#so i'd imagine that failing at it would hurt his ego
homeless202 · 2 years
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i just know this hurt Eunyung more than we're led to believe. he was absolutely convinced he was right seeing how quickly he agreed to the bet. him being wrong about a person's true intentions/ulterior motives must've stung bc 1) he's typically good at reading people so this is him basically failing at one of the 'few good skills' he has and 2) bc Haejoon's uncle being a decent upstanding person proves that good people do exist, Eunyung just never had the privilege of meeting them.
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egg-emperor · 2 years
Eggman is a villain. Remember when Eggman dominating the world was a thing in Sonic Forces? Pretty sure many suffered for that. He's really a menace like he had Sonic as a prisioner and didn't bother to unalive him IN THAT MOMENT just because he enjoyed more the idea of making others lose hope via him? Or the time he didn't care that Infinite dissapeared and instead get full mecha not giving a damn about his "indestructible invention". I don't think he even saw Infinite as nothing more than a weapon this is why I believe he was actually a sentimental creature with his memory completely erased, similar to Surge and Kit but this is more of a headcanon than a fact lol. Whatever the true is this only shows what you have said earlier about Eggman, that all his inventions are disposable no matter what
To know this isn't the worst he has done is something that shouldn't be ignored lol
YEAH Forces got it so right... It got absolutely everything right about Eggman and its only flaw is for such an important and significant role to the plot. He deserved way more screentime to see the full extent of his actions and plan on screen and spotlight in his temporary glorious victory and progress in taking over- but his characterization was perfect.
Forces is an example that Eggman is smart and capable and despite his massive ego, he has very real reasons to be as proud and confident as he is with his real 300 IQ genius and skills. It also shows that he has a reason to be so determined to win because he CAN in fact accomplish his goals, he just can't keep it as long as Sonic is around but it counts.
But I also like how he kept Sonic alive and imprisoned for six months so he could finish and show off his completed empire to him and break his last bit of hope and fully prove his victory and superiority over him before "banishing him" (definitely killing him lol) because it would've been much more satisfying to him than just killing him immediately.
Also while only present in English and people have their different opinions, I like the idea Sonic was tortured and that it's said to be Eggman specifically and not Infinite. I'd like to believe he would be delighted to toy with him in a few ways once he gets his hands on him, primarily psychologically. Love to imagine him having his fun with him.
He only saw Infinite as a tool and a weapon he'd use up for all he's worth and drop the moment he no longer needed him because he doesn't share, or failed him before. Proven by how he didn't care he was gone even despite his loyalty, he said victory would be sweeter to defeat Sonic himself and was delighted to surpass Infinite in power with the ruby.
Everyone has always been vessels for Eggman to manipulate and use for selfish gain and later discard like they're nothing, while others are enemies and obstacles to be destroyed, and everyone else is so worthless and insignificant to him that all they should be are mindless slaves to the empire. Everything is his to use and destroy as he pleases.
I adore how Infinite is yet another example, even despite his loyalty to him the whole time. It never makes Eggman see them as anything more, doesn't make them any more worthy, and still don't deserve a fraction of his power in ruling the world in the end because everyone and everything is beneath him and disposable no matter what.
That's a cool idea for Infinite! What also works is him being heavily manipulated by Eggman after discovering their shared desires through the phantom ruby, and maybe the Jackal Squad's doom and his hatred to Shadow was yet another way to take his devotion to the empire further and allow him to use the phantom ruby on him.
And even despite his lack of genuine long term respect and value of any of his lackeys and how they'll always be temporary and worth nothing more than what they can do for him no matter how badly they get hurt is bad enough, it is indeed not even the worst thing he's done and that's why he's a magnificent evil bastard through and through! 💜🥰
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hailsatanacab · 2 years
Living Children Yet Undead Soldiers
Oh man what a title!! So much potential! It would work so well with a pure DC fic, exploring death and the Robins - possibly through a Jason Todd pov (I mean he just really lends himself to this, doesn't he, can you just imagine the angst?????) but they must be a dime a dozen and idk if I could ever give that any justice
AND! As we all know, my brain rot rn is solidly dpxdc, so I'm afraid that's where I'm taking this title 😅
I'm thinking: older Danny, mid-to-late 20s, established Ghost King, but retired Phantom - he's still fresh enough to remember the pain/anger/hurt that comes with being a child hero, as well as the incredible fulfilment and happiness and sense of achievement, of making a difference, too. He has both sides of this, he knows what it's like, so when he meets the batfam for dinner (is it a Grayson brother situation like @tumbling-darkling 's fic? That'd be cool), he watches as each of them files in and becomes more and more agitated as he realises that most of them have died. He's not stupid, he knows who they are and he knows how dangerous the hero game is - and at least they've been resurrected without any lasting damage. They're not even that liminal! But still...
Things come to a head when Jason walks in and he's like oh fuck, he's halfway to a ghost himself and he doesn’t even know it - and he can't hold himself back any more. It's no longer about making sure these kids don't get hurt again, now it's about making sure these kids know the consequences of what they're doing, making sure that Batman isn't taking advantage of their youth and naivety, making sure that they're all okay after the truly harrowing ordeal of dying.
Because Danny knows. He knows how hard all of it is, how the crushing weight of responsibility sits heavy on your shoulders. How it feels to fail.
If he's being brought into this family, he will not stand seeing them all thrust into danger - he won't take their alter-egos away from any of them, that won't help, but he won't sit by and say nothing. He can't.
This is his first meeting with the batfam and everyone's nervous: they can tell he's anxious, angry, he's gripping the silverware too tight, breathing hard through his nose. Everyone's on their best behaviour, trying to make a good impression for Dick’s sake, but they're already messing this up?
And then Jason walks in, followed by Damian, who can't be any older than when Danny himself died, and that's it. That's enough.
Danny slams his knife and fork down and turns to Bruce, nostrils flaring and barely concealed anger on his face. "Bruce, do you mind if I have a quick talk with the kids in private?"
He forces a smile on his face, takes a deep breath to relax, but it barely softens his expression at all. "Nothing to worry about, just want to introduce myself properly and I'd prefer to do that sibling to sibling, you know how it is. Please."
Bruce doesn't want to leave. At all. Something is off and he doesn't like it - if he can't be privy to this conversation then it's not happening. Do you think he's stupid? He's not leaving his kids in the hands of someone he hasn't met properly, someone who is definitely agitated, and is definitely hiding something.
Either he leaves after some reassurances from Dick, or Danny says "Fuck it, fine, I'll do this here and now. I wanted to be discreet, but fuck it - I know who you all are and frankly, fuck you, Bruce."
Cue angry, righteous rant about death and responsibility and how disgraceful it is to manipulate children into becoming soldiers in Batman's own quest for justice.
"They're children, Bruce. They don't deserve to face death every single night and as much as they think they are, they're not invincible. One day one of them will die, truly die, and they won't come back from it. What will you do then?"
Oh man this really got away from me, I really enjoyed this title 😅😅 I'm going to leave it there partly because idk how it would end and also partly because this is now long as fuck haha
send me a title and I'll make up a fic outline
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Pomefiore (Yokai Au)
inspired by the originator of this au @twstedforyou
I was inspired by their Au concept and wanted to try my hand at it. So far they only did Heartslabyul. So I wanted to do my imagination and interpretation of Pomefiore. Vil as a Yuki Onna, Rook as a Kirin, and Epel as a Kamaitachi.
More stuff after the cut.
I imagined Vil Schoenheit as a Yuki Onna 
Yuki Onna is said to be  inhumanly beautiful, so a perfect Yokai for the beautiful Vil Schoenheit.
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I'd imagine Vil being a slightly cold and proud Yokai. Giving off the air that he doesn't need his master, or want to see them. Why would he, he is praised and worshipped by many lesser yokai.
So you can imagine his surprise when his master stumbles upon his territory.
As Vil lounged about as his lesser yokai simps Worshipers pampered him as if he were royalty. when suddenly a small slipper Yokai ran up to Vil with frightening news.
“ B-Beautiful Vil !” The yokai called.
“What is it?” Vil sighed as he tried to enjoy the cool snowy scenery of his territory. 
“A-a human is in your territory with two other Yokai,” the yokai stuttered.
“Were is Epel, send him to scare them off,” Vil said.
“Epel did go out there, but he seems to have joined them. And now their making their way up the mountain!” The yokai skreached.
“What? Epel knows I despise unwanted humans in my territory,” Vil growled as he stood, the wind and snow started to pick up.
As he gracefully made his way down the snowy mountain, as the temperature dropped quickly. For a long time humans have been coming up on his mountain to deforest it and hunt down the lovely animals. And worse Many Yokai hunters come up these mountains to train and kill of the lesser Yokai. So it was stupid for Epel to bring them.
As stood at the top of an steep slope, he could see the human with the other Yokai. He blasted the coldest wind and snow at the human, as Epel and the other two Yokai tried to block the attack.
“We wont let you h-hurt our master,” A blue Tengu grunted.
“B-but this guy is so strong,” A red one tailed Kitsune.
The younger Yokai were simply blown away, as the weak human collapsed onto the snow. As Vil was about to turn to leave, he felt something tug at his heart. To turn back to that human.
With a begrudgingly sigh, Vil turned around and walked up to the freezing human. As he lifted their head to look at this human, and gasp in shock. What he thought was a simple human, to his eyes  was the most lovely human he’s ever laid eyes on.
“Master... You’ve finally come for me,” Vil gasped as he pulled his master into an embrace.
As he held his master a violet rope was formed. Now that his master was in his hold, he refused to let them go. No one else can have them.
So their first encounter wasn’t the best, he almost froze them, but things are fine know.
Vil is a bit of a tsundere, but not in the typical mean way. He puff his chest and like a peacock flaunt his best side to his master. And if his master fails to notice, a bit of his ego and heart gets hurt. 
But when the master asks him what’s wrong. Vil simply ignore his master until they give him their undivided attention. And maybe some showering of praise and compliments.
Having Vil as a familiar is an interesting individual among Mc’s many familiars. He is Ice cold to the touch, so Mc has to wave a winter coat or thick blanket wrapped around them if they wish to embrace Vil.
Vil spends most of his time an effort into making sure that his master is the best and most beautiful. So he constantly fretting over his masters health, and skin care routine. Don’t worry Vil will be on top of it, he’ll make sure to make you as beautiful as possible.
For Rook Hunt I imagined him as a Kirin as sorts. He is the hunter of love, and protector of all that is beautiful. Like a kirin who is a protector of the pure of hearts and justice. 
So I thought it was fitting. Also Kirin were supposingly had such light steps so that they wouldn’t hurt the grass beneath their hooves. Similar to Rooks silent steps.
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Rook is a very odd Yokai. He is one of the Vil Simps worshipers in Vil’s territory. He would wonder the snowy mountains and stalk all the lovely animals and other Yokai of the mountain. Though most of the time he could be seen staying by Vil’s side.
Even though he basically worships the ground Vil walks upon, he had always shown that he greatly wished to meet his master. Saying we will patiently wait form them, and at times wondered about the mountain in hopes of feeling that pull.
It was another snowy day of wondering through the forest as Rook strolled through the snow peacefully. That was until an object Yokai rushed up to Rook and told him that Vil had returned with a human.
“Rook! Rook! Vil has brought a human to the manor!” The pot Yokai announced.
“A human? Than that must mean his master as finally arrived, I must go congratulate him,” Rook smiled as he made hast to the manor.
Upon arrival he noticed Vil standing outside the guest room, Rook was about to call out to him. 
But stopped as he saw Vil staring at the violet rope that he cradled in his hands. Vil seemed to be lost in thought as he held his rope close to his heart, treating it as if it was the most precious treasure in the world.
As Rook drew closer, he felt something, a strong pull on his heart. Could it be, have they arrived. Rook quickly ran over to the guest room as he pushed the sliding doors open.
There they were, the most beautiful human he has ever seen. Rook’s knees seemed to have given out from under him. There was his master, wrapped in a blanket with their feet in a bucket of warm water, shivering as Epel and two other yokai clung to their side.
“Master,” Rook breathed out.
The human turned to look at the Kirin yokai, with wide eyes. 
“I, Rook hunt, will serve and protect you till the end of your days, master,” Rook Smiled as a forest green rope formed.
From know one he will never let his master leave his sight, he will protect them from any and all things that dare to take his master away from him.
Rook was strange indeed. If we wasn’t by his master side, showering them in complements and Poems. He would be watching his master from the shadows.
And Maybe some of their other many many familiars. Mostly Leona, and the leech tweens. other than them his master was the only one in his eyes.
Introducing him to polaroid camera was a mistake. He would now not only silently stalk his master, but snap photo’s of them as well. It was a horrifying sighed when they stumbled upon his secret wall of mc photos.
I Imagined Epel Felmier as a Kamaitachi or a sickle weasel. I’m not to sure why I chose this weasel. Maybe it’s because even though weasels may look cute, they could do some serious damage,. Kind of like Epel.
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Epel is another interesting Yokai. He is one of the few who didn’t worship Vil, but simply does what he says cause he doesn't want to be kicked out of the mountains.
So he serves as security around Vil's territory since he is swift and deadly. Especially with the retractable blades on his forearms.
He was unsure how he felt about having a human master, since Vil kind of already fits that role and he is very powerful.
Ran out of idea’s. sorry.
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offscreendeath · 2 years
obi wan
they really struggled giving leia something to do bless her heart...i thought she was gonna do some cool 10 year old prodigy hacking force power shit at least...they had this cutie basically unplug a microwave by herself with no adult supervision and we're supposed to be like. haha yes girlboss! ok sweetie great job we love a young princess doing basic tasks with little to no complex steps...
i know one thing they better not make luke any more capable than she is like ok he's still a dumbass inexperienced farm boy and leia is at least really clever and socially savvy even for a princess...maybe they can start to build up to luke bein more tech savvy and scrappy...like his favva
speaking of....
anakin the original edgelord school shooter neonazi fr
i know obi wan hurt i mean imagine your young nigga traded for the ops and got up on you hella times and has experience murkin niggas on both sides so he hella experienced and got every nigga shook
but anakin a weak nigga fr tho
like obi wan kept humbling him and it drove homie nuts because he kept failing and that nigga hate failing obviously but obi wan the only nigga that kept his ego in check and literally took bro to school
its wack tho bc vader knows how to push his buttons too tho and he keeps getting hit with the mean ass juke moves at the last moment and get stuck looking foolish
now his ass lookin dumb. again. and he's supposed to be a literal nightmare murder machine...lmao embarassing
he hurt!
so naturally he just goes even more berserk because he gotta let that shit out and we know he aint fuckin on nobody no mo
(even though yikes what are the implications here bc disabled people can definitely still fuck and stuff like even villains like this is the future babe why vader can't get a new set of junk or some hoes? c'mon)
anyway all that do is make obi-wan even more disappointed in him LMAOOOO like ah yeah i see you're still doing fucked up shit and imma still have to whoop up on that ass like i did last time bc you literally don't learn...
if i was obi wan and was stuck basically raising kid i'd be like yep fuck my life this nigga is way too ignorant...you just inheriting the big homie responsibilities and you was just a lil homie yourself
gahdam!! and now he got ptsd from soldiering (duh) and shit probably wondering if all that jedi prophecy shit he was indoctrinated with was cap the whole time. know i would be
and of course tala ass had to die i knew that as soon as i heard about them war crimes...sad moment with disposable literally mute giant robot...they even shot her womb out just to drive home that obi wan is celibate and aint fuckin on nobody...nope no romantic subplot here...
even blew up sis for good measure lmaoooo
how did she not know that the empire was problematic bitch they're an EMPIRE what u thought! the goons are literally called stormtroopers bro and everybody dress in s&m gear whats not clickingggg
and from there we got...
3rd sistagirl!!! she had to take that L of course she's not fading the big blood... but she held her own against lord drill-a-lot vader longer than most niggas do tbh like she should be proud of herself for lasting that long but ugh
whats a sith-sith relationship without some betrayal like that's the problem with hanging with niggas who treat life as disposable..u next mf lol you can lose yo special privileges anytime boss
shit grimy!
that nigga vader INVENTED the "it be ya own niggas" traitor arc tho so like of course he saw it coming lol just because he's a bitchass don't mean he actually stupid he just as predictable as he said obi-wan is
but honestly fuck it can't blame a bitch for trying i mean why not get him while he's literally marinating in his little gamerfuel tank while he aint even got no arms and cant breathe presumably without his snorkel?
hit him then, tf?
yeah ur right its probably heavily guarded but pop a grenade innat bitch one good time and issa wrap! idk this is why im not actually an assassin i guess
i hope they give her a new cut...a new color...whats her night routine like i gotta know....whats the bonnet in the off-hours how do the sith self-care?
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