#so I wrote a strong female character that intimidates you
selenekallanwriter · 6 months
When I see people complaining about so-called Mary Sues, this is what I imagine them being like:
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vasyandii · 8 months
Hi, Vasya! I’m sorry, if you wrote it somewhere and I just missed it, but I was wondering, what are Naks relationships with other Chimera members (ok, Krueger is obvious and I remember you writing about Syd). Is it ‘just business’ for her or are they her friends? What does she think of them? Thank you so much!
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Hi Thank you so much for the Ask!! Im going to section out by each individual operator if that's okay (I'm really bad at explaining things so please bear with me ;-;)
Beforehand: These are just my personal Headcanons from how I interpret their characters and voicelines!
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I briefly mentioned Syd being someone Nak views as an older sister figure in her Bio so I'd like to touch more on that-
Nak, She sees Syd as a sister because Syd's the first person she's comfortable enough to talk about her personal experiences and cares enough about her that Nak shows interest in what Syd as to say. For a long while didn't have a healthy support system before she fled Laos . Being introduced to Syd, she was reluctant and dismissive for the first week or so. However, seeing how Syd was trying to at least be on good terms with her, she thought it was safe enough to give it a chance.
Syd (from her voicelines) is outgoing, friendly, strong-willed, and determined. Nikolai probably asked her to intergrate Nak into the group. Both of them being from wealthy families of people with political/military influence is something they have in common. She understood to an extent why Nak had difficulty trusting people (Not including the whole Naga Trauma stuff) and was willing to take up the challenge.
They hang out during breaks, Nak gets to experience Normal life stuff like a Girls Night, doing her hair, going shopping.
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Yegor, having 3 kids himself, probably has an instinct to protect and look out for those who are younger in the field (from His interactions with Rodion and his discomfort with using children during interrogation). He's lowkey concerned abt Nak because she's one of the youngest members in the faction. He knows how people in their early 20s would act from his personal experience but Nak doesn't fit the mold and it's worrying, even if he doesn't say it.
Nak has cried because he called her "kid", she didn't even realize she was crying from that. It was like an inner child healing experience. She initially didn't like him because she felt like he was "treating her as if she's a child" but grew to respect him since they have pasts in organized crime and he feels like her idea of a dad.
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Nikolai is hard on Nak (alot of cleaning duties, etc.) Because she's one of the youngest people in the faction. " If you wann work here you gotta be good at your job" mindset. He knows that she's a good operator so he pushes her to do her best, with boundaries of course.
Nak thinks of Nikolai as a better version of Naga. She says he's a pain in the ass but really respects him; He got her a job, he accommodated for her issues with routine mental check ups, and his methods with missions is efficient and more her style. She's called him Dad on accident a handful of times, I don't think Nikolai bothered to correct her though.
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Iskra doesn't have an opinion on Nak, she respects Nak's ability as an operator but thinks she's a bit strange
Nak thinks Iskra is so cool. She doesn't know how to talk to her because she thinks Iskra is really pretty and admires her relationships with the other female operators. She wants to be friends with her.
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Farah doesn't have an opinion in Nak, doesn't know her that well.
Nak is a bit intimidated by Farah because of her Accomplishments, respects her as an operator
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She thinks he's stupid and dumb (they kiss)
If you made it this far thank you or reading, the post corrupted initially so that's why it's longer 😭😭
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yurinaa-world · 9 months
Yo, hope you are doing good :D
Could you write Vash, Nicholas, and Knives with a fem s/o who is very secretive about her past and is kind of intimidatingly strong and they find out it's because she sold her soul to a demon for immortality (and can heal any fatal wounds on herself) and is pretty much not human anymore because of this and was trying to hide that fact from others because she fears people will judge/be afraid of her? If not that's perfectly fine though, I understand!
(Sorry if this is worded awkwardly, ive never made a request before and didnt really know how to actually even write one😭)
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Characters: Vash, Nicholas, and Knives x Female Reader
Synopsis: With a female s/o that hides that she's immortality
Warnings: fluff and spelling mistakes
Notes: Don't worry it wasn't worded in an awkward way :) (It's been so long since I wrote for Trigun)
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𝒱𝒶𝓈𝒽 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓃"
Vash is fine with it! If you don’t want to talk about yourself, it’s no big deal; after all, what good will come if he forces you? That would be terrible! He never did such a thing to you; at least he doesn’t have to worry over those small cuts you get whenever you get chased out of a town. You should still be careful!
Okay, you may be a bit intimidating to the town people, but in his words, "they should never judge a book by its cover! or something like that. Well, if they do say anything, he won’t hesitate to jump to your defense!
Ah…. He didn’t expect that about your past. Well, he always thought you didn’t like to express yourself that much, but he understands how you see the world through your eyes, and that's fine with him. At least you're not alone anymore, and you don’t need to fear other people might judge you because you have Vash to put a smile on your face. 
𝒩𝒾𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓈 𝒟 𝒲𝑜𝓁𝒻𝓌𝑜𝑜𝒹 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒫𝓊𝓃𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓇"
"How did I get a weird lover like you?" he tells you, not in a mean way but in a loving way, somehow? But he didn't care or take pride in your life before you two met. You’ll tell him one day.
Well, he likes that you're intimidating; he likes that you're strong and scary, especially with the way you unintentionally glare at people. Your glaze really does make any man shrivel in boots.
You sold your soul, huh? That's not what I expected, really, but you can’t change the past and the stupid things people do, but he doesn’t care. At least he doesn’t have to worry about you dying, but he loves you, even for the things you did in the past; it’s not like he’s any better.
𝒩𝒶𝒾 “𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈”
Why bother hiding the fact that you are immortal? It shows that you were meant to be with him. Why care about what those worthless humans think about you? You should only have him on your mind after all.
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dramavixen · 1 year
watch this! – provoke
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In times like these, when so many high production-value dramas vie over the spotlight with their intense plots and flashy names, you occasionally need a low-budget show that's just vibing in the corner—a bit of a wallflower and rough around the edges, but it's doing its own thing, doing it quite well, and will provide respite for your overwhelmed brain.
What is Provoke?
A romance-revenge webdrama set in the Republican era. A woman marries the geezer responsible for her parents' death, plotting to ruin him and restore her family's sullied name. Said geezer's son becomes suspicious of her and decides that creating the greatest amount of sexual tension possible with her is the best course of action. Also, he clearly has plans of his own since he's not the guy's real son.
This show is as cheesy and melodramatic as it gets and none of it can be considered logical. It's awesome.
Why watch?
We be trendsetters
You got your friends-to-lovers and enemies-to-lovers stories. As timeless as those tropes may be, might I suggest "stepmom-to-lover" as the new trend? (Or how about all three at once?) It's fresh! It's forbidden! It's so ludicrous that the mere existence of the premise is spicy!
In my personal opinion, the execution should have been much spicier. I only very gently clutched my pearls when what I wanted was to feel scandalized through every blood vessel of this tiny body of mine. But alas, I can't bring myself to dislike the love story we did receive. I graciously accept all over-the-top romances.
Ahem. What I meant to say was, ew, gross. What kind of weirdo thought that such an offensive idea could make for good television? Someone classy like me would never.
That romance story you wrote as a twelve-year-old after watching an episode of a soap opera...this is that
Rain pours down against the window. A pretty young woman sits in front of her vanity, brushing on a thick layer of makeup even though it's time to go to bed.
Lightning sets the skies aflame, outlining a silhouette that appears in the doorway. It's him, the dashing young master of the household. His dark eyes glint as he leans awkwardly against the wall in an attempt to come off as intimidating. He's soaked from being outside the rain and drops of water fall from the tips of his hair. He kind of looks like an infuriated feline.
She stands when she sees him. He crosses the room.
"What are you—" she stammers, her words catching in her throat as he corners her against the vanity and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her body against his. He grabs her wrist with his other hand and pins it to the table, knocking over an open container of rouge. Its contents burst into a firework of glimmering powder.
His face is close enough that she can feel his breath on her cheek. She tries to lean away from him, but he's too strong. He is a lion, and she a gazelle.
"Have you forgotten?" she says as she struggles against him. "I'm your father's concubine."
"And have you forgotten?" His voice is deep; some might even consider it sultry. "I'm the one who brought you into this family."
They stare at one another. Then he brings his lips crashing down on hers, or whatever the standard cliché for "kissing" is nowadays.
Such goes the first few minutes of the first episode, which also happens to be what's pictured in our provocative poster. Wait until you see the whole scene.
My fanfiction past feels so seen right now.
There is exactly one brain cell present
You think that because this is a revenge drama, you're going to get a super intricate plot? Heck no. We don't have the time or brainpower for that, remember? We're here for the fun of it.
Everything about this show is smooth sailing because all of the characters are of mediocre intelligence and ability. Your brain does not need to be in operation at any point. Our female lead? She's probably the smartest one, but it's not like that's impressive when her husband is oddly easy to seduce. His actual wife tries so, so hard to be mean to the new girl in the house but fails with flying colors. Meanwhile, the male lead spends most of his time making heart-eyes at his dad's new concubine. It's like watching a bunch of wild geese chase each other and somehow accomplish things along the way.
[insert pun about chemistry and chemistry class here]
These two lead actors could perform all the tropes in the world and I would love it. They bulldoze through a lot in this show and every moment has me grinning like a total creep. That's what low-budget dramas bless us with: shameless clichés. They don't need to make up excuses for why a bridal carry or eye contact that lasts ten minutes exists. After all, we know what we're here for: to satiate our cravings for unrestrained, cheesy-as-heck romance.
The level of acting is higher than you should ask for from a production of this scale. The tension between the two is palpable at every moment, and they truly bring their characters to life. It helps that they're very easy on the eyes. I mean, just look at this pair of bloodthirsty impostors:
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When they start falling for one another...oh boy. My weak heart.
Cinematography 101
I would include screenshots of how stunning this drama is, but I'm not sure how many would do it justice. The set isn't particularly breathtaking and there aren't many flashy assets otherwise, but the director makes smart decisions with what he has to produce fantastic results. A lot of it is based on motion, which is why still screenshots can't really suffice in displaying his techniques.
Nifty camera angles or tricks aren't what caught my attention, but the combination of basic props, movement, and lighting did. A lot can be accomplished through simplicity to craft a specific atmosphere, which is exactly what makes this drama feel like a large-scale production. You really have to see it in motion to believe it.
I'm going to be humming the theme song to myself for the next week as I get this drama out of my system. It grabbed me by the throat and dragged me from the depths of my drama slump. Maybe I need to relive my tacky romance phase.
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thegentlefem · 10 months
What got you into GFD?
I really love this question, and yet I don't have an exact answer to it. The short answer is that nothing in particular got me into gfd, it has always just been a part of who I am. I enjoy taking care of people and dominating men. I'm an independent person who doesn't conform to the mainstream. I have an innate hatred for the way society promotes toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. So gfd is my perfect niche. I'll give a longer answer below if you'd like to read it. Thank you for the question!
So I just went ahead and wrote an essay in 5 min oops it's probably more information than you wanted
I guess the origins of it can be traced as far back as elementary school. This seems really trivial but I used to be a competitive gymnast, so as a kid, I was constantly surrounded by strong girls (and boys) in the gym training for hours every day. It was normal for me to see girls who could do 50 push ups no problem or climb a rope with no legs, and at such a young age my female and male gymnastics friends were very equal in that regard. On the playground at school, I even remember arm wrestling a few boys during recess and winning. Things like that were fun, and they usually birthed friendships. No really one cared about society's views of femininity and masculinity because we were too young to understand. Good times.
In middle school, puberty hit and I realized that society didn't consider physically strong or independent women to be "normal". We were outliers. Dating became popular in school, although I never participated because it seemed too dumb to me and the girls with cliques or immature boys seemed so exhausting. My strength wasn't a source of friendship or interest anymore, and instead people (guys) were intimidated or weirded out I think. Goodbye male friendships. I was introverted and mature, not charming or cute like other girls. Girls were supposed to like smiling all the time and doing their hair, putting on makeup and acting cute to flirt with their boyfriends, right? I felt like that was foreign to me, that everything was backwards, because I knew that wasn't what I wanted. And no way was I going to sacrifice my personality for a stupid middle school relationship. So I stayed in my introverted lane and didn't get involved in dating drama.
In high school, I discovered more about my sexuality and about what I wanted from a relationship. Have you ever read Is It Wrong to Get Done by a Girl? because that's how I felt. Along with real life things, I also began consuming more media. I discovered movies and books with characters or scenes that sparked my interest. Whether it was seeing a man being tied up, a stoic character being comforted, or a man generally taking a submissive role to a woman, I was hooked. Like a memorable scene was seeing Wonder Woman tie up Steve Trevor in the lasso of truth, mwahaha. So no one event got me into GFD, it was just a desire that always existed within me and became more apparent as I grew.
My sexuality became centered on wanting to take a dominant role, but also on curating a relationship based on respect, love, and affection. I realized that toxic masculinity for men existed just like toxic femininity did for women like myself, and I just wanted to give men the love that the patriarchy of today will never show them. GFD allows me to be the woman that society will never appreciate properly: strong and in control, yet caring. GFD allows my partner to be the man that society will never appreciate fully: vulnerable and passionate, yet strong.
So, I appreciate anyone who has read this much, and I appreciate this anon ask! I also hope other women with a similar experience can read this and realize that they aren't alone in their desires. This really allowed me to reflect on myself and I would gladly answer similar questions.
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peculiarbeauty · 2 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
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✧ NAME: rose !!! it's not my real name but one that i use on tumblr that most people know me by <3 ✧ PRONOUNS: she/her/hers ✧  SEXUALITY: straight ✧  TAKEN OR SINGLE: taken
✧ i wrote snow white on tumblr first back in 2015.. and then i wrote her again in i believe 2022.. i'm bad with dates tbh. i wanted to give belle a go after i stopped being on tumblr after a really prolonged break i took. she has since become my favorite princess. i am very happy to be here. <3
✧ i am married !! kfdjdfk it's still so crazy to tell people that i am married even after i've been married for quite some time hehe.
✧ i am a teacher !! i love being around youngsters and i absolutely love helping them in any way that i can. it is incredibly rewarding .. and sometimes exhausting fkjdkfd BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT.
✧   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): since 2008. insane how long i've been writing. i started on youtube and made friends on youtube that actually i found over here. i went from youtube to anispace to here. i remember how intimidating tumblr looked in 2015. still , i have made so many great friends and so many treasured memories over the years.
✧   FEMALE OR MALE: i prefer writing females !! occasionally i will write a male character but i do find females come a lot easier to me. ✧  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: ANGST FOREVER. I LOVE FLUFF TOO .. BUT ANGST ... AAAA ... i do not write smut. ✧   PLOTS OR MEMES: it depends on the day mostly ?? i prefer plots tbh on most occasions. ✧   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: short are nice to start off with for me ?? unless there is angst involved .. then lets go crazy .. ✧   BEST TIME TO WRITE: i get the writing bug just from rewatching beauty and the beast. ✧ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): GOD, I WISH ??? SHE IS SO WONDERFUL , BEAUTIFUL , AND STRONG.
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tagged by : @seachant ( hugging u so tight nini ) tagging: anyone that nini hasn't tagged yet hehe <3
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floareadeaur · 3 months
• Series: Owari no Seraph/ Seraph of the end
• Pairing: Ferid Bathory x female!original character
• Short mentions: nsfw, nudity, describing of intercourse; " Dunia " is the nickname for Avdotia, my character. It appears in both ways in writing.
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• Author's words:
This is a sketch scribbled down on paper somewhere in the middle of the night. It captures a scene I penciled in my mind, a fragment of a moment of love between Ferid and my original character, Avdotia. I feel like it is simpler, but alive to what I felt when I wrote it.
What is the message of this moment? That freedom exists in love, even if everything around is broken.
By the way, this is also posted for that anon who asked me for NSFW content with Ferid and encouraged me to post new erotica about him as well. Thank you for your support!
I hope someone enjoys this.
Otherwise, it is my first work written in English after a long time. I still have many writings, erotic or just narrative, but in my native language. If I notice interesting people, I will write more in English and publish them.
Kind feedback is welcome and I am not kidding, it really feeds a writer's soul.
Anyway, thanks for your interest in reading these lines and have a good day to whoever finds this post!
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Freedom in a putrid world
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In the darkness of the room, two figures entwine in the sheet. Only a faint ray of light penetrates from the corner of the window not covered by the curtain, reflecting the room in a light pallor.
The decor is simplistic, even sober. All those details that characterized all the other mansions of Ferid Bathory have disappeared.
In the solid wood bed, the two bodies intertwine together.
The man is leaning over the woman. His silver hair flowed freely down his back in such an intimate manner. When Ferid bends, his back tenses and beneath the pale skin, the strong, refined muscles twitch. He crawls over her, covering the woman completely.
When he leans further, loose strands of hair slide down his shoulders, brushing lightly over his pointed ears, visible for a moment. The earrings are no longer there. Instead, his red eyes glow far more passionately and warmly than the cold ruby ​​stones that once adorned him could have.
This gaze is offered to her, his sweet Dunia.
Avdotia looks at him softly from the silky bedding in which her body is sunk. Her thighs are so parted that the position of her tender knees resembles the wings of a butterfly. Her blue eyes, clear as the sky, follow the warm inflections in her lover's gaze.
His body is cold, but Ferid's every expression opens with such a vivid touch of humanity.
His name is murmured by her red lips, moistened by his kisses. It is a continuous prayer. In the background, the bed creaks heavily beneath them.
Her warm palms rest delicately on his tense shoulders, as she feels Ferid penetrating her more sticky, and their bodies coming deeper together.
It is the same sweet and charming sway, the same gaze she is trapped under.
Ferid never takes his eyes off hers as he drags his body and entrusts his hard hips to make love to her.
It is so sticky, vibrant and alive.
His thin lips are parted and his gaze is so focused on her. It is almost intimidating, but Avdotia reads in those red eyes the need, the passion, the desire for the ideal.
And she lets herself be possessed by all these feelings in this man, who is much more alive than one would think.
Her eyes close softly.
When viewed from above, Ferid's body can be seen tensing up and almost completely covering his woman.
Only her cream-blonde hair is visible, poking out from under the contours of her lover's body, undone and strewn all over the bedding, soft and long as it is.
A thin, burgundy blanket covers his hips that sink deeper, stickier between the tender thighs he holds in his cold hands.
Ferid's touch feels like velvet, stern but silky. Avdotia can distinctly hear his own moans, gasps and ragged breaths that should not exist for someone like him, whose lungs are no longer functioning.
But for Ferid there is. And all these sensations deliciously caress his body and heart. For a moment, the thoughts in his mind stopped completely.
His silver locks come into his face, his breathing seems labored and those same red eyes fixate on her.
All unforgettable memories are melted, the suffocating idea of ​​a destroyed world.
Ferid bent down, now kissing her.
It is a sweet kiss, which he leads. Avdotia let herself be possessed by him, wrapping her thin arms softly around his neck.
And she feels her own burden, which Avdotia has carried, perhaps, since she was born, or even before.
But in their swing, everything disappears and only the two of them remain, kissing sweetly, immersed in their beautiful pleasure.
The world itself is a disastrous place, but together, when he so determinedly crawls over her for their love, Avdotia and Ferid feel their full freedom.
It is something they can only have together.
Finally, the fierce creaking of the bed stopped. Ferid is still on top of her, propped up on his elbows now. He looks at her with his face so symmetrical, of sharp beauty. His red eyes radiate a soft, meditative warmth. The feeling of pleasure plays physically in both of them as they still enjoy their orgasm.
The soulful joy is sweeter and uplifting. Ferid remembers something for a moment. She must be reading this, for her big, blue eyes continue to look at him so serenely, like two pieces forever detached from the high sky.
He ponders, feeling a stinging sensation in his cold chest. Ferid remembers the sky and how much he always longed to look at it, how he put all his hopes there... Bitter nostalgia stings him a little. His face remains as if sober, but a slight feeling of liberation overtakes his being.
Again, it seems like he is looking at her so intently. He wrapped his arms around her, holding Avdotia close. His figure still covers her almost completely, and under the burgundy cover, Ferid has not detached at all from the warm core between her thighs.
Avdotia is aware of how her feverish and sweaty back is sunk into the soft mattress, how Ferid crawls so much on top of her. She is aware of the trails of cold sperm trickling down her delicate legs, mixing with her own hot juices.
It is so human and alive for them to be like this.
Slowly, her hand reaches out, her warm fingertips touching his sharp, cold cheek. She caresses him lightly, brushing the silver locks to one side.
"... Ferid... ", his name is called soft by her velvety lips, "... You know, that one says you're an Anomaly... ", a deep breath between her serene words echoes, " But this... just because you haven't changed at all," her soft voice broke with a short gasp. Her body sinks further into the mattress, the creaking of the bed has resumed in the background.
His body started the same swing towards her. The sweet feeling of being penetrated by him tingled her every sense. The pace is slow now, savory.
" Not at all? ", his voice vibrated in her ear as Ferid leaned in further to feel her pressed against him as he sank back down to her womb to make love.
It is not a teasing question. On the contrary, his voice is steady, meditative. It is Ferid's actual voice, low and slightly hoarse, actually trembling for an answer.
Her palms slide down his shoulders, trying to rest warmly against his back. Her eyes are closed and Avdotia sighs with her head buried in the mattress.
"... Vampirism hasn't affected you at all ... Oh, Ferid," she says his name, letting out a slight giggle, "Forgive me for calling you that, my love.. But you're the same boy who tries to love this putrid world...", her fingers grip his shoulders, she moans again, "But for me, you're my man... I trust you, Ferid. And I'm a part of this world too ", her murmur fades into a soft sigh under his pressed kiss.
The creaking of the bed became fiercer than ever. He crawls over her in the same sticky, desperate way, in the same lively swing.
Avdotia lets herself go soft under him, to be led, offered to him.
Vulnerability in that fragile and miserable world is a dangerous and rare thing.
With Ferid, though, she can be vulnerable.
Her hands slide gently from his back. Her voice echoes in soft moans, as her blue eyes open once more, looking into the same red eyes focused on her, his sober, meditative expression. Ferid does not smile then, but he is caught body and soul only for her, for both of them.
A slight smile graced Avdotia's face as he pulled away from the kiss just to give her air.
Ferid looks deep into her eyes, she feels his cold hand as it embraces hers, left soft on the sides of her body. Then, another kiss full of need and determination.
Avdotia feels that she is loved.
And Ferid closes his eyes for a moment, without the thoughts tormenting him, or the memories that cannot be forgotten.
On the retina of his mind is only the serene shade of her eyes, like a mirror of the sky that Ferid once loved too.
Now, finally, someone is looking at him lovingly beyond that beautiful blue.
That night, at that moment, his world looks at Ferid Bathory with so much love.
There is no smile on his face, but he is serene, leaning down and kissing his woman, in their sticky embrace where they both feel freedom.
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i'd love to hear YOUR thoughts on chengqing
Thanks for asking!! :)
Ship It
What made you ship it?
so imagine, it's still 2019, and CQL isn't out yet, and you look over the potential ships for Jiang Cheng because you like him and you want to ship him. And then among them you suddenly think about Wen Qing, because, you know, she's kind of the opposite of that infamous list of requirement he wrote. In fact, in so far as the list of requirement is there to let Jiang Cheng wish to avoid having a marriage as disastrous as his parents', she's kind of the female character who is the most alike Yu Ziyuan. She's strong willed, accomplished, outspoken - even abrasive - a very strong cultivator and is very sure of herself. Since the list of requirement is kind of disastrous in its own right for Jiang Cheng's marital prospect, that makes her suddenly a very interesting prospect. Given JC's temper, he needs a partner who wouldn't be intimidated by him, and Wen Qing is someone who could respond in kind (which would at least avoid the problem of Yu Ziyuan with Jiang Fengmian where they can't communicated because YZY interprets JFM's avoidance as lack of caring). They'd have big arguments, but they'd be on the same wavelength. Maybe. I mean it's a complete crackship anyway, right? They barely interact with each other and canon destroys their possibility right away.
But it's a funny crackship to have so you embrace it because why not.
(and then CQL comes and makes it canon, omg)
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like a lot of CQL did with them (despite still not having watched CQL but by osmosis), in term of drawing parallels between their sense of loyalty to their family and their work ethos and how that makes them respect each other even when circumstances divide them. That's A+ pining and duty over love which is a theme I adore.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so amazingly enough. Sometimes the jokes about Wen Qing topping can get a bit extreme, but I actually kind of agree that Jiang Cheng is submissive (if also an excellent service top) and Wen Qing definitely strike me as someone who could be dominant so I don't mind it that much, besides the annoyance of associating pegging with domination because of course it's got to be all about penetration bleh.
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Okay, so, I’ll preface this with the fact that I don’t normally read threesome or poly!fics with a few exceptions (it’s just not my thing) but OH MY GOD PENNY you’re killin’ me over here with Intimidation Tactics!!!
I love how well Dave, Marcus, and reader mesh together, and how you’ve really developed the ways they each soothe each others insecurities. I adore the version of Marcus in this as well—there’s something different that I just can’t put my finger on.
Most of all, I am absolutely in love with your beautiful characterization of reader. She’s tough, she’s a badass, she’s been through a lot of shit, AND she has many moments throughout the chapters where she is also scared and soft and submissive. I love seeing female characters who are allowed to be both tough and soft at the same time; it’s something that I don’t see often in writing and you executed it beautifully!
Can’t wait to see what happens next for this disaster throuple
🌸 anon
Omg 🌸 anon this made me tear up 🥺
I am the same way, I don't always go for poly fics but the combo of Marcus and Dave together has been my kryptonite for quite a while! I was so excited to dive into it myself.
I'm so glad you like their dynamic!
I wrote Marcus both a little bit more assertive than I usually do, and also paradoxically a bit more 'switchy' as well.
I wanted him to be hot-headed enough to butt heads with Dave in a big way, willing to go toe-to-toe from their first interaction. Like, he was 100% ready to punch him in the face. He definitely wanted to.
But then on the other hand I wanted him (and Dave) to be capable of caving, to be good foils to each other where they can both have the ability to give up the reins to someone else for a while.
And my always subby reader just gets to enjoy two switches with top energy.
And speaking of her!!! Yes!!!!! She's strong and capable in her own right but is also soft and vulnerable with the right people.
As for what happens next, it might be a while before I'm able to share that with you! I've transitioned back into book-writing mode as I attempt to sift through the first draft edits of Control and make some changes that will improve the story SO, SO MUCH. Everyone thank @frannyzooey and @leslie-lyman for being such supportive, insightful people with so many amazing ideas and suggestions.
BUT-- just for you, 🌸 anon, here's a little snippet for a oneshot after the main series where reader and Marcus meet Dave's kids for the first time 🥰
"Daddy?" Molly says quietly from the door.
"Yeah, baby?" 
"The grill is on fire."
Dave curses and shoots up, dashing out of the sliding glass doors to the back porch, where you can see an alarming amount of smoke in the corner. 
Molly calmly pads over to the couch and sits where Dave had vacated and looks the two of you over. 
"That should buy us some time," she remarks. 
"What? Did you cause a fire?" you ask disbelievingly.
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that," she says, her cadence coming out exactly as you'd imagine Dave saying the same sentence, and you press your lips together to keep from laughing.
"When Daddy says 'together,' he means boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" Molly asks seriously. 
Oh. You can't imagine how hard it must be to see their dad with someone new–and, not just that but two someones, a man and a woman. It must call up so many questions that she just simply can't comprehend the answers to.
"It must be really hard to understand," Marcus begins gently, but Molly interrupts.
"It's really not that hard," she says disparagingly. "I'm almost eight. I know what 'poly' means."
"I–oh," Marcus says dumbly. "O-Okay."
"I just wanted to see if you really meant it," Molly says, her eyes fierce and burning.
Your heart melts. You grab Marcus's hand, and, trying to keep the waver out of your voice, promise, "Yeah, kiddo, we absolutely mean it."
"Good," she says, pursing her lips in an adorable imitation of her dad. 
"Do you have any questions for us?" Marcus asks, his lips quirking up in an amused smile. 
"No," Molly says thoughtfully. "I guess I just don't understand why you can't all get married. Daddy said only two people can be legally married," she recites, over-pronouncing the words. "It makes me sad."
"Oh," you murmur. "We haven't really thought about it, or–"
"But Daddy says he's going to buy three rings anyway, and who cares about the paperwork," Molly says proudly, folding her hands in her lap.
Marcus's eyebrows shoot up. "Did he," he remarks.
"That was supposed to be kept between us, bug."
You and Marcus whirls around to see Dave standing, disheveled, in the doorway. He levels a pair of tongs accusingly in Molly's direction. 
"Stop. Starting. Fires."
"Technically, it was already on fire," Molly says. 
"Is this a common thing?" you ask, laughing. 
"She's a pyromaniac," Dave mutters as he goes into the kitchen to wash the soot off his hands. 
"I'm practicing," Molly insists. "I'm going to be a rocket scientist."
"You're going to send Daddy to an early grave, bug." He walks into the living room and kisses her on the forehead. "Thought you had homework to do."
Molly groans loudly and stands up. "It's so boring," she says loudly. "I already know it all."
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 8 months
Tagged by: @poeticphoenix
Tagging: @cryoexorcist, @erabundus, @diverse-hearts (for a muse of your choice!), @viigilant
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Cyno loves to tell jokes.
This is not correct. Cyno cracks jokes as a choice in an attempt to put people at ease. He is aware of how intimidating his presence can be, and uses his humor with people he wishes to put at ease. He doesn't necessarily want to crack jokes with people he doesn't like, or to be on the receiving end of them.
Cyno is cute and charismatic.
Not quite. While I understand the appeal of Cyno's character for the reader, this should not translate the same for the people he interacts with. Cyno, by canon, is described as a very intimidating and off-putting character with a terrible sense of humor. Someone who makes you uncomfortable. His profile describes of how people will leave the room if they know he's coming. The fact that his character design is good-looking and that his quirks are groan-inducingly funny for the players unfortunately makes a lot of people forget this aspect of his persona when writing with him.
All of the headcanon timeline surrounding Cyno and the possession of Hermanubis.
Somewhere in his office is hidden the one and only copy of the King of Invokations fanfiction he personally wrote in a spur of inspiration. It is definitely R rated. The love interest is absolutely a self-insert OC.
There is almost nothing that can disturb Cyno to such a strong degree. But people will quickly get on his nerves if making light of the hardships and struggles of his loved ones (example: joking about Tighnari's lightning injuries, or Collei's struggle with the Eleazar), or flat out acting evil.
Besides the obvious fact that Cyno allows me to tap into my horrible sense of humor, I love how sincere and outspoken he is. Most of my muses are very reserved and prefer to keep secrets. Cyno is true and honest at all times, which spares me the struggle I sometimes have when I wish my RP partner tried to pry into my character's mysteries without knowing how to nudge them to do so. Cyno is an open book.
Cyno is a very spiritual and lawful individual and will not risk having children out of wedlock. Female muses who wish to ship should expect a marriage proposal before anything happens in the bedroom with him.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
This piece was written for my Birthday/Halloween Jeopardy event! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST HUSBAND DAICHI!!!!
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Historical AU: Samurai (Daichi Sawamura x FEM!Reader)
Requested by: @honeybunny-sawamura Word Count: 1.4K Warnings: reader is described as a female
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Being the daughter in a samurai family came with its fair share of both privileges and pressures. Unlike the girls born into lower classes, you had spent your childhood years learning to read and write as well as training in a variety of different forms of martial arts so that you’d be able to manage and protect your family home and business whenever the men were called off to war. The long rigorous hours spent with strict teachers either hunched over a calligraphy table practicing your writing or getting scraped up and bruised from honing your fighting skills could sometimes get overwhelming. It did feel like too much at times, but for you, there was one thing that made you extremely grateful for the position you’d been born into. That thing was Daichi Sawamura.
You had been very young when you’d met Daichi for the first time, but you would never forget that day as long as you lived. He was the son of one of your father’s close samurai friends, and at just five years old had already been well on his way to becoming a great warrior. It had shocked you to learn that he was already training using real swords at that time, making you feel a little shy and childish in comparison.
“A good samurai must be skilled at fighting and learning,” Daichi would say every time a new responsibility was introduced into either of your schedules. Music, poetry, art, tea ceremony, and academics were all things you were both expected to master. Seeing how hard and diligently he worked always motivated you to do your best as well.
That is how your feelings for him started out, through admiration. It was easy to think of him as a friend even though you only really saw him in passing because he always seemed happy to see you and fill you in on everything he’d learned and how much he’d accomplished since your last encounter. His absolute favorite thing to talk about though was calligraphy.
“I’m not that great with words,” he’d admit sheepishly, “but there’s something extremely relaxing about forming the characters and moving the brush across the page, one stroke at a time.”
Perhaps it was in an effort to understand him better or build a closer bond that you asked him to show you what he meant, but you found the decision to do so quite rewarding. Watching him exercise such extreme focus and concentration had only solidified the respectable impression you had of him. The way he could be so strong and intimidating, yet so gentle and precise made him the perfect image of a true samurai.
“I wrote this haiku recently. Would you mind reading it and telling me what you think?” It wasn’t the first time Daichi had asked your opinion on a topic, but the fact that he was now sharing something that had come straight from his own mind felt a little different than before. You happily agreed and found yourself offering both your compliments and advice after reading the slightly clumsy sounding phrases written in the most crisp and beautiful handwriting you’d ever seen. He’d seemed so shy but also receptive to your feedback, and it only succeeded in endearing you to him all the more. You decided to share some of your own work with him and through that the doors to an even closer relationship began to unfold. From then on, Daichi always brought you samples of his writing to critique as long as you promised to reciprocate the gesture.
At fifteen years old, things really started to change. The things Daichi had learned in theory would now have to be put into practice. He went through the rite of adulthood and received the twin swords he would carry with him for the rest of his life. You were proud of him, of course, but now he’d have to move to the capital and undergo even more intense training. You found yourself worrying about him every single day, wondering how he was doing and if he was happy.
It was a while before he was able to come back home, and when he stopped by to visit you were surprised to see that he’d changed so much yet somehow remained the same as he’d always been. His hair was longer and he’d grown taller and more muscular during his time away. Still though, he greeted you with the same warm smile and gentle eyes that you remembered as he handed you a few rolled up scrolls. You had heard him say “I wrote this” plenty of times in the past, but you felt your heart miss a beat when his greeting changed to “I wrote this for you.”
You sat and read through the various poems and stories together, each one sending another wave of butterflies fluttering inside your belly. His writing had improved a great deal since he’d left and it was difficult not to let the flowery words go to your head. Having such attention from a good, handsome man like Daichi felt extremely romantic and the enchanting emotions inside of you began to grow even more.
After becoming an official servant to the shogun, Daichi spent more and more time away from his home and you. There were always disputes breaking out between the feudal lords and a samurai was expected to go and fight whenever they were called upon. You’d grown up knowing it would be like that for him, but he eased the pain of his absence by sending you letters whenever possible. It made your heart soar to know you were always in his thoughts, even when he was so far away. It was a relief every time you received correspondence and you cherished each and every message, running your fingers over his perfectly written characters. It was easy to close your eyes and picture him concentrating hard on each one until the page was filled with lovely verses he’d come up with or tales of different experiences he’d had during his travels.
The Daichi of your imagination always paled in comparison to the real thing however. Each time he showed up at your door looking a little more handsome and wiser made it harder to say goodbye. Luckily, the feelings you had for Daichi were not one sided. After he’d proven his skill in battle and made a name for himself, he knew it was time to share those honors with you.
The day he showed up to your home with both of his parents behind him had been a little frightening for you. He’d obviously come with some serious business in mind, and you couldn’t imagine what was happening when he sat down with his family across from yours. Perhaps you should’ve realized, but it still came as a shock when his parents proposed the idea of Daichi taking you as his wife. Heat had rushed to your cheeks and you nearly melted at the hopeful smile Daichi sent your way.
“I’m glad your parents agreed so quickly,” he tells you later once you find a moment to yourselves. “But I’m more concerned with how you feel.” He holds up a hand when you try to reply and pulls out a rolled up scroll to give to you.
“I’ve told you before that I’m no good with words,” he chuckles bashfully, “but we’ve always seemed to communicate better this way. I’ve written up a list of promises I intend to keep once we’re married. Let me know what you think before agreeing to anything.”
You already knew you would agree, and happily so. Daichi was the only person you’d ever want to dedicate your life and heart to. As you read down the beautiful lines of text he’d prepared for you, it only confirms that he is the most honorable samurai to have ever lived. What he described for you was a life full of love and devotion; a life where you meant more to him than anything, even the shogun himself. Once you get to the bottom of the scroll, you tell him honestly that there was nothing you’d want more than to live that kind of life with him. As he pulls you into his arms, teary eyed and smiling, you know that every pressure you’d encountered as the daughter of samurai was well worth it for the privilege of marrying the greatest warrior and man you’d ever known.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Sole Survivor -> I
[eighteen plus blog and this fic holding eventual eighteen plus scenes mean minors should not interact with this story]
summary -> your first week on the island. alliances are made, rewards are won and tribes fall apart before they can even come together. [bucky barnes x female!reader]
word count -> 4.5k
warnings -> reality tv, some cursing, survivor references (tribe, tribal council, idols) past steve rogers x reader, non-enhanced marvel characters, jeff probst (please don’t sue me) some steve slander (steve i love you i’m sorry it was just so easy to make you the sweetest person alive and therefore a target)
notes -> there are more in-depth notes at the end! just want to say this is all for fun & not meant to be a serious fic!! just some fluff & humor as a break to any serious fics out there that you may be reading!
series masterlist here.
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Chapter I 𓆉 OUTWIT -> NEXT
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Bucky isn’t sure how he ended up on reality TV.
That’s all he can think about as his hand grips the side of the speedboat and he glances around at his fellow contestants.
His first application to Survivor had been a dare; One of his friends back home had made a drunken joke that Bucky wouldn’t last a day and well- Obviously, Bucky can’t really take a joke.
How was he supposed to know he would actually be selected? How was he supposed to know he would be a fan favorite...villian? Saying yes to this season was a no-brainer.
He wants the million dollars. He came so, so close last time. Runner-up wasn’t good enough. 
He had been handed a dark, red buff long before they had even stepped foot on the boat. He had wrapped it around his wrist, just like everybody else on this boat with him. His eyes move around slowly as he studies his new tribe members. 
The bright red hair catches his eye first, Natasha Romanoff, was considered the original Black Widow; It’s no shock to Bucky that she had been considered a villain. Her starting point was aligning with the men on her tribe and helping pick who she wanted out. It worked for awhile, she had them under her thumb, until she got a little too abrasive and was voted off shortly after the merge.
Clint Barton who Bucky knew was notorious for promising on his kids then stabbing his allies in the back; In the final tribal he had laughed and said they gave him permission. Somehow he had won. Him and Natasha had worked together, but he had been unable to save her after the merge.
His eyes find Tony Stark next, an original player, meaning had had never played a game with idols or tricks. Tony had won it all on the third season after betraying his number one ally in the vote that decided who he brought to final two. Bucky didn’t need to ask why he was a villain, it was obvious.
Bright red lips catch Bucky’s eyes next as he checks out Darcy Lewis. Bucky wasn’t actually sure if he considered her a villain, but he can see how it played out that way. She had kept her immunity idol secret from her alliance members and had jumped ship when it became clear her alliance wouldn’t win the numbers. She made it all the way to final three after winning puzzle after puzzle in the immunity challenges, she was more impressive than villainous, but sometimes they just needed some people to fill the cast.
Loki was the king of snake gameplay, but even Bucky could admit it got him far. His ability to tell people exactly what they wanted to hear is what handed him the million dollar prize. Bucky wonders if they called Thor too, they had been on the last season, Blood versus Water together.
There’s Stephen Strange who was probably considered a villain for his dry commentary, blunt confessionals and inability to keep his thoughts to himself. He was from the first few seasons too and he had rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but Bucky found his blunt delivery humorous.
And then there’s you. You had originally appeared on Brains, Brawns and Beauty. Unshockingly sorted onto the Beauty tribe and gravely underestimated. Bucky thought you were definitely the prettiest he’d seen in that season and early on he could tell you would be a power player. No matter how many confessionals men did saying your charm wouldn’t work, they all fell for it, and you picked them off. Your tribe only lost one immunity challenge and you had controlled who had gone home. 
Steve Rogers had fallen in love with you that season and you had taken a page from Natasha’s book. When the merge had happened, you aligned quickly with the few girls left from the other two tribes. Then knocked the men out one by one. Steve, poor Steve, so kind hearted and trusting and it had been his downfall. When you had sobbed to him about the last three girls whispering about voting you out, he had given up his earned individual immunity. The four of you girls had laughed as you wrote his name down and Steve went onto the jury. 
That was the moment that coined you one of the most notorious, and your unanimous win later had marked you down in history as one of the best to ever play.
Call Bucky an idiot, but you’re who he wants to work with. He needs to work with people who will make it to the end with him. His original season he had come off too cocky to win. He had made the mistake of taking who he thought was a floater, but apparently had built friendships with everyone, and lost in a three to six vote. Bringing someone who knew how to play the game like him gave him a far better chance at winning. 
The heroes tribe are already on their blue mat when the villains disembark and make their way onto the beach. Bucky almost laughs when he sees Steve standing in the back, tall and broad as ever. Of course the fans loved Steve. Sweet, loyal Steve. He nudges your calf with his foot and you spin to look at him in surprise.
“Your lover is here.” He nods over to the mat, where Steve is staring straight ahead at Jeff Probst. You laugh with your head thrown back like it’s genuinely one of the funniest things you’ve heard.
“Didn’t you hear? It was a nasty divorce.” You smile before stopping in front of Bucky on the mat. Bucky snorts and drops his bag by his feet as Jeff calls for everyone’s attention.
“We’ve been doing Survivor for thirty seasons now. Fifteen years. Hundreds of people have played the game, yet the sixteen of you have made your mark as either hero or villain.” His eyes scan over the group before landing on Bucky.
“Bucky. You played this game six years ago. Season 18. How does it feel that even though it’s been that long, you’re still considered one of the most well known villains?”
“I’m a villain?” Bucky asks sarcastically as he looks around the beach. The crowd laughs and you look up at him with amused eyes. Bucky tries to ignore the flutter in his heart, damn you were good. “It’s all in the perspective, Jeff.”
Jeff laughs and nods before his attention shifts to Loki standing a few people away from you. “Loki, you’re our newest villain. Coming out of last season, how does it feel to be here with all these iconic names? Intimidating?”
Loki laughs and nods. “I guess so, yeah. I’m just so happy to actually play with people who love and respect the game the same way I do!” He looks over the group in a far more calculating manner than friendly.
“And heroes! Peter, you’re our newest hero on the tribe. Coming off a win that you got through heart and loyalty.” Jeff explains, like everybody here didn’t already know how much of a blatantly good guy Peter Parker was. Three years ago when given the decision to choose between a floater and his ally who was an equally as strong competitor, he had chosen to bring Ned to the final two. It had won him a million dollars. “You intimidated at all? Or should they be?”
Peter looks around bashfully. “Yeah! No, I’m intimidated, you know? I’m not the only winner here. These are all some strong people, I definitely will have to work hard to stay.” He answers humbly.
Bucky resists the urge to roll his eyes at the answer. “Okay. Anybody think we got it wrong? That you’re on the wrong tribe?” Jeff asks and immediately half the villains raise their hands.
The heroes and Jeff laugh. “What did we do, Jeff?” You call out in a flirtatious tone. “What’d we do that was so bad?” Bucky can’t see your face, but he would bet his life that there’s a pout there.
“Come on, Y/N.” Jeff says your name incredulously. “You are definitely one of the best, but you single handedly led one of the greatest all female alliances in the history of this game and picked off who you wanted one by one.”
You turn your head to look and the heroes tribe and Bucky can see Steve, Sharon and Shuri, all from your season, watching you. Bucky isn’t sure who made the worst move, Steve giving up his immunity and sending you to final three or Shuri for bringing you to final two with her. Loyalty could be your downfall or saving grace in this game, Bucky’s learned, it just depends on your jury. “Steve!” Jeff calls out. “Y/N. Hero or villain?”
“Villain.” Steve answers quickly with a forced laugh. You shrug and turn to look at Jeff. “I outwitted him. Is that being a villain or playing the game of outwit, outplay, outlast?”
Jeff laughs. “Okay, guys. Do you want to get to your first challenge?” The group looks around at each other extremely confused. It was rare a challenge was played the first day on the island, normally tribes were sent to begin working on shelter before it got too dark.
It’s a physical game. There are eight lanes, each lane has one weighted bag buried in it. In pairs of two, each tribe would go out to the selected lane and dig. Whoever brought the bag back to their tribe won a point and it was first to four points to win.
After an hour, it’s tied, three to three and the only pair to have not gone twice is you and Natasha. You’re against Shuri and Carol, Bucky is a little nervous, but he thinks you two can win this. Shuri was known for her agility and Carol for her strength, but Bucky had faith in your ability to play dirty. “Go!” Jeff’s arms drop down and all four women are darting through the sand.
Bucky can’t stop his eyes from trailing over your body, knelt down in the sand as you quickly dig. You had stripped off your shorts and long sleeve now only in your bikini top and bottoms, the red buff wrapped around your wrist.
He knows why it had been so easy for the men of your beauty tribe to fall at your feet. The way your legs look in the sand and sun has him wanting to kneel for you. He just hopes you want to work with him too.
Natasha pulls the bag out. Carol dives for her legs and sends her face first to the ground. Shuri follows soon after and both of them are fighting with Natasha as you stand back.
Good. Bucky thinks. Let them tire themselves out, then you have the strength to get it away and get the point.
Shuri gets the bag in her hands and makes a mad dash down the lanes, but your arm wraps around her waist and yanks her back into your chest as your other hand moves to yank at the bag.
Natasha gets up and holds Carol back with two hands around the waist. “Push, Shuri! Push!” Steve screams out. Bucky rolls his eyes at the nonsensical advice.
“Sweep her feet out!” Bucky’s voice overpowers the rest of his tribe. Your eyes meet his briefly. “She’s tired! She’s burnt out. She won’t get up quick enough!”
Your hands grip at the bag tightly and you swipe a leg underneath Shuri’s feet. Her knees give out and the bag is easily yanked away from her weak grip.
“Yes!” Your tribe screams as you reach the mat and Jeff calls out. “Villains win first immunity!” Bucky’s hand lands on your lower back and you turn to look up at him happily. He hopes you can see the praise in his eyes because that performance? That’s why he wants to work with you.
                                               You - Villain Tribe
“Looking at my tribe, we’re pretty stacked. We’re good. Heroes don’t have a chance.” You throw your head back in a laugh. “Is it awful I’m excited to take a million dollars away from Steve again?”
                                       Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe
“It uh- It sucks to lose. I hate losing. It sucks even more that we lost to the villains. I don’t want to vote any of our people out yet, we all deserve to be here. It just sucks.”
Day Two
You had underestimated how tense camp would be with men who had been used to leading their tribes in the past. Tony wanted to build shelter on flat land and Bucky thought sturdy trees for a sturdy base was more important.
Bucky was right, of course. You knew he was in construction, you had watched his season, and had seen the impressive shelter he had helped build. Tony just couldn’t get over himself, but that was no shock. You would use his pride as a chance to move forward in this game.
“They’re just being idiots.” You say softly as you and Bucky try to start a fire. Nothing is really working and the sun will set soon, defeat settles between you two. “Don’t let them get to you.”
You eye his metal arm. It had been what made him a favorite early on, way before he even got his villain marker. His story of a car crash that had resulted in the lost of his left arm and a generous doctor that had worked to give him this new age prosthetic.
“‘M not.” He mutters angrily as the smoke blows out and chance at a fire slips further and further away. “Just… fuck… Just annoyed at myself for not being able to get this.”
You look over your shoulder. “And at the fact that we’ll be sleeping in a shit hole tonight.” You shake your head. Bucky snorts and nods before falling onto his back and dropping the kindle that he had been attempting to light on fire.
Your eyes trail over his abdomen, put on display by his shirt that has ridden up in his new position. You bite down on your lip as your eyes trail over his thighs before you remember that the camera men are only a few feet away and caught every second of your staring.
You clear your throat and move to sit next to him. “I think we’d work well together.” You say just above a whisper. You glance over your shoulder again, but the rest of the tribe is too busy arguing over the shelter.
Bucky looks up at you hesitantly. “Yeah?” He asks just as softly. “Not gonna break my heart right?” He gives you a teasing smile that makes your breath catch.
You shrug and stand up, offering a hand to him. “No promises. I can’t stop you from falling in love with me.” You giggle, partly for the show of it but also because Bucky’s hand is huge in yours and makes your stomach flip.
He laughs and the two of you turn back and begin walking towards the shelter. Right before you reach it and have to go your separate ways, Bucky taps your back. “I think we would too.”
                                           You - Villain Tribe
“Getting my claws on Bucky first is the best thing for my game. He’ll be loyal to me longer than anybody else.” You smile. “And Bucky is the best guy here. Tony may be an OG but he played like thirteen years ago. Strange is kind of cold. Clint and Natasha played together, he’ll be loyal to her before me. And Loki plays a game too similar to mine.” You shrug like it’s a no brainer.
                                    Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“I came to win this time, okay? No more aligning with underdogs. No more just physicality getting me to the end. I need strategy and she’s the best strategist to ever play this game.” Bucky smirks. “Just ask Steve Rogers.”
Day Three
It’s pouring rain by the time both tribes get to the challenge. Bucky had been right, of course he had. The shelter was weak and the rain was destroying it. It would need to be rebuilt when you returned to camp and he could only hope the rain stops long enough to allow him to build a real shelter.
“Heroes will be with me at tribal council.” Jeff explains. “So, today, you are playing for reward. Wanna see what you’re playing for?”
The entire tribe is huddled together in an attempt to keep warm as Jeff explains the challenge and reward. He lifts a cover to reveal a tarp, blankets, pillows and flint. Bucky almost groans at the sight. They needed this win. “I’ll give you a minute to strategize.” Jeff waves them off.
It’s almost every type of challenge in one. Physical, logical and strategical. Six members would build a boat from the pieces given then sail out to retrieve all the puzzle pieces from where they were clipped on buoys. Then bring them back to the remaining two members who would work on the puzzle. First to solve it wins.
“Darcy and I can work on the puzzle.” You say quickly with Darcy nodding along. Bucky and the rest of the tribe agree and get to their starting places.
It’s a crazy adrenaline rush when Jeff yells for everyone to go. “Heroes take an early lead!” Jeff narrates as they push their boat out onto the water. Bucky can feel his tribemates settle in defeat.
“Let’s fucking go!” He urges, forcing the last piece of the boat into place. He and Clint push the boat out before climbing in beside the rest of the villains. Bucky tries to drown out Jeff’s commentary, but it’s hard when every few seconds he’s pointing out the major lead the heroes are creating. “Nobody panic. They’ve got Steve on the puzzle.”
That gets a small, tense laugh out of the group as the heroes boat reaches shore again and the villains remain collecting puzzle pieces.
Hope fizzles in Bucky’s chest when he hears your’s and Darcy’s cheers and the arguing of Steve and Carol, both placed on puzzle and both having different tactics.
“The villains are coming from behind!” Jeff says in an impressed tone as they finally push their boat to shore. “The heroes just can’t figure out this puzzle and are losing their huge lead.”
“Yeah, thanks!” Shuri calls out annoyed from the sidelines as Bucky hands off the bag of puzzle pieces to you. You dump them out and you and Darcy immediately start to spread them out to look.
“Wow! Heroes just cannot get this puzzle figured out!” Jeff shakes his head. Steve and Carol continue to argue and yank pieces away from one another. “Villains have made a remarkable comeback!” You and Darcy seem to be communicating amazingly and pieces just fall into place. 
“Jeff! Jeff!” You scream out excitedly as Darcy stuffs the last piece into place and you two step back. Jeff looks at the puzzle for a moment before throwing his arms up. “Villains win reward!”
Everybody screams in excitement and Bucky immediately turns to you. “Fuck!” He says excitedly as you jump up, legs wrapping around his waist. He wraps an arm under your thighs and tries hard to ignore how good they feel wrapped around him. “Darcy!” He waves her over into a half hug. “Puzzle queens! Puzzle queens!” He cheers, the tribe following in suit.
They’re allowed to celebrate for a few more seconds as the heroes groan until producers force them back onto their designated mats. “Villains. Take your tarp and flint, pillows and blankets will be delivered once the rain stops.” Everybody rushes forward as you take the tarp and flint into your hands.
“Heroes I got nothing for you. Except your trip to tribal right now.” Bucky glances over his shoulder as the heroes stare at Jeff in shock. “Yep! You lost immunity on day one and have had two days to discuss, grab your stuff and follow me.”
Bucky and you laugh with each other as you make your way back to camp.
                                            Shuri - Hero Tribe
“I’m just so… I told them to put me on the puzzle. Put me! Who won three puzzle challenges her season? I’m just so angry. We had such a good lead and we lost it because nobody wanted to listen to each other and everybody wanted to be a leader. Now somebody who deserves to be here has to go home while the villains live lavishly.”
Day Five
Your tribe wins reward again.
After the shocking reveal of Carol being voted out at the first tribal council, villains are perplexed. Carol had been strong, furthest from being the weakest link who was usually voted off first.
You know that’s what being on the wrong side of the numbers will get you.
This time it’s fishing gear. It sends a morale boost throughout the tribe. You grin as you watch Bucky reluctantly walk ahead with Tony.
Tony had latched onto Bucky after Bucky had helped create a better shelter. And once they had secured the tarp and loaded in the blankets and pillows, it was like a five star resort to the already tired and hungry tribe.
You can see Natasha fall in line with you in your peripheral vision and try to hide your smirk. “You’re good.” She murmurs.
You look straight ahead and shrug. “What makes you say that?”
“You and Bucky almost never go off together. Barely talk outside of groups at camp. Really only interact during challenges.” She says quietly. The group is far ahead and most likely couldn't hear if you spoke in normal tones, but you appreciate her caution. “He’s wrapped around your finger though.”
You almost stop, but refuse to let her see you stumble. She was right, you and Bucky were exceedingly cautious when it came to associating with each other at camp. “You think so? He has a crush?” You ask softly. “He’s cute, right? Not too bad.” You feign ignorance.
Natasha smirks. “Yeah.” Her hand wraps around your arm and pulls you to a stop with her. “Listen. It’s Tony and Strange on one side. You and Bucky on the other. We’ve been winning, so nobody is going to admit their alliances, but I’d rather be prepared for our first loss.”
You nod. “What are you saying?” You knew Tony and Stephen would team up. They were both considered original survivors, coming out of the first few seasons and still working on understanding this new version of the game.
“Clint and I can be numbers.” She says steadily. You lick your lips. Clint and Natasha had done Micronesia together. He had been the only one to not write her name down when she was eliminated. She had voted for him to win. It’s not a surprise they had fallen into working together again. “We protect each other. Final Four, after that we’re on our own.”
“I’ll have to speak with Bucky.” You begin to walk again. “But that sounds like a good deal to me.” You give her a small smile.
                               Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“I’m not an idiot. I know Y/N plays this game loyal to herself only. But I’m playing a strategic game. Clint and I make it to the merge with her numbers then we can flip of we need to.”
                                           You - Villain Tribe
“Final four?” You scoff. “Please. Two person alliance versus two person alliance in the final four? I’m not trying to draw rocks. Four people is good and then we’ll make the merge and I’ll work my magic.”
“I’m gonna get some firewood.” Your foot knocks against Bucky’s ankle. When he looks up from his spot on the ground, you subtly nod your head in the direction of the jungle. 
“I can help. It’s getting dark, better two than one.” He stands up. Nobody acknowledges your exit but Nat, who smirks at you before looking back at the rice cooking over the fire.
You two walk in silence, making sure to be out of earshot before stopping to talk quickly. “Natasha and Clint want to work with us. Final four.”
Bucky looks over his shoulder in the direction of camp before looking back at you. “We can promise them the merge. Final four with a two person alliance as solid as their’s is suicide.”
You look up at Bucky and laugh. Did he think you were dumb? “I know that.” You say slowly. “We should just agree to the final four then get rid of them after the merge.”
Bucky huffs out a breath. “That’s smart, but how do you know we won’t be turned on if we vote them out? How do you know Darcy and Loki aren’t already four with Strange and Tony?” His nerves are reasonable, but they make you want to laugh.
You shake your head instead staring up at him with reassuring eyes. “They won’t be. I’ve talked with Darcy a little bit. Plus, Loki works the swing vote angle as long as he can. You watched him last season, it’s how he made it so far.” 
“Okay.” Bucky agrees slowly. “So, we work with Clint and Natasha and work on getting Loki as a swing vote? What if they turn on us? These people’s word means jack.” Bucky’s arm shifts and your eyes immediately trail over it curiously. Did it do that when he was nervous? Was it normal?
“Don’t worry.” You place a gentle hand on his arm, you wondered how the metal didn’t heat in the sun the same way a metal slide would. Questions for a later time. “There are hidden immunity idols, Buck. We just have to find them.”
You walk past him then, picking wood up as you go. The cameras stay on Bucky, who you can feel staring after you. 
Men were so easy.
                                     Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“She’s… She’s got it all mapped out. To the end. She’s not playing this bullshit tribe first, individual later game. She’s here to win. It’s hot.” He blushes before his eyes widen in realization. “I could win this.”
Day Six
The immunity challenge is grueling. Large crates in the tribe’s color have to be rolled from one end of the field to the other by two people. Six crates in total and Jeff had evened the teams out so each tribe only had six people playing, meaning each pair would go out twice no matter what.
Tony and Darcy had opted to sit out, and each pair had to go out twice. Bucky knew this would kill everyone, it had looked downright brutal long before Jeff shouted Go.
Bucky can be the first to admit maybe the team didn’t strategize correctly when choosing pairs. While he and Loki were able to bring the first crate back before the heroes, Clint and Stephen slow the group down. Once the heroes build momentum, they’ve got the lead. You and Natasha struggle to catch up.
By the sixth crate, everybody is downright exhausted. Bucky can’t even comprehend how the heroes had gotten through all six crates so fast.
“Villains start your puzzle.” Jeff calls out. Bucky thinks this is worse than the running. These crates are almost as tall as he is and definitely weighed damn near close too.
Setting the first two in place would be fine, the last four? Pure hell. They had to be lifted into place and Bucky wasn’t sure his tribe could do it. Not when Steve was already lifting crates up for the heroes and sticking them in place like it was nothing.
“Heroes with a huge lead!” Jeff narrates excitedly from the sidelines. “Can the villains catch up?” 
“Fuck this.” Bucky mutters taking a step back. His back hits something soft - you. You nails trail up his spine and he shivers before turning to look down at you. “That piece then that piece?” You point out and Bucky turns to look.
Loki and Clint have the first piece in place. Natasha and Strange are pushing the second. Two pieces have to be lifted next and you seem to have cracked the code.
“You’re so smart.” He punches your shoulder affectionately before yelling out. He starts calling out directions and suddenly everything seems to have fallen into place. The villains tribe is quiet and works together easily while the heroes fall apart, again. 
“Villains win immunity!” Jeff calls out again and the heroes fall into dismay. Yelling and arguing with one another even more. “That means the heroes will once again see me at tribal council. I’ll give you the afternoon to discuss, head on out.” 
Bucky carries the immunity trophy back to camp with a bright smile. These first few days couldn’t have gone any better. A winning streak, set alliance, and final two plan?
He was winning this time. No doubt about it.
                                     Peter Parker - Hero Tribe 
“It just sucks because… because now they’re talking about sending Steve home instead of like - Sharon. She’s smart, but she’s just not the strongest person here and we obviously need a stronger tribe.” 
                                     Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe 
“A line was drawn in the sand last tribal. Scott, Wanda and I on one side. Shuri, Peter, Sharon and Thor on the other. Now it’s just who they want to go home and I hope it’s not me.” 
                                       Thor Odinson - Hero Tribe 
“There’s talk of Steve going home, but I… I don’t know if that’s what will be best for us. We need our strong players and he’s strong! I’m gonna talk to them and see what I can do. We just… We just can’t lose strong people. We’ll get our asses handed to us.”
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // you can probably tell, but until the merge, you won’t get inside on the heroes tribe. the focus of this is bucky & reader on their tribe. the confessionals are really you’re only hint to anybody else’s train of thought! i’m excited to explore this, it’s really just for fun & not meant to be a super serious fic. a break from harsh angst and all that! i hope you enjoy it, even just a little! the next part will have more to it & it will get more interesting! this is meant as an introduction, a season premiere if you will. :))
& if you’ve watched the real heroes vs villains season you’ll notice a lot of this follows after that set up, like the challenges and eliminations, but i’ve written it around these characters and personalities!
my writing is free & will remain free! but if you have the resources and enjoyed it, consider donating to my ko-fi :) & if that’s not possible consider reblogging or leaving comments! spreading my work or letting me know you enjoyed it means the world to me & lets me know i’m not shouting into the void!
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good-beans · 2 years
Ok since you like the movie tangled and you like Niles from fe: consider this: A (a bit more dark to stay more in line with fe) tangled au for Corrin x Niles.
With Corrin being Rapunzel and Niles being Flynn
YES – I do love both of those, that’s so cute!!
Niles really would make the perfect Flynn: flirty and cunning, “they can’t get my nose right,” somehow ends up with the one person fairly immune to his charms
And Corrin is such a good Rapunzel: taken from her family at a young age, sheltered away by this other parent so she has a distorted and naive view of the world, but still very capable of course.
Okay okay, I got a bit carried away but here’s my basic premise to such a cool au! I couldn’t work the Nohrian siblings into it oof, but I’m working on it... (Aso, I wrote this with female Corrin, but it works exactly the same with male Corrin)
Every year, on her birthday, the nearby country of Hoshido holds a beautiful and mysterious lantern festival. She’s determined to see the lights despite her father Garon’s protests (hmm…I’m a little disturbed at Garon singing mother knows best…). She knows she can transform into a dragon with divine abilities, and her father has warned her that Hoshidans will hunt her as a dragon for her magic.
The great thief Niles is on the run after stealing the legendary sword Yato from Hoshido. He flees to Nohr, somehow ending up in the Northern Fortress where he meets Corrin.
Armed with her trusty frying pan, Corrin and her odd-looking chameleon by the name of Lilith force Niles to escort her to Hoshido. Along the way they meet up with others in the fates cast, criminals and outcasts who Corrin immediately wins over with her trusting nature. (Omg I love picturing the more intimidating characters like Benny, Beruka, Shura, Peri, etc. singing I’ve Got a Dream)
They reach the palace and see the lights, all the while Corrin hears tales of the royal family’s lost princess. (Cue I See the Light with these two lovelies and I cry ;-;) Unfortunately, Garon is close behind, and drags her back to Nohr when Niles leaves her for a moment. Meanwhile, he orders his men to kill the thief. Niles is cunning enough to escape, but is subsequently caught by the Hoshidans for stealing Yato, and a variety of other crimes that warrant his execution.
Corrin is brought back to Windmire, where she puts the pieces together about her identity. She confronts Garon about it. He tries to send her to Valla, where she will be sacrificed to Anankos. As a dragon, she will feed him with power.
Those that Corrin befriended work together to free Niles from the Hoshidan prison, handing him the Yato as he speeds away. He arrives back at the bottomless canyon just in time to see Garon ready to take Corrin away to the bottom. He stabs Niles, leaving him for dead. Corrin is strong enough to break free for a moment, vowing to willingly sacrifice herself to Anankos if she can save the man.
She hurries to Niles side, he is nearly gone but still cracking jokes and flirting as if nothing is wrong. Corrin is ready to heal him with her divine abilities, but the thief uses his own weapon to stab straight into the dragonstone around her neck, releasing the power in an explosion that destroys Garon and the soldiers he brought with him. Corrin is left all alone on the windy bridge, her love dying in her arms. (“You were my new dream” “And you were mine”)
Yato, still at Niles’ side, begins to glow when Corrin leans down to embrace him one last time. The power from the sword fills her – she realizes the dragon’s abilities were in her blood all along, not simply in the dragonstone. Using the sword, she is able to channel that power and heal Niles.
The two return to Hoshido, where Corrin reunites with her siblings. She is crowned Princess, and marries Niles who has sworn off a life of crime now that he’s met her.
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sweepseven · 2 years
I've been thinking about Alegria recently and a question came to mind about it.
Namely, what purpose do the Nymphs serve?
Like, in the original, I think they're there to give most of the female artists a group to belong to, but that still leaves them without a clear place in the dynamic of the other groups that I can tell. The remake doesn't add any clarity for me either, not helped by the fact that they're now only perform one act, last I checked.
Any insight on this would be great, because I otherwise love the Nymphs and want to know more about them.
Well there's only two of them, so I wouldn't call them a "group" in the way that the Angels or Bronx are groups. Everything about both versions of the show is very deliberate too, so they're definitely not there as an excuse to give two otherwise unspecified acrobats different costumes (contrast with Kurios, for example, which has many characters that are weird just for the sake of being weird as a means of enhancing the show's setting).
The approach to Nymphs feels very different between the original and IANL. In the original, they are heralds of oncoming change. They often flank the White Singer, the Old Birds find them intimidating, and they're most often seen collaborating with the Bronx or even serving as encouragement and inspiration for the oppressed (like when the Strong Man was part of the show). Despite all that, something about them also feels cold and untouchable, not unlike the Angels. Change is scary, and so can freedom be in its own way, too. I feel the original Nymphs capture that.
In IANL, I'd argue that they're evidence that change has already begun to take place. They're more approachable than the originals, a little more fun-loving, a little less serious. They play. There's room for that in a world that's already begun to change, whereas the original "story" seems to have begun a few steps earlier than the one we see today.
The IANL Nymphs have a brighter spotlight on them now that they have their own act, but I do feel they're less effective as characters than they were before. They're one of my few disappointments with IANL, truthfully. They have an entire act all their own, and yet they're still doing less for the story than the originals. It's a shame.
Plus I hate the new Nymphs' wings, but that's pettier lol
And if you really want some headcanon bullshit, I wrote this a while back that touches on why the Angels aren't the ones that have wings.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley XII
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
“The scent of lily of the valley is considered by some to be the most attractive out of any wild flower.”
Release Date: 06/26/20 @  7 pm
Trigger Warning: Some of the contents may not be suitable for all audiences. These include dubious consent, gas lighting, victim blaming/shaming, toxic relationship, and various forms of abuse as well as rationalization of said abuse.  This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
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           YN hadn’t even realized she had fallen asleep, likely exhausted by the day’s events. What she did know is that the pain in her neck was killing her and that her bite mark felt like it was throbbing. When she shifts slightly her hand hits the door and all the memories came rushing back to her, in a weakened state she reached up, trying the doorknob again. Still locked. Her eyes stung and her vision was incredibly blurry from still being mostly asleep. Though from glancing at the clock, it seemed to be around three in the morning. YN yawned, crawling towards her bed in desperate need of actual rest. The second her head hit the pillow, she fell back asleep that’s when the nightmares began.
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           YN had a cotton blue blanket thrown over her shoulders, it had been given to her by the officer in charge the second she stepped foot inside the police station. Her right foot moved rapidly up and down, YN could hear her mother's voice echoing in her head. Telling her to stop shaking her foot, but she couldn't help it. YN didn't entirely understand what had happened, she knew the events leading up but most things were a blur. The only certain thing was the large bite on the right side of her body; where her shoulder met her neck. The person in front of her - the officer - looked like the stereotype: big, buff, likely an alpha though YN's nose was plugged. The stare he gave her was intimidating and YN felt like she was being interrogated for a crime rather than reporting one.
"We're going to have to go over what happened. Can you tell me where you went after the gym?" His voice was stained with a roughness that did not match his age. The officer's voice was almost as hard as his eyes. YN's eyes trailed to the pin on the left side right above his plaque. Officer Yang hadn't even bothered to introduce himself. "I was uncomfortable." Everyone knew. “I felt uncomfortable, so I went to change in the bathroom. Alone.” Yang wrote something down in the file, before glancing back up at her. His eyes disarmed her like he was trying to see through her. “That’s when your heat started and you met,” he looked down at the file again, “Jungkook?” YN nodded.
           “I just saw him and ran to him.” I felt a pull. There were somethings she couldn’t say, things that seemed crazy to her to even think. YN blamed it all on the heat, she wasn’t normally like this. “What did Jungkook say when he saw you in that state?” There was something in Yang’s eyes that alarmed YN, but she thought back to what exactly the young alpha had said. “YN. Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?” YN parted her lips to speak when Yang pointed the pen in his hand accusingly.
           “Did you know him before this?”
           “No, but…” I trusted him. YN clears her throat, "I knew of him." YN doesn't visibly shrink at the way she's being stared at. She knows it won't do her any favors, but it does make her look anywhere else rather than at the officer in front of her.  
           “I see.” Then, he looks back down at his file. “Please continue, Ms. YLN. What happened afterward?” The officer’s hand waved in a circular motion.
           “He offered to take me home, but I didn’t want to so we went to his place.”
Officer Yang slams shut the file folder but place his pen down carefully. The two actions entirely contradictory and it causes fear to spike in YN's body.
           “Are you aware that Jungkook has other mates?”
           YN nods, “Yes, but it wasn’t like that.” It wasn’t a betrayal. Jungkook didn’t appear to have a mating bond, even if he did. YN distinctly remembers him encouraging & reciprocating, something that doesn’t make much sense as he should be physically incapable.
           “But you were aware that Jungkook had just recently presented as an alpha? That his rut was right around the corner?”
           YN began to put the pieces together. The narrative the officer was trying to form and she wasn’t allowing it. Couldn’t allow it. “I didn’t. Not until later.” When we kissed. YN fisted the material of her jeans, she could feel her heart beginning to race and she urged it to relax.
           “What about the bite, how did that happen?”
As if sentient, the bite throbbed. There were still dried specks of blood surrounding it even though the team had tried to carefully disinfect it. They even gave her a pack filled with antibiotics and first aid essentials. "I felt extreme pain and then I woke up. I don't even really remember falling asleep." Though YN is aware that she went missing for three days, they're mostly a blur. YN can only remember key moments: those when her heat was the worst.  
           “So what you’re saying then is that you didn’t see who did it. Weren’t his mates in the house? Couldn’t it have been any of them?” Yang’s tone was bordering on frustration, aggression even, as if it were him and not her who had just been in a traumatic situation. YN doesn’t have her phone on her, it’s in her mother’s purse outside. She wishes she could show the texts, the calls, the voicemails: all of them from Jungkook. Him pleading at her to forgive him, to come back, to let him explain. It sounded more like desperate wails than a remorseful cry. “No, but -”
           “Not to mention it was consensual.”
           “I-i don’t understand.”
           Officer Yang looks around the room as if making sure no one was listening, then he leans in. The way one might when telling a secret, when sharing important information. YN shifts and feels the blanket sliding off her shoulder, her hands fly to it to adjust it. Her grip was strong and frightened. “Look this doesn't look too well. Yeah, you could take it to court but they aren't very favorable to people of your condition.” My condition? “Not to mention the fact that it would go on your record. Plus, alpha bites don't heal everyone knows that especially not on an omega.” YN felt the fight leave her body even her posture was as rigid as could be. “It’s not worth it, kid. Not worth tarnishing your reputation.”
           Not even a second passed before the door was open, an angry woman storming in. “What the fuck are you doing? You aren’t part of the special victims unit.” The woman looked furious, she was much taller than officer Yang and didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by the harsh glare directed at her. “I was following protocol. Christian asked me to step in.” Just like that, Yang stood up and left. Not bothering to spare YN a glance on his way out. Too riled up, the female officer had yet to notice YN’s appearance. The paleness of her skin, the stillness of her form, the lack of will to live in her eyes.
           "Hello, I'm Officer Kim. I'm with the special victim's division." Officer Kim waited to see if YN responded, instead of speaking YN only nodded curtly. Kim glared at the door, cursing Yang out in her head, "I'm sorry about him. He can be an ass sometimes." YN however remains unresponsive as tears begin to stream down her face. "Hey, are you alright?" YN nods again though almost unperceptively this time.
“I’m very sorry for what’s occurred to you, YN. But I want you to know it isn’t your fault and that we are here to help.” Officer Kim sent a comforting smile, trying to ease YN’s nerves. YN remained silent, her grip on the blue blanket thrown around her shoulders was so strong her fingers were white. The officer sighed, tilting her head slightly to send a look to the people behind the screen. When she looked back at YN, all she saw was the teenager’s glassy widened eyes. It had been an accident, a terrible one, but teenagers tended to be reckless. If the gruesome bite on YN’s neck was anything to show for it.  
“Do you want to press charges?”
YN shook her head, caving in on herself even more. Jungkook's sorry wails still echoed in her head. It didn't matter, what's done is done. YN looked up to meet the officer Kim's warm golden eyes. Her lips parted and she could see the anticipation building up in the cop's face only for there to be a disappointment once YN spoke.
“I just want to go home.”
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 YN felt warmth radiating from her sides, as well as the rhythmic thudding of a heart near her ear. YN couldn’t exactly tell who was next to her, their scent muted, though it was probably done purposefully. When YN’s eyes finally peeled open they met Seokjin’s dark ones. His arms were wrapped around her torso, whilst Taehyung’s legs were coiled around hers. It feels like a contest between her and the alpha seeing who will break first, YN almost expects it to be her until he finally speaks.
“How did you sleep last night?”
YN wasn't expecting that. Wasn't expecting them to pretend as if nothing happened. Or did they see nothing wrong with locking her inside the room? YN struggled to believe that, they wouldn't have been in her bed if it wasn't check up on her - to make sure she stayed there. What about the police sirens? Had Rosé contacted them after YN’s text? Truth be told YN couldn’t remember where her phone was, but it must be in the room.
“I slept well. What about you?”
Seokjin didn’t bother replying, it didn’t seem like he cared to. All he did was smile at her, a polite one that didn’t reach his eyes. From beside her, Taehyung groaned then his eyes opened staring at YN intensely. The two men simply observed YN and the longer it went on for the more unnerved she felt. Like they were waiting for something to happen. Once again, the second YN was about to speak they threw her for a whiplash.
“We’re having you move into the main house. There’s been a lot of robberies around the area recently and we don’t think it’s safe for you to be so far away.” Taehyung’s voice didn’t sound rough or sleepy at all, his appearance wasn’t disheveled either. Neither was Seokjin’s. YN wondered if they had been pretending to sleep just to lull her into a false sense of security. They were probably waiting for me to wake up. YN was exhausted from having to put up a front around the men, but if that’s what it took to get them off her back then so be it.
YN forced a small smile on her face, “What room?”
“Our room,” Seokjin replied, not missing a beat.
Taehyung didn’t even give YN time to process anything for he stood up and pulled her along with him. “You have a guest waiting.”
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When YN sees Rosé she almost cries tears of joy but holds them back as she can feel eyes on her figure. Rosé as well shoots YN a look but rushes towards her nonetheless, embracing YN in a tight hug. "I missed you so much. It's been forever since we spoke." YN knows at that moment that her best friend feels it too. Feels the eyes and ear likely plastered on the walls, YN wouldn't be surprised to find out there are hidden cameras around the house. "I'm sorry Rosé, I've just been busy." Rosé lets go of YN but does lace their hands together. YN squeezes Rosé's fingers three times. "That's not an excuse not to talk to me. You know I can't go more than one second without you or I die." YN couldn't help but giggle at how overdramatic Rosé was being for her sake. For the first time in a long time, YN felt safe again then it was taken from her again.
“I didn’t know you were coming today, Rosé.” Jimin’s head popped around the corner, the charming smile plastered on his face sure to make anyone swoon. Jimin walked towards them, stopping next to YN and wrapping his arm around her waist. It was a power move. Then, he kissed the corner of her lip YN was unable to do anything about it. Rosé, not missing a beat, responds casually. “Sorry I just missed YN a lot and I was around the area.”
“Ah, Lucas lives around here doesn’t he?”
Rosé looked a bit shocked but nodded. “Yeah. Do you know him?” She cast YN a glance, but YN was just as confused as her.
"Yeah, he went to our school." Jimin then turned to YN, "Don't you remember Wong Lucas? He was close to Kookie." YN read between the lines, but it seems Rosé didn't. "Oh, that's great." YN turned back to face her friend who was conversing with Jimin about her new boyfriend. YN felt a pit grow in her stomach. Their threats were no longer subtle, Jimin had all but implied that Lucas in their field. Lucas: the man who caused Rosé's eyes to shine and cheeks to dust just by speaking about him. Now that YN was in far too deep was when she realized how meticulously they must have planned. Her supposed mates weren't just bad, they were machiavellian levels of evil.
“Alright, then it’s set.” Jimin clapped his hands, drawing YN’s attention out of her thoughts.
Jimin smile was sadistic, "Rosé and Lucas are going to join us for dinner tonight. Won't that be fun? A double date of sorts." Seeing Rosé nod enthusiastically YN finds that no one can help but to fall prey to Jimin's charms.
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In her search for Namjoon, YN stumbled upon Yoongi and Hoseok arguing in the office. At least that is what she assumed until she got closer. “What is the right way then?!” Hoseok was screaming into a phone as Yoongi was sitting on his lap trying to calm him down, massaging his neck. Whoever it was they were speaking to on the other line must’ve said something to make them mad, for YN only saw the alpha this riled up when he felt that his pack was threatened. Yoongi sighed, leaning in closer to the phone and listening to what the other person had to say. There was a visible pout on his face and Hoseok tried to kiss it away. They both listened intently to the other person before Yoongi dejectedly muttered, “Nothing we do will ever be enough.”
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YN was beginning to wonder if bad luck would always follow her, she had been actively avoiding the lead alpha since yesterday. Not wanting to be alone with any of them, except maybe Jungkook, until she figured everything out. Until YN could understand why Namjoon had bitten her and why Jungkook had taken the blame. It seems ironic that when she would confront Namjoon, the two of them would be together. YN had planned on slamming the door open, but it was already slightly open. Though truly it was the moans that stopped her. High, whiny moans that exited Jungkook’s mouth as Namjoon pounded into him. There wasn’t much that YN could see considering the sheets that covered them and how Namjoon’s large frame obscured them.
She should have walked away. Should have moved and pretended not to see anything, but YN was frozen in place. Right on Jungkook’s neck was a fresh bite mark, the wound still bleeding slightly. It matched the one on Namjoon’s bicep though that one hadn’t broken skin. That wasn’t what caught YN’s attention though - at least not for long. It was the tattoo on Jungkook’s left breast: two lilies, one tilted towards the right with the bottom one facing forward. It was her tattoo. The one on her shoulder. Jungkook had the same tattoo as her.
YN turned to run away, but she crashed into a solid figure. Shakingly her eyes traveled upwards and met with Seokjin. Please don’t. YN struggled against him, but Seokjin didn’t release her. His left hand gripped her wrist tightly and with his right, he slammed the door open causing the pair of lovers to stop what they were doing. “Stop. Let go of me.” Seokjin didn’t listen, pushing YN inside before stepping in and closing the door behind him. Jungkook was covering himself with the bedsheets and Namjoon had pulled on pants amidst her struggle with the alpha. Now that Namjoon was facing her YN saw the same tattoo on him and she wondered if all of them had it. If it had been some sick bonding thing.
Finally, she breaks. “You’re all sick! Sick in the head! You planned all of this, you planned it all.” Seokjin’s grip doesn’t break and YN fails to notice her yelling has drawn the attention of the other members. “You took advantage of me. You stalked me and studied all to complete some stupid fucking bond that probably doesn’t exist.” YN swore she heard the betas whimper, but she didn’t give a damn. Namjoon’s face remains stoic though based on how tight his jaw has locked the words must hurt him. Good.
“Who told you that?”
The bastard wasn’t even trying to deny it. That only infuriated YN more, “Yoongi told me, said you saw me in the field at school. In the lily field.” All of them stiffen. Namjoon sighs, running his hand through his hair tugging at it. He signals for Seokjin to let go of her and YN doesn’t realize just how much he’d been supporting until YN falls to the ground. “Please leave.” At his words, the betas along with Jungkook exit the room none of them daring to disobey. The door closes behind them with a click and YN’s senses feel on edge being surrounded by only alphas. Seokjin moves to take a seat on the bed and Hoseok stands behind YN, blocking the door.
Namjoon crouches in front of her, his eyes blank and empty. “You have two options: you can stay locked in this house, in this room, until you grow to love us. Or you could stop pretending and complete the bond.”
YN is shocked, “Pretending?”
“Lily, I knew from the second I saw you that we were meant to be. That you were the one we’ve been missing, the only reason you don’t feel it is because you’re an omega.”
“If you knew the second you saw me, why didn’t you approach me?! Why didn’t you say anything?!”
“Because we had been told time and time again that you wouldn’t feel the bond because you were an omega,” Namjoon yelled, his hands shaking as he tried to make YN understand. She couldn’t. She didn’t want to. “That your sub-gender was incapable of reciprocating it as a means of survival. That you would never love us the way we loved you, not unless it was forced.”
"Oh for fuck's sake Namjoon, I had a crush on you for an entire year. The only reason I never acted on it was that I knew you had mates." Suddenly everything Namjoon had said came forth, "What do you mean my sub-gender I hadn't presented yet." Then, with widened eyes and newfound horror: "You knew?"
Namjoon didn’t bother replying, YN could decipher everything just from the way his expression shifted from anger to pity. YN felt the room begin to get smaller, closing in on her, it became increasingly difficult to breathe. Namjoon tried to hold her, but she pushed him away fearing he would make it worse. YN panicked, she wasn’t breathing. Couldn’t breathe. As her mates crowded around her trying to calm her down, YN wished for it all to end.
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When she came to it was in a different room: Jungkook’s. The main himself stood over her, observing her with waves of apathy coming off him. His gaze trailed slowly across her body taking in every tiny detail, but it focused on her neck. YN’s hand latched onto her bite mark and was relieved to find an old scar instead of a fresh wound.
"You bit me," Jungkook stated, fixing YN with a pointed stare. "Technically it was more of a nibble, barely even nicked me, but for a newly presented alpha amid his rut - it was more than enough." YN didn't understand what Jungkook was saying, but he placed his finger on her lips before she could get a word out. "I went into a frenzy. I wanted to bite you. To mate with you even though a part of me knew I shouldn't. I couldn't control myself." He took a seat next to YN's head. "It took all six of them to restrain me and even once I was out of the room they weren't sure I would be able to control myself. Not to mention someone had to stay with you because heats, especially the first one, can be a dangerous thing."
"No one wanted to volunteer though, none of them felt they could control themselves either. It wasn't for lack of will or want. It was instinct. So, it fell on Namjoon's shoulders." Jungkook shrugs, "After the fact, Namjoon states he doesn't remember what happened. We wanted to apologize, to explain, but when we went to check up on you again...you were gone." Jungkook refuses to look at YN, but she can tell by the way his eyes shine that he's holding back tears. "I won't even attempt to explain what that felt like. We had mated, become one, and you ran away. What hurt most wasn't that the rejection, but that you weren't even aware of what you were doing."
A singular tear falls and YN can no longer tell if Jungkook is attempting to manipulate her or being genuine. “I took the blame because it was my fault. I should have controlled myself better. Had I, none of this would’ve happened. We could’ve been together and my mates wouldn’t be suffering.”
YN couldn’t stand it anymore. “Jungkook?” The young alpha’s eyes were full of love, adoration, and unhealthy infatuation. “I wish I never met you. Any of you.”
Just like that, it was gone, YN could begin to understand why Jungkook was one of them. They were all so similar, the way they could flip a switch and become different people. Jungkook laughed, hysterically so, it lasted several minutes but once his laughter died down was when YN truly feared for her life.
“I'm sorry YN, but I'll bite you myself if that's what it takes. Dr. Kang says that one the partial bond is completed that you'll feel the bond. That you'll be with us.”
“And if I don’t?”
“The doctor you went to see called the cops & stated that she was worried about the nature of our relationship. That's why they were here yesterday night. We might've mentioned that there is a beta couple that is allowing an unmated omega to live with them illegally.” Rosé!
Jungkook snickered, “Don't worry she's staying with Lucas. Also before you go thinking about making any rash decisions a partial bond can't be broken. Theoretically, it is something that can only occur between mates. Don’t try to break it you might die.” Then he clapped his hands together as if having realized something. “Not to mention what it would mean for your family if you ran away. Shuhua's family is an incredibly old school & I'd doubt they'd want to associate w/ people like that. Might just cancel the whole wedding.”
“You bastards. You planned all of this didn't you?!”
"No. Most of the time we just got really lucky. You can't outwit fate, lily."
YN felt pathetic, she’d fallen so easily into their trap and there was no way out. YN needed a way out. Desperately, she did the only thing she could think of. “Let’s just start over Jungkook. We can leave the past behind and get to know each other from scratch. I’ll forget about everything and try. Please Jungkook.”
He shook his head, “We’ve waited too long to start all over.” That was all it took. The final words needed to crush YN’s hope. She felt her heart whither and her bite throb.
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Jungkook had left YN alone after that, leaving her to waste away as she stared into the ceiling. Wondering who she had wronged in her past life to be deserving of so much pain. In those dark moments, YN realized there was something far more terrifying than be surrounded by delusional men - the fact that she had surrendered. There was no way for her to escape. Even if she managed to leave the house the authorities would send her right back or place her into the boarding house to be sold off. There was no winning. YN couldn't win.
A knock on the door drew her back down to the earth she so desperately wanted an escape from. Taehyung peered inside and YN was thankful it wasn’t Jungkook again. “You have to get ready. Going on a date remember?” When YN doesn’t reply, Taehyung walks over his steps light. YN thinks he’s going to be upset until the beta scoops her off the bed, cradling her in his arms. “Oh, lily. I know it’s scary, but I promise you. It isn’t. You’ll feel it. Feel happiness.” Taehyung tenderly kisses her forehead and carries her to the bathroom. By the time YN comes out, he has left and a white silk dress is laid on the bed.
           Namjoon is the only one dressed and that worries her. The rest of them are in the living room preparing to wave them off. “We figured it be best not to cause such an uproar,” Namjoon explains, YN knows that isn’t true as they’ve never cared about that before but agrees nonetheless.
           “Have fun!”
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"Who wants dessert?" Lucas asks and Rosé agrees enthusiastically, YN on the other hand can barely manage to finish her food. Rosé meets her gaze and YN can see some regret in them, but its quickly replaced by annoyance. YN darts her eyes back to her plate of food and Namjoon squeezes her hand gently.  
           “Why can’t you see how lucky you are? You don’t have to worry about anything. You have people who love you and protect you, whilst all you can do is complain. I get that you don’t reciprocate their feelings, but isn’t feeling safe so much more important?! You have a roof over your head. You went to a good school and will probably pop out beta and alpha pups.”
           YN grabs her glass of water and chugs it down, trying to swallow back the sob threatening to escape.
“Yet all you can do is throw yourself a pity party because you’re an omega. Grow up and stop looking down on yourself.”
Rosé hadn’t approached it the right way, hadn’t meant to be so cruel. Or maybe she had. Still, she was right and YN knew it. From Rosé’s point of view, YN had been given everything an omega could ever want. Everything anyone could ever need and she was throwing it away for trivial matters. There were others out there having it a lot worse - Rosé included. If it didn’t work out with Lucas then she would be forced to go with her brother. The only reason it wouldn’t work out with Lucas would be because of YN. She couldn’t do that to her friend. It was time, she stopped.
YN squeezed Namjoon’s hand signaling to him that she wanted to leave. “I’m sorry, but I think its time for us to go.” The lead alpha smiled, dimples on full display. “It was a pleasure meeting you though, we should do this again.” Lucas nodded, “Of course. We had fun.” YN nodded forcing a smile on for pleasantries. Rosé didn’t bother to look at YN and she was beyond thankful for that, not thinking she would be able to hold back her tears if she did.
 The streets were practically empty, so the ride wouldn’t take as long. Still, YN counted every second working up the courage to accept her fate. In the middle seat of the row, lay their hands intertwined, and much like how their bond worked, YN felt it was meant to be a display of control rather than something comforting. There was no point in fighting it anymore, there was no winning against fate.
“Bite me.”
Namjoon whirled his head, seemingly caught off guard by what YN had asked. The space between his brows wrinkled by a frown. Before Namjoon could speak, before YN could talk herself out it, she kissed him. YN moved to straddle him and their kisses grew more intense as time passed. One kiss is patient, selfless, hopeful, and kind. One kiss was jealous, selfish, helpless, & blind. And they would continue that way until YN leaned to the side peppering kisses on Namjoon's neck - baring hers.
It was a broken whisper, YN wasn’t even sure what she was asking for anymore but Namjoon did. The alpha kissed her neck three times before opening his mouth and biting down on her neck. YN felt little trials of warm blood escape as Namjoon licked at the wound. The pain was intense. It felt like fire was traveling through her veins, crawling its way towards her heart attempting to reach it. YN held off for as long as could before, finally clamping down on Namjoon’s scent gland and biting harshly. Suddenly the pain was gone and YN felt a euphoric bliss that couldn’t be explained. YN didn’t know if it was the bond or if she had finally lost her mind.
With blood-stained lips and frenzied looks in their eyes, Namjoon and YN kiss once more. Seiling their fate and completing the bond.
                                                   THE END
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innovativestruggles · 3 years
Extra thoughts on Daisuke x Suzue (Anime and Novel)
I was prompted to write this when a friend asked me several prodding questions on Daizue’s relationship and feminism several days ago. Obviously my friend knew where to hit the right nerve LOL
So I thought about it and I’d like to share my thoughts. I don’t know whether my DaiSuzu followers are still hanging around, but if you see this, then this is for you. This post is very opinionated of course so you may not agree with what I have to say. 
I took the initiative to go back and watch some of the FKBU episodes, and then top it off with the novel. As I mentioned in numerous older posts, the novel is the original and was written sometime in the 1970s. If you can read Japanese, I strongly recommend you grab a copy and read it for yourself. It goes into a lot more depth with regards to Daizue’s relationship and there is a lot more development between the two.
Novel and anime are different yet there are similarities. What I am going to write here is purely about DaiSuzu and because there are only minute differences in their interactions in both novel and anime, I will combine the two elements together. But before I do that, I want to talk a little about Suzue.
I absolutely love Suzue’s character - in almost every single aspect. She is strong, clever, independent and defies all odds. Her personality and interests are definitely more pronounced in the anime in terms of strength and defying the odds. She does the hard yard - a mechanic, an engineer, a creator, a pilot, a spy, an intelligence operator - she is a one stop shop and she is not just a pretty face. Then we have her novel counterpart, who shares similar traits that concerns intelligence and independence. She does intelligence and spy work for Daisuke as well, and the only thing that was absent would be her ‘mechanics and gadget development role.’ Given that the book was written in the 70s by a misogynistic piece of shit, I am surprised the author gave Suzue that level of prominence. 
When I saw the promotional materials and then the second episode of FKBU, I was so excited! Finally, a strong female character who has all the ‘male dominated’ traits! I was looking forward to what the anime had to offer her, considering the creators were talking about giving Suzue an ‘important’ role in the anime.  And throughout the series, her character in that sense did not disappointment. She did a lot of work for Daisuke and she was the backbone of everything. She even had to rescue him at times. What an incredible woman.
In comparison, novel Suzue, although a prominent, intelligent character, still had some level of submissiveness to her that screamed ‘I need a man to save me and do things for me’ kind of way. Unsurprising of course being written by an old fashioned man in the 70s. So the anime in a sense was a breath of fresh air.
Then we see the lack of screen time. Although Suzue was just a supporting character, she was quite prominent in the novel. The anime went through all this trouble to create such an incredibly strong female character, but gave her such little screen time. Disappointment doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m just frustrated that it is always the bloody male characters that gets a lot of screen time. I don’t give two fucks about your need for a fanservice or to appease fujos, we need more female characters who are strong, clever, independent, does not need a man to save her, is not overly sexualised and gets plenty of screen time. If it’s not one, it’s another. Can’t they just bloody do it all together? Also, have three main characters, Daisuke, Suzue and Haru ffs.
Feminism & Anime
If you trawl through my blog, there are a lot of posts about women, feminism, misogyny, toxic fandoms and a lot of het ships. Although I do absolutely love my M/M and F/F ships, there is a reason for my interest in anime het ships. I am a social worker who specialises in working with victim/survivors of family/domestic violence and sexual assault (DVSA), and complex trauma. Considering the majority of perpetrators are men, and the majority of victim/survivors are women, it is important to emphasise the need for a healthy and respectful relationship. I enjoy bringing my feminist perspective to film and fiction because they are an extension of society. Film and fiction (including anime and manga) are based on societal perceptions, and characters are still, unfortunately, heavily gendered. 
The anime fandom consists of real people and if you look all over social media, people talk about the characters all the time and their thoughts on them. It comes from somewhere. So when I watch anime, and when I see a male and female character get together in a manner that is healthy and respectful, they get a standing ovation from me. In particular, is when a male character treats his female partner in a way that empowers her or if he abstains from using his male entitlement to demean her. Because in society, there is still a large proportion of men who continues to abuse women in every way possible. If fans are constantly viewing content (yes, even ‘cartoons’) where women are objectified and disrespected comparatively to men, that rigid stereotype is reinforced and ingrained. 
I just want to add a note here that the LGBTQIA+ community do experience DVSA as well and this post does not disregard or invalidate them in any way. The focus of this discussion however, pertains to men, who make up the majority of perpetrators and, women, who are the majority of victim/survivors.
Daisuke and Suzue
I answered an ask sometime ago about why I ship DaiSuzu and although that has not changed, I have given a lot more thought to the reasoning behind it. The one thing I dislike about Suzue is her obsession with Daisuke, both in the novel and anime. It does take away her cool, independent like character, and submit her to the idea that she is nothing without first appeasing a man (Daisuke in this case). I don’t want to put too much dislike into her character in the anime, because we never got to see what her history was like with Daisuke. In the novel, I do see elements as to why she can be a bit obsessive, and that was most likely to do with her being ‘adopted’ and given a second chance. It was her way of showing appreciation. Yet she does have romantic feelings for Daisuke, so in essence, her character was emphasised as a typical lovestruck woman 😒
Again, she was incredibly loyal and forgiving towards Daisuke in the anime, despite his shitty attitude towards her at times. You’re probably wondering, after all that I wrote about feminism, why I would still ship DaiSuzu? In the anime, that comes down to Daisuke’s trauma. It added an extra layer of complexity. Daisuke’s standoffish, cold behaviour towards Suzue was not out of a sense of male entitlement and disrespect towards Suzue being a woman, rather, it was a manifestation of his trauma. Of course, it does not excuse his behaviour, but this is the reason why I really enjoyed watching their relationship. There was a lot of mutual trust going on (which I wrote about), covert appreciation of Suzue’s skills and abilities and Daisuke’s own way of making amends with her. 
In the novel, however, Daisuke does not have a history of any traumatic experiences. His personality was a lot more animated and though he does exhibit some weird behaviour towards Suzue, he does not do it out of male privilege or misogyny. He was just dense (and an idiot).  
Regardless, DaiSuzu’s relationship isn’t just as simple as black and white. There are elements of feminism that intertwines the anime and what I love a lot about Daisuke was that he never put Suzue down, felt intimidated, or tried to make her feel inadequate for being more clever and more intelligent than him. He relied on her knowledge, her skills and her expertise to guide him through his missions, because not only did he trust her with his life, he believed in her skills. He quietly allowed her to do her job without questioning her abilities or intervening.
I won’t discuss how shit the anime was and how much they shat on Suzue’s character by making her Daisuke’s relative, but like I said, I was pretty impressed with the way they turned Suzue into a strong character, and Daisuke’s perception of Suzue as a woman.
And yes, Daisuke doesn’t deserve Queen Suzue. And if you were again to ask me about Daisuke’s true feelings for Suzue? I am pretty damn certain that he loves her to death - in both novel AND anime.
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