#so honorable mention to fig
hankandmonty · 26 days
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“Remember when we died?” Is such a raw line. Happy D20 eve
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I forgot I had a rain version thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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jq37 · 3 months
How do you rank the Rat Grinders in terms of "most want to be friends" vs "die"
Honorable Mention #1 spot goes to Lucy Frostblade who seems like an absolute sweetheart. Anyone who's doing the Cinderella thing w/ the local rodent population is worth befriending in my book. Hope you're resting in peace now girl. You would have loved Zayne Darkshadow and Edgar.
(1) Oisin: OK listen, I am aware that all Rat Grinders must be regarded with some level of suspicion but come ON. I want so so badly for him to be exactly what he's been portrayed to be--a hot buff nerd who is easily flustered by Adaine. Fig got a wizard girlfriend so Adaine should get a wizard boyfriend. That's just equity. Don't you believe in equity Brennan? Joking aside, I think it would be really nice for Adaine to have another someone in her life who thinks she's great and tells her that since she spent so long deprived of that and is just recently starting to get that from people. Anyway, would love another wizard paramour in the Bad Kid rotation.
(2) Buddy: Hear me out. This dude absolutely needs to be deprogrammed a bit but so did Kristen when we met her. And his heart seems to be in the right place. I think he could be a good friend if they approach this from the right angle/are interested in flipping him. Also I went to college in Alabama, alright? His southern charm got me.
(3) Mary Ann: I haven't really gotten a solid read on Mary Ann yet. Is she suspicious or worn down or just Like That? No way to tell yet. But she hasn't actually done anything wrong yet so she gets this spot.
(4) Ruben: I'm more suspicious of Ruben this week than last week after his performance turned about to be a secret ritual, and he's also consistently been shitty to Fig which I don't like. But I'm suspicious abut how much of that is his natural energy and how much of that is related to the rage god. He wasn't emo when he started, remember? He was all smiles and braces and acoustic guitar. People can just genuinely change for the worse but I dunno. Might be something there and the Bad Kids ally list includes SEVERAL people who should be in jail right now so you know. Open mind.
(5) Kipperlilly: Kipperlilly is frankly just more fun as an antagonist than as an ally lol. Like even outside of the point that they hate her to the point of refusing to properly say her name so friendship was never an option, it's just not the most fun route.
(6) Ivy: Choke on grapes, bitch. I hope she ends up in hell with Penelope. This is Fantasy High. You can be a murderer but you can't be RACIST.
Interested to hear anyone else's takes if their list is different!
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Dad Kills by Intrepid Heroes
Lou Wilson - 1* *with consent
Siobhan Thompson - 1
Zac Oyama - 2
Honorable Mentions
Emily Axford - 1 (Fig defeats Gorthalax in a way that is legally valid, so it’s something)
Ally Beardsley - 1 (I feel like we have to at least count whatever the hell Pete did to his dad by sending him into Nod and remaking his mental makeup as an honorable mention)
this list can be adjusted as more dad kills/destructions come to light. this also does not only count IH seasons
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
just for fun, I assigned the bad kids a vestige from critical role because I love both and am bored at work. My own little rule is that no one can have overlapping vestiges. example Fig and Fabian both would be great with mythcarver, but I gave it to Fig since I think she could use it better and I explain why. I also wanted things to fit with the Bad Kids thematically instead of just being efficient in assigning powerful magic items to adventurers.
Whisper- pretty obvious as the party's rogue even though Riz uses a gun he does have the sword of shadows that he uses as a melee weapon.  Having a weapon with a free teleport with his rogue disengage is amazing
Danothar’s visor- a great item for a sneaky investigator like Riz, he already has gadgets that lets him do similar things, but still, the other abilities like advantage on investigation and perception checks are great for him. It also lets him auto save from illusions and see through them, see through solid matter up to a foot and cast antimagic field.  It’s perfect for someone who used to get screwed over by magic a lot like he was the passed 2 years
Infiltrator's key- an item made for rogues even if thieve’s tools aren’t normally Riz’s thing, it does come down to him to unlock doors and disarm traps that the bad kids face.  Being able to create your own doors is also just great in general for an investigator.  Not to mention the spells that the key grants are perfect for rogues and means he doesn’t have to burn his spell slots since he doesn’t have that many compared to most of his friends
Wraps of Dymak- while this is of course not great for Adaine, the first 2 seasons she was so intent on punching her enemies despite not having the strength to do so, Ayda even gifted her the spell Adaine’s furious fist so she can do so more effectively. Sure she has the sword of sight now, but it’s always important to remember where you came from. Also a free misty step isn’t bad by any means
Jewel of Three Prayers- as a wizard, Adaine has shit ac so any boost from it that wouldn’t interfere with her other ac boosting items or abilities would be great for her in general.  Being able to burn a charge to get rid of a nasty affects like Paralyze, restrained, and grappled is great for anyone, but especially a squishy wizard like her.  Being able to burn a charge to grant anyone she can see a reroll on a save is great and fits with her diviner subclass.  And finally the exalted ability to breath and swim under water with a walking speed is thematically great for Adaine who has a slight fear of water given what happened to the previous elven oracle.  
Grimore Infinitus- I mean there isn’t a better vestige for a wizard, 25 free spells in your spell book would make this amazing on its own.  Being able to prepare 3 extra spells per day in its exalted state is great for any wizard who is nervous about what they are going to face that day.  Additionally, saving throws on all magical effects is great for any character, but for Adaine who is alway being targeted by harmful magic it would make her less depended on Boggy giving her the help action for her saves and put him in less danger.
Plate of the dawnmartyr- not to keep ripping off critical role’s cast choices, but Kristen is the only one of the bad kids who uses heavy armor so she would get the ac boost, and the any resistances is a good thing so the resistance to fire in its awakened state.  Bounce back damage is great because clerics tend to be targeted above other pc’s.  And of course the ability to come back after going to 0 hp is perfect for any cleric.
Honor’s last stand- Kristen I believe has high AC because it’s flavored she’s wearing heavy armor and wielding a shield, so having a legendary shield would be great.  It’s awakened ability to make it’s user immune to prone is also great for someone with her dex
Spire of Conflux- it is a staff with extra spells which is great for any spell caster and in its exalted state it increases the casters spell attack and dc by +1.  Additionally in its awakened state the spire allows the wielder to reroll any 1’s they get on the dice for elemental damage and since Emily has been rolling pretty poor this season damage wise, I think it would really help Fig out with her damage rolls
Armor of the Valiant soul- I believe Fig can use medium armor, not sure with all her multiclassing, but she should be able to by now.  The ac buff is great all around and so is the resistance to acid and immunity to fear.  However the free use of the command spell is why I chose this for Fig since she is always trying to mess with her opponents heads though that was more so in freshman and sophomore year I still think it fits.
Mythcarver- While this would also work for Fabian, I think as a lore bard with cutting words, it would have more utility in Fig’s hands instead of Fabians, though it would still be very good for him.  Fig is more of a primary spell caster than Fabian so using cutting words to give enemies disadvantage on saves would be more useful for her than him.  Not to mention that the exalted ability to get more attacks, would be more useful for Fig as Fabian already gets multiattack and action surge as a fighter while Fig only has 1 for now, and as a Paladin she can smite on each of those attacks while Fabian already has Fandragor to due something similar.   
Verminshroud- While not exactly good for Fig, I do think she would have a lot of fun with it, being able to turn into a giant rat, wasp, and scorpion would be fun for her and her chaos bringer mentality.  Honestly, resistance from poison is still a resistance.  Again, I just think she would have fun with it
Kiss of the Changebringer- I think this is just a generally good vestige for anyone but I think it fits Fabian because he’s always trying to get his kisses in.
Deathwalker’s Ward- Fabian is a dex fighter, so light armor with bonus ac is perfect for him.  In its exalted state it gives him a resistance that he can change during a short rest which is good for every character, but especially someone on the front line like Fabian.  And of course the ability to fly for an hour is perfect for a maximum legend like Fabian who loves to show off and it also is incredibly practical too
Cabal’s Ruin- It’s good for any character, being able to get resistance to damage you would take from a spell is great.  As a fighter/bard, fabian has a great ac of 19 and can boost that with his defensive flourish and maybe battlemaster abilities, so hitting him isn’t the easiest but he is just as affected by magic as any other martial character, but Cabal’s ruin gives him advantage on all saves against magic.  So the ability to halve spell damage and use it to boost the damage you do is perfect for him.  Also, despite being a bard, Fabian doesn’t really use his spells in combat, preferring to use them to fuel Fandragor and hammer away at his foes making Cabal’s ruin perfect for him as a fully charged exalted vestige can do an extra 10d6 lightning damage on one attack or being able to spread the damage around.  
Titanstone knuckles- again, not to rip off critical role, but the knuckles are an all around great item for anyone with its multiple resistances to common damage types.  For a barbarian it’s a no brainer with the extra damage the enlarge spell gives and of course putting his strength above 20, maxing out at 26 exalted as opposed to his current 18 isn’t anything to sneeze at. 
Pyremaul- Thematically not really Gorgug’s thing because he doesn’t have any specially affinity towards fire and uses axes, but the maul is still a two handed weapon and does an extra 3d6 fire damage on hits so I don’t think any Barbarian can pass up that damage. It also has a similar ability to Zelda’s mixtape if he ever wants to retire that since they broke up it would give him the chance to.  On the flip side of themes, it wouldn’t be the worst thing for Gorgug to put aside the axe meant to kill to pick up a hammer than can be used to kill and craft. To symbolically choose to walk the path of barbarian and artificer.  
Stormgirdle- like the Titanstone Knuckles, these are perfect for a barbarian as it buffs your strength score, not as high as the knuckles, but still higher than the natural max any character can get to.  2 extra elemental resistances aren’t anything to poke fun seeing as magic tends to be barbarians bane as they have physical residences as they rage.  The storm avatar form is cool in general, most barbarians don’t have much use for their bonus action after they rage so the extra damage is great and being able to fly is amazing for any martial class. 
Tell me what you think, if you agree or disagree. If you have better suggestions. Or just think another character should get one over the other that I put here
This was a lot of fun but also more difficult than you think. I'll admit I thought more about utility and defense than pure offense. Like with Kristen I focused more on her being harder to hit and put down because she's already an extremely powerful cleric. Fabian was also kind of difficult because he's a fighter, he's good at it, Mythcarver or the Star Razor would be great for him, but I also think that there isn't a better sword for him than Fandrangor so I couldn't argue that for him to get an offensive vestige.
Like I said, it was still a lot of fun, might do something similar for the seven since they're still my favorite season of d20
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simarcana · 4 months
Thanks @igotsnothing for the tag! as always I love reading abt your OCs and seeing them 👀
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NAME: Alika Cecil Argus Diamandis
NICKNAME: Techically speaking Alika is a nickname! My full name is Alexander! But only my γιαγιά calls me that. Or the police.
GENDER: Cis man
STAR SIGN: I'm a Sagittarius, more specifically a December one! Which means I'm ruled by Mars & The Sun
HEIGHT: 6'0 (1.82 cm)
ORIENTATION: As for now I see myself as a gay man but I don't like orientation labels when it comes to myself.
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: If you couldn't tell already, I'm Greek! Me and my family are from Ródos. We moved to the United Kingdom when i was 10, that's where my accent is from.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Peach! I can't eat as much as I'd want to cause I'm not a sweet tooth.
FAVORITE SEASON: Are you kidding me? Summer above everything else. The sun, the beach, nothing can compare.
FAVORITE FLOWER: Mayweed, it brings back so many memories. Roses are worth an honorable mention.
FAVORITE SCENT: Sea salt and fig, it reminds me of home
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: I do enjoy a good tea but coffee is the only thing that can kick the sleep off me in the morning.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Oh my sleep schedule is a mess don't ask me anything about that.
DOGS or CATS: Neither- I love Aodh's cat but that's it! I prefer other types of pet like rats and turtles
DREAM TRIP: Japan! I've been to Tokyo once but it's gonna be my dream trip forever.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: I like to feel warm and soft when I sleep so... As much as the cold let me have!
RANDOM FACT: The scar on my eyebrow makes it kind of wiggly when I raise it, see? It's from a skateboard incident I had when I was eleven. My mom confiscated it for two months saying I would never skate again so I started rollerblading! That's how i got the scar on my knee.
*lmao I edited the random fact sorry fellas
I'm tagging @nitrozem @simmingonthelow @saruin and @void-imp !!
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legacygirlingreen · 9 months
Part 4 - Chapter 3: Graphorns & Phoenix // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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A/N: FINALLY finished the update for you all! Sit back for this one because it is a LONG one! Also I continue to stray from canon because... I don't really know I just want to. I really hope everyone enjoys and once again thanks to all the readers (old and new). HUGE shoutout to my main @strawberrypinky for helping with the smut. Seriously Idk how I'd have finished it without you... I love hearing from you all on your thoughts, feelings, theories, etc so never hesitate to reach out! <3 peace and love you all!
Warnings: NSFW content ahead this time! Mentions of blood, violence, death and almost! SA content also ahead so please be careful if you do not like dark content! This chapter is somehow extremely spicy (via flashback) and also very graphic so PLEASE know that going in. No Dark Seb content, but definitely dark Rookwood/Poachers!
Important info: I also use some Scottish Gaelic in this one along with a slang from the late Georgian/early Victorian era that was used throughout Scotland/Ireland mostly but also parts of England/Wales. If you need an explanation on their meaning/translations here they are ahead of time so it makes sense while you read! Also PLEASE if you have the time check out Francis Grose, he was such a fascinating writer during the time, writing about antiquities in Scotland as well as publishing a book on the vulgar slang being used! Always, there goes my scholarly loving heart for the day...
"Mo Leannan" in Scottish Gaelic is a term of endearment, usually used by men towards a lover, and translates to "my sweetheart" or "my beloved"
"Blow the Grounsils" is a slang phrase that was used throughout the UK. 'grounsils' are foundational timbers for a home, so it is a more polite way of saying floor/stair sex, or as Francis Grose explains "to take a woman on the floor"
Word Count: 14,000
Masterlist for series here: Sebastian Masterlist
Sebastian finally stumbled upon the gorge in which the last trial was to take place; he had come to terms with the fact that his love had been taken and may have to carry out her legacy in her honor… almost. Oh who was he kidding, he was not prepared to face the music. But for now, he didn’t have time to do so. Right now stopping Ranrok was the most important thing to everyone at large. Despite the nagging feeling he had to abandon Fig, and rush straight to find Poppy Sweeting and the grumpy potions master, he knew that if she was still alive and knew he negated his duty simply to rescue her, he would face her disappointment. 
“Ah, Mr. Sallow, I am glad to see you made it. I assume the Keepers agreed to let us proceed without Miss y/l/n.” Fig said, posing his statement as a question and he only found it within him to nod. The light was just about to make its ascent over the horizon any minute now. It felt strange for him to think that less than 12 hours ago he was standing on a piece of land he bought for the two of them, now, not knowing if she was even alive. He shook that off, turning to the professor. 
“So what exactly happens during these trials Professor?” he asked, still unsure how they began, only knowing that she often came back beyond exhausted, sporting minor scrapes and bruises, not wishing to speak of them. 
“No need for formalities all the way out here Sebastian, please call me Eleazar… as for the trials, they have all been different in orientation. This one however, I am unsure how we will enter. There is no portrait to discuss the steps to be taken. Given our friend is currently not available I reckon I will be allowed to help you more than I would have if she had been here. The only instruction I was given was to scout ahead before allowing any taming of magical creatures to fall completely to her.” Fig explained.
“Taming magical creatures? What does that…” Sebastian started, trailing off when he saw the sculpture on the stone behind them. The sight caused him to immediately shake his head before continuing “They can’t possibly expect me to-” 
Fig interrupted him, confirming his suspicions, “Tame and bring a graphorn to gain access. I do believe that is what we will need to do to get inside.” he explained, pondering a moment. 
“Aren’t they mostly extinct sir? Eradicated on account of their horns?” Sebastian asked, recalling the limited knowledge he had on the creatures. 
“That is correct, although I know of one that still lingers nearby. Further down the coast, a famed one still lives within a cave, known as the ‘lord of the shore’. However, he is quite aggressive, and they are nearly impossible to subdue…?” he told the boy.
“Wonderful. So I am to fight, but not kill a graphorn. Graphorns of course being considered one of the most dangerous creatures we know of, and what? Bring him here to open the door? He shall magically produce some key we don’t know of?” Sebastian said rhetorically as if it was all so simple. 
“It appears that way. I would go with you, but I admit I do not move as quickly as I used to. Graphorns are more likely to react aggressively when they feel threatened, and having more than one person nearby is likely to provoke faster.” Fig explained with a sigh. 
“Alright. I will go track down this ‘lord of the shore’ then. Merlin’s beard” the usually Posh boy resorted to the swear as he shook his head. 
“Before you go… and I apologize if I am overstepping my bounds… but you mentioned you were off school grounds yesterday.  Might I inquire where you were and what you were doing?” Fig asked and his blood ran cold. He knew that the man wasn’t asking to get him in trouble, but to admit to someone where he had been, felt odd. Knowing now it might have all been for nothing he decided why not let her closest aly and mentor be made aware. 
Sebastian reached in his pocket, grabbing the tome that disguised the ring boxes, passing it to the man without a word. 
Eleazar opened the tome, expecting to see pages, but was surprised to see it open to reveal two small boxes. It didn’t take a genius to understand what they were as he grabbed the more ornamental of the two, seeing the brilliant ring inside. Sebastian refrained from commenting as Fig passed the book back to him. 
He expected judgement or questioning from the older man, but was pleasantly surprised when he smiled at Sebastian. 
“I can’t say I am surprised, '' he said, his wiry hands playing with his own wedding band as he looked up at Sebastian. The two refrained from speaking for a moment. 
“I just need her to be alright. I can’t -” he trailed off, unsure if he wanted to open Pandora's box in a time of urgency and crisis. “I cannot imagine a life without her in it. She has slowly become my everything. My every waking thought, my main priority, my deepest longing. My strongest aspiration is to be the man she needs me to be. She cannot be gone. I don’t think I could manage to go on without her” Sebastian admitted to the man, holding back the tears threatening to fill his eyes as his fingers stroked the binding of the fake book. 
“If there is one thing I have learned, it is that her strength knows no bounds truly… as does her love for you. I admit, I was slightly surprised when she demanded to return to your side after being injured months ago, but after seeing the way you care for her, the way you boldly proclaimed the depth of your affection to your Uncle… I recognized that this whole time the flame she bares for you is no simple flame, but a raging fire. Ancient magic is one thing, but love is the true strength that binds us. Likely even now I imagine that love in which she burns for you, is what’s keeping her safe,” the man said, reaching a hand out to comfort him.
Sebastian’s eyes went wide realizing the teacher had heard his confession that night in Feldcroft. He chose not to comment on it, trying to let the words seep in and provide him comfort. 
“It is her love for my family however that led to her capture. If she had not been attempting to find a cure for Anne, this wouldn’t have happened…” Sebastian let out a frustrated sigh, pulling at his hair as he often did when he was frustrated, knowing that it was his own fault. If she hadn’t seen the depth of his obsession to find Anne comfort, she wouldn’t go to such lengths to sacrifice herself.  
“You cannot do that to yourself, young man.  I imagine Rookwood would have found her at some point regardless of your sister’s cure.” Fig said sternly, hoping to encourage the boy who seemed to wrongfully take on the blame for what had happened.  
“But-” Sebastian started but Eleazar stopped him, changing the subject. 
“I too, was quite young when I knew she was the one for me… I couldn’t have been much older than you are now.” Fig explained, reaching slightly into his tunic to pull out the chain which held Miriam’s ring, his fingers running over the cool metal. 
“Your wife sir?” Sebastian asked as Fig nodded. 
“Miriam, she didn’t particularly like me very much initially I am afraid. I admit, in my day I was quite, well, an arse. My friends and I were often quite loud, rambunctious and frequently in detention. She was always there, in the background of our classes, not drawing much attention to herself.  I feel guilty looking back realizing I overlooked her for so many years: would’ve saved me a many detentions… She loved the library, spent most of her free time there just reading for pleasure, or keeping to herself around the school grounds. It wasn’t until we were partnered for an assignment, and I spent time with her alone, that I realized how truly incredible she was. She had this wit about her, this amazing way of making the most boring topics sound fascinating.  I never liked to admit to my friends that I wanted to be a professor, or that I found the depth of magical theory interesting… but she could hold conversations that challenged me on an intellectual level I couldn’t truly comprehend. Suddenly I went from nearly nightly detentions to holed up in the library near her, reading in the silence. That silence turned into small conversations, and spending time together outside class. Eventually I was trailing behind wherever she went like a lost kneazle… why she allowed it I shall never know.” he explained, reminiscing his time falling in love with the woman. 
“I admit, that sounds familiar… ” Sebastian started with a smile.
“Oh believe me, the change in your behavior has not gone unnoticed.  I dare say, it’s admirable.” Fig said, smiling. 
“She just makes me want to be a better person. Hell, she had me getting along with my Uncle for a majority of the holiday, which I can’t say has happened in a long time, possibly ever.” Sebastian admits with a chuckle. 
“She mentioned as such. I did inquire about the safety of your home life, and I apologize if I overstepped any bounds. She explained the complexities of your relationship with Solomon with great care. I would like to say, if you do not wish to return to his home this summer, I will make sure that you do not have to,” Fig explained gently. 
“While I appreciate the concern… I do not think that will be a problem anymore… I already have purchased land, along with a house that needs much work I admit, but… it is mine. I was hardly planning to return to Solomon. Our relationship may be slightly more amicable than we used to be, but I do not wish to spend more time than necessary with him.” Sebastian explained.
“I understand. I just wanted you to know, should you ever need a safe place, that my home is open for you and her… I respected your parents a great deal.  I know it would destroy young Alice knowing that you were treated with the harshness you have had to endure from your uncle this whole time.” Fig told him, remembering the young man’s mother, and the love she held for her children. 
“I will keep that in mind if we find ourselves needing a place to go… the sun shall be up soon. I suppose I should be off.” Sebastian said.
“Of course. Sorry to keep you from your task.” 
“This has been… illuminating… would you-” Sebastian started, reaching into his pocket to retrieve the tome, “hold onto this so I do not damage it? I imagine taming a graphorn will not be easy, '' he admitted. 
“Absolutely, I would be honored” he said and Sebastian turned and walked a few paces when he heard the man call out “Might I ask why you chose a star?”.
“You may ask, but I do not believe I shall provide you with an answer…” Sebastian called with a chuckle before aparating away to find the beast he was to tame. 
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To say the camp had fallen into complete and utter chaos would be a gross understatement.  The poachers camp had gotten from organized and orderly to a warzone in a matter of moments. She was startled upon seeing dark witches and wizards casting spells upon several centaurs, all armed with bow and arrow. The two groups continued to assault one another as several small fires burned within the camp, and smoke filled the air.  Shouting and battle horns filled the night and amidst the chaos she aimed to locate any familiar faces. 
That search was short lived however, as Rookwood shoved her back inside the tent, casting Incarcerous to force her into binds along one of the posts reaching a hand out of the flap long enough to retrieve one of the men who initially caught her.
“Do not let her escape or it’ll be on your head” Victor shouted before disappearing from her view. The man came closer, standing behind her as she struggled against the binds. 
“Oh would you look at that, someone appears to have scratched you Kitten” he said with a nasty smirk, bringing his hand up to caress her blood soaked cheek. She let out a shriek against the filthy cloth between her lips, trying to move her face away. 
“Would you stop moving!” he spat in her face. 
Reaching down he aggressively groped her exposed breast, making her squirm and begin kicking her legs as she attempted to get him to back up. He took one look down at her leg before he kicked her so hard directly across her]shin  she heard a snap, tears immediately springing to her eyes as he aggressively pulled her hair. 
“You are so easily broken kitten. Next time don’t test me. You are going to sit here and let me do as I please… same as you do for young Sallow you little Harlot” he screamed at her as she continued to cry, the pain from her leg beginning to take over her mind for the first time since Rookwood carved into her back. 
Suddenly she felt the ropes holding her to the beam released, however the binds on her wrists were still tied. She was forced onto her back as he crawled over her, and her eyes went wide in panic. 
“No, no no” she screamed into the gag but it wasn’t much use. All she could do was close her eyes, and think of another time and place… 
His brown eyes scanned hers intently, searching for any signs she didn’t want to continue.  They had decided to spend some alone time inside the room of requirement - as they so often did when they found a free moment - however this time had led to much more intensity than the pair had previously shared. 
“We don’t have to keep going, you know? I am perfectly fine to stop if you don’t feel comfortable…” Sebastian trailed off while his lower body continued to rock into hers.  They currently were pressed flush with one another, hips bones kissing between their clothes.  Sebastian’s right leg had found its between the pair of hers as she slid up and down ever so slightly on his solid and muscular thigh.  
Ever since the night in the shower, in which he finally felt the inside of her womanly walls with just his fingers, he couldn't stop imagining what it would be like to fully be sheathed inside of her.  Every private moment he had since that night was spent with his fist clenched around his manhood, imagining it was her velvety warmth surrounding him, pulling him in, instead of his hand. He almost always was able to release embarrassingly quick as he imagined the way her voice had sounded when he spewed the filth he spoke directly against her skin.  The way he threatened to put a child within her womb - something he had not realized brought him excitement to think about until that moment - became new source material when he was alone. 
Despite this deep rooted desire growing more and more powerful by the day, he still wanted any physical action they took to be by her guiding hand. If he was honest with himself, Sebastian hardly trusted himself to take the lead.  He knew if he did, there would be no stopping until his body got what it had been craving for weeks now: to be tightly pressed within her, until he filled her with every drop he could provide, all as he watched her come undone, squirming beneath him.  His mind would always go blank imagining the way her walls had fluttered around his fingers, and it caused him to become almost painfully hard to imagine what that would feel like wrapped around his length… 
“It is alright… I trust you Bash” she spoke with a shy smile, lifting her arms over her head to allow him to remove her top. Every time he had seen her in various states of undress it had been while bathing. Allowing him to do so now, although not a new sensation, however now without the guise of cleaning themselves felt different somehow. Knowing he would be able to see and feel her skin completely unobstructed by even water… 
Sebastian started to lift her shirt, moving it further up her torso until it pooled at her neck. Without warning he pulled it off her body completely, leaving her only in a thin corset as he brought his head down to her neck. Usually when he kissed her there, he was gentle, most often taking his time, and appreciated the soft sighs it drew from her. Now, she found him moving with haste.  She went to question it when she felt his teeth press into her skin before his tongue moved to coat the bite. His wet appendage soothing the area in which he had marked her. 
His kisses weren’t the only thing that seemed to have more energy than usual. His hips seemed to move faster against hers. His hands gripped her waist more firmly than usual, and if she had to guess, he might be leaving small bruises on her skin.  
His calloused hand lifted and he reached inside the cup of her corset, drawing out one of her breasts and squeezing the skin there almost roughly, as he moved his mouth down to suck her nipple into his warm and wet mouth.
It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the feelings he was providing… in fact if she was honest with herself, her undergarments were already soaked through as the young man seemingly knew all her weak points.  In their time together he had gotten much better at bringing her pleasure either directly, or by giving her enough of a mental image for when she was alone.  A small part of her wanted him to continue, to keep going until he had her fully naked and flushed beneath him, writhing as he continued this hastened pace while filling her tight hole with… 
“Are you sure? I just felt you shudder…” his voice was soft as he released her now perky nipple from the confines of his mouth, his breath making her shake. She looked away, wanting to avoid his stare. That did not last long as she felt his gentle fingertips abandon her breast and instead softly cup her chin. “Hey… look at me…” he pleaded. 
She always gave in when he used that kind but slightly commanding tone.  
“Please talk to me… tell me what’s going through that beautiful mind of yours” he asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, before running the back of his knuckle over the skin of her cheek.  
“I am just nervous that’s all…” she said, her eyes still not fully meeting his, as she felt him scan over every feature of her face. In fact, she found herself with her eyes locked onto the small white scar he had below his lip, apparently from a time in which Anne accidentally hit him in the face with a fire poker when they were young. She reached a delicate hand up, lightly using her thumb to trace over the faint white line that ran parallel with the outline of his plump bottom lip.  
“Why are you nervous?” he asked, in the most tender tone he could muster despite now being filled with anxiety that he had pressed her too far into things she was not ready for. He had hoped she would notice the change in his speech, but hoping for that was as useless as she knew him better than almost anyone. 
Eyes finally moving back to meet Sebastian’s, she kept stroking the small scar below his lip trying to ground herself before she continued. 
“Things have been… different lately when we have been alone. I am not uncomfortable with them, or with you, I simply…” she trailed off unsure how to word her thoughts to both explain her feelings and also not worry him. She had hoped Sebastian would speak up and save her from continuing but he didn’t. 
“How comfortable are we with having fully marital relations… At what point do you intend to stop? And if we continue, what will that leave for a future time?” she asked wearily, her face scrunching up as she hated to even ask him such questions.  In her mind, to commit to the extent of such acts would be to fully commit the rest of herself to Sebastian. Although she had no doubt in regards to their future… engaging in such physical shows of that was daunting to say the least. It seemed so adult, so distant yet physically in this moment it seemed possible. That fact was almost frightening. 
“At what point do you wish to stop?” he countered after a brief pause. She could sense the same inner conflict she was facing written across his features. The way his lips had remained parted, the way his eyebrows had drawn forward, the way his eyes looked both distant and close at the same time. 
She didn’t have a formulated answer for him.  The uncontrollable parts of herself wanting to keep going until they had done all that was natural… The other part wanted to wait. Perhaps not until they were wed, but at least for a time that could be special. She knew dinner was approaching and they would be rushing and she didn’t want Sebastian Atlas Sallow to quickly and unceremoniously deflower her, then go eat his weight in mashed potato surrounded by their friends as if nothing had happened… 
“I’m not… I am not sure… what-” she kept trying to get her brain and mouth to cooperate, however, doing so was proving more difficult than she thought as Sebastian’s hand had returned to stroking the bare skin beneath her breast. 
“How about this…” Sebastian started to speak but when he looked down and saw her wide eyes looking up at him, blinking so innocently and purely, he couldn’t help himself: Sebastian bent down and kissed her. His lips pressing down harshly on hers as he passionately filled her mouth with a groan before pulling away. “Sorry… I seem to be having difficulty restraining myself…” he suddenly felt very embarrassed, as his lack of restraint seemed to be what was causing their issue. Sebastian went to retract himself completely from her, when he felt a hand keeping him in place.
“It’s alright Bash… I am also having the same issue if I am honest.” She thought for a moment. “What were you going to recommend?” she asked, moving her arms to rest on his shoulders, her fingers playing with his hair as she let the weight of their situation evaporate. 
There was no need to be nervous: This was just her and Sebatian. They knew each other. They trusted each other. There was not a thing they couldn’t talk about. They would come to a resolution. 
“I was going to suggest… if you want to keep going we can always go until you are uncomfortable, however if I am honest with you, I do not know how well I will be able to hold back. I mean if you only knew the thoughts I was having right now… you’d probably be disgusted with me.” he said somewhere between shame and humor. The combination would be odd if he had been speaking to anyone but her, but there were no reservations at this point of their relationship. 
“Enlighten me then” she said. 
“What?” he asked, unsure what she meant. 
“Tell me what thoughts you have running through your brain. I want to hear them.  I can assure you Sebastian, they likely aren’t that different from my own” she said barely above a whisper as her hips rocked into his gently. 
“I.. I can’t.” he tried to reason with her, tried to get her to understand that he couldn’t. It would be the furthest thing from what a gentleman would do.  She deserved a kind, honest, man; not a horny, touch deprived, young man who wanted nothing more than to fill her walls with his release, despite not having any real right or claim to do so.
“Please” she begged, forcing his eyes back up into her own as she tried to get him to be honest with her about what he wanted. Except Sebastian didn’t know what he wanted that was within reason. 
“More. I want more.” was all he said with an exasperated sigh. 
“More of what?” she asked, perplexed by his answer. 
“More touching, more kissing, more contact. I want to go further than what we have been doing. More than even that night in the shower. I just want more of you. And I know that’s wrong of me to want, and I can assure you that this is not me asking you for such things. But every second since that night we shared that first kiss, I can’t stop thinking of claiming you in any way imaginable. Every moment in which I am next to you, it is all I can think of. Those sounds you make, the way you look as if the heavens have opened up right before me, it's all too much. How could I not have my mind filled with rich and colorful depictions of you. You lying beneath me, you lying on top of me, you standing next to me as I take you against the wall, you spread out across the desk: simply just you. Oh if you only knew the vulgarity in which I think of you-” he felt his whole body begin to shake at his open admission.  
Sebastian expected her to slap him, berate him, but he was surprised to see him eying his clothed chest curiously.  He was even more surprised when she slowly started to undo the top few buttons with one hand. 
“Hey, just because I told you that… we do not need to continue, in fact I do believe it is better that we do not fully commit to marital relations now.” he explained and she shook her head. He tried to reason with her, against his own body’s desires as she pushed the shirt from his body. “I mean it, I want to wait. I want to make things special for you. I don’t want you to feel pressured by my account when I know-” she interrupted him. 
“You don’t understand.” she spoke so matter of fact that it caused his eyebrows to draw. 
“Don’t understand what?” 
“The ways in which I want you Sebastian. You aren’t the only one who wants to feel the full extent of your length inside of me.  You think that I don’t want to give myself to you? You already have my heart, my mind, my spirit: how could I not want to give you my body as well? I have no concerns for the semantics but Merlin- it’s nearly the only thing I think about these days. How much I want to truly, irrevocably and wholeheartedly give you everything I am.  How much I want you to look into my eyes as you feel the full extent of my love.” She started in a similar tone to which he had spoken before.
“We don’t -“ he tried to get her to stop but she kept going as she moved her fingers lower, reaching for the clasp of his belt.
“You cannot possibly know how difficult it is when I see you sweating at crossed wands to not imagine you taking me then and there. How I see your hands clutching your quill in class and immediately imagine how they felt inside of me. You probably don’t even realize how I’ve gotten so well at rubbing my legs together to ease the tension under the desk have you?” She questioned rhetorically. 
She finished undoing his belt and the button holding his trousers. Sebastian hadn’t even realized she was already holding him in her delicate hands until he looked down and saw his length in her hands, blushing brightly and already leaking. 
“I agree that I do not think we should do such things now but trust me when I say that you are not the only one who wants to.” She said, staring into his brown eyes, trying to assure him that she wanted to go a step further. Not fully commit herself to him yet, but to find a middle ground in the meantime.
Sebastian wasn’t sure what to do. On one hand, she had already stripped him bare and she was nearly in the same position herself: only her uniform trousers and undergarments between them. On the other hand, he was unsure what this was leading to. As if she was reading his mind she spoke to explain. 
“I will tell you when I wish to stop moving forward… Can we please just keep going for now?” she asked, ever so sweetly and he knew that despite thinking this may not end well, he could not possibly say no to her when she begged him like that. 
Renewed was the sense of urgency and almost dominance in which he had before. Trusting that she would in fact stop him should she want to, he let go of the anxiety he’d had brewing and instead focused on getting her trousers down her thighs. It didn’t take long to push the offending material from her body, along with sliding her thin pair of bloomers down as well, leaving her as bare as he was.  
Looking around the Room of Requirement, he realized he didn’t want whatever was about to occur on the sofa of all places, so he stood, grabbing the cushions from the furniture, placing them in front of the fireplace, before tossing the blanket she kept in there over top of the makeshift bed he’d made. Walking closer he held out his hand for her, and she took it, allowing him to walk the both of them to the front of the fireplace. 
Slowly, Sebastian sank to his knees, pulling her along with him, as they both kissed each other while the fire crackled behind them.  He used his arm to pull her closer, wrapping it around her small waist. When her chest made contact with his own he couldn’t help but let out a slight groan, loving the warmth their bodies created together. 
His tongue entered her mouth without much resistance, as they both groped and grabbed at each other in the thrones of passion. Somewhere along the way he snaked a hand up into her hair, retrieving the pin she was using to hold it up off her neck, and pulled the offending thing out of the updo before tossing it as far away as he possibly could.  He then shoved his hands up into her tresses, collecting a handful at her nape before pulling it slightly so that her head tipped upwards to accommodate his tension on her hair. 
“I have told you so many times now, that I prefer your hair down” he said somewhere between a gruff commandment and a love drunk admission before continuing by saying, “All I can think of is pulling it, much like this, as I force my length inside of you, while I pull these beautiful tresses off your face so I can watch as you take all of me”
His words sent such a warm flash all across her body as she felt it almost painfully in her core.  The thought of Sebastian, pressing himself inside of her in that manner, a thought he seemingly had by his own admission, almost became too much. Almost. 
Her eyes immediately sought him in dire need, but for what for, she wasn’t exactly sure. She just knew she wanted him.  She wanted him closer.  She wanted him to keep touching her with the blatant need he was using.  She wanted him to keep talking to her this way.  To encourage him to keep going, she used her hands to grab onto his shoulders and pull him even more against her body as she flung her weight into his open arms, her tongue pressing into his mouth as she moaned against his lips. 
Sebastian didn’t even have time to open his eyes to check if she was alright before she had flung herself more onto him. Not that he was complaining however. He liked having her trying to get as close as humanly possible.  He abandoned pulling her hair, to instead cup the nape of her neck with his large palm, as he continued to let their mouths mesh together. Eventually he pulled away, almost lightheaded as he looked down at her with a hooded gaze. 
“Lie down on your back”, he told her and she humbly did as he asked, sliding off her knees and onto the floor where he had laid out the cushions. For a moment she looked up at him, eyes wide with anticipation before she followed his eyes as they tracked from her face down her body. 
She brought her arms up, attempting to shield as much of herself as she could from just openly being on display in such a vulnerable position but he quickly put a stop to that, as he moved to straddle her hips, collecting her arms in his hands, as he pinned them next to her face. Sebastian let go of her arms as he looked into her eyes. He could feel her body shaking. 
“Is this too much? Please tell me if I am being too much of a brute.” he begged her, hoping that she would be honest. 
“I wouldn’t say you are being a brute, but… perhaps we could ease up just a little…” she said weakly.  The comment about her hair, and wanting to enter her hadn’t been offensive, but it had definitely caught her off guard. While she realized Sebastian would never do so without her consent, and was likely referring to actual married relations, she still wished to dial it back some.  Not that she didn’t find the idea enticing - she did - it just should be reserved for a different time perhaps… 
“Absolutely, I apologize if I went too far.” he said,  shame filling his voice and she moved one of her hands to his waist and the other  to his cheek. 
“It’s alright. We are figuring this out together.” she reassured him. She still felt anxious as she could feel his arousal pressing into her hip bone, as he hovered over her bare frame.  
“Why don’t we just… lay here for a moment?” Sebastian offered after a long beat of silence and she nodded her head in agreement. Letting out a breath he seemed to have been holding in, Sebastian crawled back off the girl, falling to the space beside her in order for them both to situate themselves. He was almost surprised when she turned over, placing her head along his chest, flinging a leg over his hips, but he didn’t question it as he wrapped an arm around her waist. 
They laid there for a while, bare while cuddled up next to each other by the fire. Sebastian almost started nodding off, as the feeling of content washed over him much faster than he anticipated.  He always thought intercourse was the best part of being naked with a woman, however, laying here he realized that perhaps just to hold each other innocently had more appeal. Not that he’d know otherwise. 
What woke him up was a slight movement along his pelvis. When he looked down he saw her, once again moving up and down against his body trying to get some friction. Sebastian decided that it might be best for him to not say anything, and allow the girl to do as she wanted. Closing his eyes he let her continue. 
He didn’t open his eyes as she slid over him, legs going to either side of his hips. He didn’t open his eyes when she hovered over him pressing kisses to his neck, shoulders, chest and just about anywhere she could reach. He only moved to wrap his arms snuggly around her waist when she started to nibble on his earlobe, a feeling he would never get used to or neglect to enjoy. He didn’t open his eyes when she continued to move up and down along his thighs, despite feeling her wetness leaking out on his leg. He didn’t open his eyes when she stopped moving to pick up his length and stroke it - his eyebrows drawing as he was incredibly sensitive. 
He did however open his eyes, when he felt his tip pressed against something soft and wet. The feeling shocked him enough that he looked down to see if she had placed him inside her mouth. He was shocked however to find just the head of his cock enveloped by her thighs. He was pressed within the small area between the apex of her thighs and her womanhood, an area that had seemingly collected the wetness that was trickling out of her. 
Without warning she continued to rut her hips against him, sliding herself along his shaft, as she continued to leak all over him. Sebastian’s mind went blank. 
Sure he wasn’t inside of her, but she had her womanhood pressed against his length and she was getting herself off to the feeling of his manhood applying pressure on her clitorus - that alone made him want to scream in excitement as this feeling was almost too much. 
He looked up at her wildly, mind still blank as she moved and let out a cacophony of small noises. His mouth unintentionally fell open and he tried his hardest to not move a muscle for fear he would fall from between her leg, and this moment would end. 
He cried out when he looked down, seeing himself working open just the outer area of her body, the head of his cock nestled between her lower lips, from the unrestrained movements she was making as she worked herself closer and closer to release. She continued to move her hips along his own, using his body to get herself off and he let her. Something about watching the way she moved, knowing it was him and his body providing her such pleasure made him pulse. 
Without warning Sebastian suddenly felt a new sensation and he panicked. When he looked down again, he felt himself suddenly pressed against something he had only touched with his hands: Sebastian’s cock was lightly kissing her opening, yet not actually entering the hole. Both their eyes went wide, realizing she’d accidentally moved him that close to being inside of her. 
She realized what had happened in her uncoordinated movements a brief moment before Sebastian had, as she knew exactly where her body's opening was and how sensitive it could be. She recalled the feeling of Sebastian’s fingers prodding her entrance a few weeks back, and how he had stretched her. Now with the head of his cock pressed against the same spot, a spot she would one day allow him to enter in this exact manner, brought on a bout of shaking through her body. It was exhilarating to get so close to the edge but not go over it: especially knowing that at any moment Sebastian could thrust his hips and his tip would be enveloped inside her heat…
The unfamiliar weight of him pressing against her opening, as it throbbed with need. Need to get inside. Need to move within her body. Need to hit all those spots that had felt good under Sebastian’s fingers. Need to bury his load as deep inside as it could get. It was as if she could feel all of these things as they pressed together in this way. Her own body, also pulsating, with the same desperation of wanting to be entered, to be stretched, to be filled.
She stilled for a moment, as he looked up at her, on the verge of combusting. He imagined the pair of them looked quite similar. Hair damp with sweat along their hairlines. Blush covering now just their face but their chests and shoulders. Sebastian’s cock twitched painfully, knowing all it would take would be for her to push forward and he would be inside her velvety walls.
If you had asked him, he isn’t sure what exactly possessed him to do it truly. It went against every endorphin, thought and fiber in his being to do so. Yet, he cupped her cheek, forcing her to look down at him before he spoke. 
“This is almost too much truly” he squeaked out, voice very foreign to him. He meant it. As much as his body wanted to keep going he knew deep down this was about to get very real very quick. 
“It, it was an accident…” she tried to explain how they found themselves in the situation. She hasn’t meant for them to be this close to marital relations. She had just gotten carried away as she had been grinding along his shaft, lost in the feeling of pleasuring herself on his hard length, as the warm skin applying friction to her clitorus was exhilarating. 
Sebastian knew it was an accident, but that didn’t stop him from going slack at the feeling. It didn’t stop him from wanting to keep going despite knowing it was not a good idea. He took in a deep and shaky breath, hands abandoning her waist to run over his own face. Eventually he was able to settle himself the best he could while still being nestled that close to her. The pair had stilled when the contact had been made and for fear of what could happen they both remained with their hips pressed together in the same way. 
“Trust me when I say I would love nothing more than for this…” he trailed off insinuating what they both were thinking, “I can’t in good conscience do so without the both of us making the decision with a clear and level head”.
“I agree…” she concluded but didn’t move. 
“However… if you would like to keep doing what you just were…” he implied the rutting of her hips against his. He hadn’t expected to feel so close just from fucking her thighs and labia but the warmth of her skin, the wetness that spilled from her and the feeling of her movements was enough to also be getting him close to finishing, as it had been for her. 
She looked at him quizzically, almost as if asking which part he’d been referring to. Instead of speaking, he moved his hands back to her waist and lifted her hips just enough so that his length moved to lie, his tip touching his abdomen. When they looked down and saw it, leaking slightly near his naval, they sighed. He maintained holding her up for a moment with one hand by placing it under her thigh, then using his other hand to gently separate her lower lips, before setting her back down, this time on top of his shaft. 
Instead of waiting for her to move, Sebastian slid the girl's hips up and down with his hands, aiding her in dancing along his shaft for the friction she seemed to enjoy. They both sighed as she slowly started to move with his aid, her hands falling to his shoulders as she steadied herself on top of his body. 
Sebastian wishes he could say he looked into her eyes the whole time, but the way her breasts seemed to bounce and move with each rut of her hips was entirely too distracting for him. The way her body felt on his - the softness, the warmth, the wetness leaking out of her directly onto him - it was earth shattering. Sebastian could hardly imagine how incredible the real thing would feel some day with how amazing this felt. 
She also found herself in a similar situation.  She had never felt Sebastian’s hardness pressed against her front - it was always her back and usually the result of unintentional morning wood. To feel him tightly pressed against her pearl, sliding up and down on it as she felt the friction unobstructed by clothes, felt like one of the single most important feelings her young body had experienced. More so than when he just kissed her, or used his mouth on her, or even when he pressed his finger inside of her - this was so much better.  It satisfied her in ways she dared not to think imaginable. 
She found herself gasping when he moved a hand up to cup her breast, before kneading the flesh as he stared up into her face. The movement, the way he was holding her body, the way the Slytherin boy’s mouth fell open into almost a perfect “o” shape before his teeth snapping together quickly and his eyebrows drawing at the exact moment his cock twitched again under her rutting. Seeing the faces he was making, paired with the grunting sounds he had started to let out, no longer embarrassed to be vocal, she tipped her head back, unable to keep looking at him. The sights, the sounds, the feeling of his body under hers, it was too much. 
Her soft whimpers were slowly turning into louder and more uncontrollable whines as she felt a burn in her thighs from holding herself up, however she couldn’t stop moving as the pleasure it brought was better than the exertion to her sore muscles. Somewhere between catching her breath she managed to choke out “Bash, I -” as an explanation for why her thighs were suddenly shaking much more than before.  She only had a moment before she knew the exhaustion of moving on top of him would prevent her from continuing before she managed to finish.
Sebastian, despite not being able to put much of a coherent thought together, seemed to understand that her body physically could not move much more, so he abandoned groping her breast and instead reached to where she was rubbed against him, pressing his finger to the small hood there. The satisfaction of his action, almost instantaneous as she let out a shrill noise, letting him rub her clitorus with his middle and pointer fingers, all the while he took over from below as he moved his body up into hers. 
The strain of his physical action caused him to abandon his restraint in other areas, such as preventing him from the occasional grunt or groan leaving his lips instead of the usual more repressive sighs.  Even further, he found himself speaking incoherently to her without even meaning to, but once the words had passed his lips there was no putting them back. 
“You are a dream, Fuck-” he slipped in the swear amidst the phrase, but he knew deep down that he truly meant it. She looked absolutely radiant on top of him, her body flushed and glistening with sweat. Her trembling and voice calling out for him, and only him. Sebastian couldn’t help but bring his other hand up gently, running his fingers over her skin, as if to make sure she was real, that this was real. 
“You like this? Like how I am making you feel darling? Can’t you just imagine how someday you’ll ride me like this? How much better it’ll feel when I am pulsing within you?” he sighed as she looked back down at him, her eyes wide. Sebastian decided now might be a good time to speed up his fingers as he could feel himself about to release and he wanted to make sure she also reached that point of pleasure as well. So he kept going, since his words seemed to be helping her just as much as his hand…
“Naughty little thing aren’t you… almost let me slip inside you earlier… Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to hold back? Not letting you do so, when all I want is to just claim you…” he said as she looked around the room frantically trying to find something to ground herself as she felt herself about to go over an edge. Sebastian saw her, reaching his hand up to her chin, pulling it down so he could move her face closer to his, kissing her passionately before backing away to continue. 
“Don’t worry Mo leannan… I got you… let it out… don’t hold back…” he whispered sweetly against her lips despite a strong want to shout something much more vulgar as he felt her tense around him then cry out, burying her face in his neck as she shook. 
Sebastian didn’t still his movements, chasing his own release, but he did softly caress the skin of her back and reach over to bury his nose in her hair, breathing her in as he kept going - the more gentle and romantic tone shifting back as he felt himself on the verge of finishing. 
“Merlin, I love you. I fucking love you so much. I love-” he started as he sped up, wiggling his hips with more abandon than before, despite finding it more difficult to, as she had sagged more of her dead weight into him as she felt the aftershocks of her release. The words he spoke caused her to pull back and look him in the eyes. His face contorting with pleasure, his brow damp with sweat, his cheeks bright red. He kept saying ‘i love you’ with more and more gusto as he kept going, as if the phrase became a matra on his lips until he finally felt himself about to start spilling against his abdomen. 
“I’m going to -” he started as a warning to let her know he was finishing. She suckled in a breath, and at the last second she moved herself to rise. Sebastian assumed she was doing so to avoid getting his mess on her, but he was shocked when he felt her fingers angle just the tip of his cock inside the outer area of her womanhood, once again resting at just her opening as he spilled with a string of curses.  
She felt his cock throb intensely as her outer walls were flooded with his release.  She looked down at him, as his usual refined speech had been replaced with vulgarity, and it pleased her to see Sebastian so enraptured by what had happened that he allowed himself to act in that manner. Once he finally stopped spilling against her cunt, she pulled back, watching as it all ran down her thighs, before collapsing onto the floor beside him. 
The two let their breath even out before looking at one another, knowing that they had gotten as close to full marital relations as a pair could. The internal warmth and happiness that radiated between them was unmatched. 
“That was wonderful” she said after a moment. 
“It makes me really look forward to the real thing.” he admitted before he chuckled and pulled her close to his chest, not caring about the mess in their laps. “Although I do recommend us not blowing the grounsils when we do attempt the unbridled version”. 
“What? Do you have a thing against warm fireplaces and soft cushions?” she retorted as she attempted to situate his hair.  
“I am not going to deflower you on the ground: cushions and roaring fire aside.  I plan to save that for a bed, more than likely a marital one at that” he said matter of factly.  
“So you have thought of deflowering me…” she teased
“Deflowering you… bedding you nightly… putting my seed in you… list goes on I am afraid.” he chuckled, because despite the joking tone he used they both knew he was far from joking. 
“Perhaps you are a brute.” she said with a laugh as he joined in, the two of them moving closer in the warmth of the firelight… 
A familiar sound broke her out of the vivid daydream she’d conjured in her mind.  When she reopened her eyes she was shocked to see the phoenix - the one she’d rescued at the recommendation of Deek - with its talons buried deep in the man's eyes as he screamed. Looking down she realized that her bloomers were in fact still on, and the man had hardly gotten far as the creature she had saved, in turn had come to help her in a time of need.  If she wasn’t so tired, sore and frightened she’d question exactly how it had escaped the room of requirement. Perhaps she could figure that out later. 
For now the beast was attacking the man, who sought cover by falling to the floor and crawling in the direction of the flap, using his arms to guide him. She sat up, looking around to try and find something to cut the bindings when the bird flew over to her, sitting on the grown next to where she lay.  It lowered its head, and initially she thought it was to bite at her restraints but she realized instead that he was attempting to heal the worst of her injuries with its tears. 
Poppy had explained the strength of a phoenix tear in healing injury but she hadn’t expected it to be so immensely powerful.  Looking down at the broken bone in her leg, she watched it heal almost instantly.  She removed the gag from between her lips finally.
“Thank you friend” she said, lifting her still bound hands to stroke his feathered head and he bowed gracefully as she struggled to stand.  Still weak from the torture and the other injuries she held, she attempted to manuver herself to the table in search of a weapon to defend herself with or perhaps something to cover herself, however she found herself still shaken up at what had transpired. 
As much as she wanted to just curl up on the floor of the tent and cry, she hardly had time for that. Knowing whatever was happening outside would provide her enough cover to possibly escape, she knew she needed to act quickly. Finding her wand was likely out of the realm of possibility, however perhaps she could discover where the man who had attempted to assault her, had dropped his. 
Falling back to the floor she searched for it in the darkness.  Eventually her fingers found the wood, and she lifted it knowing this was her chance. Just as she moved to cast a spell to remove her restraints she heard movement at the front of the tent.  Moving as quickly as she could while injured she turned around, aiming in the general direction she heard the noise.  
She had expected the man to come back after settling from his injury. Another poacher who had come to check on her… Possibly even Rookwood himself. Instead she was met with the shocked and not to mention horrified face of her potions professor. 
Lowering the wand she stumbled forward, arms crossing over her chest as she made her way to him. Sometime as she moved he called out diffindo, loosening the restraints so that her arms finally broke free, leaving only the nasty purple lines marked in her skin from the rope burn. 
As she finally made it in front of Professor Sharp, he had already removed his outer coat, passing it to her in order to protect the young girl’s modesty.  To say he was completely and utterly disgusted when he had pulled the tent flap back was an understatement. 
Aesop Sharp had seen many things during his time as an Auror. Unspeakable types of horrors - the kind that kept him awake at night. Seeing such a young girl, who hardly appeared fragile, broken and beaten, not to mention stripped nearly bare, enraged him in ways he had not imagined possible. Perhaps it was the knowledge that he would soon be a father, and should he have a daughter himself, the thought of someone harming a girl so young in this brutal fashion made him want to burn every single criminal in the camp to the ground. Seeing one of his prized students near unrecognizable almost caused him to gag, but the man powered through for the sake of getting her out alive, and without further injury. 
He tried to find the words but nothing truly worthy of the situation would come to mind. 
She rushed towards him, tears still on her face as she sobbed a quick sound he perceived to be relief as he covered her shoulders with his long coat. He watched as she pitifully attempted to fasten the buttons on the inside of the lapel, her fingers shaking wildly as she sniffled.  He took a step closer, moving his eyes to look up at her face so he wouldn’t disrespect the young girl, as he pulled the lapels as far away from her body, hoping to avoid accidentally brushing her with his hands as he aided her in closing his jacket. 
It hung off the poor girl's frame, going down to her shins and falling past her fingertips considerably. Given the circumstances it did enough of its job at covering her modesty, despite looking painfully awkward.   
“I fear we don’t have much time Miss y/l/n. The distraction that has been provided to us I imagine has nearly run its course. Unfortunately you are too injured to apparate, so we must make it to the nearby hamlet and use their floo network. Are you able to move on your own?” Sharp asked, removing a potion from his pocket, passing it to the girl before drinking the rest himself. He knew if need be he could carry her, but given the pain already flaring in his leg he hoped it would not come to that. He simply needed to get her out of the camp and find Miss Sweeting as the centaurs covered their retreat. 
“I… I think so.” she said unsure and he looked into her terrified features, noticing the girl had not stopped shaking and her breathing had become erratic.
“We hardly have time to dwell on the fragility of the situation-” he started as the girl’s eyes once again glassed over with tears and he let out a frustrated sigh. He could hardly blame her, she was young after all, but they did not have a large window to escape. 
“Se-Sebastian?” She managed to choke out, seemingly asking if he was there and the professor shook his head, letting her know that the fellow Slytherin was not in the poacher camp. At first he thought she wanted the young man's comfort, especially now knowing the depth of their relationship due to Poppy Sweeting, so it surprised him when the look of relief flashed over the young girl’s eyes. She simply nodded, happy to know that her love was far from the camp as they set off, casting an illusion charm to avoid unnecessary detection.  
She was wholly unprepared for the state of the poacher camp as they made their way outside. Flames licked every other structure except for the tent she had emerged from. Dark wizards casting various spells towards the centaurs who fired spears and arrows. It was much worse than when she had emerged temporarily with Victor before being shoved back inside. The smoke, shouting and all around chaos all too captivating as she stood there stunned until Professor Sharp emerged from behind her, parchment in hand, as he reached to shove them inside the outer part of the coat she wore. Once stowed, he reached a large and calloused hand out, retrieving one of hers as he pulled her along as quickly as his injured leg would allow them.  
They didn’t make it very far before their spell was dropped and he pushed her behind him, her eyes falling on his waistcoat clasp as she heard Victor’s voice call out into the night. 
“And just where do you think you’re going?” he asked as she peaked her face around from behind the professor, the stolen wand she held pointed out. She refused to go back there. She refused to let this man walk away given all the pain he had caused Sebastian and his family. 
Professor Sharp instead spoke for her, “Torturing young girls, defiling them, Victor? That’s low, even for the likes of you” he seethed, not truly caring what the criminal would say. He was simply ready to get them out of the danger as quickly as possible. 
“I would hardly say I have defiled her more than that Sallow boy has. Perhaps you need to keep a better eye on your students, Aesop” Victor replied, not a shred of worry evident in his tone. 
“This has gone far enough. We are leaving.” Sharp was not in the mood to play games and he wasn’t below blasting his way out of the camp should it be necessary. 
“Oh please, that girl is hardly the delicate flower in which she pretends to be. If you could only see what she is capable of…” Victor alluded to her power and she began to feel herself grow more and more angry by the second.  As the two began to argue, she sensed her wand’s presence close by - the thunderbird tail feather core calling out to her like a homing beacon. Using the one she had stolen, she took advantage of the two men being distracted long enough to call out Expelliarmus, looking up happily as it flew from Rookwood’s pocket back into her outstretched hand. 
She dropped the wand she had stolen, suddenly feeling happy being reunited with the wand that seemingly understood her intentions better than herself. Immediately upon feeling it safely back in her own hands, she felt it vibrate, its almost sentience had always perplexed but delighted her. She did not however have much time to ponder this, as the professor was once again pushing her out of the way of Rookwood’s curses and hexes. 
“Y/n!” a voice called out from behind her, as Poppy Sweeting emerged from the battle being accompanied by Dorran. The girl felt Poppy’s arms go around her frame and squeeze her. Despite the pain it caused she was more than glad to see she was alright. 
“Anne, did you get to Anne?” she asked and Poppy nodded. 
“Yes I did. Solomon was furious, but Anne is safety at Hogwarts and the matron is looking over the book now. Perhaps she’s even healed already.” Poppy said slightly breathless as the fight must’ve taken energy from her. It was then the Hufflepuff looked over her beaten frame, eyes softening as she looked at her. 
“What did they do to you?” Poppy asked with a sad tone and wobbly lip, finally seeing the extent of the scar forming across her face and the visible marks. Above the girls a flash of red moved down, landing on a nearby piece of debris as Poppy turned stunned to see the bird. 
“Right now that hardly matters… Solomon knew what Rookwood did to Anne. That’s why he was insistent on Sebastian and I giving up searching for a cure.” she explained, looking up to see Sharp and Rookwood hurling curses at one another. Once again her blood boiling at the reminder he intended initially to hurt her love, and still likely would, given the chance. She refused to give him that chance. 
Walking forward before Poppy could stop her, she watched as one of the curses sent Professor Sharp stumbling back slightly. She moved her body in front of the professors, lifting the wand to stare down Victor. 
“Finally come to fight your own battles little one?” he taunted and she didn’t respond. Lifting a wand she attempted to send him flying backwards with bombarda, only to have him block the curse. 
“I will admit, you have a spark, but it's not going to be enough to protect that boy. It was always supposed to be him. And once we are done here it will be…” he threatened and that was all it took for her to lunge at him, magic neglected for a moment, as she threw as much of her body weight as she could into her fist. 
The satisfying ‘pop’ that echoed throughout the night as it collided with his nose startling everyone from Professor Sharp, to Poppy, even some of the centaurs close by.  Everything else in the camp died down for a moment as everyone came to watch her and Rookwood. She backed up only a few steps giving him room as his nose started to bleed. 
“You dirty little harlot!” he seethed as she stared at him from only a few paces away, wand raised ready for his attack. 
“Wasn’t it you who said that sometimes it's more fun to use your hands instead of magic Victor?” she retorted, remembering what he had said before he had carved into her face. The burning feeling of her now split knuckles only making her feel more energized.  
“You are going to regret that when I get a hold of Sallow do you understand girl? He is going to suffer just as his uncle had initially intended, and then some for your insolence.” he threatened. She did not see the reactions of her companions but the gasp taken in by Poppy drew the attention of Professor Sharp as he realized there was no getting between the Slytherin girl, so best to protect the hufflepuff. 
Calmly she stared down the man, watching as his fingers tightened around the hilt of his dark wand and she felt her own wand warm within her hand. Intuitions correct, she cast expelliarmus as Victor raised and fired his own. 
Expelliarmus. Avada Kedavra. 
Trusting her wand, she let its aim guide her, as its red bolt crossed with Rookwood’s green - a bright light emerging where their wands had crossed. 
She had never actually had her magic cross anothers, so initially she felt overwhelmed, certain he would win out this battle as the fatigue set in and he pushed it closer to her. She knew that if he prevailed she would cease to be.  Trying to steady herself as much as possible, she pushed back, recalling Sebastian’s smiling face and brown eyes, as she kept pushing him back. Their crossed section thus flying back more towards the center between them. 
Eventually Rookwood himself needed to drop the spell, no longer able to hold on. The two of them slid back slightly as they had successfully repelled each other. Using the opportunity she fired upwards quickly, not allowing him a second to rest, before summoning a beam from the sky, drawing it down upon him as he barely had time to react. He only partially deflected the ancient magic, leaving his usually regal robes scorched. 
Victor’s eyes went wide, realizing that despite all the injury, she still had enough power to obliterate him. Once again they stared each other down as everyone else watched, ready to continue fighting or run depending on who walked away victorious. Professor Sharp looked at the two, worried having already seen him use the killing curse once, but knowing if he stepped in that he could accidentally cause her harm by distracting her, or worse make his pregnant wife a widow and his unborn child fatherless. 
She felt wave after wave of rage within her, but knew that with her former auror professor behind her she could not resort to the unforgivables, despite wanting to. She could continue to use spells she knew, or she could keep using ancient magic. But one thing was for certain, she would not allow Victor Rookwood to walk away even if it was the last thing she did.  
“I am not leaving without my birthright! Damn the Sallows, I want what is mine!” he began to shout, once again casting hexes her way as she moved to defend them. 
“Charles Rookwood would’ve wanted you nowhere near that magic! As for the Sallows, you shall not go near them ever again. I will make sure of it.” she responded, anger finally seeping out as she stopped the last of his hexes. 
“The arrogance of a child!” he screamed, once again firing at her, her wand moving instinctively to stop it. This time, not with the use of a spell, but her ancient magic. Blue and Green streams of magic, crossing in the center. Hers not visible to the naked eye, only in the spot that theirs crossed could anyone see what she had done. 
Unlike the previous attempt, her ancient magic was much stronger than simply a disarming charm. She could feel it physically flowing from her, instead of just the air around her. It burned. It burned with power. It burned with her anger. It burned with her pain. It burned with her love for Sebatian Sallow. 
Deep down she knew Rookwood would not walk away.
She watched as it crept closer and closer to the man, as she pushed him back further and further. With each push of the magic she stepped closer as well. Rookwoods hat had been knocked off during the fight and as she made her way to him she could see every detail of his face. The crows feet near his eyes, the slightly grayish blond scruff on his cheeks, his cropped sandy hair damp with sweat along his hairline. Most importantly: she saw the fear in his eyes. 
After all the pain this man had caused she spared little in the way of remorse. Often she would consider herself to be a nonviolent person. She frequently seemed to have to settle Sebastian from wanting to start an altercation with people like Leander or his uncle. If possible with invisibility charms and potions, she tried to avoid using violence even on poachers, dark wizards and even goblins.  Yet this man, she could not help but want to watch as the light left his eyes. 
For all the pain he’d caused Anne Sallow. Every cry in which she witnessed at the girl’s expense filled her ears. For every argue she bore witness to between Sebastian and Solomon. For every night Sebastian had cried in her arms, feeling helpless to save his twin sister, frightened to face the idea that his last remaining family would be stripped away from him. The way his tears had filled her hair as he sobbed, his strong limbs going slack around her. For every frustration she held knowing that Rookwood just as easily wanted to harm him instead. It all came to a breaking point. 
Rookwood fell back, shoving the magic into the air by some miracle of merlin as he struggled along the ground to catch his breath. 
“I promise to stay away from the Sallows! I can tell you how to heal the girl! I promise, please just let me go!” he begged. How pathetic, she couldn’t help but think. 
Not her proudest moment, but she moved to her knees, crouching, then grabbing his coat lapel and shoving the tip of her wand under his chin, “Tell me then. How do I save Anne?” she asked, not feeling very inclined to believe him, but asking regardless. 
“She simply needs the counter curse, I have it written-” he started, frantically trying to appeal to her better nature as he continued to beg. 
“In the journal I stole.” she stated and he nodded, seeming to believe that he’d won her over. As she loosened her grasp. 
“Unfortunately Victor, that means you have no value to me.” she stated, pushing him back to the ground as she raised her wand once more. His eyes grew wide as he made one last attempt to kill her in order to spare himself. 
For the magical creatures. For Dorran and his tribe. For the people of the highlands. For Anne. For her heart and soul: Sebastian Sallow.
In the end her ancient magic pushed the killing curse forward, consuming his body with a dramatic flash of blue, visible to everyone around despite being a magic she alone could see regularly.  Instead of falling to the ground limp and gray, it was as if every fiber of him evaporated into dust, as the area where Victor once stood was replaced with ash. 
At this she fell, the centaurs once again raising their bows as the poachers and wizards within the camp began to apparate away or continue fighting. She could feel Professor Sharp's arms pulling her as she stood there stunned. Her face, she realized, was wet with tears and her body seemed unresponsive as he went to retrieve her. Collapsing into the man, the pain, exhaustion and emotion taking over. She had little fight left in her as he lifted her, despite the protest in his leg and set off to Feldcroft, hoping he could make it back before her injury set in. 
“I’m sorry” she said quietly into the man’s chest as he carried her, Poppy Sweeting lingering close by as Dorran and his second in command lingered to protect their escape. 
“Do not apologize. You are quite brave. Makings of a fine Auror if you ask me” he said, hoping to keep the girl awake, for fear if she closed her eyes she may not wake up. He quickened his pace, knowing he needed to get her back to the school, and quickly. 
“Sebastian?” she asked pitifully.
“I will find Mr. Sallow I assure you. And I will also be speaking with his uncle on the matter of conspiring with a known criminal. Solomon shall pay for what he has done…” he said sternly and she nodded. 
“I- thank you for rescuing me Professor Sharp” she muttered quietly and he looked down at her broken face, covered in soot and dried blood. 
“I dare say you did most of that yourself. Do me a favor and keep talking please.” he said, sensing that she was only a few seconds from nodding off entirely. 
“About what?” she mumbled 
“Anything you’d like.” he responded, shifting her weight the best he could as he felt the pain in his leg beginning to hurt more. “You’ve been such a wonderful influence on Sebastian, I hope you realize that. He seemed very… misguided before you arrived.” he admitted. Aesop recounted the conversations he had in private between himself and the other faculty, and how the girl in his arms seemed to have brought the boy back from the brink of falling victim to something dark. 
“I love him.” she said simply, through clenched teeth. 
“I think it's admirable.  So often we are willing to do anything for those we love.” Aesop recounted, thinking of his wife and how angry he had been when he met her. How he too was headed down a dark road searching for a cure, and only Rebecca had pulled him back to his senses. 
“It hurts” she admitted as a tear leaked out of the corner of her good eye and he softened, pulling her close as he picked up the pace once again. 
“I know, we are nearly there… I’ve got you. I promise.” he said, breaking out into a sprint as he saw the Floo Flame.
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Sebastian had never quite felt adrenaline like this before.  Currently plowing through the highlands, running through the dirt paths at top speed as he barreled back towards the gorge with the last trial’s entrance he felt unstoppable. 
Subduing the Graphorn was much easier than he had anticipated. Luckily, Sebastian had always preferred fire spells, and with the ability to hurl them from a distance he did so for a while, until the beast charged at him. Given the opportunity, he remembered the words of his love, explaining how many creatures liked to be shown respect. He wasn’t sure what entirely possessed him to kneel instead of continuing fighting it, but he’s glad he did.
Suddenly the graphorn hauled in front of him, bowing back in respect, before allowing him to mount it’s back, by some miracle of Merlin he assumed. That led him to where he was : rushing into a group of goblins who were wielding that stolen magic in his direction. They hardly stood a chance as the majestic creature he currently controlled barreled through them all. 
Before long he found himself back at the entrance of the cave, Lord of the Shore standing up on its hind legs as he held on the best he could, watching as the entrance opened for him. Sliding off the creature's back, he gave it a gentle caress along its nose, as if to say “thank you” before stepping inside the opening that had only recently appeared. 
Inside he was taken back by the grandeur. The same architecture that filled the map chamber was inside. The beautiful swirls of blue, gold and bronze amazed him, knowing that some place so unassuming housed such splendor. After following the passageway, he finally came to an open chamber, seeing a portrait at the end. 
“Mr. Sallow, it appears you have successfully completed my trial. Only those who are worthy enough to gain the trust of such a strong and wonderful creature are allowed entrance. Perhaps… I misjudged your character.” San Bakar said as he looked down at the young man. 
“Your trial is over?” Sebastian asked, very confused. He was expecting to have to fight the large statues that his love described, and as he imagined he wouldn’t be able to see them.  To hear that Bakar’s only challenge was entrance was a shock to him to say the least. 
“I hardly see the point in nearly killing someone for the sake of understanding this magic. Although the memory you are about to witness will likely make little sense to you Mr. Sallow, you should do your best to remember as much as you can for your companions sake. Then take the pensieve artifact back to the map chamber. You will need to apparate as Niamh explained.” San Bakar said before leaving the portrait frame, signaling for Sebastian to head inside the chamber. 
Once he stepped in the main room, he saw the giant marble statue of the man, and as he came closer a tear spilled from the statue's eye, into the pensieve basin.  From the liquid rose a shard of something, in which he retrieved and pocketed for later, before moving to watch the memory from the late professor. 
As he watched the memory, seeing how Isadora began siphoning pain from even young students, allowing the large and corrupted magic to grow, made Sebastian nauseous to think that he had been begging for his love to do the same to Anne. Following the discovery of the last memory from Isadora he had considered what Isadora was doing to be the solution to Anne’s illness, now realizing it had much more sincestor consequences he refused to further ask her of such or allow Anne to suffer this fate. 
Removing himself from the basin, he looked around one final time before finding himself in Professor Fig and the other Portraits company.  
“Ah Mr. Sallow, I see you were successful in your completion of the final trial. Your love shall be proud.” Niamh spoke and he nodded, a small smile working on his face at the thought she would be thrilled to know he had gone in her honor and done so correctly. 
“What you have been shown young man, I hope you are able to properly articulate to your companion the gravity to which this magic holds. Given your abilities I would also recommend that once she is returned safely and begins to be taught how to wield this magic, that you will remain as one of her keepers. This is a legacy to be passed on, and when the time comes she shall need to formulate her own trusted allies to protect it.” Professor Rackham spoke to him. 
“I will. I must admit… I have not always had the most pure intentions with this magic. From what I have been told, I had grown to not fully trust your methods. Isadora left her own memories that we discovered via a tryptic. I now realize that Isadora, while having good intentions, was misguided in her practices.  I shalt let her fall into that with what I have now seen. You have my word.” Sebastian spoke honestly as the look of shock took their faces, before a small smile took over Professor Fig’s face, proud of the boy for not only his skill, but his maturity. 
“Regardless, there is still more work to be done now. The final repository, the one you saw in the memory is guarded. To gain entrance you will need a wand, composed of the artifacts discovered, to get inside. Professor Fig has the other 3 shards, and as we were discussing has already sent an owl to a wand maker. You are to go and give him the pieces then wait for him to construct the final product before returning here” Professor Rackham spoke and Sebatian sighed. 
Yet another errand for these Keepers when he didn’t even know if she was alive. Surely by now if she was, she would have been rescued. 
Professor Fig looked at him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I know you want to see if she is okay, but this is more important, you understand that right Sebastian?” he asked.
“I do. I just need to know if she’s alive” Sebastian admitted, finally feeling more of the weight of the situation pressing on his heartstrings. 
“I shall go see what I can learn from the other professors. Perhaps Aesop is back already. Regardless, this wand is a high priority. Go to Olivanders and I will learn more of what has happened to our friend… would you like this back?” Fig asked him, retrieving the tome and Sebastian nodded. It felt comforting to have it back in his possession. 
“I will go to Hogsmeade and then return when the wand is completed. Shall we meet near your classroom Professor?” Sebastian asked and Fig nodded, heading out to learn more about their friend. 
“Sebastian -” Fig started just as he was about to apparate out of the map chamber, stopping him, as the man returned to the space next to him. 
“Yes sir?” he asked perplexed 
“Is there anything I should convey to your sister or Miss y/l/n should I see either of them?” Fig offered the chance for Sebastian to let either of them know he was alright. 
“Tell Anne that I shall come and see her as soon as I can. I hope that whatever was discovered will shed some light on the situation… as for y/n… just tell her that I love her dearly and will do anything to keep her, and this magic, safe.” he said, not sure what else would be properly conveyed via another person. 
Eleazar nodded, and watched as Sebastian apparated away, heading to the hospital wing to await the possible arrival of his protege in whatever state she may be. 
To be continued…
Also you can find here, an audio of the spicy bit!
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vultures-yay-or-nay · 17 days
Award for Best Parent Per Fantasy High Junior Year Episode (as decided by me a biased freak)
Please keep in mind that this is who I thought brought the most value to their kids (or the bad kids collectively) in each episode and not who the actual best parents are, I love all of the ones who scored in the positive pretty equally. Some parents did not get mentioned who deserved to be on this list but such is life.
This took all season to make so I hope you enjoy my efforts, it's long and it has a whole scoring system so all that's below the cut
Episode 1 - This one is pretty parent-less but I gotta give it to Balthazar who is probably a better parent to parrots than Duggan is to actual children. Also in later episodes it's stated he has actual children
Episode 2 - Tie for Sandra Lynn and Jawbone for making the girls a lovely little birthday cake! Honorable mention to Sklonda for doing her absolute best in the face of some serious injustice.
Episode 3 - Lydia Barkrock for making lunches for the Bad Kids. Dishonorable mention to Mac and Donna for making things hard for Bucky and Kristen
Episode 4 - Gorthalax for being there for his daughter and his team
Episode 5 - There's not anyone close to being a parent here but dishonorable mention to the mall cop who was the most unhelpful
Episode 6 - Lydia Barkrock wins once again for loving her son and the bad kids and for making just the best Chicken Parms. Honorable mention to Jawbone for being there for Kristen and making sure everyone's parents knew they were alive
Episode 7 - Giving this one Sandra Lynn and Jawbone for supporting Fig as she finds an academic pathway that works for her, Honorable mention for Gorbag and Roz for supporting their son in his artificing endeavors and making an effort to be in his life (And Wilma and Digby's lives but that's a matter for the next episode lol)
Episode 8 - Lydia for helping the Bad Kids with the mystery even though it's probably hard to dig through her past like that. Dishonorable mention for Gorthalax by crossing a boundary with Gorgug by using Fig to spy on him
Episode 9 - Sklonda for making time for her son who is so busy and so tired. Of course they can talk about the case! Everything is going to be okay :3
Episode 10 - Sklonda for checking in on Riz and defending him even when she was a little bit wrong about who she should be defending him from. Dishonorable mention to Hallariel who has never had a conversation with Fig before and won't stay on the line to talk to Fabian
Episode 11 - Sandra Lynn for listening to Fig and being there for her as her curse and identity crisis comes to a head, even if it's hard for her to watch her daughter struggle. Honorable mention to Sklonda for bonding with Riz and Fig at Loam Farm (technically she's still dating Gorthalax so it's probably nice for her to get to bond with Fig)
Episode 12 - There was only one parent in this episode but even if there were more Gilear would win for his tearful "Daughter!!!"
Episode 13 - Lot of good dads in this episode but I have to give it to Gilear for his touching speech to Fig (and Fabian). Honorable mention to Bill Seacaster who loves his darling boy
Episode 14 - I have to give it to Jawbone for continuing to show Adaine that she doesn't have to go through life alone. Dishonorable mention to Mac and Donna who can go to hell
Episode 15 - "There were no parents in this one" false this one goes out to Fig's future father-in-law Arthur Aguefort for believing in them specifically and saying fuck you to authority. Honorable mention to Gavin Pundle who may or may not be a parent but is at the very least a decent adult which can sometimes be hard to come by in Elmville
Episode 16 - Another Sandra Lynn win for being there for Adaine as much as she could be.
Episode 17 - Sandra Lynn for helping out with the quest and stepping in as the adult when things got too heavy. Honorable mention to Wilma and Digby for working on the van with their son (they missed him!!!) (If this happened in episode 16 I'm sorry. They are the same episode, to me)
Episode 18 - Jawbone for steering the boat and the vote in the right direction. Dishonorable menrion for Grandma Dragon
Episode 19 - Jawbone for protecting his kids (including Ragh) and their home even though he absolutely would have stayed and fought his interim boss if they'd asked him to
Episode 20 - It was a close race between winner and honorable mention but this episode we will give it to Bill Seacaster for choosing his son (maximum legend or not) over all of his wealth and glory. Honorable mention for Sandra Lynn who was there for Fig in the way she needed to be, while also learning from Fig, helping them both move forward.
Point check! 1 point per win, .5 points for honorable mention and -.5 points for dishonorable mention
In the negatives we have
Mac and Donna with -1
Mall cop with -.5
Grandma Dragon with -.5
Hallariel with -.5
In the positives we have
Gavin Pundle with .5
Gorthalax with .5
Roz and Gorbag with .5
Wilma and Digby with .5
Balthazar with 1
Arthur Aguefort with 1
Bill Seacaster with 1.5
Gilear with 2
Lydia with 3
Sklonda with 3
Jawbone with 5.5
And Sandra Lynn with 5.5
Thank god Sandra Lynn and Jawbone both won bc they have the most children lol. I almost miscounted and thought Sandra Lynn won but turns out they're perfectly matched
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theoihalioistuff · 13 days
~ Dionysos and Prosymnos.
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— Phallic Procession Attic black-figurecup, ca. 550 BC, Florence 3897.
Dionysos clapping his cheeks against a newly invented dildo, on top of a tomb no less, hits a nice sweet spot (don't) between hilarious, erotic and dark, even mysterious considering the surrounding secret cult practices:
"Those who wrote the Argolica give this reason: that Liber, having obtained permission from his father to bring back his mother, Semele, from the underworld, and seeking a way to descend there, arrived at the borders of Argos. He encountered a certain man named Hypolipnus, a person worthy of his generation, who showed the way down to Liber. When Hypolipnus saw he was a remarkable youth in years, of extraordinary physical beauty surpassing others, he asked Liber for a reward that can be given without loss. Liber, eager for his mother, swore to do whatever he wanted, provided he brought her back, on terms that a god would swear to a shameless man. Thus, Hypolipnus showed him the way down." (Hyg. Ast. 2.5.2)
Dionysos' guide is called Hypolipnus here, Polyhymnos by Tzetzes below, and is named in passing as Polymnos by Pausanias, who places the myth in the lake of Lerna (Paus. 2.37.5). Neither mention what happens when Dionysos returns, though he presumably keeps his word in Hyginus' account. Pausanias piously refuses to speak on some secret nocturnal rites that took place there in his honor (Plutarch has no qualms though: "They call him [Dionysos] up out of the water by the sound of trumpets, at the same time casting into the lake's depth a lamb as an offering to the Keeper of the Gate" – Plut. Isis et Osiris 35).
For further details we have to wait until later christian authors (still earlier than Nonnos), who, it should be kept in mind, are mostly trying to discredit the pagan religion. Despite the lack of hard (nope) evidence, in this case we may assume that the story isn't entirely their own invention, seeing as though it ties to our earlier accounts and there's mention of otherwise irrelevant specifics (e.g. the use of fig-wood) that perhaps point to earlier tradition:
"They tell a shameful story that Dionysus went searching for his mother after she had been struck by lightning. A young man named Polyhymnos said he could show Dionysus the way, but only if he would lie with him, which Dionysus promised to do on the condition that he first find his mother. Following the advice of Polyhymnos he descended into Hades, by way of the spring of Lerna, and brought her up. However Polyhymnos died, so Dionysus, wanting to fulfill his promise, attached a fig-wood phallus covered in leather to him, hence they say he is called Enorches [ἐνόρχης: of testicles, uncastrated]. But these people are talking nonsense about the story and do not understand the allegory." (Tzetzes ad Lycophron 212) sure hon
"Dionysus was anxious to go down into Hades but did not know the way. A certain man named Prosymnus promised to tell him this, but not without payment. The payment was an evil thing, though Dionysus liked it well. It was a sexual favour, this reward that Dionysus was asked to pay. The god was willing, and he promised to grant the request if he should return, sealing his promise with an oath. He learned the way, set out, and returned, but he did not find Prosymnus, who had died in the meantime. In order to fulfill the oath to his lover, Dionysus hastened to the tomb, experiencing a desire to be penetrated. He cut off a branch from a fig tree that happened to be there, gave it the shape of a man’s part, and then sat on the branch, fulfilling his promise to the dead man. As a mystic memorial of this passion, phalluses are set up in the cities. ‘For if they were not holding processions and singing the phallus-songs for Dionysus, what they do would be most shameful,’ says Heraclitus, ‘and Hades is the same as Dionysus, the god for whom they go mad and celebrate the Lenaea.’" (Clement Protept. 2.29–30)
"While Liber, born at Nysa, and son of Semele, was still among men, the story goes, he wished to become acquainted with the shades below, and to inquire into what went on in Tartarus; but this wish was hindered by some difficulties, because, from ignorance of the route, he did not know by what way to go and proceed. One Prosymnus starts up, a base lover of the god, and a fellow too prone to wicked lusts, who promises to point out the gate of Dis, and the approaches to Acheron, if the god will gratify him, and suffer marital pleasures. The god, without reluctance, swears to put himself in his power and at his disposal, but only immediately on his return from the lower regions, having obtained his wish and desire. Prosymnus politely tells him the way, and sets him on the very threshold of the lower regions. In the meantime, while Liber is inspecting and examining carefully Styx, Cerberus, the Furies, and all other things, the informer passed from the number of the living, and was buried according to the manner of men. Evius comes up from the lower regions, and learns that his guide is dead. But that he might fulfil his promise, and free himself from the obligation of his oath, he goes to the place of the funeral, and cutting off a strong branch from a fig tree, he shapes, planes, and smooths it, and fashions it into the form of a human penis. He fixes it on top of the mound and, with a naked back side, approaches, squats, and mounts it. Then, taken by the frenzy of lust, he twists his buttocks this way and that and practices receiving from the wood that which he had long promised in reality. Now, to prevent any one from thinking that we have invented what is so impious, we do not call upon him to believe Heraclitus as a witness, nor to receive from his account what he felt about such mysteries. Let him ask the whole of Greece what is the meaning of these phalli which ancient custom erects and worships throughout the country and throughout the towns". (Arnobius. Adversus Nationes 5.28-29) jeez, someone was wallowing in the details
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bookcub · 6 months
Best Books Read in February 2023
A recap of the best books I read each month of 2023
An Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak
I read this because my sister loved it and she's got good taste! This is a book from the perspective of a fig tree about a family over the course of a few decades. It's a multigenerational novel about generational trauma, yet it feels quite mystical. It's emotionally heavy but really beautiful.
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
I was assigned this book for class and I'm glad because I wouldn't have read this on my own. It follows a Black teenage boy who was arrested for a murder and is imagining his trial as a movie. I highly recommend it, very emotional and harrowing.
Honorable mentions:
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
A story inspired by Sleeping Beauty and a Persian myth, where the princess is also a monster, so to speak. I'm excited to reread this.
Lost in the Moment and Found Again by Seanan McGuire
Another fascinating installment in The Wayward Children series, proving why this is one of the few series I continue to follow.
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belladonnafey · 2 months
9 Favourite Albums tag game :)
(or EPs. this is for fun.)
tagged by @mortalfollies
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[ID: a 3X3 grid of 9 album covers. the albums listed, from left to right and top to bottom, are: Puberty 2 by Mitski, Little Oblivions by Julien Baker, Preacher’s Daughter by Ethel Cain, Lungs by Florence and The Machine, The Fool in Her Wedding Gown by The Crane Wives, Home Video by Lucy Dacus, Historian by Lucy Dacus, Folie á Deux by Fall Out Boy, and Be The Cowboy by Mitski. END ID.]
Puberty 2-Mitski:
“not happy or sad, just up or down- and always bad”
This is probably my favorite album of all time. 100% no skips, and the music on it is really soothing to me.
Favorite song: Fireworks
Current obsession: Thursday Girl
Little Oblivions-Julien Baker:
“‘cause if I didn’t have a mean bone in my body, I’d find some other way to cause you pain”
This is an album that took me ages to actually get into, but it hits so hard. This is an album that often needs my full attention while somehow also being a “scream in the car with your windows down” album at the same time
Favorite song: Relative Fiction
Current obsessions: Favor and Song in E
Preacher’s Daughter- Ethel Cain
“If I’m turning in your stomach and I’m making you feel sick”
Ethel Cain is single-handedly bringing back the lost art of the concept album. If you can sell me on giving your album a spoiler warning before i talk about it then you’ve won
Favorite song: Strangers
Current obsession: Hard Times
Lungs- Florence and The Machine
“there is love in your body but you can’t hold it in, it pours from your eyes and spills from your skin”
This is kind of just a stand in for how much I love Florence in general but this album is just so, so good.
Favorite song: Hardest of Hearts
Current obsession: Rabbit Heart
The Fool in Her Wedding Gown- The Crane Wives
“I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box”
This is another album representing the whole band, but this specific album is 100% no skip for me.
Favorite song: Shallow River
Current obsession: Strangler Fig
Home Video- Lucy Dacus
“heat wave by midday, heat lightning on a summer night”
this album genuinely changed my life
Favorite song: First Time
Historian- Lucy Dacus
“You don’t deserve what you don’t respect, don’t deserve what you say you love and then neglect”
This album has me screaming along to 7+ minute songs. It’s incredible.
Favorite song: Next of Kin
Folie á Deux- Fall Out Boy
“I don’t just want to be a footnote in someone else’s happiness”
This album is on the list specifically because of how good it is as a cohesive album. It’s spectacular and has been one of my favorites for almost 10 years
I don’t have a specific favorite. every song on this album fucks pretty much equally
Be the Cowboy- Mitski
“It’s just that I fell in love with a war, and nobody told me it ended”
you all already know what’s up.
Favorite song: A Pearl
Current obsession: also A Pearl
Honorable Mention: Hozier by Hozier, Electra Heart by MARINA, SAWAYAMA by Rina Sawayama, Boygenius by Boygenius, Valentine by Snail Mail
Tagging: @justconstantly @myladyvesta @soupyzoupy @cyber-feline @classicsnerd @amusedmuralist @theurbanspaceboi @a-dux and anyone else!!
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sir-needle · 4 months
Do you have a favorite oc that you like to draw?? Just curious lol
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(Minus characters that would’ve beat most of them but won’t include because I don’t want to reveal them just yet)
5. Kaki Dusk
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I like drawing digitigrade legs and the hair is easy to draw. The rope are a pain to draw tho
4. Fig Crowmen
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Idk I think he’s fun to draw for angst
3. Cloud
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Most of the time I would keep the cloak closed so I could avoid drawing arms and eventually added that to their character as a habit
2. Cleon
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He’s simple in design like Cloud I like simple designs but the one thing I love to draw is when a hat covers half of the character’s eyes like Bailey.
Honorable mention: Jesse Needle
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1. Spix Racaw
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Spix is one of the characters I have a clearer idea of and I would often draw her in dynamic poses and also teeth
Fun fact her face is based of a cat and I would draw like a cat
I decided to make a top 5 because of the sheer number of characters I have which is up to 70 soon to be 80
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narwhalandchill · 8 days
was it burgh??? was it colress????? (well. almost him. got fucked over w double full para and sturdy and his hyper potion)
anyway you need the full story so firstly.
i did clear burgh with ease as usual by overpreparing like hell. then as mentioned above proceeded immediately to almost lose two mons and risk my starter to colress and only got out bc he got no crits and his klink refused to use thundershock against pat the dewott for some reason despite clear opportunity so like thanks for the incompetence i guess.
anyway then i went for my route 4 encounter and got trubbish which . L. at least its dupe clause for a few future routes and encounters
because of this i ended up deciding to go for the relic passage and try my luck with the dust clouds for a drilbur so i could have a strong ground type. took 8 years for dust clouds to spawn for some reason but i Did end up winning the 80% and getting my drilbur. Who is an entire situation by herself bc. Well
i catch her i rejoice i got my desires encounter excadrill is broken and ive actually never really used one in gen 5 playthroughs before. welcome to the crew myyr.
check her summary.
modest nature 💀💀💀💀 well its a nuzlocke not like i can get another one so we will need to live with this.
anyway that tragedy aside lets input her stats into an IV calculator to see exactly what kind of goober we have in here for ourselves.
..... my girl with an atk reducing nature . Has 31 IVs in atk . 😭 (for non nerds that is the highest possible value you can have in an IV for any particular stat meaning. big number bigger)
well that sure is. [Duality.png]
anyway even with that sad nature myyr is a fucking monster so i keep her in the front as i go through route 4 despite lacking some levels (red flag). she sweeps with dig and metal claw alone its cool
except then. Stanley.
Stanley with the. timburr that uses . Bide . on the turn that myyr burrows in for dig . bide. being the move that takes all the damage the user takes while charging it. and unleashes double that amount after a turn of charging . with priority.
i watch as myyr obliterates over 80% of that timburrs health bar. with one dig . During that very same turn of charging. the turn after which the accumulated dmg is going to be released
the only reason she didnt 1hko with that dig was because she was underleveled. and now im facing down like. a bide thats absolutely certain to hit MINIMUM 90 hit points on the next turn. and Nobody in my team has that much hp to just tank and survive it.
....i need to sacrifice someone.
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and like. with this being the team . it was. pretty obvious who
paprika the magby from virbank complex inner area (i counted outside and inside as 2 different encounters no clue how the Pros see it but w/e) . who just did a Honorable job clearing burghs bug types alongside fig the golbat and pat the dewott. paprika the magby with a special atk reducing nature and no physical fire moves . who didnt even get to evolve .
im so sorry paprika . but compared to all the others here . ur duty is done . i cant get you fully evolved bc magmortar is a trade evo . there are no gyms left that ask for fire. there are other fire types to grab in a pinch . i cant lose any of the others
thank you for your service paprika 😭😭😭😭🫡🫡🫡
and so he took the stage for the last time............ going down to that STANLEY and his terrible timburr.... only to be avenged by none other than myyr .
dear Paprika . your sacrifice will never be forgotten 😭
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jq37 · 2 days
Little bittersweet that this might be Fig's swan song. There's like this "six seasons and a movie" mentality that makes me feel like Senior Year is the finish line, so just stick it out for one more. But, if creatively Emily doesn't feel like she can get any more out of the character, then that's that. It's best to move on rather than force it. Or not. It's the end of her time at Aguefort, doesn't mean it's the end of her time with the Bad Kids. The school part of these characters being high schoolers only really came into play this season, so let's wait and see. Emily considered retiring Fig at the start of this season and changed her mind. It could happen again.
On to the fun stuff:
-Gorgug didn't get a last hit on Porter, but he did get a clutch assist in with a narratively satisfying move that uses his Artificer class instead of his Barbarian class, helping drive the last nail in on Porters coffin. *chefs kiss* Going out of Rage while doing it was a perfect way to twist the knife.
-Riz's kill line on KP was stone cold.
-Everyone else's contributions were valuable but none more so than the newest Bad Kid, The Lava. Taking out five major threats during the battle. What a trooper and a strong candidate for Honor Roll.
-I came around on Mary Anne too. I get why some of the Intrepid Heroes were so obsessed with flipping her allegiances.
There's a lot this season that gives a strong finale vibe, but besides that hook at the end there's another thing that keeps going unresolved. Sol and his church keep fucking around and it's about damn time they find out. I don't think Senior Year will be a full-on religious crusade, but it doesn't feel like that plot point should be off the table. And what the fuck is Kalinas deal? So she was never loyal to Cass?
I hope we don't have to wait another 4 years for the next chapter of Fantasy High to get an answer to those questions.
Fig honestly would prob go to school more if she wasn't required to so it's absolutely an Emily decision more than it is a story decision. It's hard to picture FH without her but I'm sure she'll come up with something fun if she's still feeling like retiring Fig whenever they get around to Senior Year.
I think it's arguably MORE fitting that Gorgug didn't get the last hit in and instead got him with a gadget that didn't even do damage. It's like, he got Porter and not even in a way that Porter would respect because it wasn't rageful and violent. That's gotta suck more than if Gorgug had just punched him hard and KO'd him.
The lava was just so so good. It's like when you're a warlock and technically you could do other stuff but spamming Eldritch Blast just gets you the most bang for your buck so you keep doing it. Once they figured out the lava strat, they basically had to keep using it. Lava MVP for sure.
Mary Ann being so checked out for the whole evil plot even while participating in it is so funny. Honestly, queen shit.
I really think that if Kalina is actually bad then that's a retcon from Brennan because that's never been how familiars work and Kalina did try to help them consistently throughout the season with the Spy's Tongue Curse clue. She only attacked them when she got hit with a rage crystal and that was godly interference.
I agree that there are a lot of loose ends re: The Church of Sol (Buddy, Bobby and Sandra Lynn, Helio's lack of a chosen one, Bucky's whole deal, the Helioic pantheon shakeup--how crazy is it that Cass never talks to any of her celestial sibs?). I hope that if we explore that we get to see more about the actual people of the church rather than just the gods because there was a huge god focus in back to back seasons and, as I've mentioned before, if Spyre rules mean that gods are a reflection of their followers, their followers are honestly more interesting. I can't really be mad at Sol for being what he is when his chill level is determined by Bobby Dawn and co, you know? He has limited agency as an entity. Cut out the middle man and let's chase down Bobby directly.
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booksandwillowtrees · 5 months
In honor of FHJY starting and being super good here are my opinions of which season I think is better for each character
FIG: Easiest choice. FHSY. I love fig in FY she’s silly, trying to find Gorthalax and to comprehend her relationship with her mom and Gilear. Great stuff. But FHSY is like Her season to me. It builds so well off of FY. Both Gilear and Sandralynn come on the journey so we get to see her relationship with them grow and shift and change. Also she gets a STELLAR romantic arc.
KRISTEN: FHFY. I love kristen SY. She’s so chaotic and more herself. Her relationship with Tracker is so . But FY kristen is in such an interesting moment of change in her life. She makes a super exciting complete 180. Also I watched FY right before realizing I liked girls so she is v important to me.
ADAINE: FHSY. Aelwyn and Adaine sister arc kills me dead. Like there’s not much more to say. She’s always so good, quick witted, angry, ouch and fun But in SY she’s like woah. And she kills her dad.
FABIAN: FHFY. HARDEST CHOICE. Obv leviathan is insane and iconic for Fabian. Masterclass from Lou Wilson about committing to the bit and the character. Toxic Masculinity is dead. wonderful. But Fabian FY is so insane. The jail scene? Bill’s death???? Wild. Beloved. Heart wrenching. I don’t like how they do his nightmare in the forest, so that’s points against SY.
RIZ: FHSY. Riz FY Is sillllllly. Finding out about his dad is great. Killing kalvazus is great. But oh my god. SY. Dealing with Kalina, coming to accept his asexuality, ANY SCENE ABOUT HIS FATHER. Woof. Like crazy. I cried so much about this kid.
GORGUG: FHSY. Also v hard. “Are you my dad?” Is iconic. My fav bit from FY. Great emotional pay off. But gorgug in SY is such a good friend. Going to the friendship section of the library. Supporting Fabian. Calling Arthur Aguefort for Ayda. “It’s gorgug keep going.” Not to mention his painful relationship with Zelda. and the beginning of his artificer arc.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Chapter 5: 9 Leebits in a trench coat.
Pairing: Han Jisung x AFAB. Reader
Word Count: 2108
General Synopsis: Your ex? Shitty. Your family? Worse. Your best friend? Left for a tour in the middle of one of the worst times of your life. How are you meant to deal with planning what should have been your wedding, dealing with your family, and pretending like you're not falling apart all on your own?
General Warnings: Idol!Jisung, mentions of other Idols (P1Harmony/Seventeen), all views on these idols are purely fictional. Idol AU. Mentions of cheating, mentions of smoking and drug use (weed and cigarettes), Mentions of drinking, angst, self esteem issues, depression. Y/N is older than Jisung. (I'm sorry for the jokes that come out of this) (any tags I missed please feel free to let me know! More tags to be added as the story goes on.) A/N: Smaller chapter, it will pick up soon I've had terrible writers block but im FINALLY back with an update for this <3 pls enjoy and let me know your current thoughts on Leah <3
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“So he finally talked to you about it?” Keeho laughs as he stares into the camera, “Jheez I honestly thought he was gonna continue torturing himself over it,” 
“Yeah I mean, he was really upset over it dude. I don’t know why he’d feel so upset over it, it wasn’t even his fault,” you sigh. It had been a few days since Jisung had spoken to you about why he had been so distant, but though you had originally thought you’d feel better by him talking to you; you’d managed to make yourself feel worse. You felt bad that he had felt shitty about the situation, it wasn’t his fault any of it happened yet he still felt bad. How were you expected not to feel bad about it? You made your friends worry, and worse he had felt so bad that he hid himself away for a few weeks. 
“Probably because he cares a lot about you, I’d have felt the same if I were in his shoes, plus there's the whole rant he went on with me about it.” 
“Wait what?” 
“Yeah he was going on about I left you to him, and he feels bad he’s not doing enough, he just wants to make you happy and all that shit,” Keeho looks at you confused as he tilts his head to allow the stylist to adjust a few things on him. “I’m glad he talked to you though, honestly he needs to learn to be more open with his feelings, can’t let a pretty girl get him all flustered like that.” Keeho scoffs, “I mean how does the man survive on tour?” you laugh loudly at the remark. 
“Please Kee, flustered?” you giggle, “Stressed is the better word!” 
“No, flustered is the correct one you dimwit. Or did he not tell you about how he-” 
“Kee it’s time to go.” Taeyang appears on the screen waving to you, before turning back to Keeho. He simply nods and turns back to you, 
“We’ll continue this later,” he smiles, 
“Have fun out there!” you smile, 
“Have a fun morning Y/N, I’ll call you when I can!” and with that he was gone, and you were back to working on your track. You had only woken up this early to get a chance to talk to him, and the conversation was nice. You missed your best friends and talking to them was nice. Though most of the time it would be a quick conversation, and interrupted ninety eight percent of the time it was still nice to see them. 
Your morning mainly consisted of finishing up a song you had been working on for months, and finalizing the vocals for the song you had worked on with Changbin. In all it was a busy morning until noon when you’d have to begin getting ready for a meeting with Leah. After a few arguments with your family you had given in to meeting with her to discuss the dress you'd wear as her maid of honor because for some unknown reason she had decided you’d be staying in that role. You didn’t have to plan anything, the planner had that all down, but still it felt more and more as a chore rather than a joyous event. 
“Y/N. You cannot just leave your sister like this, are you stupid?” 
“Mom, I'm not leaving her? She picked a fight with me in front of my-”
“Your little friends crushed her that day Y/N how could you let that happen? You are her older sister, you are supposed to be there for her!” Your mother scolded you, of course you knew you had to be there for her but no one ever seemed to listen to the concerns you had. No one ever saw the fault Leah had, and always pinned the blame on you because you’re the older one, you’re supposed to be more responsible, and Leah was their perfect little angel who could do absolutely no wrong. 
“Y/N you fix this shit with your sister, I’m not going to let you ruin her big day like this. So get your shit together or else” you could picture the face she was making, a mixture of disappointment and anger. That look in her eyes that would tell you that everything was your fault. 
As you sat in the coffee shop awaiting Leah’s arrival, you spent time texting Changbin who’d been asking about how the song was coming along. You laughed as he joked about how if you kept tweaking the song it would become an entirely new one,
Gym Bro [12:04 pm] Hear me out tho
You [12:04 pm] Listening
Gym Bro [12:05 pm] What if you just post the song? 
You [12:06pm] Are you crazy? It’s not finished? 
Gym Bro [12:06 pm] It’s a good song as is, in your ears it’s never going to be perfect. This is why we have people to review things. If you’re really unsure, let me, Ji, and Chan listen to the full thing and give you some advice on what could be improved. Like I said, if you keep doing it yourself you’ll never think it’s good enough. 
You [12:08 pm] Damn you got deep there ;)
Gym Bro [12:08 pm] Oh my god, why are you like this?
You [12:08 pm] I’m joking! But yeah maybe I’ll let you guys just listen to it, but maybe not Chan. 
Gym Bro [12:09 pm] THE FUCK YOU MEAN NOT CHAN? He’s probably the best one to listen to the track?
You [12:11 pm] You know exactly why.
You sigh as you look at the time, Leah is well over fifteen minutes late for the ‘scheduled’ meeting the two of you made. As much as it did help not seeing her for now, you’d rather just get it fully over with as quick as possible. Your phone buzzed once more, as the sound of the bell jingling rang throughout the cafe. Leah had finally arrived.
“Sister!” she exclaimed as she rushed towards your table, “How have you been my sweet?” your body cringed at the nickname. How could she act so sweet to you after everything? Brushing it off you force a smile to her as she pulls you into a hug. 
“Alright, just working and you?” you give her an award winning smile, that would truly convince anyone in the cafe that the two of you were truly happy to see each other. 
“Stressed, but you know how it is; planning a wedding and such.” Leah smirks at you, “Or I mean, you have heard of the stress.” 
“I’m sure your planner has got it under control.” You sigh as you sit back down in your chair, swirling the spoon in your coffee as a way to distract yourself from the impending sense of doom building up in your stomach. You watch as the black coffee swirls around in the cup as the silence between Leah and yourself becomes thicker, the honey in which you had put in your coffee had fully melted and dissolved long before her arrival and yet you stirred as if it had been freshly placed. A part of you wished you could slip a shot of something into it, because dealing with Leah required a level of intoxication that would help on drowning out her annoying whines and complaints. Bailey’s would be nice, no. Something stronger, whiskey. That would help. You thought to yourself,
“Anyways listen, what I was thinking for the bridesmaids would be something light pink, and for you I’d have you in something darker to stand out more from them. Unless, you want to blend in with them.” Leah began, “You do have a terrible habit of being unnoticeable so, I think something more bold would be best.” you couldn’t tell what kind of statement that was. Rude at best. “Nothing too bold though, I can’t have you taking any sort of attention away from me.” 
“I thought I was unnoticeable,” you scoff as you bring your coffee to your lips, the now cold liquid sliding down with ease as you take a sip. Leah shakes her head, before bringing her binder out of her bag.
“Anyways, I don’t have time to explain every little thing to you; also you never actually answered the Save The Date, so I just marked you down that you’re coming alone seeing as you definitely don’t have the time to find a date, seeing as you’re much too invested in your…song, or apparently still being in love with my fiance to start looking for someone new.” Something about her assumption threw you off, you choked on your coffee as you looked up at her smiling down at you as if she had something against you, “Honestly it really is awkward that you’re still into him. You need to get over it please y/n.” the statement almost had you spitting your coffee back out at her, her look feigning innocence began to cause your blood to boil. Your cheeks heating up as you set your mug back down. 
“I have a date.” you mutter, as she gives you wide eyes. “I’m over him Leah, no need to worry.” 
“Fantastic! And who is this date of yours, I can mark him down now so that I can give the list to my planner.” Leah tilts her head, awaiting an answer. Truthfully you hadn’t thought of who you’d bring as a date, but her statements today lead you to say something you hadn’t fully thought through. 
“My RSVP is in the mail, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the surprise.” it was not. 
“Splendid, I’m excited to see who this mystery man is!” Leah laughs, standing from her seat. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to alter my dress today.” 
“You chose your dress already?” 
“Yes, and sorry love. But no matter what you say that dress looked too good on me to pass up. So, yeah.” with that Leah throws her purse and tote over her shoulder and begins to leave. “I’ll send you the name of the shop to find your dress! Love ya!” and then she was gone. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” You yell into the pillow as Mini sits at the edge of the bed. Of course you just had to go and let Leah get under your skin and say something stupid. “What do I do? I don’t have a date? And Now she’s expecting me to RSVP within this week because my dumbass said it was already in the mail!” 
“Calm down and breathe dude,” Mini sighs, “Finding a date won’t be all that hard,” 
“Easy for you to say, all you have to do is look at Hyune and he’s following you to the ends of the earth. I on the other hand do not have anyone that would do so. Nor anyone readily available to play boyfriend so that I don’t have to deal with Leah’s stupid fucking behaviour.” You complain, 
“You act like we don’t have eight men ready to help you out at any moment.” Mini laughs, “I’m sure any of them would be glad to ‘play’ boyfriend for a night!” 
“Min your math isn’t mathing.” 
“What do you mean by that?” she gives you a confused look, 
“Hyune is taken so that's minus one, so are Bin, Chan, Lix and Minho. So that’s three left. AND I’m not really willing to put Minnie and Innie through that pain and Ji’s already felt like shit because of Leah so he’s out of the question too-” 
“Well I guess your only option is to bring nine leebits stacked in a trenchcoat, at least then they’d be taller than you.” Mini laughs, as she throws the plush toy at you, 
“That is so oddly specific… how do you know nine is-”
“Listen there are a lot of things you do not want to know, and my skzoo abuse is part of that, anyways there's absolutely no harm in asking them is all I’m saying, and we both know ALL of them would help, it’s just how they are.” you contemplated the idea, sure bringing one of them to the wedding isn’t a terrible idea in itself, but the idea of having any of those boys endure Leah was enough to make your entire body cringe. If Taeyang or Stephen had been around for sure, you’d drag them to it. They already knew how she was; and more specifically how to cope with her constant need for attention.
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neotrances · 10 months
Do you have a list of all the gods?
yes but it is incomplete as these r the ones you see during the story but there are more i’ll put it under the cut bc it’s long + with plot information
there are three different types of gods the first being base gods
base gods reincarnate immediately after dying and are the foundation for other gods, they are reborn as adults and always respawn on parousias mountain
the second is combi gods, combi gods (combination) are the children of two base gods, they can only exist if their base god parents have sex and birth them, when they die they need their parents to bring them back and they experience growing up, as they are not born as adults but instead as babies, making a combi god is a serious act as you are bringing a new god into existence so base gods take this very seriously and debate and consider the consequences and potential of their child’s existence, their child will govern a combination of their parents dominion so for example if the god of love (propin) and the god of hate (perodi) have a child that child would be the god of obsession, and will have a combination of both parents powers at varying levels
the last are demi gods, these are offspring between base or combi gods with mortals, demi gods are not typically considered actual gods by everyone else bc of being half mortal and unlike the other two categories they often are not born with powers or very weak ones and do not really govern “anything” unlike combi gods who are born knowing what they govern, demi gods usually don’t know and will simply say they are the offspring of xyz god to honor their parents as it’s considered taboo to group ur self with the other gods as a demi, u aren’t considered a god just the offspring of one and as such ur only title is “offspring of x” all gods have names starting with P, and they know it intrinsically at birth but this is not true for demi gods, which is another reason other gods don’t consider them anything but mortal
i should also mention that because gods reincarnate often and are reborn all the time they experience gender differently so whenever they are reborn their iterations can be different, some that go by goddess and she / her pronouns in one life may chose to be referenced as just gods and he him in other lives regardless of appearance, and their current status is just what they prefer in this lifetime
and now the incomplete list of gods that show up in the story but this is not all of them:
base gods:
pre — the god of life and death, mother of all gods, she controls reincarnation
pae — goddess of the ocean
poe — god of the land
pan — god of air
the above four are the most powerful gods in the land, pre being the strongest, and while pae poe and pan roam the land of paxion they very rarely interact with the other gods let alone reveal themselves unlike the following base gods ⬇️
propin - goddess of love
perodi - god of hate
pecus - god of animals
percy - god of war
paloma - goddess of peace and tranquility
potus - god of wine and drugs
piper - god of prophecy
paril - god of judgement (morality and law)
pecun - god of luck
puella - goddess of children and family
poppy - goddess of craft and construction
paige - god of insight (books history and archives)
prudence - goddess of money
polly - god of medicine
pupa - god of growth (aging)
combi gods:
poenas - goddess of punishment
permut - god of chances
penny - god of flight
percip - god of harvest
pike - goddess of fish
petunia - god of obsession
pascal - goddess of art
pembroke - god of trade
pierre - god of tradition
petra - goddess of disease
plato - god of famine
penelope - god of clothing
Pricilla - goddess of domestication
pip - god of tectonics
demi gods:
syr - god of passion (our main character)
arvid - goddess of astronomy
fig - god of cooking
mirabel, florence, and edith, goddesses of celebration
again these are just the ones we see in the story, there are many gods and many many demi gods as base and combi gods outsource recreational sex to mortals, these are just ones syr comes into contact with or sees during the run of the story
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