#this recipe is SOOO easy and SO yummy
footballerimaginess · 9 months
Fluff Alphabet | Christmas
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Merry Christmas everyone! Here is a a fluff alphabet with Joao Felix, hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think of it. Word Count: 1,347 ADVENT CALENDAR - You and Joao were like little children and had to get advent calendar's each year, each year you'd get chocolate but this year Joao made you a book calendar and he wrapped them all up and left them out in the mornings for you to collect. It was the cutest thing anyone had ever done for you.
BAKING - There were so many new recipes that you wanted to try, there were just so many you'd seen on TikTok that you wanted to make and you knew you had so much time and were ready to prepare some sweet treats for Christmas. CHRISTMAS DAY - As this season you were back in Spain, you were so excited to be celebrating in Spain with his family coming over and you were just so excited to be with everyone DECORATIONS - "There are just so many decorations here, why do you need even more?" he asked as you shook your head. "I dunno, I am obsessed with just picking up new decorations. They are cute right?" you showed him as you took the new sparkly lights in the box. "I guess, but we don't need anymore" he moaned again. EMOTIONAL - When Joao handed you your presents, you were feeling extra emotional. "This is for you" he smiled as he sat down beside you as he watched you pulling the ribbon off of the box. "Shit is this what I think it is" you muttered as you opened it up and it was the bag you had dreamed of for years. FOOD - "We just have so much food" you laughed as you plated up. "It all looks so good" you grinned as you watched as everyone played up. Smiling away as you were just so proud of how you had achieved so much in one morning. GENEROUS - You were just so generous at Christmas and had to buy so many gifts and never stuck with the spending limit. Christmas was one time of the year where you had to really treat everyone. HOT CHOCOLATE - You and Joao were snuggled up on the sofa together as you were sipping on your hot chocolates that you had just made. Laying under the blanket as you were watching Christmas films. ICE SKATING - One of your traditions is going ice skating with Joao. Despite the both of you being absolutely shocking, you still loved going yet embarrassing yourself was a talent in itself. JOY - Seeing your family all together at this time of the year was just so joyful and it was always the most amazing get together's. KITCHEN - The kitchen was a complete mess, there was just so much stuff around, where you hadn't cleaned up at all. "How can one person make this much of a mess when you are only cooking for two people?!?" you turned around as you looked at the mess. "I know it is crazy, I just kept picking up dishes and making stuff" you laughed. "I suppose you'll have to be helping me" you smirked. "Hmm, don't think so LOVE - You and Joao were so in love, this year was the first proper year where you had time to relax and just enjoy Christmas whilst you were resting and taking it easy. MARKETS - "Ooh look at those churros, can we get those?" you asked Joao as you pointed to the stand. "yes sure, but what else do you want? because that smells so good" you muttered. "Fine let's go and see what else we can get. Everything looks and smells so nice" he grinned.
NORTH POLE - You and Joao were going to Lapland, you had hinted at wanting to go for ages now. "This is so magical, but my god it is sooo cold" you shivered as you felt like you were just so cold and had no way of warming up as you grabbed his hand as tightly as you possibly could. "I feel like this is what it would be like if we went to the north pole" you let out a laugh and immediately regretted it as it was just so cold you were frozen. OUTFIT - Your Christmas outfit just needs to be comfy, it was all about your comfy clothes at this time especially as you were eating so much yummy food.
PRESENTS - The amount of presents underneath Christmas were crazy considering there were only a handful of you here for Christmas. "This is madness babe, think we went overboard" you smirked. "Nope, never" you giggled. QUEUE - The queues for the shops were just insane, all you wanted was a last few minute Christmas presents and you had been standing here for about 35 minutes now and you couldn't wait any longer. But it was slowly worth it. REINDEER - "What are all the reindeers called?" Joao asked as you were watching it on the tv. "Rudolph, prancer that is all i can remember" you laughed as you grabbed your phone and decided to google the reindeer's names. "I, Vixen and Cupid" you told him. "There are 9 but I could have sworn there was way more than that" you laughed as you showed all of the names. "There was no way I was going to remember all of that" you laughed. SNOW - A white Christmas is all that you wanted, you were just so happy and it was just so incredible. "Wow J, look how beautiful it looks. I have never seen snow at Christmas time, it is just so beautiful" you whispered as you watched the large snowflakes falling down as it hit the window. TINSEL - "What is this?" you turned around and saw Joao holding tinsel in his hand. "Tinsel?" you looked at him confused as you knew he had seen it before. "You know what it is right?" you asked as you turned to face him. "Yes but what is the purpose of it?" you shrugged as you didn't know yourself. "I dunno, just decoration. It always makes me think of my Nan so that is why I have to have some in the house" you smiled as Joao nodded, knowing how much she meant to you. UP (couldn't think of anything lol) - One of your favourite things to do was watch dinsey movies at Christmas. Your choice of film this year was UP, it was one of your absolute favourites and I just couldn't wait to watch it. Joao would moan because you never ever picked his favourite film which annoyed him, but this time it was your choice. VOICE - You hated singing and wasn't going to even attempt to sing, but Joao loved singing even though he always told you that he hated his singing voice. But you'd always catch him singing a Christmas song or two. WINTER WONDERLAND - When you were in London with Joao, you really loved going to winter wonderland. So when Joao had a break for a few days, you headed to London so you could go to winter wonderland. "This is so much fun, I am just glad we could do this again. Feels weird that we were in London for only one season, I miss being here" you replied as you walked around. "Course I miss it too, shame it didn't work out for us" he shrugged. Xxx - Christmas was the best time to be with family and you were so excited to have your own family one day and make Christmas even more special. YOU - You and Joao were so happy this Christmas, it felt different. Last year was completely different from being in England for the first time. You were excited to do something different but this time you felt so content with life and was so excited for the year. Zzz - Christmas was so hectic that all you wanted to do was sleep, you had to have a small little nap on the sofa whilst Joao sorted all his presents out because he had to get rid off all the boxes straight away. You just napped your Christmas away.
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chelemlem · 3 months
oooh what kind of things do you bake? I'd love to try them sometimes 💞 have a sweet day!!
hello anon!!!!! thank u for giving me an excuse to talk about BAKING
sooo just before covid i took a 3 week dessert course and kind of became obsessed??? during lockdown i used to watch tons & tons of videos on process nd technique instead of physically yaknow Doing Anything bc i hated the idea of ~wasting ingredients~ at my mediocre skill level which looking back was an insane approach but i kinddd of think it helped bc when i started making things more regularly the improvement was p quick !!
my fave thing to bake is pastry (puff, choux, shortcrust, filo) so basically any kind of sweet tart/croissant/eclair/profiterole/pie ❤️ i also love a savoury curried egg or chicken puff but that's kind of a gamble bc what EYE think is an okay level of spice does not fly for everyone else. when it comes to large batches for a party or something i usually stick to sweet 2 be safe
pictured: fruit mascarpone tart → mango danish → tiny baby pains au chocolat <33
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course i make cake and stuff too and it's FINE but i also know lots of ppl who are better at it lol. i'm pretty Terri at piping anything more complex than a simple swirl so when it comes to deco i tend to stick to covering the top with store-bought macarons/fruit and calling it a day. also maybe it's just me but full layer cakes are such a hassle to cut and store...... i adore a cutieful low commitment CUPCAKE tho <33
my order of preference when it comes to baking is pastry > cookies/brownies/cupcakes > layer cakes >>>>> bread. ugh BREAD i cannot figure her out but i Want to...... someday...
thing is bread is honestly such a delicate process where ur final product will flop unless the ratios are justé right and u proofed at something.000001 degrees and mercury is in retrograde whereas the rules of pastry are more relaxed and intuitive and involve doing vaguely unhinged things like holding fistfuls of ice cubes before you handle ur dough so the heat from ur palms doesn't melt the butter... it's also great for LAZY BITCHES LIKE ME because a "4 hour recipe minus baketime" sounds intense until u realize 3h15 mins of that is just chucking the thing in the fridge between rolls
choux au craquelin is probably what i make the most often. love a textured little cream puff!!! versatile and scalable and easy to transport... she's that girl truly
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also today i remade the mango one i was telling k about and it turned out muchhh better with a chunkier filling yay 🥭
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convinced i'm never going to get a pretty cross-section in my life but wtvr they still tasted good !!!
goals for the future:
bread but specifically this yummy pesto babka i had in february
creme brulee donut......... need her
crookie but less dry bc i've been kind of unimpressed by the ones i've had so far
something citrusy w/o relying on chocolate as a crutch
basically i really love baking! like experimenting/trying new recipes ofc but also just the process of consciously altering and improving upon stuff you've already made :')
and yeah feeding ppl is bonus <3 hope u have a good day too!!!
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funkforbreakfast · 1 year
“Let me cook for you”
Cooking is a huge importance to me — food was an activity that brought together my family during the holidays, custody exchanges, and sunday nights. My parents expressed their love to us via homemade dinners and produce grown from our backyard, but I still paid close attention to their techniques so as to pick them up myself. In college, I opted out of a meal plan as soon as possible — slicing and sauteing brought me more joy than an easy meal ever could (with the added bonus that my acid reflux disappeared as soon as I stopped eating from Dewick). But whenever I want to catch up with friends, they suggest a dining hall or Tufts cafe.
“Let me cook for you”
I struggle to choose easy meals to prepare, but I’d rather spend the two hours cooking with a loved one and then eating for twenty minutes. We are making something together, a collaborative effort that reassures our compatibility. Sometimes this is soup or pizza — but most recently, it was butter chickpeas, for 100 people.
The Tufts Mountain Club has been my central community in college. It encouraged me to be more mindful of my health when I was at my worst, but also expanded my definitions on how to enjoy the outdoors (I am now a self proclaimed Everglades lover). It might be a 900 person club, but there are pockets within it that hold the most genuine people I’ve met during my time here. And most of my strongest friendships have only started at the Loj in New Hampshire.
Last weekend, I was in Woodstock, New Hampshire for the return of one of TMC’s favorite traditions — Lojstock. This music festival amongst the mountain welcomes 100 band and audience members for a day of river swimming, barbeque eating, and good tunes. As someone who took on more of the planning process than I would have liked, I naturally opted for the free way to attend Lojstock — joining the cooking team. This crew was assembled of my favorite TMC people to hang with in a warm kitchen — people who let the stress make them a little goofy. Usually, the kitchen crew cooks common cabin staples like overcooked pasta with jarred tomato sauce or crusty chili. But, as a food connoisseur, I vetoed both meals and settled for a much more interesting option: butter chickpeas. I was nervous at the outcome, but people returned for seconds and thirds and even brought home leftovers in tupperware! My favorite thing about this meal is that 1) it tasted significantly better than any other loj meal, 2) was easier on my stomach than chili or gluten, 3) it was relatively high in veggies (which is hard to come by at the Loj). 
Lojstock ‘23 Butter Chickpeas
Contributors: Jeannine Pecoraro ‘25, Lily Pearl Langos ‘24, Danny Rodriguez ‘24, Carmen Smoak ‘25, Gwen Brown ‘24
This dish was a HUGE hit at Lojstock ‘23 and sooo many people asked for the recipe afterwards. It is about as easy as making chili; however, it is a much more interesting and yummy dish. Requires knowledge of spices/general butter sauce taste.
Inspired by https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020739-indian-butter-chickpeas  
Prep: 30 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Yields: ~100 servings
Dairy, alium
Not vegan unless you swap butter for vegetable oil
20 red onions
16 cans of chickpeas
Eyeballed amount of garlic powder (be generous)
Eyeballed amount of ginger
Eyeballed amount of ground cumin
Eyeballed amount of paprika
Sprinkle of cinnamon
4 sticks of butter
8 cans of crushed tomatoes
15 cans of coconut milk
Eyeballed amount of curry powder
Mince or blend the onions
Empty chickpeas into a strainer and rinse with water. Move it a large bowl and combine with the spices (have your friend with the best spice knowledge complete this step, you do NOT want to underseason this dish)
Melt butter in the largest pot over medium-low heat. Add onions and cook til browned at edges (approximately 30 minutes), stir often.
Add in crushed tomatoes and stir.
Add in coconut milk and stir.
Add in the chickpeas and stir. Let the mixture stew and bubble until chickpeas soften but stir occasionally to prevent burning.
Serve with rice and enjoy!!
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knifenymph · 4 years
the meal i'm eating right now... Exquisite
sautéed mushrooms and spinach with garlic, onion, lemon, turmeric, salt, n pepper (my go to, quick meal) mixed in with quinoa, all inside a spaghetti squash omfg..........
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notyobabygirl · 4 years
hey girl! this will be long i’m so sorry 🥺
i’ve gained weight since quarantine started which is also around the time i started dating my bf. we eat out a few days a week and i get 0 exercise now. my days consist of me waking up around 8am, babysitting until 5pm, going to my bf’s house until 1am, coming home & spending the rest of my night watching my shows and snacking until i go to bed around 2/3/4am. growing up my weight would fluctuate a lot: in elementary school i was chubby, in middle school i magically lost it all and was skinny, freshman/sophomore year of hs i was a literal twig and super unhealthily skinny, junior year i gained a little weight but was still skinny, and senior year (last year also when i first met my bf) was probably the best my body has been. it’s funny because last year i thought i was fat and was insecure but now looking back, i was literally perfect and i would kill to look like that again. i see how easy it was for me to gain weight over the years and i want to make a change in my habits so bad but with my schedule and with gyms being closed where i live it’s hard. i’m gonna try to not make excuses though lol but my issue is once i start, i want to see the results asap or i get really unmotivated. ik a girl from my school who has lost 70lbs since last year and she posted a tiktok about it and it made me feel better like i could do it. i have a weird relationship with food though. i would literally starve myself in 8,9,10th grade and now i love food and i actually have an appetite. my weight gain has also caused me to be insecure in my relationship. i’m constantly wondering if my bf is less attracted to me or if he notices it. he’s never mentioned it but i have to admit i was so much hotter when he first met me than i am now. and all his past girls that ik of are relatively skinny and i think about that too and compare myself :/ in the back of my mind i know i’m really insecure about gaining weight but i usually don’t let it get to me. but tonight i decided i wanted to ‘see what i look like from someone else’s view’ so i set up my phone using flash and the back camera and turned/posed so i could see how my body looked. i actually did a few of these videos (i was wearing a tight cropped tank top and baggy sweats). and i feel so disgusted by myself. i knew i gained weight but i looked like a whale from certain views. most of the weight i gained went to my tummy and arms sadly. from behind my arms/shoulders look so fat and my stomach is the biggest it’s ever been. most people wouldn’t consider me “fat” but i feel huge. i want to start good habits (eat better, exercise more, etc) but i don’t know where to start or how long i’ll last. i know it’ll be worth it in the end but i need motivation right now to even begin. i’m so sorry that was a literal book to read, but it would mean a lot if you had any tips on staying motivated, how i can eat healthier and exercise while having such a strict schedule? i don’t necessarily want to “diet” and the amount of information that is out there on eating habits and working out is so confusing. like everyone says different things and contradict each other that idk what i exactly should do to reach my goals. i want to lose general weight (especially in my tummy and arms) and overall be more confident and happy. thank you 🤍 sorry again for the length of this!
hi hi! well first of all I dont think your boyfriend got any less attracted to you at all! boys are also pretty oblivious. dont worry about what he thinks because its not important. he loves you for you and clearly if he has never even said anything then that proves my point even more! also wanna say I have taken self timer pictures of my body and I was mortified too lol. like I swear it made me look 10x worse than I did so dont look too much into the pictures. adding exercise into your diet will help so if you want to wake up before babysitting (I dont blame you if you dont lol) then that would be a great way to start the morning and get it over with. but If you dont then after babysitting take an hour to go to the gym or do workouts at home. to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficient. if you do little to no activity during the day and just eat shit all day then it will catch up with you (it did to me beginning of the year). dedicate ATLEAST 30 minutes into doing something. I have been so into walking for an hour and listening to podcasts, its like my fav things. eating healthy is the most important part though, tell your boyfriend you are eating healthy and you will go with him to get food but you won't always get something or you will find the healthiest option. growing up I always thought that eating healthy means eating gross foods but eating healthy can be soooo yummy. tik toks really helped me find recipes as well as going on Pinterest or even just going to the grocery store and experimenting. buy healthy snacks, veggies, skinny pop, halo top, hummus, rice cakes and pb, fruits, frozen fruit, smoothies. that helped me start losing weight and replacing unhealthy foods with good healthy ones. the grocery store is like the first step and getting into that mindset like ok im going to eat healthy is important. you know you can do it, anyone can do it. you just have to be ok with saying no to eating out and stuff. drink sooo much water, I have a 40oz hydro flask and I think I drink close to like 2 gallons not kidding. also tea!! I love tea so much. If you dont buy the junk food then you cant eat it! I know you can do this, you got this!!!!!!
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bananaagirl · 6 years
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@frommybowl chickpea chick’n salad!!! Made into an open faced sandwich. This recipe is sooo easy, simple, and so yummy!! I put it on a piece of gluten free, vegan bread from a local bakery in town, Tandem Doughnuts!! A bit of vegan butter, and butter lettuce❤️
Follow my friend @montanavegan on instagram for more!
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mealprepster · 6 years
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Any enchilada lovers here??? 🙋 Tag friends that must try this! 🤤 . What’s for dinner tonight? I know what I’m having! This enchilada recipe is heaven! It’s so easy, filling and delicious, I could eat it almost every day. If you watched my egg white pizza video (2 posts below), it’s a similar technique, but this is a fun and yummy twist. . . To make the enchilada. INGREDIENTS: - 1 cup liquid egg whites - About 1/3 of a cooked chicken breast, shredded - 1/4 salsa (fun fact: salsa has a third of the calories compared to enchilada sauce - 2 tablespoons of shredded cheese (I used dairy free cheese by @daiya but you can use any) - 1/4 cup of beans (optional) - Chopped cilantro & hot sauce (optional) . DIRECTIONS: - Turn stovetop to medium heat. - Spray a large skillet with nonstick spray. I recommend using a large flat griddle (typically user for quesadillas or pancakes). - Pour egg whites and swirl around so there’s a large even surface. - In the meantime, you can prepare the other ingredients or make a side salad like I did. - As the eggs begin to settle and become opaque, use a spatula to expose more liquid egg white to the pan. - Once you have a solid, large “tortilla,” slide it out onto a large surface like a cutting board and let cool. - Fill with the chicken, salsa, half the cheese, and beans and cilantro (if using). - Start by rolling in the sides, then roll up like a wrap. - Add additional salsa if you’d like and remaining cheese on top. . Dig in an enjoy!! If you take a pic or a story, be sure to tag me so I can see. It’s sooo good!. ---------------- 🔔 Save this post to reference. 🔔 Don't forget to turn ON Post notifications. 🔔 Your turn! Tag #mealprepster and @mealprepster for a chance to get featured! 📸 via: @ilanamuhlsteinrd https://ift.tt/2W7cPd8
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miyasann · 2 years
henlo miss ann ;* hru doing today !! tell me what u been up to ! what’d u eat :o ? any recipe recs . . . ive been wanting to try out new things hehe 🤭🍋
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miss coco hi my love 💘💘 ive just been rotting 😋😋 enjoying my last few days before school starts 🥹 i just go for training and lately ive been meeting up with a friend to help him prepare a scrapbook for his boss who's leaving and a birthday card for his friend so thats been fun!! ive also been playing lots of genshin grr >.<
i had a pork belly bowl for lunch and it was sooo yummy and then i got hazelnut milk tea 😋 as for recipe recs!!!! mug recipes are my faves bc theyre so easy and just a large enough portion for me teehee <3 theres this really easy oreo mug cake i made at least once a day back when i was studying for national exams >.< AND theres this korean corn cheese ramen ive only made once but it was so good i hope i can make it again soon 🤞🏼🤞🏼
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samtriestocook · 6 years
Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Wild Rice Soup
I need to use this blog more bc I’ve been cooking a lot (since I’m between jobs and essentially a lesbian housewife in the meantime). 
Sooo, this is super yummy and creamy and easy! I used this recipe, with a few substitutions/changes: 
1. used fresh thyme and rosemary from my patio garden instead of dried
2. used pre-sliced white mushrooms, not cremini
3. needed to add some salt and pepper to taste at the end of the cook time, probably 2-3 tsp each (possibly b/c I used low-sodium chicken broth for part of the chicken broth)
4. Added somewhere between 1/2-1 cup kale
5. used a white/brown/red/wild rice blend, rather than pure wild rice (which is expeeeeensive, y’all)
6. I think I also put a little more half-and-half into it at the end, too
7. omitted parsley
So, racking up the cost: 
1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts: $3.42
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste: already had
6 cups chicken stock: $2.98
1 cup wild rice (blend): whole thing was $6.59, used roughly 1/5 of the package --> $1.32
3 cloves garlic, minced: already had
1 onion, diced: $0.58
3 carrots, peeled and diced: $0.79 (and only used half of them!) --> $0.40
3 stalks celery, diced: $1.29 (and only used half of them!)--> $0.65
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme (from garden)
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary (from garden)
2 bay leaves (already had)
1 pound cremini white mushrooms, thinly sliced: $1.99
1/4 cup unsalted butter: $3.39, used 1/4 of the package --> $0.85
1/4 cup all-purpose flour: already had
1 cup milk: already had
1 cup half and half: $1.39
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 cup kale: $0.69 (and only used less than half!) --> $0.35
So, the total cost was $23.11, and if you only count what I used (since I’m gonna be using a lot of the extra vegetables for a pot roast, the wild rice for future side dishes, butter for general cooking stuff, etc), then the cost was $13.93.
So... depending on the calculation method, with 8 servings, this means the cost/serving is either $2.89 or $1.74.
Not bad!
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juilojio753 · 3 years
Kristas vegetarian chilli. Chili without the mess thanks to Bounty, The Quicker Picker Upper. Both use chili paste that you can make from scratch. This video is sponsored by Bounty Paper Towels.
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It's so easy to make with these simple ingredients and techniques. Break out your soup pot and fix up a batch of this delicious, spicy vegetarian chili today! It's ready in no time, and packed with vegetables, beans - and flavor!
Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, kristas vegetarian chilli. One of my favorites. This time, I will make it a bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Chili without the mess thanks to Bounty, The Quicker Picker Upper. Both use chili paste that you can make from scratch. This video is sponsored by Bounty Paper Towels.
Kristas vegetarian chilli is one of the most favored of current trending foods in the world. It is appreciated by millions every day. It's simple, it's fast, it tastes yummy. Kristas vegetarian chilli is something which I've loved my entire life. They are fine and they look wonderful.
To begin with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook kristas vegetarian chilli using 14 ingredients and 15 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.
The ingredients needed to make Kristas vegetarian chilli:
{Get 1 tsp of minced garlic.
{Take 1 large of can Tostitos salsa.
{Take 1 can of diced tomato.
{Prepare 1 packages of McCormick chilli seasoning packet.
{Prepare 1 can of black beans.
{Get 1 can of kidney beans.
{Prepare 1 cup of corn.
{Make ready 1 of green and red pepper.
{Get 1 of onion.
{Get 2 cup of of water.
{Make ready 1 of garlic Salt.
{Make ready 1 of few sprinkles of salt.
{Make ready 1 of few sprinkles pepper.
{Get 1 of fresh tomato diced.
This incredible vegetarian chili recipe is made with super simple ingredients that you might already have in your kitchen and pantry. This vegetarian chili is till every bit as warm, comforting, and filling as a classic beef chili. Three types of beans do the heavy lifting in the chili and "beef" it up. It's filled with warm spices and a jalapeño.
Instructions to make Kristas vegetarian chilli:
set medium heat stove top or crock pot.
throw garlic in with onions diced up and peppers.
add some garlic salt to veggies.
add corn.
mix good and add beans in.
heat for 5 minuets.
throw in diced tomato.
put salsa in.
add 2 cups of,water or your preferred thickness.
add diced fresh tomato.
add packet of McCormick chilli seasoning.
stir and turn down to low.
let simmer 2 to 4 hours.
put in bowl and throw some shredded cheese on top and dip with tortilla chips.
soooo yummy.
Vegetarian chilli and rice is one of my favourite dinners. It's hearty and filling, but can also feel summery if you lighten it up with a nice big salad. It's sooo delicious - I think I could eat Mexi. This vegetarian chili is the ultimate cold weather comfort food. Once the temperature starts Like any good veggie chili, it's hearty, warming, smoky, and spicy.
So that is going to wrap this up for this special food kristas vegetarian chilli recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident that you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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ssportlive4 · 3 years
Vietnamese meal - Coconut pork stew with egg. Learn to cook Vietnamese braised pork & eggs from scratch. This Vietnamese thịt kho recipe is a low and slow braise with suuuper tender and flavorful pork, with hard-boiled Here are the brands I use for the seasoning: Rico coconut soda, Kikkoman soy sauce, and Three Crabs Brand fish sauce. Vietnamese Caramelized Pork Belly & Eggs in Coconut Juice (Thịt Kho Tàu
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You will likely see this as one of the many side dishes to rice in a home-cooked Vietnamese meal. Vietnamese caramelized pork is made with small chunks of pork belly slowly braised in fish sauce and caramel. Thick cut pork belly is braised with eggs in coconut water until fall apart tender.
Hey everyone, hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a distinctive dish, vietnamese meal - coconut pork stew with egg. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Learn to cook Vietnamese braised pork & eggs from scratch. This Vietnamese thịt kho recipe is a low and slow braise with suuuper tender and flavorful pork, with hard-boiled Here are the brands I use for the seasoning: Rico coconut soda, Kikkoman soy sauce, and Three Crabs Brand fish sauce. Vietnamese Caramelized Pork Belly & Eggs in Coconut Juice (Thịt Kho Tàu
Vietnamese meal - Coconut pork stew with egg is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods in the world. It's easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions daily. They are fine and they look fantastic. Vietnamese meal - Coconut pork stew with egg is something that I've loved my whole life.
To begin with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook vietnamese meal - coconut pork stew with egg using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Vietnamese meal - Coconut pork stew with egg:
{Make ready 1 kg of Pork Belly.
{Prepare 600 ml of coconut water.
{Prepare 200 ml of water.
{Make ready 1 tbsp of sugar.
{Prepare 3 cloves of garlic.
{Make ready 3 of shallots.
{Get 1 of chili pepper.
{Get 6 tbsp of fish sauce.
{Get 6 of duck eggs.
BONUS: You'll have a glossy caramel-infused sauce to All five pork layers in Thit Kho are braised in a sticky savory caramel reduction until melt-in-your-mouth tender. The fatty meat is balanced by a light and delicately sweet. Making Vietnamese coconut braised pork is super easy. The key here is to saute the pork until it is golden brown, and then add in the remaining ingredients.
Steps to make Vietnamese meal - Coconut pork stew with egg:
Cut pork belly in size 5x5x2 inchs..
Mash sugar, shallot and chilli pepper very fine. Don't use seed of chilli pepper if you can't eat hot..
Mix pork with mash of spice and fish sauce. Cover the mixture and leave to sit at room temperature 30 minutes..
Boiling mixture of water and coconut water..
Add Pork marinated in boiling coconut and water..
When it boiling again remove bubbles and reduce heat to small and simmer in 2hr..
White simmer pork, boiling duck eggs. Remove eggshell and add in the simmer. Dont use brocken eggs because it make the soup not clear..
Eat with rice..
This dish is served with whole hard-boiled eggs which Thanh likes to saute in order to give them a golden color before placing them into the dish. Since I was lft with some coconut milk from my Satay Ayam, I needed a recipe to use it. Since Serban has long told me he liked Vietnamese cuisine, I dedicate this to him. I had to do some modifications to the original recipe but it ended up great. My other Vietnamese braised pork dishes: Suon Kho Xa Gung Toi Ot (Vietnamese Braised But you know, there's just something about how fish sauce makes every meal taste sooo good and comforting.
So that is going to wrap it up for this exceptional food vietnamese meal - coconut pork stew with egg recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure you will make this at home. There is gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to save this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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gelasssoek · 3 years
Instant pot egg bites. How Do You Make Instant Pot Egg Bites? This recipe uses three large eggs to make seven egg bites, using this model of silicone mold. Searching "egg bite mold" on Amazon yields tons of results, and any of the similarly-shaped brands will work well.
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They are copycat Starbucks sous vide egg bites with one main ingredient and same fluffy with no blender. Instant Pot Sous Vide Egg Bites are just like the ones you'd find at Starbucks. By making them at home in your electric pressure cooker, you'll save lots of money and you can totally customize them with your favorite flavors.
Hello everybody, it's Brad, welcome to my recipe site. Today, I'm gonna show you how to prepare a special dish, instant pot egg bites. It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.
Instant pot egg bites is one of the most well liked of recent trending foods on earth. It is enjoyed by millions daily. It's easy, it's quick, it tastes yummy. Instant pot egg bites is something that I have loved my entire life. They're nice and they look fantastic.
How Do You Make Instant Pot Egg Bites? This recipe uses three large eggs to make seven egg bites, using this model of silicone mold. Searching "egg bite mold" on Amazon yields tons of results, and any of the similarly-shaped brands will work well.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook instant pot egg bites using 15 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook that.
The ingredients needed to make Instant pot egg bites:
{Get 4 of eggs.
{Prepare 1/2 cup of Cottage Cheese.
{Take 1/4 cup of Heavy Cream.
{Prepare 2/3 cup of shredded cheese - I used aged cheddar but recipe calls for Gruyére Cheese, shredded (or emmental, jarlsberg, beaufort, or comté cheese).
{Take 1/8 tsp of Pepper.
{Make ready 2 Tbsp of Chives or green onion minced (if you have a good blender then just cut up).
{Get 3 slices of Cooked Thick Sliced Bacon, chopped (or 1/2 cup Cooked Crumbled Sausage).
{Take 1 cup of water.
{Take of Optional Add-Ins: • corn, 1 tsp Hot Sauce • 1/2 cup Broccoli (cooked, chopped small) • 1/2 cup Tomatoes, deseeded, diced • 1/2 cup Roasted Red Bell Peppers, diced • 1/2 cup Mushrooms, diced.
{Take of Tools needed for instant pot:.
{Take of Cooking Spray Egg Bites Silicone Mold.
{Take of Instant Pot® Pressure Cooker.
{Prepare of Trivet/Rack w/long handles, for the mold to sit on.
{Take of Blender.
{Make ready of And Foil.
I LOVE these egg bites sooo much!! I hope you give them a try! Below are links to the tools I used in this video and the recipe! There are a couple of suggested tools when making these babies…a blender, a a silicone baby food mold , and a Steamer Rack Trivet(this should have come.
Steps to make Instant pot egg bites:
Spray the silicone egg bites mold with the cooking spray. Then Set aside..
Add the eggs, cottage cheese, heavy cream, (use whatever cheese you love) Gruyére cheese, pepper, and chives to the blender and blend for 2 minutes on medium speed, or blend well or until the mixture is light and fully. Be careful not to blend dark ingredients with you egg mixture. The result could look nasty but taste delicious..
Next fill the egg bite mold openings halfway with the egg mixture. Then add 3/4 of the chopped bacon or other add-ins you decided on (I used mushrooms and corn) and gently press them in. Continue filling with the egg mixture, and top with remaining bacon, and press it in..
Pour 1 cup of water into the inner stainless liner of the pot. Then set the full egg bites mold on the trivet and very carefully set it in the pot. Loosely cover with foil..
Close the lid of the pot and set the steam release knob to the sealing position..
Press the Pressure Cook or Manual button (or dial) then press the +/- button (or dial) to select 8 minutes. The pot will take a few minutes to come to pressure..
When the cook cycle is finished, let the pot sit undisturbed for 8 minutes (8 minute Natural Release). Then open the steam release valve to Quick Release the remaining pressure until the pin in the lid drops down..
Open the lid and remove the foil. Use silicone mitts to grasp the trivet handles and carefully remove the egg bites mold. Set aside to rest for about 4 minutes. They may be puffed up quite a bit, but they will go back down. They will come out of the mold easier if they cool a little..
Serve warm as is, or with any garnish you like..
Recipe Notes *If you like lots of add-ins in one batch, you may have too much mixture for one mold to hold it all. Maybe consider getting a second mold, or make another batch. One batch yields 7 Instant Pot Egg Bites.
Calories: 118 kcal per egg bite.
Place trivet with the egg bites mold in Instant Pot. Close lid, then turn Venting Knob to Sealing position. See how to make sous vide egg bites in the Instant Pot, including bacon gruyere and other flavors. Instant Pot Egg Bites are super easy and fun to make in the pressure cooker. They are delicious and are the perfect addition to your breakfast menu.
So that is going to wrap this up with this exceptional food instant pot egg bites recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I'm confident that you can make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!
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notyobabygirl · 4 years
I work from home and I catch myself snacking and eating sooo unhealthy. We only get a 30 minute lunch and I grab some greasy chips. I have a mini fridge,and air fryer in my office. How can I do a 360 and have healthy food? My face is breaking out also
one of the biggest tips i have from not snacking at home is don’t buy unhealthy foods. if they aren’t accessible to you then you can eat them. opt for more healthy snacks like skinny pop bags or almonds. i know meal prep can be intimiding and time consuming but it actually is super easy and saves so much time. look up recipes you like to eat that are healthy and make them the night before, then when you are on your lunch break out it in the microwave or air fryer and your done. i’m on a black bean veggie burger kick rn and i make those in my air fryer in like 10 mins. you can make some sides the night before for the entire week and just heat them up. buying healthy foods will make you eat them!! there are so many healthy snacks you can get and they seriously do fill you up so much more than a bag of chips. i feel like people think eating healthy means you are eating not yummy food but there are so many healthy foods out there that are amazinggggg. i love these chocolate rice cakes and i put some powder pb on them and strawberries on top and drizzle with cinnamon or honey and it’s amazing. make a list of healthy foods and go grocery shopping! you got this
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ketomealus · 4 years
Have you tried CREAMY CHICKEN & HERB DUMPLING SOUP?? Sooo yummy & very easy to ...
Have you tried CREAMY CHICKEN & HERB DUMPLING SOUP?? Sooo yummy & very easy to …
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Have you tried @withpeanutbutterontop’s CREAMY CHICKEN & HERB DUMPLING SOUP?? Sooo yummy & very easy to make! 🙌🏼 Find this recipe & so many amazing ones like it on @withpeanutbutterontop’s Insta & blog! 🍋 @withpeanutbutterontop 🥒 @withpeanutbutterontop 🍝 @withpeanutbutterontop
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this-is-yingfa · 7 years
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A Plant-Based meal #25
Savoy cabbage, my new favorite vegetable! The appearance of the cabbage is quite attractive with it’s puckered dark green curly leaves on the outside. The taste is mildly sweet and can be eaten raw. I like the texture a lot because it is very crunchy and easy to eat. I must say, I’ve not tried or fallen in love with so many new vegetables before in my life as I have these past few months! 
Since this is my first time cooking with this hearty vegetable, I did some research to learn about some of the health benefits. I read savoy cabbage is free from fats, cholesterol and rich in vitamin A, K, C, E, B1 to B3, B5 and B6. It possesses protein, fiber, iron, manganese, folate, thiamin, potassium, calcium and magnesium. What does all this mean for me? Foods rich in these vitamins and minerals help to 1) eliminate the bacteria present in the mouth which in turn promotes healthy gums and teeth 2) promote brain health against ailments like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s 3) reduce the chance of several types of cancer: colon, prostate, nasal, stomach and oral 4) prevent the damage of free radicals, pollutants and toxic chemicals that cause heart disease, cancer and arthritis 5) help maintain blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes and more! These are all great reasons for including more savoy cabbage in my diet. 
I wasn’t sure how to go about tackling this heavy and dense vegetable so I had to go on YouTube to learn how to properly prepare it! LOL. This recipe is really simple but sooo yummy and comforting: saute loads of fresh garlic in plant butter, add some salt/black pepper, whole wheat spaghetti and savoy cabbage. A nice change from my usual tomato based pasta dishes!
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luvdsc · 4 years
hiya! youre honestly the nicest person 🥺 I’ll try my best to come chat with you frequently!! how have you been? got up to anything interesting the last few days? I’m doing alright, been catching up on my sleep (as I often tell my mom the last good sleep I had was when I was in the womb so I’m making up for it whenever I can) so haven’t really been up to much. don’t worry about not planning your fics, inspiration strikes at the most random times but it always works out :)) (1/?)
same here with the quarantine situation, pretty sure they’re just waiting for a week or two before shutting everything down again, but id rather they do that and keep the cases down that have the risk of it spreading more tbh 😕 ooooooh glad to hear you like baking too!! I’ve mostly been making shortbread cookies and the occasional fruit cake, but other than that I haven’t really done other recipes although I’m looking into trying out new ones :)) (2/?)
as for shows I’m starting to watch those quick tasty vids that pop up on my dash on youtube (cue them quarantine time cravings) and not to be that cliche person but I like comedies with the occasional rom-coms here and there but also a good action show ☺️ oh not forgetting to mention those good content shows like nct life (oh my goodness the recent one is so good and the dreamies are so cute AHHHHHHHHHHHSHSNDJSJZM) (3/?)
OOOOOOH you have superior taste too!!! 🤩🤩 (renjun stans unite) 💗💗 I totally agree that nct is a three in one deal, but that makes it all the better! hmm I wouldn’t say that I have favourites in each subunit (cause it’s so hard to pick one) but if I had to pick it’d be mark, doyoung and jaehyun for 127, winwin and xiaojun for wayv, and just bundle all the dreamies together and we’ll leave it at that haha 💕 (4/?)
the groups I’m mostly into are svt, ateez, the boyz, txt, stray kids and monsta x (mostly boy groups oops), and apart from these I do occasionally listen to blackpink, red velvet, twice, eric nam and chungha :)) (hmu fellow enthusiasts/stans heheh) is there anything that you particularly enjoy baking/making? ooh what’s your fav genre of music and are there non-kpop artists that you listen to? also, (once again if you don’t mind sharing), what’s your mbti? have a great weekend 💖💖 -✨ (4?/5?)
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hi, honey bee! 💓 omg you’re the sweetest, thank you for saying that 🥺🥺 i’ve been doing really well!! i started watching avatar for the first time today! so many people have said such good things about it, so i decided to try it out, and it’s really good! it’s also easy to watch and good background noise :’) and LOL that’s so true though! i’ve been catching up on sleep, too, so it’s been really nice! i hope you get to sleep in late everyday!! 🌙 ah, that’s so true, thank you for your reassurance 💛 this method of writing with no plan has worked for me so far, so i might as well continue with it and hope my fic comes out ok :’)
and exactly!! i rather be stuck in quarantine and have everything shut down as opposed to even more rapid increases in the number of cases ): omg that sounds so yummy! shortbread cookies are always so tasty, and my parents love fruitcake 💞  what recipes do you want to try next? 
omg yes i love those the short tasty videos too!!! i watch a lot of food videos on youtube, but they always make me so hungry askjdfhas oooh, what’s your favorite comedies, rom coms, and action shows? :o and YESS i love the new nct life season!!! it’s so funny omg the dreamies are all comedians, and i wish they were on variety shows more! it’s a shame that hyuck isn’t there with them, but i hope he was able to rest after working so hard 💕
askhdflaksjd perhaps i favor renjun just a teeny tiny bit over the other dreamies but i love all the dreamies so much so it’s so hard to pick just one ): but sicheng still triumphs as the overall nct bias by just a tiny margin :’) and omg you have good taste for each of the subunits too!!! 🤩💓  it’s definitely hard to pick a fave in each subunit like yes pls, just bundle all the dreamies together because it’s too hard to pick one 🤧💗
ooo omg i love skz and monsta x!! seventeen’s singles are always really catchy, although i haven’t listened to their more recent ones yet rip. i watched several of the boyz’s performances on that kingdom show on youtube!!! they’re absolutely amazing 🤩  i haven’t really listened to their songs too much though, but i want to check them out along with ateez and txt someday! and OMG i completely forgot about the queen chungha!!! her songs are sooo good! did you listen to her latest release? 🌷 
my favorite thing to bake are peanut butter cookies and jam filled tarts! i also really enjoy cupcakes, but that’s because i like doing the frosting portion of it :’) as for cooking, breakfast foods are the easiest for me as well as pasta, such as spaghetti with meatballs or a white wine alfredo sauce. what about you? what’s your favorite thing to cook? 💛
my favorite genre of music is sort of dream pop / indie alternative !! i actually listen to non-kpop more than kpop, and some of my favorite artists would have to be sasha sloan, chelsea cutler, lauv, hunny, lany, bad suns, and coin! what about you, lovebug? who are your favorite non-kpop artists? 💗  and i’m an estp / entp!! i alternate between the two depending on which test i take :’) what’s your mtbi, honey bee? and thank you so much! i hope you have an amazing weekend, too, sweetpea 🌸
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