
“Why so quiet now? We couldn't shut you up in those interrogation rooms, but now you're so polite and obedient.” You moaned around his thumb as he stroked your tongue, encouraging you to suck it.
You didn't need much instruction, desperate now to show off your superior skills to the man in front of you.
“That's it, show me how much you want it, my little whore.”
His hand slipped into your pants quietly, but you twitched as his hands feathered their way along your pelvic bone, twitching at the sensitivity of the connection.
His hands slipped into your panties and you knew immediately it was over for you. You were so wet, and he was going to be able to tell just how much you apparently wanted him.
You moaned as he roughly pushed your pants down, finger teasing your cunt through your panties as you still struggled to suck his thumb so you didn't make any louder noises.
“You're enjoying this.” It was no longer a question, but a confident statement, no curiosity but simple satisfaction at how good he was making you feel.
He pulled his thumb from your mouth, rubbing some saliva across your lips to make them shine before he turned you around and pushed you up against the wall. Your hands barely pushed out in from of you before your chest collided with the wall, and he was close behind you.
As he coaxed your panties down your legs, you closed your eyes and tried to keep your breathing steady, desperately clinging to some high ground where you could find it.
His fingers were hot and long, and they quickly found your clit and got to work as he ground his hard cock against your bare ass.
His pants were still on, but you could feel the outline of his dick against you, hips rutting back into him with each flick of his wrist.
“Now, come on Y/N. You said it's not charity if I receive something in return, right?” He whispered into your ear as you tried to reach behind you to grab his dick.
“We're going to take this nice and slow, and you're going to enjoy all of it.”
His fingers slowed to an aching pace as he finally pushed a first digit inside of you. His hips finished moving and his free hand held you still too, so the only friction was coming from that one hand between your legs, practically edging you.
“Fuck me, just fuck me Spencer.” You moaned in frustration.
“Doctor.” He whispered in your ear, the glee in his voice igniting your hatred of him all over again.
“What?” You spat out.
“Call me Doctor Reid, and I'll give you anything you want. You want to cum, right?”
His fingers kept their slow pace, and you could feel yourself growing more impatient, even as you grit your teeth together.
“Fuck me, Doctor Reid.”
“What about please?”
“Fuck you.” You instantly regretted your words when he pulled his hands off your body completely, retreating further into your house.
“No, shit, wait.-”
You scrambled after him as he took a seat on your couch, removing his jacket and loosening his already dishevelled tie.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He asked, palming himself through his pants as he watched you practically fall at his feet, needing his hands back on you.
“I want you to f-fuck me, please Doctor Reid.” He nodded slightly, pulling your remaining clothing off as he responded.
“That's a good little slut.” He led your hand over his cock and let you undo the buttons and pull him out. You needed no other instructions as he leaned back and pulled your legs into a firmer position.
You gave his cock a few strokes before lifting your hips and sinking back down onto him.
“So fucking wet for me, you were so aroused, baby.”
He didn't let you control the pace, but held your hips still just above him as he began pushing into you from below, lifting his hips to fill you up with each thrust.
You couldn't bite back the screams as his balls slapped against you, Spencer trying his best to fit his entire length into you with each deep thrust. You wanted to kill the man only an hour earlier, and now you were sure you wanted to have him inside you like this forever.
“Oh fuck, just like that, just like that Spencer please!”
Your hand drifted down to your cunt and you're began to rub feverishly, even as you felt the pressure build up from your gut.
The pressure was almost unbearable and before you knew it you were squirting on his cock, fingers splashing wave after wave of your arousal over his cock and clothes.
“Already squirting for me? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me, Y/N. I guess you are just a little whore.”
You twitched, but couldn't respond, as he began thrusting sloppier than ever before, grunting in your ear as he finally joined you in your mess.
His grip on your hip slipped as he finally started cumning, and you moaned feeling him so deep as he gathered you in his arms and pulled you chest to chest.
You sat there panting together for an eternity before you even thought about detangling your limbs from one another.
“You made a mess of my fucking sofa.” You said as you finally rose up slightly, looking down at the mess beneath you.
“No, Y/N, that was you. I simply helped.”
You gasped as he laughed at you again, pulling your hips back down over his so you couldn't slide off his cock again.
“Don't act so scandalised when I can feel just how much that turned you on. You're enjoying this.”
You pouted a little, but let your head fall back against his chest.
“And what if I am, Agent Reid?”
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yorsgirl · 2 months
Perfect Choice
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Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Sukuna didn't know getting you as his girlfriend would mean he had to step up and watch you try on a hundred dresses.
In which you take Sukuna for dress shopping.
Tropes: Fluff, Established relationship
Warnings: suggestive, No Curse AU, Human!Sukuna, Sukuna is Sukuna, healthy relationship, kinda OOC, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n.
Word count: 2.7k
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Sukuna didn't sign up for this.
Watching you choose through a rack of dresses wasn't on his list of fun things. It was a chore, at most. He'd much rather be sitting before his PC with his headphones on and play COD than be standing in a fashion boutique.
"Aww c'mon, don't make that face now," You stifle the urge to chuckle at his obviously irritated expression.
He rolls his eyes, pushing his hand in his pocket. He should have never agreed to accompany you in your little find the right dress expedition.
And he would have said no, if only you didn't conjure your eyes into one of the cutest baby faces while jutting out your lower lip. On top of that, you had to go with the little – Please, at the end.
How could he not give in?
God, he was weak in front of that expression. Not that he'll ever admit it out loud. But he thinks, you already know that.
"Would you like to try that on, Ma'am?" An attendant approaches the both of you, gesturing to the dress you have in hand.
You pursue your lips and nod, "Yes but I would like to see some more."
"May I know the type of dress you require?"
"An evening gown," You knit your eyebrows but keep the smile. "Its a formal party so if you could..." You trail off and the attendant gets the message as she points the trial room for you and leaves to get some more dress which you can try.
"When will this end?" Sukuna sighs and mutters under his breath.
"When I find my dress, come." You turn on your heels and start walking.
"Why should I?" He asks exasparately.
"Don't you want to see me try them on?"
"I don't care."
"Well, too bad." You give him a sheepish smile. "You have to. Now, follow." You command, skipping over to the trial rooms to which he grumbles something under his breath but follows regardless.
There are four trial rooms, each one has a stool with multiple hooks on the left wall and two full length mirrors. Outside, a small yet broad lane passes before them with a common full length mirror situated on one wall. Opposite to which there is a white couch.
Good for both of you, its a weekday so there isn't much rush and the trial rooms are free. The attendant returns with a few other dresses, hangs them up in a room and leaves.
You look at Sukuna, "Just cause you agreed to come, I will let you have the first pick." You point to the flurry of dresses hanging on the hooks.
Pick a dress? Like he knows anything about them in the first place. His crimson eyes flicker with annoyance as they narrow, "Just wear whatever you want, woman."
"I will wear whatever you pick." You say confidently and his lip twitches but he doesn't let the smirk show yet.
"I don't know shit about your shitty dresses."
"Then you'll learn something, today." You tease which earns you a scowl from him. "Pick one."
He groans, momentarily glancing up at the ceiling then turning to the dresses. He doesn't even take two seconds before pointing the one at center.
"Fine," With a smile on your face, you enter the trial room and start to get changed.
He sighs and sits down on the couch. It'd be a long day but at least he gets to sit.
Sukuna wants to laugh. Previously, he wouldn't have taken a second look at these stores and now he is waiting for you to get changed in any of them and put on a show for him.
Just what have you reduced him into? He swears, you are a witch behind that pretty facade.
Three minutes later, he hears the door being unlocked. You come out and you are... glaring at him.
"Your choice sucks." You declare as soon as you step out of the trial room.
Sukuna has to stifle the snort on the brink of his lips. He obviously didn't care while making the pick and its showing. You are wearing the orange dress he chose and it's a clear indication that it's a - No. With a large bow on the black waistband and the number of layers of skirt, it looks like you are inflated.
But your fury is amusing so he retorts back, "You're my choice."
"Yeah, the only place it did not suck."  You shoot back and march inside the trial room without waiting for his response. Finally, he can let out the snicker.
You come out a few minutes later wearing a green dress. You take a spin, "So?"
"Add feathers and wings, you can cosplay a parrot." He mocks.
"Still better than your pick."
"Really? You are picking this?" He raises an eyebrow, you stay silent and walk back into the trial room. The answer is clear. No.
You come out wearing another one, its got a white bodice, a pink belt and a dark (he doesn't know what exactly it is except it looks like the middle color between grey and blue) skirt. The conclusion is apparent: it's hideous.
"And you got the nerve to say my choice sucks?" He lips curl up into a smirk and you glare at him.
"We all have our moments." You shrug, taking a twirl in it. Looking at your reflection, you grunt, "God, I look ugly."
"The dress is ugly," He corrects, leaning back on the couch, just then the attendant returns. His eyes move to her, lips curving down in a disapproving grin. "What are you, blind?
"Does your choice range from a grandma to clowns?" He remarks with a roll of his eyes.
"Sukuna!" You exclaim in panic. Forcing a smile on your lips, you glance at the attendant. "Ah- sorry, he didn't mean that..."
"Of course I di–"
"We'd see something in different style," You say before your boyfriend can run his mouth. You shoot him a glare and he shoots back another.
Keep your mouth shut.
Try me.
It's like you are communicating with eyes alone and a grin stretches on his lips and boy... that isn't good news. He is again about to say something but you speak first.
"Can you bring us something more modern and maybe... formal?"
"As you say, ma'am." The attendant answers politely, walking out of the room.
You shoot Sukuna a scowl, "Are you crazy?"
"I call it honesty." He says with conviction. "Don't tell me you really liked any one of these shits."
He may not be a dress expert but he knows a good outfit when he sees one and among the ones you tried on, they are level below of what is considered good.
He knows he's right, your frown shows as you shake your head.
You again vanish into the changing room, the attendant arrives with a few more dresses for you before leaving you two alone again.
"I'll be quick."
He hears you from inside and he wants to say - make it quicker, but he can't. The last thing he wants is you sulking all day cause you couldn't find your perfect dress. And even though, you wouldn't bother him but he will be bothered just by looking at that expression.
"Take your time, I am here."
You don't answer but he thinks you have heard him. For the next fifteen minutes, you try on a few dresses. They are better than the first three, still not up to the mark. Either mobility is a problem or the fabric being tight around certain areas or the color being unflattering.
Sukuna has his phone out and he is scrolling through his messages when he hears you curse from the trial room (his ears are sharp).
"What happened?" He asks, standing up from the couch.
"This is... bad."
"How much?"
"Borderline stripper."
That catches his interest, his eyebrow twitches. Would something really that revealing be in a fashion boutique? Considering, its one of the posh stores in city, the chances are slim.
"Can't be."
"It is," You quickly reply.
"Prove me wrong then," He adds, crossing his hands over his chest. "Come out."
You don't speak for a minute and he opens his mouth but you croak out a, "come here." Sukuna obliges quickly, standing before your door when the lock turns and he sees you.
It's like all his blood ran down to his manhood.
You are wearing a black full sleeved dress. The color is flattering. And it would have been fine if it was just that but it isn't.
The V neckline runs too deep to the end of your chest, revealing your skin and your side breasts. A shimmering belt adorns your waist, a slit emerges from your right thigh giving him the full view of your exposed leg.
Sukuna could feel his throat going dry and stomach tightening. His finger twitches and he wants to feel your skin on his. He swallows a lump, trying to keep himself from staring at your tits which would have spilled out if not for the tight fabric (as if that does any good either as it only sticks to you as a second skin). He tears his eyes off the cleavage window, returning to your face.
And what? This is a no. He wants to say that.
The dress itself isn't bad and you look good in it. But its too revealing and he's too much of a selfish man to let the lust filled eyes of those shitheads from campus wander on your body.
No, that's not permeable. No way in hell is he going to let others see you in that way.
He clears his throat and answers, "If you want everyone looking at your chest then go on."
"Told you, its bad." You place your hand on your waist and lean a bit forward. He has to resist his eyes from wandering below to your breasts and cleavage which is accentuated by your new pose.
A fire alights in his body and his thoughts are flickering to a direction he doesn't want them to. Still, the temptation of running his fingertips on your– NO.
He shakes his head. "Remove this dress."
You need to remove this dress. He needs you out of this dress.
He pauses before quickly adding, "change into another."
Yeah, that's what he meant, obviously. You need to change into another dress.
You nod and pivot around, he is trying not to stare at your the curve of your ass. You push your hair to one side, glancing at him from the periphery. "Can you uh... can you unzip it? The sleeves are tight."
The dress was already enough of a problem, now your insane request.
He complies wordlessly. Each second feels like eternity to him, your zipper comes down in a agonizing slow pace. And he has to refrain himself from pressing his lips on your nape.
He steps away from the room as the door closes. He clenches his fist and curses under his breath, "Fuck..."
"I'll take a trip to the washroom." He shouts to let you know and is stomping out before you can answer.
He doesn't realize that his face is red and he is sweating until he reaches the stalls.
Now you are staring at yourself on the common mirror of the lane.
A pink gown reaching till your ankles, its got poofy sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Sequins adorns the bodice, small glitter stars on the white net over the skirt.
Sukuna watches from behind you, his arms folded over his chest. A ghost of a smile on his lips, "Like it, princess?"
You raise an eyebrow, glancing at him from the mirror. The corner of your lip curls involuntarily, "Princess?"
"Do look like one while wearing that." He answers.
You know it's not his attempt at flirting, he's being honest but the your cheeks tinge just a bit of red.
You playfully roll your eyes, pushing the strands of hair from your eyes, "I am more eligible for a queen."
He already believes you are his queen. But he'd never say it out loud to you but anyone who knows him, they know that you are his queen. You are his.
"Like it or not?" He questions again, watching as your fingertips glide over the garment.
Pressing on the larger sequins and the broach placed over your heart. He notes the uncertainty clear in your expression, the hesitance clear. You are bothered, somehow.
"I mean... it's good and the color's nice and there- there's no problem but its uh..." You pause, trying to find the right words. "What should I say? It's Uhm..."
"Too much?" He offers.
"Too much."
His crimson irises meet yours in the mirror. The tender stare isn't missed, stark contrast to his attitude half an hour ago. No words are spoken in between but its almost like a conversation is held in gaze alone.
After a second, both of your lips stretches into a smile (his looks like a smirk more).
"Am I indecisive?"
"You have tried almost ten dresses, woman." He states with a roll of eyes. "Of course, you are."
You frown and Sukuna wants to hit himself for making that comment.
"I can take thi–"
"Now don't settle for something which you obviously don't like," He interrupts you. "The last thing I want is my girl wearing something she hates."
You have to pinch your lips together to not let the smile show but it's damn difficult when he has that smirk on his face and blood rushes to your cheek.
There's just something that happens when he calls you his.
You march up to the changing room, "Want to make another awful choice for me?"
His answer would have been no but he can't say that cause he wants to pick a dress for you.
No, he wouldn't admit that it's fun. He is just... amused. Yes, amused.
He looks at the dresses again. And by look, he is actually looking. Analyzing the styles, colors and fabric before he points the one at right.
"Red it is," You affirm and step into the room again.
He leans against the wall of the common area, scrolling through his phone to kill time. But the wait is killing him and the device doesn't distract his impatience to see you in his pick.
After a minute, he hears your voice, "This is it."
Curiosity plagues him again, he straightens himself up and you step outside.
You are glowing.
Sukuna's breath hitches in his throat, eyes widening just slightly. He takes every inch of your form, engraving it in his mind.
The dress isn't one with complex designs or embellishments. A simple off-shoulder red dress reaching till your ankles accentuating the waist and the skirt then flows all the way out.
Less is more; whoever said that, they were damn right.
However, it isn't the dress that has him transfixed. It's the fact that you are smiling. You are twirling. You are posing. You are beaming.
"It's perfect," You tell him, taking a spin as the skirt twirls in the air and you giggle like a kid.
It is. The dress is perfect. You are perfect.
"Like it, princess?" He asks even though he knows the answer, he wants to hear it from you.
You look at him with disbelief still with the smile. "Like it? Oh no, I don't like it. I love it."
You skip over to him, still beaming. Standing on your tip toes, you press your lips on his cheek. "Thank you." You express while grinning.
You don't get a second to react when Sukuna grabs your chin, tilting your face aside and smashes his lips on yours. Heat rushes to your face when you feel him smirk against your lips.
The curve of his mouth still remains even when he lets you go. "Thank me properly, princess."
"Will this nickname go on?"
He pushes a strand of your hair back your ear, "Now and forever." He pulls you in for a kiss again and you happily oblige.
When he is driving you back home, the dress packed in a bag and rests in the backseat. You are still smiling while looking out the window.
He keeps on taking secret glimpses of you once in a while. A thought stick his mind.
Sure, he never signed up for this but he is 100% sure that he made the perfect choice.
Either in dress or you.
He has made the perfect choice.
His hand involuntarily reaches for yours which rests on your thigh. Interlocking your fingers, he brings it up and brushes his lips on the back of your hand.
You take a peek at him which he returns it with a grin, his canines glinting in the dim light.
"Next time you go shopping, you are calling me."
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A/N: There's a lack of Sukuna fluff in tumblr and I was in desperate need for some soft moments. Hence, I wrote this. Hope you liked it! Likes and comments are appreciated :)
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 month
Hello again, I hope you are having a good day. May I please request for Yandere Nanami wherein he miscalculates how long his business trip would be and he comes home to emotionally wrecked and hungry darling ( He locked them in the closest as a punishment prior) which leads to hurt comfort between the two
Nanami opened the front door and kicked off his shoes, sighing in disappointment at his timing and at how late at night he got back at. Traffic was terrible, his shoes weren't as comfortable as they were this morning, and he missed you terribly. He ran his fingers through his hair that no longer mattered now that he was indoors and put his suitcase out of sight.
He was going to call out that he was home, but reminded himself that he still had you cooped up in that shitty basement. He walked through the house and into the kitchen to finally get you a glass of water. He was only supposed to be on that business trip for around two days and be back home by the time the third day ended. The basement was very spacious, but even he had his limits in there. Which is why it was a great punishment, in his mind. He had enough of your mouth and you attempted to escape after almost sending him over the edge all in one day. But he still worried for you. There were no lights or any sense of comfort in there. At this point, he just wants you in his arms again. The thought makes his heart race in excitement. You must feel so lonely, feel so anxious, so cold, and
You freeze when you turn and see Nanami standing a few feet away from you, watching you shove your fifth slice of bread into your mouth. The two of you mirrored the same look of horror as you acknowledged one another. Nanami's face contorts into one of realization while yours continues to drop. Your stomach twists in fear at the sight of your captor finding you outside of your confinement and suddenly you feel nauseous and no longer desire any kind of elements of nutrition.
Pieces of food that weren't swallowed fall out of your mouth in fear and surprise and you scatter off to the nearest room with a lock and you slam it shut, fiddling with the lock and somehow manage to turn it with terribly shaky hands. It's hard to breath and you hyperventilate as you scoot into a corner, keeping yourself huddled.
Kento was still stuck in place, his mouth open in complete shock. You had ransacked the entire kitchen. He lets his eyes scan over everything on the ground. Almost nothing in the cabinets or fridge was left untouched, so many things left open and touched by his poor, poor girl's fingers. Juice, crackers, the bread you tore into, butter, cereal, refrigerated rice, half-eaten boxes of vegetables and fruits, uncooked noodles......it didn't end there.
The more his eyes found laying around, the heavier his heart got. This was all his fault. He didn't mean to......do this to you. Not at all. His eyes flutter shut as he rubs them, a sigh leaving his mouth. This wasn't supposed to happen. He inhaled sharply to gather more courage to step past the obvious signs of severe neglect he had done to you.
He could hear your fast-paced breathing from outside of the guest-bedroom and shakes his head in shame. He was so fucking ashamed of being so irresponsible with taking care of you. He was supposed to be your lover, your caretaker, the one you should be able to trust. But it seems like he can't even do any of those things right. He was wrong. "I'm sorry." His throat felt like it was constricting his vocals as he chokes out the apology. No kind of words or affirmations could change what he did to you and he wanted to be able to help you see that.
His face was so close to the door, as if he could speak through it into your heart. The last thing he'd do is force you into anything. He deserved to work for your trust back. "I'm so sorry, baby, please." There wasn't much he could make himself say. His ears picked up on your silent sobs and he dropped his forehead on the door, his hands on it as well. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna see you. It's been so long, hm? Since we last saw each other? I just want to hold you."
You didn't know how to feel. You just did something so very, very wrong. This is the type of behavior that gets you in the basement and a chain on your ankle for decoration. You broke out and practically flipped the kitchen upside-down. What isn't he going to do to you??? You didn't even realize yourself speaking through your tears. Constant 'leave me alone's slipped through your lips as you cried. You were so damn scared of what he'd do to you.
Outside the door, Kento shakes his head at your words and presses the side of his face to the door to hear you better. "No, no, no, no, baby. I won't hurt you, I promise. Can you please trust me just this once? I just want to make sure you're okay. You're hungry, I can tell. Just let me help you and you can get all of the food you want, okay??" Kento shakes the doorknob subconsciously, which makes you gasp in fear. Kento flinches away from it when he hears you make the sound and immediately and tells you he won't do it again.
He continues trying to verbally sooth you through the door, telling you repeatedly that it's okay. "....Everyone has limits. And I pushed you to yours." You wipe your face of your tears and push yourself to your feet.
Slowly, you hesitate, but take your quiet steps towards the door. Nanami can't hear anything on the other side. Are you okay? Why are you quiet? Are you trying to escape through the window??? It's bolted. Never mind. He's worried. "Darling?" He silently whispers. All he gets is the sound of his own breaths.
Then the loud sound of the lock clicks and he takes a step back. The door cracks open, extremely slowly. It's almost impossible to tell. You only leave enough space to look through about 1 inch to peek at him through the door. And even with that much to look at, he can tell you are so scared. He shouldn't have done this. The constant anxiety this is giving him continues to make his stomach cramp. A wobbly smile makes its way onto his face. "There she is! Can you-.....please let me take you out of that room?" He stumbles over his words, his arms awkwardly spreading out to seem as if he's friendly.
The silence you let grow only leaves room for more interpretation. You just stare at him with that stone cold eye. Almost as if you're trying to see through him. But nothing is hiding behind his face but the constant stress he's getting from stressing you out. He obviously loves you too much. He gets overprotective sometimes.
You open the door and step out and his shoulders relax as he very carefully looks over you. You used the bucket. Which was good. So, you were at least somewhat clean. You just looked.....hungry. Your face seemed slimmer, your eyes sunken in exhaustion(not that much, but he's great at details when it comes to you).
Before you could stop him, he was cleaning the kitchen and got to running you a bath and making dinner.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 month
Moonlight Waves
Yan Alien Human Guy Person + Jellyfish Hybrid Reader 
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None, pure fluff
“If you put some thought into it…The ocean and space have a lot in common.” 
Vast, boundless frontiers- Depths and reach never to be fully unveiled to the eyes of man. All imposing surfaces blanketing both heaven and earth. Two opposing bodies that on nights just like this might align, conjoined by midnight and the luminous orb mirrored upon them both. The full moon was a blessed companion for those who found themselves alone on eves similar to this- Solace and guidance found in her radiance. 
“Whelp- Guess it's time to throw myself.”
Wiser folk have said desperate times call for desperate measures- While there were lesser extremes he could have gone to, this seemed like the quickest solution to their predicament. Twenty-four years on this planet and they had still yet to conquer the strenuous feat that was learning how to swim. His mothers were gentle in their upbringing- Apparently too gentle as they never pressured their child into braving the horrors of the swimming pool. On one hand, the biggest factor to their child's fear may have been the fact that it was their neighbor’s pool - and it'd be quite difficult to explain the eerie glow to their toddler's tears and the stains they left on clothing. 
They were fine with it early on, but as he grew - Alien realized how much he was missing out on being unable to swim. Most humans know how to swim by their age anyway which would give less credit to his claims of an earth born and raised member of the population….Which they were regardless of whether or not they knew how to swim.
Alien squares his shoulders, testing the binds of  numerous weights anchoring various parts of their body. Unsatisfied with the distribution, he plucks a stone from the moist sand surrounding his legs - unfastening the velcro of their right breast pocket and adding it to the collection. A horde of trinkets ranging from shells to stones to a couple marbles crowded each pocket from the vest they wore down to the swimming trunks they purchased for the occasion. So what if his body was more buoyant than the average human being- requiring additional weight to avoid floating off into the endless sea. Alien had always been a scrawny person-
“That should be enough- Wait…Is that?” 
Srounging for more space to stuff the final stone, a gentle glow envelopes their fingertips following a faint- snap! Alien pushes the rocks and shells aside, wrestling the shining band from beneath them with minimal effort. 
*Jackpot! I thought I used all of these already. With this baby on, I'm definitely ready for this. Wish me luck up here!”
Alien gazes up at the moon as they slip the glow-stick bracelet onto their arm. It's the last thing they see as their legs carry the rest of them towards the end of the cliff. Had it not been a full moon or the sky so clear- tonight may have gone different for them. They could've swallowed their pride, and went to bed with intentions to sign up for the nearest swim class come morning. Realistically, Alien knew he'd never go through with that plan, but it was nice in theory. Safer too-
Head lost in the cloudless sky, Alien yelps as the ground is swept from beneath them - their screams swiftly snuffed by gallons of water as they're dragged into a plummet off the cliff's edge. Their body connects with the sea, pockets of air bubbling to the surface from the force at which they collide. The oxygen escaping him would have been alarming - had they any need for it. Whether they could hold their breath or their biology simply skipped the stage where their lungs depended on air was a secret they'd take to the grave. 
Sinking fast, Alien realizes what some might call a flaw in their ingenious plan. 
Perhaps, just maybe, they potentially added too much weight for them to claw their way back to the surface.
Ah well. 
Since they're already down here, there's no harm in exploring. Hard to see much beyond the gleam of their jewelry dangling freely around their wrist, but they dig the vibe of it all - drifting weightlessly without aim or reason. The deeper they dove, the brighter the natural fluorescence of their skeleton bled through their skin. Alien had heard of a condition that made people's skin slightly yellow before. Surely the green glow of their bones had to be in the same family. The shine widens their range of sight. By now, it was hard to decipher which way they were facing. The moon had long since faded from view….
Oh, wait. There it is..
Is it?
Stranging their eyes through the blackened depths of the ocean, Alien can clearly make something out miles away from them - shrouded by a halo of light. It almost mimics their guideless descent - floating off course before gradually aligning itself in a mostly linear ascent towards them. That alone was enough evidence whatever they were looking at was not the moon. The fluctuation of its surface and the four, almost crescent shaped markings atop only served as further proof. Inch by inch, as the space between them grew narrow, Alien could make out more of its features. Flowing tendrils, a pair of arms floating freely at its sides, a face adorned with a dopey smile. 
Face to face, the near angelic like figure raises one of its hands - waving its fingers at the unfamiliar face within its territory. Alien’s eyes tighten from the phosphorescence of the creature's skin. Ignoring the sting, Alien lifts his own hand, mirroring the entity’s motions. The corners of its smile peak higher upon its face, head following the dim glow of their bracelet. The lightly draws focus to the stones bulging from his pockets. The creature's grin falters into tight lipped confusion.
Alien struggles to make a sound as its hands paw at the straps of their pockets. Successfully tearing the sleeve open, the creature yanks out every rock, every shell- It pauses briefly to marvel at the eye of the marbles in Alien's pocket before shoving them beneath the cap of their head as they continue. Depleting their vest of its contents was all it took to send Alien on their upwards rise towards the surface. The angel waves again before swimming its way to the top, gliding gracefully as a true angel would through the sky. It grabs onto Alien's wrist, tugging him along with them as he apparently took too long for their liking.
Alien could only watch on in awe as the darkness peeled away - moonlight adding on to the ethereal, otherworldly glimmer that was this being and its flesh. Could this be Alien's first encounter with an extraterrestrial? There was no possible way a creature of this radiance was from earth. They just couldn't be-
The creature releases their hold on Alien's wrist as they breach air. Alien finds himself searching for their touch, and another item he appeared to be missing. The angel, the only term Alien found fit for them, wandered towards the shore without him- back facing the sand as they spun a glowing band around their finger. Alien channels the knowledge of every training video they viewed before their trip as they doggy paddle in the general direction of the shore. Thankfully, there was still enough weight in their shorts to keep them perfectly balanced between drifting off and going under. 
The energy is depleted from their very soul by the time they reach their destination. The angel sits with its lower half still bathed by the oncoming tide, rolling a marble through the crystalized sand. It throws its arm into the air as Alien appears.
The angel waves. Alien, running on fumes and the strange heartache that would come from not reciprocating their kind gesture- waves back.
The angel helps Alien sit upright, returning the marbles they had borrowed back into the land dweller’s pocket from which they can. Alien fishes out of the marble they saw the angel toy with and gives it back to them.
“Keep that one… So-  you got a name?” 
The angel’s mouth falls open in a “O” of both surprise and honor at the present. They brush the sand smooth before rolling the marble through it once more. Inspecting their craft, Alien can make out letters the further along the angel continues.
“Y/n? That's your name?”
You clap your hands in praise, sound and ferocity increased by the wetness of your palms. Cute. 
“You, uh, come here often?”
The point of your finger towards the water states the obvious fact that you live here. A murmur akin to laughter slips past your lips at that one. 
“You got me there… The sea’s pretty big, though. What I'm asking is can I see you again?”
You tap a finger to your chin in thought, head dipping towards the bracelet now hanging from your own wrist. You point to it, hope and wonder present in your grin. 
“You like the bracelet? You can keep that too. I can bring you more if that's what you're asking.”
Clapping again, you latch onto Alien's side - merging your fingers with theirs as you hold them both to the sky. Moonlight pours through your skin and theirs, transparency muddled by the existence of their bones. Your head falls to their chest- a whisper so quiet they almost missed it. 
“Like me…” 
They're glad that they didn't. 
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dreamescapeswriting · 10 months
Room of Mirrors
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Fem!Reader
GENRE: established relationships, unrequited love, hidden feelings, kissing, SMUT MINORS DNI, house of mirrors, mirror sex, unprotected sex, lots of fluffy at the end,
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2023
Ten years was a long time to be in love with someone, even longer if you were forced to be that person's best friend for those ten years but that was your reality. It didn't matter how long you'd tried to hold back your feelings for Yoongi, with each passing day they only grew deeper and stronger. Even when you tried to pick him apart and find icks, it was damn near impossible for you not to be attracted to him and it killed you inside.
It wasn't just because he would never see you as anything more than a friend but because years and years ago, when you were both in college together one drunken Halloween night had led to something you were never going to forget. A night of drunken sex and no regrets on your part. You'd woken up the next morning with a giant smile on your face, rolling over ready to greet Yoongi only to find the sheets cold and empty with no sign of him ever being there except the dull aching inside of your chest as you realised he must have regretted sleeping with you.
After that night it was never brought up again, the subject was never touched upon and Yoongi went on like nothing had ever happened. As if you hadn't spent the most amazing night of your life together and he went back to being your best friend.
"I'm telling you, you're going to love this place. Yn and I come every year," Yoongi told his third date of the week. It was getting closer to the holiday season and so Yoongi was looking for someone to spend it with. You'd seen him do this every year for god knows how long, he'd find someone willing enough to spend the colder seasons with him only to let them go as the new year came around. Maybe it was because he wanted someone to cuddle up to at night or maybe he was just a player but you hated this side of him. Not just because you wanted to be the girl he took back to his place every cold night and cuddle with either.
"I don't really enjoy being scared," Summer shyly said as she flipped her long black hair over her shoulder and glanced in your direction. She seemed like such a lovely girl and you hated how jealous you were that it was her on this date and not you. You weren't exactly sure why you'd agreed to come on a date with Yoongi when you were going to spend the whole thing third-wheeling him,
"I can protect you," Yoongi smirked, grabbing her ass and squeezing it softly the mere action making you want to throw up at the sight of it. Couldn't he keep that shit to a minimum while you were around? The last thing you needed to see was the love of your life fawning over so many other girls.
"Yoongi, Yn is right there!" Summer gasped out slapping his hand away from her ass and moving away, You rolled your eyes a little trying to ignore the aching in your chest as you paid for three tickets to the House of Tricks. It wasn't even a scary attraction, it was just a circus house with different treats inside each room, your favourite place to go was the room of mirrors.
It was the one place that no one could hide and for some reason that really spoke to you. No one could mask their feelings because you'd see it in every single reflection you could see.
"Let's just have fun," Yoongi said as he stood near you, your eyes glancing at him before looking forward again. How could he do this? Bring dates along with you as if you were just one of the guys, did you really mean nothing to him? One night of fun for Yoongi and that was enough to determine you weren't worth anything more than his friendly side...Without even talking to you first.
"Yn, let's go to the magic show...We can leave Yoongi to explore on his own." Summer said, before you even had a chance to protest her she'd linked her arm with yours and began to walk with you in the direction of one of the rooms.
"I thought you were on a date with Yoongi." You mumbled trying to get away from her as quickly as possible. All of the girls Yoongi dated were the same, superficial airheads that didn't seem to care for you being Yoongi's best friend and would do everything that they could to get you away from him. Not that you blamed them, they probably saw you as a threat and thought you'd never do anything to jeopardise Yoongi's date no matter how jealous you were of him.
"Dante the Great!" Someone boomed out as you and Summer walked through the door and took a seat in the back of the room, watching the show-up front. A tall man with dark hair stood in the centre of the room, a top hat on his head and a dark rose tattooed on his left hand.
"I will amaze you with my performance," He told everyone but your attention was suddenly on Summer who was eyeing you up closely.
"What's Yoongi like? I don't want to date him if he's playing me." She told you bluntly, your heart racing a little as you stared back at her,
"He's-" But before you could speak she shook her head at you and gave you a pleading look, a look that could seriously come from a puppy and it made your heart clench.
"From girl to girl, please tell me seriously. Is he going to hump and dump?" Your mouth suddenly felt drier than the desert and you had no idea what to even tell her,
"Yoongi is great," You admitted, licking your lips a little as you tried to give yourself a little time to think of what you could say. You weren't about to intentionally ruin his date,
"He's sweet and he's kind, he might come across as a little...harsh to everyone else but he's," You bit your lip a little as you thought about him,
"He's incredible. No matter what time of day it is, if you ever need anything he's there for you. He'll move mountains to help you with anything you need and not to mention he'd climb through barbed wire to make sure you're never hurt." She stared at you, smiling a little as she listened to you talking about him but once you'd started you weren't sure you were ever going to stop.
"He makes you feel as though you're the only girl in the world, that no one else matters because he's there with you. And if you ever say something stupid he'll never laugh at you with it, maybe in the future when you can both laugh but he's never one to be cruel. Never one to be mean," You looked down at your hands, you'd never admitted any of this to anyone not even your diary got to see this side of how you felt about Yoongi.
"He's great, Summer...You should date him," You mumbled a little trying not to get carried away with how you were speaking and you slowly looked up to see her staring back at you with a smirk on her face.
"Summer?" You laughed awkwardly trying to get her to look away from you but she narrowed her eyes at you and shook her head a little.
"I should have seen it before," She told you as she smiled weakly, reaching her hand out and rubbing her thumb along your knuckles.
"You're in love with Yoongi, right?" Your whole world stopped as you stared at her, if she'd seen it so easily why hadn't he?
"That obvious?" You looked away from her, looking at the show as Dante made a rabbit appear from his hat before giving it to someone in the front row. Your eyes glanced back at Summer as she looked at you with a pitiful look on her face,
"Not until you started talking about him, does he know?" You shook your head in answer to her question and she sighed at you,
"Take it from someone who knows from experience. It's better to tell him than to watch him fuck everyone else instead of you." You knew that she was right but were you really about to take advice from her when she was on a date with the man you were in love with?
"But we had one night together, he left without a word about it." You shrugged your shoulders as she stood up, you followed her and made your way out of the room and into the hallway. Yoongi was waiting in line for the mirrored room and you glanced at Summer once again who smiled weakly.
"Look, from girl to girl. If he does that then he's not worth the time of day, but if your feelings are that deep for him, talk." She told you before hugging you tightly, Yoongi frowned from the other side of the hall wondering what had happened between you for this to happen.
On all of the dates Yoongi had been on or had ever bought you to meet you'd never once hugged one of them or seemed as nice toward them.
"Summer. I thought we could go into the mirrored room." He called out as she walked toward him, kissing his cheek softly.
"I'm not really feeling us as a match," She told him plainly as he stared at her. Not feel them as a match? They'd barely spend any time together for her to determine whether or not she even liked his hair cut how could she just walk off? He barely had time to protest before she walked out of the house leaving you and Yoongi alone together.
"Next couple please," The man at the door announced as Yoongi stepped up, you walked toward him before he walked into the room with an unimpressed look on his face. The door behind you shut and locked and you were left alone, just you and Yoongi and your 100 reflections all staring back at you, Yoongi wasn't in front of you and you weren't exactly sure which Yoongi was even the real him but he was glaring in your direction.
"What did you say to her?" He snarled making your heart rate rocket,
"I didn't say anything bad," You told him as you looked around trying to find where he was standing but he kept on the move, making you follow him as you stretched your hands out in front of you trying not to smash your head into glass.
"But clearly it was enough to scare her away." He growled out, he was sick of his dates not working out anymore. Now that it was closer to the colder seasons it was going to get impossible to ignore the date that was coming up. The anniversary of when he'd almost fucked everything up between you and him.
Halloween all those years ago, one drunken night and one you'd forgotten and he was thankful for. When he'd woken up the morning after he'd rushed out of the dorm room to go and grab food and rethink everything that had happened the nights previous. When you'd come to meet him you'd never bought up the night before and he just knew you'd not remembered a single thing.
Now every Halloween when the night would come around he needed a different girl to get lost in, a different girl so he wouldn't throw himself down at your feet and ask for another night just like the one you'd shared years ago.
"She asked me what you were like, I was honest and told her everything." You shrugged, it wasn't a lie and Yoongi could tell. Fuck, he could read you like a book and he hated that. You were everything to him and all he really wanted to do right now was throw himself at you and kiss you.
"She was boring anyway," He admitted, slowly coming out from behind you and holding your hips in his hands, the small contact sending shivers vibrating throughout your entire body. Your eyes locked with his in the mirror in front of you,
"Tell me what you said to her," He whispered, his lips inches away from your ear as you let out a small gasp while his hands slowly trailed the waistband of your skirt his skin coming into contact with yours.
"I didn't, she figure something out." Your voice was shakey, you didn't trust it not to crack on you as Yoongi continued to run his fingers along the elasticated waistband.
"Which was..." His lips slowly lowered until they were hovering above your bare shoulder, your eyes fluttering shut as you realised you weren't going to get out of this one. Your breaths became laboured as he placed a small and gentle kiss on your skin, a whimper leaving your throat as you decided to throw caution to the wind.
"That I'm in love with you, always have been and always will be," As soon as the words left your throat you were suddenly span around and pushed up against the mirror, your eyes slowly opened to find Yoongi staring at you.
"Ever since Halloween 2022?" He questioned, it was almost ten years since the day and you nodded your head at him and his eyes scanned yours for any sign that you were lying to him.
"You remembered that night?" He sounded surprised which was confusing to you. Of course, you remembered that night. It was he who had decided to play dumb all these years and act as though nothing had happened between you both.
"How could I not? It was the best night of my life," You scoffed at him attempting to walk away but he placed his hand on the mirror beside your head trapping you between him and the mirror.
"I thought you'd forgotten...You never bought it up." He stuttered a little as you stared back at him, your eyes staring directly into his soul as you bit your tongue.
"Neither did you. I thought you regretted it," You admitted as his hand slowly moved to cup your face in his hands, running his thumb along your soft lip and shaking his head.
"My only regret is going ten years without another taste of you," He growled out, your thighs rubbing together as you felt yourself growing wetter at the thought of it.
"Every year was torture as I thought about Halloween with you," He told you as he ran his hand up your thigh and between the skirt you were wearing and your heart began to quicken.
"Yoongi," You whispered out, clutching onto his bicep as he let out a small chuckle at how nervous you suddenly were.
"We have all the time in the world in here," He whispered to you, already knowing that you were worrying about who could walk inside here but he was right. No one was allowed to enter until the two of you pushed the button on the exit door to let them know you'd made your way through it successfully.
"I need you," He told you as he took your hand and slowly placed it over his hardened cock through his jeans and you let out a little giggle that was like music to his ears.
"You did that all Halloween night, you'd giggle and I couldn't help but feel my heart swell for you," He told you as he ran his hands further up your thigh until he reached the black panties you'd put on that afternoon and your hips jerked forward.
"Please, Yoongi." You begged for something, anything, you just wanted to feel him touching you again it was all you'd been wanting for ten years.
"Ten years I've been waiting for this, ten." He told you as he softly rubbed his thumb over your clothed clit, your head rolling back against the mirror as you let out a strangled moan at his touch.
"Every year there was a different girl because I was terrified if I was alone I'd ruin our friendship," He whines out as he begins to pick up the pace on your clit, your eyes rolling back as you let out a strangled moan of his name,
"Now you're telling me I didn't need to worry about that at all," He tutteed a little at you, pretending to be disappointed as he pulled your panties to the side and sunk two fingers deep into your cunt. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, your hands clutching onto his biceps as he smirked at you.
"Yoongi," You cried out as he began to curl his fingers hitting that one spot that made your legs go numb and your whole world spin. It should have been criminal just how good he was with his fingers, you were a moaning mess in his hands as you struggled to stay standing up straight.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Yn," He told you as he continued to fuck his fingers into you, enjoying the sound of wetness as he thrust them faster in and out of you. Your head rolled back against the mirror as he bit down on his lip and did his best to control himself. God, the number of times he'd imagined doing this with you, every Halloween he'd wanted to take you inside of this room.
Fuck you in full view of yourself so you could see how beautiful he found you, to show you how much he wanted to worship your body and so you'd never forget just how badly he wanted you.
"Yoongi, please." You pleaded as he continued to thrust his fingers, your hips bucking toward him as you felt your orgasm ready to wash over you. He spread your legs further apart somehow hitting deeper inside of you as he continued to drive his fingers into you, your eyes rolling back.
"Cum for me baby, cum for me and scream my name." He growled out his pace picking up as your legs shook in place, your nails digging into his skin and causing him to bleed ever so slightly. Your eyes squeezed shut as you moaned out his name, bucking against him as your orgasm crashed over you like a wave your whole body shaking.
"So fucking hot," He grunts looking at you, slowly retreating his fingers from you and sucking them clean all the while staring you in the eyes.
"Turn around and hike up your skirt," He orders as he quickly undoes his belt and frees himself from his boxers, fuck he was bigger than you remembered.
"I'm nervous," You admitted as your eyes met one another in the mirror and he smiled warmly at you, lining his cock up at your entrance.
"I know, but you have nothing to be nervous about," He pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck as he carefully pressed into you, inch by inch giving you time to adjust as you let out a small cry.
"Fuck, Yoongi you're too big." You moaned out as he bit down on your ear a little, reaching around you with one hand and squeezing your nipple through the thin fabric.
"I'm perfect for you," He moaned out as he slowly began to withdraw from you, only to push back inside of you again, you were so fucking tight he could barely hold himself together,
"You feel so fucking amazing," He moaned out looking down at you as your breathing picked up, your eye smeeting his in the mirror.
"You're so hot Yoongi," You breathed out, your words giving him encouragement as he continued to thrust his hips in and out of you, bottoming out each time as you clenched around him.
"Fuck," He groans letting his head drop to your shoulder blade, your breathing is laboured as you stare at him,
"I'm so fucking full," You cry out, your hands trying to grip the mirror as you look at one another,
"M-Move, Yoongi...Please," You begged as he slowly began to rock his hips in and out of you, looking down at you as he held your hip in one hand and the other on the mirror in front of him.
"Roll...f-fuck, roll your hips a little," He begged as you began to roll your hips back to meet his, your moans becoming louder as you cried out one another's name.
"I'm so close, I'm sorry." He whined out but you didn't stop rocking your hips back to meet his, you were desperate for him to come you wanted to hear his moans, to watch him as he came for you.
"Don't stop then," You begged as you looked him in the eyes through the mirror,
"Cum, please Yoongi." You begged out as he looked down at you, his hands holding onto you tightly as he began to drive in and out of you, a breathless gasp falling past your lips.
"Yoongi,." You warned him as he hit that spot again and again, a smirk growing on his face as he continued to fuck into that same spot for you. The pressure continued to build at the base of your stomach as you whimpered, legs slipping a little but Yoongi held you tighter keeping you upright,
"Yoongi, Oh my god," You groan out as he continues to fuck into you roughly. Your orgasm erupts as you whimper, bucking against him as your entire body grows numb, your vision blurring as he continues to fuck into you.
"Oh fuck me," He groans out as he comes, his hips stilling as he looks down at you, sweat dripping down your forehead but you'd never looked more beautiful.
"I love you," You whispered as you looked at him, Yoongi grunted as he slowly pulled out of you enjoying the way you pouted and let out a whine of protest at the sudden lack of fullness.
"I love you too," He whispered, cleaning himself off with his boxers before tucking himself away and looking at you. Slowly he licked his lips as the two of you gathered yourselves up ready to go and hit the buzzer to get out. Hopefully the music out in the hallway had muffled the sounds of what you were doing, not that either of you really cared all that much you were never going to see any of these people again.
"Let's go back to mine, have a nice warm bath and then we can watch whatever movie you want." He suggested as you headed out of the house and into the cold night,
"Sure," You kissed his cheek softly very happy with how the night had turned around for the two of you. The two of you walked hand in hand toward his car, a giant smile on both your faces as you did your best to act as though your legs weren't currently like jelly.
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yunqitv · 12 days
i still love you _ shen quanrui {remake ver.}
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PAIRING :!idol ricky x male reader
GENRE : Childhood friends, love rekindled, past love
DESCRIPTION : M/n, now a vocal coach at Wake One, reunites with his childhood friend Quan, a blossoming idol. Despite two years apart and unspoken feelings, their connection reignites as Quan seeks comfort and M/n confesses his unwavering love.
june masterlist buy me a coffee
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The deserted streets mirrored the hollowness M/n felt inside. He weaved his motorcycle through the dimly lit alley, its hum the only sound against the late-night silence. There, huddled in a shadowed corner, was his reason for being out: Shen Quanrui. M/n had thought their late-night meetings would fade with Quanrui's debut. He'd been right – until the idol's tearful call confessing a grave mistake.
M/N dismounted, the thud of his boots echoing. He pushed back his hair as he approached the blonde, who sat slumped against the wall, arms wrapped around his knees.
"I'm here," M/N murmured, his voice barely a whisper. He reached out, his fingers brushing against Quanrui's head in a comforting caress.
A beat of silence stretched before Quanrui lifted his head, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy. "You... you came?" His voice cracked, barely audible.
M/N offered a low hum, a sound that spoke volumes without words.
The faint scent of something sweet, almost syrupy, hung in the air as Quan leaned into M/n's touch. "Of course you're here," he slurred, a pitiful smile twisting his usually bratty lips.
M/n chuckled softly, concern lacing the sound. He pulled Quan into a warm embrace. "Mmm, my little prince, you such a crybaby."
Quan swatted playfully at M/n's shoulder, his grip tightening on the denim jacket. "Shut up, don't tease me." He pulled back, a pout forming on his face as he took a long look at M/n. This face. It had been a while.
This was the face he'd seen every day since middle school. The face that went through every emotion – disgust, annoyance, exhaustion, even heartbreak when they'd said their goodbyes, M/n swallowing his own dreams to support Quan's idol journey.
M/n had always been quiet, content to exist on the periphery. He wouldn't argue, wouldn't fight. If someone said they were leaving, that was it. End of story.
He'd even considered Boys Planet, following in Quan's footsteps. But singing hadn't held the same pull as the worn keys of a piano. He doubted he'd have the talent to win anyway.
So, he and his aunt relocated to Korea, opening a jazz bar instead. M/n played and tended bar, keeping a watchful eye on Boys Planet and, of course, Quan's debut with Zerobaseone.
"Let's get you out of this alley, hm?" M/n suggested, his voice gentle. "Auntie's bar is close. She’d be very happy to see you. Good?"
Quan nodded, a flicker of curiosity replacing the earlier pout. He took M/n's hand, the familiar warmth a grounding force. "Since when did Auntie own a bar?" His voice was raspy, a telltale sign of the night's events.
"You've missed a lot, Mr. Planet," M/n replied a hint of amusement in his voice.
The air crackled with a mix of nervous energy and relief as M/n's aunt descended the stairs. "Oh my gosh! My Riri, when did you get so grown up!" she exclaimed, enveloping Quan in a hug that threatened to suffocate him.
As expected, his aunt launched into a tirade of gossip and praise, gushing about Quan's performances on the survival show. M/n watched from the side, a strange furrow in his brow. Quan, usually poised and confident, seemed strangely childish. He fidgetted on the bar stool like a kid in a candy store, a stark contrast to his usual aura.
Taking a closer look, M/n noticed a series of subtle changes. Quan's skin seemed to have an unnatural glow under the dim bar lights. He sat tall, a far cry from his former awkwardness. Most striking was his face – the once chubby cheeks had morphed into a sharper, almost sculpted perfection.
He was... different.
Aunt Fei finally seemed to tire herself out. "Ah, it's good catching up with you, Riri," she wheezed, gesturing dramatically to the bags beneath her eyes. "But this old lady needs some beauty sleep. Look at these bags! They could hold all the liquor in this place."
Quan chuckled, playing along. "Auntie, you're beautiful already, really. But get some good sleep!"
"Mmm, and nephew!" she called out as she made her way to the back stairs. "Make sure I see him in the morning, okay? Don't snatch him up before I make breakfast!"
Annoyance flickered across M/n's face. "Mm, I will. Go upstairs, go, go," he rushed, wanting to shut off his aunt's tipsy rambling.
Quan giggled softly. "She's the same, that's a relief." He set his elbows on the counter, a flicker of sadness crossing his eyes.
M/n moved behind the bar, tossing his empty bottle in the trash. "Some people don't like much change. It can be… unsettling."
Quan nodded, his heart sinking a little. M/n's words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken meaning. A question lingered unspoken – was Quan's change a positive one?
"Are you staying the night?" M/n asked, his voice neutral. "Auntie prepped my room for you."
The air hung heavy with unspoken questions as Quan tilted his head, a confused frown replacing the remnants of his earlier amusement. "Made up your room? You don't stay here?"
M/n shook his head, a hint of sheepishness coloring his features. "Moved out a few weeks ago. I got that Wake One job, remember? Vocal coach for their trainees?"
A flicker of recognition washed over Quan's face. "Right, right. That one." He took a sip of his coffee, the clink of the glass against his teeth betraying a sudden nervousness. "Extra cash, you said."
"Yeah," M/n mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "Figured it wouldn't hurt. Besides, it's good experience."
Silence settled between them, thick and uncomfortable. Quan seemed to shrink into the bar stool, his shoulders slumping. The confident idol M/n had braced himself for was gone, replaced by the small, helpless-looking boy from the alley.
"Oh," Quan finally said, his voice barely a whisper. "So, how's the... the idol life? You dreamed of it for so long, I just-"
He trailed off, his eyes downcast. M/n opened his mouth to speak, to offer some words of encouragement, but the question that tumbled out of Quan caught him completely off guard.
"Do you still love me?"
The words hung in the air, heavy and unexpected. M/n felt a hollowness in his chest, a vast emptiness that seemed to echo the emptiness of the bar before it filled with customers. He parted his lips, words forming and then dissolving on his tongue.
"What?" he finally managed, the question barely audible.
Quan's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "I said," he repeated, hesitantly, "do you still love me? Like... you know, like you said when I left."
M/n turned, leaning his back against the smooth wood of the bar. He bit his lip, the memory of that day vivid in his mind. It had been his most vulnerable moment, a raw outpouring of emotion as Quan stood on the precipice of his idol dreams. And he had said it. He had confessed his love, a declaration that hung heavy in the air now, two years later.
It wasn't a lie. Not then, not now. He had spent those two years carrying that love, a silent ember burning in his chest. He had moved to a new country, tackled a new language, and poured his heart into helping his aunt. Yet, part of him had always remained here, waiting.
He met Quan's eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. Quan's gaze was filled with a vulnerability that mirrored his own. A hesitant hope flickered within it, a silent plea for reassurance.
M/n reached out, his fingers gently cupping Quan's cheek. With a soft sigh, he pulled Quan closer, their foreheads touching. His lips ghosted over Quan's, a whisper of a promise.
"I still love you," he finally murmured, the words carrying the weight of two years of unspoken longing. He pulled back slightly, a small smile gracing his lips, "More than words can say, Quanrui."
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bambikisss · 9 months
Celebration in 5A :: J.JungKook
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🎶: Bambi - Baekhyun & Saay (mashup), Seven - JungKook ft Latto
A/N: Sequel of Daddy's 95
💕: Streetracer! Jungkook x Streetracer! Reader
⚠: SMUT: Biting, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving), fingering (f), against a window, leaving marks, Jeon JungKook's thighs and muscles.
A/N: I've been thinking about doing a sequel to Daddy's 95, so here it is. There is a surprise announcement also at the end, also 👀 but yes. Also, this is in memory of long haired JK.
"It's not fair!"
You leaned back in your dark red corvette as your opponent complained loudly. You had beat him in a street race after telling him that you knew you'd beat him, yet, he was still so shocked that you won. It made you roll your eyes as the grown man threw a whole tantrum. As he yelled, your phone buzzed with a text from Jungkook.
JK: Y/N, there's a race downtown against this guy from France!
JK: Come stop by and watch your man win
A smile broke out on your face at the text, giving you something better to do than listen to the loser. "I'm off" You smiled to the man and the officiant before you drove away, leaving the man in the dust. As you drove, you listened to the music that came on your radio, the lyrics reminding you of JungKook; the nights you would spend with him on this very same empty highway speeding and making jokes. Those were your happiest times, all thanks to JK.
Ever since you and him began dating, he had made it his personal mission to be there for you all day and all night, despite his job and his wacky sleep schedule- if you had a race or needed him, he would be there. It always made your heart swell at his gestures, but you refused to tell him that he wouldn't ever let it go.
When you arrived at the empty race track, you noticed the crowd of people that were arguing out front. The closer you got, the more you could make out the conversation.
"There's no way you're going to beat me!"
"Dude, I'm literally going to"
You concluded that the more confident sounding words were JungKook, knowing that he was always overconfident in his abilities. You were proven right when you saw his confident smile, his arms crossed over his muscular chest while his opponent was mirroring him, but with a red face and a not so relaxed stance. You pushed your way through the crowd till you got to his side, making sure that he didn't cause a fight or something- while he was a great street racer, you weren't so confident in his fighting abilities, despite his constant gym visits and boxing classes. When he realized that you were now by his side, his smile widened, turning to fully give you his attention. When you asked him what was going on, he simply shrugged before saying "just some pre-race banter."
"No, this is not!" The French man yelled, making you and JungKook turn to face him as he stomped his foot before he was escorted away by his friends, leaving you and him alone. When he was far enough away, you raised your eyebrow at him as he rubbed the back of his neck. He looked guilty. At your raised eyebrow, he held up his hands in defense before he said "Hey, to me it was just some banter. I didn't think he'd take it so seriously!"
"JungKook, how do you manage to piss off and annoy everyone you meet?" You asked, pinching the bridge of your nose as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against his hard chest. You felt your body relax as he placed a kiss to your head, a small smile coming to his lips as he bit his bottom lip. "I don't piss you off and annoy you, baby." You raised your eyebrow again at his teasing voice, sighing once more as you knew he was right. He took your sigh and relaxed body as a sign that he was right as well.
"Well, you now have to beat a very angry french guy, so you need to go focus on that" You motioned over to the man who was glaring at JungKook still, leaning against his yellow car. JungKook winced at the glare, whispering to you "is that why I felt heat in the back of my head, like someone was trying to burn a hole there with their eyes? Damn."
You shook your head at his words, following him to his choice car for the night: a dark purple hellcat. He had won it in a race a week ago and he had been dying to use it again. You leaned against the driver side as he got inside, watching him as he prepared himself. "What did you bet if you won?" You asked, leaning back so he could close the door before you bent down to look at him through the window. JungKook at first didn't answer, choosing a playlist to blare while he raced before he jumped as you repeated the question, this time more tense.
"If I win, no, when I win I get his hotel room at some expensive hotel" He then paused, giving you an almost pained smile before he spoke again. "If he won, then he gets our project car."
At those words, you felt your heart drop: you and JungKook had been modifying a hellcat together for a while. It was your baby.
JungKook noticed your change in expression, wanting to reassure you that he could win, but you cut him off, asking him with gritted teeth why the hell he would wager your baby. "He saw my lockscreen picture of you and me posing in front of it and he picked that. Look, I know I can win this race, so don't worry your pretty little head, Y/N. I got this." For once, you felt doubt in JungKook. With something as important to you as that project car was for you, you felt like you had to wish upon a star like a child to ensure that you got to keep it and it didn't get shipped off to France.
JungKook gently cupped your face, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours before he pressed a kiss to your nose, whispering "I got this, baby. I know how important that car is to us, but especially you. Don't worry." You nodded, stepping back from his car as he moved to the starting line, revving his car as he looked over at his opponent. When he raced, JungKook usually never felt nervous. But, with something as important as that car on the line, and with how much it meant to you, he felt a bit of nervousness tingling at the back of his head. He took a deep breath before he turned up his music, facing forward as one of the French guy's friends dropped a green flag.
JungKook pressed his foot down on the gas, speeding down the racetrack, his music blaring loudly as he drove, drowning out his nervousness. He felt free, almost like a high.
He continued to speed around the track, skillfully moving around the track like it was the back of his hand. He didn't even try to look over at his opponent, wildly drifting when needed until he passed the starting line once more. He then pressed his foot down on the break, his whole body moving forward before he fell back against the seat, closing his eyes as he tried to calm down. He then opened his eyes after a few moments to meet your eyes as you stood outside his window, a proud smile on his face. He then got out of his car, hugging you tightly as the others cursed and complained about having to get another hotel room. That didn't matter to JungKook, nor you.
"Yo, hurry up and get the room key from me before I throw up" JungKook smiled, removing himself from your embrace before he accepted the room key from the annoyed man. He then turned to you with a wide grin, walking up to you before he approached you. "So, Y/N baby, ready to have a night out with me?"
He knew you wouldn't say no to him, but he wanted to see you nod. So when you did, he instantly, held your hand before he leaned in to whisper in your ear "I'm going to rush back to my house to pack some stuff, you do the same. See you in an hour" You smiled at his words, his grip on your wrist tightening before he pulled you back into his embrace, his lips now pressing against the shell of your ear as he says "Oh and pack something pretty for me"
You knew what he meant by the tone of his voice, biting your lip before nodding. JungKook smiled, moving his hand from your wrist, slowly up your arm to cup your jaw, making you look at him before he kissed you, just giving you a taste of what the night had in store.
What kind of French man did JungKook race and how did he even find him?
Your thoughts continued to spiral with more questions as you looked up at the luxurious hotel that you stood in front of. It was so fancy that they had a valet, a beautiful lobby, and even an infinity pool. It made you a bit worried to know that JungKook had challenged a probably very wealthy man to a race, thinking he was just an average joe. But, a part of you was very proud of him and excited for where this night would go.
You gripped your suitcase as you made your way through the lobby up to the elevator, pressing the floor number that JungKook had told you to before you leaned back against the cold elevator wall and waited. When you finally reached the floor, you walked straight ahead, noticing the beautiful double doors that had the room number JungKook had texted you. You glanced over at the plaque by the door, making sure it was the right room.
Presidential Suite 5A
You then knocked on the door, biting your lip as the doors opened to show your boyfriend wearing only a simple white hotel robe, his hair wet from the shower he had just taken. When you met his eyes, a smile crossed his face before he reached out to hold your hand, pulling you into the room. JungKook could tell you were shocked, but his thoughts were everywhere else besides letting you look around the luxurious suite.
No, he would let you do that after you two did some celebrating.
"Jung-" Your words were cut off by your boyfriend's lips pressing into yours, pressing you against the wall as he kicked the door closed before moving to press you against the door. The kiss started off slow before picking up in pace, his tongue moving against your bottom lip as a warning before moving into your mouth to meet yours. Your brain became fuzzy as his tongue moved with yours, his hands moving around your body to grip various parts of you before he became frustrated with the clothes that kept you from him. He kissed down your face, moving from your lips to your chin, then along your jaw before he stuffed his face into your neck, licking the area before he began to bite. Your various moans made his own brain fuzzy, his hands moving to grip your thighs before carrying you the bed, laying you against the silk sheets before he pulled back.
"Off." Your eyes slightly widened at his gruff sounding voice, sitting up to remove your clothes slowly, teasing him. You watched him as you removed the clothing slowly; how his eyes move over every section of newly exposed skin, his eyes darkening every second. When you sat back down on the bed, now fully naked, JungKook waisted no time in trying to reach your body again, only to be stopped when your hand moved to press against his chest, stopping him.
"I can't be the only one naked, can't I?" Your playful voice made JungKook feel even more dizzy, biting his bottom lip before he nodded, standing back up to slowly untie his robe. "I was taking a shower before you got here, Y/N. It's pretty nice, too." You hummed in response to his words as he let the robe fall from his shoulders, pooling at his feet as he stood in front of you bare. You let your eyes roam over his large pecks, his abs, his muscular thighs, and his long cock that stood pressed against his stomach. It all made your mouth water and made you even more dizzy.
JungKook always loved your reaction to seeing him naked, it always motivated him when he didn't want to go to the gym; to see you stare at his body like it was the first time every time always gave him that extra confidence boost. It also turned him on more.
"You know, Y/N, you would love the shower" He smiled, leaning down to cup your jaw, moving your head to look up at him as he climbed on the bed, pressing one of his legs in between yours as he slowly ushered you onto your back, keeping your jaw in his hand. "Maybe when I'm done fucking you all around this bedroom, I'll go fuck you in there"
You moaned at his words, making his grin become wider before he kissed down your body slowly, taking his time to get to where he knew you wanted him most. He let his tongue drag along your stomach as he looked up at you before he placed your legs on his shoulders. He would never pass up an opportunity to make you fall apart on his tongue.
"Oh and if you're worried about being too loud, don't be, baby" he smirked, kissing the inside of your thighs before biting them gently, his hands moving to grip the flesh before he blew gently on your clit, making you whimper a bit. "These walls are pretty thick. I should know, I asked the hotel staff"
You weren't able to say anything after that, his tongue immediately moving to taste you. He slowly lick up your wet pussy before diving back in to move his tongue around you, humming and moaning at how good you tasted and sounded for him. His eyes never left yours, staring up at yours as he messily ate you out without a care in the world; speeding up, slowing down, teasing you, outright fucking you with his tongue- he did it all.
As your back arched, he gripped your thighs tighter before moving to sit up, wrapping one of his arms around your waist as he ate you up higher, that way you would have no choice but to look up at him. You moaned at the new position, gripping the sheets as you looked up at him. You felt your orgsam approach quickly, one of your hands moving to grip his thighs and dig your nails into them as an anchor as your felt your body begin to heat up.
JungKook could tell you were close, moving faster before sucking and kissing your pussy, a smile coming onto his lips when you came. He made sure to clean you up, moaning loudly at your taste before he slowly placed you back down on the bed. You closed your eyes as you tried to calm down from the orgsam, not even noticing him kissing up your body to your lips before he kissed you roughly, shoving his tongue into your mouth so you could taste your own cum on his tongue before he pulled back. When you opened your eyes, you were met with his boyish smile and a wink, making you gently smack his thigh.
"Do you like that new position baby? I thought about it just for you. Is your neck ok?" He asked, gently massaging your neck as you nodded. You always loved how caring he was in situations where both tried something new.
He nodded before his hand moved to the back of your neck, pressing his fingers gently into the side before he began to move your head towards his lap where his cock was now leaking. "Look at the mess you caused, Y/N. All that moaning and shit made me like this, so you should come clean it up, no?" You knew it wasn't a question due to his voice, his hand directing your head more towards his cock. You accepted it, licking along the underside of his cock before moving opening your mouth, allowing him to enter your mouth as you hollowed your cheeks. JungKook gave your neck an appreciative squeeze before moving down your back to cup your ass, giving it a squeeze as well, making you moan around him.
You began to bob your head as JungKook moaned, continuing to squeeze your ass but giving it a smack whenever you did something he really liked, like deepthroating him and holding it for a bit, or circling your tongue around the tip of his cock. He tossed his head back before moving his hand in between your legs, pushing a finger into you before adding another, curling it.
You let out a shocked, yet happy moan, JungKook's hand moving into your hair to encourage you to deep throat him again as he began to finger you faster. You closed your eyes as you let JungKook have his way with you before he pulled you off his cock, pushing you onto the bed before he stands up, placing his fingers into his mouth as he does so, humming at your taste.
"I don't want to cum in your mouth tonight, baby. Not when I could cum into that tasty fucking pussy" he said, gripping your thighs to pull you to the end of the bed before pushing into you without a warning. You moaned as you arched your back, his hand coming down to press you back down against the bed as he moaned loudly as well. He gave you a few moments to adjust before he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist before he walked over to the nightstand, grabbing a remote.
Why would he fuck you on the bed like usual when you both had a whole suite to yourselves? There we're so many options for tonight.
You raised an eyebrow as he pressed a button one the remote, watching as the curtains slowly opened, showing you a beautiful view of the city and the floor to ceiling windows. It only took you a moment to realize what was going on, hissing a bit as your back became pressed against the cold window. "Oh, and don't worry about people seeing you too. I asked the staff too about this and it's tinted" JungKook smiled before spreading your legs out onto his forearms, pulling back out before slamming back into your, crashing his lips into yours to suck up all of your moans as he moves.
You moaned loudly into the kiss, digging your nails into his shoulders before digging them across, making him moan loudly before biting into your bottom lip. "Fuck, keep doing that Y/N, baby, mark me up. I want scars to remember this night, baby. I want to remember having you pressed up against these windows, fucking you just like this"
You did as he requested, digging your nails into him more, sure that you had broken some skin before tossing your head back as he moved to bite and kiss along your collarbone. His hips never let up, which was something else you loved about him.
He could multitask.
"Oh, fuck, Jungkook" You gasped, feeling one of his hands move to play with your clit, moving it in various shapes as he moved faster as his face moved into your neck, leaving hickies in his wake. He wanted you to cum all over him before he came.
No, he needed it.
"Come on, Y/N. Fucking cum for me, babygirl" His voice came out gruff and a bit whiney, his hips now moving frantically into you as you came all over him, the cum ring around the bottom of his cock moving down his balls, making him moan louder into your neck before he pressed his hips against yours, filling you up with his cum. You gripped his shoulders as you both held each other, feeling his cum leak out of you, moving down his cock. JungKook breathed heavily before pressing a kiss to your neck, pulling back to see your face as he panted before placing you back on the bed, slowly pulling out of you. He hovered over you, his arms on either side of your head as he tried to gather his thoughts from the orgsam. You gently cupped his face, pulling him in for a kiss before sighing as your body relaxed against the sheets.
"Don't get to comfortable, Y/N" you opened your eyes, giving JungKook a confused look as he stood back up straight, wiping the sweat from his brow before he met your eyes again, a small smile on his lips. "This room booked until checkout time, which is tomorrow afternoon. Don't think that I we're done." His eyes mirrored ones of a predator, crawling onto the bed to hover over you as he continued to speak slowly. "I am going to fuck you all around this suite: every surface, against the floor, in the shower, in that tub, even in that infinity pool. I mean it, everywhere."
You smiled as he placed a kiss to your cheek, feeling excited for the hours to come as you whispered into his ear "well, you did win this, so this is your celebration"
"Damn right this is." He smiled, pressing a kiss to your lips before he whispered against them "and who better to celebrate it with than with you, my love?''
You smiled again at his words, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he picked you up, his cock pressing against your ass, letting you know that the break was over.
"So, where next?" You asked, tilting your head as he smirked. "Well, I wanna show you the shower, still. It's so spacious and has many different water settings. And, the shower head even comes off"
"Well, why don't you show me?" You whispered against his lips, watching as his eyes darkened once more, tightening his grip around you before carrying you to the bathroom.
It would be a very long night of celebration, but it would be worth it, even if you both wouldn't make it out by check out time.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
Then Again
♥ ♥  rockstar!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: In this the third part of what's now become my Eddie story, following "Only Now" and "Over Now". Since your last visit, Eddie spiraled, and Eddie spiraled hard. An exciting event brings all of you, the whole gang, back into a room together and even though time has passed, and everyone seems to have moved on... have you?
CW / disclaimer: 18+, language, fem!reader, smut, angst
Author’s note: all of the girlies who left me lengthy messages and shared your ideas; this one's because of you and entirely for you. I really hope it answers all of your questions and lives up to all of your expectations!
Wordcount: 9.8K
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(find all four parts of this story here)
Eddie stared at the invitation he pulled from a delicate beige envelope he'd just been handed by a roadie. The chaos from setting up the stage in a venue they'd just arrived at that day was always something Eddie liked to escape. He'd find a quiet place to wait all of it out, sometimes even stayed on the bus, until he'd be called to stage for soundcheck. When a roadie knocked and walked into his dressing room, Eddie was already up on his feet because he thought it was time, but then he was given an envelope with his name written on and was left alone again.
The influx of feelings nearly knocked him off his boots; joy, fear, guilt, relief, shame - it all hit him at once, hard. Square in his chest, where it hurt him the most and where he felt he probably deserved it the most, too.
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“Fifteen months today?”
“Day after tomorrow, but, close enough, right? Fifteen months.” Eddie said it like he couldn’t quite believe it himself.
Sat across from his therapist, he smiled bashfully at the mention of his achievement in sobriety. His therapist seemed incredibly excited and very proud of him, and if he was honest, she really was the only person he appreciated celebrating with him. Everyone else around him acknowledged it all the time, but they’d tiptoe around the subject, always scared to say the wrong thing. Eddie’s substance abuse had left a mark on them, and he’d worked hard to make things right, but he knew that there were people who’d forever be afraid that Eddie would relapse and become the worst version of himself again.
"That's fantastic, Eddie! Wow. Congratulations!"
His therapist was full on big smiles and there was no fear behind her eyes, and Eddie really appreciated it.
He hated seeing that fear. It would remind him of all the things he had done wrong in his life. Of everything that lead him to where he was now, which was a good place, anyone would agree. But too often, something or someone would hold up a mirror and show Eddie this is what you did, what you were like, what you said to me and it hurt.
If Eddie was honest, which, through a lot of therapy, he learned he really owed to himself, he’d been slowly spiraling down ever since Corroded Coffin got signed and he got a free ticket out of Hawkins. But what really accelerated him into the deepest pits of hell was that one night where you asked Eddie to ruin it all.
And he did ruin it all. Because you had asked him to, and he had obliged.
You hadn’t known how to react when yet another headline graced a newspaper, or when Eddie’s drunk angry face was plastered on the cover of another magazine, or when your boss would make another comment on what appeared to be reckless rockstar behavior from Eddie that made the press.
“Did I do this?” you asked, turning a page with a trembling hand as your cheek and shoulder worked hard to keep the phone at your ear.
“Absolutely not. Eddie is one hundred per cent doing this himself,” Steve answered, looking at the same magazine spread of unflattering paparazzi pictures.
“But do I… do I call someone? I can’t watch– what if he does something really stupid, Steve? What if…” you didn’t want to finish your sentence and heard Steve sigh on the other end of the line.
“I’ve reached out so many times, trust me. To his band members, to his management– even to Wayne, but it’s all– they’re all very… there’s nothing anyone can do,”
“So we’re just going to watch him crash and burn?” the picture in front of you of Eddie throwing an empty whiskey bottle at the windscreen of a random car should’ve never been taken and should’ve never been printed, you thought. The people around him were either eager photographers, trying to catch Eddie’s downfall in real time, or bystanders laughing. Big ugly smiles on big ugly faces, not an ounce of empathy for Eddie Munson who very clearly wasn’t doing okay.
The fucking tabloids could die, for all you cared.
“We’re not.” Steve answered, and for a second you hoped he’d have a plan. Some way to reach Eddie without facing the risk of pulling the two of you into it with him.
“We’re not going to watch him.” Steve then said, and you slumped your shoulders and let your head fall as you took hold of the phone with your hand. Simply ignoring Eddie as he dug his own grave wasn’t really going to help your anxiety at all.
“He’ll come to his senses,” Steve said, not even really convincing himself, but trying his best anyway. “Eventually.”
“I just wish there was something we could do,” the guilt you’d felt pool at the pit of your stomach into this black puddle of tar felt too sticky for you to ignore.
“It’s probably not as bad as it looks, you know what these magazines are like,” Steve tried, and you knew he was probably at least a little bit right.
“Hey,” Steve said after you failed to say anything, but just stared at the images of Eddie in front of you. “Don’t let it ruin your day, all right?” Like it hadn’t already ruined every single one since Eddie started calling you at the most awful hours and leave lengthy voicemail messages in a sloppy voice. You were barely able to make out anything he said at all, but you could always sense the anger and if the message went on long enough, his absolute helplessness. The obvious vulnerability. His weakness. They were all the things you felt constrict within your own chest as you’d listen to the messages in the morning.
Eddie never called. Never used to call. Now, he did it all the time. But you never called back.
Well, you did once but were greeted by the very kind voice of someone at the front desk of the hotel Eddie had stayed at that night, and you knew it’d be no use to ask for Eddie. He’d either have checked in under another name to hide his identity, or he'd have left already. You almost thought he did it on purpose; Eddie only ever reached out to you when he knew you’d either be at work, or asleep, and never gave you a chance to catch him when you’d return the call.
And so, you’d just listen.
You’d listen, and then you’d save every single message to listen to again later, because that’s the kind of person you were. You’d listen to them whenever you needed a good cry, because it always worked. And sometimes, you listened to them for other reasons. Stupid reasons, like, when you wanted to make yourself feel awful about yourself. You know, normal girly things. That was until Steve visited, and you let him hear. He had instantly deleted all of them from your machine.
Steve was angry with Eddie on a whole ‘nother level which he thought he hid well from you. He didn’t. You knew. But you never talked about it together because it would just be painful, and none of it would help. You both missed Eddie – not this Eddie, but Eddie Eddie – and the fact that it was hard to escape him made it all the more difficult.
It had all come ahead when, almost a full year after Eddie had last properly seen you, Robin’s doorbell rang at a quarter past midnight, followed by loud sloppy banging against her door. Panicked and confused at who the hell would be so loud that late, Robin was so ready to get angry at a tipsy, giggly Steve, but when she unlocked her door, saw someone she hadn’t been expecting.
Eddie Munson.
He looked closer to death than he’d ever looked before, and if Robin was honest, smelled closer to it too. He seemed unable to fully open his eyes, and when he looked at Robin for a second, she saw he also couldn’t keep his eyes still. They twirled and crossed over, and if the swaying on his legs didn’t give away how drunk he was, his eyes certainly sold the deal.
“Eddie?” Robin checked behind him, but he was alone. “Aren’t you… didn’t you have a show in Chicago tonight?” Robin knew because one of her cousins who lived in the windy city had been so excited to see Corroded Coffin live. Had called her specifically to tell her, because she knew Robin used to go to high school with Eddie. A car ride from Chicago would’ve taken nearly five hours. How the fuck was Eddie here right now?
“Ishehere?” Eddie drawled, the words barely making it out of him.
Eddie pushed Robin out of the way roughly and walked into the hallway with feet that were somehow too heavy to lift and simultaneously unable to easily find the floor again. Eddie had to use both his hands on either side of him to find balance on whatever he could grab onto.
Mentally, Robin tried to piece the situation together in order to make sense of it. If Eddie was here, there was no chance the concert had happened that night. He was definitely under the influence, maybe of more than just alcohol, and Robin feared that he’d left Chicago without anyone knowing. Left the band, left the fans – left a full venue of people waiting for him to come up on stage and play some fan favorites and some newer songs. Just, left.
Oh man. Eddie was in trouble.
In his current state he obviously couldn’t have gone to see Wayne, Robin couldn’t even imagine how Wayne would react to the man she saw stumble into her home. He also couldn’t have gone to see Steve either – Eddie probably knew that there were a lot of judgmental words waiting for him, a full lecture of phrases and terms that he’d have to wade through before he’d even catch sight of a couch to sleep on.
“You walked right past me,” Robin said somewhat sarcastically to Eddie’s question as she closed her front door, accepting that Eddie was in her house now and was probably going to stay the night.
“Where are you hiding her?” Eddie raised his voice and loudly slammed the door to Robin’s hallway closet and suddenly, Robin was scared. Eddie was aggressive, and she was alone.
“I’m here!” Robin hissed, nervous, but loudly, making Eddie turn his head to give her a quick glance before turning and tripping over his own feet into her living room. Robin followed him and got to see him plummet face first onto her couch. She watched him squirm around a little bit, take his shoes off with little care, mumbling to himself as he threw them across the room. Robin wondered where all of his stuff was. Had he traveled here with nothing? Should she call someone? Let them know Eddie was with her, and not face down passed out in a ditch somewhere?  
Amongst the incomprehensible rambles Eddie was slurring into one of Robin’s throw pillows, she made out some words he grumbled, “You always leave– … where are you now– … you fucking left– ... bitch won’t ever answer– … I didn’t do this, you– ... You–”
Suddenly Eddie looked up and locked eyes with Robin.  
“No,” Robin answered, surprisingly calm for her doing. She was still sort of jittery and definitely nervous, but also determined that whatever Eddie was struggling with, he wasn’t about to take any of it out on her.
“No, not me. I’m going to get you a blanket and a tall glass of water– a bucket. A bucket maybe, yes, because you seem like you’ve had a lot to drink, and I don’t want you ruining my rug. My mother got me that rug, she’d kill me if anything were to happen to it.” Robin rambled as her feet hurriedly carried her in small steps around her home, collecting the items she mentioned. “You see, sometimes people care about their things, their bodies, their lives, and they don’t feel the need to absolutely ruin everything all of the time,” she continued, and it was all too fast paced, too much, too sober for Eddie to follow or to respond to. “They don’t get drunk and travel for hours just to ring someone’s doorbell after midnight, scaring the living daylight out of them because, what if something happened to someone? Why else would someone come a-knocking? They don’t do that Eddie. They don’t.”
It seemed like Eddie had passed out.
“Please don’t die on my couch,” Robin finished, placing down a glass of water on her coffee table. “We can talk in the morning.”
Robin made sure to lock her front door and hide the keys, so Eddie had no chance of sneaking out and endangering himself more than he already had done before disappearing into her bedroom. The click of her bedroom door followed by the sudden absence of noise made Eddie lift his head up slightly, and he noticed only then that Robin had left him alone.
“Hey!” she heard Eddie call for her, the anger in his voice unmistakable.
“Robin!” she kept quiet, squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. No. She’d talk to him in the morning.
In a bid to get her attention, Eddie flung an arm out, knocking over the glass of water, and whether he intended it or not, it smashed onto the floor, breaking into vicious shards that imprisoned Eddie to the couch.
Robin heard.
She’d talk to him in the morning.
The next morning Eddie woke up to Robin talking to someone on the phone. She was trying to be quiet, but Robin was on edge and anxiety had taken over her system. She hissed down the phone and Eddie caught every word.
"Emergency. Code red. You have to come help me right now." "Guess who showed up at my doorstep in the middle of the night?" "He’s on my couch, covered in vomit." "Of course he's still alive." "No, please, you have to come, I don’t know what to do," "It smells so bad, please, Steve, I can’t do this on my own, he’s your friend," "What do I do in the meantime?" "Okay. Please, hurry."
Eddie groaned. Everything hurt. It felt like the full front of his body was bruised. Head pounding. Taste of death in his mouth. Smell of butyric acid so thick in the air, it almost made Eddie retch again. He moved to sit up, but Robin was eyeing him like a hawk, sat up in a squat on an armchair and was quick to stop him.
“Stop! Don’t move.”
Eddie didn’t need telling twice and let himself fall back, relaxing into the couch again.
“There’s glass and throw up everywhere. You’re not moving an inch ‘til Steve gets here.”
Robin stayed put, kept her eyes on him and monitored every single chest raise and face grimace of the man splayed out on her couch. A man she only really knew because she'd grown close with Steve when they became coworkers, but had never really hung out with by herself. Mumbling under her breath, angry that Eddie had gotten vomit so close to her rug, Robin kept her distance because, God, smelling vomit first thing in the morning really was a sure fire way to get sick yourself if you weren't careful.
It took Steve and Robin 40 minutes to get Eddie situated at the dining table in some of Steve's clothes, freshly showered, with a glass of water and a bowl of cereal in front of him. Robin was doing her best to carefully pick up glass from her living room floor next to the couch. Steve was sat next to Eddie, both arms stretched, hands holding his knees, one leg bouncing and brows furrowed down deep. Steve was waiting for Eddie to talk. To explain. To apologize.
Eddie sighed, clearly still nauseous, and pushed the bowl of cereal away.
Steve didn't hesitate to push it right back to where it was.
"I'm not hungry, man,"
"I don't care,"
Eddie sighed again, now reaching for the spoon and moving it around a bit.
The only noise that filled the room was from pieces of glass Robin collected on the coffee table. The tension could be cut with a butter knife until Steve groaned loudly in frustration and got up from his seat.
"What are you doing, Eddie? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Steve yelled, and it made Eddie wince. His head was throbbing still, and loud noises hurt. Steve quickly sat down again and scooted closer to Eddie, really got in his face, made sure that whatever he was going to say next, he could see Eddie's reaction.
"Fuck you, man."
Eddie kept his gaze at the bowl of cereal in front of him, but Steve saw his jaw clench.
"Seriously?! Mindful? This is mindful to you? I don't– You can't– ... You've got to stop calling her. I'm being serious, stop with the intoxicated phone calls."
Robin stopped what she was doing and looked at them from her crouched position next to her couch. This wasn't a conversation she could pretend to not listen to whilst she was doing a dangerous task.
"Telling her that she's the one that ran away – Eddie, you left. You left and then you started coming and going as you pleased, in and out of Hawkins, in and out of our lives – her life."
Eddie let out a breath he'd been holding in, rolled his eyes and turned his head away from Steve.
Wrong move, Robin thought.
"You left. You bailed. You ran, you mother fucker," Steve got up abruptly, nearly making his chair fall backwards and for good measure, Steve kicked it in frustration making Eddie flinch.
"Steve," Robin tried in a bid to calm him down.
Steve took a few steps, hands up in his hair, breathing heavily as he looked at Eddie's tensed back.
"And now you're, what? Drinking yourself into the grave? Who is that meant to hurt? Just her? Because it's not." Steve lied. "You're only hurting yourself." Another lie, encased in truth, followed by silence. Robin was scared to breathe as she watched Eddie who honestly looked like he was still drunk, not far removed from throwing up again.
"Why could you not..." Steve sighed, "Why couldn't you just be with her?"
"I was!" Eddie suddenly exclaimed and turned to look Steve in the eye. "I was with her! When I was here, I was with her."
"Cut the bullshit, asshole," Steve looked at him through narrowed eyes. "We all know that's not what I meant."
Eddie turned to look at Robin, who was quick to hold up both her hands, showing her palms as if to say, don't ask me. Then he turned back to look at Steve again, and he felt the built up anger dissipate when all he could see in his friend's face was worry and pain. Clenching his jaw, Eddie's eyes found the bowl of cereal in front of him again and he kept them there as he heard Steve sit down next to him again.
"I'm not going to pretend that whatever you're doing to yourself isn't complete self-destruction because you know, Eddie. You know what you did and you know what you had and now you know what you lost now that she finally, fucking finally, ended it."
If Steve wasn't mistaken, he thought he saw the first little rips in Eddie's hard demeanor. A couple little cracks, and Steve hoped they'd grow deeper so he could get in there properly. Worm his way in, and then drag his friend out of there.
"She moved on, and you can't handle that, and now look at what you're doing to yourself..."
"Eddie," Robin suddenly spoke from the other side of the room, making him look up a second. Her voice sounded soft and kind, and the look in her eyes reflected her words.
"You scared me last night..."
Eddie didn't need to hear more. This was enough for tears to spring into his eyes. He turned away to at least somewhat hide it, but the loud sniff that followed gave away that he was crying. Steve placed a strong, but caring hand on his shoulder, and Eddie immediately grabbed it. Held onto it. White-knuckled it until it hurt him.
"Enough with the shit excuses, all right? When's the last time you've seen Wayne?"
Eddie hugged Steve, and Eddie hugged Robin. Uttered the words "I'm sorry," about a million times through tears he felt guilty for crying. Robin was quick to tell him he didn't need to apologize to her, but Steve didn't react to the words at all, felt like he should at least say them two million more times and really mean all of them for Steve to accept them.
Eddie let Steve drive him over to Wayne's.
Wayne took Eddie straight to rehab.
When you got off the phone with Steve, you were crying. It was a weird mix of relief, happy tears, honest joyous thoughts because Eddie would be taken care of now, but you also felt so much pain for him. Rehab? That meant it was really serious. That it was really real. But he was getting help now, which was definitely good news, but you just wished it had never ever gotten to this point.
Starting you shift down at the bar, you couldn't really stop thinking about it. Your boss made a small comment, asked what was on your mind, because you seemed a little out of it, so you'd vaguely told him you'd gotten some news. Ultimately okay news, good news, but, food for thought anyway. Your boss' reaction had been that you were lucky it was Wednesday and it probably wouldn't get really busy.
And your boss had been right.
The bar only really saw regulars that day, all sat at barstools with elbows perched up onto the shiny varnished wood while the rest of the place remained empty. These guys made your job easy. You knew what all of them were drinking – beer, and beer, and then later, likely more beer – and you would have the next drink ready for them before they could even ask. They would all tip extra too if you smiled and engaged in kind conversation with them. Which you did.
Then, a stranger walked in, and he instantly caught everyone's attention. If the light, acid washed, tight jeans and the white, impeccable, tightly laced-up tennis shoes were anything to go by, this guy was lost with a capital L. Maybe, probably, there just to use the restrooms.
"That kid lost?" one of the older guys sat at the bar must have read your mind, making the two men next to him snigger softly.
You made eye contact as he sat down at the far end of the bar and smiled. "Can I get you anything?"
He honestly looked a bit like Steve, if you were honest. Polo shirt and all. Disney looking dude. Hair all sun-kissed, high lighted by the summer. The least intimidating man in there by far. And pretty. Shit, this guy was really pretty. You saw him look around and check what everyone else was drinking.
"Jack and coke?" he asked, almost like he wanted your permission for getting anything other than just a beer. "Sure, coming right up," you grinned and got started on it. You saw your boss making eyes at one of the regulars, and they were clearly making fun a little. But when you checked to see if your new customer could tell that he was being taunted for sticking out like a sore thumb, you saw him mouth along to the song being played. You turned back to look at your boss, eyebrows raised high as if to say, oh, maybe he's not so lost?
You finished mixing his drink and were about to place it down in front of him when he held out his hand to take it from you. Handing it over, his fingers brushed yours, and then you held eye contact for much longer than would be considered normal.
"Thank you," he smiled sweetly, and you couldn't help but blush. His eyes were really captivating. Big brown orbs, surrounded by beautiful long lashes. Killer smile, too.
"You're welcome," what had you all shy all of a sudden? Was it the freckles?
He reached his other hand over the bar and held it out to you.
"I'm Matt,"
You stared at it for a second, heard your boss very clearly suppress a laugh behind you, and then decided to shake it.
"Nice to meet you, Matt."
Matt then looked over your shoulder at everyone behind you and raised his glass in cheers to all the other men. You turned around and were surprised to see all of them raising their glasses in return just before you caught your boss trying to hide his smirk from you.
Interesting, you thought. This could definitely get interesting.
“So, you mentioned next weekend is big… what’s happening?” Eddie’s therapist scooted forwards in her chair and clicked the pen in her hand as it hovered over a notebook she’d scribble in from time to time.
“A wedding.” Eddie answered in a held breath, chest puffed out, holding it there for a second. “Old friends from Hawkins invited me to their wedding on Saturday, at Laurel Hall in Indianapolis, which is this beautiful mansion, used to be a school way back when…” Eddie had gotten into the habit of just saying whatever he thought, saving his therapist the trouble of asking for details. “They’ve been together since high school. High school sweethearts, what a dream, right? I guess everyone’s going to be there, old classmates, friends – I’ve been given a plus one too, which they didn’t need to do, but is still kind of them,”
“Who are getting married?”
“Nancy and Jonathan,” Eddie answered, rubbing sweaty palms over his jeans. They were names of people he didn’t think he had ever mentioned before, so he felt the need to clarify. “Jonathan is Will’s older brother, and Nancy is Mike’s older sister, and Mike and I used to be–” Eddie started, but his therapist stopped him as he clicked her fingers in recognition. “Hellfire Club.” She stated, and Eddie smiled.  “Yea,” he let a short silence fall in which he collected thoughts.
“Nancy and Steve also dated for a couple of months when they were 15… maybe 16, and Will and Mike are best friends too, so, there’s a lot of… we’re intertwined in a lot of different ways,” Eddie waved his hands over each other a few times to illustrated the intertwining of all of them.
"I guess that's what happens in small towns, huh?"
"You're nervous. Why are you nervous?" she saw right through him.
"Well... it's a wedding. People will be drinking." Eddie sighed deeply, then frowned as he stared into nothing for a second.
"Will your ex-girlfriend be there too, if you don't mind me asking?"
Eddie's eyes shot up to look his therapist in the eye.
They made Eddie talk a lot in rehab. Group therapy sessions. Individual therapy sessions. And Eddie had never really talked about anything that really bothered him before, so it was real difficult at first. He felt he wasn't meant to feel bad about anything, because was he not living the dream? Was this life not everything he had been wishing for? Everything he'd ever dreamed of ever since getting his very own first guitar?
Eddie was meant to explode with joy. Be the happiest man alive. Instead, however, Eddie felt like he was drowning constantly, and felt overwhelming guilt for it too.
Eddie had to explain all of it. Make everyone understand as he made sense of it himself. When he had to explain to people who hadn't been around your friendship, hadn't known what the two of you were like, what you'd always been like together, he tried to find the right words to make everyone understand. And then, there only seemed to be one right word for it.
You totally were his ex-girlfriend.
It was an awful moment of realization that kept him up at night for weeks because, you were his ex-girlfriend now. Ex. You had totally dated each other. For years. You'd been his girlfriend and he'd been your boyfriend. An awful one, too, but a boyfriend none the less. It had been the real deal. Eddie had been so in love and recognized that you'd been too. Maybe even more so. How had he never known? Never seen it? Never been able to face it? How did he, only now that it was over, learn that that was what it was? Eddie never even knew it was something he could lose, because it never earned its label. It never got named, and so it never gained any strength. Now that it was gone, over, past the point of repair, Eddie suddenly gave it strength, gave it meaning, gave it power by naming it what it really had been and it was heart shattering.
"I think so," Eddie said to his therapist, nodding slowly. "Yea, she must be."
And Eddie was right. The first person he laid eyes on when he walked into Laurel Hall on Saturday May 4th at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, was you. You were up near the front, already seated for the ceremony, and Eddie decided to hang back because that felt a little safer. He sat next to what he assumed were some distant relatives, and gave himself the time to see which way the wind was blowing.
The ceremony was beautiful. Jonathan and Nancy looked stunning, and Eddie really tried to follow along, to listen to the vows, to smile when he was supposed to, and to clap when he was supposed to. But with everyone, Robin, Steve, Dustin, Mike, people's parents – oh my God old friends and their judgmental parents, Eddie had completely forgotten about the parents – but mostly, with you in the room, paying attention seemed an impossible task.
Halfway through the ceremony Eddie doubted if he should've even come at all, and he thought of slipping out unseen. His palms were so sweaty, they were leaving wet patches in his trousers, and his legs wouldn't stop bouncing. But when he looked around to see if no one would actually notice, he locked eyes with Dustin who gave the most excited smile Eddie thought he'd ever seen on him, and so he stayed.
At the reception, Eddie was welcomed by someone holding a huge tray of champagne flutes at the bottom of the stairs and he figured he'd do the polite thing and take one. He'd secretly discard it somewhere on a mantel later, he thought. When he saw you in the crowd, talking to some other people he knew, he decided to grab two flutes. You were empty handed, he had two drinks – one plus one equalled two. It could've been the perfect way to step into your group. The perfect opening to talk to you. The perfect way to– ...oh no.
Someone else handed you a drink.
And you leant in.
And you kissed them?
Let them place a hand on your lower back?
You smiled?
Seemed very happy?
Dustin frantically waved him over, and Eddie was visibly relieved for the out he was given. Swerving off the path that lead directly to you, he walked over to where Dustin was stood with Will, Lucas and Max. Eddie said his hellos, and they all politely smiled at him, gave him the exact looks with the exact eyes that he'd feared he'd get from everyone that day. Somewhat fearful, definitely awkward, a little scared to say the wrong thing, and far too focussed on the huge elephant in the room that took up almost every square inch from wall to wall, from floor to ceiling. It only left the smallest bit of wiggle room to squeeze in some polite small talk.
Except, Dustin wasn't about that small talk life. At all.
"Yep, I'll take these, thank you very much," Dustin said, reaching for both of the glasses Eddie was holding and downed them immediately. Eddie gave him a look, and Dustin stared right back. "Surprise, I'm not 14 anymore, I'm overage now, shithead," he deadpanned, and Eddie was stunned into laughter. "Are you?" Will squinted at Dustin after some quick mental math, but Dustin just shrugged and said, "Close enough, anyway."
They managed to converse on a somewhat normal level in their little group. Eddie was a little fidgety, but Dustin was just being his regular old self, always teetering between innocent excitement and nonjudgmental acceptance, which was exactly what Eddie needed. Good old helpful little nerdy Dustin. What a dude, what a savior. The group grew slightly awkward again when Mike joined them, brother of the bride, but it only took seconds for Eddie to lock his elbow around Mike's neck. Mike said something so stupid about how Will and Mike were brothers now, it made everyone groan, so obviously, it was headlock-time.
Their laughter was loud, young boys having fun, but it felt misplaced because they were all in fancy suits in a very fancy solarium, and were definitely drawing attention to themselves for it. Dustin tried stepping in to save his friend, but Eddie had two arms, had he not? Lucas tried to warn him, but it was to no avail and Eddie had them both now. "No wedgies, no wedgies!" Dustin called out before wedgies had even crossed Eddie's mind. People who didn't know them were frowning, no doubt wanting to tell them off, boys you're at a wedding reception, behave yourselves!
You observed them calmly over the rim of your glass as you happily sipped the champagne that your boyfriend had handed you earlier, and you hid a smile. "They're such babies," you heard Robin mutter next to you, followed by "Oh my God, that's him! That's Eddie Munson!" from your very excited boyfriend, Matt. "Come on, I'll introduce you," Steve quipped and nodded for Matt to follow him. "Don't ask him to sign anything, or tonight is going to be so weird," you heard Steve say as they walked off together.
Tonight was definitely going to be weird.
You knew Eddie hadn't seen you look. You'd clocked him immediately. Had seen him sit down in the back during the ceremony. Tried to keep your attention with Nancy and Jonathan, smiled at Matt when he squeezed your thigh at the vows, hugged his arm as he teared up when Jonathan spoke. But Eddie was in the back, and you could almost feel his eye bore into you, so your legs had bounced wildly the entire time and your mind hadn't wavered from him for a single second.
Watching Matt be his giddy, excited, puppy-dog self as Steve introduced him was almost too much to witness. Matt was a huge Corroded Coffin fan, even if he didn't look it, and you'd told him about how you used to be real close friends with Eddie. You had never let on what that friendship entailed. What that friendship had looked like to others. What that friendship had meant to you. Matt just thought it was really cool and couldn't wait to one day maybe meet him.
Which was right now, and you realized you were entirely unprepared.
Robin understood what a bizarre position you'd been placed in, and stood beside you as you both looked at the three of them from afar. You thought it was nice that you were out of earshot, you didn't need to hear Steve ask Eddie to ask Matt what his favourite band was. It was also nice to see that Steve and Eddie were on good terms. They smiled at each other, and had hugged in greeting. You knew they'd seen each other a few times after Eddie had gotten out of rehab. Steve had also actually replied to the letter they had made Eddie write in there, which you hadn't done. You had read the one he wrote you, memorized huge chunks of it even, but had never picked up a pen to write a reply. It had kind of kept the door between the two of you dead-bolted shut, and Eddie hadn't dared knocking it for fear you'd find another lock to turn the key on.
"This is weird," Robin muttered, only loud enough for you to hear.
"So weird," you agreed. You saw how Eddie kept biting his lips and knew that he was nervous. Eddie Munson, nervous to talk to your Disney boyfriend. What a wild thing to be staring at.
"Matt and Steve are practically wearing the same outfit," Robin followed up, and you realized that she was talking about something entirely different from you. But, shit, she was right. It wasn't the exact same outfit, but if you squinted hard enough, you could easily confuse one for the other.
When you saw Matt turn to look at you, point his finger for Eddie to follow its line, you waved. And then you smiled. You were a grown up. An adult, God damn it. You could wave at someone and be normal, surely.
Before Eddie could wave back, you saw how they were being asked to step into the formal dining room as dinner was about to be served. People started moving, all ready to find their seats at the other end of the mansion, but Eddie didn't follow them. Instead, he slowly make his way over to you, and then, suddenly, it was just you and Eddie in the solarium still.
"Hey," with both hands in his pockets, Eddie twisted on his foot and used the other to tap your shin as a greeting. It was awkward, but cute.
"Hey," you returned the same gesture, but you were in heels, and you almost lost your balance. Eddie's hands reflexively reached out, but were quickly pulled back as you steadied yourself on your own. You blushed at your own clumsiness and Eddie scratched the back of his neck, entirely unsure of how to approach this chat with you.
Then you both chuckled. You chuckled at yourselves, at each other, at this outrageous situation you found yourselves in - all of it too stupid not to laugh at.
"You met Matt," you said, gesturing vaguely at the spot where they'd been stood seconds earlier.
"I did. Nice um... yeah, he's a nice guy," you could hear hesitation in his voice, and you squinted at him through a small smile. Eddie exuded the same vibes you'd felt in the bar when Matt had first walked in.
"Matty," Eddie said, and you could tell he was making fun a little. You let him, knowing how Matt could come off. Especially since he was an actual real life fan of Eddie. First impressions didn't really mean anything when it came to Matt. You knew.
"Eddie," you replied, returning his own facial expression and tone to him, and it made the both of you laugh softly.
"You look really good," Eddie suddenly complimented, looking you up and down, eyes gliding over your plum dress, and your chest ached with the way he said it.
"So do you," it was the polite thing to say, but you also absolutely meant it. Eddie looked fucking great.
A small silence lingered, and you were about to say that you should probably also make your way over to find your seat, but Eddie stopped you.
"Can we," Eddie stepped closer and let fingers wrap around your arm. "Can we meet, later? Another time, I mean. Another place. Like, next week, maybe?"
You looked at Eddie's hand as he touched you, felt sparks, before you looked up at him again, and you were met with big emotional eyes that couldn't look more apologetic if they tried.
You smiled warmly. "I'll think about it."
You knew it wasn't the answer Eddie wanted to hear, but he accepted it, nodded, let you go, and watched as you stepped away and went to find your seat next to Matt for dinner. You kind of liked the position of power you suddenly found yourself in with Eddie, and thought to yourself that you wanted to hold onto that for a little while longer. Could be, dared you think it, fun.
Dinner took its sweet time, and you grew a little bored. Speeches were followed by more speeches, were followed by more speeches, were followed by more speeches. When you saw Jim Hopper wipe thick tears from his cheeks, you turned to Steve to point it out. Steve looked, but then turned back to you and pointed at your boyfriend. Matt was crying too, and there was no possible way for him to even understand any of the references in any of the speeches. "Weddings just get me," he'd said earlier when he cried at the ceremony too, and you thought it was cute then. Now, it was becoming a bit much. You rolled your eyes at Steve, who silently laughed before you decided to down your glass of wine and immediately asked for another from a passing waiter.
After dinner, the party moved back to the rest of the ground floor. There was the grand lobby by the staircase, where people could sit on big old chesterfield couches and in old leather armchairs. Then there was the solarium that had its marble tiles turned into a dance floor. Lastly, there was the terrace, lit with beautiful patio lights strung across, where people could sit and chat at larger and smaller tables.
Jonathan and Nancy had their first dance, and it was very romantic. Made you swoon a little, looking at the eyes they made at each other. Perfect fucking couple. Behind them, you'd seen Eddie slip outside. For a smoke, you were sure. You weren't going to follow him. You were a grown up. An adult. You were no longer hung up on Eddie, and you made your own choices. Your next choice, you decided, was to drag your boyfriend onto the dance floor with you, even though, and he'd been very adamant about this, Matt didn't dance.
"Steve, my man," Matt slapped a hard hand onto Steve's shoulder.
"Do me a solid," he gestured to you as you were tipsily trying your best to reel Matt in with your imaginary fishing rod. "I don't dance."
Steve furrowed his brow, pretended to unhook Matt from your wire, and placed the imaginary hook onto his own collar. Ten seconds later, you were both stood on the dance floor, in dancing position, holding onto each other, just like everyone else was.
You mused together about how you were grown ups now. Real adults. With adult lives, and adult responsibilities. People your age were getting married now, having kids, had steady jobs, careers even and had fucking mortgages. It was such a trip if you thought about it for too long, and were glad to learn that Steve wholeheartedly agreed.
"We're grown ups who make sensible choices now," you almost said it like it was dirty.
"We're grown ups who know when to stop drinking," Steve said, giving you a look. You had definitely nearly tripped over your own feet a few times already.
"Ouch, don't let Eddie hear," you joked and, sure, maybe it was too soon for jokes like that, but you'd said it now anyway and it made Steve turn to check if Eddie hadn't accidentally heard you.
"We're grown ups who use our indoor voices," Steve pointedly said, visibly relieved Eddie hadn't been near you to have heard that.
"We're grown ups who decide for themselves how loud they want to speak," you were practically screaming over the music, and it had the two of you giggling into each other as you danced.
Dancing with Steve was fun. He sort of knew what he was doing and would hold you tightly when he did a spin. You'd seen Joyce smile and point you out to someone and knew it was solely because of the way Steve was moving you across the floor.
That was, until you were interrupted.
"Mind if I cut in?" Eddie suddenly appeared beside you, clasping a hand onto Steve's shoulder.
"Of course, but be careful with him, Steve's got two left feet," you joked, and pretended to step back to let Eddie dance with Steve.
"Idiot," Steve laughed and pulled you into a hug, whispered "grown ups!", in your ear and then smiled at Eddie as he passed your hand into his.
"Oh my God," you feigned nervousness as you let Eddie pull you close, one hand on the small of you back, the other holding your hand, just like every single other couple on the dance floor.
"I'm dancing with Eddie Munson," you said sarcastically, copying Matt's tone from earlier, squealing like an excited fan, smiling hard enough to make your eyes squint.
He furrowed his brows to appear offended, hurt even, but it was futile. The smile on Eddie's face was there to stay.
"You've clearly had a few, I see," Eddie noted, and if Eddie was trying to make you feel guilty over it, it wasn't working. You were totally allowed to drink, and weren't going to let Eddie - Eddie, who was responsible for the most difficult years of your life - guilt-trip you for it.
So, you just smiled. And nodded. Because yes, you had had a few. Eddie returned your smile and for a couple of seconds, you just danced and smiled at each other.
"You really do look nice," you said, noticing the blush in Eddie's cheeks that kind of matched your dress, funnily enough.
"Oh my God, stop flirting, people will assume things," Eddie joked in a hushed tone of voice, eyes darting across the room in a fake panic as you looked up at him.
"The people here? I think we both have years of convincing them they shouldn't be assuming shit under our belts, do we not?"
You were definitely flirting, and it felt terrific to feel like you had the upper hand over Eddie this time around. It was such a welcome shift you hadn't anticipated wanting to delve into so badly, but with plenty of others on the dance floor and no possible threat of Matt stepping in, you kind of just went with it. It was fun.
"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but," Eddie spun you before pulling you back into his chest. Not as smoothly as Steve would've done it, but still nice. "I don't think we ever really managed to properly convince anyone," Eddie grimaced, as if it was the worst news he could've ever broken to you.
You smiled at your feet before whipping you head back up to look at him. With Eddie smiling down at you like that, it seemed like Eddie appreciated you trying to keep the ball in your court. Tonight, Eddie could just look at you as you played with it. He could eagerly wish for you to toss it over the net, which you weren't planning on doing willingly, though you never ruled out the option of the ball slipping from your hands momentarily. Eddie might not have been drinking, but you definitely were. Maybe the ball would accidentally bounce over to him every once in a while, and those moments could be tests - you wanted to see if Eddie would throw the ball back to you on his own accord. And he better. He still had shit to make up to you.
"I got your letter," you blurted out, immediately regretting bringing it up, but Eddie's smile didn't falter.
"Lot of big confessions," you almost sounded challenging in your tone, a playful smile tugging at your cheeks.
"Yeah," Eddie scrunched his face as he elongated the word and nodded, not embarrassed to have written them down, but embarrassed you were talking to him about his feelings now.
"You never wrote me back, though,"
"I didn't,"
Eddie looked at you questioningly, and you were quick to frown at him.
"Um, how does one reply to, 'I was always head over heels, over the moon, out of this universe, so God damn in love with you, and I didn't even fucking know it'... any suggestions?"
"Um, I don't know, thank you, maybe,"
You laughed heartily at him, and Eddie bent into you as he laughed too. When the laughing ceased, and you returned to crow-feeted smiles for one another, Eddie realised that you'd memorized that part of his letter, and you realised that you'd just given that away.
"I do love you too, you know, if that's what you wanted to hear,"
Eddie gasped a small breath.
"You do?"
You nodded and grimaced, almost as if to say, I don't know why either, joining him in his bit.
"I had no idea," Of course Eddie fucking knew.
"What a shocker, hey?"
"I can not believe it. I don't think our friendship can take blows like this."
The music switched from a slight mellow one into a real slow, romantic one. There was no getting out of having to sway slowly to the gentle tunes, and to be honest, you didn't mind at all.
You sighed deeply, then thought of Matt.
"It's too late, is all," you said, ignoring the fact that, actually, even if you had been single, you still probably wouldn't have just accepted Eddie back into your life as easily. Even just as a friend, it was going to be difficult going for him.
"I know,"
You saw Eddie glance over your shoulder, no doubt to look at Matt. When he kept his eyes trained in the same direction for too long, you turned to look and saw Steve look at the two of you. His expression read a little confused, but didn't really say much else. Not to you anyway - you didn't know what had been going on behind your back before you turned around.
"Then again... is it?" Eddie whispered in your ear and then looked at you as he stepped back, let go of you entirely and took three steps backwards before turning on his heel and leaving the dance floor, and then, the solarium entirely. Eddie left you standing there alone, and you turned to look at Steve.
Steve, who, with big eyes, immediately mouthed 'no!' at you.
But you just shrugged, looked at Steve like you kind of had no other choice as your feet started following Eddie's footsteps.
Steve waved his arms to beckon you as discreetly as he could, inaudibly telling you to 'stop', and to 'come here', followed by 'we're grown ups!' but then Matt suddenly popped up next to him, and Steve proved once again that he was the best fucking friend you couldn't even have ever dreamed of asking for. Steve grabbed Matt by the shoulders, gave him a big smile, and engaged into conversation immediately as he turned him around, facing away from you, leaving you every opportunity to slip out and find Eddie.
You found Eddie at the bottom of the stairs in the grand lobby, which, thank fuck, was empty.
He held out his hand for you to grab, and when you did, wanted to leave through the main entrance, but you had a different idea.
You held onto Eddie's hand as you lead the way upstairs. Looking down the hallway from the landing, you saw a door that read 'Presidential Suite', and seconds later, you were stood in what was very obviously the bridal suite Jonathan and Nancy were going to be staying in that night. You were both staring at the four poster bed that was covered in rose petals.
"Maybe this isn't..." Eddie turned his head to look at you, and found you were already looking up at him.
"It definitely isn't..." you absolutely knew what he meant, but turned your body into him and snuck an arm into his jacket to curl around his waist.
Shit. You wanted Eddie. Sure, you'd been drinking, but not enough to be taken advantage of. You wanted Eddie, and you wanted him now.
"We might regret this," Eddie spoke softly, just above a whisper, but his nose was already nudging around yours. You couldn't manage a proper reply, but just let out a whimper that sounded enough like you agreed with him before you closed any distance left between the two of you and kissed him.
You kissed Eddie. Took hold of his face, pushed a hand into his hair, and you kissed him. Eddie wrapped both arms around your waist and pulled you in tightly, but didn't move otherwise, and let you kiss him for however long you wanted.
Eddie could cry with how much he needed this, needed you, but didn't make any further moves. You'd been right earlier; the ball was in your court.
You hummed, moaned and panted into Eddie's mouth, let your tongue roam and teeth nibble and you loved every single second of it. You could kiss Eddie like this for hours, and you easily would have, but then, you felt his erection press up against you and suddenly, just kissing wasn't enough. With your mouth still on him, you moved a hand down to press a palm over him, and you felt him flinch. It broke your kiss, and you looked down at it.
Eddie did too.
You palmed him for a few seconds, unable to look away from it, heard how Eddie held his breath and then, you let out a shuddered breath of your own.
"Get on the bed."
Eddie didn't need telling twice. He crawled onto the bed, let himself flop against the pillows sat somewhat upright, and started undoing his pressed trousers as you got busy hiking up your dress at the foot of the bed. After sliding down your underwear and stepping out of them carefully, you climbed onto the bed and Eddie reached out with both arms to help you get on top of him.
Straddling Eddie, and with all lights in the room turned on, you got to look at Eddie's face crumble as you started moving, slowly writhing, sliding up and down. Eddie's hands were clasped onto your sides and both your hands made sure they stayed there. You cocked your head, like a puppy hearing a new sound it tried to figure out, and studied Eddie's face as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before he let his full head fall backwards against the curtained wall behind the pillows. Fascinating. A huge turn on. You couldn't help but dip down and kiss him, and Eddie immediately returned it, full forced, moaning and groaning as he did.
Eddie looked up at you when you broke away from him, and you felt his hands move, firm fingers now digging into your hips as you picked up your pace, and you swore you could see it in his eyes.
You won.
You deserved to win, and you’d won.
You were the focal point of Eddie’s whole world. Past, present, and future. The first and only choice. He’d follow you anywhere, he’d just proven it, just to be near you, to be with you.
You’d won, and you could feel it, looking into Eddie's eyes with your foreheads locked together. Your eyes fluttered shut as you bit your lip before you moaned, and it drove Eddie wild. 
You were having devastatingly romantic sex in a bridal suite not meant for you, with a man not meant for you. But you were strong. Made your own decisions. Decided how close you were going to let Eddie get. Chose to fuck him all on your own accord. You'd deal with repercussions later, if there'd even be any, because maybe, you wouldn't allow there to be any. That's how powerful you felt, and you deserved it, Eddie thought so too.
You rode Eddie until your legs cramped, then let Eddie hold you steady as he rammed into you until you saw stars. You toyed with the idea of not letting Eddie get there, but then decided you wanted to feel every single muscle of him shudder underneath you, and so you kept it up until Eddie saw stars too.
A panting puddle of limbs on silk - now wet - sheets, you took a moment to catch your breaths. Let Eddie hold you close. Whisper sweet nothings into your hair. Words that could make you cry if they weren't laced in guilt and shame. You let Eddie do whatever he felt he needed to do, because you didn't mind him fighting for it. You let him, until the pauses between his words drew longer. You let him, until the blinks of his eyes grew slower. You let him, until he'd completely drifted off into blissful dreams of soft kisses, tender touches and sweet smiles.
"Eddie, what the fuck?!"
"What are you doing up here?"
"Get out of here!"
Eddie was rudely awoken by the shrill voice of Nancy, and the very confused voice of Jonathan just a couple hours after he'd fallen asleep in their bed. They'd walked in on him with his dick in his boxers, thank God, but his trousers halfway down his legs still.
"What the..." is all Eddie managed to say in a groggy voice as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.
"Eddie! Get out!" Nancy wasn't going to give him time to adjust and hit him with her bouquet of flowers that she was meant to keep safe, making Eddie roll away from her.
"What's this?" he heard Jonathan on the other side of the bed and saw him pick up a note from a pillow.
Eddie was quick to snatch it from him as he rolled off the bed and was chased into the hallway by Nancy, trying to pull his trousers up as he did.
She slammed the door loudly, making Eddie wince at the echoing sound. He did up his zipper and closed the button before turning his attention to the now crumpled up note in his hand. Eddie rubbed his face and blinked his eyes into focus more, turned the note so the words were no longer upside down. As he read the words you'd left him with, a grin slowly took over his face.
'Sure. Next week. Coffee. x'
It could mean nothing, Eddie knew. It could absolutely totally have zero meaning. But, then again, if Eddie dared let his mind wonder, it held every potential to mean everything.
Read the final installment: Never Over
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @jenisnotlost @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystiquee @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff - (tag list currently full)
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ccbunnv · 4 months
Could you do a valentines day with Bill? (Fem reader). Just anything really, fluff or smut. Maybe even like an angst that turns into a surprise. Idk just valentines day with Bill. An early thank you if you do it!
happy valentines! i spent it listening to nena n watching edits. hbu?
˖°🦇ִ ࣪𖤐 bill x fem! reader fluff
impatiently tapping your finger against your wooden desk, you stare at your phone that has remained as still as a corpse since the time you woke up. there had been no notification, no calls, not even a text from your usually romantic boyfriend.
your heart brewed up a storm. what was he doing? for the past few years you've been with him, he'd always make sure you woke up during every valentine's with a kiss to the forehead, a breakfast in bed, and you both would end it with a nice dinner.
if he had work that day and had to leave early, he would send you a loving text, before picking you up with a bouquet of roses after finishing his work as fast as he could. maybe he was busy?
you left it at that possibility with a sigh. standing up, you walk over to the closet to pick out a shirt. maybe you'll go out and buy some gifts for him. he has been eyeing a certain bracelet, and you wanted to get it for him.
your hands glide from one article of clothing to the next, colours varying from leopard prints to Bill's black and white striped jacket that you borrowed and never returned. you decided on a black shirt, a denim mini skirt and a pair of black converse.
you checked yourself out in the mirror for a couple of minutes, before fluffing up your hairdo, putting on some makeup, and leaving your room. you find yourself walking through the downtown area you lived nearby, watching as couples left and right coddled their partners.
it only made you feel more single. even though you weren't.
you pick up your phone to check it again, to see that Bill has finally left you a text. excitedly, you click into it and read his message. but it wasn't a valentine's message. it was just, "good morning, schatz! sorry for not replying, i'm a bit busy today."
you text back, "it's alright, my love."
you follow the text with, "let's go to that cafe we love afterwards, how about that?"
no reply.
you heave a sigh, and stick your phone into your pocket again. you continue your stride down the area, the scent of roses filling your nostrils as you pass by flower shops that have big sale signs on their storefront windows.
you eventually stop at your favourite cafe, the one you frequent with Bill, and head over to the cashier to get yourself your usual drink. you look up and notice the chalkboard that normally has the day's drink of recommendation to one that says '50% off for every couple!'
great, you lost that 50% off.
"hello miss, how can I help you?" the cashier asks, and you're brought back to reality.
"hi, could I get a (favourite drink)?" you respond, bringing out your purse to pay.
"will that be all?" he questions, and you bring your eyes to the pastry display case beside the counter.
there's an array of sweets, including strawberry cheesecakes and puff pastries with strawberry and custard in the middle. white decorates its top and its surroundings, leading you to wonder how sweet the pastry is with the amount of powdered sugar.
"yeah." you reply, looking back at him.
"okay, your total is 5 bucks." he says, ringing up your total on the register.
you hand him a crisp 5 dollar and he hands you your receipt.
you grab your coffee once it was placed on the pick up counter. you make your way over to one of the unoccupied seats in the corner, watching as couples flirted with eachother at their tables.
the bell rings as another pair walks in and you lift your head to see who it is. your breath hitches upon seeing your favourite ravenette, with a girl hooked on his arm. they laugh and chide, and they place their orders at the cashier.
your heart breaks, your teeth digging into your lower lip until it bled. was this what Bill was so busy with? taking another girl out on a date?
you stand and grab your drink, walking out of the door of the cafe, unwilling to be in the same room as those two. tears prickled at your eyes, threatening to spill. how could this be? he was the most loyal man a girl could ask for.
you come to an automatic stop in front of a toy shop. god, this felt so childish, but there was a giant teddy bear with a pink lacey bow tied around its neck, simply resting there and holding a sign just like the one in the cafe.
you enter the toy shop and a sickening smell of sweet candy floods your entire being. you look around, noticing a lot of people inside, buying small teddy bears for their partners and contemplating on which card to get.
your eyes fixate on the large teddy bear, and you reach out to touch it. the material is soft, the curls of the plush felt warm on your skin, and upon closer inspection, the paws of the teddy bear were heart-shaped. how cute.
you feel slightly better at your encounter with the teddy, and an old lady approaches you soon. she asks, "miss, can I help you with anything?"
"er, yeah." you respond, "how much is the teddy bear?"
"it's 300 dollars." she says with a smile.
you look back down at your purse, and you find that you only have 55 bucks. you smile awkwardly and reply, "actually, never mind."
you leave the shop with a slight sigh, and you notice that the sky has gotten darker since you left yours and his apartment. you decide to return home, since there wasn't anything left for you to do.
you walk home, checking out each restaurant that you passed. the insides were lit with warm lighting, couples dressed in gorgeous dresses as they cheered their glasses of champagne, their hands locked together as they whisper sweet nothings in eachothers ears.
you bring out your phone again, hoping to see at least one message from Bill, but nada.
your mood sours, and you reluctantly return home. as you open the door, you're greeted by a familiar smell that definitely doesn't belong to you. it's some other girl's perfume. you look down, and notice a pair of dior heels that didn't belong to you.
your heart breaks and you simply shut the door, leaving the apartment complex again. the dam finally breaks and tears stream down your cheeks as you stride down the sidewalk. you rub your eyes, trying to remove all traces of you crying.
god, this is all so stupid.
if he wanted to cheat why do it so obviously?
the evening grows into night and the weather turns frigid. you find yourself in a friend's apartment, and she's making you a cup of hot chocolate. thank god she's free, otherwise you wouldn't know where to go and what to do.
she sighs as she hands you the cup of hot chocolate, "girl you look like you're straight out of jennifer's body."
you take the hot chocolate and sips it, unphased by her comment, "I know I do."
"do you really think he's cheating?" she asks, sitting in front of you, "I mean, it just seems so unlikely."
"he rants about you all day long." she says, "if anything, he's crazy for you. why would he cheat now?"
"how the hell am I supposed to know?" you hiccup, pressing your lips against the white cup again and drinking the sweet liquid of comfort.
"he's not on tour, but he doesn't talk to me, text me, call me, and I see him with some brunette on his arm and the whole damn apartment reeks of some other girl!" you sob, wiping the tears away forcefully.
"girl..." your friend sighs, before her phone buzzes and she picks it up.
she looks through it, and then says, "my date's coming over in half an hour. er, do you mind?"
wow, okay, hoes before bros, fine.
you simply nod, despite feeling a little bit betrayed. you stand, finish your hot chocolate, and leave her apartment complex. you drag your feet home and face the door to your apartment once more.
breathing in and out, you start making plans in your head. though you dread going in, you had nowhere else to go. god, if those two were going at it like rabbits you were going to light the bed on fire.
you open the door and notice...no dior heels. the scent of the perfume is much more faint now, and there's soft jazz coming from the living room. you slowly take your shoes off and slide into a pair of house slippers.
you trudge through, and stop suddenly at the romantic display in the living room. rose petals decorate the floors, there's takeout of your favourite restaurant on the coffee table, your favourite movie on the television and cozy blankets on the couch.
the giant teddy bear that you were eyeing earlier now sits at the side of your couch, smiling at you endearingly with a bouquet of your favourite flowers mixed with roses and a heart-shaped box of chocolates in its soft paws. you take another look at the coffee table and notice a perfume bottle on it.
it's the perfume you've wanted for so long. that's why it smelled so familiar. your heart throbs as you finally realise what he has been doing.
"schatz?" he calls out from behind.
you turn around to see him smiling at you, dressed in a black shirt and a pair of black and grey plaid pyjama pants.
you begin to sob. that takes him by surprise and he quickly goes over to bring you into his arms, "did I scare you, schatz?"
"oh my god, you're the worst!" you weep, "who the hell even was that girl?"
"you saw us?" he asks, looking shocked.
"of course I did! you both just went into our cafe and you think I wasn't there?" you snap, looking mad but mildly relieved.
"oh, sorry, mein liebling..." he whispers, kissing your forehead, "that was Georg's girlfriend. I asked her for help."
"then why were you both being touchy-feely?" you ask.
"that was just out of reflex, my love..." he says, kissing the sides of your face, "I won't touch any other girl like how I touch you, you know that."
he slowly picks his face up and kisses your lips, "meine schöne frau,"
"you know I love you and only you, right?" he murmurs, his arms wrapping around your waist and bringing you close.
"you ignored me for the whole day..." you respond, sniffling a little.
"I know, it's my fault, but I'm here to pay you back, okay?" he whispers, kissing your neck, "mein schönes mädchen, all mine."
"mhm..." you watch as he pulls away and returns to kiss your lips.
his thumb presses against your cheek and wipes away the trail of mascara down your cheeks, "so pretty."
he kisses your cheek, and says, "you wanna get into something comfier?"
you nod, and he lets go of you. you run back into the room and begin removing your makeup, and then you change into a black slip with pink lace along its rims.
you leave the room after turning the lights off, and upon seeing you, he lets out a soft groan, "meine frau, you're begging me to fuck you in that."
you stick your tongue out at him, and he laughs a little. he walks over, pulling you into his arms as his hand reaches down to cup your butt, "come on, before the food gets cold."
you both cozy together on the couch and he presses start on the movie. the intro rolls in and he kisses you on the forehead, "happy valentine's, schön."
"happy valentine's." you whisper back.
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
hey idk if your req are open but if u dont mind can you make a hcs + scenario of Yuuji, Megumi & Gojo with Chubby!fem!reader who is a cutesy fairy ? like she's a fairy who love to wear the dolliest and the prettiest soft looking clothes, and also she is very shy but yet so friendly? tysm before and i really love your writings btw! :)
і ɡ𝘰t 𝗍hᥱ ᥴᥙ𝗍ᥱ𝘴𝗍 ᥆ᥒᥱ! ⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰ֺ⭑𔓘
Yuuji, Megumi & Gojo with Chubby!fem!reader who is a fairy that loves Dolly & Cutesy Fashion 🎀 ᮫ׅ ๋ 𝆹 ׅ✿
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✿ AUTHORS NOTE : hello! well yes yes this is actually my first req ever :3 and if you ask if my req are open or not, well i take req i like and i found interesting. so i never really close it. i'll close it if i put the request : closed sign in my bio if it necessary. but as long as the sign hasnt still written, them feel free to send me your interesting idea.
✿ WARNINGS : none that i aware of? maybe some misspelled word & petnames (babydoll, fairy angel, ++). reader skin color is not announced.
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✧ Yuuji
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omg this boii?? he freaking loves you sm. he thinks you're the vanilla-est, the softest & the prettiest fairy he ever met.
loves you so freaking much he'd try to do everything for you to keep you happy.
love how your clothes compliment your skin and those perfect combination that really show your curves in a perfect way and also those clothes who gives your fairy wings the prettiest & the most perfect looks!!
feel like he's the luckiest guy ever-!!!
and he looovess it when he sees you compliment yourself in your dolly & cutesy outfit in the mirror, he thinks you look super adorable and just cute cute cute!! 🩷
if you had a thing for plushie, he'd try to buy one every week/month if he had a mission. and after he had done his mission, he's going straight to your favourite plushie store and buys plushie that he thinks you're gonna love<3
after that, he's going to your apartement, knock at the door, and when he sees you all sleepy he chuckled a bit because he cant help but you look so adorable right now! like he can just eat your belly up!
and after that, you both are going to go some cuddles-night FULL! because yuuji really craving and begging to have cuddles with you since he's away in his mission :( <3
⤹˚˖ ♫ ୭ s-c-e-n-a-r-i-o ⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰ֺ⭑
yuuji just got back from one of his important mission. he's all tired and miss you so much he felt like he's dying (this boy smh) so he goes straight to your apartement when its midnight. he knock at your door and which its make you curious yet confused of who is it.. so the second you hear a soft knock at your door, you see the window from inside in which you see your supportive bf! and he looks so tired and burnout omg.. so your first instinct was open the door, even when your hands are like really limp and your eyes all like really sleepy, but you tried your best for your bf, and when he sees your sleepy face he cant help but chuckle. "oh! *chuckles* you look really adorable babydoll﹍uhm- anyway i'm so sorry to interrupt you at midnight but i cant help i'm really tired and also i really like need cuddles rn.. so if you dont mind can we.. cuddle together?" and oh how can he even describe how happy he was when you accept him with such love. "of course yuuyuu. *yawn* i'm tired too so, lets get cuddle and sleep together <3"
✧ Megumi
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he never EVER imagine in his wildest dream he would ended up falling in love with such a cutesy Fairy gf like a crazy person.
and let me tell you, this boy is actually didnt ready to have you as a gf in the first place.
but now? look at him, he's freaking loves you, so fucking much like its kinda suffocating honestly.
well how could he not??? you're just so soft, plump, and round..... need to be protected and filled with such love and affections 💌
he would never say this out loud, but he actually love the opposite vibes you both give and have! like he's the emo tsundere boy type who wears dark & (mostly) black colored clothes, and then theres his chubby cutesy fairy gf﹍You! who wear the dolliest and the most soft girl looking type of clothes. really shy but friendly at the same time, soft and round, trying your best to hide your fairy-secret, how could he just not love you?? everytime he sees you, he really want to eat your chubby cheeks, but he scared he might bit you so he always hold back </3.
if you love something like flowers, animals, or maybe plushie, then just like yuuji, he would try sometimes to buy you things you would like secretly since we all know this boy is like a tsundere type.
he also the type of bf who would 10 times more comfortable in showing his love in a quiet and serene place.
now dont get me wrong, he still shower you in compliments and appreciation in publics, but in a more quiet place where it was just you and him? be prepared to be dead by suffocating and drowning from his affection and compliments lol <3.
⤹˚˖ ♫ ୭ s-c-e-n-a-r-i-o ⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰ֺ⭑
Your bf!Megumi has just invite you to some flower garden this afternoon. after you heard his invitation, you quickly get your ass up from your bed, and prepare for the um.. date? ﹍ anyway- after a couple of minutes you finally have done your outfits! all pink dolly and soft, your wings is hiding in your back, your pixie ears compliment your face & hairs, your nails are done, your cutesy makeup are done too, perfect! time to meet your lovely bf Megumi! ﹍ 14 minutes when you finally arrived at the flower garden, you see your bf in a very gentleman suit, he look just so handsome! you see some girls trying to flirt with him but he quickly shoved them off, still havent realizing your appreance. and after a couple of minutes, he's looking at his phone again after he just shused one of the girls that trying to get into him in which he sees you message
{ Babe! i'm literally around you rn... :( }
he quickly turned around left & right, then & there in which he find you! oh god your Vanilla perfume almost makes him suffocating! "fairy angel i'm so sorry i didnt se-" "its ok meguu.. its fine." you told him. and then you ask him why did he invite you here in which he replied "i found a cafe that you may like. so i want to go there with you. would you like too?" while saying that, he sees your eyes are widening and your mouth are slowly gagging open in which you replied "Are you kidding me meguu!? oh i've come here all dressed like a bambi fairy doll rn so what are we waiting for? <3" he sees how excited you are in which he cant help but chuckle as he shyly hold your hands and says "lets go darling ୧₊˚ ⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰ֺ⭑"
✧ Gojo
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flirty, flirty, affection.
yup thats the right way to describe this guy.
almost nut after he realize he have a strong feelings for you.
he really love your pixie ears!! they're so cute and pointy. and they somehow makes you more cute and feminine.
and he also love the combination of your fairy wings with your round body!
everytime he put his eyes on your face or your dolly outfits he cant pull them back. he just stare at you because you just look so fucking ethereal and he still trying to proceed about how in the heck he can get so lucky to get someone like you?? you're like the best thing he's ever experienced.
he fricking loves your style! and i can see he's the type of man who would go to buy a match clothes with you. in other words you both sometimes wear dolly clothing together!
his favorite thing to do is when he's free, where he's at your apartement, and you both watch some random movies with matching soft looking pjs ❁♡
everytime he's gone on a mission, he always remembered those each time. and he sometimes wonder what are you doing right now and ect. and thats the reason why he sometimes bragging it to his others companion like his friends or students..
and after he's done from his mission, he goes REALLY STRAIGHT to your apartement, no matter if its midnight, afternoon, or morning.. he's going to knock at your door, and when you open it, you're gonna get jumpscared by this big goofball sudden hugs.
⤹˚˖ ♫ ୭ s-c-e-n-a-r-i-o ⸰ 𖥔 ͙ࣳ ⸰ֺ⭑
this day he's so excited! gojo and his team has already done the mission yesterday night, and was ready to flight off to their region, although.. maybe gojo is a little bit of too ready. well you cant blame him. he miss you so much! also do you even know what days is there! its his freaking birthday!! all of his buddies already saying "happy birthday" to him but he really want ones from you! so after he landed back to his region, he goes fast as fuck to your apartement, but since he's so fast he didnt peek up through your window in which at that time you were piping for his birthday cake! so the second he smack at your door ..﹍ yes. he smacked at your door, you go straight scared of course.. you accidentaly throw his cake who was still in progression while his big body was throwing into yours, you see the cake flying above your head like its kinda slowing a little bit. you were really scared that you froze. but after seeing the guys who is hugging you, and after you see his white hair, you finally snapped back and said "toru?.." he look up at you, in which you were... dont know how to feel. well you were happy he was back but you also cant help but feel furious and anger because he just ruin the birthday cake you made for him. "babe its my-" "i know toru..! its your birthday... but you just fricking ruined the cake i was made for you!.." he sees your face sadden in which he quickly replies "oh no no no no, its- its no matter baby, i'll-﹍i mean we'll make it all over again." "really? but you promised me you wont screwed up ok?" "yes baby. i promise i wont."
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gaysullengirl · 21 days
𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞. 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞, smartest
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❝ but i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo, what the hell am i doing here? i don't belong here ❞ - creep, radiohead
It was a brutal case- technically all of them were. Two blown up cops and a gunned down teenage girl.
Isabelle was doing her favorite part of her job, examine a scene.
The kitchen of the house was practically nothing, a bomb going off caused most of the walls to be gone, Isabelle examined the door frame closer.
"It looks like the door was sealed off- plastic there, duct tape on the door frame and window sills." She pointed out.
Spencer read over a police report he held, "It says they found cordite and gunpowder. He sealed the kitchen off which trapped gas in here."
"If Jordan Norris was right here she'd end up in the field and Rod Norris would end up in the tree."
"The blast was designed to focus on this room, on whoever came through that door." Emily added.
"What was the trigger?"
Isabelle grabbed a small cigarette box and dusted ashes off of it. "Rod Norris, he was a smoker."
"Whoever did this knew him well enough to know he was a smoker and that he'd enter through the back door." Spencer added.
The pair exchanged a knowing look, "Let's go tell Hotch." Spencer motioned.
"They knew each other?" The sheriff asked Hotch and Morgan as Isabelle and Spencer exited the house.
"Enough to know Rod Norris would enter the back door while smoking."
Hotch nodded, "They also shot Lou savage point blank range already knowing he was dead."
"Sheriff, you know anyone with a personal connection to Rod Norris and Lou savage?" Morgan inquired.
He signed, "I didn't think of it earlier but Owen Savage, Lou's son was dating Jordan Norris."
The Savages' house looked like any other, it was a two story white colonial house, with a picket fence.
Once they entered the house Spencer immediately noticed the lack of family pictures, "Did Lou blame his wife and for ending his career in the Marines?" He questioned the Sheriff.
"Lou was a good man."
"A good man that doesn't have a single photograph of his dead wife or son anywhere." Spencer criticized.
Isabelle looked to Spencer, his head hung lower and he kept his arms crossed across his chest.
"Where's Owen's room?" Spencer asked, "Right there." The sheriff pointed down the hall.
Spencer walked toward it, Isabelle following behind.
The walls were covered in various posters, Jonny Cash, James dean's Porsche.
"All his clothes are black." Spencer said, "So he probably identifies with being misunderstood." Isabelle added.
"That doesn't mean anything." Spencer argued.
Isabelle ignored his comment and opened the closet door, "Owen painted his mirrors black."
"Guess he didn't like what he saw."
"Let's head over to the school, talk to the counselor and see what we can find out." Hotch suggested, the two nodded in agreement.
"As Owen's counselor, what can you tell us about Jordan and Owen?"
The counselor signed, "Not much, they started dating last year when owen moved to special ed."
"Junior year- Isn't that a bit late?" Isabelle questioned.
"Yes, if he'd been put there for academic reasons."
"So what was the problem?" Spencer asked, "Bad attitude, lack of effort."
"Owen applied himself in some classes, he did very well, but it didn't last." The counselor said, Spencer and Isabelle shared a look.
"Here." He handed the group a copy of Owen's grades.
"The problem wasn't lack of effort or bad attitude." Isa thought out loud.
Spencer nodded, "The A's in math and science tells he's a gifted student, the D's in english and history, that tells us that he had difficulty reading and the "f" in geometry, that indicates a severe problem with spatial relations."
"That's confirmed by his illegible handwriting." Isabelle added. "All consistent with a brilliant but severely learning disabled student."
"Yeah, but his standardized tests didn't support that kind of intelligence." The counselor argued.
Spencer scoffed, "A spatial relations handicap affects your hand-eye coordination, he couldn't fill in an answer bubble any easier than he could hit a baseball."
"Which is why he stayed away from sports." Hotch added.
"Sports was a sore spot with his father- I mean, he joined the wrestling team freshman year just to appease his old man, but, uh... that didn't work out." The counselor hesitantly said.
"He was probably the smartest kid in class, he just couldn't prove it." Spencer said and Isabelle nodded.
"Being the smartest kid in class Is like being the only kid in class." She said, slightly laughing.
"He missed all of it."
"But schools like this can't meet the specialized needs of every student." Hotch said- which was true but still annoyed Spencer and Isabelle.
"He gives it everything he's got, over and over and over again, and continues to fail!" Spencer explained, visibly upset.
Isabelle dug her fingers into her palm to hold back her anger, "And the whole time- the whole time they tell him it's his fault."
"I mean, it makes sense."
"No, it doesn't," Hotch said, "an undiagnosed learning disability does not add up to this level of violence, not without severe emotional abuse."
Isabelle and Spencer knew he was right; They hated it.
Hotch's phone rang, "Morgan, you got something?"
"I found an mpeg on Owen's computer- you gotta see this."
Hotch, Spencer, and Isabelle gathered around the counselor's computer, "I just sent it." Morgan confirmed, "Got it." Hotch replied and opened the video.
It showed Owen in the school locker room, a towel wrapped around his waist.
The boys behind the camera encouraged Owen to drop the towel, claiming that they all had to do it to be apart of the wrestling team.
Hotch closed out of the video, "Did Owen tell you about this?" He asked the counselor.
"He didn't have to- It was posted on the school social networking site, we pulled it down immediately."
Spencer scoffed, "Once it's on the internet, it's out there forever, Owen knew that."
"Did owen tell his father about it?"
"Not at first, but when owen quit the wrestling team, his father confronted him, I mean, he blamed Owen for the whole thing."
"Owen only joined the team to get his father's approval."
"How were these boys punished?" Isabelle questioned.
"Owen identified them, but on film, all we have is their voices- I mean, even if they'd admitted involvement, all they'd have to do is say Owen didn't have to do it."
"He didn't know he was being filmed." Isabelle said in disbelief.
"Look, it's his word against theirs! I mean- Parents will get involved, The school board, lawyers; Cyber-Bullying is a hot issue right now."
"The whole thing would wind up on 60 minutes, how's that gonna help Owen?"
"What did you tell him?" Hotch questioned.
"I told him that dealing with bullies is part of growing up."
"Sounds familiar." She rolled her eyes.
"Boys have a way of sorting these things out for themselves." The counselor clenched his jaw.
"Yeah, they sure do, right now, owen's out there sorting it out with an assault rifle."
authors note!
sorry i didn't update the past two weeks! i'm almost done with my school year and will be able to update more consistently! ^_^
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Your Genesis angst was beautiful (I. will admit to almost crying) and got me thinking.
So, what if one day Genesis is working on a project and it just. Isn't. Going. Right. It's supposed to be perfect, it's supposed to be amazing, this was the one thing he'd been excited about all day but it isn't perfect. He's horrible at everything and he's a failure. He's spent hours and hours, hasn't eaten, hasn't drank, hasn't done jackshit for himself.
And of course, because his friends love him very much, they go to check on him, only for Genesis to burst out sobbing, telling them about all his insecurities because they just can't stay inside anymore. How would they react?
Cathartic fluff be upon ye .・゜-: ✧ :-
• Genesis received an invitation to write a thought-provoking article for an esteemed magazine. As a prominent scholar in the study of Loveless, high expectations accompanied the request.
• But while he typically articulated his ideas effortlessly, this particular task wasn't going well.
• Struggling with writer's block, he neglected sleep and food, consumed by a relentless focus on writing 24/7. This ceaseless dedication took a toll on him, and when the article was finally completed, self-doubt crept in. He despised his work, questioning his abilities, feeling like a fraud, and constantly comparing himself to an unattainable standard.
• Angeal was the first to notice that there was something wrong. It happened after their lunch break—Genesis had skipped it, but Angeal and Sephiroth chalked it up to him being busy with his bustling social life, a lunch date with one of his admirers undoubtedly.
• But Angeal found Genesis in his office, the exact same place he had left him an hour prior. He was curled up on his desk chair, with blood-shot eyes staring at his computer screen. Something told Angeal that the red wasn't due to eyestrain from staring at the screen for too long. His eyes were too glassy, too wet for it to be that. He had been crying.
• Then came Sephiroth. He had noticed the cafeteria had a selection of fresh Banora White's, a rarity to find in Midgar. Genesis was again absent, so Sephiroth decided to grab one for him. But when he brought it up to Genesis's office, the man flat-out refused the fruit, claiming not to be hungry.
• Sephiroth was well-acquainted with a lost appetite under extreme stress, which is why his concern led him to seek out Angeal and tell him that Genesis was not well.
"So you noticed it too, huh?" Angeal remarked.
"Has he shown any other signs of distress?" Sephiroth asked.
Angeal nodded, "I might have seen him crying the other day, remember when he skipped lunch? I went to check up on him after."
A frown tugged Sephiroth's lips. "He hadn't eaten that day?"
"Doesn't seem like it," Angeal admitted. "Zack told me he saw him leave his office at 4 AM the other day."
Sephiroth sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Which means he's been neglecting sleep."
Angeal confirmed with a nod.
A contemplative silence enveloped Sephiroth as he crossed his arms, looking to the side and parting his lips hesitantly.
"What is it?" Angeal asked.
"It's just... he's usually light." Sephiroth's tone was heavy. "Now... he's dim."
The words weighed on Angeal, who then and there decided to put an end to their problem at once.
He forced an understanding smile, placing a firm hand on Sephiroth's shoulder as he stood. "I know what you mean. Come on, let's go talk to him."
• When they returned to Genesis's office as a duo, he was still there. They didn't bother knocking, gently pushing the door open to see Genesis seated at his desk, surrounded by scattered papers and dimly lit by a single lamp. His auburn hair seemed dulled, mirroring the weariness in his eyes.
• Genesis glanced up as they entered, a mixture of surprise and exhaustion etched on his face. "Oh. What do you guys need?"
Sephiroth fought the urge to wince. Even his voice sounded hoarse and lifeless.
Angeal approached with a gentle smile. "Gen, you haven't given yourself a break from writing that article, have you?" His tone conveyed both understanding and worry.
Genesis sat up straighter. He looked wounded, opening his mouth to respond, but being cut off by Sephiroth.
"I haven't seen you at lunch, nor have you appeared at dinner. You haven't been eating properly either." His usually stoic demeanor softened by genuine worry on his face.
Genesis wordlessly glanced to the dozen of empty coffee cups on the floor by his desk.
Sephiroth huffed. "Coffee does not constitute as a meal."
Genesis sunk down into his seat again, pulling both if his legs up and hugging his knees.
As Genesis buried his face, they exchanged a meaningful look before Angeal spoke again. "We're just worried, Gen. You're not yourself lately. What's wrong?"
Genesis's only response is a small sniffle.
Sephiroth and Angeal exchanged alarmed glances as Genesis, seemingly unable to contain his emotions any longer, began sobbing into his knees.
His nails dug into his legs, the sounds of genuine distress filling the room, a stark contrast to the confident persona they were accustomed to.
Sephiroth and Angeal, immediately concerned, move closer, unsure of how to comfort their friend who now seemed so vulnerable, unraveling like a wounded child.
"Genesis," Angeal whispers softly, kneeling down beside his chair. Sephiroth does the same on the opposite side.
The room is filled with a heavy silence, broken only by Genesis's deep sobs. Angeal gently places a hand on his friend's shoulder, while Sephiroth works to remove Genesis's fingers from his knees before he can harm himself.
He was still crying when he leaned over and hugged Sephiroth, burying his face in his neck. Sephiroth responded with a gentle embrace, holding him close. The three of them found themselves on the floor. While Sephiroth held him, Angeal shushed Genesis reassuringly, his soothing words accompanied by the comforting gesture of carding his fingers through Genesis's hair.
"You're okay," Angeal whispered, his tone reminiscent of how one would speak to a child. "We're here now. If you want to tell us what's wrong, we're here for you."
Sephiroth frowned, stroking his friend's back. "If you don't want to tell us anything, that's fine too."
Tears streamed down Genesis's face as he poured out his frustration. "I can't take it anymore. Everything I write comes out wrong. I've written this damn article fifteen times now, and I can't get it right. I can't do anything right. Ever!"
Angeal nudged him gently. "Gen, you're very tired right now. You need to take a break from writing this and come back to it later."
"Taking a break won't fix me!" Genesis snapped his despair palpable as angry tears steamed down his face.
Angeal fell silent, unsure of how to respond.
Sephiroth was quick to jump in. "You don't need to be fixed. You're perfect the way you are."
"Easier for you to say!" Genesis snapped back. "There isn't a single flaw that graces your being, is there, Sephiroth? Everything you do is perfect. I thought writing and literature were the things I had over everyone, but I can't even do that right."
Now Sephiroth was the speechless one, looking to Angeal for help. Angeal, in turn, sensed the weight of their friend's struggles. "Genesis, is this how you've been feeling? Like you're not good enough?"
"It's not a feeling, Angeal, it's just what I am," Genesis confessed, vulnerability clear in his tone. "And I'm tired of it. I really am. I'm tired of not being enough, tired of competing with everyone who I think is better than me. I'm sick of thinking everyone is better than me. I'm exhausted."
After a moment's hesitation where not even Angeal knew what to say, Sephiroth tentively found the words.
"If you are tired of yourself, are you tired of lighting up every room you enter?" He asked earnestly, managing a small smile as he wiped a stray tear from Genesis's cheek.
Angeal nodded with a smile. "Are you tired of always knowing just what to say to make us feel better?"
Sephiroth continued. "You must be tired of being the bravest man I know, and not to mention the one I admire the most."
Genesis looked at him, wide-eyed, as Sephiroth smiled and rubbed his back.
Angeal chimed in, flicking a stray lock of hair from Genesis's eyes. "In that case, certainly you're tired of being the most skilled mage this program has ever had. And you must be tired of being one of the most accomplished scholars in your field."
Sephiroth shrugged gently. "And since you're sick of being Genesis, that means you're sick of being our best friend."
"Our one-of-a-kind, necessary half," Angeal added.
Sephiroth nodded. "Our equal."
Finally, Genesis sighed, defeated. "Well, when you say things like that, I look stupid."
Angeal met his gaze with a mix of frustration and, surprisingly, a laugh. "Gen, you're not incapable of looking stupid. In fact, you say stupid shit for most of the time you're alive."
Genesis's shoulders slumped.
"But," Angeal added, "you are fundamentally one of a kind. A rare, beautiful person inside and out." He frowned, looking genuinely hurt. "I hate that you don't see that."
Sephiroth leaned them both against the desk, still hugging him. "I can somewhat understand the supposed envy, Genesis, but not the competition. There is no competing with me, Genesis."
Genesis rolled his eyes. "Gee, thanks, Seph."
Sephiroth laughed. "I mean because you're my equal. You're a piece of me, Genesis, that I did not know was missing before I met you. Both of you. Where I would be without you and Angeal in my life... is not something I enjoy thinking about."
"Really?" Genesis looked up.
Sephiroth nodded, giving hima reassuring smile.
Genesis looked a bit brighter as his sniffles began to subside.
"And about the article, Gen," Angeal said, continuing to stroke his hair. "If there's anyone who can do it, it's you. You're the artistically gifted one out of the three of us, and the magazine picked you because they know that you're the best at what you do. If the words don't sound right now, that's okay. How long do you have to turn it in?"
"Four days," Genesis replied quietly.
Sephiroth squeezed his shoulder. "Four days is more than enough time to edit what you have. Angeal and I will help you."
Genesis looked surprised. "You will?"
"Duh," Angeal said with a smirk. "But first, we're going back to your place."
"What? Why?" Genesis inquired. Sephiroth gently pulled him off, and Angeal began to lift him up.
"I'm going to draw you a bath." Angeal wrapped his arm around Genesis. "And Sephiroth is going to order a lot of takeout."
"Copy." Sephiroth also wrapped an arm around Genesis.
"Then, you're going to sleep for at least a day. We'll tell Lazard you're taking the day off tomorrow," Angeal continued.
Sephiroth hummed. "Perhaps we can stay over. To make sure you'll actually be sleeping and not binge-watching TV."
"That sounds like a plan!" Angeal agreed.
Genesis faltered, his legs nearly giving out as his heart swelled. He choked one last cry, pulling them both into a tight hug, tears streaming down his face. Angeal and Sephiroth squeezed him right, taking advantage of how they towered over him to completely encase him in warmth.
"Thank you," Genesis whispered. "I don't deserve you two."
Sephiroth felt a tear roll down his cheek. He looked up, meeting Angeal's equally glassy eyes before whispering:
"What are friends for?"
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fadinglandtragedy · 10 months
POTO Korea Review
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August 9, 2023 Seoul
Cast : Jeon dong-seok, Sohn ji-soo, Song won-geun
[first review]
This one was my favorite.
JDS is insane. His voice is in the best shape these days, and his performance is very engaging. He seems to be gradually stepping out of the shadow of the Y&K Phantom and steadily building his own phantom. He still can't quite touch Christine and doesn't know how to treat her, but his attitude and mood captures the sassiness of the ALW phantom.
It's been a few days since I saw his previous performance, but I was surprised to see that his movements were more organized. This time I was able to see him more closely from a different angle, he really organized his hair nicely and walked like this :
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Now I know why Christine actresses said he was so cool in that moment. Really seductive.
And he kept trying to whisper in Christine's ear at MOTN. It was like... it was the one scene that summed up why Christine couldn't resist the Phantom.
At the Red death scene, I was told it’s an recording, but he broke through the recording and sang it really loudly live. (I think the people in the front row could hear it.) His voice and the recording resonated, which seemed like another Phantom’s trick. and reminded me of the LEROUX Phantom playing with his voice... It was quite fascinating.
PONR… I like that he matches his movements with her in the Christine part.
My favorite scene was the one in Final lair where he was arguing with Raoul behind the bars. The original line, ‘I love her, does that mean nothing?’ was changed to ‘I love her, Why don't you believe in love?’ in the Korean. JDS, who had been bit relaxed, was momentarily unable to hold back his tears. I realized that his Phantom was the one who believed in the miracle of love more than anyone else in this musical…
With that, he started crying a lot... again, and I think it was more than the last performance. He kept showing signs of pulling himself together to hit his lines (especially when he heard ‘I gave my mind blindly’), and I could keep hear him sobbing in the silences. really don't know how he sings steadily in the middle of that… When Christine came to return the ring, he looked like wanted to tell her not to, but all I could hear was a sob.
He's crying like the world is ending, and behind him, Raoul kisses Christine's hand… yes it’s sad but also too beautiful. Can’t deny it.
I know it’s weird, but I like the moment right before he lassoed Raoul the best. His impressive use of elongated limbs reminds me of Leroux's Phantom. Sexy
I'd love to see his phantom on west end stage, if that's possible.. he'd look better in west end makeup
The chemistry between JDS & SJS is really 🤌 They're both settling into their acting, and when JDS shows his charms, SJS responds well to it.
I think Sohn ji-soo is going to be my new favorite Christine… Her dialog is a little awkward, but she's a former opera singer, so she's very good at conveying emotion through song, and also (of course) a good singer.
Overall, she is more passive, serene, and calm than SEH Christine. This time I saw in her a Christine from the 90s and 00s. A very early, almost archetypal Christine. She plays Christine as fragile and vulnerable, but that's what makes her shine in the graveyard scene. While SEH showed us a beautifully radiant prima donna making her debut in TOM, SJS brings a lush sadness to the Wishing.
She seems overwhelmed with how to get through this, but in the end, she moves forward unbroken. So her first step, Wishing, is even more impressive.
Her feelings toward the Phantom are similar to those of a mortal facing the Absolute. In The mirror scene, she fearfully soothes the Phantom, but when his anger is unabated and he tries to reveal himself, she willingly tries to open the dressing room door, despite her fears.(She must have thought he would be at the door. Love this detail!)
She was afraid to face the Phantom in STYDI (on the other hand, SEH didn't avoid his gaze.), but when he turned away in pain, she reached out her hand as if she wanted to hug him.
In the Final lair, she's upset to see herself in a wedding dress, but when the Phantom starts singing (this face, which earned~), she turns toward him as if mesmerized. (This reminds me of Claire Lyon in PONR)
She was clearly afraid of him, but also attracted to him. It's such a natural and obvious Christine’s trait, but it was great to see it again with the chemistry between JDS and SJS. I still remember her reaching for him as he painfully yelled at her to leave…
I saw her respond to being told that she had the biggest role in Don Juan by saying, "me…?". Funnily enough, JDS once interviewed that when phantom said, 'I've written you an opera,' the 'you' was referring to Christine.
I thought that Christine would have instinctively sensed the Phantom's obsession and affection and already known that she would be the one to play Aminta, but her Christine seems to think that his anger is simply a hate of her.
She was a relatively innocent and naive Christine, which seemed to work well with JDS's romantic side.
She and SEH Christine both sing along Carlotta's TOM in small voice, which is a detail I love because it's so cute and shows their desire to sing🥹
Oh and Korean fans call her a hamster… i can understand. She’s so lovely Christine!
I’m not sure about SWG Raoul… his presence was barely felt. I'm not sure if it was tiredness or what, but his performance had very little impact, and I felt like I was watching a character from another musical he was in.
But he was definitely milder than HGH, and I love the detail of him hugging Christine in the final lair, even though he's in a lasso.
I really like LJY Carlotta! Her performance was appropriate and impressive as a prideful prima donna. At the same time, her mean and demanding personality was well portrayed, making her an appealing character. Like the scene in Il Muto where she throws Christine into bed (Andre's panicked reaction is hilarious) or in Don Juan rehearsal where she gently teaches Piangi and gets annoyed with Monsieur Reyer in an instant are good examples.
When she says "she’s crazy," it's no longer sarcastic, but more like she's looking at a mentally ill person with disdain, which, coupled with PHR Piangi's reaction afterward, further emphasizes the relationship between the Phantom and Christine. (It shows how strange their relationship is and that it can't be shared with anyone.)
There were a lot of little funny scenes. The most interesting was the conductor's panicked performance with Andre in the Il Muto ballet scene. It was quite funny to see her panicking, searching for the score, and ruffling her hair.
why do the ballet girls' screams seem to get louder and louder...? 😂
The supporting cast is also working well together, and the performance is gradually becoming more complete. I was actually thinking that this production might not be for me, but um now I just wish I could follow this show and witness every moment..
If you sit in the first row, your neck can get sore, and you can barely see the Phantom on the angel. On this day, JDS was very emotional and the angel was swaying SO much that I wondered what was going on overhead.
There are no tickets left for me right now, but I hope this isn't the last time I see his phantom. I'd love to see it again as a JDS/SJS/HGH/LJY pair if I get the chance🙏
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Alright, so as I clear out my writing folder for fics that just aren't going to get finished for one reason or another, I thought I'd do something I've never done before and post them.
So, this is The Monsters We Made, which was written fresh off my first run with Mateo back in February of 2023. He was pretty different back then. His character was still being workshopped and he had just gotten the selfstuck Sedated By Mortum ending. I felt a lot about that ending and so, like I always do, I went off writing about it.
This is an unfinished fic and, as such, has a jarring "ending" and is not edited. It is very much a rough draft and you'll notice that it has information based on the books rather than what's been revealing in the Patreon documents, such as Mortum being Haitian rather than simply speaking French (they'd likely speak Haitian Creole, though they might be fluent in French as well, depending on their background). This, along with Mateo's characterization and ending changing and his puppet being altered, means that I will likely never finish this piece. So, it can go here. Hope you enjoy!
Mortum had been expecting a lot of things when he decided to sedate Mateo de la Cruz. He had been expecting Mateo to put up more of a fight. He had been expecting to feel some level of vindication at seeing him fall. What he had not been prepared for in the slightest was exactly how Mateo responded to the sedation. 
Fingers gripping his, not with intent but as if looking for stability. The expression of sheer terror that had flashed across his had felt like a bucket of ice water thrown at Mortum. One hand on his as he pulled out the syringe, one on his lapel, clinging for dear life. A flash of betrayal in his brown eyes. "Cariño…." He had winced at the endearment. Martín had called him that. It was supposed to be easy. It wasn't supposed to hurt so much.
He stares down at Mateo, studying his face for some sort of sign, some tangible proof that he did the right thing and that they are, in fact, enemies. Merde, he looks too much like Martín. He isn't as delicate-featured. There is no regal posturing the way Martín has. Scars mark Mateo's face where Martin's is bare and smooth. But they have the same nose, same warm eyes, same curve to their lips. Even their hair is styled in the same shoulder-length locs with gold cuffs.
Martín is sleeping, sprawled under the bedsheets with a soft smile on his face, despite his legs being in casts. Mortum would normally be sleeping beside him. If he's honest with himself, he wants nothing more than to crawl into bed next to Martín and hold him in his arms for a week straight. But there's something wrong with Martín. He can feel it.
He doesn't carry himself with the same certainty. When Mortum kisses him, he feels Martín holding back. His smiles don't quite meet his eyes anymore. He speaks with a slightly different cadence. It's like watching his boyfriend through a funhouse mirror. Any passing mention of it is met with a laugh and a wave of his hand. He has a different excuse each time.
So Mortum finds himself back here on nights when sleep evades him, in what is now Mateo's personal infirmary. He's been spending too much time here these days. Ever so gently, he lifts the hem of Mateo's shirt up. Just as he'd said at La Cantina weeks ago, his body is marked with re-gene tattoos. They are a slick and sickly orange like the skin of a poison frog. A warning sign to stay away.
He wishes he could heed them. He wishes he could leave Mateo out in some back street to rot. But he looks too much like Martín. And Martín feels less and less like himself with each passing day.
Was Mortum wrong? He wonders, not for the first time, if Mateo was telling the truth. That the nights of microwaved pizza and expensive scotch and wanting and being wanted in return were never a mask or a front, but always just Mateo. Perhaps the mask of Martín was more liberating than his own.
Other than this particular, I have never lied to you and I never will. Mortum winces as the words play over in his head. They’d sounded desperate, but Mortum had only been able to feel their bitter taste.
It all made more sense in the ambulance, when Martín had woken up. There was real fear in his eyes. Fear of Mateo. Or so he had said. Had he been played that night? Manipulated by whatever was now riding in Martín's skin? It is starting to feel more and more likely.
That's why tonight, Mortum skipped Mateo's scheduled sedation.
He's already taken numbers. The headache and dry mouth have been building for the last hour, but it's worth the precautions. He doesn't want to take any chances with a telepath.
Mateo is beginning to stir. He opens his eyes with a slow sort of bleariness. He blinks once, twice, and then Mortum sees the telltale sign of a stomach turning. He just barely gets the trash can over in time for Mateo to almost pitch himself over the side of the bed and vomit. As he retches, his back shuddering from trying to suck in breaths, Mortum can't stop himself from rubbing small circles between Mateo's shoulder blades.
Mateo pushes himself back up with shaking hands, his dark eyes narrowing on Mortum's face. Mortum gently holds his dreads back from his face. He’s surprised when Mateo doesn’t bat his hand away. "You drugged me." There is no bite to Mateo's words. Just a blank statement of a fact.
"I did, mon chéri." There's no point in denying it. "It seemed like the best course of action at the time."
Mateo's eyes scan over the surroundings. Always perceptive, despite the grogginess. It was like this talking to Martín about his projects, too. Martín was not particularly knowledgeable in technological fields, but he always hung onto every word Mortum said. Always asking questions, always learning, always paying keen attention.
"This isn't the Farm or a hospital." There's a familiar sort of distance in his voice when he speaks. It's gone when he continues. "Where are we?"
"One of my labs.” Mortum shrugs, holding his arms against his chest. He tries to swallow down the guilt. “I had nowhere else to take you."
"Why didn't you kill me?"
The question catches Mortum off guard. He takes a step back. An old habit, as if he's trying to get a wider view of Mateo's intentions, to see the bigger picture.
As if reading his mind despite the numbers, Mateo shrugs his shoulders in a noncommittal sort of way. "It's what I would have done in your shoes. Especially after Martín."
Mortum's blood runs cold. He clenches his fists, counts to ten, and lets them relax again. "How do you know about Martín?"
"I caught a sense of him, right before you opened the door," he says, his voice carefully modulated. His expression is guarded, so unlike how open he’d been as Martín."He didn't feel like you. Or much like anything I'd felt before."
At least Mortum isn't alone in the sense of alienation he gets from Martín these days. Even with the tension of their situation, he feels himself sinking back into the familiar pace of their conversation. It’s a balm as compared to the past few days. He isn't allowed that peace of mind for long.
"You never answered my question."
He really is quite like Martín, hyper-focused and direct almost to a fault. Mortum allows himself a small grimace. In his attempts to get his thoughts on the matter in order, Mateo presses on.
"You seem to know what I am and how dangerous I can be, villainous career aside." Mortum wishes just once, Martín - Mateo, he mentally chastises himself - would be less matter-of-fact about the whole ordeal. "And I know I hurt you. I've hurt you in ways I never intended. I don't understand why I'm still here; why I'm talking to you now."
He says it so earnestly. Not an ounce of cruelty there, despite how much it hurts Mortum. Should he be honest? God knows, Mateo and Martín both were. On the verge of brutality sometimes. Perhaps he owes Mateo that much.
"I entertained the idea," Mortum admits. He turns his eyes away from Mateo, looking down at his hands instead. He's not restrained - a perhaps foolish choice on Mortum's part, but he couldn't bring himself to do it - but he also hasn't moved. He seems content to let Mortum speak in peace. "You are right that it would have been a wiser decision, but I couldn't."
"Is it because I look like him? Martín?"
Mortum flinches. "Why should you have this power over me?" he mutters in French.
"Because you hold the same power over me."
Mortum's eyes snap up to Mateo's face. The French is a surprise. He hadn't known Mateo was multilingual. More tricks up his sleeves. But he looks at Mortum with a tenderness that makes his chest ache all the way down to the marrow of his bones.
Mateo reaches out, then stops, and asks in English, "May I touch you, mi amor?"
He should say no. He should keep that tentative space between them. Mateo is as dangerous as open flame and will burn him if he gets too close. He's already burned once. But Mateo worries at his lip the same way Martín always did and Mortum finds himself too weak to not take Mateo's hand.
"I won't apologize again." Mateo kisses Mortum's knuckles ever so gently. "There is no amount of apologizing that will fix this. But I will thank you for sparing my life."
Mortum swears again, wishing desperately that he had better self control. It's never been a problem before. He clings to Mateo's hands like they're the only shelter from the storm in his mind. Mateo gently pulls one hand free. He reaches up, brushing the back of his fingers against Mortum's cheek. He thumbs away a tear that Mortum hadn't noticed.
Giving up the last of his reserves, Mortum turns his head into the touch, pressing a kiss against Mateo's palm. His hands are rougher than Martín's, calloused and scarred and the nails chewed brutally short. But they still touch him the same way. Something bruised and angry and soft claws its way into Mortum's throat, but he keeps it locked behind his teeth.
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