#so im hoping to have my next chapter of put your lips close to mine done before i do
percyjacksonfan3 · 2 years
ok then DONT think about Eddie and Chrissy alive and getting a kid together and Eddie taking that kid to go see the LOTR film adaptation in 2001. bonus if Dustin and the rest of the nerd crew come with. I’m sorry
Lol nonny I love how you said "getting a kid together" as if they'll just pick one up from a store or something, made me lol
But okay when I tell you the idea of them as parents has been consuming me?? Because they'd be so freaking cute, and you just know they would put 100% into not being bad parents like theirs were. Like they love their child(ren) with their whole hearts and I just... we were so robbed
And then you throw LOTR into the mix (to me, a confessed Tolkienverse lover due to Peter Jackson's movies) and I just... want it SO bad. And because those movies are gold there is no chance Eddie is not walking out of that theater vibrating from pure joy and unrestrained excitement and love, whereas Chrissy just shrugs and is like 'the characters were all pretty and I know enough from association with my husband (because yes they're absolutely married in this scenario) to understand what was going on and enjoy it'
Also the idea of the entire nerd crew being fun uncles and stuff to any edssy kids is too much for me to handle, I love it 🥺 they dynamics would be so good but they honestly all have such protective instincts after bonding over everything like they have so they would just be the sweetest with kids.
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kusaka6e · 2 years
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eight | nine | epilogue
chapter list
the day of baji's exam, you text him wishing him luck. he had been doing really well in you two's recent study sessions, and you were confident that he'd pass.
you two had also spent a few night a week nights together checking on haru, on top of quite a few more dates.
you grin at the thought as you walk to your campus' library, a few rental textbooks in your backpack to return.
as you wait at the counter for a librarian, a professor recognizes you.
"uh, yes sir?" he looks familiar, but you weren't in any of his classes this semester.
"you're tutoring baji right? shame he had his operation right after the exam, i was looking forward to informing him about his grade."
"yea i am, i knew he would- im sorry, his what?!" your eyes widen as you process his words.
"his operation is today, he went to the hospital straight from my class. i'm sorry, i thought he would've told you."
you throw the books on the counter, quickly grabbing your keys.
"t-thank you sir!" you sprint towards the parking lot, desperate to get to your car.
you hadn't heard anything from baji about a damn doctor's appointment, let alone any kind of surgery. was he alright? was something wrong with him the entire time?!
you speed to the hospital, throwing your car into gear as you find a parking space.
"i-i'm looking for keisuke baji please?" you brush your hair out of your eyes, trying to compose your appearance from rushing inside so quickly.
"room 563, fifth floor.”
"thank you!" you run into the elevator, pressing the button multiple times as the doors close painfully slow.
"cmon, cmon!"
you raise your phone to your ear as the elevator moves, hoping for an answer from chifuyu.
"chifuyu! what's goi-"
"i can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message and i'll get back to you as soon as i can, thanks!"
"fuck off chifufu." you groan as the doors open, making your way to the room.
you see baji sitting in a hospital bed, his long hair messily braided out of his eyes and a sleepy grin on his face as he talks to draken.
he looks towards the door, eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
"hey (y/n)."
you walk farther into the room, scanning him up and down for any signs of wound dressing or scarring.
"what hap-"
"knock knock!" a doctor enters the room, clipboard in hand. you settle next to draken, nibbling one of your nails nervously.
"the procedure was a success, everything went exactly as planned. you'll stay overnight for observation and signs of infection, but we should have you out of here tomorrow. as far as your donor, his procedure will be in the next day or two. i know you two are close, so i'm sure you'll hear about his operation when it's all done."
"thank you sir." baji nodded
"any questions for me?" he shakes his head, and the doctor waves as he exits the room.
"are... are you alright?" you approach the side of baji's bed, cautiously reaching for his hand.
"i'm great. i promise you don't need to worry." he laces his fingers with yours, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"what happened? i didn't know you were having anything done."
he shoots draken a look, both of them grinning.
"i know someone that needed my help, so i gave them something of mine."
"and that landed you in the hospital?" you let out an exasperated smile.
"well, i don't think i'd be very good at taking out one of my own kidneys." you freeze at his words, widening your eyes.
no way.
"baji... you didn't?" you breathe out, realization hitting you.
"haru's gonna get my kidney in the next few days."
you throw yourself into hugging him, unable to stop the tears pouring from your eyes. he rubs up and down your back, muffled chuckling coming from him.
"you don't have to cry (y/n), it's okay."
you slightly pull away, putting your hands on the sides of his face, latching your lips onto his. his eyes slightly widened before fluttering closed, pulling you in by your waist.
"about damn time." draken grumbles, making both of you detach from each other quickly. you're unable to stop the heat from rushing to your cheeks, having forgetting about draken's presence before he spoke up.
"baji... this could cure haru."
"i know, that’s kind of why i signed up to go under the knife, genius.” his words make your eyes well up all over again, amazed at his actions.
you squeeze baji's hand as the elevator carries you both up to haru's room, him offering you a smile.
today was the day you found out if the cancer was gone or not. the transplant surgery had gone well and haru wasn't showing any signs of rejecting the surgery. so, today was really like a moment of truth.
it was also the first time haru would see baji since his surgery, and find out who his donor was.
after greeting him, you take a deep breath as baji rubs your back, smiling at haru excitedly.
"bub, do you know who gave you your new kidney?"
"no, but i wish i could tell them thank you! that was so nice of them!"
you nudge baji towards him, nodding at haru.
"go ahead, tell him thank you." haru's eyes widen, darting between the two of you.
"baji, did you really...?" his voice cracks, eyes already welling up.
"i did. i hope they took the left one, that's the one i wanted to give up."
haru rushes out of bed, throwing his small arms around baji's torso. his shoulders are shaking with sobs, burying his face against baji's shirt.
"t-thank you, so much."
"no need to thank me kid, you deserve it."
as the two of them separate, the doctor makes his way into the room, a stoic look on his face.
"do we have everyone here?" you nod, the look on his face spiking your nerves. baji gives your hand a squeeze, nerves of his own kicking in.
"so, haru, heard you got a brand new kidney huh?"
"mhm. baji gave it to me!" he nods, pointing at baji and grinning.
"well, baji, consider yourself a life-saver. congratulations haru, as of today you're in remission."
your eyes widen, you and your brother staring at each other in disbelief.
"bub... you're okay." you whisper.
"no more cancer?"
"no more cancer." you pull him into a hug, both of you in tears. you run up and down his back, still shaken by the fact that he's really okay.
"i think we're gonna be okay sissy."
"i think so too."
"you look so pretty." baji's eyes widen as you open your dorm door, donning your favorite fancy outfit for you two's date.
"not too bad yourself." he offers you his arm, grinning as you loop yours around his.
he insisted on taking you out to his favorite fancy restaurant, to celebrate both of your semesters being over, your brother's recovery, and him getting a 92 on his chemistry final.
the two of you arrive at the restaurant, him giving the host his reservation information.
"mr and mrs baji? right this was please." the title makes your heart drop, and neither of you make a move to correct her.
you make small talk while you look at the menu, a waiter coming to take your orders quickly.
"how are you feeling?" baji grins at you from across the table, the low light in the room accentuating your features.
"better than i have in a long time." you sip your water
"there's something i need to tell you." his serious tone makes your heart drop.
"i uh... fuck, i'm nervous." he makes both of you laugh, wiping his hands on his pants.
"any day now, i'm starting to hear jeopardy music."
"shut up!" he throws a straw wrapper at you, grinning.
"seriously, what's up?"
he takes a sip of his water, gazing at you nervously.
“so, i know we’ve kinda done this thing ass backwards, but with everything going on with haru and you still tutoring me and stuff, i just didn’t wanna make anything weird or add anything else on your plate, but then again i guess not saying anything could add to it too-“
you cut him off by gently taking his hand in yours across the table, making his eyes meet yours.
“breathe, baji.” this elicits laughter from both of you, him taking a deep breath before speaking again.
“well i, uhm, i think you’re great, (y/n). you’re kind and insanely smart and have the smartest mouth ever-“
“not worse than yours.”
he playfully flicks you off as he continues, cheeks beginning to tint pink.
“-basically, what i’m trying to say is, well-“ he grins as a waiter approaches the table with some kind of dessert in his hand, gingerly setting the plate down. there’s a small piece of your favorite cake, and a message written in elaborate script with melted chocolate.
‘will you be my girlfriend?’
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stayatiny · 3 years
Little Dolly Chapter 1 ~ Yandere Seonghwa
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(Gif made by me)
Pairing(s) – Killer/Yandere Seonghwa x Virgin! Reader
Series warnings – Violence, mentions of murder, swearing, blood, smut and lose of virginity (later on), yandere behaviors, Stockholm syndrome. (seriously this is going to be darker than some of my other fics. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read.)
Chapter Warning(s) Mentions of murder, guns, someone getting shot, just the overall violence, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N - Hi everyone ^^ Im back at it again. I decided to make a little mini series still deciding on who and what to do the next series on. Enjoy.
Why did I wander home alone? I knew that this wasn’t a good idea. Now I’m here stuck in a cage in the basement of a killer. I’ll never do it again if I get out alive…
“Aw. Aren’t you a cute in that dress I picked out for you? I think I’ll just keep you,” he said, shutting the door of the cage. That was a couple of days ago…I think. The man was dressed nicely in a button up and slacks like a businessman and absolutely gorgeous. If he wasn’t a killer, I would swoon over him so fast. He opened the cage door and placed a sandwich and some water in front of me. Is this how I die? A poisoned BLT…what a way to go out. I looked at the man and then back at the plate of food.
“Why aren’t you eating?” I didn’t say anything. He leaned forward into the cage grabbing the plate. I whined as he pulled back. He took a bite of the sandwich and then put it back.
“When I ask you something I expect an answer,” he growled. I nodded and started to eat and drink the water he left me. His frown soon became a smile. He wasn’t going to kill me yet or he wouldn’t bother with wanting to feed me. Once he placed the plate back down, I snatched the plate up and started to scarf down the sandwich and water. I was so hungry almost starving. He had been giving me water but no food till today.
“Good girl,” he purred still sitting in front of the cage. He even leaned forward again and patted my head like I was a child. I finished eating and drinking the water. He took the plate placing it on a table. He leaned down and gently grabbed my arm.
“Come here. I don’t want you in this cage anymore.” The man leads me down the hall of the basement, away from the dungeon, to a small apartment like area. There was a mini fridge, a microwave, bed, and a bathroom off to the right of some stairs. I figured they led to the upper part of the house. I let out a small sigh being able to stretch my legs from being in a cage.
“You will be staying here from now on,” he said, holding my hands. I looked up at him. What was he talking about?
“What do you mean? I thought you were going to kill me,” I say. His smile is sinister.
“Aw darling. I’m not ever going to kill you…unless you make me.” I swallow hard. I didn’t want to end up like the other men and women that’s he’s killed.
“Why me?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking like an idiot. He frowned slightly then pulled me close to his chest. He was really warm but there again I blame the cold weather and damp basement dungeon for lack of warmth.
“I’ve been watching you for a while thinking that would just be another victim of mine, but you are too pretty, sweet, and so innocent. I have to protect you from the world. So I’ll be keeping you here with me,” he says, patting my head. My heart jumps into my throat. I need to get out of here…
“You don’t even know me,” I say trying to pull away from him. He grabbed my arms pulling me close to him once again.
“I don’t know a lot about you, but I know that I need you to stay here with me.” He sounded like he was almost begging me to stay here. I don’t think I have a choice. I’ll stay here until I can find a way out.
“What is your name,” I asked. I needed to play into this to stay alive. I couldn’t act so scared cause then he’ll know that he’ll have a hold over me. The man smiled.
“I’m Seonghwa, but you can call me Hwa if you want,” he said, smiling. I nodded and looked around the room. I was too afraid to walk away from him.
“I’m sure that you are tired. I want you to get cleaned up and head to sleep,” Hwa said, handing me some clothes. I nodded and did as he was told. Once I was done, he was gone and back upstairs. I laid down on the bed after turning off the lights.
Th next morning, I feel the bed dip down on my side. I open my eyes to see Seonghwa looking down at me. I jumped a little.
“Good morning little one,” he said petting my hair. He smiled. I sat up slowly.
“Come upstairs with me. I want to eat breakfast with you,” he said grabbing my hand. I follow willingly or else. I didn’t want to know what he would do to me.
“How did you sleep last night? I know that isn’t very comfortable but it’s all I have but it’ll do until I trust you enough to stay in a bed with me,” he said then opening the door. I wanted nothing more than to bolt out the front door, and I thought about it until I saw the gun sitting on the dining room table. I would definitely get killed if I ran. I didn’t answer him except for stare at the gun. Hwa grabbed then hugged me tight.
“Don’t worry about that. I won’t hurt you unless you make me use it,” he whispered, right into my neck. I shivered scrunching myself even closer to him, unintentionally. Hwa kissed my head then pulled me to the kitchen island. I looked through the window to see that we are outside the city literally in the middle of nowhere. My heart started to pound. Hwa put up the gun back in a lock box and put it up in the living room. He came back to the kitchen with a smile.
“Here I made some scrambled eggs and bacon for you. I didn’t know what you liked so I guess. Maybe later you can tell me what foods you like,” he said, smiling. His smile would have been comforting if this had been a different situation. I didn’t want to answer him, but the image of the gun flashed back into mind.
“It’s okay. I like bacon and scrambled eggs,” I say quietly but a little louder than a whisper. He frowned slightly.
“You don’t have to be afraid of me. Like I said I won’t hurt you unless you deserve it.” I nod then taking the plate from him. I started to eat while he sat next to me with his plate. Hwa also put some fresh fruit on my plate. I scarfed down the food again.
“Slow down sweetie,” he said, then kissing my head. I stared at him. He wiped my face from the little bit of egg that was on my lips. I went back to eating while he cleaned up. When I was done, he grabbed my plate and cleaned it. Once he was done, he escorted me back into the basement. He turned to leave when I started to whine.
“Sweetie, I have to get some work done. I’ll be back down at lunch time.”
“Please don’t leave me down here, Hwa,” I beg. He kissed my head. I took the chance. I punched him as hard as I could causing him to fall to the ground holding his face. I didn’t waste the time before running for the door. Once in the kitchen I slammed the basement door shut then putting a chair under the handle.
“Sweetie, let me out,” he said from behind the door. His voice unnaturally calm for someone who is locked into the basement. I ran to the front door even taking a pair of his shoes. I quickly slip them on still hearing Hwa banging on the door and slamming against it. I jerked the door open and ran out trying to get to the road. Hoping I meet someone who could help me. I reach the gate at the end of his driveway only for me to realize that I have up to get to the other side. I started to climb up when I feel a searing pain in the back of my thigh. I scream only for me to see Hwa standing a yard or two behind me with his gun. Fuck me…
“Baby, come back. I said I wouldn’t hurt you,” he said, sing song like. I jumped over the fence and ran. The adrenaline keeping me going and from feeling the pain in my leg. I cover the wound with a scrap of my dress to keep from Hwa following the blood trail. I hide behind a big oak tree away from the road I just ran down. Somebody help me…
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sissyjamieray · 4 years
My journey into feminization how did it begin? It is difficult to pin point a specific age, but I would guess I was about 11 years old. Yes, confused by sexual urges and excitement when looking at pictures of pretty girls in magazine ads wearing only panties and bras. Mmm, then 'borrowing' intimate female garments and wearing them. Feelng the overwhelming rush of pleasure and my first orgasm while wearing female clothing. Through the years I've tried to suppress this urges to dress as a woman. Being married was so frustrating as my wife left her intimate garments all over the house. It was like being in a candy store: bras, panties, lingerie all within reach. Unable to resist I would carefully try on bra or nightie when she was out shopping. At one point she mentioned something about one nightie being worn out in the "wrong" places. But she never questioned me. After all why would her man be turned on by wearing panties? Looking back she was very smart, she knew better than to confront me head on, lol. She knew I would not admit it or make up some bullshit story. She was very subtle, one night after making love she asked me if I had any sexual fantasies, my response was no love, none that I can think of. Another time she make the following comment, " I wish I had something to poke you with". Wow, she was so close. I was a bit stunted, didn't have a good response, lol. Several months later during our forplay love making she starts licking my nipples, omg, wtf!! Do you like it she says, with her hand on my growing manhood there was no escape, no denial. You like it don't you? I said yes, grasping for air and moaning as she began to rub the tip of my cock with her finger while continuing to lick and suck on my nipples. Then she slid her hand below my balls and started stroking and messaging the area just above my ass hole. After five minutes or this action she get up, pulls off her soaked panties then leans towards me with panties in hand and whispers in my ear, ' guess what I found in your bag Jim?' I found at least 10 pairs of my panties Jim, wtf all stained with your cum! "So you like to jerk off and cum in my panties, really?" What could I say but yes. I tried to explain why but she was upset? She then took her wet panties wrapped them around my almost limp manhood and said show me how you like you jerk off im my panties! I was so embarrassed, but I was wrong to have taken her things, this was my punishment, Yes? I reached down and started stroking my cock but it was very limp by now, I could not get hard. She saw my problem and whispers in my ear, "what's the problem, sissy panty boy, can't jerk off in front of your hot sexy wife? never touch my things again!, if you do, you will never fuck or cum inside me again. Do you understand me? Yes, hon I understand, good. Now where are my panties, Uh where you put them dear, yes they are yours now. Uh, keep them clean and if you wear these out (giggle) we will go out together and buy you more. Yes, I'll let the pretty sales lady know my size and yours (giggle). One more thing, when we make love, make sure you are wearing a clean pair of lacy pink panties. You are my panty boy husband now (giggle). I guess you better learn to get excited and hard while wearing female panties or you will never fuck me again (giggle): panty boy. Next day I after work I set out the task of hand washing 'my' panties in hope of getting lucky later that evening. Ok, hot water and some laundry soap and a 15 minutes soak, rinse and then toss into the dryer should to the trick right? Right before we went to bed I quickly grabbed my panties and climbed into bed. My wife had been observing my laundry duties activities that evening and I assumed we were cool. My hopes of an evening of
having sex where dashed when she turned the lights on stating: it's panty check time, stand up and let examine your feeble attempts to clean these! Ok, I can still see your nasty stains, what temperature did you wash these in? Hot I relied, she laughed, you idiot you should have used cold, as now you've 'set' the stain and ruined a pretty pair of panties. Oh well I guess we will have to go panty shopping tomorrow. Maybe Victoria's Secret? I understand Nancy, your friend Mike's wife just started working there (giggle), maybe she can let us use her discount? She then put her hand on my softening member and said, 'well give it some thought, panty boy, good night. WTF, now she is straight up trying to sexually blackmail me and expose me really? I got out of bed headed for the bathroom sobbing, how could my sweet wife be so cruel. Fifteen minutes or so she knocks on the door, " Jimmy are you ok"? No I'm, how could I be ok when you want to humiliate me and expose my fetish to my friends? Oh you admit it now that you are little perverted panty stealing panty boy? Her words cut me through me like a knife, but she was right. Stand Jim, look at yourself in the mirror wearing my soiled panties, tell me baby who and what did I fall in love with? Then she placed her had on my limp cock and said, I love you but tell me about all your fetishes now or we are done: confess! I'm not going to play a guessing game with you understand! Sobbing, I began to spill my guys about how was molested by an older boy at 11, my Aunt confessed to dressing me as a girl when I was very young,
dressing my mothers lingerie. Yes, I've have fantasies about being fucked my a man while being dressed as a woman. With years in my eyes I looked at my wife, what she was crying too? Why are you crying I asked? I'm so sorry that so many people have hurt you babe and that you are so fucked up now. Maybe we can both get into therapy, you know get some professional help? But for this moment, let's promise to be more open and honest with our sexual feelings and desires ok? Babe I'm sorry I got do angry with you but you did sneak my panties? I had no idea that my panties turned you on so much to the point that you would willing wear them? She started rubbing my pantied cock as she spoke, you know Jim, have a little fantasy of my own. What she whispered in my ear next blew me away. Jim, sometimes I think about being with a woman, coddling and fondling each others breasts? Jim, I, I think I might be Bi? I sorry I've never shared this with you but you understand right ? At that moment, my cock began to swell, she got her answer. Now pulling my panties down she began licking the very backside tip of my cock, you know Jim, maybe I will be willing to support you, like helping you dress like a lady, apply make up and maybe if you wish be with a man as a woman. With these words I erupted a stream of thick sperm all over her beautiful face. Wow, that was fast hon, you agree with my suggestions? Awesome, now for your first lesson Jamie, lick up all the cum you sprayed over my face. Yes, play the part bitch you need to learn to love the taste of your cum. Yes, your female name is Jamie now, do you like it? That's right clean me up, good gurl. Now it's my turn to be pleasured, now be a good lesbian bitch and eat my sweet pussy, XOXO.
Chapter 2 The List
The next morning Carol, my wife was up early and out of the house without waking me. No breakfast or coffee, man that woman be slipp'in, I thought. Well, what looks good in the frig? Oh man, lookie here, a heart shaped note from wifey. [Hi Jim I went shopping with Margie this morning, not sure when I'll be back but, please pickup the following items at the corner drug store:
tampons, pantyhose, nail polish (pink), eye shadow base & palate, concealer, face primer, eyeliner (water proof), mascara, blush, bronzer, highlighter, lip gloss, cosmetic brush set, foundation, setting spray and pamprin. Jim, if you need help just ask the salesgirl in
cosmetics, you know the one you always flirt with, you know Desiree, giggle. Oh and make sure you are wearing the pink lace panties that I let in your drawer. They are yours now, Jamie. Love Carol XOXO, P.S., I've invited some friends over for dinner so please be home by 4 pm.] Groan, I HATE shopping, especially for girl stuff! Ok, so off to drug store I went, stright to the cosmetics counter, list in hand. There she was, Desiree behind the counter, may I help you, she asked? Desiree was the gorgeous offspring of Spanish and Irish parents, about 5' 9" light green eyes and light brown to blonde hair. Her makeup was always impeccable, skirts and blouse always tight and ample cleavage on display. Carol was right that I did flirt with Desiree in the past, but Carol was always with me. It was different now, I was alone and what she possibly thinking? I mean, Carol had always shopped for her own cosmetics and fem items? Looking into her eyes my mind went blank, dry mouth, etc. I handed her the list and mumbled, my wife needs this stuff and I have no idea. Sure, no problem, I can get these for. Carol is your wife right? Yeah, she was in earlier, something about a need for a change and wanted you and I to help her with a make-over surprise. I can help you with every thing on the list except the tampons, their in aisle 12. Oh, and I'll need your help with selecting the foundation shade to ensure a good color match. Ok, what ever I said, I'll be back with the wifey's tampons in a couple minutes. As I walked away, Desiree's last words, "color matching" stuck in my head... Carol's skin tone was much lighter than mine? Mmm, aisle 12, ok here we go, no idea really what to buy my wife, so many confusing choices. I must have been searching for the correct tampons for at least 15 minutes when Desiree found me. Hi, need some help? Absolutely? I have no idea what she needs. Laughing at my ignorance of feminine hygiene products, explained that Carol would at minimum need pads and most likely will need a tampon for her 'heavy' period flows. My suggestion is get her both. Is so sweet and thoughtful of you to do pick these up for you wife, I'm sure she appreciates it. Now let's go go back to the cosmetic department and I ring up your items? Sounds like a plan, I said. Ok, let's try this new foundation shade shall we? Desiree reached for my hand, this was a new level: physical contact. I could feel my heart beating faster, well if well if you have to I said? Desiree, her hand still gently touchind my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, Jim, it is necessary to be sure we get an accurate match and you do want to please your Wife don't you? Yes, of course I want to make Carol happy. Well good, smiling as she applied the foundation to my hand Desiree said, you know Jim, it's not like anyone's going to make assumptions about your sexuality. I mean, why would a handsome stud like you want to wear make up? Ok, of course your are right, I told her. Oh, awesome Jim, this color is perfect. Carol will love it.
Great what is the final damage for all this, I asked? Sure, your total comes to $75.65. Ok, wow this stuff sure adds up fast! Ok here's $76, as Desiree handed back my change she dropped a dime. Oh, so sorry, no problem I said bending over to retrieve .10 cents and at that moment exposing my pink lace thong panties in full view of Desiree. So humiliating, I was speechless. Desiree with a big smile handed me my merchandise but me close and whispered, I love a man who likes to embrace his feminine side, Carol is so lucky.
Chapter 3 - No Refunds, No Returns
So I returned home with all the cosmetics Carol had on your list. She met me as I entered our apartment with big hug, then said that she had to leave again. No big deal, but asked me to read a letter she had written to me. Ok, problem, writing letters was something we did when we first started dating. Jim, l'll be back in about 2 hours, so please read my little ' love' note before I return. One more hug as she felt up my ass for the outline of the thong panties, still wearing them I see? Good, I so happy you did, it says you respect my wishes. I am going to make you so happy you did. Then she kissed me deeply and left without saying where she was going? Oh well, now where is this letter? I found Carol's letter on my pillow, she started, my Dearest husband, tonight I will make your fantasy of being a woman a reality. Don't deny it Jim. I found your hidden stash of female undergarments, shemale porn, etc. Really, why did you NOT trust me enough with your kinky desires? No matter, I know now and I still you move than you realize. Tonight I will give your fantasy, but know this our relationship will change. The changes will be (giggle) sort of a role reversal? To start: take a nice hot bubble bath, yes use mine girly stuff XOXO. Next, use my sugar rub all over your body to exfoliate your skin and then shave all your body hair, yes lov, your arms, legs, chest, balls and ass. Next raise in with cold water
and gently dry ourself. Next, hydrate your skin with some lotion be liberal with it. Now Jim, you don't have much time left so get started. Oh, once your done with this bathing routine, look in your drawer and closet. Yes I picked out some cute girly things for you to wear love XOXO. Make sure you are wearing each item when I return? If NOT, trust me You will sorely regret it!! But I know you will be a Good girl for your wife, your Mistress now won't you? And don't act like you don't know how to put on a bra, panty hose, corset, or breast forms. Please Sissy, remember I know what you've doing when your alone and I'm at work. You see I also found your pictures lol. Well, no more secrets BITCH! I demand you to be ready for me to apply your make up and wig when I return. No excuses! Yes dear, I will be fully shaved and dressed when return. Ok, good, I will be at 7 pm sharp! Out of fear and excitement I started drawing my bubble bath. While the tub was filling I looked into the closet and drawer to see what my wife had purchased. My sweet wife had filled my drawer will so many pretty panties and bras all different styles and colours. These were all mine, really? Wow, what was in my closet? Just a quick peek, so many cute skirts, dresses and tops, all mine? Ok, time was slipping away and the tub was nearly full now. As instructed, I soaked in the fraguent bubble bath for a half hour so relaxing then scrubbed every inch of my body possible with a sugar exfoliate scrub. I then covered my body with a girly shaved cream and shaved my legs, arms, chest, groin, balls and ass. I then showed in cold water to rinse off the remaining shave cream. As I dried my body off the scent purfume and softness of my now hairless body caused me to feel so girly/ feminine, excited and horny. I resisted my base urges to pleasure myself and pushed on to getting dressed as it was almost time for my wife to return. So many panties so many choices, will of I selected a cute pink lace thong panties with matching bra and garter belt. Slipping the panties on another temptation to pleasure myself. Not enough time, 6:30 pm, still had to put on the breast plate and corset. I secured the 38 D breasts to my chest using the medical grade adhesive. Looking the mirror was a bit of a let down, so much work and I still looked like a man, a man with big breasts and small waist. I was nearly in tears when I heard the front door open, Carol would be coming in bedroom any moment and I was pretty much half naked. I quickly grabbed a blouse, skirt and heels got them on and posing on the bed, just as door opened. Knock, knock... omg Jim, Carol told me to just let myself in, that my make over project would be sitting on the bed. It was Desire, Carol WTF!! I was humiliated once again, I began sobbing uncontrollably, why Carol, why? Desiree gave me several tissues to dry tears. I don't understand, why would do this? She came closer and hugged me. I never been this close to Desiree or so absolutely vulnerable before. She knew just like Carol that I was to be a sissy no denial. Jim, she said, Carol is giving you a gift, this is what you want really. Carol loves you didn't understand or how to help you experience being a girl. I can sweet heart. Yes, Carol may have, did violate your privacy by sharing your sissy feelings with me but I agreed to help you both. She then kissed me on the lips and said go wash away those trears hon and let's transform you into a beautiful woman. Before she applied my make up she asked me to remove my skirt and blouse, something about not getting any make on my clothes, ok made sence? Desiree was wonderful explaining the fairly complicated process of applying the various types make up, contouring, eye shadow, liner, etc. I almost forgot that I was half naked inches away from a gorgeous woman. The scent of her purfume and beautiful cleavage got the best of my unrestrained manhood. Desiree noticed my problem and said, I see you are getting turned on baby? You like it that I'm feminizing don't sweety? Oh of course you do
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princessphilly · 3 years
All Bets Are Off Chapter 12
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CW: smut, filthy talk
This is a bit of a filler chapter, sorry. 
“Are you going to miss me?”
Nina didn’t even look up from her iPad. It was so annoying yet adorable at the same time, how Sidney was desperately trying to get her to tell him how much she was going to miss him. 
“Um, I think you’re going to miss me more than I’ll miss you,” Nina finally replied. She grinned as Sidney huffed. 
The first month of the new year had passed by pretty quickly to Nina. After being together for New Year’s Eve, Nina and Sid separated as the Pens had to finish off their road trip. Nina stayed in Miami for Jason’s game before taking an extra week just for herself. It was nice to have a bit of a vacation, especially when Lauren flew down. Nina basically enjoyed being on the beach, hanging out with a close friend, and shopping. 
The morning of New Year’s Day, after having their first breakfast together of the new year, Sid had given Nina a card. Nina was shocked to see a credit card with her name on it and she had tried to give it back but Sid had insisted. “You don’t treat yourself enough, pretty girl,” he had firmly stated. So Nina took advantage of it to treat herself a bit. 
By the time she came back to Pittsburgh, Sidney’s road trip was over but Nina’s semester had started. They had a couple of weeks where they spent time together as much as possible before the Pens had another short road trip. Now, Sidney was on his way to the Olympics in Beijing for their longest separation so far.
Sidney finally had his bag packed the way that he liked it. Glancing at Nina laying on their, um, his bed, he drawled, “Are you sure you aren’t going to miss me?”
Nina looked up and giggled. “You hog the sheets, Sidney. And you’re like a furnace when you sleep.”
Sidney walked over to the bed, crouching over Nina. “Hurting my feelings right before I have to take a long flight. Tsk tsk.”
“Your flight leaves tomorrow. You’re just making sure you are totally prepared tonight. Stop being so dramatic, Sidney Crosby.”
Sidney smirked as he brushed a hand down Nina’s front. She was clothed, wearing one of his t-shirts. “Still, Nina. 
“Still, Sidney.”
Nina stuck out her tongue at Sidney as he giggle-honked. Sidney brushed an errant strand of hair off of Nina’s forehead as he whispered, “I wish you were coming.”
“It was too short of a notice to take almost three weeks off, Sid,” Nina murmured. “Plus, hasn’t it always just been your family attending the Olympics?”
Nina smiled. “Then, I would be breaking your tradition and your superstitions-”
Sidney opened his mouth to disagree but Nina put a finger over it. “Don’t even start, we both know how important ALL of your superstitions are. Even if you wouldn’t say it, if you lose without a gold medal and I'm there, part of you would be wondering. So quit the bullshit, Sidney.”
Sidney gave Nina a chagrined smile as she laughed at him. She was right, as always.
“Sid, it’ll be fine. You’re lucky I’m a morning person, you can call me crazy early here and I’ll pick up,” Nina reasoned. 
Sidney pouted a bit. “I finally got you to actually date me, I don’t want to be separated from you for that long.”
“How cute, Mr. Obsessed-with-Hockey has become soft in his old age.”
Nina squealed when Sidney tickled her, squirming. “Okay, okay, you’re allowed to become soft!”
Sidney gave Nina a soft smile and she gulped. Something shifted in that look and Nina felt like there was something new. 
Sidney bit his lip as Nina nervously laughed. In that moment, the pure joy on Nina’s face as she squealed while he tickled her, Sidney was sure that he loved her. He loved Nina. But this was the wrong time to admit that. So he chuckled and said, “If I’m soft, it’s only because of you.”
Nina stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
Sidney chose not to respond to that statement, instead choosing to slide his lips over hers. Soft and sweet, exploratory as they kissed, not their usual hungry kisses. Then Nina wrapped a leg around Sidney’s waist and the mood changed. 
Nina ended the kiss first, whispering, “I can feel that someone is going to really miss me.”
“Going to miss you so much,” Sidney replied, grinding his hips into Nina’s core. “Let me show you.”
Nina gasped as Sidney sucked along her neck, just light enough not to leave any marks. “Gonna give you something to remember while I’m gone,” Sidney promised as his hands went under her shirt before pulling it off. 
Nina grinned before moaning as Sidney began to do exactly what he promised to do.
Sidney sighed as he sent the text. Everything was going great, even after a couple of hiccups in their first group stage games. This year, it was obvious to Sidney that this was going to be the last Olympics for him. Except for him, Tazer, Bergy, Tanger, Webs, Price, and Giroux, all of the other players on the team were under 30. Sidney saw his job as captain this year to not just get one more gold, but get the younger guys ready to take over. 
Right now, they were getting ready to play against Germany, their first game after the group stage, the real games. It was before pregame; the players whose families had come to Beijing were giving well-wishes. At this moment, Sidney wished Nina was here with him instead of home in Pittsburgh.
His phone pinged and Sidney relaxed when he saw the message: its midnight here. Good luck. Im g2g2 sleep. Bye
That message was quickly followed by another one: why the hell did they schedule yall for so fucking late? figured canada would be primetime here
Sidney laughed when he saw Nina’s message. Giroux looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “Must be the elusive girlfriend.”
Giroux’s wife elbowed him, causing him to say ow. Sidney snickered; they may be teammates for Team Canada but their truce was still a fragile truce. Ryanne Giroux said, “I heard Nina’s very sweet and kind.”
Sidney was suddenly very curious. Blithely, Ryanne replied, “You know as well as I do it’s a small league. People only have the kindest things to say about her.”
Relaxing a bit, Sidney grinned. “Nina’s pretty fucking amazing. I’m lucky she likes me.”
“Oh God, he’s talking about Nina again.”
Sidney’s grin turned into a smile as Tanger clasped him on the back. Tanger continued, “It took five years-”
“Five years,” Giroux asked as Sidney groaned. “Stop giving him chirp material.”
Ryanne snickered as Sidney’s phone pinged again; kris says ur bragging about me again?
“Really, Tanger, really?”
Kris laughed as Sidney narrowed his eyes. “Calm down, Sid.” 
Before Sidney could reply, Nina sent him another text: score a hat trick
Sidney gave his phone a soft smile. It was time to get focused for the game, so Sidney put his phone away as soon as he went back into the locker room.
Nina cracked an eye open. The time difference was a motherfucker; it was 5:45 am but 5:45pm. Yawning, Nina sat up in her bed as she accepted the call from Sid. 
“Nina, really?”
“Good morning to you,” Nina yawned. 
Sid slightly frowned. Nina was wearing a team USA t-shirt. Her shorts were blue. Even her sleep bonnet was blue. 
“I’m not Canadian, Sid.”
Nina smirked as she shook her head. “No, I’m not rooting for you. Score as many goals as you want, I’m Team USA.”
Sidney scowled as Nina laughed. “It’s not even like the US made the gold medal game!”
Nina was disappointed in Team USA. She was hoping they would make it to the gold medal game but they were going to go against Finland for Bronze. Tomorrow, at 8am Beijing Time, 8pm EST, Canada was going against Sweden for gold. 
“Still, you should be rooting for me.”
“I am,” Nina reasoned. “I want you to score all the goals. But, I just cannot root for Canada, yet.”
Nina looked up to the ceiling before yawning again. Sidney was in a snit. She felt a tiny bit bad for Sweden because they were going to get it. But that wasn’t her problem. “Seriously, good luck, Sidney.”
“Thank you, Nina.”
Nina blew Sidney a kiss and he pretended to catch it. Then he licked his lips. “How many days did you take off when I get back?”
“Three, Sidney. Just three.”
Nina couldn’t help the rush of heat in her center when Sidney drawled, “I don’t plan to let you out of my house then.”
“Win the damn gold then,” Nina snapped. 
Sidney chuckled, saying, “You’re ready to go back to sleep then. Sweet dreams, Nina.”
“Bye, Sid.”
Nina looked down at her phone. There were three messages, long messages, all from Sid. She took in a deep, fortifying breath. Canada had one gold and Sidney had two goals. From the highlights, it seemed like Sidney was on a mission the whole game. Sighing, Nina pressed play on the first one. It was just a noisy celebration, nothing big until Sidney started talking. His talking was garbled at first and Nina laughed when she realized that he was drunk off his ass when he called her. 
The second voicemail started just as garbled, then Nina heard Sidney clearly say, “I’m so happy we won, I still wish you were here, you’re my new lucky charm, pretty girl. Fuck, I love you so much, pretty girl, you make everything better now that you’re mine.”
The next one was just sappy as the second, but Sidney was definitely somewhere quieter with this one. But he was also just as drunk, as he ended by saying, “I wanna fuck you when I get back, with you wearing my gold, pretty girl. This gold is almost as pretty as you.”
Nina ruefully laughed, already expecting apologetic texts from Sidney when he was sober. But for the rest of the day, the thought lingered in her mind, the idea that Sidney loved her. However, her patients kept Nina busy and she didn’t get a moment to really ruminate on that. Then, Nina went over to Karesha’s house to babysit her play nephew, AJ, as Karesha went out with her boyfriend. 
Within an hour of leaving, Karesha came back in, heated as she slammed the door. AJ commented, “He must have made Mom mad again.”
“AJ, please go upstairs and play with your Legos, Mommy needs to talk to Aunt Nina,” Karesha asked, trying hard to control her voice. 
AJ quickly ran up the stairs, loudly closing the door to his room. Karesha flopped on the couch, kicking off her expensive heels. “Fuck men.”
Nina got up and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. Pour shots, she passed one to Karesha before sitting back down next to her friend. Karesha gratefully smiled before downing the shot. 
“I’m tired of this shit. I told him it was over through text. How dare he say he’s coming up to Pittsburgh before spring training and then text me after I get to the restaurant to say he’s not coming after all. I’m done. I can’t.”
Nina murmured sympathetically, “Fuck him.”
“I’m so glad I never brought him around AJ though,” Karesha stated. “He had the nerve to say I spent too much time with my kid when I told him it was over.”
Nina’s eyes widened at that statement. “What are you supposed to do? Parent him less?”
Thoughts about Sidney were forgotten as Nina consoled her friend. Deciding to sleep over, Nina woke up early in the morning on the couch, several texts from Sidney waiting for her. Nina quickly scanned over them, starting with a text telling Nina his flight was about to come in to the last one asking if everything was okay. Nina sent him a message: friend had a crisis, be over around 10
It was early, around 7am so Nina didn’t expect to get a response. But Sidney replied: everything ok?
As ok as it’s gonna be, don’t worry, Nina sent back before straightening up Karesha’s living room. She then slipped out, locking the door from the inside. 
“Gonna get you full with my cum, pretty girl. Fuck, look at you, your pussy already trying to milk my cum.”
Nina groaned as she watched Sid fuck her, claiming her. Her legs were over his shoulders, allowing Sidney to fuck her deep. “You missed me, pretty girl?”
“Uh huh,” Nina managed to say. He was fucking her so good, each stroke hitting her g-spot. It was like Sidney returned as a man on a mission. 
“I missed you. Dreamed of you every night, Nina,” Sidney rasped. 
Nina no longer had words, she could feel her high coming. Then she felt Sidney’s fingers, just two fingers on her clit and it was enough to send her over the edge. Nina screamed, her nails digging into Sidney’s back. That was enough to get Sidney to reach his high as well, his grunts wordless as he came. 
Nina sighed as Sidney withdrew, already sad at feeling empty. Sidney sat back on his haunches, watching as his cum started to leak out of Nina’s pussy. “I’ll never get enough of seeing that,” he remarked as he played with Nina’s clit. “Just for me, pretty girl.”
Moaning, Nina closed her eyes. She was sensitive but she felt herself respond to Sidney’s fingers. Then his fingers were replaced with his tongue, his fingers fucking his cum deeper inside of her pussy and the time for rational thought was gone. 
Six weeks later
Nina sighed as she rifled through her bag for the keys to her apartment. Today was her thirty-first birthday and for some reason, she felt weird. ‘Maybe it’s because I’m now on the other side of thirty,’ Nina thought to herself. 
The morning began with happy birthday texts from friends, birthday calls from Mom and Dad, and a facetime call with Jason. Sidney had sent her a funny meme birthday text but nothing else. Nina knew she shouldn’t feel too bad; the Pens were trying to solidify their playoff spot in the division and her birthday, April 5, fell right at the end of the season. As she opened the door, Nina hoped that Sid would at least do something once the playoffs were over. At the same time, it felt weird that she wasn’t going out with her parents either.
Just her luck that for the first time she was in a relationship around her birthday, her boyfriend had reasons not to take her out. Nina sniffled as she turned on the light.
Nina gasped as Sidney, Kris, Geno, Anna, Catherine, Taylor, Alex, Victoria, Mario, Nathalie, Guentzy, Tristan, Hannah, Karesha, AJ, Lauren, her mom and dad, and Aryanna jumped out. Eyes wide, Nina burst into tears. 
“Oh no, what’s wrong pretty girl,” Sidney replied, folding Nina into his arms. 
Nina sniffled as she cried, “I thought everyone forgot my birthday!”
“I told you she wasn’t going to take it well,” Karesha muttered as Lauren kicked her. “Girl, be happy he did this all for you when he could be extra obsessive about the playoffs.”
Nina cut her eyes at Karesha before getting on her tiptoes to press a kiss to Sid’s cheek. “Thank you, Sid.”
The pictures of that night were put into a small scrapbook. Nina didn’t understand Sidney’s love for documenting memories in such a dramatic way but it was nice to look back at the memories in book form instead of having to scroll through her phone. Playoffs were now starting though so Nina was sure that would be the last carefree time until the playoffs were over, this time hopefully with another cup.
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ncssian · 4 years
A Favor: Part Eleven
Nessian Modern AU
a/n: first chapter after acosf!! im sorry for how short this one is, but acosf wrecked me and writing this put me back together. i hope it does something similar for you ❤️
“You say you’ve been doing better lately?”
The therapist’s office is plain, a little gloomy, but big windows overlook the center of town that make Nesta feel less suffocated.
She nods, “Yeah.”
“How would you describe ‘better’?” Dr. Bond— Lana, she insists on being called— has been endlessly patient with Nesta’s non-answers so far. Nesta almost feels bad and decides to throw the woman a rope.
“I’m not alone anymore,” she says. “I used to be alone all the time, but now I have friends, sort of… and a boyfriend.” She still loves that word. It’s never tasted so exciting before.
“You were always alone before this, then? Or were there just people that you didn’t consider noteworthy?”
A scowl rises to Nesta’s mouth. Damn, she works quick. “I was raised with two sisters in a one-bedroom apartment. I never got to be alone, but then I grew up, and…” Her mind wants to skip over the time she spent in college. “For the last couple of years, I holed up in my own place. Never wanted to talk to anybody or see them. If people took an interest in me, I shut them down because I didn’t have an interest in them.”
“You missed a few years,” Lana notes.
“You’re twenty-four, and you moved out at eighteen. Where were you before getting your own place?”
Numbness seeps through Nesta at the question. She knows she can ask Lana to change the topic, but that will only bring it back later. “I had a boyfriend in college,” she says flatly. “I lived with him for a few years, but like you said, it isn’t noteworthy.”
“As a fellow lone wolf, I disagree.” Lana’s clinical polite face is unchanging. “Any person who you trust enough to let into your life is noteworthy.”
Nesta says nothing.
“I’m interested in these people you’ve chosen to trust,” her therapist continues after a beat of silence. “Why don’t we start with whoever you trust most?”
Nesta snorts. This she can talk about.
“His name is Cassian. I’ve been living with him ever since my apartment got flooded a couple of months ago, and he’s always been a good friend to me.” She sits there, thinking about what else to say. “I think I like him more than I’ve ever liked anybody.”
“This is the new boyfriend?”
Nesta nods.
“Do you compare him to the old one?”
Nesta doesn’t know what this lady’s angle is, but she answers carefully, “I used to. Back when I first moved in. I haven’t done it in a long time, though.”
“Why not?”
The answer is simple. “There’s no need to. He’s not comparable to anybody.”
“Is that why you opened up to him after two years of self-imposed isolation?”
Nesta looks away. “It wasn’t isolation,” she defends. “It’s just… after a lifetime of being subjected to the gaze of strangers, I wanted to hide. I liked hiding.” Mostly.
“What does that mean, the gaze of strangers?”
Question after cool question, this one. Nesta struggles to find a proper answer.
“You know how,” she starts slowly, “as soon as you start school, you’re placed into this bubble with a bunch of people who don’t know you and have no reason to care about you? There’s a shift in how you view people, and how people view you. And I thought I could leave it behind once I graduated high school, but it followed me to college and to parties and into everyday interactions.”
“What is it?”
“It’s this—” Nesta waves her hands, “judgment. It’s that thing you do as soon as you meet someone, and you try to determine whether they’re worth your time or not. Whether they’re above or below you in this made-up social hierarchy in your head.”
“Explain that more,” Lana says.
“We want to hang around people we find cool. And when we meet someone new, we inspect them, look them up and down, to see if they fit our definition of cool. We take them apart. Everyone does it, even you. And with me,” she shrugs, “I’m pretty, I wear the right clothes, I do my makeup. So at first glance, people think, ‘Oh, I can see myself getting to know her better. I can see myself liking her.’ But then they take a closer look at me, and it’s like…” Her fingers flutter in the air, trying to support her thoughts. “I can see their minds changing. ‘Nevermind, I was wrong. Nevermind, there’s something off with her. She’s a little quiet, a little weird, a little bitchy.’”
Lana narrows her eyes. “And Cassian doesn’t look at you like that?”
Nesta looks away. “He doesn’t look at anyone like that.”
It’s what used to make her so uncomfortable about him. She was incapable of fathoming his honesty, his genuineness, his kindness. She thought he was even weirder than her for it— she placed him beneath her on her social hierarchy for it.
Lana frowns thoughtfully. “And now you two live together?”
Nesta nods, then shrugs. “For the next twenty-four hours, we do. He’s helping me move back into my old place.”
Because that was another conversation she and Cassian had on Thanksgiving night. It was a long time coming, but also the perfect time.
“You’re saying your apartment has been ready for weeks? Why are you just telling me now?”
Nesta pillowed her face on his chest, not as upset at revealing the news as she would have been some days ago. “Because I was scared that if I moved out, I would lose my friendship with you.”
“That never would have happened—”
“We wouldn’t see each other every day anymore. Even if we didn’t go back to being complete strangers, the closeness would be lost.”
“You must not know me, then. I would’ve texted you every fucking hour. You’d never hear the end of me.”
“I couldn’t guarantee that back then.” She looked up at him through her lashes. “I can now.” She crawled higher up his body, lowering her voice to a secretive pitch. “Want to know why?”
“Why?” he whispered.
“Because you’re mine now. And that’s what I was waiting for while I made Lorene hold that shitty empty apartment for me. I was waiting for a catalyst, a revelation.” She pressed a kiss to his sternum. “And I most definitely got it.” The pleasant ache between her legs was proof enough. “Also,” she added, “it would be weird if you lived with your girlfriend before even having a first date with her.”
Cassian huffed a laugh. “You have a point there. We have been moving backwards, haven’t we?”
Nesta nodded into his skin.
He got a little quiet. “Still,” he said after a moment. “I’ll miss you.”
“You’ll see me every day. I’ll be fifteen minutes away.”
“I’ll still miss you.”
“I know.”
“What does talking about guys have to do with my therapy?” Nesta squirms, getting restless with the topic.
“Lots of things,” Lana says, putting down her notepad. “It gets you comfortable with expressing your feelings to me, and it teaches me about how you view the world. Besides, therapy isn’t just a rehashing of past traumas, you know. We can talk about whatever you want here, especially if it makes you feel good.”
“Well, I want to talk about something else.” She’s not spending this much money by the hour just to talk about how much she likes Cassian— she can go to Cassian for that for free.
“Like what?” Lana asks smoothly.
She’s offering an opening, finally, to the real reason that Nesta’s here.
Nesta pulls at the sleeves of her sweatshirt, wondering where to start. “I feel like I’ve been growing up lately,” she says carefully. “I have all these new people in my life to be responsible for, and I’m— I want to do it right. But I’m worried I won’t have room for new things until I pack up some of my old shit, so that’s why I’m here, I guess. I don’t want to hold on to all of my old shit anymore.”
At Lana’s encouraging silence, she continues, “I spent my whole life stuck in a suffocating town, and as soon as I left, I got stuck in a relationship. By the time I knew what freedom felt like, I— I’d been left behind. Everyone I knew was moving onto bigger things and all I had was this shitbag of a past. So I got a new place and started law school and called it a fresh start, but now I’m here and I’m not sure if I ever got better.”
She takes a sharp breath after everything that’s spilled.
Lana purses her lips, letting the room absorb Nesta’s words. After a long moment, she says, “Just because bad things stop happening to someone, doesn’t mean they instantly get better. It’s a good thing that you’re recognizing that before stepping into new relationships, Nesta.”
Lana glances at the clock on the wall. “I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today, but this was a productive first session.” She offers a small smile. “Same time next week?” She says it as if it isn’t already a done deal.
Nesta nods gratefully anyway, unable to say anything else. As soon as she’s out the door, a pent-up sigh escapes her. That wasn’t so bad.
Later that night, Nesta doesn’t miss Cassian’s wistful stare as he takes down the painting he got her from the fall festival. Nor does she miss how slowly he packs it away.
Once the bedroom she made her home is as sparse as the day she moved in, all her things packed away neatly in boxes, Nesta wraps her arms around Cassian and pulls him to the bed. There, she lets him hold her close, their breaths and limbs intertwining as they lie in thoughtful silence.
“I can’t believe I’ll never see this room again,” Nesta says quietly.
Cassian’s eyes widen in alarm. “What do you mean, never again?”
“I’ll be staying in your room whenever I visit, remember?” Her underwear already occupies a drawer in his closet.
Cassian visibly relaxes when he remembers, then smiles. “Right. Of course.”
She lets herself sink deeper into his embrace. “I just realized you’ve never seen my apartment before.” He was waiting at the front door of Lorene’s place while Nesta collected her things all those weeks ago, but she cringes at the thought of him visiting now. The clear wealth gap between her and Cassian doesn’t usually show, but it’ll be undeniable with the cramped room she calls an apartment. “Maybe it’s best if I move back in without your help. There might not even be space there for your huge body.”
“Sounds more appealing by the minute.” He’s not joking. He tilts up Nesta’s chin so she’s forced to meet his eyes. “I can’t wait to start partaking in your life the way you took over mine. Spending nights at your place, meeting your friends, riding in your car instead of mine.”
Nesta swallows.
“I’m gonna miss you like hell, but it’ll be for the best.”
He’s right: this is what’s best for their budding relationship right now. Moving out, creating even a little bit of distance— all of it is so they can finally learn each other as lovers instead of roommates. So when they do come back together, which Nesta firmly believes they will, it’ll be stronger than ever before.
Some of their shared sadness flits away at the truth of it. She only places her hand on his cheek, content to appreciate this view— this beautiful, hazel-shaded view— without further chitchat or goodbyes.
Cassian is not as fond of the silence. “I need to tell you something,” he says seriously after a few minutes.
After only a handful of days dating Cassian, Nesta knows what he’s going to say. “Don’t,” she warns, unamused.
He grins conspiratorially and leans in even closer, until their mouths are almost brushing. “You’re my everything, Nesta.”
“Oh my god, stop it.” She squirms out of his hold and gets up, tossing the blankets off herself.
“No, come back!” He makes a grab for her sleeve. “We have to use the bed one last time—”
But she’s already running off.
Cassian carefully arranges the canvas painting on the wall, taking a step back to determine if it’s hanging straight. The ruby and amber leaves of the landscape stand out against the dull teal walls of Nesta’s basement apartment, but he’s just getting started.
The rest of Nesta’s things are half-unpacked from their cardboard boxes, but instead of going for the important shit first, he finds the box he specifically marked FAVES in bold letters the night before.
While Nesta wrangles to get her clothes back into her old closet in the background, Cassian crouches and rips open the small box. There, lying atop his girlfriend’s favorite trinkets and personal items, is the framed photo he snuck in without her noticing.
It’s of the two of them at the fall festival, taken mere hours before their first kiss. Nesta is pressed up close to Cassian (her excuse being that it was cold), and a genuine light fills her eyes, one that Cassian never thought he���d be able to capture on camera. Cassian himself isn’t looking at the camera, but down at Nesta with wind-flushed cheeks and a distant smile. Making sure she’s having a good time, that she truly wants to be there with him in that moment.
He never realized how close they looked in that picture until he had it printed and framed, not long after Nesta announced she was moving out. He can’t believe he didn’t see it sooner.
Standing up, he places the photo on Nesta’s wooden dresser. Nesta still has her head in the closet, moving things around, but Cassian makes no announcement of his gift to her. She’ll notice it sooner or later.
He clears his throat. “Wanna take a break and order Chinese?”
Nesta pops her head out of the closet, her ponytail ruffled and eyes narrowed at him. “Have you even been helping this whole time?”
“Standing here and looking pretty is harder than it seems, but I don’t expect any credit from you,” he jokes. “Just let me buy you lunch.”
Nesta grumbles something he chooses not to hear, but straightens up and rubs her spine with a wince. “I need a fucking chiropractor,” she mutters.
Guilt shoots through Cassian at that small wince, and he resolves to finish organizing Nesta’s closet for her before the day is over. Nesta goes on, “So? Still determined to split your time between here and the cabin?” She gestures to the apartment with an arm.
It’s really just a glorified single room, with a rusty kitchenette in the corner, a hallway near the stairs that holds the bathroom, and Nesta’s bed pushed against one wall. It’s nothing special, but Cassian loves it. Mostly because he can already envision each new nook and cranny to take Nesta against, and how he wants to wake up in that too-small bed on days that he’s too lazy to drive home.
“It’s perfect,” he says simply. Thank you for sharing your home with me, is what he really means. Speaking of homes—
Cassian digs around in his pocket, finding and pulling out a newly-minted silver key. “I almost forgot to give you this.”
Nesta frowns, coming forward to take the key from him. He uses the closeness as an excuse to wrap his arms around her waist while she inspects the object.
She glances up at him, eyes softer than they were a moment ago, lips slightly parted. “You’re giving me a key to the cabin?”
He shrugs casually. “You should’ve gotten one a long time ago.” She used either Cassian’s key or the spare while she lived there.
Her mouth is still open, and she closes it once, twice, before finally saying, “I don’t have a key to my place for you.”
“But I can get one,” she adds quickly. “If you want it, that is.”
Of course he wants it, but he keeps his face carefully neutral. “Only if you want me to have one. We’re still new, and this is your personal space.” He emphasizes your.
Nesta purses her lips, then says, “I’ll think about it.”
Cassian’s shoulders slump in relief— relief that Nesta is being honest with him instead of doing something she isn’t yet ready for. He’ll take her honesty over an apartment key any day.
Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he smiles brightly and shoves her toward the bed. “If we’re getting dumplings again then you can’t steal mine.”
a/n: fair warning that ive never been to therapy, but in stories therapists are usually a mode for character exploration and development, which is what nesta's therapy will be for.
also im so glad i got to meet gwyn in acosf and im so excited to introduce her into this fic too!! if you have ideas for her origin story feel free to share because nothing is planned yet
taglist: @ladywitchling @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @valkyriewarriors @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool @awesomelena555 @julemmaes @wickedqueenoffantasy @poisonous-bloom @observationanxioustheorist @gisellefigue08 @courtofjurdan @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter @wolfiixxx @cass-nes @seashade @royaltykxx @illyrianundercover @queenestarcheron @monstrousloves-explodinggalaxies @humanexile @that-golden-lyre @agentsofsheilds @mercy-is-alive @cassiansbigwingspan @laylaameer01 @verypaleninja @maastrash @bow-dawn @perseusannabeth @dead-on-the-inside666 @jlinez @hungryreadingaddict @anidealiveson @swankii-art-teacher
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The Missing Guardian | Prologue: Act I Scene I | Mondstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
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A.N. okay! so first chapter of a new series im starting! its a series rewrite of the genshin impact plot. i had always wanted to do one of these, and with my comic obsession, if you read marvel/dc comics youll find some crossovers hints. hope yall enjoy as i finally start to write and get on some type of schedule. its also one in the morning so imma head to bed :)
Word Count. 1,633 words
Page Count. 4.8 pages
Synopsis. When you’ve finally found a home in a set of twins who travel across worlds, setting out to enjoy your time with them; learning everything you could while traveling from world to world. But this time was different, because this time, someone stood in your way from continuing forward, from going home. You watched as your family was torn from you once again, leaving you stuck in a world alone with only a guide, the memories of a life long left behind, and the hope of finding them once again.
[ Series Masterlist: The Missing Guardian Mini Masterlist ]
[ Act I, Scene I ] [ next scene ]
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Prologue Act I: Scene I | Monstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
                So, what you're trying to say is that you fell here? From another world?
                But, when you wanted to leave and go back to your world... Your path was blocked by some unknown God?
        You could only nod at Paimons commentary, watching as she floated next to you, a small hand to her chin as she looked deep in thought. Looking forward to the vast openness of the ocean in front of you, memories flashing before your own eyes as the pain settled in your heart, the wind slowly picking up before the tears filled your eyes. It hurt to think back at what happened, to how you lost them, the two people to found you after being lost for so long.
        That carmine red outlining the dark abyss shaped like a star would haunt you as a woman walked out, snowy white hair and the bandages around her legs flowing around her as her voice seemed to break through your skull, demanding your attention while the twins next to you could only look up in confusion. The anger in those golden eyes was enough to make you take a step back, you've never met her- Hell, you've never seen or heard of anyone like her, so why did she come at you with such ferocity? Even her mere presence contrasted with the ivory, baby blues, and gold of your surroundings, the heavenly area around you tainted with this... Unknown God.
        "Outlanders, your journey ends here." She demanded, the portals behind her sharpening with the wave of her hand. Lumine took a step forward, her shock evident in the small gasp she let out before speaking, determination and confusion spilled across her features.
        "Who are you?"
        "The sustainer of heavenly principles." She responds quickly, bringing a hand up to her line of vision with a small red and black cube in her hand, twirling it causing the ground beneath you to tremble, Aether looking between you and his sister. Shaking your head, you bent your knees ready to jump, the engines in your heavy boots started up, as your mask appeared on your face once again with only a light touch to the earpiece.
        "The arrogation of mankind ends now." The ground lit up around you, red and irritated with magic you haven't seen before, your boots shooting you into the air as Aether and Lumine jumped- following your lead as they pulled their golden swords and allowed their wings to manifest, holding themselves in the air.
        It was barely a second, before you moved forward with the twins by your side, your hands moving to the Quads in their holsters and taking them out for another fight. You only thanked whatever Gods in your own world were listening, and that damn mentor of yours, before your mind went back to the battle at hand- requiring you to fly around and dodge the large amounts of glistening red and gold cubes that came in your way, blocking you from the target of the Unknown God.
        Before you knew it, the end of this battle came quickly, an explosion from the mere speed of you, Lumine, and Aether stopping right before the Unknown God to attack.
        And that second was all she needed to do what was needed. 
        Her gaze fell upon you, making you shiver in fear, before you flew back and blasted a beam of energy at her from your Quad, only for it to be absorbed by a cluster of cubes. Your voice came out robotic, echoed with the technology that covered your face, you eyes moving to see the cluster of cubes enveloping the twins that were once beside you. 
        "Aether! Lumine!" They only looked at you in horror, fading once the cubes covered them whole, returning to the Unknown God in a hollowed and golden version of her twisted and unique weapon. She watched the rotating cube with wide, uncaring eyes, giving you enough time to circle around her and attack once more- throwing the handheld mines from your belt onto her form, the beeping accelerating once it met her skin, and an explosion following quickly. 
        By the time the smoke cleared, and before your mask could scan and gain some sense of recognition, the cubes that protected the Unknown God attached themselves to your outstretched hand, closing in on you while maintaining the explosion you caused. Eventually, it all settled into one cube that contained your hand, before you followed the same fate as the twins.
        "Wait! Don't go! Give them back!" You managed to scream, desperation in your voice, as you watched another family be taken from you once again, your vision fading into darkness and your heart breaking once again.
                And just like that, the god took away my friends.
                Some kind of seal was put on my being, and the power I had was gone.
                And while I had the freedom to travel the universe, worlds, and entirely new realms.
                I was now trapped.
        "How many years ago was it? I don't know, Paimon. But, I've gotta. I have to." You answered Paimons question, still looking out to the sea in front of you, mask now hidden into the earpiece that decorated your left lobe. The leather of your jacket warmed you from the cool breeze of the sea, the bodysuit underneath regulated your body temperature in any environment, but you specifically used it when in space when you held the title of Guardian. But you couldn't afford to think about that now.
        Not when there's a chance of finding Aether and Lumine. 
        "After I woke up, I was alone- until I met you two months ago." You finished, looking over to your floating friend, who only turned as she spoke.
        "Yeah. Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned... So, Paimon will do her best to be a great guide!" She smiles, hands on her hips while looking up to you, seeing as she always chose to float around chest-level when around you. You sighed, a weak chuckle escaped your lips before you sat up from the sand, brushing off the back of your cargo pants and looking towards your guide for this new world- patting her head and making sure to be careful of the crown that hovered above her.
        You had only hoped Paimon would do most of the talking for you anyways, due to Tevyat’s language being foreign even to your ears and tongue, a feat for a Guardian of your reputation. A decent understanding of the oral part of the language under your belt, you found reading to be easier, since it did look similar to some scripts back in your own world. Your thoughts were cut off as Paimon spoke up, calling for you to follow her as she sped ahead of you, following the path from out of the beach to the grassy area ahead of you.
        "Awe, the path ends here. I guess we'll just have to climb, huh?" You rolled your eyes, shaking your head while you started to heave yourself up the large rock, Paimon taking notice of this.
        "You mean I have to climb the rock, P, you just have to float." You laughed, reaching the top with a grunt before she whined about floating taking as much energy as walking or climbing. It wasn't bad, you've climbed a lot worse in even more horrid situations, but damn did that take a good breath from you. You'd have to work on rebuilding some of your stamina while traveling here, and possibly need to find some supplies to settle somewhere for a bit, maybe even collect whatever currency they had here.
        "Well, let's take the route we planned! We're off to... a Statue of The Seven!" She smiles with glee, before a questionable face appears as you both move forward, her head turning towards you as you attempt to take in much of the scenery and areas you could. Your heavy boots only crushed the poor underbrush and grass that came into contact with it, your belt that was filled with gadgets and such clinking with the sway of your hips- hitting the holsters.
        This world is beautiful...
        "Which of The Seven are you looking for exactly?" She asked, making you shrug your shoulders at her, hands up as you walked towards a nearby tree- picking up the strange orange fruits and packing them away before moving forward. They looked like some weird crossbreed of orange and pear, but, you hoped it would taste as good as it looked.
        "To be honest? Any of them. They should have some idea of what happened, but even then, The Seven are gods in this world- and from what I remember of gods... they aren't too sane to say the least." You said, reaching a small cliff side that overlooked a lake with a statue near the edge of the small island in the center of it. 
        "That's a Statue of The Seven!" She pointed in its direction as you gave her your full attention, your finger going to touch the back of your ear to signal that, mindful of the metal to not trigger the activation of your mask.
        "There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protections over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind. Paimon's not sure whether the god your looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" She muses, giving you a small wink before turning around, allowing you to follow her down the path to the first Statue of The Seven.
        To the first step towards finding Aether and Lumine.
        Your journey has started.
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juleswolverton-hyde · 3 years
Not by the Moon | 05
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Genre: Smut, Romance, Strangers to Lovers, Drama, Tragedy, Werewolf AU, Supernatural AU, Bookshop AU
Pairing: Bookshop keeper!/Werewolf!JB x Reader
Warnings: A sprinkle of grumpy jealous werewolf!Jaebeom who gets a wee bit violent, tooth-rotting domestic fluff, werewolf courting, sexual tension, werewolf!Jaebeom acting like a pup, and poor yet adorable attempts at coming across as human.
Summary: Every story has a purpose or goal it is dedicated to, their authors at times going to great lengths to see the project they once started to completion. Nevertheless, the things the writers swore on to see their latest art piece to completion are static.
None of them swore by the Moon nor Love because they can solely genuinely swear on all that changes like themselves.
And yet, a wolf in love foolishly swore by the moon.
That is when Time truly started ticking.
Author’s Note: This chapter is from Y/N’s POV. Bam and Jinyoung make a cameo.
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Wonderful as a trip abroad might be, there’s nothing that can compare to the secret feeling of relief when returning home. No longer there is luggage to drag along, languages to swap between, or cultures to assimilate to. While it is in good fun, it’s also physically and mentally exhausting. Henceforth, coming home is like a cozy blanket to wrap around your shoulders by the fire on a cold November day. And once you’re bundled up, it is time to breathe easy and rest.
Although, home is not necessarily a place. In fact, mine has made good on his promise and puppy dreams, standing in the crowd to pick me up.
“Y/N,” a familiar voice calls out as we enter the hall of arrivals, “over here!”
Manes tucked away under a dark red beanie and wearing a simple black jacket over an oversized black shirt, Jaebeom waves to pull attention to himself.
“Who’s that?” Bam follows my gaze to the adorable tall man as we make our way through the crowd of trolleys, suitcases, hellos and goodbyes. “Is that the dude you’ve been texting and calling?”
“He is,” I whisper in reply as we approach him. With every step, the storm of butterflies in my stomach worsens although I feel light as air at the same time. Happiness in Love is a strange thing. 
“So that’s your boyfriend,” my colleague purrs. He sounds pleased in the way I imagine he’d sound if he was my older brother.
I whip my head around, tongue-tied but not enough to protest the assumption. “He’s not my boyfriend!”
Bam merely chuckles to himself, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he continues. “Sure he isn’t, Y/N. After all, you’ve not been touching your lips and turning into a blushy mess afterwards. Or keeping those books you have with you close at all times, looking at them fondly.”
“Of course I am.” Jaebeom jumps into the conversation when we’ve reached him, acting as if he’s heard our conversation perfectly through the ruckus of the crowd. The sparkle in his eyes dims and turns into a poisonous glare when he notices the guy besides me. “Who are you?”
“JB, this is Kunpimook.’’ I gesture from one to the other, jaw clenched in the hope the wolf man won’t actively show the hostility harboured in his gaze. ‘’The colleague I told you about.”
“Just call me Bam.” Politely, he holds out his hand.
“Im Jaebeom,” the other man introduces himself, fortunately accepting the gesture howbeit with a strained expression. “Her boyfriend.”
“Hey, you must be Y/N.” Holding a tray with three coffee cups in it, a young man joins our company. 
Like Jaebeom, who has proudly proclaimed himself my boyfriend, he is tall, slender yet muscular in build and has black hair. Nevertheless, whereas Jaebeom has a flair of being unapproachable, the stranger has a boyish air around him that’s open for contact.
He moves the carrier from his right hand to his left for a handshake. “I’m Jinyoung.”
Immediately, bells start ringing at the mention of his name. After all, there hasn’t been a single call the past week wherein he wasn’t mentioned. “Jaebeom’s told me about you. You’re a professor at the university here, right?”
“I am,” he beams, his proud tone indicating how much he likes his job. “I teach Mythology. It’s a course that encompasses folklore around the world, so it’s fairly broad.”
“You teach only one course?”
“I do, but I’m also a doctor. Well, still studying to be one officially, but I’m allowed to work at the university’s clinic already.”
 “Wow.’’ A professor and a doctor. There’s little else I can say as a mere travel journalist, so I just try to remain casual despite being utterly gobsmacked. 
“I know, it’s a lot. Nevertheless, somehow I manage to do it and occasionally write an article.”
How does he do it? He’s likely not that much older than I, but he’s evidently busier than I am.
“Show-off.” The grumbled insult interferes with the friendly conversation. The focus of Jaebeom’s glare has changed targets from Bam to the professor. However, the latter doesn’t seem to notice his friend’s chagrin.
“I’m simply introducing myself, Jay. Here,” Jinyoung hands him one of the paper cups from the carrier, “your apple and cinnamon tea.”
“You drink tea now?” I raise an eyebrow, surprised. It sounds like a strange concept because I’ve never seen him drink anything but black coffee.
“Doctor’s orders,” JB murmurs in response, discontent and keeping a close eye on Bam as he nips the warm beverage.
“I’ve put him on tea, preferably green, to lower the caffeine levels in his blood. Otherwise, he’ll be staying up all night reading and trying to cook. Oh,” he reaches for something in his pocket, pulling out a small bottle like the one JB showed me in the park and handing it to his friend, “you forgot your meds.”
“You’re on medication?” Bam asks without any implications or judgment. The funny thing is, despite being extroverted and extravagant - extra, in general - he actually studied psychology and thought about becoming a psychiatrist for a while. Therefore, he has a general interest in medicine and its function of helping the human psyche.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Jaebeom sneers sarcastically, his voice closer to a growl than human speech. Then, he turns his attention to Jinyoung, who continues to hold his calm. “Why are you giving this to me now? Couldn’t you wait until we’re back? I’m not gonna take them in front of some stranger, especially not someone close to her. Besides, what does skipping one time or by a few hours matter?”
“Jay, don’t be like this,’’ the young professor sighs. ‘’You know how important timing is, especially with this new treatment.”
“You’re embarrassing me.”
“I’m not.”
“You are!”
A nudge against my shoulder distracts me from the fierce bickering, Bam lowly whispering he’s leaving for home as well as an apology for what he has unleashed. I answer in a similar fashion when promising to call him later and apologizing for putting him into this situation. He merely waves dismissively, unbothered, and disappears in the crowd of trolleys and journeying strangers.
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” I intervene lest the situation gets out of hand. A hand on his chest, I try to distract Jaebeom by shifting his focus to me. “Let’s go search for somewhere quiet around here where it’s just us. It’s important to me too you take your meds.”
“Let’s just go home.” His features soften, compromising like I did that day in the bookshop and didn’t want to eat. “I’ll take them in the car, alright?”
“Why do you have to be cross with me about it when you readily accept to take them when Y/N tells you to?” Jinyoung crosses his arms in defiance, lips pulled into a displeased pout.
 “Because she’s my mate,” Jaebeom argues, sure to show his teeth. Withal, he turns into a gentle giant again once he wraps an arm around my waist and looks down at me with so much adoration I feel my cheeks burning up. “Girlfriend, I mean. We’re dating, so she’s my girlfriend.”
“We’ve only been out together once,” I sputter. It’s wonderful to hear the affirmation we’re an item, although I still think it’s a bit too early to claim we are.
“Twice after today. And we’ve kissed,” he corrects me, tone indicating there is no use in protesting. Nevertheless, the sternness wavers as it warms into merriment. “I got you something. I’ll give it to you once we’re home.”
Jinyoung leans in as we head to the exit, whispering. “He went kinda overboard.”
“I didn’t,” Jaebeom growls. “Stop embarrassing me. Know your fucking place.”
“Boys,” I sigh in warning.
Both lower their head and let out a whimper in apology. “Sorry.”
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“This is where you live?” Jinyoung parks the car in front of the tall white brick building overlooking the quay at the edge of town.
“Wow...” Jaebeom murmurs in the passenger seat, awed by the fact I live on the east side of town. It’s a recently redeveloped area, the warehouses refurbished into apartment complexes to help combat the growing housing issue.
“I do. Not for much longer, though.”
Both men turn in their seats, looking at me as if I’m insane.
 “You’re moving out?” The professor asks, although it’s more of an exclamation than a question. “Why would you leave this place? It’s one of the most desired places to live within the city.”
However, JB doesn’t care about the reason which makes me want to leave the neighbourhood behind. Instead, he’s anxious to know where to find me. “Where will you go?”
“Do you know those orchards on the outskirts of town? With the old cottages?” Both nod as confirmation. “Well, that’s where I’ll be moving to. I’ve been meaning to get out of the city for a while. Granted, the harbour district isn’t as busy as the city centre. But, despite being only twenty-two, I crave the silence of the countryside. Or, rather, its tranquility which I can also find in the suburbs.”
“You’re twenty-two?” Jaebeom asks, head tilted to the side.
 “I am,’’ I admit as I pull my knees up to make myself as small as possible. ‘’I never mentioned it because I didn’t think it’d matter. Does it, though?”
My voice is hardly audible, a frog stuck in my throat. Why did I have to be the one to bring this up?
“No, not at all! I still like you. A lot. A lot, a lot. But, I’m older than you. Quite a bit, I think.”
“How old?” The question barely rolls off the tongue, pale with dread.
Please, don’t let there be too big of an age gap.
“I’m twenty...” He looks at Jinyoung, brow furrowed.
“Twenty-eight,” the good doctor whispers, unconscious of the fact that the well-meant reminder is loud enough for me to hear.
“Twenty-eight,” Jaebeom confirms, staring back at me in anticipation. “Six years difference. Does it matter? To you, I mean. In how you see me?”
“It doesn’t. Do you see me differently?”
“I never did.”
“Age is only a number, after all,” the professor pitches in to cheer us up further. “Anyway, I’m dropping you off here.”
“Can’t you stay?” Surely I can’t let him leave without at least thanking him with a cup of coffee or tea.
“I’d love to, but- Don’t you snarl at me.” He points an accusing finger at JB, who’s showing his teeth and lowly growling like he did at the airport.
Caught red-handed, the wolfish man feigns ignorance and stares out the window. However, his sulky expression and scoff betray his true feelings.
“As I was saying,” Jinyoung continues after an exasperated sigh, “I’d love to, but I get to attend an interesting transplant operation today and have a bit of research to do for a new article.”
“That’s a shame. I owe you a cup of coffee, then. That’s the least I can do to repay you for driving me home.”
“I’ll make good on that promise soon. But for now, go on, you two.” He motions for us to get out of the car. “Don’t make it awkward by making me the third wheel.”
“Jinyoung.” Hesitantly, the big wolf man holds up his fist.
“No hard feelings.” He bumps his fist against JB’s.
“Good.” The seat belt comes undone, but Jaebeom doesn’t move to step outside yet. Instead, he leans in towards Jinyoung and takes a whiff, squinting as invisible question marks float in the air. “You smell weird, though.”
“Really?” The other man sniffs the collar of his jacket, shrugging casually in jest. “It’s not that bad.”
“Jinyoung.” Despite still looking a bit pale with remorse, the wolf man says the professor’s name harshly, his voice deep as he chastises the turn to humour. He grows still, gaze focused on his friend as he tries to look for what’s unspoken in the other’s body language.
However, there is nothing to see. Although, if there actually is something off, the professor hides it well. But Jaebeom doesn’t get the chance to scrutinize him long enough to see for himself because Jinyoung turns back to the wheel and waves dismissively. “I’m alright, Jae. Go. Have fun with your girlfriend.”
His friend nods, a strained look on his face, and opens the door. I follow behind, having silently observed the conversation from the backseat.
What’re you worried about? Jinyoung looks fine. Nothing wrong with him whatsoever.
Nevertheless, barely have we opened the trunk when the doctor hangs out the window. “And don’t forget your present!”
“Got it right here.” In confirmation, Jaebeom holds up a neat-looking paper bag, chique enough to originally have been used in a boutique.
“That’s my boy,” he chuckles before he resumes his seat.
With a dull thud, Jaebeom closes the trunk again. 
The engine roars to life and the car pulls out of the parking lot, Jinyoung honking a few times as we see him off.
I look from Jaebeom to the bag, leaning in to try and sneak a peek of its contents. “What did you get me?”
You promised me a shirt, but do you really need this big of a bag for one?
“I’m not telling you,” he muses.
I straighten my posture, a smile building as a golden opportunity presents itself. “Aw, what’s in the box?”
“Box? Y/N, it’s a bag.”
“I know, but- Never mind.” I wave the apparently obscure allusion with a dismissive gesture, disappointed he doesn’t get the reference. “Let’s go inside.”
“Are you upset?” he asks as we walk to the entrance of the building.
“Are you sure?”
Another reassuring question burns on his tongue, but before he can ask it I stand on the tips of my toes to peck him on the lips and nose. “I’m not going to get upset simply because you didn’t understand me. Besides, it’s just a trivial matter. Come on, let’s go. I’m hungry.” 
Though I failed the first time, I again try to get a better look at the mysterious bag. As before, the attempt is in vain. “And curious.”
“I think you’ll like it. In fact,” his lips pull into a smug smirk, “I’m fairly sure you’ll look pretty in it. More pretty than you do now.”
It’s prettier.
I let the mistake slide.
To let him have his little moment of triumph.
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There is no place like home. Truly, not a single hotel room or bed and breakfast in the world can substitute the small studio with its minimalistic interior in shades of white and grey.
I breathe in deeply, glad to stand in the familiar narrow hallway leading to the kitchen and space beyond. A faint musty smell cuts through the fragrance of the Nordic leather diffuser sticks I bought before going to Belgium.
Guess I’ll be cleaning tomorrow.
Luckily, it’s been only a few days so the level of dust isn’t too bad. Notwithstanding, the place could do with a little clean-up.
“Well, this is me.”
“I know,” Jaebeom replies sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes on me.
“No, I mean, this,” I gesture around as I walk into the apartment, “is my place. My house.”
He murmurs something under his breath, seemingly contrasting two words as he tries to understand them or, rather, the difference between them.
“It’s nice,” he remarks when he has figured out his train of thought, looking around appreciatively.
“The cottage will be nicer, I think. I can’t wait to decorate it, make it cozier than this place. Maybe get some plants, hang up a few photos-’’
“A few of us together, maybe?” He proposes as he, too, takes his shoes off and follows me into the living room.
“For example.” I nod at the bag when we settle down on the couch next to the window overlooking the quay. “Can I open my present now?”
“Say ‘please’.” Arms crossed, he leans in so our faces are mere inches away from each other. His breath ghosts warmly over my lips when he continues in a tender yet playful babying tone. “Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy. Manners, young lady.”
“Can I open my present, please?” Regardless of the chance to finally satisfy my curiosity, I don’t dive into the gift directly. Instead, I stay my hand, bothered by a nagging feeling his words are familiar to me. “What you just said, isn’t that a quote?”
“It is, but,’’ Jaebeom bites his lip, eyes averted to the ground, ‘’to be honest, I can’t remember who said it.”
Funny, how you can remember quotes. Maybe that’s how we can communicate in the future if your condition gets worse. Although, let’s hope that’s not the case for a long time.
“Ralph…’’ I start, trying to recall who originally said it. ‘’Ralph Waldo? No, that’s not right. He went by his middle name. Wait, his middle name was Ralph so it was him.”
“Have you read his work?”
“Honestly speaking, I haven’t. However, I have a friend who studies American literature and poetry and she sends poems, quotes and the occasional snippet. I think I’ve seen him in passing. Anyways,’’ I pull the bag onto my lap, giddy as a child in a candy shop, ‘’let’s see what’s inside.”
The present catches me off-guard because the bundles of clothing are both what I expected and yet not. “You...” I trail off, checking and double checking the amount of shirts. “Seven?”
“One for every day of the week,” he beams, proudly barking his reasoning.
These will last me two weeks if not longer. Minimalism isn’t his thing, is it?
I pull out a big grey hoodie and hold it up to my nose to sniff it. A wild forest of which the air is faintly scented by a cologne with fruity undertones and the musty smell of books. I hum contently, enraptured by the scent. By him. 
From the corner of my eye, I see Jaebeom grinning in unadulterated amusement. Albeit not without effort, I lower the article of clothing. “I know this is likely stupid to ask, but eventually they’ll have to be washed so what if your scent fades?”
“I’ll just scent them again.’’ He shrugs casually before he points inside the bag. ‘’Also, what’s in the little box on the bottom might help with that too.”
In my astonishment, I missed the cardboard square at the bottom which turns out to be the packaging for a bottle of cologne. “You can spray it on. Sure, it’s not really purely my scent but hopefully it’s still rem- remi- a reminder of me.”
You meant reminiscent, didn’t you?
“Or I can go to you and have you scent them,” I joke, only half-serious.
“If that means more time together,” his mismatched eyes sparkling with gleeful stars, “sure, why not? I’d be glad to help.”
“Thank you.’’ Absentmindedly, I fidget with the folds of the hoodie. ‘’I really like it.”
Jaebeom ruffles my hair, letting out a chuff. “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t you just sit tight and I’ll make us something to eat?”
“Don’t set my kitchen aflame, though,” I warn him as the wolf man gets up from the couch.
“I won’t,” he answers smugly before leaning in to steal a kiss. “I promise.”
With a spring in his step, JB sets off for the kitchen with the bag of groceries he pulled from Jinyoung’s trunk. The two must have dropped by the supermarket before coming to pick me up.
A pillow propped up against the armrest and the blanket formerly draped over the couch now covering my shoulders, I lie down for a nap.
As consciousness fades, a warm affectionate wolfish smile pierces through the growing haze. Jaebeom murmurs something unintelligible and turns his gaze back to the chopping board.
I am home.
Dreaming of two little pups running around an orchard.
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“Dinner’s ready!” The loud remark barely filters in until it’s repeated up close, the merry bark lowered in volume. A hand shakes my shoulder, but what does the trick in waking me up is the warm wetness nibbling away at my ear. However, it doesn’t stay there, but travels down the side of my neck and ends its journey at the hem of my shirt, giving it a gentle yet fierce tug.
“Y/N, come on. Get up,” JB whines, the words distorted thanks to keeping the fabric firmly between his teeth. He tugs at it again.
What on earth?
I turn onto my other side, causing the big wolf man to let go. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to get you to eat.” He makes himself smaller, gaze briefly averted to the side before looking at me again, continuing in the same tender yet stern tone he uses whenever food is involved. “With me. This is my first time cooking for you and I practiced really hard while you were away. So, please, eat with me. I want to know whether I did a good job.”
“Do you have to drag me by the collar for that?” I reach out to scratch him behind his ear, tracing his jaw as my fingers work upwards.
Jaebeom’s eyes mist over, his expression turning dreamy as he leans into the touch. “Want- Don’t know… know how to- Come to… kitchen. Although, maybe, just...”
“Feels good?”
A hasty sheepish smile flashes on his lips as he nods in agreement, eyes closed and speechless.
You really are a wolf. Weirdo. My weirdo.
A whine slips out when I stop. JB slowly opens his eyes again, blinks a few times before he clears his throat. “Can we do that again? After dinner, maybe?”
 “If I liked what you made, sure. However,” I kiss his forehead, “since you asked so nicely, we can do this again after we’ve eaten. So, will you eat with me?”
Will you stay with me?
“What’s wrong?” Picking up on the worrying thought, he tilts his head to the side and scrutinizes my face as he did Jinyoung’s earlier today.
“Nothing.” I shake my head, dismissing the thought since we’ve already said everything there is to say about it. “Just a silly thought.”
His expression falters. “I’m being over- overbear- too much.”
“No, not at all! Don’t say that, silly.”
Jaebeom nudges my nose with his, his tone sweet in an attempt to make me confess what’s bothering me. “Then what is it?”
“I’ve never done this before,” I admit at last. “No one’s ever cooked for me aside from my mom and grandmother or had a guy proudly proclaim himself as my boyfriend. This is simply new to me so it makes me feel, well, a bit awkward. It’s unreal, like a dream that might go up in smoke any second. That’s maybe a better way to put it.”
“I’m really here. Also, remember what you promised me? You’d stay by my side until you can’t anymore and I promised you the same. I’m a wolf, after all. Loyal to my pack or, rather, my- uh- my bi- no, that’s wrong. My lady,” he grabs my hand and lifts the fingers to his lips for a chaste kiss, “I am your gentleman and I won’t go anywhere without telling you first. And, if possible, I’ll take you with me because I refuse to leave you behind. But for now, let’s go eat. Together. I’ll try not to make a mess.”
Don’t cry, Y/N. Don’t you tear up right in front of him.
I take in a shivering breath, swallow hard, and try to regain composure.
We’re here together and wherever it is we’re going next, we’ll be there as we are now.
Side by side.
Even though I’m hungry and the table is literally three steps away, I groan as I get up from the couch. Travelling takes its toll, no matter how short the distance might be. All the same, I shuffle towards the chair facing the kitchen and plop down on it, watching JB plate up. “What are we having?”
“Steak with blanched vegetables and sweet potato mash,” he proudly announces while serving the food.
“Uhm, that’s very nice. However- it’s alright if you don’t remember, but I’m vegetarian.”
“I remembered.” A bright smile forms on his lips, eyes alight with triumph and joy. “That’s why your steak is soy-based. I found it while doing groceries or, rather, Jinyoung pointed it out. He’s been teaching me how to cook and bake. Well, we’re still working on the latter, but I did bring homemade cheesecake for dessert. I still wonder why they call it cheesecake when what’s going in it isn’t really cheese.”
“Beats me too.”
“You got slapped by cream cheese?” Visibly gobsmacked, he leans in with an expression that holds the middle between curiosity and utter confusion. “How did that happen and was it painful?”
“I mean I don’t understand either,” I reply, shaking my head with a low chuckle, and cut into the steak. As the knife sinks into it, a rosy fluid oozes out of it as if it’s been cooked medium-raw which is exactly how I liked it back in my non-vegetarian days. “But baking hasn’t been a success?”
Jaebeom sits back, shoulders hunched as he pokes the carrot on his plate with his fork. “I burned a cake, pulled it from the oven as black as charcoal. Then there’s the case of the exploded soufflés and marble cake that turned out to have no marbling at all. Not to speak of the melted... what’re they called again? There’s also a song that’s got to do with them. Jinyoung sings it a lot. Rocky road! Melted rocky roads and millionaire’s breads.”
“Maybe stick to cooking instead of baking. Not everyone has a knack for both.”
He sighs in defeat. “Maybe I should, but I’ll still try to make you something every once in a while that’s actually good.”
“As long as you don’t blow up one of our kitchens.” I include my kitchen as well because the mere thought of baking together spreads a rosy flush throughout my body that leaves me warm with affection. Besides, it’s another excuse to see him wear an apron, maybe pull some shenanigans myself and have something to eat with a cup of tea or coffee and a good book.
That would make for a nice date. We should do that soon.
“I’ll try.” He holds out his pinky. “Promise.”
The adorable genuineness of the determined gesture is what drives me to seal the promise by wrapping my pinky around his. “I’ll hold you to it.”
While eating the simple yet well-made dinner, the conversation is about novels, the shop, Jinyoung’s cooking lessons and the weary stories of how Kunpimook and I crossed Bruges in search of the best chocolate. Jaebeom hasn’t done much in the time I was away it seems. The bookshop’s been quiet, so he’s had plenty of time to read and work on his cooking. Nevertheless, his expression turns dreamy when I show him the pictures from the trip, but right beneath the surface of it floats a form of sad longing which is too unclear to be certain of or to be properly described.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m glad you got to see this,” he murmurs as he takes my phone from my hand to leave through the collection again. “I’m kinda jealous, though. It’s been so long since I went somewhere other than here. I’m not sure if I’ve ever been somewhere else.”
Brows furrowed, he tries to remember the last time he travelled. Withal, he comes up short, the melancholy of missing memories staining his voice. “I’ve been nowhere except here. Chained.”
“This place clearly is your home, that’s why it’s keeping you here. It knows you belong here and I’m glad you’ve remained.”
He lets out a breathless laugh which oddly holds the middle between a growl and a giggle. “I’m happy you showed up at my doorstep, then. But, the cottage you’ll be moving to... it’d- it’d be nice if I could make that my home too.’’ His cheeks grow pink like rose petals. ‘’Well, maybe not literally, but it would be nice if it would become our little somewhere.”
“Our little somewhere,” I repeat, charmed by the sound of it.
“Our home. Well, concretely speaking. Abstractly, and most importantly, you are my home.’’ He gets up to move to my side, where he crouches at my feet. Foreheads rested against each other, he easily nips at my nose and nuzzles it affectionately with his. ‘’You are what breaks the silence, makes me able to hope for better days.”
“The same goes for you because even though you sometimes still intimidate and freak me out a little bit, you make my days more interesting than they have been in years. So, thank you. For being here, spending your time in my company.”
“Thank you for the same reasons. Now,” JB leans away to get up and starts to clear the dishes, “how about dessert?”
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Before either of us is aware of it, the clock on the wall notes it’s already ten past eight when we finish off the homemade cheesecake. Naturally, partially to also do my fair share, I stand up from my chair before the big wolf man does in an attempt to clear the table and do the dishes. However, when I’m about to walk to the kitchen with them, Jaebeom unapologetically takes them from my hands.
“What’re-? JB, you don’t have to do everything! Let me at least do the dishes.” Flattered yet a tad annoyed by the kindness, and poorly conveying my appreciation, I protest in a harsher tone than I intended to use.
Fortunately, though also a bit comically, he remains unperturbed. Notwithstanding, an unyielding sternness underlines his voice when he responds. “You’ve had a long journey, so sit down and relax. I’ll be right with you after cleaning up.”
Henceforth, unable to protest and rendered comatose by the delicious food, I plop down on the couch. Nestled into the corner, I have a proper view of the man who’s claimed my kitchen for himself.
Although it’s an intrusion to a certain degree, it’s quite soothing to watch Jaebeom defy classic gender roles. Contently humming a song and barely shy of skipping, he cleans up the mess with a tea towel tucked into the side of his pants. 
When he’s done, he hangs the tea towel over the stove’s handle, washes his hands, and settles down next to me. On a whim, though it’s maybe because of instinct, I get up from my little corner and nestle against him. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer as I drape my leg over his thigh to get into a more comfortable position.
Situated snugly in his safe presence, I close my eyes and sigh in pure content. “Can you stay here tonight?”
“Are you sure? Don’t you want to be alone and rest?” he murmurs into my hair.
“I can recharge with you. Besides, you’re nice and warm.” I snuggle up to him more, basking in the mixture of wild wood and cologne. “A perfect pillow.”
He pulls me on his lap, wraps his arms around my body and pulls me flush against his chest, which feels sculpted but not hard with muscle. Abs are nice and all, but I prefer the softness of a defined though not hardened chest. 
“If it brings you rest,” he curls his finger under my chin and lifts it, compelling me to look at him, “I’ll stay.”
I run my fingers along his jaw and up to his ear, immediately reducing him to the puppy-like state he tends to get into apparently when being touched like this. “Thank you.”
“My pl- pleasure.” What would have been a normal response is lost in a growl when I accidentally brush against his crotch as I shift my weight and sit up a little.
His eyes snap open, the hazelnut brown and ocean blue irises darkened, devoid of any sense of their former satisfied tenderness. With his thumb he traces the outline of my lips, lowly purring. “Pretty.”
“Jaebeom,” I place my hands on his shoulders, maintaining a bit of distance between us. We shouldn’t rush this, but the sensation of his growing bulge against my thigh, throbbing against the inside of it, convolutes every thought. Somehow, his scent seems to have gotten stronger too, overwhelming me with the same clear message the firm grip on my hips has. 
I don’t push him back as he leans in, bridging the emptiness I initiated. Foreheads rested against each other and his calloused hands on my cheeks, he guesses what’s essentially withholding me. “Scared?”
“A bit,” I whimper against his palm, the words muffled by the rough warm skin.
“It’s me, Y/N. I won’t hurt you.” Feverish yet sweetly with persuasive conviction, he kisses me. “I’m your gentleman, your boyfriend.”
“I’m afraid it’ll hurt. That we’re going too fast.”
“We’re not. I want this. I want more of you. With you. But,’’ lips pulled into a straight line, he clears his throat while looking as if he is restraining a wild beast that can easily get the better of him if he lets go, ‘’I’ll leave it up to you.”
So, what you’re asking is… 
Jaebeom takes a deep breath to regain his composure, though it has little effect. His breathing remains heavy, close to panting. Nevertheless, the gentle stars return to his eyes as the strained expression softens. “Will you have me?”
89 notes · View notes
meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 4]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; masturbation, usage of toys, dirty talkin’, a bit of a filler chapter after last weeks hehe🍒 as always, thank you again for your continued support for cherry bomb 🥺💕 I'm actually not sure if next week’s chapter will go up on time due to my work schedule for next week but I'll be sure to keep y’all updated! if anything it’ll probably go up on saturday instead of friday... 😭😭 But anyway, have a good weekend yall! 💕💕💕 stay hydrated!! 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - ?
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The weekend ends quicker than Seungcheol even notices and while he wakes up Monday morning already thinking about you and your show later in the evening; his face falters when he reads the message on your cam homepage.
‘Sorry everyone :( I think I caught a cold so I won’t be doing a show tonight… I promise I’ll make it up to you on Friday! In the meantime, I’ve uploaded some new pics in our members only room~ I hope it’ll tide you all over ‘til then! xx Cherry 🍒 ’
His first reaction is to immediately panic; reaching for his phone and texting you to get as much rest and sleep as possible. He makes a mental note to check in with you again later, finding that he’s already running late to get to work when he gets out of bed.
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“Hey! Seungcheol-hyung!”
The said male turns around, placing the set of roller skates on the ground. “Yeah, what’s up?”
Jeongguk sits next to him on the wooden bench, legs stretched out as he passes Seungcheol an energy drink. “Nothin’, just wanted to say thanks for coming over on Saturday! We should try to do that again, except maybe we can go out for drinks or something? We can give it the good ‘ol college try, maybe bring home a girl, if you know what I mean~” Jeongguk wiggles his eyebrows at Seungcheol who rolls his eyes.
“Uh, I’m down for the drinking part but I think I’ll have to pass on the hookups.”
“Really? Why? Are you dating someone and you haven’t told me?”
Seungcheol thanks the gods that the roller rink is dimmed; neon lights and disco balls the only things keeping the entire place dimly lit when he blushes a deep crimson, face hot as he avoids the younger male’s gaze. “Nah, it’s just, I--I don’t think that’s really for me. I’m more of a, uh, relationship type of guy, y’know?” Also, I’m devoting my time and energy to someone already who isn’t really my girlfriend.
“Mm, makes sense!”
Jeongguk keeps Seungcheol company even on his break, the two chatting about various topics before he lets Seungcheol know his break is almost over.
“Hey, wait! Before you go…” Seungcheol is nervous for some reason, fingers gripping the suede of the rollerskate’s boot as he avoids eye contact again. “Um, this is gonna sound really weird but… Who’s ‘j__min’? I feel like I’ve seen that username before and it’s, uh, I’m just curious how you know them? Sorry if that’s weird, I just--I’ve been seeing them around pretty often.”
“Oh, that’s Jimin-hyung. He’s a friend of mine that games with me sometimes! I’ve never really met the dude in person before, but he seems nice.” Jeongguk nods, staring off into space. “He seems really busy all the time too. And he’s super active on social media, that’s probably where you’ve seen him.”
Seungcheol nods; the guy didn’t seem like any sort of immediate threat so he logs the information mentally for now. He’d just have to do some internet sleuthing himself when he got home.
“Oh, cool, okay! Thanks ‘Guk!” 
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Seungcheol groans after the seventh pair of skates he’s cleaned, standing up to stretch and reach for his phone in his pocket. He checks the notifications, noting that you hadn’t texted back or read his messages yet.
A frown paints his features knowing that you were sick, but he makes another mental note to finally buy you that sybian now that his most recent paycheck had come in with it’s overtime bonuses. There were only a few more days until Namjoon came back which meant his extra pays would be over, a sad sigh escaping his lips at the thought. 
The day gruels on; Mondays were always the slowest days for the roller rink which meant Seungcheol spent most of the time cleaning skates and bumming snacks from the concession stand usually. He tries to not pry deeper into Jeongguk’s friends but the curiosity eats him alive so he makes an effort to stay away from the younger male for the rest of the day, this time.
Instead, he spends the day hiding in the employee break room any time he gets; only leaving when Yoongi decides to hide in there himself.
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Your head feels like it’s going to spin off of your shoulders once you sit up in bed. The sun sits low in the horizon from what you can see through your bedroom window; noting that it must’ve been the late afternoon already.
You’d woken up with chills, head fuzzy when you’d sat up earlier in the morning. Knowing that you were at least somewhat sick, you quickly wrote up a little memo on your homepage letting your viewers know that there wouldn’t be a show later in the evening. Afterwards, you had quickly downed medicine before curling up under your sheets and going back to sleep. You’d vaguely been aware of your phone ringing on the nightstand next to your bed, but you prioritized sleeping instead, knowing that you had to get better before the weekend came.
You groan once you ease yourself off of your bed, dragging your feet as you make your way to the bathroom in hopes of a warm bath to make yourself feel better.
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It’s almost 5PM which means it’s almost time for Seungcheol to finally go home. He checks his phone one more time before he pockets the device, putting away the last few pairs of rollerskates before he starts making his way towards the backroom. 
“Hey! ‘Cheol-hyung, can you come over here!?” Jeongguk yells over the music, arms waving him down frantically before he clocks out.
Seungcheol walks over, noting an unknown male standing with him. “Yes? Did you need help?”
“This guy, sorry I forgot your name?” The male laughs, eyes forming crescents when he smiles brightly at Jeongguk. “It’s Seokmin.”
“Right, right. Seokmin is asking if we’re hiring?” Jeongguk ends with a head tilt, unsure of the answer himself.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek. Technically yes, they were understaffed even with Namjoon around. But Namjoon was also technically the one in charge of overseeing hiring positions. And while they technically should’ve hired more staff, that also meant Seungcheol’s overtime bonuses would be cut anytime they actually had the appropriate amount of staff.
“Uhhhh… I--I don’t think so? I’m not the one in charge. Our manager that decides staff and hiring positions is out of town indefinitely so…” Seungcheol trails off, hoping Seokmin gets the hint.
“Ahh… Should I come back another time then?” Seungcheol nods, frowning slightly. “Sorry ‘bout that man. But hey, why don’t you leave your contact info so we can call you? So you don’t have to keep coming back.”
Seokmin nods, beaming at the older male.
“Sure, that’d be great! Thanks!”
Seungcheol only feels slightly bad when he gets home that night, praying karma doesn’t kick his ass later for lying.
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On days when you cancel your show are the days Seungcheol realizes he needs more hobbies than watching your cam shows and gaming all night.
Not that it’s a bad thing, he thinks, just that he could supplement his life with more.
He places an order for a few cookbooks alongside the order for the sybian, soft chuckles spilling from his lips when he realizes what an odd array of things he’s ordered.
Seungcheol manages to fill his night with meaningless tasks; finally cleaning his PC and settling in to watch a movie while he polishes off an entire pizza. He checks his phone a few more times, noting no new messages and he wonders if you’re really okay. A lightbulb goes off in his head, power walking back to his PC as he opens a new browser.
He bites his lip, typing in ‘j__min’ in the search bar to see what comes up. By nature, the username is unfortunately a lot more common than he anticipates and he ends up rifling through a lot of dead ends before he comes upon the profile on the same camming website you used and an instagram that seemed to be updated fairly regularly.
“Let’s see…”
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Your body feels hot all over. Pin pricks on your fingertips as a bead of sweat trickles down your temple.
Now, you didn’t feel sick, you just felt incredibly insatiable. Again.
You weren’t sure if it was because your body had adjusted to a certain schedule, but you can’t help the way you toss and turn in bed; thighs rubbing together in hopes of alleviating the growing wetness between them.
Checking the clock, you note it’s already 10PM, close to when you’d normally be doing your show. You sigh, pushing your sweaty hair out of your face as you reach for your phone on the nightstand. You immediately notice a few text messages from Seungcheol; frowning when you notice the text messages were from the morning.
cheollie ✨: hey, baby :( saw your note, i hope you’re okay.
cheollie ✨: make sure to drink a lot of water and take medicine!
cheollie ✨: don’t push yourself too hard either okay?
The messages end there and you pout, unsure what to even say now that it had been hours since he’d texted.
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babygirl 🍒 : cheollie… i only saw ur msgs now 🥺
babygirl 🍒 : im sorryyyyy i was sleeping so long but i feel better now!!
Seungcheol closes all his browser tabs before he realizes it, a smile on his face when he sees you’ve responded.
‘That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re okay and feeling better. Promise me you drank tons of water?’
He feels giddy, palms sweaty as he grips his phone.
babygirl: mmhmm! i did… i don’t even feel sick anymore 🥺 but…
babygirl: dunno… i’m feeling needy again… i think my body is used to my usual schedule...
Seungcheol’s body thrums with newfound energy and arousal at your leading comments. He’s unsure of what to say next, fearing he was going to say too much. But his phone pings again, eyes quickly flitting over your messages.
babygirl 🍒 : if ur busy its okay but
babygirl 🍒 : do u think we could cam? just u and me?
babygirl 🍒 : only if ur free tho!!
His fingers are tingling when he sends his reply, making it short and sweet before he places his phone down and makes sure his PC is running smoothly.
‘Of course, you know I’m always here when you need me. :)’
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It takes a few minutes for you and Seungcheol to set up your respective spaces and in the meantime, you grab your laptop, propping it open on the bed next to you as you lay in front of it. You had debated on using your better camera which you used for camming, but you didn’t want it to be set up like a cam show.
Instead, you wanted a more intimate and casual video call with Seungcheol, so you made sure your webcam worked fine as you placed it on the sheets.
‘Video Call Incoming…’
You can’t help the blush that coats your skin nor the lust that fills your body as soon as you accept his call; his somewhat blurry figure coming into view.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Seungcheol beams at you through the grainy camera and you already feel yourself clenching around emptiness, words caught in your throat at how handsome he was and how truly enticing his voice was. “H-hi!” Rubbing your thighs together, you peer at the camera shyly. “I--wow, the pictures really… You’re so much more handsome on v-video.” You giggle slightly, leaning in closer to your laptop to get a better view of the silvery-blue haired male.
Seungcheol’s deep laugh filters through the speakers and your toes curl against the sheets.
“You should see me in person, maybe I’ll look even better then.”
You don’t deny that one bit; your own hands already itching to touch yourself. “Oh? Is that an invitation~?”
Seungcheol’s eyes pierce the camera, licking his own lips as you watch him  snake a hand down into his sweats.
“If you want it to be, sweetheart. But tell me about you, how are you feeling? Have you eaten already?”
Gulping, you watch as his hand seems to work slowly and out of view. “I--um, I feel b-better just… Dunno, guess my body’s just used to, um, y’know… A-and I haven’t really had much of an appetite...” You trail off, head still fuzzy from the cold medicines and now, Seungcheol.
In a roundabout way, it almost feels like you’re watching him do a show for you as you watch him slowly get off.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, baby. But you know you should try to eat, okay? I don’t want you to get even sicker.” You nod, fingertips already at the edge of your sleep shorts. 
“I--c-can I touch myself too?” Seungcheol laughs lightly, nodding as he tilts his head back. “Of course, you don’t need to ask me for permission, baby.”
You grin at him, sitting up as you reposition the laptop. Your hand slides underneath a pillow, grabbing the small bullet vibrator you kept there. “Do you always keep a toy handy?” His voice is airy, teasing in the way he asks.
“Mmhmm~ You never know when you’ll need it~” You sing-song, shimmying your sleep shorts and panties off before you spread your legs in front of the camera.
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The air gets knocked out of Seungcheol the second you spread your legs for him and him alone and he can’t help but imagine all the things he wanted to do with you. He watches as you tease yourself, fingertips only grazing across the areas he knew you wanted to be touched the most. 
“I can’t wait for us to finally fuckin’ meet.” He grits out.
A moan floats through the speakers of Seungcheol’s gaming PC, your saccharine voice music to his ears. “M-me too, wanna know what you’d do to me~” You giggle afterwards, pressing the vibrator to your clit as you spread your legs wider for him to see. Seungcheol’s hand around his cock tightens as he watches, an appreciative smirk on his face.
“Oh sweetheart, what wouldn’t I do to you.” You can’t help but slide your fingers through your wet folds listening to Seungcheol’s voice, whimpering when you finally slide a finger in. “Yeah? What would be the first thing? Tell me, ‘Cheollie~”
Even through the webcam quality, you can see the way Seungcheol’s eyes glaze over in complete pleasure. He licks his lips once, leaning in close so that you can hear him clearly.
“I know you probably think I’d get straight to the filthy shit, huh? Pin you to your bed and fuck you until you forget your own name or tie you up to the bedposts and make you beg for me to fuck you. But I wouldn’t. Because I wanna worship your fuckin’ body. I’d take it nice and slow with you, give you as many orgasms as you want.”
“F-fuck, Seungcheol, I–”
“You could use me for your pleasure, y’know? You deserve it. You’re such a good girl. I’d give you anything you fuckin’ want if you’d let me.”
Your choked moans have Seungcheol working his cock faster; nothing on his mind except for you and his impending orgasm. “Oh g-god, Seungcheol, I--fuck, yes, I want that~ I want you to--to make me cum as many times as I w-want!” You mewl, easily working in another finger as you pump the digits inside your pussy.
He smirks when he sees your grip on the vibrator loosening, knowing that you were already too lost in the pleasure to keep the toy on. “And I’d let you. Maybe I’d make you cum on my tongue first. Or would you want my fingers?”
“B-both! Puh--please…” You whine, legs threatening to clamp shut. You curl and scissor your fingers, thrusting them knuckle deep inside yourself as you chase the pleasure that overtakes your senses. “Please, ‘Cheol, tell me more~”
You watch through the camera as Seungcheol pushes his sweats down enough to get his cock into view; mouth watering as you watch it curve up to his lower abdomen.
“I know how much you love being doted on and being taken care of… So after I make you cum all fuckin’ night, you know I’d take care of you. Make sure you’re comfortable and cuddle with you when you’re tired.” His hips cant up into his closed palm, a soft groan on his lips. “And then when we wake up, I’ll eat you out. Nice and slow so you know it’d be worth it.” 
Seungcheol smirks, smearing the precum all over his shaft. “But I also know you like it rough and you like being punished like a bad girl. You like the idea of being tied up and teased and being fucked nice and hard too. I could take it nice and slow, build up the pleasure for you. Or I can take it nice and slow and tease you, I’d make you sit on my cock ‘n make you wait for it ‘til you’re begging me. Or maybe you would want an audience? Let them see you fall apart on my cock when you’re desperate to cum.” 
You press the vibrator against your clit again, Seungcheol’s name falling out of your mouth in a blubbering mess. “Oh--I--!!”
Your legs clamp shut, fingers halting their movements as you cum hard around your fingers. Seungcheol watches as your legs shake, his own hand running up and down his cock in quick motions as he chases his high too. You vaguely hear him groaning your name; the ringing in your ears overbearing as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
The sound of your quick and shallow breaths mix with Seungcheol’s over the speakers as the two of you catch your breath. You slip your fingers from inside of you, wincing when you turn off the toy and toss it to the side.
“Fuck, baby, I--”
“Y-yeah…” You quietly lick your fingers clean, knowing that Seungcheol’s watching. “I… that was the first time I… did that with s-someone…” You giggle tiredly, wiping the rest of your sticky fingers on your shirt.
“Really? Never?” Seungcheol’s surprised expression makes you giggle; his eyes round and mouth wide open as he leans closer to his webcam.
“Mmhmm! Just, y’know, it’s--it’s hard to get close to people sometimes…”
You had mentioned it off-handedly once while the two of you had been texting, that most of the dates you’d been on hated the fact that you cammed. There was always a possessive aura that was present and while Seungcheol would sometimes get a little jealous himself, he also knew it was your livelihood and how you supported yourself.
“Ah, yeah, I can understand.”
The two of you sit in a content silence, Seungcheol reaching for a few tissues to clean off the drying cum on his abdomen.
“Hey, ‘Cheol?”
“Yeah?” He peers up at the camera through his lashes, blinking rapidly as he watches you lay back down in front of your laptop.
“About what you said… earlier…” You pause, shyness overtaking once again. “I--Would you want to meet up? Like, for real? I mean--not--not like tomorrow or something but... Y’know, we can start planning?” 
Any words that come after that turn into radio static in Seungcheol’s head and he can feel his pupils shaking, nervousness already bubbling up inside of him at the prospect of actually finally maybe getting to meet you. 
“Seungcheol? ‘Cheollie? You okay?” 
“Huh? Yeah, yeah! I’m cool, I’m good, sorry, that--that caught me off guard.”
He watches as you talk animatedly, mind already going a mile a minute as he thinks over everything that needed to be done before then. 
“I’m really excited to meet you, ‘Cheollie!” 
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Welcome To The Pack: Sing My Song
Part One
Summary- 6.2k Steve Rogers x You. Having you back makes the Alpha very happy, and has a hard time keeping his hands to himself. Which you don’t have any issues with that. Shuri continues her work with you, and making progress everyday, enough so Steve hopes to take you on a run through Wakanda. Bucky and his team are drawing in on Brock, but will they be able to take out the ex Alpha and his bitch for good? Warnings- Smut and Violence. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
A/N- Im breaking this into 2 parts. Its long and I feel like its just a lot to handle all to once. So next chapter will be posted soon. As always, Thank you for sticking with me and The Pack, I hope you all enjoy. As always feedback and your thoughts are encouraged, I’m always open to hearing what you all think and would like to see for them in the future. Happy Reading 🐺❤️
Chapter 8 / Pack Masterlist
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You scanned over the crowd, but you still couldn’t see Steve. There were so many people passing mingling, and the room was huge, fit for a palace. You closed your eyes instead and tilted your head slightly to sort through scents, inhaling for him. It made you wish your Little Wolf was back, she would have honed right in on your Alpha. But you could do it on your own, Steve would stand out, woodsy pine and iron, it would stand out from so much of the panthers that the moment you found it, your body curved into it, craving to find the source. Your eyes slid open to look once more and that's when you saw him. His long powerful strides coming towards you, blue eyes roving all of you as if he hungered, all Alpha Male, all your Alpha Male. The white button up was stretched taut over his chest, and the black slacks, crisp, his hands were shoved in his pants pocket for now. Glancing up you could see his hair swept back from his forehead, and underneath his eyes were honed in on you as if stalking you down. In a way he was, as large as Steve was, he weaved through the people with one thing in mind. You. It was simple, and a fitting look for Steve as you felt your breath hitch a moment. His hand swept through his hair, and you could see that he still had a look of surprise on his face, as well as pleasure. Steve seemed to like you looking like this, and that alone made you bite your lip a bit shyly and glance down momentarily, but the moment he paused in front of you, his slight rumble from his chest drew your attention to his warm heated gaze all for you. 
“Little One, you look beautiful.” His hands immediately slid along your side, and stepped in closer, your head tilting up to meet him. 
“You really do like it? Natasha swore up and down that wearing blue would be the best choice.” Your fingers danced up the buttons of the white shirt while Steve circled an arm around you, there was music playing and the two of you started to barely sway while talking. Steve’s hand pressed against the small of your back, heated through the thin fabric of the dress, and you leaned in against him. 
“She was right, reminds me of sitting out on the deck under the night sky when you're wearing this blue.” He assured you and grasped your chin lightly, kissing you deeply. “Come, we must mingle with the Panthers, I know Shuri has been waiting for you.” He nuzzled you gently before tucking you into his side. Already the Alpha felt calmer, more in control having you at his side. The Wolf preened being able to show off the Little One at his side, and Steve had to agree that it did something to him to be escorting you around. 
The night proceeded, and although the function was formal, Steve couldn't seem to keep his hands off you, letting it slide from the small of your back to the curve of your ass, pulling you aside onto the open balconies to steal nipping kisses. You were sure that there was at least a red mark on your neck from where he couldn't help himself, the lash of his tongue and a touch of his teeth making you whimper excitedly while you two were just out of sight. Steve hissed in your ear. “I can't wait to get you back upstairs, make you all mine where I don't have to share you with anyone else.” 
You would tug on his shirt with a whimper, and brush your own lips against his ear. “Still have to play guest Alpha.” And you would lead him back inside, your hand swallowed in his, together getting lost in the crowd, going back to dancing with one another and being introduced to members of the king's guard and other leaders of the tribes following the King. Steve currently got caught up in proper military techniques when you split a way to go to the bar, opting to switch from the liquor they had been serving you to ice water. Tipping your head back and drinking deeply, the ice cold water cleared the parch from your throat when you heard Natasha sidle up to you. Her pale cheeks flushed red from dancing, and her lipstick slightly smudged. 
“Been having a good time Nat?” you smirk, and she winks at you. 
“Just as much as you have been. I've seen you disappearing with Steve every chance you two can get. Plus your lipstick is smudged. More than mine I'm sure.” Natasha pulled out a compact from a wrist bag and handed it over. Grabbing a napkin off the bar, you used a dab of water to clean yourself up. 
“You were right, with this dress, he can't help himself.” You admitted quietly to Natasha so no passersby were aware of their conversation. “I don't know how much longer he's going to want to stay.” 
“Then don't.” Natasha turned around to keep an eye on the crowd, Smirking as she caught the eye of someone. “Speaking of the devil, and he shall appear. Hey Rogers, looking for someone?” she grinned teasing at the Alpha as his hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your neck, his fingers massaging the column loosely. 
“Not you, but there was a panther over on the other side of the room, wondering where you disappeared to.” Steve motioned over his shoulder with his free thumb, and Natasha finished off the last of her drink at the bar. “Then I shall go, I had promised him I wouldn't be long.” She leaned over, pecking your cheek with a grin. “Enjoy your afterparty Y/N.” Before Steve could shoo her away, she disappeared from sight, and you turned towards Steve, sipping from what was left of your glass of water. “Thirsty Alpha?” you held up the glass and he groaned. 
“I am thirsty, but not for water.” He pulled away the glass from your hold and pulled you in for a deep kiss, taking your breath away. Pulling away before he got too carried away, Steve dipped his nose in against your neck, growling possessively against your pulse when you started to arch into his body, the whisk of fabric between you two reminding you both that you were not back home. 
You and Steve put in some more effort to mingle with the others, but once you nudged against Steve's shoulder about an hour later, whispering into his ear that you were tired, Steve nodded while placing a kiss against your temple “Give me a moment to excuse us.” He left you for a moment at a table to bid T’Challa a good night, and thank the queen for her hospitality. When he returned to the table, offering his arm to you, you grasped it lightly and moved to a stand. “You ready Little One to go up?”
“Yes Alpha” You stifled a bit of a yawn, that made Steve chuckle and together you headed for the elevator to the top floors. 
 Back in the room, Steve was quick to pin you up against the door once it shut behind you, his mouth heavy and demanding on your neck. It had been torture for Steve to wait to be alone with you after T’Challa brought up the idea of future children. It made him heated thinking about it, wanting to bury inside you, watching you come undone all for him. Add that dress that clung to all your curves he was becoming familiar with, well it made him left with a hard on that was driving him crazy. 
You tilted your head back to let him inhale you and leave his own scent, his beard rough against your flesh while burning a trail in that way that made your knees shake and your body want more. Your fingers nimbly tug at his shirt until buttons popped across the floor and you pressed hands against the muscular wall of his chest, and around to his bare back, digging your nails into the muscles jerking in response. “Steve, you feel so good.” you panted his name and he lifted his head up enough to look at you. “Get me out of the dress.” You flipped around so he could undo the ties and he tried. Fuck he tried. But there was just so much, and Natasha tied it so tight, his fingers wouldn't cooperate in just this moment. Giving one frustrated growl, Steve yanked hard once and the fabric ripped, making you gasp. 
“STEVE! This was Shuri’s dress.” You giggled softly, and he drew it off, his hands grasping against the globes of your ass through your panties, making him growl in a teasing manner as he pulled your ass back into him. 
“You tore off my buttons.” He hissed against the back of your neck while pressing his groin into you, clearly able to feel the outline of his cock through the fabric of his slacks, making you tilt your head to look at your Alpha over your shoulder. “I will buy her a new dress.”  
“You should probably replace the shirt as well, right? We did borrow it for tonight.” You giggled softly. Steve gave a sharp laugh, amused with your attitude and he gave a sharp nip to your neck which made you yelp with a laugh as his arm circled around you to lift you, bringing you to the bed. He let you bounce on the mattress while he worked on getting his pants and boxers off with a sense of urgency. You twisted and laid on your back, watching Steve while you pressed your hands against your breasts and arched into your hold as you teased your nipples through the fabric of your bra, saying his name again. “Mmmhh, Steve.” 
Finally ditching the last of it, he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down the bed a bit. “Little One, I don't think so. Only one allowed to touch you, is me. Only one to get you off is me.” You gave a playful pout as his shoulders parted your thighs open till you spread them. Giving a inhale against your clothed core and running his tongue over your soaking cotton panties, you wriggled as another rush of wetness filled you. “Fuck you smell so good, just like sex.” growling out as his fingers found the elastic band holding it all together and snapped it sharply, making you yelp at the sting while he peeled the wet cloth away from you.  
“We are all about destroying all the clothes today Alpha?” You lifted your head to look at him, biting on your lip as he dragged his tongue along the red mark the snap of the band had caused.  
“When you look and taste this good, you don't need them Little One.” His eyes lust blown, lips wet and bright red where he had dragged them against your skin. Your gaze followed him as his tongue buried into your folds while his hands pressed against the back of your thighs, folding you back. 
“Oh Fuck!” You cried out, feeling your body stretch tight with the way he folded you and his tongue tease your sensitive cunt while he groaned and growled just enough to vibrate through you. A tug at your clit had you snapping your back and twisting to find something to grasp and Steve angled a forearm against the back of your knees to keep you open for him. Fingers soon started to stretch you open, adding to the full sensation he was demanding from you. At first your hands sought to grip the sheets, but it wasn't useful to tug on them. Instead you pushed your fingers into his hair, pulling harshly and rocking your hips to grind yourself against his face for more. Steve’s beard burned your thighs and sensitive folds roughly, causing you to cry out once in a while. But he didn't stop till you were locking around his digits, rush of your juices escaping to coat his tongue and lower jaw. He wouldn’t stop though, if anything when you came, he doubled his efforts, his mouth and fingers working you through it to the end when you collapsed back against the mattress. 
“Steve you gotta stop for a moment.” you tugged gentler on his hair, trying to get him to lift his head. But his eyes lifted and you shuddered from his look. Steve had no plans on stopping yet. 
Fingers twisted to stroke your walls, and just the motion made you want to do just as he asked for. He nipped the back of your highs he had held back, worked down to sink his teeth in plump ass cheeks enough to leave a playful imprint before going back to tease and suck on your clit. 
The Alpha had you coming once again, locking around his fingers, and he nuzzled against you while lapping your essence with satisfaction. “So good Little One.” His beard dragged a moment along the back of your thighs, leaving a trail of yourself in its wake. It was only then that Steve let your legs fall back and his hands framed your hips to slide you up the bed, pressing kisses and gentle bites to your fluttering stomach till he had you where he wanted you. Steve pushed himself up your body to drag that soaked beard along your skin, biting just hard enough to make you jump slightly, whining his name. 
He rumbled from his chest in pleasure hearing you call him Alpha, his hands palming your breasts through your bra, and working your bra down enough to expose your breasts. “Yes Little One?” He asked before he claimed a nipple, sucking and tugging on it, pressing a finger back into your heat, spreading slick and teasing your spot only his long fingers could reach. He was bringing you high again, rather quickly as you never came back down from before. Your whine turns needy, your fingers grasping at anything, his back, his shoulders, his hair. None of them could quite save you, not when he was looking at you while swirling the tongue over your nipple until they were hard peaks, so sensitive that you were arching into it over and over “You're going to make me cum again.” 
A particular hard suck made you shudder as he smirked. “That's the goal Little One. Your not leaving till I’ve had my fill and I fuck you good. Seeing you dolled up like that made the Wolf hungry.” He promised, before switching to the other, and his weight across your body kept you in place while you came again all over his hand that was pumping and grinding your cunt. 
“Steve, oh I need a breath.” you said in a gasp, your hands fisting in your hair as you tried to drag air into your lungs. But he didnt give in yet. Sliding up the rest of your body, his lips interlaced against yours, tongue that was warm and still tasted of your taint took control, and at this point, you just hung on, trying to draw air where you could. Only when you were gasping for air against his lips did he lift away from you, taking a lingering look at you. 
Steve’s eyes were like caresses all on their own, taking his own sharp inhale to enhance the moment before his gaze fell back to yours and a smile ghosted his lips. “You look beautiful tonight, especially right now, all dazed and breathless Little One.” His hands eased along your hips and twisted you to your stomach, lifting your waist up so your ass was raised above you, his palms cupping your curved globes and letting his fingers sink in. It was no secret that Steve loved seeing you in this position, and truth be told it was one of your favorites as well. It reminded you of your heat with Steve having you this way, and you felt him for days afterwards. His marks would be left on your hips, and every time you caught sight of them in the mirror following that heat, you were excited, turned on knowing he couldn't contain himself, having sent him into a rut.  Here you took a breath, drawing it deep and humming in satisfaction when he leaned over you to place hungry kisses against the back of your neck. 
“One day when you're ready,  I'm going to give you the bite Little One, I will take away the memories of these scars. Of those hands.” His nose traced the back of your neck, dropping your head to let the sensation fill you. “These will be the only ones to trace your skin, hold your body still. The only one to love you like this.” 
How badly you wanted just what he said, curling your fingers into the pillows you were pressed against and took a dragging breath. You wanted to tell him to do it, you wanted it, you only wanted his bite to be the one that mattered on your body. But you didn't want to do it without your Little Wolf, the bond belonged to both of you. 
“You promise?” You whined, shivering wherever his hands traced you, and his mouth laid claim to the curve where your neck met your shoulder. “When the time is right?” 
“As long as you will have me Little One.” He growled as his cock pressed against your cunt, and so easily stretched you open for him, your head was thrown back and he wrapped a hand around the front of your throat while he thrusted himself in further. The stretch, it felt so good that tears formed in the corner of your eyes and you arched back to meet him, pressing yourself to accept all of him. Steve set the pace, rutting behind you with a slap of hips against your ass, and shared grunts and groans between you. You were pressing your chest into the mattress till he pulled you up to your elbows, shifting your angle and tilting his hips to grind into you, you gasped when he pressed against your spot. 
“Again Steve- fuck- right there, fuck!” 
“Such a dirty mouth on you Little One.” be licked along your neck and you whimpered when he obliged, now aiming just for that spot over and over till you were crying rather loudly in pleasure, tears streaming down your face and sobs of incoherent words falling from you. Your cunt squeezing and flexing around him for relief, to feel him spill in you. 
“Fuck, your right there.” He hissed out from clenched teeth, and his hand slipped around to press against your lower stomach to feel his cock drive into you, swelling and pulsing as he pressed down making you whimper once more at the sensation of how full you were. Steve could have came right there hearing you whimper at him like that, knowing he was taking you apart just to bring you back together. It was then he let his hands fall lower between your thighs pressing and rolling your clit, making you buck underneath him.
“Alpha, Oh-!” you cried out, and Steve just growled in response, a loud animalistic sound ripping from him.
Your nails dug into the pillows until you pressed a knuckle into your mouth, biting down. The rush, it was fast coming, those coils in your belly snapping one by one till you locked around him, flooding him and half collapsing if it wasn't for his hold on your throat. “So good Little One.” Steve grunted in your ear, and moaning softly to let him know you heard, his thrusts started to slow, groaning as he dragged his cock through your swollen cunt. His breaths heavily against the back of your neck and his chest pressed hotly against your back . 
Steve's hands grasped your hips and straightened to chase his own rush, sure to fill you with his own seed, the drive to fuck a child in you made both him and the wolf happy, and he let those images drive his hips forward till he started to tilt over the edge, with several hard thrusts that pushed you hard into the mattress beneath you, the air from your lungs escaping in a harsh gasp. Steve's release painted you with his seed, pushing it deep to the womb. “Fuck Little One, I’m never going to get enough of you.“ He groaned as he sank to drape over your back and his weight kept you pinned there for a moment as he came back to you. Nuzzling your neck, he wasn't able to move away, the knot still buried deep, but he could relieve the pressure on your back. 
“I'm gonna roll us a bit.” He huffed against your shoulder and you whined as he tipped you and him to your sides, spooning behind you now while you still were catching your breath. 
Your face was pressed into the pillow for a few moments, until you tilted your head to breath, drawing in the sex filled air, heavy with the scent of your sweaty satisfied bodies. You could feel the rasp of Steve's chest against your back, his hands pressed to your hip keeping you drawn back against him while the feeling of his knot was still holding you to him. Your hand reached back for his, weaving your fingers through his and bringing it to wrap around your midsection. 
“Alpha?” You said softly, and you could feel him nuzzle the back of your neck, scenting you as he hummed in response. 
“Are you okay Little One?” he shifted enough so that he could kiss your shoulder. Gentleness compared to his mouth before on you. 
“Yes, I am fine.” You tilted your head to look at him over your shoulder, your fingers squeezing with his just a bit. Your Little Wolf would have been so proud, and how you wished she could have been with you for this. “I love you Steve Rogers, Alpha. My Alpha” 
Steve's eyes widened, although he had felt this for you well before Pierce, or what he felt was love, it was so very different this time then it was before with his ex, he had never wanted to push you into feeling the same way. But hearing those words fall so easily from you, he knew what it was. You were quick though to press your fingers against his mouth before he could say anything. 
“Dont, you don't have to say it back. You don't have to Steve.” Your eyes flickered over his before you settled back down, Steve gave an open mouthed kiss to your neck, his tongue pressing against the thrum of your pulse, just barely grazing his teeth against the very spot he would give you the bite once you say you were ready for it. 
“Y/N, Little One, I love you too, my Omega.” You shivered a bit hearing him call you Omega, his omega. It was a term honored for someone truly special to an Alpha. You could feel your heart almost ache hearing him. 
Steve never pulled out, you ended up drifting to sleep like that, your Alpha wrapped around you, inside you, your head cradled on his bicep. His other arm was splayed against your stomach as he held you close to him, his nose buried in your hair. Both of you are satisfied and at ease. The dreams that night, Steves Wolf continued howling for his Little Wolf, and you saw pale flashes of fur in your mind and barely audible howls back to him, or were those just his echos? 
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Days turned into a week, and daily Steve would bring you to Shuri’s lab, then back to the room to rest as you would be tired. Her technology was fascinating to Steve, Him and Natasha would watch Shuri work from just outside her lab. Steve didn't want to be far from you, and Natasha was keeping an eye on her Alpha. When Shuri got to work, large images would be portrayed before her, and it didn't take long for both the wolves watching to realize that they were seeing an image of your mind, the electrical current of your thoughts and memories, your brain telling your body what to do. Shuri chased each one with intense concentration till she would isolate it, figure out what the charge was for and right the issue. Each day a little more would happen. One day at lunch with Steve and Natasha, you suddenly grasped Steve’s forearm in surprise. “I saw her, she wouldn't answer me, but I saw her.” You would say, your eyes snapping shut to seek her out. Natasha paused mid bite with her food, and Steve turned towards you. 
His hands cupped your face and a soft rumbling demand escaped. “Open your eyes.” They sprang open for him to search them, sure that the Little Wolf would make herself known to him soon. A spark of yellow, a soft howl for his Wolf. Anything, but nothing yet. “She will be back soon, a little more everyday.” Steve assured you afterwards. 
And it happened again, Steve was gentle in his love making that night. His hands clasped against yours that were pressed on either side of your head, rolling himself in and out of you as you withered beneath him with soft cries and moans. Chanting his name in that soft whisper the closer you were about to come for him like it was a way to keep yourself from falling apart beneath him. 
He flushed kisses down your neck and chest. Keeping his thrusts slow and deep, letting you feel that stretch and drag of his cock through your channel. It was an afternoon of lazy lovemaking for you both. No desire to reach an end, but enjoying the feeling of each other.  Your legs ached with tension when they locked around his hips, the rest of your body stiffening underneath him while arching your chest into his. You head tilted back into the pillows and instead of your passionate cry, you howled instead. It started out in a soft tone and rose sharply till you collapsed underneath him, your eyes opening to show hints of yellow. You were too dazed to even know what happened, and Steve didn’t say anything while you were like this. He dropped his head to yours, catching your lips to kiss you while he found his own ending, lowering himself to keep you secure between him and the mattress while you clung to him. 
Afterwards you were laying against his chest, his hand sliding up and down your back, and your breathing telling him you were asleep. Steve thought back on that intimate moment, and how you had let yourself go to your wilder side. 
<She’s close. I can smell her coming back.> The Wolf said excitedly, his muzzle lifting to smell for her. <It will be the Full Moon here soon, she will want to run.> 
Steve's head dropped against your head, inhaling deeply. Sure enough you smelled like you always did to him, soft honeysuckle and fresh ferns, but there was that other distinct scent. You. You and Your Wolf. She was coming back. 
Just a few more days. Your right. Just in time for the Full Moon. We will speak about it to T’Challa. 
When Steve did bring it up with the Panther, he was more than understanding, as his people used the Full Moon to do their own gathering. “Of course, if she is ready, You, Natasha and Y/N feel free to go anywhere in Wakanda. No one will stop you from your Run.” 
Elated with this news, Steve was sure to thank him profusely, and go tell Natasha. A knock on her door and she opened it, ushering him into her room. You were curled up on her couch, currently using a phone to talk to Sara. 
“Just here and there. Steve said he noticed her the other night. I’m hoping for it any day now. I really do miss her.” Catching Steve’s scent, and hearing him greet Natasha, you turned back to your phone call. “In fact he’s here right now. Would you like to talk to him?” You questioned while unfolding from your spot, and approaching him. His arm held out so you could tuck into him while handing him the phone. “It's Sara, she was just checking in on us.” 
Pressing the phone to his ear, he could hear his friend's sleepy voice. “Hey Alpha, Y/N tells me you all are really doing good in Wakanda.” 
“Yes, we are. I know Natasha’s been enjoying the extra sun for sure.” His gaze turning to the red wolf, who now was sporting a tan, she grinned and nodded, speaking a bit louder. “I might just stay, there's this one Panther Sara, who is just… whew!” 
Steve scowled at her while you laughed, hiding your face in his side, and Natasha had no shame in her Cheshire Grin. 
“You would fit right in here, you're basically a feline now Romanoff.” Steve replied with a shrug, feigning he wouldn't care, but both you and Nat knew better.  
Sara on the other end was howling with laughter, Sam could be heard in the background. “Go back to sleep!” A shuffle sounded, and a click of the door signaled she left the room to Sam. 
“How’s Sam liking you two being the stand ins?” Steve turned it back to the conversation. 
“Oh he grumbles and complains, but he's just fine. You know Sam. We have this place running just fine till you and Y/N come home.” 
“And Bucky, Clint, Wanda and Pietro?” Steve questioned, almost hesitant. He hadn't heard anything from Bucky since he arrived, and had hoped Sara at least had. But the sound of her voice was soft. 
“No Steve, nothing. I have left several messages. To be honest, I'm getting worried about them.” 
Steve and the Wolf didn't like that, a slight rumble brushing through the Wolf in worry for his packmates. Torn between wanting to go back to find the group, and making sure you had everything you needed to bring back your Little Wolf left him unsettled. “I don't expect to be here much longer, if you don't hear from one of them in a few days, send out a call to the packs nearby. Maybe one of them has seen the group.” 
Natasha sat on edge of the couch, near you listening intently. Once Steve hung up, she got up. 
“Let me go home. You two are fine without me now.” 
Steve hesitated and you shrugged at him softly from behind Natasha. It seemed like a good idea, as he had said before, they shouldn't be here too much longer. and the Alpha nodded. “Starks jet is still here, go and see if they are okay. If Brock did something to any of them… “ He led off in a growl and Natasha nodded, going to gather her stuff. You pushed off the couch and went to Steve, rubbing at his rumbling chest and looking up at him. 
“I'm sure they are okay Alpha.” you said, and he nodded, letting his hands ease along your back, the simple move making him relax, regain his calm.  
“I'm sure they are just busy on the trail.” 
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Busy was right, Bucky watched out front of where they found Brock and Alanna, holed up. A series of trails finally led them to here, in this suburban looking area where every house looked exactly the same. The last place Brock would have thought they would look for him, seeing how he hated people as much as he did. It was exactly what Bucky suspected him to do. 
<Clint and Wanda are out back, Pietro with us. It's probably the best time to storm the place. Most of the neighborhood is at work.> The White Wolf cautious to his surroundings, as vigilant as his human counterpart. The beast craved to be more hidden, out of sight. Right now Bucky was leaning against the door of the car with a pair of binoculars, scoping the place out for any sign of movement. Any sign of Cassandra still being alive. 
I hate to go in when nobody is there, we will just blow our cover and they will be gone again. I can smell them easily, but I can't tell if anyone is inside. 
There was a slight crackle to Bucky's earpiece. “Barnes, we just had a curtain move upstairs and Alanna looked out. She’s at least there, and I doubt she would stay all alone.” Clint's voice came over. Pietro looked at Bucky expectantly, waiting for him to make the decision. 
<He’s in there. Rumlow is a son of a bitch, but he's untrusting of anyone, including a bitch he claimed as his. He won't leave Alanna alone with Cassandra. He knows Alanna is a jealous bitch.> Bucky pondered the White Wolf’s words a moment and then responded to Clint. “You and Wanda go in the back, we will go in the front. Watch yourselves.” 
Pietro and Bucky left the van, quick to go across the street. Bucky heard a loud bang of a door, and his foot also connected to the front door, ramming it in as they entered. Hoping for an element of surprise, expecting it actually. What they weren't expecting was several smoke bombs to go off, their senses overwhelmed with the burning smoke. Clint tried to get up higher, above it while rushing up the stairs, a boot connected to his chest to push him back down. A masked Rumlow leaping over the bannister and landing in front of Bucky. “Fuck, good to see you again Barnes.” He laughed muffled into his mask while he went after the White Wolf, who was still coughing and trying to catch his breath. He was able to match Brock's throws, blocking them, and giving off his own while he wheezed in more of the gas. 
From behind Alanna went for Wanda, who was trying to summon enough of a breeze to dislodge the gas, red sparks shooting around her, but a swing connected behind the woman's head before she even knew anything hit her, and Wanda was down. Pietro was doubled over coughing when he happened to notice Wanda collapse nearby and made his way to his sister. He leaned down next to her to slide his arms underneath her to bring her out of the house, when Alanna caught him unaware as well, Pietro collapsing next to Wanda. Alanna was quick to pull out two sinister looking collars from her back pockets, and latched them around each person's neck while calling out. “two out of four Brock!” 
“Get the fucking archer!” He snarled as he blocked Bucky again while the two men moved crashing around the room. Both of them tripping over living room furniture and trying to get the upper hand against the other. Bucky faltered for a second, hearing that two of his team were already taken out. Brock took that moment to send him sprawling back to crash into a bookcase, sending its contents scattering.
Alanna paid no heed to who was getting the upper hand between Brock and Bucky. She had her order from her Alpha, and that sent her scrambling to get to the staircase, and up the stairs to take care of Clint. Looking up she didn't see any sign of him, and fear of where he might be made her and her wolf hesitate in a cower for a second. She knew she wouldn't be a match for him. Not single handed.  Smirking she turned back to Wanda and Pietro, who were now collared, and starting to come around. “Sobaki.” Alanna called them dogs in Russian, and they both turned their attention to her, eyes lowered and vacant as they stared ahead, waiting for her command. 
“Ahh, that's better. Go get Clint and put this on him.” She handed Wanda another collar, and barked out. “NOW!” 
Without hesitation, both the siblings went racing up the stairs, and Alanna could turn her attention to Brock and Bucky, who were both evenly matched. But Bucky was starting to get the upper hand, placing more hits to Brock, instead of blocking. Taking advantage of his opponent getting tired, using his speed and size to back him up, leaving him no way to escape. “Where is she?” Bucky screamed his question as he started to corner Brock, his teeth bared at the ex alpha. 
Brock spit blood off to the side while dragging his forearm across his mouth. His whole demeanor changed from a scowl to a red stained grin, his face going hard and cold as he squared his shoulders, a smirk sliding in place. “Cassandra your sweet little village whore? Is that who you're talking about?” Bucky closed the gap between the two, a hand flipping a knife out from a holster at his side, and pressing the blade to Brock’s bobbing adam’s apple.
“You tell me where she is Rumlow, and I might kill you quickly.” Bucky threatened.
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earthfire-75 · 3 years
Chapter One, Part Two: Kashmir (The Trick is to Keep Breathing)
Author’s notes: co-written with @nature-and-music , beta-ed by @lady-jane-revisited
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A lopsided smile tugged at his lips, “I’ll get them for you.”
“No thank you Robert, Grant gave me the money and I’ll pay for it.”
“Oh please, just one of them then?”
I shook my head, “No it’s fine. Besides, we need to head back.”
He pursed his lips and huffed, “Alright, if you say so.”
The purchase was completed and it was time to head out, however Robert was speaking to the woman behind the counter; or flirting no less. She nodded her head and wrote something down on a note by the dresses that he brought to her.
“Thank you darlin’, have a pleasant rest of your day.”
I chuckled, “Giving her the number to your hotel room?”
“Not exactly, Anjelika. Come on we better hurry, the party’s going to start soon and you still need to do your hair and makeup,” he informed.
Somewhere along the line, we lost the other three band members. Robert took me to the hotel they were staying at, figuring they would all meet up there anyway. He let me borrow his bathroom to change and do my hair and makeup.
“What kind of party is it? Formal or informal?”
“Well, I’m wearing a suit, if that helps?”
I rolled my eyes. “Ok.” I picked out the longer dress and started getting ready. I could hear Robert rummaging around in the other room and assumed he was doing the same. I just finished when Robert knocked on the door.
“I need the mirror, love. Gotta comb out my hair and beard.”
I flung the door open, grabbing the comb from the counter. “Don’t you dare take a comb to those curls! Tell me you have a pick.”
He swallowed. “Technically? I left it at home?”
I didn’t say anything else, but grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the common room and to the couch. I then sat, pulling him down next to me. It was then I noticed what suit he was wearing, and still with his beard. Fuck! He wasn’t yet wearing the jacket, but he had the vest on and the top two or three bottoms of his shirt were left undone. Now it was my turn to swallow hard as I leaned in with the comb to fix his beard. Then I started to run my fingers through his hair carefully.
“If you forget your pick again, use your fingers, not a comb or brush. You could ruin your curls otherwise.”
“I’ll remember that.”
“Good. Now, we should probably get going.”
We both stood and, as Robert grabbed his jacket from the arm of the couch, we left the hotel room and headed downstairs. “The party is being held in the hotel restaurant,” Robert informed me.
At first, the party seemed more like a meet and greet with the other roadies and their tour manager, who seemed unimpressed that I was “some bird” Jimmy picked up off the street. But none of the boys were having it. Robert happily reassured the crew that I was indeed more than “some bird,” that in fact I was assigned to be a part of the touring as well. To be equipped with the behind the scene matters and the roadies would simply need to learn to live with this sudden change. Being the new kid in town was never easy, and I was feeling beyond self conscious about this, however I had to keep my intrusive thoughts at bay. New learning opportunities would be coming up and it was all a matter of learning the ropes. Even if a fair amount of the crew thought of me as another to be shared among the members of the band, especially with Robert since he had locked arms with me.
The party started off fairly quiet at first as we all sat down at our tables to listen to a congratulatory speech from Grant. He had nothing but high expectations for everyone involved and that this tour would be bigger and heavier than the previous one. I felt a hand touch my lap and I followed the arm to see Robert’s concerned expression. I gave him a little smile to reassure him that I was alright. The last thing that I needed to do was interrupt Peter in the middle of his talk, and right before my first day no less.
A line was formed as everyone made their way to be serviced by the chefs. All manner of succulent cuts of meat, freshly cooked fish, bubbling champagne, and assorted hors d'oeuvres were ready to be served. Everything looked so delicious and oh so appetizing, I just simply couldn’t believe my eyes. As we stood in line, I overheard Jonesy and Jimmy mention something, although it was hard to hear amongst the chatter of Robert talking to Bonzo.
“How do you suppose they’ll feel about touring?” Jimmy asked.
Jonesy shrugged, “Well, hopefully their antics won’t take away from the show. And your guitars won’t get demolished as well.”
Jimmy scowled, “If he even thinks about touching any of my guitars, I’ll bash his head in!”
“If you do, she’ll end up giving you a black eye. You know that she has a bit of a ‘short’ temper,” the bassist chuckled. “Besides, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“Well you're the bass guitar player, none of your things will be obliterated,” Jimmy whined.
Bonzo joined in, “Not unless a certain someone decides to shove a cherry bomb in the strings.”
Jonesy smiled and rolled his eyes, “Well I suppose I’ll just need to stand close to Thunderfingers won’t I?”
Guitars being destroyed? Cherry bombs? My curiosity peaked, however I didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. At least not until I knew a little more of what or who they were referring to. We made our way to the table and enjoyed our delicious food and sparkling drinks. The champagne flowed like rain down our throats as the appetizing meals made our mouths water. A few questions were directed to me regarding how I was feeling about the new job and I answered honestly.
I smiled meekly, “Well I’m very excited about this. This is going to be something different for me for sure, but I’ll do my best.”
“You will darlin’, you will,” Robert smirked as he patted my hand. “So how long have you been playing and singing?”
“Well, for a while actually. I just picked up a few lessons from my dad and just… learned a bit on my own.”
Jimmy noted, “I did a bit of session work when I was a lad. Learned a few things myself along the way.”
Robert butted in, “Well I hope we can hear more of your singing and playing while on tour. I think you’ll sound wonderful, and the audience will love it.”
I felt myself clam up a bit at the prospect of playing before a live audience, even though it was a touching notion on Robert’s part. I didn’t think it was necessary to get myself even more involved than necessary, especially since a fair amount of the road crew weren't exactly pleased with me being here. I gave Robert a little smile and a shrug and let him know that we could put that idea on the back burner.
“I’m curious though…who were the three of you talking about earlier? You mentioned something about guitars being destroyed?” I asked. I had hoped they would have said more by now, but since they hadn’t and my curiosity was getting the better of me…I had to ask.
Jonesy laughed a little. “Interesting wording. We were talking about another band who will be touring with us. Interestingly enough, they are called The Who. They’ve got a habit of destroying their equipment. Jimmy was concerned it might spill over to ours as well.”
I know of them, of course and of that particular habit, though I had thought they had stepped doing so by this time. Then again, it's a different universe, likely also a different timeline. “I see,” I said instead. Looking at Bonzo, I got his attention. It was as good a time as any to talk to him, but I didn’t know what the other boys knew.
“Bonzo? Can we talk? Alone?”
“Uh, sure. Looks like there’s a spot at the bar surprisingly clear of people.”
We got up from the table and walked over to the bar, ordering ourselves a drink before I started the conversation, but Bonzo beat me to it.
“So…yer a Nightbane too?” He asked with such nonchalance.
“Yeah, I am. So are you. Do they know?”
“Yeah, they do. Rob found out first. He was there during my Becoming. Scared the daylights out of ‘im, but it was like he still knew it was me. Jimmy found it ‘fascinating’. Jonesy took it the worst, almost left the band when he first found out. But he came around.”
I nodded in acknowledgment and downed my drink. How did the fact that they all knew Bonzo was a Nightbane make it both a relief and up my anxiety about them finding out I was one too? Would they be able to accept the creature beneath as easily as they had with Bonzo? Granted my other form wasn’t monstrous in the traditional sense, yet, I still worried it would scare them off at best.
Bonzo smiles a little. “Don’t worry, Jonesy might freak out a little, but I really don’t think you need to worry about Rob and Jimmy at all.”
“Thanks, Bonzo.”
Someone cleared their throat behind us and we turned to see Robert. “Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but the other bands just showed up. I thought you might like to meet them, Anjelika.”
He stepped to the side and I found the members of The Who standing there, looking at me. I knew each of them by name and face, even as they introduced themselves, though I did a double take as my eyes landed on the shortest member. There, with the same blue eyes I had seen so many times before, was a very feminine looking Roger Daltrey. Now I know I’m not in my own universe…
“Rogina Daltrey,” she introduced herself to me, her blue eyes never leaving mine.
“Anjelika,” I responded back with a smile and she in return gave me a smirk.
“Bonzo!” Keith uttered, a drink in one hand as he hugged his fellow drummer, “You gained a few stones since last I saw you.”
Bonzo rolled his eyes as he chortled, holding his head in a strong arm grip. Keith complained that his champagne would fall out, but that didn’t stop Bonzo from treating him like a sibling. “Moonie, why don’t you and the lads say hello to our new friend here, yeah?”
John and Pete made their acquaintances, Keith was able to give her a little wave of his hand until Bonzo finally let him go and gave him a good slap on the back.
“You’ll have to excuse Keith, he’s a bit loonie as you can see,” Pete explained. “So what brings you here?”
“Well I’ll be going on tour with the band, and it looks like I’ll be seeing you four as well.”
Rogina interjected, “Is that right? What will you be doing?”
“A roadie, so I’ll be around helping with getting everything ready,” I mentioned.
“She might even do a bit of performing as well,” Robert mentioned proudly.
I was silent as The Who stared at me, my throat becoming dry. I tried to play off his comment as a joke, “Good one Robert. He’s just kidding-”
Rogina tilted her head as she looked at me, “Are you sure? Because if you can sing, we’d love to hear you.”
My heart was pounding, all I could give her was an unsure shrug, “Um, another time… maybe. Say why do you all go get something to eat, the food is very delicious here.”
Keith was already off to find himself a plate, with John closing in behind him. Pete kept himself occupied with discussing business matters with Jimmy and Grant. Rogina on the other hand decided to stay and talk a bit more. Everything about this Roger was pretty much the same: The height, the golden corkscrew curls, ocean blue eyes, toothy grin, muscular arms, and stylish clothing. Still it was odd speaking with her, considering the obvious factors such as a slightly higher register in her voice and the presence of breasts that protruded from her suit.
“So how did you manage to work with Zeppelin?” Rogina asked.
I tried to answer as best as I could, “Oh well… you see Jimmy let me know that a spot was available actually.” I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t tell her that Jimmy had found me like an abandoned cat in an alleyway that he felt sorry for. A little of me to say, but still I couldn’t seem to add that in.
“Is it true what Robert said about you performing? I mean you seemed awfully quiet when he brought it up.”
I sighed at the question, barely keeping myself from pinching the bridge of my nose. “I’m quickly learning that Robert's a little like a puppy…very excitable. I played a little bit for them to prove that I know what I’m doing with the guitars. Something came over me and I sang a little bit too. I never agreed to playing in front of anyone else. Let alone in front of a huge audience.”
Rogina’s smile softened at that. “He really is, though I’m sorry to hear you won’t be playing. The offer is always open and I meant what I said, I'd love to hear from you. if you change your mind.”
I returned her smile and I knew I was going to love this version of Roger too. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
G made his way over with a couple other people, one looked vaguely familiar, the other I didn’t recognize. “Anjelika! I want to introduce you to Ahmet Ertegun, owner of Atlantic Records. He’s here to support the boys. And this is Alice Cooper, joining us on the American leg of the tour.”
Both men stuck a hand out for me to shake. I took Ahmet’s first who placed his other hand over mine gently. “I must thank you for joining the road crew, dear. Though, I must admit, I was shocked to hear you were a woman. Forgive me, I mean no offense, it’s just never been done before.”
I smiled at Ahmet, trying not to take offense. It may be a different universe, but apparently the ‘70’s were still the ‘70’s. Turning to Alice, I shook his hand next, barely recognizing him without the makeup.
“I don’t know if shocked is the word I would have used, but I guess I am a little surprised. Didn’t figure I’d see a female roadie for another decade at least. Don’t get me wrong, I love that women are getting more and more involved in rock. And if anyone gives you any shit, just say the word.”
My smile grew wider at Alice’s genuine words. “Thank you, I appreciate that. Though, I assure you, I can handle myself.”
“I’m certain you can, but the offer is still on the table. I would like to stay and get to know you a little more, but I need to get back to my girlfriend. It was nice meeting you, Anjelika.”
“I’m sure there will be time to get to know each other more on the road and it was nice to meet you too.”
“Fair enough. See you tomorrow, then.” And with that he was off. G and Ahmet soon excused themselves to go talk to the boys and I was left at the bar once more with Rogina next to me.
Rogina sighed, “I know this must be all new to you. Believe me that being a woman involved in rock and roll seems to weird people out, especially guys.”
I gave her a reassuring grin, “Yeah, I’m sure you probably have gone through a lot.”
Rogina took a sip of her flute, “I may have a few stories. One of them involves Keith actually.”
I leaned in, “What happened?”
“Well let’s just say he thought that he could get away with copping a feel. He lost a couple of teeth that night,” Rogina chuckled. “The bastard will never live that moment down.”
I wasn’t sure if I could share a laugh with Rogina, even though she was able to find humor in such a terrible situation. All I could muster was a nervous smile and a nod.
Rogina took another sip of her champagne, rested her head on her palm, and pondered, “So is this your first time working with Zeppelin?”
“Yes actually. And I hope that I’ll do alright while on tour,” I admitted.
“I think you will,” Rogina claimed with a warm smile. “So what would you like to drink? The champagne is alright, but I think I’ll get a whiskey instead.”
I was taken aback, “Oh well… a beer sounds good.”
Truthfully, a Nightbane could easily drink any of these mortals under the table. As to how I would do against Bonzo, a fellow Nightbane, well that would be a matter for another day. Still I was grateful knowing that Bonzo could understand, and hopefully the remainder of Zeppelin, Who, and Cooper would as well. However it was too early to let the rest of them know. In time I would say something, only when the moment felt right.
As we waited for our drinks, I felt a strange looming presence behind me. My throat went dry the moment I turned around to see John Entiwistle, the Ox himself, towering over the two of us. Rogina on the other hand casually remarked, “I thought you were supposed to be babysitting our dear boy.”
“Well quite frankly I need a break from him,” John mentioned with a deep chortle. “I think as long as nothing blows up tonight, he’ll tire himself out eventually.” He gestured to the bartender and asked for a glass of cognac.
Rogina nodded and asked him, “Where did Pete go?”
“Probably talking some poor bastard’s ear off about Lifehouse,” he laughed.
“Oh come on John, the man just wants to share his work to the world,” Rogina noted.
John leaned in towards me, “She says that, but even she gets tired of his songs about teenage angst.”
Rogina scowled at him, “I do not.”
John raised his eyebrows, “Keep telling yourself that Rog. It was Anjelika right?”
I nodded, “Yes John.”
He responded with a handshake, “Pleasure to meet you.”
“And you as well”, I responded with a return of his handshake. “I take Keith's handful?”
Rogina and John laughed. “That’s putting it mildly some days.” John admitted.
“I swear the man can’t not cause trouble in some fashion or another for even a few hours.” Rogina adds.
“I think there’s some unspoken rule that drummers are all crazy,” I chuckled.
“That explains everything, actually.” John said with a chuckle of his own. Rogina just shook her head.
I looked up to see the time on a clock on the wall. Midnight. Where had the time gone? “I should head up to get some sleep, I want to be up early to grab a few things I forgot earlier today from the drug store across the way. Besides, I’m assuming the roadies will be up earlier than the bands to pack up the buses.” Downing the last of my beer, I shook John’s hand again. “It was nice meeting you.” I set the empty bottle on the bar and left a few bills before turning to Rogina. “Thank you for the beer.”
She surprised me by pulling me into a hug instead of giving me a handshake. “Any time. And I’ll add to what Alice said earlier. Anyone gives you any trouble, let me know, I’ll kick their ass.”
“Thank you. But I really need to go.” With that I went to find G to figure out where I would sleep tonight. I found him still with the boys, though it appeared that Ahmet had left. I explained to G that I wanted to get to bed and why, but it was Robert who interjected.
“You can stay in my room for tonight,” Robert offered. “The rest of your things are still there from earlier.”
I had forgotten about that. Hesitantly I nodded in agreement, even if I was worried about what the other roadies, especially Cole, might say. “Alright, as long as this doesn’t become a habit. Just for tonight.”
I could see the disappointment behind Robert’s eyes, but he agreed. “Here, take my key, just leave the door unlocked so I can get in later.”
Nodding, I took the key and thanked him before heading upstairs to the room, getting as comfortable on the couch as I could.
@brownskinsugarplum76 @m-faithfull @jimmys-zeppelin @lady-jane-revisited @firethatgrewsolow @salixfragilis @timetraveller4 @callmethehunter @tremble-and-shake @tophats-n-lespauls @princesspagey @tangerine-page
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
Can I request for one of the chapter's they have another night at Garcia's and Spencer (who's real baked) declares his love for Y/N & she tells him she feels the same? Loving this series babe!
hi hun! thank u so much for the request and the feedback. it really does mean a lot :’) i’m so sorry to disappoint but i did already have something down for how they were gonna admit their feelings for one another (which is also the chapter im currently working on hehe) but i still wrote ur request (which i’m in love with btw)! just as a one shot, though. depending on how others respond to this, i just might change it (giving credit where it’s due obviously)! again, thank you so much and i apologize. i hope u still enjoy :) also sorry for how weird the paragraphs are, i used wattpad for the word count lol
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Request: YES/no
Category: fluff in an alternate chapter of nauseous
Couple: spencer/reader
CW: use of marijuana, but other than that it’s just fluff :)
Summary: it had been a couple of weeks since you and spencer were up at your cabin. since you guys got back, you hadn’t heard or seen much of him. when you go to garcia’s one night for a little get together, what will happen when spencer had a bit too much to smoke?
Word Count: 1609
Y/N! You're finally here!"
Garcia had invited everyone back to her apartment for another get together. It had been a couple of weeks since you took Spencer up to your cabin and after all the platonic kisses and the heavenly sex, you both hadn't reached out to each other once you got back home. That weekend left you questioning your relationship with him. Falling in love wasn't something you were used to. You never had that moment where you could just stand there, and look up at someone and think that this someone was your whole world. The one you never could get out of your head; the one where you wished for their arms around you with your head on their chest. Hearing their heart beat, the kind of beat that made you feel safe. You'd never felt these feelings before, until you met Spencer.
You walked in, giving hugs to everyone. You were shocked that Rossi and Hotch were there, and when you went to give them hugs, you apologized in advance for your behavior under the influence.
"As long as you don't show this kind of behavior at work, you don't have to worry about it." said Hotch.
"Yeah, don't worry about it kiddo," said Rossi, "you don't have to feel embarrassed around us. We're a family!"
You then saw Spencer on the couch, smoking on a blunt. You could tell he was close to being gone, as he and Morgan couldn't keep a poker face while playing. He looks up at you and smiles, but then that smile shrunk into that awkward white guy smile, looking back down at his cards.
"Hey." You said as you sat down next to him. Morgan reached over to Spencer, taking the blunt in his hand and putting up to his mouth.
"Hey." He whispers.
"How much has he had already?" you asked Morgan, looking over to him and using your thumb to point at Spencer as he passes the blunt to Garcia.
"He smoked two bowls before this blunt so...he's gonna be done for pretty soon."
"Damn," you laughed, "started the party without me, huh?"
Spencer just laughs at himself, still looking at his cards. Garcia passed the blunt to you. You took a few hits, letting the smoke fill your lungs. When you exhaled your final puff, you pass it to Emily, letting the wave of tingles fill your body, your eyes beginning to feel heavy.
You notice Emily pass the blunt over to Hotch and your jaw dropped when he took it from her fingers. After he takes a hit, he hands it over to Rossi, which made even everyone else in the room look at him them in shock.
"What?" asked Rossi, "Gideon and I smoked a lot in our day."
"And I had my fair share in college like anyone else."
We gathered ourselves before Jj finally said something. "It's just kind of hard to believe, seeing our boss and founder getting high."
"Well believe it!" Rossi joked before handing the blunt to her. Everyone giggled and chuckled before starting a new game of poker.
It had been about an hour and at this point everyone was slumped. You and Spencer ended up in Garcia's room with her, Emily, Jj, and Morgan, just sitting around and talking about your high epiphanies as you passed a joint around, while Hotch and Rossi stayed in the living room playing another round of poker. Everyone was pretty much gone. Hooded red eyes and coughing every so often. Garcia's giggled were contagious and it made everyone else laugh along with her.
Spencer let you lay your head down on his chest, which made that safe feeling even stronger than it did when you were at the cabin. You watched as he took the joint to his lips and inhaled. When he exhaled, he let the smoke hover in his mouth before blowing it all out. For some reason, you thought it was sexy when he smoked.
He passed the joint to you and you took more than one hit off of it. You wanted to forget this feeling you had for him because you felt like he didn't wouldn't want that. If he did, he would've tried harder. And quite frankly, it looked like he enjoyed your friends with benefits relationship more than something bigger.
As you inhaled, Spencer adjusted his position a bit, looking up to the stars that were still on her ceiling.
"Fuck, man," he says to Morgan, "I'm so in love with Y/N."
You almost choked on the smoke that was still in your throat. You thought your mind was playing tricks on you. This was a little random to be admitting feelings.
"What was that, pretty boy?" asked Morgan with a grin on his face.
Spencer didn't know why they were so shocked. But then realized what he had said just seconds ago. "Oh shit, did I say that out loud?"
"Yes you did, genius," said Garcia, "and I knEW IT!"
"Knew what?" I asked once my coughing attack calmed down.
"I knew that something more happened that night. I'm a pretty good cupid, aren't I?"
"Well I...I-I don't..." Spencer began stuttering. You couldn't hold in your giggles anymore and just burst out laughing.
"You can't take it back, boy genius." said Morgan.
"Hotch, Rossi! You both owe us five bucks each!" yelled Emily.
"Wha-you had a bet on us?"
"You bet your ass we did." said Jj.
You wanted to be mad at them, but how could you? You felt the same way about Spencer as he did for you. Maybe it was the amount of weed in your system, but you couldn't think of a reason to pretend to be mad at them. Then something came to mind.
"Hey, just because he said it, doesn't mean he speaks for me, too."
Spencer looked down at you with sad puppy eyes. "Does that mean you love me, too?"
You were quiet for a moment before taking the last hit of the joint, correctly inhaling and exhaling. You blowed the smoke into his face before putting the roach in the ashtray.
"Spence, I'm so in love with you. Just as much as your in love with me."
A smile grew on his face as he sat up, putting his arm around you. He cupped her face with his other hand and pulled your lips onto his. His actions showed that he didn't care about if the others saw. He couldn't care less of what Hotch or any of them would say. He probably forgot they were even there. In that moment as your fingers were tangled into his hair, you, too, felt like you two were the only ones in the room, like the whole world had stopped.
His lips were soft against yours, like comfortable pillows or fluffy clouds. Yours were always in rhythm with his. It was hard to break away until his tongue rubbed against your bottom lip, begging for entrance as you felt his hand leave your face and slowly move lower. You had to break away.
"Not the right time, Spence!" I giggled, trying to play off what just happened. I looked around the room. The rest of the gang never left, even Hotch and Rossi were standing in the door frame. They giggled at Spencer's actions as you both tried to fix yourselves.
"Well, I'm very happy for the both of you," said Hotch with a smile, "but we'll talk about this once this vacation is over. I won't be your boss right now."
"How could you? It's nice seeing two young lovebirds connecting like this." said Rossi.
"As long as I have you guys, and Spencer of course, work will never be a problem." I said, ruffling up his hair one more time.
You all ended up passing out at Garcia's (aside from Hotch and Rossi, as they had loved ones to go home to). You snuggled into Spencer's body on the couch, wrapping the blanket around you both. You both were too excited and happy to sleep. The feeling of someone feeling as much love for you as you did them was too much, but in a good way. The two of you started to make out again. You were going to let his tongue attack yours finally, before he spoke after each peck.
"I. Can't. Believe. You're. All. Mine." He whispered.
You smiled after the last peck before you both went back in, tongues going at it like swords. After a hot minute, you each broke away. Your head moved back to his chest, with his hand on top of yours as his other hand played with your hair.
"You want to hear something weird?" I asked.
"Sure," he said, "but nothing that comes out of your mouth is weird to me."
You smiled, playing with his fingers. "I always pictured a moment like this, even before you. Just...my head on someone's chest, hearing their heartbeat. It makes me feel safe. And with you specifically, I feel even safer than I thought I would."
Spencer kissed the top of your head in response. "God, even your mind is beautiful. How is that possible?"
"Says you, Mr.Smarty Pants. With the amount of classics you have stored in there, I'm sure it'd be like walking around a beautiful museum."
"I'm so happy I'm yours, angel."
I snuggled into him more, feeling my eyes getting heavier. "I'm happy I'm yours, too Spence."
"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you."
"I love you, too." I mumbled as we drifted off to sleep.
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onesecondsofphan · 3 years
chapter two (let’s ignore the fact how it’s been literal months)
anushay’s pov
"want me to do your makeup?"
, i asked Zay. I quickly finished putting on the last bit of my mascara.
"yeah, hold up"
, she responded with her mouth half full of toothpaste. I got up from where i was sitting and quickly went to my suitcase. I plopped it on my bed and opened it. This is the perfect occasion to wear my black dress. No parents around means not having to dress up as modest. I smiled as i went to grab it from the bottom of the suitcase. It was a little black dress but it fit and covered me just fine.
"You're going to wear that? And also how did your parents even agreed to buy you it?"
, zay looks at the dress.
"Yeah, perfect occasion; and my parents didn't buy me it. my friend got me it for my birthday."
"makes sense"
She sat infront of the hotels vanity. I rushed over to her as i grabbed my concealer,
"thankfully we're the same shade so this wont be a problem at all"
Shanzay closed her eyes as i did her makeup. Zays parents didn't allow her to wear makeup unlike mine. My parents were still a bit strict on makeup though, i can't wear foundation, bronzer/contour, and stuff like that but everything else i can wear.
"anyways what are going to wear? i need to do the perfect eyelook to match with it"
"hmmm, i think im going to wear my black t-shirt with my floral purple skirt"
"you better wear doc martens with those"
,i quickly grabbed an eyeshadow pallet and quickly did a light purple smokey eye. Shanzay opened her eyes,
"i look hot"
"obviously-but not as hot as me of course. now shut your eyes so i could do your eyeliner"
Shanzay closed her eyes,
"im hotter but alright. also make sure you do winged eyeliner, i look weird with any other eyeliner"
"you can say what you want but we all know that i'm the hottest."
"fine, we're both equivalently hot"
I grabbed my liquid eyeliner from my bag since it's literally the only thing i could use to do a wing eyeliner cause i suck doing wing eyeliner with anything else. I opened the bottle and start carefully applying it. Mentally hoping i'm not going to do a thick wing.
I bit my lip as i carefully focused,
Zay opened her eyes. I did a quick blush and highlight on her. The look was almost complete, just need mascara and her lip to be done.
"here's my bag, you can use any mascara and lip product of your choice m'lady"
I winked. I turned around and started to take off my clothes. I slipped on the little black dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Damn i'm good looking. I look over to zay grabbing her outfit. I quickly looked the other way so she could change.
"alright lets go"
Zay slipped on her white doc martens.
"alright hold up"
, i said as i quickly put on my black converse grabbed my bag. I ran over to Zay-whom was standing next to the door- and put my arm out. She linked her arm with mine. I opened the door, leaving the boring room and entering the quiet hall.
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definitelyseven · 4 years
deal | five
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen - final |
The wind was especially strong today. It seemed like on the days you decided to go out, the nights were extra cold. You and your best friend, Minju, were standing in line to get inside the new club that just opened.
“Why is it so cold?” you whined. 
“Hoes don’t get cold,” Minju smirked, smacking your butt. You cursed yourself for wearing a deep v, mini dress that barely covered your ass. Your outfit garnered a lot of attention, catching people stare at you in every direction.
“How is there so many people at this club already?” you asked her.
“The club owner is one of Korea’s top producer. A lot of celebrities will be here tonight,” she squealed. The both of you waited for what seemed like forever before the line started to move and people started going inside. Everyone turned to look at the car that pulled up next to the entrance, hoping it was some kind of celebrity, but it wasn’t. It was Jaebum’s car.
He steps out of the car, looking handsome as ever, alongside with two other men. “Jaebum!” you called for his attention. You told Minju to wait in line for you as you walked up to greet him.
“How did you know I was here?” he asked crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“You’re not the only one that’s allowed to go out,” you said raising your eyebrow. “You have your fun, and I have mine.” Jaebum chuckled, nodding. “Help me get in.” He glances over at the long line before looking at you. “You don’t want me to catch a cold, do you?” you pouted. He stares at you; up and down, before running his finger over his lip. 
“It’s like you’re begging to get a cold with that outfit,” he teased. 
“Please...” you begged again, tugging on his blazer.  Jaebum waves down security and tells him to let you in. “Thanks baby,” you smiled before grabbing Minju out of line. You followed Jaebum and his friends in the club. 
“Have your fun, but be safe,” he warned looking down at you as he pulled your body close to his before giving your ass a squeeze. You jumped at the sudden affection, hitting his chest in response. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be safe daddy,” you whispered in his ear before walking away with Minju.
“Who was that?” she asked. “He’s hot.”
“I’ll explain later, but drinks now,” you said pulling her towards the bar. By your 5th shot, your cheeks were burning and you started to feel the alcohol kick in. You pulled Minju to the middle of the dance floor with you.
You glanced over to the man who had slip his hands around your waist. He wasn’t bad looking, but you didn’t want to dance with him. You grabbed the stranger’s hand and pushed it away, hoping it was a good enough signal for him to back off. 
But it wasn’t. 
“Come on baby, don’t play hard to get,” the man whispered in your ear. You moved your head away from him and stepped back.
“Don’t touch me,” you said disgusted. 
“You’re begging to be touch with your ass moving like that,” he said reaching for you again. 
“Fuck off,” you said walking back to the bar. Minju quickly followed behind.
“What’s wrong? He was good looking,” she said waving the bartender down.
“I’m going solo tonight.”
“Could it be because of that guy that helped us in?” she asked elbowing you. You bit your lip, non-responsive. “I knew it!” she jumped happily.
“Relax,” you tell her while handing her a shot of tequila. The both of you chugged it and slammed the glass on the table. 
“Y/N...” she whined. 
“No...” you looked at her in disbelief. “Don’t tell me you invited your boyfriend!”
“Don’t be mad,” she pleaded. “He’s here! I’m going to find him. Be careful!” she said before walking off. You scoffed, brushing off how your friend just ditched you for her boyfriend. 
You looked around the club and see Jaebum in the VIP area. He had his arm wrapped around a very pretty woman. Her hands stroking his thigh, her body pressed close to his, laughing at everything he said. You rolled your eyes annoyed - every women in this club wanted a piece of him. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” You turned around and saw the man that was groping you on the dance floor.
“No, thank you. I was just leaving,” you smiled subtly before walking away. 
He grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry, I just want to buy you a drink. Please...” he begged. “One drink.”
“Okay, one drink,” you don’t know why you agreed to drinking with him - maybe because you wanted him to stop bugging you. You walked with him towards the bar and patiently waited for him to grab you a drink. Your eyes kept wandering over to Jaebum’s table. He was certainly having his own fun. He didn’t even bother to look for you.
“Here you go,” the man said handing you a drink. “I’m sorry again.” You took a sip out of the drink, before setting it down on the table. It tasted weird, kind of bitter. “What’s a pretty lady doing by herself at the club?”
“I’m not by myself. I’m with a friend. She just stepped away,” you said taking another sip of your drink. You bit your inner cheek, soothing your tongue on the roof of your mouth from the bitterness. 
“That dress looks so good on you, baby. It makes me want to do things to you,” he said leaning in. You put your hand out in front of him, stopping him from moving closer. 
"Do you want me to pour this drink on you?”
“Okay okay,” he said clinking his glass with yours. You took another sip of your drink again. The more you drank, the thirster you felt. 
“I don’t feel so good,” you groaned, rubbing the temples of your head. 
“What’s wrong baby?” he said holding you up. 
“I think I feel sick...” you said trying to leave to get some fresh air. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, but you were too weak to push him away. Your legs went limp  and your body started to feel numb, shivering at the breeze outside.  “I need to get a taxi,” you whimpered. 
“It’s okay, baby. I got you,” he said in your ear. You felt him nibble on your ear, his hand reaching under your dress. 
“No...” you whimpered. “Stop,” you said trying to push his hand off your leg.
“Shh baby...” he said, sucking on your neck. You tried to push him away, but you couldn’t. It was like all the strength in your body was being sucked away. “I’ll take good care of you.”
You couldn’t do anything, but beg for him to stop. You hear your dress tear as you start to whimper, pleading for him to stop. You collapse onto the floor as you felt his hand rip off you. Your vision was blurred, but from a distance, you see two men fighting. 
The feeling of something coming up your throat woke you up. You sat up too quickly, feeling thick contents rush up into your mouth. 
“Here,” you hear someone say running towards you with an ice bucket. You released the contents in your mouth to the bucket before groaning. Your throat felt hoarse from the acidity of the vomit, tears falling from the side of your eyes. You looked up to see Jaebum.
“What happened?” you said laying on the headboard of the bed. 
“I told you to be careful,” he said handing you a glass of water. “That dick spiked your drink and you had no idea. You could’ve -” he stopped himself from speaking. “You’re okay now.”
“I-I didn’t know,” you said with tears in your eyes. He sighs moving closer to you. Jaebum strokes your head, gently wiping the tears that were collected in your eyes. 
“The doctor said you’ll be fine after throwing it up. Drink more water,” he tells you, bringing the glass towards your lips. Your stomach churned, not taking in the water. “Drink more,” he whispered. 
“Where am I?” 
“Hotel. I didn’t want to bring you home in this state.” You looked down at your ripped dress, pulling it down to cover your exposed thigh. “Please don’t tell me you were going to hook up with that guy.”
“I wasn’t!” you explained. “I don’t even know why I agreed to drink with him. I was stupid!” 
Jaebum sighs, “Don’t get with just any guy because of me. I’m not worth it.”
That was never your intention. You weren’t going to sleep around because of him, because he wasn’t paying attention to you. You weren’t that type of girl and he didn’t know that. 
“I would never.”
“Good, let’s get you cleaned up,” he said helping you out of the bed. He walked you towards the bathroom and sits you down on the toilet before handing you a makeup wipe to take off your makeup. You watched Jaebum draw you a bath, putting in rose pedals, and soap to create bubbles. “I think the waters good.”
You nodded, standing up in front of him. He watched you carefully as you removed your dress in front of him. “Join me?” you asked, standing in front of him in only your panties. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jaebum said clearing his throat. 
“I just want some company,” you said holding onto his hand. “It’s just a bath,” you said helping him out of his shirt. He didn’t refuse. You tossed his shirt across the bathroom floor before reaching for his sweatpants. 
a little note from jennie: hi lovely readers! sorry for not posting during my usual days last week. i’ve been feeling unmotivated, and spent more time on this chapter than i should’ve. hope you enjoyed this one. :) 
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ninak803 · 4 years
Elitist Nightmares
It's here, it's here, it's here!
Thank you @whataboutmyfries to help me with this one. You told me the obvious things I totally had forgotten.
If you haven't read the other chapters yet, check out my Masterlist!
Please, please, please read the tags for TW!
Characters by @lumosinlove
Chapter 4
It was the middle of the night, the full moon was shining bright, everyone in the city fast asleep. Except for Remus.
He was lying in his bed, rolling from one side to the other, unable to find sleep. Grey eyes haunting him. His mind just wouldn't shut up. No, instead a thousand thoughts kept him awake. 
Remus rolled back on his back and sighed, finally giving in. 
His thoughts wandered back to the moment in the nightclub, where Sirius' eyes landed on him. Remus knew he'd seen him, he just didn't know how. There were so many people standing around them, he wasn't eye catching, he really wasn't. That's what made him so good for his job.
Okay, so things needed to move on now, he and Leo needed to make progress. He couldn't sleep, so he as well can start thinking of a plan on how to get close enough to Sirius to actually eliminate him. 
Remus knew his routines by now and killing him when he's outside in the city, running errands, was out of question. He wasn't alone then, James Potter never leaving his side. Their best chance was to get to him when he was home and alone. Well, as alone as someone can be in such a big house with so many employees. Remus would need the layout of the Blacks mansion, the blueprints. He was sure he could get them somehow. He would call Moody first thing tomorrow morning for that. He owed Remus something, and he had a lot of connections to the right people.
Remus wouldn't take Leo with him for this part of the job. It was easier for one person alone to break into the house, kill the heir, and come back out. Unnoticed. Less risky. Remus would be fine, he was pretty skilled with a knife. He didn't use a gun if he could avoid it. Killing someone with a knife was silent and very effective if you knew how to use it and Remus definitely knew. It wasn't his first time and it won't be his last. The only difficulty was that he had to come pretty close to his victim with that method, which could end in a fight, so Remus had to prepare himself mentally for that. To go through things that could happen in your mind all over again and again is a good way to prepare yourself for the actual situation, it wouldn't throw you off guard then and you won't just stop in panic and don't know what to do, so Remus needed to think of everything that could go wrong and think about how to handle it. He woulddo that when he had the blueprints and an actual plan on how to get in and out.
A fight with Sirius wouldn't be too bad, Remus still had surprise on his side, which was enough most of the time. But even if Sirius would recover fast enough, he still wasn't a problem for Remus. For all Remus had seen over the last week, Sirius didn't seem to be very muscle-bound. He was rather slim, but Remus knew to never underestimate your target. He had made that mistake once. 
He rubbed over a scar on his arm absentmindedly as he thought of it.
Remus didn't know what Sirius was like. He was very guarded wherever he had seen him, even when he was dancing with that girl in the club. He seemed to have fun, but something was off, Remus could feel it. Like in the club, he got this weird feeling in his stomach again, he really didn't like it. He didn't know what it meant, but it couldn't be good, so he tried to ignore it, like he ignored most of the things he didn't want to think about: His family, his nightmares, his life outside of his job.
His thoughts wandered back to Sirius, to his forearms, his shoulders, his eyes… and Remus finally surrendered to sleep while thinking of his lips.
“Do I want to know what you need those blueprints for, kid?” Moody asked.
Remus had called him the next morning to tell him what he needed and a couple of hours later, Moody had called him back.
“It's better if you don't. Trust me.”
“Okay then. I'll bring them over to yours tonight.”
“Thanks.” Remus said and hung up.
Leo looked at him curiously, Remus hadn’t told him about the next steps yet. They were sitting in a small cafe, mugs with coffee in front of them. Sirius Black was just a couple of meters away, on the other side of the street, sitting on the porch of a fancy restaurant with his brother. Leo and Remus had a clear view of them from their place in the cafe, but they were surrounded by a lot of plants, which made it harder for them to be seen.
“We need to plan our next steps. I called a friend to…” Remus started but trailed off. 
“Oh, damn it. Is he serious?” Remus said angrily when his look fell on a brown-haired boy in a bright red T-shirt and a snapback on his head. He was sitting on a bench, alone, and talking without a phone in his hand. People were already staring at him. 
God damn it, Tremblay.
“What is it?” Leo asked him.
Remus sighed.
“You know someone is watching the other brother, right? So now have a good look around us and tell me what's wrong here.”
Leo did as he was told, and it didn't even take him a full minute to see what Remus meant.
“The guy on the bench.” he stated and Remus nodded.
He kept watching Logan; they were quite close, so Remus tooka good look at his mouth.
“He's talking to Finn, his partner. Over an earpiece, I'd say.” 
He shook his head, pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Logan’s number. Logan picked up just a moment later.
“Lupin? Whats up?” Remus heard him say.
“Get the fuck off of the bench, Tremblay. Now.” Remus almost growled.
“What -” Logan started looking around, but he had no chance to see them.
“Go home. Now. I'll meet you and O'Hara there in an hour.”
Logan hung up, looked around one more time, then got up and walked away.
“So, Lupin’s coming over now and then what?” Finn asked as he and Logan left the coffee shop close to their apartment. They ran out of coffee earlier that day, and he really needed a strong one now. A visit from Remus? Finn didn't think it was just out of politeness.
Logan shrugged.
“Don't know. He wants to talk, I guess?”
Finn looked at him. Logan was biting his lip, a thing he did when he was nervous.
“Don't worry, Tremz. It'll be fine, okay?”
“Ouais. Sure. Yeah.” he said, not convinced at all.
They took the next corner to their flat, when Logan stopped in his tracks and Finn, who was walking slightly behind him, bumped right into him. Spilling his hot coffee all over himself.
“What the fuck, Lo?!” Finn said angrily, then looked up to see who was standing in front of their door.
Remus and… A boy he hadn't seen before. Finn took a closer look at the unknown and… Oh. He totally understood Logan's sudden stop now, not that Logan would stop for a guy though, he probably was just surprised that Remus was already here. But the other one looked gorgeous: tall, blonde, friendly blue eyes…
Finn shoved Logan's shoulder.
“Come on… Let's get over with this. And you owe me a coffee now.” Finn said with a quick look at his coffee drenched shirt.
“You can have mine.” Logan mumbled and Finn laughed.
“Thanks, but no. Ugh.”
Finn drained his cup, and they walked to Remus and the blonde one. Remus nodded at them briefly, as Logan let them all in.
Finn closed the door behind them, then followed the others into the living room.
“Hi.” Finn said, not knowing what else to say.
His eyes wandered back to the other one who was looking back and forth between him and Logan, curiously.
“Hi. Im Leo Knut. Nice to meet you” he introduced himself with a cute southern accent. Finn's heart melted immediately.
He cleared his throat.
“Nice to meet you, Leo. Im Finn and this is Logan.” he said and gestured to Logan, who only nodded politely.
“So, what's up, Lupin?” Finn then said and looked at him.
Oh no. Remus seemed to be angry. 
“What did you two think today? Tremblay was sitting in plain view for everyone! Talking to himself like a maniac!”
“I wasn't talking to myself!” Logan tried to defend himself, and Finn wished he wouldn't have said that.
Remus shot him an angry look.
“Oh yeah, I know that! But no one else knew you were wearing an earpiece. So yeah, you were looking like a maniac and everyone was staring at you. I'm pretty sure the Black brothers noticed you as well! What the hell were you thinking?”
Finn swallowed hard.
“They didn't notice him. I'm sure of that, they were very occupied with their conversation.” he said.
Remus shook his head.
“I hope you're right, O Hara. Otherwise you're putting the entire mission at risk.”
“There weren't many options for where I could be sitting and still have a good view of them!.” Logan defended them, well he tried.
Remus looked at Leo, then said:
“Do you want to tell them some other options, than a bench in clear view for everyone?”
Leo was silent for a moment, thinking apparently.
“Well, first there was the cafe, where we were sitting. We had a good view, but the plants all around kept them from seeing us. Then there was a bookshop you could have gone inside. It was right on the corner. And there was a traffic mirror hanging around, with the right angle you could have used it to look at the restaurant.”
Lupin looked at Leo and smiled.
“See? And he does this job for a bit over a week now, boys. You should've known better.”
Finn looked at Leo, who blushed, but smiled nevertheless. Oh, he had dimples when he smiled! Finn couldn't help but smile at the sight.
“Damn it. I didn’t notice all those things… Sorry... “ Logan said meekly. 
He looked at the floor, angry at himself.
Remus sighed.
“Just… be more careful, you two. You know what's at stake.”
They both nodded.
“Sorry. We'll be more careful. Won't happen again…” Finn said “Do you want something to drink, maybe?”
“No, but thanks. We still have a lot to do. We have to go now.” Remus said and headed for the door.
Leo smiled at them, the dimples appearing on his face again.
“See you.” he said and then followed Remus.
“Yeah. See you.” Soon, Finn hoped.
Oh, he was doomed.
He also had lunch with his brother the other day. It was a nice, sunny day, and he enjoyed it until Regulus mentioned the family dinner the next day. Family dinner meant not only having dinner with his parents, but also with his cousins. Sirius really couldn't stand his family, except for Reggie. Most of the time he loved his little brother, when he wasn't acting like a younger version of their father.
The week was pretty eventless. There weren't many meetings to attend for him, which he was glad for. He had lunch with James and Sirius had paid, as promised, after losing their bet. It was nice to spend time with him, James was his best friend after all. It sounded weird that his bodyguard was his best friend, but Sirius was lucky to have him. James was smart, funny, and he understood him. Sirius told him everything, absolutely everything.
But even the family dinner went over without any incident, which was a quite rare occurence.
So on Friday evening during dinner he was in a good mood, looking forward to his night out at the club. After the table was cleaned from their empty plates Sirius stood up, but his mother looked at him, smiled and said:
“Sirius, darling, please sit down again. Regulus you can go.”
Sirius swallowed hard and sat down again, looking at his brother, who shot him a worried look. It never ended well when she wanted to talk to him alone.
His mother got up and came closer, too close for Sirius' liking.
“You know what you did?” she asked.
He just shook his head. He really had no clue what he'd done wrong this time.
“Liar.” she said simply, and the next moment her hand hit his cheek.
Sirius couldn't help it as the tears stung his eyes. He looked at his hands in his lap so his mother couldn't see them.
“The girl in this club of yours.” she helped him to remember.
Her hand found his cheek again, Sirius felt her ring hard against his skin, cutting it open.
He swallowed hard. The girl seemed nice. They had talked for a while, dancing, drinking together. Sirius really didn't know what the problem was and how his mother found out.
“She's a reporter and wrote an article with the information you gave her so willingly.”
“I guess you don't want to go out tonight?” James said softly.
“I didn't know…” Sirius whispered and made the mistake of looking up into his mother's angry face. Her eyes didn't show any mercy or understanding for her son.
There was a knock on his bedroom door, and he got up from his bed to open it. James was standing in front of it. He took in a sharp breath as he looked at Sirius' face.
And with every touch of her hand, Sirius' hatred grew. He hated his mother, his life and, most of all, himself.
“Ah… Sorry, I forgot about you.” Sirius said and let him in.
“Don't be sorry. Really. You did nothing wrong, trust me.”
“No. Not really. Sorry. I should've told you sooner. You could be home by now.”
Sirius shook his head.
Sirius didn't meet his eyes. He hated that James saw him like that, all beaten up and feeling so small. James pulled him in for a hug, carefully so Sirius could move away, but honestly Sirius needed a gentle gesture after that, so he let James hold him.
Sirius laughed a little, it sounded forced as Sirius tried to hold back his tears.
“She was a reporter. The girl in the club. She just used me and I didn’t notice.”
James moved away a bit to look at him.
“She was? Damn, I'm sorry. I should've known. That's my fault…”
Sirius shook his head.
“No. It's fine. Go home to Lily and Harry. Enjoy your early quitting time, okay? I'll see you tomorrow.”
“You sure you don't want me to stay?” James asked worriedly.
Sirius nodded with an almost invisible smile.
“Go home. Im okay, don't worry. I'll just need some sleep now, that's all.” he didn't even sound convincing to himself, but James got the message. Sirius wanted to be alone now, so he left.
Sirius looked into the mirror. His reflection looked horrible, his cheek was already bruising and his lower lip was split open.
He hung his jacket over the mirror so he didn't have to look at himself again. He was ridiculous, a joke.
Sirius didn't even try to sleep that night, he knew it was no good. He either wouldn't find sleep or he'd have a nightmare, so he just stayed awake and stared out of the window, lost in his thoughts.
That's why he didn't hear the quiet crack his bedroom door made as it was opened and someone entered. He didn't hear the steps coming up his way. He heard someone inhale behind him, but it was too late for him to react as he got slammed into the wall, a knife at his throat, facing a stranger.
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the-faceless-bride · 3 years
Older Y/n story
[  ] Chapter 1
The little promises with you~
I walked into the manner closing my parasol and gently placing it down. When I heard little foot patters down the stairs. Then I felt a little hand grab mine. "Y/n look!" He held up a little cassette tape, "I made a new song list for us to listen to today!" He held the tape to my face waving it around. "How fun, lets you go upstairs, lay down, and listen." He nodded his head and tugged me up the stairs. I rush up with him pulling my skirt up a little so I dont trip.
We get to his room and he sat me on his bed crawling into my lap. He put the tape in the player and clicked play. I lay back lightly stroking his hair. Right as the music was at its climax he mumbled to me in his sleepy state, "Will you always be here for me?" He looked at me with lazy eyes "Of course, I always will where is this coming from?" He didn't answer me, "I just wanna lay here and listen to our music forever Y/n... I love you..." I smiled softly and kissed his forehead "I love you more"
Just like the last time I walked to the manner. But when I walked in and closed my parasol Reiji stood at the door he took my parasol and placed it down for me. "Let's go to the library." He put his arm out for you to take. You took it and be walked with you.
Once we sat at a desk he took out the book we have been reading together but then he took out a little notebook. "What is that Reiji?" He looked up small dust of pink "well, I have started to write myself." He lightly tapped the cover of the book "I dont think you would like it..I... Tried to create a fairytale, it's out of my element but I wanted ti to try." He said as he pushed up his glasses "im sure with your experience and knowledge in reading im sure it's exceptional" he froze for a moment before sliding the book to you. As I read I quickly picked up on how this was short stories about things I and Reiji have done together with imagination I found it adorable. "This is the best book of short stories I have ever read."  He smiled softly at that it's nice to see him smile even if it's only a little one. But then he looked down and his smile completely fell. "Do you love me?" He asked out of the blue, I looked at him my eyes slightly wide. "Of course I love you. Why wouldn't I?" He looked over his shoulder before looking down "well... My mother has never said that to me. So you saying that makes me... Happy." He slides his hand across the table lightly playing with your fingers. "One day let's write an amazing story together... Ok," I pushed put his glasses for him booping his nose. "I will gladly write a story with you"
Today I wanted to spend time with Ayato but he wasn't around his manner so I went looking for him. I finally found him after almost an hour of looking for him at the lake by his home. He was just staring at the water. "Ayato?" He yelped and spun around to look at me. "Oh hi n/n," he says in a sad tone of voice. "Why so blue Ayato? Penny for your thoughts?" I pulled a little penny out of my dress pocket.
He looks at me and takes the coin "well my mother is mad at me again." He said looking back to the water,  "why? What did you do?" I ask walking closer "i- I can't swim," he says his voice no more than a whisper. I sit there quietly thinking, he seems to notice that. And he turns to me "penny for your thoughts?" He says questioningly as he holds out the penny I gave him "would you like me to teach you how to swim?" He looks somewhat shocked at first. He looks back to the water "ok.." He said.
He turns around as I start to take some of my dress of until I was in my corset stalkings and white undershirt. I set into the water letting him know he can look now. He just takes his white shirt off and waddles in kinda scared. I held my arms out and he found his way into them.
He gripped tightly onto me like a koala. After some time and effort of I placed my hands under him as he made the movements of his limbs. I secretly let him go slowly arms hovering under him but not touching him. "You're doing it." I smile at him, at first he didn't get it but then he realized he couldn't feel my arms under him anymore. "I- IM DOING IT!" he shouted happily as he puppy paddled in circles around me. when he was tired of this he clung to my body again. "Thank you n/n, now I won't be stuck at the bottom of the lake forever! Please stay with me forever okay n/n!" He puffed his cheeks out "All okay Ayato I'll stay" that he smiled with his chubby cheeks and kissed my cheek.
We sat under the little gazebo together with our tea tray. Kanato happily ate the pudding I had made beforehand. I, Kanato, and Teddy were having a tea party. I was wearing the pink and purple dress Kanato loved so much.
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This but the red is pink and the black is purple
He was sitting next to me and Teddy was next to him.  "Kanato, slow down you'll choke if you dont." I giggle as I use a napkin to wipe some pudding off his cheeks. "I want to eat as much of it as I can, you always make the best pudding and sweets." I ruffled his hair and gave him a caring smile I got up to get us more tea but was stopped by a little hand tugging on my skirt.
I turn around questioningly "do you think im odd?" He asked with doll eyes. "What? No, what brought this on?" He lets out a little sigh before answering "well, mother says that the way I speak and act is strange and my relationship with Teddy is odd." This made my blood boil the nerve of this woman! "You're not odd Kanato, I think the way you talk and act makes you special and I love you for it," I say as I cup and pat his cheeks giving his face a little squeeze.
His hands grip my skirt harder and he shoves his face into it his words somewhat muffed "thank you y/n, this is why you will be the only one I will EVER love." I stroked his hair smiling "say Kanato, would you like to keep this tea set?" He perked up looking at me "k-keep it? Really?" He asked eyes holding a little shine in them. "Of course, and we can have tea parties more whenever you wish." He only grew more excited by his hopping up and down "Yay!"
I walked looking for Laito when I spotted him oh on... He was with his mother she had her hand on his shoulder close to his neck playing with the hair at the base of his neck. Without thinking I power walked over to them, whether I was angry, discussed or both was beyond me. How dare she put her hands on him the way she does! I know about the little affairs with her son and how she turned their relationship incestuous. She is a disgusting sex-based woman.  I was close when she spotted me letting Laito go and waving him away as she held her hand out to me. "Y/n! My dearest" I played into her game taking her hand and taking it close to my lips and kissing her pale knuckle.
"What brings you here love~," she says leaning back more opening her legs ever so slightly in hopes of tempting me. "Im here for Laito" her complexion faded, she sat up and crossed her legs "he's over in the roses over there," she said bored. Without another word, I walk to him.
"Hello y/n," he said as he brought me a single red rose. "Hello, Laito would you like to go inside with me and some water to put this in for now?" He smiles nodding his head yes.
After putting the rose in a small vase and sitting down he crawled into my lap his head in the crook of my neck snuggling into me. "She keeps doing that..." He said into my neck "who keeps Doing what?" I inquired "mother. She keeps talking with this other man but says she only shows her love to me" I felt small wet drops on my neck he was crying "oh Laito, that isn't love, what she does to you isnt love it's lust. There are other ways to show the love you know." He sniffled looking up at me "there is?" He questioned, "yes, like spending time with each other, listening to music reading a book, or just sitting enjoying each other presents it doesn't have to be physical, especially like that." His eyes shifted down in thought before looking up at me again. "So like us? We spend time together and enjoy being together so is that love? Love is what we are?" He inquired "then I love you y/n," he said arms around my neck I giggled and smiled softly "yes, I love you most laito. You deserve the world." I kissed the side of his head and patted his back. "Good to know," he said his voice below a whisper.
I sat with Subaru in my lap making a flower crown as he drew in his little book with his doodles. We sat in silence I knew it was almost my time to go. I couldn't die due to my immortality but I knew I would have to let go of these boys soon. They... Didn't need me anymore. 
Shu never talked and pestered his brother.
Reiji was more like an adult than ever, too wrapped up in his work to bother writing short stories with me anymore.
Ayato went out with his friends from school.
Kanato had shut everyone out and stayed in his room most of the time.
And Laito talked with girls he didn't even give me a single rose anymore.
Subaru was the only one that needed me and once he doesn't it will be my time to leave.
By the time I finished with my thoughts I was finished with the flower crown. I gently placed it on his head and he closed his sketchbook. "Am I scary?" He asked as he looked to the floor. "huh? No, you're not. Who said that?" He let out a harsh breath "some kids at school said that no one likes me cuz' im scary and mad all the time."
"Well, for what it's worth I like you." He looked at me skeptical "you- you do?" His eyebrow raised "yes, in fact, I would even say I love you" his eyes went wide before he let out a little laugh "I love you too."
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