#so i went for one i always wanted to write about but never did
cleolinda · 3 days
AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy?
There’s a famous Reddit post from 2020 where a pregnant woman wrote that her husband and father-in-law were a little too comfortable with their certainty that she was absolutely going to die in childbirth just like her husband’s late mother. It was to the point where her FIL was insisting that she go ahead and put all her clothes into storage, because she was obviously going to die in the hospital and it would save them the grief of packing up her things afterwards. Like. It was WILD.
When I tell my husband [that she feels suspicious of her FIL], he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural…. My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me.
The commenters (and me, honestly) were convinced that the husband and FIL were either going to kill her outright to fulfill this expectation, or just make decisions about her care that might conveniently let her die.
And then she never posted again.
Over the last four years, people have frequently mentioned that post, always leading to a thread of people saying, “Oh god, I still worry about that woman.” I did too. It became one of those famous unresolved posts that people always wondered about.
Until yesterday, when someone on r/BestOfRedditorUpdates dug up a 2022 update she had posted on a different account:
TLDR; I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl, and I divorced my ex-husband. I lived, obviously.
She writes that she put her foot down about having her own mother in the delivery room rather than her FIL (!), and she WOULD be getting an epidural. Her husband lost his shit. And in his outburst, he let slip--
I admittedly lost my temper, and told him that I wasn’t going to die- it wasn’t my fault his father’s trauma wormed it’s way into his head, and that he needed to fix it without taking it out on me. He yelled at me that he didn’t need therapy. That caught me a little off guard; I asked him why he went to his therapist and was given advice about my death if he felt he didn’t need it. His expression gave it away, and he caved not long after. It turns out there was no therapist. It was just his dad. During the times he was supposed to be at therapy, he was with his dad. I’m still fuming.
And that was when she got the fuck out.
I’ll wrap this up- I’ve got an adorable little toddler tugging at my leg atm. I’m alive, I’m happy, and I’ve got my baby in my arms. Life is good.
I truly never thought we'd see a resolution to this, and I feel like there's probably a good number of people who remember it, so I thought you might want to know.
ETA: Brilliantly, I put the link in at the top; here it is again for convenience.
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skzdust · 2 days
Can I request a Han fic where the reader is an idol under JYP who also happens to be Chan's little sister?
I thought I wouldn't have much time to write recently but I LOVED this idea so I worked on it last night and today on my lunch break and I finished it!
This was such a fun one to work on, thanks for the request and I really hope you like it!
Summary: You went to your brother Chan's place crying, but you found his roommate Han Jisung instead.
Pairing: Han Jisung x fem!idol!reader
Word count: 1k
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345
Includes: fluff, hurt/comfort, pie as a comfort food, cuddles, sharing a bed (sfw)
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
You knocked on the door and stepped back, shuffling your feet on the hallway carpet.
You’d been hoping it’d be your brother Chan who opened the door, but you weren’t so lucky. It was Han Jisung, who’d always been mostly nice but teasing to you. You didn’t need teasing right now.
“Y/n! Are you looking for Chan—oh, what’s wrong?” His voice was colored with worry as he saw the tear tracks on your face.
“Yeah.” You mumbled, pushing past him and walking into the living room to flop face-first on the couch.
“I think he’s in the studio right now.”
“It’s four in the morning.” You mumbled. “Why is he in the studio?”
“Dunno.” You heard one of the chairs in the room squeak slightly as Jisung sat down. “He does that sometimes, especially when he can’t sleep. He goes and works on music.”
“Mph.” You groaned. You could understand that, you did the same, writing songs for your group in the dead of night. You’d been hoping to wake Chan up, though, not miss him entirely.
“Is there… do you want to talk about it?” Jisung asked hesitantly, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it.
You considered for a moment, worried Jisung might make fun of you if you told him the truth.
If he does tease me, I can just leave and text Chan. You reassured yourself.
You tilt your head sideways so you’re not talking into the pillow. “I totally messed up in practice for this music video last night and I’m worried I’ll be dropped or something. We’re about to debut, and we have to be, like… perfect.”
Jisung hummed thoughtfully. “And that was last night? Your debut is set for… less than a month, right?”
“Three weeks and four days.”
“Been thinking about it?”
You sighed. “Yeah.”
“I get it. It’s terrifying.”
You looked up at him over your shoulder. “Not going to poke fun at me?”
Jisung tilted his head, confused. “No? You’re crying. You know, I only do that when I’m joking around. I never mean it genuinely.”
“It still hurts sometimes.” You sat up, hugging the pillow.
“I’m sorry.” Jisung cleared his throat. “I guess… I go too far sometimes.”
You nodded, new tears forming in your eyes. “I appreciate that.”
“Oh, did I say something wrong?” He leaned towards you.
You sniffed. “No, I’m just… emotional, I guess.”
“Here, I have a solution.” Jisung stood up and walked into the kitchen. You watched him go, curious. You heard the fridge open and close, and he walked back in with a plate of pie and a fork.
“Oh, that’s my favorite kind.” You smiled.
“Yeah. I remembered you mentioning it a little bit ago and I thought I’d give it a try.” Jisung shrugged, holding the plate out to you. “It was pretty good, but I got a lot, and I had some extra.”
You took the pie and took a bite. It was delicious, comforting, and exactly what you needed. “Thank you.” You said, your mouth full.
He laughed, and you were suddenly struck by how cute he was when he was genuinely happy.
Although I’ve always kind of found him attractive…
“I’m glad you’re liking it.” He sat back down and held out his hand. “Here, let me have a bite.”
You held out the plate. “Should you… new fork?”
“I don’t care.” He took it. “Do you?”
“No.” You said, your face heating up.
“You’re all red!” Jisung grinned. “You do care!”
“Whatever.” You mumbled, unable to hold back your smile.
He took a bite, then gave the plate to you. You broke off a piece of the pie with the fork, hesitated for a moment, then took the bite. You handed it back to him, and he had another bite, too.
It felt intimate.
When the pie was finished, Jisung set the plate down on the coffee table. “Did that help?”
“Yeah.” You leaned back. “Why are you still up, anyway?”
He pointed to the TV, where a show was paused. “I couldn’t sleep, either.”
“Is something up?”
He didn’t look at you. “No.”
“I told you mine.”
He sighed. “I guess I’m in a similar boat to you. I’m really struggling with some choreography, and I think Minho is annoyed with me at this point.”
“Yeah, I definitely understand that.” You nodded. “But if you want to get good at the choreo, you should probably get some sleep, you’re not gonna be able to dance tomorrow if you’re exhausted.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Says you.”
“I don’t want to go back to my place.” You said softly. “One of my roommates was mad at me about… tonight.”
“Sleep here, then.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” You shook your head. “I don’t like couches, I’ll be brave and go home and lay in bed or something.”
Jisung thought for a moment. “I have an idea, if you’re up for it.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Shoot.”
“We could both sleep in my bed. Maybe having someone else close would help.”
The part of you that had a crush on Jisung went wild.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” You smiled.
“Nice.” He stood up. “C’mon.”
You followed him down the hall and to his room, which you’d never been in before. It was a little messy, but you could tell he was organized. His bed was mussed up, like he’d been tossing and turning. Given what he’d told you, he probably had been.
He pulled back the covers and motioned for you to get in. “Get comfy.”
You did so, getting into the bed and pulling the comforter over yourself. You were suddenly exhausted, and you struggled to keep your eyes open. The bed dipped when Jisung got in.
You got an idea. “Jisung?”
“Can we, um, cuddle? I’m just feeling a bit lonely, and I think it’d be nice, and I… I dunno, we don’t have to.” You rambled.
“‘Course we can.” Jisung opened his arms, and you scooted into them.
He was warm, and solid, and comforting, and safe.
You felt content for the first time since your disastrous practice as you cuddled into his chest.
“Chan might kill me.” He muttered, his embrace tightening a bit.
“No, he won’t.” You closed your eyes. “Chan’ll be fine.”
“Even if he did, it would be worth it.” He said with a soft laugh.
That was the last thing you heard before you fell into sleep.
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lovelybrooke · 15 hours
Yandere Dungeon Meshi Concept
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Sorry for not writing anything in a while, I hope you enjoy this, and feel free to request anything based on this concept if ya'll want.
I was going to make reader a child, but I instead went with the idea of them being older. This race is unspecified, but I personally view them as being a Tall-man.
You don't know why you agreed to travel down into the dungeon with your friend, you should've never let them convince you into doing this. But alas, here you are, fighting monster after monster as you and them travel deeper and deeper. 
They've been obsessed with becoming an adventurer years before the dungeon was discovered. They were constantly taking on odd jobs just for the heck of it, constantly coming home with random bruises and other injuries, but a bright smile on their face. Adventuring was something that made them happy, and they wanted to experience it with you. 
However you were the opposite. You liked your quiet little life, and were not looking for any sort of adventure. You were happy being the person your dear friend always came back to after exploring, but you never wanted anything more, and you were very open about that. 
So when they came to you ranting and raving about a new dungeon discovered on the island, you had no interest in it whatsoever. But your friend on the other hand was obsessed, spending days begging you to come down there with them. This time, they were planning on exploring the dungeon to its fullest and water to be the first person to discover its secrets, and they wanted you with them. And though it took much convincing, you eventually agreed, something you would come to regret. 
The first few days of exploration weren't bad. You were more magically inclined, so you were able to stay away from any monsters while your friend was the one to deal with them. If you did have to fight, you were able to summon familiars in order to fight for you, which allowed you to remain safe. 
Deep down, you did enjoy the mystery of the dungeon, but as you delved deeper, and the masters became more difficult to deal with, you started to notice a change in your friend. Their previous talkative nature was gone, now replaced with eerie silence majority of the time. They were ruthless to the monsters you encountered, becoming something vicious that you were sorta afraid of. This all culminated into one strange night, you were low on mana, causing you to fall asleep quickly while your friend remained awake. 
When you awoke the next morning, your friend was gone, their bag present and filled to the brim, as though they disappeared suddenly. You spend the next few days looking for them, questioning what the best plan was. Where would they go? Why would they leave without you, when they were previously so obsessed with you staying close to them? For a moment you wanted to assume the best, that they were becoming fearful of the dungeon and, out of embarrassment, left without you, leaving their stuff behind so that you would have enough to survive without them. 
However, another part of you knew that it wasn't likely to be that simple. Your friend wasn't the same as when they first entered the dungeon, almost as if the dungeon changed them in a way. You knew that this dungeon and its ties to the mad mage was likely to cause your friend to be driven to madness, but if that's the case why did you feel perfectly fine? You knew that it was likely something or someone changed them, so you packed up as much as you could carry and left, traveling deeper in hopes of finding them, or what was left of them. 
Traveling alone in the dungeon was difficult, especially as your rations dwindled. There were days where you went without eating anything, waiting until you absolutely had to in order to not waste the small amount of food you had. You felt sick and tired most days, and on top of that whenever you were low on mana you felt miserable, and constantly wondered if this was the right choice, if your friend was truly on the surface while you were suffering for them. But you knew them, you knew that that was unlikely, and so you kept traveling, even as it pained you to do so. 
A few weeks after your friend's disappearance, you knew you couldn't travel any farther. You knew that if you were to die, then that you would be revived, though much weaker than before. That was the best option, so you didn't question the pain as you passed out while traveling, internally hoping that you would be able to get farther than before once you were back on your feet. 
However, when you did awake, you were meant with the smell of food, good food. The smell caused your heart to race, because you knew that it was likely that you were close to other travelers, and that it was likely that they weren't friendly. However, the first face you saw was the exact opposite of that, a clearly worried elf girl very close to your face. "Guys, they're up!" She screamed, it was too loud for it to be the first thing you heard, causing you to flinch. She looked apologetic as someone else, an aloof looking dwarf, handed you a bowl of soup, which you quickly scarfed down without a second thought. 
After finishing many bowls of soup, the elf girl, who you learned was named Marcille, explained that they found you passed out during their own travel and that their party leader, Laios, said that it would be wrong to leave you there. You were grateful, explaining your own situation and after much internal debate between their party, they decided to let you join them, despite you being very willing to leave on your own. Senshi, the dwarf, claimed that after not eating you were too weak to travel on your own. Laios agreed, while the beast-man and half-foot seemed like they couldn't care less. 
Laios's team was definitely eccentric, monster eating aside, though that very much threw you for a loop. They were all very different, but you see that they all cared for each other. Overall, you related a lot to Laios. One night he confided in you just how much his sister meant to him, and how badly he wanted to find her, and you couldn't help but relate to him. His drive to find his sister made you just as hopeful to find your friend as well. 
Like the other members as well, Marcille seemed to warm up to you quickly, seemingly incapable of leaving you alone, protecting you in battles even when you were perfectly fine. You gave her the benefit of the doubt, knowing she was missing her close friend. Senshi seemed like a perfect caretaker, always cooking you hearty meals, encouraging you to eat even if you were full. You basically never knew hunger when he was around. Chilchuk and Izutsumi were much more reserved, but you think they like you? Izutsumi always gives you the food she doesn't like and Chilchuk always makes sure you get taken care of first after any battle. You always assumed you were much younger than him, though it could also be because he thought you were helpless. 
As much as they did to help you fit in, you never truly felt like you belonged within their group. They all shared one common goal, and while Falin seemed like a great person to you, you never truly could relate to them, which often made you feel out of place. Though, none of this was their fault. Laios, for as strange as he was, is kind, and once he noticed your fear and anxiety he worked hard to make sure you never felt alone, even if it did cause you to become overwhelmed. 
You went from feeling alone, to cornered. You never had a moment to yourself, and you often found yourself forgetting your friend, the entire reason you were in this terrible dungeon in the first place. You wondered if it was because of the dungeon itself, or if it was some other, darker reason. With every monster, every transformation, every new meal, your mind strayed farther and farther away from your friend. You knew It was terrible, but you were so caught up with other things that your mind started to drift. You were still trying to find them, that will always be your goal, but after every meal, you start to forget your friend more and more, and it kills you.
A/n: I don't know how to feel about this, feel free to request for dungeon meshi if you want
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Teenage Dreams (13 going on 30 AU) - part 1
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Being 13 sucked, all the cliques and groups in school, fighting for popularity and all you wanted to be was 30, flirty and thriving, just like the cool girls in Star Magazine.
Word Count:2,763.
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
*dividers by @saradika-graphics
Thirteen, what a terribly awkward age for anyone to be. Never quite sure about where you were supposed to fit in. All the popular girls would pour over the latest gossip magazine, nattering about which heart-throb of the month they thought was hotter. You couldn’t help but overhear the shrill giggling about how far they’d gone with their boyfriends, with a scandalised scream from the group when Stacy Evans revealed how she had made out with her boyfriend at Jessie Miller’s party last week. The boys weren’t much better either, all hanging out in their groups, guffawing and joking, rating seemingly every girl in the cafeteria on a scale of one to ten.
And you weren’t an exception to this, no. As you carefully weave your way through the bustling school’s cafeteria, balancing your tray in your arms you catch the attention of Jason Carver, the most bone-headed of all the boys, but he was a promising young talent in the school’s basketball team, so he got away with a lot of the stuff he did and said, with nothing more than a light warning breezing past him.
“Nice Hello Kitty shirt, did your mommy pick that out for you?” comes Jason’s shouted remark, high-fiving his crew when they laughed at his joke.
“Hey, Carver, leave her alone! All you care about is throwing balls into laundry baskets anyway!” and there was Eddie, your best friend in the whole world, always at your side through thick and thin. He slings a friendly arm over your shoulder as he walks with you to your usual seats. “How’s it feel to be turning the big one-three, you’re officially a teenager now!” He laughs playfully.
“Don’t remind me!” you squeal back, shoving his shoulder with a laugh of your own.
As you walk with him to your seats, you are once again stopped in your tracks, confronted by Nancy Wheeler, the school’s resident popular girl and her small army of followers who went with her everywhere.
“Hey, bestie can I talk to you for a moment?” she narrows her eyes towards Eddie “Y’know, just us girls.”
“Alright, I can take the hint, Wheeler. I’ll catch up with you later, okay?” Eddie smiles before walking off.
“The girls and I were so excited about coming to your birthday party tonight, and I told Steve Harrington about it and he said he wanted to come with us,” Nancy started, twirling a dark, bouncy curl around her finger.
“Yeah, but Mrs.O’Donnell is up our ass about this group project, and Steve said he would help us out, so I guess nobody is going to be able to make it, which is a shame, because we really all wanted to come.” she says with a tilt of her head and an almost pleading look in her blue eyes.
“I could write your report for you.” you offer.
“Fabulous!” she cheers, her pink lip gloss glinting under the fluorescent lights “Then I’ll see you at your party I guess.” She smiles, and with that, Nancy is gone, her gaggle of girls following closely behind her.
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Eddie walks beside you as you make your way home, your backpack slouching down your shoulders with every step.
“Y’know I can’t believe you invited Nancy and her army of girls to your party tonight.” Eddie grumbles
“They’re my friends!” you defend.
“Nancy and her clones are not your friends, okay?”
“Well not yet anyway, but they’re so popular and I just think if I could get them to like me, maybe I could hang out with them.” you explain. “I mean it’s middle school, right? And not being popular is like, total social suicide.”
“I thought you didn’t care about that stuff! Why would you even want to hang out with them in the first place? You’re way cooler than them. They’re always so concerned about following “the latest trends”, they’re all so unoriginal!”
“I don’t want to be original, Eddie, I want to be cool!” you whine.
Eddie shakes his head at you dismissively, before reaching into his pocket.
“Want some skittles?” he asks, pulling out the brightly coloured packet.
“Skittles are for kids, Eddie.” you scoff with a laugh before holding your hand open to him.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” he smiles, dumping a handful of skittles into your palm. “I’ll see you at your party later, birthday girl.” 
You wrap your arms around him in a hug, saying your goodbyes,  before going your separate ways.
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You fluff your hair in the mirror, swiping on a sparkly layer of strawberry pink lip gloss and adding the finishing touches to your baby blue eyeshadow. The electric sound of Van Halen’s ‘Jump’ stream through the tape player in your bedroom, it was a mixtape Eddie had put together for you for your birthday last year full of all the songs that he knew you liked plus a few more that he thought you might enjoy.
You turn yourself around in the mirror one final time, smoothing down the wrinkles on your flouncy pink party dress with your hands before putting down your lip gloss on your cluttered vanity table when you hear your mother knocking at your bedroom door.
“Honey! Can I come in?” she calls out.
You offer her a grumble of affirmation and she swings her way into your room.
“There’s my little birthday girl!” she squeals, pinching your cheeks.
You pull away from her, groaning with embarrassment.
“Mom! Stop teasing me, I’m not a little girl anymore, okay! I’ve got to look perfect if I want to get in with Nancy and her friends!”
“Oh, darling, you don’t need to worry about stuff like that. Just because you don’t look like the girls in Star Magazine, doesn’t mean that you’re not beautiful in your own way.”
“But I don’t wanna be beautiful in my own way!” you whine. “I wanna be like these girls.” you say, pointing to the beautiful, fashion model in the magazine spread out on your bed. They seemed to have it all figured out, always looking so effortlessly beautiful and carefree, without the stress of teen angst looming over them at all times. Thirty, flirty and thriving, the article had read, and that’s what you wanted. To be a flirty thirty-year-old without a care in the world.
“Sweetie, there’s a reason you don’t look like these girls, they’re models.” comes your mother’s response.
“I want to be thirty.” you pout.
Your mother hugs you close, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“You’ll get there one day, but until then, you’re my beautiful thirteen-year-old daughter.”
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You’re alone in the basement of your house where it’s been decorated to within an inch of it’s life, brightly coloured streamers hang from the ceiling and a sparkly ‘happy birthday’ banner is plastered to the wall.
Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ music video plays from the small tv in the corner of the room, and you can’t help but join in with the familiar dance. When the music video first came out, you and Eddie had spent ages learning the routine religiously, it was one of the few songs that you both liked, the music being fun and funky enough for your tastes, whilst the music video was the right amount of creepy and spooky to capture Eddie’s attention.
You get lost in the music, the dance moves so ingrained in your brain that they come second nature to you, so much so that you fail to hear the creaking footsteps as Eddie descends his way down the steps to the basement.
“Happy Birthday!” he shouts, carrying a large pink box in his arms all neatly tied up with a sparkly bow. “I’ve got you a special present!”
“Oh my god, Eddie!”  you beam. “You know you didn’t have to get me anything!”
“And come to my best friend’s birthday party empty-handed, come on, you know that’s not my style.” he smirks as he sets down the box on the table. 
“What is it?” you look at him eagerly.
“Well it’s your birthday present, why don’t you go ahead and open it up and find out?”
You pull at the ribbon bow and lift open the box to reveal a carefully hand-built princess castle dollhouse. It’s carefully made with lots of little cardboard boxes stuck together, painted a soft baby pink, complete with hand-painted twirling vine flowers climbing up the spiral towers. Inside the walls are lined with lavender paper and colourful candy wrappers in place of stained glass windows.
“Remember, how you said you wanted the Barbie princess castle for your birthday last year? Well I wanted to give you something better than Barbie’s castle, and give you your own castle.” he smiles. “Look, and there you are, the birthday princess in her castle!” he smiles, nodding towards the miniature princess figurine, painted to look exactly like you in the mock-up throne room. “It was a D&D miniature I had been saving for this exact moment!”
“Oh Eddie this is beautiful!” you bubble, this was the sweetest thing that anybody had ever done for you.
“Wait! I almost forgot the best bit!” he smirks, reaching into his pocket to pull out another miniature D&D figure. “Can’t have a princess castle without a knight in shining armour to protect it now, can you?” It was a small knight, painted to look like Eddie, with his long dark curls, holding up a sword and a shield. “Thought you might need me to help protect you and your castle from those pesky dragons.”
You marvel at the amount of thought, care and attention to detail that Eddie had put into your present, your smile beaming across your face.
“And for the finishing touch, just a sprinkle of wishing dust!” he says, sprinkling a small amount of iridescent silver glitter over the castle.
“Wishing dust?” 
“Yeah, wishing dust knows what’s in your heart of hearts, your true desires and will make all your dreams come true.”
You and Eddie have a moment of peace, before the doorbell sounds out across the house.
“Oh they’re here!” you squeak, rushing around to tidy up as best as you can before letting Nancy in. “I’m just going to put this away for a moment, just so there’s room for everyone here.” you say picking up Eddie’s hand-made castle and putting it in the broom closet.  “Put on some music, please Eddie!”
You make your way to the front door, quickly smoothing your hands down your party dress before opening the door to Nancy and her gang of girls.
“Come on in, the party’s downstairs.” you smile, gesturing for everyone to make their way into your house. One by one all the girls follow Nancy inside, everybody shedding their jackets and dumping them into your arms as they go.
Just as you were about to close the door, Steve Harrington rolls up, with his friends Tommy and Billy trailing closely behind him. He was so cute, way more popular than you’ll ever be, but it never stopped you having a crush on him. He was the boy that all the girls wanted, with his head full of soft, shiny, bouncy hair and charming smile, it wasn’t hard to see why he had all the girls falling at his feet. The most popular guy in school, and he was coming to your birthday party. 
“Hey, Steve!” you wave him in, trying to play it cool. “The party's just getting started, come on in!”
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Downstairs everyone was gathered together, and Eddie had put on his music, a noisy mix of screeching guitar strings and heavy drum beats. I suppose in leaving him in charge of the music, he was bound to play a little Metallica.
Although, however much Eddie was rocking out to Master Of Puppets, everyone else turned their nose up at his music choices. Particularly Nancy, who took it upon herself to wander over to the stereo, flick the switch off and eject the tape from the player, filling the room with immediate silence.
“You know, it’s only you who actually likes this music, freak.” Nancy sneers, pushing the tape into Eddie’s hands.
“Whatever,” Eddie shakes his head, making his way over to you “I’m going to head next door, go get my guitar, okay?” 
“Do whatever you want, Eddie. It’s not like I need a play-by-play of everything.” you tell him, in an effort to look cool in front of Nancy and her friends, which earns you a tittering giggle from the group.
“See you later, loser!” comes a whining laugh from one of Nancy’s friends as Eddie walks away.
“Hey, I have an idea of how we could spice up this party!” Nancy pipes up, flouncing across the room. “We could play Seven Minutes in heaven!” 
Everyone nods, a murmur of agreement sounding.
“..And since you’re the birthday girl, it’s only fitting that you go first.” she smirks, taking her satin scarf from around her neck and tying around your eyes as a blindfold, before walking you towards the open door of the broom closet. “You just go in there, and we’ll choose some lucky guy to follow you in, and then he gets to do whatever he wants with you for seven whole minutes. I know Steve is dying to spend some one-on-one time with you” comes her bubblegum sweet voice in your ear.
Nancy steers you into the closet, her hands on your shoulders.
“Before I forget, you did write my project report for Mrs. O'Donnell's class, right?” she asks.
“Yeah it’s on the table.” you nod.
“Thanks. Remember, keep that blindfold on and no peeking! Oh! And by the way, Steve’s big on going to second base.”
Nancy quietly locks the closet door, leaving you stuck inside waiting for your perfect first kiss with Steve Harrington.
Nancy and her gaggle of girls, along with Steve, Billy and Tommy make their way out of your basement, walking back up the stairs, passing Eddie as he comes back down.
“What’s going on?” Eddie asks, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“She’s waiting for you in that closet over there!” and with that Nancy leaves, quickly dashing from the party in favour of something more her scene.
Eddie shakes his head, Nancy had been bitchy enough to think that it was funny to leave you locked up in the cramped space of the broom-closet. He unlocks the door to see you sitting on the floor of the cramped up space, with the scarf tied around your eyes.
“I thought you weren’t going to come.” you say softly, thinking that finally you were going to get the chance to kiss Steve Harrington. “Where are you? I can’t feel you.” your soft voice comes out as you reach your hands out to find your man of mystery.
Eddie quietly allows himself the moment to reach his hand out to yours, letting his fingers interlock with yours.
“Oh Steve, I knew you were worth waiting for.” you sigh dreamily.
“Sorry to burst your bubble” Eddie laughs uncomfortably.
“Eddie?! What are you doing here?” you gasp, pulling the blindfold from your eyes. “Where’s Steve? Where’s everybody gone?” 
“They all left!” 
“What did you do?” you ask accusatorily.
“I didn’t do anything! I just went to get my guitar, and when I came back everyone was leaving!” Eddie defends.
You feel the red hot flare of embarrassment eating away in the pit of your stomach. Embarrassed that Nancy would actually want to be your friend, embarrassed that someone like Steve would actually go for a girl like you, but most of all upset at the fact that in reality, nobody wanted to come to your birthday party.
“No, get out!” you cry, pushing Eddie away from you.
“Wait! Please just let me talk to you! Please!” he pleads, but it all falls on deaf ears as you sink back into the closet, closing the door, leaving you to sit with your emotions.
“Leave me alone Eddie! I hate you, I hate me, I hate everybody!” you cry out shrinking into yourself, bringing your knees up to your chest, and slumping your head in your folded arms, letting your frustrated tears fall freely.
“I want to be thirty!” you cry out. “I wish I was thirty, flirty and thriving!”
A glistening sparkle washes over you, as you hug yourself tighter, wishing so hard that all of this was just a bad dream, that you were going to wake up from this and be living your dream life.
Thirty, flirty and thriving.
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@paybacksawitch @penguinsandpotterheads @ali-r3n @aphrogeneias @eddiesxangel @mrsjellymunson @munsonology @onegirlmanytales
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beomiracles · 2 days
ooh since you've said vampire au could I build my own dream?!!<3
could I do one for vampire beomgyu!? + smut
where maybe beomgyu is your friend from college (secretly you both have a crush on each other tho el oh el) and he's also secretly a vampire and has never told anyone or you before! When you suggest taking a trip to a cabin together after some very hard and stressful exams, there's no way he can back out because of your persistence and has no excuses left he can use and so worriedly goes on the holiday with you.
Only there's so long he can go without feeding and being suspicious and with no other people around in the remote woods of the cabin, he gets so desperate and needy there's no way he can even hide it from you any longer, needing to feed from you which he's wanted to do anyway, literally fantasised about feeding from you so much he loves the smell of your blood, it takes a turn as well w them fucking lolll
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#serene adds ✎... you guys really know the way to my heart with these *sob* ─ I could write vampire au's until the day I die I fear..!
wc -> 2K (i was pushing the limit for this one)
pairings vampire!beomgyu x afab!reader warnings blood drinking, lowkey desperate and whiny beomgyu, unprotected sex, tiny bit of marking, dry humping? maybe if you squint idk, no established relationships.
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Beomgyu had been acting strange. — Well he always did, but this time around he was actually acting strange. The week-long trip to your old family cabin had been more of a solo one as Beomgyu spent the majority of the days cooped up in his room; only venturing out long after the sun had set to spend the evenings with you. And even then, as the two of you sat together on the couch, he would keep a respectful distance as his gaze remained anywhere but you. 
What was supposed to be a fun trip to bring you closer, seemed to have created an invisible wall between the two of you. You couldn’t deny that his actions made you feel hurt, you had invited him along because you liked him, admittedly a little more than just as a friend, so the thought of having him to yourself for a whole week was thrilling. But as your eyes remain glued to the screen, barely registering the movie that had been playing for almost an hour, you suddenly remember how hesitant he had been about coming here. The slim hopes of him liking you back had long since slipped between the cracks of your now very unstable friendship. 
With a small sigh you glance over to Beomgyu on the other side of the couch. Despite obviously not taking a liking to the place he had yet to pack up and go home early. Perhaps it would have been less awkward if he did. His frame was tense and his hands rested in his lap, his jaw clenched as his gaze remained solely on the Tv in front of him. 
In an attempt to bring some sort of spark back into your very much dying friendship, you playfully nudge his side with your foot. Beomgyu quite literally flinches at the action as his eyes finally snap in your direction. He gives you an uptight smile before quickly turning away once more. You frown, what the fuck was up with him? 
That night, you couldn’t rest, no matter how hard you tried. Your relationship with Beomgyu plagued your mind as you went over the week’s events. Had you done something wrong? Maybe you had said something? But no matter how much you turned the question around you couldn’t come to a reasonable conclusion for his odd behavior. Perhaps he was having a rough time, but you guys had always been open with each other…Was there something that he wasn’t telling you? 
Turning around on your back, you stare up at the ceiling of your bedroom as you let out a huff of air. You really liked him. This was supposed to be your chance, but now you were left feeling uncertain. 
Knock knock. 
The small sound jolts you into a sitting position as you squint in the direction of your door. That was weird… Your bare feet hit the cold wooden floor as you walk over, hesitating only for a moment before you turn the doorknob. Beomgyu’s tall frame looms over you as you suddenly find him inches from yourself. And he looked…strange. 
Beomgyu had always been careful, especially around you. He never went too long without feeding, in fact he often took more than he needed, anything to wade off the tempting sensation that washed over him whenever he saw you. But between keeping up with exams and assignments, not to mention spending time with you, he hadn’t found the time to stay on schedule during the past weeks. 
Then you made the offer to go on this trip. He cursed himself for being so easily swayed by your words, for not coming up with an excuse. He knew that he put you in great danger by simply being close to you, but he thought that he could do it, he really did. It’s just…you smell so good. Beomgyu was used to your sweet scent invading his sensitive nose, but this was different. This whole house reeked of you, your clothes lay scattered around the furniture, the quilts you hugged close to your body discarded on the couch, you were everywhere. 
He spent most of his days as far away from you as possible. But even between the four walls of his own room your scent haunted him. You smelled divine, and he was so hungry. He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to have you, just like he had imagined so many times before. 
The thought of him sinking his fangs into your soft skin, finally getting to taste the blood he had craved for so long as you withered beneath him. It was enough to drive his mind into a frenzy. So why hadn’t he done it yet? Beomgyu grimaced as he considered the feelings he held for you, you were more than just his next meal, he really liked you.   
And as he stands in front of your door, he listens to the beating of your heart on the other side. He knows that he won’t be able to hold back this time. 
Swallowing a small gulp you glance up at him. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything but for the first time since your arrival here, his eyes remain focused solely on you. — Suddenly you realize why he looked strange, his usual chocolatey brown irises had been replaced with a dark shade of red, the color reminded you of fresh blood. 
“Hey, is everything oka..” your words are quickly swallowed by the breath of air that passes you as Beomgyu slams you up against the nearest wall. Your eyes screw shut at the force and you brace yourself for an impact, but it never came. Hesitantly you crack an eye open to realize that Beomgyu’s hands had pillowed the back of your head whilst his other remained on your lower back. 
You barely have time to question how he managed to move with such inhumane speed before you feel his hand travel down your neck, had his hands always been so cold? A shiver passes by you as you focus your gaze on him. His expression reflected that of an agonized one, it was almost like he was in pain, his chest heaving as he inhaled through his nose, eyes fluttering every so slightly. 
In almost an instant, he presses his lips against yours. A small noise of surprise leaves you as your eyes widen. Without thinking you kissed him back, it was almost embarrassing how eagerly you pushed yourself into his touch, allowing the hand on your neck to tighten its grip as the one around your back drew you in closer. 
Whatever had gotten into him during the past week all seemed minimal compared to this. But if this was the outcome of his odd behavior, you certainly didn’t mind. Perhaps he was just nervous? Though the way his tongue pushed into your mouth proved otherwise and you moan softly against his lips as your arms wrap around his neck. 
Then something sharp grazes your tongue and your eyes snap open as you break apart from the feverish kiss. A small string of saliva connects you and as Beomgyu licks his lips the sight of elongated fangs catches your eye. Your stomach drops as your gaze flickers between the sharp canines in his mouth to the red booming eyes. 
“Beomgyu what the fuck is..” His lips reconnect with yours, this time with much more force than before and your hands move to his chest in an attempt to push him off. “I need you so bad”, he practically whines into your mouth and you would be lying if you said that those words didn’t cause your thighs to squeeze together. 
When he finally pulls back his gaze looks almost clouded with desire as it drops to the juncture of your neck. What the fuck was even happening right now? “Please.” His voice sounds strained and his hand cradles your neck tenderly, “please let me have you.” You gulp as you bite your lip, hesitating to make a decision. It wasn’t like you didn’t trust him, it was just…all so sudden. But fuck, the way he so desperately pleaded for you made you clench around nothing. 
With a small nod you give in as you release your lip from between your teeth. Beomgyu is back on you in a matter of seconds as he shoves you down on the bed before crawling on top of you. “Don’t worry”, he whispers as his cold fingers brush along your cheeks. “I’ll make you feel so good”, he reassures before leaning down to press light kisses to your jaw and slowly moving down your neck. 
He takes his time, gently sucking your flesh into his mouth as he kisses and licks at your skin. All the while his cold hands wander beneath your shirt, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake and you shudder at the touch. He inhales slowly, eyes fluttering closed as he exhales again. “This will only hurt for a moment”, he murmurs as he bares his fangs. 
A small cry escapes your lips as he breaks the skin of your neck, immediately he groans against you, his hands gripping your hips harshly. True to his words, the pain only lasts a moment before it subsides into pleasure. The moan that you fail to suppress takes you by surprise as the sudden waves of arousal shoot through you. 
Beomgyu, too, seems to catch on as his hips grind against your clothed pussy whilst taking big gulps of your blood. He moans against your skin, his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy as he devours as much of you as he possibly can. “Mnhh, you smell so good”, he whines as his hips desperately move against yours. “You taste even better”, he then adds, his speech slurred as his fangs remain deeply rooted inside of you. 
Unable to form coherent sentences you meekly nod, a sharp gasp leaving you as his cold hand dips inside your pajama shorts. Fingers tracing your wet folds before moving to stimulate your clit, drawing a whimper from you. “F-fuck, Beomgyu”, you cry out as your hands claw at his shoulders, drawing a satisfied groan from him. 
With each mouthful of blood passing through the two of you, you feel yourself grow weaker in his grasp. The sense of pleasure slowly overridden by a lightweight feeling, almost as if you were floating. With a small hiss, Beomgyu pulls himself from your neck, his tongue tenderly licking at the fresh wound before kissing the skin. “So perfect”, he coos as he savors every last droplet of blood. 
His lips find yours and the metallic taste lingers on his tongue. “I got you”, he breathes against you as his hands cradle your face. “I’ll take care of you.” His soft whispers of assurance combined with the feel of his cock pressed against your folds makes you moan into his open mouth. 
Without breaking the kiss, Beomgyu slides himself inside of you, shuddering at how you clench down around him almost immediately. “So perfect”, he practically whimpers as he slowly moves against you. Your breathy moans along with your nails against his shoulders only encourage the quickening of his pace. 
“Always…always wanted to taste you, mnhh, smell so good, fuck, so so perfect”, he blabbers against your lips and you wondered why on earth the two of you hadn’t done this sooner. Vampire or not, you wanted Beomgyu and you knew that he felt the same. 
Pulling back slightly, he watches the expression on your face before glancing down to where your bodies became one, a throaty moan ripping from him at the sight. “So pretty”, he whines as his eyes travel to the marks he left on your neck. Leaning down to kiss at the wound, your legs tremble around him as the small action manages to bring you to an orgasm. With his name on your lips you clench around his cook, making him stiffen as he spills inside of you, fangs threatening to re-pierce your skin as he desperately ruts against your cunt. His breath heavy as he looks up at you with a dazed expression. 
You and him were definitely going to have a talk in the morning.
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No Parade - Eris Vanserra
Did I write this for @thatlosernoonelikes and @thatlosernoonelikes only? Yes, yes I did. Surprise my beloved! I hope you enjoy it!
T/W: Angst, mentions of blood and torture.
W/C: 3.4k
The story was supposed to last, you were never supposed to be, just somebody in the past, somebody I used to see, trouble crept up on us, warning never came in time. 
“Run.” Eris’s word was final as he spoke. His eyes flicked toward his chamber door, an acknowledgement of the banging coming from the other side of it. “Y/N, please you need to run, they can’t find you here!” He hissed, dragging you towards the portrait that had hidden a secret passage for longer than either of you had been alive. “Lucien will be waiting for you.” He whispered urgently. Still, you resisted. “Not without you.” You spoke quietly, “He’ll kill you for this, Eris.” Tears welled in your eyes at the words. “I’ll face it with you.” You whimpered as the door began to splinter. Eris’s face shuttered at your words, emotions flickering over it as he registered that you would stay and face whatever this was with him. Death or worse. 
 “No, my love, you need to go on, promise me you’ll go on, no matter what happens?” You shook your head, “I can’t.” He was pushing you towards the tunnel now. “You can.” He insisted, “You’re so strong, so brave and I need you to be that for me now.” You were still shaking your head as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips, “There is no life without you,” you told him, “If you die, I will follow you into the mothers embrace.” He braced the side of the portrait, to close the entrance, “No, you won’t.” He all but whispered, “Promise me?” You didn’t want too, you really didn’t but something in his face told you that he needed this, he needed to know you would go on without him as he was about to face whatever was waiting for him.  
You placed your hand over his, to stop him from closing the door, “I promise.” You whispered back, tears falling freely now. He kissed you one last time as the burning of a bargain tattoo faded in the centre of your chest. The door splintered open then, and Eris threw himself into the middle of the room and raised the sword he had in his left hand. You watched it all unfold through the crack between the portrait and the wall. “None of that now.” His father hissed as he sauntered in, surrounded by his own men. Coward. 
 High Lord or not, his son was stronger than him and he knew it. Fire raced towards Eris, so hot it burned white, you could feel the heat from your hiding space. He tried, you could see that he tried to stay on his feet, to fight the pain he was so accustomed to but it was in vain as the blade you hadn’t seen sunk into the space between his ribs and twisted. You would’ve screamed if not for Lucien appearing behind you, wrapping his hand over your mouth, and pulling you down the tunnel. As Eris hit the floor, he looked towards the portrait and smiled, smiled at you, at his brother pulling you away. “I’ll find you, always.” He mouthed. There was nothing left of you or your heart as Luicen winnowed and you went limp in his arms. “The Night Court.” You told him, “I don’t think that is a good idea-” Lucien tried and you started to thrash in his arms. “Take me to my brother, now!” He sighed and did as you had demanded. Your brother was waiting for you, he knew you would come. With tears still pouring down your face, you pulled yourself out of Lucien’s arms. “You betrayed him!” You roared, “You sold him out! Why?” Your brother said nothing, and you threw yourself towards him, only to be caught around the waist by one of his friends. “Calm down, please calm down.” His friend spoke gently. “Why, Rhysand? Why?!”  
Screaming, screaming was what woke you. It took you a few seconds and Cassian almost ripping your door off its hinges for you to realise it was you that was screaming. You took in Nesta, wrapped in her silk robe standing in the doorway as Cassian scooped you into his arms and sat down where you had just been laying. “Sorry,” you croaked at her, your throat raw from screaming. She gave you a small smile as Cassian wordlessly handed you a glass of water from your bedside, “It’s okay, don’t even worry about it, I know what it’s like when the nightmares grip you like that.” Of course she did you thought, you had been there when she was thrown into the cauldron. You had chosen to live with Cassian and Nesta after Rhys has betrayed you, betrayed Eris. That had been so long ago now, and you still had not spoken to your brother, you couldn’t forgive him, couldn’t forgive Feyre who was the mastermind of the whole thing, after more of their lies had caught up with them. 
“That night again?” Cassian asked quietly and you nodded at him, watching the shadows gather in the corner of your room, counting the seconds until they materialised into the only other Illyrian you could tolerate. The two of them always knew when you needed them, you didn’t want to think about how Rhys probably had something to do with that. “He’s not dead?” You croaked as Azriel appeared and took the space next to you and Cassian. Azriel shook his head, “No, he's not dead.” Azriel had gone against your brother. Something he was still paying for, he was not sorry he told you as he defied his orders and sent shadows out to find Eris, to confirm if he was dead. His shadows, however, would not reveal where he was, just that he was breathing and nothing else. Cassian had decided that was because wherever he was, was not somewhere another person should wander. Nesta perched next to you and Cassian on the edge of the bed, “If he was dead, you’d know, this would burn and fade.” She said, gently placing her hand on the Star and Flame bargain tattoo on your chest. You nodded at her gratefully. "I'm sorry I woke you both, I’m okay.” Nesta squeezed your hand and Cassian kissed the top of your head before unceremoniously dropping you into Azriel’s lap. “It’s never a problem, Y/N.” He said, following his wife out the door. “You don’t have to stay with me, Az,” You yawned and despite what you had told him, you curled further into his chest. He wrapped both his arms and his wings around you, “I know, but I always will.” He said, “You know, while you’re on a hot streak of defying Rhys, you should date Elain if that’s what you both want. He needs to learn he can’t control all aspects of everyone's lives.” Azriel huffed a laugh, “Who said I wasn’t?” You gasped quietly, “That’s who you smell like!” Azriel just smirked, “Go to sleep, we’ve got a long day of playing happy families tomorrow.”  
The sunrose before you were ready for it. Apparently you hand’t moved, still lying on Azriel who was snoring softly. You nudged him gently, “Az, Az you need to wake up.” He groaned softly, “We need to get up and get ready for this stupid High Lord’s meeting.” He groaned again, “Gotta face my stupid brother.” You said sitting up. “Want the wraits help getting ready?” He asked, stretching as he sat up, you smiled at him, “Please?” He nodded, and a shadow darted away. You could totally understand why Elain was head over heels for your friend, even if you did ache for Lucien, however, he seemed to be happier than ever when he was with Vassa. Azriel stood, ran his hands through his hair and made his way towards the balcony doors, “Az?” he stopped and turned to look at you, “Thank you, for everything.” You told him, he smiled, “Anytime, kid.”  
The wraiths had spent hours getting you ready. A true princess of night as you arrvied at the Hewn City. Nesta and Elain were the first to notice you, fawing over how beautiful you looked. Both falling silent as a presence appeared behind you. “Sister, you look radiant. Rhysand. As usual, you ignored him and moved to walk away. He grabbed your arm and span you towards him. “How long are you going to keep this up? This moping over Vanserra, it has been nearly a decade.” He asked. You went to open your mouth, to ask him how long he would need to mope over Feyre but the doors behind him open and your back went ridgid as Eris Vanserra strolled in. Rhys span, sensing your tension, ensuring you were behind him. Azriel and Cassian were at your back in an instant. “Rhysand.” He purred as he approached, “Eris.” Your brother purred back, you went to move around Rhys, to throw yourself at him but Azriel stopped you, “Something is wrong,” he murmured to you, “He smells wrong, even my shadows don’t want to approach him.” Eris did not say more as he strode into the meeting room, he didn’t even look at you as he brushed passed you. “What have you done?!” You hissed at Rhysand, your first words to him in 10 years. “I-I don’t know.” Was all he said.  
None of the High Lords knew quite what to make of Eris’ reappearance. None of them had laid eyes on him in 10 years. And yet, there he sat, even more of a swaggering asshole than he pretended to be before. No, this was no act anymore. Something fundamental had changed within him and not even Helion couldn't detect what had happened. “Witchcraft.” Was all the High Lord of Day had muttered. You stared at him the entire meeting. Unapologetically stared at him. “Well, is no one going to welcome back my son? He’s been travelling for the last 10 years.” Beron crooned and your spine straightened as you recalled that night, the gleam in his eye as he came for his son. You stared at him the entire meeting. Unapologetically stared at him. Eris smirked at you, “Like what you see, pretty girl?” he asked in a voice that did not belong to him, it was old, it was ancient, and it made your stomach churn. Rhys bared his teeth but it was Cassian who said, “You don’t talk to her, you don’t look at her, you don’t even think about her.” Eris laughed and the sound washed over you. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Your blood was screaming at you. “And what are you going to do about it?” Eris asked. You placed a hand on Cassian’s arm. “It’s fine Cass, ignore him.” You said quietly. Eris laughed again, “I tell you what, Illyrian, I won’t think about her, if she stops thinking about me.” Rhys’ hands hit the table, “Enough!” He snapped. All colour had drained from your face as Nesta lead you out of the room. “We don’t need to stay for the meeting.” She said, you shook your head, “Go back Nes, most of them are more scared of Lady Death than my brother.” She snorted a laugh, “I won’t get in any trouble, I promise.” She nodded and left you stood in the hallway.  
You had taken to wandering up and down the hallways aimlessly, failing at not thinking about Eris. How could someones voice be the exact same but so so different? How could spellwork even terrify Helion? Beron wasn’t that strong, and he certainly wasn’t talented enough in magic to pull off whatever had been done to Eris. You gasped as someone grabbed your elbow, placed a hand over your mouth and pulled you into a hidden alcove. Chest heaving, you opened your eyes and took in who stood before you. Eris. “Still thinking about me, I see.” He purred in your ear. You shoved him away, “You’re not Eris.” You hissed, “Oh? Then who I am I darling?” He smirked, you studied his eyes, there was nothing of Eris in them, no wildfire, no simmering rage, no softness that he kept hidden, just emptiness. “I don’t know but I will find out and you will give him back.” You said through gritted teeth, and he laughed again, as if you had told the funniest joke in the world. "What happened to you? What did your father do to you?” You asked quietly, Eris scoffed, “Made me better.” Every word he said sent chills up your spine, this was no longer the male you were safest with. You looked him up and down and your breath caught, his bargain tattoo, it was gone. Before you could even consider what that meant he leant into you, his lips by your ear, “I’ll see you soon, Princess, keep thinking about me.” With that he turned and left, and you ran for Rhys.  
“You’re sure about this?” Rhysand asked you later that afternoon, sitting in his office as you recounted what had happened in the alcove to him, Cassian and Azriel. “Yes, Rhysand, I’m sure.” You snapped. “The tattoo is gone, there’s no reason for it to be gone, he’s still alive somewhere but that isn’t him. If he were dead, I wouldn’t still have mine and theres no reason for his to be gone.” Rhys sighed, “Okay,” You interrupted whatever he was going to say, “This is your fault Rhysand, you sold him out, whatever he has been through the last 10 years, is entirely on you and Feyre and the lies you tell. Fix it.” You said hands on your hips. “I understand that you are angry and that seeing him today couldn’t have been easy, but you need to think about what you're asking, this could start a war.” You scoffed, “There was enough violence over Feyre. You will do this for me Rhys, you will make this right or you will lose me forever.” Cassian cringed as you crossed your arms over your chest. Rhys sighed again, looked at Azriel and nodded. Azriel strode to the balcony doors and took off without a word. You shot a panicked look at Cass, “Let him deal with it for now. "Cassian said, offering you his hand, let’s go and find Nesta and have some tea?” You nodded, stepping towards him, “Actually, I’d like to talk to my sister.” Rhys drawled. “Fine.” You said sitting back down.  
“We need to put this silly feud behind us.” He said, crossing one leg across the other and you scoffed, “Silly feud?! Rhysand, you handed over the man I loved to his barbaric father who had done nothing to abuse him since he was young to cover up another of Feyre’s lies.” Rhys’s face softened for just a second, “You are right, I did do that, but there will be other Males, you only have one brother.” You sighed, “I know that Rhysand, but I can’t explain how much I love him, because I can’t talk to you about him, you have such a preconceived idea of him, of what happened to Mor, but she has never told the truth about that day.” Rhys rolled his eyes, “We know exactly what happened that day!” “No, you don’t! There was so much more than him not helping her that day! Which by the way, had he done so, by Autumn Law, she would have been his, his property, his to own. Why do you think he was working so hard to get rid of his father? He’s done more in secret for the women of Autumn than you have ever done for the Illyrian females!” With that, you span on your heel and left.  
It was a week before you heard from Azriel. You were woken to the middle of the night to him shaking you, to Cassian sat on the edge of your bed, Rhysand stood at the foot of it. You could smell the blood on Azriel but to you, there was always two Azriel’s, the one who let you curl up on his lap like a cat and soothed your nightmares, and the other one, the one you barely saw, the one who sunk so far into an icy killing rage that no one could reach him until he’d achieved his goal. “We’ve found him.” Rhysand said and that was all you needed to be out of bed, pulling on clothes. “Absolutely not!” Cassian said and you whirled on him, “I’m coming with you!” Rhys just nodded at Cassian, to tell his brother that you’d be coming with them. “Your leathers, Y/N, it's going to be a fight.”  
Eris didn’t know who he was anymore, he remembered that night, but he couldn’t remember how long ago it was. Days? Months? Years? Decades? Centuries? They’d taken him apart so many times and put him back together again, pieces of him missing each time and then that thing had appeared in front of him. Or he had appeared in front of himself? He wasn't sure. He’d spent so long hanging in this chamber suspended by his arms he was sure he had lost his mind. He hated them, hated them all. He'd spent the beginning of this ordeal fighting, when he had given that up, he had reopened the scar from where his father had stabbed him and let it fester. He was so close to death when they had figured it out and healed it. He'd been hanging by his arms whenever he was in here ever since. 
He cracked one eye open at the sound of chaos and screaming. Then closed it again, he didn’t care anymore, he just hoped he would die in whatever was going on. Footsteps came towards him and he cracked an eye open again and there she was. His beloved, covered in blood, wearing Illyrian leathers, fighting knives in each of her hands. An avenging angel. A Princess of Nightmares indeed. She dropped the knives when she spotted him and breathed out his name, “Eris!” he forced open his other eye. “Hello my love.” He croaked. The first time he had used his voice in God knows how long. “I’m broken.” He said and her face softened, “I’m not the Male I was.” She smiled gently, “I’ll help you.” She said quietly, then his vision faded and Eris lost consciousness to the sound of her screaming.  
When he woke again, he was in a big open room, he could see the mountains, feel the breeze. “Hi.” He looked to the side and saw her sat next to his bed, he went to move his arm and they were restrained, and panic surged through him, the fire in his veins began to spark and come back after being gone for so long. “You’re okay, you’re okay!” She rushed out, “We just need to make sure you have control of yourself.” He tried hard to calm himself, but power was rushing at him faster than he could deal with. More power than he’d ever had before. “My father, he will know I’m gone.” He croaked. “Your father, and his little puppet are dead, I couldn’t just sit here and wait for you to wake up, not after Azriel pulled the truth of what they had done to you over the last decade out of the head guard where they were holding you.” He blinked twice, “My father, my father is dead? She nodded, “Yes, High Lord, he’s dead.” That explained the power then. “But I can’t be High Lord, I’m not stable anymore.” She shook her head. “Lucien is holding the fort until such time as you are healed, whether it be in 100 years or 500 years, but don’t worry about that now, all you need to do is heal.” He nodded slowly. “We’re in Velaris right now, Rhysand has had the best healers from here and the Day Court healing you, but when you are strong enough to travel, we can go wherever you want.” Eris cleared his throat, “I just want to be wherever you are but it's going to be hard, I see it all again when I close my eyes.” She wrapped her hand around his, “I feel it all again when I sleep.” She kissed the side of his head, “I’ll be here, every step of the way.”  
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shino-mina-324 · 1 day
Don’t Leave Me Too
Pairing: platonic!yandere! Muichiro x mother figure! reader
Summary: You care for him like a son and treated like so, but he was darker than you thought her was. How far will you get before he finds you after escaping the estate?
Warning: blood, kidnapping, clingy Muichiro, trauma, abandonment issues, etc
A/N: Believe it or not but this is actually my first time writing yandere! I don't think its entirely good but I'm pretty proud of it for my first try. I hope you all like it, please give me your feedback!
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You stumbled through the snow, shivering at the stinging cold. How long have you been trapped in there? You couldn’t tell. Your feet felt like they were going to freeze off, after all you were barefoot. You didn’t have time to go grab shoes when your escape was right there.
How did you even get into this situation? You squeezed your eyes shut at the memories.
You had met him during a mission. You were assigned to work with a hashira in this mission, apparently strong enough to need a hashira and one other but not enough to require two hashira. You were nervous, so nervous. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of a hashira! But then you saw him, a short boy with long hair. He looked no older than fourteen. It had always broke your heart how such young kids were becoming demon slayers and what they go through. But to see a fourteen year old having gone through that and train hard enough to become a hashira so quickly just made it worse.
You didn’t let that show though, either way he was still your superior. In the down moments when you weren’t actively working you'd talk to him in a kind motherly manner, not in a belittling way but in a sweet way. He would look at you with a tilted head and sometimes narrowed eyes, annoyed maybe, but wouldn’t say anything. But when working you would treat him like any other superior.
Then after the mission was over you decided to get some breakfast and invited him as well. He accepted but didn’t talk much. Then you went your separate ways. But then you got another mission with him, then another, and another. Every time you would treat him the same way. Once you even gave him a head pat, you didn’t do it on purpose. Your hand kinda moved before you could think about it.
“Don’t touch me.” He gave you the coldest glare you had ever felt. You felt immediate shame fill your body and soon excused yourself. You never tried that again after that. Always kept your distance too, in case of accidentally touching him while walking. He didn’t seem to notice, if anything he seemed more pleased.
Then he went on a mission somewhere else. Not unusual. But the next time you saw him he was… different. His eyes were more clear and when he saw you a smile immediately crossed his face and he ran towards you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug, his face in your neck. You tensed at the contact, not used to it coming from him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry I treated you like that.” He kept repeating, talking into your neck. Slowly, cautiously, you wrapped your arms around him loosely. But that’s all. He melted into it further though, like it meant the world to him.
After that you would see each other a lot more often. For some reason every mission you had was with him. He would also stay quite close to you as well. There was one time when you two were just sitting around a table he had grabbed your hand and put it on his head. You were confused but he looked at you expectantly but when you didn’t do anything he frowned and pushed it on to his head a bit harder. You realized, and although very confused, starting to pat his head. He seemed content but grabbed you hand when you tried to pull away.
It was sweet. The relationship the two of you had now, like mother and son. But then it took a turn. He would barely let you fight the demons you fought. Always jumping in and killing them before you. It was sweet at first but then got frustrating. Then after that he insisted on being next to you everywhere, even when not on missions. But compared to other things, those were more innocent.
He started trying to take up all your time, always wanting to be around you. He would also seem standoffish and be flat out rude to your other friends. Soon for some odd reason they started to distance themselves. But he was always there to cheer you up, you realized too late that he was the reason why they got distant.
Then for some odd reason you started getting missions less and less. This confused you but you didn't question it much. Then one day Muichiro invited you over to his estate. This wasn't an odd thing as he had done that numerous times before. But at the end of the night he insisted you stay the night and after a little fighting you agreed. That's where you went wrong. He didn't let you leave the next day or the next. You got frustrated and decided to just leave. If he caught you on the way out then so bad you'd just force your way out, no big deal. Yeah, you were wrong. He caught you on the way out, as if he were guarding the door. He refused to move and when you forced your way past him he let you. You made it a total of five steps out the door before you felt something hit the back of your neck and you passed out. All you heard were Muichiro's six words.
"I can't lose you too, mom."
You shook your head harshly pushing away the memories. You were so stupid. He may be a child but he was a damn Hashira! You should never have gotten close to him, never invited him to meals, never talked to him about anything not work related, you were so damn stupid! You shook your head at those thoughts. It was too late now, all you can do is keep running.
You kept running down the path then stopped. No this was too dangerous, what if he started walking down the same path and saw you? You made a sharp turn and ran into the forest. It was more dangerous and the roots, twigs, and rocks hurt your feet but it was safer in its own way. You kept running, ignoring the pain, ignoring the wind, ignoring the noises, ignoring your tired muscles that screamed at you to rest, ignored everything. Even ignored the trail of blood you left that was created by your bleeding cut up feet.
You then stopped and jumped behind a tree, crouching. You could've sworn you heard footsteps. You waited in tense silence for a few seconds, listening for the footsteps but when none passed you started to stand back up. You froze again though when you heard them again. Along with a sickeningly familiar voice.
"Mom? Where are you? Come on, I know you're hurt, just come out." You fell back against the tree and stuck a hand against your mouth to quiet any noises. You looked down at yourself, trying to figure out why he said you were hurt when you saw your bleeding feet. Shit. It's been leaving a trail right to you. You couldn't move. If you stood on your feet it'd just leave a trail, but if you tried to crawl away it'd make too much noise and you'd be more noticeable. You're stuck.
Tears filled your eyes at the realization, what were you going to do? You couldn't go back to that estate, playing house. Forced to be affectionate and treat him like your child. You started hyperventilating, having a panic attack.
"Why are you crying?" You gasped and scrambled back on instinct, trying to create distance between you and the boy and appeared right nest to you. His eyebrows furrowed and he easily pulled you back. He held your face tightly with both hands, refusing to let go no matter how much you pulled your head back, he just kept it in place. "Don't cry, mama." He spoke softly but you kept gasping for breath and trying to pull away. He frowned. "This might hurt, sorry." Then you blacked out.
When you came to you were laying on something soft with a heaviness on your side and chest. You blinked and realized you were lying back in your futon at the Tokito estate. You moved your head to the side and saw Muichiro laying next to you, closely tucked to your side with his arm and head resting on your chest. He was also staring right at you.
"Your awake!" He smiled brightly at you but you could only feel a deepening pit in your stomach coming from the smile that once brought you so much joy in seeing. "Your feet were bleeding so I bandaged them up. You shouldn’t run off like that mom! Not even half an hour and you already got hurt, they could’ve gotten infected.” Muichiro said but his smile then faded and a cold look crossed his face. “Now on that topic, why’d you run, ma?” You shook slightly at his icy look but his words filled you with disgust. A sudden flash of confidence filled you.
“You know exactly why I ran, Tokito.” I glared at him harshly and pushed myself away from him, trying to create some distance. But I then stopped when I felt a restriction on my foot. He tied my foot to the ground with a rope. “What the hell, Tokito!” I yelled at him again.
“Stop calling me that." My blood froze when I met his eyes, they were void of any emotion and it was terrifying. "I told you to call me Muichiro." He pulled me in closer. "And you're not leaving. I'm not losing you too." His face then softened and he climbed on top of me, hugging me tightly and nuzzled his face into my neck like a baby kitten nuzzles into its mother.
"Don't leave me too, mom."
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amelia-acero · 3 days
Hi, my name is Amelia and this my first time writing in very long minute, but I got inspired by the lovely @thefallennightmare , she’s become my favorite writers on this app, with all that being said, someone requested a head canon of the reader having a cryptic pregnancy, she wrote out the head canon and it reminded me so much of my best friend going through that too. I got inspired by it and decided to put my spin in it. So without further ado, please enjoy. I’m gonna use character names, but please feel free to use your own preferred names.
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“Oof, damn it that hurt.” Anya whispered to herself, rubbing her back from the most recent cramp out of many for the day.
She was folding up the merch table and boxes of unsold merch from the most recent Bad Omens concert, they were currently in their last show of the tour in Sacramento and we’re all getting ready to head back to their homes. Half in Los Angeles, including her and the other half in Virginia.
“Is your back still hurting darling?” she heard a familiar voice ask. She turned around and saw Noah standing there, looking at her with concern in his eyes.
“Yeah, but this time it felt stronger than the others and now it’s coming every 30 minutes and lasts about five minutes.”
”Would you listen to me if I told you to head to urgent care and get yourself checked out?”
She shook her head while folding up the last box of tshirts.
”I already know what they’re going to say, ‘You have irregular periods, ma’am, It’s just probably your period coming in again.’”
Noah just nodded, after working with them and being on tour with them since their album Finding God, Before God Finds Me came out, they had gotten to know each other and began to really know each other after being in a relationship for almost two years. Noah took the box that Anya was holding and helped put it in the truck where their equipment and merch was being held.
“Come on, let’s get back inside and I’ll make you chamomile tea to soothe your cramps. When did they start?” Noah took off the jacket that he was wearing and put it around Anya’s shoulders, knowing that when she had cramps the cold never did her any favors.
Anya nodded and pulled his jacket closer to her body, while slightly admiring Noah’s body. Something about Noah after a concert always made her want him, but sadly tonight was not going to be one of those nights.
”They started around noon, but only recently they started coming in slightly quicker.”
They reached the door of the tour bus and went inside where the rest of the band was waiting for them.
“We ready to head home?” Matt asked.
Everyone on the bus cheered and loud music began to play from hip-hop to rap to country anything the boys could use to celebrate going home after a long 11 months of back to back tours across North America, South America, Europe and Japan with Bring Me The Horizon, Sleep Token, and Dayseeker. Everyone was more than ready to be back home, none more than Anya; she wanted nothing more to sleep off her cramps and just get enough rest before going through festival season all through California. Noah went to the kitchen part of the bus and poured a water bottle into the kettle, and turned it on. Once the water was ready, he poured the water in a mug and put the tea bag in the mug, and carefully handed it to Anya. She let the boys enjoy festivities and went to the back of the bus and closed the door to get some peace and quiet, drinking the tea Noah had made. After about 3 hours into the drive, she woke up and found that the rest of the bus had quieted down and possibly had fallen asleep. She however was not feeling anymore peaceful and in fact was feeling worse.
“Ahh fuck.” She whispered to herself.
She tried to stand up and sat back down again, the pain being worse than before. She was no longer able to fully stand on her own. Another cramp passed through her and unlike the ones before, this was intense. Anya wrapped her arms around herself and the pain caused her to groan, she tried her best to be quiet to not disturb the guys in case they were asleep. After what felt like forever, she felt someone else’s presence, Anya looked up and saw Noah look at her with concern and fear. He knelt down and tried to sit her up, but instead she just slumped her head on his shoulder.
“Ok, for once this time can you please listen to me when I tell you that I’m going to tell Matt to stop the bus so we can go to the ER. This is way past urgent care at this point.” He said, cradling her head in his hand
”Noah, I promise that I’m fine. It’s just my period about to start.” She said, trying not to worry him.
He gave her a look that clearly said he didn’t believe her for one minute.
“Darling, I’ve seen you on your period, this is way beyond that. Stay here , I’m going to check if Matt or Bryan are awake to help us.”
Noah got up and left the back, after about a long 10 minutes, he came back with Matt, if he was asleep before, he clearly wasn’t anymore after taking one look at Anya.
“Holy Fuck, how long have you been like this?” Matt asked
”I’ve been feeling shitty all day, but it just started feeling worse about almost two hours ago.” Anya said.
Matt knelt down and to get his arm around her.
”Alright man, let’s get her up.” Matt said.
Noah and Matt stood on either side of her and put her arms around their shoulders. As soon as she was up, Anya gasped and felt something warm and wet trickling down her legs. She looked down and saw that her sweats were soaked. Whatever pain she felt was now intensified by tenfold. She bent over and fell back on the floor when the next cramp started again, this one almost causing her to yell out loud.
“Oh fuck, I’ll go tell the driver to drive to the closest hospital, I think were in Fresno right now.” Matt said.
Everyone started to look out their bunks and saw Anya laying on the floor with Noah right at her side. After that everyone immediately woke up and began to help in any way they could.
The bus stopped and without hesitating, Noah picked up Anya and carried her in his arms. He carried her out the bus and through the hospital doors.
”Can we get some help here?” Jolly yelled out
In an instant two nurses, one male and one female came up, and another nurse brought a gurney. Anya could no longer and started yelling out at the pain. Noah placed her on the gurney and was hesitant to let go of her hand.
“Sir, we got her and we’ll get her situated and figure out what’s going on.”
Noah nodded, but was slow to let go of her hand. Anya was wheeled into a private room, and immediately her shirt was raised exposing her abdomen.
“Ma’am we need you to stay still just long enough to see what is going on.”
Anya was writhing around in pain and screamed at the pain, but something felt different, something hard coming out of her.
”I can’t, I feel something coming out.”
The nurses looked up at each other, grabbed a scissor and cut Anya free from her sweats and underwear. The sight astonished them, they looked and saw a head crowning. From that they got a hospital gown on her and immediately moved her into a different room.
“What’s your name sweetie?” The nurse asked.
”Anastasia Mendoza, but I go by Anya.”
“Anya sweetie, I need you to listen to me very carefully, you’re having a baby sweetie and the baby is coming out now sweetie.”
At those words, the world felt like it stopped and Anya looked up at the nurse.
“That’s not possible, I’m not pregnant.”
”Sweetie, unless my eyes deceive me, this baby is ready to come out, whether you like it or not. Now, do you know who the father is and where he is?”
Anya remembered all the times she slept with Noah and realized the possibility of her being pregnant was true, they weren’t truly safe in their sexual activities, but because of her irregular periods, she thought the possibility of her getting pregnant would be slim. She looked at the nurse.
”He’s the one who carried me in the waiting room. His name is Noah Sebastian.”
She nodded and told the male nurse and began to hook her up to machines and heart rate monitors for both her and the baby, and put her feet in the stirrups.
Outside in the waiting room, Noah, Jolly, Nicholas, Folio, Matt and Bryan were all waiting on news, Noah was walking back and forth. Not knowing made his anxiety skyrocket.
”Noah, she’s getting checked out, she’ll be fine, now stop walking back and forth, because I’m getting dizzy watching you.” Folio said.
”Don’t ask me to stop man, Anya’s back there and I don’t know what’s going on with her.”
The male nurse helping Anya came out.
”Noah Sebastian?”
Noah looked and immediately went up to him, along with the rest of the guys.”
“How is Anya doing? Is she alright?”
“Relax sir, everything is fine, both her and the baby are alright. Now if you can follow me, I need you to put on a hospital gown. Right now gentleman, I just need Mr. Sebastian, we can let you know when they can accept visitors.”
In his anxiety induced haze he didn’t catch his mention of the baby. Noah followed behind the nurse and Nicholas stood there thinking over what the nurse just said.
“Did he just say what I think he said?” Nicholas asked.
”If you’re thinking he said baby, then yes, I heard him too.” Bryan said.
Everyone was thinking about the signs they could’ve missed and all the signs that could’ve given away her being pregnant.
“I didn’t even know Anya was pregnant, why didn’t she tell us?” Folio asked
”Man, I don’t think Anya even knew herself.” Matt said.
”I think we should create a baby basket and start ordering what they're definitely going to need now.” Jolly said.
They all left the hospital and began to head to the nearest Target.
”Wait, what about Noah? I don’t think he heard about the part with the baby.” Nicholas asked.
“I think he’ll figure it out when he sees the baby come out dude. Come on.” Matt said
Noah walked to the room while putting on the hospital issued scrub gown and looked up and saw the sign reading ‘MATERNITY WARD’.
“Are you sure I’m in the right place? My girlfriend isn’t pregnant.”
”You’ll see sir.”
He reached the room and saw Anya on the bed and immediately rushed to her side. Anya screaming her head off from the pain and white knuckling the bed rails. She saw him and immediately held on to his hand.
”What is going on?” Noah asked.
”Sir, you're aware that your girlfriend is having a baby right?”
Noah’s eyes widened and realized that this was happening right now, from the bassinet on the side of the bed to everything included in having a baby. At his delayed response, one of the nurses looked at him.
”Sir, if you’re going to faint, just know that we’ll ignore you, because right now we're focused on mom and baby.”
Noah focused on what was going on and gripped Anya’s hand just as hard.
”It’s ok darling, I’m here. Let's do this, you can do this.”
Anya nodded and cried out.
”Ok sweetie, on three you’ll push and push for 10 seconds. One, Two. Three. Push!”
Anya gripped Noah’s hand and began to push.
”Push, Push, Push, Push, Push.” One of the nurses said. After 10 seconds of pushing, Anya couldn’t push anymore.
”Ok, take a quick breather sweetie and then we’ll start again.”
Anya shook her head.
”I can’t, it’s too much. It hurts so bad.”
Noah kissed Anya’s forehead.
”Darling, I’m here. Whatever you need, I’m here. You want to break my hand holding it? Do it. Scream my ear off? Scream.” Noah said.
Anya looked up at him.
”Oh my god, we’re actually having a baby right now.” Anya breathed in, sweat sliding down her forehead and her hair clinging onto her head. “Oh my god, we’re having a baby and we have nothing prepared, no clothes, no diapers, no food, nothing.” Anya said, the heart monitor picking up the increase in her heart rate.
”We can worry about that later darling, right now let’s just focus on you and the baby.” Noah said.
”All right sweetie, let’s get ready to push again.” The nurse said.
”On three sweetie, One. Two. Three. Push!”
Anya pushed and pushed the pain becoming unbearable by the second.
“Alright, the head is out, come on sweetie, just a little bit more.”
Anya pushed even harder, Noah looked over and saw the baby’s head and shoulders come out and eventually it’s whole body, the cold in the room making the baby cry out.
“It’s a boy!” The doctor announced.
“Nurse, Date of birth is September 3rd, 2023 and time of birth is 3:23am.”
They took the baby to clean him up and wrapped him up. The baby was crying loudly and when the baby touched Anya’s chest, the baby immediately stopped crying. Afterwards the placenta came and they took it away to ensure that nothing was missing.
“Alright sweetie, you’re going to feel a slight pinch, you tore a little bit, so we’re gonna get you stitched up.”
Anya and Noah both focused on the baby, just absentmindedly nodded. Anya didn’t realize until she felt the prick of the needle. Afterwards it felt like nothing.
“A baby boy Noah, what should we name him?” Anya said, looking up at Noah.
”I don’t know? I’m still trying to reel in from the fact that we became parents without realizing we were becoming parents.”
”Did you notice anything?”
”I mean, I noticed that your breasts were becoming slightly bigger than normal, but I didn’t think twice about it.”
”I also thought my bras and pants were slightly tighter than normal, but I didn’t think about it either, and you know how my periods are at this point, pregnancy was the last possibility on my mind.”
After about 30 minutes of cleaning up Anya, Noah took off his shirt to do skin to skin contact with the baby. Noah held the baby and fed him some formula, while Anya took a well deserved nap. About two hours passed before a flash caught his attention. It was Bryan and Matt, they came in with a diaper bag, filled to the brim and Bryan had his camera on him, ready to take the next picture.
”Hey man, congratulations!!” They yelled out, but Noah was ready to shut them up to not wake up Anya or the baby. Matt put the baby bag in another guest chair.
“Congratulations!” They whispered.
“How’s Anya doing?” Matt asked. Walking over to look at the baby.
Noah looked at her and smiled warmly, that sight was enough to get another picture out of Bryan.
“She did amazing, terrified, but amazing.”
”Yeah, no shit.” Matt said. “Oh fuck! Can I curse around the baby? Oh fuck it, the baby won’t remember this.”
“The baby might not, but I will, so no cursing around my baby.” A sleepy voice joined in. All three men joined to look at Anya. Noah quickly walked to her side, helping her sit up.
”How are you feeling darling?”
”Like a baby I didn’t know I was pregnant with came out of me.” She joked. The baby began fussing at his mother’s voice and Anya began to reach for the baby. Noah helped with handing the baby to her and put his shirt back on.
”Watch his head.”
”I know.”
Once the baby was safely in Anya’s arms. The baby began to settle, Anya looked up at Noah and gave him a loving look.
”I love you so much.” Anya said.
”I love you more.” Noah said. “Please let’s not find out you’re pregnant like this again.” He joked.
Anya giggled, another flash went off and Bryan looked at the camera.
”Speak for yourself, I thought I was going to die.”
”Ha! That shit was terrifying, so please don’t do it again.” Matt said.
Everyone in the room laughed.
“Hey where’s the guys?” Noah asked.
”I’m pretty sure they’re all looking at baby stuff, Matt and I were in charge of the baby bag, and last we saw, Folio and Jolly were arguing about which crib looked cooler and Nick was getting all the stuff you guys actually needed for right now. He’s getting you guys a car seat, he said he’ll rent a car to get you back to LA, while the rest of us go back on the bus.” Bryan said. “We also brought you guys some extra clothes too.”
“ Thank you guys.” Noah said.
“That’s amazing of Nick, I actually didn’t think of it.” Anya said.
”Have you thought of a name yet?” Bryan said.
”To be honest, nothing on my end. Anything on your end love?” Anya asked.
“Nothing on my end either.” Noah said.
Matt and Bryan both got a chance to hold the baby and Bryan got more photos, eventually Nick, Jolly, and Folio came and wished their congratulations, they all brought their own gifts. After a long argument with each other, Jolly finally explained the crib that he chose for the baby and that it was going to be delivered to Noah’s house. Everyone got a chance to also hold the baby as well and a few more pictures were taken by Bryan, afterwards everyone left the new happy family to enjoy their time together.
Anya was holding the baby while she was breastfeeding him. She looked up at Noah and gave him a deep kiss. She looked back at the baby and stared at him with a new found maternal love.
“Do you think we’re ready or will ever be with our new roles as parents?” Anya asked.
“Absolutely not, but as long as I have you and him by my side, we can figure it out together.”
”We really should come up with a name though, I don’t know how much longer I can go with calling our son ‘Baby Boy Sebastian’” Anya chuckled.
”I think I have one in mind.”
She looked down and caressed his hands that held a very special name.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Noah asked.
“I just wish he was here to see this.”
”I think he is, why else would our son be born on his birthday.”
“I think he would get a kick out of knowing he’d be sharing his birthday with a baby.”
The baby began to cry and to keep her from getting up, Noah took Baby Keaton from her and began to change his soiled diaper and change him into a different onesie. Little began to move his hand back to mouth in an attempt to eat something. Noah wrapped him up slightly and picked up his son and kissed his nose.
“I think our son is hungry again. Should I get a formula bottle or do you want to breastfeed him?”
”I’ll do the bottle this time, just so we can get him accustomed to both. Especially if we decide to take him with us on tour.”
Noah carefully placed Keaton in Anya’s arms and while adjusting his shirt she noticed some writing on the shirt with a sharpie, she moved his blanket and saw the words written on his shirt.
”Noah what -
She turned and saw Noah kneeling by her bed with a velvet ring box, a beautiful emerald ring surrounded by diamonds and with a white gold band. A little tongue tied, Anya couldn’t find the words to speak.
”I did have reservations for my proposal to you at La Boucherie in about two weeks, not going to lie, before I found you last night, I was looking at the ring in my bunk and practicing on how to propose. If you ask the guys, they’ll tell you that I had each of them practice and pretend to be you to get an idea of your reaction, but this is a lot better. Our son being here with us was very unexpected, but a welcome surprise. So now that I have both of you here, I wanted to ask.”
”Oh Noah…”
”Anastasia Mendoza, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
”oooh.” A little coo-like sound came from baby Keaton.
Noah chuckled.
”I think our son said yes for you.” He whispered.
”Lucky for him, mama can speak for herself and her response is yes. With all my heart. Yes, I’ll marry you Noah.”
Noah placed the ring on her finger and kissed her again. It was all overwhelming, but they both knew that as long as they had each other, it wasn’t bound to be perfect, but it can be easier with each other. They don’t know what the future holds, but each day will bring a new surprise and hopefully they can be prepared.
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ilovewanda · 1 day
i really liked the drabble you made about Professor Maximoff. would you be willing to write a one-shot about her and us? -🦈
ms. maximoff
ps: i think college and uni are the same thing… incase anyone calls it something else!
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wanda has always known that she wanted to be a professor. she loved all of her professors in college, and she wanted to do the same thing that they did. so she did exactly that. she graduated college, best in her class with a major in english. she found a job at a very well known school with an excellent english program. everything went great for her. until y/n walked into her classroom for the first time.
y/n was a second year in college. also known as a sophomore. she was 19 years old with an intense passion for english. on the first day of class she made sure to be the first student to class so that she could find a good seat. y/n never had many friends in college. she loved to stay home and read or write instead of going out to parties.
wanda quickly noticed that y/n did not have many friends. the other students ignored her, and simply acted as if she wasn’t there. wanda thought this was insane. y/n is the most gorgeous person that wanda has ever seen. wanda believed that y/n’s beauty was truly out of this world.
y/n and wanda went through the first few weeks without ever speaking. they both stared at each other all class long, but nothing was ever said. until one day, right before christmas break, wanda said to y/n “hey y/n! i loved your essay about christmas. it was amazing just like all of your other writing. however, i saw that you said you are alone for christmas, is that true?”
y/n sighed as she looked down and nodded. this broke wanda’s heart. y/n softly says “my family and i aren’t on the best terms right now and they told me to just stay here so they don’t have to pay for my plane ticket… and i don’t really have friends.”
wanda frowns, and before she can even think about what she was saying, “come to my house on christmas! i don’t have any family either and we can have a nice dinner together, so that neither of us are alone!”. the two sit in silence for a moment before y/n nods her head with a smile on her face.
that was when it all changed. y/n went to wanda’s house on christmas, and they had a great evening, until wanda got out her expensive wine. both of them had too many drinks, and before they knew it, they were making out and y/n was on wanda’s lap. this was the first night that they had sex.
due to the alcohol, and how loved y/n felt, she called wanda “mommy” before she even processed it in her head. they both froze for a moment in shock, until wanda moans and proceeds what she was doing.
from this point on, wanda was y/n’s mommy, and y/n was wanda’s baby. the couple continued to fall deeper into these roles. y/n was always wanda’s baby, unless she was stressed. when y/n would get stressed over schoolwork, she would not want to be babied.
this upset wanda, so she knew what she had to do. stop y/n from receiving any homework from her class. at first y/n was surprised, but then she realized how much more free time she had without so much homework. y/n became much happier as the months went by, and when the end of the year came around, wanda sat y/n down to have a serious conversation.
“i think that you should stay with me this summer. i don’t want you to go home to your family with everything that is going on right now. i want you to stay with mommy, okay sweetheart?” y/n nods, and before she can stay anything, wanda continues.
“i also think that you shouldn’t go to college anymore. i make enough money to provide for the both of us, and you are so much happier when you don’t have any homework to do! you could even come to class with me and be my unofficial assistant if you want!”
y/n thinks for a moment. what if wanda breaks up with her? then she will have no degree and no career. “y/n i know what you’re thinking. i promise that i will take care of you forever, baby. i’m never leaving you.” y/n smiles and says “okay, mommy. i trust you.
y/n and wanda spent their summer spending every single moment together. they went to the beach, the pool, and even to a water park. once summer was over, wanda had to go back to work. y/n claimed that when wanda went back to work she would be fine and she wouldn’t get lonely when she was at home alone during the day.
a week after the first day of school, wanda comes home to see y/n crying. “my angel, what’s wrong?” wanda says as she picks y/n up and hugs her tightly. “i missed you so much mommy please don’t leave me again!” y/n said in between sobs. wanda frowns and pinky promises y/n that she can go to work with her from now on.
from this point on, wanda spent every class that she taught for the rest of her life, with y/n smiling in her lap with her favorite stuffed animal in her hands. the students were all very nice to y/n and the couple truly lived their happily ever after.
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makuyi13 · 2 days
"The Least They Could Do" (Morpherine / Morph x Wolverine)
by @makuyi13
"The ways they could make him happy if they were Jean. But they weren’t. Logan was the man, the myth, the legend, and Morph was just Morph. And they were just friends.
And they hoped to God that was enough."
Author's Note: Alright guys I've gotten over an adequate amount of my fears and written a little one-shot after years and years of not being able to write fan-fiction! So anyways this is a really big step for me and I'm obviously very nervous, so please be nice. If I messed up on Morph's pronouns or grammar or spelling somehow, though, please do tell me so kindly. Anyways fellas enjoy I hope it's good :)
Oh I added some more edits, too. The ending is better now.
Logan was upset. Again.
It was like the guy was sentenced to be upset for life. There was always something for him to be frustrated about. There would be a few days, weeks if he was lucky, when there wasn’t, and all was well. But then something would go wrong again.
This time it was about Jean.
She was to have a baby with Scott.
And of course Logan was upset about it.
Morph felt bad about it, being such good friends with Logan and all, and caring about him and his happiness so much, but there was a part of them that was glad that Jean was with Scott. They didn’t know why, and there was always a bit of them that didn’t want to find out. And even worse (Morph felt horrid about this), there was always that part of them that hoped Logan would never have Jean.
It made them feel evil, wishing that kind of misfortune upon somebody, especially their best friend. And being evil was a wretched thing, they knew, but they couldn’t help it. They couldn’t help it at all.
Smart people knew better than to bother Logan when he was upset. But the good thing was that Morph didn’t necessarily consider themself smart. So that was how they found themself opening the front door and stepping outside the mansion to go find Logan.
It happened to be cloudy. All murky skies and chill, although there wasn’t excess moisture or cold. Morph walked down the slight slope, hands behind their back, looking around. Logan was slumped in the distance, staring off. Morph jumped and started, almost running, but caught themselves just in time. As they stepped nearer, they suddenly became painfully aware that they had hands. They tried to drop them by their sides, but they seemed too stiff. Crossing their arms seemed weird and hostile. Keeping them behind their back just seemed awkward and unnatural.
They shook their head forcefully. What was wrong with them? That coffee Jubilee made them must have had something in it. Morph shoved their hands in the pockets of their sweater after whatever fumble just went on. Ignoring it all, Morph opened their mouth to say “hello”.
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
Morph cringed. Of course what came out instead had to be something dumb. They felt their face burn and suddenly felt a strong desire to dig a hole and die. God Almighty, why would they say that? Just why? Why did they always have to try and fail to be funny?
Logan didn’t look their way, but grumbled something under his breath instead. He didn’t say anything else, and Morph took that as an invitation to sit down next to him. They brushed their long skirt, gathering it as they settled. They began to have second thoughts about this. Maybe Logan didn’t want to see them. Maybe they couldn’t really make Logan feel better. Maybe Logan didn’t care if they were there or not. After all, who were they? They were just a friend. They weren’t even Jean.
But… that didn’t really matter, did it? They didn’t need to be Jean to have the kind of time that they wanted to have with Logan. Did they?
Morph realised they were staring and studying Logan a little too closely. Running their eyes along his brow, down his temple, his mouth… Ugh, they thought to themself. That was really pathetic of them. Ripping their eyes away and trying to shift a little to seem a bit more animated, Morph heard Logan sigh next to them. As if he had been tensing his muscles the entire time he was out here and had relaxed them just now.
“You know you don’t have to follow me around when I ain’t feelin’ well, right, bub?” Logan finally spoke, his voice gruff yet slightly defeated.
“It’s the least I can do,” Morph shrugged.
And yet it kind of was the truth. There wasn’t really anything Morph could do to make Logan feel better but this. They thought all the time about all the things they could be. Thought about the sweet songs they would play for him if they were some kind of musician. The long, heart-warming letters they would write if they were some kind of writer. The ways they could make him happy if they were Jean. But they weren’t. Logan was everything; he was the man, the myth, the legend; and Morph was just Morph. And they were just friends.
And they hoped to God that was enough.
They blinked a few times. Keep it together. Clear the mind. But now they’ve realised that Logan’s shifted his body so that they’re sitting across from each other, facing each other, and now their mind’s a little too clear. Blank, even. And then Logan’s reaching for their leg and their heartbeat’s getting loud and fast, fast and loud, and then that thick, rough hand of his is touching the fabric that’s swimming around Morph’s legs, and all they can think of is damn, all they can hear is the heavy, rapid thump of their heart. 
But all Logan does is touch the hem of the skirt and softly say in his tough, gravelly voice, “This looks good on you.”
And it suddenly means the world to Morph. Their heart squeezes tight and releases. He likes my skirt, he likes my skirt. They dare to look at his face. It's saddened, defeated, creased with age and worry and hardened with pain, and yet they can't find ugliness in it, because there's a sixteenth of a smile lingering on his chapped lips and an unbearably sincere look buried deep in his brown eyes, no matter how much Logan tries to hide it all and shove it under. And that's when Morph knows they would wear that skirt over and over just to see that kind of look in Logan's face again and again. A confusingly, maddeningly good kind of feeling is rushing through their veins, and Morph wants to push it away, tell it to leave them alone, but they can't. Because they do love that feeling, even if they don't know what it is.
"Thank you," Morph breathes, wishing they had more to say.
And then Logan avoids their eyes, turns his body away and it’s over. Morph could kick themself. But instead they silently swear not to say or do anything stupid while they’re with Logan. So they just sit. And so does Logan. Neither says a single word. Neither moves. It’s just Logan and the grey sky and the still air and the lawn and Logan and the silence and the sweater weather and Morph hoping with all their heart that Logan was feeling a little bit better at least. But then again, they didn’t really do much for him. They couldn’t really. All they could do was just come and be there and try their best not to fumble like an idiot (again). Even if Logan said they didn’t have to.
It was the least they could do.
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sealofarchives · 3 days
Could you create a headcanon for ‘Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ about what kind of fathers Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey would be? I find this idea fun. :3
Headcanon: Rise!Turtles being dads and sweetest husband to the reader (Separate) (Requested prompt)
A/N: I'm still uncomfortable with the idea of aging up the guys towards "mature content."
However, this idea was really cute. It only made sense for this prompt where the guys are aged up with some reference to their bad end!future selves. I went with around early 30's when the turtle of your choice and the reader are in a committed relationship and currently raising a kid at the moment.
So please have common sense and think before typing some snarky response with 'oh aged up content is bad lol' (Because I will put those ideas on the 'do not write list' if people get too weird about it...)
You know how he has the habit of that one baby voice with Mayhem. (and a bit of the hey buddy tone towards Mikey or Donnie)
- His kid is never gonna escape from it. (even by the time the kid is a grown up)
He definitely panicked for a bit when his kid (during the energetic toddler phase) enjoyed climbing over a big guy like him.
- So he had to ask Donnie to make a battle shell specifically as a soft cushion. So the spiky shell doesn't accidentally scratch the kid.
Part of him is worried anytime he has to scold his kid. And only when you're around is when he feels okay to do so.
- He definitely does the "Did you ask (Y/N) if you could have another cookie?" sort of question. (Sometimes willing to go along with what his kid wants or following (Y/N) if he got caught spoiling the kid)
You're getting at least one peck on the cheek by the end of the day.
- Or earlier in the day if he accidentally woke you up.
Compared to his younger self who slightly whined about chores, he grew to enjoy it when both of you worked on it together.
- Laundry being one example where you're usually folding clothing fresh from the dryer. And he stacks a pile back into the clean basket/hamper.
His eyesight in the right eye has gotten a bit worse. (not as bad as his bad end counterpart where he needs an eyepatch) But, you often act as his extra set of eyes and call out to any surprise attacks.
- Which earned the title of you two with a tag team couple and he still blushes thinking about it.
Every few hours before a night patrol, he always checks in to see what his kid is up to and often gives a hug before leaving.
Often gives bedtime stories through retellings of Lou Jitsu's movies or Jupiter Jim's comics.
- Even acting out of some of the scenes before a yawn decides its time to sleep.
Gave one of his spare bandana scarves to his kid.
- Had the biggest grin on his face when the kid realized "Oh hey! We're matching!!!"
Almost similar to the night patrol part, but if you can't make it because of work or some other boring life detour.
- Its a portal away for a light hang out sesh. For both of you to take a breather away from the grown up life.
Late night conversations are just a regular thing between the two of you.
- Especially when he couldn't sleep. By the time he almost dozes off to sleep in your arms, he still playfully teases you that your voice is soothing to him.
When light conversations about the bad end future was brought up during a casual match of video games, he was never used to the idea that he had a prosthetic arm.
- You instantly hugged his right arm, jokingly reassuring him.
"As long as you can crack a joke in the most serious moment. I'll still know that its you Leo."
"Even in a timeline where, me and the guys were raised by Draxum?"
You gave the red slider turtle a 'really?' pout before he hugged you into his lap.
"Nah I'm just kidding, but for real though. Draxum's former henchmen are still goofballs that know their way around the city. I'm pretty sure that Leo could get a couple of one liners and maybe from you as well."
Almost went into a frenzy trying to child-proof the lair. (Especially the month before the kid's arrival changed the atmosphere) But eventually settled down.
- Realizing it would have stressed his kid out by any sudden new changes (and a bit of his family and your help explaining the reasoning as well)
Leo's showboating energy transferred to him but, in a way that, the softshell turtle is very grateful. That he has you as a spouse and both of you raising a kid along side his sentient inventions. And will try to bring it up in any conversation.
- The whole wallet photo gag of him showing family pictures. You love this silly turtle but, usually lightly pinch his face if its the wrong time for that.
He lights up whenever his kid goes to him for any sort of question.
- He slightly restrains himself to avoid going overboard with the answer. But, his kid is smart enough to know that and sometimes tells you that he's not being himself again.
Cannot force himself to sleep unless you're beside him. (or if you have to drag him to bed yourself)
- The few times where he woke up while you were still sleeping. He always gives you a light hug and a kiss on the forehead before getting out of bed.
He subtly took interest in one of your hobbies. (Either an ongoing or a new one) Just so he can step away from a tedious project that was going nowhere and not bother you with the boring details about it.
- Sometimes mentioning a fun fact to impress you.
You gave into his idea of letting your kid have a similar weapon like Casey Jr's.
- Only when they reached their 13th birthday and learning the basics of: constructing it and fixing parts along side their dad. How to use it defensively, offensively, and etc.
Considering how his future self had some hair on his head, he kept it long so he can do a few matching embarrassing baby photos to his kid.
- Like giving the kid a tiny ponytail and etc. He definitely cried a bit while having his signature grin when the kid pulled too hard on his hair, laughing at one of his jokes. And you had to step in to help him.
He knows how to work around some of his kid's picky eating habits. Usually making sure his kid is having fun or decorating the plate in an artistic manner.
- However, there are times when the kid can hide the veggie or fruit out of plain sight. Or his kid asks his uncles for help when Mikey's focused on some other thing.
Absolutely does that peek-a-boo trick with hiding his face or whole body into his shell.
- He was nervous at first, if the trick might have scared his kid but, no the kid was giggling. Curiously crawling towards him in awe of it.
Will sometimes make meals ahead of time. (often being, if you returned from work, too exhausted to greet him)
- Either leaving a note on a plastic container in the fridge of: [(Y/N)'s breakfast: DO NOT EAT unless you want an surprise session with Dr Delicate Touch </3] (this also applies to lunch as well)
On very rare occasions, he will temporary wear a cloaking brooch. If you're at an area isn't very friendly towards mutants and/or yokai.
- The one time that happened, is when you forgot to bring your lunch at a job that barely lasted a week. (Stuff that was out of your control but, he was relieved that you got out of that place before your coworkers decided to physically fight back at the manager)
Spends at least one day in the week with you to do some light meditative exercises.
- On the really bad days, he doesn't mind letting you hold his hand as a stress ball or just have a quiet moment to relax while his brothers babysit your kid.
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littlemelaninfics · 2 days
Hii I’m pretty new to 9-1-1 and caught up in like a month lol!
Since you right for Black girls, can you write something about Buck confiding in Hen and Karen or even Athena about being with a black woman? Love your work!🖤
I love that for you! It’s an easy watch, but it’s so intense 👀
Thank you so much for this request! I had a lot of fun with it and I hope readers can relate 🤍
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I see a time when Buck and Hen get drunk again with Karen and the topic of hair is brought up:
“So many products! There’s rejuvenating, hydrating…curl quenching? Don’t they all do the same thing?” Buck asked with his eyes squinted, half with curiosity and half due to the blood running to his face.
“Absolutely not!”
“No!” Karen and Hen exclaimed, stepping on each others words,
“Hair that contains melanin requires much more care. One day it’s soft and bouncy and the next it’s dry and brittle like a birds nest,” Karen explained.
“Hence,” Hen said as she lazily pointed to her bald head and poured another shot.
“But?” Hen asked choking down the contents of her glass
“She won’t let me help her with it. I mean..Taylor a-and Abby loved when I played in their hair-“
“You didn’t tell her that, did you?” Karen interrupted.
“Of course,” Buck replied confidently looking slightly to the side as if the conversation turned argument was replaying in his head.
“Noo, Buck,” she said putting her head on the table.
“A-a-and she got sooo mad!”
“First of all, women don’t like to hear about what the women before her enjoyed,” Hen started to explain,
“It makes her think you’re still thinking about them,” Karen said in agreement.
“I-I’m not! Not at all!” Buck tried his best to defend himself, but the drinks were staring to hit faster and faster.
“Second of all, Black women have never been allowed to think her hair is enough,” Hen continued but she could tell she was losing Buck,
“Meaning, she’s always been told it’s too wild or too nappy. So the thought of someone “playing” in our hair makes our skin crawl,” she said matter of factly.
“So then I just never touch her hair?”
“No, Buck. You need to break down that wall with her that has been up since before grade school. Watch what she does, look up YouTube videos if you have to, but it’s more than what you think.”
“Is it cause I’m white?” He hated asking the question, but he wouldn’t know the answer if he didn’t. When Karen and Hen just took sips from their cups, Buck slumped in his chair, sighing in defeat.
“It’s different for both of you. Why do you think we’re even talking about it…with you?”
He propped his head in his palm, looking at the wet ring stained in the wood table. Hen and Karen were right. Buck is not completely out of touch and should’ve known it was more than he was understanding.
He begged his friends to crack open their laptop and share enlightening stories about their hair journeys. That night he studied Black Hair Care as much as he could. Since he’s only touched her hair during a movie or sexual activity, he found her texture is 3C with a 3B framing and 4B crown. He spotted her favorite products by the color of the label and airdropped himself articles he wanted to revisit. Karen couldn’t help but feel mushy as she finally understood the scope of the love Buck has for Y/N and she couldn’t be happier.
He sobered up over the next couple of hours and ordered his Uber home. On the ride, he couldn’t help but imagine the direction their relationship was about to go, smiling to himself gently. He walked through the front door hearing the shower run and decided to shed his street clothes into something more comfortable. Once he had been home for 15 minutes and Y/N still wasn’t out of the shower, he knew she was taking an Everything Shower.
Buck got up and went to the hall closet, picking up her hair basket. He started to get intimidated when actually handling the products and Denman Brush, but that quickly changed to excitement when he remembered she still has to teach him, no matter what. He heard the shower turn off and wet patting across the hardwood. Buck went over her whole routine in his head and anticipated you walking down the stairs.
You rounded the corner and was meant with waiting eyes,
“Hi,” Buck said with his famous grin.
“Hi,” you replied looking at him and then your hair stuff out and displayed,
“What are-”
“Um, come sit,” he said plopping back on the couch. You looked at the two pillows stacked on the floor between his legs,
“Buck…” you said unsure.
“I’ve already learned how to love all of you. Let me learn how to take care of all of you.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you slowly crossed the floor panels. You knew you weren’t just walking to get your hair done. You were taking steps into your future with a man who wanted every bit of you.
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cvnt4him · 2 days
could I get #8 w/ iida? Fluff please? :) BC U ALREADU KNOW
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More than friends.
No one ever really understood why you were friends with him, and the way your friendship with him was, could be simulated as rather...odd.
Which never really made sense to you because like, why? Hes a good guy, he's helpful, caring, doting when needed and just overall a good person. People always called him uptight but around you he was just so amazing.
When he called you sweet, or said you looked 'divine' called you things like 'enchanting' or 'breath taking' at some moments, he was an angel sent from the heavens above, truly.
He always found a way to make you squirm in your seat, the way your friendship worked was confusing sure, but it was yours and you wouldn't trade it for the world.
"hello, y/n! How are you? Have you eaten?"
Tenya continued bombarding you with these questions, you always loved hearing them he was so caring and gentle with you it always made you feel so loved.
"I'm fine, ten ten."
You replied, offering him a smile that instantly brought one to his face, his features being complimented by the way he did.
He pushed up his glasses as he nodded to you, you giggle and nod back.
He was never really this doting on others, well except for midoriya ever since his vigilante arc tenya vowed to never really let izuku out of his sight, you admired his passion for wanting to keep his friends safe, it was one of the things you liked about tenya.
"wanna come to my dorm?"
You said blatantly, looking at him with a pointed look. You couldn't keep eye contact well, especially not with him but it always got worse when he'd look at you with such a piercing gaze, one of which was always filled with something, a desire.
He was shocked at your random outburst but was quick to agree.
You two found yourselves talking and laughing with each other which wasn't out of the ordinary for you two, he held you close to him your bodies colliding in a peaceful way like this is how things were supposed to be.
You faced him while his hand was on your hip, not in a sexual way, rather a comforting and safe way, the way his tight grip on his hip was all that you could think about, how much smaller you were than him, truly, he was tall and muscular and very attractive, being this close to him did something to you. You craved to be one with him.
"so.. I would prefer you've heard it from me rather than anyone else bombarding you with such things, but.. mei hatsume and I are dating, officially now.."
He told you, excitement being tinged slightly in his tone. His words caught you off guard interrupting your laugh as your eyes went wide, your smile fell as you looked at his chest before glancing up at him.
He looked down at you with a smile before seeing your reaction and concern went to paint his features instantly.
"is.. is something wrong, y/n? Are you alright?"
He was quick to ask you, god why did he do the things he did to you. You can't blame him for finally getting a girlfriend, he deserved one, a great one, one that was worthy of him, that was worthy of his bombarding love and caring personality, the way he smiles so perfectly, the way he was the walking embodiment of perfection.
He deserved someone that was perfect and more, and if he found that in.. mei hatsume, then who are you to stop him from pursuing that.
You exhale through your nose, looking down with a defeated look not bothering to answer his question, you felt rather uncomfortable in this moment now. Not because you hadn't wanted to be with him, lord knows it might just be the only chance you have left to be with him intimately of some sort. You didn't want to be held by him like this especially if he was with some other girl, he was a good guy who didn't deserve to be accused of cheating because you had some deranged fantasy of being with him.
He hadn't seen you like that, so you shouldn't see him like that. Yet, you couldn't help but feel something flutter in your stomach or much lower.. when his grio of your hip tightened and when he grabbed you by your chin and gently craned your head up to look at him. He stared down at you with a piercing gaze, concern filling the way he silently took you in, your wide eyes staring up at you sadly, your smile long gone as he frowned his brows furrowing.
You couldn't speak, not that you wanted to, you were stunned to say the least. You hadn't wanted to be a downer because this might be the last chance you have with him, once people get significant others they stop hanging out with their friends and when they do decide to hang out their significant other always has to join.
You didn't want to be that person who wanted him to feel like he shouldn't hang out with his girlfriend outside of them being together, plus if they are really together why should you be the one to stop him from being with her.
"y/n.. please tell me what is disturbing you."
He asks you softly, his voice hushed into a whisper as he looks down at you through his glasses lens. The way his blazing, lucent, electrifying ocean blue eyes looked deep into your own was magical, he could tell a start with only his eyes, how you wished you could live in them, dive in and never come out. He had such a grasp on you, not just physically but mentally, you were his and he was all you wanted.
You felt so defeated. So much so that you could almost cry, but you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of him due to your unrequited feelings for him.
He pulled you into a swift tight hug, burying his nose in your hair, the smell instantly taking over his senses, it was intoxicating he enjoyed the smell of your hair, the smell of your skin, the way you felt next to him was perfect. Meant to be even.
The hug was ended by you pulling away slightly, you look up to him once more staring deep into his eyes. He stared right back at you with just as deep eyes, however, something else on you caught his eye.
His eyes moved down a little, you seen that and followed his eyes on your face, your first thought went to maybe he was staring at your boobs? No he's not that kind of guy. Well.. maybe on the dl, but he wouldn't make it blatantly obvious if he were staring at your boobies.
His eyes were on your lips, he just couldn't help himself! Your lips looked so good and soft and kissable, he just wanted to grab you by your neck and kiss you.
That's just what he did, he slowly pulled you closer by the back of your neck, a soft hand holding you firmly and bringing you closer to him, you welcomed it and embraced it. You were so ready for this magical and enchanting kiss he was going to give but he stopped right in front of you, his breath fanning your lips as he continued to look down at them before bringing his deep ocean eyes to yours.
"may I?"
God why did you find him so sexy, the way he spoke and looked at you, the way he made your heart flutter when he was around, the way you got butterflies from just thinking about him. It was genuinely bazaar.
You pulled him into a rigid kiss, you needed this kiss so badly you fekt like you were going to explode. His eyes went wide from the way you yanked him into yourself, he ended up pulling away catching his breath that yous tole from him.
You looked up at him afraid, had you gone too far?
He simply chuckled before pulling you back in but into a much softer and rhythmic kiss. He held the kiss for a while, holding your face as well while he hummed lightly inside of it.
You sighed as your eyes fluttered shut, this was it, what you needed his beautiful lips on yours, if you were to pass in this given moment you would.
He pulled away with a sigh and a smile, you were speechless. The way he looked down at you, his thumb rubbing your cheek as he smiled at you with his beautiful eyes peering over you.
You eventually started to feel guilty creep onto you. You just kissed a taken man, let alone your best friend. Were you the girl best friend that people's girlfriend had to worry about?
Out of all honesty, you quite literally didn't mind if that meant tenya was yours.. selfish as it is.
You brushed the feeling away, yet still felt the need to ask,--
"what about your girlfriend."
You said bluntly, curious on what this meant for the two of you and how it would effect his relationship.
He gave you a confused look as his smile faultered before he mouthed an 'oh' with wide eyes, he sighed with a smile and chuckled.
Wait, what's funny? The fact you want to be a good person? God forbid.
You had started to get slightly angry, was he making fun of you?
"darling, I'm not really in a relationship. I only said that to see how you would react to if I actually had one."
He told you continuing to rub your cheek slightly pinching it.
You nod with a hum, your gaze then moving down to his chest as you ran a finger up and down it, you bit your lip slightly thinking to yourself, does this mean what you thought it did? That you and your best friend might actually get together?
"nothing to say?"
"not yet.. still thinking."
That made him laugh, he smiled brightly, just watching you and the way you worked, you were a beauty really, you were magical and one of a kind, the way you were programmed to him is just so mesmerizing, you're so.. yourself it makes him crazy. He would never say it to your face, but honestly he thinks you're a bit of an airhead, however he loves you all the more. These little facts and tricks about you are just so cute and amazing to him he can't help but want to be with you.
"take your time, my love."
He whispered, lying his head on top of yours and shutting his eyes with a comfortable sigh, you were his officially, now he can relax.
AN: this needs to be said, no one can tell me certain mha characters js don't love black women like I js get vibes from certain people who either love or need a black woman in their life.
Tenya, bakugou, shoto, monoma fr
Idk what it is ab blondes who are ridiculously mean but I js love it and hate it at the same time.
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ogsherlockholmes · 3 days
The Hound of Watson's Grief
I made a post a few weeks ago about how all of the Holmes stories could be interpreted as Watson's imagination in order to compensate for his loneliness (sorry for putting that idea in your heads) and I wanted to expand on that by focusing on The Hound of the Baskervilles. So, prepare for some inarticulate rambling which I hope will make sense.
One of the things that has always struck me about this particular story is ultimately how different it is from the rest of the canon: not just Holmes' noticeable absence in the mid-section, but the emphasis on Watson's description and the supernatural features. Although these can still be seen in the other stories, The Hounds of the Baskervilles still seems to exist separately from them, and I have a an idea why this is.
The Hounds of the Baskervilles, as a story, was never meant to be. Holmes was dead- ACD was proud to announce that. He had rid himself of the so called 'great detective', and could focus on more historical serious novels. But, alas, he thought of an interesting story line, and could think of no other way of conceiving it without help from Holmes. So, Holmes was prematurely resurrected, without any form of indication that he was actually alive, or if this was D Watson writing up his notes, or if the audience should just suspend their disbelief and read the story as an undefined prequel.
Realistically, that is about all there is to say about the premise of The Hound of the Baskervilles: the story just is, and we have to accept that. But what of THotB is purely a work of fiction, including within the realms of the fictional world of Sherlock Holmes? In some ways, THotB could be read as Watson finding an outlet for his grief for Holmes.
Firstly, Holmes' absence: not just in the story, but in Watson's life and in the public's life. Holmes was dead, with no chance of return... supposedly. He had died offstage, with no witnesses, apart from the man who died with him, so no one could check with him if Holmes was actually dead. For Watson, the only proof he had of Holmes' death was a letter, with no body to bury; for a man who had spent so much time with someone so furtively based on facts, I can't imagine that that would have felt right to him. Holmes was dead, but where did he die? It's reasonable to suppose that Watson went through a stage of denial, believing that Holmes was still alive. Of course, he couldn't admit that to the public (like so many other things... the unreliable narrator that he is) so he would need another outlet. So, why not write a story involving Holmes? Maybe Watson began writing, including all the quintessential characteristics of Holmes (his quick deductions, sarcastic quips and his effortlessness in complimenting Watson), but then the realisation of his friend's death dawned on him. Watson looks back on his work, and remembers that he now must solve mysteries by himself. Holmes is busy elsewhere, and Watson is alone.
Watson begins a tirade of long, flowery descriptions (in the words of Holmes "cut out the poetry, Watson") which are usually skipped over in the shorter stories. We are fully immersed in the gloomy Dartmoor with its "tinge of melancholy", and the introduction of an escaped prisoner: Selden, the Notting Hill murderer. This feels like compensation for Watson forcing Holmes' logic in the earlier chapters, almost as though he's trying to build another story for himself. The addition of the Baskerville legend also seems more alligned with Watson's interests than Holmes: overall, THofB becomes more of Watson indulging himself in a fairy tale than reporting facts, as Holmes would prefer.
Still, Watson is just as dutiful as ever, writing letters to Holmes, but receiving little response. Again, this might be a parallel for Watson's life: he wishes to communicate with his late friend, but hears nothing back. Here, Watson might be doubting himself again: he's obsessing over Holmes' death, so much so that he can't be sure he's even dead. A glimmer of hope: maybe Holmes is alive, and he's out there, waiting to come back. Watson mentions "the figure of a man upon the tor", the "tall, thin man" which is undeniably Holmes: he allows himself this fantasy, to the point where he explicitly states this idea when he reveals that Holmes has been with him in Dartmoor all along, but hiding away from him. But, he can't be too certain, so Selden (who could be seen as a mirror to Holmes as he is confused with Holmes as being the figure on the Moor) is killed off as soon as Watson finds Holmes. Again, Selden is killed offstage and by falling off an edge, which sounds familiar...
Now, Watson has his Holmes back, in theory. He ends the story by describing Holmes being involved in other matters which he doesn't provide too much detail on, as per usual. The story was quickly and almost effortlessly resolved, with the antagonist, Stapleton, seemingly dead but the protagonist, Henry Baskerville, saved. I don't think it is too much of a stretch to say that Stapleton and Baskerville are Moriarty and Holmes substitutes, respectively (Stapleton's academic backgrounds and unusual characters; Baskerville's assertiveness, Watson's detailed descriptions of his movements and appearance, the implication that Selden's death was originally confused as his). So, here is another instance of Watson applying the narrative he wants, almost as though he's manifesting Holmes' resurrection.
I've thrown many ideas together which can probably be easily disregarded, but I tried rereading the story with this perspective, and I think it helped me make sense of certain aspects of the story which never sat comfortably with me. Although I'm not claiming to know the true reason why ACD wrote THotB, I do hope that you can understand the point I'm trying to make.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 18 hours
Grayscale Pt.3 | JJK
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Pairing/s: Jungkook X Reader, Cha Eunwoo X Reader
Rating/s: No detailed explicit content, but wouldn't recommend it for minors.
Genre: Cheating AU, highschool sweethearts, first love, Moving On AU
Word Count: 3.1 k
Warning/s: OC talks to Jungkook, a bit possessive Jungkook, healing, closure, PDA, adopting, pregnancy.
A/N: Not proofread!!! Please leave comments, I would love to hear from you guys. Critique my writing and tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, really appreciate it.
Series Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The act of letting someone sucks your life away. Seeing Jungkook again for the divorce was harder than you thought.
Even though he wanted to, he never begged you again to take him back. Both of you knew, clinging onto each other would cause more pain than healing.
"That's not how you play the game! You're cheating." You giggled.
Eunwoo could feel his heart flutter at you being happy, your eyes crinkling into crescents. This was the first time he saw you so cheerful after the incident. He couldn't help but wonder what made Jungkook hurt such a genuine and kind soul.
"I'm not gonna win against you if I don't cheat." He teased.
"So you admit it!" You hit his arm playfully.
"Hey now, violence is not the answer."
There was a moment of laughter followed by silence before you spoke up, "Call me sappy, but I'm going to miss you. Like a lot."
"1 month, huh? I think you can handle it." He said, brushing his hair back.
You couldn't help but well up at the thought of him leaving for that long, "You're supposed to say 'I'm gonna miss you too' dumbass."
He sighed, "Thank you..."
"I should do the thanking here." You chuckled, looking at him nervously.
"Thank you for not laughing at me being a loser at games..." He took your hand in his, "...thank you for being my friend."
His unfeigned tone made you cry out. He knew it was coming, he had to go on his business trip real soon. But he had a few months, which he decided to spend consoling you.
Like he did now, he wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry on his chest, tears staining his shirt.
Jungkook and Gaeul left you with serious trust issues. But Eunwoo never left any corners for you to not trust him. It was as if you trusted no one but him.
Your parents, as expected, had the phrase, 'i told you so' written on their faces. They were never happy with your relationship, always hoping you'd marry a guy of their choice. You wondered if that would have been better.
Jungkook's parents visited you a day before your legal seperation. His father went as far as to threaten you to not break off the marriage. It would damage his reputation as a CEO.
Eunwoo politely yet sternly told them to leave and held you as you cried for an hour after that.
Your nights were sleepless. You had been with Jungkook for so long, that you couldn't sleep without his presence. Eunwoo would sacrifice his sleep to sing and hum for you as you tried to sleep.
Most of his attempts would go to vain but he still kept humming for you.
"I-I don't want you to go."
"I have to, Y/n." He hugged you tighter.
Maybe this wasn't the right time to tell you what he thought about you. But this was the only time he had. You were left broken after what Jungkook did, and Eunwoo didn't want risk your comfort and trust in him.
But he had to tell you.
"Y/n... I-"
You pull back to look at him, eyes red with the tears shed, "Eunwoo?"
How he wished it was him instead of Jungkook. How he wished Jungkook would have never met you, then you'd find a real man (Eunwoo) to cherish you.
He remembered the first time he saw you in college, stumbling in late to a lecture because you were messing around with Jungkook. Your hair a bit unkempt but nothing too wild.
He remembered how you sat beside him and he couldn't help but ask you your name. The two of you immediately clicked.
He remembered how his stomach dropped when he heard you had a boyfriend. He was still extremely close to you, despite you already having Gaeul as your 'best friend.'
He remembered the night where he actually fell for you. The night where your friends left to explore a foreign city you visited. Gaeul and Jungkook took advantage of the situation and went missing as well. You and Eunwoo were left alone. Both of you sat in the pool of the hotel, looked at the stars and talked about everything. Until you fell asleep and Jungkook came to carry you back to your room.
He remembered how he felt light headed when Jungkook asked him to plan a proposal for you. But he still smiled and decided to help him. Atleast you were happy, he thought.
He took a deep breath, "I like you. Heck, I may even be in love with you. Please don't take this the wrong way but... I've had feelings for you ever since we first met. I'm not pressuring you or-"
You cut him off with a smile, "Eunwoo, it's okay. I know."
"I wish I could stop myself but- wait. You know?"
You nod, slightly laughing at his nervous state, "I know, Eunwoo. I've always known. But I need time to get over...you know."
"Yes...yes! I don't care if you don't feel the same way, I just had to let you know how I felt."
You wipe your cheeks with your sleeve, "I don't want you to wait for me, I don't know when I'll move on from him, or if I even will move on."
Eunwoo gently wiped away a lingering tear from your cheek, his touch soft and reassuring. "I'll wait for you, Y/n. No matter how long it takes. You deserve to heal at your own pace."
You gave him a small, grateful smile, "Thank you, Eunwoo. That means more to me than you'll ever know."
"Did you get everything?" You asked.
"Calm down, I'll be alright. But you're the one who needs to take care." He held your hand in his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb to warm you up a bit.
It was already time for him to go. So, you along with a few of your friends were here on a chilly morning to bid him farewell.
After sharing a few hugs, he finally approached you for a hug, to which you responded by jumping onto him making him stumble back a bit.
You hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, taking in his scent. You laughed, "Who said I wasn't going to tease your loser ass?"
Eunwoo couldn't help but hug you tighter. He couldn't do it again for another month, he tried to memorize every soft detail of your embrace.
It didn't take long for your laughter to seize. A person caught your attention. He stood there with a long trench coat and every recognisable characteristics covered except his puffy eyes. The sight of him brought an unexpected surge of emotions. You hadn't anticipated seeing him here, especially not today.
What was he doing at the airport?
"Y/n, you're crying. Are you okay?" Eunwoo asked being concerned. He followed your line of sight and realised who caught your attention.
You didn't even realise you were crying until Eunwoo pointed it out. Jungkook stood at a fair distance. You noticed he was alone.
The two of you just stared at each other, you didn't want to talk to him and he understood that.
You felt a warm hand on your cheek. Eunwoo turned your head to look at him.
"It's okay. It's going to be okay." The approaching panic attack you felt was suddenly subdued with his words.
He leaned in to kiss your tear-stained cheek. He looked straight in your eyes when he said, "I love you. Believe me on that, yeah?"
"P-Please be safe." You tried your best not to look at your ex-husband; you focused your eyes onto the man in front of you.
"I'll see you soon." He held you in his arms one last time, only to let go hesitantly. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Jungkook looked at you and Eunwoo, he had no right to be angry, he had no right to want to kick Eunwoo in the balls. He chuckled bitterly at his own thoughts.
Jungkook didn't know why you were here, he didn't know how you noticed him in a crowded space. He swallowed thickly and maybe it was the fact that he just wanted to disappear from your sight, but he turned around and decided to quickly walk away with his luggage.
He initially walked briskly but he resorted to running a few seconds in. His empty stomach didn't take him very far though; he stumbled and fell onto his knees in a scarcely crowded area of the airport.
Seeing you happy brought all the memories flush back to him. Your touch, your voice, your smile, your eyes, you was all he could think of. He doubled over in pain, quietly sobbing into his palms, his luggage laying beside him. Crying had become a second nature by now.
It clawed him from inside, you were his and only his but he knew he could no longer have you. He wanted to bawl out loud, beg you to start everything over again, but he had promised himself to stay away from you.
Fate had other plans though, he was returning to Seoul from his hometown when he saw you with Eunwoo and a bunch of close friends. The ones who used to his friends as well.
Jungkook looked at his shaky palms which were wet from his tears. He had good friends, a good work-life balance, and the best of all, he had you. But now his colleagues and employees were doubting his abilities due to his bad performance at work.
He'd never be present at his office after the divorce. One would always find him at his house or at the gym, jabbing the life out of the punching bag till he fainted.
It took him 15 minutes to realise it was extremely chilly at the airport, he decided to gather himself and sit in the car. Sure, he couldn't stop crying, but atleast he could smell the vanilla scented car freshner you had bought.
He leaned his head back, his nose taking in your favourite scent.
A knock on the window startled him. It was as if he was dreaming, and he probably was. Because it was you.
You opened the car door and got in the passenger's seat, "Glad to know you still kept the car freshner."
Now, Jungkook didn't have any issues with breathing, ever. But today, his lungs stopped working. It was you. You were in his car, but why?
You looked like you had been crying as well but at the moment, you were neither sad nor happy, you just looked pissed.
You sighed, "Did you eat today?"
The question was so simple, so casual. But it hit something inside Jungkook's heart. He leaned down towards you, as if bowing to you and let his tears flow.
"I asked you something..." You said, trying to be cold. He looked you in the eyes and shook his head.
He didn't want to put you in a position where you had to take him back, but he still took your hands in his, "I was such-"
He was cut off by you repelling from his touch, "Please don't touch me, Jungkook. I'm not here to forgive you."
"O-oh, I'm so fucking sorry." He sniffed.
"You look awful."
"You look beautiful, as always." He said sincerely, making you blush a bit.
"I'm here because I care for you. Don't get the wrong idea but, I don't think I'll ever stop caring for you, Jungkook. Why aren't you looking after yourself?"
Jungkook was flustered by your suddeness. He had expected you to have moved on by now. But the fact that you were crying a while ago and you were here, in his car, said otherwise.
"It just isn't the same." He croaked out.
"Ofcourse it isn't, Jungkook. I wonder why."
"Y/n, I know you hate me, I know you don't want me anymore. But I don't want you to be kind to me." He closed his eyes, "Please curse at me, hit me, let it out. It's just me."
"It's not just you. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me." You said coldly.
Jungkook didn't answer, it was more like he couldn't answer. He looked down at his palm, which weren't shaky anymore. It was you who calmed him down.
You sigh, "I assume you have been talking to Gaeul?"
"I haven't, I don't even intend to."
"I called her a couple of months ago. She was livid at you. Said she'll slap you the next time she sees you." You chuckled, "She told me a lot about how you guys began and stuff. But it was the last time I'll ever talk to her."
He wiped his runny nose, "I guess you know about the time I threw her out of our house."
"Your... your house."
"Right, my house." He corrected himself.
After a moment of silence, Jungkook raised his head to look at you. He saw the love of his life looking outside the window. You looked as beautiful as the day he asked you out, if not more.
"Y/n, I-I love you."
You turned towards him to see a man who used to be the love of your life. He looked barely alive, barely living. Yet, somehow, his eyes were as pretty as always. But they didn't hold the universe you saw around a decade ago. They were just pretty eyes.
"You know there's a theory, if you stop loving someone, it means you never loved them in the first place. Love can never go away.
I probably won't ever stop loving you. But I don't want you, Jungkook. I've moved on."
"I-I know, I understand." Even though he knew, there was a huge part of him that wanted you to come back. That wanted you all to himself.
"Would you have kept the affair going if I never found out?" You asked.
"No, no! I wanted to stop, I promise. It started as a way for stress relief when you weren't available, but then..."
You scoff, "Then what, Jungkook? You loved to cheat on me, is it? You just loved to humiliate me? Makes sense."
Your tone didn't sound like yourself. You've never talked to Jungkook in this way, but then again, you couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Y/n, please, trust me. I've never wanted anyone but you. I've never loved her, I've never enjoyed the sex more. I just... don't know."
"You just loved the thrill of it all, didn't you. Cheating on your girlfriend, then on your fucking wife. How fucking far were you willing to go for sex?" A single tear rolled down your cheek.
Jungkook wished he could say otherwise. He wished he would've thought with his heart rather than his dick. All he could do was mutter sorry's.
"I forgive you, Jungkook." You said looking away.
His breath hitched as he heard the words come out of your mouth.
"I forgive you. The only thing you can do for me is take care of yourself and move on."
"I-I don't think I can." He sobbed, his stomach did flips that made him nauseous.
You finally touched him and intertwined your fingers with his, it was familiar but it didn't feel like home anymore.
"Cook for yourself, eat better, yeah?" You smiled.
"I can't do this without you, Y/n."
"You can, I know you can."
"I can't, I fucking can't. Please..."
You slowly let go of his hand as he kept saying 'no'.
"I'm sorry, baby." You whispered, "I have to leave."
You opened the car door and got out. Jungkook wished he could see you clearly, but his vision was blurred. You waved a final goodbye and gently closed the door.
As he saw you walk away, he noticed you took the car freshner with you, a subtle way to let him move on.
"Eunwoo!" You rushed over to him and captured him in an embrace. He twirled you around as you both laughed.
His month long business trip had already ended and he had just returned to Seoul.
He let you down and spoke, "How have you-"
He was cut off by you pulling him extremely close to you face. Your noses were touching and lips only a few millimetres away.
Eunwoo's eyes widened. He was definitely dreaming. Or did the plane crash on his way back and he was in heaven?
"I've not done this before but..." You said softly, "Would you go out with me?"
"I think you know what I'll say to that." He closed the distance between your lips.
It was like the two of you were alone at the airport. The nasty glares from strangers didn't exist, nor did any other problem in the world.
Eunwoo would be happy even if the world ended this very moment. But then again, he wouldn't get to love you enough.
Jungkook exhaled softly as he blinked his eyes, trying to wake up. He slowly pushed himself up and sat against the headboard.
He shivered, ofcourse. It was too cold without you. It had been 5 years already but no morning went without a thought of you.
As an unhealthy daily habit, he took his phone from the side table. Instinctively, his thumb went to Instagram to stalk you. His eyebrows furrowed realising you changed your profile picture.
This didn't seem right to him. Why was Eunwoo holding you like that? He decided to check your feed. Something wasn't right. There was a recent post from you.
A post announcing your pregnancy.
It took him a full minute to process what was happening. You were having a baby, with someone that wasn't him.
He blinked back his tears, reading the caption, 'You're gonna be the best father.' with a photo of Eunwoo holding your slightly large belly.
He reminded himself, there was more to live for. He should've moved on by now but he simply couldn't. His thoughts were so loud that he couldn't hear small footsteps. The person climbed onto the bed and peeked into his phone.
"Is that mommy?" He asked making Jungkook snap out of it.
"Ah, Jaehyun." He took the 7 year old in his arms.
"Isn't that mommy, daddy?" The child persisted.
"No, Jaehyun. She's just a woman I love."
"So, she's mommy?"
He sighed. How would he explain this to a 7 year old? Jungkook didn't want to bluntly tell him that he was adopted and didn't have a mother.
"Let's go for a walk with Bam. I'll tell you everything about the most beautiful woman I've ever met."
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rikiws · 10 hours
꩜ where words fail.
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jungwon x gn!reader ┆established relationship, angst
꩜ jungwon was sorry: so so sorry. But he had no way other than this to tell you so.
warnings: implications of death, Jungwon believes it’s his fault
ps: totally not a distraction while I write webb and flow, also the internet went out right as I was about to post this last night sigh
. . .under the cut! ⊹ [0.5k words]
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White tulips; that was your favourite. Jungwon cut them all by the stem, gently placing them into a bucket of water to his side as if they were made of glass. He didn’t want a single one to bruise, not a single tear, not a speck of soil on the carefully crafted petals. His flowers were special to him, especially when they went to someone who felt even more special.
Jungwon knew he sucked, he knew he was an asshole, but he never thought he could hurt you this horribly. Or maybe he did, maybe his rare moments of pessimism were right: that one day you would leave for good, and Jungwon would have nothing to blame but himself.
No. He had work to do, he still needed to pick out a few other flowers, and replant some more tulip buds, then he’d need to pick off the weeds that grew on his flower bed- but Jungwon cried instead. He always boasted to you that he wasn’t a big crier- which he truly wasn’t. He had nothing to cry about when he knew that you’d be there to make him smile right after. But now that you weren’t here, Jungwon had nothing to look forward to.
Jungwon sobbed for the first time. For the first time, he felt a sharp lump in his throat that he desperately tried to cough out, this time, he needed to lean on his arms as he watered the long forgotten tulip buds with his tears. Jungwon didn’t care for his muddy hands, he only wiped his tears away hopelessly as he continued to work, smearing the dirt onto his cheeks- he didn’t care.
He snipped off a few violets “I really love you, with all my heart.” He picked off a couple of daisies “You shouldn’t forgive me.” He cut off a handful of peonies “I hate what I did to you, I hate me.” Jungwon picked the best of his purple hyacinths. You were his Hyacinthus, someone he cared for so much, yet Jungwon lost you to his thoughtlessness. Now he was only left to admire the ethereal purple petals that only reminded him of the happiness he had destroyed: “I’m sorry.”
He carefully placed each blossom in a breath-taking bouquet arrangement: a dynamic expression of his mourning- yet something was missing. Jungwon placed a single white lily in the empty space at the centre.
“I miss you.”
Jungwon went to go see you, setting the pristine bouquet on the grass where you lay, left to wilt as you had many months ago. Taking a deep breath after finally calming down, and sitting on the knees of his muddied jeans, Jungwon outstretched a shaky hand to take his phone and send a message.
“I hope you like the flowers baby :)”
Jungwon scrolled through the sea of unseen blue text messages, all to reach one grey speech bubble, that he would always read of you. It was the moment right before you slipped through his fingers, if only Jungwon had just come downstairs a little faster- maybe it would have been you in a bouquet while he rested for eternity. He liked that idea more than losing you.
“Don’t worry wonnie, I’m always safe with you!”
Jungwon couldn’t stop himself from crying all over again.
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꩜ want to read more? check out my masterlist.
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