#so i think i'm going to go lay in a dark cool place for a while
An embarrassing post, but good this time???
Had my mid-point personal review convo with my boss today and like, on top of her being a good and supportive person in general, she also said some very nice things about my work and other people in positions above her noticing my work. Apparently people are noticing my empathy and bravery and whatnot? Apparently I have those things?? (Just kidding. I work really hard at those things.) Apparently she told my grandboss that I should be next in line of her direct reports for a leadership position???
And that’s fucking terrifying, because I don’t feel like a person who should be IN CHARGE OF OTHER PEOPLE. Have you met me? Have you met people? They have so many thoughts and opinions and feelings! What if I screw any of those up at any time?? What if I never get my ADHD under control and am then just a leader who is an unorganized disaster???
Anyway, we also had layoffs today, right on time after the latest merger, so I still have ambivalent feelings at best about the company at large. I’ve been here 16 years and have seen at least as many layoffs, which is insane. What’s more insane is that I’m still here. Which is hella complicated for me because I absolutely need a new job and to make more money to feel like I can get anywhere with the rest of my life, but it feels like now that I’ve been given space to grow and build skills to my interests people are finally noticing that I’m smart and thoughtful actually, which feels good?
Anyway, capitalism remains the worst. Can’t wait to move into a queer commune with all my friends and learn to cultivate strawberries or something.
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lovebugism · 8 months
I had this idea about eddie dating reader who is obsessed with pop boy bands! tysmm
i'm so obsessed with this idea bless you anon — the town freak tries to impress the local cool girl and, in true eddie munson fashion, it doesn't go as quite expected (friends to lovers, fluff, shameless it reference, 1.1k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
Eddie stands across the counter at Family Video and lays a collection of cassettes on top of it. 
Steve blinks once at the tapes, then twice up at him. “…What is this?” he wonders, visibly dumbfounded.
“Do you interrogate every customer that comes in here?” the wild-haired boy quips, digging into the pockets of his leather jacket for some wadded-up bills. “Just scan it.”
“New Kids on the Block? New Edition?” Steve announces as he bags each plastic case. His chiseled features twist in confusion. “Who are you, and what did you do with Eddie Munson?”
“It’s not for me, dingus.”
“First of all, don’t call me that. And second of all, who the hell is it for then?”
“Someone. No one,” Eddie mumbles, shrugging and shifting his weight on his feet, doing a terrible job of hiding his sudden sheepishness. “Don’t worry about it.”
Steve’s eyes narrow. “A girl?”
“A pretty girl?”
Eddie scoffs an unamusing laugh. “Sure. If that’s the only way your pea brain knows how to describe someone as… uncanny, and demonic, and fascinating as she is.”
Steve’s brows pinch in a subtle horror. He’s not sure what most of those words mean, but they don’t really sound like compliments. He just shrugs and decides not to press it any further. “…Okay.”
“She’s just into this stuff, okay?” Eddie confesses, gesticulating wildly with his ringed hands. “And I wanna like the things that she likes— Is that so bad?”
“Yeah, actually. It’s very, very bad,” Steve answers without thinking twice. He passes him the plastic bag full of tapes with a sympathetic glint in his eye. “’Cause that means you’re in love.”
Eddie stands outside the arcade in wait for you. He knows you always come to The Palace on Fridays — right before the school day ends, so you have a couple hours of peace before the snotty middle schoolers run you out with their post-P.E. stench.
He wears a set of headphones over his untamed curls and a walkman clipped to his jeans. It plays a pop song he’s only ever heard on the car radio. Steve’s radio, specifically. He’s heard you hum it a time or two, and it’s the only time he’s ever been able to stand it — as if he needed another reason to prove Steve right. 
He was head over heels, disgustingly, wretchedly, completely, utterly, and totally in love with you.
Propped against the driver’s side door of his van, he exhales smoke from his lungs and sees you walking down the sidewalk. 
Your pink tights swish at the knees while your plaid skirt, in a grass green color, flutters around your thighs. Your sweater’s bright blue, and the only thing halfway matching the rest of your outfit is the bright emerald dinosaur pictured on the front of it.
You beam at the sight of him. “Teddy? What are you doing here?”
“I’d guess the same thing you’re doing here, sweetheart,” he quips, playing cool as he snuffs out his cigarette with the heel of his worn sneaker.
“Normally, you’re busy on Fridays… I’m starting to feel like you’re stalking me.”
Eddie’s deep brown eyes narrow, twinkling with dark chocolate. “And how would you know that I’m busy on Fridays?” he teases, tilting his wild head to his shoulder.
You shrug, faltering for a blink of a moment. “Corroded Coffin always performs on Fridays. Everyone knows that.”
“Well, maybe just you and the… four other drunks that happento come to the Hideout on Fridays,” he jokes with a boyish laugh.
“Touché,” you concede, smiling wider. “Whatcha listening to?”
You reach out for him, taking the headphones from his ears like you always do. You place them over your own head and expect to hear something loud and heavy — that’s what you usually catch him listening to, anyway. A wide smile blooms on your lips when a familiar song fills your ears.
“New Kids on the Block?” you wonder with a scrunched nose, voice distant with disbelief.
Eddie had been expecting this. He’d spent ten minutes praying this exact moment would happen, but he stumbles over himself about it anyway. “Yeah. Uh, Family Video— They’re selling tapes and stuff now— To keep from going out of business, I guess,” he stammers, laughing awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck. “So, I don’t know. I guess, I thought I’d—”
“Buy it for yourself?” you finish for him, with a knowing grin on your petaled mouth. “And then try to impress me by waiting outside the arcade I go to every Friday? Even though you’re usually busy practicing?”
You see right through him with little effort. Mostly because you’re one and the same — hopelessly in love and tripping over yourselves with it.
Eddie nods, then laughs. “Yeah, actually. That’s— That’s the half of it, yeah.”
Your smile quietens when you slip the headphones back over his head, fingers brushing his curls and palms grazing his flushed cheeks. “Maybe we can go together sometime?” you offer and step back from him again. “I can show you where they kept the real music. You know, make sure they got the right stuff to listen to.”
His chest swells. He almost forgets to breathe. 
He never, in a million years, would’ve expected his first unofficial date with you to be at Family Video, of all places — but he’s grateful for it nonetheless. He figures he could go just about anywhere and be happy as long as he could look over and see you standing right beside him.
Eddie nods until the words catch up to him. “Yeah. Sure. Yeah. That sounds— That sounds good.”
“I’ll call you when I’m free,” you tease and walk on by him. 
You’re always free. He knows that. You’re always everywhere and nowhere all at once. Even now, standing right in front of him, you’ll disappear like you’d never been there at all. You just like to keep him guessing, really, and he knows that, too. It’s why he melts for you so easy.
“Okay,” he nods, rapid and utterly dumb.
“I’ll see you soon. Maybe.”
He watches you meander towards the entrance of the arcade. Words start to bubble in his throat. They spill out before his brain can decide whether or not to actually say them. “Please don’t go girl,” he blurts while the lyrics of the same song croon in his ears.
You spin around and blink wordlessly at him. You don’t look confused, but you don’t look impressed either. Eddie can’t gauge the emotion on your face, and he falters.
“That’s the... That’s the name of… of one of their songs,” he stammers.
He blinks, and you’re beaming again. A golden laugh spills from your lips, like honey and summer and sunshine. “I know, Teddy,” you grin — voice as warm and as fond as your glittering gaze. 
He grieves when you turn away again, walking into the arcade without looking back at him once.
Eddie doesn’t breathe again until you’re gone, forgets how to until you’re done clouding his vision.
You’ll be the death of him yet.
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rosenclaws · 9 days
i just know leopold would take such good care of a sick reader…….
Remedy || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
warnings: fluff!! leo being the cutest, love confession <33
a/n: anon you are so fucking right Leopold would be the best person to take care of you and you should say it. ALSO OMG HES SO SOFT IN THIS MOVIE I CANT TAKE ITTTTT
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You were absolutely miserable. From the moment you woke up you could tell everything was wrong. Your body ached, your head hurt, nose stuffed. There's no doubt that you were sick. Well that's too bad because you couldn't afford to be sick right now.
Work had been an absolute hell hole and you had mountains of tasks on your to do list. It takes every bit of energy you have to get out of bed. You throw on whatever work clothes are closest and head to your kitchen. As the coffee brews you lay your forehead on the counter, hoping the cool marble will somehow get rid of your fever.
"Good morning!" You recognize Leopold's voice from the window. You groan in response, hoping he gets the message. You look up and see him watching you with concern.
"You look ill." He reaches to touch your forehead but you gently shove his hand away.
"I'm fine." You mumble as you pour yourself a cup of coffee. He places his hand on your forehead and shakes his head.
"You are most certainly not fine, you're hot to the touch." You sigh and place your cup on the counter, searching your drawers for wherever your medicine was.
"No I'm fine. I can't get sick right now so I'm going to down as much Dayquil as I can and go to work." Leopold reaches out and grabs your wrist.
"Darling, you are not going to work today." He says softly.
It breaks his heart to see you so ill and refusing to let yourself rest. Not on his watch. It's his duty to take care of you, whether you want it or not.
"Leo I'm-" Your cut short by a wave of lightheadedness. Your eyes widen as you stumble slightly. Leopold catches you before you can fall.
"Okay fine maybe I am sick." He smiles softly as he gently guides you back to your bedroom.
"I will phone your work, you get back into bed." Being the gentleman he is he closes the door to let you get undressed.
You quickly strip off your clothes and get back into your pajamas. Your bed has never felt more comfortable in your life. You fight the covers, not sure if you want them or if it's too hot. So you settle on half on half off. You can hear Leo in your kitchen.
How lucky can you be you think. To have someone as amazing as Leopold in your life. Your relationship with him is newer. A couple months but it's been a dream. He's sweet and kind and ridiculously handsome. You know it's new but you think you might be falling in love.
"Darling are you dressed?" He calls through the door.
"Yeah" You say weakly as you snuggle into the pillow.
The door opens and he frowns at the miserable look on your face. He has a glass of water in his hands and Tylenol in the other. You smile, hoping it wasn't too hard for him to find it.
"Everything hurts." You say with a pout. He lifts the glass of water to your lips and helps you take the pain meds. His hand cups your cheek and he leans down to kiss your forehead. He soothingly runs his hand along your arm.
"I am here for whatever you need." You close your eyes, just wanting to sleep for a little longer.
"Sleep well." You hear him say before darkness takes over.
You don't know how much time has past by the time you wake up again. You still feel sick but the sleep helped. You feel around for your lamp and turn it on, the light making you wince. A delicious smell catches your attention as you get out of bed. Wrapping a blanket around you, you slowly make your way to the kitchen. You're met with the sight of Leopold in an apron. Fresh groceries sitting on your counter as he focuses all his attention to pot on the stove.
"Smells great," Your voice cracks and you grimace, maybe you should have drank some water before trying to speak.
"Hello darling," He walks over and kisses your cheek.
Like he could read your mind he offers you a glass of water and tells you to go lay down. You don't listen however as you want to watch him cook. Leopold has always had a passion for food and he let it be known whenever he was in the kitchen. It doesn't take long for him to be done and he shoos you away to the couch.
"It's my mothers recipe," He says as he places a bowl of soup in front of you.
There's a soft look in his eyes, you don't know much about his parents, he doesn't talk about them much. You do know that they passed a long time ago.
"She loved to cook, even though we had staff she always found herself making and creating new recipes." She must be where he got his appreciation of food.
"Whenever I got sick she would make me this and it would heal me right up." He carefully feeds you a spoonful, even blowing on it for you. Your eyes widen as the delicious liquid meets your lips.
"Oh my god this is the best thing I've ever tasted." He laughs as you reach for the spoon.
"This is what food can be when you use fresh ingredients darling, not frozen TV dinners." He always got on your case about those but they're quick and easy so it's fine.
"Well if you want to cook then I'll start buying."
You finish your soup quickly, already starting to feel better. You rest your head in Leopold's chest as some TV show plays in the background.
"Will you stay here tonight? Think it'll help me feel better." You ask with a whisper. He wraps his arms around you, his hands gently rubbing your shoulder.
"Of course I can." He rests his chin on the top of your head, letting the TV play as he feels you growing sleepier by the second.
"Leo can I tell you something." Your eyes are fighting sleep and his warm embrace isn't helping.
"I think I love you." You can feel him tense only for a moment before his heart starts to beat faster.
He smiles, a warm feeling bursting from his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, gently lulling you back to sleep. You've never felt so cared for, so loved, so at peace than with him. You yawn and snuggle closer to him. He leans in close and whispers in your ear, letting his soft words bring you to sleep.
"I cannot begin to describe how much I love you my darling. Now sleep, I will be here in the morning."
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romaniacs · 2 months
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( read more ) synopsis — natasha's harsh words are like a knife twisting inside your already mean brain as she's been dealing with an imminent breakdown due to work-related stress, and so she soothes you from the pain she causes herself. warnings — female reader x natasha romanoff, crying, a little bit of everything; fluff + angst… so hurt-comfort.
"y/n- you're still up?" natasha sounds tired just before her breath catches in her throat as she sees the mess she's caused, your teary eyes lifting to rest on her worried face. "baby, no, why are you crying? are you in pain? having cramps?" and your silence is brief yet loud. "is it something i said? did i… did i make you cry?"
her hands roam over your wet cheeks as she feels a wave of that nurturing energy she usually has taking over her again, as strongly as it could be after a long time of giving you nothing. when she said i don't think i wanna go out in a stressed-out tone, looking over the paperwork she had to finish yesterday, it felt a bit off to you. when she had the last bites of the food you had kept for yourself, you just sulked in a corner. woman had to eat, it was fine. when she stopped kissing you goodbye before leaving, you understood. but when you were on a call and she started cussing out as she dealt with a sudden work issue that popped up and sounded rude to you too, it was a bit too much for you.
i'll hang up, she said not long ago. i'm a bit too mad to talk right now and you're not helping. your headache will pass, just go to bed.
you feel the distance natasha's putting between you two solidifying with time, and things don't seem to be going well with your job either.
it's just been hard. in general.
and now that she finally got home and entered your bedroom, reality hit her like a truck.
"it's nothing" you bring her hands down, off your face, but don't want to be rude. it really is nothing much. you just want to be left alone, as she seems to have been trying to make happen. "it really isn't, don't mind me. just sleep. it's late."
"are you kidding me? you're crying, y/n" her voice is not as soft, strangely. "if i did anything wrong, you can just tell me."
"can't you see it yourself?"
her eyes are suddenly locked onto your face, even though it's dark. she's also finally coming down from the long-lasting stress she's been through. "well, yeah" she sounds weird. calmer. confused. way more aware of herself, and consequently her eyes water up in a second. "yeah. sorry. i think i've been a bit harsh lately. it's just…"
"work, i know" you pat her hand softly as you give her an understanding look. "it's fine. just rest, okay?"
natasha can't bring herself to say much anyway, so she takes the chance to take off her jacket and lay down beside you. after a while, she rests an arm around your waist, pushing some hair off your forehead.
"i'm really sorry, y/n" natasha mumbles on your back. "i don't love you any less. i just haven't been doing so right. it's hard keeping my cool, and i try not to be harsh, but…" her voice trails off. "i've been under a lot of pressure. and not managing it well. but i love you."
"you don't have to explain anything to me, i understand. just don't treat me differently if you can just not treat me in any way and avoid making me second-guess my own actions" you whisper. "i love you a lot, nat. i don't need calmness, i just need to be sure you still love me. so it's okay."
"mhm. just hate myself for making you cry, you don't deserve that" she places a gentle kiss on your skin, her body warmly placed behind yours. and things almost feel normal for a second, just as they used to be before the mission she's been on. "i won't stop loving you even when hell freezes over, detka. trust me."
and you do, you can finally fall asleep. you feel wanted again, even if things still hurt, even if work won't stop on the way of your relationship, but whatever it is that tries to bring you down is fortunately none of your heart's business; even when your heart is heavy, it's still hers.
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Dabi x reader!!!
Kudos to Mel, she unintentionally gave me ideas to write and getting me to write it in the first place (I was procrastinating like a mf…)
I took a little turn with it and made it sfw. I was gonna add hints, but honestly I'm happy with it as is.
IF YOU WANT A PT. 2/CONTINUATION WITH A LITTLE SPICE PLEASE REPOST/COMMENT AND SAY SO! Also requests are open for now so feel free to bother my inbox.<333
Content/warnings: Insecurity, scars, (idk if those are necessary but i could understand the tw), just fluff, reassurance, and some love<3 2k
"Does it bother you..?"
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It was a late morning. He had been hanging low with the rest of the league for a week and a half now, everyone either recovering, plotting, or taking their chance to just rest. Taking loss after loss was exhausting, so the break was necessary, you thought. Their entire group had years worth of festering emotions, motivations and conviction. Would it be so bad to not sit there and simmer in self pity and loathing for a week?
Dabi had chosen to crash at your place midway through. He didn't mind the group. Whether he was aware of it or not, they were growing on him, but he'd never admit that. But you had grown on him more.
So, when you woke up, turning to see a tired Dabi propped up slightly against your pillows, being dragged out of thought by your stirring and shooting you a sidelong smirk, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sleepy joy sparkle in your chest.
"G'mornin', doll.." he murmurs, his voice sultry, laced with a deep exhaustion that he'd never admit out loud, masking it with his cocky tone. You smile at him happily, scooting a little closer.
"Morning, Tou'..." You snuggle against his arm a bit which he absorbs, letting it feed his ego. He slid that arm under you, wrapping it around and pulling you up against him, looking down at you with those cool blue eyes.
"Like what you see?" Is always the first thing he ever said to you, whether you guys were out and you looked at him to ask a question, meeting up at the hideout, him  stumbling through your window with burns and blood. Something he said without thinking just to get something out of you. His way of saying “hello” or “I see you.”
You nod regardless, used to his arrogant demeanor by now. Your eyes trail the way the white sheets wrapped at his waist contrasted his dark burns along his stomach, the way his staples glimmered with the morning light pouring through the thin, airy curtains, following the curve of his smirk back to his eyes. You stretch up, pressing a little peck to his cheek which he chuckled at like you were amusing, tugging you a little closer, tracing lazy shapes into your back. He lays back a bit before humming "Go back to sleep, doll, I ain’t going anywhere."
You look up at him, tracing the sharp, messy edges of his hair, the way it contrasted to your light room, tracing back down to his glistening staples. You gently reach up and graze his skin, trailing it down his neck to run along the staples on his chest. 
He glanced down at you as you do so, the sensation sweet but dull, a muffled cry to his damaged nerves and thickly grafted skin. His smirk faltered, now just watching you quietly, the way your eyes were drawn to his skin...
"Does it bother you?.."
Your eyes snap up to meet his, furrowing in question. You were used to random or hypothetical questions from him, more often than not posing questions just as an exclamation, like "Who would've thought?" with humour before elaborating, or "Isn't it funny..?" before going on a rant about something having to do with society or heroes. But this... something about his tone was different. You could feel a sudden shift in his demeanor seep into your skin as you rested against him, chest feeling oddly heavy.
Does what bother me?.." You ask quietly.
"My skin. Does it bother you?" He asks again, strengthening the foundation of his tone again so it'd sound more natural to him, but you weren't going to let go of what he had first offered. Your motions stop, reaching up and running your thumb down the staples on his chin before cupping his cheek gently.
"Of course not." You say in gentle disbelief that he would ask that question. You search his eyes as they watch yours, totally still. His large free hand raised to brush against the side of your face, cupping around your ear, stapled palm against your cheek which you leaned into.
He took in the action, watching you with almost sad yet unreadable eyes. He was so expressive in his own ways. He thought he was so slick, but deep down he was just a kid when it came to people. When it came to himself. He’d sit there and argue your lectures when he’d go do something particularly bad or get hurt, answering with short, snarky responses, but his eyes would convey the guilt he felt. He’ll ignore, yell, or disvalue his teammates at face value, but you’ve seen the way he still counts the heads in the room, or his eyes will flicker with concern in a tight situation. He wasn’t inhuman just because he had baggage and some scarring, and your heart ached that he couldn’t see that. That he couldn’t understand you saw him. 
“Don’t give me that..” He murmurs, feigning minor irritation at the look you gave him, but it was more than that. He averted his gaze, opting to look at the wall. He was shutting you out.
You huff softly, giving his hand on your cheek a squeeze at which he glanced at you in the corner of his eye. 
“I don’t need you to pity me.” He states.
“I’m not pitying.” You say shortly, eyes flickering across his expression, the slightest pursing of your lips as you look at him.
He scoffed like he didn’t believe you, and you couldn’t entirely blame him. Nobody likes to accept words offered to them when they feel someone doesn’t have a true understanding. You got a little closer, not overwhelmingly so, but enough to reassert your presence, desperately trying to show you were here for him if he didn’t understand it any other way.
“Your scars don’t bother me. You don’t bother me. If you did, you wouldn’t be in my bed at night. If you did I wouldn’t be bringing you food despite your protests, not caring if you eat it all, just wanting you to eat something. And I think you know that, Touya.”
That’s right. How could he have given you his name? You knew he cared, and he knew you cared enough to share that with you. The name itself made him happy and sick at the same time, but the way you uttered it so sweetly, with genuine care. You could see him. Although nothing could outweigh his goal against his father(which he hadn’t spoken about with you yet, he’s just not ready), maybe your affection was good enough for now. 
He shifted to face you a little more, not entirely on his side, pulling you in close with a sigh. He didn’t like being vulnerable or anything like that, but he didn’t like when he had to shut you out too. He made a steady compromise, pressing a kiss to your forehead with a huff. 
You didn’t know if it would be right to say you loved his scars or not. They were a part of him, whether anyone liked them or not, but you did. Not whether or not they were attractive, or tolerable, but simply because of him. It was a part of his story. It showed his past and what made him who he was now, but it didn’t define him either. If you didn’t like them, then you simply wouldn’t like him. You didn’t know if that was necessary to say to him or not, but in your heart you held it as your truth for him. Instead you simply say..
“I love you, Touya. I’m not going to hate you for something like some skin…”
He looks at you. He knew it could be repulsive. He should know, he lived in it. Skin too tight for himself, scars that he had to stare at everyday, some days it felt more real than others. 
You cup his face and kiss the tip of his nose. “I promise, baby.”
You were too good for your own good, he thought. He didn’t care about your past, anything you may or may not have done. You were too sweet. Sugar that flooded his bitter existence.
“Damn…I love you too, doll.” is all he muttered, but it was sincere. He sounded a little choked, but you knew better than to expect anything to dampen his lashes. You sigh softly, pressing featherlight kisses along where the large scarring patches met the fresh skin, your touch incredibly careful.
He appreciated it. Although you couldn’t hurt him, his nerves being too damaged for anything you do to bother him, the muted sensation of your skin on his was still loved by him. Your affection over the skin he hated so much lifted his heart greatly, you adorning him with love and care steadily chipping away at his rough exterior. What had he done to deserve you?
You reached up, pressing a reassuring kiss on the staples on his chin, watching you sending him a shiver through his entire body pleasantly. It was intoxicating when you loved him, and he swore you damned him into an addiction. 
Your eyes flicked between his, searching gently as his gaze rested on you before pressing a loving kiss to his lips, him reciprocating softly to convey how he loves you back. He can’t help but be handsy either, one hand moving to your ass, the other to your hip to keep you close, humming lowly against your kiss. 
You prop yourself up a little on one arm to adjust the angle to deepen the kiss, which he obliges to, leaning in a little.His hand on your hip slid to your thigh to pull you up and over so you were straddling his hips, tongue grazing your lower lip as a request, but not forcing it, which you allowed. 
His hands trailed up and down from the small of your back to your thighs, touch light and teasing in contrast to his usually harsher grip. He was never this soft. You knew he wanted you, he made that very clear all of the time you two had been together, but it was never really like this. 
He was admiring you. Yes he held an attraction, yes he loved you, but he didn’t always look at you like this. You’d get his approval here, his protection there, but this was different. You cupped his face, breaking the kiss to watch the way his gaze softened over you, looking up at you, his expression almost sad. You peppered his face with kisses. His forehead, his brows, under his eyes, all along his cheeks. He drank it all, basking in your affection, eyes fluttered shut as you did before cracking a smirk and catching your lips once more to stop you. 
“Hey hey hey, leave a little room for air, wontcha?” He chuckles, his voice and tone a sweet break from the previous conversation, which you giggled to. He stopped you and pulled you to his chest, hand on the back of your head as he held you there softly, sighing, a sigh that expressed the genuine relief he felt deep in his chest. 
You loved him. And he was coming to terms with loving you too. Maybe there was something else to live for other than hate after all. One other thing that would make this inevitable march towards his death worthwhile. Maybe… 
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alotofpockets · 10 months
Reunited on the field | Alessia Russo
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Pairing: Alessia Russo x Reader
Prompts: "If there is nothing going on between you two, you don't mind if I ask them on a date, do you?" & "I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | words: 1.2k
Since you left college you have played in the United States of America for both club and country. Your transfer to Arsenal was going to be a big change for you with the move to a different continent but you were excited for this opportunity. Luckily there were some familiar faces on the team that you knew would take you under their wing. Both Lotte and Alessia had been your teammates at college, you stayed in contact with most of the Tar Heels girls over the years, and were excited to be sharing the field with them once again. 
Your assumption of your UNC teammates taking you under their wing couldn’t have been more true. You fell back into the close friendship you had with the both of them almost immediately. They showed you around London, introduced you to the rest of the team, and made sure you felt at home at Arsenal. The first month at your new club consisted primarily of training. You were getting to know the team that had welcomed you with open arms better and better. The team had taken you in as their own right away.
Today was another day of training, and you were running drills with a couple of the girls while the rest was still stretching. Unbeknownst to you Lotte was questioning Alessia on the other side of the field, “So, Lessi, how’s the crush on y/n going?” Alessia shoved her friend's shoulder, “Come one, Lotte, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t have a crush on her anymore?” Lotte laughed, and ran off to join in on the drills.
A few days later you’re at the gym, getting a workout in with the team. You’re about to bench press and look around for someone to spot you, when you see Alessia had just finished one of her own sets. “Hey Less, could you spot me real quick?” The blond moves your way, “Wait, are you going for a new PR?” Alessia says checking out the weights you put on the bar. “Yes, I am, trying for one at least.” She gets ready by standing behind the bench, while you lay down, mentally preparing yourself. “Come on, you’ve got this.” Alessia encourages you, as you reach for the bar and lower it. You start lifting the bar, pushing with all the strength that you’ve got. “Almost, come on. Push, you’ve got it.” Her words push you along, and you’re able to do the full lift. Alessia helps you put the weight back on the rack. You jump up and give her a hug, “Thank you Less, couldn’t have done it without you!” With a kick peck to her cheek, you walk off to tell the trainers about your new PR, leaving Alessia frozen in place.
“Oi, what’s wrong with Russo?” Katie asks Lotte who is actively laughing at Alessia's reaction. “She has had the biggest crush on y/l/n since college and she just kissed her cheek.” Katie smirks at this new information. “And she never acted on it?” Lotte shakes her head. “She claims she hasn’t had a crush on her since she left college but you saw her reaction, proving she’s lying.” The girls both laugh. 
Katie decides to join Lotte in teasing Alessia about her crush and walks up to her teammate. “Hey, Russo, a little birdy told me you have a little crush on our newbie.” Alessia sends Lotte a quick glare, who just smiles back. “Not you too Macca, I do not have a crush on her” The striker did not like the smile that appeared on Katie’s face. "If there is nothing going on between you two, you don't mind if I ask her on a date, do you?" Alessia’s eyes widened, “Don’t you dare.” Katie laughs, “Cool, point proven. You’ve got to tell y/n, Russo, what do you have to lose?” You pop up beside them, “Tell me what?” Alessia’s face turns a dark shade of red, while Katie and Lotte break out in laughter. You’re a bit confused by the laughter, but you decide to put your focus on Alessia. You take her hand and lead her out of the gym, away from the laughing that seemed to make her more uncomfortable.
“What’s going on, Less? Is everything alright?” You ask once you have made your way outside. She was quiet for a moment, before she just started rambling. “I like you, y/n. Like not as friends, though I like you as a friend too of course. I like you for real, and I have since college. I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time and I know that is stupid because we’ve been apart for a couple of years but I still do. And Katie just joked about asking you out, I think she was joking but I know that I need to share this with you because someone will come and make you fall in love with them and then I will lose my shot.” She takes a deep breath before continuing, not leaving room for you to respond just yet. “Actually, to be totally honest, I think I'm in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me. You are such a good friend, and we are teammates of course. I don’t want to lose the connection that we have, and..” That’s when you put your hands on her shoulders and stop her. “Hey Less, look at me, please.” Her eyes nervously meet yours. She was met with eyes filled with adoration. “I feel the same way. I had a crush on you in college, and I thought that I had moved on from it when we graduated but none of my relationships ever felt right. It didn’t click until I saw you here on my first day at Arsenal, I have been in love with you since our college years too, Less.” 
Alessia’s smile grew wider the longer you spoke, until finally you were done with your sentence and she crashed her lips onto yours. It was an eager kiss at first, both having wanted to kiss the other for such a long time but the kiss quickly turned softer, wanting this long awaited moment last. When you pulled away from the kiss, cheers and whistles were heard from the entrance of the gym, you looked over your shoulder to see a group of Arsenal girls had formed in front of the door. You roll your eyes at them, before taking Alessia’s hand and heading back to the gym. The girls started patting the both of you on the back, “Seriously?” You laugh at their antics. 
During the rest of your gym session you keep letting your eyes trail over to Alessia, smiling when your eyes meet hers. Your cheeks warm at the thought of her lips on yours, luckily your cheeks were already red from training, otherwise the team would for sure tease you for it. Not that you would really mind the teasing though, you were just happy to finally have your feelings for Alessia out in the open and reciprocated, and couldn’t wait to get out of training. 
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You move into a new neighborhood and have one hell of a hot neighbor. 
(I tried to find out how long Negan and Lucille were married but couldn't find it, if anyone knows please correct me.) NO BREAKOUT! WARNINGS~ P in V, fingering, licking, smut, pregnancy (just in case), hair pulling, swearing, If i missed any sorry. No beta reader, any mistakes are mine alone.
WORDS~ 2354
It had been a year since Lucille had passed for Negan, and he never thought about moving on after losing his wife. 
That was until you moved in next door. The day you moved in, you had smiled and waved at him as he smoked his cigarette next to his bike that he had been working on when you drove up the road.
That day he watched you as you picked up heavy boxes and crates refusing the help that the men offered you. He pegged you to be a hardworking, no shit taking type of woman. He peaked over when you and a guy were raising your voices to have a disagreement about something, he liked how you stood your ground up against a man who was much larger than you. The sun started to set, and he watched as the trucks drove away and you walked inside the house, the porch light flickering on as you closed the door.
Negan could see you close your bedroom blinds but still your silhouette showed what you were doing, Negan couldn't help but watch as the dark shadow took of pieces of clothing, he should stop watching, stop being a creep, but he couldn't. He went to bed that night with his fist gripping his cock thinking of you.
The next morning you were up bright and early, ready to go for a run around the neighborhood. You got into your running shorts, sports bra and sneakers and started stretching on the porch, it was a quiet street, you took the chance to look over to your neighbor's house. He had been outside most of yesterday, two things caught your attention, the first his bike and the second how handsome his was. During moving in yesterday you found yourself glancing his way as he lay on the ground, fixing something underneath the bike, the way the shirt rode up a little showing off his happy trail. The way he would roughly wipe the grease off his hands, your mind wandering to those big hands wrapped around your body, inappropriate to think about seeing how you were just moving in. 
You started your run slow around the block, noting the streets and where they lead to, making a daily run plan in your head. Turning the corner to your street you see your neighbor outside once again working on his bike, you slowed as you approach him. "Morning" you say as you slow to a stop.  Negan stands up from his bike, wipes his hands on the rag and smiles at you. "Morning. You're certainly up early, names Negan, seems to me that we are neighbors" he says gruffly. "Yeah, we are, names Y/N. I saw you yesterday out here, she yours?" I nod to the bike. "Oh yeah I took her off my mate a while ago, needs a little TLC but she'll be up and running soon." "That good to hear." I smile at you. "So far you're the only neighbor I've seen out so early." Negan laughs, "The neighborhood is sort of filled with older folk, you and I are the oddballs here. Most of them come out in the afternoon when it starts cooling down." "Oh true, it's a nice area, was lucky to get this place, seemed like it was a popular house." Negan couldn't help but stare at you, looking you up and down as you chatted away. "You wanna come inside for a coffee or tea?" Negan offers throwing the rag over the bikes seat. "Yeah, I could go for a coffee, as long as I'm not interrupting your day?"
"Nah you're all good love." Negan chuckles and leads you inside. His house is nice and neat, you look around as he leads you to the kitchen. "Take a seat, I'll put the kettle on." You sit down at the counter and smile and watch him as he grabs the coffee cups. "Should have asked this earlier, but you got a girlfriend or wife that might get upset about another woman in her house with her man?" You speak softly. Negan places the cups down, along with the spoons, coffee and sugar. He looks at you and smiles weakly.
"I am a widower. Lost my wife just over a year ago to cancer." "I am so sorry; I didn't mean to make you up...." Negan interrupts you. "It's fine you didn't know; I get it you don't wanna be making enemies the first day you move in." He continues "Lucille well she would have loved you I think, she barely spoke to any of the people here, a young girl like you would have been perfect to talk to take on shopping trips, you know all that." Negan chuckles. "She sounds amazing. How long were you married for?" You ask as he grabs a photo of her off the fridge, you study it. They looked so happy. "Oh man would have been about 10 years." "Well, you look happy in this photo" You hand it back to him and smile. "I was, been down in the dumps since losing her. What about you? You got a man I should be worried about?" "Hell no, single as shit." You say as you watch him mix the coffee, milk and sugar with the spoon, "It's the reason I wanted to start new, new place, new men to check out, you know" You take the coffee cup from his hand and thank him.
"Bad break up?" He asks taking a sip. "Abusive ex, so yeah and no, the breakup was well and truly needed." "Fucking pathetic male hitting women, would never lay a hand on a woman in that kinda way." Negan says getting angry. "Well, he didn't like it when I finally snapped and knocked him the fuck out, he went to his side chicks house, and I hightailed it out of there."  "Abusive and a cheater, how the fuck did a nice girl like you get with that kinda guy?" "He was my brother's mate, we met at teens, hooked up and only when we lived together, he got abusive and controlling." 
Negan just nods and continues to drink his coffee, staring at you. "What?" You ask smiling. "Nothing, just can't believe some fucker would raise his hands to the likes of you." He rounds the counter getting closer to you. "He taught me one thing, how to stand up for myself." You say, almost in a whisper. Negan's hand comes out and gently touches your face, his thumb gently brushing across your cheek. You breathe hitches as you lock eyes with him. You take in the salt and pepper hair, his facial hair, the way he smells like gasoline and cologne.  "Y/N I know it's wrong, I just met you, but I can't explain why I felt drawn to you." You blush at his words; you felt the same. Since you laid eyes on him yesterday it was hard to not think about him.  "Please tell me you feel the same" He moves his face closer to yours. "I do" you respond, moving your face closer, your lips almost touching. He sighs and, in a blink, his lips are on yours, kissing you deeply. Your hands grip his chin, nails digging into his skin. His hands one travels to your neck, the other travels to your hair, gripping it tightly. Making you gasp as he pulls it. Negan slid you off the stool into his arms, never breaking the kiss as he made his way carefully to his bedroom. He kicked the door close behind him and walked over to the bed, placing you down gently, crawling on top of you, his hands making quick work of his shirt, tossing it to the side of the bedroom. You look down at his bare chest. He sat up and you followed him, your hands reaching out to touch the small amount of chest hair he had in the middle of his chest. You smiled up at him as you kissed his chest, working your way over to his nipple, you take it between your teeth biting it, getting a groan out of him.
Negan couldn't help the noises he was making, your teeth gently grazing over his chest, nipples and neck were so good. His arms wrapped around you as you moved close, nibbling your way up.
"Shit" he moans. You smile at him and start to undo your sports bra "I seem to be a little overdressed" you whisper, his hands stills yours.  "Allow me to fix that" He says pushing you back down to the bed, ripping the zipper of your bra down harshly, you move your arms out of the holes and it disappears into the room, at this point you don't care.
Next to go were your pants, Negan isn't gentle with them either, he grips both pants and underwear and pulls them down, tossing them, leaving you naked under him, you can see his pants are struggling to hide the erection he has going for you. "Fuck your beautiful" He says kissing your inner thighs, making you giggle a little.  "Sorry, it's the facial hair" you explain when he looks up at you and raises an eyebrow. Negan smiles and keeps kissing you, moving up closer to your wet core. The giggles turn into gasps as his tongue licks your slit. Not going inside, just teasing you. Your hand reaches out to his hair, gripping it, you try and push his face down, but he stops you. "Needy little bitch, aren't you?" He growls, his words turning you on more. You were never one for dirty talk, usually it would turn you off but when he says it, it's doing the exact opposite, feeling yourself get wetter from not only his tongue but your own want. You moan as he uses two thick fingers to spread your lips and his tongues circles your clit, you arch your back at the pleasure. Negan keeps licking adding the twonfibgers thay held your pussy opened to him, you feel filled with those two digits pumping inside you. He keeps licking your clit when fucking yoi with his fingers, first gently, then getting rougher and rougher, until you tell the orgasm you been building releases and he laps it up like his life depends on it.  When he moves over you, his face is wet with your juices. You smile at him and he brings his face closer "Go on baby, taste yourself" Negan waits for you to move closer to him, to kiss him, your tongue licking at your cum. "Fucking sweetest pussy I have ever tasted" He growls, he sits back as he undoes his pants, just enough to release his cock and line it up to your enterance. He kisses you deeply as he slides into your pussy, you gasp having to adjust to his size.  But once he is fully seated inside you he doesn't move. You both lay there, panting. "Such a nice warm little pussy, I think Ill just let you warm it a bit before I fuck you senseless." He smiles as you try to move your hips, desperate to fuck him but he stops your tries. Smacking you on the side of your ass "Naughty girl. Can't you wait a little bit?" "No" you whisper. Negan laughs as he pulls out, almost all the way only to push himself back into you fast, getting you to gasp and moan. He continues this torture. Out.......slowly. In....hard......out.....almost all the way, just the tip toying with your pussy. In hard, his balls slapping your skin. Your moans mix with his, the pleasure building up again. It wouldn't take to long for you to come again. Negan's thrusts were getting erratic, he couldn't hold off the oncoming orgasm much longer.  "Negan please....." "You close baby girl? You close?" Negan grunts thrusting again hard. "Mmmmmm yeah...." You moan, you feel yourself start to tighten.
"Oh my god, your gonna fucking milk me baby?" Negan says, going faster.  It takes 3 more thrusts and your cumming around his cock, arching your back as your pussy grips on to his cock as he continues pounding into you. Negan grunts loudly and moans as his movement stop and you feel his cock pumping inside you, releasing his seed into you.
He rolls off you, but bringing your body closer to his as he lays there, coming down from the high. Negan laid there, his heart racing, he could feel yours beating underneath his arm, causing him to smile. "Just know I don't usually jump into bed with neighbors" You say after a few minutes of silence. "Neither do I, but I just couldn't help myself." Negan kisses your neck.
"What happens now?" You ask.
2 YEARS LATER. You sit on Negan's lap as you watch another set of neighbors move into the street, the street was starting to get a lot of young folk. You lean back and smile as Negan nibbles your skin.  "That was you two years ago baby girl" Negan says as his hand toys with the helm of your shirt, gently rubbing over your swollen belly.  "Sure was." Your hand entwined with his. To some you and Negan moved fast into this relationship, within 6 months you were moving in with him, at 8 months he purposed marriage to you, 12 months you had a small wedding with your family attending. Now you sit on his front porch, 6 months pregnant expecting twins, a baby boy and a baby girl.  "I'm glad I moved into this street, I'm glad we met that day on my run."  You tell him.  "Oh trust me darling the feeling is very mutual." Negan says pulling your hair, making you arch back to give you a deep kiss. "Fuck" you whisper knowing that that alone was turning you on.  "Let's go inside baby" Negan says standing up with you in his arms, not allowing you to walk. You start kissing his neck as your wrap your arms around his neck. 
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dollfacefantasy · 11 months
And If the Sun Comes Up
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pairing: vampire!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: leon knows that you and him are meant to be. if the only way to show you that is to sneak in during the night, then that's just what he'll have to do.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), fingering, somnophilia, non-con, biting, blood, reader is tied up, spitting in mouth, overstimulation
word count: 4k
a/n: hey everyone. when he fucks u so good, u think u love him, am i right? i wanted to get one more done for halloween and i'm kinda late, but it's still halloween here so idgaf. i hope everyone enjoys. also i'm trying a new style with the header image so yeah. as always i really appreciate reblogs and comments <3
tags: @sleepyluxe @kaitkatme @tosuckmyweenis @pupthepokemonenthusiast @bizzarethirst @death-paint @petitecolibri @iron-toxinz
i made a playlist of songs i listened to while writing here.
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It’s the middle of the night with moonlight shining down through the slits in your blinds. You’re sleeping off a stressful week tonight. You lay between your soft blankets with your head resting on your cool pillow. You had been in a peaceful, dreamless slumber, but now whimpers erupted from your unconscious form as you felt a persistent sensation between your legs.
You still aren’t fully awake. Your eyes briefly flutter, and your hips shift, trying to alleviate the disturbance that was disrupting your rest. A long whine escapes your throat as cold hands wrap around the tops of your thighs and keep you in position.
You gasp softly as your mind struggles to differentiate dream from reality. When you try to close your legs, you’re met with resistance. You start to come to as your limbs tug more forcefully on whatever was keeping them spread. You could vaguely feel the sensation of restraints around your ankles. It’s difficult to see in the darkness of your bedroom, but you can hear something unfamiliar. Soft grunts and groans emanate from the bottom of your bed.
You weakly lift your head to figure out what was happening. Your eyes were still sleepy, and your mind was still fogged from returning to lucidity, but you could still recognize the sensation of someone lapping at your cunt like it was their final meal.
Looking down between your thighs, you see a mop of blonde hair. At first, the sight brings you mere confusion. It didn’t make sense, and you struggled to process it. But as the gears in your brain began sliding into place, terror coursed through your veins.
A strangled cry leaves your lips, and you thrash harder to get away. You realize your arms are bound too, connected together by your wrists that were secured at the level of your navel. The adrenaline in your system makes you much more alert. You could now see the long, toned body of this stranger. He wore tight, black clothing that allowed you to see his definition. His strength was obvious from that alone if you couldn’t already feel it from how he held you in place so easily.
Once he notices you’re awake, his head pops up. Your eyes widen as they connect with his piercing irises through the dark. Fear moves through you in sickening waves. Every cell in your body yearns for him to just get away.
“Shhh, sweet one. It’s alright,” he whispers. He rubs his fingertips on your inner thigh in an attempt to soothe you. His voice is husky yet familiar, and his eyes are glazed over with arousal. From what it looked like, he had been doing this for a while.
You don’t stop squirming. Your heart pounds so erratically that it feels like at any moment you’ll go into cardiac arrest. As your breathing picks up and becomes shallow, your cries become breathless. 
His brows furrow momentarily at your response, but then his expression softens. You felt like you recognized him, but you couldn’t be sure.
“My darling, there’s no reason to be afraid,” he says and presses a few small kisses to your thigh, “Calm yourself, my love. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You’re still so freaked out by the fact that this is even happening that your brain fails to formulate a response. You stare at him in horror as your squirming becomes weaker and your muscles begin to freeze out of fright.
“Good girl,” he whispers and caresses your hip, “This is for your pleasure, angel. Just relax. I know I may have startled you, but there’s no need to carry on.”
He leans in and presses a gentle kiss to your clit causing you to softly yelp in both protest and pleasure. He chuckles and pulls his face back. His thumb begins lazily swiping through your folds, up and down. As soon as he cracks that smile, you’re able to place him.
“Leon?” you ask, your voice still raspy from sleep. Your drowsy mind couldn’t figure out why the man you’d seen only in passing at your job as a waitress was eating you out in your bedroom in the dead of night.
“Yes, beloved?” he answers, looking up at you with genuine curiosity as if nothing was off.
Now that you know the identity of your mysterious trespasser, your fear fades, and anger takes its place.
“Leon, what the fuck? What are you doing? And what are you doing here?” you say, your voice wavering. You try to stay focused and not let yourself be distracted by his thumb sliding around your slick. He doesn’t seem too fazed by your reaction.
“What does it look like I’m doing, pretty baby?” he whispers, “Making you feel good. You had a hard week, little doll. Let me make it better. Then I’ll explain.”
With that, he returns his head to the junction of your thighs. He parts his lips and begins making out with your pussy. Your eyes widen at his words, but the feeling of his tongue on your most intimate spot pushes your protests back down your esophagus. Instead, you whimper and take your lip between your teeth.
Erotic, wet noises from his lips and tongue working on your cunt spill out into the bedroom. Your cheeks heat with the shame of how good it felt, but there was really nothing you could do but take it. His tongue circles and laves at your clit with intense dedication before gliding down and fucking into your dripping hole.
His fingertips trace soothing circles onto the soft skin of your thighs while his mouth continues working you to the edge. He starts grunting again like he had been doing when you were sleeping. From the sounds alone, it seemed like he was getting as much pleasure from this as you. His breathing was heavy. You could feel it fanning across your pelvis.
You whine, your physical resistance dying down as release gets closer. You can feel his smug grin against your skin.
“L-Leon…” you stammer out through moans.
“Hush, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “Let it feel good. Your body knows it’s right. It knows what you need.”
He flicks his tongue on your swollen bud a few more times before you come undone. You jerk and spasm against the restraints on your wrists and ankles. Broken whimpers fall from your lips as your head fogs with the euphoria of release.
He watches from below with wonder. “There you go, pretty girl,” he breathes while thumbing your clit, “Give it all to me. You don’t need to worry about anything else.”
You ride out your release on his tongue. When you finish up, you look down at him with half-lidded eyes. He continues to gaze up at you with a look of love, his pupils dilated and his chin covered with your arousal.
“Leon. Explain,” you say, trying to sound firm, but your voice was hazy from your release.
“Why so many questions, little one? Did that not feel good?” he asks, “Did that not feel like everything you needed?”
“Leon. What are you doing in my house at three in the fucking morning… touching me like that?” you say, your voice picking up some of the intensity you initially intended.
He sighs and shakes his head, but still sports that smug smile. “You’ll see in time, my love. I know you’ll feel it too,” he says.
My love. Those two words struck you like an itch you couldn’t scratch. All these weird pet names. You barely knew him. He was always nice to you, but in a cordial kind of way, remembering your name and little things you’d told him about your day when you gave him his order. You weren’t even friends. You definitely didn’t consider yourself to be his love.
“Feel what? What are you talking about? You sound crazy,” you say.
“You’re my mate, sweet one,” he responds. He looks at you as if it’s a fact and speaks as if this was the most normal conversation, like you weren’t tied up and nude from the waist down.
You blink at him in disbelief. The words ring through your mind.
“Your mate?” you repeat incredulously, the only response you could think of.
“My mate,” he confirms, “I know you can’t understand it now. But you will. I’ll-”
“I barely know you!” you raise your voice, “Just cause I smile at you and can remember your order that doesn’t mean I want to fuck you! And it sure as Hell doesn’t mean we’re mates.”
He remains calm as he continues to speak. “You may not know me, but I know you, sweetheart. I love you, but you aren’t the most observant. I’ve been watching, and I know we’re meant to be. I know it’s right for you.”
The thought of him watching you while you went about your life, clueless as ever, disturbed you to the pit of your stomach, but you tried not to let that show. 
“Oh my God, you’re delusional. Fucking delusional. You think we’re soulmates? Like what? Like we’re written in the stars or something?” you mock.
“No, darling. Not written in the stars. It’s written in our DNA, something tying us together. I can sense it. You have the sweetest smelling blood I’ve ever come across.”
Your eyes widen at his explanation.
“What… What are you talking about? You can’t smell my blood, Leon,” you say.
“If only I couldn’t, maybe then I wouldn’t have to do this,” he says, his voice growing more hushed, “But I can. You have to understand, little love. I’m not a man of normal appetites.”
The way he spoke freaked you out. Various horrific ideas ran through your head about what he meant by unusual appetites. Your anger was slowly exiting, and your fear was seeping back in. Your limbs tremble as you try again to pull yourself out of your bindings.
“Sweetheart, all throwing a tantrum will do is tire you out,” he chides, "And while it’s not required, I would prefer if you were conscious to see how good I can make you feel.”
“You’re fucking insane!” you exclaim with a shaky voice, tears of terror pricking at your eyes, “I don’t know what gave you this sick fantasy that we’re true love and meant to be or whatever. But that’s all it is. Leon, I-”
“Enough,” he says, his voice dropping to a more commanding tone, “If you’re not willing to understand, I’ll just have to make you more agreeable.”
With that, his mouth returns to your cunt. He sucks your clit between his lips and flicks his tongue against the sensitive bundle of nerves. One hand holds your thigh like it was before while the other comes between your legs and prods at your entrance.
You’re whimpering in no time, still being tender from your previous release. Your hips squirm and writhe as he pumps two fingers in and out of you.
“Quit moving,” he growls and tightens his grip on your thigh.
The gravelly harsh tone lights the pool of arousal in your belly like a match falling into gasoline. You clamp around his fingers and mewl softly. A sharp exhale leaves his nose and smirks.
“Good baby, deep down you know you want this. You’ve only had my fingers so far, and she already knows to get nice and tight for me,” he breathes before returning his attention to your pussy.
His fingers continue working you open, scissoring inside your hole as they move back and forth. The whole time he relentlessly plays with your clit, flicking, sucking, circling. Short, strained cries come from you as your back arches off the bed.
“There we go, pretty baby. Cum again for me,” he purrs, “I doubt you’ve been with a guy who could make you cum even once.”
You didn’t even fully register his words because you were so wrapped up in the throes of ecstasy. Your body convulses as release washes over you again. You shiver in waves, whining and babbling as he continues pleasuring you through the high.
As you come down, he doesn’t ease up on you. His fingers tease you a bit before applying enough pressure to overstimulate you. He adds a third finger into you and continues maneuvering them skillfully, hitting all the right spots.
His mouth doesn’t stop either. He spits onto your pussy and dives back in, licking up your slick and flattening his tongue to massage you into bliss.
He brings you at least two more peaks, eating you out until your mind is nearly melted and you’re a whining, drooling, nonsensical mess.
When he finally feels that you’ve had enough, he moves up, coming face to face with you in a blur. You flinch at the quick movement, and draw a chuckle from him. His hand wraps around your throat while his eyes give you a predatory scan. He lowers his head to the crook of your neck and inhales deep.
“Smells like cherries,” he mutters before laying a few soft kisses up your neck and behind your ear.
You shiver at the gentle contact and a quiet whine escapes you. Your nipples are hard beneath your top from the countless highs he brought you and the fluttering of his lips against your skin. It’s not long before his other hand is sliding up your body to squeeze and fondle your breasts, his thumb teasingly swiping across the hardened buds a few times.
“I don’t need you to understand this, my love. I don’t expect you to. It’s a little out of your depth anyways,” he whispers and nips at your earlobe, “What I expect is for you to take it like a good girl and let me show you what you need. I think you can already see that you’ll be begging for more by the end of the night whether you understand it or not.”
Your thoughts are too muddled to formulate an actual response. Instead, you just watch him with your blissed out stare. He leans back and pulls off his shirt, exposing his muscular torso and chest to you. The moonlight coming through the blinds illuminates him just enough for you to feel more desire building in your abdomen. He smiles at your impressed reaction, and that’s when you see it.
He has fangs.
It’s only a glimpse, but you would swear on your life that it was the truth. His canines are clearly sharper than normal, it can’t be your imagination. And with all his talk about blood… You felt like you were losing it. There was no way he made you cum so hard that you’d believe in vampires.
“What is it, precious?” he asks softly as he undoes his belt and starts lowering his pants. His tone projects innocence, but the look on his face makes you think he knows exactly what you’re fixated on.
“Nothing, I- I- it’s-” you stutter. Your jaw almost drops as his hard cock springs free from his boxers. It was long and thick and you weren’t even sure that it would fit.
He climbs on top of you again, his strong, thick arms boxing you in on your bed.
“What’s the matter? Like what you see? Or is it that you don’t think I have a pretty smile?” he asks, flashing his teeth again. The fangs are in clear view now. Their existence is undeniable.
He can hear your heartbeat speeding up and your breathing getting shallow. It brings him a twisted sense of pleasure that he doesn’t dwell on. He lazily strokes himself in preparation to enter you.
“What are you? You… you can’t be…” you say, your voice dropping to nearly a whisper.
“A vampire?” he asks, “That’s probably the term easiest for you to understand, so yes, my little doll. I am a vampire.”
Your eyes widen. Your fearful gaze locks onto him.
“It’s not like a movie, baby. I can eat garlic and clearly I don’t need to be invited into your house,” he explains, almost as if he’s trying to lighten the mood, “But I have a bloodlust.”
You’re stunned. This couldn’t be real. “So what? I’m like your personal blood bank or something? Is that what being your mate is?”
“No,” he scoffs, “Being my mate is what it sounds like, angel. In all my years, I’ve never met another who makes me feel like you do. You’re my love, the light in the darkness I’ve been existing in. My personal heaven and hell wrapped into one perfect vessel.”
Your head is spinning with everything you’re hearing. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips before leaning back onto his knees and positioning himself at your entrance. He stares at you with his eyes, glossed over with lust. He reaches for your confined hands and brings them to his lips.
“It will all make sense soon, darling,” he says, “Soon enough we’ll be together in this.”
He takes one of your fingers into his mouth, keeping eye contact with you the entire time. One of his fangs presses into the pad of your finger, and draws a small drop of blood. You wince at the pain, but you’re quickly distracted by the guttural groan Leon emits as he smooths his tongue against the warm liquid.
He pushes inside you and tilts his head back. Your finger slips out of his mouth and smears some blood on his lips.
“Tastes so fucking sweet too, Christ,” he grunts as he begins thrusting.
Despite the circumstances, he felt good. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was the best you ever had. He filled you up perfectly. A string of whines and whimpers expel from your mouth into a long moan.
“That’s right. You know it’s perfect,” he mutters, “Soon, it will be just me and you. For all of eternity. No one else. The entire world could burn, and you and I could fuck on top of the ashes.”
Your own head falls back, and he sucks your finger back into his mouth to taste more of your blood. He moans around your digit, his hips beginning to piston with more intensity. His hands lock onto your hips, so he has a firm grip to slam into you with.
You felt a mix of shame and fear, but you started to believe him. You felt something inside you that told you this was right. This was what you longed for. What you needed.
He starts leaning over you more. He had to see you, had to see your mind changing about him, the look in your eyes shifting from fear to lust. One of his hands rises to hold your jaw and direct you to look at him.
“Open your mouth,” he commands, eyes boring into you.
You do it with no hesitation. Your lips part and your tongue lolls out obediently. He smirks, still rolling his hips as he slowly spits into your open mouth. His saliva leaks from his lips, lands on your tongue, and starts sliding to your throat. The feeling combined with that look in his eyes almost made you cum on its own.
He feels the same. Watching your pretty eyes become unfocused as you accept what’s happening had him digging his fingers into the flesh of your cheeks in order to hold on. Once he felt you had enough he pats your cheek.
“Swallow,” he grunts and reverts his primary focus to fucking you into the mattress.
And you do this too. You swallow it all. A garbled moan erupts from you afterwards, and your eyes roll back as he strokes all the sweet spots inside of you.
“Good girl,” he coos with a low tone, “Taking it perfectly. Just like you’re meant to do.”
You lift your arms and loop your bound wrists over his head to pull him closer. He follows your guidance, but his face looks almost pained. He keeps his face further than you want. You whimper and try to pull him down to the crook of your neck more.
“Sweet baby, you have to be careful. I can’t… I have to make sure you’re safe my love. I don’t know if I can control myself if I’m that close,” he breathes.
“What? Control how?” you babble, still not really focused because of how his cock is battering your insides at the moment.
“Your blood, baby. It’s too strong. I won’t be able to hold back. I could hurt you,” he says.
That almost snaps you back to reality for a moment. “Like what? You wanna bite me?” you ask with a curious expression.
For a change, this time he has no words. He nods, still maintaining eye contact.
It wasn’t your smartest moment, but you don’t hesitate as the words leave you.
“Do it.”
His eyes flash with a look you can’t read in your state.
“Sweetheart, I… I want to, but it’s not safe,” he whispers, but you can hear the desire in his voice.
“If we’re really mates then you should be able to stop yourself. Prove it to me. Prove that I’m yours and you’re mine,” you say, your voice taking on a whiny quality from how close you were getting.
He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t resist when you were asking for it like this. He slowly lowers himself to be level with your neck. His thrusts become slower but deeper. He takes another deep breath of that scent before baring his teeth and sinking them into your flesh.
You gasp and pull your arms around him as you feel the punctures. At first it hurts, but then he begins to softly suck, coaxing your blood into his mouth. You both let out simultaneous moans. His eyes flutter now and his grip on your hips tighten.
He’s getting lost in his own world of euphoria now as he feeds off of you, gulping down that sweet, hot liquid. You tremble as pleasure courses through you too. It was unlike anything you’d ever felt before. It was light and airy while being grounding and all consuming. You couldn’t hold on for any longer.
He growls as you cum, the feeling of your cunt latching onto him is almost too much. He manages to hold it together for a handful more thrusts. His breathing is rough as he cums and his thrusts are sporadic. You feel his muscles tensing as he groans into your neck. He spills rope after rope of cum into you.
When you’re both done, both of your bodies are trembling. Your sweaty skin is pressed to his which is still ice cold. He goes limp on top of you, breathing deep as he comes down from the high. You could feel blood trickling down your neck as his mouth disconnects from your throat.
You didn’t know what to say. The fog of lust was clearing and while you didn’t regret your decisions, this was still weird. You remove your arms from him, and he takes that as a signal to pull out and roll off of you.
He pushes his disheveled hair out of his face and gives you a crooked smile. His mouth was still red with your blood. He reaches over and starts untying the restraints around your hands. You watch him quietly.
“So you said soon… we’ll be in this together?” you ask awkwardly.
He lets out a short laugh as he gets the bindings off and drops them to the side. He runs his fingers through your hair and kisses your forehead before getting out of your bed.
“Soon, sweet one, I’ll change you to be like me. A vampire,” he says, using a teasing tone for the last word, “But not yet. I know you’re not ready, and my goal isn’t to scare you. I truly love you.”
You just nod because you honestly didn’t know what to say to that. Even if you felt something for him, you wouldn’t say it was love. Yet. 
You watch him put on his clothes as you reach down to start untying your ankles.
“So… you’re just leaving?” you say, almost sounding disappointed.
“Yes but don’t be too sad, my love. You’ll see me as soon as the sun sets again tonight,” he says.
He finishes putting on his clothes and leans in to give you one more passionate kiss before he leaves. You could still taste your blood on him.
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The Other Half Part Twenty Six
Previous Part | Masterlist
Notes: Okay. After some very careful consideration and soul-searching, this is going to be the last official chapter of The Other Half. I'll still welcome asks, and writing prompt fills if I post/reblog them, but this is the end of the official series. I love Shop Girl and Bruce, and I think I'm leaving them in a good place; I hope you all feel the same.
Thank you as always for indulging my silly stories, and thank you for following me through this unexpected fic journey 💗💗
Warnings: Just smut and fluff.
Summary: You so rarely get to see Bruce this way—relaxed, calm, content…At least, you hope he’s content. Maybe his mind is racing with concern, with curiosity. You know that Bruce has a love and concern for Gotham. Sometimes you worry that you may never equal it. 
But the city can’t love Bruce the way you do. It won’t take him into its arms, won’t bandage his wounds or lay awake worrying for him at night. 
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“Do I get a head start?” 
Bruce chuckles at your question as he pulls the car up in front of the mansion. 
“Depends. How far do you think you’ll be able to get?” 
You hum as you consider, tipping your head from side to side.
“The first landing.” You realize as soon as you say it that there’s absolutely no way you’ll make it that far in your new shoes. Bruce seems to know it, too, his brows jumping as he nods. 
“The first landing…And what do I get if I catch you?”
“Well, that’s up to you."
"Fine. Ten seconds—” 
“Wait a minute.” 
“What if I make it without you catching me?” 
Bruce tips his head a touch, a smug smile curling his lips and sending a thrill zipping through you. 
“Ten seconds,” He reiterates without answering your question. 
“Just ten?” 
“Shit!” You scramble to undo your seat belt, hurrying out of the car as you hear Bruce turn it off. You fumble with your key, shoving the heavy door open and moving as quickly as you dare in your new heels, heading up the steps of the grand staircase. Your stomach flips as you hear the door close behind you, but you don’t dare turn to look. You make it up the first few steps, heart ticking up in your chest as you hear Bruce’s footsteps quick and gain on you. You’re three steps from your target—
You shriek as Bruce’s arms hook around your middle, easing you to a stop as your fingers just miss the first landing. Your giggling is marred by your heavy panting as Bruce presses more heavily against you, easing the two of you down against the steps. 
“So fucking close,” You manage.
“With a head start.” Bruce’s reminder is chased by a kiss to your shoulder. His hands smooth over your hips as you gently twist in his arms to face him, scooching back onto the landing. Bruce’s lips are on yours in a second, slipping tenderly against them. You draw your knees up to cradle his hips, groaning as he presses closer. His hands slip under your dress, easing the skirt higher. You swallow thickly, sucking in a nervous breath as his kisses drift to your neck. 
“He’s at the penthouse.” 
You let yourself relax at that, relieved that you won’t have to worry about him wandering by or hearing you. You bite your lip as Bruce’s hands smooth up your inner thighs, tipping your hips up as his fingers hook in the seat of your panties, exposing your heated flesh to cool air. You shiver as he brushes his knuckle gently against your plumping lips, his eyes growing dark as his gaze sweeps up your front.
He leans back, pushing your thighs wide with his broad shoulders. He eases your panties more tightly to the side, the lace pushing almost harshly against the crease of your hip. He holds your gaze as he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your mound. His kisses drift lower, his tongue teasing at your slit. Each touch has a hint more pressure than the last. 
Your eyelids flutter, and you let your head tip back, lowering yourself against the rug on the landing. Bruce draws one of your legs up over his shoulders, baring you to him more fully. His tongue strokes your clit for a few moments before he delves lower, groaning softly at the taste of you. Your toes curl in your shoes as Bruce laps broadly across your pussy. He never settles, tongue and fingers stretching and teasing you until you’re shaking, grinding down into his touch.
Your whimpers and moans echo in the cavernous front hall as curls and twists his fingers, pushing you closer to your release. You finally cum with a shout, back arching as your hips bound against him. Bruce only draws away when you gently push at his forehead, his sucking kisses against your clit turning to a gentle nuzzle against your inner thigh. 
You sigh softly as he draws his hand away, standing. You reach up, palming his hard cock beneath his trousers. He groans, taking hold of your hand and tugging you up. 
“Not here.” 
“Bruce," You pout.
“Don’t worry,” He leads the way toward the stairs. “I’m not done with you yet.” 
“I don’t get another head start?” 
“Do you really think you can outrun me after that?” Bruce asked, throwing you a knowing glance over his shoulder. You smiled guiltily, giggling as he grins. 
“...You still awake back there?” You mumble. It’s a few long moments before Bruce lets out a soft, hazy hum, his arms tightening around your middle as he cuddles closer, nuzzling between your shoulder blades. You smile, rolling over to face him. His eyes are closed, hair mussed from where you had grasped and tugged it. Your body feels almost syrupy as you move against him. You’d been certain that he’d get up and check on the news once the two of you were through, but he’d stayed true to his word, cuddling up in bed even after you had gotten cleaned up. 
You raise a hand, gently stroking his cheek. He hums, face tipping up into the caress. You know that you’re going to need to savor this while you have it. You so rarely get to see Bruce this way—relaxed, calm, content…At least, you hope he’s content. Maybe his mind is racing with concern, with curiosity. You know that Bruce has a love and concern for Gotham. Sometimes you worry that you may never equal it. 
But the city can’t love Bruce the way you do. It won’t take him into its arms, won’t bandage his wounds or lay awake worrying for him at night. 
Your hand settles on his jaw, thumb sweeping across his cheekbone. You smile as he turns his head, pressing a kiss to your palm. 
But the city isn’t held by Bruce the way you are, either. 
“Thank you,” You murmur. Bruce’s eyes blink open slowly, fixing on you as he smiles sleepily.
“For what?” 
“For today. For…Everything,” You shake your head a little. “Everything that you do, and are, I just…Thank you.” 
Bruce leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. His hands skim up your back, drawing you into his chest, legs tangling together as if you can fuse to one another. 
“Today was good?” He mumble buzzes against your lips, and you grin. 
“Today was amazing and you know it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind. Anything that could’ve made it better?” 
You consider for a moment, gaze lowering to his chest. Michelle’s prediction rattles in your mind, and you can’t help but wonder…But—
“What’s that face for?” 
You can’t sneak anything by him. 
“...Baby,” He plies softly. You sigh, shaking your head. 
“It’s not—It’s just something Mish said.” 
“What’d she say?” 
“...She thought you were going to propose.” 
Bruce doesn’t lean away like you expect him to. His hands just continue their gentle circles against your back. 
“Did you think I was going to?” He asks. 
“Do you want me to?” 
It’s a fair question; it’s something the two of you have neglected to discuss since your fight. And as happy as you are in this moment with Bruce, you know that it isn’t a true representation of your relationship. You’ve had as many lows as you’ve had highs, and the lows have been devastating. 
“...I don’t know,” You admit. You hear Bruce draw a deep breath in through his nose, and you see him nod a little out of the corner of your eye. 
You don’t ask if he wants to. You don’t think you could handle the answer just now, either way. 
“Well,” Bruce does let go of you then, reaching over and opening his bedside drawer, “There was one more thing I meant to give you today. Before you get jumpy, it isn’t a ring, but it is something special.” You push yourself to sit up as Bruce scooches back, holding out a velvet jewelry box. Your brow furrows as you take hold of it. You give him a guarded, nervous look before you open it. Your stomach flips, and tears prickle at your eyes when you catch sight of your discarded lariat necklace. You haven’t seen it since you ripped it off and called him a coward, and you’d been certain you would never see it again. But there’s something different about it than you remember. 
You reach down, trailing your finger over the strand and coming to stop just above another jewel. 
“...I thought—” 
“It was a diamond,” Bruce nods, “But…” He reaches out, gingerly lifting the necklace out of the box and fastening it around your neck. “I wanted to give it a personal touch.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Bruce traces his finger along the silver, brushing against the dangling emerald before he gently slides his fingers beneath the new addition. 
“This was one of my mother’s pearls.” 
Your breath catches in your throat, and for a moment, you can’t move or breathe or think. Bruce’s gaze flits to your face, sweeping your no doubt stunned expression. 
“I thought about proposing tonight,” He admits, “But I think we need more time. That doesn’t mean that I can’t make you a promise—a promise to be honest with you. A promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives. A promise to come home to you every night.” Bruce raises his hand, curling his fingers around your trembling jaw.  “To keep my temper out of it, to push through the hard things with you instead of running from you—running from us. And to fight for this as hard as I fight for Gotham—and harder, when I need to.” 
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darling--angst · 1 year
Yan! Hunting Dogs + cursing them
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Ft. Jouno, Tecchuo, Teruko, Tachihara
Subordinate Reader: *Points at Jouno* Fuck you
Reader: *Points at Tachihara* Fuck you
Reader: *Points at Tecchuo* You're cool!
Tecchuo: *thumbs up*
Reader: *Points at Teruko* and fuck you! I'm out!
Reader: *Throws mic at Jouno's face*
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A/n: I know I'm supposed to be working on requests but I... I don't want to... yet. Side blog is @fedyaxz. Sorry if it's short, I got hungry on Teruko's part
Jouno Saigiku
To say that he is upset is an understatement. He is beyond furious, he was amused at first at the thought of that he was on your mind; not processing that you cursed him out. After realizing it, he tensed up with the usual smile that he had. He made a few snickers when he heard your opinion about Tachihara, so maybe you'll just say "fuck you" to the rest of the Hunting Dogs... Right? But he couldn't be more wrong your comment about Tecchuo? The so called strongest hunting dogs and Jouno's insufferable partner? Maybe you do need to be trained. And the fact that you even got a response on him infuriates him, how dare he lay eyes on you, and for you to do the same? He would be clenching his fist, ready to drag you out and punish you; maybe a week long trip with him shall be enough. But no, when you finished you threw the mic at him! He want to drag you out of there and chain you in his basement until you submit to him. You were sure you were fucked when you saw him down the hall with the usual smile he had and the mic you threw to his face. He couldn't have Tecchuo dating you now could he? You should only be his.
Tachihara Michizō
He could help but laugh a bit when you cursed Jouno, meaning that he may have a chance with you. But when you said that to him? He hated it. He was actually trying to make things a little more bearable to you, not like that masochist Jouno. He was actually trying to win your heart and you do that to him? And your comment about Tecchuo too! To think that he won a place somewhere in your heart? Absolutely ridiculous! What did Tecchuo have that he didn't? He already decided, he wanted to win you no matter how much it takes. He would protect you from anything including Teruko because of what you've done because she'll march where you are then fight you, but he has to stop her while Jouno went to you. Despite Tachihara's jealousy of Jouno to go to you, he can't have the vice captain hurt you now can he?
Tecchuo Suihiro
He was happy for the fact that you acknowledged him. He loves you by a lot, and for you to have positive feelings for him made him have reassurance that maybe—just maybe, he has a special place somewhere in you heart. He could help but form a small and unconscious smile, a small tint of red adorning his cheeks. His usual poker face is replaced by a gentle expression, his brown orbs having an unusual light in them. He felt warmness spread across his chest, and he laid his head down, remembering the words that you said to him and him only amongst everyone in the room.
He became oblivious to the burning glares that Jouno sent to him. His eyes burning with hatred and annoyance, sending Tecchuo empty threats and glares.
Tecchuo just became more determined, the fact that you have a positive opinion on him only meaned that he was making progress. Maybe it is possible to have you— no to make his dreams come true. You and him on dates, while you send him bright expressions. He wanted to make you the happiest person just like how you are his moon in the dark sky.
Teruko Okura (Platonic)
This girl is so offended, she'll gasp out loud, roll up her sleeves and is so ready to beat you up. Will pout and try to act cute, then beat you up.
She's aggressive, very.
You are very bold to say that to the hot tempered vice captain and I'm pretty sure you'll be dead for a few days because of her training.
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gracemain919 · 16 days
Doppelganger (oc) short story: (story cause and outcome depends on how the obsession acts)
(The Fungus universe)
Tw: Yandere, exhibition smut, non-con.
They Love You
Lights, such a bright light that engulfed your irises torturing them for ever trying to see. The sounds of whispers from a hidden crowd in the far darkness that surrounded you while a tingly feeling spread through your legs.
The chair you were seated on started to creak as a force pushed it back along with your body. Your legs were held by gentle yet firm hands that were slowly tracing circles into the flesh while your hands trembled against the restraints that bound you to that chair. Wrists turned red from the friction while your bare skin was out on display for this whole ‘crowd’ to see. The ‘crowd’ you couldn't even acknowledge.
Tilting you’re head back you moaned, the sensation in between your thighs getting better and better until the person causing such feelings took a break. Jacob parted his lips in awe peeking his head back to you, his smile almost breaking his face. “God… if I had known the Liar would have let me do this after that successful break-in… I would have done it sooner” he said in between breaths. He was breathless, drugged even.
While talking he trailed his tongue over his lips and you would have grimaced at such actions if you weren't too dazed to start complaining. This also meant you didn't flinch when he dropped your legs, letting them lay idle on the chair while he traced a finger over your cunt and taking said finger licking it clean.
Not the worst thing you have seen, but your embarrassment grew as he stood raising his hand while sticking out his tongue to the ‘crowd’. He was taunting the others… This sick bastard.
Your arousal was evident as he turned to the side letting your body more in view to the hidden crown that shrouded in the darkness the lights hid. You didn't know if you wished for them to continue hiding or for the lights to return. Each sounded equally as awful, just as awful as The Doppelganger's touch on your collarbone.
“So long you have been with us and you still think there are people here who don't drool at your very mention. Come on, they love you” he whispered getting too close for comfort.
Your non-existent response must have been enough for him to quickly return to your front. Hands taking their place on lifting you to his view; he returned to his little part of the show. His tongue began to trail up and down your nerves, your moans being accompanied by his groans. Like a damn dog getting a drink of water.
“Damn it”. His actions became faster and before you knew it he left you back to square one. Couldn't even finish the job leaving your body aching for more. “I have something better for you dear…”.
Your pulls agasint rope could resemble how he pulled against his pants already giving you all the ideas of what the next step would be. Is it bad your kinda excited for it? Being left wanting more twice has already made your already hot insides into a boil. You just needed something to cool you off.
While your mind was getting filled with some unsavory thoughts, your eyes started to trail down Jacob’s form. Must have been obvious since his smirk grew along with a snicker. “Worked hard for this body dear. You don't have to tell me I'm beautiful. I know it”.
Yeah right… you rolled your eyes as he discarded his clothes leaving himself bare alongside you. He wasn't a muscular man, more on the slender side. Thin finger tips, long but slim arms. The only thing that had a bit more meat was his chest and that description is a bit too generous.
Yet again he can change his form at any moment. You sometimes wonder why he likes that form so much.
“Hmm… Don’t worry. You will get your fill. Just like I and the others will get ours” he muttered hovering above you before looking at your bonded hands, an idea clearly showing in his eyes. “Sit very still dear,” he said quickly going to the back of the wooden chair leaving you to promptly remember you were being watched… by eyes you can't even see.
Your eyes trailed the darkness as you felt your hands being maneuvered by Jacob. Did it really matter?
Your thoughts were interrupted as the loud sound of rope being torn made its presence. How the doppelganger broke it was a mystery, but you were too tired to even think of making a run. Jacob just grabbed your body like a ragdoll and made you lay on the floor. Which was worse. Yay…
“Im getting too tired for this…” you complained as he positioned himself behind you. You could feel his arosal. Very hard arousal as he extended both arms to his sides with a smile like if he won a battle. Yet again you were the star of the show quickly proven by how he raised you torso up letting everyone see your face and chest more clearly. And also pushing you closer to his girth but you try to ignore that.
Nevertheless, you can not ignore the warm feeling of fullness as he pushes into you or the quick pace he decides to start with. You barely did anything not like you wanted to do anything. You just let him hold you like a fleshlight pushing you up and down his member as he pleased.
“Oh… look at them dear, they want to see you,” he said tilting your face to the darkness. “There… fuck. Let them see you. Let them,” he moaned as he continued plunging into your warm flesh. Damn, it did feel good… your insides could agree.
Maybe once you were done… you could convince him for a future favor in this ‘special’ place.
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mustainegf · 3 months
This is prob overdone, but it’s AMAZING.
‘99 vampire Kirk and the reader meet in a bar and Kirk takes her home and fucks her senseless ❤️ she is very into the vampire shit ❤️ lots of marking and biting. Maybe blood drinking ❤️ splendid ❤️
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: mention of blood, blood sucking, unprotected sex, creampie, a bit of masochism, vampire sex
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It was dark, the type of bar where you weren't sure if you should be there, and secrets were whispered with the smoke. I slid onto a vacant stool at the countertop, and the basses from the jukebox started booming into the blood that flowed through my veins.
The place was rather empty, but I had come in for one thing, and that was to get away from the everyday.
It was then that I first felt his eyes on me. Slouched against the wall opposite, his very dark eyes roamed with a look just about deadly. He had more to him, something almost dangerous. His long black curls and lean frame were unmistakable.
Kirk Hammett, guitarist from Metallica. There was something more about him tonight, though, it was like this air of mystery that really pulled me in like a moth into flame.
I took a deep breath, felt the heat rise in my cheeks, and walked over to him. My heart was thrumming out a bet far louder than the music in my ears while I advanced on him. His eyes met mine then, and a slow, wicked smile curved his supple lips.
"Hey," I said, trying to be casual, but it emerged from my lips all wrong.
"Hey yourself," he said, his voice like a low, velvety purr. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this, hm?"
"Just looking for trouble," I said boldly, feeling a little slice at his sharp gaze.
He chuckled, a sound that sent a shiver crawling down my spine like a frail spider. "Well, you've found it."
The next thing I knew, we were hailing a cab to go to his place. The pressure between us pulsed minutely, almost deadly in that small space. His hand lay casually on my thigh, the fingers making lazy circles that sent ripples up my skin.
We had hardly entered his apartment, a dark, Gothic decor for which seemed tailor made, when the door had already slammed behind us, but he had me pressed against the wall, his mouth covering mine in a very quick, possessive kiss. His hands cantered like fire across my body, and with every touch, the burning grew.
"You're sure about this?" he murmured against my lips, his breath practically burning. "I'm not all you think I am."
"More than sure," I said, my voice breathy and in need of anything he would give me. "I want this. I want you."
A growl rumbled from deep within his chest, a very primitive sound that sent a shock through me. Scooping me up, he carried me into the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed, using a strength that belied his lean frame. Standing over me, his eyes blazed with something so primal.
"You're mine tonight," he said, the promise in his voice so very black.
"Yes..." I whispered, having no defenses against him.
He crawled onto the bed, his body covering mine and leaving me in his shadow. He had his hands everywhere, exploring, claiming, taking.
"You taste so good," he muttered against my skin as his lips trailed down my neck. "I can hear your heart racing. Scared?."
I gasped when his teeth caught my skin, just a hint of what was to come. "Please," I begged.
"Patience, my love," he said with a low, dark chuckle. "I'm going to take my time with you."
His hands found the hem of my black dress, pulling it up and over my head. He took a moment to admire my body, his eyes sharpening in a way that was almost animalistic. Then he was on me again, his mouth claiming mine as his hands explored every inch of my exposed skin.
"You're so beautiful, darling," he murmured against my lips. "So perfect."
I moaned, arching into his touch. "Please, Kirk. I need you."
He chuckled again, dangerously. "Oh, you'll have me. Every last bit of me."
He smiled down at my vulnerable figure. His teeth looking much sharper than before, his pupils dialated in pure hunger.
With that, he moved down, his mouth finding the sensitive spot at the base of my neck. This time, his teeth grated against the skin, and I cried out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He licked the spot soothingly before biting down, his fangs piercing my sensitive skin.
It was an inexpressible feeling, a sharp, pinch of pain that eventually turned to a flood of pleasure. I felt his mouth on me, drinking deeply, and felt my arousal raise another notch as he groaned.
He pulled back, licking the wound clean. "You taste better than I thought you would, darling," he said, voice heavy.
"More," I begged, my body shaking with need.
"As you wish," he replied, his eyes flashing with ill intent.
He moved lower, his mouth finding my breasts. He sucked and nipped at my nipples, sending things straight to my core. His hands gripped my hips, holding me in place as he devoured my body with his lips, leaving dark hickies.
I was shaking, quivering by the time he finally moved between my legs. His mouth found my most sensitive spot and I cried out when he licked and sucked, driving me to the edge of madness. I tangled fingers in his curly hair.
"Kirk, please," I begged, my voice barely audible to him between my legs. "I need you inside me."
He lifted his glance to mine, eyes blazed. "You're mine," he said, low, growling. "Every inch of you."
Hequickly sat up and tore off his black jeans and boxers. I stared at his erection, he had a nice dick, probaby a good 7 inches, dark pink tip and a few small veins twirling up his shaft.
Kirk pressed himself at my entrance, and I yelped as he thrust into me, filling me nearly to the hilt. It was perfect, pleasure and pain blending together in equal measures.
"You're so fuckin' tight," he groaned, his hands gripping my hips. "So perfect for me, aren't ya?"
I could only moan in return, lost to the stretch of him inside me. He bent down, his mouth reaching my neck once more. This time, he bit hard, his fangs deep inside my flesh. The pain was exquisite, a sharp shock that sent me spinning into my mind.
He sucked deeply, the thrusts of his body becoming more urgent as he fed. I felt the life draining out of me with every pulse; the blood was replaced by a dark, unending lust that consumed me. I clung to him, my body shaking with the force of my orgasm, as I unexpectedly came, spasming around his girth.
When he finally drew back, I was quivering and gasping for breath. He licked at the 2nd wound he had made, his eyes nearly black and full of satisfaction. "All mine," he growled.
"Yes," I whispered, complelty captured by him now.
He kissed me hard, tongue probing my mouth with an almost feral need. The taste of my own blood on his lips was someting I never knew I needed.
"All mine," he repeated, his voice a dark promise. "Forever."
And in that instant, I knew it was true. I was his completely. Bound to him, inextricably, by blood and by desire, that now would never set me free.
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silentglassbreak · 10 days
Here we are, folks. The long, highly anticipated Part 2 of Can You Feel My Heart... I told you all I had a surprise for you, didn't I? Well, naturally, I wasn't lying. This piece of work was actually not written by me... Rather, it was written by the Smut Master herself, @notyourmomsromancenovel. After much discussion and careful consideration, we decided this story is going to be a series with an undetermined number of parts, every chapter bouncing between her and I. I'm going to warn you now, friends, we're going to get dark with this one... Now, without further ado...we sincerely hope you enjoy. xo -Glass & Romance
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: angst, crime?, smut, rough sex, bondage, kinks (slapping, choking, etc.), mild violence, gut wrenching fuckery that will have your jaw on the table.
Taglist: @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @shilohrosechicken @jilliemiw86 @wasteddoubts @raspberrywatermelon @respectfulrebel @guacinyourarea @sydinhiidef @amelia-acero @runadaggerthroughmychest @foliosgirl @anything-more-than-human @ooh-whatever-nevermind @poisongirl616 @theanarchymuse95
I hope I got everyone on the taglist, but if I missed you - let me know!
Silence Speaks
The toothbrush fell from my open mouth and clattered in the sink loudly. I frantically hung up and tried the call again, fingers shaking as I held the phone to my ear.
“The number you have reached is not in service. If you feel you have reached this message in error, please hang up and try your call again.”
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This can’t be right.
I thought back to our night together. The confession he made about his feelings toward me. The sex. Falling asleep together. The way he whispered to me as I fell asleep. Nothing about this is adding up.
I take a deep breath, close my eyes and try to clear the panic that is threatening to close in on me. I can feel my fingertips start to tingle, my ears are starting to ring. It feels like I can’t breathe and I know I’m on my way to a full blown panic attack if I don’t calm the fuck down. In through the nose, out through the mouth. One breath at a time. I can do this.
What the actual fuck is happening here?
My eyes fly open as I remember the last thing I heard Noah say as I drifted into unconsciousness.
“I’m so sorry. I wish things were different…”
I feel the bile make its way up my esophagus leaving me just seconds to make it over the toilet before I’m throwing up what little I could get down after the concert last night. Tears sting my eyes as I heave over and over again, with nothing left in my stomach but dead butterflies.
I lay my head against the cool toilet seat as I spit the last of the vomit from my mouth. Tears flow freely into the water, snot leaks continuously from my nose and I don’t even bother trying to clean myself up yet.
What’s the point anyway? What’s the point of anything?
My mind spirals to a dark place, wishing to be anyone but me. Losing Noah the first time was hard and took me years to recover from, and that was before he admitted he loved me.
This time...
This time might kill me. 
I hear my phone start to ring and my heartbeat picks up thinking it’s Noah. He’s got an explanation for why his phone was turned off, maybe a crazy fan got ahold of his number and he had to change it so he just got a new one. I scramble away from the toilet over to the corner, where my phone landed in my haste to not get vomit all over my bathroom sink. 
A picture of a smiling Ray and me at Knott’s Scary Farm last year looks up at me, and I think I might throw up again.
I let the call go to voicemail and sit on the ground, knees drawn up to my chest, arms wrapped around them, and lay my head down. I feel numb, light, like time means nothing anymore. 
I hear a text notification come through once, twice, and then another phone call. As soon as that phone call ends, a text comes through again. 
I groan and pick my phone up, intending to turn it off and pretend I don’t exist. I’ve been sitting like this for twenty minutes already, and I have no intention of moving any time soon.
As I swipe down the notification bar to power off my phone, I see the texts from Ray.
Ray: Hey babe, you good? You don’t usually call like that without saying something first.
Ten minutes later.
Ray: Babe? Raccoon if you’re alive or I’m going to show up at the house. I’m worried and I know you’re not asleep.
Ten more minutes before the final phone call and the last text.
Ray: Mkay well I’m on my way, see you in 15.”
I lean my head back against the cool wall. Fuck. How do I get Ray not to come home? I shoot her a quick text.
Me: Hey babe, I’m good. I think I might be coming down with something though, I don’t think you should come home. I’ll text you later.
My phone starts to ring and I see the picture of me and Ray. Double fuck. I fight for my life to sound semi-normal as I answer the phone.
Not doing great so far.
I hear Ray scoff into her headphones, “Yeah, that’s real convincing. Here’s the deal, I’m already on my way so you can fuck right off with your sick act. We’re practically soul mates and I know something is up. Unlock the door so I don’t waste time with the key. I’ll see you in 10.”
I don’t even get a chance to respond before she hangs up. There’s no chance in hell I can hide this from Ray once she’s here. I’m going to break down the second she walks through the door, so I send her a text.
Me: Bring the Stella Black and some ice cream.
Almost immediately, I get a response,
Ray: Bringing the shovel too.
I almost smile.
I get up and unlock the door, returning to the bathroom to brush my teeth for the second time this morning while I wait for Ray to get here.
Two big bottles of Stella Black, a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food, a pint of Rainbow Sherbet and an entire box of Kleenex later, and Ray was caught up. We sat in silence now on my couch watching Scream, the original. 'Something happy' she said as she put it on. I was barely paying attention.
By the time we learned Billy Loomis and Stu Macher were the killers and I hadn’t laughed once or mimicked the way the actors were saying things, Ray turned it off with a sigh. She turned to me and took one of my hands in hers. 
“Babe,” She started. I looked at her as she continued. “I know this sucks, I mean really fucking sucks, but you have two options here.”
I just blinked in response.
“You can let this consume you - eat you alive like you did before. Or you could enter your villain era. Show him what he walked away from, what he’s been missing out on all these years. Fuck him and his band.”
“My villain era?” I questioned.
Ray smiled. “It’s not like we don’t know when he’ll be here again, or when he’ll be close. We can show up at his show and...I don’t know, throw tomatoes at him or something. Or boo him when he comes on stage? That would make you feel better, right?”
The gears in my head started turning. A villain era might be nice. A little side of crazy to keep him guessing. Show him that he fucked me over and used me for sex for the last time.
I felt a smile spread across my face as I answered. “Yeah, I think that would make me feel better, babe.”
As long as things didn’t get out of hand.
Seven months is a long time to plan revenge when you think about it. It gives you plenty of time to plot, come up with ideas, change them, scrap them for new ones, all in the hopes of executing the perfect way to get back at someone. And I have it now. Once I was done with Noah, he’d never even think of anyone but me.
This was how I made him pay for his actions.
Unfortunately, there had to be some collateral. Tyler and I split the day after Noah left. I confessed immediately to cheating on him and I was so numb from the after effects of Noah’s departure, I didn’t even have it in me to cry over Tyler. Watching him quietly sob while processing my infidelity should have broken me, but I had nothing left in me, at the time, to offer him the reaction he deserved. I should have had more remorse. More tact. Shouldn’t have been so blunt. 
“I fucked Noah Sebastian.”
No apologies, no tears. Just stating facts. 
“Y/N, we should talk about this.”
I sat staring at him without saying another word until he left.
Tyler never spoke to me again, not that I can blame him. He wouldn’t like what I was planning anyway.
Sitting at a hotel across the country in New Mexico, I wondered if I was really doing this. I took a deep breath, in through the nose, out through the mouth. There was no backing out now. Hotels were already booked, tickets were bought. New Mexico, then Arizona, followed by Oklahoma, and ending with Texas. Five shows. Four cities. That would be plenty to get my point across. I thought about going to Sick New World in Las Vegas, but tickets were pricier than I would have liked and a festival didn’t have the same intimacy I was looking for. 
I checked my phone to see a message from Raylene.
Ray: Hey babe, just checking in. Let me know you made it to your mom’s!
I sent back a quick -
Me: Made it! The flight took a lot out of me, I’m gonna crash for the night, I love you.
It was way too early for bed, but not if you factored in being jet lagged like I claimed. Besides, I wasn’t going to bed, and I wasn’t at my mom’s in Florida. I was in Albuquerque getting ready to head out to the first concert to enact the revenge I so desperately needed. I felt a quick stab of panic for not telling Ray what I was doing, or where I really was.
What if something happened to me? I was alone in an unfamiliar city, after all. I swallowed the panic as I had every time I thought of these moments the last seven months, and instead I focused on the rage I had for Noah. I focused on making him pay for all the hurt he caused.
Doors were at 6PM with I See Stars starting at 7 as the opening act. After their set, Invent Animate would play theirs. I figured I had about three hours from the time doors opened to Bad Omens going on stage.
Easy enough.
I waited out in the lot in my rental car as I watched the crowd start to go inside when they opened the doors. Minutes ticked by as the crowd got smaller and smaller. Soon, there were only a few stragglers left as late comers hurried to enter the venue before the bands went on.
It’s now or never.
I glanced over to the fenced area that contained the buses for the bands. No security. Perfect. A small venue like this probably didn’t have the manpower to house security outside as well as inside for the concert. I double checked the alarm I had set on my phone and got out of the car before I could change my mind. 
I walked as quickly as I could over to the side of the building where the buses sat while trying not to draw any extra attention to myself. Getting over the fence was the hardest part, but I managed with just a couple of muttered cuss words. Spotting the bus for Bad Omens was easy, as it was the biggest one there.
“Show offs.” I muttered under my breath and walked at a brisk pace to close the gap between me and the bus. 
I shrugged the backpack I carried off and placed it on the floor, crouching next to it and looking both directions before unzipping it, pulling out my first weapon of choice; spray paint.
Red, of course.
I shook the canister, willing the can to stay quiet and began spraying the side of the bus. Letter by letter, I covered one whole side of the bus in spray paint. Once I finished the sentence, I stood back to get a good look. 
My heart was racing with adrenaline, and I could feel the maniacal grin plastered on my face.
Childish? Sure. Satisfying? Fuck yes.
Up next, the inside. 
I walked up to the door of the bus and tried it. Unlocked. 'Cocky', I thought.
I made my way up the steps and closed the door behind me. I froze in my spot, awe-struck by the luxury this bus had.
It was a shame I was going to ruin it.
I reached in my backpack and grabbed another can of spray paint; black. I looked around. Driver’s seat to my right. Nothing to really do there. To my left was the living area with a pull out couch, a loveseat, a coffee table, and a TV. Just past that was the kitchen area which had a fridge, stove top, microwave, and dining table. Beyond that, behind a closed door, were what I assumed to be the bedrooms and bathroom. I’d save those for last. 
The spray paint got used up first. Black and red X’s painted various parts of the living space. A couple of 'FUCK YOU’s were written on the fridge and the TV. I pulled out my pocket knife next and went to town on the couch and loveseat, gouging holes in them, stabbing them dozens of times each. It was gratifying, watching the stuffing fly around as I unleashed all of the pent up aggression I had for Noah on these inanimate objects. 
I took a deep breath and admired my handiwork so far, noting the destruction the boys would walk into after their show. I might have gotten carried away as the TV lay broken on the floor, but the end result was the same. I was starting to feel better.
I made my way toward the back of the bus and opened the door leading to the bedrooms. It was easy to tell which was Noah’s, the last one on the right with the Bring Me The Horizon posters lining the walls above his bed. I knew I was running out of time so I wouldn’t be able to savor this as much as I’d like, but it was more important than everything else that I get this done, so I would get it done as fast as I could.
Just as I stepped into the room, I heard footsteps stomping on the stairs to the bus, and the doorknob began to turn. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as I closed Noah’s door quickly behind me and dove under the bed. 
“What the fuck?!” I heard Noah’s voice scream as it echoed throughout the bus. 
Folio wasn’t far behind as he said, “Noah hurry up we’re about to go-” His voice cut off as he stepped onto the bus. “What the fuck?!”
Nick’s voice carried from outside as he chuckled, “What are we what the fuck-ing?” Followed quickly by, “Oh, what the fuck?!”
I guess they must have missed the writing on the outside of the bus with the sun having set, making the inside of the bus the first thing they saw that I had done. 
I was panicking. This was not supposed to happen. I was going to be out of here thirty minutes before they went on, and no one would ever know it was me. Trying not to hyperventilate as I hid under the bed became my biggest priority. I had to focus on calming down because I couldn’t hear the boys over the sound of my own blood rushing through my veins. Deep breaths, slowly. In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Their voices came back as I began to get control of my breathing. 
“... would do such a thing?” Nick asked incredulously.
“.... call the cops.” Folio was saying over Nick. 
The two of them continued talking over each other before Noah shushed them. “Did either of you or Jolly leave the door to the rooms open?”
Oh, fuck.
Everything got deathly quiet. My heart was beating loud enough that I’m sure all of them could hear it at this point.
I could hear their footfalls getting closer to the hallway. The door to the far left was flung open, banging against the wall. A moment of silence passed as I assumed Jolly’s room was cleared. The door next to it, next to Noah’s, crashed against the wall as one of the boys opened it harshly. Another beat of silence as they cleared Nick and Folio’s room. Noah’s room was next. I knew I had mere moments before that door crashed open and they found me in here.
My fingers began to tingle. My breath came in short gasps. I could feel my heartbeat in every inch of my body. The door slowly opened. The boys knew this was the last room. If anyone was still on the bus, they were in here.
Double fuck.
I could see two pairs of shoes clearly from my position under the bed. Noah’s Converse at the front, Nick’s combat boots right beside him, and beyond them I could make out Folio’s Docs. They took slow, deliberate steps into the room, making sure there was no one to be found. I was seconds away from giving myself away before they ever even got the chance to see me. I held my breath, trying to slow my heartbeat that I just knew was echoing throughout the bus.
“Hey guys,” Folio whispered from the doorway. “I know you’re obviously in the middle of something, but we have to go. We need to get ready on stage. We’re going on in about thirty minutes.”
Noah cursed under his breath as he gave up his search before getting the chance to check under the bed. He let Nick walk ahead of him as both of them turned to leave the room.
Oh thank fuck. 
Saved by the bell. I never thought I’d be so happy to know they were about to go on stage. Now I just needed to wait until they got off the bus and were heading into the venue before I got the fuck out of here. 
The door began to close behind Noah as I thought about what Folio had just said. They had to be on in about thirty minutes.
I’m so fucked.
No sooner had the thought crossed my mind, my alarm began to blare out of my phone signaling it was 8:30PM. 
In a panic, I tried to silence my phone before they heard it, scrambling to get it out of my jeans pocket and hit the snooze button. I was so busy trying to quell the noise, I didn’t hear the door open again, nor did I hear Noah crouch down in front of the bed. And I certainly was taken off guard when he grabbed a handful of my hair and began to pull me out from underneath his bed.
I dropped my phone, alarm still going off, and grasped at his hand in my hair, trying to get some reprieve from the pressure. I sucked in air through my teeth at the pain, and tried to gain traction with my shoes against the carpeted floor to delay the inevitable. After a few moments of struggling, Noah was able to get my head and arms out from under the bed. As if on cue, Nick and Folio each grabbed one of my hands and pulled me the rest of the way out. 
Once I was fully out from underneath the bed, Noah snatched me up onto my feet by my hair. He looked at me with anger, followed quickly by recognition, then confusion, before settling back on anger. 
He let go of my hair just long enough to grip my neck and throw me against his wall. “Y/N?! What the actual fuck?!”
I wrapped my hands around his wrist as his fingers dug into my throat, uselessly trying to get some air.
Folio placed a hand on Noah’s shoulder, “Hey man,” He started. “You've got to let her breathe.”
Noah’s hand loosened just enough for me to gasp in a breath of air that ended in a sharp cough. “You can breathe, so you can talk. I’ll ask again. What the actual fuck?”
Noah’s voice was calm, low, deadly. I’d never seen him like this, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of talking, not when he couldn’t give me the satisfaction of an answer to his transgressions. Instead, I just stared defiantly at him.
“Fuck, man,” Nick said, hands running through his hair. “We've got to go dude. Like, we've really got to go.”
“Cancel it.” Noah didn’t even glance back at Nick as he said it.
Nick physically flinched at the tone of Noah’s voice. 
Folio tried next. “Noah, seriously. We can’t cancel less than thirty minutes before the show. We have to go.”
I wasn’t sure if they were trying to convince him to leave for their benefit or mine, but I was grateful either way. The look in Noah’s eyes was terrifying, but it was also causing heat to pool low in my abdomen, and I had no interest in unpacking that feeling, so I needed him to let me go and leave.
As if he could read my mind, he sighed and turned back to Nick and Folio. “Fine.”
I could have cried.
“Grab me the rope from the utility closet. We’ll make her nice and comfortable, and then we’ll go play our show.” Noah looked back at me. “She can answer my questions when we’re done.”
Well, fuck.
An hour and a half passed while I sat there tied up. The longest hour and a half of my life. I assumed they would be back quicker, but apparently having a hostage tied up wasn’t a good enough reason to hurry things along.
I was laying on Noah’s bed, wrists zip tied together with rope connecting the zip ties to the bed. My feet were spread, each being tied to one metal post by rope. Of course, Noah got sick of me mouthing off about what a dick he was so there was a bandana in my mouth, tied around the back of my head.
“You’re so pretty when you’re bound and gagged.” Noah had whispered into my hair as he finished tying the knot behind my head.
I had shuddered, and I’d like to think it was from revulsion, but my body had other ideas.
That was then, though. Me and my body were on the same wavelength now. We were pissed. He had kept me here for far too long. I was irritated, my wrists were sore, and I had to pee. I swear the people being kidnapped in the movies never have to pee. 
I had half a mind to wet myself in Noah’s bed, just to see his reaction when he came back. I had almost talked myself into it when I heard the bedroom door open. 
Looking over, Noah stood silhouetted in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob and the other on the door frame. He looked out of breath, chest heaving rhythmically. I just glared at him.
“Oh good, you’re still here.” He smirked. “I’m going to go take a shower. Wash the funk of the show off me. Then, we’ll talk.”
I was screaming beyond my gag, which was pointless as he had already shut the door and started the shower. What an insufferable asshole. Being riled up again made me completely forget about my full bladder as I thrashed around, which really only made things worse for me. 
By the time Noah emerged again, shoulder length hair dripping onto his shirtless chest and a towel wrapped around his lower half, I was exhausted. My wrists were throbbing, my throat hurt, my mouth was dry, and my ankles were starting to burn from where the rope rubbed them. He looked like a pornstar, and I looked like a mess. 
I watched Noah reach into his dresser to grab a pair of gray sweatpants and a black tank top. Then, he turned and faced me, and dropped his towel.
I wish I could tell you I looked away - or at the very least closed my eyes - but I didn’t. My gaze quickly fell to the towel as it came unraveled from around his waist, and then locked intently at what it was covering. 
As if he had all the time in the world, Noah bent forward and slowly began to put on his sweatpants, and I followed his every move until he tucked himself inside of them. His shirt was on much quicker, but I couldn’t help but notice how much drier my mouth seemed after watching his arms flex as he pulled it over his head. 
Noah slowly prowled towards me, a fire blazing in his eyes, and I couldn’t tell if it was lust or hatred that was behind them. 
Once he reached the bed, he dropped to his knees beside me and untied the bandana from behind my head, letting his fingers graze my cheeks as he removed it from my mouth.
“Are you ready to talk?”
“Go fuck yourself, Detective Asshole.” I spit. “This isn’t an interrogation for me. It should be one for you.”
Noah looked amused at my remark. “For me? I didn’t realize I was the one that had broken into my own tour bus and vandalized it. You realize you caused tens of thousands of dollars in damages right?”
I had realized that, but hearing it said out loud made me feel small. “I’m aware of what I did, Noah, but are you?”
“Tell me, Y/N, what did I do?”
All those months of anger, all those months of planning, all the pain - it came down to this right here, this confrontation. It wasn’t happening as I had expected it to, but I’d take what I could get.
Just as I had begun to formulate my verbal attack against him, tears welled in my eyes, and the first word I tried to say turned into a sob.
Noah’s face fell. The hardened criminal persona I had tried to portray crumbled as the hurt he had caused washed over me. 
“You...” I had to pause as the sobs wracked my body. “You left me, Noah. You broke my heart. Not just once, but twice. You broke my soul. Shattered it and left me in pieces. And then you came back into my life, just to give me a second of hope. Of happiness. And then you stole it away. You took everything I had to live for. You took every chance I ever had of loving anyone ever again. You were it for me, Noah. The only thing that kept me going day in and day out, and losing you the first time, I had to learn to live with only half of me.”
Tears flowed silently down my face as I continued. “Leaving me the last time? You took the rest of me with you. The damage I’ve caused to your bus is the smallest glimpse of the pain you’ve caused me. It doesn’t even scratch the surface, and you deserve so much more for what you’ve done!”
I watched as tears tracked lines down Noah’s face. I watched as the fire he had when he came into the room was smothered. I watched as the boy I fell in love with, the one I knew all those years ago, resurfaced. Gone was the hardened Noah Sebastian. This, this was Noah Davis; the love of my life, my soul mate, my reason for being. And I watched as he crumbled as he realized how badly he had hurt me.
“Y/N, you don’t understand.” He started, choking up and having to clear his throat as he continued. “I had to.”
“You didn’t have to do anything, Noah.” I couldn’t back down now. “You could have let me in! You could have let me love you. You could have done anything except fuck me over, but you’re selfish and it’s all you know how to do. All you’ve ever done is shut out anyone who got too close. I don’t even think you know what the meaning of love is at this point.”
He looked so broken, his eyes mirrored the pain I had been feeling these past seven months. “I couldn’t bring you into this life, Y/N! Not like this. I changed, I was different, there was no way you could ever want who I became. I was saving you from me!”
There it was. The reason Noah left. He was trying to save me from him?
“Noah, that’s not your decision to make! You should have given me a chance to decide for myself if I could be with the person you became. Spoiler alert, I can! I love you, Noah Davis. With every fiber of my being and every inch of my soul. There is no one else for me. Why can’t you see that?”
I watched as realization dawned on him, watched as he realized how big of a mistake he made, and it was almost satisfying enough to make up for everything he did to me.
“Oh, fuck.” He whispered. “I fucked up. I fucked up worse than I could have possibly imagined. How could I have been so stupid?”
“All I’ve ever wanted was you, Noah, in whatever version of yourself that you are. It’s just you.”
He lowered his forehead to mine and closed his eyes, “What can I do to make this up to you? What can I do to begin to earn your forgiveness? You’re all I want Y/N, if you’ll still have me.”
I shut my eyes and tried to think, my mind working furiously to try to come up with something, anything to say. This was going so far differently than I had ever imagined, but maybe it would have the same outcome?
“You could start by untying me?” I asked softly, and even I heard the seductive edge in my tone. 
Noah’s head snapped up, and he reached up to undo the rope that bound my zip tied wrists to the bed. He stopped short, though, glancing at my face and then running his eyes down my body to where my legs were spread, tied to his bed. He took his time staring before slowly meeting my gaze again.
There was that fire again. 
“I don’t know.” He stood then, and I looked to see his growing erection pressing against his sweats. “I did say you were so pretty when you were bound and gagged. I meant it.”
I felt wetness at my core and desperately tried to rub my thighs together, anything to get some friction where I desperately needed it. I hadn’t had sex since that fateful night with Noah all those months ago, and I was definitely feeling the effects of that loss now. 
 Noah’s eyes glanced at my thighs, and a grin spread across his face,
“Do you like the sound of that? Does my girl want to get fucked while she’s tied up?”
I could only whimper in response, but Noah took that as all the invitation he needed to push his sweatpants down, freeing his erection. He slowly stroked his shaft, once, twice, making sure my eyes were watching his hand as he worked himself. I could feel my breath quicken as I licked my lips, desperate to feel him. 
“Would you like a taste, princess?” I nodded and locked eyes with him as he moved closer, lining his cock up with my lips. I gently licked his tip, where a bead of precum had formed. This caused his head to tilt back, which gave me the opportunity to wrap my mouth around his head, using my tongue to caress the base of his cock. 
He pulled away from me, and I whined at the loss of him. “Not so fast,” He chuckled. “I’m in control here, isn’t that right?”
“God, yes Noah.” I groaned.
“That’s a good girl." He stated as he lined himself up with my lips again. “Are you going to let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours the way I want?”
“Yes.” I whispered against him, and as soon as my mouth opened, he forced his cock inside, slamming all the way to the back of my throat. I gagged harshly, and he used the momentum to shove even further down my throat, cutting off any air supply I had and making me try to jerk back reactively. 
His hand wrapped tightly in my hair. He held me down, face flush against his stomach, as my throat worked to swallow his entire length. 
He moaned above me. “Fuck Y/N, you feel so fucking good gagging against my cock.”
He held me down another few seconds before giving me reprieve, and I gasped in air as he pulled back. 
“You’re such a fucking good girl.” He muttered as his free hand lightly caressed my cheek. I savored the gentle touch for a moment, eyes closed before he pulled away. I had just a second to mourn the loss of his hand before I felt him smack me, just hard enough to surprise me.
I gasped at the contact which gave him another opportunity to force himself down my throat. He continued relentlessly fucking my throat until it felt raw. Tears were streaming down my face and my makeup was far from ruined. His hand remained tight in my hair, causing a soreness to build on my scalp.
After what felt like an eternity, but was likely no more than fifteen minutes, Noah removed his cock from my mouth and his hand from my hair. I took in big mouthfuls of air, luxuriating in being able to take full breaths, in comparison to the small reprieve I had earlier.
I focused on calming my breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Same as always. 
Noah looked down at me hungrily. “Ready for more baby girl?”
“More?” I croaked.
A dark chuckle escaped him as his hands reached for the button on my jeans. “We’re only getting started.”
Getting my jeans down far enough proved to be a very un-sexy task filled with a lot of curses from Noah as he tried to figure out how to maneuver them down. He settled for untying my legs one at a time, and pulling each pant leg off before tying my legs to the bed posts again.
Once he had me repositioned the way he wanted me, he nestled himself in between my legs, looking up at me briefly before clamping his mouth around my clit, his tongue circling it relentlessly. My back arched off the bed and a moan that sounded more like a scream escaped my lips.
“Fuck, Noah.”
He hummed with his mouth still pressed against me, causing my body to convulse at the sensation. It had been far too long, and I was going to come long before he was finished, I just knew it.
As if he had read my mind, Noah slipped a finger in between my lips, teasing at my entrance before plunging first one, and then two fingers deep inside of me.
“Oh, God!” I groaned, feeling the orgasm building low in my abdomen. 
He curled his fingers inside of me, reaching up to the spot that he knew would have me coming undone in seconds. His fingers worked inside of me, and his mouth worked at my clit, guiding me closer and closer to the edge. Not a minute later, my orgasm crashed into me, a scream in the form of Noah’s name leaving my lips.
Noah’s mouth and fingers slowed as he coaxed the last of the spasms out of me, and I came down from the high of my orgasm.
I looked down at him as he withdrew his fingers from inside of me, making eye contact as he licked them clean, which caused another shudder to run through me. 
“Fuck, you taste amazing, princess.” Noah pulled himself up, pushing himself onto all fours and crawling up towards me. His mouth hovered over mine as he whispered. “Would you like a taste?”
I didn’t get to answer before his mouth was on me, and his tongue was dancing with mine. His hand reached down between my legs and his fingers made contact with my sensitive clit, making me groan beneath him.
I felt him smile against my lips. “Sensitive, sweetheart?” I could only whimper in response.
He continued circling my clit lightly as I fought against the restraints,
“Please, Noah.” I couldn’t take it anymore. 
“That’s right, princess. Beg me.” His fingers left my clit, granting me my request. 
I had enough time to sigh in relief before his cock slid deep inside of me. He pushed into me as deep as he could before pausing, a tremor running through his body. “God, you feel so good baby girl.”
My hands itched to run through his hair and I longed to rake my nails down his back.
This was what torture felt like. 
Noah rose up onto his knees, his cock never straying from inside of me and began to fuck me. This wasn’t the awkward sex of our youth, or the passionate lovemaking of our young adulthood. This was raw, fiery fucking. 
The slap of his skin on mine was deafening, nearly drowning out my screams of pleasure. 
“That’s it, Y/N. Take all of me like the good girl I know you are.”
Noah leaned over me and placed his hand over my mouth, “Take a deep breath, love.”
I glanced at him, begging my eyes to come into focus to try and make out what he was asking me to do. I took a deep breath just seconds before his hand inched up to cover my nose along with my mouth. His other hand snaked around my neck and began to squeeze.
He began to pound into me harder, and I tried to gasp against his hand and the pressure on my throat. I felt my lungs begin to burn and my eyes widened in panic. I started to thrash against the restraints, but fuck I was so close to coming. 
Just as I thought my lungs could take no more, my orgasm hit me like a ton of bricks, and Noah removed both of his hands causing the blood to rush back into my head, and giving my orgasm an extra boost that had me screaming his name over and over.
Noah leaned back again, cock thrusting deep inside of me and never losing stride as his thumb started to circle my clit again.
I was so far gone that it was no longer too sensitive to touch, and I was on my way to chasing another orgasm.
Noah could tell I was getting worn out. “Just give me one more, baby. I know you can.”
“Please, Noah.” I didn’t know what I was begging for any more. For him to finish? For more? I couldn’t tell.
His thrusts became harder, faster and his breath came in quick gasps. He was getting close.
“Do you know why your pussy is so wet, Y/N?” He asked me.
It took a few tries and I had to wet my lips with my tongue before I could answer weakly. “Why?”
He was pounding into me harder than he had before, and I could feel my orgasm building, taking me higher and higher.
“Because it’s mine, baby girl.”
That was all it took to send me careening over the edge into oblivion. A myriad of curses left Noah’s lips as he thrust into me, once, twice before stilling as he finished inside me. 
Noah took a few minutes to slow his breathing before he began the work of untying me. He carefully removed each zip tie and the ropes before beginning to massage my wrists and ankles where they were rubbed raw from the abuse. He kissed me lightly before picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. He finished undressing me before guiding me into the hot shower, steam rising around me. 
He joined me in the shower, and started washing my hair, my body, taking great care around the places that were sore. I had no use of my arms and legs and my body felt disconnected from my mind.
Is this what heaven felt like? I felt so free, so loose. God, I missed this.
Noah turned off the shower, the cold wrapping around me. I sighed. Why did it have to end so soon?
I felt a towel rubbing against my skin as Noah began to dry me off. He grabbed hold of my hand and walked me back to his bedroom after tucking the towel tightly around my body.
“Sit.” He commanded, pointing to his bed.
I immediately obliged and he crawled in behind me, sitting up against my back as he began to brush my hair.
I moaned and leaned into his touch, which caused him to chuckle lightly. “Did I wear you out, my love?” He asked.
“You know you did, you cocky asshole.” This garnered a full belly laugh from him, which vibrated against me. 
Noah put the brush down and buried his face into my neck, his arms wrapping around me, “I missed you so much, Y/N.”
“I missed you too, Noah.”
With a sigh he got up from behind me, going to his dresser to grab one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers for me to wear. I swam in his oversized shirts, and I loved it.
He slipped back on his sweats but remained shirtless. 
“We have to get on the road in a few hours.” Noah started. “Should I take you back to where you’re staying?”
I shook my head and smiled. “I have tickets to your next four shows.”
Noah blinked at me, before the biggest smile plastered his face. “You do?” He looked uncertain as he asked. “Maybe you could ride with us then?”
I took a moment to contemplate, “Are you sure that would be okay? I don’t want to intrude.”
“You could never intrude, Y/N. I would love it if you stayed. I want to spend every day with you.” Noah grasped my hands in his. “I want a life with you.”
I stared deeply into his eyes, it was everything I had wanted to hear all those months ago. To save myself from another fit of crying, I just nodded in response. Noah leaned down and kissed each of my fingers, one by one.
“Let me update the guys. Get dressed, make yourself comfortable. Maybe grab a snack from the kitchen and we can watch a scary movie until we fall asleep when I get back?” Noah was already up and heading out the door as he finished his sentence.
It wasn’t thirty minutes later I heard the rest of the boys quietly conversing in the living area, and Noah bidding them a good night before walking towards his room. I was curled up on his bed, a bag of Hot Cheetos on one side, and Watermelon Sour Patch Kids on the other.
“How did that go?” I smiled up at him.
He crawled in bed next to me, laying his head on my lap and moving the bag of Hot Cheetos out of his way. “Better than it could have gone. I told them I’d pay for the damages to the bus, but they were all happy to hear you would be joining us on the tour. At least for a little bit, right?”
“Yeah, you’ve got me for now.” I ran my hands through his hair. “Mind if I put on Halloween?”
I didn’t give him the option of an answer before pressing play. He just snickered and traced his fingers up and down my calf.
By the time we made it halfway through Halloween 2, Noah was on his side next to me and I was laying on his chest. His fingers ran idly up and down my back and I listened to the steady beat of his heart.
Noah’s fingers started slowing and his breathing became steady.
“I love you, Y/N,” He whispered before he drifted off to sleep.
I smiled. “I wish we could stay like this forever, Noah.”
I was dreaming about her, like I did most nights. These were happier dreams than usual. Her and I were sitting in the grass, mountains behind us and a lake in front of us. It was perfect. Just like her.
I looked over in my dream and she was smiling, laughing, looking more beautiful than I had ever seen another human being look. I placed my hand on her stomach, round with our child, my wedding band glistening in the early morning light. This is what true happiness was. Me, my wife, and our child - our daughter, just about to enter this world where she would be loved and cherished more than any other child had ever been.
This was our happily ever after.
I woke slowly, hesitant to leave my dreamscape, but eager to wake up next to the woman of my dreams. I stretched, feeling my back pop and groaning at the relief it brought me. Shows always made me so sore the next day, and last night’s activities sure didn’t help with that either. My cock twitched in my pants at the thought, and I was excited at the prospect of round two.
I reached over, searching for her with my eyes still closed, but found the bed cold and empty where she should be.
My eyes flew open and I jolted upright, scanning the room. 
Where was she?
Panic filled my veins as my breath came in short gasps, and my lungs felt like they couldn’t get enough air.
Other sounds started to filter in as my pulse quickened, and I heard the shower running. My body relaxed instantly, sagging as a low chuckle escaped me.
Of course she was in the shower. Where else would she be?
I took my time getting out of bed and leaving my room, heading towards the bathroom to join her.
I tried the door, but it was locked. Smart, there were three other men on this bus.
I knocked. “Y/N? Can I come in?”
I heard the shower turn off and wet footsteps make their way across the room before the door opened. 
I smiled as I looked into the eyes of the woman I love, and fixed my mouth to tell her good morning...before realizing it was Folio standing in front of me.
“Uh, Noah?” Folio looked confused. “Y/N is definitely not in here with me, I swear dude.”
My face fell, glancing around him. I almost wished she was in there with him. A pit formed in my stomach and I stumbled back into my room, frantically tearing it apart looking for my phone. As soon as I found it, I dialed her number by heart. I placed the phone to my ear, heart pounding so loud I was afraid I wouldn’t hear when she answered.
“The number you have reached is not in service. If you feel you have reached this message in error, please hang up and try your call again.”
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ronearoundblindly · 6 months
Kissing, lighting and sleepy sex for Hideout Steve and Reader?
I am not prepared. My feels...they shall be too deep and endless. I shall try anyway.
From this dirty ask game for this AU series where Nomad Steve lets motel-employee!Reader soothe his touch-starved body. Lawd, halp me, this is about to get crunk in a tooth-rotting, put-some-pillows-beneath-you you're-gonna-faint type o' way. [y'all can't tell I drank during the eclipse today, right? I'm subtle? Cool.] MINORS DNI.
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K - Kissing
ACK My heart! Or rather, there is something deeply adoring for Steve when you kiss his chest, over his heart. It makes him feel just that much more like a person who lives in this world, who belongs in this world, who will return one day to this world...
His hands are also a big one--no, not just actually big hands, but important to show love to because he uses them for such violence. Each kiss is like a little touch of forgiveness for what he's done or had to do with those hands. He appreciates the trust it takes, too, to kiss his palms, when he could easily stop you breathing (sorry, that sounds dark, but Nomad was in a dark place, okay, bad things occur to him now).
Steve loves to kiss your stomach, and it might be somewhat taboo to say, but he has a touch of that crawl-back-home-for-safety comfort thing going on when he presses close and holds your center to him. It's not a mommy kink or roleplay, per se; he relishes the connectedness of being one and curling up against you is the only non-sexual way he knows how to achieve that--like in Chapter 3 when he falls asleep in that position.
As far as leaving marks though? Steve can emphatically say 'hell no,' not on purpose. Pain is a bit, meh, weird for him because he heals so quickly. He might not even notice if you did bite or bruise him. He certainly wouldn't see it in the morning. He does not in any way associate marks with love or affection since he only ever saw them on himself after fights or on women (including his Ma) after being abused.
That is not love to Steve.
It's control, it's dominance, it's inequality, and he fucking hates it.
L - Lighting
Steve entirely defers to you on whether there are actual lights on or off. He likes to use his senses to explore and enjoy you, so without light is fine. He's just here for you.
Steve does, however,--no spoilers for Chapter 5--like ambiance such as candles or something dim and colorful. He thinks you'd look unbelievably perfect beside a sparkling Christmas Tree. He hopes to celebrate (all holidays and birthdays and everything) openly with you some day. The sooner the better.
(Except, no audience for him making love to you under those twinkling lights, please. He's staunchly opposed to that sort of thing.)
S - Sleepy Sex
So, again, no spoilers for Chapter 5, but once Steve gets comfortable with oral sex he is comfortable with oral sex, if you catch my drift.
If he wakes up first, he's on you in some way, arms and legs draped over you, kissing any place he can get to, man-handling you just enough to start something he 100% will finish. He's just...uh god, so attentive.
With the super senses and being a fugitive though, it's not often that you can wake up before him, truly, which limits or completely removes the ability to surprise him with a blowjob, but he will dreamily let you roam wherever your mouth and hands take you. As long as there's lots of contact. As much as possible really. Like lay your arms across his thighs and abs while playing with him. Maybe put your body over one of his legs and ride his foot if you need to. He must feel attached in some way. Cold, distant, or separated does not do it for him.
Here's my absolute, I-will-die, favorite thing about Hideout Steve though: when he's tired/fatigued/worn out/sleepy, he gets louder.
Much. Much. Louder, babes.
No cursing, mostly, but all the moans and groans and whining are totally dialed up. And I don't know about y'all, but I can't really think of anything fucking sexier than Nomad Steve screaming that he's gonna come.
Thank you for asking!
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A/N: Here lies Ro in a puddle. She made up a man she wants and will never have.
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[Main Masterlist; Hideout Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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ghostboneswrites2 · 6 months
Hi!! I want to start of by saying that I love your writing!
So while watching twd I noticed that Daryl has more tattoos in the later seasons and can only guess that they’re stick-and-poke and that he did them himself. Do you think you could write a fic where the reader(f) is in a relationship with Daryl and asks him to give her a tattoo (which she has none of btw)? I was thinking like a little arrow or something because she “wants to have something of him even when they’re apart”? And make it super fluffy and stuff?
18+ MDNI || Warnings: Needles, profanity, mostly just fluffy nice cool Daryl
Note: I am not encouraging you to give anyone or receive an at home tattoo via sewing needle or tattoo gun, but I have received my fair share of both and the descriptions in this story are just based off my vague memory of how it was done for me! It is definitely not a tattoo guide.
edited to add: tysm for the compliment ilysm <3
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        "Did you always have that tattoo?" You wondered, tracing over the dark marking on his arm. The two of you were on one of your regular afternoon strolls through the woods when you decided to lay against a log and chat. The sunbeams filtered through the canopy above and littered little golden rays over his arms, highlighting the light hairs and texture of his skin. These moments were your favorite. Peaceful bliss in the natural world.
        Daryl shook his head.
        "Nah. Did it awhile back." He said.
        "Never had a stick-n-poke?" He asked.
        "Never had a tattoo, period. Let alone a prickle-poke." You shrugged.
        "It's stick-n-poke." He snickered silently. You glared.
        "Whatever. Can you give me one?" You asked.
        "A tattoo?" 
        "Yeah. The stick-n-prickle kind." You joked.
        "Alright." He nodded. "Gotta get some supplies together for it."
        You watched as he carefully burned the little sewing needle and wrapped it in thread. 
        "Why thread?" You asked.
        "Kinda helps hold the ink but mostly jus' for grip." He explained.
        He set up a tiny container on the side table of your bed with black liquid.
        "Is that ink?" You asked.
        "Mm-hmm." He nodded.
        "You made it?"
        "Soot. Alcohol. Water." He shrugged. "Ain't hard."
        "Cool." You whispered, fascinated by his expertise. 
        "Wha'd'ya want?"
        "I was thinking about an arrow." You said. "A small one. Real simple." He raised an eyebrow. "For you, dummy."
        "I got that but.. Why?" He tilted his head a little.
        "'Cause. I wanna have something for you... Always. Even when we're apart." You said with a soft smile. He hid his face bashfully, not wanting to expose the little blush that was creeping over his features. Instead, he pretended to adjust the thread around the needle.
        "Where ya want it?" He asked when his flushed cheeks returned to their normal sunkissed glow.
        "Right here." You pointed to your ring finger, right where a ring would go.
        "Ya sure?"
        "Mm-hmm." You nodded surely. He wiped some alcohol over that spot to disinfect it.
        "Alright." He said. He delicately grabbed your finger and held it in place. "Y'ready?"
        "I've had worse than a little pin prick." You giggled. "I'm ready."
        Without another word, he got to work carefully poking the needle through your skin, freehanding a perfect line. You watched in awe, studying his look of concentration, the way he tilted his head to see though his hair, holding your finger up close to his face to make sure every detail was perfect. It only took about twenty minutes. You looked it over when he finished, holding your hand up the way someone does when they're admiring their engagement ring.
        "Wow." You grinned. "How did you make such a perfect line?"
        "Ain't perfect." He shrugged.
        "It is! I love it." You insisted. A half smile curled at the corner of his lips.
        "'M glad, 'cause it don't wash off." He joked. You rolled your eyes.
        "This is no laughing matter, Daryl. You just proposed to me, ya know." You said in mock seriousness.
        "What?" His eyes widened. Even under the tan skin, his face still drained of color. 
        "Yeah," you pressed on. "This is my ring finger. Like, the ring finger. And you permanently marked it with something symbolic to yourself." You gloated.
        He blinked. He couldn't tell if you were joking or not.
        "Anyways, I'm gonna go talk to Carol about planning the wedding. I bet Rosita and Tara would be beautiful bridesmaids." You rambled. "Oh, and instead of cake, everyone gets a glass of moonshine!"
        "I don' think.."
        "I'm kidding, genius." You rolled your eyes. He relaxed a little. "Thanks though. I love it."
        He cleared his throat and stood up, cleaning his workspace so not to clutter your bedroom.
        "Oh, by the way.. This is the ring finger." You smirked. He stared at you for a moment before shaking his head.
        "Don't go showin' the whole damn world and tellin' 'em we're married." He grumbled.        
        "Would that be so bad?" You pouted. He smirked and planted a kiss on your forehead.
        "Nah. But I ain't proposin' with no damn stick-n-poke. Gon' find ya somethin' better than that."
        Your face lit up, practically brightening the entire room.
        "You're gonna propose?!" You bounced with joy.
        "Wha-- I didn't--"
        "Oh, my god! I have to tell Carol!!" You squealed as you darted out of the room. He stood there expressionless, processing what he had just done.
        "Shit." He mumbled. It wasn't that he wouldn't propose one of these days. He'd love to call you his forever. Otherwise, he never would have marked you with something that represented him in the first place. It was just.. That it would draw so much attention to him. He sighed. He guessed he walked right into that one.
        "When did you do this?" You asked him, holding up his ring finger that was now decorated with a little cloud shape.
        "Yesterday." He shrugged.
        "Is that a cloud?" You eyed it closer.
        "For what?"
        "Dunno. Ya always stare up at the clouds when we take long drives." He explained. "Now we're both marked."
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Tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana
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khristie16 · 1 year
Dom Charles Leclerc sub Italian reader, a very long, hot spanking punishment (belt too) for the reader because of her rebel/bad attitude in their previous fight/discussion, bend over the table rough sex, wrists tied using the belt, a lot of dirty talk (in French too) and teasing, "Oui, Monsieur", after sex soft/gentle Charles. Thank you so much!! 🥰
This was so fun to write! Thanks for the tip!!:** Warnings: see above, swearing
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I said No Charles! What do you mean no?? Like a fucking NO! Excuse-moi?? he looked at you in disbelief. You think it was my fault the guy touched me? You really think that huh? No it is not your fault but I told you to stay away from that group of people! And you think you can boss me around like that? Well, you are my girlfriend. So when I don't like something, I will tell you. Well then you have to accept I'm not gonna do everything you say! YN - his eyes incredibly dark. NO! Cazzo. - you stormed out out of your place. Leaving Charles behind. -
As you went back to your home after some time of cooling down, since you have a short tempered personality, you opened the door and saw literally nothing inside. It was dark everywhere. Gulping slightly, you were trying to find the switch to turn on the lights. As you were reaching out, in the exact moment someone grabbed you by your wrist and swung you around so you felt someone behind your back. It was a hard landing. Being pressed to someone's torso behind you.
Ma che cazzo?! He jerked you with such force that you hissed in pain. I'm so DONE with your SWEARING at me. - deep and harsh tone of his startled you. Charles! as you screamed when he tossed you on the couch. As you turned around to lay on your back, he switched on the little lamp on the side of the conference table. Take your skirt off. You furrowed your eyebrows on him. Do as I say YN or you will suffer more. - he glared at you. As you were trembling to take your skirt off, you looked rather mad. And don't give me that look. Or I will tie you up to the bed for one week straight without you able to do anything rather then taking my cock. Begging me to stop. As you opened your mouth at his rude words, he shoved his point and middle finger to your mouth. You gagged immediately. He pressed his two fingers inside your mouth and his thumb under your chin to squeeze his hold on you and putting so much pressure you had to obey to his movements. He got you to your knees in front of the couch.
Bring the ice, now. As you were trying to bring some oxygen again to your lungs, you stumbled and got up to your legs. He grabbed you by your arm and put you to your knees again. This man had incredible strength. Did I tell you to stand up? As you were looking to his eyes, you saw pure rage. You got so afraid to do anything. Afraid to talk. So you just shook your head. Words…. he exhaled as If he was done with you any second. No… No what? No Charles, you did not. I'm not Charles anymore. - giving you the glance again. You felt tears welling up in your eyes.
You knew what he meant by that. It happened just once when he took control over you so much you thought it is impossible to be this dominant over anyone. It was just once because it was so intense for you you cried so much and begged for not doing it ever again. But Charles was not playing with you anymore, not today. You fucked up bad.
No, Monsieur. He just nodded - Now get the ice. As you were going on all fours to the kitchen, getting the ice from the freezer, tears running down your face, sobbing quietly so he doesn't hear you. When you got back, tottering from side to side, you stopped at his feet. Crying more loudly than you indented to. You crying now? - he chuckled - Should have thought about that earlier when shouting and swearing at me. He took the ice from your hands and placed it somewhere, since you were still looking on the ground. Bend over the couch. Qui, Monsieur.
As you grabbed yourself from the floor, you carefully walked to the couch and laid down, hearing nothing around you. It was so quiet. The only thing you've heard were your sobs. And your fearful thoughts loud and clear in your head - you awaited the worst. As you were lost in your thoughts, he got you snapped back in the moment by slapping your bare cheeks. He left his rings on his fingers, a high possibility he will tear your skin since it happened once already. His spanks were rough and hard as his soul right now. You squeezed your eyes as you processed the pain. Trying not to scream. You think you can raise your voice at me? or swear at me? SLAP You were moving up and down since you wanted to make friction elsewhere to not feel the pain. You will pay for that, cherie. He slapped you five times in a row making you scream and shout Please stop-p - making it hard for you to even speak since all you felt were tears and frog in your throat. Shhhh, don't be loud cherie. Neighbors don't need to know you were a bad girlfriend right? Slapping you again for six times. You buried you face so hard into the couch, you could hardly breath. You wanted to disappear so bad in that moment.
You hissed when suddenly you felt the ice on your skin. Shh, don't move. - he put his big hands on your hips to hold you still. Grabbing your skin roughly you felt the skin was already bruised. C-Charles *sob* - he slapped you right away, grabbed you by your hair and spoke directly to your ear. I'm N.O.T. your Charles anymore. I'm sorry monsiuer, - crying so much you were surprised you could talk - I'm s-sorry. You better be. As he continued to cold your cheeks, you stopped moving and shivering. Thinking you are done with the punishment, which made you slightly happy again. But Charles thought different. As you were staring blankly to the floor around the couch, thinking you paid for your previous behavior, you heard a belt clinking. As you moved your face to its direction, you saw Charles standing above you with the belt in his right hand. Your eyes almost fell out, stopped breathing as well…
Ma cherie, you will be a good girl won't you? - smiling at you like a devil itself. You started crying again, but nodding at the same time. Qui, Monsieur. As you put your head back, tears running down your cheeks, you awaited the pain. One, two, three… you grabbed the couch with your hands. The pain was unbearable. More painful since your skin was cold and heating up at the same time, making it extremely painful. How would you rate your previous behavior? Che? - you asked since it was so hard to concentrate on anything else but pain. Three hard smacks with the belt. D.o.n.'t. make me r.e.p.e.a.t. myself. I don't know! - sobbing so hard. - Five, five…. - you hoped your prayers will be heard. Five? - he chuckled loud. - I'd say at least sixteen. As he started his count, you screamed desperately, taking your hands to hide your cheeks. His movements stopped for a sec. T.a.k.e. your hands away RIGHT NOW or I will slap them with the belt as well. You suffered but obeyed. Sobbing and crying on the couch as you slowly put them beside your laying body again.
When he got to the number sixteen, you were just crying with your eyes open, no facial expression whatsover. Awaiting the end. Si jolie fille. Look at the color cherie. - you heard a camera shot sound. As he was walking to where your face was, grabbing you by the hair and showing you the photo. This is you. You get this for mistreating me. You saw how badly red your ass was, seeing the scarred skin - devastated Que c'est beau. He grabbed you under your armpits, putting you in the air as if you weighted nothing and tossing you next to the the kitchen counter. Your hips bumped to the edge. Take off your shirt. - you did as he said, your whole body trembled right now. He went for your nipples, squeezing them harsh between his fingers, making you put your head back to his shoulder and moaned. Now he was aiming for your neck, sucking harshly and making hickeys all over your skin. You were a moaning mess right now. He chuckled at such condition of yours. You won't ever disobey me again, If I say you don't go to talk to anyone, you just won't. Or else I will make out of your neck a hickey graveyard it will be so embarrassing for you to go anywhere in the public… silence and sobbing.
He grabbed you by your hips and pushed you towards the table in front of the window in the living room. You yelped as your hips hit the edge of the table. Before you could stand up he was already right behind you. Spread your legs for me. - you cried out out loud since you knew what will come next. You felt his fingers running down your folds, humming as he liked what he saw. What a beautiful view ma cherie. You are so wet for me. - shoving his finger inside you making you moan embarrassingly. - Your pussy is so needy. - he chuckled - Let me take care of her. He shoved inside you so deeply you felt the pain in your lower stomach. You gasped for air and gripped the edges of the table frantically. - he chuckled all of a sudden. Ah, you finding comfort in it? Let me change that for you. As he grabbed you by the neck, he put you higher so he could grab your wrists and lock them together with his belt. You deserve nothing but comfort.- He spitted in your right ear. Putting pressure on your back now, you laid back again with your arms held together in a fit. He started to fuck you again, not letting you to adjust to his size. Making it even harder for you. He went for a faster pace, making you scream once again. Merde, cherie. Your pussy is so good. Much better than you are to me - You sobbed. I'm-m sorry, I'm sorry. Please. You don't deserve it. He grabbed you harder by your hips, pressing his nails into your skin to make sure to leave marks on you. You are all mine cherie. Do. - thrush - you - thrust - understand - thrust? Qui, qui Monsieour. As you sobbed and moaned out loud at the same time. He chuckled at your messing state. He went with this thumb to your tight hole and shoved it inside - again not giving you time. AHHH Charles ! - *slap*. Shut up you whore. He was attacking both of your holes making you squirm under his touch and seeking your pleasure peak. As you moaned even more and more he went for even a faster pace. You like this cherie? Qui, qui. As you moaned. And since Charles knew your body like the back of his hand, he knew when to stop. NO! - you cried out loud. - P-please, pleas-se…you breathed loudly and deeply, still sobbing since it hasn't left you. He laughed at you cruelly now. He took his other hand and touched your clit so lightly you started moving towards the friction. He slapped your ass, making you a hiss sound. D.o.n.t. move. - you nodded slightly. He continued brushing your clit slightly, teasing you so much you thought your on the verge of breaking out. He got yourself right where he wanted you. You were moving from side to side from the so close orgasm you needed release immediately. You were a writhing mess under him. You are such a whore ma cherie. Please. I'm begging you, You think you deserve it now? Qui. - he laughed at you. No, not yet.
He grabbed you by your hips and tossed you to ground. Making you hit your face since your wrists were still tied together. Sit up. You did, hardly but did. Now listen to me, it will never ever happen again, you understand? You will never talk to me that way ever again. And I will make sure to do whatever it takes to make yourself seen off limits, and if you just cannot listen to me, I make your skin look so miserable that guys will be afraid to even touch you from such sight. Do you understand? Qui. - you meant it as you lowered your eyes. You never wanted to see this Charles again. You wanted the soft one, the loving one. The one you were used to. As he was looking at you, he smiled a little. Last lesson. Open your beautiful mouth. You did as he said. He shoved his big thick cock in your mouth, making you gag around him. So good for me cherie. So good. - your eyes teary once again, breathing harder for him. I bet your pussy likes this. I bet it's a mess beneath you. You moaned loudly at that. Because he was telling the truth.
As he was thrusting his cock in your mouth, the more he groaned out loud, you knew he was getting close. He thrusted in your mouth one last time and put him out. Jerking himself off and squirting on you. As he was panting and finding his steady breath again, you felt his cum dripping down on your skin. If it means to put my cum on you and letting you go like this to public, I will do it. I won't disobey you again, Monsieur. Good. - as he exhaled, he took you by your wrists and let you stand up.
You've learnt your lesson cherie. - he kissed the inside of your wrists, he let the belt loose. Grabbing you under your knees and the backside of your shoulder blades. Taking you to the bedroom. Laying you down on your stomach. Put your hips a little bit higher for me mon amour. - and you did. Loving your old Charles is back again. He sneaked his right hand to your clit, rubbing it softly and his dick once again entered your hot pussy. Making you moan immediately. Be a good girl and come for me. As he was moving in and out of you, rubbing your clit, focusing on your pleasure, you didn't last long. Moaning so hard and calling his name, he groaned to himself and supported you to come for him. He knew your body so well, putting light kisses on your neck since he knew you love it. You had the most intense orgasm so far being with him, moaning and saying his name on repeat. Breathing loudly and coming from your high, he slowly and gently started massaging your back. Making you hum a little at his soft touch. You like this cherie? - you just hummed and smiled to yourself. Good. He continued for a little bit, starting at your back, going down your legs and up once again. And then turned you around, so you were on your back. Facing him. Seeing his beautiful face telling you, he adores completely what he sees beneath him. He used his knee to spread your legs, and you let him. Smiling at him you didn't know. You're so good for me right now ma cherie. - as he shoved himself inside of you. Making you arch your back. Y-yes. He moved slowly and lovingly. Putting his hands over your face, so you were forced to look into his eyes. His eyes were no longer dark, but soft. His green eyes were speaking to you, safety and intimacy. You were lost in his eyes as he were lost in yours. Te amo Charles. J'taime YN. He kissed you on the forehead and went a little faster with his thrusts. I want you to come once again, when I have my tongue down your throat. You started kissing each other, him invading your space inside your mouth. As you started to shiver, he hold your hips steadily and went faster. You were a moaning mess, losing your breath as he was stealing it from you. You came again, seeing stars, feeling his touch and his warm embrace. He groaned loudly to your ear as he came again, right after you…
As you both found your breath again, he looked at you, his eyes lazy. I'm gonna prepare a bath for you. I'd like that - you smiled at him. He kissed you on the cheek, stood up and went to the bathroom. You wanted to go after him but your legs were weak, so you just sat down on the bed again waiting for him. What is wrong mon amour? - he looked concerned. I cannot walk. - looking at him under your lashes. Smiling a little. He took you in his arms and took you to the bathroom. Putting you inside the warm water with bubbles and candles around. I will make dinner meanwhile you rest, it will be ready once you're finished. - he kissed you on the forehead, ready to leave. Charles? Yes? I am so sorry. I will never behave that way again. - you looking down into the water. I know - he rested his hand on your right cheek and kissed you on the forehead again, before disappearing to the kitchen.
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