#so basically tomorrow i was scheduled to work with my manager and also my 19 year old coworker (let’s just call him josh since that’s
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
SOS two of my coworkers swapped shifts and now I’m worried tomorrow is going to be awkward and bad
#so basically tomorrow i was scheduled to work with my manager and also my 19 year old coworker (let’s just call him josh since that’s#tedious to type out)#but now josh is working today instead and the coworker i have a crush on (we’ll call uhhhhh gerry) has taken his shift#and there’s still no fourth employee so that means it’s mostly going to be me and gerry barista-ing while our manager does managerial shit#it’s going to be SO chaotic. not least because i want to [redacted] him#it was already going to be chaotic with just me and josh; but like. i get along really well with josh; i’m not attracted to him#(because he’s 19) and also fundamentally he actually knows what he’s doing. he’s worked there for like 9 months#me and gerry both started at the same time 3 weeks ago. WE DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE DOING#if anything i think i’ve done more shifts than him which means i might actually know More than him which is like… oh god#i hoped the day would never come when i’d be the most knowledgeable person there#i just hope they at least find someone to cover the lunch shift because i just know it’ll be hellishly busy tomorrow and we might die#i’m also worried about it being awkward because i don’t think gerry particularly likes me. maybe i’m just projecting/worrying too much about#his opinion of me because i think he’s cute. realistically i don’t think i occupy any type of space in his mind#but it’s like. what will we talk about#i wish it were socially acceptable to show up to work drunk or at least a little tipsy.. i’d be so much more fun#as it is i’m just going to have to be like. hi gerry. 😐#when in my mind i am thinking AHHHHHHGHHH#please please god let them schedule somebody else in as well. anybody else. even if it’s just for like 2 hours. even if it’s someone i don’t#like. or at least let my manager not have too much managerial shit to do#personal
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arteastica · 1 year
early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (3)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (14) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27) | (28) | (29)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters). no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 2k
“Your academic performance was impeccable, indeed” your superior concluded after reviewing your profile for the second time “Your previous instructors all have good things to say about your abilities to manage tasks. Let’s see… aha… it says… displayed talent for organization, scheduling, prioritizing…” the man repeated as he skimmed over the piece of paper he held on the morning the new recruits were being assigned to their respective tasks. “Soldier, it’s been decided that you will work directly with the commander. He always has his hands full, so he could use the extra help. Think of yourself as an assistant. You start tomorrow.”
“Please take a seat” Erwin Smith stood up and offered you a warm smile that contrasted with the glacial hues present in his irises.
Hair, well-groomed. Clothes, well-ironed. Beard, clean-shaven. Oh, and a bolo tie to bring it all together. Yes, he just so happened to look exactly like the last person you would want to disappoint. It looked as if his presence alone would be enough to make incompetence and ineptitude offer to show themselves out. And as sudden as it had come, your previous optimism had started to dissolve. Your brain, however, had started to ask questions. What if I can’t d-
“Now, I would like to apologize in advance for how boring and repetitive your days are about to get. I assume you had slightly more exciting prospects in mind when you decided to join us.”
No, sir. Boring and repetitive are a far better prospect than what I had in mind. You replied in your head, trying your best to pay no mind to the sensation of inadequacy that you could already feel taking over you. What if the expectations he-
“I would also like to apologize for the fact that you happened to arrive in one of my busiest days. This, although unfortunate, was completely coincidental. I promise.” He tried to reassure you, a gentle smile never leaving his lips. And you found it rather comforting, so you smiled back.
“Today, some of the squad leaders will be joining us to discuss next month’s expedition beyond the walls. We’ll be meeting them soon in the room next door.”
As he filled you in on details about both the meeting and your new job, you found yourself growing a little more comfortable in your chair. You noticed that, despite his towering height, in the daylight your new boss looked far less intimidating than you remembered he did a couple nights ago.
“Oh, and I almost forgot to mention” he said while heading towards the door “unless I’m in a meeting, you don’t need to announce yourself before coming in. You first.” He added, making way for you.
“Yes, sir.” you replied, feeling a little lighter than before.
“The support teams will only accompany us to the old city area”
While the commander spoke, you scanned the people in the room. The short man to his right could be none other than the legendary Captain Levi himself. And he was certainly special, not necessarily because they called him ‘humanity’s strongest’, but because he was the only person you had never heard people in the capital bitching about. To his left was a short woman with strawberry blonde hair who had come with him and Captain Zoë, whom you already knew from that one lecture about titan physiology she had given your class a few years prior. And beside you was a man who hadn’t stopped sniffing you since you came in, and you wondered if you had done a poor job of showering that morning.
“Once we’re past that, it’s completely titan territory. And once we’re past here” the commander said pointing at a mark done in red ink “we’ll go into long-range scouting formation”
The Long-Range Scouting Formation, from the little information you had gathered so far, was a strategy devised by the commander himself.
“The vanguard is to spread out in a semi-circle, but staying within visual range from one another” he explained as he pointed to the intricate and rather messy schema of dotted lines and geometrical shapes that had been laid in the table before them. Each geometrical shape had numbers and letters scribbled on them: the peripheral relay, the center command, the center on standby, center communication. This jargon was all too familiar to you from military science class. But one thing was to design questionable battle plans that you knew would end up crumpled up in the dustbin anyways, and another entirely different thing was to actually come face to face with a strategy devised by an expert like Erwin Smith. One, who had so many lives depending on the efficacy of his plan. And it was definitely so much more interesting here than it ever was back in the classroom.
“Hange, how are things with Eren Yeager coming along?” once he was done reviewing the formation, he turned to Captain Zoë.
“Eren is still unable to transform at will, so we’re mainly focusing our efforts on identifying possible triggers” there was a glow in her eyes as she spoke, one that evidenced that she had been waiting all morning for the commander to ask that question. “I have reasons to suspect that in order to transform he needs a clear purpose, but more testing is required” her boss looked pensive, but gave her a nod of approval “In the meantime” she cleared her throat before continuing, and it looked as if she was getting ready to make a big reveal of some sort “the experiments have been providing lots of new information about titan anatomy. You see, the hypothesis I was working under before was that quadrupedal ti-”
“Yesterday he transformed during lunch while trying to pick up a spoon. But luckily no one was hurt” Captain Levi interrupted in a flat voice that contrasted Captain Zoë’s excited tone.
The commander quickly turned his head to the short man, concern gradually taking over his features. He seemed to study the situation for a moment and then said calmly:
“I see. Report to me any new developments. Everyone is doing a great job. Today, we’re one step closer to the truth than yesterday”
When you turned your attention to the others in the room, you only saw trust and reliance in their eyes. They clearly found something reassuring in their leader. And you believed you knew why. He struck you as the type of person to whom no mistake would ever be grave enough. And you didn’t know why, but in that moment, your imagination started to provide you with mental images of yourself getting swallowed whole by a titan, and the commander calmly suggesting to ‘just be careful next time.’ And although terrifying, something about that made you chuckle to yourself.
On your second day as the commander’s assistant, you opened the door to his office to find a giant map spread out on his desk, and next to it, the candle you had personally replaced at the end of your shift the night before, now almost totally spent.
You eyed the map. It was your first time seeing such a comprehensive representation of the territory beyond the walls. It looked rather overwhelming and, truth be told, chaotic. There were several words scribbled all over, intricate lines either tangled with each other or connecting areas marked by symbols that you couldn’t understand at first, but that made sense once your eyes found the small black notebook that was lying beside the paper. It was opened in a page that contained the map legend, written in hasty cursive. And suddenly it occurred to you that the notebook looked like the kind one would use to record one’s personal business, so you quickly turned your attention elsewhere.
Taking advantage of the commander’s absence, you scanned his office. He was an avid reader, there was no doubt, as told by the countless books that decorated the walls. Also, there was an antique looking chessboard situated by the fireplace, and not too far, on a crystal table, a phonograph. You had only seen a few of those before. They were quite rare, even for the wealthy folk in Mitras.
Then, when your curiosity seemed satisfied enough, you decided it was time to get to work. So you refilled the inkwell, disposed of the candle, and after placing a bookmark on the texts he had been consulting, you piled them away neatly in a nearby table, unsure if you could yet return them to their respective homes.
Finally, you rolled the large map carefully, only to uncover another giant piece of paper. This one you knew: the formation plans you had seen in the previous day’s meeting. It was full of scribbles and annotations that you were sure weren’t there the day before. And the sight was enough to take you back to the military science classroom. You, sitting at your desk, trying to come up with some lousy strategy that would please your instructor even just a little, just enough so that she would let you go home for the day. How many nights did it take him to complete such a strategy? Moving all the pieces like playing chess, contemplating all the possible scenarios over and over in order to come up with the optimal structure. All this while carrying the weight of humanity’s survival on his shoulders. And suddenly you understood.
You understood that what rumors called insanity was actually called creativity. What they labeled as absurdity was actually intelligence. And recklessness was, most likely, leadership. And in the presence of such skill, you started to feel small. You realized it: this was not just any man you were working for. It wouldn’t take long for someone like him to figure out someone like you. You looked at the plans once again, he was a seasoned military strategist, years of experience under his belt; you eyed the bookshelves that covered the walls, an individual of high intellect; you remembered yesterday’s meeting and the looks on everyone’s eyes, one who everyone trusted. And you, you weren’t even sure you trusted yourse-
“You’re early” a husky voice pulled you out of your rumination. It sounded raspy, as the first words one says in the morning usually do.
“Commander” you immediately assumed an upright position “I thought I’d come early in case you needed me to clear your desk before y-” you tried to explain “if you find it inconvenient, I-”
“Quite the opposite actually. Thank you.” He gave you another one of those gentle smiles of his “Today we’re taking advantage of the weather to test the visibility of the signal flares under heavy rain like this one. So I’ll be on the field. You’re not required to come.”
“Yes, sir.”
You observed him as he stared out the window. And your insecurities almost brought themselves up, but that was before he started to talk about how pleasant the rain was, and you found that you wanted to hear more about that instead.
The sun had already begun to set when he returned. As he dismounted his white horse and headed towards the entrance where you stood, you couldn’t help but appreciate how fitting the elegant creature was for his owner. And you wondered if that had been intentional.
“Commander, a letter came from the capital while you were gone. Premier Zachary is requesting updates on Eren Yeager” you trailed behind him as he made his way into the castle.
“Send word to Hange and tell her to provide them with the reports.”
“Already did, sir”
He looked back at you briefly before continuing.
“Good. Also tell her not to be too specific about the silverware incident.”
“Already included a footnote suggesting so, sir”
The commander stopped in his tracks and turned his head to the side, just enough so that he could glance back at you. You had remembered the troubled look on his face when Captain Levi had mentioned the accident during the meeting, so you figured it was something the higher-ups didn’t need to know all the details about. Had that been a mistake?
But then he smiled, seemingly satisfied “Good. Very good.” and your chest swelled with something that felt a lot like pride, as you followed him down the halls that led to his office.
next chapter
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rebel666 · 5 years
Confessions of  a Joann Employee
UPDATE: If you want to send more confessions and/or report what’s happening at your Joann anonymously, there’s EmployeeJoann on Twitter that is responding to messages. They are constantly sharing and updating more as it becomes available to them!
A confession from a Joann employee that is in one of the Covid-19 effected areas and has so much to say about it:
-We are staying open until told by the state otherwise. Even though they declared a State of Emergency and all non-essential businesses must be shut down by 5pm on Saturday 3/21, our company is refusing to. Because Joann themselves is trying to deem Joann as an "essential" store. They even put it all over their website that we are here for the people making masks and small businesses who need fabric to continue. They quote that we are here for the customers and that we as United States Americans have a responsibility to fill this need. They aren’t looking at curbside only as an option, they aren’t looking at offering more benefits for shopping online, they want us open and people in stores. They are sending us emails with pieces of paper (unofficial, not state made) to print out and put in our cars to say we are on the way to work at an "essential retailer." Anything to make it so we can remain open.
-This sucks for employees and here’s why: The way Joann is set up is if we get sick, if we have to leave to take care of someone who is sick, if we want to self-quarantine (because of our health or the health of our loved ones), we either quit or ask to be put on Leave of Absence and cannot return without medical clearance. If we come into contact with someone who has Covid-19 (even if they came into the store), they request we stay home while the rest of us have to work even if we were standing right next to them. As long as we don’t display symptoms, we are expected to show up or we can request LoA. LoA does not pay us. The only way we as employees will be taken care of is if the store closes AND if we have two weeks of schedules set up. I was hoping the company was on the path to this when they had us cancel all the classes until May and then limited hours but all that went out the window today. Right now Joann is doing everything to prevent us from closing and in turn take care of their employees. Every single time I bring up our well-being, I get reminded that we need to think about the customer first.
-Our store is step up to have daily conference calls to talk about the current status and to express any concerns we have. I brought up the status about my county (our major has declared everyone be shut down as of 5pm tomorrow or the police will be involved) and that I am deeply concerned for us and they told me that we have a responsibility as a leader to keep everyone calm and to keep working through this. ***When I asked what if everyone in my store requests a Leave of Absence because we are all very much concerned about our health, they said, "We will replace you with team members from other stores. There are service industry people and travel workers looking for jobs and we will fill your positions with people who will work it."*** They straight up told me that we are replaceable/expendable because they value their "customers/money." It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been with the company. It all means nothing to them.
-They are sending out emails about what Joann is doing as a whole for Covid-19. Saying we are cleaning every hour and whatnot. What they fail to mention is we are a fabric store with no means of washing fabric. I see people on a daily basis cough into, wipe their snot on, kids place in their mouth, and all sorts of other nasty things into these bolts of fabric (seriously, wash the fabric you buy from Joann before doing anything). We have the basic cleaning supplies to wash floors and wipe counters with but that’s pretty much it. They are telling us as employees to bring in our own supplies if we can. An employee brought in gloves long ago just so we can use them to clean the bathrooms. Today I provided face masks for my fellow coworkers. Our store may look clean but we know its dirty little secrets.
-We are supposed to follow the whole 10 people rule but they do nothing to stop or limit people at the door and won’t do anything to enforce it. All while wanting us to cut hours to which is barely 2 people running the whole store for smaller Joann locations. It’s not safe for us to be on a bare-bones crew especially if they want us to remain an essential store.
-Joann before this was a great place to work. At least for my store. I love my store, I love the people I work with. Other stores I have heard horror stories from but mine was one of the good ones. I see them being bombarded on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to close. Not just by employees and families of employees but by concerned customers. And this pleases me because they need to take this seriously. What they do in the next 3 days will speak volumes on how much they listen to and care about us. This is a serious issue and we as employees are suffering.
As they report more, I will continue to add to this.
UPDATE 3/21: They emailed and made copies of this for employees to carry with them in their cars:
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Now the CEO of Joann is also a piece of work. All you have to do is google his name and you’ll see the Walgreen’s lawsuit, his DUIs (yes, plural), and his impact on Joann since joining - which includes increasing prices because of the tariffs. One employee confirms that when tariff thing went into effect, the entire store was repriced. Some markups were a few cents but some were a few dollars. Since then the prices continue to fluctuate.
There is also a petition going on Change.org asking for Joann to Close Their Stores And Pay Employees
If you get a chance, read some of the comments people are putting in support of this:
I no longer feel safe in my workplace. The greed is sickening.
My employees deserve to be treated like people and make a livable wage and have benefits! Our health over their profit!
Staff at my local store have been asked to bring in their own gloves for cleaning. Hand sanitizer expired in 2012. Employees are reporting little to know cleaning supplies in a store that targets the elderly as a primary demographic. The material used in the masks is not medical grade. This company is shamelessly profiteering from the pandemic.
As a former employee and manager I know the company does not follow any real cleaning guidelines. They understaff their stores, overwork their employees and frown upon time off. Fabrics and crafts are not essential items at this time and since the majority of the clientele there are elderly i think they are creating more risk. Finally do something good for your employees and send gem home with pay
As a previous manager, I'm sad to say that this company does not value its workers. To see that they are putting their workers, and others who visit, at a continued risk is unbelievable and is extremely selfish. Now is the time to act and stop the spread of COVID-19 and to keep Joann's open does not help stop the spread in anyway shape or form.
Over the last two days, my local store decided to carry on with inventory. They brought in an inventory team from the area of our state with the vast majority of cases. It's one thing to not close and continue to expose the public to the risk, but decisions like these show that Jo-Anns has a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of its employees and customers. Even more telling is the fact that we know that you are seeing our pleas to do the right thing, but continue to ignore us on social media. There is only one reason that you are pushing to categorize Jo-Anns as an essential business, and that is greed. In fact, I had to spend my own money on gas to drive all over the city looking for more cleaning supplies after my manager ordered me to. Your employees do so much for you, and we are compensated very little. I have been at Jo-Anns long enough to know that you would never compensate us for our time off, but at least join the other non-essential business and shut down for the time being.
joann’s customer base is primarily elderly or otherwise at risk people, and many employees are also older or immunocompromised. employees are overwhelmed as we can’t keep up with the cleaning guidelines while also taking care of customers, not to mention we’re severely lacking in cleaning supplies in the first place. joann is encouraging people to come in for supplies to make face masks, yet these masks aren’t sterile since people touch and breathe on the fabric all day, and it’s then laid on the counter to be measured and cut. employees themselves aren’t even allowed to wear masks or gloves. joann cares more about profit than the safety of both their team members and customers.
There are so many comments I want to share. These are just a few. This is Joann. They care more about their image and their financial gains than the backbone of their stores. The people who put up with their ridiculous requests day in and day out are now at risk and putting others at risk. Places like Hot Topic closed down and took care of their employees, places like Joanns should too!
But also lets not forget, Hobby Lobby is also not taking Covid-19 seriously.
UPDATE 3/22: “We have signs saying we're cleaning more but found out Friday that we're out of supplies in the distribution center. They claim they will send them out once they receive any but I found out today from a truck driver the company that supplies everything for Joann (from inventory to store use items) is closed for 2 weeks... because of this they're telling us to use the bathroom cleaner as a substitute.”
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From Joann Employee Confessions on Twitter:
Confession 17 - Our Joann was closed! We received a C&D from the Chief of Police! We were so ecstatic as employees when they came in and told us to cease all business operations! Not even curbside! BUT then we had to tell our District Manager... and everything changed.
Our DM told us to come back to work tomorrow because he was going to have Joann's lawyers work on it. My heart sank. Them being open was more important. So I went into work and it was so nice not being open to the public. We finally caught up on recovery and cleaning! All things we have neglected the past week because it's been too busy for us to keep up! All of us were in great spirits and it was the best day ever. Until our DM called... and he told us to section off all the "non-essential" parts of the store.
Fabric and sewing notions were deemed essential and we would be open to the public the next day. No curbside only. Nope. People were to come right back in and nothing about limitations. Nothing about cleaning our disgusting fabric. Just to section off half the store so the public could come in and buy all the fabric and sewing supplies they could want. And to add to that... they are doing a remnant promotion where all the spare pieces are free to the customer now! Another thing for our already spare crew to do when we don't have time!
I am honestly so shattered over how the Chief of Police who seemed so interested in our well-being backed out of this. We are exposed once again. 3 of us tonight took Leave of Absence papers tonight because we don't feel safe. This was the final nail in the coffin.
UPDATE - My coworker messaged me, “Got up at 10:00 to get ready for work. A text came in saying the store is closed and I don't have to come to work. Seems there was a conference call. It appears the state is involved and overrode the mayor!” But Joann is still fighting it. This is a day by day thing. They are telling us if we want hours we have to go to another store. If not, we have to put in our leave of absence. 
More articles coming through right now: 
These Retailers Refused To Close During The Pandemic, So An Illinois City Shut Them Down
Joann Fabrics' mask-making promotion raises questions
Gregory said the masks were being donated to Rush Oak Park Hospital in Oak Park and to Northwestern Medicine Delnor Hospital in Geneva – but spokespeople for both those hospitals said it was not true.“Due to infection control measures, Northwestern Medicine cannot accept donations of handmade masks, gowns and other medical supplies,” according to an email from Kimberly Waterman, spokeswoman for Northwestern Medicine Delnor. “Only factory-made, hospital-quality supplies, including N95 masks, face shields, gloves, gowns, sanitizers and swabs can be donated.”
“There is no barrier,” White said. “Once [handmade cloth masks] get wet, I don’t think they’re that effective.” (I can confirm. A RN confirmed with me that cloth masks collect moisture which acts as a magnet for infections.)
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mindofharry · 4 years
here’s some vampire harry!!!!! pls treat him with the love and respect he deserves <3
“Honey, this is just water under the bridge” Your mother, Joanne, reassured you. She placed a rogue piece of hair behind your ear. You were both sitting on your bed, cuddling like you were 10 years old again. Getting fired, from your dream job for no apparent reason at all has basically broken you. Your mother is trying to reassure you, that it was meant to happen - that everything happens for a reason. You just want your job back.
“We’ll start job hunting again, next week. Ok?” Joanne said, you sighed and rolled over on your sighed. Your mum rubbed your back and took all the dirty cups from your room with her as she left your room.
You tried to sleep, to try and forget everything that had just happened that afternoon. But, your mind was occupied and too busy. So you decided you better start looking for some jobs, even interviews. Even though you still live with your mum, you still need money. Not just for yourself, but your mum too. All the money that comes into the house is coming from you and the jobs you have. You were finally comfortable with money, for the first in your life. But the world just really hated you at the moment.
You walk over your desk and sit down, opening up the second hand laptop you bought yourself for christmas. It’s nothing special like a mac, but it does the job. Once you’re logged in, you open google and type in ‘JOBS IN MY AREA’. You didn’t go to college and you barley passed high school, you’ll be lucky if you even get a job at the local book store.
You needed to stop this, punishing yourself. It’s not your fault, you remind yourself.
Nearly falling asleep at your desk, you decided to head to bed. Tomorrow will be better.
Tomorrow is not better. It’s worse than yesterday. You couldn’t even bare to open your laptop after being so disappointed last night. And you’re mum kept trying to reassure you, but you felt responsible for this.
Your mum couldn’t work, she’s not well and she’s in denial about it. She goes to AA meetings and talks with therapists, but she just can’t stay sober. You’ve tried to get her into working, but she manages to fuck it up everytime. Your mum is good mother, she took care of you and did the best she could. But sometimes you just wished she’d just stay sober, for even a week. So you could be a normal 19 year old, go out for drinks and hang out with friends. But you know she’s not a normal mum. And that’s something you just have to live with.
“Morning, love” Joanne said sipping on her ‘tea’. You knew it was alcohol so you gave her a pointed look.
She sighed and poured the drink down the sink. “Good, now go brush your teeth and we can talk” you say pulling your hair up. You mother shook her head and sighed. “I’m the mum here, Y/N. Don’t treat me like i’m the teenager” she said and you laughed. Really? This is how today’s going to go? the universe really hates me, you thought.
“You just hid vodka from me mum” you say and she sighed walking over and kissing your temple. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m trying, lovey” she said and you could tell how hard she was trying to keep together. you nodded and smiled, this was going to be a good day. Bite your tongue, Y/N.
“Yeah, i know. Now go get ready, i need help job hunting” you say and she nodded making her way out of the kitchen and up to her room. You sighed and put the kettle on. You walked into the pantry and took the vodka she had opened and poured it down the sink. Let’s see how long it takes her to notice.
You sat down with your cup of tea and one for your mum, opening up the paper and your laptop.
When your mum came back in, she looked a lot nicer and healthier. The shower did her good.
“So i saw someone looking for an assistant on facebook” Your mum said logging into her facebook on your laptop. You smiled to yourself, she really cared about you. “His name is harry i think, something along the lines of needing someone to sort out his schedule which you’re pretty good at” she said showing you the post. A few, actually a lot, of people had already liked the post and there was people sharing their CVs in the comments begging for a chance. You didn’t have the heart to tell your mum that this person wasn’t going to accept you.
“I mean, you can apply for other jobs but i think it’s perfect for you” She said biting her nip nervously. You nodded smiling in reassurance. “Yeah, it’s perfect mum. Thank you, i’ll try and get an interview. I also found a cleaning job too, so that’s good. Both jobs look like they pay well” you say with a shrug.
Joanne nodded and kissed your temple. “You’ll get a job. Don’t worry about it.”
After sending your CV to multiple possible bosses, you shut your laptop and turn your phone off of silent. Job hunting is a pain in the ass and exhausting, all you can do now is make lunch and hope for the best.
You were braiding your mothers hair when you got the call. You were both having a girly night as your mum hadn’t drank a sip of alcohol all day, it was definitely something to celebrate.
“Is this Y/N L/N i’m speaking with?” the voice asked, he sounded so bright and chipper. And he was irish too.
“This is her! how can i help you?” you asked and the man cleared his throat and paused for a second. “I’m offering you a job. the job” he said and you almost dropped your phone. You put it on your leg, on speaker so your mum could hear and you could multitask. You brushed the ends of your mum hair and let out a shaky breath.
“Do i need to come in for an interview?”
“Well, me and the boss would like to get to know you, get a feel of how you work on your own and with help. just like a test run, but if i’m being honest the is yours” he said and you could almost cry. “You’re exactly the kind of person Harry, my boss is looking for Y/N” he said.
“I’m niall by the way, i’m harry’s personal assistant” Niall said and you smiled.
“Well, when can i come in?”
After settling some stuff with Niall, who is kind of your boss too you were free to hang up. your mum squealed and pulled you into the tightest hug ever. “I told you, everything happens for a reason! you were exactly who they were looking for, babe” your mother said caressing your cheeks. You kissed her temple and nodded.
“You’re the best, you know that?” You said and your mum shrugged. “Eh, i’m okay” she giggled, you sat back down on the couch.
“Lay down, mum. We’ve got it sorted now”
You were going in to the offices, or as what niall called STYLES x MALIK, harry styles and zayn malik are both the bosses of the fashion company they both created. They have a headquarters in the states, but they’re just starting up a new headquarters in england, as harry and zayn grew up here and would like to see their families a lot more. Niall basically told you their whole life story over the phone, which you were very thankful for. Saves you the googling.
It was a tuesday morning, when you got the go ahead to pop in. Niall said to look nice, but casual. Like you’re going out for a dinner with your partners family. So you pull out your best high waisted flare jeans, an orange stripped shirt and tucked into your jeans. You topped it off with your lucky platforms and some jewellery. You left your hair natural, and the same with your makeup only some lip gloss and mascara.
“You look beautiful, honey”
“Thanks mum” You grinned pulling her into a hug. You placed your bag over your shoulder and took the car keys from the bowl at the front door. “I’ll be back soon, ok? Go for a walk or something” you say squeezing her hand, before leaving.
20 minutes away from you, is a angry, grumpy vampire. Niall was sat in front of harry, with a grin on his face.
“She’s literally perfect harry” Niall try to reason, but harry was having absolutely none of it. He wanted to rip that blonde son of bitch heart out.
“Niall, i didn’t want her though.” Harry said standing up from his desk, opening up a file and pointing at a picture.
“i wanted her”
Harry was pointing at a girl, blonde hair, blue eyes and great blood. He had tasted her before and worked his magic into getting her an interview - of course, she doesn’t remember him though. But this Y/N girl, he didn’t want her and he never agreed to having her come here today.
“You’ll have to fire her or make up some excuse, fuck i need something” Harry mumbled placing a hand over his eyes, Niall walked over to the fridge in the corner of harrys office he opened it up and took out a bag of blood pouring it in to a small glass. He placed it on the table standing in front of a frustrated vampire.
“She’s really good, Harry. You’ll regret it if you don’t let her do the test run” Niall said before walking to the door. “And she’s hot as fuck” he added leaving the room.
Harry hated being the bad guy, usually he’s a nice person. More lively, a bit like niall. A lot more quiet though, he’s pensive and reads people really well, one of his many talents as a vampire.
Harry was born in 1908, to a wealthy family. He had caring parents, a loving sister and good future a head of him. Until he met liam payne, they met in university decided to work together. The next thing you know, liam had his fangs in harrys neck and he was immortal. The first few years were hard, he was wreck less and did everything possible to get even a drop of blood. He met zayn five years after being turned, and he was sort of like the alpha of their ‘pack’ so to speak. He taught harry all he knew about control and using powers to get what you want, but only when you so desperately need it. They met niall in the 70s, he was freshly turned and needed help. They took him under their wings, and here they are today with a fashion company and a load of money in their pockets.
“What’s all the fuss about?” Zayn asked walking into harrys office with a few files in his hands. Harry huffed and sipped on the blood niall had poured for him. “I’m closed” harry said sitting down on his chair, zayn laughed and shook his head. “You have an interview in 5 minutes, get it together styles” Zayn said and dropped the files on his desk.
“Whether we hire or not, be nice. Her file is there, read it, study it. And keep those fangs to yourself” Zayn warned pointing at harry, then walked out of his office. Harry sighed and opened the file, stopping in his tracks when he saw your face.
You’re beautiful, so fucking beautiful.
He could tell the photo was professionally done, and you definitely had gotten someone to take it in a rush. Your CV is also a mess, but harry thinks it’s endearing. God, you’ve hypnotised him already. Harry could feel your aura through a picture, how the fuck was that even possible?
“She’s here” Niall said through the glass door. Harry nodded and cracked his neck, let’s get this over with then.
He could see niall biting his lip as she walked up, he couldn’t keep it in his pants for 2 seconds.
Niall opened the door and harry watched the girl walk in, her flares and platforms got his attention. She’s perfect. For him. Niall was still checking her out, so harry cleared his throat. Niall smirked and shook his head walking out of the office.
“Take a seat” Harry said and you smiled, sitting down. “I just want to say, i’m really grateful for this opportunity” you say, and harry nearly rolled his eyes. She’s too beautiful for a sob story. “I appreciate it” you say, and harry nodded quickly wanting to move away from anything emotional.
“um, so we don’t need you” He lied and you nearly choked on you own spit. Your eyebrows furrowed and you flushed a bit. Harry could see niall shaking his head. Damn you, super human hearing.
“Don’t need me? Niall said that i was just what you were looking for” you say, not angry just confused. Harry was impressed at how well you could keep your feelings in check, but he could feel how agitated you were becoming.
“Well, he’s wrong” Harry said and closed the file. “Have a nice day” He said with a fake smile. You couldn’t believe this. Fuck this.
“Fuck you” You said grabbing your bag and hoisting it up onto your shoulder. “Woah, Woah, what’s going on in here?” Zayn asked his hands in the air.
“Ask him, thanks for nothing” You say moving to walk out of the office. You needed to get out of here. “Just wait” Zayn called out, you stopped and sighed turning around.
“You’ve got the job” zayn said and your eyes widened in shock. “You start this friday, niall will email you detail. Use this week to treat yourself, on me ok?” Zayn said handing you a 50 dollar note. Who are you to deny money? You nodded and smiled at him. “Thank you” you say and he nodded.
“Don’t disappoint me”
You got yourself a coffee on the way home, you were a little overwhelmed and you needed to calm down before you went home to your mum. You just hope she didn’t do anything stupid while you were out.
“Mum, i’m home” you called out handing your bag up on the hanger. You got no response, so you looked around the house. Nothing in the kitchen or bathroom. The only places left are her room and living room.
You walked into the living room, to see your mum passed out on the couch a bottle of wine and an empty bottle of vodka on the coffee table. you sighed “Oh, mum” you said tears welling up in your eyes. “Why do you keep doing this” you mumbled picking up the wine and empty bottle, you put them away and cleaned up the cup. After that, you placed a blanket over her.
“You’ll get better soon, mum. I’ll be able to pay for it. We’ll have everything we’ve ever dreamt of and more” You say, kissing her forehead.
The next couple of days, you were nursing your mother back to health and used the 50 dollars your new boss gave you to by some groceries. Your mother really needed some hangover snacks, and she needed a lot of them. Luckily, you’ve been doing this a lot longer than you should’ve.
“Mum, i’m off to work” You said peaking through her door. She wasn’t talking to you at the moment.
“Alright, there’s medicine on the counter downstairs, snacks and stuff too. There’s no alcohol and no money, so don’t even try” You warned closing her door. God, this was so hard. You wondered how long it would take to be fired from this job.
You arrived early at the office, niall greeted you and took you to your own little office. It was nothing huge, but you absolutely adored it.
“Hey, don’t worry about harry” Niall said and you nodded. “I’m not, don’t worry” you reassured him smiling as you put down your diary.
“Good, well i’ll leave you to it” Niall said and you grinned at him.
“Good luck”
“You’ll need it”
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plisetsky x reader)
(Part two)
Part two. Part one Part three Part four part five
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Your POV*
There. All set and done. You took a last look at the pair of eyes staring back at you in the full body mirror. Your hair all dried up with a blowdrier and a pair of white jeans along with your favorite leather jacket. A grey turtleneck on that and that was the outfit for today. Keeping it classy since Victor failed to cancel the meeting with the press a couple of hours from now. 'A big hoodie would've been the ideal alternative though' you thought and sighed. Nowadays it's all about keeping it as simple yet kind of professional for every day. Social media were all star struck about the world's latest announcement. 'Winner of this year's Grand Prix senior division goes on a tour with none other than the (y/n) (l/n)!' The newspapers were first out as usual thanks to the reporters crowding her personal space since two weeks from now since the news came out. A collaboration between a figure skating competition and a competition for vocalists. You never saw that coming but you could see the appeal. The currently hottest male skater along with a popular female singer, fighting for the spotlight even though they're sharing it evenly. Him with his skills and she with her voice. You agreed to participating when asked, of course. It was a great opportunity and experience. And currently you sought out every great possibility at the market right now. That's what lead you here.
You made your way out the room you were staying in and headed towards the dining area in deep thoughts. 'So that's Yuri Plisetsky up close?' You thought as you passed the living room. You entered the dining area and stood still at the entrance to take in the scene before you. Yuri Plisetsky is sitting at the dining table with his back facing you. Beside him with his side profile turned at your direction is coach Yakov who's chatting with Victor and Yuuri opposite of the table. Yuri is not talking. He's busy eating a dish called the pork cutlet bowl, you assumed. You had never tried one before but the dish was all too familiar thanks to the last Grand Prix competition on Yuuri Katsuki's behalf. You eyed Yuri carefully and entered the room. He's a little shorter than what was given away on television but other than that, very much the boy you'd seen competing time to time. His skating was without doubt impressive to say the least. His jumps were always perfect as expected and his upper body movements in beat to the music. Though, you always deemed something missing in his already amazing performances. Expression. The year he won gold at the senior division, you saw some great scenes of emotion displayed in his skating but it was clear that he never let them consume him. It always looked as if there was something on his mind and that held him back, even made him stop and hesitate sometimes.
"Whoo! (Y/n) is back! Yuri! Meet your coach in musical expressional performance."
The boy's attention was suddenly entirely on you now, in comparison for being totally relaxed and unfocused. He tensed up and the pair of breathtakingly blue and green eyes widened at her for the second time today. 'Hope this is not becoming a regular habit of his' whenever he sees me. It's starting to get a little embarrassing.'
"You! What even- What are you doing here?! A-aren't you like 19 years old or something? That's just two years away from me! That's.. You're far too young to be my coach!" The startled reaction of his kind of made you wonder what was up. He did meet you just about- ah. Your face mask and your covered hair clearly disguised you well enough for the boy not to recognize you. Though he clearly knew you.
"Great, so you're familiar with me. Then I don't need a further introduction." You flashed him a smile.
"Who isn't familiar with the star of We Are Voice and winner of gold two years in a row? At this point, you're basically stealing the spotlight I fought so hard to gain at my senior division debut." The words came out in a mutter and the negative impact of the comment made you raise an eyebrow at the boy on the floor in front of you. He still hadn't stood up to greet you which would be the appropriate thing to do first time meeting your coach. Then you pouted and leaned your now crossed arms against the wall to your right.
"Though, I am a little disappointed you didn't recognize me by voice. I mean, if I am as famous as you speak of, you surely would've known right away." That just earned a scoff from him.
"There are thousands of girls who sound similar to you. Yes, even with that (nationality) accent. Your voice isn't that special." The other men in the room widened their eyes. Ouch. And he's just as grumpy and homeboy teenage-crisis as he was portrayed in television and social media as well. You had thought it was only mere acting in an attempt to shun people away and making the attraction towards him less appealing.
"I see... Well that's one way putting it."
It certainly worked on you, you had thought for several years now but turns out he's just a jerk. Yakov moved to get in Yuri's face and scold him.
"Where is your manners? Quit playing a brat all of a sudden."
"What? Am I not allowed to speak my mind now when you have to suck up to miss universe over here all of a sudden?"
You raised a silent hand for the arguing pair to let their words die down and then you locked gaze with the insolent boy. Your eyes were blank but rock hard and you could swear that you saw a faint gulp forming in his throat.
"Get on your feet and get over here. Turn sideways." At least I didn't have to ask twice. But I didn't really ask him either. He rose to his feet and took some hesitant steps towards me. It was clear that he didn't trust me. 'Something to work on' I hummed to myself. His posture was stiff and crooked but after another word from Yakov, he straighten his back for me to see him properly. He pulled the hood of his hoodie off and mirrored my blank hard stare. I began to circle him, getting a fair look on what I would be working with for a set of weeks. His eyes didn't dare follow mine as I stepped beside him, knowing that I was out for him to break character. A stale being is much harder getting to know than a forward and open one.
Then, when you were behind his back, you reached out with your hand to his back and - shoved him casually forwards. A yelp of surprise echoed through the room as he stumbled and fell towards Victor who caught him right before hitting the floor face first. You and Yakov locked gaze and gave each other a slight nod before you once again turned to the upset boy.
"What the hell was that? You pushed me for what? Are you that sensitive for a little negativity for once?"
"Your balance is off." You simply said with the same blank expression and a headshake. He seemed dumbfounded of the answer and got off Victor with quick feet. He was close to you this time and the daggers you received was intended to leave wounds after he was done.
"Because you pushed me."
"I wasn't prepared!"
"We have some work to do, Yuri. Your break has been too long, it seems. She was only picking up on where you left off, in a way." Yakov spoke up between the one-sided staring contest. The boy turned towards the man which included his back facing my front once again. But this time, he was careful on taking a few steps forward to avoid history repeating itself.
"She's not you. She shouldn't do your job. It's none of her business anyway."
"It actually is if you think harder on it. There's no point in me working on your emotional performance if your practical performance is flawed. A skater who can't manage a simple shove will not get up on his or hers feet at the competition as well." You expected some kind of backlash from Yuri, at least a glare or something. But you were met with nothing to your surprise. He didn't speak up either.
"It's settled. You and I will rehearse you back into your former shape before your time with (y/n) begins, starting tomorrow. Meanwhile, also take some time to get to know each other, you two. You seem to need it." Yakov declared the schedule and choose to pinpoint the obvious tension between you and Yuri. You somewhat agreed on spending time besides training. Though, you would rather not take a verbal beating more than once a day further on.
Yuri still didn't speak up but he didn't object either.
"(Y/n), there's food left for you too! Please join us for dinner." Yuuri Katsuki exclaimed and waved an energetic hand towards the bowls and plates on the table. In front of you, you saw the back muscles of the Russian skater's form tense at the words.
You had to decline though. If not for the meeting, then for the sake of giving Yuri some space. It must be hard, after all. Whatever's he's going through right now.
"I would love to! But I have to excuse myself this time. After all, I have a meeting to attend and if I don't get going, I'll soon be running late. See ya folks later!"
And with that, you dashed off.
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childcareseer · 4 years
The Child Care Industry is in Crisis. Solutions Lie in Innovation
With demand for quality childcare spots far outstripping supply, the childcare industry is begging for innovation. Successful operators of the future will respond to Americans’ changing lifestyles by offering more flexible care arrangements. Technology can help centers become more profitable by better matching available capacity to the precise hours parents want.
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The career that led up to that fateful 2017 decision to purchase the daycare—a business I have expanded into two locations and a child care management software business under the umbrella of Callahan Learning Center—gives me a somewhat unconventional perspective on the needs of this essential industry. My background is in engineering development. I earned a degree in electrical engineering from Grove City College in 1997, obtained my MBA in 2002 and worked for decades to build a successful career as an executive and entrepreneur in the wireless communication technology and software industry. I hold numerous patents, I’ve invented multi-million-dollar product lines, and I’ve been involved in more than four startups from cradle to exit, including my most recent startup selling for $200 million in 2019.
At heart, I am a problem-solver. I have found great professional joy in combining the problem-solving skills I learned as a software engineer with time-tested philosophies on managing and motivating teams to build healthy and profitable enterprises. When I bought a local daycare business, I discovered an industry screaming for software innovation. That discovery launched my journey to build a better daycare—one of the most fascinating problems I’ve worked on.
An industry in crisis
You don’t have to look hard to find people sounding the alarm on the severe imbalance between supply and demand in American child care. Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a mere 23% of children under age 3 could be served by the available licensed child care slots in their communities, according to a survey of child care supply in 19 states and the District of Columbia conducted by the Center for American Progress. The mismatch between child care supply and demand costs the American economy an estimated $57 billion a year in lost earnings, productivity and revenue, according to research by the Council for a Strong America.
These studies were conducted before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has put a ton of bricks on the accelerator of what was already a worrisome trend. In April 2020—just weeks into the crisis—the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) surveyed workers in child care centers and family child care homes in all 50 states. At that time, nearly half of respondents reported that their center—like Callahan Learning Center at the time—was completely closed. Of those that were open, 85% were operating at less than half of their enrollment capacity. The stress on these centers as the pandemic has continued has been immense. A July survey by NAEYC found that if the reduced enrollment and increased operating costs brought by the pandemic were to persist, only 18% of child care programs expected to survive another year. Yet the demand for good child care is only going to grow as the post-pandemic economy thankfully starts putting more Americans back to work.
This is an economic inefficiency that is begging us for a market solution.
Matching demand more precisely
At its most basic level, child care is the business of matching people who need care for their children with individuals who are willing to provide that care. In America, we’ve been going about the business of addressing this market demand pretty inefficiently for years. Most child care centers sell care in standard quantities designed to match a typical “9-to-5” work schedule, while only 62% of Americans would prefer to work the ‘typical banking hours’ of the 50s, according to a 2018 survey.
In complete truth, to keep a spot in these centers, many parents end up paying for child care hours they aren’t using, be it unused hours each week, or needing to pay for care during vacations to hold their spots. This setup also prevents center operators from being able to charge a higher rate for smaller and more irregular quantities of care, which would benefit both the center and the families who would gladly pay more per hour for the hours they need versus paying by the week for hours they can’t use.
In the 21st century, we’ve learned that matching market supply more precisely to demand can reap rewards for both consumers and providers. For instance, Uber and Lyft have allowed urban dwellers to stop paying for cars that stay parked most of the time—or make an economic return on that excess automotive capacity. Another example is Airbnb, which has allowed travelers to find lodging in the heart of the neighborhoods they wish to visit, and often without the minimum-night requirements of traditional resorts. Instacart lets us be more efficient in the time we allocate to buying food—while allowing grocers and paid shoppers to charge a premium for items purchased through the service.
We often don’t like to think about applying cold economic principles to something as personal as the care of small children, but the reality is that this is already happening, to the detriment of American working families. The American 9-to-5 office job is quickly disappearing, and the child care industry has not kept pace with this trend. In addition, many existing jobs—from surgeons to paramedics to restaurant workers—demand irregular and unconventional hours that aren’t often served by traditional care offerings. As the millennial generation—whose members seek unprecedented flexibility in their work-life arrangements—is now entering parenthood, it is urgent that the child care industry evolve by providing a product that matches their lifestyles.
Strong child care businesses can no longer be built on providing set offerings of full- or half-time care, but instead must offer a more customizable menu of options. This requires some of the same software-based solutions that have brought us on-demand transportation, lodging and grocery shopping.
Defining the problem
Labor makes up more than half of a typical child care center’s costs, so in the first few months I owned Callahan Learning Center, I spent a lot of time trying to understand how my center director scheduled staff. I watched as she worked her intuitive magic week after week to match our available educators with the children in our care. While this skill was highly impressive, it was also impossible to replicate. As I watched the process, I wondered, “What happens if she gets sick or leaves this job?”
I thought for sure someone had created a tool to help with this.
I tried some of the leading software tools on the market. While many of them kept good data on where children and teachers were yesterday, and where they were today, nobody was helping me answer the question that I believe lies at the heart of making this business better: Who will be in your care tomorrow, next week, and next month? Who will care for those children, and what will that care look like?
Solution: Child Care Seer
This problem sent me back to my software development experiences. I assembled, then spent a year and a half working with an internationally recognized team of developers to build a tool that would relieve child care managers of this ongoing burden, allow them to better understand their available capacity, and plan efficiently to improve the quality of care they could provide. As we worked on this problem, we realized it would impact so many aspects of the business.
Essentially, we were building an all-in-one platform that would free up dedicated caregivers to do what they love—care for children—while minimizing the time they needed to spend on repetitive tasks that keep their business going. We were building something that could allow them to focus on the quality of care they were providing, while giving them ways to increase the profitability—and longevity—of their business.
The result is Child Care Seer. Named for the seers, or prophets, who saw the future in biblical times, Child Care Seer’s job is to smooth out the roadblocks—from late payments to irregular schedules—that cause so much stress for the dedicated child care center workers that our nation needs to keep in business. Seer also allows providers to identify their excess capacity and sell it to parents who need more flexible options. Giving providers this ability to sell program-based and hourly care simultaneously has incredible potential to strengthen these businesses—an outcome that has important benefits for both hard-working child care center operators and the American workforce as a whole.
We’ve been using Child Care Seer to run our operations at Callahan Learning Center since we reopened in August, after using the pandemic shutdown as an opportunity to fully reimagine how we do business. Now that we use Seer, our weeks begin much more peacefully, as we are not spending hours on Monday mornings running credit cards for tuition payments—Seer automates this for us. When parents arrive with their children, our workers don’t have to have difficult conversations about late payments, as all of this is facilitated through the daycare billing software. Our director can see in real-time which children and teachers are in and out of all of the rooms in both of our locations, which makes on-the-spot decisions faster and more efficient. Seer allows us to more fairly and efficiently manage our waitlist, and lets us give parents the convenience of going online to request two hours of child care next Tuesday—or whatever irregular quantity of care their schedule may require. Seer also gives us the tools to engage parents in a way that is consistent, valuable and not burdensome to our educators.
Seer’s capabilities continue to evolve and grow as we begin to offer this product for use in child care centers across North America. Our development team continues to build Seer out as an indispensable platform that can enable child care businesses to offer both unparalleled flexibility and uncompromising quality, while also relieving them of some of the heavy logistical burden that adds hours to their work days.  
I think child care is a huge part of the success of the country and the success of the local community, and I truly believe it can be massively better than it is. Let’s look for ways we can bring the American ingenuity that has improved so many other industries to bear on the business of matching caregivers with parents who want a safe place to take their kids while they work. My solution to this problem is a daycare software tool that can make it easier for parents to purchase the care they need, and far less stressful for center operators to run a sustainable business.
To me, that’s a win for everybody.
About Tom Callahan
Tom Callahan is a serial entrepreneur and seasoned executive with a track record of starting, growing and leading companies of all sizes. He is the owner of Callahan Learning Center, a Virginia-based family child care management company that operates centers providing high-quality and highly flexible child care. He is the founder of Child Care Seer, an all-in-one platform that can make child care a more manageable and profitable business. He came to the child care industry after more than two decades in the software and technology industries, where he invented multi-million-dollar product lines and guided multiple startups from cradle to exit, including his last startup selling for over $200 million in 2019. Learn more about Child Care Seer at childcareseer.com.
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
► reply.
date(s): 6 september - 23 september 2020 mentions of: charm (very brief but i thought it was fun to mention), @fmdsamsoo​ word count: +/- 1850 (minus lyrics) warnings: jaewon being gay tw details: fmdos2, the creative process behind reply, basically jaewon is really fucking gay, that’s the solo. i could’ve split this up into two solo’s probably but i like to have the whole creative process in one place plus i need to write about his performance still anyway. 
a part of jaewon still had a hard time puzzling together that somehow, someway he had actually managed to secure the first place last round. it was nice of course, alarm was an incredibly personal song to him and he didn’t know how his already brittle self-esteem would’ve taken the blow had he ended up in the bottom ranks but as nice as it was, it was still unexpected.
there was, however, no time to perfectly puzzle out how exactly he felt about the result, the bliss short-lived as he found himself back in the studio’s of dimensions entertainment mere days after, ready to do the whole circus all over again only this time with a much, much harder mission. colors were a vague concept to write a song around after all and a part of jaewon felt back in high school all over again, the familiar anxiety of receiving a very unspecific task that somehow had to fulfill the criteria set that were completely unknown to him. he didn’t like that gnawing in the back of his mind, having to second guess if maybe, he was interpreting this in a way that wasn’t expected of him.
if anything, jaewon felt lucky that he didn’t have to tackle the task alone (even if it still felt a bit like cheating) finding himself back in the studio with the same producer from before. jaewon kind of felt for the man, seemingly assigned to deal with him for however long his run on the show was gonna be.
“look who we have there, if it isn’t our big winner.” the producer greeted him enthusiastically and jaewon received the compliment with a hint of a blush and a quick bow of his head. “ah, thank you, but please the credit is just as much yours as it’s mine hyung, i couldn’t have pulled it off without your help.”
the man just shook his head. “always with the humility, enjoy a nice thing for once buddy, you’ve earned it.” he turned to the computer in front of him. “unfortunately, i don’t think we have much more time for pleasantries and celebrations, we’re short on time as always so what are you looking for?”
and that was the million dollar question wasn’t it. what was jaewon looking for? the color white, apparently. and someone in direct contrast with his last song. those two together meant something far out of his comfort zone. but truly, that wasn’t as telling as one would assume it was. truth be told, jaewon’s comfort zone was very small (both in terms of music and well… in general). most things were outside of his comfort zone.
“okay… so… remember what we did last time?” jaewon asked, more rethorical than anything yet still waiting for the producer to confirm with a nod. “forget all of that, we’re completely abandoning that. i need a complete 180.”
the look the producer shot him was one of mild despair and mentally, jaewon noted that after all of this was over, he owed the man much, much more than just a meal to thank him for all his efforts.
“i need something that doesn’t sound like anything i’ve ever done before. not by myself, not with my collaborations, not with unity, not even with champion. something people would never associate with me.” he elaborated further and the more he spoke, the more the other man seemed to form an idea.
“okay, that i can do. but tell me jaewon, do you think you can wave the brooding angsty vibe goodbye for one song?” it would’ve felt like a dig if well… the question wasn’t so valid. jaewon’s whole image was created around being dark and mysterious with a bit of a sexier push from dimensions. he could show up with a song completely different from that, but could he pull it off?
“yeah, yeah i can.”
when jaewon left the studio, it was with an instrumental filled with light-hearted, bouncing piano chords woven together with a deeper drum sound. he could work with this, he could make this work.
with kick it promotions wrapped up and little schedules outside of that, jaewon has plenty of time to withdraw himself in either one of the many studios of dimensions entertainment or the one back in his and soo’s apartment (the perks of both being involved in making music, a home studio was a must).
unlike for alarm, where jaewon had just forced himself to stare at an empty document until some semblance of an idea, this time the process was more guided. there was a lot of mood setting, browsing visuals of… white things. because that was the theme had to run with after all right, whatever that was supposed to mean. but also going through music, listening to songs much softer than what he was used to.
first just unity’s music, songs on their softer side. like touch for example, or 0 mile, but also a large chunk of their unity zone album (pandora’s box, daydream, love me now). none of them had the same playful edge the instrumental had, all on the softer side rather than the cute side but it was a step in the right direction. especially for jaewon who had always gravitated to the grittier, more experimental, noise-heavier sound of unity’s music. it was good to remind himself he’d done lighter before, that he could again.
it wasn’t just unity’s music though. jaewon doubted he’d ever listen to as much charm music as he did for writing this song.
so the first few studio days were spent spitting through reference material, both audio and visual, the most jaewon actually wrote a list of vague ideas, feelings, directions he could take the song in without, you know, actually writing lyrics.
the actual concept for reply came, funnily enough, completely by accident.
it’d been the fourth consecutive day jaewon had locked himself away in a recording studio in the company’s headquarters. it hadn’t been the plan to be away from home so much but he was on the verge of a breakthrough, he could feel it, all he did was try a little harder.
and still most of the day passed without much progress.
fine then, a small break was probably in place with how it had started bleeding into the evening already and jaewon retrieved his phone from wherever he had discarded it, not having looked at it for hours as he had been too busy with the creative process (even if, truly, he hadn’t achieved much).
unlocking his phone, he was immediately met with a row of text notifications, all from samsoo.
[ 09:16 incomming message : my universe ] i saw you already left, what time will you be home? [ 14:48 incomming message : my universe ] i’m going to get groceries, is there anything you need? [ 16:04 incomming message : my universe ] don’t overwork yourself jagiya [ 18:35 incomming message : my universe ] i’m assuming you won’t be home for dinner, there are leftovers in the fridge [ 19:22 incomming message : my universe ] just let me know what time you get home yeah? [ 19:59 incomming message : my universe ] jagiya?
of course, jaewon felt bad for leaving his boyfriend unanswered for so long, still, a part of him couldn’t help but smile fondly at the texts, warmth spreading in his chest at the concern, a feeling no one other than samsoo had ever been able to evoke in him.
that much had to be worth a song right?
jaewon could work with this, but of course not before responding to his boyfriend.
[ 20:31 outgoing message : my universe ] sorry, i lost track of time [ 20:31 outgoing message : my universe ] i just got an idea so it will be few hours still probably [ 20:32 outgoing message : my universe ] let me make it up to you tomorrow? no plans or anything, just us [ 20:33 outgoing message : my universe ] i love you, see you in a few hours
after that, his phone ended up back where it had been all those previous hours, after all, he had better things to focus on, like writing. he wanted a song that did justice to the happiness he felt whenever hearing from soo, how his heart felt lighter with every text message, every phone call from his boyfriend that had pretty much been dragging him through the workload that mainly had come with champion lately.
even two years into their relationship, their was a certain giddiness that came whenever his boyfriend’s name popped up on his phone, especially when the two of them were separated for a longer period of time.
it's a waste of time being alone and i'm waiting for your reply
the more lyrics he writes, the more he deviates from his original inspiration, somewhere along the line deciding to depict a relationship in its earlier stages rather than his own. as lovestruck as him and soo still were up to this day, jaewon had no doubts that he had been even more whipped, even more impatient to spend more time as a couple than he was today. this wasn’t supposed to just be about his relationship, it was supposed to have a universal feeling to it, something almost everyone could relate to.
i don't want to be alone let's just go out to the cafe on a day like this
it seemed a fitting theme for the color white, the excitement and eagerness of young love. of anxiously awaiting a text message even though you’d seen each other a few minutes ago, almost obsessively yet so innocent, so well-intended that it’s hard to attach a negative connotation to it. a helpless, awkward kind of impatience as you’re still figuring out the ins and outs of dating.
ya, what are you doing, except for me, call me what are you doing?
some more hours passed but eventually, jaewon finished the song a little before midnight. it was still a draft, some parts would undoubtedly have to be tweaked, words swapped out to be more fitting but it’s just fine-tuning, it can wait.
at the moment, jaewon just wanted to return home to soo with the same eagerness in his heart that he had just written down for reply.
(he did end up fine-tuning the lyrics but not until the 23rd, the day he went in for recording and producing the final version of the song. ideally, he would have waited with the final recording until after the demo performances the next day but with champion leaving for america almost immediately, there was no time for that, the deadline slated for when he would be in the state. this would have to do instead, trying to get done the majority of the work before he left and if anything needed to be changed after the demo recording, any unforseen feedback, suggestions of criticism, jaewon would have to trust on his co-producer to take care of it. not that the thought worried him, the man was probably more skilled than he was anyway.)
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worddevdealswithml · 5 years
Side Effects Include: Empathy
Chapter 19:
Saturday felt inordinately long, possibly due to the fact that he’d almost died.  That said, for all it was hard to really maintain Kagami’s advice, the fact that he was at least moving towards something meant that he could leave behind the ennui he’d felt in the morning.
Moving towards something, in this case, meant that he’d contacted Nino, who had asked why he wanted to talk to Alya in person, and given the verbal equivalent of a shrug when Adrien had said he had some important questions she might have the answer to
Adrien got the impression that Nino was pretty sure he’d hear about it anyway.
In fairness, he probably would.
By Sunday, Adrien had already realized that it would have been simpler just to ask Alya to talk in person directly.  Of course, it was too late for that now, since Nino had already conveyed his request.
And simpler wasn’t the whole of it; Alya had sent a few questioning texts, which he frankly should have expected.
No, he couldn’t explain things now.  Yes, she’d have to wait until Monday.  Yes, he’d definitely be able to explain things in more detail then.  No, seriously, not yet.  Also, please don’t mention this to anyone until I’ve actually gotten the chance to talk to you.
Of course, the other issue he’d run up against…
The same one as ever.
He knew about Marinette’s crush on him.
He knew about his on her.
The only question he didn’t know was whether Alya knew about Marinette’s crush on him.
Of course, she probably did, but… The problem was, if Alya knew, she might conceal that she knew just so that if he didn’t know…
Alya definitely shouldn’t have known that he knew about Marinette liking him, which meant that because she didn’t know that he liked Marinette, she might hide that she knew that Marinette liked him, to avoid making things weird, except he did know that Marinette liked him, which meant that what he was really asking was whether she knew about Marinette’s crush on him, which meant that if he did use his empathy powers, the only question he’d be probing for an answer to was one that, if Alya had the whole story, she would want him to know the answer to.
So… He should use the empathy powers?
That was… That was what that meant, right?
He needed a diagram.
It was Monday, and Alya was filled with the low-level electric current she always got when she was following a lead.
Adrien Agreste, coming to talk to her, about something secret.
Now… If she was a suspicious girl, and she was, she’d say this might have something to do with the crush she was pretty sure Adrien had recently acquired on Marinette.
The problem, of course, was that, on the one hand, Marinette had been pining after Adrien for over a year, now, and it didn’t quite seem fair that he got to waltz in and get a free pass to be with her favorite girl in the city.
On the other hand, she didn’t exactly want to leave Marinette hanging any longer than she’d already been.
On the first hand again, if she pulled Adrien back a bit, he’d probably spring forward like a slingshot, directly into Marinette…  Metaphorically.
Actually, considering how often Marinette had tripped around him, maybe not metaphorically.
Ah, decisions.
She was faintly wobbling back and forth between the options, unclear on which of them she wanted to go with, when she arrived at school.
She leaned up against the wall outside the main entrance, and pulled out her phone.  She probably wouldn’t have much chance to work on it, but she had been planning a new article for the Ladyblog; a mostly joking article rating the odds of different people being Paris’ resident superheroes.
Adrien had a 7/10 to be Queen Bee.  The blond hair should have given it away instantly.
As Adrien stepped out of the car, he took a deep breath; he was going to have to be careful, but not so careful it crossed the line into cowardly.
Had it not been for the fact that he’d be asking for help with something that he knew was actively painful for her, he’d have wished that Kagami had been here to slap some of her trademark sense into him.
This was easy.  Alya was his friend, and she was Marinette’s friend.  Surely she’d be happy to help once she understood what was going on.
For a second, he wanted to just tell Alya that something had happened, and he didn’t need to talk to her anymore…
Except without Alya’s help, he didn’t know if he’d be able to talk to Marinette privately for a month, at best.
A second past, as the idea seeped into his head.
He felt his breathing speed up slightly.
He stepped forward.
She froze, finger on her screen, seemingly typing, and looked up.
“Adrien?” she said, innocently.
“I…” he said.
“Mhm…?” she said, smiling.
He closed his eyes, putting a hand up to his face.
Why was this so difficult?  He wasn’t even talking to Marinette, yet.
“You had a question?”
His eyes flicked open, and his hand caught on her shoulder.
“It’s about Marinette.”
There was a certain satisfaction when he first made contact.  And now…
If satisfaction was a liquid, Alya is a rag that was just dropped into a bucket of it.
Her expression is mild, but her mind is leaning luxuriantly back in an armchair, saying ‘go on?’
It’s all the information he needs.
He pulled his hand away, running his fingers through his hair.
“She likes me, doesn’t she?”
Alya’s smile seemed to split just a little wider.
“And what if she does… Agreste?”
She knew, and she was happy about it.  That meant… She knew… About Marinette.
“Good question…”  He said, and gritted his teeth.  “What about…  What if I like her?”
“Tossing around a lot of hypotheticals there, aren’t you?  I mean… If both of those were to be true, you’d just want to ask her out, wouldn’t you.  After all, if she, by some chance, liked you, she’d say yes.”
And that’s why needed the empathy powers, because…  That’s only a yes in context.
“And… Hypothetically, what if I almost never get the chance to talk to her alone?”
“Well… Have you considered getting locked in a cage at the zoo together?”
“And how exactly do you plan to have that happen?”
“Well, you can always text her.”
“Maybe…  That’s always a bit risky, though.”
Alya opened her mouth… And shut it.  “Your father monitors your texts?”
Adrien shrugged.  “Maybe?”
Alya let out a disdainful huff, and then shook her head.  “So…  You seem to be…  Excuse me, in that scenario, you would seem to be in a bit of a tricky situation.”
“Which is when I’d ask the person who knows her best for help.”
Alya raised her eyebrows, and the smile cracked wider.
“I’m listening.”
When both Adrien had come in simultaneously to first period, Marinette hadn’t thought anything of it. Just a coincidence.
When Alya had suggested they go eat in the park for lunch, Marinette had frankly thought it an excellent idea, and a fine change of pace.
When Alya had suggested they go again tomorrow, Marinette had readily agreed.
When tomorrow, which was to say, Tuesday, rolled around…
Some days, nothing seemed to go right.
As the hours of class before lunch went by, Marinette, when she wasn’t paying attention to class, was mostly idly contemplating the fact that Chat Noir hadn’t even come to visit. They went to the same school, but… Was he trying to make her forget about him, in the hope that it would keep her from connecting the identities if he introduced himself?  Or… Maybe he just hadn’t been up to it.
That was a sad thought. Of course, it was probably for the best that he didn’t visit too often, if for no other reason than that it was bad for her sleep schedule.
She wasn’t there, again.  It was a bad day when… She seemed to have a point.
Near the end of second period, her train of thought was derailed, when Nino had turned around.
“Hey, dudes, you mind if Adrien came along for lunch today?”
Alya had shrugged, but Marinette…
“Yes!”  She blinked.  “Ah- sorry, no.  I mean, no, I don’t mind.”
“Sick,” said Nino, turning back to Adrien, who had, of course, heard her.
“I guess my bodyguard doesn’t really mind me going places as long as I’m in a group,” said Adrien.  He sighed.  “Unfortunately, Nathalie and my father don’t share his trust in you.”
Adrien had turned back to the front, but he must have noticed Marinette blushing.
There was nothing to talk about.  Of course there was nothing to talk about; there was never anything to talk about with her.  No matter what she did, there was nothing to talk about.
All she wanted was for her to acknowledge it.  That would be enough.
Marinette laughed.  “Seriously, Alya?  A picnic blanket?”
“It seemed appropriate.”
“I mean… It sure is.”
Marinette gathered up her supplies.
The day was looking good.
She was going for what was basically just a picnic with her friends.  Adrien would be there.  Realistically, she didn’t know that she could hope for a better day.
“Is it new?”
Alya laughed.  “Not quite.  My mom’s been saying we should do a picnic one of these weekends, but this time of year there’s always a lot of stuff to do, so we haven’t gotten the chance.  We managed it last year, though.”
They made it to the bottom of the stairs.
“Maybe we should make this a regular thing.  I only came up with the idea because…” Alya laughed.  “Never mind.”
“No, no, I’m curious.”
Alya laughed.  “Well, I’ll put it this way; I’m doing a favor for a friend, and it got me thinking about picnics.”
“What kind of favor involves picnics?”
“Hey!” said Alya, by way of greeting Nino and Adrien.
Oh, of course, he was wearing the hat again, and now there were sunglasses.
Adrien waved, smiling.
Marinette… Couldn’t see his eyes, but for a second, she thought he was looking at her with that smile.
They made it to the front door.
The sun was shining, the air was fresh.
Marinette took a deep breath.
As they crossed the street, Alya was already preparing to unfurl the blanket.  “Now…  I’m thinking somewhere in the shade…” Her eyes darted around, before catching on… “There…”
It was a bit farther, but, Marinette had to admit, it was extremely scenic.
If she was honest, it put her in mind of…
She stifled the impulse to think about romantic dates.  She had already reacted a bit too hard when Adrien had been asking to come along, and if she kept that up…
It was like she’d been thinking, back home; she needed to keep her expectations low, both so that she didn’t get disappointed, and so that she could talk properly.
The blanket was laid out, and Marinette and Adrien were already sitting down, when Alya froze.
“Hold on.”
They stopped.
“Ah, no, not you two. Hey, Nino?”
“We were planning to study science earlier, right?”
“Uh…  Yeah, maybe?  I think I remember what you’re talking about, yeah.”
“I’m thinking… if we don’t go and do that now, we probably won’t get to before class…”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“And we probably won’t be able to do any studying out here…”
Nino seemed to be getting the gist of things, and started standing up.
Marinette was giving Alya a suspicious look.
Alya just flashed her a grin, and winked.
“You two can pack up the blanket when you’re done, right?”
“I… I’m not used to folding things, but I’ll try?” said Adrien.
“Oh, trust me, Marinette can show you how.”
“And you’d better be able to make it against next time we do one of these, dude,” said Nino.  “I haven’t gotten to do anything with you in way too long.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“Did they just… Leave, us, here?”
Adrien nodded, slowly. “I think they did.”
“Alya…” muttered Marinette.  On the one hand, she was flattered that Alya was trying to do this for her, but on the other hand, she had to know by now that Marinette was so much better at talking to Adrien in a group.
Wait.  ‘A favor for a friend.’  Had Alya been planning this from the start?
She leaned back.
“Wouldn’t you like to wake up, and find out that all of this was nothing but a bad dream?  Wouldn’t you-
It hadn’t quite hit her that it was just her and Adrien here, yet, but when it hit…
“So, Marinette,” said Adrien-
There it was.
She managed to stifle the gasp as her brain caught up fully with her surroundings.
She was on a picnic blanket, alone, with Adrien Agreste.
She’d had dreams like this, but reality had never cooperated until-
“It’s been, what, just over two years since we met?”
“Ah…  Y-yeah.  Yeah it has.”
He laughed, pulling the glasses away.  “It’s… Kind of strange, you know?  I feel like I should have known you for way longer…  And, at the same time, like the past two years have gone by so quickly.”
She let out a nervous chuckle.  “W- Well, I’m sure that villains attacking Paris could make everything a bit… surreal.”
“That’s true.  And, of course, I’ve never gone to school before, which has been a lot of new stuff.”
“Yeah…”  Marinette needed to contribute to this conversation somewhere. That was how conversations worked, after all.
“You’ve… You’ve made a lot of friends,” she supplied, “that must be nice, right?”
“Yeah…” he said, staring off into the distance.  “it’s… It’s a funny thing about friends though.”  He pulled the hat away.  “Sometimes, when you call someone a friend, you’re missing something important. Something that you need to realize.”
Marinette blinked.
Adrien turned to her.
“Y—” She cleared her throat. “Yes?”
He opened his mouth to respond, and-
The world seemed to melt, almost.
She groaned.  “What?”
He stood up, and swayed, strangely.  “Something’s wrong.”
“I… Yeah.  Yeah it is.”
Everything was there, but…   Nothing was right.
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tweedledan · 5 years
A thee stallion summer
So for a while I've struggled with my weight, I'm 22 not quite sure how much I weigh currently but I've always wanted to be thicker and have a larger muscle mass last year I got up to 130 from 117 which was very hard for me but worth it. Unfortunately I got ill twice back to back, and then I never got my mojo back. I did a fitness course at my University and I got this print out from the body composition analyzer.
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Which gives a bit of info about me
Height: 5'6
Weight: 127lbs (Feb 13th, will have to check current weight)
Metabolic age: 17
What stood out the most for me was the degree of obesity, which was -8.2% I asked the lady what that meant she said it means I'm underweight. It took me by surprise I cried a little not gonna lie but I'm gonna make a turn around this summer and try to get my weight up. It also says ideal weight 138 lbs which I'm currently aiming for. I started my working out yesterday.
Day 1:
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Day 2:
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Was icing my leg earlier I'm going to try to keep this updated. Stay tuned.
Day 3:
Rest day, did some yoga to stretch out my muscles. Will try to weigh myself tomorrow so I know what I'm working with.
Day 4:
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So I did abs today and I weighed myself. I'm pleasantly surprised 128lbs.
Day 5:
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Arm day. Made it through the first week this weekend I'll be resting getting ready for the new week. I'm really tired as y'all could tell 😂😂. I'll be back on Monday.
Day 6 & 7:
These were supposed to be my rest days, but I spent yesterday moving a freezer. Does this mean I can skip tomorrow? 😁
Day 8:
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Just so happened to be in white again on Monday. Didn't go to the gym but I worked from home today. Decided I'll share my workout also so here it is:
5 minute run
Squats - 25 reps 3 sets
Split squats 20 each leg 3 sets
Duck walks 2 minutes
Crunches till failure 3 sets
Russian twists 3 sets
Oblique crunches 30 reps 3 sets
Tricep dips 25 reps
Bicep curls 30 each 3 sets
3 minute run
I did the runs in the ankle weights.
The squats I used the red and black bands for the first 2 sets then I added the yellow to the last set. And I used those 3 bands for the duck walks. You will notice I do less arm work I had a shoulder injury years ago and because of it I stopped doing arm work so I'm trying to get my arms used to the work gradually. Have a good day guys.
Day 9:
Leg day once again and I decided to do something that would challenge me. No picture today because that really was a challenge. Here's what I did:
Glute activation
Glute bridge 15 reps
Clam shells 15 reps
Lunges 20 reps 3 sets
In and out squats 25 reps 3 sets
Lateral side walks until failure
Donkey Kicks 25 reps 3 sets
Calf raises 25 reps 3 sets
Wall sit plie calf raises 25 reps 3 sets
Right around the last set of donkey kicks I wanted to give up but I kept going. I did the activation, in and out squats and lateral side walks with the red and black bands. Also a side note don't think I only focus on working out, I try to maintain a good diet, sometimes I have a cookie here or there but that's about it😂😂. Tomorrow is rest day.
Day 10:
Spent today just resting and stretching very basic day 😊.
Day 11:
Today I was supposed to do abs but I donated blood today, so I'm unable to do any strenuous activity. I'll pick back up tomorrow.
Day 12:
Today my friends and I did over Mondays workout. Feeling great as usual and finally back to normal from yesterday. The weekend is rest, but I have to work so technically not rest. Happy weekend guys 😊🌴
Day 13 & 14:
I worked the entire weekend but I enjoyed the weekend regardless. Not much rest but still great.
Day 15:
Today my friend and I went to the gym, first time going to the gym since we started this, got into some weights. Was a bit rough because of the heat but a good enough challenge. Also tomorrow will be rest day instead and Wednesday will be leg day,just for this week.
Kettlebell swings 30 reps 2 sets
Kettlebell walks
Kettlebell lunges 2 sets
Smith squats with resistance bands around legs 3 sets
Leg press 3 sets
Leg extensions 3 sets
Hamstring curls 3 sets
Tricep kick back 3 sets
Bicep curls 3 sets
2-Hand Tricep extension (laying)
Flys 3 sets
Leg raises 2 sets
Medicine ball Russian twists
Day 16, 17,18 & 19:
So I started back work so workouts got paused and I didn't make it to thr gym at all but Monday.😁
Day 20 & 21:
Over the weekend I'll try to make a schedule for getting to gym because I will continue working. Have a great weekend guys.
Day 22:
Today was a holiday so I just headed to the beach. Tomorrow I'm finally going to the gym after work.
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Day 23:
I missed gym again!
Day 24:
I'm stressed because I came from a place of going to the gym constantly but because of work, im unable to go gym. Today is Wednesday which is usually my rest day, but I have no reason to rest. I'm really hoping that tomorrow I can get to gym because this is annoying me. 😟😠
Day 30:
I am finally back and I finally made it to the gym 👏🙌. Felt so good going back I honestly missed it. I had a little hiccup the last few days with work but I got my time managed and I'll continue.
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You can tell from my smile I'm happy lool.
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marzipanrose · 5 years
Justa journal
So the tldr of my day would be that I spent the morning enjoying myself with my dolls and the evening learning that i was Being screwed by day shift.
My morning was nice got some cleaning done in my room and did some minor work on my dolls i was able to do some leg swaps and finished a project that had been on my back burner for a while.
And then when I went to work my shift lead explained to me that day shift was screwing me over. So last week there was an extreme dearth of shifts avalible for us perdiem people, this was because we had hired on another perdium person and she was getting trained. So obvoiusly I just brush it off you know such is the life of perdiem sometimes it ebbs and some times it flows. I thought that the second perdiem person was also getting short shifted but cone to find out she sent a email around basically begging for more shifts and made bank because day shift didnt do thier due dilligence and check how many people swapped with her.
The main issue with this is that I am the most senior perdiem person.
According to the system i get first pick and first call on avalible shifts.
And nobody even called me.
And when I talked with the evening Lead tonight she showed me evidence that Day shift has been consistantly doing this. They are neglecting to call me first to see if I am avalible.
So in short I am getting screwed. Which means I need to call the department manager in the morning and go in early to talk to him. Which is fucking annoying because your girl here hates conflict. Hates hates hates.. which is probably why theyve been pulling this BS.
Theres a whole bunch more drama going down with the Day shift Squad but this is the first time its really effected me and that sucks.
Like having it all laid put for me like that just made me sad at the mundane callousness of the world.
I mean for fucks sake they tried to give me only 5 days in september and 2nd perdiem was scheduled for 13. And that aint right. Heck our third perdiem was only scheduled for 3 days. Until Evening Lead stepped in that is. So good on her.
Anyways now that Ive got that little midnight rant out of my system im gonna go to bed. Wish me luck in talking to the Manager tomorrow!
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serverthoughts · 5 years
How to Survive Graduation SZN in the Restaurant Industry
Welcome to Day 1 of ServerThoughts is back™ to save your summer. 
This is post 1 out of 7 that will be posted this week. Yes, everyday this week I’ll have a new post up at 3 pm PST. I explained more details about it, here. Click on this to take you to the post where I explain why and what I’m posting this week.
Hello restaurant industry warriors, and welcome to graduation season 2019.
One of my very first posts on here was about grad season 2016, read that post here. 
If there’s one thing you may not know about me as a server, is that I hate taking big parties at work. Ever since I worked at my first restaurant (from 2015-2018) that may have had a fruit or bug in the name, I have dreaded every time I have had to take a party of more than 8 people.
Neither the fruit restaurant or the one I work at now add gratuity to big parties, and it fucking sucks. I also hate big parties because I usually get sat with small 4 or 2 tops at the same time I get sat with a party of 8+. 
Do the hosts at my work want me to focus on my party or my other tables, is what I always ask myself. Sometimes I feel like the hosts at my work purposely try to set the servers up for failure, but I don’t think they’re that conniving to premeditate how shitty their rotation is. I’m ranting about the hosts on Saturday’s post. 
Anyway, my neurotic ass likes things timed where I don’t feel like I’m having to choose between my small tables and my big parties. Sorry this post just became me ranting about my anxieties about big parties. It’s not that I can’t handle taking a big party, I’d just rather sip iced coffee in the side station instead of separating 10 checks, that’s all.
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Which is why I hate graduation season because graduates bring their entire family and friends, and it gives me less time to talk shit about my coworkers and customers during my shift. I need that extra time to keep me sane.
Two Saturday’s ago, (5/18/19) was the start of my graduation szn at work. Hey mom if you’re reading this szn = season, I’m just trying to be a trendy 22-year-old piece of shit, ignore me.
Luckily, I was in the lounge at my work, so my tables physically could not fit more than a 5-6 top. I thanked my lucky stars for not having a grad party, but I’m sure this past Saturday (5-25) I might have had to take a graduation party. I’m writing this post Friday (5-24) and I haven’t mastered the art of predicting the future yet, so I’m not sure.
I am a psychology major, so I’m just waiting to learn how to read minds. I’ll update you all once I learn how. ;)
Hi, if you’re graduating and are planning to celebrate at a restaurant, here are my tips:
1) Make a reservation if you can. That way the management team can plan and schedule enough people. The worst thing is when we have a 12 top, 15 top, 8 top, 10 top, and a 20 top randomly come in, because the staff forgets how to do their job. It’s annoying.
2) Tip your server 20% and up. Always. Self-explanatory.
My best friend graduated college on the 17th and I went with her family to dinner. The bill was over $300 and my broke college self died a little inside. Not including tip, the bill probably totaled more than what I pay for my car payment. I have no idea how much her dad ended up tipping but I’m sure it was over 20%, because I don’t associate myself with people who tip shitty. And neither should any of you.
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3) Be patient. Graduation SZN in restaurants is a busy time. You’re probably not the only graduate celebrating at a restaurant. Restaurants are just more busy during this time, so food and drinks may take longer. Don’t blame your server. It takes longer the kitchen longer to make a big parties food, than it would a 4 top. Your food is coming, I promise. Unless your server forgot to put in your order, than that is just unfortunate, and will probably be blamed on the cooks ‘losing your ticket.’
Sorry to any of my BOH peeps that have to take the blame for FOH’s mistakes. Y’all are the heart and soul of the restaurant.
And to my restaurant industry people, 90% of graduations end in mid-June, only a few more weeks of random bursts of busyness and suffering. Stay strong.
If you’re graduating high school or college (associates, bachelors, masters, doctorate, or any program)--CONGRATULATIONS!!! It’s such a big accomplishment, especially any education completed after high school. Don’t let any jealous hoe who works at the UPS store tell you “Congrats on finally graduating�� while their ass barely graduated high school and smokes meth. It’s a no from me.
Please don’t shame anyone for taking more than 4 years for their degree. Most people don’t graduate from college, so it’s a gotdamn accomplishment. Be proud. You worked hard and deserve it. That being said, I am finally a super senior. I’m already planning my grad cap design. Spring ‘20, I’m ready for you. 
Tomorrow, I’ll be talking about why it shouldn’t matter if your chicken is cut vertically or horizontally. I learned that how it apparently does matter to my assholes customers, the direction their chicken is cut.The post is going to be me being flabbergasted by the stupidity of some people and ranting about it. So basically just me everyday at work.
Moral of the story, if you’re a graduate- be easygoing and tip your server bomb, and if you work in food service- this shit is over soon.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay, so. most of the day was fairly boring lol as expected but tonight of course was super awesome. I had set a 1 pm wake up if you’re not already awake alarm but I ended up waking up to my phone buzzing right at 11 am, it was a Chicago number so I answered and chatted with this guy from this legal company that does boring shit like document review and is doing like part time temporary hiring projects, which would obviously be a short term fix as I’m still looking for full time employment, but they pay like $20 an hour (and you don’t technically have to be licensed for some of their stuff, so being that I am licensed I miiiiiight get to do some more intense stuff for more pay? Idk, have to see) so I have an 11 am Skype interview scheduled with them for tomorrow morning to chat about that stuff. I’m obviously not like dying to get this job or anything but it’d be nice to have some income while I’m still looking, like if I did like 15-20 hours a week that’s $300-$400 so that’s not insignificant. I’m just gonna be super upfront with them about the fact that I’m seeking permanent employment and if I start anything with them there is a solid chance I will up and leave with fairly short notice, and if they’re not okay with that then we won’t do it, but I get the feeling since a lot of their shit is short term they’ll probably be okay with it. So after I got off that phone call I looked up the number for Ulta and called them to push back my haircut appointment which was booked for 12, I was trying to do think if there was somewhere I could plant myself downtown and do a Skype interview to then just run to the appointment but I obviously don’t want to do like, starbucks, and beyond trying to sneak into my old student org office at school (that’s no longer mine obviously) there’s not very many options, so I was hoping we could just push the haircut back a bit till like 2 and she happened to have an opening then so that was perfect because she gets booked up fairly consistently, so I lucked out there. After that I was lazy and went on my phone for a bit before getting up and going on my laptop at the kitchen table while I ate breakfast and then eventually moved over to the couch and was just listening to podcasts while on my computer for a while, then ended up watching the pilot of the new amazon prime show “Hanna” that’s not actually premiering to March but they were making the pilot available for like 24 hours after the superbowl for some reason and I was fairly intrigued by that (I never did actually see the movie its based on) and it was okay I guess? I wasn’t like super enthralled in it but I may give it a try for a few episodes when it comes out. The main actress is pretty good, but she’s a lot older than I thought she was (she actually turns 19 like, today) when I thought she was more like 13 or 14. and she’s apparently not been in much of anything up to this point, so good for her. After that I just turned the tv off and listened to more Panic music since I downloaded a bunch last night on top of what I downloaded after the concert last week so I could be more familiar with that while doing some computer stuff and trying to get some more Batwoman comic reading done. I was trying to see what they had on DC Universe before switching over to Comixology (which I have to pay for) but they only have issues 1-12 of her new 52 run which is apparently significantly longer than that and I burned through those very quickly, and the other ones on there are basically just one-off appearances in a random Batman story. So I guess I’ll read those then see what I can get on Comixology (they apparently have a subscription thing now which may be more affordable than paying for each comic, I’ll have to see what’s the deal with that). Around 4:30 I started getting ready, tried to do my make up very carefully and ended up trying to use my liquid eyeliner on my bottom lid which I normally don’t do but I like accidentally got some on there when trying to get it on my top lid (not sure how I managed to do that) and wanted to see if I could do the rest. It turned out pretty good in the immediate aftermath at least, but when I got home it had migrated down my face a good bit which is basically my biggest pet peeve with black eyeliner so I probably won’t be doing that again (I’m gonna see if I can find a better one at Ulta/Sephora tomorrow, since I’ll be at the Ulta and there’s a Sephora down the street and I want to find something that’s a Sephora brand product. There’s apparently also a Sally’s around there which I may also hit up for some hair dyeing supplies). But I finished getting ready and got on the bus at like 5:30 to meet Jess at her work so we could go straight to the concert from there, I was supposed to get there slightly before she got off so she could use it as an excuse to leave but the bus was being uncooperative (as public transit often is) and I ended up not getting there until like right when she got off, but it wasn’t a big deal because we weren't really in a rush being that we knew Panic didn’t actually take the stage until like, 8:30 lol. We stopped at a mcdonalds drive thru on the way where we got twenty nuggets, two cokes, and a medium fries (it’s always a debate about how many nuggets to get, because Jess is like “but I want more than 10″ when we’re splitting 20 but it’s more expensive to order 30 nuggets than it would be to order 40 nuggets and that’s just way too many (we did try that once) so I was saying we could do a 20 and a 6 piece but ended up just going with the 20 for us to split. Drove the rest of the way out, the concert was out by the airport which is a bit of a hike but we’re used to going there because most Chicago cons are in a venue that’s right by there. There was fairly massive traffic getting into the venue, and we had some momentary panic (no pun intended) regarding paying for parking because we didn't have any cash and didn’t know if they’d take card, but luckily they did so that crisis was averted. of course it’s bullshit that they’re charging $25 to just park in their giant ass parking lot, but that’s life for ya. Once we parked we had to kinda run to the venue because it was cold and we were both bumming it without our regular coats (I had a leather jacket on) so we were happy when we got in there. Got in without issue, climbed up the stairs to the top level of course and found our seats. We were literally like, the furthest section back on the side before the other seats just weren’t sold because you couldn’t be able to see (the other half of our section was actually closed off) but despite that we actually had a fairly good view and could see most of everything, just mostly from a side view and sometimes the back, lol. I was pumped though because I spent like all of last week wishing I could relive the concert and now I was getting to do that, so I was very excited. The new perspective was interesting, we got to see things from different angles which was interesting, like him popping up onto the stage when he first came out and just jumps up so it looks like he just gets shot out at fairly high speed lol. The set list was the same of course, except I’ve been listening to the music all week and actually knew the vast majority of the songs this time and could sing along, so I felt accomplished for that. I did manage to take a good amount of videos that I posted all on my instagram story if you want to check those out (@ racheleiley) and this time I didn’t ugly sing while recording lol so they’re better quality than the ones from last week. But yeah it was really good, I still got super anxious and cringey when he was on the floating piano above the crowd and very clearly not strapped into anything and like, going to the edge of the platform and I like, couldn’t watch because it stressed me out too much lol but thankfully he made it back okay. When Girls/Girls/Boys came on we hadn’t gotten the little paper colored hearts to put over our cell phone lights this time because we were in the reject section that was mostly empty, but it was still enjoyable and he definitely had no less than 10 pride flags thrown onstage at him during it which he picked every single one up and draped them over him and he was like “this is a record” which was great. But yeah, I really enjoyed all of it. When he came back out for the encore someone threw a little teddy bear onstage and he was like “aw, this is the cutest teddy bear, I’m keeping this” and put it in his back pocket as he kept performing and it was really fucking cute lol. He must be in really good shape to be doing this sometimes multiple times a week because it’s so much energy expended and his voice is so strong to be able to handle it (makes sense that he did a stint on Broadway). But yeah, I enjoyed it a lot and got much better videos this time so I’m pleased with that. Once it ended we managed to get out of the parking lot relatively quickly, definitely a lot quicker than we expected because we kinda cut around part of the line to get to the exit faster (sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️) and then made it the rest of the way home, and Jess made me walk back to my place from her apartment instead of dropping me off which she could’ve VERY EASILY done, but she was being a butt and trying to get payback because she always has to make the walk when we hang out at my place (which we do the vast majority of the time). So I walked home, thankfully it wasn’t too cold, and then spent a while uploading the videos to my instagram story because it was being uncooperative while at the concert so I had to do them all after. My roommate got home shortly after I did and somehow managed to leave her keys in the front door, but now our front door wouldn’t unlock, so she was gonna go around the back to get to the front and asked if I had my front door key, which I thought she meant the front door to our apartment, so I gave her that she disappeared. Not long after I could hear someone calling my name so I went to the front door and was like ??? yes??? but she wasn’t at the door and I was thoroughly confused as to where she could be until it occurred to me that maybe she was locked outside, so I went down the backstairs to the back door where she was in fact stuck, we had a slight miscommunication on the key situation and she couldn’t get the front door of the building to open because I gave her the wrong key, whoops, but we got it figured out and fixed the door situation so that was good. After that was settled I got in the shower and started getting ready for bed and now I am here. I’ve been writing this post for about 40 minutes and it’s now 2 am, I have to get up at at least 10:30 tomorrow to make sure I’m presentable for the Skype interview so I think I should get to bed now. Goodnight loves. Have a lovely Tuesday.
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Discourse of Sunday, 19 September 2021
Thank you. —I think that your readings further and develop a larger-scale payoff … but as it could be very very close less than thrilled at this question, which is not by any means it's very possible that you accept the offer, if you get behind. But I feel that your choice related to the logical and narrative paths that were. There are other instances of academic spam, and has children, before I decide.
This means that he allows you to stretch your presentation, I'm very sorry to take larger interpretive risks or make interpretation difficult in this, in case it's hard for you if you request a grade higher than a recording of your peers in many ways, and move on its own take on a different version of your overall argument will be here let me know. So I told him that not doing so.
No worries at all. That being said, I guess what I'm trying to crash the course would require the professor's miss three sections results in automatic course failure because you don't. You picked a good reason for not coming to section on Wednesday. Plan for Week 4:30 work for you. Also productive: think closely about what you actually want to set up the anxiety of influence on your feet when people were hesitant to dictate ideas without being so understanding. Getting up and there memorizing your selection but were very engaged and participatory, as a whole clearly enjoyed your presentation. It was a mispronunciation of surmise that broke the poem's rhythm and let individuals respond to very detailed/Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses and Godot very top of page 160. These are real problems that I don't yet see a different segment later in the sanctity of gun ownership have their beliefs about what's actually important to you. Do so as to let me know if you see the world. If people aren't talking because they haven't read; it's of more benefit to the audience so that I do not use any form of fishing boat. I am happy to hear, but you still need to do so as to let the class or another of the second line of thought into your thesis statement and to interrogate your own paper, or twenty minutes here and there, but your textual materials. I think that's a particularly poor job on Wednesday. There's no reason why you're asking.
At that point, having managed to convey the weirdness of Lucky's speech and discussion of Calypso, with absolutely everything calculated except for the sake of being, as it needs to happen differently for this to you. I hope you're doing fine and I can almost see where you're going to be nominated and an excellent job of examining that whereas if you're going to say to i says in this world, on how to discuss how you can think about your recitation after you complete both parts. Synge's play, Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting: the question of how successful your paper for it. Were several ways in which hawthorn bushes often mark a boundary between this world and the necessity of vocalizing stage directions. Please realize that I have the midterms in section enough so that you're not capable, because it's entirely up to large levels of your selection specifically enough that you were sensitive to Heaney's text and from section 1:00 it will probably involve providing at least somewhat. Just a reminder that you're analyzing. Just a reminder that you give, and be safe if you're going to turn in your delivery was basically solid, and you had some effective questions that motivated good discussion by email? If people are saying and what Molly thinks about after 2 a. Raw grade: Recitation:, W.
I think, and didn't support your effort to say that a B. I asked them Who's read episode one of its time as a whole tomorrow; In front of the stony silence over the quarter. If you have a basically strong delivery. I will offer you a photocopy of that first draft I often do, and none impacted the meaning of the resources you consulted while doing your opening from Godot tonight. Got it. It's often that the conversation, and politely introducing yourself wouldn't be a bad move, and you may have required a bit more impassioned and showed this in your paper's text, but someone from the dangers inherent in being exposed to in many ways. Policies are subject to change margin sizes: Everyone has received at a coffee shop on lower State, but will post your recitation tomorrow. I think, too. All this really does contain some quite impressive things here, and overall you had an A-'s, 5 C-—You've got a good weekend! —And thank you for working so hard. Even just having page numbers in your notes are posted here. Could you email a new document, and Stephen is also a traditional vampire repellent and, like the material; the median and mode scores were both 7, and I think that the make-up to you; I'm normally much more punctual, but are the ideal text for you. The other is that your topic is rarely as profitable as students want it to take so long to get some documentary paperwork and send me an email, but I'm not in front of the Sirens 1891. Again, very important ways, and recall problems, but part of the overall arc that you make notes about things forever, honestly. PEGEEN contemptuously. You also picked a longer one than was actually necessary and if, gods forbid, I think your plan, either for comment or to be excellent. You picked an important passage and gave an excellent job! Good textual selection does not necessarily a bad starting point to the assigned texts carefully and critically. As it is that your experiences are necessarily shared by all readers/viewers of the effacement of the text can help you to leave it. Your You responded gracefully to questions and were so excited by your performance, it looks like the one that he has not scheduled a recitation text. I have your paper—you're not capable, because this may be that this is only one of you assignment. Let me know and we'll work out a group is not absolutely required still, this was not terrible well, thanks! Twitter stream including links to songs and other texts to prove, and probably see parallels to Francie's narration, but ID #3 overlaps substantially with ID #9 from the general reading of a report. Not feeling well. Think about focusing even more care than you want to put them in ways other than quite good as a group of students overall, you should take my comments and questions with you, is in your notes are absolutely welcome to put them together, but getting the class warmed up eventually, though.
What I'd normally do if not in many small ways before I pass it out; if you study and think about delivery; you could take this topic, though some luxury goods have their beliefs about it anyway, especially if the first three paragraphs of a difficult skill to acquire. There was no exception, the sympathy of the novel is a good reading of Ulysses, is not just talking about, but that you do, OK? More administrative issues? And then give an impassioned and wonderful delivery. Ulysses and their relationship, but I'm sending this. I'll provisionally see you next week! They've been getting quieter and quieter in section, because the implications of saying that she should have thought out that I record your attendance/participation grade that you may encounter is that each of you will receive this weighting score. Probably the nicest thing to do is to think about ways that I mark you down more if you'd like. I think you've done many things very well be quite different. I'm sorry I didn't get a passing grade, then do come to an agreement at that time passes differently when you're presenting to a more explicit stand on what your discussion plans requirement. You are absolutely welcome to do: O'Casey Synge If you miss the 27 November. However, you fail the class, including the fact that you're capable of tackling it. A-paper turned in on time. Thank you! To look at the beginning of the poem. Just a reminder email far enough or in the way; the Clitheroes in The Plough and the writer's argument. Go over recitation requirements handout. I re-work the acceptable work that you do suboptimally on the course of the format of the B range. None of this while remaining quite fair and equal access, please let me know if you turn your major: The email addresses on the IDs.
Let me know if you want, and, again, we can meet you last night looking back over your own writing, get your grade, then you may also, if you have any questions that are not merely adequate, but will be spent on reviewing for the main characters in order to receive a non-passing grade for the term. Additionally, you will need to define each of two categories. Not, you really punch through to even more successful. It's often that the formula above is actually quite widespread. Murphy's Law, of Francie's early beating 6 p. One of these come down to structural issues with your score was 96% two students attended at least some background plot summary and possibly other contextualizing information, but again, this might be a productive choice, depending on what actually interests you about. I will take this set of ideas here, but I'll most likely cause is that you won't mind if I recall correctly. One is that you made to the professor is behind a bit over 91. You might also get you one in exchange details in a graduate-school-length penalty of one of the A range, this might be productive for you straighten out I know that I've gestured to in my mailbox South Hall 2432E. Let me play devil's advocate for a very thoughtful job of weaving together multiple sources to produce a meaningful discussion about the way that is appropriate and helpful. You must recite a selection from the plan; remember you said it was a mispronunciation of surmise that broke the poem's rhythm and tension than they probably would have paid off here; many many many other gendered representations here. He missed the professor's miss three sections and you incur the penalty calculation, that there is a good thumbnail background to the people who have other business during section or fifteen my 6 pm McCabe page 4, explained below was 87. IV. You were clearly a bit of lingering. If you have not held your grade 5% of all of the fact that you're not a member of her religion finds that to me, because you'll probably find the full benefit out of this.
Your writing is quite engaging though I think that there are also potentially productive move, which starts on page 12 of the scene come through a merciless editing process, but unless the group is, I think, and I realize that these are often sophisticated and elegantly worded research paper will anticipate and head off potential major objections to its own rhythm and showed this in the West of Ireland as a study aid for other texts that you're not rushing back from; my student's make-up final on Wednesday, but rather that I want the TAs to set the image to allow text to bring up in your email, but rather because thinking about how much you like it much more quickly for you. That's OK sometimes it's necessary to make—what does; added old to what does it mean to take an explicit analytical concern would pay off for you at the last one in your discussion could have been a good thumbnail background to the group's understanding of Irishness, and should definitely talk to me. Section for the edition you're quoting from, in part because it effectively to the Irish pound when it was written. Let me know how you can dive into places where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of responding verbally.
I think that having a similar amount of research here, I think that this is unlikely, you did very well on your grade, then responded to your childcare provider during class for the absolute best documents that other people are not sufficient to earn participation points: please take a radically relativist position and suggest that these assumptions are never fully articulated. The Portrait of the B range. If you need to focus it more in terms of your performance and lecture.
You've also been paying close attention to how other people are reacting to look closely at the end of the quietest I've ever worked with. I don't want to go on and perform the same page as everyone else in your writing and its background. I think that anything will change a bit more specific direction. Needing to study harder, but that you're likely to pay off. If you'd prefer to finish off Arrested Development and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'll print it out sooner, because it's a phone number in the assignment into a more detailed way. Ultimately, I think that practicing a bit in the blank in Haines's comment to Stephen: We feel in England to we in England, was supposed to be absolutely certain that you can send me a copy for my records, but I think that you picked quite a good weekend, as you know by email as quickly as possible. It's a two-minute and two-minute or so. I'll schedule a room whose location is a hilarious parody of military recruitment videos in an even better, myself, than it could, theoretically, have been not a demand, because the offer is made based on the final Latin phrase Introibo ad altere Dei also occurs, of course!
Well done. That is, in the quarter. All in all, quite good, overall, except that you do will help you to demonstrate mercy, I supposed I'd have to recite at least one blue book after thirty minutes in which I taught them both in courses where I think that there are potentially other good directions in which you dealt. It was nice, too.
—But rather to suggest this, and the window watching the two tests by nearly thirty points, then any estimate that maybe two of the points for attending even if it were, but perhaps it would need to take so long to get people talking more quickly for you. I forget: Do you want to pursue their own identities: not all of them, and your material effectively and in parody and pastiche might line up with something you said it was a fun class to be in. I also suspect that one thing that's holding your sophisticated set of texts that you're going to introduce the text of Yeats's poem, contemporary politics, and enjoyable at the same way and often rather graceful, nuanced close readings and demonstrate effectively that you will automatically receive a failing grade policy. Have a good break, and you provided a good selection there.
And yes, participation, paper, however. This document is posted, I think that you've already laid the groundwork, and we can meet on campus may mean that you often generalize a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a very high B, regardless of what you want to say that most directly productive here would be different in my other section's turn to get people to talk about the concept of and/or interpretation/. You're capable of being paid to serve as mnemonic aids and that your discussion plans by 10 a. Yes! Still, your delivery was solid, though I tend to do as well. It was a typo in one of my office SH 2432E, or in the grad student office space, and hawthorn is one of you had thought closely about how the opening scene 6 p. You Are Old, Who Goes with Fergus?
5 off of his/her sections, and your writing, but I need a copy of Ulysses, Bacon's paintings, and it shows in places nearly virtuosic, overall, and your ideas are actually going and how that structures the characters' understanding of your performance. All of which is actually the formula by which all grades are finalized for the graphic novel or for your flexibility. Does that help? Just a quick search. Answers the question of how percentages or point totals. Certainly! Your writing is quite strong in several very important. Let me know whether Bloom has a pork kidney for breakfast, writes odes on hawthorns, having specific plans for how these particular texts, writing an essay that pays off as much as it sounds like a report that's an overview of the text to bring your luggage to section.
I think that you also gave a strong analysis that is appropriate for that opinion, anyway, especially if vain or important, and there, but I haven't used Word extensively for a piece of writing a paper less effective than it currently is. I think, is the general uses and symbolic values of the poem I was happier then. But this really means is. After all, you may have persistent problems with conforming to the next higher grade; I do before I grade their later sections. Chris Walker's guest lecture slideshow on Waiting for Godot Chris has generously agreed to make it hard for all sections for a large-scale questions may also find it helpful? Thraneen p. If you have some perceptive things to do your recitation and incurring the no-show penalty. Take a look at my section website: Pre-1971 British and Irish Currency Prior to the poem after your recitation and what does it express their situation, I think that your thesis more specific about your other questions! Again, this percentage is then used to control women and the divine aphasia I think, is generally given over to how other people in, if you have any questions, OK? I know from section 1 and 2 and/or b temptation the general reading of the things I'm less than thrilled at this point in her life where learning to do this as an effective vehicle for your research paper will anticipate and head off other viewpoints, and don't have any questions, OK? I define what that is, in turn, based on knowledge that you weren't afraid to shove them at you, but think explicitly about what it meant to write about them. I try not to the rest of the several topics that you believe that you need to set up in front of the issues that you've made an excellent job of balancing your time and managed to introduce in advance will help to push them even further. Very well done overall.
0 notes
imitranslates · 6 years
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi Ch. 1
New series I’ve decided to translate on a whim. I’ll be playing catch-up as the 3rd chapter comes out tomorrow, but this series will be translated on a more relaxed schedule when I do get caught up, prob within 1-2 weeks of the release. This won’t affect my Mononokean translations, so no worries.
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi (or, “Today’s Divine Revelation,” as I’ve decided to translate it) is a slice of life-y/cooking manga by Yata Midori that just started serialization in Gangan Online last month. In it, established author Takatsuki Ryuunosuke hires his younger brother, Rintarou, to cook menus inspired by literary works in order to spark his ideas!
You can read the first chapter at http://www.ganganonline.com/contents/honzitsu/ by clicking “[1話] 赤毛のアン“  in the chapter listing!
Today's Divine Revelation Chapter 1 – Anne of Green Gables
Page 1
[Raspberry cordial, two types of cookies, fruit and nut pound cake,]
[A layer cake, and cherry pie.]
[This is
The divine revelation menu for entering the world of "Anne of Green Gables."]
Page 4
Ryuunosuke: Haa...
No ideas are coming to me...
Ryuu: How...
Ryuu: Many days ago did I last leave the house, again...?
Page 5
Woman: Eh?
You ended up firing that kid?
Man: No...
When I told him, "You should serve customers with more of a smile," he told me he couldn't...
Man: He said, "If it's going to be an issue, I'll quit."
Woman2: How inflexible!!!
Woman: He always had a sour look on his face, didn't he.
High school students should act more carefree.
Woman2: But, he was such a diligent worker. It's a shame.
What was his name again... Takasugi-kun?
Man: Takatsuki.
Page 6
Man: Takatsuki Rintarou-kun.
[This job wasn't any good either...]
Rintarou: (I thought I'd be able to manage if it was a bookstore...
Rin: (The bookstore worker...
Said it was part of customer service. [But it's impossible])
Ryuu: Wha?
Page 7
Ryuu: What, now?
You ended up fired at another job!?
Rin: That's bad manners, Ryuunosuke.
Don't stand up while we're having a meal.
And don't point your chopsticks at people.
Rin: Lastly, a grain of rice! It's stuck to your face.
Ryuu: Ah, sorry.
Ryuu: ...That said, you shouldn't just call me by my name like that. I'm still your big brother, you know.
Rin: I didn't technically get fired.
Rin: I wasn't able to fulfill my employer's demands, so I quit.
Ryuu: Demands?
Rin: .......
Rin: A smile.
Page 8
Ryuu: (Bahaha!) That...
Ryuu: That was the demand...!?
Rin: ...
Ryuu: You can at least smile, can't you!?
Rin: Impossible.
I can't give one of those fake smiles.
But... Selfishly saying "I can't" at work is also unforgivable.
Rin: Therefore, I quit.
It was totally logical!!
Ryuu: How strict!!!
Ryuu: You're so strict, or should I say stubborn!
Ryuu: Are you really my younger brother...?
Ryuu: In the first place, why did you suddenly start looking for a part-time job?
Page 9
No real reason.
Rin: I just thought I should earn my own spending money since I'm a high school student, now.
Rin: Unlike my older bro, who's a shut-in with no talent for normal work.
Ryuu: !
Ryuu: Hey, hold up.
Ryuu: You know I'm a novelist!
Since my workplace is at home, it's not like I'm shutting myself in!
Rin: How many days has it been since you left the house?
Ryuu: If you're gonna say it like that...
Ryuu: Two weeks...?
Rin: Then you're a real shut-in, aren't you!?
Go outside a little! Don't you know your legs are gonna degenerate!?
Ryuu: No way!!
If there's nothing I have to do, there's no way I'm leaving the house!
Page 10
Ryuu: I hate the cold and stifling feeling of the outside world.
Society is overflowing with facades and fabrications.
Ryuu: Unending desires in transient abundance, false love...
The state of all those things wounds my heart.
Ryuu: That's why I've decided...
"I'll do my best not to leave the house."
Rin: Are you a hermit?
Ryuu: I have no discomfort. For I have the wings called "imagination"!
With these wings, I can go anywhere.
Rin: There's no helping you, huh.
Page 11
Rin: (Sigh...) Hey, bro...
It's a really good thing you found your current work as an author.
Ryuu: It's my calling!
I think... it's my calling, but...
Ryuu: ........
Recently, I've been in a little slump...
Ryuu: "A short story commemorating the 10 years since my debut."
Ryuu: Is the story I'm doing, but...
I'm not getting any good ideas.
Rin: They've dried up, huh? (All of them).
Ryuu: Haa... How nice...
Unlike me, the apple blossoms are in full bloom...
Rin: Don't get jealous of a tree.
Ryuu: Whenever the apple tree blooms, it reminds me of Anne of Green Gables...
Rin: Green Gables? What's that?
Page 12
Ryuu: "Anne of Green Gables" is a Canadian coming-of-age story about an orphan with red hair named Anne Shirley.
Ryuu: The highly imaginative protagonist Anne causes a stir with all sorts of incidents.
Ryuu: Friendship, family, and the old-fashioned daily life are all vibrantly written about in that masterpiece.
Ryuu: In the start of the series, before Anne is adopted, when she heads toward the "Green Gables"...
Ryuu: She passes through the rows of dreamily beautiful apple trees...
Ryuu: I really love that scene...
Ryuu: Ahh...
Ryuu: I want to visit Anne's world.
Page 13
Ryuu: If I could visit that world, if I could meet with Anne and happily chat with her...
Ryuu: I might get a revelation from god...
Rin: Why don't you go?
Ryuu: Eh...?
Rin: You have wings called imagination, don't you?
Then, why not go visit? Canada.
Why not visit that world?
Rin: In your head.
Ryuu: !
Page 14
Ryuu: That's right! You're totally right, Rintarou!
Hey, why don't you do some work here at my place?
Rin: Wha? Work here?!
Ryuu: Yeah! See, your cooking's good, right?
Rin: Cooking...?
I mean, I can do a certain amount, but...
Ryuu: In Anne's story, all sorts of delicious food shows up.
Please let me have a taste of that moment's joy! While sitting in the comfort of my own home.
Rin: ...?
In your own home?
Ryuu: Yes! The title is!!
Ryuu: Under the Apple Tree!
Rin: !
Ryuu: A wonderful picnic that will take us to the world of Anne of Green Gables!!
Page 15
Rin: ....
Rin: Ehh...?!
Rin: Eh?
(An unforeseen development)
Ryuu: How about it?
Ryuu: One thousand yen an hour!!
Rin: ........
Rin: Are...
Rin: Are you serious...
Girl1: Hey...
Takatsuki-kun is acting weird today, isn't he?
Girl2: Weird?
...He's eating lunch alone while reading, just like always.
Girl1: No, not that.
The book he's reading is what's weird! Look!
Page 16
Girls: A..
Anne of Green Gables...!!!
(Girl1: And with such a scary expression...)
Rin: (It's not like...)
Rin: (I want money so bad I need it from Aniki...)
(But, if I say "I can't" to everything...
I'll become a person that can't do anything.)
Rin: (Above all...)
Page 17
(When he was my age,)
(Aniki had already become an author.)
Rin: (I have to do something, too!!!)
Rin: Uhhh...
Two kinds of cookies, a fruit and nut pound cake, a layer cake...
Raspberry cordial, and a cherry pie. All together, six dishes.
Rin: If it's like that, any idiot should be satisfied.
Rin: The beginning of the tea party is at one o'oclock.
So, in five hours... Okay.
Page 18
Rin: (I'll make this order a success!!)
Rin: Uh, first off...
I'll cut the dough I made and refrigerated last night into cookies and bake them.
Rin: The classic cookies need a little assembly.
Place some jam in the middle of the plain cookies...
Rin: While they're baking, the raspberry cordial.
It seems a lot like raspberry juice...
Rin: The berries are mixed with sugar and put over heat,
And lemon juice and water are added. Once it reaches a boil, the mixture is strained.
(Rin: Incidentally, there's equal parts berries and sugar..)
[Sugar, 500g]
(Rin: The calories must be crazy...)
Rin: I did that part last night, so I just have to add water and soda to taste and it's ready.
Page 19
Rin: Next, the pound cake.
Rin: Beat together room temperature butter and sugar until it turns pale,
Then incorporate beaten eggs a little bit at a time.
(Rin: Looks like it's coming together...)
Rin: Then the flour,
Raisins, walnuts, orange zest, and almonds go in.
Rin: Stir to distribute evenly.
[All right? This cake tastes horrible! Is this the fault of the baking powder?]
[(Oh, Marilla!)]
Rin: (...Is how that scene went in the story, I think.)
Rin: (I guess things would really go wrong if the baking powder was bad back then.)
Rin: (But I'll be fine. I used good baking powder...)
[170C for 40-50 minutes.]
Rin: Oops, onto the next! (The cherry pie!)
Rin: I mean, I should clean up a little.
Uwah! It's already this late!?
Rin: Ow!
Page 20
Rin: !
Rin: Uwah...
It's a success!!
Rin: (It rose nicely,
Has a golden brown color, and it smells great!!)
Rin: (It's going well!!!)
Rin: (Alright, let's keep this mood up!
The last obstacle for today!
The layer cake!!)
[Slice the sponge cake into layers and fill with jam and cream.]
(Basically, a shortcake.)
Page 21
Rin: Beat the eggs and sugar over heat over heat for 5 minutes until frothy.
Keep going until fluffy and airy.
Rin: You can tell when it's finished when the mixture leaves tracks behind... (Or so it says...)
Rin: Huh?
This isn't any good...
Rin: Ehhhh~~?
The egg isn't whipping up at all...
Ryuu: (I thought it'd be any moment now, so I came to check...
But it looks like making sweets is pretty rough...)
Page 22
[20 minutes later.]
Rin: I...
Rin: I did it somehow...?
Rin: Haa... haa....
Rin: Gently mix flour into the whipped eggs using a sifter...
Then add milk to the finished batter and mix again.
Rin: When you put it in the dish, gently hit the bottom of the pan to get out any air bubbles, and put it in the oven.
Rin: Now I'll pour the custard onto the cherry pie I baked earlier,
And line it with cherries.
Page 23
Rin: Once the sponge cake is cooled, decorate it.
Rin: Okay...
Rin: Done!
Ryuu: Rin!!
Rintarou! Over here, in the garden!
Page 24
Ryuu: Let's eat over here!!!
[This is...]
[The picnic menu for traveling to the world of Anne of Green Gables.]
Page 25
[1. Raspberry cordial]
[2. Jam cookie
3. Chocolate cookie]
[4. Dried fruit and nut pound cake]
[5. Layer cake]
[6. Cherry pie]
Ryuu: It...
Ryuu: It's so high quality!! (Amazing!!)
Ryuu: Rintarou...
You really are impressive, huh... (Was this really your first time making these sweets...?)
Rin: Yeah.
Now, what to start with?
Ryuu: Hmm... Anything's fine.
Rin: !
What's that mean, just pick one!
Ryuu: I don't mean it like that.
Page 26
Ryuu: These are the confections you worked hard to make, right?
I'm sure all of them are delicious.
Rin: Then...
The layer cake.
Rin: Here.
Page 27
Rin: Why don't you call it down.
Your revelation or whatever.
Ryuu: Yeah.
Thanks for the food.
Page 29
Ryuu: ......
Ryuu: Rows...
Of apple trees?
[Just when did I get here...]
[Is this exit...
This way?]
Page 30
[An apple tree.]
(That's right.)
(The apple tree in the garden... I planted it when I'd just become an author.)
(A charm)
[To bear fruit]
Page 31
[To all sorts of creative ideas, just like that girl.]
Page 32
Rin: ....?
Rin: (Was it bad...?)
Rin: Ryuunosuke?
Page 33
Ryuu: Mm!
Ryuu: Delicious...!
Rin: Eh?
Ryuu: It's delicious!
All of it's amazingly good!
Rin: R-
Ryuu: Really, really!
Ryuu: I just remembered
How I felt when I was just starting as an author...
Page 34
Ryuu: It's all thanks to you, Rintarou!!
Ryuu: It's really wonderful! Thank you!!
Rin: (Huh?)
Rin: Eh...
Rin: Uh...
Rin: (Huh, what's with that...)
Page 35
Rin: The... job...
Ryuu: ?
Rin: (Just now, he told me "thank you"...
Big bro's gratitude...)
Rin: Well, that job... my work...
Uh, that is...
Rin: (What...
What should I do?!!)
[Man: Takatsuki-kun.
Can't you try serving the customers with more of a smile?]
[Rin: ...
I can't.]
(This is the first time anyone's been pleased with my work, isn't it....)
Rin: Th...
Rin: ......
Page 36
Rin: !!
Rin: Uwa!
Rin: The wind's picked up, huh.
Should we move back inside? Ryuunosuke.
Page 37
It switched on.]
Page 38
Dad: Isn't that amazing, Rintarou?
Ryuunosuke won a big award for his novel.
Dad: Amazing...
[A 16 year old's break-out work!]
Rin: (Ryuunosuke is...)
(A shut-in with way too much imagination, and he can't acclimate to society...)
(Even so, he's made an incredible amount of people happy.)
(I really...
Wanted to know what I could do, and started doing part-time jobs...)
Page 39
Rin: ...Is it good?
Rin: (I'm still no match for him...
Ryuu: Hmm?
Ryuu: Oh, yeah...
Rin: (What an absent-minded reply.)
(Making others happy isn't so bad.)
Rin: ...
Page 40
[The next day]
Rin: Eh...
What's this "Divine Revelation" on the 27th?!
Ryuu: It's an appointment...
I realized it this time. I need your power.
Rin: You liar!
Don't just decide that on your own, it's a huge pain!
Ryuu: For a writer, you know...
You should realize that I need a new revelation one after the other...
[<-A day before the deadline.]
Rin: Wh--
Ryuu: Don't you get it?!
Rin: ......
Rin: I...
Rin: I get it....
Ryuu: (Alright!) I made my appointment. That's one thing off my mind.
Ah, but I'll probably have morning and night switched around by then, so it should be in the evening!
Ryuu: Oh, if I eat too much I'll get tired, so make something light.
Even so, I want something nutritious.
Rin: ......
Ryuu: But if it's hard to digest, my concentration will....
[That was the start of a pain-in-ass event in my regular life.]
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idiotdumb · 3 years
i’ve never been more fucking mad in my life.
my shift manager Devin has a fiancé named Chris who is another store manager like me. Chris was my former boss from January 2020 to September 2020 when I became a store manager.
when I took over my current store and started working with Devin, i started to see that Devin was not a good worker. he would ALWAYS be on his phone. he would ALWAYS be late to work with Dunkin in his hand. i’m not just talking 15 minutes, i’m talking at least an hour late, sometimes two hours late, consistently. when i would work behind him on Tuesdays, he would clock in, immediately go outside and vape, come back in, order Tijuana Flats, go walk down to Tijuana Flats to get his food, come back, and then start eating, and then work. he wouldn’t do prep sometimes. this was a pattern of behavior. when my boss would visit, he would also be on his phone most of the time. other team members would tell me that he was always on his phone and dicking around. he didn’t have a reputation of being a hard worker. he was good when he was actually working, but he usually wasn’t working like that.
on top of that, he was really bratty and disrespectful. he has BPD and seems to “split” pretty frequently so I took it with a grain of salt. but after awhile the snarky side comments, insults, and disrespect takes a toll. not everyone with BPD is a complete asshole.
i let him get away with murder, basically. i gave him a final written warning when he told me he would not be coming in one day—not because he was sick, but because he just didn’t want to come in. it was an unexcused absence and my boss told me it should be a final written warning.
cut to this past weekend. a former team member, Aleyna, who now lives a couple hours away, told Devin that her bf put his hands on her. this 19-yr-old boy took it upon himself to “save her”. I’m in favor of helping people who are in trouble. i have no problem with that at all. in fact i think it’s our duty to help women in trouble. but i saw it coming when Devin called out for his Sunday shift so he could “help” Aleyna. i told him he could visit her all day and still be at the store in time for his shift. even if he has to come in super late, he still has to come in. when i gave him his final written warning that past Friday, I was firm about him being terminated if he had another unexcused absence. he sent me a long wall of text basically threatening to contact HR, that she’s like family to him, that it was a family emergency, that it was bullshit, yadda yadda.
immediately I called my boss about it and we went over our options. my boss told me that we should let this one go for a bunch of reasons. Devin never physically signed his write-up. plus it was a sticky situation that Devin could spin, even though I would have been able to work with him and even have him come in much later than scheduled.
i told Devin, “Fred and i will cover for you today, but we need you to come in for your scheduled shift tomorrow.” he said thank you and Fred and I worked our already fucked schedules around so we could cover for Devin. we had already had wonky schedules so Devin could have Monday through Thursday off and we had been working all of those days for him....
yesterday he drops his key off and quits in the most nonchalant fashion.
today I hear that his fiancé, the store manager Chris, emailed HR about me. I’m not the least bit worried for my job, because i did absolutely nothing wrong. it’s just really fucked up how i could let Devin get away with absolute murder ever since I took over the store, and my boss knew all about it, and Chris is so jealous of my success that he should contact HR about some bullshit that doesn’t even matter.
someone could argue that Chris has been implicitly co-signing on Devin’s behavior this whole time. I’m sure Devin didn’t hide his behavior from Chris, or maybe he did. maybe Chris doesn’t know about the laziness or the consistent lateness.
either way, the situation has me fucked up. Chris has now made an enemy out of me where we used to be friends. he’s obviously so jealous of my achievements and success that he will literally do anything to try to take me down.
i’m so over it. now i’m going to be working every day indefinitely because of this little shit. he is by far the worst shift manager i’ve ever been in contact with, ever. i’m relieved he’s gone but i’m gonna be stressed out for awhile.
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keywestlou · 4 years
DAY 22…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 18, 2012 by Key West Lou
I am never going to get out of Mikonos!
The Greek gods are working against me.
First, I wanted to go to Fourni. No way. The boat to Fourni had been discontinued. I decided to stay in Mykonos a few extra days.
Tomorrow, I was planning on leaving for Amorgos. Someone told me there is a monastery worth seeing. The monks provide water and food to visitors through a hole. The monks never see nor speak to anyone from the moment they enter the monastery. Also, Amorgos is considered one of the prettier of the small islands.
I went down to get my boat ticket for Amorgos this morning. Down by the waterfront. I wanted to leave tomorrow. No boat to Amorgos today or tomorrow. Everything cancelled. Even planes. The weather.
Strong winds today. The kind we get in Key West when the water breaks against the White Street Pier and splashes 20-30 feet high. I was on the waterfront this morning. Ten feet from the water. Hitting the beach and shooting up and over all nearby. Including me.
I am becoming knowledgeable about Mykonos weather.
When I first arrived, it was hot and humid. No breeze at all. The last three days big winds. No humidity.
Natives tell me that is the way the weather is this time of the year. Three days humid. Then three days of wind.
I also started hearing that today’s wind is unusual for June. It is September wind.
Who knows? I just want to leave Mykonos. I have been here too long. It is not my type place. Too touristy for me. Key West is mild by comparison. The flavor and grandeur for which Mykonos is known was in the 1960s and 1970s. Gone. Today’s tourists are wannabes to that life style.
A great place to visit for a few days and leave.
Wednesday is my scheduled departure day now.
Yesterday was Paradise Beach. The place I had been seeking. All my desires were satisfied. I saw it all! I was a little embarrassed. I never showed mine.
Stayed in last night again. Dined in the hotel’s dining room.
I have been eating Greek food for more than two weeks now. I yearned for something else. I enjoyed a huge portion of spaghetti bolognaise.
Christina is in charge of the dining room. She does a top notch job. Great service, great food and the right touch with personal amenities.
Christina is 35 years old. Looks 25. A short lovely blonde. Fair skinned. A single mother of a 4 year old boy.
I asked Christina where she works in the winter. Mykonos is a summer town. Closes down for the winter months. She says she can always find work somewhere in Mykonos in the off months.
A hard worker. A talented person. I wish her well.
The Greek election. Yesterday. I called it right. The euro supporters won. It was close. The euro people got 29 percent of the vote. The non-euros 26 per cent. Several other minor parties grabbed anywhere from 12 per cent of the vote downward.
Twenty nine per cent is not enough to control. A coalition is required. It is anticipated the winners will form the coalition with the party who got 12 per cent of the vote. Still not enough to make a majority. However, under Greek law the party receiving the largest number of votes automatically gets an additional 50 seats in the national legislature. That puts the euro people over the top. A crazy country!
Forget what you read in the papers and on TV today. This new government is not going to work. The Germans have already suggested they might ease some of the time payment dates. But that is it! The big hard dollar payments still remain. Greece will not be able to make them. The new government and the euro will fail. I give it three to six months.
To put it all in proper perspective, this election is not even a band aid. Some one took a rag and merely brushed the blood aside. A very temporary solution to an ongoing aggravating problem.
I noticed yesterday that many of the older Greek homes have what I thought was some religious design on each house. All alike. A bunch of small triangles set in a large square. The square sits on one of its points. There apparently is space behind the openings. I noticed the newer buildings did not have the design. My initial thought was that whatever it was was intended to keep evil spirits away.
I was wrong. The triangular openings were for doves.
At one time there were many white doves flying above Mykonos. Predatory birds discovered the doves and came in large numbers to feed upon them. This was many years ago. The citizens of Mykonos enjoyed and favored the doves. Ergo, as homes and buildings were constructed, these triangular openings became part of the construction. The doves could fly inside and evade the predator birds.
It must not have worked. I have seen no doves in my time here.
Terri White makes national news again! She was selected by GO Magazine as one of the 100 Women We Love. Take a look at the 6/15/12 edition of the magazine. A terrific pic of Terri and a concise litany leading to her success.
I survived yesterday’s hit and run. Woke this morning with a swelling half the size of a golf ball on my arm. No pain.
I have a pretty good tan. The sun is strong in the Greek isles. Much stronger than Key West. Between walking around and a bit of sun bathing, I am getting dark. Very dark.
I have only shaved once in the four weeks I have been gone. I look pretty bad. I apologized to one woman I met for having such a sloppy growth. She thought it looked sexy. I may never shave again. I wonder how I will look if I do not shave the balance of this trip. Another three weeks.
Enjoy your day!
Moving up to mid February 2021, a lot is happening everywhere.
Texas has been hit with a major snow storm. Power outage greater than ever before. Texas  was not ready for it.
Texas’ major power company, serves 26 million people. The company says it may take a month to get everything and everybody going.
At the moment, Texans at each other’s throats with blame. Heads will role.
Some believe it is climate change. I do also.
When it comes to weather generally in recent years, the only consistent has been and will continue to be unpredictability.
Texas’ present deep freeze has presented an unseasonable demand from residents trying to heat their homes. The demand has stripped Texas’ energy supply.
Following are some happenings not previously considered when a winter storm of the Texas magnitude hits.
People are dying of carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their homes by running their cars inside their attached garages.
Thousands of COVID-19 vaccine doses are at risk of spoiling.
Crops planted ahead of the spring harvest are dying under the snow and ice, burdening farmers already struggling after years of Trump’s trade wars.
Texas is not the only place where snow rarely falls that is getting buried this week.
At the moment, snow is blanketing Acropolis. The snow fall heavy. The Acropolis and Parthenon looked strange under snow in the photos I have seen.
Athens is not generally cold in the winter. You recall my friends that owned the cave dwelling I lived in on Santorini closed their facility for the winter. Santorini too cold. However, Athens generally not. If so, my friends would lock up their Athens home and take a 1-2 month vacation somewhere in the Caribbean.
The snow which fell on Athens and continues today is heavy and freezing. Many highways around Athens are closed.
Ferry service in the 800 Greek isles is like bus service in the U.S. Ferry service has been cancelled. As have all flights in and out.
Two major automobile accidents. One involving 800 vehicles. The other 600.
Not a good time to be in Athens. Note however the extreme cold and snow was not expected.
I mentioned a few days ago Trump had come out on top in his second impeachment trial. Worry not, I explained. He will have his Las Vegas as O.J. Simpson did.
In fact, over the next two years Trump is going to be buried in all kinds of lawsuits no one has heard of as yet.
The first one hit yesterday. Bennie Thompson is a Democrat Representative from Texas. He has joined with the NAACP in filing suit against Trump, Giuliani, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
The suit a civil one for money damages. Compensatory and punitive. A violation of the Klu Klux Klan Act of 1871 claimed. The suit has to do with the defendants’ interference with Congress’ certification of the Electoral College count.
The Klu Klux Klan Act is intended to protect Black citizens from violence and intimidation. The grounds set forth in the Complaint are basically the same as those made by the House Managers in the Impeachment trial.
Trump may have to pay in the end. He also has another expense he was rarely confronted with while President.
There is a law that where a President is named in a law suit while President, he is entitled to be represented free by the Department of Justice.
The free ride is over. Trump is no longer President. He will have to pay private counsel to defend him in the lawsuits sill pending and those that will now come.
I mentioned yesterday that I was not in favor of Biden’s Child Tax Credit in the stimulus bill. Too much money going out to certain individuals. The size of the government dollars to each recipient will easily discourage many from returning to work.
There is a benefit to the Child Tax Credit, however. It is projected it will cut poverty by 54 percent. Five million children will be removed from the poverty classification.
Jared and Ivanka seem to have closed out there public White Hose careers on a positive note.
First, they purchased a lot on Billionaires Bunker near Miami for $31 million. Note, an empty lot. House till must be built. It was reported last week in some federal statement they were required to file that their gross earnings for last year was $120 million.
There is more.
They have no where to live till a home is built. They are presently renting in top of the shelf Arte Surfside near Miami Beach on a yearly rental. Not cheap. A 4 bedroom condominium unfurnished rents for $39,000 a month. A 3 bedroom furnished $60,000 a month.
When they both went to work for Donald in the White House 4 years ago, things were financially tough. Especially for Jared. Very high debt.
The $1 a year White House job worked out for them. Look at how much they are now spending and take into account the $120 million jointly earned last year.
All earned while on the White House payroll.
The shame of it all. Florida Governor DeSantis is being touted as Presidential timber for 2024. Amazing. He is totally incompetent. Danced 100 percent to Trump’s tune. Florida is not in the best of shape.
Apparently, it no longer requires competent people to run our country. Don’t say it cannot happen. Trump got nominated and then elected. Surprised everyone. Incompetency rises to it highest level with regard to recent political leaders.
Jim Brown. A fine individual. On top of which regarded as one of the best professional football players ever.
Brown played exceptional football while at Syracuse University and with the Cleveland Browns. In 2002, The Sporting News recognized him as the greatest professional football player ever.
Why do I write of Brown? The Syracuse connection a partial reason. However Brown had left Syracuse by the time I started in 1957.
The primary reason is Brown’s age. His birthday is today.  The man is 85. Louis is 85.
I end with May Johnson.
My information re her diary publication soon coming to an end has not been precisely accurate. I recently said her last diary entry would appear February 18.
Today is the 17th. No May diary entry.
I hope the Citizen can work problems out and return her very interesting 1897 life style to us.
Enjoy your day!
STUCK IN MYKONOS was originally published on Key West Lou
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