#so like it's kinda cool that like we've been so chill for so long
orb-the-watchman · 4 months
It's so cathartic seeing posts on Twitter like 'ugh I hate when fandom does this thing!!" And I think "heh. Bugsnax fandom doesn't do that"
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fizzingwizard · 7 months
Why I like Cats (the musical) 2024 version
Cats the Musical's smash success in the 80s stunned everyone, including those who made it. But despite the critics claiming it's baffling and has no plot, it was popular anyway. And remained popular. For years.
"But why?" shriek the naysayers even now, decades later, in broad daylight, because they've never met a real Cats fan, and frankly don't believe they exist, and the massive audiences of yore which attended the shows in London, New York, Tokyo etc were paid actors contributing to the farce that is Cats the Musical. Or maybe they assume every furry dutifully attends every performance of Cats as some kind of furry confirmation ritual.
Now that we've seen the Hooperian nightmare that is Cats 2019, internationally recognized as a pre-pandemic harbinger of doom and torment, making fun of Cats is more fun than ever.
But no pedantic Youtube critic will ever pry Cats (THE MUSICAL) out of my fierce, feline clutches! No! I won't let you! Not even you, Tom Hooper! You don't need opposable thumbs to be irrationally devoted to old-ass musicals from the 80s!
Anyway here's why I like Cats (the musical)!
Wicked whimsical fun times!!
Cats is the fun uncle at the family New Year's party. He's young, he's confusingly hot-yet-not, he gets around, he always smells faintly of weed. He's down for anything and somehow gives off chill vibes while also exuding the barely restrained energy of an ostrich mating dance. He doesn't have a job. No one knows what he does on a regular, non-party day. Maybe he just... ceases to exist. You like him, without knowing or caring whether there's anything about him to like.
A celebration of dance!!
Tap, jazz modern ballet, gymnastics! There's even a trapeze! Cats has it all... as long as it was popular among white audiences in the 80s, anyway. Attempts to diversify have been hit and miss. But since many of the dance styles have fallen out of popularity, it's refreshing, in a way, to go to a Cats show and see a guy in an orange unitard tap dancing passionately. Like teleporting into a bygone age of the catpeople. Heck, even in the clusterfuck that was the 2019 movie, Skimbleshanks stole the show.
Jokes aside, the loose story structure isn't just because no one on staff knew how to plot anything, it highlights the performances themselves: dance and music are central to Cats, which is part of why making a film version is so damn hard. You can't just say no thanks to the choreography or interrupt the songs for dumb bratty quips (Hooper!!). That's what this musical is.
Yes, they are cats, and it's cool, not freaky. (But also freaky)
The costumes and makeup are for a stage show. They're overdone on purpose to have an impact from far away. It's due to that distance that the actors can seem pleasantly cat-like without appearing like they're doing this under hypnosis. That's another reason why translating Cats to a live action movie is kinda doomed to fail. With movies you're too up close. Welcome to the Uncanny Valley, hope you survive your stay!
The costumes are also very 80s. They have changed... but not all that much. If you know glam metal and punk rock then you probably cotton on to the references and why a lot of the old pictures look like a hair band's photo shoots. Young fans may not be aware of those roots and just accept the wigs and the color schemes and the setting as a whim. But the truth is undeniable. The 80s live on!
Much of the dance is choreographed to reflect feline, seemless movement. The actors spend their down time on stage mimicking relaxed cat behaviors, including the cute and clumsy ones that made Youtube rich. But they don't forget that they are actually humans any more than the audience does, or that getting too into it would be pretty weird. How well it works for you probably has a lot to do with whether or not you like Cats the musical. It's not supposed to be realistic or freaky. Just evocative and atmospheric.
Except the orgy. That simply Is. Sex through ballet. In unitards.
The stage!
The stage is a huge draw for seeing Cats live. There's so much detail and fun things to spot. It's a junkyard! Cats pop out of the strangest places! Honestly it's so impressive that it makes the way Old Deut magically reappears under a blanket rather more noticeably lackluster... (I did really enjoy the way the Broadway revival revamped that bit with the dark and the hand-held light dance)
You've seen it once, you've seen it twice, you still haven't seen it
The legend of Cats is that no two performances are the same. You can go to the same theater with the same cast night after night and spot subtle changes. Because the characters aren't that important overall, there aren't real relationships to interrupt by letting someone be friends with someone else in one show, and ignore each other in another. The most fun comes with watching the actors not currently center stage, who can do whatever they want. They're always moving, darting here and there, interacting with each other in an unobstrusive way. It's like a treasure hunt to work out whch cats are friends, which are rivals, who has a crush on who, heck, who's a grown cat and who's still a kitten, depending on the performance. I love this pliable approach, it gives the play a sense of living and changing.
Electric guitar!!!
Like, it's par for the course these days. Nothing unusual. Even so, I always lose my shit at that electric guitar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There IS a story!! There is!!
It's just not the most important part. Or even the second most important. Possibly not even the third most... yeah.
One thing worth noting is that the vibe of the musical has changed a lot of over the years. Most versions in the US and UK still retain some of the original grungy, gritty, patchwork aesthetic. A lot of it has been cleaned up and polished. The Japanese version (the only non-English version I've seen live) is almost like a Disney story imo. But thanks to the costumes, characters, and stage setting, it feels less like the 80s have gone than the 80s have been reinterpreted into modern preferences. I really enjoyed the 2016 Broadway revival for example, although I know some fans didn't.
All that to say the story which we fans have more or less pieced together ourselves has evolved over the years, and isn't super official. But it is regular. Hooper's movie doesn't get credit for giving Cats a plot, it already had one, just told in a not especially coherent way. That incoherence, despite being panned by everyone and especially their dog, I think is one of the best parts of Cats. You get to leave the show feeling like you missed nothing, then see it again and notice something new, and then leave feeling like you missed nothing. Rinse and repeat. The perfect show =)
Now about that plot.
The Jellicle Cats assemble once a year to have an orgy a ball. They're so happy to see each other and they just have so much to catch up, plus the kittens only opened their eyes like last week so they need a whole run-down of who all these older guys are. We meet the maternal cat, the storyteller cat, the railway cat, the twin thief cats, the excitable cat, the magical cat, the Jagger cat. They're all kind of sort of in competition to win a new life (cats have nine you know) by being chosen to go to the Heavyside Layer. Not that they compete - they all just want, vaguely, with a sort of existential soul-deep yearning for something too ineffable to define. This contrast of the transient with the permanent, the fleeting with the eternal, is introduced early in the show, when the cats tell us they have two names: a name they're called by on a daily basis, and a secret name that is wholly and uniquely their own. These themes continue throughout scenes of the actors grooming each other's fur and panting in bisexual lust due to sexy Tugger's sexy hip thrusts. It's deep bro. Gets me right here, bro.
Meanwhile there's an outcast called Macavity who is Bad, but most of the sightings of him are false alarms. He doesn't show up properly till near the end of the second act and there's a whole cat fight, it's awesome, I love picking out which cats stay to fight and which run away. He abducts Old Deut, the patriarch, and the only chance the cats have to get him back is Mister Mistoffelees, who depending on the performance is kind of clumsy and insecure, or really effing amazeballs at magic. I prefer the first because it makes more sense why Rum Tum Tugger sings his song for him (old versions have Mister Mistoffelees singing at least part of his song). Then Old Deut's back and now it's time for the Heavyside Layer!
Meanwhile meanwhile, there's Grizabella, who is haunting the Jellicle Ball with much more tangible yearning. She's washed up, a has-been. She can't dance anymore. No one trusts her. Why? Idk, people are just like that. The other cats fear Macavity, who represents destruction and chaos, but they look down on Grizabella, who is failure and regret and mortality. For whom all the broken dreams could be forgotten if she could join just one more dance. Defeating Macavity isn't the Jellicles ultimate test - accepting Grizabella is.
ETA: I feel like I didn't quite get across why this is so important. The show spends so much time building up our dread of Macavity, but sightings of Grizabella leave us feeling wrong-footed and uncomfortable. And the reason is: Macavity is destruction, but Grizabella is destroyed. A grizzled beauty - someone with no more life left in them. She's a vision of a grim future which the Jellicles want to reject. She's been made small and weak and pathetic. So they blame her for her situation, because then they can go on with their ball without all that discomfort. And they don't just decide to redeem her in the end - first, Grizabella has to sing "Memory." Grizabella needs to tell the Jellicles "There was a time before I experienced destruction too, when I didn't know how happy I was." The only thing which keeps that spark in her alive is the memory of it, and it's that which makes her the chosen candidate to go the Heavyside Layer. A threat like Macavity, while very scary, is mortal and temporary. But Grizabella's ability to look back on her life and find the happiness in it, and reach out to the others while on death's door, despite the risk of harsh rejection, speaks to something eternal. And the Jellicles have a choice whether they will show acceptance for that full course of life.
Then up she goes via the Stairway to Heaven and who knows what happens to her after that. Idgaf really, ask the Everlasting Cat. And then we sing a song about how great cats are because it's true. I mean come on. Shakespeare would write this.
Um wait up... plot holes???
Wait - why did Macavity kidnap Old Deut in the first place though? This is pretty unexplored backstory. Generally fans assume Macavity torments the Jellicles on the regular, and that he did something to Demeter in the past, which is why she's often depicted as the most skittish when he's mentioned. He's a bad egg - his song details enough - and also he's got his paws in the community, thanks to Griddlebone and Mungojerrie.
OK, so not knowing what his motivation is, as well as not knowing why Mungojerrie, who is fairly lovable despite being a thief, is involved with him, is kind of a big plot hole. It'd be nice to know that right? It'd be nice to know what happened to Grizabella - did she leave the Jellicles by choice, did she shun and reject them before she went off on her own? What did these characters do leading up to the events of the show?
This is what defines the True Cats Fan. The True Cats Fan not only doesn't know the official answers to these questions (there aren't any, shut up Hooper), but PREFERS them that way. Number one, it turns the show into a single evening suspended in time. We are voyeurs - guests come to witness the holy day of the catpeople. We are foreigners. We don't understand everything we see because we are not one of them. "What's a Jellicle Cat?" The cats are stunned that we don't know, but can't explain it to us in full either. A Jellicle Cat doesn't need it explain. They always know. So the story is what it is, you know what you know, and what you don't, well, it's not inconsequential, but it is for tomorrow. And tomorrow isn't today, that's the thing.
Number two is that the True Cats Fan doesn't want these questions answered because... we'd rather answer them ourselves!
LAST. The fan lore rocks!
Cats is just so much fun to fan girl in. Because the canon is so whatever, we can come up with our own ideas about backstory and relationships, and when we go to the next show, it's gleeful fun to see what elements of pure director's whim support our fan theories. If you're not interested in headcanons or fan theories you can leave now, here's your certificate, now you know what Cats fans love about the musical Cats. If you're a true freak, read on!
A lot of these are influenced by the 1998 DVD because that was the most accessible way to watch Cats (the musical). But the best ones have roots in any show canon, or extrapolate from like, a single lyric. Making sense of the nonsense without committing to getting rid of the nonsense, because we love nonsense. Also these DON'T all go together, they are independent headcanons, otherwise some of them would be really Not Good hahaha.
OK, so Old Deut is everyone'd dad. BUT, he's particularly dad of Munkustrap, Macavity, and Rum Tum Tugger. Sometimes in that order, sometimes not. This is hilarious to me. I love the idea that Munk and Tugger are brothers and that's why they drive each other batty. And who doesn't love a secret third brother who is als evil, or prodigal son who kidnaps his own father?
Demeter was Macavity's girlfriend before he got kicked out, or sometimes she went with him and came back once she realized he lost his marbles. She's been traumatized by him and that trauma is even choreographed or her. There's behind the scenes video, I think it's from the 1998 DVD, where they explain that, so it's rather more than a theory. She often has a role in the fight scene - an actual fighting role, rather than a cowering one. Now Demeter is Munkustrap's mate, which, if you accept the "Munkustrap/Tugger/Macavity are brothers" theory, makes for all kinds of juicy drama.
Victoria is Plato's girlfriend. Victoria is Mistoffelees's sister. Victoria is Mistoffelees's girlfriend. Victoria is Munkustrap's girlfriend??? Take your pick lol.
Victoria can't speak and/or is deaf and that's why she communicates through dancing.
Demeter and Bombalurina are sisters
Sillabub/Jemima is Munkustrap's daughter (ok...).
Munkustrap is the Jellicle leader of sorts. Old Deut is the real leader, but he's old y'know. And Munkustrap is kinda sorta his son. But Munk doesn't do a lot of leaderly things. He disciplines sometimes and controls the kittens, and he fights in the battle scene. But mostly he sings songs and tells stories. So there's a headcanon that Munk has reservations about being Old Deut's successor and wishes he could just tell stories all the time. So wholesome...
Rum Tum Tugger is a bi disaster and Mister Mistoffelees is his twink boyfriend. Gay cats, they're gay, it's theater, it's a show about cats with a cat orgy, did you really expect different? Now although I make fun I am into it. Tugger, brash and vain yet insecure, and Mistoffelees, insecure with inner pride. In some shows older cats like Skimbleshanks and Gus will be shown trying to lead Mistoffelees away from Rum Tum Tugger during his song, as if concerned by their promising, talented young friend's interest in the local Bad Boy. Mistoffelees's real talent humbles Tugger, and Tugger's audaciousness enables Mistoffelees to take risks. Thus the day is saved! Tugger and Mistoffelees weren't always a set on stage - it could be Mistoffelees and Munkustrap as the two leads, or why Tugger sings Mistoffelees's song would just go without explanation. But these days it's a popular enough duo that it's become fairly regular. And the 2016 actors put Tugger/Misto fan art on the wall in their dressing room therefore it is Canon.
Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots are a couple, inspired by the way he teases her during the Gumbie Cat song
Skimbleshanks is a DILF
Grizabella was Old Deut's girlfriend x'D or is Macavity's mother or something. Personally I don't need this theory lol we've already got enough overlapping relationships to write twelve soap operas so.
Cats with collars are house cats, cats without are strays. Not super reliable but fun to think about.
Some cats aren't named, or have different names depending on the country or decade. These cats can have some really, really dedicated fans whose personal headcanons about these completely undeveloped characters are ironclad.
Asparagus and Gus are father and son. This is to explain why the actor who plays Asparagus is always around, and called Gus/Asparagus, and then for Theater Cat and Growltiger he seems much older but is still called Gus. It's the same actor in slightly different costumes but fans just pretend there's two characters to explain it.
Same thing with Admetus/Plato, who doubles as Macavity in the 1998 DVD, and in many stage performances as well. Macavity is Plato's evil alter ego, but he's in love with Victoria so he doesn't want anyone to know. Or he's not even aware that he is Macavity. A Jekyll and Hyde sort of deal.
Mistoffelees is Macavity's son and that's why he can do magic. (Ergo why Macavity can make Old Deut disappear and Mistoffelees can make him reappear).
Alonzo was Munkustrap's gay fling in college so to speak. Or Alonzo is Munkustrap's half-brother
Coricopat and Tantomile are psychic twins (almost canon) and coach Sillabub/Jemima because she sings really pretty when she's in a trance and seems to Know Ineffable Stuff. In fanfics they're often depicted as not liking Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, which is kinda funny because I guess I would have thought twins on twins would have been The Thing, lol.
Griddlebone was Gus's wife and sometimes Jellylorum's mom. She's evil, independently of Macavity, but also in cahoots with him because song lyrics. ETA: Also that she's Grizabella when she was young!
There's a cat just called George who everyone loves. He's an ensemble cat with no particulars. Love George. Worship George.
Look there's like ninety seven thousand characters in Cats (the Musical) and three times as many headcanons. I'm leaving a lot out but I can't remember any more right now and I gotta go make dinner.
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Headcanons about Paani and Natquik's relationship and how they met? 👀
uh well actually ik it's kinda wild n out there but I headcanon they met like this:
/s /lh fhdhdjdbsk sorry I'm not 100% sure what you want from me here?? 😅
but!! as for their relationship—at the end of that ep Paani says he's going to stay with Natquik for a little while, so that they can continue to study the flowing water that they found together, but we never actually get to see this ourselves. so!! it's extremely possible that Paani and Natquik are buddy-buddy now, but we just haven't gotten to see them interact since their friendship started!!
so 👀. some hcs 🤲 ↓
474637942749 years ago I made a post talking about how while yes, Paani is obviously a lot like Kwazii, he also has just as much in common with Barnacles. it's just more subtle.
I think that during their time together, Natquik probably would've picked up on that. Natquik's been alone for forever, and has been shown struggling when he's forced to share private space with others—but I think once he started to notice Paani's similarities to Barnacles, he became an infinitely more tolerable roommate.
... however.
one of Natquik's biggest grievances with Red (*the red fox) was how he ruined what would've been his "peaceful and quiet" vacation.
and. um.
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... that's not exactly Paani's specialty.
so they likely had to get used to each other's *style* the hard way at first.
Paani's not the type to intentionally start conflict, or even get outwardly annoyed with others (from what we've seen so far anyway). he's very easygoing, and even if it confuses him, I can see him accepting the way Natquik works pretty quickly.
but he does have a habit of doing things without asking first, or considering how his actions may indirectly affect others before doing them, in the name of The Greater Good™ (such as stealing the GUP-H so he could bring water to the elephants). the Octonauts can forgive him easily, because he *does* usually end up saving the day,
but. uh.
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Natquik's not as chill (ironically) with that.
so!! it's sorta less of them having to get used to each other, and more Natquik having to get used to Paani lol
Paani absolutely ended up meeting Natquik's penguin fam while he was staying with him, and they immediately loved him (as all birds he meets do), which GREATLY helped Natquik warm up to him.
maybe they also told Paani about how Natquik's just having a hard time, 'cause of how long he spent alone. and Paani, who was alone for an indefinite length of time himself, until he was found by the Octonauts... decides to open up to Natquik.
they talk for a bit.
then Boom! Friendship™ 🌠🌈 [INSERT CONFETTI CANONS 🎉🥳] !!
okay there was probably more to it than that, but we don't know how LONG they were roomies for—could've been only a few days, or a month, max, knowing Paani's dislike of staying put for too long lmao.
either way, I'd love to see them meet again, after having gotten to know each other. I think they'd make a really cool dynamic, if they were to go out on a real adventure or mission together. they MET in that episode, but they didn't really interact much—Paani was on his own, and Natquik was with Dashi in the Octoray.
and Natquik desperately needs more screentime anyway 👁️👁️
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somuchbetterthanthat · 5 months
A little Gwen&Alice with heaavy alice/sam, because I needed to write something after that last ep and tumblr ficlets are less intimidating than full fics.
In hindsight, hiding in the loo is dumb. Sam's making her dumb, which is aggravating and bothersome and does not horribly ache like it used to, before, in those last few weeks they'd stayed together in the same flat while Sam prepared his trip abroad. Alice's a Cool Girl. Cool girls don't hide in bathrooms because their best friend who just so happen to be their ex arrived to the office at the arm of another woman with the sparkly bubbly smile that screams I had such a good time this weekend Celia is awesome at sex.
Then again, Alice's pretty sure her Cool Girl's crown's been stolen the moment Celia walked in with those stupid donuts for the first time (and it is painful, in a way, that Celia is cool to hang around with; pretty and fun and chill and blessed with the same ability Sam has to be friendly with everyone she meets immediately).
Whatever; Alice's excellent at building new narratives and looking away to survive. She'll withstand having Sam back in her life and then feeling like she's loosing him all over again like a fucking champ -- but she has to admit, hiding in the loo was just not a good move, 'cause now she's got to not only deny her sad moody depressing feelings, but also the fact that Gwendolyn Bouchard is clearly weeping on the stall next to hers.
"Hey," she whispers, after three long minutes of wondering whether she wants to deal with this, then deciding it's the sort of night where she'd definitely rather think of someone else's problems than her own.
There's mouvement on her left, then a sharp exhale. "What?" hisses Gwen.
"Want to tell me what this is all about?" Alice asks, staring at the door.
"No," Gwen snaps. Then: "We're in a bathroom, Alice, for god's sake, do you have any sort of decorum--"
"Exactly!" Alice cuts her off. "We're in a bathroom. That's basically being in a confessional for us ladies, innit? Sure we're not drunk out of our heads at the club or whatever, but I think this qualifies all the same. Everything you'll say is sacred in here my dear. Any sin is between you, me, and those awful scratchy paper roll that we're always out of. Hope you've got an handkerchief ready, by the way."
It must strike a nerve, because Gwen stays silent for a good thirty seconds before she mutters: "Anyone could come in."
"Oh, please," Alice snorts. "We both know Lena's not human enough to have to use the loo and Celia's too busy getting lost into Sam's eyes, we're fine."
"Why do you say that?" Gwen asks, her tone suddenly more alert.
"...'Cause Celia is getting lost in Sam's eyes? I mean, I know you have your whole thing going on and you're wayy better than us now that you got that shiny promotion you wanted so much, but they've literally been building this whole sickening little office romance just in front of our noses for like, two months, surely you haven't missed that. Kinda surprised you haven't actually told them this was against regulations or whatever."
"No not Celia, I don't care about her, or whatever's going on with Sam (Lucky you, Alice thinks meanly, and has to bite her tongue very hard). I mean about Lena. Do you think she's --" Gwen stops, exhales shakily. "Now, that'd be ridiculous. Obviously. She's nothing like --"
Oh, Alice thinks. Oh, Gwendolyn. She wishes people would listen to her, when she says to look away. Sam and Gwen are similar that way, she notes. All too ready to dig themselves into messes that are much too big for them to take on.
"I was making a joke," she tells Gwen. "I do that, sometimes. Oh, not very often of course, you know me, all too serious for this sort of nonsense, but I have heard before that it can lighten the mood here and there--"
"God, you are unsufferable."
"Is that how you talk to your priest, Gwendolyn? Shame on you."
"I'm leaving now. This is all pointless, and we've got work to do anyway."
"Do we ever," Alice sighs.
"You've been here for like, twenty five minutes, by the way," Gwen adds. "If you want to keep pretending you're not the one mooning over Sam, you might want to come out soon."
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perspectivestarters · 5 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan (Part I)
Same old story, time again.
Got so close but then you lost it.
Should've listened to your friends.
You sent him pictures and playlists and phone sex.
Let's get coffee.
Let's meet up.
I'm so sick of online love.
I don't understand, why can't any man...
Can you play a song with a fucking beat?
Make a bitch go on and on.
It's a femininomenon.
So, let's say it's working out.
You pretend to love his mother.
He's such a goddamn good lover.
Got what you wanted, so stop feeling sorry.
You know what I mean.
You know what you need.
But does it happen?
She was a playboy.
She showed me things I didn't know.
She did it right there out on the deck.
I'm in the hallway waitin' for ya.
I just want you to make a move.
Slow down, sit down.
I just wanna get to know ya.
Guess I didn't quite think it through.
Fell in love with the thought of you.
Baby, why don't you come over?
Let's pick it up now.
I don't care that you're a stoner.
I like what you like.
It's my type.
Want me to fuck you?
I will 'cause I really want to.
I've got a California king.
Okay, maybe it's a twin bed.
Don't worry, we're cool.
I heard you like magic.
I've got a wand and a rabbit.
Let's get freaky.
Nothing good happens when it's late and you're dancing alone.
It's not attractive wearing that dress and red lipstick.
This is what I wanted.
This is what I like.
I've been a good girl for a long time.
I like flirting.
Can't be a good girl even if I tried.
I'm feeling kinda freaky.
Maybe it's the club lights.
I kinda wanna kiss your girlfriend if you don't mind.
I love a little drama.
Everything good happens after midnight.
Maybe it's the moonlight.
Let's watch the sunrise.
I really want your hands on my body.
That’s my type of fun.
That's my kind of party.
Baby, put your hands up.
Be a freak in the club.
Can't meet you for dinner.
It's where I met your family.
Some words were exchanged.
We know where that leads.
I'll meet you for coffee.
I know that's a lie.
If I didn't love you, it would be fine.
Nowhere else is safe.
Every place leads back to your place.
He said let's do the park.
God forbid it gets dark.
I'd rather feel something than nothing at all.
We've done this before.
I don't need it anymore.
Let's not do coffee.
Let's not even try.
It's better we leave it.
It's never just coffee.
My friends call me a loser.
I'm still hanging around.
I've heard so many rumors.
I'm just a girl that you bang on your couch.
I thought you thought of me better.
We're not together.
Baby, no attachment.
Is it casual now?
I know what you tell your friends.
Get me off again.
I love being stupid.
Dream of us in a year.
Maybe we'd have an apartment.
It's hard being casual.
I try to be the chill girl that holds her tongue and gives you space.
I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not.
You wonder why I'm bitter?
I get off when you hit it.
I hate to tell the truth.
I'm sorry dude you didn't.
I hate that I let this drag on so long.
I hate myself.
You can go to hell.
Never waste a Friday night on a first date.
But there I was, In my heels with my hair straight.
This man wouldn't dance.
He didn't ask a single question.
He was wearing these fugly jeans.
It doesn't matter though.
He doesn't have what it takes to be with a girl like me.
I know what I want
I'm through with all these hyper mega bummer boys like you.
I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me.
Look at her moving.
She's the one
Oh yeah, I need a super graphic ultra modern girl like me
Get up off your feet.
Get up on that bar.
Flash the camera.
You're a star.
I could be the one.
It's all in my head.
I don't want the world.
Who can blame a girl?
Call me hot, not pretty
Baby, do you like this beat?
I made it so you'd dance with me.
You can take me hot to go.
I try not to care but it hurts my feelings.
You don't have to stare, comе here, get with it.
No one's touched me there in a damn hot minute.
I made it so you'd sleep with me.
What's it take to get your number?
What's it take to bring you home?
Hurry up, it's time for supper.
Order up, I'm hot to go.
Hurry up, it's getting cold.
Whew, it's hot in here.
Is anyone else hot?
You coming home with me?
I'll call the cab.
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Locorro hunger games Au?
The way I have been letting this ask SIT, fucking m a r i n a t e, bc I am So fucking bad at Hunger Games aus. It's??? So sad??? And like I struggle to conceive any Hunger Games au in any fandom where they aren't just carbon copies of Peeta and Katniss. BUT, I think I figured it out bear with me:
-Okay so Spider is our Peeta core kid, obviously. He lives with his foster family in the nicer (whiter) part of town (sorry we also have to stick with The Hunger Games' hidden racial allegories because bOY OH BOY do they fit here). The Sully's live in the nice part too, bc our main man Jake Sully won the Hunger Games when he was younger. Jake was really injured in his games, and he can't walk and gets around in a wheelchair.
-(I cannot decide if Neytiri should also have been in the games and thats where her and Jake met, they finagled their two way victory but the cost was Jake's legs. It's so juicy cause I imagine they never knew each other before the games, but it happens almost like canon; Neytiri saves him for reasons almost unknown to her, and in response Jake is like 'oh, I Will die for this lady, cool," and they become unwilling allies until Neytiri just refuses to let him die at the end. Then he just up and goes home with her, there's nothing for him back in his district, and Mo'at just like essentially adopts him. I kinda love it but I refuse to devolve into a Jeytiri idea again in the middle of worldbuilding a headcanon unrelated to them).
-The family are honestly never at their nice big mansion, they spend ALL their time in the woods with Mo'at, learning everything they can about their indigenous culture and using their skills. Jeytiri have been training the kids since like the day they were born, just in case. That being said, the only reason they haven't fully run off to live in the woods by themselves yet is because of Jake's legs. He can't function in the forest well on wheels, and the process of making him one that moves well in the forest has been years in the making because of how secretive it is. Only the three of them and bestie Norm Spellman (their stylist, I'm sure) know.
-Spider met Kiri and Lo'ak at school, and they saw him getting picked on by one of his foster brothers, so they just like adopt him. He's been chilling in the woods with them training for almost as long.
-OH Grace was def Jake's mentor in the games. Trudy was his friend that went in with him. Neytiri def went in with Tsu'tey, who totally died dramatically for her and was thrilled to rejoin Sylwanin who died in the games like five or so years before. I'd imagine Eytukan was killed during an uprising he started while Neytiri was in the games. Jake probably volunteered for Tommy. See, we've devolved into Jeytiri again!
-Focusing up; Spider and Lo'ak have been in love forever but neither has said anything to the other, they are keeping that shit tIGHT to the vest. Or, as tight as one of those clear backpacks can be. Everyone has known this since they were like, twelve, except them. Neytiri is always a tad skeptical of Spider, he's not one of them and he hasn't proven himself like Jake. She is never hostile, just slightly cold.
-I think that Spider was chosen at the reaping, but I can totally see him volunteering for Lo'ak as well. I think whatever you like best, but the second option is brUTAL. Jeytiri and Mo'at have been planning for so long what to do if one of the kids got reaped and they had to put their escape plan into action and cut themselves off from society, but no one had really given a thought to what would happen if SPIDER was reaped. They aren't his family, and they have no chance to get to him now. They briefly consider leaving, but the kids are all beside themselves. Lo'ak is like catatonic, especially if Spider volunteered for him! Jake and Neytiri decide they might have a shot if they're his mentors, something neither of them ever do.
-But before they can try to go visit and get to Spider before he's carted off, Quaritch shows up, all big and bad Peacekeeper from the capital, and takes Spider like "I'm the only mentor you need kid, fuck those tree hugging losers, that one doesn't eve have working legs!"
-Rip Lo'ak chasing after the train like it's a romcom.
-I just think it's sO FITTING to imagine the Sully's forced to watch all of Spider's torture and suffering TELEVISED ON THEIR SCREENS after they fucked up not including him in the plan, but at the same time the canon divergence of it is how hard they are working to get in contact, be his proper mentors, and rescue him. The concept fits so well into the bare bones of Avatar 2 but with added ~spice~
-Not enough locorro, I know, but you know Spider's coming back all sorts of brain damaged and Lo'ak like, literally becomes permanently glued to him.
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anonbinaryweirdo · 9 months
happy New years everyone :) this is for (almost) all of my mutuals 🫶🏽 vi gave me the motivation I needed to finish this hehe...
irls get their own paragraphs on new years day (suckers)
@floraldresvi — my love, my angel,, you've been an absolute blessing. for as long as I've known you (four months, believe it or not) you've been nothing but sweet and sincere. loving and understanding, even when I don't seem to understand it at all. I'm very thankful for you and everything you've done. I know things are a little rough for you right now and all, but just know that, despite it all, you're still my vi. through the worst of through the best of days, you're still my vi, and nothing will change that, I will still love you all the same, i pinky promise ! <33 thank you for being one of the best things that's happened to me all year. I love you, so so much. I don't think you understand just how much, but trust me, my queen, I really do adore you. <3
@ilyuu — yui, my sunshine.. you're something I look forward to seeing in my notifs from the very second I wake. even through the days where you don't feel yourself, you still carry the entire sun with you and it brings a smile to my face every time. like I said with vi; i appreciate you, and everything you've ever done for me. 2023 hasn't necessarily been kind to me, and I can't remember a thing about it before.. July? but you're something I could never forget. your optimism is something that's held me up for the longest, and I thank you for it, full heartedly. I love you and your absolute silliness, dear <3
@noxs-daydream — moony !! my favorite chao. you're really cool, and I'm glad we've kept in touch for like. a year, haha,, you're a really sweet and understanding person as well. enjoy seeing you on my dash and in my notifs, even if we don't talk as much. that's partially on me,, I've been deliberately trying to avoid talking to you to appease my guilt,, but it's coming to be a new year ! so, we'll see,, but I'm always happy to be able to talk to you !! out of everyone in the garden, I'm glad I kept in touch with you the most. you're kinda like a big sibling to me, hehe,, that being said; I love you <3
@mondaymelon — ah, so we meet again. my twin. you're a genuinely funny and amazing guy.. can't believe we haven't met before?? we get along well (where it matters) and we both have an amazing taste in chaos, so it was only a matter of time before we go to meet one another. aside from being funny, you're really cool and sweet, and it's always so nice to talk to you, even when I'm convinced you have some sort of rabies. jkjk hehe, I love you tho <3 never change
@alexisomnias — Alexis my sweet baby D: you're so sweet and kind and... aaa it's always so nice to see you in my notifs <3 I love everything you have to say, from thoughts about kaveh, to ramblings about your OCS, your joy is infectious and never fails to bring a smile to my face, big sis. you're so sweet and I wish we could talk moreee !! i love you sm <3
@lillonvia — I'd like to talk to you some more ! we just met as the year was ending, so why not use the new year as a means to get to know each other better? love ya <3
@raingoesboomboom — birthday twin !! like the prior, I believe we should talk more :D you seem like a genuinely fun and chill guy, and it was a shame I didn't get to talk to you as much as I wanted to during the few months we've known each other.. so let's get to know each other a little more next year :D
@mysnowmanandmebaby — JOOOOOOO !! :D hehe you're so silly and fun to talk to !! you're really nice and cool and just omg. i was scared to talk to you at first despite finding you cool because of the minors dni thing.. but I'm glad you allowed me to talk to you and get to know you a bit :D I also believe that you are very funny because you make me giggle and everything else 🫶🏽 I see a lot of people on here as big siblings... and you're no exception; love you <e
@nordicbananas — omg is that the coolest mushroom EVER OMG?? no but you're so silly and like so fun and so cool and like. everything. everytime I see u in my notifs I gasp in a :D way because of how silly you are hehehe,, I love you, timezone stealer <3
@k1an4a — YOU 🫵🏽 you silly soul of a mf we need to talk moreee😭 you're so funny like what <//3 m always happy to see you around even if you aren't as active or if we don't talk a lot. you're just really silly :] love ya <3
@auroratumbles — you cutie !! I'm glad I got to keep you in my basement all year <33 don't worry I promise I'll let you go this new year hehehe... maybe. you're just a cutie patootie and I needed to keep the cutie to myself :( you're really sweet and nice and a joy to talk to when I'm not holding you hostage hehe. i love you tho <3
@aphroditesswan — you. you you YOU pls talk to me more I think you're really cool <//3 the times we talked you were really nice and I think we could be good friends :D love ya <3
@delusina — my sweet horizon.. I know you're on hiatus, but I'm including you anyway because you are. so sweet and amazing. I'm glad I could get to know you, and I hope for the best for you and your brother come this year because I just. i believe you deserve to be loved and cherished despite whatever you might think :) m here for you kazzie, I love you <3
@maehemthemisfit — I don't know where you might have gone, but I havent forgotten about you !! i hope you're doing alright, and I wish you a late Merry Christmas and a great new years mae. you're very sweet and very big sibling and you're just really cool in general,, glad we could be friends :) I hope to talk to you more this year, if you ever have the time. i love you <3
@n3r0-1417 — sunflower :D (I'm never stopping with this nickname) you're a really cool person and. very funny I believe. i always like it whenever I'm able to talk to you, even if it isn't a lot,, another potentially big sibling person :D happy New year to you albedo and Apollo and I love you guys <3
@m1shapanda — the silly !! i love your art and I think you're really fun !! aaaa I wish we could talk smoree.. also I'm bonking you on the head and telling you to start resting and taking more breaks <//3 love u tho <3
@soleillunne — lyssy <33 I apologize for the things you've had to see on this blog this year. I can assure you, you will see the same stuff next year 💞 AKHDKHD okay okay but I think you were the third big sibling figure to me on this app/website, and you're so sweet and really amazing :D every time I wake up and see your notifications on my lock screen I smile and go "lyssas active :D !!" i stalk your blog alot,, <//3 you're so amazing my pearl, I love you <3
@https-furina — perse !! i didn't tell you the nickname I had for you omg,, i was between both my ocean and my waterfall, because everytime I think of you I think of pretty waters,, anyways hello :D I hope you're alright <33 omg I'd love to talk to you more,, you're really silly and super nice?? everytime I see you and Alyssa paired together in my notifs I smile and i immediately have to see what's going on with you two, I think you two are really sweet :]] i hope i get to talk to you more !! love you <33
@papiliotao — you absolutely cutie of a patootie. remember when you willingly became my mother? good times.. SDJKD you scared the living hell out of me when we were first getting acquainted and,,, I think it's a bit silly now, considering the fact that you're literally one of my most adorable mutuals ever what😭I hope you're doing alright moonlight, I love you <33
@mikacynth — I MISS YOU. :( I hope you've been alright with your studies, and you are one of the nicest souls. second ever big sibling figure I've had on here !! i adore you, you're the cutiest ever !! i hope you'll be able to come back and talk to us some day, we alk miss you snowball :(( i love you !! happy New Year and belated Christmas <3
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dirtybitfic · 3 months
White mustang
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Storyline- In which Chris takes a solo, month long trip to Baraboo Wisconsin where he takes notice of a girl who stands out from everyone else in the small town . He cant help but seek her out and unlock the mystery of her .( PS THIS STORY ENDED UP BEING LONG AS ABSOLUTE FUCK my b)
(Based off of White mustang by Lana del rey)
Chris pov-
I've been so caught up in content for the past 3 months that I decided to take a trip completely by myself to take a mental health break. I did a little research on smaller towns on the east coast that I felt would be safe to go. I landed on Baraboo Wisconsin , I don't really know why it just looked kind of cool so I though why not.
I just got off my flight sending Matt and nick a text letting them know I got here safe and i'm heading to get my rental car now. Its not common that any of us would take a trip alone but I just really felt it was the right decision to not have them with me , being a triplet means being very co-dependent on each other but we've slowly started trying to be more independent and not do everything together and its been nice actually.
I pick up my car and drive to the airbnb I rented( were gonna pretend he has his license ) , its pretty close to devils lake national park so its slightly on outside of town in more of a rural area. Im getting a bit nervous as I get further into the backroads area feeling a bit scared I'm actually gonna be here alone for as long as i'm staying.
I finally reach the house and pull into the driveway hopping out and grabbing my bags from the trunk then heading to put the code in and finally sit down and rest.
The house is pretty cool Matt would have really liked it if he were here. I go upstairs to the master bedroom and throw my bag down kicking of my shoes , shirt and pants and hopping on the bed deciding to take a nap since i'm tired from the flight and have nothing else to do since I got in kinda late .
*times skip 4 hours*
I just woke up grabbing my phone to check the time, it's 8pm here which means its 5pm in cali.
I get and incoming face time from matt and answer it immediately happy to see his face.
" hey man how is it so far?" he asks as he takes a sip of water.
" Good I fell asleep right when I got here so I haven't got out at all but I probably will in a bit to get food" I answer.
" Well i'm glad you're okay ! I'm proud of you for doing this Chris I know its a bit weird not having us there but I think it'll be good for all of us to takes some time for ourselves" he says and I nod in agreement.
"I am happy I decided to go through with it . I just hope it'll be as nice and chill as I want it to be" I say as I set my phone down and fix my hair from getting in my eyes.
" Well I just wanted to check in and make sure you are good but text if you need me " he says as he throws a hoodie on and grabs his keys.
" I will love you bro" I say as I smile at him.
" Love you too " he says then hangs up.
I lay back on the bed contemplating of I want to go out and get food or just door dash something . Deciding I don't have the energy to get up and get dressed I chose to door dash .
I order a burger from some place in town and chill watching til tons until it gets here.
2o minuets later i'm eating my pizza on the back porch deciding some fresh air would do be good after being on a plane half the day and then taking a nap. The air bib has a hot tub which is the biggest reason I chose to stay here , after I ate I decided to turn it on and let it heat up to about 90 degrees since its only like 70 degrees tonight with a little breeze.
I got inside throwing on some trunks and grabbing a Pepsi from the fridge , the owner had stalked the fridge with drinks since they said their daughter watches our videos and wanted to make sure I had plenty of Pepsi for the month which is hilarious but also very sweet.
I climb into the hot water turning the lights to blue and laying back looking up at the clear night sky. The stars are pretty visible here which is a nice change from L.A.
I decide to turn on some music and chill out here for a while. After about 30 minutes i'm rushing inside and locking the door because I heard rustling in the woods and got scared. I may be a grown man but hearing noises in the dark woods when you're all alone would scare anyone.
I decide I might as well shower, watch a show and go to sleep. Maybe even find somethings to do Tommorrow .
Most of the shit in town didn't look that interesting to me so I decided on pewit's nest , I think taking a little hike and chillin in a waterfall could be a good reset ... I just hope there isn't a shit tone of people around.
I just woke up , its about 12 so I get up and throw on a fit and grab my phone AirPods and keys and head out the door putting in directions to pewit's nest. It's like a 30 minute drive which isn't too bad. I set my playlist on shuffle and start the drive. I rented a convertible , even though it was expensive its worth it . I like backgrounds they are chill and always have better views .
Im going down a long windy road when I see another car further ahead in the opposite lane , I can tell from here its a nice car maybe even vintage.
The closer I get the more a feeling creeps over my body making me feel confused but intrigued . Im close enough now to see long blue hair blowing freely in the wind and a slim arm hanging off the door of a white 1965 mustang moving like it's going over a waves in an ocean . I smile as the air seems to get lighter and my stomach girls when I catch a glimpse of her face that has a smile plastered on it that is so bright and sweet it could send a grown man into cardiac arrest .
We make eye contact as we pass each other and the feeling that washes over is something i've never felt before . I can hear the song she has playing that blasts through her speakers , a classical song one I recognize but I cant remember why .
I look away as I redirect the car to drive straight again and shake my head . I don't know what that feeling was but it felt ... good .
After a little while I reach the parking area and see no other cars making me smile, hopefully ill be alone in the piece and quiet.
I put the top back up and turn off the car and hop out and go to the directory to see with path I need to take to end up at the waterfall . The path is about a two mile hike , its says it's an easy path so that's good. I put my AirPods in and decide on a playlist Matt had made a while ago of just chill slow music .
I start walking looking around taking a breathe of the fresh air feeling calmness fall over me . I love the east coast so much more than the west coast , it just feels more calm and nice compared to the busy city life we live in L.A. As I walk I see movement out of the corner of my eye making me look over seeing its a family of deer . I pull out my phone and take a picture sending it to Matt and Nick . I don't see many deer in the west coast but every time I do I have to take a picture , they are my favorite animal.
After an easy 20 more minutes I reach the fall , taking out my AirPods I look around just checking out the area making sure i'm alone , I am . I take my shoes off then my shirt and set my phone , keys and AirPods onto of them and walk to the edge and dip my foot in . I forget how cold waterfall water really is but I decide to just say fuck it and get in . The warm sun helps make it a little more bearable .
As I float around I hear my phone ringing so I swim back over to check who it is . It's nick so I dry my hands on my shirt and answer it.
"Hey... wow where are you it's so pretty?" he says as he notices the scene in the background. " It's called Pewits nest " I answer as I flip the camera and show him the whole fall and the surrounding area. " Wow well i'm glad you're getting out and having fun " he says making me flip the camera and smile. " Yeah me too its pretty nice out here really peaceful " I say as I look around smiling. " So you're doing okay ?" he asks I nod " Yeah i'm good I definitely needed this I miss you guys though" I say looking at him he smiles softly " I miss you too but your metal health is more important than being here dealing with with meetings and shit " nick says and I nod " Yeah I know ill get used to being without you guys soon it's just bit weird right now" I say sighing . " I know but hey you know we"re just a call away and maybe you'll get some Inspo for new fresh love designs " he say smiling rubbing his hands together making me chuckle . " Yeah I guess you're right ... anything interesting going on with you?" I ask feeling comforted with the fact I"m talking to him even if he"s not really here with me it feels like he is." Uhhh not really I think me and Matt are gonna go for dinner with Jake and Tara then probably chill the rest of the night" he says making me smile. " We'll have fun and tell them I said hey, ima let you go though I know you probably got some shit to do" I say smiling at him . " Okay well be safe and maybe go around town tonight see what's around I love you" " Yeah love you too " I say and hang up.
I look at the time seeing its around 3:30 meaning i've been here for about 2 and a half hours so I decide to get out and use my shirt to dry off and put my shoes back on and start walking back down the path to my car.
I get back to my car and unlock it throwing a towel I had brought but forgot to grab out and put it on the seat so I didn't get it wet . I put the top back down and head back to the airbnb .
I reach the point in the windy road where I passed that girl earlier and smile to myself at the memory . It .. I mean she has been on my mind ever since we passed I know nothing about her yet she's all I can think about my whole drive home.
I get back and head into the house grabbing a drink from the fridge and heading upstairs to take a shower. The bathroom is pretty big if you ask me and I love the shower honestly I could probably stand in it and think for hours. I throw shoes and pants off and walk in turning on the rain shower letting the water fully cascade down my body. I take my time just standing under the hot water relaxing . I start thinking about the girl from earlier . I literally cant get her off my mind something about the feeling I got when we made eye contact scares me but also intrigues me , its like my body knew something I didn't but now I want to find out what it could be that has be so drawn to her.
I hop out of the shower and decide I should go into town to grab some groceries and some dinner . One thing I hate is eating alone but I have no other choice.
I start up the car and head towards town . I find a groceries store called woodmans deciding it look like the biggest one and thread have the biggest selection of shit .
I park and head in keeping my head down feeling a bit nervous being out alone. I shop as quick as possible then find a place to get dinner. I find an Italian restaurant and decide to order take out online for pickup . I head over and park close by deciding to walk around a bit till I get a text that the foods ready. I walk down the streets passing by people smiling and they smile back which is one thing I love about west coast people they are way more pleasant than west coast people .
I spot a small looking path through some trees that has a couple benches along it and decide to sit under the tree and watch the sunset while I wait. I watch as the sky changes colors , its honestly one of the best sunsets i've seen in a while. I hear soft laughter making me turn my head in the direction it came from. I see a guy walking with a girl and they are looking at something on their phone laughing and making fun of what I can hear a girl, they are both dressed in boring ass basic outfits making me roll my eyes at how boring they look.
They stop a few feet away to watch another video i'm guessing and I can fully hear what they are saying now
" oh my god Vienna is so fucking weird" the girl says before laughing , she has such a bitchy little laugh .
" She tries so hard to be different and yet she wanders why no guys wanna touch her" the guys says smirking making the girl laugh .
" Ahh what a cute little music video " she sighs with a sniper putting her phone in her pocket . I cant help but roll my eyes shaking my head at their behavior and words .
" OH MY GOD C-CHRIS STURNIOLO" I hear a shriek making me jump in surprise . " oh my god is it really you ?" the girl ask running up to me . I contemplate on saying no and going on with my night but... she knows damn well its me so I nod . " Yeah hi nice to meet you" I say standing up . She squeals in excitement . " Can I get a picture " she asks and I slowly shake my head . " No i'm sorry i'm trying to stay out of sight while i'm here I don't really want everyone knowing where I am..." I say acting as sorry as best I can. " Oh I get it i'm sorry to bother you have a good night" the girl says waving and running off I wave back then my phone rings telling me my foods ready for pickup so I Jog back to the area I parked and run into the restaurant grabbing my food and heading to my car .
I look across the street as I unlock my door spotting blue hair and ,my heart immediately jumps as I watch her walk down the street , her hair softly blowing with the breeze with headphones on her face naturally resting slightly angry which makes her even more attractive. I cant help but stare , she has an energy that radiates off of her but I just don't know what it is quite yet.
I see the dick head couple from earlier quickly approaching her the girl whispering to the guy as she laugh once the get to mystery girl the girl grabs her arm making me furrow my eyebrows and watch intensely at the scene unfolding in front of me.
The girl holds a tight grip as she gets in blue hairs face smiling but the words that come out of her mouth look unpleasant . Blue hair slides her headphones down and keeps them around her neck as she listens to the girl talking to her but her face looks unbothered .
The guy starts laughing as he smirks watching his girlfriend disrespect blue hair, I feel an urge to go over and break it up but the lat thing I need is to get roped into random peoples drama. She lets go of blue hairs arm laughing but I didn't expect what happened next.
Blue hair shoves her hand into the others chest pushing her harshly into the brick wall next to them . I walk to my trunk to try and hear what's happening more clearly.
Its a bit quiet but I can hear clear enough
" Grow the fuck up Clara I don't care if you like me or not i'm not going to tell you again to leave me the fuck alone" blue hair spits the words into her face. The other girl looks slightly... scared which I find funny cause two seconds ago she looked like she was nothing but proud of herself for whatever she said. " Vienna I- just let me go " she whine prying blue hair well Vienna's hand off her chest and clinging to her boyfriend . " God Vienna if you weren't such a stuck up cunt maybe somebody would have wanted yours by now" the guy says . Vienna and even his girlfriends mouth drop open at his words . "James your dating Clara ...kinda weird how every single insult you can think of *she steps closer to him* ... always end up with sexual comments about me" she says smirking . His girlfriend gasps and raises a hand to slap Vienna. " You might want to lower that hand Clara she scolds glancing at the girl who slowly lowers her hand and James ... stop thinking about who has or hasn't wanted me because trust me... Lucas had no problem having some time with me" she says then slides her head phones back on flicking them both off and walking away.
I stand in shock for a couple seconds dumfounded by what I just witnessed , maybe I'm just so used to living in a city where everybody is just minding their own business . Smaller towns definitely seem to have more entertaining people . I smile as I turn back around and get in my car setting my food on the seat next to me and driving off back to the house.
I'm actually glad I decided to go to town and get food because now not only do I know blue hairs real name but I also have caught a good glimpse of her personality and it only adds fuel to the fire inside my brain. I've never seen someone so calm and collected when being patronized like she was and her comebacks to the insults were nothing but perfect. I wanted to burst out laughing when she clocked the fuck out of the guy for bringing up her sex life given I had heard him speak about it when they were talking shit when I was sitting on the bench waiting .
I admire the way she made the girl scared and nervous when she spoke back to her , most people would have just stood there and took the insults and not stick up for themselves but she sure as fuck did.
I pull into the driveway hopping out and rushing in to sit down and eat my food. The pasta is good as fuck not gonna lie , I'm absolutely banging it down when my phone rings, I pause the movie I was watching and answer it to see Nick and Matt pop up on my screen.
" Hey guys what's up?" I ask as I take a sip of my Pepsi.
" Nothing we just wanted to chest in and make sure you're doing good " Matt says and I smile and nod. " Yeah i'm good I went into town to get dinner ... and lets just say i've never been so entertained by drama, than I was 30 minutes ago" I say laughing after. " Yo what the fuck I wanna know what happened" nick says showing how intrigued he is by what I witnessed.
" Okay well when I was going to that waterfall I was at when you called yesterday I passed a girl who had blue hair and a really nice vintage mustang and something about her intrigued me .... tonight I saw the same girl low-key get bullied by some basic bitch and blue hair girl absolutely chewed her and her boyfriend up and spit them out in the span of 5 minutes" I say smiling replaying the moment in my head . " Damn small towns do have shit going on huh" nick says laughing making me and matt laugh too. " Yeah shit was very entertaining to say the least " I say back . " So this blue haired girl ... do you have a little crush Chris" Matt says teasing me making me shake my head and flick him off . " No she just looks like cool person bro " I say trying to convince him and myself i'm not that into her." Whatever you sayyy" he says making me shake my head. " Well ima go take a late night walk and clear my head I love you guys" I say. " yeah love you to, be safe" Matt says before hanging up the call.
I grab my headphones and throw on my shoes and head out of the door. Its nice weather but it feels like it might rain and honestly I wouldn't mind getting caught in the rain on my walk.
Im walking down the neighborhood path when I see a path leading into the woods that has a sign saying it leads to a sand beach on the lake , I decide to take it and maybe sit by the water for a bit .
I feel a bit creeped out as I walk through the almost pitch black path so I bring out my phone and turn on the flash so I can kinda see where i'm going. I take out my earphones so I can hear the area around me just incase something or someone is out here. The further I walk I feel like I can hear water ripple and kind of splash letting me know i'm getting closer to my destination.
I meet the end of the path where the sand starts and step out taking a deep breathe. Its quiet and calm out here and the moon is shining down on the water letting me see the area surrounding me. I sit down on a stump and look up taking in the dark cloudy sky above me . It's calming to be out here all alone being able to just sit and think about anything and everything .
I get lost in my thought until I snap out of it when I hear a loud splash off to the left . I try and focus in on the area but its too dark from where i'm sitting to really get a good look .Out of curiosity I get up and get closer to where I heard the sound come from breathing heavily since i'm a bit scared it could be like a fucking bear or something , then id really be fucked.
As I slowly get closer I hear a small laugh , it sounds like a girl but im not quite sure all I know is hearing a girl giggle in the dark late t night is creepy as fuck. I look at spot a figure gliding in the water I squint to try and make out if its a person or animal . When the figure stands in the water the moon light shines over them letting me see it is in fact a girl , not just any girl though. I see a tinge of blue sheen in the hair thats being hit by the moon light and my breathe hitches.
It's her. My stomach does that stupid fucking feeling again as I watch the way she's gliding through the water. She goes under and comes back up wiping her face and hair back . She looks so calm and peaceful , I feel like a creep just watching her but I cant look away or move . She kind of stops all of her movements taking a deep breath and looking around she spots me and jumps with a scream . I flinch immediately turning around starting to speed walk back to the path I got here on.
I hear water splashing and my heart starts to speed up , she's gonna catch up and yell at me is all I can think as I walk as quickly as possible . "WAIT HEY WAIT " I hear her scream and I stop shoulders slumping down waiting for her to come up and give me a piece of her mind.
I turn around to see her walking up to me ... smiling , maybe she's not mad after all . " Are you here alone?" she asks as she gets closer and I can see her gorgeous face . I just nod to scared to actually say anything. " Have I seen you before you look really familiar?" she asks me studying my face. " I- um maybe I don't kn-" she cuts me off. " Wait I know I passed you on the road ... you drive that black convertible right?" she asks smiling and stepping closer. " Y-yeah you drive the vintage mustang right?" I ask and she smiles and nods . " It's a really cool car" I say making her smile wider. " Thank you it was my dads dream car so when he... passed I got it in memory of him" she says as her smile falters a bit . " Oh i'm so sorry " I say as she looks back up at me shaking her head. " It's okay its not your fault" she says with a quiet laugh. "I know I just I feel bad" I say smiling sympathetically. " Please don't feel sorry for me the last thing I want is pity" she says shaking her head. " Sorry " I say trying to make it less awkward. " Its fine ... so are you new I have seen you until this week" she asks smiling at me and walking back onto the sandy part so I take that as she wants me to follow her. " Uhhm yeah I guess i'm taking a vacation here for about a month " I answer . " Why here?" she asks laughing.
" Well I wanted to get out of big city life for a while so I just kinda looked up smaller places to go and I ended up here" I answer with a shrug. " Well I guess that makes sense ... i've never been to a big city but i've always water to move out of here and live the city life" she rambles making me smile . She sits down and I sit next to her. " Honestly I like living in a city for the most part it just gets ... a lot sometimes you know" I say and look over at her. " Yeah i... I down really fit in here ... I mean I never really have " She says looking off into the water. " I don't understand why I mean you're nice , drive a cool ass car , and ... your pretty" I say and she looks at me smiling weekly. " Thank you thats really sweet but I don't think anyone here would agree with you" she says as she sighs . " well they are just boring ass people then I mean from what I can tell you seem really cool ... if I lived here I think you'd be the only person i'd wanna be friends with " I say and she smiles widely. " Thanks you seem pretty cool too" She says making me smile. " You know I didn't get your name" I say and she laughs . " It's Vienna" she says . " Thats a pretty name i'm Chris " I say smiling back at her . " Thank you so where are you from?" she asks me " Im from Boston but I live in LA with my brothers" I say and she nods . " How many brothers do you have ?" she asks . Ive noticed that I don't think she has a clue who I am and i'm actually really happy about it. " I have 3 , one older and i'm 1 of three triplets. " I answer she gasps " Ahh thats so fucking cool I always wished I had a twin growing up so id have a best friend with me all the time" she says smiling I cant help but chuckle " Yeah its pretty cool . So i'm guessing you don't have any siblings ?" I asks judging from her response . " I did but not anymore " she says looking upset again . " oh " I say having a good feeling it's the same outcome of her dad situation. " Yeah I had a sister but um she passed my freshman year of college " she says and I can almost see the tears staring in her eyes. " Im sorry Vienna I shouldn't have brought it up" I say feeling bad knowing she not only lost her dad but also her sister, I couldn't imagine going through that . " No No it's okay i'm sorry for trauma dumping on you I met you like 5 minutes ago" She says laughing and sniffling as a small tear falls down her face. " No its okay I don't mind ... I like hearing you talk" I say making her smile. She hums and leans her head on my shoulder looking at the scene infant of us. Ive never felt this comfortable with someone I barely know before but right now I feel good, happy and calm . I look down at her smiling at her small gesture . " Is- is this okay i'm sorry if -" " Its absolutely okay I don't mind" I say and she looks up at me smiling then looking back out .
" It's really peaceful out here" I say and she nods. " Yeah I love it out here ... not a lot of people come out here thats why I come down here to think " she says and I nod " I can see why " I say . " This might be an invasive question to ask but what do you do ... I mean if you're staying here for a month you must make good money" she says laughing . " Well I umm I make YouTube videos with my brothers " I say . " ahhh okay makes sense . Is it fun do you like it?" she asks me and I think for the best answer " I love it but sometimes it can be stressful ... it takes a big toll on my mental health sometimes though" I answer honestly. " Im guessing thats why you came here to take a break from it all" she adds on and I nod " Yeah I mean this is the first trip i've ever taken without my brothers but it was very much needed" I answer. " Well good for you for taking time that you need ... I bet the fans aren't too happy about it though" she jokes but I sigh making her mover her head and face me . " That was a big sigh " she says and I nod " Yeah its just ... sometimes the fans take shit too far and that's one of the biggest things that really east to me" I say looking at her . " Well I can only guess they are all crazy little girls ... I mean look at you no wonder they go a little crazy" she says giggling . " what's that supposed to mean?" I ask laughing " Chris come on ... you know you're attractive I mean id be obsessed to if I were them" she smiles and I shake my head smiling . " Thank you " I say laughing . She laugh too " You're welcome " she nods . Silence falls between us for a couple seconds before I speak . " I gotta ask you ... what's up with the blond girl and her boyfriend I kinda saw they gang up on you in town " I ask but regret it when her eyebrows furrow . " You saw that " she asks kind of confused . " Yeah I ... I should have said that earlier I just ..." " Im not mad just a bit embarrassed" she says and I nod . " They were kind of my bullies all throughout middle and high school ... they fucked off for a while when I went away for college but after my sister passed I became really depressed and failed all my classes and came back here to take care of our house so " " Now that your back they decided to keep being assholes " I say understanding the situation. "Yeah pretty much I honestly don't know why they act like they do but I just got tired off it that night and snapped ... I usually just kept my head down and let them say whatever but i'm tired of the shit . I just wish they would grow the fuck up were grown ass adults and I seem to be the only one who knows how to act like one" she groans making me laugh. " Immature assholes " I joke and she laughs . " Yeah honestly I thought when we all turned 20 they'd just move on but now i'm 22 and they still act like children its embarrassing honestly " she laughs making me smile. " I think they are jealous to be honest " I say and she smiles . " They have nothing to be jealous about I have no family or friends" " That is where your wrong you do have a friend" I say and she looks at me " And who might that be?" she asks smiling " Me obviously " I smile and she smiles back . " Ive never been so conformable with someone this quickly " she says in a sweet but serious tone " Me neither " I say smiling . She scoots closer and I put out my arm so she can scoot into my side . " Thank you chris " she says as she nuzzles into my side making me smile . " For what?" I ask not knowing what I did " For being a decent person . For talking to me and listening to me even though you barely know me " she says and I smile . " Of course , i'm glad we met you're ... an amazing girl ... I don't usually get close to girls mostly because of the fans and my own kind of shit but you .... it just feels right " " I completely agree it just feels easy being around you " she says back making me smile .
" What time is it " she asks me and I grab my phone to look . " Shit it's almost 5 am " I say laughing . " We've been talking for 4 hours " she asks shocked and looking at me " Yeah I guess so " I say smiling . " It felt like we've only been here for an hour at most " " Times flys when your having fun " I joke making her laugh . " I should probably head home " she sighs making me look at her .
I know I just met her but I really want to keep talking with her I really don't wan this to end I shoot the shot " You could always ... come back to mine I mean its a big house and i'm all alone I wouldn't mind the company " I say smiling " Really? " she asks smiling I nod " Okay Yeah lets do it" she says getting up .
We walk next to each other in comfortable silence I glance over at her and smile. She looks like she's deep in thought so I just stay silent.
Vienna pov-
I swear to god I have never seen someone so attractive in my life I mean Jesus fucking christ and could I have embarrassed myself even more. He caught me swimming around at night all alone like a freak I mean thats so embarrassing and then I go and fucking TRAUMA DUMP on him after like 15 minutes Jesus. I've never really been that talkative of a person , not because I don't want to be but because no ones ever really given me a chance. Ive lived here my entire life except half a year when I went to Colorado state , I loved It there and I did have a couple fiends but after my sister died and I moved I didn't hear from them . I feel like i'm just and unlovable person sometimes I mean everyone I get close to leaves me . Sadly I already know thats gonna be the case with Chris since he will only be here for a month , I am scared to get too close but he's just... so nice and he made me feel more seen in the span of 4 hours than I have my entire life . So here I am on my way back to his house and yeah I'm nervous but if I were to have said no id be missing out on having someone to talk to and laugh with and just a guy who makes me feel happy when I haven't in a while , even if it is just for this month I won't let this chance at a good relationship pass.
Chris's pov-
We reach the road and I look down at her and she looks up and smiles , god her smile is adorable . " come on it this way" I say leading her to the right back to my house. She follows and walks by my side and I don't know why but I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her into me . I feel so comfortable around her, again its a weird feeling , but i'm happy and content so why would I freak out about it . we get up the slight hill and walk up the driveway to the door . I put in the code and let her go in first.
" mm its so cozy in here" she says and I agree " I know right I like it here its very quiet too " " It is but that could be scary when you're alone" " Oh trust me it is" I say and she laughs. " Are you hungry thirsty anything?" I ask her as I make my way to the kitchen to grab something to drink . " Kind thirsty actually yeah" she says and I nod . "I got water, lemonade , Pepsi , Dr Pepper any of those sound good?" I ask and she thinks for a second . " Dr.pepper please , thank you" she says and I smile handing one to her " no problem" .
" Sooo what should we do ?" she asks smiling at me as she sits on the kitchen island. "Mmm I don't know we could watch a movie or uhh we could chill in the hotter for a bit " I say and she smiles " I wouldn't mind chillin in the hot tub" she says smiling . " Alright let me change into some shorts real quick then ill get it started up" I say as I jog up the stairs.
Vienna pov-
I step outside onto the porch walking to the railing looking out into the darkness , I find the dark calming while most people find it scary I find it to be the opposite. I've always been someone who likes the night more than the day . I love the way the moon has different fazes and how the stars shine but also because I feel most myself at night , my mom had a nickname for me as a baby "Me pequeña luna" my little moon , She used to tell me I liked sleeping all day and staying up at night which is why she called me her little moon . She passed away when I was about 11 years old it was hard but I got through it . When I was a teenager my older sister played the mother roll a lot telling me all about what I needed to know from how my body would change to sex to other things a mom would say to protect her child , I loved my sister like no one else but I think life took a toll on her and thats why she left me here alone . I don't hate her for it in some ways I understand why she did it but I wish I had been able to help or stop her from making the decision to end it all but I was too late by the time I realized she was struggling she was already gone . My dad passed of natural causes maybe a broken heart or age but at least he passed peacefully .
All these things are the reason why I live my life the way I do , I take adventures and I live how I want . I've never been one to follow trends or go with the flow of others around me , in this small town people like to say i'm the "weird girl " or " The freak" because I don't look and dress like everyone else or I don't speak or act the way they "expect" the young woman here too but fuck em i'm happy and thats all that matters.
My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the sliding door open and I turn to see Chris , fuck he really is perfect. I try not to drool as I look over his lean body and his cut v line .
"Hey I brought down a speaker so we can listen to music while we're out here" he says and I snap my eyes up to his face and smile . "Sounds good to me" I answer and he smiles. I watch as he walks to the hot tub turning it on and setting the heat and lights to how he wants them to be. He looks at me smiling and motioning me to come over . I walk over to him smiling . " Ladies first " he says as he gives me a hand getting into the tub making me laugh a bit.
He climbs in after me sitting pretty close making me smile to myself , I just met him and i'm already so into him , Maybe because I don't get much male attention or affection on a normal bases and i'm touch deprived as fuck but he's just so sweet .
" Here you can queue up whatever sings you want " he says handing me his phone and turning on the speaker " you sure I don't know if you'll like my music taste " " Im sure I will" he says and I shake my head "Okayyy" I say as I queue up a couple songs
~ Claire de lune- claude debussy, Jacob and the stone- Emile mosseri, Champagne coast- blood orange, In the air tonight- Phil collins, ALIEN FLAME- shometyle, Holier- crosses, sex on fire- kings of lion and when i'm small- phantogram.
The first song starts to play and I nervously wait for him to say something
he smiles " Im not a classical guy but its a nice song" he says and I smile and laugh " Yeah I didn't think you'd be into classical but this is one of my favorite songs so" he smiles and leans his head back looking up at the sky.
" The stars are bright tonight " he says and I look up to setting into my spot " They really are " I say smiling tracing the Lyra constellation . "You see the stars in a line and kind of coming together into a misshapen square?" I ask him as I point to the area i'm looking at . "Ummm oh yeah I see it " he says and I smile . " Thats the Lyra constellation " I say smiling " oh wow I didn't know that I mean to be fair the only one I really know is the Big Dipper" he says laughing I giggle " Yeah thats the one most people know ... my mom taught me about astrology when I was young and I got really into it when she got sick and wed talk about it when she was in the hospital" I explain to him as he nods along , he's a very attentive listener . " Mmm a way to stay close to her ?" he asks smiling " Yeah it kept us connected , she loved to talk about the stars and after she passed I just kept up with it because every time I look at the stars I feel like she's with me " I say smiling as I try and keep myself from tearing up. " Thats really sweet " she says as he looks at me with an adoring look that makes me smile .
"So you and your family are you close ?" I ask him wanting to stop babying on about myself . " Yeah were really close I love my family more than anything , i'm closest with my triplet brother for obvious reasons but my mom is the sweetest woman I love her to death and my dad is great he's really funny and my older brother is cool as fuck , he doesn't have the same dad as me , Matt and Nick but its never really felt like he isn't a full sibling he's been there all our lives you know what I mean" he speaks so sweetly of his family I almost want to cry . " I completely get it ,your family sounds lovely " " They are great I think my mom would absolutely love you and you would definitely get along with nick " he says making me smile that he's even thinking about how specific family members would like me . " So being a triplet is obviously special , are you all pretty alike or are you complete opposites?" I ask obviously intrigued since i've never seen or met twins let alone triplets. " Honestly were all different in our own ways , nick is gay which is one thing that makes him different from me and Matt but he's probably the most out going one of all of us he always been the one to just do his own thing , me and Matt though we're pretty similar we played all the same sports growing up and always had the same friends , like the same music except Matt has some music he likes that I down like as much he's also the most calm and quiet one he likes to just keep to himself most of the time , he's pretty much always been that way " he answers my question perfectly as I listen giving him my full attention . " Thats great though you know you all have things that make you individuals " I say smiling . "Yeah it's great for us all to have our own interests, I mean when we were kids we did everything together so now that were older its nice to be our own selves and do things separately " he explains and I nod . " What about you and your sister were you pretty similar?" he asks and I try to keep my smile " Yeah I guess I mean she was 5 years older than me so you know we had our differences just because of the age gap but I learned a lot from her , I got my music taste from all the countless drives we'd take together , she loved to go on late night walks and swims in the lake ... thats actually why I was there tonight her birthday was yesterday and I wanted to do something to remember her and why not do something we loved to do together . She loved saving memories too she loved photography and taking videos which is now something I love since she taught me when we were younger , I was always the louder more outgoing one and she was the calm and quiet type and I think thats why we got along so well " " What do you like to do you know like hobbys and stuff?" he asks me and I think about it for a second " Well I play guitar and keyboard and I sing sometimes , i'm more creative and artsy I guess I also love to tech and paint I just picked up trying to do tattoos , its pretty hard not gonna lie but its fun to see what I can design and create " I say and he smiles really big " Thats actually really cool I actually have a clothing brand of my own .... maybe you could tech some new ideas for me " he says and I smile " Really?" I ask smiling "Yeah i've been reading to create some more design for a new drop maybe you can help me with that while i'm here " I nod and smile widely " I'd love too , so what's the band called ?" I ask ." fresh love " he answers " Ohh I like that " I say and he smiles " Thank you Matt helped me name it but I like to take the credit most of the time" he says and I laugh .
" Im kind of getting hot out here wanna go back inside and dry off . I can give you some clothes to change into " he says and I nod " Yeah sounds good ... do you mind if take a quick shower I have lake water all in my hair ?" I ask and he smiles " Yeah of course " he says and I thank him as we head inside . " The bathroom is up the stairs and its the first door to the left ... i'll bring you some clothes once you're out . I would bring them in while you shower but I'd fully see you with the way the shower is built " she says laughing . " Okay no problem ,thank you " I say as I make my way up the stairs . I walk into the large bathroom and head to the shower , I spend a hot minute trying to figure out how to turn on the shower but fail horribly . So embarrassingly I call out to Chris for help "HEY CHRIS UMM HOW THE FUCK DO YOU TURN THE SHOWER ON" I ask . I hear foot steps approach and the door open " Sorry I forgot its kind of hard to turn on " he says smiling as he walks over and turns it on for me " ahh thats how you do it " I say laughing . " Just push it back in to turn it off and if you want it hotter or colder tap it left for hot and right for cold " he explain showing me " Great thank you " " No problem and I set a towel on the sink for you " " Thank you" " Yep no problem " he says as he walks out shutting the door behind him .
I take off my wet bikini and step under the water it was a little to cold for me so I turn it hotter but I tapped it a couple too many time making it so hot it stung and I yelped . "YOU OKAY? " I hear "hris yell from outside the door "YEAH JUST TURNED IT A BUT TOO HOT SORRY " "YOU'RE GOOD JUST WANTED TO MAKE SURE YOU DIDN'T FALL OR SOMETHING " "NOPE ALL GOOD THANK YOU FOR CHECKING THOUGH " " NO PROBLEM"
I use some of the soap lathering my body in it smelling fully like a man . I get lost in my thought as the water rains down on me
Chris's pov-
I cant help but like her after the deep conversations we've had tonight , she listens so well it's like you could be in a room full of people but if your talking she'd make you feel like you're the most important one there . She is so sweet and she's been through so much I mean her mom , dad and sister have all died , I cant imagine going through all of that and still being and happy and sweet as she is . She's the most beautiful girl i've ever met inside and out and don't get me wrong there are plenty of beautiful girls in LA but none of them have the personality to match it . She is just authentic in herself and I can tell she doesn't care what others think of her and I love that about her .
I may have just met her but I feel like i've known her my whole life . I wish I had known her my whole life to be honest . I know its crazy that after meeting a girl I invited her back with me to stay the night but I feel safe with her . She had no idea who I was or that I was a YouTube or a triplet which adds to the many reasons I felt safe enough to invite her back with me .
I have no intention of making moves on her tonight I simply just like her company and why would I choose to be all alone when I can have her here with me . Now don't get me wrong gif she were to want to do something I wouldn't turn it down but i'm choosing to keep it respectful and friendly until she shows sign of wanting more .
Viennas pov-
I like Chris a lot I mean he's sweet , attractive , has a good relationship with his family he has goals and hobbys and he's been respectful the entire time we've been together , Most guys would have tried something sexual already but he's not most guys I can tell he's different . Im not saying I wouldn't do anything with him because trust me ... I would without a doubt but until he shows signs of wanting that i'm going to keep my cool .
I turn the water off and step out walking to the counter and wrapping myself in the towel and open the door looking around for any signs of him but see or hear nothing " CHRIS ..." " IN HERE , DOOR ALL THE WAY DOWN THE WALL " he calls out and I make my way towards where his voice came from . I open the door to see him laying on the bed shirtless and in grey sweatpants , I could drop dead right now from how hot he looks . He looks up at me as his eyes trail down my body making me nervous " shit sorry let me grab you those clothes I got distracted testing my bothers " he says getting up and walking to the closet " Oh you're good " I say . He walks back out handing me a sweatshirt and some boxers " Thank you " I say as I stand there awkwardly waiting for him to turn around or something so I can change . " Oh sorry i'll turn around " he says as he covers his eyes and turns around . I get changed and use the towel to get my hair a little dry " Okay you can turn around " I tell him and he does smiling down at me and he looks me up and down " That sweatshirt looks good on you " he smirks at me and I giggle "Thank you not gonna lie though I struggled to get these boxers over my ass " I say and he laughs " Well is that supposed to be a bad thing? " he asks making me roll my eyes playfully " Oh shut up " " I mean hey i'm just saying " he says putting his hands up making me laugh and smack his chest .
" SO you wanna watch a movie or are you tired ?" he asks as he goes to sit on the bed . " Mmm i'm not to tired so i'm down to watch a movie I say as I go to sit on the other side of the bed and he turns the tv on going to Netflix and starts screeching through movies .
" Oooh lets watch that one " I say as the clicker lands on insidious . "you like horror movies?" he asks as he looks at me and I nod " Love em " I answer smiling widely . " Fine you're lucky I like you " he says making me laugh " What you don't like horror movies ?" I ask smiling " Not really they creep me out but ill watch it for you" he says smiling and looking over at me and I return the smile.
We start the movie and I can hear his heavy breathing making me smile at how cute it is that he's scared . The movie gets to a part where there's a jump scare and he jumps so hard the bed moves and I laugh hysterically . " Oh shut the fuck up it's not that funny " he groans but starts laughing not being able to stay serious . " It was actually very funny " I say and I look at him . "Come closer " he says as he holds up his arm for me to scooch in right next to him . I lay my head on his warm chest , he lays one arm behind my head and onto my shoulder as his other one wraps to my waist pulling me closer . I feel so comfortable in his arms maybe even... safe which is a feeling I haven't had in a very long time. He lays his head on mine making me smile and snuggle in as close as possible as I drape an arm over his chest .
After a couple more jump scares Chris told me to turn the movie off saying and I quote " Im not scared or anything the movie just sucks" ending with an scoff as he looked away when the demon in the movie popped up so I turned it off as I giggled at how scared he obviously was . " So what should we watch instead then ... maybe my little pony" I say with a small laugh making him roll his eyes " Oh shut up just put something not scary on I don't care " he says smiling so I choose divergent instead one of my favorite movies .
We both enjoy the movie having small side conversations during it talking about how we both would want to be dauntless if the movie was real life or how cool the tattoo machines in the movie were . It's nice to share thoughts with someone and find common interests we have I haven't had that in a long time . Chris is like a breathe of fresh air after the past couple of years i've had ... I keep trying to forget the fact he's only here for a little while and I shouldn't get attached but it seems i've already failed at that.
Chris's pov-
I cant help but look down at Vienna as she watches the movie with the biggest smile . She is so effortlessly beautiful , i've just now understood what people mean when they say looks aren't everything . She is absolutely gorgeous but her personality is even more beautiful . Ive never met someone who i've just clicked with so quickly i'm still in shock at how much this friendship ... I mean whatever this relationship is has grown in only a couple hours . She's snuggles in so close to me and I find it adorable she looks so innocent and peaceful right now and I cant help but smile as I admire her. She has freckles all over her cheeks which i'm only now noticing , they make her even more beautiful.
The movie just ended and she looks at me smiling and I smile back. "So you tired or ...?" she asks as she maintains eye contact . " Not really no ... I am kinda hungry though" I say and she nods . " Yeah me to ... late night snack time?" she asks smiling and sitting up . " Yep " I say as I get up and walk to the door her following behind . We make it into the kitchen and I grab some chips for us and a water and one for her too. " Let's chill on the couch " I say as I start walking to the living room . " Its so pretty outside at night here" she says as she looks out of the large windows . " It really is dark as fuck though" I say and she nods " I know it gets so dark with all the woods around its kind of creepy but I love it" she says making me shake my head and chuckle " Its even more beautiful here in winter ugh it snows so much which honestly kind of sucks when I need to go places but its so pretty watching the snow fall and cover the trees " she says smiling and closing her eyes as if she's picturing it in her head " I love snow ... it snows a good amount in Massachusetts and it gets pretty fucking cold " I say and she looks at me smiling " I bet the snowball fights were crazy with you and your brothers " she says making me smile and nod " Oh yeah we went crazy as kids always out sledding or just running around in the snow " I say as I picture the memories playing out in my mind. " mmmm me and my sister would ride our horses through the trails on the land my house is on its was cold but it was so beautiful " she says smiling . " You have horses ?" I ask as I shove chips into my mouth " We used too yeah . We had a small little barn and had about 5 , my dad bought them when we were young . We would all ride together and we used to do little group trails rides for people but when he passed it was too much upkeep and money so I had to sell them " she says looking sad " Damn i'm sorry that sounds fun though " I say and she smiles and takes a sip of her water " It was ... some of my best memories were from rides as a kid ... one time oh my god * she laughs * so one time I think I was maybe 12 me and my dad were riding through the big field that led to the trails and a whole family of deer came out of nowhere running and my horse flipped out and took off oh god I don't think i've ever heard onto something so hard in my life . I was screaming which made the situation worse but seeing my dad chase after me was the funniest thing ever " she says as she laughs at the story making me laugh with her .
we sit and talk about funny memories from when we were kids for almost two hours . We finished the bag of chips and decided we should definitely get to sleep .
I lay down on my side of the bed getting comfortable " Hey is i'm kind of a hot sleeper so ... is it okay if I take off the sweats?" she asks seeming a bit nervous. " Of course get as comfortable as you need " I say smiling . " Okay I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable " she says smiling " Trust me you could strip naked right now and I would be everything but uncomfortable " I say laughing but instantly regret letting that slip out of my mouth " Well then ... good to know " she says laughing and I shake my head " I don't know why I said that" I say running my hands down my face " Its fine i'm not upset by it " she answers with a giggle . She slowly slides the sweat shirt I gave her off and I know I should look away but I cant ... my mouth drops when I remember she had nothing on underneath it . " Oh shit I forgot I had nothing on under it " she says as her face gets red and she turns away from me . " Vienna -" I start but she interrupts " No no thats so awkward i'm sorry I genuinely thought for some reason I had something on underneath" She rushes out as I see her arms move over her bare chest to cover it . " Vienna you don't have to apologize " I say as I stand up and walk to stand behind her as I lower my head to her ear " And you definitely do not need to hide from me " I whisper as my hands move to her arms sliding them off of her beautiful body. I don't know where this confidence has come from but i'm just letting it happen and she doesn't protest so thats a good sign .
She leans back into my chest with a sigh as my hands move from her arms to her stomach slowly inching my way back up to her chest . She whimpers quietly making me smile . " Chris I ... I haven't done things with a guy in a very long time " she says quietly as she turns to face me looking down at the ground . I move my hand to cup her face and make her look at me and she does " Its okay we don't have to " I say smiling at her and she smiles back shaking her head " No I want to I just ... I just don't want you to be disappointed with my ... inexperience I guess I don't know " she whispers biting her lip nervously making me smirk . " I won't be disappointed we'll work it out as we go okay " I say before I lean down and place a kiss on her head .
Viennas pov -
I nod as I look up at Chris nervously waiting for what is about to happen . Ive had sex before not with many but when I was with my ex boyfriends sex was definitely a main factor in the relationship. I don't know what Chris is into but i'm intrigued to find out .
He grabs me by the throat pulling me into him settling his lips on mine in a sloppy kiss. He squeezes my throat making me gasp and moan into the kiss making him smirk . He turns us and backs me up until I fall onto the bad .
He pulls his shirt over his head as I pull myself up and rest on my elbows watching him in awe. He comes back down kissing me then slowly moving down my neck. My breathing picks up when he kisses a spot that makes my pussy pulse and a whimper to escape my mouth. " Yeah that feel good" he whispers in a gravely voice making me clench my thighs around his waist and nod. " Use your words " he orders and I moan as he bites the spot on my neck. " Y-yes it feels good" I whine as I move my hands to his head running my fingers through his hair. He kisses down the valley of my breasts then taking one of my nipples in his mouth making me whine and arch into him . He pulls it through his teeth making a pain spread through my chest but it feels good at the same time making me whimper and squirm . He moves further down slowly sliding my bottoms off . He kisses my inner thighs making me whine " Chris p-please" " Please what tell me what you want " he whispers in a raspy voice and my face heats up out of embarrassment. " I need you please Chris .... stop teasing" I whine and he dives into my pussy making me gasp. Ive never had head that actually felt good or even felt like anything at all but this OH FUCK this was good. " Chris oh my g-god" I gasp and whine as I grip onto his hair tightly making him groan into me. He sucks ,licks and bites in all the perfect spots to have my legs trembling and my orgasm rushing in faster than i'd expected . " F-fuck c-chris im gonna cum" I moan as my legs tremble harder and my back arches . " uh uh not until you beg me for it " he says grabbing onto my shaking thighs holding them open with a harsh grip . " W-what?" I squeak out of shock but also pain of trying to hold my orgasm back . " You heard me Vienna. Now let me hear how pretty you sound begging " he grits out before going back in sucking even harder making me cry out " Fuck fuck Chris please please can I cum " I whimper out as the pain starts to become too much and I don't think I can hold it anymore . " Louder" he orders and I feel tears start to stream down my face " PLEASE PLEASE UHH PLEASE CAN I CUM" I scream out as I gasping and my grip gets even tighter on his hair . " Yeah you can cum" he says and I immediately fall over the edge . My entire body feels like it ignites into flames as I shake and twitch . " Good girl thats it " chris says as he uses his thumb to help me through my orgasm . I collapses back onto the bad and my hands slide out of his hear as I catch my breathe . " Did so good for me" he says as he positions himself over me . I look up at him and wait for what he's going to do next.
His hand slides over my cheek wiping away the tears . He slowly slides his boxers down and I watch as his dick pops out . Fuck there is no way thats fitting in me I think as I slowly panic . " Chris your... huge I don't think it'll fit" I say as I look back into his eyes with a worried look on my face . " Ill make it fucking fit " he rasps as he lines his tip with my entrance . I take in a breathe as he slowly slides the tip in and I groan from the stretch . " F-fuck your so tight" he groans as he slowly slides into me more . I try and breathe through the pain but Jesus Christ he's he stretching me out so much I feel like I could tear in half . " ahh chris I cant " I whimper as I place my hand on his chest trying to push him away. " Yes you can, I know you can " he says as he snaps his hips forcing his entire length into me . I scream as the pain only got worse now that he's all the way in . He slowly starts thrusting in and out and I breathe harshly as the pain slowly but surely fades away and i'm overtaken by full pleasure.
"Fuck your s-so deep" I whine as he starts thrusting harder and faster . His tip hits my g-spot with every thrust and I can help the moans , whines and screams he pulling out of me right now . " CHRIS OH MY -F-FUCK " I scream as I feel myself squirt around him making him groan " Fuck thats so hot" he groans as he starts pounding into me so hard I cant even think anymore. " Taking me so well . My good fucking girl " he groans as he places a hand around my neck making me moan loudly . He pulls out of me and flips me over so i'm laying flat on my stomach . He easily slides back into me from how soaked I am for him . The new angles he hits in this position have me seeing stars . He's fucked me dumb already, I can barley think let alone speak right now. The only thing I can do is whimper and let out raspy loud moans and he hits so deep in me my legs are trembling and I feel another orgasm coming in quickly . " You gonna cum for me again I can feel you clenching around me" he groans into my ear . I nod and cry out as I orgasm for the third time . Im shaking beneath him as I gasp and whine from how overstimulated i'm becoming .
" C-cant take it " I gasp out as I try and get away from him but he flips me over quickly and puts my legs on his shoulders then starts pounding into me deeper and harder than before making me scream . " Doing so good such a good little slut f'me" he groans as his rhythm starts to falter and get sloppy . Im whining and twitching as he hits deep making me feel like i'm going to squirt again . " F-fuck i'm gonna s-squirt" I gasp to as I feel the pressure building . " Go ahead baby give it to me" he groans and I feel my juices squirt out of me all over him and the bed below me . " Fuuck gonna let me fill you up?" he asks and I look at him nodding . " Fucking god " he groans as his hips falter and his cum fills my pussy making me moan . " so fucking good for me " he whispers and he drops my shaking legs from his shoulder and pulls out flopping down next to me . We're both breathing hard as we lay still . " That was the best sex i've ever had" he says as he pulls me into him . I nod and agree as I still try to fully catch my breathe.
"Lets go get cleaned up them go to bed" he says as he helps me get up . We shower off all the sweat and juices then get back in bed .
" Im so glad I met you" he says as he runs his fingers through my hair . I smile and look up at him " Me too ... I haven't felt this good in a long time " I say and he smiles at me " God I don't know how i'm going to leave at the end of the month " he groans as he holds me tighter. " Let's not worry about that right now ... let's just spend all the time we can together " I say as I softly rub his chest.
Through the course of the time we had before he left we went on cute picnics , swam in the lake , took late night drives to listen to music , face-timed his brothers who i've groan to love over this short amount of time , took walks around town , captured all the stupid but fun things we did , had movie nights , late night hot tub sessions , lots and loooots of amazing sex . Over all meeting Chris has been the best thing thats happened to me in a long time . It hurts to think about the fact he's leaving Tommorrow . Ive tried so hard to try and ignore the fact he'd have to leave me at some point I just wish it wasn't so soon.
We just got to the airport and he's getting his bags out of my trunk. I watch him as I feel the tears start to well in my eyes , i've tried my best to keep my emotions at bay but it just really hit me he's leaving and I don't know when i'll see him again. He look at me with a sad smile as he sees the tears that are spilling down my cheeks . " Come here " he says and I immediately hit him like my life depends on it . He smokes my hair as he soothes me with sweet words " trust me I don't want to leave but I have too " he says and I can hear him choke up a bit . " I- im just gonna miss you so much ... your my favorite person " I cry into his chest as he rubs my back and holds me tight " I know baby I know . Im gonna miss you so much but were gonna call and text and FaceTime any chance we get " he whispers and I nod " I know I just ugh i'm gonna miss having you with me " I sigh as I look up at him and sniffle " I know i'm gonna miss having you in my bed every night and seeing your face every morning but ill be back soon " he says sweetly as he cups my face " You promise?" I ask in a high pitched voice . " I promise and hey matt said he'd love to come here during fall which isn't to far away so you'll get to meet him and nick" he says smiling excitedly " Id love nothing more" I say as I smile .
I watch as he walks away to tsa and I jog back to my car as the tears stream down my face . I don't know how i'm going to function alone again now that I finally got taste of being happy and with someone every day for an entire month .
*cut to fall *
Chris matt and nick just landed and i'm waiting for them by the door excited to finally see Chris again . The second I see them round the corner my heart drops to my stomach , I want run and jump on his but I know he'd hate it so I stand and wait impatiently .
He drops his bags and wraps me in a tight hug lifting me off my feet making me giggle . " I missed you so much" he says making me smile " I missed you more" I says smiling holding his gaze until I break it to give matt and nick hugs . " Im so happy you guys came " I say excited as I lead them to my car.
I told them they could just stay at my house since its pretty fucking big and i'm the only one who lives in it . There is not point in them waisting money on a place to stay .
" So we were thinking of doing a little hike and maybe logging a bit does that sound good to you?" nick asks me as we all eat breakfast "Yeah of course i'm down for whatever" I reply smiling at him then leaning my head on Chris's shoulder .
Its been great having them here for a 2 weeks we all get along so well . Me and Chris have spent every night in bed talking and planning our future . We all spent halloween together , we dressed up and took pictures then watched all our favorite halloween movies .
They flew me down to Boston for Christmas and I met Chris's parents , they are the sweetest people ever. His mom Mary Lou made me feel so loved which is something I miss . The feeling of motherly love is something I've craved for a very long time and now meeting Chris and his family i've felt nothing but unconditional love from all of them .
*4 years later*
Chris proposed to me 2 years ago and i've never been so happy . Our wedding was everything i've dreamed of . I moved to la with him since it made the most sense for me to move instead of him . I still have my family home in Wisconsin which is now what we like to call our vacation home .
We've starting to try for kids and we've never been so happy .
I thank god even day that he brought Chris into my life all those years ago . Honestly i'm not sure id be here if it wasn't for him coming in and completely sweeping me off my feet .
I Cant wait for what the future holds and I dread the day when well no longer be on this earth together but until that day ... I'll cherish the man that saved me .
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Quill Society HQ Tour
(Every sprite here belongs to their original owners, most of which are from the Spriters' Resource.)
Dimension TNL-2015: Gust Planet HQ
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On the way up to the main hub floor of Gust Planet, those waiting there were simply chilling out, though LM!Sonic wasn't too pleased with the music choice.
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LM!Sonic: Remind me again WHY we have this music in the elevator.
EV!Sonic: Hey, don't look at me. Somari suggested it. Honestly, it was a cool suggestion on his part!
LM!Sonic: Urgh, whatever...
EV!Sonic: Sheesh, you really need to liven up, you know. Even Zonic, as serious as he is, isn't as grumpy as you are.
LM!Sonic: I don't have time for "humour", Sonic. Not with the multiverse potentially on the line.
EV!Sonic: Okay, look, LM. Humour is a perfectly alright thing to have, as long as the jokes and quips don't hurt anybody.
Jake (Reclassified Sonic): Yeah, Sonic's right. Man, you're like some kinda dark, edgy Garfield the way you're acting.
This got a chuckle out of NES Sonic, Hefty and OMT!Tails, and LM!Sonic simply glared at Jake for that.
EV!Sonic: Look, the point is, LM, you've been downright moody the whole time since you've been here. First you have high distaste for anyone who's not from a Sonic dimension, you've been shut up in your dorm for so many days, and now you're trying to suggest I DON'T bring OMT Tails to see what the place is like? How much of a killjoy do you have to be?! *sigh* You really haven't been the same since what happened with Dimension MULTI-2023.
LM!Sonic: The kid almost caused multiversal instability back there, and that's why you brought him here?!
EV!Sonic: That glitching was more likely a cause of Crimtake passing through. It was purely coincidental good timing. Urgh, you're seriously starting to believe in that tried-and-failed "canon event" theory?
LM!Sonic: What I'm doing here is none of your business. Once I'm finished, I'll be going.
EV!Sonic: Look, if you keep up this attitude, I'm going to have to block you out of accessing this dimension AND the Society full-stop. I'm the leader of this place, not you, so you need to have better respect for the policies we've got here to keep everyone safe.
LM!Sonic didn't say a word, getting off the elevator as EV!Sonic simply facepalmed in frustration. As the current characters got off the elevator and new ones got onboard, EV!Sonic went to check on OMT!Tails.
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EV!Sonic: You okay, little bud?
OMT!Tails: I heard what you were talking about with that other Sonic. It's just... Did I do something wrong?
EV!Sonic: Of course you didn't, Tails. If anything, you saved BK Amy a lot of trouble helping her out of a jiffy back there, and I'm proud of you for that!
He sat down with OMT!Tails.
EV!Sonic: Well, still got a bit to go before we reach our floor.
OMT!Tails: This place is really that big?
EV!Sonic: Heh, you'd be surprised. Well, anything you want to discuss on the way up?
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OMT!Tails: So, what's the whole "canon event" ideal about?
EV!Sonic: Some debunked theory about what should and shouldn't happen in a bid to supposedly "keep the multiverse stable". It's like trying to keep to a script; too hard to do 100% of the time.
OMT!Tails: Is that why "LM" is so grumpy?
EV!Sonic: Well, he hasn't been the same since what happened in his dimension. Lost memories, being tricked by his Eggman, a death he couldn't prevent... He doesn't like to talk about it at all. After your last outing, he... he just hasn't been the same.
OMT!Tails: And considering the "non-canon", is that where some of those other guys came from around four months ago?
EV!Sonic: Well, some of them did indeed come from alternate timelines, like the alternate counterparts of you, Lilac, Chara and Karilvatch. Their circumstances... are something I really don't like discussing with anyone.
OMT!Tails: So where are they now? The guys we restored and all.
EV!Sonic: Shalian, Talrareth and our Corrupt are all safe in our dimension, CR-2017's Corrupt and Sonath were neutralised as threats, as you know. And all the hurt counterparts of guys like you are safely at a place known as the OMEGA Universe.
OMT!Tails: OMEGA universe?
EV!Sonic: Kinda like a sanctuary for anyone who needs it, and a popular tourist destination. It's run by a grown-up version of me, like CR, alongside a peculiar version of Frisk.
OMT!Tails: Ah, I see!
EV!Sonic: As for Curse, you'll see where the dude is shortly. Speaking of, we're almost at our stop! You ready, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Born ready!
The two disembarked from the elevator into the main lobby at Sector 11.
OMT!Tails: Wow... This place is huge!
Tekno disembarked off the elevator too, having joined the duo on their last stop, and watched them head onwards before going to see Fleetway Amy.
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(Millie the Fox (the fox girl on the left) is owned by CartoonsAnimate22)
Tekno: Hey, Amy! Have you or anyone else seen Crimtake around recently? His power's recently overclocked and we need him stopped as soon as we can.
Fleetway Amy: Okay-doke! Let me ask around. Ahem. Hey, guys? Has anyone taken a lookout for Crimtake?
Tekno simply smirked in response.
Tekno: Heh, quite funny. Anyone else got more quips to say before the search begins?
Fleetway Amy: You know, now that you mention it...
Water Sonic: Yeah, bet he can't shapeshift through water like me! Still prefer my hedgehog look, though, heh.
Other Quill Society members nearby joined in with their own puns.
OMT!Tails: Heh, this is unbelievable!
EV!Sonic: Well, kid! This is the main lobby.
OMT!Tails looked out in awe.
OMT!Tails: Woah...
EV!Sonic: Welcome... to the Quill Society!
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Curse: Quite a lot to take in, isn't there, Tails? Glad you could make it, heh.
OMT!Tails: Thanks, Curse! You too, Alice!
EX!Alice: Hehe! Don't mention it!
OMT!Mina came in.
EV!Sonic: You all good, Mina?
OMT!Mina: Mhm.
OMT!Tails: This is definitely bigger than a small elite strike team.
OMT!Mina (looking sad): A lot of these members work part-time, though.
D-Sides Mighty arrived.
D-Sides Mighty: So, Mina, how much have you told him about the nature of this place?
OMT!Mina: A little bit.
Tails glitched out a bit behind them, which shocked EV!Sonic a bit.
EV!Sonic: Oh! Here you go, Tails.
EV!Sonic passed OMT!Tails a fancy watch to wear.
OMT!Tails: Woah! My own extra watch?!
EV!Sonic: It's your very own day pass! We haven't fully nailed down how to stop that glitching in this universe, even with your own watch, so it'll keep you from glitching while you're here.
He put it on, his glitches disappearing proper thanks to this.
OMT!Tails: So what about the Chao Alice has with her?
EV!Sonic: Ah, we have our own dedicated Chao Garden where we raise Chaos for therapeutic roles or simply as companions for members. Since Shadows tend to get it THE most rough, they get them free-of-charge.
OMT!Tails: Heh, that's very sweet.
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Into the hallway into Sector 12, and they watched different Sonics go by.
OMT!Mina: Hey, Sonics!
Modern Pocket Adventure Sonic: Hey hey hey! BBLIR Sonic: How's it going, Mina? SMB3 Sonic: Way past cool! SMS1 Sonic: Hey, Mina!
One based on Super Mario World made a brief stop.
SMW Sonic: Hey, Mina! This a new recruit?
OMT!Mina: Heh, possibly.
OMT!Tails: (She knows everybody here?)
A Cream and a Cosmo saw OMT!Tails with curiosity.
SCD!Cream: Another Mr. Tails? He's got blue shoes!
Cosmo: Heh, yeah! Those look great on him!
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At Sector 12, an outdoor space akin to Metallic Madness's construction stages, EV!Sonic walked up to Carol.
EV!Sonic: Hey, Carol?
Carol: Carol the Wildcat, at your service! What do ya need?
EV!Sonic: Well, I need you to escort the Mix-Match group over to Sector 18's docking station. LEGO me will meet them there, where they'll be able to start cleaning up the messes Crimtake left behind. Free sushi on the house in the café if you do a good job today!
Carol: Okey-dokey! Alright, crew! Next stop; Sector 18!
Rob O': Thou services art much appreciated, fair maiden! Onward!
Rob O', the Ray and Espio at the scene, and Johnny Lightfoot headed off with Carol for their mission.
OMT!Tails: (It's awesome how Carol's here, too!)
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Over at Sector 21, outside the café, Tekno approached Turbo, who was leaning against the wall.
Tekno: Hey, Turbo? I need-.
Turbo: Sorry, can't talk right now. Too busy reminiscing on how my newest quest will play out...!
Tekno: Er, actually, I kinda needed you for something.
Turbo: (angry gibberish, before calming down) Okay, maybe that wasn't the best approach.
OMT!Tails: Is he okay?
OVA!Knuckles and a version of Julie-Su arrived on that one horse from the Archie comics, the former hopping down first.
OVA!Knuckles: Hey, kid. Wanna see how good your reflexes are?
OMT!Tails: Oh? Sure!
OVA!Knuckles: Alright, then! On three, draw!
OMT!Tails, not hailing from the cowboy genre, harmlessly hit him.
OVA!Knuckles: Woah there! You didn't wait 'til three. That's the whole aim of this stuff.
OMT!Tails: Sorry, hehe. I'll get better at it next time. So, uh, what's your horse about?
Julie-Su: Me and Knuckles here share responsibilities of looking after her while we're here. The crazy layouts definitely make it fun to traverse!
OVA!Knuckles: Well, I'd love to stay and chat more, but we gotta dash. We'll duel again next time, Tails!
OMT!Tails: You bet!
The two climbed back aboard their steed.
OVA!Knuckles: Alright, giddy up, girl!
They headed off.
OMT!Tails: By the way, who's the bird next to you, Lilac?
Hedgehog Lilac: Oh, he's Red, from Dimension ROV-2009. The Society's leader brought him on since SEGA bought out the company that designed his universe.
OMT!Tails: Ah, I see! Well, have a good day, Red!
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Next on the tour was Sector 15, the site where multiversal villains were being held in different cells.
OMT!Tails: Who are all the guys in the cages?
Tekno: Those are the villains we've had to round up who've slipped into the wrong worlds by accident. We keep them here for a bit before sending them back home.
EV!Sonic: Yeah. Holding these guys long-term is not an option. I know canon events are outlawed in the Quill Society, but we just gotta be careful with them, since they definitively can't go out of their worlds for too long before glitching.
A pod hovered over with Sark sealed inside.
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Sark: Let me the hell out of this cage!
OMT!Tails: One of those Sonic.EXEs, huh? What's he in for?
EV!Sonic: Well, since you're still young, and I really don't want to ruin that innocence for you, I'll say he's in for unspeakable crimes that are truly unspeakable.
Tekno: We usually keep these guys deeper in the facility away from the other captives, but in Sark's case, he's getting the Ret-Gone treatment. He's too mentally out of his mind to go back to his world.
EV!Sonic: Yeah. Hey, Somari?
Somari walked up next to them.
Somari: You-a called, pal?
EV!Sonic: Get this guy's pod over to Sector 0 for erasure.
Somari: Alright-a, my friend. Okay, little child-a lover, you're-a coming with-a me!
Somari escorted that cage away, whilst OMT!Tails wanted to see more around this prison area. However, OMT!Mina seemed suspiciously eager to move on.
OMT!Mina: They're not all that interesting.
Tekno: "Not all that interesting"? Of course they can get interesting. Look. Over there with Sunky is Sir Fuzzy-Logik and one of the small video game Robotniks...
GG Spinball Robotnik: (angry beeps) Sunky: -_-
Tekno: Over on that end are Dr. Qwark, Witchcart, erm, Type-egg, who's simply ASCII text meshed into a man...
Type-egg (in a TTS voice like Microsoft Sam): Go to Helvetica, Tails!
OMT!Tails: Bold.
Tekno: Then over this way are an Eggrobo, Agent Stone, a Heavy Magician, an Emerl-.
OMT!Tails (shocked): An Emerl?!
EV!Sonic: Oh, er... Not your Emerl, we mean.
OMT!Tails approached one of the cells Pana and SS!Amy were guarding, with a Chaos-coloured Emerl suit on top and Speedy (or Battle Kakku XVI) inside.
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(Cell sprites by RaulHedgeBomber)
OMT!Tails: Hey.
Speedy: Hey. ... It's rude to stare, kid.
OMT!Tails: So, er, what's with Speedy and that altered Emerl suit?
Pana: Birdbrain was causing some chaos in one of the dimensions. Took me and mini Amy here to apprehend him and bring him here.
SS!Amy: Sure I bonked him the best, Pana.
Speedy: You two idiots kidding?! During my escape, I tripped! You heroes just got off lucky.
OMT!Tails: So how many missions have you guys been on together?
SS!Amy: Well, not too many.
Pana: With Mina? A... couple dozen?
OMT!Tails: Wait, what? (a little jealous) Ah, that's cool.
As he headed to the next spot, he bumped into Nicole.
OMT!Tails: Oh! Sorry!
The two's super-senses were resonating, with some kind of vibe between them.
OMT!Tails: I'm Tails!
Nicole: Woah, no way! Heh, there's lots of yous here too.
OMT!Mina: Can we please just keep moving?
But OMT!Tails had already followed Nicole into...
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(BG by Lithium)
Sector 30, the site of the Transport Hub, where Nicole quickly blipped to the other side of the room while GCD!Amy was maintaining the machinery there.
OMT!Tails: Woah... What are you?
Nicole: I'm a digital avatar! My real body is back in my home dimension chilling in a gaming chair and eating fruit salad. You know, I think I like it here better.
OMT!Tails could hear arguing parents through her digital body.
OMT!Tails: I hear that. What's this big spot behind me?
Nicole: Besides having a cool name? It's the Transport Hub!
OMT!Mina: At one point, I voted against it.
A Spider-Man version of Sonic showed up, quickly webbing up the Metal Sonic from Dimension OVA-1996 that somehow managed to slip in.
GCD!Amy: It allows you safe travel between dimensions, even without a way to summon portals!
OMT!Tails: Awesome!
GCD!Amy: Sure is! Got started engineering it after my scuffle with GlassCD back in my dimension. (to OVA!Metal) Now, goodbye, tin-can! Don't come back!
OVA!Metal was warped back to his dimension.
OMT!Mina: We should get going, Tails.
OMT!Tails: Okay. Uh, see you around?
Nicole: Good luck out there, Tails!
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OMT!Mina started dragging OMT!Tails out of the room, who had a cute face in reaction to that. Jealousy from Mina, much?
OMT!Tails: Okay, bye!
Nicole and GCD!Amy watched him go. Elsewhere, LM!Sonic was watching everything going on from the confines of a green and black data room.
E-21: You know, it sounds like LM!Sonic might be hungry at the moment. Amy Rouge: I heard he likes the Tex Mexan sandwiches from the café. Can't figure out why, though. OMT!Tails: Maybe that could cheer him up! Man, there's loads of food on the menu! How many places have SEGA collaborated with? Amy Rouge: All sorts! Now, to go, there's also meals like the Tails' 2x2x2, Dr. Eggman's Benedict, and even Sonic's Blue Blur Special! OMT!Tails: Man! You guys have everything!
LM!Sonic: My name is Sonic. I may not be the only blue blur in this joint, but I'm not like the others.
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LM!Sonic: I don't always like what I'm aiming to do, but I know I have to be the one to do it. I've given up FAR too much to stop now.
In the café, Pana came to talk to OMT!Tails after he bought the Tex Mexan sandwich he was looking for.
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Pana: Why do you wanna be in a huge community like this so badly?
OMT!Tails: To see people that are quite like me and can relate!
Pana: You know, I bet you got a nice set-up back at home. Nice family of sorts you have?
OMT!Tails: Absolutely.
Pana: Now, listen, Tails. Whole point of being the hero of your world is being capable of making your own choices. Being your own boss. Plus, you're a smart kid. I noticed you built your own interdimensional watch.
OMT!Tails: But if you're not a team-player all the time, why do you come here anyway?
Pana: Well, I'm just lookin' out for my songoose sis, is all. Just remember, only enlist once you know all the insides and outs of a job like this. You don't have to feel pressured to be a part of it now.
OMT!Tails: Yeah, I understand. I mean, it is a day out, and I do have Crimtake to stop as soon as we can track him down. I'll do everyone here proud!
Pana: That's the spirit, little Prower! Now, I think we need to have a word with LM in his dorm and uncover just what he's doing to distract you from the truth he's hiding about himself.
OMT!Tails: What "truth"?
Pana: Well, I ain't got a Scooby-Doo* what's outright going on, as he's wanting to leave people out of the loop.
[*cockney rhyming slang for "clue". - PDS]
Barry came by.
Barry: Oh, hey there!
OMT!Tails: Hi! You must be Barry, right? I heard a lot about you.
Barry: Hehe, thanks! You too!
Pana: Mind putting your investigation skills to use in here, Barry? I feel we really need it.
Barry: Okey-doke!
OMT!Tails: Alright. Let's see just what he's hiding.
They moved on to Sector 10 where the dorms were.
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icepip · 1 month
my self ships are usually modern/no curse au lol so me n nobara were friends in school and it's one of those where we kinda flirt back and forth and maybe we're a little too touchy sometimes and i just think !! that we'd get a little tipsy and i kiss her bc we've been pining for each other for so long and i didn't really realize it until my lips were on hers. we talk about it later and i tell her that i really really like her and shes just ughh shes so cute
i think when i first meet her, its because of yuji (he's friends with everyone duh) and im kinda intimidated by nobara bc i think she's so COOL and pretty and funny even though she doesn't think she is... but she takes a liking to me pretty quick so im literally heart eyes for her !!
our dating is very chill, like we don't go on crazy dates or anything, we mostly hang out and do whatever.. sometimes nobara wants to go shopping and i follow her and tell her how pretty she looks when she tries on all these clothes and we share smoothies and eat lots of fast food and just vibe and laugh and kiss <3
those are all my thoughts right now but ty for letting me gush about me n her !!
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toomuchracket · 1 year
(for any universe) what do you think readers reaction is to George dating charli/ Adam being married bcz those are both crazy situations imo (in a good way ofc ofc)
they're all positive opinions, but i'll talk a bit about each universe and the differences!
flatmate/dad!matty universe: you've known those boys since you were a teenager, so seeing them settled down(ish) with women you absolutely love and you've made great friends with is just the best thing ever!! adam and carly getting married and then having a baby was definitely mad in the best possible way - the first of the group to do so - and really honestly inspired you and matty to do the same, seeing how well they both balanced work and domesticity. you like to joke with george that he's punching above his weight with charli, but really you don't think you know a more well-suited couple in so many different aspects. charli thinks you're a badass in your legal job, and you feel the same about her (obv lol) - you grow quite close as friends
dad!ross universe (which is really most of my ross fics tbh): again, you've known and worked with these boys since self-titled era, so it's so sweet to see them happily boo'ed up. i like to think that when george and charli started working together on music, you and ross were like "oh, you're going to end up falling in love. we know, we've been there lmao" - when it happened, you were elated for them. the two of you and adam and carly were kind of going through domestic developments at the same time - they got married and had kids slightly before you did - so it was really quite lovely to almost share these growths and experiences with them, especially considering how long you've all known each other.
d word matty universe: kinda similar to the ross universe in that you know the boys fairly well through work. i think you'll have met charli a few times before you and matty start dating, and even though you work with musicians daily you're kinda starstruck by her at first because she's so cool lmao; when she and george became a thing, while you were still just a colleague and not a gf, i reckon you were SHOOK. i also think you kinda witnessed adam and carly's relationship blossom from a bit of a distance and found it adorable, and then when you became a part of the group through matty your adoration just increased more and more - matty probably worried that you'd feel a bit freaked out by the fact they're his age and properly properly settled down, but you're chill, you like seeing them happy (and secretly you look forward to doing the same at some point, probably sooner than matty, who wants that with you but only at your pace, would expect from you lol)
birthday partyverse: this is an interesting one, because it's the only one of my universes that has you be a friend of matty's but not necessarily be as close with the rest of the band (diff friend groups and all). you know them all a little bit - enough to be happy for adam and carly when they get married and have their son before you and matty start dating, but nothing really more than that (you get on really well with them when you start to see them more often, though!). however, george and charli is different. it's a really fun one for this universe because i think you knew them both separately pre-getting together with matty; george you knew through matty, obv, and as a famous person in your own right you knew charli from attending some of the same events and parties and whatnot. i also think it would be fun if you found out they were dating from someone who wasn't matty, and you texted him like "omfg please tell george and charli that i'm absolutely obsessed with them as a couple. like i don't know either of them that well but christ it's so clear that they're a perfect match" lmao - and you tell them this yourself the first time you and matty double-date with them (because of course you do that). also think that, like flatmate/dad universe, you and charli end up becoming bffs through the boys <3
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captorcorp · 11 months
ok im rambling about my thoughts on tadc bc i have many (long post)
ok first of all general character opinions with walk cycle gifs to break up the walls of text (gifs from here):
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caine: the silly guy... literally why red recommended this to me was the digital world setting + an ai character and they know me too well because every ai character is my favorite by default. i'm very excited to see what we end up learning about him throughout the series, also i absolutely love that he was inspired by AM from ihnmaims but 'if he was a silly little guy instead of fueled by hate' or whatever the creator said about him. his weird head design is really creative though it does discomfort me a bit sometimes, something about the combination of eyes and teeth;;; still think he's kinda tumblr sexyman coded besides the teeth head but most people are too distracted with objectifying jax so he gets a pass
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pomni: she's cool!! it's hard to form a solid view of her so far bc most of what we've seen is her being understandably overwhelmed with and O.O at everything, but she seems like she'll be a pretty interesting protag - i liked them showing her moments of weakness with leaving ragatha behind too. that being said i think she stretched out the 'omg this isn't real what's going on???' freaking out bits way too long but that's just a personal gripe with that sorta stuff in media like this. if i was isekai'd into the digital circus i would simply be so chill about it after only 5 minutes of panic. rip to pomni but i'm different /j oh yeah also a fun character design even though i don't really like clowns she's just very Shaped
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jax: motherfucker. jk i actually don't feel that strongly about him i just find him slightly annoying at times. at first i thought 'oh ok he's a loveable asshole yeah he's kinda entertaining so he's cool' and then he just ended up being more asshole than loveable. also thought he was sexyman coded and was unfortunately right this time ^^; apparently he's the creator's fave too?? so hopefully he doesn't get away with too much stuff without consequences, or he's gotta actually get some positive traits yknow. however i do love his design with the big grin and semicircle eyes and etc, very cartoony and fun. if the controversial blorbo poll was still open i would submit him bc it seems like the fandom is split on him. but also kinda tired of him from fandom overexposure
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ragatha: she's really nice and i want to be her friend - looking forward to seeing where her character goes in the future though, bc we've only seen her being polite and forgiving and sweet and etc, and i think she should be allowed to kill people /hj. it was cool seeing her get glitched too even if ;-;. i was never into raggady ann stuff like i've heard the creator is but her design is still cute too, even if less surreal than some of the others ^^
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bubble: keep forgetting this guy exists, not a huge fan tbh? gets some points for being another ai though. looks like a chain chomp. i do like that they're able to be popped and respawn though, that's a fun quirk. the scene with them cleaning up after pomni is p gross
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kinger: i barely thought about this guy during the pilot tbh so was surprised to see the fandom all adoring him. kinda just reminds me of fear from inside out. but actually overexposure of him from tumblr and other people enjoying him kinda made him grow on me a bit (reverse of what has been happening w jax). he's pretty cool to me now. i can't believe fandom already gave him a tragic backstory with that queen chesspiece we see crossed out...
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zooble: another character i didn't really think about, though i like their design and detachable body parts and such. i also couldn't really get a good sense of their personality tbh? i think they just need more screentime honestly
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gangle: i wanted to like her a lot more than i did when i first saw her bc her design is very fun, with the ribbon-based body and comedy/tragedy masks and etc. but ended up not getting too interested in her as a character. but i think she's in the same category as zooble where she needs more screen time and character development though? bc she still seems like she could be cool if her personality gets explored more
thoughts on the overall pilot:
ngl i have a whole bunch of gripes about it despite also rotating it in my mind. i feel like a lot of the characters are a little 1-dimensional currently, even if i do find those dimensions appealing for the most part, hoping they get more characterization in the actual main season though. also most of the pacing/jokes didn't really land for me or felt a bit forced, though there were some good bits like king's hands following zooble's head, pomni opening doors to surreal scenes like the bathing mannequin, jax getting choked by zooble's hand, the randomly generated 5-letter names, also any of the cartoony imagery gags like the censor bars or cartoon dust cloud of gloinks.
however, overall i enjoyed it still!!! all of the animation has so much charm and character to it, surreal semi-human character designs are always great, it's very colorful and bright and reminiscent of old early 2000s activity center games, etc. it gives me kinda 'welcome home' vibes, with both being bright and cheery exteriors meant to mimic old media style that mask darker stuff under the surface. also the general plot of like. people being trapped in this weird setting and forced to participate in fucked up (?) games by some mysterious mastermind (well we know who the mastermind is but not much about him) while struggling to escape or understand why they've been trapped here... very common plot but always is intriguing to me. also of course [holds digital worlds and ais in my hands] my beloved tropes...
thoughts on the fandom:
i am. concerned. that there seems to be an overlap with the h*zb*n h*t*l fandom;; but also i don't know anything about that show's status besides like. callout posts about the creator and people complaining about the pacing/character designs and etc. so i don't really know if all of the hh fans is bc it's like, also an animated series that appeals to the same audience? or if it's going to be too similar or inspired from it or also have a problematic creator somehow 😔
otherwise it's whatever, maybe a bit on the :I side bc i already saw someone make a y*nd*r* jax imagine post and it scared me hjkdfs. otherwise mostly just usual fandom stuff i think? dunno.
actually nevermind i just got back from twitter and apparently the creator is already feeling :/ about their own fandom and apparently people on tiktok are hcing some fucked up stuff about jax so. can fans be normal for 2 seconds please.
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scheodingers-muppet · 6 months
The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess
Stranger Things Album Time Stranger Things Album Time Stranger Things Album Time
Femininomenon - Nancy. Guy trouble, for one. "Stuck in the suburbs" The duality of what she thinks she wants versus if that would actually make her happy.
Red Wine Supernova - Robin. It's slightly dorky but still smooth. "Fell in love with the thought of you" "I just want you to make a move" I also love the idea of the "roommates" just being Steve.
After Midnight: Either Chrissy or Nancy. They both kinda fit the "good girl" trope but have a lot under the service, Chrissy with going to Eddie for drugs, Nancy and her monster hunting. We also see Nancy "rebelling" in season one before everything starts. "My mother said...it's not attractive wearing that dress and red lipstick" "I've been a good, good girl for a long time" "I like flirting, a lover by my side" They both deserve to just have fun at the club.
Coffee: Jopper, when Joyce is with Bob. "If I didn't love you, it would be fine" "We've done this before" "Every place leads back to you"
Casual: Robin. She would likely settle for someone who hides her, based off the way she's talked about Vickie. "My friend's call me a loser" compared to Steve trying to get her to ask her out. "I love being stupid" "I try to be the chill girl but honestly, I'm not."
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl: Max, honestly. Or El! Elmax. But like, early 20s Elmax. "Not overdramatic, I know what I want" "I'm through with all these super mega bummer boys" "Telling secrets, there on the mattress" compared to their sleepovers.
HOT TO GO!: I... have no clue. El is the closest, just in terms of the fun, energetic vibes. It feels very teen girl, in the same way she does to me
My Kink Is Karma: I want it to be Joyce so bad. Or Karen. Joyce about her ex, when he first starts to go downhill. Karen just matches the energy to me.
Picture You: Jancy, but college-Jancy. "Am I doing research in a mini skirt at the library in your hometown?" "Counting lipstick stains where you should be" "Am I in the frame for your point of view?"
Kaleidoscope: Byler. "It will all be fine, just go back to being friends" "Even all the change, it's somehow all the same" "Even upside down, it's beautiful somehow" Both as the Upside Down joke, but also how Will still sees being gay as scary and wrong, something away from what he "should" be, like it's upside down. "I will never understand"
Pink Pony Club: This really doesn't fit anyone super well. I do love the idea of it being the older teens finally getting out and just getting to have fun. Maybe Robin finally goes to a gay club!
Naked In Manhattan: Ronance. "The rush of slumber party kissing" "An inch away from more than just friends" Just so Ronance.
California: El and Will. "I was never told that I wasn't gonna get the things I want the most" being peace. "Come get me out of California, no leaves are brown" I think Will would miss the environment. "Thought I'd be cool in California, I'd make you proud" El talking about Hopper. "My dying town"
Guilty Pleasure: Nancy, just for the line "Some good girls do bad things too"
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smokeygrayrabbits · 1 year
so leg prosthetics au right? I'm a BIG FAN of all the duality in trigun so I feel like it would be really cool for there to be that contrast between different elements of vash's backstory and his injurys. since vash lost his arm to knives protecting plants and humans ,showing his dedication to peace and love and also his self-sacrificing tendencies, I really like the idea of vash loosing his legs in a similar way, but at the hands of humans.
[ok imma give this a quick lil content warning cuz it's kinda body horror/generally kinda messed up? so yeah readers discretion advised keepy yourself safe 💜]
what if plants have a natural instinct to give? we've seen that they're sentient, so it would make sense for them to have some kind of reason to just chill in tanks and let humans take advantage of their abilities. hence, plants naturally want to give. and vash, being a plant, isnt exempt from this. he gives himself away in everything he does. bending over backwards for everyone he meets, even to the point of snapping his own spine. never complaining, never asking for thanks, or even thinking he's deserving of it.
so what does a young vash, tiny and alone and reeling from the crash, from his brothers betrayalmurdersin left me, nai left me alone, I have nothing he took everything Iwannagohome, tiny vash, so alone, so desperate to atone, come across a town. a town that's plant is dead he couldn't save them, not himself, not the ships, not rem, not nai. if he'd been betterfasterstongersmarter . . . their plant is dead they killed it. the last run. he'd seen it. he knows they did. he can't say no, their plant is dead and soon they will be too and it would only be for a little while, just to get by, please we need your help he sees the way their smiles don't quite reach their eyes. sees how they're tears arent quite real. he tells himself it doesn't matter. this is his atonement. his punishment he says yes. he says of course. he says I'll help however I can whatever you need.
it's to late for a mechanic. they need a plant.
he says yes anyway. they wouldn't right? they'll be kind.
theres no room for kindness when people are so thirsty.
he's to tall to fit in the tank. so they make him fit. generators don't need legs.
he's there for so long. vash loses track of how long he's in the tank for. days? weeks? years?
his marking spread. feathers molt off generators don't fly
they clip his wings. generators dont need to run, fly, walk.
they get another plant, eventually. he's still in the tank.
they said they'd let him go. it's fine. it's ok. they must still need him, populations gorow after all. he ignores his sister screaming in his head. he tells her it's fine! they need me here more than I need to be anywhere else (he'd rather be anywhere else. he wants to go home. he doesnt want to do this anymore but he hastohastohastogivegivegivegiveGIVEREPENT)
he learns to breath liquid. he learns to float and provide and it's ok. its not. he's getting weaker and weaker. he can't give what they're asking
his sister is dying. it's his fault if he was betterfasterstonger he could take the burden from her, make more, GIVE more. he doesn't think about how he's already giving everything how they've taken everything
his sister is dying. they don't realize it yet he can help he can save her he knows he can he's done it so many times it's all hes good for all he can do heneexstohelplethimhelplethimhelpherplease.
for the first time since they put him in here, vash cries. he pounds the glass with the only limb he has left weak and atrophied from disuse weak just like the rest of him uselessuselessuseless. when his arm gives out he uses his head. banging the glass, filling the tank with red red like geraniums red like the last run red tanks mean death death deathmurder nai
they don't listen. his bubbling screams in the tank are distracting apparently, so they muzzle him.
he watches as she dies. his sisters last run fuels their holiday light show.
vash cries. his tears lost in the fluid of the tank.||
more time passes. the plant operators get bored. they've never had an independent before. they want to research. they want to open, cut, understand.
more time. floating. creating. being sucked dry, not that vash would think of it that way. he CAN'T. can't think of it that way, it would mean it was all for nothing. it would mean nai was right. it would mean they leftfoughtbleddied for nothing oh god what has he done, what have they done
nai comes to town. vash can feel him, in his mind, in their bond. he tries to tell his brother to run.
nai hears his brother. his twin. his angel. his other half. in a nowhere town in this forsaken desert. he hears vash cry, beg nai to leave. he tracks his angel down, finds the plant operation. he sees the tank. he sees the angel floating.
he sees vash smile.
Millions Knives razes the city to the ground.
vash cries for them. for the monsters that did this to him.
vash begs their forgiveness
nai knows then and there, his brother will never take his revenge on these parasites because that's what they are. they were given the blessing of an angel, and they tore his wings off. like the legends of old, humans would always be Icarus, flying to the sun by any means necessary, clipping others wings to fly themselves that much quicker to their meaningless deaths. they forced nais brother to be their wings, so knives will be the hellfire that melts their wax and throws them to the damned earth they came from. no, vash won't take revenge.
so millions Knives will do it for him.
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (30/07/23)
no zom this week cause the episode got delayed to monday, I could just wait til tomorrow to watch it and then post this but idk if I'll end up watching it tomorrow or not so I'll just have it together with next week's
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Pokemon Horizons Ep15
the iono episode is finally here, shame they didn't let fairouz ai reprise her role since she voiced her previously but hondo kaede did a good job too. dot also went outside for the first time ever,and gonna be outside next time too so that's nice, maybe riko will learn her secret sooner rather than later
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Atelier Ryza Ep5
ah yes the good ol, beach fanservice episode, can never go wrong with those. been quite a while since I've seen one myself tbh. they're building the hideout next ep so that should be fun
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Dandadan Ch115
not the biggest fan of the guy but always a sucker for a cool big robot. now that he's here there shouldn't be much more left of this big battle against the aliens, it's been going on for quite a bit too. unless the granny shows up but I expect her to only show up when it's already over. been a good arc, tho still expecting that youkai haunting momo to show up
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Jiangshi X Ch20
ah there's the timeskip I've been expecting, I called it a while ago but took quite a bit more than expected to get her, it was inevitable tho
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Kill Blue Ch15
the sports arc is done, it was kinda funny seeing fujimaki coming up with an excuse to make a sports manga again, it was p decent tho, tenma wasn't as bad as he initially looked like he'd be
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Martial Master Asumi Ch7
nice chap, as expected nito got clapped but now he has a motivation to keep doing mma, this was also the last chap of vol1 and it's a really good stopping point for that too. it's been doing quite decent in ratings too so there's no danger of it going anywhere, looking forward to where it'll go
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Undead Unluck Ch169
a very fun start to this HS arc, going exactly as how expected it would, it prob won't be that long, just as the tournament one, but it's p chill so I'll enjoy it while it lasts
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Sakamoto Days Ch129
I guess slur somehow "absorbs" the personalities of people he kills? it would explain this and other lines from before where they said he was acting like a different person. also weird that we're already here, skipping the fights against all his goons but I guess he'll just escape the next chap or the one after that and then we'll get all the 1v1s
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Akane-banashi Ch72
the cliffhanger was expected but it doesn't sting any less. akane's performance was great tho, really cool seeing her come out of her dad's shadow and into her own. praying for her victory next time 🙏 even if I'm still not convinced it'll happen
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch138
huge cliffhanger and there's not even gonna be a chapter next week damn. good chap tho, first real character "death" we've gotten, tho he'll prob come back just a lot less powerful, there's also still matsuri's new form but that'll prob the on 140 after suzu gets to fight for a bit by herself
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veryparynormal · 10 months
heyyy so ooc but
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!!!
Why not?
1. My romantic partners. We're in a closed poly relationship. We color-coded each other (orange, purple, green). We nerd out about cool shit. One writes poetry and amazing stories with intricate characters and obsesses over the Sims. The other has read through the entirety of Homestuck TWICE and is working on a third time (they scare me /aff) and is an AMAZING baker who made me a killer pie for my birthday. We call ourselves the Unholy Trinity. We went to see the Barbie movie together. We've been in trinity for a year and a half, but I've known them both for way longer. It's great. I love them so much. They mean the world to me.
2. My family, especially my grandpa and cousins. My Papa takes me fishing and he's always making jokes n shit. He's a goofy fella /pos. And my cousins live out of state, but whenever they visit we have this ongoing, years-long LARP epic that we've been doing since before their younger siblings were even BORN. We are DEDICATED.
3. My cat! Her name is Beans and I want to give her all of my worldly possessions and pick her up and squeeze her because she is so tiny...
4. Undertale. Like I KNOW that doesn't come up on this blog or even very often on my main, but I've been in love with the game ever since December 2015 (and I was, I shit you not, in elementary school). Because I was too young to have social media, I didn't get into the fandom until kinda recently and according to the horror stories I am grateful for that. I also got the collector's edition this year from one of my partners as a birthday present, and I've been playing the soundtrack on CD when I drive places. Makes things way more chill.
5. Team StarKid. It's my dream to act with them one day. I KNOW it's fucking insane and I'd have no clue where to start and I KNOW they don't do open auditions. But my evil plan is to apply as a fucking janitor all incognito-like, and then I'd audition at other places nearby, and then word would get around, and then they'll be like "ayo he's pretty good" and they'll approach me and they will NOT be able to resist my memorable personality and charm. MY PLAN IS FOOLPROOF /j /silly
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