#so if smth is wrong pls correct me!!
valtiantian · 1 year
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji says from his spot in front of the table, watching Wei Ying beside him closely, as his bleary eyes blink to clean up the haze and move slowly to look up to him.
"Are you sleepy?" He whispers, not wanting to break the silence in case it wakes him up fully. Wei Ying is sitting slumped next to him, still holding his chopsticks very loosely and looking at him with hooded and unfocused eyes. His brows furrowed a bit, glaring at Lan Wangji in a way that showed his displeasure at being woken up, his pouty lips ruining the annoyed look he was probably going for. The moment he processes the question he straightens up, and vigorously shakes his head, so much so he almost falls to the side.
"No no no," he says, while holding onto the table with the hand not holding the chopsticks, probably because he shook himself so hard he got dizzy. Lan Wangji places a hand cautiously on his waist, holding onto him so his husband doesn't slump over to the side. His hair was already messy from the night hunt they had just come back from, the red ribbon he wears everyday struggling to hold it up from so much tussling. After such shaking, the ribbon loosened enough to fall, Wei Ying's hair coming down messily and getting tangled on the ribbon.
"I'm fine, I'm fine. It's not even curfew yet, it's way too early! I don't sleep as early as you do," He protests, pointing his chopsticks at him and moving them close to Lan Wangji's cheek, grabbing the air threateningly like he's about to squish it like a jiaozi, before shaking his head again with a chuckle, this time slower so as to not knock himself unconscious, and going back to eating his food.
Lan Wangji caresses his hair, untangling the ribbon with dexterous fingers, so gently Wei Ying doesn't realize what he's doing, closing his eyes at the sudden affection. He's drowsy enough his attention to their surroundings is slipping. Wei Ying once told him he only felt safe enough to let go of his vigilance around him. The thought makes his lips curl up slightly.
"It was a long day," Lan Wangji murmurs after he's finished untangling the ribbon, folding it carefully over the table before passing his fingers through Wei Ying's hair, combing through it gently until he's satisfied with the state of it. Nodding to himself, he goes back to eating his own dinner, keeping an eye on Wei Ying in case he falls asleep again.
After a little while, when Lan Wangji has already finished eating, he notices Wei Ying's hand drop to the table as his eyes close, head tilting forward slowly until he wakes himself up with a start and begins the process all over again. It's very amusing and endearing, seeing Wei Ying fall asleep while eating like A-yuan used to do as a kid. It's also a testament to how tired Wei Ying is that the Jingshi is completely devoid of sound.
He watches him for a bit, as Wei Ying tries to finish his dinner, besotted beside himself, until Wei Ying actually drops forward and almost bangs his head against the table. Luckily Lan Wangji has good reflexes and managed to catch him by the shoulders. He wakes up again, blinking wearily up at him before dropping all his weight on Lan Wangji, resting his head over his chest.
Lan Wangji huffs a laugh, kissing the top of Wei Ying's head. He takes away the chopsticks that he is somehow still holding and picks him up in his arms.
"Still not sleepy?" He says softly as he carries him to bed, laying him down over it before arranging himself next to him, covering them both with the blankets. Wei Ying's hair is long and dark, splayed over the pillow and framing his face in beautiful contrast. Lan Wangji's hand goes unconsciously to it, touching his cheek sweetly.
"Nope," Wei Ying says, eyes still closed, and then gives an impressively big yawn, moving around on the bed until finally laying down on his side facing Lan Wangji. He grabs the hand closest to him, the one stroking his cheek, and kisses the palm before moving up to kiss Lan Wangji's lips, sighing out before relaxing completely.
"Not at all," is the last thing he says, whispering so softly he barely hears it, before his breathing evens out as he falls asleep. Lan Wangji is in love with a ridiculous man, and he hugs said ridiculous man close with a smile. He wouldn't have it any other way.
Inspired by the "are you sleepy?" Incorrect quote from @wangxian-on-repeat :]
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starlooove · 1 year
why r u reblogging from terfs
why r u being so vague
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goldenhypen · 7 months
hi there can you recommend me some enha writers please.
hiii OMG YES OFC i love this questionnn
(listed in alphabetical order, also disclaimer, there are sooo many enha writers i wish i could include and still wanna get to know better. this is just who i can think of on the top of my head atm):
@atrirose - seiu is such a legend and everybody loves her works. owns some of the most iconic enha work to exist on this sight 😌🤭
@boyfhee - cae is suchhh a talented writer omg so if you want well written work and good plot or just fun works to read, this is one of the ways i recommend going 😌 she’s also a super fun and funny person so 12/10 recommend 👍🏻
@delcakoo - i literally strive to be ema omg her works are so fun and creative and so well put tgt. i’ve enjoyed reading every single one 😭 missing new works from her (she’s on hiatus rn if you didn’t already know) but i hope she’s happy rn and is doing well <3
@heeracha - (rey imy 🫶🏻) there’s a reason why heeracha is so popular (even tho she’s ghosting 90% of the time 🙄 /j) it’s cuz rey’s works are so genius and so entertaining and creative and cute yet heart wrenching and the slowburn in a lot of her works just has you hooked in a way that is not easy for writers to do but she does so effortlessly 😔
@isoobie - if you want a go to for cute works i def recommend ri <3 also her aesthetic is always on point so 😌 she’s also super friendly and nice. def someone i recommend <3
@jaeyunverse - pls sage has some of the best works on here no joke. her plots are so genius and her works are so entertaining to read and so well written. go check her out fs <3
@jayflrt - one of the first enha writer’s i read for even before starting this blog,,, so you can kinda say it’s thanks to alice that goldenhypen even exists sjsnd and i think that alone says enough 😌
@sungbeam - beam currently isn’t writing for enha (← beam, correct me if i’m wrong djdjdj) but she has a bunch of enha works for you to check out. and i highly encourage you to bc her writing style is honestly one of my favourites i’ve ever found. she’s sooo talented and so hard working 🫶🏻
@tyunni - also such a legend. one of my fav ppl <3 and i’m not just recommending may cuz i’m being biased. no she’s sooo talented with some of the most fun and entertaining works on this site <3 all of her works are a must-read tbh sorry i don’t make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
and some bonus honourable mentions <3:
@byhees - sooo many cute and fun reads here. every time i read smth from violet i always leave kicking my feet and giggling to myself :’>
@heeliopheelia - ahh carly’s works are so well written and put tgt, enjoyable and (most of the time) fun to read (if not fun then heart breaking,, but in the best ways possible omg) def a writer you need to check out if you haven’t already <3
hope this helps anonnie and to anyone who wants to find some new writers to read from/support! ^_^ <3
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forever-rogue · 1 year
yayy now that ik you're open to write for joel, i propose smth angsty along the lines of "you came back for me" bc reader and joel got into a really big fight before getting separated. i just want the angstttt pls crush my heart tear it apart then put it back together by ending really fluffy plssss
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AN | The inevitable has arrived - here we are foraying into Joel territory. Enjoy ❤️
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.4k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You’re really stupid sometimes,” it was an exasperated huff that had your hands on your hips as you looked at him. You didn’t mean it - not really anyway. Joel was probably one of the smartest and most resourceful people you’d ever met. He hung his head with a heavy sigh before turning back to you. His expression was entirely unamused, “so foolish and - and stubborn!”
This got a laugh out of him, a bark of unamused laughter but nonetheless. He crossed his arms over his chest, “I’m stubborn? Have you met yourself? You don’t get what you want and you act like a petulant child!”
“I am not,” you hissed, trying your best not to stomp your foot; you didn’t need to help prove his point any further. Maybe he was a little right…Joel often was. But you also felt like your point was right too. Even if this was the middle of a weird zombie apocalypse you were now living in, you should be able to take some time out for yourself. Especially now that you had a more stable living situation, “it’s always work this and work that with you. We should-”
“We should do what we need to in order to survive,” he cut you off, refusing to meet your eyes. He knew, begrudgingly, that you also weren’t entirely wrong, “that is the most important thing.”
“What about us-”
“There is no us,” he insisted and damn. Those four little words broke your heart more than anything. All this time spent together, getting to know each other both on a physical and emotional level meant nothing to him. You should have known. It was almost funny in a horrible way. The older man refused to look at you and you couldn’t help but think him a coward. Maybe he was right after all - maybe you were just a child, “get that in your head and let’s get this over with. We’re losing daylight.”
He took a few steps forward, dirt and gravel crunching under his boots. You shook your head, more to yourself than anything but didn’t follow him. When Joel didn’t hear your footsteps behind him, he turned around, “I’m not going with you.”
“C’mon,” he insisted, “don’t be like this. It’s dangerous for you to be out here by yourself.”
“Well, how am I ever going to learn to survive solely on my own if I’ve always got you or someone else leading the way?” He was correct in reasoning though. It wasn’t safe for anyone alone. It was also recommended that people go out in pairs for that reason, “just go on and I’ll find my own way back.”
“Stop acting like this,” but you just shook your head and took a step further back, “can you just listen to me for once?”
“Actually, Joel, for once it would be me not listening to you. So…you do whatever it is you need to do, do it. I’ll go back and patiently wait. Then you can come back and tell me what to do,” you offered him a sticky sweet smile before turning on your heel and heading back in the direction from which you came. You took off before Joel could say anything, biting your lip in order to keep from making any extra sounds or letting your tears fall down your cheeks. 
You heard him call after you, your name falling from his lips in an increasingly exasperated tone. You heard him come after you for a few moments, but eventually he stopped, his signature sigh falling from his lips. But eventually he moved on and you continued back towards Jackson. 
Realistically you’d just proved his point by acting in such a childish manner. But you didn’t care, not right now. He’d hurt you, and you didn’t even know if he’d meant to or knew the effect his words were having on you. 
“Dumb, stupid girl,” you groaned at yourself, “had to go and mess everything up. And now you’re going to get yourself lost.”
Admittedly, your sense of direction wasn’t the greatest. But the path you’d taken to get to this point, the point where you’d picked an argument with Joel, had been a fairly linear path. Surely you couldn’t fuck that up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And yet…you managed to fuck that right up. 
It was dark and you weren’t back to Jackson yet and you knew that was wrong. It shouldn't have taken so long to get back. You should have been back already. Somewhere along the line you had either taken a wrong turn or missed a turn but you found yourself wandering aimlessly. It was too quiet out here, not even sounds of nighttime creatures reaching your ears. If there were anything out there with you, they’d probably hear you in a heartbeat. You’d just have to hope that there wouldn’t be any runners or stalkers or worse - clickers. You were glad you’d remembered to stash an extra knife in your boot and still had the shotgun slung across your back. You’d never taken one on your own, but you figured you could manage. You were going to have to. 
But you just hoped that you wouldn’t come across everything. You’d just camp out in one of the abandoned buildings you’d found until daybreak and then make your way back. That seemed like the most logical and smart thing to do. 
You went to check the front door of the building and, naturally, it was locked. Luckily there was an open window nearby that you figured you could use to get in. Hopefully that was a good sign that nothing else was able to get in either. You jumped the little bit of distance that you needed in order to climb up, catching your hands on the window sill and pulling yourself up. You managed to get in, but suffered a less than graceful landing as you plopped on the ground. And…managed to roll your ankle in the process. 
“Fuck,” you cried, clutching at your ankle in pain as you tried to stifle your whimper. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you slowly sat up and tried to massage the pain in your ankle away, “shit, damn it. Fuck!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you slapped a hand over it to try and keep any further sound at bay. You sat still, and listened for a few moments to make sure you didn’t hear anything. After a few tense, still minutes had passed, you relaxed; it didn’t seem like anything was there with you. 
Crawling towards the corner, you made yourself as small as possible, sitting with your back against the concrete wall, and hugging your knees to your chest. Anything to make yourself as small and unimposing as possible. It was probably a stupid idea to sleep, alone and vulnerable, but it had been a long day and you needed some rest. Your eyes grew heavier and heavier and before you knew it you had succumbed to sleep’s siren call.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
By the time your eyes opened up, heavy and dry, it was the morning. Daylight was streaming inside the room and you let out a relieved, but shaky sigh. You’d made it through the night. That in and of itself was a good sign that you’d make it back. It was safer in the light and you might even meet someone from Jackson on the way back. 
As you tried to stand up, you quickly remembered what had happened. The stabbing pain your ankle causing you to yelp as you leaned against the wall, using it to help support yourself. Okay, okay, okay - this was going to be trickier than you thought but you’d be able to get yourself out of there. Your survival instinct was stronger than that.
But before you could do anything or plan anything else you heard it. It was your name being called out in the distance. Gooseflesh erupted all over your skin as you tried to pick out the voice. It came closer and closer and it didn’t take long to figure out who it was. Joel. It made your heart jump before you remembered what had happened. You could just - fuck it. You needed him to survive and while you were stubborn among a whole lot of other things, you were willing to put aside. 
“Joel!” you held onto the sill so tightly that your knuckles were turning white. You poked your head outside and looked around until you found him a short distance away, “Joel.”
He stopped at the sound of your voice, and you could see the evident relief that washed over his features. He jogged over to you, and you offered him a tentative, nervous little smile. He shook his head when he realized that you were safe, running a hand through his dark hair. Joel exhaled slowly before looking at you, a hard glint to his, “do you have any idea how worried I’ve been?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” you rolled your eyes lightly.
“This isn’t a game,” his voice sounded between annoyed, worried, and relieved all at once. He reached over and gently touched your face, his hand resting on your cheek, “you thought you could just go off on your own and find your way back? You couldn’t even do that. I got back and you weren’t there. Do you even know what I thought? I-I…”
“I’m okay,” you promised, putting your hand on top of his and giving it what you hoped was a reassuring little squeeze. He wasn’t looking at you, instead looking up at the blue sky. It was almost funny in a way; if you looked up, staring into the bright blue sky, it almost seemed like nothing was wrong and the world was as it had always been, “look at me, please. Joel.”
“I thought something had happened,” he swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes met yours. There was a hard edge to them, but they were still soft, “I thought I’d fucking lost you.”
“You came back,” you took his hand in yours, admiring the feeling of his calloused fingers against your surprisingly soft skin, “you came back for me.”
“Of course I did,” he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, “that was never a question. You should have just come with me and none of this would have happened. You stubborn, foolish girl.”
“You…” it all seemed so trivial and silly now. Now that he was back and had come for you, “I…’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just left. Not with my sense of direction.”
“I’m sorry too,” he admitted and you raised an eyebrow in surprise. That was not what you had been expecting to hear. Joel Miller was a hard man and he didn’t generally didn’t experience situations in which he had to apologize, “I shouldn’t have said the things I did.”
“I shouldn’t have just assumed that you and I were…anything,” your voice dropped as you tried to blink back the tears that threatened to well up, “it was stupid of me and ended up causing both a lot of trouble.”
“You are extremely important to me,” his voice was gentle when it broke the silence that had fallen over the two of you. You couldn’t help the small smile that ticked up the corners of your mouth, “even if I didn’t make it seem like it. We’ll…figure it out, okay? But I want you to know that…I…”
“I know,” you did know. You knew exactly what he was trying to convey, exactly what was going through his mind. It was the same thing you were still scared to say, “me too, Joel.”
He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles, “c’mon. Let’s get you back home and we can…go from there.”
“There’s, um…just a small issue with that,” you put on a sheepish smile as Joel looked at you expectantly, “when I found this place last night - the door was locked. I didn’t want to make too much noise so I didn’t try to force it open. Instead, I climbed in through the window.”
“I can get you out of the window-”
“I hurt my ankle.”
“Of course you did.”
“It’s always something with you,” he tutted at you, but there wasn’t any anger or malice behind the sound, “what am I going to do with you, huh?”
“Keep me around because I keep you on your toes?” you tried and he couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. You looked at him with a gentle smile, “can you help get me out of here?”
“Of course,” he promised, “sprained or broken?”
“I dunno,” you looked at the swollen joint and grimaced, “I think just sprained. But I’m not a doctor so…”
“Kid,” affection laced the nickname that he liked to tease you with. He came closer to the window and held his arms out to you. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, letting him tug you closer to his body before he picked you up and swung you through the window. You thought he would set you down, but he didn’t. Instead he held to you his chest, “you’re okay. I’ve got you.”
“Thank you,” before you could stop yourself you kissed him tenderly on his scruffy cheek, “thank you for coming back for me.”
“I’ll always come back for you,” he promised and you knew he meant it, “always.”
“I know,” you hugged him tightly, “me too. I mean, if the situation were ever reversed. Which I doubt it would be, but you know, the sentiment is there.”
“I know, Kid,” you could feel the laughter vibrating in his chest, “I know."
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ohdudehesflirting · 9 months
dreamies and your dog<3
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warnings: none i think?? pls correct me if im wrong
heyyyy... hi.... how yall doing..... im so fkn sorry for dissapearing out of nowhere i just idk why i did that but im backkk did anyone miss me?? (crickets) ok fair a lot happened i saw bruno marsss im on spring break i went back into achn and now i want to upload smth weekly atleast pls take this as a token of my apretiatio for u guys I HAVE MISSED YALLL i will stop rambling but these are random scenarios w the dreamies and ur dog i tried to use diff breeds? idk i enjoyesd this
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hwnglx · 6 months
what's between v and jennie? feelings, friendship or smth else?
taehyung + jennie
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they ever date? kingofsw&tower&knofw, deathrx+star
yes, they were dating. but not anymore. i'm sensing that the leak of the photos was a big turning point for taehyung and jennie, that required them to step back and look at the situation from a more objective view. it's almost like they forgot there even was the possibility for someone to "expose" them, and were just living in the heat of the moment. it was a more short-lived, but very impactful and meaningful relationship for the both of them. a lot of passion and longing for each other. there still seems to be an inability to move on, not being able to let go of whatever they had, and a clear wish to rekindle. (especially on taehyung's side)
how does taehyung feel towards jennie? 2ofw&queofw, emperrx&9ofswrx&temprx, strength, 5ofc
so, jennie seems to have been a woman, who taehyung has always felt an attraction towards. he sees her as the charming queen of wands, someone with a strong presence and a very magnetic aura. with the two of wands here, it's clear that approaching her was something he had planned to do.
however, i got a bunch of reversed cards just flying out right away, so there is a lot of blocked and negative energy here. it seems like, once he was able to build something with jennie, he put a lot of responsibility on himself to take good care of her, and make sure she's comfortable. i also kept hearing "protective". he really wanted to hold on to what they had, and kinda stressed himself out on his own. i think the fear of losing his grip on her drove taehyung to this place of uncertainty on how to proceed.. like "what do i do so this amazing woman stays with me?" he saw her a precious existence in his life, that he didn't wanna lose.
he still seems to hold strong feelings for jennie, but has since been able to control himself more. the five of cups in the end tells me there still is lingering regret in him, and he often asks himself if he could've done anything differently, to prevent the end from happening. just like in the previous spread, there definitely seems to be a lack of closure on a personal level.
how does jennie feel towards taehyung? kingofc, 7ofw&magic, 3ofsw, 5ofw, pagofc
she views taehyung as a very emotionally mature and loving guy. someone who cherishes and values his loved ones tremendously, and has a sweet and understanding heart. jennie seems to especially admire his ability to deal with obstacles, in her eyes taehyung is someone who's very level headed and intelligent. he doesn't get swayed or driven to insecurity by the challenges he faces. she herself can be a lot more sensitive than people think, and often takes things to heart, so she felt very drawn to someone so different to her. being with him gave her a sense of stability.
the five of wands shows me, all the public talk and external circumstances messed with her feelings. she truly doesn't like her private life being so out there and having to hear everyone voicing their opinion on something that's meant to be only her business. it wasn't just the news that they dated, as far as i can remember people hacked into her phone (? correct me if i'm wrong) and literally leaked their private pictures. i think anyone would feel very uncomfortable in that situation.
she seems to have blamed herself a lot, for not thinking of the possibility of this happening. like "guess i did this to myself." she believes she was blinded by infatuation and it was immature of her to believe people wouldn't have found out. (she's so hard on herself, my god.. ? ☹)
what went wrong? world, 10ofsw
tbh, the cards are telling me "it just ended, stop asking."
jennie and taehyung are both idols whose energies are a bit more difficult for me personally, they're both very protective. i didn't ask any further.
i believe they just wanna keep the details of their relationship more private, and of course they have an obvious right to.
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aroace-poly-show · 3 months
I couldn't stop thinking since your post about wxs parents, or more specifically the tenma parents, bc they actually interest me a lot
Because like, the tenma mom DOES actually come up sometimes in saki and tsukasa's side stories and an area conversation. And not just the fact she taught them to play piano, i mean more familial situations. She even appears by herself and it's usually when they're at the house and she seems really sweet and caring actually
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And also whenever Tsukasa brings her up (which he seems to do more often than Saki? Or at least from the stories I've read, i might be wrong) he speaks of her in a way that seems quite fond and might imply that she is around at the house at least usually
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In contrast, though, the tenma dad almost NEVER comes up. Like the only time I remember him being mentioned (that is NOT about tsukasa bringing up That Show they watched as kids or the family visiting saki at the hospital bc that's obvious they're there) was once in the hinamatsuri event about how he bought the doll stand and some helmet when they were little? smth about how he impulse buys things
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And that was it. He didnt even appear
He's never actually appeared by himself at the house or any side story to my knowledge (do correct me if I'm wrong) and he doesn't SEEM to be around the house on a daily basis at all
Even in the past when tsukasa stayed at home alone it was tenmama he got calls from, at least the one they showed us
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Tenpapa's job is also never mentioned unlike tenmama's. And like tenmas are implied to be at least somehow recognisable or respected of a family, or at the very least by people like the Aoyagis since they are always stated to hold them in such regard, but is it just about tenmama playing the piano? Or maybe there's smth more about the dad that we don't know?
He's just. Such an enigma. We barely have any crumbs. Even in that image of baby tenmas seeing a show for the first time from the beginning of wxs main story shows a little bit of tenmama, like we can see her hair and all, but we can only see tenpapa's hand
It's just... where is he?? At work? What does he do?? Why don't they talk about him that much??? Why won't they show him in side stories??? Am I reading too much into it???
He makes me so mad pls Sega tell me more about the tenma family im insane about them
ANYWAY sorry for writing almost an entire post in your asks it was supposed to be shorter but I accidentally spiralled deeper
Anyway tsukasa and saki definitely love their parents and at the very least the mom seems like a rly caring and overall present person in their lives. They never say anything bad about the dad either if they ever do. They seem like good parents overall. The whole tsks neglect thing, yes, of course it wasn't a good decision to leave him alone at home, but it doesn't make them bad. Tsukasa never even mentioned anything that could imply he holds it against them and ik he is stupidly forgiving sometimes and sometimes forgets about himself but still. You get me. Besides we don't really know the extent of it all so shsuhd
We just need more tenma lore dammit
do not apologize for long asks they make me very happy to read :3
i didn’t know all that abt tenmamom though!!! i practically never read side stories so. yeah no wonder i missed her fjbsjdbajdn
sega please give us more tenmadad content. or any at all really…..
and yeah!!! i can understand wanting angst but the tenmas are genuinely a happy family and they make me happy :3 i don’t think of his parents as bad even with tsukasa’s childhood bc like, it wasn’t something they wanted to do yk. doesn’t mean what happened with tsukasa wasn’t Bad ofc. either way i love the tenmas. sega can we get more tenma lore. please
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HOLLY HOLLY CONGRATS ON UR 1K !! i saw ur event (which looks super good btw :o) and i cannot NOT request smth !!
i am here to present you with my request: 3 + you guessed it, alhaitham !! pls feel free to make it whatever genre u want <3
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i finally finished this oml, it sat in my drafts for so long half-written smh, i hope you enjoy the result though!! ♡
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Snapshot ゚☾. ࿐
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trope: taking photos [space nr. 20]
pairing: al-haitham x gn!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive at the end hehehe~
warnings: none except for al-haitham (i believe he should come with his own warning)
genshin masterlist
second constellation event masterlist
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“Look at this flower, isn't it pretty?” you excitedly exclaimed, kamera in hand.
Somewhere in the depths of Avidya Forest, two scholars were documenting the flora and fauna there for their project. One highly motivated to get this over with, the other—
“Is it?” With his eyes barely glancing over to the flower, Al-Haitham merely shrugged. “It looks like a rather average specimen to me.”
“That’s probably because you wouldn't know true beauty even if it stared you right in the face,” you scoffed.
Sometimes you really wanted to kick him where the sun didn’t shine; once for being a pain in the ass to work with and twice for making you fall for him all the same.
And maybe once more for always leaving you guessing, just for good measure. One day, he’d barely give you the time of day to accept the papers you handed him, the next, he’d come and seek you out to have lunch with him.
Seriously, what was his problem? Make up your mind, you dumb—
“Oh yeah?” Al-Haitham’s tone was cocky, challenging even, as he crossed the space between you in long strides. Grabbing a hold of your chin between his thumb, index and middle finger, he effectively made you meet his eyes. “I know you though, don’t I?”
“I- What?” You spluttered, heat flooding between his fingers up your cheeks. Blinking up at him repeatedly, you were trying to gauge his reaction. “What are you trying to say here, Al-Haitham, it's not funny-”
“What am I trying to say? I’ve made it rather obvious, haven’t I?” Cocking an eyebrow at your reaction, you could see the infuriating ghost of a smirk dancing around the corner of his lips. “And I know you’re smart enough to pick up on it. So don’t disappoint me, (y/n), tell me which conclusion you came to based on all the evidence laid out in front of you."
In that particular moment, you had good mind to take a swing at his stupidly handsome face. He was really going to make you repeat that? This jerk, he was enjoying this more than he should have been. Normally, he should be the flustered one after proclaiming something like that!
“Well, do correct me if I’m wrong, Scribe, but it almost sounded as if you called me beautiful. It seems something about my research must have gone amiss, the results simply do not match the gathered information.” You did your best to maintain an even tone and mimic the snobbish speech mannerisms you and your peers mocked your superiors for. “If you’d be so kind as to enlighten me where I might have been led astray in my analysis, I believe your insight would be of utmost importance on this matter.”
“Perhaps you should review your gathered information again, I do believe it matches the presented results, wouldn’t you agree?” Studying your expression carefully, one large hand settled on your waist and you suddenly realised how small the gap between you two had become. „I‘ve been conducting a similar research as of late, all evidence pointing to an outcome not unlike yours; your thoughts on the matter?“
„I concur,“ you breathed out, lost in the depths of emerald and amber. „It seems there might be a correlation between our findings.“
„A most intriguing hypothesis indeed.“ Al-Haitham‘s voice was low, barely above a whisper, but from how he leant closer, you heard him perfectly fine. With your hands on the tight material spanning his solid pectorals, you put up no resistance whatsoever as you willingly let him guide your face closer to his, your noses barely brushing. „Tell me, (y/n), are you willing to put your theory to the test?“ 
„Only if I‘m working with a willing partner,“ you matched his tone as one of your hands slid up his shoulder and under the fabric of his cape. 
Meanwhile, his fingers left your chin in favour of cupping the back of your neck. Between half-lidded eyes, Al-Haitham still couldn’t tear his gaze away from your lips almost touching his. „Haven’t I made myself crystal clear? I wish to explore all possibilities of this experiment with you.“
A gentle tug was all it needed for him to connect your lips with his. At first, his movements were almost timid, cautious in a way you weren’t used to from him. When you pressed your chest closer to his, however, his actions grew bolder as well, stringing you along in a sensual dance. 
The heat radiating from both his front and the hand which had sneaked to the small of your back, holding you firmer against him, made your head spin. To combat the dizzying sensation, you dug your fingers into the grey strands in his nape, hoping to ground yourself as your heart soared.
Even as Al-Haitham pulled away until only his breath fanned your cheeks, your mouth stayed slightly parted, eyes fluttering open slowly. 
Then, you heard the shutter of a kamera go off as you blinked into the lens of Al-Haitham‘s device. You watched incredulously as he examined the image of your still dazed expression. When he saw you gaping at him, a smug smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. 
„A truly beautiful snapshot indeed,“ he mused. „Now, let’s finish up our task here.“
Wrapping his hand around your wrist and bringing it up to his lips, he pressed a fluttering kiss to the sensitive skin.
„After all, my roommate will be gone for quite some time and I have important research to conduct.“
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tag list: @mccnstruck @teyvattales @silentmoths @ainescribe @meimeimeirin @dustofthedailylife @nsojbbkkm
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susie-dreemurr · 5 months
(This is meant to be constructive criticism, not hate. If I said smth inaccurate pls correct me, my memory sucks 🙏)
Ok, I like helluva boss, don’t get me wrong, but I gotta critique how it’s doing my girl. Oh, Millie, the only episode where you’re meant to be the focus made up insecurities without foreshadowing them instead of expanding on previous characterization </3
From previous episodes, Millie never showed signs of feeling unimportant to those around her. She never had any issues with standing up for herself, was always confident and had the healthiest mentality and relationships compared to everyone else. She seemed to know her worth.
It could have been cool for a character’s main struggle to not be their insecurity. Maybe she could’ve gone overboard with her traits and hurt someone she cared about, maybe show how being the only healthier person in her company is affecting her. I even saw people raise the possibility of exploring a “you just see me as the killing machine” angle, which could work I guess because… her character has mostly served this role, aside of being Moxxie’s wife. Using meta to re-contextualize your character is cool.
I don’t have a problem with the specific insecurity they showed, it’s relatable, but they should have hinted towards it in the show instead of only adding it Now, in S2E5, with no foreshadowing.
I’m glad for this episode, though. An attempt who’s execution I didn’t like is way better than no attempt at all. I just wish it wasn’t so sudden, you know?
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milflewis · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could do a blog rec list maybe? no pressure though! you just have good taste in drivers and shows and stuff imo and seem to know a lot of cool people here!
ah ofc! not really sure how to do these tho so sorry if it’s shit lol or if i forget anyone!
writer blogs
@hungerpunch valewis. dantteri. valtteri blog. lo’s writing has literally made me sit and stare at a wall before. @husbono sewis. smick. posts seb, lewis, mick, alex etc. i live for whatever genius edit idea natasha will bless us with next. @vettelsbitch maxiel. sewis. seb blog. every other month c comes into the gc like. guys. i had this idea for a fic and now i’ve slipped and accidentally written 10k. pls help. and it’s always the best thing ever. @rosyjuly smick. sewis. posts seb, lewis and mick. whenever i see that rosy has answered some fic prompt or smth and there’s a little readmore under the cut! pure delight i’m telling you. @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm sewis and slagclaren (will forever be grateful to a for writing a fic based on one of The lewis/jenson commercials). @traincoded also has written a slagclaren fic that filled the void of Another batshit insane commercial. @lewishamil10n valewis and sewis writer. always has the Correct Takes. @effervescentdragon sewis. brocedes. sebchal. charlos. pretty much whatever is poking at akira’s brain at that moment is what she is writing. @azzy421 mainly sewis. the writer of the lucky thirteen au! @trailsofpaper also mainly sewis. the writer of The sewis Knight au. @tinytauris and @yukierres are both doing god’s work filling the yukierre ao3 tag. @collarboen sewis and is also a miles/lewis truther! every single one of these writers have knocked me the fuck out with their writing. just saying.
artist blogs
@andreagrimes writer. also a valtteri blog and v v funny. their style of drawing is one of my fav. @russilton writer. george/lewis blog. mark also bullies kyle on main so like. follow him even just for that lol. @ilikecarsandlike4people and @storm3326 they both do v different kinds of doodles and art styles and i love them both
@ferrawri this is fran. if i loved her less i could talk about it more. posts daniel, lewis and motogp. mostly fabio and marc. @userhamilton posts seb, lewis, mick and lance mainly. has only one wrong opinion but that’s about the sebstache and i’ve given up trying to get ppl to see that light on that. @mickschumachergf posts v cool gifs of lewis and seb and mick etc. and is into fe! (also v funny and sometimes does these cool gif sets with subtitles or smth different and funky with them and they’re fantastic everytime). @formulaonedirection posts mainly lewis and lando. (her tags? genius and comical). @eliotheeangelis posts old f1. a godsend truly
editors/graphic makers
@queerbenched the funkiest graphics. @brawn-gp v v cool edits. @ivettel the most insane gif-editor i know. like half the time i’m like literally HOW are you doing this. fairly sure pure magic (and sooo much skill) is the answer. and writer and seb main. @yukierree v cool and colourful graphics and edits.
lewis blogs
@teamroscoes and @l8tof1 are The lewis blogs. @localoptimist and @lewishcmilton are v funny and have the best takes on things. @4405x sewis main. @sweetaswithscottymac also into fe! @vvettell also posts about seb and alex and fe! (also v funny and nice and i love seeing her takes on stuff)
seb blogs
@wdcseb also a writer! of the sebchal agenda. @unhinged-vettel v funny and really cool edits. @seblicha also v funny and chill
mick blogs
@princemick if you follow me you should definitely follow kyle lmao. at least just for context. they also make cool gifs and graphics too ig. @acrosstobear The Mick Blog . @mickbetsch the coolest gif-edits fr.
yuki blogs
@tsuchansworld and @tsu22 are both yuki blogs and are always correct. @lewki The yuki and lewis blog.
valtteri blogs
@eleyhsa and @garnetaldebaran are The valtteri blogs.
alex blogs
@raceweek her text posts never fail to make me laugh. @alxalb the funniest tags.
fe blogs
@sweetaswithscottymac also posts about lewis and indycar. @mickstart also has the Best michael schumacher takes and just takes in general. @andrelottering also a writer and i think into indycar too? (pls i’m so sorry if i’m wrong)
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ms-no1kpopstan · 2 months
Don't take this as an hate ask or anything. am trying to frame it in the most nice way possible.
Why do you tag your moots in your every post? You do realise right that a taglist and a moot list is different?
And I just saw the post where it had all your moots name and written PERMANENT TAGLIST. Did they tell you they wanted to be in your Taglist? Even if they did, I don't see any evidence.
Plus, in that so called Taglist, I see most of the people are not mentioned so you just put their blog in an hyperlink. That's okay, I understand! But the problem is, the blogs' hyperlinks are not inserted correctly. Like, when I click on @deluluriddhi it opens up @angel1kisses . I hope you will correct that.
- your dear follower ✿
hi! If ur one of my followers who looks thru my posts um I did specify in one post that my tags were being a bit annoying and they still don’t work.
And about the perm taglist, it’s smth I just tagged ppl so that they know that I’ll be tagging them in a lot of my posts but if they have a problem with it, I’ll remove their username. So that’s what I meant and I’m sorry for using the wrong words.
ive only recently started getting active on Tumblr so I don’t rly know how some stuff works…
and I saw the first but where u said that u are trying to frame this in the nicest way possible, well, im sorry but it didn’t rly feel that nice to me… 😕
I’ll try and fix this, but um this kinda made me sad how there wasn’t a hint of anything for improvement or to make it sound like feedback, to me it just sounded like pure criticism, and I don’t really like that… so next time pls put a tone indicator so that I know if you’re saying it in a good way or bad way…
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minhosimthings · 1 month
So abt the Riddhi situation, my younger sister is older than 12 and now I'm creeped out like wtf
Also I'm in a dilemma rn
I'm a minor too...turning 17 tho dw. And I do follow some nsfw blogs BUT NOT TO READ THEIR NSFW STUFF JUST CUS I THINK THE PPL BEHIND IT ARE FUN is that wrong??
Like I VERY STRICTLY don't interact with NSFW things cus I'm kinda scared(?)... apprehensive (ig?) and also lowkey disgusted (idk if that makes sense) abt that stuff BUT SOMETIMES I SEE SUM1 SAY FUNNY SHIT CONSTANTLY AND I FOLLOW THEM EVEN IF THEYRE NSFW BCS I LIKE THE PERSON
Just tell me if I'm doing smth wrong like this and I'll stop immediately but pls don't hate mee 🙏😭 IM STILL YOUR CHILD RIGHT PLS DONT DISOWN ME
NAUR I cause feel like 15-17 should be the correct age to even enter Tumblr. Like why the fuck doesn't Tumblr check the ages? 13 is too young, but I'm shocked that she's literally 12, that's still a maturing child
No baby you're fine here since your old enough I mean 17 IS old enough, just one year below the legal age. AND NO IM NOT DISOWNING YOY 😗😗
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soup-scope · 1 year
ok i could be totally wrong about this so pls correct me veteran redacted stans
so i didn’t get to watch the brighteyes and fred vids but i get like. the gist of it. i know that bright and sam lowkey hated each other.
but one thing that sticks out to me is that i saw someone explain the brighteyes videos to someone who hasn’t seen them, and they said that one of the reasons that Sam doesn’t like bright is cause they basically dragged fred through wonderworld and made fun of him when he was scared or smth.
but then in a later video with darlin, sam tells them that he didn’t even know there was two of them and he already wasted his energy turning Fred….
so. that leaves a few options here. it was either like 1. a continuity error on erik’s part 2. erik reworking sams character
or 3. sam lied. he *KNEW* that there was two of them there. and he actively chose to save Fred over bright.
so i’m begging and praying to whatever higher power this is out there that we get more on Bright cause like. the bright eyes and fred videos were a whole other part of Solarie Clan lore that we could’ve learned 😭😭
like cmon fred and bright being parallels to alexis and sam… dad!Sam… sam as a maker…. more vampire lore… granddaddy william…. older brother/uncle!vincent vibes… i so badly miss a story i haven’t had the chance to experience 💔💔
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wild that everyone’s in your inbox whining about you being upset with hh when like. literally no one was mad at hh for being freaked out and expecting misinfo to be corrected? we’re bugged that after hh was upset and after innes apologized to hh (and everyone else) and very reasonably asked not to be harassed over smth that had already triggered psychotic symptoms, hh responded to that by explicitly saying “actually no you don’t get to ask me not to be rude, because i’m scared so i deserve to be rude, even though you were scared too but that doesn’t mean you deserve to be wrong!” like. it’s the double down my guy. no one was mad about the callout! we’re mad that apparently innes is the only person in the world who deserves to suffer for being wrong one time! anyway i know innes is taking an understandable step back from tumblr, but pls give them a virtual [gesture of affection of their choice] from me
gold star sticker for this anon, one of like 15 people on this webbed site with reading comprehension
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writterings · 2 months
this could be kind of a lot so pls don’t read forward ab my own religious experience if that’s not smth u want to do—it boils down to commiseration.
i feel like u really distilled down the essence of why it is so hard for me to ever let go of the church. i’m afraid i will never trust myself. every thought i have ab leaving the church has a reason why i should stay, has a christian rebuttal, has the acceptance that i am influenced by the devil. i left bc i had to, in the same circumstances as you, the incompatibility of what is true ab me and what i’m afraid is true of existence at large. i am afraid i will never actually be able to leave and believe that there is nothing —my fear of hell, of being wrong about christ and god, indicates to me that i’m not like freed from the burden of belief or whatever. anyway. i think ur post is really really correct and smth i wish didn’t resonate. (coming from calvinist tradition which is similar to catholicism in emphasis in innate sinfulness and deserved hell i think)
hey, im glad you felt seen by that post. it still absolutely is awful that you went through that and are experiencing problems because of it.
we'll get through it one day. my catholic indoctrination started when i was about 5 and ended about at 15 -- and I'm only 24. it was the majority of my life, which i think also makes it hard, but one day it won't be. and it'll be the same for you too.
basically, stay strong, we're in this together, and we're gonna do what we gotta do to survive regardless of what our birth religions say.
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red-viewe · 10 months
im a bi girl but i love all forms of people >:D
(Although my knowledge on gender identity is quite shititng so if i get smth wrong pls do correct me)
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