#so im very excited to hop in and play! and play with my friends! and discuss funky fresh new lore!
voloswag · 2 years
sorry to double post so quickly but I realized I have been Particularly inactive and that is because I have mostly been avoiding tumblr in a vain attempt to avoid pokemon spoilers. but i have scarlet now! I’m so excited to play before gamefreak potentially releases a patch to fix the glitches cus I want to experience those firsthand it sounds like so much fun
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httpseungmxn · 7 days
Big Boy
Quackity X Streamer!Female Reader
🍡 - flirty/extra flirty
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Authors Note: Hello hello my Angels, I know I promised the Jin fic soon buuuuuut Q posted this photo and everyone, including myself, went wild over it! So I just had to make a fic about it! I have decided to make a new fic category just for this one, flirty/extra flirty! This fic will also play off of the other fics I made about him! I hope you guys can enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!<3
Warnings: Lanai attempts to get reader canceled:( , Reader is called “hermosa” and “amor”, wee bit of cussing fr this time
Triggers: None as far as I am aware!
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You had really come to know Alex over the past few months. Him becoming one of your best friends, especially after it came out that your best friend Lenai had been spreading lies about you. She had gone to Alex first, expecting him to believe her, but that was a big mistake. As soon as he noticed the negative way she was speaking, he hopped on call with you while also helping notify your fans of the girl's lies.
Nightly calls were almost a daily thing between you two, as well as constant facetimes during yours and his visits to the gym. His hat was always left on, despite feeling just a little extra hot, he wasn’t quite ready to show you yet. You fully understood considering you used to hide your face from everyone. 
The closer you got, the more you wanted to visit him. You were bringing much more in than you expected from streaming, so a plane ticket wouldn’t be a problem. You wanted it to be a surprise to Alex though, knowing that would make it more fun. Alex had often talked about you guys meeting in real life, and how exciting it would be. It was decided, you would be booking a flight to see him. You already knew where he lived, having reached out to karl to help you with the surprise. Making him swear he wouldn’t tell alex you were going to see him. The plane ticket was much easier to get than you expected, and packing was done in a matter of hours.
The nerves set in that night after you had finished packing. It was clear to you and the fans that you had a bit of a thing for Alex, and getting to meet him was making you nervous. You always wondered if you should tell him how you felt but was always too scared to let it slip out to him. You had come so close to saying it a few days ago but it just got stuck in your throat.
You hardly slept the night, and as much as you hoped you would sleep on the plane, you didn’t. You were too nervous and excited at the same time. Feeling bad when you had to decline a facetime from alex while you were on the plane, not wanting to spoil the surprise. Though you answered him as soon as you were off the plane and in a taxi. “ hermosa, why didn’t you answer any of my calls before? I thought you were mad at me! “, “ im sorrrryyyy, I was taking a long nap, I’m in a taxi now though “,  “ a taxi? Where are you going, hermosa? “,  smiling to yourself, knowing in just a short while he will know where you are.
That came sooner than you expected though. Getting out of the taxi and making sure the camera is angled directly at your face so he can’t see where you are. “ im just visiting a friend nearby. Hold on just one sec, alex. “. knocking very gently on his door and looking to the camera, nerves setting back in when you see him leave his room. “ someones here, but I didn’t order any pizza. if I die, it was the hut, hermosa. “, unable to hold back a giggle. Looking to the door when it opens and smiling brightly at the boy in front of you. “ guess now you know which friend I’m visiting, huh? “. He didn’t respond at first, probably still trying to process it. Just as you didn’t process what he was doing until you were lifted up into a tight hug.
Smiling brightly as you hugged back. Not even letting go when you were set down. His arms were wrapped to tight around your waist, if you were a balloon you probably would’ve popped by now. You didn’t mind it though, you felt safe in his arms. Your nerves being shooed away with one little hug. “ how the fuck did you manage to surprise me so well, hermosa “ ,  “ you know I like to keep you on your toes, ‘lex “. Smiling again when he lets out a light laugh at your response. 
“ come in, come in, sorry it might be kind of a mess “, Alex spoke as he gathered your bags and carried them inside for you. Only then did you realize just how big he had gotten in the muscle category. Eyes staring at his muscles as they flexed with each movement. “ alex, when the hell did you manage to grow those? “, unable to hold your filter. 
Listening to him laugh again before he flexed his arms to show off for you. “ are you checking me out, amor? “. That was new, he had never called you that before, and it was obvious to him you knew what it meant considering the blush coming to your cheeks. “ now don’t get too ahead of yourself, cowboy, you were the one purposely checking me out on call just five minutes ago “.
“ Did you expect me not too? You look really beautiful in that dress “. That was also new. Alex was constantly teasing you, but the tone in his voice was different now. It sounded so serious and dripped with confidence in how he felt. You found it hard to hold eye contact wit him now. Not even five minutes into the meet up, and alex already had you red.
“ Lets be honest, Amor, surely you didn’t expect me to hold back just because you’d turn all red and yell at me. You being here just means I can let it all out, times ten. “. His smile had you wobbly in the legs, there was something so different about seeing it in person compared to facetime.
Only now did you realize this visit was going to be a lot more different than you expected. 
Alex was going to be the death of you.
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Authors ending note; So who else got butterflies reading that? I got jittery and I’m the one writing it! I feel like I’m slowly beginning to get better at portraying him, and thats probably because I study the way a lot of people write him while also paying extra attention to how he is in streams/videos. Perhaps soon we will get a confession, and possibly a hair reveal? Who knowssss, guess you guys will have to just stick around for the next one! Also who else lost their mind over that photo he dropped last night? I’m in the whatsapp and as soon as he sent it, twitter was going absolutely chaotic[myself included]! If you guys wanna follow me on social media, my X is @/f_fuyuma! Until next time, My Angels 🫶
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Concert love
Chris and matt sturniolo x y/n fan-fiction
(contains- flirting in front of a whole crowd, concert, drinking, dirty talk, smutt, threesome, slapping, chocking, use of the names- ma, slut,whore,daddy and I think that's it)
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y/n pov-
me and my best friend ybf/n decided to get tickets for the lil skies concert a while ago since the tickets were surprisingly cheap and we've both liked his music since we were in high school
me and ybf/n were getting ready playing music through my speaker and talking and laughing.
we both finished doing our makeup
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(your look)
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(ybf/n look)
damn y/n your makeup looks so good
thanks you too bitch damn
okay lets get dressed and then ill order the uber
We both go to your separate rooms in the apartment to change. Neither of us know what the other one picked for their outfit but I know hers is gonna be so good and im very confident about my choice.
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(your outfits but instead 0f heels your wearing orange nike dunks)
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(your best friends outfit)
I walked out of my room guessing she's already in the living room by the way she was yelling
we both laugh as we sit and wait for our uber to get closer before we make our way to the lobby.
we were both looking through our fyp page as I realized it had been a good minute since we ordered the uber
hey is the uber close
oh shit yeah two minutes away
fuck okay lets head down
we grab our phones and keys and head to the elevator and take it down to the lobby.
we walked out of the door looking for a black Honda
is that it over there I said pointing to a black Honda a little further down the street
uuuh yeah I think so she says starting to walk over to it as I follow behind her
as we approach the driver rolls the window down
hey is this the uber for ybf/n
hey yes hop on in
we get in the back as we start heading to the venue it was about a 15 minute drive we decided to go pretty early so we could be closer to the front
so you girls going to the skies concert tonight
yep were so excited
damn I really wanted to go but by the time me and my friends went to get tickets they were sold out
yeah tickets were cheap so they went pretty fast and the venue is smaller so you know
yeah makes sense . I know this might be weird but can I give you my phone number and maybe you can send me some videos of the concert
oh my god of course id be more than happy to do that
thank you so much he says as he gives me his phone number and I save it for later and send him a quick text so he has it and knows im the girl from the uber for the skies concert
alright well im gonna drop you here have fun tonight guys
thank you so much for driving us and ill make sure to remember to send you videos
thank you bye
bye have a good night I shut the door as we walked to the entrance door
there were only a couple people already here waiting so we stood behind them and waited for about 40 minutes until more people showed up and doors started to open .
we got in around 7:45 and got close as fuck to the front we were a row behind the barricade . The show is supposed to start at 8:30 So we have a while to wait . I decided to go to the bar to grab a drink so ybf/n stayed back to keep our spot.
I got up to the bar and ordered two vodka watermelon red bulls and payed as she handed them to me and I went back to ybf/n. It was hard to get back through the crowd without spilling them but somehow I did.
hey here you go
thanks ill pay you back later
oh no your good my treat I say smiling at her
okay but next ones are on me
works for me
soon the opening dj comes out and starts playing some good as songs
As hot in here was playing me and ybf/n were dancing with each other as the dj started yelling out
I look up at him making eye contact with a confused smile pointing to me kinda shocked
YES YOU GIRL he says laughing a little I smile and look up at the balcony scanning it for this so called admirer when I meet eyes with a guy.
he smirks at me and waves
I smile and wave back and hold eye contact as I see him raise something to his mouth and speak into it
I look at him confused for a second before the dj speaks again
I look at him smiling then bring out my phone to type it onto snap and blow it up so he could read it
I hold it up smiling as he reads it then brings his phone out to type something
he holds it out for me to read
" such a pretty name for such a pretty girl it reads'
I smile widely at him before typing "thank you" and hold it up for him to read
he reads it smiling the typing something else
" no problem gorgeous " it reads I laugh a little and smile at him as we hold eye contact
he look back to his phone typing something else
" stay after ill tell them I asked you too"
I got nervous but still smiled as we kept eye contact I was trying so hard to not flip my shit at this point .
I give him a thumbs up smiling and he winks at me then looks back at the stage as a new song starts playing
I love this song so I start rapping along as I look back up at him to see him already looking at me as he rapping along to the song to he starts moving his hands and rapping more to the song as we keep eyes contact then stops and points at me so I took it as a sign to rap the next part and I do as he bops his head smiling at me in awe that I know the song by heart .
he types something on his phone
"you like nardo wick"
I shake my head and type out
he smiles and types again
" I like you even more now"
I smile and laugh
" im glad' I type and show him
he just smirks at me and god his smirk has me dying he's so beautiful its actually scary to be honest.
we break eye contact as the song ends and the dj announces skies is coming on in a minute.
I look back up at him admiring his perfect side profile as I smile and look back at the stage as rage starts playing.
skies just finished his last song
thank you guys so much for coming I love you all so much and y/n wherever you are cant wait to meet you after the show he waves and runs off the stage
everyone starts leaving but I stay back
ybf/n gave me a hug and told me to update her later
she slaps my ass you got this bitch don't be nervous
I know ill try not to I love you see you at home
love you too she says as she walks away to the door
as the last people are filtering out I decided to look at my phone to try and calm my nerves. And sent all the videos I got to the Uber driver from earlier.
I get taped on the shoulder I jump from the sudden contact and turn around with my hand on my heart
im so sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just coming to get you Chris sent me matt says
oh no your good just caught me off guard
follow me were gonna chill in the green room for a bit as they take all the stuff down and pack up
alright lead the way I say kinda nervous and I guess he can tell.
hey no need to be nervous were all chill I promise
thank you matt that actually calmed me down a bit
wait you know my name
oh yeah ive seen couple videos of you guys and a shit tone of edits on my fyp
damn well I hope you liked our videos
oh yeah they were great you guys are very funny
thanks he says as he looks down at me with a sweet smile
no problem I say smiling back
alright were just through this door
fuck fuck fuck oh god is all I can think as he opens the door and walks in as I hesitantly follow behind him
HEYYY Y/N HOW ARE YOU Chris yells coming up to hug me
im a bit caught of guard but hug him back as he rocks me side to side a little causing me to laugh
im g-good Chris how are you I say he's squeezing me a bit tight causing my airflow to sputter.
im good! im glad you stayed after gorgeous
m-me too but y-your squeezing the life out of me I say sounding out of breathe and squeaky
oh shit im sorry he says laughing as he lets go
I take a deep much needed breath as I smile up at him
so uhh why'd you ask me to stay back I say nicely but sounding a bit confused
oh well we thought you were really beautiful to be honest and we wanted to get the chance to talk to you maybe even hang out for the night he says with a smile but sounding a bit nervous
oh well id love that
really ?
yeah of course I say smiling giggling a little bit
heyyy Chris matt you guys in the green room? I hear skies say
yep were in here matt answers
he walks in smiling at matt dapping him up
then walking over to Chris beside me dapping him up then looking at me smiling
you must be y/n its so nice to meet you he says bringing me in for a nice warm hug
its so nice to meet you too ! I loved your show you have great stage presence
thank you I appreciate it ! he says letting go and smiling at me.
I can see why Chris noticed you in the crowd you are beautiful
aww thank you so much I say as my face heats up from the compliment
alright guys I think were gonna hit the road we got another show to get too tomorrow but thank you for coming and supporting me and hit me up later chris
yeah of course man the show was great ill text you later this week when we get back to la Chris says dapping skies up one last time before he says bye to matt.
alright well we should call an uber and head out of here matt says
hey y/n know any fun places we could go to Chris says looking down at me
well I mean it is like 12am so most of the only fun places to go that are open are clubs but I know y'all don't drink right
nope we don't
well we could always go back to my apartment and grab my car and get some food and then go back to my place and watch a movie unless y'all aren't comfortable with that I completely understand
no y/n we trust you you ive got nothing but good vibes from you also what's your address for the uber
oh thank you that’s really sweet I say as I give him my address
of course also the uber is a couple minute away so we should probably head out
alright lets go Chris says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder guiding me to walk with him I smile up at him and he looks at me giving me a warm smile.
we walk out the back door and see what im guessing is an uber black parked at the back .
hey are you lane
yep über for matt?
yep that's me matt says as he opens the door to the back and hops
Chris guides me to the door Do you mind being in the middle your the smallest
I laugh no not at all
okay then lady first he says gesturing his hand for me to hop in and I do as I scoot to the middle and he hops in behind me shutting the door.
so y/n have you lived here you whole life
oh yeah pretty much I mean I moved here from Chicago when I was 4 but I don't really remember life back in there so ive only really ever known life as growing up here
oh nice its a great city I like it here
yeah its pretty cool here
oh yeah I mean its okay ive lived here all my life so it tends to get boring you know what I mean
yeah I get that that's one reason we love living in la now gives us a new place to grow in but don't get me wrong I love Boston with my whole heart and going back to visit our family is great but its nice to be somewhere new for a change
I completely get that . My parents actually moved to San Francisco a couple years after I moved out they love it there and I love getting to visit them its one of my favorite cities
oh yeah I love san Francisco its a beautiful city
right I love it there im just sad I don't get to go visit my parents often
oh why don't you visit them much
well for one my job is very busy and air fair is not cheap so sadly I have to save up for each trip months in advance
oh yeah real airfare is so expensive its kinda crazy
yeah well your lucky with the job you guys have
yeah we are pretty blessed to have a good income coming in but we still like to be wise with our spending
that's good though most people our age would be buying whatever they wanted if they had you guys income
very true but our parents taught us how to spend our money wisely from a young age so thank god for them or wed be half way broke by now
yeah I relate to that my dad was always very good with money growing up even though we have a lot of money he only spends it on things that are worth it instead of waisting money on random shit that well Never use
he sounds like a smart man
yeah he's great I love my dad ive always been a daddy girl
Chris’s eyes slightly darken and he shifts around after hearing me say daddy I didn’t know why but I just looked down at his big hands that were resting on his lap god what I wouldn’t do to have those wrapped around my-
My thought is cut off by the Uber driver announcing we are at our destination
We get out and thank her then head to my car .
Chris gets into the front as Matt gets into the back and I start up my car.
Okay so the only things open right now are like fast food and this one pizza place so what sounds good to you guys.
Honestly I could fuck with pizza rn
Same pizza sounds good as fuck
I completely agree i start backing out and head to the pizza place .
Here’s my phone you guys can queue up whatever you want
They queued up a couple good songs that I knew as we sat in silence giving out to the music until we got to the pizza place.
I parked and turned off the car as we all got out and headed into the place.
Wow it’s really cool in here
I know right this is my favorite place to go after a night out
I can see why it’s so dark but cool with all the colored lights they have
Yeah they turn on their led bulbs when it gets dark it’s such a vibe
Hey how are you guys is it just the three of you the hostes says
Yep just the three of us
Cool follow me she says as she grabs the menus and leads us to a booth
Matt and Chris sit opposite of me as we start looking at the menus
Hey I’m Jake I’ll be your server today what can I get you guys to drink
Um I’ll get a Pepsi please
Cool and for you
Can I get a root beer
Yep sure thing and for you y/n
I’ll get a dr.pepper thanks Jake
Of course I’ll be right back with those
Thank you I say as he walks away
You know him Chris asks
Oh yeah he’s one of my best friend boyfriends
Oh cool
Yeah I say smiling at him
So uhh I gotta warn you their pizzas are big so we could probably all just share a large if that sounds good with you guys
Yeah that’s fine do you like pepperoni
Yeah love it
Cool you good with that Chris
Yeah sounds good to me
Here you guys go Jake says as he sets each of our drinks down then takes our order
As we were talking about random shit I got a phone call
I looked to see it was ybf/n
Hey guys sorry do you mind if I answer this it’s my roommate the one who was with me at the concert
No not at all go ahead
I answer the call
Hey what’s up
Hey I’m just letting you know I’m staying the night at Blake’s house so I won’t be home tonight
Oh alright we’ll I guess see you sometime tomorrow then
Yeah also I can’t wait to hear all the juicy details about you hanging out with your celeb cruuuuwh
Okayyyyy shut the fuck uuuuup I can’t feel my face getting hot from the blush creeping onto then
Okay bye I love you
Love you to and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Cool so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
I am not a slut shut up good fucking night
Good niiiight
I hung up as I looked up at Matt and Chris just looking at me I got nervous
W-what I say laughing awkwardly
Nothing you guys seem really close
Oh yeah no we are! been best friends since 2nd grade that’s just how we talk to each other
Oh no we get but uhhh why did she call you a slut
Oh uh haha well I said don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and she said so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
Oh damn what a sweet thing for her to say
I know right she’s so nice to me I say jokingly
So I’m guessing she not at home
Nope she’s spending the night at a guys house I also fucking despise the guy but you know that’s just me
Why do you not like him
He’s a dick and he treats girls like shit he also tried to roofie me at the club once but I didn’t tell her so she doesn’t know that but . I get cut off by Chris
But nothing y/n that’s not okay she shouldn’t be with a guy who did that to her best-friend
I- yeah I know I just don’t like conflict I didn’t wanna make it a big deal I say feeling like a kid being scolded by her dad
I’m sorry for raising my voice but that just makes me angry
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up I say feeling anxious now by the way him and Matt are looking at me
No it’s okay we get it it’s just you know something you might think about telling her you know if he’s ever around you again what else would he try you know what I’m saying
Y-yeah your right I’ll tell her tomorrow
Good girl Chris says making my face turn red as fuck and I look down trying to hide it but he notices
Here’s you guys pizza hope you enjoy
Thank you Jake
No problem
We each grab a couple slices and eat in silence I can feel slight tension in the air but I try to ignore it and just eat my pizza.
Do you guys like horror, movies?
Uhm not my favorite but I guess they’re okay
Yeah I mean they aren’t my first pick but I’ll watch em
Okay cool I’m kinda of in a horror movie mood tonight
Sounds good to me
Yeah me too
Hey you guys ready for the check
Yeah I think so
Okay cool together or separate
Together . I got cut off by Matt
Okay cool I’ll be back in a second with that
What- Matt you guy don’t have to pay for me
No no it’s our treat
I mean you are driving us around and letting us come back to your apartment so it’s the least we could do
Well thank you really that’s very nice of you guys
No problem
I smile at both of them as Jake comes back with the check and Chris pays then we head back out to the car.
Do you guys mind if I play some softer music on the way home I have astigmatism so driving at night with loud music makes me really anxious
No absolutely we don’t mind at all I completely understand that. I get driving anxiety too so I get the struggle
I smile at him as we get into the car and I queue up some songs before we pull out and head to my apartment.
You have really good music taste y/n
Thank you I’m a big music lover so my music range is weird as Fuck
What do you mean
If I put my liked playlist of shuffle I can go from rap to classical to edm then to rock all in the span of 10 minutes
Ah so you listen to a lot of genera’s
Yeah I say smiling at Chris
So what’s your favorite genera as of right now
Honestly I think alternative rock
Oh cool we don’t listen to rock much but it’s cool
Yeah deaftones is my favorite band as of right now I would play a song from them but you know
To loud
Okay one for us when we get back to your place
Okay I will
After about 5 more minutes we parked outside of my building and i but in my favorite deaftones song for them
Oh wow this is actually pretty good
Yeah so far I like it
We sit as they keep listening I watch for their honest reactions seeing if they are just being nice
I can tell Matt likes it for sure but Chris not as much
Damn the lyrics are kinda
dirty yeah
Yeah but I like it
Well I’m glad
Yeah no this shit is good I need to start listening to them
I’ll share my playlist of my favorite songs from them to you
Cool that would be great thank you
Yeah no problem
The song ends and we get out of the car and head into the building and take the elevator up to my floor
I open the door of my apartment for them and let them go in and I shut and lock the door
Woah your apartment is so cool
Oh thank you
Did you set it all up
Yeah I designed all of it but my roommates room
That’s so cool your good at designing
Oh thank you I took some classes in high-school for it so that helped me out a bit
Oh that’s so cool
Yeah it was pretty fun
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I love the art wall
Oh thanks yeah that’s one of my favorite parts
It adds a very homey vibe
That’s exactly what I was going for
Well you nailed it
Thanks I said smiling up at him
Okay I’m gonna pop some popcorn but do you guys wanna watch the movie in here or my room it’s up to you
Honestly room sounds more cozy
Yeah I agree
Okay well if you wanna head to my room it’s the second door on the right
Cool they both say as they head to my room
I finished popping the popcorn and putting it in the bowl then grabbed three cherry Pepsis from the fridge and made my way to my room
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Your bedroom is so cozy Chris says as I enter with the drinks and snacks
Oh yeah I love it in here
I like how dark it is
Me too I was kinda shocked how big it was when we moved in though
Yeah for an apartment this is huge
Yeah but I’m not complaining
I handed them their drinks and the popcorn and I set my drink on the bedside table
I’m gonna change into something more comfy real quick then we can pic a movie
Sounds good
I went to my closet and picked out one of my least revealing pj sets and changed then went to the bathroom to take my makeup off
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Then went back in and shimmied my way in between the two since they were taking up each side of the bed
Wow you look gorgeous without makeup
Yeah you have really cute freckles
O-oh thank you guys I say feeling a little flustered from their compliments
As I scrolled through for a while we settled on watching insidious since I said it was one of the least scary movies I’ve watched
As we were watching a jump scare popped up and Matt jumps launching popcorn all over the bed making me burst out laughing and Chris joined me
Shit sorry that got me good
You don’t say I say as I pull popcorn out of my hair
I started to get a little cold so I got under the covers .
Chris joined me as our legs slightly touched making my breathe hitch
We continued watching as I felt a hand on my thigh and I felt another come behind my head
Chris’s was on my thigh and Matt’s was the one behind my head
I got a little nervous but tried my best not to show it. Chris started to rub small circles with his thumb making me sigh out in both calmness but also a little bit of horny mixed in.
Matt’s hand started slowly caressing my head and playing with my hair.
I started to become relaxed since playing with my hair always sends me to sleep .
My head starts to fall back into Matt’s hand as he rubs my head i let out a soft moan on accident .
Sorry that just feels so good I say looking over at Matt with hooded eyes who’s still rubbing my head softly
Oh I can stop if it’s making you tired
No no please keep going please
Alright he keeps playing with my hair
Chris hand starts to squeeze my inner thigh causing a pool of wetness to form in between my legs
Mmm I softly moan both of them being so sweet making me feel calm yet so fucking horny . Having both of their hands on me is sending me into such dirty thoughts
Making you feel good huh Chris says softly
Mhm feels so calming
Feeling anything else other than calm
W-what do you mean
Is calm all your feeling right now or is their another feeling creeping in
N-no just calm
You sure about that cause … he moves his hand closer to my pussy . I’m pretty sure I can feel a little heartbeat down here
Mmm I moan as he grazes his hand over my clothed pussy
Aww are we making you horny princess
Matt whispers in my ear before tugging a little on my hair angling my head so I look him in the eyes
N-no I… he yanks harder on my hair
We don’t like liars y/n
Chris’s fingers slide under my shorts now rubbing slow circles on my clit through my underwear
Mmm fuck
You wanna try and answer that again . This time truthfully
O-okay yes your m-making me horny okay
Good girl see that wasn’t so hard to admit was it
God your so wet already
Mmm I moan out as I his fingers now move under my underwear to rub my bare pussy
He starts rubbing my clit eliciting moans to slip past my lips
Matt’s other hand moves under my top to grope my bare tits
O-oh f-Fuck
Yeah you like having both of us touching you
Such a little slut for us aren’t you
Chris slides two fingers into me
Mmm Fuck c-Chris
Answer my question he says deeply causing me to look at him as my brows furrow In pleasure
Fuck y-yes I’m a slut for you
Atta girl he says before pulling my top up and sucking on my nipple
Fuck oh god I moan out as he sucks hickeys all over my tits and Chris fingers speed up .
Can I take these off ma he asked pulling on my shorts and underwear
Mhm I moan shaking my head yes at him
He yanks them off causing me to gasp
As he gets them all the way off he starts kissing up my thigh as Matt moves to start sucking all over my neck .
Chris starts biting and sucking hickeys on my inner thighs as his fingers keep a steady pace pumping into my pussy .
F-Fuck oh my-god
Are we making you feel good
Yes Fuck yes I moan out
All the sudden Chris’s mouth contexts to my clit sucking and licking .
Matt’s hand comes around my neck slightly choking me as he comes down to connect our lips
It’s a hungry wet kiss that makes me even wetter .
God I’ve always dreamed of a threesome but this is better than I could have ever imagined
I start feeling my orgasm building . I moan and whimper into the kiss .
I pull away from the kiss and I’m panting and pulling at Chris hair as he sucks harder on my clit and his fingers move even faster as he feels me clench around them.
he detached his mouth from my clit
Beg for it tell daddy how much you want it
Yeah you can come be a good girl and cum all over my face and fingers
Matt grips my throat as he makes me look at him
Look at me when you cum I wanna watch you fall apart in our hands
OH MY F-Fuck I’m c-cumming
That’s a good girl cumming for daddy
Jesus CHRIST I moan out as I slowly come down from my high
Did so good for us ma
Chris pulls out his fingers and puts them In his mouth sucking my juices off I watch in aww .
On all 4s now he says deeply. I do as I’m told once I’m in the position Matt pulls my top off so now I’m fully naked .
They both take of their shirts and throw them somewhere in the room .
I hear Chris take of his belt and drop his pants and boxers as he lines his dick to my entrance .
I whine wanting to feel him already.
I’m not giving it to you until you wrap that pretty little mouth around matt
I move as fast as possible unbuckling Matt’s belt and taking his jeans and boxers down so his dick pops out .
So eager aren’t you
Mhm I say looking up at matt smiling then looking down at his dick and JESUS CHRIST HES HUGE.
I take him in my hand he’s so thick my hand won’t even wrap around it fully .
I pump a couple times before taking his tip into my mouth . I start sucking as my hand moves around what isn’t in my mouth.
Chris slams into me causing me to scream around Matt . CHRIS IS HUGE TOO.
I can feel him stretching me out so much as he slams into me .
matt garbs a fist full of my hair and start thrusting onto my mouth .
fuck such a good girl taking us so well
I cant help but moan around him and pulse on Chris from his praise
I start gagging from how deep he is in my throat as spit drips down my chin onto the bed below
fuck your so fucking wet
I moan around matt and he thrusts harder into my throat definitely bruising it but I don't care I feel so good right now.
chris is hitting my gspot repeatedly causing me to shake and scream around matts dick .
fuck keep fucking gagging and struggling
I feel tears start to stream down my face from the pleasure
I start to feel my orgasm building as I moan around matt as he abuses my throat.
you gonna cum on my dick like a good little slut
I shake my ahead yes the best I can
matt pulls my head to look up at him as he abuses my throat harder causing me to cry harder
such a mess for us aren't you ? such a good little whore
my brows furrow as my orgasm rolls through me as I shake around Chris as I cum.
fuckkk so good cumming for me
he fucks me through my orgasm and keeps pounding into me as I come down from my high as my legs start shaking .
he pushes on my back making me arch further giving him a new angle that sends me into oblivion.
I scream around matt and he fucks my throat roughly
I start to feel pressure build in my stomach again making my legs shake and more tears to fall down my face .
all the sudden it snaps and I scream around matt as I feel my thighs get soaked.
god so fucking hot squirting all over me like the slut you are
fuck ive never squirted so much in my life .
he continues fucking into me harshly becoming more sloppy
fuck im gonna cum and your gonna fucking swallow all of it
I hate swallowing it tastes like shit and the texture makes me wanna throw up.
he thrusts a couple times before filling my mouth with his cum.
he pulls out them puts a hand over my mouth
swallow it slut
I shake my head no
he slaps me hard across the face causing me to swallow from the impact .
should have just listened instead of acting like a brat
I whined feeling my face sting
Chris pushes my back down further so im fully arching for him and hold my head up by my hair as matt wraps his hand around my throat.
mmm fuck YOUR SO DEEP
Yeah fuck im gonna cum you gonna let me fill you up
y-yes fuck please cum in me
such a good little cum slut he says before cumming deep inside me
mmm fuck I moan as I look up at matt as he smirks down at me .
Chris pulls out as I flop to down onto my stomach as my legs continue to shake.
oh we aren't done with you yet . flip over on your back for me matt says as he and Chris switch spots .
I watch as matt settles in-between my thighs and lines his tip to my entrance
spread your legs wider for me ma
I do as he says giving him more access as he starts sliding into me slowly.
I whine from how much more he's stretching me out he's even thicker than Chris and the fact my pussy is already sore and sensitive from Chris pounding me isn't helping the pain at all
oh my fuck your so big
yeah you feel how deep I am he says placing his hand on my lower stomach and pressing to feel himself inside me
mmhm fuck I moan out as he starts thrusting into me slow but rough
my head falls back as pleasure start to build inside me
I look up at Chris who's smirking down at me
god you make the prettiest faces
mmm fuck faster matt i moan out as I look back into Chris’s eyes
I didn't hear a please
p-please go faster please I sound so pathetic begging but I don't care
god you sound so pretty when you beg he says before pounding into me
OH MY G-GOD I scream as he is hitting my g spot at the perfect angle
I look up at Chris as he taps his tip on my lips
I do as im told and he slides into my mouth before holding my jaw with both hands and starts face fucking me .
the angle my head is hanging off the bed making it easy for him to slide into my throat causing me to gag around his as tears fall from my eyes.
sound so pretty gagging around my dick he says before he slides one hand down to my nipples pinching and pulling at them causing me to moan around him over and over.
he starts thrusting harder abusing my throat as he slaps my tit making me moan loudly around him.
he gets deeper in my throat causing me to gag and cough around him as spit drip out of the sides of my mouth onto my face and the rest of his dick that isn't in my mouth.
keep struggling slut you look so hot when you squirm
I moan around him as I start to feel pressure building in my stomach again
I grab onto matts back as i scratch deeply into it causing him to groan
fuckkk keep doing that I love that shit he says as he fucks into me harder causing me to scream and gag around Chris .
the tension snaps as I squirt all over him and the sheets
fuck your so fucking hot squirting all over me
he continues fucking into me causing me to squirm the overstimulation beginning to be too much .
I claw his back more harshly causing him to groan
god damn fells so fucking good when you claw my back like the little slut you are
im beginning to sob around Chris . im so overstimulated I can barely take it.
I remove my hand from matts back as I try and push on Chriss thighs so he would pull out so I could voice that im overstimulated
he slaps my tit hard as he pushes even deeper into my throat .
nah fucking take it like a good girl
he growls at me as I smack his thigh as my I continue crying .
I cant take it anymore its too much .
I move my hands to matts sides trying to push him out of me . he grabs my arms harshly slamming them down on the bed on each side of my head holding me down.
what's the matter slut? you overstimulated huh? he says in a tone that makes me want to slap him across the face .
I shake my head yes and try to cry out a mhm as Chris still abuses my throat .
well that's to fucking bad . I don't care how much you cum and squirm against me . you aren't done until I fill you up .
I scream around Chris as I feel myself squirt all over matt again causing my hips to lift up off the bed and my legs to shake even more and my thighs tighten around his torso .
he holds onto my hips as he continues pounding into me . now that my hands are free again I move them to his shoulders again trying to push him off of me . I literally can not take it anymore.
Chris pulls out of my mouth im confused as to why until he comes back over me with his belt .
w-what are you doing with that I moan out as matt still pounds deep into me.
since you want to act like a brat and try and push us away . he says as he grabs my arms harshly as he holds them to my chest and slides the belt under my back and secure my arms tightly to my chest.
now you cant use your arms at all
I groan in annoyance as I try and get my arms out but its no use.
fuck you I spit out at him
he slaps me across the face
I cry out from the sting
acting like a bratty bitch isn't gonna get you anywhere he says dominantly at me before grabbing me by the throat roughly.
now open that bratty mouth for me
I groan and shake my head no
n-no I c-cant its to much I cant take it anymore please
matt slaps my thigh so hard I scream
open your fucking mouth or I swear to god
I open my mouth as I roll my eyes
Chris slaps my face again
roll your fucking eyes at me again and you'll regret it
o-okay okay im s-sorry I sob out as I feel the pressure building in my stomach again causing me to moan as Chris slides back down my throat.
I scream around Chris as my orgasm rips through me ad I buck up into matt
fuck such a good girl cumming again for me god your squeezing me so tight
I sob around Chris feeling like I could pass out from how hard I just came
god so fucking tight and wet around me matt grabs my shaking legs hoisting them onto his shoulders getting an even deeper angle.
this causes me to scream around Chris again and again causing him to moan .
fuck im gonna cum . and your gonna be a good girl and swallow all of it
he thrusts a couple more time before his cum is down my throat and I swallow around him causing him to groan
fuuuck such-a good girl he groans then pulls out of my mouth . I cough as I try to catch my breathe.
I get cut off by matt slapping my across the face
your gonna fucking take it
mmmm fuck FUCK YOU I scream out as
he slaps me harder then grips my throat roughly
act like a brat you'll be treated as one
mmm fuck its to much I cant
mmmm I cry and shake under him as I try and wiggle out of his grip
mm mm where you going he says as he grips my throat and thigh tightly causing me to gasp for air through his tight grip
I feel pressure building quickly in my stomach . before I can even speak im cumming again all over him as my eye roll back and I lift off the bed as my hands fist as I shake uncontrollably under him.
aww look at you cumming again such a little whore
Oh sweetheart im not even close to finishing he says smirking sadistically down at me
mmmmm I growl in pain and pleasure
he brings both hands to my legs pushing them down to my chest as he thrusts even deeper in me.
JESUS C-CHRIST YOUR TO DEEP FUCK PLEASE I C-CANT chris kneels down so his mouth is right at my ear
matt is groaning as he feels my pussy pulse around him
don't act like you're not loving every minute of this . you love being our little slut he whispers husky in my ear causing me to shudder
you love the way we use you like our own personal fuck doll dont you
I whine unable to get words out as matt is pounding into me so hard I feel him in my stomach
I asked you a fucking question y/n now answer it
that's what I thought he says as he kisses my neck causing me to moan even louder from all the pleasure im feeling .
I feel pressure building in my stomach yet again.
you think you deserve it
beg for it then tell daddy how much you want it
yes you can cum . give it to me cover my cock
as soon as he gives me permission I squirt all over him so hard I stop breathing for a second.
JESUS CHRIST I scream as I finally start breathing again
Such a good girl your doing so good for me
Matt starts to slow his pace and he drops my legs pushes them out and apart.
Do you have any toys ma
Y-yes but why
Cause I wanna use one on you that’s why
O-okay I just don’t know if I can handle that right n-now
We know you can ma you wanna be good for us don’t you
Then where are they
In my b-bedside table drawer
Chris stands up now in his boxer as he goes into my bedside table grabbing my wand and handing it to Matt
If we let your arms free do you think you can be good or are you gonna push me away again
I -I’ll be good I promise
Okay but if you act up again we will put the belt back on
O okay I promise I’m won’t mmm Fuck I won’t act up again I moan out as Matt is thrusting into me at a sickly sweet slow pace
Chris just smiled down at me as he strokes my check with his hand then undoes the belt
I groan as I stretch my arms out since they are slightly numb from the position they were stuck in for so long.
Matt turns on the vibrator as Chris walks over and sits by my side as Matt hands it him
He starts thrusting into me harder causing my legs to shake harder .Chris puts the vibrator right on my clit causing me to scream out
Yeah that feel good ma
You think you can handle it if I turn it up
I think you can ma he says turning it up
Yeah cum for us ma be a good girl
OH GOD MMMM I moan as I jerk around under Matt whose still pounding into me and Chris keeps the vibrator on my clit sending my body into overdrive as I cum all over Matt’s dick.
As I come down I start crying the vibrations are becoming to much to fast my hand flys down to grip Chris’s wrist to pull the vibrator off
He slaps me
Mmm mm you promised to be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself
Y-yes I’m sorry I’m sorry
Keep being a good girl for us your doing so good ma
Mmmm Fuck c-can you just turn it d-down a little please please
He turns it down one setting giving me a little time to breathe and calm down
C-can I at-least touch you
Yes ma you can touch us
I move one hand onto Matt’s chest running my hands down it scratching marks down it as my other hand locks in Chris hair not too tight but enough to make him groan
Fu-Fuck feels so good
Yeah are we making you feel good ma
S-so good so fucking good
Such a good girl being so good for us
Fuck Chris turn it back up I wanna feel her clenching around me again
I get cut off by the vibrator going to max volume causing my breathe to hitch and my entire body to shake .
Give me one more I’m getting close I promise ma
Mmmm Fuck okay okay
Chris starts sucking on my neck creating more hickeys in spots that didn’t have them from earlier
I pull on his hair tighter as he comes up and places his lips on mine bringing me into a messy hot make out
I moan into his mouth as I feel my hopefully final orgasm moving in slowly .
As I feel my breathing pick up I pull away and keep eyes contact as I whine and whimper as he watches me struggle with a smirk on his face
God you look so beautiful all fucked out and whiny
F-Fuck I’m so close oh my god
Go on give us one more ma I know you can do it
I close my eyes but they shoot open when Chris hand come around my throat .
Look at me while you cum . I wanna watch you fall apart
Mmmm Fuck I’m gonna cum oh my god I say as I maintain eye contact as my brows furrow and I bite my lip harshly trying so hard not to Throw my head back and close my eyes.
Come on cum around my cock give it to me slut
As soon as the words leave Matt’s mouth I cum all over him causing his to groan and his hips to sputter.
Chris watches my face contort and I moan as I start to come down from my high.
Matt thrusts as deep as he can as he fills me up with his cum .
Holy fuck he groan out as he fills me and fucks it into me .
Jesus Christ Chris turn it off please please I beg as I stare into his eyes with the most desperate look on my face as tears roll down my face.
He turns it of as he places small sweet kisses on my neck .
Your such a good girl you did so good . I’m so proud of you
I smile at him as I try to regulate my breathing.
Matt pulls out of me causing me to hiss.
My pussy is so sore and my legs are shaking non stop .
Matt flops down next to me trying to catch his breathe.
Chris lays down with his head resting on my stomach .
I play with his hair as Matt places a kiss on my cheek.
That was… fucking amazing
Yeah y/n your pussy is the best I’ve felt in my entire life
I’ve never cum so much in my life and might I just say y’all are huge like HUGE
They both chuckle as they both sit up .
I’m gonna go start a shower so we can all wash up .
Okay I say softly smiling at him
Come here Chris says standing up holding out his hand .
I take it as he pulls me to my feet . My legs immediately give out on me as I fall back but he catches me .
Okay Bambi come here he says hoisting me up holding under my thighs
I laugh at his joke put smack him lightly on the arm .
Don’t call me that and just so you know this is yours and his fault just remember that
Oh trust me I’ll remember this forever
Oh shut up
You wanna drop the attitude or keep it and have to crawl to the bathroom
I bring one hand to my mouth acting like I’m locking it and throwing away the key
He just smiles at me before walking us both to the bathroom
As we enter Matt is turned back facing us as he feels the water temperature making sure it’s hot enough.
I gasp as I look at his back.
W-what what’s wrong
N-nothing just your back I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was scratching that deep
No don’t apologize I loved every second of if
Okay whatever you say
Come on pretty girl let’s get into the shower Matt says walking over as Chris sets me down and Matt carries me into the shower as Chris steps out of his boxers following .
Matt hisses a bit as the water hits his back
See I told you they were deep
No I’m fine it just stings a bit
Chris holds me from behind at he pumps some shampoo in his hands and begins washing my hair causing me to sigh at how good it feels to have some one wash it for me .
Matt spins me into the water so I can rinse it out then spins me back so Chris can put the conditioner in as Matt lathers my body in body wash .
It’s feels nice to be pampered like this after what you guys just did to me
Oh yeah has no one ever taken care of you like this after
Nope usually then fuck me they cum then leave
Wtf typa Assholes have you been meeting around here
Ones who never heard from me again tbh y’all are the first people I’ve had sex with in a couple years
Wait really why
Well for one I got tired of feeling used and also tired of guys using me for their pleasure and me never getting anything out of it . All the guys I’ve met only care about them finishing but never me . I spent a lot of night alone crying feeling like shit about myself for even fucking with them at all
Im sorry y/n they were Assholes they didn’t deserve you at all he says pulling me into a hug
I smile into his chest
Thank you guys really I’ve never felt so taken care of by 1 guy let alone two
Of course we wouldn’t treat you any other way
I’m gonna be honest I did not think this is how it would go my first time meeting you guys
How did you think it would go
Well I thought I would possibly see you guys at the concert maybe see you walk by ask for a picture and that would be it
I mean understandable but come on your so beautiful we couldn’t have been able to resist you either way
I laugh a little bit as Matt turns me to rinse my body and the conditioner out of my hair.
I’m very glad you guys decided to come back here with me not just because you know you just fucked the shit out of me but because I like being around you guys your so… genuine and sweet to me
They both smiled at me
Of course gorgeous we like being around you too
I smile back as they wash them selves off making me laugh a little .
What’s so funny
Oh nothing your just gonna smell like a girl and that makes me laugh
Oh whatever it beats smelling sweaty and gross
Very true
Chris turns off the water as we all step out to dry off . My legs are still shaky and sore but I can slightly walk normal minus the fuck ass limp I got .
They both laugh at me as I walk to my closet
Stop laughing at me you assholes
Sorry your limp is just so bad
Yeah well I can thank the both of you for that
Oh yeah your very welcome
I flick them both of as I grab just a new pair of underwear and slip them on then limp back to get into bed.
They both lay in their boxers .
It’s kinda hot it the room givin we’re all snuggled up under the covers of my king size bed .
Hey can one of you get up and turn the fan on and shut the lights off I say as I yawn
Mhm I’ll do it Chris says making his way to the switches turning the lights off and turning the fan on .
Matt pulls me into him as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck .
What time is it he asks in deep sleepy voice
Uh I don’t know Chris what time is it
Umm 4:30
Jesus y/n you almost bursted my ear drum Matt says smacking me in the side lightly
Sorryyyy but 4:30 that’s means y’all fucked me for like 4 hours
Uhh yeah seems that way
Jesus y’all got some stamina
Mm meh I guess so
You guess bitch I’ve never had sex for longer than 30 minutes
Well I guess today was your lucky day
Yeah I’d say . No wonder I’m so fucking sore I just got railed for 4 hours
They both chuckle as we all lay dozing off and before I know it we all pass tf out until 5 pm the next day when I hear my bedroom door burst open.
I stare at her half asleep as the two boys on either side of me wake up looking at me then her
Well I um … sorry we’ll talk later she says with a smirk slowly walking out
Oh god that’s so embarrassing
What’s embarrassing
She just walked in on me pretty much naked in bed with two guys
Oh that’s not embarrassing
Yeah I guess not since it’s you guys
What’s that mean
Oh nothing I’m still tired can we go back to sleep
Yeah same let’s go back to sleep
Don’t gotta tell me twice
we all fall back asleep
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idontego · 3 months
We Should Make Up | Kaji x Reader
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Summary: This is kind of a part 2 to the break up headcannon i wrote. Kaji sees you entering a bar and can’t help but seek you out and try to make amends with you after your breakup.
A/n: This was so rushed bc i have somehwere to be so i will more than likely go back and make adjustments to this! Let me know what you think! ALSO TOMORROW’S EPISODE WE GET TO SEE OUR MAN AGAIN IM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!🤍
Warnings: breakups, alcohol, suggestive toxic relationship habits, co-dependency, swearing
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It was out of the norm for you to go out, and by go out i mean bar hopping, drinking in public places with your friends or worse- strangers. It had been a few months since you and Kaji split up and as much as you didn’t want to, your friends finally convinced you to go out with them. You wanted to hurl at the idea of Kaji finding out about you going out and even worse, drinking on top of it. It was one thing that he would be upset over, strictly because he always felt the need to watch you and be with you out in public only to protect you and it was another thing, because he imagined how easily you could be taken advantage of if you were intoxicated. Just the thought of these things could easily set him off.
You entered the bar wearing a black mini dress with a corset top, squeezing your rib cage and extenuating your breasts and a regular pair of heels that were semi comfortable, nothing over the top. You didn’t know where this night would end but your friends were sure they’d help you make the most of it.
Meanwhile, Kaji sat in his room preparing to patrol and do his almost daily routine of also checking up on you from afar-watching. He was walking down the same street you were on and was concentrating on individuals around him-scanning the area for any threats, and that’s when he saw you. His eyes immediately widened and his jaw dropped almost to the floor as his lollipop hit the ground. He was shocked seeing you in such close proximity to him and you were wearing that?! And you were here?! But you looked so good, so tempting. His eyes examined your figure until he shook his head and ripped open another lollipop wrapper, tossing it in his mouth. His face of shock quickly turned into anger. He looked left, right, and left again to see if anyone he knew was about to see him enter the same building you were in. Kaji did not go out, ever. He didnt like the people, didnt like the setting, didnt like the idea of sweaty shit faced people rubbing up so close to each other, especially you.
His eyes met yours amongst the crowd- if looks could kill, he would be the embodiment of it. You’ve never seen him glare this hard before. Or at least not at you. “Oh shit.” You mumbled under your breath. You swiftly turned your head around in the opposite direction, which was a sad attempt at playing off seeing him-hoping he didn’t recognize you.
To only make matters worse, when you turned around, you bumped into a guy’s chest causing him to spill his drink. “I’m so sorry. Oh my gosh.” You apologized.
“No worries! I’ll just get another one. Why don’t you come with me to get something for yourself as well.” He said with a big grin on his face.
“Uh, sure!” You replied following him. Could this be your escape from Kaji’s glare? Did he lose you in the crowd by now?
You approached the bar and waited on your drinks when you heard a gruff voice behind you and their body heat against your back. “Hey!” Kaji said with the same glare on his face.
“She has a boyfriend ya’ know.” He proceeded
“Oh, really?” The guy questioned.
“She does.” Kaji confirms. Kaji already made his point very clear to this man and you and his stance and the look on face had ‘do not fuck with me’ written all over it.
You closed your eyes in an attempt to disappear but this was actually happening.
“I dont actually.” You blurted out. “In fact-“ Kaji cut you off grabbing your waist and leading you out side of the bar.
“What the hell are you doing her-“
“Did you really think finding some random drunk guy here would solve all of your problems? What were you thinking? Did he try to get with you?”
“Kaji, that’s not what i was hoping would happen. The girls wanted me to go out with them just for tonight because I’ve declined every other time because it still just didn’t feel right to do something like this even though we aren’t together. You know just as much as i do that i never liked going out or drinking.”
“This dress looks really good on you by the way. It’s a shame i never got to see you in it til’ now.” He said rolling his eyes and completely disregarding what you said.
You blushed at his compliment and your heart began to flutter again. Gosh.. why does he have to have this effect on you. “Kaji, we need to talk.” You said, looking at the ground.
He lifted up your chin, so you’d look him in the eyes for what he was about to say. “I agreeI just want to start off by saying that you don’t know how hard these past few months have been for me. Losing you was one of the hardest things for me. I didn’t know how to cope. My friends tried to help me, but i pushed them away. Everythin’ everyday made me think of you and i was completely consumed with the idea that you were gone for good. I was obsessed with the thought of why we ended things the way we did and I felt like i couldn’t protect you as much as I’d like which drove me even more crazy. I lashed out on anyone that we’d get in fights with-exceeding my limits and going over board because i wanted to make sure people like them never got a hold of you. There’s so much more but i-“
You cut him off with a kiss and your eyes were filled with tears. You had the most intense feeling of regret and sorrow for him and also the mourning of your relationship. You wanted him back. You needed him just as much as he needed you. You wanted to make things right. He rested his hands on either side of your waist and you kissed you back-matching your passion.
“I’m so sorry, baby.” You pulled away from the kiss wiping your tears.
“It’s fine. missed you, y’ know?”
“I can’t ever lose you again. I knew we’d come back tho.” You managed to smile and even let out a giggle while saying.
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double--hh · 3 months
Incorrect TNMN quotes :3
(Its mainly businessreport/izaack x angus/abducius x zoth)
The majority of the residents of the Astral Circle Appartment Complex, "God fuck Zoth fr, I want that thing DEAD."
Abducius, kicking his legs and giggling on his torture table of a bed, "Heheh, god I want that fat man..."
Ishtar, feeding her multiple pet rats, "I dunno what you even see in him, Yan Luo, all he does is talk about his defunked pizza business and robots!"
Yan Luo, humming, "He makes me laugh, Ishtar... and I'm a bit to invested in his lore... because did you know, Freddybear, not to be confused with Freddy Fivebear, was-"
Ishtar, already zoning out, 'Oh they're perfect for eachother...'
Angus, sitting next to Izaack, "Y'know, Izaack, 'm a friend of Dorothy m'self..."
Izaack, choking on his wine and slaps his knees, "Who is Dorothy?! So many guys tell me this and I wanna know who she is!!"
Angus, "Oh my god."
Francis, "Mmm, Ciprianni, no offense, but of all the places y'could've chosen to live, why'd you choose this dump of all places? I mean, you're business man for godsakes!"
Angus, looking at his overtly materialistic appartment adorned with very expensive items, "Uhm, the pay isn't that great..."
Yog, Teutates, and Ah Puch, at Abducius' appartment, "Abducius, quit your job and join our metal band, it's called Splitknot and we're gonna play Quachil's Quince, you in?"
Abducius, clearly covered in slobber and deep bite marks with a glimpse of Zoth in the background, "Erm... lemme think about it, Teutates."
Yog, shaking head, "Nah, you're in, you're 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 freaky, I vibe with that."
Ah Puch, "How the hell did you do that with your mouth?!"
Abducius, happily hopping, "Eeek! I'm so excited we need to cut ourselves in half and sew whats left together!!"
Zoth, rubbing his temple and regretting asking him out, 'Oh my god he's not 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, he's just an absolute freak... I like that in a man."
Dr. Afton, walking into his appartment and falling to his kneese seeing Mia and Francis kissing, "NO! IM BEING CUCKED BY THE MILK MAN!"
Half an hour later, Francis fighting with Dr. Afton whos wrangling him with a breast pump, "NO! IM BEING MILKED BY THE CUCK MAN!"
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personwhowrites · 2 years
Hey! I hope this request isn’t cringy,, but can we get Alejandro x Fem!Reader where the Reader is not very feminine or dainty at all, and she prefers more masculine clothing and hobbies? Thank you so much <33
I love this idea! This so fucking amazing! Sorry it took me so long to write! Im also sorry for my English in advance! Sorry if I didn’t nail down your idea I was having so much writes blog in the half so it might of trailed off for a while.
My Alejandro
Alejandro Vargas x Fem!reader
Wc: 2.8k+
“That’s the Colonel..” Someone mumbles to you as you fix your messy hair. “Pay close attention.. to his movements and what he does.”
You look over and stare at slightly tall man, a nice looking smile planted on his lips. He had a somewhat going on beard. Your eyes met his, he stared for a moment before walking over with a man next to him. Following him like a lost kid who’s looking for their mom.
“Shit shit!” The person whispered looking other and fixing their uniform. “Did you stare to long?”
“Ladies.” The man says looking at you and the person next to you. “I’m Alejandro the C—“
“The Colonel” you say putting your hand out to shake his. He gives you smile and shakes your hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.”
“Pleasure all mine!” Alejandro says looking at you with a slightly sparkle in his eyes. “Welcome to La Almas, your forever home now.”
“Wouldn’t hate it in the world.” You respond looking at him more closely. “Im excited to work with you sir.”
“Please call me Alejandro, this here is Rodolfo or Rudy. Second in command.” Alejandro says moving his hand away from yours. “His a very good friend and will be with all of you new folks. Do you speak Spanish?”
“Si..” You say with pride in your eyes. “Es mi segundo lenguaje!” (It’s my second language)
Alejandro gives a chuckle and smiles. His dark brown eyes stare into yours, only to be interrupted by Rodolfo small sneeze.
“I’ll leave you with Rodolfo, I have to run down to see some old friends.” Alejandro says looking at Rodolfo. “Vuelvo en un par de minutos. Mantén a todos en el edificio oeste y no digas nada sobre por qué”. ("I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Keep everyone in the west building and don't say anything about why.")
Alejandro walks away as Rodolfo also walks the other direction. You stare at Alejandro as he walks away, he looks back to meet your eyes for a second before hopping in a vehicle.
Chug, it was the only word being yelled at around you and another person in front of you. You held tightly onto the beer bottle as the word kept being shouted around you. The person in front of you was half finished with the bottle of beer. Without thinking you started chugging down the alcohol, letting it slide down into your bloodstream. People began to clap as you chugged down every inch of the alcohol. You slammed the bottle down and wipe your lips, the smell of alcohol now rubbing on your hand.
“What’s going on here!” Alejandro yell silencing the building. “You two!”
You turn to look at him, god he looked hot in that lighting. You shook your head at the thought of him, he stared at you and the empty beer bottle displayed in front of you. It seem childish to be playing such games like these your first day, but you enjoyed it. Enjoyed racing against time and others, the thrill of hear claps and cheers.
“You drank all of that in one go?” Alejandro says slightly surprised before turning his attention back to the people that surrounded you. “All of you! Go head out and bring in the equipment from the truck.”
People quickly scattered outside with you following along. It was quite embarrassing to be caught doing that the first day there. Outside you spotted some men that look strange to your point. They didn’t have the normal uniform on, they had more advance uniform on. You stare at them for a moment. A man with a skull mask, a mohawk man, and a man with a strange hat that made you chuckle. You turn away from then and head off to a parked truck. There you spot another man wearing a cap with the England hat on it.
“Ayuda mi aquí” (Help me here) someone says in front of you handing you a bag. “Think you can carry it?”
“..Seriously?” You say slightly annoyed as they drop the bag in your arms. “This is light..hand me a couple more. I’ll come back to get more.”
“Light? Jesus woman what are you built out of.” They say with a chuckle before handing you more bags. “Take them back to the building.”
You nod as you place the bags in your hands. They were now slightly more heavy as you walked. You stay focus not noticing people glancing over. The men you spotted earlier are now talking to Alejandro, which they immediately stop talking as Alejandro stares at you.
“..Don’t hurt yourself!” Alejandro says stopping you in your tracks. “Are you okay?”
“I’m alright sir, it’s light for me.” You respond slightly looking over at him. “It’s nothing compare to what I usually lift.”
Alejandro gives you blank stare. You walk away quickly as someone calls your name. He watches you walk with ease.
“Alejandro what’s with the new folks.” Someone asks him making him look at them. “I noticed a lot of more people since the last visit.”
“Well, I thought I could need more hands keeping Las Almas safe.” Alejandro responds. “You out of all people should know why Price. Now come on, I’ll show you all where you can stay at as my people help carry stuff in.”
You come out the building and rush over to someone who’s struggling to handle some bags. Same amount as you, they give an nervous laugh when you help them. Alejandro looks over one last time in your direction before walking away.
The afternoon was really slow for your liking. Nothing much to do but walk, talk and somewhat eat. It annoyed the hell out of you, as the sun became brighter and worse on you and the people near. It wasn’t helping that Rodolfo was handing out hot stew out for lunch.
“Jesus they’re going to kill us off with this heat.” Someone says looking at the stew in front of them. “It’s too fucking hot for this shit.”
“Agreed..” You mumble wiping sweat away from your forehead. “This sucks really bad..”
You stare at the stew and take a deep breath. Sure it was burning hot, it just had been made, but your body wast hungry. You held the bowl of the stew, brining it up to your lips. You started drinking it, the burning liquid going down your throat. It burned you greatly, but your body needed the food more than anything. You finally stopped at the feeling of your tongue going numb.
“..The fuck..” the person from before says looking at you. “How the hell did that not hurt?”
“Who said it didn’t.” You say tearing up, the pain setting up. “Fuck!”
You dropped the bowl and hot up. Rodolfo looks over and stares at you for a moment, the bowl was empty now, your face was red. You covered your mouth and walk away quickly to find something cold for yourself.
It was a long time until you finally ease form the burning pain. You try to put your mind elsewhere while the burning feeling went down. You notice some scraps of metal and a welding tool. You look quickly for a mask that can protect your face and stop immediately hearing Alejandro voice getting closer to the building you stood in.
“Over here is the work shop.” Alejandro says opening the door. The men from before were with him. They seem more settled down. “Soap I heard you like to mess with stuff.”
“..in a good way or bad way?” Soap says looking around the building. “Oh! Hey!”
You place the scrap metal on the floor again and give him a nervous smile. You been caught in your worst moment, you couldn’t speak, it killed you to speak. Yet you wanted to be kind to them.
“Hello..” You answered making the others notice your presence.
You look away from them as their attention dragged to you. Soap gave a big smile seeing you spoke English. Alejandro quickly look over and saw the scrap metal in front of you.
“What are you doing in here.” Alejandro says crossing his arms in front of him. “..You should be eating with the others.”
“..I wasn’t so hungry, too hot out there too.” You mumble slight nervous. “I saw this place and.. I wanted to see it.”
“ ¿Entonces el metal enfrente de ti vas a hacer algo con el?” Alejandro says kneeling down to pick it up. “no puedes hacer muchas cosas con esto. Ve y agarra el metal que está al lado de la puerta”
1(So the metal in front of you is going to do something with it?) 2(You can't do many things with this. Go and grab the metal that is next to the door.)
“El metal está bien, puedo usarlo perfectamente.” You say looking at him. “No me gusta desperdiciar... además, la metalurgia es un pequeño pasatiempo que hago.”
1(The metal is fine, I can use it perfectly.) 2(I don’t like to waste…plus metalwork is a small hobby I do.)
Alejandro nods and gets back. He looks back at the men he brought to the building. He gives a chuckle looking at their confused faces. You pick up the metal in front of you and walk away from their sight.
“What was the all about?” Price asks looking at Alejandro. “All I understood was metal.”
“She was just wanting to work with the scrap metal with have in the shop.” Alejandro says looking aviejan for you. “Let’s just move on from here I still got plenty to show you all around.”
“Wait wait. What is she going to make with the metal?” Soap says grabbing Alejandro hand. “I’m interested.”
“Johnny.” A firm husky British voice says garbing soap away. “Let’s go.”
“ Come on tell me you aren’t interested in what’s going to be made.” Soap says looking at the person. “Ghost you have to be a little interested.”
“I’m not.” Ghost says grabbing soap out the building. “Now come on we are behind.”
Your encounters with Alejandro became more regular. It almost seem funny to him, how many times he has seen you around. Soon enough the finally has enough of the encounters and starts suspecting your following him.
“She isn’t following you Alejandro. She’s just all over the place lately.” Rodolfo says patting Alejandro back. “Mostly because a lot of people have quit and she’s been handing some stuff.”
“Do you don’t find it strange?” Alejandro says looking over at you. “..like she’s all over the place still.”
“Your just overacting.” Rodolfo responds looking at you too. “Her name is Y/n, try talking to her. Maybe you can focus more on your job after that.”
Alejandro watches as you head off to somewhere this time he makes sure to follow you. He sees your heading into a small building were material is store. You are too focused looking for something to even realize his standing behind you.
“Where is it..” you mumble looking through a small stash of wood. “Come on..I put it here a few hours ago..”
“Put what there?” Alejandro says making you jump and look at him. “Scared you y/n?”
“When did you come in..?” You mumble looking at him. “..wait you know my name?”
“Heard it around.” He responds leaning against the wall. “So you into woodworking too?”
“..Yeah, mostly everyone is lately.” You say crossing your arms. “Anyone can do it.”
“And you do metalwork too.. along with car mechanics?” Alejandro says easing a brow at you. “So many hobbies for you.”
“..I use to have a lot of free time.” You say softly feeling slight embarrassed. “Does it bother you?”
“No it doesn’t, it.. actually it interests me.” He says with a smile locking the door. “I saw the way you look at me since the first day you came here.”
“A look of respect?” You respond quickly looking at him. “I respect people around me Colonel. Everyone should.”
“You and me dinner tonight.” He says walking up to you. “..I wanna know more.. what fires you..to be so fucking determine to anything..”
You back up but, he quickly backs you into the wall. His hand slams next you, his other hand holds your chin. Loving your reaction Alejandro gets closer to you, both your bodies pressing against each other. Slight tensions between you and him becomes noticeably worse.
“So what’s your responds señorita Y/n..” He mumbles, looking at you soft lips. “Dinner with me tonight..”
“..Sure..” You respond finally after moments of silence. “..Why not..”
His thumb gently presses on your lips. You stare at him, his dark brown eyes yearning for something. Yet you can’t understand what he really wants. He leans closer to your face, lips inches from touching, his eyes not leaving them.
“See you tonight, be at my office at ten.” He says before backing up. “Wear something formal.”
His hands leave your personal space. He walks back to the door unlocking it and leaving you in the small building. Your heart races remembering his soft hand on your chin.
“..Did that just fucking happen..” You mumble now placing your hand over your heart. “Jesus fuck..”
You knock at his office door, your heart is pounding out of your chest. The tight blouse wasn’t helping ether as it display more of your body features you hide under that uniform. You hear his footsteps coming closer to the door, you turn around to leave. Just as he opens the door he chuckles seeing your back instead of you face.
“Que te pasa?” He asks looking at your back. Your shoulders were tense. “Having second thoughts?”
(What’s wrong with you?)
“No!” You quickly say turning to face the man. Jesus even out of uniform he looked hot. “I.. uh..”
“I thought you would wear a dress, but this is just fine.” He says with a smile looking at your red lipstick. “The red really brings out your eyes.”
You give a small nervous smile and look away from him. All thoughts of leaving have disappeared. He holds your hand for a moment and kisses it. His other hand remains behind his back, as if he was holding something.
“Here.” Alejandro says handing you a pink pastel rose. “This rose can’t compare to your beauty.. but it looks great in your hands.”
“..Thank you..” You mumble as he smiles at you. A smile you can never get tired of seeing. “..Well this was f—“
“Let’s go, I parted a section of the base for us.” Alejandro says grabbing your hand again and dragging you down the hall with him. “I hope you like spicy food.”
“I love it!” You say with a giggle keeping up with him. “I used to cook to much spicy food for my family, but they couldn’t handle it.”
“Ah..well I cook for us.” He says looking around in the dark moonlighting. “Come, it’s not far.”
You held his hand tightly and smiled. When arriving at the small spot hidden away from sight. You gasped, there was beautiful dinner displayed, rose petals around the table and a glasses of wine served for the two of you. This man was definitely over the top for just a dinner.
“Hope it’s not too much for you.” He says pulling the seat out for you. “Here.”
You sit down and he pushes the seat in. Then takes the seat across from you. You stare at him for a moment then the rose in your hand. It was beautiful.. the moonlight made it better. He looked amazing as the rays of the moon hit his elegant face. From the hair to the clothes he looked amazing. Alejandro chuckled making you realize you been staring for too long.
“Like what you see huh?” He says in a teasing tone that makes your whole body tremble. “Tell me about yourself.”
“..I..You’re so fucking hot.” You blurt out as he spits his wine out and burst out loud. “Shit! Im sorry!”
“No no! It’s just I never met a woman so.. open about her thoughts. Especially those thoughts.” He says wiping the wine off his hand. “..Sorry I got wine all over the place.”
“I’m so sorry I said that.. I wasn’t thin—“ you say stopping at he grabs your hand in the mostly gentle way possible known to people. “..Alejandro.. sorry I..”
“Mi amor.. you’re nervous aren’t you?” He says holding your hand gently. “Because I am too, you should have seen me in my office. Walking all over the place making sure I don’t ruin the roses in your beautiful hands.”
You gave a small smile and held his hands too. This was one of the most romantic dinner you even been part of. His dark brown eyes stare into yours, he leans slightly over the table to gets closer to you. Your heart races, it has been racing for the past couple minutes but you fear this time it’s loud.. loud enough for everyone in the world to hear.
“..Ever since the first time we encounter each other I haven’t been able to focus on my work.” He says calmly rubbing his thumb on your hand. “..You done something to me señorita..”
You remain silent as this man in front of you spills his love for you. Only for you only, he has enough of leaning over the table and gets up, dragging you with him.
“..Mi amor.. be mine forever.” He says placing his hands on your face. “Please.. I’m going insane not calling you mine.”
“Si..” You mumble holding his hand and give a small giggle. “I will be yours my Alejandro..”
He wastes no time kissing you. It was long and rough passionate kiss. His hands on your waist by the time you two pulled apart. Not so far away was a group of men watching. Cheering for the new found couple in Las Almas, a new found.. love in your life.
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lilaberri · 4 days
I had this idea since the fan edits video. Matt’s fall freak out was completely warranted and I thought a fic of the reader meeting him at a pumpkin patch would be cute.
September 21st you wake from your restless sleep. You had went to bed early but the excitement for the next day kept you up. As you looked outside from your bathroom you saw a fog settle low to the ground, perfect pumpkin patch weather. It was getting colder as the month went on and the leaves were beginning to change as well. Lilly texted the day before that she would pick you up by 11.
As you turn off the shower and enter your closet you try to find an outfit that is cute but also tactile. Settling on a navy blue cable knit sweater, medium wash jeans, and some old carhartt boots.
You get dressed and see you have a few minutes to grab something to eat before Lilly arrives. There wasn’t much you wanted in the fridge so you settled on some crunchy Raisin Bran. It wasn’t too bad once you added some blueberries and bananas.
Drinking the last of the milk you hear a honk and place the bowl in the dishwasher get your keys and hop in the car. “Hey,” you say all smiley.
“What’s up with you?” She drives off with Kesha in the background. “It’s so nice today all dark and stormy.” “Some would call this bad weather.” “Well it’s good for picking pumpkins , very fall.” “True, you can have aux if you want.” “Yeah thanks I’ve had this song stuck in my head all morning,” you play iyaz’s Replay. “Okay throwback,” she chuckles. “It’s so good makes me think of my pink iPod deck. I wonder what happened to that?” “Your brother threw it off the balcony because you wouldn’t stop playing Hannah Montana.” “That demon has been praying on my downfall since I was born!”
Pulling into the patch lot you see only a few other cars, which was nice since you wanted to take pictures too. “I’ll pay and you get the gloves and lay down the tarp,” Lilly says. “Why’d you bring gloves?” “I just got my nails done. And the dirt under my fingernails would freak me out,” she replied. With a nod you go to the trunk finding the gloves and spreading out the tarp. “The guy working was really cute, he told me the best place in the patch was the fourth row.” “Thank you cute patch man,” you joke.
Walking along the rows you see a few small ones you wanted to get for the house and then saw the perfect pumpkin. No warts, curly vines, deep orange color. You go to call over your friend but when you turn around a man is trying to lift it up. “Hey freeze!” “Did you just tell me to freeze?” He asks. “That’s my pumpkin.” “Then why is it in my hands?” “Im wondering the same thing.” “And while you figure that out I’m going to my car,” he retorts. “No way I saw this one first he’s mine.” “It’s just a pumpkin. There’s like a hundred more just like it.” “No this is the best one by far. But since you think there are other good one I’ll just take this one off your hands.” You reach for it but he pulls it from your grasp quickly. His eyes widen in disbelief. “You did not just try to steal my pumpkin?” “Please, I’ll give you,” you go to dig in your purse but came up empty. Only a Dave and Busters power card, three mints, and a nickel. Your surprised expression makes him giggle. “I don’t want your money. But since you want it so bad I’ll give it to you, for a price.” “I literally only have mints and a nickel in here so it’s not much of a prize.” You didn’t want him to know about the power card, you were an avid D&B patron. “You have to help me find one that is just as good.” “Okay deal,” you go to shake his hand but he lifts the pumpkin and you just pat it instead. “Onwards- what’s your name?” “Matthew.” “Onwards Matthew!”
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szasweetener · 4 months
Intro !!
Hey guys ive literally never used Tumblr until now and im so excited to and I see everybody posting and it made me motivated to so yes!
Simple Facts!!
I am female shifter
hispanic/latino !!
and other things about me is I love hip hop but I like any genre really idk I just love music but mainly hip hop and Kpop and my favourite artists right now are probably playboi Carti, Tyler the creator, Ariana grande, sza, Lil Uzi vert, kendrick Lamar & frank ocean!! but I love so many artists its a problem. anyways and I love sports ESPECIALLY BASKETBALL AND SOCCER LIKE OMGGG
shifting info!!
my main drs:
better cr
2010 fame dr
2015 kai cenat dr
I have wayyy too many drs though and also some other things you should know about my shifting journey is ive been a shifter since dracotok... and I have shifted before to my wednesday dr!! also Im pretty sure this reality I am currently in I accidentally shifted to which was an unfinished better cr.... but oh well!
random facts/info!!
you should really be my friend because im so cool and mysterious but if you do just know im very sarcastic and make a lot of inappropriate jokes unless im talking about my husbands I mean every word I say about them. anyways I hope to use this account to connect with other shifters and make new friends and literally just a platform to talk about my drs to my invisible fans!! because no one wanna hear me yapping so how bout dem apples. oh and play rob lox with me too ok thanks guys!!
whew almost forgot this part!
if u support isn't real get the fuck out of here and pick up a history book
anti shifters duhhh
if you're over the age of like 24 you can stay just please know your boundaries obvi
if you tell people to d!3 even as a joke (its just a personal thing im sorry im really sensitive but I can handle jokes like trust but sewer slide jokes are just euughhhh)
idk just other basic dni list thank yeuwmmm
ok that's it hopefully you guys become my friend
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romancingdaffodils · 2 years
i know you literally just did my request like yesterday however another idea came (cum) to me . write this whenever you feel like it love u SO! you know what football games are like in most households. cheeky pint of beer and whatnot. how about there's like a big football game going on and most of the boys are going over to like ash's house and wilbur invited you over to watch it with them and the entire time wilbur is just very loud and drunk but the minute he notices you're like overwhelmed or something he instantly goes all sweet and soft. like he'll turn to you, give your hand a quick kiss and say like "are you alright? are we being too loud? we can go home if you want?" and it's just wholesome fluffy fluff because we loveeeeeee himmmm thank youu
Football, with friends.
part of the PaP au :)
RHANKS JADE LOVE U SM THIS REQUEST WAS SUPER FUN TO WRITE AND TOTALLY RELATABLE i’m not happy u made me not have reader as a spurs fan it would’ve been funny
artist!wilbur x reader as always
1.1k words super cute
mentions of alcohol, and anxiety but apart from that pure fluff!!!!!
wikbur is a cute boyfriend :)
it’s so bewildering you guys are loving this series so much it’s rlly cool and i’m so happy and proud and all of those positive words
Tumblr media
England games. Arguably, the worst, and best 90 minutes of your life. You hated, and adored them. Wilbur had invited you over to Ash’s to watch one, you’d accepted obviously. It’d been just over ten months since you’d met Wilbur, seven and a bit months of you being officially together. You loved every second. You liked his friends, all the ones you had met anyway. What you hadn’t realised about Ash’s get together was everyone would be there; all of Lovejoy, Tom and most of Wil’s uni friends. You’d met them all individually, but never in a big group. Never watching football. You tried to push away any anxiety as you ran down to your now boyfriend’s car, he’d arrived to pick you up a few minutes ago. He honked his horn as he looked over to you, smiling like a maniac. “IM COMING, IM COMING!” you shouted in response, you quickly opened the door and hopped in.
“Hi dove.”
“Hi Wil.”
“Are you excited?”
“We’re going to lose.”
He laughed, looking at you. He gave your thigh a light squeeze, a soft sign of ‘oh well’. He turned his body to watch out the back window, arm on your seat to support himself. You watched the muscles in his arm shift, he had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up. He knew it drove you crazy, he thought it was sweet. “It’ll be fun, promise. We got cider just for you.” he said, foot pushing on the accelerator as he drove - you had left your flat’s parking.
“Beer is gross-“
“-Unless you’re drunk. That’s why we have cider, Tom said he’d drink it with you.”
“I feel like a child now.”
He laughed once more, so did you. Ash’s place wasn’t too far, you arrived in about ten minutes. And so, the chaos began.
The match hadn’t even started yet, you were all squashed onto a too small couch. Wilbur had sat you in the corner, his and your own knees pressed together and his arm wrapped around you. Everyone had already started drinking, the room felt a bit like a pub. Hot, and sticky - with football playing in the background.
Wil wasn’t really one for parties, especially when he had to drive. Although, the two of you had decided you’d drive home, whilst in the car, so he could enjoy the time with his friends. He’d been reluctant to agree to that, but you just wanted him to have fun. He’d sit off in a corner - probably clinging to you - whilst telling everyone little facts. However, he could get into football. You were sat in a room with mostly men, watching football. You could celebrate, get into the game, scream at the ref, even. But, Jesus Christ. Being in such close quarters to loads of guys watching an England game was almost like hell.
70 minutes, you were winning 2-1. They just got louder and louder, you were starting to feel a little overwhelmed. You felt sick. The smell of beer really wasn’t helping the nausea. Your face had contorted into an anxious look, your leg started to bounce.
Wil noticed, he hadn’t noticed right away, but he had now. He wasn’t exactly sober, the second he saw your worried state his mind flipped. “Hey.” he whispered, voice no longer loud and boyish. It was sweet, genuine, and extraordinarily calming. His mouth was just above your ear as he whispered. “You alright, dove?” he questioned, hand rubbing up, and down your waist. “We being too loud?” he added, moving away your hair as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head.
“Yeah. It’s loud.” you whispered back, turning your head to face him. His chocolatey eyes reflected concern, rather than their usual mischief.
“We can go home, if you’d like?” he offered, resisting the urge not to scowl over at his friends for upsetting his lovely sweetheart.
“Nono, it’s okay, don’t want to ruin your night.” you replied, smiling over at him. You had calmed down a bit, although your leg continued to bounce. Your eyebrows remained furrowed together too. Wil frowned and turned his head.
“Hey. Guys, I completely forgot I have a client I need to call. I’m really sorry. Y/n and I will have to head off now, can’t believe i forgot about this sale.” he said, speaking louder to get his friend’s attention. They all looked at him, Joe raised his eyebrow. He didn’t say anything though, you were grateful, you felt so incredibly guilty. Wil didn’t seem like he minded, he stood up and held his hand out for you. You took it, legs feeling a little shaky after how overwhelmed you had been. Waves, goodbyes and handshakes were exchanged as you left Ash’s. Each day you grew more grateful you had met Wilbur.
You sat down in his car, taking a deep breath. He was looking at you, his hand resting on your thigh. “You alright, love?” he asked, his voice thick ,and sweet - as always. You nodded in response, hands on the wheel. You were calming down, you just needed a little push.
“Wil, can you- can you, um, tell me about what you’re working on right now. You’re painting.” you said, looking at him. Obviously, the whole situation had left you a little shaken. His voice was a distraction from the guilt, and anxiety.
“Yeah, ‘course I can. It’s a nice one. Not as nice as your portraits. But, still.” he said, smiling at you. You smiled back. “It’s a garden, y’know the butterfly garden in the park. Yeah? That one. Actually, funnily enough dove, you took the picture that’s my reference. Strange that, isn’t it?” he spoke, something so soft and delicate about his voice. His hand ran up, and down the length of your thigh, you took comfort in the repeated action. His eyes never left your face, reading your emotions like an open book. “Bit overwhelming, love?” he asked, tone soft once again.
“Yeah. I feel terrible though, you didn’t have to leave. Have I ruined your night?”
“Not in the slightest, any time I spend with you is time well spent. You couldn’t ruin anything, ever. Let’s go home then, yeah?”
“Yeah. Yours or mine?”
“Wherever you’d like.”
“Mines a mess at the moment.”
“To mine then.” he replied. Both of you had whispered that conversation, small smiles on your faces. Wilbur had decided that he needed to ask you to move in with him, soon. Very soon.
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akirqx · 1 month
ooo i haven’t asked for a matchup in YEARS but i forgot how fun it was so i will!! hoping i can get both a platonic and romantic one but if you can’t then either works:)
i go by she/they interchangeably and i would prefer a matchup w either karasuno, nekoma, fukurodani, aoba johsai, or shiratorizawa!! (basically the main five teams LOL)
honestly i’m one to get bored if like someone’s either wayyy too nice or gets genuinely upset at banter and being playful mean, cz i like to argue and like mess around with people’s words a lot (i am genuinely no man’s peace and everyone knows) so i’m one to go for people who can match the arguing and banter but not be an asshole😋 i’m also i’m the a word (asexual spectrum user) so anybody who you don’t see being too despo for anything nsfw in a relationship is a green green green flag in my books!!
in terms of myself and hobbies n whatnot, im an avid bass player and i legit play every night till my fingers hurt bc i love music n learning new songs LOL🙏 im huge on sciences and i absolutely adore physics and everything it entails, so be prepared for random fun facts about newton and einstein when i feel like it… i also love dance and i run a hip hop club at school! sometimes i game but i’ve been so busy and stressed from studying for senior year that it’s out the window (being an academic weapon is not for the weak💔) i like to joke that i’m everybody’s boyfriend because i live by being helpful and treating my friends like my girlfriends so they know how they should be treated at the bare minimum (again, no man’s peace), and guys tend to see me as like ‘one of them’ (but like genuinely they say that to my face when i’m upset or feeling excluded from my girl friends). im also stupidly ambitious and i genuinely will never give up on what i’m aiming for unless it’s absolutely 0% doable (like becoming an olympian or sm). i’m heavily leaning towards being a masculine kinda girlie and prefer to dress that way too, the only things that don’t match are my face, which is still pretty feminine, and my height (5’5 smh)
anyways you can work your magic with this!! thank you!! excited to see what you think!!
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Okay so let’s start with platonic !! (sorry this one is short)
You and Semi Eita bonded over your mutual interest in music!
He is a musician in timeskip so I like to think that he started getting interested in music during high school. Maybe you’re the one who even opened his interest in it?
Enjoys hearing your progress when you show him a new song you’ve been practicing
Probably gives you song recommendations to play if you run out of some!
I feel like despite the shiratorizawa entrance exam being extremely difficult, you’d pass (okayyy academic weapon I see you☝️)
You join Tendō in teasing him about his outfit choices and he sighs dramatically loud (he’s done with you guys)
You guys would probably become a silly little trio
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You never get bored with Satori Tendō around, he will keep you on your toes
Probably such a chaotically fun relationship, lots of playful banter
You are no man’s peace but together you are nobody’s peace (poor semi)
Please don’t joke about being his girlfriend he will never shut up about it. Next time you help him with something or he helps you with something he will bring it up just to be a tease
He was tooo scared to confess 😭 he never thought you’d like him back (you’re probably the one that confessed)
I feel like he’d be fine with just hand holding, hugging and kisses (as mentioned in the other msg u sent!) I don’t see him being someone that desperate for anything nsfw…
I feel like he’s scared to make you uncomfortable so he’s very mindful with the physical contact
Finds your ambitions really admirable and will encourage them !!
Loves to spend time with you even if you’re busy; like if your busy studying or something he does not care, he just enjoys the comfort of your presence
He reallyyy wants to impress you with his guess blocking omg
Always begs you to come to his games
The whole volleyball team probably knows you from how much they see you at their games (and how much Tendō talks abt u) that you’re always welcome to their practices and hangouts
But he lowkey gets jealous if you get closer with someone else
He loves to fall asleep to the sound of you practicing the bass!! If he can’t in person then it’s through FaceTime
Is actually super interested in the facts you tell. If you accidentally repeat one you’ve already said before, he’d definitely remember and tell you that you’ve said that one already so you could tell him a new one
Enjoys watching you dance (he CANNOT dance, but just might sometimes to make you laugh)
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Thank you for requesting !! I hope I didn’t take too long to get to yours 😓
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-The shutters to Tails’ desktop opens. Tails appears on the screen-
Modern: Hello everyone, and welcome to a VERY special episode of Tails Tube! I’d like for everyone to give a warm welcome toooo
-The Tails Squad logo pops up on the centre of the desktop screen-
-The instrumental for Believe In Myself plays in the background-
-Multiple more Tails’ pop up on the screen with varying appearances. They all give various greetings at once.-
Modern: I’m so happy you guys could join me today!
Movie: I’ve been looking forward to this!! It’s on my calendar!
Modern: brilliant enthusiasm as always, Mr. Wachowski. Everyone meet Movie! He’s from what we call the Sonic Cinematic Universe, or in short, the SCU. Tell us a bit about yourself, Movie!
-An image of the sonic movie logo appears on screen-
Movie: uh… uhm…
-Movie nervously looks around.-
Movie: hi.. I’m Movie- oh wait you said that already-
Modern: it’s ok, take your time!
Movie: o-ok! So uhm.. I’m from a universe where I was adopted by human parents..
-a family photo is shown-
Movie: and Sonic and Knuckles are my brothers!
Modern: good job, Movie.
-Movie beams-
-the images are clicked away.-
Modern: aaaand we also have Boom here, from Sonic Boom! Boom say hi!
-The Sonic Boom logo appears on screen.-
Boom: hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here! In my universe I live on an island…
-an aerial image of the island is on screen.-
Boom: …and defend the village from Dr. Eggman with Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks!
Modern: welcome!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: And now, you all know him, you all love him, everyone give it up fooor CLASSIC!
-The starting screen for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 appears on screen.-
Classic: hi!
Modern: tell us about yourself! For those who don’t know you.
-An image of Classic and Classic Sonic together are shown.-
Classic: oh-! I’m Classic! I’m called that because I’m from the past.. that’s it, really!
Modern: thanks for sharing!
-The images are clicked away-
Modern: X, you’re up!
X: h-hey everyone! I’m X.. I’m from the Sonic X universe.
-The Sonic X logo appears on screen-
X: In my universe we were trapped on Earth for a while. We made so many new friends there!
-An image of X and his human friends pop up-
X: It was sad to say goodbye to them, but then we soon went on another adventure! Watch the anime if you’re curious~
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: Thanks, X!
Adventure: OOH!! OH! OH CAN I GO NEXT???
-Adventure starts hopping up and down-
-Modern laughs-
Modern: of course! Go ahead, Adventure.
Adventure: Hey everyone!! I’m from the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog universe!!!
-A gif pops up of the opening sequence for the show-
Adventure: in my universe, my big bro Sonic and me protect Mobius from Dr. RoBUTTnik. He’s a sore loser!
-An image of Sonic and Adventure pop up. They’re posing together.-
-there’s giggles amongst the squad-
Movie: heh- RoBUTTnik!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: ah, a classic! Anyway, we are moving on the Tailses from the Sonic Prime Universe!
-The Sonic Prime logo appears on screen-
There’s currently 4 that we know of! Only 3 could make it today, unfortunately.
-Classic frowns-
Classic: I wish Nine could join us!
-A picture of Nine pops up-
Modern: me too.. but Im not gonna push him if he doesn’t want to.
-the image is clicked away.-
Modern: who wants to go first? Prime?
Prime: hey, I’m Prime!
-an image of Prime pops up. He is in his workshop.-
Prime: Im the original of our universe. When my Sonic shattered the Paradox Prism, new dimensions appeared! Oddly, without a Sonic to be seen.
- Images of the different dimensions pop up.-
Sails: Ahoy, me hearties! I be Sails, and I am apart of Capt’n Dreads crew!
-an image of Sails and his crew replace the image of his dimension.-
Sails: we be pirates! Sword fightin’, stealin’, and makin ye landlubbers feel welcome is what we do! We sail the whole ol briney deep in search of a good time.
Boom: you make pirating sound like a good thing!
Sails: Why, rapscallion! Of course pirating isn’t good! Unless ye run a rig from time to time whilst squiffy in the sweet trade! Blimey, you act like it’s a sin!
-Sails looks offended, and Boom stands there looking surprised, then a look of acceptance.-
Boom: yknow what, if that’s what you think pirates do, then good for you.
Sails: Ye be careful with runnin yer mouth-
Modern: ok, ok, chill! Mangey?
-Mangey stares directly into the camera.-
Adventures: hellloooooo??
-Mangey sniffs the camera, and starts trying to eat it.-
Modern: Mangey, no, bad! Cameras are not for eating.
-Mangey whines and sits back down.-
-An image of Mangey and his friends pop up to replace the image of his dimension.-
Modern: Mangey here lives in the trees away from the “monster.” Foraging for food is difficult, but Mangey doesn’t let that kill his spirits! Ain’t that right, Mangey?!!
-Mangey pants loudly and nods enthusiastically-
-All the images on screen are clicked away-
Modern: and now, lastly, but not least, IDW!
IDW: hello!
-A cover for one of the Sonic IDW comics pop up-
IDW: I’m from the IDW universe! It’s been a rough going, but I’m happy to finally kick back and relax with the squad!
-An image of IDW fighting alongside Sonic pops up-
Modern: I was worried you weren’t gonna make it!
IDW: I found a way!
-the images are clicked away-
Modern: Now that you’ve met everyone, I have a couple questions here from our audience that we’re going to answer!
-Adventure starts cheering!-
-Modern laughs-
Modern: Ok, everyone settle down! You ready?
Modern: let’s do this!
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trapper-faggot · 2 years
Thank god im getting hours again
long ass ramble under the cut
So I'm back at my old job.
I worked there August-early December as the head of an after school program, where I completely burnt out. I was working 45-50 hour weeks constantly, always on call, always stressed, so I hit my breaking point and quit. However I made a point to do so on good terms, and left the possibility of subbing open.
Well I lost 2 whole fucking months to depression, and job hunting is hell, and so I reached out to my buddy who is a site director at the site closest to my old one. She got me 3 shifts last week, and I could have picked up a 4th just I was busy when she messaged me. This week I have 3, potentially 4 once again.
And like... I LIKE the work, I love playing with kids, I love the routine, I love teaching. This job allows me to sit, hell sometimes large chunks of my shifts end up "racing a kid in long division cause he just learned and is super excited. this excitement is contagious and soon there are 5 children cramming around solving math problems" or "kindergartner spends recess showing me how good she is at hop scotch and karate and ballet and ballet karate"
Also?? I am DAMN good at my job. I am! I can admit that! My first ever job was teaching, I baby sat a lot, I genuinely really enjoy playing with kids and teaching. As a site director I was immensely overworked but it was universally agreed upon that I was thrown into a bad situation and did an amazing job all things considered! I held that place together until I couldnt anymore, and sounds like its still a mess over there, which tbh is validating. I am on top of things! I am a very good employee and teacher! As a former site director, I understand the back workings of everything, and what needs to be done. I actually made myself look good, because I remembered that since I was last there they had added a new government training needed for my file, and asked my friend if she could send me a link so I would be 100% up to date. Given that a lot of teachers are behind on or not doing their trainings, this makes me look fantastic.
AND!!! The pay is SO good. Like until I get my first paycheck I don't know what my exact rate is. but minimum wage here is around 15, starbucks I think i was getting 15.25, and this job starts teachers at fucking 19 an hour. As a site director I was getting 23 an hour, but post taxes it ended up closer to 19 cause it was a higher tax bracket. But like...either way. This job pays fucking bank if you can do the work.
And like... at the end of the day I am valuable and needed. The company has been having a lot of staffing problems, both from high turnover in the educational/childcare sector in general, but also because of federal background checks being super super slowed down. (this might not still be a problem but it was from july to december of last year). Other than this one training I am 100% trained. In fact for the position, over trained. I am comfortable with the job, know how things work, and like whether I'm officially a site director or not that is still a cohort I used to belong to, and I'm still in contact with one of them. I know people at most if not all sites, the district manager really liked me, and had actually tried to get me to stay by suggesting I step down to a teacher position, like I'm trying to get now.
IDK. Sorry if you've read all of this and are expecting a point, its just...so much to think about. Like...I left this job for a lot of reasons, but one was that I wasn't fully qualified for the position I was in legally speaking, and I was basically being slowly be replaced embarrassingly, cause everyone knew me as the one in charge but suddenly I wasn't. But I'm still a good teacher, it was just a bad situation. And like...theres a lot of teachers out there that aren't that great, but all the site directors in the area as well as the district manager know I'm damn good. And its this weird position where I'm basically walking in like "sup I'm back, you know you missed me, give me shifts, I can do whatever where ever, you know me" And so far it seems to be working.
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xxpinkprincessxx · 19 days
blog ig lollll
my life hasn't been very 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂tastic lately (what the RIZZ!) like wdym life isn't all sunshine and rainbows. :( aaaaaaanyways today I played fortnite w my pookie!!! then I showered and they had ppl over, so that was cool. I did some art w my mum and that was cool!!!1!1!!!! mums deserve more appreciation bro I'm like my mums no.1 fannbhjvh. I think our art turned out really cute tho!/srs ANYWAYYY after that me n one of my close friends played Roblox together 4 like 2 hours straight?!?!?!?!? we js played possessor a bunch and 1 round of flicker cz that kinda game is megachur!!!! don't get me wrong tho I ❤ dti! this evening I watched the boy and the heron w my fam and it was so litty litty. I haven't said litty for like five years (half a year) its crazy how my humour changes...
THE NEW ARCANE S2 TRAILER IS FINALLY HERE WHAT THE RIZZ IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm litersally such a pro at avoiding spoilers /srs I have only seen caitlyn and vi kissing accidentally but its whatever cz I was already hoping for that 😈 I'm so EXCITED there's sm cool stuff prepared 4 me within the next few months (october: life is strange new game, november: arcane s2)
i need to draw nz Miku b4 its too late!!!!1!111!!!!!! I always forget to hop onto trends lmao 💔 idek if I can do nz Miku its just where I've always lived and kinda the culture ard me??? also I don't think I've seen a nz Miku yet soooooooooooooooooooooo 😈
idk if I should keep a blog on here or spacehey?????!!!!!!!
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stunie · 1 month
Howdy~! If you're still doing matchups, I'd very much appreciate one ovo. wb, kn8, or blue lock if ur part of that one. Figure if there's one character that sticks out most from one of those dslkfjl. Thank you very much! You're lovely
For the prompts: my day has been delightful. I got to play a lot of my little farming sim with some friends. Something fun is that one of my rats kept asking me to pick her up so instead I just let her hop onto my sleeve. We played the game where I toss her and she runs back to jump up. A little about myself - I'm an artist at heart but a lover of the sciences. I like to read, especially goth horror. I'm more laid back and while I love working, nothing beats watching movies and parallel play. Crafts is the best and atm I've been working on modeling and printing a ball jointed doll.
HI NONNIE !!! omg you have rats ?!?! i had some when i was little !!! i barely remember it all but that is SOOO SO SO AWESOME i was reading through your ask like this :OOOO ??!???! okay!! here’s what im thinking ……
bachira!!! he thinks you’re so fun omg. farming sim?! rats?! crafts ?! goth horror ?! and he perks up a bit at each fact. very similar to the videos where people pretend they’re on a call and say a dog/kid’s favorite words and watch the way they perk up and get excited AAAA 😭 literally so cute. he wants to meet them !!! wants to see if they like his sleeves too. wants to hear everything about goth horror. he’s all ears. also wants to see the ball jointed doll when you’re done (is very excited about this)
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autisticelation · 2 months
i havent been on tumblr in a while but i just had such a huge shift in my life i need to talk about it (summary: i got an owner)
i was a bit lonely so my friend introduced me to his other friend (who sadly lives in the states while both of us live in europe) and we quickly clicked. we introduced eachother to our favorite games and hopped on call like in the first two hours since we started talking which was very unusual for me, considering i’m usually very shy when it comes to them, especially at first.
i watched him play games, we hanged out for a good few hours and we teased eachother a little bit, then he admitted to almost calling me a good boy which while unexpected, was very much welcome. he’s very gentle, charismatic, funny and always makes sure i feel comfortable with his jokes or actions, which while being the bare minimum still means a lot to me.
on the second day we got a little more personal and playful, which resulted in him calling me a puppy which was again, unexpected but welcome. at first i was very worried about weirding him out with my kinks considering a lot of people consider pet play to be a bit off, but he was very much okay with it and seemed into it. we talked for like good seven hours that day and he ended up calling me his puppy multiple times, but i was still very anxious about being a freak until he straight up asked me to bark for him !!!
then i realized how desperate i was for this kind of attention??? like someone calling me their puppy, having me bark for them and praising me for it, god it felt so good. not even saying it turned me on, because for me petplay is much more than just a sex thing which he understood and treats it the same way.
we’ve been on call with eachother for a good few hours (im talking 5-7 hours) for the past five days, with the exception of one (but we were texting a lot then anyway) so our connection quickly progressed. i was very anxious about everything at first, as i mentioned previously but it passed the moment he asked if i wanted to be his puppy, while he could be my owner. all while being friends!! which was perfect for me.
we hang out, play games together, talk about random stuff all while having that pet-owner relationship. i don’t believe it could be this way if he didn’t consider me his friend as well, because it just makes me feel safer in this arrangement especially considering how long our distance is. i’m not just something to get off to for him or anything (bc yes we did get sexual with this along the way lmao), we can chill together with no issue.
im propably getting excited over the most minor things as my friend who introduced us pointed out, but ive never had anything close to this. he double checks if im okay multiple times, makes sure im comfortable with things he tells me or orders me to do (even when i clarify i am, he loves to triple check) all while still having that dominant aura.
submitting and obeying him feels natural to me, it feels good and i just have the desire to do it any time no matter what. everything about him is just so attractive to me, everything i ever wanted in a friend as well as an owner.
and before you assume, both of us are aromantic so we are quite uncapable of catching feelings for eachother, which doesn’t devalue the fact we get along very well both as friends and as a pet/owner. we aren’t exclusive to eachother, the friend who introduced us is on it too so we are kind of having a threesome situation rn (even though it is clear im the puppy of the group 24/7 while my friend just switches, and even if hes more submissive as well i’m more submissive iykwm) and we have no problem with us seeing other people in the future because we are friends above everything else.
i have no rules or punishments and i always have the option to say no to every order he gives me, especially if its nsfw. he’s the softest dom i’ve ever seen in my life and is so happy that he has me, it’s insane, i’ve never felt more appreciated in my life. not to mention that even if i don’t know him that long, my friend knew him for months before this so i know i can trust him a little bit more.
so safe to say he sped run training me bc now i just bark for him without thinking and i giggle like a little bitch any time he calls me his pup or anything along those lines. i love him so much this is insane
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keefwho · 3 months
Perspective Exercises
Its sometime in 2019. I live in my apartment in Missoula. VR isn't new to me but I just started getting back into VRchat and I'm excited. I recently found a new Shygal avatar so I can play again while being a mute Shygal. I join on my newly made friend Blap who is in a popular world. It's meant to start you on an elevator but when I get in, the animation has already played and I'm spawned at the top. I go down the hallway into the big room. To my right is a mirror where people are at. Most of the area is open and occupied by a circular table and seating area. I join the people at the mirror, they are Blap's friends. I change my Shygal to a blue version to match his blue spartan. I am somewhat enamored by him, I've taken on a sort of following puppy role. I'm excited to be there listening to his friends talk. I do not interject in any way but I try to react when addressed. Soon we hop to another world.
I don't know if this counts but I think it would be fun imagining myself in different art pieces. Its early morning, there is a light breeze. Im in an open plain. Not far off is a large rock formation not unlike a tiny version of the mesas in Arizona. The sun is just starting to rise but the terrain blocks it from hitting me. The sun does reach the top of a cloud though and it is very bright and colorful. Behind it is the faint moon. The temperature is a little chilly. Steers graze nearby, I can smell them but it is not harsh. It is serene. I love this atmosphere.
I'm driving to anthron, my fursuit in the car. I'm so excited to see my friends and belong to a greater community. I film so many people in fursuits and I peruse the convention. I greatly appreciate what anthrocon means to the city of Pittsburg. It showcases the best of who we all are. I am in awe of the showcase of physical capability than can be achieved in a fursuit at one of the events. I got to meet him after the show and he doesn't speak english, but we still got along and that was inspiring. I got to debut my very own new song and Anthrocon tonight! I sang a song about not being cute and got some laughs from the audience when I forgot the words to my own song. I got to marvel at the creativity of people's fursuits while fursuit spotting. But above all I get to see my friends and make new ones. Society often makes us feel like rejects and for many of us, we've never experienced a sense of community quite like this. Im so very passionate about this fandom and the people in it. My friend even helped me with a panel I was scared to do alone. He means so much to me. This one was hard because I think it would be better if I wrote about this perspective taking after the fact. Maybe all of them for that matter.
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