#so it'd take a while for her to warm up to grey
fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Have you considered, Gladiator AU, Grey and Peach sparring and then it gets a little spicy before they realize wait Plum is watching.
Gladiator AU is building itself, with your suggestion in mind, lets see here...
So Peach got sold into the arena life as a young child, starting with helping warriors gear up, feeding people, feeding animals, moving bodies from the pit, removing gear. A lot of things a child shouldnt have had to do, but she started to pry, ask the fighters questions, practice wielding a sword at a young age, and while she failed, the people who came and went would either be cruel, or leave her with a tip or trick, and so she gained a lot of infomration in a short period of time about fighting and the nature of men, most of which was negative. Her brutality grew it had to for her survival, for her safety, and she snapped at her boss one time too many. They put her in the Arena as a half time joke, put a woman in, theres no way she'd come out alive right? But she did, and she kept doing it. Never given personal space, no room of her own, no door to lock at night to feel safe behind, or posessions to hold dear. She lived to fight, and fought to live, a vicious circle of expecting not to come out of the pits in one piece. If she was the meanest thing in the room, no one would touch her, no one would mess with her, she was safe for a moment.
Her biggest battle to date she won, and the person hosting, a young and quite pretty socilaite from a powerful family offered her a gift, asking her to remove the helmet so she could see the face of the victor. Plum, unaware of this gladiators reputation, watches a woman reveal herself, and is instantly fascinated. Not often you saw this happen. Peach asked for her freedom, still under ownership of the colleseum, and Plum obliged that in the only way possible at the time. She bought up Peach's contract, a hefty price for one warrior, but she'd becoem quite infamous and so the price tag went up. Peach was devestated at first, from frying pan to fire, she was still not free, but took this as a next step at the least. For what it was worth the pay was better as a personla guard, and the chances of death far lower. She was shown to a small room, a bed and some simple furniture, and asked to go to the head of Plums security detail for gear and further instruction. That being Grey. Now Grey was at teh fight, he saw her win, and was just as shocked to see her reveal herself. When Peach finally strode into the barracks to find him he was ready with gear, but first wanted to see Peach fight first hand, with a better sword and less distraction.
The rest of the staff found it impossible not to watch the two clash, Peach was quietly confident, and Grey saw her get a little hot under the collar as he caught her off guard, smacked a shield hard into her ribs to stagger the woman back a few paces. He was good, but she was quick, and the two found it an even match for what felt like an hour or two. It was a draw, both dripping with sweat, but...smiling? They'd met their match. Peach proved herself, and Grey earned her respect. Late nights were the worst, Peach found it impossibly boring being a personla guard, safe sure but dull. This life was slow compared to the arena. After a week of nothing happening, no attackers, no intruders, nothing but boring patrols and mindless drills, Grey threw the new hire a bone. A rematch to kill time, something Peach jumped at. Yet again they seemed to come to a stale mate, skills though different seemed evenly matched. With no one watching, Grey decided perhaps he could have a little fun with the newbie, instead of being on the defence, really swinging wide and heavy out of no where after being so controlled and collected. It got Peach on the back foot, being unprepared, block after block taken well, but a cheap shot, Grey kicking dirt up in her face forced her to raise a shield to try to block anything coming in. It was not enough.
Peach got tackled down, sword clattering across ornate tiles, still struggling to see, the painful compression on her chest of an impossibly heavy body marking defeat. "You cheat!" Grey laughed, knelt to keep her pinned, watching her squirm, getting a cheap shot in at his ribs with her fist, enough to get some of his weight off her. The wrestle for control was tough. It was the slew of swearing and metal gear scraping that awoke their boss in the dead of night, her elegant little form creeping back to her balcony to see a familiar sight in the dead of night, light from sconces picking out the flash of silvers and golds.
Meanwhile Greys got Peach's arm brace held, stopping her moving, she undoes the strap and frees herself, it gets thrown, but he's not giving her the option to get up and retaliate, grabs the front of her chest plate and keeps her pinned, unable to stop her loosing the straps, kicking his chest so he and her gear gets pushed back. She's down to a shirt, but does not quit. Grey has one key vulnerability, she knocked his helmet off at the very start and his gear isnt covering his neck. Peach takes a leap off a stone pillar, valting to get up to his height, legs wrapping around his neck, taking them both down to the floor. He had not expected the move, huge form brought to its back. She unsheathed the small dagger on HIS belt and held it, one hand on the back of its hilt at his face, not striking, but making it clear he'd have been dead if this was real.
He laughed and she was able to sit back, still atop his chest, both panting from the exertion of the fight. "I guess theres worse ways to end up with a gilr on top of me." Peach felt ther face heat up, slapping him on the arm hard. "Dont be an ass just because you lost." "Wouldnt call this so bad a loss." Grey's grin was cheeky, and forced her to start to get up. IT was at that point they both heard a twig snap, looking to the home they were suppose to guard, in the tended gardens their boss watching, wine in hand looking very smug. Plum sauntered a little closer, Peach getting up at speed, taking several steps back, realising she was out of gear, this looked way worse than it was. "Dont let me interupt you two, you were having fun." Grey grunted getting up, his gear weighing him down, feeling Plums hand brush his cheek as she walked past, not stopping to see him, continuing to see the new girl, who'd become quite nervous, standing to attention, flinching from the light touch that took note of the bare skin on her side, exposed now her gear was thrown to one side. Sure, maybe the young royal was revelling in her rather expensive addition to security, she planned to let Peach go free sure, but just not right away. Had to enjoy having her around for a little while right? "You're wasted under all that armour." Peach said nothing, mortified by the turn of events, even Grey ambled over and shunted her shoulder in a jovial way, not enough to knock her out of her now very stern and controlled behaviour. He could joke around, he wasnt the new hire, she however was not about to step out of line anytime soon. Both Plum and Grey let her grab her things and go, back to the routine, shuffling off fast out of embarrasment, leaving the old friends in a quiet moment. "So she beat you." Plum hooked her arm through his instinctivley, having him walk her back to her room, an act he did freely without request. "Seems that way. The Gladiator in her is surely a force to be reckoned with. She refuses to give in even when she's on the back foot." "Mm, a good addition then. You approve?" This week had been Grey's chance to test her, see just how hard she'd work and if she would be capable of the work with Plum. She had been compliant with every job he'd given to her. "No question, she'll fit in well here."
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cyxnidx · 7 months
König, ghost,soap x tall!fem reader (who is taller than König) for example, guys wear her sweatshirt, or steal cool clothes from her and forgot to return them, (at home) she comes up to them in a top and asks where her sweatshirt is
or such a case, People find out that König/ghost/soap has a girlfriend, and she is much taller than himself and people make claims to them, but then they become silent when her very tall figure appears behind him and looks at them disapprovingly and asks not to do this again speak.
you can combine it or do it separately
a/n: hehe i adore the first one, so thats what we're going with today :)
content: scenarios of könig, simon, & johnny boy taking ur stuff
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you sigh, finally arriving home after being at work for so long. but its alright, because now you have something to come back to when you get home. now, you have könig. he's home, for the time being, and you plan to take up every moment of it. only, when you come home, you can't find könig. which is fairly odd, because he always waited for you to come home. similarly to a puppy. as you can't find him in the living room, it's not until you make your way from the kitchen and to your room you see the man passed out, sleeping peacefully with soft snores escaping his lips. not only that, but he has a larger hoodie on. a hoodie you find quite familiar. getting a closer look, you turn him to his back gently to admire the hoodie that was currently keeping him warmth. it was one of your favorites, and similarly, you'd sleep in it too. it was only ironic to you that the man who's seemingly brutal and dangerous to others, can be so soft right now. finding comfort in your larger hoodie.
if there was one thing simon adored, it was jewelry. specifically yours. you collect jewelry, wearing it on occasion while he'd typically take it when he isn't deployed. from your rings, to your bracelets and necklaces, he takes it all. particularly your rings and some bracelets. sometimes, you'd be out while he's home and mid conversation you'd notice your watch on his wrist, or a chain bracelet you bought clinging loosely to his wrist. or, at times you'd watch him cook. and in the midst of you admiring him, you end up noticing one of your rings around his finger. or rather, multiple. not only that, but it'd get to the point where he'd take it with him for deployment. if he suddenly gets deployed, he'd take a ring or necklace he adores. and of course, its yours. he'd take it with him, and make it a personal mission to return it to you. no matter the cause or consequence, he'll get it back to you.
soap likes to be warm. in fact, his body runs moreso warm than cold, it seems. and in his constant attempts to stay warm, he'd sometimes end up taking your jogging pants. sometime during the winter when he isn't deployed and instead spending his cold wonderland days with you, he's almost always in your jogging pants. sometimes, you'd wake up from a comfortable, bonding nap with one another and instead of seeing him in his classic black or grey basic jogging pants, it's always your colorful ones. your colorful and animated sleep pants, that you both seem to absolutely adore. sometimes, you'd be watching a movie, a fluffy blanket covering the two of you resulting in you not seeing what he's wearing on his legs - only to feel the familiar fabric of sleep pants you wore some weeks ago. when you ask him about it, he'd tell you it's comfy.
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fugitive-96 · 1 year
Maid for Christmas (TG/FTF/ID)
Snow filled the dark grey sky of the winter day, trickling down to the ground below, before a pair of boots scraped through them, crinkling their way up towards a large manor house.
A group of eight people stood in the entranceway, all eagerly waiting to be let in. They had all seen an online advert for a Christmas temp position which many of the group figured was easy work, and had been invited to a group interview session on this very day.
The advert said the owner of the house needed several new employees for the Christmas season given the upcoming festivities. The exact nature of the job was unclear, but a job was a job and money was money.
Eric looked around in awe of the massive house.
"Man, wouldn't mind living here." Eric said to himself. He was a fairly tall decently built guy in his early twenties, with short brown hair and a pale face that was reddening from the cold.
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure a place this grand is probably pretty old, don't think it'd be easy to heat this time of year." Troy replied, who was a more average build with black hair.
"I don't know, maybe Eric's right. It'd be nice to get all warm and cozy in a place like this" Justine replied, throwing Eric a smile which he reciprocated.
The group of eight were all of similar age, all clearly in their early to mid twenties, save for one of them, Toby, who was clearly at least in his mid thirties.
Eric, Troy, Jake, Sean and Toby made up the male population of the group, whilst Beth, Sarah and Justine were the only three women. The entire group were fairly average looking, Sean seemed especially nerdy however with his large glasses and slight acne on his face, whereas Jake was slightly larger in build than the others.
Beth looked to be a bit more reserved, overdoing it with the number of layers she was wearing and having her hair block most of her face, whilst Sarah seemed a lot more outgoing with her makeup and fashion sense, Justine was somewhere in between.
"So, you guys doing this whilst studying?" Sean asked.
Most of the group nodded save for Toby, Sarah and Jake.
"Still haven't decided what I want to do yet, figured I'd just earn some money for now."
"Same." Jake replied.
"Oh, I graduated a while back. Just been doing small jobs here and there ever since." Toby replied, feeling a bit out of place amongst the group.
"Man, really hope they let us in soon." Eric said shivering on the spot.
"You said it, my nuts are freezing out here." Troy replied through gritted teeth.
"As opposed to roasting on an open fire?" Justine replied in a playfully witty tone.
"Ha ha." Troy responded sarcastically.
Beth walked up through the group and pushed lightly on the door, finding it to be open.
"Seriously?! It's been open this whole time?!" Said Sarah.
"Just figured I'd try, no-one else seemed to."
"Hang on, we sure were not supposed to be let in yet?" Eric said.
"What are they gonna do, fire us?" Troy replied as he entered, the rest of the group following suit.
Once inside they were immediately greeted by warmth. The interior was very spacious, with lavish wooden walls decorated with various engravings and sculptures, along with feminine statues lining one side. The place was old, but clearly well maintained, there wasn't a speck of dust or a cobweb to be seen with how much it glistened with a spotless sheen.
The group had little time to take any of it in as just then, the click of heels came from the hallway before a maid appeared from around the corner.
She was dressed in a latex maid outfit and carried herself very professionally, head held high as she addressed the group in a heavy French accent.
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"Ah. You are ze new employeez vor madame?" She asked.
"Um... yes! We were told to wait here?" Justine said slightly nervously, she along with the rest of the group all being rather taken aback by the sight of the maid.
"Parfaite. If you will follow moi and I shall began your tour of ze home." She said gesturing for the group to follow.
"First we have ze lounge. Zis is where Madame will have ze guests during ze Christmas party." She said opening a set of double doors leading to a lounge room. It had an extravagant design to the walls and ceilings, with various silver decorative pieces littering the room.
"I av been informed that two of you will be stationed here for your first introdhuctory lesson. Once you are done, you shall be given the tour of the remainder of ze house." The maid said gesturing for Beth and Troy to stay, before leading the rest of the group away.
"Guess we've got the job then?" Beth said.
"I guess so, don't get why they didn't tell us that on the invitation email, or why they said it was a group interview?" Troy replied.
Beth and Troy were left standing in the lounge before hearing the soft patter of heels against carpet coming from another doorway in the room, through which walked another maid dressed with a large grey coat over her outfit.
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"So, you ah mine for ze day?"
She had a mysterious yet sultry confidence to her voice and the way she carried herself, easing her way out of her coat allowing Beth and Troy to fully take in her figure encased in the sleek uniform, not noticing that she too was eyeing them as she removed her coat.
"I am Antoinette. I will oversee your... induction." She said coyly.
"Firstly, it is important that you adhere to ze strict dress code. All staff wear uniform of a similar style, but the materials are ze same." She said running her hands up and down her body, her fingers catching on slight folds and creases in the latex that caused it to crinkle and squeak loudly, all the while showing off her tightly encased figure.
Troy suddenly felt his temperature rise, it was hard to deny how sexy the woman was being, honestly it was bordering on something he'd see in a strip club, but for whatever reason something told him to just continue watching. He pulled at the collar of his shirt before releasing it, locked in on the view of Antoinette, but as he let go it did feel tighter around his neck, and the material seemed thinner and sleeker to his touch.
Beth too was feeling the heat as she watched, causing her to breathe heavily, her layers suddenly didn't feel as heavy over her anymore, and the feeling of weight on her chest seemed to grow slightly.
Antoinette then took a tray and carried it over to the nearby table, sliding it on in an exaggerated manner.
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"Uuh! Madame's guests expect... *moan!* Good presentation." She spoke between strained exaggerated moans.
"Hence your uniforms, ze are designed to highlight your figures."
Beth and Troy were both struggling to register what they were being told. They were both ensnared, their eyes and minds locked on the sight before them. With that Troy didn't notice his perspective shift slightly, his eyeline now being lower than before. His breathing had also become sharper and he generally felt somewhat lighter in his torso.
As she continued thrusting, the pair watching on couldn't take their eyes off her ass that jiggled with each thrust, with only a vague awareness that their clothing continued to make strange sounds, like they were straining or crinkling, especially somewhere low behind them that for both felt heavier than before.
As Beth watched on, she felt a need to instinctively reach a hand up to twirl a finger through her hair, but she never used to do that. Not to mention, it seemed shorter and curlier than before and more out the way of her face, like it had shortened, or something was holding it back on her head, like a cap or something.
Troy continued staring on, but he could vaguely notice some kind of straining sensation around his chest, with the crinkling sound being more like a pair of balloons slowly inflating and some degree of extra weight and sensitivity in that area.
The crinkling sound was now coming from all over the pair's bodies, with them feeling a sensation of tightness and encasement, but also a sensation of bareness, like whatever it was was a second skin to them. They could now register more of how their forms felt, even if their vision was still locked on Antoinette. Beth seemed to feel slightly more exaggerated in places, whereas Troy felt as though his entire body from the neck down was alien, completely unfamiliar to him.
Antoinette continued on, carefully placing items on the table whilst she flexed and bent her body into various positions to show it off, the material of her uniform still squeaking loudly.
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The pair rubbed their legs together as they watched, causing audible squeaks of material with a slick sound like it was pulling up, roughly to where a skirt would reach. Beth felt the material become looser in that area compared to Troy's which was to him felt tighter, more constrictive, tight enough to notice it feeling like something that was once between his legs was now gone. They heard the material move again, this time shortening their sleeves, causing Beth to feel a radiating sensation from her bear skin becoming exposed, as though it were more tanned than before.
They were completely entranced, unable to think or process anything resembling concern or fear at whatever was happening to them. Any trace of free will was sapped out of them with each second they continued looking on, completely ensnared in Antoinette's web.
"Organization and presentation is key."
Troy bit his lip, which the longer he held onto began to feel larger, along with the trace of a moan escaping his lips that was a far higher tone than his usual voice. Similarly with Beth she teased her lip with the tip of her tongue, hers also began to feel it was enlarging slightly, whilst also having a glossier texture than before.
"Her staff must adhere to the physical specifications she requires, your image reflects her image."
"That is, after all, why Madame hired you." Antoinette said playfully eyeing them as she arced her leg back into the air.
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"They expect to be fully served, and your bodies are fully capable of such varied... positions."
Troy pulled his face into a pleasured expression, which led to a small crunch, pop, and jolt at his head, it feeling lighter and sharper, nd generally more delicate than before, along with him hearing his hair trickle down the material in a ponytail against his neck.
Beth widened her eyes, causing her to feel a similar crunching sensation but not as extreme, more so feeling the weight of makeup on her face.
With that their clothing began gaining their final details, with white lining in places and a printed on apron for each, polished black heels on their feet, along with the area around Beth's chest lowering to show off her new cleavage. With that, there now stood two new maids for the manor.
Beth still somewhat resembled her prior self, just less reserved and more lively in expression whilst Troy bared no resemblance to his old self, his black hair now blonde, his face and wider form fully feminized, and overall he appeared more collected and mysterious with how 'she' carried herself.
"I expect you to dedicate yourselves to your tasks." Antoinette said in a slightly presumptuous tone, like a parent talking to their children.
"Of course, absolutely." Beth replied as she clapped her hands together, now sounding far more confident and outgoing with a wide-eyed expression, with her far more pronounced chest shaking with every movement she made.
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"We have much to do before the guests arrive. The room definitely needs further decorations for th-zis time of year. Are there any specific expectations about additional services?" She asked casually.
"I take it you are eager?" Antoinette replied.
"Well, we do have to fully dedicate ourselves to zeir service." Beth replied playfully giggling in response, her voice occasionally dipping into an accent.
"A time will come for zat. First, it is impehative that you know how to carry yourself."
"Like this?" Troy replied giving her leg a slight kick, holding out her hands in a delicate manner whilst giving a slight confident look to her face that was reflected in her voice.
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"Parfaite Mademoiselle!" Antoinette replied admiring the way the young woman was perfectly showing off the grace of her feminine figure.
"You av clearly trained very ard for this position."
"Merci, words cannot express how long I av wanted to be a part of ze staff ere, serving Madame." Troy replied, initially mimicking Antoinette's accent, before her voice completely shifted into a French accent.
"Aah, you will be a fun one." Antoinette said closely approaching Troy, resting a finger on her chin as she inspected the new maid.
"We av a few hours before we are expecting guests. I will show you ze rest of the uose, and we will then find ze rest of ze new staff."
"Ooh, I am so looking forward to meeting zem!" Beth responded, her bubbly voice now fully gaining an accent.
With that the three maids walked out, hips and arms swaying in a confident seductive manner as they ventured off into the rest of the manor.
To be continued?
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blimbo-buddy · 9 months
Greystripe and Silverstream probably keep their names but they remove kit from Feather and Storm.
It takes a while for Greystripe and Silverstream to adjust to kingdom life and are initially taken aback when they don't have to go hunting every day and there are dedicated cats and dogs for it.
They meet Millie and she is the one who comes developing food to Grey and Silver's den area.
They hit it off and they become good friends and she tours them around once their kits are able to toddle around and see the kingdom of Whiskerhaven.
They see dogs talking to cats, raccoons skinning the meat off deers and wild hogs.
Young cats being taught by single teacher and learning all the basics they need to learn.
They're overwhelmed and gradually warming up to it. It's just a lot to take in and they slowly and gradually but surely learn to love their new lives.
Greystripe joins the Knights, Silverstream helps catch fish and their kits are tended to by the local queens and taught in classes with the other kits.
I honestly want to give Greystripe and Silverstream something they never got in the clans. The freedom of choice. They can choose to do whatever and they aren't dictated to do a role and stick with it. They could've remained civilians and raised their little family.
Stars, I feel really happy for giving Smudge, Silver, Grey, and everyone just something more with their characters. I love them and wanted to give them life in this AU.
Oh man, I really enjoy this approach to GreyStripe and SilverStream, especially the latter because she doesn't get much time to shine. I like that she still has some snarkiness to her (which on a side note, I love the version of SilverStream where she's just a little bit spoiled). Especially the two's friendship with Millie, so easily could this fall into a love triangle thing where it's like "woooah will GreyStripe be with Millie or SilverStream?", but Millie just stays as a good friend to the two, I'm sure Storm and Feather like to call her "Auntie Millie", they most likely learned what Aunt and other familial words meant in those little classes lol (seeing as the canon clans don't ever really refer to their family as such beyond the parents and siblings. I wanna see Aunts and Uncles and Cousins, dammit!).
I really like imagining the two of them trying to fit into Kingdom life, it'd be a major shock to them with how different Kingdom culture is to Clan culture. Imagine GreyStripe having a hard time adjusting to the Knight position because of how different it is to Warriors meanwhile SilverStream's just having a blast with her fishing career, probably likes making the other Fishers laugh and makes Fishing 10x more entertaining. Listen it'd be funny seeing somebody toss aside their fishing rod only to then dive head first into the water and come out with a big ass fish in their mouth.
Although I just realized something: Imagine how devastated either one of them becomes when they find themselves battling against a clan cat patrol, and they see their previous friends and loved ones hissing and spitting at them, treating them like a stranger. They can see the hesitation in their eyes, but it's like the Clan cats get over it and go back to becoming hostile.
Overall, I really appreciate what you're doing with characters like Smudge and SilverStream with giving them more character to work off of. Especially with SilverStream seeing as it felt like she barely had much development beyond "GreyStripe's girlfriend who died giving birth". CrookedStar's Promise gave us some more ideas to work with but beyond that, not much. I appreciate the life that you're giving these characters, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
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elpida · 1 year
"Hi sweetie, sorry took a bit longer locking up downstairs than i thought. how was your day? everything going okay?" she'd grown so comfortable with Xander over the weeks, taken to that little pet name, sweetie, just rolled off the tongue. She'd even say he could wait for her upstairs in her apartment when she was still finishing up because she trusted him in her home. Eden turned to him with a soft smile, sliding the stained apron she'd left on up over her head and then catching sight of the photo album she'd left open on her coffee table. "Oh." she mused, a soft little smile. "Sorry, left that out last night.. don't get that out a lot really it's umm.." upsetting wasn't the right word, upset wasn't how she felt when she looked through it, it was something far deeper than that. "That one isn't baby photo's or anything it's more.. me and my Brother, the most recent ones we had together or, sort of the ones from college upwards."
For a little while Eden tinkered around her kitchen but when she went over to the sofa she held out a hot mug that'd.. sort of become his mug in her home, one that she'd actually gone out and bought because there was a big dog and a little cat on there and it'd reminded her of Auggie and Romeo. She settled on the sofa beside, one leg folded and tucked underneath the other. That was when she reached forward and brought the photo album up between them.
"That right there is me when I went to college, my gran she always wanted me to have a back up, just incase so.. I did go to college, I hated it though. That's my first day and Ben showed up to take my to my first class, make sure I didn't get lost. We went to the same but, he already knew his way around. I was really nervous for it so I think he just.. showed up to calm my nerves." her fingers rested over it, traced the photo. "He was really kind like that, I mean people say that I'm kind but.. no, nothing like him. If someone needed a cheerleader in their corner, Ben would be that cheerleader." she flicked a few pages, they were so alike in so many ways and then again, not. They both had the same pitch black hair and whilst Eden's hair formed such soft waves, Ben's formed the tightly curly ringlets, she had the softest spring green hues and he had the same shape to his eyes, just his were more grey than green. His brows, thick and dark, not as sculpted as hers.. one thing was noticeably different, he was significantly taller than Eden.
The photo she stopped at made her laugh, it was the two of them outside the bakery, except Ben was holding a cake. "This was the first day that I sort of.. properly took over the bakery as mine, it wasn't long after our grandmother died and.. it sounds silly but the bakery was the thing that made me get up and get out of bed and.. give it some effort, rather than being miserable you know? he said it was absolutely absurd that working and owning a bakery, i did not make myself a cake to congratulate my first day.. so there he is, turning up with this terrible and god.. I mean it really was terrible cake that he'd spent far too long making but it was.." enough to warm her cheeks with how wide her smile had been, like it had now. "Don't even ask what it says on that cake because I don't even think he knew." Enough to make her laugh at the memory.. enough to make her heart ache.
A lot of the photo's where silly poses, selfies they'd taken at the cinema but there was this really sweet one where Eden had fallen asleep on his shoulder and he took photographic evidence of it. "We did movie night, every Thursday.. took it in turns buying snacks and we'd bicker every time because I like sweet popcorn and he liked salty. We'd always end up getting sweet either way." Eden knew she was talking Xander's ear off but.. she never really talked about Ben. She'd never really been comfortable enough with anyone, to let them know all these little memories she cherished. "We even made sure that we did breakfast together every Sunday. Granny made this whole tradition when we came to live with her.. every Sunday was proper breakfast. That meant it was either a big cooked breakfast, or pancakes. No scrimping either, if it was pancakes it was with all the terrible toppings that kids like but.. we kept the tradition. I think people thought it was actually weird because he wasn't like that cringey big Brother, he was my best friend, I could rely on him, you know?"
That little reminiscent smile was that, a smile but it was so.. sad. It was filled with so much heartache, so much longing. "He wasn't a bad man, you know? I get he probably seems it I mean, the whole money thing.. he uh, I think he did that for me. I think he did it selflessly so that I had the bakery, I remember being so scared we'd lose this place when my Granny spent her whole life building it up and loving it, and that it'd just be gone so I think he did all of that for me. I never did figure out how he did it at the time and then he.." then he was gone. He was gone and she'd spent so long being alone. Her fingers had stopped flicking through the pages because she'd got to the last one. No more photo's after this one, and the photo album still had pages left to fill. The last photo was of the almost twin like siblings just at a park, being silly, normal siblings together. He'd pulled an idiotic duck face whilst Eden was in the background, feeding the local ducks at the pond. That was the day before he died. "I still feed those ducks." she forced herself to huff a little laughter, if not she'd start sobbing but her fingers drummed over that photo, other hand lifting her mug to sip her tea.
"He uhh.. he wasn't meant to go when he did.." she started to explain. "That night—" she tapped more prominently on the photograph. "I'd gone out, seen some old college friends that were visiting. I never really let my hair down and he told me to have a little fun and that he'd come and get me when I was ready to come home, never liked me walking home alone after I'd have a drink so.. I got a little drunk and Ben came and got me, walked me home.. It was late and he tucked me up in bed, made sure I had water and something for my head." she was staring down at it, not crying not.. fretting or upset just, remembering it. Her hand absent mindedly reached across to rest on Xander's leg. "If I'd been more.. with it, I'd have told him to stay. I'd have said sleep on the couch it's late, I'd have have made him stay.." and this was the one and only reason behind why Eden didn't drink anymore. "He left, when he thought I was okay.. and it was about, three minutes. All of three minutes, I'm lying in bed.. I hear this gunshot and.. I mean nothing had ever sobered me up quite as fast as that because I think I knew. I think some part of me knew.. who else right? It'd been so close to this apartment.. he was shot at the end of the road. I tried calling and calling, and then when he didn't answer I got my coat on, went out there and.. he was already dead. He was just lying there and I always thought if I just.. if I'd just told him to stay." that's when she turned and properly looked at Xander but her eye squinted slightly. "It's fine, it's been a while now I'm okay, honest but... are you? You kind of look like you've seen a ghost— bad joke."
Eden had loved her Brother more than anything, like she said.. he'd been her rock, her best friend. He'd been her protector, he'd kept her safe and he'd have done anything to make her happy but.. now she'd be forever stuck with a memory of cradling her Brothers body and begging with gods she'd never believed in, pleading with the heavens that she'd will to exist if it meant they'd listen and answer her prayers, to bring her Brothers back, to give him just five more minutes. @secretscost
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purposefully-lost · 7 months
Time didn't even feel like it was passing. There were signs of it all around him in conversing voices that drifted from other rooms and the scratching of a pen from the desk beside him, but it was as if it was all playing on a loop. It was just him, still sitting in the clothes he'd been wearing two days ago, shivering under the AC that was on for some reason even though it wasn't yet warming up outside.
Spring break was in another few weeks. Drew was taking off work and Charlie planned on closing up the shop so they could all pile together for the drive down to the ranch. In all honesty, he'd been nervous about it after everything at Christmas, but his invitation hadn't been rescinded. He was gonna prove himself on this trip, reintroduce himself to Jackie and apologize for the mess he'd made of their last meeting. He wasn't gonna drink. His dad said it'd be good for him- good for all of them, but he'd been looking at Charlie when he'd said it. He'd been inclined to believe him.
He felt sick. He thought about slipping away to a bathroom, but he felt like just the simple act of standing up would be enough to make him vomit. So instead he sat, and waited, and felt the questions repeat in his head. Where had been two nights ago, what time did he leave the house, did he leave alone, where did he go, could he prove it-- So, you two did have an argument? Asked in a casual, almost bored tone, as if the disappearance of his little brother wasn't the worst nightmare Charlie could conjure up. Somewhere, from someone, his drinking problems had come up, and the arguments before this one, and slowly he realized that they thought it had all gone somewhere. He'd broken down then, and maybe he shouldn't have swore at the detective giving him questions, but the panic had been too much to bear. He hadn't realized that they'd thought something had been done to Jay, much less that they believed he himself had been capable of it. Sure, he fought with his brothers, but he'd die for them, too. In a heartbeat, he'd have traded places with Chris. Now, even if he was just dead in a ditch somewhere, he'd trade himself with Jay.
The thought made him shudder, his eyes squeezing shut while he tried to block it out. No, they'd find him, or he'd come home, and it'd turn out alright. Asshole had probably just run off with his girlfriend somewhere and shut his phone off. This wasn't anything serious.
Footsteps moved through the room, though this time they stopped in front of him. Charlie slowly looked up to find his mom, as dressed down as he'd ever seen her in a zipped-up jacket and blue jeans. Her eyes were red around the edges, the same guarded sort of grey Charlie often wore. All it took was a glance for him to push himself to his feet and fall into her arms like a frightened little kid. He choked as he felt her arms around him and did his best to stifle the sob that wanted to escape him. He heard her let out a soft huff of breath.
"I'm here to take you home, Charlie," she said simply, pushing him back by the shoulders to see his face. She sighed at the sight she found there, all red and sticky and exhausted. If it'd just been a few tears, it would've been fine, but with the hysterics and the cussing and the outburts, he might as well have just plead guilty. "You need to calm down," she told him. "This isn't the place. You're better than this."
There wasn't a bone in his body that seemed capable of calm at the moment. Really, he was acting like a child when she needed him to be anything but. Every moment she watched his face, he sank deeper into that sort of distant, muddy look she'd become familiar with when he'd been a teenager. Sandra frowned. "Charlie. We've got a lot to talk about."
"I didn't so anything," he said finally. His eyes still weren't quite on her face. "I mean, I- I yelled at him, a- and I should've waited to leave, but I didn't think-"
"You're not thinking now!" She snapped, her voice lowered. She didn't need him saying another word where law enforcement could hear it. She didn't know yet the full of what happened, and the last thing she could deal with right now was him incriminating himself while the search for Jay was still ongoing. Grabbing his wrist, she reported herself to just treating him like he was still five years old, and tugged him with her towards the front lobby of the building. She continued as they moved. At some point he finally must've found the presence of mind to jerk his arm back to himself, but even then she found herself herding him towards the door. The moment they through the parking lot and safely within her car, she glanced towards him. "Now start talking," she said, looking away again to start the engine. "And don't tell me what you didn't do, tell me what you did."
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asknarashikari · 8 months
With people not attaching to Spanner's "cool" asshole demeanor…. it'd likely change 180 when they display scenes like Spanner being heavily injured and bloodied fighting a bad guy (like MOTW), and keep going by determination. I mean it's not a change in himself because he's already fighting off Malgam as an Alchemist, just power creep.
By then he'd be likely hailed as a "true hero" but "different flavor" to Hotaro. And any perception of him before will change that all his previous behavior will be depicted in positive light, like:
Him insulting others is just a "tough love" so that they'd step up.
Him forcibly taking Hotaro's driver to the point of attacking him is seen as him "knowing better" (that if the Driver is used by stronger ones, more people will be protected).
His behavior to Rinne is ofc, being "chivalrious" and "gentleman".
This is a common occurence regarding asshole characters and how viewers warm up to them, insisting that the show just give wrong first impression regarding them and that they gotta "learn" to not look and judge people on the surface, only the insides matter.
Seems that what's considered a "true hero" by some people is, merely when they've done something with blaze of glory and... any other actions be damned. Typically involves hardship, suffering, and/or sacrifice + beating up bad guys, and it's often a praise for that they "still manages to stand up through all odds" (when bloodied against an opponent).
Ofc he's one of the good guys still who fights off bad guys, but to use said moments to paint these kind of characters equally righteous and noble 'true hero' as most main Rider types..... and that you can't refer to them as "assholes" anymore lest you're disrespecting their good deeds or being too simple-minded to comprehend someone complex.... yes he's good, but the negative traits are still there and makes them lean towards grey more (with good outweighing bad).
"Asshole" (or even evil, for villains) is used on anything they don't like and if they've gained their personal respect/admiration it goes 180 completely.
Well, to be fair, the show does go out of its way to show Spanner being dead wrong about the Chemmies and still being stubbornly set in his ways. With how adorable they've set the Chemmies up to be, it would be pretty difficult for him to be seen in a positive light unless he actually acknowledges being wrong.
While I would grant that he has a point about Houtaro's inexperience being detrimental to the mission of retrieving the Chemmies, the fact that he just expects everyone else to hand the Driver to him is utterly irritating.
Funny you mention how he acts towards Rinne... that's another thing he has against him. Because here on tumblr, as far as I've seen, people pretty much agree he acts like a creep toward her. The fact that she's the only one he's nice to doesn't really give the impression of him being a gentleman or chivalrous (since a real gentleman would be polite and civil towards everyone, and as things are he can't even bring himself to respect Minato's authority over his students, despite Minato being the more senior alchemist). And the age gap certainly doesn't help.
I haven't seen anyone who actually likes him so far. Yeah, he's probably gonna get his ass kicked before he actually changes enough to be liked, though from what I've seen so far (here on tumblr anyway) people think he's had it coming for a while. While I do think there would be a contingent of fans who think him getting his ass kicked is enough to earn their sympathy, I hope that more would want to see him actually changing his ways before they change their mind on him.
That, and they have to explain his preoccupation with Rinne in a non-creepy way.
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jumping-joey1104 · 10 months
Eyy! Could I possibly get a slenderverse matchup? I’m Brynn, or B. :] I’m 5’2, I go by she/her but don’t really care all that much, and have dark reddish hair and really pale grey/green eyes. Aesthetic ™ consists of plaid shirts, dumb graphic tees, and toques (or “beanies”) I am autistic and have GAD. I’m very friendly, and cracking jokes, as soon as you meet me, but it might take me a while of getting to know you, to become less awkward and reserved.. Show my true colours. Those being, I’m a cryptid that stays up all night, eats your food, sends you cursed images/memes you didn’t ask for, and brings dead things to the house. I’m fascinated with taxidermy, and come from a family of hunters. I collect a ton of weird stuff, and if you gift me something like a weird bug/rock/bone/mushroom etc, you found on a walk, I’ll love you forever. I love bugs, and you have to be okay with that. I keep bugs as pets, and will drag you outside to look for bugs, this is a threat /j Not only do I love bugs/reptiles/weird animals, but I also LOVE horror movies. I’m easily excited by gore, and endlessly thrilled by practical effects. I’m an amateur SFX artist with my certificate in fake injuries for film, so expect a lot of fake injury stuff too :] - Thank you!
(Ay you're my very first request!) Alright, after careful consideration I have chosen the one and only
It's your quiet attitude and your t-shirts that first get him, the fact that he finally meets someone that's the same height also makes him want to stay by your side (tiny squad).
Sometimes he'll try to steal your t-shirts, don't worry though! He'll let you steal his and it's his favorite thing when you two trade your graphic tees
My thought is that you two first meet as the group starts recording their fitness videos, the two of you staring at a large bug together as he tries to figure out what kind of bug it is.
After that when you show him your collection of weird stuff he loses it and will bring you weird looking rocks and other knick-knacks he finds while filming with the boys.
He's always willing to go out into the woods with you, it's not like he's scared of all the bugs and animals in the woods. Although you might need to remind him that he'll scare off animals if he keeps stomping around
After a while he always keeps his phone off silent and extra leftovers in his fridge for you, always planning on a late night sleepover filled with horror movies and snacks.
Although he quickly opens up to you, he understands that it'll take a minute for you to warm up to him. He'll be worried about scaring you with his energy and knife collection so be prepared for lots of gifts and snacks
Even if you guys don't stay friends, it wouldn't be much different dating him
It'd be a rare occurrence that you two go out in public, why go and pay for food when he can make you two a dinner at home?
Blockbuster only closed in 2014 so up until then it was a date night to go and pick some horror movies together and stay up till morning watching random scary movies together
He quickly gets used you bringing home dead animals, has about 3 cans of Febreze under each sink just for that reason
When he learns about your GAD he becomes a little bit over protective of you, making sure that you're ok constantly and hesitates to bring you around new people
After a while he gets better at his worrying, you two making a kind of code word for when it's too much for you in a situation
After dating for a bit you can find him wearing more of your t-shirts and some of his in your drawers, don't question how they got there (He put his in and traded them with yours whenever he comes over)
He definitely lets you practice your SFX on them and you two for sure have sent the photos to the rest of the group to give them mini heart attacks
But in the end of the day, even if you stay friends or end up dating there's no difference except for some extra affection and a title.
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borderlinesatou · 1 year
I'm so sick of her. She's making me hate you. All you do is complain about her and I genuinely don't think you realise it.
Do you know how miserable you've become since you moved in with her? Everything's about her. It's never about you. You won't let yourself be upset because "she has it worse". You're literally pitying her, that's all it is.
She gets upset at the smallest things and you beat yourself up over it like it's your fucking job to make sure she's happy.
I know I got extremely lucky still being with my teen sweetheart. We grew into full functioning adults together after going through a ridiculous amount of shite together thanks to my family. Never once have I ever felt pitied by her but I know for a fact she feels pitied by you. You said it yourself, she got mad at you for being concerned for her wellbeing, because she thinks that you don't trust her judgement. Even though you have every reason not to since she's the way she is.
I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's not being malicious purposefully but that doesn't excuse the fact that she is manipulative often.
The fact that you feel guilty about having your own interests and hobbies is such a huge issue I don't understand how you can't see it. It's another reason for the pile of why I think you shouldn't be dating.
You shouldn't have to force her into spaces and activities that are yours alone to enjoy, shes literally going to ruin cons for you for the rest of the time you go, which I feel like will stop eventually when you realise you can't be around your friends since she'll cry if we start talking about cock and balls.
You love talking shite and she turns you mute. It sounds like the most dull, mind numbing conversations to have with anyone ever. Like what is there to even talk about that doesn't involve her, that's solely yours? God forbid you have interests she isn't a part of because that'll upset her 🥺
Its ridiculous. You're such a warm bright colourful person with so much personality and humor and you're just grey with her.
I can never say any of this to you directly because I think it'd finally be the end of our friendship but honestly I don't know how much longer I can see you like this, it's genuinely hurting me.
She didn't know you were suicidal and you've been together over 2 years. Is that not alarming? The lack of knowledge of your mental state bc she never looks outside herself. I know you deny how unwell you are because you never let yourself be the one with issues but if she really knew you she'd know that without being told.
I think you should break up.
I know you're lonely, and I know you want a relationship, but God, you're not meant to be on eggshells at every turn, wondering if you've something wrong or done something wrong to upset her. You're not supposed only care about her feelings and never check on your own.
I really think you should end it.
Obviously you live with her so that's a complication but you know your mam would take you back in a heart beat.
I think you should go. I'm saying this with the most sincerity I can. I am saying this as your oldest and closest friend. Please leave her to better yourself. It'll hurt, obviously. But in the long run you deserve to really be happy. Happiness is not what you have. You wouldn't be this way if it was.
These feelings aren't new or sudden. I've felt this way for well over a year. She made you a completely different person while you're with her, then when you finally get time to see us you complain about her in some sort of way
Of course no relationship is perfect, I've gotten annoyed at 🐰 before, most were due to outside forces (primarily my family) but we've always talked it out. You keep stuff from her, you feel like you can't be honest with her out of fear. None of that is normal or healthy.
You really really should consider breaking up.
I just want you to be happy again.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
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where were you when i was lonely (my divine - love, love, love) | k. tetsuro
♡ tags ;; fem!reader (wearing a dress, heels, makeup), friends to lovers (kinda), inappropriate workplace relations, jealousy, confessions, hurt/comfort, riding, protected sex, vaginal fingering, oral (f!recieving), handjobs, very vanilla and lovey stuff. this is the most soft thing i've ever written ever.
♡ wc ;; 8.3k (please.)
♡ a/n ;; hi!! i haven't written anything cohesive in ages. but i managed to get this out. this was written for @spacelabrathor and @titan-fodder's better than fiction collab. please check out the masterlist here!!
additionally - this is very different from everything i've ever written before. it focuses a lot on feelings of? jealousy and how love changes as we get older so i hope you enjoy. title is from a mac miller song!!
♡ synposis ;; kuroo and you have known each other since you were 15. you've been through every milestone under the sun. but more and more you think to yourself - how nice it'd be if he wanted you.
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“Do you wanna see a magic trick?”
Kuroo’s taken his suit jacket off for the night. The heather grey vest is still buttoned tight to his torso, accompanied by a silk red tie (a gift from the sponsors’ daughter) and the crispest white dress shirt you’ve ever seen. You look around for it, among the tables.
Eventually, your eyes land on said girl from before. What was her name again? You don’t remember, something with an A, maybe. She’s holding it over her shoulders with a soft flush on her face, cuddled into the material. You remember she’s still in college, and then roll your eyes as Kuroo steps beside you.
You shift your weight. The strappy stilettos dig into your heels, the bottoms calloused. You lean forward onto the table, cracking your neck.
“A magic trick?”
Kuroo lets his forearms rest on the table, mirroring you. He nods, grinning.
“A magic trick,”
The night air is starting to nip at your fingers, but you still reach over for a drink. A flute of champagne you steal off a server's platter with a grateful nod. Your lip color smears a little, dark on the rim as you take a long sip. Halfway between that and chugging it, until you feel a little warm from inside out.
“Not really,”
You laugh slightly as his face drops.
“Why not?”
“Are you gonna pull a deck of cards out of your pocket?”
He reaches into them with a mischievous grin, and you believe for a second he really will. But he doesn’t. Instead, he pulls out a paper napkin with a phone number and a lipstick stain smudged on it. Not yours, but someones.
Your face contorts, trying to determine how you feel. Just business, you think. It’s always just business, but the soft and sudden wave of melancholy is hard to ignore.
“I would’ve rather seen you pull a bunny out of a hat or something,”
Your response is non-committal. You let your body sway a little, standing tall as a song you like plays. The beat thrums through your chest, makes your spine tingle. Maybe you’ll go dancing. If you’re already here, and your feet already hurt - it wouldn’t kill you to go dancing. Maybe with that one girl from H.R., you’re willing to bet she’d dance with you. The thought cheers you up. Enough that you smile, lightly.
Kuroo takes the paper and folds it back into his pockets. And then he looks at you, while you look around. You see him, indefinitely - in the corners of your eyes and lingering. But you’re busy trying to take in the surroundings. The outdoor party, the dance music, and rich CEOs with girls a little too young to laugh at their jokes.
Mostly, you’re looking at the lights. Little set-ups of fairy lights all around the outdoor venue that feel like magic. It’s cold. You wish you wore tights after all, and the lack of hair on your legs makes you even chillier. Your hands smooth down the front of your dress when you take the last sip of your champagne flute. When it’s all gone, you peep at the empty glass.
Kuroo is still looking with an unreadable expression. You’re starting to wish you just said yes to him when he asked you about his magic trick.
“It was a good trick,” You say, trying to ease the tension. Kuroo lets out a sigh and steps a little bit closer to you. He’s doing that thing where he’s in your space.
Backing down, or stepping back - somehow always feels like losing. So when his hands reach to your earrings and tug at the thin, dangly things - you end up looking at his face too close for your own comfort.
An unsteady breath leaves your mouth. Suddenly your chest feels tight as he stares at you keenly.
“These are new,”
Too much, you think. You want to put your hands on his chest, but you put them on his shoulder instead. Your heels click on the floor (stone? concrete? you can’t tell) and you give him another smile.
“You’ve had a lot to drink,” You say, louder than you need to. For the magic trick. It’s not true. You think he’s had a glass, maybe two - and it takes about 4 times that to get him drunk. You know cause you’ve seen it tens of times now.
He steps back. His hands travel into his pockets, and he fidgets with the paper anxiously. Subconsciously. Your eyes flick down to his shoes. Expensive Italian leather dress shoes. It suits him. The style, the color, the nice material.
“Do you want some water?” You ask.
“Not really,”
He offers you a smile at that. You think he’s being sincere. You think Kuroo is sincere most of the time but you never commit to that with any real certainty. You huff some air through your nose.
“Tough crowd,”
Kuroo laughs at that, and the tension eases off a little bit. You hear something buzz from your purse (oversized clutch), and suddenly - you’re brought away from the entire scene. You reach for it, rummaging past powders and glosses and a couple of loose sticks of gum.
You take your phone out and the bright light hurts your eyes as you stare at it. A text from your boss.
“Deal just closed,” You say. And Kuroo looks over to the magic trick, Ayame? And she’s waving over to Kuroo before blushing all over again. He waves back politely and then looks at you apologetically. You don’t say anything.
Your phone dings again. Not your boss this time, but a friend.
yakuuu: (sent 11:11pm) if i never run again in my life it’ll be too soon. tell tetsuro i said hi.
There’s a picture of him laying on some grass fields, sweaty. You tap love onto the image with a small laugh, typing back.
“Yaku says hi,” You say, in the midst of typing. Besides you, Kuroo grows still.
you: (sent 11:13pm) i will. my deepest condolences, the idea of running that much makes me want to puke.
yakuuu: (sent 11:13pm) you’re cute im sure you don’t have to worry about it.
That makes you snort, and you type back something short calling him stupid before telling him you have to go. Having your phone out too long at these functions makes rumors spread. You click the device shut and tuck it back into your clutch.
Reality settles back in when Kuroo is looking at you as soon as you look up. He’s got a half-smile on his face, hands in his pockets again. Something lingers, unspoken in the air. His tongue smooths, pink over his lower lip as he leans one elbow on the table.
“How much longer are we… obligated to be here?”
Kuroo checks his watch. Another expensive piece, a ROLEX. It was a gift from Kenma. He stares at the small clock face for a second or two and doesn’t lift his head to speak.
“It’s probably safe to leave now. Just have to make the rounds,” Kuroo says, voice mellow.
“...Did you,” ― You clear your throat awkwardly, wincing a little ― “Did you… wanna stay longer or?”
His eyes widen. Shaking his head, he laughs under his breath.
“No…I’m good to go,”
“You sure? I don’t ask ‘cause of your… magic trick, I just ask cause you tend to stay late. I don’t mind leaving by myself, I can always fall ill like a maiden,”
Kuroo laughs a genuine laugh at your quip. A pleasant warmth spreads through you.
“No, I’ve done enough business tonight. I wanna go home and watch a movie before bed,” He says, off-handedly.
“Busy day tomorrow?”
“Nah. Off-day. But I wanna spend it being a whole-hearted lazy bastard so,”
He shrugs his shoulders and you break out into a smile that turns into a laugh.
“Yeah, I feel you. Let’s make a game plan and head out,” You say, yawning and grabbing your clutch
“Sounds good,”
“Going in such a hurry?”
You look over at Kuroo who’s entertaining Ayame and her father very briefly. It’s just a flicker, a glance to see how long you have left. A while from the looks of it. Your feet are killing you, but you’re quick to redirect your attention. No use complaining now. You let your gaze go shimmery. Soft, delicate, round.
Pushing your lower lip out, you laugh followed by a yawn.
“I like my beauty sleep, Mr….?”
“Hayashi. You can drop the honorifics, I think we’re the same age anyways,”
You struggle to put it together for a second. Chestnut hair styled back, a handsome face with sharp eyes and full lips. Mixed with something. Hayashi. A company that’s been friendly with the Jackals and especially Kiyoomi.
The realization settles but you try not to let it show. You laugh lightly.
“I look younger than I am,” You tease. He laughs.
“Is there a way I should address you? Nee-san, maybe?”
You arch your brows. A soft smile graces your features, looking him over. Tailored slacks, loafer shoes, a tie with a flowery print, and bright colors. Among the stiff collars and black-tie formality, he sticks out sorely. Not rigid or overly formal speech, and with good humor. You don’t feel bad appeasing him. You smile.
“I wouldn’t get so cocky,” You supply. He laughs at that.
“Never hurts to try,” ― His nonchalance is relaxing. Familiar, but you try not to think about it. His fingers loop into his belt loops, stretching slightly ― “Is sleep the only thing that has you hurrying home?”
You tilt your head to one side, brows furrowed with an amused smirk.
“Like what, exactly?” You prompt.
“Mm, a lover? I guess I’m asking if there’s a husband or wife whose toes I might be stepping on.”
You scoff, just barely before grinning. Your cheeks burn from warmth and a mild embarrassment. When was the last time someone approached you so openly, you wonder? You can’t help but giggle behind your palms.
“You’re confident. Kind of inappropriate for the setting, don’t you think?”
He steps just a little closer to you.
“Not a fan of the overly formal stuff, if that wasn’t obvious. Perks of being an heir, maybe,” He says openly. “I didn’t get a real answer to my question, yknow?”
You look again, at Kuroo who’s talking openly. Just business, you remind yourself.
You shake your head.
“Nothing like that,”
He smiles back at you.
“Good to know,”
“Yes ma’am. Not often I see a pretty woman looking bored at one of these functions,”
“Who taught you to talk like that?”
“Picking up sweet talk is why you’re here in the first place. Gotta know a thing or two, right?”
“Can’t say you’re wrong,” You say back.
Of all the events from tonight, this conversation has redirected your attention entirely. You decide to let it happen, going along with his whims. You’ll be home in an hour and it won’t matter by then so you let yourself be swayed by his charms. He’s straightforward, and you like that. It helps that he’s handsome.
“Can I ask what you do? Your formal title?”
“Brand and budget manager for the MSBY Jackals.” You say almost on automatic.
“Charming stuff,”
You chuckle.
“Very. Do I need to ask you or is my guess of department head pretty accurate?”
He laughs full-on.
“On the nose.”
A comfortable silence settles between you two as you shiver slightly from the cold. You ready yourself to apologize for it but Kuroo finally seems to approach. You don’t know if you’re allowed to feel disappointed or not when he calls out for you.
“Hey, sorry - they had stuff they wanted to ask me about,” ― Kuroo says sheepishly, before pausing completely ― “Oh, who’s this?”
“Mr. Hayashi from the Hayashi brand.”
Kuroo sticks a hand out to him out of habit which he accepts. They shake hands firmly, nodding to each other.
“Nice to meet you. Kuroo Tetsuro,”
“Much obliged,”
Before you can get a word in, Kuroo is turning to you curiously.
“You ready to go?”
“Ah.. actually Mr. Hayashi and I were uhm -”
There’s a pause where Mr. Hayashi pulls out a business card from his wallet and a marker from the inside of his suit jacket. You watch alongside Kuroo, silent, as he flips the card over and scribbles something onto the back in black ink before handing it over.
“I wouldn’t wanna get in the way of your beauty sleep,” He offers politely, grinning. He hands the card to you, making sure to squeeze your hand for a long while. He pats your palm, staring at him a little awestruck. From beside you, you can feel Kuroo’s prying gaze.
“There’s my card and my personal number,” He says, voice dripping with such flirtation it astounds you “I won’t take it personally if you don’t call, but I’d love if you did.”
He steps back giving you a warm smile. You stare back, trying to pick your jaw up off the floor. You do your best to mirror him.
“Right, thank you,”
“Get home safe, Nee-san,” He all but coos. Your eyes go wide and then, without meaning to, you laugh loudly.
“You too,”
With that, he turns on his heel to leave. You can practically feel Kuroo’s eyes on your silhouette. You make a firm choice to ignore it.
“We should uhm… get home.”
He’s quiet for a while.
You wish you brought your car. But you and Kuroo always go 50/50 on Uber rides home - so you’re in the backseat with Kuroo six inches away from you. You try your best not to face the window, or to turn away.
But the silence feels like a broad-stroke - heavy and a little demanding. You fidget with a ring on your index finger, palms in your lap. Your eyes flicker over your bare ring finger. It’s not like you’ve ever cared to be married. You chose work on purpose, but the thought crossed your mind tonight, admittedly.
A husband or wife wouldn’t be so bad, you think. It’s a step too far to think about marrying Mr. Hayashi, but you can’t really control it either. Suddenly you feel a little flush, and you smile without meaning to.
“So.. what were you and Mr. Hayashi talking about?”
Kuroo’s voice is smooth as it pulls you from your train of thought. You look up, turning to look at him.
“Oh, uh - nothing really. We just started chatting. I wanted to make a good impression since he works with the Jackals all the time,”
“...You weren’t friends before then?”
“Why’d you think that?”
“He called you nee-san?”
Your eyes widen and then you break out into another laugh, before waving a dismissive hand.
“Oh, that’s just - I think he was… he was just cracking a joke. He asked me to drop the honorifics since he thought we were the same age. And then I said I look younger than I am,”
“And so?’”
“So, he asked if he could call me that and I told him not to get too cocky. He was nice. Kinda weird, but nice.”
Another silence stretches between you, a thin membrane. Kuroo frowns like he isn’t sure what to say, or how exactly to say it but it quickly turns back into a smile.
“Nice because he was flirting with you,” He says. It’s provocative and a little irritating. You’re familiar with it - the little vein that pops in his neck. You have a guess as to why, but you think of Ayame and all the other company dinners where Kuroo is charming the panties off of old businesswomen. Suddenly, you don’t feel bad.
Just business, he always says. You know that, and you think that’d matter more if you knew where you two stood. But you don’t other than close colleagues and estranged friends, so you just kind of laugh.
“Yeah, I think he was,” ― You tuck your fingers underneath your clutch, curled and look down with a smile ― “He was pretty forward, but he wasn’t bad,”
Kuroo looks like he wants to say something. He opens his mouth briefly, only to close it again.
“Are you gonna call him?”
You don’t mask your surprise. You look again, not at the car floor but at Kuroo who’s got shadows on his face. Underneath his eyes are shadows you aren’t sure were there before. Your heart pulls taut. You can’t breathe for a second.
You settle on maybe.
You don’t want to have this conversation here. In the back on Uber on a Saturday night with sore feet and a heavy head. You especially don’t want to have it with Kuroo Tetsuro - the guy who falls asleep at your desk when you work together during late nights and who shares most of your friends. Who you’ve known since you were no older than 15 - who graduated and followed you all the way here.
All that history begging to be unpacked rises like bile in your throat, and you take a shaky breath. Tomorrow, it’ll be all fine. You’ll get a 7am text and Kuroo will bring you coffee. You’ll take the subway together. He’ll stand behind you to fend off creeps. And it won’t be close (sometimes you wonder if you ever were) but it’ll be fine.
Nothing will change if you just settle down. That’s what you tell yourself. So you take a deep breath and find yourself facing the window.
“Don’t call him,” He says in a rush. You look over your shoulders. He looks…panicked? Worried? You don’t really know, maybe both. You pause.
“I don’t want you to,”
Your brow furrows.
He looks uncomfortable. Nervous, like he’s gonna throw up. His brow creases and pinches.
“Because.” He says like he’s settled on it. Your face falls flat.
“I’m not doing this with you,” ― You say, rubbing your temples with frustration ― “It’s been a long-ass night. I’m tired. My feet are so sore and this dress is borderline itchy. I want to wash my face and pee in my own bathroom.”
You turn solemn. Utterly exhausted, you rub underneath your eye.
“If you’re not gonna tell me why, stop bugging me, okay?”
“Tetsuro, I’m serious. Leave it, okay?”
“No it’s not - I’m not good at this. I’m sorry, I don’t mean -”
“You seemed good at it today,”
“That’s just -’
“Just business, I know. I get it. We work in the same office, went to the same university and high school. I’ve known you for almost a decade, Tetsuro,” ― You just barely keep it together. You don’t even know what you’re frustrated by. ― “You’re the most charismatic person I’ve ever met despite yourself and your stupid bullshit. You don’t have to explain yourself to me, but if you’re going too anyways - at least be honest with me.”
“Honest in what way?”
“I dunno. But don’t tell me you’re not good at it,” ― Your face burns flush with embarrassment ― “It’s fine if it’s me, like I… you don’t have to -”
“No, no. It is you but not in the way you think.” He corrects.
“In what way then?”
“It’s cause it’s you,” ― And then you see it when you drive past a streetlight, a warm blush painted on his cheeks that makes your heart stop ― “Because you’ve known me for almost a decade. Because you still like me through all of my stupid bullshit. It’s different when it’s work,”
Your heart does a soft pitter-patter. You breathe through your nose.
“But that’s just work. I don’t care about those people. I just am what’s expected of me to close bookings and persuade deals. It doesn’t mean anything to me.”
“And me?”
“You… well - obviously you mean something to me,”
“Doesn’t seem like it,” You say.
You feel tender. You can’t help it. Kuroo is a scar that never really healed. You never leave each other’s side, and he’s so considerate of your feelings. He means well, you know. You know everything there is to know about Kuroo, even now - because every attempt to avoid each other disengage has been split apart by the universe.
From going to the same university to working in the same field. You’ve done it all, been there for each other when you dated other people. You reminisce about Kuroo crying to you over his first real girlfriend. Kuroo drank with you when you broke up with the only other guy you loved.
And that’s life. Most people you meet come with love that existed before you did. Not often is it that we only experience love one time.
Your relationship with Kuroo often reminds you of the tide. With high highs, and low lows. Sometimes you crush. In high school and some time in your young adult life - Kuroo was a trigger for all your butterflies. After high school grad and just before college ended, you thought you hated his guts.
But lately, life doesn’t lend itself to either extreme. When your priorities change and your heartbeat is much steadier than it was when you were younger - lately you think Kuroo is handsome.
You think he makes you feel funny. That it’s not exactly butterflies. It’s just sort of warm and fizzy like soda pop or pop-rocks that melt on your tongue. It still gives you that giggly laughter, but you don’t feel hollow when it leaves.
Like always though, it lingers. He lingers, and sometimes that dull sensation aches.
So you’re a little jealous. A little petty, a little childish - but that’s because he makes you feel so awfully human. All he reminds you of is how awfully human you are, down to your wants.
“...It doesn’t?”
Your breath catches. When you look up, he looks almost angry.
You open your mouth only to snap it shut again.
“Do you really think I don’t care about you?”
“No, I know you do, and I care about you too.”
“Then what is it?”
And you kind of want to cry as much as you don’t. Frustration is present, but not drowning. It isn’t that raw, unbridled resentment that you would have once before. It isn’t even all that angry. It feels like hot wind on your skin.
For what it’s been, the long road looking back must’ve only been a few feet. You’re mostly just wishing you weren’t having this conversation in the backseat of a stranger’s car.
It’s here now, though. So you face it.
“I want you to want me,” ― You manage through an alarmingly soft whisper, strained and a little uncomfortable under the collar ― “But I don’t know if you do because I never really know where we stand. And I really didn’t have to be the one to say it. So, can we please drop it?”
There’s another pause. And you sigh. For what’s the equivalent of a confession - you feel strangely at ease. Not perfectly fine, but for the most part, you don’t want to puke. The rapid heart rate will settle with time and you’re relieved.
You get ready to go quiet for the rest of the car ride.
“I… It’s… I do,”
He stutters through every word. A flush on his cheeks and some sense of panic.
“You do?”
And he remains silent, the world is falling apart. This part is familiar too. Kuroo’s always been bad at honesty.
“Tetsuro,” ― You say, trying to encourage him just a little ― “What’re you still so scared of?”
“Of fucking this up,” ― He says with astounding sobriety, deep in thought ― “We’ve been through a lot, but - it could all go wrong. I don’t want it to end with me picking a box with my stuff in it,”
“We have been through a lot,”― You offer, with a soft breath. You lean your head back onto the seat ― “So even if we broke up, worst-case scenario - we take some time off. But we’re not good at being apart.”
“Yeah,” He laughs under his breath “That’s true,”
“I didn’t think you were such a wimp, Tetsuro.”
“I am not a wimp, you wench”
You snort.
“You are. Some rando hitting on me made you jealous and you can’t even tell me to my face that you like me,”
“Who said I even like you?”
He shuts himself up.
And you laugh again a little harder.
You aren’t sure what you were hoping for it to feel like. You think you’d be content like this. Crystalized in ember, this soft hope. It’s not love in the way you wanted when you were young. Not a heart in your ribs. Not painful.
Like breaking in new shoes. The comfy kind that needs to be worn for a little while before they’re perfect - that you wear and wear and wear. You want to keep them. You hope they’ll always fit.
“I’m so tired,”― You say through a soft yawn and warm laugh ― “You’ve got ten minutes to say your piece before I fall right asleep,”
“Come home with me,” He says. Spits out like a loose tooth. Your eyes go wide. “Not like… you know. Just, I think it’d be easier that way. If we were together,”
You grin and then let out a laugh, a warm puff of air through your nose.
“Tetsuro, come here,”
He inches towards you, slowly.
And you face each other, just like that. You put a hand on his chest. Not his shoulder, on his chest. You can feel his pulse quicken underneath your palms. You smile, and the car ride is smooth and steady.
“Hey,” You whisper. He laughs a ridiculous laugh.
“Hi,” He says back. You grin.
“Are you gonna stop being a scaredy-cat?”
He laughs at that. You’ve never realized how weird it is to kiss in the backseat of a car, especially when it’s not your car. Still, Kuroo reaches a hesitant hand out. He cups your cheek gently in his palm and then giggles a little.
“Probably not,” ― He says, thumb smoothing underneath your eyes - just gentle enough your makeup doesn’t smudge. A moment slowed in time ― “But you could help me with that, right?”
“Yeah. I do with everything else, anyways,”
“Yeah… you really do,” ― He leans forward. The warmth of his breath, sweet and summery, fans onto your lips. You look up at him and smile ― “Can I kiss you?”
“You probably should,”
A grin breaks out into his face, and he’s laughing under his breath. He tries to kiss you seriously, but there’s so much unadulterated joy - that each one is broken up by a smile or whisper. Warmth spills from your fingertips. You hold onto his chest. You kiss him slowly, softly. Lips pressed together like shallow pecks.
“Will you come home with me?”
“Even if I have bad intentions?”
You laugh brightly.
“Yeah, even then.”
“Don’t call that guy, okay?”
Kuroo holds your hand the whole way through.
As you leave the Uber with a hefty tip, and as you make out in the elevator before his apartment. His fingers laced with yours or, a delicate hand wrapped around your own. He holds your hand through the hallways, and only lets go to open his apartment doors.
And when you stumble inside together, there’s this kind of tenseness that lingers. An awareness of how incomplete the two of you are, even together. You step inside, and you aren’t sure what you’re expecting.
Kuroo leads you into his bedroom, and you follow. But he doesn’t push you down against the sheets.
“Sit,” He offers. And you do.
Before you have a chance to question it, Kuroo is settling down on his knees. He’s still dressed, minus his shoes. But your heels are still on, and you thought maybe it was something kinky.
Instead though, his fingers carefully undo the faux leather. Your breath catches as you watch. The room is dimly lit, just one light in the corner of the room. But, Kuroo is looking - maybe right into you. His fingers are so careful undoing the straps slowly. He rubs, so carefully, on the indented skin.
He takes the first heel off and rubs the soreness on the soles of your feet. His lips are a ghostly sensation. But he kisses your calf, now bare. You stare for a long while, unsure of what to say.
He repeats it for your other leg. The same gesture, the same tenderness instilled. You can barely breathe as you watch him. Your hand reaches over to pet his hair back, and he smiles.
“Do they still hurt?”
“Not as much,”
“Good. C’mere,”
You stand, and you’ve lost height. Kuroo bends down to kiss you again, soft. When he pulls away he smiles.
“Lemme help you with this,”
You face away from him, feeling as he takes the zipper of your outfit and slides it down all the way. An exposed wave of air hits your back, and you shiver. He presses his lips to your neck, the nape of it - nose pressed against your skin. You ease the short sleeves off, and Kuroo’s fingers ghost over them. The fabric falls to the floor unceremonious. You step out of it, and Kuroo glances at you.
You’re not completely naked. You’re wearing a comfortable lace number, all of it matching. Kuroo grins down at you, sucking in a breath.
“Yeah… really pretty,”
You crane your neck up to kiss Kuroo in thanks. He receives you openly. The gentle air cools your skin as your nimble fingers reach down for his buttons. Your heart doesn’t hammer, but it beats loud. A gentle thrumming under your skin as you help him out of his vest.
He watches you with a cat-like grin as you loosen his tie. Then his white shirt, where your mouth goes dry at what’s underneath. Strong chest, flexing as the buttons of his dress shirt get undone. That comes off too, falls to the floor, and settles in the heap of clothes.
“You’re so hot, it’s so annoying,” You whine. He laughs at that.
“You really think so?”
“You don’t?”
“I don’t. Feels kinda conceited,”
“God that explains so much. Yes, you’re obviously hot. That’s why people throw themselves at you, all day,” You snort. You rest your hands on his collarbones.
“Except you, huh?” He tsks. You laugh.
“I have to humble you ‘cause no one else will,”
“We’ll see about that,” He teases. You scrunch your nose up at him then laugh, letting your hands smooth over his chest. Your palms glide on his torso before you end up at his belt buckle. You hold his eyes when you do it, undoing the metal before taking the belt off.
You can feel yourself grow wet. It’s not the touch, but the motion - the watching Kuroo’s face as you undo his nice slacks and let them fall to the floor. Your manicured hands linger at his waistband as he steps out of them and they enter the pile of clothes.
There’s something about being naked with someone you like, or even love - the way pleasure and want stretch and cling so neatly to every part of your psyche. You want Kuroo. You want him to touch you. You want to touch him, so even when your hands shake - you want him. So you let yourself touch him, your palms cup his cock through his boxers
He’s hard, warm in your hands. You squeeze, letting your eyes flicker up to the ragged breath.
“Tetsuro,” You say, squeezing again. He inhales.
“Let’s get into bed,”
So you fall together, Kuroo sits on the edge of the bed and you sit upon his lap.
And you’re so wet. It smears through your panties, sticky and see-through - and you hover above his hard-on with a mischievous smile. Kuroo makes note to kiss you, the soft tug of teeth and gentleness of his tongue that swipes your bottom lip. He lets his palms squeeze your ass, massaging the skin.
There’s nothing you like more than letting him feel you. The soft way the kisses linger as he guides your hips together. Your rut yourself into him, the outline of his cock sometimes catching in a way that makes you gasp into his mouth.
The flames lick gently in your stomach. That fall-apart, gooey feeling that makes your mind sink. You let yourself succumb to the haze as you kiss and touch. Every particularly hard thrust makes you laugh or breathe into his lips, and Kuroo pauses in the middle. You’re so wet now, so throbbing - the dull need startles to settle in the pit of your stomach.
You get greedy when you wrap your arms around his neck and push yourself. But Kuroo leans back on his palms, keen to let you do what you want. The soft heat of your cunt over the clothes, the layers of fabric that tease.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I like when you call me that,”
“Mm, yeah. I like when you talk to me,” He says back.
“You should touch me,”
He grins at you, mischief dancing in his eyes. And then he hauls you up, flipping you until you’re on your back. A laugh spills out of you at the sudden movement, clinging to him.
“Jeez, you scared me,” Your legs wrap your his waist as he hangs off the edge. He leans his head down to kiss your jaw.
“Sorry,” He says, not sounding apologetic.
“Better be,”
His knees hit the floor again as he drags you over the side of the bed. Your legs dangle as he spreads them apart. His fingers trace around the dampened material, cotton soaked in arousal. He avoids where you need him most, massaging just the outside. It makes your stomach tight, the purposeful gestures.
Your toes curl when he decides to stop teasing you. Thighs tensed as his middle finger glides and pressed to your clit smoothly. Your voice gives in. You prop yourself onto your elbows to look but it proves to be a bad idea. Kuroo is right there. He moves the stretch of the fabric to one side and he touches you. Really touches you, skin to skin.
You’ve done it before, but not with Kuroo. Kuroo does it kindly. Kuroo touches you like you’ll break apart - with enough teasing to keep you wanting more, but not enough to make you agitated. You think the word for it is sexy. Kuroo is sexy, so terribly sexy when he watches for you.
“Does it feel better here,” ― He switches pace and position, more firm ― “Or here?”
“There,” You breathe. His lip meets your inner thigh. He rubs your clit with care and concentration. His free hand touching at you, warming you from the inside out. More heat, more pressure, more want - it all builds so steadily inside of you. You let yourself fall back as the stimulation to your clit proves to make you feel hazy.
When you’re warm, when you’re there - Kuroo lets his fingers go a little further. You aren’t expecting that sudden intrusion of his middle finger, circling just barely at your entrance. You throb a little, heartbeat in your clit fluttering at the gentle look on Kuroo’s face.
Kuroo is so much for you. You must be a lot for him too because he looks surprised when you clamp down on his fingers.
At first, it doesn’t feel like anything but invasive. Kuroo’s fingers are thick as they are long, and so much bigger than yours. You stare for a second, as he pushes. The stretch of your pussy suddenly grows, but it’s tipping on the edge of unpleasantness. There’s an ache inside, deep.
Then, Kuroo dips his head down. His tongue lays, flat on your clit before taking it into his mouth. You feel your spine arch at the sudden sensation. When you look down, Kuroo’s eyes are narrowed at you in a grin.
“You asshole,”
He smiles against your clit.
And then, you jerk - because Kuroo curls his finger inside of you until it hits a spot that makes your mouth drop open. You’ve never had someone else touch it before, not a person. Always some toy you bought on a whim, but Kuroo reaches it. Your mouth falls open completely, head feeling heavy as can be.
You groan, loud and shameless as it stops feeling like nothing and starts to feel like everything all at once. It’s such a sudden shift you almost miss it. You throb between your legs as Kuroo pumps his middle finger in and out of you - and you feel a rush of wetness run lewdly into his hands.
Another deep breath as he lets another finger. Time feels like it’s moving at a lethargic pace. The way Kuroo moves inside of you. There’s a staccato on how it feels with every move or change, but Kuroo always builds you back up. He knows how to get you on the edge every time you stay from it - and this time, he takes no short effort in making sure you stay there. You stay in that steady pleasure. The movement feels as natural as an oceans wave, enveloping and comfortable, and cool. You know at any moment the water could rush over and drown you, but you somehow how feel confident that it won’t.
You know you won’t mind if it does.
The two fingers stretch and stretch and stretch. You keen into the touch, moaning his name softly. Kuroo goes easily, steadily - and you almost feel relaxed. You’re not alarmed, just tense. Yearning as he fucks you right open on his fingers, and arousal drips onto everything.
“Tetsuro,” You moan.
He pulls off, slowly. And the heat cools rapidly, but he kisses your clit soft.
“Just let go when you feel it,”
And you nod, shakily. He gets back to it. A little more pressure, a little more suction, a little more giving. Enough that you feel all of it in some rapid succession. What felt like it would take minutes now starts to impend. You want it, want him - and you don’t have the strength to be propped up on your elbows when that syrupy warmth settles in the bottom of your stomach. Everything pulls you.
Kuroo’s fingers rubbing against your g-spot, the hot sticky suction of his mouth, his free hand holding you so gentle, like you’re pretty. He touches you in a way that makes you feel wanted. You wonder if that’s on purpose.
It’s dark, but you can see his eyes still. Light and hazel and piercing. A wave of electricity spikes through you.
You cum hard, the first time. Your entire back arches off of the bed, mouth dangling open and legs jerking. Your toes curl as you try to close your legs, overwhelmed. Kuroo doesn’t pull off from you, just guides you through it as a wave of euphoria hits you all at once. Startlingly hard, you cum for what feels like an eternity the first time.
When you open your eyes - Tetsuro is giving you a big grin. He gives you a laugh as you lay in his bed, limp.
“Don’t tell me you’re already giving up?”
“Never ever. Come fuck me,”
He laughs at that. You watch as he walks towards his drawers, pulling a condom from them before returning to you. You’re sitting up now, leaning back as he comes back towards you.
“Do you wanna put this on for me?”
You nod. Kuroo laughs at you and stands tall, hips jutting out. It’s funny enough that you laugh, as your fingers dip into his waistband.
“I hate you,” You say through a smile. He laughs back.
But you do take them off. Slowly, you watch as his boxers drop to the floor. The sound that leaves your mouth is nothing if not shocked. You weren’t expecting him to be… small. But seeing it so upfront, he’s much bigger than you would’ve expected. Bigger than average at least.
There’s a clean bit of hair, well kept. Kuroo is longer than he is thick, and cut - brown tip, and heavy. Your palms wrap around the shaft, eyes wide.
“You’re so big,”
You know you’re getting distracted but with it so close to you it’s hard not to be. You can’t focus, so you lean into the urge to touch. Your grip goes a little tighter, and you spit onto the head. Kuroo hisses under his breath as you tug, jerking him in your palms with a sparkle in your eyes.
“Fuck, that’s -”
“You’re… fuck - I’m so hard. Kinda hurts,”
“From me touching you?”
“Yeah. And seeing you spit on it. And you in general, I guess,” Kuroo huffs, wincing. You take your time, feeling the weight of him in your hands. The curve, the warmth, the veins - you watch as his eyes go lidded from lust and suddenly there’s warmth in your stomach you can’t control. You practically shaking.
It’s you who’s making him like that. The thought of that has you squeezing your thighs together.
“Tetsuro, I want -”
He looks down at you, smiling.
“Me too, ‘s okay. Put it on,”
You pull away your hand with hesitance and the condom comes on. The wrapper crinkles, gets discarded somewhere you’re not paying attention. You pinch the tip and roll it down his length with a warm grin. When it’s on, you look at each other and there’s another bit of warm laughter.
“How do you want it?” He asks, cupping your cheek in his palm. You lean into the touch.
“I wanna ride you,” You say. He chokes on his breath and you laugh at him.
“Seriously? Kind of a lotta work for someone with sore legs,” He teases.
“Guess you’ll have to help me then. Think you can do it, Tetsuro?
“Fuck, you’re killing me. Come on,”
You watch as Kuroo gets on the bed, rearranging some pillows before laying down. He pats his thigh, signaling you over. You smile, throwing your legs over either side of his thigh.
He rests his hands on your hips, traveling to your torso. You size him up against you and he groans.
“Don’t hold out on me,”
“I won’t, I won’t,”
You adjust your hips a little, sitting up. You let yourself lean on Kuroo, holding his chest as you try and line yourself up.
There’s this second where you catch his eyes. You sink down on his cock, and the stretch of it is just right. He’s big, so it burns pleasantly. It’s a lot, immediate. The feeling of being full and the familiarity of another body. Everything realigns in your togetherness and you think about how much you want him. When your eyes meet, it’s all that’s on your mind.
You want, you want, you want. You want so much you can’t help but cry out a little at the feeling. Kuroos fingers dig a little harder in your hips as you slowly adjust. You don’t know how you’re keeping it together, so you breathe then grin.
“You feel so good,”
“You look so fucking good,” Kuroo says back. You moan as he bottoms out. The sudden feeling of completion. You lean forward as you get adjusted to it, rocking forward. Kuroo watches you, awestruck.
You’re together and you feel like something that’s been missing clicks together. So suddenly, does the realization hit you that you’re with him. You think it’s a weird time to get emotional since he’s inside you, but you do. You feel yourself overwhelmed with affection as you rock against him. You let him hit that soft spot in your core and then hold his face in your hands.
“Tetsuro,” ― You say with the happiness spilling through every syllable ― “I like you,”
His eyes go wide. And then your infectious smiling nips at him, and his whole face goes flush. Maybe embarrassed, but happy too. Happy together like some kind of magic.
“I like you too,”
You kiss him softly, a short reprieve. A break in between everything.
“Can I move?”
Kuroo holds you up. You secure yourself on his shoulder, burying your face in the space between his shoulder and neck. He smells like cologne and sweat. You breathe in sharply.
Then he’s moving. Not fast at first, like he’s trying to ease you into it. The soft drag of his cock is enough to make you moan. It’s a broken jagged sound. This position makes you feel it so deeply, makes it touch in places you didn’t know existed. The soft stroke is enough to make you feel so good all over again. It’d be fine if you didn’t cum again, but it feels like you just might.
Kuroo doesn’t fuck into you hard enough to make you cry. But he does hold you, tight to his chest. He fucks you like he wants you to feel every inch, not too slow or too fast. There’s a rhythm to it, a constancy. It’s harder than you could ever do on your own. Deep thrusts that you can feel him all the way in your stomach. Over and over and over.
“You feel perfect,” He huffs. You moan into his neck, cheek pressed to his skin.
“Wanna cum again,” You admit as he fucks into you. His thrusts stutter, slowing.
“Touch yourself for me,”
You feel your whole body shiver, nodding.
You managed to sneak a hand between your sweaty bodies. Kuroo lets you get used to it.
“Gonna move again, kay?”
And then it’s there again. At the same pace, hard enough to feel good - but slow enough to feel too painful. Your fingers shake as they rub against your clit. The pleasure washes over you. You cry out.
“Oh, fuck,”
“Do you feel it?”
“Yeah. God, yeah.”
He presses a kiss to wherever he can reach. For now, on the side of your head.
You move with each other, just like that. Soaking each other in like basking in the sunlight at high noon. Warmth and pleasure envelops you as a familiar knot twists in your tummy. Your thighs are tight from the position. Tense and clenched muscles as you get so close to another one. You’re a little overstimulated, so your movements are rushed. Sloppy, but it does the job. So close, so close.
“Cum for me,” ― Kuroo encourages, soothing ― “One more,”
Your voice crackles as it hits you with astounding impact. You cum, and you cum hard. This time the waves are a little longer. Instead of a constant one after another wave, they’re long and drawn out. Much deeper than before. You say his name like a prayer from your lips. Love like worship.
“Oh, god. Tetsuro, shit,”
“Shh, shh - it’s okay. I got you,”
You ride your high out together. Kuroo moves with you until you’re finished, and then he stops. Your eyes are bleary when you open them to look back at him.
“Hey stranger,” He hums “You okay? Can I keep going?”
You nod, bracing yourself.
“Yeah… give it to me,”
“Anything you want,”
You can feel Kuroo let himself loose. You encourage him through it. Tell him to go hard, to cum. You have just enough energy to match him, so you do. You move your hips with each thrust, smiling as he throws his head back. His hold gets tight, teeth gritted and eyes screwed shut hard as he finishes.
“Shit, shit,”
You can feel his whole body spasms, jerking as he buries himself to the hilt and finishes. It’s a shame you can’t feel him. Another time, you think to yourself.
You feel lethargy, bone-deep, creep into you when you finally manage to come back from everything. Kuroo is still inside of you, but you don’t want him to pull out. The two of you stand together like that. Relaxed, and steady. You blink tiredly at Tetsuro, and he smiles back.
“You can’t fall asleep like this,” He muses. You frown, yawning.
“I’m not falling asleep,” You insist.
“You’ll break out from having your makeup on,”
“Hasn’t happened yet,”
“Do you sleep with your makeup on?”
“I try not to, but sometimes I nap with it on, you know?”
He snorts.
“C’mon. Up and up.”
“Sir, yes sir,”
He chuckles.
Kuroo hovers around you as you take your makeup off. He watches as you rub it away with soaps and oils that he had around his house. Promising that next time you’re here, he’d have everything you need.
You peed over the toilet like you wanted to earlier, and Kuroo sat with you. You were expecting the transition to intimacy to be much harder. Maybe it’s because you’ve already seen the worst of it that it hadn’t been bad at all.
Kuroo lends you old clothes. The pants don’t fit but the boxers do, so you take them.
And after changing the sheets together, you let yourself sleep in Kuroo’s bed. You watch as he turns the lights off and then comes with you under the sheets.
You stare at him as he finally comes into your view. Your expression contented, you reach out to him. He lets you touch him, fingers on his jaw before he scoots it.
He kisses the tip of your nose, so softly it startles you.
“Thanks for putting up with me,” He says with transparency. You laugh.
“I’ve gotten good at that,”
He chuckles.
“You should put it on your resume,” He says thoughtfully.
“Mm, good idea. Number One Tetsuro Tamer,”
And then you both giggle. Stupidly, maddeningly content with each other. Comfortable.
“Sleep soon,”
“Mm, okay,”
When you close your eyes you know he’s still grinning.
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raewritez · 3 years
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let’s all take a moment to appreciate our windy boy🙌
based on this request: Can you do Aang x airbender reader? When Aang and Katara found out that she hid from them that she could bend ? Please!
warnings: aangsty
It hurts.
Aang’s body felt like it was on fire, and he supposed it was. It seemed like electricity was still flowing through his veins, consuming him with needle points and flame. With Katara’s healing he was slowly gaining back his memory - visions of white glow, of the royal siblings, of waves, and of falling. There was something else, too, it was-
Katara grimaced, removing her hands from his back. “Sorry, Aang. There’s a lot of energy built up in here.”
He winced, curling in on himself. “It’s ok.”
She stares at him worriedly, heart aching for her friend. He felt so awful, so consumed by guilt and failure, and she found herself having trouble coaxing him out of his thoughts. There was one person that could, but they were nowhere to be found. Aang noticed.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Katara breathed shakily, pulling at the edge of her tunic. “Aang…what exactly do you remember from Ba Sing Se?”
He tilted his head, furrowing his brows. "I remember Azula, and I remember I went down. You saved me."
She nodded. "Is that all?"
He leaned into the bed, running a hand through his hair (hair? how long has that been there?). "There's something else."
Katara looked nervous, as if preparing for him to do something awful. It made him confused. He searched his mind, digging through flashes of memory until he found what he was looking for. He inhaled sharply. Oh. Right.
They were outnumbered, Dai Lee agents advancing on them from all directions. Katara's water whips were no use, broken and splashed across the ground by shields of rock and crystal. Aang fought tirelessly, earth and water spinning around him in a flurry of movement. The earth benders only moved forward - creeping slowly upon the Avatar until they were thrown back by some powerful force. Wind. Aang looked down at his hands, he hadn't done that, right? The agents rose to their feet but their eyes weren't on him, rather on something that lurked behind. Turning, his gaze fell upon what had drawn their attention.
Your arms were outstretched, an uncertain expression on your face. You glanced down at your palms in surprise - you certainly hadn't expected that to work so well. His mouth fell open, mind swarmed with confusion. His grey eyes widened, and your gaze met his. You couldn't tell if that look in his eyes was one of betrayal or pure shock, but you felt the guilt you'd been harboring over keeping this secret hit you full-force. Your own eyes were surprised, and they softened as they fell upon him. In them he could see the swimming emotions, and an apology. You raised your arms again.
"They're...they're an Airbender."
Katara looked at the floor, silently affirming his words. He stared at her, then he stood. His body ached and his legs wobbled, but he didn't care. He grabbed his staff, and leaning on it, began to make his way towards the door.
"Wait, Aang," Katara exclaimed, attempting to calm him. The look on his face was foreign; eyes glinting with sadness and something she couldn't quite decipher. And anger. It was a rare emotion to see displayed by the boy, but it was there now, although faint. She was nervous for you, her own anger since passed and replaced with a sort of resigned understanding. Sure, she was upset, hurt that you didn't trust her with this secret, but she guessed she understood. At least she tried to.
"Aang, your injuries are still healing. You can't-"
"I'm fine, Katara," he spoke, and she felt a chill run through her bones at the sternness. "Let me go."
He pushed past her, holding in his groans at the effort. He walked as quickly as he could down the hall, mind pulsing with adrenaline and determination. He didn't have to ask where your room was, he knew where it would be: at the end of the hall by the windows, so you could see the ocean. He limped his way down, the silk robe threatening to fall off his shoulders. In front of your door, he stopped. He breathed, and then he entered.
You were seated on your bed, staring blankly at the wall. You glanced tiredly at the intrusion, eyes widening when you saw it was him. You stood abruptly, almost tripping over yourself and if the circumstances were different he would've laughed. You missed his laugh. Instead he gazed at you, expression neutral. You felt nervous, unfamiliarly awkward under the Avatar's stare.
"Hi, Aang."
He kept his eyes trained on you, eyebrows furrowed. He was silent.
"Um...h-how are you feeling?"
"You didn't come to see me."
Your eyes widened. "W-what?"
His gaze never faltered. "You didn't come to check on me."
"Oh," You breathed, casting your eyes to the floor. "I didn't...I didn't know if you'd want me to."
He didn't speak, and you could feel him scrutinizing you. As if he didn't know what to make of you, as if he wasn't sure what to think. And in all honesty he probably didn't. You didn't know what to think of yourself, either.
"You're an Airbender." It wasn't a question, just a statement. An observation.
You breathed. "Yeah."
He stood a little taller, and you could finally make out an emotion. Anger. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than him acting as if you were Koh the freaking Face-Stealer. His voice was low. "Why didn't you tell me?"
You swallowed nervously, fingers coming to play with the fishing-line bracelet he'd made for you that rested upon your wrist. "I don't know."
He scoffed, beginning to pace around the room. Well, as well as he could considering his condition. "That's not an answer. How could you keep that from me?!" There was a desperation to his tone, and his eyes were glassy. You looked away, unable to deal with the shame.
"Aang, please, I-" You didn't know what to say. You truly didn't quite understand why you'd hidden it, the secrecy just fading into habit. "I was...I was scared. I didn't know what to say or- I'd never told anyone before! And then you came and I..."
"And you didn't tell me."
His face was darkened, so different from that sunshiney demeanor that you'd grown so goddam fond of. But behind his anger was a certain brokenness - a disbelief. And that hurt more than the rage.
He didn't give you time for an explanation, and you weren't sure you had one to offer anyway. He simply walked away, sparing you one more hurtful glance. Then, he left, taking the light and hope with him. You felt tears sting your eyes, but you forced them away. You didn't deserve to cry. You were the one who'd hurt him, who'd betrayed his trust. And now you weren't sure if your best friend would ever trust you again, ever allow you a second chance. So, instead of crying, you simply laid in the dark warmness of your bed, rocked to sleep by the swaying of the ocean with an ache in your chest.
A week.
That's how long it'd been since the two of you talked, since Aang had so much as glanced in the direction of his best friend. You were in the Firenation now, having assumed the role of undercover criminals. It was kind of exhilarating, and you knew you and Aang would be milking the drama of it for all its worth. But instead you sat alone, sidled in the corner of the cave as your friends danced.
Aang had somehow managed to enroll himself in a Fire Nation school, and had invited his classmates to your hideout for a dance party. You wished you had enough energy to participate - to twirl around with Katara or do the limbo with Sokka, but you were drained. Just like you'd been for days. Your hope was waning; you were becoming less and less sure that Aang would find a way to forgive you - that he would return to his best friend with that lopsided smile and endless generosity, the way he came to you all those times before. Now, he was dancing, shoulders brushing against that Fire Nation girl's - On ji? Something like that - while the rest of the kids laughed and cheered. It send an ache to your heart. He seemed happy with her - happier than he's been with you. He was sporting that contagious grin, that boisterous laughter, that-
"Wow, you really are mopey."
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Toph. "I'm not mopey," you grumbled.
She snorted. "Uh, yeah you are. I can practically feel the pitifulness radiating off you."
"Gee, thanks a lot."
You were silent for a moment, and she seemed to soften. "You know, he's not mad at you anymore."
You glanced over, a scoff escaping your lips. "Yes he is, Toph. He hates me."
Her eye-roll was about the biggest you'd ever seen. "Don't be stupid, Sap. That kid loves you. It's so obvious it's gross."
You sighed, shaking your head. You pulled your knees to your chest. "Not anymore. I lied to him."
She nodded, seeming thoughtful. "Well, yeah, that kind of sucked. And obviously he would be kinda mad about that. But he's not anymore, trust me. I can feel it."
"You can feel it?"
"Mhm. He's mopey, too. He misses you."
You looked over to the center of the cave, where Aang was demonstrating some bizarre dance movement. You smiled fondly.
"Seriously, Y/n. You should talk to him."
You nodded, breathing in your resolve. "I will soon."
Toph groaned loudly. "Well, I guess that's as good as we're gonna get."
Spirits, you were exhausted. A day of cleaning out a river will do that to you.
It'd been a few days since the dance party, and your time had been occupied with Appa's "sickness" while you stopped at a local fishing village. It was pretty gross, but with your friend's help and Katara's fancy costume, you were able to leave it better than it was when you arrived.
Now, you found yourselves at yet another designated campsite - a patch of ground near the cliffside, overlooking the valley. You were tired, and so much as walking around felt like a chore.
Your eyes fell on a silhouetted figure perched on the edge of the cliff. Momo sat on his shoulder. You breathed, body growing alight with nervousness. You made your way over, Momo launching onto you when you got closer.
You chuckled, petting his furry head. "Hey, Momo," you said softly. You eyes flickered upwards, latching onto Aang's. He turned away. You sighed, setting Momo down and moving to sit next to him. You inhaled deeply, bracing yourself for impending rejection. You fidgeted with the edge of your shirt - a movement that his eyes quickly locked onto.
"Um, I know you probably don't want to talk to me, and that's ok, but I need to...I need to explain myself."
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him nod slowly.
"My whole life I had to keep my bending a secret, and nobody's ever known except my parents. And when I met you...I don't know. I guess I was just scared. I thought I was going to be the last one for the rest of my life. I'd been hiding and denying that I was an Airbender for so long, and I guess I just...felt safer to keep doing that."
He was silent, staring at you intently with concentration and an emotion you couldn't decipher. You continued.
"The point is, I should've told you. And I'm so, so sorry that I didn't. I don't know if you could ever forgive me, but I-"
You were cut off by the press of his lips against your own. Your eyes widened, and you sat rigidly still. He chuckled breathily at your shock, moving his hand to gently caress your cheek. You relaxed, leaning into his palm and letting your eyes fall shut. After a moment, he pulled away.
"I'm not mad at you, Y/n."
You were still frozen with pleasant surprise. "Oh...ok."
He laughed, reaching to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. He smiled adoringly.
"But wait - how aren't you mad? I kept this a secret from you, and I-"
"Well, I was mad," he cut you off. "But I'm not anymore. If there's anything that we can take away from this, it's that you're not the last Airbender. And neither am I."
You smiled at that. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
He pulled you into his side, keeping one arm around you while he performed random tricks; like making a whirlpool or air or sending a small tornado Sokka's way. You leaned into each other to muffle your giggles when he fell. You felt happier than you had since Ba Sing Se - filled with the happiness that only Aang could provide you. You had his trust, and his guidance, and you weren't alone. Neither of you were.
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prof-peach · 3 years
if fans wanted to include peach in stuff they write, would that be okay? and how would they write peach's personality? aside from "FIGHT ME" anyway, i think that much is a given lol. i only really write the anime characters 'cause that's what i know, but it sounds like it'd be kinda fun to try making a version of ash that fits into this blog's universe! nerf'd Obviously, but i think she'd probably appreciate how hands-on he gets when training his pokemon!
Ok, I get a lot of these messages, and I often hear folks wanting to throw peach into their stories and comics and writings, and I will always simply ask that if it’s published online publicly, to be linked to it so I can snoop and enjoy the content too. If someone asks about her in your work, let them know about the blog I guess? But literally I love that people take this stuff, these characters and stories, and make new stuff with it. No ones making money off my work here? So where’s the issue? Go for it buddy, knock yourself out, I’m all for it.
For you, and all the others out there who want to add peach, and other characters to your world building, I will give you a detailed rundown of the main lot, and how they behave, what they do, how they function. You can use that, use bits, or use none of it, I do not mind at all. If you’re creating something, you’re in control, not me.
So, peach doesn’t actually fight people as much as you’d think. She’s very aware most cannot and do not want to do that, and so she likes to keep to herself with regards to that aspect of her life, she doesn’t ask to spar with people, or even bring it up at all, but people ask her all the time, even if they clearly would lose or become hurt should she miscalculate during the fight. She looks at people like they usually create problems, and often has a somewhat reserved nature to other humans. You have to work quite hard to get anything more than formalities out of her. She will dead-pan handle people with blunt and very to-the-point statements, aid whenever possible, but very quickly get back to handling the Pokemon she so carefully tends. Her focus is clear, she’s all about hard work, her very small select family, and the Pokemon.
Her brutal, loud and brash personality only comes out with friends, family, difficult humans, OR any Pokemon. She will joke and laugh and play with Pokemon, but clam up around humans, maintaining tight body language and generally will be a little cold by regular standards. She does however have some weaknesses in this emotionless shield she puts up. When peach was young she was always angry, which swung so fast to sadness, back and forth. Her teenage years it just got worse and worse, it was crippling at points. She is to this day, full of fire and rage, even sadness, but now she has learnt to control it, to use it. When she sees that in others, it’s familiar, and she is pushed to drop the front, and be very real with the person. Underdogs I suppose, people who get bad reps, but deserve the same as everyone else. She can’t ignore it.
Once you start to pry open her personality, you’ll find she’s a lot more laid back and fun than originally appeared, you just have to work hard to find that side of her. She will meme reference, can’t dance to save her life, loves her coffee, and can be caught in quiet contemplation while gardening. This hobby is her calmest, and often is why she can stay so level headed when her quiet rage boils up again. Without time outside she will become grouchy, a little snippy, and lethargic. Will not go in the ocean for any reason other than life or death, is fine with ponds and rivers, or water at wading height. Likes the rain.
With regards to her training others, they usually have to tolerate her somewhat strict nature. She is a little....unforgiving, holds a grudge if you make a lot of mistakes, and has no tolerance for ignorance in the age of information that we all live in. In previous posts I’ve mentioned she’s only recently selected two students, after many years of testing kids who want to learn from her. Hundred tried out, only two have ever been approved. How she teaches is very fast paced, be prepared to get some scrapes and bruises, she will test your physical and emotional tolerances with intense tasks, carefully watching students like a hawk. Bad posture in your stance? She’ll be the first to tell you to sort it out. Not hearing your Pokemon partner? Right, now you spend the day without using words trying to communicate, let’s see how you like not being listened to.
This is a woman who has spent her life saying very little, and watching everything, she watches Pokemon and can see an issue from a mile off, and in battles, her observations are why she can react fast, and chose effective strategy to avoid damage and achieve results. Don’t let her body fool you, her strongest asset is analysing, watching, planning. Those skills have over the years transferred to people too. As a student, mistakes don’t go unnoticed with this professor.
Her methods are harsh but fair, and should you prove yourself, she will protect you with her life.
Because of her disinterest in kids and lots of noise, she does pass the training of students on to the other staff members whenever possible. Grey takes on the lions share of battle lessons, he is far calmer, more open and friendly, with patience for people, and an empathy that peach sometimes struggles to have. When you go through a lot of harsh training, and difficult events, it’s hard to change how you feel or think, with peach, well, she’s been through it. Most do not come out the other end in one piece, but she did, and it made her strong. You may think I mean strong like buff and big, and yeah sure she is, but I mean it mentally more than anything. Peach will not quit. She has learnt to destroy the boundaries that stop people getting hurt, gone is the fear that freezes you in your tracks, that feeling that you’ll pass out if you go one more step. She’s learnt to ignore it.
This means she’s a little forgetful at how it is to be normal, to be vulnerable and soft and squishy like students so usually are.
She has her issues, but for the most part, visitors get a laugh, a smile, a calm assertive confidence, and facts. She will indulge those who have genuine interest, or show a connection with nature, an understanding of the balance that needs to be struck for everyone to live well together.
Despite her many flaws, she’s fiercely protective, and will go above and beyond to defend the island, it’s staff, the Pokemon and the visitors. Injustice is her biggest gripe, along with littering, and she doesn’t stand by quietly if something happens that seems unfair.
You will not see her without Valka, her vulpix, close by. That Pokemon doesn’t like to be touched by strangers, at all, and will run the second someone comes at her with that intent. Peach will scold you for pushing yourself onto her, should you persistently try to get close to pet Val. They are in sync, if peach is sad, Val is sad, if Val is stressed, peach is stressed, and so on. They are inherently connected, it’s just been that long, the psychic bridge between them has been built, and reinforced over the years.
The only other Pokemon who follows her so endlessly is Booker, a teddiursa who’s pretty rough looking. He quietly trots behind, grouchy and stoic, they fight closely together a lot. He lost his mom a long time ago to poachers, and peach took him in, and changed her whole life for him. Not many people know, but Booker was the reason she left the rangers, changed career, and got so strong. Will tolerate people petting him but isn’t keen at all, grumbles a lot and tries to move away.
You may also need to know about the others, for the sake of writing, she here a few more bits that may be important to you, or others wanting to do this.
Grey is very tall, very burly, composed, tells bad dad jokes, is a bit of a goof if allowed to be. If he sees a pun, he’ll say it. Can’t help himself. Very nice guy to work with, good at keeping people calm and grounded. Pokemon are drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he gives off warm energy, and has inhuman amounts of patience. If you wrong his family however, he will snap back.
He grew up in the city, loves to swim and hike and cycle, can snowboard, is really sporty. A total brain box with held items, and boosting stats. He will explore many paths, to make sure visitors and students get the information they need, in a way that can be remembered and retained for later. Is a huge guy, but will get on the floor to play with a tiny Pokemon. Treats big “meaner” looking species like babies, very good with all pokemon.
His free time is spent either tinkering, swimming, or trimming his bonsai trees. This guy stares at screens a lot, so appreciates time away from them. Peach built him his own little greenhouse for his trees and tools, which he keeps clean and loves dearly.
His methods as a teacher are built around fun and games, he makes hard work easier to do by distracting trainers from the difficult bits, and focusing in on something more interesting or compelling.
His most commonly seen Pokemon would be a houndoom, Saxon, old battle veteran, retired now to herding and being a good boy. Very gentle, loves a pet.
Pari, now a fully fledged nurse, often oversees the labs front desk and pokecentre features, such as healing pokemon, and informing trainers who come to visit. Her skills with eggs and hatchlings is high, she’s great with younger Pokemon, and hands out good advice to trainers a lot. She’s not a fighter, never was, but can find any file, any study, any book, and any refrence you may need. A true bookworm, loves her romance novels, chat shows and upbeat celebrity gossip mags. Will cry at a lot of stuff, be it sad or happy.
She’s got a seriously upbeat personality, but if caught off guard or shocked, she gets a little flustered. Too much chaos will overwhelm her, but usually she’s on top of things. The years spent on the island have made her better at maintaining composure in emergencies. With lots of siblings, she’s very competent with others, and has a good ability to disarm cagey people with her jolly nature. Because of this, she can sometimes gain information from trainers that some of the more harsh professors may not have access to. Charming is a word for it.
Her partners are an eevee, and a happiny. They are quite sweet and well adjusted, the eevee gets a bit bouncy if you get it too excited.
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
Hi, I just found your account and I love your writing! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
I was wonder, if it’s not too sensitive of a topic, if you could write Dazai gawking over a young woman, asking if she wants to do double suicide as usual and she turns out to actually be very depressed and suicidal,?
Piece Me Back Together
Pairing: Reader x Dazai Osamu
Genre: Hurt/Comfort; Fluff
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of depression and suicide
She doesn't know the person who approached her so jovially would be the one to pick up the pieces she couldn't
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"My eyes have been blessed." The sudden voice startles her and she jumps, clutching the coffee cup harder and looking up.
"Never have I seen such beauty!" There's a man, a quite attractive man standing above her, a charming smile on his face. Y/N musters a small smile, her cheeks turning a light pink at the attention. Before she can formulate any words, the man kneels in front of her and gently grabs her hand, holding it between his own.
His hands are warm and Y/N normally would have snatched her hand away and told the guy to 'piss off' and stop being a creep, but for some reason, this man in front of her didn't make her feel unsettled. So she watches, a little wide eyed.
"Would you do me the pleasure of joining me in a double suicide? Truly, the most romantic way to go! I feel like I'd have something of your liking." His smile is crooked and charming and...wait what?
That was...not what she had been expecting.
The park around them was quite, no people around the bench the encounter was taking place on. Her hand suddenly feels heavier in his grip.
Y/N shrugs, tearing her gaze away from him. "That does sound appealing right now." She mutters, and Dazai's smile falter for just a second.
The usual response he got was people asking if he was insane and awkward laughs. Never this...
"You mean it?! This is the best day of my life." He grins, brushing his thumb over her knuckles gently. The gesture is oddly...comforting considering this was a complete stranger.
Y/N hums in response. Each day had been more of a struggle recently. This wasn't the first time she had contemplating doing anything drastic, and hey, if she was making someone happy while going through with it...there was really no reason to reject the offer. She felt numb, the past weeks blurring into one giant monotone day, endless and torturous. It was like she was just...existing without a purpose and it was exhausting. She can't imagine going through this grey routine for years and years. Not like this.
Dazai sees her lost in thought and he's struck with curiosity. This person was interesting. the look on their face matched his own. It was like looking into a much more expressive mirror. Letting go of her hand, he slips onto the bench, next to her.
"Amazing! Ah, if only Chuuya were here to witness this right now! He'd be on his knees with jealousy." She doesn't bother asking who that is, nodding. The hand he let go is still pleasantly warm and tingling and she vaguely wonders what that was about.
Nobody's touch has ever left her this warm before. none of them had left her wanting to reach out instinctively and latch onto it. Strange.
"But of course-" She turns to look at him, "-it'd be more romantic if I knew more about you! Death with a purpose, a reason, with someone you hold dear is so much more satisfying." He fishes out his phone from his pocket and offers it to her.
She hesitates for only a second, a spark of curiosity, God when was the last time she had felt curious?, prompting her to accept the phone and enter her contact details. She hands back the phone.
"Lovely! Y/N...is it? Beautiful name." He reads from the screen. Y/N. He liked this, liked where this was going.
"I'm free this Saturday." She offers and she feels something when his smile widens.
"Perfect! I'll meet you here then."
"It's a date."
"A date indeed!"
Dazai stands, nods at her and then strolls of, hand in his pockets and humming a song under his breath.
That was...unusual. Y/N can't help but stare at him as he walks away. He was intriguing.
The day before Saturday, she feels something she hasn't felt in a while. She feels excited, anticipating the day. it's far from intense, no, it's more like a nudge, simmering, muted excitements, but it's better than numb any day.
He's there, waiting for her when she arrives and after the evening is over, Y/N can say that she hasn't smiled that much in so long. She can also say that there's more to him than he let's on. Y/N can see the same look she holds on her face, excepts it's in his eyes. Behind smiles and laughs and jokes, she can see a lingering look of sadness, something that can't be erased easily, embedded into his mind. She wants it to go away, she loathes the thoughts that are tormenting Dazai.
One date turns in two, which turns into 5 and 10 and before she knows it, she's in a relationship.
The world becomes more colourful, the days start to separate and the numbness takes a backseat.
He's more amazing than she'd ever imagined. Dazai helps her on the worst days without asking questions and judging, which makes her think he's experienced the same. It's the way he never treats her any less, it's the way he jokes and distract her, it's the way he clings to her and kisses her and touches her that makes her want to keep going.
It's the warmth she's never felt before, not like this at least.
Her problems aren't solved, no, not by any means. The bad days are infrequent, but still hit her hard. Dazai's always there to help her pick up the pieces though, and she finds herself doing the same when he has his own days.
The days he can't seem to pull up the mask correctly, the days his smiles are too forced and his laugh is more fake. She helps his through gentle reassurances and praises.
Years later, she still considers meeting him on that bench to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Years later, she's still alive and so is her, mostly happy and content. Date after date, he kept her mind off things long enough, dragging out the promise of a lovers suicide until she found a reason to keep going.
Contentness is something she's learnt to embrace, learns to love, and it comes easy with Dazai.
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
Keep thinking about Superhero AU...
This is long and disjointed, ignore if you like, just gotta get it out the system.
We know Peach is a hot head fire user, plum is a class-A manipulator who can talk her way into anything, and I chatted with some folks, we all think Grey should have ice powers. PURELY because it's a huge contrast from his warm personality, and would make for a cool russian looking costume, bonus, the fire-ice duo would fit well.
A hero association or secret organisation assigns the teams and subsequently the work too, informing the appropriate hero's of jobs they're needed on, be it working with local law enforcements, stopping prison breaks, tracking, whatever it may be.
Start of their careers, Plum and Grey have been working on and off with each other for a while. He's cool calm and collected, great with the press, star at wrangling villains, and plums a dab hand in many situations, adaptable, confident, social butterfly. They get great feedback across the board, a real credit to the association.
Their handler, the man who hands out work, informs them theres a new hero who moved into the area, and was trying to fly under the radar, hide their powers and keep out of the public eye, working purely at night in the shadows, bouncer on club doors, mixing with some interesting types. His organisation has approached her and given her the ultimatum, same one every hero gets- work for them, or have to report regularly to testing/tracking facilities, to make sure she's not up to no good, not using her powers for personal gain. Plenty of 'hero' types defect to villains, better to keep checks on them than let them walk around freely.
You can imagine how much this angered Peach, who was simply trying to forget she was blessed with a curse, so to speak. She did not want the power she had one bit, moving away from her home town was a chance at a fresh start, but she made the mistake of lighting one too many cigarettes with her power instinctually, or heating her forgotten coffee in her hands without a second thought, some little trick she'd always done, and someone got wise. Not too long after, she had knocks on her front door, suited and booted folk approaching about a 'job opportunity'. translation: endless observation, for the rest of her life.
some hero's join the organisation by choice, they love the idea of doing good, being stronger and better, keeping the peace. Some join for fame, for money, for glory. But Peach? Just wanted to be left alone, to live quietly, and hopefully keep a low profile, maybe do some study, learn a trade. That was not her fate. The organisation strong arm her into the job role, threatening to pin her family's crimes on her (a less than friendly bunch), it'd send her away for life, stuck in a concrete box. At least with the job opportunity, she's free to roam, and even gets paid. She has no other option.
The pair of heros meant to partner with her are told she's finally agreed to joining the organisation of her own free will, after a lot of negotiation and pressure mind you, and will be part of their team, as she's in close proximity to their usual patrol locations, and would suit their talents. Due to her skillset, the pair are told they're the perfect set to wrangle her and keep her in check, she can fly off the handle at times, and tends to take matters into her own hands a little past the average hero would. With this in mind, the pair are a little nervous, there's not been a new hero in town for a while, first one they get is a wildcard? More than they bargained for.
Plum specifically is tasked to keep her in check, the handler holds her back at the end of the meeting to express his distinct worry over the new hires personality type. A untamed, unpredictable nature can be easily manipulated with plums powers, so she agrees to keep an eye on her new teammate. She already has to do this with Grey a bit, he can lose grip on his icy skills if pushed hard, so having someone there to make sure it can be shut down fast is always handy. Plums starting to feel a bit like a babysitter at times. Kind of annoyed, the pair leave the facility, expressing both excitement and nervousness over the new recruit.
They go to meet Peach after their regular day jobs, turning up at a crime scene later in the night, a seemingly disinterested individual leaning against a cop car, waiting on them to turn up so they can get this over with and go home. The cold night means she's giving off a mild condensation, mildly threatening if the two hero's were being honest about it, but they approach, and try to be civil.
Greys a ray of sunshine, as per usual, totally open book, explains what he and plum do, skills, abilities, training, making the assumption the new member of their team will return the favour, which she does not. They know she uses fire from their boss, but nothing else. Peach is high-key suspicious about Plum. Her power could become a problem, should she want to do something the other two don't agree with, it could stop her. If theres one thing she hates, it's doing what other people want her to do. She is quick to clear up the fact that she does not want to be a hero, nor does she want to be part of the organisation. She doesn't want to be friends, doesn't want to chat with anyone, will not take interviews, will not engage with the media coverage hero's get, and is not afraid to melt any cameras that get too close. This threatens to ruin Plum and Greys good media relations.
queue the steady fall into partnership that the trio get caught up in. Starting real rocky, trying to get this new team mate to open up, failing miserably for a long time. She puts minimum effort into jobs, never says a word to media, and tends to get a little distracted while on the clock. One time Grey was chasing down a robber, Peach stopped to get a hotdog. Just flat out ignored the issue to deal with her own junk. Plum used her power to make her drop her snack in a puddle, and the two fought for an hour afterwards.
Winter time is something, Peach radiates heat, the other two take full advantage of it because they know it annoys her. Peach at this point doesn't have the heart to become so hot it'd hurt them, and simply gives in after some hostile words and empty threats. Grey always leans on her head, he's so tall. Plum has a habit of trying to brush dust and debris off her after a mission, straightens the jacket, picks rubble out of her hair, make sure she's presentable if the media shows up, which it always does. It's a process of slow acclimatisation with Peach, the other two know it, and try their best not to go too fast and freak her out. Start with little things, a shoulder touch, dragging her by her hand, link arms to shift her along faster, a hand on the back both supportive and to hurry her steps, because lord knows she drags her heels at work. It grows, at the bus stop, on the tube, leaning against her back to soak up the radiating heat. Sitting on her lap when theres not enough chairs, this goes for Grey too, who always wins a laugh from her for it. They cant help it, she's so cold, but actually, real damn warm. Grey notices Peach leaves for her day job a couple of hours early sometimes, especially in the winter, not sure why, he follows. She's walking the paths most frequently taken, melting all the ice and snow, so travel is easier for others. Stops at houses she knows have old folks, clears their drives in a flash, so they don't struggle, all before they're even awake.
Plum able to use her powers to get both the others to do what she wants. Smallest one has the most power, more so over Peach, her mind is scattered, making her an easy target. She tries not to do it too much, not enough to be noticeable outside of work. Sometimes its as innocent as 'why don't you just have lunch with us? You've got nothing on right now.' And for some reason she cant pinpoint peach will sit down and join the pair, despite not having wanted to originally. The time with them does end up enjoyable, not that she'd admit it. She's always sceptical of Plum for this reason. Their trust is fractured many times because of the notion that Plum's simply getting people to be around her, not because they want to, but because they have to. Causes a lot of ripples.
This develops, they have an actual fight one day, a clash of ideology, or just unbridled fury over a job badly done. Peach throwing flames around that'd leave her partner with unimaginable damage, unable to get a clear shot, her target's evasive. Plum gets just enough words out from behind cover, audible above and between the roaring flames. 'you want to stop this, you want to put the fires out, get down on your damn knees, and stop being such a massive pain for me.' Suddenly peach is indeed on her knees, involuntary movement, all flames dissipated, not sure why or how, but she's lost the will to fight her team mate, who slyly comes out of cover, grinning, knowing. She keeps wanting to go for a swing, throw a punch, but can't will her body to do it. A furious heat would usually radiate from her, but she can't generate it this time. Plum being smug about the win, crouches in front of her, somehow untouched by the soot and smoke, Peach shaking with rage, subconsciously trying to break the hold her partner's power has on her, unable. 'All that power and you can't keep your head on track enough to combat what I do? Thats a real shame for you.' So sickly sweet and smug, it boils peach's blood, not that she can do anything about it.
opposing relations, Grey's actually real soft with them both, turning up at the end of their collision to see the fallout. A parking lot more ash and soot than tarmac, the floor feels loose, peach managed to re-melt the surface, a couple cars totally burnt out, plastics melting down lamp posts, telephone wires nothing but liquid now. He helps peach up, and takes plum's hand, telling them to cut the shit, they need a drink and they need to use their words, NOT as weapons. shooting Plum a look, that really says it all, he's hardly ever serious, but he wants them to try and be more adult about this all. Guilt riddles the girls, and they cave, he seems so genuine about wanting a team that get along, people he can depend on, they owe him that much, he's always saving their butts. They comply, go back to his for beers and a chat, a serious, no punches, no fires, no weaponised words, just a wholesome, open talk. They get on a good track eventually, team work is loose, but building. Dare they say it, they even enjoy each others company more and more. Sometimes they hang out after work, sometimes its late night junk food in a seedy takeaway at 5am, other times its nursing wounds on the floor of one of their homes, bandaging cuts and scrapes, helping each other.
a true villain fight? like actual bad guy who turns up for their own gains, and the trio have to handle it, but this ones done their research. They know to try to drown peach, get her thrown in a river or something, soak her through so she struggles to create flames. To push grey so far his body can't combat the cold he produces, exhaust his stamina, body starts to degrade soon after, frostbite starts to set in. And little plum. Pretty vulnerable if she can't talk, plenty of ways to stop that happening. Then of course theres the hostage situation, what if the villain gets one of the team? What do the others do? Can't risk the life of their partner.
so much opportunity for fun, for chaos, total angst and drama.
sorry for the rambling, cant work if its in my head, put it down in actual written words, much easier to get on.
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greycaelum · 3 years
Hey grey did Kouki's mother experience baby blues after giving birth? I'm addicted to dad!gojo, can't stop rereading the series and I have no issue to wait for your update.
Thank you so much for reading KSeries and for your patience! Sending you warm hugs and hot chocolates to keep the cold winter breeze away~ ✨💛✨
Yes, but I think she actually have a shorter baby blues phase because Satoru has been quite adamant and supportive during and after the pregnancy journey and they've enjoyed the process. But she also have that days to week long coping up phase of her baby blues, one reason if you notice in Euphoria that Satoru decided to have a babysitter come over to stay for a week after Kouki's birth so Y/n can rest.
Headcannons below coz your idea is cute and comforting~ I hope you don't mind me making it a little long, 👉👈
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Satoru would be quite wary and actually keep things quiet not to irritate you.
He would talk to you about simple things and make sure you can have your space to think. Satoru would actually ask your silent permission first before hugging you, if he receives a 'yes' he would hug you so tight and pepper you with kisses, if not he would opt to try preparing a warm meal or set up a small fort in case you wanna sleep.
You might be surprised to see random boxes all over the place, that's Satoru leaving small gifts for you. Which most of them might melt you such as the cute hair clips and trinkets or be annoyed with the sticky paper posted all over the place with his messy handwriting, last time you woke up you have one sticking on your nose and cheeks but the message would always melt your anger 'To my beautiful wife. Love you and rest well' , Satoru being sappy as the rom-com movie you two would watch.
Satoru would propose to always have this warm night baths, attentively giving you care and when you try to hide the stretch marks away he would stop you and make sure you understand he loves you more than just the body, kissing the lines and praising you for being so brave and wonderful mommy to bring the lil' mochi in this world, Satoru loves you so much as his wife and now that exponentially grew as witness you be a mother to his child.
Let's go to work. We all know Satoru's work schedule is erratic especially when he took few days off when you're in due date, the higher ups would make sure the strongest keeps his workload on top even if he just had a son, so 3 out of 10 days Satoru would have to leave with a heavy heart after making sure to remind you to call him whenever you need him, any time because he will answer it no matter what he's doing. When he comes home he will surely check up on his son first and find you on the bedroom, a pang of guilt and disappointment to see dried trail of tears on your cheeks signifying you cried yourself to sleep... again. After a short bath and making sure his son is alright, fed and cozy in his crib he would go to spoon you to sleep making sure when you wake up his face and smile is the first thing you see.
When you start feeling lot better and ready to interact more with the lil' mochi only then Satoru will dismiss the babysitter.
You will notice those dark circle forming on Satoru's face his usual fair complexion losing some of the glow. After lulling the Kikufuku to sleep you would invite him to do a short skin care which would end up to tackling and giggles with him squirming from the cold gel while you try to make him stay still. In the end it'd be you holding him to sleep while he doze off snuggling on your chest hugging you tight.
There would always be times you two will feel too overwhelmed of the obligation of having a delicate life fully dependent on you both. Especially the first two months of the Kikufuku being a crybaby and you're lost what happened, did you do something wrong, what's the problem? Satoru would also be there to also help out once his work is done, as much as possible as he can help you and care for his son.
In the end, give and take as they say, once one of you is fully exhausted the other takes over, but if asked what's the remedy to the tiredness perhaps the first answer you guys will give is seeing the smile of your precious Kikufuku.
"My son is too cute," Satoru grins while cradling Kouki, they just came home from their morning stroll. Walking over to his wife who's preparing their breakfast. "Good morning Mommy," he leans down to give you a morning kiss and place his hands on your hips, leaning over to see what's you're cooking.
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I hope that gives enough justice. I had fun writing this one, (つ≧▽≦)つ
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rosescries · 3 years
So..this has been a wonder for me, for a while, but in another universe how would the skelly bois treat mc if she had a little child to look after while attending college at the same time.
I'm curious
Funny, someone asked for an Echoes chapter similar to this.
Anyway, onto the reactions:
First off, they'd all be pretty shocked and surprised. While Mc would've cleared it with Taylor first, Taylor would "accidentally forget" to tell the skeletons. So they wouldn't have been expecting a child to be with her and would think less of Mc for it. (Neglecting to tell the people she was moving in with, not for having them)
I'm going with a kid around 4-5 years old. Old enough to be in school, but still pretty young.
Sans would be kind of skeptical and suspicious of the kid, or what exactly Mc would've been teaching them. But he wouldn't be able to be cruel to the kid, especially when they haven't done anything. He'd likely try to avoid the kid when possible.
Papyrus would be surprised, but quickly warm up to the kid. He loves children! And is completely fine with their probing questions and boundless energy! He'd be a bit reserved, but he'd gladly entertain them if he's allowed!
Blue is pretty similar to Papyrus, with the added bonus that he'd gladly help the kid with homework and the like. But he'd also take any questions (though has less experience with that than Papyrus) and their energy in stride! He'd be happy to play with them if he's allowed to.
Red would be suspicious and skeptical like Sans, though he'd warm up a bit quicker. He may be a little snappish in the very beginning, but there wouldn't be much bite in it. Red does have a soft spot for kids and he can't help the bit of pride when the kid looks up at him like he's the coolest person they've ever seen.
Edge would be pretty much the same as Red. The kid would think he looks really cool and it's a big ego boost for him, and he can't be that mean to a kid. He'd act like the kid is annoying, but he doesn't really shoo them off or anything. Mainly just letting the kid hover and subtly teaching them if possible. (Though Mc would likely be reluctant to leave the kid alone with him)
Black would be a lot more annoyed than anything else. But he has to give Mc some props for raising a kid on her own, he knows it isn't easy. But still, she didn't think it was important to tell them she was bringing a kid? And she's making his brother and the skeletons deal with them? He doesn't like it. Regardless, he won't be mean to the kid, especially after deeming them harmless.
Mutt would be reluctant and nervous at first. He doesn't know how to deal with kids, what's he supposed to do? Or say? What if he breaks them? But the kid will grow on him pretty quickly, becoming another source of comfort as he gets closer to Mc.
Grey would love the kid. He'd be like grandma for them, and a jungle gym. He'd make and get them all kinds of treats and let them climb all over him. He turns into a mushy pile, especially considering the kid isn't scared of him.
Lunar would be the same as Grey, but an even better jungle gym. Especially considering he has a lot more energy to play with them with. He'd be really happy they're not scared of him and it'd really make him feel warm. He'd be thrilled to distract them for Mc and have them over, though he and Grey keep a careful eye socket on them there.
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