#so it's not like im unhealthy i eat my veggies i eat my fruits
dalroti · 8 months
My body will be like *takes 6 months to gain 1 kg* *loses it in 2 days*
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pinksparklelps · 3 months
Birds ?
Love em
Have 2 budgies
My advice ?
Dont get a bird
#i just spent an hour and a half cleaning their cages and my legs HURT#they are MENACES and they WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS#and they make SUCH A MESS#but i would literally die for my birds#whenever i see a bug and i wanna go hide downstairs my first thought is#what if it gets near the birds i dont want that thing near my birds#if you do get a bird do research#be prepared BEFORE going to get one#birds need BIG BIG cages to fly and frolick#they need toys that you swap and move around every so often#my birds like mirrors so maybe one of those#make sure they get fruits and vegetables eating only seeds is unhealthy#if your bird wont eat fruit/veggies get pellets that have the vitamins#they need a cuttlebone to keep their beak from getting too long#and you can use sandpapery feeling things to put on perchs so their claws get manicured too#birds are loud and they will fly dont yell at them for doing it#seriously dont clip your birds wings its very stressful#if you do too much its essentially like declawing a cat#you can do a little bit if you REALLY need to#but if they arent in any harm from flying then leave their wings alone#im very anti-clipping but will excuse it if its for the birds safety#also dont touch the birds wings or backs to pet them#that will arouse them#if you wanna pet the bird give gentle scritchies on the head#and you can also gently touch their bellies#mostly to urge them to step on your finger#some birds dont wanna be touched and thats fine#you can be close by; talk to it; give treats; that kinda stuff to bond#speaking of treats id probably give them millet like once a week#and obviously after doing something stressful or to train them to do something
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lilac-melody · 2 years
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444princesa · 9 months
things i have done this month to prep for january
i decided to act on my new years goals in december instead of january to get a kick start so come january, my goals are already becoming habits.
now lets go to what i have done:
started working out or moving my body everyday for at least 45 minutes. i aim for 2 hrs of walking which equals to 10k steps and stretching for 10-25 minutes. i find that this has boosted my energy levels and i really feel good but i also do other workouts like taebo if walking isnt doing it for me.
eating cleaner and making my own meals. im not a super unhealthy person but i did indulge alot which i knew wasnt good and i regretted it right after. eating unhealthy foods made me feel so groggy, heavy, bloated and just BAD. i started to cook my meals and eating more whole foods. i still indulge but in moderation. drinking a ton of water throughout the day and eating veggies or fruits before and after a meal really changed my body for the better.
doing my skincare. i was lazy about my skincare like i didnt put on sunscreen everyday and i didt take good care of it. now my skin isnt bad and i never struggled with it but i knew skincare would benefit me in the long run, plus its a nice way to incorporate self care daily. i started to do my AM and PM skincare everyday and it has been such a luxury to do.
decluttering and organizing. i have been decluttering like a MANIAC this month. it has been so freeing to get rid of anything that i do not need. i have decluttered my whole space so i am ready for the new year.
living more slowly. now this wont last but i am currently on break so i honestly have alot more time. i don't wake up super early as i did and i dont make my day so jam packed that i never have time to do simple things for myself. i sleep in (which is waking up at 8am lol, im more of a morning person) and it feels nice not having structure to my day at the moment. its odd honestly because i am a person that plans her month, week, and day no matter what but this semester really drained me so i needed to give myself time to be lazy. BUT i do want to go back on a schedule come january because i cannot live this freely for a long time, that is just not me haha.
not much preparation but it has helped me to start fresh come the new year. i mainly have been enjoying life, workout, cook, clean and organize. i know when january comes my life will get busy because of school and life. i wanted to get a few things into habits like skincare, workout, eating better, taking time to relax, which i feel i have gotten that down. these were things i struggled with on a daily and practicing that everyday for nearly a month has made me feel better but also it has been part of my routine now. i do have more goals i know i can do daily which i will share later on.
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ryantryinx · 7 months
Tag Game Whatever Day Today Is....... Thanks for tagging @such-a-barbarian and @mickeysgaymom <3 Name: Ryan
What kind of day is it?: Uh, started a bit rough ended more mid?
When was the last time you ate? : I am eating as we speak, but before this I had lunch around 11:30am
About how many hours of sleep did you get? : always atleast 8hrs. Having a regular sleep schedule really important for my management of my bipolar
Name one thing you could do to make your day better right now: Um....I could read some fanfics that make me happy. And work on my roleplays.
Why are you not doing that thing?: I actually might after I eat.
What are you going to do tonight to relax?: I took a nice hot shower and am relaxing tonight.
What comfort food do you not eat often enough?: Honestly, a hot cup of tea.
What’s stopping you? : The effort of putting the kettle on. Also i'm out of the particular tea I love most.
Have you ever had a professional massage?: No, and I don't like the idea of a stranger touching my body.
Have you eaten fruits and vegetables today?: Technically had corn and potato today as a part of our lunch. Im picky with fruits so don't often have fruit in my diet.
How much water have you had today?:Just water? nah I've had tea and monster. I'm an educator, I live on caffeine
Is there a self-care gadget you really want to buy?: I want one of those chair back massagers.
What is your favourite healthy snack?: Cucumbers and veggie dip
What is your favourite unhealthy snack?: Beef Jerky and Paydays
What is one thing you are going to start doing RIGHT NOW to take better care of yourself?: My mental health is always #1 priority so.....continue to do things that are good for that. Like regular sleep.
And to close, I want you to say one NICE thing to yourself that you really need to hear right now: Shit....um that I always do my best. And that has to be enough..... Fuck this shits deep Tagging: @callivich @bawlbrayker @sam-loves-seb
If you feel inclined!
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that-girl-lyra · 14 days
A (long) Rant About Fitness & Personal Health
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So if you're new to my blog, hi, Im Lyra and I am a 27 y/o who is very passionate about fitness and physical health. A few years back I was 165lbs and very unhappy, so I decided to start working out and then boom, currently 116lbs and 18% body fat. (Im 5ft2)
I didnt do that through some wacko diet, restricting my food, keto, whatever. No. Simply put, I ate food, and lifted heavy shit over, and over and over. And whoda thunk?! I lost body fat, gained muscle, as well as mental clarity, improved my sleep health, and physical health as a whole. And another fun fact, I still ate "bad food". Oooo, scary. Pizza, beer, burgers, cake, cookies, if its food, I want to eat it, and I did (and do).
It irks me on a cellular level that some people try to convince others that the only and or best way to lose weight, is to follow some weird ass diet that likely has more health risks than benefits, and the people theyre trying to convince, are already pretty vulnerable and are ready to try pretty much anything to get results and FAST!
Whilst I more than understand wanting results asap, fitness and physical health is not something you will see results and progress with in a short span of time. Sure, you might start feeling a little better after a month of implementing a fitness routine, but you'll look the same, and more or less still be the same. Fitness above all else teaches patience, and discipline. The muscles, slimmer figure, or whatever your original goal was is just a bonus.
Let me break a few things down for you;
Food is fuel, so fuckin EAT
You dont need to be keto, or follow the carnivore diet, vegetarian, vegan, nada. Nothing. Zilch. Zero, to be able to lose weight and gain muscle effectively, efficiently, safely, and be able to maintain a healthy body.
The best thing that I have ever heard regarding food (and it helped change my own relationship with food) is a quote from personal trainer and fitness coach Alex Tima from Hybrid Wellness. Alex said "There is no such thing as bad/unhealthy food. There is only more nutritious food, and less nutritious food".
Too much of anything isnt good, and too little of anything is also not good. Thats why we call it a "balanced" diet.
A lot of fitness influencers and whoever now days are trying to convince their followers to follow a strict diet of only animal products and maybe some fruit, all while eating one meal a day because "thats what our ancestors did!". Yeah, and our ancestors died at the ripe old age of 30.
True, we are/were hunter gatherers, but evolution is a thing as well. Just because back then we could survive off of only one meal a day, doesnt mean we have too now. More so, the biggest and strongest of our ancestors, still ate more/the most!
Bottom line, eat food when youre hungry. Eat good food. Meats, fruits, veggies, grains, fats, etc.
Dont let anyone tell you that youre undisciplined because you dont subscribe to any particular diet.
2. If You Wanna Look "Toned", You've Gotta Put in the Work
After becoming more fit and healthy myself, I have had quite a few people approach me and ask how they can do the same. However, nine times out of ten, they all say the same thing, or at least some variation of "I just wanna look more toned".
Well guess what? You will not look more toned, if there is nothing to tone.
Cardio alone will not help you achieve your goals. Sure, walking is fantastic and jogging is a great way to increase cardiovascular health and stamina, but it will not make you look more "toned". For that, you will need to build muscle. And how do we build muscle?
Unless you are literally training like Sam Sulek, you will not look like Sam Sulek. Lifting weights will NOT make you look "big" or "bulky" if you're not trying to become big or bulky. Just lift a good amount to where its a bit of a struggle, and increase the weight gradually overtime as you become stronger.
That with a little bit of cardio works wonders. Not just cardio or weights by themselves.
Sooooo many people are obsessed with the scale, being skinny, having the smallest BMI they could possibly get but let me tell you something.
My own mother has been obsessed with not only her weight (shes an almond mom with the exception of booze), but mine for as long as I can remember. Shes done so many diets, taken god knows what concoctions of...whatever, pills, etc all for the sake of being skiiinniiiiiiiii!!!!!
Guess where she is now? I mean sure, shes super fuckin skinny, but shes got diareah 24/7, liver damage, blood problems, thyroid issues, she had fuckin scurvey, and various brain issues and pretty much, delusions. But so long as her weight is low along with her waistline, she does not give a fuuuuuckk.
Guys, its not worth it. Do NOT stress over the numbers you see on the scale or any BMI calculator. Its okay if you want to drop a few pounds, but I highly HIGHLY encourage you to just simply take progress pics instead. Your eyes may lie to you, but the camera will not.
I could go on and on and on about this topic, but this is already a long enough post, and I don't want to info overload you lol.
To wrap up, fitness and personal health is all about balance. Nothing more, nothing less. Balanced diet, balanced sleep, balanced workout plan, etc.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel more than free to drop into my asks! Ill be more than happy to answer them when I can :)
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spidergarfgirl · 2 months
why am i actually so unhealthy
im underweight (86 pounds), i have food sensory issues, i hate smells of foods (especially restaurants, kitchens, lunch rooms), i eat so much sweets and candy, i havent ate a fruit in like 3 weeks, i rarely eat veggies, i never have balanced meals, i hate non-plain things, i get bloated easily, i never care about what im eating until i finished it and have guilt and regret, my dad complains and yells at me for simply not liking food and says its my fault and sm more. ive tried everything, balance of nature pills (but they were too big and i couldnt swallow them), smoothies (had a weird texture and almost threw up having them), literally just trying different foods (i gag and cant even get it in my mouth). i hate it so much. like do i have some kind of ed?? i dont get it. i just want to make myself throw up after having some ice cream, but cant cause i hate throwing up.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Me and my autistic super anti food brain: haha, I sure do
#miranda talking shit#He's studied to be something like an dietist for a while so hes very healthy mindset#And im like... God i wish i could just Do It ™ but im struggling :') like... Idk how to explain it bc to him its not a big deal#Meanwhile im like... Im actively forcing myself to eat even unhealthy fast food and such garbage like my man...#Going out to make an healthy meal regularly on my own accord like no thats um ... Yeah no#I have no food i like so i have no motivation to make any food bc i know i will just think its... Acceptable at best#All i like to eat is sweets and candy food wise i got nothing i enjoy ... I just have things i tolerate#I havent had a meal i thought was yummy in 5+ years if not more#Explaining it to people who enjoy food which is most people is like... Um... Yeah uh... Mmm im trying man but my trying is like ur no tryin#I eat at least one fruit per day... Usually a clementine so i got that going for me /:#But vegetables ... I sometimes eat small baby carrots... And my go to vegetable in cooking is broccoli ... I can use peas sometimes ...#I can have cucumber on my sandwich ... I use salad leafs if i make a burger ... Corn and cucumber if i make tortilla :')#Thats basically all... I hate tomatoes and have a ton of other veggies i hate#Idk what beans count as but i hate beans ): i know theyre healthy and good for you but they make me gag#Same with nuts which are great but uh... Only ones i can eat a handful off is hasselnuts and then i down them with yogurt#Even that can make me gag mmm... I love being made fun of for being so 'bland' in my foods and meanwhile they dont know i literally dont#Like anything. 'you just use salt/peppar on your food? Lmao' yeah i struggle to eat even such simple things but yeah im a loser lol#Same with sauce. I have three sauces i can accept otherwise i dont want any. Or dip. And i always have someone commenting and laughing at#Me for it. Like 'thats so dry lol' yeah it sure is but im not here to enjoy my food im here to just be able to consume it and this is how#I can do it. Sauce to me 90% of the time overwhelms me/the taste so it just tastes like the sauce and then i cant eat it#Soy sauce is my biggest problem. Really just tastes like soy sauce even if i just take a drop and then i am on the verge of throwing up#I tried sushi and that could have ended poorly tbh... My friend was like 'use the soy sauce its good' and im like no thanks#I'll eat my raw fish instead! Dude reason 2 why i hate eating with someone is bc i always get comments on what i eat and im just tired like#Im trying to just get this in me and keeping it basic af is how i succeed the best in that... Anyone who comments on others food i dislike#You. I don't see the point of it like what do you gain? You feel superior or something ? Its not like my food will be anything you have to#Eat so ... Just dont comment on it? I like no food but i never make comments on what someone else eat even if i sure dont like it#It has nothing to do with me so why does it matter what someone else consumes ? Goddamn /:#Im whining a ton again but man i am tired. I struggle enough with food without others commenting on it and im sure many others ate the same#Ive seen and been told about some... Nasty sounding food combos but i will always try to be neatrul with it. I'll be like 'oh okay do you#Like it? Yeah? Well thats all that matters' but hey then again im the biggest 'stay in my own lane' type of person
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this is my guide as a certified Depressed Bitch™️ for struggling through ur depression slump
(this is rlly long i’ll break it down into seperate posts because ik my bitches w depression don’t have the energy to read this. i’ll tag the broken down version under #certified depressed bitch series )
dry shampoo is ur best friend. too tired to take a shower? that’s perfectly okay. dry shampoo will make u feel a bit cleaner and more presentable
BABY WIPES. this goes along with the being too depressed to take a shower!!! just wipe down where ur stinkiest and done. easy, doesn’t take any energy, you can keep it by ur bed so u don’t even need to get up.
after baby wipes put on some deodorant. it helps. trust me.
whenever u have the energy to get up, make ur bed. it’s easier than it sounds i promise. put the pillows at the top. then pull up the blanket and straighten it. done. it helps move all that stagnant energy built up
if u hoard cups like me, get a nice cheap bin. put all of ur cups on/in it and put it in the sink. then put some soap and hot water. done. now u let them soak for however long u need and !! if u have to wash a pot u can just move the bin!!! it’s foolproof i swear.
open ur curtains and windows. please. u don’t have to go anywhere just sit near the window and get some light.
for laundry this is what i do, i pick up all the dirty clothes off the floor and put them in the laundry bin. that’s it. that’s all u have to do for the day.
laundry pt.2 the next day just chuck it all into the wash, set an alarm and move it into the dryer. then i put those clothes back into a bin of ur choosing. u can fold and put those clothes away whenever u feel u can. no rush. they will be fine in the bin i promise
if u have pets just sit by them and watch them. they love u so much and will miss u if u leave this world too early. stay for them.
listen to some nice music, i recommend the breath of the wild soundtrack or animal crossing if u feel like u cant handle words.
STICKY NOTES. just write cute little reminders. like remembering to drink water. or just complimenting urself. even if u don’t believe it.
have a comfort waterbottle, u carry it everywhere, u take it everywhere u go. it becomes a safety blanket AND it hydrates u. 10/10 recommend
if u have plants like me and are too depressed to take care of them, pick a day once a week to take them into the bath and give them a shower. just once a week. they will thank u.
ONE SECTION AT A TIME OKAY??? u do not need to get ur life together all at once. rome wasnt built in a day babe. one thing at a time. ex: “i have to do homework and catch up on school and clean my room and take care of my plants and-“ NO 😡💕 one thing at a motherfucking time. choose ONE. that is ur ticket. that’s all u have to think about today.
and if ur mom or someone tells u that u aren’t doing enough. well u know what. THEY ARENT U. u are still alive and that is an accomplishment all in itself so if they aren’t proud of u I WILL BE. im proud of u. one thing at a time babes.
smoothies. smoothies will get ur veggies and fruits in for a day and !!! they r easy. throw that shit in a blender and ur done.
eat something. if ur debating whether to eat something or not just because it’s “unhealthy” just eat it. u need sustenance for the emotional turmoil.
if ur room is a hot mess like mine, once again, ONE THING AT A TIME. one day focus on the floor. if it takes more than a day that’s okay. one section a week works too, hell i’ve done one section a MONTH.
break it down into small manageable tasks. if u cant figure out how to do that think about how u would break it down for a small child to do. treat urself gently. u have been through a lot. it’s okay to be nice to urself for once.
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barnesbabee · 2 years
My workout + diet plan
Hello guys so as I said here goes what I do during the week for weight loss + toning. I'll do some at home versions here for the machines I use.
(Note that I do 1 cheat day a week and workout 5-6 times a week)
If you want a little help tracking your calories/knowing how much you should consume to lose weight I use an app called Qalorie :)
attention: Im not telling anyone to diet or lose weight, Im just trying to help whoever wants to.
-> Cardio I do 40 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes on the elliptical machine as a warm up and 20 minutes of treadmill at the end of the workout. Note that I usually also walk to the gym for some more cardio work.
You can substitute the machines by going on a walk (you don't necessarily need to run) or jumping rope.
-> Strenght What I do varies, but I usually do 2-3 machines. I try to change machines every day and not do the same one 2 days in a row to let certain muscles rest and work other ones. I always do 5-15 (5 sets, 15 reps each)
I usually do leg press (with weighs from 60kg-79kg depends), but if you don't work out at the gym you can get the same results by buying some weights and doing squats at home holding the weight for some extra pressure on your legs.
I also do the outer thigh machine (machine where you have to force your legs open, or otherwise force them close with weights) which is one of the best machines for legs and glutes, and you can do one of these exercises at home by buying one of those resistance bands and doing the same motions with your legs.
My gym partners hate arm work but I like it so sometimes I workout in the machines, but the exercise I did the longest was the barbell chest press, which you can do at home with 2 weights.
I've been doing some ab workouts now too for summer and for this I really recommend trying chloe ting's video on ab exercises because I really like them and think they're really good, and you don't need any material at all :) you can find my favourite one here
-> The most important part is to know when to give yourself a break or a treat instead of having a breakdown and going on weekend-long spree of junk food and then feeling bad. If one day you REALLY feel like eating something like chocolate or fried chicken, don't replace it with something sort of healthy that kind of replaces it, because you will still want it. Give yourself a cheat day a week and have an unhealthy meal because it's also good to reward yourself for all the hard work.
-> For snacks, besides fruit I often eat crackers (with no salt) and light cream cheese which is really good. And also those laughing cow mini wedge cheeses, love them and my nutritionist said they were great. Always try to get the light version if you can tho.
-> Chicken is the best meat to eat, and I found that a great way to make a delicious and healthy meal is to make chicken burritos. Throw in chicken and your favourite veggies in a tortilla (normal ones are fine but if you can find them with seeds it's better) and it's amazing. Mustard is also relatively healthy so adding it is no problem!
-> Aside from that, seed bagels with cream cheese, lettuce and cherry tomatoes are surprisingly good!
-> I hated those frozen veggies (Like broccoli) for the longest time, but if you boil them and then throw them in a pan with some coconut oil it's really nice. It's no McDonalds fries but it tastes a lot better.
-> Don't forget to check the calories in the 'healthy' things you buy! Sometimes it's 'fake' healthy stuff filled with calories, just because it has veggies and nuts doesn't mean it's better than the regular things.
-> Jello is very low calorie and a great dessert/snack :) it's also easy to make and there are sugar free versions that are just as good
-> nuts like almonds, peanuts and whatnot are usually not that great despite what you might think because they are high in fat, so although they're not bad in small quantities, a lot of it isn't great.
-> cheese and (regular) ham slices are terrible, they're awful if you're dieting and so is white bread. This one was a hard one for me because I love me a cheese and ham toast :(
-> Cut up apples, put them on the stove until they start to get soft, add a bit of honey and cinnamon and throw it on some oatmeal and it's a tasty, easy and healthy snack!
-> water water water water
-> don't forget to include protein and fiber in your diet
I didn't include fish here cause I fucking hate it so I have a tuna sandwich and salmon here and there for the omega 3 and iron
I think I've added everything I can! Remember every body reacts differently to diets and don't be too extreme at first. Pay attention to what your body tells you and stay healthy :)
ps.: if you are a girl and start dieting, me and my friend had our periods for a month straight, so if you drastically change your eating habits it might happen to you too, just know you're not alone lol
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I start highschool in a month and a half im getting a ton of new clothes cuz my birthday is rly soon so im gonna start trying to lose weight im gonna exercise a normal amount but restrict enough to hopefully lose like 10-15lbs so this will be my diet feel free to follow it just please be careful and always try to recover but if youre like me and cant yet then feel free to do this❤
Fast until 4pm ( drinks dont count as long as theyre under 100cals try to stay under tho)
Eat dinner before 6pm
Drink at least 1 litre of water daily try to drink more though
Snacks are veggies and low cal fruit only
Eat small servings
Always eat the veggies on your plate before eating the other things
( i have medical reasons for this one)
No gluten or dairy and try to limit sugar try to use stevia instead
Once every 2 weeks one unhealthy snack is allowed and cake on holidays if only a small peice and workout that day
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notyobabygirl · 4 years
hey girl! this will be long i’m so sorry 🥺
i’ve gained weight since quarantine started which is also around the time i started dating my bf. we eat out a few days a week and i get 0 exercise now. my days consist of me waking up around 8am, babysitting until 5pm, going to my bf’s house until 1am, coming home & spending the rest of my night watching my shows and snacking until i go to bed around 2/3/4am. growing up my weight would fluctuate a lot: in elementary school i was chubby, in middle school i magically lost it all and was skinny, freshman/sophomore year of hs i was a literal twig and super unhealthily skinny, junior year i gained a little weight but was still skinny, and senior year (last year also when i first met my bf) was probably the best my body has been. it’s funny because last year i thought i was fat and was insecure but now looking back, i was literally perfect and i would kill to look like that again. i see how easy it was for me to gain weight over the years and i want to make a change in my habits so bad but with my schedule and with gyms being closed where i live it’s hard. i’m gonna try to not make excuses though lol but my issue is once i start, i want to see the results asap or i get really unmotivated. ik a girl from my school who has lost 70lbs since last year and she posted a tiktok about it and it made me feel better like i could do it. i have a weird relationship with food though. i would literally starve myself in 8,9,10th grade and now i love food and i actually have an appetite. my weight gain has also caused me to be insecure in my relationship. i’m constantly wondering if my bf is less attracted to me or if he notices it. he’s never mentioned it but i have to admit i was so much hotter when he first met me than i am now. and all his past girls that ik of are relatively skinny and i think about that too and compare myself :/ in the back of my mind i know i’m really insecure about gaining weight but i usually don’t let it get to me. but tonight i decided i wanted to ‘see what i look like from someone else’s view’ so i set up my phone using flash and the back camera and turned/posed so i could see how my body looked. i actually did a few of these videos (i was wearing a tight cropped tank top and baggy sweats). and i feel so disgusted by myself. i knew i gained weight but i looked like a whale from certain views. most of the weight i gained went to my tummy and arms sadly. from behind my arms/shoulders look so fat and my stomach is the biggest it’s ever been. most people wouldn’t consider me “fat” but i feel huge. i want to start good habits (eat better, exercise more, etc) but i don’t know where to start or how long i’ll last. i know it’ll be worth it in the end but i need motivation right now to even begin. i’m so sorry that was a literal book to read, but it would mean a lot if you had any tips on staying motivated, how i can eat healthier and exercise while having such a strict schedule? i don’t necessarily want to “diet” and the amount of information that is out there on eating habits and working out is so confusing. like everyone says different things and contradict each other that idk what i exactly should do to reach my goals. i want to lose general weight (especially in my tummy and arms) and overall be more confident and happy. thank you 🤍 sorry again for the length of this!
hi hi! well first of all I dont think your boyfriend got any less attracted to you at all! boys are also pretty oblivious. dont worry about what he thinks because its not important. he loves you for you and clearly if he has never even said anything then that proves my point even more! also wanna say I have taken self timer pictures of my body and I was mortified too lol. like I swear it made me look 10x worse than I did so dont look too much into the pictures. adding exercise into your diet will help so if you want to wake up before babysitting (I dont blame you if you dont lol) then that would be a great way to start the morning and get it over with. but If you dont then after babysitting take an hour to go to the gym or do workouts at home. to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficient. if you do little to no activity during the day and just eat shit all day then it will catch up with you (it did to me beginning of the year). dedicate ATLEAST 30 minutes into doing something. I have been so into walking for an hour and listening to podcasts, its like my fav things. eating healthy is the most important part though, tell your boyfriend you are eating healthy and you will go with him to get food but you won't always get something or you will find the healthiest option. growing up I always thought that eating healthy means eating gross foods but eating healthy can be soooo yummy. tik toks really helped me find recipes as well as going on Pinterest or even just going to the grocery store and experimenting. buy healthy snacks, veggies, skinny pop, halo top, hummus, rice cakes and pb, fruits, frozen fruit, smoothies. that helped me start losing weight and replacing unhealthy foods with good healthy ones. the grocery store is like the first step and getting into that mindset like ok im going to eat healthy is important. you know you can do it, anyone can do it. you just have to be ok with saying no to eating out and stuff. drink sooo much water, I have a 40oz hydro flask and I think I drink close to like 2 gallons not kidding. also tea!! I love tea so much. If you dont buy the junk food then you cant eat it! I know you can do this, you got this!!!!!!
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spearmintcoffee · 4 years
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i’m back! i’m just gonna do all of these to distract myself from eating
1. i’m 6′1, im over 250 unfortunately  2. answered my height, but yes i do like it, i wish i was taller though 3. i dont really have a thinspiration besides random pictures i find on here :/ 4. my greatest fear is that i’ll reach my ugw and then gain it all back and more like everyone tells me i will 5. i want to lose weight because i’m not healthy at all. i started binging when my dad died and it never stopped, i go in restrict/binge cycles and have since i was 11, my weight is so high its embarrassing so yes i’m doing it for me, i want to feel like people actually care about and desire me 6. answered in last 7. my family does know but they think i’m doing it healthily 8. i’m in a wheelchair :( so i don’t really have one 9. yeah growing up i hit 6′ at a super young age (like in elementary school) and it made my body bigger so everyone would call me fat even when i weighed barely over 100 lbs. it was terrible 10. honestly the hardest thing i’ve given up is  pizza. i still eat thin crust sometimes but man  i would kill to just be able to go to little caesars 11. again don’t have one 12. i eat eggs, rice cakes with jam, fruits/veggies (i like carrot, broccoli, blackberries, raspberries, oranges especially), shirataki noodles when i have them, sometimes cheese, and a lot of greek yogurt. that’s pretty much my daily rotation. 13. unhealthy definitely and it’s still not fast enough 14. my ugw is 130 and i honestly don’t know if i’ll ever reach it but i hope to reach it before i start college next september 15. yes im vegetarian! i’m not sure if it’s helped me lose weight though. 16, i’ve been suffering this since i was 11 years old xD 17, uh yeah??? 18, my ultimate weakness is enchiladas and tamales.... man they’re so good, also cheesecake 19. i eat fast food pretty regularly since my mom forces me to, i usually try to order low cal things and small sizes 20. i’m not sure i’m trying the frankie stein diet i saw someone post on here and so far it’s good 21. lmao for pants i’m a 22-24 and shirts XL-2X and it makes me wanna vomit 22. my lowest weight was 122, when i first got my ED, and i would literally give anything to go back to that. i gained for Trauma Reasosn. 23. definitely 24. i honestly don’t agree we should NOT promote eating disorders but i think giving people with eds a safe community is helpful as long as no one encourages it 25. nope 26. i just want to feel loved and admired and envied. i want to feel like i am worth love and not disgusting. 27. very badly. i am an impulsive eater so i have to literally stay out of the kitchen at all times 28. i honestly do but i don’t think i’ll ever get it 29. i think everyone is beautiful as long as they are kind and pure hearted 30. uhh not doing this one
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trochantertales · 4 years
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I won’t take up 30 posts with this but rather do it all in one sitting. It’ll be good to evaluate myself properly for the first time in awhile. 
1. cw: 129 - haven’t done body measurements in a couple weeks. Will update soon.
2. 5′10″, Yes I’ve always liked being tall. 
4. Doing permanent damage to my body.
5. I miss how I felt when I was in the depths of this years ago. I know that sounds crazy. But that time is almost romanticized. I had little real world responsbilities, I was reading and creating things, and in school, and meeting my favorite people, and thin, and working out, and excelling in my sports, and it was all so perfect. I want some of that back. I believe I’d feel more confident for myself and for my boyfriend if I was thinner now too. Elegantly thin. A sharp jawline and sleek collar bones, highlighted from the light leaking in from the window. Like being thin would suddenly make me profoundly interesting too...   
6. No
7. No, They are aware of my past with restrictive eating and would be very concerned. They know I’m not eating sugar for health reasons but thats it. 
8. Yoga, Spinning, Hiking, and try to run but Im not very good at it. (I aim for daily workouts, but I don’t always get that in. Although I just ordered a spin bike for my home!!!)
9. The only comment I can really recall was pre ED when I was less conscious of my body and my mom kindly pointed out my jeans were too tight because it was squeezing my hips out the top. I know it wasn’t anything critical or negative. She was trying to do me a kindness so I didn’t dress unflatteringly. And I am grateful for that. But more than any negative comments, I always was the skinny friend, and I longed for those comments to continue. 
10. Eating out with friends. ED’s are incredibly lonely. 
11. I can’t recall the blog or her username, but I can see her profile photo in my mind. She was quite popular on blogger back in the day. Looking for new blogs to follow currently if you have any great suggestions. 
12. Nothing for breakfast. Smoothies or 1/2 veggie sandwich or granola bar for lunch. Veggies or small grilled chicken or eggwhite omlette for dinner. 1 small square of dark chocolate to satisfy sweet tooth. 
13. Both. My therapist always told me I liked to play both doctor and patient. I like to skirt a fine line, I restrict (currently just minimal daily food, but in the past would fast for a day, or days, or a week, the longest was just over 2 weeks). I was unhealthy but never dipped into a place that was too dangerous. I never wanted to die. I just want to be thin. I also love to work out, so I find a balance between restricting and working out. 
14. I think I’d like to be around 115 or 110. When I was down there previously of course I wanted to keep on losing. But I think thats a reasonable goal for myself. 
15. Im mostly vegetarian. We only eat meat on occasion. I don’t notice too much of a difference between diets for me. I feel less heavy when I dont eat meat which I prefer. Eating meat is more of a rare indulgence. 
16. End of high school. I worked at a cafe, and in the beginning it was a perk to be able to snack on things throughout the day for free. A muffin here, some chicken strips there, a small scoop of ice cream, grilled chicken salad...  At some point after eating during the work day, I grabbed a plasic spoon and went on break and tried to purge. (Its not for me). After this, I decided my path would be focused on restricting. I remember going to my high school boyfriends house and telling him so proudly that I had only had a smoothie and a cliff bar the entire day. I was hooked from there. 
17. Yes. My therapist was not one who liked the make an official diagnosis. Although she categorized me somewhere along the lines of EDNOS with Anorexia Nervosa tendencies. 
18. Certain foods really stand out to me. My friends’ moms fried chicken. My fried tacos. Almost anything sweet. Chips. Perfectly buttered toast. They all represent something to me, but I’m relatively good at distracting myself now. Only rarely do I give in to these temptations. 
19. It’s been over a year since I’ve had fast food (as in a drive thru business). The only one I really liked was Taco Bell (and chic fil a but stopped going there years and years ago for political reasons). Ever since I really focused on clean and organic foods, fast food hasn’t appealed to me. 
20. A healthy diet of veggies and fruits is always nice and refreshing. A diet program I turn to most often is the ABC diet. 
21. Pants (used to be 25, currently a 27/28). Shirt (a S but I prefer M or L for a baggy fit). 
22. My lowest weight was around 110-113. I gained while in therapy several days a week and focusing on my passions in life. Things were going really well in my life and my need to control things was redirected into my athletic and creative goals. 
23. Media has a large role in motivating me to remain sick. Im not so sure it was a role in me wanting to lose weight. Once I was ill I rewatched Girl Interrupted, Thin, Intervention, Whats Eating You, Super Slim Me, Supersize vs Superskinny, Biggest Loser etc. over and over and over again. 
24. I don’t believe anyone who suffers from an ED is For any of this. I think it more accurately describes an individual as “actively-Ana” or “acitvely-Mia.” 
25. I’ve only successfully purged once. As I said earlier, it’s not my thing. My friend who struggles more with bulimia suggested I could try using a toothbrush and tickle my tonsils. After a lot of gagging and sweat, I was able to purge a good amount of my meal. But I hated the idea of eroding my esophageal lining. And in the end, restricting was just easier for me. Tidier. More control. More discipline. Reflected my personality more. 
26. A different kind of confidence, and a certain mentality that I truly miss in my creative process. 
27.  If I can avoid it like, avoid going into the kitchen to grab something, then its very easy. It tests me when sitting around a table filled with snacks. So if I can keep my hands occupied with a hydroflask of water, thats what I focus on. And I’m always in my head from the beginning of meal. Who am I wish. What are we eating. What else have I eaten today. What else do I have to eat today. How many calories is the meal. How many calories can I afford to eat. etc etc. And when I have a plan, I stick to it. 
28. Yes. I’ve always had a thigh gap growing up and even through my 20s. Only in very late 20s and 30 have I felt the very top of my thighs rub together if I walk a certain way and it makes me feel seriously ill. I miss the days of standing with my feet tightly together, upright, butt tucked (not sticking out like IG influencers for better angles), and still having a gap. 
29. Passionate Brilliant people with an unwavering sense of self. 
30. Ill continue to update my stats, especially since I did this all in 1 go vs over a month. 
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alicedoessurveys · 4 years
Food Tag
1. What’s the last thing you ate? we had a bbq, I had a jacket potato with cheese and some tikka skewers
2. What’s your favourite cheese? mozzarella or red Leicester 
3. What’s your favourite fish? the only fish I eat is tuna and I wouldn't even call that my favourite 
4. What’s your favourite fruit? apple or banana, literally the only fruit I eat 
5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives? never
6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer? don't like beer, cant even stand the smell of it 
7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish? never
8. What was the best thing your mum/dad/guardian used to make? my mom does amazing dirty fries. she cooks them perfectly and adds turkey mince cooking in tomatoes and cheese and omg their just kdjjdsgfdskuhf
9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown? curries- apparently Birmingham is famous for its curries
10. What’s your comfort food? anything hot and covered in cheese, or chocolate 
11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate? ALL the chocolate
12. How do you like your steak? I don't eat red meat 
13. How do you like your burger? with cheese and either ketchup for veggie burger or bbq sauce for chicken burgers
14. How do you like your eggs? I dont eat eggs
15. How do you like your potatoes? baked with lots of butter 
16. How do you take your coffee? don't like coffee
17. How do you take your tea? don't like tea
18. What’s your favourite mug? my “don't let the muggles get you down” mug
19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice? oreos
20. What’s your ideal breakfast? cereal
21. What’s your ideal sandwich? cheese -  im seeing a theme with my answers here...
22. What’s your ideal pizza: alllll the cheese, a bit of chicken and some bbq sauce 
23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)? chicken and gravy
24. What’s your ideal salad? no thanks
25. What food do you always like to have in the fridge? cheese, milk, some sort of yoghurt dessert
26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer? a supply of veggie food, some ready meals for lazy times, ice cream
27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard? pasta, cereal, soup, beans 
28. What spices can you not live without? basil, thyme, turmeric, paprika, garlic, salt, pepper
29. What sauces can you not live without? tomato, bbq, curry sauce
30. Where do you buy most of your food? supermarket
31. How often do you go food shopping? not often because I live at home its mostly done by parents, but I like to go get my own stuff every other week. obviously with covid lockdown ive not been at all in months 
33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own? again, I live with my parents so I don't actually own anything
34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen? n/a
35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without? microwave, toastie maker
36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients? I dont cook meat 
37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients? again,  I don't cook with meat 
38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry? the only meat I eat it chicken or turkey 
39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor? I don't 
40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? I don't 
41. Arrange the following in order of preference: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Sushi – italian, Chinese, Indian, I don't eat the others 
42. Arrange the following in order of preference: Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum – rum, thats the only one I drink
43. Arrange the following in order of preference: Garlic, Basil, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed – basil, garlic, I don't use the others 
44. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana. – apple, banana, I don't eat the others but flavour wise id go cherry, strawberry, pineapple, watermelon, orange 
45. Bread and spread: bread and butter, thats it. im simple.
46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order? Chinese - chicken in black bean sauce and spicy chips
47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city? London- shake shack do the best cheese fries omg 
48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day? I don't really have a tipple 
49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat? cereal in the morning 
50. Are you hungry now? no
51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday? when im at home yeah, but work days I tend to skip it because I don't have time 
52. At what time do you have breakfast? around 9/9.30am
53. At what time do you have lunch? between 12-2pm
54. What do you have for lunch? whatever I feel like/whatever I can find 
55. At what time do you have dinner? between 6-8pm
56. What do you have for dinner? whatever my mom cooks
57. Do you light candles during dinner? nope
58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair? 4, there isn't a main chair
59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one? right
61. Mention the veggies that you like most: peas, thats it 
62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least? all of them 
63. You like your fruit salad to have more: don't eat it
64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more: don't eat it 
65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread? cheese, surprise surprise 
66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar? Cadbury dairy milk or galaxy
67. What’s your favourite dessert? brownies
68. What’s your favourite drink? pepsi, or summer fruits squash
69. What’s your favourite snack? don't really have snacks 
70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour? don't like it
71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? caramel or chocolate 
72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour? don't like them
73. What’s your favourite soup? tomato
74. What’s your favourite pizza? cheese and tomato 
75. What’s your favourite type of dish? italian? I don't think I understand the question 
76. What food do you hate? fish, rice, veg, 
77. What’s your favourite restaurant? a little local one called ‘Little Italy’ where I go every year on my birthday 
78. Do you eat homemade food, or food delivered from outside? homemade mostly, but we have a lot of takeaway too
80. Who cooks at home? mom mostly, but me and dad do occasionally too
81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have? I think its called the ridiculously unhealthy diet 
82. How do you keep yourself fit? go for a lot of walks, and my job is really active 
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Day 2|23:50
Pretty good I guess,
I worked out today.Good. I ate 200 calories under my calorie limit.Good. I only ate veggies/fruits and I only drank coffee and water.Good. After working out a lot my legs hurt.Bad. They still hurt. The worst. Anyways..I watched ssvss today and they always say that the superskinnies eat childlike portions so i do too now. Only difference that I don’t eat unhealthy stuff like they do sometimes. Since today you can pre order k-12 so im going to the bank to fill up my acc and pre order it. Stay save🌈
Calories burned:500
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