#so he’s got a whole collection of friendship bracelets
iloveboysinred · 5 months
I won't say I'm in love [Prince Zuko]
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pg. 13, fluff | Zuko x gn! reader
synopsis; Zuko had never been one to express himself in the right ways, anger had always been his primary emotion. But, when he meets you, a rouge fire bender helping the Avatar, it becomes hard for him to accept the growing warmth in his chest every time you look at him.
cw; emotionally constipated Zuko, fluff, pining, Clueless Zuko, Zuko doesn’t know how to deal with feelings, awkward turtleduck, light fluff.
Zuko never had time to really sit and think about relationships. After spending his early teenage years on a wild goose chase hunting the avatar, and now having joined the Gaang, with only a week to teach Aang how to firebend so he could face Ozai, he had a lot going on.
However, when he had started to fit in with the gaang better, you had definitely caught his attention.
You were a firebender yourself, highly skilled and light on your feet. You made a formidable opponent in battle, your elegance and lightweight movements almost resembling an air-bender. Zuko couldn’t help but stare as you practiced basic maneuvers, your muscles flexing with every movement, the thin sheen of sweat on your brow, and the fierce look of concentration on your beautiful face. To say Zuko was whipped was an understatement.
You were the last to accept him into the group, having always been a bit of a loner and standoffish, you didnt trust him. Especially with him being the crown prince of the very nation that has caused you nothing but pain. So Zuko worked extra hard to earn your friendship. Doing good deeds like helping Sokka clean up camp, going on water collecting trips with Kitara, helping Toph with her hair, and of course, befriending Aang and teaching him firebending alongside you.
While Zuko was still miles away from getting close to you, he was running out of ideas on how to gain your approval. So, naturally he went to Sokka for advice.
“Its like no matter what i do, y/n still hates me! I dont get it, you guys all like me, you know i’m good now. So whats their problem?” Sokka looked over Zuko’s exasperated face, putting two and two together. Not that it was hard, everyone caught him staring at you like a creep once or twice already. “I dont think y/n hates you, honestly. Thats just the way they are. It took like, 2 months for them to really open up to us.” Sokka shrugged, smoothing his hair down. “If i’m being honest, you’re trying too hard. Seems like you got a thing for them.” Zuko gaped, staring at Sokka like he had grown another head. “What are you talking about!? I dont like them. I just want them to trust me!” But despite his words, the flush on his face betrayed his denial. Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Right. Okay. Why don’t you just talk to them? I mean, obviously what youre doing isnt working. Maybe you should get them a gift or something.” Zuko nodded to himself. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? He quickly stood up, a new objective in mind.
“Thanks Sokka.”
“Anytime, bro. And a word of advice, if you’re trying to make it less obvious that you like them, try not staring so hard. It creeps everyone out.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Get out before you burn my tent down.”
Zuko rolled his eyes, storming off with a deep flush on his cheeks.
The next morning he set out to the village nearby, wearing a cloak to disguise his face. He looked around the market, stopping by a jeweler, who had a whole array of different bracelets, necklaces, and rings. A peculiar necklace stood out to him. It held a beautiful ruby, plated in gold and held on to a thin, gold chain. Before anybody could see, he snatched it up, quickly leaving and heading back to the air temple before anybody could confront him. On the way back he stopped by a patch of fire-Lillies, picking a few to make a messy bouquet. “Y/n will like these.” He muttered to himself, trying to tie them together with an old piece of twine.
When he made his way back to camp, the others stared at him with questioning glances, momo crawling up to sniff at the flowers. “Whats with the flowers? You into gardening or something?” Sokka asked, eyeing the bright fire-lillies in his grasp. “I got these for Y/n” Zuko blushed as he realized how this looked, averting his eyes from Sokka’s teasing gaze. “Aww thats sweet, Zuko. Who knew you were such a softie.” Kitara cooed, fluttering her lashes in a mock swoon. Zuko gritted his teeth, cheeks burning hotter than the sun. “Yeah, maybe you’ll man up and confess. We all know you like them” Toph chided, smirking. “I don’t!” Zuko protested. “You’re lyinggg” Toph hummed, and Zuko cursed her abilities to see with her feet.
“Whats going on?” Zuko froze when he heard your voice, quickly turning towards you, hiding the bouquet behind his back. “Oh nothing, just teasing Zuko about his undying lo-“ Sokka was abruptly cut off by Zuko slapping his hand over his mouth, glaring at him. “What Sokka was trying to say is, we were teasing Zuko’s undying and super obvious crush on you.” Toph stated nonchalantly. The others snickered at Zuko’s panicked expression, his cheeks couldn’t have gotten hotter, wide eyes turned to you. “I dont know what they’re talking about! I don’t have a crush on you! They’re just trying to be funny i swear-“ “uh, Zuko-“ “I just want you to trust me, so i got you these flowers-“ he pulled the bouquet from behind him, presenting it to you. But what he didn’t realize was, he had accidentally set the lilies on fire. He gasped and dropped the bouquet, stomping on the charred flowers to put the fire out. You just gave him a blank look, the others snickering behind you. Zuko had never felt so embarrassed in his life.
“Wow Zuko, that sure was a good way to confess!” Kitara teased, watching as you just threw your hands up, being completely done with… whatever that was, and walking away to your tent. “Yeah Zuko. Maybe try not almost burning the camp down. I think Y/n will like it better if you just told them how you feel!” Aang chirped, just irritating Zuko more with his upbeat attitude. “Whatever, you guys are impossible” he snapped, storming off in a random direction. “And I told you i don’t like them!” Once he was out of earshot, Toph snickered, laying on her back against Appa’s side. “He’s lying again.”
For the rest of the day, Zuko avoided you at all costs. Leaving you to teach Aang by yourself, even sitting a considerable distance away from you during lunch. It was confusing you, but you didn’t say anything. You guessed he was still embarrassed from the spectacle he had made of himself that morning. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Zuko was sweet, and if what the others are saying is true, you couldn’t deny that you could start feeling something for him too. You’d observed him ever since he joined the group, and his surprisingly gentle heart had impressed you. You’d watched him teach Aang during your training sessions. Appreciating the way his body moved flawlessly, his dark hair bringing out the gold in his eyes. You had to admit, you weren’t complaining when he would show up to your lessons shirtless. There was no denying he was cute.
So, you decided to approach him, surprising even yourself. You waited for everyone to settle into their tents, then you made your way to his. You stood outside for a second, thinking about how you were going to start this, what you would say. But your thoughts blanked when Zuko crawled out of his tent, now face to face with you. “O-oh hi- Zuko- i, um” you stuttered, lost for words. His eyes widened at the sight of you, sputtering like a nervous wreck. “I just wanted to u-um say, t-that i think the flowers were beautiful and u-um that was very sweet of you” “o-oh” you stood in awkward silence, the ground suddenly very interesting. “Anyways i think i’m gonna go-“ “wait, i-i um, i got you this too.” He quickly handed you the necklace, eyes averting yours and a deep blush on his cheeks. You looked the piece of jewelry over, smiling at him. “It’s beautiful Zuko. Um, thank you?” “You’re uh, you’re welcome..” you don’t know what took over you, but you leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. You stared at each other in shock, now it was your turn to blush, face as red as a tomato. “Uh well, its getting late- i’m gonna go back to my tent. G-goodnight” the words came out quicker than you could think, racing off back to your tent. Leaving Zuko standing there, hand on his cheek, feeling how warm the skin was under his palm. His brain short circuited and his heart was beating 400 miles per minute, he swore he was gonna pass out.
Hope you enjoyed :> notes and reblogs are appreciated, comments, asks, and requests are welcomed! 💗
part 2
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Have you seen this? I head "Michael got excited about being connected through matching bracelets" and immediately thought that you're going to have some thoughts.
Oh my god. No, I hadn't seen this video until now, but thank you SO much for sending it to me! I'll post a clip of the most pertinent part about what Michael said below, but I urge folks to check out the whole thing on Tiktok, as this is the woman who made the bracelets we saw David wearing at the Proud Nerd Con last weekend:
My first immediate reaction after seeing/hearing this was utter disbelief and delight, coupled with a complete lack of surprise because...Michael. If there is anyone who could channel "15-year-old girl during the last week of summer camp" energy, it is Michael. It's also terribly bittersweet and yet somehow fitting knowing that we're nearing the end of Michael's time in London--which I think we can now refer to as Shennant Summer, at least in Australia, though the last six months were technically the winter here.
(My second thought was that I feel like we're a hell of a lot closer than ever before to my imaginings of Michael and David getting complementing tattoos somehow manifesting into reality...)
But...my god. I don't think any of us could picture Michael and David not being connected in some way, even if/when they're not in the same city, and yet the thought of Michael wanting to have some tangible reminder of David with him always is doing things to my heart that may necessitate the use of defibrillators. I feel like this is some kind of reverse Parent Trap situation where Michael is going to "accidentally" pack one of the Tennant kids in his suitcase, which will mean David will have to go to Wales to collect his wayward offspring, and then the next thing you know they're on a yacht drinking Champagne while "I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons)" plays in the background.
I think what is so incredible to me is that we know how soft (in the best way possible) Michael is, but to know that he's specifically gotten that way over David--that he holds David in that deep heart space--is achingly beautiful. I know a lot of folks will say that this is giving all of the "friendship bracelet" and "besties" vibes, but I really don't think it's much of a stretch to think that it could be something more. Everything about this just feels so romantic at this point that, in my opinion, it would seem almost ludicrous to not consider it a possibility. Because right now, neither Michael nor David appear to be holding back, and I'm so here for it.
Thank you again so much for sending this my way. I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks, so please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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justaz · 2 months
big fan of klance being the best of friends circa s3-beginning of s4 and then having a falling out when keith joins the blade. so during their bff phase, they are attached at the hip and spend nights together in lance’s room (its completely platonic, they swear. so what if they wake up most mornings cuddled together? as long as they shift back before the other wakes it doesn’t count). they do facemasks and paint each other’s nails and talk about life before getting abducted into space and their dreams for the life they’ll build once they get back to earth. they sneak out at night and go swimming or train or try their hand at baking with alien ingredients. sometimes they don’t really do anything and will just sit in silence together while doing other things. keith will lay on lance’s bed and read while lance sits against the wall, their legs tangled together, and sews. anyways, they’re the best of friends, lance even made them matching friendship bracelets to prove it. when they go to planets, keith will go search in the market for charms to put on their bracelets while lance goes scouting for rocks to give keith for his rock collection.
i got carried away, my actual point is this: lance has this stim where he fiddles with the bracelet on his wrist while anxious/homesick and keith has this stim where he makes a loose fist and curls his pointer finger to brush it with his thumb (this is actually canon he does it in his little video diary on youtube). they both know of each other’s stim and take note of it so they know when to intervene and either comfort them or take their mind off it or even just insert themself into whatever issue has arisen to ease their burden. keith joins the blade and they have this falling out and don’t talk for a while (months for lance, years for keith since the whole space whale business) until keith comes back to the team and all that shit goes down and they head back to earth. things are different now between them as they’ve both changed since they last saw each other and they always seem just offbeat. until a problem arises and keith notices that instead of lance going for his bracelet to fiddle with it, he makes a loose fist and rubs his pointer finger with his thumb. keith is a little surprised until he notices the cool metal between his fingers and looks down to find himself fiddling with his bracelet
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Camp Counselor Ethan Hcs🤭
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Warnings ⚠️ swearing, drinking, suggestive comments, no gf, children 👎🏾 fem!reader
This man LOVES being a counselor and as his s/o he ropes you and everyone else into helping that following summer
He’s in charge of the shyer kids because they feel more comfortable with him (and he used to be one)
Chad and Ethan’s cabins are right next to each other and if he’s not with you he’s with Chad (since he isn’t so hellbent on stabbing Chad)
LOVES TUG OF WAR WITH CHADS CABIN gets slightly over competitive
He’s making sure his cabin is going ALL out for color wars
Unfortunately you guys are on opposite sides of the camp and it’s not a long walk but being so far🙄 makes him touch starved and horny
He doesn’t know it until you or Mindy says something but all the 12 year old girls have the biggest crushes on him but he’s so unaware of it. (This would’ve been me at camp lolz)
When you guys tell him he gets beet red in shock.
When it’s arts and crafts time he always makes sure his group is sitting next yours
when he notices one of his campers crushing on yours he takes upon himself to help the little fella out (he also uses it to spend time with you)
He likes most of the other counselors
Especially if they swapped with him so you two could spend time together
But he really just likes hanging with the kids and listening to their stories
“.And Tommy started talking about his hot wheel collection and apparently he’s got this collection of rare ones”
Also LOVES camper drama
Him and Annika love debriefing each other
Campers are very shocked when they learn you two are dating (this is early in the summer)
When the campers see the look he gives you as you get off lifeguard duty or lake time with your girls
They try harder to push you two together but when you guys realize you just play into it
“ yeah girls you’re right Ethan is kindaaaa cute”
“Idk guys I DO think Y/n/n is very pretty”
When you guys do canoeing he’s always your partner
“ETH BABE YOURE GONNA FLIP US” (this is how they “figure” it out)
“Yeah Counselor Y/N called Ethan BABE”
The campers love the two of you
But mainly him- he’s always getting small drawings or projects from kids and he always keeps them
LOVES leading nature courses and talking about bugs
This man LOVES S’mores probably his favorite treat (he’s definitely the type to burn the marshmallow) that’s actually me self projecting lolz
Okay suggestive/NSFW warning
He’s obviously a guy and going a WHOLE two months is a lot and seeing you gets him riled up regardless
Those looks during Lifeguard duty weren’t sweet loving ones (they were but also 😈 lol)
He loves seeing you tan with your girls and lies down in front of you if it’s a lake and lays on his stomach so he can get a “good view of the campers” good view of your chest
During Counselor Night he keeps you on his lap by the bonfire while you both sip on Alcohol that was snuck in
You guys sneak off and fuck in the woods GOODBYE
he brought a blanket incase he got lucky
He got lucky and thank goodness because he would’ve exploded
Cannot help staring if you’re wearing shorts
And Chad teases him about this (but then Tara walks by)
Get jealous if other counselors flirt with you this may or may not lead to steamy makeouts behind trees
One morning he surprised you on the cabin porch for a makeout session and accidentally moaned too loud causing some of your campers to wake up (he pulled away in time but was hurt his noises cut your time short)
If you guys sneak off during Color wars a nosy camper HAS to ask why there’s red face paint on him and blue on you
Chad and Ethan smoke behind their Cabins at night and talk about you and Tara
Loves doing physical labor near you so you get riled up as much a he is
A/N: I feel like I wrote too much lol but hope you like Pt.2?
Also this is inspired by Murdrdocs go check theirs out!!
Also please request I’m so bored when I’m not writing
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 month
If me and my mutual’s were the Spider-gang…
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❤️EMERY AS MILES MORALES🖤 @sunsetsandsunshine
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Artist of the group
My Dad is a police officer AND detective sooooooo…
He has done the “You gotta say I love you back” thing to me multiple times…
Fucking loves having friends and talking to people
Keeping the collectibles I N S I D E of the box!!! IT STAYS NICE AND FRESH THAT WAY— LIKE PRODUCE YK???!!!
Tries to be quote on quote “cooler” in front of others…
Newsflash? It never works
💝 Family lover all the way 💝
Music is LIFE 🎶🎤🎵🎼…idfk what we’d do without it…
A collector of many random things— rocks, toys, bracelets you NAME it
Hyperactive as HELL
Has a hard time accepting loss
A sketchbook for literally every season
When it comes to friendships, I will try everything in my power to maintain it and try to keep it going but once I’m done? I’m done 🫶🏾
A singer 😩🤚🏾
Physical affection 🫣💕💓
Apologies WAAAAAAY too fucking much
H A P P Y. S T I M S.
Suppressed anger issues
Knows way too many people both online and irl
Becomes a whole different person when angry 🥸👍🏾
Beatboxes and raps horribly
Basically Miles is me and I’m Miles ❤️🖤
🤍JOJO AS GWEN STACY🩵 @shut-up-jo
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Cool af legit why the hell are you friends with me man—
Musician of the group 🪗🎷🎻🎺🎹🥁🎸
Shows up to your house without warning like you owe her money
In a band (most def)
Says the most DIABOLICAL and out of pocket shit known to MAN
🔥 Would burn down the kitchen if she ever cooked 🔥
Listens to Billy Joel 😌
Short af too 🤪🫶🏼
Would be cancelled if any of her texts got leaked
Had the WORST 2020 phase (I’m sorry ilysm please don’t kill me 🙏🏼)
AOT lover (as you fucking should )
Honesty is the best policy 💋
Changes her voice depending on who she’s talking to
Has the most fucking unhinged and cursed FYP page
Doesn’t matter what social media app…it’s just straight up CURSED
Gives the best advice like oml
Could host a TED-talk but would there’s a 99.9% she would get cancelled
Needs to take a flipping BREAK 💕
Could make a TV show with her life (with like a million specials and crossovers)
Licks the powder off the Doritos and/or Taki’s and puts them back in the bag 😶…
Has burned Barbie’s before
Unironically sings 'Dance Monkey' just because
Your so so silly I love you so much 🤍🩵
💛SANA AS PAVITIR🩷 @itzsana-kiddingmenow
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If sunshine were a person 🌞
Has a really toxic fanbase…
The best cook out of all 4 of us probably
Calls people adorable, cute etc but can’t handle when people say that to her 🥹💓
Your adorable btw ☺️
When she’s mad she doesn’t cuss that much but most def just says big words
Takes selfies like every single second 📱
Has Snapchat probably
Has listened to JoJo Siwa’s Karma WAAAAY too many times…
Would fold like a lawn chair if poked in the side 💕
✨ Bilingual queen ✨
Sobbed for DAYS when MatPat dropped his departure video…
Is way too fucking smart 😉
Has the Ultimate Alpha Sigma Gyatt Rizz but doesn’t know it quite yet 👁️🫦👁️
A tea lover ☕️🍵
Would go to antique stores with people to just look at things and then end up buying the whole ass store
Does cartwheels for funsies
Overthinker ☹️
Could solo Bakugou and win
Is going to be a menace one she learns how to drive
Needs more sleep frfr
My lil sugar cream puff over here you guys 💛🩷
💙ZEEZIE AS HOBIE BROWN❤️ @ziipzeepzop-eez
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101% effort in E V E R Y T H I N G
Side-eyes 🤨
Has more rizz than the whole Earth population combined
Did I say emojis?
Comes up with the most cutest freaking nicknames for people 🥹💕🩷☹️💓✨
Can most definitely win a dance battle against anyone but acts like she can’t
Dad jokes 🫶🏽
Uses finger guns unironically (through text and in person) 👉🏽👉🏽
Could make a diss-track about so many people 🫢…
Would have a million cats if she could
Probably had a Gacha Life phase
Would go to a movie theater just to watch cat videos on the big screen
Popular af 💕
Friends with legit everyone 🙏🏽
Would actually murder a man if they hurt one of her friends
Has watched Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas soooooo many damn times
Guillmero Del Toro’s Pinocchio made her ugly cry (Same here 🫠)
Could solo everyone here on Tumblr easily 👁️👄👁️
Hates Twitter/X but only has it for the ✨drama✨
Is most def someone’s opp ☺️
Can multi-task like crazy
So cool and dazzling and aahhhfhfhds 💙❤️
(If any of this makes any of you guys uncomfy just DM me and I can erase it 🫶🏾)
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS WEDDING SERIES: Countdown Begins!
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Three days. 
That’s all that was left until the day of your wedding and family had started to arrive on Jeju Island, including the boys and your bridal party. Everyone was descending on Jeju like a tidal wave and already locals were starting to see an increase in traffic though they weren’t entirely sure what was going on. The hotel where you would have your ceremony and reception had already started to get things prepped including privacy screens, putting guards on the perimeter to ward off anyone with a camera and other hotels had been warned of what was coming. 
It was dealing with things like military clockwork, which Seokjin had plenty of experience with and was making sure he knew who was coming, how, why and when. 
His parents and your parents had flown over together and had been picked up by Seokjin a the airport, already bombarding him with questions. 
“Emomma, we’re fine. She’s fine, everything is under control. The hotel are doing an amazing job of getting everyone sorted,” Seokjin comforted his mother in the passenger seat with his Dad in the back including his future in-laws.
“The boys are literally on their way now as well and the rest of the bridal party are on the way, and obviously hyung and the babies and Suni are coming tomorrow. Bit of a squeeze but it’s fine, it’s all stuff we’ve prepped for. Anything that can go wrong, we’ve prepped for so I’m not worried,” Seokjin added as he drove the car past the security guards and round where the wedding would take place. 
“It’s looking beautiful already,” your mother commented as they got out the car, seeing the staff lining up the chairs in the garden for your aisle and already the florists were hard at work, prepping some of the bigger pieces of decor such as the arch.
“It’s going to be amazing,” your groom grinned, taking his mother in-laws hand then his mother’s and leading them to where you were finishing the last minute bits.
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It had been the plan all along to get married in a simple ceremony with your parents, Yoongi’s brother, Yoongi’s parents and the rest of BTS. You had arranged for the formal Korean ceremony to take place at the Raum with the reception afterwards, allowing you to invite who you needed to and who Yoongi needed to. But for the actual legal ceremony, you both agreed it should be just the two of you. 
You didn’t need the world to see this part where you and Yoongi said your vows, signed the legal piece of documentation and put your rings on. In the end, it was the most important part of your whole wedding week.
Two days before your formal wedding would take place, you were in front of the registrar signing the marriage certificate that declared you and Yoongi husband and wife. 
“Well, that’s the easy part done,” Yoongi laughed as he glanced at the silver wedding band now on his finger while you had a gold wedding band on yours. 
“Party time soon,” you gently nudged his hip as your families joined you outside to take photos. After all, it had been agreed that this part would be intimate, private and just everyone you loved. 
“It’s a pity the Korean wedding ceremony wasn’t as quick as that,” he mused as he tightened his hand around yours. “That would be a waste of money,” you advised as you adjusted your free hand around the small bouquet of flowers, wearing a simple white dress that wouldn’t overshadow your actual wedding dress. 
“True, I did spend a lot of time on those whiskey bottles.”
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Three days to go. That’s what he had to keep reminding himself. Three days to go. 
Hobi had his own little checklist going on for the day as he collected the suits, and delivered items to the venue that would be needed including the 275 friendship bracelets that had taken two days to do even with the boys roped in. 
His parents were arriving in Seoul in two hours with his sister going to pick them up to bring them to the hotel, your parents were also bringing items from home to the hotel to drop off and the boys were finishing up their schedules so they would be clear. 
Rehearsal was going to take place that night and he had caught sight of the room being cleared, seeing the florist and wedding organiser ordering staff to move things around and clear things away. Hotel security had been topped up too and he had stopped on more than one occasion, just double checking as to where he was going. 
Hobi snapped a quick picture of the room in its blank state and sent to you with the words ‘Countdown begins!’
‘My nails are nearly done and I’ll be with you all.’
The picture he got back made him grin - he had sent you with your bridal party to a spa so you could relax, get your facials, pedicure and the like and your best friend had taken a photo of you being glammed up and dotted on by everyone there. 
It was literally countdown and he felt no nerves. He was going to marry his best friend, his number one supporter in everything and the one who he couldn’t imagine living with out. 
Tucking his phone into his pocket, Hobi made his way back to the car as he hummed Bruno Mars’ ‘Marry You’ on the way. 
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He accepted the box from his mother, ignoring the weary look he got and turned to make the long walk to the garden. The wedding was only three days away and already things were in high gear. The family were coming out of town, and he already knew the important individuals such as celebrities and politicians had arrived in Seoul and were at the hotel, HYBE were in full protective mode as guards stood on the perimeter and even Hitman Bang had landed by private jet and was on the way to the hotel to check-in. 
He could hear the boys in the background, pointing out the view from the garden as he carried the box to the small house where you and your maid of honour where separating things to what needed to go to the bridal room or what needed to stay here for the decor. 
Organised chaos you had told him. 
“Happy?” Namjoon asked, setting the box down next to you. 
“Everything is going to plan. You ready for the rehearsal later?” you asked, smiling up at your groom-to-be as he crouched down to open the box. 
“I am. The boys are more than ready from the sounds of it and yes, Hoseok has the rings. He’s checked, double and triple checked.”
You grinned at the answer to the question that was on the tip of your tongue.  
“I’ve got the rings, I promise!” You heard Hobi yell at the bottom of the garden. “JK! Don’t even come near me.”
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It was an hour's drive to get to Incheon airport, where your hotel was just a couple of minutes away from. So Jimin had borrowed or bribed, depending on who you listened to, a couple of HYBE’s big cars and loaded the two everything you needed - dress, suits, decor, favours, bridesmaid dresses, and the like. You took one car and he took the other, heading over to the hotel like a convoy. 
Jimin’s parents, brother and family were flying in from Busan and would be arriving in an hour. The rest of the boys would be joining you tomorrow as was the rest of your bridal party. Four days to go but there was so much to do. 
Rehearsal was going to take place tomorrow evening and the hotel had already begun to prep the room with your florist due to arrive tomorrow morning to start work. It was exciting to see your year of planning coming into full swing with everything. 
A private entrance had been arranged for you two to back the cars and start bringing boxes and other bits into the room. “It looks so different,” you commented as you joined Jimin with your own set of boxes, watching as the staff set up the partition with other members of staff rolling tables in. 
“Just think, we’ll be husband and wife by the weekend,” Jimin grinned as he put his box down to wrap his arms around your waist, resting his chin on top of your shoulder. 
“Hmm, then honeymoon. I can’t wait for that. It’s like a reward for all this planning.”
“A reward? Is marrying me not enough?”
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While it may have seemed silly to everyone to arrive in Los Angeles three weeks early, you were glad you did that for the little hick ups that happened. Some guests had pulled out which meant a slight rejig of the table, guests were starting to fly in so Taehyung had to pull out V and greet everyone like a member of BTS. The boys had arrived a week before the wedding, bringing what they needed. 
Now it was three days to the wedding and nerves were starting to set in. You weren’t nervous about marrying Tae, you could go down to the town hall and do it there and then but it was the people who were coming, it was all eyes on you. You wondered if you had planned enough, thought enough, if everything was going to be what you wanted. 
“I can hear you thinking from all the way out here,” Tae commented as he joined you from where you stood, watching the hotel staff turn a blank room into your reception room with another team working on the room down the hallway to transform it into your ceremony room. It was all systems go with plenty of time, yet it felt like there wasn’t.
“I don’t know, I guess I’m just nervous. Not about marrying you but the day itself. All those eyes on us,” you shrugged as you leaned against your future husband. Celebrities, fashion designers, politicians. It wasn’t just going to be your families, it was going to be all the people who had befriended Taehyung over the years. 
“I know but in the end, it’s just you and me,” he said as he took hold of your hand and gave it a good squeeze. “And that’s all that matters at the end of the day. You and me.” 
“And the red roses everywhere.”
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“Three days,” he said to you that morning when you opened your eyes to look at the time. 
“Nervous?” you asked as you rolled over to face him. 
“Not nervous. Excited…maybe a little nervous about relying on other people to do a good job but excited for you and me.”
“Everything will be fine - nearly everyone is here anyway and we’ve got rehearsal to do today and a few other bits and then we’ll be done,” you grinned. “Then it will be D-Day and we can finally relax and just get married and then think about our honeymoon.”
Whoever said you could relax in the final days was a liar as you watched the florist secure the beginnings of your wedding decor thanks to the breeze that had arrived that morning. The weather was due to be lovely Busan sun but this light breeze was making you worry a little. 
“You need a haircut,” you heard Seokjin yell from inside the reception room and you hid a grin, hearing Yoongi chastise his younger brother who had obviously darted away from his grasp and run outside. 
“You’d think they were my fathers,” Jungkook muttered as he stood next to you, watching the florist and staff at work. 
“Well they are in a way, but you do need a haircut. I like it when your forehead is exposed.” 
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sundove88 · 9 months
World’s End Club Headcanon Masterpost (The Go-Getters)
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Cheers to the first post of 2024!!!
In General
They all have an aptly named “Ice cream day”, in which they ride off to the nearest ice cream shop to get their favorite flavors. And if you’re curious, here are each of their fave flavors:
Reycho- Caramel Banana
Vanilla- Vanilla Bean Marshmallow (Obviously)
Kansai- Tiger Milk Tea
Chuko- Cheesecake
Mowchan- Everything But The Kitchen Sink
Nyoro- Strawberries and Cream
Aniki- Toasted Oatmeal
Pai- Maple Bacon
Tattsun- Dragonfruit
Pochi- Neopolitan
Jennu- Ube
Yuki- Frosted Sugar Cookie
Each of them has a friendship bracelet- each having charms of their favorite things. Ex- Reycho has a Fist, Vanilla has a Marshmallow, Pochi has an MP3 Player, Nyoro has a robot, Mowchan has a burger, Chuko has a chili pepper, Tattsun has an Electro Rangers mask, Kansai has a ball and bat, Pai has a flower, Aniki has a guitar, Jennu has Comedy and Tragedy masks, and Yuki has a snowflake.
When it comes to crafting, they have an entire shack when it comes to it. They even invite other kids from around to join in!
He’s currently getting baseball lessons from Kansai.
He loves drawing- a lot. Especially when it comes to sports!
He uses sign language to communicate with his friends.
She is quite good at sewing little dolls of yarn!
She enjoys a good storybook or two- especially picture ones.
Dressing up is one of her biggest interests- she also loves taking bubble baths after long days.
He’s got a connection to animals- especially dogs. He loves puppies most of all.
He and Reycho moved in with Vanilla and Aniki after the main story, so they’re part of the family.
Not just that, he often invites the others to play video games together and share snacks.
She is arguably the BEST at drawing in the group- all the drawings of blueprints had to start somewhere!
She designs bead jewelry and keychains for her friends to give on their birthdays.
It took a long time for her to forgive her dad, but she did it in giving him a bag keychain she made herself.
He works at food drives so he can spread happiness to those who need it the most.
He makes his own “Secret Sauce”, which is Mayo, ketchup, a bit of soy sauce, a handful of spices, salt, pepper, and a dash of hot sauce.
His parents definitely own a local restaurant.
She absolutely HATES bullies. And whenever she sees an innocent person being bullied, she decides to stand up for them.
Her comfort food is definitely anything with cheese. Especially pasta with said ingredient.
She won’t hesitate to jump into action when someone is in danger.
He has an entire collection of comic and manga books at home, mostly ones of Shonen anime.
He has Electro Ranger suits for all of his friends in his closet in case they need to wear them to a convention.
One of his most prized collectibles is a limited edition comic con exclusive Power Rangers Megazord toy.
He collects baseball cards. Enough said.
He keeps an entire pack of bubblegum on him for emergencies.
He often invites the others to baseball games at their local park to play together.
She is an expert in babysitting and always packs extra clothing for everyone when they go on trips.
She loves taking long walks and photographing beautiful animals!
She can write little notes for the ghosts she sees to read.
He really wants to take horseback riding lessons with his sister.
He lets his sister stick bows and clips into his hair- and one time even a whole bonnet!
He’s a massive fan of rock music and knows how to play the guitar.
She makes her own costumes in her big sis’ honor.
She trades little trinkets with Nyoro as well as designs!
Her favorite musical is Hairspray.
Soft pillows and fluffy pajamas are two of her favorite things in the world.
A good book is one of her favorite interests.
She loves tobogganing in the snow, as well as snowball fights! She loves it especially when the gang has them in the park.
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A Childhood Promise
Pairing: Song Mingi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
CW: None
Word Count: 1567
Summary: You and Mingi have been best friends since you were in diapers, you’ve done everything together, but when you find a small box he’s kept at the back of his closet, your friendship is about to change forever. 
Part of StayTeez Trope’pril
Prompt List         Series Masterlist       MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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Snack bowls laid out on the table, a range of bottled drinks set out and only the light of a single lamp and the TV lighting up the living room. It was your weekly movie night with Mingi, something you’d both been doing for as long as you could remember. At this point it became a routine, you’d walk into his apartment at the same time every week and the same lay out would be there to greet you. This week was Mingi’s turn to chose the movie and you were overjoyed to see what he’d picked.
“Spirited away? I haven’t seen this film in years.” You beam looking at the TV seeing it ready to be played.
“I thought I’d take the nostalgic route today, remember, we used to watch this all the time as kids.” 
“Yes, and you always kept on about how you wanted to be Haku but only his dragon form.” You giggle as the memory of 5 year old Mingi running around the living room of his home pretending he was a dragon.
“Hey, he was and still is badass.” 
“I’m not saying any different.” You laugh again, giving him a small nudge with your shoulder.
“God, seeing that now has made me think back to when we were kids and all the shit we used to get up to.” You smile as flashes of memories popped up in your head.
“Do you remember the tree house your father helped us build?” 
“The one that was really wonky and the door hardly stayed on?” You laughed nodding your head at Mingi, the way you two remember it was completely different; he remembered it as a wonky wooden box with a door that didn’t work properly and you remember it being a fortress where you’d both fight off goblins who were after your rock collection treasure.
“What about that trip to Jeju with your family?” Mingi beamed as he remembered the views and the endless hours of playing on the beach, meanwhile you’re erupting into laughter.
“YES, and you lost your swim shorts in the sea!” By this point you were crying from laughing so hard while Mingi sat next to you rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, I still haven’t forgotten about the time you were doing cartwheels on the beach and kicked an old woman in the process.” Your laughter died down as the embarrassment came back to you as you relived the whole experience.
“Ok, embarrassing moments aside, isn’t Jeju where we bought our matching friendship bracelets?” You ask, fiddling with the thin orange woven band around your wrist. “Speaking of which, where's yours?” 
“I wore it for years, but you know what I’m like with delicate things so I keep it in my room so it doesn’t break.” It was true Mingi had a habit of breaking things, unintentionally of course, and it warmed you that he cherished it that much he didn’t want it to get damaged. 
You both sigh out a small giggle, your reminiscing over and leaving you both smiling like idiots. You’d be lost without each other, it never mattered how many friends you’d lose in your life, as long as you had each other that was enough. Mingi leans forward to grab the remote to finally start the movie, but that’s when you jump up.
“Where are you going?”
“Blankets are essential for movie night.” You call back as you were already halfway to his room.
You knew Mingi’s apartment like the back of your hand, so finding the blankets was a piece of cake. You throw open the doors to his closet and rummage around the bottom of it looking for the perfect blanket. Pulling out piles of blankets you got to the back of the closet and that’s where you found it, a small shoe box hidden in the far corner. You peak your head through the doorway to see where Mingi was an seeing he was still on the couch waiting for you, you decide to snoop a little. 
Sitting cross-legged between the open doors of the closet, you pulled the small box onto your lap and lifted the lid off. At first glance the box seemed to be filled with small trinkets and junk but when you took a closer look they were all things you recognised. You pulled out a small orange woven band that matched the one on your wrist. So this is where he kept it.
You continued to dig through the box, coming across old movie stumps, arcade tickets and a pile of photos of you and Mingi, all ranging from when you were toddlers all the way to your graduations, photos including birthday parties, holidays and playing in the park as kids. You were beaming looking through the old photos, all the memories coming back to you.
Mingi came looking for you, wondering what was taking you so long. Turning into his bedroom he finds you with the photos in hand. He freezes for a moment not sure what to do, you’d found his memory stash and part of him felt you’d feel weird about him keeping all of it.
“Mingi, I found these at the back of your closet.” You smile holding up a photo of the two of you on a beach, Mingi buried up to his neck in sand while you sit next to him, a big gappy smile with an ice cream in hand.
“What made you keep all of this?” You ask continuing to look through the box not seeing how Mingi’s face had turned a light shade of pink from embarrassment.
“Well...You’re my best friend...We’ve got a lot of memories together, ones I don’t want to forget, they’re priceless to me.” He comes over to sit next to you, picking up a pile of photos you’d put to one side a flicked through them himself. A small note peaked your interest, the paper had turned a slight yellow with age over the years. You opened it up to see a small note you’d both written as kids.
Married, house and dogs forever and ever, promise?
You giggle at the scribbles, barely readable since it looked like you wrote it when you were very young, some words were spelt wrong and some letters backwards. Mingi craned his neck over to look at what you had.
“I remember this, we promised as kids we’d get married, have a huge house with a pool and 20 dogs.” You laughed showing Mingi. “The promises kids make.”
“I still want to keep that promise.” Mingi said quietly to himself, not realising he’d said it out loud. You turned to look at him slightly wide eyed, then it hit him that he did in fact say it out loud.
“What?” You asked to make sure you’d heard him right. That was it for him, the cat was out the bag, there was no going back now.
“I said it’s a promise I want to keep...always have.”
“Mingi what are you...”
“Y/n, you’re my best friend, I love you more than anyone and I have done since I was a kid. We may have been kids when we wrote this but I was sure of it back then too, you’re the one I want to spend my every waking moment with.” He started, his confession just spilling from him at this point, happy to get it out after so many years of keeping it hidden deep down.
“As we grew up I tried to forget about it, it was just a silly promise kids make and seeing you get interested in other guys and going on dates, having boyfriends and being with you when they went wrong, I thought you’d forgotten about it or didn’t take it seriously...but I did and I still do.” You were at a loss for words. You could see the tension leaving his shoulders and him breathe a big sigh of relief like he’d been carrying a huge boulder on his back. 
“Mingi...do you really mean it?”
“Of course I do, I’ve loved you since we were kids, it was always you, I didn’t say anything because I can’t lose you and I realise now I said this I might have already fucked things up but...” You cut his rambling off by giving him a sweet peck on the cheek making him stop dead in his tracks and his cheeks heated up to a deep red blush. 
“Wha...What was that?” He asked, not completely processing what happened.
“You were rambling. If I knew about this sooner then I would have confessed to you sooner.” His eyes were the size of saucers. You felt the same?
“I felt the same as you growing up, granted I didn’t think too much about the promise we made as kids, but I still felt the same, watching you grow up and girls having crushes on you, I thought I wouldn’t stand a chance and would just stay the best friend.”
It was his turn to kiss you now, but not on the cheek. His hands held your face and pulled you close to him as his lips lightly met yours. He felt like he was finally breathing air for the first time, it felt so right, so natural. You guessed your nosy personality worked out in your favour for a change.
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Tag List:  @stardragongalaxy @kpopjust4u @whatudowhennooneseesyou @8tinytings   @jenotation @grim-adventures58 @owjohny​   @ker1   @tinkerbell460​   @haylstoney   @scuzmunkie​   @halesandy​ @multihunbun​   @kodzukein​   @maskedmochii​  @queenwiinks​ @hellomingi   @woosannie    
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meenawrites · 2 years
Kiri Modern AU
Alright our girl Kiri!
Everyone gets confused when she says she's Neteyam's sister because she looks nothing like him or the other Sully kids. It makes her a bit sad tbh though she tries to pretend it doesn't get to her. Meanwhile, Neteyam's proudly calling her his twin even though that's not actually possible and she's actually a few months younger than him. But it gets people to shut up a bit.
Spider is her best friend, obviously, and they hang out in any free time they have in common. He's literally her favorite person. But it takes her some time to realize the feelings she has for him hidden under those years of friendship. She only really starts to realize when she becomes friends with Tsireya and some other girls in high school who kind of force her to think about it either by one of the girls being into Spider and it making her uncomfortable (cause she jelly) or someone straight up is like so you like Spider right? And she denies it but then she can't stop thinking about it and she's like SHIT. Panic ensues. 
Probably makes her own jewelry, has like a whole set up in her room with beads and pressed flowers and stuff. Most of what she wears is handmade. 
She wears Grace's necklace (obviously) and crochets her own clothes. The only things she doesn't make herself are some sweatpants that are way too big for her that she stole from her dad or like some basic things like tshirts and tank tops that she embellished herself. 
Kiri's bedroom is a fairy girl's DREAM! She's got plants literally everywhere, hanging from her ceiling, by her windows, on shelves. Her room is bursting with greenery and it's always flourishing. The plants are her babies. She's got crystals and candles hanging everywhere, some giant mushroom plushies (courtesy of Spider), and because I think she would, her bed is a mattress on the floor covered in comfy blankets and plant-themed pillows. Girl's probably got a mini-fridge in her room so she doesn't have to venture into her chaotic household when she's studying or busy, but it's also there for Spider (she leaves food in it for him because she's always worried the McCoskers don't feed him and they don't really). 
Kiri's pretty organized except for her yarn collection which is just an overflowing basket of different weighted and colored yarns. 
She cuts her own hair and likes the kind of choppy, wild look. She thinks her mother would be proud. 
She has all of Grace's published and unpublished work on a shelf or nook dedicated to her with what few pictures of her there are (so newspaper or magazine clippings, some Jake took of her with her trying to block the camera, etc). 
Kiri and Lo'ak still bicker all the time but her and Neteyam are really close, like actual twins though he still treats her like she's his baby sister. 
She wears bucket hats she embroiders her own designs on. 
She has a friendship bracelet on her wrist that Spider made her years ago that she refuses to take off. He made an adjustable tie for her so her growing doesn't become an issue. 
She's pretty smart too but also works hard. She likes getting good grades, it makes her feel accomplished. Her favorite subject is biology but she really wants to go into botany like her mom or just ecological studies in general. 
Spider is constantly secretly in her room cause he can scale the side of the house like a monkey and come in through her window. They watch movies together or sometimes he'll make jewelry with her for fun. She likes to fool around with his hair a lot and experiments with hairstyles. It's honestly their uninterrupted cuddle time and they also have some serious emotional talks as well. She's gotten pretty good at hiding him over the years, especially when he accidentally falls asleep and Neytiri comes to wake her up in the morning. 
She's probably super into environmental activism and is president of a school club dedicated to that. She doesn't do many sports aside from archery, which is a must for all the Sully kids anyway. I think she probably plays soccer with her brothers leisurely. And hide-and-seek tag with Tuk.
The type to be friends with her teachers because she can learn a lot from them obviously. She's let into the teacher's lounge because of that to just sit and chat tbh. Another reason she's not super popular with kids her age though. 
Starts watching Tsireya's swim practice when they become friends because she's a good friend like that. Can't stand Aonung though. 
Lowkey pretends she doesn't know Lo'ak at school cause he's kind of a class clown. Likes to make fun of how he drools whenever Tsireya is nearby though. Thinks Tsireya could do better but is secretly rooting for him. 
If anyone else has ideas please add on!
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sirenologyyy · 1 year
(a.k.a my hot take if the kids were in highschool)
part 1 part 2
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- a glossier girlie through and through
- she's the most popular girl in their whole school and it is really hard not to hate her
- she listens to kpop specifically NEW JEANS, her bias is Minji, her bias wrecker is Hyein, she loves the song Ditto and would memorise ALL THE DANCES
- this is basically connected to the one before this but is a dancer, she did ballet as a kid then her parents enrolled her in a professional dance school. She had to quit because that on top of being the student body VP, her work in the animal shelter and being a farm hand in her family's farm it's just too much work
- her and ao'nung are irish twins so even though they were both born in the same year she had to step down a grade (hence why she's classmates with Lo'ak and Kiri)
- the Maihoa family are loaded so you'd expect her to be snobby and uptight right? HELL. NO. Tonowari and Ronal raised her better than that (she would make do with whatever she has, she's literally so low maintenance and would appreciate ANYTHING)
- they have this private strip of land where they converted into a golf course where they'd go golfing any time (it's literally a 5 minute drive away from their estate) she and Ao'nung would golf every weekday if they didn't have any homework and would stay there until sunset
- literally just good at everything she does ahsjsnz
- everyone expects her to be that one coquette girl but nah let's be honest, she's the coastal grandma
- this girl cannot LIE she's such a goody two shoes (one time Lo'ak and Ao'nung decided to sneak out to go to some party the swim team were having after hours and they asked her to cover them but she ended up selling them out nonetheless (both of them got an ass whooping the next night but hey, at least she waited 24 hours to rat them out)
- she runs hot so she always wears shorts and bra tops
- dosen't swear if necessary, maybe mutters a 'fuck' or 'dick' but only if she's royally pissed, if she starts swearing in Māori GET UP AND RUN no, wait scratch that, don't run, SPRINT
- her makeup is always organised in tubs by most to least used, her beauty blenders are always washed, her makeup brushes are cleaner than when she first bought them, her room is basically an Ulta branch with a bed and books laying around
- MAKES FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS ‼️ everyone from the group has one, sometimes she strings seashells and beads she found in her travels onto the thread (Lo'ak takes his off everytime he swims or takes a shower because he dosen't want it to get wet)
- a hardcore people pleaser, she'd brutally exhaust herself if it meant people would be happy with her assistance (that's why Ao'nung rarely asks her for favours)
- would ditch you for a chance to advance study
- she was that one person in the class where in between subjects the other girls would line up by her desk as she does their hair
- she and Lo'ak went as Amy Santiago and Jake Peralta the first Halloween they were officially together
- her favorite subject is Chemistry (she's memorised every quantum formula there is) and Advanced Lit because let's be honest Tsireya is a book worm (Ronal would walk into her room at 2 in the morning to find her bundled up in the covers while wearing a headlight reading some 10 inch book she borrowed from their library)
- is a cancer, must I go on?
- let's be honest, she's vegan too
- multilingual, she can speak French, English, Māori, and Dominican (learnt that to impress Neytiri)
- won an award in 4th grade for being the person in their batch that borrowed the most books
- she and her father would bond over the Percy Jackson series because it's what statted her love for books (they'd talk shit about the movie adaptations LSNSZKZ)
- she likes collecting seashells, everytime they'd visit their father's home town in Rotorua or literally any beach Tsireya would not leave until she'd find a shell (this was never an issue until they came down for a visit where she spent her 12th birthday, it was raining cats and dogs when they left and Ronal didn't allow her to grab some random shell off the sand before they climbed in the car and she was upset the whole 17 hour flight back)
- she does her own nails, they'd always be white French tips but sometimes she'd use coloured nail polish
- wears Jo Malone perfume
- she's always active in class let's be fr, she studies like a junkie, she gets conscious about it though so she decided that in every subject she'd only raise her hand 5 times
- you CANNOT trust her in the kitchen, when she says she'll be trying out this recipe from tiktok you need to watch her or she'll slice her palm open
- you need 20 bucks, she'll give it to you, if you can't pay her, no problem, if you can, she won't be reminding you (she literally forgets everyone she lends money to)
- rarely gets mad, if she is though she'll bite your fucking face off
- girls ask her what product she uses for her eyebrows and she's like what product (baby girl has naturally thick eyebrows she does not need to touch them to look that good)
- her favorite movie growing up was Cars (specifically Cars 2), when she was a teen it was Pitch Perfect and now it's the 2005 Pride and Prejudice adaptation (she hates the Netflix Persuasion one)
- "Hey whose got some acetone? My nailpolish looks real streaky" "Oh I do!"
- has only drunken 3 times and she's always the spacey kinda drunk that laughs at like literally everything
- had that huge ass barbie doll house with the working lights, elevator, slide, and garage when she was a kid
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- when he'd cook meals with his mother (I know, shocking) they'd always make a shepherd's pie and they'd practice her Māori, when she'd pronounce a word wrong or forget what the Māori translation would be he'd pretend to be angry at her but he ends up in a laughing mess
- listens to Rob Zombie
- when he was a kid he could not sleep without a night light on, Ronal and Tonowari decided to take it away one night and they wake up to a cranky 7 year old smashing plates in the kitchen at 2 in the morning
- he sleeps at 10 pm or at 4 am. Strictly.
- his wardrobe consists of Ralph Lauren and Nike (the duality 🤌🏼)
- Ronal and Tonowari never had any problem feeding him and Tsireya, what she wouldn't eat he'd eat, what he wouldn't eat she'd eat
- he wants everyone to think he's the living epitome of basketball bro, shooting hoops everyday because ball is life bro... and he is
- no one would think he's on the honor roll, he'd never brag about his test scores to anybody except Tsireya, all that seems to leave his mouth is basketball, basketball basketball, he'd never ace tests because most of the teachers do a roll call of the students with perfect scores and he'd hate to be standing by the blackboard with Neteyam and Rotxo so he purposefully gets one question wrong, wether that be forgetting to add the negative sign to an exponent, being a year off of important dates in history, forgetting to add the correct unit of measurement
- used to vape as a joke but now he just does unconsciously
- has and always been a momma's boy
- he picked up on Ronal's british accent and Tonowari's Māori accent and sort of have this unique hybrid accent when he talks, it was hard to understand him when he talks really fast but especially hard when he was in preschool with his speech impediment, his teachers and classmates could not understand a thing he said
- plays chess and will obliterate you in a matter of seconds, you'd be too focused on getting your rook to his side and by the time you got there he's already taken most of your chess pieces and your king 💀
- plays Royale High with Neteyam's baby sister and Mortal Kombat with Lo'ak
- everyone expects him and Tsireya to attend private school (mostly because Ao'nung's an entitled douchebag) they only stayed because the school they were supposed to study at didn't have any more spots so they studied at Pandora High instead, they went back the second year because he'd been acquainted with Rotxo at the time and his parents decided he was a good influence on Ao'nung (also they wanted Tsireya to run for the student body so)
- flirts with too many girls but never takes anything a step further, there are about dozens upon dozens of rumors circulating the school of him getting it on with this one girl in the auditorium, making out with this one girl in the science lab, taking this one girl to his car and Tsireya hears all of it 💀
- never raises his hand to recite and if he does it's during the last 5 minutes and he's trying to kill time by making their teacher talk about their children or the Vietnam War or something until the bell rings and all the students bolt out of the classroom before their teacher could get another word in. If he gets called on out of the blue he'll always get the answer right
- sleeps in class lol
- he drives an Audi to school everyday
- he dosent speak Māori as well as Tsireya but he understands just as well as her
- watches kid cartoons when he's stressed like the magic schoolbus, pink panther, angelina ballerina, but he's always stayed true to his roots which was cartoon network like Ed, Edd, and Eddie, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Camp Lazlo
- zones out when he's upset
- they have loads of beach houses scattered along the coast but the one they always go to is their Fairfield house in Connecticut where they'd surf from dawn to dusk, his parents would join him and Tsireya in the first 5 hours but they'd leave after that and let them surf on their own. When they'd be done they'd have seawater in their ears, sand in places they never would have imagined, and their hair would start turning golden because of how long they spent under the sun
- he's the type to never tell you anything unless you ask him about it, you'd never know how his day if you don't pester him about it, you won't know if he's feeling alright or not because he is so incredibly hard to read.
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- drinks tea but has a raging caffeine addiction
- spends his off time watching sitcoms with some popcorn
- does not have any clue what is going on
- since everyone agrees on this, yes, he was raised by his grandmother
- he has all the ap classes too let's be fr
- HE SAYS SUCH OUT OF POCKET THINGS SOMETIMES, he says it how he sees it, he'd literally go out of his way and call you a perforated ballsack if he felt like it (and he never got a citation for it EVER) it almost fazes Ao'nung how someone so sweet could say such BOLD things 😭
- he wears cargo shorts and blue t-shirts and vans and/or black converses
- A HUGE SZA FAN, has been since the release of CTRL and we all know he was there the moment SOS was released also because he was literally blowing up the groupchat with the countdown (GUYS 5 MINUTES GUYS 5 MINUTES) a week after the release he's already memorised almost all the songs
- he sometimes asks the most obvious questions that some of his classmates start laughing as a result 💀 jokes on them though they didn't ace the test like he did
- he just gives Charlie Kelmeckis energy
- he's the type of person to stutter when he's nervous so when he came to Kiri's house to meet their parents for the first time it took him 1 whole minute to say hello to Tuk who opened the door asking him if he was the doordash guy
- wouldn't be opposed to a night in as much as a night out
- he isn't exactly that well off but will pay for EVERYTHING he won't even let Ao'nung (whose father is a billonaire) pay for 2 fries and 2 sundaes at McDonald's
- really likes Spiderman (went as Miles Morales 2 years in a row, he only went a second year because Kiri thought it would be a good idea to play Spidergwen and you best believe they got a lot of candy)
- is the type to remember the littlest things about you
- very emotionally intelligent
- he tutors Kiri sometimes but those sessions always end up with them getting take out or watching poorly made hollywood films and laughing their asses off at the cringy dialogue and shit special effects
- he's in film club and the school newspaper column he loves writing and wants to work in a real film set one day
- with that in mind, when they were younger Rotxo produced plays with Tsireya and Ao'nung during family gatherings, they made all the props, asked Rotxo's grandma for help with costume design (of course they always get standing ovations)
- is an only child
- canonically a teacher's pet and Ao'nung makes fun of him for it
- the unluckiest luckiest son of a gun ever (got detention for dropping a weight on a girl's head, said girl gave him a kiss on the cheek when she left to go to the hospital, the script he'd been working on since middleschool got lost, immediately gets invited to a film set on a bigshot Hollywood movie for a day)
- surfs A LOT, not as much as ao'nung since he competes in surfing classics but Rotxo could if he wanted to (he has stage fright poor baby)
- is a peace maker - Duane Evans Jr.
- puts his hands over his ears when he's scared
- HAS LITERALLY NO SENSE OF DIRECTION, his first day in Pandora high he was 20 minutes late to all his subjects because he's always miles away from his classes, if his Chemistry class was in the the second floor jit'd be out in the football field asking Seniors where the chemistry classroom was and they'd purposefully give him the wrong directions making him another 20 minutes late and he literally just missed the entire Chemistry lesson 😭 you can give this boy a dozen compasses and he'd still be lost (Ao'nung actually did give him a compass for his 12th birthday before he realized that Rotxo did not know the difference between his East and his West)
- he can hold his breath for 3 minutes (imagine you're just relaxing on the beach and you see two 7 year old boys floating on the surface of the water)
- literally just unintentionally funny
- he's always been the friend that was almost NEVER allowed outside, if his grandma does allow him outside she only gives him an hour or so but Ao'nung has already used up like 15 minutes for begging so...
- animals love him, it's almost annoying really
- he says sorry to inanimate objects if he bumps into them
- HE NEVER SLEEPS, he's shit at time management too so he just crams extra credit assignments the night before it's due and ends up getting a 90% on them like it's witchcraft???
- sings songs out of nowhere like some broadway star
- parents and grandparents love him, (they once stole beers from Tonowari's mini fridge in their vacation house in Martha's Vineyard in Massachusets and Ronal caught them and Rotxo lied to her face when she asked them what they were doing in Tonowari's private study, he told her that they were throwing the beers out because the fridge was on the fritz again, which dosent seem so believebale granted they were two teenage boys but Ronal took one good look into Rotxo's puppy dog eyes and FELL FOR IT. They drank them on the rooftop that night while they watched the sunset (and scrambling down when Tsireya spots them halfway across the beach)
- braids Kiri's hair for them (they could literally be eating lunch together with the group and next thing she knows Rotxo's asking for a rubber band to tie her hair off)
- plays the pianoforte
- wears those puca shell necklaces and sometimes wears a sweatband to school (I know im describing Michael from Duckrockers but HUSH)
- used to always eat in the classroom of his favorite teacher who teaches AP Lit, that is until Ao'nung found out and invited him over to eat with him and his swim team friends, until they eventually just started eating on another table, Tsireya joined them as well because her friend group was getting a bit too tight iykyk (fake ass bitches) then Lo'ak started sitting there because he Tsireya started dating, then Lo'ak invited Kiri over because he had a bet going with Ao'nung that Kiri would be the first one to ask Rotxo to be their boyfriend, then Neteyam decided to eat with them too because someone had to ratio the absolute havoc these 4 wreak during lunch time (2 to 4 is better than 1 to 4, poor Reya)
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PART 2! Finally got through to finishing Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo! I had sm fun doing these which ya'll can clearly tell given the amount of headcannons I wrote 😭 anyway, I might be writing more atwow fics in the future who knows honestly...
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bsd hc dump except they’re all either thoughtful ideas of actions/opinions they would do/have or the stupidest things you’ve ever read!!
no these are not in any order :) enjoy
alongside his whole cleanse-the-world-of-sin thing, fyodor’s secondary life goal is to learn as many string instruments as he can, own at least one of each, and dedicate an entire room to them. the only other one that knows is sigma, and they’re… honestly not even surprised
kunikida can speak spanish well enough to have an everyday conversation with someone, but he’s not totally fluent (i also like to think he’s very fascinated by the different dialects and knows a ton of variations of certain phrases)
because of this, dazai has committed exactly 5 spanish words to memory. all of them are insults. he uses them on chuuya sometimes thinking he doesnt understand (alas, he’s close to fluent and often returns these tiny insults with entire vulgar speeches in spanish)
while we’re on the topic of languages, sigma is completely fluent in both japanese and russian. fyodor and gogol (both non-native japanese speakers) are pretty good with the speech and pronunciation part, but they have a hard time reading and writing kanji, so they’ll often go and use sigma as a walking google translate
kyouka likes rock music! atsushi found her with headphones on once, asked if he could hear, and immediately got blasted to the other side of the room by mcr
atsushi, however, likes actual rocks. he has a little collection on the windowsill by his desk in the agency <33
the black lizard have game nights together once a month. higuchi caught them all heading to hirotsu’s place together and asked what they were doing, and when they told her, she immediately asked to join. a few months after she started tagging along, akutagawa was soon dragged into it as well. this is how they found out akutagawa is a huge rage-quitter (hirotsu has had to buy three new game tables since)
louisa and poe occasionally go out for coffee together. not on dates or anything, just to sit in each other’s quiet company and get work done together alongside delicious beverages. one time while the guild was still assembled, lucy asked louisa if she wanted a certain kind of coffee (she was practicing so she could eventually land her current job), and poe answered with her exact order before she did
during the dark era, dazai jokingly made a set of those neon loom friendship bracelets for oda, ango, and himself. today, ango still has his and oda’s, which he managed to save. it’s one of, if not the only remaining physical object that could ever prove oda’s existence.
anyway, back to the happy stuff- gogol and sigma are huge reptile nerds, especially lizards! gogol caught one once, and they spent hours playing around with it. fyodor passive-aggressively stared at them from across the room while reading a book on rats the whole time.
despite this, sigma can’t stand snakes. anything else scaley is cool, just not snakes- they do find most spiders adorable, though. gogol, on the other hand, is the complete opposite; he loves snakes and will burn the entire sky casino down if a single spider comes within a 2 mile range of it.
50% of mori’s obsession with elise comes from… y’all know what… but the other 50% is from his love for fashion and need for a model. apparently, he decided elise was the perfect candidate, and spoils her rotten trying to find her an outfit that not only he believes is stylish, but she finds agreeable as well (so far, he’s had no success)
one of steinbeck’s sisters is a professional hairdresser, so he knows a lot about hair care. as soon as he saw the state of lovecraft’s hair, he decided he absolutely would not have this and proceeded to spend the next three hours thoroughly detangling and cleansing it. other than steinbeck himself, louisa was the only one who got to touch it before lovecraft immediately jumped into the ocean again (she said it was perhaps the softest thing she’d ever felt with her own two hands. poe is secretly dying to feel it too someday)
ranpo often takes kenji, atsushi, and occasionally tanizaki out with him on snack shopping sprees! they all usually get addressed as “young boys”, despite only one of the three actually being a child- unless tanizaki comes along, in which case he is usually assumed to be the oldest in charge of the group.
ok that’s all my stupid tiny hands can type for now. please rb with some of your own hcs if you like, i lovelovelove seeing other people’s ideas on these stupid little guys
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A concept I have dubbed the Friendship Bracelet Chronicles:
One day Solomon gives Ik a bunch of his old human-world things that he has no need for anymore. Mixed up in that collection is a box of some very pretty colorful thread. It'd be a shame to let that all go to waste, so Ik has an idea. She's gonna make friendship bracelets!
The bracelets are made and distributed to resounding success. Mammon cries. Belphie will kill you if you spill something on his. Diavolo won't take it off even for Very Important Announcements. Simeon wears his on top of his gloves even though it's a horrible fashion statement because he loves it with all his heart.
Ik thinks that's the end of it. Boy is she wrong.
One day Satan gives her a friendship bracelet of his own. He's made it with the same color Ik used for his bracelet along with little cat-shaped beads. Cute! Ik wears it proudly.
Then Levi notices and by the next day, he's made one with a goldfish charm. Then there's one from Mammon. Then Asmo. Then Beel. Then Belphie. And for a while that's it. Until one day at the breakfast, Lucifer walks in, and presents Ik with the most fancily woven bracelet so far. It's got little music notes embroidered into it. How the FUCK
It only escalates from there. The other exchanges won't ket their best friend status be encroached on and oh you know Diavolo has to get in on this! By the end of it Ik is wielding twelve bracelets, seven on one wrist and five on the other, and the others keep bickering about whose bracelet is higher in the pecking order
Imagine the added chaos if the newspaper club and season 4 trio got in on this....
this whole thing is so cute oml
om mephistopheles meets ik and when she shakes his hand he looks down and sees diavolo's friendship bracelet practically GLOWING up at him and he's just floored by the sight of it. meanwhile raphael thinks that the many bracelets are like, combat cuffs, and is extremely on-guard until simeon explains things to him
thirteen would be the first of the new trio to make ik a bracelet after becoming friends! it's pink-purple with little skulls and butterflies and bells that make it jingle. then raphael comes along with a pretty laurel pattern (painstakingly embroidered, because he's so good at that kind of thing). eventually, not to be outdone, mephistopheles produces a very elaborate silver thread one that looks like a dragon wrapping around your wrist
ik has to continuously rotate the order she wears her bracelets in because otherwise the others start play-bickering (and then real-bickering) about which one's the favourite
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petalsxfallen · 10 months
⭐️⭐️⭐️ (Petal & Morty, Petal & Summer, Petal & Rick)
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For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses.
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Doing three for each cause that's more fun for me.
Petal & Morty
Like we've discussed before petal ends up pretty upset at morty for not telling him about his developing relationships with his boyfriend and meg his almost girlfriend. This is due to her revealing her backstory to him and having told him about her relationship with cherry blossom. She sees him hiding this information from her as him not caring about her to the level she has with him. So this begins an arc where she is just being a dick to morty. When she's not avoiding him and giving him the silent treatment she's flipping him the bird and telling him to fuck off.
I think morty has a whole collection of knives that petal has gifted him with. Some are normal ones you'd find on earth others she got from the black market in space and other dimensions. So those ones have added attachments like fire and electroshock.
The adventures she takes morty on in contrast with rick are rarely ones that will traumatize him. She sees what he's been through and wants to give him some real fun to even things out. Things only turn dangerous if gems come after her and they have to defend themselves. Usually she takes him out to places like blitz and chips or boob world. After her rejuvenation arc in particular she takes him to the garden. A place that she and pink used to visit when they were best friends. She wants to reclaim the place for her and morty instead. Leaving her friendship with pink in the past. I think she would even try to rebuild the garden with morty to it's former glory since it being abandoned for eons all the plants died by now.
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Petal & Summer
During the fuck morty arc her and summer get a lot closer. Petal does what rick does sometimes which is hanging out with summer more as a way of saying she doesn't care about him and that she doesn't need him. So yeah she starts taking summer out a shit ton of concerts and raves. As well as getting drunk with her sometimes.
Them getting friendship bracelets when they're really fucked up on one of their adventures and once they're sober they're just like cool don't regret getting these actually.
Petal would refer to summer affectionately as her main bitch and that fuck morty arc kinda puts into focus how much she loves summer and how much they have in common. Out of all the possible fusions between the smiths petal and summer's would be the most badass and strong in battle. Well more useful in battle. Rick's and petal's would be stronger technically but they could not stay fused for long cause they'd be unstable.
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Petal & Rick
Once she's done being pissed at rick for the whole rejuvenated petal thing I see her not only starting to hook up with him again but them fucking on a constant basis. To get over her anger towards him she kinda just parties with him a lot which turns into fucking. Often in public places like bars and clubs.
With how their relationship is now with how their similarities grate on each others nerves their fusion would be toxic and nonstable. Powerful almost to a diamond's level but monster like in appearance. Similar to malachite from su.
Petal while she does decide to reveal her backstory to him while they're both shitfaced she would never ask about his. Not only because that's none of her business but she feels that it's really fucking personal and would only hurt rick or make him uncomfortable to talk about. Not to mention if she did find out she would feel so awkward even mentioning the subject of his dead wife.
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llimerrence · 11 months
Okay, so, Beth and I made a 'second chance' au for her michael. Where instead of dying; he wakes up before everything happened and basically has a second chance at life. But like, still remembers his entire first life, so dude's going through it.
Anyway, we were talking about how Michael and sid were a thing in our lil universe, but like never a real thing. They just kinda flirted and were like, clearly in love with eachother, but like also they were teenagers working so like. How well do you actually get to know your coworker when your boss is purposefully trying to keep you apart?
But then Sid died, and so Michael was just left with this empty void from her. Where he never got to know every part of her. He only knew bits and pieces, and then he's a corpse himself so like. He probably built up Sidney in his head, this idealized romanticized version. And Sidney obviously doesn't meet that version, but Michael's okay with that because this sidney is real. And alive. And she wasn't on a pedastal, she was just a coping mechanism.
But now he’s just like. There. With her. And she’s not just sarcastic sunshine front counter worker anymore. AND She’s not the obsessive revenge driven robotic creature that’s falling apart. She's a new person he's getting to know.
Sidney is clearly a cop's daughter, she carries a radio on her at all times, has notebooks of profiling William. She has a portable police light in her bag, she has all the codes memorized. Yet, she’s also the sunshine and sass he knows.
She sings good morning to an empty room, just in case someone hears it and it makes them smile. She cracks jokes at his expense to tease him; but will reassure him the second she notices that he isn't laughing. She says goodnight every time she leaves, and says I love you a hundred times a day even to people that don't say it back.
She has protest posters in her room, she collects Vinyls and 8 Tracks and has them on shelves in her room— she struggles to decide on her outfits, she spends 45 minutes on her hair every morning. She wears platforms but can’t walk in heels. She can cook up anything from her family restaurant, but do not ask her to bake anything she will burn down the house.
She watches films with her dad and can tell you behind the scenes trivia about all of them. Horror is her favorite genre, but she likes cheesy chick flicks too. She makes movie references all the time; and will reference pop culture as much as possible.
Sidney knows a lot about technology and machines, but it’s only because she builds miniature model trains with her dad in the basement sometimes. They have a whole town down there and Sidney has named every single character and made entire backstories for them. And Sid has programed a train schedule so they don't run into eachother; and she has a running list of all the characters in the town
Sidney is amazing with children, but absolutely terrible with figures of authority. She will talk back to every cop, teacher, boss, it doesn't matter. She has no fear, and really is a protestor through and through. She organizes protests, and listens to the police radio chatter just to see what's happening in town.
Her family is odd because they aren’t religious unlike most of the town. They don’t go to church, and Sidney actively debates the Bible with her mom. (Who was raised religious but doesn’t practice).
Sidney has two best friends; one girl she went to school with since kindergarden. And the other they met in highschool, and just clicked. One is richer, and one is the same bracket as Sidney, but they don't usually talk about that stuff. Sidney has made them all friendship bracelets, they wear cordinated outfits when they go out together, and sometimes just for fun even if they don't see eachother. Sidney waits up for hours by the phone to make sure she doesn't miss their 2 am call to let her know they got home safe.
Sidney can’t handle alcohol at all. She takes a sip of a beer and she’s drunk ™; but that doesn’t stop her from downing grasshoppers and green hornets. Which apparently, are her favorites. She’s good at dancing but only after drinking; and usually her family puts on the radio at night and dance together in the living room. And Sidney dances like a robot without any alcohol, she's stiff and nervous, and super self aware.
Sidney is a person. She's not a robot, she's not a victim. She's a real living breathing human with a life outside of the franchise.
But all of that is erased by William Afton.
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anarmorofwords · 2 years
Hiii! I love your opinions on TSC and I Hope you don't mind talking about CHOT!
I agree with you on everything. I felt barely nothing reading It. I also didn't get attached to the romances. The Thomastair scene where he says that Thomas is the reason he didn't become like Tatiana and "you keep me human, Tom" was sooo cringe to me. Way over the top and reduce both of the characters to their romance. I understand why people loved It, but I found unbeliaveble.
I read Chot more for Matthew, tbh. I was pleased that she didn't gave him the horrible ending the fandom expected and have him an arc of healing but I wish we saw more of his thoughs and his processo on his pov. And we had the scene where he tells his parents and James about the secret that was a huge part of his character on his pov too. Anyway, so many scenes about family, friendship and grieving that would add so much depht on the book weren't written to give space to (I'm Sorry) boring romance.
Also I wish we saw more of Grace and Jesse sibling relationship.
And I have SO MUCH criticism over Charles' arc and I wanted to know what you think about his character and his arn!
Thank you anyway!
*me running to hug you for this*
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i feel so seen, thank youuuu
no like literally, everyone here should know I adore thomastair, and yet... all those romance declarations were so empty
like you said, that line meant nothing to me. it was also kinda out of blue? if he said the same thing to Cordelia, I might have bought it, but to Thomas? Alastair began his change arc way before he and Tom got close, and there were so many other things he could have said. It genuinely felt like something out of a "random cheesy line" generator (and yeah, there's many other things that helped "keep him human" - like his family yikes)
same about Matthew! i was waiting for his pov for all of this series and I'm once again disappointed. maybe she just didn't know how to write addiction from the struggling person's pov, but then again, why did she choose that plotline to begin with? also she will be writing a ss collection about him, so that seems an unlikely reason. probably just, as you said, there were more important things to focus on (like prolonging the bracelet secret for eternity yay )
and when both his revealings of the secret were skipped over? are you kidding me?!
it's just one of many pov decisions I cannot fathom, alongside - no Anna pov of/after Kit's death, no Gabrily pov of their son's death/aftermath of it, no Carstairs meeting their sibling, Ari coming out etc. etc.
i actually think Charles was given the "no child of our previous mains can be an evil person" treatment and some last minute flat redemption arc and I don't buy it. he lacked nuance. i would have liked to see him conflicted, see him torn between some deeply hidden love and sentiment for his loved ones and his cutting ambition and years of being among a rather ruthless crowd. if we're sweeping up all of his being a shitty person under a rug because of the blackmail, it becomes ridiculous. all of the previous books plot becomes ridiculous after this mess of a hastily thrown together resolutions smh.
speaking of Charles - I do think the whole blackmail plotline was a quick and easy way to get both him and the inquisitor out of the way, and you have no idea how anti-climatic it felt. the whole political conflict was just like... oh yeah btw the inquisitor problem and all the prejudice is gone cause he blackmailed someone all good now 🥰
(can we just agree that this whole book was anti-climatic? whenever something was about to happen it just got puff!!!! and then we were reading about the aftermath of it )
(yes to Grace and Jesse!!! I actually think Grace was one of the best parts of ChoT to me)
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New moon in cancer
I dreamt I was being unproductive with time but in the dream, the man I work for in reality, soon revealed to me that it was apart of the timing, nodding his head.
In the past, I’ve found myself doing things I didn’t want to do or spending time with people I didn’t want to spend time with.
This has led me to good friendships but my friendship with myself is more important than with others. Doing the things I want is more important than doing things for others. And sure it’s a balance. But I think I’ll be leaning into the first one these days. Especially with the nodes moving into Aries and Libra. Especially since this yearlong detour where I decided to serve others and help them build their dreams. I want everyone else to do what they want.
We say we need each other but that wouldn’t be right. Like any healthy relationship it’s a nice to have not a need to have.
The paradox of love and friendships.
I spent the winter and spring snowboarding though I’d have rather been surfing.
But I had to make a ton of tips and I had to be in one place.
And I was supposed to go sailing.
That was the whole point of being here.
And he had the nerve to say I didn’t follow through on my word. I listened to projection after projection. I’ve heard projection after projection. It’s time to be a detective of other peoples’ logic as a matter of beforehand.
My wrath these days amuses me. I suppose it’s looping around from the last full moon in Cancer back in January.
I’m going to channel it towards movement towards my drive. My drive is coming back but it’s still pixelated.
The other thing is I quit smoking tobacco. Cigarettes keep so many emotions at bay.
At first I got a rush from the emotions flooding at me that I had smoked through all this time.
They’re telling me to cry. They’re telling me to be enraged.
I’m going through a portal of emotion.
I’ve tried quitting multiple times for the last two years. The last three men I dated were smokers. I think quitting the cigs is also quitting these kinds of men.
I want to be less anonymous and try to reveal myself more and see what happens. Maybe I’ll stop seeking intimacy in doomed situations. My shyness is peeling off. I sang on the stage at a friend’s birthday party.
I’m listening to this YouTube playlist at a Mediterranean cafe on the northwest coast of Tahoe - my favorite part of the lake. Back in Spain when I was 24, they played the same playlist at a surf hostel I worked at.
It’s that theme repeating of absolute delight, of absolute pleasure, of absolute joy. There was a song that haunted me on that playlist because I couldn’t find it for years after.
“And then she’d say, ‘It’s okay, I got lost on the way, but I’m a supergirl, and supergirls don’t cry’… she’s sowin’ seeds, she’s burnin’ trees.”
It has always been my song. I pay more attention now to songs that pop into my head. They’re messages for me.
Back in Ecuador when I was 26, I made my friend a bracelet that said viento when I didn’t know what to make it say as I was at a particularly existential point in my life and didn’t believe in anything.
But I’m back on the viento.
Who could have known the lack of meaning would become viento and in doing so become meaningful?
I never want to allow a man to lead me astray. That’s why I’ll be a captain.
If it’s not a fuck yes… I said to Cristian.
And in the meantime, while things pixelate, I realize it’s okay to do literally nothing to make money.
It’s sort of dangerous. But it’s different. A different lifestyle than I was taught.
The money remains the same but the writing flows. I collect herbs. I dry them and make teas and tinctures.
I didn’t know this would be the lesson. I didn’t know it’d suddenly be about timing and slowing down.
I didn’t know it’d be so welcoming to get back into my energy again. That I’d want to be alone so bad in the middle of summer.
At the man’s birthday whom I’m working for, his wife said, “He’s really good at closing chapters.”
That’s what I’m going to be good at.
I’m entertaining a lot of notions. There are things I want to do.
You’re waiting for the signs? Someone asked at the party last night.
I’m looking at new homes.
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