#so i'm sharing it with all of you haha
aduckwithears · 3 months
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Off my head on laudanum, not responsible for my actions.
Good Omens S2/Ep3
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adamsrcnan · 2 months
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re-draw of this for our little french daffodil <3
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fadewalking · 1 year
More from Part One.
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I just found out Fyodor's cello piece from the 3rd season is called "Bird of death" and I find that interesting for a few reasons.
First of all, is it connected to Nikolai? They work together and -shipping aside - if they're actually friends, it would make sense for Fyodor to write a piece either for him or simply inspired by him. Not only are birds associated with Nikolai, but death as well since he was supposed to die by being cut in half. He also kills people, so if we combine all those things, they kind of make him a symbolic bird of death.
Secondly, it would make the cello scene have a slightly different atmosphere as Fyodor would be playing a piece he associates with his friend who's going to die after commiting a series of murders while a different murder is taking place. Also the situation would be even weirder for Katsura because it would mean he was kidnapped by a guy who didn't just play cello for him, but play a piece he associates with his friend. Of course Katsura would have no way of knowing, but still.
Thirdly, does that make Fyodor a bird of death? Because if it's not connected with Nikolai whatsoever, then it's most likely connected with Fyodor himself. It would make sense because he kills people as well, but would also accidentally make both Fyodor and Nikolai be associated with both birds and death (#matchingimagery).
Lastly, how much does studio Bones know?? I checked the dates of manga volume releases and Sunday tragedy chapters did come out back in 2017, so the team working on the anime would have enough time to integrate this title as an easter egg if they wanted to do that (as the 3rd season began in April 2019), but then again it seems like a random idea to allude to a character from a future arc that they weren't animating at the time. Either a member of the team was/is a fan of bsd or they're getting extra info on future events. Bones also seems to be making surprising decisions when adapting the material (such as putting Fyodor in Untold Origins), so I think it's possible they know something we don't.
But it's also possible that Bird of Death has a different meaning that I'm not aware of or it's all just a coincidence haha
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averlym · 4 months
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@remylong :
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#newest broken telephone installment#the remy renaissance#or rather standard avvycc dms. broken telephone elements include ccsims designs of my old designs plus prev hp art plus the general sepia#of everything on fire. bonus to the chromatic aberration on hp it feels quite fitting (yknow bc the chorus behind his lines..) idk vibes#this colouring style is actl terribly fun i'm quite !!! about it. i'm also glad that I made reference sheets for them all long ago bc#otherwise i would have gone insane rrying to rmb them from scratch. lately despite the rainbow hp seems to overall be turquoise blue? which#is so fun compared to the more purple/ neutral blues and greys i have in mind for mark...#anyways doing well! getting back slowly into Making things again! having fun etc etc#have been in OC-land late​ly but nothing i'm ready to share yet haha#so occassional bit of fanart it is. i inexplicably want to draw hands now though i was walking back home#pondering my adamandi era (mad the most insane fanart i've ever made; no recollection of it now) and after enough mulling it over#it would be nice to return to it. don't think i'm as obsessed anymore but it's certainly not lacking in inspiration#ideas are there just havent reached the sweet spot where you get so taken by an idea you're compelled to turn it to reality#and i think itwould be fun. perhaps even gratifying to set wips to rest#so maybe. in the meantime px11 brokentelephone is sustaining my urge to make miscellaneous fanart haha#melliotverse so true. wonder why despite watching taopp i haven't been compelled to draw it but i get the inkling it's just that specific#aesthetic that doesn't do it for me. <blinks> it was very good and i enjoyed it immensely! i think i just surprised myself by being normal#about a musical for once. i think also bc irl i've been more Good Busy the drive to engage in fandom has dissipated somewhat..#so overall i think it's a good thing. just different. but then again this stretch of time is a transitory period for me so changing ought to#to be expected. ah well tldr don't overthink just do what sparks joy be happy? literally so lucky to be spoiled for choice wrt things#i want to do. so much to do and see and learn and time still to get to figure it all out!
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pacificgasandelectric · 6 months
Current Events in Silm fandom rlly reinforce my feeling that, despite claiming an ethos of acceptance/tolerance of anything that doesn't hurt ppl, a lot of ppl in the section of Silm fandom I frequent do follow a set of socially-agreed-upon mores about what concepts are "not acceptable" to discuss or propose (or the ways in which certain topics must be discussed to be acceptable), that you all seem to have agreed on despite the things those mores restrict not being harmful to anyone.
And when someone does say smth that violates those mores, the response is disproportionate to the amount of harm done (which is typically none, imo). I know it's tempting to say "but we just want people to be comfortable and safe", but treating ppl badly for the sin of sharing thoughts you dislike is NOT the same as preventing people from doing things that are harmful. The former is much more of a harmful behavior than the sharing of the thoughts that sets it off. Fannish etiquette, people: you shouldn’t act like someone’s meta makes them morally suspect just because you disagree with it; save the “this is morally bad” for things that are ACTUALLY harmful. We're all stuck on this website together & if you want to have any sort of community, you need to ACT like you're in a community, and that means letting other people say things you dislike. Block them if you need to! I block people all the time because i know it's better for me AND for them if we can both blog in peace.
I am not particularly comfortable with the young-queer-on-tumblr silm fandom rn due to this tendency to rebuke things that are uncomfortable rather than harmful. Maybe that's fine with you. But if your goal is to make all fans feel comfortable and accepted, you need to actually do that. If your goal is to make people who share your unwritten rules comfortable in your space, you need to admit that, and write those rules down, and curate your space so it follows them.
Edited 8:10am PST to clarify the specifics of the behavior I find concerning.
#mine#if there had been Actual Harm done i'd feel differently#but when ppl are this worked up over 'what if [female character] was Also a bad person in a way that's reprehensible to our current morals'#and start going ‘hm this person is morally suspect for their Taste In Fiction’ im like. yikes! and you do this in the War Crimes Fandom?!#and like listen i Get that esp in this fandom there's a high incidence of like. ppl who are genuinely bigoted and stuff#and it can be stressful to see stuff that reminds you of that bigotry and the way those ppl use the work to justify their own worldview#but that STILL doesn't give anyone the right to police stuff that Isn't Bigoted. that's just not how this works.#and then in terms of 'well it's not policing it's just disagreeing' i have to say. that's where Etiquette comes in and i'm frankly#unhappy & annoyed that so many ppl in my age group seem to care more about being Right than being comfortable to share a fannish space with#but again whatever maybe they don't want me in their space. that's fine! i don't want to be in your space if it doesn't want me.#but i wish they'd fucking ADMIT THAT instead of going 'ooooh we accept everyone' and then turning around#and censuring ppl whose ideas they find icky. you can't have it both ways is all i'm saying. pick one and actually do it. for all our sakes#haha i might regret this tomorrow but i'm sooooo sleep-deprived and so annoyed#sorry to my non-silm followers it's just that i'm right and i should say it
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melverie · 1 month
Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh today I've been constantly experiencing the urge to un-private today-in-the-devildom & start writing for it again
#i'm gonna ramble in the tags but#i've been talking with starr (if you're reading this--hi starr!! <3) about the blog today and sharing some of the entries#and it just made me miss it so much#+ the conversation actually made me realize some other reasons why i didn't enjoy the blog in general anymore#like i genuinely love the blog and i genuinely loved writing for it & that conversation reminded me of that#but also there were so many reasons that ultimately pushed me to more or less abandon the blog & then later private it too#so i'm kind of at a loss here#tbh i think i'm mostly just scared to pick the blog up again only for it to end exactly like last time i picked it back up#i've actually always wanted for the blog to be a source of inspiration y'know?#like the things mentioned in the entries are kinda just small ideas right#i was hoping that people would read these & feel inspired to write or draw something of their own based on my entries#that was actually what made me start the blog in the first place. the hope that i could inspire others that way#aaahhhhhh.... maybe it's on me since i could have more openly communicated that idea......#i did get to meet one wonderful person who wrote a few fics based on my entries tho!! (hi ali <3)#but yeah..there's that#also the way engagement just dropped significantly after a while#like i know i was gone for a good while & that a lot of people left the fandom and all that#but still getting maybe one reblog if i'm lucky really feels like a punch to the gut#ESPECIALLY considering that i was close to 900 followers on there#do you guys know that feeling when you proudly show someone you care about something you did only to get a disinterested answer?#yeah...#that's essentially how it feels like to me#and well as you might know the feeling of “why should i keep writing if apparently no one cares” eventually won... haha.....#but aaaahhhhh i'm still clinging onto the hope & what ifs here#that conversation with starr really just made me forget about everything that frustrated me about the blog & left me with this#longing feeling to start again lol#hey if you've made it this far into the tags let me just ask--would you care if i picked the blog back up?#would you also *show* that you care?#i'm actually quite curious (you could almost call me george lol)#anyway maybe we'll see each other on today-in-the-devildom again in the future.. who knows
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angeart · 21 days
You are in fact good at teasing xD you know I wanna ask but I know you were working on rambles before you got sick and I see those hmtb posts too -🎀
yeah i had to get into a fist fight with google doc over hmtb. it said this was enough angst and tried to stop me.
can't believe i have two unfinished hhau rambles going on and yet i'm teasing a third. but you can't blame me!! the au is too fun.
on the topic of teasing, this is currently sitting in the wip of mimic arc aftermath rambles:
Whenever his feelings slip and spiral a bit too much, he keeps begging Scar to stay. He pleads for him to not leave him again, in a choked, broken, terrified voice. 
He tells Scar he won't be able to take it the second time. He won't, he won’t.
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
Tuvok-B'Elanna dynamic at its core to me is Weird Girl on Playground vs Girl Who Walks Right Up To Her & Says "You're Weird." while everyone else just heavily implies it. Also, the reason Seven/B'Elanna works so well is their weirdgirl 2 weirdgirl communication Also 2) Seven is going THROUGH it with Janeway...Janeway is Seven's Popular Girl Friend who's sort of being condescending to you but also is genuinely trying to be nice and also there's a lesbian undertone to all your interactions as she tries to get you to submit to a makeover and that relationship will be with you forever and you'll never be able to fully say it was good or bad - yet it haunts you. Seven's relationship with B'Elanna is thinking "I hate her boyfriend so much I could treat her better" so hard that her head explodes. You know Tom did something at/before prom and Seven swooped in. You know this to be true. B'Elanna thinks Seven is so pretty and why would she even hang out with a loser like me? Why be a weirdo when you could just be popular Miss Perfect??? And they have this sort of antagonism but understanding of one another even as they keep pissing each other off and being annoying.
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Sorry if anything sounds weird, English isn't my first language. But could you write a Farah x reader that gets flustered quickly?
Also, mentioned that you had a moth demon OC in the tags of one of your posts, she sounds cool! Could you show her? If you can't no worries 🫶
Hey! Don't worry about your English, it's fine ^^ And yeah, I do have a moth demon OC! Her name is Arya and I love her dearly! The one above is a picture of her in her human form drawn by Castawolf on Etsy and the picture below is one I drew when I was 17 or so! I never said I was an artist, I can't draw at all, so that was the best I could do back then! She'd be beige and a lot more fluffy, though :3 She was kind of inspired the the Radiant from Hollow Knight! Useless trivia, I know, but I just get so excited whenever I get to talk about her!!
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Farah with a Reader who gets Flustered Easily
Farah would have a field day with you from time to time. While she won’t go out of her way to fluster you each time, she sometimes will do so. It’s just too cute, the way you go quiet, stumble over your words or fumble around a bit. Yes, she knows that she has to maintain the trust between the two of you, and thus she shouldn’t be playing around with you too much, but come on! It’s so much fun! Sometimes she just has to tease you about it as well and watch you get defensive over your behaviors. It’s all just too endearing to her. Sometimes Farah will stand closer to you than necessary, touch you a bit more than needed, like holding your face in her hands when you won’t stop looking away from her, or just straight up compliments whatever it is you’re doing. If you’re especially close, then she might just give you a kiss to your cheek to watch you hide behind your burger, for example. While she may not be the most cuddle-seeking person out there, she’ll offer you more hugs than usual, if just to watch you freeze up and go speechless. However, only she is allowed to fluster you like that, anyone else needs to grow up and leave you alone. Anyone else could be malevolent and tease you the wrong way. No, she can’t have that. If you’re flustered because of someone else, then Farah won’t take too kindly to it. You’re hers to fluster and no one else. This may or may not be because of the crush she has on you, but she would never admit to such a thing. As far as you’re both concerned she just likes to tease you. But never too harshly, she doesn’t want to see you cry either. Will tone it down a bit if it’s obvious you’ve become uncomfortable and apologize, but it will happen again, I can assure you of that.
#cod#cod x reader#farah karim#farah karim x reader#Farah is honestly so cute I've definitely come to appreciate her even more ever since people started sending in more requests for her#as of late the number of requests I've gotten for her is insane#for the girls in general I'd say#I wake up and all I see are Valeria Farah and Laswell#every day I am haunted by those pretty girls and I get to write for them#also thank you for asking about Arya!! she's my girl and I adore her!!#I actually played as her in my DnD campaign and in BG3 as well!#back when I used to be in the selfship community I used to selfship with her as well#even now I like to imagine her and I being very close! she's a good friend of mine I'd say! helps me get through anxiety inducing situation#I know you didn't ask but she's a mischievous and somewhat cocky asshole who can be a sweetheart as well#I actually created her during my DMCV phase. good times#I just thought it would be really cool to have a demon OC!#so naturally I commissioned someone to draw her! and I commissioned such a great artist for that!!#castawolf is genuinely amazing! I've worked with them twice now and I am so satisfied!!#One of these days I'm gonna share some more art I commissioned because there are some pieces that make my heart sing with glee#but for now I am far too shy to do so haha#anyway if Arya is as much as mentioned I will go mental and talk nonstop about her. but unfortunately there's a tag limit#you'll go free this time anon haha
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Glenn Close/Henry Oak, everything else is a secret Characters: Henry Oak, Glenn Close (Dungeons and Daddies), and many more, BUT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE MORE FUN NOT TO TELL Y'ALL, SO YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE, WE'RE GOING ON A PIRATE ADVENTURE BABEEEYYY Summary:
Prince Hen's life gets turned upside down when he unwillingly finds himself amongst the crew of a frustratingly handsome pirate.
Just the first chapter rn but, yup, we’re finally doing this! 💜
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illusionsofdreaming · 4 months
To this day I hope you post again 🙏
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it's always tough receiving messages like these, since as a reader myself, I know the feeling of patiently waiting for a writer to post - be it meals or crumbs.
yet to be honest, I have no idea what to post anymore. I feel completely rusted in writing - I have the feeling of wanting to post but I can't seem to stop hating everything I write.
It's also been so long since I've read TCF, I'm not sure anything I write now will be relevant. My only comfort is that TCF's community has grown so much since I first started writing, nowadays you'll find plenty of better content out there haha
I, too, hope I post again in the future. I love reading and though I often go through an intense cycle of hatred for my own works, I always come back to writing.
So I do hope I do write and I wonder what I should write nowadays? Do people still read reader inserts?
More TCF?
New series...?
Anyways, I hope everyone who's still haunting this blog, a very, very nice weekend~
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rockethorse · 2 years
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When artistic visionary Ann Ghelld passed away, she bequeathed her beloved townhouse to the city as affordable housing for fellow creative types... on one stipulation; that nobody touched its eccentric and wildly impractical layout. While this final request has caused its share of architectural headaches, nonetheless, the Ann Ghelld Building survives in the heart of Sim City’s basket weaving district. Upon crossing its unusual threshold you might grab a coffee from Cafe Urele, pick up a bouquet or snacks from LlaMart Convenience, or simply catch the elevator up to any of its three apartments.
I love watching LilSimsie’s videos, even though we play different editions, and I particularly enjoy her shell challenges - where she uploads empty exterior walls and others have to make a lot out of it. I especially liked this one, referred to lovingly by LilSimsie & her followers as the “Big Mistake Shell Challenge” - because all the exterior walls are 100% diagonal.
This is just as difficult to work around in TS4 as it is in TS2, so I wanted to join in the torture! The (wonky) red lines mark the untouchable shell. I ended up really happy with the results, so I’m sharing this fully-furnished, cleaned, play-tested, CC-free apartment building in the hopes you’ll enjoy it too.
Important info, more pics & download link below!
When you move Sims into an apartment, it’s difficult to safely alter anything outside, so please make sure to check that everything is as it should be before you move Sims in.
You do not need CC or mods to play this lot. However, it was made with a few common mods in mind, and if you don’t want to use them, please tweak the lot before playing:
Rugs have been placed off-grid. Either make sure you have Rugs Off The Grid, or delete/move rugs to avoid graphical glitches as seen in these previews.
If you don’t have Water Inaccessible Flowers and Trim Inaccessible Bushes then you may need to move/delete some landscaping and/or fences.
The ground floor was designed for use with Apartments & Shopping On The Same Lot. If you don’t use this mod, nothing bad will happen, but the bottom floor will not sell anything except via the vending machines & electronics kiosk. You can replace the convenience store with a common area such as an indoor pool, computer room, etc, or even another apartment; I honestly recommend leaving the cafe as-is, because your playable Sims can still work there as a barista.
There is no CC in this lot, but there are some deco "accessory” items not normally accessible by players (e.g. a saucepan). If you delete these you may not be able to replace them. Similarly, some items were placed with Shiftable Everything. If you delete some items you may not be able to replace them in the same positions without this mod.
A corner counter in the top apartment may not corner properly when the lot is placed. This can be fixed with moveobjects. Although it clips, it is considered within the apartment, so you can put objects on it without apartment cheats.
If you don’t use Shiftable Trash Chutes, your chutes may appear glitched (see below). This is harmless and can be fixed simply by replacing the chute. Note: the chute on the second floor was originally placed with the cheat setquartertileplacement on.
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If you play with CC, then I also have some suggestions for where it might improve this lot:
The expensive computer in the cafe (I hate that hideous thing) would be much better as a laptop.
The flower plots on the rooftop would also make a great produce garden with Honeywell’s placeable garden plots.
You can replace a corkboard in the lobby with a jobs board.
The signs for Cafe Urele might look nicer with a recolour or swapped out for a cute sandwich board.
The bike racks by the basketball court look a bit bare without some deco bikes.
The bare brick wall at the back of the building is prime real estate for some graffiti.
The busker’s guitar out the front will look a little more appropriate with an invisible amp recolour and maybe a decorative case.
If you find all the lights overpowering, don’t forget to turn some off.
And of course, don’t forget to add fences, hedges, etc. that will make this lot blend in better with the surrounding lots in your hood.
The first apartment has two separate bedrooms; Currently, it’s furnished as though occupied by two unrelated roommates - one sewist and one musician - but it could also work for a parent and a child. It has this kitchenette common area as well as a small balcony.
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The second apartment is the most “luxury”. It’s a cozy open-plan studio with a double bed, a small but quality kitchen, and its own balcony. This is ideal for a D.I.N.K couple or perhaps a single Romance Sim.
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The top apartment is the smallest and cheapest, barely fitting a kitchenette and single bed, but there’s space to move out on the building’s largest balcony. Perfect for an artsy single Sim working or studying in the big city. (The little reading nook bumpout is my favourite detail.)
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All bathrooms are more or less identical, with a toilet, basin, medicine cabinet, trash can, and shower. The second floor studio has a shower/bath combo.
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I wanted the lot to have free skilling opportunities, so all residents have access to the rooftop garden and free use of the crafting station & chess set there. There’s also a bookcase in the cafe, a guitar on the street for busking, an outdoor gym, and a basketball hoop.
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Sims should be able to access everything (except the flowers/hedges - see above) without routing errors, though of course, with such an “interesting” layout, your Sims might get a bit cramped and fussy. The only issue I ran into is that there’s nowhere on the second floor for the newspaper to be delivered, so it often glitches into the apartment on the left, regardless of which apartment you live in. You can retrieve the paper in buy mode without cheats. This is not an issue on the top floor.
Thank you so much for reading! I don’t remember the last time I shared a lot for download; if you do end up playing it, I’d love to hear how it went.
Download Ann Gheld Building [CC Free]
#the sims 2#ts2#sims 2 lot#I don't know what to tag this with lol#sniffles. looks at you directly. please clap#I never considered myself a builder so sharing lots makes me way more nervous than sharing CC!#if you like it then reblogs would mean ... the Sim world ... [staring at you with huge eyes]#in all seriousness though this was so fun I love shell challenges. It being entirely diagonal was SO interesting#in TS4 and TS2 alike a lot of items NEED to be on straight walls to function#TS4 doesn't have elevators or spiral stairs though so their stairs situation was even harder haha. I do feel bad about that#but placing things like toilets and counters etc was hard because they look best against straight walls#and some other items just don't function diagonally. like some of the dressers. or they do but need a 4x bigger footprint#and I couldn't use any of my precious walk-around/through blocks!! because CC free!!#I do adore Shiftable Everything though god bless modders#I'm experimenting so much more now that 1) I don't have to fiddle with OMSPs and 2) I know I can share it wantonly#I think my favourite little outcome of the extreme space/orientation restrictions were that I actually had a reason to put trash cans#in the bathrooms. Like that was the only place they would reliably fit#because all the bathrooms were so weirdly shaped because they all needed straight walls. so they all had little pockets#meanwhile the rest of the apartment typically didn't have space for a bin where it would be accessible in normal gameplay#I never put trash cans in Sim bathrooms normally because there's no need for one there even tho IRL it's probably like#the most common place to have a trash can after the kitchen#BAM. Lil bit of realism for you. Two sim birds with one sim stone#anyway I'm rambling. I had a lot of fun with this and I'm gonna do more shell challenges and maybe share more builds#there's also a little rockethorse easter egg for you to find if you do download it#thank you again for reading!#rockethorse lots
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sysig · 2 years
Ooh, could I request something with a royal vampire Scriabin x vampire hunter or priest Edgar?? I just saw their outfits for day 18 and was like 👀 "I immediately love them", lol. My brain also keeps making a half connection between this concept and vampire moths, probably because of the Vargases' weird relationship with moths/butterflies since the diaryfic. So if you felt like including any butterfly imagery, I'd be interested how you would incorporate it!
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Day 24 - Try again? ♥
#My art#Requestober#Vargas#Scriabin#Edgar#Blood#So I actually had a lot of vampire ideas which is like privately embarrassing because I'm not usually much into vampires these days lol#And while I'm quite happy with how this turned out in the end - the red accents really pop I think ✨ - I didn't get to use most of my ideas#You can juuuuust barely see the butterfly masquerade half-mask I gave Scriabin - and that's nothing to say the Concepts ✨ and Ideas ✨#So I figured I could just put 'em here lol#For the most part I was thinking that Scriabin would target Edgar and hunt him exclusively#And Edgar in turn would just be a rando who'd have to take up the cross (lol) as an amateur vampire hunter out of necessity#Depending on how the logic worked I was like ''Would feeding off of Edgar even be pleasurable? Sounds more like a septic system ew lol''#Maybe it'd be specifically the types of chemicals released into his blood that would taste good more than them sharing a blood type(?)#Like adrenaline or cortisol - makes him spicy! Haha ♪#And then by the end of things Edgar wouldn't kill him or anything he'd actually end up curing him and that would be The Biggest Offense#How dare Edgar exist in a way that doesn't directly benefit him how /dare/ Edgar reduce him down to being just a human#Feeding off of Edgar defined him it's all he's ever been how dare Edgar take that away from him! Blood doesn't even taste good anymore!#:3c#I'm also quite into the butterfly/moth imagery! I didn't know about vampire moths! I knew that butterflies are opportunistic sanguivores but#Any excuse for any amount of scalloping and I just lose my mind about it#The little embroidered details are cute! I know it's in black and white but I definitely see the inside of his cape as red too haha#I thought it might be a little overwhelming so I just kept it grey haha#Poor Edgar ♪ It hurts but that'll just piss him off! His hands were probably too shaky to aim properly#There's always next time
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laesas · 1 year
KPTS Playlists
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Kim's Album || Chay's Album
So the concept behind this is that Kim releases a post-canon album and Porchay releases an album of his own in response. I love the idea of how the songs on each of these would affect the other person listening to them, as well as giving both characters the ability to use songs to communicate feelings that they can't express openly in person.
KimChay - Why else would I tutor you?
A big mixture of both KimChay albums + some extras that didnt fit either album but fit KimChay as a whole or inspired me while writing.
Additional Playlists and rambling under the cut 🖤
VegasPete Shoot Me || VegasPete Let it Out
I love both these VP moods but struggled with mixing them in a single playlist! The vibes were too all over the place - so now theres one for the emotional stuff and one for the self-destructive decisions bourne from hedgehog funerals and bisexual lighting
SO! Thoughts on playlists:
The concepts behind the KimChay playlists are my favourite and they're the ones I put the most thought into! - I started them back in july and I'm still adding to them now! They're not necessarily all about Kim and Chay's relationship per-se, there are a couple that I think really fit Kim's relationship with his brothers for example, or the way that Porchay feels living in the compound with his lack of autonomy. I've tried to keep a consistent sound/vibe throughout and match both the lyrics and the sound to the melancholy post canon situation!
My absolute favourite is Chay's album (lovingly referred to as the chaylist). Picturing the absloute breakdown Kim would have listening to some of these songs sang by Chay is so delicious to think about. Hopefully these would be the catalyst to a KimChay resolution!
There are a couple of other less developed/experimental playlists like for KinnBig, Tankhun (sad lol) and KimBig on my spotify profile! (as well as some other non KP playlists)
If you liked any of these, found a new favourite, or found them useful/helpful for art/writing/rotating the faves in your mind, feel free to share and to come yell at me about them here! DMs are open, anons are on! I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!
#KimChay#The Chaylist is out lads#there are somehow... 4 people following it... already..... which is like girl i have shared this nowhere..... how did u get here lol :')#kim kp#chay kp#playlists#if you guys make anything inspired by this I would love love LOVE it if you tagged me! not to credit! like just @ me in the replies!!#like no pressure to do so I would just love to see it!#I'm nosy and excitable and I want to *S E E*#also I tend to be incredibly picky with *vibes* + lyrics so out of not wanting to offend anyone I'm not going to take 'add this!' requests!#but also if there's a song that's perfect for the blorbos that isn't on the playlist - anon is on and my inbox is open! I love music recs!#also if you have just general ''think about this character + this song!'' thoughts i would LOVE that! hehe#if u have a character... that you want a song rec for........... i could do that lol#my head is full of nothing but little guys#I have thoughts about pretty much all of the characters + xyz song *constantly* haha#I dont have a 'happy' kimchay playlist but that's only bc the vibes were near identical to the PatPran playlist I already have titled ):)#also if you spot the playlists where i went through taylor swifts entire discography and worked out every song where she was in a car#and then every song where she uses public transport#then no you dont.#that would be. unhinged...... 👀#I think my next one will be a Tankhun happy playlist which would refine the sadder Tankhun playlist a bit better#it's a similar problem to VegasPete. The dichotomy of my favourite boy knows no bounds!#ANYWAY#Send tweet or whatever#kpts
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Books of 2024: KILLING FLOOR by Lee Child.
This isn't a genre I typically read; HOWEVER!: my dream agent was on an episode of the Writing Excuses podcast about beginnings, and they said this one is Very Good, so I borrowed my dad's paperback copy to give it a whirl.
I'm low-key hoping this will help me sort out some Genre Issues™ I suspect I'm having with a writing project, too, which is a nice added bonus! Excited to see how this goes.
#books#books of 2024#killing floor#lee child#jack reacher#i think i used to read more stuff Like This in high school??#because it's my dad's big genre and he'd let me borrow books lmao#but i think i drifted away from it because i found out there was other weirder shit going on in different genre corners#and i love weird funny fucked up shit#no shade on the thriller genre it's just not something i've read much of lately!#this will be Good For Me haha#and yeah okay dongwon and MRK talking about it made me more likely to pick it up than my dad at this stage of my life#but he still had a copy so now i have a copy (borrowed) :)#don't get me started on the 'does this mean we can reopen book borrowing' convo he wants to have tho#like no sir you wrecked my paperback LOCKE LAMORA and i'm still salty about it#because you didn't care about it#and you think storing books in our dank-ass basement is taking care of them and it's NOT#we have different standards of care and you don't meet mine#and you eat in bed all the time and i don't want your greasy ass hands on my books >:(#so i don't FEEL like it's hypocrisy not to want to share#but did i look at HPB and B&N for copies of this because of that?? yes yes i did.#i did not find a used copy i was willing to pay $4 for#and i sure as hell wasn't gonna pay $10 for it new so.....#borrowed here#library was my next stop but. he found it.#ANYWAY#i'm gonna log off and go read past the first page i think#(oh sidenote the Genre Issues are:#aw#lucius
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