#so hes afraid that his mother and brother would reject him
nabaath-areng · 2 years
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I tweaked the design of Ieeha’s adoptive dad, Yvelont... sir...
(Yvelont is head of the minor noble house Verral of Ishgard, and lost his wife, children and mobility during the Dragonsong War. He was asked one day to house a “prodigous but difficult youth” who had moved regularly between numerous families his entire childhood without stability, to which he agreed.
While the youth was reluctant to familiarize himself at first, he gradually came to consider Yvelont a sort of father figure, especially after being gifted an entirely new wardrobe and was accepted as a son. Ieeha was named sole heir of the Verral estate and fortune, 3 years after he first moved in and on his 20th birthday.)
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initialchains · 4 months
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teenage dirtbag, baby! | luke castellan
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: there is nothing more exhausting than being known as the picture perfect daughter of aphrodite… luckily, camp half-blood’s resident teenage dirtbag luke castellan can’t relate at all. fake dating him to piss off your siblings and mother could never go wrong, right? (based on 18 by anarbor)
wc: 6.5k
warnings: smoking, mentions of drinking, mentions of drugs, mentions of sex, implied sexual content, drew tanaka being a bitch, and kinda ooc luke bcs hes meant to be well … a teenage dirtbag.
a/n: its still valentine’s day for me sooo happy valentines 💌💗 !! in mexico valentine’s day is also known as the day of friendship so this one is dedicated to my favorite people ever: @emiliehornby @love-that-we-were-in and @kestisvrse <3 !! hope you enjoy it mwah !!
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The sounds of campers laughing and gossiping in the dining pavilion are drowned out by your siblings and their annoyingly loud whispers about the allegedly cute (you’d beg to differ) son of Ares who joined camp less than twelve hours ago. Sure, he seemed like a nice guy even though he's a child of the god of war, but you were certain the only reason they kept bringing him up was because they wanted to set you up with him.
“And his arms, oh my gods! Have you seen them?” one of your brothers chimed in, trying to get you to agree with him, but all you could come up with was a hum and a polite smile. 
It pissed you off a bit, the knowledge of you never being able to go against your siblings' wishes.. the fear of disappointing them and your mother being all-consuming and blinding you with fear.
There were times you’d think about it if you’re being honest. Times where you would let yourself dream of doing something so stupidly reckless for once. Something that would stop your siblings from walking all over you and treating you like their personal lapdog. 
Not only was it tiring but it was also humiliating to a certain point. You were older than most of them and you were pretty sure you were the only one that took being a demigod seriously, even taking your time to strategize for Capture The Flag with Clarisse, and yet… you rejected Chiron when he asked you to be a counselor and told him to ask Silena instead. 
And you loved your family—you really did, but it was getting exhausting. Always having to be perfect was draining you and you were afraid of the kind of person you’d become if you allowed this to keep going. 
“He totally wants to ask you out,” Silena’s voice snapped you out of the daze you were trapped in. You turned your head to the right, facing your half-sister with a small frown on your face.
“You really think so?” you replied, trying your best to sound excited. 
“Oh, I know so,” she answered before going on a whole rant about how cute you’d look with the newly claimed son of Ares. A son of Ares—that you badly wanted to remind her—had only been in camp for less than twelve hours and you knew nothing about. 
You stayed in the dining pavilion with your siblings until you found the strength to tell them you were tired and wanted to go to sleep (an incredibly blatant lie but it didn’t look like they cared) and stood up, brushing the dust off your jeans.
“Wait, I’ll go with you!” Silena said with a smile, standing up and moving closer to you. 
“You don’t have to. You can stay with them if you want to, really—“ you were cut off by your half-sister with an exasperated sigh.
“I want to go with you. Plus, I can walk back here once I drop you off at the cabin,” she stated with a playful roll of her eyes.
The two of you walked back to the Aphrodite cabin in a comfortable silence. You liked being with Silena, she was a few years younger than you but she carried herself with so much grace and love it was hard to feel uncomfortable or weird whenever you hung out with her.
You kept your gaze on the sky, noticing that the moon was out by now. “Hey,” Silena whispered, trying to get your attention.
“You okay?” you answered. Your mind was practically hardwired to always look after your siblings, so your brain was unwillingly making you think of the worst-case scenario.
“What? Yeah, I am okay,” Silena was quick to reassure you, “I just wanted to talk to you about—“
“I swear to all the gods, Silena. If this is about that camper..” you replied with a small sigh. The two of you stopped walking when you reached your cabin, deciding to continue the conversation outside.
“He’s not that bad! He is a nice guy and the two of you would look really cute together,” she insisted.
“You don’t even know him.”
“Ugh, fine. Good thing is there are other cute campers we can introduce you to. I met one of Charlie’s brothers a few weeks ago and I think he’d—“
“I can’t do this tonight,” you replied in an exhausted tone.
“Wow, okay. No need to be mean about it,” Silena muttered.
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve been trying to help you find a boyfriend for months now and you always shut me down. It was fine at first but now you’re just being mean,” she explained.
“Mean? Silena, you said it yourself. I’ve always shut you down because I’m not interested in getting one.”
“Whatever,” she replied bitterly before turning around and walking back to the dining pavilion, leaving you alone outside of your cabin. 
You stared at her back as she walked away, going through the last few minutes over and over in your head. Were you being mean? All you did was stick up for yourself. You didn’t understand why you were feeling bad for standing up against your siblings just for once.
A snort made you realize you weren’t alone. You turned your head towards the noise just to be met with.. oh.
Luke Castellan was leaning against the side of your cabin, carefully hidden under the darkness of the night and the shadows of the trees, he had a cigarette in his right hand and an obnoxious smirk adorning his even more obnoxious face. 
“Hope you enjoyed the show, Castellan.”
Luke raised his hands as if he had been caught and blew the smoke away, “I’m on your side, she was being a fucking bitch.”
“Don’t call her that, she’s just a kid.”
Luke raised a brow before taking another drag of his cigarette, “Do not call your sister a bitch after seeing her.. be a bitch to you?” he shook his head. “Oh, princess, you need to work on getting rid of that altruism.”
“Do you even know what that word means?” you snapped, not being in the mood to indulge in whatever it was he wanted to talk about.
“Why? You want to teach me?” He said with a smirk.
“Don’t even start with your annoying stuff, Castellan,” you muttered, running a hand down your face, clearly overwhelmed with everything that had happened. 
“Because you know you won’t want me to stop?” he pressed, but after a moment of silence his smirk fell and a frown took over his features. 
“Uh.. you want to...” he trailed off and cleared his throat, “you want to talk about it or something?” 
You squinted at him before eventually letting out a sigh and walking over to Luke, standing next to him with your back pressed against the wooden walls of your cabin. Luke extended his arm away from you to keep the smoke far from your face. 
“So, um... Silena wants to set me up with that new camper,” you started.
“Fuck. The Ares one?” Luke interrupted.
“Right, sorry. Please continue, princess.”
You decided to ignore the insufferable pet name he gave you and continued, “The thing is I do want a boyfriend, just not… him.”
Luke hummed before bringing the cigarette to his lips again and inhaling the smoke in, he kept his mouth closed as he thought of something decent to say before slightly tilting his head away from you and blowing out the smoke upwards. 
“Alright, and have you tried telling her to stop?” he cut himself off and shook his head. “Nope that was shitty advice, have you tried maybe describing your type or whatever it is you Aphrodite people say to describe the people you’re attracted to.” 
“My type?” you replied, almost offended by the statement.
“Yeah?” Luke answered as if it was the most obvious thing to do, “Just describe the type of guys you’re into and I’m sure that cult of yours you like to call siblings will be happy to help…” he trailed off when he noticed your gaze set on his right hand and your bottom lip in between your teeth as he flicked the cigarette, causing the ashes to fall into the ground. 
He looked up from his hand and burst out into laughter, shaking his head before whispering an amused fuck. 
“Oh?” Luke said with a bright smile and raised brows, “You find this attractive, angel?” 
“That thing is going to kill you,” you explained, “I’m not attracted to people that like to slowly kill themselves.” 
“Fucking bummer. I wanted to see you take a drag, that would’ve been really hot,” he said, his smile not wavering. “Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you don’t drink, right?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Look at you, being such a good girl,” Luke teased before throwing the rest of his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it. 
“Also, that thing you said about Silena being just a kid was really fucking stupid. She’s almost the same age as Annabeth and she doesn’t act like an asshole, I’m pretty sure your sweet little sister is just a bitch.” 
Annabeth. You forgot that even though Luke is an annoyance most of the time and prefers to stick to himself.. he still has a soft spot for the twelve year old daughter of Athena. It was kind of endearing. 
“Annabeth is a daughter of Athena, you can’t expect her to act—“
“You didn’t act like Silena when you were fourteen. You need to stop giving her excuses and allow yourself to get mad at her.” 
“I’d rather have my siblings get mad at me and just stop perceiving me as this perfect and weak person, maybe once that happens they’ll stop trying to mess with my life,” you explained, your gaze set towards the ground. 
Luke was about to open his mouth and try to come up with a funny one-liner to make you feel better, but he didn’t get to because you were quick to look up at him with a gasp and wide eyes.
“The fuck? Are you okay?” 
“I need you.”
“Shit, angel. Most girls say that after a few dates but I’m not against the idea,” he said with an amused look in his eyes. 
“Ew, no. I mean, I need to date you—fake date you.”
“I’m uh... not for sale?” Luke answered, clearly confused by the plan you were trying to explain.
“No, Castellan. Listen to me. My siblings despise you, I’m sure they’d set my bed on fire as a way of cleansing my soul from you if they find out we’re dating.”
Luke’s eyes got bright and his smile widened (if that was even possible), “Set your bed on fire? And what would we do in your bed for them to feel disgusted by its existence?”
“You’re disgusting. Anyway, if we fake date I’ll get to stop being perceived as their perfect sister and you’ll have bragging rights for dating an Aphrodite kid,” you said, moving your hands as you spoke. 
“I’m pretty sure Drew started the rumors about me having lice and smuggling coke into camp, are you sure you want to fake date me of all people?” Luke asked carefully, trying to make you think about what was at stake. He didn’t give a shit about staining his already nonexistent reputation, but he couldn’t have you ruin yours. 
“I am so sure, Castellan,” you reassured him. 
“You know, for a good girl I’m extremely surprised you never say please.”
“Please, Castellan. Could you please be my fake boyfriend so I can finally stop being seen as my siblings' personal toy?” you said with a fake smile while bringing your hands together as an exaggerated way of begging Luke to say yes. 
“You’re so cute when you beg. But you need to prove to me you’re serious about this fake dating thing. Meet me tomorrow at the bonfire, no bullshit.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You had been on edge the entire day. Silena seemed to be past the argument, which made you feel better to an extent, but that didn’t seem to shake the uneasy feeling that settled in your gut because throughout the day you could feel someone staring at you. You could feel Luke staring at you.  
You were walking past the sword fighting arena with Katie Gardner from the Demeter Cabin the first time it happened. The feeling of a pair of eyes completely set on you. You turned your head to the right just to be met with Luke’s exhausted figure, he was sweating and panting, but that didn’t stop him from running his eyes up and down your figure and smiling at you. 
To say Katie was disgusted would be an understatement. A “Castellan is a dick, you should stay away from him,” was enough to stop you from staring at him and turning your head back to Katie. She went on to explain how Luke was a “real shitty person” and only hooked up with her as a way of getting her to grow weed in the back of the stables. 
It happened around eight times in the last two hours (not that you were counting) and it only got worse when the moon came up and everyone was making their way to the bonfire. You were walking next to Michael Yew when you felt a hand on your lower back. 
Luke’s hand on your lower back, to be exact. He left it there as he walked past you, only turning his head back to say “It’s adorable to see you together, are you two a couple?” 
You had to hold yourself back from strangling him when you heard his irritating laugh after he saw Michael’s reaction to his statement. Michael tried his best to be polite and tell him he was wrong, that there was nothing going on between the two of you. 
But his reply only seemed to fuel Luke’s actions even more because all he did was answer with a cocky “Oh, I know. Our princess here is only into... what was it? People that like to slowly kill themselves with cigarettes?” before walking away.
You were going to kill him.
Michael left your side as soon as you arrived, moving to sit with his siblings from the Apollo Cabin… leaving you with two choices: sitting with your siblings or sitting next to Luke (who for some reason always sat alone and spent the entire time listening to the music coming from the MP3 player he somehow managed to get into camp). 
So this is what Luke meant, you thought. This was the only way you could prove to him and everyone that you were serious about dating him—fake dating him—but it's not like they would ever know the truth.
You dragged your feet as you walked towards Luke, clearly having second thoughts about your plan, but there was no turning back now. You tried to ignore the confused look Drew was giving you and the gasps you could hear coming from your siblings. 
“I’m pretty sure Drew started the rumors about me having lice and smuggling coke into camp, are you sure you want to fake date me of all people?” You weren't so sure anymore but that didn’t stop you from taking a seat next to Luke Castellan, who took one of his earphones off and looked at you with a smile. 
“Happy now? I just proved how serious I am about this,” you whispered to him, trying your best to not let anyone hear you.
Luke nodded before saying, “You could’ve done better, but I’ll take it.”
“Done better? I just sat next to you in front of the entire camp, isn’t this good enough for you?” you asked, indignation evident in your tone. 
“Promise not to beat me up?” Luke said before pulling your arm and manhandling your body so you were on top of him, sitting on his lap. He placed his hands on your hips and looked up at you with stars in his eyes.
“Wow, Castellan. How scandalous, I’m sitting on your lap,” you deadpanned. 
He chuckled, bringing you closer to him and pressing his lips against yours. Luke’s hands felt like fire against your skin, all you could feel was a heat taking all over your body as he continued to kiss you, only pulling away to catch his breath before bringing you in for another one, this time he kissed you deeper and faster. 
Luke dragged you closer to him by pressing your hips against his and all you could do was melt into him and the feeling of his lips against yours. In the distance, you could hear gasps and people gagging, and you were pretty sure the campers from the Ares Cabin were cheering and whistling, but all your thoughts were on Luke Castellan and how good of a kisser he is.
You pulled away first this time, trying to steady your breathing as you looked into his eyes. He licked his lips before whispering “We should go.”
Your eyes widened as soon as he said that, the implications of what the sentence meant making you feel nervous. Luke was quick to reassure you, “If we leave, your siblings will be even more outraged. We don’t have to do anything, but they’ll think we are doing…some stuff. Just come to the woods with me for a little while.” 
You nodded and grabbed his hand as he guided you through the woods. You could hear Silena calling out your name and warning you about the consequences of your actions, but her voice was drowned out by the loud cheers coming from Clarisse.
Once the two of you were far enough from the rest of the campers, Luke let go of your hand and sat down by the lake, nodding his head as a way of asking you to join him.
You sat in silence for a few minutes until Luke spoke first. “How long do you think we should keep this thing up?”
“Valentina and Drew will want us to be over by tonight,” you said with a smile, a laugh escaping your lips. You didn’t notice how Luke’s eyes got brighter when he heard your laugh or how the melody that came out of your lips went straight through his heart and made him feel more alive.
“But I think a week should be enough. We can say we’ve been secretly dating for like... five months? That way it won’t be weird if we break up in a week,” you explained while your fingers played with your camp necklace. 
Luke nodded before going silent again, staring at the lake with a look you couldn’t quite comprehend. Your gaze was set on him, your eyes traveling from his toned arms, all the way to the scar that sat right below his right eye. 
“I know it’s awful, I can feel you staring at it,” he murmured. You could physically feel your heart sinking when he said it. You cleared your throat, “No, I… I think it’s beautiful. I think you’re—” Luke turned his head to face you, an inquisitive look in his eyes. “I think you’re really brave, Luke.” 
“Beautiful?” Luke asked, confusion written all over his face. “You should hear what your siblings say about it, then. I’m sure your opinion would change in a second.” 
“Being an Aphrodite kid means you see beauty everywhere,” you explained, “And I think your scar must be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Luke stared at you with an unreadable expression, making your heart almost beat out of your chest. 
“Are you flirting with me, angel?”
“Of course, you’d ruin the moment. Screw you, man.” You rolled your eyes. 
Luke threw his head back in a fit of laughter, it made you want to strangle him… again. “Did you just say screw you? Gods, princess, saying fuck won’t kill you.” 
“I don’t like to curse, thank you for pointing it out, Castellan,” you said, playfully shoving him, making him fake a gasp. 
“You went from trying to seduce me to trying to kill me, you’re so interesting, angel,” he said before letting out a sigh. “It, uh… It was really hard at first, getting used to the scar.”
“Having people call it all sorts of names, and looking at me with nothing but pity in their eyes was not easy to get used to. But after some time you just… stop caring. I mean, I’m not that big of an asshole to hold a grudge over a fucking scar, it even looks sick. But yeah, when it gets hard again all I can do is snort a line and move on.
“The coke smuggling was real?” you gasped, only focusing on the last sentence he said. Luke tried to keep a straight face but his facade fell the moment he noticed your wide eyes. Luke Castellan has the type of laugh that makes everything get fuzzy and makes you feel lightheaded, and all you wanted to do was to come up with bad jokes just for the sole reason of hearing him do it again. 
“Fuck, you really believe anything, huh?”
“Shut up, Castellan. I’ll literally stab you and let you slowly bleed to death,” you threatened, standing up from your place next to him. Luke followed you as you walked back to the cabins.
“You do know I’m the best swordsman in the last 300 years, right? Do you even know how to wield a sword?” he asked, matching your pace and walking next to you. 
“Low blow, just because I don’t like to indulge in violence it doesn’t mean I don’t know how to wield a sword,” you retorted. 
Luke snorted a laugh, “You don’t know, do you?”
“No, I don’t. Will you shut up now?”
“I only will if you accept to let me teach you how to fight tomorrow,” Luke said with a tilt to his head. He didn’t even give you a chance to answer because he walked away from you while saying a loud “Meet me tomorrow morning in the sword fighting arena.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You were sure you were seconds away from passing out. It's been around two hours of sparring with Luke and your arms and legs were about to give out. The sun was starting to come out, which meant this torture was nearly over. At least that’s what Luke promised. “We’ll stop as soon as the other campers wake up, that way you won’t have to be embarrassed if they see your… skills.”
The two of you circled each other, your swords were raised and Luke’s blade was pointing straight at you. Luke took a second to study your stance before lunging forward, his sword meeting yours as you quickly blocked his attack. “Not too bad, huh?” Luke teased before trying to get another hit, his moves becoming more calculated the longer you kept blocking his advances. Proving he wasn’t called the best swordsman at camp for nothing. 
With a disarming maneuver you weren’t aware of, Luke was quick to throw your sword to the ground and have you stumbling back, not being able to regain your footing. Luke gave you a smirk when your body hit the ground with a small thud, “That was easy,” he said, “We should do this more often.” 
“Nope, this is a one-time thing, Castellan,” Luke rolled his eyes before bringing the blade of his sword closer to you, reaching for your chin with a glint in his eyes. The blade met your chin and Luke lifted it, making you meet his gaze as he slowly made you stand up by raising his sword even higher. 
The two of you stood still, staring intently into each other’s eyes until you heard it—the sound of the Ares Cabin making their way to the arena. Luke let out a surprised shit, dropped his sword to the ground, and walked closer to you, cupping your jaw with his right hand and kissing you. 
Your lips met in a hurried collision, causing the same fire from yesterday to set in your stomach. Your hands moved to Luke’s hair, softly pulling it as the kiss got heated. You knew this was fake, you knew this kiss meant nothing to him… but you didn’t want him to stop. “Holy fuck, are you two always sucking each other’s faces?” Clarisse’s voice cut through the moment, causing you to pull away from Luke, unable to meet his gaze. 
“Yeah, that’s what being in a relationship entails. I don’t think you’d know much about it, La Rue,” Luke breathes out.
“Don’t you have weed to sell or a cheap bottle of vodka to down, Castellan?” 
“Aw, you know me so well,” Luke answered before picking up both of your swords and grabbing your hand, walking away from the arena. 
The following days were (and you hated to admit it) filled with the most fun you’ve ever had. Luke would come up with some insane idea for a fake date and it would always end with one of you lying about seeing a camper or hearing Silena’s voice as an excuse to make out with each other. 
There was this one time the two of you were having a picnic by the strawberry fields and the day ended with the two of you hiding in the empty forge while making out, running your hands over each other’s bodies, and doing the normal stuff fake couples always do… it all happened because Luke swore he heard Valentina’s voice near the fields. (You were sure Valentina had been on the stables that entire day because she had cleaning duty, but why wouldn’t you play along with something you also wanted to do?)  
It was Sunday–the last day of your fake relationship–when Silena finally found the guts to talk to you about Luke. You even felt slightly bad for the girl because she was so nervous when she sat next to you in the dining pavilion. 
“I..um... I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” she began, “Well, there are lots of things for me to apologize for, but I think it’s pretty obvious what the main problem is.” 
“The way I’ve been treating you is not okay and I’m really ashamed of it. You shouldn’t have to feel pressured to be the person we want you to be, I used to see you as someone who couldn’t do things on her own and always needed someone to push her and help her handle everything… and now I see I was wrong,” Silena explained, running a hand through her hair. 
“It’s fine, Silena. I don’t mind.”
“Well, I do. You’re strong and more than capable of doing things on your own, and you don’t need me to try and help you or fix you.” She took a deep breath. “I didn't know you were dating Luke, and to be honest I didn’t even know he was your type. He is so… weird and I never would’ve guessed you were dating. I mean, Drew told me he does cocaine and—”
“He doesn’t,” you interrupted.
Silena raised a brow before continuing, “Anyway, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel bad for just... existing. And you always look so happy after hanging out with Luke, I truly hope the two of you stay together for a long time.” 
You didn’t even know how to explain the situation so you just blurted out “I broke up with him.” 
Silena looked shocked for a few seconds before letting out a deep breath, “Oh, thank the gods. Just because we trust you it doesn’t mean we trust him,” she spat the him with so much disgust it made you feel sick. “You deserve so much better.” 
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This is probably the first time you have ever felt ill at the thought of seeing Luke. Sure, you used to be annoyed by his presence before the whole fake dating situation even started, but at least you were a strange type of friends back then. Not really close but also not complete strangers. There were times you’d catch him hiding his secret stash of weed behind the stables and didn’t tell anyone, and he’d always pay you back by lying to Chiron about you practicing your sword skills with him. (You had only used a sword once and it was years ago when you were still a new camper, you had no idea why Chiron would ever believe him.)
Luke was sitting in his usual spot by the lake, a cigarette in his hand. It had become a tradition for the two of you to always meet up by the lake before curfew to talk about your day and practice your kissing so it wouldn’t look fake. 
“Hey,” you said, taking a seat next to him. Luke threw his cigarette to the ground, stepped on it, and almost instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist, kissing your temple. “Blink-182?” you asked, nodding at the MP3 he had on his lap. 
“The Smashing Pumpkins,” Luke answered, taking his earphones off. “Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness is one of the best albums ever made.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’ll take your word for it,” you said. Luke smiled and poked your side. 
“So, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” you began, but Luke held up his hand as a way to get you to stop.
“Can I say something first?” he asked, looking shy for probably the first time since the day you met him. 
You nodded and let him take the lead of the conversation. “Alright, so… I’m kind of shit with words so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any sense but this past week has probably been the best week of my life. And I’m not even fucking around, I don’t have many friends–apart from Annabeth, and getting to be with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
“Being your friend is the greatest gift the gods have ever given me, and sometimes I feel like I don’t even deserve it. I’m a mess of a person, and you’re well… you’re you,” Luke stared deeply into your eyes, “And I just wanted to let you know that—”
Luke didn’t get to finish his sentence because this time it was you who cut him off with a kiss. You could taste the cigarette on his lips as he brought you closer to him, running a hand down your back and deepening the kiss before pulling away and moving to kiss your neck. 
Luke began to trail kisses down your throat and only stopped to whisper a low “Look at you, what would Aphrodite say? I’m sure she’d be proud.”
You pushed him away the moment you remembered your mother. “Silena apologized. We can stop pretending now.”
Luke was silent and just stared at you, his fingers moving to fidget with the wire of his earphones. “Oh, right,” he cleared his throat. “It’s Sunday, I forgot.”
You knew he didn’t.
“Yup, so we can go back to normal now,” you said, looking away from his eyes because you knew it would only take one look into them for you to kiss him again.
“Good,” Luke stood up, not daring to even shoot you a glance, and walked away. Leaving you alone by the lake with the lingering smell of his cheap stolen cologne mixed with the cigarette he was smoking. 
It didn’t help that you were welcomed into your cabin with hugs and your siblings congratulating you for breaking up with the son of Hermes. Sure, you weren’t the perfect sister anymore because you dated Luke Friendless-Freak Castellan, but knowing they liked you just because you were with him and then broke his heart made you want to set the cabin on fire. 
The main rule of the Aphrodite Cabin was something your siblings were extremely proud of, but the thought of its existence made you want to storm into Mount Olympus by yourself and yell at your mother for putting all these useless ideas into their heads. 
For a child of Aphrodite to prove themselves, they must make someone fall in love with them and then break that someone's heart. 
Is it possible for the rule to backfire? For the child of Aphrodite to accidentally fall in love with someone and then break their own heart because of it? You didn’t even know if that was an option, but you were sure that’s exactly what you were going through right now. 
It was hard for you to go to sleep that night because your mind kept replaying the past week on a loop. Your conversation with Luke by your cabin. The night of the bonfire. The conversation by the lake about his scar. Sparring with him. Going on a million fake dates. The night on the forge. Your last conversation with him. 
“Look at you, what would Aphrodite say? I’m sure she’d be proud.” 
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
You could feel Luke staring at you. Again. 
You were helping Annabeth strategize for Capture The Flag, because she had the brilliant idea to have the Athena cabin team up with Hermes and Aphrodite. You didn’t know much about fighting and spent most of the time sitting with your sisters during the game, but that didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy helping them come up with new plans. 
Once the three of you were done, Annabeth excused herself with an awkward “I think Malcolm wanted me to help him go through some maps. You two have fun… chatting!” and left as fast as she could, leaving you alone with Luke. 
You watched her leave the amphitheater and turned around to face Luke, “I can see why you like her. She’s so much like you.”
“Yeah, she’s like my little sister.”
The silence was so uncomfortable you almost broke down crying. You nodded and turned around, not being strong enough to face him, and walked away. You could hear him behind you, following you.
“Can we talk?” he pleaded.
You were about to open your mouth when Drew’s voice made you turn your head. “Gods, Castellan. It’s so embarrassing to still be hung up on your ex.” 
Luke sighed, “Hello to you too, Tanaka.” 
“Can you leave her alone? She doesn’t want to talk to you,” Drew said through a fake smile. 
“Oh, really? Did she tell you that?” Luke answered, tilting his head as he spoke and making eye contact with you. Wordlessly begging you to please talk to him. 
You stayed silent and looked away from him. Luke let out an incredulous laugh before nodding his head. “Good to know you’re back to being their little pet.” 
Drew rolled her eyes and walked away, shoving Luke as she walked past him. “So? You’re just not going to say anything?” Luke said. 
“What do you want me to say, Castellan?” 
“Tell me that last week didn’t mean anything to you,” Luke answered, his voice trembling. 
“Why do you care? I thought I was nothing but Drew’s little pet,” you replied, trying your best to not look weak in front of him.
Luke ran a hand through his hair and stepped closer to you, “I’m sure you’re thinking the exact same thing about yourself.” 
You hated that he was right.
The truth made your blood boil. “I don’t want any of your shit,” Luke let out a genuine laugh this time, a mocking look in his eyes. “Oh, so now she can curse?” 
You hated him for seeing the real you. You hated him for knowing the truth. You hated yourself for loving him.
“Fuck you, Castellan,” Luke hummed before stepping even closer to you and placing a hand on your waist, leaning to whisper in your ear. “I’m sure you’d love to do that again, right?” Luke’s smell was taking all over your senses and making your knees go weak. He continued, “Because even if we do it in the darkness of the Forge… it is still two friends fake dating because your mother might be watching.” 
You found the strength to press your hands against his chest and push him away, “Don’t talk to me ever again.” 
You spent the rest of the day with your siblings and friends, too afraid to leave their side because you didn’t trust yourself. Because you knew that if you were left alone for a second—you’d run straight to him. 
You sat next to Silena in the dining pavilion. Helped Katie and the Dyonisus cabin grow more strawberries by keeping them company. Walked with Michael to the bonfire, and stayed with Drew throughout the entire singalong. 
As always, Luke was sitting by himself, his MP3 player in his hand and his eyes were set on you. 
You walked back to your cabin when the singalong was over and helped your siblings get ready for bed. You were about to go to sleep when Valentina whispered your name, saying she had something for you.
“We found it last night under your bed, Drew wanted to give it to the harpies but I managed to take it away from her,” a frown made its way to your face.”What do you mean?”
“We found this,” She pulled out a badly wrapped gift from under her pillows. You were confused until she told you to open it.
 It was a bright pink MP3 player. 
“Oh,” you whispered, your hands shook as you stared at it. “I’ve got to—”
“It’s okay,” Valentina whispered. “He’s probably by the lake.”
You gave your half-sister a hug before running out of your cabin, and making your way to the lake. You could see Luke’s silhouette in the distance, and the sight only made you run faster.
You took a moment to catch your breath before saying, “The Smashing Pumpkins?”
Luke turned around at the sound of your voice. “Blink-182” he answered with a small smirk.
“Uh, of course,” you said as you walked closer to him. “Alright, listen. You were right.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Oh, fuck off,” you continued with a smile. “So, it turns out I may or may not be in love with this certain guy, and he may or may not be my type or whatever it is my siblings say.”
Luke took a step closer to you. “There’s a chance this guy thinks I’m going through a phase and only fake dated him to piss off my siblings and mother but the truth is… I don’t even care about them whenever I’m with him.” 
His hand moved to caress your cheek, “That’s cute and all but how does this guy know you truly mean that?” 
“I’m not going to make out with him at the bonfire, so I guess all he needs to do is believe me,” you whispered, your eyes moving from Luke’s eyes to his lips.
Luke smiled before answering, “Believe you? That’s alright with me,” and pressing his lips to yours.
Luke was right. Aphrodite would be proud. 
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byunpum · 8 months
Tsa·zìskrrmipaw | part 2
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Pair: Neytiri x Y/N human baby x Sully family
Warning: soft moments, mother rage, violence, sadness
Note: I had this job done a long time ago, but I changed a few things. Finally I am publishing it. I hope you like it a lot, and enjoy it. Remember to read part 1 <3
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If there was one thing Neytiri was sure of when she decided to accept little Y/N into her family, it was the offensive comments. The discriminating looks they would give her and her baby. She could receive all kinds of insults and mistreatment. But her little Y/N? oh no, not her. Her little bean shouldn't be treated like that. So she became much more protective of her baby. Neytiri knew she couldn't have you locked up all your life in the hut. That she and Jake wouldn't be around you all the time, even your siblings. Neytiri knew she had to let you grow up, but she was very afraid.
The day was pretty quiet, lo'ak and kiri were taking their midday nap, while little Y/N was playing with her father. Jake was lying on the floor, while Y/N was combing his hair and cuddling him. Meanwhile neytiri was finishing weaving a foot bracelet for her children. Neytiri was giggling at the scene ahead of her. Jake was almost asleep, while y/n's little hands were trying to climb up and move his father's head to the other side. Jake said it was "spa day for daddy," but he was taking it very seriously. "daddy you have a big head" says y/n, now using his feet to move jake's head. He laughs, and stands stiller. "You're the big head" jake jokes, moving his hands up from his head to hold the little girl. Pulling her up into the air, hearing her laugh. Now laying her on his chest, cuddling her and giving her lots of kisses. Neytiri feels so in love, at times like this she is glad and thankful that jake is her partner and father of her children. He is such a great father.
"Y/N!!!" Neteyam's voice is heard from afar, running into the hut. The boy had gone out to play with some friends. He ran as fast as he could to his little sister. "You have to come with me, I found the perfect place to play" says neteyam, wrapping his arms around y/n's chest. Lifting her into the air. "Hey easy warrior…remember your sister is smaller" says jake, taking y/n in his hands to put her on the ground. Little y/n didn't care about any of these actions, for her it was all a game.
"Neteyam what's wrong?" asks neytiri, watching as her eldest son runs to her. "Mom…I found a really nice place to play and practice with y/n. She can go with me, right?" asks the boy, excited. Neytiri is silent, giving jake a quick glance. He lifts his shoulders, waiting for his partner's decision. Y/n was 6 years old, and barely out of the hut. But what worried her most was the behavior of some of the clan members. Many accepted the human as part of the clan. But many rejected her presence. "Mom please!!!" the little girl is at her brother's side. Jumping up and down with excitement, while neytiri thought of what to say. "My love…why don't you play here near the hut, where you always play?" speaks neytiri, neteyam pouts.
After several minutes of begging, Neytiri agreed to let the two children go out to play. Neytiri felt as if her heart wanted to go out, she was getting nervous. Watching as both children ran out of the hut, "teyam…take care of your sister!!!" shouts neytiri. Jake walks up to her, sitting behind her. Hugging her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist. "My love… she'll be fine, she's just going to play. It's okay" jake speaks, wrapping his arms around neytiri more. He knew what neytiri was like with y/n. Jake was still surprised… when neytiri brought a human baby to care for him, then wanted to adopt her. And now she cared for y/n more than she cared for herself. He didn't know what y/n had done in neytiri, but it had to be something magical. "Yes…I know she'll be fine, after all neteyam is with her" neytiri tries to calm down.
Meanwhile neteyam and y/n had arrived at the place. It was right next to the village, a nice jungle area. Where there were low trees, perfect for y/n to play with. The grass was soft, and the creatures that went to drink water from the small lake in the middle of the place were very safe. There were even more na-vi children playing in the area. Neteyam took her sister by the hand, but not before taking the oxygen mask and placing it on her younger sister's nose. "Breathe," said Neteyam excitedly. When they were ready, they ran to a branch. Neteyam helped his sister up, running along the wide trunk. They played like this for more than an hour. Practicing jumping, making bows out of the wood they found. Even collecting rare objects to place in their father's hair. Neteyam took great care of y/n, carrying her in places where she could fall. Cleaning her face, and always making sure her oxygen was good.
Both children were very entertained playing, they were watching some giant snails moving on the trunk of the tree. Until they felt that someone was behind them. The giggling of some children caught neteyam's attention. He quickly turned around and got up from the ground. While y/n tried to imitate him. "My mom says you should be with your own kind," said one of the children. Looking at the little girl, who was already feeling intimidated. "Mine says you should have died when your real mom did" says another child, this one was taller. "Hey, what's the matter with you guys? Stop bothering us…GET OUT!!!" shouts neteyam annoyed by the comments. Meanwhile y/n was holding neteyam's hand tightly. She didn't understand why those kids were saying that to her, to Y/N her mother was neytiri. They were the same…or so she thought. Neteyam was arguing with the children, who were much older than neteyam. One of the boys grabbed y/n's arm and lifted her into the air. While another one pushed and held neteyam on the ground.
He had the little y/n in the air, she was crying and screaming. "teyam!!!" she screams as loud as she can. Neteyam helplessly on the ground. The na-vi child had him restrained. "And what's this for?" the annoying bully grabs the oxygen box that y/n used to have around her waist. In a jerk he rips it off, and now he's observing it. "Stop that!!!! That's a big thing…she could die, PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" yells neteyam. The little boy was crying in helplessness, as he saw how desperate his little sister is. The boy threw y/n on the ground, the fall was hard. He threw her with much force, then to kick her in the ribs. The little human girl writhed in pain. As she curled into a ball on the ground, while still crying. "Oh, so without this…you won't bother the clan anymore?" says the boy…giving neteyam one last look. When he burst the oxygen machine on the floor. "Nooooo" shouts neteyam, knowing that this was one of the most important tools for y/n.
Note: Y/n can breathe pandora's air, but she needs human air every few moments. That's why she had the oxygen mask.
The device shattered into a thousand pieces, while the other children stepped on what they could. With a few scoffs, the boy holding Neteyam let go. Neteyam ran to his little sister… picking her up in his arm. To hug and comfort her. Neteyam wanted to fight for his sister, but that would make things worse. "I'll tell your mothers," Neteyam says. The little boy was holding his sister in his arms, trying to calm her down. The children scoff at him starting to walk away. "yeah…right" the laughter trails off, as they disappear into the jungle. Neteyam looks down to see his little sister.
Y/n had some scrapes on her shoulders and the blow she had taken to her ribs was already getting swollen and purple. "teyam…it hurts so m-much" y/n cries. Hugging his brother. " Don't worry…come on let's go home, mom and dad will know what to do" says neteyam. He was little too, this was all a bit confusing for him. But he had to be the big brother, carrying his sister carefully.
Neytiri suspected that something had happened, you two had taken so long to return. "neytiri calm…calm" neytiri speaks to herself. But all calmness was gone when she saw her mother enter. Mo'at had a worried look on her face. Neytiri stood up quickly. "What happened?" the woman asks. Mo'at approaches. "Some children hurt y/n and neteyam took her to me," Mo'at says, not wanting to upset her daughter. But she had to tell her the truth. Jake was nearby listening in. He, too, quickly approached the women. "What? Mom!!! Y/N IS SHE OK?" neytiri is hysterical. "Daughter, come…she is crying and calling for both of you" says mo'at she was also a little confused by this situation. Neytiri told jake to stay with lo'ak and kiri, while she saw what had happened.
Neytiri arrives at mo'at's hut. Entering as quickly as she could, she saw norm at y/n's side, he was taking her vitals. Neytiri observed how several parts of her little girl's body were bandaged. And the big bruise on her ribs. What the hell had happened? Her heart wanted to burst. "Mama!" neteyam whimpers, he was right next to his sister. "Mama!!!" y/n cries. Neytiri runs to her daughter. Stroking her hair, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "my baby..what happened?" neytiri starts to examine her daughter's whole body. "The blow to the rib was serious" says norm, he was talking seriously. Neytiri looks at him with concern. Y/n starts coughing, as she always did when she lacked oxygen. Norm approached him, placing the large oxygen mask on him. "What about her oxygen machine?" asks Neytiri.
"mom they broke it!!!" neteyam was so worried, sitting on his mother's lap. "by eywa…what happened?" Tears of fury began to comulate in neytiri's eyes. Whoever had done this was going to suffer the consequences…neytiri had to find out what had happened. After a while, Norm handed her the oxygen machine. Telling her that he was going to make another one for Y/n that would be appropriate for her size. Mo'at told him that it was best for Y/n to get plenty of rest. The blows were very strong. Neytiri held her little daughter to her chest, as her baby cuddled her neck. She was asleep. While neteyam was holding her free hand. "Hey neytiri…you need to figure this out…with that blow to the ribs. Y/n could have died…this is serious" says norm. Before neytiri nods with her face and begins the walk home.
On the way neteyam told her everything, how that children had insulted her sister. How he had beaten her and treated her. Apologizing for not protecting his sister. "Love…this is not your fault. You're little too, and those kids are much bigger than you two. They are wrong for doing this, but don't worry I will take care of it" says neytiri.After quite a long walk, they arrived at the hut. Jake ran up to neytiri when he saw the state of Y/n. "What the hell happened?" jake is shaken. Neytiri explained everything to Jake, the more Neytiri told him the more upset Jake became. Who did they think they are, hurting one of Toruk Makto's sons?
Neytiri carefully placed the girl in her hammock, she was very sleepy. Placing her oxygen mask on her, at a gentle rhythm. Just so she could breathe both airs. Neytiri followed the same routine as every night, but she was very upset. "Mama…y/n will she be alright?" asks lo'ak looking at his sister from afar. Neytiri walks over to her son, stroking his face. Lo'ak and y/n were practically twins, with several months of differences. They were raised at the same time. Lo'ak used to sleep with y/n, and jake had told him he should sleep alone today. "Yes honey… she's fine. She just needs to rest" neytiri carries the child, taking her to kiri's hammock. After putting all the children to rest, neytiri quickly left the hut.
Jake was just outside, at the edge of the hut, which was at the height of a large tree, Jake was cleaning the pots that had been used for the meal when he saw how neytiri stormed out, her gaze was focused on a target. Grabbing her hand to make her stop for a moment. "baby where are you going?" asks jake. Neytiri waved her hand for jake to let go, and continued on her way. Jake stayed there watching neytiri walk away, but several minutes after neytiri disappeared into the brightly lit jungle he decided it was best to chase after her. Verifying that all the children were okay, he climbed down from the tree and followed his partner.
On the other hand, neytiri knew what she was going to do. Where she was going to go. She knew that group of mothers, the mothers of those troubled children. They used to eat together, they used to stay late in the common area of the village. With their hands closed, and their anger at a high level. Neytiri reached the group of women. The na'vi women were finishing their meals, others were laughing about some topic of conversation. Until one of them felt someone grab her head, revealing her neck. Feeling a sharp knife in her throat.
"I think I was very clear…when I said to stay away from my daughter" says neytiri. Her tone of voice was low and threatening. Showing her fangs, and with dilated pupils. The women around stood up for themselves, shouting and asking neytiri to release their friend. "Your son almost took my daughter's life," said neytiri. Listening as the woman in her arms, lets out a mocking laugh. "You're talking about the devil," says the woman, feeling a cut on her arm as neytiri slams her hard to the ground. She hit her head, seeing how neytiri was now on top of her. Fury was all over her entire body. "The only demon here is your damn child" speaks neytiri. Hearing as the woman's partner approaches, the man rushes over. Neytiri stands up, she could take this man. If she had to defend her daughter's honor she would do it, no matter what.
Just as the man approached to attack Neytiri and defend his partner. Jake appears in front of him, with a quick punch to the chest. Leaving him on the ground, right next to his partner. Jake began to growl, pulling out his knife. Positioning himself in front of neytiri, to create a barrier. "If I ever see your son again…or any of your children near my children. I swear I'll rip his head off myself!" shouts Neytiri. Jake is backing her up, ears perked up, fangs out. None of them were brave enough to reveal themselves in front of Toruk Makto and Neytiri. They were great warriors.
The couple and the group of women walk away. With difficulty because of the blow and cut that neytiri had given to the woman. Leaving Jake and Neytiri alone surrounding the bonfire. Jake didn't look away until he saw the group disappear. Turning to see neytiri collapsed on the ground, covering her face with her hands. Tears began to flow, and whimpering shrieks began to sound. Jake kneels down to hug neytiri. "She could have died…and I wasn't there to take care of her. I promised mom I would take care of her…I promised to be her mother and take care of her. And today I almost lost her jake, ma jake today one of our daughters almost died" neytiri looks at jake, she was collapsed. She was in pain and furious.
"I know…I was really scared too," says jake, watching neytiri's eyes widen. That's what she was afraid of…afraid of losing her. It took neytiri so long to accept that she loved a human. It took her so much to give all her love to a creature who needed her. And now that she had promised her that she would always take care of her, these things happen to her little girl. "Ma neytiri… Y/n will have to live with all these comments and situations. But we will always be here to take care of her…like now." Jake laughs a little, trying to cheer his partner up. Neytiri just hugs him tighter. + + The days passed and little Y/N got much better, she still had that bruise on her ribs. And it still hurt, but he was already playing as if nothing happened. Even lo'ak went back to sleep with her sister. Neytiri was barely leaving the hut, she didn't want to meet those women. Much less leave Y/N alone, she would rather stay with her children at home. By coincidence, that morning, while everyone was eating breakfast, "Mom, could we go to the river? I want to go play with lo'ak" says y/n sitting on her father's lap. "mmm I don't think so" says neytiri, shaking her head quickly. "ahhh mama!!!" says lo'ak, whining. They hadn't been out to play for a long time, the only one who had been out was neteyam and that was because he had to go to practice.
Jake gives neytiri's hand a squeeze, laughing a little. The woman takes a calming breath before replying. "It's okay…besides I think you guys need a bath" says neytiri tickling kiri. She was still half asleep. Later, jake takes neteyam with him, while neyitir takes kiri, lo'ak and Y/N to the river. Watching as the children run when they see them approach the water source. Screaming and laughing. They looked so happy. Neytiri settles down on a rock, beginning to settle everything to clean up for her children. She regretted that neteyam was not there today, he smelled bad too. First it was kiri, while lo'ak and Y/N continued playing in the water. Then it was lo'ak's turn and finally Y/N.
"Ok, come here little one" neytiri says as she removes the little one's loincloth, preparing the oils she was going to use. For Y/N everything was different and unique. "Hello ney" says ninat, she had recently given birth. She was a new mother, and she was the only woman in the clan that neytiri trusted. Besides her mother. "Nina!!!!" says Y/N happily, jumping in the water. "Hi baby" ninat comes over to give the little girl a kiss on the hair.
"Hi…how's everything?" asks neytiri starting to clean Y/N, while ninat began to arrange to do the same with her baby. "Everything is perfect…hey I heard what happened" says ninat, seeing how neytiri's face changed. They both looked at the bruise that was still on the little girl's skin, and how she had other scratches on other parts of her body. "I don't want to talk about it…I" neytiri felt ninat place her hand on her shoulder. "Next time…come and look for me. I will always help you take care of your family" ninat says, neytiri smiles a little. She is glad to know that there are people who support her and know that this event and behavior they have had with Y/N is wrong.
After cleaning Y/N, Neytiri put a new loincloth on her and told her that she could go play with her brother and sister. Just as the little girl was on her way among the rocks, she saw the group of children who had once hurt her. They were approaching with their mothers. The women were going to another corner, but immediately noticed the presence of the sullys. Y/N ran as fast as she could to her mother. Burying her head in her mother's chest. The little girl was trembling, and you could hear how she was about to start crying.
Neytiri looked up and saw the women. Giving her a defiant look, noticing how the woman's arm was bandaged. Neytiri looked at her little daughter, taking her head in her hands making her look her in the eyes. "Y/N…they already know their place, as long as I am alive, no one will hurt you…I promise you" Neytiri speaks, hugging her daughter.
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thewarmblanket · 1 month
Zuri reference sheet :)
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Name: Zuri te Ngozatxay Ra'o'itan Age: 24 Height: 264 cm (8'7'') Clan: Zeswa Occupation: Dance-fighter Family: Kangi (mother), Ra'o (father), Nivahi (elder sister), Yulisa (younger sister), Ngowe (brother-in-law), Yoru (nephew)
The fickle Zeswa never stay in one place, and little Zuri was born when his family traveled across the vast land of the Upper Plains. His family of mother, father and two sisters followed their own path, stopping only briefly at the clan's camps. So children adopted this habit from their parents, feeling uncomfortable being in one place for a long time. But the children grew up, the father and mother continued their wanderings, and they had to figure out this life for themselves. The elder sister Nivahi found her family and settled in the Circle, safe, surrounded by the clan, the younger Yulisa went with her to stay close to the family. Zuri decided to manage his own life and went in search of himself. He was always interested in dance-fights, and over time he even became known in this role as the Invincible. Fame and attention have always been what he craved most, but as a celebrity, he realized that it's not everything. He wanted to find true love for himself. He had a lot of women and men, both short and long-term relationships. He was already afraid that he would not find that very Na'vi that would be special to him, until one day he met Itari. It was as if Zuri was looking into a mirror, they were simply the same, they understood each other like no one else, they had fun together all day and night long, they drank, they danced, they were free. Zuri was even going to propose to him to make the life-long bond, but he was rejected. With the pain from a broken heart, he returned to the Circle to his sisters and now heals his soul by filling it with zangke and losing himself in endless parties. Recently, a young warrior appeared in the Circle, for whom the whole village seems to be pining for him. Zuri is terribly annoyed by such people, but something seemed to grab his attention.
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phoward89 · 1 month
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus is a warning in and of itself. Smut, p in v, tittie sucking, small tittie worship, cum play, groping, cussing, first time, Obsessed!Coryo, Small Breasted!Reader, Pervy!Coryo, Virgin!Coriolanus, Virgin!Reader
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When you hit puberty and started wearing a training bra like your peers, you quickly realized that you weren't going to be blessed with big boobs. That you, in fact, were going to be a card carrying member of the itty-bitty tittie committee. But that didn't bother you. In fact, you were kinda expecting it.
Your mother’s small chested, so you always figured that you'd take after her in that area. Having a small chest is something that you and your mother bonded over. She took you shopping for bras at the store she went to; gave you advice about the most flattering bras for small cup sizes, etc.
It was nice to have a mom for once. To bond over shopping. It makes you feel like a normal teenage girl, especially since your mother usually ignores you in favor of trying to gold dig rich men to get out of having to live paycheck to paycheck.
Your older brother, Rein, was relieved that you're small chested. It meant that you wouldn't have creeps ogling you. That boys would have to like you for you.
And he was right about that, a boy did like you for you.
Coriolanus Snow.
He's always had a raging obsessive crush on you. Coriolanus thinks that you're absolutely beautiful. He also thinks that you're the brightest girl he's ever met. A mind equal to his.
And, ever since the two of you hit puberty, he's found himself staring at your small chest and imagining how his large hands will look covering your small breasts as he fondles them. He thinks that his hands can completely cup and cover them, like a bra of sorts.
But, Coriolanus Snow is afraid of rejection. Although he's been obsessed with you for years, he's afraid that you won't like him in the same way. He's used to being the best, to being on top, and being rejected by you would be the biggest and worst failure in and of his entire life.
So, he just settles for being your friend and for being your class partner for Academy projects.
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You and Coryo, Coriolanus has been letting you call him that for a little while now, are sitting together at lunch just eating your Academy provided sandwiches while waiting for Sejanus to grab his food from the long lunch line in the mess hall. The chatter all throughout the room was focused on the upcoming prom.
It's early May and prom's at the end of the month, so of course all the girls are dress shopping and gossiping about their gowns. Oh, and the boys are asking girls to the dance and finding out the color dress they're wearing so they can match with coordinating suits.
And Coryo's no different. He decided to take that leap of faith when it came to you and ask you to prom before anyone else could snatch you up.
“Y/N, would you go to prom with me?” Your friend with the halo of light golden curls asked you with a nervous smile plastered on his chiseled face.
Setting down your sandwich you ask, “Like as a friend or as your girlfriend?”
Your heart's racing as you wait for his answer. You think that Coryo's very handsome and you've been low key flirting with him for a few weeks. Or at least you think you've been flirting with him, you're not really sure since you've never actually flirted with anyone before.
“I'd like you to go as my girlfriend, but-” Coryo began to answer, only for you to cut him off by happily blurting out, “I'd love to go with you as your girlfriend!”
“Good.” He smiled. Between eating his sandwich, he admitted, “Honestly, I was afraid you'd say no or even worse, want to stay just friends.”
“You're the hottest boy in the Academy and you're easy to get along with, so why wouldn't I want to be your girl?” You ask him while grabbing your water glass off your tray.
“I dunno.” Coryo shrugs. Setting his sandwich on his plate and reaching for his own water glass, he explains, “Most people think that I'm a pompous know it all with a permanent stick stuck up my ass, but I'm glad that you think In hot.”
“What did I miss, lovebirds?” Sejanus teasingly asked you and Coriolanus as he finally appeared at your lunch table with his tray. The broas boy with dark hair, who's like a big teddy bear, knew that his best friends have crushes on each other. And by the way you and Coryo are smiling like loons at each other he figures that you two finally figured shit out.
Sipping on his water, your new boyfriend said, “Y/N’s my girl now and we're going to prom.”
“That's good. I was wondering when you two would get together.” Sejanus smiled in response to Coriolanus’ answer.
“Sej…” You gasp, playfully smacking him on the arm.
If only your mutual friend and told the to of you earlier about your mutual crushes.
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Coriolanus, unknown to everyone in the Academy, was struggling financially. The Snows were barely scraping by. They didn't have a pot to piss in, but Coryo knew how to fake it. He knew how to put on the airs.
And when you started dating a few weeks before prom, well, he discovered that your lifestyle was as shitty as is. That you didn't have that much money either. And since neither one of you had that much money, Tigress made your prom outfits.
The blonde seamstress made Coryo a nice dress shirt with red stripes on it to match the red dress she made you. Your boyfriend paired his shirt with a pair of black slacks and a black waist coast that he already owned. He even shined his too small shoes for the formal event.
Coriolanus Snow had to look his absolute best for you. Snow lands on top and as cliche as it is, he plans on landing on top of you tonight. He might've stolen some money from his cousin to rent a room in the hotel that's grand ballroom's holding the prom in.
Your dress was absolutely gorgeous. So much so that it rivaled anything out of any of the boutiques and fashion houses. It was a strappy scarlet floor length dress that had a low cut v neck that showed off your lack of cleavage.
Grandma'am Snow gave you her long string pearls and some black opera gloves to pair with the dress. The Snow matriarch claimed the you looked so beautiful. As if you walked right out of a film from the old days, the golden days before the war; before the Dark Days had hit your families hard and tragically.
But the only thing about your dress having such a deep and low v neckline was that you couldn't wear a bra. But since you're small chested it's not like it matters. But, you not wearing a bra has Coryo's mouth watering and his pants tightening at the thought just being able to just slide the bodice over and play with your tits. Yea…he's a pervy, over horny, 18 year old virgin with one too many fantasies. But it is what it is.
But anyways…
You and Coryo were the best dressed at the prom. You got so many compliments on your coordinating outfits. And everyone was pea green with envy over your matching rose corsage and boutonniere. Of course, they were handmade by Coriolanus using the roses from his Grandma'am’s rooftop garden. But that was a secret between the two of you.
A romantic secret, or at least you think so.
And because Coriolanus is such a charming snake with a silver tongue, he somehow got the Senior class to vote the two of you Prom King and Queen. And after being called up on stage and crowned by a very high and disgruntled Dean Casca Highbottom your boyfriend told you that prom king and queen was just the beginning of your lives as a power couple. That one day you'd be President and First Lady Snow.
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And after prom you find yourself in a lavish hotel room (guess the Snows are missing the mortgage payment this month; electric bill too…hopefully the water doesn't get turned off…) with Coryo, naked and in bed.
To say he's transfixed on your small titties is an understatement. For an unmeasured amount of time, that feels like an eternity, Coryo's littering your small chest in sloppy, needy, open mouth kisses. He's been alternating between sucking your nipples and pinching them. But since both his mouth and his hands are huge, he's more or less sucking your entire tit in his mouth and pinching it between his fingers since your tits are so small.
Coryo absolutely loves your small boobs. He loves how they fit in his large hands. How he can squeeze and massage them easily. He also loves how his tongue looks sweeping up and down then, licking every inch of your tiny titties.
You don't know when, but while Coriolanus has been worshiping your small chest with his mouth, he snaked his hand between your bodies, down between your legs only to explore your wet folds with his long fingers.
“Coryo…” You half tremble half sigh as you feel him tease your wet hole by barely sliding his fingertip in and out of it.
“Hmmm?” Coryo hummed against your chest. You could feel the vibration of his low timbre against your heart, causing you to just let out a breathy sigh.
“Are you gonna finger me or tease me?” You ask, trying not to whine out in frustration, as you feel his fingertip lightly trace over your soaking wet, tight hole while rubbing your clit with feathery touches.
Lifting his head up and locking his baby blues with your eyes, he lustfully smirks, “Oh, I'm gonna finger you til you're a mess, crying and squirming for me, baby.”, while slipping his pointer finger into your tight, virgin pussy.
A pussy that wouldn't be virginal after tonight. And neither would Coriolanus’ big cock. Oh yea, he's fucking you tonight. You're no longer going to be virgins cause he's overly horny; he's so ready to fuck you and get all of his horny needs out on you.
Coryo's watched so much porn on PanX that he's ready to tear up your pussy and test some of the moves in the video he's watched on you.
Coryo pumps his finger lazily on and out of your cunt while nipping and kissing your small boobs. When you buck up your hips and whine that he's teasing you, Coryo bites one of your small tits only to soothe the sting with his tongue while shoving a second finger into your cunt. He uses his thumb to press circles into your clit while pistoning his fingers in and out of your pussy, pressing against that spongy spot deep inside of you, while biting and kissing your little boobies.
“Coryo, it feels so good.” You moan out, your back arching slightly against the bed as you feel the pleasure building up inside of you.
“I bet it does, baby. Your cunt's so wet, she's taking my fingers in so deep.” Coryo smirks, his normally icy eyes now dark and blown wide with lust. “I'm gonna make you cum so hard on my fingers, you're not even gonna remember what fucking day it is.” He promises you before placing butterfly kisses all over your itty-bitty titties while pounding his fingers so fast in and out of your cunt that the force of its literally pushing you up the bed.
Your head's thrashing around and your hair, that was curled special for tonight's dance, is now a matted mess all over your pillow as you babble out pleas of, “Coryo…please.”, and , “Please, make me cum…”, while the sound of your pussy loudly squelching bounces off the walls as your boyfriend fingers you so fast, hard, and deep that you're about to see stars.
Your hands claw at his shoulders, freshly painted red nails leaving scratches just as red against his pale skin, in a feeble attempt to anchor yourself. Your nerves are shot and you feel pleasure coursing throughout your body, stemming from your core, from the effects of Coryo's wet tongue swirling around your small boobs paired with his long, lithe fingers perfectly hitting your g-spot and filling up your cunt deliciously.
You cum hard around his fingers, his name falling from your lips like a sacred prayer. Coryo doesn't stop his ministrations on your tits or your cunt. No, he continues to fuck your cunt hard and deep; altering between pressing hard circles against your swollen clit and rubbing it harshly back and forth. His mouth continues to devour your tiny titties as if they're the finest dessert he's ever had in his entire life.
And before you could even comprehend what was happening, you're a squirming mess on the bed crying out Coryo's name once again while squirting and soaking both your boyfriend's hand and the bed with your juices.
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“Your cunt loves this pounding, don't it baby? Yea?” Coryo asks, grunting against your small boobs as he snaps his hips hard into yours, fucking you into the mattress.
“Yea, Coryo.” You quickly nod. “Feels so good.” You add in a whiny mewl.
“What feels good? Does my big cock feel good tearing up this pussy? Huh?” Coryo taunted as he pounded into you relentlessly.
“Yes. Yes, your big cock feels so good.” You agree with a moan, feeling a knot start to tighten in your lower belly.
“Fuck…” Your boyfriend grunts against your small breasts. “Your cunts so tight and wet ‘round my cock; feels so, so good, baby.” He says, his voice husky with passion and lust, as his large hands grab and squeeze your tiny titties with such fervor, so much so that every touch seemed desperate and full of desire. All the while he continues to pound your pussy with every ounce of energy that he can muster.
One of your hands tangles into Coryo's halo of light blonde curls while your other hand digs into his shoulder, nails leaving crescent moon shaped marks in his pale skin. Your breath hitches as you beg your boyfriend to make you come, again, as his cock slides in and out of your tight, wet, cunt in such a quick pace that it makes loud obscene squelching sounds.
“I'm so close, Coryo. Please, I wanna cum…” You whimper, desperately hiking your legs up higher over Coryo's hips in an attempt to feel some friction; to be able to cum.
“I'll make you cum, baby. I'll make you cum.” Coryo declared before lifting his head off your chest and capturing your lips in a heated kiss. His lips chased yours in desperate open mouth kisses as his hands covered your boobs while he fucked you hard and fast.
“Coryo…I'm gonna cum…” You breathlessly whine on his lips, feeling your orgasm fastly approaching.
“Cum right now, Y/N. Cum right now, baby.” Coryo demanded, his lips hovering over yours in a ghost of a kiss as his hands sharply kneaded your small boobs.
Suddenly you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you and you're cumming hard over your boyfriend's big cock. Your boyfriend slows his pace down slightly so you can ride out your high. He feels in heaven with your juices flowing down his cock.
“I'm gonna cum soon.” Coriolanus informs you as he feels his balls begin to tighten up, a sign that he's getting ready to empty them.
“You're the only boy I've ever been with, Coryo, and I'm not on birth control. You can't cum inside of me.” You frantically tell him, a bit frightened at the prospect of accidentally getting knocked up while 18 and unwed.
“Can I cum on your titties then?” He asks you, his icy eyes twinkling.
Could be cum on your titties? Well, yea. It was better than him knocking you up, right?
“Yes, Coryo. You can cum on my titties.” Was all Coriolanus needed to hear before quickly pulling out of you and scrambling to straddle your chest.
Not knowing what to do with your hands, you rest them on his thighs as he quickly pumps his cock over your tiny titties. Coryo’s biting his lip as he points his angry, red tip straight at your small boobs.
Oh gods…just the thought of covering your small chest with his hot seed is enough to send the platinum blonde careening over the cliff of pleasure. His muscles in his thighs are tensing under your touch and his balls are tightening up while his cock throbs and twitches. Then, before he can even think, he's grunting your name and his icy eyes are rolling into the back of his head as he cums: spurts of hot pearly white ropes landing on your soft skin; decorating every inch of your chest.
“Fuck…” Coriolanus sighs under his breath. “You're so beautiful, baby, with my cum painting your titties.” He states, in awe of his thick pearly seed slowly rolling down your chest.
He's mesmerized by the sight. So much so that he shimmies his body down to slot between your legs so that he can sit up between you and rub his cum into your chest like a lotion in order to mark you. To mark his territory; make you his.
You weren't expecting him to run his cum into you, or to hold his hands out above your mouth while simply ordering you to, “Lick them clean, babygirl.”
Your boyfriend’s baritone is thick, raspy, and full of dominance which causes you to instantly listen to him and do what he says. You lick his hands clean, your tongue working and swirling around one before moving onto the other. The taste of his seed’s salty on your tongue; but it's not too bad.
Once Coryo's hands are clean, he decides to repay the favor by licking your small chest clean. Your platinum blonde boyfriend runs his tongue all over your tiny titties, cleaning any and all trace of his spend off of you.
Yes, it's probably not considered normal for a young man to do this and might be considered a kink, but Coriolanus doesn't care. Your small boobs get him going and he just has to lick them clean until they're slick and shiny with his saliva.
And once your itty-bitty titties are clean and glistening from his makeshift spit shine, Coryo lays down next to you and pulls you into his arms.
“Did you like our first time, Y/N?” Coryo asks, his voice like honey, as his fingers lightly trace patterns on your hip.
“Yea.” You smile. “It was better than the stories I heard my friends tell me.” You reveal while playing with the mop of light blonde sweaty curls on top of his head.
“Well, it seems like your friends don't have boyfriends that love them.” Coryo sneers. Smiling wide, so wide that too many of his pearly whites are showing, your boyfriend tells you, “But I love you so much, baby, that I'd do anything for you.”
And he meant that too. He'd do anything for you and the love obsession he has for you. In fact his obsession for you is so strong that he wants to marry you once the two of you graduate from the Academy.
But, in order to do that he needs money. He needs money to fix up his penthouse properly and to make sure that his Grandma’am, Tigris, and you are able to live in the lap of luxury. He wants to give his family the life that they deserve. Coriolanus wants to provide the life worthy of a Snow to Grandma’am, Tigris, and you. Especially you.
So, Coryo's determined to win the Plinth Prize to provide a good life for his family. And when the rules for winning the prize changes, well, Coryo's willing to do anything it takes to be the victor. Even cheating, because then he'll be rich enough to marry you and take care of his family.
And that's his end goal, to restore his ancestral penthouse to his former glory and to shower the women in his life with riches. And you'll be the most important woman in his life because you'll be Mrs. Snow.
But…that pesky Casca High-as-a-kite-bottom promised to destroy the future on anyone that's caught cheating to win the Plinth Prize. A promise that Coryo needs to heed…
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
Storm's End
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, mention's of children maiming, mentions of virginity loss and blood. READER MIGHT BE DEAD, OR MAYBE DEPENDS, COMPLETELY UP TO YOU, dragon's death though :(
Wordcount: 3.5 k
Notes: I know this has been done before, but… this is my way to look at it. You are the daughter of Rhaenyra, she sends you to Storm’s End instead of Luke, and this is what ensues
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You know you should have turned back the moment your dragon took flight away from Dragonstone. 
There was something in the air
Grandmother Rhaenys, and your dear brothers flying by your side soothed you, made you remember you were not alone, but they soon parted way with you, Jace went North, as did Lucerys, Rhaenys went west, and you continued south
Towards Storm’s End
Those stormy clouds in the horizon must have been your first dark omen, but you didn’t pay attention to them, or to anything else really
Your mind was set
You had begged your mother to let you helped her, so she send you to the closest place, a short fly, a message delivered, and then you could return.
But what were you going to say?
you wanted to believe your mother’s words, that Lord Borros was going to be honored to receive you there, you were a young princess, no real threat, only a messenger, he was going to respect you, you were going to say your piece, and then you were going to take his answer back to your mother, as easy as that.
You held tightly onto your dragon’s reins as you flew amidst a cloud with rain within, getting you drenched within second
Karnax, under you, roared softly, feeling your uneasiness, trying to make you feel safer, and you did.
It was not relief what you felt when you saw the tall tower of Storm’s End in the horizon, it actually felt like your stomach had turned on itself, but that is the second sign you decided to ignore
Karnax was small, bigger than Arrax and a bit than Vermax, but he was still small enough to land in the outer courtyard, and you did 
Your saddle was wet, and you slid right off of it, landing heavily with your boots in the ground. 
You jumped when the light of a thunder brightened the sky for just a second, and then moments later the thunderous sound made the floor shake.
Karnax whined when you touched him, trying to soothe him, he was nervous, and soon you learnt why
Another, even louder, more monstrous sound made you flinch, and when you looked over the huge defensive walls of the castle, there she was. Vhagar raised her head, dwarfing the constructions covering her, growling as a warning.
She was indeed the largest and most dangerous dragon in the world
And she was here
That means that Aemond was also
Probably doing the same thing as you, trying to rally Lord Borros to his cause, to his side
To the Usurpers
The prospect of seeing your uncle made you tremble in fear, you had always been afraid of him, ever since he lost his eye, even more so after the last time you saw him
You have eavesdropped a conversation in which he had asked for your hand in marriage and Rhaenyra had crudely rejected him, he did not reacted well
It did not help that it was the same day of the Driftmark trials
He had frighten you so much your mother send you back the same night, only a few weeks away 
“Sobes Karnax, Lykyri”, you whispered soothingly, patting her snout, he whined, worried, but it was too late now, you couldn’t back down, you wondered if you were trying to calm him, or expected that he would sooth you back. 
So ignoring your body, mind, heart, soul, dragons, the weather and everything in existence around you, you decided to walk towards the guards guarding the entrance to the Castle
“I have a message for Lord Borros from Queen Rhaenyra”, you said quickly, before you lose your momentum, they barely nodded and started walking, you followed suit, trying to fix your drenched clothes
The Storm had catched up with you.
You could still hear it raging behind you as you entered the main hall of the castle of the Baratheons, you had never been here before, and it amazed you the immensity of it, it was rounded and at least three stories tall, ending in a huge vault over your heads, front here you could see multiple passages leading to the rest of the construction, but you could look no more
“The Princess (Y/N) Velaryon”, presented the guard, “Daughter of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen”
You thought bitterly, as you found Lord Borros seated on his throne.
But your gaze was immediately taken away
He stood at the side of the throne, standing straight by one of Borros’ daughters, as he heard your name he immediately turned
He looked dangerous
Dresses head to toe in black leather, his hair combed perfectly, the eyepatch cutting his face in half
You wondered if he could notice you trembling from that far
You guessed he could since he looked terribly amused at your presence, his naturally curved lips smirked.
But you didn't came here for him, you turned your gaze towards to the Lord of the Stormlands
“Lord Borros, I brought you a message from my mother, the Queen”, you didn’t realize you had a stone inside your throat until now, almost choking in our own words, you were thankful for the acoustic of the place or else nobody could have heard you
“Yet early this day I received an envoy from the king”, he said then, “so which is it? King or Queen? the House of the dragon doesn’t seem to know who rules it”, he was already crossed with someone or something and you cursed yourself for being so weak, sounded so pathetically 
And then he laughed at his own joke and you shook, perhaps he was laughing at you
You looked fleetingly at Aemond
Perhaps to make sure he stood where he was
He frightened you
You begged the gods to make him stay there, as he stood, unmovable like the statues of Dragonstone 
“What’s your mother’s message?”, the Lord of Storm’s End did not take well to your distraction, so you tried your best to reach with your arm and this one not to shake, to prove to everyone there, to Lord Borro’s daughters, him, your uncle, and the court, how scared you were
A soldier took your message hastily and gave it to the Lord
He sighed, frustrated, and call in the maester
In a silly second you thought fleetingly of your brother’s giggles when you tell them the rumors were true and indeed Lord Borros didn’t know how to read, you remembered fleetingly that you suggested it was because he had hit himself many times on the head while jousting
But you shook those thoughts away, when you felt the small hairs in the back of your hair stand up, as Aemond’s deep gaze was on you
For a second, only the wind making the stones whistle as sing could be heard, and then the ruffling of paper the maester made while reading the letter.
Your uncle’s gaze didn’t leave you for a second, so you tried to look away from him, only stealing glances to make sure he hadn't move
That he was still several feet away from you, with people in between you
You didn't want him near you
He frightened you
He hated you
You knew this 
“Remind me of my father’s oaths?”, asked Borros, enraged, you turned to look at him, scared, “King Aegon at least came with an offer, my banners and swords for a marriage pact”
Poor girl, you thought briefly 
“If I do what your mother bids, who of my household will you marry, girl? uh?”
“My lord…”, you could turn this around, you could, you needed to try, to explain, to plead to his honor, “I’m not free to marry, I’m already betrothed to Cregan Stark”, you said, and you were not completely lying, your big brother was flying North now with the proposal in his hand
Aemond hummed mockingly at your words, so your gaze landed on him again.
He still was amused, even more so now, you shook in your place, trembling like a leaf in the autumn winds 
“So you come with empty hands”, said Borros, more angry than before, “go home pup, and tell your mother the Lord of Storm’s End is not some dog she can whistle up in need to set against her enemies”, he said rapidly
You had failed
You tried to swallow your tears as the stone in your throat but you just couldn’t do it
“I shall take your answer to the Queen, My Lord”, you whimpered, and when you looked at the pity in the daughters’ faces you realized your voice did sounded broken and defeated
You turned to leave, sad because you failed, but relieved that this had come to an end
“Wait”, you trembled in your place, stopping immediately at your uncle’s call.
You turned slowly, fearfully, to look back at him
“My lady Strong”
You whimpered
“Uncle?’, you were acknowledging him, but it sounded more like a question
“Did you really think you could just fly upon the realms, trying to steal my brother’s throne at no cost?”
You are the thieves
But the words never reached your lips, instead you wanted to hide your head between your shoulders, almost feeling ashamed
That much power Aemond had over you, the power to make you feel like you were in the wrong, and he was in the right
Ever since that night
When your little brother took his eye
The girl by his side took a step back, like giving him space, and that made you take a step back, less and less things could protect you from your uncle, your hand instinctively went to the pommel of the short sword your stepfather Daemon had begged you to carry, you didn’t know how to use it, but nonetheless… it couldn’t hurt
“I will not fight with you uncle, I came as a messenger”, you said, your voice, again, broken, weak, with fear and sadness
You had failed 
“A fight would be little challenge”, he said dismissively
“I’m aware”, you admitted, if it came to blows, you stood no chance against his incredible skill with the sword, even if you meant a fight with words filled with poison
“No…”, his hand went to his eyepatch, and form one single movement he took it out of his face, revealing a sapphire where his eyeball should be
You whimpered, taking a step back
It had taken you by surprise, not that you found him monstrous, or anything, it was just… incredible
“...You brother is indebted to me”
You really wished, in the bottom of your heart, that he would have let this go, if not for your brother, for himself, but he didn’t he hasn't, and that made him so incredible dark, resentful, twisted and mean
And that is what you were most afraid of 
“It was an accident…”
“I want you to pay instead”, you whined, taking a step back
“I have nothing…”
“A small payment in blood will suffice…”, you looked at Lord Borros, alarmed, he clearly was not meant for THAT, did he? Did he plan on slaying you there where you stood?, in front of all this people?
“...I will not breed you”, a single tear escaped your eye at his crude words, “I plan on gifting our bloodied sheets to your mother”, you looked back at the Lord of Storm’s End and he looked back at you, concerned
This was the man supposed to wed one of his daughters
“No!”, you cried, in defense of yourself
“So you are a craven as well as a traitor, as your brothers…”
“Not here!”, Borros finally intervened, but still you could not breathe, you were terrified
You never wanted to believe the gazes your uncle gave you were ones of desire, and dark intentions of bedding you, you never thought… 
“GIVE YOURSELF TO ME, OR I WILL TAKE YOU BASTARD!”, you shrieked as he advanced on you with certain and long steps, you stumbled backwards trying to prevent him getting near you
“NOT IN MY HALL!”, the thunderous voice of Borros made him stop in his tracks, “the girl came as an envoy, I will not have bloodshed of any kind beneath my roof”
Lord Borros’ words came of little comfort, not when your uncle had taken a dagger of his belt and was threatening you with it, the storm outside, the lightning made his sapphire gleam meanly
“Take the princess back to her dragon, now!”, commanded Lord Borros and you, giving a titanic effort, managed to walk (and not sprint at high speed) out of the hall
Aemond watched you go and smirked, making the dagger dance in his hand
You were his to take
He looked back at the girl he had begun to court to notice she was far away from him now, clearly scared of him
“I will be back shortly to resume negotiations”, he said meanly
“Don’t bother”, said Floris, standing now next to a guard, she would not like to be courted by him now, “I’m not interested in a man that is pure bark and no bite”
When you stepped outside, the storm was raging, you were drenched in second, wet from head to toes, but you couldn’t paid no mind to such things now
Karnax felt your fear, how frightening you were and he advanced towards you whining and growling desperate
“Lykiri Karnax” [calm], “gūrogon īlva hen kesīr” [take us out of here] 
Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong, you let your tears fall freely now that nobody could notice nor see you, another Lightning broke the skies from afar and when you turned…
Vhagar was gone
There was no way he could have left before you, it couldn’t, it wasn’t possible
He was in negotiations with the Baratheons, you had to go, so he wouldn’t catch you.
You thought he was going to let you be, because it had been your brother who took his eye, not you
Oh how wrong you were
“Why?”, you cried, trying to make sense of it all as you climbed onto your dragon’s saddle, “Sobes, Karnax”, you called, he growled but obeyed you, he also wanted to get out of here.
You needed to get back to your mother, to Dragonstone, to your brothers and stepfather, they needed you, but you somehow knew that wasn’t going to be possible, a crippling fear took a hold in your body, you felt like you could barely move, your body being so tense. 
The rain hit your face with strength, the highers you flied, you only secured your staps tightly and held into your reins hardly 
Karnax flapped his wings with difficulty, but he succeeded in keep flying, you wanted to relax, you were flying away from Storm’s End, the Baratheons, your uncle, everyone, but something told you it wasn’t going to be that easy
You wanted Karnax to fly faster, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach 
You whimpered in fear
something was wrong, terribly wrong
You felt a low growl coming from above and you cried, lowering your head, not wanting to face it, face him, and what he was going to do to you once he had you within his grasp
He was coming for you 
And the moment you took to the skies, you raised the bet, he was not simply going to take you now, he couldn't not flying like this...
He rode the largest dragon in the world and you one of the smallest
You grabbed into your reigns and hoped Karnax would fly faster, but you couldn’t ask more of him of what you were already asking
You gained the courage to look up and you got a glimpse of a large looming shadow over you
Why?, you whimpered, crying harder, and Karnax growled
Why you?, you loved him once, you were friends, you played, and read together as kids, you had promised you could share little Karnax, and he had agreed. 
But he got his own dragon, the largest in the world, and from that moment he pushed you aside and called you a bastard despite your Targaryen features and the fact that he had never called you that
He almost killed your brothers and then Luke took his eye.
After what transcurred in Driftmark with the Queen and your mom Aemond had come to your room in the hour of the bat, you woke up with a knife in your cheek and him over you, his hand in your throat
You never knew why he had come to your chambers and not luke’s or jace’s 
He always knew you were the weakest one
You were a woman, he was a man 
You looked ahead and shrieked once again when you saw Vhagar coming at you amongst the dark stormy clouds, at full speed
“NO!”, she changed her trajectory, going up in the last second, her feet and claws passing right by you, you could even feel them passing right by your head
You were going to die
You could hear Aemond’s laugh, ricocheting amongst the clouds 
He was amused by you
He hated you 
 And now he was going to kill you.
Karnax growled, scared too out of his mind, you could feel him, deep in your gut, the pure and sheer instinct to fight or fly kicking in, and both of you opting for the latter 
just when you thought you had lost him, you heard the flap of huge wings behind you, you turned to look, and Vhagar huge open jaws appeared trough the storm, ready to swallow you whole.
But Karnax was fast, and Vhagar liked to play with her food 
“I see you!”, you heard from behind, and the sound that Vhagar’s jaws made when they close grabbing into thin air made your skin prickle, “Libōnos”, [bastard] 
Your body was tense as a bow, you could barely feel your legs that were tightened around your saddle, the water, despite your leather cape, has got under the clothes, and froze you all over, that you felt like you were made of ice, you could barely move, your fingers were not going to survive this even if you did
Vhagar was still behind you as you commanded your dragon to fly downwards, to gain speed
You made him turn and twist in the air, but to no avail, the monstrous Vhagar had her eyes set on her prey and she was not going to let go, you use your whole body and strength to pull her to make her change her trajectory from one moment to another, she might be bigger, but you were faster
Deep down you knew it was all going to be for nothing
He was coming for you
He hated you
And you could hear his sick laugh as he was laughing in your ear
You soon could make out the sea under you and as you looked to your left there was a cliff splitted in two, a risk in the middle, you had a change, you might be able to flight in between, but Vhagar wouldn’t
Your dragon read your mind and went there, seeking refuge 
It has worked, you looked back to see VHagar fighting to make her heavy body fly upwards, your uncle’s grunts cut trough the air reaching you, it was insane
He was insane
He had a grudge for 8 years, boiling and simmering in rage, anger, and sadness, and you were the one that was going to get the worst of it
You felt relieved even, that it was you and not sweet Lucerys
Better you than him 
“JĒMELÃ GÊLŸNI ENKÂ!”, he screamed [you owe me a debt], “BYKA!”, little one
Karnax flied diligently through the cliffs and rocks, you looked up and he was still there, chasing you, looming over you
“I lied!”, you heard then, “I will give you my bastard”, a pain spread through your chest, all your sorrow, pain, fear, exploding, taking a hold on your body, preventing you from breathing properly, even with the skies falling upon your head, with your life in your uncle’s hands.
You screamed when Karnax again flew in open skies as the protection of the cliff was taken away. It was a scream of agony, frustration, and fear
Oh so much fear
 But the gods, or whomever, granted you a small mercy, the clouds were thick and the sea was a few feet under you, they concealed you from your predator chasing you. 
You took a shaky, long breath, despite the lump in your throat present since you left Dragonstone
You needed to get yourself together 
Keep flying North, soon the skies will clear, you couldn’t let fear control you….
The last thing you heard was Vhagar growling, and Karnax high screeched when the biggest dragon in the world sank her teeth in him, catching his legs and tail, completely destroying him.
“AH!”, you barely got a scream yourself, she didn’t catch you, but so did half your dragon, now dead.
“VHAGAR! NO! NO VHAGAR!”, is the last thing you heard
The next?
The white noise of water, all around you, the cold grasping you, hugging you tightly, not letting you move as the water moved around you taking you prisoner 
For better or worse, Vhagar’s had completely destroyed the saddle, releasing you, and now you were there, by a gift or a curse from the gods, amongst the dark tides of Shipwreck bay, sinking slowly, finally you didn’t feel more fear, only the instinct to survive.
You were a true Velaryon at last. 
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bump1nthen1ght · 1 year
All the better to eat you with (Werewolf x M!Reader)
Pairing: Male!Werewolf x Male!Reader
Warnings: Dubious Consent, Explicit Content ahead (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: 2004 words
Summary: You're walking the familiar path to grandma's house, when a friendly stranger offers you some protection. Unbeknownst to you, everything comes with a price.
Request: Can i request for a werewolf x male reader with knotting and breeding kink please? And can you like maybe make it base of the little red riding hood? Thank so much in advance bye!
“Y’know, red is a really good color on you.”
The stranger remarks, holding up the bottom of your red riding cloak. His voice is almost a purr, that lascivious smile on his face only a little bit off-putting.
“T-thanks, this is one of my favorites.” You brush off some imaginary dust from the cloak, feeling bashful under his undivided attention. “I have a blue one as well, but this used to be my older brother’s so…it’s kind of sentimental.”
The stranger smiles again, that genuine and unnerving kind.
“Well, I love it. I think red might be your signature color.”
The stranger throws a large arm over you shoulder, pulling you to his side as you walk. You nearly yelp st the sheer force, noticing just how tall he is; When standing right next to each other, you barely each his shoulder.
“Yeah, m-me too.”
Your mother had told you that there were dangerous things in the woods, but the stranger didn’t seem to be one of them. Even with his wide, wild eyes and his far-too big grin, he had offered to accompany you on the long journey to your grandmothers house. You had politely declined at first, you were a grown man and walked this path plenty of times before, but he had insisted. Not in a creepy way more like a…naive gentlemanly way.
You had given the stranger your name, to which he nodded and said you had a great name. He didn’t give you his, you didn’t press it.
He was enthusiastically touchy, talking your ear off with questions about your life and the food you had brought with you. He was an apt listener, his big yellow eyes never straying from your face as you talked. It was kind of nice, if only a little disconcerting.
So here you are, still by his side and only a mile left to your grandmother’s house. The sun was in the beginning stages of setting, but you would likely get to her home before dark. Even if not, the strong stranger gave you some comfort. He was built like an ox, with strong shoulders and a barrel chest. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t caught yourself staring at his figure a couple times. But hey, when he’s only wearing a tight undershirt, how could you not stare?
“We’re around 20 minutes away. Thanks again for walking me all the way here. I normally don’t mind walking alone but..this was quite nice.” You blush, trying to not let it show.
“Oh, it’s no problem! It wouldn’t be right if I had left a cute thing like yourself to fend by yourself.” He winks. “There are dangerous things in these woods, y’know. Things that would snatch you up in an instant.” He leans in close as he says that, his voice low and flirtatious.
You feel the hot blush across your face heat up even more. The stranger had been quite familiar this whole time, but never this direct. Maybe your stares weren’t so one-sided after all.
“Well, I guess I’m very lucky to have bumped into you, my knight in shining armor.” You chuckle, trying to match his coy way of flirting. It makes him laugh, but his wide eyes still stare you down, feasting on your entire body. “I’m sure my grandma would appreciate it too. Would you like to join us for dinner? She always has the best tea and biscuits.”
There's that cackling laugh again, all wheezes and smirks. His eyes crinkle up at the thought and you’re afraid he’s rejecting you, before he pats you on the shoulder. “I’ve never been invited in before! How sweet of you, little one, to offer someone like me inside.” He stops walking, the hand on your shoulder pulling you right alongside him. He turns you so you face directly towards him. His eyes are still lit up with that friendliness, his smile even wider, but there's something underneath it all. It’s something desperate, something knowing, something starved.
The stranger squeezes your shoulders together, making you wince a bit. His teeth seem whiter in the setting sun, larger, sharper. “Maybe next time, little red. But I think tonight I’m hungry for something else.” His voice purrs, his head cocking as he winks.
Before you can even suggest your grandmother make something else for dinner, he has you shoved up against the tree, your bodies moving faster than you thought possible. Your yelp is suffocated by his kiss, overwhelming and passionate. His large hands stop pinning your shoulders and instead wrap around your jaw, his large body now pressed against you and weighing you down. The moan you let out is downright pitiful and the stranger gobbles it up like a three-course meal. One of his hands moves down to caress your side, wandering down until he reaches your butt and squeezes. You yelp again, the stranger snickering into your mouth.
The stranger pulls away, saliva dripping from his lips as he forgets your head to the side so he can suck at your neck. Your hands claw up his back for purchase, too shell shocked to even speak. The stranger likes the feeling, like the feign of resistance, and growls into your neck.
“So perfect for me. So fucking perfect.” He laps and sucks at your jugular, nipping the skin around your jaw with desperation. You try to form words, but the breathe is knocked out of your when the sizable bulge in his trouser rubs against yours. He growls again, his hand squeezing your ass as he grinds into your crotch. You cant your hips upward, meeting the pleasure. The stranger chuckles. “Such a submissive little mate, so sweet for me.”
He hikes up one of your legs over his hip, grinding more fervently as he laps your skin. His warm drool drips down your neck, making your skin tingle. You moan again, digging your nails deeper into his back. The pain seems to make him more voracious, cackling as you scratch lines into his back.
The stranger finally moves back up to your mouth, trapping you in another hungry kiss.
“Say my name.” He orders, that crazed look still in his eyes.
“Oh..uh-” He barely lets you get out the question, forcing you into another kiss. When you get the chance to breathe, you mutter “I don’t-”
“It’s Mac.”
You nod your head, closing your eyes when he grinds against you. Biting your lip, you whisper, “M-Mac. That feels good.”
He finally pulls away from your mouth with a deranged smile, licking his chops.
Just like that he throws you to the ground, laying himself across you as he fiddles with your belt buckle. This has all been so overwhelming, so sudden, but you can’t say you hate it. Mac has got your blood searing, your cock raging hard.
Mac’s breath is heaving, was he always that hairy? On the ground, he almost seems bigger, impossibly so. He pants, a long tongue hanging out with his mouth. My…what big teeth he has.
You hear a shing, as if a blade was being unsheathed, then your pants are ripped open. Mac is pawing and tearing the fabric, sharp black claws cutting through like scissors. His eyes glow in the setting sun. What’s that on top of his head?
“I’m going to make you mine.” He mutters, sucking on two of his long fingers.
“What-” but you can’t even finish the sentence, Mac easing two of his fingers right into your asshole. Your cock jerks and your hips instinctually shove backward at the intrusion, but Mac keeps a firm grip to keep you in place. He sets a brutal pace, stretching you open with a fervor. You can’t even catch your breath, can’t even speak. His tongue lolls out of his mouth as he looks at you, a heavy blush darkening his cheeks as he admires you.
“Have to prepare you…so small, so fragile. So good for me.”
Another gasp as you feel his fingers grow larger inside you. How is that even possible? You throw your head back, covering your eyes to hide from the pleasure. All you can hear is Mac panting, the schlick of his slobbery fingers as they fuck you. But then there's more fabric tearing, no, bursting at the seams. You force your delirious eyes upward, your heart stopping.
Above you is Mac, but he isn’t human anymore. The long tongue now hangs out a muzzle full of sharp canines. His undershirt lays ruined to the side, not able to contain the extra muscle and fur of the beast above you. No, the wolf above you.
“That's good enough.”
Before you can get a word in, Mac is yanking his fingers out and folding your legs backwards toward your face. You can’t feel the burn amidst all the sensation, only noticing a jingle as Mac undoes his belt buckle, pulling out his large cock.
All you can do is moan, bend to his will. Mac smiles, that same wicked smile.
“I’m gonna breed you, mate.”
And without another word, he shoves his cock deep inside you, stealing the air right out of your chest. Your nails caked in dirt as you dig them into the ground, biting your lip until blood is drawn.
It’s too much, too much-it’s too good.
Mac pants, his mad eyes burning deep into your skin. A clawed paw reaches down and grabs your jaw, yanking you to look at him. Drool drips from his jaw and onto your chest, his tail wagging desperately behind him.
“Look at me, look at me.” He keels and whines, swiveling his hips against yours. The crack of shock that rubs up your spine makes you moan, which Mac laps up like its the sweetest treat. “Ugh, you’re gonna take my knot so well. I know it, I know it.”
All you can do is nod your head, your dirt-caked fingers finding purchase in his fur. He lets you yank him closer, the warmth of his chest a contrast to the wet dirt beneath you.
When Mac thrusts in earnest, you swear you lose feeling in your legs. But even so your ankles hook around his shoulders, pulling him in for more and more. Your cock weeps precum, burning and begging to be touched. But Mac is a wolf on a mission, chasing his own high with delighted barks. He keeps that firm grip around your jaw, his thumb brushing against your cheek with a shocking sweetness. Mac never closes his eyes, content to watch you come undone under him, watch the way he wrecks you.
The slap of skin-on-skin and your heavy pants rings in your ears. You pray your grandma hadn’t wondered if you got lost and came to find you, because the sight of you was surely filthy. But with your cock twitching and a ferociously handsome wolf on top of you, it’s becoming harder and harder to care.
You can feel Mac’s dick throb inside you, a distinct whine coming from his chest. He claws his grip into the ground, his ears twitching as he looks down at you.
“Yes, here it comes. Take it, take it.”
You’re not sure what it is, but there is no way you’re not taking it. Your hips jerk as the rubber band reaches its most taut, your orgasm so, so close.
“F-fuck, fuck!” You moan, yanking and tugging on Mac’s chest fur as you explode into climax, cum spurting all across your stomach. With a final thrust, Mac shoves his hips into you and throws his head back into a howl, a warmth expanding inside you.
This must be it.
You ponder, letting out an ‘oof’ as Mac collapses on top of you. Still inside you, he nuzzles his muzzle into your neck, his hands gently rubbing your sore hips and thighs.
“So good for me.” He pants, licking up your throat with half-kisses. “My sweet little red.”
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vanteguccir · 5 months
The right love for me | M.S.
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Matt Sturniolo x fem!oc (Elena)
Summary: Where Elena and Matt grew up together, fell in love as kids but realized too late. Will there be any hope for them?
Warning: A little angst and mentions of cheating.
Word count: 4.5k
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 2
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Elena was born and raised in Boston, in a two-story house, next door to one of the most beautiful houses in the city, but not because of its external beauty, but because of who lived inside.
Elena grew up being the next-door neighbor of the Sturniolo triplets, she also studied at the same school as the three of them, these two factors made her and the trio become almost a fantastic quartet.
The four of them grew up together, ran down the street every day together, got dirty with dirt and mud on rainy days together, played cooking together (they were forced by her) and, best of all, they made mini "vlogs" together throughout their childhood and pre-adolescence, becoming literally inseparable.
Nick was Elena's confidant, always there to listen to her and give faithful advice to the girl, giving her a shoulder to cry on and a company to laugh when needed. Nick trusted Elena with his eyes closed and loved her with all his heart, so much so that she was the first one he came out to.
Chris was her partner in crime, the two grew up playing pranks on their parents, brothers (on his side) and neighbors. Chris saw Elena as his anchor, losing count of how many times he entered the girl's room through the window in the early hours of the morning to vent or just to be able to sleep with her company, dispelling his biggest fears.
Matt was a different case. Matt was the boy who took her as his date to every school dance and accompanied her to every friend's party. Matt was the boy who bought Elena flowers every week and took her to the city's summer amusement parks, always making sure to get her a different teddy bear. Matt was the boy who made her heart flutter, but also stay in a sacred calm; that made her body freeze, but also warm with affection. He was the one who introduced the feeling of love to her...
But who said he did anything about it? Despite acting almost like her boyfriend, Matt was afraid of rejection, after all, his heart belonged 100% to Elena and he couldn't bear having it completely stolen from him if she denied it. And that's why, out of a silly but genuine fear, he lost her.
At the age of 17, Elena moved to New York with her parents after her mother received a job offer that she couldn't refuse and that would open doors for her career. Seeing her leave was one of the hardest things Matt has been through, but the most painful was seeing her post on Instagram, 6 months after she left. Elena was dating, and it wasn't him.
Over time, things changed, the triplets moved to Los Angeles and grew dramatically on social media, becoming extremely well-known and loved on the Internet.
And Elena... well, Elena finished school and started International Relations at NYU, working at a coffee shop near her house so she could save money, since she was engaged. That's right, her boyfriend, Jeremy, of almost 2 years had asked her to marry him. It was a big shock and Elena had to think a lot before accepting, but it was her dream, to have a successful career and raise a family. Right?
Elena and Jeremy were in the middle of a month of decisions for the wedding, decoration, food, cake, clothes, etc., so Elena was feeling overwhelmed, it was a lot on her mind, and she found herself wondering if that was really what she wanted. Therefore, the girl (now woman) decided to pay a visit to her grandparents, who still lived in Boston. Cooling down in a place more than familiar to her seemed ideal now.
Elena just didn't expect that her grandmother would tell Mary Lou, and that Mary would tell Nick, who would tell his brothers, generating a secret collective trip to Boston. The triplets were dying to see Elena, after all, it had been 2 years since they had seen her best friend, or, in Matt's case, crush.
It was a Saturday morning when Elena landed in Boston, quickly grabbing her small suitcase and hailing a taxi at the airport's main pedestrian entry and exit gate, giving as her destination address her grandparents' house, which coincidentally, was on the same street where she grew up.
Elena planned to stay in Boston only until the next day, Sunday, since Monday she had classes again and she was going back to work, besides she knew that if she stayed much longer away from home, from Jeremy, he would lose his mind.
It didn't take long for Elena to arrive at her destination. The girl got out of the car after paying the taxi driver and took her suitcase from the trunk, thanking him once again before she knocked on the front door, waiting.
It was a big surprise for her when her grandfather opened the door and behind him were her best friends, Nick was holding a sign that said "WELCOME BACK, ELENA! WE MISSED YOU ♡", while Chris was holding three packets of her favorite candy in his hands and Matt held a bouquet of flowers that almost hid his red face, Elena wondered if it was from embarrassment or the heat from the summer.
The girl dropped the suitcase, bringing her right hand to her mouth, covering half of her surprised expression. She felt her eyes fill with tears, God, how she missed the three boys.
Next to her were her grandparents, with big smiles on their faces and bright eyes, watching her with a mix of affection and pride.
"Oh my God, you guys are crazy! What are you doing in Boston? I thought you were in LA!" Elena exclaimed, her voice cracking mid-sentence with high emotions.
"We were, but Grandma told our mom that you were coming here today and I couldn't handle missing my best friend anymore." Nick said as he placed the poster on the couch. He turned quickly and ran to the girl, hugging her tightly. The action seemed to wake Matt and Chris, who quickly moved and formed a mini line behind the oldest.
"Damn, you look old" Chris joked when his brother got out of the hug, laughing loudly when Elena hit his forehead. "Here, to sweeten your life." He scoffed, handing the candy packets to her.
"I have to check if these aren't sour candies, coming from you I expect everything." Elena joked, taking the candies and placing them on top of her suitcase. She opened her arms and hugged Chris momentarily.
Chris pulled away as they separated and positioned himself next to Nick, the two exchanging glances before turning their gaze to Matt.
"They're pink tulips, I hope they're still your favorites" Matt stepped forward, showing the full bouquet before handing it to her.
"Oh Matt, they're beautiful! Thank you" Elena received the bouquet, smelling them quickly and mentally punishing herself for blushing.
Matt smiled widely and watched her for a few seconds, only breaking out of his trance when he heard Elena's grandfather make a fake cough. The boy shook his head and walked away, lowering his gaze to the ground.
Elena quickly placed the bouquet on the coffee table and finally greeted her grandparents, placing kisses on their age-marked cheeks.
"Let's take these things to your room and make plans for the weekend!" Nick spoke loudly, throwing the candies to Chris and taking the small suitcase in his hands, before starting to climb the stairs without waiting for anyone.
Elena laughed loudly as she heard Chris swear at Nick as he bent down to pick up the packages that fell at his feet. Matt shook his head, smiling as he saw the girl take the bouquet with extreme delicacy.
The three following the oldest up the stairs.
Hours later, the quartet found themselves in the triplets parents car, parked at the Mc Donald's they grew up going to, while eating their favorite burguers and catching up on conversations. They spent the afternoon driving around the places they went when young, which made Elena's heart warm, she missed that, that feeling of calm, without any burden, without obligations or responsibilities, just the interest of being happy.
During that early morning, Elena woke up to the sound of rocks hitting her window, which she quickly recognized. What surprised her was that when she got up and approached the window it wasn't Chris there, but Matt.
"What are you doing here?" Elena asked in a whisper after opening her window, squinting her eyes as she tried to better see Matt's silhouette in the pitch black night.
"Let me in." Matt whispered back, ignoring her question as he looked down to check if he wasn't about to fall off the edge of the roof.
Elena sighed and walked to the side, giving Matt space to enter through the window, closing it shortly after to stop the night wind of entering the room.
"What are you doing here at this time?" Elena asked again, sitting on the edge of her bed and watching him.
"As if I didn't pay you visits in the early hours of the morning before." He responded smiling, sitting on the bed and dragging himself until his back was against the headboard and his legs were stretched out on the mattress. He slapped his hand on the space beside him, looking at Elena.
The girl sighed but smiled, following his silent request.
"I missed you" Matt commented. "It's strange to live life without you with us"
"I miss you too" Elena replied, looking at him. "It's strange to only keep in touch on the phone and find out about some things through social media" She continued, receiving a nod from the brunette.
"You still have them" Matt realized as he noticed all the teddy bears he got for Elena piled up on top of the dresser next to the closet.
"Of course I have them, why would I throw them away? They're cute and remind me that you're actually good at something" She scoffed, receiving a light push from the boy.
"As if you weren't rooting like crazy for me while I was trying to hit the game targets" He mocked back, seeing Elena roll her eyes with a big smile on her face.
"Obviously, getting teddy bears is better than buying them, have you seen the prices of these little things?" Elena gave a low laugh when she saw Matt open his mouth exaggeratedly, soon after the two burst into laughter together.
"So, are you really going to get married?" Matt asked suddenly after they calmed down, looking directly at her.
"Yeah, I will" She replied, lowering her gaze to her hands, specifically to the silver ring on her left ring finger.
"You don't look very excited" He commented, making the girl sigh.
"I just... I don't know, I'm so young, you know? I'm only 20, getting married seems a bit drastic right now, but Jeremy thinks it will be good for our future, us having the same last name will help in the office" She replied, furrowing his eyebrows.
"What does he do for a living again?" The brunette asked.
"He currently works at his father's office and studies law," Elena said, noticing the grimace he made at her response. "What?"
"He doesn't seem like your type. In fact, he seems like quite a daddy's boy." Matt commented, regretting it seconds later after seeing Elena's eyebrows raise in surprise.
"And what do you know about my type, Matthew?"
"I'm sorry, ignore what I said" Matt intervened quickly, the last thing he wanted was to fight with Elena now, knowing that after that Sunday, he didn't know when he would see her again. Maybe at her wedding, the boy felt himself shudder at the thought.
Elena sighed.
"You know that my dream has always been to be successful with my career and have my own family. Us getting married would give me both... Having his last name, I will be able to start my International Relations profession within the office that soon will be his, which will make me grow faster on the career, and I'll have my own family." Elena spoke while gesturing.
"Sounds like there's a lot of self-interest involved" Matt commented.
"Matthew!" The girl exclaimed, making him raise his arms in a sign of redemption.
"Sorry, sorry." He sighed. "I remember, you know."
"What?" Elena looked at him confused.
"How you always wanted a family, when we were kids me, Nick and Chris were always messing around and you were playing mommy with your barbies. You wouldn't let go of that damn Baby Alive even if you were paid to, always taking her everywhere." Matt let out a laugh as he remembered, making Elena laugh along as she saw her own smaller figure running after the triplets with her doll in hands.
"You can't say anything, you always took care of my Baby Alive when I asked you to" The girl replied with a wide smile, watching Matt roll his eyes exaggeratedly while she laughed as quietly as she could.
The brunette turned to her to rebut, but stopped in his action, reinforcing in his mind every detail of the face of the girl who had his heart in her hands, details that he had memorized a long time ago and still found himself remembering and tracing in his mind on sleepless nights.
The two stared deeply at each other for what seemed like an eternity, before Elena looked away and fake coughed.
"Just think about your decision Elena." Matt asked softly before getting up from the queen sized bed.
"Where are you going?" Elena looked at him again, her eyes pleading, as if she was afraid he would leave her there, alone and without him.
"I'm going back home, if my mother wakes up and doesn't see me in bed in the morning, I'm sure she'll freak out, and the situation won't turn out very well for us." He spoke with a sigh, going to the window and opening it, looking back one last time, before moving outside, closing it again before disappearing from the girl's vision.
Elena stood still for a few minutes, processing the conversation and that last moment, feeling her heart sink at the thought of not seeing the boy again for a long time after Sunday. It felt like a goodbye.
On the next day, Elena woke up significantly early as she felt the sun's rays coming through her window. As she opened her eyes, ready to complain about why it was so bright in the room, she remembered Matt leaving and how she forgot to get up and close the curtains.
The girl sighed, before getting up and getting ready for the day. She felt excited to be able to see her friends again, but her heart ached at the thought that that very night she would leave again.
After getting ready, Elena took her cell phone and saw a message left by Jeremy.
"I hope you're having a good time there. I can't wait to have you here again today, I can't stop looking at the wedding catalogues. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla cake? xx, jeremy"
Elena sighed again, it's obvious she preferred vanilla, how did he not know that? The girl shook her head, deciding to answer him another time.
"What are we doing today?" Nick asked as they found themselves in front of the triplets' door, as they had done years before.
"I thought we'd go to the amusement park, the one that only opens in the summer, you know? Like old days." Matt suggested. Elena looked at him when she heard about the park, quickly looking away when she saw him already looking back at her. She needed to stop this.
"Let's go then!" Chris spoke loudly, running over to his parents' car again, fiddling with the passenger door handle impatiently, begging Matt to unlock it.
Elena laughed at the action, running to the car too and soon getting into the back seat, sitting behind Chris's group, having a view of the driver's seat.
A few minutes later the four arrived at the amusement park and started going on the basic rides, which the four liked, bumper cars, roller coasters and carousel.
"Can we go on the ferris wheel?" Elena asked, puting her hands in a sign of prayer and looking at the three of them with a pleading look.
"I'm not going, it's too boring. I want to go to the arcade area" Chris replied, ignoring the girl who was begging.
"I want to go to the arcade too!" Nick shouted, raising his hand like a child and approaching Chris, making Elena roll her eyes and cross her arms with a huff.
"I'll go with you." Matt said looking at Elena, who smiled big, taking his hand and dragging him through the park to the ferris wheel line, ignoring the taller man's protests.
"Wow, I don't remember the last time I entered a cabin like that" Matt commented, closing the small door behind him and sitting on the single bench next to Elena, who smiled as she nodded and looked at the outside view through the cabin's glass window.
Matt found himself watching her, taking note of her profile, feeling himself falling in love with her all over again.
It didn't take long for the wheel to start moving, the cabin swayed a little making Elena let out a surprised sound, holding onto Matt's arm to steady herself.
"Sorry, I don't remember it moving that much" She commented, smiling awkwardly as she took her hand off the boy's arm, watching him wave his hand like it was nothing.
The two focused their eyes outside the cabin, taking note of the people who looked like little ants as the cabin rose higher, the blue sky with few clouds, the light breeze that blew and the birds that passed by in the distance. Elena looked at the cabin ahead and saw a couple cuddling each other, smiling big as they also watched the view, and she found herself trying to remember if she had ever been through that with Jeremy, but her mind came out was blank.
Her chest tightened as she realized that she had never even been to an amusement park with Jeremy, or a park, or a romantic walk. With Jeremy it was always all about work and having the perfect status.
Her gaze changed from the couple to Matt, noticing that he was also looking at the couple, but quickly his blue eyes focused on her as well.
"I love being able to look at you up close like this," Matt whispered, as if he was afraid of speaking too loudly and end what they were having.
Elena smiled, blushing, but forcing herself not to look away from him, she didn't want to miss that moment for anything. Her eyes took in all the little details of Matt's face, his sparkling blue eyes with dilated pupils, his nose perfectly shaped and the right size for his face, his cheekbones slightly reddened by the heat, his big, messy hair, his beard starting to appear again due to the time without shaving it... She felt like she could stay there forever.
Matt moved slightly closer, stopping with his mouth centimeters from hers, seeming to wait to see if she would pull away, which she didn't. Elena held herself in place, yearning to feel him.
Matt, realizing that there was no movement on her part, moved closer until their lips touched, and Elena felt that everything she read in romance books about the sensations of electricity through her body and the fireworks around her when kissing her right person was true.
Matt let out a sigh through his nose at the sensation, feeling instant relief and as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He never wanted to leave there again.
It was just a touch of lips, but it was enough for them at that moment. It was exactly what they needed.
Elena pulled away first, still with her eyes closed, trying to prolong the feeling and sensations in her body and mind. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Matt already looking at her, smiling broadly, and she returned the smile.
"I love you." Matt blurted out, making Elena's eyes widen. "Elena, I'm sorry for not having said or done anything before, but I've loved you for as long as I can remember, since the first flower I plucked from my mother's garden and gave to you, since the first time you gave me your Baby Alive for me to take care of as if it were the most precious thing in the world, since the first day you asked me to kiss your scraped knee to heal it. I've loved you for so long and I was an idiot for not saying it. And it's okay if you don't want me, you're engaged, you have a life in New York and... Asking you to leave all of this is impossible, but I needed to tell you."
Before Elena could process it, the bubble around the two seemed to burst as the ferris wheel stopped and their turn was over, the little cabin door opening again.
Matt cleared his throat, getting up and helping Elena out. When they both touched their feet on the floor, Elena felt her cell phone vibrate, picking it up only to see that Jeremy was sending her a new message about the wedding, and at that moment she fell to reality, she had cheated on her fiancé with her best friend. A bitter taste entered her mouth, her body froze and a horrible feeling took over her heart. God, what did she do?
Elena quickly pulled away from Matt, feeling her hands shake. She put her cell phone in her bag and turned to the taller man, seeing him looking at her with a worried look.
"Matt I cheated on him... I-I cheated on my fiancé with you." She stuttered. Matt looked at her with a weight on his eyes, feeling horrible for having contributed to that, blaming himself for kissing her, wanting to go back in time and not even agreeing to go on the ferris wheel with the girl.
He loved her, but she didn't love him back, not like he wanted her to.
"Elena look, it's going to be okay, you can talk to him, I swear I won't approach you again, I'm sorry-"
"I-I need to go."
"What?" Matt stopped walking completely.
"I need to go Matt." She looked into his eyes, feeling guilty as she saw immense pain in the blue pools. "Don't go after me, please. I'm sorry."
Elena turned and ran away, wiping the tears that fell from her eyes without stopping and feeling an emptiness and weight in her chest, as if part of her had stayed with Matt.
The girl got out of the taxi in front of her grandparents house and walked to the door, taking the spare key that her grandfather had given her, trying to unlock the lock with her blurry vision.
"Elena?" The girl heard her grandmother call from the kitchen after closing the door behind her.
"Hi grandma." Elena responded, her voice cracking from the held back cry.
Her grandmother quickly appeared at the kitchen door after noticing the difference in her granddaughter's voice, approaching with quick steps when she saw the youngest's red eyes and wet cheeks.
"Oh Elena, what happened?" The older woman asked worriedly, taking Elena's shoulders and leading her to the sofa, sitting her on the soft surface and sitting next to her.
"Why does love hurt so much, grandma?" Elena asked, letting out a sob. Her grandmother sighed, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Oh Elena, love doesn't hurt dear. It took me many years to learn that, if love is right for you and your heart, and it's reciprocal, it doesn't hurt, it wasn't made to hurt. It was with your grandfather that I learned that love is free, it is generous, it is safe and it empowers you in a way that makes you feel stronger and like you can conquer the world." The oldest explained with a smile. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I kissed Matt." Elena said, looking down at her hands, quickly looking away from the ring. "We went to the amusement park we went to as kids, I wanted to go on the ferris wheel and he accompanied me, we had a moment and we kissed."
"He always looked at you differently... And you at him, so much so that I swore you two would end up together. I remember all the times you came running here with a new flower in your hands and said it was from Matt, as If I didn't already know that." Elena smiled upon hearing her grandmother's words.
"But grandma, I'm engaged." She whispered regretfully.
"Do you love Jeremy?" The eldest asked, cupping her granddaughter's cheek and lifting her face so she could look her in the eyes.
"I-I... I don't know." Elena desperately tried to feel for Jeremy what she felt for Matt. "I don't feel about him what I feel when I think about Matt, or when I'm with him. Jeremy is an incredible man, with a planned and perfect life... I feel so pressured sometimes, like I have to be perfect all the time to fit in with him and his plans. It's not light, grandma."
Elena cried harder when she realized how heavy her days were with Jeremy, how she always had to have the most impeccable and perfect clothes, with the best posture, the most flawless makeup, the best-groomed hair and the best modes. How she felt about being looked at and evaluated by everyone all the time, especially at Jeremy's parenting conferences or in her father's office.
"Elena, pay close attention to me, what does your heart say if you spend more time worrying about perfection than kissing him? If you spend more time in the day thinking about a thousand things than living love lightly? Do you feel like to run away when with him? Honey, I'm sorry, but that's not love. Not the right one for you, at least."
Elena looked at her grandmother, surprised by her wisdom and how it all made sense.
Jeremy was a perfect man, but not for her. Matt was her perfect match.
God, what would she do now? She ran out of the park and left Matt all by himself after he declared his love for her. And she still had Jeremy...
"I already know what I gave to do."
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Part 2
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bright-side20 · 3 months
That's another example of Sarah's foreshadowing and how much it is very obvious
_The story that Lidia told Ruhn in Hosab, which is a retelling of the Snow Queen, was clearly about her as a misunderstood character:
"As the witch fell to the earth, the prince's arrow through her heart, the forest transformed her into a monster of claws and fangs. She ripped the prince and his hounds to shreds." "...." "But one day, a warrior arrived in the forest. He'd heard of the monster so vicious none could kill it and live. She set out to slaughter him, but when the warrior beheld her, he was not afraid. He stared at her, and she at him, and he wept because he didn't see a thing of nightmares, but a creature of beauty. He saw her, and he was not afraid of her, and he loved her.".. "His love transformed her back into a witch, melting away all that she'd become."
_Ruhn noticed the similarities in the story her mother told her and called it a prophecy:
"It was a story my mother told me," she said softly. "The only story I remember her telling me as a child before she... let me go."He'd been about to ask if the similarities between the evil prince and Pollux, the kind knight and himself, had been meant prophetically, but at the sadness in her voice.
I mean, you read this and you still think Sarah wouldn't make 3 sisters and 3 brothers happen?
Anyway, This just shows that Sarah's foreshadowing is very obvious. When Feyre said "why not make them mates" and then had a whole discussion about the difference between mating bonds, bringing up bond rejection, it was simply Sarah telling us what will happen in Elain's story.
"Love would trump even a mating bond"
Her mother saying that 'Elain shall wed for love and beauty.'
it's just very, very obvious 😭
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feysandarcheron · 5 months
Spoilers for the HOFAS bonus chapter with Bryce Nesta and Azriel and some vague HOFAS spoilers. Basically analyzing the songs’ meanings and going crazy over elriel
Omg the fact that all the elements of the Stone Mother story connect to the plot. (The second and last bullet points in this section have vague HOFAS spoilers)
Grieving mother. They all just got done talking about their mothers. Ember being separated from and grieving for Bryce. The Archeron mother would roll in her grave to see Nesta now and she treated Feyre terribly. Feyre being a perfect mother. The potential for Nesta to be a mother. Azriel’s mother being “anything but terrible”. And of course The Mother is like god in acotar.
Separated and fighting children. *HOFAS spoilers* Helen and Silene separated forever after a battle. Also reminds me of the 7 courts of Prythian that were separated after Theia’s rule.
Separated Man and Woman. He goes up to the sky and she stays on a mountain, which reminds me of The Embrace statue from Crescent City which is Solas and Cthona, the sun and the mountains. Also, she turns to stone on the mountain, which stone reminds me of the prison and of course the significance of the 3 mountains, and what could be beneath them.
Theme of the story is peace over violence. CC is fighting for a better world, and in ACOTAR they are trying to keep the fragile peace in place after the war.
There is also a poem called Stone Mother about indigenous lands stolen by colonialism and climate change. The Asteri are described as colonizers, and *vague spoilers for HOFAS* also Helen and Silene did something to impact the land in ACOTAR and Midgard. Also water is a big point in the Stone Mother, and *more vague spoilers for HOFAS* something happened with the water in Midgard.
So it’s just crazy people think the part about how Woman came to be with Man won’t also have a connection to the plot 😭
Good Man is lonely and wants company. Azriel being alone all this time and emo
Woman wants to be with Man but is married to Bear… an ugly beast if you will !
Bear gets into a fight with Woman and she kills him. Potential for blood duel.
She searches for Man and when she finds him she hides and just watches him, but he sees her foot prints. Reminds me of how shy Elain is and how Azriel is the only one who sees her and vice versa.
Woman reveals herself and Man sees she’s afraid so he speaks to her kindly, which reminds me of ACOWAR elriel
He offers her FOOD !! Mates hello
She accepts the food and each night sleeps closer to him until they eventually get married, which reminds me of how elriel have just been continuously building slowly with each book
PLUS the only other song mentioned is from a CC ballet called the Glass Coffin which is a Brothers Grimm version of Sleeping Beauty (!!!) (The third and last bullet points have vague HOFAS spoilers)
A man uses magic on a woman he wants to marry (a fake bond??), waking her with enchanting music (lightsinger connection !?)
The magic pins her to the bed so she can’t move, and she doesn’t like his magic, so she rejects his proposal by remaining silent. Reminds me of Elain with Lucien.
In anger he puts a spell on her and traps her in a coffin and enchanted her land to make it all barren. *vague HOFAS spoilers* barren land turning fertile again comes up in HOFAS, both Midgard and ACOTAR.
Another man finds the coffin and frees her, they get married, and the land turns fertile again (*vague HOFAS spoilers* again something like this with the land happens in HOFAS), which reminds me of Azriel potentially freeing Elain from the spell of a fake bond, and I think we will also see something like this with land in acotar 5.
Anyways slay elriel foreshadowing. I will edit this to fill in the HOFAS spoilers parts once the book comes out!
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
It's a shame that the multi-media franchise of star wars have twisted the original narrative of the Jedi. I really love the sequel trilogy, I love season 7 of TCW, and Dave Filoni is amazing storyteller. But over the years, it's gotten to the point where the Jedi are being criticized to such a degree that now some people believe the Jedi should've changed their entire belief system. It's great to criticize the Jedi. They are flawed and not perfect. But now because they are now being framed negatively over the past 2-3 years and so now, some justify their genocide, disrespect their belief system, and believe Anakin was a poor victim who got caught up in everything. Lucasfilm or any writer is to blame for this, but I think people need to look a little more deeper into the media literacy behind star wars, and consider the fact that a child is going to love the Jedi despite their flaws and will be sad when they see them get killed. Because star wars is made for children who can look up to the Jedi as role models.
All of this.
I frankly don't know what else to add, @thecenturyofmusic said it all.
I also think there's an argument to be made for shifting global values.
I don't know about how it was in the U.S. specifically, but I don't remember there being as much of an emphasis on mental health back in the early 2000s as there is today.
Back then, I remember many fans sorta getting the core story but hating it, which resulted in a lot of them just bashing the Prequels.
Nowadays, a spin has been put on the Prequels wherein Anakin is the poster boy for the mental illness, he's just a victim:
he grew up a slave which gave him severe PTSD,
then was ripped away from the arms of his mother by
an elite order of emotionless monks whose emotionally-repressing teachings are the perfect representation of toxic masculinity and force you to never get emotionally attached,
who berated and rejected him at every turn,
he also doesn't have a father figure except for the Chancellor, who grooms him and isolates him,
and instead of supporting him in his hour of need, the Jedi hurt Anakin psychologically to a degree where at some point he just loses it and kills them all, because as far as he's concerned they were evil to him.
And... yeah. It can be interpreted that way. It resonates more to people when seen that way.
But it wasn't meant to be seen that way.
If it was, then we'd have seen very different Prequels.
Watto would have physically abused Anakin left and right like he's DiCaprio in Django: Unchained, instead of joking around about humans with him.
Shmi would've been on the ground crying, holding Anakin's leg and screaming "please no give me back my babyyyy!!!"
Literally every shot of the Jedi emoting, screaming, chuckling, being worried would be absent and they'd all speak with a monotonous voice, including Yoda, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
If we were supposed to feel like Anakin is in the right and the Jedi are in the wrong then we'd be shown an Anakin who isn't petulant, arrogant and overly emotional. We'd see a normal person who gets berated by a group of unfeeling old men.
Anakin wouldn't call Obi-Wan his father twice (which is admittedly a nuanced situation because while Anakin may see Obi-Wan as a father, Obi-Wan sees Anakin as a little brother so hey).
We'd see Anakin explicitly state that he's afraid of his wife dying, maybe carrying her unconscious body to the temple steps begging for help only for someone to reject him at the door because "it goes against protocol" and that's when Palpatine swoops in.
Y'know, more explicit, emotion-eliciting stuff?
But we didn't see any of that. Because it wasn't about any of that. If it was, then it goes about delivering its message in the weakest way possible.
While nowadays, the popular take is that Anakin's downfall is the fault of everyone around him, the intended take was that Anakin's fall was his own fault. Anakin is a victim of his own flaws.
The Prequels weren't meant to show you what happens when you keep pushing a mentally unstable person, they were about cautioning children about not giving in to their own fear and greed.
"How does a good kid become a bad man?" He let his inner demons - fear, anger, greed - get the better of him.
And that's not necessarily a take most people agree with these days, but that takes us back to how much importance you actually give to GL's original vision.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
HELLO! How are you? Anyways. Can I request a Genya!Reader? And maybe the gods and humans reaction to Genya!Reader and his brother Sanemi and his past, and like how he eats demons to gain his strength. Maybe his backstory and how he died and stuff. Please and thank you! ❤
-You don’t do crowds or teamwork, unless it’s with your mentor, Gyomei, you prefer to work on your own, relying on nobody but you and your trusty gun, your tool to take on demons instead of the more traditional bladed weapons.
-You weren’t afraid of change, of advancing, times were changing, and demons were growing stronger, so you believed it was time to fight power with power.
-You would eat pieces of demons, usually fingers, to gain their power, to give yourself an edge. You didn’t care about the risks involved, all you cared about was defeating the demons, no matter what the means.
-The other fighters in Ragnarok were a bit thrown off by your gruff nature, your unwillingness to play ‘team’ with them, all you cared about was your upcoming match. You rejected all offers of joining meals from everyone, even Kojiro, whom you knew and respected, but still refused.
-Adam was concerned about you, seeing your aversion to joining the other fighters, as you all had the same goal, saving humanity. It was nothing new for you, you lived and died saving others, fighting demons, so fighting a god wasn’t going to be a big surprise to you.
-Kojiro sighed softly, looking towards the door you had just exited out of before a voice spoke up, “Where’s Y/N?” attention all turned to a similar looking man, with facial scars and white hair, your elder brother, Sanemi.
-Kojiro told him where you had headed off to and he went off to go and find you, as he didn’t want to lose you again, wanting to be the big brother he’s always been for you.
-After inquiring with Brunnhilde, she told the other fighters for humanity about your past, both you and Sanemi, how your mother was turned into a demon and killed all your siblings, nearly killing you and Sanemi as well, before Sanemi was able to kill her. You didn’t know at the time of her death that she was a demon, not understanding why your big brother killed your mother, cursing him and telling him that you hated him.
-As you grew, you both became Demon Slayers, with only Sanemi becoming a Hashira, and you grew in power by eating pieces of demons, losing your life in the end, reconciling with your brother as you died.
-The two of you were reunited in Valhalla, the two of you having a proper apology, in the form of a fist fight at first, then hugging each other as you both bawled loudly. Ubuyashiki spent almost an hour calming the both of you down.
-Brunnhilde then told them your secret, that you treated others harshly to keep them at an arm’s distance, not wanting o get close to them, not wanting to lose them too. You were protecting your heart from more pain by acting so harshly.
-They then found another secret out about you; you and your brother were weak with women! When Sanemi brought you back into the waiting room, Brunnhilde approached the both of you and you were both immediately red faced, looking away from her. For a pair of tough guys, you were both quite adorable.
-Your opponent was quick to underestimate you, which pissed you off, before you inhaled deeply, remembering your mentor’s teachings, to keep a calm head, as a hot head would lead to mistakes.
-Sanemi cheered for you, shouting out pointers, but after you got hit after taking his advice you shouted up at him, “Stop helping!!” Sanemi got pissed off, biting back, “If you followed my instructions you would have hit him!” you flipped him off, shouting at him and the fight was put on pause as Gyomei had to hold Sanemi back as the two of you shouted at each other like vicious cats.
-You were going to win, because your big brother had a knuckle sandwich with his name on it.
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sunnytarg · 2 years
part 2 to that aemond ask pleeek? 🙏
I wasn’t planning on doing a part 2 but so many people were asking for one. (This is so long omg)
If you guys want a part 3 just let me know. I think it could end with this but I could also do another part.
Pt. 1 || Pt. 3
Aemond hadn’t meant to fall asleep in his dear niece’s chambers but after taking her several times throughout the night, he was exhausted.
After the second time, where he rolled her over and fucked her roughly from behind, she had stopped protesting. She had realized that he wasn’t going to listen to her pleas. So when he fell asleep on her bed she didn’t say anything. She choose to just pull her nightgown back on and try and sleep. She hadn’t expected her mother to come into her room the next morning without knocking.
She had not looked at Aemond as he had left. She also couldn’t bring herself to look at her mother as her servants drew her her bath for the day. Eventually her mother asked her if Aemond had done anything to her last night. She contemplated on whether or not she should say anything. If her mother knew what Aemond had done, she’d probably burn down the castle and everybody in it so she decided it was best to deny that Aemond had even touched her. Choosing instead to tell her mother that Aemond had drunk to much at their meal and had stumbled into her room and promptly passed out.
Her mother didn’t look as if she believed her daughter but decided not to question her further. When the girl slipped off her nightgown and sunk into her warm bath she couldn’t help but trace over the bruises that had formed from the previous night. When she found a new bruise she remembered the words he said to her. “Only fitting for a bastard to give birth to one herself.”
Every day that passed by she would try her best to ignore her one-eyed uncle. He hadn’t come to her chambers again and she avoided the places she knew he often frequented. She didn’t want to be caught in a room with him alone again, afraid he might corner her and take her again.
She had only seen him in passing and when she caught his eye on accident he would send one of his smirks her way. It always made her frown. It didn’t seem as though her family noticed a change in her behavior. She thought that maybe her mother may have noticed something if her side eyes were anything to go by.
She had noticed the first time her blood didn’t come. She told no one about it, hoping that it may just be a fluke but by the second time she should’ve bleed one of the servants had told her mother. She was brought to a midwife instead of a maester because her mother was afraid a maester might tell the Queen.
When the midwife informed her that she was with child she felt her throat tighten up, afraid that her mother might ask her when she bedded a man or who it was but she didn’t. In fact, she only walked her back to her chambers without speaking a word to her and left once she was safely inside. From inside she could hear her mother instructing the guards to not let her out of the her chambers until she came back.
She settled into bed and released a sigh. Her mother was probably going to try and find her a man to marry soon who hopefully wouldn’t ask question and would still be good for the family. Truthfully, as long as they took her away from King’s Landing she didn’t care who she was married to.
Several hours passed before her mother came back. She informed her daughter that she tried to bring up several options for an engagement for her but just as they settled on one her half-brother, Aemond had come in and declared that he would marry his niece. Her mother paused and looked away from her daughter before she continued. “I was going to reject his proposal but Alicent was there, as well as her father. When Aemond made it clear that he wouldn’t let it go they agreed that the best offer you’d get would be the prince.”
She only nodded mutely. A million questions whirled through her head. Mainly about Aemond. Why would he insist on marrying her when he was the one that insisted that she birth his bastard? If they married the child wouldn’t be a bastard.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost missed when her mother told her that the wedding would take place at the end of the week. She stared blankly after her mother as she left. Could she truly marry Aemond? They had gotten along when they were younger and he was the father of her unborn child but he could also be so very cruel, as he showed her two months ago.
The week leading up to the wedding she remained in her chambers. She didn’t want to see anyone, afraid that they might look at her and know why she was being married off so quickly.
She thought that maybe she’d see Aemond before they were supposed to be married but he never appeared. She wanted to know why he insisted on marrying her. She wanted to know why he did what he did because she didn’t truly believe it was solely about his eye.
When the day of the wedding finally came, she felt as though she was sleep walking through the entire day. She couldn’t pay attention when her mother helped her dress or when her brother, Jace, walked her down the aisle to Aemond.
When she stood side by side with Aemond, she finally came back to herself. She recited the vows she was told to and listened as Aemond did the same. She hazard a glance at him and saw him already staring at her intensely. His gaze wasn’t harsh or mean and she could have sword that his face softened when she finally looked him in the eye.
A feast was held for after the ceremony. She barely touched the roasted pig before her. Her nose and stomach already becoming sensitive to the meat. She didn’t say a word to her new husband the entire time and when he went to grab a hold of her hand she would pull it away. After a while he had asked her if she wanted to join him in the dancing to which she told him, pointedly, that she’d rather not because she felt a little nauseous. “It must be the food,” she looked at him directly as she said it. They both knew it was not the food that made her nauseous but he didn’t push the topic and only nodded.
Nothing was said between the newly wedded couple as it was time for them to make their way to their new chambers and consummate their marriage. Aemond had insisted that their wasn’t to be a bedding ceremony so when they made their way out of the hall, the feast and dancing was still going on.
When they arrived in their newly shared chambers she began working on taking her dress off, not looking at Aemond, who stood a distance away from her, not saying anything.
She wasn’t all that happy about the fact that they needed to consummate their marriage. Considering that they technically already had. She tried not to let Aemond’s piercing gaze bother her as she went to strip off her under clothes.
“Stop,” Aemond said, quietly from behind her. She dropped her hands and looked over at him with furrowed eyebrows. He only walked passed her and took the dagger from his hip and sliced his palm, holding it over the sheets of their bed. When he smeared enough on to satisfy everyone he finally looked at his niece. She could have sworn she saw a look of regret and perhaps guilt in his eyes before he said, “I will not bed you tonight. Nor any night until you tell me you want me to.”
She could only nod as he went to the chair beside the fire and sat down on it. She crawled into their bed, avoiding the bloodied spot, and laid down. She had no idea what had came over Aemond. He obviously had no idea taking what he believed should be his. It was the whole reason they were married now. So why was he acting so hesitantly around her now that she was officially his wife?
She glanced over at him as he stared into the fire. She could ask him but she still didn’t have it in her to talk to him yet. So instead she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.
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ladybellissima · 8 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 3
"Eating with me? What is she thinking?!", Katakuri grumbled annoyed while taking some papers to have a look on it. The way she asked him with this sweet smile of hers let his heart flutter, but the next moment he felt cold. For him it was too good to be true that she really wanted to know him. A monster like him? There must be some kind of bad intention be the reason for this. Sighing he signed some orders, but still she was on his mind. Maybe she really wanted…
"Big brother Katakuri."
Looking up, he was met with his sister and brothers. Slowly they entered his office and took a seat in front of him.
"(Y/N) wanted to get to know you better?", Brulee started seriously and took his brother by surprise. Raising an eyebrow, he gave her an annoyed look.
"None of your business.", Katakuri spoke shortly, but knew all too well that Brulee wouldn't stop.
"You should be happy that she makes a step and wanted to spend time with you. Why don't you give it a try and eat breakfast with her tomorrow?", Brulee asked, but was stopped by a growl from Katakuri.
"And then? What will happen next? Do you really think that showing my face to her would make things easier? Forget this dream of yours about a happy lovey dovey ending and leave it be. She just needs informations to maybe get out of here. That's all. Eating with her? What nonsense. ", he spoke in a mocking tone.
" I think she has a kind heart and won't be afraid of your face… Don't speak so low of yourself..", Brulee spoke but was interrupted by her brothers.
" Well I think it's none of our business. ", Daifuku spoke calmly and gave Katakuri an order list of their mother.
Sighing Brulee fell silent. She knew that he wouldn't give it a try.
" Well I think our brother is an idiot to have such a beauty as wife and doing nothing.",Oven joked and signed some papers.
"It's an arrangement nothing more…", Katakuri whispered more to himself, but clearly for everyone to hear. Seeing the sadness in his eyes they kept their mouths shut. Never did they see their brother so emotional. Brulee could see it that he had an inner conflict of what to do. He had feelings for this woman, for his wife, but the fear of being rejected was too much of a burden to try something. It broke her heart, but she couldn't do anything about it.
"Hopefully (Y/N) will make a step to see what beautiful man her husband is. With and without scars."
The following days (Y/N) realized how her life on this island would be.
Waking up alone, getting lead by servants to her breakfast, eating alone, doing nothing alone and that was all.
Since the incident at the breakfast table, Katakuri went out for work early in the morning and came back late. If they see each other he just greeted her shortly and left quickly. (Y/N) felt isolated and sick of this life. This couldn't go on like that. Without any social contact she would go insane. Going for a walk seemed great, but (Y/N) felt too scared to discover the island alone. Once she tried and got completely lost. She needed hours to come back and feared to be scolded of coming too late.
Sighing she reached the dining hall and ate her breakfast in silence again. Hearing the cooks at the back, she could tell that they were kind of busy and on high alert.
"is something wrong?"
Interested she got up and looked inside the kitchen. People were baking like crazy. Scared and frustrated they were filling baskets with giant doughnuts. Amazed she entered to look at the sweet desserts.
"Miss… Miss (Y/N)! Please don't touch them… They are for Master Katakuri. Please don't be angry. We can't make you a dessert now..", a servant pleaded next to her. Stunned she gave him a friendly clap on his shoulder and smiled.
"Don't worry. I don't want a dessert. Why should I be angry about something like that?", she asked confused and could see how relieved everyone was.
"What's the matter here?"
"Thank you Miss (Y/N). You are too kind. You see Master's Merienda is very important. We have to deliver him his doughnuts like always or we are screwed. Today don't ask me why, some cooks made a mistake with the recipes and now we are short in time to get things ready.", he explained frustrated and counted the doughnuts in the basket.
" oh so that's why. Let me help you. ", (Y/N) announced happily and motivated she took an cooking apron to get things started.
" Miss (Y/N) we can't let you work!!!", shocked they watched the beautiful girl preparing her workplace for making dough.
"Don't worry. I want to help you and I know how to bake sweets from my grandmother. He is working really hard so he deserves his break like he had ordered. Let me help him and you.", she spoke happily and got big smiles of her words.
"Miss (Y/N)… You are so sweet"
"sweeter as these desserts."
"our Master is a lucky man to have you as his wife."
In a way it pained her heart to hear that. "I don't think he is happy at all..and i am so lonely… ", she whispered saddened, but brushed it quickly off to go on, but one servant heard it. Quickly he took her hand to comfort her.
"Such a beautiful lady shouldn't be depressed. You can always talk to us, even if we seem busy or nervous. That's just because we are in a hurry..Master Katakuri has many things to do…he always comes late at night. I am sorry if you can't speak to him often. But if you ask me, lately he is acting kind of nervous. Something we never were able to see. I think he is just unsure of how to act towards you."
Nodding relieved to finally speak to somebody after days of isolation, she concentrated on her work and relaxed. It felt great to be under people again and work. Back at her home she always helped out. She didn't care if she was a princess. It's just a title and not stopping her to help people and care for someone. And for her husband she decided to be herself and do things like she believed. And if he was lonely like she thought, she would try and comfort him. In a way she felt sorry for him like she felt sorry for herself about her fate, which had led her into this life, but like her grandmother always said.
"If life gets hard, don't give up. It could always be a new opportunity, a new chance to experience something new. "
If he would push her away, fine, but not without showing that she really was making a step to become friends and get along with each other. If he still hated her, she would accept that. Even if life would be like prison.
Amazed of her creations and tips she got from the others, she happily put her doughnuts into the basket. With her quick understanding of baking these special sweets, she could help Katakuri's servants to get everything ready.
Cheering happily the servants got the baskets and headed out to deliver it to their Master's special room.
"so he really eats always alone at a special place.", she asked stunned and helped to clean the table.  "If you ask me, he didn't look like a man who loves sweets. He seems..", she added uneasy to tell them what was on her mind.
"strong? Amazing? Brave?", they asked curious.
"I would say calm, silent or maybe cold?", she asked carefully and got knowing smiles from the others.
"Don't be afraid of Master Katakuri. He is a tall and intimitating man, yes, but it's because he is one of the sweet commanders. He is strong and brave. Always working for the best of his mother and siblings. He puts his family before him. Always. And protects our home. For you this all seems very scary..because his behavior isn't easy to handle, but if you follow the rules everything is fine. ", one servant spoke kindly and looked into the smiling face of this beautiful girl. " and that you make him sweets is a sweet gesture to show your gratitude to be under his protection. As his wife nobody dares to even look at you. ", one added with a shudder.
"wow… He must be feared by many people..", she spoke nervously and the other nodded frightened. She already knew from her parents that she was living now with the Big mom pirates, but didn't know what this really meant. (Y/N) never met any pirates. And now she was married to the scariest one.
"he is known all over sea. With a high bounty"
She didn't know that this man was such a strong pirate. Yeah he looked like that and this title suited him, but that he was such a dangerous man and now her husband was beyond her imagination.
On the other side Katakuri already waited for his sweets. Kind of annoyed he watched the door, which was quickly pushed open and his servants put the baskets beside his seat.
" Took you long enough..", he grumbled and looked over the delicious doughnuts, but some of them were looking different like he used to eat.
"Master Katakuri, I am terribly sorry for being late. Hopefully these sweets will calm your nerves. Miss (Y/N) wanted to help too and made you some of these.", his butler took one of the special looking doughnuts and gave it to a surprised Katakuri. Stunned he watched the lovely decorated coating with fruits and chocolate.
" my.. My wife did that for me? ", he whispered in awe and forgot that he wasn't alone.
"hopefully you don't mind. She wanted to support you and made these. She worked really hard. Please forgive us and her if you didn't want that.", the servant stuttered and bowed.
"it's… It's okay. You can go.", the sweet commander spoke nervously and got up from his seat to give his sweets a closer look.
With a smile they left their master alone to let him taste a piece of heaven. "She didn't have to do that. She didn't have to do anything at all. Why?", he whispered and was surprised about the detailed decoration. There was also a little text which said "Have a nice day.."
Slowly he guided the doughnut to his mouth and took a bite. The cream and fruits mixed their taste and felt like a sweet explosion in his mouth. God he loved it. Every single bite he couldn't stop. Normally having his time with eating, he stuffed them down as quickly as he grabbed it. Sighing in delight Katakuri rubbed his stomach and felt his heart flutter. She was too good to be true. Could he really have such a luck? Was it really possible that she wanted to know him better? Feeling uneasy he thought about it to maybe make a step towards her, but felt helpless in thinking how he should do that. On top he acted like an asshole.
In the meantime (Y/N) was walking along the corridors with another book from the library. Reading was the only time killer she had and it helped with the loneliness. Concentrated on reading the plot of her new book, she accidently bumped into someone. Before she made contact with the floor, her savior grabbed her hand to lift her up. Embarrassed her look wandered to the serious one of Katakuri.
"You should look where you are going or you will hurt yourself.", he spoke shortly and helped her to her feet. Nodding she thanked him and made space for him to go on. Katakuri could see that she was uneasy and didn't know how to act towards him after he shouted at her. She stayed silent and waited for him to pass her. He felt bad that he was the cause of her distress.
" I… Thank you for the doughnuts.", he quickly spoke and hid his face in his scarf.
Surprised (Y/N) looked up to him and smiled from ear to ear that he spoke to her.
"Thank you that you accepted them. Hopefully they were good?", she tried to speak as normal as possible, but her excitement to finally speak to him was unbearable.
" they were Amazing…", he blurted out and felt his cheeks burn of hearing her heartwarming laugher.
"Really?! I learned baking from my grandmother and often read about recipes in some books, plus i got many tips from your servants.. If I am allowed I can make you more tomorrow.", she spoke out of happiness that he liked it.
"You would?!", he asked shocked and let her smile grew while nodding happily.
Quickly calming down Katakuri avoid her beautiful face.
"What is she doing to me…" He couldn't resist her and most of all he couldn't resist her desserts. Maybe just maybe he could try to open up a little.
"Sounds good…", he spoke shortly to keep his strong appearance and walked away quickly. (Y/N) looked after him and felt relieved. The way he spoke, nervous, shy and this little spark of happiness in his tone, let her hope that her husband really had a heart deep inside. Maybe just maybe they could be friends and support each other on their difficult fate.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
S/o being a real wife material and girl friend and a daughter of a gang leader/yakuza. (To be honest I been messing around the Cai chat group of Gun and my OC somehow it end up being my OC being to wife material that Gun fell for her lol)
SAM!! I DID IT!! So so sooooo sorry for taking so long. Thank you for the ask and providing your services for delicious C.ai. You provide the best little brain children. This turned out REALLY fun to write! As always, I read the request and hit half of it at best 🙇🏻‍♀️
Gun Park x Reader: I do
Part 2 here
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Gun easily picks you out.
At first the madame refuses. Gun stuffs her mouth with so much gold that she tells you he is top priority, a V-VIP. You cannot say no to his company, and she would happily face the wrath of your father.
So be it.
Sitting in a quiet corner, where the dimlights are forgiving with the worn leather sofa and the permanent water stains on the low table, Gun watches you sashay across the room to him. In a flimsy dress, cheap and shiny; skin-coloured to allude to nudity and keep the salacious patrons hungry and eager.
Your movements turn many heads. It's not a surprise.
"Hi~" you say, your voice sickly sweet as you take a seat next to him. Too close to be appropriate in anywhere but a hostess bar. "What's your name, handsome?"
"Shiro Oni," he replies simply, the words ringing in the air.
Gun lights up a cigarette, giving you a small courtesy to catch up with the meaning of the name, of tonight.
Your demeanour from a second ago is already long gone.
"Yamazaki Yuzuru," you spit, automatically recoiling away, "Or is it Gun Park you go by now?"
"Call me whatever you want, it doesn't matter," he takes another drag, impressed that you worked it out so quickly. Impressed that you know of his other alias.
"What do you want?" With anyone else you would have stormed out of the room, but you can't afford to leave.
"I'm here to discuss our agreement."
A simple statement of fact that incenses you.
"No fucking way."
"You keep saying no to an arranged marriage. Are you stupid?"
"I don't want to marry a fucking stranger." This is too far. You're in no mood for this conversation. You stand to leave but his hand reaches out, grabbing your wrist.
"Not so fast. I have an offer for you."
His tone compels you, all business and serious. No-one ever includes you in the family business. No-one ever takes you seriously.
It's here that Gun really looks at you. His pitch-black eyes staring into yours and chilling you to the bone. Yet you don't flinch, you're not afraid.
Gun smiles a little at this, you could be useful.
Your reputation precedes you. A spitball with a rebellious streak, a force to be reckoned with. Could have been great if you were born a man. Shame that the Yakuza still has outdated traditions. What a fucking waste.
"You don't want to be the daughter of a Yakuza clan forever. No ambitions, no power, no freedom. Forever under the thumb of your father and other men."
Gun can read you already. No-one behaves like you do expecting to just be a meek and filial daughter all their life. His next words reach into your soul.
"Join me, come to South Korea. I will make you my equal."
An equal? A partnership? Unheard of in the underworld. Scoffed at by your father, your mother, your brothers despite how much better you are. There must be a catch. "And what do you gain from it?"
"It benefits our clans to join. Saves a lot of headaches especially when my attention is elsewhere."
It's an honest admission of a weak spot you did not expect. "What if I say no?"
Gun stubs out his cigarette, so casual, so relaxed. "Then I will just kill every single one of you. Everyone you know will die."
Ah, there it is.
You thought your hairs would stand on end, you thought your jaw would drop in shock. But of course with the Shiro Oni, even with his 'attention elsewhere', when has anyone ever rejected him and lived to tell the tale. The Magami clan bloodshed a grim warning to anyone that would ever consider crossing him.
Gun's full attention is on you. A weaker person would shrink under his gaze. "Do you accept? I won't ask again."
You deliberate.
A chance to be greater than your birthright; to be seen as more than what is between your legs.
It's certainly enticing.
As much as it pains you to admit it, he's right. Your entire clan will either die by his hand or best case, stay where you are and you are destined to amount to nothing.
And maybe you can get to know this demon in South Korea. This 'Gun Park'. Being together. Here is a stranger that already offers you something no-one ever has, that fulfils all your desires without even fully knowing you.
Childish notions of romance still float in your head, despite how much you have tried to harden yourself from such foolish daydreams.
Staring into his eyes, you swallow down any doubt. You don't think about how this is exactly like making a deal with the devil.
"I do."
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lunarmoonanons · 2 years
Yandere Husbands prt 2
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕  
Second and final part. Now I don’t know anything about most of these characters since I’m not a book reader, so I won’t be doing Doran, Arthur, or Gerald. 
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
  Aeys 2
x sister reader
YN was the twin of Rhaella Targaryen, but unlike her twin she and Aerys had gotten along quite well. She’d read to him as he practiced his sword stances, he’d talk on and on about his aspirations to be knighted, and they’d dream about their futures. YN did also get along with her twin Rhaella, the two having nothing but good things to say about the other. Rhaella was the one to tell her first about her love for Ser Bonifer Hasty, YN was certain that if they asked their grandfather he’d allow her to marry her love. But it wasn’t to last, as their father believed that the prince who was promised would come from Aerys and Rhaella’s line. Aerys protested, demanding that he instead marry YN and they at least liked each other. YN held her twin in her arms as Rhaella sobbed, her own heart slightly breaking. But she complied, they all did. Stefan and Tywin offered sympathies but insisted they must all do their duty. The wedding was a somber affair. 
After the disaster at Summerhall and the birth of her nephew Rhaegar, Aerys approached YN. Saying that he still loved her and wanted to be with her, but YN pushed him away. He was married to her twin and she would not cause undue humiliation to her sister by indulging in his desires, and besides she was betrothed to a dornish prince. Finishing off her rejection with “You have an heir now, let me go to have children.” But he would not. One day, Rhaella was found dead in her chambers, her baby crying out for its mother. YN suspected poison but had no proof. When the question of marriage came up, Aerys demanded his father marry his sister to him. It wasn’t until 262ac, when their father died did Aerys get his wish. Despite the protests from Tywin, Nobles, and YN. 
As king no one would deny him. YN was afraid of her brother now, doing her best to watch over her nephew, now stepson, for her sister Rhaella. The law by Queen Alysanne years ago made it so that the heirs from the first marriage would not be disinherited by the second marriage. For the first years of his reign Aerys had the sense to listen to his hand. YN was grateful for Tywin, being able to be the realist to Aerys grand plans and ambitions. Yet as the years went on, Aerys started to grow irritated at the sight of his wife being friendly with his hand. When YN was finally deemed pregnant, Aerys' paranoia grew. He wanted a healthy child. So he isolated YN from everyone, never letting her see the mistresses he took. One tried to slap away the moon tea offered, and Aerys strangled the woman to death. Eventually, Aerys' paranoia became very apparent. He was cocky and began to disregard advice from everyone, even YN. After her pregnancy, YN had given birth to a pale little boy Viserys lll, and he found himself in her bedroom not caring if she wanted it or not. YN’s nephew Rhaegar tried to defend her, but Aerys would slap the boy away. By the time Duskendale was stirring trouble, YN was forced to birth 5 children. Three of which were miscarried due to Aerys rough behavior with her. Tywin tried to step in once but backed away. YN was always grateful for him, but in the end there was nothing that could stop Aerys from having her. One morning after Aerys had been on top of her all night, he mentioned he was going to duskendale YN tried to say that it was a bad idea, but had unknowingly mentioned Tywin. She was met with a slap, he held her hair tight and kissed her hard. 
“You are my sweet sister. If you mention his name again, I’ll have his burnt corpse presented to our children as a warning not to get between us.” YN hoped he would die in Duskendale.
Cregan Stark
(velaryon reader, just imagine maybe Laenor was able to do it once, so YN is the fraternal twin of Jaec)
Usually First Men descendants did not marry non first men, but Cregan wanted no one but the daughter of the princess. YN was the twin sister to Jaecerys Velaryon, unlike her brother she had darker skin and white hair. Cregan was enamored with the girl, but her beauty was only one layer. She also had a mouth on her, and could beat him at his own drinking games. After a month of bonding the boys swore an oath of brotherhood. Cregan and YN met under the weirwood tree, swearing love vows to each other. When it came to the issue of allegiance to The Queen, Rhaenyra, Cregan swore to her on condition that YN stay with him and one day marry him. Jaecerys and YN seemed to agree, as long as YN could do her part for her mother in the war. Her dragon Alaxys was eager to fly in the air. 
During the Dance, YN flew point with her brother, and always returned back to the north. She seemed to like the cold more than the warm south. Her betrothed Cregan was always happy to have her back in her arms. He denied her almost nothing, except when she wanted to fight in the Battle of the Gullet and fly to Kings landing for her mother. Cregan had said no, practically holding her down when she ran for her dragon. He could not lose her. When she fought him, vowing that if he stopped her she’d hate him forever. At that he locked her in the warmest room, sitting outside the room hearing her sob and scream in agony. When the news of her brother's death came, YN screamed at Cregan calling him a traitor and a monster. But the death of her mother broke her, she became cold and angry. Stating to Cregan that she wanted to honor her oath, he was already planning to honor the north’s promise and took his betrothed south.
The hour of the wolf began with Alaxys landing in Kings landing with YN and Cregan on her back. The north remembered and the dragon burned with fury. Cregan spared no traitors, for the oath he held and for the love he had for his betrothed. YN was by her little brother’s side as Cregan delivered her vengeance. Alaxys burned the ones YN deemed deserving, Cregan took rest’s heads. When the hour of the wolf ended, YN was hesitant to leave her brother. Cregan reminded her of her vow to him, that they were fire and ice destined to be. She tried to reason that her brother needed her counsel as he was still a child, but his fingers dug deep into her arms. Vowing that he held no mercy for those who broke their oath. With much resistance, Cregan took her back to the north. Alaxys had spent so much time in the cold that she did not feel comfortable in the warmth of the south. They were married as soon as they returned north. It was a tumultuous marriage, full of love and fights. Sometimes YN would blame him for the death of her family, stating that he prevented her from saving them. He would lock her away in their rooms during those times. Eventually Cregan would not let others see her. They even had to fly together, as YN was not allowed to be in the air alone. Cregan enveloped her whole life, but the north remembered their vow of love, and he would not let her break it. She was bound to ice. 
Rickard Stark
(Now I don’t know much about him other than the wiki stuff so please be kind)
YN did not notice the possession Rickard had for her. They were happily married for a long time, she gave him several children. During the time of Aerys ii reign, YN grew more fearful of the south. Not trusting that the Targaryens would keep away from the north. Her fears were proven to be true when the prince had stolen their daughter Lyanna. She begged her son Brandon not to venture south to retrieve her, but he was a Stark and he was loyal. The news of her son's imprisonment caused a great fury in her. The King in response, asked for her to come to the south. 
Rickard wouldn’t let her go alone, so he placed the maester in charge as they both traveled down south. Once at the red keep, Rickard kept to the shadows as YN pleaded for the release of her children. The king put on the image of listening, but instead just stared at her body. He requested to meet her later in his office chambers, against her better judgment she did. Her husband hid in the shadows the whole time. 
As soon as Aerys inevitably moved to assault her, Rickard emerged from the shadows and cut him down. The shocked shouts of his wife were drowned by his fury as he repeatedly brought the sword down onto his body. Damn his honor, his wife needed defending. YN tried to pull him off, but he pushed her away. When the king was unrecognizable, Rickard turned his blood soaked face to YN. She stepped back as he stepped forward, eventually she hit the bed shaking as he towered over her. He took on that bed, his own mad eyes shone with lusty glee. Adrenaline drowning out YN’s cries. He would be her king forever. 
Eddard Stark
YN was Ned’s Second wife. Catelyn had passed giving birth to Sansa. YN was Ned’s first love, even if she did not view him that way. Her place was in Starfall, in the warmth of the south. But when Ned asked for her hand and YN refused, he locked them both in her room. He never laid a hand to her, but he went on and on about how she was abandoning him. That his children already had to grow without a birth mother, was she that cruel to deny them a second chance. He would have none but her, and if she would not have him then he would die. Did she want that? For his children to be fatherless as well? For him to die?
YN was broken down to eventually agree. So she was taken from her home to the cold north. She wanted to meet the children first but Ned spirited her away to their shared room. Not wasting any time to bed his lady. Once he was certain she was to carry his seed, he allowed her to leave the room. The children seemed uneasy around her at first, but her calming nature was like a balm to their grief. Unlike Catelyn before her, YN also included Jon in all her activities with the children. Of all the children Jon grew the closest. He looked so much like Ned, that Ned would seem overjoyed that the two were bonded. 
Eventually YN got pregnant, the baby draining so much energy from her. But little Arya was so worth the wait. YN thought that since the baby girl drained her so she could rest a bit before another. But Ned wouldn’t have that. He wanted her pregnant almost always. After Rickon, YN begged to be given rest but he called her heartless to deny her children siblings. That she was preventing new life from being born. YN’s life mostly consisted of being pregnant and barefoot. When the King arrived to call for Ned, YN hoped he would take a position as Hand but he denied him. The queen pitied YN, and mused to herself that maybe her marriage was not as bad. Pregnancy after Pregnancy, YN Dayne was exhausted out of life. 
Stannis Baratheon
(I’m not a fan of this guy so don’t expect much)
YN was married to a much older man. Stannis had already had a child, so YN believed she was in the clear for having children. But his red priestess told the would be king that their child would be a champion of light. One night YN was met with the image of her towering husband. SHe tried to ask him to leave, but Stannis grabbed her and forced her on the bed. Telling her it would be alright, that their child would be a champion, all the while ignoring her cried to stop. When it was over he rubbed her stomach and promised that their baby would be stronger than him.
Oberyn Martell
YN did not believe that a her, a Lannister, would be betrothed to Oberyn Martell. A staunch lannister hater, and a sexual fiend if you asked her mother. But her uncle was Tywin, and he had final say in the family. So she was sent south. 
Oberyn promised that he would be a gentle husband. That he did not blame her for the actions of her uncle, but the stares of the others could not calm her fears. It was like they either pitied her for her situation, or only glared at her blonde hair. Oberyn's children all flocked to her, sweet and kind little things. YN decided to make her situation as best as she could. Her husband had copious lovers, maybe she could find one. She tried to tell Oberyn.
“If you wish to be false to me, I will kill any man or woman who looks your way.” He whispered to her, holding her shaking body. “You are mine now. If you want me to get rid of my infidelity, fine. But I will not let another Lannister bring pain to me. Even If I loved them.”
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