#so i need to get the definitive 24 hours till results one
claratyler · 7 months
My schedule is still so bad its not even 8 am yet and ive been awake for like 2-3 hours and then tomato happens and idk everytime i see that post (sans tomato) i feel like a wild animal being hunted for sport AFDJSKDLS anyway i really really need to get to work on this piece, have like 5 days to get it done hahaha, and i need to get the pcr covid test, and also today is danisnotonfire's livestream and yes i have tickets. If you see me here punch me!! I have much to do!!!
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letsberealgenz · 7 months
5 Signs You Found Your Purpose
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All I see is dollar sign. Replace this with purpose sign. You are definitely at the right place if you choose to read this till the very end. 5 signs you have found your true life’s purpose. Your soul’s purpose. Your calling. What you’re truly meant to be doing on Earth. It’s already 2024, let’s be real!
You feel truly alive
We are all alive but how many of us are actually truly alive? I doubt many. The word truly alive comes back to purpose. You know you’re truly alive when everyday feels so exciting. You know you’re truly alive when you love getting up every single day looking forward to it. You know you’re truly alive when you don’t feel like it’s a need to go to work instead it’s a want. Need and want are the only deciding factor whether are you truly alive.
Your work makes you happy
This is definitely a pretty important one in fact it’s the most IMPORTANT sign indicating whether you’ve found your purpose or not. Your work is supposed to be a home that you look forward to visiting often. Your work is meant to fulfill your soul. Your work is meant to be satisfying. Your work is meant to be your safe space. Run honey if its not!
Yes I know sometimes the work that you’re doing pays you so well but if it doesn’t make you feel content at the end of the day when you’re retiring for bed then it’s meaningless! Imagine how would you feel when you’re at your deathbed because the dreams that you don’t pursue are the same dreams that would haunt you when you’re older. I live by this quote and I hope this would help you:
“Something that has not been fulfilled would eventually arrive at its surface. It’s just a matter of time. So it’s now or never. The risk would always be there in anything that you do in life. All you have to do is choose. Do it for you honey.”
You start reflecting on your journey by asking some weird questions
Questions like these:
How did I even achieve all this within such a short timeline?
How did I even knew I had to do all this?
How did I get this far in life?
I can’t believe I could do all that by myself. Is this me for real?
How did I attract the right people, the right opportunities and the right everything into my life?
Honestly there’s more but here are some main ones! The key is you’re content with your progress and you believe you’re taking steps everyday that is highly aligned with your purpose.
People look up to you
This one is real. It is proven in fact I have experienced this by myself. Therefore I can write about it. The moment you start receiving inquiries, texts or calls regarding what you’re doing is actually inspiring them and they would like to know more about it, it’s a clear indicator that you’re on the right path.
Something is unique about you. Your journey is appealing for others and it might feel absolutely nothing for you but it means a lot for someone else. The work that you put out every single day is actually motivating or even guiding someone into a positive direction.
I’ve come to a realization most of the time in life when you’re living your purpose, the result is mostly delayed gratification. It’s not like a normal 9–5 job where your paycheck justifies everything and keeps your momentum going for months or even years.
This one’s pretty different because it’s only you can see something that is not visible for everyone but just because you believe in it so strongly somehow it creates a positive ripple effect on everything that you do and this is the momentum that keeps you going. It’s not the lucrative monetization instead it’s something bigger. There is a greater WHY on what you’re doing. A wise man once said:
“When your why is big enough, you will find your how.” — Les Brown
You cannot stop working
Sounds so surreal but it’s so true. There are times where even 24 hour is not sufficient for you I mean this works for everybody but when you’re truly living your purpose it’s those hours that you just wish to pause. Like you don’t want to leave your work space. You want to get more done within the day. The most ironic part you don’t feel like stopping. Like you can just keep going!
Let me give an example before leaving if you’re running on paycheck and you’re just working for it like that’s your end goal. So when the clock strikes 5pm you just want to stop. Even if you choose to work extra hours you want to be compensated for it right?
But if you’re working on your purpose, the time, the monetization does not matter because you can see exactly what is your end goal. It’s bigger than a paycheck. It is beyond your being. It’s serving the greater good. If ever you wonder why purpose is important or even how to find your purpose take that as a sign of an awakening!
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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scriptmedic · 3 years
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Hey there lovelies! Thanks so much for your asks!
First off, basics: check the ( thoracic trauma ) tag and the ( pneumothorax ) tag. This is ground we've covered before!
There's also a chapter in Blood on the Page: a Writer's Compendium of Injuries (amazon link; yes, I am the author) on pneumothoraces. I believe it's in section 2.2: Penetrating Trauma > Chest.
I genuinely thought this chapter had already posted, but it hasn't.
So have a free chapter on me! (Below the cut)
Tension Pneumothorax
Lethality Index
5 / 5
What Is It?
Tension pneumothorax is a life-threatening injury that occurs when air gets into the chest but is outside the lungs. The buildup of air begins to put pressure on the lung, the heart, and the great veins. The condition is rapidly lethal.
Breathing is a pressure system. To inhale, the body pushes the diaphragm down and expands the ribs, which creates negative pressure in the lungs; that negative pressure draws air into the lungs from the outside world. To exhale, the diaphragm comes up and the chest relaxes — it gets smaller — pushing the air out. Easy peasy.
Tension pneumothorax changes this closed system to an open one, where air leaks from the lung into the sac around the lungs (the pleura) and gets trapped there. Positive pressure then builds up in the pleura, compressing the lung.
The fact that there's air in the lung is known as simple pneumothorax. (Pneumomeans air, and thorax means chest.)
What makes a tension pneumothorax such a big problem is that the air pocket in the pleura becomes large enough that it collapses the lung.
In addition to collapsing the lung, having that much pressure on one side of the chest is a big problem. It actually causes the organs of the chest to shift, to skooch over to the other side. In that shifting, the heart and other lung wind up pinching off blood flow through the heart, reducing blood flow everywhere.
Clinical Signs
· Severe, worsening shortness of breath, with rapid breaths.
· Diaphoresis (sweating).
· Elevated heart rate.
· Narrow pulse pressure (the “distance” between the systolic (top number) pressure and the diastolic (bottom number) pressure; e.g. 90/80 instead of 120/80).
· Engorged veins in the neck (jugular venous distention, JVD).
· Cyanosis (bluing of the skin of the lips and nail beds). (Late)
· Cold, clammy skin. (Late)
· Tracheal shift — the trachea is no longer midline in the neck, and instead is pushed away from the affected lung. (Late)
· Loss of consciousness. (Late)
· Death. (Late)
· Pain at the injury site and possible pain in the rest of the chest.
· Trouble breathing and panic.
· Feeling of impending doom.
· Dizziness, disorientation.
How Does It Happen?
Tension pneumothorax develops when a character suffers penetrating trauma to the chest that allows air to move between the outside and inside of the chest. This can be the result of a stabbing, shooting, impalement, or other penetrating trauma. It's especially common when the lung itself has been lacerated.
Immediate Treatment
Keep the character upright.
Provide oxygen, if available.
If the character is in respiratory failure — if they're dying — someone might give them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or use a bag-valve-mask (BVM) to ventilate them. This actually makes the pneumothorax worse, but it may be beneficial in the short term because of increased gas exchange.
Needle Decompression
Needle decompression is the act of taking a big fat IV catheter and sticking it into the chest on the affected side. (There are two landmarks in common use: between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, on a line drawn straight down from the middle of the clavicle, or between the 5th and 6th ribs, in line with the front border of the armpit. These are technically called the 2nd intercostal space (ICS) at the midclavicular line, and the 5th ICS at the anterior axillary line.
Needle decompression works by giving the air trapped in the pleura an effective way out.
The problem with needle decompression is that, especially with larger characters, it isn't necessarily effective. Oftentimes the needle is simply too short to reach the pleura, especially in larger characters with strong pectoralis muscles or fat deposits, including breasts. Other times the catheter may kink or get backed up with blood.
Definitive Treatment
Needle decompression has the potential to be a definitive treatment for the injury, but only if it's effective in the first place, and only if the needle is hooked up to some form of drain system to make sure that air can escape.
Surgery / Hospitalization
Diagnostics will include a chest X-ray and likely a chest CT, though if the character is in mortal danger, these will always take a back seat to a clinical diagnosis – i.e. by signs, symptoms, and history – and providers will treat first and image later.
The definitive treatment for tension pneumothorax is placement of a chest tube or pigtail catheter in the chest. A chest tube is a large, straight tube, while a pigtail catheter is of a smaller diameter and is curled, like a pig’s tail.
Both are simple, quick procedures in the ER. They both involve putting a tube into the chest at the 4th or 5th intercostal space (between the 4th–5th or 5th–6th ribs) vertically aligned with the armpit (axillary line).
The end of the tube will have something called a Heimlich valve, which is a one-way valve (air can go out but not in).
Another option is a procedure called a finger thoracostomy. The surgical landmark is the same as for all other procedures, but the act is simpler and more brutal. The site is identified and the doctor — who is likely an ER physician — simply cuts down through the chest wall until they're touching lung. This is done in extreme circumstances, where the character is about to die. Otherwise, a chest tube or pigtail catheter is preferred.
In the Austere Environment
Characters who suffer a tension pneumothorax in extreme conditions are likely to die, unless a knowledgeable character with the correct equipment is around.
In settings before about 1950, the character is also likely to die, and they'll die gasping. Treatment of the tension pneumothorax requires understanding pressures inside the chest, which weren't readily measurable till then. Trauma surgery simply hadn't advanced to the point of understanding this rapidly lethal wound until that point.
The Rocky Road to Recovery
Capabilities Retained
Characters will retain the use of all four limbs and will be cognitively unaffected (barring brain damage from an extended period of low oxygen levels).
Disabilities: Temporary
Your character is likely to have a sensation of pressure at the catheter insertion site. Once the lung is reinflated, they can walk and perform most normal activities while the wound heals.
They will be instructed not to fly for six months after the pneumothorax. This is because altitude affects pressure and can cause reexpansion of the pneumothorax.
Disabilities: Permanent
Tension pneumothorax shouldn't cause any permanent disabilities, unless there are other complicating features of the injury.
Features of Recovery: Hospital Stay
Characters with no other complications, who respond well to the pigtail, can actually be sent home with the catheter in place. Characters with other injuries or who got bigger tubes will likely be admitted.
Features of Recovery: Aftercare
Characters will be instructed to walk up to their capacity, and increase their walking daily. They may want to use a pillow or other object to hold when they cough, because that can be painful.
If a character is sent home, they must come back for follow-up X-ray within 48 hours, to make sure the pneumothorax hasn't reexpanded.
The catheter should be removed after 3–5 days if no other issues arise.
Pigtail catheters are good for patients because they're smaller than chest tubes, which means they hurt less and can often be sent home in the patient.
Pigtail catheters are bad for patients because they're smaller tubes, which means that they might kink and then fail to vent out the air they need to get rid of.
Flying before the recommended date can cause another pneumothorax, though this is unlikely to be severe enough to collapse the lung again. However, the character might experience significant shortness of breath and exhaustion.
The New Normal
If the lung tissue itself wasn't damaged by the object, your character will return to their full function within 2–4 weeks. (No Disability)
If the lung was damaged by the injury, they may have other complications with the lung.
Future Risks
Even when they think they're healed, significant, rapid changes in altitude within the first 6 months could cause your character's pneumothorax to recur. No long-term risks are known.
Total Recovery Time (Typical)
Uncomplicated: 2–4 weeks
Complicated: Minimum 4 weeks but typically longer, depending on the damage
The hole in the chest might be small, or it might be fairly large. Through a large enough hole, characters can see the injured's lung expanding and collapsing with each breath.
The wound may make a sucking noise as the character breathes. (This is known, appropriately, as a sucking chest wound.)
Tension pneumothorax is abbreviated in a chart as TPTx or TPx, and is colloquially known as a "tension pneumo."
Chest tubes are listed in various sizes; pigtails tend to be 12 French or 14 French, whereas chest tubes are larger: 24 Fr to 36 Fr. Pigtails are inserted over a guide wire, which is called the "Seldinger technique." They are held in place with a kind of stitching called "purse string" suture.
A TPTx that also has significant pooling of blood in the pleural space is a hemopneumothorax, or a "hemopneumo."
The landmarks are almost never said as "intercostal space," but referred to as the "ICS."
Key Points
· Tension pneumothorax is a rapidly lethal condition, developing from slight trouble breathing to deadly within minutes to an hour.
· TPTx collapses the lung and puts enormous pressure on the heart. It also kinks the great vessels.
· TPTx is treated by allowing the built-up air to escape. This is done with a needle, insertion of a tube, or cutting down until the lung can “communicate” directly with the outside world.
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wizkiddx · 4 years
...surprise part 3
{part1} {part 2}
I got there in the end!!!! sorry I felt like this dragged quite a lot but just quite happy to get it done ahah. Any feedback / advice would be greatly appreciated :)
TW: this is pretty heavy angst, miscarriages / thoughts of self harm / death pls don't read if this could strike a cord x 
Summary: Y/n has absolutely not a clue how to tell Tom and that only strains the both incredibly. 
The drive home was deathly silent. Tom’s Audi seamlessly drove down the near-empty roads on a sleepy Sunday evening. The whole time Y/n sat with one leg curled up by her chest as she absently stared out of the passenger window. Honestly, though, she was not taking anything of the view in, all processing power in her brain was in overdrive. Souly focused on how the fuck she was going to tell Tom what she had done. She knew Tom kept glancing over at her, with the panicked hint to his eyes- no matter how comforting he was trying to appear. His grip on the steering wheel was every tightening, he felt as though right now that was the only control he had. Still with no idea what was going on - but this time his mum knew too. And his mum when she came to get him from the living was not calm either.
Something he always admired about his mum was how cool she was in a crisis. Even if Paddy likened her to the ’rage monster’ at times when she was pissed because he’d left the freezer door open, or something equally as stupid, when it came down to it, when there was a really serious issue… she was composed. Calm and collected. So when she came in and called Tom, taking him away from his brothers, he could tell something was wrong by the look in her eye. She was upset, that was clear to him, but there was something more. It wasn’t straight up panic (not like if Y/n had passed out or something) but it was… it was a quiet urgency.
It meant it was bad.
Without the need to ever consider it, Tom knew this wasn’t anything to do with Y/n being unfaithful. It hadn’t even crossed his mind. And that meant, something must've happened personally to Y/n - which maybe scared him even more. If it was a betrayal of him, that would principally hurt Tom himself - which would kill him, but he would deal with it. It was the fear of the unknown and the complete powerlessness in this situation that had Tom wishing the drive away so he’d finally understand.
The drive felt painstakingly long for Tom… yet far too short for Y/n to come up with a plan.
When the pair finally pulled into the driveway, they both didn’t even exchange glances before heading out the car and slamming the doors shut. The crunch of their shoes on the gravel path to the front door was deafeningly loud as Tom fished the keys out of his pocket - this time with a sense of dread that contrasted so strongly the excitement he’d felt less than 24 hours ago doing the exact same thing.
Tom held the door open for her, as she fiddled with the cuff of her sleeve; eyes still glued to the floor. He flicked on the light to illuminate the hall as she slipped off her shoes. He mirrored her action and then for the first time since his parents' house looked her in the eye. Just that action had him near spilling his guts about how worried he was about her, before Y/n beat him to it.
“I’m…I’m gonna take a shower.”
And it had him floored. How could she just ignore the bloody massive and luminous elephant in the room? He couldn’t even respond, his brain was so confused as to what the fuck was going on. So she just nodded smally and headed straight upstairs. Leaving him in a stupor by the doorway.
Meanwhile, Y/n was just about holding it together until she got behind the locked door of their ensuite. Then it broke. She broke.
She pulled the clothes that drowned her off frantically, scratching and grabbing until the garments ripped off her body and were thrown across the room in haste. In the mirror, the reflection of the person that stood there somewhat had her transfixed. Tilting her head to the side, Y/n took careful steps up toward it - her eyes transfixed on her exposed abdomen. She was hollow. So very empty and it had her hypnotised. How barely weeks ago she was growing a real human inside there - creating something that should’ve gone onto laugh and smile and grow and learn. And love.
Now she was empty.
The poor thing though had been so deprived by their own mother; so unwanted and hated. They had been starved of all love by the person who was supposed to love them the most. The person who was supposed to be half their world for the first few years at least.
It was her fault.
Y/n hated herself, heck she wanted to punish herself for what she’d done. And yet, there was something so pure about her stomach, about where that angel had been. She wanted to punch herself, to kick and hurt, to make her feel pain. Except for this little life force, or the remnants of them - had her respecting it. Instead, she gently rubbed her stomach, which was flat rather than full like it should’ve been, and yet it felt like a relief. At a snail's pace, she trailed the tips of her finger across her belly just drawing (what she thought were) random patterns - however to anyone else they would have noticed the silhouette of a small human.
She took her time int the shower, having the water close to blisteringly hot but not quite there - using it as an attempt to purge her body of the thoughts, of the guilt. Eventually, though she couldn’t drag out the bathroom routine any longer, she had to go and face him. In reality, Y/n was well aware of how unfair this was on Tom - he had been terrified on the way back here, she knew that. But the thought of admitting to him this truly abhorrent thing she’d done, selfishly she didn’t want to tell him tonight. Just one more night sharing a bed with him, one morning of seeing his puffy eyes and bed hair, one last time hearing his gruff morning voice. Before he found out the real her and before he left.
Thankfully, when she finally drew the courage to unlock the door and leave her sanctuary, their bedroom was empty and she took that opportunity. As fast as she possibly could, Y/n changed into an old nightshirt before huddling under the covers. Tom had been so careful with her feelings today, he might just leave her be. Delay the conversation till tomorrow. It was the dream.
And dreams don’t come true.
Tom walked in, she could hear the soft pad of his feet on the cream carpet as she tried to act fast asleep - regulating her breathing and relaxing every muscle she could. When in fact that the whole process was the opposite of relaxing, she was on such high alert, waiting for a sign of him leaving her alone for the evening. Quite expectedly though, it didn’t quite go down that way. She heard him sigh, felt him sit on his side of the bed as her body rippled with the dip on the bed, felt his eyes piercing her.
“Y/n…” the tone of his voice had her wincing internally, he was hurting. “Y/n please… just talk to me?” She was too scared to move. “ I know your awake Y/n we both know who’s the actor here” Y/n knew Tom was trying to lighten the mood, trying to make her feel a bit more comfortable but then he switched back to an underlying hint of desperation. “Please talk to me.” She didn’t have a choice, he wasn't going to let up - Y/n could tell. So she rolled over and opened her eyes facing him.
“I’m tired, Tom. Can we do this tomorrow?” His face completely morphed and she knew she fucked up. He wasn’t upset or worried or scared any more.
“I’m sorry but that is not fair.”
“Please just-“
“NO. ah” He sighed, as if disciplining himself for the instinctive angry tone. “Look- I-I’ve been going at your pace. I’ve been treading on eggshells all day. I didn’t want to push you but I’m bloody terrified! I mean you told my mum! And she’s worried so that means I’m even more stressed and-…. Just please Y/n. You know I’d never judge you I’m just worried because I care.”
And just like that, she didn’t have a choice. She was really hurting the man she loved.
As a result, Y/n pushed herself up into a sitting position, still hugging the duvet around her in a protective blanket as she looked into his glassy eyes. It tore her heart out.
“I’m really sorry” she pursed her lips blowing out an exhale, trying to collect all her thoughts, feelings and emotions together. “I’ve been trying to all day but-.. it’s just I’m finding this really hard to express in words.”
“I don’t mind if it takes all night, just I-I want to understand.” He was just too kind and she didn’t deserve it. So picking at the duvet while pulling her legs closer in protection she nodded.
“Okay, so-so I just take you through it chronologically? And-and then I can go to Y/f/n’s place so.”
“Why would you got to hers?” He asked, his eyebrows drawn tightly together in confusion. He knew you hadn’t been unfaithful - his mum most definitely wouldn’t have reacted in the way she did had Y/n betrayed Tom.
“Just… just listen first.” She didn’t want to answer that question, to speak it into existence. Him kicking her out, in a rage of fury and anger at how evil she could be. She thought he’d just reply and accept it, not feel the need to calm her.
“I could never ever hate you Y/n please, it’s a bit insulting to me that you think I would.”
His words had her a little shocked - she had definitely not expected that reaction. His offence.
“Umm okay just… just don’t promise till you hear.” He gave her a stern look, not enough to make her back down or change her mind from what she thought was inevitable. “So. So it was when you were away. You’d just gone to Atlanta I think and-and I woke up one morning and was sick and it was weird I don’t know… um so I took the day off but I was okay until the next morning and-and I was sick again. It was weird so I took the next day off because you know Elliot I work with? He’s-he's got some broken immune system or something so we really can’t go in if we are ill. But I was fine until the next morning again and-and then it kind of hit me. I hadn’t had a period in ages and-and yeah.”
“Your pregnant?” Tom asked, trying to wrap his head around the current situation and what she was saying.
“Was…” Her voice wavered and she paused a second “ I-I was. I was shocked you know? We…we weren’t ready.” Y/n shifted uncomfortably, pushing herself closer to the headboard. “You said you didn’t want kids now and I mean … we- we are barely adults ourself right? It-it was so stupid but I couldn’t tell you could I?… Phone you up and say by the way I’m pregnant with a kid you don’t want!...” She dared to look at him, only for a second, seeing the way he just stared at her as though transfixed. She couldn’t keep looking at him.
“So I was waiting till you would get back … er next week, well when you were supposed to be back anyway.” She scoffed lightly at that, how the whole entire situation had been completely flipped on its head. “I would have had the scan then. And-and I went and it so stupid because they were a blob but-shit. They were so beautiful.” She hadn’t even noticed, suddenly absorbed in what she was saying but Tom leant over to grab one of her hands because it was trembling so vigorously. It wasn’t that he wanted to comfort her, he needed to. Because really? When it mattered, he hadn’t and that was already eating away at him.
“And I stupidly…. So fucking stupidly… I thought what if? I got excited and in my head… I don’t fucking know I just thought that I-it, it might work. I really - really thought it could work.” She couldn’t feel it but Tom wormed his arm around her shoulder, squeezing her into his side. “But by that point, I’d already filled them with so much hate. I wanted them out for so long and…and then I just- well I got what I thought I wanted.”
For the first time since she started her speech, Y/n wasn’t absorbed in retelling the story. Noticing her position with Toms arms protectively wrapped around her, she dared to look up into his eyes. And they weren’t right. It was wrong. Because here he was still looking at her with these incredibly soft warm brown eyes, his thumb rubbing up and down on the back of her shoulder blade.
“Love, I’m so so sorry.”
She was bemused. What the hell was he doing? Was this just a double bluff, acting all soft before he was about to rip her heart out - even if it was what she deserved, that was exceptionally cruel?
“No Tom your not listening. I-I couldn’t keep your baby alive! I-I wished them away… I wanted them gone!” Now she was plainly hysterical, shouting and yelling at Tom as her hands shook.
It broke Tom’s heart. He knew this was his fault - at least a little. Clearly, she should never have been in a position to have to deal with this herself, that was obvious. And it made him guilty… but what hit harder? She had very clearly implied she was worried about his reaction, he should never have let her worry. Because Tom knew he loved Y/n unconditionally, at this point that should be a given - for all he cared there was nothing, within the limits of reason, she could do that would make him seriously reconsider his opinion of her. Even then, if his opinion were ever forced to change so dramatically... he still knew he wouldn’t be able to stop loving her. Loving isn't an option, it is not a choice. You helplessly surrender yourself to it. And yet she was apparently less sure of this fact.
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with this by yourself.” And he meant it. He truly meant it. However, Y/n was not having it at all - in her state, in her frame of mind, this was him just torturing her; acting it out only to break her heart. His words and her position wrapped protectively in his arms dawned on her. It had her leaping up from the bed, tears streaming down her face as she gestured wildly.
“Tom that’s not fair! Don’t you get it? I KILLED YOUR BABY! They were alive and then I wasn’t enough for them! IT’S MY FAULT!” To put it simply, she looked insane. Screaming, with tears streaming down her face, arms flailing about as she yelled at Tom, who was still sitting on the bed.
He’d never seen her like this- with so much anger. What was even more disturbing was the fact that it was targeted so inwardly at herself.
“This isn’t your-“
“BE ANGRY TOM. For fuck sake… I-“ She choked out a sob “I murdered your kid! RAGE AT ME SHOUT AT ME it’s-it’s what I deserve.” It was insane but the look in her eye was one that seemed to Tom as though she needed him to hate her. As if in some fucked up narrative that was how the story should end.
He was not having one bit of it, tearing his eyes away from her maniacally shaking frail frame and instead to the corner of the ceiling. There was no precedent, no guidebook on how to deal with this, no past experiences to rely on. Unlike if Y/n had had a shit day, Tom knew then to subtly keep her within reach, to silently be there so she could literally and figuratively lean on him when she was ready; unlike when she was angry at ignorant politicians, he knew not to argue but prompt her to explain more, give a more reasoned argument so anger became thought through intellect; unlike when her grandma had died, when she just needed his contact, she needed his thumb rubbing against her hip, needed to sleep listening to the rhythmical thumping of his heart. None of these were applicable - his touch seemed to make her worse; his words seemed to anger her more; his mere presence didn’t seem to be doing an awful lot of good.
And yet, he couldn’t leave her even if it seemed to be the most logical option. Because she was wild, not herself and not logical and he, for the first time, was terrified of the danger she could be to herself.
Y/n stared at him, wide-eyed, waiting for him to react. She saw his Adam's apple bob up and down - readying his voice to scream at her. She saw his brown eyes collect a sheen of tears of rage - ready to bore holes into her skull as he degraded her to what she was worth. Which was very little. Then, as if in slow motion, his sharp jawline tilted back level and his eyes met her. He was frozen as if a statue, ready to rage at her.
“I love you both. So much and equally.”
Tom was pretty sure he could imagine Y/n’s runaway train in her head slam on the breaks. Her eyebrow twitched a little, as she stood completely still trying to analyse his words. Because to her, it didn’t make sense. So he took this moment of (at least surface level) calm to smoothly and slowly stand up, actions much like mirroring how someone approaches a spooked cat on the streets. Movements slow and preplanned, trying not to set off the fight or flight response on the women in front of him.
“That little baby you made… I didn’t know he ever existed till minutes ago but…but I know for a fact I love them.” He was trying to both figure out and decode his own emotions while explaining them in a way Y/n would accept and understand.
“I love them because… they are made by the love of my life. And that’s incredible and indescribable and just… just part of you, an extension of everything you and me together are… They would never have been perfect right?” Tom softly asked, though realistically knowing he wouldn’t get a response from a still motionless Y/n - besides a single tear, which appeared to have a mind of its own, escaping over her bottom lash lid. Tom watched it roll down her cheek as he composed his next words. “No they wouldn’t, no ones perfect… neither me nor you. But they would’ve been safe and have been loved. They were loved, you-you loved them right, even if you didn’t think you did or when you were terrified?” This time Y/n nodded minutely and Tom mirrored this, taking a small step a little closer to her. “And I did love them while they were in your stomach because they were part of you and I always always love you…. So they were so full of love okay? There's no rhyme or reason to why what happened happened but it’s… it’s definitely not because they were starved of love okay?” Y/n still didn’t have appeared to have released a single breath since Tom stood up, so he made a calculated and risked assessed movement to reach his hand out to touch her upper arm. In reaction, she sucked in a sharp shaky breath and then expelled it just as quickly - just like Tom knew she would. He physically felt a pull in his chest seeing the torment in her glassy eyes, now barely a rulers length from her.
“This, it’s an awful… awful situation. It’s sad and heartbreaking but I really need you to know that it changes nothing about how I feel about you. I need you to really understand how much I love-and always will-love you, and how I love them too.” Another tear escaped the same eye and Tom reached up with his other hand so his thumb could brush it away before the glassy orb met her pronounced jawline. To be honest he was quite grateful for the moment as he felt his voice getting a bit sticky in the back of his throat. She still wasn’t ready to speak yet and he was okay with that.
“We’ll never forget them and we will always love them, but I want to do that with you, as we get older together. They tie us closer and I refuse to disrespect them and force ourselves apart….a-assuming you don’t want to either?” Still cupping her cheek with his left hand Tom felt as well as saw her nod, this time more emphatically, her eyes darting between focusing on his left and then right eye - as though she was just checking they were saying the same things as his mouth.
“I’m sorry I-“ Finally feeling the connection between her brain and voice box, Y/n stated to jiltedly speak but was interrupted as Tom tentatively feathered his lips on hers. “You can be sorry for scaring the crap out of me today, you can be sorry for shouting and you can be sorry for not telling me at all… I don’t think you should, but if you’re staying sorry that’s all you can be sorry for.” He was barely speaking, more like just moving his lips against hers, yet they knew and understood each other completely Y/n got everything. So she sighed and repeated.
“I am sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for you not having the faith to know I’d be happy, that was my fault. I’m sorry for not being here and not noticing when you were struggling on the phone. I’m sorry I crept up on you last night. But I don’t think there’s anything else for either of us to apologise for.”
“Okay” Y/n then pressed her lips firmly and almost desperately against his, feeling his warmth wrap around her, as he literally wrapped his arm around her waist, from where it had been on her upper arm. And really she was very incredibly desperate since it was very very incredibly clear now with him pressed against her that he might’ve been all she needed this whole time. Tom went with it for a couple of moments, but then broke them both apart - it sounds odd but he sort of felt like he was taking advantage of her.
“Darling you’re grieving. We can tackle this together …. But your grieving so we need to look after you first. And, and we’ll remember them and face this. But we gotta look out for each other too and…”
“I’m ill aren’t I?” He was oh-so relieved that she could see it too.
“I’m not a doctor but I think so… think we need to get you eating properly.”Y/n nodded and Tom kissed her forehead, pulling her completely against his chest - only exacerbating and exaggerating his awareness of how boney she felt. It hadn’t gone unnoticed how she’d spent the whole of Sam’s dinner pushing the meat round on her fork - rearranging it numerous times- whilst picking at a few carrots. “We can do whatever you feel will help you this evening but you need to tell me what you want to eat.”
You agreed but you still felt incredibly nauseous, so managed to put off the whole snacking thing in lieu of cuddling up on the sofa with Tom. You were still incredibly confused, feeling slightly detached from reality if you were completely honest. And you knew Tom was a good actor, his career kind of speaks for himself yet, all the same, the sheer truth in his eyes, voice, heart. It had you feeling safe. He no longer felt a flight risk and although you still couldn’t understand why he was forgiving you so easily, you believed he was. In the softest voice, he kept just saying ‘your grieving’ when you tried to challenge his logic- admittedly proving difficult in your scattered and hazy mind.
So you found yourself lying almost completely on top of his right side, your head tucked underneath his chin, a fluffy blanket weighing down on your back to keep you nice and toasty. Silently Tom had trailed his fingertips tentatively, under the hem of your t-shirt, round over the top of your hip to his stomach. Initially, it had felt like the worst and most alien feeling in the world- but he told you to relax and you listened; he told you to take deep breaths and you listened; he told you he loved you and you listened.
It must’ve been incredibly boring for him, I mean the TV wasn’t on neither was the radio and you knew his phone was in a pocket you were currently lying on. He didn’t complain though, he just let you lie there. Just sort of being with him.
At some point Tom realised she’d drifted off, after a long time fighting exhaustion, as though she were worried about what Tom would do once she finally gave in to sleep. It wasn’t surprising though, considering her energy intake from food for today was limited to a couple of roasted carrot slices, Tom knew her falling asleep on his chest was inevitable. The time it took had also given him enough time to fully digest and process the whole day as well as for deciding what he needed to do. So once she appeared fully out of Tom dared to worm his hand between their bodies and, with a few muted grunts of effort, phish his phone out his back pocket.
‘Hi, I know this asking a lot but would you mind getting Sam to make that pasta bake Y/n likes and dropping it round? Just she’s asleep but I don’t want to leave her alone but could do with getting something in her?’
‘Sams already on it and it doesn’t take long. I’ll be at yours in about an hour, shall I just let myself in?’
Tom was so grateful for his family, and for how they’d taken Y/n in to. Although she’d never admit it, her tougher than average upbringing always had her feeling a bit isolated- she never had ‘her’ people. The people who completely accepted her for who she was and never judged her. But as soon as he’d introduced her to them, it was as if she'd always been there. He endlessly appreciated the talks Nikki and you had, the way his Dad would come over when she was home alone to help with the simple stuff like knowing what lightbulb to buy for the lamp that had blinked out.
She had a place in his family.
Quite impressively, Sam had managed to bake the dish and then Nikki had managed to drive round before barely three-quarters of an hour had passed. Y/n was still completely out, so when he heard his mum unlock the door with her spare key, he felt able to wiggle out from under her without disturbing at all. He met Nikki in the kitchen, leaning against the door frame as he watched his mother fly about the kitchen - preheating the oven on a low temp to keep it warm while pulling plates and cutlery out the drawers so it was easier for Y/n and Tom when you woke up.
“Thanks for all this” Tom announced his presence with a soft sigh as he padded further into the kitchen. Nikki instinctively threw her arms round her eldest’s shoulders, squeezing him tightly.
“You guys okay?” Tom replied with a rather uncertain hum, before recounting the evening to his mum in a low voice - as though Y/n could be disturbed from the other side of the house. Nikki was in two frame of minds at this point, clearly heartbroken for the pair; but also incredibly proud of her son because it appeared he’d reacted and said exactly the right things.
“And you?… it must’ve been a shock?” To be quite honest, Tom hadn't thought about his own emotions yet, he’d put himself on the back foot for the time being.
“I mean it’s just a bit surreal… I don’t know I didn’t really have anything to do with it but - I just know that it's made me so certain that one day we will... you know?” Nikki hugged her son again with a little nod.
“Well I won’t outstay my welcome but I do want you to give this to Y/n too.”’ With those words, she fished a square box out of her handbag - it was about the size of two matchboxes and Tom raised his brows in curiosity. “She’ll understand when she sees it.”
And with a brisk parting gesture, Nikki left, Tom tucking the box into his side pocket before getting the pasta ready.
Waking you with a gentle rub on your upper arm, you mewled a groan and pushed your head hard into the sofa below you in an attempt to alleviate the tension that instantly rippled through your skull. With hazy eyes, you blinked heavily, slowly focusing on the pale yet soft skin of the boy crouched opposite you.
“Hey darling, nice nap?” Nodding gradually, you still tried to completely recollect and piece together everything that had happened today “… you need some grub before we head upstairs yeh?” Again you nodded in compliance because at this point, even having been asleep for the last however long, you really didn’t have the energy for any conflict or disagreement. With a little prompt and poke from Tom, you reluctantly sat up, grasping the plate he offered to you while still rubbing one of your eyes. Busying himself with running back to the kitchen and grabbing his own plate and drink, you had time to look at the food and notice what was served to you. Tom plopped himself next to you and turned his head with a small smile, meeting a bemused and slightly suspicious look from you.
“You didn’t cook this…?” Really it wasn’t a question. You knew for a fact Tom was not and would never be a good chef. No judgement though, since neither were you, meaning the pair of you heavily relied on the ingenious invention of uber eats most evenings. Tom chuckled at your perceptiveness and admitted defeat without even trying to feign it.
“Nah mum dropped it round. Though I think Sam cooked it so a joint effort.”
“-didnt have to-“ You hated feeling like a burden. You hated people worrying because you just felt bad. Not worth the attention and effort. And Tom hated you feeling like that - naturally then, he had the need to shut you down instantly.
“No, you’re right. But they did.”
The air was filled with the quiet clinks of ceramic against the silver or the cutlery as you forced mouthful after mouthful down your throat. He was trying to be subtle, and yet you could feel Tom’s concerned glance checking you were eating. Truthully, you really didn’t feel like eating at all (even if it was Sam’s gorgeous tomato and sausage pasta bake - an odd combination but it worked). However, what more crucial in that moment was not disappointing your incredibly sweet boyfriend.
After having consumed as much as you physically could - which Tom deemed suitable with a small nod- he took your plates away and came back to sit beside you. More and more silence.
“Are-are we okay?” Whispering quietly you felt Tom’s body seize up into a rigid state, his face whipping round to look at you. He chose to reply with actions first reaching up so that his hands cupped your cheeks, he turned your head and then slowly leaned into to press his lips softly against yours. Once retracted, he pressed his forehead onto yours.
“Of course. I bloody love you and we’re going to get through this together.” His eyes were almost intimidating, with the seriousness he placed in his gaze - just to make sure you knew he meant it.
What you had done to deserve this boy you’d never know. But you were so incredibly grateful for him.
It gave you the confidence to take the first move this time, pressing your lips against his, holding for a moment before arching away - a small yet real smile on your face.
“Oh… nearly forgot” He muttered, leaning forward and grabbing a black leather box that you’d failed to notice had been placed on the coffee table. For the second time this evening, you were caught off guard and bemused as to how he’d sourced this item within the time frame. “It’s from mum… she wouldn’t tell me what it is but said you’d understand.”
His words had you biting your lip, in a weird way eager to see, purely because you knew Nikki understood you. And understood what you were going through. With one last look to Tom, you reached out and grabbed the box, thumb running over the sleek leather exterior. Once your thumb reached the bottom you flicked the lid up, unveiling a simple silver chained bracelet. It had five dainty silver charms hanging off it, they looked a bit like leaves but were kind of too small to tell. Moreover, it looked a little worn and preloved but it didn’t stop your eyes from watering when you saw at the bottom another charm, not yet attached that looked newer and pristine.
5 charms already attached and 1 new one.
“Oh” Tom muttered, also clearly very much intrigued, hovering off you left shoulder to see properly. ”That’s mums bracelet. She never really takes it off… that’s nice I guess?” He was obviously confused and it had you chuckling wetly, at how oblivious he could be. You did love your dear idiot.
5 charms for her 5 pregnancies… and now one for yours. One to wear forever, to love, to keep close to your heart.
They were tears of happiness, you were certain of, however, Tom was not at all sure why your flood gates opened again and was worried.
“You-you don’t have to take- I mean if you don’t like it don’t worry-“
“I love it” You breathed, looking up at him with glassy eyes before hastily picking up the extra charm and with shaky fingers clasping it onto the chain next to it. Tom perked up, if still bemused, wrapping his arm around your shoulder with a gentle squeeze.
“I don’t know how you convinced her to take it off, I’ve been trying to buy her a new bracelet for years but she’s always stuck with this old thing.”
“Because it’s beautiful!” You yelped in argument, making him laugh at how suddenly you’d switched into a happy and overexcited mood. Though don’t get me wrong, he was loving it.
“You Holland women I will never understand.” He whispered into your ear whilst you looked back at the chain, fixing it round your wrist. His comment made you freeze up, as you felt his grip tightening on your waist as he realised exactly what he might have just let slip out. “No I er- I don’t mean… but-but one day maybe if-if you wanted.”
“I love you” You sighed, kissing him once again to save him the embarrassment of watching his cheeks flush and ears pink up.
“I’m serious though… one day because… because you’re my family and when it happens our family will grow too.”
He was right. And you would, one day,
But you would never forget the two little lives remembered on this bracelet.
tagging people that might be interested (sorry if u don't care ahah): @wayfaring----stranger @vanillanestor @333dolans @thevelvetseries @whitewolf51 
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postmodernbeing · 4 years
Shingeki no Kyojin Headcanons: Paradis Soldiers, drunk edition
Hello, Postmodernbeing here. So, I have been re-reading SnK manga due its 4th and final season. And chapter 123 really inspired me into writing this headcanons. I wrote them thinking in some Morden AU, but I believe that they could easily work for the canon universe. I hope you like this as much as I did. 
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IMPORTANT: I kept some canon elements that I read in a few posts from interviews to Isayama. //  For obvious reasons, all the characters are 18+. // I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin. // This post does not exhorts the abuse of harmful substances such as alcohol. // English is not my first language, so I appreciate your patience.
Eren Jaeger
Isayama himself has mentioned that Eren has a high tolerance to alcohol. I'd like to respect that fact (although I'm not 100% sure about that since I read it somewhere around internet). I do imagine that Eren is the friend that ends up taking care of everyone when they're totally wasted, but he also finds the time to have fun and drink because he doesn’t really like watching over every single one of his friends or counting all the shots that they take.
His behavior doesn’t really change a lot when wasted. I picture that he might speak a bit higher than usual due the deafening effect of music and alcohol. Also, he takes a bit of time before replying a question, etc.
Apart from that, do not expect him to dance like crazy over some table. He would agree to some karaoke, though. Or even to compete in a videogame/party game if Jean challenges him enough. Usually, Eren likes to keep his cool and watch everyone have a good time. Eren’s a simple man.
In some AU, he would be the designated driver if no one else offers (cough Armin cough), or in case that all his friends are totally wasted. Eren also makes sure that his pals arrive home safely before turning the engine again (so thoughtful, aw). In case that everyone takes a taxi or some uber, Eren would ask them to send a message to their group chat before going to bed just so he’s sure everyone is safe. Even if he knows some of them will forget or fall asleep immediately after arriving home.
Mikasa Ackerman
This girl rarely gets drunk, let me tell you. And not because she doesn’t drink, she drinks a lot. Mostly because she follows Sasha into all she dares her: beerpong, shots, you name it. Even though, Mikasa prefers traditional beer, she’s into trying new things such as different tastes and alcohol levels (she’s fearless). I do imagine that Mikasa realizes she’s drunk when tries to stand from anywhere she was sitting, rather for going to the kitchen for a glass of water or to the toilet (she knows  drinking water is important in order to keep her body hydrated and avoid hangover).
First thing she notices, besides the dizziness, is her face utterly blushed. She smiles almost immediately, Mikasa is more open with her body language albeit her use of words remains limited. She knows how to stay rational.
She’ll never admit how much she enjoys being invited by Sasha to have some drinks. Mikasa’s happy that she’s able to be her partner in beerpong, even if Sasha makes her lose from time to time. Her favorite game secretly is “Never have I ever…” because all her friends end up sharing too much, or some truly funny anecdotes that feed her little laugh (please, protect smiley Mikasa).
Mikasa has been designated driver only a couple of times since she keeps falling asleep after getting wasted. Nevertheless, she never fails into leaving a good night message to her friends when arriving home. Mikasa thinks that’s the perfect way to thank the squad for the great moments they shared.
Like Eren, she prefers casual reunions or stay-in-home parties. But if she’s noticed that the rest will attend to some bar/club she’d rather be there, protecting them (just a little before passing out too).
Armin Arlert
How do I say this politely? Please, keep him away from alcohol. He gets so drunk, so fast it’s almost funny. Definitely, he starts feeling a bit sleepy because he feels so relaxed. But if Armin keeps drinking sure thing, he’ll start feeling more energetic and perky. He’s the first one that gets into the karaoke thing, although he likes to share stories from the books he reads too, Eren is the one that listens to him with the most attention (and soberness).
Armin also laughs a lot being drunk, you could tell him any nonsense and he’ll burst out laughing. Sometimes he also tries to make jokes but fails funnily enough, he can’t make one coherent sentence. That’s a good sign most of the times, for he’s reaching his limits and his friends cut his consumption (which it’s really not that much).
That’s why it’s common that Armin offers himself as designated driver those nights that he might had a beer or two. He’s very responsible when he acknowledges there won’t be a chance to stay the night (for they are partying at a club or a stranger’s house). Armin is used to take his friends till their front door, he might be small, but he wants to be sure everyone will be alright and safe.
Against all odds, he enjoys a bit more of pubs since he became with time, less aloof than his childhood friends. Although, he’s not that meticulous with the remedies against hangover. Giving him the result of headaches for the next 24 hours at least.
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Jean Kirstein
Jean has a higher alcohol tolerance, and he even tries to avoid excess of said substances. However, he always fails colossally 80% of occasions. He’s not precisely awkward or a bad drinker, but it’s definitely hard to keep up with his energy and enthusiasm when he’s drunk. Jean’s not the most responsible drinker neither but he manages to stay rational enough. One could say that he becomes more reckless with what he does and says.
…Such as climbing up a table and dancing like crazy. He would absolutely spend most of the night dancing and he’s not bad actually. The thing is, that his ability comes from the drunk effect rather than actual skill. When there’s no music to be heard, he likes to organize the games with Sasha and Connie. Jean also yells a lot more, and he doesn’t admit it but he runs out of patience faster if his friends aren’t excited to follow the flow of the games (we know he refers to Eren most of the times).
Therewith, he keeps his cool and sincere attitude. His friends know that Jean doesn’t need to be drunk to be open and honest, so they trust in his drunken words too. Which leads us to the next point, Jean loves bigger and more elaborated parties. But only because he knows all his friends could engage in activities that they actually enjoy. From screaming and running to keeping it quiet in a sofa.
He doesn’t worry easily, but if someone asks him to take care of them, he will offer his help without trouble (those are the 20% remaining of occasions in which he doesn’t get that drunk). Jean got the designated driver role only one time, for his friends decided that he sucked at following the GPS and spend too much time taking ‘shortcuts’ every three blocks. It would take the rest of the night trying to get to their homes.
Sasha Braus
Like Jean, Sasha has a medium tolerance to alcoholic beverages, but she tends to mess that up when stuffing her mouth with snacks and junk food. She insists in eating before drinking (and after too), so it’s not unusual to watch her running into the bathroom at the middle of the night because of nausea. To everyone's surprise, she has a wide knowledge of different drinks. From the best wines and its respective cuts of meats, to the strangest (and cheapest) mixtures for the sole purpose of getting wasted.
Even in sober state Sasha isn’t shy at all. So, beware for she’s the mastermind behind the party games. Sasha always promises tranquil reunions but deep down everyone knows shit’s getting down every-single-time. She knows the basic games such as beerpong, “never have I ever”, “truth or dare”, and she has a talent at asking the most awkward questions. But her real potential reveals when she dares her friends into weird and dangerous challenges.
Sasha definitely becomes more direct and energetic. She has let her real accent show a few times before and even if she gets a bit embarrassed she’s too drunk to care (Mikasa is the first one that shuts their mouths if they try to make fun of her, canon of they being the best friends ever, yay).
She loves to dance and sing, making a disaster of the house/club they’re partying at. Connie tries to calm her down before anyone else, but fails because just like her, he’s delighted with the jokes and pranks they pull together. Sasha knows that Connie stays close to her in case she’s feeling more dizzy than usual and she’s forever thankful for that. Lastly, she has never offered herself into that designated driver role, and that’s what her friends are thankful for. So, everything’s reciprocal, one could say.
Connie Springer
Connie has just a bit more of tolerance to alcohol. It’s common that Sasha, Jean, and Connie end up drunk at the same time. They laugh when they realize this. The first signal into Connie’s drunk state is him talking about everything that passes through his mind, from conspiracy theories to the most absurd yet profound questions. And finishes his quasi rational speech with bad jokes, although he doesn’t really need alcohol to tell them.
He promises himself every single time that he’ll take care of Sasha but ends up following her into all her dares and extreme games (some of them almost illegal). Connie is the first person than anyone runs to if they want to throw a bigger party. He feels flattered to this, he’s truly popular and a great company to anyone. Seems obvious at this point, but I'll say it anyway: Connie really enjoys club parties.
I already mentioned that Connie gets along with anything that Sasha comes up with. But Connie himself has a repertoire of anecdotes and pranks. He can recommend you the best pubs and the cheapest (and interesting) clubs. He doesn’t admit it, but this also strokes his ego. Maybe he does have some genius in him, at least for these topics.
Connie is also the most chaotic drunk, all he does (or tries to) is funny. He has the craziest anecdotes. Like that time when his friends found him asking for directions to a public trash can, or that one night when he had a fight with Jean because he didn’t accede to shave his head to match with Connie’s. Or Sasha’s favorite, she’d dared him into smelling Eren’s arse for some bet they had about his smell. Mikasa was not happy.
Sincerely, this boy brings life into the parties if he desires so. Howbeit, he got his friends’ backs if they have a problem with aggressive drunken guys. Connie has jumped into fights just so he protects his friends (Armin, more than anyone else due his big-smart mouth). Truth to be told, Connie fights quite good when drunk. His protective side is a wonder, y’all give him lots of love.
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Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#210-201)
#210: Joy Fleming -- Ein Lied Kann Eine Brücke Sein (Germany 1975)
“Hör auf zu spielen und lerne zu fühlen, Wie viele Menschen Freunde sind, Lerne zu singen, vertraue so wie ein Kind,”
“Stop playing and learn how to feel, How many people are friends Learn how to sing, trust just like a child”
For an older and low-placed entry, this German entry has become a fan favorite! Despite this, I wonder if I really like this enough to make my top three of 1975, because I don't go back to listen to it often.
But when I do, it just takes the conductor's stomping to get me into the mood. It's just a great way to start a song~
While the chorus somehow bugs me a little bit, because of how jarring it is (Joy shouts it all out, in comparison to the verses where she has a somewhat lower register), how it builds really helps with getting the party started. The orchestration also helps with the joie de vivre of the song, and Joy manages to live up to her name on stage.
Personal ranking: =3rd/19 Actual ranking: 17th(?!)/19 in Stockholm
#209: Muriel Day -- The Wages of Love (Ireland 1969)
“There will be bridges to be crossed And there'll be teardrops to be lost...”
Ireland’s first upbeat song is a diversion from their first four entries in more ways than one. Not only it’s performed by a woman for the first time, but it also warns about the pains of love—while it’s a great experience, you have to pay a lot in the process. (This actually reminds me of one vintage Eurovision blogger talking about how Horoscopes incorporates a more liberal sound with Ireland's conservatism at the time--maybe it was from the same lines?)
And Muriel has an absolute ball on stage with her uber-high lime green dress. She twirls her microphone around when arriving, bounces up and down like she just got a can of Red Bull, and dances as if it was for the last time. The orchestration really helps out on giving out this vivacious vibe (though the lyric "it can make you live/it can make you die" in context is quite horrifying behind the upbeat track).
Basically, this was an upbeat track which I would've switched out for one of the upbeat winners.
Personal ranking: 3rd/16 (though here, it's 4th/16. A mismatch in rankings, which you can see again in the future) Actual ranking: 7th/16 in Madrid
#208: Alenka Gotar -- Cvet z Juga (Slovenia 2007)
"Moj beli cvet, moj daljni svet Daj, vrni se, moj bodi spet”
“My white flower, my faraway world Come, return, be mine again”
I've never been a big fan of opera--not just in Eurovision, but also in general. I recognize they have beautiful voices and worked on them for the performance, but I never really like the instrumental or the actual song.
Cvet z juga, however, managed to incorporate opera in a way which is actually enjoyable. Not only because of Alenka’s powerful vocals, but also the nostalgia created with the poetic lyrics and the instrumental. It’s a combination of classical and modern--it's not a dance-floor bop (despite the percussion in the background), but it's definitely out of the ordinary.
Combined with a subtle but effective gimmick (Alenka's light-up hand at the end), and you have Slovenia's first qualifier in the semi-final. Definitely deserved.
Unfortunately, Alenka's gone off a bad path since then...)
Personal ranking: 6th/42 Actual ranking: 15th/24 GF in Helsinki
#207: Giorgios Alkaios and Friends -- Opa! (Greece 2010)
"Έκαψα το χθες, νύχτες μου παλιές Κι από το μηδέν αρχίζω όσο κι αν δε θες Δάκρυα καυτά ψέμματα πολλά Πλήρωσα όσο χρωστούσα και τα δανεικά"
"I burnt the past, my old nights And I start from scratch even if you don’t want me to Hot tears, too many lies I paid what I owed and borrowed"
"Motherf---ing testosterone!"
The Scandinavia and the World recap for the 2010 contest basically sums up Opa! as this, with all the tribal cries and torn up shirts. I've also heard it described as the "Love Love Peace Peace" of Greek entries, with the prevalent cry "Opa!", strong ethnic influences, and Cretean lyre to boot.
But beyond that, there's a deeper meaning behind the lyrics. By late 2009-early 2010, Greece was facing the burden's of the Great Recession, which would envelop the country in many years. Their GDP would drop by 26% between 2008 and 2014, and unemployment rose up to 25% at the same time. This economic maelstrom led to public uprisings and an exodus of the highly educated.
Opa is a cry for joy--not just to party, but also to fight against a wave of despair considering the circumstances. It strives to give life and inspiration by those who need it, even if it means starting over. And while economics will trump national pride in the end, one asserts themselves as stronger than they think. And that's what makes it an important part of the Greek Golden Age at Eurovision.
Personal ranking: 6th/39 Actual ranking: 8th/25 (GF) in Oslo
#206: Boris Novkovic feat. Lado -- Vukovi Umiru Sami (Croatia 2005)
"Do zore je ostao još koji sat A vani nemir, k’o da je rat Oblačim kaput i odlazim Da sve zaboravim"
"Only a few hours left till dawn And outside unrest, as if a war is on I put my coat on and leave To forget everything"
Balkan ballads are one of the main joys out of Eurovision; obviously from that region, they feature folk instrumentation and sad lyrics about love. Vukovi umiru sami fits into this mold well, but I only managed to put this in tenth place because of the variety of songs on offer, ranging from glam rock to a wholesome peace ballad.
Over time, however, it has grown on me.
The poetic lyrics stood out the most for me--they tell of an end of a relationship on the Danube (which really grounds the song in its origins, despite the fact I associate it with Central European countries as a whole) and the loneliness of the man in it. There's a mournful nature about it, especially with the choir in the background.
And the way it build is so fantastic, amplifying the story and the stakes. The "Dunavoms" between the last two choruses are well-done and elevate this song to greatness.
I planned to rewatch 2005 to see how my rankings change, and thought it would get to be in my top five. Because of a typo on my list, I needed another song to fit the overall order of the list.
And finally, Vukovi umiru sami is in my top five. :)
Personal ranking: 5th/39 Actual ranking: 11th/24 GF in Kyiv
#205: Marlayne -- One Good Reason (the Netherlands 1999)
“Give me one good reason and I will give you two Say: "I love you forever", say you will, say you do...”
The guitar intro made me think this would be a song I would listen to outside of Eurovision. It reminded me of Michelle Branch’s songs in the early 2000s (of which, Breathe is my current all-time favorite song); her debut album, The Spirit Room, would only be released in 2001!
Alternatively, it has a very country-pop vibe, but it still has a sense of optimism which continues through the entire song. I love how sunny and earnest it is, and it got a really solid result out of it! Unfortunately, it would be the Netherlands' best placing until 2013, but at least it was a jolt of quality in a mediocre year.
Personal ranking: 4th/23 Actual ranking: 8th/23 in Jerusalem
#204: Niamh Kavanaugh -- In Your Eyes (Ireland 1993)
“Love's been building bridges between your heart and mine I'm safe here on my island, but I'm out on the edge this time”
One of the most nail-biting votes in Eurovision came in this particular contest: because Malta's phone connection malfunctioned, they had to wait until the end to give their points. At that point, Ireland was 11 points ahead, which means if Malta gave the runner-up their twelve, the latter would win by one point.
The Maltese jury ended up giving Ireland their twelve, which would give Ireland their second consecutive win in the 1990s, along with a point record which would only last a year.
I’ve never felt the vulnerability of falling in love, but I love the narrative arc in the lyrics, which crescendos with the chorus. Niamh’s voice is a bit harsh at times, but delivers on it with a stately grace in a choice suit.
What also seals In Your Eyes for me was the graceful orchestration thanks to Noel Kelehan. It's especially prevalent in the chorus--the studio cut doesn't do it justice...
Personal ranking: =6th/25 Actual ranking: 1st/25 in Millstreet
#203: Sonia -- Better the Devil You Know (United Kingdom 1993)
“I'll give you my heart and my soul if you give me your love..”
...not unlike with the song Ireland was competing with for the win! While the studio cut is decent enough, Better the Devil You Know wouldn't have gotten so close to victory without the live music aspect of it.
It’s not only the orchestration here, but also Sonia’s fun performance and her cute moves. The track is reminiscent of SAW, but it feels like being at a sock hop in a diner and dancing the night away. The backing vocalists do a good job too; I like how they harmonize the in the chorus .
That all being said, would've this made a better winner? It's hard to tell--it would've been more upbeat than most of the 1990s other winners, but In Your Eyes has aged quite well. And I have several other favorites, so I'm not the best one to comment on it.
Personal ranking: =6th/25 Actual ranking: 2nd/25 in Millstreet
#202: Serebro -- Song #1 (Russia 2007)
“Gotta tease you, nasty guy So take it, don't be shy Put your cherry on my cake And taste my cherry pie”
Unfortunately, song #1 neither placed on top of the 2007 class, nor was it the first song performed that year So, in more than one case, Song #1 is a misnomer.
Nor are they particularly unique amongst bands--Serebro has some similarities to tATu in 2003, in that they are a girl group with a sensual aesthetic. But while tATu's Eurovision entry is more dark, Serebro's has more attitude and edge.
Such saucy lyrics are what makes Song #1 such a total jam, albeit one the fandom overlooks. The dark production increases the attitude of this song, and I love the girls’ stage presence too! Especially those costumes (again, going back to the tATu comparisons, in that they were best known for their school uniforms, hehe); they never fail in adding some sexiness to the performance.
Personal ranking: 5th/42 Actual ranking: 3rd/24 GF in Helsinki
#201: Severina -- Moja stikla (Croatia 2006)
“Zvrc, zvrc, tražit ćeš moj broj, Kuc, kuc, kucaj nekoj drugoj, Jer još trava nije nikla, Tamo gdje je stala moja štikla!”
"Ring, ring, you'll search for my number, Knock, knock, go knocking somewhere else, For the grass has not yet sprouted, Where my high heel has stepped!”
There’s a lot of silly lyrics in Moja Stikla. From mentioning “sex” to “Afrika Paprika”, it’s easy to suggest that this is nonsensical. I’m reading over the lyrics again myself, and they tell quite a different story—of a woman who just wants men to stop hitting on her.
Even now, I'm still confused on how Zumba and African paprika make sense in avoiding men. Or high heels.
But it all doesn't matter when the music starts. Severina's backing vocalists add to the performances, with their solid harmonies and fun presence. Combined with Severina’s own high energy, it’s a good example of turbo folk (even though there was a bit of controversy about whether it actually sounds like Croatian music), and it’s all kinds of fun!
Personal ranking: 4th/37 Actual ranking: =12th/24 GF in Athens
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rayneul · 4 years
Ray Route Bad Ending 3 Guide
(donʼt/never answer messages it give good heart so i suggest dont answer it :))
Day 7 (100%)
00:58 – To become the child of darkness
Selection 1 Go to bed. It’s not good if you stay awake late… T_T
Selection 2 Zen, you’re practicing! (Nothing)
Selection 3 Yoosung, get a grip! And try again!!
Selection 4 Get a hold of yourself, Yoosung! (Yoosung)
Selection 5 ???
Selection 6 Yoosung….I’m sure this is your chance to grow. (Nothing)
Selection 7 Oh, are we getting started here? (Nothing)
Selection 8 What about White?
Selection 9 I think this hacker’s more good-looking. (Ray)
Selection 10 But lame man is my style!
Selection 11 Who said that? (Nothing)
Selection 12 Zen, you do realize we’re living in the 21st century, don’t you? (Nothing)
Selection 13 Not really interested.
Selection 14 I think this is takinf a direction just so weird.
Selection 15 Zen, try barking for me. (Nothing)
Selection 16 Great idea lolol
Selection 17 First, you gotta look like him. (Nothing)
Selection 18 You should give up your rehersal.
Selection 19 Your darkness within beckons you…. (Nothing)
Selection 20 I’ll be waiting…!!
Selection 21 I think this is all pointless.
Selection 22 Aren’t you excited? Lolol
Selection 23 I will in a few minutes! (Nothing)
03:01 – At This Night
Selection 1 It’s late. You didn’t log off? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Don’t worry. You’re not going to have another boss lololol (Jaehee)
Selection 3 For now, let’s trust him! (Yoosung)
Selection 4 When is your holiday?
Selection 5 It sounds like your office hour is 24/7…. Poor you. (Jaehee)
Selection 6 Anything new about the hacker?
Selection 7 I’m going to stay awake just a bit more. I don’t think I can sleep well tonight….
06:17 – Mr. Han
Selection 1 Did you eat something funny? (Nothing)
Selection 2 It suits him lololol
Selection 3 Mr. Kim! (Yoosung)
Selection 4 You should take a break from time to time – (Nothing)
Selection 5 Zen, show me what you can do! You’re a pro! (Zen)
Selection 6 That’s a great enlightenment! (Zen)
Selection 7 You should take at least 50000 won.
Selection 8 You should stay with him till the end if you’re there to help him – ! (Nothing)
Selection 9 Yes, sir. (Nothing)
Selection 10
It’s great that you’re enjoying your work…! I really hope that’s the case here as well…. (Ray)
Selection 11 Ok…
Selection 12 Good luck to everyone! (Ray)
08:43 – Continuously Thinking
Selection 1 Ray, did you have a good morning? (Ray)
Selection 2 About what happened back then… (Nothing)
Selection 3 That’s adorable! (Ray)
Selection 4 Remember that we kissed the other day? (Ray)
Selection 5 Of course I don’t hate you! I really like you! (Ray)
Selection 6 Who told you that? (Nothing)
Selection 7 I miss you. Are you busy?
Selection 8 First let’s try to spend more time together. (Ray)
Selection 9 Are you feeling alright? (Ray)
Selection 10 Please stay positive, even if you’re having a hard time! (Ray)
12:03 – Cooperation
Selection 1 …What about you?
Selection 2 Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Selection 3 Are you two together right now? (Nothing)
Selection 4 Any news from the hacker…?
Selection 5 Don’t you mean that the equipment is cool?
Selection 6 Well done, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Selection 7 Because the hacker is so good…? (Ray)
Selection 8 That would mean more work for the hacker… (Ray)
Selection 9 Ok! I’d like to meet this knight of the light. (Email from whitehacker)
Selection 10 Welcome, Mr. Kim! (Nothing)
Selection 11 <<It’s time to awaken your dark force!>>
Selection 12
Don’t tell me… Did you collect 1500 won? (Nothing)
Selection 13 Is it time for the game event…?
Selection 14 What about Zen…? (Nothing)
Selection 15 Great! You’re trying various methods! (Ray)
Selection 16 That’s a good idea. (Nothing)
Selection 17 Wow.
Selection 18 Have fun!
Selection 19 He’s pretty smart. (Nothing)
Selection 20 Let’s invite her for the love of the world! Love the world! (707 + Email from eyegglasses)
Selection 21
Selection 22 Enjoy your lunch, both of you. (Nothing)
Selection 23 Enjoy your lunch – (Nothing)
Selection 24 I’m fine… Sorry, I can’t tell you much. (Ray)
Selection 25 Thanks for your concern. (707)
14:44 – Art of Efficiency
Selection 1 Did you see how Yoosung imitated you?
Selection 2 Zen, is your sanity ok? (Zen)
Selection 3 Relax^^ I think he’s trying to tick you off on purpose. (Zen)
Selection 4 Do you think things would’ve turned out differently with definite strategy?
Selection 5 Oooh, please give me your know-how, Mr. Han! (Jumin)
Selection 6 Wow….you’ve come this far already? (Jumin)
Selection 7 Zen’s an actor. I think there’s a limit to the help he can get.
Selection 8 Who is the genius that calculated how much thread you’ll need for your stitching?
Selection 9 Now I’m starting to wonder why you won’t leave stitching part to someone else…
Selection 10 Wow! Why don’t we invite that person to the party? (Email from prorhythmist)
Selection 11 So your hobby is overall planning and stitching.
Selection 12 I do! The fundamental problem of your unsuccessful repetition of practice is none other than…. (Nothing)
Selection 13 I knew we’d need money from the very beginning.
Selection 14 So what matters is the courage to actually do it! (Ray + Jumin)
Selection 15 Can you invest in someone smart? (Ray)
Selection 16 But you can’t buy people’s hearts with money! What matters in acting is heart – (Zen)
Selection 17 Let’s not fight. (Nothing)
Selection 18 The balance of the world will stay only when you two look at the world in different views! (Nothing)
Selection 19 That’s right! That could be what gives birth to your artistic performance! You should carry on with your way! (Zen)
Selection 20 Calm down, Zen – !
Selection 21 …You should try performing White in your current state! (Nothing)
Selection 22 What are you doing right now?
Selection 23 Not at all –
Selection 24 I look forward to the completion. (Nothing)
16:27 – Power Save Mode Today
Selection 1 Welcome. (Nothing)
Selection 2 You don’t think there’s something wrong with the hacker, do you? (Ray)
Selection 3 That’s not true! That’s can’t happen…! (Ray)
Selection 4 …It’s his fate. It can’t be helped.
Selection 5 Seven, let’s talk more about the hacker. Have you picked up anything else? (Ray)
Selection 6 I think Jumin helped him enough… (Jumin)
Selection 7 That was a pretty scary joke…. (Nothing)
Selection 8 I can’t stop worrying about that hacker…. (Ray)
Selection 9 Seven, could you find out what happened to the hacker, whether something’s wrong with him…? (Ray)
Selection 10 …I hope you’d save the hacker if he surrenders. (Ray)
Selection 11 Maybe it was all misunderstanding that the hacker attacked us. We must find out what the truth is. (Ray)
Selection 12 ….He’s innocent. And good. I’ll leave it at that. (Ray)
Selection 13 I know. You have a good reason to suspect me. I’m trying to find peace in the middle…but it’s not easy. (Ray)
Selection 14 I’d have to make troulbe for V.
Selection 15 …I think V’s a good person. I think I can trust him. (V)
Selection 16 I wonder what this hacker is doing right now…. (Ray)
Selection 17 Go back before it’s too dark.
Selection 18 I know…. (Ray)
Selection 19 …I hope that never happens. (Ray)
Selection 20 I will…! Good luck! (707)
Selection 21 I will. Thank you. (Ray)
<V Calling>
- Are you nervous? Don’t tell me…are you scared of him?
- Mmm…yeah. Everything’s gonna be okay. Don’t give it too much thought.
 18:31 – The Roots of Pathetic
Selection 1 Jaehee, have you heard anything about the hacker? (Ray)
Selection 2 By results, do you also mean getting the hacker in your hands? (Nothing)
Selection 3 Welcome, Jumin. Are you done with your stitching?
Selection 4 What did you think of?
Selection 5 Exactly how would you apple your realization to business? (Nothing)
Selection 6 I want to know what it is.
Selection 7 But I don’t think you look bad the way you do now.
Selection 8 What about insecurity…? (Nothing)
Selection 9 Maybe it’s because of their personalities.
Selection 10 So you were basically running a business of yourself since childhood.
Selection 11 Nothing is truly wrong in this world… You actually understood that?
Selection 12 I think accepting even my imperfections is something really big. (Ray)
Selection 13 So that’s why people are tormented by their own inferiority and insecurity.
Selection 14 That’s because almost no one every criticizes you. you live an easy life full of respect.
Selection 15 I don’t think he flatters himself.
Selection 16 Then again, there’s really no need for him to confirm whether he’s good-looking or not…
Selection 17 Perhaps a sense of insecurity is no different from a struggle to hide one’s trauma. (Ray)
Selection 18 You’re right. Even if someone feels insecure, that sense of insecurity can actually drive a person to work much
Selection 19 I think it’d be good if I don’t have to be the best in my workplace. (Nothing)
Selection 20 I think that depends on your definition of accomplish… But whatever it is, the fact remains that no one is perfect, right? (Ray)
Selection 21 But maybe this world runs energetically because people want to win recognition.
Selection 22 So does this end with more work for you, Jaehee? (Nothing)
Selection 23 It was complicated, but thanks anyways. (Nothing)
Selection 24 I think he wants to make a team that does not drive people into competition but acknowledges each person as they acknowledges each person as they are. (Jumin)
Selection 25 I wish I could live in a world like that! (Nothing)
Selection 26 Please tell me if you pick up anything new about the hacker. Please. (Ray)
Story Mode – … Way to go, V and  well, that doesn’t sound good
Who is it? Yes, it’s mine. Wait a minute! Have you seen Ray?
Jumin Calling
- I  don’t think young Jumin Han would have been an ordinary six-year-old.
 20:06 – Window of Truth
Selection 1 There’s nothing wrong with him, is there? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Everything’s quiet here. But…I’m worried about the hacker…. (Ray)
Selection 3 Why would you find only troubles around you? (Nothing)
Selection 4 I’m sure it’s not entirely your fault. (Ray + V)
Selection 5 Perhaps we need his advice right now. (Jumin)
Selection 6 I know you’re worried about me but… I think it’s best to admit what you can’t do and ask for help. (Ray)
Selection 7 You should gaze at yourself, V. (Ray + V)
Selection 8 Maybe you should give a call to Jumin. (Nothing)
Selection 9 Nobody is perfect…. I think you need some time for yourself. (Ray)
Selection 10 Good luck… (Zen)
Selection 11 Good luck…(Nothing)
Ray Calling
- Ray, where are you? I’m coming for you right now!
- Ray , you’ve done nothing wrong…!
 21:43 – My True Identity Is
Selection 1 What’s wrong, Yoosung? (Nothing)
Selection 2 You’ll be an adult someday.
Selection 3 IS that you, Prince Seven…?
Selection 4 Why do you have no status? (Nothing)
Selection 5 An android…? (Nothing)
Selection 6 You sounds really serious.
Selection 7 Why do you think they’re running special inspections all of a sudden? (Nothing)
Selection 8 I don’t think you need to worry about that.
Selection 9 All of a sudden…? (Nothing)
Selection 10 …There’s no need for him to be concerned that much… (Ray)
Selection 11 No.
Selection 12 I’m concerned as well. I couldn’t see him all day long…. (Ray)
Selection 13 …Nothing.
Selection 14 But I’m suspicious about the prim minister’s purpose… (Ray)
Selection 15 Run along now.
23:59 – Strange
Selection 1 Have you hear nothing about the hacker yet? (Nothing)
Selection 2 Something’s not right about this.. We only had 2 parties so far. (Ray)
Selection 3 i know you’re hiding something. Can’t you slip it to me at the least?
Selection 4 Is he back!? (Ray)
Selection 5 Completely different person? Are you sure? (Nothing)
Selection 6 …The hacker is behaving like someone else…? (Nothing)
Selection 7 V…You’re coming, aren’t you? I have a bad feeling about this. (Nothing)
Selection 8 I’ll be waiting. (Ray)
Story Mode – No way… I didn’t see this coming at alllll….
- Who is it? - Ray…! I missed you so much! - Ray, you don’t sounds like you. - …This is not fair. Let go of me.
V Calling
- You’re nearby? Are you planning to sneak in?
- I figured.
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skincare6642 · 3 years
Best Skin Specialist Doctor In Delhi
Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta is the Leading and Best Skin Specialist Doctor In Delhi and runs her own Isaac Luxe clinic. She did it after graduating from leather studies at a tertiary institution from Cardiff University.
Best Skin Specialist Doctor In Delhi
Dr. Geetika has been certified in Aesthetic Dermatology by the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine(AAAM).
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As a dermatologist in Gurgaon, She has over 10 years of experience and is active in the fight against aging, cosmetic treatments, hair treatments, and new facial features.
She was nominated as the 'Best Skin Skills of the Year 2019' at the Vogue Beauty Awards. Dr. Geetika is known as Gurgaon's leading dermatologist.
Skin Tips By Dr. Geetika
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No skincare tip, specifically, has had an effect on my skin. What has had an effect was having a solid existence (which incorporates adhering to a sound eating routine) and figuring out how to pick appropriately my skincare items. 
I'm a corrective scientific expert who plans healthy skin items professionally, thusly I understand what makes great quality skincare (and what doesn't). 
The main thing you should search for is the dynamic fixings in the detailing. "Dynamic fixings" are those fixings that have a demonstrated record of having the option to address a specific skin worry, for instance, hyaluronic corrosive or retinol. 
The explanation we realize these fixings work is that they're supported by science. 
In the event that an item has no dynamic fixings, it's either an exceptionally low-quality one made for the most part out of water and glycerin, or an item implied for skin that is now in acceptable condition. You need to try not to purchase this kind of item, as they probably will not do much for you. 
The % of the fixings in the definition likewise matters. Shockingly, the specific rates are not composed on the bundling, however, you need to recall that the fixings are recorded in the sliding request.
Home Tips To Control Hair fall
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While there could be numerous purposes behind hair fall, and line of treatment may fluctuate from one case to another, I can vouch for the accompanying cures that have worked for me splendidly: 
1) Hair fall could be a direct result of dandruff or more terrible contagious contamination identified with dandruff. In the event that it's basic dandruff, cleanser with a decent enemy of dandruff cleanser 3–4 times each week. 
In the last case, hair begins getting sleek a couple of hours after cleanser wash and gets a too slick say, following 24 hours. Additionally, you will see oily drops on the scalp frequently. The principal thing, for this situation, is to go for tiny hair quickly, till this disease is in charge. At that point one should cleanser with an enemy of dandruff cleanser 5–6 times each week. Furthermore, 2–3 times each month, utilize sedated cleanser like Nizoral or Selsun. Do this for a while and afterward gradually begin keeping long hair. 
Still one should cleanser 5–6 times each week from here on. Just sedated cleanser can be decreased to once every month. Note that this contagious disease is difficult to pass by totally, so you should live with it. Utilization of cleanser 5–6 times each week is an absolute necessity to hold dandruff back from repeating. 
2) Hair fall is additionally primarily because of stress and tension, and indeed it shows itself through dandruff or parasitic disease. Take Ashwagandha containers two times every day. It has turned out mysteriously for me. Furthermore, it should be taken for quite a long time to keep up feelings of anxiety low.
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Matter Of The Heart (Tom Holland X Reader) - Chapter One
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Summary: (y/n) doesn’t expect much more out of her life, mostly because it’s ending. However, she definitely didn’t expect to catch the eye of a famous actor who likes to visit the kids on her floor.
Warnings: diseases and medical issues are talked about, mentions of death, curse words
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I woke up to the shining sun beaming in from the windows to the right of me, illuminating the entire room in a golden light. I could hear birds chirping as they welcomed the new day with gratitude and grace. Ugh, what show offs.
I grumpily pulled my personal duvet over my head, trying to block out the streams of light long enough to fall back to sleep. 
I knew I was supposed to be awake and that I would probably get shit about this from my doctor, but I really wanted to sleep. I mean, come on, who else doesn’t want to sleep in a few hours more than they’re supposed to.
I sighed in contentment when I was finally able to make it dark enough for me to drift back into sleep. Unfortunately, I was stirred again by a persistent knocking at my door. Damn it, Jade.
“Go away,” I gracefully responded with hair stuck in my mouth.
“You need to be up, (y/n). You have scheduled equipment today,” Jade replied, opening the door as she spoke.
Jade is one of my favorite nurses that works at the hospital. I, of course, would never tell her that, but it doesn’t make it any less true.
“But, it’s so early. Why can’t I ever just rest peacefully and undisturbed. You know medical professionals say to get eight hours of sleep, yet it’s the medical professionals that wake me up before I can get that.”
Jade rolled her eyes at me, “First of all, it’s 10:30 in the morning, so you should have gotten well past eight hours of sleep if you weren’t binge watching an entire season of Supernatural. Second of all, if we left you undisturbed, you would sleep till 5:00 at night and then the night crew would be very upset about having to take care of you on top of their patients who need 24/7 surveillance. So, stop being dramatic and get out of bed.”
I couldn’t help the small grimace that grew on my face as she spoke. We both knew she was right and I had no choice but to get up for the day.
“Fine, but only if I get at least an hour to myself today. I want the promise of not being watched every 10 minutes.”
Jade gave me a look of understanding while she set up her cart. Every morning, she would take my vitals to make sure everything was working right.
“I know it’s difficult, sweetie. You’re an 18 year old girl who doesn’t even get to step outside of the hospital without a nurse with you. It’s tough, but you have to understand that we’re only here to make sure you can live as long as you can. We need to watch you every 10 minutes to make sure that the world can have it’s beautiful (y/n) for as long as it can.”
Jade stopped prepping her needles and came to give me a hug. I sat up and held her back tightly, knowing that she spoke from her heart. That’s one of the things I loved about her and all of the other staff members at the hospital, they genuinely cared about the patients here.
She pulled back from me, giving me a smile as she went back to her cart. “Now then, let’s get you checked up so you can get dressed.”
I nodded at her and crawled to the end of the bed, putting out my arm for her to take my blood pressure. 
I knew by now what the routine was for the mornings. Blood pressure, temperature, heart beat, and blood samples. 
Every morning a nurse would come in and do these tests without fail. At night it’s similar, but I don’t get any blood work done. It’s then that they reconnect me to the heart monitor and put the IV back in me. The doctors want me to be hydrated as much as I can be, so they slowly have me receive saline when I’m sleeping.
Once Jade was done, she left me on my own to get changed, promising that she would be back in 10 minutes to make sure I got some food in me.
I looked through my suitcase, trying to find something comfortable for the day. I was very limited in what I could wear because of testing and the fact that I only can wear what fits in the suitcase. That’s why Aunt Avery exchanges my clothes every two weeks, so I can have different styles.
I grabbed a cute pair of black sweatpants and a white top to go along with it. I didn’t feel like having shoes on today, so I just put on a pair of socks.
Once I was done, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table. 
“Guys, please. I can’t answer all zero of my notifications at once.”
“That’s kinda sad, you realize that.”
I jumped at the sound of Jade’s voice from behind me. I turned around to face her only to see her silently laughing at me.
“Hey, I need to keep myself entertained. The best way to do that is to always keep up my amazing sense of humor, even when I’m alone. Besides, are you surprised I don’t have any texts? I live in the pediatric ward of a hospital.”
She only shook her head at me before placing a tray of food on the table.
“It’s still sad. Anyway, you need to eat before your echocardiogram.”
I sighed before complying. I’m so tired of laying down while doctors poke and prod me for answers. I mean come on, is it really that bad if I go outside just for a walk?
Jade left me to eat my eggs alone as she went to see another patient. 
“Well then, I guess it’s just you and me Mr. Goldberg,” I pitifully said while putting on You.
Every day at the hospital is just like the last. I do testing, then eat, do more testing, take a walk, maybe go to the day room, do even more testing, sleep, and repeat. I swear one day they’ll transfer me to the mental ward if they keep this up. 
I had just finished my eggs and episode six of season two when Jade came back in to see me.
“So, how was your breakfast? Are you still hungry?”
“I’m always hungry, you should know that by now. I’m satiated for now, but give it an hour or so. The food was good though.”
Jade gave me a smile and a small laugh before putting the food tray in a bin in the hallway for the janitors to take back to the cafeteria. 
“I know, I know, I’m such a comedian. Maybe I can do that for a living. You think the hospital would employ me?”
She laughed louder this time, putting her hands on my shoulder, prompting me to stand up.
“Come on, sweetie. It’s time for your echocardiogram. Maybe you can come up with new material while they do it.”
I put my hands over my heart in mock defense. “That hurts. That truly wounded me, Jade. I may need to request a new nurse.”
We continued to joke around as we made our way to the fourth floor where they have a cardiologist office.
“Ah, Miss (y/l/n), you’re here, finally,” Mrs. Denver told me as I walked through the door. I gave her a fake smile and rolled my eyes as she turned her back. She’s a very condescending woman.
Jade gave me a pointed look before squeezing my shoulder and leaving me to fend for myself. By now I know the routine. I do whatever tests Doctor Hasting wants me to do and then I’m free to roam the hospital until 1:30 when a nurse meets me in the cafeteria.
“Okay, here’s the dressing gown I need you to change into. You can wait in the last room on your left. The Doctor will meet you there in a minute, but you know that with all the times you’ve come here.”
I gave her another fake smile, “Thank you, Mrs. Denver.”
I made my way to the room she told me to go to and changed quickly. Ugh, this hospital gown does nothing for my figure. 
I sat down on the examining table and waited for about five minutes before Doctor Hasting arrived. 
“Hello, (y/n), are you ready for your echocardiogram?”
I nodded in response to her words, just wanting to get this over with quickly.
“That’s great and I have some good news for you. We only need to do one other test today, you’ll be done here in about an hour. So let's get started then.”
I sighed in relief before laying on my back as she started to prepare the machines. 
True to her word, I was able to leave after about an hour went by. She told me that she would give the information she gathered from my results to one of my nurses once all of the charts are printed. 
Smiling, I changed back into my sweatpants and t-shirt and said goodbye to the staff in the clinic. 
I made my way to the first level of the building, planning on walking in the garden. I was just about to reach the garden doors when I heard my name being called behind me. Shit.
“(y/n)! (y/n)! I know you can hear me.”
I turned around to face Jade. “Bro, this is some of my only alone time. I’m supposed to meet you in the cafeteria at 1:30.”
She gave me a pointed look, “Well, I’m sorry that I thought you might want to know that you’ve been cleared to visit other patients.”
My eyes widened at her news, “I can go see the kids? Are you being serious?”
She smiled brightly back at me while nodding her head, “You sure can, sweetheart. I know there’s some little patients that have been wanting to see you for the last three weeks.”
For the past month, I’ve been quarantined from the other patients. The doctors have had me pumped with medication that lowers my white blood count and makes it hard for my immune system to fight back any diseases. They figured that the best course of action would be to keep me away from other sick patients. 
I know it’s not cool to be excited to hang out with a bunch of kids in a pediatric ward, but I can't help it. They’re amazing kids who are insanely strong considering everything what they are being put through.
I also know that they absolutely love to see me. I mean, who can blame them though. They think it’s cool to be around an older girl and I get some hope back being around them.
“When can I see them?”
“Right now is preferred. There’s actually a very special guest arriving today, so you may not want to miss that.”
I kind of stopped paying attention after Jade told me that I could see the kids right now. 
I started walking towards the activity room, “Come on, what are you waiting for?”
Jade laughed at me before meeting me at my side, “You really love those kids don’t you?”
I scoffed, trying to act cool, “They’re okay. I mean okay for a bunch of snot ridden children.”
She rolled her eyes at me, bumping my shoulder. “I don’t blame you for caring about them. They’re good kids. They’re also very brave for facing their illnesses like they do. Kind of reminds me of a certain someone when they were younger.”
I lightly smile while looking away. I don’t remember much of my first hospital visit, but I was told I was unaffected by everything. I didn’t really understand my condition when I was 6, I only knew that I had lost my mom and brother. I do remember my second visit though. I was diagnosed then. It was hard for me to deal with, but I never let anyone know that. 
It’s still scary sometimes, knowing that I can die at any time. 
We had finally reached the activity room after a couple of minutes. 
The room was arranged strangely. All of the chairs and the couches were facing a huge open space at the front. I barely remember Jade mentioning a guest, but even when people do visit, they don’t usually rearrange the room. It takes too much time out of the faculties day. 
“(y/n)! You’re here!”
I quickly changed my focus to a little girl in a pink long-sleeved shirt, tutu, and crown.
“Luna! Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize I was in the presence of royalty. Hello, you’re majesty,” I finished with a curtsy and a wide smile on my face.
“You may stand,” Luna told me while I chuckled under my breath. She really is something else.
“How are you, princess?”
“I’m great. The doctor told me that the bad thing in my brain is going to go away soon.”
I couldn’t help the tears that began to pool in my eyes as I hugged her. “That’s amazing, Luna. That means you’re going to be all better,” I said, truly happy for her.
“Why were you gone so long?” 
She pulled away from my hug as she looked up at me. “I had to do a lot of tests and procedures for the doctors. The medicine they gave me made me really weak and made my monster protection kind of low. That’s why I couldn’t come see any of you.”
Luna jumped up and down, “That means you’re going to be all better too. My mommy always tells me when I have to meet with my doctors that the more I do it, the more I get better. You were gone a long time, so that must mean you’re close to being better too.”
I really didn’t know what to tell her. I know I wasn’t going to get better, but I couldn’t tell her that. She needs to have hope in all aspects of her life. 
I turned my head up to meet Jade’s eyes. She held so much sadness in them knowing that the only way I was getting out of the hospital was in a hearse. 
I quickly turned back to Luna, “That’s right, honey. But that doesn’t really matter right now. What’s important is that you’re going to be all better really soon.”
She smiled back at me, “You’re going to be healed soon too. James, Elena, William, Quinton! Did you hear (y/n)? She’s going to be better soon.”
I didn’t notice that some of the other kids gathered around Luna and I during our conversation.
I looked back at Jade, not knowing what to do.
Luckily, she saved me, “Come one kids. Our special guest is almost here. Lets get some seats in the front row, yeah?”
I nodded at her in gratitude as she lead the small group to some chairs.
“(y/n), are you coming?” Luna asked me.
“I’m actually going to stand in the back, okay? That way I don’t block any of your guy’s views.”
I watched as Luna skipped to the front to meet with the rest of her friends. I really do love those kids.
I made my way to the back of the room as some more patients from the pediatric ward came in.
I’ve never seen this big of a turn out for one of these things. It’s kind of weird to be in a room of this many people.
I watched as the last of the kids arrived and took their seats.
Jade surveyed the room before standing in the open space at the front of the room. 
“Hello everybody. So, today we have a very special guest. Now, he’s going to be here any second so I want to say a few things. He came all the way from Queens to see all of you so I expect you all to be very nice and pay attention to our guest. Can you all do that?”
A chorus of ‘yes’s rang through the room.
I zoned out after Jade started to talk again. I knew I should probably listen to her, but I honestly didn’t care enough.
The guest speaker was probably some clown or mime coming to cheer up the kids. Then again, she did say the guest came all the way from queens. Maybe, it was some inspirational speaker.
A round of applause and the sound of excited cheers drew me out of my thoughts. I looked back at the front of the room to see what all of the commotion was about.
Is that … Spider-Man?
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vishalkhatri9825 · 4 years
Artificial intelligence With Positive & Negative Effects
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence shown by machines, unlike the common intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Artificial Intelligence is probably the most multifaceted and astonishing creations of humanity yet.
The basic term AI came into existence way back in 1956, it has gained popularity today due to increased data volumes, advanced algorithms and improvement in power storage. But it was in 1960, that US Department of Defense began training computers to mimic human reasoning. This paved the way for the automation and proper reasoning that we see in today’s computers, including the smart search system being designed to complete human work.
Though, Hollywood sci-fi movies like I, Robot; Matrix depicted AI as human-like robots that can empower the world but the current evolution of AI is not that frightening or quite that intelligent. Instead, AI has evolved as an advantage to many industries like healthcare, retail, automation and lot more.
Before we go ahead with AI’s benefits or the limitations, let’s talk about the types of AI that are majorly being used today.
Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) or weak AI is the only one we have realized till now. It is designed to perform single task and more of a goal-oriented one, i.e. face recognition, speech/ voice recognition, searching the internet. ANI is pretty intelligent with completing the singular task that it is programmed for. Few of ANI examples are vision recognition in self-driving cars, speech/voice recognition in iPhones and many more.
Artificial general intelligence (AGI) or strong AI is the idea of making machine that can mimic human intelligence or behavior, including human emotions. AGI can think, understand, and act in a way that is indistinguishable from that of a human in any given situation. But so far, AI scientist and researches have not been able to produce any strong AGI.
Artificial super intelligence (ASI) is the imaginary AI that not only can mimic or understand human behaviour but can become self-aware of the human-intelligence and ability. Researchers have been working on creating such robots where they can replicate human to great extent. The robot with multi-faceted human intelligence in terms of math, science, sports, art, medicine, hobbies, emotion together with memory power and decision-making capacity. Nonetheless, such robots are yet a hypothetical one.
It is so clear that AI is a troublesome innovation. AI can upgrade the efficiency and production volume of the industry. We have to understand that humans are not always at their best at tedious and redundant errands, while machines never get tired nor will complain. This is where AI begins a significant job: liberating human from drudgery with the focus on interpersonal relations and more creative work.
Now the question is: Will the machine take control? Not if we center around building up the abilities that AI can’t reproduce.
AI definitely has its positive and negative effect on the society. This blog describes both the angles of AI to human life.
Positive Effects of AI
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Undoubtedly, it is a fact that AI has helped in the workplace. The advantages of Artificial intelligence applications are massive that it can revolutionize any sector.
Human error often occur at work as human tends to make mistakes while computers can’t-if programmed well. With AI machines, the decision can be made from the previously gathered information with some algorithms application. Thus, there is reduction in errors and the results are accurate.
Human fear to take risks while AI programmed robots can do many risky things for us. For examples: exploring the deep oceans, mining coal and oil or work as a bomb diffuser too.
Average human can work 9-10 hours a day and need some refreshing breaks in between as well. But the machine with AI can run up to 24 hours, these machines can work without any time limitations unlike humans. This can help in educational institutes or helpline centers.
Humans get bored with the repetitive task at work such as sending mails, verifying documents. But these processes can be passed on to AI based machines and thereby eradicating human mundane activities. For examples: Bank can make use of these systems for verification of documents.
Some of the advanced organizations use digital assistants to interact with users, saving the need for human resources. Instead of customer care support with humans, there are chat box or voice box to solve customer’s query.
Human use emotion to step forward in any situation while AI-powered machine works on what is programmed in it and delivers the results in a faster way. It is nearly difficult to win Programmed Chess Games in Windows.
Apple’s Siri, Window’s Cortana, Google’s OK Google are few of the best examples to AI based human daily activities, that may vary from searching a location, taking a selfie, making a phone call, replying to a mail and many more.
But as they say, “Everything that glitters is not Gold”. As stated initially, AI also has some disadvantages. Below is some descriptive information on the same.
Negative Effects of  AI
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AI machines need repairing and maintenance, costing much to the organisation as they are the complex machines.
Humans tend to get addicted to AI machines, making themselves lazy and creating problem to future generation.
AI machine is replacing human efforts like work repetition, labour and much more in the firm. This can lead to unemployment in future.
No doubt that machines works faster and with precision but there can never be human relations built in an organisation.
There can never be out of the box thinking like humans in the AI machines.
Having described both the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence, we as human have to live with the fact that every new innovation will have both its sides. But at the same time, we must ensure that the “rise of the robots” doesn’t take over the human civilization if it goes in the wrong hands.
Originally Article Published :  Artificial intelligence With Positive & Negative Effects
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emeraldinthesky · 4 years
STRANGE TRAILS - Chapter 2 - Kiss for the Dead
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Victoria was smoking by the backdoor: it was about mid-morning, and they hadn't slept since their departure from the headquarters. The dark circles under her eyes were more prominent than ever, and her facial features appeared almost stretched by gravity. She took a long, lazy drag from her cigarette but when that gesture yielded no results, she searched the pocket of her lab coat for her lighter. The flame danced around in the moist wind then vanished under the metal lid of the zippo. She stared ahead, now with smoke-filled lungs, although she could hardly make out any detail of the wooden, pine-y area at the back of the building. The air was fresh, although she knew it would only give her a more difficult time to readjust to the pungent scent of rotting flesh she'd gotten so used to in the past few hours. They were certainly past the tricky part: that hour of the night when they are both unable to verbalize their thoughts, as if fatigue saw shut their mouths. These were usually the minutes the investigation came to a painful halt - painful, because they weren't making progress, and that also meant they couldn't go to sleep anytime soon. Their colleagues, Chris and Jeremy chose that very time to return to the hotel and catch up on some sleep. Albert was somewhat sore about it, but Vicky didn't bat an eye; if they're ready with their work, by all means, they shouldn't stay for the entertainment of two (frustrated) pantomimes. Luckily, that period passed just half an hour after the boys left, and since then, they were bouncing ideas off each other, at some point resorting to grotesque and eccentric reenaction of the crime. The denier checked on them, only to spin around and leave the very next second.
 It has barely been minutes since she was away. Of course, she had met the doctor and two other men down the hallway, but it never occurred to her that she would arrive back to an already escalated fight, or that their investigation was going to be cut short. Cooper and the Sheriff were already there and Vicky could hear the arguing from the end of the hallway – and stepping into a room filled with angry men pointing at each other sure made her consider taking a longer break. However, it changed instantly when she learned about the reason. '...Cuff him!' Albert insisted, instructing the agent. 'He won't release Laura's body to the funeral. He's not human.' Doctor Hayward opposed as he was joined by Harry. The woman knew this was only fuel to the fire; she heard enough of Albert's doubts about the sheriff's mental capacity, and just as she expected, her boss was quick to voice his opinion. It happened in the blink of an eye, and the forensic scientist received a punch from the town sheriff, that sent him right on top of the DB in question. Cooper sent his new colleague out to the car, and Victoria took the opportunity to soften – and potentially talk some sense into – the agent. 'Look, Dale, I don't like to agree with Albert.' She began after rushing up to him. 'But we can't properly perform an autopsy in a day.' 'Vicky, this funeral is important to the people. They need it to pay their respect to their passed loved one.' The black-haired man explained. He remained calm and spoke with a gentler tone, so she knew she could still persuade him into another couple hours or even a day. 'I know, but is the ritual more important than finding out the truth?' She darted back, trying with all her consciousness left to keep her voice quiet and decent. Apparently, she failed. 'Miss Davis.' Cooper's voice changed uncharacteristically authoritative, and his posture became more erect. 'We need the body to be handed over to the funeral. You knew the time limit before you started your work.' The woman's face turned bright red, even under the paleness from the all-nighter. Her brown eyes turned darker and despite the glasses, Cooper would've sworn to feel little sparks darting off from them into his direction - and not the type he enjoyed. 'Oh, I hope you'll have a time limit on your work once.' She muttered without batting an eye, but then refocused her attention to the old doc. 'Please, give us a second to clean up the body so we can hand it over in proper shape.' She asked in a surprisingly respectful, calm manner, then turned to Mr Horne investigating the corpse. 'Sir, Mr...?' 'Horne.' The man replied. 'Mr. Horne. Remind me again why are you here?' 'I am the representative of Laura Palmer's family in their absence.' 'Splendid. Then with all due respect: leave and don't come in 'till I say so.' Then, she spun around to her now a bit disheveled superior. 'Albert, you give me that or God sees my soul I'll drill a hole into your forehead.' 'You'll need my help if you want to be ready by noon.' The forensic pathologist pointed out. 'You won't be any help if you keep screwing around.' Vicky retorted. Cooper left the autopsy room with a mischievous smile on his face, keeping down a chuckle as he walked back to the police car. He knew he was somewhat responsible for the scene that escalated from the other, and he admittedly enjoyed how bossy Victoria was able to be, even around men; or especially around men. She'd singlehandedly put all grown men in the room to their place, and she was the only one that could manage Albert's behaviour - but, truth to be told, Coop feared he would be the next in line for his attitude. He did phone her after returning to the Great Northern the night before, to invite her to the funeral, but after this slip of his, he doubted she would join them in the cemetery.
 Even when Albert delivered the reports and results in the conference room, she was nowhere to be found; this definitely signaled to Dale that he might have overstepped a line, because Victoria was eager to attend to these meetings - she often did more than analysing the evidence before her, peeking behind the curtains. The red velvet ones. Although they weren't always so glamourous. However, it was only the sour scientist, describing their findings while not missing one single opportunity to make a foul remark which ultimately prompted the sheriff to storm out of the room. Dale took this opportunity to enquire about the current state of the woman in question (interestingly, that not being Laura Palmer) - or rather his state on her dashboard. 'Why weren't you joined by Miss Davis?' 'Oh, you two had a quarrel alright if both of you call each other by their last name.' Albert noted with his usual, straight face. Cooper knew this spelled trouble: she rarely resorted to referring to him by his surname; not to him, specifically, but to others, unless they were in a stiff or unfamiliar setting. Her boss, however weird that sounds, did not check that box. 'So she's angry?' The agent insisted. 'I've been having my ass kicked since you stepped out of the morgue if that answers your question.' The other man admitted. 'Coop, even I wouldn't take that entitled authoritarian handling from you lightly. And it is quite unlike you to begin with.' 'You're right, Albert.' The other nodded. 'I don't know what got into me.' 'Anyway, make amends with her as soon as possible, because she takes the case from here.' 'What do you mean?' 'She's getting a promotion.' The scientist explained. 'Only a formality, but this is her test run. You two will have to work closely together so it's better to be on speaking terms.' 'I don't argue she well deserves one, but I admit, this promotion seems quite out of the blue for me. Did something happen I didn't know about?' The black-haired man insisted, a strange feeling twisting his stomach and chest. He wasn't short of fleeting theories, yet his reaction was primarily emotional - and he was feeling worse than at the beginning of this conversation. 'Seemed like the right time to me.' The scientist shrugged.
 A Ford pickup parked just by the cemetery and the mourning crowd; its light blue upper section was still shining clean, but the darker-toned half was covered in dust and dirt. One would have expected a tall, well-built man to step out from the driver's seat, but instead, a young woman dressed in a long black dress emerged; although much of her attire was covered with an elegant coat that cut off mid-calf. Her shiny high heels dug deep into the moist ground as she hopped out of the car. She had her dirty blond hair up in a tight french twist to cover her unkempt locks, and her makeup made you forget she had just arrived there from more than 24 hours spent above a dead body - the very corpse they were about to hoist to the ground. Cooper's eyes must have lingered on her longer than they should have, as the sheriff nudged him from his left. 'Friends, are we?' He asked with a knowing smile. Vicky joined them, after Cooper gestured her to stand by his side. He put his arm around her shoulder - he knew she would probably faint into the grave gaping before them otherwise. Little he knew of the coming scene. Audrey shot a jealous look towards the pair; her blue eyes were ice-cold and ready for the kill. A poisonous feeling emerged from her heart and she puffed her face in anger, slightly pouting her mouth. It was almost unacceptable that someone, almost ten years older than her, could blow her out of the picture. Yet it wasn't the teenage beauty starting the scene, but Bobby Briggs as he caught glimpse of the biker his late girlfriend was seeing behind his back. The tragic gathering took a turn for the grotesque, the whole turmoil culminating into the father falling on top of the coffin and the levers misfunctioning at the worst possible time.
 It was the second man falling on top of the poor dead girl that day.
 After the mayhem died down, the agent accompanied his colleague to her truck: 'Miss Davis, can I interest you in a coffee at the Double R? You have to try that pie.' 'Only if you quit calling me Miss Davis.' Vicky smiled back, and from the mischievous twinkle in her eyes, it was oblivious that she was open for reconciliation. 'You're staying in Twin Peaks?' Cooper asked as she hopped into her car. 'Since Albert refuses to.' Vicky smiled then gestured to the man. 'Hop in, Coop.'
 As they stepped into the diner, the agent had his arm around her waist. Although he barely even touched her, it was a gesture that bordered being protective, defending her from the weather and her slim figure from the curious eyes of other men. They unconsciously leaned in towards each other, already laughing loudly at an earlier case; the woman was never able to stay mad at him for long. She faintly pushed his chest away as she walked up to the counter, and Cooper followed, sitting down by her side on a barstool. 'Your wife, Agent Cooper?' Norma asked as she placed the clean white cups in front of them. 'Oh, I wish!' The man replied with a wide smile. 'Victoria Davis, forensic pathologist. She came to help me investigate the Palmer girl's case; an extremely skilled investigator I'm happy to have on my team.' 'So you'll stay with us, Miss Davis?' Norma turned to her as she served them coffee, filling the empty cups with the hot, dark beverage. The aroma instantly filled the air, and Victoria couldn't help, but inhale a little deeper to fill her lungs with the scent that was much more refined than the one of the coffees at the lab. 'Well, as long as they don't relocate me to somewhere else. I'll assist the Sheriff and Agent Cooper with the forensic evidence.' She explained. 'Now Miss, I haven't slept in two days and this man promised me a pie. What would you suggest?' 'I'd recommend the blueberry pie, fresh from the oven.' The woman in the turquoise dress replied in her usual, melodic tone. She was always a delight, and seemingly found joy in the playful conversation, but especially now, it was as if she was up to something. 'Sounds perfect. Two slices, please.' Cooper ordered, and Norma left with a smile.
 'I'm glad you came to the funeral.' The man said as he took the cup into his hand. 'It was an experience. I've seen men mourning their daughters, but this was quite a spectacle. Seems like this whole town gone crazy by this tragedy.' 'There really is something, isn't there?' 'The poor girl can't even rest peacefully in the ground, that's for sure.' The blonde eyed the steaming coffee ahead of her. 'She couldn't on the autopsy table either.' 'You mean Albert?' She finally turned to Coop. 'You know how he is. He's tired from the car ride here, we pulled an all-nighter and now he's throwing a tantrum like a kid when you try to tear his toys from him.' Cooper chuckled and took a sip of his coffee. His eyes wandered to her hands that were lazily caressing the edge of the cup. 'You look lovely.' He said, and they both paused for a moment when they caught each other's gaze. 'And you are sharp as always.' She smiled back. A brief silence settled between them: the woman turned her attention the brown beverage before her as if she was staring into a crystal ball - and indeed, her eye colour matched the shade of the coffee so perfectly, it could have easily been mistaken for a mirror. Coop eyed her intently, but with patience; and admittedly, he reexplored her features since they last met a month ago, still in the burning deserts of Nevada. Her skin hanged onto some of the gold freckles obtained under the bright sun (or she visited home in-between, but he brushed that idea from his head), and the scar on her neck was still faintly pink. Her hands were dry from the weather and the endless handwashing, fingernails cut short without any nail polish, and nothing on her fingers beside that small birthmark on her left index finger. A scent of amber, spices and orange lingered around her; the very perfume that enchanted him at their first handshake. She was the same woman he said goodbye to in Las Vegas, but something seemed different besides her tired posture. 'Vicky, is everything alright?' He asked and his voice gave away how worried he was. 'Oh, yeah. Sorry I just zoned out… You know how it is.' 'Are things going well?' 'I'd say so.' She nodded after taking a premature, hot sip of her coffee. 'There're just… Many things going on at the same time.' 'I've heard they offered you a promotion.' 'They did. I haven't accepted it just yet. We agreed that this case would be a sort of… Test.' She was twirling a cigarette around in her hand, then turned to Cooper without lighting it. 'You, on the other hand. Seems like you enjoy your stay here.' Vicky pointed out, her attitude much more easygoing now. 'I do!' The agent exclaimed. 'Have you seen those tall trees? Douglas firs.' 'They're mighty for sure.' She agreed as the pies were placed in front of them, and they both gave Norma an enthusiastic smile of gratitude. 'They look like they could reach the sky. And I did miss a little greenery in Las Vegas.' 'That was one hell of a Christmas.' He nodded as he took a bite of the pie. 'I wasn't this excited on Christmas Eve since I was 7.' Vicky became much more enthusiastic, especially since the combination of caffeine and sugar hit her bloodstream - and also, since she was having a lighthearted conversation with her best friend; all four of which, minus the caffeine, were missing from her everydays. 'Well, the New Year's Eve of the last year of the decade was certainly memorable.' 'Yes, you were like James Bond.' She joked nudging him from the side. 'Although you weren't able to sport this tan coat there. Is that why you prefer this climate?' 'There is something intangible about this place that makes me gravitate towards it. The people here; they are simple yet there's so much complexity and warmth. I haven't experienced this combination anywhere else.' He took a sip of his coffee. 'This town. It's so mundane, and the people living in it are so - human. I have grown to consider investing in a property here.' 'I knew you craved simplicity but so much so?' 'It is not so much about the simplicity but the community.' Cooper corrected. 'I see.' She nodded. 'So… Am I invited for the housewarming?' 'Vicky, you're invited to my house at any and all times.' This was the moment when they were painfully reminded of the fact that they both still had keys to the other's apartment; but that might be up for a change, in both of their lives, very soon. They simultaneously darted their eyes towards the table. 'As a matter of fact, I have grown to know you as someone who appreciates the simple way of living.' Cooper pointed out. 'And warm weather.' She added. The man knew that well: they were in the middle of dating when she invited him over to her family's vacation house. It was in a rural area of Texas, surrounded by forest and not a single soul besides the neighbours half a mile away. They sometimes got together for a barbecue night, or Vicky begged them to let her ride the horses, but the two of them spent most of their time alone. It was actually one of the afternoons he remembered most clear - they settled down at a field after an especially strenuous hike, lying in the grass as the sun slowly sunk under the horizon. She rested her head on his chest, and they listened to the faint change of sounds as daytime blended into evening; but the weather remained comfortably warm. 'Dale, I gotta admit, I'm pretty tired. Do you mind if we return to the hotel?' 'Not at all.' He replied in a softspoken tone he haven't used in a while. One that implied closeness and caring, that made him lose his composed façade; one he last used in the middle of August, 1987.
 He drove themselves back to the wooden hotel – it has been a hot minute since he was on the driver seat of the truck as Victoria was always insistent on driving. She might have driven his own car more than he, himself.
 'Vicky…' Coop began before they departed in the hallway. 'I am so sorry about how I talked to you today at the morgue.' 'It's okay, Dale. We have a stressful job and are human.' 'No, it is not okay.' The man insisted. 'You are my co-worker and friend. Your input into the investigation is vital and I should appreciate the work you do. My attitude didn't represent those values I hold dear, nor did I gave you the respect you deserve. I can assure you it won't happen again. Not to mention that you were right.' 'What you say my dear? I'm afraid my hearing is…' She imitated an old woman, cupping her ear with her hand and jokingly leaned closer, but Cooper was already grinning. 'I said, ma'am…' He elevated his voice and leaned towards her ear himself. 'That I'm sorry for your loss of hearing!' They burst into laughter that echoed through the wooden corridor. The pair surely woke a couple residents, but it was the least of their worries. They were friends again.
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weightlosspros-blog · 4 years
Diabetes Freedom Review – Learn How The Program Is Helping People
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Are You Tired Of All Fake Reviews On Diabetes Freedom? Don’t Worry, Check Out This Review That Will Reveal What’s Inside It, How It Works, Its Pros & Cons, And Lot More. This Review Will Change Your Buying Decision.
Hey everyone, thanks for stopping to check out my Diabetes Freedom review & learn what the program by George Reilly is all about.
If you believe you will able to reverse your diabetes with medicines and insulin shots, then you are highly mistaken. It makes me so angry only thinking why more and more Americans are getting into this diabetes trap even after on average, we Americans are consuming less sugar than before.
The mere fact is, the government that should protect us is withholding crucial information form us and letting us fall into the money-trap of the multi-billion pharmaceutical industry.
Anyway, let’s cut the chase…
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           [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
What Is Diabetes Freedom All About?
Diabetes Freedom teaches how to flush out the root cause of diabetes and fat that is the ceramide compound.
Scientists of the University of Utah discovered that the level of ceramide was very high in all people with diabetes they’ve tested in their research. So, flushing out this toxic molecule makes sense.
It includes a 3-step approach that makes it easy to do it.
And because these three steps are entirely natural and they not only help you to reverse diabetes but also help you lose weight, this is something you should not miss out.
Many people reversed their diabetes and stopped using diabetes medicines; you can also do it.
This program actually made up of many different products.
After you complete your payment process, you will be redirected to the secret members’ area where you able to download books or watch tutorial videos (created by Andrea Arona – a certified nutritional expert and personal trainer.)
This program also drips the content into different sections so that the information isn’t overwhelming for the new customers, and you can understand the treatment approach as you go along.
I am thrilled with the Diabetes Freedom program as I don’t feel overwhelmed when I go through the program, and new content sent to me every day in my email.
Here’s What You Get With Diabetes Freedom:
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Diabetes Freedom Manual & Quick Start Accelerator (in the members area).
Meal Preparation Guide (cut the guessing game with it)
Stay Young Forever (secrets Japanese are using to look young)
33 Power Foods for Diabetics (include some or all of them)
Fat Burning Blueprint (for overweight people who want to lose weight)
[Video] Nutrition Guide For Diabetes Type 2
[Video] Meal-Timing Strategies
[Video] Food Shopping Guide
[Video] Body Movement For Beating Type 2 Diabetes
No Recurring or Hidden Charges (which I love)
I’ll be honest, I purchase this program just for the main guide/book, but the bonuses are so much valuable.
I started this program from its free bonus called ‘Fat Burning Blueprint’ because I was a few pounds overweight and wanted to lose it as fast as possible. This is just a 9-page guide because it contains an exact plan without any fluff or filler content.
This free report gives out a 30-minute plan that you can incorporate to burn those extra pounds and improve blood circulation in your body. It also teaches how to get fast results with High-Intensity Interval Training.
Obesity is a primary reason for diabetes, so maintaining your weight should be your top-most priority.
For losing weight or maintaining it to a healthy level, all you need is just 30 minutes of exercise. And, you can start the 4-week weight loss plan provided in this blueprint.
          [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
How Diabetes Freedom Really Work? (3-Step Approach)
Step 1 – The Pancreas Restart Plan (Temporary Nutrition Plan) The primary objective of this plan is to target and destroy fat cells. This nutrition plan provides a ‘restart’ to your pancreas that gives a good boost for losing weight.
Once you follow this plan for two weeks, your pancreas will start working, and your body will regulate blood sugar without any help. This nutrition plan is easy and you don’t need to make unrealistic changes in your daily routine. You can enjoy delicious food while all the good things will happen in your body.
This section provides a detailed plan to detox the liver and flush out toxins from the body. This detox plan includes five powerful teas that also melt fat cells and beat food cravings.
Step 2 – Brown Fat Boosting Blueprint: Inside the video section, you will get a 2-minute routine that will help you to remain on the top of your fat-burning game.
This 2-minute routine is simple and doesn’t need any special equipment. You can also perform this routine in your home without any expensive or complicated workout equipment.
These movements work for anyone regardless of your fitness level, and anyone can do them with minimal effects.
Step 3 – Meal Timing: These meal timings designed to reverse diabetes type 2. Many people don’t know that one of the significant rules of defeating diabetes is eating the right food at the right time.
This section contains a 60-second breakfast tricks to help you stay full and active all day. This breakfast meal includes healthy and tasty snacks to keep you satisfied.
A dessert section also included in this step that you can use without feeling bad.
Six Things I Like Most In Diabetes Freedom:
Helps In Controlling Blood Sugar Naturally Many studies have shown numerous diabetic patients able to keep their blood sugar level in a normal level with the help of dietary changes and losing weight.
You can also work closely with a nutritionist or doctor to set up a proper plan for you or you can use strategies and plans provided inside the Diabetes Freedom program to make changes in your life and control your blood sugar levels.
Easy Nutrition Plan That You Can Follow: A good and healthy nutrition plan should not make you feel restricted and deprived. You don’t need to completely cut off carbs from your life to make impressive dietary changes.
The nutrition plan you will get inside this program is divided into three parts and include meal-timing strategies and meal plans. It is easier to stick with this nutrition plan and get results quickly.
Helps In Weight Loss:
This is the most important benefit I like in this program. When I was overweight, I lost 15 pounds in a month just by making some dietary changes in my diet and without exercise. You may lose some pounds by using nutrition plan provided in the Diabetes Freedom.
According to John Hopkins Medicines, losing just 5 to 10 percent of the body weight can provide a positive impact on the blood sugar level and lower the risk of diabetes by 58 percent.
Freedom From Medicines And Shots: We all know diabetes medicines and insulin shots are just a ‘temporary fix’ to normalize blood sugar and the long term use of these medicines create many negative effects on the body.
For example, a popular diabetes medicine, metformin causes kidney problems, metal taste, and dizziness. Similarly, insulin shots can drop a person’s sugar level to an extremely low level which is dangerous and needs to be treated immediately.
Relatively Inexpensive: For creating this Diabetes Freedom review, we bought this program for $40. However, on our last visit to the official website, we found the author is offering a $10 discount. This means you can get the whole program in just $30.
This is a huge benefit for people who are interested in this program and what to try it out. However, we don’t know how long the author will continue to offer this discount.
Even without this discount, we feel that Diabetes Freedom delivers more than its actual value. And don’t forget you get four VIP bonuses if you get it now.
Good Testing Period: You will have sixty days to test this program and see if it helps you or not.
Within these sixty days, if you don’t see any positive changes in your body or in your blood sugar level or if you don’t like it for any reason, you can get your full money back.
To get your money back, all you have to do is to send a single email with the title ‘Refund,’ and you will get a list of few steps that help you to get your money back within 24 hours.
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My ‘Diabetes Freedom’ Review Verdict
So, here I am, with almost 1000 words in this Diabetes Freedom review, by now, you can see this program delivers, in fact, it OVER delivers for what you’re paying for. Up till now, I never admitted in public; I am a diabetic.
I definitely want to give this program a high rating because it teaches methods that are practical, simple, and easy to implement. Before going through this program, I’ve secretly tested my sugar level and taking pills.
This Diabetes Freedom program gave me the confidence to take good steps, and finally within four weeks of following this program, by post-meal glucose level went down from 245 to 200 level. I am pretty sure I will get it to the normal level this year.
I am recommending this diabetes reversing program to my friends and family members.
My final recommendation is to pick Diabetes Freedom from its official website, follow it for at least four weeks and then come back here again to let us know what you think about it!
      [Visit The Official Website Here to Order Now!]
Diabetes Freedom Video Review
Content Credited by:  https://thediabetesplans.com/
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reviwblogger · 4 years
KineMaster Pro is #1 Trending Video Editing App for Andorid. Download KineMaster Pro Now
Master Pro is #1 Trending Video Editing App for Andorid. Download KineMaster Pro Now
Edit Videos in 4K
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is the nice video editing app for Android users to edit the videos on a expert level. Nowadays YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. Are going so fast within the area of video. So KineMaster Pro App is the fine one to edit your videos. The free model has Watermark and now not all ofthe advanced functions present But we’re giving Premium version for FREE. So, here we are providing you with the KineMaster Pro APK for FREE !!Now, if you are looking to
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Table of Content
Features of KineMaster Pro
Download KineMaster Pro
How to Install KineMaster Pro?
Pro Features of KineMaster Pro Apk
Chroma Key
It is one of the popular capabilities of this app. Chroma key’s used to exchange the background of the video. It is a truely advanced function, usually, this advanced characteristic is located in
Softwares. By making use of the green screen in the video you may trade your video’s background in any way you want. Marvel films use this approach to edit the movie, it makes yourvideo look more professional by converting the heritage.
for online video school
This function is honestly beneficial for shooting expert motion pictures for youtube so, that you may easily remove the background from your movies and also can exchange it.
To make your video more appealing it absolutely needs to add some animation effects. So there are a lot of animation results to be had in the KineMaster Pro APK to use animation between the video. You will find more than one animation consequences in save of kinemaster pro apk, you could use these animations at the same time as editing the video and make you video elements in amination. Animating things in the movies is a certainly professional feature that normally PC software can do. But kinemaster offers these tremendous features to you. Also, you
down load more effects from the keep.
You can add more than one layers in the video like you could upload images, audio, gif, photos, overlays, animations, etc. At the equal time. Add multiple layers makes your video more super because you can able to upload a couple of matters at the equal time. You also can adjust the settings of all the layers like size, timing, etc. Multi layering provides you the freedom to attach files in the video and can display them at the screen without problems like you could upload images, also you can add
at the video.
Live Preview
KineMaster Pro offers you a really first-rate features known as Live Preview that lets in you to look at your movies whilst editing so you can without difficulty take a look at what’s happening the edited video. You effortlessly edit and click on on “Live Preview” then you may able to see edited video LIVE at the screen.
This feature is just wonderful, you could add up to 8 tracks at the identical time inside the video by using the multi-track characteristic. You will get a studio-like experience at the same time as modifying video. Combine the tracks and you can make high-quality tune for songs and music. This characteristic affords you an first rate environment to make song videos, you will feel like a studio and add tracks and might edit them together.
Voice Recording
Now you don’t have to report audio separately, KineMaster gives you to feature voice-over from the app itself. Just report the voice and apply it within the video. It is really tough to file an audio clip one at a time and fasten it to with the video SO, kinemaster gives you this feature to record audio within the app itself. That’s it !!
No Ads.
As you know that the normal unfastened app of kinemaster shows ads at the same time as enhancing the videos but with the KineMaster Pro there might be no Ads. In all around the app. You can Enjoy the app with none annoying Ads.KineMaster Pro is FREE a loose video editing app. It gives you all the advanced gear and functions. Like a number of the capabilities are sincerely mind-blowing, you can put off the heritage and trade it without difficulty like casting off historical past with the aid of applying inexperienced screen. This feature is understood for the PC but KineMaster has these remarkable functions.
You can add 3-D Transitions results within the video, this allows you to apply three-D effects and the video will appearance cool. It also has Awesome animation results, you could follow animation between the movies and follow animation to make the video greater attractive. Also, it has a whole lot of other features like Chroma Key, Multi-Layer, Transitions, Adding more than one videos, etc. We will explain all the features later on.
APK Name KineMaster Pro APK
Size 75.5MB
Version 4.12 [Latest Version]
Android Required 4.1+
Installs 100,000,000+
Rating 4.4
Developer KineMaster Corporation
Last Updated sixteen March 2020
APK Type KineMaster Pro – Premium Unlocked APK
[New] BeatSync challenge import support (Please set up the BeatSync app!)
Improved text define clearness whilst shadow alternative is enabled
Fixed a computer virus in which a few formats of WAV audio documents were not imported into a task
Fixed a bug where a few shade filters on
were no longer carried out correctly
Fixed a worm where Transition Effects and Clip Graphics subitems aren’t implemented consequently whilst selected
Other bug fixes
How To Install KineMaster Pro APK:
Installation Process of KineMaster Pro Apk is really smooth and simple, to install it simply follows those few steps given below.
Before putting in the apk, make certain to enable “Unknown Sources” to enable: ->Go to Settings -> Select security option -> Touch on it and enable “Unknown Source”
Now, open the “Kinemaster Pro” Apk file
Then Click on “Install”.
Wait till the installation method is completed
After, installation is completed.
Now, Open KineMaster Pro Apk 
PRO Features of KineMaster Mod Apk:
As we are offering the Pro version of this Apk, so it has quite a few extra and top class features. Here, We supplying the KineMaster Pro Apk for FREE !!!. So, you ought to also recognise the top rate capabilities which you are becoming with the Modded version. We mentioned underneath the top rate capabilities that you will get.
NO Watermark
All the Premium Features !!
4K Video editing
All media formats are supported
NEW Features are unlocked
More top class filters and transitions
Export in any of quality – 1080p, 720p, 480p, etc.
What customers Say About KineMaster Pro
Kelvin Lewis: This app is by some distance the most intuitive video editor I’ve tried. After only a day
round with it I’m bowled over at how literally whatever appears possible! Thank you a lot to the developers of this. You have make something extremely good and I hope you keep including cool capabilities and possibilities. I went top class today to mention thanks!
Desmond Bonaffini: Great app. Definitely worth getting. Free version may be very good, paid is incredible. Had a mild hassle with exporting but in much less then 24 hours after notifying tech help, the computer virus was fixed and it’s operating a-ok now. five stars for the app and five stars for the tech help as well. Cheers
Kendra Rules: This app is virtually simply so advanced and when you used to it, it’s incredibly smooth to use. I use this to edit videos and make my Daily life content material I like to upload to my
channel and I actually recommend putting in this. You can use green screens, make intros, edit films, put pictures
Download KineMaster For PC
if you men are locating KineMaster Pro APK for PC, then you can download and Install KineMaster MOD Apk on your PC, You just must follow a few steps, and deploy with the KineMaster Pro the use of emulator. we have detailed guide to put in it on PC. Just click the under button to Download.FAQs
How to Download KineMaster Pro
You can Download KineMaster Pro from KineMaster Pro website, also you could anytime visit right here to download it.
Can I edit videos in 4K?
Yes, you can edit videos in 4K without any issue, but make sure that your cellphone also supports 4KIs this the Pro version of KineMaster?
Yes, that is the KineMaster PRO Apk.
What is the advantage of Pro Apk?
You will get greater and greater advanced capabilities compared to free apk
Which is the Latest Version of KineMaster Pro APK?
V4.12 is presently the trendy version – Download (v4.12)How to Download KineMaster Lite Apk?
To Download Lite Apk – Download Kinemaster Lite
So, guys, we have provided you all the records related to KineMaster Pro Apk. You can download the apk from the given links. As you recognize that you may edit motion pictures professionally from the android by using this app also so, you do not worry about that. All the features are defined here. This app has additionally the loose version in the play store however we are here offering you the KineMaster PRO Apk.
Thanks for touring and preserve journeying for New updates.
4 notes · View notes
parrotamount82-blog · 4 years
Under Its Satisfaction By Amazon Plan
Just how Do I Find a Producer?
You recognize how to search for a manufacturers' internet site, yet what does this truly indicate when you are actually seeking one? If you understand where to search as well as just how to set about it, you must have the capacity to locate a supplier online or personally. Determine the very best methods to locate a maker today! Right here are a few of the tips and methods you can try to be sure you acquire the right parts for your task.
You'll require to think of three different factors when seeking a supplier. The first is area. If you are seeking a manufacturing plant or place near you, you may would like to think about business that do certainly not supply to deliver. Firms that deliver will definitely possess a a lot easier opportunity taking care of orders, to ensure is something to think of when searching for a supplier near you.
Another factor to think about is actually just how frequently you will definitely be buying parts from the supplier. If you possess a bunch of projects appearing in the future, it may be actually much better to order parts once a week or month to month. If you perform not have a considerable amount of tasks turning up, you may want to think about getting components quarterly or perhaps each year. This will certainly assist you always keep prices down, which can permit you to spend extra on your jobs.
Look at the prices of the products given due to the maker as well. A good manufacturer ought to offer great rates, even if they are actually simply offering a lower price because of exclusive discounts. If you pick a trustworthy business, you will certainly discover a wonderful product for an affordable rate. After all, this is actually all component of your investigation.
It is vital to possess a great examine the premium of the item and also how quickly the manufacturer replies to your requests. Some suppliers may seem to be faster than others, however are sure that the supplier you opt for may use you an acceptable response time. Some internet sites might offer you an estimation of how long it will certainly consider the supplier to reply to your order, however it's important to also be sure that the maker you have actually decided on can in fact deliver the goods punctually.
A large portion of the production procedure includes the technique they construct the parts right into the final product. You are going to require to ensure that the manufacturer that you have actually decided on provides items that are durable and are going to be of the very same top quality as those that they have actually produced. Some suppliers can easily use products that are superior to what you have actually acquired elsewhere, however you should review the top quality of the components just before you position your order.
For your research, search for a supplier that offers the info you need to have at no cost. If you acquire a magazine coming from a manufacturer, ensure to inspect the prices regularly, in addition to the high quality of the products that the maker makes use of.
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Exactly how to Manage Your Suppliers
Well, you need to have to start marketing. The only method to acquire your business going is actually to obtain your distributors so as. It may seem to be a little bit challenging in the beginning, once you have each one of your providers identified as well as operating effectively together, it actually isn't that tough. Listed here's exactly how you go about acquiring your providers in order.
The best significant point that you need to have to carry out is actually make certain that each one of your providers are on call as well as specified in the order to become finished. You can easily start by logging in to your order blank if you have actually one established for each supplier. There are many means to carry out this. You can log in to your internet site profile or get in touch with each provider straight.
If you intend on doing this on your own, make certain to possess a specific amount of suppliers. When folks call in as well as purchase coming from you, make certain that the distributor you provide is still in great status along with them. If you note way too many unproven vendors on your order form, you might wind up along with a ton of phone calls along with issues.
Before getting your vendors figured out, you might want to examine how they perform along with others. If they are collaborating with yet another supplier on an order or probably a handful of various other clients, you might want to take a look at just how effectively they collaborate with various other distributors. Try to find out if they would be available in the occasion of a service disturbance. The less challenging your organisation is, the extra valuable you can be to your consumers.
There is actually a keyword to keep in mind for getting your suppliers in order. There are actually just numerous business that provide you along with a bunch of items. When the necessity for your supplies is on the rise, make an effort to receive all of them analyzed before they end.
The idea right here is actually to acquire your vendors so as as well as managing, before you even possess a business. The complication is actually that your company may be greater than one provider. For instance, you may possess numerous wholesalers. Each one of your products will definitely be originating from one provider, but you possess a number of providers for your packing needs to have. If you may not be familiar with which one they are, it might be actually hard to identify what type of costs or terms you must make use of.
The amount of perform you charge to your consumers? Your firm may possess many different suppliers that take care of various items. You may likewise have many types of package deals for your products. You may do several of your personal research by checking out the pricing construct of the providers that your vendors are currently collaborating with. You can ask for price quotes and for client comments on their solutions.
Before beginning, do some study online on how to begin your purchase. You desire to ensure that you locate a provider that will definitely deliver you a great volume of help which will certainly maintain your brand-new provider on the right track. This implies possessing them on call on a 24-hour basis. Possessing a great support system is quite important for ensuring that your provider possesses results and that your customers enjoy.
Running a business takes a bunch of attempt. You need to have to see to it that you are actually heading to manage to make it via till the exact end. The moment you have actually set up your distributors, make certain to maintain all of them on the right track by being sure that they are actually conducting at their greatest. The more you keep associated with your vendors, the more knowledgeable you'll be actually with the items that they market. This implies you'll be able to start bring in a little bit of money while you work your way via the process.
Discover what each one of your distributors really want from you. You must consistently be operating to be sure that you are actually delivering as much support as you can easily to your company. You wish to make certain that they recognize that you are eager to learn more about them and also you level to reviews. It is also really essential to pay attention to what they must state. Because they're your valuable company partners, you need to become specific that you can meet their necessities without sacrificing your own.
You need to likewise think about putting together meetings along with each firm that you would like to associate with. It's excellent to sit down and review what you may wish coming from them. and how you may both collaborate. to make your business productive.
Through making certain that you have a solid think about handling your suppliers, you'll make sure that you'll have a smooth street to new service. effectiveness.
1 note · View note
shocksteam41-blog · 4 years
It's Merely Entering Different Areas
How Perform I Find a Maker?
You understand how to seek a suppliers' internet site, however what does this really indicate when you are actually hunting for one? If you understand where to appear and how to set about it, you must manage to locate a maker online or in person. Figure out the best means to discover a supplier today! Below are actually a few of the recommendations as well as secrets you can make an effort to ensure you obtain the right components for your venture.
You'll need to have to deal with three different points when seeking a supplier. The initial is actually location. If you are actually looking for a manufacturing facility or even area near you, you may desire to look at business that perform certainly not deliver to ship. Companies that ship will certainly have a much easier time dealing with purchases, in order that is something to consider when trying to find a supplier near you.
Yet another factor to consider is how frequently you will definitely be getting parts from the producer. If you possess a bunch of ventures turning up in the future, it might be much better to purchase components regular or month-to-month. If you carry out not have a considerable amount of ventures showing up, you might desire to take into consideration buying parts quarterly or even yearly. This will certainly assist you maintain costs down, which may enable you to spend more on your jobs.
Examine the prices of the items given by the maker too. A good supplier should give excellent prices, even if they are actually merely giving a lower rate as a result of exclusive rebates. If click here to view the listing >> choose a reliable provider, you will certainly find a wonderful product for a practical rate. Besides, this is actually all part of your analysis.
It is very important to possess an excellent examine the premium of the item and how quickly the manufacturer reacts to your asks for. Some manufacturers might seem to be faster than others, but make certain that the producer you opt for can easily supply you a satisfactory reaction time. Some internet sites may provide you a quote of how much time it will consider the supplier to reply to your purchase, yet it is crucial to additionally ensure that the producer you have selected can in fact deliver the goods on schedule.
A sizable component of the manufacturing method involves the means they construct the components right into the final product. You are going to need to have to make sure that the producer that you have opted for promotions items that are durable and also are going to be actually of the exact same quality as those that they have currently created. Some makers can easily use items that transcend to what you have actually purchased elsewhere, yet you ought to contrast the premium of the components prior to you put your order.
For your analysis, search for a manufacturer that offers the info you require at no cost. If you obtain a directory from a producer, make certain to examine the prices often, as well as the top quality of the components that the supplier utilizes.
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Exactly how to Handle Your Suppliers
Well, you need to start marketing. The only means to receive your company going is to acquire your distributors so as. It might seem to be a little bit challenging at first, but once you have all of your distributors figured out and functioning well with each other, it truly isn't that difficult. Right here's exactly how you deal with acquiring your suppliers in order.
One of the most significant factor that you need to have to do is actually make sure that each of your suppliers are available as well as listed in the purchase to be finished. You can begin through logging right into your order form if you have actually one put together for every vendor. There are numerous means to perform this. You can log in to your web site profile or connect with each provider straight.
If you anticipate doing this yourself, ensure to possess a specific number of suppliers. When people call and also purchase coming from you, make certain that the distributor you specify is still in really good standing with all of them. If you detail excessive unproven vendors on your order blank, you might find yourself along with a considerable amount of telephone calls along with complaints.
Prior to acquiring your suppliers analyzed, you may desire to check on just how they perform with others. If they are actually collaborating with another supplier on a purchase or even probably a few various other customers, you might wish to have a look at just how properly they team up with various other suppliers. Look for out if they will be available in the occasion of a company disruption. The less challenging your company is actually, the a lot more practical you can be to your customers.
There is a keyword to consider for obtaining your vendors in order. There are actually merely so many business that provide you along with a ton of materials. When the requirement for your items performs the increase, try to acquire all of them figured out just before they end.
The suggestion listed below is to get your providers so as as well as managing, before you even have a firm. The issue is actually that your service may be actually greater than one vendor. For instance, you may have many dealers. Every one of your products are going to be actually stemming from one provider, yet you possess many distributors for your packing requires. If you may not be knowledgeable about which one they are, it may be difficult to determine what sort of costs or even phrases you should use.
Just how much perform you credit your clients? Your business might have many different representatives that take care of various products. You might likewise have numerous types of plans for your items. You can do some of your very own research study by taking a look at the costs framework of the firms that your distributors are currently teaming up with. You can easily ask them for estimate as well as for consumer responses on their companies.
Prior to starting out, carry out some analysis online on exactly how to start your order. You desire to make sure that you locate a firm that is going to give you a really good quantity of support which will maintain your brand new provider on the right track. This means possessing all of them accessible on a 24-hour manner. Possessing a great support group is actually quite necessary for making certain that your company possesses excellence which your consumers are happy.
Running a service takes a considerable amount of effort. You require to make certain that you are mosting likely to manage to make it via till the very end. The moment you have set up your suppliers, make sure to keep them on the right track by making certain that they are performing at their greatest. The additional you remain associated with your providers, the even more familiar you'll be actually with the products that they market. This indicates you'll have the ability to begin bring in a little bit of money while you operate your way by means of the procedure.
Discover what every one of your providers want from you. You must always be functioning to be sure that you are actually providing as a lot help as you can easily to your provider. You desire to ensure that they understand that you are eager to discover them which you are open to feedback. It is likewise extremely crucial to pay attention to what they have to claim. Considering that they're your beneficial company partners, you need to have to become certain that you can easily meet their necessities without sacrificing your very own.
You must also think of setting up appointments with each firm that you intend to do business with. It is actually great to sit and also discuss what you might really want from all of them. as well as just how you may both cooperate. to make your firm successful.
By seeing to it that you possess a solid think about handling your distributors, you'll guarantee that you'll have a soft street to brand-new business. effectiveness.
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parrottimer94-blog · 4 years
Providers │ Delphi Technologies
Just how Perform I Discover a Producer?
You understand exactly how to seek a suppliers' web site, yet what does this truly indicate when you are looking for one? If you know where to appear as well as just how to tackle it, you should have the ability to locate a supplier online or in person. Figure out the greatest methods to discover a maker today! Below are a number of the recommendations and also tricks you can attempt to make sure you acquire the best components for your project.
You'll need to have to think of three various things when seeking a maker. The initial is area. If you are looking for a manufacturing plant or even site near you, you may desire to look at firms that do certainly not use to ship. Firms that deliver will have a much easier time dealing with purchases, so that is something to think of when looking for a producer near you.
An additional aspect to look at is actually exactly how typically you are going to be purchasing drop the producer. If you have a bunch of tasks appearing in the near future, it might be better to get parts once a week or month to month. If you carry out certainly not have a lot of ventures showing up, you may desire to look at buying components quarterly or maybe annually. This are going to assist you keep prices down, which may enable you to devote much more on your jobs.
Take a look at the prices of the items supplied by the supplier too. A great manufacturer must offer good prices, even though they are just offering a lesser price as a result of exclusive markdowns. If you choose a trustworthy firm, you are going to locate a fantastic item for an affordable cost. It goes without saying, this is all component of your study.
It is vital to have an excellent check out the premium of the item and exactly how rapidly the producer reacts to your requests. Some suppliers may seem faster than others, however are sure that the supplier you choose can offer you an appropriate feedback time. Some websites may offer you a price quote of for how long it will certainly take for the supplier to reply to your purchase, however it is essential to likewise see to it that the supplier you have chosen can in fact deliver the goods promptly.
A big component of the production process entails the method they set up the parts into the end product. You will definitely need to have to ensure that the maker that you have actually chosen provides items that are durable and will be actually of the same high quality as those that they have already produced. Some manufacturers may use items that are superior to what you've obtained elsewhere, yet you need to review the high quality of the parts prior to you place your order.
For your investigation, search for a producer that delivers the details you need to have at no cost. If https://alietc.com/suppliers/food-agriculture/fish-fish-products/frozen-prawns buy a brochure coming from a supplier, make sure to check the prices regularly, and also the premium of the components that the supplier uses.
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How to Manage Your Providers
Well, you need to have to start marketing. The only method to obtain your business going is actually to obtain your suppliers so as. It might appear a little bit complicated initially, but once you have each of your vendors figured out and functioning well all together, it truly isn't that tough. Right here is actually how you set about obtaining your suppliers in order.
The absolute most necessary factor that you need to perform is ensure that each of your distributors are on call and also provided in the purchase to be completed. You can easily start by logging into your order blank if you have actually one set up for each and every distributor. There are actually numerous means to perform this. You can easily log right into your web site profile or even get in touch with each supplier directly.
If you consider doing this yourself, make sure to possess a certain lot of distributors. When folks employ and order from you, are sure that the provider you note is still in excellent status along with them. If you list excessive unproven providers on your order blank, you may end up along with a considerable amount of calls along with problems.
Prior to acquiring your vendors analyzed, you might wish to look at exactly how they work with others. If they are collaborating with one more vendor on an order or maybe a few other consumers, you might want to look at just how well they team up with other vendors. Try to find out if they will can be found in the occasion of a business interruption. The less difficult your service is actually, the extra helpful you can be to your clients.
There is actually a keyword to consider for acquiring your vendors in order. There are actually only so many firms that offer you with a considerable amount of materials. When the necessity for your materials is on the rise, attempt to receive them ironed out prior to they go out.
The suggestion right here is to get your providers so as and running, prior to you even possess a provider. The problem is that your company may be actually more than one distributor. For instance, you may possess a number of dealers. Each of your items will certainly be arising from one provider, but you have numerous vendors for your product packaging needs. If you may not be familiar with which one they are, it may be actually challenging to find out what sort of pricing or even terms you ought to utilize.
Just how much do you credit your consumers? Your provider might have various reps that manage different items. You may likewise possess several forms of package deals for your items. You can do several of your very own study through looking at the pricing framework of the companies that your providers are actually currently teaming up with. You can easily ask for estimate as well as for consumer feedback on their services.
Prior to beginning, carry out some study online on how to begin your purchase. You desire to ensure that you find a firm that will use you a great volume of help which are going to maintain your brand-new vendor on the right track. This means possessing all of them readily available on a 24-hour basis. Possessing a terrific support system is actually incredibly important for ensuring that your provider possesses excellence which your consumers are happy.
Operating a company takes a lot of effort. You require to make certain that you are visiting manage to make it through till the very end. When you have established your providers, make sure to maintain all of them on the right track by seeing to it that they are actually doing at their greatest. The more you keep associated with your vendors, the much more familiar you'll be with the products that they offer. This indicates you'll manage to begin making a little bit of amount of money while you function your way by means of the method.
Discover what every one of your suppliers really want from you. You must constantly be actually functioning to ensure that you are actually supplying as a lot support as you may to your firm. You want to see to it that they understand that you are eager to find out about all of them and that you level to reviews. It is actually also quite essential to listen to what they have to say. Because they're your valuable business partners, you need to have to become specific that you may meet their requirements without sacrificing your personal.
You must also think about putting together meetings along with each company that you wish to associate with. It is actually excellent to sit down and review what you may really want from them. and exactly how you can both interact. to create your company productive.
Through ensuring that you have a solid plan for handling your distributors, you'll ensure that you'll have a smooth street to new organisation. excellence.
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