#so many mirror matches.... and for what... not even popular vote....
conflictedkismet · 1 year
Love LOSES!!!!
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twoshadowsinthesun · 7 months
Let's break down this Splatfest. Team Saturday gets 66.57% of the votes but still loses. How is that possible? Was it because of the mirror matches? Well, considering that mirror matches are almost never seen as the determining factor when Shiver's team is the most popular and wins, I don't think so, but let's examine that argument more closely to be sure. First of all, I'm sure Nintendo is smart enough to calculate the results in a way that negates mirror matches. Yes, Saturday players individually got fewer (actual) games than someone from Team Friday would have, but there's a whole lot more of them! If Nintendo divides the clout from each team by the number of (non-mirror) games said team participated in, then everything evens out. For example if, Team Friday has 2 million clout and Team Saturday has 1 million clout, but team Saturday only participated in 30% as many games, then they would effectively have 3.3 million clout, and thus under this system they would win. How do we know if Nintendo uses a system like this though? Well, we can't for sure, but I suspect that they do. First of all, if mirror matches were *really* that big of a deal, then you'd suspect to see a pattern that whenever a team significantly leads in popularity, they should lose. But that isn't the case! In all of the (North American) Splatfests so far, 6 of them had one team lead the popular vote by over 50%. Of those 6 teams, 5 of them won. This is literally the first time a Splatfest team with a majority of the votes has lost! It isn't Frye that's the problem either, because one of those other 6 Splatfests was a win for her. Mirror matches had nothing to do with the results!
I get it. It's frustrating being a Frye fan and always losing even when it should be an "easy victory." I was on Team Saturday too, but the Splatfests aren't rigged against her. What I think really caused (or at least helped) her loss was Tricolor battles. Despite my opinion that Bluefin was a fun Tricolor map, it was very obviously biased towards the defenders, as evidenced by Sunday's 36.09% victory in the category. But even still, I don't think it's fair to say that Friday's win was undeserved. Sunday won Tricolor because they got the defenders' clout multiplier, but in order to get that bonus in the first place they had to be winning by halftime. Even if Tricolor was perfectly balanced, Friday was still ahead of Saturday in the Tricolor category too, so they probably would have just taken that win instead of Sunday.
In short, there's no evidence that the Splatfest was in any way, unfair. Frye loses a lot, but I haven't seen any evidence that it isn't just bad luck on her part. Yes, Splatoon as a game will always have problems and it's healthy to complain about them, but complaining about Frye losing accomplishes nothing because it isn't a problem in the first place. No idol is entitled to win X amount of splatfests, or that would defeat the point of the results being from the players. Complain about Splatoon when it's deserved, but complaining about things that aren't even problems in the first place just drags down yours and other people's mood. Sometimes you really do need to learn to just have fun!
Apologies if this sounds a bit harsh worded. If you felt I was attacking you for your opinions, know that it isn't really personal and that these are just my thoughts on a general trend I've seen for a long time now.
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oh boy, this may get long but, I just need to get this off my chest.
The current state of the Splatfests has been frustrating to say the least. Especially for Frye fans.
Like, for starters, the mirror matches. Holy hell, that needs to be addressed! I need to know if Japan faces the same issue that we have because it can’t just be us! I want to know how they feel on the current status of the game. It feels so disheartening and demotivating to play Splatfests when mirror matches are an issue that Nintendo never addresses or fixes.
And please stop saying it’s a skill issue when one team keeps getting mirror matches. THEY DO NOT CONTRIBUTE CLOUT FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE TEAM!!! What are we supposed to do?! Please tell me!
And another thing! Why is it that when Shiver and Big Man get the popular vote, they end up winning, but when Frye does, she’s guaranteed to lose? How does that even happen? Is the game not programmed for 3 teams? Is the game itself biased against Frye? What is going on there?!
The maps for the Splatfest have been awful. Like, are they even trying at this point? Is anyone play testing at all?!
There are sooooo many more problems for me to list. Spawn camping, the themes, connection issues, etc.
Where did the love go? Why are games becoming so lackluster and awful? I’m worried about the state of gaming as a whole. Pokemon is a prime example of the lack of care, and that’s why Palworld exists! It’s why Palworld is so well liked because the developers showed care. I don’t want to see Splatoon end up in the same state. I love these games, and I want them to thrive. I just wish companies would take their time with these games! If we have to wait for them to properly work, that’s fine! It’s not going to be the end of the world if we don’t get it immediately.
If Nintendo plans to make a Splatoon 4, they should not do 3 teams again if they’re not going to fix the issues in Splat 3.
I think this is why the energy for Splatoon 3 is dwindling down. And the new season kits and lack of more new maps added to that. I don’t think I can blame them.
Frye fans, we need to conjugate together and come to terms that she will never win another fest. It’ll be easier on us when we come to terms with it for Splatfests.
This got pretty long, but I really wanted to get this out there.
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cherryistired · 1 year
Ok but for real how did team love get so many mirror matches and didn’t even take the popular vote. What happened there
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saltynsassy31 · 9 months
Being a Frye defender hurts so much, I get ya. My first splatfest win was Splatoween, and I'm pretty happy that Shiver didn't win this time but it kinda sucks that Frye can't win. My friend and I were screaming in the school yard when team handshake won because... Shiver man, she has won so many times it isn't fair. And I think Frye's first win was because she has the advantage of "general opinion" because spicy and sour aren't the popular preferences in general. Imagine if either Shiver or Big Man got the "Salty" option then Frye's probably gonna lose too.
I get ya, bud. I get ya... We're on the same boat floating on our river of blood-sweat-and-tears of Splatoon players. I'mnot motivated to play Splatoon again, yes I still fixate on the manga but I mostly play cookie run these days.
I was convinced fustbump would win! Yeah, we had mirror matches, but shiver always won cuz if that anyway, and then...we didn't?
In Japan they got a sweep, so I don't even know what we are doing wrong anymore, I just want to have fun, I want to be silly, I want to enjoy my time playing splatoon, I don't want to feel stressed during splatfest, anxiously going to bed after reset and dreading opening my phone cuz I know my friends are going to update me on who won, and then seeing shiver won again and going to school on a bad mood, I hate this cycle!
I've reached a point of just wishing big man wins more, just so shiver stops winning
I don't wanna be right, but after seeing the the intro dialogue of Shiver, I just gotta except she'll win...again
My sister joked that "watch Frye constantly loose but then win the final fest as a final fuck you", and it'd be funny but man, this is sorta still a shitty situation, but at this point, I'll take it 😭😭😭
Cuz like "Oh it's family, family will totally win!"
But then we look back at first bump and 😐
We get the least amount of votes we loose but shiver wins
We get the most amount of votes but still loose yet shiver wins
Yeah, anything can happen really and I am I'm constant stress about it, imma rant on my tumblr during splatfest, probably, but I won't look into the tag, I am already stressed as is with school
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glitt3r-litt3r · 2 years
I’ll Be There
Eddie Munson One-shot
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Reader was supposed to go to the prom with your date Scott but when he doesn't show, your best friend Eddie comes to the rescue.
Warnings: Canon-divergence because fuck whatever that was lolz, Steve and Eddie being a duo, Eddie and robin being children, fluff fluff fluff! 
I saw someone else do this concept so this is not an original idea but it's so cute I had to! Hope you enjoy my take on it <3  @stray-cat-21 did it first so make sure to check out their story!
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Everyone was over getting ready, each girl in a different mirror. Robin, Nancy and you had been planning this night for weeks and it was finally here. More like you and Nancy forced Robin to participate in the charade of hanging out, getting ready and arriving with your dates in hand together.
There was music playing while you fixed your hair in the mirror making sure every hair was exactly where you wanted it to be. Every detail down to your hair pin color was decided and you spent months looking for the final perfect dress. This night was something you had been waiting for all of your school career and now that you were getting ready nervousness bubbled in your belly. Something about finally getting what you want and the fear that it wouldn’t be how you thought. 
“Relax your eyebrows before they get stuck like that” Eddie says as he steps into the room. You watch his reflection grow in the mirror as he leans down to press a thumb between your furrowed brows. You shake his hand from your face before turning to face the mirror. He had no respect for your personal space after your many years of friendship and now was no exception even with makeup on.
“Don’t mess up my makeup please” you reply softly smoothing over the place he touched with a power brush. 
He chuckles and looks around the room to Robin who is currently applying mascara with her mouth wide open and Nancy who is pinning her hair. 
“My my ladies don’t you all look so... lady like” he says trying to stifle a laugh.
“Eat shit Munson” Robin reply's sticking her middle finger up. He sits on the bed next to her and makes faces in the back of your vanity mirror to make you giggle. 
He continues to joke as you get ready asking why you even wanna go to such a shitty event. You brush off his cynical remarks easily seeing as Eddie was never big on school events especially not ones where they vote for the most popular. He was always his own person and you always admired him for it even if it caused some tension in school and at home, Eddie was always going to be himself. 
Time passes with him joking around before going downstairs with the guys. Soon after Robin and Nancy leave your room too. 
You were the last to finally be ready with everyone standing in your living room. Taking a deep breath you steadied yourself on the banister and slowly walked down your steps. The room, just before live with talking and laughing, grew silent in awe of your arrival. You felt beautiful, and you knew you looked it too.
Your dress was tailored and the color was set to match with Scott’s. 
You were so excited the day he asked you that you could barely contain it. Basketball players were never your type but it would be fun, he was in your biology class and had formed a bond over your mutual hatred for frog dissection's. He wasn’t your crush but maybe something would come from tonight. How romantic to fall in love after prom and everything? the thought made you swoon a bit. 
 Everything was perfect. As you came further down there was a whistle from Steve who shoved Eddie playfully. Nancy stands next to Jonathan who is dressed in a fantastic but a little too big suit. 
Eddie stood at the bottom of the stairs with a box in hand smiling like an idiot. As you move closer he extends it to you and you reach out matching his smile. A camera flashes and you see Nancy peek out from behind her polaroid. 
“It’s an early graduation present” he says softly. 
“you didn’t have to get me anything Eds” you reply opening the dark black wooden box in your hand. It’s not big or wrapped but you can tell Eddie chose it because of the golden details on the sides. 
It’s a silver chain with a dainty star in the center. You pick it up and study it before squealing.
“You didn’t!! Eddie please tell me this isn’t-”
“The Evenstar. Took me forever to find it” He finishes. 
You jump up and down as the rest of the group looks on in confusion. 
“Nerd shit” you hear Steve say to Robin who nods her head. 
“Turn around so I can put it on” he says taking the chain and box from your hands.
You turn and face the stairs as you feel the pendant drop perfectly on your chest. His warm fingers tickle the back of your neck as he clasps it and you can imagine the pink of his tongue sticking out as he tries to focus on closing it. 
When you turn back you touch the pendant on your neck excitedly and check the time. 
7:00 on the dot. Everything was going according to plan, Scott should be here any minute. 
Everyone resumed their conversations as you spoke with Eddie by the stairs for a while.
“Make sure he opens the car door, and don’t drink anything you didn’t see him pour, and if he’s drunk call me and I'll pick you up” Eddie fusses
“Okay okay! I will Jesus Eddie you’re worse than my father” you reply looking over at the clock. 
It was 7:15.
“We should get going” Steve says grabbing his keys from his pocket. He was right, you were going to be late. 
Everyone stood and gathered their things before looking at you. 
“Oh um, you guys go ahead I’m gonna call Scott” you reply making your way into the other room. 
“See you there!” you hear Nancy yell as the door closes. 
You dial the number with a sigh feeling the worrisome anxiety return. 
It rings and rings and rings and no one picks up. You decide to wait another ten minutes before calling back. You sit on the kitchen counter, heels clinking against the cabinet as you try to calm yourself down. Being late was one thing but not calling, that was just mean. 
After the painfully long ten minutes you call again. 
It rings three time’s before someone picks up.
“Scott?” you ask 
“No dear this is Scotts mother, how can I help you”
“Oh it’s Y/n, from school and I was just wondering if Scott has left yet. He was supposed to meet me here but maybe he went to the school already” you say feeling yourself start to ramble.
“Oh dear...Scott has left already but he was with a girl. I’m sorry” You hear the click of the line. 
You stare blankly at the floral wallpaper across the room.
Tears gather in your eyes as you hang the phone up and run from the kitchen. You don’t acknowledge the fact that Eddie was sitting on your couch or the questioning look your parents are giving you, your mother with her camera still in hand. The sound of your heels click up the stairs and are silenced by the loud slam of your door. 
You sob quietly into your hands before going to unbuckle your shoes. 
From the other side of the door you hear your mothers voice.
“Y/n, honey what’s the matter? Where’s Scott?” she asks 
At the mention of his name you feel more tears roll down your cheeks.
“I’m not going” you say miserably. Your voice feels small and weak and you find yourself wanting to crawl in a hole forever. 
“Not going?! It’s the prom! You have to go!” she says
“He stood me up okay? He’s not coming and it’ll all be one big joke I'm not going!” you shout throwing your heels at the closed door. 
You hear her sigh and shuffle away somewhere. 
Eddie stands at the bottom of the stairs listening to the conversation. Anger boils up inside him causing a metallic taste in his mouth. When you told him Scott was the one taking you to prom he had his doubts, that group of friends was nothing but a bunch of preppy jerks. But the smile on your face made him shut up, he couldn’t be the one to rain on your parade. You were so excited dragging him in and out of dress shops and jewelry stores and he let you because he loved you and he knew how important it was. 
Now, seeing your tear streaked face run past him he wants nothing more than to find Scott and kick his ass but there are more important things going on. More important than that asshole. 
He jets from you house without so much as a goodbye. Driving like a bat out of hell to the nearest tuxedo rental place, he’ll be dammed if your night is ruined by some jock with a small dick. 
Running in just as the owner flips the sign to closed Eddie slams 40 dollars on the counter.
“I need a tux, rental obviously” he breathes heavily having run from the car. 
The man looks at him skeptically before going toward the back.
“Listen son I’m basically all out of Tux’s, you do know it’s prom night right?” he says
“Yes yes I know but I need one, whatever you got” Eddie pleads growing anxious when the man doesn’t reappear from the back for a couple of minutes.
When he returns he holds up a power blue suit complete with a white ruffled shirt and a matching blue bowtie. He’s never seen something so hideous in his life. His mouth drops open in disgust. He knows some guys would kill to wear it. 
“No no no man come on you’ve got to have something else” he says shaking his head pressing his hands to his eyes in hopes to get rid of the horrible blue that’s stained onto the back of his eyelids.
“Not anything that’ll fit you, and not this late” the owner replies with a laugh.
At the mention of the time Eddie snaps up to glance over at the clock. It’s almost 8 and he’s running out of time.
“Fuck it” he whispers. He grabs the suit from the man.
“You guys have a dressing room?” he asks holding the suit out like it’ll bite him. 
Back at home you wipe off the rest of your face makeup. It was ruined now anyways. Your mom helps you unpin your hair as she tries to convince you to still go. Shame cuts into you as you stare into your reflection. 
“I shouldn’t have believed him. I should’ve just told him no, I knew it was too good to be true.” you tell her
“Sometimes people lie and they suck but you shouldn’t let that ruin your party honey. You can still go and have a good time with your friends” she replies styling your hair into something more comfortable. 
“Maybe, don’t see the point now anyways my makeup is ruined and I don’t have a date” you reply softly picking at the skin around your nails. 
You don’t hear the car pull in, or the knock on the front door, or the persons apparently very heavy boots climbing the stairs, but your mother does. 
She hands you some mascara with a pushy look before she goes to your bedroom door and opening it slightly expecting your father on the other side. 
She’s met with Eddie, in powder blue flared pants a frilly shirt, his leather jacket and boots and a corsage in hand. He’s smiling brightly swaying back and fourth on his heels. 
“Well look at you! Never though I’d see the day” She laughs before turning toward you. 
“Honey put your shoes back on” 
“Mom I already told you I’m not goi-”
“Don’t argue just do it, it’ll be worth it I promise” she smiles and closes the door on her way out. She walks Eddie down the stairs and tells him to wait at the bottom as she grabs the camera off the couch. 
Exiting your room for the second time tonight was much less magical. You felt worn out and a bit thirsty from crying so much. Luckily you had put on the mascara your mother handed you and some blush.
As you reach the top of the stairs a familiar mop of brown hair is standing at the bottom.
He stands in the most ridiculous suit you’ve ever seen with a corsage that perfectly matches the colors of your dress.
“Y/N, I know it’s a bit late and I'm not your first choice but will you go to prom with me?” he asks stupidly giving you a smirk and holding out his hand for the second time tonight. You feel your stomach flip in the way only Eddie can make happen. 
You fly down the stairs stumbling into his arms.
“Woah” he says as he catches you.
“You hate school dances” you say into his shoulder breathing in the smell of his leather jacket against your face. 
“I hate pretty much everything that has to do with school yeah,” he agrees pulling your face back and holding it between his warm hands. 
“but you don’t and I’m not gonna let that asshole ruin both of our nights” he says
“You really don’t have to Eddie it’s fine” you say gently.
“I already rented the suit sweetheart” he laughs 
You hug him again before pulling back to grab the corsage he dropped. 
He fumbles to open the box as you shift on your feet a bit on the stair above him. 
He grabs your hand and slips it on easily before kissing the back of it. 
“Fair lady, your steed awaits” he says extending his arm toward the front door.
You courtesy with your dress and bow your head.
“Why thank you Eddie the Brave” you reply keeping his hand in yours as you walk down the last steps. 
After taking a million to many pictures you head toward the rusty steed that is Eddie’s van. He opens the door for you holding your hand as you get in. 
On the way there Eddie let’s you play your music which is rare, he’s really spoiling you tonight. 
You watch his hands as they drive, the way the streetlights cast colorful beams of light onto his face, the curve of his nose, the way he smiles and sings along. He’s so pretty you want to reach out and touch him. You realize now, Eddie has always been your knight in shinning armor. He was there when you fell of your bike to patch up your knees, he was there when you got braces, he was there the first time someone broke your heart to wipe your tears and rent shitty movies with, he was there for you every second of every day since you’d been friends. In your opinion he was the nicest person in the history of the universe (cue tiktok audio I'm sorry)
“Got a staring problem?” he asks with a smile. 
“I just like pretty things” you’re quick with your response shocking him back into silence. 
When you arrive at school you can see people going in some coming out, the banners and streamers decorating the outside of the building. 
Eddie goes to get out open the door for you but you grab his hand.
“Wait, I just need a minute” you say. He studies your face before sitting back down but leaving his door open. You feel the night breeze lay over your legs. You want to be the type of person who doesn’t care of they get stood up, or ditched. You want to show up anyways and have a good time but part of you was still embarrassed that you were the girl that got stood up.
“If you’re embarrassed about going with me, I can just wait for you or go home or something” Eddie says looking into his lap. You turn and squeeze his hand.
“I’m not embarrassed about going with you dork. I don’t care what they think about that. It’s just everyone's going to give me the pity look because I got stood up. They knew Scott was supposed to come with me and I really don’t feel like being that girl tonight” you reply 
His eyes soften at your words as he tries to find the right words.
“It’s his loss. He’s the one who should get the pitiful looks today because you look amazing, you are amazing and he’ll never know. I honestly feel bad for him because being your date is the coolest thing I've done this year.” he says holding your hand up in the middle. You knew he hated everything about tonight, his outfit, the dance, the horrible people but he was still here. You remind yourself to thank him later.
“Come on, we’ve got a prom to go to Lady Y/N” he says before jumping out and running to your side to open the door.
You enter the school gym holding hands. He holds you to steady his own nervous heart and you hold him to guide you through the curtain of streamers. The light’s are low but the theme this year was pastel school colors. Pale cream orange streamers and Easter green balloons were covering every inch of the gym. 
As you walk people can’t help but stare, but they aren’t looking at you with pity or even disgust. They are looking at Eddie “the freak” Munson in a bright blue suit and his white reeboks. He starts to enjoy the attention strutting confidently over to our friends who have yet to notice our arrival. This was only one more nail in the coffin of his social status and he was the happiest man in the world with you on his arm.
“Hi guys” you say queitly
They all turn and smile at the sound of your voice. The focus shifts toward you directly as you stand in front of Eddie. 
“You came!” Robin screams running over. Her large coat jacket was slung over Steve's arm.
“what happened with Scott? We saw him walk in here with Mandy Jacobs” Jonathan says 
“Did he ditch you? Are you okay” 
The questions come rolling in as they focus in on your barely registering that the person you were holding hands with was Eddie. 
“Dude what are you wearing?” Steve calls out doubling over in laughter. You move over and bring him forward showing off his fantastic wardrobe.
“Oh my god Eddie, that suit is....” Robin bites her lip “.. so you” she says finally giggling into her hands.
“Eat shit Buckley. It was the only one they had” he grumbles before giving her the bird. Everyone laughs loudly as Eddie does a spin to give the full effect. 
“I think he looks great” you say leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“God finally, Robin you owe me 5 bucks” Steve says.
“You had a bet going?!” you ask shoving Robin playfully. 
“I- we thought it would take a bit longer but yeah come on could you blame us you guys have been giving each other ‘I'm so madly in love with you’ eyes for months!” Robin says throwing her hands up. 
You go to argue back but they put on a song you love before you can. You move toward the dance floor trying to drag Eddie along.
“Dance with me? Please please please with a cherry on top?” you ask with the biggest puppy dog eyes you can. He holds his ground shaking his head. 
“Uh uh, no way. I don’t dance to whatever this is” he says moving toward Steve who conveniently is pressed against the wall.
“everyone dances to Abba!” you reply but ultimately leave him standing where he is to watch you. 
On the dance floor you improvise moves, some practiced and some not enjoying the feeling of being with your friends. Song after song after song only stopping to get some punch or talk to Eddie for a bit. 
He waits graciously on the wall talking with Steve and glaring at people who walk too close to him. Not that anybody really wants to start a fight with him. 
Well, maybe Scott. Who’s walking over now with Mandy Jacobs slung conveniently over his arm. 
You were focused on showing Nancy how to dance to the Lisa Lisa song you requested to notice a disturbance. 
It wasn’t until you heard yelling that you’d even turned around. The crowd was gathered around where you had left Steve and Eddie. Immediately your stomach dropped at the thought of something happening, not that you could’ve stopped a fight but maybe defused it. Whatever kind of fear it was pushed you to the front of the crowd to see Scott on the floor and Steve above him with Eddie off to the side. 
“...and next time watch who you’re talking too” is all you can hear before the two boys walk away. The crowd disperses as teachers come to see what the fuss was about and they push against your body as you try to make your way forward. 
“Eddie! Steve what happened?” you ask as you reach him. Eddie changes direction when he hears your voice turning and walking back toward where the group now gathers. 
“Dude did you just punch Scott?!” Jonathan asks Steve in awe
“Only after he punched Eddie, after Eddie punched him” Steve replies shrugging. 
Your mouth drops open before you turn to scold your date.
“Edward Patrick Munson!” you stomp your heeled foot playfully against the wooden gym floor. You try to look stern but you can almost feel your smile slipping as he makes his way over. 
“Oooo you’re in trouble” Nancy says laughing at him from behind you. 
“Patrick?” Robin asks incediously.
“Everyone shut up! He totally deserved it and Robin, forget you heard that.” he says pulling you close to him. 
As he looks down you notice the shiner he’s sporting on his right eye. 
“He got you good baby” you reply inspecting the wound, you’ll definitely need to ice it.
“Yeah well not as good as Steve got him apparently” Eddie replies smirking, pointing over your shoulder to where Mandy stands with two cups of punch pressed to Scotts eyes. 
“Does she really think that’ll help?” Steve asks quirking an eyebrow up.
“I doubt it” Robing replies looking back toward the pair. 
“What did he say anyways” Jonathan asks. You look up at Eddie ready for him to tell you.
“He said-”Steve starts
“It’s not important. All you need to know is it wasn’t very nice and he won’t be coming into school on Monday unless he can get the swelling down” Eddie finishes. This who interaction tired him out, he needed a joint a beer and a kiss. 
The music that had stopped for a couple minutes had resumed again. 
This was your second requested song. 
Eddie smirks as he hears the tune play over the radio, he knew immediately you had something to do with it. 
“I cannot believe you had them put this on” he shakes his head.
“Will you please come dance with me now? Pretty please?” you ask clasping your hands together. 
He scans the room looking over the crowd before pulling your hand out. 
He pulls you toward the doors you came through now open with only the streamers hanging between the gym and the hallway.
“Eddie we’re gonna miss it!” you yell, still though you don’t pull your hand from him
“Shh just trust me okay” He replies over his shoulder.
Once you make it out he stops just by the curtain, the pink and yellow lights stream through the plastic streamers. He pulls your body to his own, one hand resting on your hip and the other cradling your hand against his chest. You rest your head against his shoulder. 
“wasn’t gonna have anyone seeing me dance to this song...tryin’ to ruin my reputation or something?” he jokes kissing your hair 
“Most definitely” you reply. 
He rocks you slowly back and fourth. Your eyes focus on the way the lights color your intertwined hands different shades lulling you into a calm rhythm. 
“I’ll be thereee” He sings along with the chorus to Jackson 5, lowly. You wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t for the way his chest vibrated against your cheek. A small smile finds it’s onto your face. 
“I never thought I'd see the day. Metalhead Eddie Munson knows the lyrics to a Jackson 5 song? Are pigs flying? Has the sky fallen?” you muse 
“It’s completely your fault. Forcing me to this record over and over and over” he complains.
“Oh come on, I knew you before all the Judas Priest and Metallica. You used to love when I sang this” you say 
“ ’Used to’, being the words you used. I’ve changed, I’m hardcore now. Got this bruise on my face to prove it, really scare the panty’s off granny's in grocery stores” he says 
You don’t need to look at his face to tell how proud he is of sticking up for you. 
Gratitude wells in your chest as you stand there holding him. You throw both your arms around his neck burying your face into his hair breathing in the hairspray and cigarettes'.
“Thank you” you say feeling tears swim in your eyes. He holds you be the waist rubbing your back.
“What for?” he asks a little obliviously
“For everything. Eddie, I don’t know any other guy who would’ve done something like this for me.”
“Well I just did what I thought you deserved. If it were up to me you never would’ve gotten stood up in the first place. You deserve someone who’s proud to take you everywhere, the prom or even just the post office. Someone who would never try to embarrass you or make you feel like shit...just someone good.” he says pulling away to look you in the eyes. 
“Someone like you” you reply gently. His eyes soften just a bit before he smiles.
“I didn’t say it you did but since we’re talking about how good I am, tell me exactly how good you think I am and at wha-”
“Shut up Eddie” you reply pulling him into you by the jacket.
Your lips meet in the middle so hard it almost hurts but his lips are melting on yours before you can even register the pain. His hands fly up toward your face cupping your cheeks. His warm thumbs press into you as he holds you in place. Your hands hold tightly onto his leather jacket squeezing all your excitement between your closed fists. The kiss is desperate and heady under the now pink lights. You can slowly see them change to what must be blue through your closed lids, his lips slow a bit with time. You don’t breathe, you don’t think, you don’t move more than your lips. You let yourself be kissed by him. 
When you pull away it’s because Robin stumbles through the curtain talking about taking a piss.
“Oh! Please continue, don’t let my ill timed bladder stop you” she says laughing to herself.
“Oh my god” you chuckle pressing your forehead to Eddie’s shoulder looking down.
“Keep it moving Robbie” Eddie says cradling the back of your head.
“No need to rush me, Paddy” she says running for the bathroom.
Eddie groans against you.
“She’s never going to forget that” he sighs miserably. 
“Sorry Eddie” you say
“I don’t know, that didn’t sound convincing. What else are you gonna do to make it up to me” he asks pulling your chin up with his finger. You bat your eyelashes a bit feigning innocence. 
“Anything you want” you whisper.
His smile drops considerably at that before his pupils dilate. Looking left, then right he pulls you forward for a kiss and just before your lips meet he stops.
“Anything hmm? I could think of a few things but they’d require you outta that dress and I can’t have all of Hawkins lookin at my girl” he says kissing you before you even have a chance to react. 
Robin makes her way down the hall and he pulls away smirking at the blush creeping up your face. My girl
He had called you his girl. 
“You two lovebirds coming?” she asks holding the curtain open. 
Eddie nods to her before turning to wink at you following her into the gym once again. 
The looks he gives you fills you with excitement. To go home with him, to wake up next to him tomorrow. To hold his hand in the halls and watch him practice guitar in his bedroom. Every possibility of beautiful memories to make swarm through your head almost knocking you over. You step into the gym again, holding onto Eddie’s hand, grateful that Scott stood you up tonight.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Good Morning Campers, Chapter 4 (Crystal x Gigi) - Gelato
AN: Sorry this is so late but I started on another project that will be posted next week, thanks for the notes I really appreciate it!
“Aren’t you scared someone’s going to walk in, Miss Goode?” Crystal whispered, breathing shakily as Gigi dropped to her knees and lifted her skirt.
Her heart was racing and she hoped secretly that someone would catch them in the act.
They’d been sneaking around for well over two weeks now. Their stint in the disciplinary cabin at the edge of camp had quickly passed and they no longer had a reason to spend every waking moment together.
It was pure bliss for those seven days, spending every minute of the day at each other’s side for camp chores and each night in one another’s arms.
They’d truly gotten to know each other in and out. What they loved, hated, and wanted more than anything in the world. Stories swapped about childhood and life back home. What made each other tick, what turned each other on..
No secrets.
They were hooked on one another.
It didn’t end when they left the cabin and went their separate ways. They were just a mulch covered path away, their new quarters just a few feet from each other’s as they joined their peers as regular campers in overcrowded bunks for the remainder of their stay at Blue Springs.
Gigi was still miffed about her demotion, but wouldn’t change anything if it meant never spending the time with Crystal that she did.
“You want me to stop?” Gigi breathed hotly against Crystal’s thigh before running her tongue to meet the edge of her panties.
“No, don’t stop..” Crystal moaned softly, begging, praying that Gigi wouldn’t dare move as she ran her fingers through her red curls.
Gigi quickly did away with the offending underwear before swiftly hitching Crystal’s leg over her shoulder.
The shower stalls had become their regular meet up. It was mid morning just after breakfast, long after the morning shower rush had passed. They didn’t have much time, knowing their friends would come looking for them sooner or later.
Crystal reveled in the feel of Gigi’s tongue against her, coming undone in just a matter of minutes. She failed to keep her screams of pleasure from loudly bouncing off the shower stalls.
Gigi’s hand snaked up to cover her mouth. Crystal took her index finger between her lips and sucked slowly before pulling Gigi up to meet her lips. They kissed passionately, never wanting this moment to end.
“You.. have gotten so good at that.” Crystal breathed with a laugh, chest heaving and heart beating straight out of her chest.
“I learned from the best.” Gigi whispered hotly before bringing her in for another lasting kiss.
Crystal quickly dropped to her own knees to reciprocate before the echo of the camps PA system brought her to a screeching halt.
“Will all campers grades 10 through 12 please report to the main pavilion for announcements. That’s all campers, grade 10 through 12, report to the main pavilion.” Mrs. Davis’ voice reverberated through out the camp grounds.
The girls quickly scurried to compose themselves and to go there separate ways to meet up with their friends, much to their dismay.
After a rushed kiss goodbye, they left the stalls separately as they came, hoping that no one would notice.
“Why is Creepy Crystal staring at you like that.” Violet leaned to whisper in Gigi’s ear as they sat in the crowded pavilion awaiting announcements.
It took everything in her not to yank her so called friend by the hair and threaten her life for speaking about Crystal that way, but she had agreed to Crystal’s suggestion to ignore anything anyone had to say about one another. They wanted to keep their relationship private for the time being.
Much to her relief, Mrs. Davis stepped onto the stage and began to garner the attention of everyone in the pavilion.
“Shh, it’s starting.” Gigi threw Violet’s way, ignoring her previous statement.
She chanced a glance over at Crystal, who was indeed looking over her way.
The lust in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed. Her cheeks were still flushed from their earlier meet up. She licked her lips and slowly uncrossed and recrossed her legs, flashing Gigi a bit to reveal that she hadn’t bothered to put her panties back on.
Gigi’s vision went hazy and her face got hot. She couldn’t look away.
“I’m still wet.” Crystal mouthed from across the room, biting down on her neon green polished finger tip.
Gigi went weak in the knees.
“Alright girls, settle down.” Mrs. Davis spoke into the microphone at center stage, barely succeeding in taking Gigi’s attention from Crystal.
“As many of you have looked forward to for the last few weeks, this weekend is our annual summer fling with the Blue Mountain’s Camp for Boys.” She began reading from her clip board.
Most of the pavilion erupted with cheers of excitement, aside from the Strange Gang that shared a few gagging noises, earning them a couple of glares from their peers.
“As we have in the years before, we will be tasking you all in preparing for the event. Before leaving our meeting today, please take a look at the sign up sheet. We need plenty of help decorating! Don’t forget to also place your nomination for Summer Fling Queen. You will have until the evening of the dance to place your votes.” Mrs. Davis continued.
This announcement sparked even more excited chatter from the girls, each prattling on about what to wear, what duty they wanted, and who’s name they’d throw in for Queen.
Gigi’s name flew around the room as it had the previous year. She was always a shoe-in for Queen, and although she had been mildly disgraced for being demoted from the Junior Counselors, her popularity around the camp had done nothing but soar.
“We’ll also be offering buses into town this afternoon for the young ladies who would like to do a little shopping ahead of the festivities!” Mrs. Davis shared, earning even more excited buzz from the audience.
“Yes! I’ve had my eye on a pair of earrings at the mall.” Naomi said, leading the girls out of their seats to head back to the cabin and prepare for their awaited mall trip.
Gigi chanced another glance at Crystal, who hadn’t seemed too excited for a shopping trip of her own. Her eyes were suddenly down casted and she stayed seated, twisting her fingers with one another. Gigi made quick of telling the girls that she wanted to stay behind for a moment to speak to Mrs. Davis so they would head back to the bunks before making a b-line toward Crystal.
“I’ll meet you guys later.” Crystal said to her own friends, hoping that they would give her a moment alone as she saw Gigi approaching.
“You don’t seem too thrilled about shopping.” Gigi began, taking a seat next to Crystal as the pavilion cleared out.
“Don’t have a lot of money to spend. But it’s alright, I think I’ll just skip out on the dance all together.” Crystal shrugged.
“What? No! You have to go! It’s camp tradition.” Gigi crossed her arms, in disbelief that she would be missing her chance to see Crystal in formal wear.
“I don’t have anything to wear.” Crystal laughed, leaning into a seemingly pissed Gigi. She found it amusing how worked up she had gotten over a dance.
“Well lucky for both of us, I have plenty.” Gigi smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
Crystal bit her lip and began to protest, but was no match for Gigi as she pulled her from her seat and back toward the bunks.
Gigi denied the invitation to join the rest of the Heather’s on the bus to town, much to their annoyance.
She had insisted that she already had something to wear, but denying a trip to the mall was extremely unlike her, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Violet in particular.
After some back and forth the group left. Gigi breathed a sigh of relief and waved Crystal over from the cabin across from her own.
“Alright, short or long? I have a thousand options to choose from, baby. Take your pick!” Gigi wasted no time laying out her formal wear that had been hanging in the shared cabin closet until now.
“I dunno, Geeg’. I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything this expensive.” Crystal whispered sheepishly, taking a price tag between her fingers and running her thumb over the offensive numbers.
“Forget about that. I want you to feel as beautiful as you are. I know you don’t need an expensive dress for that. But I’m not going to let you skip out on this dance.” Gigi replied, picking up a shimmering piece toward the top of the pile.
“Try this for me, please. It’s super sparkly and bright and I’ve sort of been imagining you in it every time I see it hanging in the closet.” Gigi blushed a bit, still uncomfortable with sharing just how much she thought about Crystal on a daily basis.
Crystal agreed after some protest, stripping down and slipping the dress on.
It was a baby pink, silk gown with shimmering accents along the bodice. It hugged each of her curves just right, earning her a look of approval from Gigi who sat in awe at how a simple dress somehow transformed Crystal.
“Well, what do you think?” Crystal sighed, secretly loving how the dress fit her body like a glove. She turned her back to Gigi and looked over her shoulder for a pose.
“I think I love it on you, but I’d like it better off.” Gigi replied, pulling Crystal onto her lap.
The two took full advantage of having the cabin to themselves for the rest of the afternoon.
The evening of the dance came soon enough, the entire camp buzzing with excitement. After a full day on the lake, the campers scampered to get ready for a night they’d all been looking forward too since arriving weeks prior.
Crystal was a ball of nerves. She couldn’t even afford a prom ticket back home, so a dance was uncharted territory for her.
She admired herself in the single dirty mirror that cabin had to offer, the remaining member’s of the Strange Gang offering a stark contrast to her as they sported punky dresses of various colors paired with high top sneakers and wild makeup.
Crystal decided to forgo too many accessories as she normally would pile on and opted for a single drop pearl necklace Gigi had given her to pair with the dress, along with matching earrings. Her hair cascaded down her back in waves, and her make up was more subdued than usual, her sparkling lip gloss accentuating her plump lips and bringing out the shimmer in her gown.
She truly was a vision, the baby pink silken fabric hugged her perfectly, and her teal blue hair somehow tied it all in like a Barbie fever dream.
“You look stunning, babe. You think she’ll ask you to dance?” Adore piped up from behind her with a raised eyebrow. She was the only one that knew the dress was from Gigi, and the only one that she wasn’t afraid to tell the full truth of their relationship to.
Yvie still held a bit of resentment toward the Heather’s along with Katya, and Crystal had decided keeping them in the dark was better than pushing the envelope this close to camp being over.
“I have no clue. Every part of me hopes she does. But I understand if she doesn’t.” Crystal replied, suddenly nervous at the prospect of holding Gigi so closely in front of the entire camp.
She was just excited to finally see what Gigi would be wearing. During Crystal’s little fashion show in her cabin she had successfully kept her own gown under wraps, intending to keep it a surprise for Crystal. They hadn’t seen each other all day, Gigi having warned her that she would spend the majority of it getting ready for the evening.
A hoard of cheers erupted outside as the buses filled with young men from the Blue Mountain’s Camp for Boys pulled into front entrance of the camp. Many of the girls were excited at the idea of meeting a boy this evening, and some were even reuniting with boyfriends that were attending the neighboring camp.
An announcement calling all campers to the pavilion bellowed over the intercom and sent the remaining campers out of their bunks.
Crystal and Gigi agreed that they wouldn’t be able to spend too much time at each other’s side during the event as not to raise suspicion, so they opted to meet behind the pavilion before the dance for some alone time.
Crystal switched from foot to foot nervously, her toes already aching as the heels Gigi gave her to wear began to pinch. The dance had already started and Gigi was nowhere to be found. Her heart sank as she realized she may not be meeting her after all.
“Hey gorgeous.” An angelic voice came up from behind her. Crystal’s shoulder’s instantly relaxed as she turned to face Gigi in all her stunning glory.
She modeled a shimmering silk dress that was the exact same as Crystal’s, except in powder blue. Her red hair draped gracefully over her shoulders in luscious tendrils, perfectly styled and framing her face. She had gone for a makeup look that only Crystal could have inspired, her blue eyeshadow and bright pink cheeks tied her look together. Her wrists carried clunky multicolored bracelets that she had lifted from Crystal’s personal collection.
“I hope you don’t mind, I swiped these when we stayed together. I was always planning on wearing them tonight. I wanted to keep a piece of you on me.” Gigi blushed and explained the jewelry as she noticed Crystal’s eyes fall onto them.
Crystal couldn’t help but let out an ecstatic squeal and rush into Gigi’s arms, overjoyed that she had wanted to emulate her on such an important night.
“Aw baby, we’re matching!” She bounced excitedly and stepped back only to take all of Gigi in.
“I know, that’s sort of why I had you try this one on first. I already had mine picked out and I was hoping you would love it so we could be a pair!” Gigi bounced along with her.
They kissed and held each other closely for a few moments before the sound of loud pop music interrupted them from inside the newly transformed dance hall.
“I guess we better get in there. See you after, same spot? ” Crystal asked with a pout before leaning in to give Gigi a final peck and the lips.
“Actually, I was thinking we could go in.. together.” Gigi nearly whispered, intertwining her fingers with Crystal’s and gently tugging her toward the music.
Crystal’s smile grew wider and her eyes softened as she fought back tears of joy.
“Yeah?” She mustered, in shock with Gigi’s proposal.
“Yeah. And if anyone has a problem with it, fuck ‘em.” Gigi nodded and smiled broadly before walking hand in hand with Crystal to the front entrance.
They were greeted by many shocked stares from fellow campers but marched on, truly not caring what anyone thought.
The pavilion was dimly lit, a dated disco ball hanging from the ceiling lit up the dance floor as campers from both camps danced awkwardly with one another, well supervised by several counselors.
The upbeat music quickly diminished and transition into the first slow dance song of the night. The opening keys of “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin hummed over the loud speakers. The dance floor cleared, save for a few couples that lingered to dance with one another.
“May I have this dance?” Gigi asked, pulling Crystal onto the floor.
They held each other close and noticed right away how everyone was staring, including members of their own cliques.
The Strange Gang hooted and hollered in surprised shock, embracing the new couple as they drifted across the dance floor.
The Heather’s were a different story. Nicki was surprised but a bit elated at Gigi’s obvious happiness, as well was Naomi. Violet however looked as if she was about to burst a blood vessel.
Gigi waved daintily at them with a smirk over Crystal’s shoulder and pulled her close. Crystal leaned back to come face to face with the red head, their lips close and her voice low.
“Gigi.. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before. You make me the happiest girl alive. I think... I know I love-“ She was abruptly interrupted by a booming voice across the dance floor.
“Geeg’! Babe, I’ve been looking all over for you.” A tall, blonde teenaged boy bounded over cluelessly to the couple, his tux slightly disheveled and his bow tie hanging loosely around his neck.
“Chip?!” Gigi yelped in horror and stepped away nervously from Crystal.
She wasn’t going to let anything come between her and Crystal tonight, but she certainly wasn’t expecting her boyfriend from back home to walk through the door.
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ishkah · 3 years
On The Far-Left, Effective Activism & Violence
Introduction to what it means to be on the far-left
So first off, as socialists & anarchists, we know we are far outside the Overton window. We know even if left-wing policy positions are more popular than right-wing, most people are still going to be biased to what they’ve grown up with and what’s familiar to them.
But, we also know we can shift the Overton window from the radical fringe: [1]
The most important thing about the Overton window, however, is that it can be shifted to the left or the right, with the once merely “acceptable” becoming “popular” or even imminent policy, and formerly “unthinkable” positions becoming the open position of a partisan base. The challenge for activists and advocates is to move the window in the direction of their preferred outcomes, so their desired outcome moves closer and closer to “common sense.”
There are two ways to do this: the long, hard way and the short, easy way. The long, hard way is to continue making your actual case persistently and persuasively until your position becomes more politically mainstream, whether it be due to the strength of your rhetoric or a long-term shift in societal values. By contrast, the short, easy way is to amplify and echo the voices of those who take a position a few notches more radical than what you really want.
For example, if what you actually want is a public health care option in the United States, coordinate with and promote those pushing for single-payer, universal health care. If the single-payer approach constitutes the “acceptable left” flank of the discourse, then the public option looks, by comparison, like the conservative option it was once considered back when it was first proposed by Orrin Hatch in 1994.
This is Negotiating 101.
So our hope is that our ideals and passion can be admired by some, like risking prison to sabotage the draft for Vietnam, so some peoples sons aren't conscripted into fighting an evil war. [2] Then any moderate left policies might look reasonable in comparison which makes them the tried and tested policies of the future.
We should also openly acknowledge that the ideal future we would like to see is empirically extremely unlikely to come about in our own lifetimes in the west, as there are still so many hills to climb first in pressuring workplaces over to a more co-operative flattened hierarchy of workplace democracy.
To quickly summarise, the direction the far-left would like to head in, is going from; a two party system, to... a multi-party coalition through preferential voting, to... some local government positions being elected by sortition, to… the majority of society being so content with worker-co-ops and syndicalist unions that we transition from representative democracy to direct democracy. So, a chamber of ministers to federated spokes councils.
Now I might be the minority in the far-left on this, but I would want people to have the option of going back a step if people aren't ready for that level of direct democracy, where the choice is disorganization and suffering or slightly less suffering under a repressive system of governance again. You could relate this to the position Rosa Luxemburg was in in lending support and hoping some good would come of the Spartacist uprising, whilst also wishing they could have been convinced to hold off until they were more prepared.
This is why it’s so important to build the governance model slowly enough to match expertise, so as not to falter with people pushing for ideals before having adequately put them to the test. So as not to cause a whiplash effect, where people desire a reactionary politics of conformity, under more rigid hierarchy of just the few.
As anarchists & socialists who desire a more directly democratic society, what tactics should we use if we want to be effective at moving society in that direction?
Electoral politics - We need to get really well educated on how even the baby step policies toward the left would be an improvement on where we are now, we need to learn the internal politicking of government and get good at having friendly arguments with comedy to appeal to friends and acquaintances basic intuitions.
The goal being that we can talk the latest news and (1) Win over conservatives to obvious empirically better policies on the left, and (2) Win over liberals when centre-left parties are in power to feel dismayed at the slow pace of change, and so acknowlege how much better it would be if there was a market socialist in the position willing to rally people to demonstrate and strike to push through bills.
Mutual aid – We should put the time into helping our neighbours and volunteering, for example on a food not bombs stall, to get people to see the positive benefits of a communalist caring society.
Theory – We should be educating ourselves and helping others know what work and rent union to join, what to keep a record of at work, how to defend yourself from rapists and fascists, how to crack a squat and how to write a press release, etc.
Campaigning – We should look for the easiest squeeze points to rack up small wins, like the picketing of a cafe to reclaim lost wages, so that word spreads and it creates a domino effect.
What tactics should we or shouldn’t we generally avoid in our political campaigns?
Civility as an end in itself
They’re not lies, they’re “falsehoods”; it’s not racism, it’s “racially charged comments”; it’s not torture, it’s “enhanced interrogation.” For years, U.S. media has prioritized, above all else, norms and civility.
Mean words or questioning motives are signs of declining civility and the subject of much lament from our media class. However, op-eds explicitly advocating war, invasion, sanctions, sabotage, bombing and occupation or cutting vital programs and lifelines for the poor are just the cost of doing business. What’s rhetorically out of bounds - and what isn’t - is far more a product of power than any objective sense of "civility" or “decency.”
Where did these so-called norms come from, who do they benefit, and why is their maintenance–-even in the face of overt white nationalism––still the highest priority for many liberals and centrists in U.S. media? [3]
This is so important to challenge, and yet incredibly nuanced. So, it is obviously a great success that the rate at which people would go around hurling racist insults looks to have dropped in favour of more political correctness.
It is also true that in pursuit of political correctness and an ethic of care, we can look for simplistic niceness, to the detriment of being able to identify systems of oppression.  We need to be able to refuse the emotional labor of treating our bosses as friends when we have no desire to be friends with them. [4]
Similarly in our everyday interactions, we need to encourage our friends to accept us for who we are or not to accept us at all, so as to create deeper connections which builds stronger communities: [5]
It can be annoying or hurtful when others presume they know everything about you. But rather than assert their wrongness and make them defensive, you can acknowledge it as a common human failing and find creative ways to hold a mirror up to what life experiences they’ve had that lead them to jump to those conclusions.
One way is a kind of playful authenticity, telling a lie about a lie, to get back closer to the truth. So don’t outright challenge the idea, but don’t live up to it either, in fact live down to it. Playfully undermine the idea by failing to live up to the glamour of what it would mean to be that person, then find a way of revealing that it was a misunderstanding all along, so they needn’t worry about it applying to you.
Media Chasing – We shouldn’t chose our actions for the primary purpose of provoking conversations because it is insincere to ones own desires to materially affect change and it’s recognised as such by those who hear about it.
Transparency – We should be transparent with our supporters in all we hope to achieve and how successful we are being at achieving that task, so as not to attract funds for labor we haven’t and aren’t likely to be able to do.
Civil Disobedience – Whether it be breaking the law without causing any damage or economic sabotage and political violence which we’ll talk about later, anarchists hope to chose the right actions to provoke conversations and materially challenge unethical industries and actors, so as to push electoral politics towards direct democracy and eventually consolidate our gains in a revolution.
Fascists will also use tactics from civil disobedience to political violence, and tend toward violence against people for people holding ideas as the things they hate, rather than the lefts systemic critique of material conditions. All in the hopes of pushing society towards a more authoritarian constitutional republic, before seizing power in a palace coup and attempting to rule as a sequence of dictators for life.
It is up to the left to try and counter this violence by doxxing, making their rallies miserable, etc. And it is up to everyone to decide which government to vote in, to enact what degree of punishment to bring down on people breaking the law on either side.
Any direction the society goes in for either not controlling or bowing to which protesters demands is still the moral culpability of the government and those who participated in the party political process.
There simply is an obvious legal and moral difference between for example victimless civil disobedience on the left aimed at all people being treated equally in society like collecting salt from the sea or staying seated on the bus, to the type of violence you see on the right, like Israeli settlers throwing people off their land with arson attacks, stealing another country’s resources against international law.
But again, it is true that to whatever degree anarchists chose bad targets optically, we do to some degree bring the slow pace of change on ourselves by handing the right an advocacy win.
Graffiti & Culture Jamming – Whether it be an artistic masterpiece that no one asked for or altering a billboard to say something funny and political, instead of the advert that was there before pressuring you to consume more and more, most people can be won over by this as a good form of advocacy. Just don’t practice tagging your name a million times over every building in town.
Hacking – Obviously most people agree whistle-blowing war crimes is a yay. Selectively releasing documents to help conservatives win elections however, is a nay.
Sabotage – We should chose targets which have caused people the most amount of misery, for which people can sympathise most, like the sabotaging of draft cards I wrote about at the beginning. So causing economic damage to affect material conditions and make a statement.
We also need to carefully consider the difference between property which is personal, luxury, private, government owned and co-operatively worker owned.
So, it could be seen as ethical to chose material targets of evil actors in order to cause economic damage and make a statement, so long as in the case of personal property, the item has no sentimental value and can be replaced because the person is wealthy. Or is a luxury item that was paid for through the exploitation of others labor. Or is private property, meaning the means of production which should be owned collectively anyway.
It’s an expression of wanting to find an outlet for legitimate anger against that which causes us suffering. For example, if taking the risk to slash slaughterhouse trucks’ tires in the dead of night is how you develop stronger bonds with a group of people and gain the confidence to do amazing things like travel the world and learn from other liberation struggles.
Fighting – First off, I think propaganda by the deed, physically hurting people for the purpose of making a political statement is evil, as it runs counter to our philosophy on the left that material conditions create the person and so we should make every peaceful effort to rehabilitate people.
However, to the extent that some current institutions fail to rehabilitate people and the process of seeking justice through these institutions can cause more trauma, then personal violence to get to resolve feelings of helplessness in the face of evil acts can be an ethical act.
For example survivor-led vigilantism: [4]
“I wanted revenge. I wanted to make him feel as out of control, scared and vulnerable as he had made me feel. There is no safety really after a sexual assault, but there can be consequences.” -Angustia Celeste, “Safety is an Illusion: Reflections on Accountability”
Two situations in which prominent anarchist men were confronted and attacked by groups of women in New York and Santa Cruz made waves in anarchist circles in 2010. The debates that unfolded across our scenes in response to the actions revealed a widespread sense of frustration with existing methods of addressing sexual assault in anarchist scenes. Physical confrontation isn’t a new strategy; it was one of the ways survivors responded to their abusers before community accountability discourse became widespread in anarchist circles. As accountability strategies developed, many rejected physical confrontation because it hadn’t worked to stop rape or keep people safe. The trend of survivor-led vigilantism accompanied by communiqués critiquing accountability process models reflects the powerlessness and desperation felt by survivors, who are searching for alternatives in the face of the futility of the other available options.
However, survivor-led vigilantism can be a valid response to sexual assault regardless of the existence of alternatives. One doesn’t need to feel powerless or sense the futility of other options to take decisive physical action against one’s abuser. This approach offers several advantages. For one, in stark contrast to many accountability processes, it sets realistic goals and succeeds at them. It can feel more empowering and fulfilling than a long, frequently triggering, overly abstract process. Women can use confrontations to build collective power towards other concerted anti-patriarchal action. Physical confrontation sends an unambiguous message that sexual assault is unacceptable. If sexual violence imprints patriarchy on the bodies of women, taking revenge embodies female resistance.
Other examples we can think of are personally desiring to fight fascists in the street to block them from marching through immigrant communities. To pushing your way through huntsman to save a fox from getting mauled to death by dogs.
Political killing
I’ll work through hypotheticals from circumstances relevant to the past, present and future, then talk through the ethics of each.
Past possibilities
Most people agree anyone who took it upon themselves to assassinate Hitler a day before the break out of WW2 would be seen as committing an ethical act, no matter who follows, because throwing a wrench into the cult of personality spell built around Hitler would be a significant set back for the fascist state’s grip over the people. And given all the evidence pointing to the inevitability of war, such an act could easily be seen as a necessary pre-emptive act.
Present possibilities
Most can sympathise with quick revolutions against dictatorships where the result is a freer society, like the Kurdish uprising in Northern Syria which took power from a regime who had rolled tanks on demonstrators and outlawed teaching of their native language.
But, even there, there are key foundations you need to work from, like the probability you won’t just give an excuse for the oppressor committing even worse horrors as was the case with the Rohingya militants who ambushed a police checkpoint, resulting in army & citizen campaign to burn down many villages, plus murder and rape those that couldn’t get away.
As well as a responsibility to put down arms after winning political freedoms and a majority are in favour of diplomacy through electoral politics, like in Northern Ireland today.
Under representative parliamentary systems, the sentiment of most is that even if it could be argued that a war of terror against the ruling class was the easiest route to produce a better society, that it would still be ethically wrong to be the person who takes another’s life just because it’s the easiest way. Since regardless of manufactured consent or anything else you still could have worked to build a coalition to overcome those obstacles and change the system slowly from within.
And I agree, it would be an act of self-harm to treat life with such disregard when you could have been that same deluded person shrouded in the justificatory trappings of society treating your behaviour normally. I don’t think the way we win today is treating a cold bureaucratic system with equally cold disregard in whose life we had the resources to be able to intimidate this week. Time on earth is the greatest gift people have, to make mistakes and learn from them.
So then, an easy statement to make on life under representative parliamentary systems is; outside of absurdly unrealistic hypotheticals, I could never condone purposefully killing others when campaigning against such monoliths as state and corporate repression today.
Breaking that down though; what do I mean by an unrealistic hypothetical? For example the philosophical thought experiment called the trolley problem, where you have a runaway trolley hurtling towards 5 people tied to a track, and you can pull a leaver so the train changes tracks and only kills 1 person tied to a track. Or you can change it to 7 billion to 1 even. Or 7 billion of your average citizens vs. 1 million unethical politicians, police and bosses, to make it political.
Now what do I mean by purposeful, well we can think of for example the most extreme cases of post-partum psychosis which has mothers killing their babies. But more nuanced than that, the rape victim who gets worn down by their abuser for years until they have a psychological break and kill.
That does still leave a lot of lee way for people knowingly taking risks with others lives, not intending to kill, but who are reckless in their actions, such as with some forms of economic sabotage. And I agree such a reckless act would bring up feelings of revulsion for all kinds of reasons like questioning whether the person was really doing it to help people or for their own ego-aggrandizement. All that can be hoped is a person makes a careful accounting of their ability for human error and weighs it against the outcomes of doing nothing.
Future possibilities
We can hypothesise the unrealistic case of 99% of society desiring a referendum on a shift from parliamentary representative system to a federated spokes council system and the MPs dragging their feet, the same way both parties gerrymander the boundaries to make it easier to win despite it being the one issue most everyone agrees is bad, and people needing to storm the halls of power to force a vote to happen.
More likely though, an opportunity for revolution might arise from such a confluence of events as climate refugees and worker gains forcing the state and corporations into trying to crack down on freedoms in order to preserve their power and enough people resisting that move, who are then able take power and usher in radical policy change, with either the army deciding to stand down or splitting into factions.
1. Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution - Use your radical fringe to shift the Overton window P. 215.
2. The Camden 28 - The Camden 28 were a group of Catholic left anti-Vietnam War activists who in 1971 planned and executed a raid on a Camden, New Jersey draft board. The raid resulted in a high-profile criminal trial of the activists that was seen by many as a referendum on the Vietnam War and as an example of jury nullification.
3. Citations Needed Podcast - Civility Politics
4. Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism | Big Think
5. A Love Letter To Failing Upward
6. Accounting for Ourselves - Breaking the Impasse Around Assault and Abuse in Anarchist Scenes.
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sebthesnipe · 4 years
A Very Patton Christmas
Other works by me (AO3)
Tumblr Master Post
To @gilby-the-geek-girl for being the best friend a person could ask for. For without whom my writing would be riddled with errors and inconsistency, and whose gift of friendship has been the greatest thing to happen to me in a very long time. While I know you’ve read this (cuz you beta for me like the boss bitch you are) I still hope that you know that it was written with love for you. (I really don’t have time to write for anyone else XP) One day I hope you’ll have a friend at least half as good as you are (because we both no I ain’t it XP) I hope your Hanukkah wasn’t a miserable one and that you Christmas is the highlight of your 2020 (because we both know there isn’t much competition).  Prompt: Explain why Patton’s Sweater this year is so damn ugly.
Patton shifted under the mountainous pile of blankets atop him. It was early, or rather… late? He hadn’t really slept. How could he?! His favorite day of the year was here! Well, it would be.
He shifted again, this time wiggling towards where he thought one of the blankets ended and poked his head out to look at his frog shaped Wisoee alarm clock. Its dim light smiled at him reading 3:37 AM.
He held back a squeal as he ducked back into this warm cave of comforters. He couldn’t watch the clock.
A watched pot never boils,he reminded himself.
He went over the day’s schedule in his head:
Logan would already be awake and emerge at precisely 4:00 AM, as he always did. Today though, was the only day out of the year the Logan broke his (otherwise) usual routine.
Logan would skip his usual jog, replacing his gray sweats for the pajamas Patton had bought him for his birthday (a blue plaid pair of pants and a grey tee  with the text ‘Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Vote.’ printed on the front) At which point, he would make his way to the kitchen where he would start a pot of coffee for himself, Virgil, and Janus.
That would be where Patton, came in!
Patton would already be in the kitchen to start his homemade hot chocolate for himself, Roman, and Remus (With Logan’s help of course. He didn’t want another incident like the baking fiasco from a few months ago).
By the time they finished, Roman would be up, no doubt singing everyone into wakefulness. Then it would be time for hot cocoa and presents!
Patton got them all Christmas sweaters just like he did every year! He loved picking them out for each of his friends and watching them all spread out in the living room, all snug and cozy to watch their usual Christmas movie marathon!
They always let Patton pick the first movie, but there were so many good ones he usually couldn’t choose! Logan would probably chime in with the Nutcracker, not because he was a fan but because it was the only Christmas movie Roman and Remus agreed on, making  it the popular choice.
Then it would be Logan’s actual turn. He usually chose The Polar Express. Patton was pretty sure he only chose it because there were really only two Christmas movies based on books and Janus always chose A Christmas Carol. That and because Patton really liked it!
Then came Janus and finally Virgil, who was Jewish and didn’t have personal stock in Christmas, but participated for the others (which was another reason he was Patton’s favorite ,not that he’d ever admit it). Virgil always wanted to watch Die Hard, but knew Patton didn’t care for the violence much, so he usually settled for Rudolf, which warmed the fatherly figure’s heart to no end (Which was probably why Patton had bought him the collector’s edition box set of the movie). During the previous year’s viewing of the movie Virgil and Logan ended up in a discussion regarding how the song Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer was (according to Virgil) one of the only times a big corporation did what was right. Patton usually tried to follow this kind of discussion, but he usually got lost when Logan started in about percentages and underpaid artists. It just really hurt his little heart to know so many talented people out there were struggling.
The movies, as a matter of fact, were why Patton chose the sweaters he did for them this year! Each of his friends would be gifted a sweater to mirror each of their favorite Christmas movies! (Die Hard being the exception of course!)
After all that, the group would settle in for-
The alarm clock croaked loudly, signaling the arrival of 3:45 AM.
Patton’s previous thoughts evaporated into excitement as he attempted scramble from the mass of comforters, reaching to shut off the alarm.
His leg tangled in one of the large downeys and he hit the ground with a heavy thud. He paid no mind to his bruised ribs as he wrestled himself from its grasp, smacking the flashing frog to silence it.
A moment later he threw open his door, intent for the stairs.
He never made it though. At least, not at first…
Something was off.
He paused in the hallway, skin prickling at the coolness of the air.
He had only made it a few feet when he noticed it.
Roman’s door was ajar, the dark shadows of his messy room an indication of his absence…
Remus’ too. Though it was only slightly. Patton noticed the smell more than the sight.
Was everyone up before him?
He moved towards Virgil’s room, giving a soft knock before shouldering open the door.
“Hey, Kiddo. You up?” He whispered softly before noticing the unmade empty bed.
“And what would you know?!” the ‘kiddo’-in-question’s voice came in a harsh snap, drifting up from the living room.
“Keep your voice down!” Janus’ own snapped back, matching Virgil’s volume though the tone was a mock attempt at a whisper in his tone.
Patton inched closer, concern playing on his features as he flattened himself against the wall at the top of the stairs. He certainly didn’t want to intrude on his friends’ conversation, but there was obviously something was wrong.
“Bite me, snake boy!” Virgil snapped in return, though his voice was lowered.
“Don’t tempt me,” Janus hissed.
“Wait! Let me get the camera! Pics or it didn’t happen!” Remus’ voice came in a giddy giggle. “Okay, make sure you draw blood.”
“Gross,” Virgil huffed, heat gone.
“As much as I hate to admit it, Stormcloud, I think Ser Lies-a-lot is right,” Roman sighed softly. 
“You can’t be serious!” Virgil grumbled. 
“I believe he is,” Logan’s calm voice interrupted. “Statistically speaking, twenty three percent of christmas gifts in America in a given year are unwanted but kept.”
“That’s reassuring,” Virgil growled. 
“I wasn’t finished,” Logan retorted. “Given that statistic, along with the fact that individuals are more likely to gift items they like themselves, and factoring in the number of gifts we’ve received over the years. That paired with the fact that it was commissioned from an independent artist, supporting their work directly: I would say that there is a ninety-two point six five present chance that Patton will find the gift quite adequate.”
“Did you really just do all that in your head?” Janus asked curiously. 
“Actually, no,” Logan admitted. “I calculated the odds when the idea was brought up months ago, as I do with each of your christmas gifts.”
“Is that why I got socks last year?” Remus chirped. 
“Yes, well… I found that the other options would cause unease with the others,” Logan clarified.
“Don’t worry Remus, he didn’t get you a dissection kit this year to make up for it,” Janus commented sarcastically.
“What?!” Roman spat as Remus gasped excitedly. 
“I’m not even sure how you know that,” Logan sighed, probably straightening his glasses like he usually did when something annoyed him. “And I’m not sure I care to know.”
“We’re getting side tracked. He’ll be up any minute,” Virgil interrupted once more. “The fact is, it’s one of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen and it’s too late not to give it to him.”
“I like it!” Remus argued.
“See!” Virgil huffed, using Remus’ opinion as evidence to the validity of his statement. 
“Ugh, maybe he has a point Teach,” Roman agreed. “I could put together a card for us to sign instead?”
“No, it’s too late for that, beside I am certain this is all an overstated concern.” Logan countered.
“Perhaps, a vote wouldn’t be appropriate?” Janus offered. 
“I agree, all in favor of giving Patton the gift we already agreed upon?” Logan asked. 
There was silence as Patton assumed a few of the boys raised their hands. 
“All opposed?” He continued.
“Remus you can’t vote twice!” Roman snapped. 
“You’re no fun!” Remus whined. “I’ll stick with J-anus then!”
“Please, continue to call me that. I just love it,” Janus deadpanned. 
“The ayes have it then,” Logan decided. 
“What eyes?” Remus chirped excitedly, but no one paid him any mind. 
“Roman, if you would be so kind as to finish wrapping the gift, I have a pot of coffee to finish,” Logan dismissed.
“I have some extra ribbon in my room. Want to help, Stormcloud?” Roman asked, making Patton tense as they headed his way. 
He didn’t wait for V to answer as Patton hurried back to his room and closed the door softly behind him. 
He really shouldn’t have eavesdropped. 
Guilt filled him as he leaned against the frame, processing everything that had been said. 
The group had never agreed on a gift for Patton. Usually Logan and Roman were the only two to get him anything and they just included the others’ names on the presents (not that Patton ever called them out on it. Why would he?). Patton didn’t mind of course, he knew they had trouble buying for him.
Logan usually got him a new hoodie or something practical like a flamingo pen, or oven mitts (though those usually only lasted about a week before Patton caught them on fire or melted them!). Roman always made him something, like the card he had mentioned, and just had the others sign it. Patton didn’t mind of course, he loved everything they gave him. It was the thought that warmed him! Even the fact that Remus refrained from his usual off the wall habits to try and make Patton more comfortable meant the world to him.
The fact that the group was so torn over his opinion broke his heart. How could they think that? What had he done to put that doubt in their mind? He had to do better! Whatever it was, he would show he loved it more than anything they had ever gotten him before.
His brows furrowed in determination. 
This would be their year!
He took a moment to gather himself before plastering on a smile and throwing open the door once more, running straight into a surprised Logan. 
Logan gave a small grunt as Patton bumped him, the mug of hot cocoa sloshing over and onto his hand. 
“Oh goodness!” Patton gasped in shock, “I’m so sorry Lo’! Are you alright?” The smaller man hurriedly took the mug from his friend’s hand and set it on the small table next to the door, frantically searching for something to clean up the mess. 
“I’m fine, Patton,” Logan reassured, producing a blue handkerchief from his pant pocket and wiping the warm liquid off his hand. Leave it to Logan to have his handkerchief with him despite wearing pajamas. “I made sure the liquid was at an acceptable temperature for this exact reason.”
“Oh! I hope I didn’t ruin your new PJs!” Patton cried, already pushing Logan’s arms up to examine the flannel. 
There wasn’t a stain to be found. Logan arched a brow as he waited for Patton to satisfy his need for the inspection before sighing. 
“Truly, Patton, I’m fine. Are you?” Logan asked, his neutral expression turning to one of concern. 
“What?” Patton hummed, glancing up to meet the taller man’s eyes. “Of course! I wasn’t the one holding the cup!” 
“I wasn’t referring to the cocoa,” Logan pointed out, lowering his arms. “It’s 4:17. It isn’t like you to be so unpunctual on Christmas day.” 
“Oh…” Patton whispered, lowering his gaze in shame. Should he tell him? It wasn’t right to keep secrets. Would he be upset if he found out Patton had been eavesdropping? No… Today was their day… He wouldn’t do anything to upset them. “No. I’m fine!” Patton reassured, suddenly as chipper as ever as he offered out a smile. 
Logan eyed him suspiciously, but seemed to wearily accept the answer. 
“Well, I thought your traditional cup of cocoa would help if anything were amiss,” Logan nodded towards the cup, bringing Patton’s attention to it once more. 
Logan had made it without him? 
Patton could feel the mask around his heart start to crack a little as his stomach sank. He supposed it made sense that Logan wouldn’t really need him to make it… Still, that was Patton and Logan’s Christmas tradition… It hurt that he had been left out of it. 
“Aw! Thank you Logan!” Patton forced out in his preening voice as if nothing was wrong. 
This was their day, not his. 
“That’s so sweet!” He added, collecting the mug and taking a small sip. Somehow it didn’t taste as good as it usually did. 
“You’re very welcome, Patton,” Logan replied with a small tilt of his lips. 
His crooked smile also seemed to soften his features; Patton loved that about him. It made his sudden disappointment worth it. 
“I know we usually have a schedule for the holiday, but…” Logan paused as if he were nervous. What an odd look for the scholar. “Well, the others requested a change in plans.”
Patton’s heart sank. What kind of change? Did they not like the way they usually celebrated Christmas? Why hadn’t they told him? Was his idea of Christmas really so one sided? How had he not noticed this before? Was that why Logan was so nervous?
No… It didn’t matter. This was their day, not his.
“What kind of change, kiddo? I’m sure whatever it is will be great! It’s Christmas after all!” Patton responded, despite the way his stomach knotted. 
“Well,” Logan began, stepping aside. “Perhaps it would be best if they explained it.”
Patton hesitated before nodding taking the lead as they walked down the hall. What if they didn’t want to do hot cocoa and movies any more? What if they didn’t want to celebrate Christmas at all?! Was that why they came together for a gift? To appease Patton? They were all getting older and it wasn’t as if they had children. Maybe they felt like Christmas wasn’t for adults…
That was ridiculous, Patton knew that. But still…
He headed down the stairs, a smile still glued to his lips as he caught sight of Remus and Janus whispering over a small box. 
“I told you, it's for you!” Janus hissed at the mustached man next to him, fending him off the plain white box in his hands. 
“I helped pick them out! I should be allowed first dib-” Remus cut himself off as Janus elbowed him in the ribs pulling his attention up to Patton, just as he took the last step on the landing. 
“I didn’t lick them, I swear!” Remus called out, smiling broadly in his stained Oscar the Grouch onesie. “Okay maybe a few.”
Janus rolled his eyes, dressed in his usual suit and hat, not bothering with a comment. 
“Good Morning, Patton, slept horribly I hope?” Janus asked pleasantly. 
“Hey, kiddos. You’re up early,” Patton offered, feeling more uneasy than ever; something that must have shown because at that moment Logan leaned down to whisper in the smaller man’s ear. 
“Are you sure you are alright Patton?” he asked softly. “If you’re not feeling well then perhaps you should rest. I’m sure we can put this off unti-”
“Hola, Padre!” Roman’s voice came,  cutting off Logan’s words. 
Patton glanced up at the two figures standing at the top of the stairs. Roman, straight backed, hands behind him as he stood tall in his prince pajamas; Virgil behind him, using him to practically hide his small form, dressed in his Jack Skeleton onesie. 
“Roman, Virgil! You’re up already! This is a surprise!” Patton feigned excitement.
“Definitely a Christmas miracle,” Janus sighed. 
No one paid the comment any mind as Roman hurried down the stairs. Grin wide.
“Well this is a special day, Padre!” Roman explained as Virgil followed after, rolling his eyes. 
“Bah-Humbug,” the black and white clad man grumbled in response. Though it may have been Patton’s imagination, but Virgil's eyeshadow looked a few shades lighter than usual. 
“Feliz Navidad Patton! Merry Christmas!”Roman sang, producing the present from behind his back and offering it out. 
Patton’s heart skipped a beat, hesitating as he glanced around the room at each of his friends. They all looked so nervous… Even Janus. 
His attention went back to the gift being presented. It was a decent sized package with rainbow wrapping paper, black and white striped ribbon, and a green and blue bow that sat just above a small yellow tag that read ‘To: Janus From: Patton’.
Despite Patton’s dread and apprehension, he couldn’t help but smile at the packaging. They had even come together on the wrapping. It was very sweet. 
He glanced up at Roman who nodded eagerly, indicating that Patton was welcome to it. 
“You guys! You didn’t have to do all this!” He whispered in awe, voice cracking as tears began filling his eyes.
No matter what happened, Patton was awed by the fact that the boys went to so much trouble for him. They had come together for him. It didn’t matter if they were too old for Christmas!
He tugged at the ribbon, finding it firmly in place, before turning it over and trying again. After flipping it once more he heard Logan give a small chuckle. 
“May I?” his soft calm voice came. Patton nodded, handing over the package to Logan and wiping away a tear he felt rolling down his cheek. 
Logan’s nimble fingers loosened the bow and the surrounding ribbon, careful not to ruin them (he knew Patton loved to keep them and hang them above his mirror to admire later). Logan set the ribbon aside before handing the package back to the smaller man.
“Thank you,” Patton murmured weakly, gently tearing the wrapping to slide the sleek white box from inside. 
“This is worse than waiting for a magnet you swallowed to come out the other end!” Remus chimed in excitedly. 
“Ugh! Does he really have to be here?!” Roman whined, causing Patton’s grin to turn genuine.
The momentary distraction had him feeling a bit better as he slid a nail under the lid of the box, breaking the tape there and pulling open the lid. 
Wrapped loosely in a thin tissue paper lay a DVD copy of The Shop Around the Corner, a mug that, when you sip it, makes the drinker look like the bottom half of their face belongs to a puppy, and some kind of knitted fabric.
“Ah! You guys!!!” Patton squealed, tears beginning to fall as he collected the mug and movie, setting them aside and pulling out the sweater to get a better look at it. 
The light blue knitted midsection was covered in what, he assumed, was supposed to be some kind of icing pattern? Or perhaps whipped cream? Lace? He wasn’t sure. There was also a brown bow tie that was maybe supposed to be chocolate? Down the center was a line of pink chocolate chip cookie buttons. The bright pink sleeves had much of the same design though instead of pink cookies they were light blue.
It may have been the ugliest excuse of a sweater Patton had ever seen.
Silence fell in the rooms everyone waited for Patton’s reaction. 
“We know it’s not as good as the ones you get us,” Virgil chimed in nervously. “But we thought that maybe you’d like one of your own?” 
“The mug, of course, is so you won’t have to make so many trips for more cocoa,” Logan added with a soft smile. “I thought the others would like to help us make the rest after you change, of course. If you’d like.”
“The rest?” Patton asked, breath hitching as the tears threatened to fall. “You mean… You didn’t make it without me?” He sniffled.
“What?” Logan blinked in surprise. “Of course not, Patton. Making hot chocolate for everyone is a tradition I enjoy spending with you. I would never-”
“Well, it's just… you brought the mug up… So, I thought…” Patton let his voice fade as he watched understanding flash over Logan’s features.
“I was worried there might be something wrong. I thought waking you with your own mug would be a nice surprise.” Logan explained. “I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, Patton. I only made the one mug. I know you find a great deal of happiness in our customary time in the kitchen. I would not want to take that from you.”
“But…” Patton murmured, eyes shifting to the others. “Everyone’s already awake… And you were all together… I don’t want to impose on-”
“¡Espera! ¡Espéra! ¡Espéra!” Roman interrupted, looking both surprised and concerned. “I did not wake up far before my beauty rest was done to hear this slander especially from Mr. Spirit of Christmas, himself! Patton, with you there is no Christmas.”
“Roman is right, Patton,” Virgil shrugged, shrinking a bit lower into his hood. “I certainly wouldn’t be celebrating and we definitely wouldn’t have come together to get you the gifts. 
“I know Shop Around the Corner isn’t usually on our Christmas Merry Marathon list, but you never really get to pick a movie and I know it’s your favorite,” Roman pitched in. “At least, that's what Janus claims.”
“I totally didn’t check your browsing history,” Janus shrugged.
“And I edited the email to the artist!” Remus added proudly.
“That… explains a lot,” Logan whispered under his breath softly.
“We also didn’t bring you cookies from that bakery you hate.” Janus stated, setting the box he had been holding down on the small table next to him. 
Patton was silent throughout the exchange, burying his face into the soft fabric as he began to shake silently with his sobs. 
“I told you he wouldn’t like it!” Virgil cried desperately.
“No!” Patton responded, voice breaking. “I love it! I love all of it!” He dropped his hands just enough to rush forward, wrapping both Virgil and Roman into a great big hug. “Thank you so much! It’s perfect!” 
Roman gave a boisterous laugh, returning the hug as Virgil couldn’t help but smile; both grunting as Remus piled atop them. 
Logan approached, resting a hand on Patton’s shoulders in reassurance. 
“Well, this is certainly a disgusting sight,” Janus sighed, though he was grinning as well. 
“I love you guys so much!” Patton laughed, the weight on his heart lifting to the point of forgetfulness. How could he have ever thought these men didn’t need him or wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with him. They were his family!
“Is it just me or is this oddly arousing?” Remus purred.
“Ugh!” Roman and Virgil both scoffed at once, shoving the rank smelling man away from them. 
“Why do you have to ruin everything?!” Roman growled, dragging his brother away.
Patton didn’t mind the outburst, however, far too busy hurrying up the stairs to change so they could get their Best Christmas EVER underway…
The End...
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quickspinner · 4 years
Killer Combo - Ch 1 The First Match
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Epilogue | Bonus Tidbits | ART inspired by this story! | AO3 | Fiction Master Post
Max and Marinette have been playing in the Ultimate Mecha Strike III professional leagues for a few years but they're finally making the jump to the Master League in hopes of winning a cash prize that will let them make their dreams a reality. Team Lucky Charm is on their way, but Marinette faces a challenge in the individual league—she can't seem to beat former champion Viperion.
Aged-up Lukanette
When I took prompt suggestions on tumblr for my follower milestone event, one of the prompts was "reverse crush" and another was "Luka beats Marinette at video games and she gets all gooey over him" (not the exact words). Neither option got picked in the voting but somewhere along the line they melded together in my brain and I thought I'd give it a shot.
It was supposed to be another chapter for I'll Never Not Know You and then suddenly I was 15k words in and like...this is not a one shot anymore. So I bring it to you as a new chapter story instead. I hope you'll enjoy!
“It’s your third Master league event,” Max observed with some amusement as he watched Marinette bounce on her toes in front of the door about to open for her. “Your win record is above 94% from the last two. How are you still nervous?” 
“I’m not nervous,” Marinette insisted. “Not really. Just ready to get started!” She added, almost to herself, “I didn’t expect to play him so soon. I mean, I didn’t even know he was back in the league this year.” 
“That is a little surprising,” Max agreed, adjusting his glasses as he looked down at Marinette’s match list in his hand. “We could have prepared more if we had known sooner that he was returning. His rank is only marginally higher than yours at the moment, however. Numerically, your third match will be of much more importance. There’s a much bigger disparity between your ranks which will mean a bigger jump in rank for you if you win.” 
“If I win?” Marinette teased, nudging him. “So much faith, Max.” She slipped her red-and-black hoodie off of her shoulders, and then pulled it off entirely, deciding it was too warm to wear in the closed match space. Ultimate Mech Strike III had been gaining steadily in popularity, and the pro leagues were getting more and more of an audience. With that came an increase in both exposure and cash prizes—and a corresponding increase in cheating. The Master and Grandmaster leagues now held their match events in person at local exhibit halls and convention centers, with players isolated from interference in “pyrapods” that held standardized headsets, controllers, and screens—but they could be a bit stuffy. Matches were streamed from the game center live on the website, and the players who brought in the most traffic were targeted for sponsorships and interviews.
“I can calculate the odds if you—” Max began, but the door to her pyrapod slid open, indicating it was time for the match to begin. Marinette shared a quick fistbump with Max, and then tossed him her hoodie and bounced inside without hesitation.  
She donned the provided headset (which still smelled of cleaner, but she was more inclined to be thankful than annoyed) and picking up the controller. The screen in front of her lit up with the view that would be livestreamed. 
Marinette set her feet and pressed the button on the counter to indicate she was ready. She took a deep breath and waited for her opponent, rolling up and down on her toes as she tried to settle the nerves she’d told Max she didn’t have. 
The voice channel crackled to life in her ear as Viperion put his headset on in his own pod. 
“Ladybug vs. Viperion,” the dispassionate electronic voice announced, “Prepare for countdown to match start.”
“Ladybug, huh?” Viperion said, and Marinette blinked at the quiet, smooth voice. “Nice to meet you. I heard some new blood was tearing up the ladder. I’m excited to take you on.” 
“Likewise,” Marinette told him, eyebrows raising slightly. “I didn’t expect to go up against a former champion so soon.” She’d been shocked when she saw his name on the list of computer-generated matchups she’d gotten at registration. He should have been much too high up on the ladder to get matched up against her. This was only her third match event in the Master League. She’d only moved up this month—and now she had a month to get out of the bottom 5% before she’d be dropped down to the lower leagues again. 
So, champion or not, Viperion was going down.
“I had other commitments last year,” he replied, and she could hear the smile in his voice. “So I’m in with the newbies this year. Don’t worry, I’ll be back up the ladder and out of your hair soon enough.” 
Marinette scoffed but the ten second match countdown popped up before she could respond. 
“Good luck, Ladybug,” Viperion said.
“Same to you, Viperion,” Marinette replied, eyes fixed on the big red numbers ticking down until the word FIGHT flashed once and the game began.
Marinette was used to trash talk, was even good at it. She’d come to enjoy trading quips and good-natured insults, at least until she started winning. Then her opponents tended to either get quiet or get nasty.
Viperion, by contrast, was nearly silent from the beginning. Every once in a while she thought she heard...humming? over her headset, but she wasn’t sure. 
“Oh, nice,” he breathed finally, when she landed a major combo on him. “Oh, hell, here we go, it’s on now—” But it was almost like he was talking to himself rather than trying to trash talk her. 
“You wanted it, I brought it,” she muttered back through the headset. 
“Show me what you got, Ladybug,” he chuckled. “I can take it.”
Marinette’s eyebrows rose slightly at that. Cocky, she thought, grinning to herself at the thought of taking him down, former champion or no.
She wasn’t smiling for long. Viperion wasn’t cocky, he was right. He could take it. His snake-based mech specialized in status effects, and he used his haste and slow abilities masterfully to compensate for his relatively weak armor. He hadn’t neglected his damage stats either; his venom strike didn’t pack a lot of punch up front but the damage dealt over time added up. She’d never seen anyone use this combination of abilities so effectively without a partner to tank for them. Marinette’s lips got tighter and tighter as her health bar turned blue and then red. She was adapting, finding his weak spots, but not fast enough. She had him in the red but—Marinette smashed one last combo in desperation but she could see even as she did it that Viperion had the edge, and she sighed in frustration and let her controller fall on the counter in front of her as GAME OVER flashed in red letters on her screen, followed by the image of Viperion’s mech and the word WINNER over and over. 
“Whew.” The breath Viperion blew out fuzzed over her microphone. “Nice try, Ladybug. Good game.”
Well, at least he was a gracious winner, she thought grumpily. “You too, Viperion,” she said, as sincerely as she could manage, and pulled her headset off with a sigh.
Max was waiting for her outside the pod with his phone in his hand, where he’d no doubt been watching the livestream of the match, and a sympathetic look on his face—at least, she thought he was giving her a sympathetic look from behind his dark glasses. “Too many variables with an unexpected opponent,” he reassured her. “And Viperion is the former champion. We’ll study the match and improve your odds for next time.” 
Marinette mustered a smile and threw her arm around his neck, though nowadays she practically had to stand on tiptoe to do it. “Thanks Max.” He grinned, adjusting his glasses in the way he always did when he was pleased he’d said the right thing. “Well, Ladybug may be down but she’s not out, and Team Lucky Charm is still on top. I’ll win the rest of my matches and then we’ll tear up the two-on-two, right Pegasus?” 
“Odds of victory 94.3%, Ladybug,” Max grinned, and she pulled her arm back to bump fists with him. Then she slapped him on the back, right on the big silver horseshoe on the back of his black hoodie. The skinny boy staggered, but chuckled, and handed Marinette back her own hoodie, red with black on the shoulders and black spots traveling up her forearms from the black cuffs, with a large five-spotted ladybug emblem on the back. She slipped it back on over her tank top and checked her reflection in the mirrored pillar framing the pod. The red mask dusted across her eyes with makeup, accented by black eyeliner dots, was still mostly intact. She gave her pigtails a quick tug each to tighten them and grabbed her black lipstick out of her pocket, reapplying quickly.
“All right,” she said, turning to find Max looking at his own reflection over her shoulder and adjusting the small silver horseshoe pendant hanging at his throat. She was still a little bitter that he was suddenly taller than her, but he just grinned when he caught her pouting at him. He’d been the small and skinny one for so long that he was totally fine with being a beanpole now. “Two more matches to go, and then we’re up.” She softened slightly. “You know you don’t have to wait for me. It’d be okay if you’d rather just wait and show up for the team matches. Or if you want to go check out the competition while I play.”
Max just smiled and shook his head. “I can’t abandon my teammate to her inevitable nerves in her hour of need.” 
Marinette scrunched up her face. “I’m not that bad.” 
Max just chuckled. “You have fifteen minutes before your next match,” he reminded her. “Given your usual patterns I suggest you use them for a bathroom break.”
Marinette groaned. “That’s creepy, Max,” she muttered. But she also followed his advice, the match with Viperion still on her mind. He was more adaptable than she expected, she reflected as she pouted her black-painted lips in thought. She was still frowning when she returned from the bathroom, but Max gave her an awkward punch in the arm, bringing her back to the present and she smiled at him again. Max was right, she’d beat Viperion next time, and losing to him just made beating her next opponents that much more important.
The rest of the day went much better. Marinette swept her the rest of her matches, including the all-important third one. The two-on-two competition was likewise satisfying. Ladybug and Pegasus had been playing together for a long time and they were a well-coordinated team. Marinette’s power and versatility coupled with Max’s diligent data gathering and analysis made them pretty unstoppable. They went undefeated and exited their pyrapods whooping and cheering, buzzed on their own success.   
“Yes!” Marinette exclaimed, hugging Max. “We’re on the road, Max! One step closer to making Markov Robotics and Miraculous Designs a reality!”
“We still have a considerable distance to go before that happens,” Max cautioned, whipping out his calculator. Marinette put a hand gently over it.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” she quoted cheerfully. “Let’s just enjoy the moment, Max.”
“Yes, of course,” Max smiled, putting away his calculator. “You are correct, Marinette. I did have concerns as to whether we would be able to succeed at this level after lingering at the top of the Diamond League so long. I won’t be able to accurately calculate our odds of success for a few more events, but the outcomes so far have been encouraging.”
“That’s the spirit!” Marinette cheered. Her step hesitated lightly. “Do you want to go to the post-match social?”
Max winced, looking as reluctant as she felt. “We probably should,” he said, shoulders slumping slightly. “We are new to this league, after all. It won’t help us to make a poor impression.” 
“Or none,” Marinette sighed. “I was afraid you were going to say that.” 
“Perhaps a community of more serious gamers will have a more mature attitude,” Max suggested hopefully. “The time commitments and skill level required at this level are not insignificant.”
Marinette smiled. “You’re right, Max. Way to look on the bright side! Come on, let’s make some new friends.” 
Marinette took a deep breath as they entered the main hall, where quite a few people were milling around. 
Of course, she noticed the clothes first. There was a fair amount of UMS gear on display—not surprising. Some people wore hats or pins or other small tokens referencing their mechas, but nobody, she noted with satisfaction, had anything nearly as cool or as customized, nor anything approaching a complete look, as she and Max did. 
Marinette turned and looked up in slight surprise. And then up a little further. The boy—man? young man—standing behind her was several inches taller than Max, and surprisingly well-built and tanned for a gamer. He was...kinda hot, actually, in a lean, slightly lanky sort of way, which made Marinette tense a little, but his smile was friendly and his blue eyes were...wow.
“I thought that must be you,” he smiled, indicating her clothes with a slight gesture. “Nice look.” 
“Marinette designed and created our attire herself,” Max put in proudly as Marinette tried to remember how to make words.
“Oh, nice,” the stranger said with appreciation, and Marinette blinked. 
“Viperion?” she asked. The voice was unmistakable. 
“In the flesh. My name’s Luka. Nice to meet you,” Viperion said, his smile widening as he offered his hand. “Good game. Great game, actually, you were amazing. You really had me sweating.” 
“Thanks,” Marinette replied, her smile tight, but Max nudged her and she managed something a little more sincere as she shook Luka’s hand, a little surprised to find it rough and calloused. Clearly gaming wasn’t his only pastime. (Not like that was special, it wasn’t hers either, and her fingertips were calloused too.) “I’m Marinette. Next time it’ll be better.”
“No doubt,” Luka said warmly, and his voice, smooth and deep and even more appealing without the tinny sound of the headsets, also gave the impression of gentleness even as he squeezed her hand lightly before letting go. “I’m looking forward to it. I hope we can play again sometime, Marinette, I had a lot of fun.” 
Marinette’s smile turned a little more genuine in spite of how much she hated to lose. It had been a good match. “I did too, actually. You played a really good game, Luka. Oh, this is my two-on-two partner, Max—Pegasus.” 
Luka smiled at Max, leaning in to shake hands with him as well. “Nice to meet you.”
He really was good looking, Marinette grudgingly admitted. Luka’s hair was black and cut short on the sides, but longer on top, hanging nearly into his eyes, and dyed the same turquoise as his mech. He had a jaw that could cut glass and a sharp chin and nose, but the overall impression was softened by an easy, dimpled grin, worn, comfortably tattered clothes (including the most dire hoodie Marinette had ever seen over a UMS shirt that must have been at least five years old), and relaxed attitude.
“I saw your matches in the co-op tournament,” Luka was saying as he pulled back from the handshake. “Congrats on your wins, you guys really destroyed everyone there.”
“Yeah, well, you weren’t there, were you,” Marinette challenged, grin widening as she folded her arms and cocked a hip. 
“Nah, I don’t usually play the two-on-two,” Luka laughed, and it was a pleasant laugh, genuine and not mocking. “The individual tournament’s more than enough challenge for me most days. I love video games, but they’re not all there is to life, you know?” 
“Yeah,” Marinette nodded slowly, uncomfortable with the way her stomach suddenly felt like jelly. “That’s true—” She jolted suddenly as somebody crashed into her from behind. Luka put his hands out quickly, catching her shoulders.
“Hey, sorry—oh, it’s the bug,” a voice said behind her, followed by a beleaguered sigh. Marinette’s expression twisted slightly before she put on her game face and turned around to face the man who’d run into her. He had a goatee and wore a jacket with a ruff around the neck like a lion’s mane. “Thought I left you behind.”
“What a surprise,” Marinette said, her voice dripping with sweetness as she turned away from him slightly to make sure Max was okay where he’d been knocked into the rail. Max gave her a slight nod as he straightened his glasses and got his footing, waving away Luka’s offered hand. “I thought the same about you,” she continued, turning her back to Leo with her fakest smile.  
“Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home,” he singsonged, and then sneered. “Before you get squashed.” 
Marinette’s eyes narrowed, but she merely inspected her fingernails. “Not by you, apparently, considering how today’s match went.” 
He went red in the face. “Listen, little bug—” 
“Woah, rude much?” Luka said, folding his arms. “Come on, man, show some respect, we’re all competitors here.” 
“And you are?” 
“Luka,” he replied, a slight edge in his voice. “Viperion.” 
“Oh, hey, Viperion. I’m Leo.” He held out his hand and leaned toward Luka, forcing Marinette to take a step back. She felt Max put a hand on her shoulder and squeeze, and tossed him a smile to show she was okay. “Nice to meet you, I didn’t know you were back this year. I watched you in the final a couple years ago, it was sick.”
Luka met his hand slowly and shook it. “Thanks,” he said, glancing at Marinette. “But we were talking, so if you don’t mind—” 
“Oh, yeah, sure, I’m sure we’ll meet up again,” Leo said, taking a step back. “I’ll see you around, Viperion.”
“Not if I see you first,” muttered Luka as the guy walked away. He glanced at Marinette and Max. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” Marinette chirped, with a hollow laugh. “He’s old news, I’m used to it.” 
“That sucks,” Luka said bluntly, frowning. “You shouldn’t have to get used to that kind of crap,” he said, an edge of frustration in his voice that Marinette hadn’t heard from him even during the match. “Damnit, they were supposed to be stepping up enforcement of the sportsmanship guidelines when I left. I guess it fell through. Again,” he muttered, glancing at the bored looking official standing nearby. 
“I gotta hand it to you, Ladybug—Marinette,” he continued. “You’re tough as nails, and not just in a match.” He glanced back in the direction Leo had gone and grinned. “You kicked his ass, huh?”
Marinette grinned back. “Wiped the floor with him.” 
“Sweet.” Luka held out his hand for a fist bump and Marinette obliged. 
“It won’t matter in a month,” Max said with certainty. “I don’t even need to calculate the odds; he won’t make it out of the bottom before the cutoff.” He adjusted his glasses. “His mech is powerful but his strategy is inconsistent and short-sighted.”
Luka blinked, glancing at Marinette, who shrugged and grinned. “If Max said it, then it’s as good as fact.”
Luka chuckled. “Is that so? Should I even ask about my odds?”
“No,” Marinette said quickly, just as Max began, “Actually, without additional data my predictions are only thirty percent reliable beyond the third month—”
Luka went from chuckling to full on laughing. “You two are funny. Well hey, you’ve certainly got my respect if it matters. I’m a little surprised you’ve only just moved up to Master, you’re really good.”
Marinette made a face. “We couldn’t make the minimum match count last year. Too many school commitments. It’s easier to work around a university schedule.”
“Team Lucky Charm was the Diamond League champion for the last two years,” Max announced proudly, though Marinette blushed a touch at the open boasting.  
“Well, welcome to the big leagues,” Luka grinned. “Like I said, I hope we’ll play again, Marinette.”
“Statistically probable,” Max began, but Marinette stepped lightly on his foot and he shut his mouth. 
“Oh we will,” she promised, eyes narrowing slightly though a smile was tugging at her lips. “I’ll see you in the playoffs, if nothing else. Then again,” she smirked. “You may not find it as easy to leave me behind as you think. I’ll be on your ass all the way to the top of the ladder.”
Luka gave her a slow grin that made her insides go all wobbly again as he checked the time on his phone. “I’m looking forward to it,” he told her, giving her a quick wave as he turned to go. “Nice meeting you both. See you guys next time.” 
Marinette raised a hand automatically to wave back. He shot her a positively roguish smile before disappearing into the crowd. 
And to her horror, Marinette blushed. Hard.
Behind her, Max snickered. Marinette threw an elbow back into his gut, but he dodged and just laughed harder. 
“You’re doing well, Marinette,” Max reassured her from the small window at the top of her screen. “Your rank has been increasing after every match event. You easily got out of the bottom 5% before the drop cutoff, and Team Lucky Charm continues to climb the ladder as well. I’m not sure why you’re so focused on this.”
“Because I’m losing , Max,” Marinette complained. “My win rate against Viperion sucks, and you can’t deny it.” She threw herself back in her chair with a huff. “And I can’t even be mad about it. I’m mean I’m mad about it, but I’m mad because he’s a great player and I deserved to lose every time.”
“It’s true that your win-loss record against him is—” Marinette shot Max a glare. “Suboptimal,” he offered, with an apologetic shrug. “However, you are improving against him every time and you did win your last match.”
“One,” Marinette groaned. “One match out of six. The stupid computer keeps matching us up.” 
“The fact remains that you have been more successful as you gain more experience playing him,” Max pointed out. Then he smirked. “And I don’t believe you are as annoyed with being matched with Viperion at all.” 
Marinette’s mouth drew into a pout. “Low, Max. So what if he’s cute? I still want to beat him.” 
“I’m sure you do,” Max sniggered, and Marinette’s mouth dropped open.
“Max Kanté!” she gasped, grabbing a crumpled up piece of paper from her desk and pitching it at her webcam. 
Max shrugged unrepentantly on the screen, unbothered by the projectile. “Kim has been my best friend for years. I am not as naive as people like to think.” He made a face. “Unfortunately.”
Marinette giggled. 
“Admit it, Marinette,” Max said smugly, folding his arms. “You don’t hate Viperion.”
“No,” Marinette sighed. “I almost wish I could hate him, but I don’t.” He was just so...nice. And fun, honestly. She couldn’t even hate playing him because the more she played him, the more talkative he got, and she enjoyed his subtle trash talk and open teasing. It was...like playing with a friend. 
A friend whose unreasonably attractive ass (not that she was looking) Marinette was determined to kick. 
Marinette groaned and let her face fall onto the pile of interviews and match analyses she was going through again. Not that any of it had helped the first time. Or the fifth. Or the fiftieth.
“That doesn’t look good,” came a teasing voice from behind her.
“Hi Alya,” Marinette mumbled without looking up. “Don’t mind me, just wallowing my in my failures.”
“Still haven’t beaten that one guy, huh?” Alya asked with a grin, and Marinette heard her throw herself down onto the chaise. “Hi Max!”
“Hi Alya,” Max replied. 
“So what’s his name again?” Alya asked. “Viper?” 
“Viperion,” Marinette corrected. “And once. I’ve beaten him one time out of six.” 
“Is he a jerk?” Alya asked. “I know you have a lot of trouble with those guys.” 
Marinette tried to fight the smile that wanted to spread over her face, but Alya’s widening eyes proved it would be futile anyway. “He’s not a jerk. He’s...sweet, actually. And funny. He seems like a nice guy.” 
“A very attractive nice guy,” Max snickered again. 
“Ooooh,” Alya giggled, and Marinette sat up, glaring at her traitor of a partner.
“So, wait,” Alya sat backwards in Marinette’s second chair, leaning her arms on the back of it. “Let me get this straight.” She held up one hand and began to tick off her fingers. “He’s hot. He’s nice. You know he’s good with his hands—”
“She’s not wrong.” Max nodded sagely. “It’s true that the speed at which he executes his combos requires a higher than average level of dexterity.”
“Max!” Marinette whirled to face him and scowled. She was so going to have words with Kim.
Alya just grinned wickedly and kept going. “He knows how to change things up and keep it interesting—” 
“ Alya!” 
“And he knows when to slow things down and when to go hard and fast—” 
Max burst out laughing and Alya raised her hands and eyebrows both. “You said it all girl, I’m just recapping!” 
“Oh my God,” Marinette groaned, putting her head in her arms on her desk. “I didn’t say any of it like that!”
"Nevertheless, you did say it," Max pointed out, trying to smother his laughter without much success.
Marinette muffled her scream in her arms and then shot up, reaching for the computer. “Goodbye, Max. You better find a new partner because I have to go kill my best friend now.” She switched off the video call and dropped her head back into her arms.
“You liiiiiike this guy,” Alya teased. 
“Yes,” Marinette muttered, giving into the inevitable.
Alya started slightly, sitting up straight. “Wait, what?”
Marinette raised her head. “I do like him,” she whined. “I really, really like him.” 
“Does he have a girlfriend?” Alya asked, grinning.
Marinette sighed and pitched a gaming magazine at her. It fell open immediately to the well-worn interview. Marinette knew it practically by heart, but Alya raised her eyebrows and began reading aloud. 
“Viperion, real name Luka Couffaine. Twenty years old—Ooh, an older man, Marinette—” 
“Two years,” Marinette muttered, letting her face fall onto her arms. “Barely. Not a big deal.” 
Alya continued to read what Marinette already knew; other hobbies included music and motorcycles, no girlfriend not that it mattered why did they even ask that—it all seemed to point to him being a laid back, relaxed kind of guy, who played because he genuinely enjoyed the game and was good at it. He was competitive enough to keep his edge but he didn’t take the competition too seriously. 
“So how much time have you actually spent talking to him?” Alya asked, giving her a sharp look. 
“We talk every time I play him,” Marinette said, sitting up in her chair. “He comes to find me after every match, shakes my hand and says I played a good game, and we chat for a few minutes about whatever.” She was starting to look forward to their short conversations, to his rough hand enveloping hers and the lilt in his smooth voice when he teased her. Even if Max gave her hell afterwards because even he wasn’t so obsessed with his numbers that he couldn’t tell something was going on. Marinette might not be the stuttering, blushing mess 
“How’d he do when you beat him?” Alya asked, eyebrows raised, and Marinette turned away to straighten the knick knacks on her desk so that Alya wouldn’t see her smile.
“Just the same. He seemed just as happy as when he wins. All he said was not to get too comfortable because we’re not in the playoffs yet.” Her smile fell slightly. “Which is true,” she sighed. “If I can’t beat him in the finals it doesn’t matter how many rank matches I win. He can afford a loss or two, even to me.”
“Even to you,” Alya echoed with a scoff. “Marinette, you’re the best UMS player I’ve ever seen.”
Marinette refrained from pointing out that Alya hadn’t actually seen that many. “That doesn’t always matter,” she shrugged. “Guys don’t like getting beat by a girl. Really, our rankings are so close that losing to me doesn’t hurt him that much. He doesn’t lose anything by being nice to me.”
“But…” Alya raised her eyebrows, and Marinette blushed.
“He’s nice to everybody,” she said with a small shrug, turning to her desk and tossing another magazine Alya’s way. “He’s a popular player. Not only is he a former champion but he’s personable and he has such a unique playing style, his matches get a lot of traffic on the livestream. They interview him a lot—” 
“Probably doesn’t hurt that he’s cute,” Alya commented. “From a marketing perspective, he’s a great face to put out there to the public. Helps dispel the idea that all gamers are—” Her eyes darted towards the screen where Max had been a moment ago. “Nerds,” she finished finally with an apologetic shrug. 
Marinette rolled her eyes but conceded the point. “He talks about sportsmanship and not taking yourself too seriously in almost every interview,” she said, pointing to the magazine in Alya’s hands. She herself had it practically memorized. 
Q. I understand you’ve been calling for the league to up the enforcement of their sportsmanship practices. There’s been discussions about implementing a fine or rank penalty for unsportsmanlike behavior. 
A. Yeah, I have, and I think that’s really important. I mean, when it comes down to it, we’re all here to play the game because we love it. Of course the money matters, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Making money off something you love is great in theory but if you let the thought of the money take all the joy out of what you’re doing, then you might as well work a desk job and let your hobbies stay hobbies. We’re not gladiators fighting to the death. We lose nothing by treating our opponents with respect, no matter whether it’s a girl or a guy, or somebody younger or older than you or with a different skin color, we’re all here because we love the game, and we ought to respect that love in other people. Bottom line, the league has guidelines in place for a reason and they should be enforced.  
Marinette wasn’t sure how that made her feel. Really, he was right; the league was too lax about enforcing their sportsmanship guidelines across the board, and players like Marinette and Max suffered the most for it. A certain amount of trash talk was accepted but using abusive language or attacking a player’s sex, sexuality, or race was supposed to be against the rules, but she’d seen those rules enforced only a handful of times in any of the leagues she’d played in, and without any penalty to back it up, the rules largely went ignored.
Alya’s whistle snapped her back to reality. “Girl, you’ve got it bad. I haven’t seen you this deep in lala land since—” 
Marinette groaned and put her head in her hands. “No. No, Alya, I can’t do this again,” she whined. “He’s older, he’s cool, he’s probably got a million people interested in him, and I’m—”
“You.” Alya began ticking off her fingers. “You’re a brilliant designer and a super creative mind. You’re also like, the nicest of the nice when you’re not in a competition. You know famous people—”
“One famous person.”
“Jagged Stone. Nadia Chamack. My mother.”
Marinette sighed, slumping. “Fine.”
“I’m just saying, don’t give up before you even talk to the guy,” Alya said, getting up to sit in Marinette’s second desk chair and take Marinette’s hands in hers. “I know the last time shook you up but you’re still an amazing person and just because Adrien couldn’t see it doesn’t mean that no one else will.” 
Marinette managed a half-hearted smile and some kind of response that must have satisfied Alya, because before long her best friend was chattering on about other topics.   
The thing was, Alya just didn’t understand. Many, many of the male gamers Marinette met were very nice, normal people, a small percentage were a little too eager to be friendly, some were fine until she beat them and then they became cold and closed-mouthed around her. 
Then there were some who were downright hostile from the first moment she stepped in. Those nasty standouts were the reason she leaned into her Ladybug persona, separating Marinette from the gaming world as much as possible. Her hoodie and mask makeup were armor as much as branding, allowing her to slip into a tough shell that could handle the abuse hurled at her.
She could see it in Max, too, the difference between his everyday self and Pegasus. As her partner he both witnessed the vitriol flung at her and came in for a fair share himself, and not just because of his association with her. She felt guilty about it but Max had stood by her even when she suggested he might be better off with a male partner, so she did her best to keep up her bluster and sharpen her tongue to shield her sensitive partner from the worst of the abuse. Team Lucky Charm always showed up to the matches with their game faces on, Pegasus behind his dark glasses and Ladybug with her blue eyes burning defiance from her red and black mask. 
Marinette and Max had agreed to make the commitment to move up to the Master League because they both had big plans and big dreams. Marinette depended on her gaming winnings to support her more experimental designs, which, when they went well, earned her more commissions. Every commission took her one step closer to her dream of owning her own boutique line. Max used his gaming money to fund his robotics research and experimentation. Both their dreams were on the line. No matter how much fun she had playing Viperion, sooner or later, they’d be out of these rank matches and facing each other in playoff elimination matches. She had to figure out how to beat him before then. 
Ladybug couldn’t afford to be getting soft over a velvet voice, a slow smile, and gentle eyes, no matter how many butterflies took flight in her stomach when she talked to him. No matter how good of a guy he was, Ladybug needed to beat Viperion.
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pomeqraniqht · 4 years
ship headcanon memeWho? What? When? Where? Why? (Rusty & Sofia. I literally cannot remember if i sent this already asdkjfjga I feel like I did but idk)
I’m procrastinating. If you fancy it send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanon.
1. Who makes the first move and how?      - Rusty made the ‘official’ first move between them but they were eye-flirting long before wearing a mask made it cool. But now? They BOTH make the first move when it comes to each other, they aren’t shy from one another and it’s honestly such a blessing to see Sofia come out of her shell for her inked angel because... *sigh* I never thought she’d develop the way she did and these two are just.. ~ugh~ <3 2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?      - Sofia Patterson/Parker is the most insecure and a smile from her favorite inked angel makes her feel better. Honestly Rusty helps her insecurities but he also adds to them; a lot. I feel like the more serious they’ve become the more pressure she is putting on herself to be ‘perfect’ but then she has those moments where she remembers Rusty doesn’t love her because she’s ‘perfect’ he loves her for who she really is, and she’s the girl who cries whenever he plays their song and falls in love with mint chocolate ice-cream while pregnant with his kids. It’s such a hot mess for her but he always finds a way to bring her back to reality.  3. Who is the most romantic?      - both? Maybe Sofia more than Rusty but by a smidge? They both are romantic in their own ways and I think it’s great it’s not the typical roses and chocolate bullshit (not that that isn’t great and all...) but they’re unique. They show their love in different forms, an example would be for valentine’s day she’s going to suggest they go and get tattoos, or that Rusty picks out a tattoo for her and she gets to pick one for him (if he even has any space left by this point.) 4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves      - Literally both of them, they can not leave each other alone at all. Sex anywhere and everywhere; it does not matter anymore. So long as they can fit they’ll fuck. They don’t know how to not touch each other anymore, especially when it isn’t sex. It’s always hand holding or he’s got an arm around her or something; they’re always touching somehow.  5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?      - Sofia did the day she told Rusty about the baby, on her old kitchen table... literal hours before they broke up because he cheated on her.  6. Who would they ask if they ever had a threesome?      - I don’t think they would ask anyone? Sofia’s insecurities wouldn’t allow it and I’m not so sure Rusty’s possessive and jealous nature would either.  7. What do they get up to on a night out?      - Depends honestly. Before Rusty got sober they would go out on the town, drink, dance, fuck, and have fun any way they could find. Now? Probably movie night, dinner, sex in the car/bathroom of a movie theatre... 8. What do they like in bed?      - Everything but especially cream-pies and Rusty calling Sofia his dirty little girl because she’s only dirty for him and him only. They’re addicted to each other in ways I didn’t think could be possible.  9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?      - I want to say for Sofia it’s probably pushing out a baby? If that even counts? Or maybe it’s trying to squeeze into spanx so she doesn’t look like she’s just had a baby. I feel like for Rusty it was the dance of his breakdown and his relapse, his behavior at the clinic and everything.. I think that was a pretty low-point for the both of them.  10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?      - Literally any song Rusty ever wrote; two books: How to Build A Boat for Dummies and What is poisonous and what isn’t. Items? Those reusable matches and a water purifier.  11. What do they hide from one another?      - Sofia used to hide her damages and Rusty used to hide his drug habit (also Sofia hid a baby from him for about 6 months because well...marriage issues). 12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?      - Rusty’s drug use and Sofia’s behavior. She’s like a little clown fish finding her own, she’s obsessed in a way without even intending to. She inserts herself around him and she just needs to be with him. But mostly? It’s the way the two of them think about life after they meet each other. They both LOOK so polar opposite but on the inside? Their souls mirror one another.  13. When do they realise they should get together?      - Officially? The day Rusty gets jealous seeing Sofia talking to her ex-boyfriend. But like super officially? Individually? Rusty realized it the day Sofia told him she was pregnant and left, Sofia realized it the first time he looked her in the eye and he didn’t look at her like he wanted to fuck her... He looked at her like he was a blind man seeing the sun for the very first time.  14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?      - Sofia turns into a private nurse/doctor, whatever he needs he gets. Sofia? She tries to fight off Rusty because they have two kids and moms never get a day off, ever.  15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?      - Something funny over horror; Sofia can’t stand scary movies and she will have the final vote.  16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?      - This is a good question and honestly? If a zombie apocalypses happens I feel like they would fight for as long as they possibly could. I’m going to say it happens before they have kids because I can’t imagine their adorable children killed by zombies. I feel like Rusty would go to any length to protect Sofia and vice-versa... I feel like they’re the type who would either go and take over a prison for safe-keeping or go into the woods and fend for themselves that way? They’re not dumb by any means so I feel like they’d have a good chance. But if someone got bitten or died the other wouldn’t be far behind them because if the world was ending and they didn’t have each other? Then what’s the point in living.  17. When they find a time machine, where do they go?      - Sofia would go back to the last day her dad was alive and force him to go to a hospital, maybe somehow they’d be able to save him. I imagine Rusty would go back and stop himself from cheating on Sofia... I don’t want to say he’d go back and never do drugs because I feel like if he wasn’t an addict then maybe they never would’ve met?  18. When they fight, how do they make up?      - Sex. A lot of meaningful and emotional sex.  19. Where do they go on their first date?      - I think their first ‘official’ date was a carnival Rusty had taken her too. They would get together and hook up, have meals and such but... never like an official date.  20. Where do they go on holiday?      - Sofia has always wanted to go to Italy, so maybe there?  21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?      - Since Rusty is a popular musician, anywhere? But before that I feel like Sofia was nervous of him showing up at her job. It’s a bad thing to admit but he’s a little scary to look at for the younger kids and to be a school teacher a certain type of look is required. But more-so she never cared... she just knew if someone SAID something she would lose it. She’s protective over how people view Rusty and the way they judge him because of his ink, she thinks its bullshit. He’s beautiful. Accept it.   22. Where does their first kiss happen?      - On Dynasty’s dancefloor during some dirty dancing.  23. Where is their favourite place to be together?      - In a bathroom, whether it is in the bath, shower, a sink... Bathrooms are their kryptonite.  24. Where do they first have sex?      - In a bathroom in a club.  26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?      - Because Sofia’s pregnant, Rusty’s using drugs, or Roman said a bad word and said his father taught it to him.  27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?      - They abandoned their friends for each other, and it’s not one more than the other. They both literally ignored their friends in pursuit of each other.  28. Why do they get jealous?      - Because they see the other talking with someone of the opposite sex. It’s unavoidable at this point, they’re both tangled like vines and without each other they’d both die.  29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?      - When Rusty touches her nose and calls her ‘Tiny’ in a certain tone of voice, or when he sings lullabies to their babies at night, or when he gets that certain voice as he is talking to their babies in her tummy. For him? I wanna think it’s when she fights for him because up until they met not many, if any, people ever fought for him. she believes in him, she sees the good and light within him even if others don’t. He’s amazing. Go buy his new album now.  30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?      - It works because they even each other out in ways I can’t even begin to describe to you. He makes her feel good, she calms him down. They’re yin and yang, literally opposites but somehow they just work.  @rustyparker
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a3tree · 4 years
1st Anniversary and Exclusive Cards
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It’s been a few months since this announcement now!
What would the new original cards be and what would implementing them into the EN server look like? 🤔
I think we’re still a long few months away from getting these cards but I can’t say I’m not excited to see what we get! In order to think about how this will happen in EN server, let’s take a look at how the other servers implemented their own server exclusive cards!
For all of these servers, the cards were usually announced around or tied into the 1st Anniversary event, “3 Cheers for Mankai Company!” (as named in EN, the original name in JPN being “Let’s Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆”. As per rule on this blog, I will be referring to it by its EN name and shorten it to “3 Cheers” from here on.) The only server to not have “exclusive” cards from this event was the JPN server, being the main server and already having many cards that have not been distributed outside of Japan through events, collaborations, and album releases.
3 Cheers first ran in the JPN server from January 12th 2018 to January 22nd 2018 to celebrate the 1st Anniversary release of the game (January 27th 2017). This was the first (and only) “Cheer” event (“Support” in JPN), which was unique even to Anniversary events because of the exclusive voting, or “cheer” mechanic. During the event, alongside earning points, you could earn cheers to send to your favorite boys and unlock special badges for them. They also counted as votes towards the character, and the top 10 characters’ vote rankings were posted partway through the event on January 16th, and final rankings were announced February 4th following the event.
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The top ten characters got special character goods and the top three characters got “Choice Scout SELECTION” gachas! A Choice Scout is a one time only paid scout with rate ups of previous gacha cards of the specified character! Along with the ten cards from the gacha, you would also receive a “Choice Medal” to exchange for any of these specified character cards at the Trading Post (ex. if you pulled from the Itaru Choice Scout Selection, you would be able to exchange your medal for SSR [Office Worker Santa] Itaru Chigasaki or SR [Don’t Jinx It] Itaru Chigasaki, among other Itaru cards).
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In this case, the top 3 characters were Itaru in first, Banri in second, and Misumi in third, so all three of them got Choice Scouts! Itaru’s Choice Scout ran from March 1st to March 5th, Banri’s ran from April 2nd to April 6th, and Misumi’s ran from May 1st to May 4th.
Not only that, but the top ranking character from each troupe were added as the cast to A3!’s first ever Mixed Troupe event, “I Come with the Night.” with Itaru in the starring role, Banri as the co-lead, Misumi as supporting cast A, and Tsumugi as supporting cast B. With this being a performance event, Itaru and Banri also got SSRs drawn by Ryo Fujiwara! This event ran from October 17th 2018 to October 26th 2018.
(Side note: this Anniversary event seemed to be a bit stressful for fans since there were only rewards for half of the cast, and many were disappointed to let down the boys that did not win. This could be one of the reasons that following Anniversary events do not have this character ranking element.)
The next server that held 3 Cheers was the TN server, with the event running from August 15th 2019 to August 25th 2019 to celebrate the 1st Anniversary release of June 2018. (It possibly came a bit late due to other event/gacha scheduling conflicts.) The event ran virtually the same as it did in JPN with the ranking results announced on October 25th. Where this event differs from the JPN version is that it was announced that the top three characters got region exclusive cards to the TN server, with first place Itaru getting an SSR, second place Masumi getting an SR, and third place Misumi getting an R card!
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(Funnily enough, the results mirror the midway results from the JPN server, with Itaru, Masumi, and Misumi being the top three.)
The TN exclusive cards were released in the same Choice Scout SELECTION gachas that the JPN version had. These were only obtainable through the Choice Medal at the Trading Post. Misumi’s Choice Scout ran from February 13th to February 18th 2020, Masumi’s ran from March 4th to March 8th, and Itaru’s ran from March 13th to March 17th.
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The TN server also got the I Come with the Night event from April 7th to April 16th and all the cards that came with it, despite the featured characters being the winners from the JPN server’s ranking contest (If the winners were to match the TN server’s ranking, the cast would have been Itaru, Misumi, Tsumugi, and Sakyo). This of course makes complete sense as I imagine it would be difficult to implement a full exclusive event for each server, especially with how long it took to release the event story and play in the JPN server and with the differences in scheduling that each event has.
(Side note: the Masumi banner seems to be an error with the colors and flower motif being Itaru’s gerberas rather than Masumi’s violets.)
The CN server was released November 14th 2019 and celebrated its anniversary July 22nd 2020 to August 1st. (It seemed to celebrate the anniversary early in order to preserve story chronologic order because they’re going through events much quicker than the JPN server did.) The ranking of the top ten characters was announced August 3rd 2020. Like the TN server, the top three characters in their rankings got CN server exclusive cards made by the Japanese dev team! The top three were once again Itaru in first place getting an SSR, Masumi in second place getting an SR, and Misumi in third place getting an R card!
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The CN server also got a special illustration drawn by Ryo Fujiwara and an exclusive special event PV written by story writer Tom was released online!
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The exclusive cards were announced February 8th 2021, as part of their Chinese New Year/Spring Festival campaign! They were once again released in the Choice Scout SELECTION gachas, with Itaru’s, Masumi’s, and Misumi’s Choice Scouts all running February 12th to February 18th. Just like the TN server, these cards were obtainable through Choice Medals exchanged at the Trading Post!
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So far, the I Come with the Night event has not dropped in the CN server but it seems likely that it will proceed as a normal event with the JPN ranking cast.
So... what does that mean for the EN server?
The EN server was released October 23rd 2019 and celebrated its Anniversary with the 3 Cheers event running from October 15th to October 25th 2020. The event was nearly identical to every others’ server with the notable distinction of there not being a cheer ranking component to the event. It is unclear why this part was not included into the Anniversary event, (maybe Cybird had difficulty working under COVID restrictions or they wanted to avoid the popularity vote?) so many fans cheered for as many characters as they could rather than pouring all their cheers into their favorite. Around this time, Cybird also released a survey in-game asking fans how they felt about certain elements of the game. Some questions in particular asked what were your top three characters from the game.
Towards the end of the event, Cybird revealed the above announcement that Ryo Fujiwara would be designing “new original cards for the English version scheduled for a 2021 release!” on October 23rd. Since then, there have been no announcements on what these cards will be like, who they are of, how they will be released, etc. But, based on what we know of the other three servers, we can make some educated guesses:
(These guesses are just for fun, please do not believe anything I say to be absolutely true)
So, who will the cards be of?
Since there was no voting announced in the Anniversary event for EN version, I don’t think they will use the Cheer points to determine who gets exclusive cards. This is probably for the best because the cards won’t be determined only by the players who spend the most in-game. However, because the survey asked for players’ top favorite characters, I believe they would use these results to determine the characters who get exclusive cards. This is a much more fair way to “vote” for characters because even F2P players and players who do not use social media were able to vote for their favs, and avoided mass voting because it was accessed through the players’ game.
Another option would be for Cybird or Liber themselves to decide who gets the cards. This doesn’t involve the players so I don’t know if they would actually do this but it’s still a possibility.
The last option would be for them to give new cards for all the characters. This would be the most fair and would probably generate the most money for them if all of them were available for paid gems, but it would definitely be a lot of work for a server that isn’t the main JPN one.
Of these all, using the survey results makes the most sense to me because they specifically asked for your top three characters (I wish I still had screenshots O| ̄|_). Once again, it would make sense to eliminate the problems with the cheer rankings. Deciding on their own does not seem like something they would do and as much as I’d love every character to get a pretty new card, I don’t see why the EN server should get special treatment over the CN or the TN ones that only has three each for this event. It’s still a possibility though because the EN server is available across more countries, but I don’t think it reaches more players than the CN or the JPN server. So for now, let’s assume the new cards would go to the most voted characters of the survey.
The hitch to this idea though is mentioning Ryo Fujiwara, the lead character designer of A3! I think they did not draw any of the other exclusive cards, and only contributed to the CN server’s commemorative art. Their art is also only used in SR and SSR cards, I believe. They’ve done album covers that have been redeemed as SR cards in-game and does all of the performance event cards, which are all SSRs. If Cybird are having them draw these cards, these cards would definitely be very special and would most likely not include any R cards. This would mean that these exclusive cards will already be very different from the other servers’ cards.
How will these cards be implemented?
One theory I saw come up is that maybe EN server will have an exclusive performance event like how I Come with the Night was created as a result of the 1st Anniversary. While the fact that Fujiwara-sensei is drawing these cards support that idea because both the gacha and event SSRs would be drawn by them, I don’t know if Cybird has the liberty or capability to add something as major as a whole in-game event. The CN server had an interactive PV hosted on bilibili even though the scenario was written by Tom, the main story writer of A3!, which shows that even semi-canon events in other servers are not usually added to the game outside of the backstage stories of said exclusive cards. It would also be put in the middle of the timeline which would make formatting the server weird (already there have been some oddities from the timeline being off from the release dates of the JPN server) and would have to not further the characters’ development in a way that contradicts whats farther ahead in the timeline. What I love about A3! is that a lot of the interactions and conversations are remembered and referred back to in other cards and event stories so to have a whole event and not furthering the characters and have it not affect the three years the JPN server has on the EN server seems difficult to me. Plus, performance events in particular usually end up voiced and have play songs which I think would be a hassle to have to record for in a server the actors themselves don’t even play. I’d love it if they did and it would explain the wait time for these cards (plus it wouldn’t be too hard to skim over character development anyways since the I-Chu and PSYCHO PASS events were exclusive and I think the I-Chu event at least isn’t even canon?) and maybe it doesn’t even have to be a performance event but I do not think it will go this way.
Until we get more information, I assume that the exclusive cards will be released in the same way that the TN and the CN exclusive cards were by trading in a Choice Medal obtained from the Choice Scout SELECTION gachas. I also assume that the previous survey will decide which characters will get these exclusive cards. If anything, I hope the only difference the EN server gets is that since the cards are designed by Fujiwara-sensei, the cards will all be SRs and SSRs. I’m still unsure completely about the number of cards, but hopefully there will be more of them.
When will we hear more about these cards?
The JPN server concluded 3 Cheers on January 22nd 2018, announced rankings on February 4th, and had character Choice Scouts starting with Itaru in March. The highest voted character from each troupe were featured in I Come with the Night which ran in October. So ranking was announced under two weeks, Scout gachas started the month after, and the Mixed Troupe event ran nine months after the Anniversary.
The TN server concluded 3 Cheers on August 25th 2019, announced rankings on October 25th, and had character Choice Scouts starting with Misumi in February. I Come with the Night ran in April. So ranking was announced two months later, Scout gachas started four months after this announcement, and the Mixed Troupe event ran eight months after the Anniversary.
The CN server concluded 3 Cheers on August 1st 2020, announced rankings on August 3rd, and had character Choice Scouts all starting Febuary 2021. So ranking was announced two days later and Scout gacha started six months after this announcement.
The EN server concluded 3 Cheers on October 25th 2020. It has no rankings as of now (February 20th 2021, four month later) and therefore does not have Choice Scouts yet.
JPN had the shortest amount of time between the end of the Anniversary event and the beginning of Choice Scouts with only about a month in between. However, JPN did not need exclusive cards and did not implement the winners until I Come with the Night nine months later. Meanwhile, even though it took TN server two months to announce ranking results, both TN and CN servers started Choice Scouts six months after the Anniversary event. There’s no ranking in EN, so I can only count from when the event ended and the cards were announced at the end of October. If it were just exclusive cards, I would assume it would take six months like it had the TN and CN servers, which would mean sometime in April. But if they are doing something special with Fujiwara-sensei designing the cards, it would take some time, but not nearly as long as it did for them to come up with a whole new event scenario, so unless the EN version is getting an exclusive event, it should not take nine months which was as long as it took JPN server to get I Come with the Night. So before July.
So, based on all that and assuming scheduling is about the same as it is for all the other servers, we might be seeing these cards sometime between April and July.
What will these cards look like?
The JPN winners were cast members for the I Come with the Night play event, with the play being school themed. The TN cards were boba themed to reflect how boba has nearly become the national icon of Taiwan. The CN cards were Chinese themed with Shanghai and pandas included in the designs, fitting for Chinese New Year.
Basically my answer is I have no idea what EN exclusive cards would look like. The EN server isn’t exclusive to one specific region like the others are. Many different countries are encompassed in the EN server, so it’s difficult to say. But they will definitely be gorgeous with Fujiwara-sensei designing them.
LONG story short, I’m guessing the EN cards will be added sometime between April and July, via the character Choice Scout SELECTION gachas. They will not be determined by cheers but instead will be cards of the highest voted characters from the survey released around the 1st Anniversary. The number of cards, the rarities, the design motifs, and the characters are still unknown as of now.
I don’t know a lot so this was a pretty long winded way to say “I don’t know” and give the most basic of guesses but seeing the history and predicting based on the data was super fun. I feel that having an approximate date guessed is better than nothing but unfortunately that is about all I can surmise.
Hopefully we’ll hear more about these cards soon! I’ll be keeping my eye out for them in April 😉 Thanks for reading!
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marinaaniseed · 5 years
Dark ‘n’ Stormy, Pt: 10
Summary: Asgardian v. Pizza buffet A.K.A. The Stuffing Chapter.
There’s a teeny, tiny bit of important plot before we get to that point. I’ve tried to very clearly flag the point of no return, so nobody get their undies in a twist if you continue and don’t like what you read.
Length: 6.7k-ish. Much like our hero, I may have overdone it this chapter...
Notes: The slices of pizza are of a size that works for you. If you’ve seen Bad Times at the El Royale, one of the scenes may seem somewhat familiar to you. My unending thanks go to @nobzob​ for encouraging me and for beta-reading this. Also, I made a deal with @thors-soft-cheeks​ that I would write this chapter, so hopefully it meets your expectations :)
Warnings: Eh the usual. Kinky food stuff, smut, drinking, swearing, brief mention of periods and babies, mental health wonkiness, Asgardian politics.
That summer was scorching.
“It’s as hot as hell out there,” you proclaimed one afternoon, collapsing onto the settee, sweat running down your face.  
“But Hel isn’t hot,” Thor observed, his head tilted to the side in confusion like an overgrown Labrador puppy. Geri and Freki mirrored his pose from where they lay on the floor.
“What do you mean it’s not hot? Isn’t it supposed to be full of fire? To burn the sinners? That’s what they taught us at school.”
“Ah, is this from one of your Midgard stories?”
“No,” you said indignantly, before softening. “Well, I suppose so. But a lot of people take them very seriously.”
“Hel is on Niflheim. It is full of cold, mist, and ice. It is where my father imprisoned my sister. You mean it’s as hot as Muspelheim outside, yes?”
“Which one is Muspelheim again?” You’d tried to follow Thor’s explanations of the universe, had even tried to learn the Asgardian language with him. You weren’t stupid, but you were no Jane Foster, either. It was hard to unlearn many of the things that you thought were facts.
“The one where I was captured by Surtur,” Thor explained, wincing a little at the memory of how Asgard had been destroyed.
“The fire demon guy?”
“That’s the one,” Thor said, wandering off to the kitchen to grab you a drink of water. Handing you the glass, he sat down next to you, removing some of the strands of hair that had stuck to your face with sweat.
“How’re you feeling about tomorrow?” you asked, once you’d finished gulping down the water, giving yourself brainfreeze in the process.
“Quite nervous,” he admitted. “And you?”
“Nervous for you, I suppose.”
Tomorrow was the anniversary of New Asgard’s founding, and a day of celebrations were planned. Traditional tournaments and games, feasting, drinking, dancing. But it was also to be the day when the results of the vote would be announced.
After the census, there had been a consultation. Every adult Asgardian had been asked their thoughts on how they wished to be governed. These answers were collated, and a vote held. Every option was there and the Asgardians had to rank them in preference. If none of the options received over 50% of the vote, then the least popular one would be eliminated, and those who had voted for that option would have their second preference counted. On it would continue until an option received the requisite amount of interest. It wasn’t a perfect system, but you all hoped it would lead to an outcome that most people were vaguely in favour of.
Thor and Brunnhilde had agreed, both publically, and privately to honour the result, whatever it was. You worried for them both. There were plenty of outcomes that neither of them particularly desired. Some of Thor’s friends, visiting New Asgard for the celebrations, had kindly agreed to count the votes, as neutral outsider.
Thor was doing a lot better, although he still had days where he wobbled. Taking responsibility for some of the smaller things, especially the animals, had given him more purpose. You didn’t want it all to be undone by the result.
“Perhaps we should go out for dinner tonight,” you mused after a while, your hand resting on Thor’s. “We could walk into Tønsberg, get away from everything.”
“Yes, that could be good.”
Thor had been working on his anxiety, venturing a little further each day with the dogs, or riding on one of the horses. He regularly made it into Tønsberg now. There was one restaurant in particular that had caught his eye. A place where you can eat as much pizza, sour cream and salad as you want. He wondered just much pizza he could eat.
That was the thing that he’d noticed, now that food was becoming a pleasure again, not a means to distract from his feelings. He enjoyed eating. Not just in the way that most people enjoyed tasting something delicious. There was something erotic about it, the cocktail of pleasure and pain as he pushed his stomach to its limits. Yes, he definitely wanted to find out how much pizza he could eat. He’d even heard they did dessert pizzas now, although he wasn’t sure if the restaurant did those, or even if he’d like them.
It’d probably be like how you’d described deep-fried Mars bar and ice cream to him: They took a bunch of things I love and turned it into something I hate.
Thor wondered if you enjoyed watching him eat, helping him to eat. He hoped you did, suspected you did. You always made a little too much, brought back an extra little treat, ordered too much then shared, or more accurately, gave it to him. He’d seen the way you looked at him when you thought he wasn’t paying attention. Sometimes he’d push out his stomach a little more or pretend to scratch an itch, moving the hem of his top up to rub the flesh he knew you wanted to touch. It was worth it for your reaction, every time. Widening eyes, rosier cheeks, a smile that told him how much you loved him. Then, of course, there had been the feast. You kneading and feeding him at the table.
Yes, you definitely enjoyed it.
For a long time, he’d felt like his fat gut was something to be ashamed of, that made him unworthy of the affections of another. And maybe you were the only one, maybe you were a cosmic anomaly. That didn’t seem right, but even if you were, of all the trillions that existed, now, in the past, or in the future, you were here in the right place, at the right time, to love him.
That felt good. It felt different. And he realised that what he had known in the past was lust, awe, fear. It was far better to be loved than to be feared, though anyone sensible would still exercise caution.
It hadn’t been easy, to accept this version of himself - when you spend over a millenia with roughly the same body, it takes a while to adjust. It’d be a fine day indeed when a person was judged on what they did, not what they looked like. But for now he would settle for having someone not be repulsed by his body, but actually attracted to it.
Your insistence on touching him was uncomfortable at first. It chafed at the edges of his esteem and confidence. But now it was familiar, something he welcomed, something he sought. His hand would move yours to his stomach when you were sat together, holding it there. He always asked if you wanted to join him in the bathroom, to lather him up, and gently apply lotions. The majority of the time, he fell asleep as the little spoon, you holding onto him as though he was the most precious thing in your life. Even though they woke him up, he found your sleep twitches endearing, the way your fingers tried to press and grab his hairy tummy as it rounded out in front of him.
In fact, the only time he really got to be the big spoon was during your period. He had, in his defence, offered to use his powers to rid you of the inconvenience, but you liked the reassurance of knowing that you weren’t pregnant. You had, however, allowed him to ease some of the side-effects. During that time, you practically begged him to hold you, to be the big spoon. I like it when you press your stomach into the small of my back, you told him, it’s like a warm, squishy cushion to ease my pain. He didn’t like that you were in pain but was glad to be of help. He hoped his fingers resting on your abdomen soothed the cramps he knew you felt, but kept to yourself. Perhaps one day his fingers would rest there and bring comfort to his unborn child?
You’d taught him how to use Google, and he’d looked up when the restaurant was least likely to be busy. Being in crowded places was getting easier, but Thor still preferred to avoid them. Most Norwegians tended to eat earlier, so the restaurant was fairly quiet when you arrived just after 9pm.
Sliding across the dark brown leather seating of the booth, you began looking at the drinks menu.
“Why does friend Hulk get his own drink and I do not?” Thor queried, pointing at a brandy cocktail. Looking at the little picture printed in the menu, you can see why they’d named the green drink after Banner’s alter ego.
“Well, it’s not named after you but I think this is pretty close,” you countered, indicating the Dark ‘n’ Stormy.
“I am not dark.”
“No, no you are not. But you do like your storms,” you said, with a smile. “Or there’s this one,” you added, showing him the Angel Face.
“You flatter me far too much, my love,” Thor said, taking your hand in his. “This one is you,” he decided, pointing at the Flirtini.
“Very good,” you laughed. “Any other cocktail matches you can see?”
“This one, the Red Russian. That is Agent Romanoff. The Brooklyn, that is Captain Rogers. Long Island Iced Tea is Stark.”
“I understand the first one, but not the other two?”
“Those are the names of the places where they are from.”
“Ah, I see. I thought this was more appropriate for Steve Rogers,” you said, showing him the Old Fashioned. Thor laughed, long and hard at that one. It startled the few other people in the restaurant with you, but you didn’t mind. Thor had been so stressed lately, you’re just pleased to hear him laugh again, to see him relax a little. You decided to up the ante a little bit and earn your match with the Flirtini.
“So, bear,” you said softly, so he had to cock his head towards you to hear you. “I was thinking after the dinner, we could try these three,” you smirked, spreading the fingers of your free hand to point at the Sex on the Beach, Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall, and the Screaming Orgasm.
“Only three?” he grinned. “I think this one is relevant to your interests,” he said, moving the hand he held underneath his shirt while gesturing to the Hairy Navel. That earned a laugh from you, not as loud as Thor’s but just as mirthful.
A quiet, but pointed cough from the end of the table drew your attention to your server. His name badge said ‘Tor’ and you wondered if he realised who your dinner companion was.
“Can I get you any drinks?” he asked.
“A Flirtini for me, please,” you answered.
“And a Dark ‘n’ Stormy for me,” Thor added. “Tell me, how does this pizza buffet work?”
“Well, there is a pizza bar over there, behind me,” Tor said, gesturing. “You just take a plate and serve yourself, you can have as much pizza, salad and sour cream as you like for 134 kroner. It’s only our most popular pizzas but there’s something for everyone.”
“And there is no limit to the amount you can have?” Thor clarified, and that was when you realised why you were here.
“No, we just ask that people don’t take more than they can eat. Oh, and the kitchen closes at 10:30 so that we can close at 11. So yeah, go right ahead and I’ll bring your drinks over to you in a few minutes.”
With that, Tor turned on his heel and went to the bar.
“I see why we’re here,” you smirked at your lover as you made your way over to the pizza. “You’ve got your work cut out though,” you added, showing him your watch.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Thor said, beginning to think this was a bad idea.
“You want to see how much pizza you can eat. A lot more than I can, that’s for sure.”
You moved along the pizza bar, assessing your options, looking at the little signs in front of each of the cheesy wheels. Cheese and tomato, ham and pepperoni, ham and mushroom, spicy chicken, Thai chicken, beef and béarnaise, meat feast, chorizo and Ventricina, cauli truffle, vegetarian, beef and onion, BBQ chicken, Parma and truffle. If this was just the most popular ones, you were intrigued to see just how extensive the full menu was. You shoveled a couple of the more interesting slices onto your plate, added some sour cream to dip the crusts in, and grabbed a token amount of salad.
Both you and the drinks were at the table long before Thor. He had a plate in each hand, with a mountain of pizza on each. It was a wonder he hadn’t lost any slices.
“I wanted to try them all, so I got two slices of each,” he said, by way of explanation, your shocked expression not as subtle as you’d hoped.
“Did you get any sour cream?”
“Oh yes. I put some on every slice before I stacked them up.”
You wondered how he was going to taste the different flavours if they were all slathered in sour cream. It didn’t matter, as long as Thor was happy, that was the important thing. Your plate was empty but you were content to drink and watch the man next to you munching away on his stack of slices. You’d seen competitive eaters, inhaling their food, they could barely be tasting it. Thor wasn’t slow but you could tell he was savouring each slice. A purr when his tongue met a salty slice of pepperoni, a moan as hot mozzarella melted in his mouth, a satisfied smile as he bit into a portion heavy with sour cream. The textures, aromas, the heat of the jalapeños combined with the cooling richness of the dairy. He was focused on what he was eating, enjoying it as more than just sustenance. He was making love to his senses.
Your cheeks were warm, and it wasn’t just a flush from the alcohol. No, you were enjoying watching Thor enjoying his meal. It felt wrong, it felt dirty, voyeuristic, even, to feel aroused by this. You had to wonder, did pizza really taste that good to him, or was it something more?
Chancing a glance at Thor’s lap, you could see his erection pushing up against his underbelly, and being pushed away by the soft swell of his belly. Thor was so engrossed in his food that he didn’t notice your wandering hand until your fingers danced over the prominent bulge.
“Enjoying yourself?” you asked, an eyebrow arched teasingly.
“Ye-yeah,” he responded, stopping with a slice partway to his mouth. You took his other hand and moved it to your mouth, sucking his index finger while maintaining eye contact.
“What about now?” you asked once you’d released him.
“You’re making this a lot harder.”
“What, this?” you replied, applying more pressure to his crotch.
“Yes, no.” It was fun to watch Thor when he got flustered like this, torn between his desire to maintain decorum and his more carnal desires. “You’re making it a lot harder to focus on enjoying my pizza,” he finally managed.
“Ah, I see. Well, it must be quite cold now,” you said, eyeing the last few slices. “I’ll get us some more.”
Thor was glad for the respite. Between you and the food, he was extremely turned on. If it weren’t so public, he’d ask you to do something about the erection he was sporting. For now, though, he settled for undoing his trousers, giving both his tummy and his cock a bit more room.
“They just brought out a new, cheese and tomato, I thought you’d like to enjoy it while it’s hot,” you said, sliding a plate with five slices in front of him, the cheese bubbling slightly.
“That’s half the pizza,” Thor noted with a frown.
“You snooze, you lose. I wanted the best for my big man. I think you’ll enjoy it a lot more when it’s fresh and hot,” you said, touching his tummy under his shirt. “You wanted to see how much pizza you can eat, and I want to help. I’ll get you a few slices at a time so that it doesn’t go cold. You can tell me when to stop. Oh, I brought you some sour cream to dip the crusts in and I ordered some more drinks. It must be thirsty work eating all that pizza.”
The feel of your fingers pressing into his still pliable flesh, as you ate your slices, spurred him on even more.
“Y/N, there’s something I need to explain…” he started.
“Shh. You eat your pizza. I think I know what it is.” Thor looked at you confused but shoveled another slice into his mouth. “You’re enjoying your food, I know you are. It’s just like at the feast. It’s arousing you, I like it.”
“You do? Even though it’s weird, even if I get fatter?”
“Shh, shh. Let me bring you another plate, do you have a preference? I’ll tell you exactly what I think when I get back.”
“Um, may I have some more of the Thai Chicken please?”
Thor fiddled with the hem of his top and gulped hard on his drink, terrified about what you might say. It was one thing you enjoying his larger body, but you might have a very different opinion about him enjoying eating and actually enjoying his size. He enjoyed the size difference between you, he felt powerful, owning his space, and if he was honest, he was beginning to really enjoy his softness, how sensitive he now was in places.
One of his original two plates was slid back in front of him, with two slices of Thai chicken and three of ham and mushroom on it.
“There were only two slices left, so I thought I’d bring you something else as well,” you said by way of explanation. Tucking his hair behind his ear, you brought your lips close and began to tell him your answer.
“What you do is up to you, it’s your body. I’m just happy to see you happy, to see you enjoying yourself. However, if you’re happy like this, if you enjoy your food and maybe get a bit bigger, I’m certainly not going to complain. Not just because that would be rude, but because I’d enjoy it. I mean, you know how much I enjoy this tummy of yours.” Your hand returned to its previous position, to emphasise your point. “I definitely wouldn’t be upset if there was more of it for me to admire and play with.”
You moved back a smidge, to see how Thor was taking it. He was trying to remain calm, to eat his pizza, but his heated cheeks and heavier breathing let you know he was enjoying your words.
“Well, you know how much I enjoy it when you press your weight down on me, I think that’d be more fun with a bit more weight behind it. Or how about when you take me from behind, think about all that extra power to pound into me with. Think about how small I’ll look in the mirror when I take you into my mouth. I like the thought of your bigger belly bouncing on top of me, jiggling beneath me, or just being extra cushioning for me to cuddle into. My big, strong, soft, sex god.”
Thor trembled next to you, trying to resist the urge to throw you on the table and fuck you right there. He was on his penultimate slice, so you took one of the empty plates back to the pizza station. You could sense the stares from the people who’d noticed your frequent trips but, fuck ‘em. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet, and that’s exactly what you, or more accurately, Thor, were doing.
“Beef and béarnaise, for my beefy bear,” you said, sliding the plate in front of the blushing god. Nobody had touched that pizza since you’d got him the cheese and tomato, so didn’t feel bad bringing him the remaining eight slices. You left him in comparative peace for this plate, gently rubbing his belly and checking out the restaurant’s menu on your phone.
“How’re you feeling?” you asked as he neared the end of this particular round.
“I’m feeling pretty tired, it’s a bit of a struggle, but it feels so good. How much longer do we have?”
“35 minutes. You’re doing really well,” you encouraged. He was starting to feel full, less doughy under your fingertips. The buttons on his shirt were certainly running into difficulties and you feared their relationship with the soft, denim garment would be short-lived. You were curious as to why Thor had chosen a slim fit shirt in the first place but chose not to comment. It was a pleasure to see all of his soft curves on display outside of the bedroom.
“I think I can manage some more. What were you looking at on your phone?”
“Oh,” it was your turn to blush. “The restaurant has its nutritional info online, I was seeing which pizzas were the most calorific, just in case you wanted a little push.”
In truth, Thor didn’t know exactly what calorific meant, but he could tell this was something that interested you. You’d eagerly accepted his little (ok, big) kink, he could indulge yours.
“Well, why don’t you bring me some. I always like to push myself,” he said, adjusting his position so that his stomach no longer pressed into the edge of the table but rested upon it instead, a generous slither of flesh revealed where his shirt failed to cover him. “Maybe another of those stormy drinks as well, please.”
You almost tripped over yourself in your hurry to bring more food and drink to your full-bodied lover, rich and satisfying, to be enjoyed slowly like a fine Shiraz. Thor laughed a little at your eagerness, it was endearing how you wanted to please him, to take care of him. He hoped you took care of yourself with the same enthusiasm.
Three slices of ham and pepperoni, and five slices of Parma and truffle made their way back with you. Shortly thereafter, Tor dropped off another Flirtini for you and a pitcher of Dark ‘n’ Stormy.
“I wanted to make sure you were well hydrated,” was your answer to Thor’s look of surprise. Admittedly, the cocktail probably wasn’t that hydrating, but Thor had asked for it, so you just made sure that he had enough. You sipped on your drink, watching him battle on, determined to beat the pizza. It was a very different opponent to one he’d find on the battlefield, but Thor had set himself this challenge and he wasn’t going to back down. The staff were watching you nervously, concerned you’d make them wait all night, but you would be gone at eleven, no problem. As Thor began to slow down, you noticed him glancing between your phone and the remainder of the pizza.
“What is it? Are you ok? You can stop if you want, it’s ok,” you worried at him.
“No, no. I can do this. Can you get me what is left? You might need to help me eat them, but I can do it,” he insisted, chest heaving as he panted through the last slice.
Dutifully, you went to gather up what was left, balancing them carefully on two plates. You weren’t entirely sure how you would help him eat them, but he was single-minded in his task, and there was nothing you’d be able to do to stop him. Once Thor had set his mind to something, he was hard to reason with. You either had to get out of the way or hold on tight until he was done.
The pitcher was balanced on top of his taut tummy, shirt stretched dangerously tight around it, as Thor sipped his cocktail through a straw.
“Is that all that is left?”
“Is that all?” you asked incredulously. “I’ve got you three each of the chorizo, BBQ chicken, and cauliflower, two slices of vegetarian and meat feast, and four of the beef onion. That’d be more than enough for most people, are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely. I’m not most people. Asgardians are known for their feasting.” The pitcher was set back down with a thud.
You couldn’t really argue with that.
The first few slices went down well, but then he really began to struggle, gulping down his drink to try to rid his mouth of the cloying cheesiness. Your fingers traced over the swell of his tummy, trying to soothe him.
“That’s good, that helps. Feed me?” he pleaded.
“Ok, you make yourself comfortable and I’ll help.”
You stacked up two slices of the same flavour, bringing them his mouth, and chewed through them, less thoughtfully than before, as he massaged his aching tummy. He was a sweaty, gassy mess, with cheese and sauce stuck in his beard, but he was very pleased with himself when he finally finished the last slice.
“Are you impressed?”
“Very. You managed 69 slices,” you giggled.
“What is funny about that?”
You leaned in and whispered it into his ear. That wasn’t something you’d tried yet, and tonight certainly wasn’t the night for it, but it was definitely something to try another time.
“Finish your drink, I’ll go pay,” you told the full and flustered thunder god.
He was more than happy to finish the pitcher, he needed something to help him cool down. He hadn’t known there was a name for what you’d described, but he definitely liked the sound of it.
In the end, it wasn’t the buttons, but the fabric itself that capitulated. After you’d settled up, you’d found Thor sitting awkwardly with this arms across his waist, cheeks flushed fuchsia.
“Are you alright?” you asked, concerned that the pizza had, in fact, beaten Thor.
“My shirt…” he mumbled, moving a hand to show the gaping hole to the side of the placket, allowing a sizable chunk of flesh to be on show.
“Ah...hug me from behind as we leave, I can cover you,” you suggested. It was a slightly awkward exit, Thor pressing into your back. You thanked the staff and eventually made it into the street. “Perhaps we should take a taxi, get you back home quicker?”
Thor mumbled his agreement. It was a fairly quiet evening, so ordering one was pretty straight forward. Ever the gentleman, Thor went to open the door for you.
“Oh, love, could you hold my bag for me, please?” you said with a pointed look at his torso.
Never had he been gladder to hold something in his life. A shield would’ve been preferable, would’ve covered more, but he had to work with what he had.
Safely home, Thor was glad to unbutton his shirt, breathing a sigh of relief. He was lucky his jeans were almost painted on otherwise, he might’ve lost them on the journey, stomach spilling out of them.
“Hey, Y/N. Do we have anything sweet?” he called from the kitchen, where he was feeding and fussing the dogs. It was pretty tricky to bend down to their bowls, but he just about managed it.
“Erm yeah. I baked a couple of cakes for tomorrow, why?”
When you got no response, you decided to put some music on, content to let Thor do his own thing. Some Deep Purple while you slumped on the settee, letting Loki slither over you.
It was the second song, Hush, when Thor reappeared, dancing into view with a plate in hand, generous slice of cake on top, and a fork in the other, swaying along to the music. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. The dogs were dancing around his feet, trying to join in, and even the snake seemed to be eyeing him up as he moved remarkably gracefully towards you, swinging his wide hips in time to the music, stomach bouncing along in front of your face. Your mouth didn’t know whether to go dry or to salivate everywhere at the sight before you.
He eased himself down next to you, abused cushion sinking beneath his weight.
“I fancied something sweet after all that pizza,” he said. “This is an excellent cake, my love, you’re very talented.”
“It wasn’t exactly meant for you, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it,” you answered, a little sad that the honey cake you’d worked so hard on was now missing a decent wedge.
“There’s still another cake, it’s fine,” he replied with a smile. “Asgard will still get to sample your handiwork.”
“Can I get you anything to drink with that?”
“Maybe some milk?”
Milk? What about a milkshake, you wondered to yourself. Thor clearly was intent on pushing himself to his absolute limit, so why not help him further?
He gave you a slightly reproachful look when you approached with the biggest glass you could find, filled with your concoction. Thor had wondered why you hadn’t taken so long, having finished his cake, and what you were using the blender for. Now he knew.
You’d blended together whole milk, peanut butter cup ice cream, a generous dash of bourbon, chocolate chips, and chocolate syrup. It was topped with whipped cream peak coated in chocolate sprinkles. A metal straw poked out the top.
“Thank you,” he said, accepting the monstrosity. You hadn’t made him a full-on freakshake, but there was certainly a lot to take in. Thor sipped it cautiously, he didn’t want to get brainfreeze, balancing the glass on top of his over-full belly. You curled up next to him, careful not to jostle or apply too much pressure, kissing the flesh that jutted past the open fabric of his shirt, rubbing gentle circles into his swollen gut.
“You did this on purpose,” he observed around the half-way mark.
“You wanted milk, you wanted something sweet, you wanted to push yourself. I’m just helping you get what you want,” you replied with a grin. “You don’t have to finish it, but it’d be a shame to waste it.”
That was what spurred him on to finish, even though his body was pleading for him to stop. He really enjoyed how full he felt but this was definitely the last thing he was going to have.
“I love how big and round you are,” you commented, fingers delicately tracing over the mound of his stomach. “I can’t wait to get you to bed.”
Thor’s cock, which had never become less than half-hard, immediately sprang back to life. He gulped down the remains of the shake, a horny, panting mess.
“I absolutely cannot eat another thing,” he gasped.
“Oh, very good. I am impressed. Rest here a moment.” You took the glass, the cake plate, and fork to the kitchen, before grabbing a flannel from the bathroom.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, mucky pup,” you said, tenderly wiping away the worst of what was caked around Thor’s mouth and in his facial hair. “How’re you doing?” you asked, cupping a soft cheek in your hand.
“I think I would like to lie down for a bit, I’m quite tired,” he admitted. You couldn’t blame him, just watching was tiring enough. You stood up and offered him a hand. Thor didn’t really need you to pull him up, he was more than strong enough to do it himself, but he appreciated the gesture nonetheless.
“Go get comfy, I’ll do the washing up, let the dogs out, and join you in a bit,” you told him, groping his bum as he shuffled past. “Hey Thor,” you added.
“Yes, my love?”
“If Captain America has America’s ass, do you have Asgard’s ass?”
“I think we could find a smaller one to represent us as a people,” he noted, blushing a little.
“Aww, but I like this one. It’s so shapely and round.”
Thor rolled his eyes with a grin and lumbered off to the bedroom, keen to free himself from his clothes.
When you eventually joined Thor in the bedroom, you were surprised to find him still awake, albeit barely. His clothes were in a messy pile to one side, but that barely registered, because sprawled on top of the duvet was a very aroused, naked thunder god. He’d unbraided his hair so that it fanned out behind him on the pillow like a halo. One arm was behind his head, the other rested on his rounded tummy.
“I thought you were tired?” you queried, looking down at the dozy Asgardian. “I was expecting you to be asleep, not putting on a show.”
“Well, I was hoping you would take care of me, give my belly a little rub,” he replied with a grin.
“Only your belly needs taking care of?”
“Ok, maybe some other bits of me might like some attention.”
You rummaged around in the bedside table until you found your dry oil spray. Pumping it liberally, you made sure Thor’s belly was well coated before you settled down with your head on his chest, kissing and licking a nipple, while your hand smoothed over his stomach. Gently rubbing and kneading, you took your time, worshipping your way down to the soft underbelly where he was most sensitive. You avoided touching his cock for as long as possible, but it was hard to ignore, the head nodding against the underside of his rounded abdomen.
“Ah,” he hissed as you brushed against his erection. “I would much prefer it if you used your mouth for this part.”
Giving his tummy one last circular rub, you rolled away from Thor and moved to the very end of the bed, positioning yourself by his feet. You took one foot into your hand and began to knead it, pleased to see that the pumice was working. Thor writhed in your grasp, desperate for you to give his cock attention, but you wanted to string things out. You kissed your way from his ankle to his thigh, ignoring his erection, before massaging his other foot and repeating your journey up that sizable leg.
“My love, please,” he begged.
“Please, what?” you asked, knowing he couldn’t see you smirking.
“Please give me some release.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean.”
“Please...pleasure me, with your mouth.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that?” It was mean to torment Thor, yes, but also worth it to hear the increasing desperation in his voice.
“Please, I’m begging you, please. Please could you just suck my cock,” he whined.
“Oh! You mean like this?”
There was a strangled cry, then, oh fuck, yes, repeated above you as you took him into your mouth. You started slowly, licking and flicking your tongue around his head before gradually moving further down. Propped up on your elbows, you massaged the tops and sides of his packed gut, head gently butting into his underbelly, nose nudging into his soft hair as you moved up and down his length. You knew he wouldn’t last long, had seen how excited he already was, but it was still a surprise how quickly you felt his thighs trembling beneath you. His cum was thick, almost as thick as the milkshake you’d made him, and you swallowed it down. Making sure to clean him with your tongue, Thor gave an involuntary shudder, his cock now far too sensitive.
You pulled away, content to fall asleep next to the exhausted Asgardian, chest panting and stomach heaving from the exertion.
“My love?” Thor managed to huff out.
“I have one more request.”
“And want is that?”
“I want to taste you.”
You shuffled up the bed to kiss him, pressing into his sticky, soft, pink, marshmallow lips. His facial hair tickled as you deepened the kiss, but you didn’t mind. Drawing back, you took the time to admire Thor’s face. He looked happy, content. His smile was warm, his eyes sparkled, his brow was less creased, more carefree.
“That wasn’t quite what I meant,” he admitted, hurrying to add, “not that it was bad! It’s just I wanted to, uh, eat you. Eat you out.”
“I thought you couldn’t eat another thing?” you teased.
“For you, I will always make an exception. None of the wonderous tastes to cross my lips this night shall compare to yours.”
You suspected that might not strictly be true, but you didn’t have the heart to tell Thor that.
“I fear I may not be able to move from this position. You shall have to sit on me,” Thor sighed with mock melodrama.
“I think I can agree to that,” you grinned. After all, it wasn’t every day a god invited you to sit on their face. You straddled Thor and held onto the headboard, lowering yourself slowly, making sure to support the majority of your weight with your knees. Thor began to lick you, slow and languid strokes of his tongue like you were the sweetest dessert, made only for him. You slowly began grinding your hips back and forth, trying to get him where you wanted him. After the way you’d teased him, it was only payback that he make you wait, but you were eager for more.
Now that he’d had his release, Thor was far more interested in taking his time. A powerful hand moved up to grab your left hip, keeping you in place, while the other hand reached up to massage your breast, pinching your hardened nipple. Thor could feel himself getting hard again. How could he not, when everything was you? All he could taste, all he could smell, the feel of your thighs against his soft cheeks. The overwhelmed, urgent little noises you made, and when he looked up, your breasts bouncing above him, that blissed-out, happy look on your face. All of it was for him, only for him. He was the only one who got to see you like this, to make you feel like this.
And he fucking loved it.
When you came it was hard, insistent and drenching. It was like turning his face to the heavens during a thunderstorm of his own creation. Thor definitely preferred this position. His height, in fact, his size in general, meant lying down between your thighs wasn’t the easiest position. But this. This was good. His lips on yours, lovingly kissing. And if he was honest, he liked how it made you the one in charge. Every roll and slide of your hips let him know how much you enjoyed what he was doing, there was no second-guessing here. He was your plaything, your means to carnal bliss, and he couldn’t give you enough.
You’d tried to be restrained during your first orgasm, biting into your arm, but the second one had you positively screaming. The dogs were alarmed, barking and scratching at the bedroom door, but it didn’t matter. Thor released his hold on you and you slid off to the side, face-planting into the pillow.
“I did a good job, yes?” he inquired.
“Mmm, yes. Thank you. Sleep now,” you said, as much to him as the pillow.
“I’ll be right back, my love,” he said heaving himself up. “I must reassure the dogs...and perhaps wash my face.”
Geri and Freki soon calmed once they realised all was well. Thor washed his face thoroughly and returned to the bedroom, setting a pitcher of water and glass on the bedside table. He’d opened all the windows, yet it was still absurdly hot. Not that you seemed to notice. You’d rolled and wrapped the duvet around you like a burrito, one leg hanging out. Thor climbed in beside you, careful not to disturb you. No need to spoon you, you’d find your way to him soon enough. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever had such a thoroughly satisfying night. Not that he’d be able to enjoy nights like this too often, he didn’t want them to lose their wonder, but it seemed a fitting way to spend it, to indulge himself, on what might be his last night of reprieve before the burdens of a king were his to bear once more.
@morganhoran1671  @innerpaperexpertcloud
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT. AU) pt.2
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02: Pledge
Summary: Getting to know her Kappa sisters, Y/N is silently suffering as the world around her changes, unaware of two brothers who are preparing to enter a race of a lifetime - a race to win her heart.
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2500
Αιώνια αγάπη (DT Modern Greek god/frat! AU) MASTERLIST  
Thank you for being in the story: @graysons-thumb as Perry, @daddygraysonsbitch as Sara Howell, and @mutuallynotmutual​ as Alyssa!
Y/N takes a deep breath, holding it for two seconds longer than usual before releasing the pent up air in three short exhales. Her mind lingers on a frat guy right on the other side of her curtain, one she has yet to truly see. Though he's Ethan's twin, Grayson looks different. His entire aura feels other-worldly, flashy even.
"I can still see your silhouette!" She hears him add, shaking her head vehemently.
"GOOD! WATCH AND SUFFER!" Y/N throws back at him, not giving into his incredibly attractive laugh. Instead, she turns up the volume on her phone and cranks up the first song that comes on.
Singing to herself, she looks around the room assigned to her. She can't help but wonder if her mother ever came in there. Y/N wraps her arms around her body, hugging herself for comfort. It's something she's become accustomed to, the loneliness and lack of affection.
She was never the popular kid with a lot of friends, but even the friends she had she has lost while mourning her mother. She was lost and devoted to school only at the time, resulting in a lot of alone time. She quickly learned that while you're stuck in the hell of losing a loved one the world seems to stop moving, but it doesn't. Not really. It keeps on spinning without you, no matter how hard you try to slow it down just a little, just enough to not fall of the edge of the world.
Sighing, she shakes her head and eyes the room carefully.
Three walls are olive green, the ceiling and the forth wall - the one across from her bed, are both pearl white.
The green walls all have intricate art, paintings of scenery that take her breath away. They're all signed with different initials, signifying who they belong to.
The white wall, that one's filled with signatures of all past Kappa Delta pledges who lived in this particular room, forcing Y/N to glue her eyes to each and every name in search of her mother's.
Her fingers crossed every letter, desperately clinging to her mother's memory. Just being in the house makes her heart hurt less, but if she got the same room - it would feel like she's right there with her on this journey.
However, no matter how many times she checked each name on that wall, no matter how hard she strained her eyes, the name wasn't up there.
Dropping her gaze to her feet, Y/N leaned her forehead on the wall in resignation. Her lungs struggled for a dash of air as her throat closed up with tears welling in her eyes. Her hands began to shake, troubled by the growing grief that spread from her brain to her heart in a split second it takes for a beat to quicken with anguish taking over.
Coping. She's coping with the hurt, but she's a long way from being healed. She's not whole anymore and she hasn't been herself in a while. She's come undone, picking herself up every day since the funeral.
Writing had become her escape. Her mother was artistic, always playing the piano or having paint stains on her clothes from her attempts to get into painting again. Y/N was more of a realist, thriving in biology and chemistry. After a long time of her mother insisting she take up any form of art, Y/N found writing to be therapeutic - her safe place.
Grabbing her notebook from the top of a box labelled - BOOKS, she opened the first page and clicked her pen to write.
'What I once treasured is now a memory, a shadow lingering in the depths of my mind. It's a strange thing to lose something which you once had, like a limb torn from your body without the chance to save it. The door that was once open and welcoming was locked and disinviting. She had left me; I was alone. I had hoped I'd find her once more, feel her spirit linger in the chambers she resided in. I was wrong. Though her life force remains in small pieces on the walls of this house, it feels empty without her. Would she have been proud? Would she have been here today? I'll never know.'
Wiping the tears away with the back of her hand, Y/N closed the notebook and leaned back against the wall that brought her such disappointment. She pressed her lips together, using her index finger to clear residual tears from her left eye.
Pushing the palms of her hands into the white carpet, she got up and unpacked her clothes. There wasn't much of a dilemma when it came to what she'd wear to the pledge initiation - a simple white dress was a must.
She slipped the dress on, observing herself in the mirror. The dress clung to her body, revealing her chest more than she was willing to show. The straps of her dress cross in the back, leaving her back slightly open as well. It flows freely from the waist down to just above her knees, snowflakes scattered across the fabric in silver glitter. Glitter lines the waistline as well, accentuating her rather skinny form in comparison to her usual built. She had never been so thin before, but yet again - grief does things to your appetite and you either gain or lose weight and for Y/N it was the latter.
She glides her fingers over her frail, now visible hip bones, her eyebrows furrowing in concern. Gaining weight is added in her mental check list, right next to getting some colour in her pale face.
A knock on the door interrupts her thoughts.
"Are you ready?" Perry and Sara peak inside, their jaws dropping when they see her fully dressed.
"Oh my God." Perry steps into the room, eyeing Y/N up and down.
"You're literally breathtaking." Sara exclaims, raising her right hand. Her fingers form a fist, the pointer remaining raised as she twirls it - demanding Y/N do the same.
"What's going on?!" Another girl walks in, catching the end of Y/N's twirl only to clap in excitement.
"I love you already." She squeals, jumping in her spot. Her hair is long, about halfway down her back and wavy - the colour a beautiful brown - subdued earthy tone, perfectly matching the colors of autumn.
"Uh, not to sound rude or anything, but who are you?" Y/N asks timidly, her right hand crossing over her abdomen and to the other side, grasping her left elbow as her nerves seap in once more.
She's definitely the closed up type and having so many new people around her is getting overwhelming, even if everyone is being so nice.
"Sorry." The girl laughs, nodding to herself like she's remind herself to slow down, whispering she should have known better than to barge into someone's room without proper introduction before speaking again.
"I'm Alyssa." She offers a small wave instead of a hand shake and although Y/N would never admit it out loud, she's thankful for it. Physical contact would only make her social anxiety spike and it's the last thing she needs this night.
Alyssa's right hand flashes a golden ring on the ring finger, an emerald stone nested in the middle. It matches the house color perfectly, making Y/N wonder if the girl is already a member or a pledge. Curious, Y/N's eyes flicker to the left hand as well, noticing two more silver rings -  one on her thumb and the other on her ring finger.
"Earth to Y/N!" Sara ends her curious glances, pointing to the door.
"Time to go." She rushes her out and down the stairs among at least ten other girls, all dressed in white.
The stairs are lined with current members, all wearing green with a white bow in their hair to signify seniority and power.
Y/N takes her place among the pledges, looking around uncomfortably as her heart pounds inside her chest. Crowds are definitely not on the list of her favorite things either.
She looks up and to the girl standing at the very top of the stairs, a lit candle in her hands as she slowly descends - but only half way down, remaining there for her speech. Her hair is long and blonde, almost silver like a Targaryan, her pale blue eyes not helping Y/N's initial thoughts.
The last of the Targaryans went mad in the show, making Y/N wonder if this one is any different.
"Welcome sister pledges. I'm Blair Serenity, the current head of Kappa Delta Delta, at least until the official vote is taken once pledge week is over." The girl giggles, the sound coming out like a strangled dolphin instead of human-like, making the pledges frown and members actually cover their ears.
"In the week to come, you'll all be tested to prove you're worthy of being a Kappa Delta sister. We will test your knowledge, teamwork and honor. Fail one test and you're out. Once the week is done, we'll have the annual party with our", she rolls her eyes, "brother frat at our house - simply so you know who to avoid for the next year."
A smirk appears on her lips and Y/N can't help but roll her eyes at the speech.
She met two of the frats she's supposed to ignore and hate, yet all she can do is imagine licking ice cream off their abs on a warm summer day. Neither of them gave her a reason to hate them, but she'll certainly stay away - she has to.
"Your first test will be tomorrow after class, so sleep well and good luck to everyone."
Y/N believed the girls would leave, but she was quickly aware this would turn into a small party of its own.
Sneaking out, she runs up to her room, locking the door after. It's not that she didn't want to meet her future sisters, it's that she needed a breather - a break where she could be alone with her thoughts as the simple act of being in that house drained her energy.
Peaking under her curtains, she found the bedroom opposite hers dark, meaning there would be no more interrupting frats. She changed into her pajamas, opened the curtains completely and sat at the bay window with earphones.
Music always relaxed her, almost as much as the sky and stars above that made her feel small, but important as well. She truly held onto the belief every star represented a soul and she liked to imagine her mother watching over her. Stars alone were a light in the darkness she’s surrounded with, leading her through life when she finds herself lost in the never-ending abyss.
Closing her eyes, she crossed her outstretched legs - feet planted against the wall. She wept silently, listening to a cello instrumental of Stay with me by Sam Smith - the song her mother played last before passing. She liked to listen to it when she missed her mother, helping her emotions slowly work themselves out of her system instead of bottling them up until they explode.
She stayed like that for hours, enjoying the solitude.
Little did she know, she was never truly alone - completely unaware of centuries old mythical men watching her from the window across from hers, shrouded in darkness.
"I'm not sure. Not until I check for that birthmark." Apollo leans into his chair, taking a sip of his water.
"I'm telling you, she's the one." Hermes insists, tapping his left foot nervously. Holding her in his arms earlier was enough for him to recognize the pull. It's undeniable and unfabricated, rare and mystical - but true.
“I had her in my arms today and I’m no fool, brother. Her soul is made of stars and her mind overflows with ancient magic like all those before.”
"If that's true, she's our last chance. She's the last of her kind." Apollo reminds his brother, looking at him from the side with lips pressed together in a firm line.
"I'm aware of that, Gray." Hermes sasses back, annoyed with his brother's condescending tone.
"DON'T call me that. Don't use my mortal name when it's just us, Hermes. Don't forget who we really are." Apollo warns, his voice scratchy and dark, tone low and menacing, almost growling.
"Maybe we should." Hermes leans forward, resting his head in his hand as he stares ahead at the girl so engrossed in the music she's listening to that it's almost hypnotizing.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Apollo throws his water bottle onto the wooden floor, hearing a scrunch when the plastic slams down.
"Our previous attempts didn't work. Every single soul saw through us because we schemed!" Hermes points out, speaking fast, but speaking sense.
“You mean you schemed.” Apollo retorts, shaking his head.
"So you want us to do what? Be Ethan and Grayson? The Dolan twins? That is scheming! Again! It's why we fail! We need to remember who we are and we need to let this girl know as well. I'm done pretending, brother. I want to go home and I want my powers back." Apollo sighs, rubbing his forehead in thought.
"We'll be Ethan and Grayson until she takes a liking to us. When she sees we're trustworthy, she'll be more inclined to believe the truth. And we WILL tell her the truth." Apollo stands, approaching the window slowly as his arms sway beside his body with the moves he makes.
The moonlight falls to his face, illuminating the teary-eyed god fully for the world to see - everyone, but her. She's in a world of her own, trapped in the sorrow Apollo can feel exuding from her pores.
Leaning on the windowsill, he bows his head and closes his eyes, catching a distant whimper coming from the bay window he watched only seconds ago. He looks up fast, almost pulling a muscle in his neck.
"She's in pain. Suffering terribly." Apollo cocks his head to the side, trying to read her better but to no avail.
"She's also a Kappa Delta, meaning she's programmed to avoid us. How are we going to get her to fall for one of us when she won't spend a moment of her time with us?" Hermes leans his left forearm on Apollo's right shoulder, gnawing the inside of his right cheek.
"We'll figure it out. And once we do, it’s over. For now, we're a team. Once the game starts, we’re on our own. Adversaries once more." Apollo chuckles, turning to his brother so Hermes is forced to drop his hand.
Apollo outstretches his hand for Hermes to shake, a small smile on his face.
Hermes accepts, shaking Apollo's hand firmly.
"May the best god win."
      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~        ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~        ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~         ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Tags: @mutuallynotmutual @lanadeldolans @xalayx @accalialionheart @gia-kerks @historyheart  @heeydolan @heyits-claire @daddygraysonsbitch @godlydolans   @fallinginlove-16  @lanadeldolans @beautifulfound @thearachna-kid  @dinnerwiththedolans  @graydolan12 @justanotherfangurl272 @dxlansfxck
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k-llama-llama · 6 years
Holiday Chances
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
25 Days of Zoey: Day 22
Zoey has a little run in with Seungcheol at a Christmas party. Will she regret it?
A/N: no links in my posts until tumblr sorts itself out.DM me or head over to my ask box!
Please submit your requests to my Ask Box!!
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“How do I look?” Zoey gave another spin in front of the mirror.
“Gorgeous, of course.” Jooheon told her. “Why are you so worked up?”
“Because,” She explained, “this is a really fancy Christmas party. And only a few idol groups got invited. I have to make a good impression.”
“In that dress...trust me, they’ll be impressed.” Changkyun told her, looking up from his phone.
“Don’t encourage it.” Kihyun scolded.
Zoey spun to face Kihyun with a grin on her face. The dress code for the event was formal, so all of the boys were in suits. The stylists had wanted to put Zoey in a black dress so she would match, but she’d fought tooth and nail to get a red dress. It was off the shoulder, exposing a bit of her back but none of her cleavage. The deep red colour with a slight shimmer was gorgeous, and it made it even more impactful when Zoey’s leg peeked out the slit in the floor-length gown.
“Sure there isn’t another reason you’re trying to look all pretty?” Minhyuk teased. “Seeing as how a certain boy group will also be there.”
Zoey face the mirror again, playing with one of the pins in her hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t.” Hyungwon snorted. “Here, let me help with your hair.”
He pinned up a strand that had actually fallen loose from the up-do, and then it was time for them to enter the party.
Zoey linked her arm through Wonho’s, clasping her silver clutch (which matched her heels) in her other hand.
“My lord, you look dashing.” She teased.
He grinned. “My lady, you are the fairest maid I have ever seen.”
“Losers.” Minhyuk muttered. “Let’s go.”
They were escorted out of the dressing room and towards the staircase where pictures would be taken by the press. There were no photos inside the actual event, but there was a huge crowd of reporters gathered to catch a glimpse of idols, actors and even politicians in all of their finery.
Zoey did her best to keep her face completely neutral as they descended the stairs, despite the flash of cameras that bombarded them. As one of the only female idols attending, it was natural that a lot of the focus would be on her. Not to mention that her group-mates all looked incredibly handsome.
The second they passed through the wall of photographers Zoey was able to let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. The room they entered, which was in actuality the lobby of a hotel, had been outfitted into a massive holiday party. People were milling about, talking casually but with a professional air that made all of them pause in the doorway.
“Do we divide and conquer?” Shownu asked. “Because snacks are over there.”
“And so is Seventeen!” Jooheon exclaimed. “I vote we go check out the snacks.”
“Seconded.” Zoey said weakly.
They wove their way through the crowd, Zoey still clinging to Wonho’s arm. She was pretty confident that she could manage walking in heels, but she did not feel like peeling herself off the floor if she ended up being wrong.
The second Seventeen realized who they were, they all waved. Normally there would be a more enthusiastic greeting, but the formal setting seemed to be encouraging quiet.
“Zoey!” Jun exclaimed as they stepped close. “You look so pretty.”
“Thank you.” She blushed, standing next to the table and immediately reaching for a piece of cheese.
“What about us?” Jooheon demanded, “do we not look pretty?”
Hoshi snorted lightly. “You all look great.”
“And you all look very handsome.” Zoey told them with a smile. 
It was true. All of the boys of Seventeen were wearing suits, of different fabrics and patterns, but all complimentary to each other. Zoey then realized that not all of the members seemed to be present.
She looked around, taking mental attendance of all of the faces.
“Zoey? What are you doing?” Hyungwon nudged her as he reached for some food.
She shook her head. “I think I’m losing my mind. Where’s Seungcheol? I only count twelve of you.”
“Seungcheol is right here.” Mingyu stepped to the side, revealing Seungcheol, who seemed to be desperately chugging a glass of water.
“See?” Zoey laughed. “I’m losing my mind.”
“I’m sure that’s why you were looking for him.” Minhyuk whispered in her ear.
She brought her heel down on his toe.
For the next little while, they stood around and chatted quietly. Zoey was friendly with all of the boys, but she couldn’t help but notice that Seungcheol wouldn’t meet her gaze. The only time he interacted with her was when he passed her a glass of cider from a waiter’s tray. Zoey did not like feeling like something was wrong, which almost painted a frown onto her face.
“Oh look!” Dokyeom said, pointing to the front of the room. “The entertainment is starting!”
“What’s the entertainment?” Shownu asked.
“Apparently it’s top secret until they’re onstage.” Seungkwan told them. “But the popular theory seems to be Ailee.”
“Really?” Changkyun gasped. “Do you want to go up and see if we can see better?”
A crowd was indeed forming around the stage was staff set up instruments, and it looked like they would have to push they’re way through it.
“I’m down.”
Zoey shook her head lightly. “I’ll pass. This dress wasn’t really meant for close combat.”
“Do you want me to wait with you?” Shownu asked.
“Of course not.” She laughed. “I’ll just go wait out of the way. Maybe over there, where I can see clearly without fighting for my life.”
She was pointing to a little archway set on the outside of the room, where there were not many people milling around.
“If you’re sure.” Kihyun said. “Come grab us if you need us.”
“I will.”
She made her way over to the archway, settling herself onto the bench underneath it. The archway itself was made of beautifully woven flowers, and she contemplated taking a picture of it before she forced herself to turn her attention back to the stage.
Ailee came out on stage, to loud applause. As soon as she launched into her first song, the lights in the room dimmed, and almost everyone gathered around the stage.
“Mind if I sit here?” A voice interrupted her thoughts.
She looked up, slightly startled. Her heart calmed a little, but just a little, when she saw that it was Seungcheol.
“Of course.” She smiled. “Please.”
He sat next to her, leaving a comfortable amount of space between them. They watched the performance in silence for a few minutes, before Zoey decided to spark up some conversation.
“Didn’t feel like staying in the crowd?” She asked, leaning close so that he could hear her.
He shook his head. “It was just too pushy. You had the right idea, staying where it’s calmer.”
She shrugged. “I just didn’t want to ruin my dress. There wasn’t much thinking behind it.”
“Um, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “You look really nice, by the way.”
She was certain that she was blushing. “Why thank you, Seungcheol. You look very handsome, too.”
“Thanks.” He bit his lip slightly.
Some of the lights from the stage flickered over the crowd, drawing Zoey’s attention to something that was hanging over their heads.
“Oh.” She breathed.
Seungcheol followed her gaze, feeling himself forget to breathe when he spotted the mistletoe above them.
“That’s...that’s funny.” He finally offered.
“Yeah.” She agreed. “I didn’t know people still put up mistletoe at parties. It seems like an old tradition.”
“Yeah, no one even does that anymore.” He laughed nervously.
Zoey took a deep breath, feeling emboldened. Likely her courage had something to do with how good she thought she looked in the dress, but she decided to take a chance.
“I mean...it is tradition.” She said quietly. “It’s not polite to break tradition.”
Seungcheol looked to her with wide eyes. “Zo...?”
She gave a slightly forced smile. “And, I mean, no one is even watching. “
This was also true. Everyone in the nearby vicinity was busy watching Ailee perform one of her powerful ballads.
“That’s true.” He agreed softly. “Should we just...?”
“Sure.” Zoey smiled. “It’s a Christmas tradition after all.”
She had no idea where all of this confidence was coming from, especially considering the fact that she’d only kissed two guys in her life, and one of them had been Changkyun. But some little voice in the back of her head kept egging her on.
He scooted closer, leaning in slightly. “Do we just...”
Zoey leaned in and pressed her lips against his, shutting her eyes firmly. After a split second hesitation, his lips started to move gently against her own. She leaned in to it, feeling his hand clasp gently onto her own, which was resting in her lap.
When he pulled away, Zoey was in a slight daze. And from the looks of it, so was he. His eyes opened, staring into her own, still looking shocked.
“I’m sorry-” He began.
“It’s okay.” She said quickly. “Um...I kissed you first.”
“Yes, but I ...um, kissed you back?” He said nervously, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips.
“Ah...” Zoey leapt to her feet. “I need to go.”
“Wait, Zoey!”
She hurried off towards the crowd, gabbing onto the jacket of the first of her boys she could find. It happened to be Shownu, who turned when he felt her pull on him.
“You joining us?” He shouted over the noise.
She shook her head. “I need to go.”
“I need to go, now!” She said frantically.
“Okay.” He agreed without hesitation. “I’ll walk you back to the dressing room, and we can text the guys.”
She nodded thankfully as he placed a hand on her back and led her out of the crowd and towards the door.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Shownu asked quietly.
Zoey turned, seeing Seungcheol approach Woozi and whisper something to him with a frantic expression on his face.
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