#so let's just go with 'the real world and UP aren't compatible'
sui-imi · 10 months
Can creators/aspiring creators join the UnderNet Prtocol?
hmm... that's a good question!
I'm going to say that if creators find the code for it, they can observe, but they cannot directly interact with it. let's say it's... a compatibility issue...? (we're too four dimensional? haha i don't know)
I think it's best if it stays as an in-multiverse thing, if that makes sense. (also if Admin knew that creators could use it, he'd lose his mind and start annoying each one hahaha)
edit: this also means that creators can't look at/order through UnderEats... i'm sorry 😔 (but you can get your ocs to get some for you)
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rallamajoop · 9 months
Some statistics on Lucy and the odds of surviving (non-vampiric) blood transfusions
Because it’s Dracula-season again, and because I am absolutely that kind of nerd, I spent some time calculating the actual odds of Lucy surviving all those blood transfusions from unrelated donors. To summarise what I found up front: Lucy's odds aren't great, but they're still a lot higher than you might think.
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Now, I’m not the first person ever to tackle this question, and having no medical qualifications whatsoever, I'm not the best person either. But figuring out the answer to my own satisfaction was a great excuse to learn a whole lot of fascinating stuff that took some digging to figure out, so (with the caveat that I am entirely open to corrections from real professionals) naturally now I want to share it.
The complete world history of attempted blood transfusions is way beyond scope for us here (you can find plenty of sources on it online if you’re curious). But as Stoker’s text aptly demonstrates, the science of blood transfusion had come a long way by the Victorian era – just not the means for doctors to reliably predict which transfusions would be successful, and which would simply kill the patient. The principle behind the basic A, B and O blood types wouldn’t be discovered until 1900 – 4 years after Dracula was published, and wouldn't become part of general medical practice for much longer – and the additional Rh-factors wouldn’t be discovered until 1939. In Stoker's day, doctors were still so far behind the ball some of them thought transfusing milk into people suffering blood loss was a good idea (yes, really). And though I'm focusing on blood groups here, it goes without saying there are plenty of other risks that come from letting any Victorian-era doctor open your veins.
That said, what the average person knows about how blood types work may not be all that much advanced today from what doctors knew in the 1890s. It’s easy to come out of Dracula thinking, “Wow, they gave Lucy blood from four different people? The odds all their blood types would matched hers must be minuscule!” (and a quick search of the web for this topic will find people asking exactly that). But there are several factors which make Lucy’s chances a whole lot better than they might look on paper.
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(Image source)
For one thing, even though there are many different blood groups to worry about, some are much more common than others. If just one blood group accounts for half the population (which is actually true of some countries), then Lucy’s odds of hitting four donors with the same group just by chance would go way up.
But far more important is the fact that blood groups don’t have to be a 'match' to be compatible. If Lucy is one of the 2% of the British population with the blood group AB+, she’d be a universal recipient – theoretically capable of receiving blood from anyone without adverse reactions. Similarly, if any of her donors were O-, she’s in luck again, because that makes them a universal donor. If Lucy herself is O-, however, she’s in trouble: universal donors can donate to any other group, but they can only receive from other O-negs.
Confused? Time to get a bit more technical.
When receiving blood, your greatest enemy is your own immune system. Vital as all those immune cells are, they are not smart, and have no way of knowing that all this foreign blood suddenly flooding your system is friendly. If the don’t recognise those blood cells, they’ll attack them, bonding to their surface and causing cells to clump together and form clots which can clog up your arteries and kill you. Transfusing the wrong blood type can and likely will kill you.
The immune system identifies blood cells as intruders via specific antigens found on the cell’s surface. The most important antigens in blood matching systems are the A and B antigens, and secondarily the Rhesus antigens (marked + or -). Some people have all of these antigens (AB+), some have none (O- with the ‘O’ more literally indicating a ‘0’ or a null) and many have some but not all (A+, B-, O+, etc). Meanwhile, the immune system of the recipient body, much like your racist uncle, will attack most anything with distinguishing features it hasn't seen before (like I said, it’s not smart). A blood cell which is missing a familiar antigen will slip through, but a blood cell sporting an unfamiliar antigen will trigger a reaction. So the immune system of someone with B-type blood will have issues with any A-type blood you try and transfuse in, but will be just fine with B or O, since O lacks any antigens to mark it as an intruder.
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Once you know what you’re looking for, A, B, AB and O type blood can be identified fairly easily, just by mixing blood or antibodies and watching the reaction. I’ve seen some suggestions that this may have been understood even to some of the better-informed doctors in Victorian times: when unsure if a transfusion would be safe, they could try transfusing just a small amount of blood, watch for a bad reaction, and continue only if things look good. If you absolutely have to do a blood transfusion without any testing though, an immediate family member is your best bet: blood types can still differ among a family, but there’s a strong genetic component. (Sadly, this wouldn’t have been an option for Lucy, as her mother was already unwell, and would not have been considered a good transfusion candidate.)
Things get more complicated when you add in the Rhesus factor, which wasn’t discovered until some decades later, and for good reason: bad reactions to Rh+ blood develop in Rh- people only after that first transfusion. While A and B types might be like your racist uncle, the Rh factor is more like putting a dog on your basketball team: you’ll get away with it once, because you’ve brought in something so unexpected no-one’s made a rule about it yet (let alone bothered to come up with anti-dog basketball tactics). Unlike the standard A and B antigens, the immune system has to have 1) seen Rh+ blood, and 2) spent some time thinking about a good plan of attack before it’s ready to do anything about it – by which point the donor blood should be out of your system anyway. It's only the next transfusion after that where you can hit problems.
In practice, the Rh factor is of most concern to Rh- mothers carrying Rh+ babies. The first baby should be fine, but the delivery process can result in some mixing of the mother and baby's blood ‒ and that can leave her immune system primed to take offense at any future passengers of the Rh+ persuasion (why this apparently doesn’t also apply to A and B type babies in A or B negative mothers I’m not sure, but obviously the Rh-immune response works differently). With all today’s modern medical technology, this is something doctors can identify in expectant parents and manage with medication, but obviously they're still going to want to avoid transfusing Rh+ blood into an Rh- patient (especially if they’ve already got Rh+ kids).
Regardless, for our purposes, it’s only from the second transfusion that the Rh factor could trip you up. So could that be an issue for Lucy, if she’s getting so many transfusions? It's harder to find good info on exactly how long the Rh immune reaction takes to develop after the first transfusion, but most of what I could find suggests we’re looking at a period of weeks to months at least. So that’s good news for Lucy: we can ignore Rh factors when we’re calculating her odds of survival.
As a minor aside here, the standard eight blood types you can get by combining A, B and the Rhesus factor aren’t technically the only blood types out there. These three antigens matter most because people both with and without them are common in the broader human population, but a small minority of people are missing other antigens that the rest of us get as standard. European blood banks apparently also classify blood by a Kell factor, and people with anaemia and other conditions likely to require regular transfusions may be checked for several other potential Rh-like issues. A handful of people worldwide have blood classified as neither Rh+ or Rh-, but Rh-null – missing antigens common to 99.9% of the human population, and being in that class is a very mixed blessing. Blood donations from someone Rh-null can be used in recipients with rare blood types that would make them incompatible with almost any other donor. But if someone Rh-null ever needs a blood donation themselves, they’re in big trouble.
So, enough theory. What’s all this mean for Lucy’s odds of making it through 4 blood transfusions from unrelated donors?
Unsurprisingly, ratios of different blood groups vary a lot country to country and population to population, so I looked up ratios in modern Britain (Van Helsing is Dutch, of course, but blood groups in the Netherlands are similar enough to those in the UK that we’ll ignore that, just for simplicity). It’s possible these ratios have drifted since Victorian times, but figuring out how is so far beyond scope here we’re not going to worry about it. As discussed above, we’ll also ignore Rh factors – Lucy’s almost certainly never had a blood transfusion or a baby before, and everything happens far too fast for an Rh-immune response to kick in.
Alright. It’s statistics time!
We don't know Lucy's blood group, so any are possible. For each potential Lucy-blood-group, we can generate a list of blood groups which will be compatible donors (we'll call that list C(x)), and from that, we can calculate the probability that she'll be compatible with any randomly-selected donor. For Lucy to survive, we need her to survive 4 successive blood transfusions, so we’re raising that survival probability to the power of 4. Then to calculate her overall probability of survival, we multiply the survival rate by the odds she’s in that blood group, and add them together (no need to divide by the total population, that’s an easy 100%). So if we let n = number of transfusions and P(x) = probability a person is in blood group x, we get the following lovely equation:
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(Yes, I know, I'm sorry ‒ someone out there is going to want to check my working, and I like to be transparent.)
And with that, (assuming I’m not just talking out of my arse with all those calculations), that suggests Lucy’s overall chances of surviving 4 different blood transfusions is about: (drum roll)... 27%. So, roughly 1 in 4.
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The really savvy reader might notice that Lucy does not, technically, survive all four transfusions – she dies shortly after the fourth, so it’s conceivable that last transfusion was a mismatch. If we take the requirements down to where Lucy only needs to survive 3 transfusions, her odds go up to 34%, or closer to 1 in 3. Still not great, but given the sorts of crazy one-in-a-million coincidences all fiction is built on, that’s actually pretty reasonable. Even if you do factor in Rh compatibilities, we're still looking at around 21% survival rate after 4 transfusions, which are pretty decent odds in the world of Victorian medicine.
Do those odds sound a little high to you? Here’s something to keep in mind. On paper, Lucy’s odds of surviving even a single random-donor transfusion are only 65%. But given she survived that first transfusion, the odds go up that she’s in one of those near-universal blood groups, and they keep going up. Sure, every new transfusion has a new chance to kill you, but statistically speaking, every transfusion you survive marks you as someone who’s a little more likely to survive the next. So someone who's already survived 2 transfusions has a 76% chance of surviving a 3rd ‒ and if they do survive that 3rd, an 80% chance of surviving a 4th.
As another aside though, even after surviving four successive transfusions, the odds Lucy’s in that lucky AB universal-recipient category are still only about 10% (compared to 3% of the base population). Statistically, it’s still far more likely she’s in the A-group ‒ the second largest group in the UK, and who can receive blood from the other largest group (O), letting them receive blood from a whooping 86% of the population without issue. Aren’t statistics wonderful?
Oh, all right – I’ll stop with the maths. We’ve made our point here.
Now, we could still point out that, for a supposedly-experienced physician, Stoker's Van Helsing seems pretty blase about the possibility his blood transfusions could backfire horribly ‒ but then, Lucy's already on death's door each time he resorts to asking for volunteers. He's doing the only thing that might save her life (and it does, until it doesn't).
To conclude, no-one is going to tell you Dracula makes sense. This is a book which offers no explanation for why Dracula should just happen land in England on the same town where his solicitor’s fiancée just is taking a holiday, let alone the rest of it. And Stoker had no way of knowing Lucy’s actual odds of surviving such a very Victorian procedure. But that whole blood transfusion sequence is far from being the least probable thing in the book. 
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
-another layer of 'ow ah ouch' to everything pyrrha says about lyctorhood in nona the ninth is that she and g1deon may very well have been the first necro-cav duo to have done it fully mutually consensually, eyes open. it's heavily implied mercy and augustine had their hands forced by cristabel and alfred and wouldn't have done it otherwise ("I have built a myriad on the idea that I could have talked him out of it, given five minutes"), and they're the first and second saints... g1deon's the third. he and pyrrha presumably saw what it did to mercy and augustine, and they still decided to go through with it.
imagine the extra weight over the years in knowing you chose this. at least augustine can cling to that desperate fantasy world where he did stop alfred in time, but pyrrha and g1deon thought they knew exactly what they were doing. they thought it was love. john let them think that was love.
-...do you think mercymorn and augustine begged john for the same thing harrow did, after? Please, undo what I've done, Lord. I will never ask anything of you ever again. (Also one of my all time favorite Harrow moments where she gets to ask the question they aren't allowed to for ten thousand years: How dare you ask me to live with it?) did he comfort them? tell them he's so incredibly sorry, but he needs them?
at least pyrrha’s understanding of how the process works does corroborate his claim that he can’t extract a cavalier’s soul from their necromancer's after the lyctorhood is complete without destroying both souls, which I guess makes for the one thing he isn’t totally lying about lol. though while referencing their own situation paul tells ianthe there's still hope for her and naberius, a duo where the soul absorption did seem to complete, which suggests another layer here john might not know about (out of lack of interest?) or doesn't want anyone else to find out about.
actually let's reexamine some things from the Gideon the Ninth epilogue now in light of Nona I'm on a roll here:
-[God] said, "I know you became a Lyctor under duress."
"Some may call it duress," said Harrow.
"You aren't the first," said the Emperor.
screaming. howling. clawing at him like a wild animal. the two people who have loved you the most, and you stood by and watched as this happened to them, as you engineered it to happen to them, you've seen up close what it did to them, and now you're repeating the process with new children a myriad later without a blush. you suck so bad john I have no words fhksajfhsa.
-"I have three teachers for you. And a whole universe for you to hold on to, for just a little while longer."
a) oh yeah just wait for those three teachers they're a real barrel of laughs they probably won't even try to repeatedly murder you or anything lmao and b) what's that supposed to mean john. 'for just a little while longer'. why does it only have to be a little while longer. as far as I can tell you're no closer to the fullness of your revenge than ever. does it have anything to do with 'good morning, annabel' and 'it gets dirty, you clean it again'?
So, the universe was ending. Good. At least if she failed here, she would no longer have to be beholden to anybody.
could this also be some kind of foreshadowing? from the dialogue on page here harrow's conclusion that the universe is, for sure, ending is not necessarily a natural conclusion (john only speaks of the empire slowly dying) so like... does pre-lobotomy harrow know something we don't? or is it just that she's the saddest person anyone's ever seen pre-nona seeing gideon? (most heartbreaking shade of drift compatability discovered :') )
-He said presently, "Most of my Lyctors have been destroyed by a war I thought best to fight slowly, through attrition. I have lost my Hands -- not just to death. The loneliness of deep space takes its toll on anyone, and the necrosaints have all put up with it for longer than anybody should ever be asked to bear anything. That's why I wanted only those who had discovered the cost, and were willing to pay it in the full knowledge of what it would entail."
so... in the same way g1deon and pyrrha decided to pay that price willingly, then. I am 100% calling bullshit on him here, though, because if any of that had been his real intentions he would have taken at least a modicum of time and energy to write ANYTHING to that effect in the invitations haha. but I think he does recognize in some way that mercy and augustine are burning out under the ten thousand years he's asked of them, like cytherea just did, and maybe mistakenly thinks g1deon is handling it better, because his and pyrrha's decision seemed more informed/less coerced? loveday always knew it was her life or cytherea's, after all, that wasn't ever a real choice either. huh.
-god, harrow literally states all her (frankly very modest and doable) goals and needs to him -- to return to the ninth at least once, to find her cavalier's body, and to figure out what happened to the other survivors of canaan house -- and once she is incapable of remembering them........ he does fucking NOTHING to remind her or help her follow up on any of them fhsdkajfhasdkj I am losing it! at least there is the delicious irony that he could have saved himself a massive headache if he had helped her with any of these, so his own fecklessness and narcissism is its own punishment in this case I suppose lmao
-another observation: harrow is not as deferential or worshipful towards God in this epilogue as she will be in HtN or beyond. she's angry with him! she's kind of sharp and a bit rude, even! she seems more to feel begrudgingly beholden to him because fair enough he is god I guess than to emotionally buy into it as sacred service. I wonder how she'll think of him after nona the ninth, now that she knows him so much better and has more of herself too -- ironically my sense from their last scene in nona the ninth is that her worship of him seems to have all but disappeared, but she loves him more, despite uh the everything of him, in all his awfulness. not in that she doesn't recognize him for what he is or that she wants his approval anymore, she's grown so far past him already, but I do think there's still love there. 'I still love you' is the real power he has, I guess
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cozage · 1 year
If we're getting another chapter for made for two can we know the real reason why Zoro decided to end the relationship? I feel like there's something more than him getting annoyed at us like cheating or jealousy or whatever
Hello dear reader!
I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic and are super invested in it all! I actually did consider having Zoro do something awful like cheat on you or something, but (even for the sake of moving the story forward) I don't think he'd do that. Let me explain more below the cut (and show you why it's still just as tragic)
TL;DR: Zoro and the reader do love each other, but show it in very different ways, and they were doomed from the start because of it.
I think Zoro does care about and loves the reader in his own way, but Zoro doesn't show it in the same way other people on the crew do, especially you. Just because he cares about you doesn't mean he's going to alter his day to be with you more often, and in his mind, training (so he can protect you and the other people he cares about on the crew) is the most important thing. He's selfish, and he doesn't care about large romantic gestures. He doesn't remember important events like birthdays or anniversaries or even what day it is in general.
He's the kind of person who likes you around when he needs you around - which we see at the beginning of the story when he's playful in bed. But after his morning shower, his mindset shifts to training, and he doesn't need you around anymore because you'll just distract him. He's not the kind to spare feelings or tell you unnecessary words of affirmation. He gets to the point because that's what he understands, especially when he's upset.
And then we have the reader, who is someone that loves quality time, and wants to spend time together with not just Zoro but everyone on the ship. They love loudly and they want to be loved the same, which is something that Zoro has never had the capacity to understand or appreciate. This has resulted in months of arguments; most days looking like the one I had written.
The day written wasn't any different than most island days, expect for the date. The island you all landed on marked 6 months of you all dating, and Zoro never commented on it, he didn't want to be around you, he broke his promise and his compromise made with you, and he purposely avoided the one thing you guys do on a normal day (watching the sunset). He was angry with you and purposely avoided it all out of spite. He was itching for a screaming match because normally those types of fights end with you begging for forgiveness and you tiptoeing around him for the next few days because you don't want to lose him, and thats what he expected. But today was the day you gave up fighting, because of how hurt you were over the 6 months being forgotten by him. It was the straw that broke the camels back.
Sometimes people love each other deeply, but they simply aren't compatible. Such is the case with the reader and Zoro (which we can see from your POV and Zoro's argument with Sanji). That doesn't nullify the love that still remains between you two, in fact it makes it all the more painful. It's the reason I added a very small line into Dance for Two, actually.
"You wanted to run away, restart the day, or just go back to when you and Zoro first broke up and beg for his forgiveness."
It's a line that most people probably miss or doesn't mean anything to them. But the reader is used to this to portray just how messy their relationship is with Zoro. They're used to screaming and fighting, just to make up the next. This is the way their relationship has always been, so it must be normal.
You know how you're in a dimly lit room and you can almost see everything then a bright light blinds you? But when your eyes adjust, you realize you've been missing out on so many details and colors while you were sitting in the dark. It's a whole new world now, something you didn't know was possible.
I imagine Sanji is that light for the reader, and now that you've learned that there are people who will sacrifice for you rather than give you an occasional compromise, it's impossible to go back to the way it was before.
I must admit, I know this is not as enthralling as catching him cheating or having some other big thing happen that is earth-shattering for the reader. I don't think Zoro is a bad person, after all. He's just bad for you.
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
I bought the game today and feeling so excitedddd 🎉🎉🎉
I wasn't able to follow the development from beginning to end due to some academic piles but now that we'll have a week off soon, it was amazing timing 💐💐💐
Backread Tumblr too and myyyyyyy
The collages of the RA ROs really hype up the story and allows a glimpse of seeing what MC is compatible with who
Speaking of compatibility, if it isn't much time consuming or a bother, is it alright knowing what qualities turn off ROs from romance (or what they least like)? Both for RA and Cdlc???
Also is it just me or do Javi secretly likes rival/ enemy to lovers???
Ahh thank you so much! This ask has been in my inbox for a while but I want to say congratulations for your week off and I hope that you don't have too much work now!
In both Creme de la Creme and Royal Affairs (and Honor Bound), some characters will break up with you based on how you handle some events that happen in the game. So there are some dealbreakers for some characters. But in general… the characters will absolutely go for MCs who aren't necessarily their usual "type" depending on how the MC treats them.
That said! Here are some aspects that may make the characters not enjoy spending time with the MC so much.
Creme de la Creme:
-Hartmann: being really rebellious, flouting rules (though they can find that a bit exciting too)
-Max: being a stickler for rules, telling them off
-Freddie: lack of curiosity or shared interests
-Delacroix: being dismissive about their occult beliefs
-Karson: being cruel
-Blaise: what they see as lacking backbone
-Auguste: being very "unpolished" without intellectual interests (eg they will go for Freddie because of their academic enthusiasm but wouldn't go for Karson)
-Rosario: being an overt snob
-Florin: being (as they see it) too intensely emotional, wanting a serious commitment quickly, causing them drama or discomfort
Royal Affairs:
Related: here's an answer about the kinds of people the Royal Affairs characters find harder to talk to
-Asher: doesn't like meanness, but, crucially, this doesn't apply to the MC. They can and do make almost any excuse for things the MC might want to do to those around them
-Beaumont: clinginess, lack of ambition/direction
-Dominique: being told off, especially someone being snippy about their flightiness
-Hyacinthe: dismissiveness, breaking social rules to be very outspoken
-Javi: gold-digging, manipulativeness
-Trevelyan: lack of curiosity or thought about how the world works (they don't have to agree - they like arguing - but if someone just doesn't care, that's a turnoff to them)
You didn't ask for Honor Bound and I hadn't announced it when you sent the ask, but here is a bonus round for them, hehe!
There are some plot events that equal dealbreakers, but let's wait to draw the curtain and reveal them...
Honor Bound:
Fiore: lack of manners/social polish (though they may sometimes find it fun to be brought out of their shell); being mean to or about their daughter
Korzha: lack of backbone or rigor (though perhaps they would like to encourage someone to have more backbone... hmmm)
Matia: they don't reeeally have many turnoffs and are pretty adventurous with who they'll go for (but under some circumstances they might see a very hapless person as more of a younger-sibling relationship rather than romance) (which is where they're at with Raffi and Savarel - not just because of age, because they'll romance a younger MC, but more personality)
Raffi: they are so easygoing that someone would need to be, like, really mean to them to be a real turnoff. They would hypothetically Hit That for almost any MC or indeed most of the adult NPCs under 50
Savarel: disagreement about moral correctness
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Okay here's
Persona 5 Mech au
Okay so let me start off with some world building I guess.
The 2020's have been real shitty so far, but you know what would make it a lot worse? If giant monsters came from somewhere (space or something I guess) and rampaged all over. It's Kaiju time babee
Anyways to fight them humanity made big robots using the souls of the defeated creatures. Only certain people could pilot them, and the first models were so big they needed 2 pilots
However they found that the pilots kept dying. Most would have nearly half their bodies replaced with machine parts by the time they reached 25, and none had made it to age 30. A different plan was needed
Synthetic humans! They started off with two, born from, again, the souls of the defeated creatures. They were compatible with every robot, and could work well with any teammate. They recruited the best pilots to work alongside them, and turned the tide of the fight
Then they did it again, but with one synthetic pilot. This group were sent to the remote Antarctica, along with a the failed synthetic double, unit T3DD-13, a "companion" for the team
So, once monsters started getting too close to the main city, they did it again. Another synthetic human, another team of young pilots. However, not everything worked out this time around. The first chosen pilot was horribly injured in the rest fight with the Special Pilot. To save the pilot, Chief of Operations Wakaba gave him a blood transfusion, using the blood of the synthetic
Wiping the memory of the whole team, they say back and hoped this wouldn't spell the end of humanity
Anyways. Joker is a synthetic pilot who doesn't know he's not human, and Akechi now has synthetic blood in his system and it's, doing things to him. Things that aren't so great
Oh and there are solo pilot mechs. They're smaller and personalized, but they still have a few dual pilot ones for the third team
Everyone else are pilots! Through the time they've served they've had, parts replaced. I'll go over each of em under the read more, don't wanna make this too long
Real quick; replacement parts are like, super high-tech substitutes for missing or destroyed body parts. Like prosthetics but. Made to look real. Some parts work better than others
Joker! He's all synthetic. But, he does have a biological twin that looks like a cat because. Science. That's M0N-A, team 3's companion
Ryuji! During his final exam mission he and his copilot were nearly burned alive in their mech. Ryuji lost his right leg right up to the hip bone, so now he's got a replacement part
Ann! She was Ryuji's copilot, and her left arm to the elbow has been replaced. She is married to Shiho! Shiho retired after the final exam mission, where she lost both legs below the knees
Yusuke! He was the first to pilot a solo pilot mech, and he's pretty much still complete. Oh, but he did have his left eye replaced. This wasn't a mech injury he just sneezed and a paintbrush went. Into his eye.
Makoto! In the fight that cost her copilot Eiko her life, Makoto lost her heart. She's one of 22 people to have a replacement organ and live, but she's not sure if it's a good thing or not. Sometimes she feels, hollow
Futaba! For her it's the spine. It's reinforced too, but that doesn't stop her from slouching like no ones business. Hers was an accident when trying out a new method to sync pilot and mech
Haru! She's complete. Yup, she's a-okay. Her copilot quit when they passed the exam, though. She's a long distance bomber type, where injuries aren't as common
Goro! His blood is, changed. It's messing with him. Other than that, he's all clear
Sumire! Her right side. It's completely replaced, from her leg to her arm plus a few ribs and a chunk of hip. That accident was the one that took her sister too
Oh and Hifumi is also a pilot. She volunteered for a mind alteration, and has a chip in her brain that. Improves her strategy abilities. Also her left foot was replaced
Some more things I can say are the ages? Recruitment classes run every 3 years so the ages are a little more spread out
Makoto, Akechi - 25
Haru - 24
Yusuke, Shiho - 23
Joker, Ann, Ryuji - 22
Hifumi - 21
Futaba - 19
Sumire - 18
Planned ships for this are my beloved Haru and Makoto, Ann and Shiho as I said above, Joker and Akechi for the drama, with Futaba and Sumire for fun
Got some more info but I'll leave it at this for now
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Since the Velma show is so uhhhhh Like That, here's my pitch for an adult Scooby Doo show:
The most similar existing Scooby thing is On Zombie Island and the two biggest inspirations/points of comparison outside of Scooby Doo are Scream (particularly MTV Scream) and Cabin in the Woods.
The gang are college upperclassmen, juniors and/or seniors.
Fred started as a finance major but switched to criminal justice. Daphne’s a journalism major. Shaggy's getting a fine art degree and his concentration is ceramics, Velma's major is physics.
Fred and Shaggy were roommates freshman year and had an enemies to besties situation because they were so different. Mostly the problem was that Fred's upbringing was super sheltered and old money, prep school, country club, young republicans - so when he meets Shaggy he's like how tf do I deal with people who aren't from my very rigid uptight wealthy background? But he lets go of that bullshit really quickly and now he and Shaggy are inseparable and have chosen to continue to live together since.
Daphne is Fred's high school sweetheart, they both went to single gender prep schools but they were like "sibling" schools that held co-ed events together. She's from the same super rigid old money world as him but she's always been more rebellious and aware of the outside world than he was. Maybe they broke up for a while because even tho they decided to go to the same university, they wanted different college experiences and she was a big party girl freshman and sophomore years, but now she's calmed down a little and he's opened up, so they're the most compatible they've ever been and they find their way back to each other.
Velma and Shaggy met in an art class that she was taking as an elective and he was taking as part of his main course work. She'd never done any kind of art before and was super nervous but Shaggy was really encouraging and they became buddies and she discovered a new interest and made all her free electives be art classes after that. If Shaggy's having a hard time getting a sculpture to be structurally stable, he comes to Velma for physics assistance.
Shaggy decides to adopt a dog and he's on the humane society website like look at this weird dog, it says he's been there for months, how come nobody has adopted him? So he takes Fred and they go to the humane society and they meet this fucked up Great Dane that nobody else wants and they agree to adopt him.
That's when Weird Shit TM starts happening on campus and in the surrounding town. It is NOT monster of the week but maybe the first couple episodes are sort of falsely monster of the week seeming, until they realize everything is connected. Definitely keeping the villian's motivation as some horrible destructive ultra capitalist scheme, and it hits close to home for Fred and Daphne because that's kind of the world they're from, but it's also supernatural somehow and Scooby's nature as a not-quite-normal dog is tied into it, the four of them like, become fated to solve this problem because they welcome Scooby into their lives. Stakes are high, the supernatural is real and death is permanent. The gang should lose peripheral friends and have to figure out the mystery while also mourning, and the villian or one (or more) of the villian's henchmen is someone in the gang's outer circle. Like maybe the big bad is the president of the university and Daphne's sorority sisters and Shaggy's plug and Velma's advisor are all in on it.
Velma IS a lesbian, and Indian. If we're making one of them black it's gotta be Fred or Daphne, I hate that they made the stoner character black in the Velma show lol that was my first red flag. I mean, in this I think they're all stoners, they do the round table That 70's Show thing, Shaggy is just the only one with a Stoner Personality. And I think it's cool for him to be non-white, it just feels cringey to me for him to be black. But I think it could be really interesting for one of the super wealthy upper crust characters to have to realize that they were really insulted from racism in their specific community but that doesn't mean that it isn't still a big deal everywhere else, and maybe even looking back they DID experience racism growing up, they just didn't realize it. Perhaps they're even mixed race, half black half white and have to deal with the intersecting privilege and oppression that simultaneously brings them. Fred is bi but still figuring it out, Shaggy is nb but enjoys masculinity and just doesn't give a shit about how other people perceive his gender, it's a more internal experience for him, and he defies gender conventions in subtle ways.
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will80sbyers · 2 years
What gets me confused is how some microplastics/homophobes are totally against Byler and Will Byers, but they don't have much to say about Mike (who's the other half of Byler btw). Most people who hate a ship would find flaws with both characters as to why they don't match up/are incompatible. Anti-Bylers only target Will specifically because they know 100% that he's gay. They never mention actual flaws with Will, only that he's an obstacle to their straight ship. They don't drag Mike's name through the mud because they don't believe Mike isn't 100% superstraight.
But it's interesting how much love Eddie gets, who Mike highly admires and emulates. Eddie doesn't get the same hate as Will does for not possibly being straight. Eddie has been split down the middle, paired up with Steve or Chrissy since the beginning of S4. Everyone's fully accepted that he could go both ways depending on headcanon, but don't let anyone post that Mike Wheeler's in a canon love triangle with El and Will - like he doesn't have chemistry with both JUST LIKE EDDIE!
Mike's had more time with his love interests than Eddie has, yet the older teens' non-romances are treated better by GA than Mike's real romantic options. The world's not gonna end if Mike reciprocates Will's feelings, but the way Antis act like it does means that they too see the POTENTIAL/HIGHLY LIKELY OUTCOME that us Bylers do. They aren't stressing over Eddie cuz he's dead, not a Party member, and none of his romances are gonna happen. So it's easier to ship Steddie or Chrissy/Eddie cuz they won't be going down in history, immortalized on script/film like Byler .
I agree... they also don't care about Mike and El really because if they did they would have noticed how incompatible they are as a couple, it's homophobia as always ✨
Will and Mike together are so compatible that if they said they were not compatible they would be lying lol they have no arguments except their homophobic need to keep Mike straight and project themselves in him or in being his girlfriend lmao
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visionkept · 1 year
intended for writers and muses in the rp community eighteen and over. feel free to repost. BONUS: discover more about a ship’s sexual compatibility at mojoupgrade !
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[ OO1 > introduction. ]
[ OO2 > basic. ]
name? Tomoya Aoki ( Tomo ).
age? 25 years old.
gender? nonbinary ( they / them ).
orientation? demiromantic, pansexual.
[ OO3 > in depth. ]
YES! kinks? dirty talk, electro stimulation, breeding, orgasm denial, edging, teasing, daddy kink.
EH! kinks? pet play, semi-public, voyeur ( these three depend on how close you are to them ), wax play, humiliation, brat tamer.
NO! kinks? mommy kink, blood play, choking, age play, and the big general NOPS.
preferred positions? any position that gives them the chance to see their partner’s expressions really ( and doggy style ).
dominant, submissive, both? switch. the best of both worlds.
promiscuous or subdued? promiscuous when single, usual hook ups and one night stands.
lights on or lights off? lights off with casuals, lighs on with partners.
outspoken or reserved / shy? outspoken, can’t keep their mouth shut between the groans and the dirty talk.
traditional or experimental? open to experimenting new things, depends mostly on their partner if they want to keep things vanilla or not.
fast or slow? by default ( with partners that got some experience ): fast. Slow when it’s love making or if it’s their partner’s first time.
quickies or all-nighters? quickies for hook ups. BOTH for partners.
rough or soft? rough. the soft option unlocks when they fall in love.
romantic or dirty? dirty. can accidentally make it romantic with someone they have fallen for. if you got them too deep in a relationship then both.
partially clothed or nude? them clothed, their partner nude ( it’s a kink ). doesn’t mind both, unless it’s in the revived AU and tomo HAS to cover their chest.
what’s their “type”? cryo women or small and breedable individuals. For real this time, they seem to be attracted to those with strong beliefs and unique personalities. Those who aren't afraid to speak their mind, that won’t let others hold them back.
how do they view sex? as a necessity, a basic need for many ( them included ). Tomoya doesn’t mix it with feelings, instead they use sex to cope with their loneliness. Gets pleasure and a momentary connection to feel NEEDED and WANTED even if it’s just for one night.
how often do they have sex? at least once every week - two weeks.
do they kinkshame? nop. they might act a bit confused to some very strange kinks but they won’t judge. 
preferences? heavily prefers to give oral than receive. oh and the classic: thighs > ass > tits.
favorite toys / extras? cat ears + ( plug ) tail for their partner gets them very happy.
do they enjoy porn? nah, prefers being the one acting.
have they ever been in porn? nop.
are they physically flexible? depends on the position. at the end of the day they are a human so don’t get too crazy with them and it will be okay.
ever exchanged sex for something? yeah. . . desperate times require desperate measures. sometimes they need a favour or two and sex seems to be a way to get them.
when did they lose their virginity? yikes ! pretty early in life tbh. they don’t remember with who or how it flowed though.
how long can they go without sex? if they are single and it’s not the single paren’t au, they can’t endure it for more than a month. They are NEEDY and they love the attention...
thoughts on foreplay? if they are single and it’s a casual thing, they don’t care much about it. however. . . if they are dating . . . gosh they love it, IT’S A MUST for them.
how often do they masturbate? not often. only when they haven’t had any action in a long time.
are they vocal (words) during sex? yep, very vocal.
do they like to keep music on? no.
sex on the first date? honestly, the probabilities of tomo asking someone on a date are low af. got a higher chance on sleeping with them rather than a date lmao. if they ask you on a date then that means they have fallen hard so sex on the first date is a possibility.
a sexual secret they’ve never shared? they've never given a boob job and they are EAGER to try it out. pls they got the tits already, it’s just a matter or who rather than when. OH ALSO: they can apply electro to their hands goodbye ✌️ .
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benthan, icemav, goosemav, ethan/brandt and ethan/luther for the ship bingo!
What a fabulous spread of ships! Thank you! <3 [cracks knuckles ominously]
In being consistent about my blog name, we'll start with the Mission Impossible gang.
[Mission: Impossible]
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They are SUCH good eggs okay. I was a little skeptical at first (I hadn’t gotten access to 3 yet but I’d seen 4). But then I was fucking blown out of the water by dapper Benji and Ethan in Rogue Nation. The “Miss me?” And “Nice Tux”, followed up by Benji’s impassioned declaration that this is the job/it’s risks and that he is STAYING by Ethan’s side made it all click. The forfeiture of millions of dollars in blood money for his safety was the very sweet cherry on top of this whole thing. Benji is the true love interest of that whole thing by trope convention, I can’t argue otherwise.
They’re so good for each other in terms of understanding the risks and the life of a spy, but good goddd their relationship really is “Go to bed!” “… And what are YOU doing awake?” “Shit.” I love it to bits. Real “you should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need” type shit.
Luther/Ethan: TRULY UNDERRATED!!! It has less of the overt romantic framing than Benthan in Rogue Nation, but I honestly think the freedom of emotional transparency and like. The implicit trust of having someone know you from the jump makes for a really sweet duo. Luther's softness and knowing questions, Ethan's snark and full belief in Luther. They each get a side of each other that their teammates aren't privvy to because that's just how history between two folks who go way back works.
I like 'em either way- romantic or platonic (they give me a very couch cuddler vibe. Just knocked out and squeezed onto the sofa). Just no matter what you do, acknowledge that they're best friends who've been to hell and back with each other for 26 years god darnit. The entire premise of Fallout was predicated on that bond!
Brandt/Ethan: Definitely not my cup of tea, but I respect it! I just think that they're the same kind of person in the ways that aren't compatible. Brandt is the bureaucracy bus and Ethan gets disavowed like every week. Two very different kind of managers in one room. There's a divorced vibe there, but in the 'we have never dated but the undercurrent of fond hostility remains between us at all times' way. Someone on here, I think it was @rochc93 that headcanon Ethan's hooked up with everybody on the team except Brandt and I AGREE. It’s just so much more fun that way for me.
[Top Gun]
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IceMav: See, I'm one off them uncultured folks who didn't watch Top Gun until I was an adult, so i had largely escaped the formative influence of pilot competition and locker room intimacy. But when I saw it? Man. Man, no pop culture reference could compare. Like whatever they had was REAL, it was real to me! Nobody was joking when they said that shit was gay. I didn’t think they were but I didn’t expect Ice to try and eat the guy alive with his eyes. I adore their relationship. As like, one part the testosterone in the air, and another part the fundamental differences in accomplishing the same goal and resolving the tension through understanding and acceptance of those differences. They fill in each other’s blanks… They play half naked volleyball. The rituals are intricate.
GooseMav: BEST FRIENDS BABEYYYY!!! Their friendship just jets the movie into this stratosphere for me, you cannot have Top Gun without Goose and Mav. I get this pit in my stomach every time I come up on his death scene because they were having so much fun! They’re the only family they have left!! Carole and Goose’s marriage and dynamic is just so wholesome to me that I see ‘em as the only one for each other. I love the intimacy of choosing your own family among friends for Goose and Maverick, it drives the point home so well. You don’t gotta love somebody romantically to grieve them as your lifeline to the world. I’m totally supportive of folks who ship it though, 80s masculine bonding is sacred.
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sayurikittens · 2 years
Hello World
So I'm pretty new to tumblr, still getting my bearings. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to use this for. I've just been having fun browsing, honestly, and might end up just lurking for my entire stay on this site, besides this post.
I guess I will tell you all a little about me. My biggest hobby is learning new things, and thanks to my horrendous memory, I'm able to learn the same new things multiple times! Lately, I've really been interested in Neuroscience, Internet History, and Web Development. I read non-fiction a lot, and enjoy watching university lectures and documentaries on Wondrium and YouTube. I'm trying to learn Japanese. I have no degree. I am an expert in nothing.
I also like to travel and to pretend I can play the piano (I can only play one-handed by ear). And of course there are the usual hobbies of anime, gaming, and making people angry online with my political opinions. (Trans 'rights' aren't compatible with women's rights, for example. Just the truth. I choose women. Drop your death threats in the comments. Heyyyyyy...)
Honestly, if I could, I'd devote my life to knowledge, locked away from humanity at the top of an ivy-covered tower, and never apply the things I learn, ever... But wizards aren't in employ anywhere. If you know of a job opening, let me know. Until then I'll have to settle for being a spoiled rich kid clueless about the real world. Wat up.
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pyrolitheus · 1 year
Dear friend (idk what your pronouns are so I'm going with this), we americans already know our measuring system is bullshit. A good portion of us who know how it compares to yours already understand how bullshit it is and want different.
The population of the us in its entirety is ridiculously huge and takes up a shit ton of space.
What I'm saying is:
You don't have to insult us in every other sentence in your post abt density and pricing. It was a really cool thing to learn abt, but being insulted in every other sentence is really enraging! I get it! It's stupid! But jfc don't be an ass!
This is long, please bear with me. For anyone who gets impaled through the skull on sight when seeing a wall of text, Microsoft Edge has a built in immersive reader that is compatible with Tumblr posts and will read them aloud to you.
Dear Anon, I am writing this half to you, and half as a sort of open letter. There are things in here that you probably already know, they're just here because this blog has an international audience and that means I've got readers who don't know what it's like to grow up here and I've filled in some blanks for them even though my response is addressed to you. I'm putting that up front because I don't want to make you feel condescended to.
I think perhaps the part of that post that you missed is the part where I am an American. The fact that I am one makes that post a pretty good example of the point you make in the above ask about how a lot of us actually do know metric, and how a lot of us believe the non-metric units we use here in the USA are bullshit and want something better. Now that you know I am an American, you and I are probably in perfect agreement about everything in this situation with the possible exception of whether or not my post was insulting.
I never expressed consternation with people, only with units. To me, that distinction means that I never insulted anyone. Punctuating my post with rage against the units was something I thought people might find funny, American or otherwise, and perhaps relatable for many Americans, especially American scientists like me.
For me, growing up in America meant being taught by school, by my community, by media, and by my extended family to be prideful about our nation to a fault, prideful of myself by extension, and to take offense to any possible slight made against America, or myself, accordingly. And not just take offense, but to get Very Angry but call the source of that anger "insulting" or "offensive," and then defend accordingly. Growing up in America meant being taught to be Very Angry in a lot of ways about a lot of things, actually, now that I think about it.
Being an adult in America has (for me) involved a long (and still ongoing) process of unlearning all of that for the sake of finding peace, because it is really just no fun to live in a near-constant state of anger and there are more-pleasant options. Besides, I generally prefer to treat people with respect (I am sure you do too, after all, even your anonymous offended ask was far more polite than a lot of people are on the internet, especially when anonymous). Treating people with respect is difficult for me to do when I'm lashing out at people out of anger all the time (which was how I dutifully was as a child and teen), especially when I'm feeling righteously justified in lashing out. I am pleased to say that all that American cultural brainwashing is much easier to unlearn now that I have found a bunch of American friends who value kindness and accountability and give second chances and so on while we all unlearn this mess together.
The more I learn how to engage with the world without letting anger take the wheel, the more I feel like a real adult, and the less likely I am to mistake someone's words as personally insulting when they aren't and the more likely I - and the people around me - are to have a good time.
I obviously don't know you, so I have no way to know if you're going through something similar, but it never surprises me to find out that an angry anon - especially one who took something impersonal personally - is a fellow American, because many (most?) of us Americans have to actively work to undo deeply ingrained things we've been taught our whole lives if we want to figure out how to engage with the world without letting anger dictate our words and actions, and without letting anger become this weird source of justification that it is often viewed/used as in this country. Anyway, that sort of major shift can take years or decades or more depending on the person, but gosh, it is so worth it! If weirdly pervasive anger/offense/whatever is something you're dealing with, and you choose to DM me, I will help you find resources. If it's not something you're dealing with, I am so glad you were raised or are being raised better than I was!
Anger/offense clouds our perceptions, as you've probably noticed before. If you go back and reread that post, I think you'll be able to tell it was written by an American. It has indicators such as using American currency and giving American average 2022 middle class household income to provide context for readers outside the USA who have no idea what $10k USD really means. It even explicitly says at one point, "For my fellow Americans suffering through living with an archaic measurement system..." which, in addition to making it clear that I am an American, directly supports the point you made in your ask above about how many of us really wish we had metric here as standard practice. And if you weren't upset by earlier parts of the post, I am certain you would have read the indicators clearly. This clouding of perception is just one more reason I dislike the anger-loving side of our culture here in America. It makes it real hard for us to communicate with each other effectively because it prevents us from understanding each other even when we communicate clearly.
I value being called out very deeply because that is what has allowed me to pursue the growth described above. Sometimes I really do say or post insulting things without realizing it, and most of the call-outs I get are in those situations. Call-outs like yours allow me to apologize and make amends and any necessary edits. So, even though I disagree with the idea that this particular post of mine was insulting, I am still deeply grateful to you for reaching out to me. Your ask is a gift, and I thank you for it.
Anyway I am glad you enjoyed learning from my addition to that post and I hope this response helps you feel a little better about it.
And, thank you for giving me a notification that wasn't a follow bot!!!
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alikadom · 1 year
How to Use an Instagram Private Viewer Website
Using an Instagram private viewer to view your profile is one of the best ways to keep your privacy intact. You can see what your followers are up to without them knowing. Some people post things that are strictly for the eyes of their followers and followers only. This makes it easier to keep an eye on your favorite celebrities and brands. It also allows you to attract fans on a budget.
There are several sites that you can use to view your private Instagram account. Some of these websites are free, while others require a small fee. But regardless of whether you're looking to download some of your favorite photos or just want to know who's posting in your DMs, you're sure to find something that works for you.
The most obvious way to view your Instagram account is to use the site's official app. But if you're worried about breaking the rules, you may want to look into a third party application that will allow you to do the same. This is especially useful for parents who want to monitor their kids' social media activities. These apps have great utility and are easy to set up.
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Instadp is a good Instagram private viewer that is available on both the desktop and mobile. This app provides you with a lot of functionality, including downloading photos, watching videos, viewing direct messages, and more. The app has some nifty features, such as the ability to export photos to files. You can even get a free trial, which is a big deal in the world of parental tracking.
The Instagram site's newer cousin, the Instadp app, is designed to give you the ability to view your private Instagram content in a more convenient way. Basically, you'll need to open your profile, copy the URL, and paste it into the app. Then you're good to go. This app is compatible with most major operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Android. You'll also find a few interesting new features, such as the aptly named 'unfollow' feature. This app is not only safe, but also a great way to make sure that your DMs aren't going to a spammer.
Another entrant in the field is InstaGrab, which lets you download any photo or video you want from your Instagram viewer website account. The app is available on all major browsers, so you can enjoy your private Instagram feed on the go. The app also lets you see what your friends are up to, so you can see what they're doing in real time. This is a great Instagram private viewer for parents who want to keep a watchful eye on their children.
Finally, there's the EyeZy app. It's also a good choice, because it's compatible with both iPhone and Android. In addition to being a good ol' fashion Instagram viewer, it's a useful tool for tracking your favorite brands. This is because it uses an artificial intelligence (AI) based technology to help you find relevant posts and likes.
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sufiyandsom · 2 years
Importance of website designing for your Business
Are you a small business proprietor who has yet to decide whether your business needs a website or not?  Then I’ll save you time.  YES! Your business needs a website.  A professional, responsive, accessible, and compatible website. The first hype for any new business comes via its website maximum of the time. In this digital world, your website serves as more than just an electronic interface. It becomes one of the first effective branding and marketing tools, especially for startups.  According to the marketing statistics by Hubspot, out of a hundred, 46 small businesses don't have a website. On the other hand, about 97 people search online to look for an original business. So, if your business doesn't have a well-designed functional website, you aren't visible to those 97/100 people who are looking for businesses online and won't know your name.  Buyer’s approach is evolving with evolving technology, and if your business can't keep up with the pace, you'll lose a huge part of your profit. People tend to forget or shift to another business unless you don't remind them or show it in front of them. And, developing a website just does that.  today we unveil the reasons why your business needs a website and why an online presence is of  utmost need for businesses of all sizes. The world is online, and because of that, even a teeny-weeny business can  profit from having an internet presence.  Do you know about 86 of the population in India has access to the internet? So, a lot of people could have been interacting with your small business- of course, if you have a well- developed and professionally designed website.  So, yes! YOU NEED TO HAVE A WEBSITE.  Still  looking, does your business need a website or not? Take a look at the website benefits for business- If you have a website-  Your  demand is global and is always open  Going online gives your business an extended reach to new  demands, and new prospects, introduces your business to different values and  societies and increases  trades and  profit; in a nutshell, increases brand value and profit. But all this is doubtful and  uncompelling without a website.  Improves your ranking With no website, you have no chance of showing up on the search engine results pages. But, with a website, along with SEO and digital marketing, you have a strong chance of appearing in front of your prospects by showing up on the search engine’s first page and getting  further attention.  Accessible at any time  additionally, what about the people who are simply sleepers, those who are staying up late at night, you can't run your physical business 24 * 7, right?  With a prospect cohort like this, you need to assure they get access to your product or services anytime they wish. therefore, website development for business also means dealing  or promoting your products or service anytime, anywhere to anyone.  Assistance  Also, if you have a live chat feature/ chatbot integration to your website, you can offer24/7  backing to your  client's questions and queries indeed when you're down from your business. This strengthens your  client relationship, builds credibility for your business, and always opens the means for two- way communication.  Show Products and Services  Still, you're losing 57 of consumers who prefer to shop online, If your business does n’t have a website. Your website acts as the  listing of your product and services. Showcase your products with  charismatic images, in- depth descriptions, and real  client  witnesses to  capture the attention of potential  guests. About 60 of the consumers feel confident about the brand after consuming content from it. Don't overlook with a website you can sell instantly.    Moreover, Digital Marketing is an  provident practice to extend your rhea to  further  guests, without any geographical constraint. It also lets you target your  guests.
  Collect client Information  One thing that's common in every business is the desire to grow and make  further  profit. And, for that, every business needs leads. Leads, by definition, are the people who have a  high probability of converting into  guests. And, your website is a  important  leading generation machine.    Do you know about 96 of consumers read online reviews before buying any product or service? So, with your  client’s  witnesses on the website,  guests can make their purchase  opinions without  numerous  terms.
  So, if you're convinced and need help with developing a website for your business, let Adxventure help you!  Our Web Development Services  Project Delivery within( Min 10 Days) Hosting  100 Responsive Website  600/- per Additional page  Virus Protection Google Analytics App Setup  Youtube channel Setup  Domain  20-30 Pages 50 Advance Payment  Search Engine Optimized  Google Analytics Setup  Social Media Account Setup All Supported Browsers   Subscribe to our newsletter & Stay streamlined
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Mm, it’s good my hugs are special. Magical. *how much you welcome his cuddle bug nature is a big part of compatibility* *he’s always pleased when he can get these reactions out of you* *you can melt later* *he just hums to your answer and keeps sucking on your neck* *indeed he’s pretty sure of it and wishes he could find out more directly, but that will have to wait* *he wiggles his leg too and likes the swishy feel of your skirt against his pants* *his ears are alert for the opening door and for another minute all is ok, but then he hears a noise and some little kids just outside the door and he steps back from you just in time for an adult who looks like a kindergarten teacher come in with a stream of at least fifteen kids rushing in and shouting* Ugh, ok, fun’s over Darling. *he kisses your cheek and smoothes over your sweatshirt and takes your hand* Let’s get out of here. *he circles with you around the kids running around and smiles to the poor teacher and leaves with you* *when the door closes behind you the noise is all muffled* Ah, well, didn’t expect that to happen. Are you ok, Darling? Need anything? *he wants to make sure you’re not too thrown* -Tobi (sorry for this 😂)
*i love cuddles too so he's very lucky. I know, but it's hard to control myself when he exploits my weakness. He might even make a mark on my neck and of course I'm not complaining if that will happen. I wish i could find out about it more directly too but sadly this is not the good place for that. I hear something too but I'm slower and it's so hard to focus back to reality. But everything's happening so fast and suddenly I'm surrounded by so many loud kids. Of course my heart rate goes up and i can feel myself blushing to the next century. But at least i look least suspicious as I'm just looking at the fishes or it seems so. I find myself breathing quite hard and trying to focus back to the real world and then he speaks and i can feel his kiss and can't help but shiver* Yeah, let's go. *i probably sound a bit out of breath since I'm still trying to get my heart calm down. Finally we're out and it's pretty much quiet again. And it's bright again. I'm sure I'm still very red and i sigh and then giggle because of adrenaline rush* Didn't expect people in the public place? I think i need a little visit to the toilet now. *i look around and conveniently the toilets are right here* I'll be back in the minute. *i shyly smile to him and go in. After using the toilet, i make sure to splash my face with cool water so my cheeks aren't so red anymore and i come back to him. I smile to him and slightly pull on his chains on his pants* See you had some fun there, naughty boy. I like that. My panties needed a bit of cleaning. *i giggled. Of course all the adrenaline is making me more active now* So where to now?
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Todoroki x reader- Fix you with gold
Angst + Villain reader Au
Quirk: kintsugi- you can manipulate strings of gold hardening it as soon as you need to you can also remelt it.
Crimson lights flooded the bare brick room as you watched from the corner waiting for your dear hero to wake up. Shoto todoroki. You had been well acquainted a few years back. When you haven't been coined as (y/n) (y/ln) the UA traitor but now, well not so much for obvious reasons.
Thankfully, the boy you had once loved more than anything was chained up against a chair with his head hanging low avoiding the glare of the red filter. No no this isn't your boring old yandere simulator storyline. You had no intentions of killing everyone who looked at your dear peppermint boy, you had no of killing him because you loved him that was just absolutely ridiculous... no, you were killing him because he was a hero. But was he really?
Your chair screeched as you pulled it along behind you appearing from your corner and sitting yourself down drinking a lovely tea from a beautiful porcelain cup... well, beauty is subjective. "Good morning shoto" you greeted, your cheery attitude slipping between your grit teeth. Yes, today would be a good day "lovely day, isn't it? For a little chit chat hm?" silence. Once again your response was silence "oh come on my little hero I know you're not dead. Yet" it was a fun game you two had. You would talk, he would not, but all your conversations were rather one-sided and you decided chess was more fun with 2 people. Today was going to be the day you broke him once again.
"Shoto, are you interested in what would happen to you if you keep up this silly game of silence?" you asked and finished off the tea spinning the handle around your index finger. You stood up and launched the cup against the wall fragmenting into small pieces that rained down like drops of blood, he winced knowing that the cup was expensive and not easily found. rich boys and their pottery. "I wonder how easily you shatter compared to a teacup. Shall we find out?"
You put your finger on his chin and forced his head up to look at you. His mismatched eyes bore into you with sadness "I used to love you" he whispered. You let go of him and maniacal laugh erupted from inside you which bounced off the walls into his ears "Shoto you still love me. You want me to change my ways and go back to the way I was, maybe join you as your sidekick hm?" he looked at you his eyes wide with the kindling of hope "WELL NEWSFLASH HERO I never was that girl. I was a lie, a book wrote and edited to suit you" you watched as the hope dwindled away the kindles blowing out in the icy wind of your words you leaned down to his ear and whispered "everything you saw in me was an illusion. I could never be a hero, do you know why? Because heroes aren't real"
you stood back up stretching your arms behind your back a Cheshire smile graced your face. "you still have so much time to join me sho, no ones coming to find you, dearest" you sat back down on your chair leaning forward on your hand "you're a villain (y/n) there isn't a way in hell you could convince me to come to your side" you bit the inside of your cheek and pushed yourself off the chair and walking up to him, your face barely inches apart. You kicked his chair over, flicking a butterfly knife out holding it close to his neck "NO. I'M THE GOOD GUY HERE I-IM THE GOOD ONE. YOUR NO HERO I'M CLOSER TO A HERO THAN YOU'LL EVER BE" you spat while he struggled on his back like a helpless tortoise. You were in the right of course you were. Heroes aren't real anymore just read the news the hierarchy was crumbling and the ones who were at the top had the furthest to fall.
No one needs saviours anymore. "Your insane (y/n) your sick please just let me help you" you hated it when they told you that "SHUT UP. I'M NOT I'M NOT I'M NOT. I'M NORMAL. YOU'RE THE SICK ONE YOU KNOW WHY" you pushed the knife up drawing pinpricks of blood that trickled to the floor slowly "because you crave to feed a hunger you cannot satisfy. You want to save as many people as possible, lock up all the villains yes?" he couldn't look away from the intense expression that hadn't left your face since he told you you were a villain "what happens when you lock up the villains hm? When you run out of people to save? Who runs wild through the city then? You pump out heroes every day leaving less and less for you and between you and me it looks like your going to run out of us soon" you pulled the knife back and todoroki released the breath stored up. Now he looked at it, you weren't wrong? What would happen when the villains disappeared. The heroes that were supposed to make people feel safe no matter what had struck fear into the hearts of every civilian in the world, no one dared to steal, to murder, to light their fires across the country for them to trace back to a warehouse in the middle of the wood?
No, he couldn't be thinking about that. He was a hero through and through you wouldn't change his mind with a petty butterfly knife. You scoffed at his pathetic state squirming under you and stood up pulling his chair back up along with you "you're still so handsome shoto, it really would be the biggest shame to ruin you" you sighed remembering a time when you truly wanted to be with him no matter what. But your ideologies just weren't compatible. "Do you know what happens when you mix bleach and rubbing alcohol?" you pulled a bottle of anti-septic out of your pocket and slipped a white cloth down from your sleeve to your hand "no answer? Or are you being ignorant again" he pursed his lips keeping his words sealed in the front of his mouth "fine. Let me show you." you poured the anti-septic on the cloth and walked up to the gorgeous boy in front of you stooping down "last chance my love" he looked at the wall and you groaned in annoyance. You forced the cloth in front of his mouth and nose and smiled sweetly "you make chloroform"
Day 2
Well, it turns out yesterday wasn't the day. But he was getting close you could feel it, you would take a slightly softer approach today there was another name for this, manipulation. "Morning shoto, are you feeling chatty today?" he looked up from his chair quickly when you entered. Despite what others thought, you weren't completely heartless, you would bring him food and water, and for a hostage, it was pretty good food. Maybe it was the remnants of your love that made you treat him differently. You unlocked his chains and passed him his plate. He knew there was no chance of escape, he had tried and failed a hundred times, he couldn't use his quirk in this room, and you were waiting around every corner when he tried to run.
"You know what I really don't understand shoto?" you wandered around the ruby room admiring the walls that kept him inside "when I first met you you said you despised your father and you would go against him in every way possible" he ceased eating at the mention of his father his appetite suddenly lost in the crowd of emotions "so why even become a hero. Why did you not run off? be the opposite of what he ever told you to be?" you were getting there you could feel it ripping through the air. He was lost, and confused? Who did he want to be? Certainly not anything like his father? Why did he ever want to be a hero? To save children who had to bear what he bore, why should he care for them if no hero ever cared for him "as I see it your father is worse than ever is he not? He lost Touya, he can't find you, he's wearing fuyumi and natsuo away desperate to have his perfect creation. Wouldn't now be the best time to join me sho" the plate hit the floor splitting apart just like his own sanity. Here we go. This would be so fun.
You sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him and picked up the pieces of the broken plate stacking them in your hand "you've heard of kintsugi I assume?" of course he had he grew up with everything, he nodded hesitantly his dual coloured fringe hanging in front of his eye as he leaned over watching you intently. You started laying the pieces of the plate out like a jigsaw fitting them together perfectly "if you just took my offer sho..." you started pushing the pieces together and lines of gold brushed over the old cracks, you lifted up the plate and put it on his lap "I could fix you up with gold" you whispered he gulped and traced his finger over the gold that welded the plate making it better than before. "We could get to know each other again. Love each other REALLY love each other shoto please I'm begging you" you really hated playing the broken lover card especially to someone you truly did love, and of course, you wanted to know him all over again but the begging really was a chore you had to fake so much emotion.
"I-i missed you (y/n) I really did I want you to come back to me the way you were before. Don't do this please" he begged. He knew this was it. He couldn't hang on any longer he had missed you for so long he couldn't stand being away from you again and ... you were right! Why should he strive to be a hero when none had ever cared for him when he was almost dead, beaten up by his own father who had the audacity to call himself a hero. He was nothing more than the creature to be puppeteered by Viktor Frankenstein. "THIS IS ME. can't you see that shoto this is who I am? The way I was before was fictional I tailored for you" you brushed your hand across his scarred cheek and brushed his hair out of his face "but you could know me, you could love me like this, couldn't you. You just need to join my side."
he looked at you, taking in your details for the first time in 4 years. You're (e/c) orbs didn't even try to attempt hiding the craziness behind them, the way your grin had a sadistic twist that could make any god coil in fear, your (h/l) (h/c) that was matted and bloody, the way the red light mimicked the bloodlust radiating off of you, yet he could still find comfort in it. "I want to know you," he said in his low monotone voice. The breaking point. You were his breaking point. "Let's get to know each other then hm?"
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