#so goood op so good
The Rings of Power is back baby!!!!!! Oh the first episode was sooooo goood 😭😭😭😭
Here are some random things
- the tower from Galadriel’s search!!!! Its where Adar "killed" Sauron!!!! So goood!!!!
- the gooo!!! Some OP was right about the black goo being Sauron!!!! I cackled ngl🤭
- the crest!!! On a dead man!!!
- did they implied that Halbrand/Sauron knew who Galadriel was and that's why decided to use her, or did he just clung to 'the most powerful promising being' in the area?! Or it was just destiny for their paths to cross then and there??!!!! Saurondriel family, we arw winning!!!
- Elrond jumping off the cliff like his mom!!! I see his point but when you know that their rings are good watching their relationships crack is so painful
- also the way the theme of the Rings from the end of the first season was playing every time we see Elrond doubting the rings
- the ring charming Cirdan!!! Was it the ring that tumbled the boat??? Or was it like Valar???
- the scene with the tree being revived was sooo magical!!!😭😭😭
- that scene where Adar forced Halbrand to swear his allegiance to him and. Halbrand. Swearing. To. LORD OF MORDOR. AKA. HIMSELF!!! Because in his head he is the lord of Mordor!!! And he didn't say 'I swear to serve Adar, Lord of Mordor' !!!!! So clever!!!!
- Nori!!!! And Stranger!!!! And POPPY!!!! THE GANG IS BACK TOGETHER!!! OF COURSE SHE WENT AFTER THEM😭😭😭 love them
- Gil-Galad singing was so beautiful!!!
So good. Such a good episode. Can't wait to watch the rest.
No spoilers of the other two episodes in the comments please!!!
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sibmakesart · 9 months
Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for the French stuff you text/post!! It’s super useful ‘cause I’m learning the language right now 👍👍
no seriously good luck 😮‍💨
(also dont take my writing as exemple without fact checking i used to have negative grades in french so...)
but youre very welcome
im trying to learn italian so i started watching op in italian lol i cant ask for a table in a restaurant but i can talk extensively about peoples dreams and ambitions
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covenofwives · 10 months
I loved the mixture of light heartedness and the pain and the longing omfkxjx so goood
I have SO MUCH OP content I want to post and I cannot wait for your reactions Kasey. Thank you for the kind kind words.
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the-derpy-duck · 1 year
I adore ROTB
Sort of spoilers. I do my best not to.
I haven’t had much time to reflect on it but ahhhhhh it was so goood! This was the first time I’ve seen a transformers film in theaters and I was losing my mind but trying to be quiet.
But I just LOVE the way the maximals (idk if that’s how you spell it- I have a strictly casual relationship with the English language) move. Like Airrazor talking looked amazing to me and I loved how Primal’s nose would move sometimes. Cheetor’s run cycle! I eat that shit upppppp!! Cheetor in general was really well designed to me. I hope I can get a good toy of him (I already picked up the SS Airrazor). Cheetahs are my favorite animals even if they constantly shoot themselves in the foot, evolutionary wise. The maximals look very good IMO and I’m happy they finally got decent 3D renders. I love how big they all are as well. Like these things could destroy just about anything on earth. I also like the voices for the Maximals.
The humans were also really good. I love Noah’s relationship with his little brother and the conflict with him felt realistic and very grounded in the alien car movie. His friendship with Mirage did feel a little rushed but honestly that worked with the way he was characterized I think. Like Mirage seemed so desperate for a non auto bot friendship and he seemed to have a general affinity for humans not dissimilar to Bumblebee’s.
Also the part where Bee put on his battle mask caused me and the person who was sitting next to me to lose out collective minds. I don’t care if it’s cheesy, pull that stick out of your ass and enjoy the action! Enjoy the drama!
Also I love Mirage’s face. I wish he looked less like Jazz in his alt mode but honestly his bot mode is so cool so I don’t care that much. I also like OP’s face. It’s sort of modeled after Peter Collin’s face so it’s marvelous. I think they should have changed Wheeljacks name to Perceptor, especially sense BB movie design for Wheeljack was just so perfect but also Pablo is my son and he’s so fantastic and I love him and I’m not gonna be person 1,983 hating on this design.
Scourge was alright. I didn’t see the face reveal as too much of an issue or even note it that much in my mind. I think the fact that he collects insignia’s is really cool in a fucked up sort of way. Like it isn’t enough to just kill someone and destroy there home he also needs to disgrace their bodies. It’s also a weird way of keeping track of his victories. I thought it was kind of neat. He’s not that deep and it’s a little bit underwhelming when I think about it. Like I wish the movie had more time to do things. Because to me it didn’t feel that long, I think some extra time would have done it good.
There is a character who died who I think, realistically, should have been able to be revived and I wish that they were. Also a character gets killed and I think the maximals should have been the ones to kill them. I wish the maximals got more screen time. The movie was fairly fast paced. The movie is only 2 hours and 7 minutes long. Which is still 2 hours but I think having it go a little longer would have helped a lot of characters.
The reveal at the end almost made me scream like holy shit. I was expecting something but not THAT. I really hope we can see more decepticons next movie. Like Skywarp as a main antagonist would be so cool. Think of the fight  scenes. Think of the teleportation. Think of another purple movie robot. Please. Pleassseeee.
I though that the CGI was fine. Nothing looked off to me in a way that would pull me out of the movie. The Flash looked a lot worse and I think that movie had a higher budget. 
Optimus wanting to get home and his conflict is compelling to me. Like he doesn’t have a reason to like or trust humans. He’s been stranded on this shithole of a planet with no contact with his army or friends or home for seven years I understand why he hates it. He also has another reason to really get the hell out but spoilers. But also he comes to a general understanding with the humans and learns that they are sort of worth working with. He just wants to get home and help his friend get better and save his own world and brutally murder his enemy. He’s still very brutal but it feels different to Bayverse. That’s probably because I don’t like Michael Bay or his transformers films but you chose to read to this point so you get to deal with my weird biases.
*minor spoilers sort of*
The part where Unicron tells OP not to destroy the key and that he give him anything and OP says “then die” got me way too hyped up. Like wow. Murder dad robot is SO cool!
I love Arcee fighting with Wheeljack and standing on Rhinox, idk if it was a call back and or reference to that one beats wars  scene but I love it either way
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tamarackbaumann · 2 years
Yoo OP i love the blog!! It's so hard to find ppl talking abt ol:nf esp since it's just a demo for now but god am i excited for it to finally be released; the autumn aesthetic and how small-picturesque-town-in-the-mountains it feels,, o man and ofc qiu and tamarack!!! thanks for sharing the enthusiasm bc it gets me excited abt it too, esp bc it's probably going to be a devastatingly long time until it comes out
it's just a demo but im thinking about them a lot whenever the topic comes up to my adhd brain
the two main characters aren't like cove but this is good, i love the directions their teenage angst takes them. tamarack growing up and being torn on what she wants to be, self concious out of a care for others. qiu withdrawing from everyone and growing cold, care worn short and recovering
and it's just... oh it's good. not that cove didn't have his own angst but ol2 just. i LOVE the fall aesthetic and i love being able to be sapphic and also nonbinary it's SO GOOOD
shakes. tamarack is going to be excellent i love what we've got from the summaries so far and it's going to be so cool to craft that story. best friends to lovers queer as hell but ESPECIALLY when im playing as a feminine person into a girl
i bounce her around. i love her step 3 style it's so CUTE
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marshmallow--shark · 5 months
I 100%'d Paradise, all without the use of a guide.. mostly. I mean I did try to use one but it was in Chinese so I had to use context clues. The way to get Takara's route is actually interesting because usually the choices will let you know which character it favors but there's none for him. You actually have to get all the previous endings and then start a new game to unlock new Takara choices with new scenes. Funny enough some of these include more Shimada with one of them where Azuma and Shimada just go adventuring together. And the other one is really cute with Takara, Azuma and Shimada playing cards together and Azuma gets tickled as a punishment for losing so bad. I'm not sure if it's the shortest route or if I played the hell out of it, but it went by quick and out with a bang. This route probably has the least amount of choices with only two times where the first part has only two choices and the second has three choices where the endings branch out, I think. Also in this route, Azuma doesn't do either boat building or food gathering and instead ops to help everyone while also doing his own thing. Takara and Azuma flirt around and explore and things are generally really positive aside from the whole trapped and starvation thing. Some new places are found such as two different graveyards with one looking nicer than the other. The tunnel from Matsuda route also gets discovered. The next day, Azuma goes back with Shimada to better explore those areas. Then Kido, Uchimaru, Shimada and Hongou all get sick with supposedly food poisoning. Azuma and Takara go to the tunnel which they heard water in and then its discovered that's where the bodies dissappear to. Mushroom guy's eyes are missing and he has bitemarks too... ooh kinky. They get the water and come back to the gang who think about how the others got sick. Thinking the food is contaminated, Azuma and Takara go to find food. Afterwards they get lost and have to camp in the woods, then while Azuma is trying to comfort a supposedly sick Takara who then pins him down since he's a lot stronger than he looks and bites him, really hard before nonconning him in a really great h scene. I loved the part where Takara relentlessly kisses Azuma, barely giving him time to breathe. You get nice cgs of Takara on top of Azuma, kissing him, biting him and another where he sucks him off. It turns out that Takara is a cannibal which made him 10x better even though I was already starting to like him. Does that mean that some of the people he killed he just, ate? I- Is that why Shimada's body was so mutilated in one of the Mitsugi bad ends? Because Takara ate m-.. him..? Even if not, thats fucking hot to think about and already giving me intense drawing/writing fuel. I need him to eat everyone else, now. Then depending on how you answer, there are three different endings.
There's a bad end where Takara just straight up eats Azuma because he's disgusted at Takara for being a cannibal. Just a really long drawn out death scene but it's so fucking goood with Takara's moans, Azuma's amazing screaming and all the kinky dialogue.. Top scenes for sure, even though no sex happens during, even though I was hoping it would. Also damn, Takara's going to wake someone up screaming about how good eating Azuma is so damn loud..
Then there's another bad end where if Azuma stays silent, Takara just knocks him out and then all of a sudden he's chained up in Takara's house off the island. Apparently Takara killed everyone else offscreen but decided to keep Azuma like he's reenacting Boyfriend to Death. What follows is the slow breaking of Azuma as Takara tortures him using his childhood trauma ie making him eat rotten vegetables and hitting him if he doesn't, cutting off Azuma's back scar and acting like his abusers in general. You get a lot of backstory of Azuma's abuse as he flashes in and out of reality. There's also a very brief h scene, but it's entirely dialogue and no new cgs, sadly. Though this end does give you the wonderful image of Azuma chained up and crying. Then eventually Takara decides it's time to eat Azuma and during Azuma snaps after remembering that he killed his brother to live and attacks Takara, poking out his eyes, which is a cg by the way. It ends with Takara writhing on the ground and crying out Azuma's name while Azuma escapes, deciding to keep living out of spite for the world. It was so fun to hear Azuma cry so much.
Then there's the good ending where Azuma tries to diffuse the situation with a joke, making Takara laugh. Takara then reveals himself as the mastermind, that he's the one who's been killing and that they're never going to be rescued and were all brought to the island to be killed by him. He was going to kill everyone immediatly but because he liked them, he didn't want to right away. Also Takara made Shimada and co. (as they're called several times) sick by poisoning the food storage with arsenic. He apparently also has poison that can kill instantly which probably explains what happened to Kido in Matsuda's route. Azuma is very stupid and takes a long time to process this, but then Takara says that he'll let everyone live if he can find his buried treasure. He'll also kill everyone if he tells them about anything he said. Azuma searches the island desperately for this treasure, he thinks it's the ledger that Mitsugi found but it's not. Takara does reveal that it's an account of the deaths that happened on the island and he initially used it as inspiration of how to kill everyone, which is what happens in Mitsugi's route. Azuma starts to lose hope and starts to doubt himself, thinking about swimming away to leave everyone to die. But then he remembers that Takara wanted to stay around at one of the graveyards and he finds a knife with Azuma's name on it. And Takara keeps his word and the sick people are taken to a hospital and everyone escapes, returning to normal life. Azuma also gets Matsuda and Mitsugi's phone numbers and they remain friends. But it doesn't end there! As he goes along with his life, he gets a text that Kido and Uchimaru were killed in an accident and Azuma realises that Takara is still going to kill them. So they team up to figure out why Takara is trying to kill them, there's even a cute moment with Matsuda, Mitsugi and Azuma having a sleepover..There's an h scene where Takara goes to Azuma's flat just to fuck and tease him. He says he'll spare him if he figures out why he's trying to kill everyone. Timeskip to Azuma meeting up with Takara, who by the way is really rich and the truth is revealed! Apparently the island was an exile for criminals but because it wasn't good for farming they became cannibals. Takara is their descendant. The government knew this but criminals would continue to be sent there because they would due. Because exile Islands and cannibalism is inhumane, the government sends in military to kill the cannibals and it turns out that everyone are descendents of those military people. I actually thought it'd be more a 'let's just throw these hot guys into a desperate situation so they fuck or kill each other as social experiment' situation so I wasn't expecting it to be revenge porn thing. But after this big reveal, Azuma isn't going to let himself or anyone else die and takes Takara hostage so they won't be killed. Takara is surprisingly okay with this and goes along with his plan happily. Azuma takes Takara to a car where Mitsugi and Matsuda and waiting for them and they decide to escape overseas to escape Takara's family. Takara is just having a great time, says that he chooses Azuma over getting revenge and that he doesn't want to eat him anymore. Also Hongou and Shimada apparently got away and went into hiding, presumably together and Azuma wants to reunite with them too!
It was the last route to unlock so Takara good end is probably the true end. I also like to think of it as the harem end since Azuma leaves with Takara, Matsuda and Mitsugi for an eternal roadtrip and implies that he'll collect Shimada and Hongou too which gives it end more true end energy. I think it's a really great end, the main guys don't die and they all basically elope together which is such a surprisingly cute end and just seems so great. And there's also the idea of Hongou and Shimada, the two main guys who dont get a proper route, running away together! What a pairing! Who would even be the dominant? The pervert photographer who's proficient in using drugs or the perverted old man who's into force feminising?
Ahh Paradise was such an amazing sexy titillating game, 9/10!! Not a full score because Hongou couldn't get it up for Azuma like a loser. I already want to replay it both to see the h-scenes again but also to see how Takara acts the whole time, now that I know everything. Oh and you get a special little pastel cg of everyone smiling for completing the game. And new voice lines in the title/extra. Oh and I forgot to mention this really cute detail but when you open up the game, the extra page or close the game one of the main characters talks to you. I love that idea, more of that in games please. I loved this game so much!!
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blissooya · 7 months
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[WEVERSE] 231023 슝이🌹 update
Hello Blink, it’s been a while since I came to play before going to bed 🌙 The photo of the fairy taken during Dr. Cheon's special appearance has now been revealed!! 🥨 Everyone was surprised, right?! I was surprised to find out. It was a fun experience 💕 I also received a fan as a souvenir I've been working out a lot lately and I'm doing well! BLINKs are not in any pain right?? Health is best! It’s been so cold these days! It’s finally time to wear padding!! Everyone make sure to dress warmly and be careful not to catch a cold!🥶 I also threw in a cute photo of Dalgom taken today! 🐶 Dalgom stay healthy for a long time too Blinks I miss you, have a good dream and sleep well today too🌙 I love you ♥️
cr. xx_turtle_
👤 : Jisoo when you have time can you do a live? I miss you!! ㅠㅠ
🐰 : Sounds goood, I'll try to turn on live, challenge😎 kekeke
👤 : I also want to get hit by Jisoo unnie...
🐰 : Why.. Why's that?!
👤 : Jisooya!!! Did you watch the last ep of BPM?? I cried because I was so touched ㅠㅠ😭😭😭
🐰 : I watched!!! Our tour that was with bpm ! So precious 💝
👤 : Unnie what is your new phone color ?
🐰 : I always go with white ⚪️
👤 : Unnie what is your happiness index today??🤓
🐰 : It's 103%! 🥰
👤: Unnie say that people who don't sleep at night are lucky hhhhhh😜😜
🐰 : If you don't sleep, you'll be lucky! 🤣
👤 : I was thinking about sleeping but I waited but this present is amazing
🐰 : Dalgomie is a cat (op username)..?!🐶🐶
👤 : Jisoo are you thinking about if you should eat a late night snack right now?... kekeke
🐰 : My tiredness is too much to do that... Tiredness wins
👤 : What's your favorit Starbucks menu??
🐰 : For me iced americano! But I like the macarons too haha Starbucks macaron!! Emart macaron..! kekeke
👤 : Unnie what's your favorite ramen !
🐰 : For me Shin Ramyun ! Yeol ramen is great and King Lid Cup is great also Bowl Noodle Soup Hot & Spicy is great and Buldak is great Chapagetti that small lid is also great.. I like all ramen.. Meptaeng..? I want to try that..
I'm going now!!!!!! ♥️ Next time I'll come and do live! haha You never know when I'll come so alarm is a must! 🥰 It's late today so let's hurry and sleep I love you goodnight ⭐️♥️
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calamity-bean · 2 years
Barry episode 1.07 "the queen is dead" scene probably the most iconic acting-class scene in the show — and for good reason — but for me nothing beats personal favorite acting-class scene episode 2.06 "Sally's theatre rehearsal with the table flip" for giving me chills every time
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hopeworth · 2 years
i think about the scene where winry puts down the gun and chooses not to get revenge at least once a month
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knifenymph · 4 years
the meal i'm eating right now... Exquisite
sautéed mushrooms and spinach with garlic, onion, lemon, turmeric, salt, n pepper (my go to, quick meal) mixed in with quinoa, all inside a spaghetti squash omfg..........
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flowerymoments · 4 years
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shu-kaku · 6 years
Me waiting for it to be 2020 so I can watch all my babies in Heaven Official’s Blessing animated but also so I can lowkey just cry with everyone about it
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years
i never thought to do this before but hey, if anyone saw the Netflix movie Juanita (2019), i wrote a lil epilogue fic for it, here!
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aus-from-undertale · 3 years
AUs that I personally love with all my heart 👉👈
(kinda thought it was a good ideia to make this list if you are a new follower and don't know from where to start :)
Inverted fate - It's my favorite AU. I'm trying hard to control my feelings while I writing this so I'm just going to say: READ IT
Horrortale - The angst and the world settings are so GOOOD
Echotale - Actually, it was the first Frans AU that I read. The story is so cute and I love mah G! Sans
UT Mob - Every now and then I squeeze in my post how much I love this AU. Everything is perfect. EVERYTHING!
Soulfell - One of my favorite AUs that are Underfell like 👉👈 it's a really fun read
Dusttale - Forgive me Dust!Sans, but your AU is so INTERESTING AAAAA
Aftertale - the art style and the story are all so good!
Errortale - That's right bitches! I'm recommending an ask blog! NOW READ IT ALL MUAHAHA
Underplayer - it was my first time watching a fandub, im glad it was about such an INTERESTING AU
Burstale - Chara kinda going genocide for like the 100th time is interesting (And she hot tho 👉👈)
Playbacktale - The ideia is so FUN =) i love this
Epictale - THATS RIGHT! I love this solely because gaster is a hottie with a lil' hat! Don't judge me >:0
Dogs of future past - Everything this author makes is precious, bloody hell
Flavor text Chara - Chara I wuv u 💕
Sans the Seraphim - Sans kinda became a hottie after being possessed by seven souls 👉👈
Underline - THIS IS SO GOOD! It's like a headcanon for all the stuff we can't really explain in undertale
Darker yet Darker - i love mah bone bros
Drunk! Chara - Chara I wuv u 💕 (but stop fucking drinking)
Handplate - one of my favorite AUs about the bone bros
Name the Fallen - oh, I'll take the extremely creepy Papyrus thank you very much :D
Bromalgamate - mah bone bros becoming amalgamates is so cute 💕
Underfresh - Fresh, i don't understand you at all... But I LOVE YOU
UT circus - it kinda reminds me of UT Mob, but it's circus lol
Undertoad- the mix between Mario and undertale is so cute! But the sprites are the highlight of this AU for sure
Chocoblook - Choco and Frisk fighting kinda reminds of me and my bro lok
Systematic restore - the concept of this AU is very interesting :0
Delta Experiment - for the fans of Deltarune and Undertale :D
UT gangster Au - Yes. Another gangster AU. At least I got my priorities straight >:0
Refinedtale - What do you mean it isn't the "ultimate happy ending"?! Everytime I see daddy Gaster trying his best, my heart skips a beat >:/
The skeleton games- i didn't sleep and I have no regrets. The slow romance and fluffiness with the violent Underfell is a great combination. And the protagonist is one of my favorites of all time
Fatal error- the character is so interesting aaaaa Geno and Error is a nice combination. And the creepiness is top tier ✨
Fellswapx- Toriel is so mean, i love it 💕
Underwar- Sans is so op aaaaa
Ragnartale- not really into the love triangle but the story grew on me SO HARD
Flowey-is-not-a-good-life-coach- ah yes, the angst is very tasty thank you
Growth Spurt AU - Asriel my beloved
Eldritchrune- normally I don't recommend concept aus but oh my oh my so gooooooood
Over the void - MK, Frisk and Asriel enter a portal u.u LOVE IT 7AGAGSJWJWK
Shifter au- an Au where Papyrus chose to give his life to a parasite shape shifter when he was a child!
Spitetale- love that even Chara be like "yo frisk chill the fuck up* on a genocide run
Pedia's Clover - absolutely fun and adorable au with takes of Clover from Undertale yellow!
I would be grateful for any feedbacks or even list ideias :)
Enjoy 💕
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lgcmedia · 2 years
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I’m not truly one to write these kinds of posts, but I've been thinking about this moment for two days now and I think I need to let people know what happened. My uncle owns a cafe in Fujisawa, which I work with during my school holidays. This year he let me tag along with him to the Tokyo Cafe Show. Naturally I prepared myself to talk to various vendors, and maybe watch some demonstrations, but I didn’t expect to see Legacy there promoting their cafe! I was so shocked and tried to explain to my uncle why but somehow he found more interest in a new espresso machine, so we parted ways so I could investigate. When I approached, a very handsome guy handed me a flyer and urged me to come to Korea to eat at their cafe. I ended up explaining to him that I have been wanting to go to Korea but never had the chance, to which the guy began to give me suggestions of places to visit about Seoul. Honestly, I assumed this guy was some good looking local guy the company hired to pass out flyers but at some point he mentioned he was actually a model under Legacy. I was shocked— somehow that information made me think ‘oh he is basically a celebrity!’ He told me his name was Taiyou, and when I asked if he could please tell the members of V&A how much I support them, he seemed so earnest in saying he would. I don’t really follow models but Taiyou seemed like a genuinely nice person, and his manners only seemed to make him more handsome.
[+/- ] Oh god! Taiyou is soooo goood looking!  I genuinely wish there had been more shots of him during LGC Style bc he’s really hot and his voice 💀  [+/-] OP are you sure this guy wasn’t hitting on you? For I know he didn’t slip you his number on one of his flyers  [+/- ] It’s so refreshing hearing that famous people are actually nice 
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Spring Break Thoughts
bc i want to get stuck in an airport and break into first class
spoilers below
the most...profound intro?
“maybe it’s really about other people” looks at gina
i have jumped on the portwell train
when i first saw they were doing zoom backgrounds i was not on board, but they’ve grown on me carlos’ sucks
miss jenn and the zoom backgrounds
nini didn’t you get cut?
you know miss jenn they could get together out side of school (at least the kids who are here)
olivia is so pretty
aww carlos called miss jenn his madrina
seblos tension, ill get to that later
they’re so passive aggressive guys i love it
“You guys are watching like, old, old movies”
“This is why we’re soulmates” the redyln goal has been reached bye
this...this is the only line they get?
miss jenn has obviously not gotten the memo
three weeks and you havent blocked act two
“not it”
of course sebby is the last one to leave
“bye” awww miss jenn
just one complement after another ej
he looks so good ej should do it more often
ej fell hard guys
jack in the background doing tik toks i cant
gina and signs
ugh its lynne
i dont care enough to spell her name right
“just being a burrito here”
bitter ricky, i feel ya
“I’m sorry to hear that’s it over” *smiles*
nini you should have just posted a video
ope empty notebook
awww ej’s insta
gina and jack
thats it
“she changed her name” nina is literally her real name 
the leg pull away
ricky and bedding is my new favorite ship besides therapy
“Your boy Jack”
when i first saw the promo for this nini scene i was worried it was gonna be another solo (shes had like 16)
my gay heart is bursting
nina really said “rainbows are awesome” this episode
and the necklace is off
guys i love improv scenes
it was so goood
soooo howie and kourt just get no closure after that killer song last week? no nothing? 
i love kourtney
sofia is so pretty
okay i dont ship jack and gina but they’re fun together, little chaos demons
“my friends, like, my castmates, they think it sucks what you did on opening night”
good talk, long overdo. nothing is solved by any means but little steps
the therapy line omfg 
“I’ll meet you in the pool” there is an ocean right behind you
 “Don’t ask me”
“Ashlyn, Big Red, Miss. Jenn, Carlos”
the way seb’s face just DROPS when he mentions carlos
“Are you guys fighting” big red looked so happy omfg
“That would imply that we’re speaking”
“Who has time to talk when you’re busy posting selfies with random guys in a cabana”
guys i had to pause for five minutes because i was dying
jealous seb... where did you come from?
first off, it seems the writers love to make major seblos things happen off screen. examples include there pinning and officially getting together
where... where did all this tension come from? it has been light the past two episodes then bam, everything they say to each other is bitter. since when is seb jealous? the writers have so many other conflicts to talk about and they choose jealous seb? off all thing?!?! im honestly kind of disappointed because there are so many other things to talk about from previous episodes and instead they choose this?!?!?! hopefully this isn’t the only thing that is addressed next week, it cant be. they better talk about the constant “no seb” because its an issue. 
moral of the story is i hope the fight next episode isn’t about seb being jealous bc there is so much more to talk about
i am loving passive aggressive seb like i hope that doesn’t go away when their conflict is resolved bc it’s awesome
HERE are my thoughts on the zoom call
okay seb’s line about doing public makes sense with the full episode
everyone on the call is just like “wtf happened to my otp”
“Hi Nini!” ejjjj
you have to watch the scene twice, one to watch nini and ashlyn and another for ej
sassy gina i love her
guys i just love everybody
ej is a child i love it
ricky i feel you with the songwriting
look at big red being best friend of the year now give him a plot line
i am under the impression jack recorded gina 
i love transitions and that was it
matt is ripped
julia lester showed up this season. queen shit 
she is perfect
i am so confused with seb’s gloves
that has been bugging me for two days 
carlos has more style then a hawaiian shirt and khakis
im in heaven the harmonies are soooo good
they are amazing they sound so good
you can hear all there voices
julia popped off
aint seen nothin is really good, i wasn’t sure about it at first but its grown. they sound so damn good the talent they hold. not the best song but its fun
the video actually looks better than i thought it would
“Wow” me too richard
jack is fun, i’d be okay if he comes back. he is a little chaos demon.
i like how the writers didn’t make them romantic (for once), hopefully gina got his number bc i would
i want to be stuck at an airport with jack
“let you go” is genius. so far the best original song this season. josh has been killing it lately. this is the ballad ricky deserves. lyrical genius. he sounds sooo good.
the one time i agree with lynne
nOoOoOoOo thats it?!?! i cannot wait a week i refuse
i normally don’t talk about promos but episode 10 (im a sucker for sleepover episodes) is my most anticipated episode so we gonna do it. 
for starters ricky has a guitar, so he might sing?
ooo lily is back?
ashlyn and ricky where have you been?!?!
seb and the girls yesss
since in a heartbeat is next episode seb probably leaves? i hope it is a private moment
oh please talk about your other issues pleaseee
“why did i never hear about this?” nina no, it was an accident alright?
gina and nini haven’t interacted this season and the first thing they do is fight.
lets hope there “beef” doesn’t take the a slot 
maybe another seblos kiss?
did you know i love seblos
i have stocked up my tears for next week
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