#so im taking a transcript to know what to base it on
orcelito · 1 year
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oh transcripts time
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lookingforhappy · 3 months
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thnk u @air--so--sweet for pointing out the tua prop auction, i am obssessed so ofc im now writing up my own transcripts for stuff. i bet someone else has done this but i couldnt find it so here's my record of it:
this is from Reginald's red book in s1 (i presume the dates are written day/month/year as Reginald is english)
"#00.01 Behaviour Part 4 -When given opportunity, he acts in accordance to my expectations, and to my instruction, and only to my expectation and instructions. Further experiments needed to figure out the extent of his blind loyalty. -Unknowable at this time if this productive for the cause or detrimental for the cause. 4/03/01 Conducted experiment in which I sent #00.01 to this woods to watch for threats. Not only did he not ask about said threats, he found ways to come up with his own possible threats. He stood watch in a weak, slight base camp from dawn until dusk, without asking if he should stay on overnight. He is still there. -Is it truly best to have the best follower be the leader??"
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"5/09/01 Another experiment conducted in which I gave #00.01 an unknowable mission, but this time had him try to lead the team in his cause. I instructed #00.01 to take the team and patrol the state beach. Up and down. Until the threat revealed itself. Within hours all members had referred to pursue mission on such little intel. #00.01 never stopped. Even after the pleading from #00.03. Whom usually shows an emotional weakness for. #00.03 Abilities Part 3 -Makes one wonder if she is all the Umbrella Academy really needs. -Her full potential makes the rest of the team look like an afterthought. -How can I convince her the team needs her? Confounded at not being able to capture a non-existent opponent flag. Their petty feud seems to know no bounds. But if the feud motivates #00.02 in a way to suceed in that types of scale, so be it. Work-load Capacity Ranking 1-#00.05 (negated by disregard for rules and safety) 2-#00.01 (enhanced by propensity to protect siblings) 3-#00.03 (strength in collaboration) 4-#00.06 (follower) 5-#00.04 (untapped and unfocused potential) 6-#00.02 (could be 1st or 6th depending on mood) Discipline Notes -Physical pain yields best results with males. -Emotional trauma yields best results with #00.03 and Klaus. Especially when inflicted on others. -Separation from group does not work on #00.02."
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"-Sensory Statistics -Visual - 21.4% -Auditory - 8.7% -Kinesthetic - 69.9% -Disorders -Likely tendency toward Oppositional Disorder (ODD) -Maternal family history of possible sociopathy (seems incongruent to dynamics with Seven; background research ongoing ref p.49) -Phobias -Darkness -Solitude -Binds Effective Behaviours Modification Techniques"
edit 03/07/2024: spelling corrections 😬
my thoughts beneath the cut:
Pic 1
interesting that Reginald seems more interested in Luther's psychology, and whether it's a mistake for him to be the leader due to his blind loyalty and strict adherence to instruction (to me, Luther reads as somewhat autistic here, following rules to the letter, but this could also be a result of childhood abuse).
Reginald's interest in Luther's blind loyalty, and experimenting on him to test where or if he has a limit on said loyalty, is very similar to the moon mission. Reginald said there was a purpose to it in s3, but maybe the purpose was testing the extent of Luther's loyalty. Maybe he was waiting to see at what point would Luther actually start to ask his father questions, or make requests of him or even outright defy him. We know Luther had started asking for more food, but maybe Reginald was pushing him further, to see at what point he'd ask to come home.
Since Reginald didn't send any of the Sparrows to the Moon it would seem like Luther's moon mission was unneccessary, but to Reginald there was nothing more important than training the children. Since Reginald seems to doubt whether having a Follower be a Leader, maybe he was trying to force Luther into a position that would help him learn how to use his own initiative?
Pic 2
this one is a gold mine.
Luther once again cannot not follow instruction or leave his work unfinished, but he's also considered to be very protective of his siblings by Reginald (which is a good thing in Reginald's books).
Allison is desperate for him to stop, but also seems like she has self-worth or anxiety issues that Reginald is unable to cure her of, likely related to her feeling like people would hate her if they knew the real her.
Diego's feud with Luther over being no.1 wasn't intentional on Reginald's side, but he didn't discourage it either as he felt it motivated Diego. Which is probably related to the fact that Diego doesn't seem to work well without the group. He also says Diego could be no.1 if he sorted out his emotions, but he ranks him in last.
Five is marked top of the group, above even Luther, but he's too opposed to rules and safety in Reginald's eyes.
Ben seems to be keeping quiet and doing as he's told, which also seems to be a good thing to Reginald.
also interesting that Klaus is referred to by name not number, and is grouped with Allison rather than with the "males".
I don't think "physical pain" refers to torture or corporal punishment, but perhaps exhaustion or intense physical regimines? Mostly because Reginald seems extremely hands off with the kids.
Pic 3
It doesn't say who this entry is about but "Oppositional Disorder" and "sociopathy" seems most consistent with Five. and now that we know his mother was a butcher, she seems the most likely candidate to have been thought a sociopath.
(edit: Although, Klaus is also suggested to have ODD in S3, this doesn't seem consistent with the earlier entry mentioning he is more receptive to emotional pain and pain inflicted on others, than to physical pain inflicted to himself. Plus, Rachel seems very emotionally intelligent, and this entry points out a positive relationship with Viktor which has always been more Five's thing)
I don't agree with the sociopath diagnosis, but it seems Reginald is hestitant to diagnose it in the first place since he notes that Five has a good relationship with Viktor, probably meaning he's not devoid of empathy.
the Phobias is also interesting. Darkness, Solitude and Binds all suggest he was forced into similar situations as Klaus and Viktor, where he had to use his powers to escape cramped conditions. the fact that he notes Solitude is one of his phobias is also v sad all things considered. plus the fact that Five is the only Brelly to sleep on a separate floor to the other 6 siblings - maybe this was Reginald's attempt to cure him of this phobia?
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prettyboyjohnny · 7 months
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I wrote these out a long time ago but never posted them anywhere! Based on [x].
>Nancy's voicelines<
• I could've copied the game subtitles, but I didn't 'cause they suck.
• I haven't played enough Johnny to know where some of these lines start and end. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes in that regard!
• I was gonna include tone indicators, but tone is subjective. No one wants me to mark the Feed Grandpa voice lines as "Flirty."
Encounter Start
Now look at this! Somebody's ready to fight!
This is gonna end... Very badly for you.
Yeah-ha-ha! Oh, that's it! Hit me...
Imma gut every single one of y'all! [Inhales, laughs under breath] Come on... Come on!
Exit interaction
Nobody leaves until I say so!
Ain't nobody leavin' just yet!
Got it.
Nobody's leavin' alive! Y'all not fast enough! ... Good try, though.
Feed Grandpa
Get your fill, old man.
It always tastes best when it's fresh, don't it?
Here you go, old man.
You're lookin' better already... Now help us!
Oh, you're thirsty today.
Victim found
HA HA! It's playtime!
Heh heh, it's playtime...
Hahahaha, I always find 'em!
You should know better than that! ... Come on out, now.
Hey there! [Laughs]
Well! Look who we got here! [Laughs]
Hit victim
Oh! Now I got ya!
Yeah! Take it! Take it!
It's better if you die right quick! Trust me!
This would be simpler if you would sit still!
Yeah! You gonna be leakin' after that hit.
Nobody escapes me.
How the hell did those kids find us? [Sighs] I should've been more careful.
If Grandpa was able, this would be over by now... I better go feed him.
Damn it, Johnny... Get your head straight! Come on, now!
I gotta fix this... Now!
Cook seen
I'd watch that tongue of yours, old man... It might go missin' one day.
I thought you knew how to run this household... THIS is a mess!
Damn it, old man! Put those ears of yours to use already!
Where are they?! How the hell did they get loose?! I can't fix this by myself, old man.
Stop barkin' orders at me! You ain't gonna like the results.
Hitchhiker seen
Surround the property with some of those traps already! This is getting outta hand fast!
You're one shifty little sumbitch... I'll give you that. [Laughs]
How you make those weird ass traps of yours, anyway?
Would you. Settle. The Hell. Down already. You're scattering all over the dang place. We gotta focus!
Grandpa is gonna tan our hides if we let them get away. Spread out!
Leatherface seen
That's it, boy... Go kill someone now.
Go on, put that saw to use, big boy! What're you waitin' on?
If I were you, I'd go and check out Grandpa. We're gonna need his help!
Let's go now, boy! Grandpa ain't gonna be too pleased if you let them escape.
Just get outta my way, boy... I'll show you how real killin's done.
Sissy seen
Are you gonna help me out, or just stand there lookin' pretty?
If it ain't askin' too much, before you go and run off again, would you mind helpin' me out?
Before you go runnin' off with those back-house hippies again... Can you PLEASE find these damn kids?!
Sissy, what the hell're you waitin' on? Get to it!
Sissy... Are you even listenin' to me? What's goin' on in that head of yours?! Damn!
Lose enemy first
Aww, you leavin' so soon?
It's alright, big boy's gonna be wearing your face soon enough... After I'm done with you, that is. [Laughs]
You know... I was actually kinda fond of that girl, I-I didn't really wanna hurt 'er... But, as they say... Family first, y'know?
You ever watch someone die? Oh... You ain't never quite the same after that, lemme tell ya.
Ohohoh, you can run all you want... It ain't gonna matter much longer.
Lose enemy sub
[Scoffs] You're all gurgle and no guts! I thought you were tougher than that!
I'm gonna find you... I will! I promise!
You wanna know how your friend died? I can show you!
L-Listen now! E-Everybody's time comes eventually!
The bad man's in me... And you gonna meet 'im real soon!
Lose enemy long
Your little friend put up a better fight than this... Come on... Make it interesting, will ya?!
They always try to hide... It's always the same game... [Laughs]
You folks don't know who you messin' with! Nobody ever gets away from me.
You're just delayin' the inevitable! YOU HEAR ME?
Come on out now, let's play.
I got plenty of space in the cold room for you.
Match start
It's time. [Chuckles] Seems they've got some fight in 'em after all.
I knew I should've handled this myself... I'll fix it.
That's what I get for taking it easy on them. Time for them to join that little friend of theirs.
See blood trail
Oh, this is gonna be easy.
Hey, you okay? You seem to have lost a bit of blood!
Now... let's see where you scurried off to.
You know... Bleedin' like that ain't gonna help your cause!
Don't bleed out on me yet! I need you awake!
See enemy first
Don't worry. I like it when they run.
Look, you're gonna want this to end fast. Trust me on that.
Well, don't run! I just wanna see how it feels.
There you are! [Chuckles] You kinda remind me of your little friend.
See enemy sub
This is pointless, you know. Quit stallin'.
Don't worry... I'll find ya.
[Growls] I'm gonna see your insides before this night's through!
Oh, you ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you.
Come on back, now.
Got something I wanna show you! [Laugh]
See family member
Well! Look who decided to lend a hand!
Check the doors and generator. We can't let them leave. You hear me?
Y'all need to start pullin' your weight around here. This is gettin' old!
Grandpa's gonna be in a fit if we let them escape. Start searchin'!
Would y'all... Help me already. PLEASE!
See trapped victim
We gotcha! [Laughs]
You ready to meet the bad man?
You got one!
Looks like you might be hurtin'. Might wanna be watchin' where you're steppin'.
See victim escape
Maybe I can still catch 'em. Yeah, down by the tracks.
Damn... They're free... For now.
This isn't gonna be good.
Damn it, Johnny! [Scoffs] ... The old man's gonna be riled up now.
Use ability blocked
Ain't no tracks here...
Nah... got nothin'.
Better wait a minute.
Not quite yet ... [Inhales] Almost ready.
Use ability
Time to play. Now... Where did you go?
I'll find ya. Don't you worry about that.
Go ahead and hide... It ain't gonna matter.
Where'd y'all run off to?
Use ability success
[Hums] ... There you are.
They always leave a trail. Always so careless. [Chuckles, inhales] ... This is too easy.
I'm on your tail now!
You're gonna look real nice... Next to that friend of yours!
That's it... Die for me!
This... Is only gonna hurt... For a minute!
You should've never came here lookin' for that girl!
You ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you!
[Last edited March 2024]
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akalikai · 13 days
i hate the episode name btw
"alice means well but she doesnt really understand" oi celia what do you mean she doesn't understand she got attacked by the same thing sam did
"my head is killing me" i dont think this is a normal headache ALSO IM SO SUSPICIOUS DONT TAKE THE PILLS SAMAMA KHALID COME ON
"all goes to plan" WHAT CELIA WHAT (they say like they're surprised that she's sus)
"ticket officer, not paid enough for this" NONE OF US ARE BUDDY
oh jesus christ colin is gonna end up dead isnt he. and possibly teddy too. both of them acted the same way based on alice saying she was busy
waiy. colin is in the office, but lena and gwen are in the office too?? also lena is gonna end up dead and gwen is gonna feel guilty isn't she
wait they KNOW it was one the train??? wtf???? and why is celia so calm about this
"what unit did you say it was?" "Seventeen-" SEVENTEEN RIGHT HERE-sorry I'm coping with jeonghan's enlistment date okay
"we want your teeth" JARED HOPWORTH??? IS THAT YOU????
now who the FUCK is this custodian hold on checking the VA list-ok nvm not breekon or hope i was wondering bc. yknow. custodian. maybe a reference
this custodian is so real he's like "yeah no this ain't any of my business you do you boo"
get archivisted bro
oooo okay so hilltop centre got a bloody history. but also who is this "he" that hired the custodian? also the fact that he refuses to come in the daytime is very interesting because usually people would find it less creepy at daytime but he seems to be more comfortable at night?? which is giving the dark but ok
"why the outfit was so mismatched, why the clothes were been pinned in place" okay this is kind of reminded me of the stranger for no particular reason????
a precipice????? sorry is there a whole-ass different world??? also celia wtf do you mean "almost"??? yeah sam its about time you asked her more questions
Sam's headache is not comforting me i don't think its normal WOOOOOO CONFIRMATION THE UNIVERSE-JUMPER CELIA
ahhh there it is. she was using him as a balance because she hoped getting him close enough to the magnus institute would make him enough a balance.
god sam you fucking idiot i love you. she betrayed you and lied to you and yet you still fought the archivist for her. also alice coming here worries me because i think she has a close connection to the magnus institute too and she might get sacrificed
gwen you're gonna get yourself and everyone killed oh my god
...see i dont know if i trust that now. i know celia hesitated but who's to say she wouldn't take the opportunity to push sam? or even not done anything when she had the chance to save him? i mean...i guess she did say "even though..."
i dont think sam is dead i mean celia fell through the rift and lived, who's to say sam couldn't do the same? the question is, which universe did he fall into? and will celia tell alice the truth about what she was planning?
mainly, though, i need to know whats going on with colin because WHAT DID HE MEAN WITH FR3DD1 WHAT HAPPENED. AND WHAT IS GOING ON WITH TEDDY.
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the-converse-high-top · 5 months
Affixes, Clitics, and Particles
i think that these parts of language are really cool! so im going to try to explain them :D also i definitely did not get sent down an hours long rabbit hole of linguistic papers and i also definitely didn't find out that the reason i wanted to make this post is actually a misconception :D i love ignoring things :D
the wikipedia article for affixes says that "in linguistics, an affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form."
in hopefully simpler terms, this basically means that an affix is a letter, or a group of letters that form a single sound or syllable, that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form.
some examples of these are the somewhat well known prefix and suffix, but also the beloved infix:
prefix: undone suffix: spotless infix: abso-fucking-lutely
sidenote: my favorite thing about english infixes is that they pretty much only work with expletives. in fact, there's a tom scott video about expletive infixations!
wikipedia defines a clitic as such: "a clitic is a morpheme that has syntactic characteristics of a word, but depends phonologically on another word or phrase."
in layman's terms: a clitic is a letter, or a group of letters that form a single sound or syllable, that has the function of a word in a sentence, but depends on another word or phrase based on the sound rules of the language.
a few examples of clitics can be seen in finnish (which also has a great many affixes but we're not talking about those right now):
-ko/kö -han/hän -pa/pä -kin
the spelling of the clitic depends on vowel harmony. if you want to learn more, this dissertation is all about finnish clitics!
you may be asking yourself how to tell the difference between clitics and other parts of speech. well this study has just the thing for you! quite a few tests are suggested by the author of this study if you want to be able to tell if something is a clitic or not, including some of the following:
a phonological test observe how the clitic forms a phonological unit with an independent word. (do not ask me how this one works i dont know) accentual test "clitics are accentually dependent, while full words are accentually independent." put simply, if you can't put stress on it, it's probably a clitic syntactic test a word can stand on its own and be subject to normal word processes such as tense changes while a clitic cannot do this
"'Particle' is a cover term for items that do not fit easily into syntactic and semantic generalizations about the language[.]"
read: "particle" is a miscellaneous, catch all term for anything that doesn't fit into the above two categories (or any other word categories like nouns, verbs, etc.)
the author of this study (who i'm going to refer to as Zwicky from now on because it's easier) says that theres no such thing as a particle and that its distinction from affixes, clitics, words, and clauses is unnecessary. i think thats an. interesting take.
anyway even though Zwicky just said theres no such thing as particles (which, how could he do that? theres kids around! we dont want to ruin the magic!) he concedes that there is actually a group of words that are commonly called particles that he agrees are actually particles. but he decides to call them discourse markers instead. because fuck you.
i dont like any of the words that Zwicky included so i made a list of my own:
-ね (ne) eh (canadian english) innit (common transcription of "isn't it", british english)
the funny thing is im coming out of this still not entirely clear on what a particle is. i thought i knew, i did some research, realized i didnt know, and now i'm here. based on how Zwicky puts it, it feels like the category of "particle" exists to accommodate the fact that there might be words* that arent affixes, clitics, words, or clauses but it feels like Zwicky is just being contrary. I should probably have done more research but this post was supposed to be done 24 hours ago.
out of context highlights from my research process: - sanskrit - the panini rule - doch - verbosely long section titles
*i dont actually mean words, i mean a morpheme which is a letter or a group of letters that form the representation of one sound that carries meaning, but i didn't want to make that sentence long and unreadable
if i'm wrong, please tell me! i would appreciate being corrected, i know i am not an expert on this topic in the slightest.
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crimeboys · 1 month
Hello! I have been lurking around in the DSMP tags for a while but I don’t fully understand a lot of plot lines beyond surface level stuff and other people’s analysis. I’m worried that I am misinterpreting things or characters. Is there anything I should read or watch to better understand things? A wiki or summary or something like that? I watched a few streams way back in 2021 but was unable to keep up. I can’t watch a lot of VODs yet because hearing some of the creator’s voices still makes me very uncomfortable but the characters are very interesting to me. You seem like you know what you’re doing so that’s why I’m asking you. My apologies if this is asking too much or rude 😓 Have a great day!
hello!! i'll be honest, the absolute best way to actually understand/interpret stuff is to watch it, like i don't think there's any other way to like. genuinely understand without watching and forming the opinions for yourself. especially bc fandom interpretation of stuff Does take over like actual canon a lot of the time like there was stuff i misinterpreted for a while until i watched specific vods and was like "ohhh. jesus fucking christ" and learned the truth. im sure there's still stuff i misinterpret and will find out when i watch/rewatch another vod bc i talk confidently and do think i know what im talking about, but sometimes i fuck up there is no way to be truly right about a show yknow.
i do understand not feeling comfortable watching the vods though, it can be difficult when a lot of the actors are uhhh The Fucking Worst. i know a lot of people read the dsmp wiki and there are like. some transcripts for certain dsmp vods? but i dont really like them bc they leave out some stuff and are obviously skewed based on who wrote them bc it's impossible not to be when writing transcripts. but i dont have those bc i never bothered to save them im very sorry ]: there is no like reliable way to learn about dsmp without actually watching it, and with how many lost vods there are it can kind of be hard to learn with watching it too LMAO. sorry i could not be more help.
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dotts-inkings · 8 months
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Just some bits of my writing that I like. There's transcripts under the cut too
Image 1 is based on an idea by @/rbgheart , where ghostbur finds a way to revive alivebur on his own, after seeing how phil and foolish fail to know what is necessary to bring Wilbur Soot back from the dead.
Image 2: just an exploration into how the dad phil thing and all its popular fanon tropes might lead into how pogtopia wilbur thinks.
Image 3: from the same story as image 1 but I sootburred it (hehehe) so this later turns into a *lovingly gazes into ur stunning eyes without even realizing im attracted* type thing.
Image 4: a vaguely post-prison Tommy time travels to the middle of the L'manburg war era, and confronts Eret as gently as he knows how before shit can ever hit the fan.
Image 1 transcript: [Ghostbur opens his eyes, surprised to see. He thought he was dead. Just dead. But it seems either he failed, or…
Well, he now stands in a long, dark hallway. On two sides are benches, and in the middle is a shallow ravine with tracks laid atop concrete. The walls are covered in paper, plastic, and electric signage, with lights shining down to illuminate in a hard-to-look-at pink.
He supposes this must be the afterlife.
Well, Ghostbur isn’t here to gawk like a tourist, he has a duty. He takes a slow, shuddering breath, letting the memories from previous flow away, and slowly walks (walks! He can't float!) down the hall, searching for his counterpart.
It is silent.
And it is dark.
And the hall is very, very, long.
Eventually, perhaps minutes, perhaps hours later, he finds an aberration in the infinite pattern of benches, lights and posters. A lump of dark fabric lays curled before a massive discoloration on the wall, the paper there ripped away, bricks coated in-
Blood, he supposes.
That’s all. It's the afterlife, blood doesn’t matter as much, he reassures himself. It is all okay.
So he looks closer (and it’s rather hard to see), but under the dim light of a softly glowing advertisement screen, he can see the lump more closely. A shivering figure sits there, hair stained in white and back stained with blood. The figure breathes slow, heavy, crackling breaths. 
Coming closer, he looks to be hunched over on himself. The man has his arms crossed over his knees, with his legs folded beneath him. His head presses into the backs of his hands. He looks nearly dead, which is better than Ghostbur was expecting.
This is Alivebur, he knows it in his very being. And before he]. The image cuts off at the word 'he'.
Image 2 transcript: [And then Phil stepped in the room, his wings dragging across the rough stone. He looked around at the shaky scrawls of the song Wilbur wrote of victory and unity, and then at Wilbur himself in disappointment. And Wilbur felt himself grow colder. The world narrowed, and he looked towards the father that left him alone for years. Suddenly, the dilemma of the button wasn't about his brother's safety or his friends' happiness, but one last thing to throw in his dad's face. Something to show that his abandonment had hurt, had harmed and scarred him, something that would say 'if you just stayed this wouldn't have happened', something like 'I relied on you, I cared for you, and you left for some old friend of yours from a lost empire you used to rule and now look what happened', something that would hurt his shitty old dad as much as his dad hurt him.]
Image 3 transcript: [After some time, Alivebur manages to open his eyes again- well, eye. One of his eyes is bleeding now, hanging torn skin from the socket. Ghostbur doesn’t know how he didn’t see that earlier. The remaining one focuses on his eyes, and just like that he finds himself mesmerized. His counterpart’s eyes, they shouldn't be such a marvel. Ghostbur’s sure he himself had pupils and an iris once, and everyone else around him had proper eyes, so he doesn’t know why he is so fascinated by the reddish-brown shade, the sickly, tired expression. He’s entranced.
Alivebur seems similarly so, one eye unmoving from its place focused on Ghostbur. A feeling comes across Ghostbur, that maybe Alivebur is thinking of the glimpses Ghostbur unknowingly gave him of the living world - glimpses only an unwanted ghost could give, of desolate coasts and a black grid in the sky. He hopes Alivebur remembers him giving images of blue flower fields and sheep too. Kinder memories for a dead man forgotten.]
Image 4 transcript: [Tommy stared into shocked, blank eyes. He held the sunglasses that covered them before, and looked down at the glasses pensively. The man across the medical tent from him was tense, but not fearful, only apprehensive. Tommy supposed he would be too if a fourteen-year-old Tommy walked up and snatched the only shield he had from people seeing the awful emptiness of a herobrine descendant's eyes.
Tommy glanced up at Eret again. “You…” he started. “You aren’t king.” He looked at the man’s head, as if expecting to see some crown or circlet defining her role. Eret reels back, in bafflement, and a bit of pain in their empty eyes. Without the sunglasses, Eret is more expressive than ever.
“What- of course I’m not a king, Tommy. We’re fighting against a king, after all, aren’t we?”
If he hadn’t known Eret so long, Tommy would have only heard the surface-level confusion, but Tommy has known most of the tics in her deep voice since they initially reconnected over his hotel. The oddly stilted rhythm to Eret’s words betrays how careful he’s speaking. It’s nearly too obvious, but Tommy reminds himself that Eret’s never had to lie to Tommy yet. Not in this life.
Tommy flips the sunglasses in his hands around, side to side, up-ways and down. He is agitated. His tail lashes, and finally, he responds. 
“Listen, man,” He begins in a rush, “I know you know what I’m saying, and we both know you don’t think its worth staying with us in L’man- L’manberg, so you can drop the act.” Eret goes to speak, but Tommy cuts him off before he can lie again. “Seriously, I don’t care, well I do care, but I’m not gonna do anything about it. You can choose whatever you like, cause— cause like, slay queen, but you’re fine— just.”
Tommy scrunches his face.
“You aren’t king yet?” Hopefully.]
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m0e-ru · 8 months
Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but I've been reading your meta posts about Izanami and Souzai Daigaku and the like and you mention the game script often, do you have a link to the dump or to a big doc containing it? I only saw your Izanami one and it's fascinating, I'd really like to see more! I try to take screenshots of things like minor NPC dialogue but I miss a lot of stuff.
Also, while I'm here I'd like to ask, do you have a link to the Persona 4 Visualives? I know you uploaded them to your YouTube channel (and I'm very grateful 🥰) but I mean the actual files. I can only find dead torrents of them...
Either way, thank you very much for all the thoughts and reading material! #TeamIzanami
HAII HAIII HAIIII /waves violently and i trip on my feet and eat my spreadsheets/ imso happy youre here
i'd be SO HONORED to share my resources and im SO HAPPY SOMEONE'S SO INTERESTED ENOUGH TO ASK  !!!
I've gathered and curated my own resources throughout the years, and I'll be sharing the original mirrors of where I got them. Of course, if any of these links are dead, I always have my own copies so you can ask me again WAHAHA
If you're not already familiar, ShrineFox has been a mod dev in the Persona scene for a while, right now though they're working on a lot of other projects too hehe. They had this "text search" app for a while where you could find text from entire script dumps of a game they had on hand, mostly the Persona games. Right now, the app's taken down, but the whole dumps have been uploaded in this Google Drive!
The _msg files are the ones you're looking for for the text n stuff. The _flow files are for the backend behavior coding and all that. These txt files are really big too, so try opening it with a source code editor like Notepad++ or Sublime Text because it might blow up a normal writer app like Word or Writer LMAO (188K LINES??)
Also, these are really the raw text dumps. There’s a learning curve to how interpret IDs and all that but you’ll get used to it, or just hit me up!
Vanilla JP Dump
Here’s a transcript of the JP text of the base game, not Golden. It’s formatted plainly, without the raw code or IDs or anything, so it’s easier to read but hard to crosscheck with the ENG text from the first dump.
MOEL Backroom (my stuff)
kai's spreadsheet of spreadsheets (and other docs)
Here’s my (supposedly) entire directory of my documents and spreadsheets I made throughout the years! You can take a gander if something catches your eye. I also made a summary of it and more resources on my Neocities :]
Steam NPC Dialogue Calendar (P4G Edition)
[disclaimer: big page!!] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2425834890 
This is an entire guide for all the NPCs overworld in Inaba AND Okina, specifically a glossary for each NPC and when they actually show up. I wouldn’t know if this is really complete but it SURE IS comprehensive. If you can navigate the dumps right, you can reference that to figure out what their actual dialogue is and read it in context.
Vanilla Wikidot page
P4G Spreadsheet
These are calendars that have the weather throughout the game, and the wiki one has events and other stuff too just for the base game. The spreadsheet is a weather calendar throughout P4G, you can make your own copy to annotate if you’d like!
If you see throughout my resources, I don’t really source some of them from anywhere else because I dumped the scripts myself! Especially the JP scripts and the Arena/Ultimax story modes.
There’s a lot to say about it considering I learned it while trying to crack into the games files myself and debugging mod files on my own LOL. Here’s a few Amicitia pages as a starting point, and you can ask me for anything else
MSG and BMD (and BF)
These files contain text and dialogue and description etc etc. You can check these pages to see how to extract them with tools available. There are .BMD files in .BF files most of the time.
PM1 vs PM2 & PM3
PM1 has text, dialogue etc
PM2 & PM3 only found in main folder (JP assets, not the ENG nor KR nor CN asset folder) deals with environment, models, etc etc
VISUALIVE / the Evolution Direct Download Link
The moment everyone’s been waiting for !! Here’s a link to both Visualives and the bonus content, which I’ve already posted on my YouTube like you said. I will kill this link in a week or so for security purposes and my actual cloud storage. If you want it past this time though, you can always hit me up and ask me personally! I’m planning to properly host it one day, I’m just being thrown against the waves right now.
update: i've killed the link now. if anyone else needs it, you can always come to me personally!
aand that’s it! I’ve actually been writing this throughout the whole week whenever I have the time. Here’s as comprehensive as I’ll get, and thank you SOSOSO MUCH sticking around!!
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
also... penny for ur jodie thoughts ?
turns on immigrant song and sets it to loop. of course ^-^ I WAS GONNA DO A FRESH POST but i barely started typing it so i will answer on here instead! shout-out to @nutria--oscura as well because they also asked me for my jodie thoughts on my initial post
im gonna do a tl;dr as well as the full ramble, so! tl;dr first
canonically (in his fabricated human memories, not reality), jodie's mom, dee, was a singer and jodie didn't see her growing up because of this. i think the parallels to glenn here are obvious: glenn's dad, bill, was always on the road due to being a roadie/session musician, and dee was always on the road due to being a rock singer. the difference between them is that glenn spent consistent time with bill whenever bill wasn't busy, while jodie didn't (presumably he lived at home with his dad, but this isn't really clarified on), and i think this explains why they have such different adult lives despite their similar upbringings. glenn grew up involved in the rock scene, while jodie saw it more as something he could never be included in. however, once she appears in the podcast, dee is shown to be an extremely loving mother who has done everything in her power to find her son again, which is... really sweet, mostly, i love dee, but also its really sad because jodie has all these issues not from his actual life, but because he was used as some punishment against glenn for being a bad dad LMAO
now the full ramble with screenshots from the transcript and more headcanons/interpretations of how it affected him LOL
firstly, the part of the podcast that explains jodie's human memories, from SWAP (SWitched Ass Papas)
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for simplicity's sake, for now, i'm gonna talk as if this is all true. we are taking jodie's human memories at face value.
jodie grew up without his mom in his life at all. i think "you never met her" was an exaggeration, based on the line "you don't have too many memories of them from your childhood", but she still is clearly not someone jodie spent much time with. her presence was always there, there were people in his life keeping him updated about her, he knew what she looked like, etc, but he didn't really know her. even when he did see her, jodie's memory is bad, he likely doesn't fully know what he experienced first-hand and what he was just told. it's a bit of ADHD projection, but i know that due to my memory problems, i've often had issues with being unsure what from my childhood was real and what was just something i made up. i think it's fair to say that jodie has similar issues based on these lines. he doesn't know his mom, she isn't a real person to him really, she's just this idea of a "cool mom" that was drilled into his head as a kid.
as i said, this parallels glenn's backstory in an interesting way. both bill and dee weren't home, but glenn still saw bill regularly. not a lot, but he always knew he would see bill again and generally considered him a positive influence in his upbringing (now, glenn's conflicting feelings about bill is a whole OTHER post i could write and have written before but-). okay tbh i was gonna get more in depth about bill and glenn's relationship but then i was rereading episode 29's transcript and started thinking too much and couldn't find any words, so we're just sticking with this screenshot from glenn close's damages:
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THE POINT I WAS MAKING BEFORE I SPACED OUT FOR 20 MINUTES THINKING ABOUT MY BABY GIRL BILL CLOSE. glenn got to spend time with his father and was often looped into his nonsense, which led glenn to being far more involved in the rock and roll scene. in contrast, jodie barely ever saw his mother, and its reasonable to extrapolate that that is why he went so far in the opposite direction as glenn. he rejected this world that his mom was a part of because if his mom didn't have any time for him, then that entire scene as a wider space didn't have any time for him either. jodie is shown to be a character that does not get over things: his deep yearning for morgan, his long-standing anger towards glenn, he doesn't know how to move past things that upset him. i think it's reasonable to assume his feelings towards his mom could fall into this group of long-held feelings. he is completely the type to throw himself into something rigid and consistent and soulless such as the police force to separate himself from his mom, who he's been told is a rock and roll singer who's cool and edgy.
and i think the reason why this makes me so sad is that it's completely... unnecessary might be the best word, because dee loves him.
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dee absolutely adores jodie, she misses him, she did everything in her power to get him back to her. but as i said, jodie is a character that doesn't let things go. despite the way he says that he's a demon now, as if that eradicates his very human feelings, it's obvious that he never really got past his fabricated life - again, his desperate attachment to morgan is evidence of this. no matter how much his mom loves him, jodie is probably always going to have a part of him that looks at her as the human woman who abandoned him as a human child. and she didn't, she didn't at all, and isn't that just devastating?
i feel like there's so much more i could say, but it's already been an hour and a half since you sent this ask LMAO i just think, behind his pathetic exterior, jodie is an absolutely fascinating character and people often undervalue how devastating the back half of season one was for him. jodie is never going to be like, a good guy. i don't want to make people sympathize with him or anything, i get it, he's not a likeable person and i don't want him to be ♡♡ i love my bitchy pathetic demon king of hell ♡♡ but there's a lot more depth to him than people tend to sit down and think about
anyways do you guys think, pre-demon reveal in the jodie foster timeline, jodie just assumed the omega daddies didn't recruit his mom because they were misogynists
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asterzratz02 · 8 months
Ok I have a theory. Has this already been posted? Probably, but I'm brain rotting.
It's mainly based off of this bit in the transcripts (pls note im getting my transcripts from the unofficial transcript archive, however as far as I know these transcripts are still accurate and the the same as the official transcripts)
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This is literally from the first episode, the first non-spoken lines are about a computer listening. No, sorry not listening eavesdropping. As a writer you wouldn't use the word eavesdropping unless it was ment to personify something. Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but like- this is only where my decent into tmp madness starts. Ofc Norris and Chester being voiced by Jonny and Alex heavily implies that some part of Jon and Martin's soul has been transferred into the computers, or programs, files, or whatever you wanna call it. There's not quite enough info to determine how much of them is trapped in the computers, but im quite certain more than just there voice is trapped. There's emotion in the voices, especially Martin's (because ofcourse there would be, my favorite poet-) once again personifying the computers. Now, im not sure if the eavesdropping computer was 'Norris' or 'Chester' or even 'Augustus.' At first I though 'Oh well lots of people are theorizing that Augustus is Jonah and I was convinced. Not the mention that supports my connection to the eavesdropping computer. Because ofcourse, Jonah would be eavesdropping, especially seeing as we're all theorizing that Gwen is related to Elias. (Bouchard lastname)
NOW. HEAR ME OUT. The Bouchard lastname isn't inherently connected to Jonah Magnus. Before Elias was possessed by Jonah, he was just some guy. I can't remember excatly what ep of mag that's in, but I distinctly remember someone mentioning how odd it was that Elias went from a low level position at the institute with issues of some kind? I forgot what kind? Anyways what I'm trying to say is while yes, it makes sense that Elias and Gwen are related, that doesn't mean Qwen has anything to do with Jonah. Especially since as far as I know, Jonah was obliterated. Like... he's gone gone- and this universe were listening in on is most likely (this might have been confirmed, I'm unsure) a whole alternate universe from the one the magnus archives took place in. Wait I think it was confirmed? Seeing as it burnt down in 1999 in this universe as far as I recall, and the tma podcast takes place in the mid 2010's. So pretty sure tma and tmp take place in different universes, tied togethor via the web. Think spider man into the spiderverse if your confused. (Sorry im really just rambling at this point)
Anyways. Now I'm thinking, the Jonah Magnus in the tma universe was destroyed.... meaning Augustus probably isn't Jonah? HOWEVER. I just though of something. Was the Jonah Magnus in the tmp universe destroyed??? Maybe he's just some guy who died before coming to use the power of the watcher, but... maybe not? Ok so... the main question I'm left with then is who's useing the computers to eavesdrop? Maybe it is this universes Jonah, whoever he's possessed this time... my bets on Lena, but that's a whole other theory that I don't feel like going on a tangent about rn. Maybe it's Chuch, Norris, and/or Augustus. Maybe Augustus is Annabelle? Idk.
Anyways, I'm gonna use this as a thread and add onto it the more thoughts I have on this :3
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amndmirk · 1 year
bestie drop the Kris & Ralsei relationship rant and why there's less fandom reception for them because of archetypes. the ppl want to know.
its. ugh
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im not tidying it up, ill be putting it off forever (haha krals quest reference. VIBE CHECK)
so, deltarune community, i introduce to you, a half-assed 3AM rant about kris and ralsei.
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transcription below, sidebar screenshots, tldr and everything. uh, i recommend reading the post
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while i still cannot pass out i figured out what bothers me about the way theyre presented and why platonic kralsei is such a craving that has no material in the fandom to work with whatsoever
we know the susie relationships. everyone cherishes kris and susies friendship. id say it comes first if anything. people vaguely appreciate her and ralsei as well - we had plenty of hangout opportunities for the two, there are even two or three comics about ralsei and his beef with her. friendship content. dynamic exploring
kris and ralsei presentation however includes but is not limited to: dry interaction (choose your flavour: kris/kris as player projection aka the thing everyone did with ch1 ralsei cutesy content), dry interaction 2.0 aka The Sillies/ralsei as sole background commenter in goofyass situations/the normal dude (may or may not include in-game shit), kris' resentment of ralsei (at least theyre getting creative), and finally mushy romantic couple shit and sugarcoating tropes
vc: and you could excuse that with a "oh, well but we dont know anything about ralseis backstory" yet we hardly know anything about susies either. we only theorise of her past related to adoption, being homeless, insert other determinators based material. we factually know very little of her, yet susie has established friendships with both kris and ralsei, even well-written fan content with noelle that is not limited by surface romance but rather the exploration of their dynamic, friends first, partners - second.
as in for either of them being morally gray? susie has no problems with that and i love her, we love her, the_newest_girl sweepstakes log hasnt changed anything. i do have a theory on how that could affect ralsei, though. might contemplate on that.
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so susie has all that. kris, their nature still unknown to most, but overall sympathetic with a shade of gray morality (HEEEELLL YEAAA) has the similar spectrum. kris has all that.
with them and ralsei though? its like. not a single plate of them as a dynamic. as actual friends
and honestly its no wonder kralsei is getting rejected from lightner ship/old darkner ship communities
we present no base. no fundamental understanding or interpretation of them
...though i wish id browse through deltarune tag more legitimately and take samples every time i see kris and ralsei on-screen to have a list of categories for each interaction to sort them like legos by shapes and colours.
there was one.ONE comic of them that kept the hopes up. this is why kralsei is stayin alive. that, and tunas scarf thingy. our icon (shhhh hes seepy)
i, uh, dont have a conclusion. i remember writing it because i wish we actually came up with who they are. wish that even they had conflicts and resolutions, similarities and differences, like any other dynamic in the fanon, having multiple headcanons and interpretations.
i just wish we gave them a chance to be friends.
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ilguna · 10 months
okay quick question because i’ve been curious about this for years and i was just reading one of your finnick fics that does this. how do you actually write fics that are scene for scene, line for line? like the ones that describe every detail from a scene in a movie or show and then add the reader into it somehow.
like do you have to rewatch the scene over and over again as you write or do you do some sort of quick transcription of the scene so you can have something to base it off of?
hi!! so i’m gonna be honest here, while i do MOST of the writing on my own 💃 i am a really big cheater dude.
so when it comes to tv shows/movies: yes, i 100% will replay the scene over and over. i will watch ahead to see where im going, and then go back to the scene i was originally writing. and i will press play. then pause. then play. then pause. i might have to go back 15 seconds to get reactions to write. and then rinse and repeat.
this is how i’m able to get high word counts half the times (like for my stephen strange fics, this is exactly what i did) and why it might take me longer cause it’s an all-day process.
as for books, namely the hunger games: i own the books on apple. i’ve had the trilogy for the past year, and i’ll just jump between chapters to write the scenes a request asks for. and i will basically read and write at the same time. and sometimes i steal lines for reader, sometimes i add my own. and there’s a lot of internal monologue/backstory i give, so yeah it’s noticeable, but i always give it my own touch.
also, as for tbosas, i recently got it on apple. like, thanksgiving recently. that’s why im going to be able to do the same for coriolanus/sejanus. before i owned them on mobile, i literally used my PHYSICAL BOOKS (that was a pain in the ass) or wayyyy before that, i would go by the movies but sprinkle in book scenes.
i’m just rambling at this point but as for the last part of the ask, i give myself “plot points” of what i want to happen at each part of the fic. and sometimes my google doc is messy cause of it but by the end it cleans up. AND, you get the beautiful fics you know in love.
in the end, i guess you could call me a fraud LOL
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marrow-minded · 1 year
What is it about Jaune that makes you like him? /gen
i know a lot of what im about to say can be boiled down to "hes miles self-insert" but like. as a certified Miles-Hater thats so dumb to judge a writers fav character (i dont think jaune is even miles character) or the character they heavily base around their own experiences on the feelings you have for the writer. many MANY writers far better than miles luna have based characters on themselves-- which is what jaune is btw a self-insert/mary-sue is ENTIRELY different-- anyways
you see, something that made weiss and pyrrha (and somewhat blake) in vol 1-3 many peoples fav characters, including me, was that they had functional character arcs. pyrrhas was far more deep and interesting than weiss' (bc the writers were scared to actually tackling unlearning racism) but functionally: weiss started off as an uppity racist bitch that was entitled and self-important, and by the end of vol 3 she had not only learned to summon, but also did it in protection of a faunus-- regardless of the quality of writing, this was a perfectly acceptable story arc during vol1-3 era that made weiss a standout. pyrrha went from a sort of empty mentor shell character to somebody that the audience understood to struggle with her identity, her destiny, her talents and lack of agency, coupled with this idea that she might be forever changed should she take on the burden of her destiny... and then she kissed jaune and took on cinder solo (meaning that if she was rescued [meaning she escapes the stigma of being the unbeatable girl, thus escaping her destiny] or somehow won, she could return to jaune [thus gaining the joy she was always afraid she would never have] OR she would die [again, escaping her destiny]
you see, people LIKE character development and that is in woeful short supply in RWBY. but jaune is constantly changing, while other characters remain static for massive bouts of time (ren, weiss, yang) or repeat the same character arcs again and again (ruby, nora) and while hes changing, its always for the benefit of others
jaune starts off as a doofus cringelord that throws up on the ship to beacon. hes a liar, getting his hands on fake transcripts (ive always wanted to know how the hell he did that), hes a poor student (like everyone else tbf) and he struggles to fight. hes unprepared, and he struggles with leadership, like ruby! where ruby had to deal with internal team struggles (blake v weiss and weiss v ruby), jaune struggles with external factors (his own backstory and cardins bullying)
ive seen Certain Individuals say they hate jaune because hes mean to pyrrha when she offered to help him but like. isnt that the point of character arcs and development? jaune started off as thinking he had to shoulder the burden of what cardin was doing to him (which btw was physically bullying and mental exhaustion, he was doing the burden of five people and in the meantime was being physically harmed) as well as the guilt of his own backstory (failing to live up to a huntsman legacy [which GOD why havent they come back to this at all] and his lies.) and by the end of it, off the advice of ruby, he fights back to protect his team and DEVELOPS into someone that willingly and genuinely apologizes to pyrrha and asks if she would still be okay with training him. its genuinely good development for both of them!
jaune continues to change post pyrrha. he honors her by incorporating her armor into his own, carrying her silently alongside them, while also keeping up his training because he knows that the best way to honor pyrrha is to keep up the fight, to protect their friends, to make sure she didnt die in vain. hes ALWAYS supported ruby from the very beginning, following her, supporting his teammates
im not going to pretend jaunes flawless or faultless. especially in vol 4-6 where a LOOOOOOOT of writing flaws and character issues crop up for me, in all characters including jaune. i hate the way they all blame Oz/Oscar, i hate his stupid plan to steal an atlas airship (cordovin literally offered to escort weiss just have her claim oscar as a servant boy and have qrow go along as her pet bird, have her go to atlas with oscar and qrow with the lamp and then ironwood would have given cordo orders to have everyone else shipped out GOD), i hate the way they all just SIT AROUND at haven, i hate the way they all act like qrow turning into a bird is some fucked up thing, yadda yadda yadda. the fight at haven is bad and ugly and he (like everyone) fights like an absolute ding dong but OUGH his semblance...
listen one thing about me? i love paladins. love healers. im a support main, i play clerics and bards, i LOVE paladins. theres something really great to me that his aura was set up from the very beginning as something he had a lot of and now his semblance is literally giving that away to his friends, literally giving his SOUL to others to heal and boost and protect. that's genuinely so beautiful to me. its not only a wonderful semblance that has really good utility and synergy (regardless that he only seems to use it with ren) but its wonderful that it heals, because thats the first thing he found out aura can actually do; pyrrha unlocked his aura to HEAL him. and he struggled for so long with the fact that he couldnt help pyrrha because he didnt know how but now? his literal super power is to help others. (i mean. not that the writers use it to great effect but still. the potential is there)
and then the atlas arc starts and man this is some of my favorite jaune era because a lot of what i like is background details! i ADORE his friendship with marrow, i truly wish more characters got to make friends with the characters in atlas (give me blake/neon NOW!!!!!!!!! give me weiss/flynt NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! double date!!!!!!!!) guard dogs is literally one of my top five ships (i also adore marrow to death and back so its a no brainer) i like that he actually steps up to do huntsmanning work that isnt glorious or battling, even if at first hes a little disappointed and then!!! it literally comes back around in the finale episodes!!!! it showed that even seemingly silly tasks like escorting kindergarteners to school and back can be utilized in the right situation, bc hunting in atlas isnt just about fighting monsters, its about taking care of the people, from evacuation procedures to literally escorting children. i loved it and it felt really satisfying to watch (even if it did make me judge literally everyone else like what now suddenly you dont care about the civilians in mantle?)
and also, this entire time, its been wonderful to see jaune slowly build up his arsenal and his fighting skills. ill admit, some of my fondness from jaune comes from my own headcanons regarding his legacy and such but tbh the fact that only some of my enjoyment comes from my headcanons and not literally all my enjoyment (like most characters) is an improvement. but also, its just ingrained in my media to want to root for the underdog, the clumsy bad fighter that gets cooler and cooler, thats the appeal of the literal Heroes Journey (sora, noctis, link, jaune; all swordfighters, all either knight/royalty coded, all went on the heroes journey, all some of my favorite characters... coincidence? i think not!)
im not really going to speak on vol9 too much because its a lot and its unfinished rn and i dont know how this series arc is going to end for him so i cant make an informed sort of conclusion but i think hes very in character as a naturally continuation of his character before the time in the EA that was put through the Horrors for a couple dozen years. it makes my heart Ache
anyways this was already a lot. basically, i like jaune because he feels like a genuine paladin and feels like what a huntsman should be like. one of my biggest complaint that is specific to him and not a series wide issue with writing is i wish his designs were better? im loving the rusted knight look with the full armor and the longer hair and i hope that he keeps the ponytail (if he survived vol9). hes a genuinely good friend who ive never questioned whether he actually would be a good huntsman (as ive questioned with literally everyone else of the main cast except ruby) or if he even wants to be there at all! he has his own motivations to be in this fight beyond just following ruby and he actively gets better throughout the show (unlike rwby, who all started off goated and then have had to be nerfed through the show). i think he had a lot of potential that was wasted but i think hes genuinely one of the better characters we've gotten as a main staple of the show and hes been there since the beginning!
i hope this answered your question! i could literally go on for hours (it took me an hour to respond to this alone) so if you have specific scenarios you want me to break down i can totally gush about jaune, or my headcanons (for example i have a hc that he has a drag persona named Matre Domme, a play on matyrdom (bc joan of arc) as well as being french for Master Domme bc of course jaunes experience with feminity and what he would explore through drag is rooted in strong dominate women)
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fluffypotatey · 7 months
i think i've told you the double life gimmick before (randomly assigned soulmates share a health bar, so when someone takes damage so does their partner), so i'll cut right to the pearlo.
in session 1 of double life, almost every player set out to find their soulbound before anything out. every player... except pearl pearlescentmoon and martyn inthelittlewood, who went to the nether to get geared up and try and find rare loot for their soulmates. pearl was initially hesitant on this idea, but martyn convinced her it'd be fine. (several times during this nether trip, martyn makes fun of their soulmates, only for pearl to step in and defend hers).
when martyn and pearl return to the overworld, they decide to focus on finding their soulmates, and run into scott and cleo. martyn sets up a little game show, and lo and behold, pearl is bound to scott, and martyn to cleo! pearl is ecstatic- she and scott had been very close partners in the previous series, and she was excited to be his teammate again! however, it was not to be. unbeknownst to martyn and pearl, scott and cleo had already discovered, through process of elimination, that their soulmates were pearl and martyn. they had also decided that, since pearl and martyn hadn't come to find them first, and had risked their lives by going to the nether, that they were going to team up together and reject their assigned partners.
after being rejected by scott and cleo, her teammates from the last game, pearl turned to martyn, only to find him leaving her too (he intended to play solo and try and win cleo back). pearl had been abandoned, rejected by everyone, and the only companion she had left was her dog, tilly. she builds an extremely tall tower near the center of the map, and lives alone in it.
in the next session, pearl tries to befriend a nearby soulbound pair (ren renthedog and bigb bigbst4tz, called the Box Boys because of their ugly, box-shaped base), but ends up accidentally causing their first deaths. after this event, the box boys reject her too, with ren saying "whether you tried to [kill us] or not, there is something wicked within you!"
(she also spends a lot of this session standing in powdered snow blocks, which causes her to take progressive ticks of damage, in order to annoy scott and force him to waste food to keep them alive).
her participation in events that tend to leave people dead (the box boys, her starting some fishing rod shenanigans with joel and etho that cause their second deaths, her presence at other major deaths) and general unhinged behavior (especially masquerading as a red life) cause the rest of the server to fear and reject her even more, calling her the "scarlet witch" and other such names (scott refers to her as his "crazy ex", (made funnier because he's gay irl)).
as things on the server heat up, pearl is forced to team up with scott (because they're soulbound), cleo (because they're scott's teammate) and martyn (because he's cleo's soulmate) several times in order to survive, but always manages to alienate herself from the group anyways by trying to injure scott on purpose.
during her final episode, the already unhinged pearl goes COMPLETELY off the rails and starts hunting down and killing people, directly killing two soulmate pairs herself (impulse + bdubs and martyn + cleo), defeating both pairs in 1v2 pvp. (her killing impulse and bdubs was insane- she hunted them down slowly, methodically, all while menacingly chanting "Something wicked this way comes" louder and louder, until she caught and killed them.)
martyn and cleo's deaths at her hands means that now it's just her and scott left. the "ghosts" (the other dead players in spectator mode) and the rules are clear: this game will have only one winner. she turns to face scott, ready to get closure with one final fight and. you know what. im just gonna transcript this.
PEARL: Hi, Scott.
SCOTT: I didn't think it would end this way.
PEARL: [crouching] I honestly didn't have a lot of faith in us.
SCOTT: [crouching] I think... [stands] Pearl, you deserve this more.
PEARL: [stands] Excuse me?! What do you mean?
[Scott jumps up, and places a block of TNT beneath him. Pearl flinches as he does so.]
SCOTT: In the same way... [He takes out a flint and steel, and lights the TNT beneath him]
SCOTT: [Looks up to make direct eye contact with Pearl] Tilly death do us part, Pearl.
PEARL: [panicked] Wait, Scott, what are you doing?
SCOTT: [yelling, almost triumphantly] Tilly death do us part!
PEARL: [at the same time, panicking, rushing towards him] Scott! What are you doing?! SCOTT-
[She is cut off as the TNT explodes underneath Scott, killing him- and, a second later, her. Pearlescentmoon is now the winner of the Double Life SMP.]
tl;dr: she's a very sad and pathetic wet cat who is also an unstoppable, terrifying omen of death (one might even call her. a harbinger of chaos.) she's so lonely but she drives away anyone who might otherwise accept her. she hates scott and wants him to hurt but he's the one person she can't kill and in the end she still cares about him, even though he's cut her off completely. shes so blorbo.
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oh my god i love her
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damianacottstudio3 · 4 months
Lady Aiko
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i like the artists style and use of colour
Japanese street artist
i like that she incorporates her culture in this new modern contemporary style
it kind of makes it look like its its own being like a character being created that embodies the very traditions and cultures of the artist
her works also explore the whimsical and fantasy
techniques used: Stencil/handcut stencil, influence of traditional Japanese Art
Hugo Kaagman
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Dutch Stencil Artist
i like the outcome of using a stencil
i like the finished products of him using these stencils but also adding these detailed design similar to these mosaic plates
i also like that all the figures he has used don't stick to a certain pattern or style they all vary in different representations of characters to characters or rather imaginary characters
he uses old Dutch blue Delftware paired with contemporary symbols as a means of communicating his perspective on current society
techniques used: Pattern/repetition, stencil, Mixed media
Eric Inkala
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i like his use of bold and vibrant colours, playful shapes
i don't know its like this blend between abstract, graffiti and street art
his art is a personal expression of emotions, experiences and thoughts
i like how the shapes he created directs your eyes, like you can see the movement within this whimsical piece
i like it, although there is an abundance of forms, colours and so on it still works
it does feel crammed and claustrophobic but for me its like the forms and colours mask this
i have done something similar on A5 with oil pastel but not this scale
i have noticed so far that the artists that interest me have alot of detail however im not sure if i am wanting to achieve this. maybe i am but its subconscious or something?
i actually have an idea for these two artists. well not for them rather for me but the idea incorporates aspects from these two artists. more specifically the stencil and aspects of my own culture.
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Galenson, D. W. (2018, March 1). Pricing revolution: From abstract expressionism to pop art. Research in Economics.
"The innovations of the Abstract Expressionists were based on extended experimentation, as they searched for novel visual images; Pop artists rejected this open-ended search for personal forms, and instead treated painting as the impersonal transcription of preconceived ideas."
"Accumulation of experience was critical for the Abstract Expressionists, who produced their most valuable art late in their lives, whereas lack of experience allowed the next generation the freedom to imagine radically new approaches, and they produced their most valuable art early in their careers."
i liked this article as it reminded me of my own practice, at times i find myself shutting of my mind (in terms of planning or thinking about creating) and just creating
although i do find myself doing both, i do at times plan or take an image and recreate it to form something new but at times i only use this as a starting point in my process
i start with a pre conceived idea, only to then begin this phase in which i limit my thoughts and just create
i mean reading this makes me question if i can merge aspects of the two to create this new form of creative expression
what if i create by being oblivious to elements and principles of design? is it possible? am i capable of doing it ?
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iplook-networks · 1 year
Insights over Africa Telecom Market from Babacar Niang: Interview Transcript
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We recently had the opportunity to sit down with one of our exceptional employees, Director of BD in Africa Region, Babacar Niang, to delve into his unique experiences, insights, and expertise. In this exclusive interview, we explored different aspects of his journey within our company and gained valuable perspectives on industry trends and challenges. We are excited to share the full transcript of our conversation, where you can discover firsthand the inspiring stories.
Full Interview Transcript
Interviewer: Welcome to IPLOOK's Headquarter. Could you please introduce yourself? Babacar: Thank you so much to give (me) the opportunity to talk today. My name is Babacar Niang. I'm from West Africa, Senegal, Dakar based. I cover the entire African French countries, in West and Central Africa. I joined IPLOOK two years ago and I'm initially design telecommunication engineer. Recently I'm more focusing on marketing and the strategy of sales to help the company to grow on a wide level.
Interviewer: As this is your first time at IPLOOK's HQ, we're interested to know your initial impressions. Babacar: The first impression that I got is that, the team is a very solid and open-minded team, which means we have enough force and challenge to make this company grow. When I arrived, I met the CEO of the company, Mr.Tom Lyu. He is very open minded, and we made some deep discussions regarding the strategy of the company.
Interviewer: That's great to hear. What's your main goal of this trip to IPLOOK's HQ? Babacar: I'm here to follow the production and also to support Daniel, Global Project Delivery Project Manager at IPLOOK, for PMO. Usually IPLOOK only provides solution for its competencies. I mean, 4G/5G core and IMS here is totally separated. We provide original base stations, mobile core, AAA solution. We provide the BRAS/BNG, switches, servers; we provide the cloud, the private cloud. So all this kind of puzzle need to be well organized and managed to provide the best solution for the customer.
Interviewer: You've been with IPLOOK for 2 years. Could you share with us your experience working for IPLOOK in Africa? Babacar: The situation was not very easy because our main competitor is big company, like Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia and ZTE. But according to the new approach and the strategy I define and now our customers begin to know our brand in Africa and this it's because of the support of the team behind.
Interviewer: Any representative projects to share? Babacar: Right now the biggest project that we are driving is, in Central Africa, in Congo with Congo Telecom. It's a converged project where we will provide data services, voice and also video. So it's a big challenge for us.
Interviewer: Talking about challenges, what challenges IPLOOK has met in Africa and how has IPLOOK addressed them? Babacar: When I come in IPLOOK, initially, I have changed the strategy of the group. But I want to emphasize one thing: I have the full support of the management team behind. I mean, Mr. Tom, the CEO and Mr. Jarod, the VP and all other team members. I told them that I feel like to make a new strategy, a new method to go widely, to win a big project. And not to go only for full MVNO or mobile core. IPLOOK, from now, will take the global project and we will contact our vendors, our partners to outsource them some part of this business. But the final signature part will be IPLOOK's.
Interviewer: From your perspective, what strategies can IPLOOK employ to further penetrate the African market? Are there any specific aspects we should pay more attention to? Babacar: You know the marketing moves from the "4P" to the "4X" now. Initially we have Place, Promotion and Plan. But right now we are more focusing on customer experience. And for providing customer experience, we need to combine the many solutions together, to be more efficient, to penetrate the market and today the employer of IPLOOK must be very open-minded and has a very wide competencies and agile to propose an integrated solution. And now the telecom industry move from one product, one solution to convergence product and integrated solution.
Interviewer: What is the current state of the telecom industry in Africa? How do you see the telecom industry evolving in Africa over the next few years? Babacar: The telecom industry in Africa is the same like the global worldwide telecom industry. The future now is the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. The smart cities, the digital communications, the cybersecurity and all this kind of things need to have a very strong core network. And IPLOOK is already provisioning the core network. And we need to just add some extra modules in our core part to be more innovative in this industry.
Interviewer: What's the advantage of IPLOOK? How does IPLOOK has constantly been differentiating to stay ahead of the competition in Africa? Babacar: First of all, we have very good price in entrance price, for entry-level customers. Another big advantage of IPLOOK is combining the 4G and 5G together with IMS. We make the combining, the all-in-one. For example, we have one or two products in our roadmap: We combine both 3G/4G/5G and IMS together in one box. This can be a good solution for penetrating the African market.
Interviewer: Would you like to say something to our current customers and potential customers in Africa? Babacar: IPLOOK is the best choice for the future. It's not just a word, but we have so many projects under development. In the near future, customers will see, going with us will be the right choice and the right way.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time and insights. Enjoy your trip with IPLOOK! Babacar: Appreciate it. Thank you for the interview.
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