#so i have to think about wether i want to keep all my art still even the old shit i dont want to see
saintadeline · 11 months
It might be because im particularly mentally unwell lately (and also its 7am and i havent slept) but ive been really frustrated with my online presence both past and present so im thinking of doing a mass purge of this blog... It might not even happen for reasons stated but just a fair warning if i do figure out that mass post editor later in case anyone cares
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yesimwriting · 4 months
I keep thinking about your style of writing the reader in the movie challengers and my girl would NOT have a good time 💀
She would see this trio being lovey dovey with her and she would be so shy she would have a heart attack... She just wants to organize her sticky notes in alphabetic order leave her be.
Now if she was already in the friend group, she would totaly just get up and go to bed:
Trio: *on the verge of hooking up*
Reader: *yawns* would you look at that, well bye!
Trio: its not even midnight.
Reader: well, beauty sleep yk?
But also:
Art: we will be in eachothers life forever right?
Reader:duh! Your my friend 😀
Art: 🥺🥺
anon i can literally feel you understanding my writing, omg, we are so connected
however the trio is so hot and charming and good at flirting i fear it'd take an unnatural level of self control to not accidentally hook up with them
i agree that this scenario is definitely influenced by wether or not reader is already friends with them, so let's take a second to talk about both:
if reader wasn't really friends with them first, i can see her going to tashi's party. she starts talking to tashi to congratulate her, and then patrick and art invite both of them over.
tashi and her joke about it, but when tashi says she wants to go, reader's already regretting her life choices. she's finally making a (very pretty, very intimidating) tennis friend, she can't back out.
it'd start off so calm, everyone passing around a beer, and reader feeling like drinking during a tournament is already rebellious of her. maybe patrick hands her his cigarette and she takes a drag bc she's convinced she can pass off being this chill person.
she's even fine when art rests his hand on her knee for a little. everything feels light, friendly. and then patrick tells that story about teaching art how to jerk off, and reader's still not overly affected bc she's not directly involved. for a beat, she even thinks it's kind of cute that art's flustered.
and then tashi gets on the bed and there's an immediate switch in energy. reader immediately knows the window to leave without being labeled 'weird' or a 'mood killer' is slowly closing. so she mentions the time, and when anyone tries to get her to stay, art is for sure the one that helps her out. he's a sweetheart like that <3
art agrees that it's late, and would probably even offer to walk her back to her room. or, if things didn't feel too tense, he might ask her if she wants to go with him to get some ice and stay for one more beer. a subtle reset to help protect reader's boundaries. he's so bf material, i'm sorry.
now, if reader was already friends with them:
i feel like if patrick and art had a close girl friend, hotel room would not be the first time they came close to hooking up 😭. even though reader is still shy, there's a familiarity between them that has her feeling secure.
bc she knows them, she can tell when they're in a bit of a flirtier mood. patrick's hand is on her knee and art rests his chin on her shoulder, all while they're giggling and kicking their feet at everything tashi says. reader's spider senses start tingling. thirsty bitches.
her first thought is: 'i didn't hook up with you guys at my high school graduation, and i'm not hooking up with you guys now.'
i think the main difference if she's already friends with them is that reader feels a little more comfortable slipping out. there's a bit less social pressure bc they're already friends, so there's less pretending.
patrick would probably be more comfortable teasing her if they were already friends. he'd be touchier, asking reader if she'd sit with him for a few more minutes, and then he'd walk her back to her room. scout's honor.
art's quicker to pick up on reader being uncomfortable if they're already friends. he's going out with her to get ice and asking her if she's feeling okay. if she seems extra shy or like she feels bad for not being super okay with everything, art will probably stay out with her a bit. he'll talk to her about stuff she likes and then walk back to her room.
i love your side note about art and reader's dynamic, he'd find everything so endearing. like, yes, reader is the one making promises to be in art's life forever without a second thought. that is his very necessary second emotional support best friend that he pines after.
he's making sure everyone leaves her to her color coded sticky notes and tennis practice if that's what she wants!
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kelogsloops · 6 months
putting this in the tumblr ask box bc idk where else to put it 🕺 does anyone even read these still
anyways i just woke up but i had a dream and you were a big part of it- i don’t want to say it was a nightmare or like a bad dream but like basically in the dream you announced that you would be quitting art and like retiring ig? it was for a few reasons but in that moment idk i just realized just how much you have had an influence on my life- you know that saying “you don’t know what you have until you lose it”? yeah…
honestly at first when i woke up i was so ready to call it a nightmare, like “oh my god?? you?? leaving?? forever?? noooo!” but as i’m sitting here awake now i realize eventually it’s probably gonna happen- maybe not in the way it was in my dream with you making a whole like announcement video and wiping your accs, but maybe quieter. i wonder if it’ll be that you stop making art, but i find that hard to imagine. i think it would happen slowly, less and less posts as the years go on. in my head even if you stop posting it, i’d think you’re still creating, making art for simply the sake of such. but then i think about how silly that thought is though, i don’t know you outside of your social media bubble. i don’t know your life and what happens there so to even assume something so quiet is pretentious of me. 
like i said, at first i thought it was a nightmare, i can’t bear the thought of you leaving one day- especially for the reasons you gave in my dream it was like “i gave up, arts getting too much for me, and things are so competitive now no one wants my art anymore…” blah blah blah. it was all my own stress as an artist manifesting onto you i think- but anyways i hope that should the day ever come where you do end up leaving your socials and whatnot, i can only hope that it’s out of your own accord and you do so because you want to, not out of pressure or anything like that. like i’m not saying i want you to quit or anything, but what i’m saying is if it happens i just hope it’s something that you chose on your own. i just don’t think i could ever stand that happening though without letting you know how much of an impact you’ve had on my life. 
i found your art when at a very developmental part of my life, so your work wether consciously or not i think has just become like a part of my brain wether conscious or not haha. whenever i go to draw even if i don’t explicitly go to look to your work for inspiration, it’s still there i can see it. it’s like just unconsciously ingrained at this point. but more than that though the whole idea of like “brb chasing dreams” and whatever and the whole idea that i feel you impart every time you share pieces of your journey as an artist to just keep going, i kind of stole that mantra for myself and started to tell myself that as well. even at my lowests, i’m still trying to follow that dream, even lost and i don’t know what direction i’m going in there’ll always be that dream as an anchor almost.
thank you for all that you’ve shared and thank you for being the biggest inspiration in my life. i know that’s quite dramatic to say, but i mean it in full honesty. whatever the future holds for you, i hope it’s kind. i hope you live a long life chasing all your dreams where at the end of the day, you’re happy. thank you. 
waking up to find a message like this in my inbox has me feeling t e a r y. it's reading stories like these and hearing how my work has impacted people that makes this all feel so surreal sometimes. the fact that people would even care if i stopped making art one day or just disappeared is crazy... i'm very fortunate!
i've resigned myself to the fact that sure, one day (but hopefully never) i won't be able to pursue a professional career as an artist anymore, but if there's one thing that i can promise, it's that there is no reality in where i stop making art!
i don't know if i show it enough, but to each and every one of you who have been part of my journey so far, thank you from the bottom of my heart. it's messages like these that pinch me and remind me how it's all so worth it
forever #brbchasingdreams
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Exactly Like Planned. (No CW) River/Swiss
Tags: NSFW, handjobs, semi-blowjobs, tentacle dick, hemipenis, frotting, first time touches
Characters: Swiss, River
(A gift for @anotherbananasong based on their amazing River/Swiss art! This was longer but my doc crashed and only saved half so I had to redo majority... Yin/Yang hc Swiss my beloved.)
(Divider by @ wrathofrats )
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Being summoned to a Master or Clergymen's chambers wasn't unusual for ghouls. Wether it be for punishment, pleasure, or simply taking orders while they're still settled inside their own human-like nest. But for a ghoul to be summoned by another ghoul? Strictly unheard of. From the Doves to the Ancient ones, only they simply had that power. Usually never meant good, honestly. That's why it was so confusing to see Swiss smile as he opened a summoning request with that rare brown paper dedicated to the Ancients.
Even more terrifying and confusing than his smile, was his cheeks turning warm as he moved on his heel, hissing playfully at his packmates that wanted to see the summon. He entered his room and didn't come out for another two hours, and once he did not only did Swiss smell nice but he looked it just as much.
The multi waved goodbye to those in the den, closing the main door as he now practically skipped with giddiness. He looked down at his summon card, tail wagging ever so slowly.
"Summons for Swiss, Multi. Corridor 4.
Meet me at seven tonight. We have to keep that pretty promise, now don't we? Don't forget your stockings.♡
River, Water. To Corridor 1."
Holding the card tightly, Swiss giggled under his breath. He felt like those movies Aurora adored watching where the woman took every letter the man gave, just completely over the moon and oblivious. But it was true to a point, Swiss was over the moon. Possibly a little bit more.
About a week ago, the multi's little obsession with the ancient ones got him in a certain... Situation. Tears had started flowing as he was sat on a counter, River holding his waist tightly and head dipped. Swiss couldn't stop his hysterics despite assuring he was okay, but River wasn't that type of person to ignore all the blaring non-verbal cues just to continue for his own selfish reasons. Instead, they ended up on the couch simply cuddling, Swiss whimpering apologies over and over.
"Hey, hey... You're okay. It can be scary sometimes, I don't blame you even a little bit. Especially if my fellow mates have been acting like they have lately." River shrugged, claws gentle as he ran his fingers through Swiss' butterfly locs.
Swiss shook his head, "I feel like I ruined the mood, let alone disappointing you."
"Disappointing me? Never in a millennium, little one."
The multi just shrugged again, muzzle completely pressed against River's neck as he whined. The water ghoul was just as quiet, trying to not let his worry and own guilt take over—he was comforting the other, that was more important.
Slowly, an idea clicked. "How about this," River smiled. "We were pretty rushed with that. Instead, how about we meet on our own terms. Fully plan it out. That way, you know what to expect, and it's a bit easier to function with. Yeah?"
Taking a moment to think, Swiss nodded. "I like that idea... Thank you."
So they discussed, for a whole hour, about just what exactly they'd do together. They settled with no penetration for their first time together, and Swiss teasing his one of many sets of lingerie that River growled lowly at the though of.
That's where they currently stood, Swiss quietly maneuvering himself down the corridor listed with a more of a perk in his steps. He stood outside of a door and knocked, almost immediately the door opened up, Swiss tilting his head back to see River staring back.
"Yin!" River smiled wide, opening the door and happily welcoming the smaller in. "I'm so happy to see you got my summon. So rare do people respond."
"Maybe it's that they're too scared to respond." Swiss teased back, watching River close the door and offer his hand.
"Hmm, perhaps. Still. I'm glad to see you."
Their hands squeezed once interlocked, being lead to River's bedroom. The water ghoul had his own small den, mimicking a human apartment from what Swiss would look on the internet. When asked, River had simply answered "I need my own space."
Swiss settled himself down on the plush bed, watching River move to his TV and video player, putting in a movie he already had planned. Exactly, like planned. Nothing sudden, nothing off guard, nothing that could potentially scare his desired. When the movie began, Swiss found himself in the arms of the water ghoul, being gently pet down his back and staring at the large screen with contentment.
Exactly like planned.
About twenty minutes in, River slowly dipped his hand further to circle at Swiss' tail base, making him curl up closer and exhale.
Exactly like planned.
An additional ten minutes, and Swiss was a blushing mess as his ass was squeezed and mouth against his neck. The multi pushed up, his own claws gently resting on the back of River's veil. The movie was forgotten at this point, Swiss completely lost in his own world as River moved to settle between his partner's legs, slowly grinding forwards.
One by one, their clothes began to strip with the lingering touches of affection and giggles as certain spots tickled. River kept his veil on, but had stripped down to just his socks with boxers, and was in the process of kissing down Swiss' stomach. His tongue grazed at his happy tail, sucking on the skin before dipping lower.
His nose pressed against Swiss' crotch and hands dragging his pants down. A lustful moan left River at the sight waiting for him. Again, exactly like planned, Swiss had wore his garter belt River desperately wanted to see with the accompanying stockings squeezing his thighs. The icing on the cake, however, was the unexpected mesh panties. Gently grazing over the item, River began to purr as he touched against Swiss' chubbed cock that had started giving a small tent to the panties.
"Do you like it?" Swiss asked, his voice wavering with nervousness.
River simply nodded, breathless. "Very much so."
His hand cupped the outline of Swiss' cock, slowly rubbing until he was fully hard, head dipping down to graze his tongue along Swiss' tip that peeked out from the band. He pulled down the mesh, smiling as Swiss stood at full for him, tongue once again lapping up from the base to tip, lips curling around his head. River sucked softly before lowering himself, bobbing with a gentle rhythm—smirking as Swiss' claws suddenly went to his veil and dug in.
Whimpers left the multi's throat, watching as River drooled over his cock and tongue occasionally peeking out to drag at his undershaft. Pulling off with a wet pop, River's tongue circled at his urethra before sitting up to his knees, smile still wide.
"Doing alright so far, yang?" He asked, rubbing his crotch with a heavy bulge.
The smaller ghoul simply nodded. "Y-Yeah..."
"Good, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."
Pushing down his clothes, River couldn't help but laugh as Swiss' eyes went wide. In normal ghoul height standards, Swiss was well endowed. But compared to the giant in front of him, he's never felt so small and suddenly self-conscious before. River pulled his garment off completely and shuffle between Swiss' legs, giving the other an opportunity to see a sheath settled right under his base.
River followed the eye trail, humming. "Hm. We didn't negotiate this, but would you like to meet her?"
River reached beneath himself, slowly rubbing at the sheath that began to slick before a tip popped out. Swiss held back another whine as a tentacle began to prod out, standing at full mast the same length as River's other cock, wrapping around his palm.
"She's shy, haha. Just needs to get used to your smell."
The multi just nodded, eyes watching every movement of the tentacle. It squirmed a bit before removing from River's palm, tip grazing at Swiss' cock before pouncing — making River jolt forwards.
A soft shrill left Swiss as the suckers on the tentacle latched tightly, pulsing itself as it squeezed his length. River sighed at the feeling, looking up at Swiss while he pushed the three appendages together in his hand to slowly start stroking.
"I think it's safe to say she likes you." River teased. "Not an easy feat."
Swiss groaned, head tilting back as the tentacle squeezed again just as River began to move his hand in time with grinds, adding multiple sensations all at once. Their pace was slow and methodical, River keeping his eyes locked onto Swiss as he practically drank every expression and noise the multi gave him. His cock twitched, pre beading down to join on Swiss' stomach. He leaned down and swiped his tongue at Swiss' jawline down to his neck and slowly began to suck hickies, fangs grazing at every possible moment he could.
Hand tightening, River continued his pumps, now growling completely against Swiss' skin. "You smell so sweet, my yin." He could feel Swiss buck into his grip, laughing some at the reaction. "Like when I touch you like this, darling?"
"Uh-huh..." Swiss whimpered, tilting his neck to the side so the ancient one had more access.
The growl that came from River's throat at the presentation sent shivers down Swiss' spine, quickly reminding him of just who exactly was between his legs.
"Good boy."
Fangs pressed deep within his warm flesh, Swiss letting out a dragged and hitched moan with the accompanied feeling of his cock twitching. River kept himself settled in the multi's flesh, hand pumping more erratically. The tentacle had joined the fray, squeezing more frantically with her attention on his knot. Friction passed back and forth only made more pearls drip out, let alone the fact River was basically humping him.
Swiss' legs wrapped around the taller's waist, dragging close to keep bodily contact. River's other hand found its way down, lightly swatting his tentacle out of the way to fondle Swiss' balls. His thumb rubbed in slow circles, other fingers pulsing at the back for extra stimulation. Frustrated at its owner, the tentacle squeezed tighter around Swiss, the warmth in his abdomen growing closer than he expected.
The tag team quickly sent Swiss over the edge, faster than he's cum before in his life. He could feel River pull off his neck and the gentle trickle of his own crimson down to the bed and the heat of his cum puddled on his stomach.
It took just a few more before River joined from the stimulation of his own hand and his other appendage straining. He purposely aimed his load to join the white on his current partners stomach, looking down from his position against Swiss' neck.
Suddenly squirming, the tentacle let go of Swiss' knot and made a b-line for his hole that now slowly dripped slick—being cut off as River grabbed it. She thrashed but eventually gave up, letting River lead her back up and wrapped around his hand.
"Apologies. She gets excited quick as it's not often she can play." He apologized, kissing Swiss' cheek.
Swiss just smiled nervously, slowly offering his palm out. She instantly latched, the multi laughing at the strange feeling of her suckers attached to his hand. "It's alright... Guess next time we'll have to include her, won't we?"
River let out a hiss as his tentacle started squirming more erratically, keeping a hand on her base as she tried dipping down again. This time, it was Swiss who laughed, squishing the blue appendage gently.
"She's so eager."
"Can't blame her... You're so alluring, darling." They shared a gentle look, River pushing his muzzle against Swiss' cheek. "Adorable... Did any of your aftercare plans change?"
"Ah," Swiss thought for a moment. "No, not really."
Although their interaction short, it's just what Swiss needed to begin his potential relationship with River. He watched the other pull away after a little fight with his tentacle who now hung sadly as she was pulled away from her 'one true love', River grabbed a warm washcloth he had waiting, carefully wiping up the mess. He couldn't help himself as his nails raked down the stockings Swiss still had on, hand massaging the inner thigh.
"Is it alright for me to request you keeping these on?"
Swiss stuttered. "Just... Just this?"
A deep blush slowly blossomed from Swiss' cheeks down to his shoulders and chest, but ultimately nodding. His underwear was carefully placed back on, River following with his boxers as he climbed back into bed. He grabbed the remote and deliberately restarted the movie they had ignored, Swiss curling against the water ghoul's side. He couldn't help but discreetly stare down as occasional squirms came from the grey material, her tip peeking out from the thigh band. How could Swiss deny such a pitiful sight? Let alone his own curiosity.
He moved his finger close in disguise of readjusting his whole self, letting her tip be pressed against his skin.
While Swiss wasn't able to see River's face, a smirk had placed on his lips, continuing to scratch the multi's back as if he wasn't aware of their little 'romance' happening. Satan only knows how Swiss will react when she shows off her eggs.
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200iqkilljoy · 2 months
trying to build billy lenz a face but i’m famously bad at it. rambling under the cut
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as much as i love it, i don’t think he’d have bangs. if anything, his hairline is god awful! i’m going off the base that he’s in his mid thirties, this is important when it comes to his face shape. bushy brows is a must, and i’m entertained by the idea of droopy eyes. i enjoy the idea of his clothes being stolen from various peoples (boyfriends, the girls whereeverhemaysnagit) so his clothes are mixed textures and sizes. by the picture, his sweater is smaller than how i’ve been drawing it -> will now be tighter to him rather then really baggy. THIS! will be a chance to show off how odd looking his anatomy is. wont make it too dramatic since he is still just a guy, but he is a quite unhealthy one.
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his face shape has been the hardest for me to pin down. it is the one thing i struggle the most with, i’m not the most diverse with face shapes and i’ll admit that. sharp face, higher features? stronger face, wider features? shoulder shape? i don’t know aaahhhh… sharp jawline? softer jawline with little definition? i know what i want for his eyes, nose, ears and mouth but i just don’t know where to stick them! i normally go off of silhouette but it’s a little harder with how his hair is already the key part of his shadow. generally wider longer faces are seen as older, i like that! i’ll be doodling out things with a wider face but i’ll be keeping a sharper face in my pocket.
>how tall do y’all think he is? i like him being more on the short side cuz it makes me chuckle but i’d like to make him eerily lanky. bob clark himself was about 5’10. maybe we’ll just go with that.
>hands are very important to me. they’re a very intimate limb and my favorite thing to draw. i’ve been debating giving him long boney hands or just regular hands. nails are probably chewed with loads of hang nails like i’ve drawn here ->
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hands are the key to showing how someone feels about themselves and others. are the nails taken care of? painted? chewed? acrylic? they’re very strong when it comes to making strong silhouettes. scary monsters have long scary fingers, they’re unnatural but still human. people are insanely reliant on touch for affection. wether it’s comfort, sexual, hands are the key to this. god… i love hands… says kira from jjba pt 4 rotflmao
i’d love to go by how the fandom generally draws him but i’m so in love with him being a really ugly, lanky 30+ year old man. there’s something very attractive to me about an unkept pathetic man with chewed nails, moles, scabs. i’d like to give him all the love i could possibly give through my art, i truly love him. i’m finding it a little harder to find references to take from when they’re all professional models. i’m still hunting around to be able to frankenstein my own reference.
i’m getting anxious typing this no one reply
(NOTE!! I have seen these pictures but with different sources and all that, i’d prefer to be able to build billy through my own opinions and my knowledge of the character. face separate from the character type deal. i really love studying people and drawing them as a sort of affection, building my own face for him is the most i can give a fictional character. lol.)
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bangtaninborderland · 2 years
JHS- Twisted Feelings (5)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Genre: idol!jhope × fem!reader, angst, fluff, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Warning: none for this chapter!
A/N: I have another chapter nearly done, im going to miss hobi sm. I hope you’re all still ready to enjoy this story. Also, fun fact - I got accepted to 4 universities :)
Ch.04 < Series Masterlist > Ch.06
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You shuffled around one another for a few minuets, your earlier excitement bubbling down to a mere nervousness as you watch him take a seat him not quite opposite but not quite beside you.
You glance over him quickly, you weren’t up to date on all the luxury brands but you could tell his shoes alone probably cost your entire rent for a month.
“Is everything okay?” When he laughs it’s light, soft as though not to startle you from wherever he believed your thoughts had escaped too.
You wave your hand dismissively. “I’m fine, where do you want to start?”
“Wherever you think, you’re the teacher after all.”
Oh yeah, I’m the teacher.
“How about we try to have a simple conversation with the English you know? That was I could grasp what stage you’re at and where we need to focus to help you improve.” You suggest, leaning against the backrest of your chair.
He nods enthusiastically, you weren’t sure wether it was done to help quell your own worries, that you were sure you’d put on display within the past few minuets, or because unlike the majority of the population he was genuinely excited to learn.
Either way you were grateful.
Being bilingual you had always been asked what it was like to switch between languages, people never understood it was something that could just happen. You’d definitely made mistakes before, integrating Korean and English into a conversation without meaning too.
Switching to English was easy. “Can you introduce yourself?”
He took a breath clearing his throat. “I am jhope of BTS.”
“Can you tell me your favourite colour?”
“Colour?” You nod and he Humms. “I like green.”
“Great, now ask me something.”
He thinks for a moment before responding, stumbling a few times before successfully asking. “What is your favourite food?”
“Samgyeopsal, what do you like about being an artist?” You decide to make the question a little different, something more difficult.
“I like connecting with our army, producing too. I like my art and to dance.” He finished with a smile and for a moment it felt as if you were almost one of those ghastly English interviewers.
You make a few notes on the words he takes longer to respond with before continuing an array of questions for the next hour, most of which are simple enough for him to understand and respond too even if it takes him a second to think or act the word out, something you were sure he had done to help you understand more. He had a basic grasp on English and that was an amazing place to start, much easier than it would have been had he have known nothing.
You make a small list of things he had told you he finds useful in terms of studying, flash cards and bright colours being two of them.
It made you laugh just how similar your study patterns were, he was someone who likes organisation, a different colour for a different thing. You were the same.
You agreed to end the lesson, having all the information you needed for the day to construct a much better plan for the future.
He fiddles with his hands as you clean the room, his voice almost insecure when he asks. “So how did I do?”
You turned on your heel to face him, sending him a reassuring smile before telling him he had done well.
He waited at the door for you, holding it open.
Such a gentleman.
Due to the company being mid move renovations weren’t complete, tools had been left around in various locations so you had been keeping an eye out, you’d done so well throughout the day to not create any issues.
Until now at least.
By the time you noticed you had knocked the open pot of paint over it was already too late, the grey staining the expensive material on Hoseoks shoes.
Shoes you couldn’t even afford.
You scrambled around to grab a packet of wipes that had been left beside the door frame, pulling out more than necessary before you drop to your knees in a rush to try and salvage the footwear “Fuck I am so sorry, god I didn’t see.” Your hands are already scrubbing and scooping as much paint as possible, you weren’t sure if it was helping at all but you couldn’t give up. “Who leaves a pot of paint in the open, actually who leaves an open pot in the open. I’m so sorry, I-“ you pause for a second, humility befalling you as your head drops to face the floor, your hands resting in your lap, paint soaked clothes still clutched between them. “I can’t afford to replace these, I could pay you back out of my pay check every month until you have enough for a new pair. I’m so sorry.” You bargained with a pay check you weren’t even sure you’d still be receiving after this mess.
You felt your heart die inside of you when he began to speak. “They were expensive shoes, that’s all. Nothing worth stressing over. Besides I got them for free when we were at a photo shoot. Don’t worry about it. Besides you didn’t put the paint there, you aren’t responsible.”
“I really can pay you from my pay check, I should have been more careful. It’s principle.” You look up, an action you regret instantly when you realise the compromising position you’re in.
You on your knees, in front of him, your face almost equal with his crotch. Great.
He extends a hand to you which you take, using him to pull yourself up.
“Let me take these.” He slips the soaked clothes from your hands before walking across the hall, throwing them in the trash.
You don’t know what else to do, wrecked with humiliation and guilt you give him a small bow whispering a meek. “Thank you.”
“Don’t be so formal with me, I said it’s okay. You, however, are not. Your shirt is covered I should have a spare one in my studio if you’d like it?” He offers, pointing down the hall at one of the doors decorated in bright colours.
You nod, you hadn’t even noticed the state you were in. “If it’s not too much of a bother that would be great, I can wash it and return it then next time I come.”
“That’s fine don’t rush.” He guides you down the hall, meeting in the code to his studio before stepping aside and letting you in.
You were unsure how but this room seemed to captivate the very being you had understood Hoseok to be in the limited time you had with him.
You looked around careful not to touch anything, if the shoes weren’t meaningful you were sure the kaws bears definitely were.
“Here.” He shouts, throwing the shirt in your direction.
You grab it before it can fall, it’s orange, bright orange. “You like bright colours?
“Is that even a question?” He retorts playfully, signalling a hand around his studio.
You laugh. “I guess not, thank you again and I’m really sorry.”
“Don’t be, I’d let you ruin my shoes every day as long as you keep teaching me English. It really helped.” He says with a deepened sincerity.
It was nice to know you’d done something right, you still couldn’t beat the guilt and humiliation though. “I should probably get going, our class was supposed to finish thirty minuets ago. I’d hate to make you late for something.”
“You wouldn’t be a bother, I could show you the rest of the building if you’d like?” He offers.
You nod in agreement, it’s not like you had anything else to do. “Sure, that would be nice.”
“Let me just change my shoes and then I’ll show you where you can change your shirt.” He explains, heading towards a small shelving unit in the corner.
You shuffle awkwardly for a few seconds, with nothing to do it’s easy for your gaze to linger on him as he moves around. He slips his shoes off shoving them in a plastic bad before replacing them with some slippers.
He jumps up, landing softly on his feet. “All done, let’s go.”
You laugh, mumbling a thanks as he holds the door open for you. He guides you to the restrooms, where you promptly switch your shirt for his. You’re thankful there’s no cameras so the image of you smelling his shirt will never resurface, besides so what if you sniffed it, it smelt nice.
You didn’t rush per se but you did move quicker than you would have had Hoseok not been waiting.
It was rude to make others wait, nothing else.
You throw your ruined shirt in the trash before washing your hands, you didn’t look too bad considering you tossed and turned for half of the night.
You were greeted with a warm smile as you opened the door.. “Is Samgyeopsal really your favourite food?”
“Yes it is, my eomma makes it all the time.” You follow behind him a few steps, not wanting to get lost.
He holds a door open to you, leading to a staircase. “My eomma cooks a lot too, she always tells me to bring the members so they can put on weight.”
“Thank you, do you get to go home a lot?” You ask.
There’s a sullen look across his eyes as he shakes his head. “No, I try to but work is busy.”
“Forgive me if this is too forward, don’t answer it if it bothers you but what is it actually like to be an idol?”
He leads you upstairs, once again allowing you to go first. “It has its ups and downs, I enjoy it for the most part but when fans become too intrusive it can become hurtful. It makes it harder to have moments where it’s safe for me to see my family. That’s the downfall. Stress comes with every job, so does exhaustion not to mention overtime.”
“Tell me about it.” You scoff, remembering all the nights you’d been held back due to some internal issue.
He laughs, opening another door for you. “Bad experience?”
You cross through it quickly, this hall much different to the last. “My last job wasn’t great, a lot of things and people depended on me.”
“I hope it’s better here, I’ll try to be a good student. Scouts honour.” He holds up three fingers, a very American thing to do.
“You weren’t a scout.” You laugh.
He raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know?”
“I don’t know much about you behind the screen but I did once see a compilation of you screaming at bugs.” You admit, gouging him a pointed look.
He side eyes you. “You watch bts compilation videos?”
“My cousin does, she’s 9.” You explain, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.
“I could sign something for her if you’d like?”
It was safe to say you were touched by the gesture. “Oh, no that’s okay. I couldn’t afford it and I wouldn’t want you to put yourself out.”
He laughs, pulling a pen from his pocket. “It’s my signature, not an appearance at a birthday party.”
“Unless you want to sign my hand…I don’t have anything for you to sign.”
“I do, come in here”. He tilts his head to the door behind you, his key card having full clearance to enter.
You didn’t know much about collecting Kpop albums, let alone BTS albums but you knew that the items in the room were worth a pretty penny. The walls had inbuilt shelves, albums, DVDs and other various merchandise all displayed on it. Multiple copies of each seemingly dating back to the day bangtan debuted.
“Wow.” You breathed, genuinely taken back.
He laughs, grabbing an album off the shelf before signing the front page. “It’s something the company did for us as a surprise when we changed buildings. There’s stuff in here I had no knowledge of even existing.” He hands you the album. “This is for your cousin. I left a little note inside.”
You take it slowly, afraid to somehow damage it. “She’s going to cry.”
“Adorable.” He chuckles. Pulling some things from the shelves. “Give her these too.”
“Thats too much.” You decline, eyeing the two DVDS and 3 BT21 plushies he shoves into a Hybe bag.
He shakes his head. “Nonsense, we get it all for free.”
“You really do want to see her cry don’t you?” You laugh, you truly meant that he had already given you so much.
You were slightly worried about everyone getting the wrong idea, you didn’t want anyone to think you were using him.
Before you could voice your objection once again he was already opening the door, bag in hand. “Let’s take all this back to my studio, there’s a few more things I think you’d enjoy.”
He’d already done so much, the least you could do was accompany him.
So you did.
You spent another hour exploring the Hybe building before he announced that he had in fact ordered food, insisting you eat with him.
The conversation between you both was easy, floating from one topic to another. The conversation never becoming too serious or invasive but personal enough for you to both understand each other a little better. He shared things about his time as a trainee as you did about studying abroad and your childhood.
By the time dinner was over it was already 6pm, 4 hours past the time you were supposed to wrap up the day.
Still he didn’t complain as he walked you to the private exit, waving to you as you were driven off.
It may have been a messy first day, but it was a first day you were sure you would remember forever.
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(asking this anon because I’m a bit nervous lol)
Ok so sorry if this has been asked before or if you’ve already explained it but would you be able to explain exactly I guess the appeal of vore? This is coming from a place of genuine curiosity because I think it’s really interesting, and also the different types of it too? I’ve seen a lot of shortened words (like pred, etc) and was curious about those as well :0
P.S. I love your artstyle!!! It’s so cottagecore and cozy, you seem like a lovely person :)
No worries buddy! I’ve got anon for a reason haha so no shame in doing what you’re comfortable with :) 
I’ve talked about this a bit before, but I genuinely don’t mind talking about it again! It’s kinda fun to think about actually. 
I think the appeal is different for a lot of people, but for me, I mostly see it as a fascinating story trope to mess with. It adds this whole other level of character dynamic and such to mess with that I’m not sure you could really get otherwise you know? You can get extra layers of friendship shenanigans, very sweet romantic interactions, up the stakes for fights between villains and heroes, and other things like that. I think that the threat or option of being eaten, wether by friend or enemy, opens up this whole other side of characters you wouldn’t get to see normally. Just how much do they trust their friends? Would they really be so confident in the face of that sort of danger? How much will someone put themself through just to protect a friend inside of them? Stuff like that. 
It’s also fun from a world building perspective! Especially if we’re talking sci-fi or fantasy, since both genres deal with loads of different species and weird tech/magic, and I personally find it hard to believe something along these lines wouldn’t exist as a cultural practice or smugglers’ trick you know? It just adds a cool layer to the world and gives even more options when fleshing out weird otherworldly feeling concepts and I love it. 
I also see it as probably one of the most...oh how do I say this without sounding weird...intimate forms of connection that can be formed platonically? Personally, as someone who is both aromantic and asexual, I am not really interested in stuff outside friendship (though vore can absolutely be used in romantic and other situations and I like it a lot in romantic scenarios), but I still very much enjoy the concept of being incredibly close to a friend, so I guess that might have fused with my love of anatomy and formed my current interest in vore. I think it’s a very interesting to think about expressing affection in a “hey man I love you so much I want to put you inside my own being” kind of way. I’m also fairly touch starved in general but at the same time am not a fan of being touched if that makes sense, so the thought of laying inside of someone I trust, completely surrounded by them without feeling like I’m being poked or prodded is very appealing. Plus I don’t know, I think there’s something very beautiful about the body in general. All these internal systems working overtime to keep us alive that we never even get to see... There’s a whole other world inside of each and every person, unique and yet the same, and oh so beautiful. A wonderful machine painstakingly crafted by a master artist piece by delicate piece. 
I think this little quote from an essay I wrote on what it means to me to be an artist describes my feelings on the matter the best. 
“Most of what I reflect in my art is a really specific idea of beauty I’ve been toying with for years that has to do with hidden aspects of nature not often really looked at or paid attention too. Then I take those overlooked aspects and put my own strong personal emotions into what I create to make something new and unique. I also enjoy exploring interpersonal relationships between unique and complicated characters in my art. “
Okay now on to the less philosophical stuff haha! You asked about shortened words and shared terms and stuff so I’ll do my best to explain a few of the most common ones 
Pred is short for predator, and refers to the person doing the eating 
Prey is...well, the person being eaten lol
(Full disclosure, I’m not a huge fan of the terms pred and prey, but we don’t really have better words for said roles at the moment either so 🤷🏻)
Soft vore means there’s no biting involved, but the prey could still be killed via digestion 
Safe vore means the prey isn’t killed, though there could still be some mild injury 
Hard vore includes things like biting and is usually fairly gory 
Fatal vore is, well, fatal for the prey. They don’t make it out 
G/t vore stands for giant/tiny vore and refers to scenarios with an extreme size difference, like a fairy and a human or human and giant 
Half/similar sized vore would be vore between a human and say...another person anywhere from one to three feet. So the prey is a fourth to half the size of the pred 
Same size vore is vore between two characters of roughly the same size, though it might be hard to tell with creatures like nagas and such since they’re pretty long  
I hope all of these answered your questions, and if you want to know more or even just chat you’re more than welcome to send as many asks as you like! I genuinely don’t mind and am always happy to explain anything you have questions about. Also, I am so flattered you like my art! As an aspiring illustrator that really does mean a lot haha. 
Thank you so much for the ask and have a good day/night! :)
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mary-is-writing · 6 months
Patreon, moving and trying stuff for the heck of it
The tl;dr is that my writing and tag games are moving to Patreon, for free. I'm still using this blog as my main and a writeblr. You'll likely won't see more writing here but you'll probably see lots of links to patreon posts. Since I'm new to Patreon, I'm open to advice about how to use it, if I should use it at all, and anything else. More details under the cut owo)/
You probably know that they've started approaching AI in here, which is a big turn off for creators. It's me, I'm creators.
While my main blog here works both as a personal and a writeblr, I've been thinking if, how and where will I migrate my writing to, specifically excerpts and small stuff like writing related tag games. After thinking for a while and getting reassurance from some writer friends, I've decided to migrate it to Patreon.
What does that mean? I hear you ask. It means that all the excerpts, character designs and art related stuff of my wips that would've been shared directly to Tumblr will now be shared directly there. Other stuff like updates on the state of the writing progress I'm making, that's not my writing itself, will most likely continue to be posted on Tumblr since that's kinda the only social platform I use.
So it'll be behind a paywall? You may wonder. No, it will not: all of those things I mentioned earlier (excerpts, lines, character designs and more) will be free to read and see for everyone. After all, they'd be free if they were in Tumblr, so I want to keep it like that.
You won't post them in Tumblr anymore, then? Like I said, no; not directly at least. I plan to try and see how it goes with me linking the patreon post to my Tumblr every time I upload there. It may be redundant to do all this just to post it here anyway, but it's a way to avoid the Tumblr AI that makes me feel more at peace than just an opt-out button.
What about writeblr tag games? A valid question, in a lot of those you have to share your writing. For now my plan is to do them in bulk so I can have one big post with all of them there, every other month or so, instead of a lot of tiny ones, and then link it over here. I think that'll work better, and it'll also give me time to stock on them. In other words, wether we're mutuals or not here, please tag me in things!! It'll take a while, but I promise I'll get to it. Eventually.
Why Patreon though? Well, I don't need to tell you that we live in capitalist times, and as a recent college graduate without a job that wants to be an indie writer, Patreon is a good option for me to make some sort of revenue. However, I don't work fast enough to show stuff on Patreon as rewards on a regular basis, that is, if you don't count stuff like small excerpts and tag games (which are sometimes one and the same), nor do I have a massive following that'd be willling to wait more between rewards. This is the second reason why I decided to migrate things there; first, to avoid the AI; second, to have something to show for my writing and do a little nudge to say Hey, if you like what you read, there's a way right here to support me so I can continue it. I could use other platforms like Ko-Fi, but if I'm gonna put time into something that allows me to earn some spare cash, I prefer it to be the one that'd let me have those earnings on a more regular basis.
Unless Ko-Fi has changed how it works, in which case I'll be checking it out later.
I don't have a set goal nor does my income currently depend on this, so I think it's a good time to start posting things to a Patreon without stressing myself that "it has to work". In the end, this is all just me trying things around to figure out what works and what not. If it doesn't work and people don't want to do an extra click to read my stuff, like I said, it's not like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. I've had a few years living with a Just Do It mentality and this is a extension of that, so for now I'll try this out, see where it goes, and how it develops.
I have a few things to tweak and prepare for the Patreon page to be ready for launching, so if you have any suggestions about how to use Patreon or if my approach is wrong and you know a better platform for this, please do tell me! Like I said, this is all just trial and error, so I'll learn as I do.
Thanks for reading!!
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tickle-page · 2 years
Camp Camp tickle Headcanons
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Ok… There seriously need to be more Camp Camp Tickle fics and/or hcs
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🎨He’s not ticklish whatsoever!
🎨David tried this on him at one point, but it didn’t work out how he hoped it would
🎨Dolph is just way too serious for that whole “child play”.
🎨David would see an opening, and tickle him when he least expects it.
🎨Wether he’s painting a really cool art peice, or he’s just doing other things
🎨Davey won’t stop until he finds a weak point on the camp’s artist.
🎨He was ticklish at one point in age, but quickly grew out of it when he was tickled a lot
🎨His parents kept tickling him
🎨Honestly, free my boy!!!! He doesn’t deserve any of this
🎨Scratch that, he most certainly does
🎨You better be prepared to run, if he’s in a ler mood
🎨Which he gets those daily
🎨Sometimes, you wish there was medicine for that type of stuff
🎨But the only medicine that will cure the mood is people’s laughter
🎨And laugh they do when he’s in control
🎨He may be short, but he’s got a mind like a gazelle…or cheetah…
🎨Either one, he knows how to stalk his prey
🎨By hiding in the bushes, and pouncing on the other campers when they least expect it
🎨Or subtly throwing in pokes and squeezes to his target’s sides, indicating that they should run and fast.
🎨Boi, those are his warnings for you, and don’t underestimate him either.
🎨A lot of campers misjudge his ability to tickle people, in which they fall into the hands of his tickly wrath.
🎨Mostly Harrison, that boy is so oblivious!!!
🎨Making him Dolph’s best target out of everyone.
🎨It’s a good thing he’s an artist so he can use his paintbrushes and pencils and writing utensils, whatever he uses, to use that against the oh so sensitive lee.
🎨He would occasionally tickle Max, if Max let’s his gaurd down, and near Dolph? That’s like saying I’m gonna discover a cure for Cancer
🎨It’s never gonna happen!
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🃏Boy, is this guy ticklish or what?!
🃏He absolutely hates it when Nerris tickles him, or anyone to be of fact.
🃏She’s just so snarky and teasy
🃏it doesn’t help his situation since he’s way more ticklish than her
🃏I’d like to think they’re platonically dating, just because they have so much hate relationship
🃏Reminds me of an enemy to lovers trope
🃏Anyways… back to what I was talking about
🃏Nerris and Harrison get’s into tickle fights all the time, so much, it’s not a shocker that he keeps losing
🃏You’d think he loses on purpose, but that’s not what’s happening here, Nerris is just so much less ticklish than him, she has the upper hand.
🃏And god, does Harrison hate it so much?
🃏She always has this smirk on him, and says “Imagine being this ticklish.”
🃏She even claims she put a tickle spell on him, saying, “I cast the evil tickle spell on you, Harrison! Now you’re just as ticklish as you were before, hahahah!”
🃏And Harrison just laughs and pleads, “THATHAHAHHAT’S NOT RHEHEHEHEHAL, NERRIS!! STAHHAHAP!!”
🃏”Stop what? The casting, or the tickling.” Nerris knows, she just wants to be a tease to him.
🃏That snarky b***h
🃏Harrison’s words, I love my girl Nerristhecute!
🃏Death spot: His ears. It reminds me of that one “What’s behind your ear?” trick
🃏He’s also really oblivious when it comes to Dolph’s tickle torture
🃏Dolph squeezed his side one day, but all Harrison did was glare at him, and told him not to do that again.
🃏Of course Dolph didn’t listen, it was Dolph for fuck sake.
🃏Everyone who was sitting beside or in front of Harrison and Dolph, knew that he should’ve ran away as fast as he can.
🃏They even walked away from them, not wanting to be roped in the mess
🃏It was Ered, Nurf, Nerris, and Preston.
🃏Even though the mess hall was filled with all the camper’s and counselor’s, that didn’t stop Dolph from doing his duty.
🃏Pouncing on Harrison, tickling him to no remorse.
🃏It gotten to the point where David had to pull him off bc Harrison was having a hard time breathing.
🃏Even so, Harrison still hasn’t learned his lesson.
🃏Poor boy
🃏Ok… him a ler? Puh-lease!!
🃏Don’t get him wrong, he’s a good ler at that, but something inside of Nerris just makes her more of a ler than him
🃏He’ll get a few squeezes to her sides, or a few skitters to her neck, at best, then it’s all game over from there.
🃏Harrison is more like the third best ler
🃏Making everyone wary of his presence
🃏He rarely get’s ler moods
🃏So he’s not always a ler
🃏Still, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get his fair share of tickles as well
🃏Making sure to tickle everyone who has tickled him.
🃏But he just loves tickling Max, he doesn’t know why, he just does.
🃏He’s not much of a ler, more of a lee.
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🧪He’s not extremely ticklish, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to concoct a chemical to make him not ticklish
🧪He keeps trying after he got tickled to death by his dad.
🧪His dad is just a little weird, so I wouldn’t think less of his ler abilities, tickling his son in the most embarrassing places of all time
🧪It’s about to be that one Simpson episode where Bart’s dad tickled him on the big tv at the baseball game, making him piss himself
🧪Ofc Neil’s dad didn’t do it there, but he definitely tickled him in the open, to where he pissed him self
🧪One time he tickled him at this fancy restaurant, where his aunts uncles and cousins were at
🧪And it was definitely to the public’s eye, bc of how loud he was laughing, with the help of his cousins
🧪He kept getting tortured growing up, wether it be by his older cousins or his dad.
🧪He never goes a day untickled
🧪Which started his villain origin story, making him test a concoction to make him less ticklish
🧪He was even thrilled to go to camp, thinking he escaped the tickling, but there are more lers there then at his hometown
🧪Making Dolph his worse ler ever seen
🧪Dolph defo squeezed his knees, making Neil jump up, causing him to be on high alert for the rest of the day
🧪Now that his friends knows exactly how ticklish he is.
🧪God he wish Niki never found out
🧪Niki was more ruthless then his dad, along with Max
🧪Them teaming up together is the worst plan they had ever made… well to Neil.
🧪It works out that he hates being tickled, because he’s socially awkward all the time
🧪And that’s where he is when David looks for him all the time, he’s hiding in his tent still making a potion.
🧪No one knows he’s making one.
🧪I would like you to tell your friends that your making a concoction to make you less ticklish
🧪Death spot: Hands. He works as a scientist 24/7 Ofc those are ticklish
🧪Boy, he ain’t no ler
🧪Motherfucker’s beyond being a ler
🧪Not because he doesn’t have the abilities to be one, it’s because he doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable
🧪Totally going past his personality in Camp Camp
🧪He doesn’t want to make Niki or Max uncomfortable, so he doesn’t tickle them at all, knowing their limits is key
🧪And Max made sure he doesn’t tickle him
🧪As you can tell, Neil is a lee, 100%
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👊He’s actually ticklish, but he won’t let anyone touch him
👊He hates it so much
👊He’ll only let his boyfriend tickle him, but they broke up so now he misses life, of how his boyfriend would just tease him when he slowly tickles his sides.
👊Sadly it didn’t show his boyfriend in this show… I’m big sad now
👊He grew up wanting tickles from his mom, but she’s in jail now, so he misses that too
👊But god, Nurf can only imagine how people at camp would react if they needed to calm him down, etc.
👊He still wants to keep up his big boy troupe.
👊And it lasted quite some while, till Dolph was in yet another ler mood take ing it out on the tough boyo
👊The thing is Nurf couldn’t tickle him back, hence he’s not ticklish, so he just punched him
👊Which called in a stern warning from David
👊And the whole Camp just started teasing him about it, making him cry in his tent out of embarrassment
👊You bet Max had to join in the fun too
👊Death Spot: Stomach. His stomach just has a lot of cuteness to it, please!!! It’s a must if you tickle his pudge!
👊Don’t let him catch you if you hate being tickled
👊Like, no joke, he will make sure you pass out
👊It happened to Preston
👊It can happen to you too
👊He’s like Dolph, always getting ler moods, and wanting someone to help him fix it
👊So you better be sane, if you know what you’re dealing with when you get under the hands of his devious fingers, crawling on your torso
👊So here’s your warning. Stay. Very far. Away. From him.
👊He won’t even give you a warning before he pounces on you, and he’ll do it infront of people as well.
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🎭Theater kid!!! Ofc he’s ticklish.
🎭He enjoy’s being tickled, but he rather die twice before he ever tells anyone that. Ever.
🎭Once he sees a tickle fight break lose, he’s quick to watch it
🎭He’ll make himself known when a tickle fight does break out, so people knows he’s there in hopes to get tickled like that person was just getting tickled.
🎭He’s so dramatic when it comes to tickling
🎭Saying he’ll die if they continue, but he hadn’t gotten tickled for more than 5 minutes
🎭He’s good at acting so he’s good at hiding the fact that he wants people to tickle him.
🎭When they squeeze his side he would jump away and scream “GaH! Stop!” But this only makes them continue (for the people who loves to be a ler)
🎭Till this day, the ticklers are yet oblivious to the man’s wants.
🎭And if it’s Camp Camp, they’ll surely think he’s weird if he enjoys something like that.
🎭He’s so cute tho, I enjoy his little laugh and his fake pleads that fall on death ears to the ler(s) tickling him.
🎭Death Spot: Feet (He just constantly walks around considering he’s sometimes the main lead in his play. Other times, he’s just instructing where everyone goes and how to act.)
🎭Ok, his tickle kink had to start when he was watching a play/show
🎭It happened when he was like 8, and a character started tickling a mother character, and Preston just fell in love with his laugh
🎭It resorted to him hiding in his room looking up more tickle scenes on YouTube.
🎭He knew it was weird to watch things like that, and enjoy them, but he couldn’t help himself.
🎭Everytime a tickle scene pops up, and him and his family watches it, he had to avoid eye contact from the TV.
🎭Hoping he didn’t look suspicious, his face would be beat red
🎭And he has to make up an excuse to go to the bathroom so his parents wouldn’t see him like that.
🎭Though when he makes a play, he has to fight the urge to put at least one blunt tickle scene in there.
🎭Things will go off the hook, if his intrusive thoughts win
🎭So he makes sure they don’t
🪐Space Kid🪐
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🪐Ok… He’s not really ticklish
🪐Like he’s second to least ticklish.
🪐It’s Dolph, and then it’s him
🪐Though, he’s canonically ticklish, but it’s not like people was tickling him, just responses of “Hey, that tickles” Whatever, I still think it’s cute
🪐He likes being tickled, more so ask David for some tickles, and he obviously gives them to him, no questions asked
🪐And he can tell when Dolph is in a ler mood, it’s just a hutch he has.
🪐So when Dolph is in a ler mood, Space kid will subtly hint to him that he needs some tickles, and Dolph will be glad to give them to him.
🪐Ofc, Space kid doesn’t ask anyone to tickle him unless it’s David, bc he knows David won’t judge him for it.
🪐Space kid gets all squeaky then he starts hyperventilating in his helmet where the ler has to take it off so he won’t suffocate
🪐No one knows why or how he suffocated in his astronaut helmet, he just does
🪐When people teams up on him, he goes to Dolph for help. But he has to make a deal with him, like, Dolph has to tickle him for an hour
🪐Hey, it beats getting tickle ganged up on
🪐And I like to think Spacekid’s death spot(s) is his neck and ears, hence they’re always covered up making them really sensitive
🪐He can’t be a ler if it saves his life!
🪐Like he tries to be one to so many people, like Max for starters, but he just gets kicked right in the balls.
🪐This doesn’t stop him from accomplishing his goals of becoming the Camp’s biggest ler.
🪐Sorry pal, but Dolph took that place from you
🪐Spacekid would even be in cahoots with Dolph, teaming up so he can destroy people… with tickling ofc.
🪐Though Dolph continues his assault on the man’s ears and neck, that little she-devil.
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🔫Maxasalee Maxasalee Maxasalee Max. As. A. Lee
🔫He is so ticklish, and I’m not being biased right now… well… maybe.
🔫He’s everyone’s tickle target. Because like… PLEASE!!!
🔫It’s kinda cute how a man (boy in this case) acts tough, but can be beaten by a simple poke!
🔫He would get tickled by Niki all the time, Ofc Neil doesn’t tickle him, after that one incident.
🔫Neil poked him once, and after he got a reaction he didn’t expect to come out of Max, which was “GAH! DON’T FUCKING DO THAT NEIL!!” He just had to tickle him full blast
🔫With Neil being much taller than the shorter one, Max has no problem punching the shit out of anyone who tickles him.
🔫Yes. Including Niki, but she never learns her lesson, intrigued by her bestfriend’s laughter and reactions
🔫Even David doesn’t learn when Max keeps kicking him in his balls.
🔫David would always give him tickles to “cheer” him up, but in reality it just made his sappy mood worse
🔫Like parents’ day, or when Max is just being hella annoying, like bullying the rest of the campers and/or Davey
🔫Yeah, Max needs to learn to be a camper with good attitude if he doesn’t wanna be tickled
🔫Once he knows Dolph’s in a ler mood, he walks away from him w/o being noticed, like nonchalantly.
🔫And he usually goes unscathed
🔫Trust me when I say this, but since Max gets tickled a lot, he always knows when someone is in a ler mood, call it a hutch
🔫Max’s parents don’t care about him, as seen in Parents’ day, so he didn’t grow up being tickled, not even his friends tickled him, so he didn’t know he was ticklish
🔫But that all changed when he came to camp, being non stop tickled by mostly anyone who would get ler moods, or just wanna tickle him
🔫He didn’t even know he was extremely weak to them either, but once he found out he hated being tickled.
🔫Poor baby
🔫He’s a total walking death spot, but if I had to pick which one that will drive him to kill anyone who touches there, it has to be his knees
🔫I just think it’s a cute headcanon that his knees are extremely ticklish, and anyone who wants to die, will give it a shot w/o second guessing the consequences
🔫When he’s tickled he gets this squeaky laugh, and he starts waving his limbs around in hopes to knock his attacker off, most times it doesn’t work so you gotta physically pin him down
🔫One time David tickled him so much he pissed himself, he didn’t tell anyone tho, glad he was wearing dark pants
🔫And Dolph tickled him till he became this sweaty, crying, passed out boy on the ground, his hair was sticking to his forehead
🔫Max didn’t tell David why he didn’t go swimming with the other’s because it’s embarrassing to say he couldn’t swim and didn’t wanna spend the summer with David learning how to
🔫Until David threatened him with tickles and he blurted it out, getting laughs and teases from the other campers and Gwen
🔫David sniggered a little as well
🔫By the context above it’s easy to say he hates getting tickled, like dispises it.
🔫He’s not the type to go around and touch other people, like in a tickly manner or other ways
🔫But he would tickle his two best friends, Neil and Niki, kinda sucks Niki isn’t as ticklish as them, but wtv
🔫He loves to tickle Neil with the help of Niki, just because Max loves to tease him about how super ticklish he is, failing to realize Max is way more ticklish than him
🔫Max will have to pin the tall guy down to tickle his worst spot, please!!!
🔫Max is really good with teasing, and what not, going too far as to laugh and make fun of his ticklishness
🔫If he sees anyone else getting tickled, he would stand by the sidelines and just be a snarky teaser, then he gets his unfair share of tickles from the use to be lee
🔫Max needs to learn when to shut up, like bffr
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lexiklecksi · 2 years
The human urge to smash the patriarchy
I wanted to write an intelligent post for this international women’s day, but frankly, I am exhausted. Exhausted of discussing my rights, freedom, existence and sexuality with strangers online. Exhausted of leaving my social media bubble which consists of cool, queer and feminist people to get hit by reality. There are still too many people who think women’s rights aren’t human rights. And that is unbelievable to me because wether you identify as female or not, we need to care about all people in this society. I’m also exhausted about discussing why we still need feminism and why gender equality benefits all genders.
But I’m also inspired. Inspired by all these magnificent women on here who continue to fight for their rights, create art and inspire me to not give up the fight. Inspired by all the enby folks and feminist men out there who show their identity even when they are constantly getting harassed. For all the brave people who have suffered from (tw) sexual harassment and abuse but chose to live with their trauma. I know that I am incredibly privileged and I always considered myself to not be a victim of this patriarchal society. But the more I think about all the comments others made about my body, the way people keep questioning my bisexuality because I am in a straight-presenting relationship, all the hideous messages and unsolicited dick pics way back when I was still online dating …
Nobody wants to be a victim, we want to be empowered, to feel free and live our lives the way we deem right. And I hope that’s possible in the near future, at least where I live, but there’s so much to work on. So let’s work on smashing the patriarchy together! And even though some feminists might disagree with me on this: patriarchal structures suppress everyone who isn’t rich or in power and that includes most men. So it’s not just the female urge to smash the patriarchy, it’s the human urge to free ourselves from the societal, political and religious suppression that tries to hold us down, keep us small and hush our voices.
Feel free to discuss this topic further in the comments, my blog is a safe space. If anyone feels the need to write something hateful in my comment section, I will delete it and block your blog. That’s just to ensure my own mental health. I am open to discussion, but my rights are not up for a debate.
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pandorem · 1 year
I think it’s important for us to start getting it into our heads that it’s ok to “lose” things in art for the sake of accessibility, and that it doesn’t make the resulting experience without value. There are aspects of a medium or choices a creator makes that are impactful, important to the experience, and worthy of acknowledging, and still be worth ceding if the other option is never getting to experience the work at all.
(A quick note: this is both about accessibility from a class perspective and disability perspective, and as someone with disabilities I know how frustrating it can be to have your experiences described as lesser or that your losing out on something. I genuinely don’t want to diminish people’s experiences with art. But I also don’t quite know how to phrase it while getting my point across and respecting the artistic merits of the aspects I’m talking about, so please keep that in mind)
There are aspects to certain mediums of storytelling that I often see brought up when people try to ask for more accessibility in art, usually in pushing back against those requests, that I find really frustrating, but not because I don’t find them worth experiencing if you can. One of the things that first comes to mind is the wish for more pro-shot plays/musicals, wether coming from a class perspective where they can’t afford to go see shows live or a disability perspective, where their disabilities make it difficult for them to. And what people often bring up is that there is an energy to live performance that can’t be replicated, even if that live performance was itself filmed. There’s an electricity to being in the audience in the same room as the performers. And therefore, pro shot plays are bad and wrong and should not be made.
True in the first half, completely false in the latter. Live performance DOES have an energy to it that can’t be replicated, that is a wonderful and important aspect of experiencing theatre live. But. That doesn’t mean that a play is without any artistic merit without that aspect. It doesn’t make experiencing the story any other way meaningless. And given how inaccessible live theatre can be on several different levels, proshot plays can be wonderful in letting people experience those things, or even for getting them into theatre in the first place.
Another medium I see brought up like this often is video games. I’ve seen posts talking about how there should be game modes that let people who are bad at video games still experience the story. How some people who have disabilities that affect their fine motor control will just not be able to beat those games as they are.
There are games where the difficulty in and of itself IS an artistic choice that works to deliver the themes and overall message of the game. That is worthy of consideration and respect. Pathologic would be a very different experience if it wasn’t the way it was. But. There are people who would get plenty out of it and other difficult games who will never get to because of that.
The most baffling thing about the latter example is that I often see the response of “just watch a let’s play” or “just get a sibling/friend to play it for you” as if one of the fundamental aspects of video games as a medium, and their most compelling artistic points, is their interactivity. As if watching someone else play the game wouldn’t be as fundamentally different as playing the game on a hypothetical story only mode. Which really tells me that it’s more about gatekeeping than any drive to maintain the game’s artistic integrity.
Just because an experience is changed or different doesn’t automatically make it lesser. And for the sake of argument, if we agree that it DOES mean losing something important and meaningful, it still doesn’t make the experience without value. There’s incredible value to be had.
And experiencing a work of art in a changed or diluted form will bring much more meaning to a person than not getting to experience it at all.
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penbwl · 2 years
hii no pressure to respond right away!! I know you're busy xD
I kinda want to get into digital art and drawing and make a tumblr too but it all seems like so much at once. Do you have any tips on how to start? Or any art tips either xD I really like your art style and you're like a really impressive person and you've inspired me to try sharing my art skills.
Thanks!! Hope you have a good day!
Hiya!! That’s so sweet and I’m honoured that you’ve found inspiration in my work🥺 thank you so much❤️
I myself am still struggling to navigate being an artist online but I have a few tips that will hopefully be helpful to anyone else out there!
• Hashtags
Using tags on your posts is always useful to have your art get attention, especially when you’re first starting out and you don’t have an audience yet. If I’m not seeing posts from the people I already follow then it’s almost always because I’ve found the post by looking through a fandom tag I’m interested in.
• Interaction
Interacting with your audience is a big one! It gets people interested in what you’re doing and forms a bond between you and other creators that drives you to continue sharing what you make. Comment and share others posts, ask questions in your own posts that get people to engage. It’s just a nice genuine way to have fun and be creative - you may even make friends!
Okay so this one can be hard to upkeep honestly and I’m not the best at it myself. Being consistent with posting is always gonna be a huge thing to keep in mind. Sometimes I’m inconsistent with how much I post, sometimes I’m inconsistent with what the actual content is (Although it’s completely up to you wether you stick to a single category/fandom or not - I find it definitely helps keep your audience if you’re sticking to a single fandom. I can’t say much though because I never have the attention span for it😭 ) Wether or not your posts stay within the same category though it’s still important to keep consistency in how regularly you post if you want your audience to stick around.
How the world sees you! This can be anything from your username, bio or to the art itself. Keep it authentic and really try and get across what you want people to see when they first glance at your page. Presentation in the art itself is a big thing because that’s what’s gonna attract people in the first place. Think about why people are interested - does your style have a certain niche that may peak people’s interest? Is there any way you can expand upon that?
Okay so most of that I sort of just pulled outta my ass- hopefully it helps though😭 when it comes to actual art tips I could talk on this for a while so I may make a separate post if people want to know specific stuff. Generally though just make sure you find a software you’re comfortable with and get to know it well - practice your art and anything you think it needs improvement on! Hope this helps❤️
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tea-and-panthers · 2 years
just a quick post. i was reading a few article on how to identify bot accounts and discover that i may be miss identified as a bot/spam account since i’m new and dont know much about this wild west of a platform.
so I am here to help assist other newcomers with a summary of my research, keeping in mind I’ve only been here for a day so if someone more experienced is giving out advice theirs is probably better.
1. bot/spam accounts generally have a default icon and background. (fixed this up first thing i did after making the account was add an icon and i just uploaded a background)
Recommend course of action: add an Icon and background as soon as possible. and maybe play around with you theme a bit.
2.username looks inappropriate or spam like. (this isn’t a problem for me since i didn’t do this because why would I)
Recommend course of action: just don’t, if you may have made this mistake, best to change it.
3. a blog is sending messages that are asking if you want content that is potentially nsfw, example ‘do you want pictures of n***d women on your phone’
Recommend course of action: report and block. i speak from experience, i got one of these messages and didn’t even finish reading it before blocking and reporting. also don’t send this type of message to people wether or not they think you are a bot that would make anyone uncomfortable and explicit content is against community guidelines.
4. apparently like strings on accounts and large amounts of reblogging are suspicious.
so say you go to someone account and read like there art or something and you like everything there. apparently 10 or more likes on one account within a short time period is considered a like string.
this is one I found myself guilty of, so what happened was I found the account of someone who made a series of tutorials on how to draw kobolds that I had found in pinterest so I followed the and i wanted like all the tutorials (there where 10) but i decided that liking just the tutorials seemed suspicious so i liked some art in between (it’s good art.) i now see that liking just the tutorials would have not been as suspicious. to that person, sorry for the spam likes, I have learned my lesson.
Reblogging, so something like 40 or more rebloggs in a day with little context, than nothing for a few days looks suspicious.
Recommend course of action:
like strings; of you come across an account you really like just like 3 or 4 posts and follow. you will get another chance to like more.
Reblogging; i don’t see this one being much of a problem if you just casually use tumblr. I myself have spent some time (but not all my time) on tumblr and Liked around 250 posts over 24 hours but have only reblogged 12 (which is probably still a lot) but i have also added something with the reblog such as a comment along with the normal tags people usually only put (i feel bad reblogging without contributing something). the only way i think you would reach a number like 40+ is if you are on all day with nothing else to do and are reblogging every third post you see (not that i’m judging, apparently reblogging helps more that likes.) or you are reblogging reblogs in response to them on a post that went viral. if you are adding to those i don’t really think that would be suspicious. And try not to reblog too many posts from one blog in a short amount of time that seems very spammy
reblogging, if you like the reblog it likes the original post. this is helping in most cases from what i’ve read. (just try not to over do it.)
reposting is copying the image or text (some cases both) and uploading it on your own, often done without permission form or crediting the original author. this is not helpful, if you have permission form the original author and you credit them, that should be ok.
yet again, i am also new and may be mistaken about some of the stuff here. this is based on personal experience and research i’ve done.
hope this helps others new users to this wild west. I intend on posting my art soon i just need to get it all together first, that i can upload a few pieces at a time.
If you are an experienced user who has any corrections of stuff to add I’m sure new users like myself would love the help.
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zenthymiya · 2 years
hi and congrats on 100 followers!! could i do a request for the ship event?
character - zhongli
name - lilly
pronouns - she/her
toxic traits - clingy at times LMAO and also can shut
down pretty easily, stubborn as well
fluffy traits - i laugh a lot LOL and i can be confident
personality - ALRIGHT so it's kinda hard to figure out how to describe my personality like i know what it is but idk how to explain????? i’m introverted with everyone i don't know and i'm not close with but i am pretty extroverted with the people i am close to. tbh animals>>> humans. i like the color purple, uhh i enjoy reading, writing, and drawing :> when i want to reach a certain goal i will always reach it no matter what, i'm a determined person. i care about those close to me deeply! i'm also passionate about things i enjoy. i have a creative and imaginative mind and i also hyperfixate on things but cannot focus. for. the. life. of. me. ) i'm also pretty patient for the most part! i ride horses, i do show jumping, the typa stuff they do in the olympics! obviously not as advanced tho LMAO BUT i have my own horse named red, he's a paint horse and he's really sweet. i'm 5'3 and i'm into working out! i try to get along with everyone no matter how much i like or dislike them. id also say i'm a pretty sarcastic person. usually it's pretty hard for me to fall asleep but once i am asleep i'm either deep in sleep or the sound of an eye blinking will wake me up LMAO
aesthetics - light academia + clean aesthetic
ideal date - something creative, dinner would be fine but i would prefer dinner with extra creative things and also just having fun in general and getting to know each other, even if you think you already know everything ab your s/o :)
relationship - non toxic
love - sweet with a little bit of angst + mild ;)
Going on dates with him is mainly you guys conversing together, although both of you are comfortable to sit in peaceful silence together, talking with each other is the highlight of all the dates.
Simple dates that you and him enjoy with a wide selection of foods while talking about anything. Getting dinner with him enjoying some traditional Liyue food while he tells you stories about his days about being Morax or any topic that comes to mind. Watching him wave his chopsticks still holding food around calmly as he recounts an interesting event that he had seen today.
You guys get desserts right afterwords if one of you guys crave it. You like to point out that his dessert was going to go bad if he didn’t eat it because he keeps on rambling. You love it though. I just think that another ideal date would just be you being out and about while Zhongli watches with literal stars in his eyes.
While he may not know a lot about the sport, he’ll recall some similar things he saw earlier in his life.
Sometimes you guys would do something together like ancient Liyue arts that he is very glad to teach you. He’s so down to simply do anything with you, wether it be practicing some sort of skill with you or simply shopping. In all honesty he just loves being by you and teaching you. Even if you can’t focus on what he’s showing you, he just chuckles at your dazedness and asks if you would like to do something else. He won’t get mad at all of you ask him to show you the steps again, seeing the twitch of your lips when watching him is enough to shine in his memory.
He loves the same things you do! You guys coordinate so well together. He’s more than happy to supervise your hobbies and offer advice while he does the same alongside you. Zhongli appreciates and loves your passion and creativity. He thinks it’s just gorgeous how you could create something so unique and have such a determined dead set mind. He’s always been one to appreciate your passions. He will sing so many praises, going on and on how extraordinary your craft is. Even if it’s simple he’ll always call you skilled and amazing at whatever you had made this time.
He will share his own personal stories that he’s illustrated himself in the form of writing, drawing, and even sculpting sometimes. He’s more than glad to provide you with the materials and guide your hands in his.
Nicknames nicknames nicknames galore.
You physically cannot feel insecure around this man because he will absolutely hold you down and kiss every part of you while listing off every achievement you’ve ever done while also saying that your body is absolutely gorgeous. He drones on and on about how wonderful you are for several hours
While he is the one who usually takes the reigns, he loves it when you talk about something that he doesn’t preciously know. It makes him feel all giddy inside and he shows by complimenting your knowledge on the topic
Please do go on and on about the new thing you had learned. While he does like to chime in here and there he is more than content to listen to you
He just loves cuddling you. Holding you close to his body while you try to sleep.
He’s a bit confused on while you switch up on touchiness so often. One second you wanna wrap your hands around him and the other you make him go the end of the bed. This man really does try to reason with you. Trying to get you to come back into his warm arms. He’s even pouting a little and his tail wraps around your arm to try and tug you back into his embrace. He tells you that sleep didn’t feel right the next day.
Zhongli is so enamored with your athleticism too. He is constantly watching you practice or applauding you when you preform something right. He enjoys watching you and often gives you various tips to similar things.
You often wonder how he never gets bored of watching you workout. He won’t admit it but he keeps himself entertained by letting his mind wander to other thoughts. While he keeps his composure most of the time, there was one time that he really couldn’t help himself with how delectable you looked. Heaving breaths leaving your chest, a smile on your face, and sweat gleaming down your body as you waved at him. He’s insatiable sometimes.
Under that sweet knowing smile he flashes you with he wants to see you sweat and tremble under him.
He gets so entertained when he imagines you riding him instead, letting you use his chest as reigns while he looks up and down your gorgeous body.
He loves the indigent protests you make when you say you can do this by yourself. Gently laughing while reassuring you that he believes in you and that he’s always there if you happen to need assistance.
Zhongli definitely praises you no matter how well you’ve practiced
Zhongli knows how stupidly stubborn you can be. Well he knows he can be too
He watched you struggle to do this one trick that you just couldn’t seem to get down. And you refused to leave only leaving when your body couldn’t physically take it anymore.
He offers advice and reassures you when he carries you because you were so tired that day.
Zhongli absolutely adores when you rely on him, use his shoulder as a pillow, relax in his hold when he carries you, even when you ask him to grab something for you. He loves to be your support pillar because he knows just as well you’ll be right there for him too.
Listening to Zhongli’s words will never get old to you. His soothing, calm, riveting voice that echos through the the room, bouncing off the walls as you lay on his chest. Listening to his rhythmic heartbeat and feeling the slow rise of his chest as you speak. This goes the same for him, as long as you can speak he’ll never not want to hear your voice. He says it sounds soothing to him. The waves of your voice never ceases to make him relax knowing that you are right beside him, living amongst Liyue with him.
Your first couple of dates were very awkward. As you didn’t know how to speak to Zhongli nor did you want to as he, in your eyes was still a stranger to some extent, yet you still didn’t want to turn down his date offer. Well how could you say no? Zhongli is handsome and knowledgeable, sure he can be forgetful but you liked him well enough despite his mysterious knowledge. Zhongli on the other hand rambled a lot, not knowing how to properly converse with you; he simply continued to talk about the little things he saw throughout the day.
It started out as little quips of input as response to him. Even so, Zhongli never budged, instead patiently waiting for you to open up to him more. And it worked. Just talking to him know is enough to set you on a ramble rivaling his.
As much as he is an amazing lover, things can get out of hand all because he loves your thighs more than anything.
They’re always bruised and littered with markings after some more steamy nights. He thinks his bite marks are pretty, they glow slightly orange yellow and look delightful on your thighs. You think it’s some master plan of his to get you to stay with him all throughout the day because god it is so hard to get up with bruised thighs.
You guys are both so fucking stubborn. You aren’t afraid to speak your mind but will never actually discuss with him because you don’t want to be proven wrong. Zhongli wants to cherish his time with you, that’s why he sweeps all of the problems under a rug. It is heavily implied though that he thinks that he is right.
When arguments happen you tend to close yourself off yet yearn for him. While Zhongli pretends it never happens, trying to normally go through the day with a very closed off you.
This goes on and on until you forget the problem because you just miss him too much. You really shouldn’t by the way, eventually he same topic will come up and the cycle will repeat. Just talk with him, don’t be afraid to let your guard down.
It hurts knowing that you’ll be gone one day, but the only thing he could do is simply enjoy every waking moment with you. He makes a personal contract with himself as to never forget you. Every part of you shall be remembered; from your smile to your laugh, even to your tears. He will never let himself remove your memory.
He will be always be by your side. Even if you shut down he’s right there, quietly questioning if you want anything.
Your aesthetics match so well together. He loves the scholar side of you, and he admires you for keeping your place organized.
You guys are so patient with each other actually. It’s kind of difficult to get into fights because both of you are very understanding for the most part
Zhongli will ensure maximum sleep. Always has the right amount of remedies for your perfect sleep. Sure he can get a bit concerned if he shakes you and you still don’t rouse, but it’s much better than you getting bad sleep. The moment you feel restless he’s already getting up to make soothing tea as well as offering a relaxing song fr him to hum as your lay against his chest. He has the best humming voice to sleep to. You will actually have the best sleep of your life.
He enjoys your laugh so much. Actually there’s a mutual feeling of enjoying each other’s voices. You like his deep, soothing, silky voice while he enjoys the melodies of how your voice shines through in his memories.
If he notices other people staring at your body he will absolutely give you his coat. He can’t help it, hall he wants is to keep you to himself and not let you be eye candy for anyone else.
“Dear.” Looking up from your drawing to see your partner standing next to you with a contemplative stare at your body.
He quickly averts his gaze away from your body avoiding eye contact with you, “I’ve noticed that you’ve been really.. sore lately,” looking back at your curious gaze he runs a hand down your back softly, “I was hoping to make you feel better if I massage you.”
Your eyes lit up, “Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course my flower, you er- have complained that it was of my own doing to make you this prone.”
As much as you love him, you just can’t let go of the fact that due to him you had to take almost two weeks off of any athleticism. A small smile settled on your face. “Weelll if you’re as good as massages as you are at rambling on and on I’ll be back to my regular activities in no time.” Your voice cheerful with a light tease.
Zhongli looks very slightly guilty, diverting his eyes as he coughs into his hand, face pink with embarrassment. “I- I am sorry for my actions, but please understand you are just.. very tempting my dear lily.” His eyes momentarily crossed to your exposed thighs full of light purple bruises.
He did not look the least amount of embarrassed or ashamed. He couldn’t help but the small twitch of his corner lip as he remembered just how pretty you were under him, looking so ethereal in his mind.
He knows you’d look even more heavenly with oil running down your skin, back exposed to him as he rubs all the knots away from your skin. He quickly averts his thoughts as fast they come. He couldn’t afford to get ahead of himself. Clearing his throat, his smooth rumbling voice reverberating in your body, “So? About that massage my love?”
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eugenideseye · 1 year
The question I think about a lot is if I had the chance would I go back would I start all over would I relive my childhood. That question, which is just four words, could mean so many thing.
Maybe if I went back and still had all my memories now I could make things better. not embarrass myself doing certain things. make sure to stay friends with the people I miss. get smarter. remember to actually listen to my teachers and learn. Work on an actually happy and healthy relationship with my parents while I’m still young. Spend more time on my art and reading and doing things I love and enjoy. Cherish my childhood because I got lucky and can redo it all. Then yes maybe I would because I would still know that in some way I would always try and run back to this point in my life but it would be better.
Now would I go back if I didn’t get to keep my memories is an entirely new idea. Do I cherish everything I have now to not go back. Would my life be better even if I just restarted it in the same place. Would I make different decisions. would I change where I am now. who would I become if not me right now right here. Would I be happier. Would I be loved more. Would I have a better relationship with my people I miss and my family. Do I want to risk it. I love everyone I am with now and this is entirely a hypothetical so I don’t actually think to much on wether I would struggle because if where I am now there are reason I want to stay and there are many reason I would want to redo it. Do I want to risk it just so there is a chance the me now could be happier maybe it got worse I went down the wrong path. And I’m in an entirely different place in my life. Would I want this to happen to a hypothetical me. Would it be worth it would the chance to start over actually be worth the people that love me now the life I live now. Is it worth it just for the chance it could be better.
I just don’t know at certain times in my life I am very set that I would say yes I would go back just to not be in this moment now but these are just moments should I be so upset about this moment and ruin a whole life. Who knows. There are also times where I know I would say no and that it was insane for me to ever think otherwise. Right now I’m content with we’re I am I would risk a life for the possibility of a batter one then now because I can survive now and I have hope for a better future for me.
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daydreamerfox · 1 year
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This is my oc Aiko! Some of you might know her already, I've made a few drawings of her and her boyfriend already, but it doesn't hurt to talk about her again!
[Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5] [Day 6] [Day 7] [Day 8] [Day 9] [Day 10] [Day 11] [Day 12] [Day13] [Day 14]
Do you wanna be tagged on the next ones? You can reply to this post saying so (wether you want to be tagged in all my art or just the sketchtember posts)
More information about her and this sketch under the cut! Also! There's another version of this drawing also under the cut!
TW: blood, knife
She's a strong independent woman who needs no man with some questionable hobbies (in summary she hunts humans and paints with blood. Her logic? "Humans are animals and it's sociably acceptable to hunt animals, so why can she hunt humans as well?") She doesn't understand very well why this is considered wrong, but she's full aware that it can send her to jail, so she's careful about who knows about it and who doesn't. She's paranoid with lots of trust issues due to a bunch of things and traumas that happened in her life... I can get into more detail about them in future posts, what do you guys think? Aiko has very strong emotions, even though she doesn't show it, she has very strong anger management issues. She doesn't trust peoipl she doesn't know, but will pretend she does and is naive enough to follow them around if she thinks she can get something from it. Preferably a sugar daddy who would pay for anything she wants and she wouldn't have to do much She's cold to most people and doesn't really have much empaty, specially not with people she's not close to (she just pretends to have... even thought that façade does slip away sometimes). Become her friend isn't really something easy to do, mostly because she put up very high walls all around her, but once you can get past them you'll see a woman who cares a lot about the people she loves, though still keeping her distance most of the time. Aiko worries about her friend's an family's safety and well being, but don't expect an altruist over protective friend because that's not how she'll act 80% of the time (there are a few exceptions, though)
About this sketch: I actually had fun working on it, even if this pose isn't the easiest one to do in my opinion, I like how it turned out! I hope I'm able to work on the next ones just fine!
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