#so if i dont apply here im cutting it really really fine
Update on the uni sitch their website fucking sucks so I filles out the form online like 4 times and everytime I tried to pay it took me back to the beginning and so I called the uni office, and the most unprofessional person ever told me to "just wait for a while, maybe it'll fix itself"
So I am now watching anime and cursing whoever set up their website for them
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lusalemaart · 10 months
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#really getting fucking tired of tumblr not compressing my file itself. like it ruins the quality but it wont#automatically resize my massive fucking files!? gotta do it myself?? ugh. the lack of usability across all social media platforms is just#getting so hard to stomach anymore. nothing is functional. people get their accounts removed for no logical reason. im exhausted.#and yet i still want all my shit in a collective place -_-#ugh.do you ever look at something and are like. holy shit i painted this.damn. unfortunately it doesnt happen very often but when it does?#almost always my vent boy. why. why is that?why cant i paint anything half decent except this emo boy with a mullet?whatever. also. kinda#random but.not actually random. related actually.idk if this is just me but like. sometimes there are Articles in ur living space that just#exist. like u just accept they exist even tho u have no recollection of attaining them. im talkin clothes specifically rn. like i have this#aqua-green robe with blue trim that ive had as far back as i can recall...except i cant for the life of me remember where it came from! its#almost like it spawned in my closet one day.i just. accept it.like. dont get me wrong. it cozy. its quite physically held up for decades.#i wear it all the damn time. but ive no mortal clue how it got here. ive no memory of receiving it.also ngl i had way too much fun renderin#his beard.like u cant tell bc i apply about a million overlay layers and filters respectively to my finished works. ultimately covering up#hours + hours worth of finely rendered details each drawn individually by hand. deeming my efforts useless in the end bc i cover it up but.#trust me. i took some time with that beard.beard gang beard gang.mullet beard gang.dirty smelly mullet beard man. hello yes my name is#80 y/o who is 32/33 years old. how are you today? im personally doing terrible.good talk. WHAT CAN I SAY i just think the emo grown ass man#with boatloads of physical AND emotional trauma is neat. MY HANDS LOOK LIKE THIS SO HIS DONT HAVE TO *camera pans to a fucked up little set#of discolored claws skin translucent as alll hell. no muscle.atrophied beyond repair. also a bit of dirt is caked under the brittle + ridge#unhealthy nails. cuts and scraped take approx 3 months to heal bc the nerve functioning is That Bad*.#botdbs#fk#on a final note. I drew these about a week ago. I was literally only listening to cheeseburger in paradise the whole time. Then I learned#today that Jimmy Buffett passed away yesterday. broke my heart a little. i was just drinking my coffee from my margaritaville mug too.#Rest in peace legend. I hope heaven has so many cheeseburgers.#so many cheeseburgers in literal paradise.#Makin' the best of every virtue and vice. Worth every damn bit of sacrifice. to get a. cheeseburger in paradise.
0 notes
deadlykitten-404 · 1 month
Okay im sure people have done this before, but its time to mash together the hyperfixations, here's my take on stp Princesses x tma Fears
Title explains it ig, but i just got through the episode where gerry explains the fears to jon, so i dont feel too spoiled to reference the wiki, so here's the fears i think each of the slay the princess routes align with/are avatars of
(for the sake of post length and potential spoilers, pairings are under the cut. also ive color coded them for fun and bc its easier for me to read, i apologize if its straining, i can remove it)
Chapter 2 Princesses:
Damsel - The Stranger - She seems normal, until you dig deeper into who "she" is, and she devolves into a more and more uncanny version of herself until she gets yoinked
Prisoner - The Lonely - This one is weird, because the Princess is pretty resigned in her fate, regardless of what route you take. Having said that, I was torn between Buried and Lonely, but ultimately chose Lonely since Prisoner isn't exactly worried about being trapped (she's okay with both being decapitated and with waiting it out). She feels more Lonely, since her instance is self-inflicted, she had to kill Quiet so they could move on, which in turn trapped her even more than Chapter 1.
Witch - The Desolation - This one is more emotional than Desolation is usually thought of, but the Witch is convinced that after Quiet's actions in Chapter 1 his only intention is to break her down further. Additionally, she's fine with killing him regardless of what that means for her because then it will feel like revenge (unless you guilt trip her lol)
Beast - The Hunt - This one's easy, her entire goal is to eat Quiet lol
Adversary - The Slaughter - This one was also difficult, since many of the Fears are tied to "senseless" killing, and Adversary just wants a good fight. She's more of a mma fighter than a murderer, but her main motivation is still murder, though definitely in more of a human way than an animalistic way, so she went to Slaughter.
Tower - The Web - Her entire thing is manipulation, she doesn't even want to bloody her own hands if she can help it.
Razor - The Slaughter - Unlike Adversary, Razor does find joy in senseless killing, so she fits right in with Slaughter (I did also consider Hunt, but her goal isn't it work down the player, just to stab him) (also this is applied to "No Way Out" and "The Empty Cup" since they're just continuations of Razor and not their own Princesses)
Stranger - The Spiral - i know, it seems like she would go to the Stranger, but she actually knows exactly who she is, just not why. In Chapter 1, she acts more like fractions of herself, her world descending into madness. Her madness leads her to not know who she is, not the other way around (if it was that would lend closer to Stranger).
Spectre - The Lonely - Spectre is one of the least aggressive, and doesn't really align with many of the other fears, but her personal fear is being trapped again after getting so close to getting out.
Nightmare - The Lonely - Like Spectre, her entire motivation is centered in being left behind after being teased with being released, her pre-death monologue is an increasingly more desperate "Let me out," scared of being left behind again (though her outward motivation aligns more with Slaughter, with wanting to spread fear and terror for fun).
Chapter 3 Princesses:
Grey (Burned) - The Desolation - Both for the fire aspect, and the bodily destruction. Burned Grey doesn't really have much malice, but the only thing that she knows is to destroy to try to get what she wants
Grey (Drowned) - The Vast - Unfortunately there isn't really a Fear connected to revenge, so Vast works best with Drowned Grey since its connected to deep ocean. Ironically, it's one of the shallower connections, but Drowned Grey is made up of layers of frustration, betrayal, and anger, which is more like sadness than fear (although she is more unsettling than Burned Grey).
Thorn - The Buried - Thorn is also tricky, since at this point she's basically just tired, not scared or threatening. I've given her to Buried since she is physically trapped, and wants to get out but doesn't trust the Quiet to actually let her out because of their rocky past.
Wild - The Eye - Wild is really the only one that doesn't quite align with a Fear. I was going to assign her to Vast, since Shifty describes her as endless, but I settled on Eye since she is inherently non-aggressive, knows more because she's one with Quiet, and can locate the Narrator when the others aren't aware of him. I guess she also aligns with Slaughter since the only thing she expresses fear of is pain, but a few others get Slaughter, so I've given her to the Eye.
Den - The Hunt - Just like the Beast, but even more. She's only an animal at this point, and her only goal is to kill and eat.
The Eye of the Needle - The Slaughter - Like the Den, (and Razor, to a more direct extent), Needle is an expansion of Adversary, so her goal doesn't change, she's just more focused. This form fits Slaughter a bit more though, since there are some routes where she'll attack you outright.
Fury - The Desolation - Though Fury is also an extension of Adversary, she's more concerned with the means of death than the actual killing (I'm also not keeping her under Web, since she is now going for Quiet directly instead of trying to manipulate him). She doesn't just want to kill Quiet, she wants it to hurt.
Apotheosis - The Web - Unlike Fury, Apotheosis gets to keep Web since she isn't concerned about killing Quiet, but she does now have infinite power. Also potentially The Vast, but that's purely because of her physical size.
Wraith - The Web - While Adversary has the emotional manipulation, Wraith has the physical manipulation. (I also considered The End because I hadn't assigned any Princesses to The End, but this was purely because she's a skeleton, so if you want a Princess a Fear, feel free to associate her with The End).
The Moment of Clarity - The Lonely - Like her prior counterparts, Clarity just craves companionship so inherently that her fear leads her to violence.
Well, that's all of them! To anyone that read through this, thanks! Might end up doing this with the Voices as well, though they would likely end up just aligning with whatever Fear is assigned to the Princess that causes them.
Of the Princesses (to me), none align with The Corruption (though the devs did say that the Stranger started as a bug princess, so i guess she's Corruption in spirit), The Dark, The End, or The Flesh.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
youve all been waiting, and im finally taking requests for TADC again! apologies for the sudden shut down and dismissal of the requests, but it was truly getting to a point where i was beginning to hit the beginning stages of a burnout; and in order to prevent myself from resenting the media or growing tired of it, i had to take a break.. but we're back! with a few news rules that i urge you guys look into since things are going to be slightly different this time around (not much, only one real rule is added, but still!)
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As per usual for these posts, im linking my pinned that has most of the rules that generally apply to this blog, really these posts are just for me to announce that im taking stuff for a fandom, you know?
if youre not new around here, though, you will notice a note within the "i will write section", which is that new rule i mentioned above the cut!
however for those who cannot access the link for whatever reason, here is a summarized list of rules n stuff
Basic rules and boundaries:
all requests must be sent in through the inbox. any requests submitted via comments or dms will not be answered, period. i prefer the inbox because its all in one place and easier for me to keep track of things. dms feel invasive and make me feel pressured, and comments can be lost easily. as well as this, with asks i have the request right there so i dont have to dip back and forth for details on what you want
no spamming, please! while i am deciding to keep anon on i can tell when its different requestors asking for the same thing by chance, and when its the same person sending in the same thing. you will receive a warning once (this alone counts as one so technically you get two), after that your request will be denied flat out
as of 12/14/2023, i am not taking oc readers or readers based off of canon characters. while i did canon characters before, i do not have the means or energy to comb through many character wikis for every request. i do intend on opening character based readers eventually, but as of now it is not possible or efficient. you CAN ask for specific traits or personalities, though, thats still allowed
the new rule i mentioned: the new maximum number of characters you can ask for per request is 4-5. before i didnt see much point in limiting TADC since its just 7 characters but i found that most people asked for full casts, but most requests didnt spark any real ideas for every character; thus really feeding into that burnout i mentioned. any requests failing to follow this rule will be put in the wheel (wheel will have the characters names and it will choose who will be written for the request)
i can deny your request for any reason, usually though it will be for discomfort or for being in violation of the admins rules/falls into what he wont write
What I will Write:
fluff and angst! as well as general headcannons! scenarios are allowed too!
poly, platonic, romantic, ect is fine! any characteristics for the reader are usually fine (ex. child!reader, artist!reader, ectect, obviously for stuff like kid readers it will automatically be platonic)
really most things are fine, if theres anything that makes the admin uncomfortable, he will communicate it!
while technically i do write for it, please be mindful when asking for requests that tackle heavier topics (abvse, self h4rm, ect) and will be handled on a case by case basis rather than being set to a solid standard, as well as taking the admins current mental state into consideration when handling these requests
What I WONT Write:
NSFW or NSFW adjacent requests. no smut, no kinks. i have had people try to sneak kinks past me by trying to mess with wording or by trying to justify it by saying it was intended to be fluff. i do not kink shame, but that wont be tolerated here
no yandere stuff, admin isnt really comfy with it. theres a difference between writing characters that can be very jealous and writing something that is extremely unhealthy and to admins knowledge, demonizes those with mental disorders
as mentioned above, heavier topics will be taken with a case by case basis; however if youre asking for things like abvsive!jax x reader or jax walking in on reader SHing then its a hard no. active stuff will not be written here, however a character who has gone through that in the past is an entirely different story
full on fanfics; outside of special occasion, the admin only writes short little paragraphs and stuff for posts
general ban on basic nono content
On the off chance that you request something that has already been done before, admin will link the post that has your request!
with all that being said and done, go nuts guys! i kind of missed writing for TADC but i had to put me first
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demonophilia · 8 months
minors, or no age listed. this is an instant block. have your age plainly listed either in your bio or pinned post.
raceplay, ageplay (dd/lg, md/lb, or any variation on those), detrans/misgendering, sexism/misogyny, sissy/forcefem, beastiality, incest (including step/adopted/fauxcest) , or orientationplay (ex. 'turning' lesbians. fuck off
proana/promia/thinspo/any kind of ed blogs i have an ed and these blogs are INCREDIBLY triggering for me. do not interact with me. i will block you.
scat, vore, inflation etc. nothing wrong with these but i'll most likely block if theyre a main focus of our blog. if i follow first, this doesnt apply!
any "icky x" shit. generally falls under the ageplay or incest umbrella, but i wanted to make sure i was clear. if i see any variation on those tags on your post, i will block.
chasers please just be normal LMAO
do not ask about my private life/ask for my sfw blog. again, this is only if we aren't friends/close. i might post abt it in vague terms and its fine to ask abt minor things (how was your day etc) but dont pry. i am literally a porn blog im on here to get people off LMAO im not that interesting
if i say no or say to stop, stop. this should be obvious. if i say no, i mean no. this includes if im being dominant. if you repeatedly disrespect a boundary ive set, i will block you. if you arent clear on a boundary, ask!
more info under the cut ⬇️
hii im connor :] i use it/its, he/him, and she/her pronouns. i'm bisexual + bigender (tme, and i have a cunt), and i'm fine with both feminine and masculine petnames (see petnames section below :]) i'm a vers and a switch, though recently i've been heavily sub leaning. feel free to send me dom-focused asks, i just can't guarantee i'll get to them too quickly!
i love getting asks, especially sexual ones (obviously). just be certain that youre respecting my boundaries! i understand slip-ups, but try your best to "respect" me (obviously disrespect me lmao but yk what i mean). if you'd like to use an emoji for your asks, lmk and i'll tag the answers with that emoji :]
the terms i use for my anatomy are fairly loose, but do not use the term "bonus hole" or any variation to refer to my cunt. boypussy is fine, but i don't really find it very sexy LMAO. also, i call my clit a cock or tdick. it's fine to use clit for it, but i prefer the other 2.
i looove petnames :] feel free to use any of these (unless i specify otherwise), id honestly prefer you using these over my actual name LMAO.
angel, baby, darling, etc. these aren't sexual, but feel free to use them! i find them cute :]
toy/doll/fucktoy/thing etc. i love being objectified/dehumanized so these are always a good bet LOL
puppy, dog, pet, mutt, kitten, kitty, etc. bonus points for "bad dog" which makes me crazy in my head
good boy/girl/toy etc.
slut/whore/cumdump etc. i love most degrading names, lol. go wild with these, if i don't like one i'll lyk :]
sir/miss. when i am domming, these are generally the titles i prefer. feel free to try others though! (aside from daddy/mommy.)
go wild! the ones above are some of my favorites/the ones that immediately came to mind, but feel free to try other ones :] like i said if i don't like it i'll just lyk, no harm done!
i should note that i enjoy all my kinks from both directions, whether im dom or sub :] due to my frequently subby nature some of these descriptions are worded in terms of Me being the sub but i love them when im domming also basically.
praise i adoree being praised... generally i prefer it mixed in with degradation ^_^ tell me if im doing a good job, making you happy, etc! i also love praise when im domming please lmk if youre enjoying yourself i like knowing im getting people off :]
degradation another favorite ^_^ as ive mentioned, i love being dehumanized and sexualized. call me stupid, useless, etc. aside from words, i do enjoy being made to do degrading tasks <3 Also idk where to put this but i lovee spit spit in my mouth spit on me Whatever
painplay hitting, slapping, choking, biting etc are some of my favorites. i also enjoy knifeplay and gunplay. anything that will leave bruises/marks will make me wet <3
somno/intox i enjoy both of these, but i am very picky about them, and i'd probably won't talk about them a lot because of how picky i am.
monsterfucking vampires werewolves angels demons tentacles etc etc etc i go crazy for them . i do want to do unspeakable things to a service top werewolf this is true.
petplay i should note that i'm fairly picky about petplay as well! i mainly prefer the petnames, collars/leashes, etc. i don't enjoy anything about cages or being made to bark (though i don't mind phrases like "puppies don't talk" and stuff like that)
bondage, gags, handcuffs etc. pleasee tie me up and tell me what you'd do to me <3 i have an oral fixation so any use of my mouth is very appreciated <3
breeding I LOOOOOVE BREEDING im crazy abt it. if you threaten to knock me up i Will beg for it lol. i don't really care abt any actual pregnancy details, aside from future hypotheticals (youre gonna be so big, im gonna fuck another baby into you after, etc)
exhibitionism/voyeurism if i didnt get off on ppl looking at me i wouldnt have made this blog love and light .
this list is nonexhaustive! i like a lot of kinks, so feel free to bring up any you think i'd like, so long as they aren't on my dni or anything. worst case scenario i just won't like them and i'll lyk LOL.
mutuals feel free to dm me if you'd like ;] i tend not to initiate bc i have a hard time telling when its normal to reach out LOL, so if you want to talk to me, please do! everyone else can talk to me through the ask box!! once again, Please sexualize me (why would i make this blog if i didnt wanna be sexualized lmao) but respect my boundaries <3
related to above, but if you get off to my posts/thinking of me, id love to know :] i loveee getting ppl off so <3 and if im feeling dommy i might tease you abt it LOL
i do my best to tag specific kinks for navigation (and to tag hard kinks with tw (kink)) but i might slip up/forget! if you notice an issue with the tags, feel free to lmk and ill get that fixed :]
also i should note i am bisexual bigender, so im fine being rbed with both wlw/nb and mlm/nb tags ! lmk if youre uncomfortable with me interacting with yr content in any way 👍
ty for reading this whole long thing :D i tend to ramble a lot lol... i don't rly have anything to give you for reading it all buttttt feel free 2 like if youve read all this also youre my favorite and you can do whatever you want to me (joke (or is it!?))
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slashers-gf · 2 years
Surprise visit pt1
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader
Warning: abuse, swearing, sweet billy. Caring reader, fluff
Summery: you're getting ready to go to sleep but then you hear something outside your window
I was home alone since my parents were working extra hours. They called me to let me know that they weren't gonna be back until the morning.
I started to get ready for bed. I already changed into a oversized t-shirt and some shorts. I was getting into bed when I heard a knock at my window. I got up to see who is was. I open the window to see billy, the most popular guy and my secret crush. "What the hell billy do you know what t-" I didn't get to finish because I saw his face. He had a busted lip, cuts and bruises on his face. He didn't even look me in the eyes. "Uhh maybe I should go" as he was about to leave I grabbed his arm. "NO I-I mean stay, let me help" he didn't get to say anything as I pulled him inside. "Wait here I'll be back" I left the room.
I stayed in the room looking around. 'Was she about to go to sleep alright' I thought to myself as I looked at the bed and her stuff
"Im back" I say with 1st aid kit. "Sit on the bed" he does as said and sits there looking at your every movement. I set the stuff next to him as I start to apply the medican. "Sorry if it hurts" I say applying it to his cuts. He stays quiet and just keeps looking at my face. When I got to his lips be hissed. "Sorry" "no its fine" he said looking into my eyes. I can feel my face start to get hot. Fake coughs "umm anywas what happensto you" I say trying to not make eye contact. "I fell down" he said lying. "Billy i know your lying, tell me what really happened". "Its none of your business" he said coldly. "Well then why did you come to my house the if it is none on my business" he stayed quiet for a couple on minutes. Then I hear him mutter "my dad". I could barely hear what he said. "Tell me what happened to you billy" I try to sound as if I didn't care but I failed. "That fucking old man go mad because max sneaked out and I didn'tknow where she was". "He did this to you" all billy did was nod. I don't know what happened but I just hugged him. He was shocked but then relaxed and hugged me back. After a while I pull away and loom at him. "Why did you come here you always bully me at schooland make fun of me " he stayed quiet for a while. "I dony know i just wanted to see you " I felt my face getting hot again. "I should go so you can go to sleep" he said getting up and walking towards the window he came from. "Umm you can stay I dont mind besides my parents aren't home" I say nervous. "Are you sure" he said looking at you. "Yes of course" I say smiling at him. "Just let me cleanthis up first" I start to clean up. "Let me help you" he says. After we clean up I turn to him "do you want anything else" I asked. "No im good" I nod and climb into bed. He just looks at me and takes off his jacket and slides in beside me. We look at each other and I start to blush so I turn around so I don't look at him. I heart was beating to fast right now. I try to fall asleep but the I feel a arm sneak across my waist and pull me towards them. I can feel billy's warmth, I feel safe in his arms. I turn around and hug him. My vision starts to go black but before I fell asleep I heard billy say "thank you y/n" and he kisses my head.
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womanpl3aser · 8 months
Her kind of 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
Wrote this while listening to ⬆️
Hope you guys enjoy it)
Sfw, fluff♡.
"Give it back els it's not funny!" You'd whine because of someone named ellie stole your phone
"Dont whine hun" she'd playfully say "'s not funny els I seriously lost a cute puppy video" you'd reply
"Well u will find another one later y/n, pay attention to me a little" she'd nudge ur arm to catch more of ur attention "okay fine, what do you wanna do els?" U'd question "mm let's go and bake something likeee.. PIZZA!" she'd get an amount of random excitement, you'd giggle with her silliness and agree with what she said because how could you say no to such a sweetheart "come on come on come onnn I wanna bake, hurry up babeee" she'd grab ur arm and run downstairs.
In the kitchen
"Sooo.. let's watch a tutorial cause I don't know a single thing about baking" she'd admit "Well let's get to work then shall we?" You'd say.
"Woah,this is more complicated than it was in my mind." She'd scoff, "Come on babeee it is easy, you just cut the peppers and apply the pepperoni on the dough.. See?" You'd assure her, "no it isn't I don't know a single thing about cooking pup, just saw a really cute video of a couple and I wanted to do it with you" she'd murmur "awww really els? You're so cute babyyy" You'd start pecking her cheek "stopp hun and put the sauce on it" she'd try to playfully push you away (still giving you thousand more pecks back)
● After 20 minutes of cutting,applying and putting in the oven.
"Okaaay so now we have to wai-" "and do what?" Ellie would smirk "cut it out eeeels" "but I didn't say anything" she'd still have that dumb slight smirk plastered on her face "let's go watch TV in the living room I heard there's a new movie on Netflix its called "I/N" "are you sure you wanna watch that?? We can resume "mean girls" because we're almost in the end of that movie" she'd remind "oh shoot yeah, you're right totally forgot about that movie" You'd giggle "wait for me I'm going to check and oven and be right back.
"Alrightyy so the pizza is halfway done so it means we still have time to watch it" ud say snuggling on ellies side "okay babe I'm putting it on" she'd kiss your forehead. 10 minutes pass "dangg why did she have to do her that dirtyyy" "that's what I'm saying! But maybe she's going to get her revenge who knows" U'd reply genuinely invested of what's going to happen next. Another 10 minutes pass *ding* "THE PIZZA" Ellie would shoot up from her seat and jog towards the kitchen "excited huh?" You'd say from the living room "u have no ideeeea" Ellie would answer muffled from the kitchen "hey u goofball wait for me" ud sprint to the kitchen to see what she's up to, "Ellie, love, you're going to burn ur palms if you are going to touch it without the proper gloves" You'd laugh "psssh I am the pro here" and just like that she'd open the stove to grab the pizza and immediately get burnt on her pointer finger "Oh my God els, get away from there and come here!, I warned you about opening the stove" You'd rush and grab some ice to put on her finger, "I am fine babe relax" she'd drag the x to piss u off "babe." You'd say while searching for an ice cube. "Here put this on" "thanks babe.. NOW LETS GET TK EAT IM STARVING HERE." She'd say "okay my starved woman, pizzas served" You'd rush to place the pizza on the plate and pass it to her "thanks love" she'd immediately start eating "where's your piece?" She'd question with food in her mouth "not that hungry to be honest" she'd stop chewing "babe, there's no way you'll eat without me, grab yourself a slice before I do it myself" she'd say sternly but still making it sound in a playful tone "but I'm not hu-" "y/n dont make me repeat myself, grab yourself a slice and I'll eat the leftover" "okay els" You'd go over to the counter and grab a plate to put your pizza on "here, now let's continue our pizzas while watching TV im seriously impatient to see what she'll do!" You'd get up from ur chair waiting for Ellie "okay my impatient girl let's go" she'd peck you and take you to the sofa by your waist.
Really need an ellie in my life dudeee
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stonerzelda · 2 years
👋heyy, so lil update: i've decided I'm going on hiatus indefinitely. Not sure for how long but basically i got some shit to sort out ive been ignoring for a long time and using this site to distract myself instead of doing anything abt it is naught cutting it ennymore luv xx~ ill see u when i see u, but goodbuhbuh 4 now <3
(long ass explanation under the cut lol, dont feel obligated 2 read it its just me bitching so scroll past if u want its all good)
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So. Take this with a grain of salt, as i am a little bitch and refuse to ever go to the hospital/ to psychologists whether im bleeding out or what. But as it turns out, what i've been experiencing lately can technically be classified as a nervous breakdown. I'm 98% sure ive got PTSD from my ex + the utter bullshit my own family decided to throw at me during the same time i needed them, and for whatever reason, it's all culminating now despite dealing with this decline since 2016. I don't eat, I don't sleep, I have so much rage and grief that i can't be alone without the same memories completely destroying me and now im having consistent panic attacks that are so extreme i legitimately believe i'm dying at Least 3-5 times a day.
Considering my coping habits have been binge drinking and drug use for the last 3 years it makes sense that my body is finally saying fuck you now, so at this point I can no longer justify subjecting my friends to my own dumbass trauma on my cringe sideblog and call that coping lol. I need to step away and make some serious lifestyle changes and Im hoping not allowing myself to use this site as a distraction instead of dealing with my bullshit head on will make a difference.
TL/DR, shits in shambles and i need 2 grow tf up and deal with it instead of continuing to ignore it and tell myself im fine. Cuz im really not lol -_-
Idk how long im going on hiatus but after 2 whole days (wow ikr) of being gone ive already started to attempt to make myself participate in society again, n ive applied to a few jobs so. Heres hopin lol, it's a start🤞
Ily mewchies and blease nobody worry like i know this probably comes off as a pity party but im just trying to be responsible for Once , again im probably gonna be back sooner rather than later but i can't say for sure at the moment. Ill be back to being annoying as fuck on the dash soon i prommy <3 luv yous and c u soon <3
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coyoteworks · 2 years
got any good country recs there mate? 👀
my computer crashed when i initially opened this ask im in hysterics
mostly this is just music i like, so naturally there's the caveat of it potentially not being to your taste; on top of that some of these may be additionally or technically classified as rock, folk, and/or indie/alternative because music genres are...so nebulous and i do not understand them...and sometimes the results when i search for the genre of certain artists just dont make sense or dont apply to individual songs......
so im being a hefty bit generous in calling some of these country, but they do diverge from those typical Beer Truck God America songs that pop up when searching for country while having a similar or related musical style, and hopefully they'll be a breath of fresh air for you!
i put my personal favourites in bold :] these are not ordered in any particular sort of style categorisation so it's a little messy, but each should link to a youtube version of the song! theres a decent array of different styles and tempos here i think
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Colter Wall
Sleeping on the Blacktop - Colter Wall
Johnny Boy's Bones - Colter Wall
Ballad of a Law-Abiding Sophisticate - Colter Wall (this guy again!)
really any Colter Wall song/cover i'm going to be honest
Raise Hell - Brandi Carlile
The Cremation of Sam McGee - Seth Boyer
In the Pines - Danny Farrant & Paul Rawson
Back from the Edge - Lord Huron
Meet Me in the Woods - Lord Huron
Pretty Lavinia - American Murder Song
Murder! Murder! - American Murder Song
Hurt - Johnny Cash
God's Gonna Cut You Down - Johnny Cash
The Railroad - Goodnight, Texas
Down by the River - The Dirty River Boys
Providence - Poor Man's Poison
Hell's Bells - Cary Ann Hearst
Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood (this one's popular)
Blown Away - Carrie Underwood
Bad News - Whitey Morgan and the 78's
The Curse of the Fold - Shawn James
The Wicked - Blues Saraceno
Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno
Little Black Train - Woodie Guthrie (if you've seen Over the Garden Wall, you'll recognise this; it has different lyrics from the cover in OTGW though)
hopefully none of the links are broken or directing to the wrong song :'D happy listening, lmk if there are any particular songs you enjoyed! and if none of these work out, thats totally fine, everyone has their tastes of course
#inbox#anonymous#music#so much tag commentary incoming sorry im super scatterbrained AGDHSHGS#honorary mention is the crane wives theyre not country but their music is BANGIN and doesnt tend#to sound horribly out of place on country playlists depending on surrounding songs#my crane wives rec is scarecrow bones. listen to it. NOW#another honorary mention is do your worst by rival sons. more rock than country i think#part of why its so difficult to categorise country is that#a lot of songs that used to be considered rock are called country today#like johnny cash's music. thats all rock music. but by todays standards we'd consider that country#so rock & country go really hand in hand especially when you take into account their cultural origins (black musicians)#genre categorisation is so arbitrary to me and so so so so confusing when you get to overlapping music sounds 😭#so usually if something is called 'folk rock' or smth along the lines of folk i'll consider it country mostly depending on. vibes. tone. et#i grew up HATING country music bcs literally all i heard on country radios in texas was#trucks beer god america and the occasional woman. and it was sooooo annoying i thought all country music was like that#so i was one of those 'i like any music except country' kids#started listening to carrie underwood & later on stumbled into colter wall and boy did it turn my whole attitude around#poor mans poison is partly on here because my 9th grade teacher introduced it to me and i was like WHAT is that sound i love it#and he was like its good music. take it with you.#ANYWAYS thanks for stopping by i hope at least some of these pique your interest!!!!
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infiltracion · 1 year
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YAYYYY this is a fun question especially for the both of us since, as mentioned often here, there is a whole blog canon that scoob and i have behind the scenes. it's the reason why my blog is not open to shipping with sombra cuz we just like these pairs so fuckin much LOL so here's the pairs. (keep in mind that this has to do with specifically scoob's portrayals of these characters. anybody reading this who happens to write these characters? does not apply to u we will have a different dynamic entirely <3 anyway with that out of the way, throwing it all under the cut bc its long since i felt the need to explain everything)
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starting with our real toxic girls.... sombra & ashe. this relationship is summarized as "i girlbossed a little too close to the sun." tl;dr for any readers that aren't scoob: sombra fucks off to deadlock for a while after ditching talon, ashe gets dangerously attatched real quick to their "casual" relationship, sombra underestimated the situation bad. ashe is dangerous and now has it in her head that they should DEFINITELY get married cuz shes got everything she wants here and sombra like..... lol i dont believe in marriage? :3 (spoiler: that's not a good excuse.) now she's gotta worry about a white woman jumpscare when shes out and about after ditching deadlock. whoops!
JOKES ON YOU — charlotte lawrence. this entire song has just a shit ton of symbolism and the build up to just being like fuck it im done this is going too far? it was fun in the beginning but theyre in too deep now and shes gotta GO?? MESSY!
drag me to death like a lit cigarette took my last breath like the smoke from my lips i've lied for you and i liked it too but my knees are bruised from kneeling to you i've had enough, but you're too hard to quit we've had our fun, now your sugar makes me sick i've lied for you and i liked it too but my makeup's ruined
YOUR LOVE (DÉJÀ VU) — glass animals. once again, entire song has such good symbolism n it mentions so many details that just Sound like sombra like blue hair and the references to all the tech n cameras n the whole like fleeting love situation.... also references to sombras toxic ass side of the relationship they both suck.
maybe in time when we're both better at life daylight can open my eyes and you'll still be by my side but meanwhile i've got my contact high you've got your powdered lies we've got these summertime nights night by night i let you eat me alive i want you to eat me alive i want you to eat me alive
bonus: this one's a significantly funnier song but it describes their dynamic perfectly. ashe is the guy, sombra's the woman.
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now the other one that's our lil endgame for these two... sombra & satya. also messy but ultimately ends pretty great after sombra is forced to get over herself. tl;dr for any readers that aren't scoob: her and satya meet on a long term talon mission (unbeknownst to satya) and get on absurdly well. tension n all but satya's focused on her work and sombras headin out anyway so nothing really comes of it. she disappears then reappears a couple years later, out of talon and highkey trying to avoid the raging deadlock leader who's mad at her for leaving her at the altar (ashe's words, not her's.) india's a pretty good curveball. the details are fuzzy here but they ultimately get back together here which is great until satya keeps jabbing her and being like FIX YOUR ISSUES OR YOURE LEAVING and shes like ://// FINE! DAMN.
NO ES QUE NO TE QUIERA — hello seahorse! i mentioned this one in that music meme i did because it fits sombra in general in relationships but i think it especially fits with the two of them since she's extremely avoidant... runs at any INKLING of intimacy or permanence and it fits especially well after she leaves satya that first time around and is still thinking of her.
no es que no te quiera es que te necesito lejos pues es cuando estas lejos, que (yo) más te quiero
(rough translation)
it's not that i don't love you it's that i need you far away because when you're far that's when i love you most
VETE DE UNA VEZ — daniela spalla. funnily enough this is another spanish song but it reminds me from satya's pov before they come together for realsies. kinda accompanies the last where it's frustrating that sombra can just come and go and still be accepted back in even tho that shit HURTS.
he pasado tantos días, tantas noches haciedo el duelo, el duelo por tí lo dijiste claramente no querías una vida junto a mí pero cada tanto vuelves, me llamas y sabes que jamás voy a decir que no cada tanto, vuelves, basta te pido por favor vete de una vez y ya no vuelvas
(rough translation)
i've spent so many days, so many nights grieving because of you you clearly told me that you didn't want a life with me but every so often, you come back and call me and you know i'll never say no every so often, you call me, enough. i beg of you, please. go away now, and don't come back
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Hi there :)
I'm Dimittrikov, also known as Dimitri or Dimi, but i don't mind being given other nicknames.
Feel free to ping me in stuff or send asks! I love interacting with the people living inside my phone :)
Skeleton in the skeleton war >:)
Art prompts post
My main interests that i also usually post about are:
Hollow Knight
The Owl House
Portal (and Portal 2 and all adjacent stuff)
Chelldos (part of previous but worth mentioning seprately)
and a whole lot of random shit
Other interests I have are programming and mechanical engineering, Terraria, Celeste, Chicory, Deltarune, indie music (Tom Cardy, Penelope Scott, Wilbur Soot, Sushi Soucy, etc) and many other things, but i don't typically post about them, at least as of writing this post
(Blinkies & additional info under cut)
Blinkies & banners:
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Boundaries and general info:
I'm [redacted] years old, living in the country of [data incomplete] and identify as Aromantic, Asexual, Nonbinary. I probably have ADHD, although I have not gotten a proper diagnosis just yet. I go by any pronouns
Please do not sexualise me or make jokes about me being into someone sexually if I don't know you
If your blog looks like a fake blog you'll probably be blocked
I'm fine with dark humour (I actually quite enjoy it) and with playful banter (but once again, only if i know you)
Feel free to send me asks if you wanna talk! Anon is allowed here. As long as it's not something really weird I'll probably reply as soon as I can.
My DMs are also open! Same things as for all the others applies. Don't be weird
Feel free to tag me if you think I'd like a post! Chances are I'll reblog or queue it
On the topic of the queue, mine is evergrowing, posting about 30 posts every day. I tend to queue a lot of art posts and shitposts and a lot of posts that i like but dont feel the urgency to reblog
Have in mind that there's some light swearing here. The occasional "shit", "fuck/fucking" and "hell" are the most prevalent.
General organizational tags (they're not very creative):
Original posts (random): #green bear spam
My art: #green bear art #my art #my sketches
Games: #my world #my gamefiles #my savefiles
Asks i reply to: #my beloved came to talk
Ask games: #ask games #ask challenges
There will probably be more in the future, but this is the gist of it. All in all, im still pretty new to tumblr, so things are almost sure to change with time
Hope you have a good day and remember to stay hydrated!!!
(yes that is the green bear)
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teddy-feathers · 2 years
i think my problem is. im always going to like some feminine things. like i saw a sweater vest today that was black with skulls. its for girls. i liked it and if it were much much bigger id wear it.
and its not just. one off items. as much as i do enjoy dressing like a 90s dude i like colorful shirts and heavy sweaters and things. i like my hair long though i think im getting to the cut it all off again stage.
because like
i want to be perceived as a man. and im not on t so like. that not going to happen.
i get that.
but its worse when i just. look at myself and doubt. like not if this is what i want but that ill ever look at myself and see a man.
im not going to give up liking stuff just to fit in a box i dont want to be in in the first place. ive never wanted to be a hyper masculine man or liked much that was stereotypically mens things.
but at the same time its hard not to think "then what can i point to and say im a guy? there theres the proof"
like im constantly looking for the proof that i am even though this is what i want, what ive always wanted. but like. thats not good enough.
i can look back and say "here are anecdotes that were signs" but i cant say. i always knew.
i can say this is what i want but i cant say that the whole package is something im ready for or even sure i want. like. you get very hairy and sweaty. and my hygiene regiment probably isnt up to the task of keeping up with it. like ive already got acne how much worse will i get it? and like my voice will change which would be awesome but also what if i hate it? theres no going back on that one. and like top surgery would be wonderful but its a painful experience to heal from and you might have to go through it twice. bottom surgery is like. sure if i could just magically have a dick thatd be convenient but actually going through surgery seems like. a hassle.
and like i could go on. but even if i said yeah sure im ready lets do this lets get on t and change and never be mistaken for a girl again because ill look just like my dad because i already do... like. then theres the social aspect of it.
id at some point have to tell my family which. i dont have the answers theyd want. i cant expalin to them why id want to be a guy especially when i dont fit into the guy binary perfectly. im not a very masculine person.
but even saying that wasnt a consideration... changing over is.. uh. a trial. it shouldnt be but it is. applying to jobs? working at jobs? just. its a trail when youre obviously transitioning.
ans like. just socially transitioning to friends would be fine enough to me to start. but like. i live with my family and i cant have it getting back to them. so i wait till i move out. baby steps.
but moving out is always a year away. or more.
and like im fine. im always fine. i honestly forget im upset or worried about things after a while but. i keep looking in the mirror and going. i look like a girl with my hair down and not a pretty man. and i know t would fix that but. i cant do t right now.
so i put my hair up and it helps. it really does but. i know if i cut my hair id be sad because short hair and also because id look like a lesbian and not a dude. which would be fine but i dont want to look like a girl. ... on the flip side having short hair is SO much easier to care for.
sorry for rambling i just need to get this off my chest.
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eon-cintran · 6 months
hello! i highly doubt my blog will ever be large enough to really need this sort of post, but im making one anyways!!
if tickling is mostly nsfw/a kink for you, please get off my blog.
it makes me very uncomfortable. i dont have anything against people who enjoy it like that, but tickling is entirely platonic and sfw for me personally, just a fun way to show affection. so if youre an nsfw blog, or associate heavily with blogs that are nsfw, please do not interact. if we're already good friends its fine, i dont mind, this only applies to strangers.
thanks :]
dni, fandoms, and other stuff under the cut!
- t/cest (please. no.)
- no age in bio/30+
- k!nk or ns/fw blog
- lgbtq+phobic
- pro-l!fe
- rac!st
- d0xxer/t0xic anti
- pretty much just basic dni criteria, dont be weird-
if you are included in this list anywhere, please do not interact. if you follow me, i will block you. there are plenty of other blogs out there, this one just isnt for you.
with that out of the way, heres some extra stuff! (subject to change at any time)
- feel free to send p much anything (within reason) in the askbox! ill respond to whatever i can :D
- DMs are open, but id prefer no teasing unless we've at least spoken before HJDKSB
- i'll put my specific boundaries on here if it becomes necessary, but for now theyre just basically dont be gross.
- this may change, but as of now i pretty much only reblog!! I dont often post my own content or fics, and i dont pretend to. this account is mostly just for me to "bookmark" fics i particularly enjoy. im trying to branch out currently and write some things for my new hyperfixation, but please dont expect much as i may lose motivation for writing abruptly and without reason-
- this is my second blog! my old blog is still up (@eoncintran) but im moving here because i wanted to make it a sideblog so i can swap easier between my main and tk account. my main is @citrus-blogs , so if you see interaction from there, its still me :]
Fandom List
(in no particular order)
- Smile for me
- rottmnt (and most other iterations of the franchise, but mainly 2018)
- the owl house
- voltron legendary defenders (mostly s1-s3 tho)
- gravity falls
- good omens
- stardew valley
- fnaf
- tma
- jwri (mainly apotheosis, but i do wanna listen to riptide and bitb at some point)
#eon writes - an ultra-rare tag for when a silly little idea pops into my brain! i hardly ever post stuff i write, so dont expect a coherent schedule or anything but i’ll probably occasionally toss some stuff into the Great Tumblr Void
#eon reblogs - anything thats not mine thats just a reblog, doesnt have to be a fic, might just be a cute dog idk
#fic recs with eon - fics i really enjoyed! ones id highly reccomend, the cream of the crop.
#eon rambles - anything that doesnt fit into the other two tags! might be posts like these, asks, or whatevers on my mind at the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
0 notes
myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
hellooooo, fellow figure skating enthusiast here!! im so sad to hear abt yuzuru :( do u think nathan's score was too over the top or good enough? i feel like ever since 2018 hes become the judges favorite and his scores have been increasing consistently... dont u think thats a bit weird? sorry if my wording sounds off
Hello, it’s totally fine to feel sad for Yuzu, but I think we should not forget, that his prime goal was the 4A and not a medal of any other color than Gold. And I think Yuzu can be proud of his accomplishments and there was no need for him to proof anything in Beijing at all. And a 4th place finish is not bad and certainly not diminishing any of his past achievements. He is still the legend and will remain a legend.
I think this is the question many ppl were curious about, so I hope I can use your ask as a chance to explain my stance on things. And sorry that I took such a long time to answer.
There are many layers to the question and this is also why it's not so easy to answer. I want to look at both Nathan’s and Yuzu’s scores because you mentioned both in your ask and imo the upset about Nathan’s scores are often in relation to Yuzu’s lower scores.
So these are the two layers I try to explain:
A) the way it could/should have been scored  B) the way it was scored and how things currently sadly work in judging
I tackle those two layers under the cut as the reply turned out rather long.
My conclusion first, because honestly I have no idea who wants to read this whole details mess of an explanation:
I think over the last 4 years Nathan’s scores are debatable and often unnecessarily over the top. What cannot be denied though is that there are things beside his passport that is playing in his favor: his consistency, his level of difficulty of jumps that was constantly higher than those of his rivals (BV), not only higher than Yuzu’s, and that being unbeaten for almost 4 seasons besides that one mishap at Skate America 2021 makes a difference in scoring, it makes the scores rise. (You can see that with Yuma too over the course of this season, his scores constantly grew with each win and the PCS rose too. And you could also see the opposite happening to Shoma in the past, when he was in the slump he didn’t receive the same amount of GOEs or PCS like he used to.) It’s not how it should be at all, but this is a trend you can see with a lot of skaters through all disciplines. So following this sport for an amount of years scores of a particular skater increasing constantly is actually nothing new and also not Nathan exclusive. 
I do think that Nathan deserved to win. He had two visible clean skates and showed an incredible level of difficulty. I do think though that especially his PCS are far too high. 97 PCS for the free skate definetly rubbed me the wrong way when Jason Brown (and I am not even a  Jason fan) with intricate skating received an even lower PCS (Yuzu was limited through his falls with a PCS cap, but to Jason it didn’t apply that’s why I use Jason as example) and also imo Nathan’s basic skating is rather scratchy, he has no knee bend, his edges aren’t as clear as of those of all 3 Japanese men. And I don’t even want to touch the subject of Nathan’s transitions or the lack of (but admittedly this is a problem for many top skaters except Jason and Yuzu). But I do think that Nathan performs in his own way and that his programs suited him, so I wouldn’t say he doesn’t deserve any good PCS and a problem in PCS in general is that the categories aren’t really seen diverse. If you get a 9 in one segment, you will receive something around that for all other segments too. I think that the margin between Yuzu and Nathan was far too big, despite Yuzu’s mistakes and I also don’t think that Nathan’s difficulty alone should have given him a 20 points lead over 2nd Yuma (who was also pretty clean) and almost 50 points lead over Yuzu. I am not a fan of rescoring but at least on PCS alone I would deduct about 15-20 points over both programs from Nathan - I would probably give looking at what everyone else received 86-88 PCS for the FS and about 40-42 PCS for the SP - (btw would deduct a bit on Yuma too, so the result still wouldn’t change).
But even if I don’t agree on Nathan’s scores I do understand where they are coming from and it’s also in the realm of what he usually scored over the last seasons, so I think we cannot detach just one event from all the others and score it completely differently, because even though the system definetly makes scoring from scratch possible, the way the system has been used since the start, it’s not scored from scratch, but bases a lot on reputation. If it’s on purpose or not judges still tend to think in categories of the 6.0 system. The system may have changed, but sadly most judged are still the same. And new judges also cannot judge completely out of the box what everyone else judges or they will get replaced. So while I don’t agree with the scoring, the problem lies in the system and in the humans that aren’t willing to comply to the rulebook invented, not in certain skaters.
What imo makes Nathan’s scores so frustrating is that he wouldn’t need to be shooted up so high to win. Would have been totally fine for him to win with 20 points less and then imo less ppl would complain about his scores. The general problem is the feel that quality isn’t rewarded over quantity and then on top for not rewarding the quality, the scoring is still as if Nathan would have a higher quality, which is utter nonsense, he already is rewarded in BV for quantity and difficulty, no need to reward him for quality that isn’t there. This is the true crime, not that Nathan wins, but that his scores imply he would have no areas to improve.
For a detailed explanation on all of this and more and how Nathan’s and Yuzu’s scores came together, you can further read under the cut. 
1st Base Value 
For the possible BVs let me refer to my scoring predictions of the SP and FS to see maximum scores and what GOEs Yuzu and Nathan received throughout the season
Nathan had an advantage of BV from the start, but with Yuzu’s mistake (a required jump being nonexistent) his BV dropped even more. 
Base Value awarded at the event as follows:
Nathan SP 49,87 (no mistake) Nathan FS 94,34 BV (mistake in the free a 1F instead of 3F, a spin got level 2V) = 144,21 BV Yuzu SP 36,10 (1S instead of 4S) Yuzu FS 89,93 BV (mistake underrotation on the 4A) = 126,03 BV Point difference is 18,8 points between Nathan and Yuzu.
I think the BV is the least debatable part in the scoring of these two. If we want to look at something it would be UR calls and levels given. I think there is no debate about Yuzu's calls. Nathan if we want to be picky we could probably find some things to debate, but I haven't looked into it. Simple reason, this tech panel was lenient on all skaters from place 24 to 1. For the FS there are 5 UR calls in total (one Yuzu's 4A) and like 6 "q". This isn't much considering there were 168 jumps performed by the men in the free skate. Imo the panel has to follow a line for all skaters. It would be unfair if you are overly critical of some and lenient to others like it happened at the Women SP. So yes a different panel might have seen some things differently and maybe it would changed placements but still in the end it's about fairness and same judging standard on everyone and for the tech panel judging in the men event I see no unfair behavior.
2nd GOEs = Grade of Execution
I think @SkatingScores (Twitter) does a fabulous job in displaying details of the scores, you can see much better which judge gave what GOE and PCS. So here are the FS scores and SP scores (pls look at the Twitter)
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Let's see how many + GOEs Yuzu vs Nathan earned in their short programs and free skates, but let's also remember that Yuzu had two falls in his FS, so received negative GOEs for two of 7 jumping passes. And Yuzu also had a 1S which gave completely 0. So again here was a disadvantage for Yuzu.
Nathan GOEs: +16,11 (SP) and +27,07 (FS) = 43,18 GOEs in total
Yuzu GOEs: +11,97 (SP) +9,69 (FS) = 21,66 GOEs in total
You can clearly see that Yuzu received far lower GOEs, which is on one side understandable because of the mistakes of Yuzu, but especially in the FS the differece is still extreme. If you look at the protocol you can see that Yuzu’s GOEs aren’t low, but some jumping passes could definetly have gotten a bit more GOEs. 
I think this is a part where the original idea of a wider GOE range was good, but in reality it became a tool for altering the results in certain skaters favor. Normally it should benefit skaters who perform elements with higher quality. The reality is far from that. I wouldn't say the GOEs that Yuzu received are downright wrong, though could also been higher. But the question is does Nathan deserve this high GOEs in comparison? If we compare jumps of Nathan from 2018 and 2022 do you think they look different? Better? More creative entries, exits? No? Well his GOEs would imply that his quality has risen. I don't think that Nathan should receive 0 for his good landed jumps, because that's also a bit too harsh, but +5 should not happen. His jump technique is undeniable stable, besides his Axel. I won’t go into detail, how the requirement for the GOEs are. I think the department where Nathan lacks is definetly creative entry and exit to his jumps and his 3A technique is really horrendous and definetly not effortless, so should be limited to +1 GOE at best) And what irks me more than Nathan’s jumps are his spins. I mean yes ok he got a level “deducted” this time, but I wouldn’t give any of Nathan’s spin +4/5 because his positions are not aethetically pleasing and also not creative. Yuzu on the other hand should receive +5 all across the board for his spins imo. And also like I explained in the beginning Nathan’s edges aren’t deep, so the quality of his steps is also not as good.
Still there is yet again the same problem as with PCS, Nathan was the last skater of the event, he performed clean and this increases not only PCS but also GOEs. Judges tend to get more generous with GOEs for “clean” skates and the last group.
3rd PCS = Program component score
Let us take a look at PCS. I won't lay out all details, but here is the detailed chart how judges should apply PCS.
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I think Nathan's PCS were far too high for both SP and FS. 47 PCS when Yuzu with a more complex program got the same, Shoma with better skating skills than Nathan had less...it just doesn't go together. 97 PCS for a free program that still had one mistake, minor but still, and also Nathan's basic stroking is rather scratchy, he lacks the knee bend all 3 Japanese guys display so well, yet his SS were valued higher. Complexity of program nowhere to be found to justify 9,5+ in all categories. You can maybe argue about PE and IN, but that's about it. I would cap his PCS at 88 at most for the free. I don't think there was no concept, or that he didn't perform, or that he should get the same PCS as the last skaters, because Nathan is indeed fast on the ice, he does steps and turns - the quality is a different matter - his SP especially isn't as empty - it lacks quality of edges - but it's not as basic as some low level junior skaters which some make it sound like. Yuzu on the other hand would fulfill all criteria to get 100% PCS, so 100 for the FS and 50 for the SP, but in both programs he made obvious errors.
In the SP there was one - the 1S, in the free skate 2 errors with the two falls. Hence his PCS are trapped at a certain maximum and this he did get. So imo Yuzu's PCS have been according to the rules. Maximum for a program with a mistake is 48,5 PCS for the SP and 91,5 PCS for the free skate. Yuzu earned 47,08 PCS for his SP and 90,44 PCS FS, this is not far from what he could get at maximum, so I think that was ok, but I don’t understand how Nathan could get close to maximum for a perfect skate as well, because the quality doesn’t match.
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Nathan’s PCS are over the top. A 10,0 should only be given if you can't do it better at all and I think there are many parts where Nathan could improve. Look at the number of 10s, I just ugh...wth There was no component under 9,5, which is defined as “excellent”...I have no words left for this joke.
But it’s not the first time he received several 10,0 and higher PCS than everyone else and admittedly it would have been rather comical if judges suddenly decided Nathan will get PCS under 90, a thing that never happened since 2018 for a clean skate. He is scored this way for the last 4 years. 
It's bad that judging is this way but this is what judging has become, it prefers clean skates and many quads over quality. And you know what? Yuzu knows all of  this, he could have played by that too. But he chose not to follow this pass to please judges and get the results, he chose to do things his way. Was it worth it? In terms of medals? Probably not. But he stayed true to himself and I said it before and I say it again: Yuzu is beyond titles and medals. He won all what the sport does offer. He is already a legend. Yuzu's name is written in the history books many times. It remains to be seen if ppl will remember Nathan in 10 years. Olympic champions are many ppl, world champions even more, but there are only a few ppl who are remembered as legends. And Yuzu is a legend.
And with this I conclude this monstrosity of a post. I hope I have explained myself well enough and for any further question, don’t be afraid to ask, just don’t expect prompt answers.
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diadraws · 2 years
what program do you use to do animations? ive been wanting to get into it but im not sure how and i know you draw in photoshop which i do too. thanks!!!
it really depends!! for longer stuff, i use adobe animate, just because photoshop tends to start chugging if i do animations longer than like, 20-ish frames. I do all the compositing and tweening for my animation memes in animate as well.
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in addition to roughing frame-by frame stuff for my animation memes, (such as tirona's dance for the fortnite one haha) i like to do sketching/doodly animations, like this lil kitty, in photoshop, since it feels most organic drawing-wise to me. BUT, photoshop animation is a bit tricky, and deff opaque to anyone whos never done it before. heres a basic guide, under a cut cuz it got long LOL
create a new canvas. you can do whatever resolution you want but keep in mind, larger canvases will lag more. i do 1920x1080. if you select window>timeline, a new menu will pop up at the bottom of the photoshop interface
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you'll notice a dropdown menu, that has two options: "create video timeline" and "create frame animation". i use create frame animation , just because it's more fitting for what i do.
selecting that option will give you a timeline with frames and everything! each frame's delay can be chosen individually. during playback in photoshop, it will play a little slower than the actual speed when exported as a gif, so keep that in mind
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i would advise you to think of layers (or layer groups, if you plan on cleaning up and coloring) as frames for this. a layer's position, visibility, and style can change from frame to frame.
pay attention to these following options, they will appear over your layers menu on the far right once you create an animation timeline.
Unify: can be applied to position, visibility, and layer effects. it will change all the other frames to match what the layer is like in your currently selected frame.
Propogate frame 1: if this box is checked, any position, style, or visibility changes made to a layer on frame 1 will be applied to all the frames. unchecking it disables this.
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editing a layer with the eraser or brush (or any other tool) will apply the changes to every single frame. so to create the next pose, you will have to go to the next frame, hide the first layer, and draw the next pose on a new layer. I've colored the layers in 2 different colors here for clarity.
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the blue is layer 1, and the red is layer 2. on the first frame, i will make layer 2 (the red pose) invisible and leave layer 1 (the blue pose) visible, and then on the second frame i do the reverse. You kind of have to do this manually for every single frame, so it gets a bit arduous if you have more than like 7 or 8 poses.
AND, exporting as a gif is also ridiculously silly and opaque too. go to file > export > save for web (legacy)
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that will bring up this menu that is super complicated. the only stuff you really need to pay attention to is near the bottom, as everything else will work just fine on default settings (i've never messed with them in the 9-10 years ive been animating in photoshop, lol)
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down towards the bottom you can change the export size, which is useful if you drew it on a big canvas but dont want the gif file to be enormous. also, you can choose how many times it loops. i usually just keep it on "forever", so i can watch it over and over again lol
and finally, make sure you click "save" and NOT "done". if you click done.. it does not export the file. i will not tell u how many times ive been in speed mode and click "done" and then get frustrated when the file dosnt appear in my folder. i am not smart.
anyways hopefully this is helpful.. ive been using ps so long i have extreme tunnel vision re: mentally filtering out all the useless extra stuff in photoshop's interface so i have no idea if this is confusing or not to someone who's never done it before. if you have more questions just let me know!!
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Do you have to go pt2
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Mature content ahead* SMUT, fluff , light angst at the very end
summary: Jaebum was finally home for a day and his muscles were clearly in pain. You give him an oil message which leads to many other things. Somehow you still end up disappointed in the end.
You woke up feeling steady breathing on your neck and muscular arms holding your waist. You nearly forgot that jaebum had a day off today; It felt good to wake up together after such a while. You yawned and turned around facing jaebum and you noticed how ethereal he looked. His messy black hair rested on his forehead and he had a slight stubble. You loved this look on him. It made him look more like your boyfriend and not the idol that thousands of girls die over.
You laid there for a moment just looking at him so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even realise that jaebum was now wide awake looking back at you with a smirk on his face. ”I know im sexy but  are you really planning to just stare at me the whole day today or...” You both begin laughing as you playfully hit his chest. After a moment jaebum pulls you close again and snuggles close to you, his nose against your back ready to go back to sleep. ”Oh no dont think your going to sleep again its already 12″ you say while moving away from him and removing the covers from both your bodies.
He groans instantly hugging himself “Its so cold can we not just stay in bed today?” You wanted to go on a whole rant about how he was never home and this was probably gonna be the only day for a few weeks you were gonna get together, and that you didn’t wanna waste it all just sleeping. But you knew if you said this it would turn into something much more serious. There was no point arguing with jaebum over something like this especially when you missed spending time with him so much. 
“Im gonna go shower and then you can go when im done and then we can head out somewhere” You wait for a response and all you hear is a mumble from jaebum saying something along the lines of ‘so bossy’ whilst wrapping himself in a blanket again with his eyes closed. You sigh whilst  heading to the bathroom and have a quick shower followed by your skincare routine. You expected to have to come and have to wake up jaebum again but he was sitting and using his phone at the edge of the bed. He got up wordlessly and headed for the bathroom once you had entered the bedroom. You put on one on jaebums loose shirts with shorts and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. 
After a while when you headed back upstairs to call jaebum for breakfast you saw him sitting on the bed holding his shoulder with a frown on his face. It was clear that he was in pain but he never liked to admit it in front of you. You walk towards him and as soon as he realises that your coming he lets go of his shoulder and heads for the wardrobe only in his towel. ”Wait, dont get dressed yet” you say while reaching for something in the drawer. “Why? do you want me to seduce you?” he says with a sexy expression followed by a laugh from the both of you .Now holding a bottle of message oil, you ushered him towards the bed. ”I’m gonna give you a message” his expression falls when he realises you saw him earlier sulking on the bed. 
“No its fine its gonna go back to normal soon anyways” he says whilst adjusting his towel which was about to drop. “Shush lay down on your stomach on the bed right now” you say while pouting and crossing his arms. He coos while looking at you and steps closer to you pressing a gentle kiss on your pouting lips. ”Okay okay you can give me a message” he says while laying down on the bed the towel still covering his lower half. You take a seat at the bottom of his back where you could see the two dimples. You apply the oil to your hands before messaging jaebums shoulders with as such strength as you could get. You went to his back after his shoulder and you felt satisfied hearing his groans. You seat yourself on his thighs messaging his lower back and eventually you were done with his back. 
“Okay turn around now” you say while getting up from his legs. He turns around and his towel lightly slips and you could see his dick , and for some reason he was half hard. A light blush covered your cheeks as you fixed the towel so it was covering him properly. When you looked up at jaebum ,he was smiling and he had a weird look in his eyes you couldn’t really understand .”So are you not gonna give me a message anymore because you saw-”.You cut him off straight away by taking a seat on his lower stomach and putting more message oil on your hands and this clearly shut him up You made sure not to make any eye contact with him as you rubbed your hands together and then began messaging his shoulders. Jaebum tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut biting his lips to prevent any sound coming out.
He had been tired and his muscles had been aching for a while now so when you gave him a message it felt too good. You continued to focus on the task at hand and before you realised it you were sitting directly on top of jaebums dick which was merely covered by the towel. You continued messaging him until you heard a really loud moan followed by “you’ve messaged me enough”, He quickly gets you of him and switches your positions so he was now straddling you. By now his towel was nowhere to be seen and he was exposed in front on you. You gulp while looking up at jaebum and you can see hunger in his eyes. He leans down and kisses you and his tongue enters your mouth straight away. He continues to kiss you and you push him away as you run out of breath.  
He looks at you also completely out of breath and straight away reaches for the hem of his shirt that you were wearing. You put your arms up so he could remove the shirt and his eyes fall straight away to your breasts. You had not worn a bra since you were at home and now you were glad you didn’t. He pushes you back down so your back touches the bed and begins to kiss down your neck. He continues to kiss down until he reaches to your breast. He fondles one of your breast with one hand while he marks the other. You let out a moan and you could feel that you were becoming restless. ”I cant wait any longer” you say completely blissed out looking at jaebum with hooded eyes. 
“Then ride me” 
He lays down and waits till you remove your shorts and panties and straddle him. His hands immediately reach to your hips squeezes them as you lean down to kiss him. He could feel your wet heat on his dick and the fast heart beat of your clit. It was driving him crazy. He pulled away from the kiss and tapped your thighs motioning for you to lift them up a bit. You held onto his shoulders and closed your eyes as he aligned his dick with your entrance. After a second you slipped down on his cock letting out incoherent sounds and jaebum tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut in relief.
It had been such a while since you had been intimate with jaebum and at this point you were both very needy. You stayed seated on him as he waited for you to adjust. It was definitely not the first time you and jaebum were having sex but since it had been a while it took you some time to adjust to his size. You felt jaebum move underneath you so you opened your eyes. You could see his hooded eyes and the way he was biting his lips and it was making you feel even needier then you felt before. You began to move and each time you moved you could feel jaebums dick drag against your walls. It felt heavenly. You slowed down your pace now getting tired and as soon as jaebum noticed this he began to thrust up into your heat. You leaned your head on his shoulder as he kept moving himself in and out of you as fast as he could.
”Im gonna-” you couldnt finish your sentence because of the knot you were feeling at the bottom of your stomach .He didn’t respond to what you said but instead moved his hand down to your clit to help your release. You let out even louder moans at the feeling of his fingers circling around your clit fast and mercilessly. And before you knew it you were coming with a loud moan followed by jaebums name. You were so blissed out that you didnt even realise jaebum had pulled out and you were now laying with your back on the bed. He inserted his cock back inside you and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pounded into you harder and faster. You felt so sensitive after just coming but you wanted jaebum to finish to. You opened your eyes to see the look on his face he always had before he was about to cum.
You watched as he sped up hitting even deeper spots inside you as he grunted. With a last powerful thrust that nearly made you scream he came inside you. You could feel his warm juices fill you up and you groaned at the feeling. He laid down and pulled you on top on him his now half softened dick still inside you. You both stayed there wordlessly for a few moments in bliss. Just as you were laying there you heard jaebums phone ring. You both just ignored it pretending you couldn’t hear it because you both were so sleepy. After it rang the second time jaebum pulled out and you let out a small groan at the feeling of all his cum seeping out of you. He picked up his phone and it was his manager. “You guys have an interview today in like 30 minutes and all the other boys are here. i dont know why your still not here i messaged you early in the morning.” Jaebum didnt make any eye contact with you as his manager spoke. He answered back calmly “Ill be there in 20 ill get dressed from home no need to get an outfit for me” 
After that you blanked out not really hearing the rest of the conversation. You watched jaebum as he cut the phone and looked at you. You were sat on the bed completely naked and your body was littered with love bites. You had tears in your eyes which you were not aware about and to jaebum you looked like a lost puppy. He came closer to you kissing you on the lips quickly and putting the covers up so your body was covered.”Im so sorry i have to go now i promise ill be home soon.” You hummed with a small smile and that clearly reassured him that you were not upset as he straight away headed to the shower. You sat there alone in bed lost in your own thoughts and in less then 5 minutes jaebum was out the shower and getting dressed. 
You watched him as you sat feeling like shit. You still had his cum dripping down your thighs and onto the bedsheets. Your body was covered in marks and your hair was a mess. With a final goodbye jaebum was out the door and you were completely alone. Again. You knew jaebum wasn’t gonna be home soon. You were right.
 Before you knew it you both were in the same routine where you would barely see each other. It was starting to take a toll on you and for the first time in your relationship you felt like a decision had to be made. You couldn’t live like this any longer. 
Okay but IM SO SORRY IF THE SMUT WAS BAD. It was a struggle to write.
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